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+Biomechanics of venom delivery in South America’s first toxungen-spraying scorpion
+Laborieux, Léo
+Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA & Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, the Netherlands & Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Cra. 24 # 63 c 69, Bogotá, Colombia
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+(i) coloration, and in particular that of the metasoma (yellowish in
+T. charalaensis
+and reddish in
+(ii) lateroventral carinae of metasomal segment II occupying its distal two-thirds (distal fifh in
+(iii) lower pectinal tooth count with
+14 in
+15–17 in
+females in
+= 12, mode = 16) and
+15–16 in
+(iv) 14 rows of denticles on movable chela finger (
+15 in
+(v) dorsolateral carinae of metasomal segments II–IV with spinoid posterior granules (absent on II, tubercular on III and spinoid on IV in
+Ecology and
+locality, located in
+, is part of the
+valley montane forest ecoregion. All specimens were collected on a patch of medium-altitude broadleaf rainforest,
+1350 m
+a.s.l., with a mean annual precipitation of approximately
+1450 mm
+and mean annual temperature of 21.3 °C. The new species occurs in sympatry with
+Tityus (Atreus) icarus
+Laborieux, 2024
+, but with clear differences in microhabitat preferences. While the latter species is strictly arboreal, usually found hanging vertically on tree trunks, specimens of
+were collected on the forest floor exclusively, with no observed arboreal tendencies. Adult specimens were exceedingly rare, suggesting ontological variation in microhabitat preferences.
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+Biomechanics of venom delivery in South America’s first toxungen-spraying scorpion
+Laborieux, Léo
+Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA & Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, the Netherlands & Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Cra. 24 # 63 c 69, Bogotá, Colombia
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+Tityus) lourençoi
+(i) smaller overall size with the male
+44.1 mm
+66.4 mm
+T. (
+(ii) pronounced longitudinal keel on tergites (only slight in
+(iii) lower pectinal tooth count with 16–
+15 in
+16–18 in
+(iv) 17 oblique rows of denticles on movable chela finger (
+15 in
+(v) longer pedipalps in male (pedipalp length/total length ratio
+0.56 in
+T. lourençoi
+0.48 in
+T. (
+(vi) broader patella in males with length/width ratio 3.38 (
+3.83 in
+(vii) broader chela in males with length/width ratio 5.27 (
+6.39 in
+(viii) shorter metasoma in males with metasoma length/ total length ratio 0.57 (
+0.66 in
+(ix) spinoid posterior granules on segments I–IV (only on IV in
+(x) other morphometric values, see
+Table 2.
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+Biomechanics of venom delivery in South America’s first toxungen-spraying scorpion
+Laborieux, Léo
+Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA & Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 7, 9747 AG Groningen, the Netherlands & Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Cra. 24 # 63 c 69, Bogotá, Colombia
+Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
+journal article
+sp. nov.
+ZooBank LSID:
+638E2B6A-E165- 4028-99DA-B9B6B2BD6564
+La Vega
+Estación Experimental
+4.955239° N
+, -
+74.379291° W
+1350 m
+December 20, 2023
+Léo Laborieux
+, deposited at the
+Museo de Historia Natural
+C.J. Marinkelle
+(Universidad de los Andes).
+number: ANDES-IN-8788.
+1 subadult
+1 subadult
+La Vega
+Estación Experimental
+4.955239° N
+, -
+74.379291° W
+1350 m
+December 20, 2023
+Léo Laborieux
+, deposited at the
+Museo de Historia Natural
+C.J. Marinkelle
+(Universidad de los Andes).
+numbers: ANDES-IN-8789 (
+): ANDES-IN-8790 (
+Non-type specimens (fom the trial group):
+5 ♀
+2 ♂
+, immature individuals,
+La Vega
+, Estación Experimental
+4.955239° N
+, -
+74.379291° W
+1350 m
+December 20, 2023
+, Léo Laborieux
+Te specific epithet refers to Greek mythology’s Achilles, for his prowess as a spear wielder.
+Scorpion of moderately large size for the subgenus, with a total size of
+66.4 mm
+for the adult male
+. General coloration dark red; carapace with median ocular tubercle and anterior margin black. Axial carina on mesosomal segments I–VII subtle with feeble granulation. Paraxial carinae vestigial in mesosoma. Intercarinal spaces moderately granular on I–VI, and strongly granulated on VII. Pectines with 16–18 teeth in males (
+16–18 in
+15–17 in
+females (
+15–16 in
+). Basal middle lamellae dilated. Basal pectinal piece without a glandular region. All metasomal carinae feebly raised and subcrenulate. Metasomal segment II with 2 vestigial lateral carinae occupying its distal fifh. Metasomal segment IV with 1 prominent spinoid posterior granule on dorsal carina, and 1–2 smaller ones on dorsolateral carina. Aculeus curvature low. Chela fingers black with yellow tips. Inner face of movable finger with 15 oblique rows of denticles. Tis species can also be distinguished by particularly low UV-induced fluorescence in live specimens. Telotarsi of leg pairs I–IV with two discrete ventro-submedian rows of setae (type II).
+Figure 3.
+Venom pulse trajectories for flicks and sprays as calculated from Equation (1) (two vertical venom pulses not represented for readability). Adult scorpion to scale.
+Figure 4.
+Expelled volume estimates for venom flicks and venom sprays. Data ploted as log
+-transformed to facilitate visualization. Asterisk indicates statistical significance (test conducted on nontransformed data).
+Based on the adult male
+and subadult female
+Figs 6–10
+Overall dark and reddish. Prosoma: anterior margin of carapace and carinae around the ocular median tubercle black. Intercarinal spaces dark with a red sheen.Mesosoma: darker than carapace, with two lighter paraxial lines. Metasomal segments progressively darkening from I to V, from the same dark reddish hue to black. Dorsal side of metasoma segments lighter than ventral sides. Telson lighter than V. Venter and pectines yellowish, lighter than the rest of the body. Pedipalps: uniformly reddish with the exception of black fingers.
+of fixed and movable fingers yellow. Chelicerae black with deep red teeth. Litle ontogenic change in coloration. Interestingly, this species shows only a low level of UV-induced fluorescence (
+Fig. 11
+), making night searches challenging.
+Carapace moderately to strongly granular, with the anterior margin presenting a marked median concavity. Furrows deep. Median ocular tubercle in a distinctly anterior position, with eyes separated by 1 ocular diameter and strong crenulate median ocular carinae becoming subcrenulate over the eyes. 3 pairs of lateral eyes, half the diameter of the median eyes. Sternum narrow, subtriangular. Mesosoma: 1 central longitudinal carina in all tergites with feeble granulation; in I–VI represented by one row of granules in the posterior quarter and two rows of granules more anteriorly. 2 vestigial paraxial carinae on tergites I–IV. Tergite VII pentacarinate, with central longitudinal carina in anterior half. Lateral and paramedian carinae in VII joined proximally by a series of vertically organized and raised granules. Transversal carinae strong and distinct on tergites II–V, partially fused to posterior margin on tergite I. Intercarinal spaces moderately granular on I–VI, and strongly granular on VII. Venter with genital operculum split longitudinally; valves subtriangular.
+Pectines: pectinal tooth count
+16–18 in
+males (
+= 8, mode = 18;
+16–18 in
+), and
+15–17 in
+females (
+= 12, mode = 16;
+15–16 in
+). Basal middle lamellae dilated. Basal pectinal piece without a glandular region (based on female
+). Sternites I–III feebly granular; IV and V moderately and strongly granular, respectively. Flatened triangle on the posterior margin of III, remarkably smooth. Sternite V with 2 + 2 crenulate longitudinal keels, i.e. (i) 2 paramedian keels on distal two thirds and (ii) 2 distinctly curved lateral keels occupying the second anterior quarter only. Spiracles oblique and of moderate length. Metasoma: all carinae feebly raised, subcrenulate. Setation weak. Segment I decacarinate; segment II with 8 carinae and 2 vestigial lateral carinae occupying its distal fifh. Segments III and IV with 8 carinae. Segment V with 7 carinae: 2 dorsal, 2 ventral, 1 median ventral, and 2 paramedian ventral. Posterior granules of segment III weak, tubercular. Segment IV with dorsal and dorsolateral carinae displaying 1 strong and 2–3 weaker spinoid posterior granules, respectively. Tis spinoid granule on IV’s dorsal carina is prominent, representing the metasoma’s most obvious feature. Intercarinal spaces granular in all segments. Median dorsal depression present and moderate in V. Telson feebly granular, smooth dorsally. Aculeus short with low curvature. Subaculear tooth moderate, weakly spinoid. Cheliceral dentition characteristic of family
+; median tooth of fixed finger strong and rather distinct. Trichobothrial patern type A; orthobothriotaxic as defined by
+Vachon (1974)
+. Dorsal trichobothria of femur arranged in α (alpha) configuration. Trichobothria
+present on the internal face of the femur (emigrated from dorsal face). Pedipalps with moderate overall setation, but fingers with strong setation. Femur setation concentrated on ventral side; patella with some short macrosetae scatered all over. Ventral side of manus almost devoid of setation; external and dorsal sides with a higher density of macrosetae than in patella. Fingers hairy, especially on internal sides with long macrosetae. External sides of fingers with increased setation distally. Femur with five crenulate and raised carinae, as well as an additional keel-like row of granules along the proximal third of its ventral side. Patella with 7 raised keels, all subcrenulate to smooth except for the 2 internal carinae, composed of spinoid granules. Intercarinal spaces moderately and feebly granular on femur and patella, respectively. Movable fingers with 15–15 oblique rows of denticles and strong, spinoid accessory and internal granules. First two proximal rows of denticles almost fused, but distinguishable based on their accessory and internal granules. Telotarsi of leg pairs I–IV with 2 discrete ventro-submedian rows of setae (type II).
+Figure 5.
+Secretions employed for venom pulses. A, Clear, prevenom-like secretion. B, Venom (white).
+Tityus (Tityus) achilles
+shows affinities with the Colombian species
+Tityus Tityus
+Florez, 1996
+Tityus (Tityus) charalaensis
+de Mello-Leitão, 1940
+, with a generally dark-reddish coloration, male pedipalps slenderer than those of females, and fully parallel ventrolateral carinae on metasomal segments II–IV. It can however be easily distinguished from these by several key characters:
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