+In addition, adults of
+A. biplagiatus
+are larger (
+4.7–4.9 mm
+) than those of
+A. rufus
+3.8–4.3 mm
+). Moreover, distinct color patterns occur in both species respectively (black elytra with reddish brown at middle in
+A. biplagiatus
+; yellowish brown elytra with distinct arrangement of black spots in
+A. rufus
+4.4–4.9 mm
+, width
+3.5–3.8 mm
+. Color variable (see below). Pronotum broad, convex, lateral margin narrowly explanate; 2.0–2.2 × wider than long, disc with dense coarse punctures; lateral margin rounded, anterior margin strongly concave, posterior margin moderately convex. Intercoxal prosternal process flattened and with coarse punctures, delimited by narrow ridge on apical and lateral margins, truncate or slightly rounded at apex. Elytra broadly oval, 1.1 × longer than wide, disc with dense, confused, coarse punctures. Abdominal ventrite I with intercoxal area 2.0 × as long as wide, widest at basal 1 / 5, disc glabrous, rounded by reversed U-shaped ridge, provided with a row of coarse punctures inside subparallel lateral ridges.
+Antenna filiform (Fig.
+3 A
+), antennomere I much longer than others, approximate ratios of length of antennomeres I – XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.2: 0.4: 0.4: 0.3: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.6; approximate ratios of length to width of antennomeres I – XI 4.4: 1.9: 1.7: 2.4: 2.0: 1.6: 1.6: 1.8: 1.7: 1.7: 2.9. Aedeagus (Fig.
+3 C, D
+) apically and strongly narrowed from apical 1 / 5, slightly narrowed from apical 2 / 10–3 / 10, then slightly and basally widened towards basal 1 / 6, apex pointed; anterior opening very small, from apex to apical 3 / 10; tectum composed of one pair of sclerotized processes with apices twisted; extremely wide and straight in lateral view; paired processes straight in lateral view; endophallic sclerite laterally flattened, with small process near apex, and with basal processes membranous.
+Antenna (Fig.
+3 B
+) similar to males, ratios of length of antennomeres I – XI 1.0: 0.3: 0.2: 0.3: 0.3: 0.3: 0.3: 0.3: 0.3: 0.3: 0.6; ratios of length to width of antennomeres I – XI 4.5: 2.0: 1.7: 2.0: 1.9: 1.7: 1.5: 1.6: 1.3: 1.5: 2.4. Ventrite VIII (Fig.
+3 E
+) membranous, only apical margin sclerotized, T-shaped, with dense long setae along apical margin, apical margin widely rounded, spiculum long. Spermathecal receptaculum (Fig.
+3 F
+) much longer than pump, moderately swollen, curved in lateral view; pump slightly emarginated at inner side of base; spermathecal duct with long basal part, ramus rounded. Gonocoxae (Fig.
+3 G
+) wide and separated, base membranous, each gonocoxa longitudinal and asymmetric, apically narrowed from middle, with dense long setae along apical areas.
+Color variation.
+, two distinct color patters of adults, typical color form (Fig.
+4 A – C
+): general color black, each elytron with one large red spot, lateral margin sometimes yellowish brown, legs dark brown but tarsi yellowish brown, head entirely black, or with one yellowish brown spot on vertex, or entirely yellowish brown except above eyes, abdominal ventrites yellowish brown but medially black; yellowish brown color form: general color yellowish brown (Fig.
+4 D – F
+form), pronotum with one pair of small lateral black spots, elytra with 11 black spots, two pairs arranged into transverse lines near base and middle, one transverse pair near suture at middle, others longitudinal, one additional transverse pair near apex, one spot along suture from basal 1 / 3 to apical 1 / 3, medially widened, head yellowish brown but black below eyes except mouthparts, thoracic and abdominal ventrites black but abdominal ventrites laterally yellowish brown, legs black but tarsi, pro- and mesotibiae yellowish brown.
+At the type locality (Russian Far East and northeastern
+), some individuals represent the typical form (Fig.
+2 B
+) but with yellowish margins of pronotum and elytra, some with enlarged red spots on the elytra connected with each other, some with entirely yellowish-brown bodies (Fig.
+2 C
+, some specimens represent the typical form, but some have enlarged red spots on elytra that extend into the basal margin and connect with each other, and have reddish brown thoracic and abdominal ventrites.
+Host plants.
+Inoue (1990 a
+) recorded the following species as host plants:
+O. heterophyllus
+O. fragrans
+O. fragrans var. aurantiacus
+Ligustrum japonicum
+L. ovalifolium
+L. licidum
+W. T. Aiton
+Syringa vulgaris
+L., and
+S. reticulata
+(Blume) H. Hara.
+Chûjô and Kimoto (1961)
+recorded one additional host,
+Fraxinus mandshurica
+var. japonica
+Lee and Cho (2006)
+Ligustrum obtusifolium
+Siebold & Zucc
+for Korean populations.
+Various aspects of biology of
+A. biplagiatus
+were studied in
+, including feeding habits, seasonal development, habitat selection, host plant preference, and adult diapause (
+Inoue 1990 a
+1991 b
+). Generally, the species has a univoltine life cycle. Eggs and / or larvae of this species are observed in the spring. Mature larvae fall from the host trees rather than crawling (
+Inoue 2014
+A. biplagiatus
+display great color variation. Several names (
+A. flavitarsis
+A. limbatus
+, and
+A. suturalis
+) have been proposed for different color patterns.
+, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Russian Far East,
+South Korea
+, and new to
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+The genus Argopistes Motschulsky from Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of three new species from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini)
+Lee, Chi-Feng
+Applied Zoology Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung 413, Taiwan
+Chiang, Ming-Yao
+Applied Zoology Division, Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taichung 413, Taiwan
+Suenaga, Haruki
+Nakashima, 108 - 11, Kurashiki-shi, Okayama, 710 - 0803 Japan
+journal article
+Argopistes rufus
+Chen, 1934
+stat. nov.
+Figs 1
+2 G, H
+Argopistes coccinelloides
+Baly, 1874
+Suffrian, 1868
+): 202 (
+Chûjô 1935 a
+: 87
+Chûjô 1935 b
+: 211
+Argopistes biplagiatus
+Schönfeldt 1890: 175
+: Loochoo);
+Chûjô 1936: 110
+(Taiwan), misidentification (
+Gressitt and Kimoto 1963
+Argopistes biplagiatus var. rufus
+Chen, 1934 a: 72
+Argopistes coccinelliformis
+Csiki, 1940: 524
+(new replacement name for
+A. coccinelloides
+Baly, 1874
+Chûjô and Kimoto 1961: 174
+Gressitt and Kimoto 1963: 812
+Kimoto 1965: 436
+(redescription); Takizwa, 2012: 38 (faunistics).
+Argopistes ryukyuensis
+Shigetoh & Suenaga, 2022: 4
+). syn. nov.
+Type material examined.
+Argopistes coccinelloides
+• (sex undetermined,
+) (Fig.
+2 G, H
+): “
+/ Baly /
+[h, b] // Type / H. T. [p, circle label with red border] // Baly Coll. [h, w] // BMMH (E) / # 1024843 [p, w] ”.
+Argopistes biplagiatus var. rufus
+(here designated,
+): “
+[p] //
+/ 63 • 37 * [p] //
+Argopistes coccinelliformis
+Csiki, 1940
+/ det
+C. - F. Lee
+, 2023 [p] ♀ [h, w] //
+[with OR Code, p, w] ”
+3 ♀
+), same as lectotype but with “ 0155998268–0155998270 ”
+Argopistes ryukyuensis
+Kitadaitô-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♂
+3 ♀
+21. IV. 2018
+, leg.
+H. Kawase
+Okinawa-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♂
+10. V. 2020
+, leg.
+H. Shigetoh
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+), same but with “
+11. III. 2021
+Ou-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♀
+6. V. 2019
+, leg.
+H. Shigetoh
+; •
+3 ♂
+1 ♀
+1 ♂
+2 ♂
+1 ♀
+), same but with “
+2. III. 2021
+Tonaki-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+1. IX. 2018
+, leg.
+H. Shigetoh
+Tsuken-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♀
+14-16. VII. 2020
+, leg.
+H. Shigetoh
+Yonaguni-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+28. III. 2001
+, leg.
+S. Tsuyuki.
+Additional material examined.
+: •
+7 ♂
+6 ♀
+23. IV. 2022
+, leg.
+Y. - Y. Ruan
+; •
+13 ♂
+11 ♀
+5. IV. 2023
+, leg.
+Y. - Y. Ruan
+Hong Kong
+: •
+2 ♂
+1 ♀
+), 56 / 157, 894 / 7 / 8 / 63
+; •
+1 ♂
+Coll., 93—58
+; •
+1 ♂
+Tailung National Park
+12. III. 1963
+, leg.
+P. Y. So
+: •
+1 ♀
+18. IV. 2003
+, leg.
+Y. Komiya
+: •
+1 ♀
+10. IV. 2016
+, leg.
+H. Suenaga
+; •
+1 ♂
+Kibi service area
+1. VII. 2012
+, leg.
+O. Yamaji
+; •
+2 ♂
+2 ♀
+3. IV. 2014
+, leg.
+H. Suenaga
+: •
+3 ♂
+3 ♀
+18. VI. 2016
+, leg.
+H. Shigetoh
+Hachijô-jima Island
+: •
+2 ♂
+2 ♀
+3. VIII. 1963
+, leg.
+Y. Kamiya
+Ogasawara Haha-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♂
+24. VI. 1987
+, leg.
+H. Akiyama
+; Kyushu.
+: •
+1 ♀
+Hakozaki Kyushu Univ.
+7. VI. 2008
+, leg.
+Y. Matsumura
+; •
+1 ♀
+16. VIII. 2011
+, leg.
+H. Suenaga
+Koshiki-jima Island
+: •
+1 ♀
+16. V. 1965
+, leg.
+Y. Komiya
+; the
+Kita-daitô-jima Island
+: •
+2 ♂
+2 ♀
+21. IV. 2018
+, leg.
+H. Kawase
+: •
+3 ♂
+6 ♀
+23. IV. 2021
+, leg.
+C. - Y. Tsai
+Kinmen Island
+(金門島): •
+1 ♀
+Botanic Park
+12. VII. 2023
+, leg.
+C. - F. Lee
+; •
+3 ♂
+14 ♀
+12. IV. 2023
+, leg.
+C. - F. Lee
+Matsu Islands
+: •
+10 ♂
+11 ♀
+Beigan Island
+12. IV. 2024
+, leg.
+C. - F. Lee
+; •
+6 ♂
+10 ♀
+Nangan Island
+12. IV. 2024
+, leg.
+C. - F. Lee
+: •
+4 ♂
+5 ♀
+26. V. 2023
+, leg.
+T. - W. Hsu
+; •
+2 ♂
+14. VII. 2022
+, leg.
+Y. - J. Tung
+: •
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+8. IV. 2020
+, leg.
+M. - H. Tsou
+; •
+4 ♂
+1 ♀
+), same locality,
+18. X. 2010
+, leg.
+S. - F. Yu
+; •
+1 ♀
+), same but with “
+20. II. 2011
+; •
+5 ♂
+6 ♀
+21. III. 2016
+, leg.
+H. - T. Cheng
+; •
+2 ♂
+), same locality,
+20. V. 2011
+, leg.
+H. Lee.
+Adults of
+A. rufus
+look similar to those of
+A. biplagiatus
+with a similar color pattern, but differ from
+A. biplagiatus
+in having lines of punctures much coarser than those between the lines (lined punctures slightly coarser than those between lines, sometime confused in
+A. biplagiatus
+) and a narrower interspace between eyes. Genitalic characters are diagnostic for both species. Those of
+A. rufus
+possess widely rounded apices (Fig.
+6 C
+) and the aedeagus is narrow in lateral view (Fig.
+6 D
+) (pointed apex (Fig.
+3 C
+) and wider aedeagus in lateral view (Fig.
+3 D
+) in
+A. biplagiatus
+); females have medially widened gonocoxae (Fig.
+6 G
+) (narrow and parallel-sided base of gonocoxae (Fig.
+3 G
+) in
+A. biplagiatus
+), and abdominal ventrite VIII medially depressed and without setae on median area (Fig.
+6 E
+) (evenly rounded and with dense setae on apical margin of abdominal ventrite VIII (Fig.
+3 E
+) in
+A. biplagiatus
+In addition, adults of
+A. rufus
+are smaller (
+3.8–4.3 mm
+) than those of
+A. biplagiatus
+4.7–4.9 mm
+). Moreover, distinct color patterns occur to both species respectively (yellowish brown elytra with distinct arrangement of black spots in
+A. rufus
+; black elytra with reddish brown central area in
+A. biplagiatus
+3.6–4.3 mm
+, width
+2.9–3.4 mm
+. Color variable (see below). Pronotum broad, convex, lateral margin narrowly explanate; 2.1–2.2 × wider than long, disc with dense fine punctures; lateral margin rounded, anterior margin strongly concave, posterior margin moderately convex. Elytra broadly oval, 1.1 × longer than wide, disc with coarse punctures arranged into longitudinal striae and with dense fine punctures between striae.
+Antenna filiform (Fig.
+6 A
+), antennomere I much longer than others, approximate ratios of length of antennomeres I – XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.3: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.5; approximate ratios of length to width of antennomeres I – XI 4.3: 2.0: 2.0: 2.0: 2.0: 1.8: 1.5: 1.6: 1.7: 1.7: 2.7. Aedeagus (Fig.
+6 C, D
+) apically and strongly narrowed from apical 1 / 3, apex truncate; anterior opening large, ~ 0.52 as long as aedeagus, from apical 1 / 8–3 / 5; tectum composed of one pair of sclerotized processes with bifurcate apices, outer apex hooked, small, ~ 0.36 as long as anterior opening; narrow and slightly curved in lateral view; paired processes apically curved in lateral view; endophallic sclerite laterally flattened, with small process near apex, and with basal processes.
+Antenna (Fig.
+6 B
+) similar to males, ratios of length of antennomeres I – XI 1.0: 0.4: 0.3: 0.4: 0.4: 0.3: 0.3: 0.4: 0.4: 0.4: 0.5; ratios of length to width of antennomeres III – XI 4.4: 1.9: 2.0: 2.2: 1.8: 1.6: 1.4: 1.7: 1.6: 1.6: 2.3. Ventrite VIII (Fig.
+5 E
+) weakly sclerotized, T-shaped, with several setae along apical margin, apical margin medially depressed, spiculum long. Spermathecal receptaculum (Fig.
+6 F
+) longer than pump, moderately swollen, curved in lateral view; pump emarginate at inner side of base; spermathecal duct with long basal part, ramus rounded. Gonocoxae (Fig.
+6 G
+) wide and separated, base membranous, each gonocoxa asymmetric, apically narrowed from basal 1 / 3, with sparse long setae along apical areas.
+Color variation.
+In Japanese populations, antennae yellowish brown; pronotum and elytra black, each elytron with one large red spot, sometimes widened and spots connected to each other, red spot reduced in some individuals; mesoventrite and abdominal ventrites reddish brown but medially black; femora blackish brown, tibiae dark brown, tarsi yellowish brown; few individuals have entirely reddish-brown bodies. In the Ryukyus, adults usually have larger red spots on the elytra and reddish-brown elytral margins (described as
+A. ryukyuensis
+Shigetoh & Suenaga, 2022
+Taiwan Island
+, adults separate into two color forms. Typical form (Fig.
+7 A – C
+): black elytron with one large red spot, same as Japanese populations; yellowish brown color form (Fig.
+7 D – F
+): elytra with wide black stripe along suture, starting from base, apically narrowed and abbreviated at basal 1 / 3, with two pairs of black spots halfway between suture and lateral margin, anterior pair at base, posterior pair at apical 1 / 3, one wide black stripe along lateral margin, starting from base, apically narrowed, abbreviated at basal 1 / 3 or 1 / 4; abdominal ventrites medially darker. This color form is also found in Nangan Island.
+Habitus of
+Argopistes rufus
+typical color form, male, dorsal view
+ditto, ventral view
+ditto, lateral view
+yellowish brown color form, female, dorsal view
+ditto, ventral view
+ditto, lateral view
+reddish brown color form, male, dorsal view
+ditto, ventral view
+ditto, lateral view.
+and Kinmen Island, almost all adults belong to the typical form. A few specimens have entirely reddish-brown bodies (Fig.
+7 G – I
+Three specimens
+collected from
+Hong Kong
+also have reddish bodies.
+Host plants.
+Inoue (2014)
+O. heterophyllus
+O. fragrans
+O. fragrans var. aurantiacus
+O. insularis
+Ligustrum japonicum
+L. licidum
+L. ovalifolium
+L. obtusifolium
+Syringa vulgaris
+S. reticulata
+Jasminum nudiflorum
+, and
+Olea europaea
+L. as host plants in
+. In
+, larvae mine the leaves of the following plants:
+Chionanthus retusus
+Taiwan Island
+, Nangan, and Beigan islands),
+Ligustrum japonicum
+(in Beigan island), and
+Osmanthus fragrans
+(in Kinmen Island).
+Various aspects of the biology of
+A. rufus
+were studied in
+, including feeding habits, habitat selection, seasonal development, and developmental biology on various host trees, developmental success of larvae on two different host trees, seasonal trends of feeding and oviposition activities of adults, effects of food condition on oviposition, overwintering and oviposition ability of adults that emerge late in the season, effects of photoperiod and temperature on induction of reproductive diapause in newly emergence adults, and occurrence on olive trees (
+Inoue and Shinkaji 1989 a
+Inoue 1990 b
+1991 a
+The seasonal development of this species was studied in the field in southern Kantô, Central
+Inoue 1996
+). Overwintered adults appeared on host trees beginning mid-March, with a peak in mid-April to early May. Females began to deposit eggs from mid- to late April. The eggs were laid singly, embedded in young leaves, and coated with excrement. Leaf-mining larvae only developed in new leaves. Larvae underwent three larval instars and mature larvae crawled down to pupate in the upper layers of soil. Adults eclosed in mid-June, with a peak in later June-early July. They mainly fed on mature leaves. Adults passed the winter near the ground, mainly under fallen leaves. The egg, larval, prepupal, and pupal period took ~ 10, 20–30, 10–15, and 10–15 days respectively during spring to early summer. In
+, larvae and adults can be found during April.
+Argopistes biplagiatus var. rufus
+was described by
+Chen (1934 a
+) based on four reddish brown individuals (Fig.
+7 G – I
+) deposited in the NMHUK. We found the determination label: “
+/ var. rufa ”, handwritten by Chen pinned with one typical form (Fig.
+7 A – C
+). Four adjacent females fit the original description (reddish brown body form) and bore two labels “
+/ Bowring ” although no determination labels were found. Thus, those specimens were designated as
+Bezděk and Konstantinov (2024)
+placed this name as a junior synonym of
+A. coccinelliformis
+Csiki, 1940
+. Actually, it is a distinct species and attributed to the oldest available name. Thus, the valid name is
+Argopistes rufus
+Chen, 1934
+stat. nov.
+Adults of
+A. rufus
+A. ryukyuensis
+are not separable when Taiwanese and Chinese specimens are included. Aedeagi of both areas are intermediate between
+A. rufus
+A. ryukyuensis
+. Moreover, one distinct color pattern (yellowish-brown elytra with black spots) occurs in Taiwanese populations. Thus, color patterns may not be considered as diagnostic characters. Other diagnostic characters provided by
+Shigetoh and Suenaga (2022)
+are not diagnostic for species delimitation. Thus
+A. ryukyuensis
+Shigetoh & Suenaga, 2022
+is regarded as junior synonym of
+A. rufus
+Chen, 1934
+(Honshu, the Izu Isls., Ogasawara Isls., Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinoshima Is., Kashiwa-jima Is., the Koshiki-jima Isls., Yakushima Is., the Ryukyu Isls.),
+Island and
+Matsu Islands
+(Beigan and Nangan Islands) (Fig.
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