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+An intbgoativb taxonomic obvision of lbssbo gvmnuobs (Eulipotvphla: Hylomys) obvbals fivb nbw spbcibs and bmboging paưbons of local bndbmism in Toopical East Asia
+Hinckley, Arlo
+Division of Mammals, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, District of Columbia, Washington, USA
+Camacho-Sanchez, Miguel
+Conservation & Evolutionary Genetics Group, Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Seville, Spain
+Chua, Marcus A. H.
+Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, Center for Conservation Genomics, District of Columbia, Washington, USA
+Ruedi, Manuel
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
+Lunde, Darrin
+Division of Mammals, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, District of Columbia, Washington, USA
+Maldonado, Jesús E.
+Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, Center for Conservation Genomics, District of Columbia, Washington, USA
+Omar, Hasmahzaiti
+Museum of Zoology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+Leonard, Jennifer A.
+Conservation & Evolutionary Genetics Group, Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Seville, Spain
+Hawkins, Melissa T. R.
+Division of Mammals, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, District of Columbia, Washington, USA
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+Müller, 1840
+Type species:
+Hylomys suillus
+Müller, 1840: 436
+Included species:
+The type species, plus
+H. parvus
+H. engesseri
+H. macarong
+sp. nov.
+H. vorax
+sp. nov.
+, and
+H. dorsalis
+H. maxi
+, and
+H. peguensis
+(recognized at species rank, below).
+Currently known from Sundaland (including Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and the Malay peninsula) and Indochina (including Myanmar, Thailand,
+, Lao P.D.
+., Viet Nam, and southern
+Emended diagnosis:
+The genus
+is defined phylogenetically as the most recent common ancestor of extant
+H. parvus
+H. dorsalis
+H. maxi
+H. peguensis
+H. macarong
+sp. nov.
+, and
+H. vorax
+sp. nov.
+, and extinct
+H. engesseri
+, and by the following combination of morphological characters. Small-sized gymnures, HB from
+98–157 mm
+, W
+40–80 g
+29–39 mm
+Table 1
+is characterized by brown fur that can range from harsh to moderately soft. The dorsum fur is characterized by long and thick spinous black guard hairs and golden-brown guard hairs that produce a golden-streaked appearance. Black guard hairs are stiff and black tipped, gradually turning to a light silvered grey towards its proximal end. Golden-brown guard hairs are stiff and have a short black tip followed by a narrow yellow to golden band which can be more or less expanded and that sharply transitions to a proximal dark silvered grey.
+Hylomys parvus
+is an exception to this general appearance as its soft dorsal fur lacks spinous/stiff guard hairs (
+et al.
+). Dorsum coloration generally acquires a more ochraceous coloration towards the rump and face, and a yellow hue in the shoulder area. The dorsal coloration has limited variation, with only the Bornean population adults exhibiting a moderately distinct to faint black sagittal stripe (but less marked than that of
+Neohylomys hainanensis
+), generally restricted to the nape/shoulder area, but which can extend to the rump. Variation on dorsum fur length, guard hair thickness and coloration is slight. Higher elevation individuals seem darker and to have a softer and more dense fur, while lower elevation individuals can be harsher and more colourful (e.g. become very reddish in
+H. maxi
+100 m
+et al.
+). Golden-brown guard hairs are paler, longer, and thicker in Indochinese populations, conferring the dorsum fur a lighter and more yellow appearance than that of Sundaic populations. Ventral coloration is grey/brown, paler than the dorsum, buff or white tipped with a grey base, and can be subject to seasonal, elevational, sexual, and/or ontogenetic variation within populations. In fact, this variation within populations seems generally greater than that between most species. Only
+H. peguensis
+is distinct from the other recognized or putative species, regardless of sex or season, as it exhibits buff coloration throughout most of its range. Adults can have a pale brown or ochraceous throat coloration, generally during spring or summer, possibly part of the breeding season. This darker coloration can extend across all the venter in males of Bornean and Da Lat populations, making these seasonally distinct to the other species. As with dorsal pelage, fore- and hindfeet are lighter in Indochinese than Sundaic populations. The legs are short and the feet plantigrade. Tails are bicoloured in all species but
+H. vorax
+sp. nov.
+and one
+H. maxi
+specimen from north Sumatra. The hindfoot sole and tarsal regions have short and applied hairs and have generally pale hair tufts over nails. Tail is very short (
+7–32 mm
+), 7–28% of head and body length and essentially naked with some short and applied hairs. Females have four axial and two inguinal mammae, the two upper axial are frequently hidden at the armpit area, perhaps suggesting why
+Anderson (1874)
+described just two axial and two inguinal mammae; adult males have a slight swelling in the uro-genital area and a penis with many spines; anal glands on anterior margin of anus.
+Figure 6.
+Bivariate plot of rostrum length (ROL) and rostrum breadth (ROB) measurements.
+The skull is relatively small with an elongate rostrum; posterior end of nasals spans the level of the antorbital rim in some species; antorbital fossae are moderately deep; maxilla and parietal are separated by a narrow frontal bone strip; supraorbital processes absent to well developed; frontals not inflated to strongly inflated; interorbital region minimally constricted; anterior parietal process is well developed or at least distinct; braincase inflated; sagittal crest inconspicuous to prominent, generally restricted to interparietal but can extend anteriorly to frontal in
+H. macarong
+sp. nov.
+; nuchal crest of varying height that originates laterally as low projections from dorsal margin of each mastoid that meet mid-dorsally to form a broadly tapered arch with which the sagittal crest converges [as described for
+et al
+. (2023)
+]; occipital crest absent to prominent, generally does not extend ventrally more than a third of the occipital bone; zygomatic arch complete and moderately developed, posteroventral process on zygoma absent or indistinct, deep nasolabialis fossa, small jugal bone; epipterygoid process moderately developed; basioccipital–petrosal suture closed forming distinct foramen, bullae incomplete, condylar foramen in condyle emargination; posterodorsal region of the premaxilla is rarely in contact with the anterodorsal region of the frontal (
+0–4.15 mm
+). Anterior palatine foramina positioned slightly anteriorly/posteriorly or at level of maxilla/palatine suture. Anterior opening of infraorbital canal dorsal to P4. Paraoccipital process almost indistinct to somewhat prominent. Dental formula: 3/3 1/1 4/4 3/3 = 44; I1 large and caniniform, C1 larger than adjacent teeth, P1 present, P3 slightly larger or equal to P2, P2 larger or equal to P1. P3 has one root or two roots that are fused in most species; molariform and tribosphenic P4, quadrate M1 and M2; M3
+half the crown area of M1 and M2; lower incisors spatulate and procumbent, relatively small i1, i1 longer than i2 and i3, i2 longer than i3; c1 procumbent and larger than adjacent teeth; p1 present, crown generally extended anteriorly, p3 can have one or two roots and is larger or equal in size to p2. Mandible relatively elongated, with coronoid process long and narrow to moderately wide, condyloid process elongated, angular process narrow and average to long.
+Table 1.
+Craniodental and selected external measurements (mm), weight (g) of adult
+, including new species from Mount Leuser and the Da Lat–Dak Lak Plateaus. Mean, SD (w), ranges, and sample size (
+) are specified for each measurement.
+Hylomys maxi
+ |
+Hylomys vorax
+sp. nov.
+ |
+Hylomys parvus
+ |
+Hylomys dorsalis
+ |
+Hylomys suillus
+ |
+Hylomys macarong
+sp. nov.
+ |
+ |
+GLS |
+36.9 (w 0.8) |
+34.5 (w 1.2) |
+30.9 (w 1.0) |
+36.6 (w 0.9) |
+34.8 (w 1.1) |
+34.8 (w 1.0) |
+34.4 (w 0.9) |
+35.5–38.4 |
+33.4–36.3 |
+29.2–33.4 |
+34.9–38.4 |
+32.2–37.9 |
+33.6–35.9 |
+32.3–36.0 |
+= 28
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 15
+ |
+= 25
+ |
+= 57
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 17
+ |
+CBL |
+36.2 (w 0.9) |
+33.3 (w 1.3) |
+29.8 (w 1.0) |
+35.5 (w 0.8) |
+33.8 (w 1.3) |
+33.8 (w 0.9) |
+33.4 (w 1.1) |
+34.0–38.2 |
+31.9–35.1 |
+28.1–32.1 |
+33.9–37.5 |
+30.4–37.0 |
+32.8–34.9 |
+30.4–35.4 |
+= 35
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 15
+ |
+= 30
+ |
+= 62
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 21
+ |
+IOB |
+8.7 (w 0.4) |
+8.8 (w 0.6) |
+8.3 (w 0.3) |
+9.5 (w 0.2) |
+8.9 (w 0.3) |
+8.3 (w 0.3) |
+8.2 (w 0.3) |
+8.1–9.6 |
+7.8–9.4 |
+7.7–9.1 |
+9.2–10.0 |
+8.1–9.6 |
+7.9–8.8 |
+7.5–9.0 |
+= 32
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 29
+ |
+= 43
+ |
+= 9
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+BB |
+15.0 (w 0.3) |
+14.8 (w 0.2) |
+13.6 (w 0.3) |
+15.5 (w 0.4) |
+14.6 (w 0.4) |
+14.4 (w 0.3) |
+14.3 (w 0.4) |
+14.1–15.6 |
+14.5–15.1 |
+13.1–14.0 |
+14.9–16.3 |
+13.8–15.6 |
+14.1–15.0 |
+13.7–14.8 |
+= 30
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 26
+ |
+= 58
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 18
+ |
+ROL |
+16.9 (w 0.5) |
+16.0 (w 0.7) |
+14.2 (w 0.4) |
+17.3 (w 0.5) |
+16.1 (w 0.8) |
+15.1 (w 0.5) |
+14.6 (w 0.7) |
+16.1–18.2 |
+15.2–17.3 |
+13.6–15.1 |
+16.1–18.1 |
+14.5–18.1 |
+14.6–15.7 |
+13.1–15.8 |
+= 37
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 15
+ |
+= 33
+ |
+= 47
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 25
+ |
+ROB |
+5.9 (w 0.3) |
+4.7 (w 0.2) |
+4.7 (w 0.2) |
+5.0 (w 0.2) |
+5.3 (w 0.3) |
+5.2 (w 0.2) |
+5.5 (w 0.3) |
+5.2–6.4 |
+4.5–5.0 |
+4.4–5.0 |
+4.6–5.5 |
+4.7–6.1 |
+4.9–5.6 |
+5.0–6.0 |
+= 34
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 34
+ |
+= 46
+ |
+= 9
+ |
+= 24
+ |
+PPL |
+13.2 (w 0.5) |
+11.8 (w 0.5) |
+10.7 (w 0.3) |
+13.0 (w 0.4) |
+12.4 (w 0.8) |
+12.5 (w 0.5) |
+12.6 (w 0.6) |
+12.3–14.2 |
+11.1–12.3 |
+10.1–11.2 |
+12.3–13.8 |
+10.8–14.3 |
+11.9–13.1 |
+11.5–14.0 |
+= 35
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 29
+ |
+= 47
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+PPD |
+9.2 (w 0.3) |
+8.7 (w 0.3) |
+8.2 (w 0.4) |
+9.0 (w 0.2) |
+8.6 (w 0.3) |
+9.1 (w 0.3) |
+8.9 (w 0.3) |
+8.6–9.7 |
+8.3–9.1 |
+7.4–8.6 |
+8.4–9.4 |
+8.0–9.1 |
+8.7–9.7 |
+8.4–9.4 |
+= 29
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 28
+ |
+= 42
+ |
+= 9
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+M3B |
+6.9 (w 0.3) |
+6.2 (w 0.1) |
+5.3 (w 0.4) |
+6.5 (w 0.4) |
+6.3 (w 0.3) |
+6.5 (w 0.3) |
+6.3 (w 0.3) |
+6.2–7.5 |
+6.1–6.4 |
+4.7–6.0 |
+5.5–7.4 |
+5.7–6.9 |
+6.1–6.8 |
+5.5–6.8 |
+= 29
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 33
+ |
+= 48
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 24
+ |
+M1M1 |
+11.7 (w 0.3) |
+10.2 (w 0.3) |
+9.4 (w 0.4) |
+10.6 (w 0.5) |
+10.5 (w 0.4) |
+10.9 (w 0.4) |
+10.9 (w 0.5) |
+10.9–12.5 |
+9.8–10.8 |
+9.0–10.2 |
+8.2–11.3 |
+9.8–11.4 |
+10.2–11.5 |
+9.8–11.6 |
+= 28
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 15
+ |
+= 29
+ |
+= 57
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+IM3SB |
+18.5 (w 0.6) |
+17.3 (w 0.5) |
+15.7 (w 0.6) |
+18.1 (w 0.5) |
+17.5 (w 0.8) |
+16.6 (w 0.5) |
+16.9 (w 0.7) |
+17.6–19.6 |
+16.7–18.1 |
+14.6–16.9 |
+17.5–19.0 |
+15.3–18.8 |
+16.1–17.4 |
+15.1–18.2 |
+= 31
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 17
+ |
+= 32
+ |
+= 62
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 25
+ |
+P4M3 |
+8.8 (w 0.3) |
+7.7 (w 0.2) |
+7.2 (w 0.2) |
+8.1 (w 0.2) |
+7.9 (w 0.3) |
+8.0 (w 0.2) |
+8.0 (w 0.4) |
+8.3–9.9 |
+7.5–8.2 |
+6.9–7.5 |
+7.7–8.6 |
+7.3–8.6 |
+7.6–8.3 |
+7.1–8.6 |
+= 25
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 29
+ |
+= 43
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+LMA |
+26.3 (w 0.7) |
+24.0 (w 0.9) |
+21.3 (w 0.7) |
+25.3 (w 0.7) |
+24.5 (w 1.0) |
+24.9 (w 0.8) |
+24.2 (w 0.8) |
+24.8–27.9 |
+23.0–25.6 |
+20.1–22.2 |
+23.6–26.6 |
+22.4–26.8 |
+23.9–25.9 |
+22.4–25.4 |
+= 32
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 27
+ |
+= 42
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+IM3I |
+18.2 (w 0.4) |
+17.1 (w 0.4) |
+15.3 (w 0.5) |
+17.7 (w 0.4) |
+17.0 (w 0.5) |
+16.4 (w 0.4) |
+16.5 (w 0.6) |
+17.6–18.9 |
+16.6–17.7 |
+14.5–16.0 |
+16.7–18.4 |
+15.7–18.2 |
+15.8–17.1 |
+15.1–17.4 |
+= 26
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 16
+ |
+= 26
+ |
+= 57
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+HCO |
+9.4 (w 0.4) |
+7.8 (w 0.4) |
+7.5 (w 0.3) |
+8.9 (w 0.5) |
+8.2 (w 0.6) |
+8.8 (w 0.2) |
+8.9 (w 0.5) |
+8.6–10.7 |
+7.4–8.6 |
+6.9–7.9 |
+8.2–9.9 |
+6.6–9.5 |
+8.5–9.1 |
+8.0–9.8 |
+= 32
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 28
+ |
+= 42
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 17
+ |
+LAP |
+9.7 (w 0.6) |
+8.4 (w 0.5) |
+7.6 (w 0.5) |
+9.2 (w 0.6) |
+8.8 (w 0.6) |
+10.1 (w 0.4) |
+9.1 (w 0.5) |
+8.8–10.8 |
+7.9–9.1 |
+6.8–8.1 |
+7.8–10.3 |
+7.7–10.3 |
+9.4–10.6 |
+8.4–10.6 |
+= 27
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 28
+ |
+= 41
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 18
+ |
+NL |
+12.0 (w 0.9) |
+12.1 (w 0.9) |
+9.5 |
+14.0 (w 0.7) |
+11.2 (w 0.9) |
+13.0 (w 0.6) |
+11.8 (w 1.0) |
+10.6–14.3 |
+11.0–13.4 |
+9.5 |
+12.6–15.0 |
+9.4–12.9 |
+12.1–13.9 |
+10.3–13.6 |
+= 23
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 22
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 12
+ |
+Table 1.
+Hylomys maxi
+ |
+Hylomys vorax
+sp. nov.
+ |
+Hylomys parvus
+ |
+Hylomys dorsalis
+ |
+Hylomys suillus
+ |
+Hylomys macarong
+sp. nov.
+ |
+ |
+NB |
+2.6 (w 0.2) |
+2.2 (w 0.2) |
+2.0 |
+2.5 (w 0.1) |
+2.4 (w 0.2) |
+2.4 (w 0.3) |
+2.2 (w 0.2) |
+2.2–3.0 |
+2.0–2.4 |
+2.0 |
+2.3–2.8 |
+2.1–2.9 |
+2.0–3.0 |
+1.9–2.5 |
+= 21
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 22
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+BD |
+10.0 (w 0.3) |
+9.1 (w 0.2) |
+8.6 |
+9.8 (w 0.2) |
+9.2 (w 0.3) |
+9.7 (w 0.3) |
+9.3 (w 0.2) |
+9.3–10.5 |
+8.9–9.5 |
+8.6 |
+9.6–10.1 |
+8.8–9.8 |
+9.4–10.2 |
+9.0–9.6 |
+= 23
+ |
+= 5
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 12
+ |
+MAB |
+14.5 (w 0.3) |
+13.6 (w 0.6) |
+12.2 |
+14.6 (w 0.3) |
+13.7 (w 0.3) |
+14.2 (w 0.4) |
+13.9 (w 0.4) |
+13.9–15.0 |
+13.0–14.1 |
+12.2 |
+13.8–15.1 |
+13.2–14.5 |
+13.5–14.9 |
+13.2–14.7 |
+= 20
+ |
+= 4
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 11
+ |
+IM3SA |
+18.9 (w 0.5) |
+17.8 (w 0.4) |
+16.1 |
+18.5 (w 0.4) |
+17.2 (w 0.4) |
+17.4 (w 0.5) |
+17.3 (w 0.7) |
+18.3–19.7 |
+17.2–18.5 |
+16.1 |
+18.0–19.2 |
+16.0–17.9 |
+16.8–18.2 |
+15.8–18.3 |
+= 11
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 22
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 12
+ |
+I1L |
+2.7 (w 0.2) |
+2.3 (w 0.1) |
+2.5 |
+2.6 (w 0.2) |
+2.5 (w 0.3) |
+3.3 (w 0.7) |
+2.6 (w 0.3) |
+2.2–3.3 |
+2.2–2.6 |
+2.5 |
+2.1–3.1 |
+2.0–3.0 |
+2.6–4.5 |
+2.1–3.1 |
+= 18
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 1
+ |
+= 19
+ |
+= 18
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+ASC |
+0.2 (w 0.1) |
+0.4 (w 0.2) |
+- |
+- |
+- |
+0.5 (w 0.3) |
+1.0 (w 0.2) |
+0.1–0.4 |
+0.2–0.5 |
+- |
+- |
+- |
+0.2–1.0 |
+0.7–1.2 |
+= 4
+ |
+= 4
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+TL |
+146.4 (w 6.4) |
+144.6 (w 3.6) |
+- |
+154.7 (w 11.5) |
+142.0 (w 9.2) |
+161.3 (w 12.4) |
+150.7 (w 12.6) |
+140.0–160.0 |
+139.0–150.0 |
+- |
+139.0–175.0 |
+124.0–152.0 |
+135.0–171.0 |
+140.0–172.0 |
+= 8
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 20
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+HB |
+139.3 (w 7.8) |
+123.1 (w 3.4) |
+107.2 (w 4.4) |
+135.2 (w 8.1) |
+129.5 (w 9.8) |
+138.4 (w 5.4) |
+129.4 (w 12.4) |
+123.0–156.0 |
+117.0–128.0 |
+100.0–115.0 |
+119.0–150.0 |
+98.0–152.0 |
+130.0–146.0 |
+103.0–157.0 |
+= 54
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 54
+ |
+= 52
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 29
+ |
+T |
+16.2 (w 3.0) |
+21.4 (w 0.6) |
+23.1 (w 5.4) |
+19.0 (w 3.5) |
+18.8 (w 4.3) |
+23.2 (w 2.4) |
+21.3 (w 2.5) |
+7.0–24.0 |
+20.5–22.0 |
+15.0–32.0 |
+11.0–26.0 |
+12.0–28.0 |
+20.0–25.0 |
+17.0–25.0 |
+= 46
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 49
+ |
+= 46
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 18
+ |
+HF |
+25.2 (w 1.2) |
+(w) |
+23.1 (w 0.8) |
+25.7 (w 0.9) |
+24.4 (w 1.7) |
+23.5 (w 0.7) |
+22.5 (w 1.4) |
+23.0–28.0 |
+- |
+21.9–25.0 |
+24.0–28.0 |
+20.0–28.0 |
+23.0–24.0 |
+20.0–25.0 |
+= 31
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 16
+ |
+= 13
+ |
+= 42
+ |
+= 2
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+ |
+26.3 (w 1.1) |
+26.3 (w 0.8) |
+- |
+27.7 (w 1.8) |
+24.8 (w 1.2) |
+25.7 (w 1.5) |
+24.8 (w 1.2) |
+24.0–29.0 |
+25.5–27.5 |
+- |
+24.0–32.0 |
+23.0–26.0 |
+23.0–27.0 |
+22.0–27.0 |
+= 32
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 37
+ |
+= 9
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+E |
+16.4 (w 1.3) |
+19.1 (w 0.7) |
+16.5 (w 1.3) |
+17.4 (w 1.7) |
+16.6 (w 1.5) |
+18.1 (w 1.4) |
+16.4 (w 2.5) |
+13.9–21.0 |
+18.0–20.0 |
+14.0–19.0 |
+12.0–21.0 |
+13.0–21.0 |
+16.0–20.0 |
+11.0–20.0 |
+= 53
+ |
+= 7
+ |
+= 16
+ |
+= 53
+ |
+= 52
+ |
+= 10
+ |
+= 26
+ |
+W |
+64.2 (w 9.2) |
+44.4 (w 5.0) |
+- |
+60.9 (w 8.4) |
+49.7 (w 7.4) |
+- |
+54.2 (w 12.7) |
+43.0–80.0 |
+39.6–53.8 |
+- |
+46.0–75.0 |
+40.0–64.0 |
+- |
+45.0–73.0 |
+= 29
+ |
+= 6
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 14
+ |
+= 8
+ |
+= 0
+ |
+= 4
+ |
+et al
+. (1994)
+pointed out, the morphological distinction among the taxa of
+H. suillus
+was historically almost exclusively based on variations in colour, despite the apparently high craniodental geographically structured differentiation exhibited by this genus. In the following accounts, we unite these two lines of morphological evidence and diagnose the two species named by
+Müller (1840)
+Robinson and Kloss (1916)
+, give species-level recognition to three subspecies, provide emended diagnoses, and describe two new species. To facilitate taxonomic comparisons, we group sympatric or parapatric taxa based on their distribution (mainland Asia and Sumatra), and allopatric taxa, based on phylogenetic relatedness and geographical proximity (Sundaland clade).
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+A new genus and rare genera of Macrocentrinae from the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
+Oanh, Nguyen Thi
+Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap, Vietnam
+Long, Khuat Dang
+Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
+Achterberg, Cornelis Van
+Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands
+Nghiep, Hoang Thi
+Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap, Vietnam
+Hiep, Nguyen Duc
+Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
+journal article
+Key to Oriental genera of
+(based on females)
+1 Laterope absent, exceptionally shallowly impressed in glymma, but not distinctly differentiated (
+Figs 1A, B
+); first metasomal tergite flat or convex medio-basally
+Fig. 1C
+); [marginal cell of hind wing more or less widened apically (
+Fig. 1E
+); vein SR of hind wing sinuate (
+Fig. 1D
+) or straight (
+Fig. 1
+Ea); vein 1-CU1 of fore wing slender]................................
+- Laterope deep and large, distinctly differentiated from glymma (
+Figs 1F, G
+); first tergite nearly always slightly concave medio-basally (
+Fig. 1H
+2 Vein 2-SR+M of fore wing longer than vein m-cu (
+Fig. 1
+Ia); vein SR of hind wing straight and unsclerotized subbasally; marginal cell of hind wing directly strongly widened apically (
+Figs 1E, 1
+Cameron, 1910
+- Vein 2-SR+M of fore wing shorter than vein m-cu (
+Fig. 1
+Ja); vein SR of hind wing distinctly curved and sclerotized subbasally; marginal cell of hind wing moderately widened to subparallel-sided apically (
+Fig. 1
+Brues, 1922
+3 Vein R1 of hind wing distinctly widened and short (see Fig.
+22 in
+van Achterberg 1993); vein 3-M of fore wing more directed posteriad and shorter than twice vein 3-SR; [marginal cell of hind wing hardly or not constricted subbasally]........................................................................................
+van Achterberg, 1993
+- Vein R1 of hind wing (= part of vein with hamuli) slender and medium-sized (
+Fig. 1
+Figs 2
+Dc, Fb); vein 3-M of fore wing normal, less directed posteriad and at least twice as long as vein 3-SR (
+Figs 2A, B
+4 Inner hind spur 0.5–0.8 × longer than hind basitarsus (Fig.
+15 in
+van Achterberg 1993); length of ovipositor sheath 0.1–0.6 × (or –0.9×) fore wing; fore tibial spur 0.2–0.4 × as long as fore basitarsus; vein SR of hind wing more or less sinuate, resulting in a more or less constricted marginal cell of hind wing; inner hind claw of
+frequently different from outer hind claw....
+- Inner hind spur 0.3–0.5 × as long as hind basitarsus, if 0.5 × then ovipositor sheath longer than fore wing, or fore tibial spur 0.5–0.6 × as long as fore basitarsus; vein SR of hind wing usually straight or slightly sinuate (
+Figs 2
+Db, Fa), resulting in a hardly constricted marginal cell of hind wing (
+Figs 1D
+Fig. 2
+Fa, see Fig.
+12 in
+van Achterberg 1993); inner and outer hind claw of
+5 Vein cu-a of fore wing strongly widened basally (
+Fig. 2
+Cb); vein M+CU1 of fore wing distinctly angled (
+Fig. 2
+Ca); subbasal cell of fore wing strongly widened apically (
+Fig. 2C
+van Achterberg & Long
+gen. nov.
+- Vein cu-a of fore wing slender basally (see Fig.
+12 in
+van Achterberg 1993); vein M+CU1 of fore wing at most moderately curved (but stronger in a few extralimital (Australian) species)..............................
+Roman, 1910
+6 First tergite largely longitudinally sculptured or smooth (
+Fig. 2
+Da), if evenly transversely sculptured, then vein SC+R1 of hind wing straight or weakly curved (
+Fig. 2
+Db); vein SR of hind wing at most moderately curved subbasally (
+Fig. 2
+Curtis, 1833
+- First tergite largely transversely sculptured (
+Fig. 2E
+) and vein SC+R1 of hind wing (rather) abruptly bent; vein SR of hind wing strongly curved subbasally (
+Fig. 2
+Brues, 1922
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@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+A new genus and rare genera of Macrocentrinae from the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
+Oanh, Nguyen Thi
+Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap, Vietnam
+Long, Khuat Dang
+Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
+Achterberg, Cornelis Van
+Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands
+Nghiep, Hoang Thi
+Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap, Vietnam
+Hiep, Nguyen Duc
+Institute of Ecology & Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology (VAST), 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
+journal article
+He & Chen, 2000
+comb. nov.
+Figures 5
+Macrocentrus radiellanus
+He & Chen, 2000: 686
+in Institute of Insect Sciences in
+University (Hangzhou) and examined by CvA.
+Material examined
+1 ♀
+, labelled “Macr.
+Dong Nai
+Vinh Cuu
+Phu Ly
+, forest,
+285 m
+light trap
+PT Nhi
+), “
+” (
+), id
+, labelled “Macr.
+” and “Macr.
+” (
+Dong Nai
+Vinh Cuu
+Phu Ly
+, forest,
+285 m
+light trap
+HV Tru
+, labelled “Macr.
+” (
+), “Macr.
+” (
+Quang Nam
+Bac Tra My
+Tra Doc
+light trap
+PT Nhi
+, labelled “Macr.
+” (
+CH Vietnam
+Kon Tum province
+Chu Mom Ray
+14°25’28.1” N
+570 m
+light trap
+. Female from
+Dong Nai
+(labelled “Macr.
+” IEBR), body length
+9.4 mm
+, fore wing length
+7.5 mm
+, antenna
+13.6 mm
+, ovipositor sheath
+9.6 mm
+Fig. 5
+Habitus of
+(He & Chen)
+, Vietnam, female, lateral, “Macr.
+.Antenna with 52 flagellomeres; first flagellomere 1.3 × second one; length of first and second flagellomeres 6.5 and 5.0 × their width, respectively; length of subapical antennomere 2.5 × its width; in frontal view, width of face 0.8 × its length (
+Fig. 6B
+); maxillary palp very long, its length 2.15 × height of head; face sparsely punctate laterally and dorsally, median triangular area above clypeus with divergent rugulose punctures (
+Fig. 6B
+); clypeus convex, mostly smooth with fine scattered punctures; malar space 0.8 × as long as basal width of mandible; clypeus convex, straight ventrally; distance between tentorial pits 2.1 × distance from pit to eye margin; in lateral view, eye 7.25 × temple medially; head 2.5 × as wide as long medially (
+Fig. 6A
+) and temple very short, eye 10.0 × as long as temple in dorsal view; ocelli large, POL: OD: OOL = 10: 7: 10; frons, vertex and temple smooth (
+Fig. 6A
+Length of mesosoma 1.45 × its height; pronotal trough sparsely crenulate; shiny, smooth ventrally and dorsally; propleuron smooth (
+Fig. 6E
+); middle lobe of mesoscutum without impressions anteriorly; notauli narrowly converging posteriorly and V-shaped, mostly smooth antero-medially, coarsely crenulate posteriorly (
+Fig. 6D
+); median and lateral lobes of mesoscutum shiny, coriaceous to smooth; scutellar sulcus 0.4 × as long as scutellum, with 3 interrupted carinae; scutellum smooth with fine sparse punctures; mesopleuron rugose-punctate medially, punctate ventrally and dorsally, except smooth area medio-dorsally (
+Fig. 6E
+); mesopleuron smooth; metapleuron largely rugose-punctate; propodeum irregularly rugulose (
+Fig. 6C
+. Length of fore wing 3.0 × its maximum width; length of pterostigma 4.6 × its width; vein SR1 of fore wing straight, 2.5 × as long as vein 3-SR; r: 3-SR: SR1 = 15: 26: 62; vein M+CU1 widened apically; vein 1-CU1 short and thick, nearly quadrate (
+Fig. 6F
+); vein cu-a curved, inclivous; cu-a: 2-CU1 = 13: 35; vein 2-SR+M very long, 2-SR+M: 2-SR: 3-SR: r-m = 25: 19: 26: 11; r: 3-SR: SR1 = 16: 26: 65 (
+Fig. 6F
+); subbasal cell of fore wing widened and largely glabrous apically; second submarginal cell slightly narrowed distally; hind wing with vein 2-SC+R longitudinal (
+Fig. 6G
+); vein cu-a straight, mostly perpendicular; cu-a: 1-M: 1r-m = 15: 15: 10; vein SR mostly straight; marginal cell narrower basically than medially, distinctly widened apically (
+Fig. 6G
+. Fore femur basally as wide as apically, moderately dense setose ventrally, and longer than setose dorsally; hind coxa densely setose latero-ventrally, but without setae dorso-apically; length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 7.3, 15.4 and 12.25 × their maximum width, respectively; left hind trochantellus with 3 teeth apically (
+Fig. 6I
+); length of hind inner and outer tibial spurs 0.4 × and 0.3 × hind basitarsus, respectively; length of hind basitarsus 0.45 × hind tibia and 1.1 × second-fifth tarsus combined; tarsal claw with large acute lobe.
+Diagnostic characters of
+Leptozele radiellanus
+(He & Chen)
+, Vietnam, female, “Macr.
+Head, dorsal
+Head, frontal
+Propodeum, dorsal
+Fore wing,
+Hind wing,
+Hind trochanter, trochantellus and femur, outer side.
+. Length of metasoma 1.7 × head and mesosoma combined; first tergite metasomal tergite elongate, parallel-sided, flat medio-basally; length of first tergite 5.5 × its apical width, without basal excavation (
+Fig. 6H
+); second tergite distinctly constricted medially (
+Fig. 6H
+); length of second tergite 1.2 × third tergite medially; first metasomal tergite without laterope, flat medio-basally, with fine transverse striation entirely, second tergite with sparse longitudinal striation, except coriaceous area at apex; third tergite smooth with sparse punctate and setae; remaining metasomal tergites coriaceous, densely setose (
+Fig. 6H
+); length of ovipositor 1.3 × fore wing.
+. Frons and vertex black; face and temple brown; malar space, clypeus, mandible palpi and antenna yellow; mesosoma yellow, except median lobe of mesoscutum yellowish brown anteriorly; all the legs yellow; wing veins yellowish brown; pterostigma yellow; wing membrane hyaline; first-third metasomal tergites yellow; fourth tergite brownish-yellow; the remainder dark brown; ovipositor sheath yellowish-brown; ovipositor yellow.
+(females). Antenna 51–52 flagellomeres; length of body 8.0–
+9.4 mm
+, of fore wing
+6.6–7.5 mm
+; length of ovipositor sheath
+8.7–9.6 mm
+; vein SR1 of fore wing 2.2–2.6 × vein 3-SR.
+: Unknown.
+: Unknown.
+This species was keyed out by using
+et al.
+. Above we provide the redescription of
+Leptozele radiellanus
+based on the Vietnamese female “Macr.
+” (IEBR,
+Ha Noi
+); Central
+Quang Nam
+; Central Highlands
+Kon Tum
+); South
+Dong Nai
+. New record for
\ No newline at end of file
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rename from data/03/CC/87/03CC878ACC4AF357FD99FC6FFE4D85DF.xml
rename to data/03/CC/87/03CC878ACC4AF357FD99FC6FFE8F81C4.xml
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@@ -1,54 +1,53 @@
-Two new species of Afroarabiella Yakovlev, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Sudan and Ethiopia
+Two new species of Afroarabiella Yakovlev, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Sudan and Ethiopia
-Yakovlev, Roman V.
-Altai State University, South Siberian Botanical Garden, Lenina pr. 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. & Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 18 B 1 DBFC- 045 D- 4 FDB-A 872 - F 32854180441 & Corresponding author: yakovlev _ asu @ mail. ru
+Yakovlev, Roman V.
+Altai State University, South Siberian Botanical Garden, Lenina pr. 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. & Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia.
-Witt, Thomas J.
-Museum Witt, Tengstrasse 33, D- 80796, Munich, Germany. & Email: thomas @ witt-thomas. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 13 CF 2 AA-AA 3 B- 4 B 13 - B 1 DF-DE 8 DCCD 54 C 57
+Witt, Thomas J.
+Museum Witt, Tengstrasse 33, D- 80796, Munich, Germany.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -57,15 +56,21 @@
sp. nov.
-Figs 10, 12, 14, 16.
+Figs 10,
+, 16.
@@ -101,18 +106,16 @@ but differs from it by the following features: the grey costal margin of the for
Material examined
-: ³, env.
-SE Bahr
+, env.
+SE Bahr al Azraq
Wad Madini
@@ -129,25 +132,37 @@ al
, leg.
Harald Sulak
-(Museum Witt, Munich; GenPr Heterocera MWM 25.289).
+(Museum Witt, Munich; GenPr Heterocera
+MWM 25.289
-: 1 ³, Province of Nahr on the Nile,
-390 m
+1 ♂
+Province of Nahr on the Nile
+390 m
16º25.189 N
33º14.575 E
-20 Mar. 2010
-, leg. Harald Sulak (Museum Witt, Munich).
+20 Mar. 2010
+, leg.
+Harald Sulak
+(Museum Witt, Munich).
@@ -188,7 +203,7 @@ is a little smaller. Length of fore wing
@@ -202,36 +217,14 @@ and
Nahr an Nil
Flight period
-Figs 12¯13.
-species (male genitalia).
-A. sulaki
-sp. nov.
-, male genitalia.
-A. strohlei
-sp. nov.
-, male genitalia
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/data/03/CC/87/03CC878ACC4CF352FD90FEE5FE808700.xml
+++ b/data/03/CC/87/03CC878ACC4CF352FD90FEE5FE808700.xml
@@ -1,54 +1,53 @@
-Two new species of Afroarabiella Yakovlev, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Sudan and Ethiopia
+Two new species of Afroarabiella Yakovlev, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Cossidae) from Sudan and Ethiopia
-Yakovlev, Roman V.
-Altai State University, South Siberian Botanical Garden, Lenina pr. 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. & Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 18 B 1 DBFC- 045 D- 4 FDB-A 872 - F 32854180441 & Corresponding author: yakovlev _ asu @ mail. ru
+Yakovlev, Roman V.
+Altai State University, South Siberian Botanical Garden, Lenina pr. 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. & Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia.
-Witt, Thomas J.
-Museum Witt, Tengstrasse 33, D- 80796, Munich, Germany. & Email: thomas @ witt-thomas. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: C 13 CF 2 AA-AA 3 B- 4 B 13 - B 1 DF-DE 8 DCCD 54 C 57
+Witt, Thomas J.
+Museum Witt, Tengstrasse 33, D- 80796, Munich, Germany.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -57,17 +56,23 @@
sp. nov.
+Figs 11,
-Figs 11, 13, 15¯16
@@ -84,8 +89,10 @@ is distinctive compared to other
species by virtue of its very dark wings and the male genitalia structure: the strongly tapered phallus in its basal third and the sickleshaped cornutus slightly tapered at apex.
-Figs 14¯15.
+Figs 14-15.
@@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ locality (photo by H. Sulak).
locality (photo by M. Ströhle).
@@ -126,13 +133,11 @@ locality (photo by M. Ströhle).
Material examined
: ³,
@@ -146,29 +151,28 @@ locality (photo by M. Ströhle).
920 m
-, 21¯
-24 Jan. 2015
+24 Jan. 2015
, leg.
-(collection of
-M. Ströhle
-; Coss-MSW/2015/31).
+(collection of M. Ströhle, Weiden;
-: 1 ³, same data as
-(collection of M. Ströhle, Weiden).
+³, same data as holotype (collection of M. Ströhle, Weiden).
@@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ the same size as the
@@ -230,6 +234,8 @@ the same size as the
and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR).
Flight period
diff --git a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8CFE7FF95EFD385231.xml b/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8CFE7FF95EFD385231.xml
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--- a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8CFE7FF95EFD385231.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
-Moritz, Leif
-Wesener, Thomas
-European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
-de Saussure & Zehntner, 1902
-For a recent revision, see
-et al.
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similarity index 61%
rename from data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8EFF22F8D8FAA254A4.xml
rename to data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8EFE7FF95EFAA254A4.xml
index d5839f02ac8..f005240223b 100644
--- a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8EFF22F8D8FAA254A4.xml
+++ b/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF5FF8EFE7FF95EFAA254A4.xml
@@ -1,49 +1,71 @@
-Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
+Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
-Moritz, Leif
+Moritz, Leif
-Wesener, Thomas
+Wesener, Thomas
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
+de Saussure & Zehntner, 1902
+For a recent revision, see
+et al.
@@ -55,38 +77,60 @@
-1. Male harp on the anterior telopod with 3 stridulation ribs …………………………………………2 – Male harp on the anterior telopod with 4–6 stridulation ribs ………………………………………7
+1. Male harp on the anterior telopod with 3 stridulation ribs …………………………………………2
+– Male harp on the anterior telopod with 4–6 stridulation ribs ………………………………………7
2. Body length <
20 mm
. Mid-body legs without a coxal lobe. Endotergum with single row of marginal bristles. Immovable finger of posterior telopod slender, apically strongly curved like a hook. Colour pink or brown ………………………………………………………………………………………3
– Body length>
20 mm
. Mid-body legs at least with a weak coxal lobe. Endotergum usually with at least two, rarely only one
S. titanus
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
) row of marginal bristles. Immovable finger of posterior telopod at least basally wide. Colour black or brown …………4
3. Colour pink, surface shiny. Process of telopoditomere 2 of anterior telopods in anterior view visible laterally. Littoral forest of Mandena and rainforest of Enato …………………………… ……………………………………………………………
S. inexpectatus
-Wesener & Sierwald, 2005
+Wesener & Sierwald, 2005
– Colour light brown, surface dull. Process of telopoditomere 2 of anterior telopods in anterior view not visible. Littoral forest of Sainte Luce, fragment S8 ………………
S. saintelucei
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
4. Body length>
, light brown. Endotergum with single row of marginal bristles. Movable finger of posterior telopod straight (
@@ -94,40 +138,55 @@
). Lowland forest of Manombo ……
S. titanus
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
– Body length
21–28 mm
, black or dark brown. Endotergum with two rows of marginal bristles. Movable finger of posterior telopod curved ………………………………………………………5
5. Mid-body legs with strongly developed coxal process. Tergite surface shiny. Littoral forest of Sainte Luce, fragment S9 …………………………………………
S. splendidus
-Wesener &
-Sierwald, 2005
+Wesener & Sierwald, 2005
-– Mid-body legs with barely developed coxal process. Tergite surface dull …………………………6
+– Mid-body legs with barely developed coxal process. Tergite surface dull …………………………6
6. Endotergum with strongly developed cuticular patterns. Movable finger of posterior telopod without small pits, carrying 20–22 crenulated teeth. Andohahela mountain chain, Manantantely, Malio and Isaka-Ivondro ……………………………………………
S. andohahela
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
– Endotergum with weakly developed cuticular patterns. Movable finger of posterior telopod covered with small pits, carrying 23 or 24 crenulated teeth. Inside Grotte d’Andrahomana and in deep ravines N of Ankapaky ……………………………………………………
S. andrahomana
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
7. Unique black pattern on orange-reddish basic colour. Harp with 5 ribs. Endotergum with three rows of marginal bristles. Widespread in the SW spiny forest ……
@@ -136,38 +195,58 @@ S.
(Saussure & Zehntner, 1897)
-– Colour different, either uniformly black or brown. Rainforest species ……………………………8
+– Colour different, either uniformly black or brown. Rainforest species ……………………………8
8. Harp with 4 stridulation ribs. Endotergum with two rows of marginal bristles, not reaching tergite margin. Operculum well-rounded. Dark brown to black species. Lavasoa Mountain ……… ……………………………………………………………………………
S. lavasoa
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
-– Harp with 5 or 6 stridulation ribs. Endotergum with one to three rows of marginal bristles …9
+– Harp with 5 or 6 stridulation ribs. Endotergum with one to three rows of marginal bristles …9
9. Harp with 5 stridulation ribs (
Fig. 5D
). Movable finger of posterior telopod with one or two membranous lobes. Marginal bristles of endotergum protruding beyond tergite margin (
Fig. 4B
) …10
– Harp with 6 stridulation ribs (
). Movable finger of posterior telopod with two membranous lobes (
Fig. 9G
) ……………………………………………………………………………………11
10. Operculum apically recessed. Medium-sized species. Movable finger of posterior telopod with single membranous lobe and 26 crenulated teeth. Eyes with>60 ocelli. Rudimentary lateral palpi consisting of 3 sensilla. Vevembe-Vatovavy area …
S. vatovavy
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
– Operculum well-rounded, typical for genus (
Fig. 6A
). Gigantic species (>
@@ -181,15 +260,21 @@ S.
S. kalambatritra
sp. nov.
11. Small, black species, red legs. Endotergum with single sparse row of very short marginal bristles. Posterior telopod with four spines and 36 crenulated teeth. Ivohibe Mountain ………… ……………………………………………………………………………
S. ivohibe
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
– Gigantic (>
50 mm
), brown species. Endotergum with two dense rows of long marginal bristles (
@@ -201,8 +286,10 @@ S.
S. midongy
sp. nov.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF7FF84FDA8FDBAFD895369.xml b/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF7FF84FDA8FDBAFD895369.xml
index db601b1fa50..c90305c81fe 100644
--- a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFF7FF84FDA8FDBAFD895369.xml
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@@ -1,49 +1,47 @@
-Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
+Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
-Moritz, Leif
+Moritz, Leif
-Wesener, Thomas
+Wesener, Thomas
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -52,7 +50,8 @@
sp. nov.
@@ -63,9 +62,7 @@ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:620
@@ -91,12 +88,11 @@ in having five stridulation ribs on the male harp (as in
S. vatovavy
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
) in the following characters: tarsus of leg 3 without an apical spine, coxal process almost absent, posterior telopod with two membranous lobes.>80 ocelli.
@@ -114,23 +110,19 @@ The specific epithet ‘kalambatritra’, noun in apposition, refers to the type
Material examined
(3 ♂♂, 1 ♀)
-Toliaria, Réserve Spéciale Kalambatritra, Befarara
-, BLF21330,
-23°25′04″ S
-46°26′52″ E
+Réserve Spéciale Kalambatritra, Befarara
+, BLF21330, 23°25′04″ S, 46°26′52″ E,alt.
@@ -139,7 +131,9 @@ The specific epithet ‘kalambatritra’, noun in apposition, refers to the type
B.L. Fisher
@@ -149,41 +143,41 @@ leg.,
CASENT 9068297-A
, same collection data as for holotype (
+1 ♂
, same collection data as for holotype (
-CASENT 9068297-C
+CASENT 9068297-
+1 ♀
-Toliaria, Réserve Spéciale Kalambatritra, Ampanihy
-46°27′47″ E
+Réserve Spéciale Kalambatritra, Ampanihy
+, BLF21565, 23°27′49″S, 46°27′47″ E,alt.
@@ -469,7 +463,6 @@ FEMALE SEXUAL CHARACTERS. Vulva massive. Operculum well-rounded, protruding up t
diff --git a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFFDFF98FDC9F9FAFA8F5673.xml b/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFFDFF98FDC9F9FAFA8F5673.xml
index 09e3856bde2..a70512ca970 100644
--- a/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFFDFF98FDC9F9FAFA8F5673.xml
+++ b/data/08/12/4C/08124C2AFFFDFF98FDC9F9FAFA8F5673.xml
@@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
-Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
+Integrative description of two new species of Malagasy chirping giant pill-millipedes, genus Sphaeromimus (Diplopoda: Sphaerotheriida: Arthrosphaeridae)
-Moritz, Leif
+Moritz, Leif
-Wesener, Thomas
+Wesener, Thomas
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -51,6 +50,8 @@
sp. nov.
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ long. Differing from the only known species of
with six stridulation ribs on the male harp (
S. ivohibe
-Wesener, 2014
+Wesener, 2014
), with which it also shares the two lobes on the movable finger of the posterior telopod, in the following characters: large difference in size and colour pattern, a densely pubescent male gonopore, legs 4–21 with 14 or 15 ventral spines (
12 in
@@ -107,29 +108,21 @@ with six stridulation ribs on the male harp (
(1 ♂)
: 1
, Province de
-Parc National de Midongy-Befotaka,
+Parc National de Midongy-Befotaka
-SW of Befotaka village, VS-1536
-23°53.3′ S
-46°53.8′ E
+SW of Befotaka village, VS-1536, 23°53.3′ S, 46°53.8′ E,
@@ -144,8 +137,8 @@ alt.,
leg. (
FMNH-INS 3119888
@@ -209,15 +202,13 @@ STIGMATIC PLATES. First stigma-carrying plate with a well-rounded, projecting ap
FIRST PLEURITE. First pleurite laterally well-rounded, without extensions.
LEGS. Leg 1 with 4, 2 with 5 ventral spines and no apical spine; leg 3 with 10 ventral spines and a short apical spine. Leg pairs 4–21 with 14 or 15 ventral spines. Coxa process weakly developed, with small, black, triangular spines (
Fig. 9C
-). Femur 1.5, tarsus 3.5 times as long as wide. All podomeres
+). Femur 1.5, tarsus 3.5 times as long as wide. All podomeres densely pubescent (
+Fig. 9C
+). Toothed ridge of femur ca ⅔ length of femur, with 40 small teeth, distally increasing in size. Coxa in anterior aspect basally with a row of teeth, similar to toothed ridge on femur.
Fig. 8.
@@ -231,13 +222,6 @@ sp. nov., SEM of endotergum, ♂, holotype (FMNH-INS 3119888).
. Margin of endotergum, detail. Abbreviations: (1) = inner part; (2) = middle part; (3) = outer part.
-densely pubescent (
-Fig. 9C
-). Toothed ridge of femur ca ⅔ length of femur, with 40 small teeth, distally increasing in size. Coxa in anterior aspect basally with a row of teeth, similar to toothed ridge on femur.
MALE GONOPORE. Male gonopore densely pubescent, shape typical for genus (
Fig. 9B
diff --git a/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E08FFC97E869B4EFAA9FA87.xml b/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E08FFC97E869B4EFAA9FA87.xml
index 40d538104de..2d57905a7c3 100644
--- a/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E08FFC97E869B4EFAA9FA87.xml
+++ b/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E08FFC97E869B4EFAA9FA87.xml
@@ -1,59 +1,61 @@
-A new mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) from the early Eocene London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex, United Kingdom) constitutes a morphological link between sandcoleids and coliids
+A new mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) from the early Eocene London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex, United Kingdom) constitutes a morphological link between sandcoleids and coliids
-Mayr, Gerald
-Ornithological Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) gerald. mayr @ senckenberg. de
+Mayr, Gerald
+Ornithological Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) gerald. mayr @ senckenberg. de
-Kitchener, Andrew C.
-Department of Natural Sciences, National Museums Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH 1 1 JF (United Kingdom) and School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9 XP (United Kingdom)
+Kitchener, Andrew C.
+Department of Natural Sciences, National Museums Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH 1 1 JF (United Kingdom) and School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9 XP (United Kingdom)
-journal article
+journal article
Ypresicolius sandcoleiformis
n. gen., n. sp.
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:
. —
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ from the early Eocene of Walton-on-the-Naze (NMS.Z.2021.40.182), proximal end of
. —
Fig. 1B
diff --git a/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E0BFFC57C36994FFCA9F861.xml b/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E0BFFC57C36994FFCA9F861.xml
index 2008724a010..e482227c0cb 100644
--- a/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E0BFFC57C36994FFCA9F861.xml
+++ b/data/23/2A/A5/232AA5584E0BFFC57C36994FFCA9F861.xml
@@ -1,60 +1,62 @@
-A new mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) from the early Eocene London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex, United Kingdom) constitutes a morphological link between sandcoleids and coliids
+A new mousebird (Aves, Coliiformes) from the early Eocene London Clay of Walton-on-the-Naze (Essex, United Kingdom) constitutes a morphological link between sandcoleids and coliids
-Mayr, Gerald
-Ornithological Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) gerald. mayr @ senckenberg. de
+Mayr, Gerald
+Ornithological Section, Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum Frankfurt, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) gerald. mayr @ senckenberg. de
-Kitchener, Andrew C.
-Department of Natural Sciences, National Museums Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH 1 1 JF (United Kingdom) and School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9 XP (United Kingdom)
+Kitchener, Andrew C.
+Department of Natural Sciences, National Museums Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh EH 1 1 JF (United Kingdom) and School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9 XP (United Kingdom)
-journal article
+journal article
n. gen.
diff --git a/data/A0/40/87/A04087AFFFC3FFEE9BFF33F098F6C891.xml b/data/A0/40/87/A04087AFFFC3FFEE9BFF33F098F6C891.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00259969def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/A0/40/87/A04087AFFFC3FFEE9BFF33F098F6C891.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+A new species of Aphis Linnaeus, 1758 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the northwestern Türkiye with a key to the species of the subgenus Bursaphis Baker, 1934
+Kök, Şahin
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Karabacak, Ersin
+Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Yaşar, İpek
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Kasap, İsmail
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Barjadze, Shalva
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Giorgi Tsereteli 3, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+journal article
+Kök & Barjadze
+sp. nov.
+Figs 2–8
+Table 2
+Type material.
+. Apterous viviparous female,
+Çanakkale Province
+, Susuztepe region, Ida Mountains (
+Fig. 1
+), 39°43’43.0”N 26°51’37.4”E,
+1392 m
+Papaver pilosum
+), leg. Ş. Kök, slide code: K-23-92-1, the specimen number 2 on the bottom right part of the slide with
+5 paratypes
+. (n=8)
+Five apterous viviparous females on the same slide with holotype, the specimens numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+; three apterous viviparous females on one slide, the same locality, host plant, sampling date and collector as in holotype, slide code: K-23-92-2, the specimen numbers 7, 8, 9,
+Description. Apterous viviparous female (n=9)
+Colour in life
+:Apterae are yellowish green to dull green, while nymphs are mostly yellowish green.
+Pigmentation on slide
+: ANT I–IV pale, apical half of ANT V and all of ANT VI dusky to dark brown; head, clypeus, coxa and tarsi dusky; URS pale to dusky; femur and tibia pale with dusky apices; dorsum of abdomen reticulated and sclerotized; ABD TERG I–VI with intersegmental muscle sclerites; ABD TERG IV and V usually with pair of brown spinopleural sclerites of different shapes - sclerites located on the same tergites or adjacent sclerites on ABD TERG IV and V sometimes merged; stigmal plates brown; SIPH, cauda, subgenital and anal plates pale or dark brown; dusky transverse bands present on ABD TERG VII and VIII (
+Figs 3–8
+Body oval (
+Fig. 6
+). Frons w-shaped with rounded medial frontal tubercle. ANT tubercles slightly lower than medial frontal tubercle. ANT 6-segmented (
+Fig. 3
+). ANT 0.55–0.60 × BL and 2.15–2.38 × Head W respectively. ANT tubercles slightly lower than medial frontal tubercle. ANT I–II smooth, ANT III–VI imbricated. Antennal chaetotaxy: ANT I with 2–4, ANT II with 3–5, ANT III with 3–5, ANT IV with 2–3, ANT V with 1–4, ANT VI with 2–4 basal, 4 apical and 1–2 setae along the PT. MSL on ANT III 0.37–0.58 × ANT III BD. Sec. rhin. always absent on ANT III–V. PT 2.26–2.98 × ANT VI b, 1.50–2.05 × ANT V, 1.42–2.40 × ANT IV, 0.92–1.23 × ANT III and 0.48–0.63 × Head W respectively. ANT VI b 0.36–0.46 × ANT III, ANT VI 1.32–1.57 × ANT III, ANT V 0.53–0.61 × ANT III, ANT IV 0.46–0.64 × ANT III. ANT IV 0.85–1.11 × ANT V. MSL on frons 0.57–0.81 × ANT III BD. Rostrum relatively long, reaching to hind coxae. URS with 5–6 long, fine and point accessory setae (
+Fig. 7
+). URS L 1.46–1.60 × HT II L, 2.93–3.16 × URS W, 0.67–0.88 × PT, 1.89–2.14 × ANT VI b, 0.42–0.44 × Head W respectively. Setae on abdominal dorsum short and blunt, while ventral setae on abdomen are pointed and longer than dorsal ones. Length of posterior setae on middle trochanter 0.50–0.66 × diameter of trochantro-femoral suture. Length of longest dorsal setae on middle femur 0.21–0.27 × diameter of the same segment. HFEM 0.23–0.26 × BL and 0.90–1.03 × Head W respectively. HTIB 0.40–0.46 × BL and 1.59–1.78 × Head W respectively. First tarsal chaetotaxy: 3:3:2. HT II distinctly imbricated (
+Fig. 5
+). Marginal tubercles present on ABD TERG I and VII, and also 2–8 small ones sporadically present on ABD TERG II–VI. Diameter of marginal tubercle on ABD TERG I 1.07– 1.38 × ANT III BD and 1.88–2.67 × length of marginal seta on ABD TERG I respectively. Diameter of marginal tubercle on ABD TERG VII 1.33–1.81 × ANT III BD. Prothoracic marginal tubercles bigger than triommatidia and those on ABD TERG I and VII. MSL on ABD TERG III and ABD TERG VIII 0.37–0.62 and 0.70–1.00 × ANT III BD respectively. SIPH uniformly dark, tapering, imbricated with marked flange (
+Figs 4, 6
+). SIPH L 0.16–0.18 × BL, 0.63–0.71 × Head W, 1.08–1.32 × PT, 2.91–3.36 × ANT VI b, 1.15–1.41 × ANT III, 1.52–1.70 × URS, 0.65–0.71 × HFEM, 2.26–2.50 × HT II L, and 1.61–1.86 × Cauda L respectively. Diameter in the middle of SIPH 0.19–0.23 × SIPH L. SIPH L 3.27–3.78 × SIPH basal W. Subgenital plate oval, with 4–7 setae on the discal part and 11–17 setae on the hind margin and with spinulose imbrications as anal plate. ABD TERG VIII with 2 setae. Cauda finger or tongue shaped, and carrying 3–9 curved setae and numerous strong dark spinules, Cauda L 1.40–1.58 × Cauda W, 0.09–0.11 × BL, 0.36–0.41 × Head W, 1.30–1.44 × HT II L respectively (
+Figs 6, 8
+). Metric and meristic features are presented in
+Table 2
+Metric characteristics of
+sp. nov.
+Measurements are given in millimetres. Mean value in measurements are bolded.
+ |
+Apterous viviparous females (n=9)
+ |
+ |
+Body length |
+ |
+1.997 |
+Body width |
+ |
+1.292 |
+Antenna length |
+ |
+1.106 |
+Antennal segment I length |
+ |
+0.082 |
+Antennal segment II length |
+ |
+0.077 |
+Antennal segment III length |
+ |
+0.261 |
+Maximal setal length on antennal segment III |
+ |
+0.014 |
+Antennal segment IV length |
+ |
+0.143 |
+Antennal segment V length |
+ |
+0.148 |
+Base of antennal segment VI length |
+ |
+0.100 |
+Processus terminalis length |
+ |
+0.295 |
+Antennal segment VI length |
+ |
+0.395 |
+Head width |
+ |
+0.471 |
+Maximal setal length on frons |
+ |
+0.021 |
+Ultimate rostral segments IV and V length |
+ |
+0.198 |
+Posterior setal length on middle trochanter |
+ |
+0.029 |
+Hind femur length |
+ |
+0.484 |
+Hind tibia length |
+ |
+0.801 |
+Second segment of hind tarsus length |
+ |
+0.136 |
+Marginal tubercle diameter on abdominal tergite I |
+ |
+0.034 |
+Maximal setal length on abdominal tergite I |
+ |
+0.013 |
+Maximal setal length on abdominal tergite III |
+ |
+0.016 |
+Marginal tubercle diameter on abdominal tergite VII |
+ |
+0.047 |
+Maximal setal length on abdominal tergite VIII |
+ |
+0.025 |
+Siphunculus length |
+ |
+0.336 |
+Cauda length |
+ |
+0.181 |
+Cauda basal width |
+ |
+0.123 |
+sp. nov.
+Sampling habitat in Türkiye, Çanakkale Province, Susuztepe region, Ida Mountains;
+Living individuals on the host plant. Photos by Şahin Kök.
+sp. nov.
+Apterous viviparous female.
+ANT (bar: 200 μm);
+SIPH (bar: 100 μm);
+HT I–II (bar: 100 μm);
+Habitus (bar: 500 μm);
+URS (bar: 100 μm);
+Cauda (bar: 100 μm).
+Note: All figures, except for Figs 3 and 7, were taken from the holotype. Figs 3 and 7 were taken from paratype specimens numbers 8 and 9 on slide K-23-92-2, respectively.
+The name of the new aphid species is dedicated to the Ida Mountains known as “Kaz Dağları” in the Turkish language, which have a rich endemic biodiversity and are located in the
+provinces in northwestern
+This new species feeds on inflorescences of
+Papaver pilosum
+). This is an ant-attended species. Alate viviparous females, sexual morphs and life cycle are unknown.
+It is known only from Ida Mountains, at
+1392 m
+. alt., Susuztepe region in
+Çanakkale Province
+Fig. 9
+Map showing the sampling site of
+sp. nov.
+Çanakkale Province, Türkiye.
+Differential diagnosis.
+Until now, the following species from the genus
+were reported on
+Koch, 1854
+Scopoli, 1763
+Glover, 1877
+Kaltenbach, 1843
+Theobald, 1914
+Holman 2009
+Blackman & Eastop 2024
+). Although
+van der Goot, 1912
+Theobald, 1926
+were reported on
+Papaver somniferum
+), they are considered as suspicious records by
+Blackman & Eastop (2024)
+sp. nov.
+is clearly different from the above-mentioned species belonging to the subgenus
+due to the presence of 5 or 6 accessory setae on URS, while all aphid species from the subgenus
+have 2 or rarely 3 accessory setae on URS (
+Nieto Nafria
+et al.
+). Besides, apterous viviparous females of the new species are distinguished from those of
+, and
+by the dark sclerotization of the abdominal dorsum: ABD TERG I–VI have intersegmental muscle sclerites and ABD TERG IV and V have usually a pair of brown spinopleural sclerites of different shapes in the new species, while the pigmentation of abdominal dorsum in front of SIPH is absent in all above-mentioned taxa except
+, which has often an extensive solid black shield from metanotum to ABD TERG VI (
+Stroyan 1984
+Heie 1986
+Apterous viviparous females of
+sp. nov.
+can be distinguished from those of all other species in the subgenus
+due to its characteristic abdominal pigmentation. All species of the subgenus
+have a rather reduced and indistinct pigmentation on the abdominal dorsum anterior to SIPH. Apterous viviparous females of the new species are distinguished from those of
+by the abdominal dark sclerotization: ABD TERG I–VI have intersegmental muscle sclerites and ABD TERG IV and V have usually a pair of brown spinopleural sclerites of different shapes in the new species (
+Fig. 6
+), while well-developed spinopleural sclerites are present on ABD TERG I–VI in
+Nieto Nafria
+et al.
+. Other differences between these two species are given in the identification key.
+Apterous viviparous females of the new species are distinguished from those of all remaining
+species by MSL ANT III/ANT III BD ratio:
+0.37–0.58 in
+the new species, while 0.7–4.0 in
+, and
+Remaudière 1993
+Blackman & Eastop 2024
+). It is not known if similar differences occur between apterous viviparous females of the new species and
+, since the latter was described based on fundatrices only, with long setae on ANT III, where MSL ANT III/ANT III BD ratio is 1.13–1.20 (
+Rakauskas 1996
+). Other differences between all
+species are given in the identification key.
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+A new species of Aphis Linnaeus, 1758 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the northwestern Türkiye with a key to the species of the subgenus Bursaphis Baker, 1934
+Kök, Şahin
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Karabacak, Ersin
+Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Yaşar, İpek
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Kasap, İsmail
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Barjadze, Shalva
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Giorgi Tsereteli 3, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+journal article
+Identification key for
+species based on apterous viviparous females
+This key is a modification of those by
+Remaudière (1993)
+Blackman & Eastop (2024)
+including a new species.
+1. Pigmentation present on ABD dorsum anterior to
+-. Pigmentation absent on ABD dorsum anterior to
+........................................................ 3
+2. URS 1.10–1.40 × HT II. MSL on ANT
+0.70–1.50 × ANT
+BD. On
+In Argentina
+Nieto Nafría, Ortego & Mier Durante, 2021
+-. URS 1.46–1.60 × HT II. MSL on ANT
+0.37–0.58 × ANT
+BD. On
+Papaver pilosum
+). In
+sp. nov.
+3. HT II remarkably smooth.
+occasionally with a few fine setae. On
+). In Europe
+............................. A. (
+Theobald, 1927
+-. HT II distinctly imbricated.
+without setae............................................................. 4
+4. HT II with 2, 2, 2 setae. On
+), and occasionally
+Penstemon (Plantaginaceae)
+. In
+Baker, 1934
+-. HT II with 3, 3, 3 or 3, 3, 2 setae......................................................................... 5
+5. Setae on ANT
+very long, fine and wavy, MSL 1.8–4.0 × ANT
+BD.......................................... 6
+-. Setae on ANT
+straight or curved, not fine and wavy, MSL shorter than ANT
+BD or 1.0–2.0 × ANT
+BD.......... 8
+0.13–0.23 mm
+long, 0.08–0.10 × BL, 0.8–1.0 × cauda L. On
+Ribes nigrum
+Robinson & Rojanavongse, 1976
+0.23–0.38 mm
+long, 0.12–0.25 × BL, and 1.0–2.2 × cauda L............................................... 7
+7. ABD
+as well as I and
+with well-developed MTu. On
+). In Europe, eastward to
+and west Siberia (
+Börner, 1940
+-. ABD
+only sporadically with small MTu. On
+Epilobium angustifolium
+). In North America, and possibly
+and east Siberia (
+Patch, 1914
+8. ABD
+bearing in total 1–10 MTu (only less than
+3 in
+some small specimens). On
+, mainly
+R. grossularia
+), and
+, especially
+E. montanum
+). In Europe, Central Asia,
+, across Siberia (
+) and in
+Kaltenbach, 1843
+-. ABD
+without MTu......................................................................... 9
+0.9–1.2 × Cauda L. URS with 9–14 accessory setae. On
+Epilobium hirsutum
+). In west
+, Africa (check several specimens)........................................................
+Martin 1982
+1.0–2.0 × Cauda L. URS with 6-10 accessory setae. In Holarctic and
+(check several specimens)......... 10
+10. Cauda 1.35–1.75 × URS. ANT and legs all rather dusky/dark. On
+Epilobium lanceolatum
+E. montanum
+). In Europe,
+, and introduced to North America........................
+Kaltenbach, 1843
+-. Cauda 1.00–1.35 × URS. ANT and legs usually paler........................................................ 11
+11. MSL on ANT
+shorter than ANT
+BD. On
+). In North America.................................................................................................
+Cook, 1984
+-. MSL on ANT
+longer than ANT
+BD................................................................. 12
+12. PT is more than
+0.21 mm
+; PT 1.9–2.5 × ANT
+b (usually more than 2). On
+) (
+) and
+). In Europe, North America..............................................................................................
+Oestlund, 1887
+-. PT is less than
+0.20 mm
+; PT 1.5–2.3 × ANT
+b (usually less than 2). On
+). In Northern and eastern Europe..................................................
+Rakauskas, 2007
+Mordvilko, 1932
+was excluded from the key, because it was described from fundatrices only (
+Rakauskas 1996
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+A new species of Aphis Linnaeus, 1758 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from the northwestern Türkiye with a key to the species of the subgenus Bursaphis Baker, 1934
+Kök, Şahin
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Karabacak, Ersin
+Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Yaşar, İpek
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Kasap, İsmail
+Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17020, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+Barjadze, Shalva
+Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Institute of Zoology, Ilia State University, Giorgi Tsereteli 3, 0162, Tbilisi, Georgia & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye & Lâpseki Vocational School, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, 17800, Lâpseki, Çanakkale, Türkiye
+journal article
+Taxonomic note on
+Mordvilko, 1932
+Aphis popovi
+Mordvilko, 1932: 291
+-living species from Yakutia (east
+) was described by
+Mordvilko (1932)
+based on fundatrices and their immature progeny, and was redescribed by
+Rakauskas (1996)
+based on
+material. This species was considered either as a member of the subgenus
+Remaudière & Remaudière 1997
+Holman 2009
+Blackman & Eastop 2024
+Favret 2024
+), or a member of the subgenus
+Baker (
+Blackman & Eastop 2006
+. It is worth mentioning that it was considered to belong to the
+Aphis grossulariae
+group in
+Blackman & Eastop (2024)
+, but that these authors did not classify it as a member of the subgenus
+. It is clear that
+belongs to the subgenus
+, because its fundatrices have 5–6 accessory setae on URS (
+Rakauskas 1996
+). We propose to transfer this species from the subgenus
+back to subgenus
+as it was suggested by
+Blackman & Eastop (2006)
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