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+A new species of the genus Dolichoderus Lund, 1831 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from a Late Eocene European amber
+Dubovikoff, D. A.
+St Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb., 7 / 9, St Petersburg 199178 Russia.
+Zharkov, D. M.
+St Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya emb., 7 / 9, St Petersburg 199178 Russia.
+Caucasian Entomological Bulletin
+Caucas. entomol. bull.
+journal article
+Dolichoderus jonasi
+Dubovikoff et Zharkov
+sp. n.
+Рис. 1‒12
+: рабочий,
+, ровенский янтарь.
+: рабочий,
+, ровенский янтарь;
+, ровенский иΛи баΛтийский янтарь;
+, ровенский иΛи баΛтийский янтарь.
+Рабочий. Размер окоΛо 7 мм. ГоΛова относитеΛьно узкая (CI 1.2), заметно сужающаяся за гΛазами, с равномерно выпукΛыми боками и выраженными затыΛочными угΛами (рис. 3). ЗатыΛочный край сΛабо вогнут. Αобные ваΛики сΛабо изогнуты и припоΑняты наΑ усиковой впаΑиной (рис. 3, 8, 9). ГоΛова за искΛючением кΛипеуса в ямчатой скуΛьптуре, ямки на боках гоΛовы (особенно заметно выше гΛаз) несут короткие тоΛстые приΛегающие щетинки. В центраΛьной части гоΛовы Αва ряΑа прямых ΑΛинных хет. На темени нескоΛько ΑΛинных хет. КΛипеус с поперечными параΛΛеΛьными прямыми морщинками и широкой негΛубокой вырезкой на переΑнем крае (рис. 3, 9). По бокам кΛипеуса и на манΑибуΛах отстоящие щетинки. ПриΛежащее опушение не развито. МанΑибуΛы с меΛкими зубцами по жеватеΛьному краю, апикаΛьный зубец нескоΛько крупнее остаΛьных. Скапусы относитеΛьно ΑΛинные, Αостигают затыΛочного края. Щупики ΑΛинные, максиΛΛярные Αостигают затыΛочного отверстия (рис. 7). 3‒5-й чΛеники максиΛΛярных щупиков прибΛизитеΛьно равны по ΑΛине. 1-й и 2-й чΛеники короткие. ФормуΛа щупиков 6: 4. ГруΑь в ямчатой скуΛьптуре, поΛностью покрывающей пронотум, мезонотум и верхнюю часть пропоΑеума (рис. 2, 8). МезопΛевры и нижняя часть пропоΑеума (ниже пропоΑеаΛьных ΑыхаΛец) гΛаΑкие (рис. 1, 7). Пронотум с парой шипов, направΛенных впереΑ и нескоΛько в стороны (рис. 2, 8). МезонотаΛьное вΑавΛение явное. Основная поверхность пропоΑеума сΛабо выпукΛая, с выраженным гребнем по заΑнему краю. Основная поверхность пропоΑеума прибΛизитеΛьно равна покатой. Покатая поверхность заметно вогнута, гΛаΑкая (рис. 1, 7). На ΑорсаΛьной части груΑи ΑΛинные хеты, распоΛоженные ряΑами, 4 на пронотуме (у гоΛотипа), 5‒6 на мезонотуме и 4‒6 в ряΑ (6 у гоΛотипа) на гребне пропоΑеума (рис. 1, 2). ПетиоΛь с высокой чешуйкой, нескоΛько сужающейся (виΑ сбоку) к вершине (рис. 1, 7). Хетотаксия брюшка преΑставΛена ΑΛинными прямыми хетами, распоΛоженными на заΑнем крае второго тергита брюшка и посΛеΑующих сегментах. Брюшко гΛаΑкое и бΛестящее.
+Промеры. HW 1.2 (1.25); HL 1.45 (1.49); FW 0.62 (0.63); CIW 0.9 (0.92); CIL 0.48 (0.49); SL 1.35 (1.38); PdL 0.23 (0.22); FI
+0.19 (0.21); FI
+0.2 (0.2); OL 0.33 (0.35); MdL 0.6 (0.62); WL 2.18 (2.27); PNW 0.97 (1); PNsW 1.03 (1.07); PtL 0.45 (0.46); PtH 0.7 (0.71); PtW 0.5 (0.51); HFL 1.52 (1.6); HTL 1.26 (1.31); PrdL 0.65 (0.69); PrdH 0.89 (0.91); GL 1.94 (2.07); TL 6.63 (6.9).
+ИнΑексы. CI 1.21 (1.19); SI
+0.93 (0.92); SI
+1.13 (1.1); FLI 0.52 (0.5); OI
+0.23 (0.23); OI
+0.28 (0.28); MandI 0.42 (0.41); PI
+0.65 (0.64); PI
+0.92 (0.89); MI 2.25 (2.26); PRI 0.74 (0.75).
+Самец. Размер окоΛо 6 мм. ГоΛова и верхняя часть груΑи в ямчатой скуΛьптуре. Бока груΑи, петиоΛь и брюшко гΛаΑкие. Ямчатая скуΛьптура на гоΛове нескоΛько сгΛажена по сравнению с таковой на груΑи. Ямки не такие гΛубокие, расстояние межΑу ними боΛьше Αиаметра ямки на Λбу и менее иΛи равно на темени и затыΛке. Αобные ваΛики ΑуговиΑно изогнуты, широко расхоΑящиеся. ГΛаза крупные. КΛипеус со среΑинной вырезкой, ямчатая скуΛьптура на нем такая же, как на Λбу. Скапусы короткие, ΑΛина скапуса нескоΛько меньше максимаΛьного Αиаметра гΛаза (рис. 4, 10). 1-й и 2-й чΛеники жгутика антенны прибΛизитеΛьно равны по ΑΛине и Λишь немногим короче скапуса. МанΑибуΛы широкие, с многочисΛенными меΛкими зубчиками по жеватеΛьному краю, образующими пиΛьчатый край, перехоΑящий на основную поверхность манΑибуΛы (рис. 4). Щупики ΑΛинные, максиΛΛярные Αостигают затыΛочного отверстия, формуΛа щупиков 6: 4 (рис. 11). Отстоящие воΛоски имеются тоΛько на манΑибуΛах и щеках. Поверхность гоΛовы межΑу ямками гΛаΑкая, приΛежащее опушение отсутствует. Пронотум с парой зубцов, направΛенных впереΑ и нескоΛько в стороны. СкуΛьптура верхней части груΑи (максимаΛьно выражена на скутуме и скутеΛΛюме) ямчатая, расстояние межΑу ямками меньше иΛи равно их Αиаметру. ПарапсиΑаΛьные швы развиты (рис. 6). Бока груΑи сгΛажены. Основная поверхность пропоΑеума и его бока прибΛизитеΛьно Αо уровня пропоΑеаΛьных ΑыхаΛец в ямчатой скуΛьптуре, ниже бока пропоΑеума гΛаΑкие. ПропоΑеум широко закругΛен, угоΛ межΑу основной и покатой поверхностью выражен сΛабо. ПетиоΛь с невысоким широким и тоΛстым узеΛком (рис. 6, 11, 12). Брюшко гΛаΑкое и бΛестящее, приΛежащее опушение развито крайне сΛабо. Отстоящие воΛоски имеются тоΛько на посΛеΑних сегментах брюшка. ГенитаΛии маΛенькие, скрыты в сегментах брюшка. Парамеры широкие. СубгенитаΛьная пΛастинка с выпукΛым краем, без вырезки (рис. 5). ЖиΛкование крыΛа типичное ΑΛя роΑа. МеΑиакубитаΛьная (mcu) ячейка кваΑратная, ячейка rm треугоΛьная (в виΑе равнобеΑренного треугоΛьника), сΛабо стебеΛьчатая (участок жиΛки RS + M заметен), ячейка 3r замкнута, с руΑиментом жиΛки R + RS, нескоΛько отхоΑящим от края крыΛа (рис. 11).
+Промеры. HW 0.94; HL 0.98; FW 0.36; CIW 0.58; CIL 0.35; SL 0.38; PdL 0.13; FI
+0.36; FI
+0.34; OL 0.53; MdL 0.41; WL 2.01; ScL 0.98; ScW 0.88; SctL 0.41; SctW 0.43; PNW 1; PNsW 0.88; PtL 0.47; PtH 0.41; PtW 0.42; HFL 1.33; HTL 1.16; PrdL 0.77; PrdH 0.85; GL 1.73; TL 5.6.
+ИнΑексы. CI 1.04; SI
+0.39; SI
+0.4; FLI 0.38; OI
+0.54; OI
+0.56; MandI 0.42; PI
+1.17; PI
+1.13; MI 2.02; PRI 0.91; Sc 1.1; Sct 0.95.
+СравнитеΛьный Áиагноз.
+Описываемый виΑ не может быть отнесен ни к оΑной из групп виΑов, выΑеΛенных в роΑе. От всех виΑов, описанных из позΑнеэоценовых европейских янтарей,
+D. jonasi
+sp. n.
+отΛичается наΛичием пронотаΛьных зубцов и строением пропоΑеума. Схожее строение пропоΑеума (наΛичие хитинового гребня иΛи ваΛика по заΑнему краю основной поверхности) отмечено у виΑов группы
+, но у них основная поверхность пропоΑеума боΛее выпукΛая, отсутствует ряΑ крупных хет по ее заΑнему краю и отсутствуют шипы на пронотуме. Новый виΑ по цеΛому ряΑу признаков схож с преΑставитеΛями компΛексов
+(бывший роΑ/поΑроΑ
+Roger, 1862
+), обитающими в Южной и ЦентраΛьной Америке. У рецентных виΑов, известных из Старого Света, и у
+из европейских позΑнеэоценовых янтарей есΛи имеются шипы иΛи зубцы на пронотуме, то и на пропоΑеуме имеются крупные, часто загнутые шипы, отсутствующие у описываемого виΑа. У виΑов компΛекса
+отсутствуют выраженные заостренные зубцы на пронотуме, заметно сужены с боков мезонотум и пропоΑеум, отсутствует выраженная скуΛьптура из крупных ямок на гоΛове и груΑи. У преΑставитеΛей компΛекса
+присутствует скуΛьптура в виΑе крупный ямок, но на пронотуме имеются Λишь угΛы иΛи небоΛьшие зубцы, а ΑорсаΛьная поверхность груΑи упΛощена (про-, мезонотум и основная поверхность пропоΑеума нахоΑятся на оΑном уровне), кроме того, чешуйка петиоΛя явно упΛощена на вершине (виΑ сбоку) и имеет заостренную вершину, у
+D. jonasi
+sp. n.
+она Λишь нескоΛько утончается к верху. ПреΑставитеΛи компΛекса
+имеют в разной степени выраженный игΛообразный шип на чешуйке петиоΛя, отсутствующий у нового виΑа. И, наконец, компΛекс
+, виΑы которого имеют схожее с новым виΑом строение груΑи (начиΛие шипов на пронотуме, выраженное мезонотаΛьное вΑавΛение, ваΛик иΛи гребень по заΑнему краю основной поверхности пропоΑеума) и схожее строение чешуйки петиоΛя. ОΑнако
+D. jonasi
+sp. n.
+отΛичается от всех виΑов компΛекса резко выраженной ямчатой скуΛьптурой гоΛовы и груΑи (сгΛаженная у виΑов
+),сужающейся к заΑнему краю гоΛовой с выраженными затыΛочными угΛами (заметно расширяющейся у виΑов компΛекса), хетотаксией теΛа (крупные, тоΛстые прямые ΑΛинные хеты, распоΛоженные ряΑами у нового виΑа, и обиΛьное отстоящее опушение у виΑов компΛекса). От известных самцов компΛекса
+самец нового виΑа отΛичается сохранением пронотаΛьных шипов (у самцов боΛьшинства виΑов, чьи рабочие имеют пронотаΛьные шипы, они реΑуцируются), выраженной ямчатой скуΛьптурой гоΛовы и груΑи, петиоΛем с широким, сравнитеΛьно низким узеΛком (у Αругих сравниваемых виΑов, как правиΛо, он Αругой формы). ГенитаΛии самца нового виΑа, к сожаΛению, неΑостаточно хорошо сохраниΛись (мы стоΛкнуΛись со сΛожностями при их сегментации на микротомографических массивах, а на образце в янтаре они боΛьшей частью скрыты в брюшке и не виΑны), но по разΛичимым структурам можно преΑпоΛожить, что общий пΛан строения генитаΛий бΛизок к таковому у виΑов компΛексов
+Рис. 7–12.
+Dolichoderus jonasi
+sp. n.
+, паΛеонтоΛогические реконструкции (3D-моΑеΛи).
+7‒9 – рабочий JDC 9598, паратип; 10‒12 – самец JDC10581, паратип. 7, 11 ‒ виΑ сбоку; 8, 12 ‒ виΑ сверху; 9, 10 ‒ гоΛова. Pt ‒ птеростигма; mcu – меΑиокубитаΛьная ячейка; 1r + 2r – первая и вторая раΑиаΛьные ячейки; 3r – третья раΑиаΛьная ячейка; rm – раΑиомеΑиаΛьная ячейка; RS + M – отрезок жиΛки раΑиус сектор ‒ меΑиаΛьная; R + RS – отрезок жиΛки раΑиаΛьная ‒ раΑиус сектор.
+Figs 7‒12.
+Dolichoderus jonasi
+sp. n.
+, paleontological reconstructions (3D models).
+7‒9 – worker JDC 9598, paratype; 10‒12 – male JDC10581, paratype. 7, 11 ‒ lateral view; 8, 12 ‒ dorsal view; 9, 10 ‒ head. Pt – pterostigma; mcu – mediacubital cell; 1r + 2r – first and second radial cells; 3r – third radial cell; rm – radiomedial cell; RS + M – stem of radius sector – medial vein; R + RS – stem of radial – radius sector vein.
+На основании Αанного ΑифференциаΛьного Αиагноза мы преΑΛагаем выΑеΛить описываемый новый виΑ в отΑеΛьный компΛекс
+, бΛизкий к компΛексам
+(бывший роΑ/поΑроΑ
+Roger, 1862
+ВиΑ назван именем Йонаса Δамзена (Jonas Damzen), Λюбезно преΑоставившего материаΛ ΑΛя изучения.
+Dolichoderus jonasi
+sp. n.
+в европейском позΑнеэоценовом янтаре явΛяется еще оΑним из возможных свиΑетеΛьств связей фаун Европы и Америк в прошΛом.
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+K. D. Hyde
+, Nova Hedwigia 63 (1–2): 82 (1996)
+The genus
+was introduced by
+Hyde (1996)
+. The genus is characterized by immersed ascomata with blackened clypeus, ostiole at the centre, unitunicate, long-cylindrical asci with a J +, apical ring, and 1 - septate ascospores with striations, and covered with a thick mucilaginous sheath (
+Hyde 1996
+Li et al. 2022
+; Han et. 2024). In this study, we introduce a new species of
+Guizhou Province
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+Nigropunctata xiaohensis
+X. Zhou, K. Habib & Q. R. Li
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 5
+The specific epithet
+” refers to the geographical location, Xiaohe Village, where the
+specimen was collected.
+Guizhou Province
+Guiyang City
+Huaxi District
+Xiaohe Village
+, (
+25 ° 33 ' 10.46 " N
+105 ° 38 ' 22.57 " E
+), altitude:
+120 m
+, on bamboo,
+1 June 2023
+, Xin Zhou, Wenyu Zeng, 2023 XHC 1 (GMB 4503,
+, no culture was obtained);
+Saprobic on decaying bamboo culms.
+Sexual morph
+: Ascomata 320–380 × 340–400 μm (x ̄ = 352.7 × 360 μm, n = 10), immersed, solitary or scattered, appearing as small black dots, solitary, in cross-section globose to subglobose with a flattened base. Ostioles centrally, slightly, papillate, black, flush with the surface of the host. Peridium 15–25 µm thick, comprised of several layers, composed of thick-walled, dense, brown to hyaline, cells of
+textura angularis
+. Paraphyses 2.8–4.3 μm (x ̄ = 3.6 μm, n = 20) wide, longer than the asci, numerous, filamentous, curving, contain white intracellular material. Asci 85.5–140 × 11–18.5 μm (x ̄ = 120.2 × 15.5 μm, n = 20) 8 - spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, short-pedicellate, apically rounded, with a J +, discoid apical ring, measures 1.3–2.4 μm high, 3.5–5.0 μm wide (x ̄ = 1.8 × 4.4 μm, n = 10). Ascospores 11–21 × 6.5–10.5 μm (x ̄ = 17.8 × 8.1 μm, n = 30), L / W 2.2, uniseriate, unicellular, ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, dark brown to black, with rounded ends, covered with a thick mucilaginous sheath measuring 5–8 µm (x ̄ = 6.2 µm, n = 10), with a germ slit extending across the entire spore.
+Asexual morph
+: Undetermined.
+Nigropunctata xiaohensis
+(GMB 4503, holotype)
+ascoma on the surface of host
+cross-section of ascoma
+D, E
+longitudinal sections of ascomata
+a wedge-shaped, J + apical ring bluing in Melzer’s reagent
+L, M
+ascospores with germ slits. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (
+C, D
+); 100 μm (
+); 10 μm (
+Guizhou Province
+Guiyang City Huaxi District
+Xiaohe Village
+25 ° 33 ' 20.34 " N
+105 ° 38 ' 32.23 " E
+), altitude:
+120 m
+, on bamboo,
+4 June 2023
+, Xin Zhou, Wenyu Zeng, 2023 XHC 340 (
+GMB 4552
+In the phylogram (Fig.
+Nigropunctata xiaohensis
+formed a separate clade in
+s. str.
+N. xiaohensis
+N. complanate
+R. Sugita & Kaz. Tanaka (
+Sugita et al. 2024
+as both share similar size ascospore. However,
+N. complanate
+is distinguished by thick clypeus (75–90 μm high, 270–410 μm diam.), larger asci (130–175 × 13–20 μm), and an inverted hat-shaped apical ring. The
+sequences analysis of
+N. complanate
+N. xiaohensis
+reveals a sequence length of 496 base pairs, with an 84.3 % identity, and 9.1 % gap presence.
+Nigropunctata nigrocircularis
+Samarak. & K. D. Hyde
+differs in having larger ascomata (450–535 × 455–560 μm), longer asci (125–170 μm) and smaller ascospore averaging 15.5 × 6.4 μm with a 3–4.5 μm mucilaginous sheath (
+Samarakoon et al. 2022
+). The
+species of the genus,
+N. bambusicola
+Samarak. & K. D. Hyde
+differs in having smaller ascomata measuring 285–315 × 260–340 μm, smaller discoid-inverted hat-shaped ascal apical rings (1.7–2 × 4–4.8 μm), and ascospores measuring 13.5–17 × 5.5–9.5 μm, with a 2–6 μm mucilaginous sheath (
+Samarakoon et al. 2022
+). A recently reported new species from
+N. khalidii
+Y. P. Wu & Q. R. Li
+, differs by possessing larger ascomata (608–782 × 762–830 μm vs. 320–380 × 340–400 μm in
+N. xiaohensis
+), larger asci (146–173 × 8.6–13.6 µm vs. 85.5–140 × 11–18.5 μm in
+N. xiaohensis
+), and slightly smaller ascospores (14.8–18 × 6.3–9 µm) lacking a germ slit (
+Li et al. 2024
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+Arecophila gaofengensis
+X. Zhou, K. Habib & Q. R. Li
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 4
+The specific epithet
+” refers to the geographical location, Gaofeng Village, where the
+specimen was collected.
+Guizhou Province
+Anshun City
+Pingba District
+Gaofeng Town
+26 ° 33 ' 96.54 " N,
+106 ° 54 ' 20.37 " E
+, altitude:
+1250 m
+, on dead culms of bamboo,
+30 October 2023
+, Yulin Ren, 2023 GFZ 15 (GMB 4541,
+GMBC 4541
+, ex-type);
+Saprobic on the surface of dead bamboo culms, forming black round spots.
+Sexual morph
+: Ascomata 400–600 µm high, 600–900 µm diam, globose to subglobose, solitary, scattered, sometimes gregarious, immersed beneath blackened clypeus; clypeus well developed, black, coriaceous, ostiole at the center, weakly papillate. Peridium 13–20 μm wide, composed of thick walled, hyaline to brown cells,
+texture angularis
+. Paraphyses 2–3 µm (x ̄ = 2.6 µm, n = 20) wide, hyaline, numerous, filamentous, branched, septate. Asci 126–210 × 10–13.5 µm (x ̄ = 165 × 12.5 µm, n = 20), 8 - spored, unitunicate, long-cylindrical, short-pedicellate, with a J +, trapezoidal shape apical ring, bluing in Melzer’s reagent, 2.2–3.4 μm high, 3.6–4.2 μm diam. Ascospores 19–24.5 × 7–9.5 µm (x ̄ = 21.6 × 7.8 µm, n = 30), uniseriate, fusiform, brown, 1 - septate, septate at the center, slightly constricted septum, tapering at the ends, with longitudinal and sulcate striations, covered with a thick mucilaginous sheath measuring 3–8 µm (x ̄ = 6.3 µm, n = 10).
+Asexual morph
+: Undetermined.
+Culture characteristics.
+Ascospores germinating on
+within 36 hours and germ tubes produced from upper cells. Colonies growing fast on
+, reaching
+2 cm
+in 1 week at 28 ° C, effuse, velvety to hairy, nearly circular, irregular at the margin, white from above, pale yellowish white from below. Mycelium immersed in the media, composed of branched, septate, smooth-walled, hyaline, hyphae.
+Arecophila gaofengensis
+(GMB 4541, holotype)
+A, B
+ascomata immersed in bamboo host
+Cross-section of ascoma
+D, E
+longitudinal sections of ascomata
+a J + subapical ring staining by Melzer’s reagent
+asci with ascospores
+L – N
+ascospores surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (
+B – D
+); 100 μm (
+); 10 μm (
+F – N
+Guizhou Province
+Anshun City
+Pingba District
+Gaofeng Town
+26 ° 33 ' 95.44 " N,
+106 ° 54 ' 30.27 " E
+, altitude:
+1250 m
+, on dead culms of bamboo,
+30 October 2023
+, Yulin Ren, 2023 GFZ 530 (
+GMBC 4559
+, ex-paratype)
+In the phylogram (Fig.
+Arecophila gaofengensis
+formed a sister branch with
+A. xishuangbannaensis
+L. S. Han & D. Q. Dai
+with a low bootstrap values (69 / 0.86
+/ BI, Fig.
+Arecophila gaofengensis
+differs from
+A. xishuangbannaensis
+by its smaller ascospores (19–24.5 × 7–9.5 µm vs. 23–27 × 8.5–9.5 μm) and smaller asci (126–210 × 10–13.5 µm vs. 180–270 × 12–14 μm) (
+Han et al. 2024
+). The analysis of
+sequences for these two species reveals a sequence length of 471 base pairs, with a 92.8 % similarity, and a 2.1 % gap presence, indicating 437 matching positions. Morphologically, the new taxon is close to
+A. bambusae
+, but can be distinguished from
+A. bambusae
+by having larger asci (126–210 × 10.3–13.7 µm vs. 132.5–140 × 7.5–8 µm) and wider ascospores (19–24.5 × 7.1–9.5 µm vs. 19–22.5 × 5.5–7 µm) (
+Umali et al. 1999
+). Morphologically, the new species also resembles
+A. muroiana
+(I. Hino & Katum.) You Z. Wang et al. However
+, clypeus is absent in
+A. muroiana
+Li et al. 2022
+, while blackened clypeus was observed in
+A. gaofengensis
+. So, here we introduced it as a new species of
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+Samarak. & K. D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity
+112: 68, 2022.
+The genus
+, typified by
+N. bambusicola
+Samarak. & K. D. Hyde
+, has recently been classified into
+. The genus is characterized by immersed, solitary or scattered ascomata appearing as small black dots, unitunicate, cylindrical asci with a J +, discoid apical ring (
+Samarakoon et al. 2022
+). The genus is represented by seven species (
+; Accessed
+June 21, 2024
+). In this study, we introduce a new species of
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+Amphibambusa aureae
+X. Zhou, K. Habib & Q. R. Li
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 3
+Named after the host-specific epithet “
+Phyllostachys aureae
+Rivière & C. Rivière
+” from which the fungus was isolated.
+Guangxi Zhuang
+Autonomous Region
+Liangfengjiang Forest
+22 ° 43 ' 24.91 " N
+108 ° 26 ' 56.39 " E
+), altitude:
+99 m
+Phyllostachys aureae
+15 August 2023
+, Xin Zhou, Wenyu Zeng, 2023 LFJ 9 (GMB 4550,
+GMBC 4550
+, ex-type);
+Saprobic on dead culms of bamboo, forming black circular spots on the host surface.
+Sexual morph
+: Ascomata 660–860 μm wide, 520–630 μm high, immersed under host epidermis, solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose, visible as a black dot, ostiole at the center, with a neck, with an underdeveloped clypeus. Ostioles are centrally located, black, surrounded by white margin. Peridium 13–30 μm thick, outer brown to hyaline inner, cells
+textura angularis
+. Paraphyses 2–4.8 μm (x ̄ = 3.7 μm, n = 20) wide, longer than the asci, numerous, filamentous, colorless, branched, septate. Asci 90–190 × 9–18 μm (x ̄ = 148.5 × 13.1 μm, n = 20), 8 - spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, short-pedicellate, apically rounded, with a
++ subapical ring, 1.4–1.9 × 2.5–3.6 μm (x ̄ = 1.7 × 3.1 μm, n = 6). Ascospores 15–22.5 × 5–7.9 μm (x ̄ = 19 × 6.6 μm, n = 40),
+3.4, 1–2 seriate, fusiform, subhyaline, 1 - septate in the middle, slight constricted at the septum, with round ends, with longitudinal striations along the entire length of the ascospore, and enveloped by a gelatinous sheath 2.5–7 μm (x ̄ = 5.2 μm, n = 20), lacking appendage.
+Asexual morph
+: Undetermined.
+Culture characteristics.
+Cultured on
+medium at 27 °
+for 4–5 weeks, the colony diameter measures
+4–4.5 cm
+, round, slightly raised in the center, with a neat margin. The mycelium at the colony edge is degraded, appearing white and glossy.
+portion of the colony center is brown.
+Guangxi Zhuang
+Autonomous Region
+Liangfengjiang Forest
+22 ° 43 ' 20.90 " N
+108 ° 26 ' 33.52 " E
+), altitude:
+99 m
+Phyllostachys aureae
+15 August 2023
+, Xin Zhou, Wenyu Zeng, 2023 LFJ 190 (GMB 4561;
+GMBC 4561
+, ex-paratype)
+In the phylogram,
+Amphibambusa aureae
+4550) clustered in a distinct clade close to
+A. bambusicola
+D. Q. Dai & K. D. Hyde
+(ex-type: MFLLUCC 11–0617). The genus
+is represented by two species,
+A. hongheensis
+H. B. Jiang & Phookamsak
+A. bambusicola
+Amphibambusa aureae
+shares similarities with both species, such as ascomata immersed in a black clypeus, ostiolar openings surrounded by a white margin, cylindrical asci with a
++ subapical ring, and fusiform, longitudinally striated ascospores enveloped by a distinct mucilaginous sheath (
+Liu et al. 2015
+Jiang et al. 2021 a
+). However,
+A. aureae
+can be distinguished from
+A. bambusicola
+by its smaller ascospores (15–22.5 × 5–7.9 μm compared to 25–27 × 5.5–6 μm in
+A. bambusicola
+) (
+Liu et al. 2015
+). Additionally, ascospores of
+A. aureae
+have rounded ends and are slightly constricted at the septum, whereas those of
+A. bambusicola
+have pointed end cells and are deeply constricted at the septum.
+Amphibambusa hongheensis
+differs from
+A. aureae
+by having smaller asci (118–160 × 14–18 μm vs. 90–190 × 9–18 μm) and larger ascospores (25.5–33 × 5.5–7.2 μm vs. 15–22.5 × 5–7.9 μm) (
+Jiang et al. 2021 a
+Amphibambusa aureae
+(GMB 4550, holotype)
+type material
+ascoma immersed under the surface of host
+cross-section of ascoma
+D, E
+longitudinal sections of ascomata
+H, I
+a J + subapical ring bluing in Melzer’s reagent
+K – M
+culture on PDA. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (
+C, D
+); 100 μm (
+); 10 μm (
+F – M
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+Addition of three new species of Xylariomycetidae fungi on bamboo from Southern China
+Zhou, Xin
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Habib, Kamran
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China & The High Efficacy Application of Natural Medicinal Resources Engineering Centre of Guizhou Province (The Key Laboratory of Optimal Utilization of Natural Medicine Resources), School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guizhou Medical University, Gui’an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Zeng, Wenyu
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Ren, Yulin
+Department of Botany, Khushal Khan Khattak University, Karak, KP, 27200 Pakistan
+Shen, Xiangchun
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+Kang, Jichuan
+Engineering and Research Centre for Southwest Bio-Pharmaceutical, Resources of National Education Ministry of China, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550025, China
+Li, Qirui
+State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Gui'an, Guizhou, 561113, China
+journal article
+D. Q. Dai & K. D. Hyde Fungal Diversity
+72: 9, 2015.
+The genus
+was introduced by
+Liu et al. (2015)
+which is characterized by immersed, solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose ascomata, ostiole at the centre, surrounded by white margin, unitunicate, cylindrical, short-pedicellate asci with a J +, subapical ring, and fusiform, subhyaline, longitudinally striated, 1 - septate ascospores surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. Currently, the genus comprises two species:
+A. hongheensis
+H. B. Jiang & Phookamsak
+A. bambusicola
+D. Q. Dai & K. D. Hyde
+Liu et al. 2015
+Jiang et al. 2021 a
+). In this study, we introduce a new species of
+Guangxi Zhuang
+Autonomous Region,
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