<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020FA056FF78FE50FE838908"box="[159,294,511,537]"captionStart-0="FIGURE 4"captionStart-1="FIGURE 5"captionStart-2="FIGURE 6"captionStart-3="FIGURE 7"captionStartId-0="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionStartId-1="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionStartId-2="6.[151,250,1256,1280]"captionStartId-3="7.[151,250,1114,1138]"captionTargetBox-0="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetBox-1="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetBox-2="[158,1429,745,1225]"captionTargetBox-3="[151,1436,486,1085]"captionTargetId-0="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetId-1="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetId-2="figure-284@6.[151,1436,738,1230]"captionTargetId-3="figure-171@7.[151,1436,486,1088]"captionTargetPageId-0="4"captionTargetPageId-1="5"captionTargetPageId-2="6"captionTargetPageId-3="7"captionText-0="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."captionText-1="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."captionText-2="FIGURE 6. Arrangement of reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan."captionText-3="FIGURE 7. Sections of several reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Ental part of vas deferens. B. Ectal part of vas deferens. C. Sagittal section of penial chamber in XI, showing penis and chaetophore. D. Sagittal section of spermatheca in X, showing opening of chaetophore with arrow."figureDoi-0="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"figureDoi-1="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"figureDoi-2="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021742"figureDoi-3="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021744"httpUri-0="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"httpUri-1="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"httpUri-2="https://zenodo.org/record/14021742/files/figure.png"httpUri-3="https://zenodo.org/record/14021744/files/figure.png"pageId="4"pageNumber="190">Figures 4–7</figureCitation>
<typeStatusid="600E887D020FA056FF20FCB1FDA48829"box="[199,513,798,824]"isOtherTypeStatus="true"pageId="4"pageNumber="190">Other material examined</typeStatus>
long in preserved state. Body surface smooth. Dorsal chaetal bundles with long and hispid hairs and pectinate chaetae. Ventral somatic chaetae bifid with upper teeth longer than lower. Spermathecal chaetae in X and penial chaetae in XI; both single per bundle, with two elongate teeth forming a hollow end distally. Vasa deferentia long and uniform in width, winding in XI and XII. Atria tubular with stalked solid prostate glands medially. Penes conical, set in deep penial chambers and opening ventrally in XI. No strong basal membranes around penes.
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FD26FEC0FCBC8A98"box="[705,793,367,393]"captionStart="FIGURE 4"captionStartId="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionTargetBox="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetId="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetPageId="4"captionText="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 4C</figureCitation>
), pinkish posteriorly. In preserved state of an intact worm with 126 segments, body length 21.0 mm, width
in mid-segments. Body surface smooth. Body slender (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FDDEFE18FD318AC0"box="[569,660,439,465]"captionStart="FIGURE 4"captionStartId="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionTargetBox="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetId="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetPageId="4"captionText="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 4A</figureCitation>
), segments stretched from XI on, longer than wide. Segments II to V biannulate, each with short anterior and long, chaetae-bearing posterior annuli; annulation becoming inconspicuous from VI on, here each segment with several narrow transverse fullows. Prostomium rounded conical, almost as long as basal diameter.
Epidermis 8–15 µm thick in anterior segments, 5–8 µm in middle and posterior segments, 10–20 µm thick in clitellum. Pharynx in II and III, dorsal wall up to 60 µm thick, thicker than ventral wall (40 µm thick) (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FAD2FDC4FA2A8994"box="[1333,1423,619,645]"captionStart="FIGURE 4"captionStartId="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionTargetBox="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetId="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetPageId="4"captionText="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 4B</figureCitation>
). Pharyngeal glands developed dorsally in II–V (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FD4CFD20FC8189B8"box="[683,804,655,681]"captionStart="FIGURE 4"captionStartId="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionTargetBox="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetId="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetPageId="4"captionText="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 4B, C</figureCitation>
), each pear-shaped and 32–45 µm in height. Wall of gut 13–28 μm thick, without stomachal dilatation. Chloragogen cells 15–30 µm high covering gut from beginning of VI backwards. Transverse vessels forming complicated loops in prostomium to V (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FBEFFD78FBC189E0"box="[1032,1124,727,753]"captionStart="FIGURE 4"captionStartId="4.[151,250,1903,1927]"captionTargetBox="[157,1436,1033,1877]"captionTargetId="figure-234@4.[151,1436,1026,1877]"captionTargetPageId="4"captionText="FIGURE 4. Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Whole body of an immature specimen. B. Parasagittal section of anterior segments. C. Dorso-lateral view of a living specimen, showing vascular and digestive systems."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021738"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021738/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 4 C</figureCitation>
, tv). Nephridia from VII on. Coelomocytes sparsely present throughout the segments, spherical, 10–20 µm in diameter.
Dorsal chaetal bundles consisting of hair and pectinate chaetae throughout the segments from II (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FB19FCB0FAF28828"box="[1278,1367,798,825]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5A</figureCitation>
). Hair chaetae distinctly hispid (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FE5CFCECFDB0884C"box="[443,533,834,861]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5B</figureCitation>
). In preclitellar segments 2–3 long and 0–2 short hair chaetae per bundle, long hairs up to 1,200 µm long, 1.9–2.5 µm wide proximally; hair chaetae in postclitellar segments 0–2 per bundle, up to 600 µm long. Dorsal pectinate chaetae sigmoid in shape, with nodulus at 1/4 from the distal end (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FB3CFC24FA9788B4"box="[1243,1330,906,933]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5C</figureCitation>
), 1–3 per bundle, 80–92 µm long in preclitellar segments; 0–1 per bundle, 70–83 µm long in postclitellar ones. Upper teeth of dorsal pectinate chaetae slightly longer and slightly thicker than lower teeth, and 2–4 distinct intermediate teeth present between upper and lower tooth (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FD86FC58FD1E8F00"box="[609,699,1014,1041]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5D</figureCitation>
). Ventral somatic chaetae bifid crotchets with nodulus at 1/3–1/4 from the distal end (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FE90FBB4FE4F8F24"box="[375,490,1050,1077]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5E, F</figureCitation>
); 1–4 per bundle, 80–96 µm long in preclitellar segments, and 1–2 per bundle, 64–90 µm long in postclitellar segments. Upper teeth of ventral chaetae 1.5–2.0 times longer and slightly thinner than lower teeth. In mature worms, ventral chaetae in X modified into single, 90–100 μm long spermathecal chaeta with two elongate teeth forming a hollow end distally (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FD26FB28FCBF8FB0"box="[705,794,1158,1185]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5G</figureCitation>
); those in XI modified into 90–100 μm long penial chaeta (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020EA057FF78FB04FF5C8FD4"box="[159,249,1194,1221]"captionStart="FIGURE 5"captionStartId="5.[151,250,1915,1939]"captionTargetBox="[179,1399,1242,1889]"captionTargetId="figure-514@5.[179,1408,1242,1889]"captionTargetPageId="5"captionText="FIGURE 5. Chaetae of Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Dorsal chaetal bundle in an anterior segment. B. Part of a dorsal hair chaeta in an anterior segment. C. Dorsal pectinate chaeta in IV. D. The same, distal end E. Ventral chaeta in VI. F. Ventral chaeta in a posterior segment. G. Spermathecal chaeta in X. H. Penial chaeta in XI."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021740"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021740/files/figure.png"pageId="5"pageNumber="191">Fig. 5H</figureCitation>
Clitellum from X to XII, inconspicuous, slightly thickened and glandular. Gonads and copulatory organs paired (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FF78FF14FF428BC4"box="[159,231,187,213]"captionStart="FIGURE 6"captionStartId="6.[151,250,1256,1280]"captionTargetBox="[158,1429,745,1225]"captionTargetId="figure-284@6.[151,1436,738,1230]"captionTargetPageId="6"captionText="FIGURE 6. Arrangement of reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021742"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021742/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 6</figureCitation>
). Testes in X, ovaries in XI. Male funnels on 10/11, large, 140 μm in diameter. Vasa deferentia at least 2,500 μm long, winding in XI and XII; width not different between ental and ectal parts (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FB71FF70FAB78BE8"box="[1174,1298,223,249]"captionStart="FIGURE 7"captionStartId="7.[151,250,1114,1138]"captionTargetBox="[151,1436,486,1085]"captionTargetId="figure-171@7.[151,1436,486,1088]"captionTargetPageId="7"captionText="FIGURE 7. Sections of several reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Ental part of vas deferens. B. Ectal part of vas deferens. C. Sagittal section of penial chamber in XI, showing penis and chaetophore. D. Sagittal section of spermatheca in X, showing opening of chaetophore with arrow."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021744"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021744/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 7A, B</figureCitation>
), 20–25 μm wide and the wall 8–10 μm thick. Vasa deferentia connected with atria apically. Atria tubular, about 100 μm long, 30–40 μm thick, inner epithelium 10–15 μm high and glandular. Prostate glands solid, 100 μm wide, connected at middle part of atria through short stalks. Ejaculatory ducts short. Penes conical, 40 μm long, set in deep penial chambers opening in ventral chaetal line posteriorly in XI (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FCDBFEC0FC328A98"box="[828,919,367,393]"captionStart="FIGURE 7"captionStartId="7.[151,250,1114,1138]"captionTargetBox="[151,1436,486,1085]"captionTargetId="figure-171@7.[151,1436,486,1088]"captionTargetPageId="7"captionText="FIGURE 7. Sections of several reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Ental part of vas deferens. B. Ectal part of vas deferens. C. Sagittal section of penial chamber in XI, showing penis and chaetophore. D. Sagittal section of spermatheca in X, showing opening of chaetophore with arrow."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021744"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021744/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 7C</figureCitation>
). No thick basal membrane around the penis, no penial sheath. Penial chaetophore located at posterior side of penial chamber, consisting of a layer of glandular cells surrounding single penial chaeta and thin muscular covering, opening in posterior wall of the penial chamber (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FF78FE74FF528AE4"box="[159,247,475,501]"captionStart="FIGURE 7"captionStartId="7.[151,250,1114,1138]"captionTargetBox="[151,1436,486,1085]"captionTargetId="figure-171@7.[151,1436,486,1088]"captionTargetPageId="7"captionText="FIGURE 7. Sections of several reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. A. Ental part of vas deferens. B. Ectal part of vas deferens. C. Sagittal section of penial chamber in XI, showing penis and chaetophore. D. Sagittal section of spermatheca in X, showing opening of chaetophore with arrow."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021744"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021744/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 7C</figureCitation>
, cp). Accessory glands formed by a mass of glandular cap cells attached to the chaetophore near the apex. Spermathecae in X (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FE99FE50FE618908"box="[382,452,511,537]"captionStart="FIGURE 6"captionStartId="6.[151,250,1256,1280]"captionTargetBox="[158,1429,745,1225]"captionTargetId="figure-284@6.[151,1436,738,1230]"captionTargetPageId="6"captionText="FIGURE 6. Arrangement of reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021742"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021742/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 6</figureCitation>
). Spermathecal ampullae pear shaped, 175 μm long, 120 μm wide. Spermathecal ducts not well-marked off from ampullae,180 μm long, 50 μm wide entally and 20 μm wide ectally, opening on the chaetal line at middle part of X. Specimens without sperm in the spermathecal ampullae. Single spermathecal chaeta located in front of spermathecal pore (
<figureCitationid="278E2A5A020DA054FE0BFDC4FD958994"box="[492,560,619,645]"captionStart="FIGURE 6"captionStartId="6.[151,250,1256,1280]"captionTargetBox="[158,1429,745,1225]"captionTargetId="figure-284@6.[151,1436,738,1230]"captionTargetPageId="6"captionText="FIGURE 6. Arrangement of reproductive organs in Haber subnivalis sp. nov. from Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Japan."figureDoi="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14021742"httpUri="https://zenodo.org/record/14021742/files/figure.png"pageId="6"pageNumber="192">Fig. 6</figureCitation>
, stc; 7D, arrow), enclosed by chaetophore with glandular cap cells. Sperm sac in X–XIV. Eggs observed only in the ovarian segment.
as a part of intranivean and subnivean fauna in the snowmelt season (
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FCFEFAFCFC498E7C"author="Ohtaka, A. & Yamazaki, C. & Nohara, S. & Oze Akashibo Research Group"box="[793,1004,1363,1389]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="107 - 119"refId="ref9659"refString="Ohtaka, A., Yamazaki, C., Nohara, S. & Oze Akashibo Research Group (2008) Faunal composition and distribution of invertebrates in snow at heavy snowfall area with " Akashibo " red snow phenomenon in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. Japanese Journal of Limnology, 69, 107 - 119. [in Japanese with English abstract] https: // doi. org / 10.3739 / rikusui. 69.107"type="journal article"year="2008">
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. Specimens were found in the bottom layer of the snow, which contained large amounts of water. On
, temperature of the habitat, the inundated bottom layer of the snow was 0.1–0.3°C, and the pH of the water was 6.2–6.5 (
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The smooth body wall, modified spermathecal and penial chaetae of similar shape, and the long vasa deferentia entering the tubular atria apically fit the definition of the genus
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FB41F9E0FAC88D78"author="Holmquist, C."box="[1190,1389,1615,1641]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"refId="ref8294"refString="Holmquist, C. (1978) Revision of the genus Peloscolex (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae). 1. Morphological and anatomical scrutiny; with discussion on the generic level. Zoologica Scripta, 7,187 - 208. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.1978. tb 00602. x"type="book"year="1978">Holmquist (1978)</bibRefCitation>
and later, emended, by
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is holarctic, and 10 valid species have been known worldwide to date (
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FF16F938FE648DA0"author="Martin, P. & Martinez-Ansemil E. & Pinder, A. & Timm, T. & Wetzel, W. J."box="[241,449,1687,1713]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"refId="ref8791"refString="Martin, P., Martinez-Ansemil E., Pinder, A., Timm, T. & Wetzel, W. J. (2016) World checklist of freshwater Oligochaeta species. World Wide Web electronic publication. Available from: http: // fada. biodiversity. be / group / show / 12 (accessed 2 September 2023)"type="url"year="2016">
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FE2CF938FD558DA0"author="Dumnicka, E. & Wojtal, A. Z."box="[459,752,1687,1713]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="143 - 156"refId="ref7877"refString="Dumnicka, E. & Wojtal, A. Z. (2021) Revalidation of the stygobiotic species Haber zavreli (Hrabe, 1942) (Clitellata, Naididae, Tubificinae) with discussion on the closely related species Haber speciosus (Hrabe, 1931) and Haber monfalconensis (Hrabe, 1966). Subterranean Biology, 39, 143 - 156. [https: // subtbiol. pensoft. net / article / 68397 /] https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / subtbiol. 39.68397"type="journal article"year="2021">Dumnicka & Wojtal 2021</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FED3F914FE4A8DC4"author="Semernoy, V. P."box="[308,495,1723,1749]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="58 - 85"refId="ref9898"refString="Semernoy, V. P. (1982) New oligochaete species from Lake Baikal. In: Galazii, G. I. (Ed.), Novoe o faune Baikala. Izdatel'stvo " Nauka ", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk, pp. 58 - 85. [in Russian]"type="book chapter"year="1982">Semernoy, 1982</bibRefCitation>
from Lake Baikal in having long and hispid hairs, dorsal pectinate chaetae with slightly longer upper tooth and 2–4 distinct intermediate teeth in anterior bundles (
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FBD2F970FB4D8DE8"author="Semernoy, V. P."box="[1077,1256,1759,1785]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="58 - 85"refId="ref9898"refString="Semernoy, V. P. (1982) New oligochaete species from Lake Baikal. In: Galazii, G. I. (Ed.), Novoe o faune Baikala. Izdatel'stvo " Nauka ", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk, pp. 58 - 85. [in Russian]"type="book chapter"year="1982">Semernoy 1982</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FE21F8ACFD268C0C"author="Semernoy, V. P."box="[454,643,1795,1821]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="58 - 85"refId="ref9898"refString="Semernoy, V. P. (1982) New oligochaete species from Lake Baikal. In: Galazii, G. I. (Ed.), Novoe o faune Baikala. Izdatel'stvo " Nauka ", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk, pp. 58 - 85. [in Russian]"type="book chapter"year="1982">Semernoy, 1982</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FF3DF8E4FE368C74"author="Semernoy, V. P."box="[218,403,1867,1893]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="58 - 85"refId="ref9898"refString="Semernoy, V. P. (1982) New oligochaete species from Lake Baikal. In: Galazii, G. I. (Ed.), Novoe o faune Baikala. Izdatel'stvo " Nauka ", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk, pp. 58 - 85. [in Russian]"type="book chapter"year="1982">Semernoy 1982</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FE46F8E4FD048C74"author="Timm, T. & Martin, T."box="[417,673,1867,1893]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"refId="ref10732"refString="Timm, T. & Martin, T. (2019) Class Clitellata: Subclass Oligochaeta. In: Rogers, D. C. & Thorp, J. H. (Eds.), Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates. Vol. 4. Keys to Palaearctic Fauna. Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 364 - 483."type="book"year="2019">Timm & Martin 2019</bibRefCitation>
, this may be due to the unmated condition of the specimens. Hispid hairs are also encountered in Holarctic
<taxonomicNameid="78B54D5C020DA054FDC7F83BFD158CBC"baseAuthorityName="Timm & Martin"baseAuthorityYear="2019"box="[544,688,1940,1965]"class="Clitellata"family="Naididae"genus="Haber"kingdom="Animalia"order="Tubificida"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"phylum="Annelida"rank="species"species="speciosus">
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FAECF83CFE9F8CC0"author="Semernoy, V. P. & Tomilov, A. A."pageId="6"pageNumber="192"pagination="26 - 30"refId="ref10064"refString="Semernoy, V. P. & Tomilov, A. A. (1972) Oligochaetes (Oligochaeta) of Lake Hubsugul (Mongolia). Biologiya vnutrennikh vod (Biology of Inland Waters), 16, 26 - 30. [in Russian]"type="journal article"year="1972">Semernoy & Tomilov, 1972</bibRefCitation>
) from Lake Hubsugul and Lake Baikal (
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020DA054FD1BF818FC178CC0"author="Semernoy, V. P."box="[764,946,1975,2001]"pageId="6"pageNumber="192"refId="ref9952"refString="Semernoy, V. P. (2004) Oligochaeta of Lake Baikal. Guides and keys to identification of fauna and flora of Lake Baikal. Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division, Nauka, Novosibirsk, 527 pp. [in Russian]"type="book"year="2004">Semernoy 2004</bibRefCitation>
). However hair chaetae of these two species are distinctly shorter than those in
In addition, armored body surface with transverse rows of glandular epidermis, encrusted with foreign particles in
<taxonomicNameid="78B54D5C020CA055FCA7FF38FB4C8BA0"authority="(Timm & Martin 2019)"baseAuthorityName="Timm & Martin"baseAuthorityYear="2019"box="[832,1257,151,177]"class="Clitellata"family="Naididae"genus="Haber"kingdom="Animalia"order="Tubificida"pageId="7"pageNumber="193"phylum="Annelida"rank="species"species="speciosus">
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020CA055FC05FF38FB478BA0"author="Timm, T. & Martin, T."box="[994,1250,151,177]"pageId="7"pageNumber="193"refId="ref10732"refString="Timm, T. & Martin, T. (2019) Class Clitellata: Subclass Oligochaeta. In: Rogers, D. C. & Thorp, J. H. (Eds.), Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates. Vol. 4. Keys to Palaearctic Fauna. Academic Press, Amsterdam, pp. 364 - 483."type="book"year="2019">Timm & Martin 2019</bibRefCitation>
species generally have a thickened basal membrane resembling a penis sheath lining the internal canal of the penis (
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020CA055FEEFFE88FE678A50"author="Holmquist, C."box="[264,450,295,321]"pageId="7"pageNumber="193"refId="ref8294"refString="Holmquist, C. (1978) Revision of the genus Peloscolex (Oligochaeta, Tubificidae). 1. Morphological and anatomical scrutiny; with discussion on the generic level. Zoologica Scripta, 7,187 - 208. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.1978. tb 00602. x"type="book"year="1978">Holmquist 1978</bibRefCitation>
<bibRefCitationid="DB244B2E020CA055FE2BFE88FDCA8A50"author="Milligan, M. R."box="[460,623,295,321]"pageId="7"pageNumber="193"pagination="406 - 416"refId="ref8855"refString="Milligan, M. R. (1986) Separation of Haber speciosus (Hrabe) (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from its congeners, with a description of a new form from North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 99, 406 - 416."type="journal article"year="1986">Milligan 1986</bibRefCitation>
). However, no such structure was found in any specimen of
could be unique in the genus, but it is also probable that a thickened basal membrane had not yet developed, because all available specimens were unmated and with slightly thickened and less glandular clitellum, suggesting incomplete maturity. Further examination on mated specimens are needed to determine the detailed structure of penial apparatus.