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+A mysterious treasure originated from Africa: evolutionary history of the endangered spoon-winged lacewings (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae) from China
+Zheng, Yuchen
+Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
+Liu, Xingyue
+Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+Sinonemoptera tibetana
+Figs 1B
+2B, D, G, H
+Head generally pale brown; antenna two-thirds of length of forewing; rostrum nearly as long as half of head width. Pronotum laterally with some short setae. Mesoprescutum, mesonotum, and mesoscutellum medially pale brown and laterally dark brown; mesoscutellum laterally with a few short setae; mesonotum with a few short coniform setae; mesoscutellum naked, posterior margin pale brown. Metanotum generally pale brown. Hindwing medially with an indistinct brown marking; distal part hardly dilated, with a brown marking, dilated part with subcostal and radial space hyaline. Male tergum 8 short in lateral view; sternum 9 distally pale brown. Male posterior gonocoxites 9 distally membranous in lateral view; gonostyli 11 digitiform in dorsal view. Gonapophyses 11 rounded on posterior margin.
+Head width,
+2.18–2.34 mm
+; forewing length,
+14.18– 15.12 mm
+; hindwing length,
+34.77–35.79 mm
+Head generally pale brown. Vertex slightly raised, pale brown. Antenna two-thirds of length of forewing; scape and pedicel ventrally pale brown, dorsally dark brown; flagellum generally brown. Frons pale brown; anterior tentorial pit pale brown. Gena length nearly half of head width. Clypeus pale brown. Labrum pale brown to brown, distal margin truncate. Cardo pale brown, with some short setae. Stipe pale brown, distally with some long black setae. Maxillary palpus pale brown; labial palpus generally brown. Mandibles pale brown, elongate. Rostrum nearly as long as half of head width (
+Fig. 2B, D
+Pronotum 0.5 times as long as wide, laterally with some short black setae; mostly dark brown, medially and laterally pale brown. Mesoprescutum, mesonotum, and mesoscutellum medially pale brown and laterally dark brown; mesoscutellum laterally with a few short setae; mesonotum with a few short coniform setae; mesoscutellum naked, posterior margin pale brown. Metanotum bald, generally pale brown (
+Fig. 2D
+). Meso- and metapleurae generally pale brown. Ventral thoracic setae sparce.
+Slender, pale brown. Coxa pale brown, without marking; femur and tibia each with a pair of longitudinal brown stripes; tibial spurs short coniform; tarsomeres 2–4 with some stout setae ventrally; claws dark brown, slightly curved.
+Figure 1.
+Habitus of
+. A,
+Sinonemoptera sinica
+; B,
+Sinonemoptera tibetana
+Forewing mostly hyaline, apex rounded. Pterostigma pale. Costal crossveins not forked; basal costal crossveins suffused with dark markings; subcostal area pale yellow; 13–14 presectoral crossveins present; RP with five branches; basal five mediocubital crossveins each suffused with a brown marking; first cup-a1 crossvein suffused with a marking (
+Figs 1B
+). Hindwing slender, nearly thrice as long as forewing; basally generally hyaline; basal c-sc and m-av crossveins each suffused with a brown marking; medially with an indistinct brown marking; pterostigma distinct, pale; distal part hardly dilated, with a brown marking, dilated part of sc-r and r-m cells hyaline; apical part hyaline (
+Figs 1B
+Dark brown; long, nearly twice as long as head plus thorax; male abdominal segments 3–8 each distally pale brown, longer than two-thirds width.
+Male genitalia:
+Tergum 8 short in lateral view; sternum 9 bifurcated on distal half and with slender setae, distally pale brown; subtriangular in lateral view (
+Fig. 3E–H
+). Anterior gonocoxites 9 slender, not curved in lateral view; posterior gonocoxites 9 widely falcate, distally membranous in lateral view, wide and distally rounded in caudal view. Gonocoxites 11 narrowly arched, medially with a small prominence between the paired gonostyli 11; anterior membranous part of gonocoxites 11 with some long setae; gonostyli 11 shaped as a pair of upcurved short processes, digitiform in dorsal view. Gonapophyses 11 weakly sclerotized, nearly rectangular, posterior margin rounded in cephalic view; lateral membranous part of gonapophyses 11 with some long setae (
+Fig. 4F–J
+). Ectoproct ovoid in lateral view, distal margin with some long setae (
+Fig. 3E
+Type material:
+Zayu County
+Cawarong Township
+1800–1950 m
+1 June 2021
+Hong Liu
+Yuchen Zhao
+31 ♂
+1 ♂
+, same information as holotype (
+2 ♂
+, same locality as holotype,
+11 July 2022
+Hongbin Liang
+28 ♂
+, same locality as holotype,
+28–29 June 2023
+Yuchen Zheng
+Baozhi Ge
+This new species can be distinguished readily from
+Sin. sinica
+by the relatively prominent eyes, the head generally pale brown, the rostrum relatively short (nearly equal to half of head width), the thorax medially pale brown in dorsal view, the hindwing distal part hardly dilated, the male tergum 8 short, the male distal sternum 9 pale brown, the male posterior gonocoxites 9 distally membranous in lateral view and wide in caudal view, the male gonostyli 11 digitiform in dorsal view, and the male gonapophyses 11 rounded on the posterior margin.
+Figure 2.
+Head, thorax, and wings of
+. A,
+Sinonemoptera sinica
+, head, frontal view. B,
+Sinonemoptera tibetana
+, head, frontal view. C,
+Sin. sinica
+, head and thorax, dorsal view. D,
+Sin. tibetana
+, head and thorax, dorsal view. E,
+Sin. sinica
+, forewing. F,
+Sin. sinica
+, apex of hindwing. G,
+Sin. tibetana
+, forewing. H,
+Sin. tibetana
+, apex of hindwing.
+This new species is restricted to the Nujiang dry and hot river valley of Zayu section from
+, with medium elevation (
+1800 m
+), whereas
+Sin. sinica
+comb. nov.
+is restricted to the Nujiang dry and hot river valley of Baoshan to Lushui section from
+, with lower elevation (
+750–880 m
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+A mysterious treasure originated from Africa: evolutionary history of the endangered spoon-winged lacewings (Neuroptera: Nemopteridae: Nemopterinae) from China
+Zheng, Yuchen
+Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
+Liu, Xingyue
+Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+Nemopterinae Tillyard, 1925
+Latreille, 1802
+Included genera:
+The long-abdomen (LA) group:
+Tjeder, 1967
+Kirby, 1900
+Tjeder, 1967
+Rambur, 1842
+Navás, 1915
+Navás, 1915
+Latreille, 1802
+Navás, 1910
+Tjeder, 1974
+Kirby, 1900
+Tjeder, 1967
+gen. nov.
+Navás, 1910
+, and
+McLachlan, 1886
+. The shortabdomen (
+) group:
+Abdalla & Mansell
+Abdalla et al., 2019
+Tjeder, 1967
+Navás, 1912
+Picker, 1984
+Navás, 1915
+Banks, 1910
+, and
+Abdalla & Mansell
+Abdalla et al., 2019
+. Fossil genera: †
+Navás, 1913
+and †
+Claisse, Brisac & Nel, 2019
+Forewing basally wide (not narrow); at least five presectoral crossviens present. Hindwing spoon- or ribbonlike, distal part dilated in some species; vein M present. Male gonocoxites 9 posteriorly fused into a single lobe.
+Based on the phylogeny herein reconstructed, the subfamily
+can be divided into two monophyletic groups, i.e. the long-abdomen (LA) group and the shortabdomen (
+) group. The LA group can be distinguished by the abdomen longer than the head plus thorax, the male gonocoxites 9 anteriorly not protruding ventrad in lateral view, and the male gonostyli 11 laterally protruding as a pair of processes. Notably, the LA group includes two genera that lack a specialized rostrum (
+), and the female of
+Stenorrhachus walkeri
+(McLachlan, 1885)
+has the forewing reduced into a stub. The LA group is widely distributed in arid and warm areas.
+The SA group can be distinguished by the abdomen nearly as long as the head plus thorax at most, the male gonocoxites 9 anteriorly protruded ventrad in lateral view, and the male gonostyli 11 fused as a single linguiform structure. Some genera of the SA group (
+, and
+) are equipped with pleuritocavae on abdominal segment 5, which function for releasing pheromones (
+Tjeder 1967
+). The SA group is endemic to the continent of southern Africa but always in arid areas. The two Oligocene fossil genera, †
+and †
+, might belong to the LA group because of their long abdomen, although we could not test their phylogenetic positions further owing to lack of sufficient morphological characters preserved in these fossils. Besides, the North American †
+M. americana
+seems to be closer to the Australian
+rather than
+, as mentioned by
+et al.
+based on the dark body, the relatively small eyes, the forewing only with two anal veins, the doubled hindwing dilations, and the male ectoproct possibly with elongate posterior lobe.
+Key to extant genera of
+1. Abdomen longer than head plus thorax; male sternum 9 relatively long, ≥1.5 times as long as ectoproct (excluding posterior lobe in some genera) in lateral view; male gonocoxites 9 anteriorly not protruded ventrad in lateral view, and gonostyli 11 laterally with a pair of processes...................................................................................................................................................................2
+– Abdomen as long as head plus thorax at most; male sternum 9 relatively short, nearly 1.0–1.5 times as long as ectoproct; male gonocoxites 9 anteriorly protruded ventrad in lateral view, and gonostyli 11 posteriorly fused as a single lingulate structure......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
+2. Mouthparts not specialized into a rostrum; male tergum 9 fused with ectoprocts ..........................................................................3
+– Mouthparts specialized into a rostrum; male tergum 9 distinctly separated from ectoprocts........................................................4
+3. Labrum visible in frontal view; poststigmal area with single row of cells (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 1887, 1888;
+Miller and Stange 2012
+: figs 1, 6, 10, 14)....................................................................................................................................
+– Labrum enfolded by clypeus and not visible in frontal view; poststigmal area with two rows of cells (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 1881, 1883, 2024)....................................................................................................................................................................
+4. Body mostly black dorsally (
+Fig. 5c
+); vertex with many irregular wrinkles (
+Fig. 6E
+); apical labrum split (
+Fig. 6E
+); forewing with five ra-rp1 crossveins at most (
+Fig. 5c
+) and with only two anal veins; ectoproct with an elongate posterior lobe (
+Fig. 8F
+) .........................................................................................................................................................................................
+– Body dark brown to yellowish brown with markings dorsally; vertex relatively smooth; apical labrum not split, relatively rounded or truncate; forewing with six ra-rp1 crossveins at least, with three anal veins; ectoproct without posterior elongation.........................................................................................................................................................................................................5
+5. Basal c-sc and m-av crossveins without markings; male abdominal segments 3–8 nearly 1.2–1.5 times as long as wide .......... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
+– Basal c-sc and m-av crossveins each suffuse a marking; male abdominal segments 3–8 ≥1.5 times as long as wide.............. 11
+6. Head naked around eyes; male gonocoxites 11 concave in cephalic view, gonostyli 11 extremely swollen, present as a pair of wide lingulate processes (
+Fig. 8G, H
+) ........................................................................................................................................................7
+– Head setose around eyes; male gonocoxites 11 not concave in cephalic view, gonostyli 11 not swollen ....................................8
+7. Hindwing without expanded dilation (
+Tjeder 1967
+: fig. 2072)..........................................................................
+– Hindwing with an expanded dilation anterior to Sc-R fusion (
+Fig. 7K
+8. Forewing RP approximating MA, CuA and MP diverging at basal one-eighth (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2074, 2075) ......................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................
+– Forewing RP not approximating MA, CuA and MP diverging at basal one-fifth or more distal ...................................................9
+9. Forewing prefork area longer than half of forewing length; lateral part of male gonostyli 11 elongated and upcurved (
+Tjeder 1974
+: figs 14, 19, 20)..............................................................................................................................................
+– Forewing prefork area not longer than half of forewing length; lateral part of male gonostyli 11 relatively short and not upcurved........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
+10. Forewing mostly hyaline; male gonocoxites 9 without plate-like structure at tip, gonostyli 9 absent (
+Monserrat 1988
+: figs 18–22) .......................................................................................................................................................................................
+– Forewing pale yellow with many brown markings (
+Fig. 5e
+); male gonocoxites 9 with plate-like structure at tip, gonostyli 9 present (
+Fig. 8B
+) .........................................................................................................................................................
+11. Forewing mediocubital crossveins and first cup-a1 crossvein without marking ............................................................................ 12
+– Forewing mediocubital crossveins and first cup-a1 crossvein with marking .................................................................................. 14
+12. Rostrum nearly half length of head width (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 1891, 1897); hindwing without expanded double dilations (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2049–2051) .............................................................................................................................
+– Rostrum longer than half of head width; hindwing with expanded double dilations ................................................................... 13
+13. Vertex medially concave; hindwing with double dilations, and each nearly as long as wide (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2222, 2223, 2232)...................................................................................................................................................................................
+– Vertex not concave; hindwing with double dilations, and each longer than wide (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2113, 2116)..................... ................................................................................................................................................................
+(partial species)
+14. Forewing markings suffuse basal four mediocubital crossveins at most (
+Fig. 2E, G
+); male sternum 9 bifurcated on distal half (
+Fig. 3C, G
+gen. nov.
+– Forewing markings suffuse more than five mediocubital crossveins; male sternum 9 not bifurcated on distal half 15
+15. Forewing prefork and basal cubital crossveins each suffuse a small dark marking (
+Fig. 7A
+); hindwing dilated nearly at distal one-quarter or more distal (
+); male sternum 9 with lateral distal margin extended (
+Kimmins 1938
+: fig. 2;
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2203, 2211)..................................................................................................................................................
+– Forewing prefork and basal cubital crossveins without spot (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2136, 2137, 2139, 2140, 2142, 2143); hindwing dilated nearly at distal one-third (
+Tjeder 1967
+: fig. 2109); male sternum 9 with lateral distal margin not extended .....................................................................................................................
+(partial species, including genus
+16. Diameter of eye less than head width; many setae present around eyes (Supporting Information,
+Fig. S1F
+)......................... 17
+– Diameter of eye as long as or longer than head width; no setae around eyes (
+et al.
+: fig. 9) ................................ 20
+17. Forewing basal three-quarters brown, not hyaline; hindwing not dilated, pterostigma indistinct (Supporting Information,
+Fig. S1G
+Picker 1984
+: fig. 6) ...................................................................................................................................
+– Forewing mostly hyaline; hindwing dilated, pterostigma distinct .................................................................................................... 18
+18. Hindwing completely not hyaline, brown on basal half, only narrowly dilated near pterostigmal part (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2306, 2307) ...............................................................................................................................................................................
+– Hindwing partly hyaline on basal half, with an expanded foliate dilation ....................................................................................... 19
+19. Male antenna basally with relatively long, stout setae (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2254, 2255); hindwing pterostigma large, costal crossveins and anal crossveins on distal dilation connected by many oblique veinlets (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2263–2266) .........................................................................................................................................................................................
+– Male antenna basally short, without stout setae (
+Tjeder 1967
+: fig. 2286); hindwing pterostigma indistinct, costal crossveins and anal crossveins on distal dilation barely connected by oblique veinlets (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2289, 2292)............................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
+20. Most forewing costal cells each with a pale marking, a dark brown marking suffused on pterostigma (
+et al.
+: fig. 158); male abdominal pleuritocavae absent ......................................................................................................................
+– Forewing costal cells without a pale marking, no marking suffused on pterostigma; male abdominal pleuritocavae present.. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
+21. Distal flagellomere with partly membranous structure, more conspicuous in male (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2364–2381;
+et al.
+: fig. 39); many forewing costal crossveins each with a spot, pterostigma dark brown (
+et al.
+: fig. 38) .......................................................................................................................................................................
+Abdalla & Mansell
+– Distal flagellomere completely sclerotized (
+Tjeder 1967
+: figs 2362, 2363;
+et al.
+fig. 8
+); forewing costal crossveins without spot, pterostigma pale (
+et al.
+: figs 17–19) .................................................................................. 22
+22. Tip of distal flagellomere with acute tooth (
+Tjeder 1967
+: fig. 2363); forewing anal area without marking (
+et al.
+: fig. 24) ...........................................................................................................................................................
+Abdalla & Mansell
+– Tip of distal flagellomere without tooth (
+Tjeder 1967
+: fig. 2362); forewing basal anal area with a brown marking (
+et al.
+fig. 7
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