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+B Sp. N., A New Species From The Italian Alps (Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae)
+Moubayed, Joel
+Lods-Crozet, Brigitte
+CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research
+journal article
+Bryophaenocladius adigensis
+sp. n.
+98493F52-83C2-4E98-A406- 6EEF99F4B614
+Type material
+1 male
+Trentino Province
+River Adige
+45° 26’ 58.78” N
+10° 58’ 52.7’’ E
+194 m
+, leg.
+J. Moubayed
+P. Ashe
+on 1 slide, deposited in the entomological collection of the MUSE-Museo delle
+(Accession number: cINV0017).
+1 male
+adult, same locality and data as for
+, deposited in the collection of the first author
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+A New Species Of Petalocladius Sublette & Wirth, 1972 (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) From The Dominican Republic, With An Emended Generic Diagnosis
+Andersen, Trond
+Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. E-mails: trond. andersen @ uib. no, annui. parra @ uib. no
+Höcherl, Amelie
+SNSB-Zoologische Staatssammlung München, München, Germany. E-mail: hoecherl @ snsb. de
+Sanz-laParra, Annui Malla
+Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. E-mails: trond. andersen @ uib. no, annui. parra @ uib. no
+Bastardo, Ruth H.
+Instituto de Investigaciones Botánicas y Zoológicas Prof. Rafael M. Moscoso, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. E-mail: rbastardo 40 @ uasd. edu. do
+Baranov, Viktor
+Estación Biológica de Doñana-CSIC / Doñana Biological Station-CSIC, Seville, Spain. E-mail: viktor. baranov @ ebd. csic. es & Corresponding author.
+CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research
+journal article
+Petalocladius dominiensis
+Andersen & Baranov
+sp. n.
+Figs 1 A-D, Fig. 2, Figs 3 A-C
+7EB030EA-FD3E-44A3- ACA7-4A1764E8C691
+Type material:
+, slide mounted in Euparal.
+Dominican Republic
+La Vega
+Prov- ince,
+Ebano Verde Scientific Reserve
+1065 m
+light trap
+, leg.
+Amelie Höcherl
+Named after
+the Dominican
+Republic, using the latin suffix
+denoting country of origin.
+Diagnostic characters
+The new species is slightly smaller than
+Petalocladius setosus
+with about 115 dorsocentrals compared to
+56 in
+P. setosus
+The inferior volsella is broadly subtriangular, while lingulate in
+P. setosus
+and the gonostylus has a small but distinct megaseta and a subapical brush of spinelike seta, which seems to lack in
+P. setosus
+Male (n = 1). Total length
+2.94 mm
+. Wing length
+1.62 mm
+. Total length / wing length 1.81. Wing length / length of profemur 2.64.
+Head, thorax and abdomen brown, legs light brown.
+AR 0.69. Ultimate flagellomere 296 μm long.
+. Eye hairy. Temporal setae 6 including 2 inner verticals, 2 outer verticals and 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 17 setae. Tentorium 139 μm long, 30 μm wide; stipes 109 μm long. Palp as in
+Fig. 1A
+; palp segment lengths (in μm): 39, 47, 78, 103, 131. Third palpomere with 2 sensilla clavata subapically, longest 13 μm long.
+Fig. 2
+). VR 1.16. Costal extension about 174 μm long. Brachiolum with 1 seta, R with 6 setae, remaining veins and cells bare. Squama with 7 setae. Sc and R
+could not be discerned, but wing apparently not fully hardened.
+. Spur of fore tibia 42 μm long, spurs of mid tibia 28 μm and 21 μm long, spurs of hind tibia 57 μm and 22 μm long. Width at apex of fore tibia 44 μm, of mid tibia 36 μm, of hind tibia 43 μm. Comb apparently with 6 setae, longest 33 μm long, short- est 21 μm long. Lengths and proportions of legs as in
+Table 1
+Figs 1C, D
+Figs 3
+A-C). Tergite IX with 16 setae. Laterosternite IX with 6 setae. Transverse sternapodeme arched with weak oral projections, 117 μm long. Phallapodeme not meas- urable. Gonocoxite 267 μm long; densely setose, with some strong, wavy setae apico-laterally, longest about 110 μm long. Inferior volsella subtriangular, 51 μm wide basally, 68 μm long, with row of 7 strong spinelike setae along inner margin and additional weaker dorsal and ventral setae. Gonostylus 86 μm long, 66 μm wide, with brush of spine-like seta subapically, the longest slightly lanceolate and curved; megaseta small, 12 μm long, with denti- cles; heel 166 μm long, 16 μm wide medially, with rounded apex and few setae subapically, longest about 17 μm long. HR = 3.10; HV = 3.42.
+Female and immatures.
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+A new species of Schismatogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Halmahera (Indonesia)
+Keith, Philippe
+Dahruddin, Hadi
+Limmon, Gino
+Hubert, Nicolas
+journal article
+Schismatogobius sapoliensis
+n. sp.
+Figs 1-3
+; Tabs I-II)
+Material examined
+Five specimens
+from Halmahera with a size range of
+16.2-18 mm
+. –
+MZB 24586
+, male (
+17.9 mm
+23 March 2017
+et al.
+coll.; BIF 6802.
+. –
+MZB 24587
+2 females
+16.2-17.6 mm
+SL); same data as for holotype; BIF 6803 & 6805
+MNHN 2016- 0626
+1 female
+18 mm
+SL); same data as for holotype; BIF 6801
+MNHN 2016-0627
+1 male
+17.8 mm
+SL); same data as for holotype; BIF 6804
+Usually 16 pectoral rays; pectoral fins with a large transverse medium black band. First dorsal fin membrane posterior to spine 6 not connected to base of spine of second dorsal fin. Ventral surface of head in male blackish or greyish with a white mentum. Frenum whitish with a blackish border. Ventral surface of head in female blackish or greyish, except the isthmus, which is whitish, and with a white mentum. Frenum whitish, sometimes with a distal black dot. A single mitochondrial lineage was observed for this species (BOLD: ADL4589).
+A small sized
+(average adult size <
+20 mm
+SL). Body naked, slender, almost circular in cross-section. Head rounded, snout rather pointed. Mouth oblique, lower lip more prominent. Jaw length in male much greater than in female; jaw length 47.4-52.8% of HL in males and 32-36.7% of HL in females. Lower jaw reaching vertical of 1/3 to 1/2 of the eye in female and exceeding a vertical of posterior margin of eye in male. Eyes high on head, close together with interorbital width about equal to 1/3 eye diam- eter. Anterior nostril short and tube-like.
+Dorsal fins VI-I,8-9, membrane in first dorsal fin posteri- or to spine 6 not connected to base of spine of second dorsal fin. D1 with all spines about equal in length. Anal fin I,8-9, origin directly opposite to second dorsal fin origin. Caudal fin with 10-11 branched rays, posterior margin straight. Pectoral fins oblong with posterior margin rounded and 16(4)-17(1) rays, ventralmost ray unbranched. Pelvic fins always I,5, with both fins joined together for their entire length between fifth rays to form a strong cup-like disc and a well-developed and lobed frenum between spines; fins not extending beyond anus. Morphomeristic data given in table II.
+Figure 1. – Most likely ML tree inferred using the TrN+I model (-lnL = 3272.52860.77, I = 0.656, f(A) = 0.23604, f(C) = 0.30606, f(G) = 0.17125, f(T) = 0.28665, AC = AT = CG = GT = 1.0; AG = 14.38; CT = 6.78613). BP are given above each branch.
+Tongue bilobed. Teeth in upper jaw (first row 8-10) in two rows, teeth conical and slightly recurved. Teeth in lower jaw (first row 12-13) in 2-3 rows, all teeth conical with outer row teeth only slightly enlarged and somewhat recurved.
+Cephalic sensory pore system always with pores B, D, F, K, L, N and O, pore D singular with all other pores paired; oculoscapular canal absent between pores F and K. Anterior interorbital extension of anterior oculoscapular canal with double terminal pores B slightly posterior to posterior nostril. D pore at rear of interorbital. Posterior extension of anterior oculoscapular canal terminating laterally on each side of head at pore F, just behind posterior edge of eye. Posterior oculoscapular canal with 2 terminal pores, K and L; preopercular canal with 2 pores, N and O. Cutaneous sensory papillae not well developed.
+Sexual dimorphism fairly well developed with male having jaws longer than female and a different colour pattern on ventral surface of head. Urogenital papilla oval in female and slightly pointed in male.
+Figure 3. –
+Schismatogobius sapoliensis
+n. sp.
+, male, holotype MZB 24586, BIF 6802 (17.9 mm) (Photo N. Hubert).
+Figure 2. – Schematic drawing of the ventral surface of head of
+Schismatogobius sapoliensis
+Colour in preservation
+Body with three or four vertical black bands in dorsal view. When four bands, first band below first dorsal fin, second and third bands below second dorsal fin (sometimes these two bands are overlap) and fourth band at hypural crease. These lateral black body markings alternate with 3 vertical white to grey stripes. Head dusky grey. Ventral surface of head in male blackish or greyish with a white mentum. Frenum whitish with a blackish distal border. Ventral surface of head in female blackish or greyish except the isthmus, which is whitish, and with a white mentum. Frenum whitish, sometimes with a distal black dot (
+Fig. 2
+). First dorsal fin with a large horizontal black band. Second dorsal fin mostly cream with rows of black spots on rays. Caudal fin black and white, with a black spot at centre of hypural crease and two white spots posteriorly. Anal fin mostly greyish. Pectoral fins greyish with a large transverse medium black band.
+Figure 4. –
+Schismatogobius sapoliensis
+n. sp.
+, female,
+in vivo
+(Photo F. Busson).
+Colour in life (
+Figs 3
+Three or four vertical black bands in dorsal view. When four bands, first band below first dorsal fin, second and third bands below second dorsal fin and fourth band at hypural crease; the two middle bands are very close to each other. These bands are not uniform but with dorsal or lateral brown to rose spots. Colour of body between each band rose to greyish. Head and cheeks usually mottled with closely spaced black spots and markings, and an overall shade of greyishbrown. Ventral surface of head in male blackish or greyish with a white mentum. Frenum whitish with a blackish border. Ventral surface of head in female blackish or greyish except the isthmus, which is whitish, and with a white mentum. Frenum whitish, sometimes with a distal black dot. Belly whitish to greyish. First dorsal fin with a large horizontal black band. Second dorsal fin with rows of black spots on rays. Caudal fin mainly black with two median white spots dorsally and ventrally. Pectoral fins translucent with a large transverse medium black band.
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+Moubayed, Joel
+Lods-Crozet, Brigitte
+CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research
+journal article
+Limnophyes knispelae
+sp. n.
+75D501E6-7BD7-4DDA- A32C-0D55ADB744A9
+Material examined
+1 male
+Malaise trap
+, leg.
+Lods-Crozet. Rhône River
+, upper stream (
+46°34’17.421’’ N
+); alt.
+1800 m
+. Environmental data of water (after
+Knispel and Castella 2003
+): crystalline water, conductivity range: 2.9-17.8 µS/cm, mean: 10.5 µS/cm; temperature (max 3.9 °C; mean, 2.3 °C).
+3 male
+adults, leg.
+B. Lods-Crozet
+, same date and locality as for holotype
+(mounted on 1 slide; GBIFCH00617929) and
+1 paratype
+(mounted, each on 1 slide) are deposited in the collections of the
+de Zoologie
+de Rumine
+, 6 place
+de la Riponne
+, CH-1014
+2 paratypes
+, male adults are deposited in the collection of the senior author.
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+Moubayed, Joel
+Lods-Crozet, Brigitte
+CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research
+journal article
+Limnophyes sartorii
+sp. n.
+34BA34DB-8A35-4FFD- B4FC-2593BC1DA575
+Material examined
+1 male
+pharate adult,
+collected by drift net
+, leg.
+B. Lods-Crozet. Macun
+cirque (
+Swiss National Park
+), streamlet and rheocrenes, left shore of
+Immez Lake
+); alt.
+2616 m
+Pupal exuviae:
+1 male
+, same data
+and locality as for holotype
+2 male
+adults (1
+captured by Malaise trap
+and 1
+by drift net
+as a male pupa), leg.
+B. Lods-Crozet. Same
+data and locality as for holotype
+Environmental data from inlet of Immez Lake (
+Lods-Crozet et al. 2012
+Robinson et al. 2016
+): crystalline water, conductivity 5.9 µS/cm; temperature (min-max, 3.9-19.5 °C; mean, 11.6 °C), pH 6.7.
+(mounted on 1 slide; GBIFCH00617930) and
+1 paratype
+(mounted on 1 slide) is deposited in the collections of the ‘
+de Zoologie
+de Rumine
+, 6 place
+de la Riponne
+, CH-1014
+1 paratype
+male adult, mounted on 1 slide is deposited in the collection of the senior author.
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