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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Scopesis rubrotincta
+(figs 9, 27, 43, 63, 83, 104)
+Scopesus rubrotinctus
+, 1914: 2929
+: (
+; det.
+. (
+), type not examined.
+D e s c r i p t i o n:
+. Body length 7.0–9.0 mm. Flagellum with 33–35 segments; 1
+flagellar segment 5.0× as long as wide and 1.8–1.9× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 2.3–2.4×, 3
+segment 2.1–2.2× and preapical segment 1.8× longer than wide. Temple distinctly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.3–1.5× ocellar diameter. Face granulated, with fine superficial punctures. Clypeus moderately convex, not bulging medially, with fine sparse punctures and some long and erected setae, shining, with rather distinct flat extensions laterally; apical margin slightly concave. Mandibular teeth equal or lower tooth slightly larger than upper tooth. MI 0.3–0.4.
+Mesoscutum granulate, with superficial punctures, dull. Notaulus impressed in frontal 0.3. Mesopleuron finely granulate, with superficial punctures, ± shining; dorsally sometimes with few superficial striae. Speculum with microsculpture, shining. Area superomedia without lateral carina. Area petiolaris with short lateral carina, widely open medially. Lateral longitudinal and pleural carinae of propodeum often ± obsolete. Hind femur 3.9–4.3× as long as wide. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.62× as long as hind metatarsus. Vein 2rs-m 0.5–0.7× as long as vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu. Vein 1cu- a interstitial. Nervellus of hind wing vertical, intercepted in its apical 0.6. 1
+tergite 1.5– 1.7× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.3× as wide as long.
+Color: black. Flagellum reddish, infuscate basally. Palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus, often ventral spot at scape, spot on scutellum and postscutellum red. Tegula brown. 1
+tergite except base and 2
+to 4
+or 5
+tergites entirely red. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs red; hind tibia reddish, infuscate in apical 0.3; hind tarsomeres black, with ± paler bases. Pterostigma ochreous.
+♁. Body length 8.5–10.0 mm. Flagellum with 34–35 segments; 1
+flagellar segment 5.0– 5.2× as long as wide and 1.7–1.8× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 2.7× and 3
+segment 2.4× as long as wide. OED 1.1–1.4× ocellar diameter. MI 0.2–0.3. Mesopleuron with smoothened superficial structure, superficially punctate and granulate, weakly striate dorsally, strongly shining. Area superomedia sometimes with incomplete weak lateral carina. Area petiolaris with short lateral carina, widely open medially. Hind femur 3.8–4.0× as long as wide. 1
+tergite 1.9–2.0× as long as wide. 2
+tergite about as long as wide.
+Color: black. Flagellum reddish or brown, ± infuscate basally. Palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus, face, lower 1/2 of frontal orbit, ventral spots on scape and pedicel, collar, anterolateral spot on mesoscutum, hind edge of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, spot on mesosternum, spot on scutellum and postscutellum, fore and mid coxae largely, fore and mid trochanters and trochantelli and spot on hind trochantellus yellow. Legs otherwise red; hind tibia reddish-yellow, infuscate in apical 0.4; hind tarsus black. Sometimes postpetiolus apically and 2
+to 4
+tergites entirely red. Pterostigma ochreous or chestnut-brown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Transpalaearctic, studied material from
+and East Siberia* (Irkutsk environment).
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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Scopesis rugulosa
+(figs 11, 65, 85)
+: (
+) 1.VII.74; L.
+Alfeld; ex
+Tenthredopsis annuligera
+D e s c r i p t i o n:
+. Body length 6.0 mm. Flagellum with 37 segments; 1
+flagellar segment 4.4× as long as wide and 2.0× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 2.3×, 3
+segment 2.1× and preapical segment 1.5× as long as wide. Temple distinctly and almost linearly narrowed behind eye; dorsally 0.7× as long as eye. OED 1.4× ocellar diameter. Face granulated; inner orbits slightly convergent ventrally. Clypeus weakly convex, not bulging medially, almost straight apically, without distinct extensions laterally. Lower mandibular tooth slightly longer than upper one. MI 0.3.
+Mesoscutum granulate, dull. Notaulus impressed in frontal 0.3 of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron irregularly rugose-striate, without distinct punctures, dull. Speculum with microsculpture, slightly shining. Hind femur 4.5× as long as wide. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.67× as long as hind metatarsus. Area superomedia without lateral carina; area petiolaris widely interrupted medially. Lateral longitudinal and pleural carinae of propodeum weak but complete. Vein 2rs-m 0.6× as long as vein M between veins 2rs-m and 2-mcu. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 1× its width. Nervellus of hind wing vertical, intercepted in its apical 0.7. 1
+tergite 1.8× as long as wide, without dorsal carina. 2
+tergite 1.1× as wide as long.
+Color: black. Flagellum ochreous, infuscate basally. Palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus, hind edge of pronotum and tegula yellow. 1
+tergite in apical 0.25 and 2
+to 4
+tergites entirely red. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; mid trochantellus ± yellowish; legs otherwise red; hind femur slightly infuscate apically, hind tibia cream-yellow, black in apical 0.3; hind tarsomeres blackish. Pterostigma hyaline-yellow.
+♁ unknown.
+Tenthredopsis tischbeinii
+(FRIVALDSKY, 1876) (Hym.
+) (
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Only known from the German
+Taxonomical remarks: This specimen was determined as
+Sc. frontator
+, but seems to be closely related to
+Sc. macropus
+. Due its small size, characteristic structure of mesopleuron and long 1
+tergite, it is described as a separate species here, but might represent a very small (host-depended?) specimen of
+Scopesis macropus
+. For a definitive decision, more material, host records and genomic studies are necessary in the future.
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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Alcochera flavopicta
+(figs 52, 53, 73)
+Mesoleptus flavopictus
+, 1829
+, II: 33, ♁.
+Type lost (
+1906: 21
+), transferred to
+(2007: 319)
+Scopesus Sziladyi
+, 1924
+: (
+) Zengg 909.VII.13 (Budapest), examined and synonymized by
+(2007: 319)
+D e s c r i p t i o n:
+. Body length 8.5–9.0 mm. Flagellum with 40 segments, very slender; 1
+flagellar segment 6.4× as long as wide and 1.6× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 3.6×, 3
+segment 3.2× and preapical segment 1.8× as long as wide. Temple distinctly and roundly narrowed behind eye. Ocelli large, OED 1.0× ocellar diameter. Face granulated, dull. Clypeus moderately convex, not bulging medially, with sparse punctures; apical margin with short lateral extensions, almost straight. Mandibular teeth equally sized, sometimes ventral tooth slightly larger than dorsal tooth. MI 0.5.
+Mesoscutum finely granulate, dull. Notaulus ± distinct in frontal 0.5 of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron granulate, without punctures, dull; with few fine striae below subtegular ridge. Speculum large, almost smooth and strongly shining. Propodeum granulated. Are superomedia without lateral carina. Area petiolaris with very short lateral carina, widely absent medially. Lateral longitudinal and pleural carinae of propodeum complete. Legs slender; hind femur 5.4× as long as wide. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.6× as long as hind metatarsus. Areolet in fore wing closed, e. g. vein 3rs-m present but usually unpigmented. Vein 2m-cu reaching areolet close to vein 3rs-m. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 2× its width. Nervellus of hind wing slightly inclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.7. 1
+tergite slender, 2.2× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.1× as wide as long.
+Color: black. Antenna yellowish. Palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus, face (except small dorso-median brown spot), large hook-shaped anterolateral spot on mesoscutum, hind edge of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, mesepisternum, scutellum and postscutellum yellow. 1
+tergite apically, 2
+tergite except two paramedian brown spots and 3
+to 4
+tergites entirely red. Fore and mid coxae, all trochanters and trochantelli reddish-yellow; hind coxa red; legs otherwise red; hind tibia yellowish, reddish-brown in apical 0.1; hind tarsus ochreous. Pterostigma yellow.
+♁. Body length 8.0–
+8.5 mm
+. Flagellum with 39–42 segments, slender; 1
+flagellar segment 5.0–5.3× as long as wide and 1.5–1.6× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 3.0– 3.3×, 3
+segment 2.5–2.8× and preapical segment c 2.0× as long as wide. Temple moderately and roundly narrowed behind eye. Ocelli large, OED 1.1–1.2× ocellar diameter. Clypeus moderately convex, not bulging medially, with sparse punctures; apical margin with short lateral extensions. Mandibular teeth equally sized. MI 0.3.
+Mesopleuron granulate, without punctures, dull; sometimes with few fine irregular striae dorsally. Speculum with microsculpture, shining. Legs slender; hind femur 4.9–5.3× as long as wide. Propodeum granulated. Area superomedia with fine almost parallel lateral carinae. Area petiolaris with complete carina. Areolet in fore wing closed, e. g. vein 3rsm present but unpigmented. Vein 2m-cu reaching areolet close to vein 3rs-m. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 2× its width. 1
+tergite 1.8–2.2× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.0–1.1× as wide as long.
+Color: black. Antenna yellowish. Palps, mandible except teeth, clypeus, face, malar space, collar, large hook-shaped anterolateral spot on mesoscutum, ventral and hind edge of pronotum, tegula, subtegular ridge, mesepisternum, scutellum and postscutellum yellow. 1
+tergite apically, 2
+tergite except large basal brown spot, 3
+tergite entirely and 4
+to 5
+tergites ± red. Fore and mid coxae, all trochanters and trochantelli yellowish; hind coxa red; legs otherwise red; hind tibia yellowish, infuscate in apical 0.2; hind tarsus brownish or ochreous. Pterostigma yellowish.
+Aglaostigma aucupariae
+, 1817) (Hym.,
+) (
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: West Palaearctic, studied material from
+Taxonomical remarks: This species was transferred to the genus
+with question mark. He noted that the equally sized teeth speak against an inclusion into the genus
+, but the relation of the basal two flagellomeres, presence of vein 3rs-m in fore wing and color pattern argue against the genus
+and fit better with
+. We transfer this species to
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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Scopesis areolaris
+(figs 19, 91)
+: (♁)
+Scopesis areolaris
+♁ (
+), type examined. D e s c r i p t i o n: ♁.
+9 mm
+with 40 flagellomeres; 1st
+flagellar segment 6.0× as long as wide and 1.8× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 3.3× and 3
+segment 2.8× as long as wide, preapical segment c 2× as long as wide. Temple moderately and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.4× ocellar diameter. Face granulated and with superficial punctures, dull. Clypeus distinctly convex, slightly bulging medially, with coarse dense punctures and some long setae; apical margin slightly rounded, with very small flat extensions laterally. Mandibular teeth of equal size.
+Mesoscutum finely granulate, ± shining. Notaulus impressed in frontal 0.3 of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron granulate and superficially punctate, with rather strong striae dorsally, dull. Speculum with microsculpture, ± shining. Area superomedia with incomplete divergent lateral carinae. Area petiolaris with complete carina. Lateral longitudinal carina of propodeum weak and partly obsolete; pleural carina distinct and complete. Hind femur 4.7× as long as wide. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.65× as long as hind metatarsus. Vein 2rs-m 0.9× as long as vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 2× its width. Nervellus of hind wing inclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.7. 1
+tergite 2.0× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.2× as wide as long.
+Color: black. Scape ventrally and flagellum reddish, basal flagellomeres blackish dorsally. Palps partly, mandible except teeth, clypeus, facial orbit and two paramedian dorsal spots on face yellowish. Tegula reddish-brown, subtegular ridge reddish. Apical 0.2 of 1
+tergite, 2
+to 4
+tergites entirely and 5
+tergite dorsally red, laterally black. Coxae and trochanters blackish. Trochantelli reddish; legs otherwise red; hind femur red, black in apical 0.1; hind tibia yellowish, black in apical 0.4; hind tarsus black. Pterostigma chestnut-brown.
+and hosts unknown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Only known from the German
+a x o n o m i c a l r e m a r k: This species belongs to
+(e. g. typical length of 1
+and 2
+flagellar segments, form of areolet and structure of 1
+tergite) but is characterized by its unique facial color pattern and unusual structure of the clypeus which resembles
+(HOLMGREN). We did not find any
+with this form of clypeus in the studied
+material, the
+Sc. areolaris
+remains unknown.
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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Scopesis caucasica
+nov. sp.
+(figs 2, 21, 55, 75, 94)
+: (
+) SW
+Kintrishi NP
+1634 m
+MT 12
+10- 24.VIII.2018
+, leg.
+G. Japoshvili
+: (
+) SW
+1634 m
+MT 12
+10- 24.VIII.2018
+, leg.
+G. Japoshvili
+); (
+Kintrishi NP
+1264 m
+MT 4
+, leg.
+G. Japoshvili
+); (♁)
+NP, H 4-5,
+; [green] BC-ZSM-HYM-27496-E01 (
+); (♁)
+NP, H 4-5,
+[green] BC-ZSM-HYM-27496-E03 (
+); (
+NP, H 4-5,
+; [green] BC-ZSM-HYM-27496-D08 (
+); (♁)
+NP, H 4-5,
+; [green] BC-ZSM-HYM-27496-D06 (
+D e s c r i p t i o n:
+. Body length 9.0–
+9.5 mm
+. Flagellum with 36–39 segments; 1
+flagellar segment 4.8–5.5× as long as wide and 1.8–1.9× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 2.8–2.9×, 3
+segment 2.3–2.5× and preapical segment 1.6× as long as wide. Temple slightly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.5× ocellar diameter. Face granulated, with fine superficial punctures. Clypeus slightly convex, not bulging medially, with sparse punctures, shining; apical margin with small flat extensions laterally, slightly concave. Mandibular teeth of equal length. MI 0.4.
+Mesoscutum granulate and superficially punctate, dull. Notaulus weakly impressed in frontal half of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron finely rugose and ± punctate ventrally and usually with distinct striae dorsally. Speculum with microsculpture, strongly shining. Area superomedia sometimes with weak but incomplete lateral carina. Area petiolaris with complete carina. Lateral longitudinal carina and pleural carina of propodeum distinct and complete. Hind femur 4.3–4.9× as long as wide. Hind tibia with numerous dark setae externally. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.60× as long as hind metatarsus. Vein 2rs-m 0.75× as long as vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 1–2× its width. Nervellus of hind wing vertical or slightly inclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.7–0.8. 1
+tergite 1.5–1.6× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.2–1.4× as wide as long
+Color: black. Flagellum black, distal half ± reddish ventrally. Mandible black or reddish-brown centrally. Apical ½–3/4 of clypeus reddish or chestnut-brown. Tegula black. 1
+tergite ±, 2
+to 4
+or 5
+tergites red, sometimes 6
+tergite reddish laterally. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs otherwise red; hind femur red, not distinctly infuscate apically; hind tibia red, sometimes narrowly black basally, black in apical 0.2– 0.3; apical spurs of hind tibia reddish or brown; hind tarsus black. Pterostigma dark ochreous or brown. ♁. Body length
+6.5–8.5 mm
+. Flagellum with 34–37 segments; 1st flagellar segment 5.5–
+5.9× as long as wide and 1.9× as long as 2
+flagellomere; 2
+segment 2.9–3.1×, 3
+segment 2.6× and preapical segment 1.8× as long as wide. Temple parallel or slightly and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.5× and OOD 1.0× ocellar diameter. Face granulated, without distinct punctures. Clypeus moderately and transversely convex, not bulging medially, with sparse punctures, shining; apical margin with small flat extensions laterally, slightly concave. Ventral mandibular tooth slightly larger than dorsal tooth. MI 0.5.
+Mesopleuron finely rugose and sometimes finely striate ventrally, usually with distinct striae dorsally. Speculum smooth or with microsculpture, strongly shining. Area superomedia sometimes with weak but incomplete lateral rugae in basal half. Area petiolaris with complete carina. Lateral longitudinal carina and pleural carina of propodeum distinct and complete. Hind femur 4.6–4.9× as long as wide. Hind tibia with numerous setae externally. Inner apical spur of hind tibia 0.50× as long as hind metatarsus. Vein 2rs-m 0.7–0.8× as long as vein M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu. Vein 1cu-a postfurcal by 1– 2× its width. Nervellus of hind wing vertical or slightly inclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.7–0.8. 1
+tergite 1.8–2.0× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite about as long as wide
+Color: black. Flagellum black, distal 2/3 ± reddish ventrally. Mandible except teeth reddish-yellowish. Clypeus and lateral spots or complete face cream-yellow. Mesosoma black. Tegula black. Tergites black, 2
+and 3
+tergites with ± extended reddish suffusion. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs otherwise red; hind femur red, sometimes slightly infuscate apically; hind tibia red, sometimes narrowly black basally, black in apical 0.2–0.3; hind tarsus black. Pterostigma ochreous, with darker margins.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: So far only known from
+Taxonomical remarks: The
+of this new species resembles
+Scopesis rufolabris
+, but differs by the darker coloration of flagellum, tegula and hind tibia, and numerous dark and stronger setae of hind tibia. The ♁ differs by the reduced red coloration of median tergites and cream-yellow facial coloration.
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+Revision of the Palaearctic species of Scopesis FÖRSTER (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ctenopelmatinae)
+Riedel, Matthias
+H, Andres
+Schmidt, Stefan
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Scopesis minuta
+nov. sp.
+(figs 61, 81)
+: (
+zip. Brenner; [red] 1559 (
+). D e s c r i p t i o n:
+. Body length
+5.2 mm
+. Flagellum with 28 segments, stout; 1st
+flagellar segment 3.9× as long as wide and 1.9× as long as 2
+segment; 2
+segment 2.0×, 3
+segment 1.9× and preapical segment 1.3× as long as wide. Temple moderately and roundly narrowed behind eye. OED 1.5× ocellar diameter. Face granulated, dull; inner eye margins slightly convergent ventrally. Clypeus moderately and transversely convex, with sparse punctures, shining, moderately bulging medially, with distinct flat lateral extensions; apical margin slightly concave. Mandibular teeth of equal size. MI 0.65.
+Mesoscutum granulate, without punctures, dull. Notaulus impressed in frontal 0.5 of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron granulate, dull, without punctures, with few irregular rugae dorsally; speculum with microsculpture, shining. Hind femur 4.4× as long as wide. Inner apical spur of hind tibia slightly longer than outer spur, 0.53× as long as hind metatarsus. Area superomedia with weak lateral carina and moderately widened apically; area petiolaris with complete carina. Lateral longitudinal and pleural carinae of propodeum complete. Vein 2rs-m 0.7× as long as vein M between veins 2rs-m and 2-mcu. Vein 2m-cu almost straight. Vein 1cu-a interstitial. Nervellus of hind wing inclivous, intercepted in its apical 0.8. Discoidella of hind wing vestigial. Metasoma stout; 1
+tergite 1.3× as long as wide, without latero-median carina. 2
+tergite 1.6× and 3
+tergite 2.1× as wide as long. Color: black. Flagellum reddish-brown; 1st flagellar segment blackish. Palps brown.
+Median spot at mandible and clypeus reddish. Hind edge of pronotum and tegula brownish. 2
+to 3
+tergites reddish-brown, with diffuse brownish transverse bands medially. Coxae, trochanters and trochantelli black; legs otherwise reddish; hind femur weakly infuscate apically; hind tibia narrowly infuscate basally and apically; hind tarsomeres reddish, with brownish tips. Pterostigma brown, paler proximally.
+♁ and hosts unknown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Only known from
+Taxonomical remarks: This new species is characterized by its small size and low number of flagellar segments, stout flagellum, stout metasoma, granulate mesopleuron without distinct striation, bulging clypeus medially and dark color of palps and tegula. The form of clypeus resembles members of the genus
+, but the 1
+tergite of
+Sc. minuta
+has no latero-median carina.
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis travancoriana
+in ROSA et al., 2021
+Figs 15
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+: 1♁,
+], South
+, [without further information] (NHMW).
+R e m a r k s:
+Chrysis travancoriana
+was described based on
+two females
+. The male found at NHMW can be easily associated with the female of
+C. travancoriana
+, exhibiting the same diagnostic characters, such as the colour pattern green and blue with golden and red patches apico-laterally on first and second terga (
+Fig. 15E
+); the same structure of the third metasomal tergum, with six teeth, four of which apically aligned and two positioned on lateral edge (
+Fig. 15E
+); the peculiar sculpture on lateral area of mesoscutum between the notauli and the parapsidal signum, with punctures transversally contiguous (
+Fig. 15D
+). Other characters as follow: body length
+5.3 mm
+, forewing length 3.0 mm. OOL = 1.5× MOD; POL = 2.1× MOD (in female, POL is 1.8× MOD and not 6.7 as erroneously given in the original description); MS distinctly shorter than in female = 0.7 × MOD; subantennal distance less than 1.0 MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.3:1.2:1.2, with very short first flagellomere, as long as the second. Scapal basin with the area below frons impunctate (fully punctate in females) and without the frons distinctly prominent over the scapal basin (
+Fig. 9B
+). All the differences mentioned above are compatible with sexual dimorphism.
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021a
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis oblita
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+], South
+, [without further information] NHMW).
+Tamil Nadu
+, Coimbatore, South
+, [without further information] (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+West Bengal
+Orientalis (locality not specified), Central provinces (locality not specified) (
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+NURSE 1903
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis pandyana
+Figs 13
+A-F, 14A-14D)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, leg.
+. Simon Thomas (collectie Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam) (
+, same labels as the
+Fig. 13
+Chrysis pandyana
+, holotype, female; (
+) habitus, dorsal view; (
+) habitus, lateral view; (
+) head, frontal view; (
+) head, dorsal view; (
+) mesosoma, dorsal view; (
+) mesosoma, lateral view.
+D i a g n o s i s:
+Chrysis pandyana
+is an unusual species that I include in the
+group due to the structure of its third metasomal tergum with four distal teeth and a basolateral bulge (
+Fig. 13B
+), the scapal basin micropunctate, the shortened pronotum, the frontal carina parenthesis-like, and the shape of the black spots on second sternum large and separated medially. This species group was previously known only from the Afrotropical region (
+MADL & ROSA 2012
+Chrysis pandyana
+is distinct from all the other members of the group by its relatively large ocelli (
+Fig. 13D
+); the shape of the four apical teeth, which are normally close-set and triangular, whereas in
+C. pandyana
+, they are spiniform, and the raised square parenthesis-like frontal carina. Other diagnostic characters are the elongate, subrectangular black spots on the second sternum (
+Fig. 14D
+), the double metasomal punctation with small and sparse punctures in the second half of the second tergum (
+Fig. 14A
+); the black median area of mesoscutum with dark violet reflections on the bottom of the large punctures.
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Female. Body length
+8.9 mm
+; anterior wing length
+5.5 mm
+Head. Vertex and ocellar triangle with dense, small to medium punctures (0.2–0.5× MOD), with the largest between ocelli and eye, the smallest above frontal carina and on ocelli area; polished area in front of anterior ocellus, sulcate medially; ocelli relatively large compare to other species of the species group (
+Fig. 13D
+); anterior ocellus subtrapezoidal, sunken; transverse frontal carina raised, square parenthesis-like with small to medium punctures between carina and scapal basin; scapal based densely micropunctate, with punctures aligned transversally; median longitudinal stripe (1× MOD wide) impunctate, weakly wrinkled transversally; area before clypeus polished to shallowly wrinkled; scapal basin covering almost the entire face, at sides with sparse, small to median punctures; malar space micropunctate; gena narrow, less than 1× MOD; genal carina sharp, fully developed from temples to mandibular insertion; subantennal space short, 0.75× MOD; apex of clypeus straight, slightly arcuate upward with thick, apico-median, black rim. Malar space very short (0.3× MOD). Distance between anterior ocellus and margin of frontal carina = 1.2× MOD. OOL 1.0 × MOD; POL 1.2× MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.3:1.1:1.0.
+Mesosoma. Pronotum narrow medially, shorter than scutellum (
+Fig. 13E
+); medial pronotal furrow shallow, as long as 2/3 of pronotal length; punctures medium sized (0.4–0.5× MOD), spaced (1 puncture diameter apart), interspaces micropunctate; mesoscutum with larger punctures on median area; lateral area with denser punctures, micropunctate on interspaces; notauli formed by deep, blue, subsquare to subrectangular foveae, smaller than punctures on median area; parapsidal signum shallow; mesoscutellum with larger punctures than mesoscutum, micropunctate on interspaces, denser at side; scutellar-metanotal suture as deep line, enlarged medially; metanotum densely punctate, with subcontigous punctures; posterior propodeal projections triangular, slightly divergent, pointed downwards; mesopleuron densely and deeply punctate, with episternal sulcus formed by large, subrectangular foveae (
+Fig. 13F
+); noticeable deep meso- and metapleural foveae.
+Metasoma. Punctures on first tergum even, small, micropunctate on interspaces; second tergum with similar punctation on basal half, with smaller and sparser punctures on apical half; longitudinal median carina weak, yet visible on all terga; third tergum with larger punctures basally, becoming denser on pre pit area, which is slightly saddled; pits of pit row deep, non-metallic, 2-3× larger than larger tergal punctures; third tergum with basolateral bulge, apical margin with four sharp, spiniform teeth; black spots on second sternum subrectangular, elongate, covering about two thirds of sternum length, largely separated medially and not touching lateral margin of sternum (
+Fig. 14F
+Coloration. Body blue with greenish reflections on face and dorsally on pronotum, scutellum, first tergum and apico-laterally on second tergum; median area of mesoscutum black with violet reflection on the bottom of punctures. Wing infuscate, lighter on outer margin.
+Vestiture. Setae whitish and short, sparse, less than or 1.0× MOD, on the body.
+Male. Unknown.
+Etymology. The specific epithet
+(adjective) is named after the Pandyan dynasty, an ancient Tamil dynasty who ruled extensive territories in southern
+over a period of almost 1800 years.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+Tamil Nadu
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Trichrysis poseidonia
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+West Bengal
+, Birbhum Dt. W. Bengal
+, without further information (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+West Bengal
+* (
+ROSA et al. 2022
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2022
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Trichrysis lanka
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, Nadungadu,
+, leg. P.S. Nathan (RMNH).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2022
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+Sri Lanka
+ROSA et al. 2022
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Cephaloparnops oberthueri
+(DU BUYSSON, 1904)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, Madras [= Chennai], Krishagiri,
+, leg. R.T. Simon Thomas (RMNH).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+* (DU BUYSSON, 1904).
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2022
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Atoposega estherinae
+Figs 3
+A-3F, 4A-4D)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+15 km
+SW of Munnar, Kallar Valley,
+, leg. Dembický & Pacholátko (BZL).
+Tamil Nadu
+, Anamalai Hills, Cinchona,
+3500 ft.
+May 1967
+, leg. P.S. Nathan (RMNH).
+D i a g n o s i s: The genus
+was recently revised by
+KIMSEY (2014)
+and includes only six species:
+A. lineata
+(KROMBEIN, 1957)
+(KROMBEIN, 1957)
+A. rufithorax
+KIMSEY, 2014
+A. simulans
+KIMSEY, 1986
+A. striata
+KIMSEY, 2014
+; and
+A. thailandica
+KIMSEY, 2014
+. The occurrence of this genus in
+was expected (
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+) because one species,
+A. rieki
+, was recorded in
+and the genus has a wide distribution in the Oriental region from Borneo to
+KIMSEY 2014
+Atoposega estherinae
+can be easily distinguished from other species by the following combination of characters: second metasomal tergum with lateral patch of dense, longitudinal scratches not joining posteriorly or appearing U-shaped as in
+A. rieki
+A. rufithorax
+A. striata
+; first flagellomere 5× as long as broad (vs. 4× in
+A. thailandica
+, and 3× in
+A. lineata
+A. simulans
+); forewing not banded; pronotum and mesonotum with large, contiguous punctures, separated by longitudinal ridges.
+Atoposega estherinae
+mostly resemble
+A. thailandica
+but can be distinguished by: first tergum fully impunctate and polished medially (
+Fig. 4C
+) (vs. only medial two-thirds impunctate) with lateral patch of fine, dense longitudinal scratches (
+Fig. 4A
+) (vs. laterally with zone of small punctures, separated by 0.5–1.0 puncture diameters); second tergum fully punctate dorsally, with impunctate median line and punctures becoming denser at sides, align anterolaterally and becoming striatiform (
+Fig. 4B, D
+) (vs. medial third polished and impunctate on anterior half of tergum, lateral third punctate, with punctures separated by 0.5–1.0 puncture diameters, becoming slightly striatiform laterally); wing membrane ambrate (
+Fig. 3F
+) (vs. wing membrane bicolored, dark brown with broad pale band across wing at stigma). Other different characters are: OOL 0.5× MOD (vs. 0.8 MOD); malar space shorter 2.3× MOD (vs. 2.6× MOD); anterior ocellus 1.8× MOD from eye margin; (vs. 2.2× MOD); scapal basin fully cross-ridged medially, with a single row of punctures between scapal basin and eye (vs. not fully ridged, with more punctures between scapal basin and eye in
+A. thailandica
+); first flagellomere length 5× breadth (vs. 4×); fore femur ventrally carinate (vs. unmodified); metapleuron longitudinally striate (
+Fig. 4A
+) (vs. transversely striate); scape pale reddish (vs. bicolored, red to light brown ventrally, blackish dorsally); all legs red (vs. hind femur largely black); propodeum black posteriorly (vs. black dorsally and posteriorly).
+Fig. 3
+Atoposega estherinae
+, holotype, female; (
+) habitus, dorsal view; (
+) habitus, lateral view. Scale bars 1 mm; (
+) head, frontal view; (
+) head and mesosoma, dorsal view; (
+) mesosoma, dorsal view; (
+) forewing.
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Female body length
+5.7 mm
+. Fore wing length
+3.8 mm
+Head. Frons with contiguous punctures; scapal basin fully cross-ridged medially, with a single row of punctures between scapal basin and eye (
+Fig. 3C
+); malar space long, 2.3 × MOD; anterior ocellus 1.8 MOD from eye margin (
+Fig. 3D
+); OOL 0.5 MOD; clypeus polished and flattened apically; subantennal distance 0.9 MOD; first flagellomere l/w = 5; second flagellomere l/w = 1; third flagellomere 0.6; eleventh flagellomere l/w = 1.6. Relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1:2.6:0.7:0.6.
+Fig. 4
+Amisega estherinae
+, holotype, female; (
+) mesosoma, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, dorsal view; (
+) metasoma, dorso-lateral view.
+Mesosoma: Length
+2.4 mm
+. Pronotum and mesonotum with large, subcontiguous punctures, separated by longitudinal ridges (
+Fig. 3E
+); pronotum and scutum subequal in length; scutum with notauli deeper and larger posteriorly; mesopleuron with relatively small, even punctures; metanotum 0.6× as long as scutellum, medial enclosure coarsely, irregularly punctate, with medial ridge (
+Fig. 3D
+); propodeum areolate on dorsal surface, with numerous cross-ridges on posterior surface; metapleuron transversely striate (
+Fig. 4A
+); propodeum laterally with a stripe covered with short, silvery pubescence; posterior propodeal projections spiny and pointing upwards; fore femur ventrally carinate.
+Metasoma. Length
+1.9 mm
+. First tergum impunctate and polished medially; laterally with patch of fine, dense, longitudinal scratches; second tergum fully punctate dorsally, with impunctate median longitudinal line; punctures becoming denser at sides, anterolaterally aligned and becoming striatiform; third metasomal tergum with small, dense and subcontiguous punctures; first sternum produced into large basal keel.
+Coloration. Head black; scape pale reddish, pedicel and first flagellomere pale to whitish; first flagellomere distally dark brown; second flagellomere partially light brown and partly blackish, rest of flagellum black; mesosoma and legs red, propodeum black posteriorly; second metasomal tergum green metallic laterally (
+Fig. 4
+A-D); sternal keel brownish; wing membrane ambrate, densely setose.
+Male. Unknown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+Tamil Nadu
+E t y m o l o g y: The specific epithet
+(feminine noun in genitive) is dedicated to Esther Ockermüller, curator of the
+at BZL, who entrusted me in the study of the
+deposited in the museum collection over the years.
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Cleptes asianus
+Figs 1
+A-1D, 2A–2D)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+: 1♁, Nokrek Nat. Park,
+, leg. Murzin (BZL).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+). First record of the genus
+in the country.
+Fig. 1
+Cleptes asianus
+, male; (
+) habitus, dorsal view; (
+) head, frontal view; (
+) head, dorsal view; (
+) head, ventro-lateral view.
+Fig. 2
+Cleptes asianus
+, male; (
+) mesosoma, dorsal view; (
+) mesopleuron, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, dorsal view; (
+) genital capsule, dorsal view; (
+) genital capsule, ventral view.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+WEI et al. 2013
+R e m a r k s:
+Cleptes asianus
+was described on a single female from
+. The sex association proposed here is doubtful because I could not examine the type specimen, which was not available for this study or for the revision of the Chinese
+WEI et al. 2013
+. An examination and redescription of
+Cleptes asianus
+based on the
+, is needed because important diagnostic characters, such as the shape and sculpture of the propodeum, are not provided in the original description.
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Omalus aeneus
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, Anamalai Hills, Cinchona [= Cinkona], without further information (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic,
+and accidentally introduced in North America (
+ROSA et al. 2014
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Holophris taiwana
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, Coimbatore, without further information (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+, Guangdong, Hainan),
+ROSA et al. 2021a
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Cladobethylus ceylonicus
+Figs 5
+A-5F, 6A-6D)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+: 1♁, Tura peak,
+12.- 22.vi.2007
+, leg. Pacholátko (BZL).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s: This is the first confirmed record of
+in the country. Although the genus was previously mentioned for southern
+, none of the species listed in the checklist were associated with
+, leaving uncertainty on its occurrence. Additionally, in Kimsey’s revision of the genus (2019), none of the eleven species were recorded for
+. However, the genus was expected to be present in the country (
+Rosa et al. 2021a
+), considering that
+Cladobethylus ceylonicus
+was described from
+Sri Lanka
+R e m a r k s: The Indian specimen matches the original description and the description given by
+KIMSEY (2019)
+. However, some differences can be observed, probably related to different populations. In particular, first flagellomere 6.0× as long as broad (vs. 4.5×), flagellar setae 0.7× as long as flagellomere breadth taken proximally (vs. 0.5×); second flagellomere 4.2× as long as broad (vs. 3.3×); last flagellomere 8× as long as broad (5×).
+Pronotum and scutum with even punctures (not subcontiguous, coarser than on vertex); metanotal median area suboval, l/
+w 0.68
+(not triangular, about as long as basal width); mesopleuron with large and subcontiguous punctures covering the segments, 2-3 times larger than those on pronotum (vs. lower two thirds of mesopleuron with punctation similar to that on pronotal dorsum, the upper third with smaller, more scattered punctures (KROMBEIN 1983) or ventrally polished, impunctate (
+KIMSEY 2019
+)). Antennae dark brown contrasting light yellowish legs.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+Sri Lanka
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis cataka
+Figs 9
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+; Pondicherry:
+[= Karaikal],
+, [without further information] (
+D i a g n o s i s:
+Chrysis cataka
+belongs to the
+group. Indian species of this group were recently revised and keyed by
+Rosa et al. (2021b)
+Chrysis cataka
+is distinct from any other species due to the combination of (i) apical margin of the third tergum with two blunt lateral angles and two short median teeth closely positioned and protruding from the profile of the tergum (
+Fig. 9E
+); (ii) shape of the head in frontal view, with the frontal carina topping scapal basin, continuing downwards to the malar spaces with long branches between scapal basin and eye, ending at 2/3 of basin length; (iii) the colour pattern, with green head and mesosoma, red mesoscutum and metasoma (
+Fig. 9C
+). The only similar species in terms of small dimension, the shape of the head in frontal view, with almost polished scapal basin, frontal carina, long malar spaces, and apical margin with two lateral teeth and closely positioned median ones is
+RADOSZKOWSKI, 1876, known from
+). The female of
+can be distinguished by its body being entirely red, golden-red or golden-greenish (in prepared specimens), with coarse metasomal punctation, lateral teeth strongly pointed with hyaline apex, and rounded black spots on the second sternum separated medially; the male of
+C. minutissima
+has four sharp, aligned teeth bordered by a hyaline margin, while the male of
+C. cataka
+is unknown. The unusual shape of the head with polished scapal basin, frontal carina topping the scapal basin, and long malar spaces place these two species in a separated subgroup, somehow close to the
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Female. Body length
+5.1 mm
+; anterior wing length
+2.9 mm
+Head. Vertex and ocellar triangle with dense, small to medium punctures (0.3–0.5× MOD); frons before scapal basin with irregular, subcontiguous to confluent punctures continuing on face down to malar spaces, between eye and scapal basin; posterior ocelli with postero-lateral deep, black fovea; scapal basin deep below upper margin, only slightly wrinkled, polished between wrinkles and large punctures at side of scapal basin; malar space densely punctate; frontal carina sharp, topping the scapal basin and continuing along scapal basin, up to 2/3 of basin length (
+Fig. 9B
+), genal carina sharp, straight, fully developed from temples to mandibular insertion; subantennal space short, 0.5× MOD; apex of clypeus straight, slightly arcuate upward with narrow, dark brown rim. Distance between anterior ocellus and margin of frontal carina = 2.0× MOD. OOL 1.3× MOD; POL 2.3× MOD; MS 1.1× MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:1.3:0.9:0.8.
+Fig. 9
+Chrysis cataka
+, holotype, female; (
+) habitus, lateral view; (
+) head, frontal view; (
+) mesosoma, dorsal view; (
+) mesosoma, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, postero-lateral view; (
+) metasoma, ventral view.
+Mesosoma. Medial pronotal furrow shallow, barely visible; pronotum with uneven punctures, small to medium sized (0.1–0.5× MOD), subcontiguous to confluent, with small punctures on interspaces; mesoscutum with larger punctures postero-medially on median area, smaller antero-medially and on lateral area; median area with polished interspaces and scattered small punctures; lateral area with denser punctures; notauli formed by deep blue foveae contrasting with red metallic colour of mesoscutum; notaular foveae as large as larger punctures adjacent basally, decreasing towards anterior margin; parapsidal signum deep; mesoscutellum with punctures similar to those at base of mesoscutum, laterally with denser, smaller punctures; scutellar-metanotal suture deep, formed by longitudinally elongate foveae; metanotum densely punctate, with irregularly sized and shaped punctures; posterior propodeal projections slightly divergent, pointed downwards; mesopleuron densely and deeply punctate, with episternal sulcus formed by large, subrectangular foveae (
+Fig. 9D
+Metasoma. Punctures on first tergum small, larger at sides, with dots on interspaces; two dorso-lateral patches without punctures, only with dense dots; second tergum with dense small punctures, subcontiguous and aligned, forming obliquous striae; punctures at sides twice as large as those on median area, widely separated by polished interspaces; longitudinal median carina weak; third tergum with large and dense punctures; pits of pit row, deep, brown, 2-3× larger than tergal punctures; apical margin with narrow hyaline rim, with two lateral blunt angles and two small median teeth, close each other, on apex of protruding area; black spots on second sternum small, covering less than half of sternum length; spots only partially fused medially with straight margin (
+Fig. 9F
+Coloration. Body with similar colour pattern like
+C. succincta
+, with head and mesosoma green, mesoscutum and metasoma red, excluding the green apical margin of metasomal segments; dark blue on ocelli area, temples and occipital area, posterior half of propodeum dorsally, mesoscutellum and metascutum; sterna greenish to golden-green; hind legs greenish, mid and hind legs red; tegula metallic red; scape and pedicel green, flagellum brown.
+Vestiture. Setae whitish and relatively short (1.0× MOD) on head and mesosoma; longer (up to 2× MOD) on metasoma laterally and on femora and tibiae, erect on both sides.
+Male. Unknown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: *
+E t y m o l o g y: The specific epithet
+derives from the Indian name
+(masculine name in apposition), a fabulous bird of the Indian mythology.
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysidea falsa
+& XU
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+, Bhubaneswar,
+[without further information] (NHMW).
+West Bengal
+: 1♁,
+, Birbhum, Santiniketan,
+, leg. T.C. Ma Colln., (26),
+Grib. (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+West Bengal
+* (
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+, Philippine (
+ROSA et al. 2015
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysidea pumila
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+], South
+, without further information. (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+* (
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n: Subcosmopolitan species, distributed in the Afrotropical, Palaearctic and
+regions (
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis arkadyi
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+: 2♁♁, Coimbatore, Madras, South
+, [without further information] NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2021b
+ROSA 2023b
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021b
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis aswathiae
+Figs 7
+A-7D, 8A-8D)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Pondicherry: 4♁♁,
+[= Karaikal],
+, [without further information] (
+P. Susai Nathan
+, same locality and collector,
+Tanjore province
+[= Thanjavur, currently
+Tamil Nadu
+P.S. Nathan
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+Fig. 8
+Chrysis aswathiae
+, female; (
+) metasoma, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, dorsal view; (
+) metasoma, postero-lateral view; (
+) metasoma, ventral view.
+R e m a r k s.
+Chrysis aswathiae
+was described based on a single male from
+Tamil Nadu
+. After that, additional
+five specimens
+were found from
+at RMNH and NHMW, all conform to the original description. At Naturalis two undescribed females were observed, one collected in the same locality where the male of
+Chrysis aswathiae
+was found,
+, and the second one from
+Tamil Nadu
+. These females significantly differ from the male of
+C. aswathiae
+by larger size and shape of the apical margin of the last tergum with two lateral teeth and a convexity on lateral margin. However, they both belong to the
+group, they share the shape of the head and body sculpture with dense, small and subcontiguous punctures. Sex associations in
+may be often challenging, but in this case, based on experience, the collecting localities and the fact that there are only two Oriental species known in the
+C. aswathiae
+C. lapislazulina
+, known on the female sex only, I consider these two unidentified specimens as the undescribed female of
+C. aswathiae
+and the observed differences as sexual dimorphic characters. However, a confirmation based on specimens found in copula or based on molecular analyses is needed. A third Oriental species included in the
+group by
+Kimsey & Bohart (1991)
+Chrysis dissimilis
+DAHLBOM, 1854
+, was transferred to the
+species-group by
+ROSA (2023b)
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis incisatempora
+Figs 11
+A-11F, 12A-12E)
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+, leg.
+P. Susai Nathan
+Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam
+) (
+D i a g n o s i s:
+Chrysis incisatempora
+is the first known member of the
+group from the
+Oriental region
+. It is easily recognisable from other species of this group by a deep and elongate longitudinal incision on temples (
+Figs 11C, 11D
+), by elongate first flagellomere (5× as long as wide at base) and sharp transverse frontal carina with acute angles.
+Fig. 12
+Chrysis incisatempora
+, holotype, male; (
+) metasoma, lateral view; (
+) metasoma, postero-lateral view; (
+) genital capsule; (
+) third tergum, dorsal view; (
+) metasoma, ventral view.
+D e s c r i p t i o n: Male. Body length
+5.6 mm
+; anterior wing length
+3.5 mm
+Head. Frons and vertex with dense, medium-sized punctures (up to 0.5× MOD), with small and denser punctures on ocelli area; posterior ocelli with elongate postero-lateral fovea; punctation sparser postero-lateral to ocelli; transverse frontal carina slightly arcuate medially and forming acute angle with lateral branches; scapal basin densely micropunctate; median longitudinal stripe 1× MOD wide, wrinkled transversally; clypeus large, subantennal space 1.4× MOD with large, spaced punctures and polished interspaces, contrasting with the dense, micropunctate scapal basin (
+Fig. 11B
+); temple between eye and occiput with deep, elongate and impunctate incision, slightly wrinkled (
+Fig. 11C
+); malar space micropunctate; genal carina sharp, fully developed from temples to mandibular insertion; apex of clypeus straight, bordered by thick, apico-median, black rim; malar space long (1.4× MOD); first flagellomere distinctly elongate (5× MOD). Distance between anterior ocellus and margin of frontal carina = 1.2× MOD. OOL 1.5 × MOD; POL 2.1× MOD; relative length of P:F1:F2:F3 = 1.0:3.2:1.3:1.0.
+Mesosoma. Pronotum as long as scutellum (
+Fig. 11F
+); medial pronotal furrow deep, as long as half pronotal length; punctures even, small to medium sized (0.3–0.4× MOD), with micropunctate interspaces; mesoscutum with larger punctures on median area basally; lateral area with denser punctures, micropunctate on interspaces; notauli formed by small subsquare to subrectangular foveae, distinctly smaller than punctures on median area; parapsidal signum shallow and elongate; mesoscutellum with large punctures, micropunctate on interspaces, denser at side; scutellar-metanotal suture as deep line; metanotum antero-apical margin with large fovea; densely punctate, with subcontigous punctures; posterior propodeal projections triangular, slightly divergent, pointed downwards; mesopleuron densely and deeply punctate, with larger punctures on mesepimeron; episternal sulcus formed by large foveae on upper mesopleuron, almost vanishing on lower part (
+Fig. 11D
+Metasoma. Punctures on first tergum even, large, micropuntate on interspaces; second tergum with dense, contiguous punctures on basal half, becoming smaller and not contiguous on apical half; longitudinal median carina on second tergum formed by stripe with small dots; third tergum with even punctures; pits of pit row very large, deep, non-metallic (
+Fig. 12D
+); apical margin with four blunt teeth, median teeth more like undulations; black spots on second sternum subsquare, separated medially by thin line and fused to lateral margin of sternum (
+Fig. 12F
+Coloration. Body green on head, mesosoma, first metasomal tergum, lateral and posterior margins of second and third tergum; red to violet on second and third tergum dorsally; dark blue on ocelli triangle, occipital area and median area of mesoscutum. Scape, pedicel, first and partially second flagellomere green. Tegula and legs green metallic. Wing slightly infuscate, lighter on outer margin.
+Vestiture. Setae whitish to greyish, short and dense, around 1.0× MOD, on the whole body.
+Female. Unknown.
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+Tamil Nadu
+E t y m o l o g y: The specific epithet
+is derived from the Latin adjective
+(= engraved) and the Latin name
+(plural of
+, neuter) (= temples) and refers to the elongate incision on temples.
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis cotesi
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+, Koyampattur,
+, leg. T.R. Susai Nathan (RMNH).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s: Bengal;
+Tamil Nadu
+* and Central provinces (locality not specified) (
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+ROSA 2023b
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+ROSA 2023b
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis dissimilis
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Jammu & Kashmir:
+, Srinagar, Kashmir, NW Himalayas, [without further information] (NHMW).
+: 1♁,
+], South
+, [without further information] (NHMW).
+Tamil Nadu
+: 1♁, Coimbatore, South
+, [without further information] (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s: Bengal,
+, Jammu & Kashmir*,
+Tamil Nadu
+* (
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+ROSA 2023b
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+ROSA 2023b
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis hecate
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+Tamil Nadu
+: 1♁,
+, Coimbatore, South
+, [without further information] (NHMW).
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+ROSA et al. 2021a
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+ROSA et al. 2021a
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+Three chrysidid genera newly recorded for India, with description of new species (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
+Rosa, Paolo
+K, Atoposega
+Linzer biologische Beiträge
+journal article
+Chrysis ignifascia
+Figs 10
+M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:
+: 1♁,
+, [without further information] (
+Tamil Nadu
+Coimbatore, I.
+P. S. Nathan
+I n d i a n r e c o r d s:
+Tamil Nadu
+D i s t r i b u t i o n:
+, Guangdong),
+ROSA et al. 2017
+Fig. 10
+Chrysis ignifascia
+; (
+) female, habitus, dorsal view; (
+) female, habitus, lateral view; (
+) male, habitus, dorsal view; (
+) male, habitus, lateral view. Scale bars 1 mm.
+R e m a r k s:
+Chrysis ignifascia
+was listed as an expected species for
+ROSA et al. (2021a)
+, considering its common occurrence throughout the Oriental region, particularly in
+. However, the male specimen does not match the current interpretation of the male of
+C. ignifascia
+, raising doubts about the previous sex association. In fact,
+MOCSÁRY (1893)
+described both
+Chrysis ignifascia
+, based on a female from
+, and
+C. birmanica
+, based on a male specimen from
+but collected in a different locality.
+synonymised the two species, an interpretation followed by
+ROSA et al. (2017)
+. However, the discovery of these males raises doubts about the real identity of
+C. birmanica
+. The male specimen deposited at NHMW and RMNH exhibit a similar colour pattern to the female, with a golden band on the second tergum and light brown flagellomeres, resembling the male of
+NURSE, 1902; the pits of the pit row are single and small, similar to the male of
+C. taiwana
+TSUNEKI, 1970
+(synonymised with
+C. ignifascia
+ROSA et al. 2017
+) and a male identified as
+C. burmanica
+(sic) by Mocsáry at the Hungarian Natural History Museum in Budapest (
+ROSA et al. 2017
+). These males have a complete apical margin of the third tergum, without concavity. However, the male of
+C. birmanica
+has black flagellomeres, deep pits of the pit row, partially confluent laterally and longitudinally elongate; finally, the apical margin is concave medially. A revision of the group based on more material, examination of the male genital capsule, and study of the black spots on the second sternum are needed to confirm the taxonomic status of the species in this group and the relative sex associations.
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