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+Amauromelpia, a new Northern Neotropical genus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
+Fernandes, José Antônio Marin
+Grazia, Jocélia
+Oxford, England
+journal article
+Amauromelpia ussu
+sp. n.
+Figs. 1
+-5,10- 12,16, 18, 19)
+Etymology. From tupy language; ussu = big.
+, 29.VH. 1978, WBenson col. (
+Las Cañas
+, 10mt,
+19, 20.III.
+1965 (AMN1-1).
+, 1850,
+D. Jekel
+col., Spinolals collection (
+: same data as holotype, 1 d‘ (
+), 1 d‘, 2Q (
+Igarapé Belém
+near Rio Solimões about
+70 km
+East of Leticia (Colombia)
+, 10",
+. 1970
+B. Malkin
+Médio Purüs
+19, 17.X.
+J. Campbell
+col. (
+, 19, 6-
+I.199l, C. S. Motta, EA. Peralta & B.R. Teles col. (
+Benjamin Constant
+, 19, H. l 962,
+. Silva
+col. (
+, 3Q,
+. Vrebemburg
+col. (BMNI-I);
+Rio Parú
+, 1Q, V'11.1952,
+J.C. M. Carvalho
+col. (
+, 1d,
+D. Mendes
+col. (
+), 1d, same data (
+), 19, same data (
+, 1Q, VIH. 1936, Worontzow col. (
+19, 16- 17.IX.
+1930, Holt, Blake &Agostini col. (U SNM).
+Itenez river
+at mouth of Baures river
+, 19, 1X-X. 1964,
+J.K. Bouseman & J. Lussenhop
+col. (
+Body length 7.6-9.6. Abdominal width 4.6-5.6 (fig. 1). Head length 1.5 -2.0. Head width 1.9-2.1. Pronotal length 1.9-2.3. Pronotal Width 4.5 -5.3. Scutellal length 2.9-3.5. Scutellal width 2.9-3.4. Tylus slightly longer than jugae (in
+two specimens
+of the sample tylus little shorter than jugae). Outer lateral margin of jugae anteriorly convergent. Punctures of head regularly distributed except for the tylus that is almost impunctate. Antero-lateral margins of pronotum almost rectilinear. Its anterior half slightly crenulated. Corium densely, uniformly punctured.
+Fig. 1. HabitusAmauromelpia
+sp. n.
+Pygophore. Diaphragma at each side of segment X with an excavation delimited by a dark-castaneous carena (figs. 2-5).
+Processus capitati
+reduced in relation to A.
+, with diameter almost half the
+Processus conjunctivae
+1 straight and stouter than in A.
+(figs. 10- 12).
+Gonocoxites 8 uniformly tumid; posterior border convex. Posterior border of laterotergites 8 just surpassing apices of laterotergites 9 inner postero-lateral angle obtuse. Apices of laterotergites 9 not surpassing transverse band uniting laterotergites 8 dorsally (fig. 16). Gonocoxites 9 with turgid lateral areas; arms reach base of laterotergites 9. Secondary thickening of gonapophyses 9 large, partially hiding
+(fig. 18).
+Ductus receptaculi
+(dr) extremely long (fig. 19), wound before and after vesicular area (va). Annular crests (aac, pac) little developed.
+intermedialis (pi) with a narrow sclerotized ring at base.
+Capsula seminalis
+globose, shorter than
+Distribution. Costa Rica: Guanacaste; French Guyana; Brazil: Amazonas, Pará; Bolivia: Beni.
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+Amauromelpia, a new Northern Neotropical genus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
+Fernandes, José Antônio Marin
+Grazia, Jocélia
+Oxford, England
+journal article
+. n.
+Etimology. Greek, amauro =dark, melpia:proper name; gender neuter.
+Amauromelpia ussu
+sp. n.
+Castaneous to dark castaneous. Elliptical-shaped body. Body length 6,5-9,6. Abdominal width 3,7 -5,6.
+Head wider than long. Jugae and tylus subequal in length. Antennae with segment I not attaining apex of head. Antennal segments I and H subequal in length, IH subequal to V both longer than IV; segment IV slightly dorsoventrally depressed and very gently, longitudinally sulcated. Head in profile with jugae in a higher level than tylus. Bucculae with a small anterior tooth, rectilinear in profile, weakly developed and evanescent at base of head. Rostrum attaining or slightly surpassing metastemum. Rostral segmentl as long as bucculae and obscured by them in profile. Rostral segment II shorter than III and IV together. Ventral surface with punctures almost regularly distributed, sometimes concentrated at base of bucculae.
+Pronotum trapezoidal, anterior two thirds slightly declivant. Anterior angles distinctly toothed. Humeral angles slightly toothed. Pronotum densely and uniformly punctured; scares punctured. A narrow row of white hairs along prostemum, rnesostemum and metasternum. Anterior half of mesostemum with a low carina. Metastemum shallowly concave. Each ostiolar rugae clavate and developed through 1/6 metapleural width. Evaporatory area matte and punctured. Basal angles of scutelum foveated, apex rounded attaining posterior border of connexival segment V. Scutelum densely and uniformly punctured. Posterior angle of corium acute reaching middle connexival segment VI. Apex of radial vein with a small pale yellow callus. Corium with an impunctured narrow strip parallel to clavus. Exocorium densely and finely punctured. Hemelytral membrane hyaline and infuscate, veins brown sometimes bifurcate. Femora and tibiae with piceous dots. Tarsi immaculate. Tibiae dorsally sulcated.
+Well-exposed connexivum with concolorous punctures sometimes bordered darkcastaneously. Postero-lateral angles of connexivum weakly projected. Ventral surface of abdomen dark spotted along median third; lateral margin finely, lighter and less punctured. Each trichobothrium separated by the imaginary longitudinal line tangential to spiracles. Subcaloused, pale-yellow little spots, inner to spiracles, not punctured.
+Male pygophore quadrangular, globose opening dorso-posteriorly. Postero-lateral angles rounded slightly projected. Dorsal rim (dr) posteriorly projected covering pygophoral cup at base; middle third shallowly concave. Ventral rim (vr) forming two layers; the superior one expanded in 1 + 1 cylindrical arms (ca) dorsally-directed, each one beside segment X, inner angle projected toward longitudinal plane. Inferior layer carinated, median third with 1 + 1 tooth-like projections (tp). Segment X (x) cylindric, with 1 + 1 processes (pp) near middle length, surface of posterior half concave, apex rounded. Parameres absent. Phallus ovoid. Articulatory apparatus: dorsal connectives (dc) broad and short; processus
+(pca) well-developed.
+(ph) with one median and ventral process,
+processus phallothecae
+(pph), in 1 + 1 clavate arms, subparallel, laterally-depressed, dorsally-curved, apices slightly twisted. Postero-lateral angles of phallotheca developed.
+(cj) complex with slightly sclerotized, tumid areas and two processes: one ventral,
+processus conjunctivae
+1 (prcjl), in l + l divergent, strongly sclerotized cylindrical arms, with apex dorsally-curved, longer than
+phallothecae; the other lateral,
+processus conjunctivae 2
+(prcjz), in 1 + 1 almost rectangular structures, depressed, with a well-developed spine-like projection dorsally directed.
+) with a dorsal shield—like processus, processus
+(prv); membranous side in a ventral shapeless collar.
+Ductus seminis
+distalis (dsd) extremely long, helicoidal and very delicate usually not preserved after dissection.
+Female. Outline of genital plates in a semicircle. Gonocoxites 8 (gcs) with mesial borders parallel. Spiracles absent in laterotergites 8 (la 8). Gonocoxites 9 (gc 9) trapezoidal. Laterotergites 9 (1a9) convergent, internal margin straight above gonocoxites 9, surface of basal third excavated, apices rounded. Antero-lateral angles of gonocoxites 8 with l + l divergent arms. Secondary thickening (st) of gonapophyses 9 (g9) and chitinellipsen (ch) present. Thickening of vaginal intima (tvi) conical. Capsula
+(cs) globose, tooth-like processes absent.
+Distribution. Costa Rica: Taboga; French Guyana; Brazil: Amazonas, Pará; Peru: Loreto; Bolivia: Beni.
+Diagnoses. Body dark. Dorsal rim projected posteriorly covering pygophoral cup at base. Pararneres absent. Cylindrical arms 0f superior layer with inner angle projected toward longitudinal plane. Phallus ovoid. Processus conjunctivae
+1 in
+1 + 1 strongly sclerotized arms with apex dorsally-curved. Processus
+2 in
+l + l almost rectangular structure, depressed, with a well-developed spine-like projection posteriorly directed. Surface of laterotergites 9 with basal third excavated.
+Comments. This genus is related
+; they share the following characters: head in profile with jugae in a higher level than tylus, parameres absent,
+ductus receptaculi
+extremely long, and well-developed secondary thickenings of gonapophyses 9.
+could be distinguished from
+by the structure of the male genitalia, specially the conjunctival processes of the phallus; segment X with an entire transversal carena in
+, instead of l + l processes at middle third in
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+Amauromelpia, a new Northern Neotropical genus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)
+Fernandes, José Antônio Marin
+Grazia, Jocélia
+Oxford, England
+journal article
+Amauromelpia miri
+Figs. 6-9
+13- 15
+Etymology. From tupy language; min' = small.
+Iquitos ville, chacra Mario Eduardo Vargas
+, X. l 968,
+G. Couturier
+col., plant hôte Cruciferaceae 7
+, 1 d‘,
+D. Engleman
+col. (
+, 1d,
+9. II. 1984
+L. Huggert
+col. (
+), 1 d‘, same data (
+Jenaro Herrera
+, 4“ 55 ’ S 73“ 40 ’
+, C.I.J. I-I. cultures experimentales, ld“, 1989,
+G. Couturier
+col., plant hôte
+Oriza sativa
+, IQ, same data (
+Body length 6.7-8.0. Abdominal width 3.7-4.3. Head length 1.5- 1.6. Head width 1.6- 1.7. Pronotal length 1.5 - 1.8. Pronotal width 3.6-4.2. Scutellal length 2.5 -2.8. Scutellal width 2.3-2.6. Smaller than A.
+. Tylus almost as long as jugae. Head punctures regularly distributed. Antero-lateral margin of pronotum shallowly concave. Its anterior half serrulated. Endocorium less punctured than exocorium.
+Figs. 10- 15. PhallusAmaurorrıelpía
+sp. n.
+: 10- 12, dorsal, ventral and lateral view respectively.
+Amauranıelpia miri
+sp. n.
+: 13 - 15, dorsal, ventral and lateral view respectively (bp, basal plates of articulatory apparatus; cj, conjunctiva; dc, dorsal connectives; dsd,
+seminis distalís; me,
+; pea,
+processus capitati
+; ph,
+; prcjl,
+; prcj2,
+; prph,
+processus phallothecae
+; prv,
+, vesica).
+, a new northern neotropical genus... 159
+Figs. 16- 18. Gonocoxites, laterotergites and gonapophyses of ninth segment, and ectodermical genital ducts.
+Amaummelpia ussu
+sp. n.
+: 16, 18.
+Amauromelpiıı miri
+sp. n.
+: 17 (aac, anterior annular crest; ch,
+; cs,
+capsula seminalis
+; dur,
+ductııs receptaculi
+; g9, gonapophyses of ninth segment; gc8, gonocoxites of eighth segment; gc9, gonocoxites of ninth segment; 1a8, laterotergites of eighth segment; la9,1aterotergites of ninth segment; pac, posterior annular crest; pco,
+pars communis
+; pi,
+pars intermedialis
+; sp, spiracles of seventh segment; st, secondary thickenings of gonapophyses 9; tvi, thickening of vaginal intima; va, vesícula: area; x, tenth abdominal segment).
+Pygophore: diaphragma at each side of segment X inconspicuously excavated, carena absent (figs. 6-9).
+Processus capitati
+well developed, diameter subequal to
+Processus conjunctivae 1
+sinuous (figs. 13 - 15).
+Gonocoxites 8 with inner half tumid and posterior border slightly convex. Gonocoxites 9 flat. Apices of laterotergites 9 surpassing transverse band uniting laterotergites 8 dorsally (fig. 17).
+Distribution. Colombia: Amazonas; Peru: Loreto.
+Fig. 19.
+Amauromelpia ussu
+sp. n.
+Gonocoxites, laterotergites and gonapophyses of ninth segment, and ectodennical genital ducts (dur,
+ductus receptaculi
+; va, vesicular area).
+Comments. Besides the smaller size, A.
+could be distinguished from A.
+by the serrulated and shallowly concave antero-lateral margins of pronotum;
+processus conjuntivae 1
+slender, sinuous. In A.
+the antero-lateral margins of pronotum are almost straight, slightly crenulated at anterior half; processus
+1 stout, rectilinear in ventral view.
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