+1 |
+Prominent head and mesonotum ornamentation in the form of simple spines; mesofemora lobes simple with rounded margins |
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+– |
+Prominent head and mesonotum ornamentation in the form of foliate lobes or branched spines; at least the medial pair of mesofemora lobes are compound and have irregular margins |
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+2 |
+Subgenital plate 1.6 × longer than combined tergites VIII – X; femora with four pairs of rounded foliate lobes, one at the apex and the rest in the first, second, and third quarter of the corresponding femur length; Venezuela |
+Trychopeplus spinosolobatus
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+– |
+Subgenital plate 1.2 × longer than combined tergites VIII – X; femora with two pairs of rounded foliate lobes, one at the apex and another in the first third of the corresponding femur length; NW Ecuador |
+T. mashpiensis
+sp. nov.
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+3 |
+Body length> 100 mm; pronotum without ornamentation; gonapophyses shorter than the subgenital plate; Ecuador, Colombia |
+T. thaumasius
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+– |
+Body length <100 mm; pronotum with small spines; gonapophyses distinctly longer than the subgenital plate; Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama |
+T. laciniatus
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