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+Prionolabis crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Park, Sun-Jae
+Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Prionolabis dis
+Alexander, 1950
+Limnophila dis
+Alexander, 1950: 430
+Prionolabis dis
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+General: Body coloration black. Body length of male 6.0-
+6.5 mm
+, wing length 6.9-8.0 mm.
+Head: Black, pruinose. Male antenna (
+Fig. 4A
+4.2- 4.5 mm
+long, reaching to about middle of abdomen, if bent backwards. Both basal antennomeres black. Flagellum 13-segmented, dark brown, flagellomeres elongate, cylindrical, decreasing in length towards apex, apical segment 1.4 times as long as penultimate. Flagellum covered with abundant erect pubescence. Longest verticils reaching to about one-third length of respective segment. Rostrum and palpus black.
+Thorax: Black, sparsely pruinose. Mesonotal prescutum black, pruinose, longitudinal stripes missing. Pleuron uniformly black, densely dusted with brownish gray. Male wing (
+Fig. 4B
+) translucent, with dark brown tinge, darker in costal area, weakly darkened along cord,
+, distal margin of discal cell, along veins
+. Stigma oval, light brown. Veins brown. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin at branching point of
+its own length
+Fig. 4.
+Prionolabis dis
+Alexander, 1950
+, male. A. antenna. B. wing. C. aedeagus, gonocoxite and gonostyli of male genitalia, slide-mounted, dorsal view, holotype. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, B), 0.5 mm (C).
+before tip of
+long, angulate and short spurred at base. Free end of
+indistinct, nearly missing.
+diverging towards wing margin,
+also slightly diverging towards wing margin. Cell
+without stem, starting before basal deflection of
+. Discal cell 1.8 times as long as wide. Cell
+missing. Cross-vein
+short but distinct, thus veins
+1+ 2
+separat- ed at base. Cross-vein
+at about mid-length of discal cell.
+slightly arched before wing margin, anal vein slightly sinuous, reaching wing margin before level of
+base. Anal angle long and wide, posterior margin widely rounded. Whole halter darkened except paler base of stem. Coxa black, sparsely pruinose, trochanter dark brown to black, femur black, tibia and basal tarsomere dark brown with blackened apices, remainder of tarsus black.
+Abdomen: Black. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 4C
+) concolorous with the rest of abdomen. Posterior margin of ninth tergite with shallow notch. Gonocoxite elongate, 1.7 times as long as wide, simple, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus sclerotized, long and narrow with small subapical tooth medially. Inner gonostylus simple, short fleshy and setose, blunt-apexed. Paramere shaped as long flat plate narrowing towards rounded apex. Aedeagus long, wide at base, distal part narrow, rod-shaped.
+Fig. 5.
+Prionolabis yankovskyana
+Alexander, 1940
+, male. A. wing. B. male genitalia slide-mounted, dorsal view, paratype.
+ale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B).
+Female: unknown.
+Elevation range in
+: All specimens collected at nearly
+1,700 m
+Period of activity in
+: Adults are active and flying in mid-June.
+Habitats: Unknown.
+General distribution: Endemic to
+North Korea
+material (
+Fig. 6C
+Limnophila dis
+), male (antenna, wing, legs and genitalia slide mounted),
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+5,500 ft.
+1,676 m
+June 13, 1939
+A. M. Yankovsky
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+Prionolabis crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Park, Sun-Jae
+Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Prionolabis clavaria
+Alexander, 1950
+Alexander, 1950: 429
+Prionolabis clavaria
+Savchenko & Krivolutskaya, 1976: 70
+Savchenko, 1989: 113
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+General: Body coloration dark brown to black. Male body length
+8.5 mm
+, wing length
+8.8 mm
+Head: Dark brown, sparsely dusted with brownish, covered with blackish to yellowish setae, longer laterally, shorter dorsally. Distance between eyes in male approximately equals to the length of scape. Male antenna (
+Fig. 3A
+1.6 mm
+long, reaching frontal margin of prescutum if bent backwards. Scape elongate, nearly cylindrical, 1.6 times as long as pedicel, dark brown at base, black at apex, dusted with brownish gray and bearing few black semi-adjacent setae. Pedicel widening towards distal end, black, covered with black setae. Flagellum 14-segmented, entirely black. Basal flagel- lomere slightly elongate, less than twice as long as wide, 2-5 flagellomeres oval, distal flagellomeres slightly elongate, apical segment 1.3 times as long as preceding. Longest verticils up to 1.7 times as long as respective segment. Rostrum, palpus and mouth parts black, dusted
+C D
+with brownish gray.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites, pronotum and mesonotal prescutum black, covered with brownish pruinosity and erect blackish to yellowish setae. Longitudinal stripes on mesonotum missing. Tubercular pits missing, pseudosutural fovea indistinct, wide and shallow. Scutal lobe black, pruinosity scarcer than on prescutum. Area between scutal lobes black and densely dusted. Scutellum black with dark reddish brown posterior apex. Mediotergite dark brown to black, sparsely pruinose. Pleuron black, more heavily dusted ventrally, sparsely variegated with semi-polished areas where the bloom has been denuded, katepisternum setoseless. Male wing (
+Fig. 3B
+) slightly iridescent, translucent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base and costal area, without any darker spots except brown oval stigma. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base and in costal area. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin at branching point of
+at tip of
+long, angulate at base. Free end of
+short, just slightly longer than
+diverging towards wing margin,
+nearly parallel to each other. Cell
+with short stem which approximately equals length of
+. Discal cell twice as long as wide. Stem of cell
+just slightly exceeds length of cell itself. Cross-vein
+at about middle of discal cell.
+slightly arched before wing margin,
+nearly straight, anal vein slightly sinuous, reaching wing margin slightly before level of
+base. Anal angle long and wide, posterior margin widely rounded. Calypter without setae. Length of male halter
+1.4-1.7 mm
+. Stem of halter pale, widely rusty brown at base, knob brownish with pale base. Coxae black, densely dusted brownish gray, covered with long blackish to yellowish setae. Meron small, thus second and third pairs of coxae close to each other. Trochanters black, just posterior narrowly rusty brown ventrally. Femur dark brown, narrowly pale at base, black at apex. Tibia dark brown with black apex. Tarsus dark brown turning black towards distal end. Male femur I: 4.7-5.0 mm long, II: 5.0 mm, III: 5.5-6.0 mm, tibia I:
+5.5-5.8 mm
+, II:
+5.5 mm
+, III:
+6.5 mm
+, tarsus I:
+6.2-6.7 mm
+, II:
+6.5 mm
+, III:
+6.2 mm
+. Claw short and simple, without spines, brown with black apex. Arolium reaching to about middle of claw.
+Abdomen: Very dark brown, nearly black, dusted with brown pollen. Erect setae covering abdominal sclerites blackish at base, pale at distal end. Paired transverse sutures on tergites black but narrow. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 3C, 3D
+) concolorous with the rest of abdomen. Ninth tergite wider than longer, posterior margin with U-shaped medial notch and blunt apexed lobules on both sides of it. Gonocoxite slightly elongate, 1.7 times as long as width at base, simple, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus sclerotized, narrows distally, apex curved and hook-shaped, additional fleshy and setose lobe starting at base of dorsal surface and reaching to about two-thirds of gonostylus. Inner gonostylus elongate, sclerotized with bifid tip, outer branch longer with setose apex, inner branch rounded. Paramere long and narrow with needle-like apex that is turned downwards at a straight angle; very apex usually not visible in exactly dorsal view, thus in slide-mounted specimens only preapical part, that is rounded or with small apical notch, is visible. Aedeagus very long, narrows towards distal end, that is curved downwards.
+Female: unknown.
+range in
+from more than
+1,100 m
+to more than
+1,800 m
+Period of activity in
+: Adults are active and flying from late June through middle of July.
+Habitats: Unknown in
+, margins of streams in the Far East of
+Savchenko, 1983
+General distribution: Eastern
+North Korea
+, distribution in the Far East of
+needs confir- mation.
+material (
+Fig. 6B
+), male (antenna, wing, hind leg and genitalia slide mounted),
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+6,000 ft.
+1,829 m
+June 22, 1939
+A. M. Yankovsky
+2 males
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+3,800 ft.
+1,158 m
+July 10, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
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+Prionolabis crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Park, Sun-Jae
+Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Osten Sacken, 1860
+Osten Sacken 1860: 239
+. -
+Ishida 1959: 2-3
+. -
+Alexander 1966: 379
+, 391.
+Savchenko & Krivolutskaya 1976: 58
+, 70. -
+Savchenko 1983: 50
+1986: 299
+1989: 112-113
+species -
+Limnophila rufibasis
+Osten Sacken, 1860
+Small to medium-sized crane flies with body length 6.0-
+11.5 mm
+, wing length
+6.9 mm
+11.5 mm
+in fully winged specimens, females of some species brachypterous with wing length about
+3.5 mm
+. General body coloration varies from brownish yellow to dark brown, gray, or black, but most species are dark colored.
+Head: Rounded posteriorly without neck-like exten- sion. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, width of ver- tex approximately equals length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Male antenna medium-long to long, reaching from base of wing to tip of abdomen, if bent backwards, female antenna shorter. If antenna shorter, then length of verticils approximately equals length of respective segments, but if longer, then verticils missing. Flagellomeres covered with erect pubescence on ventral side. Scape elongate, subcylindrical, pedicel short, egg-shaped. Flagellum usually 14-segmented, sometimes 13-segmented, flagellomeres short or elongate. Rostrum short.
+Thorax: Frontal margin of pronotum without emar- gination. Mesonotal prescutum without tubercular pits, pseudosutural fovea closer to anterior margin of sclerite, longitudinal stripes missing. Pleuron uniformly colored, katepisternum setoseless. Meron small, thus middle and posterior coxae close together. Wing wide and pattern- less (
+Fig. 1A
+), wing cells without macrotrichiae. Females of many species with reduced wings unsuitable for flight (
+Fig. 1B
+). Arculus present. Vein
+long, reaching wing margin at or slightly beyond branching point of
+before tip of
+. Radial sector long, arched or angulate and short spurred at base, usually branching into
+2 + 3 + 4
+, but in some species into
+2+ 3
+4 + 5
+. Length of
+varies from short and oblique to slightly elongate.
+tip, but position varies according to species.
+diverging. Cell
+with short stem, or stem is missing completely. Cell
+present or absent, if present, then it has long stem distinctly longer than cell itself. Discal cell slightly elongate. Cross-vein
+at about one-third to middle of discal cell. Vein
+and anal vein slightly diverging. Anal vein slightly sinuous, reaching wing margin close to the level of
+base. Anal cell long with widely rounded posterior margin. Calypter setoseless. Halter long. Legs with well developed tibial spurs, single on fore, paired on middle and posteri- or leg. Claw simple, without spines. Arolium reaching to about middle of claw or beyond that.
+Fig. 1.
+Sexual dimorphism in
+Osten Sacken, 1860
+. A. male of
+P. acanthophora
+Alexander, 1938
+. B. female of
+P. hospes
+Egger, 1863
+. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites with paired transverse sutures. Male terminalia just slightly wider than the rest of the abdomen. Ninth segment fused into complete gen- ital ring. Ninth tergite emarginate or with two lobules at middle of posterior margin. Gonocoxite without inter- base. Two pairs of terminal gonostyli. Outer gonostylus usually complicated with dentate or branched apex, often with additional lobe at middle or at base. Inner gonostylus often sclerotized with dentate or branched distal part. One pair of parameres. Paramere usually flattened, sometimes narrow, rod-shaped. Aedegus elongate, narrows towards tip, apex curved downwards. Ovipositor elongate. Distal part of cercus raised upwards, blunt-apexed.
+Preimaginal stages unknown.
+Genus has 73 extant species and no recognized subgenera. It has Holarctic and Oriental distribution, with most species recorded from Eastern Palaearctic (33) and Nearctic (23) (
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+). Fossils belonging to this genus unknown (
+Evenhuis, 2014
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+Prionolabis crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Park, Sun-Jae
+Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Prionolabis acanthophora
+Alexander, 1938
+Alexander, 1938: 157
+1940: 49-50
+Prionolabis acanthophora
+Savchenko, 1983: 57
+1989: 113
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+General (
+Fig. 1A
+): Body coloration polished dark brown to black. Body length of male 6.5-10.0 mm, of female about
+10 mm
+. Wing length of male 8.5-11.0 mm, of female
+3.5 mm
+Head: Black, sparsely dusted with brownish, more heavily so in front, and covered with short yellowish setae. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between eyes in male approximately equals to the length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Antenna (
+Fig. 2A
+2.1 mm
+long in male, reaching to about middle of prescutum in male if bent backwards. Scape elongate, nearly cylindrical, twice as long as pedicel, black, dusted with gray, covered with scarce erect black setae dorsally. Pedicel egg-shaped, dark brown, covered with black setae. Flagellum 14-segmented, entirely dark brown. Basal flagellomeres short, just slightly longer than wid- er, indistinctly swollen and covered with short yellowish pubescence on ventral face, distal flagellomeres slightly elongate, fusiform, apical segment large, 1.7 times as long as preceding. Three distal flagellomeres of female antenna subequal. Longest verticils up to 1.7 times as long as respective segment. Rostrum black, dusted with brownish. Palpus dark brown. Mouth parts rufous.
+Fig. 2.
+Prionolabis acanthophora
+Alexander, 1938
+, male. A. antenna. B. wing. C. male genitalia in glycerol, dorsal view. D. male genitalia slide-mounted, dorsal view, Alexander’s metatype. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, C, D), 1.0 mm (B).
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites dark brown to black. Thorax semi-polished, dark brown to black, covered with sparse brownish pruinosity dorsally, grayish pruinosity ventro-laterally. Pronotum large dark brown, dusted with brownish pruinosity, more heavily dorsally and covered with sparse erect brownish setae. Mesonotal prescutum dark brown, fronto-lateral margin lighter brown, longitudinal stripes missing, surface covered with erect yellowish setae. Tubercular pits missing, pseudosutural fovea wide and shallow. Central part of scutal lobe polished dark brown to black, margins brownish pruinose, area between lobes densely pruinose. Scutellum dark brown, pruinose, with few erect brownish setae along posteri- or margin. Mediotergite brown to dark brown, sparsely pruinose. Pleuron dark brown, pruinosity, more heavily ventrally. Male wing (
+Fig. 2B
+) slightly iridescent, translucent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base and costal area, without any darker spots except brown elongate stigma. Veins brown, pale at wing base. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin slightly beyond branching point of
+before tip of
+, at branching point of
+. Radial sector long, arched at base. Free end of
+short, oblique, disappearing at wing margin.
+slightly before tip of
+, indistinct.
+slightly diverging towards wing margin,
+nearly parallel to each other. Cell
+with very short stem. Discal cell elongate, 1.7 times as long as wide. Stem of cell
+1.25 times as long as cell itself. Cross-vein
+at about two-thirds of discal cell length.
+slightly arched before wing margin,
+straight, anal vein slightly sinuous. Anal angle long and wide, posterior margin widely rounded. Calypter without setae. Female wing reduced, unsuitable for flight. Length of male halter
+1.5-1.7 mm
+. Stem of halter brownish with rusty brown base, knob pale yellow. Coxae dark brown, dusted with gray, covered with long yellowish setae. Meron small, thus second and third pairs of coxae close to each other. Trochanters brown, just posterior somewhat darker dorsally. Femur dark brown with narrowly yellowish base, wider on posterior pair. Tibia light brown with dark brown apex. Tarsus dark brown with lighter brown base of basal tarsomere. Male femur I: 5.0-
+5.2 mm
+long, II: 5.0-6.0 mm, III: 6.0-7.0 mm, tibia I: 6.5-7.0 mm, II:
+6.2-6.5 mm
+, III: 7.0-8.0 mm, tarsus I:
+7.4-7.8 mm
+, II: 6.6-7.0 mm, III:
+7.4-8.2 mm
+. Claw comparatively small and simple, without spines. Arolium reaching to beyond middle of claw.
+Abdomen: Dark brown, tergites and sternites covered with yellowish setae. Paired transverse sutures on tergites indistinct. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 2C, 2D
+) concolorous with the rest of abdomen. Ninth tergite wider than longer, posterior margin with U-shaped medial incision. Gonocoxite slightly elongate, 1.7 times as long as width at base, simple, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus sclerotized, with straight apical spine and point-apexed subapical lobe, additional fleshy and setose lobe starting at about one third on dorsal surface and reaching nearly to the tip of apical spine of the gonostylus. Inner gonostylus wider at basal half, narrowing towards blackened 5-toothed apical part and bearing small rounded setose lobe ventro-basally. Paramere yellow, with long stem and shaped like a very long shoe with raised apex and spinous heel. Aedeagus very long, narrows towards distal end, which is curved downwards. Ovipositor with elongate brown cerci and black hypovalvae.
+Elevation range in
+: Altitudes from sea level to nearly
+1,200 m
+Alexander, 1940
+Period of activity: Adults are active and flying from mid-May through end of June (
+Alexander, 1940
+) in
+, from late May through late July in the Far East of
+Savchenko, 1983
+Habitats: Unknown in
+. Among dense grassy vegetation that covers small water pools surrounded by forests, along forest roadsides, on margins of streams and rivers in the Far East of
+Savchenko, 1983
+General distribution:
+North Korea
+and the Far East of
+material (
+Fig. 6A
+), male (antenna, fore leg, wing and genitalia slide mounted),
+North Korea
+, alt.
+150 ft.
+46 m
+May 29, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
+4 males
+North Korea
+, Ompo, alt.
+750 ft.
+229 m
+May 16, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
+metatype, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide mounted),
+North Korea
+, alt.
+900 ft.
+274 m
+May 19, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+, Ompo, alt.
+800 ft.
+244 m
+May 21, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+, Ompo, alt.
+400 ft.
+122 m
+May 23, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+, Ompo, alt.
+200 ft.
+61 m
+May 24, 1938
+A. M. Yankovsky
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+Prionolabis crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Park, Sun-Jae
+Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Aukštikalnienė, Hye-Woo Byun and Rasa
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Key to Korean species of the genus
+Osten Sacken
+1. Wing cell
+present (
+Figs. 2B
+) ··························· 2 - Wing cell
+missing (
+Figs. 4B
+)·························· 3
+2. Inner gonostylus of male genitalia five-toothed at apex (
+Fig. 2D
+). Tibia light brown with dark brown distal part (
+Fig. 1A
+). Knob of halter pale yellow ··························· ··············
+Prionolabis acanthophora
+Alexander, 1938
+- Inner gonostylus of male genitalia, bifid at apex (
+Fig. 3C, 3D
+). Tibia dark brown with black apex. Knob of halter brownish····························································· ·······················
+Prionolabis clavaria
+Alexander, 1950
+3. Male antenna reaching to about middle of abdomen, if bent backwards, antennal flagellum 13-segment- ed (
+Fig. 4A
+). Outer gonostylus of male genitalia not branched, bearing just small subapical tooth (
+Fig. 4C
+) ································
+Prionolabis dis
+Alexander, 1950
+- Male antenna nearly as long as the entire body, antennal flagellum 14-segmented. Outer gonostylus of male genitalia with two long branches (
+Fig. 5B
+) ·················· ··············
+Prionolabis yankovskyana
+Alexander, 1940
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+Report of eight unrecorded Acetobacter species in Korea, discovered during the survey in 2018 - 2019
+Heo, Jun
+Won, Miyoung
+Lee, Daseul
+Han, Byeong-Hak
+Kwon, Seung-Beom Hong and Soon-Wo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Description of
+Acetobacter lovaniensis
+KACC 22697)
+Cells are Gram-stain-negative, motile, non-pigment- ed and rod (0.6-0.7 μm × 1.2-2.2 μm) after 2 days incubation on YPM medium at 28℃. Colonies are round, raised and beige colored with a diameter of
+0.5 mm
+. Catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. Positive for aesculin hydrolysis, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase, urease and gelatin hydrolysis. Does not assimilate any of the substrates embedded on API 20 NE test strip. Acid is produced from L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose and D-fucose, and weakly produced from D-melibiose, gentiobiose and potassium 5-ketogluconate, but not produced from glycerol, erythritol, D-arabinose, L-xylose, D-adonitol, methyl-
+-D-xylopyranoside, D-fructose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, methyl-
+-D-mannopyranoside, methyl-
+-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin ferric citrate, salicin, D-cellobiose, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-saccharose, D-trehalose, inulin, D-melezitose, D-raffinose, amidon, glycogen, xylitol, D-turanose, D-lyxose, D-tagatose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, potassium gluconate and potassium 2-ketogluconate.
+KDG-EC1 (= KACC 22697) was isolated from diced radish kimchi sampled at Naju-si. The GenBank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain KDG-EC1 is ON459619.
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+Report of eight unrecorded Acetobacter species in Korea, discovered during the survey in 2018 - 2019
+Heo, Jun
+Won, Miyoung
+Lee, Daseul
+Han, Byeong-Hak
+Kwon, Seung-Beom Hong and Soon-Wo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Description of
+Acetobacter orientalis
+KACC 22370)
+Cells are Gram-stain-negative, motile, non-pigmented and rod (0.8-1.0 μm × 1.5-2.4 μm) after 2 days incubation on YPM medium at 28℃. Colonies are round, raised and beige colored with a diameter of 0.5-1.0 mm. Catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. Positive for urease and aesculin hydrolysis, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase and gelatin hydrolysis. Does not assimilate any of the substrates embedded on API 20 NE test strip. Acid is produced from L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose and D-fucose, and weakly produced from salicin and potassium 5-ketogluconate, but not produced from glycerol, erythritol, D-arabinose, L-xylose, D-adonitol,
+-D-xylopyranoside, D-fructose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, methyl-
+-D-mannopyranoside, methyl-
+-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin ferric citrate, D-cellobiose, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-melibiose, D-saccharose, D-trehalose, inulin, D-melezitose, Draffinose, amidon, glycogen, xylitol, gentiobiose, D-turanose, D-lyxose, D-tagatose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, potassium gluconate and potassium 2-ketogluconate.
+FR32C4 (= KACC 22370) was isolated from fruit of
+Cudrania tricuspidata
+sampled at Jeonju-si. The GenBank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain FR32C4 is ON459610.
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+Report of eight unrecorded Acetobacter species in Korea, discovered during the survey in 2018 - 2019
+Heo, Jun
+Won, Miyoung
+Lee, Daseul
+Han, Byeong-Hak
+Kwon, Seung-Beom Hong and Soon-Wo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Description of
+Acetobacter okinawensis
+KACC 22696)
+Cells are Gram-stain-negative, motile, non-pigment- ed and coccoid rod (0.85-0.95 μm × 1.5-2.5 μm) after 2 days incubation on YPM medium at 28℃. Colonies are round, raised and beige colored with a diameter of
+0.5 mm
+. Catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. Positive for aesculin hydrolysis, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase, urease and gelatin hydrolysis. Does not assimilate any of the substrates embedded on API 20 NE test strip. Acid is produced from L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose and D-fucose, and weakly produced from D-melibiose, gentiobiose and potassium 5-ketogluconate, but not produced from glycerol, erythritol, D-arabinose, L-xylose, D-adonitol, methyl-
+-D-xylopyranoside, D-fructose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, methyl-
+-D-mannopyranoside, methyl-
+-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin ferric citrate, salicin, D-cellobiose, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-saccharose, D-trehalose, inulin, D-melezitose, D-raffinose, amidon, glycogen, xylitol, D-turanose, D-lyxose, D-tagatose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, potassium gluconate and potassium 2-ketogluconate.
+GAM12-M2 (= KACC 22696) was isolated from persimmon fruit sampled at Sangju-si. The GenBank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain GAM12-M2 is ON459615.
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+Report of eight unrecorded Acetobacter species in Korea, discovered during the survey in 2018 - 2019
+Heo, Jun
+Won, Miyoung
+Lee, Daseul
+Han, Byeong-Hak
+Kwon, Seung-Beom Hong and Soon-Wo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Description of
+Acetobacter thailandicus
+KACC 22693)
+Cells are Gram-stain-negative, non-motile, non-pigmented and rod or long rod (0.9-1.2 μm × 2.0-8.0 μm) after 2 days incubation on YPM medium at 28℃. Colonies are round, raised and beige colored with a diameter of 1.0 mm. Catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. Positive for aesculin hydrolysis, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase, urease and gelatin hydrolysis. Does not assimilate any of the substrates embedded on API 20 NE test strip. Acid is produced from L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-melibiose, D-fucose and potassium 5-ketogluconate, and weakly produced from D-ribose, but not produced from glycerol, erythritol, D-arabinose, L-xylose, D-adonitol, methyl-
+-D-xylopyranoside, D-fructose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, methyl-
+-D-mannopyranoside, methyl-
+-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin ferric citrate, salicin, D-cellobiose, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-saccharose, D-trehalose, inulin, D-melezitose, D-raffinose, amidon, glycogen, xylitol, gentiobiose, D-turanose, D-lyxose, D-tagatose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, potassium gluconate and potassium 2-ketogluconate.
+JDF1-M1 (= KACC 22693) was isolated from plum fruit sampled at
+. The GenBank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain JDF1-M1 is ON459613.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Report of eight unrecorded Acetobacter species in Korea, discovered during the survey in 2018 - 2019
+Heo, Jun
+Won, Miyoung
+Lee, Daseul
+Han, Byeong-Hak
+Kwon, Seung-Beom Hong and Soon-Wo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Description of
+Acetobacter papaya
+KACC 22046)
+Cells are Gram-stain-negative, motile, non-pigmented and coccoid rod (0.7-0.8 μm × 1.2-2.0 μm) after 2 days incubation on YPM medium at 28℃. Colonies are round, raised and beige colored with a diameter of
+0.5 mm
+. Catalase-positive and oxidase-negative. Positive for urease and aesculin hydrolysis, but negative for indole production, arginine dihydrolase and gelatin hydrolysis. Does not assimilate any of the substrates embedded on API 20 NE test strip. Acid is produced from L-arabinose, D-ribose, D-xylose, D-galactose, D-glucose, D-mannose and D-fucose, and weakly produced from D-melibiose, gentiobiose and potassium 5-ketogluconate, but not produced from glycerol, erythritol, D-arabinose, L-xylose, D-adonitol, methyl-
+-D-xylopyranoside, D-fructose, L-sorbose, L-rhamnose, dulcitol, inositol, D-mannitol, D-sorbitol, methyl-
+-D-mannopyranoside, methyl-
+-acetylglucosamine, amygdalin, arbutin, esculin ferric citrate, salicin, D-cellobiose, D-maltose, D-lactose, D-saccharose, D-trehalose, inulin, D-melezitose, D-raffinose, amidon, glycogen, xylitol, D-turanose, D-lyxose, D-tagatose, L-fucose, D-arabitol, L-arabitol, potassium gluconate and potassium 2-ketogluconate.
+FR35B3 (= KACC 22046) was isolated from grape fruit sampled at Yeongdong-gun. The GenBank accession number for the 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain FR35B3 is ON458860.
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+A newly recorded sea urchin, Araeosoma owstoni Mortensen, 1904 (Echinoidea; Echinothurioida; Echinothuriidae), from the Korea Strait
+Lee, Taekjun
+Shin, Sook
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Mortensen, 1903
+ġêğḓNjṩ (ljḍ)
+Mortensen, 1903: 63
+; 1927: 281;
+Clark, 1925: 59
+Rowe and Gates, 1995: 217
+Liu, 2008: 864
+Anderson, 2013: 523
+Kroh and Mooi, 2022
+: 123396
+Calveria fenestrata
+Thomson, 1872
+, by original designation.
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--- a/data/03/EA/87/03EA87E4A3082610FCD1933CE70CFC82.xml
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@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
-Redescription of three trapanian nudibranchs (Nudibranchia, Goniodorididae) from Korea with a key to the species
+Redescription of three trapanian nudibranchs (Nudibranchia, Goniodorididae) from Korea with a key to the species
-Jung, Dae-Wui
-Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea & Korea Marine-Bio Laboratory, Daejeon 34130, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Dae-Wui
+Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea & Korea Marine-Bio Laboratory, Daejeon 34130, Republic of Korea
-Kil, Hyun Jong
-National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Kil, Hyun Jong
+National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
-Nam, Eunjung
-National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
-Kim, Hyeonggeun Kim and Chang-Bae
+Kim, Hyeonggeun Kim and Chang-Bae
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
-Fig. 3
+Fig. 3
@@ -191,11 +192,11 @@ Body limaciform and convex, the body length of the preserved specimen
9 mm
. Ground color opaque white. Irregular-sized and reticulated patterned brown markings scattered on dorsal surface except the foot (
-Fig. 3A, B
+Fig. 3A, B
). Numerous white or pale-yellow specks present on the dorsum. The tip of rhinophores translucent with white specks. Clavus lamellated; upper half of the clavus pale orange to light brown in color and lower half opaque white. Stalk smooth, thick, short, and translucent (
-Fig. 3C
+Fig. 3C
). A pair of extra-rhinophoral appendages present next to the rhinophores, smooth, long, pointed end, curved backward or upward. Gill consists of three, bipinnate or tripinnate branches (
-Fig. 3D
+Fig. 3D
). Branchial leaves pale yellow or light brown with white specks. Branchial leave rachis translucent white. Extra-branchial appendages long, smooth, pointed end, and curved toward the metapodium or upward. Oral tentacles smooth; the tip of oral tentacles translucent, thick yellow band present under the tip, Tentacular foot corners smooth, pointed end. Oral tentacle slightly longer than tentacular foot corner. Metapodium long, yellow marking present on metapodium end, the tip of metapodium pointed and translucent white in color.
diff --git a/data/03/EA/87/03EA87E4A30A2617FCD195B1E790F861.xml b/data/03/EA/87/03EA87E4A30A2617FCD195B1E790F861.xml
index c808f1a2e98..f3b390d4a0b 100644
--- a/data/03/EA/87/03EA87E4A30A2617FCD195B1E790F861.xml
+++ b/data/03/EA/87/03EA87E4A30A2617FCD195B1E790F861.xml
@@ -1,57 +1,58 @@
-Redescription of three trapanian nudibranchs (Nudibranchia, Goniodorididae) from Korea with a key to the species
+Redescription of three trapanian nudibranchs (Nudibranchia, Goniodorididae) from Korea with a key to the species
-Jung, Dae-Wui
-Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea & Korea Marine-Bio Laboratory, Daejeon 34130, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Dae-Wui
+Department of Biotechnology, Sangmyung University, Seoul 03016, Republic of Korea & Korea Marine-Bio Laboratory, Daejeon 34130, Republic of Korea
-Kil, Hyun Jong
-National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Kil, Hyun Jong
+National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
-Nam, Eunjung
-National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
-Kim, Hyeonggeun Kim and Chang-Bae
+Kim, Hyeonggeun Kim and Chang-Bae
-Journal of Species Research
+Journal of Species Research
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
-Fig. 1
+Fig. 1
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ Kil
Fig. 1.
@@ -203,11 +204,11 @@ D. live animal photographs. Scale bars = 1 mm. Abbreviations: rh, rhinophore; er
Body limaciform, convex, and slightly widen- ed around the gill. The body length of the preserved specimen
4 mm
. Ground color milky white. Relatively large in size and irregular-shaped brown markings broadly cover the dorsal surface; numerous white specks present on the inside of these brown markings (
-Fig. 1A, B
+Fig. 1A, B
). The tip of rhinophores translucent white. Clavus with nine lamellae, the anterior part of the upper one-third of the clavus orange in color, the rest of the clavus opaque white with brown patches. Stalk smooth, thick, and translucent. A pair of extra-rhinophoral appendages present each side of the head, next to the rhinophores (
-Fig. 1C
+Fig. 1C
); smooth, long, blunt end, curved upward, translucent with brown patches and white specks. Gill relatively large, consists of four bipinnate branches (
-Fig. 1D
+Fig. 1D
). Branchial leaves pale brown with white specks. Branchial leave rachis translucent white. Extra-branchial appendages relatively short, smooth, blunt end, and bent backward. Oral tentacles smooth; the tip of oral tentacles translucent white. Tentacular foot corners smooth, pointed end. The length of oral tentacle and tentacular foot corners approximately same. Metapodium long, yellow marking present on metapodium end, the tip of metapodium pointed and translucent white.
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ described that this species has seven to eight lamellae on clavus of rhinophore
) (
-Fig. 2
+Fig. 2
@@ -333,17 +334,17 @@ locality.
Body limaciform and convex (
-Fig. 2A, B
+Fig. 2A, B
). The body length of the preserved specimen
7 mm
. Ground color translucent white. Brown colored rounded or ringed patches present from head to metapodium except for the appendages and the foot. Rhinophores translucent white (
-Fig. 2C
+Fig. 2C
). Clavus with eleven lamellae. Stalk smooth, thick, and relatively short. A pair of extra-rhinophoral appendages present next to the rhinophores; smooth, long, pointed end, bent backward, and upper half yellow in color. Gill consists of three bipinnate branches and translucent. Extra-branchial appendages relatively short, smooth, pointed end, curved upward, and upper half yellow in color (
-Fig. 2D
+Fig. 2D
). Oral tentacles smooth and translucent white. Tentacular foot corners smooth and pointed end. Oral tentacle slightly longer than tentacular foot corner. Metapodium long, metapodium end pointed.
Fig. 2.
@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ Body limaciform and convex (
D. live animal photographs. Scale bars= 1 mm. Abbreviations are same to those in the Fig. 1. Photo by Chan-yong Park.
Fig. 3.
diff --git a/data/03/F6/95/03F69551E00CFFC8A595B614A4AEADF9.xml b/data/03/F6/95/03F69551E00CFFC8A595B614A4AEADF9.xml
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+New records of six species of the subfamily Pimplinae Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Korea
+Kang, Gyu Won
+Insect Inquiry Education Institute, Daegu National University of Education, Daegu 42411, Republic of Korea
+Choi, Jong Wook Lee and Jin Kyung
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Liotryphon cydiae
+Perkins, 1942
+Fig. 2A, B
+ŤḆṈêǿȗ납ṈḂṄḏ (ṵḡ)
+Ephialtes cydiae
+Perkins, 1942: 172
+:$, TL:
+, TD: NHM.
+Body black, except legs. Flagellum blackish brown, Face black. Hind leg reddish brown, except tibia and tarsus blackish brown. Propodeum with strongly rugose punctures and long hairs. Hind coxa and femur reddish brown. Metasoma black. Face distinctly convex on median area. Fore wing with nervulus postfurcal. First tergite as long as apical wide, 0.8 times as long as second tergite. Ovipositor less than 4.0 times as long as hind tibia.
+Material examined.
+GB: 1$, Cheongdo-gun, Unmunmyeon, Mt. Unmunsan,
+, JW Lee; 2$$, Yeongcheon-si, Sinnyeong-myeon, Chisan-ri, San141-4,
+, JW Lee.
+(new record),
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000000..eb4dd714511
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@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+New records of six species of the subfamily Pimplinae Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Korea
+Kang, Gyu Won
+Insect Inquiry Education Institute, Daegu National University of Education, Daegu 42411, Republic of Korea
+Choi, Jong Wook Lee and Jin Kyung
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Clistopyga arctica
+Kusigemati, 1985
+Fig. 1E, F
+ḋêƦṞê꼬ffl납ṈḂṄḏ (ṵḡ)
+Clistopyga arctica
+Kusigemati, 1985: 191
+:$; TL:
+; TD: HU.
+Body black, with whitish brown to reddish black marks on head. Metasoma dark brown, apical margin of all tergites black marks. Mesoscutum mostly black. Mesopleurum and legs dark brown to brown. Flagellum brown. Hind femur entirely reddish brown to yellowish brown. Hind tibia black, except white marks on basal and median part. Upper margin of face weakly concave between antennal sockets. Metasomal tergites with yellow marks subapically. Malar space narrow, about 0.9 times basal width of mandible. Median longitudinal carina of propodeum present. Face 1.1 times as high as wide, entirely light yellow; first tergite elongate,
+Fig. 1.
+A, B:
+Aravenator kamijoi
+; C, D:
+Chablisea varicolor
+Liu, He & Chen
+; E, F:
+Clistopyga arctica
+Kusigemati. A, C
+, E, Head in frontal view (Scale bars
+0.2 mm); B, D, F, Habitus in lateral view (Scale bars
+2 mm).
+1.0 times as long as wide at apex. Nervulus of fore wing opposite. Nervellus of hind wing intercepted by discoidella at middle.
+Material examined.
+: 1$, Boeun-gun, Sogrisanmyeon, Sannae-ri, 209, Beopjusa,
+JC Jeong
+(new record),
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000000..29bd051e97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/03/F6/95/03F69551E00EFFCAA595B420A547A9C8.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+New records of six species of the subfamily Pimplinae Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Korea
+Kang, Gyu Won
+Insect Inquiry Education Institute, Daegu National University of Education, Daegu 42411, Republic of Korea
+Choi, Jong Wook Lee and Jin Kyung
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Chablisea varicolor
+Liu, He & Chen, 2009
+Fig. 1C, D
+ḀḣǬÜƦ납ṈḂṄḏ (ṵḡ)
+Chablisea varicolor
+Liu, He & Chen, 2009: 1167
+: $; TL:
+; TD: ZJUH.
+Body black. Antennae blackish brown with ventral sides of scape and pedicel yellowish white. Face, frontal orbit near antennal sockets, clypeus, mandible whitish yellow. Mesopleuron and metapleuron reddish brown to orange brown. Propodeum black. Fore and middle legs yellowish brown, coxae and trochanters light brown. Hind coxae yellowish brown, femora reddish brown, tibiae yellowish white with subbasal 0.2 and apical 0.3 black. Upper margin of face weakly concave between antennal sockets. Malar space very narrow, about 0.16 times basal width of mandible. Median longitudinal carina of propodeum present. Face 1.9-2.2 times as high as wide. First tergite elongate, 1.25-1.7 times longer than apical width.
+Material examined.
+Namsan-ri, M.
+JT Mun
+; 1$, Hapcheon-gun, Gaya-myeon, Hwangsan-ri, San124- 3,
+JW Lee
+: 1$, Dong-gu,
+Univ., M.
+JW Lee
+(new record),
+This geuns is recorded for the first time from
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@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+New record of Pilaria crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Pilaria simulans
+Savchenko, 1983
+Pilaria discicollis simulans
+Savchenko, 1983: 61-62
+1989: 111
+Starý, Oosterbroek, 2008: 11
+Pilaria simulans
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+General: Body coloration light brown. Body length of male
+5.7-7.2 mm
+, of female
+6.5-7.5 mm
+. Wing length of male
+6.7-8.3 mm
+, of female
+6.5-7.5 mm
+Head: Dark brown dorsally, yellowish posteriorly, light brown laterally, narrowly light gray along eye margin because of densier gray pruinosity. Sparse erect brownish setae densier and longer posteriorly. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between eyes somewhat exceeds length of scape. Antenna
+1.5-1.8 mm
+long in male,
+1.4- 1.7 mm
+in female, reaching base of wing if bent backwards. Scape slightly elongate, dark brown, with few erect dark brown setae dorsally. Pedicel subequal to the scape, brown. Flagellum brown, four basal antennomeres indistinctly yellowish at base. Two basal flagellomeres oval, third and fourth spindle-shaped, remaining flagellomeres elongate, apical segment elongate, about two thirds as long as preceding. Four basal flagellomeres covered with erect dense whitish pubescence ventrally, that is shorter than width of segment. Verticils on distal flagellomeres starting from fourth, 3.5-4.0 times as long as respective segments, only apical segment with two long setae on tip. Rostrum yellowish brown. Palpus dark brown, setose. Mouth parts brown.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites brown. Thorax semi-polished brown, darker dorsally, lighter ventrally. Pronotum yellowish brown to brownish yellow. Prescutum and presutural scutum brownish yellow, sparsely dusted with yellowish pruinosity, marginated with yellow laterally, few erect brown setae distributed on both sides of medial line, some specimens with indistinctly darker area along middle. Tubercular pits small, indistinct, reaching each other, close to the frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea distinct, closer to frontal margin of sclerite. Postsutural scutum with scutal lobe brownish medially, yellow laterally, area between lobes brownish yellow. Scutellum brownish yellow. Mediotergite yellow, indistinctly brownish laterally, sparsely dusted with yellow pruinosity. Pleuron obscure yellow, getting paler ventrally, with few erect yellowish setae on laterotergite. Wing (
+Fig. 2A
+) slightly iridescent, translucent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base, without any darker spots. Stigma indistinct, nearly missing, few dark brown macrotrichiae in stigmal area. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+mediumlong, reaching wing margin clearly before branching point of
+at tip of
+long, arched at base. Free end of
+close to or at branching point of
+diverging towards wing margin,
+parallel to each other. Cell
+with long stem which is shorter than free end of
+. Discal cell elongate, twice as long as wide. Stem of cell
+shorter than cell itself. Cross-vein
+at about two-thirds of discal cell length.
+slightly arched before wing margin,
+straight for the entire length, anal vein slightly sinuous. Anal angle long and narrow. Calypter with few long setae. Halter yellowish gray, paler at base, knob slightly infuscated, grayish. Length of male halter 1.0-
+1.2 mm
+, of female 1.0-
+1.1 mm
+. Coxae yellow, brownish dorsally. Meron small, thus second and third pairs of coxae close to each other. Tro- chanters pale yellow. Femur yellow, indistinctly darker at apex. Tibia yellow with brownish distal part. Basal tar- somere yellow with dark distal part, remaining tarsomeres dark brown. Male femur I:
+4.4-5.3 mm
+long, II:
+4.7-5.2 mm
+, III:
+5.4-6.1 mm
+, tibia I: 5.2-6.0 mm, II: 5.0-
+5.8 mm
+, III:
+5.8-7.2 mm
+, tarsus I:
+4.4-4.7 mm
+, II:
+4.5-5.5 mm
+, III: 4.0-
+4.5 mm
+. Female femur I:
+3.5 mm
+long, II: 4.0-
+5.2 mm
+, III:
+4.5-5.2 mm
+, tibia I:
+4.5 mm
+, II:
+4.5-5.7 mm
+, III:
+4.3-5.5 mm
+, tarsus I:
+4.4 mm
+, II:
+3.7-4.5 mm
+, III:
+2.7-3.8 mm
+. Claw dark brown, simple, without teeth or spines. Arolium reaching to about two-thirds of claw.
+Abdomen: Tergites brown along middle, yellow laterally, with grayish posterior margin, covered with sparse erect yellowish setae. Sternites yellow with narrowly grayish lateral and posterior margins, pregenital segment brownish. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 2B
+) yellow. Posterior margin of ninth tergite setose, slightly extended posteriorly with shallow wide central emargination between two wide low lobes. Gonocoxite elongate, 2.8 times as long as width at base, simple, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus long, narrow, slightly arched, claw-shaped, preapical area with microscopic dots and setae, apex obtuse. Inner gonostylus fleshy and setose, slightly longer than outer gonostylus, widest at base getting narrower towards blunt apex. Interbase wedge-shaped, at base with short lateral arm articulating with gonocoxal apodeme. Paramere membranous, flattened. Aedeagus arched at basal third, distal part slightly raised upwards. Aedeagal sheath widened at basal half. Seminal vesicle big and globular (
+Fig. 2C
+). Ovipositor (2D) light brown. Cercus long and narrow, blunt-apexed, distal part slightly raised upwards. Hypovalva straight, narrowing towards apex, reaching to about four-fifths of cercus. Distal part of hypovalva narrow, parallel-sided, dorsal margin, starting from middle, covered with long filaments.
+Fig. 2.
+Pilaria simulans
+Savchenko, 1983
+. A. wing. B. male genitalia, dorsal view. C. male genitalia with ninth tergite removed, dorsal view. D. ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
+range in
+300 m
+to more than
+1,500 m
+Period of activity in
+: Adults are active and flying from late June through middle of September in
+, beginning of July through end of September with the highest abundance in August in the Far East of
+Habitats: Unknown in
+. Wet meadows on the sea- coast, boggy areas in mixed and broad-leaved forests in the Far East of
+Savchenko, 1983
+General distribution: Southeastern corner of the Far East of
+, close to the border with
+North Korea
+. Recorded from Korean Peninsula for the first time.
+Fig. 3.
+Distribution maps of Korean
+. A.
+P. melanota
+. B.
+P. simulans
+Examined material (
+Fig. 3B
+1 female
+North Korea
+, alt.
+2,500 ft.
+762 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+2 males
+North Korea
+, alt.
+610-762 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+3 males
+2 females
+North Korea
+, alt.
+305-457 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+2,000 ft.
+610 m
+] 1938. 09.15,
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+5,000 ft.
+1,524 m
+A. Yankovsky
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+New record of Pilaria crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Pilaria melanota
+Alexander, 1922
+Pilaria melanota
+Alexander, 1922: 185
+Savchenko, 1989: 111
+Edwards, 1926: 269
+(identification not certain).
+Pilaria tokionis melanota
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 71
+General: Body coloration polished dark brown to black dorsally, light brown to yellowish laterally and ventrally. Body length of male
+4.7-8.2 mm
+, of female 7.0-
+11.5 mm
+. Wing length of male
+6.3-9.2 mm
+, of female
+6.2-10.7 mm
+Head: Semi-polished dark brown to black, sparsely dusted with gray, denser along eye margin, sparsely cover- ed with dark brown setae. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between eyes in male and female approximately equals to the length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Antenna (
+Fig. 1A
+3.2-4.7 mm
+long in male,
+2.1-2.7 mm
+in female, reaching nearly to the middle of abdomen in male, but just to the base of abdomen in female if bent backwards. Scape elongate, light brown, darker dorsally. Pedicel subequal to the scape, brown to dark brown with light brown base. Flagellum dark brown, just base of first flagellomere narrowly pale, bases of second and third flagellomeres indistinctly paler. Flagellomeres elongate, subcylindrical, apical flagellomere very short, much smaller than preceding. All flagellomeres covered with erect dense whitish pubescence, that is approximately twice as long as width of segment. Single long seta present distally on dorsal surface of some flagellomeres, but usually missing, length of seta approximately equals half the length of respective segment or slightly exceeds that in male. Female flagellum with long verticils, longest verticils 1.5 times exceeding length of respective segments. Rostrum brown, paler ventrally, mouth parts darker brown. Palpus dark brown, setose.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites grayish dark brown. Thorax polished, dark brown to black dorsally, brownish yellow laterally and ventrally. Pronotum brownish yellow. Prescutum and presutural scutum polished dark brown to black dorsally, without longitudinal stripes, brownish along lateral margin. Tubercular pits small and close to each other at the frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea distinct, surrounded by yellowish area. Postsutural scutum with each lobe polished dark brown to black, area between lobes brownish yellow. Scutellum dark brown, yellowish fronto-medially. Mediotergite dark brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Pleuron obscure yellow to brownish yellow dorsally, getting paler ventrally, setoseless. Wing (
+Fig. 1B
+) iridescent, translucent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base, without any darker spots except stigma, which is indistinct, elongate, brownish and setose. Veins brown, pale at wing base. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin slightly before branching point of
+beyond tip of
+, oblique.
+long, angulate and short spurred at base. Free end of
+close to branching point of
+diverging towards wing margin,
+parallel to each other. Cell
+with long stem which approximately equals to the free end of
+. Discal cell elongate, 1.5 times as long as wide. Stem of cell
+longer than cell itself. Cross-vein
+at about two-thirds of discal cell length.
+arched before wing margin,
+nearly straight for the entire length, just slightly arched at wing margin, anal vein slightly sinuous. Anal angle long and narrow. Calypter with few long setae. Length of male halter 1.0-
+1.4 mm
+, of female 1.0-
+1.5 mm
+. Stem of halter pale, yellowish at base, knob dark brown. Coxae pale yellow, just fore coxa brownish frontally. Meron small, thus second and third pairs of coxae close to each other. Tro- chanters obscure yellow. Fore and middle femora dark brown with narrowly pale base, hind femur brown with narrowly dark brown apex and pale base. Tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Male femur I: 4.0-
+6.2 mm
+long, II:
+5.4-6.5 mm
+, III: 5.0-
+7.2 mm
+, tibia I:
+5.2-7.7 mm
+, II: 5.8-7.0 mm, III: 5.5-8.0 mm, tarsus I:
+5.2-6.8 mm
+, II:
+4.3-6.5 mm
+, III:
+3.5-4.6 mm
+. Female femur I:
+3.8-6.1 mm
+long, II:
+4.1-6.8 mm
+, III: 5.0-
+7.8 mm
+, tibia I:
+4.5-7.8 mm
+, II:
+5.8-7.7 mm
+, III:
+5.4-8.2 mm
+, tarsus I:
+4.7-7.5 mm
+, II:
+4.2-6.2 mm
+, III:
+3.8-5.2 mm
+. Claw simple, without spines. Arolium reaching to about middle of claw.
+Abdomen: Tergites dark brown with grayish posterior margin, covered with sparse erect yellowish setae, sternites yellow, pregenital sternite brownish. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 1C
+) yellow with dark brown ninth tergite. Posterior margin of ninth tergite setose, slightly extended posteriorly with shallow wide central emargination between two wide low lobes. Gonocoxite elongate, three times as long as width at base, simple, without additional lobes. Outer gonostylus long, narrow, slightly arched with spine-shaped curved apex and small serration distally along slightly inflated mesal margin. Inner gonostylus fleshy and setose, slightly longer than outer gonostylus, wider at about onefourth from base, narrower towards apex which is armed with single acute apical denticle. Interbase with long narrow, blunt-apexed distal arm and strongly arched basal branch articulating with gonocoxite apodeme. Parameres membranuous, uniform. Aedeagus very long, narrows towards distal end, which is slightly curved downwards (
+Fig. 1D, 1E
+). Aedeagal sheath slightly expanded basally, narrowing towards apex. Seminal vesicle small. Ovipositor (
+Fig. 1F
+) brown, just tip of cercus paler. Cercus long and narrow, distal part raised upwards. Hypovalva straight, narrowing towards apex, reaching to about two-thirds of cercus, inner surface in distal half covered with long filaments.
+Elevation range in
+: Altitudes from sea level to slightly above
+1,100 m
+Period of activity in
+: Adults are active and flying from late April through late August.
+Habitats: Slopes to mountainous rivers and streams covered with dense mixed forest, deciduous shrubs, some muddy areas along margins, rocks covered with wet mosses along springs falling into the river, sparse grassy vegetation along margins, some areas densely covered with dwarf bamboo
+Sasa borealis
+groves. Females are coming to light only in rare occasions.
+General distribution: Japanese islands Honshu and Shi- koku,
+Island of the Far East of
+, records from Borneo and
+need confirmation. Recorded from Korean Peninsula for the first time.
+Examined material (
+Fig. 3A
+1 male
+1 female
+North Korea
+, alt.
+305-762 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+2 males
+1 female
+North Korea
+, alt.
+457-610 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+3 males
+1 female
+North Korea
+, alt.
+2,000 ft.
+610 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+2 males
+North Korea
+, alt.
+610-762 m
+A. M. Yankovsky
+1 female
+(pinned), S.
+, #6,
+6 mi.
+E of
+, 1954. 05.20, G. W.
+6 females
+(pinned), S.
+, #6,
+6 mi.
+E of
+1 mi.
+Han River
+, alt.
+150 ft.
+46 m
+, G. W.
+1 male
+2 females
+(pinned), S.
+, #10,
+6 mi.
+E of
+1 mi.
+Han River
+, alt.
+150 ft.
+46 m
+, G. W.
+1 male
+, #14,
+, east coast, alt.
+10-15 ft.
+3-5 m
+], 128°30′E, 38°20′N,
+G. W. Byers
+1 male
+, #17,
+Central National Forest
+18 mi.
+, alt.
+350- 500 ft.
+107-152 m
+, G. W.
+1 male
+, #23,
+Central National Forest
+18 mi.
+, alt.
+350 ft.
+107 m
+, G. W.
+1 male
+, #26,
+Central National Forest
+18 mi.
+, alt.
+350 ft.
+107 m
+, G. W.
+1 male
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.26590
+E 127.58096
+, alt.
+446 m
+, 2014. 08.24 (1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.25257
+E 127.58981
+, alt.
+304 m
+(2), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(pinned), S.
+Jirisan National Park
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.25825
+E 127.58208
+, alt.
+310 m
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.26590
+E 127.58096
+, alt.
+446 m
+, coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol valley
+N 35.27177
+E 127.57146
+, alt.
+490 m
+S. Podenas
+2 females
+4 males
+4 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27177
+E 127.57146
+, alt.
+490 m
+(2), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 females
+2 males
+2 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27177
+E 127.57146
+, alt.
+490 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+2 males
+2 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27448
+E 127.56378
+, alt.
+593 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+3 males
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.26586
+E 127.58090
+, alt.
+448 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27177
+E 127.57146
+, alt.
+490 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27177
+E 127.57146
+, alt.
+490 m
+, 2016. 06.03 (2), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27333
+E 127.56924
+, alt.
+546 m
+(3), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.26586
+E 127.58090
+, alt.
+448 m
+(4), coll.
+S. Podenas
+, at light (
+4 females
+1 male
+1 female
+(in ethanol, antennae and wing of male slide-mounted in
+), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27333
+E 127.56924
+, alt.
+546 m
+(3), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+1 female
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.26586
+E 127.58093
+, alt.
+414 m
+, 2016. 06.24 (1),
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+2 females
+1 male
+3 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+N 37.35022
+E 126.91527
+, alt.
+138 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+N 33.36044
+E 126.46275
+, alt.
+1,103 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+3 males
+3 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+N 35.27333
+E 127.56924
+, alt.
+546 m
+, 2019. 06.25 (1), coll.
+S. Podenas
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+New record of Pilaria crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Key to Korean species of the genus
+1. Dorsum of thorax dark brown to black. Wing stigma present. Seminal vesicle of male terminalia elongate ···· ································
+Pilaria melanota
+Alexander, 1922
+- Dorsum of thorax light brown to brownish yellow. Wing stigma missing. Seminal vesicle of male terminalia globular ·············
+Pilaria simulans
+Savchenko, 1983
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+New record of Pilaria crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Sintenis, 1889
+Sintenis 1889: 398
+. -
+Ishida 1959: 2
+(in key). - Alexan- der 1948: 523, 524, fig. 10. -
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya 1976: 57
+(in key), 70. -
+Savchenko 1983: 49
+(in key), 61; 1986: 326-331, figs. 167-171; 1989: 108-109, figs. 35.3, 53, 54.
+Alexander 1919: 917
+(in key).
+Edwards 1938: 63
+(in key), 87, text figs. 12a, 13c, 14d, Pl. III figs. 11, 21.
+species -
+Limnophila pilicornis
+Zetterstedt, 1851
+Staeger, 1840
+)) (Holarctic)
+Medium-sized crane flies with body length 7.0-
+11.5 mm
+, wing length
+7.5 mm
+to 9.0 mm. General body coloration from brownish yellow to brown and dark brown.
+Head: Rounded posteriorly without neck-like extension. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, width of vertex approximately equals length of both basal antennomeres taken together. Male antenna long, reaching from base of wing to middle of abdomen, if bent backwards, female antenna shorter. If antenna shorter, then length of verticils up to four times that of respective segments, but if longer, then verticils missing and flagellomeres covered with dense erect whitish pubescence. Scape short, subequal to pedicel. Flagellum 14-segmented, flagellomeres elongate, nearly cylindrical. Rostrum short.
+Thorax: Frontal margin of pronotum with wide but shallow emargination. Prescutum with small tubercular pits at frontal margin, pseudosutural fovea large and distinct, closer to anterior margin of sclerite, longitudinal stripes on prescutum and presutural scutum missing. Pleuron uniformly colored, often distinctly lighter than dorsum, katepisternum setoseless. Meron small, thus middle and posterior coxae close together. Wing (
+Figs. 1B
+) long and narrow, iridescent, brownish or yellowish, pattern- less or with darker areas surrounding cross-veins, stigmal area covered with macrotrichiae. Arculus present. Vein
+long, reaching wing margin before branching point of
+close to the tip of
+strongly diverging,
+at branching point of
+or short distance on
+. Cell
+with long stem, that approximately equals to length of
+. Cell
+usually present and has long stem which is close to the half length of cell itself, but cell
+missing in
+cell elongate.
+close to the middle of discal cell.
+and anal vein diverging, both slightly arched before wing margin.
+vein reaching wing margin beyond the level of
+cell long and narrow with widely rounded posterior margin.
+with few long setae.
+with well developed tibial spurs, single on fore, paired on middle and posterior leg.
+simple, without spines.
+long and slender, reaching to about middle of claw
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites without paired transverse sutures. Male terminalia approximately as wide as rest of the abdomen, slightly elongate. Ninth segment fused into complete genital ring. Ninth tergite shallowly emarginate at posterior margin, gonocoxite elongate, simple, without additional lobes. Two pairs of terminal gonostyli. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, strongly sclerotized, claw-shaped, inner gonostylus elongate, fleshy and setose. Interbase elongate, extended posteriorly, curved frontally. Aedeagus distinctly differs among species, straight, or strongly curved, seminal vesicle varies from very small to large. Ovipositor long with long and narrow cerci and hypovalvae.
+Last instar larva.
+Body: Covered with very short yellowish setae, which gives body a golden color.
+Head capsule: Elongate oval in shape, depressed dorsoventrally and much reduced, especially on ventral side. Clypeolabrum large, as long as wide, pale, not sclerotized, square-shaped. Frons separated from clypeolabrum, sclerotized, fused into spatulate plate, widest posteriorly. Basal segment of antenna short, apical papilla elongated. Mandible two segmented with joint near mid-length. Maxilla elongated, slightly narrowing toward tip with apical part directed outward. Cardo reduced. Hypopharyngeal part of head capsule membranous. Posterior part of head capsule consists of one pair of rod-shaped internolateralia which are fused with frons and two pairs of rod-shaped externo- lateralia which are joined by membrane.
+Terminal segment: Last abdominal segment (anal) constricted; penultimate abdominal segment inflated. Four cushions of long stout setae on posterior margin of sternite of penultimate segment, equidistant from each other. Spiracular field surrounded by four flattened elongate and sclerotized lateral and ventral lobes, dorsal lobe vestigial. Pigmentation of ventral lobe discontinuous, with transverse striations, coloration more continuous toward apex or reduced to narrow line. Spiracular field entirely fringed with setae. Apical setae of lobes more or less similar in length to other marginal setae. Spiracles large and circular. Anus surrounded by four short, oval-shaped white and fleshy anal papillae (
+Gelhaus and Podeniene, 2019
+Body: Coloration brown.
+Head and thorax much darker than the abdomen, pronotal horns light brown. Cephalic crest consists of several lobes. Pronotal horn elongate, tip split into flattened lobes. Abdominal segments II- VII with three or four pais of naked tubercles. Terminal segment of male pupa blunt and narrow, that of female elongate (
+Alexander, 1920
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Centropyxis compressa
+van Oye, 1948
+눌IJDZNjAEḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 1B
+Centropyxis compressa
+van Oye, 1948
+Fig. 1.
+Photomicrographs of
+(A- F). A,
+Centropyxis aerophila sphagnicola
+; B,
+C. compressa
+; C,
+C. elongata
+; D, apertural view of
+C. cassis
+; E, lateral view of
+C. cassis
+; F,
+C. notonyx
+. Scale bars= 50 μm.
+Material examined.
+Ganghwa-gun (
+126° 25′52.46″E
+South Korea
+17 September 2019
+World distribution.
+Shell large, oval, width subequal its length, dorsoventrally strongly flattened; short spines located along the edge of the shell. Mouth irregularly rounded, slightly eccentric. Shell length 120 μm, width 130 μm, height 30 μm; mouth width 50 μm, length 30 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Centropyxis notonyx
+Jung, 1942
+ẅȇḨùDZNjAEḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 1F
+Centropyxis notonyx
+Jung, 1942
+Material examined.
+Ganghwa-gun (
+126° 30’05″E
+South Korea
+14 April 2019
+World distribution.
+Shell medium, broadly elliptical in apertural view, relatively high, slightly shorter than long, tapering near the mouth in lateral view; mouth wide elliptical. Shell length 65 μm, width 58 μm, height 50 μm; mouth width 30 μm, length 17 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Centropyxis laevigata
+Penard, 1890
+DZṞDZNjAEḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 1D, E
+Centropyxis laevigata
+Penard, 1890
+Material examined.
+Ganghwa-gun (
+126° 24′09″E
+South Korea
+27 September 2019
+World distribution.
+Shell large, almost round dorsally, hemispherical laterally or slightly less than hemisphere; mouth slightly eccentric, deepened inside the shell. Shell diameter 61- 135 μm, height 30 μm; mouth diameter 33 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Difflugia viscidula
+Penard, 1902
+DzọÑỵḓḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 2E
+Difflugia viscidula
+Penard, 1902
+Material examined.
+Paju-si (
+126°50′ 05.78″E
+South Korea
+19 June 2018
+World distribution.
+Shell large, elongated ovoid; mouth rounded, surrounded by fine sand grains. Shell length 180 μm, width 120 μm; mouth diameter 65 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Difflugia pecac
+Ogden, 1984
+ẅȇėṻŵḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 2C, D
+Difflugia pecac
+Ogden, 1984
+Material examined.
+Jeju-si (
+South Korea
+25 June 2021
+World distribution.
+Shell medium, elongated; aboral region round- ed; compressed along the entire length; covered with flattened mineral grains forming a smooth surface; mouth oval. Shell length 60 μm, width 30 μm; mouth width 18 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Difflugia levanderi
+Playfair, 1918
+DZṞỵḓḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 2B
+Difflugia levanderi
+Playfair, 1918
+Material examined.
+Ganghwa-gun (
+126° 23′08″E
+South Korea
+27 September 2019
+World distribution.
+Shell relatively large, ovoid, strongly tapering to the mouth, made of small grains of sand; surface smooth; mouth rounded. Shell length 85 μm, width 55 μm; mouth diameter 32 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Difflugia elegans angustata
+Penard, 1890
+Deflandre, 1926
+ẅȇẍẒOiƞùǟḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 2A
+Difflugia elegans
+Penard, 1890
+Material examined.
+Yangju-si (
+126°58′ 35.44″E
+South Korea
+15 May 2018
+World distribution.
+Shell relatively large, cylindrical, ending in a thick spike on fundus; surface uneven; mouth rounded. Shell length 90 μm, width 40 μm; mouth diameter 25 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Euglypha tuberculata
+Dujardin, 1841
+ạḝqḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 3A
+Euglypha tuberculata
+Dujardin, 1841
+Material examined.
+Goyang-si (
+126°54′ 01.08″E
+South Korea
+15 May 2015
+World distribution.
+Shell medium, elongated ovoid in lateral view, circular in cross section; mouth round, surrounded by 1-2 rows of idiosomes. Shell length 80 μm, width 36 μm; mouth diameter 12 μm.
+Thecofilosea Cavalier-Smith, 2003
+, emend. Cavalier-Smith, 2011
+Cryomonadida Cavalier-Smith, 1993
+Rhogostomidae Dumack
+et al.
+, 2017
+ùüďOiṘŭ (ṵÿ)
+Belar, 1921
+ùüďOiṘŭ (ṵÿ)
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Nebela tincta
+(Leidy, 1879) Awerintzew, 1906
+ợNjḓḇNj (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 2F
+Hyalosphenia tincta
+Leidy, 1879
+Material examined.
+Ganghwa-gun (
+126° 30′05″E
+South Korea
+14 April 2019
+World distribution.
+Shell relatively large, ovoid, laterally compressed; mouth elliptical with two additional pores on the sides. Shell length 85 μm, width 65 μm; mouth width 25 μm.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Rhogostoma minus
+Belar, 1921
+ùüďOiṘ (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 3B, C
+Rhogostoma minus
+Belar, 1921
+Fig. 3.
+Photomicrographs of
+(A- C) and
+(D). A,
+Euglypha tuberculate
+; B, general appearance of
+Rhogostoma minus
+; C, pseudopodia of
+R. minus
+(arrow); D,
+Parabodo caudatus
+, general appearance of cell, showing ventral view. Note flagellar insertion (arrow). Scale bars: A = 50 μm; B- D = 10 μm.
+Material examined.
+Uichang-gu (
+128° 37′07.84″E
+), Changwon-si,
+South Korea
+25 April 2021
+World distribution.
+Czech Republic
+South Korea
+Cell broader diameter seen from dorsal end is 6.5-8.5 μm. Cleft-like aperture is beneath the cell hard to see. Pseudopodia emerge through the cleft, can extend many times the cell length and pull the cell along the substratum. The cells pull over leading pseudopodia as trailing pseudopodia retract, progress smooth. Refractive granules; several small vesicles; large lateral contractile vacuole; nucleus usually central. Form groups of several cells.
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+Unrecorded species of Korean protozoans discovered through the project of ‘ Discovery of Korean Indigenous Species’ II
+Chae, Kyu-Seok
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Jongwoo
+Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea
+Lee, Won Je
+Department of Environment and Energy Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Korea
+Min, Gi-Sik
+Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Monomicrocaryon saprobia
+(Kahl, 1932)
+Foissner, 2016
+ǖǐ핵ǿAEệ (ṵÿ) (
+Fig. 4A, B
+Oxytricha saprobia
+Kahl, 1932
+Material examined.
+Jung-gu (
+126°26′ 2.48″E
+South Korea
+31 December 2018
+, and
+South Korea
+Cell size 85-95 × 33-45 μm in protargol preparation; elliptical body shape; micronuclei between two macronuclear nodules; 22-23 adoral zone of membranelles; paroral and endoral optically intersect in an
+-pattern; 18 frontal-ventral-transverse cirri; one left (14 cirri) and one right (16-18 cirri) marginal cirral row; two pretransvers cirri; five transverse cirri; six dorsal kineties; three caudal cirri.
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+Two new records of orb-weaving spiders with a new species (Araneae: Araneidae) from Korea
+Lee, Sue Yeon
+College of Agricultural Life Science, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
+Kim, Jung Sun Yoo and Seung Tae
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Araniella robusta
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 2
+Type material.
+: male,
+2 June 2019
+Mt. Juwangsan National Park
+129°08′ 55.7″E
+, alt.
+296 m
+), leg. S.
+. Kim.
+The species name is derived from the Latin adjective
+’ meaning robust referring to the strongly developed legs.
+The new species is most similar to
+Araniella cucurbitina
+(Clerck, 1757)
+in the body appearance, but can be easily distinguished from the latter by a branched conductor with two blunt tips, and the tip of embolus and terminal apophysis conjugated (
+Fig. 2E, F
+undivided conductor with a bent tip, and the tip of embolus and terminal apophysis separated in
+A. cucurvitina
+Levi, 1974: 298
+, figs. 30, 31;
+Blanke, 1982: 289
+, fig. 6b).
+male. Total length 4.57 (habitus). Carapace: 2.65 long/2.04 wide, dusky reddish brown, round, longer than wide, thoracic region dark with a pair of dark brownish lateral bands, cervical and radial furrows distinct, dark longitudinal fovea needle shaped and deeply depressed (
+Fig. 2A
+). Eyes: ALE 0.13, AME 0.16, PLE 0.12, PME 0.12, ALE- AME 0.28, AME- AME 0.21, PLE- PME 0.39, PME- PME 0.12, ALE- PLE conjugated, AME- PME 0.19, AER 0.91, PER 0.93, all eyes encircled with black, eight eyes in two rows, AER strongly recurved and PER slightly recurved from above, AER slightly shorter than PER (
+Fig. 2B
+). Chelicera: 0.85 long/0.32 wide, yellowish brown, strongly developed chelicera teeth with four promarginal teeth and three retromarginal teeth, fang brown (
+Fig. 2C
+). Endite: 0.35 long/0.32 wide, yellowish brown. Labium: 0.21 long/0.40 wide, brown. Sternum: 1.12 long/0.90 wide, yellowish brown, both margins brown, inverted triangular, longer than wide, sharply pointed and protrudent between the leg segments (
+Fig. 2D
+). Legs: I 7.37 (2.40, 1.00, 1.70, 1.45, 0.82), II 7.18 (2.27, 1.00, 1.45, 1.60, 0.86), III 4.71 (1.60, 0.60, 1.00, 0.97, 0.54), IV 6.81 (2.17, 0.83, 1.50, 1.75, 0.56), reddish brown, stout and strongly developed, all leg segments except tarsus armed with spines, femur II dark brown, distal end of femur III with thick and pale brownish annulus (
+Fig. 2A
+), leg formula I-II-IV-III. Abdomen: 2.54 long/2.40 wide, pale grayish brown with a faint folium, ovoid, longer than wide, posterior end wrinkled, 3 pairs of muscle impressions present, posterior part with 4 pairs of black speckles (
+Fig. 2A
+). Palp: 1.97 (0.43, 0.29, 0.21, -, 0.48), paracymbium unmodified; tegulum round with a round ridge, tegular tip long with pointed tip, beak-shaped; embolus very long with a broad base and a pointed tip; conductor broad and large, branched with 2 blunt tips; median apophysis hook-shaped with a pointed tip, proturdent outward; terminal apophysis long with a pointed tip, conjugated with an embolic tip (
+Fig. 2E, F
+Female. Unknown.
+(Mt. Juwangsan National Park,
+The species was collected with a sweep net between shrubs in mixed forests of mountainous terrain near a stream.
+Vol. 10, No. 4
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+Two new records of orb-weaving spiders with a new species (Araneae: Araneidae) from Korea
+Lee, Sue Yeon
+College of Agricultural Life Science, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
+Kim, Jung Sun Yoo and Seung Tae
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942
+Epeira displicata
+Hentz, 1847
+For detailed diagnosis and description, see
+Levi (1974)
+and Zamani
+et al.
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+Two new records of orb-weaving spiders with a new species (Araneae: Araneidae) from Korea
+Lee, Sue Yeon
+College of Agricultural Life Science, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
+Kim, Jung Sun Yoo and Seung Tae
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889
+Fig. 1.
+Mangora foliosa
+Zhu & Yin, 1998
+, female. A. Habitus in dorsal view; B. Habitus in lateral view; C. Eye area from above; D. Chelicera in ventral view; E. Ditto in retrolateral view; F. Sternum; G. Epigyne in ventral view; H. Internal genitalia in dorsal view (Fd, fertilization duct; S, scape; Sp, spermatheca). Scale bars in mm.
+Mangora picta
+O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889
+For detailed diagnosis and description, see
+Levi (2007)
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+Two new records of orb-weaving spiders with a new species (Araneae: Araneidae) from Korea
+Lee, Sue Yeon
+College of Agricultural Life Science, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea
+Kim, Jung Sun Yoo and Seung Tae
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Mangora foliosa
+Zhu & Yin, 1998
+Fig. 1
+šflūHḍ (ṳḋ)
+Mangora foliosa
+Zhu & Yin
+, in
+et al.
+, 1997
+: p. 333
+, f. 236a- e;
+Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999
+: p. 293
+, f. 174A- B;
+et al.
+, 2012
+: p. 715, f. 356a- e.
+Material examined.
+Three females
+2 June 2019
+Mt. Juwangsan National Park
+, alt.
+295 m
+one female
+15 July 2018
+Mt. Juwangsan National Park
+, alt.
+348 m
+), leg. S.
+. Kim
+Female. Total length 5.90 (habitus). Carapace: 2.40 long/1.97 wide, dark yellowish brown, pyriform, longer than wide, head region with dark yellowish brown mesal band gently sloped to thoracic region, thoracic region highly elevated, cervical and radial furrows distinct, dark longitudinal fovea deeply depressed (
+Fig. 1A, B
+). Eyes: AER 0.76, PER 0.82, all eyes encircled with black, PMEs largest, both lateral eyes contiguous, eight eyes in two rows, AER strongly recurved and PER recurved from above, PER longer than AER (
+Fig. 1A, C
+). Chelicera: 0.90 long/0.55 wide, yellowish brown with strongly developed three promarginal teeth and four retromarginal teeth, tiny warty granulations between the margins, fang short and strong (
+Fig. 1D, E
+). Endite: 0.44 long/0.34 wide, dusky and pale blackish brown. Labium: 0.20 long/0.40 wide, dusky and pale blackish brown. Sternum: 1.08 long/1.00 wide, yellowish brown, shieldshaped, anterior margin and posterior end depressed, clothed sparsely with short and long blackish-brown hairs, lateral and posterior margins dark (
+Fig. 1F
+). Legs: I 9.04 (2.64, 1.05, 2.00, 2.43, 0.92), II 7.55 (2.45, 0.90, 1.30, 2.00, 0.90), III 5.07 (1.54, 0.54, 1.10, 1.18, 0.71), IV 7.56 (2.32, 0.80, 1.70, 1.96, 0.78), pale yellowish brown, stout and strongly developed, all segments with spines except tarsus, femur with pale annuli at the middle and distal end, patella with a dark annulus at the distal end, tibia with dark annuli at the proximal and distal ends, leg formula I- IV≒II- III (
+Fig. 1A, B
+). Abdomen: 4.95 long/2.95 wide, ivory, mottled with reticulated patterns, long ovoid, longer than wide, a blackish brown tower-shaped pattern mesially, dark blackish-brown band on both lateral sides, conspicuously protrudent over the carapace (
+Fig. 1A, B
+). Palp; 3.24 (0.71, 0.32, 0.51, -, 0.92). Epigyne: simple and sclerotized, pale yellowish white and tongue-shaped scape present, a pair of globular spermathecae separated each other and visible in the internal genitalia, a pair of pointed fertilization ducts located posterodistally (
+Fig. 1G, H
+(new record),
+The species was collected with a sweep net between shrubs in mixed forests of mountainous terrain.
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+Limnophila crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Alexander, 1934
+Alexander, 1934a: 338
+, 339;
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 64
+Savchenko, 1989: 93
+Body coloration bluish gray. Male body length 10.0-
+11.4 mm
+, female 12.0-
+13.7 mm
+, male wing length
+10.5-11.2 mm
+, that of female 11.5-12.0 mm.
+Head (
+Fig. 3B
+): Silvery-gray frontally, lead-gray posteriorly, narrowly brownish laterally at base, sparsely covered with short dark brown erect setae. Vertex with low wide tubercle spotted with dark brown at middle. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae approximately equals length of scape. Antenna 2.0 mm long in male,
+1.7-2.1 mm
+in female, reaching to about middle of pronotum if bent backwards. Antennal scape long nearly cylindrical dark brown, sparsely dusted with brownish gray and bearing few short brown raised setae. Pedicel twice as short as scape, yellowish brown, widened distally. Flagellum yellowish brown to light brown, covered with short dense grayish pubescence, four basal flagellomeres dilated ventrally. Remaining flagellomeres elongate. Verticils dark brown, longest three times as long as respective segments. Apical segment large, approximately as long as preceding segment. Rostrum dark brown, densely covered with brownish gray pruinosity, few long setae at apex. Basal palpomere blackish, remainder of palpus and mouth parts dark brown.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites dark brown, covered with light gray pruinosity that is especially dense ventrally. Pronotum large, light gray because of dense pruinosity, with brownish postero-lateral angle. Mesonotal prescutum (
+Fig. 3B
+) brownish gray with four very distinct polished black longitudinal stripes. Median stripes reaching each other only at frontal margin of sclerite, remainder separated by narrow gray line. Tubercular pit black but hardly dis- tinguishable because it is merged with median stripe, pseudosutural fovea distinct with polished dark brown central part and black posterior margin. Scutal lobe light gray with large polished black central area which makes an extension of lateral prescutal stripe. Area between scutal lobes light gray to dark gray depending on specimen. Central area of scutellum light gray, frontal margin blackish, posterior brownish. Mediotergite light gray with polished dark brown posterior margin. Dorsopleural membrane yellowish brown, dusted with gray. Pleuron light gray, katepisternum setoseless, ventrally dark brown because of sparser pruinosity. Wing (
+Fig. 3A
+) iridescent in male but not in female, with abundant spots and large white areas: largest spots at arculus and at both ends of radial sector; cross-veins and distal parts of all longitudinal veins surrounded by darker; largest white areas separate largest dark spots, remainder of wing surface and along veins with abundant small spots. Stigma hidden by dark spot. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+long, nearly reaching branching point of
+beyond tip of
+, at branching point of radial sector.
+long, arched at base. Free end of
+1.5 times as long as
+diverging towards wing margin, cell
+with very short stem. Cross-vein
+long and distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell twice as long as wide. Cell
+short, stem more than twice as long as cell itself. Cross-vein
+slightly before middle of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly sinuous, apex reaching wing margin at the level of
+base. Anal angle long and narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter
+1.6-1.9 mm
+, that of female 1.9-2.0 mm, stem brownish yellow with darker base, knob dark brown. Coxae brown, densely dusted with light gray. Trochanters brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Femur yellow with distinctly dark brown distal part. Tibia yellow with narrowly darkened apex. Tarsus dark brown with light brown base of basal tarsomere. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I:
+5.8-6.6 mm
+long, II: 6.5-8.0 mm, III: 7.0 mm, tibia I:
+7.2-7.3 mm
+, II: 7.3-9.0 mm, III:
+7.7 mm
+, tarsus I:
+8.5 mm
+, III:
+5.7 mm
+. Female femur I:
+5.2-6.5 mm
+long, II: 6.2-7.0 mm, III: 7.0-
+7.5 mm
+, tibia I:
+6.3-6.7 mm
+, II:
+6.2-6.3 mm
+, III: 7.7-8.0 mm, tarsus I:
+5.2-6.5 mm
+, II:
+5.4-5.5 mm
+, III:
+5.2-5.4 mm
+. Claw simple, without spines or teeth, dark brown.
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites sparsely setose, light gray with brown posterior margin. Tergite with pair of semipolished transverse sutures and similar narrow oblique stripes that turn shorter on posterior tergites. Sternites brown, yellowish at base of abdomen, densely covered with gray pruinosity. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 3C
+) brown, yellowish at base, blackish at apex. Ninth tergite distinctly wider than longer, posterior margin widely rounded, slightly raised medially. Gonocoxite elongate, nearly cylindrical, with distinct apical spine at base of outer gonostylus. Outer gonostylus setose, narrow at basal half, dilated distally, apex blunt and slightly darkened. Inner gonostylus wide, fleshy and setose, nearly parallel-sided, distal part raised upwards. Paramere long rod-shaped, with narrower distal part, strongly curved ventrally. Aedeagus long, tube-shaped, strongly arched, apex curved downwards. Tenth tergite of female abdomen (
+Fig. 3D
+) elongate, narrow, brown and covered with gray pruinosity. Ovipositor with cercus and hypovalva polished reddish brown, cercus long and arched, darker at base, yellow at tip, round-apexed. Hypovalva long and straight.
+Elevation range in
+850 to nearly
+1,200 m
+of activity in
+middle of
+through early
+margins of springs and small streams covered with shrubs and dense grassy vegetation.
+Russian Far East.
+material (
+Fig. 4C
+). metatype,
+1 male
+(antenna, both hind legs and genitalia slide mounted)
+North Korea
+Seren. Mts.
+, alt.
+3,800 ft.
+1,158 m
+, A.
+1 male
+2 females
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+2,800 ft.
+853 m
+, A.
+2 males
+2 females
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+3,000 ft.
+914 m
+, A.
+1 male
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+3,000 ft.
+914 m
+-03, A.
+1 male
+1 female
+North Korea
+Seren Mts.
+, alt.
+3,700 ft.
+1,128 m
+, A.
+compared with:
+, male (antenna, fore leg, gonocoxite with gonostyli slide mounted), [Rus- sia],
+E. Siberia
+[mouth of river Amur]
+June 24, 1915
+, W.
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+Limnophila crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Meigen, 1818
+Limnobia pictipennis
+Meigen, 1818: 119
+, 120.
+Limnophila angustipennis
+Meigen, 1818: 120
+Poecilostola pictipennis
+Schiner, 1864: 552
+Meijere, 1921: 62
+Pierre, 1924: 120
+Nielsen, 1925: 71
+Czižek, 1931: 127
+, 129.
+Poecilostola angustipennis
+Schiner, 1864: 552
+Meijere, 1921: 62
+Pierre1924: 120
+Nielsen, 1925: 71
+Czižek, 1931: 130
+Limnophila pictipennis
+Macquart, 1834: 95
+Edwards, 1938: 85
+Coe, 1950: 42
+Savchenko, 1986: 272
+, 273.
+Savchenko, 1983: 54
+1989: 92
+Body coloration dark brown densely dusted with gray. Male body length 9.7-12.0 mm, female
+12.8- 14.7 mm
+, male wing length
+11.5-12.5 mm
+, female
+11.5- 13.5 mm
+Head (
+Fig. 2C
+): Gray, light gray along eye margin, brown dorsally, narrowly reddish-brown at base, sparsely covered with dark brown erect setae. Vertex with low wide tubercle marked with median dark line. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antenna approximately equals to length of scape. Antenna (
+Fig. 2A
+) 1.9-2.0 mm long in male,
+2.1-2.2 mm
+in female, reaching slightly beyond frontal margin of prescutum if bent backwards. Antennal scape long cylindrical, dark brown, three times as long as succeeding segment, densely dusted with brownish gray and bearing few short semi-erect brown setae. Pedicel dark brown, dusted with gray, widened distally. Four basal flagellomeres brown, yellowish at base, strongly dilated ventrally. Remaining flagellomeres elongate, brown to dark brown. All flagellomeres at basal half of flagellum covered with dense whitish pubescence. Verticils dark brown, longest three times as long as respective segments. Apical segment approximately as long as preceding segment. Rostrum dark brown, densely covered with brownish gray pruinosity, few long setae dorso-apically and ventrally. Palpus brown, mouth- parts brown.
+Fig. 2.
+Meigen, 1818
+. A. antenna. B. wing. C. thorax and head, dorsal view. D. male genitalia, dorsal view. E. ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars 0.5 mm.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites dark brown laterally and ventrally, light brown dorsally at base of head, densely dusted with gray. Pronotum large, gray with brown median line and less distinct lateral longitudinal spot. Mesonotal prescutum gray with four indistinct darker brown longitudinal stripes (
+Fig. 2C
+). Median stripes usually separated by narrow gray line. Tubercular pits small but distinct, at frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea distinct, brown, indistinct transverse brown spot beyond fovea. Scutal lobe light gray with two indistinct brownish spots. Area between scutal spots light gray. Scutellum light gray with dark brown median line. Mediotergite light gray, brownish posteriorly. Dorsopleural membrane brown, dusted with gray. Pleuron light gray, sparsely variegated with darker areas where the bloom has been denuded, katepisternum bare, setosless. Wing (
+Fig. 2B
+) iridescent with brownish tinge and abundant spots covering whole wing area: four large spots at frontal margin, at arculus, at middle between arculus and base of
+, at both ends of radial sector; cross-veins and distal parts of all longitudinal veins surrounded by darker; remainder of wing surface and along veins with abundant small spots. Stigma dark brown with small yellowish spot at middle. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+long, nearly reaching branching point of
+beyond tip of
+, at branching point of radial sector.
+long, arched and sometimes short-spurred at base. Free end of
+twice as long as
+slightly diverging towards wing margin, cell
+with very short stem or making point-contact with base of
+. Cross-vein
+distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell 1.8 times as long as wide. Cell
+long, stem slightly shorter than cell itself. Cross-vein
+at middle length of discal cell. Anal vein long, distinctly arched at wing margin, apex at the level of Rs base or slightly beyond. Anal angle long and narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter
+1.5-1.9 mm
+, that of female 1.9-2.0 mm, stem brown, dusted with gray, with row of erect long setae before middle, knob dark brown, grayish pruinose. Coxae brown, dusted with gray bearing few long rusty-brown setae apically. Trochanters brownish yellow marked with black ventrally, sparsely dusted with gray. Femur and tibia yellow with dark brown apical ring. Basal tarsomere brown with yellowish base and dark brown apex, remaining tarsomeres dark brown. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I:
+6.5-7.5 mm
+long, II:
+7.5-7.6 mm
+, III:
+7.8-8.5 mm
+, tibia I: 8.0-
+8.8 mm
+, II: 8.8-9.0 mm, III: 8.5-10.0 mm, tarsus I:
+7.7-8.8 mm
+, II:
+7.1-7.3 mm
+, III:
+6.1-6.7 mm
+. Female femur I: 6.0-
+7.7 mm
+long, II: 6.0-
+7.5 mm
+, III: 7.0-
+8.5 mm
+, tibia I: 6.0-
+8.1 mm
+, II: 6.5-8.0 mm, III: 9.3-10.0 mm, tarsus I:
+7.5-7.6 mm
+, II:
+5.2-6.5 mm
+, III:
+5.6-6.5 mm
+. Claw simple, spineless, dark brown.
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites grayish brown, narrowly grayish-light brown laterally, sparsely setose. Basal tergite gray, second and third tergites yellowish. Tergal sclerite with pair of transverse sutures. Sternites bluish-grayish brown, yellowish before middle of abdomen. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 2D
+) brownish-yellow to rusty-brownish-yellow depending on specimen. Ninth tergite distinctly wider than longer, posterior margin slightly extended medially. Gonocoxite slightly elongate, with distinct fleshy knobshaped apical lobe at base of outer gonostylus. Outer gonostylus setose, narrow at basal half, dilated distally, apex rounded and slightly darkened. Inner gonostylus wide, fleshy and setose, narrowing towards apex, distal part slightly extended and arched, blunt-apexed. Paramere long rod-shaped, strongly curved medially. Aedeagus long, strongly arched, apex curved downwards. Ovipositor (
+Fig. 2E
+) brownish yellow. Tenth tergite elongate, yellow with darkened distal part, cercus long and arched, darker at base, yellow at tip, round-apexed. Hypovalva long and straight.
+Elevation range in
+From 900 to slightly above
+1,500 m
+Period of activity in
+From early June through middle of July.
+Muddy margins of springs and small streams covered with shrubs and dense grassy vegetation.
+General distribution.
+East and West Palearctic.
+Examined material
+Fig. 4B
+4 males
+2 females
+North Korea
+Chonsani Paiktusan
+, alt.
+3,200 ft.
+975 m
+A. Yankovsky
+2 males
+2 females
+North Korea
+Chonsani Paiktusan
+, alt.
+3,400 ft.
+1,036 m
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+, alt.
+5,000 ft.
+1,524 m
+A. Yankovsky
+2 males
+North Korea
+, alt.
+3,000 ft.
+914 m
+A. Yankovsky
+compared with
+1 male
+1 female
+, alt.
+18 m
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(in ethanol),
+Birzai distr.
+, alt.
+58 m
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+Girele forest
+, alt.
+96 m
+1 male
+(in ethanol),
+Vilnius distr.
+, alt.
+174 m
+S. Podenas
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+Limnophila crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Alexander, 1913
+Alexander, 1913: 316
+, 317.
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 65
+Savchenko, 1989: 92
+Body coloration: thorax dark gray, abdomen dorsally brown, ventrally obscure yellow, dusted with gray. Male body length 9.0-12.0 mm, female
+12.5-15.2 mm
+, male wing length
+10.5-12.5 mm
+, female
+9.7-14.5 mm
+Head: Dark gray, narrowly light gray along eye margin, sparsely covered with dark brown erect setae, longer ventrally, shorter dorsally. Vertex with low and wide, laterally dark brown tubercle. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae slightly less than length of scape. Antenna (
+Fig. 1A
+) 2.0-
+2.3 mm
+long in male,
+2.2-2.5 mm
+in female, reaching to frontal margin of prescutum if bent backwards. Antennal scape long cylindrical, dark brown to blackish, sparsely dusted with gray and few semi-erect blackish setae. Pedicel dark brown, twice as short as scape. Basal flagellomere yellow at base, brownish distally, remainder of flagellum dark brown. Flagellomeres covered with short dense whitish pubescence, longest verticils nearly twice as long as respective segments. 2-4 flagellomeres slightly dilated ventrally. Apical segment slightly exceeds preceding segment in length. Rostrum blackish, sparsely dusted with gray. Palpus dark brown, dusted with gray, mouth parts blackish.
+Fig. 1.
+Alexander, 1913
+. A. antenna. B. wing. C. male genitalia, dorsal view. D. ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars 0.5 mm.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites dark brown to black, densely dusted with gray. Pronotum dark brown dusted with gray. Mesonotal prescutum lead-gray, laterally light gray, with four indistinct longitudinal stripes. Tubercular pits small but distinct, black, drop-shaped, pseudosutural fovea distinct, brown. Scutal lobe light gray because of dense pruinosity, darker frontally. Scutellum light gray. Mediotergite blackish frontally, light gray posteriorly. Dorsopleural membrane dark brown. Pleuron gray, sparsely variegated with darker areas where the bloom has been denuded, katepisternum setosless. Wing (
+Fig. 1B
+) slightly iridescent with brownish tinge and abundant small spots covering whole wing area; cross-veins surrounded by darker; larger spots at base of radial sector, at tip of
+, at arculus and in the middle between arculus and base of
+. Stigma yellowish with small dark spots at free end of
+. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin slightly beyond branching point of
+beyond tip of
+long, arched and sometimes short-spurred at base. Free end of
+very short, just slightly exceeds length of
+slightly diverging towards wing margin, cell
+with short stem, which is
+approximately as long as free end of
+. Cross-vein
+distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell 1.6 times as long as wide. Cell
+long, slightly longer than stem. Cross-vein
+at middle length of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly arched at wing margin, apex reaching wing margin at the level of
+base. Anal angle long and narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter
+1.5-1.7 mm
+, female
+1.5- 1.9 mm
+, stem pale brown, reddish at base, knob blackened. Coxae reddish dark brown, dusted with gray and sparsely covered with long yellowish setae. Trochanters brownish yellow with blackened ventro-posterior margin, sparsely dusted with gray. Femur yellow with dark brown apical ring. Tibia brownish with narrowly dark brown apex. Tarsomeres dark brown with base of first tarsomere light brown. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I:
+6.5-7.8 mm
+long, II:
+7.3-7.5 mm
+, III:
+8.2- 8.5 mm
+, tibia I:
+7.8-8.3 mm
+, II:
+7.5-7.8 mm
+, III: 9.0-
+9.5 mm
+, tarsus I:
+7.5-8.2 mm
+, II:
+6.5-6.8 mm
+, III:
+5.8-6.5 mm
+. Female femur I: 6.0-7.0 mm long, II: 6.7-7.0 mm, III:
+7.8-8.5 mm
+, tibia I: 7.0-9.0 mm, II:
+7.4-7.5 mm
+, III:
+8.7-9.4 mm
+, tarsus I: 7.0-8.0 mm, II: 6.5-7.0 mm, III:
+5.5-5.7 mm
+. Claw simple, spineless.
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites grayish brown, yellowish laterally and at base, sparsely setose. Basal tergite gray. Tergites with two pairs of transverse sutures. Sternites grayish yellow, brownish laterally and posteriorly. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 1C
+) brownish yellow. Ninth tergite wider than longer, posterior margin with two medially curved lobes. Gonocoxite oval, simple, without additional lobes or spines. Outer gonostylus setose, spindle-shaped with slightly darkened and arched point-apexed tip. Inner gonostylus wide, fleshy and setose at base, distal part slightly extended and arched, blunt-apexed; small bump covered with long setae on dorsal surface. Paramere long rod-shaped, strongly curved medially. Aedeagus long, strongly arched, apex curved downwards. Ovipositor (
+Fig. 1D
+) very long and narrow, yellowish brown. Tenth tergite elongate, grayish-yellow, cercus very long and narrow, slightly arched towards distal end, darker at base, yellow at tip, round-apexed. Hypovalva long, straight and narrow, with long parallel setae distally along dorsal margin.
+Elevation range in
+sea level to
+550 m
+Period of activity in
+Probably two generations a year, one lasts from late April through middle of June, some adults are also observed flying in late August.
+Mixed forest and shrubs covering slopes to the mountainous stream, spring margins.
+General distribution.
+and Russian Far East.
+Examined material
+Fig. 4A
+1 male
+(pinned), S.
+, #3,
+7 miles
+West of Chungju
+, coll.
+G.W. Byers
+2 males
+(pinned), S.
+, #14,
+, east coast, alt.
+10-50 ft.
+3-15 m
+], 128°30′E, 38°20′N,
+, coll.
+G.W. Byers
+5 males
+(in ethanol), S.
+, alt.
+509 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+(in ethanol), S.
+, alt.
+319 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+446 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+, 2014. 08.31 (2), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+446 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+5 males
+(in ethanol),
+1 female
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol valley
+, alt.
+304 m
+(2), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+304 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+1 male
+(in ethanol),
+1 male
+3 females
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+490 m
+(1), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 females
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+310 m
+S. Podenas
+4 males
+2 females
+(in ethanol),
+1 male
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+304 m
+(3), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+546 m
+S. Podenas
+1 female
+(in ethanol), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+448 m
+(4), coll.
+S. Podenas
+2 males
+2 females
+(pinned), S.
+Piagol Valley
+, alt.
+546 m
+S. Podenas
+5 males
+(in ethanol),
+3 males
+(pinned), S.
+, alt.
+138 m
+S. Podenas
+compared with: metatype
+1 male
+(antenna, wing, leg and genitalia slide mounted),
+M. Miyatake
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+Limnophila crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Macquart, 1834
+Macquart, 1834: 95
+1938: 64 (Key), 84, 85;
+Ishida, 1959: 3
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 64
+Savchenko, 1983: 53
+1989: 91
+, 92.
+species -
+Limnobia pictipennis
+Meigen, 1818
+, by subsequent designation of
+Westwood, 1840: 128
+Medium-sized crane fly with body length 9.0-
+15.2 mm
+and wing length
+8.5-14.5 mm
+. Body coloration gray to brownish.
+Head: Extended posteriorly.
+Thorax: Wing long and narrow, posterior margin evenly rounded, without angulate extension. Wing area densely spotted, larger spots at frontal margin, numerous small spots along veins and in most cells. Apex of vein
+nearly transverse,
+slightly beyond it. Anal vein arched at wing margin.
+Abdomen: Ninth tergite of male abdomen with two rounded lobules at middle of posterior margin. Gonocoxite often armed with strong spine or extended outgrowth apically. Outer gonostylus with simple blunt-apexed or hook-shaped apex. Inner gonostylus setose, often with brush of long setae along basal half of outer margin. Paramere long and slender, distal part turned medially. Aedeagus long, arched and tube-shaped, apex curved downwards. Ovipositor with long and narrow cerci and hypovalvae, distal part of cercus slightly raised upwards, blunt-apexed, dorsal margin of hypovalva with long parallel setae distally.
+Subgenus is known from all biogeographical regions except Nearctic with highest diversity in
+and Neotropics (
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+). No fossil species are ascribed to this subgenus (
+Evenhuis, 2014
+Last instar larva.
+Head capsule: In general, very similar to that of other subgenera. Frons well developed and separated from internolateralia by frontal suture and has acute frontal spine. Antenna short, reaching only half of the mandible length, apical segment short and sculptured, two long setae and three short papillae on the top of basal segment. Mandible bears two teeth at the base.
+Abdomen: Segments IV- VII have dorsal and ventral creeping welts. Ventral creeping welts are more prominent than dorsal.
+Terminal segment: Ventral pair of spiracular lobes slightly longer than lateral pair. Apical part of each lateral lobe covered with light brown long setae, length of which is almost equal to the length of lobes. Apical part of each ventral lobe covered with long light brown setae, length of which is 2/3 length of lobe. Ventral and lateral lobes covered with pale “U”- shaped sclerites, margin of which is darker than inner part. A small, oval brown sclerite situated at the base of ventral lobe.
+Similar to that of the whole genus.
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+Limnophila crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Key to Korean species of
+the genus
+1. Prescutal stripes distinct, polished black (
+Fig. 3B
+). Wing cell
+short, nearly twice as short as its stem (
+Fig. 3A
+). Male gonocoxite with apical spine (
+Fig. 3C
+Alexander, 1934a
+- Prescutal stripes indistinct, mate gray or brown (
+Fig. 2C
+). Wing cell
+long, approximately as long as its stem or longer (
+Figs. 1B
+). Male gonocoxite with fleshy apical lobe (
+Fig. 2D
+) or simple, without additional structures (
+Fig. 1C
+) ·········································· 2
+2. Frontal wing margin with four large spots reaching vein
+Fig. 2B
+), male gonocoxite with fleshy apical lobe (
+Fig. 2D
+) ·········································· ····
+Meigen, 1818
+- Spots at frontal wing margin small (
+Fig. 1B
+), male gonocoxite without additional structures apically (
+Fig. 1C
+) ··············································································· ·····
+Alexander, 1913
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+Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University,
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Krogerus, 1937
+Limnophila umbrarum
+Krogerus, 1937: 57-58
+1969: 256.
+Limnophila megapygia
+Alexander, 1938: 154
+Limnophila subglabricula
+Lackschewitz, 1964: 730
+Savchenko, 1983:
+1989: 108
+General: Body coloration yellow with contrastingly dark brown tip of abdomen in male. Male body length
+4.7-6.7 mm
+, female
+7.8-8.5 mm
+, male wing length
+5.8- 7.3 mm
+, female 7.0-8.0 mm.
+Head: Light brownish-gray frontally, yellowish posteriorly, pale yellow ventrally, narrowly light gray along eye margin, sparsely covered with short, yellowish semi-erect setae. Vertex with low wide indistinct tubercle. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae approximately equal length of scape and pedicel taken together. Antenna
+2.8-4.2 mm
+long in male, reaching about middle of third abdominal segment, if bent backwards,
+1.4 mm
+in female. Scape yellow, elongate, nearly cylindrical, sparsely dusted with gray, approximately twice as long as succeeding segment. Pedicel subglobular, yellow. Basal flagellomere yellow, flagellomeres 2-5 dark brown, narrowly and indistinctly yellowish at base. Flagellomeres (
+Fig. 5A
+) fusiform, covered with dense whitish pubescence. Verticils dark brown, approximately as long as respective segments. Apical segment small, distinctly shorter than preceding segment. Rostrum brownish yellow, palpus and mouth parts dark brown.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites brownish yellow. Pronotum widened posteriorly, brownish dorsally, pale yellow laterally. Prescutum and presutural scutum semi-polished brownish yellow, paler laterally, longitudinal stripes missing, prescutum of some specimens indistinctly darker medially. Tubercular pits indistinct, close to each other and surrounded with darker area. Pseudosutural fovea indistinct, slightly depressed. Scutal lobes and area between them uniformly brownish yellow. Scutellum light yellow. Mediotergite brownish yellow, paler yellow fronto-laterally. Dorsopleural membrane light yellow. Pleuron brownish yellow, paler posteriorly. Episternum setoseless, meron very small, pale yellow. Wing (
+Fig. 5B
+) iridescent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base and in costal area. Darker areas narrowly surround base of
+and cord. Stigma distinct, elongate, brown. Veins brown, yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin approximately at branching point of
+sc -r
+at tip of
+. Radial sector long, angulate and short-spurred at base. Free end of
+indistinct, disappearing at wing margin.
+diverging, cell
+with short stem, which is approximately as long as basal deflection of
+. Cross-vein
+r -m
+long and distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell long and narrow, 2.7 times as long as wide. Cell
+distinctly longer than its stem. Cross-vein
+m -cu
+slightly before middle of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly sinuous, apex reaching wing margin slightly before the level of
+base. Anal lobe long and narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter 1.0-
+1.2 mm
+, that of female
+1.1-1.2 mm
+, stem pale yellow, knob darker brown. Coxae brownish yellow, sparsely dusted and bearing few erect yellow setae. Trochanters pale yellow to obscure yellow. Femur yellow with pale base and distinct dark brown apical ring. Whole surface covered with dense short semi-adja- cent brown setae. Tibia light yellow with narrowly dark brown apex. Basal tarsomere yellow basally brown distally, remaining tarsomeres dark brown. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I: 4.2-5.0 mm long, II:
+4.5-4.6 mm
+, III: 5.0-
+5.3 mm
+, tibia I:
+4.5- 5.7 mm
+, II: 4.5-5.0 mm, III:
+4.2-6.3 mm
+, tarsus I:
+4.5- 5.7 mm
+, II:
+3.8-5.3 mm
+, III: 4.0-
+4.6 mm
+. Female femur I: 4.0 mm long, II: 4.0 mm, III:
+4.5-4.6 mm
+, tibia I:
+4.5 mm
+, II: 4.0 mm, III: 4.2-5.0 mm, tarsus I: 4.0 mm, II:
+3.5 mm
+, III:
+3.6-3.7 mm
+. Claw simple, without spines, dark brown to black.
+Fig. 6.
+Distribution maps of Korean
+crane flies. A.
+. (
+. B.
+. (
+longicornis pietatis
+. C.
+. D.
+. E.
+Abdomen: Tergites and sternites polished, yellow at base of abdomen, reddish yellow towards distal end, covered with erect scarce yellow setae. Posterior margins of tergites narrowly grayish. Male terminalia (
+Fig. 5C
+) and pregenital segment distinctly dark brown, female terminalia not darkened. Epandrium of male genitalia dark brown to black, distinctly wider than long, posterior margin with small incision at middle surrounded with small bumps on both sides. Gonocoxite brownish yellow, elongate with small blunt ventro-mesal lobe. Outer gonostylus long and narrow, sclerotized, apex strongly curved with small serration along outer margin. Inner gonostylus setose, wider at base, round-apexed, distinctly shorter than outer gonostylus. Lateral process of aedeagal sheath long and narrow, rod-shaped, arched and bearing very narrow setae-shaped branch at middle. Interbase plate-shaped, apex right-angled, medial margin with curved lobule at middle. Aedeagal apodeme transverse, plate-shaped with shallow emargination at anterior margin. Aedeagus long stout tube, extending distinctly beyond tip of lateral process of aedeagal sheath. Ovipositor (
+Fig. 5D
+) brownish yellow. Tenth tergite elongate, brownish yellow. Cercus long, brown with paler tip, distal part slightly raised upwards, blunt-apexed. Hypovalva yellow with brown base, wedge-shaped, with row of long strong setae along dorsal margin, only about one-fifth from base setoseless.
+range in
+1,000 m
+to more than
+1,800 m
+Period of activity in
+: From mid-July through late August.
+Habitat: Same as for
+P. longicornis pietatis
+Savchenko, 1983
+General distribution:
+, and
+North Korea
+Fig. 6E
+Examined material:
+Limnophila megapygia
+, male (antenna, leg, wing and genitalia slide mounted), N.
+, alt.
+3,500 ft.
+1,067 m
+July 15, 1937
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+Limnophila megapygia
+, male (antenna, fore leg, wing and genitalia slide mounted), N. Corea,
+, alt.
+3,700 ft.
+1,128 m
+July 21, 1937
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+, Kankyo Nando Puksu Pyaksan, alt.
+6,000 ft.
+1,829 m
+July 24, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 female
+North Korea
+, Kankyo Nando Puksu Pyaksan, alt.
+4,000 ft.
+1,219 m
+August 6, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 female
+North Korea
+, Kankyo Nando Puksu Pyaksan, alt.
+5,000 ft.
+1,524 m
+August 17, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+5,000 ft.
+1,524 m
+August 21, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
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+Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University,
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Savchenko, 1986
+Savchenko, 1986: 20
+1989: 103
+species -
+Limnobia nigronotata
+Siebke, 1870
+, by original designation (Palaearctic).
+Medium-sized crane flies with body length 9.0-10.0 mm, wing length 9.0-10.0 mm. Body coloration dark brown or gray.
+Head: Apical flagellomere of male antenna large, nearly as long as preceding segment.
+Thorax: Prescutal stripes and spots on scutal lobes distinct, polished dark brown or black. Wing with dark spots along frontal margin, stigma distinct, dark.
+Abdomen: Gonocoxite with very large elongate blunt-apexed, sometimes bilobed, dorsal lobe (
+Fig. 1B
+) is the main diagnostic character of subgenus. Aedeagus short, straight, always with simple distal part.
+Subgenus has only Palaearctic distribution. It includes only six species, five of which are recorded from the Eastern Palaearctic (
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+). No fossil species are ascribed to this subgenus (
+Evenhuis, 2014
+Larva and pupa generally as in the characters of the genus mentioned above.
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+Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University,
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Key to Korean species of the genus
+1. Wing with long radial sector (
+) that is few times longer than stem of cell
+Figs. 1A
+)····· 2
+- Wing with short radial sector (
+) that just slightly exceeds length of cell
+stem (
+Fig. 3B
+) ···························
+Alexander, 1921
+2. Body gray or brown ··················································· 3
+- Body yellow or brownish yellow (
+Fig. 2A
+) ·············· 4
+3. Prescutum and presutural scutum with three distinct polished black longitudinal stripes. Wing with dark spot in the middle between arculus and base of
+, distinct dark areas surround base of
+and cord (
+Fig. 1A
+). Male gonocoxite with large dorsal lobe (
+Fig. 1B
+). Larger species, male body length
+9-10 mm
+Alexander, 1938
+- Prescutum and presutural scutum with very indistinct longitudinal stripes or stripes missing completely. Wing without dark spot between arculus and base of
+, dark areas surrounding base of
+and cord indistinct (
+Fig. 4B
+). Male gonocoxite without dorsal lobe (
+Fig. 4C
+). Smaller species, male body length up to
+7.5 mm
+Alexander, 1938
+4. Abdomen with blackish lateral spots making inter- rupted line. Outer gonostylus of male genitalia with straight apical spine (
+Fig. 2D
+) ·························
+longicornis pietatis
+Alexander, 1950
+- Abdomen without dark lateral line. Outer gonostylus of male genitalia with strongly curved apex (
+Fig. 5C
+) ···
+Krogerus, 1937
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+Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University,
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Alexander, 1938
+subpoetica multidentata
+Alexander, 1938: 155
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+General: Body coloration brown, sparsely dusted with light gray. Male body length
+7.3-7.5 mm
+, female 7.5-9.0 mm, male wing length
+7.8-8.5 mm
+, female 8.0-
+9.5 mm
+Head: Gray because of dense pruinosity, narrowly light gray along eye margin, sparsely covered with short, longer dorsally, brownish and yellowish semi-erect setae. Vertex with low wide tubercle, that is marked with narrow blackish medial line. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae approximately equal length of scape and pedicel taken together. Antenna
+2.3-2.8 mm
+long in male, reaching about middle of third abdominal segment, if bent backwards, 2.0-
+3.8 mm
+in female. Antennal scape dark brown, lighter distally, elongate, nearly cylindrical, sparsely dusted with gray. Pedicel short subglobular, distinctly bicolored, dark brown at base, yellow at apex. Flagellum (
+Fig. 4A
+) dark brown, covered with dense erect whitish pubescence, base of first flagellomere yellow, bases and apices of succeeding 2-3 flagellomeres narrowly and weakly yellowish. Flagellomeres elongate, six basal flagellomeres slightly dilat- ed ventrally. Verticils dark brown, slightly shorter than length of respective segments. Apical segment very small, much shorter than preceding segment. Rostrum, palpus and mouth parts dark brown.
+Thorax: Cervical sclerites dark brown, densely covered with gray pruinosity. Pronotum elongate, widened posteriorly, reddish brown with yellowish posterior margin. Prescutum and presutural scutum semi-polished dark brown, grayish laterally, with very indistinct two or four darker longitudinal stripes, which are visible just at certain angle. Tubercular pits resemble two small black dots at frontal margin of sclerite. Pseudosutural fovea semi-polished, brown. Scutal lobe dark brown dusted with gray, lighter gray laterally. Area separating scutal lobes gray. Scutellum dark brown frontally, densely dusted with gray, yellowish along posterior margin. Mediotergite brownish yellow, darker medially, dusted with gray. Dorsopleural membrane yellowish. Pleuron bluish-gray because of dense pruinosity, except darker brown ventral margin of katepisternum. Episternum setoseless, meron very small, pale-brown. Wing (
+Fig. 4B
+) iridescent, with brownish tinge, yellowish at base and in costal area. Darker areas surround base of
+, cord, distal margin of discal cell, vein
+sc -r
+and apex of
+at wing margin. Stigma distinct, elongate, brown. Veins brown yellowish at wing base. Venation:
+long, reaching wing margin slightly before branching point of
+sc -r
+beyond tip of
+, at branching point of
+. Radial sector as long as
+measured from the base of
+to the wing margin, angulate and short-spurred at base. Free end of
+indistinct, disappearing at wing margin.
+diverging, cell
+with short stem, which is approximately as long as basal deflection of
+. Cross-vein
+r -m
+long and distinct, at base of discal cell. Discal cell long and narrow, 3.5 times as long as wide. Cell
+longer than its stem, basal part of vein
+missing in
+. Cross-vein
+m -cu
+slightly before middle of discal cell. Anal vein long, slightly sinuous, apex reaching wing margin before the level of
+base. Anal lobe long and narrow, widely rounded. Length of male halter
+1.2-1.3 mm
+, that of female
+1.2-1.5 mm
+, stem brownish yellow with widely pale base, knob dark- er brown. Coxae yellow, sparsely dusted with light gray, base of fore coxa brownish. Surface of coxae covered with sparse long yellow setae ventrally and frontally. Trochanters yellow to pale yellow with narrowly blackened apex. Approximately basal third of femur yellow, remaining two-thirds dark brown in darker specimens, half yellow and half dark brown in lighter specimens. Only one studied male, that was collected next day as
+and in same place, has yellow femora with narrowly darkened tips like in original description. Tibia brownish yellow with narrowly darkened tip. Tarsus dark brown. Tibia of foreleg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Male femur I:
+5.2-5.8 mm
+long, II: 5.0-6.0 mm, III:
+5.5-6.5 mm
+, tibia I:
+5.6-6.5 mm
+, II:
+5.5-6.6 mm
+, III: 6.2-7.0 mm, tarsus I:
+5.3-6.3 mm
+, II:
+5.4-6.8 mm
+, III:
+4.8-5.5 mm
+. Female femur I: 4.0-
+4.2 mm
+long, II: 4.0-
+4.5 mm
+, III:
+4.5-6.2 mm
+, tibia I: 4.3-5.0 mm, II: 4.0-
+4.3 mm
+, III: 5.0-
+5.7 mm
+, tarsus I:
+4.2-4.5 mm
+, II:
+4.8-5.2 mm
+, III:
+4.4-5.5 mm
+. Claw simple, without spines, dark brown.
+Fig. 4.
+Alexander, 1938
+. A. antennal flagellum, holotype. B. wing, holotype. C. male genitalia, dorsal view, holotype. D. ovipositor, lateral view. Scale bars 0.5 mm.
+Abdomen: Abdominal tergites brown to reddish brown with narrowly gray posterior margin, two basal tergites yellowish. Sternites brownish yellow. Segments covered with comparatively dense short brownish to whitish setae. Female abdomen darker than male, darker brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Genital and pregenital segments dark brown in male. Male terminalia with epandrium distinctly wider than longer, posterior margin with two elongate round apexed lobes medially (
+Fig. 4C
+). Gonocoxite elongate with large ventro-mesal lobe. Out- er gonostylus long and narrow, rod-shaped, sclerotized, arched distally. Inner gonostylus setose, wider at base, distal part narrow and slightly arched. Paramere arched with laterally extended ventral region. Lateral process of aedeagal sheath short and strongly curved. Aedeagal apodeme shallowly bifid, resembling fish tail. Aedeagus elongate, tube-shaped. Ovipositor (
+Fig. 4D
+) brownish yellow with yellow to pale yellow tip of cercus. Cercus long and narrow slightly arched, distal part raised upwards, blunt-apexed. Hypovalva reddish brown, narrowly darker along ventral margin, long and narrow, slightly arched at distal end, with few setae at tip, apex rounded.
+range in
+1,100 m
+to slightly above
+1,800 m
+Period of activity in
+: From mid-July through early August.
+Habitat: Unknown.
+General distribution: Endemic to
+North Korea
+Fig. 6D
+, male (antenna, hind leg, wing and genitalia slide mounted), N.
+, alt.
+3,800 ft.
+1,158 m
+July 23, 1937
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+, alt.
+3,700 ft.
+1,128 m
+July 24, 1937
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+1 male
+2 females
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+July 19, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+); metatype, male (antenna, fore and hind legs, wing and genitalia slide mounted),
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+6,000 ft.
+1,829 m
+August 3, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+2 females
+1 specimen
+of unclear sex (pinned),
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+6,000 ft.
+1,829 m
+August 5, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
+2 males
+North Korea
+Kankyo Nando
+Puksu Pyaksan
+, alt.
+5,000 ft.
+1,524 m
+August 9, 1939
+, coll.
+A. Yankovsky
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+Phylidorea crane flies (Diptera: Limoniidae) of Korea
+Podenas, Sigitas
+Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius and Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University,
+Byun, Sun-Jae Park and Hye-Woo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Bigot, 1854
+Bigot, 1854: 456
+, 1972: 31-32
+Savchenko, Krivolutskaya, 1976: 66
+Savchenko, 1986: 281
+1989: 105
+Ribeiro, 2008: 679
+species -
+Limnobia ferruginea
+Meigen, 1818
+, by subsequent designation of
+Coquillett, 1910
+Medium-sized crane flies. Korean species with body length 4.5-9.0 mm (
+Fig. 2A
+) and wing length
+5.8-9.5 mm
+. Body coloration varies from yellow to gray or brown.
+Head: Apical antennomere small to very small, distinctly shorter than preceding segment.
+Thorax: Prescutum and presutural scutum with indistinct longitudinal stripes or stripes completely missing. Wing iridescent, long and narrow, posterior margin evenly rounded, without angulate extension. Wing with dark- er areas surrounding base of
+, at cord and along distal margin of discal cell. Apex of
+sc -r
+close to branching point of
+. Radial sector usually long, longer than stem of cell
+or vein
+, only as an exception, radial sector short, like in
+P. ferruginea
+, or Kore- an species
+P. melanommata
+. Anal vein slightly sinuous, reaching wing margin before level of
+Abdomen: Epandrium wider than long. Gonocoxite usually with ventro-mesal lobe at base. Apex of outer gonostylus usually simple, bifid in some species. Inner gonostylus fleshy and setose, wider at base, narrower at apex. One pair of parameres. Aedeagus simple, not branched, slightly arched and tube-shaped, apex curved upwards. Ovipositor with long, slightly arched cercus, hypovalva wedge-shaped with long parallel setae along dorsal margin.
+Subgenus has only Palaearctic distribution. It includes 21 extant species, 16 of which occur in Eastern and
+10 in
+Western Palaearctic (
+Oosterbroek, 2021
+). No fossil species are ascribed to this subgenus (
+Evenhuis, 2014
+Larva and pupa generally as in the characters of the genus mentioned above.
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+Morphological description and DNA barcode information of seven newly reported nudibranch species from Korea
+Lee, Yucheol
+Marine Research Center, National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Yeosu 59723, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+Exhibition and Education Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Park, Hyun-Jong Kil and Joong-Ki
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Doto japonica
+Odhner, 1936
+Fig. 1B
+Doto japonica
+Odhner, 1936: 1121
+, 1122, pl. 1, figs. 11- 16, text-fig. 47;
+et al.
+, 2020: 102
+, 103.
+Baba, 1949: 94
+, 171, pl. 39, fig. 137, text-fig. 117;
+Baba, 1971: 75
+Okutani, 2000: 799
+, pl. 398, fig. 1.
+Material examined.
+2 individuals (MO00178867, MMR BK7448):
+27 April 2021
+2 individuals (
+NIBRIV 0000882626
+128°34′10.08″ E
+16 July 2020
+Body slender, elongated (length
+5 mm
+, width
+1 mm
+), ground color opaque white to brown or black. Rhinophores slender, smooth with blunted, white-colored terminal ends and extruded from slightly flared sheaths. Six to seven pairs of dorsal cerata decrease gradually in size towards posterior end of body, each covered with rounded tubercles spotted in white at their terminal ends. Digestive gland in cerata pale yellow or yellowish green in color. Foot narrow and extends from under mantle.
+GenBank accession number.
+This species is similar to
+D. bella
+in external morphology, but distinguished by the color pattern of rhinophores and terminal end of ceratal tubercles.
+shows rhinophores and the ceratal tubercles have white-colored terminal spots, while
+D. bella
+possesses black-colored rhinophores and dorsal ceratal tubercles that are terminated with a large, rounded, black spot.
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+Morphological description and DNA barcode information of seven newly reported nudibranch species from Korea
+Lee, Yucheol
+Marine Research Center, National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Yeosu 59723, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+Exhibition and Education Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Park, Hyun-Jong Kil and Joong-Ki
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Antiopella fusca
+(O’Donoghue, 1924)
+Figs. 1D
+Janolus fuscus
+O’Donoghue, 1924
+et al.
+, 2016: 24
+, figs. 2, 3.
+Antiopella fusca
+: Pola
+et al.
+, 2018: 363, 364, fig. 10;
+et al.
+, 2020: 130
+, 131.
+Material examined.
+1 individual (MO00178871):
+05 May 2021
+1 individual (
+128°57′ 46.55″E
+27 April 2017
+Body elongate, ovate (length
+30 mm
+, width
+16 mm
+), ground color translucent white to light yellow. Rhinophoral clubs lamellate, stalks smooth. Oral tentacles short, triangular in shape. Dorsal cerata fusiform, with an orange or yellow band and a white pointed tip. Digestive gland in cerata straight, brown to black in color. Metapodium elongate, pointed posteriorly.
+GenBank accession number.
+Korea, North
+America (Alaska to central California),
+The genus
+includes eight taxonomically valid species (
+WoRMS, 2021
+). This species is similar to
+A. barbarensis
+in external morphology, but distinguished by the color pattern of ceratal tip: In
+A. fusca
+, the cerata have an orange or yellow band with a white terminal tip, whereas
+A. barbarensis
+have cerata with sky blue-colored tips. The
+are found in inter- and shallow subtidal waters feeding on bryozoans. The occurrence of this species from Korean waters (East Sea) was firstly reported in 2006 (
+Koh, 2006
+), but this study provides detailed information on external morphology, and molecular data of DNA barcode sequences.
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+Morphological description and DNA barcode information of seven newly reported nudibranch species from Korea
+Lee, Yucheol
+Marine Research Center, National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Yeosu 59723, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+Exhibition and Education Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Park, Hyun-Jong Kil and Joong-Ki
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Goniodoridella savignyi
+Pruvot-Fol, 1933
+Fig. 1G
+Goniodoridella savignyi
+Pruvot-Fol, 1933: 117
+, 118, pl. 2, figs. 23-26;
+Baba, 1960: 81
+, pl. 8, figs. 1A-1F;
+Debelius and Kuiter, 2007: 28
+et al.
+, 2020: 214
+, 215.
+Material examined.
+1 individual (MO00178869):
+06 May 2021
+1 individual (
+38° 18′04.04″N
+16 July 2020
+1 individual (
+128°28′03.01″ E
+23 February 2019
+Body limaciform (length
+5 mm
+, width
+1.2 mm
+), ground color opaque, creamy white. Middorsal longitudinal crests of bright yellow specked-tubercles run from rhinophores to gill. Lateral papillae with yellow tip seven in number present on each side of marginal mantle edge. Two elongated, yellow tipped papillae in front of rhinophores. Rhinophores slender, long, cylindrical, tipped with yellow. Gills three, bipinnate, finger-shaped, tipped in yellow. Metapodium elongate, pointed, tipped in yellow.
+GenBank accession number.
+, the Red Sea,
+South Africa
+This species is widely distributed throughout the world from the tropical to subtropical seas, including Indo-Pacific waters. The color patterns of external body and the presence of middorsal longitudinal crests tipped with yellow examined from our specimens are distinct morphological features of this species. The occurrence of this species from Korean waters (Yellow Sea) was firstly reported in 2006 (
+Koh, 2006
+), but this study provides morphological description and molecular data of DNA barcode sequences.
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+Morphological description and DNA barcode information of seven newly reported nudibranch species from Korea
+Lee, Yucheol
+Marine Research Center, National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Yeosu 59723, Republic of Korea
+Nam, Eunjung
+Exhibition and Education Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea
+Park, Hyun-Jong Kil and Joong-Ki
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Rostanga bifurcata
+Rudman & Avern, 1989
+Fig. 1F
+Rostanga bifurcata
+Rudman and Avern, 1989: 293-300
+, figs. 1B, C, 2B, 3B, 7C, 8-11, 28; Debelius and Kuit- er, 2007: 247;
+et al.
+, 2020: 204
+, 205.
+Material examined.
+1 individual (MO00178866):
+07 April 2021
+1 individuals (
+30 July 2020
+Body ovate, swollen (length
+12 mm
+, width
+5 mm
+), ground color orange to red. Rhinophore stalks smooth, with white tip, horizontally arranged lamellae on clubs. Mantle wide, covering an entire foot. Dorsal surface of mantle covered by caryophyllidia and ornamented by minute black or white specks. White specks arranged along the mantle edge. Gills seven to ten in number, tripinnate, arranged in a gill circle surrounding anus on dorsal surface of mantle.
+GenBank accession number.
+Hong Kong
+, Hawaii,
+are characterized by having reddish-orange body color and caryophyllidia, specialized sensory tubercles on the dorsal surface of mantle.
+R. bifurcata
+R. orientalis
+are commonly found in the northwestern Pacific and morphologically very similar, but distinguished by the lamellae in rhinophores.
+R. bifurcata
+has horizontally arranged lamellae in rhinophoral clubs, while
+R. orientalis
+has rhinophoral lamellae that are vertically arranged.
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Pseudovorticella vestita
+(Stokes, 1883)
+Song &
+Wilbert, 1989 (
+Fig. 18
+Material examined.
+water (salinity 4.7‰) with some debris collected from
+Songji Lake
+N 38°20
+E 128°30
+) on
+16 September 2019
+Zooid size 65
+80 × 45
+60 μm in vivo; invert- ed bell-shaped; peristomial lip width about 65
+85 μm in vivo (n = 3); contractile stalk;
+two types
+of macronucleus, longitudinally oriented J-shaped and small globular nodules scattered whole body. Ventrally located contractile vacuole. Conspicuous pellicular vesicles. Rectangular silverlines 15
+18 striations between peristomial lip and trochal band, 7
+9 striations between trochal band and scopula. Infundibular polykineties 1
+3 each consists of three rows, polykinety 3 with shorter inner row and longer and diverged outer two rows.
+, and
+The Korean population of
+P. vestita
+is similar to other populations except in the shape of the macronucleus (J-shaped and small globular nodules vs. only J-shaped) (
+Song and Wilbert, 1989
+Pseudovorticella vestita
+is also similar to
+P. chlamydophora
+and differs mainly in the number of silverlines between anterior and trochal band (15
+18 vs. 17
+20) and between trochal band and scopula (7
+9 vs. 14
+17) (
+Song and Wilbert, 1989
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11686, NNI BRPR11687).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Anteholosticha brachysticha
+Berger, 2003
+Fig. 6
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Yeonhwasan
+N 35°4
+E 128°13
+) on
+4 February 2019
+Size in vivo 80
+90 × 15
+20 (n = 3). Body elongate elliptical, margins parallel. Nuclear apparatus composed of 21
+32 globular or ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules and two micronuclei. Cortical granules colorless, 0.4
+1.0 μm in size, arranged in groups around dorsal bristles and posterior to bases of ventral cirri. Cytoplasm colorless. Adoral zone of membranelles about 30% of body length. Ventral cirri reduced in number, three frontal cirri, a single buccal cirrus, two frontoterminal cirri, midventral complex composed of four to seven pairs and ends at level of proximal end of adoral zone of membranelles. Two or four transverse cirri near cell end. Right and left marginal rows composed of 20
+22 and 17
+24 cirri, respectively. Three dorsal kineties. Caudal cirri lacking.
+Costa Rica
+, and
+The Korean population of
+A. brachysticha
+fits the description of the
+population by
+et al.
+except of the colorless (vs. yellowish) cortical granules. It is also similar to
+A. bergeri
+in the body size and the ventral ciliature (
+Foissner, 1987
+). However, they differ mainly in the color of cortical granules (colorless vs. pink), the number of macronuclear nodules (30 vs. 15 on average), and the starting point of right marginal row (at level of buccal cirrus vs. at level of proximal end of adoral zone of membranelles).
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11666, NNIBRPR116667).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Pseudobirojimia muscorum
+(Kahl, 1932)
+2016 (
+Fig. 7
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Odaesan
+N 37°43
+E 128°35
+) on
+28 April 2018
+Size 140
+160 × 20
+25 μm after protargol impregnation (n = 3). Body slender and elongate ellipsoid with posterior end narrower than anterior. 51
+56 macronuclear nodules. Contractile vacuole slightly left and anterior to body center. Cortical granules colorless, ellipsoid, arranged in short rows around dorsal bristles. Cytoplasm colorless. Adoral zone of membranelles about 25% of body length. Three frontal cirri, one buccal cirrus, midventral complex consists of six or seven midventral pairs and 13
+16 midventral cirri. Two frontoterminal cirri. Usually four transverse cirri near cell end. Inner right marginal row consists of 33
+47 cirri, outer row of 33
+37 cirri, and left marginal row consists of 41
+45 cirri.
+Fig. 6.
+Anteholosticha brachysticha
+from life (A, B) and after protargol impregnation (C, D). A. Cortical granulation on ventral side (arrowheads). B. Cortical granulation on dorsal side (arrowheads) and contractile vacuole. C. Somatic and oral ciliature on ventral side with distribution of macronuclear nodules. Arrow marks last midventral cirrus. D. Dorsal kineties. 1
+3 dorsal kineties; BC, buccal cirrus; CV, contractile vacuole; FC, frontal cirri; FT, frontoterminal cirri; LMR, left marginal row; MA, macronucleus nodule; RMR, right marginal row; TC, transverse cirri. Scale bars= 30 μm (A, B); 20 μm (C).
+Fig. 7.
+Pseudobirojimia muscorum
+from life (A, B) and after protargol impregnation (C, D). A. Slender body shape in vivo. B. Cortical granulation on dorsal side. C, D. Ventral ciliatures. BC, buccal cirrus; CV, contractile vacuole; FC, frontal cirri; LMR, left marginal row; MA, macronucleus nodule; RMR1, 2, inner and outer right marginal rows; TC, transverse cirri. Scale bars = 50 μm.
+Fig. 8.
+Apocoriplites lajacola
+from life (A, C) and after protargol impregnation (C, D). A. Arrangement of cortical granules and contractile vacuole. B. Oral region showing the lack of extrusomes. C. Somatic ciliature and nuclear apparatus. D. Dorsal brush rows and somatic kineties. B, brush rows; CV, contractile vacuole; MA, macronucleus nodules; MI, micronucleus. Scale bars =30 μm.
+, Marion Islands,
+, and
+The Korean population of
+Pseudobirojimia muscorum
+fits the description by
+Foissner (1982)
+in almost all characters. According to
+Foissner (2016)
+Pseudobirojimia muscorum
+differs from other
+by the presence (vs. absence) of the midventral cirral row. It also differs from the family
+by having one left and two right marginal cirral rows and continuous adoral zone of membranelles.
+Voucher slides.
+One slide with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11685).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Apocoriplites lajacola
+et al.
+, 2008
+Fig. 8
+Material examined.
+soil collected from
+N 37°46
+E 128°52
+) on
+26 February 2019
+Size about 100 × 30 μm in vivo (n = 3). Body cylindroidal to elongate bursiform. Cytoplasm colorless. Extrusomes lacking. Contractile vacuole terminal. Minute cortical granules arranged in rows between ciliary rows. Two globular macronuclear nodules with a micronucleus in between. 10
+12 ciliary rows, two anteriorly differentiated into isostichad dorsal brush occupying about 23% of body length and composed of widely spaced dikinetids.
+Fig. 9.
+Epispathidium amphoriforme
+after protargol impregnation. A. Right side view to show circumoral kinety and somatic kineties. B, C. Left side views to show dorsal brush rows, ribbon-like macronucleus and spherical inclusions. B, brush rows; CK, circumoral kinety; MA, macronucleus. Scale bars= 30 μm.
+The genera
+are characterized by the absence of the extrusomes (
+Foissner, 2016
+is a monotypic genus. Thus
+A. lajacola
+can be compared only with the species belong to the genus
+, which are characterized by having three brush rows (
+et al.
+, 2008
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11660, NNI BRPR11661).
+Spathidiidae Kahl
+in Doflein & Reichewnow, 1929
+Foissner, 1984
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Gonostomum kuehnelti
+Foissner, 1987
+Fig. 1
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Odaesan
+N 37°43
+E 128°35
+) on
+28 April 2018
+Size in vivo 70
+110 × 20
+35 μm and 65
+95 × 19
+30 (n = 11) after protargol impregnation. Body ellipsoid to elongate ellipsoid with both ends narrowed and margins parallel. 15
+23 macronuclear nodules usually arranged in two groups. Cortical granules rod-shaped, colorless, and 0.5 × 1 μm in vivo. Cytoplasm colorless. Adoral zone of membranelles about 45% of body length and composed of 25
+29 membranelles. Three frontal cirri, single buccal cirrus, frontoventral row III with only one cirrus posterior to right frontal cirrus, frontoventral rows IV and V and frontoterminal row each consist of two cirri. Two pretransverse and two transverse cirri near cell end. Right and left marginal row composed of 22
+26 and 16
+19 cirri, respectively. Three dorsal kineties each ends with a single caudal cirrus.
+, and
+Gonostomum kuehnelti
+is unique within the genus in having a higher number of macronuclear nodules arranged in two groups. The Korean population of
+G. kuehnelti
+fits the description of the
+Foissner, 1987
+), the Indian (
+et al.
+, 2008
+), and the Chinese (
+et al.
+, 2019
+) population but differs mainly in the higher number of macronuclear nodules (15
+23 vs. 10
+17, 13
+19, and 7
+16, respectively).
+Voucher slides.
+One slide with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11674).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Lamtostyla islandica
+Berger & Foissner, 1988
+Fig. 4
+Material examined.
+soil collected from
+Mt. Jeombongsan
+N 38°02
+E 128°26
+) on
+8 July 2018
+Size in vivo about 50
+80 × 15
+20 μm (n = 3). Body elongate elliptical with parallel margins. Two macronuclear nodules and two micronuclei each attached to a macronucleus nodule. Cortical granules lacking. Cytoplasm colorless. Adoral zone of membranelles about 20% of body length. Ventral cirri reduced in number, consists of three frontal cirri, a single buccal cirrus, three cirri left to the anterior part of the short amphisiellid median cirral row, and only three transverse cirri near cell end. Three dorsal kineties. Caudal cirri lacking.
+, and
+The Korean population of
+L. islandica
+fits the description of its
+population (
+Berger and Foissner, 1988
+). It is also similar to
+L. perisincirra
+in the body size and the ventral ciliature (
+Berger and Foissner, 1987
+). However, the two species differ mainly in the number (two vs. one) and location (each attach to a macronuclear nodule vs. between macronuclear nodules) of micronuclear nodules and the number of transverse cirri (three vs. three or four).
+Fig. 4.
+Lamtostyla islandica
+from life (A) and after protargol impregnation (B, C). A. Body shape in vivo. B. Somatic and oral ciliature of ventral side. C. Dorsal kineties and right marginal cirri. 1
+3, dorsal kineties; ACR, amphisiellid median cirral row; AZM, adoral zone of membranelles; BC, buccal cirrus; LMR, left marginal row; MA, macronuclear nodules; RMR, right marginal row; TC, transverse cirri. Scale bars= 20 μm.
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11676, NNIBRPR11677).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Lamtostyla decorata
+et al.
+, 2002
+Fig. 3
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Odaesan
+N 37°43
+E 128°35
+) on
+28 April 2018
+Size in vivo 100
+150 × 20
+30 μm (n = 3). Body ellipsoid to elongate ellipsoid with both ends round- ed and margins parallel. Two macronuclear nodules and two or three micronuclei attached to macronuclear nodules. Contractile vacuole on left side anterior to mid-body. Cortical granules in groups around cirri, dorsal bristles, and randomly scattered between dorsal kineties, about 0.5 μm in size. Cytoplasm colorless. Adoral zone of membranelles about 20
+25% of body length. Three frontal cirri, single buccal cirrus, amphisiellid median cirral row consists of two cirri, usually three cirri left and anterior to amphisiellid median cirral row, and two frontoterminal cirri. Two pretransverse and five transverse cirri near cell end. Right and left marginal rows composed of 41
+46 and 47
+51 cirri, respectively, anterior portion of right marginal row on dorsal side. Three dorsal kineties. Caudal cirri lacking.
+Fig. 3.
+Lamtostyla decorata
+from life (A, B) and after protargol impregnation (C
+E). A. Typical body shape in vivo. B. Dorsal bristles and cortical granules (arrowheads). C, D. Somatic and oral ciliature of ventral sides. E. Dorsal kineties. 1
+3, dorsal kineties; ACR, amphisiellid median cirral row; BC, buccal cirrus; CV, contractile vacuole; DB, dorsal bristles; FC, frontal cirri; FT, frontoterminal cirri; MA, macronucleus; MI, micronucleus; PTC, pretransverse cirri; TC, transverse cirri. Scale bars= 30 μm.
+, and
+The Korean population of
+L. decorata
+fits the description of the
+population by
+et al.
+. It is also very similar to
+L. granulifera
+Foissner, 1997
+especially in the number of the right and left marginal cirri (41
+46 and 47
+51 vs. 39
+49 and 42
+52, respectively). However, this character has proved to be less important because the Korean population (Kim
+et al.
+, 2016) has slightly overlapping right (34
+42) and non-overlapping left (33
+38) marginal cirri. The most important differ- ence between the two species is the arrangement of the cortical granules (groups around cirri, dorsal bristles, and randomly scattered between dorsal kineties in
+L. decorata
+vs. inconspicuous and very closely spaced rows on ventral and dorsal side in
+L. granulifera
+) (Foissner, 1997; Kim
+et al.
+, 2016).
+Lamtostyla longa
+Hemberger, 1985
+Berger & Foissner, 1988
+is also similar to
+L. decorata
+but differs mainly in having fewer right and left marginal cirri (23 and 21 vs. 44 and 49, respectively) and the number of dorsal kineties (five vs. three).
+Voucher slides.
+One slide with protargol-impregnated specimens was deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11675).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Bryometopus triquetrus
+Foissner, 1993
+Fig. 15
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Yeonhwasan
+N 35°4
+E 128° 13
+) on
+4 February 2019
+Fig. 14.
+Drepanomonas revoluta
+from life (A
+C) and after protargol impregnation (D). A. Body outline in vivo. B. Note the deep wide furrow on the left side. C. Left side in vivo. D. Somatic and oral ciliature on right side. CV, contractile vacuole; CY, cytopyge; F, furrow; K1
+9, somatic kineties; MA, macronucleus; MI, micronucleus; PC, postoral complex; PO, preoral kineties. Scale bars = 10 μm.
+Fig. 15.
+Bryometopus triquetrus
+after protargol impregnation. A. Somatic ciliature and contractile vacuole pore (arrow). B. Triangular oral cavity. C. Single macronucleus. LF, left oral ciliary field; MA, macronucleus; RF, right oral ciliary field. Scale bars =20 μm.
+Size 38
+58 × 22
+42 μm after protargol impregnation (n = 3). Body roughly inverted triangular; buccal field triangular shape; sharply curved paroral membrane. Single contractile vacuole centrally located below oral field. Single ellipsoidal macronucleus. 24
+30 adoral membranelles. About 25 somatic kineties.
+The Korean population of
+B. triquetrus
+resembles the
+population described by
+Foissner (1993)
+in most aspects except the number of somatic kineties (25 vs. 19 on average).
+Bryometopus triquetrus
+is also similar to
+B. pseudochilodon
+Kahl, 1932
+, but they mainly differ in the shape of oral field (triangular vs. ellipsoidal) (
+Foissner, 1993
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11662, NNI BRPR11663).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Cyclidium glaucoma
+Müller, 1773
+Fig. 16
+Material examined.
+moss collected near
+Bongnae falls
+N 37°29
+E 130°53
+) on
+29 August 2018
+Size in vivo about 20
+30 × 10
+15 μm (n = 3). Body ellipsoidal to fusiform with narrow anterior end with both sides convex and wide frontal plate. Cytoplasm colorless. One macronucleus and one micronucleus attached together in anterior half of cell. Contractile vacuole in posterior end of body. Somatic cilia about 8 μm long, caudal cilium up to 20 μm long; 10
+12 ciliary rows, each with dikinetidal anterior half and monokinetidal posterior half.
+The Korean population of
+C. glaucoma
+is very similar to the Antarctic population (
+et al.
+, 1994
+Foissner, 1996
+). However, they differ mainly in the body size (20
+30 × 10
+15 vs 11
+22 × 8
+11 μm). It differs from a German population by the ordinary spaced kinetids (vs. closely spaced few kinetids) in the posterior half of the somatic kinety 10 (
+Didier & Wilbert, 1981
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11664, NNIBRPR11665).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Epistylis pygmaeum
+(Ehrenberg, 1838)
+Berger & Schaumburg, 1999 (
+Fig. 17
+Material examined.
+with some debris collected from
+N 36°26
+E 128°14
+) on
+14 May 2019
+Colony dichotomously branching, usually short epistylid stalk; zooid size 35
+40 × 21
+27 μm in vivo; zooid shape barrel shape to cylindrical, rarely campanulate; peristomial lip width 21
+22 μm in vivo (n = 3). Single contractile vacuole located on ventral side. Transverse silverlines, 16
+23 striations between anterior end and aboral ciliary wreath, 11
+15 striations between aboral ciliary wreath and scopula. Infundibular polykinety 3 composed of two rows.
+Epistylis pygmaeum
+is a common epizoic peritrich. The Korean population of
+E. pygmaeum
+corresponds to other populations.
+Epistylis pygmaeum
+is similar to
+E. anastatica
+, but mainly differs in the size of zooid (35
+40 μm vs. 60
+100 μm) (
+et al.
+, 1999
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11672, NNIBRPR11673).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Phialinides australis
+Foissner, 1988
+Fig. 11
+Material examined.
+soil collected from
+Mt. Jeombongsan
+N 38°02
+E 128°26
+) on
+8 July 2018
+Size in vivo about 90 × 20 μm (n = 3). Body elongate elliptical clavate with widest portion posterior to neck; highly contractile, length: width ratio 4
+5:1. Two macronuclear nodules in mid-body, micronucleus indistinct. Contractile vacuole terminal. Extrusomes form conspicuous bundles in oral bulge and in anterior half of cell. Cortex flexible, contains many minute cortical granules. About 13 somatic ciliary rows, individual rows composed of dikinetids anteriorly and monokinetids posteriorly. Few basal bodies (ciliary wreath) around the short neck.
+, Central America, South America, and
+The Korean population of
+Phialinides australis
+agrees with the
+population (
+Foissner, 1988
+). To date, only four
+have been described (
+P. armatus
+P. australis
+P. muscicola
+, and
+P. bicaryomorphus
+Phialinides australis
+differs from
+P. armatus
+in the shape of the extrusomes (rod shaped vs. drumstick) and the number of macronucleus nodules (2 vs. ~15).
+Phialinides australis
+also differs from
+P. bicaryomorphus
+in having less number (13 vs. 23 on average) of ciliary rows and different shape (ellipsoid to globular vs. discoid and flattened in middle) and number (two vs. one) of macronuclear nodules. It also differs from
+P. muscicola
+P. bicaryomorphus
+in the size (small vs. large) of the cortical granules (
+et al.
+, 2002
+Foissner and Wenzel, 2004
+Foissner, 2016
+Fig. 11.
+Phialinides australis
+from life (A, B) and after protargol impregnation (C, D). A. Cortical granulation. B. Oral and cytoplasmic extrusomes. C, D. Details of oral and somatic ciliature and the phialinid ciliary wreath (arrowheads). Scale bars= 30 μm (A, B); 20 μm (C, D).
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11682, NNI BRPR11683).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Protospathidium muscicola
+Dragesco &
+Dragesco-Kernéis, 1979 (
+Fig. 10
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Galmobong
+N 34°58
+E 128° 16
+4 February 2019
+Size in vivo about 90 × 20 μm (n = 5). Body very narrowly ellipsoidal or spatulate. Nuclear apparatus composed of scattered macronuclear nodules and micronuclei. Contractile vacuole terminal. Cytoplasm colorless. Extrusomes studded in oral bulge and scattered in cytoplasm, rod shaped. Cortical granules minute and arranged in rows between ciliary rows. About 10 somatic ciliary rows. Dorsal brush consists of three rows, row 1 short, row 2 long up to 20% of body length.
+Fig. 10.
+Protospathidium muscicola
+from life (A, B) and after protargol impregnation (C
+E). A. Typical body shape to show oral and cytoplasmic extrusomes with one terminal contractile vacuole. B. Cortical granules and apparatus of dorsal brush rows. C, D. Somatic and circumoral kineties with macronuclear nodules. E. Details of dorsal brush rows. B, brush rows; CV; contractile vacuole; E, extrusomes; MA, macronuclear nodule; OF, oral kinetofragment. Scale bars = 30 μm.
+South Africa
+, and
+The Korean population of
+Protospathidium muscicola
+is consistent with other populations described by
+Foissner and Xu (2007)
+Dragesco and Dragesco-Kernéis (1979)
+. However, it is most similar to the Venezuelan population in the body size and the number of ciliary rows (
+Foissner and Xu, 2007
+). The Austrian population is much smaller (65 × 10 μm after protargol impregnation) and has rather fewer (8 on average) ciliary rows (
+Foissner and Xu, 2007
+Voucher slides.
+One slide with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11684).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Epispathidium amphoriforme
+(Greeff, 1888)
+Foissner, 1984
+Fig. 9
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Yeonhwasan
+N 35°4
+E 128°13
+) on
+4 February 2019
+Body size 110
+156 × 32
+49 μm after protargol impregnation (n = 3). Body typical spathidiid shape, i.e. oral bulge moderately spatulate, mid-body slightly swollen. Ribbon-like macronucleus. Three dorsal brush rows; single circumoral kinety; about 45 somatic kineties anteriorly curved and parallel to circumoral kinety. Single contractile vacuole centrally located at posterior end.
+The Korean population of
+E. amphoriforme
+is most similar to an Austrian (from Zillertal,
+) population described by Kahl (1930) especially in the number of somatic kineties (about 45 vs. 40
+50). It is also very similar to another Austrian (from
+Lower Austria
+) population described by
+Foissner (1984)
+but differs mainly in the number of somatic kineties (about 45 vs. 24
+38) and the absence (vs. presence) of spindle-like extrusomes (
+Foissner, 1984
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11670, NNI BRPR11671).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Drepanomonas revoluta
+Penard, 1922
+Fig. 14
+Material examined.
+soil collected from
+Mt. Hambaeksan
+N 37°9
+E 128°54
+) on
+17 May 2018
+Size in vivo 25
+30 × 10
+15 μm (n = 5). Body semi ellipsoidal. One macronucleus and one micronucleus. Cortex rigid, right side smooth except of minute crenellation along ciliary rows. Left side with longitudinal, deep, and wide furrow. Contractile vacuole slightly posterior and dorsal to oral structures. Cytopyge posteri- or and left to contractile vacuole. Extrusomes lenticular and left of somatic kineties. Cytoplasm colorless with minute lipid droplets and food vacuoles containing bacteria. Nine somatic and three preoral kineties, each somatic kinety consists of few dikinetids and few monokinetids with large gaps in the middle; preoral kineties consist of two or three dikinetids and each with a single monokinetid posteriorly. Oral apparatus in mid-body containing oral membranelles and oral primordium.
+Fig. 13.
+Rimaleptus similis
+from life (A, B, E) and after protargol impregnation (C, D). A. Typical body shape in vivo. B. Distribution of contractile vacuoles. C. Somatic and oral ciliature. D. Details of oral ciliature. E. Single spherical micronucleus between two macronuclear nodules and two kinds of oral extrusomes. CK, circumoral kinety; CV, contractile vacuoles; MA, macronuclear nodule; MI, micronucleus; PR, preoral kinety. Scale bars =100 μm (A); 50 μm (C, E).
+The Korean population of
+D. revoluta
+resembles the
+population (
+Penard, 1922
+) and the Austri- an population described by
+Foissner (1987)
+in the size (25
+30 × 10
+15 μm vs. 20
+30 × 10
+15 μm), shape, the ciliary pattern, and the deep, wide furrow on the left side. It is also very similar to
+D. vasta
+Foissner &
+Omar 2013
+Omar and Foissner, 2013
+) differing mainly in the structure of somatic kinety 4 (3 or 4 vs. only one ciliated dikinetid anteriorly), the total number of basal bodies (80 vs. 90 on average), and the body shape (distinctly flattened vs. thick) (
+Omar and Foissner, 2013
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11668, NNIBRPR11669).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Rimaleptus similis
+Foissner, 1995
+) Vd
+̓ačný &
+Foissner, 2012 (
+Fig. 13
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Yeonhwasan
+N 35°4
+E 128°13
+) on
+4 February 2019
+Size in vivo 260
+280 × 50
+60 μm and about 135 × 35 μm after protargol impregnation (n = 3). Body narrowly dileptid with rounded posterior end, proboscis length 130
+170 μm in vivo. A single micronucleus in between two oblong macronuclear nodules. Contractile vacuoles located on dorsal side in a row.
+Two types
+of extrusomes attached to proboscis and oral bulge:
+I rod-shaped, about 9.0 × 0.7 μm in size;
+II oblong, about 3 μm in length. 29
+36 somatic kineties; preoral kineties oblique, ordinarily to narrowly spaced, each usually composed of two or three narrowly spaced kinetids.
+Fig. 12.
+Paraenchelys wenzeli
+from life (A
+C) and after protargol impregnation (D
+F). A. Typical body shape in vivo. B. Details of cytoplasmic structures including macronucleus, extrusomes and contractile vacuoles. C. Peculiar large, teardrop shape extrusomes. D. Macronucleus with micronucleus and weakly impregnated large extrusomes. E. Somatic and oral ciliature (arrow indicates micronucleus). F. Details of fragmented dorsal brush rows. B, brush rows; E, extrusomes; MA, macrnucleus; MI, micronucleus. Scale bars =30 μm (A, B, D, E); 10 μm (C).
+Costa Rica
+, Namib Desert, and
+The Korean population of
+R. similis
+corresponds to the original population (
+Foissner, 1995
+; Vd̓ačný and Foissner, 2012).
+Rimaleptus similis
+is similar to the most related species,
+R. orientalis
+et al.
+, 1988) Vd
+̓ačný & Foissner, 2012, in the arrangement of contractile vacuoles (only on dorsal side), the shape of macronuclear nodules (ellipsoid to oblong), and in the short brush bristles (~3 μm) but they differ mainly in the shape (rod-shaped vs. broadly fusiform) and size (6
+10 μm vs. 1
+2 μm) of oral extrusomes (Vd̓ačný and Foissner, 2012).
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11690, NNI BRPR11691).
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+Brief description of 18 newly recorded ciliate species from soil and inland waters (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in South Korea
+Kim, Ji Hye
+Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung, Republic of Korea
+Jung, Atef Omar and Jae-Ho
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Paraenchelys wenzeli
+Foissner, 1984
+Fig. 12
+Material examined.
+moss collected from
+Mt. Yeonhwasan
+N 35°4
+E 128°13
+) on
+4 February 2019
+Size about 105 × 40 μm in vivo and 80
+125 × 21
+45 μm after protargol impregnation (n = 3). Body shape pyriform. Extrusomes scattered on whole body, teardrop shape, conspicuously large about 15 × 2 μm in vivo. Cortical granules ellipsoidal, regularly arranged, and about 0.6 × 0.4 μm. Single sausage-like shape macronucleus. 55
+77 somatic kineties. Dorsal brush rows irreg- ularly fragmented.
+, and
+The Korean population of
+P. wenzeli
+differs from both the
+population (
+Foissner, 1984
+) and the Turkish population (
+Senler and Yildiz, 2009
+) only in the number of somatic kineties (55
+77 vs. 32
+53 and 34
+45, respectively).
+Paraenchelys wenzeli
+is distinguishable from
+P. terricola
+by the length of extrusome (15 μm vs. 10 μm on average) and the shape of macronucleus (sausage-like vs. ellipsoidal) (
+Foissner, 1984
+Voucher slides.
+Two slides with protargol-impregnated specimens were deposited at the Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources (NNIBRPR11680, NNIBRPR116801).
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+Characterizations of five heterotrophic nanoflagellates newly recorded in Korea
+Park, Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Euglenozoa Cavalier-Smith, 1981
+(emend. Simpson, 1997)
+Fig. 3.
+(A, B) General light micrographs and sketch of
+Neobodo curvifilus
+Procryptobia sorokini
+) strain KM017. AF: anterior flagellum, PF: posterior flagellum, GR: granules, scale bar =5 μm. All micrographs are differential interference contrast (DIC) images. (C) Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree inferred from the 18S rDNA sequences of
+(order) species including
+Neobodo curvifilus
+strain KM017 and outgroup (
+Bodo saltans
+Bodo uncinatus
+). Bootstrap support values (>80%) are shown at the nodes. Solid circles indicate a Bayesian posterior probability of 1 (posterior probability<0.95 not shown).
+Kinetoplastea Honigberg, 1963
+(emend. Vickerman, 1976)
+Neobodonida Vickerman
+in Moreira
+et al.
+, 2004 Family
+Neobodonidae Cavalier-Smith, 2016
+Vickerman, 2004
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+Characterizations of five heterotrophic nanoflagellates newly recorded in Korea
+Park, Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Cavalier-Smith, 1998
+(emend. Cavalier-Smith, 2006)
+Labyrinthulomycetes Arx, 1970
+(emend. Dick, 2001)
+Labyrinthulida Doflein, 1901
+Aplanochytriidae Leander ex Cavalier-Smith, 2012
+Bahnweg and Sparrow, 1972
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+Characterizations of five heterotrophic nanoflagellates newly recorded in Korea
+Park, Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Aplanochytrium minuta
+Watson and Raper, 1957
+Leander and Porter, 2000 (
+Fig. 2A, B
+Labyrinthuloides minuta
+Watson and Raper, 1957
+Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo Park performed specimen collection on
+15 September 2020
+, from the
+Yeongildae Beach
+: 24.9℃,
+: 29.9
+, pH: 7.7
+Morphological description.
+The live strain
+004 was ovoid to elliptical-shaped, but with the posterior end of the cell was more pointed than the anterior end (
+Fig. 2A
+(A) (B)
+B). The average length and width of the cell body were 4.3±1.2 μm (mean±STD) and 2.9±1.1 μm, respectively (n = 20). Cells had spindle forms during actively gliding motility (
+Fig. 2A
+). Cells also had two unequal flagella. The average length of the anterior and posterior flagellum was 1.9±1.3 μm and 5.1±0.7 μm, respectively (n = 20). Furthermore, the anterior flagellum created the movement of a stiff flicker, while the posterior flagellum trailed posteriorly.
+Molecular phylogeny.
+The partial 18S rDNA sequence of the strain
+004 was 873 bp long (G + C content: 41%). The closest sequence retrieved by BLASTn search from GenBank was that of 18S rDNA sequence of
+Aplanochytrium minuta
+Labyrinthuloides minuta
+, accession number; L27634, 1,802 bp long, G + C content: 43%), with a high identity of 99.89% (872/873 bp). Additionally, the molecular phylogenetic tree of the 18S rDNA sequences placed the strain
+004 within the
+A. minuta
+clade with a high bootstrap value (ML: 94%) and a posterior probability of 1 (
+Fig. 2C
+The strain
+004 is morphologically indistinguishable from the original
+A. minuta
+. The original cells were oval, cuneiform, or spherical-shaped (
+Perkins, 1974
+). Also, the original cells were 5-10 μm in length, and 3-5 μm in width. It seems that the cell size of our isolate is smaller than that of the original
+A. minuta
+. Furthermore, like the strain
+004, the original biflagellate cells displayed gliding motility, and sometimes the spindleshaped cells formed a sorus (
+Watson and Raper, 1957
+Raghukumar, 2002
+). The original
+A. minuta
+was spread as a monolayer on the agar surfaces, although we did not observe this monolayer. Phylogenetic trees of the 18S rDNA sequences showed clearly that the strain
+004 was a member of previously known
+A. minuta
+. Overall, the strain
+004 is speculated to be among the
+A. minuta
+strains in terms of morphology and molecular sequencing.
+Surface water/sediment interface of coastal areas.
+Specimen deposition.
+National Institute of Biological Resources,
+(KPZXPR0000000022-KPZXPR0000 000026).
+Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo Park.
+(A) (B)
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+Characterizations of five heterotrophic nanoflagellates newly recorded in Korea
+Park, Dong Hyuk Jeong and Jong Soo
+Journal of Species Research
+journal article
+Cavalier-Smith, 1998
+(emend. Cavalier-Smith, 2006)
+Bicoecea Cavalier-Smith, 1993
+Bicosoecida Grasse, 1926
+(emend. Karpov, 1998) Family
+Cafeteriaceae Møestrup, 1995
+Fenchel and Patterson, 1988
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