From 85a7d10983590a4d53ced1a5be6aee15db98b8ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ggserver Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2024 21:19:22 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Add updates up until 2024-11-21 21:15:14 --- .../4F/03884F74FFFE8B6F45A8CD519531970D.xml | 4495 +++++++++++++++++ .../87/03A587A9FFFCFFF2FF3FD3E98E6FFEF4.xml | 86 +- .../C1/24CEC121EF015BB1AE16F4C0051E2FB2.xml | 93 +- .../E0/851BE04B0A3BFFF7FF1741D654E09A16.xml | 283 ++ .../E0/851BE04B0A3CFFF6FF17450D53069E24.xml | 1006 ++++ .../E3/9D41E3EB924B5A4E826103D610239B15.xml | 1592 ++++++ .../3C/BE2A3C7B3B61FFA2FF27EE9B1E2EF7D6.xml | 449 ++ .../3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA3FF27EE981D34F5F9.xml | 102 +- .../3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD4192FF235.xml | 232 + ...l => BE2A3C7B3B65FFA4FF27EC931FB8F6B5.xml} | 277 +- .../01/C192018971C75C14AFEAE51730C2EAD5.xml | 153 +- 11 files changed, 8331 insertions(+), 437 deletions(-) create mode 100644 data/03/88/4F/03884F74FFFE8B6F45A8CD519531970D.xml create mode 100644 data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3BFFF7FF1741D654E09A16.xml create mode 100644 data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3CFFF6FF17450D53069E24.xml create mode 100644 data/9D/41/E3/9D41E3EB924B5A4E826103D610239B15.xml create mode 100644 data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B61FFA2FF27EE9B1E2EF7D6.xml create mode 100644 data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD4192FF235.xml rename data/BE/2A/3C/{BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD41FB8F6B5.xml => BE2A3C7B3B65FFA4FF27EC931FB8F6B5.xml} (50%) diff --git a/data/03/88/4F/03884F74FFFE8B6F45A8CD519531970D.xml b/data/03/88/4F/03884F74FFFE8B6F45A8CD519531970D.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d5ed0b6ba68 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/03/88/4F/03884F74FFFE8B6F45A8CD519531970D.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4495 @@ + + + +Revised classification of Acanthaceae and worldwide dichotomous keys + + + +Author + +Manzitto-Tripp, Erin A. +* Iain Darbyshire, & University of Colorado, Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Boulder, Colorado 80309, U. S. A. + + + +Author + +Darbyshire, Iain +* & Lucinda A. McDade & Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Herbarium, Richmond, Surrey, TW & * & Lucinda A. McDade & AE, United Kingdom & Honorary Research Associate, School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag & WITS 2050, South Africa + + + +Author + +Daniel, Lucinda A. McDade Thomas F. + + + +Author + +Kiel, Carrie A. +California Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, California 91711, U. S. A. + +text + + +TAXON + + +2022 + +2022-02-28 + + +71 + + +1 + + +103 +153 + + + + + + +journal article +10.1002/tax.12600 +1996-8175 +14047424 + + + + +Key to the genera of +Acanthaceae +in Africa, +Madagascar +, the Mediterranean region, +and the Arabian Peninsula + + + + + + + +Mangrove trees or shrubs with pneumatophores present; fruit a leathery 1-seeded capsule .............................................. + +Avicennia + +Herbs, shrubs, woody twiners or small trees, not mangrove trees, without pneumatophores; fruit an explosively dehiscent capsule, not leathery, with (1) 2 or more seeds, or a 1–2-seeded drupe .... 2 + + + + + + + +Seeds not borne on hook-shaped retinacula, retinacula lacking or papilliform; plants without cystoliths; anthers bithecous............. 3 + + +Seeds borne on prominent hook-shaped retinacula; plants with or without cystoliths, if cystoliths absent then anthers monothecous [8] .............................................................................................. 11 + + + + +Herbs or shrubs, not twining; paired bracteoles present or absent but not large and conspicuous; flowers usually alternate or spirally arranged in few- to many-flowered inflorescences; calyx deeply 4- or 5-lobed; fruit a many-seeded (usually>10 seeds), capsule, not woody .......................................................................................... 4 + + +Herbaceous twiners or lianas, less frequently free-standing shrubs or herbs; flowers solitary or in fascicles or racemes of opposite flowers, not spirally arranged; flowers subtended by conspicuous clasping or partially connate paired bracteoles; calyx a subentire or undulate rim or with irregular teeth, or obscurely 5-lobed; fruit either a 1–2-seeded drupe or a 2–4-seeded woody capsule ......... 8 + + + + + +Peduncles bearing alternate clasping scale-like sterile bracts; all bracts sclerophyllous; leaves held in rosettes or whorls ................ ......................................................................................... + +Elytraria + +Peduncles (if present) without clasping scale-like bracts; bracts membranous or foliaceous; leaves opposite, at least some pairs dispersed along the stems................................................................. 5 + + + + + + + + +Bracteoles absent; inflorescence of dense ± cylindrical spikes with imbricate bracts; calyx 4-lobed, the anterior lobe with bifid apex (rarely more deeply divided into 5 lobes); stamens 2, staminodes absent............................................................................... + +Nelsonia + + + + +5 Bracteoles present; inflorescence variable but if spikes cylindrical then not so dense; calyx 5-lobed; stamens 4, adaxial staminode often also present (rarely reduced to 2 stamens + 2–3 staminodes) ................................................................................................... 6 + + + + + +6 Pairs of bracteoles inserted below receptacle, not adnate (leaves not ternate; corollas < +3 cm +long); lateral 2 lobes of calyx can be somewhat shorter than other lobes but not markedly so and not hidden by the bracteoles; W and C Africa ........................ + +Staurogyne + + + + + +6 Pairs of bracteoles partially adnate to receptacle and sometimes base of calyx (or if bracteoles sometimes free in + +Anisosepalum lewallei + +, then leaves mostly ternate and corollas +3–4 cm +long); lateral 2 calyx lobes markedly shorter than other lobes and largely hidden by the bracteoles .............................................................. 7 + + + + + + +7 Plants delicate trailing herbs; petiole usually longer than leaf blade; anther thecae with a basal appendage, this often forked; corolla widened almost from the base into a campanulate throat, palate of lower lip not bullate, i.e., without raised bosses; +Gabon +to +Tanzania +, +Madagascar +.......................................... + +Saintpauliopsis + + + + + +7 Plants erect or procumbent herbs or subshrubs; petiole usually shorter than leaf blade; anther thecae with basal appendages absent or short, apiculate, not forked; corolla with a cylindrical basal tube, and ± gradually widened throat, not appearing campanulate, palate of lower lip bullate, i.e., with raised bosses; C and E Africa...................................................................... + +Anisosepalum + + + + + + +8 Fruit a fleshy drupe with 1 or 2 seeds.......................................... 9 + + +8 Fruit a 2–4-seeded woody capsule............................................. 10 + + + + + +9 Drupe with 2 seeds, large ( +3–10 cm +in diam.); leaves with a characteristic ± long narrow basal portion above an abruptly rounded or cordate base, can appear as a winged petiole; +Congo +Rep., D.R. +Congo +........................................................... + +Anomacanthus + + + + + +9 Drupe with a single seed, not so large; leaves without base as above; widespread........................................................ + +Mendoncia + + + + + + + +10 Anthers opening by apical pores; seed with a scar on proximal face; indumentum stellate, bracteoles with a dense orange, red or mustard-yellow stellate indumentum covering external surface..... ..................................................................................... + +Pseudocalyx + + + + + +10 Anthers opening by longitudinal slits; seed hollowed on proximal face; indumentum usually not stellate, bracteoles without a very dense orange, red or mustard-yellow indumentum externally ....... .................................................................................... + +Thunbergia + + + + + + +11 Stamens 4, sometimes with an additional staminode ................ 12 + + +11 Stamens 2, with or without additional staminodes .................... 61 + + + + +12 Anthers all monothecous; plants without cystoliths .................. 13 + + +12 Either anthers all bithecous or 2 anthers bithecous and 2 anthers monothecous; plants with cystoliths.......................................... 21 + + + + + +13 Calyx long-tubular, cylindrical to inflated, with short lobes; capsule with more than 4 seeds; corolla aestivation left-contort; W and C Africa ........................................................... + +Physacanthus + + + + +13 Calyx not markedly tubular, deeply divided into 4 or 5 lobes; capsule with up to 4 seeds; corolla aestivation not contorted.... 14 + + + + + +14 Corolla lobes not comprising a single lip, either regularly 5-lobed or bilabiate; corolla not yellow........................ + +Stenandriopsis + +[4] + + + + +14 Corolla limb comprising a single lip, entire or 3- or 5-lobed, held either ventrally or dorsally, or at least with the sinus between the 2 uppermost (or outermost) lobes at a markedly wider angle than that of the other lobe sinuses, if only weakly so then corolla yellow ( + +Crossandra flava + +)..................................................................... 15 + + + + + + +15 Corolla tube twisted through 180°, the single corolla lip held dorsally, entire or 3-lobed; +Tanzania +............................. + +Streptosiphon + + + + +15 Corolla tube not twisted, corolla lip held ventrally, 3- or 5-lobed or sometimes only undulate ........................................................... 16 + + + + +16 Stamens included in corolla tube, subsessile, not inserted on a thickened flange ........................................................................ 17 + + +16 Stamens exserted from the corolla tube, with flattened bone-like filaments, inserted on a thickened flange .................................. 18 + + + + + +17 Calyx 4-lobed, anterior lobe bifid; bracts not imbricate, smaller than bracteoles, these conspicuous, elliptic or obovate, diverging widely from inflorescence axis; corolla tube not narrowly cylindrical, limb obscurely 5-lobed or erose; +Liberia +to +Tanzania +............. ................................................................................ + +Crossandrella + + + + + +17 Calyx 5-lobed; bracts usually imbricate, larger than and enclosing bracteoles, these linear to lanceolate, not diverging widely from inflorescence axis; corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, limb 5-lobed; widespread.................................................................. + +Crossandra + + + + + + + +18 Calyx 5-lobed; seeds sculptured with pectinate scales or concentric rings; bracts, bracteoles and calyx lobes glumaceous............. .................................................................................. + +Sclerochiton + + + + +18 Calyx 4-lobed; seeds covered in hygroscopic trichomes, puberulous or glabrous, without scales or concentric rings; bracts, bracteoles and calyces rarely glumaceous ........................................... 19 + + + + + +19 Anterior pair of staminal filaments each with an obtuse or acute tooth-like appendage towards the apex ventrally........... + +Blepharis + + + + +19 Anterior staminal filaments lacking appendages....................... 20 + + + + + +20 Seeds glabrous or sericeous-puberulous; stigma bilobed; bracts terminating in a single spine; plants often robust, ± tall perennial herbs, shrubs or treelets; widespread.............................. + +Acanthus + + + + + +20 Seeds covered in long hygroscopic trichomes; stigma 1-lobed; bracts terminating in 3–5 simple or compound spines; plants often compact shrublets or acaulescent perennial herbs, if taller then slender; +Namibia +, western +South Africa +.................... + +Acanthopsis + + + + + + + +21 Longer 2 stamens bithecous, shorter 2 stamens monothecous but sometimes with vestigial second theca, or if rarely (in few + +Neuracanthus + +) all stamens bithecous then shorter pair with anthers almost sessile and corolla with short tube and funnel-shaped limb comprising equal anterior and lateral lobes and partially to almost completely fused dorsal pair of lobes ........................................ 22 + + + +21 All stamens bithecous, filaments present; corolla not as above .... ................................................................................................... 24 + + + + + +22 Calyx bilabiate, with a 2-lobed or -toothed anterior lip and a 3-lobed or -toothed posterior lip; corolla with a funnel-shaped limb comprising equal anterior and lateral lobes and partially (or almost completely) fused dorsal pair of lobes, not bilabiate ..................... ................................................................................ + +Neuracanthus + + + + +22 Calyx 5-lobed, lobes either equal or with posterior lobe widest (2 + 2 + 1 configuration); corolla bilabiate ............................... 23 + + + + + +23 Bracts obovate with rounded apex, often with conspicuous darker pinnate-anastomosing venation; calyx ± equally 5-lobed, markedly shorter than bracteoles; small trailing herbs of rainforest; +Nigeria +, Bioko, +Cameroon +.......................................... + +Afrofittonia + + + + + +23 Bracts variously shaped but apex acute to acuminate, 3- to palmately veined or venation inconspicuous; calyx unequally 5- lobed, posterior lobe clearly broadest (2 + 2 + 1 configuration), not or only slightly shorter than bracteoles; habit and habitat various but often in drier habitats; widespread............... + +Lepidagathis + + + + + + + +24 Calyx 4-lobed, anterior lobe entire or bifid for less than half its length; anterior and posterior lobes typically much broader than lateral lobes and often enclosing them; corolla variously arranged, lobes subregular or in a 4 + 1 or 2 + 3 (rarely 1 + 3) configuration, without a hooded upper lip; filaments of anterior (long) pair of stamens?always twisted and crossing near the base.................. + +Barleria + + + + +24 Calyx (3-) 5-lobed, or if anterior pair of lobes partially fused and lobes of unequal width then corolla markedly bilabiate with a ± hooded upper lip; staminal filaments not twisted and crossing near the base .............................................................................. 25 + + + + +25 Stamens in 2 pairs with filaments fused at base, sometimes forming a filament curtain within the corolla tube............................ 26 + + +25 Stamens not in 2 pairs, filaments not fused, filament curtain absent ................................................................................................... 49 + + + + +26 Seeds usually tuberculate or rugose, often with a thickened and irregularly crenate or serrate margin, more rarely smooth and rounded, lacking trichomes; corolla bilabiate (sometimes weakly so), with ascending-cochlear aestivation ................................... 27 + + +26 Seeds with hygroscopic trichomes present throughout or at least along the rim; or if (rarely) glabrous then corolla subactinomorphic; corolla with left-contort aestivation .................................. 29 + + + + + +27 Flowers solitary in leaf axils; +Botswana +, +South Africa +.................. .................................................................................. + +Glossochilus + + + + +27 Flowers held in well-developed spikes or racemes, sometimes compounded into panicles ......................................................... 28 + + + + + +28 Anthers with thecae offset, rounded at the base; inflorescence a slender racemose thyrse with opposite cymose units; west-central Africa........................................................................... + +Filetia + +[26] + + + + +28 Anthers with thecae held at an equal or subequal height, usually basally spurred or apiculate; inflorescence often a secund spike or raceme, more rarely with opposite cymose units; widespread..... .................................................................................... + +Asystasia + +[27] + + + + + +29 All anther thecae ± rounded at base, lacking basal appendages .... ................................................................................................... 30 + + +29 One or both thecae of at least 2 of the 4 anthers with basal appendages ................................................................................ 42 + + + + + +30 Calyx large, inflated, fused nearly to the apex with only short lobes; all plant surfaces covered in large, prominent scale-like glands; +Guinea +, NE Africa ....................................... + +Satanocrater + + + + +30 Calyx not large and inflated, not fused nearly to the apex; plant surfaces with or without glands but not covered in dense scale-like glands.............................................................................................31 + + + + + +31 Corolla 1-lipped, with all 5 lobes comprising the lower lip (or rarely lip held in upper position due to floral resupination resulting from twisting of the tube) ........................................ + +Eremomastax + + + + +31 Corolla not 1-lipped................................................................... 32 + + + + +32 Calyx with 3 posterior lobes fused for half their length or more, 2 anterior lobes free to the receptacle (2 + 3 configuration); Guineo-Congolian forests.......................................................... 33 + + +32 Calyx without 3 posterior lobes conspicuously fused ............... 34 + + + + + +33 Pollen coarsely reticulate; corolla tube cylindrical, only narrowly widened towards mouth, geniculate; W and C Africa ................... ............................................................. + +Ruellia + +[ + +Endosiphon + +] [20] + + + + +33 Pollen echinate, not coarsely reticulate; corolla tube infundibuliform, not markedly geniculate; +Nigeria +to D.R. +Congo +................. ............................................................................... + +Dischistocalyx + + + + + + +34 Calyx strongly zygomorphic, posterior lobe conspicuously broader than the other lobes, ovate, elliptic or rhombic, the other lobes linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, the 2 anterior lobes slightly broader than the 2 lateral lobes (2 + 2 + 1 configuration), all divided ± to the receptacle..........................................................................35 + + +34 Calyx (sub)actinomorphic or if zygomorphic then not as above; posterior lobe not markedly broader than other lobes..................36 + + + + + +35 Capsule with fracturing placentae; flowers held in strobilate to more lax spikes, usually dorsiventral, with flowers and fertile bracts ventrally and sterile bracts dorsally, or rarely flowers solitary and axillary; pollen prolate, 12(+)-pseudocolpate, exine finely reticulate; widespread ..................................................... + +Phaulopsis + + + + + +35 Capsule without fracturing placentae; inflorescences simple or compound dichasia, not strobilate or dorsiventral; pollen spherical, lacking pseudocolpi, exine coarsely reticulate; +Angola +, +Namibia +................................................................... + +Dinteracanthus + +[28] + + + + + +36 Capsule 2-seeded....................................................................... 37 + + +36 Capsule 4- to many-seeded........................................................ 38 + + + + + +37 Calyx divided almost to the receptacle into 5 subequal (posterior sometimes longer) lobes; corolla with flattened, apically rounded, uni- or bicellular trichomes lining inner surface, tube usually ± markedly curved; stigma with 1 linear lobe, second lobe reduced to a short tooth; plants without a creosote-like smell; widespread ............................................................................... + +Acanthopale + + + + + +37 Calyx with fused basal portion and zygomorphic limb due to partial fusion of anterior pair of lobes; corolla without such trichomes internally, tube straight; stigma bilobed; plants usually strongly odiferous with a creosote-like smell; E and S Africa, Arabia ......................................................................... + +Duosperma + + + + + + + +38 Calyx lobes fused for at least 1/3 of their length and usually over half their length, with marginal hyaline regions, lobes linear(-lanceolate); capsule 4-seeded; stigma lobe with flat straight margin; pollen prolate with 12+ pseudocolpi and with sexine lips around the short apertures ...................................................... + +Dyschoriste + + + + + +38 If calyx fused for over 1/3 of their length and with linear lobes and capsule 4-seeded (some + +Ruellia + +in +Madagascar +), then calyx lacking hyaline margins, stigma lobe with involute irregular margin and pollen spheroid, coarsely reticulate, lacking pseudocolpi and sexine lips .................................................................................. 39 + + + + + + +39 Corolla typically strongly bilabiate with 2-lobed hooded upper lip and 3-lobed lower lip often with conspicuous “herring-bone” patterning, or if corolla only weakly bilabiate then less than +1 cm +long; plants of (seasonal) wetlands.............................. + +Hygrophila + + + + + +39 Corolla subactinomorphic or if zygomorphic then not strongly bilabiate with hooded 2-lobed upper lip, lacking or with only faint “herring-bone” patterning on lower lip; corolla usually> +1 cm +long; plants not of wetlands....................................................... 40 + + + + + + +40 Pollen spherical, exine coarsely reticulate or rarely (in our region only known in + +Ruellia togoensis + +) with large verrucae, lacking pseudocolpi or sexine lips; flowers usually axillary, solitary or in fascicles, more rarely in lax axillary dichasia or (in + +R. dissidens + +only) a slender terminal spike............................................ + +Ruellia + + + + +40 Pollen prolate, 3-porate and 12-pseudocolpate, pores flanked by sexine lips; flowers held in a terminal thyrse or panicle............ 41 + + + + + +41 Corolla limb either zygomorphic, with 1 lobe splitting from the tube earlier than and considerably longer than the other 4 lobes, or if subactinomorphic then lobes narrowly oblong with rounded apices and staminal filaments puberulous; +Tanzania +...... ................................................ + +Mimulopsis + +[ + +Epiclastopelma + +] [29] + + + + +41 Corolla limb subactinomorphic, lobes elliptic or oblong with emarginate apices; staminal filaments glabrous; +Guinea +to +Ivory Coast +, +São Tomé +................................................................. + +Heteradelphia + + + + + + + +42 Flowers subtended by a pair of conspicuous, ± large bracteoles, these papery to leathery and often with conspicuous reticulate venation, enclosing the calyx and base of the corolla; southern Africa............................................................................ + +Petalidium + + + + +42 Flowers not subtended by a pair of conspicuous bracteoles ...... 43 + + + + + +43 Capsules with fracturing placentae; calyx strongly zygomorphic, posterior lobe ovate or elliptic, markedly broader than other lobes, these linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate (2 + 2 + 1 configuration); inflorescences often dorsiventral spikes, with flowers and fertile bracts ventrally and differently shaped sterile bracts dorsally, rarely radially symmetrical .................................................... + +Phaulopsis + + + + +43 Capsules without fracturing placentae or with placentae easily dislodged but lateral walls of capsule not tearing; calyx actinomorphic or only weakly zygomorphic, posterior lobe not markedly broader than other lobes; inflorescences not dorsiventral spikes........ 44 + + + + + +44 Corolla limb subactinomorphic, throat lacking “herring-bone” patterning; plants with trailing or procumbent stolons from a woody rootstock sometimes rooting adventitiously, with clusters of leaves or short erect leafy stems along the stolons, leaves linear to narrowly elliptic or obovate, plant often with a “grass-like” gestalt; southern Africa ............................................................ + +Ruelliopsis + + + + +44 Corolla limb zygomorphic or weakly so, throat often with prominent “herring-bone” patterning; plant habit not as above, not grass-like ................................................................................... 45 + + + + + +45 Calyx lobes fused for at least 1/3 of their length and usually over half their length, with hyaline margins between the lobes, lobes linear(-lanceolate); ovary with 2 ovules per locule, capsule 4-seeded...................................................................... + +Dyschoriste + + + + +45 Calyx lobes divided to the receptacle or shortly fused, lacking hyaline margins; lobes linear or often spathulate; ovary with 2–8 ovules per locule; capsule often either>4-seeded or 2-seeded...... 46 + + + + + +46 Outermost theca of each of longer pair of stamens with a conspicuous curved appendage, other thecae with much shorter appendages or rounded .......................................................... + +Mimulopsis + + + + +46 Either all thecae or 1 of each pair of thecae of all anthers with an appendage.................................................................................. 47 + + + + + +47 Leaves conspicuously dentate or crenate; capsule with>4 and usually ≥8 seeds; seeds with hygroscopic trichomes largely restricted to the rim, surfaces with or without short non-hygroscopic trichomes; E and S Africa ............................................. + +Mellera + +[24] + + + +47 Leaves entire or with a single tooth on each side; capsule usually 2-seeded, hygroscopic trichomes covering entire seed surface....48 + + + + + +48 Corolla bilabiate, +10–12.5 mm +long, tube cylindrical, without a clearly expanded throat; lower lip with long bristly trichomes internally; pollen with 12 pseudocolpi; SW +Angola +.............. + +Mcdadea + + + + + +48 Corolla subactinomorphic, not strongly bilabiate, +22–45 mm +long, tube clearly differentiated into a narrow basal tube and an expanded throat; pollen with 18+ pseudocolpi; +Angola +to D.R. +Congo +and +Zimbabwe +..................................................... + +Strobilanthopsis + + + + + + +49 Seeds (where known) sculptured with concentric rings at least towards the rim, lacking trichomes; corolla with left-contort aestivation..... 50 + + +49 Seeds not sculptured with concentric rings, either covered in trichomes or, if glabrous, then surface smooth; corolla with quincuncial aestivation ........................................................................... 55 + + + + + +50 Flowers held in well-developed racemes or spikes, sometimes branched to +form panicles +; continental Africa and +Madagascar +............. 51 + + + + +50 Flowers held in axillary or subterminal fascicles, glomerules or short umbels; +Madagascar +[13] ................................................. 52 + + + + + + +51 Inflorescence units 1-flowered; calyx ≥ +9 mm +long, usually extending beyond or subequal in length to bracteoles, often showy and colored similar to corolla; widespread in tropical continental Africa........................................................................... + +Whitfieldia + + + + + +51 Inflorescence units 1- or 2–3-flowered; calyx short, up to +8 mm +long, hidden within paired bracteoles, not colored similar to corolla; +Kenya +, +Tanzania +, +Madagascar +................ + +Chlamydacanthus + + + + + + + +52 Peduncle of inflorescence units conspicuous, filiform, +7–14 mm +long, considerably longer than bracteoles and calyces .................. .................................................................................... + +Zygoruellia + + + + +52 Inflorescence units either sessile or peduncles shorter than or equal in length to bracteoles and calyces, not filiform........................ 53 + + + + + +53 Corolla bright orange-red or scarlet, tube markedly curved; stamens exserted well beyond corolla lobes .................... + +Camarotea + + + + +53 Corolla variously colored but not bright orange-red or scarlet, tube straight or curved; stamens not or barely exserted beyond corolla lobes .......................................................................................... 54 + + + + + +54 Corolla tube subequal in length to limb, limb strongly bilabiate, lobes of upper lip partially fused, all lobes with long wispy white trichomes internally ............................................. + +Leandriella + +[14] + + + + +54 Corolla tube longer than limb, often markedly so, limb not so strongly bilabiate, lobes of upper lip more deeply divided, or limb subactinomorphic, all lobes lacking long white trichomes internally .................................................................. + + +Forcipella + +/ + +Vindasia + + +[15] + + + + + + +55 Longer pair of stamens exserted from corolla tube or clearly visible at corolla mouth; stigma capitate-bilobed; corolla strongly bilabiate with 2 posterior lobes largely or completely fused to form a hooded upper lip....................................................... + +Lepidagathis + + + + +55 Stamens included within corolla tube; stigma flattened, fan-shaped or rhombic; corolla not so strongly bilabiate, posterior pair of lobes fused somewhat higher than other lobes but not forming a hooded upper lip..................................................................................... 56 + + + + + +56 Flowers held in ± spherical heads surrounded by several whorls of bracts, outermost bracts with a spiny or bristly margin and/or long, ≥ +20 mm +long; E and S Africa.......................................... + +Crabbea + + + + + +56 Flowers arranged in smaller, non-spheroidal heads or in spikes, glomerules or panicles; bracts not spiny, smaller; +Madagascar +[7] ................................................................................................... 57 + + + + + +57 Inflorescences pedunculate axillary heads, spikes, umbels or dichasial panicles, or if fasciculate then inflorescence units held within paired clasping bracts ..................................................... 58 + + +57 Inflorescences sessile axillary glomerules, inflorescence units not held within paired clasping bracts ............................................. 60 + + + + + +58 Flowers subtended by a whorl of (3) 4 bracts connate for at least half their length to form a 3–4-lobed epicalyx; corolla +37–50 mm +long................................................................................. + +Boutonia + + + + + +58 Flowers or inflorescence units subtended by a pair of bracts; bracts not connate or only basally so; corolla up to +25 mm +long ............................................................................................. 59 + + + + + + +59 Inflorescences of spikes, dichasial panicles or heads; bracts subtending each inflorescence unit paired but the pairs often unequal, not adpressed, variously shaped ................................. + +Podorungia + + + + + +59 Inflorescences of umbels (sometimes fasciculate) or lax dichasia; bracts subtending each inflorescence unit paired, subequal, adpressed, ovate or elliptic ..................................... + +Pseudodicliptera + + + + + + + +60 All bracts of glomerules linear or lanceolate, without recurved apices; plants often with dense pale indumentum on stems and/or abaxial surface of leaves................................................. + +Lasiocladus + + + + + +60 Outermost bracts of glomerules broader, foliaceous, sometimes with recurved apices; plants without dense pale indumentum ...... ..................................................................................... + +Pericalypta + + + + + + +61 Anthers monothecous ................................................................ 62 + + +61 Anthers bithecous ...................................................................... 67 + + + + + +62 Corolla resupinate through ±180° twist in corolla tube; flowers held between paired clasping or partially fused ± conspicuous bracts ............................................................................. + +Hypoestes + + + + +62 Corolla not resupinate, tube not twisted; pairs of bracts neither clasping nor partially fused ....................................................... 63 + + + + +63 Corolla either subregularly 5-lobed or if bilabiate then upper lip conspicuously 2-lobed and lower lip deeply divided into 3 lobes; staminodes 2, sometimes basally fused to filaments of fertile stamens; seeds either smooth on both faces, or smooth on outer face and irregularly ridged on inner face, this with or without a raised rim.........64 + + +63 Corolla strongly bilabiate, upper lip undivided or at most shortly notched, lower lip only partially divided into 3 lobes or almost undivided; staminodes absent; seeds tuberculate, rugulose or with concentric ridges, without a raised rim...................................... 66 + + + + + +64 Corolla tube much longer than limb, markedly curved and gradually expanded towards mouth; +Socotra +.......................... + +Ballochia + + + + + +64 Corolla tube either shorter than limb or if longer than limb then narrowly cylindrical throughout except for slight expansion at the mouth; not on +Socotra +......................................................... +65 + + + + + + +65 Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, longer than limb; limb either subequally 5-lobed or bilabiate with posterior 2 lobes partially fused, anterior 3 corolla lobes not reflexed or widely divergent.... ................................................................................. + +Ruspolia + +[30] + + + + +65 Corolla tube more broadly cylindrical or saccate, shorter than or subequal to limb; posterior pair of lobes partially fused and erect, anterior 3 corolla lobes either reflexed and held against the tube, or widely divergent............................................................. + +Ruttya + + + + + + + +66 Corolla with tube up to +10 mm +long, upper lip lanceolate, hooded, largely enclosing the staminal filaments (flower nototribic); C and E Africa ........................................................... + +Monothecium + +[31] + + + + +66 Corolla with tube longer than +10 mm +or, if shorter, then upper lip subulate, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, not hooded, often recurved or inrolled, stamens held between the 2 lips (flower pleurotribic); widespread......................................................... + +Brachystephanus + + + + + + +67 Staminodes present, sometimes basally fused to the adjacent staminal filament............................................................................... 68 + + +67 Staminodes absent ..................................................................... 81 + + + + + +68 Calyx 4-lobed, anterior lobe entire or bifid for less than half its length; anterior and posterior lobes typically much broader than lateral lobes and often enclosing them; corolla arrangement variable, lobes subregular or in a 4 + 1 or 2 + 3 configuration, without hooded upper lip; staminal filaments?always twisted and crossing near the base ..................................................................... + +Barleria + + + + +68 Calyx 5-lobed or equally 4-lobed, or if anterior pair of lobes partially fused (less than half their length) and lobes of unequal width then corolla markedly bilabiate with ± hooded upper lip; staminal filaments not twisted and crossing near the base ...................... 69 + + + + + +69 Pollen bipororate, circular in apertural view, with a broad marginal girdle-like ring of sexine; flowers held in axillary and subterminal glomerules on largely leafless woody stems; corolla with dense tuft of yellow trichomes on palate of lower lip immediately proximal to the lobes; +Madagascar +............................................... + +Ritonia + +[32] + + + +69 Pollen and macromorphological characters not in the above combination............................................................................... 70 + + + + +70 Seeds with hygroscopic trichomes present throughout or at least around the rim; corolla either with left-contort or quincuncial aestivation.................................................................................. 71 + + +70 Seeds without hygroscopic trichomes, sculptured with tuberculae, echinae or verruculae, or smooth; corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation.................................................................................. 78 + + + + +71 Corolla salverform, with narrowly cylindrical tube markedly longer than spreading 5-lobed limb; limb subactinomorphic or with sinus between 2 adaxial lobes wider than the other sinuses ................ 72 + + +71 Corolla not salverform, often markedly bilabiate or, if limb subactinomorphic, then tube not long and narrowly cylindrical...... ............................................................................................. 73 + + + + + +72 Corolla blue or violet; flowers held in (1)2(3)-flowered dichasia in the axils of leaves, each flower subtended by a pair of conspicuous ovate foliaceous bracteoles held on a winged pedicel; +Cameroon +, +Central African Republic +, D.R. +Congo +................... + +Kosmosiphon + + + + + +72 Corolla yellow, orange or white; flowers held in terminal spikes or dense thyrses, often with conspicuous imbricate bracts, or bracts linear; bracteoles linear; winged pedicels absent; widespread....... .................................................................................... + +Lankesteria + + + + + + +73 Filament curtain absent; corolla aestivation quincuncial ........... 74 + + +73 Filament curtain present; corolla aestivation left-contort .......... 75 + + + + + +74 Inflorescences dense secund spikes with unequal fertile and sterile bracts; calyx lobes markedly unequal in 2 + 2 + 1 configuration, posterior lobe broadest, ovate or elliptic; seeds with long hygroscopic trichomes; +Madagascar +[33]............................................ + +Lepidagathis + + + + + +74 Inflorescences dense terminal thyrses, not secund, pairs of bracts equal; calyx of 5 subregular linear lobes; seeds with minute trichomes only; D.R. +Congo +...................................... + +Schaueriopsis + + + + + + + +75 Capsule 2-seeded; 2 anterior calyx lobes fused more distally than 3 posterior lobes, inflorescences not subtended by spines................ .................................................................................... + +Duosperma + + + + +75 Capsule 4- to ca. 30-seeded; anterior calyx lobes not fused more distally than posterior lobes or, if so, then fascicles of flowers subtended by hard spines ................................................................ 76 + + + + + +76 Leaf base decurrent onto petiole, forming a ± marked wing; corolla strongly bilabiate with laterally compressed and curved hooded upper lip and basally hinged lower lip........................... + +Brillantaisia + + + + +76 Leaf base not winged; corolla not so strongly bilabiate, upper lip may be hooded but not laterally compressed nor so strongly curved, lower lip not basally hinged ............................................... 77 + + + + + +77 Capsule 4-seeded; lower corolla lip lacking stiff retrorse bristles; anther thecae usually spurred; plants usually of dry habitats ........ .................................................................................... + +Dyschoriste + + + + + +77 Capsule 8–20+-seeded; lower lip of corolla with numerous stiff retrorse bristles; anther thecae not spurred; plants of (seasonal) wetlands....................................................................... + +Hygrophila + + + + + + + +78 Inflorescence of curved secund spikes, with the flowers held upright, 1 flower per inflorescence node; corolla tube markedly infundibuliform, with basal cylindrical portion and abruptly widened throat; +South Africa +, +Eswatini +................................ + +Mackaya + + + + +78 Inflorescences of axillary solitary flowers or fascicles, or of slender spikes with opposite flowers or fascicles at each inflorescence node; corolla tube cylindrical throughout or, if with an expanded throat, then throat gradually widened ........................................ 79 + + + + + +79 Corolla tube curved and gradually widened distally, +7–10 mm +in diam. at mouth; dorsal pair of corolla lobes largely fused to +form hooded +upper lip; +Nigeria +, Bioko, +Cameroon +...... + +Graptophyllum + + + + + +79 Corolla tube cylindrical to narrowly so or at most narrowly campanulate, up to +3 mm +in diam. at mouth, straight or ± abruptly bent distally; dorsal pair of corolla lobes not largely fused, upper lip not hooded ....................................................................................... 80 + + + + + + +80 Inflorescences long slender spikes; corolla tube usually much longer than limb, rarely shorter than limb; widespread ...................... ......................................................................... + +Pseuderanthemum + + + + + +80 Inflorescence axillary (but branches can be largely leafless at flowering), flowers solitary or in fascicles; corolla tube shorter than limb; +Madagascar +..................................................... + +Oplonia + +[34] + + + + + +81 Corolla resupinate through ±180° twist in corolla tube............. 82 + + +81 Corolla not resupinate or if so, then due to twisting of pedicel, corolla tube not twisted ................................................................. 84 + + + + + +82 Thecae of each anther widely separated by extension of the connective tissue; +Madagascar +......................................... + +Vavara + +[35] + + + +82 Anther thecae immediately superposed or slightly overlapping .... ................................................................................................... 83 + + + + + +83 Capsule with fracturing placentae, placenta base and thin walls tearing away from thickened flanks ............................... + +Dicliptera + + + + + +83 Capsule without fracturing placentae, walls and placenta base remaining attached at dehiscence ........................ [ + +Peristrophe + +] [36] + + + + + +84 Corolla strongly bilabiate with lips markedly longer than tube (often 2× longer or more), upper lip strongly hooded, straight to gradually curved, lower lip narrowly oblong, strap-shaped or narrowly cylindrical, usually recoiled at anthesis ..................................... 85 + + +84 Corolla limb various, if bilabiate, then lips usually not markedly longer than tube or if so then lower lip broader and not recoiled at anthesis .................................................................................. 87 + + + + + +85 Pollen bipororate, circular in apertural view, with a broad marginal girdle-like ring of sexine (“gürtelpollen”); inflorescence spikes slender with rachis sometimes visible between the pairs of bracts; +Madagascar +.............................................. + +Anisotes perplexus + +[37] + + + +85 Pollen 2-, 3- or 4-colporate with pseudocolpi flanking each aperture, prolate, without a marginal girdle; inflorescences variable but if spikes then more contracted with usually imbricate bracts, not so slender.......................................................................................86 + + + + + +86 Capsule with fracturing placentae; +Nigeria +, E and S Africa .......... ............................................................................ + +Metarungia + +[38] + + + + +86 Capsule without fracturing placentae; widespread .......... + +Anisotes + + + + + + + +87 Flowers sternotribic; trailing or procumbent herb with axillary fascicles of flowers; bracts, bracteoles and calyx lobes with palehyaline margins; +Kenya +.......................................... + +Kenyacanthus + + + + +87 Plants without the above combination of characters.................. 88 + + + + + +88 Pollen bipororate, circular in apertural view, with a broad marginal girdle-like ring of sexine (“gürtelpollen”); corolla bilabiate; anthers with thecae either held at an equal height and parallel or offset to fully superposed and/or oblique, basally muticous, if offset then the upper theca slightly longer than the lower theca ..................... ................. + + +Isoglossa + +/ + +Melittacanthus + +/ + +Sphacanthus + +/ + +Celerina + + +[39] + + + +88 Pollen variable but not as above; if anther thecae offset to superposed then often with a basal appendage on the lower theca or both thecae, and the upper theca slightly shorter than the lower theca ............................................................................................. 89 + + + + + +89 Anther thecae each with a broad flattened appendage with irregular projections along the rim (resembling a “chicken’ s crest”); corolla intricately speckled or striped, lacking a rugula; +Nigeria +, Bioko, +Cameroon +, +Gabon +................................................... + +Champluviera + + + + +89 Anther thecae either without appendages or if appendages present then not as above, appendages apiculate to well-developed and elongate, often curved, sometimes with a bifid apex but without projections along the rim; corolla coloring various; if anther appendages present, then corolla with a rugula............................. 90 + + + + +90 Corolla lacking a rugula; anther thecae held at an equal height (but sometimes unequal in size) and parallel or sagittate; anther appendages absent......................................................................... 91 + + +90 Corolla with a rugula present on upper lip and dorsal side of tube; anther thecae usually strongly offset to fully superposed and/or oblique; lower theca or both thecae often with a well-developed appendage................................................................................ 101 + + + + + +91 Corolla +9–12 mm +long, with narrowly cylindrical tube longer than the limb; corolla lobes all reflexed at anthesis; anther thecae held at ± equal height but 1 theca larger than the other; pollen 6-colporate, sculptured with verruculae arranged in ± well-defined longitudinal lines; W and C Africa.......................................... + +Chlamydocardia + + + + + +91 If corolla with narrowly cylindrical tube then considerably longer than +12 mm +; corolla lobes not all reflexed at anthesis but apices can be recurved or recoiled; anther thecae not unequal in size; pollen not as above ......................................................................... 92 + + + + + + +92 Upper lip of corolla curved and laterally compressed, very narrow; lower lip lacking raised “herring-bone” pattern; seeds covered in glochidiate tubercles; D.R. +Congo +, +Kenya +, +Mozambique +............. ................................................................................... + +Cephalophis + + + + +92 Plant not with the above combination of characters; if upper lip of corolla curved and laterally compressed then lower lip with conspicuous raised “herring-bone” pattern and seeds not covered in glochidiate tubercles .................................................................. 93 + + + + +93 Upper lip of corolla not hooded, sometimes apically recurved or recoiled; lower lip without raised “herring-bone” pattern; seeds discoid with a raised rim............................................................ 94 + + +93 Upper lip of corolla ± hooded; lower lip often with raised “herring-bone” pattern; seeds less strongly flattened, without a marginal rim ........................................................................................... 100 + + + + + +94 Inflorescences pendulous; corolla ascending-sigmoid-shaped in bud, tube strongly expanded apically; lower lip shortly 3-lobed; +Socotra +.................................................................... + +Angkalanthus + + + + +94 Inflorescences erect; corolla not ascending-sigmoid-shaped in bud, tube cylindrical or only slightly widened upwards; lower lip deeply 3-lobed ........................................................................... 95 + + + + + +95 Upper corolla lip broadly elliptic with rounded or slightly emarginate apex; leaves lanceolate with length: width ratio 7–9: 1, longest leaves +11–15 cm +long; +Madagascar +....................................... .............................................................................. + +Dolichostachys + + + + + +95 Upper corolla lip linear-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, apex acute or notched; leaves variable, if narrow then less than +10 cm +long ............................................................................................. 96 + + + + + + +96 Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, barely widened at mouth, often longer than lobes; upper lip markedly smaller than lower lip; stamens held close to upper lip of corolla with short filaments (flower nototribic), anthers parallel to filament .................. + +Ecbolium + +[40] + + + +96 Corolla tube cylindrical to somewhat campanulate but not narrowly cylindrical, shorter than or subequal in length to lobes; upper lip ± equal in length to lower lip; stamens held ± equidistant between the upper and lower lips (flower pleurotribic), anthers often held perpendicular to filaments ................................................. 97 + + + + + +97 Corolla lobes spreading or recurved but not recoiled at anthesis; pollen 3-colporate with only weakly defined colpi and lacking pseudocolpi; E and S Africa, Arabian Peninsula........................... ............................................................................. + +Megalochlamys + + + + +97 Corolla lobes, at least on lower lip, becoming apically recoiled at anthesis; pollen 3–6-colporate, colpi conspicuous, pseudocolpi present ....................................................................................... 98 + + + + + +98 Inflorescence 4-angular with imbricate slightly concave bracts; pollen (4) 5 (6)-colporate, with pseudocolpi fused towards one or both poles to +form arcs +, circles or ellipses; coastal +Kenya +and +Tanzania +...................................................................... + +Trichaulax + + + + +98 Inflorescence not conspicuously 4-angular, if bracts imbricate then convex; pollen 3-colporate, pseudocolpi not fused towards poles, parallel to the colpi .................................................................... 99 + + + + + +99 Plants from +Madagascar +.......................................... + +Populina + +[41] + + + + +99 Plants from +Socotra +, +Somalia +, +Botswana +, +South Africa +................ ................................................................................. + +Chorisochora + + + + + + + +100 Calyx zygomorphic (2 + 2 + 1 configuration), lobes oblong-elliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, posterior lobe broadest, +4–7 mm +wide; +Madagascar +.................................................................. + +Ambongia + + + + + +100 Calyx not or barely zygomorphic, lobes linear or lanceolate, less than +4 mm +wide; +Ethiopia +, +Somalia +........................ + +Ichthyostoma + + + + + + + +101 Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical throughout or ventrally abruptly expanded in distal half, usually considerably longer than lips except in + +R. pulcher + +where lower lip> +20 mm +long; upper lip linear-lanceolate to shortly ovate, not hooded; anthers with thecae muticous or lower theca apiculate ................. + +Rhinacanthus + + + + +101 Corolla tube not so narrowly cylindrical throughout nor abruptly expanded on ventral side of tube, if tube longer than lips then upper lip hooded; anthers usually with well-developed basal appendages ......................................................................... 102 + + + + +102 Capsule with fracturing placentae; inflorescences strobilate secund spikes, bracts often with conspicuous and abrupt white- or pinkish hyaline margins .......................................................... 103 + + +102 Capsule with placentae not fracturing; inflorescences variable, if strobilate, secund spikes then bracts without abrupt pale hyaline margins (margins sometimes gradually paler)......................... 104 + + + + + +103 Anthers dehiscing by basal pores; +Nigeria +, +Cameroon +, +Equatorial Guinea +, +Gabon +............................................................. + +Ascotheca + + + + + +103 Anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits; widespread ......... + +Rungia + + + + + + +104 Capsule 2-seeded (rarely 4-seeded), seeds smooth, glabrous or white-sericeous, or with 2 tufts of moniliform trichomes ....... 105 + + +104 Capsule usually 4-seeded, more rarely 2-seeded, seeds variously sculptured or with short trichomes, rarely smooth .................. 106 + + + + + +105 Inflorescences of axillary or both axillary and terminal spikes; bracts elliptic, ovate or obovate, often imbricate, inflorescence units at each axil often>1-flowered; seeds +2–3 mm +in diam., lenticular with a sharp rim, ± symmetrical in cross section and lacking a prominent ridge on one side, glabrous ........... + +Meiosperma + +[42] + + + + +105 Inflorescences either axillary and 1-flowered (bracts undifferentiated from the leaves) or in well-defined, mostly terminal spikes (bracts highly modified), rarely in axillary pedunculate fascicles; bracts in species with well-defined spikes usually narrow, linear to lanceolate, or rarely (in one species) broadly elliptic to obovate; seeds variable, often larger than +3 mm +in diam. with a rounded rim (including in the single species with broad bracts) and/or variously pubescent, or if small and with sharp rim then asymmetric in cross section and with a prominent ridge on one side............................ ............................................................................ + +Pogonospermum + + + + + + + +106 Corolla red or orange with tube somewhat curved and gradually widened, longer than lips; anthers with both thecae appendaged; +Socotra +....................................................................... + +Trichocalyx + + + + +106 Corolla variable but usually with ± straight tube; if corolla red and with curved, gradually widened tube, then anthers with only the lower theca appendaged .......................................................... 107 + + + + + +107 Inflorescences secund spikes with usually imbricate, obovate, spathulate or lanceolate bracts, these green, white or pink; seeds subglobose, with hygroscopic or papillose trichomes; mainly +Madagascar +, +1 sp. +widespread in tropical Africa.............. + +Anisostachya + + + + + +107 Inflorescences variable; if secund spikes with imbricate bracts then seeds not as above, primarily without (rarely with) hygroscopic or papillose trichomes; widespread................ + +Justicia + +[43] + + + + + + +Key to the genera of +Acanthaceae +in Asia and Australasia (excluding the Arabian Peninsula and Mediterranean region) + + + + + + +Mangrove trees or shrubs with pneumatophores present; fruit a leathery 1-seeded capsule .............................................. + +Avicennia + + +Herbs, shrubs, woody twiners, or small trees, not mangrove trees (although occasionally mangrove shrubs in + +Acanthus + +), without pneumatophores; fruit a woody or thin-walled capsule with (1) 2 or more seeds............................................................................... 2 + + + + + + + + +Seeds not borne on hook-shaped retinacula, either retinacula lacking or papilliform; plants without cystoliths; all anthers bithecous ..................................................................................................... 3 + + +Seeds borne on prominent hook-shaped retinacula; plants with or without cystoliths, if cystoliths absent then anthers monothecous.................................................................................... 7 + + + + +3 Herbs or shrubs, not twining; paired bracteoles present or absent but not large and conspicuous; calyx deeply 4- or 5-lobed; fruit a many-seeded (usually>10 seeds) capsule ................................... 4 + + +3 Herbaceous twiners or lianas, less frequently free-standing shrubs or herbs; flowers solitary or in fascicles or racemes of opposite flowers, not spirally arranged; calyx a subentire or undulate rim or with irregular teeth, or obscurely 5-lobed; fruit a 2–4-seeded capsule ......................................................................................... 6 + + + + + +4 Peduncles bearing spirally arranged, clasping, scale-like sterile bracts; all bracts sclerophyllous; leaves held in rosettes or basal whorls; +India +, +Sri Lanka +.................................................. + +Elytraria + + + + +4 Peduncles (if present) without clasping scale-like bracts; bracts membranous or foliaceous; leaves mostly opposite, at least some pairs dispersed along the stems.................................................... 5 + + + + + +5 Stamens 2, staminodes absent; bracteoles absent (rarely present); inflorescence of dense ± cylindrical spikes with imbricate bracts; calyx 4-lobed, the anterior lobe with bifid apex (rarely more deeply divided into 5 lobes) ........................................................ + +Nelsonia + + + + + +5 Stamens 4, adaxial staminode often also present, or rarely reduced to 2 stamens +2–3 staminodes; bracteoles present; inflorescence variable but, if spikes cylindrical, then not so dense; calyx 5-lobed......................................................................... + +Staurogyne + + + + + + + +6 Stigma ± equally 2-lobed, each lobe subdivided into 2 unequal lobes; pollen 7–9-lobate and -colpate; +India +.................... + +Meyenia + + + + + +6 Stigma funnel-shaped, unequally 2-lobed or if equally so then not subdivided; pollen spiraperturate and unlobed; widespread.......... .................................................................................... + +Thunbergia + + + + + + +7 Stamens 4, sometimes with an additional staminode................... 8 + + +7 Stamens 2, with or without additional staminodes .................... 39 + + + + +8 Anthers all monothecous; plants without cystoliths; corolla 1-lipped........................................................................................ 9 + + +8 Either anthers all bithecous or 2 anthers bithecous and 2 anthers monothecous; plants with cystoliths; arrangement of corolla lobes various but not 1-lipped ............................................................. 12 + + + + + +9 Stamens included in corolla tube, subsessile, not inserted on a thickened flange; +India +and +Sri Lanka +to +Myanmar +.............. + +Crossandra + + + + +9 Stamens exserted from corolla tube, with flattened bone-like filaments, inserted on a thickened flange........................................ 10 + + + + + +10 Anterior staminal filaments lacking appendages, if flattened then gradually narrowed towards apex; seeds glabrous or sericeous-puberulous ...................................................................... + +Acanthus + + + + +10 Anterior pair of staminal filaments flattened and either with an obtuse or acute tooth-like appendage or truncate to rounded towards apex ventrally; seeds with branched hygroscopic trichomes or tuberculate ................................................................................. 11 + + + + + +11 Leaves opposite; flowers solitary or paired in the leaf axils, each flower or pair of flowers subtended by 2 pairs of bracts, outer pair entire, inner pair trifid; ovary without apical tufts of glandular trichomes; seeds tuberculate; +India +..................... + +Cynarospermum + + + + + +11 Leaves in pseudowhorls of (3) 4; inflorescences variable but not consisting of solitary or paired flowers in leaf axils; bracts entire or toothed, not trifid; ovary with 2 apical tufts of glandular trichomes; seeds with branched hygroscopic trichomes; widespread ....................................................................................... + +Blepharis + + + + + + + +12 Calyx distinctly bilabiate, with a 2-lobed or -toothed anterior lip and a 3-lobed or -toothed posterior lip; corolla with a funnel-shaped limb comprising equal anterior and lateral lobes and partially (or almost completely) fused dorsal pair of lobes; +India +to +Laos +........................................................................ + +Neuracanthus + + + + + +12 Calyx not distinctly bilabiate (although can appear so in + +Barleria + +), either 4- or 5-lobed, lobes can be equal or unequal in shape and size; if calyx appears bilabiate then corolla not as above .............. ................................................................................................... 13 + + + + + + +13 Calyx 4-lobed, anterior lobe entire or bifid for less than half its length; anterior and posterior lobes typically much broader than lateral lobes and often enclosing them; corolla variously arranged, lobes subregular or in a 4 + 1 or 2 + 3 configuration, without hooded upper lip; filaments of anterior (long) pair of stamens?always twisted and crossing near the base........................................ + +Barleria + + + + + + +13 Calyx 5-lobed, or if anterior pair of lobes partially fused and lobes of unequal width then corolla strongly bilabiate with ± hooded upper lip; staminal filaments not twisted and crossing near the base.... 14 + + + + +14 Seed surfaces smooth or sculptured, lacking trichomes; corolla aestivation ascending-cochlear .................................................. 15 + + + +14 Seed surfaces either covered by trichomes or with trichomes at least along margins and/or near the apices (trichomes minute in a few genera, such as + +Hulemacanthus + +, absent in + +Borneacanthus + +); corolla aestivation left-contort or quincuncial ........................... 19 + + + + + + +15 One pair of stamens with bithecous anthers, the other pair with monothecous anthers; +Thailand +, +Malaysia +............ + +Thysanostigma + + + + +15 Both pairs of stamens with bithecous anthers ........................... 16 + + + + +16 Corolla strongly bilabiate with upper two lobes almost completely fused into a hooded or erect, apically notched lip; either stamens included in corolla tube or if exserted then anthers usually with thecae unevenly inserted on the filament and offset by ca. half their length ......................................................................................... 17 + + +16 Corolla not so strongly bilabiate, 5 lobes often subequal although arranged in a 2 + 3 configuration and upper two lobes can be partially fused; stamens exserted, anther thecae held at a subequal height ......................................................................................... 18 + + + + + +17 Mouth of corolla closed due to raised, rounded palate of lower lip, upper lip held erect; stamens included in corolla tube, filaments very short, anthers with thecae held at a subequal height; calyx lobes apically reflexed; Borneo ................................. + +Linariantha + + + + + +17 Mouth of corolla not closed, palate of lower lip can be raised but not so strongly bulging, upper lip hooded, not erect; stamens exserted and held within hooded upper lip, filaments well developed; calyx lobes not markedly reflexed apically; +Malaysia +, Sumatra, Borneo ......................................................................... + +Filetia + +[44] + + + + + + +18 Calyx with a ± distinct tubular portion, the tube sometimes longer than the lobes; inflorescences often with opposite cymose units, pedicels widely divergent from inflorescence axis and can be thickened; +India +, +Malaysia +.............................. + +Phialacanthus + +[45] + + + + +18 Calyx divided ± to the base; inflorescences often secund, pedicels not so widely diverging from the axis and not thickened; widespread...................................................................... + +Asystasia + + + + + + +19 Corolla lacking a filament curtain ............................................. 20 + + +19 Corolla with a conspicuous filament curtain ............................. 27 + + + + +20 One pair of stamens with bithecous anthers, the other pair with monothecous anthers ................................................................. 21 + + +20 Both pairs of stamens with bithecous anthers ........................... 22 + + + + + +21 Stamens exserted beyond corolla lobes, corolla limb very short and not strongly bilabiate (although posterior pair of lobes are partially fused); inflorescence a many-flowered thyrse with flowers in dense whorls at each node, not secund; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous; New +Guinea +................................ + +Hulemacanthus + + + + + +21 Stamens not exserted beyond corolla lobes, corolla limb strongly bilabiate; inflorescence a secund spike, spikes sometimes compounded into dense heads; bracts and bracteoles usually conspicuous; widespread ........................................................ + +Lepidagathis + + + + + + +22 Corolla bilabiate, with ± hooded upper lip; corolla aestivation quincuncial ................................................................................ 23 + + +22 Corolla subactinomorphic or weakly zygomorphic, not strongly bilabiate with hooded upper lip; corolla aestivation left-contort.................................................................................25 + + + + + +23 Anther thecae conspicuously spurred at base; +China +to +Malaysia +................................................................................. + +Chroesthes + + + + +23 Anther thecae not spurred at base, either obtuse or at most minutely apiculate............................................................................... 24 + + + + + +24 Capsule stipitate; seeds glabrous; calyx lobes all linear or linear-lanceolate; bracts and bracteoles small and inconspicuous; Borneo .............................................................................. + +Borneacanthus + + + + + +24 Capsule not or barely stipitate; seeds with hygroscopic trichomes; calyx lobes ± markedly unequal, posterior lobe broadest, lateral lobes narrowest (2 + 2 + 1 configuration); bracts and bracteoles usually conspicuous, often similar to calyx lobes in shape and size; widespread................................................................ + +Lepidagathis + + + + + + + +25 Flowers with “X-shaped anthers” (i.e., thecae extend outwardly in a 180° configuration from expanded filament connective tissue); +China +........................................................................... + +Pararuellia + + + + +25 Anthers various but not “X-shaped” as above........................... 26 + + + + + +26 Plants with long-tubed, pale-colored corollas; leaves not held in a basal rosette; Papuasia......................................... + +Leptosiphonium + + + + + +26 Corollas not long-tubed and pale-colored, typically short infundibuliform, primarily purple; leaves typically held in a basal rosette; +Australia +, +New Caledonia +, New +Guinea +.................... + +Brunoniella + + + + + + +27 Corolla strongly bilabiate .......................................................... 28 + + +27 Corolla infundibuliform, campanulate or other shapes, not strongly bilabiate ....................................................................................... 29 + + + + + +28 Plants large herbs or weak shrubs to +2.5 m +tall; capsule oblong or obovate, not with noticeably thin walls; ovules 4 or fewer per ovary; +India +................................................................ + +Calacanthus + + + + + +28 Plants herbaceous, typically < +1 m +tall (very rarely to +1.5 m +tall); capsule cylindrical, with noticeably thin walls; ovules>8 per ovary, capsule typically polyspermous (≥16 seeds); widespread ................ ......................................................................................... + +Hygrophila + + + + + + +29 Capsule with fracturing placentae ............................................. 30 + + +29 Capsules with non-fracturing placentae..................................... 31 + + + + + +30 Inflorescences complex, densely bracteate and compact, with numerous, small flowers; flowers not subtended by large, conspicuous, paired leaf-like bracts; corolla small (< +10 mm +long); anther thecae without appendages; widespread...................... + +Phaulopsis + + + + + +30 Inflorescences axillary, solitary or in simple dichasia, not complex and dense as above; flowers subtended by a large, conspicuous, pair of leaf-like bracts; corolla> +34 mm +long; anther thecae with appendages; +India +and +Nepal +........................................ + +Petalidium + + + + + + +31 Anthers with at least some thecae with basal appendages......... 32 + + +31 Anthers lacking basal appendages............................................. 36 + + + + + +32 Deciduous tree to +5 m +tall, flowering before the leaves appear; ultimate branches numerous and curved-ascending; karst hills of +Laos +................................................................... + +Xylacanthus + +[25] + + + +32 Herbs or shrubs, habit not as above........................................... 33 + + + + + +33 Leaf pairs strongly and consistently anisophyllous, the smaller leaf about 1/3 of the size of the larger; each anther theca with a pair of appendages; +Thailand +............................................. + +Diceratotheca + + + + +33 Leaf pairs sometimes slightly dissimilar in size but not strongly (nor consistently) anisophyllous; anther thecae variously appendaged but not with 2 appendages per theca............................... 34 + + + + + +34 Inflorescences of very long, terminal spikes, these commonly +30 cm +in length; +Malaysia +........................................ + +Stenothyrsus + + + + + +34 Inflorescences variable, primarily of racemes, less commonly of spikes or solitary flowers, if spikes, consistently < +15 cm +long .....35 + + + + + + +35 Ovary with 8 ovules; +India +, +China +........................ + +Echinacanthus + + + + + +35 Ovary with 4 ovules (occasionally fewer); widespread .............. .............................................................................. + +Dyschoriste + + + + + + + +36 Ovary with 16 ovules........................................ + +Strobilanthes + +[46] + + + +36 Ovary primarily with fewer than 16 ovules (with rare exceptions) ................................................................................................... 37 + + + + + +37 Corolla resupinate via twisting of the tube through 180°; inflorescences thyrsoid with secondary flowers in the axils of bracteoles; corolla with a ventricose throat......................... + +Strobilanthes + +[47] + + + + +37 Corolla usually not resupinate via twisting of the tube (except in + +Strobilanthes dyeriana + +, + +S. autapomorpha + +, and + +S. steenisiana + +), but corolla distortions sometimes achieved by bending of the corolla throat; if resupinate, then not in combination with above additional features...........................................................................................38 + + + + + + +38 Corolla internally with prominent rows of trichomes along posterior surface, these functioning to retain the style (very rarely secondarily lost); corolla typically with thin but prominent ridge between pairs of stamens, representing vestigial staminode.......... ................................................................................. + +Strobilanthes + + + + + +38 Corolla internally lacking prominent rows of trichomes along posterior surface; corolla lacking a ridge between pairs of stamens........................................................................... + +Ruellia + + + + + + +39 Anthers monothecous ................................................................ 40 + + +39 Anthers bithecous (one theca sometimes reduced in size) ........ 43 + + + + + +40 Corolla tube twisted through 180°, limb resupinate with the 3-lobed lower lip held in the upper position and unlobed or emarginate upper lip held in the lower position; +India +to +China +and +Thailand +......................................................................... + +Hypoestes + + + + +40 Corolla tube not twisted; if flower resupinate then this achieved through geniculation of corolla tube.......................................... 41 + + + + + +41 Corolla +30–60 mm +long, bright red-orange; clambering shrubs; +China +to +Indonesia +................................................... + +Clinacanthus + + + + + +41 Corolla up to +10 mm +long, white or pale blue, with or without red or mauve markings; perennial herbs or small shrubs, not clambering ................................................................................. 42 + + + + + + +42 Corolla with 4-lobed upper lip and unlobed lower lip; each anther with theca terminal and transverse, sometimes also with a vestigial second theca observed as a bump below the fertile theca; flowers axillary and solitary, held on lateral branches; +Australia +............... ....................................................................... + +Xerothamnella + +[48] + + + + +42 Corolla with shortly bilobed, hooded upper lip and 3-lobed lower lip; each anther with theca dorsifixed and ± parallel to filament, without a vestigial second theca; inflorescence a small, dense secund spike; +India +, +Sri Lanka +................................... + +Monothecium + + + + + + + +43 Staminal filament divided at apex, the thecae separated widely by an elongate connective perpendicular to the filament; corolla subactinomorphic with 5 ± equal lobes; +Australia +........................ ............................................................................... + +Dicladanthera + + + + +43 Stamens not as above, if thecae widely separated then vertically offset to superposed; arrangement of corolla lobes various, but corolla usually ± zygomorphic ...................................................... 44 + + + + +44 Staminodes present, either free or basally fused to the adjacent staminal filament ....................................................................... 45 + + +44 Staminodes absent ..................................................................... 59 + + + + + +45 Calyx 4-lobed, anterior lobe entire or bifid for less than half its length, anterior and posterior lobes typically much broader than lateral lobes and often enclosing them; corolla arrangement variable, lobes subregular or in a 4 + 1 or 2 + 3 configuration, without a hooded upper lip; staminal filaments?always twisted and crossing near the base............................................................... + +Barleria + + + + +45 Calyx 5-lobed, or if anterior pair of lobes largely fused then corolla markedly bilabiate with ± hooded upper lip; staminal filaments not twisted and crossing near the base............................................. 46 + + + + +46 Seeds with hygroscopic trichomes present throughout or at least around the rim; corolla either with left-contort or quincuncial aestivation.................................................................................. 47 + + +46 Seeds without hygroscopic trichomes, variously tuberculate, echinate, verruculate, puberulous, tomentellous or smooth; corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation .......................................... 51 + + + + + +47 Filament curtain absent; corolla with quincuncial aestivation; inflorescences dense secund spikes that can be compounded into complex heads, often with dimorphic fertile and sterile bracts; calyx lobes highly unequal, posterior lobe broadest, lateral lobes narrowest (2 + 2 + 1 configuration) .............................. + +Lepidagathis + + + + +47 Filament curtain present; corolla with left-contort aestivation; inflorescences variable but not dense secund spikes with dimorphic bracts; calyx lobes (sub)equal to somewhat unequal, not in 2 + 2 + 1 configuration....................................................................... 48 + + + + + +48 Corolla tube much longer than lobes, tube either narrowly cylindrical throughout (corolla salverform) or with long cylindrical basal portion and gradually expanded throat; inflorescences a series of spikes, bracts often imbricate and often with conspicuous reticulate patterning ........................................................... + +Eranthemum + + + + +48 Corolla without such a long basal cylindrical tube, not salverform; inflorescences not as above ....................................................... 49 + + + + + +49 Corolla internally with prominent rows of trichomes along posterior surface, these functioning to retain the style; corolla typically with thin but prominent ridge between pair of stamens....... ................................................................................. + +Strobilanthes + + + + + + +49 Style not held in place by trichomes on corolla tube; corolla without a prominent ridge between pair of stamens ......................... 50 + + + + + +50 Ovary with 4 ovules; lower corolla lip lacking stiff retrorse bristles; anther thecae usually spurred; plants usually of dry ground ......... .................................................................................... + +Dyschoriste + + + + + +50 Ovary with 8–20+ ovules; lower lip of corolla with numerous stiff retrorse bristles; anther thecae not spurred; plants of (seasonal) wetlands....................................................................... + +Hygrophila + + + + + + + +51 Ovary with 8 or more ovules, capsule 8–16-seeded; pollen with aperture margins conspicuously thickened and intricately ornamented with conical spines .................................. + +Phlogacanthus + +[12] + + + +51 Ovary with 2 or 4 ovules; capsule 2- or 4-seeded; pollen without thickened and ornamented aperture margins ............................. 52 + + + + + +52 Leaves strongly anisophyllous (appearing alternate), larger leaf of a pair 9.5–19 × +2.5–6.7 cm +, smaller leaf of a pair reduced to a minute lanceolate blade 4–6 × +1–2 mm +; Borneo........................... ............................................................ + +Ptyssiglottis staminodifera + + + + +52 Leaves isophyllous or not so markedly anisophyllous .............. 53 + + + + + +53 Corolla salverform, tube longer than limb and narrowly cylindrical throughout or only slightly widened distally, limb either subequally 5-lobed or only weakly bilabiate, if the posterior pair of lobes partially fused then not forming a hooded upper lip ............ ................................................................. + +Pseuderanthemum + +[49] + + + +53 Corolla not salverform, if tube longer than limb and cylindrical, then limb markedly bilabiate with posterior pair of lobes largely fused and sometimes forming a hooded upper lip..................... 54 + + + + + +54 Corolla small, up to +15 mm +long but often ≤ +10 mm +long......... 55 + + + + +54 Corolla much larger,> +25 mm +long ........................................... 58 + + + + + + +55 Leaves with toothed, spinose or sinuate margin; inflorescences axillary, 1-flowered or simple dichasia or fascicles; +Australia +, New +Guinea +, +Fiji +.................................................... + +Graptophyllum + +[50] + + + +55 Leaves with ± entire margin; inflorescences spikes or racemes, often terminal.........................................................................56 [51] + + + + + +56 Corolla campanulate, limb only weakly bilabiate; tube shorter than limb and widened almost from the base; +India +to +Japan +and +Vietnam +............................................................... + +Codonacanthus + + + + +56 Corolla strongly bilabiate; tube longer than or subequal to limb, not widened from the base......................................................... 57 + + + + + +57 Anther thecae basally muticous; corolla tube sometimes with a dorsal pouch distally; +China +to Borneo ............. + +Cosmianthemum + + + + + +57 Anther thecae with paired basal spurs; corolla tube without a dorsal pouch; +China +................................................ + +Wuacanthus + + + + + + + +58 Corolla tube markedly infundibuliform, with basal cylindrical portion and abruptly widened throat; limb only weakly bilabiate, the 5 lobes subequal, upper lip not strongly hooded; corolla white or rose-colored, with intricate darker veins; +India +, +Bhutan +, +Myanmar +, +China +..................................................................................... + +Mackaya + + + + + +58 Corolla tube more gradually widened from base to apex and ± strongly curved; limb bilabiate with posterior pair of lobes forming a hooded upper lip; corolla red or bright pink; +Australia +, New +Guinea +, Pacific Is., naturalized elsewhere ...... + +Graptophyllum + + + + + + +59 Corolla resupinate through ±180° twist in corolla tube; flowers held between paired clasping bracts .......................................... 60 + + +59 Corolla not resupinate or, if so, then due to twisting of pedicel, corolla tube not twisted; flowers not held between paired clasping bracts ......................................................................................... 61 + + + + + +60 Capsule with fracturing placentae; anther thecae rounded or elliptic............................................................................ + +Dicliptera + + + + + +60 Capsule without fracturing placentae; anther thecae (in Asia) typically linear-oblong, rarely rounded or elliptic............................. .............................................................................. [ + +Peristrophe + +] [36] + + + + + + +61 Anthers with thecae superposed and held patent to one another; corolla with a conspicuously 2-lobed upper lip, each lobe forked; +Australia +........................................................ + +Xerothamnella + +[52] + + + +61 If anthers superposed and oblique then corolla with a shortly 2-lobed or emarginate upper lip, the lobes not forked............... 62 + + + + + +62 Pollen disc-shaped, bipororate with a broad marginal girdle of sexine [53]; anthers with thecae ± markedly offset to fully superposed and often highly oblique, sometimes 1 or both thecae perpendicular to filament, lacking basal appendages; rugula absent .............. ........................................................................................ + +Isoglossa + + + + +62 Pollen very variable but never disc-shaped with a marginal girdle; anthers with thecae variously held at an equal height to strongly offset, if offset then often with the lower theca or both thecae with a basal appendage, and rugula present ...................................... 63 + + + + +63 Rugula absent; anther thecae held at the same height or only slightly offset, parallel to each other and to the filament or slightly sagittate; thecae without appendages or with short uncurved appendages....64 + + +63 Rugula present; anther thecae usually offset by at least half their length or fully superposed, sometimes markedly oblique; lower theca or more rarely both thecae often with a conspicuous ± curved appendage, this typically pale.................................................... 79 + + + + +64 Ovary with 6 or more ovules, capsule 6- to many-seeded, or if 2 ovules per locule and capsule 4-seeded then anthers penicillate at base or thecae only dehiscing via a short slit in central half to 2/3; pollen with aperture margins and/or aperture surface conspicuously thickened and often intricately ornamented with conical spines ......................................................................................... 65 + + +64 Ovary with 2 or 4 ovules; capsule 2- or 4-seeded; anthers not penicillate at base, thecae dehiscing along ± their full length; pollen without thickened and ornamented aperture margins or surfaces ....... 72 + + + + +65 Filaments swollen (pouched) distally; corolla subequally 5-lobed, not clearly bilabiate ................................................................... 66 + + +65 Filaments not swollen or pouched; corolla bilabiate or subequally 5-lobed....................................................................................... 67 + + + + + +66 Cladodes (reduced abortive branches) present in the inflorescence, terminated by paired small spines; seeds not compressed, with 2 distinct grooves, surface with hygroscopic trichomes; +India +......... ................................................................................ + +Haplanthodes + + + + + +66 Cladodes absent in inflorescence; seeds somewhat compressed, not distinctly grooved, surface without trichomes, verrucose; widespread ................................................................... + +Haplanthus + +[9] + + + + + + +67 Ovary with 4 ovules; anthers glabrous, dehiscent via longitudinal slit in central half or 2/3 of each theca; +India +, +Myanmar +............... .................................................................... + +Sphinctacanthus + +[10] + + + +67 Ovary with 6 or more ovules, or if 4 then anthers conspicuously penicillate at base and dehiscent via longitudinal slit in distal half extending to apex....................................................................... 68 + + + + +68 Capsule linear and 4-angled, not compressed; seeds markedly compressed, smooth, can be covered in trichomes; anthers not penicillate .................................................................................. 69 + + +68 Capsule compressed perpendicular to the septum, elliptic, oblanceolate or narrowly oblong in face view; seeds subglobose, ellipsoid or block-like, not compressed, often pitted or rugose and grooved; anthers often penicillate at base.........................................................71 + + + + + +69 Calyx 4-lobed; slender procumbent herbs; +Thailand +....... + +Graphandra + + + + +69 Calyx 5-lobed; habit variable but not procumbent herbs........... 70 + + + + + +70 Corolla tube shorter than limb; upper lip ± curved; +India +............. ................................................................................. + +Diotacanthus + + + + + +70 Corolla tube longer than limb; upper lip not curved; widespread ........................................................................ + +Gymnostachyum + + + + + + + +71 Capsule 6–20-seeded; +India +and +Sri Lanka +to +Myanmar +, introduced elsewhere....................................................... + +Andrographis + + + + + +71 Capsule 4-seeded; +India +, +Sri Lanka +............... [ +Indoneesiella +] [11] + + + + + + +72 Corolla blue-green or livid-green, tube narrowly cylindrical throughout with only very short expanded throat, usually longer than limb, upper lip linear-lanceolate, much smaller than lower lip; +India +and +Sri Lanka +to +Myanmar +........................................................ + +Ecbolium + + + + +72 Corolla variously colored but not shades of green, tube variously shaped but if longer than limb then more gradually expanded and lips not so unequal..................................................................... 73 + + + + +73 Inflorescences often on leafless portion of branches or on mature woody stems (ramiflorous or cauliflorous), in fascicles or short spikes; shrubs or small trees ...................................................... 74 + + +73 Inflorescences either terminal or axillary on leafy portion of branches; herbs or shrubs ................................................................. 75 + + + + + +74 Corolla lips conspicuously longer than tube; lower lip strap-shaped with 3 short rounded apical lobes; New +Guinea +.............. ........................................................................... + +Calycacanthus + + + + + +74 Corolla tube longer than lips; lower lip deeply divided into 3 linear-lanceolate lobes; +Vietnam +........................................ + +Cyclacanthus + + + + + + +75 Calyx lobes lanceolate, with 3 or more parallel veins prominent at maturity; corolla with ± markedly saccate throat above short basal cylindrical tube .......................................................................... 76 + + +75 Calyx lobes linear to linear-lanceolate, usually only the midrib prominent or veins inconspicuous; corolla without markedly saccate throat.......................................................................................... 77 + + + + + +76 Inflorescences 1-flowered, these sometimes clustered towards branch tips; anther thecae pubescent; pollen 3-colporate, 6-pseudocolpate; +Thailand +.............................................................................. + +Marcania + + + + + +76 Flowers held in branched thyrses; thecae glabrous; pollen 5-colporate, 10-pseudocolpate; New +Guinea +...................................... + +Jadunia + +[54] + + + + + + +77 Inflorescences axillary, varying from lax dichasia to reduced and contracted dichasia with 2(–4) contracted branches that can bear several to many pairs of imbricate, scale-like bracts, or sometimes reduced to single flowers; inflorescences not spiciform; +Sri Lanka +to New +Guinea +............................................................ + +Ptyssiglottis + + + + +77 Inflorescences terminal, spiciform or, if branched, then branches spiciform.................................................................................... 78 + + + + + +78 Corolla with strongly curved and hooded upper lip, upper lip either shortly 2-lobed or 4-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed or 1-lobed; inflorescence often branched with branches spiciform, or sometimes unbranched; +India +and +China +to +Indonesia +................... + +Leptostachya + + + + + +78 Corolla with a ± straight and not conspicuously hooded upper lip, upper lip shortly 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed; inflorescence spiciform, unbranched; +Taiwan +.............................. + +Kudoacanthus + +[55] + + + + + + +79 Corolla tube narrowly cylindrical, considerably longer than lips; upper lip lanceolate or narrowly so, not hooded; anthers with thecae lacking appendages; widespread ...................... + +Rhinacanthus + + + + +79 Corolla tube not so narrowly cylindrical, if tube longer than lips then upper lip hooded; anther thecae with or (rarely) without basal appendages, often with a conspicuous curved pale appendage on the lower theca........................................................................... 80 + + + + + +80 Capsule with fracturing placentae; inflorescences usually secund spikes with imbricate bracts; bracts with or without conspicuous white or pinkish hyaline margins....................................... + +Rungia + + + + +80 Capsule without fracturing placentae; inflorescences variable, if secund spikes with imbricate bracts then bracts without abrupt pale hyaline margins ......................................................................... 81 + + + + + +81 Capsule 2-seeded, seeds smooth, discoid; +India +........ + +Meiosperma + + + + + +81 Capsule usually 4-seeded, seeds variously sculptured or rarely smooth; widespread................................................... + +Justicia + +[43] + + + + + + +Key to the genera of +Acanthaceae +in the Americas + + + + + + + + +Mangrove trees or shrubs with pneumatophores present; fruit a leathery 1-seeded capsule .............................................. + +Avicennia + +Herbs, shrubs, lianas or small trees, if (rarely) mangrove trees or shrubs then pneumatophores lacking (can have aerial prop roots); fruit either a ± woody or thin-walled capsule with 2 or more seeds, or a 1-seeded drupe...................................................................... 2 + + + + + + + +Seeds not borne on hook-shaped retinacula, retinacula lacking or papilliform; plants without cystoliths; all anthers bithecous......3 + + + +Seeds borne on prominent hook-shaped retinacula (retinacula indistinct in + +Aphanosperma + +and + +Chalarothyrsus + +, with seeds permanently retained in capsule valves); plants with or without cystoliths, if cystoliths absent then anthers monothecous ................................. 7 + + + + + + +Herbaceous twiners or lianas; flowers subtended by conspicuous clasping or partially connate paired bracteoles; calyx a subentire or undulate rim or with irregular teeth, or obscurely 5-lobed; fruit a 1-seeded drupe..................................................... + +Mendoncia + +[56] + + + +3 Herbs or shrubs, not twining; paired bracteoles present or absent but not large and conspicuous; calyx deeply 4- or 5-lobed; fruit a many-seeded capsule (usually>10 seeds) ................................... 4 + + + + + +4 Peduncles bearing clasping scale-like sterile bracts; all bracts sclerophyllous; leaves in rosettes or whorls either basally or terminating branches (sometimes dispersed along stems in + +E. imbricata + +and + +E. mexicana + +) ....................................................................... + +Elytraria + + + + +4 Peduncles (if present) without clasping scale-like sterile bracts; bracts membranous or foliaceous; leaves opposite, at least some pairs dispersed along the stems.................................................... 5 + + + + + +5 Bracteoles absent; inflorescence of dense ± cylindrical spikes with imbricate bracts; calyx 4-lobed, the anterior lobe with bifid apex (rarely more deeply divided into 5 lobes); stamens 2, staminodes absent....................................................................... + +Nelsonia + +[57] + + + +5 Bracteoles present; inflorescence variable but, if spikes cylindrical, then relatively lax; calyx 5-lobed; stamens 4, adaxial staminode often also present (rarely 2 stamens +2–3 staminodes) ............... 6 + + + + + +6 Plants subcaulescent (internodes indistinct or short); inflorescence of axillary, long-pedunculate (peduncles +9.8–22 cm +long) panicles of spikes; ovary asymmetric with style arising on one side, stigma 1-lobed, subcapitate; +Brazil +........................................ + +Aymoreana + + + + + +6 Plants caulescent (internodes distinct, usually elongate); inflorescence of terminal, sessile to short-pedunculate (peduncles +0.2– 4 cm +long) racemes or spikes (rarely panicles); ovary symmetric, stigma 2-lobed (one lobe usually bifid) or subcrateriform (in + +S. guianensis + +), lobes not subcapitate; widespread ....... + +Staurogyne + + + + + + +7 Stamens 4, sometimes also with an additional staminode ........... 8 + + +7 Stamens 2, sometimes also with (1) 2 (3) staminodes ............... 30 + + + + +8 Anthers all monothecous; plants without cystoliths .................... 9 + + +8 Anthers all bithecous or 2 bithecous and 2 monothecous; plants with cystoliths............................................................................ 14 + + + + +9 Corolla zygomorphic, the lobes dissimilar in form ................... 10 + + +9 Corolla usually subactinomorphic, the lobes more or less similar in form ........................................................................................... 12 + + + + + +10 Calyx deeply 3-partite; +Colombia +........................... + +Cyphacanthus + + + + +10 Calyx 5-partite........................................................................... 11 + + + + + +11 Leaves opposite (rarely subopposite); bracts entire or dentate, green or often brightly colored; corolla rarely with linear nectar guides, mostly +25–85 mm +long; at least distal portion of filaments of stamens usually exserted from corolla tube; pollen with colpi not expanded or bifurcating (usually narrowed) toward poles, interapertural exine usually heterogeneously sculptured; widespread ........... + +Aphelandra + +[5] + + + + +11 Leaves opposite (rarely subopposite) or quaternate; bracts entire and usually green; corolla often with colored linear nectar guides, +6.5–24 mm +long (or if larger, to +40 mm +, then plants with quaternate leaves); filaments of stamens often entirely included in corolla tube; pollen with colpi sometimes expanded or bifurcating toward poles, interapertural exine homogeneously sculptured; +Mexico +..... ................................................................................... + +Holographis + + + + + + + +12 Pollen 3-colpate with each colpus longitudinally bisected by an operculum (elongate band of exine), opercula either isolated within the colpi (operculate) or connected at each end to the interapertural exine (pontoperculate); +Jamaica +............................................... + +Salpixantha + + + + + +12 Pollen 3-colpate with colpi not bisected by elongate bands of exine or pollen pantoforate (i.e., sometimes in + +Stenandrium dulce + +) or pollen pantoaperturate (rugate) with rugae arranged ± tangentially over surface or pollen 3-colpate and with prominent margines and mesocolpial ridges (appearing 9-colpate); widespread, but not in +Jamaica +...................................................................................... 13 + + + + + + +13 Plants usually small, up to 25(–70) cm; leaves often borne at or near ground level (plants acaulescent to subcaulescent); bracts usually green; pollen 3-colpate or pantoforate (i.e., sometimes in + +S. dulce + +) .................................................................... + +Stenandrium + + + + + +13 Plants usually shrubby, up to +1.5 m +tall; leaves disposed along conspicuous stems; bracts whitish, pinkish, or reddish-brown; pollen pantoaperturate (rugate) with rugae arranged ± tangentially or pollen 3-colpate and with prominent margines and mesocolpial ridges (appearing 9-colpate)........................................ + +Neriacanthus + +[6] + + + + + +14 Stamens with 2 anthers bithecous and 2 anthers monothecous...15 + + +14 Stamens with all anthers bithecous............................................ 20 + + + + +15 Seeds with hygroscopic trichomes; corolla with quincuncial aestivation...............................................................................................16 + + +15 Seeds without hygroscopic trichomes; corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation ................................................................... 17 + + + + + +16 Calyx lobes ± homomorphic; plants with axillary spines and/or spiny leaf margins; West Indies..................................... + +Barleriola + + + + + +16 Calyx lobes heteromorphic in 2 + 2 + 1 configuration, posterior lobe broadest, lateral lobes narrowest, anterior lobes often partially fused; plants lacking axillary spines and/or spiny leaf margins; widespread........................................................ + +Lepidagathis + +[58] + + + + + + +17 Corolla red, colored markings on limb absent, +34–48 mm +long, ± tubular or clarinet shaped with the tube elongate, relatively slender but gradually expanded distally and the limb shallow, inconspicuous, tube 6–11× longer than limb; +Bolivia +, +Brazil +................ ............................................................................. + +Pranceacanthus + + + + + +17 Corolla white, pinkish or purple, often with colored markings on limb, +10–45 mm +long, infundibuliform to salverform and with a ± conspicuous limb (at least the upper lip in + +Isotheca + +), tube 1– 2.6 (–3.6) × longer than limb (or if 6 or more times longer than limb as in + +Isotheca + +, then corolla white)..................................... 18 + + + + + + +18 Corolla white, apparently lacking colored markings on limb, +35– 45 mm +long, downward curved and “cobralike” in bud; stamens conspicuously exserted beyond limb of corolla; inflorescence a ± open, terminal dichasiate raceme (i.e., dichasia sessile and flowers pedicellate); pollen 4-aperturate, echinate; +Trinidad +, +Venezuela +...... ............................................................................................. + +Isotheca + + + + + +18 Corolla white, pinkish or purple, usually with colored markings on limb, +10–30 mm +long, usually straight, not “cobralike” in bud; stamens included in corolla tube or exserted from it, but not extending beyond limb; inflorescence of axillary or usually terminal dichasiate spikes (sometimes very reduced) or panicles of spikes; pollen usually 3-aperturate ................................................................... 19 + + + + + + +19 Corolla ± salverform with subactinomorphic limb, upper lip deeply lobed; bracts ± inconspicuous, ca. +1 mm +wide; +Costa Rica +, +Brazil +, +Panama +........................................................... + +Chamaeranthemum + + + + + +19 Corolla infundibuliform with bilabiate limb, upper lip entire to shallowly lobed; bracts conspicuous, (2–) +5–20 mm +wide; widespread ..................................................................... + +Herpetacanthus + + + + + + +20 Corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation; pollen 3-colporate, 6-pseudocolpate......................................................................... 21 + + +20 Corolla with quincuncial or left-contort aestivation; pollen otherwise ................................................................................... 22 + + + + + +21 Perennial herbs or shrubs to +1.5 m +tall; calyx to +5 mm +long, 5-lobed, lobes homomorphic; corolla red, +15–21 mm +long; capsule +12– 18 mm +long; seeds permanently retained in capsule and partially fused to inner capsule wall; western +Mexico +.......... + +Chalarothyrsus + + + + + +21 Large shrubs to small trees to +8 m +tall; calyx +15–40 mm +long, 2-lipped, the 2 segments entire or variously lobed at apex; corolla white to yellow; +23–97 mm +long; capsule +40–85 mm +long; seeds expelled from mature capsule, not fused to inner capsule wall; eastern and southern +Mexico +to +Costa Rica +................. + +Spathacanthus + + + + + + + +22 Corolla with quincuncial aestivation, lacking a filament curtain; inflorescences mostly secundiflorus ......................... + +Lepidagathis + + + + +22 Corolla with left-contort aestivation, with a filament curtain; inflorescences rarely (if ever) secundiflorus ..................................... 23 + + + + + +23 Calyx 3-lobed;corolla very large,gullet-shaped,pale green to greenish-yellow (sometimes with maroon tinges), cream-colored, or entirely dark maroon; +Mexico +and Central America ..................... + +Louteridium + + + + +23 Calyx 5-lobed; corolla variable but not as above....................... 24 + + + + +24 Corolla subcylindrical or, if with an expanded/ampliate throat, then flowers borne in headlike clusters subtended by several pairs of bracts ......................................................................................... 25 + + +24 Corolla campanulate, throat ampliate; flowers not borne in headlike clusters, not subtended by several pairs of bracts............... 26 + + + + + +25 Thecae awned basally; western South America..... + +Suessenguthia + + + + + +25 Thecae awnless; +Peru +.......................................... + +Trichosanchezia + + + + + + + +26 Calyx lobes fused for at least 1/3 of their length and usually over half of their length, with hyaline regions bordering each lobe; anther thecae usually appendaged at base, these sometimes inconspicuous or rarely absent; plants herbaceous or subshrubby............ + +Dyschoriste + + + + + +26 Calyx lobes deeply divided, or if with a conspicuous fused portion then lacking hyaline regions bordering each lobe; anther thecae lacking basal appendages or if basally awned ( + +Bravaisia + +) then plants large shrubs or trees ........................................................ 27 + + + + + + +27 Thecae awned with a single, subulate projection ........... + +Bravaisia + + + + +27 Thecae awnless.......................................................................... 28 + + + + + +28 Shrubs or trees up to +25 m +tall and usually ≥ +4 m +tall; corolla woolly pubescent externally ..................................... + +Trichanthera + + + + + +28 Herbs, shrubs, sometimes clambering, or treelets, < +4 m +tall; corolla various but not woolly pubescent externally......................... 29 + + + + + + +29 Corolla usually ≤ +10 mm +long, conspicuously bilabiate; plants usually aquatic or semi-aquatic; pollen 4-colporate and 8- (or more? [59]) pseudocolpate, exine usually more or less finely and irregularly reticulate .............................................................. + +Hygrophila + + + + + +29 Corolla usually> +10 mm +long, subactinomorphic and not conspicuously bilabiate; plants not aquatic but can be riparian; pollen 3-aperturate, lacking pseudocolpi, exine coarsely reticulate ......... ........................................................................................... + +Ruellia + + + + + + +30 Corolla with left-contort or quincuncial aestivation, with or without a filament curtain................................................................. 31 + + +30 Corolla with ascending-cochlear aestivation, lacking a filament curtain........................................................................................ 34 + + + + +31 Corolla with quincuncial aestivation, lacking a filament curtain..... 32 + + +31 Corolla with left-contort aestivation, with a filament curtain.... 33 + + + + + +32 Corolla red, strongly bilabiate, upper lip ± hooded, entire or shallowly 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed; +Mexico +................ + +Lepidagathis + + + + + +32 Corolla bright yellow (drying dark purplish), consisting of 5, large, spreading lobes, 4 posterior, 1 anterior; widespread ........ + +Barleria + + + + + + + +33 Calyx 3-partite; corolla very large, gullet-shaped, pale green to greenish-yellow (sometimes with maroon tinges), cream-colored, or entirely dark maroon; primarily nocturnal; shrubs to trees; pollen spherical and pantoforate; +Mexico +and Central America......... ................................................................................... + +Louteridium + + + + + +33 Calyx 5-partite; corolla long and tubular, primarily red or orange, but can be yellow or white; shrubs; pollen not spherical, 2-colporate and polypseudocolpate, the apertural faces oriented 90° from one another; mostly South America........................................ + +Sanchezia + + + + + + +34 Androecium of 2 stamens (bithecous) and 2 staminodes; flowers sometimes heterostylous............................................................ 35 + + +34 Androecium of 2 stamens (bithecous or monothecous) and 0 staminodes; flowers not heterostylous ........................................... 41 + + + + + +35 Corolla ca. +5 mm +long; upper lip divided less than 1/3 its length (i.e., shallowly 2-lobed); +Ecuador +........................ + +Psilanthele + +[60] + + + + +35 Corolla (at least of chasmogamous flowers)> +5 mm +long (up to +45 mm +long and usually> +10 mm +long); upper lip divided 1/2 or more its length (shallowly 2-lobed in + +Chileranthemum + +and some species of + +Odontonema + +) ............................................................ 36 + + + + + + +36 Corolla with purplish spots on limb, the 2 lobes of upper lip strongly laterally divergent from each other; stamens conspicuously exposed between lips of corolla (not appressed to upper lip of corolla), filaments arched toward lower lip of corolla; plants not heterostylous; South America.................................................. + +Pulchranthus + + + + +36 Corolla with or without spots on limb, the 2 lobes of upper lip not laterally divergent from each other; stamens appressed to upper lip of corolla or exposed between lips, filaments straight (not curved toward lower lip of corolla); plants often heterostylous...................37 + + + + + +37 Corolla ± salverform, tube elongate and cylindric (or throat becoming slightly expanded) or sometimes narrowed distally, limb ± rotate, usually subactinomorphic.................. + +Pseuderanthemum + + + + +37 Corolla infundibuliform, tube expanding gradually or ± abruptly toward mouth (sometimes subcylindric), limb extending forward to reflexed, bilabiate .................................................................. 38 + + + + + +38 Trailing or clambering shrubs; leaves coriaceous, blades +10–25 mm +long; corolla +13–17 mm +long; serpentine substrates in +Cuba +........... .............................................................................................. + +Sapphoa + + + + +38 Plants lacking the above combination of characters .................. 39 + + + + + +39 Armature usually present in leaf axils (absent in some plants or in some species); leaves usually coriaceous; corolla usually bluish to purple (rarely red or white); +Argentina +, +Bolivia +, +Peru +, West Indies .................................................................................. + +Oplonia + +[61] + + + +39 Spines absent; leaves membranaceous; corolla red, purplish, pink, yellow, or white ......................................................................... 40 + + + + + +40 Corolla purplish to pinkish to whitish with colored markings on the lower lip, tube subcylindric to ± abruptly expanded distally, shorter to only slightly longer than limb, upper lip shallowly 2-lobed, erect, lower lip horizontally spreading (i.e., lips 90° apart with lower lip forming a conspicuous “landing platform”); plants not clambering; +Mexico +to +El Salvador +..................................... + +Chileranthemum + + + + + +40 Corolla red, pinkish, or purplish (rarely yellow or white), usually lacking colored markings, tube usually gradually expanded distally and longer (often>1.5× longer) than limb, upper lip shallowly to ± deeply 2-lobed, upper and lower lips variously oriented; plants sometimes clambering; widespread.......................... + +Odontonema + + + + + + +41 Anthers monothecous ................................................................ 42 + + +41 Anthers bithecous ...................................................................... 43 + + + + + +42 Inflorescence of terminal spikes; corolla violet, tube cylindric, limb deeply 5-lobed with equal lobes; +Brazil +................................ ............................................................ + +Sebastiano-Schaueria + +[62] + + + + +42 Plants not with the above combination of characters; widespread ....................................................................... + +Stenostephanus + + + + + + + +43 Stems usually hexagonal; flowers in bracteate dichasia bearing 1 or more cymules, cymules of 1 or more flowers subtended by an involucre of 2 or more pairs of bracteoles (outer pair usually conspicuous and larger than inner pair(s)); capsules with fracturing placentae, dehiscent capsule conspicuously ruptured near base of head; corolla resupinate (180° or 360°) in some species; widespread ............................................................................ + +Dicliptera + + + + + +43 Stems terete to quadrate to quadrate-sulcate (rarely subhexagonal); flowers rarely borne in cymules but, if so, then not as described above; capsules without fracturing placentae (or retinacula slightly separating from inner wall in + +Henrya + +and + +Tetramerium + +, but then not rising to protrude prominently from each capsule valve on/after dehiscence); corolla not resupinate............................................ 44 + + + + + + +44 Corolla subsalverform, purplish; stamens +2–2.5 mm +long, filaments apically pubescent with flexuose eglandular trichomes, thecae superposed ( +0.3–0.5 mm +apart), distal theca fertile, proximal theca sterile (appendage-like); seeds ca. +5 mm +in diam., papillose, margin swollen............................................................. + +Streblacanthus + + + + +44 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 45 + + + + + +45 Upper lip of corolla with a rugula on the internal surface (not confirmed for all taxa); flowers nototribic; anther thecae with or without basal appendages, the pair parallel to perpendicular and equally to unequally inserted on the filament; pollen 2–6 (or more?)-aperturate, pseudocolpi present or absent, insulae (i.e., ± isolated [sometimes linked in + +Poikilacanthus + +] [63] gemmate regions enclosed by thick, smooth marginal walls) and/or peninsulae (attached on one side to the interapertural exine), when present, usually restricted to 1 or more rows flanking apertures or entire interapertural surface either reticulate or covered with smooth and subconic to rounded verrucae..........................................................................................46 + + + + +45 Upper lip of corolla lacking a rugula; flowers sternotribic, nototribic or pleurotribic; anther thecae lacking basal appendages, the pair parallel to subsagittate and equally to subequally inserted on the filament; pollen 3-colporate and 6-pseudocolpate (pseudocolpi sometimes fused, inconspicuous, or rarely absent; 2-colporate, 4- pseudocolpate in + +Mexacanthus + +), insulae and peninsulae absent ...53 + + + + + + +46 Shrubs or epiphytic herbs; flowers subtended by an involucre of conspicuous, basally fused bracteoles; corolla red or lilac; calyx highly reduced, cupular, entire to shallowly dentate; +Brazil +.......... .................................................................................... + +Clistax + +[64] + + + +46 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 47 + + + + + +47 Inflorescence of short, axillary, pedunculate, subcapitate spikes; bracts oblanceolate to obovate; thecae of a pair superposed and perpendicular; corolla yellow-green with purplish spots on lower lip, ca. +9 mm +long; Andean +Peru +......................... + +Cephalacanthus + + + + +47 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 48 + + + + + +48 Trees to +5 m +tall; leaves with globose (appearing hemispheric on surfaces) concretions +0.3–0.7 mm +in diam.; thecae of a pair equally inserted, parallel to subsagittate, lacking basal appendages; calyx +25–32 mm +long, lobes oblong to oblanceolate, widely spreading at maturity; capsule +22–29 mm +long; +Haiti +.............. + +Samuelssonia + + + + +48 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 49 + + + + +49 Pollen 4–6 (or more?)-porate, interapertural surfaces either covered with discrete insulae or with insulae linked by sharing common end-walls and arranged in loops that enclose a row or band of linked insulae ........................................................................ 50 + + +49 Pollen 2–4-aperturate (colporate or porate), apertures flanked by pseudocolpi or by 1 or more rows of ± discrete insulae and/or peninsulae, or the entire interapertural surface covered with smooth and subconic to rounded verrucae ............................................. 51 + + + + + +50 Inflorescence large, usually longer than +7 cm +, and very showy with conspicuous subfoliose red to maroon to pinkish bracts and bracteoles; corolla white (sometimes turning pinkish with age); pollen covered with discrete insulae; frequently cultivated, presumably native in +Venezuela +...................................... + +Megaskepasma + +[65] + + + + +50 Inflorescence various, but not as described above, usually less than +7 cm +long; corolla red, orangish, pink, pinkish-purple, greenish-yellow, or white; pollen covered with discrete insulae or pollen otherwise; widespread ........................................... + +Poikilacanthus + + + + + + + +51 Erect shrubs to +3 m +; corolla primarily nocturnal, greenish, pale yellow, or cream, +38–95 mm +long, upper lip arched, lobes of lower lip usually dangling and somewhat twisted; thecae +5–7.6 mm +long; pollen 3-colporate and with either a pseudocolpus or 1 row of insulae flanking each colporus; +Brazil +..................... + +Harpochilus + +[66] + + + +51 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 52 + + + + + +52 Subscandent shrubs; corolla greenish white, +13–14 mm +long, upper lip erect (i.e., continuous with tube) and lower lip horizontal at maturity (i.e., spreading 90° from upper lip); pollen 4-colporate, mesocolpia “occasionally” [fide +Raj, 1961 +] with 2 pseudocolpi; +Cuba +................................................................................... + +Dasytropis + + + + + +52 Plants not with this combination of characters and extremely variable in vegetative, floral, and palynological morphologies; widespread ........................................................................ + +Justicia + +[67] + + + + + + +53 Inflorescence a terminal thyrse; corolla bud strongly arched (i.e., curved downward and appearing like an upside-down hook), open corolla with the limb curved downward forming an upside-down “U” or semi-circle; thecae +5–6 mm +long; +Cuba +..... + +Ancistranthus + + + + + +53 Plants not with the above combination of characters; not occurring in +Cuba +...................................................................................... 54 + + + + + + +54 Bracteoles of a pair fused along one side from base to near apex forming a sheathing involucre around flower; pollen with colpi broad, far exceeding the width of the centrally positioned ora; septa and attached retinacula separating slightly from inner wall of mature capsules near base of head; +U.S.A. +( +Arizona +) to +Costa Rica +........................ + +Henrya + + + + + +54 Bracteoles of a pair not fused, or if so only at base up to +1 mm +; pollen with colpi narrow, not or only slightly exceeding width of centrally positioned ora; septa and attached retinacula not separating from inner wall of mature capsules (except in + +Tetramerium + +).......55 + + + + + + +55 Capsules progressively reflexing during maturation (upside-down at maturity), distal portion of capsule expanded, truncate and widest at apex, basal portion of capsule densely pubescent with apically hooked (uncinate) trichomes; seeds 2, permanently enclosed in capsule valves; northwestern +Mexico +........................... + +Aphanosperma + + + + +55 Capsules not reflexed at maturity, distal portion of capsule tapering to a point or rounded at apex, basal portion lacking uncinate trichomes; seeds 2–4, free from capsule valves when mature ............ 56 + + + + +56 Flowers sternotribic (i.e., stamens positioned near lower lip of corolla and anthers dehiscing toward upper lip) or pleurotribic (i.e., anthers dehiscing toward center of floral axis and each other); primarily North and Central America ............................................ 57 + + + +56 Flowers nototribic (i.e., stamens positioned near upper lip of corolla and anthers dehiscing toward lower lip) or sternotribic in + +Schaueria litoralis + +from South America; mostly South America..................61 + + + + + +57 Flowers pleurotribic; seeds usually 2 per capsule...................... 58 + + +57 Flowers sternotribic; seeds 2–4 per capsule............................... 59 + + + + + +58 Corolla +6.5–11 mm +long, cream with maroon markings; pollen 3- colporate, 6-pseudocolpate; southern +Mexico +........ + +Gypsacanthus + + + + + +58 Corolla +17–26 mm +long, bicolored with upper lip red and lower lip yellow; pollen 2-colporate, 4-pseudocolpate; west-central +Mexico +................................................................................. + +Mexacanthus + + + + + + + +59 Inflorescence of usually densely bracteate, 4-sided spikes; bracts conspicuous, usually concealing the calyx; septa and attached retinacula separating slightly from inner wall of mature capsules near base of head.............................................................. + +Tetramerium + + + + +59 Inflorescence neither densely bracteate nor 4-sided; bracts inconspicuous and sometimes caducous, not concealing the calyx; septa and attached retinacula not separating from inner wall of mature capsules ..................................................................................... 60 + + + + + +60 Shrubs to +4 m +tall, rarely dying back to woody caudices; corolla (white) pink, red, or orange (yellowish), lacking conspicuous colored markings, (24–) +30–65 mm +long, tube usually conspicuously ampliate toward apex, (10–) +14–31 mm +long; thecae +2.2–4.8 mm +long; +U.S.A. +to +Costa Rica +...................................... + +Anisacanthus + + + + + +60 Perennial herbs to weak shrubs up to 1 (–1.5) m tall, usually dying back to woody caudices; corolla white, yellow, blue, purple, or pinkish, usually with conspicuous colored markings on the limb, 5.5–23 (–27) mm long, tube not or only slightly ampliate toward apex, 1.5– 8.5 (–13) mm long; thecae +0.5–1.9 mm +long; widespread ............... ..................................................................................... + +Carlowrightia + + + + + + + +61 Creeping perennial herbs; leaves with conspicuous white, pink, or red veins; corolla yellow, +10–15 mm +long; inflorescence of densely bracteate terminal spikes; +Colombia +and +Brazil +to +Bolivia +.... .......................................................................................... + +Fittonia + + + + +61 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 62 + + + + + +62 Inflorescence of axillary and terminal, densely bracteate spike-like thyrses to +15 cm +long; bracts and calyx lobes distally dark maroon; corolla yellow, (28–) +35–47 mm +long, throat abruptly and broadly expanded from subcylindric tube, appearing saccate; northeastern +Mexico +........................................................................ + +Hoverdenia + + + + +62 Plants not with the above combination of characters [68] ......... 63 + + + + + +63 Shrubs; bracts and bracteoles inconspicuous and often caducous, +0.8–3 mm +long, +0.2–1 mm +wide; corolla red, +20–45 mm +long; seasonally dry forests of +Argentina +, +Bolivia +, +Brazil +, +Paraguay +.......... ..................................... + +Thyrsacanthus + +(in part, excl. + +T. sulcatus + +) + + + +63 Plants not with the above combination of characters................. 64 + + + + + +64 Corolla subsalverform, tube elongate, 1.3–8.5× longer than limb, narrow (up to +1.5 mm +in diam. near midpoint, measured flat), and cylindric for most of its length (± abruptly expanded only near apex, if at all)............................................................................. 65 + + + + +64 Corolla infundibuliform, tube ± gradually expanded distally, 0.7–3 (–3.6) × longer than limb, mostly neither conspicuously narrow ([1.2–] +1.5–6.3 mm +in diam. near midpoint, measured flat) nor cylindric through most of its length .......................................... 67 + + + + + + +65 Inflorescence of open and elongate spikes, bracts inconspicuous, rachis clearly visible; corolla tube 3–8.5× longer than limb; +Costa Rica +to +Argentina +...................... + +Pachystachys + +(in part [69]) + + + +65 Inflorescence of densely and conspicuously bracteate ± 4-sided spikes, rachis not visible; corolla tube 1.3–3× longer than limb..... 66 + + + + + +66 Bracts lanceolate, +2–4 mm +wide; +Argentina +, +Paraguay +, +Uruguay +.... ................................................................... + +Thyrsacanthus sulcatus + + + + + +66 Bracts ovate, broadly ovate, subdeltate, elliptic or subcircular, +5– 18 mm +wide; +U.S.A. +to +Mexico +....................................... + +Yeatesia + + + + + + + +67 Corolla bluish or purplish, +11–21 mm +long; arid regions of northern +Mexico +................. + +Mirandea + +(in part, excluding + +M. sylvatica + +) + + + + +67 Corolla white, yellow, orangish, red or pink, +8–70 mm +long; plants of moist to wet forests in southern +Mexico +to South America.....68 + + + + + + +68 Corolla yellow to white, +8–31 mm +long; +Mexico +, +Guatemala +.....69 + + + + + + +58 Corolla white, yellow, orangish, red or pink, +10–70 mm +long; South America and the West Indies ...................................................... 70 + + + + + + +69 Bracts +1–4 mm +long, +0.5–0.8 mm +wide; calyx +2–3.7 mm +long; corolla +8–13.5 mm +long; southern +Mexico +.......... + +Mirandea sylvatica + +[70] + + + + +69 Bracts +9–22 mm +long, +1.2–2.2 mm +wide; calyx +10–25 mm +long; corolla +22–31 mm +long; +Mexico +, +Guatemala +................................ .............................................................. + +Schaueria parviflora + +[71] + + + + + + +70 Corolla yellow or white; bracts narrow, +0.5–2.5 mm +wide, mostly yellow in species with yellow corollas and green in species with white corollas; Atlantic forests of +Brazil +...................... + +Schaueria + + + + + +70 Corolla mostly red, orange-red or pink (white in + +P. lutea + +, and yellow in + +P. azaleiflora + +); bracts (4–) +6–18 mm +wide in most species ( +1–1.5 mm +wide in + +P. azaleiflora + +, + +P. badiospica + +, + +P +. +gracilis + +and + +P +. +linearibracteata + +), green to yellowish-green (bright yellow to orange-yellow in + +P. lutea + +and brownish red in + +P. badiospica + +); West Indies and Amazonian South America, especially +Peru +................ ................................................................................. + +Pachystachys + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/03/A5/87/03A587A9FFFCFFF2FF3FD3E98E6FFEF4.xml b/data/03/A5/87/03A587A9FFFCFFF2FF3FD3E98E6FFEF4.xml index f3de988e73a..0d841b3b4a7 100644 --- a/data/03/A5/87/03A587A9FFFCFFF2FF3FD3E98E6FFEF4.xml +++ b/data/03/A5/87/03A587A9FFFCFFF2FF3FD3E98E6FFEF4.xml @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ - - - -Macropsychanthus nitidus: a new rank and combination for dioclea rostrata var. nitida (leguminosae, papilionoideae) + + + +Macropsychanthus nitidus: a new rank and combination for dioclea rostrata var. nitida (leguminosae, papilionoideae) - - -Author + + +Author -Fonseca-Cortés, Andrés -Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Av. Transnordestina s. n., Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil +Fonseca-Cortés, Andrés +Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Av. Transnordestina s. n., Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil - - -Author + + +Author -Snak, Cristiane -Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca e Ciências Biológicas, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Rua Cel. Fernandes Martins 270, Progresso, 88790 - 000, Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brazil +Snak, Cristiane +Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca e Ciências Biológicas, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Rua Cel. Fernandes Martins 270, Progresso, 88790 - 000, Laguna, Santa Catarina, Brazil - - -Author + + +Author -Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci De -Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Av. Transnordestina s. n., Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil +Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci De +Programa de Pós-graduação em Botânica, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Av. Transnordestina s. n., Novo Horizonte, 44036 - 900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil -text - - -Phytotaxa +text + + +Phytotaxa - -2023 - -2023-10-11 + +2023 + +2023-10-11 - -619 + +619 - -4 + +4 - -293 -298 + +293 +298 - - + + -journal article -273556 -10.11646/phytotaxa.619.4.4 -23c24574-7292-4d58-bfff-85851b6a09a8 -1179-3163 -8430575 +journal article +273556 +10.11646/phytotaxa.619.4.4 +23c24574-7292-4d58-bfff-85851b6a09a8 +1179-3163 +8430575 - + Macropsychanthus Harms ex Schumann & Lauterbach (1900: 366) diff --git a/data/24/CE/C1/24CEC121EF015BB1AE16F4C0051E2FB2.xml b/data/24/CE/C1/24CEC121EF015BB1AE16F4C0051E2FB2.xml index f5a9ae42e80..05cb4c92cac 100644 --- a/data/24/CE/C1/24CEC121EF015BB1AE16F4C0051E2FB2.xml +++ b/data/24/CE/C1/24CEC121EF015BB1AE16F4C0051E2FB2.xml @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ - - - -Desert diversification: revision of Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) with descriptions of sixteen new species from the United States and Mexico + + + +Desert diversification: revision of Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) with descriptions of sixteen new species from the United States and Mexico - - -Author + + +Author -Hill, JoVonn G. -0000-0002-1892-7117 -Mississippi Entomological Museum, Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, USA +Hill, JoVonn G. +0000-0002-1892-7117 +Mississippi Entomological Museum, Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, USA -text - - -ZooKeys +text + + +ZooKeys - -2024 - -2024-11-21 + +2024 + +2024-11-21 - -1218 + +1218 - -177 -230 + +177 +230 -journal article -10.3897/zookeys.1218.133703 -1E047454-E700-4FE4-A8FE-5828F5797980 +journal article +10.3897/zookeys.1218.133703 +1E047454-E700-4FE4-A8FE-5828F5797980 - + @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ habitus. - +1 ♂ , @@ -146,9 +146,11 @@ habitus. , Coahuila , -22.6 mi + +22.6 mi + S -Castaños +Castaños , ( 11.2 mi @@ -161,13 +163,10 @@ N of San Lazaro , I. J. Cantrall , -T +T. J. Cohn . -J. Cohn. -UMMZI- 00057993. -Deposited -in the -Mississippi Entomological Museum. +UMMZI-00057993 +. Deposited in the Mississippi Entomological Museum. @@ -176,24 +175,24 @@ in the Specimens examined. - + Mexico , Coahuila : • + 25 mi -S -Castaños +S + +Castaños , 3 August 1959 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn 3150 ft @@ -204,18 +203,18 @@ S ) • - + + 5 mi -S +S + Monolova , 2 August 1959 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 2300 ft diff --git a/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3BFFF7FF1741D654E09A16.xml b/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3BFFF7FF1741D654E09A16.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5806a0dd43a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3BFFF7FF1741D654E09A16.xml @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ + + + +A new and critically endangered species of Turraea (Meliaceae) endemic to the island of Mauritius + + + +Author + +Baider, Claudia + + + +Author + +Vincent Florens, F. B. + +text + + +Phytotaxa + + +2016 + +2016-02-23 + + +247 + + +3 + + +219 +228 + + + + + + +journal article +305335 +10.11646/phytotaxa.247.3.5 +bfebec00-35ca-4b17-849b-0c2061b1f7e5 +1179-3163 +13675875 + + + + + + +Key to the + +Turraea + +of the Mascarenes, adapted and expanded from +Scott & Bosser (1997) + + + + + + + + + +1. Adult leaves opposite.........................................................................................................................................................................2 + + +- Adult leaves alternate.........................................................................................................................................................................4 + + + + + + + + +2. Flowers 5-merous; inflorescences a 3–5-flowered cyme; most leaves oblong-elliptic or elliptic, more than +3 cm +long, entire; juvenile leaves entire........................................................................................................................................................... + +T. oppositifolia + + + + + +- Flowers 4-merous; inflorescences a 2-flowered cyme; leaves obovate, less than +2.5 cm +long; juvenile leaves pinnatifid...............3 + + + + + + +3. Inflorescences, calyx and petals puberulent; peduncle and pedicels thick, less than +2 mm +long ( +Rodrigues +) .................................... ............................................................................................................................. + +T. laciniata +( +Balfour 1877: 12 +) +Harms (1896: 284) + + + + + +- Inflorescences, calyx and petals glabrous; peduncle and pedicels slender, +5–12 mm +long ( +Mauritius +) .............................................. ........................................................................................................................ + +T. trichopoda +( +Baillon 1874: 255 +) +Harms (1896: 284) + + + + + + +4. Flowers generally 5-merous...............................................................................................................................................................5 + + +- Flowers generally 4-merous...............................................................................................................................................................8 + + + + + +5. Staminal tube completely fused; petals yellowish, pubescent outside; racemes 5–14-flowered ........................................ + +T. rutilans + + + + +- Staminal tube partially free at tip; petals white, pink or purple, glabrous to slightly pubescent outside; cymes 2–3-flowered, or flowers solitary or fasciculated...........................................................................................................................................................6 + + + + + +6. Staminal tube (8–) +10 mm +long, free part of filaments +3–4 mm +long..................................................................................... + +T. rigida + + + + + +Staminal or staminodial tube +1.6–5 mm +long, free part of filaments +0.5–3 mm +long........................................................................7 + + + + + + +7. Leaf margin often lobed, staminal or staminodial tube +1.6 mm +(female)– +4.5 mm +(male) long, free part of filaments 0.5–1(–2) mm long, capsule +5–6 mm +high ( +Mauritius +) ....................................................................................................................... + +T. dargentiana + + + + + +- Leaf margin entire, staminal tube +4–5 mm +long, free part of filaments +2–3 mm +long, capsule +15–25 mm +high ( +Réunion +) ............... .................................................................................................................................................................. + +T. cadetii +Scott (1979: 650) + + + + + + + +8. Leaves entire, calyx +3–3.5 mm +long, petal +8–9 mm +long, staminal tube +4–4.6 mm +long, style +5 mm +long.................... + +T. monticola + + + + + +- Leaves entire or 3–9 lobed, calyx +1–2 mm +long, petal +4–8 mm +long, staminal tube +2–4 mm +long, style +3–3.5 mm +long................9 + + + + + + +9. Juvenile leaves entire, adult leaves obovate or elliptic; peduncles +2–5 mm +long; calyx densely puberulent; staminal tube +3–4 mm +long; petals +5–8 mm +long ........................................................................ + +T. ovata + +( +Cavanilles 1789: 368 +, t. 212) +Harms (1896: 284) + + + + +- Juvenile leaves pinnatilobed to pinnatifid, most adult leaves oval or elliptic; peduncles +1–2 mm +long; calyx barely puberulent; staminal tube +2–2.5 mm +long; petals +4–5 mm +long................. + +T. thouarsiana +( +Baillon 1863: 121 +) +Cavaco & Keraudren (1955: 23) + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3CFFF6FF17450D53069E24.xml b/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3CFFF6FF17450D53069E24.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..76a1fba14ea --- /dev/null +++ b/data/85/1B/E0/851BE04B0A3CFFF6FF17450D53069E24.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@ + + + +A new and critically endangered species of Turraea (Meliaceae) endemic to the island of Mauritius + + + +Author + +Baider, Claudia + + + +Author + +Vincent Florens, F. B. + +text + + +Phytotaxa + + +2016 + +2016-02-23 + + +247 + + +3 + + +219 +228 + + + + + + +journal article +305335 +10.11646/phytotaxa.247.3.5 +bfebec00-35ca-4b17-849b-0c2061b1f7e5 +1179-3163 +13675875 + + + + + +Turraea dargentiana +Baider & V. Florens + +, + +sp. nov. + +( +Figs. 1 +, +2 +) + + + + +— + +Quivisia chilosantha +Bojer (1837: 58) + +, +nom. nud +. + + + + + +Turraea dargentiana +, + +which resembles + +T. rigida +Ventenat (1808: 48) + +, is the smallest and the only dioecious species of the genus known in the Mascarenes. Other diagnostic features include the possession of adult leaves that are often irregularly lobed in their distal half. + + + + +Type:— + +MAURITIUS +. +Mt Camizard +, + +300 m + +, +20°20’02.9”S +, +57°43’21.34” E +, + +19 August 2005 + +, +female +fl., fr., + +F.B.V +. +Florens s.n + +. ( +holotype +MAU 0016259 +!) + +. + + + + +Evergreen shrub, dioecious, 0.5–1.2(–1.5) × (0.25–)0.5–1.0(–1.5) m, much-branched, branching as from 10–30(–50) cm high; basal diameter of trunk +1.2–4 cm +. Stems cylindrical, tomentulose; bark brown matt, inside bark pale green; young shoots tomentose; leaf scars prominent; lenticels not conspicuous. Branches ascending. Leaves alternate, ± distichous, arranged ± horizontally, mostly near apices; internodes +1–2 cm +long at mid-season’s growth, +0.2–0.4 cm +long at end of season’s growth. Leaf buds tomentose, dark green when fresh, dark brown when dried. Petioles 4–10 × +1.7–2.4 mm +; young leaves terracotta to rusty red; older leaves tomentulose, grey green. Lamina simple, subcoriaceous, obovate to narrowly obovate, some ovate, rarely elliptic, (4–)7–12(–24.5) × (1.5–)3–5(–7.5) cm, green to pale green, older leaves sometimes with yellowish tones, younger leaves sometimes with purplish tones; glabrous, except for few hairs on midrib and, in youngest leaves, sparsely ciliate margin; base cuneate, rarely asymmetrical; margin entire or often with 2–3(–5) lobes, irregularly distributed on each side of the leaf, confined to distal half of leaf; tip acute to obtuse, rarely emarginated; 7–13 pairs of secondary veins, these ± subopposite, prominent adaxially, visible abaxially, linked into arcs to form an intramarginal vein. Inflorescences axillary, 2(–3)-flowered cymes, sometimes ramiflorous; peduncles 1.6–2.5 × +0.8–1 mm +, tomentulose; bracteoles 2–3, ± deltoid, +0.5–1 mm +long; pedicels 2–5 × +0.6–1.2 mm +, tomentose. Flower buds obovate, tomentose, white to pink. Male flower +9–10 mm +long; calyx urceolate, +2.2 mm +long, lobes 5(–6), +0.3–0.55 mm +long, ± deltoid, tomentulose (white hairs), pale purple to green; corolla of (4–)5(–6) petals, these oblong to elliptic, 7.4 × +2.6 mm +, slightly pubescent abaxially, glabrous on edges and adaxially; abaxial side white to pale yellowish, adaxial side white, sometimes with pink tinge; stamens 10–12, staminal tube +3.6 mm +long, filaments free for +0.6–1 mm +; tomentulose on both sides, denser towards tip, base light pink, white at tip, anthers oblong, +1–1.2 mm +long including apiculum of +0.1 mm +, pubescent on abaxial side, splitting longitudinally; remnant of ovary spherical, 0.8 × +1.1 mm +long, pubescent (white hairs), pale yellow with pink tinge; locules 3, ovules 2 per locule, which do not develop; style cylindrical, 4 × +0.5 mm +, glabrous except for the pubescence (white hairs) on the lowermost +0.3 mm +; stigma capitate, 0.8 × +1.1 mm +, smooth except for the strumose uppermost third, white, tip yellow. Female flower +6–7 mm +long; nectar shiny, colourless; calyx urceolate, +1.35–1.6 mm +long, lobes 5(–6), (0.2–) 0.6–1.0 mm long, ± deltoid, tomentulose (white hairs), pale purple; corolla of (4–)5(–6) petals, these linear–spatulate, elliptic or oblong, 5.3–5.75 × +1.7–2.1 mm +, abaxial side slightly pubescent, glabrous on edges and adaxial side; abaxial side pink to pale purple, adaxial side white to pink. Staminodial tube +1.6 mm +long, filaments free on last +0.25 mm +, adaxial side pubescent, abaxial side glabrous except for the pubescent free parts, pale pink. Staminodia 6, oblong, +0.8–0.9 mm +long, including a +0.2 mm +apiculum, pubescent, indehiscent; ovary subspherical, +0.85–1 mm +long, pubescent with white to pale yellow hairs; locules 3, rarely 4, 2 ovules per locule; style cylindrical, 3.15 × +0.4 mm +, glabrous except for the tomentulose (white hairs) lowermost +0.5 mm +; stigma capitate, 0.45 × +0.85 mm +long, smooth except for the uppermost third, then strumose, white. Fruiting pedicel 3.4–5.4 × +0.6–1.4 mm +; capsule ovoid, tip acute, 5.7–6.6 × +6–7 mm +, tomentulose, dehiscing along 3 sutures, remaining connected at base; valves outer surface pubescent, inner surface waxy whitish, purplish on fresh, brown-reddish when dry. Seeds 5–6, ovoid, tip falcate, 4.7–5.9 +× +2.0–3.5 +× +2.1–3.0 mm, aril small, hile very distinct. + + + + +FIGURE 1. + +Turraea dargentiana + +. A. Habit; B. Dehisced fruit, showing three valves; C. Fruit; D. Female flower showing remnants of staminodial tube. Drawn by Danielle Florens, after +F.B.V +. +Florens s.n +. (MAU 0016259); scale bar = 2 cm (A), 1 cm (B–D). + + + + +FIGURE 2. +A. Adult plant in its forest understorey habitat; B. Abaxial surface of a young leaf showing purplish tinge; C. Abaxial surface of a mature leaf; D. Flower buds (male) at various stages of development; E. Male flowers; F. Female flowers; G. Unripe fruits with dry petals still attached. Photos: F.B. Vincent Florens. + + + + + + +Additional specimens examined ( +paratypes +): + +— +MAURITIUS +. +Mt Camizard +, + +300 m + +, +20°20’02.9” S +, +57°43’21.34” E +, + +06 November 2005 + +, +female +fl., + +F.B.V. Florens +& +C. Baider +s.n. + +( +MAU 0016262 +) + +; + +Mt Camizard +, + +14 March 2005 + +, +female +fl. bud, open fr., + +F.B.V +. +Florens + +& +C. Baider +s.n. ( +MAU 0016261 +) + +; + +Mt Camizard +, + +300 m + +, + +23 February 2013 + +, fl. bud, +male +fl., + +C. Baider +2610 & +F.B.V. Florens + +( +MAU 0016266 +) + +; + +Mt Lion +, + +413 m + +, +20°21’41.04”S +57°43’31.26”E +, + +28 February 2011 + +, fl. bud, + +F.B.V +. +Florens s.n. + +( +MAU 0016264 +) + +; + +Mt Lion +, + +421 m + +, +20°21’41.67”S +, +57°43’32.11”E +, + +28 October 2014 + +, +female +fl. bud, + +F.B.V +. +Florens s.n. + +( +MAU 0016265 +) + +; + +Ferney +, + +320 m + +, +200 +20’01”S, +57041 +’28”E, + +17 March 2012 + +, +male +fl. bud, + +C. Baider +2580 & +F.B.V. Florens + +( +MAU 0016263 +) + +; + +Le Pouce +, + +745 m + +, +20°11’53.25”S +, +57°31’45.82”E +, + +14 October 2011 + +, + +C. Baider +2543 & +F.B.V. Florens + +( +MAU 0016267 +) + +; + +Le Pouce +, + +743 m + +, +20°11’52.90”S +, +57°31’45.45”E +, + +28 October 2011 + +, fr., + +C. Baider +2523 & +F.B.V. Florens + +( +MAU 0016268 +) + +; + +Le Pouce +, + +13 February 1975 + +, fl. bud., + +M.J.E.Coode +& +J.M.E. Guého +4844 + +( +MAU 0016260 +) + +; + +without locality, no date, fl. bud, + +L.M.A.A. Petit-Thouars +s.n + +. ( +P Pret n. 113 13/73 +), + + + +L.M.A.A. Petit-Thouars +s.n + +. ( +P Pret n. 111 10/73 +), + + + +L.M.A.A. Petit-Thouars +s.n + +. ( +P Pret n. 111 10/74 +) + +. + + + + +Etymology: +—The epithet is in recognition of the considerable botanical contribution and exceptional dedication to the conservation of the local flora of Mr. Gabriel D’Argent (born 1925), retired forester from the Forestry Services ( +Mauritius +). + + + + +Taxonomic Notes: +—Examination of all + +Turraea + +samples from the Mascarenes deposited at P and MAU revealed previous collections of + +T. dargentiana + +. The species was collected by du Petit Thouars between 1793 and 1795, but his three existing samples at P had previously been determined as + +T. rigida + +by A.J. Scott in 1974 (in sched.). In fact, +Bojer (1837) +mentioned one small shrubby + +Turraea +species + +on the east side of the Le Pouce Mt that flowered from May to June ( + +Quivisia chilosantha +Bojer 1837: 58 + +, +nom. nud. +). This species was later synonymised under + +T. rigida + +( + +Bosser +et al. +1976 + +-onwards). The flowering season, small shrubby nature of the plant and also the precise locality where it was said to occur ( +Bojer 1837 +) correspond exactly to a population of + +T. dargentiana + +. No other shrubby + +Turraea +species + +was found in that precise locality despite intensive surveys. Furthermore, a sample of + +T. dargentiana + +was collected more recently at Le Pouce Mt in 1975 ( +Coode & Guého 4844 +[MAU 0016260]), but was, at that time, identified only to genus level. + + +Comparison with other Mauritian species: +— + +Turraea dargentiana + +resembles + +Turraea rigida + +and the two species are sympatric in SE +Mauritius +. However, + +T. rigida + +is a shrub or treelet that can reach up to +3 m +high, with dark green and more coriaceous leaves, and larger flowers which are said to be white ( + +Bosser +et al. +1976 + +), but which vary from light pink to purple. + +Turraea dargentiana + +is a smaller shrub (none of the 200 individuals observed exceeded +1.5 m +, a few grew to over +1 m +high and many adults not even exceeding +50 cm +). Furthermore, flowers of + +T. dargentiana + +have smaller petals ( + +5.3 + +7.4 mm + +long) compared to + +T. rigida + +( + +10 + +19 mm + +long). + +Turraea dargentiana + +is also the only recorded + +Turraea + +from the Mascarene Islands to be dioecious, although at first sight, flowers appear to be bisexual. Close examination shows that pollen sacs would split (and release pollen) only in male flowers, and would remain intact in female flowers. This situation is known as cryptic dioecy (retention of opposite sex structures within the flowers of each sex) ( + +Humeau +et al. +1999 + +). Monitoring of a few individuals at Mt Camizard for some years has revealed no sex variation through time within a given individual, with seedlings found only around female plants. There is also no apparent signs of leaky dioecy (presence of fruits in low numbers on male plants) ( +Baker & Cox 1984 +, + +Humeau +et al. +1999 + +), nor of dichogamy (male and female parts ripening at different times). Cryptic and leaky dioecy have been reported for a number of species in the Mascarenes ( + +Humeau +et al. +1999 + +, + +Venkatasamy +et al +. 2007 + +) and other islands ( +Percy and Cronk 1997 +, + +Anderson +et al +. 2015 + +), with higher percentages of dioecious species found on oceanic tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean ( +Baker & Cox 1984 +), and the Mascarenes ( + +Humeau +et al +. 1999 + +). + + + + +Phenology: +— + +Turraea dargentiana + +was found to start having flower buds as from October, flowering starts towards mid-October but spanning mainly from February to May, extending to August, and fruiting is from March to November. + + + + +Distribution and habitat: +—Endemic to +Mauritius +; known from Le Pouce and the Bambou Mountains ( +Fig. 3 +). + +Turraea dargentiana + +is currently known to grow in wet native vegetation remnants of +240–745 m +elevation, on ferralitic soil or lithosols formed from volcanic rocks ( +Willaime 1984 +). The sites are in the humid or super-humid zones of +Mauritius +( +Halais & Davy 1969 +, Parish & Feilllafé 1965), with annual rainfall varying from +1,400 mm +(Le Pouce) to +2,500 mm +(Bambou Mt Range) ( +Willaime 1984 +) and mean annual temperatures of about 20 +ºC +( +Halais & Davy 1969 +). In the Bambou Mountains, the species was found at Mt Camizard, Mt Lion and at Ferney Valley (about +1.25 km +east north-east of Bestel). Elsewhere, it was found only at Le Pouce. At Mt Camizard the species grows rather sparsely in the understory of wet native lowland forest of + +8 + +12 m + +tall centred around +20° 20’ 00” S +and +57° 42’ 55” E +at about +240 m +elevation. This habitat is dominated in the canopy by + +Diospyros tessellaria +Poiret (1804: 430) + +( +Ebenaceae +) and + +Labourdonnaisia +Bojer (1841: 295) +spp. + +( +Sapotaceae +) with the most common native species in the understorey being + +Warneckea trinervis + +( +Candolle 1828: 3 +, 5) +Jacques-Félix (1978: 235) +( +Melastomataceae +) and different species of + +Eugenia +Linnaeus (1753: 450) + +( +Myrtaceae +). The forest is however invaded by alien species that sum up to 84 % of all woody stems above +1.3 m +diameter, of which + +Cinnamomum verum +J. Presl + +(in +Berchtold & Presl 1825: 37 +) ( +Lauraceae +) and + +Psidium cattleianum +Sabine (1821: 317) + +( +Myrtaceae +) are the most dominant ( + +Florens +et al. +2012 + +). At Mt Lion, + +T. dargentiana + +occurs more densely in the understorey of shorter vegetation ( + +4 + +8 m + +tall) but in a more localised distribution very close to the summit. The population is centred on +20° 21’ 29” S +and +57° 43’ 06” E +at about +470 m +elevation and grows in a vegetation where the main species are +Labourdonnasia callophylloides +Bojer (1841: 295) +( +Sapotaceae +), + +Warneckea trinervis + +, and + +Gaertnera psychotrioides +Candolle (1830: 531) +Baker (1877: 231) + +( +Rubiaceae +). + +Turraea dargentiana + +occurs more rarely at Ferney Valley close to the ridge top in similar forest +type +as in Mt Camizard. The population at Ferney Valley occurs around +20° 20’ 01” S +and +57° 41’ 28” E +at an elevation of about + +320 m +. + +Other than in the Bambou ranges, the species has been recorded only at Le Pouce Mt near the summit at +780 m +elevation. The species occurs there as a few small clumps centred on +20° 11’ 43” S +and +57° 31’ 19” E +in very dense stunted vegetation +2–3 m +tall which is at places nearly impenetrable owing to dense branching of the stunted trees close to the ground. The dominant species is + +Erythrospermum monticolum +Petit-Thouars (1806: 67) + +( +Achariaceae +) and other common species include + +Syzygium commersonii +Guého & A.J. Scott + +( +in +Scott 1980: 491 +) ( +Myrtaceae +) and + +Geniostoma pedunculatum +Bojer (1837: 215 + +, +nom. nud. +) ex +Candolle (1845: 28) +( +Loganiaceae +). + + + + +FIGURE 3. +Distribution of known current localities of + +Turraea dargentiana + +on Mauritius. Each dot is 1 km in diameter. 1: Mt Camizard; 2: Mt Lion; 3: Ridge top at ‘Ferney Valley’ (1.25 km E–NE of Bestel); 4: Le Pouce Mt. + + + + +Ecology and Conservation status: +—Plants are distributed on two mountain ranges which are some +23 km +apart. The three localities in the Bambou Mountains in the south east of the island occur within a maximum of +5 km +of each other. In each locality, plants tend to occur typically within clumps, with a few solitary interspersed individuals between the clumps. At Le Pouce Mt, the same pattern of spatial distribution was noted. Therefore, + +T. dargentiana + +is known in the wild from 4 localities, with about 200 individuals, of which about 185 are adults. The species typically grows in good quality native forest where> 50 % of the canopy cover is composed of native species. However, invasion by alien plants is happening at all sites. The main invasive plant species are + +C. verum + +, + +P. cattleianum + +and + +Syzygium jambos +( +Linnaeus 1753: 470 +) +Alston (1931: 115) + +( +Myrtaceae +) in Mt Camizard and Ferney, + +P. cattleianum + +and + +Ligustrum robustum +subsp. +walkeri +(Decaisne 1879: 27) +Green (1985: 130) + +( +Oleaceae +) on Mt Lion and + +Ossaea marginata +( +Desrousseaux 1797: 32 +) +Triana (1871: 147) + +( +Melastomataceae +) and + +P. cattleianum + +on Le Pouce Mt. It has been shown that invasion by such alien plant species have deleterious impacts on native woody plants in +Mauritius +, including elevated mortality and reduced growth rates ( +Florens 2008 +), as well as, reduced production of flowers and fruits ( +Baider & Florens 2006 +, + +Monty +et al. +2013 + +), that can result in very low or halted natural regeneration ( +Baider & Florens 2011 +). Invasion by alien plants may even interfere with insect pollination since it was shown that the species richness and abundance of native butterflies—a group often used to indicate change in other insect group ( +Thomas 2005 +)—are much lower in forests invaded by alien weeds compared to adjacent areas where the weeds have been removed ( + +Florens +et al. +2010 + +). Fortunately, there does not seem to be any predation of fruits or seeds by invasive animals like rats or monkeys as are often seen with several other native plants in +Mauritius +( +Baider & Florens 2006 +, 2013). It is worthy to note that the four localities where the species occurs are all still relatively well preserved. The species’ absence from more alien invaded forests suggests that it may be particularly vulnerable to alien plant invasion presumably caused by its very small size, which results in it being over-topped and shaded by even small alien plants. Previous studies in Mauritian forests showed that ground flora or understorey species appear to be more at risk to alien plants than larger species ( +Baider & Florens 2011 +). Throughout its whole known range, the species occurs only in mountain reserves and therefore receives generally little protection. The only site where some conservation management is being done in the exact area where + +T. dargentiana + +occurs is at Mt Camizard where the private landowner is controlling invasive alien plants to restore the native forest. However, it appears that the weeding of all alien plants in one go may be changing the forest’s microclimate too suddenly (with higher light exposure, and dryer conditions) for the species since several seedlings and adults have died shortly after the weeding. A more gradual or stepwise alien plants weeding is advisable to avoid or minimise the apparent short-term deleterious impacts of weeding mentioned above. Despite these possible short-term negative impact it is expected that, in the medium to longer run, alien weeding will still bring strong benefits by increasing fitness and reproductive output as shown for other species ( +Baider & Florens 2006 +, + +Monty +et al. +2013 + +). + + +Another important factor concerning the species’ rarity may be related to its unique sexual reproductive system within the Mascarenes + +Turraea + +. In the genus + +Dombeya +Cavanilles (1787: 121) + +in +Réunion +, cryptic dioecy occurs in species found mostly in mid- to high elevation, whereas leaky dioecy is more common in the lowlands ( + +Humeau +et al +. 1999 + +). However, the strictly dioecious species typically have large populations, suggesting that this might have been the case for + +T. dargentiana + +. Moreover, dioecious species have higher chances of local extinction caused by stochastic events, especially if their population becomes fragmented. + + +The species should be considered Critically Endangered (B1a, b ii,iii,iv,v; C2aii) according to the IUCN Red List criteria ( +IUCN 2001 +). This assessment is based on the species’ limited geographical distribution—with an Extent of Occurrence < +34 km +2 +, and an Area of Occupancy of +16 km +2 +; calculations following GeoCAT version β, ( + +Bachman +et al. +2011 + +)—, its severely fragmented populations, the high probability of losing one of the localities in a near future (at Ferney, with its two aged known plant) and the fact that the majority of individuals are found in habitats currently being degraded by invasive alien plants, which is leading to declining and ageing populations. + + +A species recovery programme appears necessary given the paucity of juveniles that indicate low natural regeneration hence declining populations. We suggest as immediate action to gradually remove invasive alien weeds from the immediate vicinity of all the known plants to increase their survival and natural regeneration, and to secure ripe seeds for temporary +ex-situ +propagation in view of augmentation programmes in its current habitat where invasive alien plants would have been controlled. + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/9D/41/E3/9D41E3EB924B5A4E826103D610239B15.xml b/data/9D/41/E3/9D41E3EB924B5A4E826103D610239B15.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6b0e42c5288 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/9D/41/E3/9D41E3EB924B5A4E826103D610239B15.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1592 @@ + + + +Desert diversification: revision of Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) with descriptions of sixteen new species from the United States and Mexico + + + +Author + +Hill, JoVonn G. +0000-0002-1892-7117 +Mississippi Entomological Museum, Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, USA + +text + + +ZooKeys + + +2024 + +2024-11-21 + + +1218 + + +177 +230 + + + +journal article +10.3897/zookeys.1218.133703 +1E047454-E700-4FE4-A8FE-5828F5797980 + + + + + +Agroecotettix +Bruner 1908 + + + + + +Diagnosis. + + +A genus of medium-sized ( +18–31.1 mm +) brachypterous grasshoppers (Fig. +1 +). Head large and as broad or slightly broader than the prozona; vertex between the eyes slightly wider than the basal antennomere; fastigium broadly rounded being more pronounced dorsally than ventrally, with a shallow medial depression throughout. Eyes somewhat prominent, especially in males. Three ocelli present. Antennae filiform, usually with 23 flagellomeres, but occasionally 24 or 25; nearly cylindrical, but slightly flattened dorso-ventrally; equal in width throughout, except two basal articles. +Thorax +with prosternal spine well-developed; subquadrate basally and acutely pointed distally. Pronotum slightly convex, anterior and caudal margins sub-truncate, lateral margins sub parallel. Prozona mostly smooth, with light punctation along the apical margin, then smooth throughout; lateral lobes quadrate (more so in females) with parallel lateral margins and the ventral margin sloping ventrally caudally. Metazona punctate throughout, with humeral margins rounded, slightly diverging posteriorly in dorsal view. Median carina low, but distinct throughout, except where the sulci cross it. Anterior, median, and posterior sulci are apparent due to their black coloration, and all dissect the median carina and nearly reach the ventral margin of the lateral lobes. Lateral pronotal margins broadly rounded on the prozona and slightly angular on the metazona. Interspace between mesosternal lobes nearly twice as long as broad. Tegmina broadly oval; dorsal margins only slightly separated dorsally; strongly veined; extending little past the anterior margin of the first abdominal tergite. Pro and meso thoracic legs robust, inflated, and bowed. Hind femur enlarged with basal end bi-lobed. Hind tibia with 11 or 12 pairs of spines, but typically 11. Tympanum present under tegmina, appearing as an opaque whitish disk. Abdomen cylindrical with distal portion distinctly, but not greatly enlarged. +Terminalia of male +with bifurcate cerci (Figs +2 A – T +, +3 A, B +), longer than wide, but the length and angle of the branches varies between species, the dorsal branch is rounded distally and flattened ventrally, the ventral branch is produced as straight and slender spike. Subgenital plate with a low but even margin. Furcula (Fig. +3 A +) typically broadly rounded protuberances, projecting slightly beyond the end of the segment from which they originate; well separated. Supra-anal plate (Fig. +3 A, B +) of male broadly triangular, length equal to the width of the base, with the median groove anteriorly distinct with elevated sides that fade caudally; with a small median tubercule lateral to the groove. Pallium evident, sometimes prominent (Fig. +7 B +) and covering the dorsally projecting internal genitalia. +Phallic structures +(Fig. +3 C – F +). The valves of the aedeagus are quite variable between species, but in + +Agroecotettix + +the dorsal and ventral valves appear to be fused into a single structure that when paired bilaterally form a central channel. In the + +aristus + +group, the sheath of the aedeagus is produced as thickened, fleshy projections on the dorsal side of the valves (Figs +4 A – F +, +5 A – F +). The valves in the + +aristus + +group are entire in lateral profile (Fig. +5 A – F +). In the + +crypsidomus + +group, the sheath of the aedeagus is produced as thin projections on the dorsal side of the valves (Figs +4 G – R +, +5 G – R +). The valves of most species in the + +crypsidomus + +group are often lobate or undulate in lateral profile, though some are entire (Fig. +5 G – R +). The epiphallus is of the typical melanoploid shape, having lophi, ancorae, and an undivided bridge, but more precisely, members of + +Agroecotettix + +have a concave bridge, broadly rounded lophi, convexly curved lateral plates that are subdeltate in shape with a rounded anterior lobe and an acuminate caudal tip, and ancorae that are triangular, often tapering to a point (Fig. +3 C, D +). + + + + + + +Habitus illustrations of + +Agroecotettix aristus + +A +male +B +female. Created by Ashley Baker. + + + + + + + + +Agroecotettix + +cerci in lateral view unless noted otherwise +A + +A. aristus + +B + +A. silverheelsi + +C + +A. xiphophorus + +D + +A. xiphophorus + +ventral view +E + +A. texmex + +F + +A. cumbres + +G + +A. crypsidomus + +H + +A. chisosensis + +I + +A. dorni + +J + +A. burtoni + +K + +A. turneri + +L + +A. quitmanensis + +M + +A. moorei + +N + +A. chiantiensis + +O + +A. vaquero + +P + +A. forcipatus + +Q + +A. kahloae + +R + +A kahloae + +ventral view +S + +A. idic + +lateral view +T + +A. idic + +dorsal. + + + + + + + +Morphology of the male terminalia and phallic complex of + +Agroecotettix + +used in this work +A +dorsal view of male terminalia +B +Lateral view of the male terminalia +C +dorsal view of the phallic complex +D +lateral view of the phallic complex +E +epiphallus dorsal and caudal views +F +caudal view of the aedeagus. + + + + + + + +Caudal view of the aedeagus of + +Agroecotettix + +A +. + +A. silverheelsi + +B + +A. aristus + +C + +A. xiphophorus + +D + +A. glochinos + +E + +A. texmex + +F + +A. cumbres + +G + +A. crypsidomus + +H + +A. burtoni + +I + +A. moorei + +J + +A. chiantiensis + +K + +A. forcipatus + +L + +A. quitmanensis + +M + +A. dorni + +N + +A. chisosensis + +O + +A. turneri + +P + +A. vaquero + +Q + +A. idic + +R + +A. kahloae + +. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. + + + + + + + +Lateral view of the aedeagus of + +Agroecotettix + +A + +A. silverheelsi + +B + +A. aristus + +C + +A. xiphophorus + +D + +A. glochinos + +E + +A. texmex + +F + +A. cumbres + +G + +A. crypsidomus + +H + +A. burtoni + +I + +A. moorei + +J + +A. chiantiensis + +K + +A. forcipatus + +L + +A. quitmanensis + +M + +A. dorni + +N + +A. chisosensis + +O + +A. turneri + +P + +A. vaquero + +Q + +A. idic + +R + +A. kahloae + +. + + + +Females are similar to the males, but differ in being larger, more robust, with proportionately broader tegmina, and in the shape of the terminalia (Figs +1 B +, +6 +, +15 C, E +, +16 D +, +17 E, F +, +18 G, H +, +19 D +, +21 C +). +Terminalia of female +with triangular cerci and ovipositor valves that are subequal in length. The dorsal valves with their dorsum being nodose to slightly serrate proximally and concave and upcurving to a tip distally. The ventral valves with their ventral margins straight basally and then arching distally (Fig. +6 +). + + + + + + +Habitus of type specimen of + +Agroecotettix modestus + +. + + + + + + + + +Agroecotettix silverheelsi + +A +dorsal view of male terminalia +B +lateral view of male terminalia +C +dorsal view of phallic complex +D +lateral view of phallic complex +E +dorsal view of aedeagus +F +lateral view of aedeagus +G +caudal view of the aedeagus +H +dorsal view of epiphallus +I +caudal view of epiphallus +J +habitus. + + + + + +Coloration. + + +Ochraceous (brownish yellow) overall, with individual variation that can be either a tawny or cinereous hue (see Figs +26 +– +35 +), with a conspicuous round, lighter tawny spot laterad on the metathorax near the bast of the tegmina. Head with black markings, including a band along the dorsum, flecks on the genae and a post-ocular stripe. Pronotum with the post-ocular stripe continuing onto the prozona and mesosoma and then disappearing on the metazona; median carinae and sulci black. The wings are dark brown with a network of ochraceous veins. Abdomen with proximal tergites suffused with black spots. Ventral surface of the body pale with black sutures between the sternites. Male subgenital plate with a medial black spot. The fore and middle legs unmarked. The hind femur with two thick transverse bands laterally and suffused with black dorsally; genicular area black with ochraceous lobes; inner face bright yellow, and coral-red ventrally and crossed by black bands distally. Hind tibia with the first third ochraceous proximally, then with a ring of black, remaining two-thirds bright coral red with black tipped spines. + + + + +Etymology. + + +Agro +Latin = open country, +eco +Greek home, +tettix +Greek grasshopper. + + + + +Suggested common name. + + +Aridland scrub jumpers +. In reference to the arid habitat and plant community in which these grasshoppers are found. + + + + + +Agroecotettix + +superficially resemble + +Phaulotettix + +, but can be differentiated as follows: + + + +Agroecotettix + + + + +Tegmina broad and oval; attingent, nearly touching dorsally + + +Metathorax with a pale-colored spot + + +Cerci bifurcated + + +Hind tibia gray or yellow proximately, turning bright red distally + + +Inside of hind femur red + + +Furculae short and broad, and well separated from each other + + + + +Phaulotettix + + + + +Tegmina linear; their dorsal margins widely separated dorsally + + +Metathorax with a pale-colored stripe + + +Cerci falcate, simple + + +Hind tibia blue proximately, turning red distally + + +Inside of hind femur not red + + +Furculae short, obvious, linear; attingent or touching + + + + + + +<emphasis id="A1AD601BDFC759B0E19471A0154E03B8" italics="true">Key to</emphasis> +<taxonomicName id="B68B77DFDAC9E0D4E69108C24F59618A" authorityName="Bruner" authorityYear="1908" class="Insecta" family="Acrididae" genus="Agroecotettix" kingdom="Animalia" order="Orthoptera" phylum="Arthropoda" rank="genus"> +<emphasis id="79A964337D35FD5AC47D4E8D78FEA47A" italics="true">Agroecotettix</emphasis> +</taxonomicName> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
1 +Male cerci with ventral branch longer than dorsal branch as in Fig. +2 A – F +; sheath of aedeagus produced as thickened fleshy lobes dorsal to the valves as in Figs +4 A – F +, +5 A – F + + + +A. aristus + +group 3 + +
+Male cerci with ventral branch equal, subequal, or shorter than the dorsal branch as in Fig. +2 G – T +; sheath of aedeagus not produced as thickened fleshy lobes dorsal to the valves (Figs +4 G – R +, +5 G – R +) + +8 +
2Occurring north of the Rio Grande River in the United States +3 +
Occurring south of the Rio Grande River in Mexico +5 +
3 +Valves of aedeagus shorter than the sheath in lateral view; and with broadly rounded apices (Figs +4 B +, +5 B +); found in the South Texas Plains (Fig. +25 A +) + + + +A. silverheelsi + +sp. nov. + +
+Valves of aedeagus longer, extending well beyond the sheath in lateral view (Fig. +4 A +) + +4 +
4 +In caudal view, the valves of the aedeagus are relatively narrower and forming parallel dorsal and ventral arches that are narrowly rounded at their apices as in Fig. +4 B +; in lateral view; the distal edge of the valves are broadly rounded as in Fig. +5 B +; found across central west Texas to southern New Mexico (Fig. +25 A +) + + + +A. aristus +Hebard + + +
+In caudal view, the valves of the aedeagus are relatively more wider and form distally diverging arches that are more broadly rounded at their apices as in Fig. +4 E +; In lateral view, the distal edge of the valves forming an acute point dorsally, but with a broadly rounded ventral edge (Fig. +5 E +); found in extreme southern Texas in the vicinity of Jim Hogg County (Fig. +25 A +) + + + +A. texmex + +sp. nov. + +(in part) +
5 +Male cerci with branches widely separated and with the ventral branch much longer than the dorsal branch as in Fig. +2 C, D +; valves of the aedeagus with their dorsal margin somewhat bilobed and the ventral margin broadly rounded and with their distal apices diverging laterally as in Figs +4 C +, +5 C +; found in west-central Nuevo Leòn, Mexico (Fig. +25 A, C +) + + + +A. xiphophorus + +sp. nov. + +
+Male cerci with branches not widely separated and with the ventral branch only slightly longer than the dorsal branch as in Fig. +2 E, F +; valves of the aedeagus with their dorsal margin not bilobed + +6 +
6 +Valves of the aedeagus with their lateral margins greatly expanded centrally and with the dorsal apices forming acute parallel points and the ventral apices forming rounded parallel arches in caudal view as in Fig. +4 D +; in lateral view the valves are directed apically (Fig. +5 D +); found in the vicinity of Galeana, MX (Fig. +25 A, C +) + + + +A. glochinos + +sp. nov. + +
+Valves of the aedeagus with their apices diverging distally in caudal view as in Fig. +4 D, E +; in lateral view the valves are directed more caudally as in Fig. +5 D – F + +7 +
7 +In caudal view, the valves of the aedeagus relatively narrower (Fig. +4 E +); in lateral view, the ventral edge of the valves are broadly rounded at their apices (Fig. +5 E +); found in the vicinity northern Nuevo León, Mexico (Fig. +25 A +) + + + +A. texmex + +sp. nov. + +(in part) +
+In caudal view, the valves of the aedeagus are very broad (Fig. +4 F +); and are more broadly rounded at their apices (Fig. +4 F +) and in lateral view with their distal edge forming an acute point dorsally and the ventral edge truncated (Fig. +5 F +); found in the vicinity of Galeana, Mexico (Figs +25 A +, +26 B +) + + + +A. cumbres + +sp. nov. + +
8 +In lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are lobate as in Fig. +5 G – J + + + +A. crypsidomus + +group 9 + +
+In lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are falcate or quadrate laterally as in Fig. +5 K – R + +13 +
9 +In lateral view, the distal lobes of the aedeagus valves are more widely incised and the basal lobes are small or absent as in as in Fig. +5 G, H +, and in caudal view the dorsal valve is deeply undulate as in Fig. +4 G, H + +11 +
10 +In lateral view, the apical lobes of the aedeagus valves are narrowly, but deeply incised resulting in the basal lobe being more pronounced and obvious as in Fig. +5 I, J + +12 +
11 +In lateral view, basal lobe of aedeagus valves extending much beyond the sheath (Fig. +4 G +); dorsal lobes projected laterally in caudal view (Fig. +5 G +); Marathon, Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. crypsidomus +Hebard + + +
+In lateral view, basal lobe of aedeagus valves not extending much beyond the sheath (Fig. +5 H +); dorsal lobe almost vertical or curving medially (Fig. +5 H +); Big Bend region of Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. burtoni + +sp. nov. + +
12 +In lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are shallowly incised with a broad distal lobe that is truncated apically, and the basal lobe is shorter (Fig. +5 I +); in caudal view the valves of the aedeagus are concave as in Fig. +4 I +; Found in the vicinity of Sanderson, Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. moorei + +sp. nov. + +
+In lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are deeply incised with a narrower and slightly acute distal lobe, and a longer basal lobe as in Fig. +5 J +; in caudal view the valves of the aedeagus are convex as in Fig. +4 J +; found in the Chianti Mountains of southern Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. chiantiensis + +sp. nov. + +
13Occurring north of the Rio Grande River in the United States +14 +
Occurring south of the Rio Grande River in Mexico +17 +
14 +In lateral view, the apices of the valves of the aedeagus point caudally as in Fig. +5 M +, found in the vicinity of western Brewster County, Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. turneri + +sp. nov. + +
+In lateral view, the apices of the valves of the aedeagus curve apically as is Fig. +5 L – O + +15 +
15 +In lateral view, the apical edge of the valves of the aedeagus are thicker finger-like projections as in Fig. +5 L +; found in the vicinity of the Quitman Mountains in Hudspeth County, Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. quitmanensis + +sp. nov. + +
+In lateral view, the apical edge of the valves of the aedeagus are thin blade-like projections as in Fig. +5 M, N +) + +16 +
16 +In lateral view, the valves of aedeagus thinly falcate, long and sword-like as in Figs +5 M +, and in caudal view the lateral margins extend well beyond the rest of the valves and their apical margins are slightly curved distally as in 4 M; found in the southern Big Bend region of Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A, B +) + + + +A. dorni + +sp. nov. + +
+In lateral view, the valves of aedeagus broad as in Fig. +5 N +, and in caudal view the lateral margins do not extend well beyond the rest of the valves and their apical margins are curved medially as in Fig. +4 N +; endemic to the Chisos Mountains of the Big Bend region of Texas (Figs +25 +, +26 A +) + + + +A. chisosensis + +sp. nov. + +
17 +Male cerci with the ventral branch reduced and rounded as in Fig. +2 O +; in lateral view, the sheath of the aedeagus is well developed and expanded laterally around the valves; in lateral view, the aedeagus valves are wide with their apices broadly curved (Fig. +5 P +); in caudal view the valves or greatly narrowed in their apical third as in Fig. +4 P +; found in northern Coahuila, Mexico (Fig. +25 +) + + + +A. vaquero + +sp. nov. + +
Male cerci longer with both dorsal and ventral branches well produced +18 +
18 +Male cerci short and not curved medially as in Fig. +2 P +; in lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are acutely pointed apically and are greatly widened in their lower half; in caudal view the apical margins of the valves are slightly curved distally as in Fig. +4 O +; found southern Coahuila, Mexico in the vicinity of the Sierra de la Gloria (Fig. +25 +) + + + +A. forcipatus + +sp. nov. + +
+Male cerci longer (Fig. +2 Q – T +); dorsal and lower branches subequal in length + +19 +
19 +Male cercus gently curved medially (Fig. +2 Q, R +); in lateral view the valves of the aedeagus are narrowly quadrate with the distal apices truncate apically as in Figs +4 Q +, +5 Q +; in caudal view the valves are also quadrate with the apical margin truncate as in Figs +4 R +, +5 R +; found in the vicinity of Saltillo, Mexico (Figs +25 +, +26 B +) + + + +A. idic + +sp. nov. + +
+Male cercus strongly curved medially (Fig. +2 S, T +); in lateral view, the valves of the aedeagus are broad and arching with the distal apices rounded (Fig. +5 R +); in caudal view, valves acuminate; Arteaga, Mexico (Figs +25 +, +26 B +) + + + +A. kahloae + +sp. nov. + +
+ + + +<taxonomicName id="66E3E2FB9A8BFE9E35C9ADB59215065B"> +<emphasis id="3C953C33B61B2E010DAE65C832F710E6" italics="true">Agroecotettix</emphasis> +species +</taxonomicName> +checklist + + + + +<emphasis id="ECCC6EA3C0F1E42288276D2F56E76C87" italics="true">Incertae sedis</emphasis> + + + +1. + +Agroecotettix modestus +Brunner, 1908 + +, +stat. nov. +— Figs +6 +, +25 + + + +<taxonomicName id="3F6B42F4B0D0A1BAA4ECEC938CDE6E87" authorityName="Hebard" baseAuthorityName="Hebard" baseAuthorityYear="1922" class="Insecta" family="Acrididae" genus="Agroecotettix" kingdom="Animalia" order="Orthoptera" phylum="Arthropoda" rank="species" species="aristus"> +<emphasis id="C9D90F77C30552C4A00FD29EF68D8E95" italics="true">A. aristus</emphasis> +</taxonomicName> +group + + + +2. + +Agroecotettix silverheelsi + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 B +, +4 A +, +5 A +, +7 A – J +, +23 A – C +, +25 +, +26 A + + +3. + +Agroecotettix aristus +Hebard, 1922 + +, +stat. nov. +— Figs +2 A +, +4 B +, +5 B +, +8 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +28 A – E +, +29 A – E + + +4. + +Agroecotettix xiphophorus + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 C, D +, +4 C +, +5 C +, +9 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + +5. + +Agroecotettix glochinos + +sp. nov. +— Figs +4 D +, +5 D +, +10 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + +6. + +Agroecotettix texmex + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 E +, +4 E +, +5 E +, +11 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + +7. + +Agroecotettix cumbres + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 F +, +4 F +, +5 F +, +12 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + + +A. crypsidomus + +group + + +8. + +Agroecotettix crypsidomus +Hebard, 1922 + +, +stat. nov. +— Figs +2 G +, +4 G +, +5 G +, +13 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +31 A – F + + +9. + +Agroecotettix burtoni + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 J +, +4 H +, +5 H +, +14 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +31 A – D + + +10. + +Agroecotettix moorei + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 M +, +4 I +, +5 I +, +15 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +32 A – D + + +11. + +Agroecotettix chiantiensis + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 N +, +4 J +, +5 J +, +16 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +33 A – C + + +12. + +Agroecotettix dorni + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 I +, +4 M +, +5 M +, +17 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +34 A – D + + +13. + +Agroecotettix chisosensis + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 H +, +4 N +, +5 N +, +18 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +36 A – E + + +14. + +Agroecotettix turneri + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 K +, +4 K +, +5 K +, +19 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A +, +36 A – D + + +15. + +Agroecotettix quitmanensis + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 L +, +4 P +, +5 P +, +20 A – J +, +25 +, +26 A + + +16. + +Agroecotettix vaquero + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 T +, +4 P +, +5 P +, +21 A – J +, +25 + + +17. + +Agroecotettix forcipatus + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 O +, +4 O +, +5 O +, +22 A – J +, +25 + + +18. + +Agroecotettix idic + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 S +, +4 Q +, +5 Q +, +23 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + +19. + +Agroecotettix kahloae + +sp. nov. +— Figs +2 Q +, +4 R +, +5 R +, +24 A – J +, +25 +, +26 B + + +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B61FFA2FF27EE9B1E2EF7D6.xml b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B61FFA2FF27EE9B1E2EF7D6.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2ae6baae193 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B61FFA2FF27EE9B1E2EF7D6.xml @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ + + + +A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence + + + +Author + +Liu, Fei-Fei +0000-0001-6468-2774 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 + + + +Author + +Wu, Gang +0000-0002-0076-5957 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 + + + +Author + +Yang, Zhu L. +0000-0001-9745-8453 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 + +text + + +Phytotaxa + + +2023 + +2023-01-06 + + +578 + + +2 + + +141 +157 + + + + + + +journal article +226686 +10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 +befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b +1179-3163 +7517836 + + + + + + +Phlegmacium glaucopus +(Schaeff.) W̧nsche + +, Die Pilze: 131, 1877 +Figs. 2C +, +3C +1–C +4. + + + + + +Basionym: + +Agaricus glaucopus +Schaeff., Fung. Bavar. Palat. + +4: 23. 1774: sanctioned in Fr., +Syst. Mycol. 1: 224. 1821 + + + +MycoBank: +MB 357329 + + + + + +Description:— +Pileus +4–6 cm +, hemispherical, then plano-convex to plane, first viscid but soon dry, finely innately fibrillose, center reddish brown, ochraceous yellow towards the margin. +Lamellae +emarginate, +4–5 mm +broad, crowded (L = 115–130, l = 1–2), first reddish lilac, later brown. +Stipe +3 cm +long, +2–2.5 cm +thick at apex, +3–4 cm +wide at the base, bulbous with a marginate bulb, ochraceous brown, whitish at apex, very finely fibrillose; basal mycelium white. +Context +whitish with a bluish tint in pileus and stipe. + + +Basidiospores +[40/2/1] (7–)8–9(–10) × 4.5–6 μm, av. 8.43–8.45 × 5.02–5.07 μm, Q = 1.25–1.83(–1.88), Qav. = 1.67–1.69, elongate, occasionally ellipsoid, strongly verrucose. +Basidia +20–30 × 6–8 μm, 4-spored, clavate, colorless to pale yellow with small granules. + +Cystidia + +absent. +Lamellar trama hyphae +(3–)4–7(–10) μm wide, colorless, sometimes yellowish, smooth. +Stipe hyphae +(3–)5–7(–8) μm wide, colorless, sometimes yellowish, smooth. +Pileipellis +duplex, the upper layer (40–80 μm thick), gelatinous, composed of narrow, colorless to light yellow, some spirally incrusted, thin-walled, long-celled hyphae measuring 3–5 μm wide; lower layer composed of interwoven to parallel cylindrical, ochraceous yellow to light yellow, thin-walled hyphae measuring (3–)5–10 μm wide. +Clamp connections +common in all parts of basidioma. + + +Habitat and distribution:—Solitary to gregarious on soil in coniferous or deciduous forests. Summer. Currently known in the +USA +, +Finland +, +Canada +, +Sweden +( + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +), and northwestern +China +(this study). + + + +Specimen +examined:— +CHINA +. +Xinjiang Uygur +Autonomous Region +: +Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture +, +Zhaosu County +, in a forest with + +Picea + +, altitude + +2264 m + +, + +5 August 2021 + +, Geng-Shen Wang 1720 ( +KUN-HKAS124253 +) + +. + + +Notes:— + +Phlegmacium glaucopus + +is mainly characterized by its slightly viscid, ochraceous yellow to reddish brown pileus, reddish lilac lamellae when young, marginate bulb, and elongate, occasionally ellipsoid basidiospores measuring (7–)8–9(–10) × 4.5–6 μm. It grows in coniferous or deciduous forests. The description of + +P. glaucopus + +in +Orton (1955) +& + +Liimatainen +et al. +(2014) + +fairly fits our collection. + + +Based on morphological and molecular data, + +P. subfoetens +(M.M. Moser & McKnight) Niskanen & Liimat. (2022: 153) + +and + +P. subrubrovelatum +(Bidaud) Niskanen & Liimat. (2022: 153) + +are the closest relatives of + +P. glaucopus + +. These two species also grow in coniferous forests. However, + +P. subfoetens + +has a larger basidioma and larger basidiospores (8.2–9.7 × 5–5.4 μm, Q = 1.58–1.82), and + +P. subrubrovelatum + +has lighter reddish-brown colors in the pileipellis, bluish lamellae and more incrusted hyphae in the upper layer of the pileipellis ( + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +). + + + +Phlegmacium kytoevuorii +(Niskanen & Liimat.) Niskanen & Liimat. + +, +Fungal Divers. +112: 145, 2022 +Figs. 2D +, +3D +1–D +4. + + +≡ + +Cortinarius kytoevuorii +Niskanen & Liimat., Persoonia + +33: 124, 2014 + + + +MycoBank: +MB 558969 + + + +Description:— +Pileus +4.5–7.5 cm +, hemispherical, then plano-convex to plane, viscid but soon dry, slightly fibrillose, and always with white patches of the veil at pileus center, yellow to yellowish brown. +Lamellae +emarginate, +4–5 mm +broad, crowded (L = 100–120, l = 1–3), first pale yellow, later brown. +Stipe +4.5–6.5 cm +long, +1–2 cm +thick at apex, +2–2.5 cm +wide at the base, bulbous with a marginate bulb, whitish, ornamented with ochraceous yellow fibrils; basal mycelium white. +Context +white in pileus and stipe. + + +Basidiospores +[80/4/2] 8–9(–10) × 5–6 μm, av. 8.54–8.87 × 5.48–5.53 μm, Q = 1.33–1.85, Qav. = 1.56–1.61, ellipsoid to elongate, strongly verrucose. +Basidia +(22–)26–32(–35) × 7–8 μm, 4-spored, clavate, colorless, sometimes pale yellow with small granules. + +Cystidia + +absent. +Lamellar trama hyphae +(2–)3–5(–6) μm wide, colorless, sometimes pale yellow, smooth. +Stipe hyphae +3–7(–10) μm wide, colorless to amber yellow, smooth. +Pileipellis +duplex, the upper layer (45–80 μm thick) gelatinous, composed of narrow, colorless to pale yellow, spirally incrusted, thin-walled, longcelled hyphae measuring (1.5–)2–5 μm wide; lower layer composed of interwoven to parallel cylindrical, ochraceous yellow, brown to yellowish, thin-walled hyphae measuring 5–10(–15) μm wide. +Clamp connections +common in all parts of basidioma. + + +Habitat and distribution:—Solitary to gregarious on soil in coniferous forests. Summer to autumn. Currently known from +Finland +( + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +) and northwestern +China +(this study). + + +Specimens examined:— +CHINA +. +Xinjiang Uygur +Autonomous Region: Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Zhaosu County, in a forest with + +Picea + +, altitude +1932 m +, +6 August 2021 +, Lei Lei 177 (KUN-HKAS124260); same county, in a forest with + +Picea + +, altitude +2532 m +, +5 August 2021 +, Geng-Shen Wang 1695 (KUN-HKAS124252). + + + +FIGURE 3. +The basidiospores and pileipellis of + +P. ochraceosquamosum + +: +A1–4. +HKAS124256 (holotype); + +P. caesiocolor + +: +B1–4. +HKAS67872; + +P. glaucopus + +: +C1–4. +HKAS124253; + +P. kytoevuorii + +: +D1–4. +HKAS124252. (continued on the next page) + + + + +FIGURE 3. +(Continued) The basidiospores and pileipellis of + +P. paracephalixum + +: +E1–4. +HKAS92058; + +P. patrickense + +: +F1–4. +HKAS124259; + +P. violaceorubens + +: +G1–4. +HKAS124254. + + + +Notes:— + +Phlegmacium kytoevuorii + +is mainly characterized by its slightly viscid, yellow to yellowish brown pileus, always with white patches of the veil at the pileus center, marginate bulbous stipe, and ellipsoid to elongate basidiospores measuring 8–9(–10)× 5–6 μm. This species was originally described in +Finland +and found in coniferous forests ( + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +). + + +The sister species + +P. subrugulosum +(Bidaud & Armada) Niskanen & Liimat. (2022: 153) + +is separated by its more abundant radial fibrils on the pileus, submarginate to marginate bulbous stipe, and smaller basidiospores (7.3–8.6 × 5–5.7 μm, Qav. = 1.50) ( +Soop 2004 +, +2005 +; + +Bidaud +et al. +2006 + +; + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +). + + +Very recently, + +P. kytoevuorii + +was reported in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, +Xinjiang Uygur +Autonomous Region, +China +( + +Wang +et al. +2022 + +). + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA3FF27EE981D34F5F9.xml b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA3FF27EE981D34F5F9.xml index 3058830a436..c9ba21ec575 100644 --- a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA3FF27EE981D34F5F9.xml +++ b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA3FF27EE981D34F5F9.xml @@ -1,66 +1,66 @@ - - - -A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence + + + +A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence - - -Author + + +Author -Liu, Fei-Fei -0000-0001-6468-2774 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 +Liu, Fei-Fei +0000-0001-6468-2774 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 - - -Author + + +Author -Wu, Gang -0000-0002-0076-5957 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 +Wu, Gang +0000-0002-0076-5957 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 - - -Author + + +Author -Yang, Zhu L. -0000-0001-9745-8453 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 +Yang, Zhu L. +0000-0001-9745-8453 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 -text - - -Phytotaxa +text + + +Phytotaxa - -2023 - -2023-01-06 + +2023 + +2023-01-06 - -578 + +578 - -2 + +2 - -141 -157 + +141 +157 - - + + -journal article -226686 -10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 -befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b -1179-3163 -7517836 +journal article +226686 +10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 +befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b +1179-3163 +7517836 @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ and (this study).
- + Specimen @@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ examined:— . + + Notes:— @@ -230,8 +232,6 @@ by its grayish lilac lamellae and the absence of the redness of the context ( Henry 1986 ). - - Phlegmacium patrickense diff --git a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD4192FF235.xml b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD4192FF235.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1339d2e0ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD4192FF235.xml @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ + + + +A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence + + + +Author + +Liu, Fei-Fei +0000-0001-6468-2774 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 + + + +Author + +Wu, Gang +0000-0002-0076-5957 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 + + + +Author + +Yang, Zhu L. +0000-0001-9745-8453 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 + +text + + +Phytotaxa + + +2023 + +2023-01-06 + + +578 + + +2 + + +141 +157 + + + + + + +journal article +226686 +10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 +befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b +1179-3163 +7517836 + + + + + + + +Phlegmacium patrickense +( + +M.M. Moser +) +Niskanen & Liimat., Fungal Divers. + +112: 149, 2022 +Figs. 2F +, +3F + +1 + +F + +4. + + + + + +≡ + +Cortinarius patrickensis +(M.M. Moser) Niskanen, Liimat., Kytöv., Bojantchev & Ammirati, Persoonia + +33: 125, 2014 + + + + + +MycoBank: +MB 559011 + + + +Description:— +Pileus +3.5–4.2 cm +, hemispherical, then plano-convex, first slightly viscid but soon dry, with ochraceous brown appressed squamules at the center, whitish to ochraceous yellow fibrillose towards the margin, and always with white patches of the veil at pileus margin. +Lamellae +emarginate, +3–4 mm +broad, crowded (L = 80–90, l = 1–2), first whitish with an orange tint, later brown. +Stipe +4.5–6 cm +long, +1–1.5 cm +thick at apex, +1.5–1.8 cm +wide at the base, cylindrical to slightly clavate, whitish to ochraceous yellow, very fibrillose; basal mycelium white. +Context +white in pileus, white to pale yellow in stipe. + + +Basidiospores +[40/2/2] (11–)12–14(–15) × 7–9 μm, av. 12.43–12.64 × 7.74–8.01 μm, Q = 1.33–1.86(–1.93), Qav. = 1.56–1.64, amygdaliform, strongly verrucose. +Basidia +(31–)35–46 × (9–)10–13(–15) μm, 4-spored, clavate, colorless to pale yellow, mostly granulose. + +Cystidia + +absent. +Lamellar trama hyphae +(2–)4–7(–10) μm wide, colorless to pale yellow, smooth. +Stipe hyphae +3–5(–11) μm wide, colorless to pale yellow, smooth. +Pileipellis +duplex, the upper layer (38–80 μm thick) gelatinous, composed of narrow, colorless to pale yellow, sometimes incrusted, thin-walled, long-celled hyphae measuring 3–5 μm wide; lower layer composed of interwoven to parallel cylindrical, yellow to pale orange, thin-walled hyphae measuring (3–)5–6(–10) μm wide. +Clamp connections +common in all parts of basidioma. + + + + +Habitat and distribution:—Solitary to scattered on soil in coniferous forests. Summer. Currently known from the +USA +, +France +(Moser & Ammirati 2000, +Brandrud 1996 +) and northwestern +China +(this study). + + +Specimens examined:— +CHINA +. +Xinjiang Uygur +Autonomous Region: Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Zhaosu County, in a forest with + +Picea + +, altitude +2237 m +, +5 August 2021 +, Xue-Ping Fan 088 (KUN-HKAS12425); same county, in a forest with + +Picea + +, altitude +1512 m +, +5 August 2021 +, Li-Rong Liu 130 (KUN-HKAS124259). + + + + +Notes:— + +Phlegmacium patrickense + +is mainly characterized by its slightly viscid, ochraceous yellow to brown pileus, always with white patches of the veil at the pileus margin, cylindrical to the slightly clavate stipe, and amygdaliform basidiospores measuring (11–)12–14(–15) × 7–9 μm. It grows in boreal coniferous forests associated with + +Picea + +. The description in + +Liimatainen +et al. +(2014) + +fairly fits our collections. + + + +Phlegmacium paracephalixum + +and + +P. rosargutum + +are close relatives of + +P. patrickense + +. + +Phlegmacium paracephalixum + +, however, has a larger basidioma, more yellowish pileus, and narrower basidiospores (10.7–12.2 × 6–7 μm, Q = 1.65–1.88), and + +P. rosargutum + +has more abundant universal veil remnants on the pileus surface and smaller basidiospores (9.5–12 × 6.5–7.5 μm, Q = 1.43–1.59) ( +Brandrud 1996 +, + +Liimatainen +et al. +2014 + +). + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD41FB8F6B5.xml b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B65FFA4FF27EC931FB8F6B5.xml similarity index 50% rename from data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD41FB8F6B5.xml rename to data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B65FFA4FF27EC931FB8F6B5.xml index 22f3a722f7f..e883d8ded45 100644 --- a/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B62FFA4FF27EBD41FB8F6B5.xml +++ b/data/BE/2A/3C/BE2A3C7B3B65FFA4FF27EC931FB8F6B5.xml @@ -1,230 +1,69 @@ - - - -A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence + + + +A new species and new records of Phlegmacium (Cortinariaceae) from China based on molecular and morphological evidence - - -Author + + +Author -Liu, Fei-Fei -0000-0001-6468-2774 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 +Liu, Fei-Fei +0000-0001-6468-2774 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & liufeifei @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6468 - 2774 - - -Author + + +Author -Wu, Gang -0000-0002-0076-5957 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 +Wu, Gang +0000-0002-0076-5957 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & wugang @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0076 - 5957 - - -Author + + +Author -Yang, Zhu L. -0000-0001-9745-8453 -Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 +Yang, Zhu L. +0000-0001-9745-8453 +Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & Yunnan Key Laboratory for Fungal Diversity and Green Development, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China & fungi @ mail. kib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9745 - 8453 -text - - -Phytotaxa +text + + +Phytotaxa - -2023 - -2023-01-06 + +2023 + +2023-01-06 - -578 + +578 - -2 + +2 - -141 -157 + +141 +157 - - + + -journal article -226686 -10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 -befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b -1179-3163 -7517836 +journal article +226686 +10.11646/phytotaxa.578.2.1 +befbae83-d377-4a7a-b088-015670c70c8b +1179-3163 +7517836 - - - - - - -Phlegmacium patrickense -( - -M.M. Moser -) -Niskanen & Liimat., Fungal Divers. - -112: 149, 2022 -Figs. 2F -, -3F - -1 - -F - -4. - - - - - -≡ - -Cortinarius patrickensis -(M.M. Moser) Niskanen, Liimat., Kytöv., Bojantchev & Ammirati, Persoonia - -33: 125, 2014 - - - - - -MycoBank: -MB 559011 - - - -Description:— -Pileus -3.5–4.2 cm -, hemispherical, then plano-convex, first slightly viscid but soon dry, with ochraceous brown appressed squamules at the center, whitish to ochraceous yellow fibrillose towards the margin, and always with white patches of the veil at pileus margin. -Lamellae -emarginate, -3–4 mm -broad, crowded (L = 80–90, l = 1–2), first whitish with an orange tint, later brown. -Stipe -4.5–6 cm -long, -1–1.5 cm -thick at apex, -1.5–1.8 cm -wide at the base, cylindrical to slightly clavate, whitish to ochraceous yellow, very fibrillose; basal mycelium white. -Context -white in pileus, white to pale yellow in stipe. - - -Basidiospores -[40/2/2] (11–)12–14(–15) × 7–9 μm, av. 12.43–12.64 × 7.74–8.01 μm, Q = 1.33–1.86(–1.93), Qav. = 1.56–1.64, amygdaliform, strongly verrucose. -Basidia -(31–)35–46 × (9–)10–13(–15) μm, 4-spored, clavate, colorless to pale yellow, mostly granulose. - -Cystidia - -absent. -Lamellar trama hyphae -(2–)4–7(–10) μm wide, colorless to pale yellow, smooth. -Stipe hyphae -3–5(–11) μm wide, colorless to pale yellow, smooth. -Pileipellis -duplex, the upper layer (38–80 μm thick) gelatinous, composed of narrow, colorless to pale yellow, sometimes incrusted, thin-walled, long-celled hyphae measuring 3–5 μm wide; lower layer composed of interwoven to parallel cylindrical, yellow to pale orange, thin-walled hyphae measuring (3–)5–6(–10) μm wide. -Clamp connections -common in all parts of basidioma. - - -Habitat and distribution:—Solitary to scattered on soil in coniferous forests. Summer. Currently known from the -USA -, -France -(Moser & Ammirati 2000, -Brandrud 1996 -) and northwestern -China -(this study). - - -Specimens examined:— -CHINA -. -Xinjiang Uygur -Autonomous Region: Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Zhaosu County, in a forest with - -Picea - -, altitude -2237 m -, -5 August 2021 -, Xue-Ping Fan 088 (KUN-HKAS12425); same county, in a forest with - -Picea - -, altitude -1512 m -, -5 August 2021 -, Li-Rong Liu 130 (KUN-HKAS124259). - - -Notes:— - -Phlegmacium patrickense - -is mainly characterized by its slightly viscid, ochraceous yellow to brown pileus, always with white patches of the veil at the pileus margin, cylindrical to the slightly clavate stipe, and amygdaliform basidiospores measuring (11–)12–14(–15) × 7–9 μm. It grows in boreal coniferous forests associated with - -Picea - -. The description in - -Liimatainen -et al. -(2014) - -fairly fits our collections. - - - - - -Phlegmacium paracephalixum - -and - -P. rosargutum - -are close relatives of - -P. patrickense - -. - -Phlegmacium paracephalixum - -, however, has a larger basidioma, more yellowish pileus, and narrower basidiospores (10.7–12.2 × 6–7 μm, Q = 1.65–1.88), and - -P. rosargutum - -has more abundant universal veil remnants on the pileus surface and smaller basidiospores (9.5–12 × 6.5–7.5 μm, Q = 1.43–1.59) ( -Brandrud 1996 -, - -Liimatainen -et al. -2014 - -). - + + Phlegmacium violaceorubens @@ -238,7 +77,7 @@ Liimatainen 4. - + @@ -250,7 +89,7 @@ Moënne-Locc. & Reumaux ’], Atlas des Cortinaires, Pars II (Annecy): 27, 1990 - + MycoBank: @@ -294,6 +133,8 @@ duplex, the upper layer (80–110 μm thick) gelatinous, composed of narrow, yel Clamp connections common in all parts of basidioma. + + Habitat and distribution:—Solitary to scattered on soil in forests dominated by @@ -317,6 +158,8 @@ Liimatainen China (this study). + + Specimen @@ -324,9 +167,9 @@ examined:— CHINA . Xinjiang Uygur -Autonomous Region +Autonomous Region : -Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture +Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture , Zhaosu County , in a forest with @@ -346,6 +189,8 @@ examined:— ) + + Notes:— @@ -357,8 +202,6 @@ is mainly characterized by its slightly viscid violaceous brown pileus with abun -dominated forests. - - Phlegmacium violaceorubens diff --git a/data/C1/92/01/C192018971C75C14AFEAE51730C2EAD5.xml b/data/C1/92/01/C192018971C75C14AFEAE51730C2EAD5.xml index 08cbc35b9dd..6afd3bbe874 100644 --- a/data/C1/92/01/C192018971C75C14AFEAE51730C2EAD5.xml +++ b/data/C1/92/01/C192018971C75C14AFEAE51730C2EAD5.xml @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ - - - -Desert diversification: revision of Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) with descriptions of sixteen new species from the United States and Mexico + + + +Desert diversification: revision of Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908 (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Melanoplinae) with descriptions of sixteen new species from the United States and Mexico - - -Author + + +Author -Hill, JoVonn G. -0000-0002-1892-7117 -Mississippi Entomological Museum, Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, USA +Hill, JoVonn G. +0000-0002-1892-7117 +Mississippi Entomological Museum, Department of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology, and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University, Starkville, USA -text - - -ZooKeys +text + + +ZooKeys - -2024 - -2024-11-21 + +2024 + +2024-11-21 - -1218 + +1218 - -177 -230 + +177 +230 -journal article -10.3897/zookeys.1218.133703 -1E047454-E700-4FE4-A8FE-5828F5797980 +journal article +10.3897/zookeys.1218.133703 +1E047454-E700-4FE4-A8FE-5828F5797980 - + @@ -140,18 +140,19 @@ habitus. - +1 ♂ , Mexico , -Coahulla +Coahulla , - + 11 mi -NW Muzquiz +NW +Muzquiz , 31 July 1959 @@ -161,13 +162,10 @@ NW Muzquiz 1550 ft , -T -. -J. Cohn -, # 126, UMMZI- 0058033. -Deposited -in the -Mississippi Entomological Museum. +T. J. Cohn +, # 126, +UMMZI-0058033 +. Deposited in the Mississippi Entomological Museum. @@ -176,25 +174,24 @@ in the Specimens examined. - + Mexico : Coahuila : • - + 5.8 mi -S Castaños - +S + +Castaños , 20 August 1965 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 2700 ft @@ -206,35 +203,35 @@ S Castaños ) • - + + 2 mi -NW +NW + Hermanas , 19 September 1958 13–1400 ’ -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn ( 1 ♂ ) • - + + 5 mi -S +S + Hermanas , 1 August 1959 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 1350 ft @@ -246,18 +243,18 @@ S ) • - + + 2 mi -SE +SE + Muzquiz , 14 September 1958 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 3700 ft @@ -269,18 +266,18 @@ SE ) • - + + 4 mi -E +E + Muzquiz , 1 August 1959 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 1600 ft @@ -292,18 +289,18 @@ E ) • - + + 2 mi -SE +SE + Muzquiz , 14 September 1958 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 3700 ft. @@ -315,18 +312,18 @@ SE ) • - + + 11 mi -NW +NW + Muzquiz , 31 July 1959 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 1550 ft @@ -338,16 +335,14 @@ NW ) • - + San Juan de Sabinas-Rosita , 15–16 September 1958 , -T -. -J. Cohn +T. J. Cohn , 1200 ft