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+On a new species of the genus Simlops (Araneae, Oonopidae) from Guyana, with notes on the bodanus group of species
+Feitosa, Níthomas M.
+Bonaldo, Alexandre B.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017021
+journal article
+Simlops kartabo
+sp. nov.
+Figs 1–15
+Type materiaL.
+, Cuyuni-
+Mazaruni region
+), 1924, sifting, unknown collector (
+OON 1024
+EtymoLogy. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the
+Diagnosis. Males of
+Simlops kartabo
+sp. nov.
+are similar to those of
+(Chickering, 1968)
+in the short, wide-based needLe-Like process on paLpaL conductor (see
+et al
+., 2014
+: fig. 315), but are readiLy recognized by this process being basally inserted and by the shorter embolus, strongly bent proximally, with truncate apex (
+Figs 12–15
+Description. MaLe (PBI_OON 1024, figs 1–15). Total length
+1.80 mm
+. Carapace, sternum and mouthparts pale orange, without color pattern; abdomen ovoid, dorsum soft portions white, abdominal scutum yellow. Sternal microsculpture only in furrows. Endites with prolateral process stout, gently curved retrolaterally, with apex truncate; retrolateral projection triangular, with wide base; median process narrow, not protruded. Postepigastric scutum almost semicircular, covering about 3/4 of abdominal length. Palp: embolus sinuous, with a strong basal bend and truncate tip; conductor longer than embolus, semitranslucent, originating from the bulbus, with a basal unsclerotized hook and long, bifurcated sclerotized strip.
+Female: Unknown.
+Other material examined. None.
+Distribution. Known only from the
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+First illustrated description of the male of Diphya macrophthalma, the type species of the genus (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
+Marusik, Yuri M.
+Omelko, Mikhail M.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017036
+journal article
+Diphya rugosa
+Tullgren, 1902
+, revalidated
+Figs 31, 32
+Diphya rugosa
+TULLGREN, 1902:31
+, pl. 3, f. 3 (
+examined after photographs provided by A. Tanikawa (for specimen details see
+TANIKAWA, 1995:106
+Diphya macrophthalma
+TANIKAWA, 1995:106
+, f. 18 (
+, synonymised two species).
+Diphya rugosa
+was described based on
+three specimens
+from Valley of
+River belonging cUrrently to
+Aysén Province
+TANIKAWA (1995)
+was first to examined the
+. BecaUse of some similarities in shape of median plate of epigyne, and presence of mating plug in epigyne of
+D. macrophthalma
+hiding fovea, he considered two species as synonyms. Comparisons made in this study, show that the epigyne of
+D. rugosa
+D. macrophthalma
+(figs 18 and 17 respectively in
+Tanikawa, 1995
+) differ in siZe (respectively
+Figs 32, 30
+). It is clear that the epigyne of the former species is larger and the marginal plates well differ in shape. After maceration of epigyne of
+D. macrophthalma
+, it became clear that species is lacking a septum, which is present in
+D. rugosa
+In addition, the
+localities of the two species are separated by over
+600 km
+Fig. 36
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+First illustrated description of the male of Diphya macrophthalma, the type species of the genus (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
+Marusik, Yuri M.
+Omelko, Mikhail M.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017036
+journal article
+Diphya spinifera
+Tullgren, 1902
+Diphya spinifera
+TULLGREN, 1902:26
+, pl. 2, f. 4, pl. 3, f. 1 (
+TANIKAWA 1995:110
+, f. 22, 25‒26 (
+Diphya spinifera
+: ÁLVAREZ- PADILLA & HORMIGA 2011:756, f. 26A‒G, 27A‒G, 28A‒F, 29A‒G, 30A‒C (
+) possibly misidentified.
+Comments. The species was described from the same locality as the previoUs one, from Valley of
+River. Mapping distribution of Chilean
+we recognized that specimens of
+D. spinifera
+examined and illUstrated in details by ÁLVAREZ- PADILLA & HORMIGA (2011) were collected far from the type locality (about
+900 km
+to the north). Comparison of the figUres of epigyne in
+, fig. 22) made from the
+D. spinifera
+and that made by ÁLVAREZ- PADILLA & HORMIGA (2011, 28a and 30c) from northern specimens reveals that the females from distant localities have different proportions of median plate of epigyne (semicircular in
+and circular in northern specimens). FigUres of the male palp also differ in
+TANIKAWA (1995)
+and ÁLVAREZ-PADILLA & HORMIGA (2011), bUt interpretation of sUch differences is not possible, because it seems that lamella accompanied embolus is not illustrated in
+TANIKAWA (1995)
+. It is very likely that specimens examined by ÁLVAREZ- PADILLA & HORMIGA (2011) represent undescribed species.
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+First illustrated description of the male of Diphya macrophthalma, the type species of the genus (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
+Marusik, Yuri M.
+Omelko, Mikhail M.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017036
+journal article
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+Figs 1‒30, 33‒35
+Diphya macrophthalma
+NICOLET, 1849:406
+SIMON, 1889:217
+TANIKAWA, 1995:106
+, f.17 (
+examined after photographs provided by A.Tanikawa (for specimen details see
+TANIKAWA, 1995:106
+Diphya crassipes
+NICOLET, 1849:406
+Diphya brevipes
+NICOLET, 1849:407
+Diphya longipes
+NICOLET, 1849:407
+Material examined.
+Los Rios Region
+, N. P. PUyehUe, AnticUra Sector, ca.
+, edge of
+forest, anthropogenic meadow,
+K. Eskov
+Los Lagos Region
+N. P. Alerce Andino
+, boggy
+, in
+, 5-
+K. Eskov
+Chiloé Isl.
+Senda Darwin Biol. Station
+, boggy
+matorral, in moss and sweeping, 30.01‒
+, same locality, dates and collector,
+, in
+Note. In the first half of 19th centUry two provinces, Osorno and Llanquihue, now belonging to different administrative regions were considered as parts of Valdivia Province, and therefore two of
+six specimens
+treated here were collected in “terra typica” and four other were collected in neighboring Chiloé Province.
+Diagnosis. Male of
+D. macrophthalma
+well differs from other species occurring in southern South America by having straight tibial apophysis (bent in other species). Females of
+D. macrophthalma
+can be distinguished by lack of septum, longitudinal fovea and rectangular median plate (vs. septum present, fovea transversal if present, and round or inverted trapezoidal median plate (cf.
+, figs 18, 20‒22).
+Description. Male. Total length 2.75, carapace 1.38 long, 1.10 wide. Carapace yellowish with white median band and brownish sides of thoracic part (
+Fig. 6
+). Eyes surrounded with wide black rings. Eyes very large except AME (
+Figs 5‒6
+), which are aboUt 2 times smaller than others; black rings around AME and ALE touching each other, lateral eyes spaced by more that 1 diameter, posterior eye row wider than anterior one; PME spaced by less than 1 diameter. Clypeus yellow about 1.5 of AME diameter or 1 diameter of ALE. Chelicerae brown, darker near fangs, with 3 prolateral and 4 retrolateral teeth. Sternum brown with dark brown margins; labiUm and maxillae dark brown. Femora brown withoUt spots. Tibiae and metatarsi with grayish spots at top and middle part. Tibia-tarsi of legs I and II with row of stiff inflexible setae forming catching basket. Legs siZe, nUmber and position of macrosetae shown in
+Tabs I
+, II. Abdomen whitish, dorsum with folium composed by bright white spots and stripes and dark stripes and bands. Lateral sides of abdomen black with white longitudinal stripes near dorsum. Ventral side of abdomen yellowish with gray longitudinal band. Epigastrum with about 2 dozens of epiandrous fusules (
+Fig. 34
+). Colulus with few setae (
+Fig. 35
+Palp as in
+Figs 9‒15
+. FemUr as long as patella and tibia, about 4 times longer than wide; patella cylindrical, with long dorsal macrosetae about 2 times longer than patella; tibia subconical with wider distal part, with long cylindrical dorso-retrolateral apophysis (Da); distal part of tibia with 4 long macrosetae; cymbium with prolateral hollow (rounded cUt off) (
+Figs 12
+); paracymbiUm complex with bilobate ventral part (Pv) and spine like dorsal part (Pd); ventral lobe of ventral part larger dorsal and bears five macrosetae; bUlb oval in lateral view; tegulum (Tg) ribbon like; conductor (Co) lamellar twisted aroUnd axis together with embolUs, embolus proper (Em) with wide accompanying membrane (Am) heavily sclerotized ventrally (Ev).
+Female. Total length 4.28, carapace 1.8 long, 1.35 wide. Carapace like in male. Sternum brown with dark brown margins (
+Fig. 3
+). Legs I and II like in males with prolateral row of stiff setae. Legs siZe, nUmber and position of macrosetae shown in Tabs III, IV.Abdomen white without distinct pattern, with median stripe lacking guanine spots; posterior part with almost indistinct dark lateral spots; venter with more distinct pattern, composed by 2 parallel dark stripes in the middle, and dark lateral bands laterally, number and size of guanine spots fewer than in dorsum.
+Epigyne as in
+Figs 22‒30
+, epigynal plate 1.4 wider than high, with well delimited by furrow (Ef) oval central plate (Pc) and marginal plate (Pm), marginal plate thin on lateral sides and wide in anterior part, anterior edges with kind of pockets (Ap) well distinct in macerated epigyne; central plate with square shape median plate (Mp) and small longitudinal fovea (Fo); anterior part of median plate with hollow and pit (Pi); anterior part of fovea with one copulatory opening (Oc); copulatory ducts (Cd) diverging posteriorly; receptacles with two chambers, large posterior (Rp) and smaller anterior (Ra). Anterior part of anterior chamber covered with accessory glands appeared as pit (Pi) with 1‒3 cilia (Gc).
+Figs 1‒8. Somatic characters of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849: 1
+, 2, female habitus, dorsal; 3, female habitus, ventral; 4, 5, male prosoma, frontal and dorsal; 6, male habitus, dorsal; 7, male prosoma, ventral; 8, female prosoma, ventral. Fig. 2, holotype, made by Tanikawa. Scale = 0.2 mm if not otherwise indicated.
+Tab. I. Legs segments length in ♂ of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+Femur |
+Patella |
+Tibia |
+Metatarsus |
+Tarsus |
+Total |
+I 1.70 |
+0.60 |
+1.58 |
+1.95 |
+0.98 |
+6.80 |
+II 1.53 |
+0.54 |
+1.28 |
+1.44 |
+0.78 |
+5.57 |
+III 0.95 |
+0.30 |
+0.63 |
+0.68 |
+0.45 |
+3.00 |
+IV 1.35 |
+0.30 |
+0.90 |
+0.99 |
+0.53 |
+4.07 |
+Tab. II. Spination of legs in ♂ of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+ |
+Femur |
+Patella |
+Tibia |
+Metatarsus |
+I |
+1(0)d, 4p, 6r |
+1d |
+2d, 3p, 2p |
+- |
+II |
+2d, 3(4)p, 5r |
+1d |
+1d, 2p, 2r |
+- |
+III |
+2(3)d |
+2d |
+1p, 1r |
+1d, 2p |
+IV |
+3d, 1p, 1r |
+2d |
+2d,1p, 1r |
+1d, 1p |
+Figs 9‒15. Male palp of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849: 9
+, whole palp, retrolateral; 10, 11, terminal part of palp, retro-ventral and antero-ventral; 12, same, prolateral; 13, 14 same, anterior and dorsal; 15, terminal part of the bulb, retrolateral (Am, accompanying membrane; Co, conductor; Da, dorso-retrolateral apophysis; Em, embolus; Ev, embolus ventrally; Pd, spine like dorsal part; Tg, tegulum). Scale = 0.2 mm.
+Tab. III. Legs segments length in ♀ of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+Femur |
+Patella |
+Tibia |
+Metatarsus |
+Tarsus |
+Total |
+I |
+1.82 |
+0.75 |
+1.68 |
+1.65 |
+0.83 |
+6.72 |
+II |
+1.58 |
+0.69 |
+1.35 |
+1.41 |
+0.83 |
+5.85 |
+III |
+1.02 |
+0.45 |
+0.71 |
+0.75 |
+0.53 |
+3.45 |
+IV |
+1.44 |
+0.45 |
+1.02 |
+0.98 |
+0.62 |
+4.50 |
+Tab. IV. Spination of legs in ♀ of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+ |
+Femur |
+Patella |
+Tibia |
+Metatarsus |
+I |
+2p |
+1d |
+2p, 1r |
+- |
+II |
+- |
+1d |
+1d, 2p, 1(2)r |
+- |
+III |
+- |
+1d |
+1p, 1r |
+1d, 1p |
+IV |
+- |
+1d |
+1d, 1p |
+1p |
+Figs 16‒24. Male palp and epigyne of
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849: 16
+, 17 terminal part of palp with removed bulb, ventro-retrolateral, retrolateral and dorso-retrolateral; 19‒21 bUlb, dorsal, anterior and prolateral-anterior; 22 epigyne, ventral; 23 epigyne, dorsal; 24 anterior chamber of receptacle with glands (Am, accompanying membrane; Co, conductor; Cd, copulatory ducts; Da, dorso-retrolateral apophysis; Em, embolus; Ef, epigynal furrow; Ev, embolus ventrally; Fo, fovea; Gc, gland cilia; Mp, median plate; Oc, copulatory opening; Pc, central plate; Pd, dorsal part of paracymbium; Pi, pit; Pm, marginal plate. Scale = 0.1 mm if not otherwise indicated.
+Shape of fovea, pit and copulatory opening well visible in SEM photographs only.
+female and 3 examined females with mating plUg (Pl) inside fovea. SiZe of plug vary from small (
+Fig. 25
+) to large (
+Fig. 26
+Variations. White median stripe on carapace in one of
+three females
+almost indistinct. In all
+three males
+examined white stripe is distinct. Venter of abdomen vary from uniformly white to with distinct pattern as shown on
+Fig. 3
+. SiZe variation: male, total length 2.53‒2.75, carapace 1.35‒1.43 long; female, total length 3.88-4.28, carapace 1.63-1.93 long. NICOLET (1845) indicated size of
+D. macrophthalma
+as 1.5 lines which corresponds to
+3.2 mm
+3.8 mm
+(depends if counted line as 1/12
+or 1/10
+of the inch), while
+SIMON (1889)
+mentioned that it is
+4.5 mm
+Distribution. So far it is known in four localities in Central
+Fig. 36
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+First illustrated description of the male of Diphya macrophthalma, the type species of the genus (Araneae, Tetragnathidae)
+Marusik, Yuri M.
+Omelko, Mikhail M.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017036
+journal article
+Nicolet, 1849
+NICOLET, 1849:406
+SIMON, 1894:744
+TULLGREN, 1902:24
+TANIKAWA, 1995:102
+Diphya macrophthalma
+Nicolet, 1849
+from central
+, designated by
+SIMON (1894)
+is one of the best delimited genera of
+due to eye pattern and spination of legs I and II. ALE as well as posterior eyes are greatly enlarged and at least 2 times larger than AME (vs. all eyes equal in size, or if sizes heterogeneous, lateral eyes are smallest). In addition to large size, the lateral eyes in
+are widely spaced. This character (spaced lateral eyes) is known in only a few
+, were all eyes are of equal size. Another character that allows
+to be separated from other tetragnathids is retrolateral row of stiff sUbdecUmbent setae on legs I and II (
+Figs 1, 2, 4, 8
+) forming kind of capturing basket. Males of species occurring in
+can be distinguished from all other
+by having tibial apophysis (
+Figs 9, 12, 14
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+New species of Eclipta from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Rhinotragini)
+Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
+Santos-Silva, Antonio
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017027
+journal article
+Eclipta dendensis
+sp. nov.
+0955960C-B4BA-452D-9301- 1BD0E13A69B6
+Female. Integument black with greenish or violaceous rEflEctiOns On sOmE arEas; antEnnOmErE VIII with darK reddish-brown ring on basal quarter; antennomere IX with reddish-brown ring on basal quarter, more yellowish ventrally; antennomeres X-XI with pale yellow ring on basal third; pronotum yellow except transverse reddish-brown band close to distal margin; sides of prothorax mostly yellow except black area close to procoxal cavity, reddish-brown basal area and black distal area, and irregular reddish-brown macula on distal third; elytra with small reddish macula on sides of humeri; metacoxae brown maculated with reddish-brown areas; metatrochanters yellowish-brown; distal 2/3 of metatarsomere I and entire surface of II pale yellow; metatarsomere III reddish-brown on basal half, brown On lObEs; mEtatarsOmErE IV rEddish-brOwn; basal half Of mEtatarsOmErE V rEddish-brOwn, distal half darK brOwn; basal prOjEctiOn Of abdOminal vEntritE I palE yEllOw.
+Head (
+Fig. 4
+). Rostrum (between apex of inferior ocular lobe and genal apex) in frontal view 0.8 time length Of lOwEr EyE lObE. FrOns finEly, abundantly punctatE clOsE tO clypeal area and lower eye lobes, somewhat coarser, sparser On invErtEd V-shapEd cEntral arEa; with shOrt, dEcumbEnt, sparse yellowish setae, distinctly more abundant close tO lOwEr EyE lObEs. ArEa bEtwEEn lOwEr EyE lObEs finEly, abundantly punctate (punctures as on frontal area close to lower eye lobes); with short, decumbent, moderately abundant yellowish setae close to eyes, sparser toward coronal suture, interspersed with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae close to eyes. Area between antennal tubercles and prothoracic margin mOdEratEly cOarsEly, dEnsEly, cOnfluEntly punctatE; with minute, decumbent, sparse yellowish setae interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Antennal tubercles gradually minutely punctate toward apex; with short, erect, moderately sparse yellowish setae. Coronal suture distinct from clypeus tO arEa bEtwEEn antEnnal tubErclEs. POstclypEal arEa finEly punctate basally, smooth toward apex; with short, decumbent, sparse yellowish setae on punctate area, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae, glabrous on smooth area. Labrum minutEly, abundantly punctatE basally, smOOth toward apex; with long, erect, yellowish setae laterally and brush of yellowish setae on distal margin. Outer side of mandiblEs, mOdEratEly finEly, abundantly punctatE On basal 2/3 (puncturEs, cOnfluEnt and OblOng); with sOmE lOng, erect yellowish setae. Area behind lower eye lobes with short, decumbent yellowish setae close to eye; remaining surfacE with lOng, ErEct, sparsE yEllOwish sEtaE. GEnaE finEly, mOdEratEly sparsEly punctatE tOward vEntral sidE, finEly, densely punctate toward dorsal side (somewhat striate close to eye), smooth toward apex; with minute, decumbent, sparse yellowish setae, ventrally interspersed with some long, erect yellowish setae. Gular region smooth close to prothorax, finEly, sparsEly punctatE tOward submEntum; glabrOus clOsE to prothorax, with short and long, erect, sparse yellowish sEtaE tOward submEntum. SubmEntum finEly striatE-punctatE; with short and long, erect, moderately sparse yellowish setae. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.65 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.55 time length of scape. Antennae 1.2 time elytral length, rEaching distal fifth Of Elytra; vEntral sidE Of scapE, pEdicEl and antEnnOmErEs III-VII with lOng, ErEct, thicK, darK sEtaE, gradually shOrtEr, sparsEr tOward VII; antEnnal fOrmula (ratiO) basEd On antEnnOmErE III: scapE = 0.82; pEdicEl = 0.29; IV = 0.70; V = 0.88; VI = 0.76; VII = 0.70; VIII = 0.59; IX = 0.50; X = 0.50; XI = 0.67.
+Thorax. Prothorax subcylindrical, 1.2 time longer than wide, laterally slightly rounded. Pronotum coarsely punctate-reticulate; with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae; with slightly conspicuous yellowish-white pubescence basally. Sides of prothorax coarsely, abundantly punctate on yellowish area, obliquely striate on basal reddish-brown area, smoother on distal black area; with yellowish-white pubescence on basal half of yellow area; with short and long, erect yellowish except subglabrous distal area. Prosternum coarsely, abundantly punctate on basal half, mostly smooth on distal half; with whitish pubescence interspersed with long, erect, whitish setae on punctate area, glabrous on smooth area. Prosternal process narrowed centrally, notably triangularly expanded toward apex; triangular depressed, centrally carinate. Mesosternum centrally with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, laterally slightly conspicuous. Mesepisternum, mesepimeron and metepisternum with whitish pubescence partially obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect whitish setae. Metasternum minutely, densely punctate (less dense toward central smooth arEa), latErally intErspErsEd with finE, mOdEratEly abundant punctures; with whitish pubescence, gradually sparser toward center, interspersed with long, erect whitish setae. Scutellum longitudinally sulcate centrally, mainly after midlength; with minute whitish setae not obscuring integument. Elytra. Reaching apex of fourth abdominal segment (
+Fig. 1
+); outer sides convergent from base to slightly after apex of basal third, parallel-sided toward apex; apex slightly obliquely truncatE, with minutE prOjEctiOn at sutural anglE; cOarsEly, punctate-reticulate throughout; with minute, moderately abundant yellowish setae interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae (longer, more abundant on basal third). LEgs. ApEx Of mEtafEmOra surpassing Elytral apEx (
+Fig. 3
+). Metatarsomere I 1.45 time II-III together.
+AbdOmEn (
+Fig. 2
+). VEntritE I minutEly, dEnsEly punctatE latErally, intErspErsEd with finE puncturEs, smOOth cEntrally; vEntritEs II–IV minutEly, dEnsEly punctatE intErspErsEd with finE puncturEs, ExcEpt smOOth cEntEr-distal arEa; vEntritE V minutEly, minutEly, dEnsEly punctatE intErspErsEd with finE puncturEs, ExcEpt smOOth basal rEgiOn; laterally with whitish, decumbent, abundant whitish setae (not obscuring integument), interspersed with long, erect whitish setae, gradually sparser toward center (glabrous on cEntEr-distal arEa Of vEntritE I and basal quartEr Of V); apEx Of vEntritE V rOundEd.
+Dimensions in mm (
+female). Total length (from mandibular apex to abdominal apex), 8.55; prothorax: length, 1.75; basal width, 1.26; distal width, 1.25; widest prothoracic width, 1.45; humeral width, 1.60; elytral length, 5.00.
+TypE matErial.
+Reserva Ecológica da Michelin
+139 m
+M. Aragão
+E. Menezes
+E. Mota
+col. (
+Figs 1-4.
+Eclipta dendensis
+sp. nov.
+, holotype female, habitus: 1, dorsal; 2, ventral; 3, lateral; 4, frontal view.
+Etymology. The name refers to the region where the
+was collected, popularly known as Costa do Dendê.
+Eclipta dendensis
+sp. nov.
+(NEwman, 1841) by thE mEtatarsi mOstly palE yEllOw, but diffErs as follows (female): distal antennomeres with basal light ring; pronotum coarsely punctate-reticulate; distal 2/3 of outer side of the elytra parallel-sided; sutural distal third of the elytra not dehiscent; elytra not narrowed toward apex from midlength; apex of metafemora slightly surpassing elytral apex; elytral apex reaching apex of fourth abdominal segment. In
+, the distal antennomeres are not ringed, pronotum is moderately finEly and abundantly punctatE, thE distal 2/3 Of OutEr sidE Of the elytra is somewhat concave, distal third of the sutural angle of the elytra is dehiscent, elytra narrowed toward apex from midlength, apex of metafemora distinctly surpasses the elytral apex, and elytral apex reaching at about midlength of third abdominal segment (sometimes the apex of third segment). It diffErs frOm
+BatEs, 1873
+, but diffErs mainly by the metatarsi mostly pale yellow (dark in
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+Two new Japanagromyza Sasakawa (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Brazil
+Sousa, Viviane R. de
+Couri, Márcia S.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017032
+journal article
+Japanagromyza arcuaria
+sp. nov.
+Figs 1-8
+0C254B13-7055-42E7- BC9D-25B418B040D1
+Type material.
+, RO [
+Campo Novo
+Fazenda Amorim
+Malaise trap
+6 m
+cols. (
+, MS [
+Mato Grosso do Sul
+Reserva Quinta do Sol
+12-29. viii.2012
+& eq. cols (
+); (
+& eq. cols, (
+); CorumbÁ (
+B.E.P. Paratudal
+29.x-14. xi.2012
+Lamas Nihei
+& eq. cols. (
+Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the presence of a sclerotized arc before the apex of the distiphallus.
+Measurements. Male. Body length: 2.0 mm; wing length:
+1.5 mm
+Fig. 1
+). Female Body length:
+2.1 mm
+; wing length:
+1.7 mm
+Fig. 2
+Color. Frons mat black, slightly reddish brown on basal half; the basal reddish brown occupies about 1/3 of the frons; fronto-orbital plate and ocellar triangle shining black; upper shining dark orbit touching the outer vertical and inner vertical setae; lunule and face grey yellowish; clypeus slightly shiny brownish yellow; gena orange; antenna entirely brownish yellow; arista brown; palpus brown, with black setae apically; proboscis yellow; labellum yellow, with yellow setae; scutum and scutellum shining dark brown; postpronotum light yellow, with a median brown spot; notopleuron light yellow; anepimeron, anepisternum, katepimeron, katepisternum and meron dark brown; suture between anepisternum and anepimeron light yellow; haltere entirely pale yellow; calypter pale yellow, with margin and fringe black; wing clear, light yellow at base; legs yellow, except tip of mid and hind coxae, mid and hind tibiae and tarsi brown; pulvilli yellow; tergites 1+2 entirely yellow, tergite 3 yellow with a brown spot centrally, tergite 4 yellow with a brown spot centrally and two spot laterally, tergite 5, tergite 6 and terminalia entirely brown.
+Head. Frons slightly visible above the eye margin in lateral profile; 2 reclinate ori and 2 reclinate ors, both very strong, the ori a little smaller; interfrontal hairs absent; orbital setulae erect in one row; eye bare; facial kell not differentiated; eye height/parafacialia+gena: 4; ocellar triangle long, reaching the second ori insertion level; ocellar setae long, parallel and directed forward; inner vertical setae long and strong; outer vertical setae strong and outwards directed; lunule high and straight, about 20% of frons length; clypeus narrow; epistoma high
+0.03 mm
+; first flagellomere rounded and finely pubescent; arista long, finely pubescent, almost the same length of the vertical height of eye; vibrissa long and strong measuring 2/3 of the aristal length; one row of long and strong peristomals.
+Thorax. Acrostichals in eight irregular rows; propleural present; prescutellar present; 0+2 dorsocentrals, strong and similar in size; 1 presutural setae; 1 intra-alar; 1 supra-alar; 2 post-alars; 1 postpronotal; posthumeral absent; 2 notopelurals, similar in size; 2 long and strong pairs of scutellar setae, 1 sub-basal and 1 apical; katepisternum with small and fine setae and 1 long and strong posterior seta.
+Wing. Subcostal vein joining R
+before reaching Costal and the distal margin of R
+sinuous nearer junction; Costal extending to M
+; wing tip near to R
+; Costal sections 2-4: 0.66: 0.13: 0.2; R
+straight and M
+slightly recurved; ultimate section of CuA
+0.7 the length of basal section; r-m at midpoint of dm.
+Legs. Fore tibia without posterodorsal seta, with one ventral apical seta; mid tibia with two posterodorsal setae on middle third and one apical ventral seta.
+Male terminalia. Epandrium rounded with long setae (
+Fig. 3
+); cercus long with long setae; postgonite absent; surstylus triangular with about 32 spines; distiphallus with a sclerotized arc before apex (
+Figs 4, 5
+); ejaculatory apodeme short, at its larger part about 3.6 times wider than the constricted area at base (
+Fig. 6
+Oviscape: (
+Fig. 7
+); spermathecae (
+Fig. 8
+Distribution. States of
+Mato Grosso do Sul
+Remarks. This new species runs to
+Japanagromyza spadix
+(Spencer, 1963)
+in the key (
+SOUSA & COURI, 2014
+), but is differentiated by the male terminalia morphology.Also is similar to
+Japanagromyza chapadensis
+sp. nov.
+in the wing length and the dark brown coloration of the body, but can be differentiated by the lunule and face grey yellowish, gena orange, antenna entirely brownish yellow, surstylus triangular with about 32 spines, distiphallus with a well sclerotized arc before apex and ejaculatory apodeme short.
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+Two new Japanagromyza Sasakawa (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Brazil
+Sousa, Viviane R. de
+Couri, Márcia S.
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017032
+journal article
+Japanagromyza chapadensis
+sp. nov.
+Figs 9-11
+LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:7F332025-59B0-434A- 8F6FACAD6303D39B
+Type material.
+Mato Grosso
+Chapada dos Guimarães
+) [Trilha
+da Pedra
+– final (mirante),
+], Malaise 22,
+, Lamas, Nihei & eq. cols. (
+Figs 1-8.
+Japanagromyza arcuaria
+sp. nov.
+: 1, adult male, lateral view; 2, adult female, lateral view; 3, epandrium; phallus: 4, lateral view; 5, ventral view; 6, ejaculatory apodeme; 7, oviscape; 8, spermathecae.
+Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Chapada dos Guimarães, where the
+was collected.
+Measurements. Male: Body length: 2.0 mm; wing length:
+1.5 mm
+Fig. 9
+). Female: unknown.
+Color. Frons mat black weakly shining, with basal half orange; fronto-orbital plate weakly shining black; upper shiny dark orbit touching the outer vertical and inner vertical setae; ocellar triangle black, greyish pollinose; lunule grey; face greyish brown; clypeus black subshining; gena dark brown; scape and pedicel light yellow; first flagellomere brown with some orange areas; arista brown; palpus yellow, with black setae apically; proboscis yellow; labellum yellow, with yellow setae; scutum and scutellum shining dark brown; postpronotum and all pleurae dark brown; suture between anepisternum and anepimeron light yellow; haltere entirely light yellow; calypters yellow, with margin and fringe black; wing clear, light yellow at base; legs yellow, mid and hind tibia and tarsi brown; pulvilli yellow; tergites 1+2 entirely yellow, tergite 3 yellow with a brown spot centrally, tergites 4-6 and terminalia entirely brown.
+Head. Frons slightly visible above the eye margin in lateral profile; 2 reclinate ors and 2 inclinate ori, similar in size; interfrontal hair absent; orbital setulae slightly reclinate in one row; facial keel undifferentiated; eye height/ gena+parafacialia: 4; ocellar triangle long, endind before the second ori insertion level; lunule high and straight, about 15% of frons length; clypeus rounded; epistoma not visible; first flagellomere slightly long and finely pubescent; arista long, plumose, almost the same length of the vertical height of eye; vibrissa short, measuring about 1/3 the aristal length; one row of fine peristomals.
+Thorax.Acrostichals in ten irregular rows; propleural present; prescutellar present; 0+2 dorsocentrals, all broken; 1 presutural; 1 intra-alar; 1 supra-alar; 2 post-alars; 1 postpronotal; posthumeral absent; 2 notopleurals, the anterior longer than the posterior one; 2 long and strong pairs of scutellar setae, 1 sub-basal, 1 apical; katepisternal with medium and fine setae and 1 long and strong posterior seta.
+Figs 9-12.
+Japanagromyza chapadensis
+sp. nov.
+:9, adult male lateral view; 10, phallus lateral view; 11, phallus ventral view; 12, ejaculatory apodeme.
+Wing. Subcostal vein joining R
+before reaching the Costal and the distal margin of R
+sinuous nearer at junction; wing tip nearer to R
+; Costal sections
+2-4 in
+proportion: 0.5:0.33:0.16; R
+and M
+slightly recurved; ultimate section of CuA
+0.75 the length of basal section; r-m basal to midpoint of dm.
+Legs. Fore tibia without posterodorsal seta; mid tibia with two posterodorsal setae on middle third.
+Male terminalia. Epandrium rounded with long setae; cercus long with long setae; surstylus long with about 44 strong spines; hypandrium long and Y-shaped; phallapodeme almost the same size length of the hypandrium; mesophallus sclerotized; distiphallus long, enlarged at base and bifurcated (
+Figs 10, 11
+); ejaculatory apodeme very large, at its larger part about 4.9 times wider than the constricted area at base (
+Fig. 12
+Distribution: state of
+Mato Grosso
+Remarks. This new species morphologically resembles
+sp. nov.
+in wing length and color of the body, but can be differentiated by the grey lunule, face greyish brown, gena dark brown, scape and pedicel light yellow and first flagellomere brown with some orange areas. Besides, the male terminalia has the surstylus long with about 44 strong spines, hypandrium long and Y-shaped, distiphallus long, enlarged at base and bifurcated and ejaculatory apodeme very large.
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+New species and new records of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazil
+Campos-Filho, Ivanklin Soares
+Montesanto, Giuseppe
+Araujo, Paula Beatriz
+Taiti, Stefano
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017034
+journal article
+Atlantoscia ituberasensis
+Campos-Filho, Lisboa & Araujo, 2013
+Atlantoscia ituberasensis
+et al
+., 2013a:466
+, figs 1-5, 12c;
+et al
+., 2015a:702
+, figs 5, 6, tables 1-3.
+, CamacÃ, BR-101 road,
+, I.
+J. T. Lisboa
+col. (UFRGS 5834)
+Previous Brazilian records.
+: Ituberá (
+et al
+., 2013a
+); Ituberá and
+Santa Cruz
+da Vitória (
+et al
+., 2015a
+Distribution. This species is recorded only from the state of
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+New species and new records of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazil
+Campos-Filho, Ivanklin Soares
+Montesanto, Giuseppe
+Araujo, Paula Beatriz
+Taiti, Stefano
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017034
+journal article
+Trichorhina bicolor
+Araujo & Buckup, 1996
+Trichorhina bicolor
+ARAUJO & BUCKUP, 1996a:806
+, figs 26-41;
+SCHMALFUSS, 2003:275
+et al
+., 2011:241
+Material examined.
+Saint-Hilaire Lang
+, PR-508 road,
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., in leaf litter (UFRGS 5557)
+, near of
+Nunes river
+, road from
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., camping area (UFRGS 5515).
+Santa Catarina
+Rota das Cachoeiras
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col. (UFRGS 5595)
+, near of the ecological hotel,
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., under
+tree leaves (UFRGS 5590)
+Rio Fortuna
+, alt. 229 meters,
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., in woods on pasture area, many roots, impacted area (UFRGS 5581)
+, behind
+Real Nob Hotel
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., humid forest, in bromeliads leaves (UFRGS 5565)
+Previous Brazilian records.
+Santa Catarina
+: Pouso Redondo, SÃo Bonifácio and TubarÃo (
+Distribution. This species is recorded from
+(states of
+Santa Catarina
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+New species and new records of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazil
+Campos-Filho, Ivanklin Soares
+Montesanto, Giuseppe
+Araujo, Paula Beatriz
+Taiti, Stefano
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017034
+journal article
+Trichorhina kaingangi
+Campos-Filho, 2015
+Trichorhina kaingangi
+et al
+., 2015b:114
+, figs 2-4.
+, SÃo
+Mateus do Sul
+, near of road,
+P. B. Araujo
+B. L. Zimmermann
+col., in woods, impacted area (MZUF 9659)
+Previous Brazilian records.
+: Ermida Paiol do Alto cave, Adrianópolis and Água Boa cave, Almirante TramandarÉ (
+et al
+., 2015b
+Distribution. This species is recorded only from the state of
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+Cinco especies nuevas del género Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) en la provincia de Napo, Ecuador
+Guillín, Emily Ramos
+Rafael, Violeta
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017022
+journal article
+Drosophila (Sophophora) neoprosaltans
+sp. nov.
+Figs 33-41
+5E068E10-CE13-4E93-AF73- 0AA4F30CAABD
+Material tipo.
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco).
+, E. L.
+det. 2014.
+Cdlla. Guacamayos
+00°39’33,8” S
+1.700 m
+), II.
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3026
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3027
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3030-32
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3028-29
+Diagnosis. Abdomen marrón, primer tergito apenas pigmentado, segundo tergito pigmentado en forma de dos triángulos, tercer al quinto tergitos totalmente pigmentados y sexto tergito con pigmentación en forma de círculo. Edeago tubular con el extremo distal ovalado cubierto de escamas, de la parte central sobresale una estructura alargada poco quitinizada con la punta membranosa.
+Cabeza marrón. Arista plumosa, con dos ramas ventrales y cuatro ramas dorsales más la terminal bifurcada. Cabeza con placa orbital marrón amarillenta; longitud frontal 0.38 (0.36-0.53), índice frontal 1.22 (0.94-1.65), radio de disminución frontal 1.32 (1.36-1.84), triángulo frontal marrón. Triángulo ocelar marrón obscuro, 31.57% (35.84%-44.44%) de la longitud frontal, ocelos amarillos. La cerda orbital media más cerca a la orbital anterior, distancia de or3 a or1 66.67% (63.64%-85.71%) con respecto de or3 a vtm, distancia or1/or3 0.56 (0.69-0.85), distancia or2/or1 0.84 (0.65-0.72), cerdas postocelares 44.73% (53.84%- 66.03%) Y cerdas ocelares 63.15% (92.30%-92.45%) con respecto a la longitud frontal. Índice vt 0.93 (0.73-0.92), índice vibrisal 0.60 (0.57-0.72).
+Frontal vitta
+marrón, gena y postgena marrón obscuras. Una cerda oral larga. Carina surcada. Proboscis amarillenta. Índice genal 3.20 (3.00-6.3). Ojos de color vino, índice ocular 1.11 (1.13-1.16).
+Tórax marrón, longitud 0.64 (0.74-1.06), con ocho hileras de pelos acrosticales entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores, índice h 0.71 (0.63-0.90). Distancia transversal de las cerdas dorsocentrales 1.88 (1.84-1.94) de la distancia longitudinal, índice dc 0.70 (0.71-0.76). Distancia entre las cerdas escutelares apicales 121.00% (84.61%-111.00%) en relación a las cerdas apicales y basales. Escutelo marrón amarillento. Cerdas escutelares anteriores divergentes, índice scut 0.97 (0.96-1.02); índice esterno 0.41 (0.39-0.79). Patas amarillas.
+Alas marrón amarillentas. Índices alares: alar 1.96 (1.95-2.97); C 2.18 (2.10-4.54); ac 2.70 (1.76-2.37); hb 0.48 (0.34-0.45); 4c 1.14 (0.58-1.16); 4v 2.00 (1.50-2.02); 5x 1.88 (1.20-1.57); M 0.68 (0.43-0.61) Y Prox x 0.61 (0.57-0.63).
+Abdomen marrón, primer tergito apenas pigmentado, segundo tergito pigmentado en forma de dos triángulos, del tercer al quinto tergitos totalmente pigmentados y sexto tergito con pigmentación en forma de círculo.
+Genitalia externa: placa anal libre, microtricoso.Arco genital (
+Fig. 35
+) con seis cerdas largas en la parte superior y 20 en la parte inferior, lóbulo ventral con una proyección triangular pequeña muy quitinizada, y cerca del surestilo con otra proyección larga igualmente quitinizada. Surestilo semielíptico con nueve dientes primarios en cada lado, con 50 (49-52) dientes secundarios en el lado derecho Y 48 (48- 50) en el izquierdo y con 10 (11-12) cerdas marginales en el lado derecho y 12 (11-13) en el izquierdo.
+Genitalia interna: edeago (
+Figs 37-39
+) tubular con el extremo distal ovalado cubierto de escamas, de la parte central sobresale una estructura alargada poco quitinizada con la punta membranosa. En vista lateral, ápice triangular (at) escamoso Y con el borde aserrado. Pinzas ventrales largas, muY quitinizadas curvados hacia afuera. Paráfisis rectangular con tres cerdas en el derecho y con cuatro en el izquierdo. Hipandrio (
+Fig. 36
+) poco quitinizado en forma de “V”, gonopodio romboidal con dos cerdas en cada lado.
+Descripción de la hembra. Morfología externa: presenta las mismas características del macho.
+Genitalia. Oviscapto alargado (
+Fig. 34
+) con veinte cerdas marginales con terminación en punta, seis dientes discales con terminación redondeada, una cerda larga y delgada en el extremo distal Y un pelo fino. Espermateca (
+Fig. 33
+) levemente quitinizada ovalada con la base alargada.
+Relación de parentesco:
+Drosophila neoprosaltans
+sp. nov.
+se asemeja a
+Drosophila prosaltans
+en la morfología externa y del edeago (
+Figs 40, 41
+Etimología. El prefijo “neo” significa reciente. La especie se denomina
+D. neoprosaltans
+ya que fue descubierta posteriormente a la especie
+D. prosaltans
+No agrupada
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+Cinco especies nuevas del género Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) en la provincia de Napo, Ecuador
+Guillín, Emily Ramos
+Rafael, Violeta
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017022
+journal article
+Drosophila guacamayos
+sp. nov.
+Figs 42-46
+50DEECCE-8A9B-405C-AE20- 2B9255641ED7
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco).
+E. L. Ramos
+, Cdlla. Guacamayos (
+77°50’21,2” W
+2.200 m
+). II. 14/02/2012,
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3018
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3019-25
+Diagnosis tórax marrón claro con siete hileras de pelos acrosticales en desorden entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores y con cuatro cerdas prescutelares. Abdomen marrón amarillento, primer segmento marrón amarillento, del segundo al cuarto tergitos con una franja obscura en la parte inferior de cada tergito. Edeago quitinizado con dos crestas trilaminares aserradas en la parte dorsal y dos proyecciones laterales en forma de espina.
+Figs 33-41. Especies de
+Drosophila (Sophophora) neoprosaltans
+sp. nov.
+, holotipo: 33, espermateca (doblada); 34, oviscapto; 35, epandrio, cerci, surestilo; 36, hYpandrio Y gonopodio; 37-39, edeago en vistas dorsal, lateral Y ventral.
+Drosophila prosaltans
+(tomado de
+): 40-41, hipandrio Y edeago en vista semiventral (at, ápice triangular; p, pinzas; pr, proYecciones). Escalas: 100 µm.
+Figs 42-46.
+Drosophila guacamayos
+sp. nov.
+, holotipo ♂: 42, epandrio, cerci, surestilo; 43, hipandrio; 44-46, edeago en vistas dorsal, lateral Y ventral, respectivamente. Escala: 100 µm).
+Cabeza marrón amarillenta. Primer Y segundo segmento antenal amarillentos. Arista plumosa con tres ramas dorsales y dos ventrales más la terminal bifurcada. Placa orbital marrón amarillenta; longitud frontal 0.48 (0.39- 0.40), índice frontal 0.92 (1.02-1.05), radio de disminución frontal 1.61 (1.34-1.61); triángulo frontal marrón amarillento. Triángulo ocelar marrón 37.50% (38.46% - 45.00%) de la longitud frontal, ocelos amarillos. Cerda orbital media más cercana a la orbital anterior y ligeramente hacia el borde exterior de la placa orbital, distancia de or3 a or1 83.33% (81.82% - 83.00%) con respecto de or3 a vtm, distancia or1/or3 0.88 (0.82-0.84), distancia or2/or1 0.65 (0.61-0.62), cerdas postocelares 60.41% (51.28% - 55.00%) y cerdas ocelares 77.08% (107.05% - 107.06%) con respecto a la longitud frontal. Índice vt 1.02 (0.75-0.94), índice vibrisal 0.80 (1.11-1.20).
+Frontal vitta
+marrón, gena y postgena marrón amarillentas. Una cerda oral larga. Carina marrón amarillenta ligeramente surcada. Proboscis amarillenta. Índice genal 4.93 (6.50-7.11). Ojos de color rojo vinoso, índice ocular 1.27 (1.12-1.22).
+Tórax marrón claro, longitud 1.04 (0.90-0.97), con siete hileras de pelos acrosticales, en desorden, entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores y con cuatro cerdas prescutelares; índice h 0.85 (0.87-1.04). Distancia transversal de las cerdas dorsocentrales 2.15 (1.84-1.95) de la distancia longitudinal, índice dc 0.84 (0.75-0.77). Distancia entre las cerdas escutelares apicales 112.00% (91.66%-104.54%) en relación a las cerdas apicales Y basales. Escutelo marrón claro. Cerdas escutelares anteriores divergentes, índice scut 0.83 (1.05-1.53); índice esterno 1.02 (0.79-0.82). Patas amarillas.
+Alas marrón claras. Índices alares: alar 3.47 (2.40- 2.60); C 4.22 (4.04-4.11); ac 1.77 (1.87-1.88); hb 0.37 (0.31- 0.35); 4c 0.56 (0.62-0.64); 4v 1.37 (1.58); 5x 1.38 (1.14-1.20); M 0.39 (0.41-0.43) Y Prox x 0.51 (0.59-0.63).
+Abdomen marrón amarillento. Primer segmento marrón amarillento, del segundo al cuarto tergitos con una franja obscura en la parte inferior de cada tergito. Tercer tergito con línea media dorsal y dos franjas hacia los lados de la línea media dorsal.
+Genitalia externa: placa anal parcialmente unida con cerdas largas y microtricoso. Arco genital (
+Fig. 42
+) microtricoso con tres cerdas en la parte superior y 11 en el lóbulo inferior. Surestilo verrucoso rectangular con ocho (7-8) dientes primarios en el lado derecho y ocho (6-7) en el izquierdo; con 60 (51-60) dientes secundarios en el lado derecho Y 55 (55-59) en el izquierdo Y con 14 (11-12) cerdas marginales en ambos lados.
+Genitalia interna: edeago ancho (
+Figs 44-46
+) quitinizado con dos crestas laterales triangulares, en algunos individuos una o dos espinas en el borde externo. En la parte central con proyección en forma de triángulo con digitaciones. En vista lateral, la parte dorsal del edeago con muy pocas digitaciones y en la parte ventral posterior con dientes u ondulaciones. Paráfisis alargada con tres cerdas. Apodema quitinizado, parte distal ancha y membranosa. Hipandrio (
+Fig. 43
+) quitinizado en forma de “V”, gonopodio microtricoso rectangular con dos cerdas en el borde interior.
+Etimología. El nombre de la especie
+D. guacamayos
+hace referencia a la Cordillera de los Guacamayos, lugar de colecta de la especie.
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+Cinco especies nuevas del género Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) en la provincia de Napo, Ecuador
+Guillín, Emily Ramos
+Rafael, Violeta
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017022
+journal article
+Drosophila neoamaguana
+sp. nov.
+Figs 1-7
+F40B3A98-889F-4C4E-B7F0- F4BC1384626C
+Material tipo.
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco).
+, E. L. Ramos & V. Rafael det. 2014,
+Cdlla. Guacamayos
+2.200 m
+), II.
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3041
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3042
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo), E. L.
+Cdlla. Guacamayos
+2.200 m
+), II.
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3043- 45
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo), E. L.
+Cdlla. Guacamayos
+2.200 m
+II. 06/2014
+L. Figuero
+col. (
+QCAZI 3046-52
+Diagnosis: abdomen beige con el primer tergito sin pigmentación, segundo tergito con línea media dorsal en forma de “V”, tercer y cuarto tergitos con pigmentación en forma de reloj de arena con línea media dorsal apenas perceptible y quinto tergito con un punto negro en la parte media. Alas marrón amarillentas, vena transversal anterior y vena transversal posterior ligeramente sombreadas. Edeago quitinizado terminado en una punta bífida alargada y puntiaguda, con dos espolones laterales quitinizados.
+Cabeza marrón. Arista plumosa, con dos ramas ventrales y cuatro ramas dorsales más la terminal bifurcada. Placa orbital marrón amarillenta; longitud frontal 0.63 (0.58- 0.61), índice frontal 0.85 (0.89-0.93), radio de disminución frontal 1.28 (1.25-1.40), triángulo frontal marrón. Triángulo ocelar marrón 41.27% (44.82% - 50.82%) de la longitud frontal, ocelos amarillos. Cerda orbital media cerca a la orbital anterior y ligeramente hacia el borde exterior de la placa orbital, distancia de or3 a or1 55.56% (44.00% - 52.00%) con respecto de or3 a vtm, distancia or1/or3 0.84 (0.80-0.86), distancia or2/or1 0.44 (0.42-0.55), cerdas postocelares 61.90% (42.37% - 67.21%) Y cerdas ocelares 88.88% (68.96% - 86.44%) con respecto a la longitud frontal. Índice vt 0.87 (0.92-0.50), índice vibrisal 0.84 (0.86-0.76).
+Frontal vitta
+marrón amarillento, gena y postgena amarillas. Una cerda oral larga. Carina prominente surcada. Proboscis beige. Índice genal 5.10 (4.36-6.46). Ojos de color vino, índice ocular 1.22 (1.31-1.53).
+Tórax: marrón amarillento, longitud 1.67 (1.20- 1.67), con ocho hileras de pelos acrosticales entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores, índice h 1.20 (0.68-0.93). Distancia transversal de las cerdas dorsocentrales 2.07 (1.81-2.19) de la distancia longitudinal, índice dc 1.05 (0.81-0.88). Distancia entre las cerdas escutelares apicales 97.43% (94.44%- 108.05%) en relación a las cerdas apicales y basales. Escutelo amarillento. Cerdas escutelares anteriores divergentes, índice scut 0.77 (0.84-1.63); índice esterno 0.81 (0.74-0.77). Cerda esternopleural media aproximadamente ½ de la anterior. Patas amarillas.
+Figs 1-12. Especies de
+Drosophila neoamaguana
+sp. nov.
+, holótipo: 1, epandrio, cerci y surestilo; 2, espermateca; 3, oviscapto; 4, hipandrio; 5-7, edeago en vistas dorsal, lateral y ventral, respectivamente.
+Drosophila amaguana
+: 8, espermateca; 9, oviscapto; 10-12, edeago de en vistas dorsal, lateral y ventral (pd, proceso dorsal). Escala: 100 µm.
+Alas marrón amarillentas con la vena transversal anterior y posterior ligeramente sombreadas. Índices alares: alar 4.65; C 4.59 (3.73-4.59); ac 1.89 (1.91-2.12); hb 0.15 (0.50-0.55); 4c 0.57 (0.66-0.70); 4v 1.57 (0.95- 1.69); 5x 0.97 (0.89-1.10); M 0.38 (0.35-0.45) Y Prox x 0.73 (0.75-0.77).
+Abdomen beige con el primer tergito sin pigmentación, segundo tergito con línea media dorsal en forma de “V”, tercer y cuarto tergitos con pigmentación en forma de reloj de arena con línea media dorsal apenas perceptible y quinto tergito con un punto negro en la parte media. Algunos individuos presentan línea media dorsal evidente.
+Genitalia externa: placa anal parcialmente unida. Arco genital (
+Fig. 1
+) microtricoso con 18 cerdas largas en la parte inferior. Surestilo rectangular, micropubescente y con 11 (10-13) dientes primarios en el lado derecho y 12 (10-12) en el izquierdo, 16 (12-14) dientes secundarios en el lado derecho y 17 (11-14) en el izquierdo y con 14 (11-14) cerdas marginales.
+Genitalia interna: edeago (
+Figs 5-7
+) quitinizado termina en una punta bífida alargada Y puntiaguda, con dos espolones subapicales quitinizados. En el nacimiento de los espolones con un estrangulamiento (a modo de cuello); edeago sin proceso dorsal; paráfisis alargada con una cerda. Apodema membranoso ligeramente curvo hacia el lado ventral. Hipandrio (
+Fig. 4
+) con una cerda en el gonopodio.
+Descripción de la hembra. Morfología externa: presenta las mismas características del macho pero es ligeramente más grande.
+Genitalia. Oviscapto (
+Fig. 3
+) quitinizado, marrón claro; posee 4 dientes discales, 16 cerdas marginales y una cerda larga y delgada que está ubicada a nivel del cuarto diente discal. Espermateca (
+Fig. 2
+) pequeña no quitinizada, transparente de forma semicircular Y superficie irregular con espinas.
+Relación de parentesco. La morfología externa y la forma del edeago de
+Drosophila neoamaguana
+sp. nov.
+tiene un gran parecido con
+Drosophila amaguana
+Figs 8-12
+Etimología. El prefijo “neo” es una palabra proveniente del griego, significa novedad, reciente. Esta especie se denomina
+D. neoamaguana
+sp. nov.
+debido a que su descubrimiento fue posterior a
+D. amaguana
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+Cinco especies nuevas del género Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) en la provincia de Napo, Ecuador
+Guillín, Emily Ramos
+Rafael, Violeta
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017022
+journal article
+Drosophila neoyanayuyu
+sp. nov.
+Figs 13-19
+D806AE32-E7B9-4410-9AD2- 5AFBDF84DAD4
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco).
+E. L. Ramos
+(frente a
+Laguna de Papallacta
+) (
+3.362 m
+), II.
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3010
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3009
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco), los mismos datos del
+QCAZI 3011-12
+Diagnosis: tórax marrón con una franja obscura en la parte central y con una franja marrón clara en dirección de las cerdas dorsocentrales.Abdomen marrón amarillento, primer segmento marrón claro y del segundo al quinto tergitos con áreas obscuras en forma de reloj de arena.
+Cabeza marrón. Arista plumosa, con una rama ventral y tres ramas dorsales en la antena derecha y con dos ramas ventrales y tres ramas dorsales en la izquierda más la terminal bifurcada. Placa orbital marrón; longitud frontal 0.31 (0.36- 0.40), índice frontal 0.64 (0.67-1.17), radio de disminución frontal 1.41 (1.68-3.24); triángulo frontal marrón amarillento. Triángulo ocelar marrón obscuro 38.71% (30.00% - 43.24%) de la longitud frontal, ocelos amarillos. La cerda orbital se encuentra cerca a la orbital anterior y ligeramente hacia el borde exterior de la placa orbital, distancia de or3 a or1 64.29% (69.23% - 73.33%) con respecto de or3 a vtm, distancia or1/or3 0.48 (0.52-0.55), distancia or2/or1 0.92 (0.86-0.87), cerdas postocelares 80.64% (57.50% - 86.48%) Y cerdas ocelares 64.51% (38.55% - 90.00%) con respecto a la longitud frontal. Índice vt 1.19 (0.82-1.09), índice vibrisal 0.67 (0.69-0.78).
+Frontal vitta
+marrón, gena y postgena marrón amarillentas. Segunda cerda oral es un medio de la longitud de la primera cerda oral. Carina marrón poco pronunciada, ligeramente surcada. Proboscis amarillenta. Índice genal 4.50 (5.00-5.09). Ojos de color vino, índice ocular 1.07 (0.98-1.22).
+Tórax marrón con una franja obscura en la parte central y con una franja marrón clara en dirección de las cerdas dorsocentrales, longitud 0.89 (1.01-1.16), con seis hileras de pelos acrosticales entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores, índice h 1.10 (0.98-1.15). Distancia transversal de las cerdas dorsocentrales 1.60 (1.74-2.52) de la distancia longitudinal, índice dc 0.70 (0.76-0.98). Distancia entre las cerdas escutelares apicales 91.66% (69.69%-108.00%) en relación a las cerdas apicales y basales. Escutelo marrón claro. Cerdas escutelares anteriores divergentes, índice scut 1.15 (1.17-1.23); índice esterno 0.81 (0.75-0.82). Patas amarillas.
+Alas marrón amarillentas. Índices alares: alar 3.45 (3.4-4.07); C 5.02 (4.76-5.40); ac 1.08 (1.25-1.40); hb 0.32 (0.24-0.26); 4c 0.52 (0.42-0.48); 4v 1.50 (1.24-1.30); 5x 1.02 (0.81-1.02); M 0.38 (0.27-0.33) Y Prox x 0.57 (0.43-0.46).
+Abdomen marrón amarillento, primer tergito marrón claro, del segundo al quinto tergitos con áreas obscuras en forma de reloj de arena.
+Genitalia externa: placa anal parcialmente libre. Arco genital (
+Fig. 13
+) con 18 cerdas en el lado derecho Y 19 en el izquierdo. En la parte baja del epandrio con 12 (15) cerdas en el lado derecho y 11 (15) en el izquierdo. Surestilo rectangular y micropubescente con 15 (14) dientes primarios en ambos lados Y con 10 (9) cerdas marginales en el lado derecho Y 9 (10) en el izquierdo.
+Figs 13-25. Especies de
+Drosophila neoyanayuyu
+sp. nov.
+, holotipo: 13, epandrio, cerci y surestilo; 14, espermateca; 15, oviscapto; 16 hipandrio; 17-19, edeago en vistas dorsal, lateral Y ventral, respectivamente.
+Drosophila yanayuyu
+sp. nov.
+(Bosque Yanacocha): 20, espermateca; 21, oviscapto; 22, hipandrio; 23-25 edeago en vistas dorsal, lateral y ventral. Escala: 100 µm.
+Genitalia interna: edeago (
+Figs 17-19
+) poco quitinizado ensanchado. En vista dorsal con dos crestas aserradas, parte distal del edeago bífido con una invaginación pronunciada. Paráfisis ovalada con tres cerdas pequeÑas (en vista dorsal), rama ventral poco desarrollada y apodema largo. Hipandrio (
+Fig. 16
+) membranoso en forma de “U”, gonopodio con 12 cerdas largas en el lado derecho y 13 en el izquierdo (gonopodio unido a la paráfisis del edeago).
+Descripción de la hembra. Morfología externa: presenta las mismas características del macho.
+Genitalia: Oviscapto alargado (
+Fig. 15
+) con diez cerdas marginales con terminación en punta en el lado derecho y nueve en el izquierdo, seis cerdas marginales con terminación redondeada en ambos lados, una cerda discal, dos cerdas largas y delgadas en el extremo distal y un pelo fino en ambos lados. Espermateca (
+Fig. 14
+) fuertemente quitinizada en forma de dedo con la base en forma de copa y con una invaginación apenas perceptible.
+Relación de parentesco:
+Drosophila neoyanayuyu
+sp. nov.
+es similar a
+Drosophila yanayuyu
+Céspedes & Violeta, 2012
+con respecto a la morfología externa y a la forma de la espermateca y oviscapto (
+Figs 20, 21
+). Sin embargo hay diferencias a nivel del edeago (
+Figs 22-25
+Etimología. El prefijo “neo” significa nuevo o reciente. La especie se denomina
+D. neoyanayuyu
+sp. nov.
+ya que fue descubierta posteriormente a la especie
+D. yanayuyu
+Drosophila canalinea
+Este grupo se caracteriza por tener el cuerpo marrón obscuro, frente con áreas polinosas marrones y blanquecinas. Mesonoto con un patrón complejo de áreas marrones y amarillas, formando bandas longitudinales difusas y generalmente con manchas obscuras en las bases de las cerdas; cerdas escutelares basales convergentes; tibias amarillas con 2 anillos marrones; tergitos anchos, con bandas marginales marrones (
+Drosophila cosanga
+sp. nov.
+Figs 26-32
+7C28A154-F604-419A- BD0C-0DF500DB0362
+Material tipo.
+(disectado, genitalia en microtubo, montado en seco).
+E. L. Ramos
+, Cdlla. Guacamayos (
+1.700 m
+), II.
+E. L. Ramos
+col. (
+QCAZI 3013
+Diagnosis. Abdomen beige, primer tergito con pigmentación marrón, del segundo al quinto tergitos con línea media dorsal y con una franja marrón en la parte inferior de cada tergito. Edeago quitinizado, extremo distal bífido, con dos espolones subapicales y pequeñas espinas en la parte dorsal.
+Cabeza marrón clara. Arista plumosa, con dos ramas ventrales y seis ramas dorsales más la terminal bifurcada. Cabeza con placa orbital amarillenta; longitud frontal 0.52, índice frontal 1.06, radio de disminución frontal 1.08, triángulo frontal amarillo. Triángulo ocelar marrón obscuro 46.15%, ocelos amarillos; cerda orbital media más cerca a la orbital anterior y ligeramente hacia el borde exterior de la placa orbital, distancia de or3 a or1 66.67% con respecto de or3 a vtm, distancia or1/or3 0.85, distancia or2/or1 0.52, cerdas postocelares 67.30% Y cerdas ocelares 92.30% con respecto a la longitud frontal. Índice vt 1.01, índice vibrisal 0.80.
+Frontal vitta
+marrón obscuro, gena y postgena amarillas. Cerda oral larga. Carina prominente beige surcada. Proboscis beige. Índice genal 5.69. Ojos de color cafÉ, índice ocular 1.39.
+Tórax marrón obscuro, longitud 1.05, con ocho hileras de pelos acrosticales entre las cerdas dorsocentrales anteriores, índice h 0.76, índice dc 0.62. Distancia transversal de las cerdas dorsocentrales 1.82 de la distancia longitudinal, índice dc 1.05 (0.81-0.88). Distancia entre las cerdas escutelares apicales 76.66% en relación a las cerdas apicales y basales. Escutelo marrón claro con el extremo distal amarillento. Cerdas escutelares anteriores convergentes, índice scut 0.73; índice esterno 0.96. Cerda esternopleural media aproximadamente 1/3 de la anterior. Patas marrón obscuro con una franja beige en la parte distal, tibia con cuatro franjas beige y marrón, tarsos marrón claros.
+Alas marrón amarillentas. Índices alares: alar 3.13; C 2.61; ac 2.88; hb 0.77; 4c 0.83; 4v 1.51; 5x 1.02; M 0.38 Y Prox x 0.54.
+Abdomen beige, primer tergito con pigmentación marrón, del segundo al quinto tergitos con línea media dorsal y con una franja marrón en la parte inferior de cada tergito.
+Genitalia externa: placa anal parcialmente unida al arco genital. Arco genital (
+Fig. 26
+) micropubescente con 17 cerdas largas en la parte inferior. Surestilo alargado con siete dientes primarios en el lado derecho y ocho en el izquierdo, con 13 cerdas marginales en el lado derecho y 11 en el izquierdo.
+Genitalia interna: edeago (
+Figs 27-29
+) quitinizado, sin proceso dorsal, extremo distal bífido con pequeÑas espinas en la parte dorsal y dos espolones subapicales con los extremos redondeados. Paráfisis alargada con numerosas proYecciones. Gonopodio ovalado con una cerda Y pegado a la paráfisis. Apodema poco quitinizado.
+Relación de parentesco:
+Drosophila cosanga
+sp. nov.
+se asemeja a
+Drosophila annulosa
+en la morfología externa y del edeago (
+Figs 30-32
+Etimología. Se le denominó
+D. cosanga
+en honor a la cultura Cosanga que se desarrolló en la actual
+provincia de Napo
+, entre los aÑos 400 a.C. Y 948 d.C.
+Drosophila saltans
+Pertenece el subgÉnero
+y son especies negras o amarillentas (
+); en el quinto tergito de la hembra con una o dos áreas fuertemente opacas; índice esterno 0.3 a 0.4; cerdas escutelares anteriores divergentes (
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+Myxobolus saladensis sp. nov., a new species of gill parasite of Mugil liza (Osteichthyes, Mugilidae) from Samborombón Bay, Buenos Aires, Argentina
+Marcotegui, Paula
+Martorelli, Sergio
+Iheringia, Série Zoologia
+e 2017026
+journal article
+Myxobolus saladensis
+sp. nov.
+Figs 1-7
+51F1772D-C806-4B52-9A59- CB70F10D47A5
+Diagnosis. Spherical Pmd containing numerous spores located in the gill filaments and rakers. Pyriform fresh spores tapering anteriorly 10.63±0.36 (range 10.05- 11.13) µm long, 9.24±0.50 (range 8.42-9.79) µm wide, and 4.13±0.36 (range 2,65-4,9) µm thick. Two equal-sized pyriform PC measuring 3.84±0.27 (range 3.33-4.03) µm long and 2.30±0.12 (2.14-2.43) µm wide. Polar filament coiled in four or five turns.
+Site of infection: spores located in epithelium of gill rakers.
+Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the
+locality, Salado River.
+material. One glass slide with semithin sections of the cyst containing spores (Hapantotype) was deposited in the Museo de La Plata collection, number MLP-Pr-095.
+Figs 1-4. Light and transmission electron micrographs of the myxosporean
+Myxobolus saladensis
+sp. nov.
+infecting gills and gills rakers of
+Mugil liza
+Valenciennes, 1836: 1
+, semithin section of a plasmodium; 2, isolated spores observed in differential interference-contrast (DIC); 3, ultrathin section of a plasmodium showing several spores at different levels (S); 4,
+ectioned spore showing the shell valves (V); polar capsules (PC); Sporoplasm (SP) and transverse section of the polar filament (arrows).
+Figs 5, 6.
+Myxobolus saladensis
+sp. nov.
+parasite of
+Mugil liza
+Valenciennes, 1836: 5
+, sectioned spore showing valves (V) and their suture lines (arrows), polar capsules (PC), different sections of the polar filaments (arrowheads) and some sporoplasmosomes (Sps); 6, detail of apical region of the PCs showing the PC wall (arrows) composed of two layers and the apical stopper (double arrows) and the different sections of the polar filament (arrowheads).
+Salado River
+Samborombón Bay
+Buenos Aires
+Mugil liza
+Prevalence: 12.7%.
+Description. Spores typical of
+Bütschli, 1882
+, rounded in valvular view and biconvex in sutural view, shell valves smooth and without projections. Fresh mature spores pyriform in shape (
+Fig. 2
+). Mean spore measurements ± standard deviations as follows: 10.63±0.36 (range 10.05-11.13) long, 9.24±0.50 (range 8.42-9.79) wide, and 4.13±0.36 (range 2.65-4.91) thick. Spore wall thin and smooth comprising two symmetrical and equal shell valves adhering together along the prominent longitudinal sutural line (
+Figs 3-6
+). Internally, two equal and elongated pyriform polar capsules (PCs), located side by side at the same level, measured 3.84±0.27 (range 3.33-4.03) long, 2.30±0.12 (range 2.14-2.43) wide (
+Figs 3-6
+). Intercapsular appendix not observed. Inside the PCs, polar filament coil displayed four or five slightly oblique to the longitudinal axis (
+Fig. 6
+). Apical end of the PCs contained a circular stopper formed by electron-lucent material (
+Fig. 6
+). At the posterior pole of the spore, a binucleated sporoplasm contained numerous light vesicles, numerous sporoplasmosomes (
+Figs 4
+Nuclei located at the same level, contained uniform chromatin without evident nucleoli (
+Fig. 3
+). A schematic drawing of spore morphology (
+Fig. 7
+) shows the arrangements of the different structures and organelles.
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