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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Rhynchozoon krouzkovensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 141, Fig. 3-4
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooecia oval to hexagonal, with very large marginal areolar pores. Aperture semilunar to oval. Peristomes short forming an asymmetrical pseudo-spiramen. Small but prominent umbo situated on the proximal margin of the peristome. Suboral avicularia small, drop-like. Oral spines present, 2-4 on distal margin. Adventitious avicularia absent. Ovicell unknown.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated in Pl. 141, Fig. 4, from the section Rousínov – Kroužek, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01810.
+P a r a t y p e s: Specimen from the section Rousínov – Kroužek, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01809.
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the occurrence in the section at Rousínov – Kroužek.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Kroužek, sample Kr-3.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+length of autozooecia: 282-388; x = 318
+width of autozooecia: 152-260; x = 211
+length of autozooecial aperture: 58-80; x = 69
+width of autozooecial aperture: 92-116; x = 108
+diameter of avicularium chamber: 54-88; x = 74
+diameter of marginal areolar pore: 20-34; x = 27
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Autozooecia oval to hexagonal, with a flat, smooth frontal wall, separated by very narrow grooves. Marginal areolar pores very large but rare, only 2- 4 pores on the border of each autozooecium, arranged chaotically. Apertures semilunar to oval with dentition on the distal margin. Peristomes short forming an asymmetrical pseudo-spiramen. Small but prominent umbo situated on the proximal margin of the peristome, opposite to the pseudo-spiramen. Suboral avicularia small, drop-like without a pivotal bar. Oral spines sometimes developed, 2-4 on the distal margin. Adventitious avicularia absent. Ovicell unknown.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species differs from
+Rhynchozoon monoceros
+, 1847
+in having a much smaller umbo with a suboral avicularium and asymmetrical pseudo-spiramen.
+Rhynchozoon oslavanensis
+sp. n.
+differs in having much deeper grooves and by the peristomes which do not form a pseudo-spiramen.
+Rhynchozoon krouzkovensis
+sp. n.
+differs from any other
+in having very large and rare areolar pores, shorter peristomes forming an asymmetrical pseudo-spiramen and by its small avicularia.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Batopora rosula
+, 1847
+Pl. 83, Fig. 4
+Cellepora rosula
+m. – Reuss p. 78, pl. 9, fig. 17
+Batopora rosula
+– Manzoni p. 54, pl. 2, fig. 6
+Batopora rosula
+– Cook and Lagaaij p. 351, pl. 3, fig. 2,3, pl. 4, fig. 1,2
+v. 1977
+Batopora rosula
+– Vávra p. 161
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1852.I(or L).1140. (
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+3 specimens
+were studied, each from a different section.
+D i a g n o s i s: Small conical colonies. Autozooecia with circular, terminal apertures with a shallow sinus and small lateral areolar pores. A drop-like kenozooecium is situated at the apex, on the top of the conical colony. Ovicell and avicularia were not found.
+R e m a r k s: Only a few not well-preserved colonies have been found. The preservation of the typical general shape of the colony as well as the circular autozooecia with their lateral areolar pores however allow a precise determination.
+Unassigned genus of the
+, 1917
+Colony erect or encrusting. Frontal wall with numerous marginal pores, central area nonporous. Aperture with a wide, but short sinus (poster). Oral spines present. Avicularia adventitious. Ovicell prominent, nonporous.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Hippomenella mucronelliformis
+, 1899)
+Pl. 143, Fig. 1-4
+Hippomenella mucronelliformis
+, 1899
+– Pouy- et et Moissette p. 62, Pl. 9, Fig. 9
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+4 specimens
+were studied, all from the section at
+Kralice nad Oslavou
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting. Autozooecia oval. Frontal wall with two rows of marginal pores, central area nonporous, slightly granular, with a small umbo. Apertures narrow, longer than wide. Number of oral spines varies from 5-7. Avicularia rare, large with rostrum tapering laterally. Ovicell prominent, globular, not immersed.
+R e m a r k s: The species is up to now known only from the Pliocene of d´Altavilla (
+) but the characteristic features are identical with the specimens from Kralice nad Oslavou (small umbo on frontal wall, two rows of marginal pores and prominent globular ovicell).
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1884
+Encrusting colony. Primary aperture semicircular. Frontal wall with marginal areolar pores and a central spiramen. Avicularia adventitious, placed centrally on the frontal wall. No ovicells, but brooding gonozooecia present.
+, 1847)
+78, Fig. 1-6
+v. 1977
+? 2002
+Reptadeonella violacea
+, 1847)
+– Vávra p. 149 (cum syn.)
+Reptadeonella violacea
+, 1847)
+– Hayward and Ryland p. 186, Fig. 70A, B, 71 (cum syn.)
+Reptadeonella violacea
+, 1847)
+– Hayward and McKinney p. 44, Fig. 19D-G (cum syn.)
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+10 specimens
+were studied from the borehole Vranovice VK-1 only.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, multilaminar. Autozooecia regularly hexagonal, rarely rather oval, with an umbonuloid frontal shield, marginal areolar pores are large. Primary orifice without a sinus, secondary aperture on a short peristome. Spiramen semilunar, with small condyles on the distal margin. Numerous, circular basal pore chambers are arranged in rows. Avicularia median, small, drop-like, tapering distally. Gonozooecia not observed.
+R e m a r k: The fossil material is very similar to recent specimens as described by
+Hayward and Ryland (1999)
+, but differs mainly in respect to the shape of the spiramen. The recent specimens have an almost circular shaped spiramen, but the fossil ones (studied specimens as well as specimens described by
+Vávra, 1977
+) often have a semilunar or even slightly curved spiramen, while some autozooecia in the same colony may also have circular spiramina. Without knowing more about the intraspecific variability of this species, an exact determination of the fossil material is impossible.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Schizostomella grinzingensis
+, 1974)
+Pl. 77, Fig. 1-4
+v. 1977
+Schizostomella grinzingensis
+nov. sp.
+– David and Pouyet p. 203, Pl. 14, Fig. 7-8
+Schizostomella grinzingensis
+– Vávra p. 149
+y p e: The
+is deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1878.11.124. (
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+21 specimens
+were studied, mainly from the borehole Vranovice VK-1.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony erect, bilaminar. Autozooecia rectangular to trapezoidal with marginal areolar pores only. Aperture oval, large, smooth, no oral avicularia. Primary orifice with shallow sinus. Avicularia rarely developed on the proximal margin of the frontal wall, small, drop-like with a long palate tapering proximally (Pl. 77, Fig. 2). Secondary calcification well developed and hiding many structures, mainly avicularia. Gonozooecium unknown. Autozooecia (interior view) may show pores on peristomes, which look like a frontal perforation. These pores are only marginal areolar pores spread over the inner side of the frontal wall.
+R e m a r k: Colonies are often strongly calcified, so sometimes only the shapes of the autozooecia are recognizable, no apertures are visible (Pl. 77, Fig. 1).
+Very similar species is
+Adeona cellulosa
+MacGillivray, 1869
+as illustrated by
+Bock (2010)
+. It has however smaller avicularia arranged more proximally, marginal areolar pores only and large oval apertures with smooth margins.
+has large gonozooecia (
+Bassler, 1953
+), which were not found in
+Schizostomella grinzingensis
+, 1974
+. The avicularia in the
+specimens are circular, however in the material described above they are more drop-like, tapering proximally.
+Up till now, no sinus was described on the primary orifice. The species attribution of the studied specimens is clear (due to the presence of avicularia, general characteristics of the colony). Obviously nobody studied the internal structure of the autozooecia until now.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1895
+Colony erect, multilaminar or bilaminar. Autozooecia smooth, with a flat frontal wall and large marginal areolar pores. Aperture oval without sinus, primary orifice with a broad sinus. An oral, median avicularium may be present. Ovicell partly immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium with a slightly perforate frontal wall.
+145 R e m a r k s:
+Zágoršek (2003)
+stated that
+has ovicells with a nonporous frontal wall. The preservation of the
+material and other available specimens does not allow observation of any pores on the frontal wall of the ovicell. Dennis Gordon however figured other material from the
+locality (
+Bock, 2010
+), which clearly show perforation of the ovicell.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Reussia regularis
+, 1865)
+Pl. 86, Fig. 1-5
+Eschara regularis
+m. – Reuss p. 185, Pl. 6, Fig. 13
+Reussia regularis
+, 1865
+– Vávra p. 140 (cum syn.)
+v. 2003
+Reussia regularis
+, 1865
+– Zágoršek p. 156, Pl. 21, Fig. 3 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+stored in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number
+(not 1859.50.975 as stated by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+8 specimens
+were studied from different localities.
+species is probably more common, but when the ovicells are lacking, any determination remains uncertain.
+additional specimens (one of them labelled as
+Eschara hellerii
+) from the
+collection and stored in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1859.50.975 are from the section at
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony large, erect, bilaminar with oval cross section. Autozooecia elongate and laterally perforated by about 10 to 16 large, circular marginal areolar pores. Frontal wall slightly convex. Aperture oval to circular with a short peristome. Avicularia oral, small, circular arrangement on the proximal margin of the aperture. Ovicell small, no pores on frontal wall visible.
+e m a r k s: The lateral walls in the
+material are not prominent, the frontal wall is slightly convex. Eocene material shows prominent lateral walls, but this feature is missing in the studied material from the Miocene as well as in the specimen illustrated by Gordon (
+Bock, 2010
+). Studied specimens do not show any pores on the ovicell, a fact which may however be caused by preservation
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Escharella reussiana
+, 1859)
+Pl. 90, Fig. 1-6
+1859 1988
+Lepralia reussiana
+nov. sp.
+– Busk p. 53, Pl. 8, Fig. 2
+Escharella reussiana
+, 1859
+– Moissette p. 156, Pl. 25, Fig. 6, 9 (cum syn.)
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+4 specimens
+were studied, mainly from the section at Sedlec.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, autozooecia oval, elongate with a smooth, or slightly granular, very convex, frontal wall. Marginal areolar pores small, about 40 pores are arranged on the border of each autozooecium. Aperture oval to semilunar without spines and with a short peristome (calcified lip). Lyrula deeply immersed, small, sometimes not observable. Ovicell slightly immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium; it has a smooth, frontal wall. In ovicelled autozooecia the lateral lips of orifice may overlap the margin of the ovicell.
+R e m a r k s: The characteristic features are the elongate shape of the autozooecia with their very convex frontal wall, small areolar pores and the absence of any oral spines.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Escharella ovoidea
+, 1847)
+Pl. 91, Fig. 1-2
+Cellepora ovoidea
+m. – Reuss p. 90, Pl. 11, Fig. 2
+Escharella ovoidea
+, 1847
+– Vávra p. 137 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+stored in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1859.50.760 (established by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+3 specimens
+(only from the section Židlochovice) were studied.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, autozooecia hexagonal with a smooth, slightly convex, frontal wall. Marginal areolar pores large, about 20 pores are arranged on the bor- der of each autozooecium. Aperture oval to semilunar with 4-6 oral spines and a short peristome (calcified lip). Lyrula large, rectangular. Ovicell recumbent on the distal part of the autozooecium (never immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium); it has a smooth, frontal wall.
+R e m a r k s: The characteristic features are the large areolar pores, the oral spines and the recumbent ovicell.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Escharella tenera
+, 1874)
+Pl. 89, Fig. 1-6
+Lepralia tenera
+– Reuss p. 167, Pl. 2, Fig. 4
+Escharella tenera
+, 1874
+– David and Pouyet p. 187, Pl. 9, Fig. 6 (cum syn.)
+Escharella tenera
+, 1874
+– Vávra p. 137 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1878. 11.58 (
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+22 specimens
+were studied, from almost all the studied sections.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, autozooecia oval to hexagonal with a smooth, slightly convex, frontal wall. Marginal areolar pores large, about 30 pores are arranged on the border of each autozooecium. Aperture oval to semilunar with 3-5 oral spines, sometimes not visible and with a short peristome (calcified lip). Lyrula large and rectangular. Ovicell deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium; it has a smooth, slightly granular frontal wall. In ovicelled autozooecia the lateral lips of the orifice overlap the margin of the ovicell.
+e m a r k s:
+spines on the studied specimens are sometimes not visible which may be due to preservation.
+features are also shown by the
+material stored in the
+Natural History Museum
+has a less convex frontal wall, but the other characteristics, especially the shape and position of ovicell, are identical
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Umbonula granulata
+sp. n.
+Pl. 95, Fig. 1-6
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting. Autozooecia rhomboidal with granular frontal wall. Marginal areolar pores small, about 10-15 on the border of each autozooecium. Aperture with a large lyrula. Avicularia of
+two types
+, small suboral and giant spatulate. No ovicell observed.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated in Pl. 95, Fig. 1 and 4-6, from the section Podbřežice, is deposited in the National Museum
+under number PM2 – P 01903.
+P a r a t y p e s: Altogether
+4 specimens
+were studied from the locality
+, deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01904-P 01907.
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the granular frontal wall.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: section Podbřežice, sample Podbřežice village-1.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+length of autozooecia: 499-654; x = 614
+width of autozooecia: 333-492; x = 396
+length of autozooecial aperture: 152-231; x = 180
+width of autozooecial aperture: 157-193; x = 176
+length of suboral avicularium: 65-112; x = 85
+width of suboral avicularium: 57-85; x = 72
+length of spatulate avicularium: 275-299; x = 287
+width of spatulate avicularium: 164-197; x = 181
+diameter of areolar pore: 20-68; x = 48
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony encrusting. Autozooecia rhomboidal with flat, granular frontal walls. Granules small, regularly arranged in quincuncial pattern. Marginal areolar pores small, there are about 10-15 pores on the bor- der of each autozooecium. Aperture large, oval with a large lyrula. Adventitious avicularia suboral or spatulate. Suboral avicularia with a pivotal bar (Pl. 95, Fig. 6); they are situat- ed on the middle of the frontal wall, proximally from the aperture, at the top of the umbo. The spatulate avicularia are giant, with an oval rostrum and a pivotal bar (Pl. 95, Fig. 3). No ovicell observed.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This new species is very similar to
+Eschara chiragra
+in having a granular frontal wall, but it differs in having giant avicularia and encrusting colonies (
+Eschara chiragra
+, 1877
+forms bilaminar colonies).
+Umbonula spinosa
+, 1893
+resembles this new species in having the “spines” similar to granules around the autozooecia. The granules are however much smaller than the tubercles on
+Umbonula spinosa
+, 1893
+. There are no ridges on the frontal wall as in
+Umbonula macrocheila
+, 1847
+and the autozooecia in
+Umbonula granulata
+sp. n.
+are of a more rhomboidal shape.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Smittina cervicornis
+, 1766)
+Pl. 99, Fig. 1-6
+v. 1977
+v. 2001
+v. 2003
+Porella cervicornis
+– David and Pouyet p. 194 (cum syn)
+Porella cervicornis
+– Vávra p. 139 (cum. syn.)
+Porella cervicornis
+– Schmid p. 35, Pl. 10, Fig. 1 – 3 (cum syn.)
+Smittina cervicornis
+– Zágoršek p. 55, Pl. 18, Fig. 7, 9, 10
+Smittina cervicornis
+– Hayward and McKinney p. 49, Fig. 22A-C (cum syn.)
+Smittina cervicornis
+– Zágoršek p. 163 (cum syn.)
+M a t e r i a l: A very abundant species, it occurs in all studied sections. More than
+60 specimens
+were examined in detail.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony erect, bilaminar with 6 to 7 autozooecial rows and an oval to circular cross section. Autozooecia elongate to oval with thin lateral walls. If secondary calcification is well developed, the shape of the autozooecia is irregular (Pl. 99, Fig. 1). Frontal wall strongly porous with large circular to polygonal pores. Aperture is large, oval to circular with large condyles and a wide lyrula, visible only from the interior of the autozooecia. Peristome wide and smooth, usually only slightly prominent, sometimes even immersed. Avicularium small, situated on the middle of the proximal margin of the aperture, sometimes inside the aperture. Ovicell is deeply immersed, it has a strongly perforated frontal wall.
+R e m a r k s: Recent specimens (for example
+Hayward and McKinney, 2002
+) show the same development of their frontal wall with exactly the same position of the avicularia. The similarity with fossil material is really striking, no differences can be recognized. Therefore the fossils specimens are listed under this name.
+Miocene specimens differ from Eocene ones in having large, usually polygonal (instead of oval), frontal pores. The ovicell of this species has not been illustrated in fossil material up to now.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 2000
+Pl. 71, Fig. 1-3
+– Moissette p. 112, Pl. 18, Fig. 8, 11
+Gephyrotes fortunensis
+– Pouyet p. 186, Fig. i-k
+Gephyrotes fortunensis
+– Berning p. 53, Fig. 48, 49
+M a t e r i a l: Only
+one specimen
+at the section Podbřežice was found.
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooidwithagymnocyst,laterally and proximally very prominent. Costae flat, fused medially but spaced proximally, 5-6 cover the frontal area of each autozooecium. Proximal margin of the aperture is formed by fused bifurcated costae. A pair of adventitious avicularia is associated with the aperture. Ovicell globular with a smooth (not perforated) frontal wall.
+R e m a r k s: The characteristic features of
+, 1998
+are visible on the studied specimen.
+The described specimen is very similar to
+as described by
+Moissette (1988)
+in having a pair of avicularia associated with the aperture, and 5-6 pairs of fused costulae on its frontal wall. Specimens described by
+Berning (2006)
+are also very similar to the studied specimen, but the preservation of our specimen does not permit a precise determination.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Trypostega rugulosa
+, 1874)
+Pl. 74, Fig. 1-5
+Lepralia rugulosa
+– Reuss p. 169, Pl. 3, Fig. 2
+Hippoporina rugulosa
+– Vávra p. 107
+v. 2003
+Arthropoma rugulosa
+– Zágoršek p. 175, pl. 28, fig. 3 (cum. syn)
+Trypostega rugulosa
+– Berning p. 56, Fig. 55, 56 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1878.11.65. (
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether
+7 specimens
+were studied in detail (
+2 specimens
+from Hlohovec,
+3 specimens
+from Podbřežice, one from Přemyslovice, Rebešovice and Holubice).
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, autozooecia oval to elongate hexagonal, sometimes irregularly elongated. The frontal wall is smooth and shows a few regularly distributed large pores. Aperture keyhole-shaped (‘cleithridiate’) without oral spines. The distal part is large and semicircular, the proximal part (sinus) small and wide. The condyles are distinct. Kenozooecia often developed, irregular. Heterozooecia rare, irregularly developed, situated between the autozooecia, irregularly, of droplike shape, with a circular orifice. Ovicell large, globular; it has a porous frontal wall. Avicularia are unknown.
+R e m a r k s: Specimens found at Hlohovec have fewer frontal pores than the
+deposited in the Museum of Natural History in
+. The preservation of pores could however be caused by the fossilization process. The large ovicell – characteristic for this genus (
+Hayward and Ryland, 1999
+) – is identical with the
+, but
+has to have heterozooecia with an orifice regularly interspersed among autozooecia (
+Hayward and Ryland 1999
+). The heterozooecia have been described here for the first time, orifices of heterozooecia have not been observed in this species.
+as re-described by
+Tilbrook (2006)
+has no heterozooecia. Another similar genus is
+, which differs however in having an ovicell with a nonporous frontal wall and a narrower sinus. Overall,
+seems to be the most suitable for the species.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1927
+Erect, bilaminar colony. Autozooecia with a sinus on the primary orifice. Frontal wall with marginal areolar pores only. Avicularia adventitious, located marginally on the frontal wall. No ovicells, but brooding gonozooecia present.
+R e m a r k: Until now a sinus on the primary orifice has never been described in this genus.
+is usually placed in the
+, the genera in which there is no sinus on the primary orifice, but a frontal spiramen (according to
+Hayward and Ryland, 1999
+Schizostomella grinzingensis
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+has without any doubt a shallow sinus on the primary orifice, and no spiramen was described by previous authors nor observed in our material. I did not have the opportunity to study the
+species material:
+Schizostoma crassa
+, 1908
+, deposit- ed in NHM Paris, so I cannot state, if this species also developed a sinus on its primary orifice. The classification at family level therefore remains uncertain.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Buffonellaria kuklinskii
+sp. n.
+Pl. 124, Fig. 1-6
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony erect, bilaminar. Autozooecia with marginal areolar pores. Primary orifice with a wide sinus. Avicularia of
+two types
+, lateral suboral and adventitious, the frontal ones larger than the suboral avicularia. Ovicell with a slightly ribbed, semilunar endoecium. Secondary frontal hypercalcification often occurring.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 124, Fig. 1, from the section at Podbřežice, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01460.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+Five specimens
+from the section at
+deposited in the
+National Museum
+under the numbers
+P 01461 to
+– P 01465.
+A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l:
+44 specimens
+, mainly from the sections at Podbřežice and Kralice nad Oslavou.
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: In honour of Piotr Kuklinski (Department of Marine Ecology Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences Warszaw) who studied the genus
+in detail.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Podbřežice, sample P1 (
+Zágoršek and Holcová, 2005
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+length of autozooecia: 385-509; x = 443
+width of autozooecia: 236-350; x = 278
+length of autozooecial aperture: 94-130; x = 118
+width of autozooecial aperture: 98-121; x = 105
+length of ovicell: 125-185; x = 151
+width of ovicell: 163-203; x = 178
+length of oral avicularium: 60-88; x = 72
+width of oral avicularium: 40-53; x = 46
+length of adventitious avicularium: 98-110; x = 104
+width of adventitious avicularium: 56-58; x = 57
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony flattened, erect, bilaminar with an encrusting base. Autozooecia with scattered marginal areolar pores arranged chaotically. Primary orifice with a wide sinus. Avicularia of
+two types
+, suboral and adventitious. Lateral suboral avicularia situated proximally from the aperture, usually single, rarely paired, tapering distally with a pivotal bar. Adventitious avicularia situated on the frontal wall within a small chamber, usually tapering proximally, always larger than the suboral avicularia. Ovicell deeply immersed, with a slightly ribbed, semilunar endoecium. The number of ribs varies from 10 to 20. Secondary frontal hypercalcification often occurring; in this case the secondary apertures are semilunar and the ovicells are more immersed.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species is similar to
+Buffonellaria jensi
+in having an iden-
+159 tical sinus shape, one oral and one frontal avicularium, but it differs in having less areolar pores, and more ribs on the endoecium.
+The specific features include the wide sinus in the primary orifice,
+two types
+of avicularia, the adventitious avicularia situated in a small chamber and moreover the ovicell has a slightly ribbed endoecium.
+O c c u r r e n c e: Sections at Podbřežice and at Kralice nad Oslavou.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Buffonellaria holubicensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 125, Fig. 1-6
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony erect, bilaminar. Autozooecia with marginal areolar pores. Primary orifice with a narrow sinus. Small suboral avicularia are immersed inside the peristomes, large adventitious avicularia have a very long rostrum-palate. Ovicell deeply immersed, with a slightly ribbed endoecium, longer than wide. Secondary frontal hypercalcification often developed peristome above the aperture, but adventitious avicularia clearly visible.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 125, Fig. 5-6, from the locality Holubice, deposited in the National Museum
+under numbers PM2 – P 01469.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+3 specimens
+deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01466 to P 01468
+A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l:
+18 specimens
+, mainly from the section at Holubice
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the occurrence in the section at Holubice.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Holubice,sampleA/2.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+length of autozooecia: 480-564; x = 524
+width of autozooecia: 251-357; x = 308
+length of autozooecial aperture: 98-112; x = 106
+width of autozooecial aperture: 84-91; x = 87
+length of ovicell: 89-130; x = 113
+width of ovicell: 110-140; x = 124
+length of oral avicularium: 185-217; x = 193
+width of oral avicularium: 75-103; x = 87
+length of adventitious avicularium: 198-291; x = 237
+width of adventitious avicularium: 88-130; x = 110
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony flattened, bilaminar, rising from an encrusting base. Autozooecia with chaotically arranged marginal areolar pores growing in an irregular growth pattern. Primary orifice with a narrow sinus. Secondary apertures oval to circular. Small suboral avicularia immersed, situated inside the peristome, large adventitious avicularia with very long rostrum-palate tapering proximo-laterally. Ovicell deeply immersed, with a slightly ribbed endoecium, much longer than wide. Secondary frontal hypercalcification does not change the shape of the adventitious avicularia, they are often clearly visible.
+C o m p a r i s o n: Differs from
+Buffonellaria kuklinskii
+sp. n.
+in having a narrower sinus, a circular secondary aperture, clearly visible, large adventitious avicularia and
+160 a deeper immersed ovicell with a longer than wide endoecium area.
+O c c u r r e n c e: Podbřežice and Holubice.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Reteporella hluchovensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 131, Fig. 1-4
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony robust, reticulating, forming ‘nets’. Branches with four to six rows of autozooecia. Frontal wall smooth with very small areolar pores. Aperture is circular, hidden in a short peristome, basal pseudo-spiramen formed. Avicularia suboral, hidden. The ovicells are almost entirely immersed into the dorsal part of the autozooecia, frontal wall of the ovicells are very narrow, the whole frontal area occupied by a wide frontal fissure.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 131, Fig. 1-2, from the locality Hluchov, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01775.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+2 specimens
+from the locality
+, deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01776 and P 01777
+A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l:
+8 specimens
+from the locality
+, deposited in the
+within the bryozoan collection
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the occurrence in the section at Hluchov.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Hluchov.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenia.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+diameter of branch: 672-926; x = 765
+length of fenestrulae: 580-876; x = 680
+width of fenestrulae: 231-330; x = 288
+length of autozooecia: 456-492; x = 468
+width of autozooecia: 147-165; x = 153
+length of autozooecial aperture: 88-121; x = 108
+width of autozooecial aperture: 68-106; x = 89
+length of sinus: 34-38; x = 36
+width of sinus: 10-13; x = 12
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony robust, reticulating, branches wide, fenestrulae narrow and short. Autozooecia in four to six longitudinal rows. Frontal wall smooth with very small areolar pores. Aperture circular, hidden in a short peristome, basal pseudo-spiramen formed. Avicularia deeply immersed into the peristome, relatively hidden, almost not visible. The ovicells are almost entirely immersed into the dorsal part of autozooecia, frontal walls of ovicells very narrow, whole frontal area occupied by a wide frontal fissure. Dorsal side of the colony without any avicularia.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species differs from
+, 1846
+by the almost complete absence of any avicularia on dorsal side and formation of rather robust colonies. The ovicells with their wide frontal fissure are however rather similar. Characteristic features are the robust colonies, the deeply immersed ovicells with their wide frontal fissures, the hidden avicularia on the frontal side and also absence of avicularia on the dorsal side of the colony branches.
+O c c u r r e n c e: Also in the section at Podbřežice, sample P-6.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1846
+Pl. 130, Fig. 1-6
+? 1999
+Reteporella beaniana
+, 1846
+– Hayward and Ryl- and p. 368 (cum syn.)
+M a t e r i a l: Altogether 9 well-preserved specimens were studied from different sections.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony reticulating, forming a net with fenestrulae. Branches biserial or triserial. Frontal wall smooth with large areolar pores. Aperture is circular, hidden in a short peristome, no basal pseudo-spiramen formed. Suboral avicularia are small, oval, with a pivotal bar; avicularia situated on the proximal margin of the aperture. Additional oval avicularia situated on the frontal wall, usually slightly larger than the suboral avicularia. The same
+of avicularia, but slightly smaller, also occurs on the dorsal side of the branches. Additional large avicularia are often situated on the margins of a branching area. Ovicells are deeply immersed; they show a wide, open frontal fissure.
+R e m a r k s: Characteristic features are the presence of small avicularia on the dorsal side of the colony, small frontal avicularia, large areolar pores and the wide frontal fissure on the ovicell.
+Although the species is reported only from recent seas, the similarity is too large to ignore. The only differences between recent material as described by
+Hayward and Ryland (1999)
+and our fossil material exist with respect to the development of oral spines. Recent specimens have a single spine on each side of the aperture which were not observed in the fossil material. All other features of the species as described by
+Hayward and Ryland (1999)
+are observable in the studied material.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Saevitella inermis
+, 1956
+Pl. 129, Fig. 1-2
+Saevitella inermis
+– Bobies p. 251, Pl. 8, Fig. 21-22 1977
+Saevitella inermis
+– Vávra p. 151 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 121/1955.
+M a t e r i a l: One colony form section Pratecký vrch – Mohyla míru and three additional specimens from
+Korytnica clay.
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooecia oval to elondated tetragonal, much longer than wide, separated by deep grooves. Frontal wall perforated by 25-35 large pores. Apertures clearly dimorphic; Nonovicelled autozooecia with circular aperture with a wide nonporous lip forming very short, but complete peristome. Proximal margin of the apertures slightly curved. Condyles observable, but very small. Ovicell deeply immersed in distal autozooecium, globular with frontal wall perforated by slightly smaller pores that the frontal ones. Apertures on ovicelled autozooecia more rectangular with straight proximal margin and larger diameter that apertures in nonovicelled autozooecia. Also the peristome on ovicelled autozooecia is not complete, on distal part the peristome is not developed, there are clear narrow furrow between ovicells and peristome.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Reteporella vladkae
+sp. n.
+Pl. 133, Fig. 1-6
+Reteporella sp.
+– Zágoršek et al. p. 482, Fig. 10G
+D i a g n o s i s: Net-likecolonieswithnarrow, biserial or triserial branches and large fenestrulae. Frontal wall smooth with large areolar pores. Aperture is circular, hidden, a pseudo-spiramen is not formed. Suboral avicularia are small, deeply immersed, frontal avicularia rare, dorsal avicularia absent, additional large avicularia on branching areas. Dorsal side without any avicularia. Ovicells deeply immersed with a very narrow, almost closed frontal fissure.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen from the section at Kralice nad Oslavou, illustrated on Pl. 133, Fig. 1-2 is deposit- ed in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01782.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+4 specimens
+from the section at
+Kralice nad Oslavou
+, are deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01783 to P 01786
+A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l:
+10 specimens
+from the section at
+Kralice nad Oslavou
+are deposited in the
+National Museum
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Derived from the name Vlaďka, in honour of Dr. Vladimíra Jašková from the Prostějov museum who helped me very much in my fieldwork.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Kralice nad Oslavou, sample KRA-S: (
+Zágoršek et al., 2009
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+diameter of branch: 445-668; x = 546
+length of fenestrula: 1583
+width of fenestrula: 586
+length of autozooecia: 483-508; x = 498
+width of autozooecia: 164-227; x = 197
+length of autozooecial aperture: 95-111; x = 105
+width of autozooecial aperture: 100-110; x = 105
+length of ovicells: 174-216; x = 193
+width of ovicells: 52-60; x = 56
+length of suboral avicularia: 67-94; x = 77
+width of suboral avicularia: 44-82; x = 58
+length of dorsal avicularia: 242-244; x = 243
+width of dorsal avicularia: 51-52; x = 52
+diameter of dorsal pores: 19-36; x = 25
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony delicate, branches narrow, fenestrulae wide and long. Branches biserial, rarely with three rows of autozooecia. Autozooecial frontal walls smooth with large areolar pores. Apertures circular, hidden in deep peristomes, pseudo-spiramen not formed. Suboral avicularia small, deeply immersed, situated at the proximal margin of the aperture, oval with a pivotal bar. Rarely an identical
+of avicularia may be situated on the frontal
+163 wall also. Dorsal side without any avicularia. Large avicularia situated on the lateral sides of the branch margin, usually in the area of branch bifurcation. This avicularia are very narrow and long with a pivotal bar. Ovicells deeply immersed with a very narrow, almost closed frontal fissure.
+C o m p a r i s o n: The species is similar to
+, 1846
+with respect to the position and shape of the suboral avicularia, the size of areolar pores and the general shape of the colony (delicate branches and large fenestrulae); it differs however mainly in having a very narrow frontal fissure on the ovicell and by the absence of any dorsal avicularia. Also the shape of avicularia, which are situated near a bifurcation, is different, they are very narrow in
+Reteporella vladkae
+sp. n.
+Reteporella vladkae
+sp. n.
+differs from other species by the absence of avicularia on the dorsal side of the colony, by the small frontal avicularia and the very narrow frontal fissure on the ovicell.
+O c c u r r e n c e: Only in the section at Kralice nad Oslavou
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Reteporella ruzenkae
+sp. n
+Pl. 134, Fig. 1-3
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony robust, branches with six to eight rows of autozooecia. Frontal wall smooth with scattered small areolar pores. Apertures circular, very large, with delicate condyles. No pseudo-spiramen. Avicularia only frontal. Ovicells immersed, no frontal wall preserved. Dorsal side smooth, without any avicularia.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 134, Fig. 2-3, from the locality Holubice, deposited in the National Museum
+under number PM2 – P 01788.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+2 specimens
+from the locality
+, deposited in the
+National Museum
+under the numbers
+– P 01787 and P 01925
+A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l:
+2 specimens
+from the localities
+Kralice nad Oslavou
+, deposited in the
+National Museum
+within the bryozoan collection
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Derived from the nick name of Růžena – Růženka, in honour of Dr. Růžena Gregorová from MZM Brno, who supported my fieldwork.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Holubice,sampleA/2
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+diameter of branch: 643-1312; x = 1025
+length of autozooecia: 578-666; x = 612
+width of autozooecia: 144-219; x = 193
+length of autozooecial aperture: 115-135; x = 126
+width of autozooecial aperture: 105-120; x = 113
+length of avicularia: 90-92; x = 91
+width of avicularia: 47-60; x = 54
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony robust, reticulating, branches wide, fenestrulae not preserved. Autozooecia in six to eight longitudinal rows, oval, separated by very thin furrows. Frontal walls smooth, flat, with scattered large areolar pores. Apertures circular, very large, slightly longer than
+164 wide with delicate, small condyles. No pseudo-spiramen developed. Suboral avicularia absent, frontal avicularia rare, small, oval, no pivot bar observed. Ovicells immersed, no frontal wall preserved. Dorsal side smooth, without any avicularia.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species is similar to
+Reteporella hluchovensis
+sp. n.
+with respect to the generally robust shape of the colony and the rare development of avicularia, it differs however in the absence of suboral avicularia and pseudo-spiramen.
+Even though the ovicells’ frontal walls were not preserved, characteristic features such as the absence of suboral avicularia and pseudo-spiramen, as well as the presence of very large, circular apertures with clearly visible condyles clearly distinguish this species from others known from the Miocene.
+O c c u r r e n c e: Also in the sections at Kralice nad Oslavou and at Hlohovec.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1933
+Colony unilaminar, often branching and forming nets.
+Frontal wall nonporous with rare marginal pores. Aperture with well defined condyles inside the peristome. Avicularia frontal vicarious, or missing. Oral spines unknown. Ovicell recumbent, usually closed by a lamella with a median keel.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Iodictyum rubeschii
+, 1847)
+Pl. 136, Fig. 1-5
+Retepora rubeschii
+p. 48, Pl. 6, Fig. 35-37
+Iodictyum rubeschii
+, 1847
+– Vávra 146 (cum syn.)
+Iodictyum rubeschii
+, 1847
+– Schmid p. 54, Pl. 16, Fig. 1-5 (cum syn.)
+v. 2003
+Iodictyum rubeschii
+, 1847
+– Zágoršek p. 180, Pl. 30, Fig. 5 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1847.37.243 (identified by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: More than
+20 specimens
+from different sections studied in detail.
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooecia oval, elongate, irregular, separated by thin grooves and arranged in 3 to 4 longitudinal rows. Aperture very large, semilunar, with a secondary sinus and a short peristome. Frontal wall smooth, flat, sometimes slightly convex, rarely perforated. Avicularia small, rare and arranged on the frontal wall, without a pivotal bar. Ovicell partly immersed, small, slightly prominent, no frontal wall preserved. Dorsal side of the colony smooth with additional rare avicularia.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Rhynchozoon oslavanensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 141, Fig. 1-2
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooeciahexagonal to oval, with a flat, smooth frontal wall. Marginal areolar pores prominent.. Aperture semilunar to oval with a fine denticulate distal margin. Peristomes short. Suboral avicularia large, drop-like with prominent pivotal bar. Oral spines paired. Adventitious avicularia absent. Ovicell flat, globular, recumbent.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated in Pl. 141, Fig. 1, from the section Oslavany, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01807
+P a r a t y p e: The specimen from the section Podbřežice, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01808.
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to its occurrence in the section at Oslavany.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Oslavany, sample OsII-1.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s:(inmicrometers=µm;x=average):
+length of autozooecia: 466-505; x = 487
+width of autozooecia: 383-394; x = 388
+length of autozooecial aperture: 49-72; x = 60
+width of autozooecial aperture: 120-154; x = 132
+length of avicularium: 102-110; x = 106
+width of avicularium: 73-100; x = 83
+diameter of avicularium chamber: 206-227; x= 217
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Autozooecia hexagonal to oval, with a flat, smooth frontal wall, separated by narrow grooves. Marginal areolar pores large, 14-16 at the border of each autozooecium. Aperture semilunar to oval with a fine denticulate distal margin. Peristome short. Suboral avicularia large, drop-like with prominent pivotal bar. Oral spines rare, usually two, situated on the distal margin of the aperture. Adventitious avicularia absent. Ovicell flat, large, globular, and slightly recumbent on the proximal part of the distal autozooecium.
+C o m p a r i s o n: Differs from
+Rhynchozoon monoceros
+, 1847
+in having large and abundant areolar pores and larger apertures and shorter peristomes bearing larger avicularia. Also the size of the ovicell in
+Rhynchozoon oslavanensis
+sp. n.
+is much larger than in
+Rhynchozoon monoceros
+, 1847
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Schizoporella tetragona
+, 1847)
+Pl. 103, Fig. 1-6
+Cellepora tetragona
+m. – Reuss p. 78, Pl. 9, Fig. 19 1989
+Schizoporella tetragona
+, 1847
+– Schmid p. 43,
+Pl. 12, Fig. 8 (cum syn.)
+y p e: The
+was identified by
+David and Pouyet (1974
+called ‘hololectotype’); it is deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1867.40.35
+M a t e r i a l: Very abundant, occurs in almost all the studied sections. More than
+100 specimens
+were studied in detail.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, sometimes forming a multilayer overgrowth upon each other. Autozooecia tetragonal to square-shaped or oval with polygonal pores on the frontal wall. No umbo on the frontal wall. Aperture on a short peristome usually situated on one of the distal corners of the autozooecium; aperture with a wide sinus. Primary orifice circular. Avicularia suboral, usually situated on the autozooecial frontal wall, in the corner opposite to the aperture, small with a pivotal bar. Ovicell unknown.
+Re m a r k s: The shape of the autozooecia may vary within the colony from distinctly tetragonal to oval. The characteristic features are the asymmetrically placed aperture with its wide sinus, the absence of any umbo and the small suboral avicularium.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Schizomavella tenella
+, 1847)
+Pl. 102, Fig. 1-4
+Cellepora tenella
+m. – Reuss p. 89, Pl. 11, Fig. 16 partim 1977
+Schizomavella tenella
+, 1847
+– Vávra p. 126 2007
+Schizomavella tenella
+, 1847
+– Zágoršek et al.
+p. 211, Fig. 8A-B (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1846.37.998 (identified by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l:
+40 specimens
+studied in detail; plus an additional one showing a different arrangement of the avicularia.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, unilaminar with autozooecia arranged in parallel rows. Autozooecia are rectangular to oval, with a flat frontal wall. Frontal wall is perforated by small pseudopores (diameter about 10 µm). Lateral walls are wide, always very prominent and raise between adjacent autozooecia. Apertures have a wide sinus, oral spines are absent. Avicularia are adventitious, suboral with a pivotal bar, they are always situated proximally and very close to the aperture in a median position, tapering proximally and associated with a small umbo. The umbo is always nonporous. Ovicells are hyperstomial, large, about half to one third of the size of the autozooecia, with a strongly porous frontal wall. The pores which perforate the ovicells have the same diameter as those perforating the frontal wall.
+R e m a r k s: Only
+one specimen
+from the section Kralice nad Oslavou shows a different position of the avicularia: close to the lateral walls (Pl. 102, Fig. 4). Due to the presence of all other characteristic features, mainly the identical structure of the ovicells (porous frontal wall), and this specimen is also identified as
+Schizomavella tenella
+, 1847
+. For a detailed discussion of this species see
+Zágoršek et al. (2007)
+, 1883
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+, 1965
+Colony encrusting. Autozooecia hexagonal to oval, growing in rows. Frontal wall perforated by numerous pores, no lateral marginal areolar pores. Aperture with a well developed shallow sinus, no oral spines. Avicularia small, sub-oral, sometimes absent. Ovicell small, deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecia, its frontal wall possesses pores.
+R e m a r k s: A similar genus –
+, 1909
+as revised by
+Tilbrook et al. (2001)
+– has a frontal shield evenly perforated by numerous pores, with a marginal series of larger pores, it has a very narrow sinus, often vicarious avicularia and a very prominent, globular ovicell. Similar genus is also
+, 1957
+as re-described by
+differs however in having dimorphic apertures and much larger ovicells.
+Ferganula rousinovensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 108, Fig. 1-6
+D i a g n o s i s: Encrustingcolony,autozooeciaovalto hexagonal, growing in more or less regular rows with visible lateral walls. Frontal wall heavily perforated by pores. Apertures with sinus and clearly visible condyles. No avicularia. Ovicell small, semilunar, deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecia, with a strongly porous frontal wall.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated in Pl. 108, Fig. 1-3, from the section Rousínov pumpa, deposited in the National Museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01591.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+7 specimens
+from the section
+pumpa, deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01592 to P 01598
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the name Rousínov, the
+locality of this taxon.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Rousínov pumpa.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (inmicrometers=µm;x= average):
+length of autozooecia: 333-842; x = 613
+width of autozooecia: 249-588; x = 375
+length of aperture: 76-216; x = 154
+width of aperture: 99-229; x = 156
+length of ovicell: 220-250; x = 234
+width of ovicell:: 410-416; x = 414
+diameter of frontal pores: 17-25; x = 21
+length of kenozooecia: 90-562; x = 326
+width of kenozooecia: 45-182; x = 114
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony encrusting, autozooecia growing in regular rows. Autozooecia oval to hexagonal, separated by clearly visible lateral walls. Frontal wall slightly convex, perforated by numerous, small pores of identical size (no visible difference between pores situated more centrally or more laterally). Apertures with a shallow sinus and a narrow, extensively calcified lip. Condyles clearly visible. Ovicell small, semilunar, deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecia, with porous frontal wall. Its pores may be larger than the pores on the frontal wall. Kenozooecia drop-like, narrow and long, rarely distributed among autozooecia. No avicularia observed.
+C o m p a r i s o n: A similar species is
+Ferganula sumsarica
+, 1966
+, which also does not develop avicularia, but has a less porous frontal wall and a less prominent sinus. Similar ovicells have been described in
+Ferganula turkestanensis
+, 1966
+, a taxon which however has a pair of small avicularia.
+R e m a r k s: Due to the presence of a perforated frontal wall, a shallow sinus and a deeply immersed small ovicell perforated by numerous pores and due to the absence of any oral spines, this species belongs to
+as described by
+Pheophanova (1966)
+O c c u r r e n c e: Podbřežice, Hluchov and perhaps also in
+(section at Girbova de Sus in Transylvania).
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Escharina otophora
+, 1847)
+Pl. 112, Fig. 1-2
+Cellepora otophora
+m. – Reuss p. 90, Pl. 11, Fig. 1
+Escharina otophora
+, 1847
+– David and Pouyet p. 165, Pl. 11, Fig. 9
+Escharina otophora
+, 1847
+– Vávra p. 122 (cum syn.)
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1859.50.785 (identified by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: Only
+4 specimens
+were found in the studied sections.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting with sub-hexagonal autozooecia. Frontal wall slightly granular, convex with small marginal areolar pores. Aperture with a small, narrow sinus, distally having around 5 oral spine bases. Avicularia small, suboral with a well defined pivotal bar. Ovicell deeply immersed, globular without areolar pores. Ovicelled autozooecia usually have a pair of small, triangular avicularia.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Herentia hyndmanni
+, 1847)
+Pl. 112, Fig. 3-4
+v. 1989
+Herentia hyndmanni
+, 1847)
+– Schmid p. 45, Pl. 13, Fig. 1, 2, 4 (cum syn.)
+Herentia hyndmanni
+, 1847)
+– Berning et al. p. 1516, Fig. 1 (cum syn.)
+y p e:
+deposited in the NHM London under the number 1847.9.16.156 (
+Berning et al., 2008
+M a t e r i a l: In detail only
+5 specimens
+were studied, but the species is more common.
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooecia hexagonal with a flat or slightly convex frontal wall. Apertures with a short, short sinus. Avicularia large, circular with a pivotal bar. Ovicell small, semilunar.
+R e m a r k s:
+Berning et al. (2008)
+do not refer to the fossil species of
+, but
+Schmid (1989)
+clearly shows, that the Miocene specimens can be included in this species.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Margaretta cereoides
+, 1786)
+Pl. 110, Fig. 1-4
+v. 1974
+v. 1977
+Margaretta cereoides
+– David and Pouyet p. 196, Pl. 10, Fig. 7
+Margaretta cereoides
+– Vávra p. 143 (cum. syn)
+Margaretta cereoides
+– Schmid p. 52, Pl. 15, Fig. 4, 5 7, 8 (cum syn.)
+Margaretta cereoides
+– Zágoršek p. 172 (cum syn.)
+M a t e r i a l: A common species, altogether
+39 specimens
+from different sections were studied in detail. Additional specimens from the
+collection stored in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the numbers 1859.50.976 and 1859.45.665 from the section at
+D i a g n o s i s: Columnar colony with a circular cross-section. Autozooecia arranged in 4 to 8 longitudinal rows, separated by shallow grooves, elongated oval with a strongly porous, slightly convex frontal wall. Aperture circular to oval and situated on a short peristome. Ascopore median, circular, small and usually only slightly larger than the regular pores on the frontal wall. Ovicell has not been observed.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Microporella crenilabris
+, 1847)
+Pl. 115, Fig. 1-5
+Cellepora crenilabris
+m. – Reuss p. 88, Pl. 10, Fig. 22
+Cellepora pleuropora
+m. – Reuss p. 88, Pl. 10, Fig. 21
+v. 1874
+Cellepora pleuropora
+– Reuss p. 153 Pl. 4, Fig. 12
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+– David and Pouyet p. 182, Pl. 7, Fig. 5. (cum syn.)
+v. 1989
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+– Schmid p. 49, Pl. 14, Fig. 4-7 (cum syn.)
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+– Hayward and Ryland p. 296, Fig. 134C, D and 136
+, 1766
+– Berning p. 105, Fig. 128-130
+y p e: The
+is deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1867.40.177 (identified by
+David and Pouyet, 1974
+M a t e r i a l: A common species, altogether more than
+30 specimens
+were studied in detail. An additional 4 speci-
+155 mens from the Reuss collection stored in the Natural History Museum
+under the number
+from sections at Podivín and Hlohovec (labelled as
+Lepralia microstoma
+) and a specimen of
+Cellepora pleuropora
+) from Eisenstadt figured by
+Reuss (1874)
+were included in our studies too.
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooeciahexagonal to oval, with a convex, porous frontal wall, clearly separated from each other. Aperture oval, slightly semilunar with 5-6 oral spines. Ascopore large, crescent-shaped, situated on the top of a small umbo. Avicularia single, lateral, with a short rostrum usually tapering laterally. Ovicell prominent, with a flat, porous frontal wall.
+R e m a r k s: The type of
+Cellepora crenilabris
+, 1847
+is completely identical with the studied material.
+David and Pouyet (1974)
+synonymised this species with
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+Kuklinski and Taylor (2008)
+established a
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+, which differs from the studied material in having a more immersed ovicell, and less protruding avicularia.
+David and Pouyet (1974)
+also listed in their synonymy
+Cellepora pleuropora
+, 1847
+, but I could not find the types, only the specimen illustrated by
+Reuss (1874)
+. Therefore I referred to the
+Cellepora crenilabris
+, 1847
+to describe this Miocene species.
+Berning (2006)
+argues, that recent
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+differs from this Miocene species in producing ovicells which are wider than long. His figure 130 shows characters very similar to the Miocene specimens described here and may also belong to this species.
+Kuklinski and Taylor (2008)
+suggested a thorough study of morphological variation within and between populations, coupled with molecular data to determine the true species characters and geographical distribution of this species – – a study which would be far beyond the scope of this paper. It seems, that Reuss’ species corresponds more with the morphological features of the Miocene material than to those of the recent taxon.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Phoceana tubulifera
+, 1847)
+Pl. 114, Fig. 1-6
+Eschara tubulifera
+m. – Reuss p. 67, Pl. 8, Fig. 19
+Eschara tubulifera
+nov. sp.
+– Heller p. 116, Pl. 3, Fig. 3-4
+Phoceana tubulifera
+, 1847
+– Vávra p. 139 (cum syn.)
+Phoceana tubulifera
+, 1867
+– Hayward and McKinney p. 51, Fig. 23A-D
+y p e:
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+under the number 1859.50.746 (
+chosen by
+Vávra, 1977
+M a t e r i a l: A common species, easily misinterpreted as
+Smittina cervicornis
+20 specimens
+were studied in detail.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony bilaminar, large with a median lamella. The cross section circular to oval. Autozooecia in 6 to 10 longitudinal rows with perforated frontal wall. Nonporous area of frontal wall very small, restricted to the proximal margin of the aperture. Peristome short, aperture circular. A ridge is situated medially inside the aperture, sometimes very wide.
+R e m a r k s: From a general view, this species may sometimes look like
+Smittina cervicornis
+, but it always differs with respect to the avicularia: they are inside the aperture.
+The recent specimens (
+Hayward and McKinney, 2002
+) are almost identical with fossil material, but the frontal wall has a large nonporous area.
+Hayward and McKinney (2002)
+however attributed this species to
+Heller (1867)
+and they did not discuss Reuss’ (1847) paper. Vávra (pers. comm., 2008) studied
+Heller’s (1867)
+material deposited in Innsbruck and he synonymised
+Eschara tubulifera
+, 1867
+Smittina cervicornis
+. It is unclear, whether
+Hayward and McKinney (2002)
+also studied the
+material, or only synonymised Heller’s species according to the illustration and therefore, the determination of Heller’s specimen remains uncertain. Nevertheless, Reuss’ (1847) description is the older one, thus his name has priority.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Microporella berningi
+sp. n.
+Pl. 116, Fig. 1-5
+non 1999
+Microporella appendiculata
+, 1867
+– Hayward and Ryland p. 294, Fig. 134A, B and 135
+, 1867
+– Berning p. 103, Fig. 131
+D i a g n o s i s: Autozooecia oval, with flat frontal wall. Aperture semilunar with five oral spines. Ascopore crescent shaped. Nonporous area is developed between the ascopore and proximal margin of the aperture. Avicularia in pairs, suboral, tapering distally. Ovicell very small, deeply immersed with a nonporous frontal wall.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 116, Fig. 1-2, from the section Holubice, deposited in the National museum
+under the number PM2 – P 01695.
+P a r a t y p e s:
+Three specimens
+from the locality
+, deposited in the
+National Museum
+under numbers
+– P 01696 to P 01698
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: In honour of Björn Berning (Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum Linz,
+), who was the first biologist to recognize this new species.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Holubice,sectionA.
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average)
+length of autozooecia: 436-565; x = 510
+width of autozooecia: 347-620; x = 429
+length of aperture: 81-98; x = 90
+width of aperture: 102-134; x = 120
+length of ovicell: 75-115; x = 95
+width of ovicell: 190-266; x = 225
+length of avicularium: 74-104; x = 89
+width of avicularium: 44-83; x = 61
+diameter of ascopore: 16-46; x = 27
+diameter of oral spine: 35-40; x = 37
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Autozooecia oval to irregular in shape, separated from each other by shallow grooves. Frontal wall flat or slightly convex, strongly porous. Aperture semilunar with 5 to 7 oral spines. Ascopore crescent-shaped, situated close to the proximal margin of the aperture, very small. Usually as large as the regular frontal pores, sometimes smaller. There are no frontal pores between the ascopore and the proximal margin of the aperture. Avicularia in pairs, suboral, tapering distally. Ovicell very small, deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium with a short, indistinct umbo on the central part of the ovicell.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species is very similar to
+Microporella ciliata
+, 1766
+as revised by
+Kuklinski and Taylor (2008)
+. It has however a very large ovicell with a porous frontal wall.
+Another very similar species is
+Microporella appendiculata
+, 1867
+, which was synonymised by
+Geraci (1977)
+Microporella marsupiata
+, 1880
+. Recent specimens of
+Microporella appendiculata
+, 1867
+differ from
+Microporella berningi
+sp. n.
+in having a prominent ovicell with a transverse rib (
+Hayward and Ryland, 1999
+Microporella marsupiata
+, 1880
+differs from our new species in having large ovicells and 7 to 9 oral spines.
+Hayward and Ryland (1999)
+however did not discuss
+Geraci’s (1977)
+paper so it is unclear if
+Microporella marsupiata
+, 1880
+Microporella appendiculata
+, 1867
+are synonyms or not. This cannot be decid- ed on the basis of pictures only and I do not have access to the
+specimens of these species. These two species clearly differ from
+Microporella berningi
+sp. n.
+R e m a r k s: Berning’s specimens (2006) are identical with the Moravian material in also having a deeply immersed ovicell with nonporous frontal wall and a nonporous area between the ascopore and the proximal margin of the aperture.
+O c c u r r e n c e: SectionsatHolubiceandŽidlochovice
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Calloporina decorata
+, 1847)
+Pl. 117, Fig. 1-3
+Cellepora decorata
+m. – Reuss p. 89, Pl. 10, Fig. 25 1989
+Calloporina decorata
+, 1847
+– Schmid p. 51,
+Pl. 15, Fig. 1-3 (cum syn)
+y p e:
+identified by
+David and Pouyet (1974)
+as specimen 1859.50.769 from
+deposited in the
+Natural History Museum
+M a t e r i a l: Only
+6 specimens
+were found in the studied sections.
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting, Autozooecia rectangular, hexagonal with two rows of marginal areolar pores. Aperture semilunar with a straight proximal margin and oral spines. Avicularium large, suboral, always tapering distally, with a pivotal bar. Ovicells with a non-calcified horseshoeshaped distal margin, endoecium strongly porous.
+R e m a r k s: Autozooecia grow very regularly and develop large avicularia and ovicells with a horseshoeshaped porous endoecium resulting in a very decorative budding pattern.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Cribellopora trasoni
+sp. n.
+Pl. 122, Fig. 1-3
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting. Autozooecia oval with small cribellate frontal pores. Lateral walls indistinct. Aperture semilunar with a very narrow sinus, no oral spines. Ovicell flat with a smooth, nonporous frontal wall.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 122, Fig. 2-3 from the section Kralice nad Oslavou, deposited in the NM
+under the number PM2-P 01505
+P a r a t y p e s: The specimen from the section Kralice nad Oslavou, deposited in the NM
+under the number PM2-P 01924
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Derived from the name Třasoň, a student who studied the section at Kralice nad Oslavou.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Kralice nad Oslavou, sample-4, which corresponds to sample KRA-S 3 (
+Zágoršek et al., 2009
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian..
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average):
+length of autozooecia: 604-719; x = 677
+width of autozooecia: 455-515; x = 475
+length of autozooecial aperture without sinus:
+102-129; x = 114
+length of autozooecial aperture with sinus:
+147-182; x = 167
+width of autozooecial aperture: 146-156; x = 150
+length of ovicell: 257-373; x = 302
+width of ovicell: 311-387; x = 349
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony encrusting, autozooecia grow in rather regular rows. Autozooecia usually oval or slightly hexagonal, longer than wide, separated by deep furrows. Frontal wall convex, smooth, slightly perforated by scattered, cribellate frontal pores. Lateral walls indistinct. Aperture semilunar to semicircular with a very narrow sinus, preserved almost as only a slit. No oral spines observed. Ovicell flat, slightly immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium with a smooth, nonporous frontal wall. Marginal pores on the ovicell not developed.
+C o m p a r i s o n: This species differs from
+Cribellopora latigastra
+, 1949
+in having small frontal pores, ovicells without lateral pores and a very narrow sinus. The exact shape of the frontal pores is – due to the preservation – not clearly visible, but they are smaller than in
+Cribellopora latigastra
+Cribellopora hluchovensis
+sp. n.
+also has a wide sinus and ovicells with lateral pores.
+R e m a r k: Due to the presence of cribellate frontal pores, a narrow sinus and absence of oral spines this species belongs to
+as described by
+Gordon (1984)
+O c c u r r e n c e: Only in the section at Kralice nad Oslavou.
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+National Museum, Prague, Václavské nám. 68,115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic
+Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B
+3 - 4
+journal article
+Cribellopora hluchovensis
+sp. n.
+Pl. 121, Fig.1-4
+D i a g n o s i s: Colony encrusting. Autozooecia hexagonal or oval with small frontal pores. Lateral walls distinct. Aperture oval to circular with a wide sinus, no oral spines. Ovicell flat with a smooth, nonporous frontal wall.
+H o l o t y p e: The specimen illustrated on Pl. 121, Fig. 1-3 from the section Hluchov, deposited in the NM
+under the number PM2-P 01504
+P a r a t y p e s:
+Four specimens
+from the section
+deposited in the NM
+under the numbers
+- P 01506 – P 01507
+D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s: Due to the occurrence in the section at Hluchov.
+L o c u s t y p i c u s: Hluchov
+S t r a t u m t y p i c u m: Langhian – Lower Badenian.
+M e a s u r e m e n t s: (in micro meters = µm; x = = average)
+length of autozooecia: 466-739; x = 566
+width of autozooecia: 307-545; x = 406
+length of autozooecial aperture: 107-169; x = 133
+width of autozooecial aperture: 106-157; x = 125
+length of ovicell: 277-393; x = 324
+width of ovicell: 321-391; x = 358
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Colony encrusting, usually covering large areas on bivalve fragments. Autozooecia regularly hexagonal or oval, slightly longer than wide, separated by deep furrows. Frontal wall convex, smooth, slightly perforated by frontal pores. Lateral walls narrow, distinct, visible mostly on the proximal half of the autozooecia, sometimes around the whole autozooecia, inside the furrows. Aperture oval to circular with a wide sinus. No oral spines observed. Ovicell flat, deeply immersed into the distal part of the autozooecium with a smooth, nonporous frontal wall. The marginal pores on the ovicell are not clearly visible due to preservation, but probably do exist.
+C o m p a r i s o n: Differs from
+Cribellopora latigastra
+, 1949
+in having small frontal pores, distinct lateral walls and a narrower sinus. The shape of the frontal pores is not visible due to preservation. It differs from
+Cribellopora trasoni
+sp. n.
+in having a wide sinus and smaller frontal pores.
+R e m a r k: Due to the presence of frontal pores, rows of marginal pores on the ovicell and a broad sinus this
+158 species belongs to
+as described by
+Gordon (1984)
+O c c u r r e n c e: Only in the section at Hluchov.
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-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 40-42
+Figs. 40-42
@@ -186,23 +187,23 @@ The specific name is derived from the Greek
Body (
-Fig. 40A
+Fig. 40A
) small, slightly depressed dorsoventrally. Body length of dissected and figured specimen 540 μm. Prosome moderately expanded, 340 μm long. Cephalothorax wider than long (218 × 290 μm), distinctly wider than succeeding pedigerous somites. All prosomal somite with rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 40B
+Fig. 40B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 99 μm wide, distinctly wider than genital double-somite, with few spinules on lateral apical region. Genital double-somite as long as wide (80 × 80 μm), subquadrate, with rounded anterolateral corners, angularly produced posterolateral corners, and almost parallel lateral margins; genital apertures positioned dorsally at 40% region of double-somite length. Two free abdominal somites 32 × 54 and 27 × 43 μm, respectively. First free abdominal somite with convex lateral margins. Anal somite with few spinules on posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 40D
+Fig. 40D
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 40C, D
+Fig. 40C, D
) 1.33 times longer than wide (24 × 18 μm), with convex inner and straight outer margins, distally ornamented with 6 dentiform processes (2 inner ones of them serrate at tip), and armed with 6 short, naked setae (2 dorsal and 4 distal); setae I and V longest but less than twice as long as caudal ramus, oth- er 4 setae shorter than caudal ramus.
Rostrum absent. Antennule (
-Fig. 40E
+Fig. 40E
) 19-segmented, about 195 μm long; 1st, 9th, penultimate, and terminal segments with 1 seta, 5 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively. Antenna (
-Fig. 40F
+Fig. 40F
) with unornamented coxa and basis; exopod 8 × 4 μm, with 3 setae; first endopodal segment 30 μm long, with spinules on outer margin; small second endopodal segment tipped with 1 seta; third endopodal segment with 2 setae; terminal claw spiniform, 42 μm long, 1.4 times longer than first endopodal segment, with spinules along both margins.
Fig. 40.
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ Rostrum absent. Antennule (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, dorsal; D, right caudal ramus, ventral; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, 0.05 mm; C, D, 0.01 mm; E- K, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 41.
@@ -224,18 +225,18 @@ Rostrum absent. Antennule (
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 40G
+Fig. 40G
) 114 μm long, rather stout, evenly tapering, reaching insertion of maxilliped, with truncate distal tip. Mandible (
-Fig. 40H
+Fig. 40H
) with stylet of 106 μm long; palp 1-segmented, slender, 36 μm long, tipped with 2 weakly pinnate setae (longer seta 69 μm long and short- er one 36 μm long); palp plus longer distal seta 105 μm long, as long as stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 40I
+Fig. 40I
) bilobed; inner lobe 45 μm long, tipped with 4 setae, longest one of them 60 μm long; outer lobe 19 μm long, tipped with 3 longer (longest one 57 μm long) and 1 short setae. Maxilla (
-Fig. 40J
+Fig. 40J
) 2-segmented; proximal segment unornamented; distal segment claw-like, arched, distinctly longer than proximal segment, spinulose along entire length. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 40K
+Fig. 40K
) 6-segmented, with armature formula 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; terminal segment 21 μm long; claw elongate, spinulose along inner margin, 55 μm long, 2.6 times longer than terminal segment.
Fig. 42.
@@ -247,43 +248,43 @@ Oral siphon (
Legs 1-4 (
-Fig. 41A- D
+Fig. 41A- D
) with 3-segmented rami; setae on rami, especially those on endopod of leg 4, small. Intercoxal plate of legs 1-3 with few spinules, that of leg 4 smooth. Inner coxal setae present in legs 1 and 2, but absent in legs 3 and 4. Outer seta on basis naked, equal in length in all swimming legs. Basis of leg 1 with spinules on inner distal corner; its inner distal seta proximally broadened, with few setules. Second endopodal segment with unicuspid outer distal corner in leg 1, but with bicuspid corner in legs 2-4. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as follows:
Coxa Basis Exopod Endopod
Leg 1 0-1 1-1 I-1; I-1; III, 2, 2 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 2 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 3 0-0 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 + I, 3 Leg 4 0-0 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 + I, 2
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 40B
+Fig. 40B
) consisting of 1 naked dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 41E
+Fig. 41E
) nearly rectangular, 3.27 times longer than wide (49 × 15 μm), unornamented, but armed distally with 3 naked setae; lengths of these setae 31, 37, and 23 μm, respectively, from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 41F
+Fig. 41F
) represented by 2 naked setae and 1 small process on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 42A
+Fig. 42A
) narrower than that of female. Body length 464 μm. Prosome 282 μm long. Cephalothorax longer than wide (193 × 180 μm), with sub-parallel lateral margin. Second pedigerous somite with angular posterolateral corners. Fourth pedigerous somite with nipple-shaped lateral apices. Urosome (
-Fig. 42B
+Fig. 42B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 75 μm wide. Genital somite large, rectangular, wider than long (75 × 105 μm). Three abdominal somites 22 × 59, 18 × 43, and 24 × 39 μm, respectively. First abdominal somite characteristically broadened in posterior region. Caudal ramus 1.18 times longer than wide (20 × 17 μm), armed and ornamented as in female.
Rostrum absent. Antennule (
-Fig. 42C
+Fig. 42C
) 17-segmented, geniculate between 14th and 15th segments and between 15th and 16th segments; armature formula 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 7, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1+ aesthetasc, and 10; all setae naked. Antenna as in female.
Mouthparts, except maxilliped, as in female. Inner distal seta on first segment (sncoxa) of maxilliped proximally expanded (
-Fig. 42D
+Fig. 42D
Legs 1-4 as in female. Exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 42E
+Fig. 42E
) 2.83 times longer than wide (34 × 12 μm), with convex outer margin, straight inner margin, armed distally with 3 naked setae. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 42B
+Fig. 42B
) represented by 2 small setae on posterolateral corner of genital somite.
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 38
+Figs. 38
@@ -142,29 +143,29 @@ The name
Body (
-Fig. 38A
+Fig. 38A
) narrow. Mean body length 846 μm (818-900 μm), based on
7 specimens
. Body length of figured and described specimen 830 μm. Prosome 527 × 349 μm. Cephalothorax 327 μm long, slightly wid- er than long. All prosomal somites with rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 38B
+Fig. 38B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 114 μm wide. Genital double-somite 1.16 times longer than wide (136 × 117 μm), widest at proximal third; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at 40% region of double-somite length; post-genital lateral margins each bearing tuft of about 20 thin setules (
-Fig. 39F
+Fig. 39F
). Two free abdominal somites 48 × 74 and 38 × 65 μm, respectively. Anal somite bearing scattered spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 38C
+Fig. 38C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 38C
+Fig. 38C
) much wider than long (21 × 30 μm), broadened distally, armed with 6 setae, and ornamented with small spinules along posteroventral margin; two medial distal setae (setae IV and V) thick, 233 and 265 μm long, respectively, other caudal setae much smaller.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 38D
+Fig. 38D
) as tapering ridge between antennules, with thin sclerotization along lateral margins. Antennule (
-Fig. 38E
+Fig. 38E
) 244 μm long, 19-segmented; 1st, 9th, and 2 terminal segments bearing 1 seta, 5 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 13 setae, respectively, all other segments each with 2 setae; all setae naked, mostly small. Antenna (
-Fig. 38F
+Fig. 38F
) with short coxa; basis 77 μm long, unarmed, unornamented; exopod 9 × 4.5 μm, bearing 1 proximal and 2 distal small setae; endopodal segments with 0, 1, and 2 setae, respectively; first endopodal segment 55 μm long, with setules along outer margin; terminal claw rather thick, 56 μm long, bearing several minute, scattered spines.
Fig. 38.
@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ Rostrum (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandibular stylet; I, mandibular palp; J, maxillule; K, maxilla; L, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, G, 0.05 mm; C- F, H- L, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 39.
@@ -186,39 +187,39 @@ Rostrum (
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 38G
+Fig. 38G
) 209 × 60 μm, narrow, extending to proximal margin of intercoxal plate of leg 1; proximal third slightly broadened. Mandibular stylet (
-Fig. 38H
+Fig. 38H
) 188 μm long, curved and broadened at distal third, bearing row of 6 teeth at distal region; palp (
-Fig. 38I
+Fig. 38I
) small, 22 μm long, tipped with 1 rudimentary seta (13 μm long) and 1 longer seta (104 μm long); palp plus longer distal seta (126 μm) only 0.67 times as long as stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 38J
+Fig. 38J
) bilobed; shorter outer lobe 25 μm long, bearing 3 setae, subdistal one of them pinnate, 64 μm long, other 2 setae naked, 77 and 70 μm long, respectively; inner lobe about 70 μm long, bearing 4 weakly pinnate setae distally, lengths of these 4 setae 110, 127, 106, and 50 μm, respectively, from inner to outer. Maxilla (
-Fig. 38K
+Fig. 38K
) 2-segment- ed; proximal segment bearing excretory pore proximally, unornamented; distal segment 1.35 times longer than proximal segment, slender, arched, with rows of spinules. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 38L
+Fig. 38L
) consisting of syncoxa, basis, and 3-segmented endopod; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 2, and 1+ claw; seta on basis vestigial, hardly visible; terminal segment and claw 44 and 59μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 39A
+Fig. 39A
), 2 (
-Fig. 39B
+Fig. 39B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 39D
+Fig. 39D
) biramous with 3-segmented rami. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 3 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 39C
+Fig. 39C
). Inner coxal seta absent in leg 1, but well-developed and pinnate in legs 2-4. Outer seta on basis small, translucent in all swimming legs. Leg 1 basis with broad inner distal seta, few spinules at inner distal corner, and row of thin spinules on distal margin near base of inner distal seta. Third endopodal segment of leg 3 with 1 spine and 5 setae (
-Fig. 39C
+Fig. 39C
), otherwise leg 3 similar to leg 2. Most of spines on swimming legs broadened, leaf-like. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as follows:
Coxa Basis Exopod Endopod
Leg 1 0-0 1-1 I-1; I-1; III, 2, 2 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 2 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 3 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 +I, 3 Leg 4 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 +I, 2
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 39E
+Fig. 39E
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment sub-fusiform, 2.03 times longer than wide (63 × 3 μm), armed with 3 pinnate setae distally; lengths of distal setae 26, 27, and 45 μm, respectively, from outer to inner; innermost seta longest. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 39F
+Fig. 39F
) represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 small spinule on genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFC9FFD0FF41B7F5B52D60B5.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFC9FFD0FF41B7F5B52D60B5.xml
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 35-37
+Figs. 35-37
@@ -138,42 +139,42 @@ locality, Dokdo Island.
Body (
-Fig. 35A
+Fig. 35A
) moderately broad. Body length of figured and described specimen 822 μm. Mean body length 774 μm (703-870 μm), based on
8 specimens
. Prosome 570 × 436 μm. Cephalothorax 353 μm long, wider than long. All prosomal somite bearing rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 35B
+Fig. 35B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 123 μm wide, bearing spinules (or scales) on dorsolateral surfaces. Genital double-somite slightly wider than long (110 × 114 μm), widest at proximal third, followed by gradually narrowing distal two-thirds; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at about 48% region of double-somite length; postgenital lateral margin ornamented with 2 groups of spinules, anterior group containing 10-13 unequally longer spinules, posterior group containing 4 or 5 short- er but thicker spinules (
-Fig. 36F
+Fig. 36F
). Two free abdominal somite 35 × 65 and 38 × 58 μm, respectively. Genital double-somite and first free abdominal somite bearing minute spinules along posterior margin. Posteroventral margin of anal somite smooth, lacking spinules (
-Fig. 35C
+Fig. 35C
). Caudal ramus(
-Fig. 35C
+Fig. 35C
) as long as wide (26× 26 μm), ornament- ed with spinules (or scales) on posteroventral, outer, and inner margins.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 35D
+Fig. 35D
) as tapering ridge between antennules, lacking defined posterior apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 35E
+Fig. 35E
) 360 μm long, 21-segmented; 9th, 18th, 20th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, 4 setae, and 7 setae, respectively; other segments each with 2 setae; some of setae on proximal segments weakly pinnate, truncated, tipped with small setule. Antenna (
-Fig. 35F
+Fig. 35F
) segmented as in other species of genus; coxa short, unarmed; basis with row of needle-like spinules on outer side; exopod 2.44 times longer than wide (11 × 4.5 μm), bearing 1 proximal and 2 unequal distal setae. First endopodal segment 68 μm long, bearing setules or spinules on both margins; second endopodal segment short, with 1 seta; third endopodal segment bearing 2 setae; terminal claw spiniform, weakly arched, 109 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 35G
+Fig. 35G
) 212 × 59 μm, extending to intercoxal plate of leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 35H
+Fig. 35H
) consisting of coxal stylet and palp; coxal stylet 205 μm long, bearing 12 teeth at distal region; palp indistinctly 2-segmented, 56 (39+ 17) μm long, tipped with 2 pinnate, unequal setae, longer seta 174 μm long, shorter one 86 μm long; palp plus its larger distal seta 230 μm long, 1.12 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 35I
+Fig. 35I
) bilobed; inner lobe about 73 μm long, bearing 4 distinct and 1 rudimentary setae (4 distinct setae 120, 1,4, 115, and 70 μm, respectively, from inner to outer); outer lobe 29 μm long, bearing 4 setae (lengths of these setae 118, 91, 86, and 28 μm, respectively); precoxal region near base of outer lobe bearing several spinules. Maxilla (
-Fig. 35J
+Fig. 35J
) slender, 2-segmented; proximal segment bearing excretory tube and row of minute spinules at proximal region; distal segment thin, 1.3 times longer than proximal segment, with tuft of setules in middle and rows of spinules along distal third. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 35K
+Fig. 35K
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, and 1+ claw; terminal segment and claw 39 and 105 μm long, respectively.
Fig. 35.
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female.A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, E- K, 0.05 mm; C, D, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 36.
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female. A, leg 1; B, leg 2; C, endopod of leg 3; D, leg 4; E, exopod of leg 5; F, left side of genital double-somite, dorsal. Scale bars: A- D, 0.05 mm; E, F, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 37.
@@ -205,13 +206,13 @@ Oral siphon (
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 36A
+Fig. 36A
), 2 (
-Fig. 36B
+Fig. 36B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 36D
+Fig. 36D
) segmented as usual for genus. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, but with 1 spine and 5 setae on the third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 36C
+Fig. 36C
). Intercoxal plate bearing spinules in legs 1-3 but smooth in leg 4. Inner coxal seta present, pinnate in all swimming legs. Inner distal margin of basis in leg 1 spinulose but smooth in legs 2-4. Inner distal seta on basis of leg 1 thin, bipinnate along distal half. Second endopodal segment of legs 1-4 with bicuspid outer distal corner. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -220,37 +221,37 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 35B
+Fig. 35B
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 36E
+Fig. 36E
) 2.47 times longer than wide (47 × 19 μm), armed with 3 setae and ornamented with spinules on outer and inner margins; two distal setae pinnate, 70 (outer) and 65 (inner) μm long, respectively; inner subdistal seta naked, 36 μm long, proximally annulated. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 36F
+Fig. 36F
) represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 spinule on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 37A
+Fig. 37A
) narrower and smaller than that of female. Body length of dissected specimen 633 μm. Prosome 448 × 333 μm. Cephalothorax 294 μm long. Urosome (
-Fig. 37B
+Fig. 37B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 91 μm wide. Genital somite 91 × 117 μm, with many spinules on lateral surfaces and group of minute spinules at posterodorsal corners; genital operculum bearing 2 setae on subdistal outer margin, spinules on outer and inner margins, 3-5 setules on inner margin, and acutely pointed distal apex. Three abdominal somites 19 × 59, 14 × 53, and 24 × 50 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus as long as wide (23 × 23 μm).
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 37C
+Fig. 37C
) 18-segmented; 9th, 13th, and 3 terminal segments armed with 7 setae, 2 setae+ aesthetasc, 3 setae, 4 setae + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively; anterodistal corner of penultimate segment angularly produced. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla not different from those of female. Maxilliped with beak-like proximal process on inner margin of second segment.
Legs 1 and 4 as in female. Legs 2 and 3 with endopod (
-Fig. 37D, E
+Fig. 37D, E
) different from those of female; third endopodal segment of leg 2 bearing strong mammiform spine (transformed from a seta) and group of several, needle-like spinules medial to spine; third endopodal segment of leg 3 with expanded distal region bearing curved, claw-like distal process.
Leg 5 exopodal segment (
-Fig. 37F
+Fig. 37F
) 2.50 times longer than wide(35 × 14 μm). Leg 6 (
-Fig. 37G
+Fig. 37G
) represented by 2 setae on genital operculum.
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 33
+Figs. 33
@@ -145,48 +146,48 @@ meaning “a tooth”) refers to the four distal teeth of the mandibular stylet.
Body (
-Fig. 33A
+Fig. 33A
) moderately broad. Body length of figured and described specimen 796 μm. Prosome 513 × 422 μm. Cephalothorax 353 μm long, wider than long. All prosomal somites with rounded posterolateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 33B
+Fig. 33B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite wider than genital double-somite, with 1 or 2 spinules on lateral margin. Genital double-somite as long as wide (117 × 118 μm), widest at proximal third, gradually narrowing posteriorly from widest region; genital apertures positioned laterally at 45% region of double-somite length; postgenital lateral margin bearing 2 groups of spinules, anterior group consisting of 4 or 5 shorter spinules and posterior group of 4 longer spinules (
-Fig. 34F
+Fig. 34F
); posterior region of lateral margin with 2 scales. Two free abdominal somites 48 × 70 and 36 × 64 μm, respectively. Anal somite with spinules of irregular sizes along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 33C
+Fig. 33C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 33C
+Fig. 33C
) as long as wide (27 × 27 μm), bearing longer outer margin and shorter inner margin, armed with 6 setae, and ornamented with spinules along posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 33D
+Fig. 33D
) represented by ridge bearing concave lateral margins, without posterior apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 33E
+Fig. 33E
) 337 μm long, 20-segmented; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 9 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; several setae on proximal segments pinnate; all setae attenuated, not truncated at tip. Antenna (
-Fig. 33F
+Fig. 33F
) comprising coxa, basis, small exopod, and 3-segmented endopod; coxa short, unarmed; basis unarmed but ornamented with fine spinules near exopod; exopod 9 × 5.5 μm, bearing 1 proximal and 2 distal setae; first endopodal segment 57 μm long, unarmed but ornamented with setules along outer margin; small second endopodal segment with 1 seta; third endopodal segment with 2 setae; terminal claw spiniform, 52 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 33G
+Fig. 33G
) rather stout, 147 × 57 μm, reaching maxilliped insertions, constricted near proximal quarter. Mandible (
-Fig. 33H
+Fig. 33H
) consisting of coxal stylet and palp; stylet 133 μm long, bearing 4 teeth distally including hook-like terminal tooth; palp 1-segmented, 46 μm long, tipped with 2 unequal, weakly pinnate setae, longer seta 118 μm long, and shorter seta 47 μm long; palp plus longer distal seta 164 μm long, 1.23 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 33I
+Fig. 33I
) bilobed; inner lobe about 67 μm long, tipped with 1 rudimentary and 4 distinct setae (lengths 69, 70, 65, and 37 μm, respectively, from inner to outer); outer lobe 18 μm long, tipped with 4 setae (lengths 59, 55, 50, and 18 μm, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 33J
+Fig. 33J
) 2-segmented; both segments smooth, lacking spinules or setules; distal segment slender, distinctly longer than proximal segment. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 33K
+Fig. 33K
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; terminal segment and claw 36 and 58 μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 34A
+Fig. 34A
), 2 (
-Fig. 34B
+Fig. 34B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 34D
+Fig. 34D
) segmented and armed as in general for genus. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, but with 1 spine and 5 setae on the third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 34C
+Fig. 34C
). Inner coxal seta pinnate in legs 1-3 but small, naked in leg 4. Intercoxal plate bearing spinules in leg 1, but smooth in legs 2-4. Outer seta on basis of leg 1 subequal in length to that of leg 2. Mediodistal margin of basis of leg 1 bearing spinules. Inner distal seta on basis of leg 1 thin, bearing few setules on proximal part of outer margin. Outer distal process of first endopodal segment of legs 3 and 4 larger than those of legs 1 and 2. Outer distal corner of second endopodal segment of legs 1-4 with bicuspid process. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 33B
+Fig. 33B
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 34E
+Fig. 34E
) rectangular, 2.50 times longer than wide (55 × 22 μm), armed with 3 setae and ornamented with several scales on inner and outer margins; lengths of setae 51, 62, and 32 μm, respectively, from outer to inner; first and second outer setae pinnate, but innermost seta naked, with proximal annulation. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 34F
+Fig. 34F
) represented on genital operculum by 1 small, naked seta tipped on digitiform process and 1 spinule.
@@ -246,7 +247,7 @@ It is noticed that the latter five species have in common a 20-segmented female
n. sp.
in having the following different features in the female:
Fig. 33.
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ in having the following different features in the female:
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, E, G, 0.05 mm; C, D, F, H- K, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 34.
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 30-32
+Figs. 30-32
@@ -135,16 +136,16 @@ The specific name refers to the nodule-like proximal expansion of the medio-dist
Body form (
-Fig. 30A
+Fig. 30A
) as usual for genus. Body length 793 μm in figured and described specimen. Other 4 measured specimens 695, 730, 755, and 840 μm, respectively. Prosome 549 μm long. Cephalothorax wider than long (364 × 436 μm). All prosomal somites with rounded posterolateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 30B
+Fig. 30B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite wider than genital double-somite, with spinules on lateral surfaces. Genital double-somite slightly wider than long (108 × 110 μm); genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at 47% region of double-somite length; postgenital lateral margin bearing 2 groups of spinules consisting of 13 or 14 thin spinules of anterior group and 4 thicker spinules of posterior group (
-Fig. 31F
+Fig. 31F
). Two free abdominal somites 36× 66 and 38 × 58 μm, respectively. Genital double-somite and first free abdominal somite bearing row of minute spinules along posterodorsal margin. Anal somite with row of spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 30C
+Fig. 30C
). Caudal ramus 1.08 times longer than wide (28× 26 μm), armed with 6 setae and ornamented with few scales on outer and inner margins and row of spinules on posteroventral margin.
Fig. 30.
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ Body form (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, E, G, H, 0.05 mm; C, D, F, I- K, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 31.
@@ -166,14 +167,14 @@ Body form (
Rostrum (
-Fig. 30D
+Fig. 30D
) as tapering ridge between antennules, without defined distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 30E
+Fig. 30E
) 320 μm long, 21-segmented; 9th, 18th, 20th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, 4 setae, and 7 setae, respectively; other segments each with 2 setae. First segment with several spinules on anterior margin; some of setae on anterior segments pinnate; one of setae on 9th and 19th segments with crack-like transverse lines; some of setae on proximal segments truncated and tipped with minute setule. Antenna (
-Fig. 30F
+Fig. 30F
) consisting of coxa, basis, small exopod, and 3-segmented endopod; coxa with several spinules on outer margin; basis with longitudinal row of needle-like minute spinules near outer margin and few spinules on inner margin; first endopodal segment 57 μm long, with setules on outer margin; small second endopodal segment bearing 1 seta; third endopodal segment bearing 2 setae, 1 spinule-like, minute seta; terminal claw spiniform, 54 μm long.
Fig. 32.
@@ -185,26 +186,26 @@ Rostrum (
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 30G
+Fig. 30G
) 197 × 65 μm, extending slightly over insertions of maxillipeds. Mandible (
-Fig. 30H
+Fig. 30H
) consisting of coxal stylet and palp; stylet 180 μm long, bearing row of 12 teeth at distal region; palp 1-segment- ed, 56 μm long, tipped with 1 long (159 μm long) and 1 shorter (68 μm long) setae, both setae weakly pinnate; palp plus longer distal seta 1.19 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 30I
+Fig. 30I
) bilobed; inner lobe about 59 μm long, tipped with 4 large and 1 rudimentary setae (lengths of 4 large setae 83, 85, 75, and 50 μm, respectively, from inner to outer); outer lobe 21 μm long tipped with 4 setae, lengths of these 4 setae 65, 65, 45, and 25 μm, respectively. Maxilla (
-Fig. 30J
+Fig. 30J
) 2-segmented; proximal segment (syncoxa) bearing excretory tube and row of fine spinules at proximal region; distal segment (basis) as long as proximal segment bearing 1 group of setules at distal third and row of minute spinules along distal third. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 30K
+Fig. 30K
) consisting of coxa, basis, and 4-segmented endopod; coxa with 1 small seta subdistally on inner margin and several minute spinules at outer distal corner; basis unarmed but with minute spinules on outer margin; endopodal segments with 2, 1, 1, and 1 setae, respectively. Terminal segment 35 μm long and terminal claw of 61 μm long.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 31A
+Fig. 31A
), 2 (
-Fig. 31B
+Fig. 31B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 31D
+Fig. 31D
) with 3-segmented rami. Leg 3 similar to leg 2 except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 31C
+Fig. 31C
). Intercoxal plate of legs 1-3 with small spinules, but smooth in leg 4. Inner coxal seta of leg 1 small but pinnate, that of leg 4 naked, rudimentary. Out- er seta on basis of leg 1 elongated, that of leg 4 short. Inner distal margin of basis of leg 1 bearing spinules. Armature formula for legs 1-4 same as that of
A. processus
@@ -213,43 +214,43 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 30B
+Fig. 30B
) represented by 1 dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 31E
+Fig. 31E
) 2.14 times longer than wide (47 × 22 μm), bearing spinules on convex inner and outer margins and armed with 3 unequal setae; lengths of these setae 58, 38, and 22 μm, respectively, from outer to inner; longer outermost seta pinnate, other setae naked. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 31F
+Fig. 31F
) represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 denticle on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 32A
+Fig. 32A
) narrower than that of female. Body length 655 μm. Prosome 430 × 297 μm. Urosome (
-Fig. 32B
+Fig. 32B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 85 μm wide. Genital somite globular, 91 × 120 μm, bearing spinules on lateral surfaces. Three abdominal somites 22 × 56, 21 × 51, 30 × 50 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus 22 × 23 μm.
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 32C
+Fig. 32C
) 18-segmented, with weak geniculation between 15th and 16th segments and strong geniculation between 16th and 17th segments; 9th, 13th, 17th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae+ aesthetasc, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 10 setae, respectively; other segment with 2 setae each; first segment with setules and spinules on anterior margin. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, maxilla as in female. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 32D
+Fig. 32D
) with beak-like proximal process on inner margin of basis.
Legs 1 and 4 as in female. Endopods of legs 2 and 3 different from those of female. Third endopodal segment of leg 2 (
-Fig. 32E
+Fig. 32E
) with mediodistal seta bearing nodule-like proximal expansion and outer distal seta reduced in size. Third endopodal segment of leg 3 (
-Fig. 32F
+Fig. 32F
) with hook-like, curved outer distal process and 2 small denticles medial to outer distal process.
Exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 32G
+Fig. 32G
) 2.17 times longer than wide (26 × 12 μm), shaped and ornamented as that of female, bearing 2 pinnate distal setae and 1 naked mediodistal seta; lengths of these setae 43, 34, and 21μm long, respectively, from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 32H
+Fig. 32H
) consisting of 2 unequal setae on spinulose outer distal region of genital operculum.
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 27-29
+Figs. 27-29
@@ -139,42 +140,42 @@ refers to the presence of three teeth on the mandibular stylet
Body (
-Fig. 27A
+Fig. 27A
) rather broad. Mean body length 815 μm (797-835 μm), based on
7 specimens
. Figured and described specimen 835 μm long. Prosome 585 μm long, 0.70 times as long as body length. Cephalothorax 370 × 476 μm; its posterolateral corners angular. Second to fourth pedigerous somite with rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 27B
+Fig. 27B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite slightly wider than genital double-somite 115 μm wide, bearing several spinules on lateral margins. Genital double-somite as long as wide (106 × 106 μm); genital apertures positioned laterally at middle of double-somite length; posterior region posterior to genital apertures gradually narrowing; postgenital lateral margin bearing 2 groups of spinules, proximal group consisting of 2 or 3 longer spinules and distal group consisting of 2-6 shorter spinules (
-Fig. 27K, L
+Fig. 27K, L
). Two free abdominal somites 36 × 62 and 33 × 61 μm, respectively; Anal somite with spinules on posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 27C
+Fig. 27C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 27C
+Fig. 27C
) wider than long (25 × 29 μm), armed with 6 setae and ornamented with spinules (or scales) on lateral and posteroventral margins.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 27D
+Fig. 27D
) as tapering ridge, without posteri- or apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 27E
+Fig. 27E
) 324 μm long, 20-segment- ed; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments bearing 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; several setae on proximal segment bearing minute spinules on margins; anterior margin of first segment with fine spinules. Antenna (
-Fig. 27F
+Fig. 27F
) with short, unarmed coxa; basis 75 μm long, unarmed ornamented with longitudinal row of fine spinules near exopod and several spinules on inner margin; exopod small, 10 × 5.5 μm, bearing 3 setae; first endopodal segment 53 μm long, unarmed but ornamented with 2 rows of fine spinules on outer surface; small second endopodal segment with 1 seta distally; third endopodal segment with 3 setae (including 1 minute seta); terminal claw 83 μm long, 1.62 times longer than first endopodal segment.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 27G
+Fig. 27G
) 183 μm long, reaching between maxilliped and leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 27H
+Fig. 27H
) consisting of stylet and palp; stylet 190 μm long, bearing 3 teeth (2 distal and 1 subdistal); palp 2-segmented; proximal and distal segments 36 and 21 μm long, respectively, 2 distal setae 135 and 64 μm long, feebly pinnate; palp segments plus longer distal seta 193 μm long, as long as stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 27I
+Fig. 27I
) bilobed; smaller outer lobe 25 μm long, with 4 setae, longest one of them 97 μm long; inner lobe about 82 μm long, tipped with 1 small and 4 large setae, longest one of them 105 μm long. Maxilla (
-Fig. 27J
+Fig. 27J
) slender, 2-segmented; proximal segment unornamented; distal segment 1.3 times longer than proximal segment, with 1 group of setules near middle followed distally by row of fine spinules. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 28A
+Fig. 28A
) slender, 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; first segment with 1 patch of spinules at outer subdistal region and several spinules at outer distal corner; inner seta on second segment rudimentary; terminal segment 38 μm long; terminal claw 91 μm long, 2.4 times longer than terminal segment.
Fig. 27.
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, L, left side of genital double-somite, dorsal. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, D, E, G, H, J, 0.05 mm; C, F, I, K, L, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 28.
@@ -196,20 +197,20 @@ Oral siphon (
Leg 1 (
-Fig. 28B
+Fig. 28B
), 2 (
-Fig. 28C
+Fig. 28C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 28E
+Fig. 28E
) biramous with 3-segmented rami. Posterior margin of intercoxal plate smooth in all swimming legs. Inner coxal seta small, naked in leg 1, large and pinnate in legs 2 and 3, but absent in leg 4. Leg 3 same as leg 2, except bearing 1 spine plus 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 28D
+Fig. 28D
). Inner distal corner of basis of leg 1 spinulose, but naked in other swimming legs. Inner distal seta on basis of leg 1 slender, not broadened at its proximal region, pinnate along both margins. Second endopodal segment of all swimming legs bearing bicuspid outer distal corner. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. processus
n. sp.
Fig. 29.
@@ -221,43 +222,43 @@ Leg 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 27B
+Fig. 27B
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 28F
+Fig. 28F
) fusiform with convex, spinulose outer and inner margins, 2.07 times longer than wide (58 × 28 μm), armed with 3 setae; these setae 59, 38, and 31 μm long, respectively, from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 27K, L
+Fig. 27K, L
) represented by 2 naked setae and 1 denticle on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 29A
+Fig. 29A
) similar in form to that of female. Body length 582 μm. Prosome 387 μm long. Cephalothorax 237 × 294 μm, bearing angular posterolateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 29B
+Fig. 29B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 77 μm wide. Genital somite 76 × 96 μm; with well-developed genital operculum. Three abdominal somites 22 × 53, 24 × 46, and 22 × 46 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus 18× 23 μm.
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 29C
+Fig. 29C
) 17-segmented, slightly geniculate between 15th and 16th segments; 9th, 12th,16th, and terminal segments bearing 6 setae, 4 setae, 1 seta + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively; anterodistal corner of 16th segment pointed; aesthetasc on penultimate segment constricted at 60% region. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla as in female. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 29D
+Fig. 29D
) with 1 guttiform process near inner distal seta of first segment (indicated by arrowhead); second segment bearing 2 small pronouncements on inner margin.
Legs 1 and 2 showing sexual dimorphisms. Second endopodal segment of leg 1 (
-Fig. 29E
+Fig. 29E
) bearing produced, distally directed outer distal corner and 3 rows of small spinules on outer surface. Third exopodal segment of leg 2 (
-Fig. 29F
+Fig. 29F
) expanded; its second outer spine bearing subsidiary denticle on outer margin; third outer spine bearing membrane on distal part of inner margin; both spines naked, without spinules.
Exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 29G
+Fig. 29G
) 1.77 times longer than wide (23 × 13 μm), bearing few spinules on out- er and inner margins and 3 unequal naked setae. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 29B
+Fig. 29B
) probably represented by 2 unequal setae on distal region of genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFD9FFC0FF41B42AB1276792.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFD9FFC0FF41B42AB1276792.xml
index c94fd99c7d5..674072a3854 100644
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 24-26
+Figs. 24-26
@@ -139,42 +140,42 @@ The specific name is taken from its key character, the serrate lateral margins o
Body (
-Fig. 24A
+Fig. 24A
) rather small. Body length 603 μm long in dissected and described specimen. Mean body length 601 μm (538-640 μm), based on
9 specimens
. Prosome 424 μm long. Cephalothorax wider than long (280 × 327 μm). Posterolateral corner of cephalothorax angular. Second to fourth pedigerous somites with rounded lateral corners. Fourth pedigerous somite characteristically serrate along lateral margins. Urosome (
-Fig. 24B
+Fig. 24B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 89 μm wide, bearing scattered spinule on lateral and dorsolateral surfaces and row of fine spinules along posterodorsal margin. Genital double-somite wider than long (70 × 83 μm), consisting of expanded anterior three quarters and narrower posterior quarter; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally near midway of double-somite length; postgenital lateral margin bearing 14 or 15 spinules of unequal lengths (
-Fig. 25F
+Fig. 25F
); posteroventral margin with row of spinules. Two free abdominal somites subequal in length, 26 × 47 and 27 × 39 μm, respectively. Anal somite with row of spinules on posteroventral somite (
-Fig. 24C
+Fig. 24C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 24C
+Fig. 24C
) 0.90 times longer than wide (18 × 20 μm), armed with 6 setae and ornamented with row of spinules along posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 24D
+Fig. 24D
) as tapering ridge between antennules, without defined distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 24E
+Fig. 24E
) 305 μm long, 21-segmented; segments each armed with 2 setae, except 7 setae on 9th segment, 2 setae + aesthetasc on 18th segment, 4 setae on penultimate segment and 7 setae on terminal segment; some of setae on proximal segments weakly pinnate or truncated and tipped with minute setule. Antenna (
-Fig. 24F
+Fig. 24F
) as usual for genus; first endopodal segment 50 μm long; terminal claw 54 μm long, slightly longer than first endopodal segment; spinules near exopod of basis distinct, not needle-like.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 24G
+Fig. 24G
) 168 × 47 μm, rather slender, its distal tip reaching mid-region between maxilliped and leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 24H
+Fig. 24H
) bearing slender coxal stylet and palp; stylet 152 μm long, bearing about 10 minute teeth along distal region; palp 1-segmented, 45 μm long, tipped with 2 naked setae; setae 128 and 55 μm long, respectively; palp plus longer distal seta 173 μm long, 1.14 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 24I
+Fig. 24I
) bilobed; inner lobe about 50 μm long, tipped with 4 long and 1 small setae (4 long setae 103, 102, 90, and 56 μm long, respectively); outer lobe about 18 μm long, bearing 4 naked setae (lengths of these setae 64, 55, 40, and 23 μm long, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 24J
+Fig. 24J
) slender; proximal segment with row of about 10 spinules proximally; distal segment longer than proximal segment, bearing linguiform process proximally and row of minute spinules along distal third. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 24K
+Fig. 24K
) with armature formula 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; basis with several spinules on outer margin and few setae on subdistal part of inner margin; first endopodal segment with 2 spinules on outer margin; terminal segment and claw 25 and 64 μm, respectively.
Fig. 24.
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, G, 0.05 mm; C, 0.01 mm; D- F, H- K, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 25.
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female. A, leg 1; B, leg 2; C, endopod of leg 3; D, leg 4; E, exopod of leg 5; F, left side of genital double-somite. Scale bars: 0.02 mm.
Fig. 26.
@@ -206,11 +207,11 @@ Oral siphon (
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 25A
+Fig. 25A
), 2 (
-Fig. 25B
+Fig. 25B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 25D
+Fig. 25D
) armed as usual for genus; inner coxal seta present in all these legs. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment. Intercoxal plate bearing spinules and setules in leg 1, spinules only in leg 2, but smooth in legs 3 and 4. Inner coxal seta of leg 1 slender and naked, that of leg 4 rudimentary. Outer margin of coxa spinulose in legs 1-4. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -219,36 +220,36 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 24B
+Fig. 24B
) consisting of 1 long dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 25E
+Fig. 25E
) nearly rectangular, 2.60 times longer than wide (52 × 20 μm), bearing many spinules on outer and inner margins, and armed with 2 long, equal setae (outer and inner setae 90 and 92 μm long, respectively), and small, naked inner subdistal seta (21 μm long). Leg 6 as 1 pinnate seta and 1 spinule on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 26A
+Fig. 26A
) smaller and narrower than that of female. Body length 505 μm in figured and dissected specimen. Prosome 340 μm long. Cephalothorax slightly wider than long (227 × 248 μm). Fourth pedigerous somite with serrated lateral margin as in female. Urosome 5-segmented. Genital somite(
-Fig. 26B
+Fig. 26B
) 73 × 82 μm, with few spinules on lateral margins and dorsal posterolateral corners. Three abdominal somites 15 × 45, 14 × 38, and 26× 30 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus 16 × 15 μm.
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 26C
+Fig. 26C
) 18-segmented; segments each with 2 setae, except 7 setae on 9th segment, 2 setae + aesthetasc on penultimate segment, and 11 setae on terminal segment; no aesthetasc present on 13th segment. Antenna as in female. Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla as in female. Maxilliped with proximal process on inner margin of basis.
Legs 1 and 4 as in female. Leg 2 endopod prominently different from that of female: distal one of two dentiform processes on outer distal corner of second segment elongated (
-Fig. 26D
+Fig. 26D
); its third segment armed with 1 seta on outer margin, 2 slightly curved, attenuated distal processes, 1 proximally swollen seta and 1 unilaterally spinulose spine on distal margin, and 3 pinnate setae on inner margin. Third endopodal segment of leg 3 slightly different from that of female in having shortened outer seta on distal margin (
-Fig. 26E
+Fig. 26E
Leg 5 armed as in female; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 26F
+Fig. 26F
) with 3 setae, 2.5 times longer than wide (25 × 10 μm), ornamented with spinule on inner and outer margins; lengths of 3 setae 34, 42, and 20 μm, respectively, from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 26B
+Fig. 26B
) represented by 2 unequal setae and pointed distal process on genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFDDFFCCFF41B113B269643D.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFDDFFCCFF41B113B269643D.xml
index 5bad3187bd3..2643ed20220 100644
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 21-23
+Figs. 21-23
@@ -140,50 +141,50 @@ The name of the new species is taken from the specific name of the host,
Body (
-Fig. 21A
+Fig. 21A
) relatively large. Body length of dissected and described specimen
1.07 mm
. Prosome broad, 737× 596 μm. All prosomal somites with round- ed lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 21B
+Fig. 21B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 170 μm wide, bearing minute spinules scattered on lateral and dorsal surfaces. Genital double-somite slightly wider than long (144 × 152 μm), widest at proximal fourth, gradually narrowing posteriorly from widest region; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at anterior third; postgenital lateral margin bearing about 26 spinules consisting of 17 longer but thinner anterior spinules and 9 shorter but thicker posterior spinules (
-Fig. 22F
+Fig. 22F
). Genital double-somite and first free abdominal somite bearing fine spinules along posterodorsal and posteroventral margins. Two free abdominal somites 44 × 82 and 56 × 73 μm, respectively. Anal somite bearing spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 21C
+Fig. 21C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 21C
+Fig. 21C
) 1.10 times longer than wide (34 × 31 μm), armed with 6 setae, and ornamented with 2 long spinules on subdistal outer margin and spinules and 1 small tube pore on posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 21D
+Fig. 21D
) strongly tapering, with rounded distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 21E
+Fig. 21E
) 483 μm long, 21-segmented; segments each bearing 2 setae, except 8 setae on 9th segment, 2 setae + aesthetasc on 18th segment, 4 setae on penultimate segment, and 7 setae on terminal segment; some of setae on proximal segments pinnate or truncated and tipped with minute setule. Antenna (
-Fig. 21F
+Fig. 21F
) as usual for genus; first endopodal segment 85 μm long; terminal claw spiniform, 113 μm long, 1.33 times longer than first endopodal segment.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 21G
+Fig. 21G
) 259 × 91 μm, evenly tapering, extending between maxilliped and leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 21H
+Fig. 21H
) with slightly curved coxal stylet of 273 μm long, distally bearing 12 teeth (not including terminal dentiform point); palp 87 μm long, 1-segmented but with obscure trace of segmentation at distal fourth, tipped with 2 unequal, pinnate setae (220 and 109 μm long, respectively); palp plus longer distal seta 307 μm long, 1.12 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 21I
+Fig. 21I
) bilobed; inner lobe about 98 μm long, armed distally with 4 long and 1 small setae (lengths of 4 longer setae 167, 159, 152, and 98 μm, respectively); outer lobe small, 33 μm long, armed with 3 long weakly pinnate setae and 1 short naked seta (lengths of these setae 128, 105, 80, and 18 μm, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 21J
+Fig. 21J
) bearing row of spinules proximally on proximal segment; tube of maxillary gland rather distinct; distal segment distinctly longer than proximal segment, bearing tuft of setules and row of spinules. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 21K
+Fig. 21K
) 6-segment- ed, with armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; inner seta on basis rudimentary; basis and first endopodal segment bearing row of spinules on outer margin; third endopodal segment bearing 1 spinule on outer margin; terminal segment and claw 57 and 117 μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 22A
+Fig. 22A
), 2 (
-Fig. 22B
+Fig. 22B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 22D
+Fig. 22D
) segmented and armed as usual for genus. Intercoxal plate of legs 1-3 bearing spinules. Inner coxal seta of leg 1 thin, short, and naked. Inner coxal seta of leg 4 also small and naked. Outer margin of coxa of legs 1-4 covered with spinules. Leg 3 endopod (
-Fig. 22C
+Fig. 22C
) differ from that of leg
2 in
having 1 spine and 5 setae on third segment. Distal spine on third endopodal segment of leg 4 68 μm long, slightly shorter than segment (76 μm long). Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
@@ -194,12 +195,12 @@ having 1 spine and 5 setae on third segment. Distal spine on third endopodal seg
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 21B
+Fig. 21B
) consisting of 1 pinnated dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment 2.83 times longer than wide (68 × 24 μm), with 3 setae and nearly parallel outer and inner margins, both margins densely covered with spinules; 3 setae 69, 50, and 28 μm long, respectively, from outer and inner; 2 distal setae pinnate; subdistal inner seta naked, with annulation proximally. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 22F
+Fig. 22F
) represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 spinules on genital operculum.
Fig. 21.
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ Leg 5 (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, left caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.2 mm; B, D- K, 0.05 mm; C, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 22.
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ Leg 5 (
, female. A, leg 1; B, leg 2; C, endopod of leg 3; D, leg 4; E, exopod of leg 5; F, left side of genital double-somite, dorsal. Scale bars: A- D, 0.05 mm; E, F, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 23.
@@ -232,31 +233,31 @@ Leg 5 (
Body (
-Fig. 23A
+Fig. 23A
) narrower and smaller than that of female. Body length 800 μm in dissected specimen. Prosome 545 × 409 μm. Urosome (
-Fig. 23B
+Fig. 23B
) 5-segment- ed. Fifth pedigerous somite 110 μm wide. Genital somite subcircular, wider than long (127 × 144 μm), laterally covered with fine spinules. Genital operculum well-developed, bearing spinules on outer and inner margins and 10-12 setules on inner margin (
-Fig. 23G
+Fig. 23G
). Three abdominal somites 22 × 67, 18 × 58, and 36 × 56 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus as long as wide (25 × 25 μm).
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 23C
+Fig. 23C
) 18-segmented; 9th, 13th, 16th, 17th, and terminal segments bearing 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, 3 setae, 5 setae + aesthetasc, and 10 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; anterodistal corner of 17th segment produced with pointed tip. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla as in female. Maxilliped with proximal process on inner margin of basis, otherwise as in female.
Third endopodal segment leg 2 (
-Fig. 23D
+Fig. 23D
) with slightly curved outer distal process and spinulose distal margin. Third endopodal segment of leg 3 (
-Fig. 23E
+Fig. 23E
) with slightly curved outer distal process; distal seta on same segment small, much shorter than distal spine.
Exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 23F
+Fig. 23F
) 2.60 times longer than wide (39 × 15 μm), with 3 pinnate setae; lengths of these setae 49, 41, and 23 μm, respectively, from out- er to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 23G
+Fig. 23G
) represented by 2 unequal pinnate seta and pointed process on posterolateral corner of genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE0FFC8FF7FB537B2646154.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE0FFC8FF7FB537B2646154.xml
index ea8ad41e259..7d35b630b17 100644
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 18-20
+Figs. 18-20
@@ -174,48 +175,48 @@ The specific name (noun) is a combination of the Latins
Body (
-Fig. 18A
+Fig. 18A
) moderately broad. Body length of figured and described specimen 807 μm. Prosome ovoid, 552 μm long, representing about 68% of body length. Cephalothorax wider than long (356 × 418 μm). All prosomal somite bearing rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 18B
+Fig. 18B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 114 μm wide. Genital double-somite 1.06 times longer than wide (114 × 108 μm); genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at widest, 40% region of double-somite; postgenital part tapering posteriorly; postgenital lateral margins each bearing about 27 small spinules grouped as 8, 6-8, 7-8, and 4 from proximal to distal (
-Fig. 19F
+Fig. 19F
). Two free abdominal somites 38 × 56 and 33 × 52 μm, respectively. Anal somite bearing several minute spinules on posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 18C
+Fig. 18C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 18C
+Fig. 18C
) 1.52 times longer than wide (35 × 23 μm), armed with 6 setae, and ornamented with 5 transverse row of minute spinules on both sides; distal margin smooth, lacking any spinule.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 18D
+Fig. 18D
) small, as tapering ridge, without distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 18E
+Fig. 18E
) 314 μm long, 21-segmented; 9th, 18th, 20th, and terminal segments bearing 7 setae, 2 setae+ aesthetasc, 4 setae, and 7 setae, respectively; all other segments each bearing 2 setae; several setae on proximal segments weakly pinnate. Antenna (
-Fig. 18F
+Fig. 18F
) bearing short, unarmed coxa; basis unarmed but bearing longitudinal row of fine spinules; exopodal segment 11 × 5 μm, bearing 3 setae; first endopodal segment 49 μm long, unarmed but ornamented with fine spinules (or setules) along outer margin; short second endopodal segment tipped with 1 small seta; third endopodal segment bearing 3 unequal setae; terminal claw of 49 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 18G
+Fig. 18G
) 139 × 62 μm, reaching insertions of maxillipeds; broader proximal third with parallel lateral margins, distal two-thirds tapering. Mandible (
-Fig. 18H
+Fig. 18H
) with stylet of 137 μm long, bearing longitudinal row of about 6 denticles at distal region; palp 1-segmented, 32 μm long, distally tipped with 2 extremely unequal setae; longer seta 120 μm long, pinnate; shorter seta 20 μm long, naked; palp segment plus longer distal seta 140 μm long, about 1.1 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 18I
+Fig. 18I
) bilobed; outer lobe 20 μm long, with 4 setae distally, longest one 65 μm long; inner lobe 55 μm long, with 4 large and 1 minute setae distally, longest seta 79 μm long. Maxilla (
-Fig. 18J
+Fig. 18J
) stout; proximal segment bearing row of thin, needle-like spinules at proximal region; distal segment longer than proximal segment, with few spinules and setules in distal region. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 19G
+Fig. 19G
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; second segment with spinules on outer margin; terminal segment and claw 24 and 53 μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 19A
+Fig. 19A
), 2 (
-Fig. 19B
+Fig. 19B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 19D
+Fig. 19D
) biramous with 3-segmented rami. Distal margin of intercoxal plate spinulose in legs 1 and 2, but smooth in legs 3 and 4. Inner distal seta on basis of leg 1 thin and naked. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 19C
+Fig. 19C
). Second endopodal segment of all swimming legs bearing bicuspid outer distal corner. Inner coxal seta of leg 4 small but distinct. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -224,37 +225,37 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 18B
+Fig. 18B
) comprising dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 19E
+Fig. 19E
) 1.85 times longer than wide (37 × 20 μm), with 3 setae and spinulose outer and inner margins; lengths of setae 55, 48, and 20 from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 19F
+Fig. 19F
) represented by 1 small pinnate seta and 1 minute spinule on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 20A
+Fig. 20A
) narrower than that of female. Body length 575 μm. Prosome 367 μm long. Cephalothorax 242 × 245 μm, with nearly parallel lateral margins. Urosome (
-Fig. 20B
+Fig. 20B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 69 μm wide. Genital somite 80 × 109 μm, with numerous fine spinules on lateral surfaces. Three abdominal somites 20 × 45, 20 × 41, and 23 × 39 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus 1.22 times longer than wide (22 × 18 μm).
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 20C
+Fig. 20C
) 17-segmented, geniculate between 15th and 16th segments; 9th, 12th, 15th, 16th, and terminal segments bearing 5 setae, 4 setae, 4 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; penultimate segment with pointed anterodistal corner; all setae naked. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, maxilla as in female. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 20D
+Fig. 20D
) bearing blunt, beak-like inner process at proximal region of second segment.
Leg 1 (
-Fig. 20E
+Fig. 20E
) segmented and armed as in female, but endopod different from that of female; second endopodal segment bearing unicuspid outer distal corner and thick setules on outer distal region; third endopodal segment distally with 1 strong, spiniform outer process bearing spinules on its outer margin and 1 smaller, curved inner process bearing truncate tip. Legs 2-4 as in female.
Fig. 18.
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ Leg 1 (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, left caudal ramus, dorsal; D, rostral area, ventral; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, D, E, G, 0.05 mm; C, F, H- J, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 19.
@@ -276,9 +277,9 @@ Leg 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 20F
+Fig. 20F
) armed as in female; exopodal segment short, 1.33 times longer than wide (16 × 12 μm); 2 larger distal setae 40 μm (pinnate outer seta) and 27 μm (naked inner seta), respectively. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 20G
+Fig. 20G
) represented by 2 unequal naked seta on genital operculum.
@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ the latter species (
n. sp.
Fig. 20.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE2FFF7FF7FB35FB34565DE.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE2FFF7FF7FB35FB34565DE.xml
index 37b4377ceac..c0c1e41c847 100644
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 16
+Figs. 16
@@ -142,46 +143,46 @@ The name is derived from the Latin
Body (
-Fig. 16A
+Fig. 16A
) small, relatively narrow. Mean body length 488 μm (455-528 μm), based on
10 specimens
. Body length of figured and described specimen 526 μm. Prosome 345 μm long, occupying 66% of body length. Cephalothorax 232 × 243 μm; lateral margins of posterior half parallel. All prosomal somites with round- ed lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 16B
+Fig. 16B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite as wide as genital double-somite, bearing spinules on dorsolateral surfaces. Genital double-somite 1.12 times longer than wide (86 × 77 μm) widest at anterior 33% region, gradually narrowing along posterior two-thirds; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at about 44% region; postgenital lateral margin with 6-9 spinules (
-Fig. 17G
+Fig. 17G
). Two free abdominal somites 31 × 41 and 23 × 42 μm, respectively. Anal somite with scales of irregular sizes on posteroventral margin. Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 16C
+Fig. 16C
) as long as wide (18 × 18 μm), armed with 6 setae and ornamented with scales on posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 17A
+Fig. 17A
) small, short, with blunt distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 16D
+Fig. 16D
) 210 μm long, 20-segmented; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments with 5 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 9 setae, respectively; other segments each with 2 setae; setae mostly short. Antenna (
-Fig. 16E
+Fig. 16E
) with short, unarmed coxa; basis 55 μm long, unarmed but ornamented with row of fine spinules along distal half; exopod small, 8 × 3.6 μm, bearing 3 setae; first endopodal segment 39 μm long, with longitudinal row of fine spinules on outer margin; small second endopodal segment with 1 seta; third endopodal segment distally with 2 unequal setae; terminal claw 42 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 16F
+Fig. 16F
) 119 μm long, widest at proximal 40% region (38 μm wide at this region); proximal box 47 μm wide. Mandible (
-Fig. 16G
+Fig. 16G
) consisting of stylet and palp; stylet 99 μm long, bearing about 6 teeth arranged longitudinally at distal region; palp slender, 36 μm long, tipped with 2 unequal setae, larger seta 89 μm long, feebly pinnate with short setules, shorter seta naked, 30 μm long; palp segment plus longer distal seta 125 μm long, 1.26 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 16H
+Fig. 16H
) bilobed; small outer lobe 17 μm long, bearing 4 naked setae, 2 longer distal setae 45 and 42 μm long, respectively; inner lobe about 45 μm long, tipped with 1 minute and 4 distinct setae, longest one of them 54 μm long. Maxilla (
-Fig. 16I
+Fig. 16I
) 2-segmented; proximal segment unarmed and unornamented, bearing excretory tube of maxillary gland; distal segment (basis) slender and much longer than proximal segment, bearing fine spinules and setules on distal half of concave margin. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 16J
+Fig. 16J
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + calw; terminal segment 27 μm long; claw 58 μm long, about 2.1 times longer than terminal segment, spinulose along concave margin.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 17B
+Fig. 17B
), 2 (
-Fig. 17C
+Fig. 17C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 17D
+Fig. 17D
) biramous with 3-segmented rami. Distal margin of intercoxal plate with minute spinules in legs 1 and 2, but smooth in legs 3 and 4. Inner distal margin of basis of leg 1 spinulose; inner distal seta broadened at proximal region, with setules on outer margin. Inner seta on coxa small but pinnate in leg 1, well-developed in legs 2 and 3, but rudimentary in leg 4. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -190,11 +191,11 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 16B
+Fig. 16B
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 17F
+Fig. 17F
) 2.0 times longer than wide (30 × 15 μm), with 3 naked setae, these setae 24, 26, and 22 μm long, respectively, from outer to inner; outer and inner margins bearing several spinules. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 17G
+Fig. 17G
) represented by 1 small seta and 1 denticle on genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE7FFF0FF41B35FB34065D9.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFE7FFF0FF41B35FB34065D9.xml
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 14
+Figs. 14
@@ -143,50 +144,50 @@ The specific name is a combination of the Greeks
Body (
-Fig. 14A
+Fig. 14A
) relatively small. Mean body length 624 μm (581-668 μm), based on
10 specimens
. Figured and described specimen 655 μm long. Prosome 415 μm long, occupying 63% of body length. Cephalothorax 282 × 312 μm. All prosomal somites bearing rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 14B
+Fig. 14B
) 4-segment- ed. Fifth pedigerous 91 μm wide, as wide as genital double-somite. Genital double-somite 1.16 times longer than wide (106 × 91 μm) widest at proximal 32% region, evenly narrowing posteriorly from widest region; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at proximal 36% region; postgenital lateral margin with 11 or 12 equally small spinules (
-Fig. 15G
+Fig. 15G
). Two free abdominal somites 45 × 52 and 30 × 50 μm, respectively; anal somite with fine spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 14C
+Fig. 14C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 14C
+Fig. 14C
) wider than long (21 × 22 μm), with 6 setae and row of spinules on posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 14D
+Fig. 14D
) as tapering ridge, lacking posterior apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 14E
+Fig. 14E
) 223 μm long, 20-segmented; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, 11 setae, respectively, all other segments each with 2 setae; all setae naked. Antenna (
-Fig. 14F, G
+Fig. 14F, G
) with short, unarmed coxa; basis 61 μm long, unarmed but bearing longitudinal row of minute spinules; exopod small, 9× 4.8 μm, bearing 3 small setae; first endopodal segment 45 μm long, unarmed but bearing longitudinal row of small spinules; second endopodal segment short, with 1 spiniform seta subdistally; third endopodal segment 16 μm long, distally with 1 spine (18 μm long) and 1 small seta and terminated in robust claw of 35 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 14H
+Fig. 14H
) 127 × 61 μm, reaching insertions of maxillipeds. Mandibular stylet (
-Fig. 14I
+Fig. 14I
) 120 μm long, bearing 6 denticles arranged longitudinally at distal region; palp slender, 1-segmented, 41 μm long, tipped with 1 long (90 μm long) and 1 short (34 μm long) setae; palp segment plus its longer distal seta 131 μm long, 1.09 times longer than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 14J
+Fig. 14J
) bilobed; small outer lobe 17 μm long, distally with 4 setae (lengths of these setae 54, 49, 43, and 22 μm, respectively); inner lobe about 55 μm long, about 3.2 times longer than outer lobe, tipped with 1 minute and 4 large setae (lengths of 4 large setae 63, 62, 58, and 40 μm, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 14K
+Fig. 14K
) 2-segmentd; proximal segment bearing row of about 10 spinules at proximal region; distal segment (chela) about 1.2 times longer than proximal segment, bearing row of minute spinules along distal third. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 15A
+Fig. 15A
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1+ claw; second segment (basis) 73 μm long; terminal segment 30 μm long, its distal seta spiniform; terminal claw 47 μm long, robust, 1.57 times longer than terminal segment.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 15B
+Fig. 15B
), 2 (
-Fig. 15C
+Fig. 15C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 15E
+Fig. 15E
) biramous, with 3-segmented rami. Distal margin of intercoxal plate bearing several spinules in leg 1, setules in leg 2, but smooth in legs 3 and 4. Inner distal seta on basis of leg 1 broad. Second endopodal segment of legs 1-4 with bicuspid outer distal corner. Leg 3 same as leg 2, except bearing 1 spine plus 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 15D
+Fig. 15D
). Leg 4 lacking inner coxal seta. Distal spine on third endopodal segment of leg 3 and 4 fusiform, shorter than segment. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. processus
@@ -195,11 +196,11 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 14B
+Fig. 14B
) consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod. Exopodal segment (
-Fig. 15F
+Fig. 15F
) 1.89 times longer than wide (36 × 19 μm), fusiform, bearing 3 naked setae (31, 36, and 31 μm long, respectively, from outer to inner), and ornamented with few spinules on inner and outer margins. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 15G
+Fig. 15G
) represented by 2 small, unequal setae and 1 small denticle on genital operculum.
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ also differs from the new species in having only one seta on the first segment o
Bandera & Conradi (2009b)
(vs. two setae in the new species).
Fig. 14.
@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ also differs from the new species in having only one seta on the first segment o
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, caudal rami, dorsal; D, rostral area, ventral; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, distal part of antenna; H, oral siphon; I, mandible; J, maxillule; K, maxilla. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, 0.05 mm; C- K, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 15.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFEAFFF3FC96B092B49E65DE.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFEAFFF3FC96B092B49E65DE.xml
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 11-13
+Figs. 11-13
@@ -146,27 +147,27 @@ locality, meaning “mosquito-laden” in Korean.
Body (
-Fig. 11A
+Fig. 11A
) moderately broad. Body length 727 μm. Prosome 490 μm long. Cephalothorax 309 × 387 μm, wider than long, distinctly wider than second pedigerous somite. All prosomal somites with rounded or blunt lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 11B
+Fig. 11B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 100 μm wide, as wide as genital double-somite, with row of spinules along posterodorsal margin. Genital double-somite as long as wide (100 × 98 μm), with convex lateral margins bearing 11 postgenital spinules (7 longer anterior and 4 shorter posterior as in
-Fig. 12G
+Fig. 12G
), and row of spinules (or scales) along posterodorsal margin; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at midlength of double-somite. Two free abdominal somite 31 × 54 and 36 × 49 μm, respectively. First free abdominal somite with row of spinules along posterodorsal margin. Anal somite with row of spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 11C
+Fig. 11C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 11C
+Fig. 11C
) 1.57 times longer than wide (36 × 23 μm), nearly rectangular, armed with 6 setae and ornamented with spinules along posteroventral margin and at proximal part of inner margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 12A
+Fig. 12A
) strongly tapering, becoming faint distally, lacking distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 11D
+Fig. 11D
) slen- der, 347 μm long, 21-segmented; 9th, 18th, 20th, and 21st segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, 4 setae, and 7 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; several setae on proximal segments and 1 seta on 20th segments feebly pinnate. Antenna (
-Fig. 11E
+Fig. 11E
) with short, unarmed coxa; basis 71 μm long, unarmed but with longitudinal row of spinules near base of exopod; exopod 10 × 5 μm, bearing 3 setae; first endopodal segment 63 μm long, with fine spinules and setules along outer margin; small second endopodal segment with 1 seta distally; third endopodal segment with 3 unequal setae in distal region and terminated in slender claw of 79 μm long.
Fig. 11.
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ Rostrum (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, caudal rami, dorsal; D, antennule; E, antenna; F, oral siphon; G, mandible; H, maxillule; I, maxilla; J, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, F, G, 0.05 mm; C- E, H- J, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 12.
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ Rostrum (
, female. A, rostrum; B, leg 1; C, leg 2; D, endopod of leg 3; E, leg 4; F, leg 5; G, left side of genital double-somite, dorsal. Scale bars: A, 0.05 mm; B- G, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 13.
@@ -198,26 +199,26 @@ Rostrum (
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 11F
+Fig. 11F
) narrow, 255 μm long, 67 μm wide at proximal widest region, extending to intercoxal plate of leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 11G
+Fig. 11G
) consisting of stylet and palp; stylet 227 μm long, bearing 12 denticles at distal region (arranged as 4, 1, and 7 from proximal to distal); palp 2-segmented, 30 and 12 μm long, respectively, tipped with 2 unequal setae, longer seta 155 μm long, feebly pinnate; smaller seta 68 μm long, naked; palp segments plus longer distal seta 197 μm long, 0.87 times as long as stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 11H
+Fig. 11H
), small outer lobe 20 μm long, with 4 setae (86, 59, 50, and 27 μm long, respectively); inner lobe 69 μm long, tipped with 4 large and 1 minute setae (4 large setae 145, 139, 136, and 93 μm long, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 11I
+Fig. 11I
) slender; proximal segment bearing longitudinal row fine spinules at proximal region; distal segment longer than proximal segment, arched, with fine spinules along concave margin of distal third. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 11J
+Fig. 11J
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, and 1 + claw; second segment (basis) with parallel inner and outer margins, row of fine spinules on distal two-fifths of inner margin, several fine spinules on outer margin; terminal segment and claw 35 and 74 μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 12B
+Fig. 12B
), 2 (
-Fig. 12C
+Fig. 12C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 12E
+Fig. 12E
) biramous, with 3-segmented rami. Intercoxal plate spinulose in leg 1, setulose in leg 2, and naked in legs 3 and 4. Outer seta of basis large in legs 1-3, but small in leg 4. Inner distal corner of basis spinulose in leg 1, but naked in legs 2-4. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine plus 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 12D
+Fig. 12D
). Leg 4 with small inner coxal seta; distal spine on third endopodal segment as long as segment. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -226,38 +227,38 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 consisting of dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 12F
+Fig. 12F
) 3.13 times longer than wide (50 × 16 μm), gradually narrowing distally, armed with 3 setae and ornamented with spinules on both inner and outer margins (3 proximal spinules on inner margin longer than other spinules); two distal setae naked, 56 (outer) and 50 μm (middle) long, respectively; inner subdistal seta 28 μm long, feebly pinnate. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 12G
+Fig. 12G
) represented by 1 small seta and 1 small spinule on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 13A
+Fig. 13A
) narrower than that of female. Body length 592 μm. Prosome 412 μm long. Cephalothorax 265 × 301 μm. Urosome (
-Fig. 13B
+Fig. 13B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 79 μm wide. Genital somite 79× 13 μm, with well-developed, distally acutely point- ed genital opercula and spinules on lateral margins. Three abdominal somites 15 × 47, 14 × 45, and 24 × 45 μm, respectively. Caudal ramus 1.43 times longer than wide (30 × 21 μm).
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 13C
+Fig. 13C
) 18-segmented, with strong geniculation between 16th and 17th segments, and week geniculation between 15th and 16th segments; 9th, 14th, 17th, and last segments armed with 7 setae, 1 seta, 1 seta + aesthetasc, and 10 setae, respectively; all other segment each bearing 2 setae; several setae on proximal segment with bifurcate tip. Antenna as in female.
Oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla as in female. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 13D
+Fig. 13D
) bearing 1 beak-like protuberance on proximal fourth of inner margin, otherwise as in female.
Leg 1-4 with same armature formula as in female, but sexual dimorphisms present in legs 1 and 2. Third endopodal segment of leg 1 (
-Fig. 13E
+Fig. 13E
) with enlarged, claw-like outer distal process. Third endopodal segment of leg 2 (
-Fig. 13F
+Fig. 13F
) with enlarged, claw-like outer and inner distal processes. Exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 13G
+Fig. 13G
) nearly rectangular, 2.73 times longer than wide (30 × 11 μm), sparsely spinulose on both margins; all 3 setae naked, midterminal one longest. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 13B
+Fig. 13B
) represented by 2 naked setae on genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFEFFFFFFF41B508B4B260D5.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFEFFFFFFF41B508B4B260D5.xml
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@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 9
+Figs. 9
@@ -143,40 +144,40 @@ The specific name alludes to the elongated distal process on the third endopodal
Body (
-Fig. 9A
+Fig. 9A
) gradually narrowing posteriorly. Body length 767 μm in figured and described specimen. Prosome 516 μm long. Cephalothorax 335 × 440 μm, somewhat inflated. All prosomal somites with rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 9B
+Fig. 9B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 109 μm wide. Genital double-somite wider than long (120 × 129 μm), widest at 47% region of double-somite; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally slightly posterior to widest region; postgenital lateral margins bearing 12-15 spinules including slightly longer several posterior ones (
-Fig. 10G
+Fig. 10G
). Two free abdominal somites 50 × 62 and 30 × 53 μm, respectively; anal somite with row of spinules along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 9C
+Fig. 9C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 9C
+Fig. 9C
) 0.88 times longer than wide (21 × 24 μm), with 6 setae, short inner and longer outer margins, and unornamented distal margin.
Rostrum not developed. Antennule (
-Fig. 9D
+Fig. 9D
) 338 μm long, 20-segmented; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments armed with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 11 setae, respectively, all other segments each with 2 setae; several setae on proximal segments feebly pinnate; first segment ornamented with several setules. Antenna (
-Fig. 9E
+Fig. 9E
) consisting of coxa, basis, small exopod, and 3-segment- ed endopod; coxa short, unarmed; basis 57 μm long, with longitudinal row of minute spinules; exopod twice longer than wide (10 × 5 μm), with 3 setae (2 unequal distal and 1 small proximal); first endopodal segment 49 μm long, unarmed but with row of spinules along outer margin; short second endopodal segment with 1 spiniform seta; third endopodal segment slightly longer than wide with 2 unequal setae distally; terminal claw straight, spiniform, 39 μm long.
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 9F
+Fig. 9F
) narrow, 250 × 56 μm, extending to intercoxal plate of leg 1, widest at proximal 24% region. Mandible (
-Fig. 9G
+Fig. 9G
) consisting of slender stylet and 1-segmented palp; stylet 227 μm long, with 13 minute teeth at distal region (
-Fig. 9H
+Fig. 9H
), proximal one of them broader than others; palp segment 40 μm long, with 2 unequal setae distally, longer pinnate seta 167 μm long, smaller naked seta 64 μm long; palp segment plus longer seta 207 μm long, 0.91 times as long as stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 9I
+Fig. 9I
) bilobed; inner lobe (precoxal endite) about 73 μm long, tipped with 4 fragile setae and rows of setules; outer lobe (palp) small, 24 μm long, tipped with 3 naked setae. Maxilla (
-Fig. 9J
+Fig. 9J
) 2-segmented; distal segment (basis) as long as, but much slender than, proximal segment (syncoxa), with row of minute spinules along convex but margin of curved distal part. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 9K
+Fig. 9K
) consisting of coxa, basis, 4-segmented endopod, and terminal claw; coxa with 1 small seta at inner subdistal region; basis with 1 vestigial seta on inner margin and several minute spinules on outer margin; 4 endopodal segments with 2, 1, 1, and 1 setae, respectively; terminal endopodal segment 30 μm long; terminal claw relatively short, 55 μm long, 1.83 times longer than terminal segment.
Fig. 9.
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ Oral siphon (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, right caudal ramus, ventral; D, antennule; E, antenna; F, oral siphon; G, mandible; H, distal part of mandibular stylet; I, maxillule; J, maxilla; K, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, F, G, 0.05 mm; C- E, I- K, 0.02 mm; H, 0.01 mm.
Fig. 10.
@@ -198,24 +199,24 @@ Oral siphon (
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 10A
+Fig. 10A
), 2 (
-Fig. 10C
+Fig. 10C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 10E
+Fig. 10E
) biramous, with 3-segmented rami. Leg 1 lacking inner seta on coxa.; third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 10B
+Fig. 10B
) 48 μm long (excluding outer distal process), characteristically bearing elongated, spiniform outer distal process of 27 μm long. Intercoxal plate and inner distal corner of legs 1-3 with several spinules. Outer margin of basis of legs 2-4 with spinules. Outer seta on basis of legs 1-4 well developed. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 10D
+Fig. 10D
). Leg 4 lacking inner seta on coxa. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as follows:
Coxa Basis Exopod Endopod
Leg 1 0-0 1-1 I-1; I-1; III, 2, 2 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 2 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 2, 3 Leg 3 0-1 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 +I, 3 Leg 4 0-0 1-0 I-1; I-1; III, I, 4 0-1; 0-2; 1, 1 +I, 2
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 10F
+Fig. 10F
) consisting of 1 dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment 2.18 times longer than wide (37 × 17 μm), with sub-parallel lateral margins, 3 unequal setae distally, and row of fine spinules on outer margin; midterminal seta longest, 65 μm long; outer seta second longest. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 10G
+Fig. 10G
) represented by 1 small pinnate seta and 1 small spinule on genital operculum.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF3FFFAFF41B777B1B3655F.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF3FFFAFF41B777B1B3655F.xml
index de199758d80..6bdf7585af5 100644
--- a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF3FFFAFF41B777B1B3655F.xml
+++ b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF3FFFAFF41B777B1B3655F.xml
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
n. sp.
-Figs. 6-8
+Figs. 6-8
@@ -146,24 +147,24 @@ The name is derived from the Latin
Body (
-Fig. 6A
+Fig. 6A
) moderately narrow. Body length 749 μm in dissected and described specimen. Oth- er
3 females
727, 715, and 715 μm long, respectively. Prosome 520 μm long. Cephalothorax slightly wider than long. All prosomal somites with rounded lateral corners. Urosome (
-Fig. 6B
+Fig. 6B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite bearing few spinules on lateral margin. Genital double-somite 1.07 times longer than wide, widest across proximal third, narrowing along distal two-thirds; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at 45% region of double-somite length; postgenital lateral margin with about 20 subequal setules (or spinules). Two free abdominal somite 33 × 53 and 34 × 47 μm, respectively. Anal somite with fine spinules arranged along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 6C
+Fig. 6C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 6C
+Fig. 6C
) slightly wider than long (24 × 25 μm), bearing fine spinules along posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 6D
+Fig. 6D
) as tapering ridge, without distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 6E
+Fig. 6E
) 264 μm long, 21-segmented but articulation indistinct between 2 terminal segments; 18th, 20th, and terminal segments with 2 setae+ aesthetasc, 4 setae, and 7 setae, respectively; all other segments each with 2 setae; some of setae on proximal segments pinnate, bearing minute setule at truncated tip. Antenna (
-Fig. 6F
+Fig. 6F
) similar to that of
A. aesthetes
@@ -172,17 +173,17 @@ Rostrum (
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 6G
+Fig. 6G
) 173 × 54 μm, reaching between maxilliped and leg 1. Mandible (
-Fig. 6H
+Fig. 6H
) consisting of coxal stylet and palp; coxal stylet 160 μm long, bearing 12 teeth (excluding pointed distal tip) on distal part (
-Fig. 6I
+Fig. 6I
); palp indistinctly 2-segmented, proximal segment 32 μm long, distal segment 11 μm long, bearing 2 unequal pinnate setae of 118 and 44 μm long, respectively; palp plus longer terminal seta 161 μm long, almost same in length as coxal stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 6J
+Fig. 6J
) as usual for genus; inner lobe about 64 μm long, distally bearing 4 large and 1 small setae (lengths of 4 large setae 95, 90, 86, and 55 μm, respectively); outer lobe 23 μm long, bearing 4 setae (lengths of 2 naked terminal setae 69 and 55 μm, respectively; lengths of 2 pinnate subdistal setae 51 and 29 μm, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 6K
+Fig. 6K
) bearing row of needle-like spinules on proximal region of proximal segment (syncoxa); distal segment (basis) distinctly longer than proximal segment, bearing 1 tubercle at 40% region of outer margin and setules and spinule row along distal half. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 6L
+Fig. 6L
) as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -191,24 +192,24 @@ Oral siphon (
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 7A
+Fig. 7A
), 2 (
-Fig. 7 B
+Fig. 7 B
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 7D
+Fig. 7D
) similar to those of
A. aesthetes
, but outer seta on basis of these legs smaller than those of latter species. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 7C
+Fig. 7C
). Third endopodal segment of leg 4 46 μm long; its distal spine 35 μm long, shorter than segment. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as in
A. aesthetes
Fig. 6.
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ Legs 1 (
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, left caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antenna; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, distal part of mandibular stylet; J, maxillule; K, maxilla; L, maxilliped. Scale bars: A, 0.1 mm; B, G, H, 0.05 mm; C, I, 0.01 mm; D- F, J- L, 0.02 mm.
Fig. 7.
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ Legs 1 (
, female. A, leg 1; B, leg 2; C, endopod of leg 3; D, leg 4; E, leg 5; F, left side of genital double-somite, dorsal. Scale bars: 0.02 mm.
Fig. 8.
@@ -240,34 +241,34 @@ Legs 1 (
Leg 5 (
-Fig. 7E
+Fig. 7E
) consisting of 1 naked dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment 1.89 times longer than wide (36 × 19 μm); outer and inner margins coves, each with several small spinules; 2 distal setae pinnate, subequal (outer and inner setae 35 and 36 μm long, respectively); inner subdistal setae naked 28 μm long, annulated proximally. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 7F
+Fig. 7F
) as 1 pinnate seta and 1 spinule on genital operculum.
Body (
-Fig. 8A
+Fig. 8A
) smaller than that of female, 536 μm long. Prosome 367 μm long. Cephalothorax 264 × 260 μm, Urosome (
-Fig. 8B
+Fig. 8B
) 5-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 70 μm wide. Genital somite (
-Fig. 8A, B
+Fig. 8A, B
) nearly circular, 95 × 107 μm, with few minute spinules on lateral margin. First and second abdominal somites characteristically short, each less than half as long as anal somite. Caudal ramus wider than long.
Rostrum as in female. Antennule (
-Fig. 8C
+Fig. 8C
) 18-segment- ed, geniculate between 16th and 17th segments; 9th segment with 7 setae; 13th and penultimate segments each with 2 setae+ aesthetasc; terminal segment with 10 setae; all other segments each with 2 setae; anterodistal corner of penultimate segment produced, pointed.
Antenna, oral siphon, mandible, maxillule, and maxilla as in female. Maxilliped with 1 proximal process on inner margin, but bearing no seta (
-Fig. 8D
+Fig. 8D
Legs 1, 2, and 4 as in female. Outer distal process of third endopodal segment of leg 3 (
-Fig. 8E
+Fig. 8E
) curved as in
A. aesthetes
@@ -276,9 +277,9 @@ Legs 1, 2, and 4 as in female. Outer distal process of third endopodal segment o
Leg 5 exopodal segment of leg 5 (
-Fig. 8F
+Fig. 8F
) 1.69 times longer than wide (22× 13 μm); its 3 setae 27, 30, and 15 μm long, respectively, from outer to inner. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 8G
+Fig. 8G
) represented by outer distal corner of genital operculum bearing 2 unequal setae at apical region, several spinules on inner and outer margins and 6 or 7 stiff setules on inner margin.
diff --git a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF4FFE6FF7FB3DCB1C76770.xml b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF4FFE6FF7FB3DCB1C76770.xml
index d3f2b893449..0b088306341 100644
--- a/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF4FFE6FF7FB3DCB1C76770.xml
+++ b/data/ED/18/87/ED1887CBFFF4FFE6FF7FB3DCB1C76770.xml
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
+Copepods of the genus Asterocheres Boeck, 1859 (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Korean waters
-Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
+Lee, Il-Hoi Kim and Taekjun
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@
Giesbrecht, 1897
-Figs. 4
+Figs. 4
@@ -119,54 +120,54 @@ is kept in the collection of I.-H. Kim.
Body (
-Fig. 4A
+Fig. 4A
) moderately broad. Body length
1.24 mm
in dissected specimen (
1.23 mm
in another specimen). Prosome 830 μm long. Cephalothorax semi- circular, 509 × 667 μm. Posterolateral corners of second pedigerous somite pointed but rounded in other prosomal somites. Posterodorsal margin of fourth pedigerous somite deeply concave. Urosome (
-Fig. 4B
+Fig. 4B
) 4-segmented. Fifth pedigerous somite 215 μm wide, distinctly wid- er than genital double-somite, with several spinules (or scales) on lateral regions. Genital double-somite 1.29 times longer than wide (204 × 158 μm), consisting of broader anterior two-thirds and narrower posterior third; broader anterior part with sub-parallel lateral margins; narrower posterior third tapering posteriorly; genital apertures positioned dorsolaterally at midlength of double-somite; postgenital lateral margin bearing 9 spinules (
-Figs. 4B
+Figs. 4B
). Two free abdominal somites 64 × 95 and 62 × 90 μm, respectively; all urosomal somites covered with scattered scales. Anal somite with pointed scales along posteroventral margin (
-Fig. 4C
+Fig. 4C
). Caudal ramus (
-Fig. 4C
+Fig. 4C
) as long as wide (38 × 38 μm), with 6 setae, longer outer margin, shorter inner margin, and thin spinules along posteroventral margin.
Rostrum (
-Fig. 4D
+Fig. 4D
) as long as wide, tapering, with rounded distal apex. Antennule (
-Fig. 4E
+Fig. 4E
) 585 μm long, 20-segmented, including indistinct 10th segment; 9th, 18th, and terminal segments with 7 setae, 2 setae + aesthetasc, and 9 setae; all other segments each with 2 setae; several setae on proximal segment pinnate. Antenna (
-Fig. 4F
+Fig. 4F
) with short coxa bearing several setules; basis 93 μm long, with longitudinal row of needle-like spinules near exopod, several spinules on inner margin; exopod about 2.2 times longer than wide (16 × 7.3 μm), bearing 3 small setae, largest distal one of them annulated at base; exopod 3-segmented; first endopodal segment 93 μm long, unarmed but ornamented with longitudinal row of thin spinules; short second endopodal segment with 1 seta; third endopodal segment with 3 small setae of subequal lengths, bearing setules, and terminated by slender claw (82 μm long),
Oral siphon (
-Fig. 4G
+Fig. 4G
) slender, flexible, extending to posterior margin of prosome, over intercoxal plate of leg 4, bearing numerous fine transverse striae, 105 μm wide across proximal region, 130 μm wide at proximal box. Mandible (
-Fig. 4H
+Fig. 4H
) consisting of thin coxal stylet and thin palp; stylet curved, 436 μm long, tipped with 4 unequal teeth; palp 1-segmented, 127 μm long, with ves- tige of articulation at proximal third, tipped with 2 setae (155 and 138 μm long, respectively); palp segment plus longer distal seta 282 μm long, much shorter than stylet. Maxillule (
-Fig. 3I
+Fig. 3I
) bilobed; outer lobe 44 μm long tipped with 3 longer and 1 small setae, 2 longer one of them 159 and 133 μm long; inner lobe 102 μm long, gradually narrowing distally, setulose along inner margin, tipped with 4 setae (lengths 195, 162, 71, and 66 μm, respectively). Maxilla (
-Fig. 3J
+Fig. 3J
) rather stout; proximal segment with 2 groups of spinules at proximal region; distal segment shorter than proximal segment, with several small spinules at subdistal region. Maxilliped (
-Fig. 5A
+Fig. 5A
) 6-segmented; armature formula 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 + claw; second segment (basis) 159 μm long; terminal segment and claw 53 and 82 μm long, respectively.
Legs 1 (
-Fig. 5B
+Fig. 5B
), 2 (
-Fig. 5C
+Fig. 5C
), 3, and 4 (
-Fig. 5E
+Fig. 5E
) biramous, with 3-segmented rami. Intercoxal plate of all swimming legs smooth, unornamented. Inner distal margin of basis spinulose in leg 1, but smooth in legs 2 and 3. Leg 1 with well-developed inner coxal seta, but outer seta on basis smaller than that of other swimming legs. Leg 3 similar to leg 2, except bearing 1 spine and 5 setae on third endopodal segment (
-Fig. 5D
+Fig. 5D
). Leg 4 lacking inner coxal seta; distal spine on third endpodal segment as long as segment. Armature formula for legs 1-4 as follows:
Coxa Basis Exopod Endopod
@@ -183,9 +184,9 @@ Leg 1 0-1 1-1 I-1; I-1;
Leg 5 represented by 1 dorsolateral seta on fifth pedigerous somite and free exopod; exopodal segment (
-Fig. 5F
+Fig. 5F
) 1.94 times longer than wide, tapering distally, armed with 3 naked setae (2 distal and 1 subdistal), ornamented with spinules on lateral margins; lengths of 2 distal setae 83 and 75 μm; smaller subdistal seta 29 μm long. Leg 6 (
-Fig. 5G
+Fig. 5G
) represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 small spinule on genital operculum. Leg 6 represented by 1 pinnate seta and 1 spinule on genital operculum and accompanied by 1 elongate digitiform process in genital aperture.
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ and Bandera &
Conradi (2011)
; (3) the inner coxal seta of leg 1 of Korean material is larger than that illustrated by the European researchers. However, these discrepancies are thought to be minor and zoogeographical variations.
Fig. 4.
@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ Giesbrecht, 1897
, female. A, habitus, dorsal; B, urosome, dorsal; C, left caudal ramus, ventral; D, rostrum; E, antennule; F, antennal; G, oral siphon; H, mandible; I, maxillule; J, maxilla. Scale bars: A, 0.2 mm; B, G, 0.1 mm; C, F, 0.02 mm; D, E, H- J, 0.05 mm.
Fig. 5.