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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Stenostomum leucops
+(Duges, 1828) Schmidt, 1848
+Fig. 2
+Known distribution.
+Species with a broad distribution through North America (
+United States
+) (
+Higley 1918
+Nuttycombe and Waters 1938
+Kolasa et al. 1987
+Núñez-Ortiz et al. 2016
+Glasgow 2021
+), South America (
+, and
+) (
+Marcus 1945
+van der Land 1970
+Noreña-Janssen 1995
+Gamo and Leal-Zanchet 2004
+Noreña et al. 2005
+Damborenea et al. 2011
+Reyes et al. 2021
+Faroe Islands
+Steinböck 1948
+), West Europe (
+United Kingdom
+The Netherlands
+, and
+) (
+Graff 1882
+Hofsten 1911
+Gieysztor 1931
+Young 1970
+Noreña et al. 2007
+), East Europe (
+, and
+) (
+Graff 1882
+Steinböck 1933
+Kolasa 1971
+Mack-Fira 1974
+Nasonov 1926
+Steinböck 1932
+Timoshkin et al. 2010
+), Asia (
+) (
+Yamazaki et al. 2012
+Ngamniyom and Panyarachun 2016
+), and Africa (
+) (
+Young and Kolasa 1974
+Young 1976
+Three specimens
+studied alive and stored in absolute ethanol; collected in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+Three specimens
+studied alive and stored in absolute ethanol; collected in Groß Glienicker lake, littoral, floating vegetation.
+Three specimens
+studied alive and stored in absolute ethanol; collected in Sylt, floating vegetation in a small pond.
+Two specimens
+from Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen and one from Sylt were sequenced for the molecular analyses.
+Specimens measuring 1120–1490 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 1305 µm; n = 2) and 175–220 µm at widest point (
+x ̄
+= 198 µm; n = 2), with two zooids, anterior end rounded and posterior tapering (Fig.
+2 A – C
+). The ciliated pits (Fig.
+2 D
+: cp) are relative short and open close to the most anterior part of the body. The epidermis is fully ciliated. Larger cilia are distributed along the body, particularly in the anterior and posterior ends. The brain (Fig.
+2 A, B, D
+: br) consists of two pairs of lobes, the anterior brain (Fig.
+2 F, G
+: ab) and the posterior brain (Fig.
+2 F, G
+: pb). The anterior brain is more distinct but does not show a clearly compartments. A pair of refractile bodies (Fig.
+2 F, G
+: rb) are connected to the posterior brain via stalked structures. The refractile bodies are 8–9 µm in diameter (n = 3). The number of spherules contained in the refractile bodies is difficult to observe but they are more than
+20 in
+all studied specimens. The refractile bodies can appear either rounded or crescent-shaped, depending on the orientation of these structures.
+Stenostomum leucops
+A – C
+Habitus of swimming specimens;
+Anterior part of the body;
+Posterior part of the body
+F, G.
+Anterior part of the body. Abbreviations:
+anterior brain;
+ciliated pits;
+posterior brain;
+pharyngeal glands. Scale bars: 200 μm (
+A – C
+); 100 μm (
+D, E
+); 50 μm (
+F, G
+Our identification of specimens was primarily based on
+Luther’s (1960)
+description. However, recent studies have suggested that
+S. leucops
+may actually represent a complex of cryptic species, possibly related to
+S. grande
+Child, 1902
+Yamazaki et al. 2012
+Rosa et al. 2015
+). Molecular evidence supports this notion and echoes earlier discussions by
+Nuttycombe and Waters (1938)
+Marcus (1945)
+, who both deemed the available description insufficient for clear recognition of the species.
+Rosa et al. (2015)
+identified three distinct clades within
+S. leucops
+, each distributed in
+, the
+United Kingdom
+, and
+, respectively, but were unable to find morphological diagnostic traits to differentiate them. The phylogenetic analysis here developed (see section Molecular phylogenetic analyses) shows a close relationship between
+S. leucops
+Given that the
+locality of
+S. leucops
+is in the vicinity of
+New York
+United States
+, a comprehensive morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis of specimens from that area is essential to stabilize the classification of
+S. leucops
+(see Discussion).
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Macrostomum rostratum
+Papi, 1951
+Fig. 3
+Known distribution.
+Species with a broad known distribution including Europe (
+United Kingdom
+The Netherlands
+, and
+) (
+Papi 1951
+Luther 1960
+Rixen 1961
+Young 1970
+Tulp 1974
+; Farias et al. 1996;
+Noreña et al. 2007
+Luther 1960
+), and
+Young 1976
+Two specimens
+studied alive, one preserved in ethanol for future molecular analyses, the second cut in two pieces, the posterior part containing the stylet for whole mounting and the anterior part preserved for molecular analyses. Collected in Wandse river, submerged vegetation with organic matter,
+0.1 m
+0.8–0.9 mm
+long (n = 2), unpigmented and with a pair of eyes (Fig.
+3 A, B
+: e). General morphology corresponds to that in previously described specimens (see
+Papi 1951
+). Epidermis fully ciliated, with some larger cilia distributed though the body. False seminal vesicle absent and true seminal vesicle (Fig.
+3 C – E
+: sv) opening into the prostate vesicle (vesicula granulorum). The prostate vesicle (Fig.
+3 C – F
+: pv) opens proximally into the stylet (Fig.
+1 A, C – F
+: st).
+One specimen
+had a fully developed stylet, measuring 60 µm in length; it is hook shaped and with the distal part twisted; aperture subdistal and dorsal. Well-developed eggs observed (Fig.
+3 A, C
+: eg).
+Macrostomum rostratum
+Habitus of a swimming specimen;
+Anterior part of the body;
+C – F.
+Posterior part of the body. Abbreviations:
+prostate vesicle;
+seminal vesicle. Scale bars: 200 μm (
+); 50 μm (
+B – F
+According to the drawings of
+Papi (1951
+: figs 32–33) the stylet of this species measures 42–65 µm, which is in the range of our collected specimen. In other populations recorded from
+, the stylet is 65–77 µm long (
+Rixen 1961
+). The most characteristic traits for this species are the distal turn and the dorsal aperture of the stylet; therefore, we identify our specimen as
+M. rostratum
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Gyratrix hermaphroditus
+Ehrenberg, 1831
+Fig. 5
+Known distribution.
+This is the microturbellarian species with the widest distribution worldwide (see
+Artois and Tessens 2008
+Diez et al. 2018
+). However, this distribution corresponds to a puzzle of dozens of cryptic species (
+Tessens et al. 2021
+Specimens were found in two locations.
+One specimen
+was studied alive and preserved in ethanol for future molecular analyses. It was collected in Wandse river, submerged vegetation with organic matter,
+0.1 m
+Fifteen specimens
+were studied alive, eleven of them whole mounted and four preserved for future molecular analyses collected in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, among submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+The specimen from Wandse river is 1354 µm long and those from Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen are 870–926 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 904 µm; n = 6). They are unpigmented, with a pair of eyes (Fig.
+5 A
+: e) posterior to the proboscis (Fig.
+5 A
+: pr).
+Gyratrix hermaphroditus
+A, B.
+Habitus of a swimming specimen;
+C – F.
+Posterior part with sclerotised structures. Abbreviations:
+proboscis; ps 3, ps 4 prostate stylet type 3 and 4, respectively;
+prostate vesicle;
+testi. Scale bars: 100 μm (
+); 50 μm (
+B – F
+The testis (Fig.
+5 A, B
+: t) is located at the left body side, extending from the region of the eyes to about three quarters of body length. Ovary and atrial organs located posteriorly in the body. The prostate stylet
+II (Fig.
+5 B – F
+: ps 2) is 189 µm long in the specimen from Wandse river and 155–169 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 164 µm; n = 9) in those from Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen. The prostate stylet
+III (Fig.
+5 B – F
+: ps 3) is 147 µm long in the specimen from Wandse river and 150 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 131–167 µm; n = 9) in those from Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen. In the specimens from both localities, the stylet
+III distally bifurcates and therefore ends in two opposed tips.
+Vitellarium not observed. The ovary (Fig.
+5 B, C
+: ov) is kidney shaped in the specimen from Wandse river, with the oocytes organised in a row, increasing in diameter from proximal to distal. In contrary, in the specimens from Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, the ovary is globular, with oocytes of dissimilar size. The bursa (Fig.
+5 B – D
+: b) is located completely posterior and overlaps with the stylets; several masses of sperm in digestion were observed.
+Based on our findings, it appears that the specimens collected from the two sampled localities correspond to two distinct species within the
+G. hermaphroditus
+complex. These species are distinguishable by differences in the size of the sclerotised male structures and the morphology of the ovary. However, differentiation within this extensive species complex poses significant challenges and warrants molecular investigations. Phylogenetic analyses conducted by
+Tessens et al. (2021)
+revealed a remarkable diversity of 62–78 species concealed under the name
+G. hermaphroditus
+, with many of them confined to single localities while others are more widely distributed.
+The morphology of the hard structures in our specimens appears to align with group H as defined by
+Tessens et al. (2021)
+, characterised by the bifurcate ending of prostate stylet
+III. Notably, this group comprises exclusively freshwater species from
+. However, molecular studies are essential to validate this morphological resemblance. Specimens from
+included in the aforementioned phylogenetic study fall into groups A and B (comprising freshwater and brackish species) and group L (marine species). Nonetheless, representatives from the latter three groups exhibit a prostate stylet
+III ending in a simple, hook-shaped tip. Future integrative studies are imperative to unravel the intricate taxonomy of the
+G. hermaphroditus
+species complex, which should encompass the analysis of specimens from its
+locality in
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Polycelis tenuis
+Ijima, 1884
+Fig. 14
+Known distribution.
+Species recorded from
+The Netherlands
+Young 1972
+United Kingdom
+Luther 1961
+), Gernany (
+Schwank 1981
+Martin and Brunke 2012
+), Macedonia (
+Kenk 1978
+Felicia 2018
+), and
+Luther 1961
+Six specimens
+studied alive, preserved in absolute ethanol for future molecular analyses; collected in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+Mature specimens measuring
+0.5–1.2 mm
+, dark coloured (Fig.
+14 A, B
+). Marginal eyes (Fig.
+14 C, D
+: e) distributed over the anterior third of the body. The pharynx (Fig.
+14 B, C
+) is located over the midbody and the mouth (Fig.
+14 C, E
+: m) opens anterior to the male copulatory organ. The male copulatory organ (Fig.
+14 B, E
+: mco) is 940–1100 µm long (n = 1; varying according to the relaxing stage) and 620 µm at widest. The male organ is spiny over its distal 300–480 µm, and forms a penial papilla (Fig.
+14 E
+). The spines (Fig.
+14 F
+) are 17–18 µm long (n = 10). Two adenodactyls (Fig.
+14 E
+: ad) are located posterior to the male bulb and open into the common atrium, oriented forward, and exhibiting a glandular lumen.
+Three species of
+have been documented in
+, and they are widespread across Europe:
+P. felina
+P. nigra
+, and
+P. tenuis
+Volk 1903
+Ronneberger 1975
+Schwank 1981
+Müller and Faubel 1993
+). Among these, only
+P. nigra
+has been reported in
+Volk 1903
+). Species within the genus
+are primarily distinguished by the structure of the male bulb and adenodactyls.
+Polycelis tenuis
+shares with
+P. felina
+the presence of two adenodactyls, structures absent in
+P. nigra
+. However,
+P. felina
+is easily identifiable by the presence of two tentacles in its anterior body region. The penial papilla of
+P. tenuis
+is armed with spines along its distal half, whereas
+P. nigra
+exhibits two to three spine rows distally, and
+P. felina
+lacks any spines in this region (
+Hansen-Melander et al. 1954
+Luther 1961
+Harrath et al. 2012
+Volk (1903)
+did not provide detailed morphological information about the specimens of
+P. nigra
+recorded in
+. Given the necessity of studying the morphology of atrial organs for accurate identification of these triclads, this record requires confirmation.
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Planaria torva
+(Müller, 1773) Müller, 1776
+Fig. 13
+Known distribution.
+Species broadly distributed in West Europe (
+United Kingdom
+, and
+) (
+Arndt 1926
+Luther 1961
+Ronneberger 1975
+Ball and Reynoldson 1981
+Müller and Faubel 1993
+Martin and Brunke 2012
+), East Europe (
+, Littauen,
+, and
+Czech Republic
+) (
+Luther 1961
+Pinchuk 1979
+), and
+Grimm 1877
+Luther 1961
+Six specimens
+studied alive and preserved in absolute ethanol for future molecular analyses; one collected in Wandse river, submerged vegetation with organic matter,
+0.1 m
+deep; one in Planten un Blomen park, submerged litter,
+0.3 m
+deep; and four in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+Live adult specimens measuring
+0.5–1.5 cm
+, dark pigmented, with a pair of anterior eyes (Fig.
+13 A – C
+: e). Squeezed specimens show the pharynx and atrial organs. The pharynx (Fig.
+13 C, D
+: ph) is located in the second body half and the mouth opens anterior to the male copulatory organ (Fig.
+13 A, C, D
+: mco). The seminal ducts form false seminal vesicles (Fig.
+13 A, C, D
+: fsv) beside the anterior part of the pharynx. The male copulatory organ receives medially, independently, both seminal ducts, which evacuate the sperm in a single proximal seminal vesicle. Distally, the bulb forms a muscular penial papilla. One adenodactyl (Fig.
+13 C, D
+: ad) opens into the common atrium, at the right side of the male bulb; it is oriented backwards. The adenodactyl is distally bent and the central lumen makes it look hollow. The single observed structure of the female system was the bursa (Fig.
+13 D
+: b), located to the right side of the male organ.
+Planaria torva
+is a species widely distributed throughout West Europe, and it is frequently mentioned in taxonomic literature on triclads in the region. However, accurate identification of this species can be challenging without a detailed examination of internal morphology. The taxonomic history of
+P. torva
+has been contentious, with several studies mistakenly associating it with species of
+Ball et al. 1969
+. In light of these issues, we based the identification of our specimens on descriptions provided by
+Luther (1961)
+Ball et al. (1969)
+. The presence of an adenodactyl serves as a key distinguishing feature between our studied specimens of
+P. torva
+and species of
+Luther 1961
+. Furthermore, the overall structure of the atrial organs in our specimens, particularly the male bulb and the adenodactyl, unequivocally supports their classification within
+P. torva
+. For a more comprehensive comparison of this species with related congeners, refer to
+Ball et al. (1969)
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Prorhynchus stagnalis
+Schultze, 1851
+Fig. 4
+Known distribution.
+Species with a worldwide distribution, recorded from South America (
+) (
+Marcus 1944
+Reyes et al. 2021
+), North America (Unite States) (
+Higley 1918
+Kenk 1949
+Kolasa et al. 1987
+Smith 1991
+), Faroes Islands (
+Steinböck 1931
+), West Europe (
+United Kingdom
+Czech Republic
+) (
+Schultze 1851
+Graff 1882
+Fuhrmann 1894
+Steinböck 1923
+Southern 1936
+Rixen 1961
+Young 1970
+Kolasa 1971
+; Farias et al. 1996;
+Noreña et al. 2007
+), East Europe (
+, North Macedonia-Alvania,
+) (
+Graff 1913
+Steinböck 1932
+An der Lan 1939
+), Asia (
+) (
+Okugawa 1953
+Peng et al. 2007
+), and Africa (
+) (
+Young and Young 1976
+Six specimens
+studied alive, two preserved in ethanol for future molecular analyses, four cut in two pieces, the anterior part containing the stylet for whole mounting (
+–13842) and the posterior part preserved for molecular analyses; collected in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+2.5–3.5 mm
+long depending on the contraction stage, opaque, without eyes (Fig.
+4 A
+). The oral pore opens at the anterior tip; the pharynx (Fig.
+4 B, C
+: ph) is located behind the brain (Fig.
+4 B
+: br) and beside the prostate vesicle (Fig.
+4 B, C
+: pv), and proximally opens into the intestine (Fig.
+4 A
+: i). The intestine of some specimens contained numerous chaetae of oligochaetes; a feeding behaviour previously recorded to the species (Tylet et al. 2018).
+Prorhynchus stagnalis
+Habitus of a swimming specimen;
+B – D.
+Anterior part of the body;
+E, F.
+Sclerotised structures. Abbreviations:
+external bars;
+internal bars;
+pharyngeal glands;
+prostate vesicle;
+stylet. Scale bars: 200 μm (
+); 100 μm (
+B – D
+); 50 μm (
+E, F
+The ovary (Fig.
+4 A
+: ov) is very long and runs medially, extending over the posterior two thirds of the body; eggs were observed. The male reproductive system includes the large unpired testis, located at mid body; the seminal vesicle, located posterior to the pharynx; the prostate vesicle running beside the pharynx; and the armed copulatory organ. The prostate vesicle shows thick muscle walls, perforated by the necks of the extracapsular prostatic glands, containing a coarse-granular secretion. Proximally, the prostate vesicle looks empty, maybe because it contains a very fine secretion. A very large duct connects the prostate vesicle with the armed bulb.
+The armed male copulatory organ (Fig.
+4 D – F
+) is located in the anterior part of the body, anterior to the brain. It consists of a central stylet (Fig.
+4 B, D – F
+: st) surrounded by two concentrical rings of spines. The stylet is 64–68 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 66 µm; n = 4), proximally funnel shaped and posteriorly tapering to the distal sharp tip. As described by
+Tyler et al. (2018)
+, the stylet consist of two pieces, clearly distinguishable in the posterior third of the stylet. In the distal area, only the sharp tip of the stylet (part of the inner tube) could be observed. The number of bars on each ring surrounding the stylet is difficult to observe; however, in
+two specimens
+it seems that there are 10 bars in the external and six in the internal ring. This pattern has also been identified in populations from the Unite States and
+Tyler et al. 2018
+Reyes et al. 2021
+). The external bars (Fig.
+4 D – F
+: eb) are arched, 53–57 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 55 µm; n = 4), proximally broad and posteriorly taper to rounded tips. The internal bars (Fig.
+4 D, F
+: ib) appear straight to slightly arched but the rest of their morphology is hardly distinguishable; they are 47–53 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 50 µm; n = 4).
+It has been proposed that
+P. stagnalis
+comprises a complex of species primarily distinguished by variations in the morphology of male sclerotised structures. However, comprehensive morphological and molecular investigations are imperative to elucidate the taxonomy of this species group fully. Furthermore, extensive sampling is required, including the
+locality of the species (Greifswald,
+). The specimens we have examined exhibit the smallest stylet (~ 66 µm) compared to those documented in the literature from The Urals (100–124 µm; Rogozin 2015), the
+United States
+(~ 90 µm;
+Tyler et al. 2018
+), and
+(~ 123 µm;
+Reyes et al. 2021
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+Little neighbours in Hamburg: free-living aquatic flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
+Diez, Yander L.
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany & Research Group Zoology: Biodiversity and Toxicology, Centre for Environmental Sciences, Hasselt University, Universitaire Campus Gebouw D, B- 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
+Schmidt-Rhaesa, Andreas
+Museum of Nature Hamburg – Zoology, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D- 20146, Hamburg, Germany
+Evolutionary Systematics
+journal article
+Stenostomum gotlandense
+Larsson & Willems, 2010
+Fig. 1
+Known distribution.
+Species only known, until now, from
+Larsson et al. 2008
+Larsson and Willems 2010
+Two specimens
+studied alive and stored in absolute ethanol for molecular analyses, one of them sequenced; collected in Kirchwerder-Fünfhausen, submerged vegetation and litter in an irrigation channel,
+0.1–0.2 m
+Specimens measuring 768–957 µm long (
+x ̄
+= 863 µm; n = 2) and 90–110 µm at widest point (
+x ̄
+= 100 µm; n = 2), with two zooids, slender, tapering to both rounded extremes (Fig.
+1 A
+). The ciliated pits (Fig.
+1 B
+: cp) are relative short and open close to the most anterior part of the body. The epidermis is fully ciliated. Larger cilia are distributed along the body, particularly in the anterior and posterior ends. The brain (Fig.
+1 B
+: br) consists of two pairs of lobes, the anterior brain (Fig.
+1 C
+: ab) and the posterior brain (Fig.
+1 C
+: pb). We were not able to determine the exact number of compartments of the anterior brain, but in
+one specimen
+there appear to exist seven. Refractile bodies not present. Proximal rim of the pharynx (Fig.
+1 A, B
+: ph) with a number of folds and surrounds the large mouth opening (Fig.
+1 A, B
+: m). The protonephridium (Fig.
+1 D
+: pn) ends in a nephridiopore at the posterior end of the body.
+Stenostomum gotlandense
+Habitus of a swimming specimen;
+Anterior part of the body;
+Anterior part of the body showing the brain;
+Posterior part of the body. Abbreviations:
+anterior brain;
+ciliated pits;
+posterior brain;
+protonephridia. Scale bars: 50 μm (
+A, C
+); 100 μm (
+B, D
+As noted by
+Larsson and Willems (2010)
+, the folded rim of the pharynx, the large mouth opening, and the small ciliated pits represent a unique combination of morphological traits within
+. Our morphological identification is further corroborated by the phylogenetic analysis, leading us to confidently report this species for the first time in
+, specifically in
+. The German specimens are similar in size, considering the length of the first zooid (495–588 µm), to those from
+(500 µm). However,
+Larsson and Willems (2010)
+observed that their specimens exhibited approximately 10 compartments in the anterior brain, whereas the specimens from Hamburg present about seven. Nonetheless,
+one specimen
+illustrated by
+Larsson and Willems (2010
+: fig. 3 B) shows only six segments in the anterior brain.
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