New Taxa and Combinations in Onciderini Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from Central and South America, with notes on additional taxa Eugenio H. Nearns Author Nearns, Eugenio H. Author Tavakilian, Gérard-Luc text Insecta Mundi 2012 2012-04-06 2012 231 1 24 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10108642 1942-1354 10108642 C7CFD7A4-0FE1-44BE-BB3D-DEE52867C713 Jamesia ramirezi Nearns and Tavakilian , sp. nov. ( Figures 1a–d ) Description. Female . Length 25.0–27.0 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 10.5–11.0 mm (measured across humeri). Habitus as in Fig. 1a . General form elongate-ovate, moderate to largesized. Integument ferrugineous or dark brown, entire body (except antennae and legs) with tawny pubescence, mottled with dark brown maculae of various sizes; elytra with two large, dark brown, irregularly-shaped maculae near middle. Head with frons elongate, about 3/4 times width of lower eye lobe (as in Fig. 1c ). Eyes with lower lobes large, ovate-oblong. Genae subquadrate to trapezoidal, distinctly shorter than lower eye lobes. Antennae about 1.3 times longer than body; antennal tubercles prominent, narrowly separated, contiguous at base; tubercles armed at apex with small, blunt tubercle; scape robust, slightly bowed, gradually expanded to apex. Antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape=0.80; II=0.06; III=1; IV=0.81; V=0.63; VI=0.59; VII=0.53; VIII=0.45; IX=0.45; X=0.45; XI=0.45. Pronotum roughly conical, distinctly wider at base, transverse, about 1.5 times as wide as long, sides feebly arcuate ( Fig. 1d ); disk at middle near base with a feebly elevated, median tubercle, either side of middle with three blunt tubercles arranged in a triangle; one apical and one transverse sulcus, and a more distinct oblique sulcus laterally which continues down the side. Scutellum transverse, apex rounded. Elytra about 1.75 times as long as width at humeri ( Fig. 1a ), about 4.5 times as long as pronotal length, about 1.6 times broader basally than pronotum at widest (at base); sides slightly sinuate, distinctly attenuate to apices, elytral apices individually rounded; base of each elytron somewhat gibbose, gibbosities each with prominent granules, rest of base with minute scattered granules, widely separated punctures placed one in each dark brown pubescent spot; humeri prominent, anterior margin oblique, the angle with a moderate-sized shining tubercle; sides below humeri with a few small granules. Venter with procoxae large, globose, not uncate; narrowest area of prosternal process between procoxae about 1/4 as wide as procoxal cavity; apex of prosternal process subtriangular. Mesosternal process about as wide as mesocoxal cavity; mesosternal process deeply emarginate. Fifth sternite nearly 2 times as long as IV, with a median triangular impression. Legs moderate in length; femora robust, gradually expanded to apex; tibiae slightly expanded apically; metafemora about 1/3 as long as elytra. Figure 1. Jamesia ramirezi , sp. nov. a) Holotype female, dorsal habitus. b) Allotype male, ventral habitus. c) Holotype female, close-up of head. d) Holotype female, close-up of pronotum. Male . Length 20.0–27.0 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 8.5–11.1 mm (measured across humeri). Similar to female except antennae 1.5 times longer than body; antennal tubercles armed at apex with short, blunt horn; pronotum widest behind middle, about 1.3 times as wide as long; elytra about 4 times as long as pronotal length; larger specimen with profemora transversely rugose; fifth sternite without a median triangular impression. Type Material. Holotype , female ( Fig. 1a , c-d), “Estación Pitilla, 9 km S . Sta. Cecilia, Prov. Guanacaste , Costa Rica . 700m , Abr. 1994 . C . Moraga, LN 330200_380200 #2841” ( INBC ). Allotype , male ( Fig. 1b ), “ Costa Rica , Limón , Liverpool , Reserva Veragua Rainforest. 430m . s.n.m. 9º55’35, 7” N - 83º11’27,9”W , 10/VI/2010 , Rolando Ramírez Campos leg., #4503” ( MNCR ). Six paratypes : one male , same data as allotype except “ 18/VII/2011 , #4757” ( RRCC ); one male , same data as allotype except “ 22/I/2009 , #4185” ( RRCC ); one female , same data as holotype except “ Mar 1994 . #2804” ( INBC ); one male , same data as holotype except “ P . N . Guanacaste , Ene 1994 , #2563” ( ENPC ); one male , same data as holotype except “ P . N . Guanacaste , May 1994 . #2999” ( INBC ); one female , “ Est. Hitoy Cerere , 100m . R . Cerere , Res. Biol. Hitoy Cerere , Prov. Limón , Costa Rica , 27 jun a 22 jul 1992 , K . Taylor , L-N 184200, 643300” ( INBC ). Etymology . Jamesia ramirezi , sp. nov. is named for Rolando Ramírez Campos, for his collaboration and who collected part of the type series. The epithet is a noun in the genitive case. Diagnosis and Remarks. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: antennomeres I, II, basal 5/6 of III, and basal 2/3 of IV with grayish pubescence, distinctly lighter than V-XI, which are uniformly dark brown; and elytra with red-orange pubescence, with small and moderately sized, dark brown maculae outlined with ring of white pubescence. Swift et al. (2010) listed three species of Jamesia from Costa Rica . Jamesia ramirezi , sp. nov. is described from eight specimens : five males and three females . Nothing is known about the habitat and behavior of this species ; however, all known specimens were collected in Costa Rica , above 100 m elevation ( three specimens at 700 m elevation) .