Berlese's Primitive Oribatid Mites Author van der Hammen, L. text Zoologische Verhandelingen 1959 40 1 93 journal article ORI111 0DC6B575-3CB3-41C1-A3EC-850520AE4487 HETEROCHTHONIIDAE Grandjean, 1954 In his first notes on the Enarthronota , Grandjean (1947) classified Heterochthonius among the Cosmochthoniidae ; he pointed out that the genera Cosmochthonius and Heterochthonius show some analogy in habitus, but are thoroughly different in many important characters. In 1954 he created a separate family Heterochthoniidae , characterized among others by the possession of eyes (which is a unique character) and by the lack of genital tracheae (the presence of which is a special character of the Cosmochthoniidae ).