# Treatments-RDF ## Pipeline 1. Changes to the treatment data are uploaded by GoldenGate to [https://git.ld.plazi.org/plazi/treatments-xml](plazi/treatments-xml). 2. A webhook triggers [GG2RDF](https://gg2rdf.ld.plazi.org) ([Code on Github](https://github.com/plazi/gg2rdf)) which extracts RDF data and pushes it here. [](https://gg2rdf.ld.plazi.org/status) 3. A webhook then triggers [Turtle-Hook](https://hook.ld.plazi.org) ([Code on Github](https://github.com/plazi/turtle-hook)) which loads the RDF data into our triple-store, https://treatment.ld.plazi.org/sparql . [](https://hook.ld.plazi.org/status) 4. A cron-job on our server also uploads the data into Lindas daily, availiable at https://lindas-cached.cluster.ldbar.ch/query and https://lindas.admin.ch/query .