+ |
+ |
+ |
Stem | +Densely villous | +Puberulous | +
Stipule | +Caducous, apex bifid | +Persistent, apex entire | +
Lamina base | +Cordate | +Rounded to sub-cordate or attenuate | +
Rachis | +Pubescent | +Glabrous or puberulous | +
Bract | +Elliptic-oblong, 3.5–6 mm long, margin ciliate | +Orbicular, 10–12 mm long, margin glabrous | +
Corolla tube | +11–15 mm long | +18–23 mm long | +
Corolla inner side vestiture | +Glabrous above the villous ring | +Rustysmall hairs above thevillous ring | +
Corolla lobe | +Apex acute, dorsal side deeply keeled | +Apex with 1 mm long horn, dorsal side non-keeled | +
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+Glabrous | +Scabrous | +Glabrous | +
+ |
+Green to yellowish green | +Bluish green and glaucous | +Green to yellowish green | +
+ |
+3–5 mm | +1.1–2 mm | +0.5–0.8 mm | +
+ |
+Obtuse, near rounded, minutely toothed | +Rounded to obtuse without teeth | +Acuminate | +
+ |
+Dissimilar | +Similar | +Similar | +
+ |
+20–55 cm long, unbranched or with a few branches | +2–3 cm long, unbranched (raceme) | +12–27 cm long, branched | +
+ |
+40–80 | +6–30 | +10–30 | +
+ |
+1.5–2 mm long | +1.3–1.8 mm long | +1.5–1.8 mm long | +
+ |
+3–4 mm long | +0.2–1.1 mm long | +1.5–4 mm long | +
+ |
+14–30 cm long | +1–2.5 cm long | +10–21 cm long | +
+ |
+10–25 | +10–25 | +3–7 | +
+ |
+1.6–2.8 mm long | +1.5–2.5 mm long | +1.7–2.6 mm long | +
+ |
+0.5–0.6 mm long | +0.3–0.4 mm long | +1–2 mm long | +