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+Description of a new species from Africa in genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914, with additional taxonomic and faunistic information on two other Coccothera species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini)
+Larsen, Knud
+journal article
+Coccothera nicomacha
+Meyrick, 1921
+comb. nov.
+Figs. 7–11
+Laspeyresia nicomacha
+Meyrick, 1921
+. Ann. Transv.
+., 8(2): 61;
+Razowski & Krüger 2007: 135
+Figs. 144 & 309.
+Material examined
+2 spec.
+15 km
+NW Ngoma,
+930 m
+, 17˚53' S, 24˚34' E,
+, Li/LiFa, leg. H.Hacker & H- P.Schreier, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+3525 & 3535
+1 spec.
+Morogoro district
+& town,
+550–600 m
+, leg. L. Aarvik, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+2719 L. Aarvik;
+1 spec.
+Morogoro district
+: Bunduki,
+1300 m
+, leg. L. Aarvik, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+2721 L. Aarvik;
+1 spec.
+Morogoro district
+& town,
+550–600 m
+, leg. L. Aarvik, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+2720 L. Aarvik;
+3 spec.
+12 km
+. E
+1400 m
+8– 9.iii.2003
+, leg. H. Hacker & H-P. Schreier, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+, 4368
+& 4369
+1 spec.
+12 km
+. E.
+, 1600,
+, leg. K. Larsen & T. Zandersen, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+1 spec.
+08°13'49" N
+37°34'53" E
+23 km
+WSW Welkite, Giber,
+1090 m
+, Li, leg. J. De Freina, H. Hacker, H. Peks & H-P. Schreier, coll.
+; gen. prep.
+Coccothera nicomacha
+Meyrick, 1921
+was described based on a single female and later the specimen and the remaining part of the female genitalia were figured (
+Razowski & Krüger, 2007
+Figure 7
+C. nicomacha
+♂ P. 3536 KL, 11 mm. Tanzania, Iringa.
+Figure 8
+C. nicomacha
+♀ P. 2720 LA, 11 mm. Tanzania, Morogoro.
+Figure 9
+C. nicomacha
+♂ P. 3536 KL, Tanzania, Iringa.
+The slide only contained bursa and half of ductus bursa. In this genus the connection of the ductus bursa to sterigma is extremely fragile and will often break off under preparation of the slide. However, the species is easy to recognize on the wing pattern as well as on the genitalia.
+The female
+is labelled: [
+]: Umtali [Mutare], [Southern] Rhod[esia], 5-I-[19]18 (A.J.T. Janse) gen. prep. 13654; type no. 1040.
+Meyrick (1921)
+remarked that
+L. nicomacha
+is allied to
+Laspeyresia victrix
+Meyrick 1918
+Imago: (
+Figs. 7–8
+). Wingspan
+8–11 mm
+, ground colour dark grey to black with fine light beige strigulation. Wing shape triangular. Basal blotch bordered with a shiny metallic line and with a dorsal shiny metallic spot both dark lead coloured. The basal blotch can have darker shadows and marks. Median fascia present at costal half as a nearly square black area against apex with two projections and bordered with a light line. Speculum narrow reaching two thirds of the wing, lighter grey bordered with a fine black line more or less interrupted. Between the median fascia and speculum there is a round blotch divided by three to four fine black lines. The blotch is partially bordered with a fine black line. Three costal strigulae before apex. Termen with a black line interrupted by a postapical strigula. Fringes black. Hindwings dark grey to black, lighter towards basal part. Termen with a black basal line. Fringes divided black and light grey. Wing shape of females are squarer otherwise like males. The species is very variable in size and the markings can be more or less pronounced. The figure of the
+has a strong black mark in the basal blotch, but this is not a diagnostic character.
+Male genitalia: (
+Figs. 9
+). The male genitalia vary considerable in size. Valva simple elongate with parallel sides, rounded, cucullus hairy, ventrally with a few small thorns, sacculus indistinct straight; vinculum triangular, strongly sclerotized; uncus very weak; pedunculus weak, rounded; length of phallus like the valva, sausage shaped, slightly oblique at the end.
+Figure 10
+C. nicomacha
+♂ P. 4368 KL, Tanzania, Iringa.
+Female genitalia: (
+Fig. 11
+). Sterigma rounded; ostium indistinct; subgenital sternite weakly emarginated, broad; ductus bursa long, slender, slightly enlarged before bursa; bursa round with weakly sclerotized structure, two medium sized, thorn-shaped signa.
+Laspeyresia nicomacha
+Meyrick, 1921
+C. spissana
+C. albolineana
+spec. nov.
+Figure 11
+C. nicomacha
+♀ P. 2721 LA, Tanzania, Morogoro.
+Imagines differ from
+C. spissana
+by the large black area in the upper half of the median fascia and with the round blotch divided by three to four fine black lines placed towards apex; from
+C. albolineana
+spec. nov.
+it differs by the larger size and by the dividing line on the fore wing which is shiny grey, not white. The male genitalia have a short rounded valva with a few thorns ventrally at the cucullus and a sausage shaped phallus. The female genitalia have a semicircular sterigma and two medium sized thorn-shaped signa. The subgenital sternite is broad and less emarginated dorsally.
+Figure 12
+C. albolineana
+spec. nov.
+♀ P. 4701 KL, 8 mm. RSA, Louis Trichardt.
+Only the ten mentioned specimens and the
+specimen from
+are known. They are found from October to March. Localities are indistinct dryer savannah or bush land. Host plant is unknown.
+Figure 13
+C. albolineana
+spec. nov.
+♀ P. 4371 KL, 8 mm. Kenya, Naro Moru.
+Coccothera nicomacha
+was originally placed in the genus
+based on a single female although the genus
+was erected already in 1914 by the same author. The definition may be due to the lack of material. The strongly strigulated wing and the shiny metallic lines and spots on the wing have the same structure as in
+Coccothera spissana
+Zeller, 1852
+. The shape of valva and the general structure of both male and female genitalia define the species as belonging to the genus
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-Description of a new species from Africa in genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914, with additional taxonomic and faunistic information on two other Coccothera species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini)
+Description of a new species from Africa in genus Coccothera Meyrick, 1914, with additional taxonomic and faunistic information on two other Coccothera species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Grapholitini)
-Larsen, Knud
+Larsen, Knud
-journal article
+journal article
Coccothera albolineana
spec. nov.
-Figs. 12
+Figs. 12–16
@@ -58,8 +56,6 @@ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:
Material examined
@@ -236,85 +232,6 @@ WNW Louis Trichardt
-Figure 11
-C. nicomacha
-♀ P. 2721 LA, Tanzania, Morogoro.
-Imagines differ from
-C. spissana
-by the large black area in the upper half of the median fascia and with the round blotch divided by three to four fine black lines placed towards apex; from
-C. albolineana
-spec. nov.
-it differs by the larger size and by the dividing line on the fore wing which is shiny grey, not white. The male genitalia have a short rounded valva with a few thorns ventrally at the cucullus and a sausage shaped phallus. The female genitalia have a semicircular sterigma and two medium sized thorn-shaped signa. The subgenital sternite is broad and less emarginated dorsally.
-Figure 12
-C. albolineana
-spec. nov.
-♀ P. 4701 KL, 8 mm. RSA, Louis Trichardt.
-Only the ten mentioned specimens and the
-specimen from
-are known. They are found from October to March. Localities are indistinct dryer savannah or bush land. Host plant is unknown.
-Figure 13
-C. albolineana
-spec. nov.
-♀ P. 4371 KL, 8 mm. Kenya, Naro Moru.
@@ -343,10 +260,22 @@ Male genitalia: (
Female genitalia: (
-Figs. 15
-–16). Labium irregular, apophyses anterior short, broader at apex. Sterigma circular with sclerotized lamella postvaginalis. Subgenital plate strongly emarginated dorsally. Ductus bursa short and bursa with two tiny thorn-shaped signa.
+Figs. 15–16
+). Labium irregular, apophyses anterior short, broader at apex. Sterigma circular with sclerotized lamella postvaginalis. Subgenital plate strongly emarginated dorsally. Ductus bursa short and bursa with two tiny thorn-shaped signa.
+Figure 16
+C. albolineana
+spec. nov.
+bursa, P. 4701 KL,
Figure 14
@@ -358,7 +287,8 @@ Female genitalia: (
♂ P. 4372 KL, Kenya, Naro Moru.
+Louis Trichardt.
@@ -373,19 +303,6 @@ is defined by its small size, the white dividing line between basal blotch and m
in the exceedingly small valva with tiny teeth at cucullus ventrally and in the shape of phallus. In the female genitalia it differs in the shape of sterigma
-Figure 16
-C. albolineana
-spec. nov.
-bursa, P. 4701 KL,
-Louis Trichardt.
with sclerotized lamella postvaginalis and the strongly emarginated subgenital sternite, shorter ductus bursa and two very tiny thorn-shaped signa in bursa.
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+A new species of Trachystolodes Breuning, 1943 from Central China (Coleoptera Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
+Wang, Yu
+College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei, 434025, P. R. China & 13971707326 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7717 - 2017
+Xie, Guanglin
+College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei, 434025, P. R. China & xieguanglin @ yangtzeu. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3273 - 8985
+Wang, Wenkai
+College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei, 434025, P. R. China & Hubei Engineering Research Center for Pest Forewarning and Management, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei, 434025, P. R. China. wwk @ yangtzeu. edu. cn
+journal article
+Trachystolodes tianjialini
+sp. nov.
+Figs 1, 4
+10, 13, 16–25
+Male (
+): Length 19.5 mm (measured from vertex to elytral apices), width 8.4 mm (measured across humeri). Body black, mostly clothed with brown to castaneous appressed pubescence, with sparse grey-white appressed setae. Labrum and lower edge of frons covered with long gold setae (
+Fig 13
+); frons with some short erect black setae laterally; pronotum with short gold setae on anterior and posterior margin (
+Fig 10
+), and with several long brown setae on both sides behind the middle of disc. Elytra slightly darker at middle, each elytron with a black oblique patch of short setae behind the middle, and unevenly spaced with black and white short setae presenting inconspicuous spots on posterior third, black setae extend forward along the suture to anterior fourth.
+Head sparsely and shallowly punctate; frons transverse, slightly convex, with fine punctation, vertex coarsely wrinkled between eyes. Antennae about 1.5 times as long as body, scape cylindrical, about as long as antennomere III, antennomeres III–X gradually decreasing in length; antennomere XI subequal in length to antennomere IV. Pronotum broader than long, width (across tips of lateral spines) about 1.6 times as long as length; lateral spine short, with basal half thickened and apical half tapered; disc with three distinct small calli, two laterals located before middle, relatively smaller, subuliform, and one central, close to posterior margin, subtriangular, with a mesial longitudinal furrow, strongly notched apically (
+Fig 10
+). Scutellum linguiform. Elytra elongate, about 1.5 times as long as humeral width; subparallel at middle, then gradually narrowing towards apex, rounded apically; elytral surface strongly punctate, with glabrous granules of different size before black patches, and with basal longitudinal ridges of granules (
+Figs 7
+). Distal abdominal sternite with apical edge nearly straight. Legs moderately long; claws widely divergent.
+Male genitalia:
+Tergite VIII (
+Fig 21
+) mostly yellowish-brown, with fuscous to black brown edge and a triangular apical pigmented patch, apex broadly truncate, slightly emarginate medially, dorsal surface on apical third and apical two-thirds on lateral margins with sparse long setae. Sternite VIII (
+Fig 22
+) with an umbrella-shaped pigmented patch and a stout spiculum relictum. Spiculum gastrale (
+Figs 23–25
+) curved in lateral view, broadly bifurcate basally. Parameres black brown, inner sides subparallel, with setae of various lengths apically. Tegminal struts of phallobase separated apically. Penis uniformly curved, dorsal struts about 0.48 time as long as whole penis (
+Figs 18–20
+Male habitus of
+es spp., lateral view.
+T. tianjialini
+sp. nov.
+, holotype;
+T. tonkinensis
+T. huangjianbini
+, holotype.
+8, 9
+taken by Guiqiang Huang.
+FIGURES 10–17.
+Habitus of
+es spp.
+10, 13, 16–17.
+T. tianjialini
+sp. nov.
+10, 13.
+11, 14.
+T. tonkinensis
+12, 15.
+T. huangjianbini
+, holotype.
+. Dorsal view of pronotum and base of elytra;
+Frontal view of head;
+Living adult (maybe a female).
+11–12, 14–15
+taken by Guiqiang Huang;
+taken by Zheyu Chen.
+No specimens available for study, but two photographs of a specimen (
+Figs 16–17
+) may represent its habitus.
+Breuning (1943)
+described a variation of
+T. tonkinensis
+as “m.
+based on a specimen with the pronotum with less acute lateral spines and more parallel lateral margins, the elytra with smaller basal granules, less developed basal ridge and the slightly smaller posterior spots without ocherous bordering.
+The new species is very similar with
+T. tonkinensis
+, mainly with the variation described by Breuning as m.
+, but it can be distinguished from it by the femora without golden apical rings and the tibiae without golden basal spots on dorsum (
+Figs 1, 4
+), the frons with sparser, finer and shallower punctations (
+Fig 13
+), the male antennae about 1.5 times as long as body, with distal three antennomeres exceeding elytral apex (while in
+T. tonkinensis
+the male antennae is about 2.0 times, with distal five to six antennomeres exceeding elytral apex), and the elytra with indistinctly longitudinal basal ridges and the smaller posterior spots (
+Figs 1–2
+). Some characters of the genitalia also allow to differentiate both species: in the new species the apical margin of tergite VIII is broadly truncate and emarginate medially, and the apex of parameres is close to each other (
+Figs 18, 21
+). In
+T. tonkinensis
+the apical margin of tergite VIII is rounded, the apex of parameres is relatively wide apart from each other. Illustrations of the male terminalia of
+T. tonkinensis
+refer to
+et al.
+The new species shares with
+T. huangjianbini
+the femora without golden rings at apex and tibiae without golden spots, and the elytral spots without ocherous bordering (
+Figs 1, 3–4, 6–7, 9
+). The new species differs by the different pronotal calli (
+Figs 10, 12
+), the frontal punctations (
+Figs 13, 15
+), the elytral basal ridges and posterior spot shape (
+Figs 1, 3
+7, 9
+), the apical margin of tergite VIII emarginate, and the apex of parameres close to each other (
+Figs 18, 21
+). In
+T. huangjianbini
+, the apical margin of tergite VIII is truncate and straight and the apex of parameres are away from each other. Illustrations of the male terminalia of
+T. huangjianbini
+refer to
+et al
+. (2020)
+It is worth mentioning that
+T. huangjianbini
+has the notably different pronotal calli which are rather large, nearly rectangular, flat, and strongly wrinkled dorsally, while in the other species of the genus, the pronotal calli are relatively small, away from each other, the two anterior laterals are distinctly subuliform and the posteromedial is subtriangular.
+Another specimen (may be a female, according to the length of antenna, which is subequal to the body and is showed in
+Figs 16–17
+) of the new species was found by Mr. Zheyu Chen in Chaibuxi Canyon in the same county on
+June 26, 2019
+, about
+60 km
+away from the
+locality as the crow flies. Unfortunately, the specimen has been lost and only two photographs have been kept (
+Figs 16–17
+Type material examined
+Wufeng county
+Houhe National Nature Reserve
+August 2, 2019
+, coll. by
+Shuai Zhao
+. The holotype is deposited in the Entomological Museum, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, China.
+FIGURES 18–25.
+Male terminalia of
+T. tianjialini
+sp. nov.
+, holotype.
+Tegmen + aedeagus.
+Tergite VIII and sternite VIII;
+Spiculum gastrale;
+18, 21, 23
+. Dorsal view;
+19, 24.
+Lateral view;
+20, 22, 25.
+Ventral view. Scale bar: 1.0 mm.
+This new species is named after Mr. Jialin Tian, to appreciating his help in the specimen collection.
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+Phalangogonia monzoni
+new species
+Figs. 7–15
+Type Series.
+male and
+seven male
+Figs. 7–14
+) at
+labeled: “
+San Marcos
+/ Camino Fraternidad a / Bojonal. 1600 msnm. /
+6 VIII 13
+/ Col.
+” (typeset and handwritten); “
+/ MONZONI / SMITH ♂ / HOLOTYPE” (handwritten and typeset on red paper).
+Two male
+labeled: “
+San Marcos
+/ Camino Fraternidad a / Bojonal. 1600 msnm. /
+6 VIII 13
+/ Col.
+” (typeset and handwritten).
+One male
+at JMSC labeled: “
+San Marcos
+/ Camino Fraternidad a / Bojonal. 1600 msnm. /
+20 de
+JULIO 2013
+/ Col.
+” (typeset).
+One male
+at JMSC labeled: “
+San Marcos
+/ Camino Fraternidad a / Bojonal. 1600 msnm. /
+22 de
+JULIO 2011
+/ Col.
+” (typeset).
+One male
+labeled: “
+, Suchitepé- / quez. Santa Barbara / Ref Quetzal UVG
+. /
+20 AGOSTO 2010
+/ Latitud: 14.5417598494 / Longit: –91.1972949818 / Col.
+” (typeset).
+One male
+labeled: “
+, Suchitepé- / quez. Santa Barbara / Ref Quetzal UVG
+. /
+29 de
+/ Latitud: 14.5417598494 / Longit: –91.1972949818 / Col.
+” (typeset).
+One male
+at CMNC labeled: “
+, Huehuete- / nango.
+/ Unión Las Palmas.
+1444 m
+18–28 JULIO 2011
+/ Col.
+” (typeset). All paratypes bear my yellow paratype label
+Non-type Specimen.
+male specimen in JMSC is labeled: “
+/ Sierra de Caral, 1150msnm /
+VIII 2000
+Col. J. Monzón
+/ Colección José Monzón”. This specimen was excluded from the
+series because it may have been mislabeled (
+J. Monzón
+, personal communication).
+This species is distinguished from all other species of
+by the following combination of characters: dorsal color tan; entire head densely setose; eye bulbous, moderately protruding from head in dorsal view; pronotum moderately to densely punctate; pygidial disc shagreened, densely setose with long setae; mesometaventral process robust, parallel (not declivous) with respect to venter, apex not reaching the procoxae; male parameres with poorly defined dorsomedial keel, apices tapered to a square tip.
+Description of
+Male. Length 25.0 mm, width
+14 mm
+. Color tan dorsally, light brown ventrally with dark brown to black sternites, tarsomeres, clypeal apical margin, protibial margins, and inner parts of oral cavity.
+Dorsal surface densely punctate with dense, long setae; clypeus broadly rounded, apex reflexed (
+Figs. 10–11
+); frontoclypeal suture complete. Eye moderately bulbous, protruding from side of head in dorsal view (
+Fig. 10
+). Labrum tapered medially to a truncate apex. Mentum setose, apex strongly reflexed into oral cavity. Antenna with 10 antennomeres; club length approximately equal to antennomeres 2–7.
+Surface moderately punctate medially to densely punctate laterally, setose apically with longitudinal lines of setae extending to base, glabrous mediobasally and along lateral margins (
+Figs. 10–11
+). Lateral borders distinct, apical and basal borders indistinct.
+Surface glabrous; striae weakly defined, indistinct (
+Figs. 7–8
+Surface shagreened, densely setose; setae long (
+Fig. 12
+Thorax densely setose with thick setae; mesometaventral process projecting parallel to body, apex not reaching procoxae (
+Fig. 9
+); sternites densely setose with fine setae.
+Protibia with 2 teeth. Meso- and metatibiae with medial carina. Tarsomeres 1–4 wider than long, cup shaped, telescoped; setose but setae not forming a pad. Protarsomere 5 elongate, without ventral tooth; meso- and metatarsomeres 5 elongate, with strong ventrobasal tooth. Tarsal claws asymmetrical with modified claw distinctly elongate, thickened, with a bifurcate apex.
+Male genitalia:
+Phallobase completely fused to parameres (
+Figs. 13–14
+). Parameres fused together except at apex; dosomedially evenly curved (without a distinct keel); apex tapered to a square tip and reflexed at a 45° angle (
+Figs. 13–14
+23–28 mm
+, width
+13–14 mm
+. Dorsal color of head, pronotum, pygidium, and legs sometimes dark brown, more strongly contracting with the tan elytra. Protibia sometimes with a weak third tooth (
+Fig. 15
+This species is named after José Monzón, a compatriot of the species, who collected the entire
+series and generously allowed some
+to be deposited in institutional collections.
+This species is known from western
+San Marcos
+). One of the specimens examined has the data label “Sierra de Caral,
+”. Since there are doubts that this is accurate, this specimen was excluded from the
+series, and this locality is not included in the distributional map (
+Fig. 17
+This species is very similar to
+Phalangogonia ratcliffei
+Smith and Morón,
+in having an entirely setose pygidium and dorsal surface of the head, and in the general structure of the male parameres. I think they are different species based on the different sizes of the eyes (moderately bulbous in
+and extremely bulbous in
+) and subtle but consistent characters of the parameres (laterally flat to weakly convex and with the apex squared before a tapered tip in
+and laterally concave (with a sulcus) with the apex weakly diamond-shaped before a tapered tip in
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+Phalangogonia hawksi
+Smith, 2003
+was previously the only known specimen of this species.
+additional specimen was found at
+Parque Nacional Corcovado
+Osa Peninsula
+Costa Rica
+Matthias Seidel
+, personal communication).
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+Phalangogonia jamesonae
+Smith and Morón, 2003
+et al.
+reported this species from
+Rancho Canaletas
+Paso del Macho
+, which was a new state record.
+is also a record (
+) near
+Jesús Carranza
+) in iNaturalist: www.inaturalist.org/observations/33202228.
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+Phalangogonia obesa
+Burmeister, 1844
+A female specimen from JMSC and labeled “GUATEMALA,
+/ Sierra Merendon, Caral / Finca Firmeza,
+1100 m
+. / agusto 2000 Jose Monzon / y
+Victor O. Becker
+col.” represents the first specific locality data for
+locality is somewhat disjunct from the rest of the known localities in Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Veracruz,
+specimens from
+will need to be studied to fully confirm the current concept for this species.
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+(modified from Smith 2003; Smith and Morón 2003)
+1. Pygidial disc appearing smooth, without noticeable microsculpturing (some scattered punctures and setae present); mesometaventral process robust, declivous (sloping away) with respect to venter .................................. 2
+. Pygidial disc shagreened, roughened, or granular; mesometaventral process weak to robust, apex parallel with respect to venter ............ 3
+2. Male parameres with distinct dorsomedial keel, apices with strong tooth (Smith and Morón 2003: figs. 2E–F);
+Puebla, Oaxaca
+, and
+Phalangogonia lacordairei
+Bates, 1888
+. Male parameres with poorly defined dorsomedial keel, apices with weak tooth (Smith and Morón 2003: figs. 2A–B); eastern
+to northwestern
+........ ........
+Phalangogonia dispar
+Ohaus, 1925
+3. Eyes small, almost flush with side of head in dorsal view (
+Fig. 4
+) ............................ 4
+. Eyes bulbous, distinctly protruding from side of head in dorsal view (
+Fig. 15
+) ............ 6
+4. Mesometaventral process a nub that barely protrudes past mesocoxae (
+Fig. 3
+) ............ .........
+Phalangogonia azaharensis
+new species
+. Mesometaventral process robust, extending to or surpassing base of procoxae .......... 5
+5. Pronotum with sparse, scattered punctures; clypeus with surface mainly glabrous (sometimes with sparse, scattered setae); southern
+................................ .....
+Phalangogonia obesa
+Burmeister, 1844
+. Pronotum with dense, sometimes confluent punctures; clypeus with surface uniformly setose;
+El Salvador
+................................ ......
+Phalangogonia punctata
+Franz, 1955
+6. Mesometaventral process surpassing base of procoxae ........................................... 7
+. Mesometaventral process not reaching base of procoxae (
+Fig. 9
+) ............................ 9
+7. Dorsal color tan with prominent black markings on head, pronotum, and elytra; Osa Peninsula,
+Costa Rica
+........................... ........
+Phalangogonia hawksi
+Smith, 2003
+. Dorsal surface with uniform coloration.... ...................................................... 8
+8. Dorsal color mostly pale green;
+Phalangogonia jamesonae
+Smith and Moron, 2003
+. Dorsal color tan or light to dark yellowish brown (sometimes creamy white when alive);
+.............................. .......
+Phalangogonia sperata
+Sharp, 1878
+9. Head dorsally glabrous; pygidium brown to black, granulate; length
+18–24 mm
+; Quezaltenango,
+........................... ..........
+Phalangogonia parilis
+Bates, 1888
+. Head dorsally setose; pygidium tan, not granulate but with obvious microsculpturing; length
+23–31 mm
+................................. 10
+10. Eyes moderately bulbous (
+Fig. 15
+), apex of male parameres parallel with tapered tip; western
+............................. ...........
+Phalangogonia monzoni
+new species
+. Eyes distinctly bulbous, apex of male parameres diamond shaped (lateral angles) with tapered tip;
+... ............
+Phalangogonia ratcliffei
+Smith and Moron, 2003
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+Two New Species of Phalangogonia Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae)
+Smith, Andrew B. T.
+The Coleopterists Bulletin
+journal article
+Phalangogonia azaharensis
+new species
+Figs. 1–6
+Type Series.
+Figs. 1–6
+) at
+labeled: 1) “
+Costa Rica
+.” (handwritten); 2) “♀” (handwritten); 3) “Nevinson Coll. / 1918–14.” (typeset). The left protarsus, right metatibia and metatarsus, both antennae, and an apical portion of the right elytron are missing from the holotype.
+This species is distinguished from all other species of
+by the following combination of characters: dorsal color tan to light reddish brown; clypeus and lateral edges of frons moderately to densely setose, frons medially glabrous; eyes only weakly protruding past the side of the head in dorsal view; pronotum moderately (medially) to densely (laterally) punctate; pygidial disc densely punctate, apical half setose; mesometaventral process a nub that barely protrudes beyond the plane of the mesocoxae (the smallest of any
+Figs. 1–6.
+Phalangogonia azaharensis
+new species
+, holotype female.
+Dorsal habitus;
+Oblique habitus;
+Ventral habitus;
+Head and pronotum, dorsal view;
+Head and pronotum, lateral view;
+Description of
+Female. Length
+22.5 mm
+, width
+12 mm
+. Color tan to light reddish brown dorsally and ventrally, tarsomeres slightly darker.
+Dorsal surface densely punctate with moderate to dense setae on the clypeus and lateral edges of frons, frons medially glabrous (
+Figs. 4–5
+); clypeus quadrate, apex slightly reflexed; frontoclypeal suture complete. Eye weakly protruding beyond side of head (in dorsal view) (
+Fig. 4
+). Labrum evenly tapered to a point. Mentum setose, apex strongly reflexed into oral cavity.
+Surface moderately punctate medially to densely punctate laterally (where punctures sometimes confluent), setose along lateral margin in apical half (but worn down in this specimen), glabrous elsewhere on disc (
+Figs. 1–2, 4
+). Lateral borders distinct, apical and basal borders indistinct.
+Surface glabrous; striae weakly defined, indistinct (
+Figs. 1–2
+Surface densely punctate, giving a roughened appearance, shiny; apical half moderately setose with long setae (
+Fig. 6
+Thorax densely setose with thick setae laterally, thinner setae medially; mesometaventral process a nub that barely protrudes beyond the plane of the mesocoxae (
+Fig. 3
+); sternites moderately setose with fine setae.
+Protibia with 3 teeth. Meso- and metatibiae with medial carina. Tarsomeres 1–4 approximately equal in length and width; setose but setae not forming a pad. Tarsomere
+5 in
+all 3 pairs of legs elongate, with small ventrobasal tooth. Tarsal claws asymmetrical with modified claw distinctly elongate, thickened, with a bifurcate apex. Tarsal claws asymmetrical, modified claw with ventral tooth, not thickened when compared to other claw, apex not bifurcate.
+Figs. 7–12.
+Phalangogonia monzoni
+new species
+, holotype male.
+Dorsal habitus;
+Oblique habitus;
+Ventral habitus;
+Head and pronotum, dorsal view;
+Head and pronotum, lateral view;
+Named after Azahar,
+Costa Rica
+, the collecting locality for the
+Figs. 13–15.
+Phalangogonia monzoni
+new species
+Holotype parameres, dorsal view;
+Holotype parameres, lateral view;
+Male paratype head and pronotum, dorsal view.
+Costa Rica
+. This locality was said to be “four or five miles from
+to the southwest, in the Candelaria Mountains, having an altitude of about
+5,000 to 7,000 feet
+” (
+Carriker 1910
+). Based on this description, the collecting locality was in the general vicinity of the geographic coordinates:
+Fig. 16
+Although is it difficult to determine with absolute certainty,
+does seem to match certain aspects of the original concept of
+Phalangogonia debilidens
+Ohaus, 1904
+. This is primarily based on Ohaus’ (1904) description of the mesometaventral process: “the sharp, right-angled, brown-colored front corner of the mesosternal process does not protrude above the mesocoxae”. This mesometaventral process description is a good match with
+, which has a small nub that does not protrude apically past the level of the mesocoxae, as opposed to
+, which has an elongate process that projects apically to the procoxae. However, Smith and Morón (2003) designated a female specimen of
+as the
+, which fixes
+in synonymy.
+In spite of studying over
+400 specimens
+Costa Rica
+(2003) only saw specimens of
+from these two countries during the course of their revision of the genus.
+attempted to solve a complex taxonomic problem involving the name
+by designating a
+, since they knew that this name was known only from a single specimen (the
+) that was lost in the mail between
+decades ago (Smith and Morón 2003).
+though there was some uncertainty, they decided to select a specimen of
+as the
+, partially based on their belief that there was only one species of
+Costa Rica
+that the
+has been discovered in the BMNH, it casts some doubts on whether the original concept of
+, the
+designation by
+(2003) does resolve the problem by fixing the synonymy between
+, which necessitates the description of
+as a new species.
+This species is similar to
+Phalangogonia punctata
+Franz, 1955
+, another species only known from a single female specimen. The justifications for these being different species include the very different form of the mesometaventral process (reduced nub in
+versus robust and extending to procoxae in
+) and the distant localities where they were found (
+Costa Rica
+Santa Ana
+El Salvador
+). It is desirable to study a series of males and females for both species to fully reveal their diagnostic characters and variation.
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+A new synonymy within theSouthAmerican Carpocorini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Pentatomidae)
+Faúndez, Eduardo I.
+Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes, Av. Bulnes, 01855 Punta Arenas, Chile.
+Rider, David A.
+Entomology Department, School of Natural Resource Sciences, North Dakota State University, Dept. 7650 P. O. Box 6050; Fargo, ND, USA.
+Carvajal, Mariom A.
+Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes, Av. Bulnes, 01855 Punta Arenas, Chile.
+journal article
+Graphorn bicallosus
+Pirán, 1959
+comb. nov.
+In the description of
+, the character concerning the form of the humeral angles needs to be altered slightly to be from slightly to greatly spinose.
+In addition the first record
+G. bicallosus
+is provided below:
+Presidente Hayes
+Laguna Capitán
+J. E. Eger
+, coll.,
+413 ft.
+Beaten from low shrubs around a small pond
+Dorsal and ventral view images of one of the female specimens are presented in
+Figs. 1 & 2
+The phylogenetic position of this taxon, as well as the identity of the males that Pirán included in
+P. bicallosus
+, is currently being studied by Bianchi
+et al.
+(Filipe Bianchi, personal communication).
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+A new synonymy within theSouthAmerican Carpocorini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Pentatomidae)
+Faúndez, Eduardo I.
+Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes, Av. Bulnes, 01855 Punta Arenas, Chile.
+Rider, David A.
+Entomology Department, School of Natural Resource Sciences, North Dakota State University, Dept. 7650 P. O. Box 6050; Fargo, ND, USA.
+Carvajal, Mariom A.
+Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes, Av. Bulnes, 01855 Punta Arenas, Chile.
+journal article
+Pirán, 1959
+Graphorn bicornutus
+Faúndez, Rider & Carvajal, 2017
+syn. nov.
+Additionally, the following new combination is proposed:
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-A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
+A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
-Michel, Bruno
+Michel, Bruno
-Mansell, Mervyn W.
+Mansell, Mervyn W.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -51,9 +52,9 @@ Michel & Tjeder
† gen. nov.
Figs 1–3
@@ -69,14 +70,12 @@ Michel & Tjeder
Nomen nudum.
Type species
Disparomitus neavei
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ is well characterized by the combination of the following characters: the markin
-. Frons with a tuft of white erect setae on each side and a tuft of brownish setae between antennal bases. Antenna straight, shorter than distance between base of the forewing and pterostigma. Third segment of labial palpus without sensory pit.
+H EAD. Frons with a tuft of white erect setae on each side and a tuft of brownish setae between antennal bases. Antenna straight, shorter than distance between base of the forewing and pterostigma. Third segment of labial palpus without sensory pit.
THORAX. Lateral and ventral surface of thorax covered with long white setae (
Figs 1B
@@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ THORAX. Lateral and ventral surface of thorax covered with long white setae (
). Wings hyaline. Pterostigma short, yellowish to light-brown with four cross-veins heavily bordered with dark brown.
-. Femora covered by long white hairs. Tibiae with dark brown spine-like hairs ventrally, each side with long white hairs and dorsal surface glabrous.
+L EGS. Femora covered by long white hairs. Tibiae with dark brown spine-like hairs ventrally, each side with long white hairs and dorsal surface glabrous.
ABDOMEN. First abdominal tergite of males prolonged into a strong, apically forked projection directed backwards with apex of each prong covered by dense short black hairs directed downwards (
Figs 1C– D
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@@ -1,47 +1,48 @@
-A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
+A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
-Michel, Bruno
+Michel, Bruno
-Mansell, Mervyn W.
+Mansell, Mervyn W.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -51,13 +52,13 @@ Michel
gen. et sp. nov.
Fig. 2
@@ -120,13 +121,11 @@ The first author dedicates this species to the late Dr. Bo Tjeder in gratitude f
Material examined
@@ -135,9 +134,9 @@ The first author dedicates this species to the late Dr. Bo Tjeder in gratitude f
, alt.
1640 m
@@ -157,40 +156,51 @@ det.
) (
Fig. 2A
Other specimens
-: 1 ♂,
-Chisasira Forest
-, -11.85, 34.08,
+1 ♂
+Chisasira Forest Reserve
25 Dec. 2001
R.J. Murphy
leg. (
-: 1 ♂,
+1 ♂
Ben Lavin Nature Reserve
9 km
-South of Louis Trichardt
-, -23.04, 29.91, alt.
+South of Louis Trichardt
+, alt.
950 m
@@ -201,20 +211,29 @@ leg. (
M. Krüger
leg. (
-1 ♂, same but
-8 Dec. 2000
-(SANC NEUR09310);
+1 ♂
+, same but
+8 Dec. 2000
-1 ♂,
+1 ♂
Bluegums Poort Farm
-, -22.97, 29.88, alt.
+, alt.
1445 m
@@ -225,15 +244,19 @@ leg. (
J. Joannou
leg. (
-1 ♂,
+1 ♂
D’Nyala Nature Reserve
-, -23.75, 27.83, alt.
+, alt.
893 m
@@ -244,15 +267,19 @@ leg. (
E. Van der Linde
leg. (
-1 ♂,
+1 ♂
Manoutsa Resort
-, -24.4, 30.62, alt.
+, alt.
504 m
@@ -263,20 +290,31 @@ leg. (
R.G. Oberprieler
leg. (
-1 ♂, same but
-24 Nov. 1981
-, M.W. Mansell leg. (SANC NEUR00083);
+1 ♂
+, same but
+24 Nov. 1981
+M.W. Mansell
+leg. (
-1 ♂,
+1 ♂
-, -22.43, 31.21, alt.
+, alt.
216 m
@@ -287,53 +325,74 @@ leg. (
H. & A. Braack
leg. (
-1 ♂, same but
-6 Dec. 1986
-, L.E.O. Braack leg. (SANC NEUR08750).
+1 ♂
+, same but
+6 Dec. 1986
+L.E.O. Braack
+leg. (
-: 1 ♂,
+1 ♂
-, -17.78, 31.32,
7 Nov. 1999
A.J. Gardiner
leg. (
-1 ♂,
+1 ♂
-, -17.25, 31.03,
3 Dec. 1992
A.J. Gardiner
leg. (
); 1
-, -19.03, 32.73, alt.
+, alt.
1500 m
@@ -344,8 +403,7 @@ leg. (
N.J.S. Duke
leg. (
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@@ -1,53 +1,54 @@
-A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
+A new genus and species of owlfly from eastern and southern Africa (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae)
-Michel, Bruno
+Michel, Bruno
-Mansell, Mervyn W.
+Mansell, Mervyn W.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article