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+A new species of woodlouse (Isopoda, Oniscidea) from the Canarian laurel forest
+Orihuela-Rivero, Raúl
+Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA), CSIC, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez 3, 38206 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain & School of Doctoral and Graduate Studies, University of La Laguna, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez s / n, 38200 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
+Balibrea, Carmen
+Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA), CSIC, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez 3, 38206 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
+Noguerales, Víctor
+Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA), CSIC, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez 3, 38206 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
+López, Heriberto
+Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA), CSIC, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez 3, 38206 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
+Oromí, Pedro
+School of Doctoral and Graduate Studies, University of La Laguna, C / Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez s / n, 38200 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
+journal article
+Porcellio aguerensis
+sp. nov.
+Type material.
+Canary Islands
+28 ° 32.06 ' N
+16 ° 17.63 ' W
+915 m
+a. s. l
+May 2023
+Carmen Balibrea
+Víctor Noguerales
+pitfall trap
+BC 2649
+1 ♂
+Canary Islands
+28 ° 31.93 ' N
+16 ° 17.53 ' W
+930 m
+a. s. l
+May 2023
+Carmen Balibrea
+Víctor Noguerales
+pitfall trap
+1 ♀
+Canary Islands
+28 ° 31.93 ' N
+16 ° 17.13 ' W
+960 m
+a. s. l
+May 2023
+Carmen Balibrea
+Víctor Noguerales
+pitfall trap
+1 ♂
+; same collection data as for preceding; BC 2650
+1 ♀
+Canary Islands
+28 ° 31.93 ' N
+16 ° 17.19 ' W
+955 m
+a. s. l
+May 2023
+Carmen Balibrea
+Víctor Noguerales
+pitfall trap
+BC 2651
+1 ♀
+Canary Islands
+28 ° 31.99 ' N
+16 ° 17.55 ' W
+925 m
+a. s. l
+May 2023
+Carmen Balibrea
+Víctor Noguerales
+pitfall trap
+; TFMCEN- 2381
+Teguments smooth; glandular fields associated to lateral margins located in widening of marginal groove of pereonites; d / c coordinate values of noduli laterales with a peak on pereonite 4; pereonites 1–2 with posterior margins slightly sinuous; telson triangular with apex rounded; second antenna not reaching posterior margin of second pereonite; uropods with protopods posterior margin very oblique; exopods narrow. Male pereopod 7 ischium with concave ventral margin and slight distal depression on its rostral face covered with numerous setae; male pleopod 1 exopod with short posterior lobe.
+Maximum length: male
+8.5 mm
+, female
+9.8 mm
+. Body strongly convex with epimera oriented obliquely, ovoid (Fig.
+2 A, B
+); outline between pereon and pleon continuous. Colour (Fig.
+2 A – C
+) mottled brown with irregular broad dark midline reaching posterior margin of cephalon; pereonites 4–7 usually with pairs of paramedian diffuse yellow spots; pigmented epimera, presenting small depigmented area around noduli laterales and band of depigmentation at base of epimera; pereopods and pleopods pigmented; dark maxilliped; uropod exopods often reddish or brown. Cephalon, pleon and telson smooth. Dorsal surface covered with large Y-shaped scale-setae (Fig.
+3 H
+) and imbricated rounded scales. Pereonites 1–7 epimera with distinct groove along entire lateral margin with one widening concentrating glandular pores ranging from 6 to 20, number of pores gradually decreasing towards posterior pereonites; widening located at anterior or in middle portion of epimera, in the first pereonite at anterior corner of epimeron (Fig.
+2 D
+). One line of large noduli laterales per side on pereonites 1–7, far from lateral margins, with high d / c ratio as in Fig.
+3 C
+. Cephalon (Fig.
+3 A
+) without supra-antennal line; frontal-line arches slightly forming rounded small median lobe; lateral lobes rounded or slightly quadrangular; eyes with 24–28 ommatidia. Pereonites 1–2 with posterior margins slightly sinuous (Fig.
+2 C
+); 3–6 straight, posterior corners slightly directed backwards; 7, regularly concave. Pleonites 3–5 with well-developed epimera; posterior corners bending backwards; pleonite 5 epimera not surpassing uropod protopods or telson apex (Fig.
+3 B
+). Telson (Fig.
+3 B
+) wider than long, triangular, with concave margins, sides of distal part of some specimens almost parallel; apex rounded. First antenna (Fig.
+3 F
+) tri-articulated; basal and distal article subequal in length; distal article with tuft of about 30 subapical aesthetascs. Second antenna (Fig.
+3 D, E
+) not reaching posterior margin of second pereonite when extended backwards; finely setose; flagellum bi-articulated, slightly shorter than fifth article of peduncle; second article about 1.5 times longer than first, bearing several rows of aesthetascs (Fig.
+3 E
+). Mandibles with dichotomized molar penicil; left mandible (Fig.
+4 B
+) with 2 + 9 penicils; right mandible (Fig.
+4 A
+) with 1 + 4 penicils. Maxillule external branch (Fig.
+4 C
+) with 4 + 6 teeth, four of them subapically cleft; internal branch (Fig.
+4 D
+) with two thick penicils and one short sharp posterior corner. Maxilla inner lobe quadrangular (Fig.
+4 E
+), wider than outer lobe, apex covered fine and thick setae; outer lobe (Fig.
+4 E
+) with three long incurved setae on margin between lobes; covered with thin setae. Maxilliped (Fig.
+4 F
+) palp with two strong setae on first article, distal article with one tuft of setae; endite quadrangular, with one strong seta and four triangular teeth, three on distal margin and one on lateral margin. Pereopods short and stout. Pleopod 1 and 2 exopods with monospiracular covered lungs with indented outer margin. Uropodal protopods (Fig.
+3 G
+) with ribbed outer margin and very oblique posterior margin, with its inner end almost reaching tip of telson (Fig.
+3 B
+); endopod and exopod (Fig.
+3 G
+) inserted at different level; exopods narrow, styliform, about 1.5 times longer than endopods; endopods surpassing telson apex (Fig.
+3 B
+Porcellio aguerensis
+sp. nov.
+paratype ♀, habitus, dorsal view
+holotype ♂, habitus, lateral view
+paratype ♂, details of the first pereonites
+details of configuration of the glandular field of the first pereonite. Scale bars: 2 mm (
+A, B, C
+Porcellio aguerensis
+sp. nov.
+paratype ♀, cephalon, dorsal and frontal view
+paratype ♀, details of pleon, telson and uropods
+paratype ♀, noduli laterales d / c coordinates and comparison with
+Porcellio centralis
+Vandel, 1954
+paratype ♂, second antenna
+paratype ♂, details of the distal article of antennal flagellum
+paratype ♂, first antenna
+paratype ♀, uropod
+paratype ♀, dorsal cuticular scales and scale-setae. Scale bars: 1 mm (
+A, B, D, G
+); 0.5 mm (
+); 0.2 mm (
+); 0.02 mm (
+: Pereopod 1 (Fig.
+5 A
+) merus and carpus with strong setae on sternal margin, more numerous than in female. Pereopod 2–3, also with these modifications, but less noticeable. Pereopod 7 (Fig.
+5 B
+) ischium with slightly concave ventral margin and slight distal depression on its rostral face covered with numerous setae. Pleopod 1 exopod (Fig.
+5 C, E
+) with short posterior lobe ending in rounded apex or with small protruding tip (Fig.
+5 E
+), inner margin with strong setae; endopod (Fig.
+5 C
+) about twice as long as exopod, with straight or slightly curved distal margin, apex with row of spines (Fig.
+5 D
+). Pleopod 2 (Fig.
+5 F
+) exopod triangular, with straight inner margin; distal part of outer margin with some setae; endopod styliform, about 1.3 times longer than exopod. Pleopods 3–5 exopods (Fig.
+5 G – I
+) triangular.
+Porcellio aguerensis
+sp. nov.
+, paratype ♂
+first male pereopod
+seventh male pereopod
+first male pleopod, ventral view
+distal portion of the first male pleopod endopod, ventral view
+variation of the first male pleopod, frontal view
+second male pleopod, frontal view
+third male pleopod, frontal view
+fourth male pleopod, frontal view
+fifth male pleopod, frontal view. Scale bars: 1 mm (
+A, B, C, F, G, H, I
+); 0.5 mm (
+); 0.1 mm (
+The species name is derived from “ Aguere ”, the aboriginal term of the geographic area where currently the municipality of La Laguna is situated and where the species was found.
+Epigean species.
+Porcellio aguerensis
+sp. nov.
+has only been recorded so far from the higher altitude laurel-forest areas of the western sector of Anaga, appearing only occasionally in pitfall traps. This species is associated with
+Erica platycodon
+communities, although some traps were also positioned in more humid laurel forest characterized by the presence of
+Laurus novocanariensis
+. Several co-occurring Canary Island endemics were also sampled: very abundantly
+Porcellio anagae
+Hoese, 1985
+nidae), and more rarely
+Ctenorillo ausseli
+(Dollfus, 1893)
+Armadillidium vulgare
+(Latreille, 1804)
+, an invasive Mediterranean species of the family
+Armadillidiidae (
+Arndt and Mattern 2005
+was also commonly sampled together with
+P. aguerensis
+sp. nov.
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+Taxonomic review of Perisesarma (Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) and closely related genera based on morphology and molecular phylogenetics: new classification, two new genera and the questionable phylogenetic value of the epibranchial tooth
+Shahdadi, Adnan
+Schubart, Christoph D
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+Sesarma fasciata
+Lanchester, 1900
+, by present designation.
+Relatively small sized (up to
+1.36 cm
+carapace width among studied material). Carapace squarish (slightly broader than long), carapace regions distinguishable, but not well defined, lateral margins of carapace with indentation. Male chelipeds relatively robust, chela palm with two oblique to nearly longitudinal ridges on the dorsal surface, each with chitinous caps, dorsal surface of chela dactylus bears low tubercles with chitinous peaks. Walking legs relatively long, slender, meri narrow. Pleon of male relatively wide, triangular, telson slightly wider than long. Male press button absent. Female vulvae entirely located in sternite 5 with an elongated operculum, rimmed perpendicular to sternal sutures.
+The name
+is composed of two parts:
+, is derived from the name of the
+, and
+is derived from the last part of its former genus
+, as well as from the
+genus of the family,
+. Gender neuter.
+This genus is restricted to a single species,
+F. fasciatum
+. We briefly redescribe this species with regards to its key characters, as it was not adequately illustrated before. The synonym (after =) is adopted from
+et al.
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+Taxonomic review of Perisesarma (Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) and closely related genera based on morphology and molecular phylogenetics: new classification, two new genera and the questionable phylogenetic value of the epibranchial tooth
+Shahdadi, Adnan
+Schubart, Christoph D
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+, 1895
+Sesarma dusumieri
+Milne Edwards, 1853
+, subsequent designation by
+Campbell, 1967
+; gender neuter (see
+et al.
+, 2008
+Small to medium sized crab (up to about
+3.4 cm
+carapace width in studied material). Carapace squarish (slightly broader than long), carapace regions distinguishable, not well marked, lateral margins of carapace with a small epibranchial tooth. Male chelipeds robust, with two oblique rows of pectinated crests on upper surface of palms, followed by 2–4 small tubercles with chitinous peak on inner sides, the crests composed of tall chitinous teeth, chela dactylus with dorsal tuberculation. Walking legs relatively flat. Pleon of male relatively long, triangular, somite 6 considerably elongated, telson small and narrow, longer than wide. Male press button is proportionally large. Female vulvae are positioned completely in sternite 5 with operculum located on inner side and accompanied by a large sternal cover on the anterior side.
+This genus is now restricted to a single species. Here we take the opportunity to briefly redescribe
+P. dusumieri
+concerning its key characters, as it has not been adequately illustrated to date.
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