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+Clematis armandi var. kiangnanensis (Ranunculaceae) is not synonymous with C. armandi, but C. finetiana, a widely distributed species in China
+Huang, Qiao-Lan
+Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
+Fei, Wen-Qun
+Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
+Yuan, Qiong
+Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
+Yang, Qin-Er
+Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
+journal article
+Clematis finetiana
+Léveillé & Vaniot (1904: 219)
+Figs. 1–8
+5 October 1902
+J. Cavalerie
+P!; see
+Wang (2003))
+: same locality,
+5 May 1902
+J. Cavalerie
+(E!, GH!).
+Fig. 2
+Clematis pavoliniana
+Pampanini (1910: 290)
+C. meyeniana
+Sprague (1916: 47)
+: Xiu-Hou-Miao,
+19 April 1909
+C. Silvestri
+September 1906
+C. Silvestri
+Clematis armandi
+Courtois (1925: 428)
+20 May 1910
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+2 June 1910
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+8 May 1908
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+29 April 1914
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+3 May 1914
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+; Ho-li-ki,
+2 May 1915
+S.J. Courtois 11356
+(syntype, not seen); Ho-li-ki,
+7 May 1914
+S.J. Courtois 9487
+(syntype, not seen);
+3 May 1906
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+8 October 1906
+S.J. Courtois
+; P’an-ts’uen,
+12 May 1906
+S.J. Courtois 12
+(syntype, not seen);
+12 October 1906
+28 May 1916
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+; Fan-tch’ang,
+27 September 1916
+S.J. Courtois 16282
+(syntype, not seen);
+6 May 1916
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+13 May 1916
+S.J. Courtois
+; Che-t’ai,
+2 November 1916
+S.J. Courtois 17088
+(syntype, not seen);
+28 April 1920
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+27 October 1920
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+10 November 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+31 October 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+16 May 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+; Chang-k’i-k’eou,
+25 April 1921
+S.J. Courtois 28487
+(syntype, not seen);
+27 April 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+9 May 1920
+1 May 1907
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+21 April 1921
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+7 October 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+4 December 1922
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+; Ts’ing-chan-k’iao,
+1 May 1909
+S.J. Courtois 0305
+(syntype, not seen); Ts’ing-yang,
+4 May 1917
+S.J. Courtois 18588
+(syntype, not seen);
+10 May 1917
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen).
+3 June 1908
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen)
+30 May 1913
+S.J. Courtois
+29 May 1918
+1 June 1918
+S.J. Courtois
+(syntype, not seen).
+: without precise locality,
+Oliver T
+(syntype, not seen)
+; without precise locality,
+27 August 1922
+Oliver T931
+(syntype, not seen).
+Fig. 1
+:—Woody climbers. Branches shallowly longitudinally 6–8-grooved, puberulous near nodes, glabrescent; small bud scales sometimes present at nodes. Leaves ternately 3-foliolate; petiole
+2–7.8 cm
+long, sparsely puberulous to subglabrous; leaflet blades ovate-lanceolate, narrowly ovate, or ovate, 3.5–10 (–15) cm long, 1.5–3.5 (–6) cm broad, subleathery to leathery, both surfaces glabrous, base rounded, subcordate, margin entire, apex acute to acuminate; basal veins abaxially more or less prominent. Cymes axillary or terminal, axillary ones 1–5 (–7)-flowered; peduncle
+1.5–9 cm
+long; bracts triangular to subulate,
+2–5 mm
+long. Flowers
+2–4 cm
+in diameter. Pedicels
+1.5–6 cm
+long, glabrous or nearly so, sometimes 2-bracteolate below the middle; bracteoles very small,
+1–3 mm
+long. Sepals 4 (–6), white, spreading, narrowly oblong, obovate-oblong, or narrowly lanceolate,
+10–20 mm
+2–5 mm
+broad, abaxially glabrous except for velutinous margin, adaxially glabrous, apex acute to more or less obtuse. Stamens
+7–12 mm
+long, glabrous; anther narrowly oblong to linear,
+4–6.5 mm
+long, apex minutely apiculate. Ovaries pubescent. Styles ca.
+7 mm
+long, densely villous. Achenes falcate-fusiform, ca.
+5 mm
+long, ca.
+1.5 mm
+broad, pubescent; persistent style
+1.5–2.5 cm
+long, yellow-brown plumose.
+:—Flowering from April to June; fruiting from July to November.
+Distribution and habitat
+Clematis finetiana
+is widely distributed in
+, northern
+, northern
+, southern
+, southern
+, and Zhejiang) (
+Fig. 10
+). It grows in sparse forests, scrub, or along streams at elevations of
+100–1200 m
+above sea level.
+Additional specimens examined
+: Chizhou,
+W. Zhang et al. ANUB00153
+(ANUB); Huangshan,
+Anonymous 0042
+W.C. Cheng 3842
+E Chin. Work. Exped. 6323
+L.K. Fu 0705
+C.Y. Li 144
+J.W. Shao et al. ANUB02017
+M.K. Wang 3571
+(IBSC, PE),
+Z.J. Wang 64
+J.L. Wu 03960316007
+C.F. Zhang 0290
+W. Zhang et al. ANUB03525
+X.L. Zhao s.n.
+H. Zou 01505
+(LBG, PE); Huoshan,
+Anonymous 81424
+E Chin. Work. Exped. 6701
+(IBSC, PE),
+J.Q. Liu s.n. (CAF)
+Teng &
+K. Yao 80991 (
+HHBG); Jinzhai,
+. Type sheets of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Pinfa, Guizhou, China. A.
+J. Cavalerie 605
+(lectotype E). B–D.
+J. Cavalerie 605
+(isolectotypes E, K).
+. Selected specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Anhui, China. A.
+R.L. Lu 7425
+(SHM), Huang Shan. B.
+Anonymous 5917
+(IBSC), Qingyang, Jiuhua Shan. C.
+Y.L. Xu et al. 9
+(HIB), Shexian. D.
+M. Liu et al. A60102
+(KUN), Xuancheng.
+. Selected specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Jiangsu, China. A.
+W.X. Wu 7878
+(NAS), Yixing, Longchi Shan. B.
+W.X. Wu 8457
+(NAS), Yixing, Longchi Shan. C.
+S.H. Mao et al. 40
+(IBK), Yixing, Longchi Shan. D.
+S.H. Mao et al. 40
+(PE), Yixing, Longchi Shan.
+. Selected specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Zhejiang, China. A.
+Anonymous 256
+(PE), Hangzhou. B.
+D.D. Ma & H.Y. Shou IJFC 308
+(PE), Lin’an. C.
+S. Chen 3097
+(PE), Longquan. D.
+Plant Resour. Surv. Exped. 25521
+(PE), Suichang.
+Clematis finetiana
+) in the wild (China, Hunan, Lengshuijiang, Zhonglian xiang, Duanjiawan cun). A. Habitat. B. Flowering branches. C. Flowering branch (close-up). D. Flowers. Photographed by Q.E. Yang.
+Clematis finetiana
+) in the wild (China, Guizhou, Libo, Maolan National Nature Reserve). A. Habitat. B. Flowering branches. C. Stem without bud scales. D. Stem with bud scales. E. Leaves (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Inflorescences (red arrow indicates two opposite bracteoles on a pedicel). G. Flowers (red arrow indicates two opposite bracteoles on a pedicel). H. Portion of pedicel, showing the bracteoles. I. Sepals (abaxial side). J. Sepals (adaxial side). K. Stamens. L. Carpels. A: Photographed by W.Q. Fei.
+Z.W. Xue 747
+K. Yao 9058
+(NAS); Jingxian,
+Anonymous 0520
+(NAS); Nanling,
+X.L. Zhao 2015008
+(PE); Ningguo,
+S.J. Courtois 16
+(NAS); Qimen,
+M.P. Teng 4864
+(NAS, PE),
+(NAS, PE); Qingyang,
+E Chin. Work. Exped. 4721
+(NAS, PE, SHM),
+P. Li LP0805058
+M.P. Teng 5011
+(NAS); Shucheng,
+Anonymous 1113
+E Chin. Work. Exped. 4126
+(IBSC, PE); Taining,
+X.W. Wang 335
+(IBSC); Xixian,
+Anonymous 1103
+(PE); Xuancheng,
+M. Liu et al. A60102
+(KUN); Yuexi,
+Anonymous 145
+(NAS, PE),
+R.C. Ching 2704
+X.L. Liu 472
+(NAS, PE),
+(PE); Precise locality unknown,
+S.J. Courtois 19
+P.C. Tsoong 3432
+(PE, WUK).
+: Beibei,
+S.C. Wang 1150
+: Anxi,
+Y.Y. Fang & J.G. Lin 991
+(FJIDC); Changting,
+E Changting Exped. 5084
+W Fujian Exped. 84143
+X.Y. Min 53644
+(LBG); Chong’an,
+G.C. Chang & B.H. Chen 55
+Z.P. Jian et al. et al. 400727
+(LBG, PE),
+Wuyi Exped. 2149
+(IBSC, NAS); Dehua,
+Y.Y. Fang & J.G. Lin 1174
+S.M. Hwang 190627
+(IBSC); Fuzhou,
+C. Ho 965
+(FJSI); Guangze,
+G.H. Gong 2017110152
+X.L. Hou & R.P. Zhang 91148
+Sci. Exped. 801178
+Y. Shen 2017110178
+M.K. Wang et al. 2617
+(NAS, PE); Hua’an,
+K.M. Wu 60175
+(IBSC); Jian’ou,
+Anonymous 1052
+(ZM); Jiangle,
+Longxishan Exped. 1242
+(PE); Liancheng,
+Y. Ling 3331
+(AU, PE),
+T.S. Wang 955
+Xiamen Univ. Meihuashan Exped. 1279
+(AU); Minhou,
+H.H. Chung 2198
+Zhang & Wei 152
+(FJIDC); Nanjing,
+Xiamen Univ. Exped. 422
+(PE); Nanping,
+H.H. Chung 3601
+Fudan Univ. Exped. 70406
+G.S. He 608
+Z.P. Jian et al. 400185
+(PE); Ningde,
+R.H. Zheng 662
+(FJIDC); Ninghua,
+Fudan Univ. Bio. Coll. Group s.n.
+(WUK); Pinghe,
+Z.Y. Xu 10397
+(AU); Pingnan,
+H.X. Su CFH
+(CSH); Pucheng,
+Y.M. Hou & Y.Y. Fang s.n.
+Y.M. Hou & R.H. Zheng 475
+(FJIDC); Sanming,
+P.C. Tsoong 643
+(AU, PE),
+R.T. Zhang & J.S. Li s.n.
+(AU); Shaxian,
+Y. Ling 2403
+(AU, IBSC, PE); Shanghang,
+S. Jiang et al. 63
+(PE); Shunchang,
+M.S. Li & Z.Y. Li 5493
+(PE); Taining,
+M.S. Li 169
+(PE, WUK),
+J.L. Lin 018
+K.T. Ye 02109
+(FJSI, IBSC, PE); Wuyi,
+Anonymous FN31
+P.S. Chiu 1719
+X.L. Hou 2016043074
+X.L. Hou et al. 2016042908
+Z.P. Jian et al. 400727
+M. Suzuki et al. 98105
+Wuyi Exped. 0437
+(IBSC); Xiamen,
+S.S. Liou 168
+(AU); Xianyou,
+F.P. Metcalf & Class 3451
+(AU, N); Yong’an,
+Y. Ling 2843
+T.S. Wang 1308
+(PE); Yongtai,
+H.H. Chung 3248
+(AU); Zhangping,
+H.H. Chung 2617
+(AU, IBSC, N); Zhenghe,
+G.S. He 2211
+(FJSI); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 45
+H.C. Chow 5132
+H.H. Chung 3248
+S.T. Dunn 2314
+Jiangbian 1 Exped. 70420
+Y. Ling 4697
+F.P. Metcalf & Class 3451
+(AU, N),
+B.C. Tsoong 648
+M.K. Wang & B.X. Huang 3479
+J.G. Yang 62
+: Guangzhou,
+L. Teng 8545
+(AU, IBK, IBSC, PE, WUK); Heping,
+G.C. Chang 197
+Heping Exped. 552
+C.F. Wei 120451
+(IBK, IBSC); Jiaoling,
+L. Teng 4683
+(IBSC, PE); Lechang,
+Y.N. Chen 20167
+N.K. Chun 42138
+(IBSC, PE),
+S.H. Chun 3020
+P.H. Liang 84698
+W.T. Tsang 20804
+Y. Tsiang 1297
+C.L. Tso 20591
+C. Wang 31268
+(IBK, IBSC); Liannan,
+T.S. Chu 60733
+L. Wang 60675
+(IBSC); Lianping,
+Y.K. Lau 00126
+(IBSC, PE),
+C.F. Wei 120451
+yue73 01821
+(IBSC); Lianshan,
+S.H. Chun 5772
+(IBSC); Lianyang,
+Y.C. Tseng 170337
+(IBSC); Meizhou,
+X.F. Zeng ZXF20545
+(CZH); Nanxiong,
+L. Teng 6445
+(IBK, IBSC, PE, WUK); Pingyuan,
+X.X. Huang 11972
+L. Teng 4237
+(IBSC, PE, WUK); Qingyuan,
+C. Huang 161561
+(IBSC); Renhua,
+W.T. Tsang 26185
+(IBSC); Ruyuan,
+S.P. Ko 52667
+Y.K. Lau 685
+(IBSC, PE),
+H.S. Lo 465
+C. Wang 43839
+(IBSC, PE),
+yue71 107
+yue73 00191
+(IBSC, PE),
+(HGAS, IBSC, PE); Shaoguan,
+S.P. Ko 50320
+(IBSC, PE); Shixing,
+X.W. Wang 602
+X.W. Wang & G.C. Zhang 48
+(IBSC); Xinfeng,
+L. Teng 8123
+yue77 5621
+(IBSC); Yangshan,
+Liangguang Exped. 226
+Lingnan Exped. 1451
+(IBSC); Yingde,
+H.Y. Liang 60901
+(IBK, IBSC); Zhaoqing,
+C.S. Yang 12042
+(JXU); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 135
+W.Y. Chun 5874
+J.M. Gilchrist 34
+T.S. Liu 106
+S.S. Sin 11518
+: Guilin,
+He et al. 130168
+(IBSC); Hechi,
+F.M. Zhao 55796
+(PE); Huanjiang,
+Huangjiang Exped. 451226130425017LY
+Y.S. Huang et al. y0228
+C. Ren & N.F. Li 17647
+(GXMG); Jinxiu,
+Dayaoshan Exped. 810907
+M. Guo et al. 451324140814018LY
+(GXMG); Jingxi,
+Y.G. Wei tie2
+(PE); Lingui,
+Z.S. Chung 808048
+G.Z. Li 15769
+S.Q. Zhong A60037
+(IBK); Liuzhou,
+Z.S. Chung 3202
+(IBK); Longsheng,
+Longsheng Exped. 450328140826008LY
+(IBK); Longzhou,
+X.X. Chen et al. 02868
+X.Y. Huang 14297
+(GXMG); Luzhai,
+Y.M. Wang 118
+(PE); Luocheng,
+Luocheng Exped. 451225130422024LY
+(GXMG, IBK); Quanzhou,
+Quanzhou Exped. 450324121020016LY
+(GXMG); Yangshuo,
+R.H. Shan 644
+(PE); Precise locality unknown,
+S.K. Lau 4121
+: Daozhen,
+Daozhen Exped. 5203251405260038LY
+(GZTM); Guiding,
+M.Z. Yang 1181
+(HGAS); Guiyang,
+Wudang Exped.520112131103008LY
+L. Yang 93-40
+(GNUG); Huishui,
+Anonymous 112
+(GFS); Jianhe,
+X.W. Wu 522629150821096
+(GZTM); Jiangkou,
+T.S. Chang et al. 401911
+(HGAS, PE),
+D.W. Lu 522222141109139LY
+L.M. Tian 522222140508005LY
+(GZTM); Jinping,
+Y.M. Wu 65-0022
+H.Y. Yang 522628141113331LY
+(GZTM); Kaili,
+S Guizhou Exped. 1419
+(HGAS, PE),
+(HGAS, PE); Leishan,
+Q.H. Chen 3573
+C.P. Chien 50855
+(HGAS, PE),
+K.M. Lan 840267
+S. Mao 522634150901001LY
+S Guizhou Exped. 1419
+(HGAS, PE),
+L. Yang 81-1777
+(GNUG); Libo,
+W.Q. Fei & L.C. Zhu 1029
+Y. He 2-7
+K.M. Lan 840396
+Y.K. Li 1136D
+X.M. Wang 418
+Z.R. Xu L1460
+(IBSC); Pingtang,
+Bijie Exped. 0394
+Guizhou Exped. 0342
+(HGAS); Puding,
+Z. Zheng 520422140521016LY
+(GZTM); Qingzhen,
+S.W. Teng 90352
+(IBSC); Shibing,
+Y. Wang 15158
+D.Y. Zhou 522623160529467LY
+(GZTM); Songtao,
+Wuling Exped. 88002
+(PE); Taijiang,
+M.T. An 0311
+(GFS); Tongren,
+N Guizhou Exped. 2115
+(PE); Xiuwen,
+Anonymous 6-341
+(GFS); Yinjiang,
+T.S. Chang 401831
+(HGAS); Yuping,
+B. Feng 522223140323011LY
+S.M. Long 522223140401011LY
+L. Wang 522223140410005LY
+(GZTM); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 0442
+S.S. Sin 50148
+: Luoshan,
+Plant Res. Exped. D0311
+(PE); Shangcheng,
+Henan Exped. 8105
+S.S. Kuang 0740
+Plant Res. Exped. 00107
+(PE); Xinxian,
+S.F. Chen 200410062
+(HENU); Xinyang,
+S.S. Kuang 063
+J.M. Li 8521
+Sino-German. Exped. 833
+C. Wang D027
+X.F. Wang 886
+Y.X. Ye
+: Changyang,
+T.P. Wang 11401
+(WUK); Hefeng,
+F.S. Peng 241
+(PE, WUK); Tongshan,
+C.M. Tan & L.B. Chen 971384
+(IBSC, JJF, PE, SZG); Yichang,
+P.X. Dong 91
+Z.D. Jiang 73
+(PE); Yingshan,
+Q.J. Dai 8910-117
+(HENU); Precise locality unknown,
+W.Y. Chun 3677
+(N, PE),
+A. Henry s.n.
+K.M. Liou s.n.
+T.P. Wang 11401
+E.H. Wilson 340
+: Anhua,
+L.D. Duan 3531
+(PE); Changsha,
+Anonymous s.n.
+B.K. Lee 235
+P.C. Tam 62454
+(IBSC); Cili,
+W Hunan Exped. 0033
+(PE); Dayong,
+S.S. Guo 166
+(BJFC); Dongkou,
+P.C. Tam 63205
+Z.Y. Yang 223
+(IBSC); Guidong,
+Sci. Exped. B201
+(PE); Hengdong,
+X.X. Hu 72-2
+(HUFD); Hengshan,
+H.T. Chang 3086
+T.T. Chen 16
+Z.H. Hu 573
+(PE); Hengyang,
+Z.H. Hu 455
+K.C. Kuan & B.M. Yang 00207
+S.S. Kuang 787
+Y. Liu 00552
+P.C. Tsoong 777
+C.S. Yok et al. 1643
+(NAS); Hongjiang,
+Hunan Anjiang Agr. Coll. Group 138
+(PE); Huitong,
+T.C. Wang 1674
+(IBSC); Jianghua,
+C.T. Chi 6260
+(IBSC); Lengshuijiang,
+Q.E. Yang 2020-01
+(IBSC); Longshan,
+D.K. Tian et al. LS-1630
+Y. Xiao & B. Zhao LS-2188
+(CSH); Mayang,
+S.C. Lee 203574
+(IBK, IBSC); Ningyuan,
+P.C. Tam 62735
+(IBK); Qidong,
+J.D. Li 124
+(PE); Qianyang,
+C.T. Lee 138
+(IBSC, PE),
+P.C. Tam 60782
+Y. Tsiang & S.H. Chun 850
+(IBK, IBSC); Shaodong,
+J.H. Liu 7202
+(PE); Shaoyang,
+L.D. Duan 718
+(PE); Shimen,
+Hupingshan Exped. 87274
+(PE); Taojiang,
+L.D. Duan 4502
+Y.Y. He 860045
+(HUFD); Xinhuang,
+Hunan Trad. Chin. Med. Inst. Exped. 018
+Wuling Exped. 859
+(IBSC, PE); Xinning,
+L.H. Liou & K.C. Ho 15495
+L.B. Luo 650
+Y.B. Luo 2301
+Z.C. Luo 1396
+Ziyunshan Exped. 2094A
+(PE); Yanling,
+Anonymous 660505
+W.B. Liao et al. LXP13-5471
+(SYS); Yizhang,
+P.H. Liang 84698
+L.H. Liou 325
+B.Z. Xiao 3406
+(PE); Yongshun,
+K.D. Lei 4331271408100916
+D.G. Zhang zdg1166
+(JIU); Yongzhou,
+Y. Tsiang & S.H. Chun 443
+(IBK, IBSC); Youxian,
+G.X. Chen et al. LXP-06-5372
+(JIU); Yuanling,
+S.H. Li et al. WuXJ953
+F.J. Zhou 162
+(PE); Zhangjiajie,
+H. Zhou & D.S. Zhou 15050555
+(CSFI); Zhijiang,
+P.C. Tam 60864
+Wuling Exped. 1584
+(IBSC, PE),
+(IBSC, PE); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 70
+J.L. Xia 141
+C.S. Yok et al. 1642
+: Yixing,
+S.J. Courtois 7186
+Q.X. Liu et al. 675
+C.Y. Luh 1005
+S.H. Mao et al. 40
+T. Shen 827
+G.J. Song s.n.
+(NAS); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 449
+E Chin. Work. Exped. 6873
+C.L. Tso 441
+Y.F. Wu 66
+: Anfu,
+G.X. Chen & D.G. Zhang LXP-6-3588
+G.X. Chen et al. LXP-6-6487
+Jiangxi Exped. 1488
+S.H. Lai 1840
+(LBG, PE),
+D.G. Zhang & G.X. Chen LXP-6-521
+(JIU); Anyuan,
+C.M. Hu 2171
+(IBK, LBG),
+(LBG, PE); Chongyi,
+Anonymous 14150
+S Ganzhou Exped. 1152
+M.H. Nieh et al. 08581
+L.F. Wang 285
+D.C. Wu 840236
+(JXU, PE); Dayu,
+M.H. Nieh et al. 09357
+C.S. Yok et al. 1107
+(IBSC, PE); Dexing,
+H.X. Cai 92022
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 4174
+X.X. Yang et al. 17059
+(JXU); Dingnan,
+W.H. Wan et al. 60328
+(JXU); Dongxiang,
+Q.H. Li & C. Chen 1493
+(IBSC, LBG, PE); Fenyi,
+D.G. Zhang & G.X. Chen LXP-6-2371
+(JIU); Fengcheng,
+Anonymous 1630
+(PE); Fengxin,
+S.L. Liou et al. 1074
+(IBSC, PE, WUK); Fuliang,
+Q.H. Li & C. Chen 516
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE); Ganzhou,
+J. Xiong 02065
+C.B. Yang & K. Yao 1188
+(IBSC, PE),
+X.F. Zeng ZXF13990
+(CZH); Guangchang,
+C.M. Hu 5318
+C.S. Yok et al. 2334
+(PE); Guangfeng,
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 5898
+(LBG, PE, WUK),
+(IBSC); Guixi,
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 3636
+X.Q. Wang 900035
+(NAS); Huichang,
+C.M. Hu 3030
+C.S. Yang 12768
+(JXU); Ji’an,
+Anonymous 178
+S.H. Lai 760
+(LBG, PE); Jing’an,
+C.M. Tan & J.S. Xiong 97743
+(JJF, PE, SZG); Jinggangshan,
+Q. Fan et al. JGS-B083
+S.H. Lai 4044
+S.H. Lai et al. 4504
+W.B. Liao JGS-45108
+W.B. Liao et al. JGS-3535
+J. Xiong 02334
+C.S. Yok et al. 4727
+(PE); Jiujiang,
+Anonymous 00039
+C. Leu 45
+Y. Lin 13208
+M.H. Nieh 6964
+C.M. Tan 95894
+(PE, SZG),
+C.M. Tan & S.K. Chen 941491
+C.M. Tan & Z.C. Dai 82038
+C.M. Tan & Y.C. Yan 95115
+C.M. Tan & D.H. Zhu 9605101
+C.M. Tan et al. 97291
+C.D. Yang et al. 641151
+N.S. Zheng et al. 13
+(JJF); Longnan,
+Jiulianshan Forestry Station 781314
+(IBSC); Lichuan,
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 2610
+H.P. Tong & Y.Z. Wang Tancm1908
+(JJF); Lianhua,
+S.H. Lai 1306
+(LBG, PE),
+M.H. Nieh 6964
+(LBG); Longnan,
+C.M. Tan & D.H. Zhu 9604197A
+X.S. Xu 280
+(LBG); Luxi,
+W.Z. Tan et al. LXP-13-8396
+(SYS); Lushan,
+Anonymous 11986
+A.M. Dong 01162
+A.M. Dong & C.M. Wu TanCM901
+Y.K. Hsiung 00866
+S.H. Lai et al. 0125
+B.K. Lee 215
+M.H. Nieh 0007391
+S.J. Shen 00820
+C.M. Tan & B. Hu 00254
+C.M. Tan et al. 01114
+Y. Tsiang 10322B
+M.K. Wang 01255
+H. Zou 0342
+(LBG); Nanchang,
+Anonymous 78
+(JXU); Nanfeng,
+M.H. Nieh & S.H. Lai 2151
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE),
+C.S. Yang 650224
+(IBSC); Nankang,
+M.H. Nieh et al. 09905
+(IBK, IBSC, LBG); Ningdu,
+C.M. Hu 5527
+C.M. Tan et al. Y06474
+(CCAU, JJF); Pingxiang,
+Jiangxi Exped. 2639
+(LBG, PE); Pingyuan,
+X.F. Zeng ZXF10824
+(CZH); Poyang,
+Q.H. Li & C. Chen 1053
+(LBG, PE),
+M.K. Wang 3977
+(IBSC, PE); Shanggao,
+G.X. Chen & D.G. Zhang LXP-6-7575
+(JIU); Shangrao,
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 4928
+(LBG, PE, WUK); Shangyou,
+Jiangxi Exped. 363
+Lushan Bot. Garden Exped. 4
+M.H. Nieh et al. 8069
+S Ganzhou Exped. 39
+Sci. Exped. 2003006
+W.Y. Zhao et al. LXP-13-12738
+(GZAC); Shicheng,
+W.H. Wan & Z.R. Yu 1915
+(IBSC); Suichuan,
+S.H. Lai 153
+S.H. Lai et al. 5509
+Q.Y. Liu 30102
+C.M. Tan et al. 10912
+J. Xiong 2334
+C.S. Yok et al. 4021
+D.G. Zhang & G.X. Chen LXP-64501
+(JIU); Taihe,
+S.H. Lai 00403
+(PE); Tonggu,
+Y.X. Du et al. DFX2004038
+Lushan Bot. Garden DWb2004003
+J. Xiong 03537
+(LBG); Wuning,
+Y. Lin & C.S. Yang et al. 16253
+C.M. Tan 97506
+C.M. Tan et al. 941372
+J.H. Zhang 2255
+(JJF); Xinfeng,
+W.B. Liao et al. LXP-13-20172
+(SYS); Xinjian,
+Y. Lin 13889
+C.S. Yang 10033
+(JXU); Xing’an,
+C.M. Tan 941491
+(HHBG); Xingguo,
+Anonymous 2
+Xingguo C.A.S. 052
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG); Xiushui,
+Anonymous 7346
+L.X. Li 951429
+Y.Q. Miu 702
+Y.Q. Miu & S.H. Chen 1608
+C.M. Tan 94813
+C.M. Tan et al. 14748
+(JJF); Xunwu,
+Anonymous 1035
+Y.K. Hsiung 15140
+C.M. Hu 1328
+C.M. Hu & Q.H. Li 1464
+Y. Lin 14064
+(JXU, LBG, PE),
+C.S. Yok et al. 1733
+(IBSC, PE); Yanshan,
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 04174
+Y. Lin 5020
+M.H. Nieh 4172
+(LBG); Yifeng,
+Lushan Bot. Garden Exped. DWb200400397
+(PE); Yihuang,
+Q. Li & C. Chen 1651
+(LBG, PE),
+C.S. Yang 16777
+C.S. Yang et al. 16775
+(JXU); Yongfeng,
+C.S. Yang 830131
+C.S. Yang et al. 16593
+(JXU); Yongxin,
+S.H. Lai 1103
+(LBG); Yongxiu,
+S.H. Lai 2201
+(PE); Yudu,
+Anonymous 12042
+(JXU); Yushan,
+M.H. Nieh 6471
+(LBG, PE); Zixi,
+S.F. Chen 134
+S.H. Lai & M.H. Nieh 3460
+(IBSC, LBG, PE, WUK); Ziyuan,
+Q.H. Li & C. Chen 76
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE),
+(LBG, PE); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 3
+R.C. Ching 4799
+Dan & Zhang 75074
+Y.K. Hsiung 9018(1488)
+H.H. Hu 2585
+M.K. Wang 348
+M.K. Wang et al. 2197
+D.C. Wu 14
+Q.S. Zhao et al. 1299
+H. Zou 00342
+Y. Tateishi et al. 17387
+: Changxing,
+Hangzhou Bot. Gard. Herb. Exped. 3552
+(HHBG); Chun’an,
+Anonymous 3937
+Y.L. Keng 649
+(NAS, PE); Hangzhou,
+Anonymous 37
+(HHBG, PE),
+S.Y. Chang 533
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+Y.Y. Ho 1234
+H. Migo s.n.
+Q. Tian et al. CSYZXZ06-0062
+(CSH); Ji’an,
+Y.Y. Ho 24259
+(HHBG, IBSC, PE); Jiande,
+L. Hong s.n.
+Zhejiang Jiande Nat. Med. Exped. 21
+(ZM); Jiangshan,
+Anonymous 2833
+(ZM); Jinhua,
+Anonymous 2814
+H.X. Zhou 643
+(HHBG); Jingning,
+Y.Y. Ho 24111
+(HHBG, NAS, ZM); Juxian,
+H.X. Zhou 539
+(HHBG); Lishui,
+Anonymous 3672
+S.Y. Chang 6724
+(HHBG, PE),
+K.K. Tsoong 273
+(PE); Lin’an,
+Anonymous 14
+(HHBG, PE),
+82-4 159
+83-4 185
+89-1 894194
+First Group 121
+Z.Q. Cui J8111-036
+Y.Y. Ho 43
+. Four specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Libo in Guizhou, China. A–D.
+W.Q. Fei & L.C. Zhu 1029
+. Type sheets of
+Clematis armandi
+) from Moupin (now Baoxing), Sichuan, China. A.
+A. David s.n.
+(lectotype P). B.
+A. David s.n.
+(isolectotype P).
+. Distribution of
+Clematis finetiana
+) (●). Red arrows indicate Ningguo and Qingyang in Anhui, Wuyuan in Jiangxi (previously belonging to Anhui), and Yixing in Jiangsu, four of the type localities of
+C. armandi
+C. finetiana
+. Two specimens (A, B) of a collection of
+Clematis finetiana
+Anonymous 0211
+(PE), from Jinzhai in Anhui, China, with one of them (A) misidentified as
+C. armandi
+on the determination slip and cited under this species by
+Wang (2003)
+, and the other (B) correctly identified as
+C. finetiana
+on the determination slip and cited under this species by
+Wang (2003)
+. Selected specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Jinzhai in Anhui, China.A.
+Z.W. Xue 747
+(IBSC). B.
+K. Yao 9932
+(NAS). C.
+C.M. Tan et al. 19051255
+(JJF). D.
+C.M. Tan et al. 19051291
+. Type specimens of
+Clematis finetiana
+) from Zhangjiajie in western Hunan, China. A.
+W Hunan Exped. 1256
+(PE holotype). B.
+W Hunan Exped. 1256
+(PE isotype).
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+Y.W. Law 1343
+P. Li LP0805046
+X. Li J811-2-021
+D.D. Ma & H.Y. Shou ZJFC308
+D.D. Ma & G.H. Xia ZJFC051
+H. Migo s.n.
+M.P. Teng 3850
+M.P. Teng et al. 4807
+Q. Tian et al. CSYZXZ06-438
+T.S. Wang et al. 7850
+Q.H. Yang et al. CSYZXZ07-206
+G.J. Zhang L8442071
+F.F. Zhao J812-3-021
+Med. Fl. Ed. Group 3908
+(ZM); Linhai,
+Anonymous 2473
+R.L. Lu 2019
+(ZM); Longquan,
+Anonymous 4550
+S.Y. Chang 4550
+(HHBG, PE),
+(HHBG, PE),
+S.Y. Chang et al. s.n.
+S. Chen 3097
+(NAS, PE),
+Z.G. Mao 10034
+L.S. Que 22646
+Med. Fl. Ed. Group 1868
+Nat. Mus. Exped. 3435
+D.X. Zuo 21786
+(NAS); Ningbo,
+Y.Y. Ho 1255
+(PE); Pan’an,
+L. Hong 2354
+(HHBG); Pingyang,
+Anonymous 4404
+D.X. Zuo 24628
+(HHBG, NAS); Qingyuan,
+Anonymous 10202
+F.G. Zhang 850161
+(ZM); Quzhou,
+Anonymous 3910
+(ZM); Shaoxing,
+H.J. Xu 3689
+(ZM); Shengzhou,
+Anonymous 33
+(ZM); Suichang,
+Anonymous 2431
+L.X. Hong & K. Xie 2439
+Z.Y. Li & S.Q. Wu 228
+L.S. Que 26401
+Y.L. Xu & F.G. Zhang 895
+F.G. Zhang 1433
+F.G. Zhang & Z.Y. Li 5002
+Q.F. Zhang et al. ZX00233
+Plant Res. Exped. 25521
+(PE); Taishun,
+Anonymous 23785
+C.C. Cheng 1320
+G.Y. Li et al. 332
+Exped. 8317
+D.X. Zuo 23785
+(NAS); Taizhou,
+D.X. Zuo 200
+D.X. Zuo et al. s.n.
+(NAS); Tiantai,
+Y.Y. Ho 27925
+Med. Plant Res. Exped.1193
+(ZM); Wenzhou,
+H.S. Chen & R.L. Lu 53
+B.S. Zheng 344
+(ZM); Xianju,
+Anonymous 7870
+H.X. Zhou 387
+(HHBG); Xinchang,
+Anonymous 3816
+(ZM); Yongkang,
+Yonhgkang Trad. Med. Res. Exped. 11
+(ZM); Yunhe,
+S. Chen 2898
+(NAS, PE),
+Y.Y. Ho 03589
+(PE); Precise locality unknown,
+Anonymous 68
+R.C. Ching 1470
+S.F. Wu s.n.
+Clematis finetiana
+has been recorded by some authors, including
+Anonymous (1959
+(under the name
+C. pavoliniana
+), 1984),
+Chang (1980)
+Lin & Zhao (1985)
+Li (1986)
+, Wang (1986, 1991, 2003),
+Lin (1992)
+, and
+Liu (2000)
+, to occur in Yunnan in southwestern
+. Among them,
+Anonymous (1984)
+specifically recorded it to occur in Dayao in northwestern
+, but not citing any specimens of
+C. finetiana
+from that county.
+Wang (2000)
+noted that although several authors, such as
+Chang (1980)
+, in the account of
+Linnaeus (1753: 543)
+in the
+Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae
+vol. 28, recorded the occurrence of
+C. finetiana
+, he himself did not see any specimens of this species from
+. However, he recorded the occurrence of
+C. finetiana
+in northeastern
+, citing
+J.M. Delavay 5146
+(G) under it (
+Wang 2003
+Finet & Gagnepain (1903)
+Anonymous (1984)
+cited this collection under
+C. meyeniana
+, but
+et al.
+, based on the examination of a duplicate of
+J.M. Delavay 5146
+(P), pointed out that this collection might belong to
+C. armandi
+C. jialasaensis
+Wang (2001: 4)
+. At least currently, therefore,
+C. finetiana
+is not known from
+Wang (2003)
+cited a collection,
+Anonymous 0211
+Fig. 11
+), from Jinzhai county in western
+, under both
+Clematis armandi
+C. finetiana
+. There are two sheets of this collection at PE. One has scales at the base of cymes and was identified as
+C. armandi
+on the determination slip, and the other has no such scales at the base of cymes and was identified as
+C. finetiana
+on the determination slip. It can be seen that the scales at the base of cymes of the first sheet are small, and thus this specimen, just corresponding to
+C. armandi
+in the presence of bud scales and in the shape of the bud scales as described by
+Courtois (1925)
+in the protologue, should belong to
+C. finetiana
+. This species is fairly common in Jinzhai. Another
+four specimens
+of it from Jinzhai are shown in
+Figure 12
+Clematis finetiana
+Wang & Li (1986: 269
+; “
+”) was described on the basis of a single collection,
+Exped. 1256
+Fig. 13
+), from Dayong (now Zhangjiajie) in western
+. In the protologue, the author stated that it differed from the
+, by having pedately 5-foliolate leaves. More material is needed to determine if
+C. finetiana
+is an abnormal variant of
+C. finetiana
+or an independent entity worthy of taxonomic recognition.
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+A new species of Phyllanthus (Phyllanthaceae) hiding in the shades in an urban Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
+Mendes, Jone Clebson Ribeiro
+Braga, João Marcelo Alvarenga
+Fraga, Claudio Nicoletti De
+Tomazello-Filho, Mario
+Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Avenida Pádua Dias, 11, Independência, Caixa Postal 09, 13418 - 900, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
+Orlandini, Priscila
+Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia, Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, Cidade Universitária, 13083 - 862, Campinas, SP, Brazil
+Athiê-Souza, Sarah Maria
+Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s / n, Dois Irmãos, 52171 - 900, Recife, PE, Brazil & Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s / n, Dois Irmãos, 52171 - 900, Recife, PE, Brazil
+journal article
+Phyllanthus celatus
+J.C.R. Mendes, J.M.
+A. Braga & Fraga,
+sp. nov.
+Rio de Janeiro
+: Rio de Janeiro,
+Parque Nacional da Tijuca
+Setor A
+, na trilha do
+Morro do Cocanha
+Bico do Papagaio
+653 m
+10 August 2021
+, fl., fr.,
+J.C.R. Mendes
+D. Nunes
+F.R.M. Fraga
+J.M.A. Braga
+MBML!, R!, RB!).
+Figures 1
+Phyllanthus celatus
+differs from congeneric species by having oblong leaves with 10–13 pairs of secondary veins, adaxial surface dark green with minute irregular reddish spots throughout, abaxial surface pale reddish or pale green with marked reddish veins, pistillate pedicels with
+9‒12 mm
+long, and 5-lobed pistillate disk.
+Erect herbs to subshrubs,
+20‒80 cm
+tall, monoecious. Phyllanthoid branching, pinatiform; branches cylindrical, glabrous to minutely with papillae or finely striated longitudinally when dried, light green; internodes
+2‒33 mm
+long. Cataphyllary stipules 1‒3 ×
+0.5 mm
+long, linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate, light green or reddish, glabrous. Leaves alternate, simple; petiole
+0.5‒1.5 mm
+long, cylindrical, light green or reddish, glabrous; blade 7‒21 ×
+4‒10 mm
+, oblong or rarely oblong-elliptic, base rounded to obtuse, slightly asymmetrical, apex rounded or slightly obtuse apex with an apiculum, membranaceous, margin entire, glabrous on both surfaces; venation brochidodromous, rectilinear, 10–13 pairs of secondary veins mostly straight, ascending at angles ≤ 25°, closed crosslinking with intersecondary veins, areola moderately developed, forming four-five sides, free-ending veins absent; adaxial surface dark green with minute irregular reddish spots throughout, impressed veins, abaxial surface pale reddish or pale green with marked reddish veins. Staminate cymules with 2 to 3 flowers, concentrated mainly in the basal portion of the branches and solitary pistillate flower, concentrated mainly in the terminal portion; bracts
+1.5‒2 mm
+long, linear-lanceolate, apex acuminate, margin entire, light green or reddish. Staminate flowers with pedicel
+5‒8 mm
+long, cylindrical, light green; sepals 5, 2‒3 ×
+1‒2 mm
+, uniseriate, widely obovate, apex rounded, concave, pale green with darker green veins, often hyaline; glandular disk 5-segmented, alternisepalous, obtriangular, minutely papillose; stamens 3, filament ca.
+1 mm
+long, completely free, anthers ca.
+0.2 mm
+long, whitish or yellow, connective narrow, thecae lightly emarginate with vertically dehiscence. Pistillate flowers with pedicels
+9‒12 mm
+long, cylindrical, light green; sepals 5, 2.8‒3 ×
+1.8‒2 mm
+, accrescent at fructification, uniseriate, elliptic, apex obtuse, concave, pale green with darker green veins; glandular disk deeply 5-lobed, obtriangular, smooth; ovary ca. 1 ×
+1 mm
+, globose, 3-loculate, smooth, styles 3, ca.
+1 mm
+long, free, erect, bifid, persistent at fructification, stigmas capitate. Capsules 1.7‒2.5 ×
+1.7‒2.5 mm
+, 6-mericarps, subglobose to oblate, pale green to brownish, smooth, pedicel
+0.9–1.5 mm
+long. Seeds
+1.2‒2 mm
+long, trigonous, dark brown, hilum cuneiform, terminal, verrucose lateral and dorsal surfaces, irregular rows arranged longitudinally.
+Additional specimens examined (
+Rio de Janeiro
+: Rio de Janeiro,
+Bois de la Tijuca
+30 November 1872
+, fl., fr.,
+A. Glaziou
+(P04853826 [image!])
+26 July 1888
+, fl., fr.,
+A. Glaziou
+(NY529041 [image!], P04853822, P04853823 [2 sheets, image!])
+Parque Nacional da Tijuca
+Pico da Tijuca
+22°56’35,5” S
+9 February
+, 975 m, fl., fr.,
+D.A. Zavatin
+D.F. Silva
+Setor A
+, margem da estrada
+Major Archer
+Alto da Boa Vista
+600 m
+7 February 2022
+, fl., fr.,
+D.F. Silva
+D.A. Zavatin
+Floresta da Tijuca
+Setor A
+, na trilha do
+Morro da Cocanha
+Bico do Papagaio
+776 m
+10 August 2021
+, fl.,
+D. Nunes
+et al. 499
+Caminho Dom Pedro Augusto
+496 m
+7 April 2016
+, fl., fr.,
+M. Verdi
+et al. 7408
+(CEPEC!, RB!, SP!)
+Phyllanthus celatus
+. A. Habitat, B. Habit, C. Branches showing both leaf surfaces (adaxial and abaxial), D. Pistillate flowers with details, E. Developed fruits. (Photographs by JCR Mendes).
+:—The specific epithet is a Latin adjective meaning hidden away. It is allusive to the discovery of this species that stayed unknown for centuries in the shadows of the forest, in a place intensely explored by historic and current botanists.
+Phyllanthus celatus
+. A. Habit, B. Leaf, C. Staminate flower, D. Pistillate flower, E. Gynoecium [detail of the pistillate disc], F. Fruit, G. Seed. (Drawing based on the holotype, made by
+Regina Carvalho
+Distribution, habitat and phenology
+Phyllanthus celatus
+was discovered in an urban remnant of Brazilian Atlantic Forest, in shaded places within the Ombrophilous Dense Forest in an advanced stage of regeneration located at altitudes of
+400 to 1,000 m
+in the Parque Nacional da Tijuca,
+Rio de Janeiro State
+, Southeastern
+Fig. 3
+). Flowers and fruits were collected in February, April, July, August, and November.
+Geographic distribution of
+Phyllanthus celatus
+Preliminary conservation status
+:—The new species is presently known only from very few samples collected in Parque Nacional da Tijuca and at one single location (sensu IUCN 2012, 2022). It has an estimated Extent of Occurrence (EOO) of
+0.85 km
+and minimal area of occupancy (AOO) of
+4 km
+². Regardless of the future discovery of populations of the species in other locations in the Park, the EOO will continue being less than
+100 km
+, in view of the extent of available habitat. The Tijuca massif is an area with high endemism and is one of the most well surveyed areas in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (
+et al.
+et al.
+). However, the main tourist attractions of the city are concentrated in this place, being visited by thousands of people every year (
+et al.
+). Although it is an environmentally protected area, the Parque Nacional da Tijuca is located within one of the world’s largest metropolises (
+et al
+. 2006
+) and is, therefore, subject to a continuing decline in the extent and/or quality of habitat due to the surrounding urban pressures (see
+et al.
+). The increasingly intense and frequent visitations in addition to the constant maintenance of access to tourist spots further promotes the loss of habitat quality due to trampling, soil compaction, introduction of exotic species, and removal of individuals that border the paths inside forest. For these reasons, based on IUCN criteria (2012, 2022), we suggest the Critically Endangered status for
+P. celatus
+, CR
+: B1ab(i, iii)+2ab(ii, iii).
+Phyllanthus niruri
+. A. Branches with pistillate flowers and fruits, B. Staminate flowers, C. Pistillate flowers. D–H.
+P. augustinii
+. D. Habit, E–F. Staminate flower. G. Pistillate flower. H. Fruits. (Fotos: A. Otávio Marques, B–C. Joyce Assunção; D–H. Jone Mendes).
+Systematic position and morphological relationships:—
+Considering the morphological similarities
+Phyllanthus celatus
+was allocated to the
+. Currently this subsection consists of ten species, including recently described species:
+P. augustinii
+P. capixaba
+Marques-Torres & M. J. Silva
+(2023a: 310),
+P. itamarajuensis
+Marques-Torres & M.J. Silva (2020: 174)
+P. lobatus
+Marques-Torres & M.J. Silva (2023b)
+P. longipedicellatus
+Silva (2009: 229)
+P. longipetiolatus
+Marques-Torres & M.J. Silva (2022b: 288)
+P. megastylus
+Marques-Torres & M.J. Silva (2023c: 186)
+P. niruri
+P. perpusillus
+Baillon (1865: 358)
+, and
+P. platystigma
+Marques-Torres & M.J. Silva (2023b)
+. This subsection is characterized by its linear-lanceolate cataphyllary stipules, leaf blades asymmetrical at the base, staminate and pistillate flowers with five sepals, staminate flowers with three free or proximally connate stamens, vertically, obliquely, or horizontally dehiscent anthers, and a cupuliform pistillate disk (
+Webster 2002
+et al.
+Phyllanthus celatus
+has a close affinity with
+P. niruri
+, a species widely distributed in America, but differs in the following characteristics: a dark green adaxial surface of the leaf blades with minute irregular reddish spots throughout and pale reddish or pale green abaxial surface with marked reddish veins (
+green on both surfaces in
+P. niruri
+), 10‒13 pairs of secondary veins (
+6‒9 pairs), closed crosslinking (
+open), intersecondary veins (
+absent); staminate flower pedicels
+5‒8 mm
+long (
+2–4 mm
+long); staminate sepals 2‒3 ×
+1‒2 mm
+1‒2 ×
+0.5‒1 mm
+); minutely papillose staminate glandular disc (
+verrucose or papillose); pistillate flower pedicel
+9‒12 mm
+long (
+3–5 mm
+long); pistillate sepals 2.8‒3 ×
+1.8‒2 mm
+1.2–2 ×
+0.5 mm
+); and a deeply 5-lobed pistillate glandular disc (
+entire, patelliform).
+Phyllanthus celatus
+resembles the poorly known and sympatrically occurring
+P. augustinii
+, whose
+of material is from the state of
+Rio de Janeiro
+Webster (2002)
+mentions that the collection
+Glaziou 17757
+(K, P) has unusually larger flowers and may represent
+P. augustinii
+Therefore, these specimens represent
+P. celatus
+, which differs from
+P. augustinii
+mainly by having an erect and herbaceous to subshrubby habit, plants
+20‒80 cm
+tall (
+subshrubby habit,
+15–18 cm
+tall in
+P. augustinii
+), oblong or rarely oblong-elliptic leaf blades 7‒21 ×
+4‒10 mm
+elliptic, obovate or elliptic-obovate 20–40 ×
+10–20 mm
+); staminate flower pedicel
+5‒8 mm
+long (
+9–10 mm
+long); stamen filament ca.
+1 mm
+long (
+2‒3 mm
+long); pistillate flower pedicel
+9‒12 mm
+long (
+20–30 mm
+), and deeply 5-lobed glandular disc (
+entire, cupuliform). Even so,
+Phyllanthus celatus
+is similar to the recently described species
+P. lobatus
+as it is the only one that has a lobed pistillate disc, but it differs mainly due to the presence of primary, secondary and intersecondary veins evident on the leaf (
+absent in
+P. lobatus
+), pistillate sepals light green (
+whitish or slightly pinkish), deeply 5-lobed pistillate glandular disc (
+3–5-lobed), styles erect (
+curved), and geographic distribution restricted to the Southeast (
+South). The differential characteristics of the four congeneric species are summarized in
+Table 1
+, and comparative photos in fields of
+P. augustinii
+P. niruri
+are presented in
+Figure 4
+; and for
+P. lobatus
+Torres & Silva (2023b)
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