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+Calycina alstrupii sp. nov. (Pezizellaceae, Helotiales), a new lichenicolous fungus from Norway
+Suija, Ave
+Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40, 51005 Tartu, Estonia.
+Motiejūnaitė, Jurga
+Institute of Botany, Nature Research Centre, Žaliuju ežeru 49, 08406 Vilnius, Lithuania.
+journal article
+Calycina alstrupii
+Suija & Motiejūnaitė
+sp. nov.
+MycoBank: MB#819298;
+Fig. 3
+Calycina alstrupii
+differs from all known
+by being lichenicolous on
+Lobaria pulmonaria
+and by the combination of 8-spored asci and comparatively small, (5–)5.8(–7) × (1.5–)2.03(–2.5) μm, ascospores.
+county, Flatanger municipality, Dale Nature Reserve,
+, elev.
+20–200 m
+, on
+Lobaria pulmonaria
+growing on trunk of
+Alnus incana
+5 Aug 2015
+J. Motiejūnaitė
+, BILAS-10761!); ibid, on
+A. Suija
+, TU76273!)
+GenBank accession nos.
+(lab code Pz162):
+(rDNA ITS),
+(lab code Pz167):
+(rDNA ITS),
+superficial, solitary or gregarious (two to five ascomata in clusters), sessile, growing mostly on the underside, rarely on the upper side (some ascomata of
+) of
+Lobaria pulmonaria
+thalli, cream to yellowish to light orange (when young), translucent, slightly gelatinous; disc concave to plane, (0.24–)0.34(–0.47) mm (n=18), roundish to somewhat elongated and irregular in shape; receptacle cupulate, with margin distinct, becoming indistinct in mature ascomata, somewhat pubescent but without setae (
+Fig. 3a, b
+Apothecial structures
+hyaline to slightly yellowish under microscope, inspersed with oil droplets.
+Ectal exciple
+distinct, hyaline, with some yellowish pigmentation, c. 25 μm wide, with elongated-prismatic cells (
+textura prismatica
+), the cells in outer part shorter, angular (
+textura angularis
+), hairs at the margin scattered, short, straight, obtuse at tips (hyphoid), I–, K/I–; without granules on the surface (
+Fig. 3c
+Medullary exciple
+(hypothecium) hyaline, with elongated interwoven cells (
+textura prismatica - porrecta
+hyaline (upper part) to yellowish (lower part), c. 60 μm tall.
+eight-spored, cylindrical to subcylindrical (
+Fig. 3d
+), narrowed towards base, arising from single septa without basal protuberances (observed in
+red), (44–)55.3(–67) × (5–)5.7(–7) μm (n=13),
+pars sporifera
+(23–)28.6(–35) μm; ascus apex roundish, with apical thickening; ascus apical ring structure of the
+type, turning blue in K/I (
+Fig. 3e, f
+); ascus wall surface CRB– or only slightly CRB+ blue in dead state.
+uniseriate to biseriate in the ascus, hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoid, with apices attenuated at one or both ends (
+Fig. 3d
+), or obtuse, 2–3-guttulate, (5–)5.8(–7) × (1.5–)2.03(–2.5) μm (n=23), l/w=2–3.5; wall CRB+ blue in dead state.
+aseptate, simple, unbranched to bifurcate, apically not widened (
+Fig. 3e
+), c. 1–1.5 μm wide, not taller than asci, I–, K/I–, containing hyaline vacuolar bodies which are CRB+ blue.
+named in the memory of Vagn Alstrup, a dedicated Danish researcher of lichenicolous fungi.
+Habitat and host:—
+found in
+Picea abies
+-dominated boreal rainforest. The ascomata are located on the convex, naked and non-tomentose parts, mainly on the underside, of
+Lobaria pulmonaria
+thallus. Both the upper- and undersides of the host thallus remain healthy and relatively undamaged at the site of infection. However, other parts of the same thalli show signs of senescence, are discolored and are covered by aggregations of green algae and goniocyst-type thalli of an unindentified lichen. These observations suggest that
+Calycina alstrupii
+is a parasymbiotic species.
+Known distribution
+:—reported from only a single locality in
+. However, taking into account the overall distribution area of the host, we would expect the new species to be more widespread, and suspect that it has been overlooked due to the fact that the ascomata develop mainly on the underside of the host thallus and there are no specific signs of infection on the upper side.
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+Bredia changii, a new species of Melastomataceae from Jiangxi, China
+Zhao, Wanyi
+State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
+Fan, Qiang
+State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
+Ye, Huagu
+State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
+Zhan, Xuanhuai
+Lushan Botanical Garden, Jiangxi Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Jiu Jiang 332900, China
+Liao, Wenbo
+State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Resources, School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
+journal article
+Bredia changii
+W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao
+sp. nov.
+Fig. 1
+Fig. 2
+Jiangxi Province
+: Chongyi Country, Niedu Town,
+579 m
+1 Aug 2016
+. Zhao,
+. Liu,
+. Ye,
+. Tu LXP-13-22114
+Species affinis
+Bredia microphylla
+H. L. Li
+sed a quo differt caulibus repentibus, cymis terminatis, solitariis raro bi-meris, laminis orbicularibus, basi cordatis, subtus purpureis, nervis 7-basalibus, pedunculis, pedicellis, receptaculis, sepalis piliglandulosis et breve curvatis hispidis, ovariis apice membranaceis 4-squamatis et piliglandulosis.
+Holotype of
+Bredia changii
+W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao
+(Coll. No.
+; SYS!)
+Plants and habitat of
+Bredia changii
+W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao.
+, in dank environment;
+Habitat, on dry rocks;
+Leaves abaxial surface greyish-green when in dry environment;
+Inflorescence and flower bud;
+Leaves abaxial surface purplish, and adventitious roots;
+Peduncle, pedicel, bract, hypanthium, calyx lobes with long glandular hairs and hispid;
+Flower, with equal stamens;
+Young fruit, ovary apex lobes with glandular hair;
+Fruit, top view;
+Dissected flower;
+Longitudinal section of a flower, with glabrous filaments and the style with glandular hairs;
+Fruit and persistent calyx, ovary crown longer than calyx tube;
+Longitudinal section of a fruit, ovary free from the hypanthium.
+Morphological characters of
+Bredia changii
+(A, C, E, G, H) and
+B. microphylla
+(B, D, F, I).
+Leaf abaxial surface of
+B. changii
+Leaf abaxial surface of
+B. microphylla
+Leaf adaxial surface of
+B. changii
+Leaf adaxial surface of
+B. microphylla
+Stamens of
+B. microphylla
+Stamens of
+B. microphylla
+flower bud of
+B. changii
+, with multicellular trichomes on the petal surface, multicellular trichomes and long multicellular glandular trichomes on the hypanthium and calyx lobes;
+Stamen base of
+B. changii
+Stamen base of
+B. microphylla
+, with a short spur. Photographs of
+B. changii
+from the holotype (Coll. No.
+; SYS!); photographs of
+B. microphylla
+Tze Hai 692
+(SYS 44808).
+Perennial herbs. Stems cylindrical, with dense multicellular trichomes, slender, creeping, with adventitious roots at nodes. Leaves opposite; petiole
+1–2.5 cm
+long, with dense bristles; leaf blade ovate or rounded, 2–3.5 ×
+1.7–3.2 cm
+, base cordate, margin obviously toothed and with multicellular trichomes; abaxial surface purplish red or greyish-green with sparse multicellular trichomes along veins, densely yellow glandular punctate, adaxial surface green with sparse bristles and multicellular trichomes; secondary veins 2–3 on each side of midvein, abaxially prominent. Inflorescences terminal; peduncle
+0.1–1.5 cm
+, flower usually 1, seldom 2 (
+Fig. 2 D
+); peduncle, pedicel, bracts, hypanthium, calyx lobes with long glandular trichomes and short multicellular trichomes; bracts 2, triangular, lanceolate, ca.
+2 mm
+long, caducous; pedicel
+1.3–2.5 cm
+. Hypanthium urceolate, ca.
+5 mm
+long, 4-parted, membranous with glandular trichomes; calyx lobes 4, triangular-lanceolate, ca. 3 ×
+1–2 mm
+, apex acuminate; petals 4, pink, ovate, ca. 1.4 ×
+1 cm
+, apex acuminate, abaxial surface with multicellular pubescence, adaxial surface glabrous; stamens 8, equal in length; filaments ca.
+7 mm
+long, glabrous; anthers lanceolate, ca.
+5–6 mm
+long, base without tubercles, connective dorsally gibbous, stipe less than
+1 mm
+long, base with 2 globose ventral appendages, dorsally with a larger tuberculate appendage; ovary half inferior, locules 4; style ca.
+1–1.3 cm
+long, with multicellular trichomes at base. Capsule cupshaped, ca.
+0.4–0.5 cm
+in diam.,
+0.6–0.7 cm
+long, peduncle
+2–2.5 cm
+long. Seeds cuneate, ca.
+0.5 mm
+long, surface tuberculate.
+:—Flowering July to October; fruiting August to November.
+:—The specific epithet
+honors Professor Hung-Ta Chang (1914.10–2016.01), an expert on the taxonomy of the
+Chang 1979
+), who proposed the Cathaysian origin of flowering plants (
+Chang 1980
+). We would like to give it a Chinese name, Zhângshì Yěhǎitáng (Ŀkfi ṘAE) to souvenir Professor Hung-Ta Chang.
+Distribution and Habitat
+Bredia changii
+is currently known only from Niedu in Chongyi County and Fujiang in Dayu County, in southern
+Jiangxi Province
+, on rocks near streams, at
+450–650 m
+Fig. 2 A–C
+Bredia changii
+occurs in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests in association with
+Buxus sinica
+(Rehder & Wilson) Cheng (1980: 37)
+Exbucklandia tonkinensis
+Chang (1959: 32)
+Michelia maudiae
+Dunn (1908: 353)
+Altingia chinensis
+(Champion) Oliver ex
+Hance (1873: 103)
+Machilus thunbergii
+Siebold & Zuccarini (1846: 302)
+Chongyi County
+Niedu Town
+600 m
+9 September 1984
+Lai, D.
+. Huang,
+. Wang,
+. Mao 840115
+same locality,
+1 Aug 2016
+. Zhao,
+. Liu,
+. Ye,
+. Tu LXP-13-22108
+same locality,
+13 Sep 2016
+Dayu County
+Lannijing Forestry Farm
+500 m
+20 September 1984
+Lai, D.
+. Huang,
+. Wang,
+. Mao 840214
+Shangyou County
+, Wuzhifeng, Niuguao,
+21 July 1970
+Anonymous (70)509
+Conservation Status:
+—Only two localities are known for
+Bredia changii
+according to specimen records and our field survey. No more than 200 individuals in an area of about
+600 m
+survive in Niedu. We did not find individuals in Sanjiangkou. Due to its limited range and low population size,
+Bredia changii
+could be considered CR (Critically Endangered) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (B2a;
+IUCN 2001
+Bredia changii
+was collected in 1984 by Mr. Shukun Lai in Sanjiangkou, Dayu County. We were unable to find it in Sanjiangkou in 2016, probably due to recent forestry activities that destroyed the original environment. This population is possibly now extinct, highlighting the importance of habitat preservation of
+Bredia changii
+and other locally occurring species.
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+Four new Myrtaceae from Amazonian Brazil
+Sobral, Marcos
+Souza, Maria Anália Duarte De
+journal article
+Plinia tapuruquarana
+M.A.D.Souza & Sobral
+sp. nov.
+: [Mun. Santa Isabel do Rio Negro],
+19 October 1971
+. Prance,
+Maas, D.
+. Woolcott,
+. Monteiro &
+. Ramos 15713
+Figure 4
+—This species is apparently related to
+Plinia pinnata
+Linnaeus (1753: 516)
+, from which it differs by its wider blades (to 150 ×
+85 mm
+and less than three times longer than wide versus to 150 ×
+40 mm
+and more than three times longer than wide in
+P. pinnata
+), petioles about 3.5 times longer than wide (vs. about 7 times longer than wide) and larger flowers (buds to 12 ×
+10 mm
+vs. up to 4 ×
+4 mm
+—Tree to
+5 m
+Twigs slightly complanate, when young densely covered with brown or purple trichomes to
+0.1 mm
+, these falling with age and then the twigs are grey and somewhat exfoliating, the internodes 45–70 ×
+2–3 mm
+. Leaves with petioles terete, 8–11 ×
+1.8–2.5 mm
+, glabrous, blackish when dry; blades ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 95–165 ×
+36–70 mm
+, 2.3–2.8 times longer than wide, glabrous, slightly discolorous when dry, dark brown adaxially and lighter abaxially, glandular dots smaller than
+0.1 mm
+in diameter and ca. 15/mm², visible and moderately raised abaxially; apex acuminate in
+12–24 mm
+; base widely cuneate; midvein strongly raised on both sides; lateral veins 15–20 at each side, leaving the midvein at angles 70–80°, moderately raised on both sides; marginal vein
+1–3 mm
+from the moderately revolute margin. Inflorescences axillary or ramiflorous, with up to six sessile, glomerate flowers along an axis to
+2 mm
+; bracts not seen; bracteoles obovate, to 5 ×
+3 mm
+, with simple grey trichomes to
+0.2 mm
+, more densely so abaxially; flower buds globose to obovate, 10–12 ×
+10 mm
+, either uniformly and densely covered with simple grey trichomes
+0.5–1 mm
+or with trichomes more dense along the proximal half; calyx lobes four, more or less equal between them, elliptic or widely elliptic, 4–5 ×
+4 mm
+, glabrous or somewhat pubescent adaxially; petals four, rounded or obovate, densely covered with simple white trichomes to
+0.1 mm
+on both faces; stamens not counted, to
+10 mm
+, the anthers oblong, to 0.8 ×
+0.3–0.4 mm
+, eglandular; staminal ring
+3–4 mm
+in diameter, with trichomes as the lobes; calyx tube to
+3 mm
+deep, sparingly pubescent; style glabrous,
+12–15 mm
+, the stigma punctiform; ovary with two locules and two ovules per locule. Fruits immature, oblate, to 28 ×
+31 mm
+, longitudinally 8-ridged; seed not examined due to the scarcity of the material.
+Distribution, habitat and phenology:
+—This species is known from two collections in the northwestern portion of the state of
+. It was collected in forests near Negro river; flowers were collected in October and fruits in May.
+—Considering the existence of only two collections made more than 40 years ago, it is not possible to assess confidently any conservation status for the species; so, it must be therefore scored as DD (Data Deficient) according to IUCN conservation criteria (
+IUCN 2001
+—The epithet is derived from the collection site, Tapuruquara.
+—This species is apparently related to
+Plinia pinnata
+(for description see
+Amshoff 1951: 98
+; no
+image available online), from which it is distinguished by the characters given in the diagnosis. It is noteworthy that Rogers McVaugh (1909–2009) the long-lived myrtologist who devoted many years of his prolific career working on Amazonian
+, has spotted this species as new in 1972—but then abandoned his research on the
+and did not described it.
+. Amazonas: [possibly São Gabriel da Cachoeira] Rio Negro, entre a ponta da ilha Marauiá e Massarabi, no caminho para Uaupés,
+1 May 1973
+M.F.Silva, P. Machado & O. Pires 1195
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+Four new Myrtaceae from Amazonian Brazil
+Sobral, Marcos
+Souza, Maria Anália Duarte De
+journal article
+Eugenia altoalegre
+Sobral & M.A.D.Souza
+sp. nov.
+Alto Alegre
+Ilha de Maracá
+3°22’ N
+61°20’ W
+6 June 1986
+de Lima
+de Oliveira
+514 (
+Figure 1
+Eugenia altoalegre
+. Holotype (scale: 50 mm).
+—This species is apparently related to
+Eugenia tachirensis
+Steyermark (1957: 1014)
+, but distinct by its relatively shorter petioles (ratio blade length/petiole length> 10:1 versus <10:
+1 in
+E. tachirensis
+), larger blades (to 60 ×
+32 mm
+vs. to 50 ×
+22 mm
+), these elliptic (vs. elliptic-oblong) with acuminate apices (vs. acute or obtuse), lateral veins raised abaxially (vs. moderately impressed), marginal vein more distant from the margin (to
+2 mm
+vs. up to
+0.7 mm
+), glandular dots less numerous (up to 10/mm² vs. more than 10/mm²), these more visible adaxially (vs. more evident abaxially) and inflorescences with two or more flowers per axile (vs. one flower). It may also resemble
+Eugenia cydoniifolia
+Berg (1857
+–1859: 229) and
+E. essequiboensis
+Sandwith (1932: 211)
+; from
+E. cydoniifolia
+it can be distinguished by its blades with acute to acuminate apex (vs. obtuse in
+E. cydoniifolia
+) with more lateral veins (to 12 vs. up to 5) and shorter petioles (ratio blade length/petiole length> 10:1 vs. <6:1) and flowers with internal wall of ovaries glabrous (vs. pilose); from
+E. essequiboensis
+it is distinguished by its wider blades (about 2 times longer than wide vs. up to 3 times longer than wide in
+E. essequiboensis
+), relatively shorter petioles (ratio blade length/petiole length> 10:1 vs. <10:1), blades with smooth surface when dry and secondary venation clearly visible (vs. surface irregulary rugose when dry and secondary venation scarcely visible), inflorescences axillary, with up to 4 flowers, not auxotelic (vs. auxotelic, the flowers solitary), shorter pedicels (
+0–3 mm
+vs. up to
+6 mm
+), triangular persisting bracteoles (vs. linear and deciduous before anthesis), calyx lobes in two markedly unequal pairs (vs. more or less equal between them) and stamens with anthers elliptic, to 0.7 ×
+0.2 mm
+(vs. globose, to about
+0.2 mm
+in diameter).
+—Tree up to
+15 m
+20 cm
+in diameter at body height, without buttresses and bark flaking in strips (data from
+label). Twigs applanate, densely covered with simple brown erect trichomes
+0.4–0.5 mm
+, these occasionally turning whitish and falling with age, the internodes 10–30 ×
+1.8–2 mm
+. Leaves with petioles pilose as the twigs, somewhat adaxially sulcate, 4–5 ×
+1 mm
+; blades elliptic, 45–60 ×
+25–32 mm
+, 1.7–2.2 times longer than wide, markedly discolorous when dry, dark brown and occasionally somewhat shining adaxially and dull light brown abaxially, adaxial side with very scattered whitish trichomes
+0.1–0.2 mm
+, these easily falling, abaxial face with more persisting brown or whitish trichomes to
+0.4 mm
+, denser along the midvein; base cuneate; apex acute or abruptly acuminate to
+5 mm
+; glandular dots 6–10/mm², about
+0.1 mm
+in diameter, visible, sometimes slightly darker than the surface and raised adaxially, scarcely visible abaxially, easily visible when backlit; midvein finely sulcate adaxially and raised abaxially; lateral veins 10–12 at each side, raised on both sides, more so abaxially, the secondary lateral veins with smaller gauge and visible mostly abaxially; marginal vein formed by the arches of the lateral veins,
+0.8–2 mm
+from the markedly revolute margin, this with a brown girdle
+0.1–0.2 mm
+wide. Inflorescences axillary (rarely ramiflorous), consisting of two to four flowers crowded at the axiles of leaves with no visible axis; bracts elliptic to rounded, to 2 ×
+2 mm
+, pilose as the twigs or less so; pedicels absent or up to 3 ×
+0.6 mm
+, pilose as the twigs; bracteoles widely triangular, 1.7–2 ×
+2–2.2 mm
+, glabrous adaxially and more or less pilose abaxially, apparently persisting at anthesis; flower buds obovate, 7.5–8 ×
+6–6.5 mm
+, the ovary densely covered with rufescent trichomes to
+0.6 mm
+; calyx lobes four, usually with trichomes as the ovary at their basal portion abaxially, usually glabrous adaxially, in two unequal pairs, the outer ones widely elliptic, to 2 ×
+4 mm
+, the inner ones hemispheric, to 3 ×
+5 mm
+; petals four, rounded,
+5–6 mm
+in diameter, with rufescent trichomes to
+0.1 mm
+abaxially, glabrous adaxially; stamens not counted, filaments (in bud)
+4–5 mm
+, anthers elliptic, to 0.7 ×
+0.2–0.3 mm
+, with one apical gland; staminal ring about
+2.5 mm
+in diameter, with trichomes as the calyx; calyx tube absent; style
+7–8 mm
+, stigma punctate and papillose; ovary with two locules with glabrous internal wall, each locule with about 30 ovules. Fruits not seen.
+Distribution, habitat and phenology:
+—This species is presently known only from the municipality of Alto Alegre, in the northern portion of the state of
+, where it grows in primary forest with sandy soils (data from
+label). Flowers were collected in June.
+—Considering that this species is known from only one collection, it must be scored as DD (Data Deficient) according to IUCN conservation criteria (
+IUCN 2001
+—This species is apparently related to the Venezuelan
+Eugenia tachirensis
+images: F barcode V0065338F, U barcode 0005062), the Bolivian
+E. cydoniifolia
+(for description see
+et al.
+image: G barcode 00223433) and the Guyanan
+E. essequiboensis
+image: K barcode 00261062); it is compared to both in the diagnosis. Considering the structure of the inflorescences, this species can be assigned to section
+Umbellatae O.
+Berg (1855
+–1856: 204), according to the phylogenetic scheme proposed by
+et al.
+—The epithet is an apposition of the collection site, the municipality of Alto Alegre.
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+Four new Myrtaceae from Amazonian Brazil
+Sobral, Marcos
+Souza, Maria Anália Duarte De
+journal article
+Myrcia amanana
+Sobral & M.A.D.Souza
+sp. nov.
+. Amazonas: Maraã, Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã, igapó do igarapé do Juá Grande, próximo à comunidade Boa Esperança,
+June 2004
+. Souza &
+. Reis 207
+Figure 3
+—This species is related to
+Myrcia splendens
+De Candolle (1828: 244)
+, from which it is distinguished by the greyish, floccose indumentum on the abaxial surface of blades, inflorescences and flowers. It may also resemble
+M. tomentosa
+De Candolle (1828: 245)
+, but differs by its acuminate blades (vs. obtuse in
+M. tomentosa
+) and flowers with elliptic to rounded calyx lobes (vs. triangular) and staminal ring with more than 60% of the width of the flower (vs. staminal ring less than 40% the width of the flower).
+—Tree to
+20 m
+Twigs brown or grey, slightly applanate, densely covered with simple ascending and sometimes appressed white or grey trichomes to
+0.4 mm
+, these falling with age; internodes 28–40 ×
+2–3 mm
+. Leaves with petioles 3–4 ×
+1–1.5 mm
+, semiterete, deeply sulcate adaxially, pilose as the twigs; blades elliptic, obovate or lanceolate, 95–145 ×
+44–65 mm
+, 1.8–3 times longer than wide, markedly discolorous when dry, the adaxial side dark brown, shining, glabrous except for scattered simple white trichomes to
+0.3 mm
+along the midvein, the abaxial side light grey to dark grey, dull, sometimes floccose, more or less densely covered by simple appressed trichomes
+0.4–0.6 mm
+, these grey or white but with the very basal portion (mostly to
+0.05 mm
+) consistently brown or reddish, in younger leaves sometimes forming denser and darker tufts, in adult leaves sometimes falling except along the veins; glandular dots 6–10 /mm², to
+0.05 mm
+in diameter, sometimes visible and darker than the surface adaxially, but usually visible only when backlit; lateral veins 13–20 at each side, leaving the midvein at angles 50–60°, plane or slightly impressed adaxially, markedly raised abaxially; marginal vein
+1–2.7 mm
+from the margin, the margin itself plane or slightly undulate. Inflorescences pilose as the twigs, axillary, paniculiform, the main axis 65–120 ×
+1.8–3 mm
+, the peduncle
+25–30 mm
+, with up to five secondary branches, the proximal ones about
+45 mm
+and the distal ones to
+4 mm
+, the tertiary branches reduced to tufts of up to three flowers along the secondary ones; bracts not seen; flowers sessile; bracteoles not seen; flower buds globose or obovate, 3–4 ×
+3–4 mm
+, usually grey or white due to the dense indumentum as that of the twigs, the apex of the calyx lobes occasionally less densely pilose; calyx lobes five, elliptic to rounded, slightly to markedly unequal between them, 1–1.8 ×
+1–1.5 mm
+, glabrous adaxially; petals five, rounded,
+2–2.5 mm
+in diameter, glabrous adaxially and with scattered simple white trichomes at its central portion abaxially; stamens not counted, to
+6 mm
+, the anthers globose or oblate, 0.4–0.5 ×
+0.5 mm
+, eglandular, the thecae opening through longitudinal slits and sometimes unequal between them; staminal ring to
+2 mm
+in diameter and to
+0.7 mm
+wide, encompassing about 70% of the width of the flowers (the calyx lobes not considered), densely covered with grey to brown simple trichomes to
+0.3 mm
+; calyx tube to
+0.3 mm
+deep; style
+6–7 mm
+, glabrous or with trichomes to
+0.3 mm
+proximally, the stigma punctiform and papillose; ovary with two locules and two ovules per locule. Fruits not seen.
+Distribution, habitat and phenology:
+—This species is presently known from flooded forests (“igapós”) from the municipality of Maraã, in the central-eastern portion of the state of
+; flowers were collected in June and November.
+—The municipality of Maraã has an area of
+16830 km
+² (
+IBGE 2017b
+) from where 600 collections are recorded (
+INCT 2017
+JBRJ 2017
+), resulting in an amount of 0.03 collection/km², a very low sampling effort. Considering this lack of knowledge, it seems adequate to score this species as DD (Data Deficient) according to IUCN criteria (
+IUCN 2001
+—This species is apparently related to the widespread
+Myrcia splendens
+(Swartz) De Candolle
+Myrtus splendens
+Swartz (1788: 79)
+image: G barcode 00227975!); for description see
+McVaugh 1958: 659
+), it may also resemble
+M. tomentosa
+Eugenia tomentosa
+Aublet (1775: 504
+image: BM barcode 000953642)). They are distinguished from
+M. amanana
+in the diagnosis. Considering the resemblance with
+M. splendens
+, we can also assign this species to the informal group 5 of the phylogenetic scheme proposed by
+et al.
+—The epithet is allusive to the Amanã Reserve, where the species was collected.
+Vernacular names:
+—araçapeu (collection
+Souza & Reis 96
+); remela-de-cachorro (collection
+Souza & Reis 207
+: mun.
+Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã
+, igapó
+, margem esquerda do igarapé do
+Juá Grande
+, próximo à comunidade
+Boa Esperança
+7 November 2002
+. Souza &
+. Reis 95
+Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã
+, igapó
+, margem esquerda do igarapé do
+Juá Grande
+, próximo à comunidade
+Boa Esperança
+7 November 2002
+. Souza &
+. Reis
+96 (
+Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã
+, igapó do igarapé do
+Juá Grande
+, próximo à comunidade
+Boa Esperança
+June 2004
+. Souza &
+. Reis 208
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+Four new Myrtaceae from Amazonian Brazil
+Sobral, Marcos
+Souza, Maria Anália Duarte De
+journal article
+Eugenia fortuita
+M.A.D.Souza & Sobral
+sp. nov.
+rio Solimões
+, igarapé
+, border of creek, restinga baixa,
+22 December 1948
+. Fróes 23799
+Figure 2
+—This species is apparently related to
+Eugenia spruceana
+Berg (1857
+–1859: 257), from which it is distinguished by the longer inflorescences (to
+15 mm
+long versus less than
+5 mm
+E. spruceana
+) and flowers with dense rufescent indumentum (vs. flowers with scattered white trichomes).
+—Tree to
+10 m
+Twigs glabrous, terete, grey when dry, internodes 40–50 ×
+2–3.5 mm
+. Leaves with petioles glabrous, semiterete, adaxially sulcate, sometimes blackish when dry, 10–11 ×
+1.6–2 mm
+; blades lanceolate, elliptic of somewhat ovate, 120–150 ×
+50–85 mm
+, 1.7–2.4 times longer than wide, glabrous, discolorous when dry, dull green or brown adaxially, lighter and uniformly pruinose abaxially; glandular dots about
+0.05 mm
+in diameter, 12–20/mm², occasionally perceptible on both faces but usually visible only when backlit; base obtuse or sometimes finely decurrent on the petiole; apex acuminate in
+8–20 mm
+; midvein finely sulcate adaxially, sometimes only along the proximal half and then plane, strongly raised abaxially; lateral veins finely raised and moderately visible on both sides, 11 to 15 at each side, leaving the midvein at angles 60–70°; marginal veins two, the inner one 3.2–5, the outer one
+1–2 mm
+from the visibly revolute margin, the margin itself with a dark brown girdle to
+0.3 mm
+wide. Inflorescences ramiflorous, racemiform, the axis 4–15 ×
+1.5–2 mm
+, with 4 to 8 flowers, moderately covered with of simple brown trichomes to
+0.3 mm
+; bracts triangular, to 1.5 ×
+1 mm
+, scarcely pilose or glabrous, sometimes deciduous at anthesis; pedicels 10–11 ×
+0.8 mm
+, pilose as the inflorescences; bracteoles rounded or slightly cordate, 1.8–2 ×
+2.2 mm
+, adaxially pilose, sometimes basally connate and with margins somewhat hyaline for about
+0.5 mm
+, persisting after anthesis; flower buds globose or obpyriform, 10–11 ×
+6–7 mm
+, uniformly and densely covered with rufescent indumentum as the inflorescences; calyx lobes four, in two unequal pairs, pilose on both sides but a little less so internally, the external ones hemispheric, 3.5–4 ×
+5–6 mm
+, the internal ones widely ovate, 7–9 ×
+6–9 mm
+; petals four, rounded or obovate, to 12 ×
+10 mm
+, glabrous or very sparsely pilose; stamens not counted, filaments to
+8 mm
+, anthers elliptic, to 1 ×
+0.5 mm
+, apparently eglandular; staminal ring glabrous or sparsely pilose, sometimes subquadrate,
+4.5–6 mm
+in diameter; style
+11–15 mm
+, glabrous, occasionally verrucose, stigma punctiform and papillose; ovary with two locules and 18 to 20 ovules per locule. Fruits globose, uniformly covered with trichomes as the flowers but these less dense, reddish (according to the collection
+Cordeiro 336
+24–30 mm
+in diameter; seeds not examined due to the scarcity of available material.
+Distribution, habitat and phenology:
+—This species is known from two localities, one in the northwestern portion of the state of
+—the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira—and the second from a presently unrecognizable place along the Solimões river. Possibly it is a species from terra firme and várzea forests, considering the information in the collection labels; flowers were collected in December and fruits in February.
+Conservation:—Considering that this species is known only from two collections made at least 40 years ago and they have no precise location data, it must be considered as DD (Data Deficient) according to the conservation criteria of
+IUCN (2001)
+Eugenia fortuita
+is apparently related to the widespread
+Eugenia spruceana
+images: K barcode 000276670, M barcode 0171120; for description see
+McVaugh 1958: 735
+), which occur in northern
+et al.
+) and
+French Guiana
+et al.
+2007: 436
+); they are distinguished in the diagnosis. Considering its inflorescence structure, it can be assigned to section
+according to the phylogenetic scheme presented by
+et al.
+—The epithet is derived from the Latin word for “accidental” or “happening by chance”, alluding to the scarcity of collections, since the species is presently known from two exsiccates from vague locations and has not been collected along the last 40 years.
+. Amazonas: São Gabriel da Cachoeira, alto Rio Negro, estrada Perimetral Norte, a
+22 km
+da cidade de [São] Gabriel das Cachoeiras (sic),
+25 February 1975
+M.R. Cordeiro 336
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-Oreocharis uniflora, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangdong, China
+Oreocharis uniflora, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangdong, China
-Yang, Li-Hua
+Yang, Li-Hua
-Huang, Jing-Zhong
+Huang, Jing-Zhong
-Deng, Fang-Dong
+Deng, Fang-Dong
-Kang, Ming
+Kang, Ming
-journal article
+journal article
@@ -68,9 +71,9 @@ L.H.Yang & M.Kang
sp. nov.
-Figs 1
+Figs 1
@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ in diameter. Capsule
, glabrescent, dehiscing loculicidally to base, initially on one side, valves 2, straight, not twisted.
@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ in diameter. Capsule
(A) habit, (B) opened corolla showing stamens, (C) pistil, (D) stigma, (E) anther, (F) calyx lobes, (G) fruit, (H) adaxial leaf surface, (I) abaxial leaf surface. Drawn by Yun-Xiao Liu from the holotype.
@@ -208,7 +211,7 @@ locality, Lianhuashan-Baipanzhu Nature Reserve in southeastern
-Fig 3
+Fig 3
). Plants grow on moist rock surface under evergreen broad-leaved forests, at an elevation ca.
@@ -320,7 +323,7 @@ and
O. lungshengensis
-Fig 3
+Fig 3
). In addition, it is worth noting that four free stamens and campanulate-tubular tube of this new species are also similar to
Oreocharis cavaleriei
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+Four new species of Entoloma subgenus Pouzarella from India
+Anil Raj, K. N.
+Manimohan, Patinjareveettil
+journal article
+Entoloma wayanadense
+K. N. A. Raj & Manim.
+sp. nov
+Figs. 1A–F
+MycoBank MB 820064
+Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the Wayanad District of
+Kerala State
+where this species was first observed.
+Diagnosis:—Characterized by a greyish brown pileus beset with long (up to
+10 mm
+), recurved hairs; emarginate to almost decurrent lamellae; a stipe covered with long, loose hairs; absence of both cheilo- and pleurocystidia, basidiospores measuring (12–)14–17 × 8–11.5 μm, and distinctive ITS (KY643748) and nLSU (KY643723) sequences. Differing from
+Entoloma strigosissimum
+in having a fertile lamella-edge, a tropical location, and a distinctive ITS sequence.
+Kerala State
+Wayanad District
+Tirunelli Forest
+16 November 2010
+K. N. Anil Raj
+, AR522
+(K(M) 191742).
+small, mycenoid.
+7–14 mm
+diam., somewhat convex or conico-convex with or without a small central umbo; surface grayish brown (7E3/OAC627) or brown (7E4/OAC626) at the center and grayish orange (5B3/OAC759) or pale orange-gray (5B2/OAC760) elsewhere, not hygrophanous, not pellucid-striate, with long (up to
+10 mm
+), recurved hairs all over; margin initially incurved and crenate, becoming almost straight and finely wavy with age.
+emarginate with a small decurrent tooth or almost decurrent, close, brownish gray (7C2/ OAC506) or brownish orange (7C3/OAC611), up to
+4 mm
+wide, with lamellulae in 2–3 tiers; edge entire, concolorous with faces.
+22–38 ×
+1–2.5 mm
+, central, terete, equal, hollow; orange-gray (6B2/OAC669) or brownish gray (6E2/ OAC724) or brown (6
+E4, 6
+E5/OAC638), covered with long, loose hairs all over; base with a small amount of basal mycelium.
+not distinctive.
+Entoloma wayanadense
+(K(M) 191742, holotype).
+. Basidiospores;
+. Basidium;
+. Pileipellis;
+Stipitipellis. Scale bars:
+= 10 mm;
+= 10 μm;
+100 μm. Photos by K. N. Anil Raj.
+(12–)14–17 × 8–11.5 (15.61±1.02 × 9.57±0.86) μm, Q = 1.3–1.8, Qm = 1.63, rather nodulose-multiangled, heterodiametric-ovate, with 7–8 concave or flat facets, pale brownish yellow, thick-walled.
+25– 49 × 12–18 μm, clavate, pale yellow, thin- to slightly thick-walled, 4-spored; sterigmata up to 5 μm long.
+Lamellar trama
+subregular; hyphae 5–9 μm wide, with a brownish yellow wall pigment and dark brown external encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled.
+Pileus trama
+subregular; hyphae 4–14 μm wide, with a pale brownish yellow wall pigment and dark brown external spiral encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled.
+a cutis disrupted by trichodermal patches; appressed hyphae 10.5–24 μm wide, with a pale yellowish brown wall pigment and dark brown external encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled; hyphae of trichodermal patches composed of short inflated basal cells and narrow or setiform terminal elements; basal cells 35–40 × 17.5–22.5 μm, thick-walled, with brown external encrusting pigment; terminal cells narrow or setiform, with a dark brown intraparietal pigment, without external encrustations, thick-walled, widely septate.
+a trichoderm, made up of loose long, entangled hyphae; hyphae 4–8 μm wide, with a pale brownish yellow wall pigment and fine, dark brown external encrustations, thick-walled; terminal cells 19–115 × 8–11 μm, cylindrical with a tapering or obtuse apex, with a yellowish brown wall pigment and fine, dark brown external encrustations, thick-walled.
+Clamp connections
+not observed on any hyphae.
+Habitat:—scattered or in small groups, on the forest floor, among decaying leaf litter, under broadleaf trees.
+Geographical distribution range:—known only from the
+locality in
+Kerala State
+Additional specimens examined:—
+Kerala State
+: Wayanad District, Tirunelli Forest,
+27 November 2009
+K. N. Anil Raj
+(K(M) 191743).
+Comments:—The grayish brown pileus with a hairy surface, the hairy stipe, the nodulose-angular basidiospores and the dark brown external encrustations on all hyphae of
+E. wayanadense
+are hallmarks of the section
+of the subg.
+Entoloma strigosissimum
+Rea 1920: 325
+Noordeloos (1979: 211)
+a species found in North America (
+Mazzer 1976
+) and Europe (
+Noordeloos 1992
+), resembles the present species in having a conico-convex pileus, the same densely hairy surface features of the pileus and stipe, a similar size and shape to the basidiospores and the same cellular structure of the pileipellis. However,
+E. strigosissimum
+differs from
+E. wayanadense
+in having a sterile lamella-edge with cheilocystidia and also it occurs in temperate regions. A pairwise comparison of the ITS sequence of
+E. wayanadense
+with that of
+E. strigosissimum
+(JF908004) showed no similarity with an e-value of zero. No nLSU sequences of
+E. strigosissimum
+are available for comparison.
+Entoloma horridum
+Horak 1980: 38
+) Noordel. & Co-David
+et al.
+(2009: 169)
+Papua New Guinea
+is somewhat similar to
+E. wayanadense
+in having long strigose hairs on the pileus, emarginate lamellae and lamella-edges lacking cheilocystidia. However,
+E. horridum
+differs from
+E. wayanadense
+in having dark brown basidiomata, a plano-convex or subdepressed pileus and smaller-sized (11–14 × 6–8 μm) basidiospores (
+Horak 1980
+). The ITS and the nLSU sequences of
+E. horridum
+are not available for comparison.
+The ITS (419 bp) and the nLSU (560 bp) sequences of
+E. wayanadense
+seem to be distinct. Megablast searches of the GenBank nucleotide database using these sequences did not result in any significantly close hits. A pairwise comparison of the ITS sequences of
+E. wayanadense
+with those of the other three species described in this paper showed no similarity with an e-value of zero. The pairwise comparison of the nLSU sequences of
+E. wayanadense
+E. tropicum
+showed 89% similarity with an e-value of zero. However, the nLSU sequence of
+E. wayanadense
+showed no similarity to the nLSU sequences of the other two species, i.e.,
+E. peechiense
+E. silvanum
+with an e-value of zero.
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+Four new species of Entoloma subgenus Pouzarella from India
+Anil Raj, K. N.
+Manimohan, Patinjareveettil
+journal article
+Entoloma silvanum
+K. N. A. Raj & Manim.
+sp. nov
+Figs. 3A–F
+MycoBank MB 820067
+Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the sylvan (wooded)
+locality of this species.
+Diagnosis:—Characterized by a greyish brown to brown, conico-convex or conico-campanulate pileus, absence of both cheilo- and pleurocystidia, basidiospores measuring 10–15 × 6.5–9 μm, and distinctive ITS (KY643747) and nLSU (KY643724) sequences. Differing from
+Entoloma testaceostrigosum
+in having emarginate lamellae with decurrent teeth, a hollow and basally tapering stipe, and slightly smaller-sized basidiospores.
+Kerala State
+Thrissur District
+Peechi Forest
+7 December 2010
+K. N. Anil Raj
+(K(M) 191739).
+small, mycenoid.
+3–11 mm
+diam., convex when very young, becoming conico-convex or conico-campanulate with or without a very small central depression with age; surface brown (6
+E5, 6
+E6/OAC720) at the center, grayish brown (5
+E3, 5
+F3/OAC640) elsewhere, not hygrophanous, with or without faint striations, with short, recurved hairs all over; margin slightly incurved when young, becoming deflexed with age, initially crenate, becoming finely wavy at maturity.
+emarginate or emarginate with a small decurrent tooth, close, brownish gray (5D2/OAC548) when young, becoming grayish brown (6
+F3/OAC640) at maturity, up to
+4 mm
+wide, with lamellulae in 2–3 tiers; edge initially entire, becoming somewhat wavy at maturity, concolorous with the sides.
+9–28 ×
+1–2 mm
+, central, terete, or slightly compressed, equal or slightly tapering towards the base, cartilaginous, hollow; surface brownish gray (5E2/OAC724) or grayish brown (5E3/OAC640) or gray (5F1, 5F2/ OAC641), finely tomentose all over; base with a strigose basal mycelium.
+not distinctive.
+10–15 × 6.5–9 (12.1±0.77 × 7.4±0.74) μm, Q = 1.25–2.14, Qm = 1.62, nodulose-multiangled, heterodiametric-ovate, with 6–9 concave or flat facets, pale brownish yellow, thick-walled.
+29–43 × 11–15 μm, clavate, with a pale brownish yellow wall pigment, occasionally with dense, dark brown contents, 4-spored; sterigmata up to 5.5 μm long.
+frequent in the hymenium.
+Lamellar trama
+subregular; hyphae 3–12 μm wide, with a yellowish brown wall pigment and dark brown external spiral encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled.
+Pileus trama
+subregular; hyphae 4–14 μm wide, with a yellowish brown wall pigment and dark brown external encrustations, slightly thick-walled.
+a cutis with a transition to a trichoderm; hyphae 5–13 μm wide, with a pale brownish yellow wall pigment and dark brown external encrustations, slightly thick-walled; terminal cells 37–110 × 8–25 μm, cylindrical or gradually tapering with an obtuse apex.
+a loose trichoderm of entangled, hair-like, multiseptate hyphae; hyphae 4–10 μm wide, cylindrical or tapering with an obtuse apex, with a yellowish brown wall pigment and dark brown external encrustations, thick-walled.
+Clamp connections
+not observed on any hyphae.
+scattered or in small groups, on the forest floor, among decaying leaf litter and humus, under broadleaf trees.
+Geographical distribution range:—known only from the
+locality in
+Kerala State
+Comments:—The grayish brown, non-hygrophanous pileus with a recurved-hairy surface, the brownish gray stipe with a tomentose surface, the nodulose-angular basidiospores and the presence of brown external encrustations on all hyphae of
+E. silvanum
+are indicative of the section
+Entoloma testaceostrigosum
+Manim. & Noordel.
+et al.
+(2006: 50)
+, a species previously described from Kerala, resembles
+E. silvanum
+in having a hairy and convex pileus, somewhat similar-sized (12.5–17 × 7–10 μm) basidiospores with 7–9 angles, a hymenium lacking both cheilo- and pleurocystidia, a trichoderm-type pileipellis and a loose trichoderm-type stipitipellis composed of entangled, thick-walled hyphae with a yellowish brown externally encrusting pigment. However, that species has deep orange to light brownish basidiocarps, narrow (
+1 mm
+or less), sinuate and subcrowded lamellae, a solid and apically tapering stipe and slightly larger basidiospores (12.5–17 × 7–10 μm).
+Entoloma lomapadum
+Manim., Joseph & Leelav.
+et al.
+(1995: 1084)
+, another species previously described from Kerala, resembles
+E. silvanum
+in having a dark brown or brownish beige, conico-convex pileus, a stipe base with strigose mycelium and heterodiametric-elliptic basidiospores with 8–9 facets in profile and of somewhat similar size (11–13 × 6–9 μm) (
+et al.
+). However, that species differs from
+E. silvanum
+in having a larger pileus (
+25 mm
+), adnate lamellae, a longer stipe (
+40 mm
+) with a pruinose apex, a distinct, unpleasant odor, the presence of clavate, thin-walled cheilo- and caulocystidia and a well developed, cellular subhymenium.
+Entoloma lasium
+Berkeley & Broome 1871: 539
+) Noordel. & Co-David
+et al.
+(2009: 170)
+, from
+Sri Lanka
+Horak 1980
+Pegler 1986
+) somewhat resembles
+E. silvanum
+in having basidiocarps of similar color and size, short hispid hairs on the pileus, basidiospores of almost similar size and shape and lamella-edge devoid of cheilocystidia. However, that species differs in having a depressed pileus, crowded and sinuate-adnate lamellae, a well developed subhymenium and presence of thin- to thick-walled caulocystidia.
+A megablast search of the GenBank nucleotide database using the ITS and the nLSU sequences derived from
+E. silvanum
+showed that these sequences were distinct. The BLASTn results using the ITS (742 bp) sequence showed no close hit with an e-value of zero.
+Entoloma furfuraceum
+(GenBank JQ993094) with 94% sequence identity was the closest hit with the nLSU (869 bp) sequence.
+Entoloma furfuraceum
+T.H. Li & Xiao Lan He
+et al.
+(2013: 234)
+somewhat resembles
+E. silvanum
+in the size and shape of the pileus. However, it differs from the present species in having a differently colored pileus, a longer stipe, smaller-sized basidiospores (9–11 (–13) × 6.5–8 μm) and a sterile lamellae edge with cheilocystidia (
+et al.
+). The pairwise alignment of the ITS sequence of
+Entoloma silvanum
+with those of the other three species described showed no similarity with an e-value of zero. However, the nLSU sequence of
+E. silvanum
+showed 88% similarity with that of
+E. peechiense
+and 91% with that of
+E. tropicum
+. No similarity with an e-value of zero was observed in a pairwise comparison of the nLSU of
+E. silvanum
+E. wayanadense
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+Four new species of Entoloma subgenus Pouzarella from India
+Anil Raj, K. N.
+Manimohan, Patinjareveettil
+journal article
+Entoloma tropicum
+K. N. A. Raj & Manim.
+sp. nov
+Figs. 4A–F
+MycoBank MB 820066
+Etymology:—The specific epithet refers to the tropical location of this species.
+Entoloma tropicum
+(K(M) 191744, holotype).
+. Basidiomata.
+. Basidium;
+. Cheilocystidia;
+. Stipitipellis. Scale bars:
+= 10 mm;
+= 10 μm;
+=100 μm;
+=20 μm. Photos by K. N. Anil Raj.
+Diagnosis:—Characterized by dark brown, omphalinoid basidiomata; a plano-convex pileus with a shallow central depression; decurrent lamellae; versiform cheilocystidia with hyaline encrustations, basidiospores measuring 10–12.5 × 7–9 μm, and distinctive ITS (KY643749) and nLSU (KY643722) sequences. Differing from
+Entoloma violaceovillosum
+in having smaller basidiospores and a completely sterile lamella edge with versiform cheilocystidia showing hyaline encrustations.
+Kerala State
+Wayanad District
+Tirunelli Forest
+16 November 2010
+K. N. Anil Raj
+, AR523
+(K(M) 191744).
+small, omphalinoid.
+8–14 mm
+diam., somewhat plano-convex with a shallow central depression; surface dark brown (6F5, 6F6/OAC637) at the center and on the squamules, brown (6E6/OAC636) on striations and light brown (6D4/OAC639) elsewhere, not hygrophanous, finely striate, appressed- to recurved-squamulose all over; margin deflexed to straight, crenulate, finely fissile.
+subdecurrent to decurrent or arcuate, close, orange-gray (6B2/OAC669) or brownish orange (6C3/OAC613), up to
+3 mm
+wide, with lamellulae in 2–3 tiers; edge finely torn or somewhat wavy, concolorous with the sides.
+18–28 ×
+2–2.5 mm
+, central, equal or slightly tapering towards the apex, hollow; surface grayish brown (6E3/OAC640) or brown (6E4/OAC638), whitish towards the base, with fine appressed fibrils as well as slightly recurved squamules all over; base with whitish mycelium.
+not distinctive.
+10–12.5 × 7–9 (11.4 ±0.69 × 7.9±0.73) μm, Q = 1.2–1.71, Qm =1.45, nodulose-multiangled, heterodiametric-ovate, with 5–7 plane or concave facets, pale brownish yellow, thick-walled.
+27–44 × 9–14 μm, clavate, pale yellow, thin- to slightly thick-walled, 4-spored; sterigmata up to 5 μm long.
+abundant, 22–84 × 10–29 μm, versiform: oblong, ellipsoid, fusiform, clavate, conical, narrowly utriform or cylindrical with an acute apex, pale yellow, thin- to slightly thick-walled, with fine hyaline encrustations.
+Lamellar trama
+subregular, made up of both narrow and inflated hyphae; hyphae 4–20 μm wide, with a yellowish brown wall pigment and fine brown external encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled.
+distinct, made up of pseudoparenchymatous cells.
+Pileus trama
+subregular; hyphae 3–20μm wide, with a pale yellow or pale grayish yellow wall pigment and fine hyaline external encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled.
+a cutis with a transition to a trichoderm; hyphae 10–31 μm, with brown plasmatic contents and fine hyaline external encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled; terminal cells 32–75 × 7–15 μm, cylindrical or gradually tapering with an obtuse or acuminate apex.
+a cutis often disrupted by isolated or clustered ascending hyphae; hyphae 3–16 μm wide, with pale grayish or brownish plasmatic contents and hyaline external spiral encrustations, thin- to slightly thick-walled;
+Clamp connections
+not observed on any hyphae.
+Habitat:—scattered, on the forest floor, among decaying leaf litter, under broadleaf trees.
+Geographical distribution range:—known only from the
+locality in
+Kerala State
+Comments:—Characters such as the dark brown pileus with a squamulose surface, the nodulose-angular basidiospores and the presence of encrustations on all hyphae including cheilocystidia suggest the section
+of subg.
+Entoloma violaceovillosum
+Manim. & Noordel.
+et al
+. (2006: 52)
+a species described from
+shows some similarity to
+E. tropicum
+in having a plano-convex pileus, a similar
+of pileipellis with a brown plasmatic pigment and a somewhat similar stipitipellis. However,
+E. violaceovillosum
+differs from
+E. tropicum
+owing to its larger, violet-brown basidiocarps, a heteromorphous lamella-edge, larger basidiospores (12–16 × 8.5–11 μm) and thin-walled, smaller-sized and differently-shaped cheilocystidia devoid of any encrustations. Moreover, a pairwise comparison of nLSU sequences of
+E. tropicum
+E. violaceovillosum
+(GQ289205) showed only 91% sequence similarity. ITS sequence of
+E. violaceovillosum
+is not available for comparison.
+The distinct status of the ITS and the nLSU sequences of
+Entoloma tropicum
+was confirmed in the megablast searches. In the megablast search using the ITS (584 bp) sequence, no close hit was obtained with an e-value of zero. While using the nLSU (899 bp) sequence, the closest hit was an unnamed
+Entoloma sp
+XLH-2013b (GenBank KC555558), with 94% sequence identity. The pairwise comparison of the ITS sequence of
+E. tropicum
+with the other three species described in this paper showed no similarity with an e-value of zero. However, the nLSU sequence of
+E. tropicum
+showed 89% similarity with that of
+E. wayanadense
+91% with that of
+E. silvanum
+and 88% with that of
+E. peechiense
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+Silene nemrutensis (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from south-eastern Anatolia
+Yildiz, Kemal
+Çirpici, Ali
+Altayçeşme mah. Kuleli Köşk sok. No. 13 / 1, Maltepe-İstanbul, Turkey.
+Dadandi, Mehmet Yaşar
+Erciyes University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Kayseri, Turkey.
+Firat, Mehmet
+Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Education, Department of Biology, 65080 - Tuşba-Van Turkey.
+journal article
+Silene nemrutensis
+sp. nov.
+Figs. 1–3
+: Nemrut mountain, around Commagene Kingdom monuments, rocky, stony areas, southern slopes,
+2050–2070 m
+a.s.l., 37º58′583″ N, 38º44′260″ E,
+03 August 2005
+Yıldız, Dadandı et Fırat 073
+Distribution map of
+Silene nemrutensis
+) and the similar species
+S. arguta
+—Rigid, much branched from the base, flowering stem
+30–45 cm
+long, eglandular-pubescent, leaves elliptic, lanceolate to linear, pubescent, sessile, inflorescence in panicle, usually 3–5-flowered, calyx
+20–26 mm
+long, eglandular-crisped-puberulent, petals white to lilac (lavender), two coronal scales present, auricules absent, stamens glabrous, styles base very slightly pubescent, anthophore glabrous or slightly eglandular-pubescent, seeds tetrahedral or triangle-like to reniform.
+Description (macro-morphology)
+:―Perennial, rigid, erect, much branched from the base, flowering stem
+30–45 cm
+long, eglandular-criped, sometimes tomentose; all nodes swollen, internodes
+2.5–3.7 cm
+long. Leaves elliptic, lanceolate to linear, sessile, rigid, not fleshy, acute to acuminate apex, light green, elliptical leaves with a main vein. Upper cauline leaves linear, shorter and narrower than the others; upper anf middle leaves in 3–4 pairs (12–35 ×
+1–12 mm
+); basal leaves 22–45 ×
+2–4 mm
+. Bracts linear (4.0–4.5 × 0.5–1.0 mm), with scarious margins, acute apex. Inflorescence in lax panicle, branching repeat 2–6 times, usually 1–5(–7)-flowered, flowers hermaphrodite; pedicel
+2.5–20 mm
+long. Calyx
+20–26 mm
+long, with 10 prominent veins, veins not anastomose, eglandular-crisped (slightly hairy in the fruiting phase); calyx teeths trigonous,
+4–5 mm
+long, acute to acuminate apex, margins hyaline and ciliate. Petals 5,
+20–23 mm
+long, glabrous, exserted from calyx, upper surface white to lilac (lavender), lower surface light-green, veins visible, petal limbs bipartite 1/2 into two oblong lobes (lobes
+3–4 mm
+long), two coronal scales present and claw exauriculate, scales
+1–2 mm
+long, acuminate apex, claws
+12–15 mm
+long. Stamens 10, filaments
+8–15 mm
+long, creamy, glabrous. Styles 3, base slightly pubescent,
+10–15 mm
+long, ovary oblong (4.5–5.0 × 1.5–2.0 mm), upper glabrous. Anthophore
+7–12 mm
+long, glabrous or slightly eglandular-pubescent. Capsule oblong to ovoid (10–13 ×
+4–6 mm
+3–5 mm
+exserted from the calyx. Seeds tetrahedral or triangle-like to reniform, 1.2–2.4 × 1.0–
+1.4 mm
+Description (seed testa micro-morphology)
+:―Seeds of
+Silene nemrutensis
+are tetrahedral or triangle-like to reniform in shape, 1.2–2.4 × 1.0–
+1.4 mm
+in size, and they show surface flat to concave, back winged or flat, all plate suture outline (between testa cell) oblong and digitate to sinuous, granulation absent or unvisible, tubercules digitate or pyramidal, testa cells of back flat, obtuse, hylar zone recessed or prominent.
+Description (pollen morphology)
+:―Pollen grains are sferoidal (29−37 μm in diameter), with 32–40 pores, each pore 4.85–6.25 μm in diameter; distance between pores is 5.10–6.78 μm. Ornamentation is microechinatemicroperforate.
+—The new species is named from Nemrut Mountain (Commagene Emperor). Commagene historic monuments is located on the Nemrut Mountain and the new species grows around these monuments.
+Flowering time June–July, fruiting time July–August.
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Silene nemrutensis
+occurs only on the Nemrut Mountain (Kahta/
+) and it can be considered as endemic to SE-Turkey where it grows on arid steppe, at
+2050–2070 m
+Conservation status:—
+The new species has been found in one location. AOO is about
+2 km
+. The number of individuals observed is less than 300. Possible threaths are represented maily by tourism. By the application the criterion B2ab(iii) the new species is to be here assessed as Critically Endangered (CR) (
+IUCN 2014
+Silene nemrutensis
+(from the holotype,
+K. Yıldız 073
+: habit:
+exsiccata specimen:
+c, e
+: inflorescences;
+d, f
+: petal.
+Taxonomical notes:—
+On the basis the characters referring to inflorescence structure (panicle), calyx hairness (simple hairs), petals shape (divided two parts), and occurrence of coronal scales,
+Silene nemrutensis
+belongs to the sect.
+. Some features lead one to think also for the sect.
+Boissier (1867: 572)
+(flowers size), but petals are not auricolate, or sect.
+Boissier (1867: 572)
+(inflorescence structure), but cauline leaves are not so many, and calyx are not glabrous and smooth (see e.g.,
+Coode & Cullen 1967
+, Chowhuri 1957).
+Silene nemrutensis
+K. Yıldız 073
+) (a, b, c) (from the holotype)].
+S. arguta
+K. Yıldız 066
+) (d, e, f)].
+a, d:
+exsiccata specimens;
+c, f:
+Silene nemrutensis
+show morphological similarities with
+S. arguta
+which is a species also belonging to the sect.
+(see also Table 1). Both species refer to plants with stem rigid and without glandular hairs, while the calyxed have crisped hairs. But
+S. nemrutensis
+basal leaves elliptic, lanceolate to linear,
+2–4 mm
+width(not obovate to narrowly elliptic,
+3–8 mm
+width, as in
+S. arguta
+), inflorencence lax (1–)3–5(–7)-flowered, (not lax, and 1–3-flowered in
+S. arguta
+), calyx
+20–26 mm
+10.5–19.5 mm
+), petal upper surface white to lilac, or lavender-coloured, lower surface light-green (not greenish-white), anthophore
+7–12 mm
+long, glabrous or slightly eglandular-pubescent (not
+3–8 mm
+long, only eglandular-pubescent), seed tetrahedral or triangle-like to reniform, back winged or flat, tubercules digitate or pyramidal tubercules (not only reniform, back flat only, tubercules rounded), pollen ornamentation is microechinatemicroperforate (not microechinate-reticulate), pore number 32–40 (not 21–32) (
+Figs. 2‒5
+, Table 1).
+Selected specimens examined:
+Silene arguta
+Palandöken mountain
+, near ski resort, steppe,
+2465 m
+28 July 2005
+2300–2400 m
+27 July 2005
+: Ağrı-
+Tahir mountain
+2475 m
+15 July 1972
+, Aladağ-
+Eskidut district
+2500 m
+05 July 1982
+Çukuryurt village
+Hınzır mountain
+1900 m
+15 June 1981
+pass, stony-rocky areas,
+2000–2250 m
+19 July 2011
+Değirmendere village
+, above
+, northeast slopes,
+1650–1700 m
+06 July 2005
+Doğankonaklı village
+Binboğa mountain
+, below
+1900–2250 m
+20 July 2011
+Dağönü village
+1900–2100 m
+07 June 1987
+1450–1500 m
+Nemrut mountain
+, north of lake and northeastern,
+2500 m
+27 June 1972
+waterfall vicinity,
+1900 m
+03 July 1986
+, eastern slopes, steppe,
+2450 m
+01 August 2005
+40 km
+1737 m
+, rocky,
+01 August 2005
+Süphan mountain
+2896 m
+28 August 1954
+2800 m
+31 July 2005
+Aydos mountain
+, limestone slopes,
+1600 m
+26 June 1976
+plateau, slopes,
+2100–2150 m
+10 July 2006
+Nemrut mountain
+kingdom ruins environment, rocky, southern slopes,
+2030–2100 m
+03 August 2005
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia mariannensis
+Wassh. & T. McClellan
+Fig. 5
+Fig. 7e
+, 47 (1): 21, fig. 1 (1995)
+. Trinidad,
+Northern Range Mts.
+Marianne River
+next to the
+17 June 1991
+. Endler s.n.
+here designated
+caulescent, rhizomatous herbs,
+15–45 cm
+repent, rooting at the nodes, flexuous, unbranched;
+to 0.5 (–1) cm long and rhizomatous at the base of the stem, woody, to
+0.4 cm
+thick, to
+2 cm
+long and trailing towards the apex, to
+0.2 cm
+thick, succulent, glabrous to sparsely villous, hairs to
+1 mm
+persistent, lanceolate, 4–7 ×
+2–3 mm
+, apex acuminate, margins entire, aciliate.
+alternate, clustered towards the apex of the stem, 5 or fewer, basifixed;
+1.5–8 cm
+long, very-densely villous to moderately villous with age, hairs to
+1 mm
+weakly-asymmetric at the base, straight, lanceolate, 5.5–12 ×
+1.5–4 cm
+, apex acuminate, base cuneate on both sides of the blade, acuspidate, margins entire to irregularly-dentate at the apex, teeth
+0.5–1 mm
+long, densely ciliate, the upper surface even, green, sparsely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, the veins glabrous to sparsely glandular-pilose towards the petiolar insertion, the lower surface sparsely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, the veins moderately-densely glandular-pilose to densely glandular-pilose towards the petiolar insertion; venation pinnate, with three to five veins from the base, with 3–5 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and 3–4 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, erect,
+10–35 cm
+, densely glandular-villous throughout, thyrsoid with 3 to 10 lateral branches, basal-most lateral branch thyrsoid with ca. 3 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, branching 1 to 3 times, protandrous;
+19 cm
+long, internodes to
+5 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+5 mm
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes
+5–20 mm
+tardily-deciduous, bracts of thyrsoid lateral branches like the leaves, the remainder ovate, 1–6 ×
+0.5–3 mm
+, membranous, glabrous, apex obtuse, margin entire to lacerate, ciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+4–6 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+4–8 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+4, sparsely pilose outside, glabrous inside, margins entire, aciliate, the outer ovate, 5–7 ×
+3–4 mm
+, white, apex rounded, the inner linear, 1–4 × 0.5–1.
+5 mm
+, white, apex acute rounded;
+10–15, united along the length of a
+0.2–0.5 mm
+long column, yellow; filaments <
+0.4 mm
+, anthers linear, 0.2 ×
+0.1 mm
+, obtuse, dehiscing through lateral slits, the connective not projecting.
+Female flowers
+3, persistent, ovate, 3–4 × 2–4, membranous, pilose, margins entire to lacerate, densely glandular-ciliate;
+5, persistent in fruit, subequal, lanceolate, 4–6 × 1–2.5, margins entire, aciliate;
+ovary body
+globose, 2.5–3.5 ×
+2–3.5 mm
+, densely glandular-pilose, 3-locular, unequally 3-winged, the wings sparsely glandular-pilose, largest wing triangular, ascending, widest 1/3 of the length towards the apex, 5–11 ×
+3–5 mm
+, the apex rounded, base cordate, the upper margin entire, ciliate, the lower margin lacerate, ciliate; the smallest 2 marginiform to triangular, not-ascending, 0.5–2 ×
+2–4 mm
+, apex rounded;
+axile, bilamellate, ovuliferous all over;
+1.5–2 mm
+long, bifid
+0.75 mm
+from base, the branches recurved, spirally twisted one time, persistent in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+elongating to
+12 mm
+ovate, enlarging to 4 ×
+4 mm
+, largest wing the same shape as in the ovary, enlarging to 18 ×
+7 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to a triangular wing 5 ×
+5 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Trinidad and Tobago
+Begonia mariannensis
+is only known from the Marianne and Yarra rivers on the northern slope of the Northern Range of
+. The species is described as growing in the shade of evergreen forest on riverside rocks.
+Taxonomic notes:—
+Begonia mariannensis
+was included in
+by its authors due to its bilamellate placentae; three, bipartite stigmas; and 4 and
+5 male
+and female perianth parts respectively. Doorenbos
+et al.
+doubtfully included the species in
+, but with no explanation given.
+B. mariannensis
+possesses the glandular indumentum and thyrsoid inflorescences characteristic of the newly recircumscribed
+, however, and all the characters discussed by its authors are shared with species within the section.
+Despite its straight, weakly-asymmetric, lanceolate and pinnately veined leaves, which are shared with
+B. buddleiifolia
+B. tepuiensis
+B. mariannensis
+appears most-closely related to
+B. glandulifera
+, with which it cooccurs. The two species form a clade with very little sequence divergence in our phylogenetic analysis and share with
+B. jenmanii
+their bipartite placentae and have similar upper leaf indumenta.
+B. mariannensis
+is easily distinguished from all other species in the section by its even (non-bullate), straight leaves.
+IUCN Redlist Assessment:—
+Begonia mariannensis
+has an known AOO and EOO of>
+10 km
+, the majority of which occurs outside protected areas. No information is available on population trends. An IUCN Red List category of Vulnerable (VU D2) is appropriate.
+Additional specimens examined
+Yarra River
+, ca.
+upriver, river bank, on rocks,
+17 April 2004
+D. Jaggernauth
+. (
+Marianne River
+March 1987
+. Rush (
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia jenmanii
+Fig. 7d
+J. Bot., 78: 252 (1940)
+. Type:
+. Kaieteur Fall, wet boulders in the spray of the fall in the gorge,
+21 August 1933
+, alt. ca.
+T.G. Tutin 529
+BM [BM001006460]).
+caulescent, rhizomatous herbs,
+15–100 cm
+repent, rooting at the nodes, flexuous, unbranched;
+1.5 cm
+long and rhizomatous at the base of the stem, to
+5 cm
+long and trailing towards the apex, to
+1 cm
+thick, woody, red, sparsely to densely villous towards the apex, hairs ca.
+long, red;
+persistent, ovate, 6–10 ×
+5–6 mm
+, apex acute, margins entire, aciliate.
+alternate, clustered towards the apex of the stem, 5 or fewer, basifixed;
+7–15 cm
+long, densely villous, hairs ca.
+long, red;
+asymmetric, transverse, ovate, 7–20 ×
+4.5–12.5 cm
+, the apex abruptly acuminate, base cordate, lobes not overlapping to overlapping, sinus to
+2.5 cm
+deep, acuspidate, margins entire to dentate, teeth
+0.2–0.5 mm
+long, densely red-ciliate, the upper surface even, green, with sparsely to moderately-densely villous between the tertiary veins, very dense towards the margins of the lamina, the veins glabrous to densely villous towards the petiolar insertion, the lower surface even, red, sparsely to densely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, very dense towards the margins of the lamina, the veins densely villous to very-densely villous towards the petiolar insertion; venation palmate-pinnate, with 6–7 veins from the base, with 6–8 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and 4–6 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, erect, to
+50 cm
+, glabrous throughout, thrysoid with ca. 15 lateral branches, basal-most lateral branch thyrsoid with ca. 10 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, branching to 3 to 5 times, protandrous;
+37 cm
+long, internodes to
+11 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes
+2–20 mm
+, secondary to quinary branches
+1–4 mm
+deciduous, bracts of thyrsoid lateral branches like the leaves, the remainder narrowly-elliptic, 0.5–4 ×
+0.2–2 mm
+, membranous, glabrous, apex acute, pink, margins entire, aciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+2–8 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+2–10 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+4, membranous, glabrous, margins entire, aciliate, the outer ovate, 3–7 ×
+1.5–4 mm
+, pink to red, apex acute to obtuse, the inner elliptic, 2–3 ×
+0.5–1 mm
+, white to pink, apex acute;
+ca. 15, united along the length of a ca.
+1–2 mm
+long column, yellow; filaments <
+0.5 mm
+, anthers broadly-oblong, 0.4 ×
+0.6 mm
+, obtuse, dehiscing through lateral slits, the connective not projecting.
+Female flowers
+2, white to red, deciduous, lanceolate to ovate, 2–5 ×
+0.5–4 mm
+, membranous, glabrous, apex rounded, margins entire;
+5, deciduous in fruit, same colour as males, subequal, lanceolate to ovate, 3–4 ×
+1–4 mm
+, margins entire, acilate;
+ovary body
+globose, 4–6 ×
+4–5 mm
+, glabrous, red, 3-locular, unequally 3-winged, the wings glabrous, largest wing triangular, not ascending, 6–15 ×
+8–9 mm
+, apex acute, base cordate to rounded, margins entire, acilate; the smallest 2 triangular, not-ascending, 2–4 ×
+8–9 mm
+, apex acute, base rounded, margins entire, acilate;
+axile, bilamellate, ovuliferous all over;
+3, ca.
+2 mm
+long, bifid
+1 mm
+from base, the branches erect, spirally twisted two times, yellow, tardily-deciduous in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+elongating to
+20 mm
+, fibrous.
+ellipsoid, to enlarging to 8 ×
+6 mm
+, wings same shape as in ovary, the largest enlarging to 10 ×
+20 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to 8 ×
+8 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Begonia jenmanii
+is known only from the Potaro River around the Kaieteur Falls and the Cerro Ayanganna on the border between the
+regions of
+. The latter locality is>
+20 km
+from the border with the
+Roraima State
+100 km
+from the border with the
+Bolívar state
+. The environment appears suitable for
+B. jenmanii
+for ca.
+15 km
+over each border before changing to savanna. It seems likely
+B. jenmanii
+also occurs in these areas.
+Taxonomic comments
+Begonia jenmanii
+was only doubtfully included in
+by Doorenbos
+et al.
+, who were misled by the species’ supposed lack of bracteoles, undescribed placentae, and transverse, palmate-pinnately veined leaves. However, transverse, palmate-pinnately veined leaves are shared with
+B. glandulifera
+B. humillima
+B. jenmanii
+does possess bracteoles (although they are early-deciduous); and its placentae match those of the
+B. glandulifera
+B. mariannensis
+IUCN Redlist Assessment
+Begonia jenmanii
+is locally common throughout its range, the majority of which falls within the Kaiteur National Park. Although the species has an EOO of>
+1500 km
+and an AOO of ca.
+50 km
+, no information is available about population trends within this species. We assess
+B. jenmanii
+as Least Concern (LC).
+Additional specimens examined
+slope of
+Mount Wekemung
+, 5˚5’
+, 58˚50’
+, alt.
+1 July 1989
+Potaro Dist.
+Kahaima Mt.
+, ca.
+1000 ft.
+17 August 1959
+Pakaraima Mts.
+, ascent and transect
+4 km
+plateau of
+, 5˚24’
+, 59˚57’
+, alt.
+1100–1500 m
+6 November 1992
+Mt. Ayanganna
+, east face, base of first three escarpments, 5˚20’4”
+, 59˚55’30”
+, alt.
+712 m
+9 June 2001
+D. Clarke
+et al. 8969
+Mt. Ayanganna
+, east fase, camp at base of second of four escarpments, alt.
+16 June 2001
+D. Clark
+et al. 9253
+Mt. Ayanganna
+, alt.
+5–6 February 1955
+et al. 40592
+]), ibid.
+et al. 40593
+Upper Potaro
+south of camp, along stream (affluent of
+.), 5˚18’5”
+, 59˚54’40”
+, alt.
+3 June 2001
+D. Clarke
+et al. 8919
+, 5˚13’
+, 59˚27’
+, alt.
+90 to 450 m
+19 July 1991
+A 46
+Along Potaro River
+between Kaieteur Falls and Tukeit
+4 km
+downstream, 5˚12’
+, 59˚28’
+, alt.
+130 m
+11 October 1987
+et al.189
+along trail from
+Kaieteur Falls
+, alt.
+1300–1700 ft
+2 March 1962
+Potaro River
+Gorge, trail from
+28 April 1944
+& D.
+Potaro River
+, dark rocky forest in gorge below
+Kaieteur Falls
+10 September 1937
+Kaieteur National Park
+2.5 km
+from falls, 5˚12’
+, 59˚28’
+, alt.
+100–170 m
+15 July 1993
+Potaro River
+, on rocks under the fall,
+September–October 1881
+Kaieteur Fall
+, wet bounders in spray from the fall, alt. ca.
+21 August 1933
+Kaieteur Falls
+18 May 1944
+& D.
+Kaieteur Falls
+, 1872,
+rocks in the
+November 1875
+Potaro River
+23 February 1879
+Kaieteur Falls National Park
+, 5˚12’
+, 59˚29’
+, alt.
+500 m
+2 April 1988
+et al. 4151
+Kaieteur Plateau
+Kaieteur Falls
+, alt.
+Kaieteur National Park
+, trail to
+as trail begins descent into ravine, before first bridge, 5˚10’
+, 59˚29’
+, alt.
+300 m
+13 June 1994
+et al. 1068
+Kaieteur Falls National Park
+, 5˚10’
+, 59˚29’
+, alt.
+16 April 1988
+et al. 4628
+Mt. Wokomung
+, camp at base of first four escarpments, 5˚7’47.8”
+, 59˚48’35.5”
+, alt.
+674 m
+24 June 2003
+D. Clarke
+et al. 10064
+Mt. Wokomung
+facing slope of first four escarpments, 5˚7’38.1”
+, 59˚48.40.1”
+, alt.
+790 m
+25 June 2003
+D. Clarke
+et al. 10160
+; Pakaraima Mtns;
+upper Ireng
+Sukabi River
+, adjacent forests and base of
+Andu Falls
+, 5˚6’
+, 59˚58’
+, alt.
+625 m
+19 October 1994
+et al. 113
+Pakaraima Mts
+Mt. Wokomung
+Suruwabaru Creek
+2–3 km
+upstream from junction with
+Yuarka River
+, 05˚3’
+, 59˚54’
+, alt.
+et al. 1253
+Upper Mazaruni River Basin
+, palm forest along base,
+side, alt.
+27 July 1960
+et al. 44939
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia humillima
+L.B.Sm. & Wassh.
+Fig. 4
+Fig. 7c
+, 53: 297, pl. 1 (1973)
+de Maria Lionza
+, virgin evergreen forest,
+Quebrada Quibayo
+, vicinity of sanctuary
+Tres Casitas
+, al sur
+de Quibayo
+, al sur
+de Chivacoa
+, creeping along rocks and ledges, 10˚6–7’
+, 69˚55’
+, alt
+13 March 1981
+. Steyermark,
+Sobrevila, D
+. Fernandez, &
+. Hernandez 12511
+US [
+00425078], US [
+caulescent, scandent herbs,
+10–15 cm
+repent, rooting at the nodes, flexuous, frequently branching;
+0.5–4 cm
+long, to
+1.5 cm
+thick, succulent, sparsely to moderately villous, hairs to
+2 mm
+persistent, lanceolate, 4–8 ×
+1.5–5 mm
+, villous, apex mucronate, margins entire, aciliate.
+alternate, spread along the stem, more than 5, basifixed;
+0.5–9.5 cm
+long, very densely villous to sparsely villous with age, hairs to
+2 mm
+asymmetric, transverse, ovate, 7–13.5 ×
+2.5–6.5 cm
+, apex acuminate, base cordate, sinus to
+1.3 cm
+deep, lobes not overlapping to overlapping, acuspidate, margins double-dentate at the apex, teeth
+1–4 mm
+long, long-ciliate, the upper surface bullate, green, with 2 to 3, glandular, villous hairs between each tertiary vein connected to a bifid or trifid gland visible within the leaf lamina, the gland drying black, the veins glabrous to sparsely-villous at the petiolar insertion, the lower surface even, pale green, glabrous between the tertiary veins, the veins densely villous to very-densely villous towards the petiolar insertion; venation palmate-pinnate, with 4–5 veins from the base, with 5–7 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and 4–6 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, repent,
+6–10 cm
+, densely glandular-villous throughout, thyrsoid with 2 to 4 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, each cyme branching 1 time, protandrous;
+4 cm
+long, internodes to
+2.5 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+5 mm
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes
+2–5 mm
+persistent, lanceolate, 2–5 ×
+0.5–2.5 mm
+, membranous, villous, apex obtuse, margin entire to lacerate, ciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+4–10 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+8–18 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+4, membranous, sparsely villous inside and outside, the outer ovate, 5–9 ×
+4–8 mm
+, apex rounded, white, the inner elliptic, 4–7 ×
+2 mm
+, apex acute, white;
+15–25, united along the length of a
+1 mm
+long column, orange; filaments
+0.5–1 mm
+, anthers linear, 0.5 ×
+0.2 mm
+, obtuse, dehiscing through lateral slits, the connective not projecting.
+Female flowers
+2, persistent, ovate, 3–5 ×
+2–4 mm
+, membranous, sparsely-villous, margins lacerate, densely ciliate;
+5, persistent in fruit, white, subequal, lanceolate, 3.5–5 × 1–2, margins entire, aciliate;
+ovary body
+globose, 4–6 ×
+4–5 mm
+, sparsely glandular-pilose, white, 3-locular, unequally 3-winged, the wings sparsely glandular-pilose, largest wing triangular, ascending, widest 1/3 of the length towards the apex, 8–10 ×
+5–8 mm
+, apex acute, base cordate, margins entire, ciliate, smallest 2 triangular, ascending, 4–6 ×
+5–8 mm
+, apex acute, base cordate, margins entire, ciliate;
+axile, simple, ovuliferous all over;
+3 mm
+long, bifid
+1 mm
+from base, the branches erect, spirally twisted two times, greenish-yellow, persistent in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+elongating to
+ovate, enlarging to 4 ×
+6 mm
+, largest wing the same shape as in the ovary, enlarging to 18 ×
+7 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to a triangular wing 12 ×
+8 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Begonia humillima
+is known only from four collections on Sorte Mountain in María Lionza National Park in the State of
+780–1000 m
+. The species is described as creeping along rocks in humid evergreen forest.
+Begonia humillima
+L.B.Sm. & Wassh. A.
+Male flower (front view);
+Female flower (side view);
+Fruit (sidetop view, dissected);
+Androecium (side view)
+Group of styles and stigmas (side view). Reproduced from (
+Smith & Wasshausen 1983
+) with the permission of Phytologia.
+Taxonomic notes:—
+Begonia humillima
+is a highly distinct species and easily distinguished from all other Andean species in the genus by its combination of a creeping habit and thin, semi-transparent, transverse, ovate and bullate leaves. Bullate leaves are common in Andean
+but are not elsewhere found in combination with the habit and described for this species.
+Although its transverse, ovate leaves and repent habit superficially resemble
+B. glandulifera
+B. jenmanii
+, we suggest
+B. humillima
+is most closely related to
+B. buddleiifolia
+B. tepuiensis
+. These three species share simple placentae (those of
+B. glandulifera
+B. jenmanii
+are bilamellate) and have more similar upper leaf indumenta.
+Begonia glandulifera
+B. jenmanii
+B. mariannensis
+have single, glandular-pilose or glandular-villous hairs throughout their upper leaf lamina whereas
+B. buddleiifolia
+B. humillima
+B. tepuiensis
+have groups of glandular hairs between the tertiary veins connected to multifid glands within the leaf lamina, which is distinct from a villous or lanate and sometimes stellate indumentum on their venation.
+IUCN Redlist Assessment:—
+Begonia humillima
+is known from a single population with an AOO and EOO of ca.
+10 km
+. This population grows within the Monumento Natural María Lionza protected area. Although this park likely suffers from visitor pressure, no information is available on population trends within the species and an assessment of Vulnerable (VU D2) is therefore appropriate.
+Additional specimens examined:—
+Monumento Natural María Lionza
+Cordillera de la Costa
+, al sur
+de Chivatoa
+, subida
+Fortaleza-Tres Casitas
+Tres Casitas
+, entre
+Tres Casitas
+1000 m
+.s.n.m., 10˚6’
+, 68˚55’
+, alt.
+780–790 m
+26 iii 2004
+et al. 10322
+Monumento Natural María Lionza
+Cordillera de la Costa
+, al sur
+de Chivatoa
+, subida
+Fortaleza-Tres Casitas
+, entre
+Tres Casitas
+1000 m
+.s.n.m., 10˚6’
+, 68˚55’
+, alt
+780–1000 m
+26 iii 2004
+et al. 10327
+Monumento Natural María Lionza
+Cordillera de la Costa
+, al sur
+de Chivatoa
+, subida
+Fortaleza-Tres Casitas
+Tres Casitas
+, 10˚6’
+, 68˚55’
+, alt
+780–790 m
+26 iii 2004
+et al. 10345
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia glandulifera
+Fig. 3
+Fig. 7b
+.: 304(1860).Type:TRINIDADAND
+.Trinidad,moist rocks and ravines,
+here designated
+29 January 1848
+. Crueger
+caulescent, rhizomatous herbs,
+30–100 cm
+repent to erect, rooting at the nodes, flexuous, unbranched to branching;
+2 cm
+long and rhizomatous at the base of the stem, woody, to
+1 cm
+thick, to
+long and erect or trailing towards the apex, to
+0.5 cm
+thick, succulent, pale green-yellow, sparsely villous, hair white;
+persistent, ovate, 8–12 ×
+4–6 mm
+, apex acute, margins entire, aciliate.
+alternate, spread along the stem, more than 5, basifixed;
+8–25 cm
+long, sparsely to densely villous towards the apex, hair ca.
+0.75 mm
+long, white;
+asymmetric, transverse, ovate to broadly ovate, (8–)10–34 × (5–)
+8–17 cm
+, even, apex abruptly acuminate, base cordate, lobes not overlapping to overlapping, sinus to
+2.5 cm
+deep, acuspidate or with up to three cusps to 1 ×
+0.5 cm
+on the broadest side of the blade, margins entire to dentate, teeth
+0.2–0.5 mm
+long, densely ciliate, the upper surface even, green, sparsely to moderately-densely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, the veins glabrous to moderately-densely glandular-pilose towards the petiolar insertion, the lower surface even, green, sparsely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, the veins sparsely glandular-pilose to densely glandular-pilose towards the petiolar insertion; venation palmate-pinnate, with 7–9 veins from the base, with 8–9 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and 4 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, erect, to
+65 cm
+, glabrous to densely glandular-villous at the apex, thyrsoid with 5–10 lateral branches, basal-most lateral branch thyrsoid with ca. 5 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, branching 2 to 4 times, protandrous;
+15 cm
+long, internodes to
+15 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+5 mm
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes to
+2 cm
+, decreasing to
+5 mm
+at the apex of the inflorescence, secondary to quaternary branches to
+2 cm
+, decreasing to
+at the apex of the inflorescence;
+deciduous, bracts of thyrsoid lateral branches like the leaves, the remainder lanceolate to broadly ovate, 2–5 ×
+1–4 mm
+, membranous, apex acute to obtuse, glabrous to densely pubescent, margin entire, aciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+4–8 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+4–8 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+4, membranous, pilose outside, glabrous inside, margins entire, aciliate, the outer ovate, 4–6 ×
+3–4 mm
+, apex rounded, white to roseate, the inner lanceolate, 4–5 ×
+1.5–2 mm
+, apex acute, white to roseatte;
+ca. 8, united along the length of a ca.
+1 mm
+long column, yellow; filaments <
+0.5 mm
+, anthers broadly-oblong, 0.4 ×
+0.6 mm
+, obtuse, dehiscing through lateral slits, the connective not projecting.
+Female flowers
+2, deciduous, like the bracts;
+5, tardily deciduous in fruit, subequal, ovate, 5–7 × 3–5, pilose outside, glabrous inside, margins entire, aciliate, same colour as males;
+ovary body
+globose, 4 ×
+4 mm
+, sparsely-pilose, white, 3-locular, unequally 3-winged, wings sparsely pilose, white, largest wing oblanceolate, ascending, widest 2/3 of the length towards the apex, 4–5 ×
+5–9 mm
+, apex acute, base cordate to rounded, margins entire, smallest 2 triangular, 4–5 ×
+2–3 mm
+, not ascending, apex obtuse, base rounded;
+axile, bilamellate, ovuliferous all over;
+3, ca.
+2 mm
+long, bifid
+1 mm
+from base, the branches erect, spirally twisted two times, yellow, tardily-deciduous in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+elongating to
+15 mm
+long, fibrous.
+ellipsoid, to enlarging to 5 ×
+8 mm
+, wings same shape as in ovary, the largest enlarging to 12 ×
+20 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to 10 ×
+8 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Trinidad and Tobago
+Begonia glandulifera
+is known both from the Northern Range Mountains of
+and the Serranía del Litoral mountains of the Peninsular de Paria in the Venezuelan state of Sucre.
+Taxonomic notes:—
+B. glandulifera
+is most similar to
+B. jenmanii
+, although their ranges do not overlap.
+B. glandulifera
+can be distinguished through its branching habit (
+B. jenmanii
+has a non-branching habit) and its inflorescence, which is densely villous towards the apex (That of
+B. jenmanii
+is glabrous throughout).
+IUCN Redlist Assessment:—
+Begonia glandulifera
+is locally common throughout its range within
+and is likely abundant within its less well-collected Venezuelan range. Parts of its Venezuelan range fall within the Parque Nacional Peninsula de Paría and parts of its
+range falls within protected areas. Although the species has an EOO of>
+1500 km
+and an AOO of ca.
+35 km
+, no information is available about population trends within this species. We assess
+B. glandulifera
+as Least Concern (LC).
+Additional specimens examined:—
+: without further locality, 1877–1880
+of cliff near waterfall,
+Blue Basin
+, alt.
+31 May 1924
+[2 dups])
+road to
+Mount Tucuche
+, on banks,
+1 iii 1927
+El Tucuche
+, in primary forest,
+22 April 1975
+D. Philcox
+D. Andrews
+[2 dups],
+El Tucuche
+, env.
+7 miles
+de St Joseph
+, versant SE.
+Belle Forêt
+humide submontagnarde sur fortes pentes rocheuses,
+16 June 1975
+road to the bay,
+13 iii 1927
+road to the bay mouth, near the top at “Geteau”,
+26 vi 1929
+, on the face of the falls, and around about the bottom parts,
+, on cliffs of the falls in perpetual moisture,
+St. George
+Northern Range
+Blanchisseuse Road
+, 10˚42’
+, 61˚17’
+, alt.
+28 March 2003
+6606 (
+St. George
+Northern Range
+Blanchisseuse Road
+, 10˚40’
+, 61˚18’
+, alt.
+28 March 2003
+Blanchisseuse Road
+. of
+, alt.
+9–23 ii 1950
+road, under rock face,
+D. Philcox
+Blanchisseuse Road
+7 mile
+7 March 1964
+road, near
+10.5 mile
+post, on banks,
+29 January 1926
+[2 dups],
+gully, leading from
+Arima-Blanchisseuse Road
+1 April 1975
+D. Philcox
+D. Andrews
+road past the junction with the
+Las Lapas
+road, on a bank,
+26 February 1926
+[2 dups],
+Crest of Northern Range
+Arima-Blanchisseuse Road
+Morne Bleu
+, alt.
+8 March 1956
+Las Lapas
+road (branch of
+road), on banks,
+5 February 1926
+Peninsula de Parai
+de Humo
+, laderas de bosque húmedo nublado que miran al sur, entre la
+, noroeste de
+, alt.
+5 March 1966
+Distrito Cagigal
+de Parai
+: trail from
+El Paujil
+to 20ummit of the mountain, south-facing slopes, trail leading to
+El Brasil
+, 10˚38–39’
+, 62˚43’
+, alt.
+et al. 121442
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia buddleiifolia
+Fig. 2
+Fig. 7a
+Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. 4, 11: 141 (1859).
+, in humidis montius,
+December 1855
+3998 (
+here designated
+, photo
+], photo
+Begonia urticaefolia
+hort. ex Klotzsch
+nom. rej.
+, Ber. Berkanntm. Verh. Konigl. Presuss.
+Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1854: 127 (1854)
+. =
+Pilderia urticaefolia
+nom. nud.
+, Ber. Berkanntm. Verh. Konigl. Presuss.
+Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1854: 127 (1854)
+. =
+Pilderia urticaefolia
+Klotzsch ex Klotzsch
+, Abh. Kon. Akad. Wiss.
+Berlin, 1854: 186 (1855)
+. Type (
+here designated
+): hort. Berol s.n. (
+here designated
+) B [B 10 0365220]);
+. Colonia Tova.
+J.W.K. Moritz 1970
+BM); Venezuela,
+G.K.W.H. Karsten s.n.
+B, photo K, F [F0BN020820], MO [1681290]). =
+Begonia urticifolia
+(Klotzsch ex Klotzsch) Warb.
+in Engler & Prantl.
+later homonym, non Sm., Nat. Pflanzenfam., 3 (6A): 144 (1864). =
+Begonia pilderia
+(Klotzsch ex Klotzsch) A.DC.
+nom. nov.
+Prodr., 15 (1): 380 (1864).
+Begonia lantanifolia
+A.DC., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot.
+4, 11: 141 (141).
+Prov. de Ocaña
+San Pedro
+May 1856
+–1852, alt
+, L.
+578 (
+here designated
+) G-DC, photo K, MO [1681242];
+K [
+], photo K; BM; BR; P [
+Nova Granada
+, 1844,
+1 (
+Begonia buddleiifolia
+A.DC. A.
+Male flower (front view);
+Female flower (side view);
+Group of three styles and stigmas;
+Seeds. Reproduced from (
+Smith & Wasshausen 1986
+) with the permission of The Flora of Ecuador.
+caulescent herbs,
+30–100 cm
+erect, flexuous, branching;
+8 cm
+long, to
+0.5 cm
+thick, succulent, green to tan, sparsely to densely lanate, hairs to
+0.5–1 mm
+persistent, ovate, 6–12 ×
+1.5–4 mm
+, apex acute, margins entire, aciliate.
+alternate, spread evenly along the stem, more than 5, basifixed;
+0.5–1 cm
+long, sparsely to densely lanate, hairs
+0.5–1 mm
+, rarely
+2 mm
+[e.g. Clark 5875], red to tan;
+asymmetric at the base, straight, oblique, lanceolate, (4.5–)7–12(–16) × 1.5–5(–6.5) cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate to shallowlycordate on the narrow side of the blade, rounded on the wide side of the blade, acuspidate, margins serrulate to double-dentate, teeth
+0.25–1 mm
+long, densely ciliate, the upper surface bullate, light to dark green, with 5 to 15, dense, glandular-pilose hairs between each tertiary vein connected to two to four bifid to trifid glands within the leaf lamina, the glands drying black, the veins glabrous, densely-lanate towards the primary veins and petiolar insertion, the lower surface glabrous between the tertiary veins, the veins sparsely villous or lanate, densely villous or lanate towards the petiolar insertion; venation pinnate, with 8–12 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and ca. 8 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, erect, to
+22 cm
+, sparsely to densely lanate throughout, thyrsoid with ca. 15 lateral branches, the basal-most 1–3 lateral branches thyrsoid with to 10 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, branching 2–4 times, protandrous;
+2–4 cm
+long, internodes to
+3 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+5 mm
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes
+2–5 mm
+, secondary to quaternary branches
+1–5 mm
+persistent, bracts of thyrsoid lateral branches like the leaves, ovate, 2–5 ×
+0.5–2 mm
+, membranous, glabrous, apex acute, margin entire, aciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+2–8 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+4–12 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+2 or 4, white to tinged yellow, membranous, glabrous, the margins entire, aciliate, the outer 2 ovate, 4–6 ×
+3–4 mm
+, apex rounded,, the inner lanceolate to ovate, 1–2 ×
+0.5–2 mm
+, apex acute;
+ca. 40, united along the length of a
+1–2 mm
+long column, yellow; filaments
+0.5–1 mm
+, anthers broadly-oblong, 0.4 ×
+0.6 mm
+, obtuse, dehiscing through lateral slits, the connective projecting to
+0.2 mm
+Female flowers
+2, persistent, ovate, 5–6 × 3–4, membranous, margins serrate, ciliate;
+5, persistent in fruit, same colour as males, subequal, lanceolate, 3–6 × 1–3, margins entire, aciliate;
+ovary body
+globose, 4–5 ×
+3.5–4 mm
+, pilose, white to pale green, 3- locular, unequally 3-winged, the wings pilose, largest wing triangular, ascending, widest 1/3 of the length towards the apex, 5–9 ×
+5–10 mm
+, apex obtuse to rounded, base cordate to rounded, the upper margin entire, ciliate, the lower margin entire to shallowly-lacerate, ciliate, smallest 2 triangular, 4–5 ×
+1–3 mm
+wide, apex, rounded, base rounded;
+axile, simple, ovuliferous all over;
+1.5–2 mm
+long, bifid
+1 mm
+from base, the branches spreading, spirally twisted two times, yellow, persistent in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+as the female flowers.
+ovate, enlarging to 8 ×
+5 mm
+, the wings the same shape as in the ovary, the largest enlarging to 13 ×
+15 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to 9 ×
+5 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Begonia buddleiifolia
+is known from the northern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in
+; the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in
+and the north of the Cordillera Occidental and Cordillera Central in
+; and the eastern slopes of the Andes and Amazonia in
+Taxonomic comments:—
+A number of specimens from
+have been identified as
+Begonia buddleiifolia
+but on closer examination these all appear to be specimens of
+B. chaetocarpa
+B. bangii
+in the distantly related
+. Both species superficially resemble those of
+B. buddleiifolia
+but they can easily be distinguished by their cymose inflorescence structure.
+IUCN Redlist Assessment:—
+Begonia buddleiifolia
+is widespread and locally abundant throughout its range, much of which is within protected areas. Accordingly, we assess
+B. buddleiifolia
+as Least Concern (LC).
+Additional specimens examined
+Distrito Capital
+on seaward side of road leading to
+2.5 km
+below junction of
+Carayaca-Colonia Tovar
+road, alt.
+24 October 1963
+. Steyermark 91763
+, 1854–1855,
+Colonia Tovar
+December 1924
+Colonia Tovar
+, alt.
+1800–2000 m
+December 1925
+Pittier 387
+siempreverde a lo largo del
+Río San Gián
+, al sur
+de Borburata
+, arriba
+de la Plana Eléctrica
+entre Los Tanques y La Toma
+, alt.
+27–28 March 1966
+. Steyermark &
+. Steyermark 95175
+Los Tanques
+La Toma
+, arriba del
+río San Jean
+, al sur
+de Borburata
+, alt.
+4 January 1970
+. Steyermark et al. 102430
+Sierra de Aroa
+9 km
+San Felipe
+air distance, on road
+0–3 km
+NW of
+1 km
+SW of
+Los Cruceros
+, 10˚21’
+, 68˚49’
+, alt.
+4 April 1980
+. Liesner &
+. González 9997
+Sierra de Aroa
+Cerro Negro
+8 km
+SW of San Felipe
+, 10˚17’
+, 69˚1’
+, alt.
+1–2 April 1980
+. Liesner &
+. González 9935
+Banco de la Sierra de Aroa
+6–7 July 1953
+. Aristeguieta &
+. Pannier 1934
+San Felipe
+, en
+Sierra de Aroa
+, vertiente
+, entre “Las Crucesitas” y “El Candelo”, alt
+14 February 1983
+. Ponce 18270
+Dist. Pedraza
+of Alto de la Aguanda
+in área known locally as
+Montanas de Tierra Blanca
+, 8˚37’
+, 70˚40’
+, alt.
+18 April 1988
+et al. 4853
+Dist. Bolívar
+Altamira Municipality
+, “La Gallineta” feldspar mine, 8˚50’
+, 70˚35’
+, alt.
+6 June 1988
+et al. 5436
+de selva nublada a lado de un rio, alt.
+27 August 1966
+further locality,
+further locality,
+5000 ft.
+10 September 1980
+, vereda
+el Cedro
+, sitio
+Alto de Ventanas
+, 75˚32’
+, alt.
+1800–2300 m
+14 June 1992
+et al. 588
+Corregimiento El Cedro
+, via Ventanas-El
+, alt.
+1910 m
+5 November 1987
+Arbelzez, D.
+, km 1-2 from highway on road to
+, 7˚0’
+, 75˚25’
+, alt.
+1900 m
+Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas
+, vereda
+2100–2150 m
+27 February 1989
+et al. 4222
+, vereda
+El Retiro
+, bosque
+La Forzosa
+1650 m
+, corregimiento
+, cuenca del
+río Cuevas
+2000 m
+18 April 1987
+D. Sanchez
+et al. 1294
+19 km
+of Yarumal
+, along
+Medellín-Cartagena Hwy.
+2 km
+Alto de Ventanas
+, 75º27’’
+2000 m
+7 February 1986
+path from
+Sierra Nevada del Cocuy
+, alt.
+2250 m
+21 August 1957
+et al. 657
+Santa María
+, sector
+, vereda
+1300 m
+11 October 2000
+et al. 383
+Santa María
+ajardinas en el municipio, alt.
+800 m
+19 August 2008
+San Luis de Gaceno
+435 m
+28 October 1997
+et al. 42
+, vereda
+1300 m
+4 December 1961
+, vereda
+La Laguna
+1245–1650 m
+et al. 7244
+road, alt.
+2500 ft.
+30 September 1916
+, vereda
+Villa Lucia
+, resguardo indígena
+Villa Lucia
+, camino entre
+La Carbonera
+y la escuela del resguardo,
+700–1000 m
+6 October 2002
+D. Cardenas
+et al. 13543
+Cordillera La Macarena
+, macizo
+, faldas orientales,
+600–1300 m
+30 December 1950
+Sierra de la Macarena
+, central mountains, northridge,
+1200 m
+23 December 1949
+; Sierra de la Macarena;
+northern escarpment, alt.
+1000 m
+Norte de Santander
+4000 ft
+, 26
+, photo
+Quebrada del Río Hacha
+, bosque abierto en
+Cajón de Pulido
+1700 m
+1700 m
+26 March 1940
+región del
+entre Alto del Loro y Alto de Santa Inés
+1800– 2200m
+18 October 1941
+[MO-2161163]), ibid.
+región del
+, hoya del
+río Margua
+entre Junín y Córdoba
+920–1240 m
+22 November 1941
+17–19 km
+San Bernardo de Bata
+en la via a
+Quebrada Honda
+, vereda
+Santa Inés
+1750–1800 m
+1 November 1994
+et al. 11755
+entre Toledo y Santa Inés
+30 March 1987
+et al. 5438
+, km 35, vereda
+4.5–5.2 km
+abajo del parador
+Santa Inés
+1 November 1994
+et al. 2966
+Parque Nacional Natural Yariguies
+San Vicente de Chucurí
+, 1984,
+, corregimiento de
+, vereda
+, ca.
+1723 m
+26 May 2009
+et al. 101
+, reserva
+Biológica Cachalú
+2101 m
+14 January 2008
+et al. 219
+Santa Rosa
+Vereda Verdeyaco
+, km 35 via
+, ca. 1.5 horas de la carretera al occidente
+de Mocoa
+caucana, alt.
+1020 m
+7 August 1990
+et al. 414
+, carretera
+, km 28, vereda
+Las Brisas
+, 1˚42’
+, 75˚43’
+, alt.
+1500 m
+7 August 2001
+Gonzalo Cazarro
+, parroquia
+Reventador. PreCooperative García Moreno. Tercera
+Línea al
+de la carretera, cerca al
+Río Dué
+, 0˚3’
+, 77˚35’
+, alt.
+1300 m
+5 August 1984
+et al. 15082
+along banks of
+Río Hollín
+, ca.
+11.5 km
+east on road to
+, south of
+Volcán Sumaco
+, 0˚40’
+, 77˚40’
+, alt.
+1000 m
+31 July 1990
+Reserva Ecológica Antisana
+, comunidad
+, entrada por km 21-
+, 0˚43’
+, 77˚49’
+, alt.
+1700 m
+23 April 1998
+et al. 5055
+of Pongoyaca
+, 0˚49’
+, 77˚50’
+, alt.
+1450 m
+7 January 1987
+et al. 60355
+Cerro Galeras
+, parroquia
+San Pablo
+, cabecera del
+Rio Pusuno
+, 0˚52’
+, 77˚33’
+, alt.
+1200 m
+Vicinity of Archidona
+, along road to
+San Pablo
+1.8 km
+from main plaza in
+, 0˚57’
+, 77˚49’
+, alt.
+945 m
+et al. 87935
+road, alt.
+550 m
+18–19 July 1982
+et aa., 1646
+Rio Negro Gorge
+Rio Pistaza
+, ca. 1˚24’
+, 78˚12’
+, ca.
+1300 m
+6 August 1978
+road from
+Río Anzu
+and beyond,
+3.6 km
+of Río Anzu
+, 1˚24’24”
+, 78˚28’21’
+, alt.
+2016 m
+7 July 2004
+Katan Jua
+27 past
+along road to
+, 1˚26’
+, 78˚14’
+, alt.
+4000 ft.
+2 February 1984
+between Rio Topo and Mera
+, 1˚27’
+, 78˚10’
+road to
+Río Anzu
+17.1 km
+3.5 km
+of Río Anzu
+, trail
+into mountains, 1˚23’26”
+, 78˚3’19”
+, alt.
+1238–1400 m
+6 May 2003
+et al. 88679
+, alt. ca.
+1000 m
+29 May–6 June 1968
+, ca.
+6 km
+east of
+15 June 1972
+Holgeur Lugo
+, near mission station,
+12 August 1957
+road between
+4 km
+of Mera
+24 December 1979
+, km 46–60, alt.
+1300–1400 m
+8 October 1961
+road between
+, along creek ca.
+5 km
+of Mera
+, 1˚26’
+, 78˚8’
+, alt.
+1100 m
+side of El
+7 October 1974
+Playa del Río Pastaza
+, 1˚28’
+, 77˚58’
+September 1994
+El Porvenir
+, ca.
+5 km
+north of
+17 September 1976
+Holgeur Lugo
+3–4 km
+east of
+28 September 1976
+Holgeur Lugo
+Vicinity of Puyo
+, alt.
+750–1000 m
+August 1939
+, forested quebrada and secondary growth south of town, alt.
+930 m
+16 June 1978
+), km 51 south on road from
+, vicinity of village, 1˚51’
+, 77˚48’
+, alt.
+800 m
+1–3 August 1988
+et al. 14214
+Teresa Mama
+on the
+Río Bobonaza
+, ca.
+35 km
+SE of Sarayacu
+28 August 1979
+Holgeur Lugo
+, alt.
+800–900 m
+2 April 1981
+Holgeur Lugo
+Parroquia Cumandá
+, southern side of
+Río Pastaza
+, ca.
+4 km
+west of
+6 December 1974
+Holgeur Lugo
+road from
+3.8 km
+of main
+Palora–San Vincente de Tarqui Road
+, 0˚40’57”
+, 78˚1’33”
+, alt.
+895 m
+25 August 2002
+Parroquia Chiguaza
+de Cutucú
+, vertiente occidental, en la base
+de la Cordillera
+Comunidad Shuar San José Tsemantsmaim
+, por la carretera a
+, planicie atravesado por el
+Río Shamkaimi
+, 2˚6’
+, 78˚1’
+, alt.
+1200 m
+4 June 2009
+Parroquia Macuma
+Centro Shuar Wisui
+, en la base nororiental
+de la Cordillera de Cutucú
+, 2˚7’22”
+, 77˚44’32”
+, alt.
+600 m
+15 July 2007
+, orillas del
+Río Upano
+, 2˚15’
+, 78˚7’
+, alt.
+1089 m
+10 June 2006
+et al. 2846
+new road
+, alt.
+650 m
+17 August 1989
+van der Werff
+new road
+, km 55–62, alt.
+800 m
+23 August 1989
+van der Werff
+San Miguel
+de los
+, main trail between the villages of
+La Florida
+Río San Miguel
+de los
+), 3˚24’36”
+, 78˚44’49”
+, alt.
+1200–1800 m
+8 January 2001
+Carretera Paute-Guarumales
+, sector
+Amaluisa Parroquía Palmas
+, en
+Pica Guarumales
+9 August 1983
+Cordillera del Cóndor
+Parroquia Tundayme
+Valle del Río Quimi
+, alt.
+970 m
+6 October 2006
+D. Reyes
+Cordillera del Condór
+Valle del Río Quimi
+Parroquia Tundayme
+Cuenca del Río Wawaime
+, alt.
+970 m
+6 October 2006
+D. Rayes
+Cordillera del Condór
+, carretera desde
+Los Encuentros
+el Cerro Machinaza
+, 3˚50’48”
+, 78˚31’41”
+, alt.
+1470 m
+road from near
+south to
+Las Orchídeas
+and end of road on
+Río Nangaritza
+, beginning
+15.9 km
+Río Zamora
+, then
+49.6 km
+Las Orchídeas
+, in vicinity of
+Las Orchídeas
+, 4˚13’44”
+, 78˚39’30”
+, alt.
+877 m
+et al. 91237
+Cordillera del Cóndor
+, “Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes”, along west bank of
+upper Río Nangaritza
+near the
+Cabañas Tankuam
+lodge, 4˚14’53’
+, 78˚39’35”
+, alt.
+et al. 14727
+Vicinity of Las Orchídeas
+, in forest across from
+Cabañas Yankuam
+, 4˚15’5”
+, 78˚39’29”
+870–890 m
+15 September 2007
+, along
+Río Nangaritza
+between Lsa Orchideas and Miasi
+, 4˚17’53”
+, 78˚39’0”
+, alt.
+872 m
+, región del
+Cordillera del Condór
+Parroquia Surmi
+Comunidad Yawi
+del Condór, 4˚29’52”
+, 78˚38’30”
+, alt.
+1500 m
+12 June 2005
+et al. 1374
+Prov. Condorcanqui
+Cordillera del Condor
+Puesto de Vigilancia Alfonso Ugarte
+PV 3
+), cabeceras del
+Rio Comainas
+, tributario al oeste del
+Rio Cenepa
+, cuchillo atras del campamento al norte, 3˚54’
+, 78˚25’
+, alt.
+15 July 1994
+800 (
+Prov. Condorcanqui
+Cordillera del Condor
+Puesto de Vigilancia Alfonso Ugarte
+PV 3
+cabeceras del
+Rio Comainas
+, tributario al oeste del
+Rio Cenepa
+, valle abajo del campamento, 3˚55’
+, 78˚25’
+, alt.
+5 August 1994
+Prov. Bagua
+, alt.
+20 May 1998
+et al. 8277
+San Martín
+Prov. Rioja
+Dist. Pardo Miguel
+Centro Poblado Aguas Verdes
+1, 5˚39’
+, 77˚38’
+, alt.
+24 June 1998
+Sánchez Vega
+et al. 9470
+Prov. San Martín
+of Tarapoto
+, alt.
+9 May 1979
+Prov. San Martín
+La Bocatoma de Shilcayo
+, 6˚27’29”
+, 76˚20’56”
+, alt.
+3 February 2016
+An Felsen des Chilcayo
+November 1902
+Distr. Oxapampa
+road Chatarra–
+, 10˚32’
+, 75˚4’
+, alt.
+12 July 2003
+van der Werff
+et al. 18405
+Distr. Oxapampa
+Dist. Villa Rica
+Bella Esperanza
+, alt.
+21 July 2010
+et al. 36686
+Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillen
+Sector Paujil
+, 10˚20’22”
+, 75˚15’21”
+, alt.
+25 February 2016
+Prov. Coronel Portillo
+Distr. Iparia
+Cuenca del Rio Iparia
+, afluente del
+Rio Ucayali
+Reserva Comunal el Sira
+, 9˚25’
+, 74˚32’
+, alt.
+28 September 2007
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia tepuiensis
+Moonlight & Jara
+spec. nov.
+Fig. 6
+Fig. 7f
+Begonia tepuiensis
+is most similar to
+B. buddleiifolia
+but is distinguished from that species by its unbranched habit (
+B. buddleiifolia
+has frequently-branching stems); larger leaves to
+18 cm
+(those of
+B. buddleiifolia
+rarely exceed
+12 cm
+); its internodes, petioles, and inflorescences that are densely lanate throughout (those of
+B. buddleiifolia
+are sparsely to densely lanate); its lateral inflorescence with only cymose lateral branches branching one time (lower lateral branches in
+B. buddleiifolia
+are tyrsoid with lateral cymose branches branching two to four times); and its longer, lanceolate bracteoles from
+8 to 9 mm
+(those of
+B. buddleiifolia
+are ovate and to
+5 mm
+: Serranía Parú, Cerro Parú: top camp to caño camp, alt. ca.
+1200 m
+13 February 1951
+R.S. Cowen & J.J. Wurdack 31443
+MO [MO-036500],
+NY [NY02497219]).
+caulescent, rhizomatous herbs,
+15–40 cm
+repent, rooting at the nodes, flexuous, unbranched;
+1 cm
+long and rhizomatous at the base of the stem, woody, to
+0.75 cm
+thick, to
+3 cm
+long and trailing towards the apex, to
+0.5 cm
+thick, succulent, very densely lanate, hairs to
+1.5–2 mm
+, red;
+persistent, ovate, 8–12 ×
+4–5 mm
+, apex acute, margins entire, densely ciliate, cilia recurved.
+alternate, clustered towards the apex of the stem, less than 5, basifixed;
+1–1.5 cm
+long, very densely lanate, hairs
+1.5–2 mm
+, red;
+asymmetric at the base, straight, oblique, lanceolate, 8–18 ×
+3–5.5 cm
+, apex acuminate, base cuneate on the narrow side of the blade, rounded on the wide side of the blade, acuspidate, margins double-dentate, teeth
+0.5–2 mm
+long, densely long-ciliate, the upper surface bullate, with 5 to 15 dense, glandular-pilose hairs between each tertiary vein connected to one to four three-fid to eight-fid glands visible within the leaf lamina between each tertiary vein, the glands drying black, the veins sparsely lanate to densely lanate towards the petiolar insertion, the lower surface densely glandular-pilose between the tertiary veins, the veins very densely lanate; venation pinnate, with ca. 15 lateral veins on the widest side of the lamina, and ca. 10 lateral veins on the narrow side.
+axillary, terminal, erect, to
+18 cm
+, very densely lanate throughout, thyrsoid with 6–10 lateral branches, lateral branches cymose, branching 1 time, protandrous;
+8 cm
+long, internodes to
+3 cm
+long, decreasing to ca.
+5 mm
+long at the apex, peduncles of cymes
+2–5 mm
+persistent, ovate, 4–5 ×
+2–4 mm
+, membranous, glabrous, apex obtuse, margin lacerate, ciliate;
+pedicels of male flowers
+4 mm
+long, fibrous;
+pedicels of female flowers
+8–12 mm
+long, fibrous.
+Male flowers
+known only from bud, membranous, glabrous, the margins entire, aciliate, the outer 2 ovate, 4 ×
+2.5 mm
+, apex acute, white, the inner unknown and perhaps non-existent;
+Female flowers
+2 persistent, lanceolate, 8–9 × 2–2.5, membranous, villous outside, glabrous inside, margins serrate, densely ciliate;
+5, persistent in fruit, same colour as males, subequal, lanceolate to ovate, 6–9 × 2–4, margins entire, ciliate;
+ovary body
+globose, 4.5–7 ×
+4–6 mm
+, sparsely pilose, 3-locular, unequally 3-winged, largest wing triangular, not ascending, widest 1/3 of the length towards the apex, 5–12 ×
+6–7 mm
+, apex acute, base cordate to rounded, the upper margin entire, ciliate, the lower margin lacerate, ciliate, smallest 2 marginiform,
+1–2 mm
+wide, rounded;
+axile, simple, ovuliferous all over;
+4–5 mm
+long, bifid
+2 mm
+from base, the branches erect, spirally twisted two to three times, persistent in fruit.
+Fruiting pedicel
+as the female flowers.
+ovate, enlarging to 8 ×
+7 mm
+, largest wing the same shape as in the ovary, enlarging to 12 ×
+12 mm
+, the smallest enlarging to a triangular wing 9 ×
+5 mm
+globose, 0.2 ×
+0.2 mm
+Distribution and habitat:—
+Veneuela. Known only from talus slopes at ca.
+1200 m
+on the Cerro Parú Tepui in the
+Amazonas province
+The genus
+is relatively poorly known from the tepuis of northern Amazonia. We name this species
+B. tepuiensis
+as it is only the third
+described exclusively from tepuis after
+B. steyermarkii
+L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub
+B. nubicola
+L.B.Sm. & B.G.Schub.
+IUCN Redlist Assessment:—
+No information is available about population size or trends in
+Begonia tepuiensis
+, which is known from only a single site. Accordingly, we assess
+B. tepuiensis
+as Vulnerable (VU D2).
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+A revision and recircumscription of Begonia Section Pilderia including one new species
+Moonlight, P. W.
+Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G 12 8 QQ, UK
+Jara-Muñoz, A.
+journal article
+Begonia pilderifolia
+Bull. Herb.
+Boissier, ser. 2, 1: 315 (1901)
+, Type:
+, Serra do Baturite,
+September 1897
+, C. Huber 284 (
+MG, P, G, G-BOISS).
+Begonia pilderifolia
+was first described by A.C.P. de Candolle in
+, it has since been shown to be synonymous with
+B. saxicola
+(Jacques & Mamede 2005)
+. This section is distantly related to
+and placed in Neotropical Clade 1 (Moonlight
+et al.
+2015). We note that
+B. pilderifolia
+requires a
+, but as it is beyond the scope of our revision we are reluctant to do so.
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+Croton crossolepis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species with an unusual trichome type from southwestern Madagascar
+Berry, Paul E.
+Kainulainen, Kent
+journal article
+Croton crossolepis
+P.E.Berry & Kainul.
+sp. nov.
+: along
+Route Nationale
+7 on S side of road, ca.
+30 km
+E of
+190 m
+8 February 2009
+B.W. van Ee
+E. Berry
+B. Dorsey
+H. Razanatsoa
+!, TAN).
+Figs. 1–3
+Croton mavoravina
+Radcliffe-Smith (2016: 32)
+: environs
+, près de la colline
+de la Table
+10–12 January 1947
+H. Humbert
+Croton crossolepis
+is similar to
+C. mavoravina
+but differs in having fringed lepidote trichomes on the young stems and petioles, as well as on the veins of the undersides of the leaves over an underlayer of stellate trichomes (vs. stellate trichomes with several porrect central rays throughout in
+C. mavoravina
+), as well as proportionately narrower and longer bracts subtending the flowers (4–8.5 ×
+0.3–0.5 mm
+vs. 1–3 ×
+0.4–1.2 mm
+C. mavoravina
+Distribution map of
+Croton crossolepis
+from known, geolocatable specimens in southwestern Toliara Province, Madagascar, all along Route Nationale 7 (in yellow). Inset shows location of the satellite photo within Madagascar. Google Earth Image © 2017 DigitalGlobe, reproduced per attribution guidelines.
+Well-branched shrubs to small trees
+1–5 m
+tall (
+Fig. 2A, B, D
+). Young stems stout, somewhat gnarled, loosely dichotomously-branched, with numerous rusty-colored lepidote trichomes with a fringed, silvery margin (
+Fig. 3C
+), showing a bright green phelloderm layer when decorticated (
+Fig. 2C
+). Older stems gray, with numerous vertical, lenticellate striations. Leaves alternate, subcoriaceous, clustered at the branch tips; petioles 1.5–5(–8) cm long, lepidote, with two laterally divergent glands at the junction with the blade, each very shortly stipitate, the stipe lepidote, the apex concave, lustrous, and
+0.5–0.8 mm
+diam.; blades oval-elliptic, (2–)3–6(–10) × 2–4(–6) cm, base shallowly cordate, apex rounded to acute, margins entire, with 10–13 secondary veins on either side of the midvein, adaxially green with multiradiate trichomes, abaxially much paler, appearing brown-dotted on a silvery-white background, with mostly multiradiate trichomes between the veins but with irregularly shaped, rusty-tinged lepidote trichomes along the midvein and the secondary and tertiary veins, these with stiffly fimbriate, horizontal rays (
+Fig. 3B
+). Inflorescence pseudoterminal, thyrsoid-spicate,
+1–6 cm
+long, flowers densely arranged along the axis, only seen in bud or post-anthesis, bracts lanceolate-acicular, 4–8.5 ×
+0.3–0.5 mm
+, exceeding the buds, densely lepidote and brown-dotted, bracteoles 2, flanking each flower, acicular,
+1–2 mm
+long. Staminate flowers: buds globose, densely lepidote, pedicels
+1–2 mm
+long; sepals 5, foliaceous, ca. 3.3 × 2.0 mm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially densely lepidote; petals 5, ellipticspatulate, ca. 3.5 ×
+1.2 mm
+, adaxially glabrous, abaxially papillate and sparsely lepidote, margins ciliate; stamens 16–18, filaments
+3–5 mm
+long, glabrous to the base, anthers elliptic, 1.2–1.5 ×
+0.8–1.2 mm
+; disc glands 5, opposite the sepals, sessile, ca. 0.5 × 1.0 mm; receptacle pilose. Pistillate flowers and fruits not seen.
+Croton crossolepis
+, photos of living plants.
+Large individual ca. 5 m tall (on left). Shorter tree on right with trilobed leaves is
+Jatropha mahafalensis
+Jumelle & Perrier de la Bâthie (1910: 180)
+, and the lanceolate-leaved shrubs in the understory are
+Euphorbia antso
+Denis (1921: 45)
+Closeup of branches showing stout stems and drooping leaves.
+Bicolored leaves with rusty-colored lepidote trichomes on stems. Note green cambial layer of the stem where outer bark was peeled off.
+A small individual on bare limestone just 10 m away from individual shown in A.
+Detail of stem apex showing the silvery underside of a leaf with overlaying brown lepidote scales concentrated along the midvein and secondary veins.
+Branch apex showing the subterminal inflorescence in bud. Note sessile buds and elongate, linear bracts. (From
+van Ee et al. 823
+except for D, photographed nearby; photos: P.E. Berry and B.W. van Ee).
+Croton crossolepis
+, micrographs of dried material.
+View of the base of a leaf with the junction of the petiole, showing scattered stellate trichomes on the adaxial surface and one of the shortly stipulate acropetiolar glands.
+Closeup of the center of a leaf blade on the abaxial surface, showing a background of pale-silvery, stellate trichomes and fewer larger, brown-centered, fimbriate-rayed lepidote trichomes concentrated on the midvein and secondary veins.
+Closeup of a young stem showing densely overlapping browncentered lepidote trichomes with sharp, fringed ray tips (these exemplify the specific epithet
+A rehydrated staminate flower (anthers became detached during drying, but one of the anthers is shown in upper right), showing the venose sepals and petals adaxially and ca. 18 filaments. (
+van Ee et al. 823,
+32; photos: K. Kainulainen).
+Additional specimens examined
+27 February 1943
+R. Decary
+(G, K,
+La Table
+, ca.
+20 km
+N of
+, slope and along ridge,
+50–120 m
+19 May 2004
+Z. Rogers
+F. Rakotonasolo
+, préfecture
+18 January 1971
+28 km
+E of Tuléar
+by road,
+12 November 1985
+—This species appears to be restricted to a narrow swath of deciduous or spiny scrub forest in southwestern
+Toliara Province
+(Atsimo-Andrefana Region), mainly along Route Nationale 7 starting from La Table, about 20 road km east of
+, and extending another
+25 km
+or so (east of Ankororoka) to about a third of the distance from Tuléar to Andranovory (the junction with Route Nationale 10 to Fort Dauphin; see
+Fig. 1
+Habitat and Phenology:
+—Deciduous bush on limestone substrates, elevation
+190 m
+. One individual was seen with post-anthesis flowers in late November, and all others collections examined were in bud in January, February, and May. The species likely flowers for short periods of time following the infrequent periods of heavy rain that mostly occur from October to April in the region.
+—The specific epithet refers to the stiffly fringed-scaled trichomes on the stems and scattered along the veins of the leaf undersides. In the field we referred to this species as the “Velcro”
+because of its tendency to cling to clothing with its fimbriate scales, akin to the VELCRO® brand self-engaging hook and loop fasteners.
+Conservation assessment:—
+Croton crossolepis
+is currently known from just six collections in scrub forest east of
+, between La Table and Ankororoka, along Route Nationale 7. This is an area that has been severely threatened by deforestation and fires set to clear the land, and only La Table now belongs to a protected area, the Tsinjoriake Reserve. We visited La Table twice, once in the wet season and once in the dry season, and did not find any individuals of this species, so we assume that it is not common there. Since the overall area of occupancy is less than
+2,000 km
+, only six locations are known, and the quality of habitat in the area is in evident decline, we consider that it should be assigned a conservation status of Vulnerable (VU B2abiii) following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2012).
+Although we still lack fruits and pistillate flowers of this species, it is distinctive enough in other features from the remaining members of the genus in the arid southeast of
+that we are confident in describing it here as a new species. Most of the numerous other species of
+that occur in the area around
+are much smaller-leaved, including those that co-occur with it on La Table, such as
+C. inops
+Baillon (1890: 864)
+C. chauvetiae
+Leandri (1970: 310)
+. At the easternmost (
+) location of
+C. crossolepis
+, we observed considerable variation in the size of the plants, with some quite small and compact on open ground of limestone outcrops (
+Fig. 2D
+), while others nearby in more protected, forested spots grew as small trees to
+5 m
+tall (
+Fig. 2A
+, left side).
+One of the main features that differentiates this species from its congeners is the unusual
+of trichomes that are found on the stems and undersides of the leaves. These are irregularly lepidote scales that have a markedly brown central disc but fringed rays that are silvery-translucent; when coming into contact with a shirt sleeve, the stiff, partially separated rays of these trichomes often cling to the fabric almost like hook and loop fasteners. These larger scales are superimposed upon a denser layer of uniformly silvery, multiradiate trichomes underneath (
+Fig. 2E, F
+). Another particular feature of this species are the acicular bracts that subtend the flowers on the inflorescence (
+Fig. 2F
+). Radcliffe-Smith (2016) treated this species as a variety of
+C. mavoravina
+, but that species, which occurs farther east in
+Toliara Province
+, is characterized by more membranaceous, wavy-margined leaves with uniformly stellate pubescence on both sides of the leaves, as well as on the stems and petioles. It also has smaller bracts and more slender, straighter shoots than
+C. crossolepis
+. In the molecular phylogeny of Malagasy species of
+et al.
+Croton crossolepis
+is treated as “
+sp. nov.
+A,” and it is a member of the Western Indian Ocean Region (WIOR) Clade 1, which also includes
+C. mavoravina
+. Within that clade,
+C. crossolepis
+is sister to a subclade of 12 species that in turn is divided into two well supported groups. The first of these two groups includes
+C. mavoravina
+along with several others smaller-leaved species from the south of
+, including C.
+Leandri (1970: 310),
+C. miarensis
+Leandri (1969: 504)
+, and
+C. kimosorum
+Leandri (1939: 29)
+. Such a pattern suggests that
+C. crossolepis
+may be related to
+C. mavoravina
+, but is certainly not conspecific with it. We chose not to simply make a new combination with the Radcliffe-Smith (2016) varietal name “
+” because that is not required by the Code, but more importantly we chose to use our own collection as the
+because it is well documented with a georeferenced locality, photographs are available in the Tropicos® database, and molecular sequence data from it are published in
+et al.
+In view of our current lack of knowledge about the pistillate flowers and fruits of this species, we would strongly encourage botanists visiting southern
+to search for this species in an effort to characterize it more substantially and to improve the threat assessment for the species. Mature inflorescences, particularly ones with female flowers and fruits would be particularly helpful. Likewise, since we do not yet understand the significance of the green phelloderm layer underneath the young stem cortex, determining the extent of this feature on older wood would also be desirable.
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+Danxiaorchis yangii sp. nov. (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae), the second species of Danxiaorchis
+Yang, Boyun
+School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, P. R. China;
+Xiao, Shihe
+School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, P. R. China;
+Jiang, Yawen
+School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, P. R. China;
+Luo, Huolin
+School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, P. R. China;
+Xiong, Dongjin
+School of Life Sciences, Nanchang University, Nanchang, 330031, P. R. China;
+Zhai, Junwen
+College of Landscape, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, P. R. China; & Cross-Strait Orchids Conservation Research Center, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, P. R. China;
+Li, Bo
+journal article
+Danxiaorchis yangii
+B. Y. Yang et Bo Li
+sp. nov.
+Figs. 2 A
+Danxiaorchis yangii
+obviously differs from
+D. singchiana
+in its Y-shaped callus adaxially bearing a remarkable obovoid appendage, and in its four pollinia narrowly elliptic in shape and equal in size.
+Jiangxi Province
+Ji’an City
+Jinggangshan Mountain
+Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve
+, forest margins, under mixed shrubs,
+, ca.
+360 m
+7 April 2016
+.Yang 075
+10–25 cm
+tall, holomycotrophic.
+tuberous, fleshy, cylindrical,
+5–15 mm
+3–11 mm
+thick, with many minute and short branches, without roots.
+terete, pale red-brown, slightly tinged with green-yellow, 2- to 3-sheathed; sheaths cylindrical, clasping stem, membranous, 25–45 ×
+4–7 mm
+4–8 cm
+long, 5- to 30-flowered;
+floral bracts
+oblong-lanceolate, 12–19 × 2.5–3.0 mm, apex acuminate, with sparse to dense purple-red spots;
+pedicel and ovary
+bright yellow,
+15–25 mm
+long, glabrous;
+yellow, obovateelliptic, dorsal sepals 11–16 ×
+3.5–5.5 mm
+, acute to obtuse; lateral sepals 12–18 ×
+3.6–6.3 mm
+, acute;
+yellow, narrowly elliptic, 8.0–15 × 3.5–6.0 mm, acute;
+3-lobed, with 3–4 pairs of purple-red stripes on side lobes and purple-red spots on middle lobe; side lobes erect, slightly clasping the column, subsquare, 3.5–4.0 × 5.0–
+5.5 mm
+; mid-lobe oblong, 5.0–5.5 ×
+4.5–5 mm
+, apex acute to obtuse; labellum with two sacs at the base and a Y-shaped fleshy callus centrally;
+4.5 mm
+tall, extending from the base of disc to the base of mid-lobe, adaxially covering an additional obovoid appendage, ca. 3.0–
+3.5 mm
+in diameter;
+cream colored, straight, semi-cylindrical, 5.0–
+5.5 mm
+long, footless;
+concave, triangular, terminal;
+anther cap
+ellipsoid, ca.
+1.3 mm
+in diameter;
+four, in two pairs, narrowly elliptic, granular-farinaceous, composed of friable massulae, each pair containing two pollinia equal in size with a thick caudicle attached to a common subsquare viscidium.
+purple red, fusiform,
+35–45 mm
+13–15 mm
+dark brown, cylindrical, 1.7 ×
+0.8 mm
+, fleshy.
+The specific epithet refers to the family name of the first author, Pro. Boyun Yang, who devotes himself to the conservation of orchids biodiversity in
+Jiangxi Province
+Distribution and habitat:—
+To date, the species was discovered only from Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve in western
+, eastern of
+. It occurs in nearly the same longitude as
+D. singchiana
+but in higher latitude (
+Fig. 4
+D. yangii
+frequently grows at the margin of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, under mixed shrubs and bamboo forest, in wet places at elevations of
+360 m
+Danxiaorchis yangii
+B. Y. Yang et Bo Li
+sp. nov.
+A. Flowering plant and rhizome; B. Flower, front view (left) and bottom view (right); C. Dissection of a flower, showing dorsal sepal, petal, lateral sepal and labellum with column; D. Appendage of the labellum, side view; E. Column, side view (left) and front view (right); F. Anther cap, ventral view (left) and dorsal view (right); G. Pollinarium; H. Capsule.
+Morphology of
+Danxiaorchis yangii
+B. Y. Yang et Bo Li
+sp. nov.
+(A–I) and
+D. singchiana
+(a–c). A. Flowering in nature habitat and rhizome (showed in the black circle); B, a. Front view of a flower; C. Bottom view of labellum, showing two sacs; D. Front view of the Y-shaped appendage of labellum; E. Upper view of a labellum with column; F. Side view of a labellum with column; G, b. Side view of the Y-shaped appendage of the labellum; H. Capsule; I, c. Pollinarium. Scale bars: B, a = 1 cm; C, D, E = 5 mm; F, G, I, c = 1 mm; H = 1 cm; b = 2 mm. Images b and c were cited from the Figure 1 in
+et al.
+Distribution map of
+Danxiaorchis yangii
+(circle) and
+D. singchiana
+Flowering was observed from mid April to mid May, and fruiting from mid May to late May.
+Conservation status:—
+The species is currently known only from one site, and the observed total population is calculated as less than 250 individuals, so it should be considered an very small or restricted population and given an IUCN (2014) provisional conservation status of Endangered (EN, criterion D).
+Additional specimens examined (
+Jiangxi Province
+, Ji’an City, Jinggangshan Mountain, Jinggangshan National Nature Reserve, forest margins, under mixed shrubs,
+, ca.
+360 m
+10 May 2016
+B.Y.Yang 076
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