Characters | +
+ |
+ |
+ |
height | +Up to 60cm | +30–50cm | +Up to 45–50cm | +
Indumentum | +Adpressed | +Villous | +Adpressed | +
pubescent | +pubescent with | +||
pilose | +|||
leaflets | +Linear to elliptic | +Elliptic, oblong- | +Oblanceolate–oblong | +
elliptic | +|||
Stipules | +Free | +Free or united | +United at up to | +
up to middle | +three quarters part | +||
portion | +|||
calyx | +Pubescent with | +Villous | +Adpressed pilose, | +
patent hairs, or | +erect to patent | +||
villous | +|||
corolla | +White or pink, often | +White | +White | +
pink weined | +|||
Standart | +As long as keel | +As long as keel | +Shorter | +
than keel | +
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Habit | +shrubs | +shrubs or small trees | +shrubs or trees | +
Height | +1.0–2.5 m | +1.0–5.0 m | +2.0–10.0 m | +
Diameter at breast height | +1.0–2.0 cm | +1.0–10.0 cm | +2.0–25.0 cm | +
Branchlet | +drooping | +erect | +erect | +
Leaf shape | +stenophyllous | +obovate, obovate-elliptic, or broadly elliptic | +elliptic, oblong, ovate- elliptic, obovate, or oblong-elliptic | +
Leaf blade size | +(1.3)–3.5–(5.0) × (0.6)– 0.8–(1.2) cm | +2.5–7.0 × 1.5–3.0 cm | +2.5–10.0 × 1.5–4.0 cm | +
Population No. | +1 | +2 | +
Locality | +Yingpanshan, Jiangxi | +Guanggushan, Jiangxi | +
Coordinate | +25°59′47”N, 114°08′06″E | +25°54′47″N, 114°03′30″E | +
Elevation (m) | +1390 | +1107 | +
Number of individuals | +8 | +10 | +
Voucher specimen | +XKW174 | +XKW183 | +