<mods:titleid="3DEADE90E22403A6AFA4C2D0426B6526">Cladistic classification of Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Moriomorphini) and taxonomic revision of the New Caledonian subgenus Phacothorax Jeannel</mods:title>
<mods:affiliationid="563664DFCEC309C019E4ECA0534BEF56">Cornell University Insect Collection, John H. and Anna B. Comstock Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 - 2601, USA</mods:affiliation>
<figureCitationid="C38BE80EF5C424F7E1A654ED526D67A8"captionStart="Figure 1"captionStartId="F1"captionText="Figure 1. Head and mouthpart structures of Mecyclothorax spp. A-C. Head capsule, dorsal view: A, M. goweri; B, M. fleutiauxi; C, M. laterorectus. D-I, Mentum, labial palps and ligula: D, M. peryphoides, ventral view; E, M. storeyi, ventral view; F, M. amplipennis, dorsal view; G, M. montivagus, dorsal view; H, M. kanak, ventral view; I, M. fleutiauxi, ventral view. Abbreviations include: aso, anterior supraorbital seta; pso, posterior supraorbital seta."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure1"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179957"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">Figures 1C</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="1F9EA62B30063469BE972B92A95BE655"captionStart="Figure 2"captionStartId="F2"captionText="Figure 2. Thoracic structures of Mecyclothorax and Amblytelus spp. A-B. Pronotum, dorsal view: A, M. laterorectus; B, M. mouensis. C-F. Prosternum, ventral view: C, M. fleutiauxi; D, M. curtus; E, M. blackburni; F, M. moorei. G-J. Elytral apices, dorsal view: G, M. fleutiauxi; H, M. laterorectus; I, M. lissus; J, A. curtus. K-L. Elytral lateral margin showing eighth stria, lateral view: K, M. ambiguus; L, M. blackburni. Abbreviations include: aag, anteapical groove; acc, accessory elytral dorsal setae in interval 5; as, apical elytral seta; ca, carina laterad stria 7; ls, lateral elytral setae; ri, ridge mesad stria 8; sa, subapical elytral seta; sas, subapical sinuation of elytron; scs, supracarinal elytral setae; 8, medial portion of stria 8."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure2"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179958"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 2A</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="DAB8D8C9B7121DF7F99A10DDC372427D"captionStart="Figure 2"captionStartId="F2"captionText="Figure 2. Thoracic structures of Mecyclothorax and Amblytelus spp. A-B. Pronotum, dorsal view: A, M. laterorectus; B, M. mouensis. C-F. Prosternum, ventral view: C, M. fleutiauxi; D, M. curtus; E, M. blackburni; F, M. moorei. G-J. Elytral apices, dorsal view: G, M. fleutiauxi; H, M. laterorectus; I, M. lissus; J, A. curtus. K-L. Elytral lateral margin showing eighth stria, lateral view: K, M. ambiguus; L, M. blackburni. Abbreviations include: aag, anteapical groove; acc, accessory elytral dorsal setae in interval 5; as, apical elytral seta; ca, carina laterad stria 7; ls, lateral elytral setae; ri, ridge mesad stria 8; sa, subapical elytral seta; sas, subapical sinuation of elytron; scs, supracarinal elytral setae; 8, medial portion of stria 8."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure2"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179958"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 2H</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="1448241B17B2EDC0AE8B025E9CA7B7B0"captionStart="Figure 3"captionStartId="F3"captionText="Figure 3. Thoracic structures of Mecyclothorax spp. A-B. Lateral view of elytral epipleuron and meso-and metapleurites: A, M. laterorectus; B, M. fleutiauxi. C-D. Metathoracic flight wing: C, M. punctipennis, showing fully developed flight wing folded under elytron; D, M. lissus, stenopterous wing rudiment that extends beyond metanotum, rudimentary wing venation present at base of strap. Abbreviations include: mms, mesepisternal-mesosternal suture; msp, mesepimeron; mst, mesepisternum; mtp, metepimeron; mtt, metepisternum."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure3"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179959"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 3A</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="D1B3A1D5AD73081861AF5DA0E516E730"captionStart="Figure 9"captionStartId="F10"captionText="Figure 9. New Caledonian Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp., dorsal view: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure9"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179965"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 9C</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="7BFB405D1631CEA3214C271858982BAA"captionStart="Figure 10"captionStartId="F11"captionText="Figure 10. Male aedeagal median lobe and parameres, and ring sclerite-mediotergite plus antecostal margin, tergite IX-of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A-B, M. laterorobustus, right view, dorsal view in situ (Ningua); C, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Col d'Amieu); D, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Touho TV tower); E, M. laterosinuatus ring, dorsal view; F, M. laterorectus, right view (Mt. Panie); G-H, M. laterorectus, right vew, dorsal view in situ (Mandjelia); I-J, M. fleutiauxi, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Do); K-L, M. fleutiauxi, right view, sac inverted and everted (Me Maoya); M, M. fleutiauxi, right view (Ningua); N-O, M. jeanneli, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Humboldt, 1350 m); P, M. jeanneli, right view (Mt. Humboldt, 1300 m); Q, M. jeanneli, right view, sac everted (Mt. Dzumac); R, M. jeanneli, right view (Riviere Bleue). See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure10"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179966"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 10F-H</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="D8ECB982092C17F7CFDBDEE01FDE2079"captionStart="Figure 11"captionStartId="F12"captionText="Figure 11. Paired left (above) and right (below) parameres of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp. (ectal view): A, M. laterosinuatus; B, M. laterorectus; C, M. fleutiauxi; D, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure11"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179967"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 11B</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="FA121416A42A27214240812AB3A9456D"captionStart="Figure 12"captionStartId="F13"captionText="Figure 12. Female reproductive tract, gonocoxites and associated laterotergites, Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli; F, M. plurisetosus; G, M. megalovatulus. See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure12"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179968"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 12C</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="EFE802E64F67619A357A63996D0A0D4D"captionStart="Figure 13"captionStartId="F14"captionText="Figure 13. Left female gonocoxa, ventral view, Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli; F, M. plurisetosus; G, M. megalovatulus. See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure13"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179969"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 13C</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="ABE97AE4EF4D7B983FB2DBDDA7D07297"captionStart="Figure 14"captionStartId="F15"captionText="Figure 14. Geographical distributions of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure14"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179970"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">, 14</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="6B80FC88B9ABAF9E62C82D66FB406D04"captionStart="Figure 9"captionStartId="F10"captionText="Figure 9. New Caledonian Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp., dorsal view: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure9"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179965"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">9A-C</figureCitation>
there are two supraorbital setae each side, and the pronotal lateral seta is present, but the discal elytral striae 3-5 are much shallower here, only slightly deeper than the shallow stria 2. The pronotal lateral margins are subparallel basally, with the pronotal hind angle obtuse, its apex not projected. Standardized body length 4.1-4.4 mm. Chaetotaxy +/+//+/-//+/2/+/+.
(n = 5). Head capsule broad, eyes very convex, popeyed, ocular lobe meeting gena at obtuse angle close to eye posterior margin; 14 ommatidia along horizontal diameter of eye; ocular ratio 1.37-1.45, ocular lobe ratio 0.81-0.90, EyL/EyD = 2.56-2.89; frontal grooves nearly straight from posterior terminus inside anterior supraorbital seta to deepest point just posterad clypeus, briefly and shallowly extended onto clypeus; mandibles moderately elongate, mandibular ratio 1.7; ligular anterior margin narrowly rounded to ligular seta, concave between setae, the two setae separated by one to two setal diameters; paraglossae thin, extended as far beyond ligular margin as their basal length to margin; antennae moderately elongate, antennomere 9 length 2.0
<figureCitationid="B0CC7FE1BBEE38A4BC3CDFD95B795D42"captionStart="Figure 9"captionStartId="F10"captionText="Figure 9. New Caledonian Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp., dorsal view: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure9"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179965"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">9B</figureCitation>
); MPW/BPW = 1.37-1.40, MPW/PL = 1.19-1.25; front angles only slightly protruded, rounded, APW/BPW = 0.72-0.77; basal margin broadly convex, margin broadly upraised behind broad laterobasal depression, the depression extended longitudinally onto disc as a broad sinuous furrow; median longitudinal impression fine and shallow on disc, continued to basal margin (a shallow transverse impression inside basal margin), absent anterad very shallow anterior transverse impression; proepisternum incompletely separated anteriorly from prosternum, but by a deep, smooth groove ventrally; prosternal process broadly, shallowly depressed between procoxae, that depression extended 1/3 distance to anterior prothoracic margin. Elytra broadly ellipsoid to obovoid, humeri narrow, humeral angle obtusely rounded behind pronotal hind angles; MEW/EL = 0.82-0.86; basal groove evenly arcuate from scutellum to humeral angles, with depressions at bases of the sutural and elytral striae 4-5; sutural stria deep throughout length, striae 2-3 shallow but evident on disc, striae 4-7 deep in basal half; striae 1-2, 7 and 8 evident apically, elytra appressed and conjoined apically, sutural intervals narrower and upraised at apex. Pterothoracic mesepisternal anterior furrow with 5 broad depressions in 1-2 vertical rows; metepisternum maximum width/lateral length = 1.0; mesosternal-mesepisternal suture complete (as in Fig.
<figureCitationid="24E9C1EBFA620949BC248AE287326518"captionStart="Figure 3"captionStartId="F3"captionText="Figure 3. Thoracic structures of Mecyclothorax spp. A-B. Lateral view of elytral epipleuron and meso-and metapleurites: A, M. laterorectus; B, M. fleutiauxi. C-D. Metathoracic flight wing: C, M. punctipennis, showing fully developed flight wing folded under elytron; D, M. lissus, stenopterous wing rudiment that extends beyond metanotum, rudimentary wing venation present at base of strap. Abbreviations include: mms, mesepisternal-mesosternal suture; msp, mesepimeron; mst, mesepisternum; mtp, metepimeron; mtt, metepisternum."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure3"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179959"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">3A</figureCitation>
); metepisternal-metepimeral suture incomplete, shallower and incomplete laterally. Abdomen with deep crescent-shaped depression along suture between first and second ventrite, the second ventrite depressed within crescent; suture between second and third ventrites reduced, incomplete laterally; ventrites 2-6 with broad, shallow, linear plaques near lateral margin. Microsculpture of frons an evident transverse mesh, transverse sculpticells mixed with isodiametric sculpticells on vertex; pronotal disc and base covered with elongate transverse mesh plus transverse lines, surface of tubercle in laterobasal depression with less transverse sculpticells, surface iridescent; elytra iridescent, disc with loose elongate transverse mesh, apex with very elongate transverse mesh, sculpticell breadth 3-4
<figureCitationid="B70B4DAD14CF57C4629DF6EE1896AE56"captionStart="Figure 10"captionStartId="F11"captionText="Figure 10. Male aedeagal median lobe and parameres, and ring sclerite-mediotergite plus antecostal margin, tergite IX-of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A-B, M. laterorobustus, right view, dorsal view in situ (Ningua); C, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Col d'Amieu); D, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Touho TV tower); E, M. laterosinuatus ring, dorsal view; F, M. laterorectus, right view (Mt. Panie); G-H, M. laterorectus, right vew, dorsal view in situ (Mandjelia); I-J, M. fleutiauxi, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Do); K-L, M. fleutiauxi, right view, sac inverted and everted (Me Maoya); M, M. fleutiauxi, right view (Ningua); N-O, M. jeanneli, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Humboldt, 1350 m); P, M. jeanneli, right view (Mt. Humboldt, 1300 m); Q, M. jeanneli, right view, sac everted (Mt. Dzumac); R, M. jeanneli, right view (Riviere Bleue). See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure10"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179966"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">10H</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="5E561E2831AD822CC1C10FA36E9E5815"captionStart="Figure 11"captionStartId="F12"captionText="Figure 11. Paired left (above) and right (below) parameres of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp. (ectal view): A, M. laterosinuatus; B, M. laterorectus; C, M. fleutiauxi; D, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure11"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179967"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">11B</figureCitation>
), with five setae on ventral margin and three on dorsal margin complementing two apical setae; left paramere narrow basally, evenly narrowed to a whiplike apex; aedeagal median lobe robust, broad dorsoventrally, apex distinctly curved ventrad to a narrowly rounded tip, its apical face slightly flattened; aedeagal median lobe internal sac with flagellum, flagellar sheath, and dorsal plate, flagellum and flagellar sheath curved ventrad apically (Fig.
<figureCitationid="FDC589503EF05103485602B6C0C173F0"captionStart="Figure 10"captionStartId="F11"captionText="Figure 10. Male aedeagal median lobe and parameres, and ring sclerite-mediotergite plus antecostal margin, tergite IX-of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A-B, M. laterorobustus, right view, dorsal view in situ (Ningua); C, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Col d'Amieu); D, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Touho TV tower); E, M. laterosinuatus ring, dorsal view; F, M. laterorectus, right view (Mt. Panie); G-H, M. laterorectus, right vew, dorsal view in situ (Mandjelia); I-J, M. fleutiauxi, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Do); K-L, M. fleutiauxi, right view, sac inverted and everted (Me Maoya); M, M. fleutiauxi, right view (Ningua); N-O, M. jeanneli, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Humboldt, 1350 m); P, M. jeanneli, right view (Mt. Humboldt, 1300 m); Q, M. jeanneli, right view, sac everted (Mt. Dzumac); R, M. jeanneli, right view (Riviere Bleue). See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure10"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179966"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">10F-G</figureCitation>
), a patch of stout macrospicules present just inside ostial opening apicad flagellar structures. The median lobe apex is extended more in the specimen from Mt.
<figureCitationid="56333D2C2563CDC8D7A23A746BA5AF29"captionStart="Figure 10"captionStartId="F11"captionText="Figure 10. Male aedeagal median lobe and parameres, and ring sclerite-mediotergite plus antecostal margin, tergite IX-of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A-B, M. laterorobustus, right view, dorsal view in situ (Ningua); C, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Col d'Amieu); D, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Touho TV tower); E, M. laterosinuatus ring, dorsal view; F, M. laterorectus, right view (Mt. Panie); G-H, M. laterorectus, right vew, dorsal view in situ (Mandjelia); I-J, M. fleutiauxi, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Do); K-L, M. fleutiauxi, right view, sac inverted and everted (Me Maoya); M, M. fleutiauxi, right view (Ningua); N-O, M. jeanneli, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Humboldt, 1350 m); P, M. jeanneli, right view (Mt. Humboldt, 1300 m); Q, M. jeanneli, right view, sac everted (Mt. Dzumac); R, M. jeanneli, right view (Riviere Bleue). See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure10"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179966"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">10F</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="F459E05C73A437CEB72B7190C80D45B6"captionStart="Figure 10"captionStartId="F11"captionText="Figure 10. Male aedeagal median lobe and parameres, and ring sclerite-mediotergite plus antecostal margin, tergite IX-of Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A-B, M. laterorobustus, right view, dorsal view in situ (Ningua); C, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Col d'Amieu); D, M. laterosinuatus, right view (Touho TV tower); E, M. laterosinuatus ring, dorsal view; F, M. laterorectus, right view (Mt. Panie); G-H, M. laterorectus, right vew, dorsal view in situ (Mandjelia); I-J, M. fleutiauxi, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Do); K-L, M. fleutiauxi, right view, sac inverted and everted (Me Maoya); M, M. fleutiauxi, right view (Ningua); N-O, M. jeanneli, right view, dorsal view in situ (Mt. Humboldt, 1350 m); P, M. jeanneli, right view (Mt. Humboldt, 1300 m); Q, M. jeanneli, right view, sac everted (Mt. Dzumac); R, M. jeanneli, right view (Riviere Bleue). See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure10"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179966"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">10G</figureCitation>
summit, 750-780 m elevation (MNHW) exhibits a lobe apex of intermediate extension. This continuous variation coupled with the extreme similarity of internal sac structures argues for conspecificity of these populations.
<figureCitationid="DE25572BCE6B0DC1F99A85AFCF2FD188"captionStart="Figure 12"captionStartId="F13"captionText="Figure 12. Female reproductive tract, gonocoxites and associated laterotergites, Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli; F, M. plurisetosus; G, M. megalovatulus. See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure12"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179968"pageId="18"pageNumber="19">12C</figureCitation>
); spermathecal duct entering near bursa-common oviduct juncture with duct oriented toward right side of bursa, duct as long as spermathecal reservoir; an elongate laminar helminthoid sclerite present near base of spermathecal duct; spermatheca fusiform on narrow duct, spermathecal gland
entering at base of spermathecal reservoir; ligular apophysis present near base of common oviduct; basal gonocoxite 1 with apical fringe of two to three setae laterally on apical margin, middle seta of series largest, several small setae scattered along medial margin (Fig.
<figureCitationid="CAD6A7B9A0FD89720B0ACC7319076D87"captionStart="Figure 13"captionStartId="F14"captionText="Figure 13. Left female gonocoxa, ventral view, Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp.: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli; F, M. plurisetosus; G, M. megalovatulus. See Table 2 for abbreviations."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure13"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179969"pageId="19"pageNumber="20">13C</figureCitation>
<figureCitationid="FC9AD7F59825CC27846491B73C5A4FCE"captionStart="Figure 9"captionStartId="F10"captionText="Figure 9. New Caledonian Mecyclothorax (Phacothorax) spp., dorsal view: A, M. laterobustus; B, M. laterosinuatus; C, M. laterorectus; D, M. fleutiauxi; E, M. jeanneli."figureDoi="10.3897/dez.65.21000.figure9"httpUri="https://binary.pensoft.net/fig/179965"pageId="20"pageNumber="21">9A-C</figureCitation>
). Elevations range 700-900 m for credible collecting localities where complete information was provided on the specimen label. Of the 22 specimens known, 14 were recovered from sieved litter. Other collecting situations include hand collecting (1, QMB), flight intercept trap (1, QMB), and association with