diff --git a/data/03/91/0C/03910C77FFE7FFE209F95796FAD13C87.xml b/data/03/91/0C/03910C77FFE7FFE209F95796FAD13C87.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..560d2e5a55a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/03/91/0C/03910C77FFE7FFE209F95796FAD13C87.xml @@ -0,0 +1,578 @@ + + + +Justicia cordifolia, a new combination in Brazilian Acanthaceae + + + +Author + +Funez, Luís Adriano +0000-0002-0008-1061 +Programa de pós-graduação em Biologia de Fungos, Algas e Plantas, Depto. Botânica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Trindade, 88040 - 900, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil +lfunezz@gmail.com + + + +Author + +Braz, Denise Monte +0000-0001-6104-1971 +Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR- 465, km 7, 23890 - 000, Seropédica, RJ, Brazil +dmbraz@ufrrj.br + +text + + +Phytotaxa + + +2021 + +2021-03-31 + + +494 + + +1 + + +165 +169 + + + + +http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.494.1.13 + +journal article +10.11646/phytotaxa.494.1.13 +1179-3163 +5756706 + + + + + +Justicia cordifolia +Rizzini (1952: 194) +Funez & Braz + +, + + +comb. nov +. + + + + + + +≡ + +Sericographis cordifolia +Rizzini (1952: 194) + + + + + + +Type +: + +— + +BRAZIL +. +PARANÁ +: “Habitat ad viam Arraial, +Botafogo +, +Morretes +”, + +28 July 1946 + +, + +G. Hatschbach +339 + +( +holotype +: +RB +! bacordes +RB 58492 +) + +[ +Fig. 1 +]; + +isotypes +: +RB +barcodes +RB76947 + +, + +US +barcode +US2282232 +) + +. ( +Fig. 2 +) + + + + +FIGURE 2. + +Justicia cordifolia + +. +A. +Inflorescence. +B. +Bracts and calyx lobes. +C. +Leaf blade. +D. +Stems. + + + + +Description: +—Shrubs +0.5–1.7 m +high, stem +0.2–0.4 cm +diameter, younger parts densely reddish-hispid to glabrous in older parts, quadrangular, woody at base. Leaves petiolate, membranaceous; petioles +15–55 mm +, densely hispid; blades 35–125 × +24–59 mm +, elliptic, apex acute to acuminate, base obtuse to cordate, hispid on both surfaces, cystoliths linear, conspicuous on both surfaces, secondary veins 5–7 pairs, brochidodromous. Inflorescences in terminal and axillary pedunculate cymes, 3–5-flowered, +44–73 mm +long; peduncle +11–15 mm +long; rachis reddish-hispid; bracts 11–17 × +3–9 mm +, green, spathulate, hispid, reddish; bracteoles 10–11 × +2–3 mm +, green, spathulate, hispid, reddish. Flowers subsessile; pedicel to ca. +1 mm +; calyx green, 5-lobed to ca. +1.5 mm +above base, lobes 6–8 × +1.1–1.2 mm +, subulate, hispid; corolla orange, +3.7–4.3 cm +long, sparsely glandular, bilabiate, upper lip triangular, 1.0– +1.4 cm +long, +0.6–0.9 cm +wide at base, 2-lobed, lobes ca. +0.5 mm +long, lower lip 3-lobed, lobes oblong, 12–14 × +5–6 mm +, apex truncate; stamens 2; filaments +3.2–3.5 mm +long, inserted +1.4 cm +above the corolla base, fused to corolla +1.4–1.6 cm +, glabrous, anthers 2.6–2.9 × +1 mm +, glabrous, thecae almost superposed, falciform, similar in shape, not appendaged; nectariferous disk expanded, ca. +0.8 mm +tall; ovary deltoid, +1.2–1.5 mm +long, +0.5–0.6 mm +diameter, glabrous, style ca. 4.0 cm long. Capsules and seeds not seen. + + + + +Distribution and habitat: +—This species has a restrict distribution between southern +Paraná State +, from Piraquara municipality to Vale do Itajaí region, up to northern +Santa Catarina State +, in Rio dos Cedros municipality. This species was only collected in the understory of pristine Atlantic rainforest. + + + + +Conservation status: +— + +Justicia cordifolia + +has an extent of occurence (EOO) of +5,050 km +², and an area of occupancy (AOO) of +56 km +². Because this species grows in very fragmented habitat and was not recorded in any environmentally protected area, it is accessed to be Endangered (EN: B2 ab iii,iv,v) according to IUCN categories and criteria ( +IUCN 2017 +). + + + + +Additional specimens examined +:— + +BRAZIL +. +PARANÁ +: +Guaratuba +: +Serra de Araraquara +, + +25 June 1968 + +, + +G. Hatschbach + +19426 ( +K +). + + +Morretes +: +Estrada Graciosa +, +Alta da Serra +, + +30 July 1968 + +, + +G. Hatschbach +19756 + +( +RB +). + + +Morretes +, + +21 July 1985 + +, + +J. Cordeiro +107 + +( +HEPH +, +ASU +). + + +Piraquara +: +Mananciais da Serra +, + +30 March 2003 + +, + +M.G. Caxambú +63 + +( +HCF +). + + + +6 July 2002 + +, + +R. Goldenberg +& +P. Labiak +576 + +( +UPCB +). + + + +25 June 1968 + +, + +L.T. Dombrowski +& +P. Schrerer Neto +7505 + +( +MBM +). + + +SANTA CATARINA +: +Corupá +: +RPPN Emílio Fiorentino Batistella +, + +10 August 2007 + +, + +A.L. Gasper +et al. 531 + +( +FURB +). + + +UA 2/951 IFFSC, + +29 July 2017 + +, + +A. Kassner-Filho +, +D. Santos +, +G. Bollmann & D.A. Silva +607 + +( +FURB +). + + +Garuva +: +Monte Crista, rio do Cristo +, + +20 July 2006 + +, + +F.C.S. Vieira +1812 + +( +JOI +). + + +Jaraguá do Sul +: +Morro da Antena +, + +28 May 2018 + +, + +A. Kassner-Filho +2897 + +( +FURB +). + + +Joinville +: +Barragem do 8º Santo +, +Serra do Piraí +, + +18 August 2010 + +, + +A. Korte & A. Kniess +4070 + +( +FURB +). + + +Cubatão +, + +6 July 2010 + +, + +T.J. Cadorim +, +B. Grosch +& +C.P. Lopes +2914 + +( +FURB +). + + +Serra Queimada +, + +19 August 2010 + +, + +A. Korte & A. Kniess +4148 + +( +FURB +). + + +Massaranduba +: +Morro da Boa Vista +, + +24 July 2016 + +, + +P. Schwirkowski +1784 + +( +FURB +). + + +Rio dos Cedros +: +Vale dos Ventos +, + +23 April 2018 + +, + +L.A. Funez +& +A.E. Zermiani +7699 + +( +FURB +) + +. + + +Notes: +—This species was original described as + +Sericographis cordifolia + +by +Rizzini (1952) +based on the specimens collected from Morretes Municipality, State of +Paraná +. Since them, few specimens were collected in +Paraná and Santa Catarina +States. + +Sericographis +Nees von Esenbeck (1847: 107) + +was synonymized under + +Justicia + +by +Graham (1988) +. Although the name + +Justicia cordifolia +B.Heyne + +in Wallich (1830: n. 2482) was proposed for another species of the genus + +Justicia + +, this name is a +nomem nudum +, and not validly published. Thus, this epithet “cordifolia” available to the new combination + +Justicia cordifolia +(Rizzini) Funez & Braz + +according to Art. 53.1 of the +International code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants +( + +Turland +et al +. 2018 + +). + + + +Sericographis cordifolia + +was erroneously synonimized under + +Justicia brasiliana +Roth (1821: 17) + +by +Ezcurra & Kameyama (2008) +in +Catálogo de las plantas vasculares del Cono Sur +. Nevertheless, they are quite distinct speciesas pointed out by +Profice (2010) +. + +Justicia cordifolia + +can be easily distinguished from + +J. brasiliana + +by its quadrangular stems, covered by dense reddish hispid trichomes; leaf blades elliptic, densely hispid, base cordate; inflorescences terminal and axillary; bracts and bracteoles spathulate, densely hispid; anthers with appendage absent, whereas + +Justicia brasiliana + +has cylindric and glabrous or glabrescent stems, leaf blades elliptic-lanceolate, base cuneate, inflorescences axillary, bracts and bracteoles subulate, glabrous or glabrescent, anthers with thecae basally appendiculate. + + + + \ No newline at end of file