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+New species, new geographical records and taxonomical notes on North and Central American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea)
+Santos-Silva, Antonio
+Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
+Botero, Juan Pablo
+Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
+Pérez-Flores, Oscar
+Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis y Síntesis Ecológica, ENES, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Mexico
+Contributions to Entomology
+journal article
+Pseudastylopsis skillmani
+sp. nov.
+Figs 20–24
+Type material.
+female from
+Baja Verapaz
+1 km
+SE of
+, at lights,
+17–19. VI. 2001
+W. B. Warner
+leg. (
+, formerly
+The new species is dedicated to Frederick W. Skillman, who provided us most of the specimens for this study.
+Differential diagnosis.
+Pseudastylopsis skillmani
+sp. nov.
+is similar to
+P. alba
+Pérez-Flores & Santos-Silva, 2021
+(see photographs on Bezark 2023 and original description), but differs as follows: pronotal and elytral pubescence sparser and forming different pattern; elytral apex obliquely truncate with outer angle distinctly projected. In
+P. alba
+, the pronotal and elytral pubescence is distinctly denser, and elytral apex truncate without projection on outer angle. The new species also differs from all other species of the genus by the design formed by the elytral pubescence and the shape of the elytral apex (truncated or rounded and external angle not projected in other species).
+Integument mostly black; ventral surface of head dark brown, gradually, slightly lighter toward prothorax; ventral mouthparts brown, except palpomeres black with apices of maxillary palpomere IV and labial palpomere III dark yellowish-brown; anterior half of anteclypeus light brown; anterior third of labrum dark brown; antennomeres VI – X dark brown with dark orangish-brown central ring; antennomere XI dark brown. Base of trochanters dark yellowish-brown.
+Frons abundantly, very finely punctate; frons with abundant whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument on some areas, pubescence apparently lost on large central area, except small area with dark pubescence close to eyes; with on long, erect dark-brown seta close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles with dense yellowish pubescence, except glabrous central area close to upper eye lobes; anterior area between upper eye lobes with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, and on long, erect brown seta close to eyes; remaining surface of vertex with moderately sparse dark pubescence. Area behind eyes with moderately sparse dark pubescence close to eyes, with whitish pubescence interspersed behind lower eye lobes, glabrous close to prothorax; with one long, erect dark-brown seta close to upper eye lobe. Genae slightly longer than lower eye lobe; with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, except very sparse darkish pubescence frontolaterally on superior half close to eye, glabrous apex, and glabrous area close to frons and clypeus; with a few long, erect brown setae interspersed. Wide central area of postclypeus with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument close to frons, except glabrous central region, and sparse, bristly whitish pubescence close to anteclypeus; with long, erect brown setae interspersed. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument on posterior quarter and entire sides, with whitish pubescence interspersed, glabrous on remaining surface, except anterior margin with dense fringe of yellowish-brown setae; with long, erect brown setae interspersed on pubescent region. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous; intermaxillary process with moderately sparse whitish pubescence and long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed. Antennal tubercles with dark pubescence not obscuring integument, except sides of frontal region with abundant whitish pubescence. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.21 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.60 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apical sixth of antennomere VIII. Scape with inner apex projected, forming acute angle when viewed in dorsal view; ventral surface with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; dorsal and lateral surfaces with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument and irregular whitish pubescent maculae interspersed. Pedicel with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, except whitish pubescence basally on outer and ventral surfaces. Antennomere III with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument; dorsal and lateral surfaces with irregular whitish pubescent maculae; ventral surface with whitish pubescence interspersed. Antennomeres IV with dense whitish pubescent ring close to base and another whitish pubescent ring about middle; remaining surface with abundant blackish pubescence not obscuring integument. Antennomeres V – X with dense whitish pubescent ring about middle; remaining surface with abundant dark-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. Antennomere XI with dense dark-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.92; pedicel = 0.13; IV = 0.78; V = 0.54; VI = 0.46; VII = 0.40; VIII = 0.37; IX = 0.33; X = 0.31; XI = 0.33.
+Prothorax wider than long; anterior constriction narrow, well-marked; sides with rounded projection close to anterior constriction and another rounded projection, slightly more protruding than anterior one, from about middle to posterior quarter. Pronotum with five slightly elevated tubercles, one subconical on each side of anterior third, one distinctly rounded dorsally on each side after middle, less elevated and more distant between then than anterolateral ones, another elongated located centrally from middle to posterior quarter; moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate between lateral tubercles, except smooth central tubercle, sparsely, coarsely punctate on anterior quarter, punctures slightly coarser than on central region, very sparsely, coarsely punctate on sides of central region, with sinuous row of coarse punctures on posterior quarter, punctures distinctly coarser and deeper than the other punctures, and row following toward lateral surface of prothorax, and area close to posterior margin without punctures, with narrow transverse sulcus; area close to sides of anterolateral tubercles with large, irregular yellow pubescent macula; area between lateral tubercles with abundant, thick yellowish pubescence not obscuring integument; sides and area on each side of center close to anterior margin with large, irregular white pubescent maculae, and remaining surface mostly with brownish and dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument; sides of posterior half with a few long, erect dark-brown setae. Sides of prothorax with abundant dark-brown pubescence not obscuring integument and irregular white pubescent maculae interspersed. Prosternum with abundant, both dark and white pubescence not obscuring integument laterally, and abundant, thick white pubescence centrally not obscuring integument. Prosternal process with white pubescence centrally not obscuring integument and abundant brownish pubescence laterally not obscuring integument, brownish pubescence shorter than white pubescence; narrowest area 0.28 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument and a few short, decumbent white setae interspersed, especially laterally. Mesanepisterna with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument and white pubescence interspersed close to mesoventrite and superiorly close to elytra; mesepimera with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument and white pubescence interspersed close to elytra. Mesoventral process (Fig.
+) with white pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence thicker and more abundant centrally; sides convergent from base to rounded apical projection; narrowest area 0.61 times mesocoxal width. Metanepisterna and sides of metaventrite with abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument, and a few short, decumbent white setae interspersed; remaining surface of metaventrite with abundant, both dark and white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous center of posterior half. Scutellum with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument centrally, and abundant dark pubescence not obscuring integument laterally, dark pubescence shorter than white pubescence.
+Subparallel-sided from humeri to middle, slightly widened centrally, then distinctly narrowed toward apex; apex oblique, with outer angle forming distinct projection with rounded apex; with moderately sparse, small tubercles dorsally and a few small tubercles on sides of posterior half; humeral carina well-marked, reaching posterior fifth of elytra; anterior quarter with three distinct carinae dorsally and remaining surface with two somewhat irregular carina not reaching apex; basal half of dorsal surface moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate, except sides of area between anterior quarter and middle densely, very coarsely punctate; remaining dorsal surface sparsely, finely punctate, punctures finer and sparser toward apex; area between epipleural margin and humeral carina on anterior half densely, very coarsely punctate and remaining surface sparsely, finely punctate; nearly all small tubercles on anterior 3 / 4 with dense tuft of white pubescence anteriorly and tuft of blackish pubescence apically; dorsal surface of anterior 3 / 4 with complex pubescence design not covering area with very coarse punctures, large, irregular area on anterior third, and small, somewhat irregular area near suture after middle of elytra, pubescence on this area mostly yellowish on its anterior 2 / 3, more pale yellow on some areas, and mostly white on its posterior third; posterior sixth with oblique pubescent macula not reaching apex, from epipleural margin to suture, widened toward suture, pubescence white with large, transverse, irregular yellow pubescent band interspersed anteriorly on dorsal surface; remaining surface with abundant greenish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence more dark yellowish-brown on some areas depending on light intensity and source, except yellow pubescent tuft on anterior third of dorsal surface.
+Femora pedunculate-clavate; with abundant dark pubescence on peduncle and abundant white pubescence interspersed on clubs, white pubescence denser dorsally. Tibiae with two dense white pubescent rings, on basally, another about middle; remaining surface with abundant dark partially obscuring integument, dark pubescence denser and bristly on posterior half of ventral surface of protibiae and posterior third of ventral surface of meso- and metatibiae, and on dorsal sulcus of mesotibiae. Tarsomeres with abundant dark pubescence dorsally partially obscuring integument; metatarsomere I shorter than II – III together.
+Ventrites 1–4 with abundant, both white and dark pubescence laterally, not obscuring integument, and sparse, both dark and white pubescence centrally, except center of anterior half of ventrite 1 with abundant dark pubescence and glabrous central apex. Ventrite 5 with moderately sparse dark pubescence and white pubescence interspersed on basal half; apex notched centrally.
+Dimensions (mm).
+Total length, 8.05; prothoracic length, 1.50; anterior prothoracic width, 1.70; posterior prothoracic width, 2.00; maximum prothoracic width, 2.20; humeral width, 3.15; elytral length, 5.75.
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+New species, new geographical records and taxonomical notes on North and Central American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea)
+Santos-Silva, Antonio
+Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
+Botero, Juan Pablo
+Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
+Pérez-Flores, Oscar
+Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis y Síntesis Ecológica, ENES, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Mexico
+Contributions to Entomology
+journal article
+Eranina amaura
+sp. nov.
+Figs 29–33
+Type material.
+female from
+Baja Verapaz
+15 ° 14.57 ' N
+90 ° 16.98 ' W
+, day, sweeping, beating & gleaning,
+7. X. 2007
+W. B. Warner
+leg. (
+, formerly
+The specific epithet “ amaura ” is derived from the Greek
+(dark, dim, obscure), alluding to the general coloration of the species.
+Differential diagnosis.
+Eranina amaura
+sp. nov.
+is similar to
+E. pectoralis
+Bates, 1881
+E. pusilla
+(Bates, 1874)
+(it is possible that these two last species are synonyms), but differs by: head mostly black; scape reaching about middle of pronotum; metanepisterna, mesepimera, and metanepisterna mostly with abundant dark-brown pubescence; meso- and metafemora mostly black; tibiae black basally. In
+E. pectoralis
+) and
+E. pusilla
+, the head is mostly orangish, scape distinctly surpassing middle of pronotum, metanepisterna, mesepimera, and metanepisterna have dense whitish or yellowish pubescence, meso- and metafemora yellowish or orangish, and tibiae yellowish or orangish basally.
+Eranina amaura
+sp. nov.
+differs from
+E. florula
+Bates, 1881
+) by the dense light pubescence on the pronotum not reaching the posterior margin centrally (reaching in
+E. florula
+), and sides of metanepisterna, mesepimera, and metanepisterna without dense white pubescence (present in
+E. florula
+). The new species is also similar to
+E. sororcula
+Galileo & Martins, 2013
+) but differs (females) by the body slender (distinctly stouter in
+E. sororcula
+), dense yellowish pubescence on the pronotum not reaching the posterior margin centrally (reaching in
+E. sororcula
+), dark area on the posterior region of the pronotum reaching the middle (not reaching in
+E. sororcula
+), and elytra dark brown (brown or light brown in
+E. sororcula
+), and tarsomeres V dark (orangish in
+E. sororcula
+); also differs from
+E. leuconoe
+Bates, 1881
+) by the metanepisterna, mesepimera, and metanepisterna mostly with abundant dark-brown pubescence (dense white pubescence in
+E. leuconoe
+), and by the elytral apex rounded (truncate, with outer angle slightly projected in
+E. leuconoe
+Head black, except brownish anterior margin of postclypeus, entire anteclypeus, and mostly of anterior third of labrum, brown central area of vertex, brown large area behind upper eye lobes; ventral mouthparts brown except blackish maxillary palpomeres IV and labial palpomeres III; scape, pedicel, basal third and apical region of antennomere III, and apex of antennomeres IV – VI black; remaining basal half of III reddish brown and remaining posterior half orangish brown; remaining surface of IV – VI orangish brown; base of VII reddish brown and remaining surface blackish; VIII – XI blackish. Prothorax light brown, except two large black maculae on posterior half, fused close to posterior margin of pronotum, rounded on their anterior margin on pronotum, gradually narrowed on sides of prothorax, two small, irregular blackish maculae on each side close to anterior margin of pronotum, and blackish on postcoxal process, prosternum and prosternal process. Ventral surface of meso- and metathorax black. Scutellum and elytra dark brown except dark orangish brown epipleural margin. Trochanters orangish brown. Profemora dark orangish brown, except dark brown dorsal surface of apical third; meso- and metafemora black, except brown base and dark orangish-brown apical sides of mesotibiae. Protibiae dark brown except reddish brown basal 2 / 3 of sides and basal third of ventral surface (more dark orangish brown depending on light intensity); meso- and metatibiae blackish. Tarsi black except dark brown pro- and mesotarsomeres V, brown metatarsomere V, and reddish-brown tarsal claws, more orangish brown toward their apices. Ventrites 1–4 with triangular black area centrally, gradually narrowed toward ventrite 4, not reaching its apex, covering entire ventrite 1 blackish; remaining surface of ventrites 1–4 orangish brown; ventrite 5 black basally, gradually dark brown toward apex, except subtriangular orangish brown macula on each side of basal half.
+Frons moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures slightly denser laterally; with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument between eyes, pubescence slightly sparser and brownish centrally, almost glabrous close to postclypeus and posterocentrally; with a few long, erect yellowish-white setae on sides. Vertex moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate; central area with abundant pale-yellow pubescence anteriorly, denser posteriorly; remaining surface with abundant brownish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence bristly anteriorly; with long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed. Area behind upper eye lobes moderately abundantly, coarsely punctate; with abundant brown pubescence not obscuring integument. Area behind lower eye lobes moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures gradually sparser toward ventral surface; superior region and area of connection between lobes with large, dense yellowish-white pubescence; remaining surface with sparse brownish pubescence, pubescence abundant close to yellowish-white pubescence, gradually sparser toward ventral surface. Genae 0.7 times as long as lower eye lobe; with sparse whitish pubescence on superior half, glabrous on inferior half. Postclypeus sparsely, coarsely punctate, except smooth central area and sides; with a few minute, whitish setae close to frons, sparse, decumbent brownish setae close to anteclypeus, and one long, erect, thick yellowish seta on each side of central region. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus on posterior third, inclined on anterior 2 / 3; smooth close to anteclypeus, abundantly, coarsely punctate on beginning of inclined area, smooth on remaining surface; glabrous close to anteclypeus and anteriorly, with moderately abundantly, erect, thick yellowish-brown setae on punctate area. Antennal tubercles sparsely, minutely punctate; with abundant whitish pubescence frontally, with sparse brownish pubescence on remaining surface, except almost glabrous basal region of central surface. Area of connection between eye lobes very narrow, without ommatidia centrally; distance between upper eye lobes 0.31 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.60 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.8 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere VII. Scape abundantly, finely rugose-punctate except smooth apex; with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument laterally, sparser and bristly ventrally, brownish dorsally, except glabrous apex; with long, erect, sparse whitish setae interspersed ventrally and posterior third of dorsal surface. Pedicel with moderately sparse, both whitish and brown pubescence not obscuring integument, and long, erect whitish setae interspersed. Basal half of antennomere III with sparse, both dark-brown and white bristly pubescence; apical half with a few bristly white setae and abundant, short, erect dark-brown setae on outer surface; with long, erect dark brown setae interspersed, erect setae longer and more abundant ventrally. Antennomere IV with a few short, bristly white setae and abundant, short, erect dark-brown setae on outer surface; erect setae as on III. Antennomeres V – XI with short, bristly dark brown setae, denser from VI; with short, bristly white setae interspersed throughout; V – VI with a few long, erect dark-brown setae interspersed ventrally and dorsal apex. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.63; pedicel = 0.09; IV = 0.86; V = 0.50; VI = 0.39; VII = 0.32; VIII = 0.27; IX = 0.26; X = 0.23; XI = 0.25.
+Prothorax wider than long; sides slightly divergent from anterolateral angles to posterior third, then convergent toward posterolateral angles; sides of posterior third forming slightly rounded protuberance. Pronotum with dense pubescence on light area, pubescence yellowish white laterally, yellowish centrally, except subglabrous area close to anterior margin; dark area with abundant brown pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence slightly conspicuous depending on viewing angle, bristly laterally; with long, erect whitish setae interspersed on light area. Sides of prothorax with dense yellowish-white pubescence on light area and abundant brown pubescence on dark area not obscuring integument; with long, erect yellowish-white setae interspersed on light area. Prosternum with sparse dark-brown pubescence. Prosternal process with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence appearing to be darker depending on light intensity; narrowest area 0.1 times procoxal width. Ventral surface of mesothorax abundantly, coarsely punctate; with moderately sparse brownish pubescence on wide central area of mesoventrite, abundant, mostly brownish pubescence on sides of mesoventrite, mesanepisterna, and mesepimera (pubescence appearing to be lighter depending on light source). Mesoventral process about as wide as prosternal process (damaged in the
+). Metanepisterna and sides of metaventrite abundantly, coarsely punctate, with abundant dark-brown pubescence partially obscuring integument; remaining surface of metaventrite moderately abundantly, minutely punctate, with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, except glabrous metathoracic discrimen. Scutellum with sparse brown pubescence, with minute yellowish-white setae interspersed, except apex with abundant yellowish-white pubescence.
+Abundantly, coarsely punctate, punctures slightly finer toward apex; with abundant fulvous pubescence not obscuring integument, except whitish pubescence close to suture and epipleural margin; with long, erect brown setae interspersed; apex rounded.
+Pro- and mesofemora with very sparse yellowish-white pubescence dorsally and laterally and abundant, bristly pubescence ventrally; metafemora with sparse brownish pubescence dorsally, abundant, both brownish and whitish pubescence on sides, and abundant, bristly whitish pubescence ventrally. Protibiae with sparse whitish pubescence dorsally and laterally, abundant, bristly whitish pubescence on basal half of ventral surface, and abundant, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on apical half of ventral surface; with sparse, long, erect brownish setae interspersed dorsally and laterally. Mesotibiae glabrous basally, with moderately sparse brownish pubescence on remaining dorsal and inner surfaces, except apex with abundant yellowish pubescence, dense, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining outer surface, and abundant, bristly brownish pubescence ventrally; with long, erect brownish setae interspersed dorsally and laterally. Metatibiae glabrous basally, with abundant brown pubescence on remaining surface, except apical quarter of sides and ventral surface with abundant, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence; with long, erect brownish setae interspersed. Dorsal surface of pro- and mesotarsi with abundant whitish pubescence not obscuring integument; dorsal surface of metatarsi with abundant, both whitish and brownish pubescence not obscuring integument, pubescence sparser on tarsomere V. Metatarsomere I about as long as II – III together.
+Ventrites with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; apex of ventrite 5 truncate, widely, slightly concave centrally.
+Dimensions (mm).
+Total length, 7.25; prothoracic length, 1.40; anterior prothoracic width, 1.65; posterior prothoracic width, 1.55; maximum prothoracic width, 1.80; humeral width, 2.10; elytral length, 5.15.
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+New species, new geographical records and taxonomical notes on North and Central American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea)
+Santos-Silva, Antonio
+Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
+Botero, Juan Pablo
+Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
+Pérez-Flores, Oscar
+Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis y Síntesis Ecológica, ENES, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Mexico
+Contributions to Entomology
+journal article
+Nealcidion bruchi
+Melzer, 1934
+Alcidion bruchi
+Melzer, 1934: 230
+Nealcidion bruchi
+Monné, 1977: 700
+; 2023 b: 138 (cat.).
+Melzer (1934)
+A. bruchi
+based on
+two specimens
+). According to him (translated): “ Type at the collection of Mr. C. Bruch; cotype at my collection. ” The private collection of Carlos Bruch is current at the Museum Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “ Bernardino Rivadavia, ” and the private collection of Julius Melzer is currently deposited at
+. However, the
+(cotype) is not present at
+. According to Monné (2023) and
+Tavakilian and Chevillotte (2023)
+is the specimen from Argentinean province of
+. However,
+Melzer (1934)
+did not provide this information. Therefore, as the
+was not found, only the examination of the labels of the
+may provide this information. Although
+Melzer (1934)
+did not inform the sex of the
+two specimens
+in the text of the description, at least one of them, the specimen illustrated, is a male; this information is present in the legend of the figure: “
+Alcidion Bruchi
+n. sp.
+[symbol of male]. ”
+Tavakilian and Chevillotte (2023)
+record the work in which Julius Melzer described
+Alcidion bruchi
+as having been published in 1935. However, there is no evidence of this in the magazine. Therefore, the correct year, which appears in the magazine, is 1934.
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+New species, new geographical records and taxonomical notes on North and Central American Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloidea)
+Santos-Silva, Antonio
+Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
+Botero, Juan Pablo
+Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
+Pérez-Flores, Oscar
+Laboratorio Nacional de Análisis y Síntesis Ecológica, ENES, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Mexico
+Contributions to Entomology
+journal article
+Psyrassa peninsularis
+sp. nov.
+Figs 12–16
+Type material.
+female from
+Quintana Roo
+: MX 307,
+12 km
+Felipe Carillo Puerto
+, MV & UV light,
+17. VI. 2009
+leg. (
+, formerly
+The specific epithet “ peninsularis ” is derived from “
+peninsula, ” region where
+was collected (
+Quintana Roo state
+Differential diagnosis.
+Psyrassa peninsularis
+sp. nov.
+is similar to
+P. xestioides
+Bates, 1872
+, but differs as follows (females): body proportionally stouter; upper eye lobes with five rows of ommatidia; pronotal and elytral punctures more abundant and coarser (Fig.
+); and elytra slightly longer than 3.0 times prothoracic length. In
+P. xestioides
+), the body is proportionally slender, upper eye lobes with six rows of ommatidia, pronotal and elytral punctures are sparser and finer, as pointed out by
+Bates (1872)
+(“ thorace … sparsissime punctato [pronotum … very sparsely punctate]; ” “ elytris … suprá sparsissime puncatis [elytra … very sparse punctate anteriorly]), and elytra distinctly longer than 3.0 times the prothoracic length.
+Psyrassa peninsularis
+sp. nov.
+also resembles
+P. olegkozlovi
+Santos-Silva, Botero & Taboada-Verona, 2017
+(see photographs on Bezark 2023 a and original description), but differs by the genal apex acute (rounded in
+P. olegkozlovi
+), elytral punctures distinctly sparser (denser in
+P. olegkozlovi
+), outer and sutural apical angles of elytra with long spine (with short triangular projection in
+P. olegkozlovi
+), and the pubescence on scutellum and sides of the ventral surface of the meso- and metathorax whitish (almost golden in
+P. olegkozlovi
+Integument mostly black; ventral mouthparts reddish brown, except palpomeres brown with yellowish-brown apex; anteclypeus and labrum brown; antennae dark brown basally, gradually brown toward apex. Elytra and tibiae gradually dark brown toward apex. Tarsomeres dark brown. Apex of ventrites 1–4 brown; ventrite 5 brown basally, gradually light brown toward apex.
+Frontal plate smooth, glabrous; remaining surface of frons almost smooth centrally, abundantly, coarsely punctate laterally, glabrous centrally, with moderately sparse whitish pubescence laterally. Area between antennal tubercles sparsely, finely punctate; with moderately sparse whitish pubescence; with a few long, erect whitish setae near eyes; remaining surface of vertex sparsely finely punctate; with sparse whitish pubescence. Antennal tubercles sparsely punctate, with a few short, decumbent whitish setae basally, smooth, glabrous on remaining surface. Area behind eyes smooth on narrow area close to eye, abundantly, somewhat coarsely punctate on remaining surface behind upper eye lobe, smooth behind superior region of lower eye lobe, and abundantly, coarsely punctate on remaining surface behind lower eye lobe; with sparse, short, suberect brownish setae on punctate area behind upper eye lobe, glabrous on remaining surface. Genae with acute apex projected sideward; with anterior margin of lower eye lobe almost touching distal margin at middle; somewhat sparsely, finely punctate; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence and a few long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Maxillary palpomere IV and labial palpomere III securiform. Wide central area of postclypeus subsmooth, glabrous close to frons, except coarse puncture on each side with long, erect yellowish seta, somewhat sparsely, finely punctate, with sparse whitish pubescence close to anteclypeus. Sides of postclypeus smooth, glabrous. Labrum sparsely, finely punctate, except denser, coarser punctures near anterior margin; with sparser yellowish-white pubescence, except abundant, short yellowish-brown setae directed forward on coarse punctate region; with long, erect yellowish setae interspersed on posterior 2 / 3 and a few long, erect, thick yellowish-brown setae interspersed laterally. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous on posterior 2 / 3; transversely striate, with sparse whitish pubescence and long, erect brownish setae interspersed on anterior third; intermaxillary process smooth, glabrous, transversely depressed centrally. Outer surface of mandibles, densely, coarsely punctate, except smooth apical third, somewhat abruptly narrowed close to smooth area; with sparse yellowish pubescence and long, erect, thick yellowish-brown setae interspersed on punctate area. Upper eye lobes with five rows of ommatidia; distance between upper eye lobes 0.40 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.57 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.15 times elytral length, almost reaching posterior quarter of elytra. Scape densely, coarsely punctate dorsally and laterally, except smooth apex; ventral surface sparsely, coarsely punctate; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence, except glabrous smooth apex; with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed on outer and ventral surfaces. Pedicel moderately sparsely, finely punctate; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed, except smooth and glabrous apex. Antennomere III abundantly, coarsely punctate, except smooth apex; slightly, irregularly carinate dorsally; with sparse whitish pubescence, sparser ventrally, except glabrous smooth area; with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed. Antennomeres IV – X with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, denser from V; dorsally carinate, carina almost absent on X; ventral surface with long, erect yellowish setae, only apically from IX; dorsal surface with both, short and long, erect yellowish setae near apex. Antennomere XI constricted on apical quarter; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, not obscuring integument, pubescence denser on apical quarter; with long, erect yellowish setae close to apical constriction. Inner apex of antennomere III with straight spine with acute apex, 2.4 times pedicel length (Fig.
+); inner apex of antennomere IV with slight arched spine with acute apex, 1.95 times pedicel length (Fig.
+); inner apex of antennomere V with straight spine with acute apex, 1.3 times pedicel length (Fig.
+); inner apex of antennomere VI with short spine with acute apex, 0.5 times pedicel length (Fig.
+); inner apex of antennomere VII with spicule (Fig.
+). Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III (excluding spine): scape = 1.40; pedicel = 0.25; IV = 0.97; V = 1.11; VI = 1.14; VII = 1.22; VIII = 1.14; IX = 1.14; X = 1.11; XI = 1.53.
+. Prothorax distinctly longer than wide; anterior and posterior constrictions well- marked; sides slightly divergent between constrictions. Pronotum moderately sparsely, coarsely punctate, punctures denser on wide central region and laterally close to anterior constriction, with fine punctures interspersed anterolaterally; with sparse, long, erect yellowish setae and small whitish pubescent macula on each side near posterior margin. Sides of prothorax mostly coarsely rugose-punctate; with sparse, long, erect yellowish setae, erect setae distinctly more abundant near anterior margin. Prosternum transversely depressed centrally; sparsely, coarsely punctate on posterior third, striate-punctate on posterior region of central depression, striate on anterior region of central depression, almost smooth on anterior third, except anterior sulcus with abundant punctures laterally and a few punctures centrally; with a few short, decumbent whitish setae, except glabrous striate area and area close to anterior margin, and abundant whitish pubescence close to procoxal cavities; with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed anteriorly and posteriorly. Prosternal process with abundant whitish pubescence centrally and sides of anterior 2 / 3, almost glabrous on remaining surface; narrowest area 0.36 times procoxal width. Procoxal cavities almost close posteriorly. Mesoventrite with sparse whitish pubescence, except dense whitish pubescence laterally and close to mesocoxal cavities. Mesanepisterna, mesepimera, and metanepisterna with dense whitish pubescence. Metaventrite with dense whitish pubescence laterally and a few, both short, decumbent whitish setae and long, erect yellowish setae. Scutellum with dense yellowish-white pubescence.
+Apex with long spine on outer and sutural angles, outer spine longer than sutural one; anterior half, abundantly, coarsely punctate; punctures gradually finer and sparser toward apex on posterior half; with sparse, long, erect yellowish-brown setae throughout.
+Femora sparsely, finely punctate on basal third, abundantly, coarsely punctate on remaining surface, except smooth apices; apices with subtriangular projection with rounded apex; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed. Tibiae longitudinally carinate laterally; abundantly, coarsely punctate, especially dorsally and laterally; protibiae with sparse, long, erect yellowish-brown setae dorsally and laterally, erect setae denser close to inner apex, and dense, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence ventrally; meso- and metatibiae with very sparse, short, suberect yellowish setae, and long, moderately abundantly yellowish setae interspersed, except apex of ventral surface with abundant, bristly yellowish-brown pubescence. Metatarsomere I shorter than II – III together.
+Ventrites sparsely, finely punctate, except smooth apex of ventrites 1–4; sides with abundant yellowish-white pubescence; remaining surface with very sparse yellowish-white pubescence, except glabrous apex of ventrites 1–4, and long, erect yellowish setae interspersed. Apex of ventrite 5 subtruncate.
+Dimensions in mm.
+Total length, 24.60; prothoracic length, 4.75; anterior prothoracic width, 3.20; posterior prothoracic width, 3.50; maximum prothoracic width, 4.05; humeral width, 4.90; elytral length, 16.20.
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diff --git a/data/BA/19/ED/BA19ED09247AFFADFD4EFB3CC1ABFDB0.xml b/data/BA/19/ED/BA19ED09247AFFADFD4EFB3CC1ABFDB0.xml
index a68b4936ff9..b406f9ac810 100644
--- a/data/BA/19/ED/BA19ED09247AFFADFD4EFB3CC1ABFDB0.xml
+++ b/data/BA/19/ED/BA19ED09247AFFADFD4EFB3CC1ABFDB0.xml
@@ -1,46 +1,48 @@
-A New Species of Brachys Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from Texas and Oklahoma
+A New Species of Brachys Dejean, 1833 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from Texas and Oklahoma
-Hespenheide, Henry A.
+Hespenheide, Henry A.
-The Coleopterists Bulletin
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:
-Figs. 1, 2
+Figs. 1, 2
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ Body ovate, more roundedangulate and truncate in front; moderately shining, scut
2.25 mm
wide (
-Fig. 1
+Fig. 1
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ wide, shallowly depressed along midline, more deeply so between eyes; epistomal
Beneath shagreened and ocellate-punctate.Apex of terminal abdominal ventrite broadly, shallowly rounded-truncate, apical margin entire. Genitalia
1.15 mm
long, slender, elongate (
-Fig. 2
+Fig. 2
@@ -478,7 +480,7 @@ NE