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+Freshwater fungi in the karst plateau wetlands from Guizhou Province, China: taxonomic novelties in Melanommataceae (Pleosporales)
+Liu, Ling-Ling
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yong-Xiang
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chen, Ya-Ya
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Provincial Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Gou, Jiu-Lan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chi, Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yi
+Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve Management Committee, Bijie, China
+Gu, Xiao-Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Wei, Quan-Quan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhang, Meng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Zuo-Yi
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhou, Si
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+journal article
+Cooke, Grevillea
+7 (43): 84 (1879)
+Wanas., E. B. G. Jones & K. D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity
+102: 57 (2020)
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+Freshwater fungi in the karst plateau wetlands from Guizhou Province, China: taxonomic novelties in Melanommataceae (Pleosporales)
+Liu, Ling-Ling
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yong-Xiang
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chen, Ya-Ya
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Provincial Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Gou, Jiu-Lan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chi, Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yi
+Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve Management Committee, Bijie, China
+Gu, Xiao-Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Wei, Quan-Quan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhang, Meng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Zuo-Yi
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhou, Si
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+journal article
+Camposporium guizhouense
+L. L. Liu & Z. Y. Liu
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 5
+Refers to the location where the
+was collected.
+on decaying, submerged wood in freshwater habitats.
+Asexual morph
+on natural substrates are velvety, effuse, hairy, scattered, brown, and glistening.
+partly immersed, partly superficial, hyaline to pale brown, septate, and cylindrical.
+macronematous, mononematous, irregularly cylindrical, straight to flexuous or twisted, erect, pale to mid-brown, sometimes fading slightly towards the apex, smooth-walled, unbranched, 3–9 - septate, 60–110 × 4–6.5 μm (x ̄ = 80 × 5 μm, n = 20).
+Conidiogenous cells
+were holoblastic or polyblastic, integrated into the apical region of the conidiophore, denticulate, cylindrical, pale brown, smooth-walled, and sometimes attached to the conidia following detachment.
+solitary, cylindrical to narrowly fusoid, elongate, brown or pale brown, 58–81.5 × 7–9 μm (x ̄ = 70 × 8 μm, n = 20), paler at both ends, verrucose, thickened walls, 8–11 - septate (mostly 10), basal cell conical with a truncate end, apical cell rounded with two independent, simple, cellular, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, straight, curved, or flexuous appendages, 24.5–47.5 × 1.5–3.5 μm (x ̄ = 35 × 2 μm, n = 20).
+Sexual morph
+Cultural characteristics.
+Conidia germinated on
+within 24 h, and germ tubes were produced from the apex. Colonies on
+reached approximately
+25 mm
+diam. after 3 weeks at 25 ° C in dark, circular, grey-white, or yellowish mycelium, dense in the middle and sparse in the edge, in reverse, pale brown to brown, smooth in the margin.
+Camposporium guizhouense
+20-0375, Herbarium)
+a, b
+colonies on natural substrate
+c, d
+conidiophore and conidium
+e, f
+g – j
+germinated conidium
+l, m
+from above
+from below. Scale bars: 50 μm (
+c – j
+Material examined.
+Guizhou Province
+Guiyang City
+Aha Lake
+, near
+26 ° 32 ' N
+106 ° 40 ' E
+, at
+1085 m
+altitude, on a decaying branch submerged in the lake, 16
+, 2018,
+L. L. Liu
+, 18 A- 8 (
+; • ex-type living culture,
+Taxonomic notes.
+Phylogenetic analyses of the combined
+, and
+tef 1 - α
+sequence dataset showed that
+C. guizhouense
+was sister to
+C. ramosum
+(CBS 132483) and formed a distinct lineage. We compared the
+sequences of the new taxon (
+19-0480) to that of
+C. ramosum
+(CBS 132483). A difference of 7.87 % (37 / 470 bp) was observed. Additionally, comparing 812 nucleotides across the
+gene region between
+19-0480 and
+C. ramosum
+(CBS 132483) revealed 13 base pair differences (1.60 %). Morphologically (Table
+C. guizhouense
+conidia resemble
+C. dulciaquae
+C. fusisporum
+C. ramosum
+, and
+C. septatum
+conidia in shape. However, the conidia of
+C. guizhouense
+(58–81.5 × 7–9 μm) are considerably smaller than those of
+C. dulciaquae
+C. fusisporum
+C. ramosum
+, and
+C. septatum
+(100–130 × 8.5–13, 98–125 × 7–11.5, 80–112 × 6.4–9.6, and 86–115 × 13.5–19 μm, respectively). Moreover, the conidia of
+C. guizhouense
+have two simple and aseptate apical appendages; those of
+C. dulciaquae
+C. fusisporum
+, and
+C. septatum
+have 2–3 apical appendages, and those of
+C. ramosum
+have 1–3 simple or branched septate appendages. Therefore, we introduce our collection as a new species,
+C. guizhouense
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+Freshwater fungi in the karst plateau wetlands from Guizhou Province, China: taxonomic novelties in Melanommataceae (Pleosporales)
+Liu, Ling-Ling
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yong-Xiang
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chen, Ya-Ya
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China & Guizhou Provincial Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Gou, Jiu-Lan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Chi, Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Yi
+Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve Management Committee, Bijie, China
+Gu, Xiao-Feng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Wei, Quan-Quan
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhang, Meng
+Guizhou Provincial Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Liu, Zuo-Yi
+Guizhou Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, China
+Zhou, Si
+Guizhou Provincial Environmental Science Research and Design Institute, Guiyang, China
+journal article
+Byssosphaeria clematidis
+(Wanas., Phukhams., E. B. G. Jones & K. D. Hyde) L. L. Liu & Z. Y. Liu
+comb. nov.
+Neobyssosphaeria clematidis
+Wanas, Phukhams., E. B. G. Jones, & K. D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity
+102: 57 (2020)
+Material examined.
+, Botleywood, on dead stems of
+Clematis vitalba
+, 25 May, 2016,
+E. B. G. Jones
+, GJ 298 (MFLU 17-0614,
+; • ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 17-0794.
+Phukhamsakda et al. (2020)
+GenBank accession numbers.
+MT 214566
+MT 408594
+Taxonomic notes.
+Phukhamsakda et al. (2020)
+, which was grouped with
+to form a basal lineage in their phylogenetic analyses of combined
+, and
+sequence data. Morphologically,
+Phukhamsakda et al. (2020)
+by immersed ascomata with central papilla filled with periphyses, cellular pseudoparaphyses, and broad fusiform and hyaline ascospores. However, these characters also exist in some
+For example,
+B. siamensis
+has ascomata with cellular pseudoparaphyses (
+Tian et al. 2015
+), and other species, such as
+B. salebrosa
+B. villosa
+, have broad, fusiform, and hyaline ascospores (
+Samuels and Müller 1978
+Barr 1984
+), being reminiscent of
+Neobyssosphaeria clematidis
+Phukhamsakda et al. 2020
+. The only distinctive features are immersed ascomata in
+and superficial ascomata in
+. We regard it as not sufficient for the separation of these two genera (
+Sandoval-Denis et al. 2016
+Sun et al. 2023
+). Additionally, in our phylogenetic analyses,
+Neobyssosphaeria clematidis
+formed an internal clade within
+. Therefore, we transfer
+Neobyssosphaeria clematidis
+B. clematidis
+and treat
+as a synonym of
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