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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Priscula venezuelana
+Simon, 1893
+Figs 939–942
+, 1062
+Priscula venezuelana
+Simon, 1893b: 477–478
+, fig. 466.
+Priscula ranchograndensis
+González-Sponga, 1999: 150
+, figs 47–55. Synonymized in
+Huber 2000: 136
+Priscula venezuelana
+Huber 1997d: 601
+, figs 20a–b, 21a–d; 2000: 136, figs 527–529. — GonzálezSponga 1999: 164, figs 76–85.
+Physocyclus venezuelanus
+Brignoli 1981: 96
+In a previous redescription of the species (
+Huber 2000
+González-Sponga’s (1999)
+Priscula venezuelana
+was considered “probably misidentified”. This was based on the observation that his
+Priscula ranchograndensis
+was a synonym of ‘true’
+P. venezuelana
+, and on the assumption that he would
+describe the same species under two names in a single publication. However, our reexamination of González-Sponga’s specimens revealed that the two ‘species’ in his publication are indeed the same, i.e., his
+Priscula venezuelana
+was correctly identified.
+González-Sponga (1999)
+P. venezuelana
+(under this name) from two localities: “Alto de Ño León, carretera El Junquito-Colonia Tovar” [
+10.432° N
+67.166° W
+, ~
+2060 m
+a.s.l., i.e., ~
+6 km
+W of the coordinates indicated in the original publication],
+2 ♀♀
+, 2 juvs, MIZA 105681 (MAGS 849), collected
+14 Nov. 1981
+; and “San Antonio de los Altos” [approximately
+10.37° N
+66.97° W
+, ~
+1400 m
+a.s.l.], 1 ♂, MIZA 105701 (MAGS 230), collected
+16 May 1981
+Priscula venezuelana
+: ♂
+3 ♀♀
+and 9 juvs,
+(10923), from two localities: Capital, Caracas [approximately
+10.5° N
+66.9° W
+] and
+, Colonia Tovar [approximately
+10.41° N
+67.29° W
+]; collected by E. Simon in 1888. For a redescription of this material, see
+Huber (1997d)
+Priscula ranchograndensis
+: ♂
+2 ♀♀
+105789 (
+, Henri Pittier National Park, Estación Biológica [= Rancho Grande,
+10.350° N
+67.684° W
+] (the coordinates in the original publication are about
+4 km
+SW of the biological station building),
+29 Mar. 1987
+C. Avila
+); examined.
+New records
+1 ♂
+1 juv.
+(Ar 22119), and
+4 juvs
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven18- 153),
+Colonia Tovar
+forest above town
+10.4144° N
+67.3005° W
+2140 m
+8 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven02/100-9), same locality,
+26 Nov. 2002
+7 juvs
+in pure ethanol (identity confirmed by CO1),
+Colonia Tovar
+forest at Cerro Picacho
+10.408° N
+67.308° W
+), ~
+2200 m
+27 Nov. 2002
+2 ♂♂
+9 ♀♀
+(Ar 22120), and
+1 ♂
+3 ♀♀
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven02/100-28, 29, 30),
+Henri Pittier National Park
+Rancho Grande
+10.350° N
+67.684° W
+), ~
+1150 m
+, in building,
+12 Dec. 2002
+1 ♀
+(Ar 22121), and
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+Henri Pittier National Park
+forest near La Cumbre
+10.3575° N
+67.5771° W
+1450 m
+20 Feb. 2020
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal
+M.). –
+1 ♂
+(Ar 22125),
+Yacambú National Park
+9.707° N
+69.577° W
+), ~
+1550 m
+, at building,
+15–16 Dec. 2002
+, A.
+2 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 22126),
+Yacambú National Park
+Sendero Ecológico
+(9.709° N, 69.578–69.582° W), ~
+1550 m
+15–16 Dec. 2002
+, A.
+Pérez González
+, O.
+Villarreal M.
+B. Striffler
+A. Giupponi
+). –
+La Guaira
+1 ♂
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 22122), and
+5 juvs
+in pure ethanol,
+El Limón
+above road Colonia Tovar-Puerto Cruz
+10.4566° N
+67.2548° W
+mostly on
+plants in forest clearing
+1535 m
+9 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 22123), and
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+El Limón
+, ‘site 2’ (
+10.4774° N
+67.2819° W
+1235 m
+forest along stream
+21 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+M.). –
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+abdomen (♀ abdomen transferred from
+, Ven18-147),
+(Ar 22124), and
+1 ♀
+, 3 juvs in pure ethanol,
+(Ven18-147, 148) (♀ abdomen transferred to
+, Ar 22124),
+El Ávila National Park
+between Sabas Nieves and La Silla
+10.5245° N
+66.8566° W
+1600 m
+7 Nov. 2018
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal
+4 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+El Volcán
+10.417° N
+66.851° W
+, ~
+1450 m
+11–13 Nov. 2019
+, J.
+Dubious record
+1 ♂
+MIZA 1840
+Cerro Yari
+5.717° N
+65.900° W
+2200 m
+23–28 Feb. 1995
+I.L. García
+(amendments; see
+Huber 1997d
+González-Sponga 1999
+Huber 2000
+Eye measurements in male from El Ávila National Park: distance PME–PME
+260 µm
+; diameter PME
+200 µm
+; distance PME–ALE
+180 µm
+; diameter
+60 µm
+; distance AME–AME
+60 µm
+larger than PME (diameter
+300 µm
+). Male ocular area without or with very low hump on posterior
+side. Thoracic furrow deep, reaching posterior carapace margin. Male (but
+female) chelicerae with pair of distinct white areas laterally, bordered distally by sclerotized rim. Posterior margin of sternum in males and females straight (also in specimens from Rancho Grande, contra
+González-Sponga 1999
+: fig. 48). Femur-patella joints in male palp dorsally, i.e.,
+shifted towards one or the other side. Ventral distal margin of palpal femur sclerotized but barely protruding. Procursus (
+Figs 945–950
+) with distinctive bifid apophysis distally, dorsal part pointed and conical, ventral part flat and directed toward prolateral. Genital bulb (
+Figs 952–957
+) with small proximal sclerite connecting to tarsus, strong apophysis slightly spiraling, with large whitish area ventrally between strong proximal transversal sclerite and main apophysis. Legs with strongly curved hairs mainly on legs 1–2 (femora, tibiae, and metatarsi), also on tibiae 3–4; with more than usual short vertical hairs (but
+in high density). Prolateral trichobothrium present on all leg tibiae. Tibia
+1 in
+16 males
+(including the thre males in
+Huber 2000
+): 11.5–17.7 (mean 14.9); in male
+: 12.1. Leg 1 length in largest specimen: 73.0.
+Figs 939–944.
+Simon, 1893
+; live specimens.
+P. venezuelana
+Simon, 1893
+; dark male from Miranda, El Ávila National Park; light male, female and penultimate instar male from La Guaira, El Limón.
+sp. indet., juveniles from Trujillo, Laguna Negra (ZFMK Ven18-208) and from Mérida, between Mérida and Barinas (ZFMK Ven18-237).
+Figs 945–951.
+Priscula venezuelana
+Simon, 1893
+; light male from Aragua, Colonia Tovar (left figure in each pair; ZFMK Ar 22119), dark male from Aragua, Rancho Grande (right; ZFMK Ar 22120), female from Miranda, El Ávila National Park (ZFMK Ar 22124).
+. Left palpal tarsus and procursus, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral views.
+. Cleared female genitalia, dorsal view. Scale lines: 0.5 mm.
+There is considerable color variation (both in males and females) that seems to be correlated with microhabitat: ground-dwelling specimens tend to be dark (
+Fig. 939
+), with many dark marks on abdomen; with median and radial dark marks on carapace; with distinct dark rings on legs; with rather dark sternum. By contrast, leaf-dwelling specimens (in particular juveniles, rarely also adults;
+Figs 940–942
+) tend to be light-colored, in particular abdomen with many white marks but without or with few dark marks; carapace with median dark mark but often without or with indistinct dark radial marks; legs without or with indistinct dark rings; sternum largely light colored.
+Females with slightly variable shape of epigynum: some but
+all females from Yacambú National Park and Henri Pittier National Park with slightly wider epigynum (compare
+Figs 958, 961, 964
+). Posterior plate always divided medially by whitish area. Internal genitalia (
+Figs 951
+960, 963, 966
+) with pair of
+Figs 952–957.
+Priscula venezuelana
+Simon, 1893
+; light male from Aragua, Colonia Tovar (left figure in each pair; ZFMK Ar 22119), dark male from Aragua, Rancho Grande (right; ZFMK Ar 22120); left genital bulbs, dorsal, retrolateral, and ventral views (arrow: sperm duct opening). Scale line: 0.5 mm.
+elongate pore plates in roughly parallel position, and large anterior arc. Tibia
+1 in
+15 females
+(including female from Rancho Grande in
+Huber 2000
+): 9.5–14.0 (mean 11.9). In two
+: 9.9, 10.6.
+Apparently widespread in the Coastal Ranges in northern
+Venezuela (Fig. 1062)
+. All localities are at about
+1150–2200 m
+a.s.l. The dubious record from
+Amazonas state
+shown in Fig. 1062.
+Natural history
+This species occurs both in natural habitats and in weakly to strongly altered habitats, but is much easier to find in the latter. Numerous specimens were collected in the abandoned building at Rancho Grande were
+P. venezuelana
+shared the rooms with
+Mesabolivar eberhardi
+Huber, 2000
+. While
+M. eberhardi
+was hanging in webs in corners,
+P. venezuelana
+was resting flat on the wall. Some specimens were collected from banana leaves in a small forest clearing at El
+Figs 958–966.
+Priscula venezuelana
+Simon, 1893
+; epigyna, ventral views, and cleared female genitalia, ventral and dorsal views.
+. Miranda, El Ávila National Park (ZFMK Ar 22124).
+. La Guaira, El Limón (ZFMK Ar 22122).
+. Aragua, Rancho Grande (ZFMK Ar 22120).
+Within forests, specimens occur both in protected spaces near the ground (e.g., in a large palm sheath at La Cumbre) and higher among the vegetation on green leaves. Each microhabitat seems to have its ecomorph, with dark specimens on the ground and light specimens on leaves (see above). At El Ávila and Yacambú, both ecomorphs were found to be present. Adult leaf-dwelling specimens seemed to prefer large monocot leaves, while juveniles were also found on dicot leaves, with their flat webs often spanning several leaves. When disturbed, the leaf-dwellers did
+vibrate or bounce but eventually moved away slowly and reluctantly on their webs.
+Egg sacs were large and relatively densely covered with silk (
+Fig. 941
+). A relatively small egg-sac from El
+contained ~
+70 eggs
+; a large egg-sac from La Cumbre contained ~
+110 eggs
+González-Sponga (1999)
+reported two egg-sacs with 70 and
+162 eggs
+, respectively.
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-On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
-Huber, Bernhard A.
-Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
-Villarreal, Osvaldo
-Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -55,13 +58,13 @@ Simon, 1893
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Micropholcus fauroti
+(Simon, 1887)
+Micropholcus fauroti
+is common in buildings in tropical countries around the world. In
+, it has been collected at numerous localities in the states
+Nueva Esparta
+, and
+González-Sponga 2004
+, under various names – see Huber 2009;
+Colmenares 2008
+; Huber 2011; below; Fig. 1055).
+González-Sponga (2004)
+described four species in his new genus
+that were all synonymized with
+Micropholcus fauroti
+without seeing the types (Huber 2009). Our reexamination of all types in
+Nov. 2018
+confirmed these synonymies. As usual, González-Sponga did
+separate the
+from the
+if originating from the same locality, so they are here simply treated as ‘types’ (except for
+Mariguitaia museorum
+M. sucrensis
+, each with only one male specimen).
+MIZA 105783 (MAGS 1302), 3 ♂♂,
+3 ♀♀
+Mariguitaia divergentis
+González-Sponga, 2004
+, Los Pijiguaos [
+6.570° N
+66.810° W
+MIZA 105784 (MAGS 1320), ♂
+7 ♀♀
+Mariguitaia museorum
+González-Sponga, 2004
+, Museo Etnológico de Ciudad
+8.143° N
+63.551° W
+MIZA 105588 (MAGS 1156), 3 ♂♂,
+4 ♀♀
+, 4 juvs
+Mariguitaia neoespartana
+González-Sponga, 2004
+Nueva Esparta
+, La
+11.034° N
+63.863° W
+MIZA 105772 (MAGS 1003), ♂
+Mariguitaia sucrensis
+González-Sponga, 2004
+, Marig̹itar [approximately
+10.445° N
+66.902° W
+New records
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+Ciudad Guayana
+, in building
+8.3859° N
+62.6217° W
+50 m
+12 Nov. 2018
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal M.
+). –
+2 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+(Ar 22052),
+Santa Elena de Arenales
+8.8232° N
+71.4631° W
+70 m
+, in building,
+12 Feb. 2020
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal
+M., Q.
+C.). –
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105791
+(separated from MAGS 1173),
+Guayacan de las Flores
+10.632° N
+63.264° W
+Jan. 1990
+X. Moya
+). –
+1 ♀
+(Ar 22053),
+8.0179° N
+71.7651° W
+1250 m
+, in building,
+10 Feb. 2020
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal
+M., Q.
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Modisimus culicinus
+(Simon, 1893)
+Figs 717–718
+, 1032, 1057
+Hedypsilus culicinus
+Simon, 1893a: 322
+(♂, Venezuela, “Orinoco”)
+Hedypsilus lawrencei
+Lessert, 1938: 434
+, figs 15–17. Synonymized in
+Huber 1997b
+Hedypsilus culicinus
+Simon 1893b: 484
+, figs 483–484, 486. —
+Gertsch & Peck 1992: 1192
+, figs 20– 26. —
+Huber 1997a: 95
+, figs 1–3.
+Modisimus culicinus
+Huber 1997b: 233
+, figs 2–4; 1998a: 592, figs 6a–b, 7e–f, 8d; 1998b: 1594, figs 94–96, 101; 2000: figs 89, 143, 188; 2001: 137; 2019: 52. —
+Saaristo 1999: 2
+2001: 24
+, figs 56– 60; 2010: 165, figs 25.31–37. —
+Huber & Benjamin 2005: 3306
+. —
+et al.
+2008: 14
+, figs 5–6, 32–33, 64. —
+Tong & Li 2009: 25
+, figs 13–15, 54–59. —
+et al.
+2010: 287
+2014c: 8
+; 2017: 13, figs 1–2. —
+Huber & Warui 2012: 9
+. —
+Huber & Kwapong 2013: 10
+. — Tong 2013: 64, figs 32m–o, 83.
+Hedypsilus simoni
+Huber, 1997
+(misidentification) –
+González-Sponga 2010: 12
+, pl. 2, figs 1–11.
+This is the only representative of
+that has attained a pantropical distribution, with most records from between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (
+) (Huber
+et al.
+2017). It is usually found in buildings, but several records suggest that it easily invades disturbed and even seemingly undisturbed habitats. Several of the new records below are from relatively natural habitats, and the species was recently found to have massively invaded natural habitats on
+(B.A. Huber, A. Acurio, unpubl. data).
+We have reexamined the specimens identified by
+González-Sponga (2010)
+Hedypsilus simoni
+; they are deposited in MIZA 105602 (MAGS 1134), and originate from a building in eastern Caracas, Urb. El Marqués, Calle Cuyuni [
+10.498° N
+66.804° W
+] (~14 E of the coordinates in
+González-Sponga 2010
+). These specimens are unambiguous
+M. culicinus
+, which is unique among described species in having a cuticular lobe frontally on the male ocular turret (cf.
+Huber 1997a
+: fig. 1; also illustrated by GonzálezSponga 2010: pl. 2, fig. 3).
+New records
+1 ♂
+(abdomen missing),
+MIZA 105767
+MAGS 1388
+Pico Codazzi
+10.411° N
+67.303° W
+22 Jan. 1994
+Delgado, M.A
+González S.
+). –
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 22055),
+Península de Paraguaná
+Cerro Santa Ana
+11.8120° N
+69.9474° W
+300 m
+17 Nov. 2018
+O. Villarreal
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven18- 184),
+Península de Paraguaná
+near Cueva del Guano
+11.9026° N
+69.9456° W
+140 m
+16 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+4 juvs
+(Ar 22056), and
+1 ♀
+2 juvs
+in pure ethanol,
+SE Bariro
+10.7304° N
+70.6957° W
+360 m
+under rocks on arid hill
+14 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Villarreal M.
+Q. Arias
+C.). –
+La Guaira
+8 ♂♂
+28 ♀♀
+(Ar 22057), and
+2 ♀♀
+5 juvs
+in pure ethanol,
+Catia La Mar
+10.6092° N
+67.0064° W
+50 m
+10 Dec. 2018
+). –
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105792
+MAGS 1308
+near Boconó
+(“Mosquei, alrededores de Boconó”) [approximately
+9.287° N
+70.207° W
+20 Feb. 1991
+M.A. González
+Pantropical species (Huber
+et al.
+2017). In
+, the species has been found in the states
+, and La Guaira (Fig. 1057).
+Figs 717–724.
+Simon, 1893
+; live specimens.
+M. culicinus
+(Simon, 1893)
+; male and female with egg sac from La Guaira, Catia La Mar.
+M. simoni
+Huber, 1997
+; male and female with egg sac from Bolívar, Ciudad Guayana.
+M. repens
+sp. nov.
+; male and females from Falcón, Cerro Santa Ana.
+Natural history
+The newly collected specimens above (
+, La
+) were found in arid environments. In Catia La Mar, the species was found in the same microhabitat as
+Chisosa caquetio
+Huber, 2019
+(dry leaf litter among cacti); on the Península de Paraguaná, it was found together with
+Chisosa caquetio
+Galapa spiniphila
+sp. nov.
+in dead basal leaves of spiny ground-dwelling bromeliads. Near Bariro, it shared the microhabitat (undersides of rocks) with an unidentified
+(only females available), and the locality with
+Ibotyporanga bariro
+sp. nov.
+Physocyclus globosus
+(Taczanowski, 1874)
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+González-Sponga, 1998
+is among the most species-rich Neotropical pholcid genera, with currently 94 described species and many undescribed species present in collections (B.A. Huber, L.S. Carvalho, unpubl. data). A recent revision of the genus proposed nine species groups (Huber 2018). Only two of these are present in
+group with the
+M. pseudoblechroscelis
+González-Sponga, 1998
+and an unidentified species represented by a single female and
+2 juveniles
+, km 44 from El
+6.417° N
+61.642° W
+), ~
+200 m
+2 Dec. 2002
+(B.A. Huber), female abdomen deposited in ZFMK (Ar 21964), other specimens in pure ethanol (ZFMK, Ven02/100-39).
+group with six species:
+M. anseriformis
+(González-Sponga, 2011)
+M. aurantiacus
+(Mello-Leitṳo, 1930);
+M. cyaneus
+(Taczanowski, 1874)
+M. eberhardi
+Huber, 2000
+M. macushi
+Huber, 2018
+; and
+M. spinosus
+González-Sponga, 2005
+An eighth Venezuelan species is among those that could
+be assigned to any species group:
+M. yuruani
+Huber, 2000
+. Of the eight described Venezuelan species, only three are treated below. For the other species, see the recent revision in Huber (2018). Here, only a few amendments are given concerning the two species described by González-Sponga
+further treated herein:
+Figs 582–588.
+Mecolaesthus limon
+sp. nov.
+; from La Guaira, El Limón (type locality).
+582– 585
+. Live male and female with egg sac.
+. Epigynum, ventral view and cleared female genitalia, ventral and dorsal views (ZFMK Ar 21963).
+Figs 589–593.
+Mecolaesthus limon
+sp. nov.
+; from La Guaira, El Limón (type locality; ZFMK Ar 21962–63).
+. Left male pedipalp, prolateral and retrolateral views.
+. Male chelicerae, lateral and frontal views.
+. Cleared female genitalia, dorsal view. Scale lines: 0.3 mm.
+locality of
+M. anseriformis
+(González-Sponga, 2011)
+, Salto Caruay (= Salto El Hueso, Salto Karwai) is at
+5.653° N
+61.896° W
+, i.e.,
+75 km
+NE of the coordinates given in
+González-Sponga (2011b)
+(and copied in Huber 2018).
+The MIZA has more material of
+M. spinosus
+González-Sponga, 2005
+than indicated in the original description and in Huber (2018): two vials with the same MAGS number 1176 (MIZA 105708/9), with a total of 4 ♂♂,
+2 ♀♀
+, 2 juvs types, Cerro Guaiquinima, “Camp 1” [approximately
+5.956° N
+63.495° W
+1340 m
+21 Feb. 1990
+(M.A. González S.); one vial MAGS 1179 (MIZA 105707), with 2 ♂♂,
+3 ♀♀
+, types, Cerro Guaiquinima, “Campamento 4” [approximately
+5.808° N
+63.538° W
+920 m
+5 Feb. 1990
+(E. Toro, L. Jaspe); and one vial with
+3 ♀♀
+, misidentified
+Carapoia paraguaensis
+González-Sponga, 1998
+, MAGS 1178 (MIZA 105736), “Carapo, base del Guaiquinima” [approximately
+5.730° N
+63.533° W
+480 m
+17 Feb. 1990
+(L. Sanabria, M.A. González S.).
\ No newline at end of file
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index 11bca916ae0..ad820bbd5e1 100644
--- a/data/03/E8/87/03E887ADFF737AA2FD88FD58FB69F9E6.xml
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@@ -1,55 +1,58 @@
-On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
-Huber, Bernhard A.
-Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
-Villarreal, Osvaldo
-Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
Mesabolivar aurantiacus
(Mello-Leitṳo, 1930)
diff --git a/data/03/E8/87/03E887ADFF737AA6FDCFF916FE1BF8B2.xml b/data/03/E8/87/03E887ADFF737AA6FDCFF916FE1BF8B2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f35fa92dc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/03/E8/87/03E887ADFF737AA6FDCFF916FE1BF8B2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2492 @@
+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Mesabolivar eberhardi
+Huber, 2000
+Figs 597–598
+, 1025, 1048
+Synonymy, see Huber 2018: 34.
+Mesabolivar pseudoblechroscelis
+(misidentification) –
+González-Sponga 1998: 27
+, figs 40–41 (
+Mesabolivar eberhardi
+is a common inhabitant of native and disturbed habitats in much of northern South America and one the most ubiquitous pholcids in
+. Variation in the details of genitalic shape has been noted long ago (
+Huber 2000
+), but this referred to specimens from
+, and
+, far from the
+locality in
+Venezuela (Monagas)
+. All Venezuelan specimens seen in this and previous studies (
+Huber 2000
+, 2018) are unproblematic representatives of this species. This is also true of the six species described by
+González-Sponga (2011a)
+Simon, 1893
+. They have been synonymized with
+M. eberhardi
+before (
+et al.
+), and the reexamination of all
+Nov. 2018
+confirmed the synonymies. However, a few errors in
+González-Sponga’s (2011a)
+work remain to be corrected:
+For “
+Blechroscelis araguanus
+”, only 1 ♂
+is mentioned in the original description, but the female is also described and illustrated. We assume that this is based on MAGS 1393 (MIZA 105765),
+2 ♀♀
+, 3 juvs from the same locality (La Montañita; corrected coordinates:
+10.213° N
+67.176° W
+Figs 594–598.
+González-Sponga, 1998
+; live specimens.
+M. aurantiacus
+(MelloLeitṳo, 1930); males and female from Bolívar, La Neverita (arrow: enlarged and red male femur 3).
+M. eberhardi
+Huber, 2000
+; male from La Guaira, El Limón and female with egg sac from Bolívar, Ciudad Guayana.
+The coordinates of the
+locality of “
+Blechroscelis blechroscelis
+”, Cerro Guaiquinima
+, are approximately
+5.758° N
+63.567° W
+(instead of
+The coordinates of the
+locality of “
+Blechroscelis copeyensis
+”, Cerro Copey
+National Park, are probably
+11.047° N
+63.891° W
+(rather than
+Most of the measurements are probably correct, but some are obviously wrong, casting doubt on the precision in general. For example, metatarsus 4 is given as shorter than metatarsus
+3 in
+of “
+B. blechroscelis
+”; femur 3 is given as longer than femora 2 and
+4 in
+the female of “
+B. andinensis
+”; and carapace shape is given as highly variable among ‘species’ (width =1.0–1.7 × length), while in fact is it highly consistent but heavily dependent on the angle of view.
+Material examined
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105616
+MAGS 1100
+San Juan de Manapiare
+5.324° N
+66.055° W
+Jul. 1987
+). –
+3 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+4 juvs
+MIZA 105776
+MAGS 1036
+near Sabana de Uchire
+10.02° N
+65.52° W
+2 Mar. 1987
+, M.A. González-S.). –
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21966),
+Puerto Colombia
+10.5025° N
+67.6057° W
+25 m
+2 Dec. 2018
+, O.
+1 ♂
+(Ar 21967),
+between Maracay and Puerto Colombia
+10.4304° N
+67.5998° W
+380 m
+2 Dec. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♀♀
+3 juvs
+MIZA 105765
+MAGS 1393
+La Montañita
+carretera Tejerias-Tiara
+10.213° N
+67.176° W
+28 Feb. 1994
+, M.A.
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105642
+MAGS 161
+Colonia Tovar
+10.405° N
+67.303° W
+2 May 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+Henri Pittier National Park
+Rancho Grande
+10.349° N
+67.684° W
+cloud forest
+29 Dec. 1970
+). –
+2 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 21968), and
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+Ciudad Guayana
+Parque La Llovizna
+8.3130° N
+62.6724° W
+50 m
+11 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♂♂
+4 ♀♀
+(Ar 21969), and
+1 ♂
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven18-174), same locality but
+8.3112° N
+62.6742° W
+30 m
+14 Nov. 2018
+1 ♂
+MIZA 105628
+MAGS 1369
+Los Pijiguaos
+6.57° N
+66.81° W
+May 1992
+1 ♂
+MIZA 105696
+MAGS 1322
+7.77° N
+63.04° W
+9 Oct. 1991
+, M.A. González-S.)
+2 ♂♂
+MIZA 105717
+MAGS 1191
+), Camp 4,
+Cerro Guaiquinima
+(Las cuevas),
+980 m
+18 Jan. 1990
+C. Toro
+). –
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105592
+MAGS 1028
+near Hotel Humboldt
+10.542° N
+66.875° W
+17 Jan. 1987
+6 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+7 juvs
+MIZA 105672
+MAGS 1167
+El Ávila National Park
+Quebrada Quintero
+10.518° N
+66.851° W
+19 Aug. 1989
+, E.
+, M.A. González-S.)
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105728
+MAGS 1171
+El Ávila National Park
+Los Venados
+10.536° N
+66.898° W
+9 Sep. 1989
+(E. González-S.,
+6 ♂♂
+5 ♀♀
+3 juvs
+(with one parasitized egg-sac),
+MIZA 105699
+MAGS 1374
+Las Canoas
+10.547° N
+66.932° W
+1200 m
+12 Oct. 1992
+L., E.
+González-S.). –
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105605
+MAGS 336
+San Esteban
+10.425° N
+68.013° W
+4 Aug. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+4 ♂♂
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105749
+MAGS 333
+), same data. –
+2 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 21970), and
+1 ♂
+in pure ethanol,
+Península de Paraguaná
+, Cueva del Guano (
+11.9000° N
+69.9479° W
+140 m
+16 Nov. 2018
+O. Villarreal
+2 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 21971), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+Península de Paraguaná
+near Cueva del Guano
+11.9026° N
+69.9456° W
+140 m
+16 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+6 ♂♂
+4 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+(Ar 21972), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+Península de Paraguaná
+Cerro Santa Ana
+11.8177° N
+69.9468° W
+480 m
+17 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21973),
+Medanos de Coro
+11.5690° N
+69.7147° W
+3 m
+17 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21974), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+Sierra de San Luis
+E Curimagua
+11.1748° N
+69.6273° W
+960 m
+18 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♀♀
+MIZA 105621
+MAGS 1132
+Cerro Capuchino
+11.94° N
+69.97° W
+27 Jan. 1988
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105795
+MAGS 738
+San Juan de los Cayos
+11.173° N
+68.408° W
+3 Oct. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105796
+MAGS 711
+10.906° N
+68.767° W
+30 Sep. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+2 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 21975), and
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+forest near Santa Cruz de La Alegría
+10.8795° N
+68.4949° W
+100 m
+15 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Villarreal M.
+Q. Arias
+C.). –
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105695
+MAGS 988
+El Morrito
+road Altagracia de Orituco to San Francisco de Macaira
+9.916° N
+66.283° W
+10 Apr. 1982
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 1808
+Agua Salada
+9.163° N
+65.775° W
+540 m
+, “sistema cuevas y cañones”,
+22 Nov. 1997
+). –
+4 ♂♂
+5 ♀♀
+(Ar 21976), and
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+between Coro and Barquisimeto, El Rodeo
+10.7240° N
+69.3008° W
+400 m
+19 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+2 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21977), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+between Barquisimeto and Boconó
+9.5906° N
+69.8343° W
+1370 m
+20 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+M.). –
+2 ♀♀
+, (paratypes of
+M. pseudoblechroscelis
+MIZA 105737
+MAGS 986
+near Mesa Bolívar
+8.474° N
+71.598° W
+25 Dec. 1981
+, J.A.
+1 ♂
+MIZA 105611
+MAGS 1053
+Mesa Bolívar
+8.474° N
+71.598° W
+21 Dec. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+6 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+2 juvs
+MIZA 105744
+MAGS 835
+Represa General J.A. Páez
+8.900° N
+70.617° W
+5 Sep. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105683
+MAGS 838
+Dtto Rivas Dávila
+between La Playa and San Pablo
+8.28° N
+71.80° W
+, ~
+1350 m
+4 Sep. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+D., M.A.
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+(Ar 21978),
+Las Piedras
+, ‘site 1’ (
+8.8939° N
+70.6448° W
+1710 m
+forest remnant
+7 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Q. Arias
+7 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+(Ar 21979–80), and
+1 ♂
+2 ♀♀
+in pure ethanol,
+Las Piedras
+, ‘site 2’ (
+8.9002° N
+70.6279° W
+1700 m
+7 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+Q. Arias
+6 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21981),
+forest above Caño Azul
+8.8543° N
+71.3651° W
+280 m
+13 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Q. Arias
+C.). –
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+El Ávila National Park
+between Sabas Nieves and La Silla
+10.5245° N
+66.8566° W
+1600 m
+7 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+4 ♂♂
+10 ♀♀
+10 juvs
+MIZA 105595
+MAGS 1022
+Boca de Cura
+10.20° N
+66.30° W
+17 Jan. 1987
+, M.A. González-S.)
+10 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+2 juvs
+MIZA 105598
+MAGS 1021
+), same data
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105619
+(separated from
+MAGS 1111
+road Carenero-Chirimena
+10.57° N
+66.15° W
+9 Feb. 1988
+, M.A. González-S.)
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105623
+MAGS 1121
+Hacienda Santa Rosalia
+alrededores de Arag̹ita
+11.215° N
+66.458° W
+16 Jul. 1988
+, M.A. González-S.)
+3 ♂♂
+3 juvs
+MIZA 105633
+MAGS 1087
+10.472° N
+66.369° W
+15 Aug. 1987
+, M.A. González-S.)
+1 ♂
+MIZA 105686
+MAGS 966
+10 km
+N de Guatire
+10.55° N
+66.58° W
+Hacienda Santa Rosa
+19 Feb. 1982
+G., J.A. González
+M.A. González
+1 ♂
+3 ♀♀
+MIZA 105697
+MAGS 845
+near Tacarigua de Mamporal
+1 km
+de Tacarigua de Mamporal en la via a Rio Chico
+”) [
+10.382° N
+66.147° W
+31 Oct. 1981
+de G., M.A.
+3 ♂♂
+MIZA 105747
+MAGS 1441
+San Antonio de los Altos
+10.369° N
+66.973° W
+], “Urb. Las Minas,
+Ed. Altair
+”, 1998 (
+M. García
+2 ♂♂
+6 ♀♀
+4 juvs
+MIZA 105704
+MAGS 242
+El Castaño
+, carretera a Arag̹ita [
+10.283° N
+66.400° W
+27 Jun. 1981
+de G., J.A.
+M.A. González
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105721
+MAGS 1093
+Guatopo National Park
+5 Sep. 1987
+Delgado, M.A.
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105690
+MAGS 506
+El Ávila National Park
+(“estribaciones del Avila”),
+El Paraiso
+10.530° N
+66.819° W
+], ~
+1500 m
+16 Aug. 1981
+1 ♂
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105617
+MAGS 1109
+via Pico Naiguatá
+10.50° N
+66.81° W
+10.54° N
+66.78° W
+15 Oct. 1987
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21982),
+El Ávila National Park
+near La
+‘site 3’ (
+10.5066° N
+66.8119° W
+1090 m
+forest near dry brook bed
+22 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+2 ♂♂
+(Ar 21983),
+El Ávila National Park
+near La
+trail to Rancho Grande
+10.5164° N
+66.8089° W
+1460 m
+degraded forest along small stream
+22 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105670
+MAGS 1169
+Rio Aricagua
+10.583° N
+66.234° W
+27 Aug. 1989
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105800
+MAGS 985
+Dtto. Brión
+Hacienda La Maravilla
+6 Jun. 1981
+A. Utrera
+7 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+3 juvs
+MIZA 105594
+MAGS 1030
+Estanque Ayala
+10.505° N
+66.763° W
+25 Jan. 1987
+G., E.S.S., E.G.L., M.A. González
+1 ♂
+2 ♀♀
+2 juvs
+MIZA 105668
+MAGS 1165
+old road Caracas-Charallave
+Los Amarillos
+10.367° N
+66.945° W
+Jul. 1989
+, M.A. González-S.)
+2 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+Hacienda La Trinidad
+10.42° N
+66.85° W
+1100 m
+28 Dec. 1970
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+El Volcán
+10.417° N
+66.851° W
+, ~
+1450 m
+11–13 Nov. 2019
+, J.
+). –
+1 ♂
+8 juvs
+MIZA 105710
+MAGS 1318
+Cueva del
+10.174° N
+63.552° W
+12 Oct. 1991
+, M.A. González-S.)
+1 ♂
+2 ♀♀
+3 juvs
+MIZA 105752
+MAGS 1313
+), same locality,
+14 Oct. 1991
+M. de García
+, A.R.
+, M.A.
+S.). –
+Nueva Esparta
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105780
+MAGS 1007
+Cerro Copei
+11.047° N
+63.891° W
+Dec. 1986
+A.). –
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105574
+MAGS 1400
+(Pozo Blanco) [approximately
+9.52° N
+69.15° W
+7 Jul. 1995
+, M.A. González-S.). –
+5 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+(Ar 21984), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+SE Pregonero
+forest near La Trampa
+7.9236° N
+71.7152° W
+1300 m
+10 Feb. 2020
+(B.A. Huber, O. Villarreal M., Q.
+Arias C.
+). –
+7 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+(Ar 21985–86), and
+2 ♀♀
+in pure ethanol,
+between Boconó and Burbusay
+9.3945° N
+70.2674° W
+1820 m
+22 Nov. 2018
+, O.
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105762
+MAGS 1386
+9.235° N
+70.264° W
+26 Dec. 1993
+M.A. González
+1 ♂
+1 ♀
+MIZA 105778
+MAGS 1011
+near Boconó
+Hacienda La Encomienda
+9.284° N
+70.317° W
+27 Dec. 1986
+1 ♂
+(palps missing),
+MIZA 1809
+route to Buena Vista via La Gira
+650 m
+14 May 2005
+O. Villarreal
+H. Escalona
+1 ♂
+(Ar 21987), and
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+near El Encanto
+9.7562° N
+70.7418° W
+150 m
+among rocks
+13 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Villarreal M.
+Q. Arias
+C.). –
+La Guaira
+3 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+(Ar 21988), and
+1 ♂
+in pure ethanol,
+El Limón
+above road Colonia Tovar-Puerto Cruz
+10.4566° N
+67.2548° W
+1535 m
+9 Nov. 2018
+O. Villarreal
+4 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+3 juvs
+MIZA 105742
+MAGS 993
+Hacienda El Limón
+10.475° N
+67.283° W
+26 Nov. 1986
+, M.A. González-S.)
+3 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105777
+MAGS 983
+), same locality,
+12 Feb. 1982
+2 ♀♀
+(Ar 21989),
+El Limón
+, ‘site 1’ (
+10.4788° N
+67.3010° W
+600 m
+forest remnant along small stream
+21 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+2 ♂♂
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+(Ar 21990), and
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+El Limón
+, ‘site 2’ (
+10.4774° N
+67.2819° W
+1235 m
+forest along stream
+21 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+MIZA 105583
+MAGS 1412
+10.55° N
+66.89° W
+26 Jun. 1996
+D.). –
+1 ♂
+MIZA 105641
+MAGS 1085
+Yurubi National Park
+10.48° N
+68.66° W
+11 Sep. 1986
+1 ♀
+MIZA 1810
+Minas de Aroa
+10.422° N
+68.878° W
+“tunel de la casa de montaña”
+22 Dec. 1998
+6 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+(Ar 21991), and
+2 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol,
+Yurubi National Park
+10.4913° N
+68.6564° W
+140 m
+forest along stream
+16 Feb. 2020
+, O.
+Q. Arias
+2 ♂♂
+(Ar 21992),
+, ‘site 1’ (
+10.2951° N
+68.6535° W
+120 m
+forest along stream
+16 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+Q. Arias
+3 ♂♂
+4 ♀♀
+(Ar 21993),
+, ‘site 2’ (
+10.2807° N
+68.6530° W
+150 m
+forest along stream
+17 Feb. 2020
+O. Villarreal
+Q. Arias
+This species is widespread in northern South America (cf. Huber 2018: fig. 724). The map in Fig. 1048 shows only the known Venezuelan records and those in neighboring regions.
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Litoporus aerius
+Simon, 1893
+Figs 200–202
+, 1041
+Litoporus aerius
+Simon, 1893a: 321
+Litoporus aerius
+Simon 1893b: 479–483
+, fig. 479. —
+Huber 1997d: 582
+, figs 8a–b, 9a–e (not figs 8c–d; see Notes below). —
+González-Sponga 2010: 15
+, pl. 3, figs 1–8.
+Males are easily distinguished from most known congeners (except
+L. curimagua
+sp. nov.
+) by armature of chelicerae (
+Fig. 208
+; two pairs of frontal apophyses, proximal pair short but wide). Females (newly described below) with distinctive internal genital structures (
+Figs 201–202
+; anterior receptacle, heavily sclerotized ventral structure, and pair of processes originating from pore plates); note, however, that females of several putatively closely related species are unknown (
+L. dimona
+Huber, 2000
+L. saul
+Huber, 2000
+L. secoya
+Huber, 2000
+). Distinguished from very similar
+L. curimagua
+sp. nov.
+by proximal cheliceral apophyses inclined rather than horizontal (compare
+Figs 208 and 210
+), by anterior margins of pore plates strongly bent towards posterior (arrows in
+Figs 201 and 206
+), and by pair of processes originating from pore plates (compare
+Figs 209 and 211
+(designated in
+Huber 1997d
+11 ♂♂
+, and one misidentified female
+(see Notes below),
+San Esteban
+10.425° N
+68.015° W
+Mar. 1888
+E. Simon
+); examined
+The new material below confirms the old suspicion (in
+Huber 1997d
+) that the single female accompanying the male
+of this species is
+conspecific with the males. It is very likely a
+Simon, 1893
+González-Sponga (2010)
+redescribed the species and cited material from seven localities. This material seems to be present in the
+collection, but there are two major problems regarding the material and the publication. First, the collection cards (that contain all the collection data) of all seven vials are lost. Within the vials there are only labels with the
+numbers (334, 502, 1037, 1040, 1043, 1051, 1092). Second, the publication mentions only vial
+502 with 9 ♂♂,
+5 ♀♀
+, but this vial contains only 2 ♂♂, and all seven vials together contain 24 ♂♂, and
+3 juveniles
+a single female.
+González-Sponga’s (2010)
+figure 8 (abdomen) is thus probably from a juvenile, and it is probably for this reason that his figure 9 (epigynum) exists in the legend but
+in the plate.
+The numerical agreement between seven localities mentioned in
+González-Sponga (2010)
+and seven vials with
+L. aerius
+in the
+collection suggests that all his records are probably valid. They
+Figs 200–207.
+Simon, 1893
+; epigyna, ventral views; cleared female genitalia, ventral and dorsal views (arrows: distinctive slopes of anterior margins of pore plates); and live specimens.
+L. aerius
+Simon, 1893
+; from Miranda, El Ávila National Park (ZFMK Ar 21864).
+203– 207
+L. curimagua
+sp. nov.
+; from Falcón, Curimagua (female genitalia: ZFMK Ar 21867).
+are thus all shown in the map in Fig. 1041. Apart from the
+locality San Esteban this includes the following:
+, Birongo [
+10.482° N
+66.240° W
+, El Guapo-Las Mayas [
+10.149° N
+65.972° W
+, Guatopo National Park [approximately
+10.06° N
+66.46° W
+, Pueblo Seco-Chuspa [approximately
+10.59° N
+66.26° W
+, Salmerón [approximately
+10.468° N
+66.376° W
+, Sabana de Uchire [approximately
+10.02° N
+65.52° W
+New records
+3 ♂♂
+3 ♀♀
+(Ar 21864), and
+3 ♂♂
+1 ♀
+in pure ethanol,
+El Ávila National Park
+Sabas Nieves
+10.5165° N
+66.8558° W
+1080 m
+7 Nov. 2018
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal M.
+1 ♂
+(Ar 21865), and
+3 ♀♀
+in pure ethanol,
+(Ven20- 180),
+El Ávila National Park
+near La
+, ‘site 3’
+10.5066° N
+66.8119° W
+1090 m
+forest near dry brook bed
+22 Feb. 2020
+B.A. Huber
+O. Villarreal M.
+Redescription of male
+(amendments, see
+Huber 1997d
+Measurements (male from El Ávila): distance PME–PME
+160 µm
+; diameter PME
+50 µm
+; distance
+40 µm
+; distanceAME–AME
+40 µm
+; diameter
+30 µm
+. Leg 1: 38.1 (10.7+0.4 +8.9+16.4 + 1.7), tibia 2: 6.3, tibia 3: 4.5, tibia 4: 5.9; tibia 1 L/d: 99. Carapace monochromous whitish to pale ochre; legs light brown, femora and tibiae with whitish tips, metatarsi entire distal half whitish. Thoracic furrow shallow but distinct. Retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 1.5%; prolateral trichobothrium present on tibia 1. Tibia
+1 in
+11 males
+measured in
+Huber 1997d
+): 8.5–9.9 (mean 9.2); tibia
+1 in
+male from near La
+: 6.7.
+Description of female
+In general similar to male (and very similar to
+L. curimagua
+sp. nov.
+; cf.
+Fig. 204
+), but carapace with dark Y-mark, and legs pale ochre yellow with darker patellae and tibia-metatarsus joints, without whitish tips. Tibia
+1 in
+three females from Sabas
+: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4; two females from near La Julia: 3.5, 3.5. Epigynum (
+Fig. 200
+) weakly sclerotized, posteriorly rectangular plate, internal structures partly visible in uncleared specimens. Internal genitalia (
+Figs 201–202
+) with anterior median receptacle, heavily sclerotized ventral structure, and pair of processes originating from pore plates.
+Known from several localities in the Venezuelan states
+, and
+(Fig. 1041).
+Natural history
+The newly collected specimens were found in domed webs among low vegetation (
+10–40 cm
+above the ground). The specimens from Sabas
+were found in a humid part of the forest close to a small stream; near La Julia the species was found close to a dry brook bed. The long-legged males were constantly slightly swinging in the webs while the females were
+seen to move but were hiding on the undersides of leaves. It is probably for this reason that the collections of E. Simon and M.A. GonzálezSponga include numerous males but no females.
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+Simon, 1893
+Simon 1893b: 482
+M. longissimus
+Simon, 1893
+González-Sponga, 2003: 94
+. Name preoccupied, replaced by
+González-Sponga, 2005
+and by
+Koçak & Kemal, 2008
+F. multidenticulata
+González-Sponga, 2003
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+González-Sponga, 2003: 96
+Q. discrepantis
+González-Sponga, 2003
+New synonymy
+González-Sponga, 2003: 100
+S. puntiaguda
+González-Sponga, 2003
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+González-Sponga, 2005: 108
+. Replacement name for
+González-Sponga, 2003
+; see
+Koçak & Kemal, 2008: 4
+. Unjustified replacement name for
+González-Sponga, 2003
+; see
+González-Sponga, 2009: 2
+C. cordiformis
+González-Sponga, 2009
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+González-Sponga, 2009: 4
+González-Sponga, 2009
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+González-Sponga, 2009: 6
+N. grandis
+González-Sponga, 2009
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+González-Sponga, 2011b:43
+González-Sponga, 2011
+. Synonymized in
+et al.
+Bonnet 1957: 2742
+. —
+Huber 2000: 255
+Justification of synonymy
+material of
+Queliceria discrepantis
+González-Sponga, 2003
+was reexamined, as well as new material collected at the
+locality. Morphologically, this species strongly resembles several geographically close species of
+M. cornutus
+Huber, 2000
+M. tabay
+Huber, 2000
+M. mucuy
+Huber, 2000
+) in its general habitus and carapace coloration (distinctive lateral dark marks restricted to anterior half), and males show the principal putative synapomorphy of the genus (inflated carapace). Preliminary molecular data (J.J. Astrin, B.A. Huber, unpubl. data) also support a close relationship with the congeners listed above and show
+Queliceria discrepantis
+as deeply nested among other Venezuelan
+With now 30 Venezuelan species (14 previously described +16 new),
+is the most speciesrich pholcid genus in
+. Only six species have been described from neighboring countries and regions:
+(1), Lesser Antilles (3),
+(1), and
+(1). This suggests that
+is the distributional center of
+, but at least the Colombian pholcid fauna is poorly known and may include a large number of species.
+Of the 14 Venezuelan species described previously, eleven are treated below. For the remaining three Venezuelan species we do
+have new data:
+Mecolaesthus azulita
+Huber, 2000
+locality “
+20 km
+SE Azulita (ULA Biol. Res. La Carbonera),
+” (
+Huber 2000
+) [approximately
+8.633° N
+71.366° W
+]; see Notes under
+M. cordiformis
+Mecolaesthus hoti
+Huber, 2000
+locality only roughly known: “Rio Baria, Dept.
+” (
+Huber 2000
+) [between
+0.85° N
+66.43° W
+1.47° N
+66.52° W
+Mecolaesthus puntiagudus
+González-Sponga, 2003
+, Sierra de
+San Luis
+, Curimagua [approximately
+11.172° N
+69.668° W
+]. The
+specimens (2 ♂♂,
+8 ♀♀
+1 juv.
+; MAGS 1432) have been on loan to another researcher and could not be examined.
+The ZFMK collection includes material of six further Venezuelan species, from the states La
+, and
+. They are not described here because specimens of only one sex are available.
+Operational species groups
+are here divided into three operational species groups, explicitly based on similarity rather than cladistic analysis. In some cases the specific similarities probably reflect phylogenetic relationships, in others
+. Such operational species groups provide a preliminary structure for the known species and they facilitate taxon selection in future phylogenetic analyses.
+group includes the ten species shown in Fig. 1042. Most species in this group look identical in the field (
+Figs 212–219
+); the lateral dark carapace marks are limited to the anterior part; males do
+have a longer abdomen than females; male chelicereae are
+provided with modified hairs. Within this group,
+M. peckorum
+Huber, 2000
+M. tabay
+Huber, 2000
+M. azulita
+Huber, 2000
+; and
+M. cordiformis
+González-Sponga, 2009
+have extremely similar male chelicerae and female internal genitalia (female of
+M. azulita
+unknown). The two species
+M. chicha
+sp. nov.
+M. parchita
+sp. nov.
+fit this group in their morphology but are unusual for their lighter coloration (
+Figs 277– 282
+). The two species share strongly banded legs, almost identical procursi and genital bulbs, similar distal cheliceral apophyses and internal female genitalia.
+group includes the eleven species shown in Figs
+. Males in this group usually have slightly longer abdomens than females (e.g.,
+Figs 429–432
+); male chelicerae are provided with modified hairs; procursi are distally often bifid, divided into a sclerotized and a membranous part (e.g.,
+Figs 348–350
+); males of several species share sclerotized plates anteriorly on the abdomen, ventrally and/or dorsally (
+Figs 338
+). Within this group,
+M. grandis
+González-Sponga, 2009
+M. multidenticulatus
+González-Sponga, 2003
+; and
+M. tuberculosus
+González-Sponga, 2009
+are almost indistinguishable even by details of their genitalia. The three species were originally described in three different genera but are likely to be closely related. These three species share with three further species [
+M. niquitanus
+(González-Sponga, 2011)
+M. longipes
+sp. nov.
+M. bienmesabe
+sp. nov.
+] a distinctive arrangement of male cheliceral apophyses and modified hairs: a pair of large apophyses and a pair of low elevations, both provided with small modified hairs (e.g.,
+Figs 354
+). A similar arrangement but with much stronger hairs occurs in
+M. trampa
+sp. nov.
+M. lechosa
+sp. nov.
+Figs 441
+). The remaining three species (
+M. arepa
+sp. nov.
+M. pusillus
+sp. nov.
+M. alegria
+sp. nov.
+), share modified hairs on the male chelicerae but do otherwise
+easily fit into this group. The two latter species have identical procursi, very similar male chelicerae and genital bulbs, and they share a pair of dark sclerites in the female internal genitalia (
+Figs 473, 476
+group includes the remaining nine Venezuelan species shown in Figs
+. This group is certainly polyphyletic, and some species may eventually end up in other or new genera (e.g.,
+M. fallax
+sp. nov.
+M. limon
+sp. nov.
+). Some species (
+M. longissimus
+Simon, 1893
+M guasacaca
+sp. nov.
+M. yerbatero
+sp. nov.
+) share with representatives of the
+group a bifid procursus tip (
+Figs 500
+), but the male chelicerae lack modified hairs. The
+M. longissimus
+also shares with representatives of the
+group a longer male than female abdomen. The two species with extremely inflated male prosoma (
+M. graphorn
+sp. nov.
+M. cachapa
+sp. nov.
+) remind of congeners in
+and the Lesser Antilles [
+M. arima
+Huber, 2000
+M. nigrifrons
+(Simon, 1894)
+M. lemniscatus
+(Simon, 1894)
+M. taino
+Huber, 2000
+] but extremely inflated prosomata are also known from undescribed Colombian species (F. Cala Riquelme, pers. comm.
+20 Jul. 2017
+). In addition, the strong intraspecific variability of carapace inflation (e.g.,
+Figs 510–511
+) makes this a problematic character for phylogeny. The highly aberrant
+M. fallax
+is tentatively assigned to
+for the lack of a better solution. Preliminary molecular data (J.J. Astrin, B.A. Huber, unpubl. data) place this species among
+, so it seemed premature to designate a new genus for this species. Finally,
+M. limon
+sp. nov.
+M. hoti
+males share the main synapomorphy of the genus (inflated prosoma;
+Fig. 583
+) but otherwise the two species appear unique and isolated (male genitalia; in
+M. limon
+sp. nov.
+also female genitalia and spines on male femur 1).
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+On Venezuelan pholcid spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae)
+Huber, Bernhard A.
+Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany.
+Villarreal, Osvaldo
+Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, Venezuela. & Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
+European Journal of Taxonomy
+journal article
+ṳo, 1944
+previously included four species, all of them endemic to
+Huber 2000
+Huber & Brescovit 2003
+). Unpublished material in collections suggests that the genus is species-rich and widespread in South America, ranging from
+to northern
+(B.A. Huber, L.S. Carvalho, unpublished data).
+The material available to us suggests that at least two species occur in Venezuela. One of them is formally described below. The second species is not formally described because no males are available. The shape of the epigynum and the internal female genitalia (
+Figs 197–199
+) suggest that the following specimens are not conspecific with
+I. bariro
+sp. nov.
+2 juveniles
+, ZFMK (Ar 21861) and
+1 ♀
+1 juv.
+in pure ethanol, ZFMK (Ven18-182) (female abdomen transferred to ZFMK Ar 21861), from
+, Península de Paraguaná, near Cueva del Guano (
+11.9026° N
+69.9456° W
+), under pieces of wood on ground in arid vegetation,
+140 m
+16 Nov. 2018
+(B.A. Huber, O. Villarreal M.).
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@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ The species is dedicated to our colleague Prof. Vadim V. Kornyushin (
@@ -115,7 +116,9 @@ a.s.l.
9 Aug. 2010
-; MHNG-PLAT-121232.
@@ -124,12 +127,10 @@ a.s.l.
-• 2 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MHNG-PLAT-
+• 2 specs; same collection data as for holotype;
diff --git a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFE8D7469785FED6FDB882F8.xml b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFE8D7469785FED6FDB882F8.xml
index 876cf1622d7..a00eae7c989 100644
--- a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFE8D7469785FED6FDB882F8.xml
+++ b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFE8D7469785FED6FDB882F8.xml
@@ -1,55 +1,56 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
gen. sp.
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ a.s.l.
11 Aug. 2010
-; no COI sequence successfully retrieved; MHNG- PLAT-121225
+; no COI sequence successfully retrieved; MHNG-PLAT-121225
diff --git a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFEDD7409752FD7DFD8183C9.xml b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFEDD7409752FD7DFD8183C9.xml
index 7ff9da70dc7..09c810e3236 100644
--- a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFEDD7409752FD7DFD8183C9.xml
+++ b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFEDD7409752FD7DFD8183C9.xml
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ The species is dedicated to our colleague Prof. Kirsten Jensen, University of
@@ -111,7 +112,9 @@ a.s.l.
30 Jul. 2010
-; MHNG-PLAT-121156.
@@ -120,12 +123,9 @@ a.s.l.
-• 1 fragment; same collection data as for holotype; MHNG-PLAT-
+• 1 fragment; same collection data as for holotype; MHNG-PLAT-121157
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ MHNG-PLAT-
Other material
-3 juveniles
+3 juveniles
Tricholestes criniger
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ from
; partial COI sequence, Genbank
-; MHNG- PLAT-121158
diff --git a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF1D75B971DFE10FB718391.xml b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF1D75B971DFE10FB718391.xml
index 442d27f2390..e27a2cd430d 100644
--- a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF1D75B971DFE10FB718391.xml
+++ b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF1D75B971DFE10FB718391.xml
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ The species name refers to the overall similarity of the strobilar anatomy of th
@@ -113,7 +114,9 @@ a.s.l.
1 Aug. 2010
-; MHNG-PLAT-120869.
@@ -122,12 +125,10 @@ a.s.l.
-• 2 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MHNG-PLAT-
+• 2 specs; same collection data as for holotype;
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ MHNG-PLAT-
. Partial COI sequence, Genbank
-. Additional sequence: MHNG- PLAT-130033. Partial COI sequence, Genbank
+. Additional sequence: MHNG-PLAT-130033. Partial COI sequence, Genbank
@@ -147,11 +148,12 @@ MHNG-PLAT-
Comparative material
-and two
+two paratypes
Raillietina palawanensis
@@ -167,13 +169,16 @@ from
+Palawan Island
; May–
Jun. 1962
-; NHM 1369066, 1369067
diff --git a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF5D758974AFCD9FEEF82F1.xml b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF5D758974AFCD9FEEF82F1.xml
index 70edefe17e2..ba39cc42679 100644
--- a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF5D758974AFCD9FEEF82F1.xml
+++ b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFF5D758974AFCD9FEEF82F1.xml
@@ -1,52 +1,53 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ and eminent naturalist (
@@ -113,7 +114,9 @@ a.s.l.
5 Aug. 2010
-; MHNG-PLAT-121344.
@@ -124,12 +127,12 @@ a.s.l.
-• 4 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MHNG-PLAT-
+4 specs
+; same collection data as for holotype;
diff --git a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFFBD7529713FB9CFEB0801F.xml b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFFBD7529713FB9CFEB0801F.xml
index 32074a76744..5be534aef55 100644
--- a/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFFBD7529713FB9CFEB0801F.xml
+++ b/data/E5/77/8C/E5778C6EFFFBD7529713FB9CFEB0801F.xml
@@ -1,56 +1,57 @@
-Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
+Cestode parasites (Neodermata, Platyhelminthes) from Malaysian birds, with description of five new species
-Mariaux, Jean
-Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
+Mariaux, Jean
+Natural History Museum of Geneva, CP 6434, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
-Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Georgiev, Boyko B.
+Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria.
-European Journal of Taxonomy
+European Journal of Taxonomy
-journal article
+journal article