+Strains |
+Sheath |
+Colony (μm) |
+Cells length(μm) |
+Cells width(μm) |
+Thallus color |
+Habitat |
+Geography |
+G. guizhouensis
+ |
+Colorless, 1–2 scarcely visible lamellations, soft, delimited |
+15–35 x 10–26 |
+6–12 |
+4–6 |
+Gray, BG |
+Wet soil |
+China |
+G. aequatorialis
+ |
+Colorless, 1–2 scarcely visible lamellations, soft, delimited |
+14–36 x12–28 |
+6–14 (12) |
+5–6 |
+Pale olive |
+Wet stony wall, gneiss, tropical biome |
+Africa |
+G. aurea
+CCALA 1111
+ |
+Coloreless, rarely yellow next to cells, 1–2 diffluent lamellations, soft, delimited |
+13–34 x 10–24 |
+5–6 (7) |
+4–4.5 |
+BG |
+Calcareous stone surface, tropical rainforest |
+Mexico |
+G. bryophila
+ |
+Coloreless, rarely with a single lamallate layer, soft but usually defined, sometimes diffluent, never yellowish |
+N/A |
+6.2–11.2 |
+5.2–6.7 |
+BG |
+Growing among mosses and liverworts on a wet lava wall, tropical island biome |
+USA |
+G. citriformis
+ |
+Absent (cells kidney shaped to lemon shaped) |
+N/A |
+7–12 (11–15) |
+6.5–8 |
+Pale BG |
+Soil of a rice field, tropical biome |
+Africa |
+G. membranacea
+ |
+Colorless, 1 (2) lamellations, firm to soft |
+12–20 x 10–18 |
+5.6–9 (11) |
+4.5–6 (8) |
+Pale gray |
+Freshwater |
+California |
+G. reniformis
+CCALA 1113
+ |
+Colorless to tan, 0–1 distinct to diffluent lamellation, outer mucilage delimited |
+14–28 x 9–24 |
+8–10.5 (11) |
+5–6 |
+Pale gray |
+Volcanic stone surface, tropical island |
+USA |
+G. tepidariorum
+CCALA 1112
+ |
+Colorless, 2–4 concentric lamellations, distinctly delimited |
+18–40 x 12–34 |
+5.4–8 (9) |
+4–5 |
+BG-olive |
+A wall in a tropical greenhouse |
+Czech Republic |
+G. tepidariorum
+CCALA 1114
+ |
+Colorless, 2–4 concentric lamellations, distinctly delimited |
+15–28 x 13–22 |
+6–9 (11) |
+4–4.7 |
+BG-olive |
+A wall in a tropical greenhouse |
+Czech Republic |
+G. tepidariorum
+CCAP 1430
+ |
+Colorless, 1 lamellations within firm to soft |
+16–24 x 12–18 |
+5.6–9 (12) |
+4.5–5 |
+Pale olive |
+A wall in a tropical greenhouse |
+Czech Republic |
+G. tepidariorum
+ |
+Colorless (rarely some yellow), 0–2 lamellations, firm to soft |
+16–40 x 14–26 |
+5–8 (10) |
+4–5.4 |
+Pale BG |
+A wall in a tropical greenhouse |
+Czech Republic |
+G. tonkinensis
+str. Viet Nam 01
+ |
+Colorless, without visible lamellation or envelopes around individual cells or small colonies |
+N/A |
+8–12 |
+8–10 |
+Dark-brown |
+Rice field, tropical biome |
+Vietnam |
+G. verrucosa
+ |
+Colorless near cells, brown unevenly, 1–2 scarcely visible lamellation, minutely warty |
+16–36 x 12–28 |
+9–18 (14–20) |
+6–8 |
+BG-pale olive |
+Soil of rice fields, tropical biome |
+India |
+G. fuscolutea
+ |
+Colorless to pale yellow-brown, 1–2 distinct lamellations, delimited |
+10–20 x 9–14 |
+6–8.5 |
+4.7–5 |
+BG |
+Freshwater |
+China |
+G. rupestris
+ |
+Colorless to dark yellow, 1–3concentric lamellations, firm, minutely warty |
+16–30 x 14–24 |
+6.5–12.5 |
+4.4–5.5 |
+Pale BG |
+Calcareous wet rocks |
+European |