+1 |
+Scutum and pleura with ground colour mostly orange-yellow (e. g. Fig.
+), if scutum with prominent dark median vitta (e. g. Fig.
+) then pleura darker in colouration (Figs
+ |
+ |
+– |
+Scutum and pleura with majority of surface brown to almost black (e. g. Figs
+), limited orange-yellow colouration
+ |
+ |
+2 |
+Notopleural area posterior to postpronotal lobe and anterior to transverse suture orange-yellow (e. g. Fig.
+), at most with a thin brown band along posterior edge of postpronotal lobe, no pruinosity in area
+ |
+ |
+– |
+Notopleural area posterior to postpronotal lobe and anterior to transverse suture with a brownish marking on surface (e. g. Fig.
+), appearing bluish- to silver-grey pruinose in dorsal view, brown in lateral view (dependent on viewing angle)
+ |
+ |
+3 |
+Scutum with a prominent dark median vitta (Fig.
+ |
+S. binominata
+(in part, ♀)
+ |
+– |
+Scutum without a median vitta (Fig.
+ |
+ |
+4 |
+Fore and hind tibiae dark brown to black; lateral margins of tergites 2–4 dark (Figs
+ |
+S. copelandi
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Fore and hind tibiae yellow to orange-yellow, some specimens with apical half of front tibia darker; lateral margins of tergites 2–4 concolorous with rest of abdomen or only lateral margin of tergite 2 a slightly darker colour (Figs
+ |
+S. agramma
+ |
+5 |
+Scutum with a prominent dark median vitta, sometimes with additional dark markings on pre- and postsutural lateral areas |
+ |
+– |
+Scutum at most with two feint dorsocentral bluish-grey pruinose vittae (e. g. Fig.
+ |
+ |
+6 |
+Scutum with additional dark markings on pre- and postsutural lateral areas in addition to notopleural marking (Fig.
+); fore tibia dark brown to almost black
+ |
+S. falsa
+ |
+– |
+Scutum without any additional pre- or postsutural dark markings apart from central vitta; fore and hind tibiae light brownish-yellow to orange-yellow (Figs
+ |
+S. monogramma
+ |
+7 |
+Wing stigma dark brown with similarly dark substigmal mark running down to base of cell
+); prescutellar area orange-yellow without any pruinosity; Madagascan endemic
+ |
+S. milloti
+ |
+– |
+Wing stigma light brown, with only some darker suffusions over posterior cells (Fig.
+); prescutellar area with bluish-grey pruinosity similar to that of notopleuron (Fig.
+); mainland Africa
+ |
+S. mulanjeensis
+sp. nov.
+ |
+8 |
+Wing stigma dark brown with similarly dark, but irregularly shaped substigmal mark running down to base of cell
+; at least apical third of wing with brown suffused appearance, area between substigmal mark and suffusion appearing to form a hyaline band (e. g. Figs
+ |
+ |
+– |
+Wing stigma variable, darker substigmal mark present or absent, if present, then brown suffusion runs up to or near it, not visually forming a clear hyaline band (e. g. Figs
+ |
+ |
+9 |
+Antennal 1
+flagellomere bilobate, c-shaped (Fig.
+13 a
+); Madagascan endemic
+ |
+S. bilobata
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Antennal 1
+flagellomere typical subreniform shape; mainland Africa
+ |
+ |
+10 |
+Upper occiput with a pair of well-developed dark markings that run down to occipital foramen (Fig.
+); mid femur dark brown, only yellow at extreme base and apex (Fig.
+); all abdominal tergites dark brown, without any posterior grey pruinose bands
+ |
+S. liberiaensis
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Upper occiput with narrower dark markings, either subrectangular or subtriangular; mid femur yellow, at most brownish on extreme base; tergite 1 with subtriangular dark marking, appearance of other tergites variable |
+ |
+11 |
+Upper occiput with a pair of narrow subrectangular dark markings (Fig.
+); mid femur yellow (Figs
+); abdominal tergites yellowish-brown to dark brown, tergite 1 with a subtriangular marking, tergite 2 in some specimens with a fenestrated appearance, at least tergites 3–5 with posterior grey pruinose bands
+ |
+S. freidbergi
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Upper occiput with a subtriangular pair of well-developed dark markings (Fig.
+); mid femur yellow, at most with extreme base dark; abdomen with orange-yellow appearance; elongated dark median and lateral markings on tergites 2 and 3, remaining tergites orange-yellow without external markings
+ |
+S. malavaensis
+sp. nov.
+ |
+12 |
+Mid femur brown on at least two-thirds of surface, fore femur yellow on over two-thirds of surface |
+ |
+– |
+Fore and mid femora yellow, at most brown on extreme apex and base |
+ |
+13 |
+Wing with dark brown suffusion more pronounced on anterior half, lighter on posterior half (Fig.
+); postpronotal lobe pale yellow; fore femur yellow on at least basal half to two-thirds, remaining apical third to half dark brown
+ |
+S. semiobscura
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Wing with brownish suffusion uniformly distributed over anterior and posterior half (Fig.
+); postpronotal lobe dark brown, at most with a slight orange-yellow colouration on lateral margin; fore femur dark brown on basal third or almost entirely yellow with only extreme apex and base brown
+ |
+S. bezzii
+ |
+14 |
+All coxae orange-yellow; hind femur orange-yellow on majority of surface, with small anterior apical dark mark, hind tibia and tarsi orange-yellow; occiput with pair of narrow dark subtriangular markings; ♂ cercus orange-yellow (♀ unknown) |
+S. nigromaculata
+ |
+– |
+Fore coxa variable, mid and hind coxae brown with some greyish pruinosity on at least anterior surface; hind femur with middle third with some degree of light infuscation to being blackish-brown, hind tibia and tarsi with some degree of overall infuscation; ♂ ♀ cercus darkened |
+ |
+15 |
+Antenna with 1
+flagellomere brown (Figs
+); postpronotal lobe and postalar callus pale orange-yellow, without pruinosity; at least tergites 1–5 with dark subtriangular medial markings; wing overall light brown suffused (Fig.
+) apparent darker suffused substigmal mark in ♂; Madagascan endemic
+ |
+S. pauliani
+ |
+– |
+Antenna with 1
+flagellomere orange-yellow; postpronotal lobe orange-brown to brown with greyish pruinosity, or dark brown without pruinosity, postalar callus colour variable; abdominal tergite markings variable, if dark, subtriangular then wing without apparent dark substigmal mark in ♂ ♀; mainland Africa
+ |
+ |
+16 |
+Hind femur with median third only slightly infuscated, if at all; wing with light brown stigma, wing membrane lightly and evenly brown suffused (Figs
+); abdominal tergites orange-yellow with blackish subtriangular median markings and similarly coloured lateral markings
+ |
+S. binominata
+(in part, ♂)
+ |
+– |
+Hind femur with median third blackish; wing with dark brown stigma, wing membrane darker brown suffused on apical half, with some cells having a small hyaline patch at their centres; abdominal tergite colour variable, but never with subtriangular markings |
+ |
+17 |
+Upper occiput with narrow subrectangular markings not reaching down past upper third of occiput (Fig.
+); tergites 1–5 each with a median longitudinal blackish marking flanked for most part by bluish-grey pruinosity, additionally tergites 3–5 each with a grey pruinose posterior band
+ |
+S. zombaensis
+sp. nov.
+ |
+– |
+Upper occiput with wide subrectangular markings running down to occipital foramen; tergite 1 appearing orange-yellow without any pruinosity, tergites 2 and 3 with a light brown dorsal marking appearing to cover most of dorsal surfaces; tergites 4 and 5 orange-yellow, with tergites 6 and 7 appearing to have brownish posterior margins, all tergites without apparent pruinosity (Fig.
+ |
+S. dimidiatipennis
+ |