From fd652bd88d1c0fd9c5f596c557ae8934cfe28591 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GG2RDF Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 16:22:57 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] GG2RDF 2024-11-08T14:11:13.894Z full update: 156 of 262 (plazi/treatments-xml) --- .../AB/030AAB8A85545F0FE03E3F854591D9ED.ttl | 2 +- .../5E/031A5EA945C04D42320525585338E27C.ttl | 33 - .../87/031A87DAE45AFF9E70D66DE71AA5F80A.ttl | 35 +- .../4F/033A4F23E029FFB231CDFF2EFDCEF986.ttl | 32 +- .../4F/033A4F23E029FFB631CDF92EFD26F9DD.ttl | 175 +- .../4F/033A4F23E031FFAA31CDFA1CFDCBF870.ttl | 94 +- .../4F/033A4F23E032FFA931CDFF2EFDCFF972.ttl | 32 +- .../4F/033A4F23E032FFAE31CDF8BDFA57FA9C.ttl | 47 +- .../4F/033A4F23E035FFAC31CDFA1EFC3CFB21.ttl | 32 +- .../4F/033A4F23E039FFA031CDF9A8FBB6FA55.ttl | 33 +- .../4F/033A4F23E039FFA231CDFBE4FDCBFA08.ttl | 68 +- .../4F/033A4F23E03BFFA031CDF98CFDCBF888.ttl | 48 - .../4F/033A4F23E03CFFA531CDFF2EF950FD04.ttl | 32 +- .../4F/033A4F23E03EFFA531CDFCACF919F9EC.ttl | 18 +- .../4F/033A4F23E03EFFAA31CDF9D4F8B1FAC4.ttl | 47 +- .../95/033A95254641FFEB77DBA2C5BE74A5F5.ttl | 1 - 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.../01/03B60111AD59A8123683FBAEFD0BFAC4.ttl | 1 - .../01/03B60111AD59A8123683FCEAFD0BFBC8.ttl | 17 - .../01/03B60111AD59A8123683FDC2FD97FD04.ttl | 1 - .../01/03B60111AD59A8133683F8B6FCE7FE08.ttl | 32 - .../01/03B60111AD5AA8113683F989FC7CF885.ttl | 1 - .../01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FAF5FAB6F9E5.ttl | 17 - .../01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FE55FEE3FD05.ttl | 6 - .../01/03B60111AD5AA81E3683F869FC27FF0C.ttl | 17 - .../01/03B60111AD5BA8103683F98AFD52F834.ttl | 18 - .../01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FB5AFF0AF9E4.ttl | 1 - .../01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FEE2FD11FDB8.ttl | 1 - .../01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FB00FF07F95E.ttl | 38 - .../01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FCD0FEDCFBFA.ttl | 16 - .../01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FE1CFF0FFCDA.ttl | 1 - .../08/03B6085D6900FFDEFCC8FA0F6250FEF9.ttl | 17 +- .../08/03B6085D6902FFD8FCC8FA1166C7FEA5.ttl | 1 - .../08/03B6085D6917FFCBFCC8F9376527FD61.ttl | 80 +- .../08/03B6085D6918FFC0FCC8F96F6768FC65.ttl | 83 +- .../08/03B6085D691CFFC2FCC8F9606771FE11.ttl | 21 +- .../08/03B6085D691FFFDCFCC8F8EE64F9F865.ttl | 113 +- .../09/03B609203F1A894D53D2A65DFAD9E185.ttl | 135 +- .../0B/03B60B1A0B086E1FFF30F9BFF4E5F8DA.ttl | 18 - .../0B/03B60B1A0B0D6E1AFF30FE7CF201F833.ttl | 34 +- .../0E/03B60E030203FF9DFF41A54786B8F815.ttl | 18 +- .../0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9A0FC0FB4B522C1620.ttl | 147 +- .../0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9E0FC0FC4F53B4110F.ttl | 17 - .../0E/03B60E06FFAEFF9A0FC0FCF354EF1386.ttl | 119 +- .../11/03B61158FFD0FFD1FF44A34EFAEDBDB1.ttl | 41 +- .../11/03B61158FFD9FFC9FF44A2D5FC3DBA56.ttl | 63 +- .../11/03B61158FFDAFFC5FF44A6CDFA2ABE85.ttl | 51 +- .../11/03B61158FFDAFFC7FF44A56EFAE9BB9A.ttl | 78 +- .../11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A3C0FA2ABBA5.ttl | 51 +- .../11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A6B6FBA7B926.ttl | 109 +- .../13/03B61377FFA9FF90EDAEFE4CFD86B6DC.ttl | 21 +- .../13/03B61377FFABFF94EDAEFEDEFD23B588.ttl | 18 +- .../13/03B61377FFADFF90EDAEFCFFFA44B7E0.ttl | 32 - .../1A/03B61A461B1B782CFF5AFDDB782F7DF8.ttl | 47 +- .../1A/03B61A461B1D7829FF5AF98879047E90.ttl | 17 +- .../1A/03B61A461B1F782BFF5AF90B78037D1B.ttl | 18 +- .../1B/03B61B1B026DFFB3FCBDFF00FD58FA14.ttl | 81 +- .../1B/03B61B1B026DFFB4FEEEFBA3FEA1F917.ttl | 48 - .../1C/03B61C3CFF984B24EDAF23BF399E15FB.ttl | 31 - 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.../DA/03B6DA7F7B571927E9AD0456FD70FD94.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B581927E9AD025EFCE0FED8.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B581928E9AD0476FC1BFBE8.ttl | 24 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B591928E9AD03D0FE00FEB8.ttl | 17 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B591929E9AD0094FE2DF958.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD004AFD67F958.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD03D6FD70F838.ttl | 3 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD004CFB40F8CD.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD063CFD48FBD7.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD0726FC3FFCED.ttl | 17 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD00D1FF62F939.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD03F1FB03F7F5.ttl | 36 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD0475FD6FFD71.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD06FDFE94FA59.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD07B9FB46FC2D.ttl | 17 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5E192EE9AD05A2FD6FFEB4.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B5F192FE9AD0037FDA8F96F.ttl | 17 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B60190FE9AD023EFAE5FF20.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B601910E9AD05A2FC48FE6C.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B621911E9AD0281FC9DFEB8.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD01D5FEAEF9ED.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD033DFDDCF8CD.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD05E5FF5FFE49.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B641914E9AD0452FB09FDC1.ttl | 22 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD00C7FBCCF96F.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD03C3FC56F897.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD00F5FC16F8F1.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD018DFDDBFA35.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD0649FD34FB9D.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B671916E9AD02EDFE40FEB5.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0065FE89F9A5.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0385FA97F83D.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0409FF73FE25.ttl | 6 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD018FFAADF9CF.ttl | 6 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD0363FA96F88B.ttl | 6 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD074FFB49FCE7.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0089FA0BF981.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0145FEFDFAA1.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD03A9FA82F861.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD04E1FCF4FD29.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0601FB2CFBE5.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD025CFC5EF7D6.ttl | 17 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD033CFB74F8D2.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD042CFE93FD9A.ttl | 6 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191BE9AD0280FBADFF02.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD000AFD51F9E5.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0347FB29F8A8.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0660FE4AFB26.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191CE9AD0281FD37FF20.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191DE9AD06B5FC2AFB55.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191DE9AD02B8FDE1FE25.ttl | 2 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0054FB29F996.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0398FCD4F89A.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B741904E9AD05A2FC90FE48.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD03D2FD0AF818.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD040EFE0BFE00.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD0102FE93FB30.ttl | 3 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD01FEFDC3F9C8.ttl | 18 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD07BEFE88FC2C.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B771907E9AD0151FF6EFAB9.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B791909E9AD0702FAF6FD11.ttl | 6 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD044DFB1AFDA2.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD078EFD92FC85.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7B190AE9AD0215FEFDFEDF.ttl | 47 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7C190CE9AD0358FC88F922.ttl | 1 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD0262FA84F7D0.ttl | 7 - .../DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD040EFDDCFCBC.ttl | 34 - .../DC/03B6DC38FFB6FFFDB5B6FF1F3D13FB9E.ttl | 52 +- .../DC/03B6DC38FFBFFFFCB5B6FB2F3A23F844.ttl | 2 +- .../DD/03B6DD58FFD8FFF1FF379183D3A0FC61.ttl | 18 - .../DD/03B6DD58FFD9FFF3FF379207D49DFF21.ttl | 22 +- .../DF/03B6DF748204FFCDFF7F38EFFD2CE1BA.ttl | 25 - .../DF/03B6DF748208FFC8FF7F3EAAFF12E735.ttl | 1 - .../DF/03B6DF748218FFD1FF7F3BC2FD1EE618.ttl | 17 - .../DF/03B6DF74821AFFD3FF7F3807FDABE612.ttl | 22 - .../DF/03B6DF748233FFFAFF7F38C8FDC7E340.ttl | 1 - .../DF/03B6DF74823BFFF7FF7F394DFDEEE35B.ttl | 16 - .../E1/03B6E1341520025B259F8D25FE6496DB.ttl | 21 - .../E1/03B6E13415330248259F8CB1FE6595C0.ttl | 1009 ---------- .../E1/03B6E1341533024A259F8806FCAD9767.ttl | 18 +- .../E1/03B6E13415340241259F8B55FBB79007.ttl | 21 +- .../E1/03B6E13415380245259F8915FAE59743.ttl | 34 +- .../E1/03B6E134153B0243259F8AB8FCA19537.ttl | 37 +- .../E1/03B6E134153C025B259F8916FC1F9127.ttl | 86 +- .../E1/03B6E134153E0247259F8B8EFBB79223.ttl | 37 +- .../E1/03B6E143FFF8FF84FF49715BCF8579CD.ttl | 38 +- .../E1/03B6E143FFF9FF86FF4972B5C9DA78FB.ttl | 46 +- .../E4/03B6E43FFFC3FF8AFF332C2FFC792044.ttl | 19 +- .../E4/03B6E43FFFCBFF84FF332E4EFA2921CA.ttl | 17 - .../E4/03B6E43FFFCDFF8EFF3328E6FA8F21D8.ttl | 1 - .../E4/03B6E43FFFDBFF94FF332854FBE6203C.ttl | 1 - .../E9/03B6E934FF855C554BD944ECFD5CFD07.ttl | 24 +- .../E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA40FF61AE935F1AFCFA.ttl | 33 - .../E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA42FF61ACAF58F9FC9E.ttl | 35 +- .../E9/03B6E97BFFC7CA58FF61AC8B58A2FA26.ttl | 129 +- .../E9/03B6E97BFFC8CA4DFF61ABD75894F81E.ttl | 46 - .../E9/03B6E97BFFC9CA40FF61AD4E5FFDFEDE.ttl | 130 +- .../E9/03B6E97BFFDDCA5BFF61A9125EDCFC49.ttl | 268 --- .../EE/03B6EE58FFA84F62FC861DB3A373F982.ttl | 51 - .../EE/03B6EE58FFAC4F7DFC861F8EA30AFC4F.ttl | 20 +- .../EE/03B6EE58FFB74F63FF361FC5A322FBAD.ttl | 32 - .../F0/03B6F0093A23FFFA4CDDD12AFE4333F6.ttl | 18 +- .../F0/03B6F0093A24FFFA4CDDD1DCFC8835B8.ttl | 31 - .../F0/03B6F0093A26FFF94CDDD14CFBB23276.ttl | 17 +- .../F0/03B6F0093A29FFF44CDDD0B4FE4334E8.ttl | 18 +- .../F0/03B6F0093A2AFFF54CDDD0F9FC173178.ttl | 1 - .../F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD022FDB33616.ttl | 17 - .../F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD124FC1F3513.ttl | 15 - .../F0/03B6F0093A2DFFF04CDDD7EAFEB6321E.ttl | 20 +- .../F0/03B6F0093A2EFFF14CDDD757FDD13209.ttl | 34 +- .../F0/03B6F0093A38FFE64CDDD617FCF833FD.ttl | 21 - .../F1/03B6F12C8611F95FFF70F925D625861B.ttl | 20 +- .../F1/03B6F12C8612F952FF70FEB9D6CE85DD.ttl | 34 +- .../F1/03B6F12C8614F952FF70FBC2D6228333.ttl | 18 +- .../F1/03B6F12C8616F954FF70FC9AD6EA81E7.ttl | 18 +- .../F1/03B6F12C8616F956FF70FE26D72D80DF.ttl | 31 - .../F1/03B6F12C861DF95CFF70FDB2D68282D7.ttl | 40 +- .../F1/03B6F12C861FF95DFF70FB5ED6CE8037.ttl | 34 +- .../F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD2FF77AC9C3BC7FE08.ttl | 18 - .../F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD7FF77AE133871FDE4.ttl | 85 +- .../F5/03B6F509FFBFFFD9FF77AFA53A16FAD4.ttl | 18 - .../F5/03B6F509FFBFFFDDFF77A95538E4FE08.ttl | 85 +- .../F5/03B6F5198D45EB50FF22864E3F919D3D.ttl | 79 +- .../F5/03B6F5198D47EB5FFF2286AE3B6A9A45.ttl | 6 - .../F5/03B6F5198D48EB40FF2281663D159A30.ttl | 4 - .../F9/03B6F9279128FFDEFF05431C060D0182.ttl | 1 - .../FC/03B6FC1BB8381957FF52008478B23E37.ttl | 6 - .../26/03C126545040674E85A1BEB2BE494443.ttl | 17 +- .../26/03C126545043674F85A1B851BEBC4406.ttl | 117 +- .../26/03C126545044674B85A1BA69B9A44468.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C126545044674C85A1BE84B8214224.ttl | 293 +-- .../26/03C126545046674885A1B83DB868407B.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C126545047674B85A1BAB1BBCF41CC.ttl | 34 +- .../26/03C126545051675185A1BA95B9D643BE.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C126545052675C85A1BD15BA60429E.ttl | 33 +- .../26/03C126545053675E85A1B8CEB93C405E.ttl | 117 +- .../26/03C126545054675A85A1BD79BF794443.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C126545055675D85A1BEE9BBCF44DF.ttl | 34 +- .../26/03C126545057675885A1BBB5BBCF4781.ttl | 34 +- .../26/03C126545057675B85A1BC2CBAC44733.ttl | 82 +- .../26/03C126545058674985A1BF39B92D43F6.ttl | 101 +- .../26/03C12654505A675485A1BC2DB8DC44A7.ttl | 17 +- .../26/03C12654505B675785A1BECDB97542F3.ttl | 50 +- .../26/03C12654505C675285A1B9A6BABE40EB.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C12654505D675285A1B901BE6F47E4.ttl | 18 +- .../26/03C12654505D675585A1BC10BAF24786.ttl | 34 +- .../26/03C12654505E675385A1B9F5B8F74306.ttl | 117 +- .../26/03C126762D41C80798220037D20137CA.ttl | 21 +- .../86/03C1861CFFC1BD5664892DB8FEABF94A.ttl | 99 - .../F7/03C1F749FF8D956C75BF383BFE01D856.ttl | 17 - .../F7/03C1F749FFB0955375A0392DFDF0DAB2.ttl | 18 +- .../F7/03C1F749FFB6956976023FF5FA80DF34.ttl | 18 +- .../FB/03C1FB47FFFC2017FF04F8B4FD2BFB4E.ttl | 68 +- 2121 files changed, 1510 insertions(+), 107664 deletions(-) diff --git a/data/03/0A/AB/030AAB8A85545F0FE03E3F854591D9ED.ttl b/data/03/0A/AB/030AAB8A85545F0FE03E3F854591D9ED.ttl index 57d42a9354c..6bf98696497 100644 --- a/data/03/0A/AB/030AAB8A85545F0FE03E3F854591D9ED.ttl +++ b/data/03/0A/AB/030AAB8A85545F0FE03E3F854591D9ED.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Cretoglaphyrinae Nikolajev 2005" ; diff --git a/data/03/1A/5E/031A5EA945C04D42320525585338E27C.ttl b/data/03/1A/5E/031A5EA945C04D42320525585338E27C.ttl index 3d08ba7983c..6ce57155f4b 100644 --- a/data/03/1A/5E/031A5EA945C04D42320525585338E27C.ttl +++ b/data/03/1A/5E/031A5EA945C04D42320525585338E27C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Primula acaulis subsp. acaulis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -22,22 +20,6 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae" . - - dwc:authority "(L.) L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Primula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "acaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; @@ -52,34 +34,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Primula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "acaulis" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Primula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/1A/87/031A87DAE45AFF9E70D66DE71AA5F80A.ttl b/data/03/1A/87/031A87DAE45AFF9E70D66DE71AA5F80A.ttl index b4a5144aeb1..dfa5c7203d6 100644 --- a/data/03/1A/87/031A87DAE45AFF9E70D66DE71AA5F80A.ttl +++ b/data/03/1A/87/031A87DAE45AFF9E70D66DE71AA5F80A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Andersen, Trond; Bello González, Orestes C.; Baars, Jan-Robert; Earle, William" ; dc:title "Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) tuburcinatum Andersen et Bello Gonzalez, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Andersen et Bello Gonzalez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andersen et Bello Gonzalez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen & Bello Gonzalez" ; - dwc:species "tuburcinatum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pentapedilum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Ridl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Ridl.) Moss ex Wager." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Ridl.) Moss ex Wager." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hydrocharitaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagarosiphon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Alismatales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moss ex Wager." ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB231CDFF2EFDCEF986.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB231CDFF2EFDCEF986.ttl index 0d3f1aec12a..01a6ab9f153 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB231CDFF2EFDCEF986.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB231CDFF2EFDCEF986.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles sparsus Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "sparsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon" ; - dwc:species "statius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB631CDF92EFD26F9DD.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB631CDF92EFD26F9DD.ttl index 2a5d11693ef..5d444329cb0 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB631CDF92EFD26F9DD.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E029FFB631CDF92EFD26F9DD.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles thoracartus Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,173 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "thoracartus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "sparsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "basicavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "brevivena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:species "laspeyresiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "parapholetesor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "artustigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "magnioculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:species "odites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon" ; - dwc:species "odites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -225,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E031FFAA31CDFA1CFDCBF870.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E031FFAA31CDFA1CFDCBF870.ttl index 9d734d8bf32..c6958286c54 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E031FFAA31CDFA1CFDCBF870.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E031FFAA31CDFA1CFDCBF870.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,98 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "artustigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:species "odites" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "magnioculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "thoracartus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "sparsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFA931CDFF2EFDCFF972.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFA931CDFF2EFDCFF972.ttl index 60e5444cfe4..572b478d205 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFA931CDFF2EFDCFF972.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFA931CDFF2EFDCFF972.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles artustigma Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "artustigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:species "calycinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFAE31CDF8BDFA57FA9C.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFAE31CDF8BDFA57FA9C.ttl index 7a2b58d3849..4263ac88de0 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFAE31CDF8BDFA57FA9C.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E032FFAE31CDF8BDFA57FA9C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles hainanensis Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "artustigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "magnioculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E035FFAC31CDFA1EFC3CFB21.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E035FFAC31CDFA1EFC3CFB21.ttl index bfcc176318d..9485505d724 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E035FFAC31CDFA1EFC3CFB21.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E035FFAC31CDFA1EFC3CFB21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles magnioculus Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "magnioculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon" ; - dwc:species "odites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA031CDF9A8FBB6FA55.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA031CDF9A8FBB6FA55.ttl index 17c7416304f..845bb5ad851 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA031CDF9A8FBB6FA55.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA031CDF9A8FBB6FA55.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles basicavus Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "basicavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp" ; - dwc:species "frustratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA231CDFBE4FDCBFA08.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA231CDFBE4FDCBFA08.ttl index b1e761dd387..803793bd331 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA231CDFBE4FDCBFA08.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E039FFA231CDFBE4FDCBFA08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,72 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Nees, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nees" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nees, 1834" ; - dwc:species "lacteus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fahringer, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fahringer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fahringer, 1936" ; - dwc:species "marokkanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "basicavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp, 1975" ; - dwc:species "frustratus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03BFFA031CDF98CFDCBF888.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03BFFA031CDF98CFDCBF888.ttl index c4f0444d8da..bdfb86994c9 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03BFFA031CDF98CFDCBF888.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03BFFA031CDF98CFDCBF888.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,53 +26,6 @@ dc:title "The lacteus-, laspeyresiella - and mycetophilus - groups of Apanteles Foerster, 1862 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) in China, with descriptions of eight new species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "parapholetesor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "brevivena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:species "laspeyresiella" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03CFFA531CDFF2EF950FD04.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03CFFA531CDFF2EF950FD04.ttl index 17576f083c7..b6e727c952d 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03CFFA531CDFF2EF950FD04.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03CFFA531CDFF2EF950FD04.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles brevivena Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "brevivena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp" ; - dwc:species "nagyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFA531CDFCACF919F9EC.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFA531CDFCACF919F9EC.ttl index ea36d22381d..26b76b20958 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFA531CDFCACF919F9EC.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFA531CDFCACF919F9EC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles laspeyresiella Papp 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iconella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:species "laspeyresiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFAA31CDF9D4F8B1FAC4.ttl b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFAA31CDF9D4F8B1FAC4.ttl index 5bd628f1973..e8923f42161 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFAA31CDF9D4F8B1FAC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/4F/033A4F23E03EFFAA31CDF9D4F8B1FAC4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Zhen; He, Jun-Hua; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Apanteles parapholetesor Liu & Chen, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Chen" ; - dwc:species "parapholetesor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Papp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Papp, 1972" ; - dwc:species "laspeyresiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mason", "Mason." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mason", "Mason." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pholetesor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mason." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/95/033A95254641FFEB77DBA2C5BE74A5F5.ttl b/data/03/3A/95/033A95254641FFEB77DBA2C5BE74A5F5.ttl index 09020e59e1f..e8900c6d8be 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/95/033A95254641FFEB77DBA2C5BE74A5F5.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/95/033A95254641FFEB77DBA2C5BE74A5F5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Gawor, Anna; Hendrix, Ralf; Vences, Miguel; Böhme, Wolfgang; Ziegler, Thomas" ; dc:title "Hylarana nigrovittata Blyth 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/3A/95/033A95254647FFF777DBA196BAF7A23D.ttl b/data/03/3A/95/033A95254647FFF777DBA196BAF7A23D.ttl index 49c96bb8cb8..bbf00c382bb 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/95/033A95254647FFF777DBA196BAF7A23D.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/95/033A95254647FFF777DBA196BAF7A23D.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Gawor, Anna; Hendrix, Ralf; Vences, Miguel; Böhme, Wolfgang; Ziegler, Thomas" ; dc:title "Hylarana guentheri Boulenger 1882" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; dwc:genus "Hylarana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464BFFF077DBA4AFBBB9A6A5.ttl b/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464BFFF077DBA4AFBBB9A6A5.ttl index d9f85450b13..4fce5e05b93 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464BFFF077DBA4AFBBB9A6A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464BFFF077DBA4AFBBB9A6A5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Gawor, Anna; Hendrix, Ralf; Vences, Miguel; Böhme, Wolfgang; Ziegler, Thomas" ; dc:title "Hylarana maosonensis Bourret 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464FFFFD77DBA09CB91AA220.ttl b/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464FFFFD77DBA09CB91AA220.ttl index b55d7b9208d..2ccce03fcb1 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464FFFFD77DBA09CB91AA220.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/95/033A9525464FFFFD77DBA09CB91AA220.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Gawor, Anna; Hendrix, Ralf; Vences, Miguel; Böhme, Wolfgang; Ziegler, Thomas" ; dc:title "Hylarana attigua Inger, Orlov & Darevsky 1999" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; dwc:genus "Hylarana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D45D868FF77FBBAFAA9DEA1.ttl b/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D45D868FF77FBBAFAA9DEA1.ttl index 43d175f7486..467c6f3f768 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D45D868FF77FBBAFAA9DEA1.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D45D868FF77FBBAFAA9DEA1.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cabras, Analyn A.; Buenavente, Perry Archival C.; Medina, Milton Norman; Bollino, Maurizio" ; dc:title "Metapocyrtus (Trachycyrtus) baltazarae Cabras & Buenavente & Medina & Bollino 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,40 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Waterhouse, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metapocyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Waterhouse, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "chevrolati" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachycyrtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Faust, 1895)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Faust" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metapocyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Faust, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "gibbicollis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachycyrtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D47D86DFF77F932FEEDDF9C.ttl b/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D47D86DFF77F932FEEDDF9C.ttl index 9f4c58dc5ad..9e0bea987eb 100644 --- a/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D47D86DFF77F932FEEDDF9C.ttl +++ b/data/03/3A/98/033A984A1D47D86DFF77F932FEEDDF9C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cabras, Analyn A.; Buenavente, Perry Archival C.; Medina, Milton Norman; Bollino, Maurizio" ; dc:title "Metapocyrtus (Trachycyrtus) siargaonon Bollino & Cabras 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Heller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metapocyrtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heller, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cabras & Buenavente & Medina & Bollino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metapocyrtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabras, Buenavente, Medina & Bollino, 2023" ; - dwc:species "baltazarae" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachycyrtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -99,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Metapocyrtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D31FC0D6AB633FE0A3BFC4B.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D31FC0D6AB633FE0A3BFC4B.ttl index 78ddf241bd6..28e622bac88 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D31FC0D6AB633FE0A3BFC4B.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D31FC0D6AB633FE0A3BFC4B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda dentata Sheng & Sun, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:species "otaruensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D33FC036AB6356F0C15FAF3.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D33FC036AB6356F0C15FAF3.ttl index 2944913cc6b..a139b90bbce 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D33FC036AB6356F0C15FAF3.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D33FC036AB6356F0C15FAF3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda dorsopuncta Sheng & Sun, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "dorsopuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D34FC0A6AB6318E09DAFDD1.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D34FC0A6AB6318E09DAFDD1.ttl index a7f40e0db67..1869e49662a 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D34FC0A6AB6318E09DAFDD1.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D34FC0A6AB6318E09DAFDD1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda Holmgren 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Geoffroy, 1785" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eulophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy, 1785" ; - dwc:species "apicarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D37FC0F6AB631C70D0CFDF8.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D37FC0F6AB631C70D0CFDF8.ttl index cabf110b21b..79645593017 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D37FC0F6AB631C70D0CFDF8.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D37FC0F6AB631C70D0CFDF8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda biconcava Sheng & Sun, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "biconcava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:species "owaniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3DFC016AB634F709C6FB18.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3DFC016AB634F709C6FB18.ttl index 2eb57362038..3b7a8838000 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3DFC016AB634F709C6FB18.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3DFC016AB634F709C6FB18.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda nigrifacialis Sheng & Sun, sp.n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "nigrifacialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "dorsopuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -102,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3FFC076AB6345A0A0EF98B.ttl b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3FFC076AB6345A0A0EF98B.ttl index 957fb0da7ff..1dcfd4bdd63 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3FFC076AB6345A0A0EF98B.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/87/033B879B9D3FFC076AB6345A0A0EF98B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Priopoda uniconcava Sheng & Sun, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:species "uniconcava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:species "owaniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/3B/D0/033BD0F7F1445556E520B33BE4E83504.ttl b/data/03/3B/D0/033BD0F7F1445556E520B33BE4E83504.ttl index 62fdc761540..92a5a3cca80 100644 --- a/data/03/3B/D0/033BD0F7F1445556E520B33BE4E83504.ttl +++ b/data/03/3B/D0/033BD0F7F1445556E520B33BE4E83504.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Crabo, Lars G." ; dc:title "Rhabdorthodes Crabo, 2018, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FC56FC3BFBD1.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FC56FC3BFBD1.ttl index 946f8514241..93c64fc3560 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FC56FC3BFBD1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FC56FC3BFBD1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Yamatofulvius minutus Yasunaga & Miyamoto, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Yamatofulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:species "minutus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 2006: 734" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FCDCFC33FC4A.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FCDCFC33FC4A.ttl index ca414b93303..e5dd51c7e04 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FCDCFC33FC4A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FCDCFC33FC4A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Teratocoris tagoi Yasunaga & Schwartz, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Teratocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:species "tagoi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz, 2005: 66" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD49FB60FCC7.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD49FB60FCC7.ttl index 0078266a517..d26aaf3ef4d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD49FB60FCC7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD49FB60FCC7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Neolygus ryoma Yasunaga & Schwartz, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:species "ryoma" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz, 2005: 65" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD94FEDCFD31.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD94FEDCFD31.ttl index a546e2629fc..b36f5b1788f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD94FEDCFD31.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FD94FEDCFD31.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Neolygus kawasawai Yasunaga & Schwartz, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:species "kawasawai" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz, 2005: 63" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE01FBC2FD8F.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE01FBC2FD8F.ttl index f473471976e..77e953c088f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE01FBC2FD8F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE01FBC2FD8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Kohnometopus fraxini Yasunaga, sp. nov." ; trt:citesTaxonName , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohnometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:species "fraxini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga, 2005: 347" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE8EFBD8FEF9.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE8EFBD8FEF9.ttl index f7bddea3858..78e9f332698 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE8EFBD8FEF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FE8EFBD8FEF9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Isometopus takaii Yasunaga, sp. nov." ; trt:citesTaxonName , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:species "takaii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga, 2005: 345" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FF34FBC3FF72.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FF34FBC3FF72.ttl index ff086722dbb..4c126a51bf1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FF34FBC3FF72.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1248673EE86FF34FBC3FF72.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Isometopus ishigaki Yasunaga, sp. nov." ; trt:citesTaxonName ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:species "ishigaki" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga, 2005: 343" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F8DCFC53F84A.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F8DCFC53F84A.ttl index 0151ba93a50..6051de72771 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F8DCFC53F84A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F8DCFC53F84A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Fulvius nakatai Yasunaga & Miyamoto, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:species "nakatai" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 2006: 731" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F949FC15F8C4.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F949FC15F8C4.ttl index 8c23f287635..4ff445669e4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F949FC15F8C4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F949FC15F8C4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Euchilofulvius lepidopterus Yasunaga & Miyamoto, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Euchilofulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:species "lepidopterus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 2006: 729" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F9F7FBD9F931.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F9F7FBD9F931.ttl index ccef0467cc0..faca9add97a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F9F7FBD9F931.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86F9F7FBD9F931.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Bothriomiris yakushima Yasunaga & Miyamoto, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothriomiris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:species "yakushima" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 2006: 726" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FA7CFC1FF9AA.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FA7CFC1FF9AA.ttl index 2b64744500f..abf80bddb0a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FA7CFC1FF9AA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FA7CFC1FF9AA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Bothriomiris ernsti Yasunaga & Miyamoto, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothriomiris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; - dwc:species "ernsti" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Miyamoto, 2006: 723" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Miyamoto" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FAE9FB9BFA24.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FAE9FB9BFA24.ttl index d6494e77dfb..43e84151d98 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FAE9FB9BFA24.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960223D1258672EE86FAE9FB9BFA24.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Schwartz, Michael D.; Aukema, Berend" ; dc:title "Apolygopsis mikioi Yasunaga & Schwartz, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Apolygopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; - dwc:species "mikioi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Schwartz, 2005: 62" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Schwartz" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/03960239FFB3FFFEFF53FF61FBB0F68A.ttl b/data/03/96/02/03960239FFB3FFFEFF53FF61FBB0F68A.ttl index cf0f0a404c1..51a6f883c7c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/03960239FFB3FFFEFF53FF61FBB0F68A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/03960239FFB3FFFEFF53FF61FBB0F68A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sousa-Lopes, Bruno De; Whitfield, James Bryan; Salgado-Neto, Geraldo; Del-Claro, Kleber" ; dc:title "Cotesia itororensis Sousa-Lopes & Whitfield & Salgado-Neto & Del-Claro 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,53 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Schaus, 1897)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schaus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oospila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaus, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "pallidaria" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cotesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Muesebeck 1958)" ; dwc:authorityName "Muesebeck" ; @@ -152,21 +105,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brèthes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cotesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brèthes, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "bonariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Say 1836)" ; dwc:authorityName "Say" ; @@ -316,6 +254,20 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Geometridae" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "family" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "(Herbst 1783)" ; dwc:authorityName "Herbst" ; @@ -640,6 +592,22 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaus" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Geometridae" ; + dwc:genus "Oospila" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaus, 1897)" ; + dwc:species "pallidaria" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "(Muesebeck 1958)" ; dwc:authorityName "Muesebeck" ; @@ -766,12 +734,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Cotesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/02/0396027C47347D13FF45F8FDFA2EF055.ttl b/data/03/96/02/0396027C47347D13FF45F8FDFA2EF055.ttl index 575ede08557..bb06baa390c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/0396027C47347D13FF45F8FDFA2EF055.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/0396027C47347D13FF45F8FDFA2EF055.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Shuangyan; Liu, Cunqi; Hou, Zhonge" ; dc:title "Victoriopisa" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,150 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Description of a new species of Victoriopisa Karaman & Barnard, 1979 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Eriopisidae) from China, with a key to the genus Victoriopisa" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Lim et al., 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lim et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lim et al., 2010" ; - dwc:species "tinggiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morino, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morino, 1991" ; - dwc:species "ryukyuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Asari, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Asari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Asari, 1983" ; - dwc:species "papiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Niphargidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:species "chilkensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ariyama, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ariyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ariyama, 2015" ; - dwc:species "wadai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stock & Platvoet, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stock & Platvoet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock & Platvoet, 1981" ; - dwc:species "atlantica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Griffiths, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffiths" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffiths, 1974" ; - dwc:species "epistomata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chilton, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chilton, 1923" ; - dwc:species "australiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lowry & Springthorpe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005" ; - dwc:species "marina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Melitidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D14FF45F8ECFE59F4E2.ttl b/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D14FF45F8ECFE59F4E2.ttl index 8d3f62fc011..b6959a7d08b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D14FF45F8ECFE59F4E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D14FF45F8ECFE59F4E2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Shuangyan; Liu, Cunqi; Hou, Zhonge" ; dc:title "Victoriopisa multiartus Hou, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,166 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hou" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hou" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hou" ; - dwc:species "multiartus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stock & Platvoet, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stock & Platvoet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock & Platvoet, 1981" ; - dwc:species "atlantica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chilton, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chilton, 1923" ; - dwc:species "australiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Niphargidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:species "chilkensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffiths, 1974)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffiths" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffiths" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffiths, 1974)" ; - dwc:species "epistomata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lowry & Springthorpe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005" ; - dwc:species "marina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Asari, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Asari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Asari, 1983" ; - dwc:species "papiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morino, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morino, 1991" ; - dwc:species "ryukyuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lim" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lim" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lim" ; - dwc:species "tinggiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ariyama, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ariyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ariyama, 2015" ; - dwc:species "wadai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Melitidae" ; @@ -218,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; dwc:genus "Victoriopisa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D1EFF45FA1EFC24F481.ttl b/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D1EFF45FA1EFC24F481.ttl index 3279b533902..a1684c9cf0d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D1EFF45FA1EFC24F481.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/02/0396027C473E7D1EFF45FA1EFC24F481.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhao, Shuangyan; Liu, Cunqi; Hou, Zhonge" ; dc:title "Victoriopisa Karaman & Barnard 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Niphargidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chilton, 1921" ; - dwc:species "chilkensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Melitidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB419FEFC66F942.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB419FEFC66F942.ttl index 39fb680176f..73bc2daba56 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB419FEFC66F942.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB419FEFC66F942.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica acailandiae Razowski & Becker, 2016, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laspeyresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick" ; - dwc:species "pyrozona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB41D8BFD25FBE9.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB41D8BFD25FBE9.ttl index c67234cc7a9..fea83f67aa4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB41D8BFD25FBE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFA97BB41D8BFD25FBE9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica Razowski & Becker, 2016, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,63 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Chlidanotinae" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Zeller, 1877 (Chlidanotinae)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zeller, 1877 (Chlidanotinae" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilarographa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zeller, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mictopsichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heinrich" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heinrich" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Satronia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinrich" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heinrich" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heinrich" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ricula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinrich" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFAA7BB41A04FBC8FD38.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFAA7BB41A04FBC8FD38.ttl index 7a55bba2942..9d571b34638 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFAA7BB41A04FBC8FD38.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF80FFAA7BB41A04FBC8FD38.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica maja Razowski & Becker, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB4192AFB63F882.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB4192AFB63F882.ttl index 379508576a9..9aa53de7f4c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB4192AFB63F882.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB4192AFB63F882.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica hilara Razowski & Becker, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laspeyresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick" ; - dwc:species "pyrozona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB41F81FB37FB9A.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB41F81FB37FB9A.ttl index 750b30e6001..06d14195642 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB41F81FB37FB9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF83FFAA7BB41F81FB37FB9A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica subtilana Felder & Rogenhofer 1875, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Felder & Rogenhofer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grapholitha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875" ; - dwc:species "subtilana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41B5BFAA7F888.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41B5BFAA7F888.ttl index c584455703c..efaaf3e3640 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41B5BFAA7F888.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41B5BFAA7F888.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica pyrozona Meyrick 1916, comb. n." ; trt:citesTaxonName ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laspeyresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1916" ; - dwc:species "pyrozona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Brown, 2005" ; dwc:authorityName "Brown" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41E34FC5BFA07.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41E34FC5BFA07.ttl index 5e736388906..9e50248ea70 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41E34FC5BFA07.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAD7BB41E34FC5BFA07.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica cacaulandiae Razowski & Becker, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAE7BB41AD1FF7DFD30.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAE7BB41AD1FF7DFD30.ttl index e91dae7e4c1..c961d7c1c12 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAE7BB41AD1FF7DFD30.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF84FFAE7BB41AD1FF7DFD30.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Ipamerica Razowski & Becker, 2016, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Heinrich. However" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heinrich. However" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ricula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinrich. However" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF85FFAD7BB41A1CFC5AFCB2.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF85FFAD7BB41A1CFC5AFCB2.ttl index b60fd1acf67..71fe6e061c3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF85FFAD7BB41A1CFC5AFCB2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF85FFAD7BB41A1CFC5AFCB2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Acailandica comptana Walker 1863, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1863" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carpocapsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1863" ; - dwc:species "comptana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Brown, 2005" ; dwc:authorityName "Brown" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF87FFAE7BB41FB6FB2BFAA9.ttl b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF87FFAE7BB41FB6FB2BFAA9.ttl index 585ea66d610..19252d82329 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF87FFAE7BB41FB6FB2BFAA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/0396201CFF87FFAE7BB41FB6FB2BFAA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Razowski, Józef; Becker, Vitor O." ; dc:title "Ipamerica auctuncus Razowski & Becker, 2016, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Razowski & Becker, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Razowski & Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ricula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Razowski & Becker, 2012" ; - dwc:species "trechalea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF82FFF0FEF29159FB11452B.ttl b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF82FFF0FEF29159FB11452B.ttl index 25e4a52ec57..874c423cc0b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF82FFF0FEF29159FB11452B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF82FFF0FEF29159FB11452B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Fukuoka, Kouki; Bruce, Niel L." ; dc:title "Tenagomysis Thomson 1900, sp. nov." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "W. Tattersall, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenagomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1923" ; - dwc:species "tenuipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF89FFF2FEF29713FCAA413F.ttl b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF89FFF2FEF29713FCAA413F.ttl index 35b3918ef3b..37029e00cb8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF89FFF2FEF29713FCAA413F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF89FFF2FEF29713FCAA413F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Fukuoka, Kouki; Bruce, Niel L." ; dc:title "Tenagomysis producta Tattersall 1923" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8AFFF2FEF2920EFD0F45ED.ttl b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8AFFF2FEF2920EFD0F45ED.ttl index 5fcc202db20..94fb1d3ae0b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8AFFF2FEF2920EFD0F45ED.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8AFFF2FEF2920EFD0F45ED.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Fukuoka, Kouki; Bruce, Niel L." ; dc:title "Tenagomysis macropsis Tattersall 1923" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8FFFF5FEF2920EFC6D47A2.ttl b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8FFFF5FEF2920EFC6D47A2.ttl index aa8d09131b1..f8e00175fa5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8FFFF5FEF2920EFC6D47A2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/20/03962059FF8FFFF5FEF2920EFC6D47A2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fukuoka, Kouki; Bruce, Niel L." ; dc:title "Tenagomysis" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,22 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenagomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1900" ; - dwc:species "novaezealandiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/22/03962202FFD444649696FACCD895FB55.ttl b/data/03/96/22/03962202FFD444649696FACCD895FB55.ttl index 5c24bd3a61a..54e17446151 100644 --- a/data/03/96/22/03962202FFD444649696FACCD895FB55.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/22/03962202FFD444649696FACCD895FB55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Cortés-Hernández, Miguel Ángel; Donascimiento, Carlos; Ramírez-Gil, Hernando" ; dc:title "Pimelodella longibarbata Cortés-Hernández & Donascimiento & Ramírez-Gil 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fernandez-Yepez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimelodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernandez-Yepez, 1950" ; - dwc:species "cruxenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimelodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1940" ; - dwc:species "howesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Slobodian, Akama & Dutra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimelodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slobodian, Akama & Dutra, 2017" ; - dwc:species "humeralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Eigenmann & Ward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimelodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eigenmann & Ward, 1907" ; - dwc:species "mucosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Eigenmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimelodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eigenmann, 1917" ; - dwc:species "notomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Heptapteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B447D64FF18F93F32433586.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B447D64FF18F93F32433586.ttl index f57b526ecd7..3d9395eacfc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B447D64FF18F93F32433586.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B447D64FF18F93F32433586.ttl @@ -9,15 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor darius" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,68 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cramer, 1776" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cramer, 1776" ; - dwc:species "anaxarete" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cramer, 1776" ; - dwc:species "anaxareta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cramer, 1776" ; - dwc:species "anaxarethus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Cramer, 1776)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cramer" ; @@ -179,7 +113,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Fruhst.", "Fruhstorfer, 1911" ; + dwc:authority "Fruhstorfer, 1911" ; dwc:authorityName "Fruhstorfer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -231,7 +165,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Rober, 1927" ; dwc:authorityName "Rober" ; dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -281,7 +214,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Fruhst.", "Fruhstorfer, 1912" ; + dwc:authority "Fruhstorfer, 1912" ; dwc:authorityName "Fruhstorfer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -298,508 +231,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boisduval, 1836" ; - dwc:tribe "Brassolini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neotrop. Lep." ; - dwc:authorityName "Neotrop. Lep." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cetoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atlas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neotrop. Lep." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Doubleday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubleday, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Hayward (1951)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Hayward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward, 1951" ; - dwc:species "stygianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Janeiro" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Janeiro" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Janeiro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "♀ Fab." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fab." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fab." ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fab. Entom." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fab. Entom." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Papilio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fab. Entom." ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Int." ; - dwc:authorityName "Int." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Int." ; - dwc:species "populus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bertol." ; - dwc:authorityName "Bertol." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bromelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bertol." ; - dwc:species "antiacantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schult. & Schult. f." ; - dwc:authorityName "Schult. & Schult. f." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ananas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schult. & Schult. f." ; - dwc:species "sativus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. H. Wendl. ex Regel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Regel" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Billbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Regel" ; - dwc:species "nutans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thunb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Billbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb." ; - dwc:species "speciosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Baker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lindl." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aechmea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindl.) Baker" ; - dwc:species "fasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Biezanko" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Wittm. (Biezanko 1960 b)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wittm. (Biezanko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aechmea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittm., 1960" ; - dwc:species "gamosepala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Otero & Casagrande" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Lindl. (Otero & Casagrande 1992)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindl. (Otero & Casagrande" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vriesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindl., 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulo" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parque" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulo" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huallaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huallaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huallaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Perene" ; - dwc:authorityName "Perene" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perene" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Arapiuns" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arapiuns" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arapiuns" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Arapiuns-Rio Tapajos", "Tapajos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arapiuns-Rio Tapajos", "Tapajos" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arapiuns-Rio Tapajos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Joao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Joao" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Joao" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "das Almas" ; - dwc:authorityName "das Almas" ; - dwc:genus "Serra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "das Almas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Largo (Fazenda Riachao)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Largo (Fazenda Riachao)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bonita" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonita" ; - dwc:genus "Serra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "da Mantiqueira" ; - dwc:authorityName "da Mantiqueira" ; - dwc:genus "Serra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "da Mantiqueira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Claro" ; - dwc:authorityName "Claro" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Vis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:family "Gobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leme" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Vis, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ferussac" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cotingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tijuca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ferussac, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulo" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulo" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sebastiao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sebastiao" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sebastiao" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Juquei" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Juquei" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Prayidae" ; - dwc:genus "Praia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonophorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Juquei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ipanemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ipanema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Thomas, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bento" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bento" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bento" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vermelho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermelho" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermelho" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -813,12 +244,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -865,12 +291,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Pavonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4D7D7AFF18FAC6328835AA.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4D7D7AFF18FAC6328835AA.ttl index abbc113ca15..795c1179d6c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4D7D7AFF18FAC6328835AA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4D7D7AFF18FAC6328835AA.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor Doubleday 1849" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -203,251 +200,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Doubleday, [1849]" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doubleday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubleday, 1849" ; - dwc:species "napoleon" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brassolis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1851" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brassolis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1864" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:species "stygianus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doubleday, [1849]" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doubleday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opsiphanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubleday, 1849" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cramer, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - dwc:subSpecies "darius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - dwc:subSpecies "stygianus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - dwc:subSpecies "strix" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guenee, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guenee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megastes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guenee, 1854" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oberthur, 1881" ; - dwc:species "hannibal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "pharnaces" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "actorion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D70FF18FA6C334D315A.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D70FF18FA6C334D315A.ttl index 5138117939f..2b03d72c50f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D70FF18FA6C334D315A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D70FF18FA6C334D315A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor napoleon Doubleday 1849" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,183 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "de Janeiro" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Janeiro" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Janeiro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doubl. Hew. (Napoleo. Boisd M. S.)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubl. Hew. (Napoleo. Boisd S.)" ; - dwc:species "napoleon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Janeiro. According" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Janeiro. According" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Janeiro. According" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bento" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bento" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bento" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Otero & Casagrande" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Lindl. (Otero & Casagrande 1992)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindl. (Otero & Casagrande" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vriesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindl., 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulo" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulo" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bonaparte." ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonaparte." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonaparte." ; - dwc:species "napoleon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vicente" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vicente" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parque" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vicente" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulo" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parque" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulo" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bento" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bento" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parque" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bento" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vermelho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermelho" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermelho" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D7AFF18FD2F33AF326E.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D7AFF18FD2F33AF326E.ttl index a9af76d29c2..1b0287c1dd0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D7AFF18FD2F33AF326E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B4E7D7AFF18FD2F33AF326E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor Doubleday 1849" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,121 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Doubleday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubleday, 1849" ; - dwc:species "napoleon" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:species "stygianus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "pharnaces" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oberthur, 1881" ; - dwc:species "hannibal" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B537D62FF18FA86377732CA.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B537D62FF18FA86377732CA.ttl index d9f59d29745..8f22489201a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B537D62FF18FA86377732CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B537D62FF18FA86377732CA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor stygianus Butler 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Butl.", "Butler, 1872" ; + dwc:authority "Butler, 1872" ; dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -93,67 +92,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Fabr. Godman-Salvin Coll. 1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabr. Godman-Salvin Coll., 1919" ; - dwc:species "darius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oberthur, 1881" ; - dwc:species "hannibal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Janzen & Hallwachs" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Sw.) Griseb. (Janzen & Hallwachs 2009)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griseb. (Janzen & Hallwachs" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aechmea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griseb., 2009" ; - dwc:species "bracteata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B567D59FF18F9CF34E637FA.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B567D59FF18F9CF34E637FA.ttl index 94c72b1ad14..167ee8b60a7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B567D59FF18F9CF34E637FA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B567D59FF18F9CF34E637FA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor macrosiris " ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -101,7 +100,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Oberthur, 1881" ; dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -132,155 +130,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bd. Cayenne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bd. Cayenne" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brassolis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bd. Cayenne" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", (Boisd)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisd" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brassolis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisd)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huallaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huallaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huallaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stichel, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke", "Stichel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "pharnaces" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boisduval, 1836" ; - dwc:tribe "Brassolini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Piovesan et al. 2022)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Piovesan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opsiphanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Piovesan, 2022)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Momon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Momon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Momon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ampiyacu (Pebas)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ampiyacu (Pebas)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulo de Olivenca" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulo de Olivenca" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fazenda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulo de Olivenca" ; - dwc:species "sao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B657D4DFF18FD4B336431F1.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B657D4DFF18FD4B336431F1.ttl index 3b3eec7180f..b2078f94867 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B657D4DFF18FD4B336431F1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B657D4DFF18FD4B336431F1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor strix" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -115,66 +115,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Doubleday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doubleday, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Bates. Godman-Salvin Coll. 1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates. Godman-Salvin Coll., 1919" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "pharnaces" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:species "stygianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -188,12 +128,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B6D7D5AFF18FA6C323C318E.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B6D7D5AFF18FA6C323C318E.ttl index 68293683dc1..583ace4928f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B6D7D5AFF18FA6C323C318E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B6D7D5AFF18FA6C323C318E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor pharnaces Stichel 1908, stat. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "II", "Stichel, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke", "Stichel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908", "2024" ; + dwc:authority "Stichel, 1908" ; + dwc:authorityName "Stichel" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -83,66 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oberthur, 1881" ; - dwc:species "hannibal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pichita" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pichita" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pichita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -204,12 +144,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "macrosiris" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -229,12 +163,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "strix" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645158B6E7D51FF18F90B331D354E.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645158B6E7D51FF18F90B331D354E.ttl index 3256b26df31..7d549ae9e15 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645158B6E7D51FF18F90B331D354E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645158B6E7D51FF18F90B331D354E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Piovesan, Mônica; Casagrande, Mirna Martins; Lamas, Gerardo; Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik" ; dc:title "Dynastor hannibal , Oberthur 1881" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority ", Oberthur", "Oberthur, 1881" ; + dwc:authority "Oberthur, 1881" ; dwc:authorityName ", Oberthur" ; dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -49,83 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Oberthur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oberthur, 1881" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hannibal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boisduval, 1836" ; - dwc:tribe "Brassolini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neotrop. Lep." ; - dwc:authorityName "Neotrop. Lep." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cetoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atlas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neotrop. Lep." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "macrosiris" ; - dwc:subSpecies "strix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Bates, 1864)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; @@ -143,11 +65,10 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Piovesan & Casagrande & Lamas & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; + + dwc:authorityName "" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; @@ -155,24 +76,10 @@ dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "pharnaces" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1872" ; - dwc:species "stygianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1851)" ; + dwc:species "macrosiris" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FC2FFC1EF8BC.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FC2FFC1EF8BC.ttl index 03baf44612d..f1b64858540 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FC2FFC1EF8BC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FC2FFC1EF8BC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kaila, Lauri; Sruoga, Virginijus" ; dc:title "Elachista puplesisi Sruoga 2000" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,95 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelosetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Braun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiprosopa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun, 1948" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaffer, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "pigerella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sinev, 1992)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sinev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sinev, 1992)" ; - dwc:species "olgae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sircom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sircom, 1849" ; - dwc:species "regificella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1887" ; - dwc:species "melanthes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; @@ -147,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FEA9FBC9FC71.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FEA9FBC9FC71.ttl index 8b655a550ef..06de69252df 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FEA9FBC9FC71.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645655E00FF914DB6FEA9FBC9FC71.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kaila, Lauri; Sruoga, Virginijus" ; dc:title "Elachista" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,36 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Definition of the Elachista puplesisi Sruoga complex (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea, Elachistidae), with description of a new species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Sruoga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sruoga, 2000" ; - dwc:species "puplesisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sruoga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sruoga, 1992" ; - dwc:species "sinevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/45/039645655E05FF964DB6FB72FDC3FE56.ttl b/data/03/96/45/039645655E05FF964DB6FB72FDC3FE56.ttl index e6ebcb7f35e..e1debc37f51 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/039645655E05FF964DB6FB72FDC3FE56.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/039645655E05FF964DB6FB72FDC3FE56.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kaila, Lauri; Sruoga, Virginijus" ; dc:title "Elachista helia Kaila & Sruoga 2014, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stainton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perittia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stainton, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kaila, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kaila" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perittia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaila, 2009" ; - dwc:species "ravida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kaila, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kaila" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perittia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaila, 2009" ; - dwc:species "minitaurella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sruoga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sruoga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sruoga, 2000" ; - dwc:species "puplesisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; @@ -122,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/45/0396458A26137E3150412CB6228A8A72.ttl b/data/03/96/45/0396458A26137E3150412CB6228A8A72.ttl index 4309e191095..ce431e8975a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/45/0396458A26137E3150412CB6228A8A72.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/45/0396458A26137E3150412CB6228A8A72.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Gillespie, Lynn J.; Soreng, Robert John; Cabi, Evren; Amiri, Neda" ; dc:title "Poa (Pseudopoa) (sect. Speluncarae) Soreng, Cabi & L. J. Gillespie 2018, sect. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; dwc:genus "Poa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E012958FE9A001BDD885D20.ttl b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E012958FE9A001BDD885D20.ttl index f8d11da22ec..6d9cfafb042 100644 --- a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E012958FE9A001BDD885D20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E012958FE9A001BDD885D20.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wu, Keliang; Yue, Qiaoyun; Qiu, Deyi; Liu, Dexing" ; dc:title "Jacobsonina" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E01295BFE9A05D5DA305D3D.ttl b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E01295BFE9A05D5DA305D3D.ttl index 4d21fef7305..d62cd46c516 100644 --- a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E01295BFE9A05D5DA305D3D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E01295BFE9A05D5DA305D3D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wu, Keliang; Yue, Qiaoyun; Qiu, Deyi; Liu, Dexing" ; dc:title "Jacobsonina Hebard 1929" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E02295CFE9A07D1DD8558E9.ttl b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E02295CFE9A07D1DD8558E9.ttl index 4fe6f0ef529..cfa083d0559 100644 --- a/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E02295CFE9A07D1DD8558E9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/4D/03964D594E02295CFE9A07D1DD8558E9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wu, Keliang; Yue, Qiaoyun; Qiu, Deyi; Liu, Dexing" ; dc:title "Jacobsonina erebis Wu, Yue, Qiu & Liu, 2014, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,182 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1868" ; - dwc:species "platysoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bey-Bienko, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bey-Bienko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bey-Bienko, 1970" ; - dwc:species "parva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang, Jiang & Che, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang, Jiang & Che" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Jiang & Che, 2009" ; - dwc:species "tortuosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:species "tricaudata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:species "chiangmaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:species "excavata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1929" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hanitsch, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hanitsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hanitsch, 1935" ; - dwc:species "albomarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roth, 1999" ; - dwc:species "myitkyina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Princis, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Princis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Princis, 1963" ; - dwc:species "spinifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang, Jiang & Che, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang, Jiang & Che" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobsonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Jiang & Che, 2009" ; - dwc:species "arca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ectobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FE0AFB2A54F6.ttl b/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FE0AFB2A54F6.ttl index ddd035545a2..1b24f19fe52 100644 --- a/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FE0AFB2A54F6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FE0AFB2A54F6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Suetsugu, Kenji; Hsu, Tian-Chuan; Fukunaga, Hirokazu" ; dc:title "Lecanorchis vietnamica Averyanov 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,24 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hashimoto (1989: 6)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hashimoto" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "6" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lecanorchis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hashimoto, 1989" ; - dwc:species "flavicans" ; - dwc:variety "acutiloba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FF0EFAFF5716.ttl b/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FF0EFAFF5716.ttl index 405997c0b88..ed07bacfd45 100644 --- a/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FF0EFAFF5716.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/68/0396680CFF8AAA50D091FF0EFAFF5716.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Suetsugu, Kenji; Hsu, Tian-Chuan; Fukunaga, Hirokazu" ; dc:title "Lecanorchis triloba Smith 1908" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fukuyama (1942: 241)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fukuyama" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "241" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lecanorchis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fukuyama, 1942" ; - dwc:species "flavicans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/68/03966810F20CFF8D95D4D4245570F9B2.ttl b/data/03/96/68/03966810F20CFF8D95D4D4245570F9B2.ttl index 0f129a01543..c4809e7b0d8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/68/03966810F20CFF8D95D4D4245570F9B2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/68/03966810F20CFF8D95D4D4245570F9B2.ttl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Techakijvej & Phalaraksh", "Techakijvej & Sareein & Hwang & Bae & Phalaraksh, 2021" ; + dwc:authority "Techakijvej & Phalaraksh" ; dwc:authorityName "Techakijvej & Sareein & Hwang & Bae & Phalaraksh" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/68/03966810F20FFF8995D4D0785799FE0F.ttl b/data/03/96/68/03966810F20FFF8995D4D0785799FE0F.ttl index 3b74791b10e..dfe5dcf43e3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/68/03966810F20FFF8995D4D0785799FE0F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/68/03966810F20FFF8995D4D0785799FE0F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Techakijvej, Chotiwut; Sareein, Nattawut; Hwang, Jeong Mi; Bae, Yeon Jae; Phalaraksh, Chitchol" ; dc:title "Ephoron Williamson 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -126,36 +126,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Takahashi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Polymitarcyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ephoron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Takahashi, 1924)" ; - dwc:species "shigae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ishiwata" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Polymitarcyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ephoron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishiwata, 1996" ; - dwc:species "limnobium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Polymitarcyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF98FF82FF46FC3F34F6FC7B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF98FF82FF46FC3F34F6FC7B.ttl index 5ee912c3157..484fe0f8d70 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF98FF82FF46FC3F34F6FC7B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF98FF82FF46FC3F34F6FC7B.ttl @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Feng, Zhang; Fu, Jianying" ; dc:title "Sphingius hainan Zhang, Fu & Zhu 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,174 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schenkel, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schenkel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schenkel, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Fu & Zhu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zhangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feng & Fu, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feng & Fu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feng & Fu, 2010" ; - dwc:species "deelemanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "penicillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thorell, 1897)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "vivax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "songi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "gothicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "punctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "octomaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; @@ -228,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9DFF84FF46FA8637B1F93B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9DFF84FF46FA8637B1F93B.ttl index bbc344a5d4a..16ac86c6671 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9DFF84FF46FA8637B1F93B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9DFF84FF46FA8637B1F93B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Feng, Zhang; Fu, Jianying" ; dc:title "Sphingius Thorell 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -92,22 +91,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "thecatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9EFF81FF46FF103474FC86.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9EFF81FF46FF103474FC86.ttl index 2e05b807036..0d2ef281c77 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9EFF81FF46FF103474FC86.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9EFF81FF46FF103474FC86.ttl @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Feng, Zhang; Fu, Jianying" ; dc:title "Sphingius deelemanae Feng & Fu 2010, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,189 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Fu & Zhu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:species "hainan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tso et al., 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tso" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tso, 2005" ; - dwc:species "pingtung" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schenkel, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schenkel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schenkel, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Fu & Zhu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Fu & Zhu, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zhangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1897" ; - dwc:species "scrobiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "songi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "gothicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "penicillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "octomaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "punctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; @@ -242,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Sphingius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9F8C7CFE2F753E048EA428.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9F8C7CFE2F753E048EA428.ttl index 7db4fd6f69d..4af5a277e56 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9F8C7CFE2F753E048EA428.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968780FF9F8C7CFE2F753E048EA428.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sousa, Ana F. A.; Nascimento, Alexsandra C.; Tavares, Marcelo; Fernandes, Daniell R. R." ; dc:title "Pelecinus polyturator" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,59 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Maraja Farm" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maraja Farm" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carolina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maraja Farm" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Monomachidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sclerogibbidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687818D01FFBFFCC3FB42FD7BFC75.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687818D01FFBFFCC3FB42FD7BFC75.ttl index 3cafe3fe225..e962303695d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687818D01FFBFFCC3FB42FD7BFC75.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687818D01FFBFFCC3FB42FD7BFC75.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Gargominy, Olivier; Muratov, Igor V." ; dc:title "Cyclopedus Gargominy & Muratov 2012, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gargominy & Muratov, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gargominy & Muratov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclopedus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gargominy & Muratov, 2012" ; - dwc:species "anselini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ptychocochlis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687818D03FFBEFF6EFA80FBA8FD11.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687818D03FFBEFF6EFA80FBA8FD11.ttl index 97fb35b4ef0..e6083a2153d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687818D03FFBEFF6EFA80FBA8FD11.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687818D03FFBEFF6EFA80FBA8FD11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Gargominy, Olivier; Muratov, Igor V." ; dc:title "Pseudosubulina Strebel & Pfeffer 1882" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pfeiffer, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pfeiffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudosubulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pfeiffer, 1862" ; - dwc:species "berendti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Adams, 1851)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Adams" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Oleacinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sigmataxis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Adams, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "macrospira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687818D06FFBAFD1BFA06FB57FA19.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687818D06FFBAFD1BFA06FB57FA19.ttl index 57b61886c07..8ed2473d4db 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687818D06FFBAFD1BFA06FB57FA19.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687818D06FFBAFD1BFA06FB57FA19.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gargominy, Olivier; Muratov, Igor V." ; dc:title "Pseudosubulina nouraguensis Gargominy & Muratov 2012, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,125 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pilsbry, 1907)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pilsbry" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Achatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnocion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pilsbry, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "triptyx" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fischer & Crosse, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fischer & Crosse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Subulinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer & Crosse, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pilsbry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Achatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnocion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pilsbry, 1907" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adams, 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spiraxis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adams, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Crosse, 1873)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Crosse" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spiraxis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Crosse, 1873)" ; - dwc:species "blandi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ravenia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pfeiffer, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pfeiffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spiraxis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pfeiffer, 1854" ; - dwc:subGenus "Euspiraxis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Strebel & Pfeffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudosubulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strebel & Pfeffer, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; @@ -179,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudosubulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Spiraxidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080301FCE2FA9BFB5DFACD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080301FCE2FA9BFB5DFACD.ttl index 9ab2534f88c..78f4c2244ca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080301FCE2FA9BFB5DFACD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080301FCE2FA9BFB5DFACD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Akyol, Mustafa" ; dc:title "Neophyllobius denizliensis Akyol 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bolland" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophyllobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolland, 1991" ; - dwc:species "hispanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080302FCE2FCFCFC18FACC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080302FCE2FCFCFC18FACC.ttl index 64f5346d9df..2794ffc79f4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080302FCE2FCFCFC18FACC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968781E6080302FCE2FCFCFC18FACC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Akyol, Mustafa" ; dc:title "Neophyllobius Berlese 1886" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Berlese, 1886" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophyllobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1886" ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA50E4B0BAFBA18273598B2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA50E4B0BAFBA18273598B2.ttl index dfec36e3e64..470cef15056 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA50E4B0BAFBA18273598B2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA50E4B0BAFBA18273598B2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tea, Yi-Kai; Allen, Gerald R.; Goatley, Christopher H. R.; Gill, Anthony C.; Frable, Benjamin W." ; dc:title "Conniella apterygia Allen 1983" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,65 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fourmanoir" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fourmanoir, 1955" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Randall, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Randall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Randall, 1999" ; - dwc:species "attenuatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Conniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Tea et al. 2021 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tea" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tea, 2021)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Labridae" ; @@ -117,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; dwc:genus "Conniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA60E4F0BAFBF1225D99EEF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA60E4F0BAFBF1225D99EEF.ttl index 71ecddc49a2..07f4e6ed9cb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA60E4F0BAFBF1225D99EEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFA60E4F0BAFBF1225D99EEF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tea, Yi-Kai; Allen, Gerald R.; Goatley, Christopher H. R.; Gill, Anthony C.; Frable, Benjamin W." ; dc:title "Cirrhilabrus apterygia Tea & Allen & Goatley & Gill & Frable 2021, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,277 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Allen 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Conniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "apterygia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allen & Starck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Serranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudanthias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allen & Starck, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "engelhardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Pomacentridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysiptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allen, 1973)" ; - dwc:species "caeruleolineata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", WAM P.", ": WAM P." ; - dwc:authorityName "WAM P." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wam P." ; - dwc:species "apterygia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", USNM FIN" ; - dwc:authorityName "USNM FIN" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Usnm Fin" ; - dwc:species "apterygia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", BPBM" ; - dwc:authorityName "BPBM" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bpbm" ; - dwc:species "earlei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", ZRC", ": ZRC" ; - dwc:authorityName "ZRC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zrc" ; - dwc:species "earlei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", CAS" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAS" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cas" ; - dwc:species "earlei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Conniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allen, Randall & Carlson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, Randall & Carlson, 2003" ; - dwc:species "marjorie" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jenkins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudocheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jenkins, 1901" ; - dwc:species "octotaenia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "rubrimarginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "naokoae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "lineopunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "mccoskeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudocheilinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "ocellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudocheilinops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "ataenia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": AMS I." ; - dwc:authorityName "AMS I." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pteragogus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ams I." ; - dwc:species "flagellifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Labridae" ; @@ -333,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Labridae" ; dwc:genus "Cirrhilabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF88FF7D37A3144CFDB9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF88FF7D37A3144CFDB9.ttl index 8e8ee273d18..16fb40acce2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF88FF7D37A3144CFDB9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF88FF7D37A3144CFDB9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Heterodermia fragmentata Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,82 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trevisan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ach." ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Physciaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterodermia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Caliciales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ach.) Trevisan, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astrothelium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "conjugatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lecanactis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "minutissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalotremis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "cylindrica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ach.) Trevisan." ; - dwc:authorityName "Trevisan." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ach." ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Physciaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterodermia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Caliciales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ach.) Trevisan." ; - dwc:species "leucomela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Physciaceae" ; @@ -138,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Physciaceae" ; dwc:genus "Heterodermia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Caliciales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF8AFF7D3550124EF937.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF8AFF7D3550124EF937.ttl index 4630b32e9ef..8a374f22418 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF8AFF7D3550124EF937.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF1FF8AFF7D3550124EF937.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Astrothelium conjugatum Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nyl.) Aptroot & Lucking (2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & Lucking" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nyl." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astrothelium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nyl.) Aptroot & Lucking, 2016" ; - dwc:species "straminicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; dwc:genus "Astrothelium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF3FF8FFF7D34A21319FF21.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF3FF8FFF7D34A21319FF21.ttl index 0ba8d286bdf..6c03a42d4f4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF3FF8FFF7D34A21319FF21.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF3FF8FFF7D34A21319FF21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Megalotremis cylindrica Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalotremis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot, 1991" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Komposch) Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Komposch" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalotremis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Komposch) Aptroot" ; - dwc:species "flavovulcanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Megalotremis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF4FF8EFF7D305E13BEFEB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF4FF8EFF7D305E13BEFEB5.ttl index 9d922340855..872c3436d99 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF4FF8EFF7D305E13BEFEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF4FF8EFF7D305E13BEFEB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Porina microtriseptata Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,113 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dOrbigny, 1852" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "monilisidiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Psoroglaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Verrucariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "multicolorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weerakoon & Aptroot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schistophoron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weerakoon & Aptroot, 2016" ; - dwc:species "muriforme" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:species "bacillifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malme (1929: 25)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "25" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malme, 1929" ; - dwc:species "melanops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; @@ -167,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D302216D1FB31.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D302216D1FB31.ttl index 011bc3eb49f..913d69640eb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D302216D1FB31.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D302216D1FB31.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Porina monilisidiata Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dOrbigny, 1852" ; - dwc:sensu "lato" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "R. C. Harris (1995: 171)" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "171" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathroporina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harris, 1995" ; - dwc:species "isidiifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; @@ -92,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Porinaceae" ; dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D35AE16B4F861.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D35AE16B4F861.ttl index 6b1ab2b88fc..e0bf0378d54 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D35AE16B4F861.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF5FF8EFF7D35AE16B4F861.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Psoroglaena spinosa Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Herrera-Campos & Lucking" ; - dwc:authorityName "Herrera-Campos & Lucking" ; - dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Psoroglaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Verrucariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herrera-Campos & Lucking" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; @@ -75,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; dwc:genus "Psoroglaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Verrucariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D31CA14A9FC09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D31CA14A9FC09.ttl index 1a8d9fe4b57..05d8df5d30f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D31CA14A9FC09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D31CA14A9FC09.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Pyrenula multicolorata Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:species "rubroinspersa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:species "flavoinspersa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Sipman" ; - dwc:species "aurantioinspersa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; @@ -106,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D35761621F95D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D35761621F95D.ttl index d44f1ddbdc9..ccf97ddb39d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D35761621F95D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968782FFF6FF8DFF7D35761621F95D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Weerakoon, Gothamie; Aptroot, André" ; dc:title "Schistophoron muriforme Weerakoon & Aptroot 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stirton (1876: 165)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stirton" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "165" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schistophoron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stirton, 1876" ; - dwc:species "tenue" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Graphidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Schistophoron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Ostropales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687845831FFF3FF46FEEEFE623D9F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687845831FFF3FF46FEEEFE623D9F.ttl index e198cf0bd00..649dcf78007 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687845831FFF3FF46FEEEFE623D9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687845831FFF3FF46FEEEFE623D9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Batrisodes venustus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687845833FFF1FF46FD89FD833CDB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687845833FFF1FF46FD89FD833CDB.ttl index ef0ab646d38..321f8d546b5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687845833FFF1FF46FD89FD833CDB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687845833FFF1FF46FD89FD833CDB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Micropeplus staphylinoides Marsham 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687845834FFF6FF46FE87FE7A3DED.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687845834FFF6FF46FE87FE7A3DED.ttl index 903a15ef970..5955147c5f6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687845834FFF6FF46FE87FE7A3DED.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687845834FFF6FF46FE87FE7A3DED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Tachyporus (Tachyporus) pusillus Gravenhorst 1806" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,24 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758) (Staniec & Zagaja, 2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Staniec & Zagaja" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "rubra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687845836FFF4FF46FE22FD803C47.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687845836FFF4FF46FE22FD803C47.ttl index 9705cb7592f..7f78f84c840 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687845836FFF4FF46FE22FD803C47.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687845836FFF4FF46FE22FD803C47.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Quedius (Microsaurus) brevis Erichson 1840" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Formica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784583CFFFEFF46FE8BFD8C3DD9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784583CFFFEFF46FE8BFD8C3DD9.ttl index 18df187559c..3e100318854 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784583CFFFEFF46FE8BFD8C3DD9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784583CFFFEFF46FE8BFD8C3DD9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Placusa (Calpusa) adscita Erichson 1839" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFEFF46F8E2FE653E46.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFEFF46F8E2FE653E46.ttl index 6df82ce16fb..90a1f701552 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFEFF46F8E2FE653E46.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFEFF46F8E2FE653E46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Piochardia lepismiformis Heyden 1870" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFFFF46FC6FFD833A12.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFFFF46FC6FFD833A12.ttl index fa2b9b2dc90..9ebf683497c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFFFF46FC6FFD833A12.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784583DFFFFFF46FC6FFD833A12.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Phloeopora teres" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784583EFFFCFF46FAF9FE62393E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784583EFFFCFF46FAF9FE62393E.ttl index 2fed76b563c..21828546b31 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784583EFFFCFF46FAF9FE62393E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784583EFFFCFF46FAF9FE62393E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pérez-Moreno, Ignacio; Gamarra, Purificación; Outerelo, Raimundo; San Martín, Antonio F." ; dc:title "Euryusa (Euryasa) sinuata Erichson 1837" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1804" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB4FFE9FEFFF92BFA1F36FF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB4FFE9FEFFF92BFA1F36FF.ttl index cf4b941ac12..12d91d412df 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB4FFE9FEFFF92BFA1F36FF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB4FFE9FEFFF92BFA1F36FF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lourenço, Wilson R." ; dc:title "Microananteris inselberg Lourenço 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenço" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:species "serrulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vachon 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vachon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vachon, 1963)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; @@ -96,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB6FFE7FEFEFBADFECB37BE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB6FFE7FEFEFBADFECB37BE.ttl index 547b16130b0..04ea35ddd7a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB6FFE7FEFEFBADFECB37BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB6FFE7FEFEFBADFECB37BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lourenço, Wilson R." ; dc:title "Microananteris serrulata Lourenço 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Vachon 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vachon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vachon, 1963)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; @@ -80,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB7FFE4FF16F90BFBB43468.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB7FFE4FF16F90BFBB43468.ttl index dd88a252e54..651d74f1680 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB7FFE4FF16F90BFBB43468.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB7FFE4FF16F90BFBB43468.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lourenço, Wilson R." ; dc:title "Microananteris Lourenco 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lourenco, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenco, 2003" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB9FFEAFE4CFB67FAFE34DE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB9FFEAFE4CFB67FAFE34DE.ttl index 828a108416d..1607312df9b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB9FFEAFE4CFB67FAFE34DE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968784FFB9FFEAFE4CFB67FAFE34DE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lourenço, Wilson R." ; dc:title "Microananteris Lourenco 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,57 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenço" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:species "serrulata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lourenco, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenco, 2003" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenço" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microananteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenço, 2021" ; - dwc:species "inselberg" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968788FC0DFF8DFE0652A5B9DFD1E9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968788FC0DFF8DFE0652A5B9DFD1E9.ttl index 8c34b670231..2d303610850 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968788FC0DFF8DFE0652A5B9DFD1E9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968788FC0DFF8DFE0652A5B9DFD1E9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ermilov, Sergey G.; Subías, Luis S.; Shtanchaeva, Umukusum Ya.; Friedrich, Stefan" ; dc:title "Amboroppia andensis Ermilov & Subías & Shtanchaeva & Friedrich 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ermilov 2010)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ermilov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oppiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ermilov, 2010)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ermilov & Stary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oppiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amboroppia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ermilov & Stary, 2022" ; - dwc:species "bayartogtokhi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oppiidae" ; @@ -109,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oppiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878AD028FFE09388F9F7B93BFA98.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878AD028FFE09388F9F7B93BFA98.ttl index 5e6f0a7d374..d02b740c9b1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878AD028FFE09388F9F7B93BFA98.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878AD028FFE09388F9F7B93BFA98.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kirkendall, Lawrence R.; Ødegaard, Frode" ; dc:title "Xyleborinus exiguus Walker" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Conservation" ; - dwc:authorityName "Conservation" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Osa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conservation" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -71,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Xyleborinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878BFFE91E01FE5BFB89FD3FFD96.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878BFFE91E01FE5BFB89FD3FFD96.ttl index 6c399f8eb80..2e09bd16ff4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878BFFE91E01FE5BFB89FD3FFD96.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878BFFE91E01FE5BFB89FD3FFD96.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Berge, Jørgen" ; dc:title "Andaniopsis isaki Berge 2004, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,95 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Clarke & Menzies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Monoplacophora" ; - dwc:family "Neopilinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tryblidiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clarke & Menzies, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boeck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boeck, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "nordlandica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berge and Vader" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berge & Vader, 2001" ; - dwc:subFamily "Andaniopsinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Steleuthera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1964" ; - dwc:species "maremboca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barnard, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Steleuthera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sars, 1883)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sars" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andaniopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sars, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "pectinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Stegocephalidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878CFFF1FFE0FFD4FA2DFCCCFEE9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878CFFF1FFE0FFD4FA2DFCCCFEE9.ttl index 3eceea79812..b107fdd6b59 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878CFFF1FFE0FFD4FA2DFCCCFEE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878CFFF1FFE0FFD4FA2DFCCCFEE9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Mohanraj, Soundappan S.; Gujjarlapudi, Mariyamma; Lokya, Vadthya; Mallikarjuna, Nalini; Dutta-Gupta, Aparna; Padmasree, Kollipara" ; dc:title "Rhynchosia sublobata subsp. protease Meikle" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "sublobata" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF5566C773EA3A793F4FBF9AE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF5566C773EA3A793F4FBF9AE.ttl index 3ff67e6fc4f..1e03027b86b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF5566C773EA3A793F4FBF9AE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF5566C773EA3A793F4FBF9AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Fomichev, Alexander A.; Omelko, Mikhail M.; Marusik, Yuri M." ; dc:title "Acantheis dimidiatus Thorell 1890" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -67,69 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "laetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:species "sergeimishenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:species "andreimishenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:species "andreimeshenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55B6C7B3EA3A5C1F4FBFB9B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55B6C7B3EA3A5C1F4FBFB9B.ttl index 7760b78dbb7..bcbd3ebfac3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55B6C7B3EA3A5C1F4FBFB9B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55B6C7B3EA3A5C1F4FBFB9B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Fomichev, Alexander A.; Omelko, Mikhail M.; Marusik, Yuri M." ; dc:title "Acantheis andreimishenini Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik 2023, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,70 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "laetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:species "sergeimishenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gravely, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gravely" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gravely, 1931" ; - dwc:species "indicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55C6C7E3EA3A208F5F5FFCF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55C6C7E3EA3A208F5F5FFCF.ttl index aa9c40958f9..6bb929c066a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55C6C7E3EA3A208F5F5FFCF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55C6C7E3EA3A208F5F5FFCF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Fomichev, Alexander A.; Omelko, Mikhail M.; Marusik, Yuri M." ; dc:title "Acantheis Thorell 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -50,145 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthoctenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "variatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "laetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ono" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ono, 2008" ; - dwc:species "nipponicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sankaran & Sebastian, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sankaran & Sebastian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Africactenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sankaran & Sebastian, 2018" ; - dwc:species "unumus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Raven, Stumkat et Gray, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Raven, Stumkat et Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amauropelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raven, Stumkat & Gray, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karsch, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anahita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jager, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jager" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bowie" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jager, 2022" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marusik, Zhang et Omelko, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marusik, Zhang et Omelko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinoctenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marusik, Zhang & Omelko, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55F6C7A3EA3A27EF4FBFF55.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55F6C7A3EA3A27EF4FBFF55.ttl index 76f751dfb22..a130091f244 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55F6C7A3EA3A27EF4FBFF55.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396878DF55F6C7A3EA3A27EF4FBFF55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Fomichev, Alexander A.; Omelko, Mikhail M.; Marusik, Yuri M." ; dc:title "Acantheis sergeimishenini Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik 2023, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1890" ; - dwc:species "laetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thorell, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fomichev & Omelko & Marusik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantheis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fomichev, Omelko & Marusik, 2023" ; - dwc:species "andreimishenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ctenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968790FF89FFFF879EFE28FA62FA90.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968790FF89FFFF879EFE28FA62FA90.ttl index 82d47b986ef..26145bf6352 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968790FF89FFFF879EFE28FA62FA90.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968790FF89FFFF879EFE28FA62FA90.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "García-Melo, Luis J.; Villa-Navarro, Francisco A.; Donascimiento, Carlos" ; dc:title "Trichomycterus tetuanensis García-Melo, Villa-Navarro & Donascimiento, 2016, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD30FFDA93D79333FAA0FCC6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD30FFDA93D79333FAA0FCC6.ttl index 7d418888130..87b1b111977 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD30FFDA93D79333FAA0FCC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD30FFDA93D79333FAA0FCC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Sepiolinae Leach 1817" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,141 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Steenstrup, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steenstrup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steenstrup, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Naef, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepietta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verrill, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Inioteuthis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1818" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lusepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumandya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adinaefiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Naef, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rondeletiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boletzkyola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD32FFD991CF91B7FEDEF817.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD32FFD991CF91B7FEDEF817.ttl index b353726460a..72fcf9e9850 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD32FFD991CF91B7FEDEF817.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD32FFD991CF91B7FEDEF817.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Lusepiola Bello 2020, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sasaki, 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasaki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasaki, 1918" ; - dwc:species "birostrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sepiolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Sasaki, 1918)" ; dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; @@ -109,65 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steenstrup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steenstrup, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumandya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boletzkyola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD33FFD891E29112FB77FAC6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD33FFD891E29112FB77FAC6.ttl index 7d32b6a08a5..289bcb7885f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD33FFD891E29112FB77FAC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD33FFD891E29112FB77FAC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Rondeletiola Naef 1921" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Naef, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepietta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1912" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sepiolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Naef, 1912)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Naef" ; @@ -104,36 +74,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boletzkyola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bello 1998)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepietta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bello, 1998)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD39FFD591F1955EFD9FFA02.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD39FFD591F1955EFD9FFA02.ttl index 3f729a84e24..12ef61fb7e3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD39FFD591F1955EFD9FFA02.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD39FFD591F1955EFD9FFA02.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Adinaefiola Bello 2020, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Naef, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1912" ; - dwc:species "ligulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sepiolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Naef, 1912)" ; dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; @@ -127,66 +96,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rondeletiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Naef" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepietta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Naef, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jatta" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adinaefiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jatta, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "aurantiaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3CFFD6911995E0FE47FC44.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3CFFD6911995E0FE47FC44.ttl index fefc6f239a5..f2e50db53f9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3CFFD6911995E0FE47FC44.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3CFFD6911995E0FE47FC44.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Euprymna Steenstrup 1887" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,278 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Verrill, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Inioteuthis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1881" ; - dwc:species "morsei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sepiolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Verrill, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Verrill, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "morsei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Voss, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Voss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voss, 1962" ; - dwc:species "albatrossae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasaki, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasaki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasaki, 1929" ; - dwc:species "berryi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sanchez et al., 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez, 2019" ; - dwc:species "brenneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adam, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adam, 1986" ; - dwc:species "hoylei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Nateewathana, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Nateewathana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nateewathana, 1997" ; - dwc:species "hyllebergi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kubodera & Okutani, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kubodera & Okutani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kubodera & Okutani, 2002" ; - dwc:species "megaspadicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "penares" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Berry, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berry, 1913" ; - dwc:species "scolopes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Grant, 1833)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Grant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Grant, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "stenodactyla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pfeffer, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pfeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pfeffer, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "tasmanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sasaki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sasaki, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "parva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumandya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bello, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "pardalota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Voss" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Voss, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "phenax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bello, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumandya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bello, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3FFFD791F595EDFCFFFA45.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3FFFD791F595EDFCFFFA45.ttl index 395fdaa388c..8dc50f25869 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3FFFD791F595EDFCFFFA45.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968791BD3FFFD791F595EDFCFFFA45.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bello, Giambattista" ; dc:title "Eumandya Bello 2020, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,9 +44,9 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Reid, 2011)", "Reid, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bello", "Reid" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011", "2020" ; + dwc:authority "(Reid, 2011)" ; + dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; + dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reid" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; @@ -57,25 +56,11 @@ dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reid, 2011" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reid, 2011)" ; dwc:species "pardalota" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sepiolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Sasaki, 1914)" ; dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; @@ -112,52 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Steenstrup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euprymna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steenstrup, 1887" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bello" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumandya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bello, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "pardalota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sepiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sepiolida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1817" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Cephalopoda" ; dwc:family "Sepiolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF3FF9BFF55F9EAFCF38469.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF3FF9BFF55F9EAFCF38469.ttl index af93f2fd47a..7c524181534 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF3FF9BFF55F9EAFCF38469.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF3FF9BFF55F9EAFCF38469.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Cook, Jerry L." ; dc:title "Triozocera albocciput Cook 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,96 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Carlota" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carlota" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aetalionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carlota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:species "macrognathus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pierce" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierce, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pascarella and Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pascarella & Cook, 2018" ; - dwc:species "eurychilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:species "albocciput" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pierce" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierce, 1909" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; @@ -149,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF7FF97FF55FB84FB348165.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF7FF97FF55FB84FB348165.ttl index d043cc346ea..fc8a45bd421 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF7FF97FF55FB84FB348165.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968794FFF7FF97FF55FB84FB348165.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Cook, Jerry L." ; dc:title "Triozocera macrognathus Cook 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,66 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pierce" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierce, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kogan and Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kogan & Cook, 2014" ; - dwc:species "buehrheimi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cook, 2022" ; - dwc:species "albocciput" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Brailovsky and Marquez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brailovsky & Marquez, 1974" ; - dwc:species "tecpanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; @@ -119,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corioxenidae" ; dwc:genus "Triozocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strepsiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687950D20FFF3C389C37B8579E904.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687950D20FFF3C389C37B8579E904.ttl index 3db94969627..bb7002ee8dd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687950D20FFF3C389C37B8579E904.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687950D20FFF3C389C37B8579E904.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shimizu, Gustavo Hiroaki; Gonçalves, Deise Josely Pereira" ; dc:title "Vochysia sobralii G. H. Shimizu & D. J. P. Gonc. 2022, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ducke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "section" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ducke, 1938" ; - dwc:section "Pachyantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcano-Berti & Poncy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcano-Berti & Poncy, 2016" ; - dwc:species "sofiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687950D22FFF5C389C6EF84C3E0D4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687950D22FFF5C389C6EF84C3E0D4.ttl index 2a2bc7f28f1..ce07eed54b1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687950D22FFF5C389C6EF84C3E0D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687950D22FFF5C389C6EF84C3E0D4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Shimizu, Gustavo Hiroaki; Gonçalves, Deise Josely Pereira" ; dc:title "Vochysia (sect. Pachyantha) Ducke 1938" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,118 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1940" ; - dwc:species "pinkusii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcano-Berti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcano-Berti, 1986" ; - dwc:species "steyermarkiana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcano-Berti & Poncy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcano-Berti & Poncy, 2016" ; - dwc:species "sofiae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Huamantupa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huamantupa, 2005" ; - dwc:species "kosnipatae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Macbride" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Macbride, 1930" ; - dwc:species "leguiana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ducke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ducke, 1938" ; - dwc:species "pachyantha" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcano-Berti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vochysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcano-Berti, 1981" ; - dwc:species "stafleui" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968798A221FFCCD949F960B069FE02.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968798A221FFCCD949F960B069FE02.ttl index ef19ac9118b..9debe8cdfdb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968798A221FFCCD949F960B069FE02.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968798A221FFCCD949F960B069FE02.ttl @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "van der Wulp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanytarsus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Wulp, 1874" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Ekrem & Reiss, 1999" ; dwc:authorityName "Ekrem & Reiss" ; @@ -79,6 +64,21 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authorityName "van der Wulp" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; + dwc:genus "Tanytarsus" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Diptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "genus" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Wulp, 1874" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Freeman, 1958" ; dwc:authorityName "Freeman" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA14D634088959FA3E52545.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA14D634088959FA3E52545.ttl index 38d598879fe..2b93d3d414e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA14D634088959FA3E52545.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA14D634088959FA3E52545.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Odontolochini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Balthasar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprositellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balthasar" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stebnickiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amerilochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6640F79511A3E5243B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6640F79511A3E5243B.ttl index 5db382b6eb2..6593fe13d7f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6640F79511A3E5243B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6640F79511A3E5243B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Saprolochus Stebnicka and Galante" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,68 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - dwc:species "tridentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stebnicka and Galante" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stebnicka and Galante" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebnicka & Galante" ; - dwc:species "tambopatae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stebnicka and Galante" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stebnicka and Galante" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebnicka & Galante" ; - dwc:species "bolivarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6840F79717A44126AB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6840F79717A44126AB.ttl index bd84356ee30..b606a973c95 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6840F79717A44126AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA44D6840F79717A44126AB.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Saprolochus lobatus P. E. Skelley 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "P. E. Skelley 2007", "Skelley", "Skelley, 2007" ; + dwc:authority "Skelley" ; dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA64D6540F794E7A40A251F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA64D6540F794E7A40A251F.ttl index 5210dbced9c..ffd9f628952 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA64D6540F794E7A40A251F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFA64D6540F794E7A40A251F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Amerilochus cinereus P. E. Skelley 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "P. E. Skelley 2007", "Skelley", "Skelley, 2007" ; + dwc:authority "Skelley" ; dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amerilochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Islas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Islas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cartwrightia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Islas, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebnicka and Howden" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stebnicka & Howden, 1996)" ; - dwc:tribe "Odontolochini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; @@ -102,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Amerilochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6840F79587A58727EB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6840F79587A58727EB.ttl index b03df00848c..ee38c8ee521 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6840F79587A58727EB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6840F79587A58727EB.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Saprolochus tambopatae Stebnicka and Galante 2007" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6A40F79747A3D1200B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6A40F79747A3D1200B.ttl index a263de7545a..32b7d09a836 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6A40F79747A3D1200B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAA4D6A40F79747A3D1200B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Saprolochus tridentatus P. E. Skelley 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "P. E. Skelley 2007", "Skelley", "Skelley, 2007" ; + dwc:authority "Skelley" ; dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Saprolochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAC4D6E40889187A5F4274B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAC4D6E40889187A5F4274B.ttl index ee01b9bfa3c..f657ea8d762 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAC4D6E40889187A5F4274B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAC4D6E40889187A5F4274B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Saprositellus kenodontus P. E. Skelley 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "P. E. Skelley 2007", "Skelley" ; + dwc:authority "Skelley" ; dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stebnicka (2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stebnicka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprositellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebnicka, 2003" ; - dwc:species "peruanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAD4D6F40F792E5A315240E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAD4D6F40F792E5A315240E.ttl index f1a15fb3c4f..80b06112a9a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAD4D6F40F792E5A315240E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAD4D6F40F792E5A315240E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Skelley, Paul E." ; dc:title "Stebnickiella zosterixys P. E. Skelley 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "P. E. Skelley 2007", "Skelley" ; + dwc:authority "Skelley" ; dwc:authorityName "P. E. Skelley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Skelley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stebnickiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skelley, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Stebnickiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAE4D6C40F7947AA24524DF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAE4D6C40F7947AA24524DF.ttl index d08a80cde5d..f80157446ff 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAE4D6C40F7947AA24524DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/03968799FFAE4D6C40F7947AA24524DF.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Saprositellus ariquemes Stebnicka 2003" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Saprositellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879A3540AD579054FD60FB4B276A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879A3540AD579054FD60FB4B276A.ttl index 107a22b91e6..6fdace44a36 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879A3540AD579054FD60FB4B276A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879A3540AD579054FD60FB4B276A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pepato, Almir R.; Tiago, Cláudio G." ; dc:title "Agauopsis legionium Pepato & Tiago, 2005, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,200 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(S.G.Gmel.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(S.G.Gmel.) Santel. and Hommers, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "(S.G.Gmel.) Santel. and Hommers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Florideophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Gelidiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterocladiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gelidiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Rhodophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santel. & Hommers, 1997" ; - dwc:species "capillacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Wulfen)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Wulfen) Lamouroux, 1813" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Wulfen) Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1813" ; - dwc:class "Florideophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Hypneaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypnea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gigartinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Rhodophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1813" ; - dwc:species "musciformes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch and Chatterjee, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch and Chatterjee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch & Chatterjee, 2001" ; - dwc:species "arabia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 2003" ; - dwc:species "arborea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Newell, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Newell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newell, 1984" ; - dwc:species "atacamae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Newell, 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Newell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newell, 1947" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1889" ; - dwc:species "brevipalpus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 1996" ; - dwc:species "ibssi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch and Iliffe, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch and Iliffe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch & Iliffe, 1985" ; - dwc:species "littoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 1992" ; - dwc:species "moorea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Otto, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto, 1999" ; - dwc:species "ripa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 1992" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879A3545AD599054F918FCF523AA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879A3545AD599054F918FCF523AA.ttl index 152ffdb441c..b405b2d498f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879A3545AD599054F918FCF523AA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879A3545AD599054F918FCF523AA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pepato, Almir R.; Tiago, Cláudio G." ; dc:title "Agauopsis itassussensis Pepato & Tiago, 2005, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 1986" ; - dwc:species "okinavensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Otto, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto, 1999" ; - dwc:species "capillosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Halacaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879AA818FFF9FC7EF99FFEB846A5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879AA818FFF9FC7EF99FFEB846A5.ttl index 46efebda099..1541aad58d2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879AA818FFF9FC7EF99FFEB846A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879AA818FFF9FC7EF99FFEB846A5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malavasi, Veronica; Klimešová, Michala; Lukešová, Alena; Škaloud, Pavel" ; dc:title "Rindifilum ramosum Malavasi & Klimešová & Lukešová & Škaloud 2022, gen. nov., sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wahlenb.) Wahlenb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Wahlenb." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wahlenb." ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Haematommataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Lecanorales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wahlenb.) Wahlenb." ; - dwc:species "margacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; dwc:family "Ulotrichaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879AA81BFFF8FC14F8F0FEC746A5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879AA81BFFF8FC14F8F0FEC746A5.ttl index b480a0cb275..ebbbabfea46 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879AA81BFFF8FC14F8F0FEC746A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879AA81BFFF8FC14F8F0FEC746A5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malavasi, Veronica; Klimešová, Michala; Lukešová, Alena; Škaloud, Pavel" ; dc:title "Rindifilum Malavasi & Klimešová & Lukešová & Škaloud 2022, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,295 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "UTEX 1423" ; - dwc:authorityName "UTEX" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1423" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulvaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Utex, 1423" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MA" ; - dwc:authorityName "MA" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochlochaete" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma" ; - dwc:species "hystrix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "UTEX 2352" ; - dwc:authorityName "UTEX" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2352" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulvellaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Utex, 2352" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAG" ; - dwc:authorityName "SAG" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:genus "Paulbroadya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sag" ; - dwc:species "prostrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAG 2050" ; - dwc:authorityName "SAG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2050" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulotrichaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rindifilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulotrichales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sag, 2050" ; - dwc:species "ramosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAG 2051" ; - dwc:authorityName "Darienko & SAG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2051" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Kornmanniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudendoclonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Darienko & SAG, 2051" ; - dwc:species "commune" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CCAP" ; - dwc:authorityName "CCAP" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Kornmanniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudendoclonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ccap" ; - dwc:species "incrustans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "UBC A" ; - dwc:authorityName "UBC A" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Kornmanniaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ubc A" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAG 2038" ; - dwc:authorityName "Darienko & Proeschold SAG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2038" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Kornmanniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lithotrichon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Darienko & Proeschold SAG, 2038" ; - dwc:species "pulchrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "O'Kelly & Rinkel in Brodie, Maggs & D. M. John" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Bolbocoleonaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "OKelly & Rinkel, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CCMP 2158" ; - dwc:authorityName "CCMP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2158" ; - dwc:class "Trebouxiophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ctenocladaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenocladus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Chlorellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ccmp, 2158" ; - dwc:species "circinnatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "TB" ; - dwc:authorityName "TB" ; - dwc:class "Trebouxiophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ctenocladaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenocladus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Chlorellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tb" ; - dwc:species "circinnatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAG" ; - dwc:authorityName "SAG" ; - dwc:class "Trebouxiophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Leptosiraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopleurococcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Chlorellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sag" ; - dwc:species "printzii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "WA" ; - dwc:authorityName "WA" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Phaeophilaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wa" ; - dwc:species "dendroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "D. F. Chappell, C. J. O'Kelly, L. W. Wilcox & G. L. Floyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Phaeophilaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chappell, OKelly, Wilcox & Floyd, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FR" ; - dwc:authorityName "FR" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Phaeophilaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fr" ; - dwc:species "dendroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe, Himizu, Lewis, Floyd & Fuerst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulotrichaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudoneochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulotrichales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, Himizu, Lewis, Floyd & Fuerst, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DQ" ; - dwc:authorityName "DQ" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulotrichales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dq" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "P. Skaloud, T. Kalina, K. Nemjova, O. De Clerck & F. Leliaert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Scotinosphaerales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skaloud, Kalina, Nemjova, De Clerck & Leliaert, 2013" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malavasi & Klimešová & Lukešová & Škaloud, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malavasi & Klimešová & Lukešová & Škaloud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Ulotrichaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rindifilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ulotrichales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malavasi, Klimešová, Lukešová & Škaloud, 2022" ; - dwc:species "ramosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; dwc:family "Ulotrichaceae" ; @@ -353,10 +62,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ulvophyceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; dwc:order "Ulotrichales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C119542FC8BCA05AE79AD54.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C119542FC8BCA05AE79AD54.ttl index a7af280f57c..3f7883bb626 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C119542FC8BCA05AE79AD54.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C119542FC8BCA05AE79AD54.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chandramouli, S. R.; Gokulakrishnan, G.; Sivaperuman, C.; Grismer, L. Lee" ; dc:title "Gekko (Ptychozoon) nicobarensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -84,20 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laurenti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1768" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laurenti, 1768" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; @@ -118,12 +103,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C14954DFC8BCBCBACC6AF46.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C14954DFC8BCBCBACC6AF46.ttl index 73713930786..71c3785c039 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C14954DFC8BCBCBACC6AF46.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C14954DFC8BCBCBACC6AF46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chandramouli, S. R.; Gokulakrishnan, G.; Sivaperuman, C.; Grismer, L. Lee" ; dc:title "Gekko (Gekko) verreauxi Tytler 1865" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Cantor, 1847)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cantor" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gray, 1842" ; dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; @@ -83,20 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laurenti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1768" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laurenti, 1768" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; @@ -117,12 +101,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C1E9544FF11C817AD45A913.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C1E9544FF11C817AD45A913.ttl index 08ca5fb33f6..cbaebc63921 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C1E9544FF11C817AD45A913.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879B8C1E9544FF11C817AD45A913.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chandramouli, S. R.; Gokulakrishnan, G.; Sivaperuman, C.; Grismer, L. Lee" ; dc:title "Gekko stoliczkai Chandramouli & Gokulakrishnan & Sivaperuman & Grismer 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -80,339 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1870" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - dwc:variety "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Dicroglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minervarya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1870" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - dwc:variety "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Dicroglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minervarya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylorana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1870" ; - dwc:species "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bijurana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Typhlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1871" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gerrhopilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gerrhopilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ablabes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1870" ; - dwc:species "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gongylosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "nicobariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mocoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoliczka, 1873" ; - dwc:species "macrotymapnum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stoliczka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lipinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stoliczka, 1873)" ; - dwc:species "macrotympanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tytler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tytler, 1865" ; - dwc:species "verreauxi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Das and Vijayakumar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Das & Vijayakumar, 2009)" ; - dwc:species "nicobarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mean" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mean" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mean" ; - dwc:species "verreauxi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mean" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mean" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mean" ; - dwc:species "nicobarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mean Ventrals" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mean Ventrals" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mean Ventrals" ; - dwc:species "nicobarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chandramouli & Gokulakrishnan & Sivaperuman & Grismer, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chandramouli & Gokulakrishnan & Sivaperuman & Grismer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chandramouli, Gokulakrishnan, Sivaperuman & Grismer, 2021" ; - dwc:species "stolickzkai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Günther" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Günther, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "albofasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bauer, Sumontha & Pauwels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bauer, Sumontha & Pauwels, 2008" ; - dwc:species "nutaphandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "reevesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grossmann & Ulber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grossmann & Ulber, 1990" ; - dwc:species "siamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF80367CFDCDA179FCC4ED63.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF80367CFDCDA179FCC4ED63.ttl index 6e0b33ba0ef..6f194da50ad 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF80367CFDCDA179FCC4ED63.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF80367CFDCDA179FCC4ED63.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) fulva Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,34 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edwards, 1932" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "davisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -103,11 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF84367EFDC7A5BBFE79EB15.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF84367EFDC7A5BBFE79EB15.ttl index ac2b54a94dc..fc758369449 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF84367EFDC7A5BBFE79EB15.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF84367EFDC7A5BBFE79EB15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) vittata Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "quadrivittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF863672FDD7A179FAC8ED98.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF863672FDD7A179FAC8ED98.ttl index 5bb0ed9556b..886f2909dac 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF863672FDD7A179FAC8ED98.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF863672FDD7A179FAC8ED98.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) edwardsi Lane 1942" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,53 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "quadrivittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vargas, 1952" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vargas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vargas, 1952" ; - dwc:species "whartoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8A3674FE02A596FD4DEAF1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8A3674FE02A596FD4DEAF1.ttl index c0ad22af688..22cfcc96c39 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8A3674FE02A596FD4DEAF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8A3674FE02A596FD4DEAF1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) ranapungens Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -49,82 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lugli & Haddad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bokermanohyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugli & Haddad, 2006" ; - dwc:species "oxente" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lugli & Haddad, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lugli & Haddad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bokermannohyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugli & Haddad, 2006" ; - dwc:species "oxente" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8B3673FE5CA3DBFC18EBB2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8B3673FE5CA3DBFC18EBB2.ttl index 81262820516..30367a7fff9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8B3673FE5CA3DBFC18EBB2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8B3673FE5CA3DBFC18EBB2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) quadrivittata Shannon & Del Ponte 1928" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -49,34 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Juss." ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Araucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Juss." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "edwardsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8E3668FE3AA2C7FAA6EABE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8E3668FE3AA2C7FAA6EABE.ttl index 34981f037f3..6682814d782 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8E3668FE3AA2C7FAA6EABE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8E3668FE3AA2C7FAA6EABE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) incompta Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stone, 1968" ; - dwc:species "wirthi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8F3677FEAFA26AFDEEEC9A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8F3677FEAFA26AFDEEEC9A.ttl index 9f591d0d4b6..cd54842392a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8F3677FEAFA26AFDEEEC9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF8F3677FEAFA26AFDEEEC9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) longituba Belkin, Heinemann & Page 1970" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,19 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Juss." ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Araucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Juss." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF913669FE38A4AAFE8DE891.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF913669FE38A4AAFE8DE891.ttl index c7dfe0e1b2c..1b07404eb47 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF913669FE38A4AAFE8DE891.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF913669FE38A4AAFE8DE891.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) atricornis Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,37 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scinax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara, 1995" ; - dwc:species "perereca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF95366EFE54A64CFD81ECCB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF95366EFE54A64CFD81ECCB.ttl index 6bda5150f44..d521e5dee1a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF95366EFE54A64CFD81ECCB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFF95366EFE54A64CFD81ECCB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) cambirela Amaral, Mariano & Pinho 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,98 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Steindachner)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steindachner, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "lateristriga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Garcia, Peixoto & Haddad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypsiboas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Garcia, Peixoto & Haddad, 2008" ; - dwc:species "poaju" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Garcia, Peixoto & Haddad)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Garcia, Peixoto & Haddad" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Garcia, Peixoto & Haddad, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "poaju" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar, 1926" ; - dwc:species "ananacola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "fulva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "tarsata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFAA364FFEA0A13DFAD7E807.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFAA364FFEA0A13DFAD7E807.ttl index 3bf8de3b514..8d2e0fdf1dd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFAA364FFEA0A13DFAD7E807.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFAA364FFEA0A13DFAD7E807.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella Coquillett 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,1525 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "amabilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "anniae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "atricornis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "aurita" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:species "cabocla" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "colombiana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "flavitibia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "fuscifimbria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "fusciradialis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "globosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "gloma" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "grandipalpis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hirta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:species "ielemdei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "jenningsi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stone, 1965)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stone" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stone, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "kerrvillensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dorff, Borkent & Curler, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dorff, Borkent & Curler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dorff, Borkent & Curler, 2022" ; - dwc:species "kipferi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:species "menini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "orthicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "patasho" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "pillosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "pindorama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "procera" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "redacta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "truncata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "unifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "unisetosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "yanomami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "munteantaroku" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "remiantennalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho, 2021" ; - dwc:species "stenostyla" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "vittata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "edwardsi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "quadrivittata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vargas, 1952" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vargas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vargas, 1952" ; - dwc:species "whartoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "belkini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "alticola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "infuscata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "fulva" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "tarsata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "contraria" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "fusciradialis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lane & Cerqueira, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lane & Cerqueira" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lutzomiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lane & Cerqueira, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "manaosensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lutzomiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "inornata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ramentum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar, 1928" ; - dwc:species "blanda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "pallida" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "travassosi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane & Aitken, 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane & Aitken" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane & Aitken, 1956" ; - dwc:species "melanica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "blandafemur" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "xokleng" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "rotunda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Caldart & Pinho, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Caldart & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Caldart & Pinho, 2016" ; - dwc:species "yucuman" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "brevivena" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "carariensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "amazonica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "bifida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lutzomiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "davisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cambirela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Belkin, Heinemann & Page, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Belkin, Heinemann & Page" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Belkin, Heinemann & Page, 1970" ; - dwc:species "longituba" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "badia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "lepida" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "caribbeana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "brandiae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hispaniolensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grabham, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grabham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grabham, 1906" ; - dwc:species "appendiculata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "fuscipalpis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "squamifemora" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "albicoxa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "briannae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "blantoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar, 1926" ; - dwc:species "ananacola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "selvicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "incompta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "lopesi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "guadeloupensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "cardosoi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ranapungens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "curta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "aridicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shannon & Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "puella" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stone, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stone, 1968" ; - dwc:species "wirthi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral & Pinho, 2015" ; - dwc:species "borkenti" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Coquillett, 1902)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Coquillett, 1902)" ; - dwc:species "brakeleyi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "condita" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "dicosimoae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "cardosoi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFC83632FDE1A5A2FCEAEC65.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFC83632FDE1A5A2FCEAEC65.ttl index 0d0cbd44e4e..c6ee656a3c4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFC83632FDE1A5A2FCEAEC65.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFC83632FDE1A5A2FCEAEC65.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella Coquillett 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,239 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral & Pinho, 2015" ; - dwc:species "borkenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Belchior, Marialva & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:species "cabocla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cambirela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dorff, Borkent & Curler, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dorff, Borkent & Curler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dorff, Borkent & Curler, 2022" ; - dwc:species "kipferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Ramires" ; - dwc:species "ielemdei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijo, Picelli, Rios-Velasquez & Pessoa, 2021" ; - dwc:species "menini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "munteantaroku" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Bello-Gonzalez & Pinho, 2021" ; - dwc:species "stenostyla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "xokleng" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "yanomami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Caldart & Pinho, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Caldart & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Caldart & Pinho, 2016" ; - dwc:species "yucuman" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar, 1926" ; - dwc:species "ananacola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "infuscata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "fulva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edwards, 1932" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -290,11 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCB3633FE73A280FB2DE9C2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCB3633FE73A280FB2DE9C2.ttl index ce175ee9836..5b16e3e77a6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCB3633FE73A280FB2DE9C2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCB3633FE73A280FB2DE9C2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) pindorama Amaral & Mariano & Pinho 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho, 2023", "Amaral & Pinho" ; + dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,84 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lugli & Haddad, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lugli & Haddad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bokermannohyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugli & Haddad, 2006" ; - dwc:species "oxente" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1887)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "bischoffi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "rotunda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:species "xokleng" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Caldart & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Caldart & Pinho, 2016" ; - dwc:species "yucuman" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCC362BFE13A179FBA1ECA9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCC362BFE13A179FBA1ECA9.ttl index 9df8a222f87..f19a14ef313 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCC362BFE13A179FBA1ECA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFCC362BFE13A179FBA1ECA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) bifida Amaral & Mariano & Pinho 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho, 2023", "Amaral & Pinho" ; + dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Coquillett, 1902" ; - dwc:authorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coquillett, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "davisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -98,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD2362EFE6EA29EFDA1EF5C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD2362EFE6EA29EFDA1EF5C.ttl index d40a7d606dd..992c22476fe 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD2362EFE6EA29EFDA1EF5C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD2362EFE6EA29EFDA1EF5C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) patasho Amaral & Mariano & Pinho 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho, 2023", "Amaral & Pinho" ; + dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,118 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "guadeloupensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borkent 2008)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borkent, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "fulva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "aurita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "pillosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; 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- dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "orthicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coquillett, 1902" ; - dwc:species "brakeleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ranapungens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD83623FE72A179FBA4E9A5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD83623FE72A179FBA4E9A5.ttl index 57920890757..42253c4a66e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD83623FE72A179FBA4E9A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFD83623FE72A179FBA4E9A5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) unifasciata Amaral & Mariano & Pinho 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho, 2023", "Amaral & Pinho" ; + dwc:authority "Amaral & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,100 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "lepida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "caribbeana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:ID-ENA "41817" ; - dwc:authority "Coquillett, 1902" ; - dwc:authorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coquillett, 1902" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -161,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDC3626FE69A179FD07ED2E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDC3626FE69A179FD07ED2E.ttl index 9221a3c4def..46a156c76f5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDC3626FE69A179FD07ED2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDC3626FE69A179FD07ED2E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) yucuman Caldart & Pinho 2016" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,87 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1883)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gallardo, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gallardo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crossodactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gallardo, 1961" ; - dwc:species "schmidti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scinax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara, 1995" ; - dwc:species "perereca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "brevivena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "globosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDE3618FE30A4D3FE27E81A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDE3618FE30A4D3FE27E81A.ttl index c3c5dea9538..bca1f5e95c4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDE3618FE30A4D3FE27E81A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDE3618FE30A4D3FE27E81A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) carariensis Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDF3627FE58A32DFE9CEA77.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDF3627FE58A32DFE9CEA77.ttl index 8605fedb137..dab69c528e4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDF3627FE58A32DFE9CEA77.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFDF3627FE58A32DFE9CEA77.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) xokleng Amaral, Mariano & Pinho 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,33 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L'Hér." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Myrtaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucalyptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LHér." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forest" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forest" ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Araucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forest" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE5361FFE2FA3FEFDF4EA53.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE5361FFE2FA3FEFDF4EA53.ttl index 2c19390f943..11fbfa109c5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE5361FFE2FA3FEFDF4EA53.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE5361FFE2FA3FEFDF4EA53.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) peruviana Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -49,37 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lutzomiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "juquiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE63610FE8BA4FCFC6BEB88.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE63610FE8BA4FCFC6BEB88.ttl index 23b2565b01d..ff2f5c44309 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE63610FE8BA4FCFC6BEB88.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE63610FE8BA4FCFC6BEB88.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) munteantaroku Amaral, Mariano & Pinho 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Amaral et al., 2019", "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral", "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; + dwc:authority "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2019" ; + dwc:authorityName "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -47,98 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amaral et al., 2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral et al., 2019" ; - dwc:species "munteantaroku" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar, 1928" ; - dwc:species "blanda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "pallida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "alticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "amazonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:species "davisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE93613FDDBA5A1FC8BEBA2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE93613FDDBA5A1FC8BEBA2.ttl index 8cf8ae1519b..9a928a0b549 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE93613FDDBA5A1FC8BEBA2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFE93613FDDBA5A1FC8BEBA2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) blanda Dyar 1928" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEA3614FE2EA58FFC31EAE6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEA3614FE2EA58FFC31EAE6.ttl index b2d5c77c54a..7d95c34dd77 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEA3614FE2EA58FFC31EAE6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEA3614FE2EA58FFC31EAE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) redacta Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,37 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "truncata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEC3616FE23A179FD70ECE2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEC3616FE23A179FD70ECE2.ttl index 61045f4bf92..d82950f7387 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEC3616FE23A179FD70ECE2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEC3616FE23A179FD70ECE2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) amazonica Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -49,52 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Girard, 1853)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Girard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Girard, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "signifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEF3609FE7DA347FE5EEAA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEF3609FE7DA347FE5EEAA5.ttl index b2f1b7ff33f..cdf914e38f1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEF3609FE7DA347FE5EEAA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFEF3609FE7DA347FE5EEAA5.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) davisi Shannon and Del Ponte 1928" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shannon & Del Ponte, 1928", "Shannon and Del Ponte, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shannon & Del Ponte", "Shannon and Del Ponte" ; + dwc:authority "Shannon and Del Ponte, 1928" ; + dwc:authorityName "Shannon and Del Ponte" ; dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; @@ -49,97 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. B. Sm." ; - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Sm." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aechmea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sm." ; - dwc:species "multiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "pallida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Mariano & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral, Mariano & Pinho, 2023" ; - dwc:species "bifida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF0360CFE2DA48DFAD9EAE8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF0360CFE2DA48DFAD9EAE8.ttl index 1d68d013404..cca99079c14 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF0360CFE2DA48DFAD9EAE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF0360CFE2DA48DFAD9EAE8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) ananacola Dyar 1926" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amaral & Pinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amaral & Pinho, 2015" ; - dwc:species "borkenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF83602FDC4A4BFFDECE8BE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF83602FDC4A4BFFDECE8BE.ttl index 601074533e1..849169877bd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF83602FDC4A4BFFDECE8BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF83602FDC4A4BFFDECE8BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) pillosa Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -48,51 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scynax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara, 1995" ; - dwc:species "perereca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scinax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pombal, Haddad & Kasahara, 1995" ; - dwc:species "perereca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF93601FDC1A179FAAEEA8A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF93601FDC1A179FAAEEA8A.ttl index c1762a44210..e75f45f08d1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF93601FDC1A179FAAEEA8A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFF93601FDC1A179FAAEEA8A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) lopesi Lane 1942" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,67 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFB3604FDD6A692FCE2EC3B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFB3604FDD6A692FCE2EC3B.ttl index 03991752ecb..fb771434730 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFB3604FDD6A692FCE2EC3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFB3604FDD6A692FCE2EC3B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) aurita Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,51 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1826" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFC3678FDD4A4F9FCFDE9DB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFC3678FDD4A4F9FCFDE9DB.ttl index cd8eeb95d60..42d84cff3ee 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFC3678FDD4A4F9FCFDE9DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFC3678FDD4A4F9FCFDE9DB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) infuscata Lane 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,84 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1942" ; - dwc:species "tarsata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. B. Sm." ; - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Sm." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aechmea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sm." ; - dwc:species "multiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lem." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lem." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Nidularium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lem." ; - dwc:species "innocentii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lane, 1939" ; - dwc:species "fulva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corethrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkent, 2008" ; - dwc:species "unisetosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFD3605FDD6A22CFE12EA50.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFD3605FDD6A22CFE12EA50.ttl index 659c496a218..43aac3787b7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFD3605FDD6A22CFE12EA50.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879BFFFD3605FDD6A22CFE12EA50.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Amaral, André P.; Mariano, Rodolfo; Pinho, Luiz Carlos" ; dc:title "Corethrella (Corethrella) lepida Borkent 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Girard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physalaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Girard, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "signifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Hylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied-Neuwied, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "faber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Corethrellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1411FFC916AF7667FC79DF35.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1411FFC916AF7667FC79DF35.ttl index 2e0ab062c1c..e26ba82b899 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1411FFC916AF7667FC79DF35.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1411FFC916AF7667FC79DF35.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander; Bonaldo, Alexandre B." ; dc:title "Cubanops glochidiosus Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre, 2010" ; - dwc:species "juragua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "serrucho" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1413FFCF16AF744CFB15DCFC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1413FFCF16AF744CFB15DCFC.ttl index 7da46ecd3a4..3928c5c6b07 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1413FFCF16AF744CFB15DCFC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1413FFCF16AF744CFB15DCFC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander; Bonaldo, Alexandre B." ; dc:title "Cubanops chamarreta Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "guama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1417FFCB16AF7630FB7BDEF1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1417FFCB16AF7630FB7BDEF1.ttl index 1823ef62a34..5d2d59c74b8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879D1417FFCB16AF7630FB7BDEF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879D1417FFCB16AF7630FB7BDEF1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander; Bonaldo, Alexandre B." ; dc:title "Cubanops guama Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "chamarreta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre, 2010" ; - dwc:species "alayoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/0396879D141AFFC516AF70C0FC79DE48.ttl b/data/03/96/87/0396879D141AFFC516AF70C0FC79DE48.ttl index 25fd65128c9..e728295db2e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/0396879D141AFFC516AF70C0FC79DE48.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/0396879D141AFFC516AF70C0FC79DE48.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sánchez-Ruiz, Alexander; Bonaldo, Alexandre B." ; dc:title "Cubanops serrucho Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,83 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick, Duperre" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick, Duperre" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick, Duperre" ; - dwc:species "juragua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "glochidiosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez-Ruiz, Platnick & Duperre, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "chamarreta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sánchez-Ruiz & Bonaldo, 2024" ; - dwc:species "guama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; @@ -136,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Caponiidae" ; dwc:genus "Cubanops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDBA25DFF23FC4F8DB96A94.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDBA25DFF23FC4F8DB96A94.ttl index 5a83584b366..8f5ab90ace2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDBA25DFF23FC4F8DB96A94.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDBA25DFF23FC4F8DB96A94.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tan, Ming Kai; Ingrisch, Sigfrid; Baroga-Barbecho, Jessica B.; Yap, Sheryl A." ; dc:title "Ornebius alvarezi Tan & Ingrisch & Baroga-Barbecho & Yap 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,106 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:species "vadus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:species "dumoga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:species "consternus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:species "pullus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bolivar, 1889)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bolivar, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "cucullatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDEA25EFF23F8D48AE3684F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDEA25EFF23F8D48AE3684F.ttl index 8596ce70635..86fc0048c1f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDEA25EFF23F8D48AE3684F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A1FFDEA25EFF23F8D48AE3684F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tan, Ming Kai; Ingrisch, Sigfrid; Baroga-Barbecho, Jessica B.; Yap, Sheryl A." ; dc:title "Ornebius bioculatus Tan & Ingrisch & Baroga-Barbecho & Yap 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,156 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:species "flori" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2006" ; - dwc:species "citrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 1998" ; - dwc:species "rubidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tan, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan, 2015" ; - dwc:species "xinyao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tan et al., 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan, 2015" ; - dwc:species "dowwiangkanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chopard, 1929)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chopard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chopard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chopard, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "minusculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tan & Ingrisch & Baroga-Barbecho & Yap, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Ingrisch & Baroga-Barbecho & Yap" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan, Ingrisch, Baroga-Barbecho & Yap, 2019" ; - dwc:species "alvarezi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bolivar, 1889)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bolivar, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "cucullatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mogoplistidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23902C273F8976E9EFBE5EB7F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23902C273F8976E9EFBE5EB7F.ttl index e1ecf964ec2..d05ba8800a5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23902C273F8976E9EFBE5EB7F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23902C273F8976E9EFBE5EB7F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio Malmgren 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malmgren, 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - dwc:species "steenstrupi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2390AC266F8976BAFFB2AEEB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2390AC266F8976BAFFB2AEEB5.ttl index c39e87e6b1a..cf4332a6e53 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2390AC266F8976BAFFB2AEEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2390AC266F8976BAFFB2AEEB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio kinbergi Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,115 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wiren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiren, 1883" ; - dwc:species "cirrifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Imajima, 1990 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Imajima" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imajima, 1990" ; - dwc:species "elongata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "aluta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "mutata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kinberg, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kinberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laonice" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kinberg, 1866" ; - dwc:species "brevicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -169,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2390EC27BF8976E77FB52EB09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2390EC27BF8976E77FB52EB09.ttl index fc84e56ee90..72081c84339 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2390EC27BF8976E77FB52EB09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2390EC27BF8976E77FB52EB09.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio fosterae Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,207 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:species "perkinsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pardo & Peixoto" ; - dwc:species "lighti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "alexandrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Radashevsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Radashevsky, 2015" ; - dwc:species "cerastae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fauchaldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "corrugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Altamira, Glover & Paterson in Paterson et al. 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Altamira, Glover & Paterson in Paterson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Altamira, Glover & Paterson, 2016" ; - dwc:species "kaplani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Altamira, Glover & Paterson in Paterson et al., 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Altamira, Glover & Paterson in Paterson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Altamira, Glover & Paterson, 2016" ; - dwc:species "branchilucida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Amaral et al. 2013)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Amaral" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Amaral, 2013)" ; - dwc:species "lighti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake & Kudenov, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake & Kudenov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake & Kudenov, 1978" ; - dwc:species "tridentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Foster, 1971)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minuspio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foster, 1971)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -262,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23917C26DF8976973FB2AEF1D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23917C26DF8976973FB2AEF1D.ttl index db68e716192..b59092417e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23917C26DF8976973FB2AEF1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23917C26DF8976973FB2AEF1D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio hartmanae Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -82,68 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "fosterae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackie, 1984)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackie" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackie, 1984)" ; - dwc:species "cirrifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Maciolek, 1985)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Maciolek, 1985)" ; - dwc:species "aluta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -157,12 +94,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23918C255F8976DFFFB2AEDA8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23918C255F8976DFFFB2AEDA8.ttl index 9216a3a44ca..6c4ecd7160c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23918C255F8976DFFFB2AEDA8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23918C255F8976DFFFB2AEDA8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio cinthyae Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,132 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "laciniosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fauchaldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Imajima, 1990 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Imajima" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imajima, 1990" ; - dwc:species "elegantula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Okuda, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Okuda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Okuda, 1935" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neal & Paterson in Paterson et al., 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neal & Paterson in Paterson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neal & Paterson, 2016" ; - dwc:species "vallensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maciolek, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1981" ; - dwc:species "sandersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "corrugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -186,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2391CC26FF8976FC5FB2AEEB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2391CC26FF8976FC5FB2AEEB5.ttl index f87283427a4..8fdfb0ee85b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2391CC26FF8976FC5FB2AEEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2391CC26FF8976FC5FB2AEEB5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio mutata Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,160 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mesnil, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mesnil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microspio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mesnil, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1785" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1785" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Radashevsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Radashevsky, 2015" ; - dwc:species "cerastae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "fosterae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "alexandrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "hartmanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "kinbergi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - dwc:species "mutata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -216,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23921C25CF8976DFFFDDCE902.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23921C25CF8976DFFFDDCE902.ttl index 0d1fa8ea14b..b99afa313fc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23921C25CF8976DFFFDDCE902.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23921C25CF8976DFFFDDCE902.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio delta Hartman 1965" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -101,115 +100,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fauchaldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "corrugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Imajima, 1990 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Imajima" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imajima, 1990" ; - dwc:species "pulchra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Imajima" ; - dwc:authorityName "Imajima" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imajima, 1990" ; - dwc:species "elegantula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dagli & Cinar, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dagli & Cinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dagli & Cinar, 2011" ; - dwc:species "anatolica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilson, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson, 1990" ; - dwc:species "yuriel" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -224,12 +114,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23924C256F8976C4EFB2AEA0D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23924C256F8976C4EFB2AEA0D.ttl index 92dbe2e5e45..cdb573909ba 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23924C256F8976C4EFB2AEA0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23924C256F8976C4EFB2AEA0D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio corrugata Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,129 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fauvel, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fauvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauvel, 1928" ; - dwc:species "ehlersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neal & Altamira in Paterson et al., 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neal & Altamira in Paterson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neal & Altamira, 2016" ; - dwc:species "amarsupiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Altamira, Glover, & Paterson in Paterson et al. 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Altamira, Glover, & Paterson in Paterson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Altamira, Glover, & Paterson, 2016" ; - dwc:species "branchilucida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fauchaldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "cinthyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1981" ; - dwc:species "sandersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "laciniosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -184,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2392AC244F8976CDFFB68E949.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2392AC244F8976CDFFB68E949.ttl index 4775b1afb17..1e8ddddf8b4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2392AC244F8976CDFFB68E949.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2392AC244F8976CDFFB68E949.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio biancoi Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,115 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Peixoto & Paiva 2019)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2019" ; - dwc:species "solisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "fosterae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "hartmanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "alexandrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "quadrilamellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grube, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -169,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2392DC25BF89769A7FABCEC19.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2392DC25BF89769A7FABCEC19.ttl index d5ec7fc7799..98d6ffa2215 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2392DC25BF89769A7FABCEC19.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2392DC25BF89769A7FABCEC19.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio alexandrae Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2019" ; - dwc:species "solisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A23935C240F89769EFFABCEEB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A23935C240F89769EFFABCEEB5.ttl index b9b70738ae9..d8ce9b4fc8a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A23935C240F89769EFFABCEEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A23935C240F89769EFFABCEEB5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peixoto, Antônio João Malafaia; Paiva, Paulo Cesar" ; dc:title "Prionospio quadrilamellata Peixoto & Paiva 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,99 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maciolek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maciolek, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fauchaldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "corrugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "alexandrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "cinthyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto & Paiva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto & Paiva, 2020" ; - dwc:species "biancoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Spionidae" ; @@ -154,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Spionidae" ; dwc:genus "Prionospio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A27701196CFF76FF2A67E4FD48.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A27701196CFF76FF2A67E4FD48.ttl index ce09bd2b243..abf8ec3fb2a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A27701196CFF76FF2A67E4FD48.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A27701196CFF76FF2A67E4FD48.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nieto, Juan M.; Hidalgo, Nicolás Pérez; Durante, Pilar Mier" ; dc:title "Pteroclorini" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,51 +25,6 @@ dc:title "New synonyms and several nomenclatural clarifications on family-group names in the Aphididae (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityName "Passerini" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterochlorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Passerini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Passerini" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Rondani, 1848 (Passerini 1860)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rondani, 1848 (Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pteroclorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burmeister, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Lachnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A27703196DFF76F8A76605F869.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A27703196DFF76F8A76605F869.ttl index e14947afcbc..4d475c3149b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A27703196DFF76F8A76605F869.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A27703196DFF76F8A76605F869.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Nieto, Juan M.; Hidalgo, Nicolás Pérez; Durante, Pilar Mier" ; dc:title "Tycheinae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,205 +25,6 @@ dc:title "New synonyms and several nomenclatural clarifications on family-group names in the Aphididae (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Hart, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Geoica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hart, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood, 1849" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Smynthurodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1849" ; - dwc:species "betae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Forda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:species "marginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Coccoidea" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Koch (Coccoidea)", "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch (Coccoidea", "Koch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Passerini, 1860" ; - dwc:authorityName "Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Passerini, 1860" ; - dwc:species "phaseoli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Smynthurodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood" ; - dwc:species "betae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:species "graminis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1857 sensu Passerini, 1860", "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch", "Koch, 1857 sensu Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857", "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1857" ; - dwc:species "amycli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityName "Passerini" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Passerini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Passerini, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Passerini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tychea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Passerini, 1859" ; - dwc:species "phaseoli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood, 1849" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Smynthurodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Smynthurodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7BFFC3FF35C42C7061FD10.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7BFFC3FF35C42C7061FD10.ttl index 158524397bd..72e09eba1be 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7BFFC3FF35C42C7061FD10.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7BFFC3FF35C42C7061FD10.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liu, Xiaoyan; Nartshuk, Emilia P.; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Chromatopterum longiclavatum Liu & Nartshuk & Yang 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1910" ; - dwc:species "delicatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC2FF35C2757061FDF8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC2FF35C2757061FDF8.ttl index e920e674483..d871d774313 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC2FF35C2757061FDF8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC2FF35C2757061FDF8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liu, Xiaoyan; Nartshuk, Emilia P.; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Chromatopterum brevicercum Liu & Nartshuk & Yang 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1910" ; - dwc:species "delicatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC7FF35C69A74C8FC02.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC7FF35C69A74C8FC02.ttl index dfd526b9ff9..12e84e22a88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC7FF35C69A74C8FC02.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF7EFFC7FF35C69A74C8FC02.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liu, Xiaoyan; Nartshuk, Emilia P.; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Chromatopterum Becker 1910" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,176 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1910" ; - dwc:species "delicatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeming" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Nartshuk & Yang, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Nartshuk & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Nartshuk & Yang, 2017" ; - dwc:species "brevicercum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Nartshuk & Yang, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Nartshuk & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Nartshuk & Yang, 2017" ; - dwc:species "longiclavatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Becker, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1911" ; - dwc:species "pubescens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kanmiya et Yukawa, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kanmiya et Yukawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kanmiya & Yukawa, 1985" ; - dwc:species "nusantarum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeming" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:species "ghanaensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeming" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeming, 1981" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sabrosky, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sabrosky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sabrosky, 1951" ; - dwc:species "suffusum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seguy, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seguy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatopterum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seguy, 1957" ; - dwc:species "linguatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloropidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF91FF46FECE25DAFDA9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF91FF46FECE25DAFDA9.ttl index 159cc34ee37..7fe4ff6493b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF91FF46FECE25DAFDA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF91FF46FECE25DAFDA9.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Fate, Caitlin; Lapeyrie, Jean; Nel, Andre" ; dc:title "Salagoulestes Fate, Lapeyrie & Nel, 2013, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF93FF46FD98225AFDA9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF93FF46FD98225AFDA9.ttl index ba303630480..ec73bb68afd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF93FF46FD98225AFDA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A2FF96FF93FF46FD98225AFDA9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fate, Caitlin; Lapeyrie, Jean; Nel, Andre" ; dc:title "Salagoulestes wesleyi Fate, Lapeyrie & Nel, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,35 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nel et al., 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nel et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Lodevia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nel et al., 1999" ; - dwc:species "longialata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Handlirsch, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Meganeuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Protodonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handlirsch, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Permagrionidae" ; @@ -88,22 +56,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Permagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Salagoulestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Permagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A06617FFF2043FFFBD5184A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A06617FFF2043FFFBD5184A.ttl index 8a6bd3392c7..ea1637c80bc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A06617FFF2043FFFBD5184A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A06617FFF2043FFFBD5184A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Myxia Bahder & Bartlett 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,74 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bahder & Bartlett, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2019" ; - dwc:species "belinda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zumbado Echavarria, Barrantes Barrantes, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zumbado Echavarria, Barrantes Barrantes, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:species "baynardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A076173FF2043E8FEB61BDE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A076173FF2043E8FEB61BDE.ttl index e468bb3902f..0ad083251d7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A076173FF2043E8FEB61BDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A076173FF2043E8FEB61BDE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Myxia baynardi Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder 2021, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "\" (FSCA)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "FSCA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fsca)" ; - dwc:species "baynardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; @@ -107,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A086170FF2043B7FA321D82.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A086170FF2043B7FA321D82.ttl index 2769a305fd4..71b43480245 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A39A086170FF2043B7FA321D82.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A39A086170FF2043B7FA321D82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Myxia Bahder & Bartlett 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,57 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zumbado Echavarria, Barrantes Barrantes, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:species "baynardi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:species "belinda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kramer)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria & Barrantes Barrantes & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A5DD449210356535D7AFC6FBDA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A5DD449210356535D7AFC6FBDA.ttl index 1f536d8d9cc..661f6ba549f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A5DD449210356535D7AFC6FBDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A5DD449210356535D7AFC6FBDA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Dilman, Anna B.; Minin, Kirill V.; Petrov, Nikolay B." ; dc:title "Caymanostella spinimarginata Belyaev 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,644 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", RV Dmitry Mendeleev, St. 1234" ; - dwc:authorityName "RV Dmitry Mendeleev, St." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1234" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "RV Dmitry Mendeleev, St., 1234" ; - dwc:species "admiranda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", RV Vityaz II, St. 2653" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "RV Vityaz II, St., 2653" ; - dwc:species "madagascarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", RV Akademik Kurchatov, St. 1267" ; - dwc:authorityName "RV Akademik Kurchatov, St." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1267" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "RV Akademik Kurchatov, St., 1267" ; - dwc:species "spinimarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", RV Sonne, St. SO" ; - dwc:authorityName "RV Sonne, St. SO" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "RV Sonne, St. SO" ; - dwc:species "spinimarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rowe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rowe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rowe, 1989" ; - dwc:species "phorcynis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Belyaev" ; - dwc:authorityName "Belyaev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caymanostella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Belyaev, 1974" ; - dwc:species "spinimarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asteriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asterias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "rubens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baker, Rowe & Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Peripodida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, Rowe & Clark, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Danielssen & Koren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Korethrasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Danielssen & Koren, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Notomyotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ludwig, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spinulosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peters, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophidiasteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leiaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Acanthasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Viguier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Archasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viguier, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asterinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Astropectinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hotchkiss & Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asteropseidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hotchkiss & Clark, 1976" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asteriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Benthopectinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Notomyotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G. O. Sars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Brisingidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Brisingida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "BELYAEV" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Belyaev, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Chaetasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ctenodiscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Echinasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spinulosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Downey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Freyellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Brisingida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Downey, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ganeriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forbes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Goniasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forbes, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Goniopectinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Viguier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Heliasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viguier, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jangoux & Aziz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Leilasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jangoux & Aziz, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Luidiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Viguier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Mithrodiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viguier, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Myxasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Odontasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophidiasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Oreasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fisher, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Pedicellasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Poraniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Porcellanasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Pseudarchasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Paxillosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Pterasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Viguier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Solasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Valvatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viguier, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Stichasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baker, Rowe & Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Xyloplacidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Peripodida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, Rowe & Clark, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Zoroasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; @@ -696,20 +56,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; dwc:family "Caymanostellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Velatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A5FFEDF57AFF07AB27FDACFA1F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A5FFEDF57AFF07AB27FDACFA1F.ttl index 75b243db477..f5a953da04e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A5FFEDF57AFF07AB27FDACFA1F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A5FFEDF57AFF07AB27FDACFA1F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Orejuela, Andrés; Orozco, Clara Inés; Barboza, Gloria" ; dc:title "Markea hunzikeri A. Orejuela & C. I. Orozco 2014, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,115 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hunziker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hawkesiophyton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hunziker, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Richard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richard, 1792" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "A. Orejuela & J. M. Velez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orejuela & Velez, 2014" ; - dwc:species "huilensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "A. Orejuela & C. I. Orozco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orejuela & Orozco, 2014" ; - dwc:species "purpurea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "S. Knapp (1998: 153)" ; - dwc:authorityName "S. Knapp" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "153" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knapp, 1998" ; - dwc:species "antioquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "S. Knapp (1998: 157)" ; - dwc:authorityName "S. Knapp" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "157" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knapp, 1998" ; - dwc:species "pilosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cuatrec. (1959: 271)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cuatrec." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "271" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuatrec., 1959" ; - dwc:species "sturmii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; @@ -170,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; dwc:genus "Markea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A62575FF8587EE314EFD45BAB1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A62575FF8587EE314EFD45BAB1.ttl index d38b5988580..98ceda70f8f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A62575FF8587EE314EFD45BAB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A62575FF8587EE314EFD45BAB1.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kim, Tae-Woo; Puskás, Gellért" ; dc:title "Loxoblemmus equestris Saussure 1877" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A62576FF8687EE367CFEB7B899.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A62576FF8687EE367CFEB7B899.ttl index e947a91a592..df504aacf2a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A62576FF8687EE367CFEB7B899.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A62576FF8687EE367CFEB7B899.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kim, Tae-Woo; Puskás, Gellért" ; dc:title "Xya japonica Haan 1842" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF98FF0799EE1E800A62.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF98FF0799EE1E800A62.ttl index 83f718130fd..b22cc8947a5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF98FF0799EE1E800A62.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF98FF0799EE1E800A62.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Platyperona) parvula Selenka 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,23 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pawson & Gust, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pawson & Gust" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pawson & Gust, 1981" ; - dwc:species "rowei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Platyperona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF99FF079DDF1F1C0904.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF99FF079DDF1F1C0904.ttl index 2a6520f68ff..68fb32537e1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF99FF079DDF1F1C0904.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F241FF99FF079DDF1F1C0904.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Semperothuria) surinamensis Ludwig 1875" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -66,22 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ludwig" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ludwig" ; - dwc:species "surinamensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Semperothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F242FF9DFF0799EE1C730D09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F242FF9DFF0799EE1C730D09.ttl index 906e56be52b..b798d7c82a5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F242FF9DFF0799EE1C730D09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F242FF9DFF0799EE1C730D09.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Cystipus) pseudofossor Deichmann 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -132,55 +132,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deichmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann" ; - dwc:species "pseudofossor" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cystipus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deichmann. A" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann. A" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann. A" ; - dwc:species "pseudofossor" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cystipus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ludwig, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ludwig, 1875" ; - dwc:species "cubana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cystipus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F244FF9FFF079AF11F560891.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F244FF9FFF079AF11F560891.ttl index 5a6c5f5cdcf..c2e39d85b18 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F244FF9FFF079AF11F560891.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F244FF9FFF079AF11F560891.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Theelothuria) princeps Selenka 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,72 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Selenka. A" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selenka. A" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selenka. A" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - dwc:subGenus "Theelothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Selenka" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selenka" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selenka" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - dwc:subGenus "Theelothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deichmann, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann, 1930" ; - dwc:species "imperator" ; - dwc:subGenus "Theelothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pawson et al. 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pawson et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pawson et al., 2010" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - dwc:subGenus "Theelothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F246FF80FF079E081FF20C29.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F246FF80FF079E081FF20C29.ttl index 656b4ee5c89..0c0599c1bf9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F246FF80FF079E081FF20C29.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F246FF80FF079E081FF20C29.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Holothuria) dakarensis Panning 1939" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,57 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Delle Chiaje, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Delle Chiaje" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delle Chiaje, 1824" ; - dwc:species "stellati" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gmelin, 1791" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin, 1791" ; - dwc:species "tubulosa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grube, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grube, 1840" ; - dwc:species "mammata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holothuria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; @@ -182,14 +130,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "stellati" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holothuria" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24AFF95FF0799AB1FB80A69.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24AFF95FF0799AB1FB80A69.ttl index e25aabc2952..bba08a20522 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24AFF95FF0799AB1FB80A69.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24AFF95FF0799AB1FB80A69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Thymiosycia) arenicola Semper 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -48,72 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Semper" ; - dwc:authorityName "Semper" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Semper" ; - dwc:species "arenicola" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thymiosycia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Semper. A" ; - dwc:authorityName "Semper. A" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Semper. A" ; - dwc:species "arenicola" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thymiosycia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forskal, 1775" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forskal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forskal, 1775" ; - dwc:species "impatiens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thymiosycia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pawson & Caycedo, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pawson & Caycedo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pawson & Caycedo, 1980" ; - dwc:species "thomasi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thymiosycia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24BFF92FF079D961C9F0904.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24BFF92FF079D961C9F0904.ttl index da3c93ab00d..3618150eca4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24BFF92FF079D961C9F0904.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24BFF92FF079D961C9F0904.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Actinopyga agassizii Selenka 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Quoy & Gaimard 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Quoy & Gaimard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actinopyga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Quoy & Gaimard, 1834" ; - dwc:species "mauritiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24CFF96FF079DDF1CB509EC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24CFF96FF079DDF1CB509EC.ttl index 32198932b9e..87ab20a94bf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24CFF96FF079DDF1CB509EC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A6F24CFF96FF079DDF1CB509EC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prata, Jéssica; Manso, Cynthia L. C.; Christoffersen, Martin L." ; dc:title "Holothuria (Halodeima) grisea Selenka 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,40 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pourtales, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pourtales" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pourtales, 1851" ; - dwc:species "floridana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Halodeima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ludwig, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holothuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aspidochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ludwig, 1875" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Halodeima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Holothuriidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106448C4B7E1B128E9C096.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106448C4B7E1B128E9C096.ttl index e382f80c108..4410a50b89d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106448C4B7E1B128E9C096.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106448C4B7E1B128E9C096.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Rhyacophila pyrrha Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "BANKS 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "BANKS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1931" ; - dwc:species "cameroni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morton, 1900" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106449C4B7E56F2B15C176.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106449C4B7E56F2B15C176.ttl index 1883c877541..74e9ba54820 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106449C4B7E56F2B15C176.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D7106449C4B7E56F2B15C176.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Agapetus wolframi Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glossosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agapetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glossosomatidae" ; @@ -71,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glossosomatidae" ; dwc:genus "Agapetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E083283FC1F3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E083283FC1F3.ttl index 84e0c6d8467..ef2911dee4f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E083283FC1F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E083283FC1F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Chimarra megara Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MALICKY & CHANTARAMONGKOL 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "MALICKY & CHANTARAMONGKOL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993" ; - dwc:species "nahesson" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KIMMINS 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "KIMMINS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1964" ; - dwc:species "nepalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E35229A5C62E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E35229A5C62E.ttl index f529a79b705..096655f2d88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E35229A5C62E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644AC4B7E35229A5C62E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Chimarra oinone Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MALICKY 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "MALICKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1998" ; - dwc:species "briseis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644BC4B7E56628F1C247.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644BC4B7E56628F1C247.ttl index eec27951eb0..0213260f7a5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644BC4B7E56628F1C247.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D712644BC4B7E56628F1C247.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Chimarra oreithyia Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:species "semiramis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D713644CC4B7E4B7299EC295.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D713644CC4B7E4B7299EC295.ttl index 962e7d956b8..ed5eafc9531 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D713644CC4B7E4B7299EC295.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D713644CC4B7E4B7299EC295.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Chimarra semiramis Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,118 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:species "oreithyia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 2007" ; - dwc:species "pontos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KIMMINS 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "KIMMINS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1957" ; - dwc:species "crepidata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MALICKY 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "MALICKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1995" ; - dwc:species "haimuoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CHANTARAMONGKOL & MALICKY 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "CHANTARAMONGKOL & MALICKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1989" ; - dwc:species "lahuorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KIMMINS 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "KIMMINS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1957" ; - dwc:species "scopulifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CHANTARAMONGKOL & MALICKY 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "CHANTARAMONGKOL & MALICKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chantaramongkol & Malicky, 1989" ; - dwc:species "suthepensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D714644CC4B7E188295FC0C0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D714644CC4B7E188295FC0C0.ttl index 28bc89b4696..6c23aae1046 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D714644CC4B7E188295FC0C0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D714644CC4B7E188295FC0C0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Chimarra talos Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,54 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MALICKY & CHANTARAMONGKOL 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "MALICKY & CHANTARAMONGKOL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993" ; - dwc:species "litugena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MALICKY 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "MALICKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1994" ; - dwc:species "jaroschi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "JACQUEMART 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "JACQUEMART" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacquemart, 1979" ; - dwc:species "joliveti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D71F6448C4B7E5D42883C29C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D71F6448C4B7E5D42883C29C.ttl index fd887ddbd95..5ca87db8b28 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A8D71F6448C4B7E5D42883C29C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A8D71F6448C4B7E5D42883C29C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Malicky, H." ; dc:title "Rhyacophila mnemosyne Malicky 2007, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SCHMID 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "SCHMID" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmid, 1970" ; - dwc:species "chumikpa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9335CFF8704F7F9BFFC519B99.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9335CFF8704F7F9BFFC519B99.ttl index 8748d633dca..d46a866a511 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9335CFF8704F7F9BFFC519B99.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9335CFF8704F7F9BFFC519B99.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stephen L. Brusatte; Thomas D. Carr; Thomas E. Williamson; Thomas R. Holtz Jr.; David W. E. Hone; Scott A. Williams" ; dc:title "Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn 1905" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,167 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bakker et al., 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bakker et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gilmore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanotyrannus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gilmore, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "lancensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bakker et al., 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bakker et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gilmore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanotyrannus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gilmore, 1946)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Osborn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Albertosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osborn, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gorgosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leidy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Troodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Troodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leidy, 1856" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Makovicky, Apesteguia & Agnolin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Dromaeosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Buitreraptor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makovicky, Apesteguia & Agnolin, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Novas, Pol, Canale, Porfiri & Calvo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Dromaeosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Austroraptor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Novas, Pol, Canale, Porfiri & Calvo, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Hongshanornithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yanornis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou & Zhang, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maleev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tarbosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maleev, 1955" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Osborn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tyrannosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osborn, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Russell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Daspletosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Russell, 1970" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; @@ -219,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannosauridae" ; dwc:genus "Tyrannosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dinosauria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A98030FF9DFF2CFA04FB7EFF37.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A98030FF9DFF2CFA04FB7EFF37.ttl index f8fa644d054..b029e384ce3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A98030FF9DFF2CFA04FB7EFF37.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A98030FF9DFF2CFA04FB7EFF37.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rodda, Michele" ; dc:title "Jasminanthes , Blume 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blume (1850: 148" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Jasminanthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blume, 1850" ; - dwc:species "suaveolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Tsiang (1939: 10)" ; dwc:authorityName "Tsiang" ; @@ -78,53 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tsiang (1939: 10)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsiang" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "10" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Huthamnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsiang, 1939" ; - dwc:species "sinicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kerr) W. D. Stevens & P. T. Li" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. D. Stevens & P. T. Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kerr" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Jasminanthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kerr) Stevens & Li" ; - dwc:species "pilosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Albers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Liliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Corona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Albers, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF87A475FF6763F1FE70FA9E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF87A475FF6763F1FE70FA9E.ttl index ed39a85c1e0..2d5c39185f6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF87A475FF6763F1FE70FA9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF87A475FF6763F1FE70FA9E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole taipoana Wheeler. Eguchi, Yamane & Zhou 2007" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,22 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2006" ; - dwc:species "laevicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF9BA461FF67674BFCBFFA4E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF9BA461FF67674BFCBFFA4E.ttl index 95d3baf028a..1e107d1719f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF9BA461FF67674BFCBFFA4E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FF9BA461FF67674BFCBFFA4E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole pieli Santschi 1925" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,36 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2006" ; - dwc:species "laevicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wheeler. Eguchi, Yamane & Zhou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wheeler. Eguchi, Yamane & Zhou, 2007" ; - dwc:species "taipoana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFBDA44FFF6765B9FCB6FC56.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFBDA44FFF6765B9FCB6FC56.ttl index 84f9d2151d9..97556da2e4f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFBDA44FFF6765B9FCB6FC56.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFBDA44FFF6765B9FCB6FC56.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole vieti Eguchi 2008, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2006" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFC5A437FF6766F1FBC3FC56.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFC5A437FF6766F1FBC3FC56.ttl index 8d5e8359f4a..4b8cb12c9a0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFC5A437FF6766F1FBC3FC56.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFC5A437FF6766F1FBC3FC56.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole fervida F. Smith" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -65,37 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ogata. However" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ogata. However" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ogata. However, 1982" ; - dwc:species "ryukyuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2006" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFD4A424FF6764A4FB27FD1E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFD4A424FF6764A4FB27FD1E.ttl index a82f78814b5..0c3b4e87f40 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFD4A424FF6764A4FB27FD1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFD4A424FF6764A4FB27FD1E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole capellinii Emery 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -84,21 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santschi, 1920" ; - dwc:species "planifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFE0A468FF67647BFB53FD6E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFE0A468FF67647BFB53FD6E.ttl index 390b6071b73..0f92a4eea49 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFE0A468FF67647BFB53FD6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFE0A468FF67647BFB53FD6E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole ochracea Eguchi 2008, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aenictus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1911" ; - dwc:species "dentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:species "elongicephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1902" ; - dwc:species "binghamii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFEEA41AFF676135FCBEF936.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFEEA41AFF676135FCBEF936.ttl index cd777a18228..e19b12989c8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFEEA41AFF676135FCBEF936.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFEEA41AFF676135FCBEF936.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole laevithorax Eguchi 2008, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1912" ; - dwc:species "protea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:species "rugithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFF4A404FF676231FD2FFA4E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFF4A404FF676231FD2FFA4E.ttl index ec3b05651cd..a80a64e2733 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFF4A404FF676231FD2FFA4E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687A9FFF4A404FF676231FD2FFA4E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Eguchi, Katsuyuki" ; dc:title "Pheidole indosinensis Wheeler" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -65,54 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - dwc:species "sulcaticeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:species "elongicephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eguchi, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ochracea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -174,12 +126,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "sulcaticeps" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FDCFDFDFFA59.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FDCFDFDFFA59.ttl index 153c842b695..9a841e79a90 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FDCFDFDFFA59.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FDCFDFDFFA59.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Barjadze, Shalva" ; dc:title "Aphis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,157 +25,6 @@ dc:title "A new species of Aphis Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Cephalaria gigantea (Dipsacaceae) in Georgia" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch" ; - dwc:species "craccivora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch" ; - dwc:species "ochropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borner)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borner)" ; - dwc:species "thomasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker" ; - dwc:species "confusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Glover" ; - dwc:authorityName "Glover" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Glover" ; - dwc:species "gossypii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huculak" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huculak" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huculak" ; - dwc:species "longini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holman" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holman" ; - dwc:species "succisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli" ; - dwc:species "fabae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Theobald" ; - dwc:authorityName "Theobald" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Theobald" ; - dwc:species "solanella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Patch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Patch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Patch" ; - dwc:species "spiraecola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FF48DFD6FE26.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FF48DFD6FE26.ttl index 5dc10bb1fe8..31b5be56646 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FF48DFD6FE26.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E12181240B7FF48DFD6FE26.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Barjadze, Shalva" ; dc:title "Cephalaria gigantea" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,36 +25,6 @@ dc:title "A new species of Aphis Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Cephalaria gigantea (Dipsacaceae) in Georgia" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrosiphum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "rosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shaposhnikov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shaposhnikov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dysaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shaposhnikov" ; - dwc:species "cephalarioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Dipsacaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E15181140B7FB88D8BAFDDA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E15181140B7FB88D8BAFDDA.ttl index 4005e428ac4..562c27faa33 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E15181140B7FB88D8BAFDDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AA7E15181140B7FB88D8BAFDDA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Barjadze, Shalva" ; dc:title "Aphis cephalariae Barjadze, 2011, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFCAFF4DF8D5FEE7F9A7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFCAFF4DF8D5FEE7F9A7.ttl index 36db414e46a..fd61cf2179b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFCAFF4DF8D5FEE7F9A7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFCAFF4DF8D5FEE7F9A7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) longistylus Gustafsson & Zou 2023, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,140 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Delacour & Jabouille, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Delacour & Jabouille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delacour & Jabouille, 1928" ; - dwc:species "rufogularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "guttata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Keler, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - dwc:species "nitzschi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:species "bracatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:species "diki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "rufogularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "rufogularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "intermedia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hume, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hume" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hume, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "rufogularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tickelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFD0FF4DFCE5FB4DF88F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFD0FF4DFCE5FB4DF88F.ttl index 6de49ce6872..31fe99543ea 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFD0FF4DFCE5FB4DF88F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFA5FFD0FF4DFCE5FB4DF88F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) diki Gustafsson & Zou 2023, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Salvadori, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Salvadori" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Salvadori, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "rubrirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFD0FF4DFAFBFED2FC9F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFD0FF4DFAFBFED2FC9F.ttl index febc77a5f20..c8bff43c1cb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFD0FF4DFAFBFED2FC9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFD0FF4DFAFBFED2FC9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) bracatus Gustafsson & Zou 2023, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023", "Latin" ; + dwc:authority "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Blyth, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "atrogularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFDFFF4DFF14FEF5FAAC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFDFFF4DFF14FEF5FAAC.ttl index 6f5cceaa398..934acaef721 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFDFFF4DFF14FEF5FAAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAAFFDFFF4DFF14FEF5FAAC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) nitzschi Keler 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -67,40 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Valenciennes, 1825)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Valenciennes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Valenciennes, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "torqueola" ; - dwc:subSpecies "torqueola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baker, 1921)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baker, 1921)" ; - dwc:species "torqueola" ; - dwc:subSpecies "millardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFACFFDBFF4DF8D5FB0DFF5F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFACFFDBFF4DF8D5FB0DFF5F.ttl index 0bdca3c8647..38647a83789 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFACFFDBFF4DF8D5FB0DFF5F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFACFFDBFF4DF8D5FB0DFF5F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) Gustafsson & Zou 2023, new subgenus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1917" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hodgson, 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAEFFDBFF4DFC2DFB71F80F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAEFFDBFF4DFC2DFB71F80F.ttl index 055fcda379d..1b39afb657e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAEFFDBFF4DFC2DFB71F80F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFAEFFDBFF4DFC2DFB71F80F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) formosanus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -79,74 +79,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Swinhoe, 1864)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Swinhoe, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "crudigularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "brunneopectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Delacour & Jabouille, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Delacour & Jabouille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delacour & Jabouille, 1928" ; - dwc:species "cambodiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; @@ -161,12 +97,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -234,7 +164,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBBFFCEFF4DFC9DFB1DFB71.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBBFFCEFF4DFC9DFB1DFB71.ttl index e3d307c5f8f..e294f60bb5e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBBFFCEFF4DFC9DFB1DFB71.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBBFFCEFF4DFC9DFB1DFB71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Oxylipeurus Mjoberg 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carriker, 1945" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carriker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eiconolipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carriker, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Keler, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - dwc:subGenus "Reticulipeurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFA01FEF3F88F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFA01FEF3F88F.ttl index 63c4d0763db..6db2d582239 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFA01FEF3F88F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFA01FEF3F88F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) Gustafsson & Zou 2023" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,96 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "javanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Piaget, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piaget" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piaget, 1880" ; - dwc:species "unicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mjoberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mjoberg, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; @@ -147,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFC09FE77FABB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFC09FE77FABB.ttl index 6cae3b87775..0087df312f2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFC09FE77FABB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCBFF4DFC09FE77FABB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) Gustafsson & Zou 2023" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,52 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Robinson, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "campbelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:species "diki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; @@ -103,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCCFF4DF8D5FEF3FECB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCCFF4DF8D5FEF3FECB.ttl index 49f39de33cb..84f30729048 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCCFF4DF8D5FEF3FECB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBEFFCCFF4DF8D5FEF3FECB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) Gustafsson & Zou 2023" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,68 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "gingica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gustafsson & Zou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gustafsson & Zou, 2023" ; - dwc:species "bracatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; @@ -119,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBFFFCBFF4DF8ECFEEBFCB3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBFFFCBFF4DF8ECFEEBFCB3.ttl index a313379b2e8..ce2a852f07c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBFFFCBFF4DF8ECFEEBFCB3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AEFFBFFFCBFF4DF8ECFEEBFCB3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Gustafsson, Daniel R.; Zou, Fasheng" ; dc:title "Reticulipeurus (Forcipurellus) Gustafsson & Zou 2023" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -44,151 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "brunneopectus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "brunneopectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Robinson & Kloss, 1919)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson & Kloss" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson & Kloss, 1919)" ; - dwc:species "brunneopectus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "albigula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Oustalet, 1896)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oustalet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oustalet, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "brunneopectus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "henrici" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arborophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "brunneopectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reticulipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Forcipurellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mjoberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mjoberg, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1917)" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Piaget" from authority ; - dwc:authority "\" (Piaget, 1880)" ; - dwc:authorityName "\" (Piaget" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Piaget" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Piaget, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "unicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalipeurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keler, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AFB169FF8CFDE8FF3A1FCAFBE8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AFB169FF8CFDE8FF3A1FCAFBE8.ttl index febdf729d7d..9c0976d52f2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AFB169FF8CFDE8FF3A1FCAFBE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AFB169FF8CFDE8FF3A1FCAFBE8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bukejs, Andris; Fanti, Fabrizio" ; dc:title "Podosilis groehni Bukejs & Fanti, 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,144 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dumortier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumortier, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wittmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Podosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittmer, 1978" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reitter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eusilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reitter, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Charpentier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Charpentier, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kazantsev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Autosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kazantsev, 2011" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wittmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittmer, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kazantsev, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kazantsev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Podosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kazantsev, 2020" ; - dwc:species "gedaniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant, 1862" ; - dwc:subFamily "Silinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Imhoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imhoff, 1856" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; @@ -196,22 +57,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; dwc:genus "Podosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AFB16BFF89FDE8FB2D1ED2FB8F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AFB16BFF89FDE8FB2D1ED2FB8F.ttl index 41e8f10eb0f..3dbc6e0cec3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AFB16BFF89FDE8FB2D1ED2FB8F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AFB16BFF89FDE8FB2D1ED2FB8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bukejs, Andris; Fanti, Fabrizio" ; dc:title "Silis (Silis) carsteni Bukejs & Fanti, 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; @@ -46,213 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dumortier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumortier, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant, 1862" ; - dwc:subFamily "Silinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Imhoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Imhoff, 1856" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Charpentier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Charpentier, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wittmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Podosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittmer, 1978" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kazantsev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Autosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kazantsev, 2011" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reitter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eusilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reitter, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wittmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiosilis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittmer, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fanti & Pankowski, 2022" ; - dwc:species "boninoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Parisi & Fanti, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Parisi & Fanti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parisi & Fanti, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lombardii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fanti & Pankowski, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hegnai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fanti & M. G. Pankowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fanti & Pankowski, 2021" ; - dwc:species "curleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wittmer, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wittmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wittmer, 1963" ; - dwc:species "chiapasensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; @@ -273,22 +65,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; dwc:genus "Silis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687AFFFF1FF974152F9E1FAACFA30.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687AFFFF1FF974152F9E1FAACFA30.ttl index 84dbf7b19f5..af5d4c4530b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687AFFFF1FF974152F9E1FAACFA30.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687AFFFF1FF974152F9E1FAACFA30.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Ahyong, Shane T.; Chen, Huilian; Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Pleistacantha" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF86FFD2C8C6F9903A46AB55.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF86FFD2C8C6F9903A46AB55.ttl index 48249636c1d..3b375db1ba6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF86FFD2C8C6F9903A46AB55.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF86FFD2C8C6F9903A46AB55.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima vonickai Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF87FFD1C8C6FA233A46ABA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF87FFD1C8C6FA233A46ABA5.ttl index bfc0c51b845..ccefcc17ad3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF87FFD1C8C6FA233A46ABA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FF87FFD1C8C6FA233A46ABA5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima zbuzeki Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA0FFF4C8C6FD8339BDAF25.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA0FFF4C8C6FD8339BDAF25.ttl index 61bd85f4958..0d194d2db27 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA0FFF4C8C6FD8339BDAF25.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA0FFF4C8C6FD8339BDAF25.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima assingi Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008", "Schimmel & Platia, 2008: 586" ; + dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008: 586" ; dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "586" ; dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; @@ -65,116 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dajoz, 1973 in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dajoz, 1973 in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dajoz, 1973" ; - dwc:species "isabellae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wurst, 1997 in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wurst, 1997 in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wurst, 1997" ; - dwc:species "raineri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platia, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia, 2013" ; - dwc:species "neumanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platia, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia, 2013" ; - dwc:species "schnitteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "fthiotidensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Aroania Mts." ; - dwc:authorityName "in Aroania Mts." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "" ; - dwc:species "assingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -188,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA1FFFBC8C6FE333A0FAD70.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA1FFFBC8C6FE333A0FAD70.ttl index b73a059bf21..fceddb52c42 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA1FFFBC8C6FE333A0FAD70.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA1FFFBC8C6FE333A0FAD70.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima bruhai Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Platia & Gudenzi, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia & Gudenzi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia & Gudenzi, 2009" ; - dwc:species "schimmeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "lebenbaueri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -93,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA2FFF6C8C6F94D397CAC05.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA2FFF6C8C6F94D397CAC05.ttl index 323868efa40..f821f33cfd9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA2FFF6C8C6F94D397CAC05.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA2FFF6C8C6F94D397CAC05.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima Charpentier 1825" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Charpentier, 1825: 191" ; - dwc:authorityName "Charpentier" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "191" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Charpentier, 1825" ; - dwc:species "elateroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schaufuss, 1862: 202" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schaufuss" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "202" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Celox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schaufuss, 1862" ; - dwc:species "dima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA3FFF5C8C6FD5D396AAFB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA3FFF5C8C6FD5D396AAFB5.ttl index 1fc9a5a50da..59e297f6565 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA3FFF5C8C6FD5D396AAFB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA3FFF5C8C6FD5D396AAFB5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima arndti Platia 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "isabellae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Manfred Egger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Manfred Egger" ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Manfred Egger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "parnonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel, 1987 in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel, 1987 in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel, 1987" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -154,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA8FFFCC8C6FF3039A4AF90.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA8FFFCC8C6FF3039A4AF90.ttl index 460a512935a..eef1e24533e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA8FFFCC8C6FF3039A4AF90.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA8FFFCC8C6FF3039A4AF90.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima fialai Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "vailatii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -77,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA9FFE3C8C6FDE039D8AC58.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA9FFE3C8C6FDE039D8AC58.ttl index cad6402113d..211ff5beb40 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA9FFE3C8C6FDE039D8AC58.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFA9FFE3C8C6FDE039D8AC58.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima florinensis Platia 2012" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Varnous Mts., A. Triados", "Varnous Mts., Pisoderi, Agia Triada", "Varnous Mts., Vigla" ; - dwc:authorityName "Varnous Mts., A. Triados", "Varnous Mts., Pisoderi, Agia Triada", "Varnous Mts., Vigla" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Florina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Varnous Mts., Triados" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mt. Vernon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mt. Vernon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Florina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mt. Vernon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAAFFFEC8C6FA6B3ABCAF78.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAAFFFEC8C6FA6B3ABCAF78.ttl index e7d3cabdfc3..751857845dd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAAFFFEC8C6FA6B3ABCAF78.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAAFFFEC8C6FA6B3ABCAF78.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima etoliensis Platia 2012" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "evritaniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFABFFFEC8C6FECD3898A990.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFABFFFEC8C6FECD3898A990.ttl index 42bc37111aa..e08647c59b5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFABFFFEC8C6FECD3898A990.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFABFFFEC8C6FECD3898A990.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima evritaniensis Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia 2008", "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; + dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fleutiaux, 1944" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fleutiaux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fleutiaux, 1944" ; - dwc:species "pecoudi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFACFFFFC8C6FCE33A61AB1D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFACFFFFC8C6FCE33A61AB1D.ttl index 58b83a38c93..ce7cf1a884a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFACFFFFC8C6FCE33A61AB1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFACFFFFC8C6FCE33A61AB1D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima elateroides Charpentier 1825" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "macedonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAEFFFAC8C6FCC03972AC59.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAEFFFAC8C6FCC03972AC59.ttl index 11215564139..e33d2eb4d02 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAEFFFAC8C6FCC03972AC59.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAEFFFAC8C6FCC03972AC59.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima dalmatina Kuster 1844" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mertlik & Dusanek, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mertlik & Dusanek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mertlik & Dusanek, 2006" ; - dwc:species "marvani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platia, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia, 2012" ; - dwc:species "florinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia (2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "dalmatina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -108,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAFFFF9C8C6FD203A0FAC95.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAFFFF9C8C6FD203A0FAC95.ttl index 280500081a6..3fcfea198a9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAFFFF9C8C6FD203A0FAC95.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFAFFFF9C8C6FD203A0FAC95.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima dusaneki Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schimmel, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel, 1993" ; - dwc:species "macedonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -77,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE4C8C6FA063D4CAD88.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE4C8C6FA063D4CAD88.ttl index e1f9fe893ef..a43812ef57b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE4C8C6FA063D4CAD88.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE4C8C6FA063D4CAD88.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima neumanni Platia 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE5C8C6FCE33C54AB2B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE5C8C6FCE33C54AB2B.ttl index 3a14559d3f1..926a8cef9c2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE5C8C6FCE33C54AB2B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB0FFE5C8C6FCE33C54AB2B.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima moraveci Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFE4C8C6FB983A90A979.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFE4C8C6FB983A90A979.ttl index 429fa5d87fd..3eed147c182 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFE4C8C6FB983A90A979.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFE4C8C6FB983A90A979.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima olympica Meschnigg 1934" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFEAC8C6F8C839E9AD38.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFEAC8C6F8C839E9AD38.ttl index 73da124a322..1ac6d92cb7a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFEAC8C6F8C839E9AD38.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB1FFEAC8C6F8C839E9AD38.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima orientalis Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB2FFE7C8C6FC2B3AF6A9D7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB2FFE7C8C6FC2B3AF6A9D7.ttl index 5ec3c6f94dc..dca34ef3f69 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB2FFE7C8C6FC2B3AF6A9D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB2FFE7C8C6FC2B3AF6A9D7.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima lebenbaueri Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE5C8C6F93A3BECAC95.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE5C8C6F93A3BECAC95.ttl index f80196ffd97..173059fdc8c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE5C8C6F93A3BECAC95.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE5C8C6F93A3BECAC95.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima marvani Mertlik & Dusanek 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "dalmatina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE6C8C6FF303B2AA82F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE6C8C6FF303B2AA82F.ttl index 2965548095a..029960c0a9c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE6C8C6FF303B2AA82F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB3FFE6C8C6FF303B2AA82F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima macedonica Schimmel 1993" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia (2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "macedonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE0C8C6F9D33A78AC7D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE0C8C6F9D33A78AC7D.ttl index 065b7eaffa1..67ac94e57e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE0C8C6F9D33A78AC7D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE0C8C6F9D33A78AC7D.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima isabellae Dajoz 1973" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE1C8C6FEEB3AA5A845.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE1C8C6FEEB3AA5A845.ttl index ba66a1bec61..0b6a37ac09d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE1C8C6FEEB3AA5A845.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB4FFE1C8C6FEEB3AA5A845.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima hladilorum Schimmel 1987" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia (2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB5FFE7C8C6FDCB3DD5AD5D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB5FFE7C8C6FDCB3DD5AD5D.ttl index c9d531fc140..eea8b6e97f0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB5FFE7C8C6FDCB3DD5AD5D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB5FFE7C8C6FDCB3DD5AD5D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima kozufensis Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "lebenbaueri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB6FFE2C8C6FD283D0BAFED.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB6FFE2C8C6FD283D0BAFED.ttl index 894461b940b..a065139cd0c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB6FFE2C8C6FD283D0BAFED.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB6FFE2C8C6FD283D0BAFED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima fthiotidensis Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,37 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Platia, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia, 2010" ; - dwc:species "scutellaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:species "fokidensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE1C8C6FB6E39FBAE9D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE1C8C6FB6E39FBAE9D.ttl index 83f80edb8e3..3882abff020 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE1C8C6FB6E39FBAE9D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE1C8C6FB6E39FBAE9D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima hirtipennis Platia 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meschnigg, 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meschnigg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meschnigg, 1934" ; - dwc:species "olympica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE2C8C6FE7B3BA8AA13.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE2C8C6FE7B3BA8AA13.ttl index 6b45e790d0f..3f6c100580a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE2C8C6FE7B3BA8AA13.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB7FFE2C8C6FE7B3BA8AA13.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima giachinoi Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFD3C8C6F8ED3D7BAB81.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFD3C8C6F8ED3D7BAB81.ttl index 2e761f82221..282f32a72c2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFD3C8C6F8ED3D7BAB81.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFD3C8C6F8ED3D7BAB81.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima vailatii Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platia, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platia, 2010" ; - dwc:species "riesei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FC0E3AB7A892.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FC0E3AB7A892.ttl index 45781a0a39a..389fee4c4fd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FC0E3AB7A892.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FC0E3AB7A892.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima schnitteri Platia 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FF303B17AD33.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FF303B17AD33.ttl index 8891e4c60b9..dd5a397f8b2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FF303B17AD33.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFB9FFECC8C6FF303B17AD33.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Dima schimmeli Platia & Gudenzi 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBAFFEEC8C6FE7B3929ACCD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBAFFEEC8C6FE7B3929ACCD.ttl index 6a6e7c6102d..f140a2eb4c4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBAFFEEC8C6FE7B3929ACCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBAFFEEC8C6FE7B3929ACCD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima pelionensis Mertlik, Németh & Kundrata, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "hladilorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -77,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBBFFEDC8C6FD5B3D21A94D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBBFFEDC8C6FD5B3D21A94D.ttl index b97c52ae81a..6ada135ce3a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBBFFEDC8C6FD5B3D21A94D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBBFFEDC8C6FD5B3D21A94D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima raineri Wurst 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "macedonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia (2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "raineri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stilia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stilia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stilia" ; - dwc:species "assingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ag. Petros" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ag. Petros" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ag. Petros" ; - dwc:species "parnonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "parnonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "pindosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBCFFE9C8C6FE333A02A9C8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBCFFE9C8C6FE333A02A9C8.ttl index abd1bdcb3f0..4533bf372b5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBCFFE9C8C6FE333A02A9C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBCFFE9C8C6FE333A02A9C8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima pecoudi Fleutiaux 1943" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "evritaniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBFFFE9C8C6FC0839DCAF5A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBFFFE9C8C6FC0839DCAF5A.ttl index ec7f1d9ff7e..a0c01d1a9aa 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBFFFE9C8C6FC0839DCAF5A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B0FFBFFFE9C8C6FC0839DCAF5A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mertlik, Josef; Németh, Tamás; Kundrata, Robin" ; dc:title "Dima parnonensis Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2008" ; - dwc:species "raineri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:species "pindosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schimmel & Platia 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schimmel & Platia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schimmel & Platia, 2008" ; - dwc:species "raineri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elateridae" ; @@ -107,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elateridae" ; dwc:genus "Dima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1470C6C5B9DD11ED50AC079F8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1470C6C5B9DD11ED50AC079F8.ttl index 54af09ee2f2..07a4f750d28 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1470C6C5B9DD11ED50AC079F8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1470C6C5B9DD11ED50AC079F8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex xizangensis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "homonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1470E6C5E9DD11D900B8A7B1C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1470E6C5E9DD11D900B8A7B1C.ttl index 910d022d7d8..43234292287 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1470E6C5E9DD11D900B8A7B1C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1470E6C5E9DD11D900B8A7B1C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex xuthomelonus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "anatolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147116C479DD11DB30DE77D6D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147116C479DD11DB30DE77D6D.ttl index f8ab71d5b9a..db68a3b5bc6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147116C479DD11DB30DE77D6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147116C479DD11DB30DE77D6D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex tanae Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "manaliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147146C409DD11DC809CC7D27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147146C409DD11DC809CC7D27.ttl index 2dab52b4324..01aa7ce93f2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147146C409DD11DC809CC7D27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147146C409DD11DC809CC7D27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex strigatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "sticticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147176C449DD11ED50C1979DC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147176C449DD11ED50C1979DC.ttl index d5d21383743..fa1bf58c00f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147176C449DD11ED50C1979DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147176C449DD11ED50C1979DC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex taenius Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "perpendicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147186C4F9DD11D240C3B7B1D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147186C4F9DD11D240C3B7B1D.ttl index ebb2935649a..6294a437adc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147186C4F9DD11D240C3B7B1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147186C4F9DD11D240C3B7B1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex assosae Kittel 2016" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -64,22 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1471A6C419DD11FF40AC07940.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1471A6C419DD11FF40AC07940.ttl index 6539ebf6e33..0bd7d21a591 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1471A6C419DD11FF40AC07940.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1471A6C419DD11FF40AC07940.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex shanxiensis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", No" ; - dwc:authorityName "No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelechiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telphusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No" ; - dwc:species "chloroderces" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", No" ; - dwc:authorityName "No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adoxophyes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No" ; - dwc:species "orana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cushman, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cushman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cushman, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "phthorimaeae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1471E6C4D9DD11ED50B20796D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1471E6C4D9DD11ED50B20796D.ttl index 726c82cbe9f..0d14f36897e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1471E6C4D9DD11ED50B20796D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1471E6C4D9DD11ED50B20796D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex pseudostrigatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "strigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147216C769DD11ED508607EBC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147216C769DD11ED508607EBC.ttl index 86c3319d37c..539be07a869 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147216C769DD11ED508607EBC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147216C769DD11ED508607EBC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex plicopunctatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "indicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147236C499DD11B5408E6796D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147236C499DD11B5408E6796D.ttl index b7f6c054c5d..e81a3b528dc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147236C499DD11B5408E6796D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147236C499DD11B5408E6796D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex pseudocyclus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "cyclus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147246C739DD11ED50A0378B4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147246C739DD11ED50A0378B4.ttl index 6b83087ffce..56492bfd0f2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147246C739DD11ED50A0378B4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147246C739DD11ED50A0378B4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex proportionis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, 2014" ; - dwc:species "bazariae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147266C729DD11D5C08AA7D64.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147266C729DD11D5C08AA7D64.ttl index 25145be68b5..47645508e38 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147266C729DD11D5C08AA7D64.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147266C729DD11D5C08AA7D64.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex protenus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "grandicella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147296C7F9DD11A8C09F87DC9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147296C7F9DD11A8C09F87DC9.ttl index 40d76cd9cb8..f84d32c2141 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147296C7F9DD11A8C09F87DC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147296C7F9DD11A8C09F87DC9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex perpendicularis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parassosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1472F6C7C9DD11C0408F27E04.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1472F6C7C9DD11C0408F27E04.ttl index d17d59cf729..6cd28fdf215 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1472F6C7C9DD11C0408F27E04.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1472F6C7C9DD11C0408F27E04.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex parassosae Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kittel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:species "assosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147306C649DD11DB40B3D7D97.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147306C649DD11DB40B3D7D97.ttl index 3fbcec1740e..2b68fa6cd72 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147306C649DD11DB40B3D7D97.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147306C649DD11DB40B3D7D97.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex obtusoclypeus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "collinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147336C7A9DD11ED50B947B8C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147336C7A9DD11ED50B947B8C.ttl index a97f920f832..05daf51ee04 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147336C7A9DD11ED50B947B8C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147336C7A9DD11ED50B947B8C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex oriens Gupta & Maheshwary 1977" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", No" ; - dwc:authorityName "No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudaletia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No" ; - dwc:species "separate" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147356C659DD11BC008A579DC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147356C659DD11BC008A579DC.ttl index a84991d8dde..681c772c342 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147356C659DD11BC008A579DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147356C659DD11BC008A579DC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex monochroma Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "proportionis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1473B6C609DD11D5C08B67F49.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1473B6C609DD11D5C08B67F49.ttl index 79dc8ad6c63..096f5a4554a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1473B6C609DD11D5C08B67F49.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1473B6C609DD11D5C08B67F49.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex medicarinatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "liuae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147416C169DD11ED50DD27E0E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147416C169DD11ED50DD27E0E.ttl index 98bda8d999c..2b59c6e7ff3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147416C169DD11ED50DD27E0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147416C169DD11ED50DD27E0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex liuae Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "adustantennalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147436C699DD11A8A08D07D00.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147436C699DD11A8A08D07D00.ttl index 0dd638ebec1..ed07368070c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147436C699DD11A8A08D07D00.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147436C699DD11A8A08D07D00.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex lobatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "rufigastor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147456C129DD11AE8081E7DDD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147456C129DD11AE8081E7DDD.ttl index 91037c267e8..a452759ed23 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147456C129DD11AE8081E7DDD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147456C129DD11AE8081E7DDD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex hei Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "concretus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147486C1E9DD11DC809C77BA9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147486C1E9DD11DC809C77BA9.ttl index 1cadd47111a..da280255ae4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147486C1E9DD11DC809C77BA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147486C1E9DD11DC809C77BA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex granulosus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", No" ; - dwc:authorityName "No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No" ; - dwc:species "dahurica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1474B6C109DD11C60086C7E20.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1474B6C109DD11C60086C7E20.ttl index 7485eddae9c..31c62349b34 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1474B6C109DD11C60086C7E20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1474B6C109DD11C60086C7E20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex galbipedis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "anatolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1474E6C1D9DD11ED508897941.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1474E6C1D9DD11ED508897941.ttl index ac16b260d4a..2568e85f77c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1474E6C1D9DD11ED508897941.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1474E6C1D9DD11ED508897941.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex grandicella Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "pseudocollinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147516C069DD11ED508F17941.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147516C069DD11ED508F17941.ttl index ab6a3dc6aeb..0ff7cf9c8d3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147516C069DD11ED508F17941.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147516C069DD11ED508F17941.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex granalvus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", No" ; - dwc:authorityName "No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laspeyresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No" ; - dwc:species "zebeana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "anatolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147536C199DD11DC80A147860.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147536C199DD11DC80A147860.ttl index f7a99ee55a3..e838fbf418a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147536C199DD11DC80A147860.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147536C199DD11DC80A147860.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex grandialphus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "anatolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147546C039DD11ED50B267924.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147546C039DD11ED50B267924.ttl index edb520497a2..4a855cda4b9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147546C039DD11ED50B267924.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147546C039DD11ED50B267924.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex densipunctatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "manaliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147566C029DD11DEC08FD7BD4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147566C029DD11DEC08FD7BD4.ttl index 22a13f9c276..2d12ea1fcd5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147566C029DD11DEC08FD7BD4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147566C029DD11DEC08FD7BD4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex exareola Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "maurotrochanter" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147596C0F9DD11A7A0C5D7DB1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147596C0F9DD11A7A0C5D7DB1.ttl index 47f2343249d..09abe951b0b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147596C0F9DD11A7A0C5D7DB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147596C0F9DD11A7A0C5D7DB1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex cyclus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1475C6C089DD11D900C2E7CB3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1475C6C089DD11D900C2E7CB3.ttl index 321766a9eb5..a28e8f1a9b0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1475C6C089DD11D900C2E7CB3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1475C6C089DD11D900C2E7CB3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex concretus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1475F6C0C9DD11ED50BD9799E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1475F6C0C9DD11ED50BD9799E.ttl index 4ad2c15b854..56aad053173 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1475F6C0C9DD11ED50BD9799E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1475F6C0C9DD11ED50BD9799E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex confluentus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kittel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:species "assosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147626C099DD11ED50DFE79F9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147626C099DD11ED50DFE79F9.ttl index 4f58ec94d68..f45b125bea5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147626C099DD11ED50DFE79F9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147626C099DD11ED50DFE79F9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex collucatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gravenhorst, 1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gravenhorst, 1829" ; - dwc:species "multicinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147656C329DD11ED508907E20.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147656C329DD11ED508907E20.ttl index 231b0a2f62d..3b5b82ae0c2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147656C329DD11ED508907E20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147656C329DD11ED508907E20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex artivultus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "maximalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147676C359DD11AE808CD7925.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147676C359DD11AE808CD7925.ttl index 322f6d9502f..5a8af103911 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147676C359DD11AE808CD7925.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147676C359DD11AE808CD7925.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex atricrus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "granulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1476A6C3E9DD11AE80ACD7D8A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1476A6C3E9DD11AE80ACD7D8A.ttl index 5e4369b6bfa..b4f4430c8f4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1476A6C3E9DD11AE80ACD7D8A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1476A6C3E9DD11AE80ACD7D8A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex apacicarinatus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "kamathi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1476F6C3F9DD11ED50B827E20.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1476F6C3F9DD11ED50B827E20.ttl index 895b1bc858e..9c279a1e717 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1476F6C3F9DD11ED50B827E20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1476F6C3F9DD11ED50B827E20.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex angustaulacis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Zhang Runsheng, No" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang Runsheng, No" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laspeyresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang Runsheng, No" ; - dwc:species "zebeana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "oriens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147716C269DD11ED5088F7E69.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147716C269DD11ED5088F7E69.ttl index 741b4864c5d..9cd92e5781c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147716C269DD11ED5088F7E69.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147716C269DD11ED5088F7E69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex adustantennalis Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "monochroma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147746C239DD11C280B577ED8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147746C239DD11C280B577ED8.ttl index 253fc2495bb..532d707b6a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147746C239DD11C280B577ED8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147746C239DD11C280B577ED8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex absitus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "taenius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B147766C229DD11AB00C4E7DFD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B147766C229DD11AB00C4E7DFD.ttl index cab15a1f4f0..2df9d562714 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B147766C229DD11AB00C4E7DFD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B147766C229DD11AB00C4E7DFD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex acarus Han & Achterberg & Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "granulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1477B6C219DD118E80AA47860.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1477B6C219DD118E80AA47860.ttl index a4c58ad4d01..bc0f773cd22 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1477B6C219DD118E80AA47860.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1477B6C219DD118E80AA47860.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campopleginae Forster 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gravenhorst, 1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gravenhorst, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gmelin, 1790" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin, 1790" ; - dwc:species "difformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B1477F6C2E9DD118200C977C76.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B1477F6C2E9DD118200C977C76.ttl index 299c7aea9e2..1ea3866a472 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B1477F6C2E9DD118200C977C76.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B1477F6C2E9DD118200C977C76.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees Van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Campoplex Gravenhorst 1829" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,832 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sonan, 1930)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sonan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sonan, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "homonae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xizangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "plicopunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "strigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pseudostrigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "confluentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusoclypeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "grandicella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "angustaulacis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "protenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "apacicarinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maheshwary & Gupta, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maheshwary & Gupta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maheshwary & Gupta, 1977" ; - dwc:species "oriens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maheshwary & Gupta, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maheshwary & Gupta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maheshwary & Gupta, 1977" ; - dwc:species "chiuae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Uchida, 1932)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1932)" ; - dwc:species "sauteri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Uchida, 1942)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1942)" ; - dwc:species "graphoritae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kittel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kittel, 2016" ; - dwc:species "assosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "pygmaeus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acarus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "exareola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "granulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longiclypeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "collucatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "proportionis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, 2014" ; - dwc:species "bazariae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "grandialphus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "adustantennalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "liuae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "atricrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "cyclus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pseudocyclus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "taenius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "granalvus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "perpendicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "galbipedis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "artivultus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "medicarinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "densipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "absitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kokujev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "egregius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "maurotrochanter" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "maximalus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parassosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "septentrionalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "shanxiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "concretus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "monochroma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Achterberg & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han, Achterberg & Chen, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xuthomelonus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gupta & Maheshwary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campoplex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gupta & Maheshwary, 1977" ; - dwc:species "anatolus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4A54EFFBA31DC2470FB5B10F0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4A54EFFBA31DC2470FB5B10F0.ttl index c089b37a4d4..4b65b417ced 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4A54EFFBA31DC2470FB5B10F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4A54EFFBA31DC2470FB5B10F0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Singh, Archana; Singh, Paras Nath; Dubey, Nawal Kishore" ; dc:title "Pseudocercospora rauvolfiicola A. Singh, P. N. Singh and N. K. Dubey 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leaf" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leaf" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rauvolfia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leaf" ; - dwc:species "serpentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Mycosphaerellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C105477DB08222405DD2FB33.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C105477DB08222405DD2FB33.ttl index 3727f5f7088..a80b8ba8956 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C105477DB08222405DD2FB33.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C105477DB08222405DD2FB33.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon (Aspidophorodon) obtusus Qiao, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Qiao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiao" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiao" ; - dwc:species "obtusus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Aspidophorodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verma" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verma" ; - dwc:species "harvensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Aspidophorodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10C476BB082204C5A26FC5B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10C476BB082204C5A26FC5B.ttl index 21f2d1f45e7..23f37f11755 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10C476BB082204C5A26FC5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10C476BB082204C5A26FC5B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon Verma 1967" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,49 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Polygonum)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Polygonum" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polygonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polygonaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polygonales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Polygonum)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Salix)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Salix" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Salicaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Salicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Salix)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eoessigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10E476AB08227C05A7AF8D8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10E476AB08227C05A7AF8D8.ttl index 06dd5206079..929284d4999 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10E476AB08227C05A7AF8D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10E476AB08227C05A7AF8D8.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon (Aspidophorodon) cornuatus Qiao, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Qiao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiao" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiao" ; - dwc:species "cornuatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Aspidophorodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verma" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verma" ; - dwc:species "harvensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Aspidophorodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10F476BB08224835A8FFB5C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10F476BB08224835A8FFB5C.ttl index 2cbd2d38963..7d91ecea9c1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10F476BB08224835A8FFB5C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C10F476BB08224835A8FFB5C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,34 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of the aphid genus Aspidophorodon Verma, 1967 with descriptions of three new species from China (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Verma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verma" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:authorityName "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eoessigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11A477BB08224225B87FEBE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11A477BB08224225B87FEBE.ttl index af4734f04e5..9518e2154f3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11A477BB08224225B87FEBE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11A477BB08224225B87FEBE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) longituberculatus Zhang, Zhong & Zhang 1992, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992", "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992: 382" ; + dwc:authority "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992: 382" ; dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "382" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; @@ -64,85 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Richards" ; - dwc:authorityName "Richards" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richards" ; - dwc:species "longicauda" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eoessigia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chakrabarti & Maity" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chakrabarti & Maity" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Indotuberoaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chakrabarti & Maity" ; - dwc:species "sorbi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eoessigia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:authorityName "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eoessigia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Margituberculatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "David, Rajasingh & Narayanan, 1972" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eoessigia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; @@ -157,12 +78,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidophorodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Eoessigia" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -216,12 +131,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; dwc:genus "Margituberculatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11B477FB08227CF5C62FD64.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11B477FB08227CF5C62FD64.ttl index 516eba1e2d2..e3a0bba4a1e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11B477FB08227CF5C62FD64.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11B477FB08227CF5C62FD64.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Eoessigia David, Rajasingh & Narayanan 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992", "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992: 381" ; + dwc:authority "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang, 1992: 381" ; dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Zhong & Zhang" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "381" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11F477BB08226E05EF3FCD8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11F477BB08226E05EF3FCD8.ttl index b397c954461..ed81b3a9bc0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11F477BB08226E05EF3FCD8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B4C11F477BB08226E05EF3FCD8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Zhang, Bin; Zhu, Xichao; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Aspidophorodon (Eoessigia) sorbi Chakrabarti & Maity 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA1FFF1FF6E5BCAFB204E7F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA1FFF1FF6E5BCAFB204E7F.ttl index 860ec8b8bbe..a4bca2976c2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA1FFF1FF6E5BCAFB204E7F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA1FFF1FF6E5BCAFB204E7F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia skulei Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "skulei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karisch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Karisch." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karisch." ; - dwc:species "albimaculana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA3FFF7FF6E5928FD864DAB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA3FFF7FF6E5928FD864DAB.ttl index 671b49c07c8..5c49ab07962 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA3FFF7FF6E5928FD864DAB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA3FFF7FF6E5928FD864DAB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia Karisch 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,82 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Diakonoff, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diakonoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracontogena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diakonoff, 1970" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hubner, 1816" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epinotia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucosma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1928" ; - dwc:species "deltozyga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Danilevsky & Kuznetzov, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Danilevsky & Kuznetzov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulcrifera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Danilevsky & Kuznetzov, 1968" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diakonoff, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diakonoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxysemaphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diakonoff, 1973" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA4FFF3FF6E5DFDFF684DDF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA4FFF3FF6E5DFDFF684DDF.ttl index 4953a1bab07..1dd52bcd68a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA4FFF3FF6E5DFDFF684DDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA4FFF3FF6E5DFDFF684DDF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia kingstoni Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "kingstoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA5FFF3FF6E5A81FBEA48B9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA5FFF3FF6E5A81FBEA48B9.ttl index e51e95e0b2a..1400c3b03b3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA5FFF3FF6E5A81FBEA48B9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA5FFF3FF6E5A81FBEA48B9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia purana Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "purana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF1FF6E5921FB144B9F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF1FF6E5921FB144B9F.ttl index 4a813218bef..6d38eeb8120 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF1FF6E5921FB144B9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF1FF6E5921FB144B9F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia agassizi Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "agassizi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF2FF6E5D41FE204A04.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF2FF6E5D41FE204A04.ttl index a36170e5be3..fd5cf783a88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF2FF6E5D41FE204A04.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA7FFF2FF6E5D41FE204A04.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia dallastai Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "dallastai" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -91,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFF9FF6E5E77FCD94EC7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFF9FF6E5E77FCD94EC7.ttl index cb13d6a2af4..48c25545862 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFF9FF6E5E77FCD94EC7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFF9FF6E5E77FCD94EC7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia andersi Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "andersi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karisch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Karisch." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karisch." ; - dwc:species "albimaculana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -106,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFFEFF6E5C64FE7D4A97.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFFEFF6E5C64FE7D4A97.ttl index 73e6243df4b..0eeaa424f30 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFFEFF6E5C64FE7D4A97.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFA8FFFEFF6E5C64FE7D4A97.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia albimaculana Karisch 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFACFFFAFF6E59F5FA2A4B7A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFACFFFAFF6E59F5FA2A4B7A.ttl index 2033a5898e9..5e7edaa8a47 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFACFFFAFF6E59F5FA2A4B7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFACFFFAFF6E59F5FA2A4B7A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,22 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karisch" ; - dwc:species "albimaculana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E59A7FB9F4A6B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E59A7FB9F4A6B.ttl index 069923a61e5..33f02e93877 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E59A7FB9F4A6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E59A7FB9F4A6B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia fibigeri Aarvik & Karisch, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aarvik & Karisch" ; - dwc:species "fibigeri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diakonoff. However" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diakonoff. However" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracontogena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diakonoff. However" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; dwc:genus "Multiquaestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E5DDCFE5B4983.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E5DDCFE5B4983.ttl index ac2f42d8740..dbf61d5446d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E5DDCFE5B4983.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B6FFAFFFF9FF6E5DDCFE5B4983.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aarvik, Leif; Karisch, Timm" ; dc:title "Multiquaestia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D00E0457DA025AA60ACF8B3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D00E0457DA025AA60ACF8B3.ttl index 143f2fd2bb7..7ef8e3e304b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D00E0457DA025AA60ACF8B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D00E0457DA025AA60ACF8B3.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Monotheca flexuosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,132 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:species "margaretta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "pulchella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Johnston, 1847)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Johnston" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Johnston, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "obliqua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Calder 1997)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Calder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Calder, 1997)" ; - dwc:species "margaretta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Watson 2011 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Watson, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1816" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamarck, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gil & Ramil, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gil & Ramil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gil & Ramil, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bergstadi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; @@ -206,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -258,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D01E0467DA022C06186FB8D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D01E0467DA022C06186FB8D.ttl index 3a86d7e9384..7520073a7fb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D01E0467DA022C06186FB8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D01E0467DA022C06186FB8D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Monotheca gibbosa Calder & Faucci 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -65,336 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "McCrady" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McCrady, 1859" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Johnston, 1847)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Johnston" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Johnston, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "obliqua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kirchenpauer, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kirchenpauer, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "hyalina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "pulchella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "spinulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1894)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:species "margaretta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Picard, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Picard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Picard, 1951" ; - dwc:species "posidoniae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Watson, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watson, 1973" ; - dwc:species "togata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Watson 2011 a)", "Watson, 2011 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watson, 2011" ; - dwc:species "amphibola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gil & Ramil, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gil & Ramil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gil & Ramil, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bergstadi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mulder & Trebilcock, 1911)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mulder & Trebilcock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mulder & Trebilcock, 1911)" ; - dwc:species "excavata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mulder & Trebilcock, 1911)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mulder & Trebilcock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mulder & Trebilcock, 1911)" ; - dwc:species "crateriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Leloup, 1971)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leloup, 1971)" ; - dwc:species "vervoorti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Watson 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watson, 1973" ; - dwc:species "epibracteolosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Watson, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watson, 1973" ; - dwc:species "meretricia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bale, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1881" ; - dwc:species "goldsteini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. Agardh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Sargassaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sargassum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fucales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agardh, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "J. V. F. Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Sargassaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Turbinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fucales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; @@ -408,22 +77,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Monotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0417DA0252E6609F8D7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0417DA0252E6609F8D7.ttl index 68c4cd8dc47..47de6fa90ef 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0417DA0252E6609F8D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0417DA0252E6609F8D7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Tridentata loculosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Thornely, 1904" ; dwc:authorityName "Thornely" ; dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; @@ -100,68 +98,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1920" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "perpusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "argentea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -175,12 +111,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -227,12 +158,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0437DA0202960B1FD01.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0437DA0202960B1FD01.ttl index 676c472db51..c4e3406924a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0437DA0202960B1FD01.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D04E0437DA0202960B1FD01.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Tridentata orthogonalis Calder & Faucci 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -69,220 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maronna, Miranda, Pena Cantero, Barbeitos & Marques" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Symplectoscyphidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maronna, Miranda, Pena Cantero, Barbeitos & Marques, 2016" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bale, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "loculosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thornely, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thornely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thornely, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "rugosissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "turbinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stechow, 1919 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Symplectoscyphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicaularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stechow, 1919)" ; - dwc:species "tongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "tongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1920" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1925 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1925" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borradaile, 1905)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borradaile" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borradaile, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "maldivensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2010" ; - dwc:species "ephemera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "tongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Song, Lyu, Ruthensteiner, Wang & Gravili, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Song, Lyu, Ruthensteiner, Wang & Gravili" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Symplectoscyphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicaularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Song, Lyu, Ruthensteiner, Wang & Gravili, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -296,22 +81,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -352,12 +128,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D06E0427DA024126177FEB1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D06E0427DA024126177FEB1.ttl index bf192ba4a30..b4d4f74e591 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D06E0427DA024126177FEB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D06E0427DA024126177FEB1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Tridentata rugosissima" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1937 b" ; dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; @@ -84,100 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Broch, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broch, 1914" ; - dwc:species "hupferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vannucci Mendes, 1946" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vannucci Mendes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Trebouxiophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Chlorellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Geminella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Chlorellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Chlorophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vannucci Mendes, 1946" ; - dwc:species "subtilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "argentea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1920" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "perpusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -191,12 +96,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -243,12 +143,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0427DA026C26095F9B6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0427DA026C26095F9B6.ttl index f083f808b2b..7793809f8b1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0427DA026C26095F9B6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0427DA026C26095F9B6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Tridentata turbinata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,285 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "philippina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "turbinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kirchenpauer, 1864)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kirchenpauer, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "marginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allman, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allman, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "tumida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stechow, 1919 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stechow, 1919)" ; - dwc:species "perpusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1920" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1852" ; - dwc:species "trigonostoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neppi, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neppi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neppi, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:species "crisioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bosc, 1802" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bosc, 1802" ; - dwc:species "disticha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pictet, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pictet, 1893" ; - dwc:species "moluccana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "pumila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "operculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. Agassiz, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. Agassiz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphisbetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agassiz, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "argentea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Submarine" ; - dwc:authorityName "Submarine" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atlantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Submarine" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -359,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -411,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0457DA020776048FDE9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0457DA020776048FDE9.ttl index cf551ca4dbc..32acc237a1d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0457DA020776048FDE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D07E0457DA020776048FDE9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Bicaularia tongensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,22 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1938" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1938" ; - dwc:species "exilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Symplectoscyphidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04C7DA0213F65EFF9A1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04C7DA0213F65EFF9A1.ttl index d8e810621f9..c674471950f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04C7DA0213F65EFF9A1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04C7DA0213F65EFF9A1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Halopteris longibrachia Calder & Faucci, 2021, nom. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913", "Billard, 1913: 25" ; + dwc:authority "Billard, 1913: 25" ; dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "25" ; dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; @@ -64,177 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Busk, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Billard, 1913)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Billard, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "sibogae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:species "polymorpha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galea, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2008" ; - dwc:species "vervoorti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1911" ; - dwc:species "sibogae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Antennella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Capnodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stechow, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Halopterididae" ; - dwc:genus "Corhiza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stechow, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "valdiviae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Halopterididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thamnopteros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Halopterididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thamnopteros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2020" ; - dwc:species "uniserius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vervoort, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vervoort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vervoort, 1966" ; - dwc:species "infundibulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Expedition. Schuchert (1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Expedition. Schuchert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siboga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Expedition. Schuchert, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; @@ -296,12 +125,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "polymorpha" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04D7DA0278F6046F9EE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04D7DA0278F6046F9EE.ttl index 6d7e0b8a5e1..05b06305bab 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04D7DA0278F6046F9EE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D08E04D7DA0278F6046F9EE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Halopteris alternata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,12 +48,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Nutting, 1900)", "Nutting, 1900: 62" ; + dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900: 62" ; dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "62" ; dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; @@ -68,7 +65,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Heller, 1868)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Heller" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; @@ -83,116 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Verrill, 1873 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Verrill, 1873)" ; - dwc:species "tenella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vannucci, 1951)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vannucci" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vannucci, 1951)" ; - dwc:species "billardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schuchert, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schuchert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schuchert, 1997" ; - dwc:species "platygonotheca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Calder et al. 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Calder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calder, 2003" ; - dwc:species "violae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galea, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2008" ; - dwc:species "vervoorti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Heller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Heller, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "diaphena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; @@ -206,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D09E04F7DA02062615EFA89.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D09E04F7DA02062615EFA89.ttl index 1f614efbac3..b5da01a1e75 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D09E04F7DA02062615EFA89.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D09E04F7DA02062615EFA89.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Aglaophenia postdentata Billard 1913" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,69 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:species "pluma" ; - dwc:variety "sibogae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "pluma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "pluma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; @@ -124,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0AE04E7DA0229A64F1FD75.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0AE04E7DA0229A64F1FD75.ttl index 9197f6c8704..d45c8d4b4ed 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0AE04E7DA0229A64F1FD75.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0AE04E7DA0229A64F1FD75.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Aglaophenia suensonii Jaderholm 1896" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "pluma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bale, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1881" ; - dwc:species "parvula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0BE0517DA0258667F2FD01.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0BE0517DA0258667F2FD01.ttl index 9dd1b0eb5f3..b84fb9cf1f7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0BE0517DA0258667F2FD01.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0BE0517DA0258667F2FD01.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Aglaophenia whiteleggei Bale 1888" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Bale, 1888: 794", "Lamouroux, 1812" ; + dwc:authority "Bale, 1888: 794" ; dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "794" ; dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; @@ -64,52 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hargitt, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hargitt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hargitt, 1927" ; - dwc:species "nuttingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hargitt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hargitt, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "nuttingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0CE0497DA0267664F1F870.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0CE0497DA0267664F1F870.ttl index b7515973532..40b094a087b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0CE0497DA0267664F1F870.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0CE0497DA0267664F1F870.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Plumularia strictocarpa Pictet 1893" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; @@ -66,37 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1816" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamarck, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "warreni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; @@ -110,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE0487DA02677677FF964.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE0487DA02677677FF964.ttl index 32374df9aa5..e5dfdc53d8b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE0487DA02677677FF964.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE0487DA02677677FF964.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Pycnotheca producta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,12 +49,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Bale, 1881)", "Bale, 1881: 39" ; + dwc:authority "Bale, 1881: 39" ; dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "39" ; dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; @@ -68,129 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "van Hasselt & Temminck, 1823" ; - dwc:authorityName "van Hasselt & Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van Hasselt & Temminck, 1823" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1883" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jickeli, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jickeli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kirchenpaueria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jickeli, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oswaldella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allman, 1883)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allman, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blackburn, 1938)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blackburn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blackburn, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "biseptata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; @@ -204,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Kirchenpaueriidae" ; dwc:genus "Pycnotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE04B7DA0202565EDF825.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE04B7DA0202565EDF825.ttl index 41bad582516..cbb15225751 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE04B7DA0202565EDF825.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D0DE04B7DA0202565EDF825.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Antennella secundaria" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -80,82 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ansin Agis, Ramil & Vervoort, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ansin Agis, Ramil & Vervoort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Antennella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Capnodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ansin Agis, Ramil & Vervoort, 2001" ; - dwc:species "confusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Halopterididae" ; - dwc:genus "Monostaechas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Antennella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Capnodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1877" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "submarine" ; - dwc:authorityName "Submarine" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atlantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Submarine" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; @@ -169,12 +93,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Antennella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Capnodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -268,12 +187,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Halopterididae" ; dwc:genus "Monostaechas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D10E0577DA0216667B8FEB1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D10E0577DA0216667B8FEB1.ttl index 065724f468e..f49c655d87e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D10E0577DA0216667B8FEB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D10E0577DA0216667B8FEB1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Macrorhynchia phoenicea" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -82,133 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Busk, 1882)" ; - dwc:sensu "lato" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plumulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plumularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1852" ; - dwc:species "aurita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "rostrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1883" ; - dwc:species "spectabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pictet, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pictet, 1893" ; - dwc:species "disjuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:species "sibogae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pictet, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "disjuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchanpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchanpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchanpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "philippina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D14E0537DA024D06735FD92.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D14E0537DA024D06735FD92.ttl index 51d76555511..4697c755d6e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D14E0537DA024D06735FD92.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D14E0537DA024D06735FD92.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Lytocarpia flexuosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,282 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1907" ; - dwc:species "giardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lamouroux" from authority ; - dwc:authority "flexuosus" ; - dwc:authorityName "flexuosus (Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "flexuosus, 1816" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flexuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1923 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1923" ; - dwc:species "bifida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kirchenpauer, 1872)", ", Kirchenpauer (1872)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kirchenpauer, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "plumiferus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Millard, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Millard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Millard, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "solidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Millard 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Millard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Millard, 1962" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "umbellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lamouroux" from authority ; - dwc:authority "flexuosus (Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:authorityName "flexuosus (Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1816) flexuosus, 1816" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flexuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marktanner-Turneretscher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:species "postdentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaderholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:species "suensonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bale, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1888" ; - dwc:species "whiteleggei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stechow, 1919 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stechow, 1919)" ; - dwc:species "phyteuma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "philippina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Busk, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Busk, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "var. flexuosus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "var. flexuosus" ; - dwc:species "flexuosus" ; - dwc:variety "flexuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; @@ -362,11 +85,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -407,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D16E0527DA025E367FEFAA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D16E0527DA025E367FEFAA5.ttl index 172de1dbafa..203c3ec37e0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D16E0527DA025E367FEFAA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D16E0527DA025E367FEFAA5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Lytocarpia phyteuma" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,13 +62,12 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1876" ; dwc:species "phyteuma" ; - dwc:subGenus "Calathophora" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b", "Stechow, 1919 b: 139" ; + dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b: 139" ; dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "139" ; dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; @@ -85,191 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leloup, 1930 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leloup, 1930" ; - dwc:species "leopoldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Whitelegge, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Whitelegge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whitelegge, 1899" ; - dwc:species "clavicula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "myriophyllum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Heller, 1868) (Vervoort & Watson 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vervoort & Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Heller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Heller, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "kirchenpaueri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "pluma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1874 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taxella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1874" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marktanner-Turneretscher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; @@ -283,22 +96,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Lytocarpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName , ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -335,17 +139,11 @@ dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "phyteuma" ; - dwc:subGenus "Calathophora" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -363,12 +161,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Thecocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D17E0557DA022BE64F1FA15.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D17E0557DA022BE64F1FA15.ttl index 6e9b063cc20..8bd1351770e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D17E0557DA022BE64F1FA15.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D17E0557DA022BE64F1FA15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Macrorhynchia philippina Kirchenpauer 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -66,162 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "urens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ritchie, 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ritchie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ritchie, 1907" ; - dwc:species "crosslandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1913" ; - dwc:species "philippinus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "atlanticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1885" ; - dwc:species "perforata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Macrorhynchia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kirchenpauer, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "philippinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Stypocaulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Halopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Sphacelariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nutting, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "alternata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lytocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1905" ; - dwc:species "balei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nutting, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "balei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; @@ -235,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -287,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D22E0667DA026E766A7FD75.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D22E0667DA026E766A7FD75.ttl index a4bf7a0fd85..6c9d6d88568 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D22E0667DA026E766A7FD75.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D22E0667DA026E766A7FD75.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:title "Pennaria disticha Goldfuss 1820" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2AE06E7DA022B96674F9F9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2AE06E7DA022B96674F9F9.ttl index 06f7943c2f6..9b3e572ff78 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2AE06E7DA022B96674F9F9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2AE06E7DA022B96674F9F9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Hebellopsis sibogae Billard 1942" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,305 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Expedition Sta." ; - dwc:authorityName "Expedition Sta." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siboga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Expedition Sta." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1872" ; - dwc:species "philippina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pieper, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pieper" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Lafoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lafoea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pieper, 1884" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leloup, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laomedea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leloup, 1935" ; - dwc:species "michaelsarsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebellopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leloup, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "michaelsarsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hincks, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hincks, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "pocillum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pieper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scandia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pieper, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1821" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Lafoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lafoea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scandia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hadzi, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hadzi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebellopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hadzi, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hadzi, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hadzi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Croatella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hadzi, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthohebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ritchie, 1907)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ritchie" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campanularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ritchie, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1913 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bedotella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halisiphonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haeckel, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Staurodiscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haeckel, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cornelius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cornelius, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thornely, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thornely" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campanularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thornely, 1904" ; - dwc:species "corrugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; @@ -357,31 +58,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; dwc:genus "Hebellopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2BE0717DA021BA6085FAFD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2BE0717DA021BA6085FAFD.ttl index adb42f153da..7c059125070 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2BE0717DA021BA6085FAFD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2BE0717DA021BA6085FAFD.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Clytia brevithecata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,81 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Leloup, 1935)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leloup, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "hummelincki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Clytiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laomedea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leloup, 1935" ; - dwc:species "hummelincki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gibbons & Ryland, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gibbons & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gibbons & Ryland, 1989" ; - dwc:species "edentula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; @@ -155,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2CE0697DA026776143FC18.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2CE0697DA026776143FC18.ttl index 5c6848f6da2..08e5785e0c4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2CE0697DA026776143FC18.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2CE0697DA026776143FC18.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Sphaerocoryne bedoti Pictet 1893" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Maggioni" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maggioni" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerocorynidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kudacoryne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maggioni" ; - dwc:species "diaphana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kramp, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kramp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerocorynidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphysilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kramp, 1955" ; - dwc:species "pyramidata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(McCrady, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McCrady" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerocorynidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerocoryne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McCrady, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "agassizii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sphaerocorynidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2DE06B7DA02412664DF961.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2DE06B7DA02412664DF961.ttl index 8216d5effe3..e9ebf42246e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2DE06B7DA02412664DF961.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2DE06B7DA02412664DF961.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Eudendrium merulum Watson 1985" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,143 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ehrenberg, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehrenberg, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "ramosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "L. Agassiz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agassiz, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "von Lendenfeld, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "von Lendenfeld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Lendenfeld, 1885" ; - dwc:species "generale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hargitt, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hargitt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hargitt, 1927" ; - dwc:species "pusillum" ; - dwc:variety "amoyicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Watson, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Watson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watson, 1985" ; - dwc:species "kirkpatricki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1938 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1938" ; - dwc:species "breve" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", DNA" ; - dwc:authorityName "DNA" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dna" ; - dwc:species "merulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cornelius, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cornelius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cornelius, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; @@ -198,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; dwc:genus "Eudendrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Eudendriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2FE06D7DA023D666FEFBA9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2FE06D7DA023D666FEFBA9.ttl index c69d6bed9f7..3cf022fcebd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2FE06D7DA023D666FEFBA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D2FE06D7DA023D666FEFBA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Hebella furax Millard 1957" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -81,264 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Capnodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Antennella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Capnodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1791)" ; - dwc:species "secundaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorhynchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Busk, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1888" ; - dwc:species "whiteleggei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1933" ; - dwc:species "dyssymetra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthohebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boero, Bouillon & Kubota, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mayer, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mayer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Toxorchis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "kellneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mayer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Staurodiscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mayer, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "kellneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. Agassiz, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. Agassiz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laodiceidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agassiz, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(M. Sars, 1863)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "M. Sars" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Tiarannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stegopoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sars, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "plicatile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Russell, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Russell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Tiarannidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Russell, 1940" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1888" ; - dwc:species "striata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allman, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allman, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "venusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ritchie, 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ritchie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campanularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ritchie, 1907" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scandia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ciamician" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ciamician, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "parasitica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; @@ -352,22 +94,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; dwc:genus "Hebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -408,12 +141,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hebellidae" ; dwc:genus "Anthohebella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D31E0777DA0253A603EFE79.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D31E0777DA0253A603EFE79.ttl index 4a0756a725c..24aa1563068 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D31E0777DA0253A603EFE79.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D31E0777DA0253A603EFE79.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Nemalecium lighti" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,12 +49,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Hargitt, 1924)", "Hargitt, 1924: 489" ; + dwc:authority "Hargitt, 1924: 489" ; dwc:authorityName "Hargitt" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "489" ; dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hargitt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1924" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; dwc:genus "Halecium" ; @@ -101,7 +97,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Johnston, 1838)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Johnston" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; @@ -117,51 +112,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bouillon, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouillon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemalecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouillon, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galea, Ferry & Bertot, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galea, Ferry & Bertot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemalecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, Ferry & Bertot, 2012" ; - dwc:species "gracile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hincks, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hincks, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; @@ -175,22 +125,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; dwc:genus "Nemalecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Haleciidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D32E0767DA0253A613CF82D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D32E0767DA0253A613CF82D.ttl index a59ff2b0404..abeeed471a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D32E0767DA0253A613CF82D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D32E0767DA0253A613CF82D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Sertularella affinicostata Calder & Faucci 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Leloup, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Leloup" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; @@ -66,165 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gray, 1848" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaderholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaderholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaderholm, 1896" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nutting 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nutting" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nutting, 1905" ; - dwc:species "crenulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vervoort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:species "paucicostata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vervoort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:species "pseudocostata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(d'Orbigny, 1842)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "patagonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leloup, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leloup, 1935" ; - dwc:species "peculiaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vervoort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vervoort, 1993" ; - dwc:species "helenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galea, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galea, 2010" ; - dwc:species "fraseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; @@ -238,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D34E0737DA0220E67CAFAA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D34E0737DA0220E67CAFAA5.ttl index c07267ffa89..9b7d695aabe 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D34E0737DA0220E67CAFAA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D34E0737DA0220E67CAFAA5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Clytia elsaeoswaldae Stechow 1914" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,8 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(M. Sars, 1850)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "M. Sars", "Sars" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sars" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1850" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; @@ -84,113 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Clarke, 1907)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Clarke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Clarke, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "obliqua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Clytiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thornely, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thornely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thornely, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "brevithecata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thornely, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thornely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thornely, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "linearis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(McCrady, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McCrady" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McCrady, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "noliformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Gibbons & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gibbons & Ryland" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gibbons & Ryland" ; - dwc:species "linearis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; @@ -204,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D36E0727DA022F660BBFCE5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D36E0727DA022F660BBFCE5.ttl index 591d048c60f..0764b6d3246 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D36E0727DA022F660BBFCE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D36E0727DA022F660BBFCE5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Clytia linearis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,85 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Billard, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Billard, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "gravieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campanularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1904" ; - dwc:species "gravieri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Clytia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; - dwc:species "hemisphaerica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Alder, 1856)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Alder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Alder, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "johnstoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; @@ -159,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D37E0757DA024366097FDE9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D37E0757DA024366097FDE9.ttl index 5a96e81724f..175828b7701 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D37E0757DA024366097FDE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D37E0757DA024366097FDE9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Clytia noliformis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,83 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aglaopheniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaophenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1888" ; - dwc:species "whiteleggei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calder & Faucci" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gibbons & Ryland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gibbons & Ryland, 1989)" ; - dwc:species "orthogonalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hartlaub, 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartlaub" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthopyxis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartlaub, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "crenata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. Agardh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Sargassaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sargassum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fucales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agardh, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; @@ -157,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Clytia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D39E07F7DA027C76158FE21.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D39E07F7DA027C76158FE21.ttl index 6da535da78d..95f91e42981 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D39E07F7DA027C76158FE21.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D39E07F7DA027C76158FE21.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Disertasia disticha Calder & Faucci 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -52,12 +51,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Bosc, 1802)", "Bosc, 1802", "Bosc, 1802: 101" ; + dwc:authority "Bosc, 1802: 101" ; dwc:authorityName "Bosc" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "101" ; dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; @@ -87,223 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bosc, 1802)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bosc, 1802)" ; - dwc:species "disticha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. Agardh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Sargassaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sargassum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fucales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agardh, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McCrady" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McCrady, 1859" ; - dwc:species "cornicina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "pumila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1920" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tridentata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1919 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1919" ; - dwc:species "perpusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neppi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neppi, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neppi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:species "cavolini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pictet, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pictet, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "moluccana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:species "crisioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bosc, 1797" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1797" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Hydridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bosc, 1797" ; - dwc:species "quinternana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphisbetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "distans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1816" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1816" ; - dwc:species "distans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -317,12 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -387,12 +162,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3DE07B7DA0247A6639FA15.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3DE07B7DA0247A6639FA15.ttl index 8f3c756cbdf..71c79117587 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3DE07B7DA0247A6639FA15.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3DE07B7DA0247A6639FA15.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Sertularella angulosa Bale 1894" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,234 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Coughtrey, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Coughtrey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coughtrey, 1876" ; - dwc:species "robusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "von Lendenfeld, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "von Lendenfeld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Lendenfeld, 1885" ; - dwc:species "microgona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1925 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1925" ; - dwc:species "inconstans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1925 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1925" ; - dwc:species "keiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1874 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1874" ; - dwc:species "gayi" ; - dwc:variety "robusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trebilcock, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trebilcock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trebilcock, 1928" ; - dwc:species "quasiplana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trebilcock, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trebilcock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trebilcock, 1928" ; - dwc:species "robusta" ; - dwc:variety "quasiplana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allman, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allman, 1876" ; - dwc:species "integra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lamouroux, 1821) (Moura et al. 2011)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moura et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamouroux, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "gayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "polyzonias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stechow, 1923 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stechow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stechow, 1923" ; - dwc:species "megista" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Clark, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1877" ; - dwc:species "robusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirchenpauer, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirchenpauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirchenpauer, 1884" ; - dwc:species "albida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Alder, 1856)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Alder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Alder, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "tenella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3EE07A7DA021666120FC71.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3EE07A7DA021666120FC71.ttl index a7f1640531b..37245ca75e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3EE07A7DA021666120FC71.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3EE07A7DA021666120FC71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Sertularella areyi Nutting 1904" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,71 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mulder & Trebilcock, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mulder & Trebilcock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulder & Trebilcock, 1915" ; - dwc:species "annulaventricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bale, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bale, 1915" ; - dwc:species "undulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billard, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billard, 1939" ; - dwc:species "tricincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Millard, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Millard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sertularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Millard, 1964" ; - dwc:species "capensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "delicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertularellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3FE07D7DA023336108FDCD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3FE07D7DA023336108FDCD.ttl index f26ae27c88e..60b99276c62 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3FE07D7DA023336108FDCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B70D3FE07D7DA023336108FDCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Calder, Dale R.; Faucci, Anuschka" ; dc:title "Disertasia crisioides Calder & Faucci 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1824", "Lamouroux, 1824: 613" ; + dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1824: 613" ; dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "613" ; dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; @@ -84,100 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1812" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bosc, 1802)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Pennariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pennaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anthoathecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bosc, 1802)" ; - dwc:species "disticha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pictet, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pictet, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "moluccana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campanulinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opercularella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "pumila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neppi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neppi, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neppi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neppi, 1917" ; - dwc:species "cavolini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; @@ -191,12 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Disertasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -243,12 +144,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hydrozoa" ; - dwc:family "Sertulariidae" ; dwc:genus "Dynamena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leptothecata" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687B7FFE6F8690B9A82DFFE9BFC2E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687B7FFE6F8690B9A82DFFE9BFC2E.ttl index a1432786dcb..d26ff088e65 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687B7FFE6F8690B9A82DFFE9BFC2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687B7FFE6F8690B9A82DFFE9BFC2E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Khalili, Zahra; Rahimian, Hassan; Pazooki, Jamile" ; dc:title "Tytthosoceros lizardensis Newman and Cannon 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3AFF31FF1024AD7EB4FCB9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3AFF31FF1024AD7EB4FCB9.ttl index 72205235409..7e871bc37ae 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3AFF31FF1024AD7EB4FCB9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3AFF31FF1024AD7EB4FCB9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harvey, Michael B.; Ugueto, Gabriel N.; Gutberlet, Ronald L." ; dc:title "Medopheos Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet 2012, New Genus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,68 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bocourt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bocourt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameiva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bocourt, 1874" ; - dwc:species "edracantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1827" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holcosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Harvey, Ugueto & Gutberlet, 2012)" ; - dwc:species "niceforoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bocourt)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bocourt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Medopheos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bocourt, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "edracanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; @@ -117,11 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3EFF37FF1020C77B98FBCF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3EFF37FF1020C77B98FBCF.ttl index c7e2b266516..0e99bc31e0d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3EFF37FF1020C77B98FBCF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFF3EFF37FF1020C77B98FBCF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harvey, Michael B.; Ugueto, Gabriel N.; Gutberlet, Ronald L." ; dc:title "Tupinambinae Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,8 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier", "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier." ; - dwc:authorityName "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier", "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier." ; + dwc:authority "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; + dwc:authorityName "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; @@ -58,105 +56,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Daudin", "Daudin." ; - dwc:authorityName "Daudin", "Daudin." ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupinambis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daudin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spix" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocodilurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Daudin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Daudin" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daudin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dumeril and Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumeril and Bibron" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salvator" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Presch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Presch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Presch, 1974" ; - dwc:tribe "Teiini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Presch" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Presch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Presch, 1974" ; - dwc:tribe "Tupinambini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1827" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; @@ -169,11 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFD8FFD6FF10244F785AFC46.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFD8FFD6FF10244F785AFC46.ttl index dc4e8957d9c..5ca62dc97e7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFD8FFD6FF10244F785AFC46.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFD8FFD6FF10244F785AFC46.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harvey, Michael B.; Ugueto, Gabriel N.; Gutberlet, Ronald L." ; dc:title "Aurivela Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet 2012, New Genus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,129 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameiva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bell, 1843" ; - dwc:species "longicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bell)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aurivela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bell, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "longicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cabrera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cabrera" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aurivela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cabrera, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "tergolaevigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameivula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spix, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "ocellifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidoscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "sexlineata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baird & Girard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidoscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baird & Girard, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "gularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baird & Girard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidoscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baird & Girard, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "marmorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baird & Girard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidoscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baird & Girard, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "tigris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFE6FFEFFF1022CF788DFA8D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFE6FFEFFF1022CF788DFA8D.ttl index d5b9e827c7f..675c9f7c62b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFE6FFEFFF1022CF788DFA8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFE6FFEFFF1022CF788DFA8D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harvey, Michael B.; Ugueto, Gabriel N.; Gutberlet, Ronald L." ; dc:title "Ameiva Incertae, Incertae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,51 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ruthven" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruthven" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameiva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruthven" ; - dwc:species "concolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Colli et al.)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Colli" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemidophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Colli)" ; - dwc:species "parecis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Colli, Costa, Garda, Kopp, Mesquita, Peres, Valdujo, Vieira & Wiederhecker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameiva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Colli, Costa, Garda, Kopp, Mesquita, Peres, Valdujo, Vieira & Wiederhecker, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "parecis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFF5FFFCFF10231B7EC4FA77.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFF5FFFCFF10231B7EC4FA77.ttl index 2a3344ccedb..0eb4050bd04 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFF5FFFCFF10231B7EC4FA77.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BBFFF5FFFCFF10231B7EC4FA77.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harvey, Michael B.; Ugueto, Gabriel N.; Gutberlet, Ronald L." ; dc:title "Teiinae Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,8 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier", "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier. In" ; - dwc:authorityName "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier", "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier. In" ; + dwc:authority "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; + dwc:authorityName "Estes, de Queiroz, and Gauthier" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; @@ -58,78 +56,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Merrem" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merrem" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merrem" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harvey & Ugueto & Gutberlet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harvey, Ugueto & Gutberlet, 2012" ; - dwc:subFamily "Callopistinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Presch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Presch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Presch, 1974" ; - dwc:tribe "Teiini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Presch", "sensu Presch (1974 a)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Presch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Presch, 1974" ; - dwc:tribe "Tupinambini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1827" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; @@ -142,11 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Teiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F529FF256D39FB6325BB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F529FF256D39FB6325BB.ttl index 2b7193125fe..108e689042d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F529FF256D39FB6325BB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F529FF256D39FB6325BB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Neoseiulus californicus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F52AFF25680AFED3201D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F52AFF25680AFED3201D.ttl index 8e655a27d7c..fe6b3ee0e27 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F52AFF25680AFED3201D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA0F52AFF25680AFED3201D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Neoseiulus bicaudus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Han et al. 2020)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Han" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aleyrodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bemisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Han, 2020)" ; - dwc:species "tabaci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA1F52BFF256872FAC4224D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA1F52BFF256872FAC4224D.ttl index 41de35f3874..b95e736aed6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA1F52BFF256872FAC4224D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA1F52BFF256872FAC4224D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Amblyseius tsugawai Ehara 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F527FF256D98FE1224D3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F527FF256D98FE1224D3.ttl index dc61d3d439d..869afc2a47c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F527FF256D98FE1224D3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F527FF256D98FE1224D3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(McMurtry et al. 2013)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McMurtry" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McMurtry, 2013)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256BFBFDB42410.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256BFBFDB42410.ttl index f5855400137..ac7514eef57 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256BFBFDB42410.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256BFBFDB42410.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Neoseiulus imbricatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,21 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gupta 1986)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gupta" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "India" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gupta, 1986)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256F3FFDAB2044.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256F3FFDAB2044.ttl index 381b3e153aa..d5219d4ae60 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256F3FFDAB2044.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA2F528FF256F3FFDAB2044.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Neoseiulus makuwa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA3F529FF25689AFE5121B0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA3F529FF25689AFE5121B0.ttl index 4193473b59b..875aa16801f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA3F529FF25689AFE5121B0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA3F529FF25689AFE5121B0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Neoseiulus cucumeris" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,51 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Alydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachelium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "caeruleum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sadana & Kanta 1971)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sadana & Kanta" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "India" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sadana & Kanta, 1971)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neoseiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 1948" ; - dwc:species "barkeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52BFF256D93FDFB24D3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52BFF256D93FDFB24D3.ttl index b7159cd1dff..d5c778a6e44 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52BFF256D93FDFB24D3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52BFF256D93FDFB24D3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Amblyseius tamatavensis Blommers 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Carl von Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Piperaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Piper" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Piperales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carl von Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "betle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF25689DFD6A20B0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF25689DFD6A20B0.ttl index fca66b5a774..3fe62763589 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF25689DFD6A20B0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF25689DFD6A20B0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Amblyseius sinuatus De Leon 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF256BFBFC9625BE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF256BFBFC9625BE.ttl index 89d11b4ffd5..ef2326cbaaa 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF256BFBFC9625BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA6F52CFF256BFBFC9625BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Amblyseius largoensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,52 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1768" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lauraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Persea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Laurales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill, 1768" ; - dwc:species "americana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gupta 1978)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gupta" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "India" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gupta, 1978)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirst" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Raoiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirst, 1924" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA7F52DFF2568BBFC4321EE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA7F52DFF2568BBFC4321EE.ttl index 41e8521ebf8..bf3d2da9e80 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA7F52DFF2568BBFC4321EE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA7F52DFF2568BBFC4321EE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Amblyseius andersoni" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,34 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thunberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1783" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rutaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Skimmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunberg, 1783" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "R.A.Salisbury" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bouvardia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Salisbury, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F521FF256C65FB1427CF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F521FF256C65FB1427CF.ttl index 5e877e12a94..3153c187102 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F521FF256C65FB1427CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F521FF256C65FB1427CF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) recki Wainstein 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F522FF256EEEFECA20A9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F522FF256EEEFECA20A9.ttl index a5e3310094c..d8cb24dd5cf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F522FF256EEEFECA20A9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFA8F522FF256EEEFECA20A9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) dossei Schicha 1978" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Proteaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Proteales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C.Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Ficidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ficus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "carica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF25694EFF062393.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF25694EFF062393.ttl index e2e9ccf4783..738f3ff2db4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF25694EFF062393.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF25694EFF062393.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,21 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Narayanan & Ghai 1961)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Narayanan & Ghai" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "India" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Narayanan & Ghai, 1961)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF256EB2FE592129.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF256EB2FE592129.ttl index b2bc2c92b2f..b070e334962 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF256EB2FE592129.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFABF521FF256EB2FE592129.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) vulgaris Ehara 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256A03FD4823FE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256A03FD4823FE.ttl index 32fc99ec937..45d5358710b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256A03FD4823FE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256A03FD4823FE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Galendromus (Galendromus) occidentalis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256D16FABF21CC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256D16FABF21CC.ttl index 09d43d4f1e2..61551fd8852 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256D16FABF21CC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFACF526FF256D16FABF21CC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Meyerius immutatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF25680BFBEF238C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF25680BFBEF238C.ttl index 2aac69e5d66..5bfa3956710 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF25680BFBEF238C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF25680BFBEF238C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Proprioseiopsis asetus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF256E88FA4B2107.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF256E88FA4B2107.ttl index bfc4c19521e..647f97fe0af 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF256E88FA4B2107.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFADF527FF256E88FA4B2107.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Proprioseiopsis neotropicus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF522FF256D27FE62232F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF522FF256D27FE62232F.ttl index 3037c60339c..43e8da507d8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF522FF256D27FE62232F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF522FF256D27FE62232F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) ueckermanni Liao & Ho & Ko 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Liao & Ho & Ko, 2021", "Liao & Ho" ; + dwc:authority "Liao & Ho" ; dwc:authorityName "Liao & Ho & Ko" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -47,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Database (Demite et al. 2020)" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Database (Demite et al., 2020)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wainstein & Arutunjan, T." ; - dwc:authorityName "Wainstein & Arutunjan, T." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wainstein & Arutunjan, T." ; - dwc:species "bagdasarjani" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anthoseius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wainstein, T." ; - dwc:authorityName "Wainstein, T." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wainstein, T." ; - dwc:species "recki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anthoseius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Oudemans)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oudemans, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "rhenanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anthoseius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; @@ -122,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Anthoseius" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -140,11 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF2568C8FB5123E4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF2568C8FB5123E4.ttl index 6e8fa583099..49948ab845b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF2568C8FB5123E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF2568C8FB5123E4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) caudiglans Schuster 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF256A4BFDA724DC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF256A4BFDA724DC.ttl index ee9e23083b6..64b3dd892d1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF256A4BFDA724DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFAFF525FF256A4BFDA724DC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Metaseiulus (Metaseiulus) pomi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFB5F53FFF256BFBFE892585.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFB5F53FFF256BFBFE892585.ttl index aa18b6373ae..94e4f27ca94 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFB5F53FFF256BFBFE892585.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BCFFB5F53FFF256BFBFE892585.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liao, Jhih-Rong; Ho, Chyi-Chen; Ko, Chiun-Cheng" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) pyri Scheuten 1857" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFF6F5E8C41CAFE6FAA6FFDB0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFF6F5E8C41CAFE6FAA6FFDB0.ttl index c48ff18f1b3..25f85d35317 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFF6F5E8C41CAFE6FAA6FFDB0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFF6F5E8C41CAFE6FAA6FFDB0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus morator Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "madens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA15E4141CAFBAFA8A3FB37.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA15E4141CAFBAFA8A3FB37.ttl index cf35888a3b6..127de99b8c7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA15E4141CAFBAFA8A3FB37.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA15E4141CAFBAFA8A3FB37.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus vexabilis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,51 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "ariolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "podagricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "subfrustratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA25E4041CAFD6AA8B8FC2A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA25E4041CAFD6AA8B8FC2A.ttl index 83179a9e7cc..33ffa3bb821 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA25E4041CAFD6AA8B8FC2A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA25E4041CAFD6AA8B8FC2A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus shepardi Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "intonsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ludicer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA35E4341CAFE42A836FD69.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA35E4341CAFE42A836FD69.ttl index 3cf6a6be09a..22706f8c8eb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA35E4341CAFE42A836FD69.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA35E4341CAFE42A836FD69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus guagua Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,82 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP. Von" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP. Von" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "SHARP. Von" ; - dwc:species "addendus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "nebulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "nebulo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1938" ; - dwc:species "schmidti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "lancifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA55E4541CAFE5AA879FBC8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA55E4541CAFE5AA879FBC8.ttl index 9396530b3de..7bfee950a10 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA55E4541CAFE5AA879FBC8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA55E4541CAFE5AA879FBC8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus brevivestis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "chasqui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA65E4441CAFEF2AAEFFE78.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA65E4441CAFEF2AAEFFE78.ttl index 42ebb6652e7..810e097317e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA65E4441CAFEF2AAEFFE78.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA65E4441CAFEF2AAEFFE78.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus anatipenis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "ornativentris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ. Von" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ. Von" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "PUTHZ. Von" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA95E4941CAFCA8A82EFCA0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA95E4941CAFCA8A82EFCA0.ttl index b8f4ca03792..8ce22ced758 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA95E4941CAFCA8A82EFCA0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFA95E4941CAFCA8A82EFCA0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus tim Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ. Von" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ. Von" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "PUTHZ. Von, 1988" ; - dwc:species "huggerti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Struyve" ; - dwc:authorityName "Struyve" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Struyve" ; - dwc:species "tim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFAB5E4A41CAFF50A86EFE5F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFAB5E4A41CAFF50A86EFE5F.ttl index 72ddc2463c4..ecd5492c93c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFAB5E4A41CAFF50A86EFE5F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFAB5E4A41CAFF50A86EFE5F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus paraguyanus BERNHAUER 1923" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,23 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER T" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer T, 1921" ; - dwc:species "argentinus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2141CAFF50AB1FFA97.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2141CAFF50AB1FFA97.ttl index b2b68591dfc..9f656478086 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2141CAFF50AB1FFA97.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2141CAFF50AB1FFA97.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus quipu Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "similigenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1928" ; - dwc:species "purus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2641CAFAF8AA46FCA8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2641CAFAF8AA46FCA8.ttl index 3d86cd09a81..6133d08211e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2641CAFAF8AA46FCA8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC05E2641CAFAF8AA46FCA8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus inutilis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "quipu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "similigenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC15E2041CAFE92AB89F9D8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC15E2041CAFE92AB89F9D8.ttl index eac88c0eb37..4cd516b0de5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC15E2041CAFE92AB89F9D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC15E2041CAFE92AB89F9D8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus pilosivestis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1917" ; - dwc:species "cinereus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC25E2041CAFEB0AAB4FF20.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC25E2041CAFEB0AAB4FF20.ttl index 0f4e3f71115..31e41d75a32 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC25E2041CAFEB0AAB4FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC25E2041CAFEB0AAB4FF20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus lindemanni Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC35E2341CAFF50A863FEDC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC35E2341CAFF50A863FEDC.ttl index e1cd8ceba03..0919e58643c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC35E2341CAFF50A863FEDC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC35E2341CAFF50A863FEDC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus lapsus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1921" ; - dwc:species "elongatiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "ariolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "curtipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC55E2541CAFAA8A82FF9D7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC55E2541CAFAA8A82FF9D7.ttl index c64458c4e77..d04c5f563d5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC55E2541CAFAA8A82FF9D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC55E2541CAFAA8A82FF9D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus struyvei Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,82 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1916" ; - dwc:species "panamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "vagans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "harpagonifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Struyve" ; - dwc:authorityName "Struyve" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Struyve" ; - dwc:species "tim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC65E2441CAFB5FAA0AFB27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC65E2441CAFB5FAA0AFB27.ttl index fb7332b01c5..0c84ace7656 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC65E2441CAFB5FAA0AFB27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC65E2441CAFB5FAA0AFB27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus repentinus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "chiriquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC85E2E41CAFF50AB8EFE5A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC85E2E41CAFF50AB8EFE5A.ttl index 3adbc221b40..376e3ce8365 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC85E2E41CAFF50AB8EFE5A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFC85E2E41CAFF50AB8EFE5A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus igarapecola Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1876" ; - dwc:species "genalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCA5E2841CAFAC0AB55FA28.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCA5E2841CAFAC0AB55FA28.ttl index 03bfeecd54f..5650776b56a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCA5E2841CAFAC0AB55FA28.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCA5E2841CAFAC0AB55FA28.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus graciliformis Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "ariolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "anguinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1876" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCB5E2B41CAFBE2AB9AFACF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCB5E2B41CAFBE2AB9AFACF.ttl index da35a580503..fba1c2679e3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCB5E2B41CAFBE2AB9AFACF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCB5E2B41CAFBE2AB9AFACF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus dilativentris Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCE5E2D41CAFA4FABDCFEDF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCE5E2D41CAFA4FABDCFEDF.ttl index aea3064d636..40ec2e6d7f3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCE5E2D41CAFA4FABDCFEDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCE5E2D41CAFA4FABDCFEDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus inexoptatus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,69 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1938" ; - dwc:species "pulvinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2014" ; - dwc:species "macehualli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "tabascensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCF5E2F41CAFE3FA8B2FEDF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCF5E2F41CAFE3FA8B2FEDF.ttl index 1f3015d9b7d..07d0ed9a344 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCF5E2F41CAFE3FA8B2FEDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFCF5E2F41CAFE3FA8B2FEDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus incisiventris Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "similigenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1876" ; - dwc:species "parae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFC6AABFCFB22.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFC6AABFCFB22.ttl index 65b0a97776b..af24c82da06 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFC6AABFCFB22.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFC6AABFCFB22.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus antillensis L. BENICK 1917" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "acestes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFD3FA8B4FC68.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFD3FA8B4FC68.ttl index bda85d5ba9b..f10d754a265 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFD3FA8B4FC68.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD75E3641CAFD3FA8B4FC68.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus acestes PUTHZ 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "antillensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "lavinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD95E3941CAFE10AA5AFDF7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD95E3941CAFE10AA5AFDF7.ttl index d98be31e3c3..561466fc123 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD95E3941CAFE10AA5AFDF7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFD95E3941CAFE10AA5AFDF7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus surinamus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "ariolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "aculeatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rectipunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDA5E3841CAFF50AAB0FEBF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDA5E3841CAFF50AAB0FEBF.ttl index 76376de6b5d..751160fe338 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDA5E3841CAFF50AAB0FEBF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDA5E3841CAFF50AAB0FEBF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus similigenus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "quipu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDB5E3A41CAFF50AD2CF9EC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDB5E3A41CAFF50AD2CF9EC.ttl index 3b246e88182..6fc2cdb7edd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDB5E3A41CAFF50AD2CF9EC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDB5E3A41CAFF50AD2CF9EC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus sharkeyi Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,84 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "aculeatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rectipunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "surinamus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "balzani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDE5E3D41CAFAE6AA9CFEB9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDE5E3D41CAFAE6AA9CFEB9.ttl index aac903cfd7c..ece25d987eb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDE5E3D41CAFAE6AA9CFEB9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFDE5E3D41CAFAE6AA9CFEB9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus ocrearius Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "podagricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1938" ; - dwc:species "herbaceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE06F15FF09FDEC9CD2FE74.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE06F15FF09FDEC9CD2FE74.ttl index ce8ae1d1c7d..665891e94ba 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE06F15FF09FDEC9CD2FE74.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE06F15FF09FDEC9CD2FE74.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rehman, Abdur; Huo, Qing-Bo; Du, Yu-Zhou" ; dc:title "Sweltsa lateoblonga Rehman, Du & Huo 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Rehman & Huo & Du, 2022", "Rehman, Du & Huo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehman & Huo & Du", "Rehman, Du & Huo" ; + dwc:authority "Rehman, Du & Huo" ; + dwc:authorityName "Rehman, Du & Huo" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2009" ; - dwc:species "wui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tierno de Figueroa & Fochetti, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tierno de Figueroa & Fochetti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tierno de Figueroa & Fochetti, 2002" ; - dwc:species "yunnan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhiltzova & Levanidova 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhiltzova & Levanidova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhiltzova & Levanidova, 1978" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFA84AA70F9C1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFA84AA70F9C1.ttl index 7088cac48e3..1616a5eb78a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFA84AA70F9C1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFA84AA70F9C1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus perforatus CASEY 1884" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "laceratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFCD9ABB1FB32.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFCD9ABB1FB32.ttl index e968aa3dc0f..a2a0291e459 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFCD9ABB1FB32.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFCD9ABB1FB32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus lutzi NOTMAN 1920" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 1972" ; - dwc:species "eremitoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFEFAAB67FCF7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFEFAAB67FCF7.ttl index 3bfdbf9976d..81d9793fc35 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFEFAAB67FCF7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE45E0541CAFEFAAB67FCF7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus laetipes SHARP 1886" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -66,22 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1884" ; - dwc:species "laetulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE65E0441CAFAF9AA79FE7A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE65E0441CAFAF9AA79FE7A.ttl index 00315b81019..47382f9353c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE65E0441CAFAF9AA79FE7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE65E0441CAFAF9AA79FE7A.ttl @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "SHARP", "SHARP, 1886: 656" ; + dwc:authority "SHARP, 1886: 656" ; dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "656" ; dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE75E0741CAFADAAA27FCF4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE75E0741CAFADAAA27FCF4.ttl index 92a6939cadc..17539a0a755 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE75E0741CAFADAAA27FCF4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE75E0741CAFADAAA27FCF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus arculus ERICHSON 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -66,21 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ." ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "PUTHZ." ; - dwc:species "destitutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE86F18FF09FD189BA3FA88.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE86F18FF09FD189BA3FA88.ttl index f56ec902a56..bc5f933f941 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE86F18FF09FD189BA3FA88.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFE86F18FF09FD189BA3FA88.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rehman, Abdur; Huo, Qing-Bo; Du, Yu-Zhou" ; dc:title "Sweltsa recurvata Wu 1938" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,119 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Frison" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frison, 1937" ; - dwc:species "occidens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kondratieff & Baumann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondratieff & Baumann, 2009" ; - dwc:species "durfeei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhiltzova & Levanidova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhiltzova & Levanidova, 1978" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhiltzova & Levanidova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhiltzova & Levanidova, 1978" ; - dwc:species "colorata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rehman, Huo & Du" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehman, Huo & Du, 2022" ; - dwc:species "ligula" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2009" ; - dwc:species "wui" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rehman & Huo & Du, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehman & Huo & Du" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sweltsa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehman, Huo & Du, 2022" ; - dwc:species "lateoblonga" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chloroperlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043C7AFA46E1FB34C55E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043C7AFA46E1FB34C55E.ttl index 785b299cde4..18534ae6869 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043C7AFA46E1FB34C55E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043C7AFA46E1FB34C55E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Houben, Albrecht M.; Schwank, Peter; Proesmans, Willem; Bert, Wim; Artois, Tom J." ; dc:title "Carcharodopharynx arcanus (Reisinger, 1924) Poche 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Desmodoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthopharynx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Desmodorida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "arcanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; dwc:family "Carcharodopharyngidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043E7AFA40C0FD78C63E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043E7AFA40C0FD78C63E.ttl index 4a674530d27..6238c0854ad 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043E7AFA40C0FD78C63E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEA043E7AFA40C0FD78C63E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Houben, Albrecht M.; Schwank, Peter; Proesmans, Willem; Bert, Wim; Artois, Tom J." ; dc:title "Carcharodopharynx schlitzensis Houben, Schwank and Artois, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Houben, Schwank and Artois" ; - dwc:authorityName "Houben, Schwank and Artois" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Carcharodopharyngidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carcharodopharynx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Houben, Schwank & Artois" ; - dwc:species "schlitzensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poche, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Poche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Carcharodopharyngidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carcharodopharynx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poche, 1926" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; dwc:family "Carcharodopharyngidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Carcharodopharyngidae" ; dwc:genus "Carcharodopharynx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -105,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEB043D7AFA46E1FC4BC463.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEB043D7AFA46E1FC4BC463.ttl index 62266bc7eae..e6aaba4109a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEB043D7AFA46E1FC4BC463.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEB043D7AFA46E1FC4BC463.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Houben, Albrecht M.; Schwank, Peter; Proesmans, Willem; Bert, Wim; Artois, Tom J." ; dc:title "Adenoplea perigraptopera Reisinger 1924" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,101 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "armata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "paraproxenetes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sayre & Wergin, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sayre & Wergin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayre & Wergin, 1994" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "inermis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "pinguis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "An" ; - dwc:authorityName "An" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "An" ; - dwc:species "weyeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; @@ -153,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFED043A7AFA4268FBD1C5D9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFED043A7AFA4268FBD1C5D9.ttl index 6f8a52bd031..5d7d2f5be5c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFED043A7AFA4268FBD1C5D9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFED043A7AFA4268FBD1C5D9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Houben, Albrecht M.; Schwank, Peter; Proesmans, Willem; Bert, Wim; Artois, Tom J." ; dc:title "Adenoplea meridionalis Kolasa 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEE043B7AFA40C8FEC7C0F8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEE043B7AFA40C8FEC7C0F8.ttl index 354fc636836..c460d0193aa 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEE043B7AFA40C8FEC7C0F8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEE043B7AFA40C8FEC7C0F8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Houben, Albrecht M.; Schwank, Peter; Proesmans, Willem; Bert, Wim; Artois, Tom J." ; dc:title "Adenoplea reisingeri Houben, Proesmans and Artois, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Houben, Proesmans and Artois" ; - dwc:authorityName "Houben, Proesmans and Artois" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Houben, Proesmans & Artois" ; - dwc:species "reisingeri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reisinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reisinger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "perigraptopera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; @@ -104,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Rhabditophora" ; - dwc:family "Typhloplanidae" ; dwc:genus "Adenoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEF5E004196FE6FAD15FA11.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEF5E004196FE6FAD15FA11.ttl index e004bcbfb75..42de28c4443 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEF5E004196FE6FAD15FA11.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFEF5E004196FE6FAD15FA11.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus LATREILLE" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,1692 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "ventralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "podagricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "vestigialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauvel, 1901" ; - dwc:species "denticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "femoridens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LYNCH ARRIBALZAGA" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lynch Arribalzaga, 1884" ; - dwc:species "aenescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "harpagonifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "mantiqueira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "artipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson" ; - dwc:species "jugalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "cuauhtemoc" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "parviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "bullipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "scruposus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER T" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER T" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer T, 1921" ; - dwc:species "argentinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "paraguayanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "spinuliventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ardoricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ritamontium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "densepilosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey" ; - dwc:species "meridionalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "compressus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "colossipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SOLIER" ; - dwc:authorityName "SOLIER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Solier" ; - dwc:species "gayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "scurra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "leptocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "scurrilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "chimalpopoca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FAIRMAIRE & GERMAIN" ; - dwc:authorityName "FAIRMAIRE & GERMAIN" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fairmaire & Germain" ; - dwc:species "pertusus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "plaumannianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "subleptocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "callipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "intonsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "peruvianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "nebulo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson" ; - dwc:species "frontalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "inanis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "aeneocupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SCHEERPELTZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "SCHEERPELTZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scheerpeltz, 1933" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "plaumanniellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "acestes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "achates" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "aeneas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "amata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "anchises" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "antenor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "antillensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ascanius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "cajeta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "collaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "creusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "hippodamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "julus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "latinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "lavinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "memmius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "ogloblini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson" ; - dwc:species "operosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "palinurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "palmipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "addendus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "nebulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "faitoutei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "parcepunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "plaumanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "agenor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "mutgo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "dido" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "pygmalion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "pilosivestis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "lapsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson" ; - dwc:species "teres" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "parcus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "illautus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "cactus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "paraensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "subfrustratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "inexoptatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ S" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ S" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz S, 2007" ; - dwc:species "fronto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "mathani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FAIRMAIRE & GERMAIN" ; - dwc:authorityName "FAIRMAIRE & GERMAIN" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fairmaire & Germain" ; - dwc:species "anthrax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "guagua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "lanceatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "lanceolifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "lancearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "vexabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "sagittifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "miles" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "heres" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "wallisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "scylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp" ; - dwc:species "batesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "commilito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "cincinnifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "pubipenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:authorityName "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauvel" ; - dwc:species "speculifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "saizi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "sanctaecatharinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "spoliatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "insuspicabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "sellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:species "pauloensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "chilensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "lancifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ripicursor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "denudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "nigripontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ludicer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "acunculifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "shepardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF15E1041CAFC34A88AFB31.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF15E1041CAFC34A88AFB31.ttl index 7fe753918b4..53eea1bff80 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF15E1041CAFC34A88AFB31.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF15E1041CAFC34A88AFB31.ttl @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1939: 237", "BERNHAUER. Die Art" ; + dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1939: 237" ; dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER. Die Art" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "237" ; dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF45E2A41CAFA27A82BFB90.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF45E2A41CAFA27A82BFB90.ttl index 167d26ce0ce..96602b92bf1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF45E2A41CAFA27A82BFB90.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF45E2A41CAFA27A82BFB90.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus balzani Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rectipunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "sharkeyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF55E1541CAFAD8AB1BFA52.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF55E1541CAFAD8AB1BFA52.ttl index 9c29ad0b056..f0f49948dec 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF55E1541CAFAD8AB1BFA52.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF55E1541CAFAD8AB1BFA52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus acupictus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 1995" ; - dwc:species "traversifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "sagittarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1641CAFDD7AAE2FCFA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1641CAFDD7AAE2FCFA.ttl index 0c538a231aa..2461085bd23 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1641CAFDD7AAE2FCFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1641CAFDD7AAE2FCFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus metallescens BERNHAUER 1911" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "S. J. Barreiro, 1650" ; - dwc:authorityName "S. J. Barreiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1650" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bocaina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barreiro, 1650" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1835" ; - dwc:species "cupreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "podagricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1741CAFA0AAB58FC27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1741CAFA0AAB58FC27.ttl index 309cd2902ef..49eead52050 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1741CAFA0AAB58FC27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF75E1741CAFA0AAB58FC27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus parae SHARP 1876" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puthz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2017" ; - dwc:species "incisiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF85E1E41CAFBCAAA74FE7C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF85E1E41CAFBCAAA74FE7C.ttl index 7519005692a..034a5fda6c0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF85E1E41CAFBCAAA74FE7C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF85E1E41CAFBCAAA74FE7C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus punctatus ERICHSON" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,211 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ardoricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "cuauhtemoc" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz" ; - dwc:species "ritamontium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASEY, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1884" ; - dwc:species "amabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 2006" ; - dwc:species "chimalpopoca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 1972" ; - dwc:species "compressus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "cubensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASEY, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1884" ; - dwc:species "dissentiens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASEY, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1884" ; - dwc:species "lugens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASEY, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASEY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1884" ; - dwc:species "meridionalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "pueblanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "punctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PUTHZ, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "PUTHZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puthz, 1972" ; - dwc:species "rostellifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF95E1941CAFCFFA833FBC8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF95E1941CAFCFFA833FBC8.ttl index 2c5fdfced7d..be4be4ccb87 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF95E1941CAFCFFA833FBC8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFF95E1941CAFCFFA833FBC8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus nigratus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "arculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick, 1938" ; - dwc:species "actephilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFA5E1841CAFD8FAA4FFC9A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFA5E1841CAFD8FAA4FFC9A.ttl index 416db116d46..84064edb2d9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFA5E1841CAFD8FAA4FFC9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFA5E1841CAFD8FAA4FFC9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus absconditus Puthz 2017, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "arculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP. Von" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP. Von" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "SHARP. Von, 1886" ; - dwc:species "gentilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. BENICK" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benick" ; - dwc:species "callifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFE5E1F41CAFCF0A88DFB77.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFE5E1F41CAFCF0A88DFB77.ttl index 7fbce37b563..cf98a3a75d1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFE5E1F41CAFCF0A88DFB77.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFE5E1F41CAFCF0A88DFB77.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus lugens CASEY 1884" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "cubensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1E41CAFD32AACCFAD8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1E41CAFD32AACCFAD8.ttl index f65399c3841..d47ad16210f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1E41CAFD32AACCFAD8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1E41CAFD32AACCFAD8.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Stenus cubensis BERNHAUER 1910" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1F41CAFABAAAF7FC9F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1F41CAFABAAAF7FC9F.ttl index e62c967651a..eb251f9e167 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1F41CAFABAAAF7FC9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BDFFFF5E1F41CAFABAAAF7FC9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Puthz, Volker" ; dc:title "Stenus dissentiens CASEY 1884" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -66,37 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Co., Guerneville" ; - dwc:authorityName "Co., Guerneville" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sonoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Co., Guerneville" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aarhus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chandler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gordon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chandler, 2001" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF7778FFD98BA46B3AFB13FDB9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF7778FFD98BA46B3AFB13FDB9.ttl index ac500407c89..547223ebd9e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF7778FFD98BA46B3AFB13FDB9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF7778FFD98BA46B3AFB13FDB9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hastings, Philip A.; Findley, Lloyd T." ; dc:title "Chriolepis prolata Hastings & Findley, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hastings & Findley 2013", "Hastings & Findley, 2013", "Hastings and Findley, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hastings & Findley", "Hastings and Findley" ; + dwc:authority "Hastings & Findley, 2013" ; + dwc:authorityName "Hastings & Findley" ; dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Gobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E450E6AEED1FECE29CAFD1D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E450E6AEED1FECE29CAFD1D.ttl index 7b1333e3234..a5c259bc67c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E450E6AEED1FECE29CAFD1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E450E6AEED1FECE29CAFD1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia microsporeta Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hue, 1910" ; - dwc:species "geographica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hertel & Rambold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Korb." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lecanora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Korb.) Hertel & Rambold, 1989" ; - dwc:species "oreinoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E68EED1F86D2961FE19.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E68EED1F86D2961FE19.ttl index 46cc4921651..e42a66df999 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E68EED1F86D2961FE19.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E68EED1F86D2961FE19.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia exserta Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hue, 1910" ; - dwc:species "adamanticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Foucard 2001)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Foucard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foucard, 2001)" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E69EED1FA3D2D6BF8F6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E69EED1FA3D2D6BF8F6.ttl index 3f2be28386f..971e660e3f1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E69EED1FA3D2D6BF8F6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E460E69EED1FA3D2D6BF8F6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia adamanticola Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Foucard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foucard, 2001)" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1F92E2CE9F791.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1F92E2CE9F791.ttl index 8957b11953b..98834b3ad63 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1F92E2CE9F791.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1F92E2CE9F791.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia owaniana Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hue, 1910" ; - dwc:species "verrucigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FB1A2FDBF909.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FB1A2FDBF909.ttl index b59c6d17af5..65bb454d281 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FB1A2FDBF909.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FB1A2FDBF909.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia aomoriana Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hue, 1910" ; - dwc:species "verrucigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FC722EB7FB5D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FC722EB7FB5D.ttl index 2c17440029b..347c2029269 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FC722EB7FB5D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FC722EB7FB5D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia fauriana Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hue, 1910" ; - dwc:species "dimorphodes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nyl." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nyl.) Arnold, 1887" ; - dwc:species "intermutans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FE5E2FCDFCF5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FE5E2FCDFCF5.ttl index ecf3ac2ebc1..09b8e1f6b41 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FE5E2FCDFCF5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687BF9E470E68EED1FE5E2FCDFCF5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paukov, Alexander; Nordin, Anders; Roux, Claude; Moon, Kwang Hee; Davydov, Evgeny" ; dc:title "Aspicilia dimorphodes Hue 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nyl." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspicilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Patellariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nyl.) Arnold, 1887" ; - dwc:species "intermutans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Patellariaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF91FF3D8EFEC61BFED0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF91FF3D8EFEC61BFED0.ttl index 7d6183be013..77b2bd1f10c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF91FF3D8EFEC61BFED0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF91FF3D8EFEC61BFED0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tian, Ming-Yi; Deuve, Thierry" ; dc:title "Actenoncus ater Castelnau" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -98,36 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:species "atratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaud." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaud." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaud." ; - dwc:species "atratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -141,12 +110,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF97FF3D8953C437FC31.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF97FF3D8953C437FC31.ttl index 37cb48768ea..238e651ad5a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF97FF3D8953C437FC31.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF78FF97FF3D8953C437FC31.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tian, Ming-Yi; Deuve, Thierry" ; dc:title "Actenoncus wallacei Tian & Deuve, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7AFF93FF3D8C29C45FFE6B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7AFF93FF3D8C29C45FFE6B.ttl index 93f05897be2..2791dd31359 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7AFF93FF3D8C29C45FFE6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7AFF93FF3D8C29C45FFE6B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tian, Ming-Yi; Deuve, Thierry" ; dc:title "Actenoncus Chaudoir 1871" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,103 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir, 1871" ; - dwc:species "atratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Castelnau), 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Castelnau, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir. The" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir. The" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir. The" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Castelnau), 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Castelnau, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Andrewes), 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andrewes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andrewes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthogonius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andrewes, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "foersteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tian and Deuve, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tian and Deuve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tian & Deuve, 2006" ; - dwc:species "punctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7DFF95FF3D8CE7C641F9F5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7DFF95FF3D8CE7C641F9F5.ttl index caf3ef44675..3fae1a240fc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7DFF95FF3D8CE7C641F9F5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C0EF7DFF95FF3D8CE7C641F9F5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tian, Ming-Yi; Deuve, Thierry" ; dc:title "Actenoncus foersteri Andrewes, new combination" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Andrewes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andrewes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andrewes" ; - dwc:species "foersteri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Andrewes, 1931: 59" ; dwc:authorityName "Andrewes" ; @@ -80,34 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Macleay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Macleay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthogonius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Macleay" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir. Therefore, Andrewes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir. Therefore, Andrewes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir. Therefore, Andrewes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -121,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Actenoncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -173,12 +123,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Orthogonius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD08FE05FC204371.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD08FE05FC204371.ttl index 19b8b062d7d..aed19706bd6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD08FE05FC204371.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD08FE05FC204371.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Sphingidae Latreille 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh, 2014" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sulzer, 1776)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sulzer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sulzer, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sphingidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD10FCF6FC7A459C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD10FCF6FC7A459C.ttl index cc0ddb0144f..6ea5fff39d9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD10FCF6FC7A459C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6DC146FD10FCF6FC7A459C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Tortricidae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh, 2014" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FD19FE7DFE0B4439.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FD19FE7DFE0B4439.ttl index 1493f3e9ac2..29a4b85a5bc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FD19FE7DFE0B4439.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FD19FE7DFE0B4439.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Nepticulidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,21 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Lepidópteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos en Argentina: lista actualizada, distribución y hábitos de vida" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FDE3FBBEFD874614.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FDE3FBBEFD874614.ttl index 7cf2d4c57aa..9c4e65893d7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FDE3FBBEFD874614.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC145FDE3FBBEFD874614.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Pterophoridae Latreille 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ustjuzhanin, Kovtunovich, Yakovlev, Streltzov, 2021)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ustjuzhanin, Kovtunovich, Yakovlev, Streltzov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ustjuzhanin, Kovtunovich, Yakovlev, Streltzov, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh (2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh, 2014" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pterophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC146FD03F9DBFB944162.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC146FD03F9DBFB944162.ttl index a3f7754f48f..f60ae7c27f3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC146FD03F9DBFB944162.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6EC146FD03F9DBFB944162.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Pyralidae Latreille 1809" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,55 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandez y Cabrera Walsh, 2014" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hampson, 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrorrhinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "endonephele" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pastrana 1961) (Hyden y Landry, 2020)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hyden y Landry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pastrana" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arcola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pastrana, 1961)" ; - dwc:species "malloi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6FC144FDE4FB0EFB0546AC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6FC144FDE4FB0EFB0546AC.ttl index d570fccab33..858d93bf552 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6FC144FDE4FB0EFB0546AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA6FC144FDE4FB0EFB0546AC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Gracillariidae Stainton 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA71C15AFDF5FD57FD1A45B4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA71C15AFDF5FD57FD1A45B4.ttl index 0121de1e454..8ac0260b484 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA71C15AFDF5FD57FD1A45B4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA71C15AFDF5FD57FD1A45B4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Schoenobiinae Duponchel 1846" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rupela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Becker y Solis 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker y Solis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rupela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker y Solis, 1990" ; - dwc:species "albina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crambidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD06FC46FBBA448C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD06FC46FBBA448C.ttl index dd925ea02ee..b036e779c14 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD06FC46FBBA448C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD06FC46FBBA448C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Crambidae Latreille 1810" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Bachmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bachmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crambidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD1BF9C5FCB947EE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD1BF9C5FCB947EE.ttl index d4cd31c988e..d802b5a20ca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD1BF9C5FCB947EE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FD1BF9C5FCB947EE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Crambinae Latreille 1810" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1863)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xubida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "infusellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles, 1980)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Loach, Cordo, Ferrer y Runnacles, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crambidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FDF1FB70FDA84623.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FDF1FB70FDA84623.ttl index bc1740671b7..d2e01bea360 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FDF1FB70FDA84623.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1EA72C159FDF1FB70FDA84623.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Romero, Fátima" ; dc:title "Acentropinae Stephens 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,120 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argyractis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lange" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neargyractis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lange, 1956" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forbes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxyelophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forbes, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hübner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parapoynx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hübner, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Solis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Petrophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Solis, 2008)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Solis et al., 2018)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Solis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Usingeriessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Solis, 2018)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Bachmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bachmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crambidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C1FFC8FFA9E2E3F7FBACFDFE23.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C1FFC8FFA9E2E3F7FBACFDFE23.ttl index 34a88a941d0..755e8cf37ae 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C1FFC8FFA9E2E3F7FBACFDFE23.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C1FFC8FFA9E2E3F7FBACFDFE23.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Weihai; Murányi, Dávid" ; dc:title "Cryptoperla teana Li & Murányi 2018, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Li & Muranyi", "Li & Murányi, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Li & Muranyi" ; dwc:authorityName "Li & Murányi" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,546 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Needham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baumann, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baumann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; - dwc:genus "Indonemoura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baumann, 1975" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klapalek, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klapalek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalopsole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klapalek, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zwick & Sivec, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zwick & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zwick & Sivec, 1980" ; - dwc:species "pentagonalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huo & Du, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huo & Du" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huo & Du, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nangongshana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Du, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Du" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Du, 2018" ; - dwc:species "dactylina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu, 1973" ; - dwc:species "aculeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "akha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kawai, 1968 a)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kawai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kawai" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kawai, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "bisaeta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Banks, 1940)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "chiangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sivec, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sivec, 2005" ; - dwc:species "dui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Okamoto, 1912)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Okamoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Okamoto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Okamoto, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "formosana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Banks, 1938)", "(Banks, 1938))" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "fraterna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sivec, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sivec, 1995" ; - dwc:species "fujianica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "hubleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kawai, 1968 b)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kawai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kawai" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kawai, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "ishigakiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Okamoto, 1912)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Okamoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Okamoto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Okamoto, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "kali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "karen" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maruyama, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maruyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maruyama, 2002" ; - dwc:species "kawasawai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "klapaleki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "kosai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "kumari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "meo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "meyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark, 1989" ; - dwc:species "naga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wu, 1973)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wu, 1973)" ; - dwc:species "obtusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wu & Claassen, 1934)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu & Claassen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wu & Claassen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wu & Claassen, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sivec, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sivec, 1995" ; - dwc:species "stilifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Needham, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Needham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham, 1909" ; - dwc:species "torva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stark & Sivec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stark & Sivec, 2007" ; - dwc:species "uchidai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; @@ -601,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Peltoperlidae" ; dwc:genus "Cryptoperla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C2BF3B2E4AFF4CFA19FB8490F1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C2BF3B2E4AFF4CFA19FB8490F1.ttl index 4fcf765ff0c..30d25a9860f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C2BF3B2E4AFF4CFA19FB8490F1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C2BF3B2E4AFF4CFA19FB8490F1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Roháček, Jind ṙich" ; dc:title "Zealantha thorpei Roháček 2007, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,34 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker, 1902" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthomyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anagnota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthomyzidae" ; @@ -94,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthomyzidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C40530B168FCF9D523FC97FB3E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C40530B168FCF9D523FC97FB3E.ttl index f645f65bf20..9168b03e22c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C40530B168FCF9D523FC97FB3E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C40530B168FCF9D523FC97FB3E.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Laivao, Michel O.; Callmander, Martin W.; Buerki, Sven" ; dc:title "Pandanus barbellatus Huynh" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,35 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Huynh 1998)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Huynh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pandanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Foullioya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pandanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Huynh, 1998)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arnback-Christie-Linde" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Ascidiacea" ; - dwc:family "Pyuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterostigma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stolidobranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arnback-Christie-Linde, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Pandanaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C4FFB2FFB8FF747118FF7009A4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C4FFB2FFB8FF747118FF7009A4.ttl index 497edd835f8..89344417322 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C4FFB2FFB8FF747118FF7009A4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C4FFB2FFB8FF747118FF7009A4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De Lima, Catarina L. F.; Lima, Diogo X.; De Souza, Carlos A. F.; De Oliveira, Rafael J. V.; Cavalcanti, Ingrid B.; Gurgel, Luciana M. S.; Santiago, André L. C. M. De A." ; dc:title "Mucor pernambucoensis C. L. Lima, D. X. Lima, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "C. L. Lima, D. X. Lima" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Lima, D. X. Lima" ; - dwc:class "Mucoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Mucoraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Mucor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Mucorales" ; - dwc:phylum "Zygomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lima, Lima" ; - dwc:species "pernambucoensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mucoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Mucoraceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C6F944FFA9A9EE192EFC88FB53.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C6F944FFA9A9EE192EFC88FB53.ttl index e48f8e3e4c1..863baf4a105 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C6F944FFA9A9EE192EFC88FB53.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C6F944FFA9A9EE192EFC88FB53.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yuan, Le-Yang; Zhang, E; Huang, Yan-Fei" ; dc:title "Sinocrossocheilus" ; trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; @@ -30,154 +29,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Zhang and Kottelat, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang and Kottelat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Akrokolioplax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Kottelat, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kuhl" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuhl" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crossocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuhl" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bleeker, 1855" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bleeker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epalzeorhynchos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bleeker, 1855" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popta, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracrossochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popta, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts (1989)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crossocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kottelat, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kottelat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epalzeorhynchos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kottelat, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts (1989)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracrossochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discogobio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Placocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Zhang, 2000" ; dwc:authorityName "Zhang" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C6F94EFFA2A9EE1CF1FBF9FAE5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C6F94EFFA2A9EE1CF1FBF9FAE5.ttl index b9de0f1d976..2922ed17c5e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C6F94EFFA2A9EE1CF1FBF9FAE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C6F94EFFA2A9EE1CF1FBF9FAE5.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yuan, Le-Yang; Zhang, E; Huang, Yan-Fei" ; dc:title "Sinocrossocheilus Wu" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,128 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinocrossocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu" ; - dwc:species "guizhouensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Xin & Lan, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Xin & Lan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hongshuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Xin & Lan, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang, Xin and Lan, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Xin and Lan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hongshuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Xin & Lan, 2008" ; - dwc:species "paoli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasinilabeo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu & Yao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu & Yao" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasinilabeo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu & Yao" ; - dwc:species "assimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhu, Lan & Zhang, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhu, Lan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasinilabeo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhu, Lan & Zhang, 2006" ; - dwc:species "longibarbus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Chen, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Qianlabeo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Chen, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Chen, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Qianlabeo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Chen, 2004" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8000109295791F0655F812.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8000109295791F0655F812.ttl index 60e3526a3bc..dbf6869e30f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8000109295791F0655F812.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8000109295791F0655F812.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris myriamae Berenger 1995" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "myriamae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957C23078AFAB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957C23078AFAB5.ttl index bc1ae804070..859529fbb09 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957C23078AFAB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957C23078AFAB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris mbaya Jeannel 1917" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "mbaya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957FF7028EFE56.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957FF7028EFE56.ttl index d2389baf309..e7e52b82dc4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957FF7028EFE56.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF80001092957FF7028EFE56.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris laevicollis Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "laevicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957C6B065FFBE7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957C6B065FFBE7.ttl index ce1e0361920..8a56a54dd61 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957C6B065FFBE7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957C6B065FFBE7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Cleptocoris leyei Villiers 1963" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cleptocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "leyei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1855" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1855" ; - dwc:species "maurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957E9306F5FD67.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957E9306F5FD67.ttl index a5ecd2b10ca..c8e296d2d91 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957E9306F5FD67.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8B001B92957E9306F5FD67.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Cleptocoris diola Villiers 1963" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cleptocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "diola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Villiers, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villiers, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "diola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E00189295781E028EFEC6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E00189295781E028EFEC6.ttl index ee65c08590e..1a5b31fb11c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E00189295781E028EFEC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E00189295781E028EFEC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Androclus sahelensis Villiers 1971" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Androclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:species "guineensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Androclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "sahelensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Androclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; @@ -106,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; dwc:genus "Androclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E001E929579610026F8D4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E001E929579610026F8D4.ttl index cdd8cb6fb94..effc29c69c5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E001E929579610026F8D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF8E001E929579610026F8D4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Androclus guineensis Villiers 1963" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Androclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "guineensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957BE70731FA63.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957BE70731FA63.ttl index c9db106f32f..059bbd1be5c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957BE70731FA63.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957BE70731FA63.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus funebris Vill. A. Villiers 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Vill. A. Villiers", "Villiers, 1958" ; + dwc:authority "Villiers, 1958" ; dwc:authorityName "Vill. A. Villiers" ; dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "funebris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957C07028EFBDF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957C07028EFBDF.ttl index 16b872b5c91..e250a2589b4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957C07028EFBDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92000292957C07028EFBDF.ttl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "A. Villiers", "Villiers, 1948" ; + dwc:authority "Villiers, 1948" ; dwc:authorityName "A. Villiers" ; dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92003D92957853028EFF53.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92003D92957853028EFF53.ttl index d5bbd93c6b0..7b8dd5b16f6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92003D92957853028EFF53.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF92003D92957853028EFF53.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus nigrotibialis Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "nigrotibialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9700079295791E028EF8F7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9700079295791E028EF8F7.ttl index fe640ec878d..a454d68f3ac 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9700079295791E028EF8F7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9700079295791E028EF8F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Hovacoris bipunctatus Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hovacoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF97000792957FF60735FE73.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF97000792957FF60735FE73.ttl index 5d6e4323b9d..0b6dfadd4dc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF97000792957FF60735FE73.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF97000792957FF60735FE73.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris ululans var. tidikelti Dispons des P. Putshkov 1961" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Dispons des P. Putshkov", "Dispons, 1961" ; + dwc:authority "Dispons, 1961" ; dwc:authorityName "Dispons des P. Putshkov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Rossi)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rossi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rossi, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "ululans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; @@ -77,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "ululans" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957C96067CFAFF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957C96067CFAFF.ttl index f7243f0b378..c6dd2063d72 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957C96067CFAFF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957C96067CFAFF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris pauliani Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "pauliani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957DB60721FC4F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957DB60721FC4F.ttl index bd3ab566674..b34d8d11c64 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957DB60721FC4F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957DB60721FC4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris nigeriensis Villiers 1967" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "nigeriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957FF607DEFD2F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957FF607DEFD2F.ttl index e5304f62d30..d31b3c53c79 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957FF607DEFD2F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FF9E000E92957FF607DEFD2F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Ectomocoris myrmecoides Jeannel 1917" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "myrmecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957BE7000AF8CA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957BE7000AF8CA.ttl index 58a1367ff15..3941ee450dd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957BE7000AF8CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957BE7000AF8CA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus (Brachysandalus) bicolor Villiers 1948" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Villiers, 1948)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachysandalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villiers, 1948)" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957C07028EFBDF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957C07028EFBDF.ttl index 7f99145d3fa..8579a29113f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957C07028EFBDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957C07028EFBDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus vilhenai Villiers 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "vilhenai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957D27028EFCBF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957D27028EFCBF.ttl index 3fdad6a2c5c..1d2982e879c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957D27028EFCBF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957D27028EFCBF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus vermiculatus Villiers 1963" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "vermiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957FF70712FD9F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957FF70712FD9F.ttl index 3a1707d1e17..15f94b4ea01 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957FF70712FD9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA0003092957FF70712FD9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus varipes Fallou 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Fallou", "Fallou, 1891" ; + dwc:authority "Fallou, 1891" ; dwc:authorityName "Fallou" ; dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "hamatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA000339295781A06FEFE9A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA000339295781A06FEFE9A.ttl index e0f947c4c35..6c57e845093 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA000339295781A06FEFE9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFA000339295781A06FEFE9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Mutillocoris tricolor Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mutillocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "tricolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Villiers, 1964)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bekilya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villiers, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "tricolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957A8F065AF83F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957A8F065AF83F.ttl index 92a023b5cc3..f9eb085b242 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957A8F065AF83F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957A8F065AF83F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus tuberculatus Fallou 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mayr, 1865) (Bergroth 1892: 263)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mayr, 1865)" ; - dwc:species "albomaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957BAF0647FA46.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957BAF0647FA46.ttl index 62a2706ab45..0a205401944 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957BAF0647FA46.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957BAF0647FA46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus trimaculatus Fallou 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fallou, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallou" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallou, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "trimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957CCF01CBFB27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957CCF01CBFB27.ttl index 407a7d4a0a8..349969b6da2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957CCF01CBFB27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957CCF01CBFB27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus synavei Villiers 1973" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "synavei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957DEF028EFC07.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957DEF028EFC07.ttl index e5c1a842501..5d3a47eea02 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957DEF028EFC07.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957DEF028EFC07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus pilipes Villiers 1948" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "pilipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957FF702EAFDE6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957FF702EAFDE6.ttl index 16e8d4d96a8..94eb064c2d4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957FF702EAFDE6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFAA003A92957FF702EAFDE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Lestomerus piceipes Villiers 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,24 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Distant, 1902) (Villiers 1968 b: 36)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Distant, 1902)" ; - dwc:species "noctis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB00020929579A1076AF87C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB00020929579A1076AF87C.ttl index 199b30ce493..1c080ca2866 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB00020929579A1076AF87C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB00020929579A1076AF87C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates nigrigenu Fallou 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1855) (Bergroth 1892: 263)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "ochropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957CCE01A7F91F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957CCE01A7F91F.ttl index 7e9085ab8c7..0cb698446c9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957CCE01A7F91F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957CCE01A7F91F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates maculicrus Fairmaire 1858" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Fairm.", "Fairmaire, 1858" ; + dwc:authority "Fairmaire, 1858" ; dwc:authorityName "Fairmaire" ; dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fairmaire, 1858)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fairmaire, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "maculicrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; @@ -88,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957FF60191FC06.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957FF60191FC06.ttl index c58b1aeba6e..9c545c5b94e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957FF60191FC06.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB0002092957FF60191FC06.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates ambiguus Mulsant & Rey 1873" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763) (Puton 1899: 48)", "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; + dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763) (Puton 1899: 48)" ; dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; @@ -66,22 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "stridulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957C06028EFB27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957C06028EFB27.ttl index 14479633dc7..4b92d2151c9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957C06028EFB27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957C06028EFB27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Phalantus madecassus Villiers 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phalantus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "madecassus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957FF602A7FCBF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957FF602A7FCBF.ttl index 28058e09447..7f919276e1e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957FF602A7FCBF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFB5002592957FF602A7FCBF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Peirates spinipes Serville 1831" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Serv.", "Serville, 1831" ; + dwc:authority "Serville, 1831" ; dwc:authorityName "Serville" ; dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Serville, 1831)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Serville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Serville, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "spinipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E929579C2028EF813.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E929579C2028EF813.ttl index 11fbb57097c..baaf1e14607 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E929579C2028EF813.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E929579C2028EF813.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Parapirates cachani Villiers 1959" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parapirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "cachani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957B02003EF9F3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957B02003EF9F3.ttl index 7fb3ab7a955..2068ce9cf39 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957B02003EF9F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957B02003EF9F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pachysandalus orientalis Jeannel 1917" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachysandalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957FF60626FE0E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957FF60626FE0E.ttl index f7d51ad26d6..09b285fa705 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957FF60626FE0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFBE002E92957FF60626FE0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Mutillocoris vadoni Villiers 1968" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mutillocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "vadoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Villers, 1968)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hovacoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villers, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "vadoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC1FFE4FAEF27FEFC48FB8B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC1FFE4FAEF27FEFC48FB8B.ttl index ec6796c4177..673046a7e85 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC1FFE4FAEF27FEFC48FB8B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC1FFE4FAEF27FEFC48FB8B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Smittina migottoi Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,69 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Norman, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Norman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smittina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Norman, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marcus, 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smittina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1949" ; - dwc:species "numa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hincks, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smittoidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hincks, 1884" ; - dwc:species "malleolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hincks, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smittina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hincks, 1880" ; - dwc:species "nitidissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; @@ -121,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Smittinidae" ; dwc:genus "Smittina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC3FFE3FAEF2144FC48FC40.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC3FFE3FAEF2144FC48FC40.ttl index 5fe42ed5422..b92deb54853 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC3FFE3FAEF2144FC48FC40.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC3FFE3FAEF2144FC48FC40.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Arachnopusia haywardi Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -45,53 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Arachnopusiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arachnopusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1854" ; - dwc:species "monoceros" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marcus, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Arachnopusiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arachnopusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1955" ; - dwc:species "pusae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jullien, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jullien" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Arachnopusiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arachnopusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jullien, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hayward & Thorpe, 1988" ; dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Thorpe" ; @@ -343,12 +295,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Arachnopusiidae" ; dwc:genus "Arachnopusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC4FFE8FAEF2670FC45FDEB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC4FFE8FAEF2670FC45FDEB.ttl index 644797e4d41..0d76d744d44 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC4FFE8FAEF2670FC45FDEB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC4FFE8FAEF2670FC45FDEB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Rogicka joannae Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,53 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastigophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:species "scopae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hincks, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Lacernidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rogicka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hincks, 1885" ; - dwc:species "biserialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Florez-Romero et al. 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Florez-Romero et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Lacernidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rogicka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Florez-Romero et al., 2007" ; - dwc:species "biserialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Lacernidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC7FFE5FAEF2264FC46F835.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC7FFE5FAEF2264FC46F835.ttl index 3df269aeab1..c17bdaf2350 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC7FFE5FAEF2264FC46F835.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC7FFE5FAEF2264FC46F835.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Hippomenella amaralae Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,102 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Waters, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Bryocryptellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepralia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waters, 1899" ; - dwc:species "mucronelliformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hutton, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hutton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hutton, 1873" ; - dwc:species "vellicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brown, 1952" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brown" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brown, 1952" ; - dwc:species "bituberosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Livingstone, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Livingstone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Livingstone, 1926" ; - dwc:species "avicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MacGillivray, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "MacGillivray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "MacGillivray, 1891" ; - dwc:species "lateralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tilbrook, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tilbrook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tilbrook, 2006" ; - dwc:species "rudicula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; @@ -154,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Escharinidae" ; dwc:genus "Hippomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC8FFECFAEF2462FB2CFDEB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC8FFECFAEF2462FB2CFDEB.ttl index 2562d523ec7..cfcd7963093 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC8FFECFAEF2462FB2CFDEB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFC8FFECFAEF2462FB2CFDEB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Malakosaria atlantica Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Calwelliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Malakosaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1857" ; - dwc:species "sinclairii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Calwelliidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005192957830011CF871.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005192957830011CF871.ttl index 03f49e74519..cd9cdd69eb9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005192957830011CF871.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005192957830011CF871.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Reduvius carinatus Fabricius 1798" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "de Spinola" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Spinola" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sirthenea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Spinola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1798)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; @@ -80,100 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Villiers, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudolestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Villiers, 1964" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Villiers, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rapites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Villiers, 1948" ; - dwc:species "elongatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fallou, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallou, 1889" ; - dwc:species "grandis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet, 2007" ; - dwc:species "setosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fallou, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallou, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sipolisii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ent. Syst. Suppl." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Reduvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ent. Syst. Suppl." ; - dwc:species "carinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957AAA0602F8AF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957AAA0602F8AF.ttl index dcf01dff051..8ae9b268605 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957AAA0602F8AF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957AAA0602F8AF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Rasahus sipolisii Fallou 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Fallou", "Fallou, 1887" ; + dwc:authority "Fallou, 1887" ; dwc:authorityName "Fallou" ; dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1781) (Bergroth 1892: 262)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "hamatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957C96071FFA1B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957C96071FFA1B.ttl index 490c9b3b021..5d4ab9b5ced 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957C96071FFA1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957C96071FFA1B.ttl @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Berenger et al. 2007", "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berenger", "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet" ; + dwc:authority "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet, 2007" ; + dwc:authorityName "Berenger, Gil-Santana, Pluot-Sigwalt & Blanchet" ; dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957FF6028EFEE3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957FF6028EFEE3.ttl index f53cd4973c5..1dcfb213c2b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957FF6028EFEE3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCA005A92957FF6028EFEE3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pseudolestomerus gracilis Villiers 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudolestomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCBFFEAFAEF222CFF43FF70.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCBFFEAFAEF222CFF43FF70.ttl index 8af68125037..dc0a1a35cda 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCBFFEAFAEF222CFF43FF70.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCBFFEAFAEF222CFF43FF70.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Fenestrulina ampla Canu & Bassler 1928" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,228 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:species "ampla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward, 1980" ; - dwc:species "majuscula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jullien, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jullien" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jullien, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward, 1980" ; - dwc:species "amplissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "cervicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "dupla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moyano, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moyano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moyano, 1985" ; - dwc:species "horrida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Waters, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waters, 1904" ; - dwc:species "exigua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Waters, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waters, 1904" ; - dwc:species "proxima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "marioni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "fritilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "crystallina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "jucunda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Ryland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Ryland, 1990" ; - dwc:species "rugula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; @@ -279,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Microporellidae" ; dwc:genus "Fenestrulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C9295793A073EF83F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C9295793A073EF83F.ttl index a713f632b45..94cc4bb9862 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C9295793A073EF83F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C9295793A073EF83F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates (Cleptocoris) rufescens Villiers 1948" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rambur, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1839" ; - dwc:species "strepitans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957C96013CF9AB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957C96013CF9AB.ttl index c3b5f35003e..7e51d8aebec 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957C96013CF9AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957C96013CF9AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates (Cleptocoris) ochripennis Jeannel 1917" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,23 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "aurigans" ; - dwc:variety "ochripennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957EBA079BFD4B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957EBA079BFD4B.ttl index 28cca2dc740..0ce392200ab 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957EBA079BFD4B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957EBA079BFD4B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates (Cleptocoris) amieti Villiers 1963" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "amieti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schouteden, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schouteden" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schouteden, 1931" ; - dwc:species "confusus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957FF600D6FE2A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957FF600D6FE2A.ttl index f30120af531..00850f7e7dc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957FF600D6FE2A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCC005C92957FF600D6FE2A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pirates perinetensis Villiers 1960" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "perinetensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCEFFEFFAEF2054FEC6FECB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCEFFEFFAEF2054FEC6FECB.ttl index 809a8f03f2e..3b6b6c45982 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCEFFEFFAEF2054FEC6FECB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFCEFFEFFAEF2054FEC6FECB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Cigclisula arborescens" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -46,177 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hincks, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hincks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hincks, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Exochellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Escharoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:species "occlusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hastings, 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hastings" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cigclisula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hastings, 1932" ; - dwc:species "cautium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osburn, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trematooecia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osburn, 1940" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smitt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Bryocryptellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepralia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:species "turrita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Winston, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Colatooecia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winston, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smitt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Porinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:species "serrulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler, 1919" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Adeonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adeona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler, 1919" ; - dwc:species "porosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Celleporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buffonellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Winston, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Celleporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pourtalesella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winston, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Winston & Woollacott, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winston & Woollacott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cigclisula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winston & Woollacott, 2009" ; - dwc:species "gemmea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; @@ -230,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; dwc:genus "Cigclisula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Colatooeciidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -286,12 +106,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD4FFF7FAEF239CFC1DFDA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD4FFF7FAEF239CFC1DFDA5.ttl index 81fbb5563a3..ba3b2e40a61 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD4FFF7FAEF239CFC1DFDA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD4FFF7FAEF239CFC1DFDA5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Amastigia aviculifera Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,149 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "antarctica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Newnesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anderssonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cephalaspidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Newnesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anderssonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cephalaspidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:species "pateriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:species "benemunita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Busk, 1852a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Busk, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "rudis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osburn, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osburn, 1950" ; - dwc:species "biseriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gordon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:species "fiordica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gordon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:species "magna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gordon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gordon, 1986" ; - dwc:species "puysegurensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Candidae" ; @@ -201,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Candidae" ; dwc:genus "Amastigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD7FFF5FAEF239CFB4BF953.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD7FFF5FAEF239CFB4BF953.ttl index 4a72f5e3836..9e4579eaa32 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD7FFF5FAEF239CFB4BF953.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD7FFF5FAEF239CFB4BF953.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Chaperia brasiliensis Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,101 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jullien, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jullien" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jullien, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jullien, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jullien" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jullien, 1881" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamouroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Flustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamouroux, 1824" ; - dwc:species "acanthina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:species "capensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "polygonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Florence, Hayward & Gibbons, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Florence, Hayward & Gibbons" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Florence, Hayward & Gibbons, 2007" ; - dwc:species "septispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; @@ -153,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Chaperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaperia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD8FFFBFAEF2264FA20FAF5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD8FFFBFAEF2264FA20FAF5.ttl index 2a1639a346e..16abe39bf10 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD8FFFBFAEF2264FA20FAF5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD8FFFBFAEF2264FA20FAF5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Cellaria subtropicalis Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; dwc:genus "Cellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD9FFFDFAEF26E4FB48FBDB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD9FFFDFAEF26E4FB48FBDB.ttl index b2356bd85cb..b71fb62e440 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD9FFFDFAEF26E4FB48FBDB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFD9FFFDFAEF26E4FB48FBDB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Melicerita brasiliensis Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,101 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne Edwards, 1836" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1836" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1884" ; - dwc:species "atlantica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lopez Gappa, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lopez Gappa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lopez Gappa, 1981" ; - dwc:species "blancoae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tenison-Woods, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tenison-Woods" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tenison-Woods, 1862" ; - dwc:species "angustiloba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Hu, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Hu, 1991" ; - dwc:species "ligulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "d'Hondt, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "d'Hondt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dHondt, 1984" ; - dwc:species "subantarctica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; @@ -153,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cellariidae" ; dwc:genus "Melicerita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDAFFF9FAEF2264FC5BFF5B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDAFFF9FAEF2264FC5BFF5B.ttl index bf2bdfdf4a7..53a1c4eb703 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDAFFF9FAEF2264FC5BFF5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDAFFF9FAEF2264FC5BFF5B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Isosecuriflustra pinniformis Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,132 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hayward & Winston, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward & Winston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Alloeoflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward & Winston, 1994" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Flustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "angusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Flustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "tenuis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moyano, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moyano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Flustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moyano, 1972" ; - dwc:species "thysanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Hu, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isosecuriflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Hu, 1991" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isosecuriflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "tenuis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isosecuriflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, 1914" ; - dwc:species "angusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moyano, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moyano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isosecuriflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moyano, 1972" ; - dwc:species "thysanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Flustridae" ; @@ -184,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Flustridae" ; dwc:genus "Isosecuriflustra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDC004C92957E6207A6FBDE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDC004C92957E6207A6FBDE.ttl index d09a5dd5dc4..c5539a31f94 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDC004C92957E6207A6FBDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDC004C92957E6207A6FBDE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Reduvius (Eumerus) fenestratus Klug 1830" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Klug, 1830)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectomocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1830)" ; - dwc:species "fenestratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004C9295798A02DBFF52.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004C9295798A02DBFF52.ttl index cf7d3f71c30..46930876912 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004C9295798A02DBFF52.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004C9295798A02DBFF52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Reduvius hamatus Fabricius 1781" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,24 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rasahus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "hamatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957CB20610FAD3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957CB20610FAD3.ttl index 4450c3a3dd3..30cfd5a096f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957CB20610FAD3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957CB20610FAD3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Yingqi; Pluot-Sigwalt, Dominique; Guilbert, Eric; Cai, Wanzhi" ; dc:title "Pachysandalus schoutedeni Villiers 1962" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Pluot-Sigwalt & Guilbert & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachysandalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Pluot-Sigwalt, Guilbert & Cai, 2022" ; - dwc:species "schoutedeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957E2A027BFD77.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957E2A027BFD77.ttl index cfb14c55ded..f52f4c30836 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957E2A027BFD77.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDD004D92957E2A027BFD77.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Sirthenea stria var. pedestris Horvath 1909" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Horv.", "Horvath, 1909" ; + dwc:authority "Horvath, 1909" ; dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -69,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; dwc:genus "Sirthenea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDDFFE1FAEF2469FE4FFE85.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDDFFE1FAEF2469FE4FFE85.ttl index 412c2b793bf..aa72fc97590 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDDFFE1FAEF2469FE4FFE85.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDDFFE1FAEF2469FE4FFE85.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Chorizopora brongniartii Audouin 1826" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFDFAEF26A1FB57F965.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFDFAEF26A1FB57F965.ttl index 798829c789e..f5af7ced7df 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFDFAEF26A1FB57F965.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFDFAEF26A1FB57F965.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Corbuliporina Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. gen." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFEFAEF241CFABAF815.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFEFAEF241CFABAF815.ttl index 52aee9375e3..e35d6d9d070 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFEFAEF241CFABAF815.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFDFFFFEFAEF241CFABAF815.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Corbuliporina crepida Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MacGillivray, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "MacGillivray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cribrilinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbulipora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "MacGillivray, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Cribrilinidae" ; @@ -73,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cribrilinidae" ; dwc:genus "Corbuliporina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF0FFD4FAEF26A1FC4EFE85.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF0FFD4FAEF26A1FC4EFE85.ttl index e306c935e65..d2fd4b02191 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF0FFD4FAEF26A1FC4EFE85.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF0FFD4FAEF26A1FC4EFE85.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Stephanollona angusta Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stephanollona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler, 1923" ; - dwc:species "asper" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Winston & Woollacott, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winston & Woollacott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stephanollona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winston & Woollacott, 2009" ; - dwc:species "propinqua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF2FFD2FAEF25ADFBDCFAAB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF2FFD2FAEF25ADFBDCFAAB.ttl index 50f70175177..c7ad2a0b569 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF2FFD2FAEF25ADFBDCFAAB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF2FFD2FAEF25ADFBDCFAAB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Rhynchozoon coalitum Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,86 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Canu & Bassler, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler, 1928" ; - dwc:species "arborescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johnston, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johnston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnston, 1847" ; - dwc:species "bispinosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marcus, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1937" ; - dwc:species "phrynoglossum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Busk, 1856" ; - dwc:authorityName "Busk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Busk, 1856" ; - dwc:species "rostratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smitt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smitt, 1873" ; - dwc:species "verruculatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF6FFD4FAEF227CFAABF848.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF6FFD4FAEF227CFAABF848.ttl index cb4046cb7bd..4266e890f26 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF6FFD4FAEF227CFAABF848.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF6FFD4FAEF227CFAABF848.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Stephanollona arborescens Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Phidoloporidae" ; dwc:genus "Stephanollona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF7FFD7FAEF2411FC4EF960.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF7FFD7FAEF2411FC4EF960.ttl index 9633cc290f8..53c819d2958 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF7FFD7FAEF2411FC4EF960.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFF7FFD7FAEF2411FC4EF960.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Aulopocella americana Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Maplestone, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maplestone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Lekythoporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulopocella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maplestone, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maplestone, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maplestone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Lekythoporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulopocella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maplestone, 1903" ; - dwc:species "tubulifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Lekythoporidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Lekythoporidae" ; dwc:genus "Aulopocella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFAFFD9FAEF239CFB4BFB05.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFAFFD9FAEF239CFB4BFB05.ttl index 5fa0d746ab5..08f765edc5c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFAFFD9FAEF239CFB4BFB05.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFAFFD9FAEF239CFB4BFB05.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Conescharellina cookae Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFBFFDBFAEF27FCFB7DFDA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFBFFDBFAEF27FCFB7DFDA5.ttl index e2708f8ab66..e3b1e529c01 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFBFFDBFAEF27FCFB7DFDA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C7FFFBFFDBFAEF27FCFB7DFDA5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vieira, Leandro M.; Gordon, Dennis P.; Souza, Facelucia B. C.; Haddad, Maria Angélica" ; dc:title "Conescharellina bocki Vieira, Gordon, Souza & Haddad, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,32 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Home Page." ; - dwc:authorityName "Home Page." ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Home Page." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "d'Hondt, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "d'Hondt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Orbituliporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerulobryozoon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dHondt, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; dwc:family "Conescharellinidae" ; @@ -84,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Conescharellinidae" ; dwc:genus "Conescharellina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -113,10 +81,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Bryozoa" ; dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "order", "phylum" ; + dwc:rank "phylum" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075734FD9E2C6FEB8FC3D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075734FD9E2C6FEB8FC3D.ttl index 56e7818005a..7eb389db046 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075734FD9E2C6FEB8FC3D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075734FD9E2C6FEB8FC3D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania rufa Chen & Wang. Illustrations 1980" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Chen & Wang, 1980", "Chen & Wang. A" ; + dwc:authority "Chen & Wang, 1980" ; dwc:authorityName "Chen & Wang. Illustrations" ; dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chen & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Wang, 1980" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075754FD9E0F6FA1CF941.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075754FD9E0F6FA1CF941.ttl index 59e32cbffd4..4cbeeedf1a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075754FD9E0F6FA1CF941.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA075754FD9E0F6FA1CF941.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania Chen & Wang 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,102 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chen & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen & Wang. Illustrations" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Wang. Illustrations, 1980" ; - dwc:species "rufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "flavipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "fulvotigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sichuanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cangshanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bhutanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA375754FD9E64CFAD0FBAC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA375754FD9E64CFAD0FBAC.ttl index 04a0a88e831..7a3e66e646c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA375754FD9E64CFAD0FBAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA375754FD9E64CFAD0FBAC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania Chen & Wang 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,138 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argopistes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1860" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bechyne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bechyne" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bhamoina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bechyne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weise" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weise" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chilocoristes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weise, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maulik" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maulik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jacobyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maulik, 1926" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen & Zia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen & Zia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Omeisphaera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Zia, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parargopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentamesa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harold, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stephens. However" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stephens. However" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaeroderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens. However" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA4757F4FD9E6D7FE27FEB5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA4757F4FD9E6D7FE27FEB5.ttl index 9a571cf9baa..a50c0dd2bc1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA4757F4FD9E6D7FE27FEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA4757F4FD9E6D7FE27FEB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania cangshanensis Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan", "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bhutanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cangshanensisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA675714FD9E066FCBFFD79.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA675714FD9E066FCBFFD79.ttl index a37d17a3056..f85f28e09a7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA675714FD9E066FCBFFD79.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA675714FD9E066FCBFFD79.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania bhutanensis Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan", "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cangshanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA8757D4FD9E4BEFD1DF9DB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA8757D4FD9E4BEFD1DF9DB.ttl index 0f5fa75ee7d..f1c8cce9b0a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA8757D4FD9E4BEFD1DF9DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA8757D4FD9E4BEFD1DF9DB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania fulvotigera Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang 2018, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan", "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "flavipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA9757A4FD9E363FCC8FBAC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA9757A4FD9E363FCC8FBAC.ttl index 56b16e2ec2a..81a8867f286 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA9757A4FD9E363FCC8FBAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFA9757A4FD9E363FCC8FBAC.ttl @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan", "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFAA757F4FD9E594FE5AF807.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFAA757F4FD9E594FE5AF807.ttl index ec9c413bdbc..38d3a282dd4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFAA757F4FD9E594FE5AF807.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687C8FFAA757F4FD9E594FE5AF807.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ruan, Yongying; Konstantinov, Alexander S.; Prathapan, K. D.; Zhang, Mengna; Jiang, Shihong; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Meishania flavipennis Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan", "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Konstantinov, Ruan and Prathapan" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruan & Konstantinov & Prathapan & Zhang & Jiang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meishania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruan, Konstantinov, Prathapan, Zhang, Jiang & Yang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "fulvotigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CB87560D24FD3FCB85FEF4FEAB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CB87560D24FD3FCB85FEF4FEAB.ttl index 8ccc3ead2c5..b533c296a35 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CB87560D24FD3FCB85FEF4FEAB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CB87560D24FD3FCB85FEF4FEAB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Minoshima, Yûsuke N.; Iwata, Yasuyuki; Hayashi, Masakazu" ; dc:title "Enochrus (Methydrus) japonicus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,171 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1873)" ; - dwc:species "simulans" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holcophilydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1859" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Say, 1824)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "cinctus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rey, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rey, 1885" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Steinheil, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steinheil" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steinheil, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Melsheimer, 1844)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Melsheimer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Melsheimer, 1844)" ; - dwc:species "fimbriatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(MacLeay, 1871)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "MacLeay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(MacLeay, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "maculiceps" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Steinheil, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steinheil" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steinheil, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "variegatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Hugoscottia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fernandez, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fernandez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernandez, 2006" ; - dwc:species "barituensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herbst, 1797)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herbst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1797" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herbst, 1797)" ; - dwc:species "quadripunctatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Lumetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; @@ -228,24 +62,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Methydrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Enochrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4410A4593C3F94F8360FC20.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4410A4593C3F94F8360FC20.ttl index f025792d333..e40490e4c2d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4410A4593C3F94F8360FC20.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4410A4593C3F94F8360FC20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bespalaya, Yulia V.; Kropotin, Alexander V.; Kondakov, Alexander V.; Aksenova, Olga V.; Gofarov, Mikhail Yu.; Kim, Sang Ki; Lee, Jin Hee; Travina, Oksana V.; Vikhrev, Ilya V.; Vinarski, Maxim V.; Bolotov, Ivan N." ; dc:title "Corbicula elatior VON MARTENS 1905" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Marts.", "VON MARTENS, 1905" ; + dwc:authority "VON MARTENS, 1905" ; dwc:authorityName "VON MARTENS" ; dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; @@ -152,79 +152,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "No.", "no." ; - dwc:authorityName "No." ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "No." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prime, 1864" ; - dwc:species "leana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martens, 1905" ; - dwc:species "colorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Heude" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heude, 1887" ; - dwc:species "papyracea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "from" ; - dwc:authorityName "FROM" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "From" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; @@ -238,12 +165,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; dwc:genus "Corbicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Venerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A419081F8E08369F883.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A419081F8E08369F883.ttl index 0b5fe512792..cac79b5c433 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A419081F8E08369F883.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A419081F8E08369F883.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bespalaya, Yulia V.; Kropotin, Alexander V.; Kondakov, Alexander V.; Aksenova, Olga V.; Gofarov, Mikhail Yu.; Kim, Sang Ki; Lee, Jin Hee; Travina, Oksana V.; Vikhrev, Ilya V.; Vinarski, Maxim V.; Bolotov, Ivan N." ; dc:title "Corbicula japonica Prime 1864" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "PRIME, 1864", "Prime" ; + dwc:authority "PRIME, 1864" ; dwc:authorityName "Prime" ; dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; @@ -420,21 +420,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", von Mr Prime" ; - dwc:authorityName "von Mr Prime" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Corbulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corbula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Mr Prime" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A42906CF97C8324F929.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A42906CF97C8324F929.ttl index cbb15cdd858..df067bf69f9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A42906CF97C8324F929.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CBB4450A42906CF97C8324F929.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bespalaya, Yulia V.; Kropotin, Alexander V.; Kondakov, Alexander V.; Aksenova, Olga V.; Gofarov, Mikhail Yu.; Kim, Sang Ki; Lee, Jin Hee; Travina, Oksana V.; Vikhrev, Ilya V.; Vinarski, Maxim V.; Bolotov, Ivan N." ; dc:title "Corbicula Megerle von Muhlfeld 1811" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "O. F. Muller, 1774" ; - dwc:authorityName "O. F. Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Tellinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tellina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cardiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1774" ; - dwc:species "fluminalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Cyrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CC7501FF84FF58FF36FD26B28C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CC7501FF84FF58FF36FD26B28C.ttl index 1506e5b1c7f..f1582872439 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CC7501FF84FF58FF36FD26B28C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CC7501FF84FF58FF36FD26B28C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Blick, Theo" ; dc:title "Zelotes wunderlichi Blick, 2017, replacement name" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -22,135 +20,6 @@ dc:date "2017" ; dc:title "Zelotes wunderlichi, a replacement name for the preoccupied ground spider Zelotes turcicus Wunderlich, 2011 (Araneae, Gnaphosidae)" . - - dwc:authority "Wunderlich, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wunderlich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wunderlich, 2011" ; - dwc:species "turcicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seyyar, Demir & Aktas, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seyyar, Demir & Aktas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seyyar, Demir & Aktas, 2010" ; - dwc:species "turcicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(C. L. Koch, 1833)" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. L. Koch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Koch, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "subterraneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(L. Koch, 1866)" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "L. Koch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Koch, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "tenuis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Levy, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Levy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levy, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zekharya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platnick, Ovtsharenko & Murphy, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platnick, Ovtsharenko & Murphy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scotognapha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platnick, Ovtsharenko & Murphy, 2001" ; - dwc:species "wunderlichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platnick & Murphy, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platnick & Murphy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Setaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platnick & Murphy, 1996" ; - dwc:species "wunderlichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; @@ -164,31 +33,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CDA822921BFF7BFB7AFCF9FE5D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CDA822921BFF7BFB7AFCF9FE5D.ttl index d1323f17c4e..d759b206622 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CDA822921BFF7BFB7AFCF9FE5D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CDA822921BFF7BFB7AFCF9FE5D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arbea, Javier I.; Kahrarian, Morteza" ; dc:title "Folsomides subvinosus Arbea & Kahrarian, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,166 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Axelson 1905", "Axelson, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Axelson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Axelson, 1905" ; - dwc:species "angularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Potapov & Stebaeva 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Potapov & Stebaeva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Potapov & Stebaeva, 1997" ; - dwc:species "aridoviator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovac & Palacios 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovac & Palacios" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovac & Palacios, 1996" ; - dwc:species "chichinautzini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thibaud & Weiner 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thibaud & Weiner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thibaud & Weiner, 1997" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frenzel 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frenzel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frenzel, 1941" ; - dwc:species "marchicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Delamare 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Delamare" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delamare, 1951" ; - dwc:species "petiti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fjellberg 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fjellberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fjellberg, 1993" ; - dwc:species "pocosensillatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen, 1985" ; - dwc:species "pseudangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hao & Huang 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hao & Huang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hao & Huang, 1995" ; - dwc:species "urumqiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fjellberg 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fjellberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fjellberg, 1993" ; - dwc:species "vinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; @@ -219,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CDA8249216FF7BFCD0FC37FBAC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CDA8249216FF7BFCD0FC37FBAC.ttl index 7724d951366..d576c7f771c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CDA8249216FF7BFCD0FC37FBAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CDA8249216FF7BFCD0FC37FBAC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arbea, Javier I.; Kahrarian, Morteza" ; dc:title "Folsomides halshinicus Arbea & Kahrarian, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Axelson, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Axelson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folsomides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Axelson, 1905" ; - dwc:species "angularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CDFFA1FFF8D39199B4FA83FF5F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CDFFA1FFF8D39199B4FA83FF5F.ttl index e84aeae47e9..dde3d02b155 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CDFFA1FFF8D39199B4FA83FF5F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CDFFA1FFF8D39199B4FA83FF5F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pujol-Luz, José Roberto; Godoi, Fabio Siqueira Pitaluga De; Oliveira, Charles Martins De; Barros-Cordeiro, Karine Brenda; Mousinho, Lucas Pessanha" ; dc:title "Hermetia teevani Curran 1934" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -85,20 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; @@ -112,12 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; dwc:genus "Hermetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE0B0E7F2D84A72A791.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE0B0E7F2D84A72A791.ttl index 1b4636a9fcf..5a9517fa21c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE0B0E7F2D84A72A791.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE0B0E7F2D84A72A791.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong; Vu, Thuong Thi; Daglio, Anthony; Wiśniowski, Bogdan" ; dc:title "Vespula Thomson 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,56 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1870" ; - dwc:species "flaviceps" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Radoszkowski, 1887)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Radoszkowski" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Radoszkowski, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "koreensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Buysson, 1902)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Buysson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Buysson, 1902)" ; - dwc:species "orbata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE3B0E7F6D64A3EA5C3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE3B0E7F6D64A3EA5C3.ttl index 0d2e978555a..6b1f0b2640b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE3B0E7F6D64A3EA5C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CF043EFFE3B0E7F6D64A3EA5C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong; Vu, Thuong Thi; Daglio, Anthony; Wiśniowski, Bogdan" ; dc:title "Vespula flaviceps" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Smith, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1870" ; - dwc:species "flaviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFC5AB64FC58908EFC4DDFEE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFC5AB64FC58908EFC4DDFEE.ttl index ba47b0cf880..7fd16ffdda9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFC5AB64FC58908EFC4DDFEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFC5AB64FC58908EFC4DDFEE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Velacumantus australis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BRUGUIERE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrazus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bruguiere, 1792)" ; - dwc:species "ebeninus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; @@ -81,10 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFCAAB69FCFF96D4FC8CDB7A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFCAAB69FCFF96D4FC8CDB7A.ttl index e4ddab2fa90..dbf19f88f76 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFCAAB69FCFF96D4FC8CDB7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687CFFFCAAB69FCFF96D4FC8CDB7A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Diastoma melanioides" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,59 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Dialidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kay, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cossmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diastomatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cossmann, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Laseron" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Dialidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Laseron, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "sulcifera" ; - dwc:subSpecies "scobina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Houbrick" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Campanilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campanile" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Houbrick, 1981)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Diastomatidae" ; @@ -118,10 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Diastomatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D0354B9C3DFF63D3BAFE5D227B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D0354B9C3DFF63D3BAFE5D227B.ttl index a3b651f3e61..12f6dda10b4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D0354B9C3DFF63D3BAFE5D227B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D0354B9C3DFF63D3BAFE5D227B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Natarajan, R.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Kumar, Pradeep; Kumar, Ashwani" ; dc:title "Downsiomyia rajaveli Natarajan & Gopalakrishnan & Kumar & Kumar 2022, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,240 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vargas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vargas, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Edwards, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochlerotatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edwards, 1916" ; - dwc:species "oreophilus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Finlaya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Tanaka, Mizusawa & Saugstad, 1979)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tanaka, Mizusawa & Saugstad" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tanaka, Mizusawa & Saugstad, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "nishikawai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Colless" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "litorea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Colless" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "leonis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ludlow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ludlow, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "nivea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kulasekera, Knight & Harbach, 1990)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kulasekera, Knight & Harbach" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kulasekera, Knight & Harbach, 1990)" ; - dwc:species "axitiosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Knight, 1946)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Knight" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Knight, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "dorseyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Colless" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Colless, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "ganapathi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Knight, 1946)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Knight" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Knight, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "lactea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(La Casse & Yamaguti, 1948)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "La Casse & Yamaguti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(La Casse & Yamaguti, 1948)" ; - dwc:species "nipponica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Theobald" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Theobald, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albolateralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Barraud" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Barraud, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "albonivea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Barraud" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Barraud, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "niveoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Barraud" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Barraud, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "novonivea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Culicidae" ; @@ -294,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; dwc:genus "Downsiomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF03658B9FA4FF75413FC4C3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF03658B9FA4FF75413FC4C3.ttl index 699f3288d8c..7579576602c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF03658B9FA4FF75413FC4C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF03658B9FA4FF75413FC4C3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus muratorei Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hellen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hellen, 1966" ; - dwc:species "linearis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Miko & Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miko & Trietsch, 2016" ; - dwc:species "madagascariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -119,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0765879FA4FEA146C4C65B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0765879FA4FEA146C4C65B.ttl index 5022cff9435..c4f3eb3431a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0765879FA4FEA146C4C65B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0765879FA4FEA146C4C65B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus musettiae Trietsch & Miko 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko", "Trietsch" ; + dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,93 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "franzinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "superFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haliday, 1833" ; - dwc:superFamily "Ceraphronoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -146,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0B65839FA4FD5944B9C4C3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0B65839FA4FD5944B9C4C3.ttl index 27062fb2813..3de7e26a7bd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0B65839FA4FD5944B9C4C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0B65839FA4FD5944B9C4C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus rosemaryae Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,50 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -103,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0F659F9FA4FB1D45FBC607.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0F659F9FA4FB1D45FBC607.ttl index 2a635d21078..20d2825e224 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0F659F9FA4FB1D45FBC607.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF0F659F9FA4FB1D45FBC607.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus washburni Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "michaeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "muratorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF10659D9FA4FF0D476FC4EF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF10659D9FA4FF0D476FC4EF.ttl index a90469f621d..5b6bdb08aa9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF10659D9FA4FF0D476FC4EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF10659D9FA4FF0D476FC4EF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus Dahlbom 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -170,126 +170,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "duncani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1999" ; - dwc:species "mexicali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "flavipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kieffer, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "rectangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF11659A9FA4FA764571C5B3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF11659A9FA4FA764571C5B3.ttl index 3acae072705..e6dafdd0c86 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF11659A9FA4FA764571C5B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF11659A9FA4FA764571C5B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus Dahlbom 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,170 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart & Masner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart & Masner, 1965" ; - dwc:species "muesebecki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "triangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lepus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "rosemaryae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF13659F9FA4F96346A2C3D4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF13659F9FA4F96346A2C3D4.ttl index 8248e9c22d3..a7a11907494 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF13659F9FA4F96346A2C3D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF13659F9FA4F96346A2C3D4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus lucidus Kieffer 1907" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1907" ; dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF4D7463FF66FEA2C767FEB0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF4D7463FF66FEA2C767FEB0.ttl index 86e95fac729..fb13d64edb7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF4D7463FF66FEA2C767FEB0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF4D7463FF66FEA2C767FEB0.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Carvalho-Filho, Alfredo; Santos, Simoni; Sampaio, Iracilda" ; dc:title "Macrodon atricauda Gunther 1880" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -106,12 +106,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Macrodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF80FFC6FF47F92FD93BF86A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF80FFC6FF47F92FD93BF86A.ttl index 368036621c7..2b1f7af9f91 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF80FFC6FF47F92FD93BF86A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF80FFC6FF47F92FD93BF86A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Melanagromyza lini Spencer" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,67 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fall." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fall." ; - dwc:species "aeneiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fall." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fall." ; - dwc:species "aeneoventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer, 1973" ; - dwc:species "memoranda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boucher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boucher" ; - dwc:species "pontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Spencer" ; dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC1FF47F9ACDBBEFEC6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC1FF47F9ACDBBEFEC6.ttl index d311e836636..195d37be290 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC1FF47F9ACDBBEFEC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC1FF47F9ACDBBEFEC6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Melanagromyza pontis Boucher, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boucher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boucher" ; - dwc:species "pontis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen" ; - dwc:species "aeneiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer, 1973" ; - dwc:species "meracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; @@ -106,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC7FF47FF53DC76FCF5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC7FF47FF53DC76FCF5.ttl index 466af697f34..08cb60d15a6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC7FF47FF53DC76FCF5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF82FFC7FF47FF53DC76FCF5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Melanagromyza memoranda Spencer" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,12 +46,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Spencer 1973a)", "Spencer 1973a: 18" ; + dwc:authority "Spencer 1973a: 18" ; dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "18" ; dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; @@ -80,23 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Braun et al." from authority ; - dwc:authority "Braun and Prado (Braun et al. 2009)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Braun and Prado (Braun et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanagromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun & Prado, 2009" ; - dwc:species "falciformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF84FFC1FF47FE71D8D4F84B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF84FFC1FF47FE71D8D4F84B.ttl index 85ea4525d18..4bdb13560f5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF84FFC1FF47FE71D8D4F84B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF84FFC1FF47FE71D8D4F84B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Cerodontha (Cerodontha) angela Boucher, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,102 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boucher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boucher" ; - dwc:species "angela" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodonta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer." ; - dwc:species "colombiensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Philippi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Philippi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philippi" ; - dwc:species "flavifrons" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer" ; - dwc:species "patagonica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; @@ -163,12 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF86FFC3FF47FABADA12F81A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF86FFC3FF47FABADA12F81A.ttl index 519d380bf67..bc67d6caf46 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF86FFC3FF47FABADA12F81A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF86FFC3FF47FABADA12F81A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Cerodontha (Cerodontha) dorsalis Loew" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -119,12 +118,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF87FFC3FF47FB6ADC17FAF1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF87FFC3FF47FB6ADC17FAF1.ttl index b6991d2b3c5..172cc95a6b8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF87FFC3FF47FB6ADC17FAF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF87FFC3FF47FB6ADC17FAF1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Cerodontha (Cerodontha) colombiensis Spencer" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -65,21 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF89FFCCFF47FF53D9C3F8B8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF89FFCCFF47FF53D9C3F8B8.ttl index 93840b0736e..b9e1aff24ba 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF89FFCCFF47FF53D9C3F8B8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF89FFCCFF47FF53D9C3F8B8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Cerodontha (Cerodontha) nigricornis Becker" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,38 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer" ; - dwc:species "chilensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer" ; - dwc:species "magellani" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cerodontha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; @@ -135,12 +102,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Cerodontha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8AFFC8FF47FF53DAEBFE2E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8AFFC8FF47FF53DAEBFE2E.ttl index 1cd88f392e4..023fdb548af 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8AFFC8FF47FF53DAEBFE2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8AFFC8FF47FF53DAEBFE2E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Liriomyza biformata Becker" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -116,21 +115,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Frost" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frost" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frost" ; - dwc:species "ecuadorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; @@ -144,12 +128,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8CFFCAFF47F9D4DC1CFE0A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8CFFCAFF47F9D4DC1CFE0A.ttl index bab00a5b5c2..8f3d6964bd9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8CFFCAFF47F9D4DC1CFE0A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8CFFCAFF47F9D4DC1CFE0A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Liriomyza nigra Spencer" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Spencer", "Spencer." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer", "Spencer." ; + dwc:authority "Spencer" ; + dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; @@ -64,37 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fall." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fall." ; - dwc:species "gyrans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fall." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amauromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fall." ; - dwc:species "gyrans" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trilobomyza" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; @@ -108,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8F65039FA4FBF44700C1AC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8F65039FA4FBF44700C1AC.ttl index 00277a4a9dc..ecaf90d65fc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8F65039FA4FBF44700C1AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8F65039FA4FBF44700C1AC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus Dahlbom 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,50 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "punctipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "penmaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8FFFCBFF47FAB3D957F86B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8FFFCBFF47FAB3D957F86B.ttl index 55bf14b840d..ea9a9b162d2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8FFFCBFF47FAB3D957F86B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF8FFFCBFF47FAB3D957F86B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Liriomyza" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,36 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer" ; - dwc:species "schwabei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF90FFD6FF47FBE4D922FA8A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF90FFD6FF47FBE4D922FA8A.ttl index 3985144478f..dfe6465c8c3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF90FFD6FF47FBE4D922FA8A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF90FFD6FF47FBE4D922FA8A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Notomyza bipartita Becker, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker" ; - dwc:species "bipartita" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Becker 1920: 213" ; dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; @@ -80,49 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enderlein" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enderlein" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopantrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enderlein" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malloch 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch, 1933" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; @@ -136,22 +76,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Notomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heleomyzidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF915F6FFF00F35FFE34B5DB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF915F6FFF00F35FFE34B5DB.ttl index ff121dadb4e..7612fb7cf9f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF915F6FFF00F35FFE34B5DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF915F6FFF00F35FFE34B5DB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bacci, Lucas F.; Amorim, André M.; Michelangeli, Fabián A.; Goldenberg, Renato" ; dc:title "Bertolonia hirsutissima Bacci, Michelang. & R. Goldenb. 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,108 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baumgratz (1990: 125)", "Baumgratz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baumgratz" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "125" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bertolonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baumgratz, 1990" ; - dwc:species "wurdackiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus 1753: 782" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "782" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Theobroma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "cacao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brade (1956: 226)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brade" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "226" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bertolonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brade, 1956" ; - dwc:species "foveolata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cogniaux (1886: 55)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cogniaux" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "55" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bertolonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cogniaux, 1886" ; - dwc:species "mosenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baumgratz et al. (2011: 273)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baumgratz" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "273" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bertolonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baumgratz, 2011" ; - dwc:species "alternifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baumgratz et al. (2011: 276)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baumgratz" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "276" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bertolonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baumgratz, 2011" ; - dwc:species "bullata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; @@ -168,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FD69DB56FB6D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FD69DB56FB6D.ttl index 93f39b8eba6..6e088ac6f88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FD69DB56FB6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FD69DB56FB6D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Liriomyza" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,66 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Neotropical Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Mission Géodésique de l’Équateur: Becker (1920) revisited" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sanabria" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanabria" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanabria" ; - dwc:species "menthavora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sanabria" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanabria" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanabria" ; - dwc:species "cirriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Valladeres." ; - dwc:authorityName "Valladeres." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Valladeres." ; - dwc:species "spencerella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FF53DC73FD83.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FF53DC73FD83.ttl index b9d1e41ce8f..a18d9e6f700 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FF53DC73FD83.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD4FF47FF53DC73FD83.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Liriomyza" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,21 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Neotropical Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Mission Géodésique de l’Équateur: Becker (1920) revisited" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD5FF47FACED8DAFF0E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD5FF47FACED8DAFF0E.ttl index 68a83d0577c..32f755a32a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD5FF47FACED8DAFF0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF91FFD5FF47FACED8DAFF0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boucher, Stéphanie; Wheeler, Terry A." ; dc:title "Nemorimyza fuscibasis Malloch" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -96,36 +96,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zett." ; - dwc:authorityName "Zett." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agromyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zett." ; - dwc:species "carbonaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zett." ; - dwc:authorityName "Zett." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zett." ; - dwc:species "carbonaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF92651A9FA4F88641D3C5B3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF92651A9FA4F88641D3C5B3.ttl index c5782865046..7cc7560481b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF92651A9FA4F88641D3C5B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF92651A9FA4F88641D3C5B3.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus abdominalis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,186 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceraphronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceraphron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1832" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceraphronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceraphron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "tenuicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood. Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood. Kieffer, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "divisifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "foveatifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Szabo, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Szabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szabo, 1979" ; - dwc:species "pilosiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Szabo, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Szabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szabo, 1979" ; - dwc:species "curvilineaticeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "longiharpes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "rosemaryae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -241,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9465199FA4FF754681C5EB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9465199FA4FF754681C5EB.ttl index da110bfb101..ef447ff86d1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9465199FA4FF754681C5EB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9465199FA4FF754681C5EB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus ambiguus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,110 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lepus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Provancher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Provancher, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "rufoniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -164,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9565169FA4F8AB4130C65B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9565169FA4F8AB4130C65B.ttl index 74a4cc53cca..1a9a024ecb7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9565169FA4F8AB4130C65B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9565169FA4F8AB4130C65B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus bacilliger" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,65 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "longiharpes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -117,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9A65169FA4FD594011C02B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9A65169FA4FD594011C02B.ttl index c8e5db3e5be..999d959f573 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9A65169FA4FD594011C02B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FF9A65169FA4FD594011C02B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus bakeri Kieffer 1908" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kieffer, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "bacilliger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA0652D9FA4FA26472AC5EB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA0652D9FA4FA26472AC5EB.ttl index 82cbe2395fb..92906b94ab3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA0652D9FA4FA26472AC5EB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA0652D9FA4FA26472AC5EB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus crawfordi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,81 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mann, 1920" ; - dwc:species "crawfordi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel, 1886" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Formica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1886" ; - dwc:species "exsectoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -135,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA2652C9FA4FABB40C5C607.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA2652C9FA4FABB40C5C607.ttl index d577140ef3d..51d969cbef3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA2652C9FA4FABB40C5C607.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA2652C9FA4FABB40C5C607.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus canadensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Ashmead, 1888)", ", Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; + dwc:authority "(Ashmead, 1888)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -49,138 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Eumegaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood. Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood. Kieffer, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "ottawensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ashm." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashm." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashm." ; - dwc:species "ottawensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "californicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "lativentris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -194,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA665279FA4F90444B6C2A3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA665279FA4F90444B6C2A3.ttl index 9df036d3a72..11c54056412 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA665279FA4F90444B6C2A3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFA665279FA4F90444B6C2A3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus dimidiatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -60,97 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Dichogmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1917" ; - dwc:species "formicarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1781" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1781" ; - dwc:species "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Latreille, 1798" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1798" ; - dwc:species "fuliginosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart and Masner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart & Masner, 1965" ; - dwc:species "muesebecki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -164,12 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAB65219FA4F9014547C5CF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAB65219FA4F9014547C5CF.ttl index affc7abb5dd..79577c8dc6f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAB65219FA4F9014547C5CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAB65219FA4F9014547C5CF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus erythrothorax" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,213 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nylander" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nylander, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "umbratus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mixtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ashmead", "Ashmead, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Eumegaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood. Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood. Kieffer, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dodd. Finding" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dodd. Finding" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dodd. Finding, 1914" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Dodd (1914)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Dodd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dodd, 1914" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Masner, 1964)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Masner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Masner, 1964)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dessart and Cancemi, 1987)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Muesebeck and Walkley (1951)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Muesebeck and Walkley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Eumegaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "michaeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart and Masner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart & Masner, 1965" ; - dwc:species "muesebecki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -268,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4F96D410EC383.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4F96D410EC383.ttl index 16eff205b9e..4e5e3e016d7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4F96D410EC383.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4F96D410EC383.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus inermis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4FB414714C217.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4FB414714C217.ttl index 42de4e0f5b8..8e8baa3804d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4FB414714C217.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFAD65219FA4FB414714C217.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus hyalinipennis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653B9FA4F98340E4C703.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653B9FA4F98340E4C703.ttl index 9fd9002bd38..6db506bbdae 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653B9FA4F98340E4C703.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653B9FA4F98340E4C703.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus laeviceps" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,81 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "dessarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "franzinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653E9FA4FBE7450EC225.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653E9FA4FBE7450EC225.ttl index a2dc386c3fb..0283e5428e7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653E9FA4FBE7450EC225.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB2653E9FA4FBE7450EC225.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus integriceps" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kieffer, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "nevadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -102,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB765379FA4F9254678C5B3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB765379FA4F9254678C5B3.ttl index aec0aa988a8..9d22a39b37e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB765379FA4F9254678C5B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB765379FA4F9254678C5B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus muesebecki Dessart & Masner 1965" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Dessart & Masner 1965", "Dessart & Masner, 1965" ; + dwc:authority "Dessart & Masner 1965" ; dwc:authorityName "Dessart & Masner" ; dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,81 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Dessart and Masner, 1965)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Masner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceraphronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ecnomothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Masner, 1965)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "marylandicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart & Masner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Masner, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "grangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -135,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB7653B9FA4FC6140F9C24F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB7653B9FA4FC6140F9C24F.ttl index 93f0bf5c9d0..a19e3b28481 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB7653B9FA4FC6140F9C24F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFB7653B9FA4FC6140F9C24F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus marylandicus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "franzinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -119,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65309FA4F949450DC00F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65309FA4F949450DC00F.ttl index 27b8580a295..b5903aff3c3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65309FA4F949450DC00F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65309FA4F949450DC00F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus nigrorufus Dessart 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Dessart 1997", "Dessart, 1997 A. Ventral", "Dessart, 1997" ; + dwc:authority "Dessart 1997" ; dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FB41478AC26B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FB41478AC26B.ttl index da2039c2643..6bc576a12ee 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FB41478AC26B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FB41478AC26B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus nigripes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ashmead, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1893" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FE314666C063.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FE314666C063.ttl index f61fc3f3d79..d64156e381d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FE314666C063.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBB65379FA4FE314666C063.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus nevadensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Kieffer (1906)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1906" ; - dwc:species "integriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBC654C9FA4FB654087C7A5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBC654C9FA4FB654087C7A5.ttl index a10fd259376..2e31dd2e474 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBC654C9FA4FB654087C7A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFBC654C9FA4FB654087C7A5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus obscurus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,97 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1858" ; - dwc:species "arcticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "syrphorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lepus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "triangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -152,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC065489FA4FC0E47B7C4EF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC065489FA4FC0E47B7C4EF.ttl index 6ed9595c962..6125a2e49a9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC065489FA4FC0E47B7C4EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC065489FA4FC0E47B7C4EF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus orcasensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,80 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "muratorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Miko & Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miko & Trietsch, 2016" ; - dwc:species "madagascariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "duncani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -134,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC465499FA4FEC5402EC047.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC465499FA4FEC5402EC047.ttl index c5a8a25c576..1fe1a3803e4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC465499FA4FEC5402EC047.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC465499FA4FEC5402EC047.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus ottawensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Ashmead (1888)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1888" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Muesebeck and Walkley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Eumegaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC565499FA4FB3D406FC3E7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC565499FA4FB3D406FC3E7.ttl index 43314fce1ce..a354203bfc9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC565499FA4FB3D406FC3E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFC565499FA4FB3D406FC3E7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus pergandei" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "duncani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brues" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brues, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "orcasensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCA65479FA4F90E4005C527.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCA65479FA4F90E4005C527.ttl index 5af5fb3c949..5b1de67f876 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCA65479FA4F90E4005C527.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCA65479FA4F90E4005C527.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus popenoei" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,51 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "duncani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brues" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brues, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "orcasensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCB65409FA4F90D4599C693.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCB65409FA4F90D4599C693.ttl index b0db76c0391..0c4c33a5dbf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCB65409FA4F90D4599C693.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCB65409FA4F90D4599C693.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus pulchellus Whittaker 1930" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "longiharpes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "rosemaryae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -119,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCC655C9FA4F8C4410FC7D7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCC655C9FA4F8C4410FC7D7.ttl index 8252a0b5c67..8039b4e475a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCC655C9FA4F8C4410FC7D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFCC655C9FA4F8C4410FC7D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus quadratogenalis Dessart & Cooper 1975" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cooper" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cooper" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Boreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cooper" ; - dwc:species "notoperates" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD0655D9FA4FBAD4013C34B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD0655D9FA4FBAD4013C34B.ttl index 38a86f0af1f..a099d3a2d24 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD0655D9FA4FBAD4013C34B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD0655D9FA4FBAD4013C34B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus rufoniger" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD565579FA4FEA140A2C3E7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD565579FA4FEA140A2C3E7.ttl index 0e6443aaac4..9f56b66ef5e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD565579FA4FEA140A2C3E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD565579FA4FEA140A2C3E7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus triangularis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,170 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichosteresis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "armata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fouts 1926", "Fouts" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fouts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fouts, 1926" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kamal 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kamal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kamal, 1926" ; - dwc:species "zaglouli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1893" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "penmaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bequaert" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bequaert, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "rodhaini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Curtis, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "carpenteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kieffer, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "rectangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lepus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -224,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD6655B9FA4F91C404CC00F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD6655B9FA4F91C404CC00F.ttl index 25dcd5f1757..21de27c92cf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD6655B9FA4F91C404CC00F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD6655B9FA4F91C404CC00F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus schwarzi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,92 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceraphronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceraphron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1893" ; - dwc:species "carinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Astigmata)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Astigmata" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Acaridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Astigmata)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "superFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haliday, 1833" ; - dwc:superFamily "Ceraphronoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD765589FA4F9B1466CC4C3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD765589FA4F9B1466CC4C3.ttl index 70f76585bdf..d3778a89d2a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD765589FA4F9B1466CC4C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD765589FA4F9B1466CC4C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus timberlakei Kamal 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD965529FA4FB8A4029C65B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD965529FA4FB8A4029C65B.ttl index 142dce83f47..117dc8b91b3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD965529FA4FB8A4029C65B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFD965529FA4FB8A4029C65B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Dendrocerus arietinus Trietsch & Mikó & Ezray & Deans 2020, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,193 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Provancher, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Provancher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isostasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Provancher, 1887" ; - dwc:species "arietinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Provancher, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Provancher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isostasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Provancher, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "superFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haliday, 1833" ; - dwc:superFamily "Ceraphronoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harringtoni, Ashm." ; - dwc:authorityName "Harringtoni, Ashm." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaspilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harringtoni, Ashm." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dessart and Cancemi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dessart & Cancemi, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Provancher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Baeoneura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Provancher, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "arietina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Isostasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster, 1856" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haliday, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Provancher), 1887" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Provancher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Provancher, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "arietinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ashmead), 1893" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "penmaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -249,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -266,10 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFDF656C9FA4F907474AC4EF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFDF656C9FA4F907474AC4EF.ttl index 7207d7d3b8d..3ea2f5a0ccf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFDF656C9FA4F907474AC4EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFDF656C9FA4F907474AC4EF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus dessarti Trietsch & Miko 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko", "Trietsch" ; + dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,94 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "franzinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "superFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haliday, 1833" ; - dwc:superFamily "Ceraphronoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE065689FA4FEC540EDC5CF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE065689FA4FEC540EDC5CF.ttl index f0dd01860a7..b9c7856b99b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE065689FA4FEC540EDC5CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE065689FA4FEC540EDC5CF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus duncani Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lepus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "triangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brues" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brues, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "orcasensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE465659FA4FDA547CAC7BB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE465659FA4FDA547CAC7BB.ttl index e10096e3264..e03bd38db1d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE465659FA4FDA547CAC7BB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFE465659FA4FDA547CAC7BB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus franzinii Trietsch & Miko 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko", "Trietsch" ; + dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFED657A9FA4FD5947D3C33F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFED657A9FA4FD5947D3C33F.ttl index 984aa9bd661..872610daa28 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFED657A9FA4FD5947D3C33F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFED657A9FA4FD5947D3C33F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus lepus Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ratzeburg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratzeburg, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "triangularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -102,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFF665779FA4F8B54105C55F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFF665779FA4F8B54105C55F.ttl index f30caa250af..21d2818d609 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFF665779FA4F8B54105C55F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFF665779FA4F8B54105C55F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus longiharpes Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,96 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brues" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brues, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "orcasensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boheman), 1832" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "difformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boheman, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Whittaker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whittaker, 1930" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -149,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFB65739FA4FE55466DC6BF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFB65739FA4FE55466DC6BF.ttl index 400038db061..2160a983f88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFB65739FA4FE55466DC6BF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFB65739FA4FE55466DC6BF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus michaeli Trietsch 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "erythrothorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "nigrorufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -118,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFF658E9FA4FD3540A0C364.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFF658E9FA4FD3540A0C364.ttl index bc7a67d575e..ec9939433a5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFF658E9FA4FD3540A0C364.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D1FFFF658E9FA4FD3540A0C364.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Trietsch, Carolyn; Mikó, István; Ezray, Briana; Deans, Andrew R." ; dc:title "Conostigmus minimus Trietsch & Miko 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko", "Trietsch" ; + dwc:authority "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,110 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "musettiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trietsch & Miko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trietsch & Miko, 2020" ; - dwc:species "franzinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1907" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dahlbom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dessart & Masner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dessart & Masner, 1965" ; - dwc:species "muesebecki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; @@ -163,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; dwc:genus "Conostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D32005CE36A495F8F72417FF2B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D32005CE36A495F8F72417FF2B.ttl index 6ccfae82cef..0a2923a007d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D32005CE36A495F8F72417FF2B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D32005CE36A495F8F72417FF2B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Dolichogenidea Viereck 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Viereck." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viereck." ; - dwc:species "banksi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dolichogenidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D32006CE3AA495FAD324ACF974.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D32006CE3AA495FAD324ACF974.ttl index 1771ff7a49a..d1c0c843c39 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D32006CE3AA495FAD324ACF974.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D32006CE3AA495FAD324ACF974.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Choeras Mason 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Viereck, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Viereck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viereck, 1911" ; - dwc:species "consimilis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pseudapanteles" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mason" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sathon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mason, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D32008CE34A495FB372505F9E8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D32008CE34A495FB372505F9E8.ttl index 292c96680e6..35656fe5256 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D32008CE34A495FB372505F9E8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D32008CE34A495FB372505F9E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Glyptapanteles Ashmead 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,39 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wilkinson, 1928: 84" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "84" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilkinson, 1928" ; - dwc:species "ashmeadi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ashmead, 1904 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptapanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1904" ; - dwc:species "manilae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200ACE34A495FE8F25CCFB72.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200ACE34A495FE8F25CCFB72.ttl index 35f716f2fa0..c76e9b785d7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200ACE34A495FE8F25CCFB72.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200ACE34A495FE8F25CCFB72.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Dolichogenidea franklinharbourensis Fagan-Jeffries & Austin 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,516 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries, 2019" ; - dwc:species "kelleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Viereck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viereck, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Szepligeti, 1905)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Szepligeti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Szepligeti, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "biroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "ilione" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "lipsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cameron, 1912)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "tasmanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "acratos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "brabyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Austin & Allen, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Allen, 1989" ; - dwc:species "eucalypti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Turner, 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Turner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Turner, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "expulsa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "forrestae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "garytaylori" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "hyposidrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "orelia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "coequata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "cyamon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018" ; - dwc:species "finchi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "labaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018" ; - dwc:species "mediocaudata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "platyedrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2018" ; - dwc:species "xenomorph" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bonbonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fagan-Jeffries & Austin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lobesiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fullaway, 1941)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fullaway" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fullaway, 1941)" ; - dwc:species "agonoxenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1938)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "carposinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "gentilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "heterusiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "hyblaeae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wilkinson, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "inquisitor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nixon, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "iulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ashmead, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "stantoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fullaway, 1941)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fullaway" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fullaway, 1941)" ; - dwc:species "upoluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -570,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE2DA495FB5E23D1FEB6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE2DA495FB5E23D1FEB6.ttl index 127042ee1a2..30275ff62dc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE2DA495FB5E23D1FEB6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE2DA495FB5E23D1FEB6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Miropotes waikerieyeties Fagan-Jeffries & Austin 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,61 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Austin, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Miropotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin, 1990" ; - dwc:species "burringbaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1862" ; - dwc:subFamily "Microgastrinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Miropotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon, 1965" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Investigators" ; - dwc:authorityName "Investigators" ; - dwc:class "Insect" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "class" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Investigators" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -114,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Miropotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE30A495FD3E24E2FB99.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE30A495FD3E24E2FB99.ttl index 18b19354056..3dead0c20f0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE30A495FD3E24E2FB99.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D3200CCE30A495FD3E24E2FB99.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fagan-Jeffries, Erinn P.; Austin, Andrew D.; Investigators, Citizen Science Participants Of Insect" ; dc:title "Miropotes Nixon 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Miropotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nixon, 1965" ; - dwc:species "creon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFD28B4353F1FB727570F84F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFD28B4353F1FB727570F84F.ttl index dcf8d13c495..3d5c9aaa6cc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFD28B4353F1FB727570F84F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFD28B4353F1FB727570F84F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rentz, Dcf; Su, You Ning" ; dc:title "Salomona Blanchard 1853" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFDE8B4253F1FAF67417F86D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFDE8B4253F1FAF67417F86D.ttl index 243232d83fd..c792c7e8f8c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFDE8B4253F1FAF67417F86D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D4FFDE8B4253F1FAF67417F86D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rentz, Dcf; Su, You Ning" ; dc:title "Austrosalomona Rentz 1988" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,117 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rentz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rentz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrosalomona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rentz" ; - dwc:species "personafrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rentz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rentz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrosalomona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rentz" ; - dwc:species "zentae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Redtenbacher)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrosalomona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Redtenbacher, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "falcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rentz & Su" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rentz & Su" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrosalomona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rentz & Su, 2019" ; - dwc:species "destructor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rentz, Su, Ueshima & Wilson", "Rentz, Su, Ueshima, Wilson", "Rentz, Su, Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rentz, Su, Ueshima & Wilson", "Rentz, Su, Ueshima, Wilson", "Rentz, Su, Wilson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Goodangarkia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rentz, Su, Ueshima & Wilson" ; - dwc:species "oedicephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rentz & Su" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rentz & Su" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrosalomona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rentz & Su, 2019" ; - dwc:species "poecila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Redtenbacher)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nicsara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Redtenbacher, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "bifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D5FF85FFB4FA96FD880E94FC1A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D5FF85FFB4FA96FD880E94FC1A.ttl index df43314c554..37230e69aec 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D5FF85FFB4FA96FD880E94FC1A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D5FF85FFB4FA96FD880E94FC1A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Dovana, Francesco; Bizio, Enrico; Garbelotto, Matteo; Ferisin, Giuliano" ; dc:title "Inocybe cervenianensis Ferisin, Bizio, Aiardi, Bersan & Dovana 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D7B65CFF82FED4FAC6FB259900.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D7B65CFF82FED4FAC6FB259900.ttl index ab9a0f0300b..54935d1b38a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D7B65CFF82FED4FAC6FB259900.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D7B65CFF82FED4FAC6FB259900.ttl @@ -10,13 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pansonato, André; Veiga-Menoncello, Ana Cristina P.; Mudrek, Jessica R.; Jansen, Martin; Recco-Pimentel, Shirlei M.; Martins, Itamar A.; Strüssmann, Christine" ; dc:title "Pseudopaludicola ibisoroca Pansonato & Veiga-Menoncello & Mudrek & Jansen & Recco-Pimentel & Martins & Strüssmann 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -71,261 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Miranda-Ribeiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ruthven" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ruthven, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rivero and Serna" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rivero & Serna, 1984" ; - dwc:species "ceratophnes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cardozo and Suarez" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cardozo & Suarez, 2012)" ; - dwc:species "llanera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pansonato & Veiga-Menoncello & Mudrek & Jansen & Recco-Pimentel & Martins & Strüssmann, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pansonato & Veiga-Menoncello & Mudrek & Jansen & Recco-Pimentel & Martins & Strüssmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pansonato, Veiga-Menoncello, Mudrek, Jansen, Recco-Pimentel, Martins & Strüssmann, 2016" ; - dwc:species "motorzinho" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cope, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "ameghini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Carvalho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carvalho, 2012" ; - dwc:species "giarettai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SVL" ; - dwc:authorityName "SVL" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Svl" ; - dwc:species "ternetzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lobo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lobo, 1994" ; - dwc:species "mineira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Toledo, Siqueira, Duarte, Veiga-Menoncello, Recco-Pimentel and Haddad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Toledo, Siqueira, Duarte, Veiga-Menoncello, Recco-Pimentel & Haddad, 2010" ; - dwc:species "murundu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cope, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "saltica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Andrade and Carvalho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andrade & Carvalho, 2013" ; - dwc:species "facureae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giaretta and Kokubum" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giaretta & Kokubum, 2003" ; - dwc:species "canga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pansonato, Morais, Avila, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Strussmann and Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pansonato, Morais, Avila, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Strussmann & Martins, 2012" ; - dwc:species "hnleaustralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberto, Cardozo and Avila" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberto, Cardozo & Avila, 2013" ; - dwc:species "parnaiba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Magalhaes, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad and Garda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Magalhaes, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad & Garda, 2014" ; - dwc:species "pocoto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pansonato et al. 2014 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pansonato" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pansonato, 2014)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; @@ -339,12 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptodactylidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudopaludicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCBFF3A4554FE7CF81B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCBFF3A4554FE7CF81B.ttl index b69bf27b861..4de52d446a3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCBFF3A4554FE7CF81B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCBFF3A4554FE7CF81B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mills, Sadie; O’Hara, Timothy" ; dc:title "Amphilepis neozelandica Mills & O’Hara, 2010, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -91,12 +90,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Amphilepididae" ; dwc:genus "Amphilepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCFFF3A4143FBDFFB28.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCFFF3A4143FBDFFB28.ttl index 1e456f1b2b3..0c79a8c30a2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCFFF3A4143FBDFFB28.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687D7D97AFFCFFF3A4143FBDFFB28.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mills, Sadie; O’Hara, Timothy" ; dc:title "Amphilepis Ljungman 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,35 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ljungman, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ljungman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Amphilepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ljungman, 1865" ; - dwc:species "norvegica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith et al. 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith et al., 1995" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Amphilepididae" ; @@ -83,20 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Amphilepididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFC8FFF3FF4CF973FC2EF4B8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFC8FFF3FF4CF973FC2EF4B8.ttl index a0ed74d2e93..4a5f564a1a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFC8FFF3FF4CF973FC2EF4B8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFC8FFF3FF4CF973FC2EF4B8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Singh, Harsimranjeet; Raha, Angshuman; Kirti, Jagbir Singh; Singh, Navneet" ; dc:title "Lemyra (Thyrgorina) kaikarisi Saldaitis, Volynkin & Duda 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1865)" ; - dwc:species "nigrifrons" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thyrgorina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFC8FF4CF9DDFA6AF52C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFC8FF4CF9DDFA6AF52C.ttl index c212b5dc033..f4c48052e6d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFC8FF4CF9DDFA6AF52C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFC8FF4CF9DDFA6AF52C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Singh, Harsimranjeet; Raha, Angshuman; Kirti, Jagbir Singh; Singh, Navneet" ; dc:title "Lemyra (Thyrgorina) excelsa Thomas 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,163 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rothschild" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rothschild, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thyrgorina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "melanosoma" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thyrgorina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1990" ; - dwc:species "khasiana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thyrgorina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Raha, Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:species "obsoleta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Raha, Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:species "pinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "sordidescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Raha, Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:species "rubripecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "biseriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Raha & Kirti & Singh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Raha, Kirti & Singh, 2024" ; - dwc:species "densimacula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1865)" ; - dwc:species "flavalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFCBFF4CFDB6FC9CF1D6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFCBFF4CFDB6FC9CF1D6.ttl index 809eb6123c2..0dabfd98b61 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFCBFF4CFDB6FC9CF1D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DAFFFFFFCBFF4CFDB6FC9CF1D6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Singh, Harsimranjeet; Raha, Angshuman; Kirti, Jagbir Singh; Singh, Navneet" ; dc:title "Lemyra (Thyrgorina) khasiana Thomas 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,38 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1865)" ; - dwc:species "nigrifrons" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thyrgorina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(sensu Hampson 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "sensu Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diacrisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(sensu Hampson, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "nigrifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; 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- dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frolov" ; - dwc:species "perinetensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frolov", "Frolov." ; - dwc:authorityName "Frolov", "Frolov." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frolov" ; - dwc:species "peyrierasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frolov. It" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frolov. It" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frolov. It" ; - dwc:species "perinetensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frolov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frolov" ; - dwc:species "montreuili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Paulian" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paulian" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulian" ; - dwc:species "falcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frolov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frolov" ; - dwc:species "brunneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; @@ -162,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Orphnidae" ; dwc:genus "Madecorphnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991328DEBC097FB94AEA2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991328DEBC097FB94AEA2.ttl index a13a9227e50..07b9242563e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991328DEBC097FB94AEA2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991328DEBC097FB94AEA2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Stizophyllum" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,51 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Bureau & K. Schum." ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau & K. Schum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau & Schum." ; - dwc:species "inaequilaterum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Miers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Miers" ; - dwc:species "perforatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kunth) Sandwith." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunth) Sandwith." ; - dwc:species "riparium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991338F52C117FAF5ABFE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991338F52C117FAF5ABFE.ttl index 83870c0d2e3..27769fd3541 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991338F52C117FAF5ABFE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFC991338F52C117FAF5ABFE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Perianthomega" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,20 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Bureau." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Perianthomega" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau." ; - dwc:species "vellozoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD291288F08C2B9FA14A8FF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD291288F08C2B9FA14A8FF.ttl index faa24e70d29..be2065117e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD291288F08C2B9FA14A8FF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD291288F08C2B9FA14A8FF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Cuspidaria" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,82 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority ", Arrabidaea" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arrabidaea" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cuspidaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arrabidaea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vell." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cuspidaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Gentry" ; - dwc:species "convoluta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cuspidaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "pulchra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Miers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tynanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Miers" ; - dwc:species "cognatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) L. G. Lohmann." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tynanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Lohmann." ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD2912A8DA3C396FB90AEA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD2912A8DA3C396FB90AEA5.ttl index 9207f881304..323036c2d49 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD2912A8DA3C396FB90AEA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD2912A8DA3C396FB90AEA5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Fridericia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,223 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Pichon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pichon" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Piriadacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pichon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. C. Gomes. In" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. C. Gomes. In" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sampaiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomes. In" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bonpl.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonpl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonpl.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "chica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(DC.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(DC.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "cinnamomea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vell." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "conjugata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sandwith) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sandwith" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sandwith) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "nigrescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Gentry) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gentry) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "ornithophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schltdl.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schltdl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schltdl.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "patellifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "platyphylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "samydoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "speciosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mart. ex DC.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(DC.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "triplinervia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Sprague" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sprague" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylophragma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Sprague" ; - dwc:species "myrianthum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(DC.) L. G. Lohmann." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylophragma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(DC.) Lohmann." ; - dwc:species "platyphyllum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298A13C3F9FA33AEA2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298A13C3F9FA33AEA2.ttl index 5bd070b4176..0c7c5277694 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298A13C3F9FA33AEA2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298A13C3F9FA33AEA2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Lundia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,81 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl) DC." ; - dwc:species "longa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. DC., L." ; - dwc:authorityName "C. DC., L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC., L." ; - dwc:species "damazioi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "densiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "virginalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "nitidula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298F46C0F6FA34A81C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298F46C0F6FA34A81C.ttl index 45bec27ee90..f2d65c74e1d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298F46C0F6FA34A81C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD391298F46C0F6FA34A81C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Pachyptera" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,50 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Barb. Rodr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Barb. Rodr." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucocalantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barb. Rodr." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Barb. Rodr.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Barb. Rodr." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Barb. Rodr.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "aromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Aubl.) Sandwith." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aubl.) Sandwith." ; - dwc:species "kerere" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD691298A19C795FDC3AB1E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD691298A19C795FDC3AB1E.ttl index b8da0d24bc5..1c07300da26 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD691298A19C795FDC3AB1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD691298A19C795FDC3AB1E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Manaosella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,20 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(DC.) A. H. Gentry." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Manaosella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(DC.) Gentry." ; - dwc:species "cordifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F45C2B9FEA6AC60.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F45C2B9FEA6AC60.ttl index fd93f98c6f8..ccb0ba5c8cb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F45C2B9FEA6AC60.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F45C2B9FEA6AC60.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Martinella" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,20 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Kunth) Bureau & K. Schum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Martinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunth) Bureau & Schum." ; - dwc:species "obovata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F4BC715FA12ACE0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F4BC715FA12ACE0.ttl index 3183668e570..580e30e8320 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F4BC715FA12ACE0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD6912C8F4BC715FA12ACE0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Pleonotoma" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,82 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Sandwith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sandwith" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sandwith" ; - dwc:species "dendrotricha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(S. Moore) A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "S. Moore" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore) Gentry" ; - dwc:species "melioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sandwith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sandwith" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sandwith" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Bureau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Bureau" ; - dwc:species "tetraquetra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. Schum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schum." ; - dwc:species "stichadenia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD9911D8F22C51FFAE4AEA2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD9911D8F22C51FFAE4AEA2.ttl index 9562466a6fa..5c425da2ec0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD9911D8F22C51FFAE4AEA2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFD9911D8F22C51FFAE4AEA2.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Adenocalymma" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -34,238 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Sandwith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sandwith" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gardnerodoxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sandwith" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neojobertia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baill." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sandwith) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sandwith" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sandwith) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "adenophorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Faria & Proenca) L. H. Fonseca & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. H. Fonseca & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Faria & Proenca" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Faria & Proenca) Fonseca & Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "alboaurantiacum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) DC." ; - dwc:species "bracteatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Miers." ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Miers." ; - dwc:species "acutissimum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miers." ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers, Udulutsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2808" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miers, Udulutsch, 2808" ; - dwc:species "divaricatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miq.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miq.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "flaviflorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. Samp.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. Samp." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Samp.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "longilineum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sandiwth) L. H. Fonseca & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. H. Fonseca & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sandiwth" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sandiwth) Fonseca & Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Silva Manso) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Silva Manso" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Silva Manso) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "nodosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miers.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miers." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miers.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "peregrinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. C. Gomes" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. C. Gomes" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomes" ; - dwc:species "salmoneum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Gentry) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gentry) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "tanaeciicarpum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(K. Schum.) L. G. Lohmann." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schum.) Lohmann." ; - dwc:species "validum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDA91238DEDC4F2FCBDAE78.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDA91238DEDC4F2FCBDAE78.ttl index a58c0b038d8..0a035ca26d2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDA91238DEDC4F2FCBDAE78.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDA91238DEDC4F2FCBDAE78.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Dolichandra" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,79 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "A. DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Macfadyena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bureau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melloa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bureau ex K. Schum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parabignonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau ex Schum." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jacq.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jacq.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "quadrivalvis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vell." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "unguiculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDC91208F24C577FE16AEA5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDC91208F24C577FE16AEA5.ttl index 453eaaaed80..e48f8fba2ed 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDC91208F24C577FE16AEA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDC91208F24C577FE16AEA5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Amphilophium" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,153 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Kuntze" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuntze" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Distictella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuntze" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart. ex Meisn" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meisn" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Distictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meisn" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bureau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Glaziova" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplolophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart. ex Meisn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pithecoctenium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart. ex Meisn." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "bracteatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "dolichoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vahl.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "elongatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kunth) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunth) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "magnoliifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sandwith) L. G. Lohmann." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sandwith) Lohmann." ; - dwc:species "pulverulentum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDE91248F4FC755FB7FAD61.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDE91248F4FC755FB7FAD61.ttl index ba10d0c98b2..b6b278a515b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDE91248F4FC755FB7FAD61.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDE91248F4FC755FB7FAD61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Callichlamys Miq." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Rich.) K. Schum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Callichlamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rich.) Schum." ; - dwc:species "latifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDF91248F42C455FE7CADA0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDF91248F42C455FE7CADA0.ttl index b2b5ef17329..4b44a34b8ac 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDF91248F42C455FE7CADA0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFDF91248F42C455FE7CADA0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Tanaecium" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,123 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Gentry) Zuntini & L. G. Lohmann", "(A. H. Gentry) Zuntini & L. G. Lohmann." ; - dwc:authorityName "Zuntini & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gentry) Zuntini & Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "tetramerum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pittier" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pittier" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pittier" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudocatalpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gentry" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. C. Gomes, Sphingiphila A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. C. Gomes, Sphingiphila A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Spathicalyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomes, Sphingiphila Gentry" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bureau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Paragonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. Samp." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Periarrabidaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Samp." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sprague) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sprague" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sprague) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "bilabiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rich.) L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rich." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rich.) Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "pyramidatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFE5911E8F15C75EFAD9AAA4.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFE5911E8F15C75EFAD9AAA4.ttl index f1b74068c46..b6d0d9222dc 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFE5911E8F15C75EFAD9AAA4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DCFFE5911E8F15C75EFAD9AAA4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, Marcelo R.; Marcati, Carmen R.; Lohmann, Lúcia G.; Angyalossy, Veronica" ; dc:title "Bignoniaceae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,307 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Tanfani) Sprague" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sprague" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tanfani" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Podranea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tanfani) Sprague" ; - dwc:species "ricasoliana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Schumann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schumann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lindl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pandorea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindl.) Schumann" ; - dwc:species "jasminoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Gentry) Zuntini & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zuntini & L. G. Lohmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Gentry" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gentry) Zuntini & Lohmann" ; - dwc:species "tetramerum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bureau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bureau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Perianthomega" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bureau" ; - dwc:species "vellozoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphilophium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleonotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miers" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miers" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sw." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sw." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sw." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart. ex Meisn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Meisn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adenocalymma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meisn." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miq." ; - dwc:authorityName "Miq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Callichlamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miq." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Baill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Martinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baill." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cuspidaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miers" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tynanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miers" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. C. Gomes" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. C. Gomes" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Manaosella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fridericia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sprague" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sprague" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylophragma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sprague" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Mansoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lundia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart. ex Meisn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Meisn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anemopaegma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meisn." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. Presl" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. Presl" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrostegia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Presl" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6651301FD5D9F6C7B40EFC63.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6651301FD5D9F6C7B40EFC63.ttl index 3b1e1f0047b..e376ac89163 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6651301FD5D9F6C7B40EFC63.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6651301FD5D9F6C7B40EFC63.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum (Clavanthus) Leme, S. Heller & Zizka 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Plateau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Plateau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Podostemaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diamantina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Plateau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6657301FD5D9F4E3B0E0FD1B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6657301FD5D9F4E3B0E0FD1B.ttl index 8cd584d1dbd..4078a8fa1b0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6657301FD5D9F4E3B0E0FD1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6657301FD5D9F4E3B0E0FD1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum arcanum Leme 2020, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,151 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Foster (1960: 59)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "59" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1960" ; - dwc:species "vagans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme & L. Kollmann (2007: 155)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme & L. Kollmann" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "155" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Kollmann, 2007" ; - dwc:species "pseudovagans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (2015: 284)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "284" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2015" ; - dwc:species "roseolilacinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka (2017: 75)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "75" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Krenakanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (2015: 287)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "287" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2015" ; - dwc:species "vasconcelosianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka (2017: 77)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "77" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthocryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ule (1908: 191)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ule" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "191" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sincoraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ule, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme & Ribeiro & Souza & Souza & Kollmann & Fontana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sincoraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, Ribeiro, Souza, Souza, Kollmann & Fontana, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - dwc:subGenus "Capixabanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD665C3010D5D9F4E3B6C1FE6B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD665C3010D5D9F4E3B6C1FE6B.ttl index 883c1a6c9ee..b8b1c704cb0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD665C3010D5D9F4E3B6C1FE6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD665C3010D5D9F4E3B6C1FE6B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum viridissimum Leme 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme & C. C. Paula (2008: 107)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme & C. C. Paula" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "107" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Paula, 2008" ; - dwc:species "graomogolense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme & C. C. Paula" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Paula, 2008" ; - dwc:species "piranianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6661302FD5D9F7EFB0C3FA17.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6661302FD5D9F7EFB0C3FA17.ttl index 74ab6be69a4..35b2298eb47 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6661302FD5D9F7EFB0C3FA17.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6661302FD5D9F7EFB0C3FA17.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Hoplocryptanthus Leme, S. Heller & Zizka 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Regel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Regel, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66653029D5D9F4E3B1AEFE4F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66653029D5D9F4E3B1AEFE4F.ttl index b029c0b050f..951d4735d58 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66653029D5D9F4E3B1AEFE4F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66653029D5D9F4E3B1AEFE4F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Forzzaea pseudomicra Leme, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme" ; - dwc:species "pseudomicra" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6667302FD5D9F67BB773FCF3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6667302FD5D9F67BB773FCF3.ttl index aea7a0cbc82..708cab92d1e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6667302FD5D9F67BB773FCF3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6667302FD5D9F67BB773FCF3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Forzzaea viridifolia Leme, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme" ; - dwc:species "viridifolia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rauh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rauh, 1988) Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leopoldo-horstii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Plateau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Plateau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Podostemaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diamantina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Plateau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66683024D5D9F163B658FB5B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66683024D5D9F163B658FB5B.ttl index c782eca669f..c825ea6bfcd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66683024D5D9F163B658FB5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66683024D5D9F163B658FB5B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum minimum Leme, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,73 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme" ; - dwc:species "minimum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ule, 1908: 193) L. B. Smith (1955: 34" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ule" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "193" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ule, 1908) Smith, 1955" ; - dwc:species "saxicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme & M. Machado" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme & M. Machado" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Machado" ; - dwc:species "harleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (1994: 14)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "14" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 1994" ; - dwc:species "braunii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD666A301AD5D9F087B602FC3B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD666A301AD5D9F087B602FC3B.ttl index 7af74d8e75d..e7da7f72de1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD666A301AD5D9F087B602FC3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD666A301AD5D9F087B602FC3B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum santosianum Leme 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ule" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ule, 1908) Smith, 1955" ; - dwc:species "saxicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 1994" ; - dwc:species "braunii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme & M. Machado" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme & M. Machado" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Machado" ; - dwc:species "conquistense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Siqueira & Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Siqueira & Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siqueira & Leme" ; - dwc:species "triunfense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD666C3020D5D9F67BB012FB5B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD666C3020D5D9F67BB012FB5B.ttl index f6e1ba49592..82b97c3ae38 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD666C3020D5D9F67BB012FB5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD666C3020D5D9F67BB012FB5B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Orthophytum brejoense Leme, E. H. Souza & Vidigal 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,57 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme (2010: 142)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "142" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2010" ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (2003: 23)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "23" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2003" ; - dwc:species "toscanoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Louzada & Wanderley (2011: 27)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Louzada & Wanderley" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "27" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthophytum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Louzada & Wanderley, 2011" ; - dwc:species "argentum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6671303DD5D9F7DDB004FAAF.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6671303DD5D9F7DDB004FAAF.ttl index ae4851aeabe..893f1df116f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6671303DD5D9F7DDB004FAAF.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6671303DD5D9F7DDB004FAAF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Cryptanthus guanduensis Leme & L. Kollmann 2020, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,88 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme (2014: 150)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "150" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2014" ; - dwc:species "robsonianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (2001: 12)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "12" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2001" ; - dwc:species "argyrophyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme & L. Kollmann (Leme et al. 2010: 29)" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme & Kollmann (Leme et al., 2010)" ; - dwc:species "capitellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. B. Smith (1955: 24)" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "24" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1955" ; - dwc:species "minarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Leme et al." from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka (Leme et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mez" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplocryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mez, 1891) Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66733033D5D9F11BB04AFC75.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66733033D5D9F11BB04AFC75.ttl index 1cbbeecd1b4..e90a60d9757 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD66733033D5D9F11BB04AFC75.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD66733033D5D9F11BB04AFC75.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Cryptanthus santateresinhensis Leme 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme (1991: 14)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "14" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 1991" ; - dwc:species "coriaceous" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6677303FD5D9F577B597FCEE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6677303FD5D9F577B597FCEE.ttl index d6ae811a284..890b0b9c783 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD6677303FD5D9F577B597FCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD6677303FD5D9F577B597FCEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Cryptanthus cruzalmensis Leme & E. H. Souza 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,88 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Philcox 1992)", "Philcox (1992: 265)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Philcox" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "265" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Philcox" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philcox, 1992" ; - dwc:species "pseudopetiolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Philcox (1992: 268)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Philcox" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "268" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philcox, 1992" ; - dwc:species "ruthae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leme (1995: 9)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "9" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 1995" ; - dwc:species "vexatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme & Ribeiro & Souza & Souza & Kollmann & Fontana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, Ribeiro, Souza, Souza, Kollmann & Fontana, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "I. Ramirez" ; - dwc:authorityName "I. Ramirez" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ramirez" ; - dwc:species "ubairensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; @@ -142,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667B3035D5D9F4E3B14AF80B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667B3035D5D9F4E3B14AF80B.ttl index 919688ea7af..d31425fd9ac 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667B3035D5D9F4E3B14AF80B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667B3035D5D9F4E3B14AF80B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Forzzaea flavipetala Leme, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,39 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme" ; - dwc:species "flavipetala" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rauh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rauh, 1988) Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leopoldo-horstii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667D3030D5D9F073B1B1FE23.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667D3030D5D9F073B1B1FE23.ttl index 3bb3e0e1655..a138b79598a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667D3030D5D9F073B1B1FE23.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667D3030D5D9F073B1B1FE23.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Cryptanthus univittatus Leme 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,92 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hooker 1861)", "(Hooker 1861: 5270) Regel (1865: 2)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Regel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "2" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hooker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "5270" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hooker, 1861) Regel, 1865" ; - dwc:species "bivittatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Regel (1865)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Regel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Regel, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baker (1889: 16)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "16" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, 1889" ; - dwc:species "pratextus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. B. Smith (1955: 24)" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. B. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "24" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1955" ; - dwc:species "marginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Leme & Kollman" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Leme (Leme & Kollman 2013: 16)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme (Leme & Kollman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme, 2013" ; - dwc:species "ilhanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; @@ -146,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3030D5D9F59FB4ECFBAB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3030D5D9F59FB4ECFBAB.ttl index 8efcb172446..3ca8678ed7a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3030D5D9F59FB4ECFBAB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3030D5D9F59FB4ECFBAB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Forzzaea Leme, S. Heller & Zizka 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,34 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Regel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Regel, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Plateau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Plateau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Podostemaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diamantina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Plateau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3036D5D9F28FB052F80B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3036D5D9F28FB052F80B.ttl index 4de7e6d3eff..296c85a5404 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3036D5D9F28FB052F80B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DD667E3036D5D9F28FB052F80B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leme, Elton M. C.; Ribeiro, Otávio B. C.; Souza, Fernanda Vidigal D.; Souza, Everton Hilo De; Kollmann, Ludovic J. C.; Fontana, André P." ; dc:title "Forzzaea coutensis Leme, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,70 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leme" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leme" ; - dwc:species "coutensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rauh, 1988: 68) Leme, S. Heller & Zizka (2017: 68)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leme, S. Heller & Zizka" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "68" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rauh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "68" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Forzzaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rauh, 1988) Leme, Heller & Zizka, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leopoldo-horstii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Plateau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Plateau" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Podostemaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diamantina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Plateau" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Biri-Biri" ; - dwc:authorityName "Biri-Biri" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Podostemaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diamantina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Biri-Biri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC28D59FF76B0CEFC827AD0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC28D59FF76B0CEFC827AD0.ttl index 58450c714b6..e6ca47a96a7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC28D59FF76B0CEFC827AD0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC28D59FF76B0CEFC827AD0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Proctolaelaps paulista De, Lindquist & De, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,131 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Athias-Henriot 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Athias-Henriot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Athias-Henriot, 1959" ; - dwc:species "intermedius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Athias" ; - dwc:authorityName "Athias" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Athias" ; - dwc:species "intermedius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Samsinak)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Samsinak" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Samsinak" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Samsinak)" ; - dwc:species "wenkochingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chant, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neojordensia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chant, 1963" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Samsinak, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Samsinak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neojordensia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Samsinak, 1964" ; - dwc:species "wenkochingi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1971" ; - dwc:species "ventrianalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bregetova (1977)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bregetova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraproctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bregetova, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg (1979)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctofissus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -183,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC48D54FF76B099FDF07909.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC48D54FF76B099FDF07909.ttl index 6ae58c85b4c..e60f25a89c8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC48D54FF76B099FDF07909.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC48D54FF76B099FDF07909.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Proctolaelaps diffissus Karg" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Karg", "Karg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg", "Karg." ; + dwc:authority "Karg" ; + dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Proctolaelaps" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC78D52FF76B5A4FD507C51.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC78D52FF76B5A4FD507C51.ttl index b753f830707..bbb5d745db8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC78D52FF76B5A4FD507C51.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFC78D52FF76B5A4FD507C51.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Lasioseius quinisetosus Lindquist & Karg" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Lindquist & Karg", "Lindquist & Karg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindquist & Karg", "Lindquist & Karg." ; + dwc:authority "Lindquist & Karg" ; + dwc:authorityName "Lindquist & Karg" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Karg, 1976", "Karg, 1976: 533" ; + dwc:authority "Karg, 1976: 533" ; dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "533" ; dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; @@ -61,37 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheiroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg" ; - dwc:species "inguinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1977" ; - dwc:species "inguinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -105,12 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D58FF76B4DCFAF57B28.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D58FF76B4DCFAF57B28.ttl index 373406b1313..297d1f4c11d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D58FF76B4DCFAF57B28.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D58FF76B4DCFAF57B28.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Protogamasellus mica Athias-Henriot" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -78,51 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Athias-Henriot" ; - dwc:authorityName "Athias-Henriot" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Rhodacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhodacarellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Athias-Henriot" ; - dwc:species "mica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg" ; - dwc:species "primitivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -136,12 +90,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D5DFF76B22FFEA27926.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D5DFF76B22FFEA27926.ttl index cb6531d77d2..31fe2d132bf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D5DFF76B22FFEA27926.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFCE8D5DFF76B22FFEA27926.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Protogamasellus sigillophorus De, Lindquist & De, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Athias-Henriot, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Athias-Henriot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Athias-Henriot, 1961" ; - dwc:species "massula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Genis et al., 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Genis et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Genis et al., 1967" ; - dwc:species "scuticalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -91,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Protogamasellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD08D48FF76B4DCFE57788C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD08D48FF76B4DCFE57788C.ttl index 88375c10bd3..9240f150181 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD08D48FF76B4DCFE57788C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD08D48FF76B4DCFE57788C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Gamasellodes magniventris De, Lindquist & De, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lindquist 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindquist" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gamasellodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindquist, 1971" ; - dwc:species "rectiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Gamasellodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD48D47FF76B697FDFD7A5C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD48D47FF76B697FDFD7A5C.ttl index c5f51629f65..27c5534bb2b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD48D47FF76B697FDFD7A5C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFD48D47FF76B697FDFD7A5C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Cheiroseius neophalangioides De, Lindquist & De, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Evans & Hyatt, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Evans & Hyatt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheiroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evans & Hyatt, 1960" ; - dwc:species "phalangioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Form" ; - dwc:authorityName "Form" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Form" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDA8D51FF76B586FCD27CB8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDA8D51FF76B586FCD27CB8.ttl index 29753b14100..b9a83995ba5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDA8D51FF76B586FCD27CB8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDA8D51FF76B586FCD27CB8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Lasioseius helvetius Chant" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Chant", "Chant." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chant", "Chant." ; + dwc:authority "Chant" ; + dwc:authorityName "Chant" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; @@ -79,70 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Evans 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evans, 1958" ; - dwc:species "analis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kennett 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kennett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennett, 1958" ; - dwc:species "scapulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1976" ; - dwc:species "bilineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1980" ; - dwc:species "operculi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -157,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDE8D4CFF76B24CFD1F7C51.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDE8D4CFF76B24CFD1F7C51.ttl index c07c9697429..4971e388b5d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDE8D4CFF76B24CFD1F7C51.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DDFFDE8D4CFF76B24CFD1F7C51.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "De, Jeferson L.; Lindquist, Evert E.; De, Gilberto J." ; dc:title "Lasioseius latinoamericanus De, Lindquist & De, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,69 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Berlese 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1916" ; - dwc:species "floridensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Womersley 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1956" ; - dwc:species "queenslandicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ehara 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ehara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehara, 1964" ; - dwc:species "sugawarai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Berlese." ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese." ; - dwc:species "floridensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ascidae" ; @@ -121,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasioseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022A1C769292FAB13DFB6165.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022A1C769292FAB13DFB6165.ttl index 9bdb97693c7..fc73fa26c9f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022A1C769292FAB13DFB6165.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022A1C769292FAB13DFB6165.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Siriella inornata Hansen 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,66 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Panampunnayil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panampunnayil, 1981" ; - dwc:species "africana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "media" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "plumicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "serrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022B1C779292FDA83A4A636D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022B1C779292FDA83A4A636D.ttl index 7f9cdedb684..7748612f6a8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022B1C779292FDA83A4A636D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022B1C779292FDA83A4A636D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Siriella vulgaris Hansen 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -80,276 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1927" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Udrescu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Udrescu, 1981" ; - dwc:species "bacescui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dana, 1852" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Murano & Fukuoka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murano & Fukuoka, 2008" ; - dwc:species "izuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ii, 1964" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Murano & Fukuoka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murano & Fukuoka, 2008" ; - dwc:species "koreana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1940" ; - dwc:species "longidactyla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nakazawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nakazawa, 1910" ; - dwc:species "longipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pillai, 1964" ; - dwc:species "macropsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ii, 1964" ; - dwc:species "okadai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "O.Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1962" ; - dwc:species "pondoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1965" ; - dwc:species "quadrispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pillai, 1961" ; - dwc:species "quilonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wittmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraleptomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wittmann, 1986)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "H. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne Edwards, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "thompsonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ii, 1964" ; - dwc:species "wadai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nakazawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nakazawa, 1910" ; - dwc:species "watasei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FAB0389E6181.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FAB0389E6181.ttl index 048d66908a7..414d86d9c7e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FAB0389E6181.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FAB0389E6181.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Hemisiriella parva Hansen 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemisiriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "pulchra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FD603D356221.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FD603D356221.ttl index 7c593136c86..619ec332346 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FD603D356221.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FD603D356221.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Rhopalophthalmus orientalis O. S. Tattersall 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,20 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Illig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illig, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -91,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FF7838A96429.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FF7838A96429.ttl index 6da9e0a76f3..d24872d49d7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FF7838A96429.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022C1C709292FF7838A96429.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Rhopalophthalmus macropsis Pillai 1964" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Illig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illig, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FBF43DF56061.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FBF43DF56061.ttl index 371902343e0..f2cd143e724 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FBF43DF56061.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FBF43DF56061.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Siriella chaitiamvongae Murano & Fukuoka 2008" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1944" ; - dwc:species "brevirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FF303D4465DD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FF303D4465DD.ttl index 18d0447398f..393ed64cfa6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FF303D4465DD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022D1C719292FF303D4465DD.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Siriella australiensis Panampunnayil 1995" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,122 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dana, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "inornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "dubia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ballantyne in Ballantyne & Lambkin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lampyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pacifica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ballantyne, 2013" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Samouelle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rutelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Samouelle, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Varona" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Iguanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brevicaudata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Varona, 1985" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1957" ; - dwc:species "singularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Murano & Fukuoka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murano & Fukuoka, 2008" ; - dwc:species "scissilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -175,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Siriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C729292FC183C1563F1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C729292FC183C1563F1.ttl index 94e36a41498..404fcfd9b54 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C729292FC183C1563F1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C729292FC183C1563F1.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Nipponomysis patula Fukuoka & Pinkaew 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,80 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nipponomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ii, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wittmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraleptomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wittmann, 1986)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nipponomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ii, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "quodrispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1965" ; - dwc:species "quadrispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Takahashi & Murano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nipponomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takahashi & Murano, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -133,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Nipponomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C739292F9903A666755.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C739292F9903A666755.ttl index 7accd5f1847..aec0d666d2c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C739292F9903A666755.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022E1C739292F9903A666755.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Orientomysis calida Fukuoka, Pinkaew & Chalermw 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu & Wang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu & Wang, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "leptura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022F1C739292FA253B7661AD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022F1C739292FA253B7661AD.ttl index 9a7845e3358..ed6606d1362 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE022F1C739292FA253B7661AD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE022F1C739292FA253B7661AD.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Rhopalophthalmus hastatus Hanamura, Murano & Man 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Illig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illig, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhopalophthalmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FC413DF96325.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FC413DF96325.ttl index 0171024b877..d8cd527c18c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FC413DF96325.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FC413DF96325.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Acanthomysis longispina Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1965" ; - dwc:species "quadrispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FE353B9B6549.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FE353B9B6549.ttl index 7c2e3cab8df..7f087ecca80 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FE353B9B6549.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6C9292FE353B9B6549.ttl @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Acanthomysis brucei Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6D9292F8803C2E679D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6D9292F8803C2E679D.ttl index 28283856f23..82106795d63 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6D9292F8803C2E679D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02301C6D9292F8803C2E679D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Acanthomysis quadrispinosa Nouvel 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pillai, 1964" ; - dwc:species "platycauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fukuoka & Murano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fukuoka & Murano, 2002" ; - dwc:species "longispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FBD03B8E6039.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FBD03B8E6039.ttl index 434254229a7..cbb10defa60 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FBD03B8E6039.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FBD03B8E6039.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Lycomysis spinicauda Hansen 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pillai, 1964" ; - dwc:species "platycauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FE353A7965B1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FE353A7965B1.ttl index 0a311d9869b..d5fb87c6935 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FE353A7965B1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C6D9292FE353A7965B1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Acanthomysis thailandica Murano 1988" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C729292F9293B966549.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C729292F9293B966549.ttl index ec757097cc7..8236978a417 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C729292F9293B966549.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02311C729292F9293B966549.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Notacanthomysis hodgarti" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(W. M. Tattersall 1922)", "(W. M. Tattersall, 1922)" ; + dwc:authority "(W. M. Tattersall, 1922)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1922" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -80,50 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fukuoka & Murano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notacanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fukuoka & Murano, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pillai, 1961)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pillai, 1961)" ; - dwc:species "platicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Czerniavsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Czerniavsky, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -137,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Notacanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -189,12 +139,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Acanthomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FB443843601D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FB443843601D.ttl index f551ebd2857..a656e79bc8e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FB443843601D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FB443843601D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anisomysis tattersallae Pillai 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ii, 1964" ; - dwc:species "bipartoculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FD143D91624E.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FD143D91624E.ttl index ccf649fa091..9ecd60f7142 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FD143D91624E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FD143D91624E.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anisomysis spinaintus Moriya, Srinui & Sawamoto 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ii, 1964" ; - dwc:species "aikawai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FF7838AF64BE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FF7838AF64BE.ttl index ed8c652b00e..03ef1cf2673 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FF7838AF64BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6E9292FF7838AF64BE.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anisomysis similis Sawamoto, Srinui & Moriya 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bacescu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bacescu, 1992)" ; - dwc:species "gutzui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6F9292F9043AA16475.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6F9292F9043AA16475.ttl index c1bcbec1477..aff0cff9968 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6F9292F9043AA16475.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02321C6F9292F9043AA16475.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Mesopodopsis orientalis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -66,21 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hanamura, Koizumi, Sawamoto, Siow & Chee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesopodopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hanamura, Koizumi, Sawamoto, Siow & Chee, 2008" ; - dwc:species "tenuipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6C9292FB1C3BF066ED.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6C9292FB1C3BF066ED.ttl index 22622a0a7fe..06674b64115 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6C9292FB1C3BF066ED.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6C9292FB1C3BF066ED.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Nanomysis siamensis W. M. Tattersall 1921" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,50 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1957" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gastrosaccus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1951" ; - dwc:species "philippinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -103,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Nanomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6F9292FD5D3815624D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6F9292FD5D3815624D.ttl index 29f5e739674..3b55af02791 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6F9292FD5D3815624D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02331C6F9292FD5D3815624D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Mesopodopsis tenuipes Hanamura, Koizumi, Sawamoto, Siow & Chee 2008" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesopodopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1908" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C689292FB2139EB60F5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C689292FB2139EB60F5.ttl index d4e981cc7a1..fd9ad39203e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C689292FB2139EB60F5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C689292FB2139EB60F5.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Mysidopsis indica W. M. Tattersall 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mysidopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1964" ; - dwc:species "hellvillensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C699292F8DD39EA67C5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C699292F8DD39EA67C5.ttl index e480904bb27..300643ec90c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C699292F8DD39EA67C5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02341C699292F8DD39EA67C5.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Mysidopsis kempi W. M. Tattersall 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "O. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mysidopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1962" ; - dwc:species "eremita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FA003D896181.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FA003D896181.ttl index d9bd11b0c38..7325518e970 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FA003D896181.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FA003D896181.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anisomysis phuketensis Moriya, Srinui & Sawamoto 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Panampunnayil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panampunnayil, 1984" ; - dwc:species "robustispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FD1438156389.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FD1438156389.ttl index 91025e6decf..dbed45959f0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FD1438156389.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02351C699292FD1438156389.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anisomysis bifurcata W. M. Tattersall 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Panampunnayil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisomysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panampunnayil, 1993" ; - dwc:species "spinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292F9C33D4861E2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292F9C33D4861E2.ttl index ce0f23ea18d..18be0cdaf06 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292F9C33D4861E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292F9C33D4861E2.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Heteromysis thailandica Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pillai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteromysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pillai, 1961" ; - dwc:species "macropsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292FD393C5B6319.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292FD393C5B6319.ttl index ce13ddba4bf..99ddbf6ae9e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292FD393C5B6319.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02361C6A9292FD393C5B6319.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Haplostylus pacificus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Panampunnayil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplostylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panampunnayil, 1997" ; - dwc:species "multispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C689292F89F3D8167B9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C689292F89F3D8167B9.ttl index 78067a538b8..33820869934 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C689292F89F3D8167B9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C689292F89F3D8167B9.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Dioptromysis proxima Nouvel 1964" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zimmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dioptromysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zimmer, 1915" ; - dwc:species "perspicillata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FB933B2F6053.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FB933B2F6053.ttl index a3b81fe876b..b2d1449703a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FB933B2F6053.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FB933B2F6053.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Pseudomysidetes nudus Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomysidetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bravo & Murano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomysidetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bravo & Murano, 1996" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -88,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudomysidetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FEC83A4A65F9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FEC83A4A65F9.ttl index 4cd17005f1b..139056316a9 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FEC83A4A65F9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02371C6B9292FEC83A4A65F9.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Deltamysis songkhlaensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,68 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bacescu, 1968)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bacescu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteromysoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bacescu, 1968)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bowman & Orsi, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowman & Orsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltamysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bowman & Orsi, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Murano, 1988)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Murano" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltamysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Murano, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "nana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Yolanda et al. 2019)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yolanda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltamysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Yolanda, 2019)" ; - dwc:species "nana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -138,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Deltamysis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -190,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Heteromysoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FABC38F161E2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FABC38F161E2.ttl index f873bda9b8d..49ea7ec447f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FABC38F161E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FABC38F161E2.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Pseudanchialina pusilla" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -96,49 +95,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Norman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Norman, 1892" ; - dwc:subFamily "Gastrosaccinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudanchialina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Illig" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudanchialina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Illig, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "inermis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -152,12 +108,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudanchialina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FE813D96652D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FE813D96652D.ttl index bb2db125f9b..a9b33490798 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FE813D96652D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02381C649292FE813D96652D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Anchialina typica subsp. orientalis Nouvel 1971" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -64,22 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kroyer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anchialina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kroyer, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "typica" ; - dwc:subSpecies "typica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FC183D7B6061.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FC183D7B6061.ttl index 0d319d33b8c..27336f2d2ca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FC183D7B6061.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FC183D7B6061.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Gastrosaccus dunckeri Zimmer 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Norman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gastrosaccus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Norman, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Van Beneden" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gastrosaccus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Van Beneden, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "sanctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Gastrosaccus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FEC83B0A6549.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FEC83B0A6549.ttl index 85ad9654db4..b4033eeef13 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FEC83B0A6549.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C659292FEC83B0A6549.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Eurobowmaniella simulans" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -81,24 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(W. M. Tattersall, 1915) (Murano 1996)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. M. Tattersall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurobowmaniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tattersall, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "muticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C6A9292F8EB38A86491.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C6A9292F8EB38A86491.ttl index 723e6515992..e6def518ba0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C6A9292F8EB38A86491.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE02391C6A9292F8EB38A86491.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Haplostylus bengalensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -96,21 +95,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Panampunnayil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplostylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panampunnayil, 1997" ; - dwc:species "uthupus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292F9FC3A7A615A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292F9FC3A7A615A.ttl index 90b3a96d2fc..31fc8e00910 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292F9FC3A7A615A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292F9FC3A7A615A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Hypererythrops validisaeta Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Holt & Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypererythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holt & Tattersall, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Hypererythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FC183BCF63D5.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FC183BCF63D5.ttl index 15a0ffa256a..67629d7314c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FC183BCF63D5.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FC183BCF63D5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Hypererythrops spiniferus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -79,22 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mees & Meland 2022 d)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mees & Meland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypererythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mees & Meland, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "spiniferus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FD843A0D65B1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FD843A0D65B1.ttl index 9beb541333d..731962c3e93 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FD843A0D65B1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023A1C669292FD843A0D65B1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Hypererythrops semispinosus Wang 1998" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -63,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mees & Meland 2022 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mees & Meland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypererythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mees & Meland, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "semispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FD5C3A9E6205.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FD5C3A9E6205.ttl index 26d62ed2b0b..5d07ffb7cca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FD5C3A9E6205.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FD5C3A9E6205.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Pleurerythrops monospinosus Liu & Wang 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -63,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mees & Meland 2022 e)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mees & Meland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurerythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mees & Meland, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "monospinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FF303B886475.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FF303B886475.ttl index 43f0e5a7430..8716260c613 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FF303B886475.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023B1C679292FF303B886475.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Pleurerythrops inscitus Ii 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -63,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mees & Meland 2022 d)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mees & Meland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurerythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mees & Meland, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "inscitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FAB139EA6181.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FAB139EA6181.ttl index 6fe55b89460..1d01eb9226b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FAB139EA6181.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FAB139EA6181.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Erythrops phuketensis Fukuoka & Murano 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1974" ; - dwc:species "frontieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nouvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erythrops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nouvel, 1974" ; - dwc:species "frontier" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FD153B5F6319.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FD153B5F6319.ttl index a20acce8d16..aad00762755 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FD153B5F6319.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DE023D1C619292FD153B5F6319.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yolanda, Rofiza; Ambarwati, Reni; Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati; Budijastuti, Widowati; Fitrihidajati, Herlina; Kuntjoro, Sunu; Rachmadiarti, Fida; Purnomo, Tarzan" ; dc:title "Erythrops minutus Hansen 1910" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -63,20 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1910" ; - dwc:subFamily "Erythropinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DEFFBFFFBB49CEB9052F81FC77.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DEFFBFFFBB49CEB9052F81FC77.ttl index 91c3061be95..6a0644eac0c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DEFFBFFFBB49CEB9052F81FC77.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DEFFBFFFBB49CEB9052F81FC77.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ebejer, Martin J.; Gatt, Paul" ; dc:title "Chrysopilus Macquart 1826" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Meigen, 1804)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1804)" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhagionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB728FFD0FF17FBEDF1FC4C10.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB728FFD0FF17FBEDF1FC4C10.ttl index 99074abc7c7..f6098fcd701 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB728FFD0FF17FBEDF1FC4C10.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB728FFD0FF17FBEDF1FC4C10.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Glöer, Peter; Reuselaars, Robert" ; dc:title "Pseudamnicola skalaensis Glöer & Reuselaars, 2020, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,95 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Paulucci" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudamnicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paulucci, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Glöer & Reuselaars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudamnicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Glöer & Reuselaars, 2020" ; - dwc:species "samosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Glöer & Reuselaars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudamnicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Glöer & Reuselaars, 2020" ; - dwc:species "lesbosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Glöer & Reuselaars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudamnicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Glöer & Reuselaars, 2020" ; - dwc:species "stasimoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "I. Lea" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Unionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinanodonta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Unionida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lea, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "woodiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Clessin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Viviparidae" ; - dwc:genus "Viviparus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Clessin, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "hellenicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; @@ -148,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudamnicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FE46F01D4A2F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FE46F01D4A2F.ttl index e1216e65b89..1411f2569ee 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FE46F01D4A2F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FE46F01D4A2F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Glöer, Peter; Reuselaars, Robert" ; dc:title "Pseudamnicola stasimoensis Glöer & Reuselaars, 2020, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FECFF1E74F27.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FECFF1E74F27.ttl index bc3857ca928..4e838a1bc96 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FECFF1E74F27.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFB729FFD7FF17FECFF1E74F27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Glöer, Peter; Reuselaars, Robert" ; dc:title "Pseudamnicola Paulucci 1878" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "ISSEL 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "ISSEL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bythinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Issel, 1866" ; - dwc:species "lucensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF90FFE36BCEFC1970819F8A.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF90FFE36BCEFC1970819F8A.ttl index 0e59472e1db..ac29a4dedf5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF90FFE36BCEFC1970819F8A.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF90FFE36BCEFC1970819F8A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Peristenus digoneutis LOAN 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "DeLong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Empoasca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DeLong, 1931" ; - dwc:species "solana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Palisot de Beauvois" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Palisot de Beauvois, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "lineolaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF91FFE26BCEFD4B70819F7F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF91FFE26BCEFD4B70819F7F.ttl index ce17ea3de86..ac827608c32 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF91FFE26BCEFD4B70819F7F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF91FFE26BCEFD4B70819F7F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Peristenus pallipes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,212 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Melandryidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Goeze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1778" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adelphocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Goeze, 1778)" ; - dwc:species "lineolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Calacoris" ; - dwc:authorityName "Calacoris" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adelphocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calacoris" ; - dwc:species "rapidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Capsus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1889" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Knight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Labops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knight, 1922" ; - dwc:species "hirtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptopterna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "dolabrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kelton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kelton, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Van Duzee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Van Duzee, 1914" ; - dwc:species "elisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Knight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knight, 1917" ; - dwc:species "hesperus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Palisot de Beauvois" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Palisot de Beauvois, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "lineolaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "pratensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Notostira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "erratica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Plagiognathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:species "medicagus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE06BCEFA8370819A53.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE06BCEFA8370819A53.ttl index 8a57bb9b523..252beb632e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE06BCEFA8370819A53.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE06BCEFA8370819A53.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Aridelus egregius" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,105 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "acuminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Dolcoris" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dolcoris" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dolcoris" ; - dwc:species "cognata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Palomena" ; - dwc:authorityName "Palomena" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holcostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Palomena" ; - dwc:species "vernalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W.E.Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plataspidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schrank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurygaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schrank, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "austriaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W.E.Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFCAE70819F87.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFCAE70819F87.ttl index 0776c943f7c..c493516ac86 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFCAE70819F87.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFCAE70819F87.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Wesmaelia petiolata" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,18 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFDD4708199E2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFDD4708199E2.ttl index 3bed5e2a046..8547e93431b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFDD4708199E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFDD4708199E2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Peristenus rubricollis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Goeze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1778" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adelphocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Goeze, 1778)" ; - dwc:species "lineolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFF0973909AF9.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFF0973909AF9.ttl index 4ceeec56fb3..8333749420b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFF0973909AF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF92FFE16BCEFF0973909AF9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Peristenus relictus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Knight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knight, 1917" ; - dwc:species "hesperus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Polymerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trigonotylus" ; - dwc:species "unifasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFBA870819ECA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFBA870819ECA.ttl index 38e622cd3d1..8f938e64ba7 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFBA870819ECA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFBA870819ECA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Perilitus (Microctonus) stelleri" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,33 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gyllenhal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1813" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gyllenhal, 1813)" ; - dwc:species "postica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFDDE70819855.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFDDE70819855.ttl index 538d3f2a2d1..e776cfd5d28 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFDDE70819855.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF93FFE06BCEFDDE70819855.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Perilitus (Microctonus) aethiops NEES 1834" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,106 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gyllenhal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1813" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gyllenhal, 1813)" ; - dwc:species "postica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fahraeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fahraeus, 1840" ; - dwc:species "cylindricollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "hispidula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1831" ; - dwc:species "humeralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thylacites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Germar, 1817" ; - dwc:species "incanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFB4570829EE2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFB4570829EE2.ttl index a89a8c2a14d..a05c92b3d57 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFB4570829EE2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFB4570829EE2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Allurus muricatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,139 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "hispidula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1831" ; - dwc:species "humeralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "lineata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thunberg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thunberg, 1798)" ; - dwc:species "sulcifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gerasimov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Frey, 1857) Gerasimov, 1952" ; - dwc:species "aceris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Heinemann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Heinemann, 1862) Vari, 1944" ; - dwc:species "obliquella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wood, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "torminalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFCB070819F6C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFCB070819F6C.ttl index 4b3b2848076..87fe0a625bd 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFCB070819F6C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF96FFE56BCEFCB070819F6C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Allurus lituratus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,76 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gyllenhal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gyllenhal, 1832" ; - dwc:species "inops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gyllenhal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gyllenhal, 1834" ; - dwc:species "lepidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "lineata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE36BCEFBB873AB9A63.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE36BCEFBB873AB9A63.ttl index 98c57ac503c..5de24c780b8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE36BCEFBB873AB9A63.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE36BCEFBB873AB9A63.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Dinocampus coccinellae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,166 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "bipunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Anatis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Anatis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anatis" ; - dwc:species "deficiens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Brachiacantha" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brachiacantha" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brachiacantha" ; - dwc:species "ocellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Cycloneda" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cycloneda" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleomegilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cycloneda" ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Halyzia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halyzia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleomegilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halyzia" ; - dwc:species "sanguinea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Empoasca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evans, 1942" ; - dwc:species "quadripunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippodamia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "glacialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippodamia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant, 1850" ; - dwc:species "sinuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gyllenhal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sitona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gyllenhal, 1834" ; - dwc:species "discoideus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFD59708198BD.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFD59708198BD.ttl index 258f5a6e8e4..fb0d304a0db 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFD59708198BD.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFD59708198BD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Centistes (Centistes) fuscipes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,33 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stainton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Chordariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Elachista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Chordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stainton, 1851" ; - dwc:species "trapeziella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFEC970819940.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFEC970819940.ttl index 3dff44bf798..2dc6ce79d6c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFEC970819940.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687DFFF97FFE46BCEFEC970819940.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Koldas, T.; Aydogdu, M.; Beyarslan, A." ; dc:title "Centistes (Centistes) cuspidatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,108 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stefani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asphondylia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stefani, 1900" ; - dwc:species "conglomerata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leperisinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "varius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "chrysomelinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "hypnorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; - dwc:species "obtusus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1839" ; - dwc:species "solutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E0FF83C26E846DF8314FE33272.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E0FF83C26E846DF8314FE33272.ttl index 6cde7826798..abaaf2f8a4c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E0FF83C26E846DF8314FE33272.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E0FF83C26E846DF8314FE33272.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Guernea ezoensis Ishimaru 1987" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C11B2F5FDC0FCD02C3B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C11B2F5FDC0FCD02C3B.ttl index 586ef1137e2..6fd517978ff 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C11B2F5FDC0FCD02C3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C11B2F5FDC0FCD02C3B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nasir, Reyes Peña-Santiago; Gholamreza, Nasir Vazifeh; Faegheh, Gholamreza Niknam; Abootalebi, Faegheh" ; dc:title "Sylphodorylaimus sylphoides Nasir & Gholamreza & Faegheh & Abootalebi 2024, n. comb." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -98,24 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Williams, 1958)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nasir & Gholamreza & Faegheh & Abootalebi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sylphodorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Williams, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "syphoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C1CB063FE43FBB22AC6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C1CB063FE43FBB22AC6.ttl index ae35bd13260..a29eb0efa50 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C1CB063FE43FBB22AC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E140687C1CB063FE43FBB22AC6.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Nasir, Reyes Peña-Santiago; Gholamreza, Nasir Vazifeh; Faegheh, Gholamreza Niknam; Abootalebi, Faegheh" ; dc:title "Sylphodorylaimus Nasir & Gholamreza & Faegheh & Abootalebi 2024, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,169 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Siddiqi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siddiqi, 1969" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Williams, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Dorylaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1959" ; - dwc:species "sylphoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dujardin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Dorylaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dujardin, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ali & Prabha, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ali & Prabha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Indodorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ali & Prabha, 1974" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Siddiqi, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Siddiqi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicaguttur" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siddiqi, 1971" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Dorylaimidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Man, 1876" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Carbonell & Coomans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opisthodorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carbonell & Coomans, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nasir & Gholamreza & Faegheh & Abootalebi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nasir & Gholamreza & Faegheh & Abootalebi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Dorylaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nasir, Gholamreza, Faegheh & Abootalebi, 1959)" ; - dwc:species "sylphoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sen, Chatterjee & Manna" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Indodorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sen, Chatterjee & Manna, 2012" ; - dwc:species "asaccatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sen, Chatterjee & Manna" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:genus "Indodorylaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sen, Chatterjee & Manna, 2012" ; - dwc:species "baqrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; @@ -220,20 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; dwc:family "Thornenematidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Enoplea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Dorylaimida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47B2A60F3EEFCFDC3DAFC17.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47B2A60F3EEFCFDC3DAFC17.ttl index e6f9f6bcb36..0ad0ce83844 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47B2A60F3EEFCFDC3DAFC17.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47B2A60F3EEFCFDC3DAFC17.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dutra, Guilherme Moreira; Penido, Iago De Souza; Mello, Gabriel Caetano Guimarães De; Pessali, Tiago Casarim" ; dc:title "Cyphocharax jagunco Dutra, Penido, Mello & Pessali, 2016, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47F2A6DF3EEFC5EC641FEF3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47F2A6DF3EEFC5EC641FEF3.ttl index c6d26bd6cd2..901a56c31a0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47F2A6DF3EEFC5EC641FEF3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E2B47F2A6DF3EEFC5EC641FEF3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dutra, Guilherme Moreira; Penido, Iago De Souza; Mello, Gabriel Caetano Guimarães De; Pessali, Tiago Casarim" ; dc:title "Cyphocharax lundi Dutra, Penido, Mello & Pessali, 2016, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCC595AFF60F9DDD9728743.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCC595AFF60F9DDD9728743.ttl index 4bb162b10dc..bfc002589d1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCC595AFF60F9DDD9728743.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCC595AFF60F9DDD9728743.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Penco, Fernando C.; Yakovlev, Roman V.; Naydenov, Artem E.; Witt, Thomas J." ; dc:title "Givarbela Clench 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Clench, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clench" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Givarbela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clench, 1957" ; - dwc:species "steinbachi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cossidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCD5958FF60F892DED18243.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCD5958FF60F892DED18243.ttl index 4b68f33d24d..abe2234e669 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCD5958FF60F892DED18243.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E3FFCD5958FF60F892DED18243.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Penco, Fernando C.; Yakovlev, Roman V.; Naydenov, Artem E.; Witt, Thomas J." ; dc:title "Givarbela drechseli Penco & Yakovlev & Naydenov & Witt 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Clench" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Givarbela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clench, 1957" ; - dwc:species "steinbachi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cossidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A861FFDFE433AA43FBE8EFED.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A861FFDFE433AA43FBE8EFED.ttl index eaa03961104..ff5f31db2ca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A861FFDFE433AA43FBE8EFED.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A861FFDFE433AA43FBE8EFED.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,142 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philosinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ris" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philosina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ris, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestoideidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philoganga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys-Longchamps" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megapodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys-Longchamps, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allopodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Marmels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teinopodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Marmels, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Selys-Longchamps & Hagen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Selys-Longchamps & Hagen, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cowley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chlorocyphidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cowley, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A862FFDCE433AF2FFAD3E8E6.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A862FFDCE433AF2FFAD3E8E6.ttl index 59dbfab2450..e3ddcb631cf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A862FFDCE433AF2FFAD3E8E6.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A862FFDCE433AF2FFAD3E8E6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Libelluloidea Leach 1815" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,465 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Macromiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tillyard, 1917)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fraser, 1957)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fraser, 1957)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Archaeophya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Brauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gomphomacromia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brauer, 1864" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Synthemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Synthemiopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eusynthemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrocordulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micromidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lathrocordulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martin, 1907" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordulephya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Choristhemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Carle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasynthemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carle, 1995" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epophthalmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pictet, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyllomacromia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Didymops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aeschnosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentathemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Libellulosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martin, 1907" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neocordulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Geijskes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lauromacromia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geijskes, 1970" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Idomacromia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesocordulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nannophlebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hagen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygonyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hagen, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pantala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1798" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hagen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyothemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hagen, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sulzer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sympetrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sulzer, 1776" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ris" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrothemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ris, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A863FFDCE765AEC3FCAAED47.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A863FFDCE765AEC3FCAAED47.ttl index 17eb8a4eded..b152ba06d29 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A863FFDCE765AEC3FCAAED47.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A863FFDCE765AEC3FCAAED47.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Gomphidae Rambur 1842" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,127 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Needham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Petaluridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Libelluloidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aeshnoidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hagen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hagen, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synthemistidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Macromiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tillyard, 1917)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys-Longchamps" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Corduliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Somatochlora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys-Longchamps, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uracis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFD0E433AD4FFC72E922.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFD0E433AD4FFC72E922.ttl index 0d0743c1503..15fe31383ee 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFD0E433AD4FFC72E922.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFD0E433AD4FFC72E922.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -39,263 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Novelo-Gutierrez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentaphlebiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Novelo-Gutierrez, 1995" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard & Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hypolestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard & Fraser, 1938" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dicteriadidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Racenis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philogeniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Racenis, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Racenis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heteragrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Racenis, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteropodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Munz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Polythoridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Munz, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tatocnemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kalkman et al., 2010)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kalkman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Argiolestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kalkman, 2010)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jacobson & Bianchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platycnemididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Archaeopodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dimeragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxystigma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Needham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Amphipterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rimanella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham, 1934" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jacobson & Bianchi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Euphaeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFDFE765A944FD6DEA24.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFDFE765A944FD6DEA24.ttl index 56cbd765856..ee8921be455 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFDFE765A944FD6DEA24.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86EFFDFE765A944FD6DEA24.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,212 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Munz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestoideidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Munz, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tillyard & Fraser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thaumatoneuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tillyard & Fraser, 1938)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jacobson & Bianchi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Euphaeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dijkstra, Kalkman, Dow, Stokvis & van Tol" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Devadattidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dijkstra, Kalkman, Dow, Stokvis & van Tol, 2014" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Amphipterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pinhey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amanipodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pinhey, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesopodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pinhey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amanipodagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pinhey, 1962" ; - dwc:species "gilliesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pseudolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1900" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Silsby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhipidolestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Silsby, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "May" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agriomorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "May, 1933" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Burmargiolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bornargiolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ris" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhipidolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ris, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pseudolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD0E765AA67FD89ED3B.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD0E765AA67FD89ED3B.ttl index a88c4b23019..0b075cd4e84 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD0E765AA67FD89ED3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD0E765AA67FD89ED3B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -38,61 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bybee & Kalkman & Erickson & Frandsen & Breinholt & Suvorov & Dijkstra & Cordero-Rivera & Skevington & Abbott & Herrera & Lemmon & Lemmon & Ware, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bybee & Kalkman & Erickson & Frandsen & Breinholt & Suvorov & Dijkstra & Cordero-Rivera & Skevington & Abbott & Herrera & Lemmon & Lemmon & Ware" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:family "Priscagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bybee, Kalkman, Erickson, Frandsen, Breinholt, Suvorov, Dijkstra, Cordero-Rivera, Skevington, Abbott, Herrera, Lemmon, Lemmon & Ware, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priscagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou & Wilson, 2001" ; - dwc:species "kiautai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priscagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou & Wilson, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wilson & Zhou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinocnemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson & Zhou, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433A97FFF17EAD2.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433A97FFF17EAD2.ttl index 3ede762cc6a..b57f6dff090 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433A97FFF17EAD2.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433A97FFF17EAD2.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "" contains invalid characters ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Insecta" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433AAF1FECEEBCB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433AAF1FECEEBCB.ttl index bc7e4931c47..82026e0f3a6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433AAF1FECEEBCB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E433AAF1FECEEBCB.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Odonata Selys-Longchamps 1854" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,17 +25,3 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Phylogeny and classification of Odonata using targeted genomics" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestoideidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestoidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765A91DFC03EA40.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765A91DFC03EA40.ttl index 3d53af3276b..3e978fa6230 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765A91DFC03EA40.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765A91DFC03EA40.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,20 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priscagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou & Wilson, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765ACAEFB54EF09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765ACAEFB54EF09.ttl index cece7faba2d..2b3e7486b5e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765ACAEFB54EF09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765ACAEFB54EF09.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Lestoidea Calvert 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,143 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hemiphlebiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Perilestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Synlestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hemiphlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiphlebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1869" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Perilestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nubiolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tillyard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austrolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tillyard, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Indolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vander Linden" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sympecma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vander Linden, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lestoideidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765AF9BFA66E976.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765AF9BFA66E976.ttl index f60b8b589d3..f7758aec900 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765AF9BFA66E976.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E7A86FFFD1E765AF9BFA66E976.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bybee, Seth M.; Kalkman, Vincent J.; Erickson, Robert J.; Frandsen, Paul B.; Breinholt, Jesse W.; Suvorov, Anton; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Skevington, Jeffrey H.; Abbott, John C.; Herrera, Melissa Sanchez; Lemmon, Alan R.; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Ware, Jessica L." ; dc:title "Platystictoidea" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,48 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Phylogeny and classification of Odonata using targeted genomics" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platystictidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kennedy, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platystictidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1922" ; - dwc:species "sanguinostigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lestoideidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestoidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "superFamily" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8660C55074FBBFF858.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8660C55074FBBFF858.ttl index ee54e9c965e..bf0d86f63ca 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8660C55074FBBFF858.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8660C55074FBBFF858.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Almeida, Flavio Roberto De Albuquerque; Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva; Knyshov, Alexander; Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin" ; dc:title "Voragocoris weirauchae Almeida & Carvalho-Filho & Knyshov & Fernandes 2020, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Weirauch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weirauch, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Makhan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makhan, 2013" ; - dwc:species "amrishi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weirauch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weirauch, 2012" ; - dwc:species "schuhi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; @@ -104,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8760C552A1FA0EFE7D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8760C552A1FA0EFE7D.ttl index 5048f574756..049bbfc85ab 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8760C552A1FA0EFE7D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E92F29FF8760C552A1FA0EFE7D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Almeida, Flavio Roberto De Albuquerque; Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva; Knyshov, Alexander; Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marin" ; dc:title "Voragocoris Weirauch 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,57 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Almeida & Carvalho-Filho & Knyshov & Fernandes, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Almeida & Carvalho-Filho & Knyshov & Fernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Almeida, Carvalho-Filho, Knyshov & Fernandes, 2020" ; - dwc:species "weirauchae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weirauch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weirauch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weirauch, 2012" ; - dwc:species "schuhi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Makhan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makhan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Voragocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makhan, 2013" ; - dwc:species "amrishi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687E9FFF8FFE06693FA7CFA2C8931.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687E9FFF8FFE06693FA7CFA2C8931.ttl index 374105eb41b..b8afd3f761b 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687E9FFF8FFE06693FA7CFA2C8931.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687E9FFF8FFE06693FA7CFA2C8931.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Csuzdi, Csaba" ; dc:title "Eutrigaster (Graffiona)" ; trt:deprecates ; @@ -46,537 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Michaelsen, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dichogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1912" ; - dwc:species "picadoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1912)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "picadoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffia", "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "arborea" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "athena" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sherlock & Csuzdi, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sherlock & Csuzdi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sherlock & Csuzdi, 2011" ; - dwc:species "azul" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "basseterrensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "caesitifusca" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "callaina" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "gagzoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sherlock & Csuzdi, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sherlock & Csuzdi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sherlock & Csuzdi, 2013" ; - dwc:species "georgei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "girija" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "godeffroyi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "guadeloupensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "hartmeyeri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "haruvi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "johnsoni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1898)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "keiteli" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "manleyi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1935)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "manni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "matoubensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Csuzdi & Zicsi, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csuzdi & Zicsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csuzdi & Zicsi, 1991" ; - dwc:species "michaelseniana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Csuzdi & Zicsi, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csuzdi & Zicsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csuzdi & Zicsi, 1991" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "musciphila" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Csuzdi & Sherlock, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csuzdi & Sherlock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csuzdi & Sherlock, 2011" ; - dwc:species "nicaraoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "reichardti" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Csuzdi, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csuzdi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csuzdi, 1994" ; - dwc:species "rodriguezi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Righi, 1972)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Righi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Righi, 1972)" ; - dwc:species "sporadonephra" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - dwc:subSpecies "disa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Cognetti" from authority ; - dwc:authority "sporadonephra (Cognetti, 1905)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sporadonephra (Cognetti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cognetti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cognetti, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "sporadonephra" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sporadonephra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "James" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(James, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "sydneyi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michaelsen, 1935)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michaelsen, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "uhleri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cognetti, 1905)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cognetti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutrigaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cognetti, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "verens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Graffiona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Octochaetidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF0FFF4FF2AF8B4B400F82D.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF0FFF4FF2AF8B4B400F82D.ttl index 6f998068bad..bb699e67c15 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF0FFF4FF2AF8B4B400F82D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF0FFF4FF2AF8B4B400F82D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana Walker 1862" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,226 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dandaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "biformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Nalca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kozhanchikov, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kozhanchikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kozhanchikov, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holloway, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 2009" ; - dwc:species "hemodoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wileman & West, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wileman & West" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wileman & West, 1929" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galsworthy, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galsworthy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galsworthy, 1997" ; - dwc:species "scorpio" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Anabelcia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Anabelcia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Donda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anabelcia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bethune-Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:species "kenricki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hampson, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1926" ; - dwc:species "caerulea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:species "habroscia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:species "patricolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bethune-Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:species "serrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:species "subserrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diphteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1924" ; - dwc:species "sophronia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF4FFF0FF2AFB75B0C8FB64.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF4FFF0FF2AFB75B0C8FB64.ttl index 0528e7cc989..a2a3f9ffe8f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF4FFF0FF2AFB75B0C8FB64.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF4FFF0FF2AFB75B0C8FB64.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF5FFF3FF2AFC76B58FFB23.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF5FFF3FF2AFC76B58FFB23.ttl index 7b192873e59..9f56c4859b4 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF5FFF3FF2AFC76B58FFB23.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF5FFF3FF2AFC76B58FFB23.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana hemodoides Holloway 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF6FFFEFF2AFF16B41CFC03.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF6FFFEFF2AFF16B41CFC03.ttl index dc893359747..eaf791a1414 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF6FFFEFF2AFF16B41CFC03.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF6FFFEFF2AFF16B41CFC03.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana pratti Bethune-Baker 1906" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bethune-Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polydesma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bethune-Baker, 1906" ; - dwc:species "pratti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -86,11 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF7FFF0FF2AFABBB792F859.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF7FFF0FF2AFABBB792F859.ttl index 0edd36ec40c..02719ff2d94 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF7FFF0FF2AFABBB792F859.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF7FFF0FF2AFABBB792F859.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF8FFFCFF2AFB75B04EFD02.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF8FFFCFF2AFB75B04EFD02.ttl index 7f8630b9463..0fa0d1efbbf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF8FFFCFF2AFB75B04EFD02.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF8FFFCFF2AFB75B04EFD02.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana bicolor Wileman & West 1929" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF9FFFFFF2AFC55B7F2FB23.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF9FFFFFF2AFC55B7F2FB23.ttl index c9e89d19e02..a7ba2d5146a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF9FFFFFF2AFC55B7F2FB23.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFF9FFFFFF2AFC55B7F2FB23.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana prasina Swinhoe 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Swinhoe, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polydesma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swinhoe, 1903" ; - dwc:species "prasina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kobes, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kobes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobes, 1989" ; - dwc:species "sobieczkyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simalungen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simalungen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simalungen" ; - dwc:species "sobieczkyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prapat" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prapat" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Belciana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prapat" ; - dwc:species "sobieczkyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFAFFFAFF2AFE37B055FBDB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFAFFFAFF2AFE37B055FBDB.ttl index ee5058cc23e..720ad57649d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFAFFFAFF2AFE37B055FBDB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFAFFFAFF2AFE37B055FBDB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,10 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFBFFFDFF2AFD40B7DDFEE0.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFBFFFDFF2AFD40B7DDFEE0.ttl index 4aa080ff81d..aeeb7d25ff6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFBFFFDFF2AFD40B7DDFEE0.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFBFFFDFF2AFD40B7DDFEE0.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana hemodi Felder & Rogenhofer 1874" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -76,10 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFDFFFBFF2AFB2DB77EFBFE.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFDFFFBFF2AFB2DB77EFBFE.ttl index 133296e7a61..14ae1dae127 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFDFFFBFF2AFB2DB77EFBFE.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F0FFFDFFFBFF2AFB2DB77EFBFE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Behounek, G.; Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Belciana scorpio Galsworthy 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC3FF85FF06FDF8FA199C18.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC3FF85FF06FDF8FA199C18.ttl index de90ec85143..aacf3349d38 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC3FF85FF06FDF8FA199C18.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC3FF85FF06FDF8FA199C18.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Reyes, Scarleth Margarita Raudez; Espinoza, Roberto Antonio Cano; Girón, Jennifer C." ; dc:title "Yara Reichardt and Hinton" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,67 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reichardt and Hinton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reichardt and Hinton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:species "dybasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reyes & Espinoza & Girón, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reyes & Espinoza & Girón" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reyes, Espinoza & Girón, 2019" ; - dwc:species "marmontsedu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reichardt and Hinton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reichardt and Hinton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:species "vanini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Short, Joly & Garcia." ; - dwc:authorityName "Short, Joly & Garcia." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Short, Joly & Garcia." ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC9FF85FF06FEB4FB4D9ED7.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC9FF85FF06FEB4FB4D9ED7.ttl index a88b3a8399f..69e9bde851f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC9FF85FF06FEB4FB4D9ED7.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFC9FF85FF06FEB4FB4D9ED7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Reyes, Scarleth Margarita Raudez; Espinoza, Roberto Antonio Cano; Girón, Jennifer C." ; dc:title "Yara marmontsedu Reyes & Espinoza & Girón 2019, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:species "dybasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Short, Joly & Garcia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Short, Joly & Garcia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Short, Joly & Garcia" ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydroscapha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reichardt & Hinton, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "natans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reichardt & Hinton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reichardt & Hinton, 1976" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; @@ -119,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroscaphidae" ; dwc:genus "Yara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -136,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFA9FF6A07C89549FC07.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFA9FF6A07C89549FC07.ttl index d3515e65f5a..638e433824d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFA9FF6A07C89549FC07.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFA9FF6A07C89549FC07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Cavalcanti, Thaynã; Santos, George Garcia; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Eurypon oxychaetum Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,430 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "clavilectuarium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "suassunai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Little, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Little" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Little, 1963" ; - dwc:species "clavatella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "clavatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "coronula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "distyli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Levi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:species "fulvum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1891)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "lacazei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Carter, 1876)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Carter, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "longispiculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sara & Siribelli, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sara & Siribelli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sara & Siribelli, 1960" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "pulitzeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "radiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1894)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "toureti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1889)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "viride" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "lictor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "topsenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "hispidulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Topsent, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Topsent, 1927" ; - dwc:species "incipiens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "mucronale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1927)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "scabiosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hooper, 1996)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hooper" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hooper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hooper, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "urizae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thiele, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thiele" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thiele, 1905" ; - dwc:species "miniaceum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "mixtum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; @@ -484,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A01D89347FA67.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A01D89347FA67.ttl index 9a65aaf6844..ff0f02fe295 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A01D89347FA67.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A01D89347FA67.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Cavalcanti, Thaynã; Santos, George Garcia; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Eurypon pulitzeri Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018, nom. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Pulitzer-Finalli, 1983", "Pulitzer-Finalli, 1983: 531" ; + dwc:authority "Pulitzer-Finalli, 1983: 531" ; dwc:authorityName "Pulitzer-Finalli" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "531" ; dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; @@ -81,87 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "coronula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Topsent, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dragmatyle" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Topsent, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burton, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dragmatyle" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burton, 1954" ; - dwc:species "topsenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "topsenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; @@ -175,12 +93,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A02AB924AFC57.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A02AB924AFC57.ttl index ed86b632130..21cf581f9ac 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A02AB924AFC57.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEAFFAFFF6A02AB924AFC57.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Cavalcanti, Thaynã; Santos, George Garcia; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Eurypon Gray 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,67 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bowerbank, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hymeraphia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bowerbank, 1866" ; - dwc:species "clavata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nardo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nardo, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "oxychaetum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "verticillatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; @@ -117,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFECFFABFF6A0628971EFEAA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFECFFABFF6A0628971EFEAA.ttl index 71b294a0e01..c7212185cbb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFECFFABFF6A0628971EFEAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFECFFABFF6A0628971EFEAA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Cavalcanti, Thaynã; Santos, George Garcia; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Eurypon potiguaris Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,385 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Canu & Bassler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Cupuladriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cupuladria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cheilostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Canu & Bassler, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "mucronale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hooper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hooper, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "urizae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Levi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:species "fulvum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sara & Siribelli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sara & Siribelli, 1960" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "clavilectuarium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thiele" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thiele, 1905" ; - dwc:species "miniaceum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "suassunai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "hispidulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Topsent, 1927" ; - dwc:species "incipiens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "scabiosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "lictor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "topsenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Little" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Little, 1963" ; - dwc:species "clavatella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "clavatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sarà" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sarà, 1960" ; - dwc:species "cinctum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "coronula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "distyli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Carter, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "longispiculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "pulitzeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "radiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "toureti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "viride" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "oxychaetum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEEFFA4FF6A0384944BF9B3.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEEFFA4FF6A0384944BF9B3.ttl index 6e86d8fc352..ce73a990e88 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEEFFA4FF6A0384944BF9B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F1FFEEFFA4FF6A0384944BF9B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Cavalcanti, Thaynã; Santos, George Garcia; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Eurypon verticillatum Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,481 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gosse, 1855" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gosse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Gymnolaemata" ; - dwc:family "Nolellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nolella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ctenostomata" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryozoa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gosse, 1855" ; - dwc:species "stipata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1889)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "viride" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "lictor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burton, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "topsenti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Little, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Little" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Little, 1963" ; - dwc:species "clavatella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1866) sensu Boury-Esnault et al., 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "clavatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1874) sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "coronula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "distyli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Levi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:species "fulvum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1891) sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "lacazei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Carter, 1876)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Carter, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "longispiculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sara & Siribelli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sara & Siribelli, 1960" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "pulitzeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "radiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1894)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "toureti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "clavilectuarium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "hispidulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Topsent, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Topsent, 1927" ; - dwc:species "incipiens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thiele, 1905 sensu Uriz, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thiele", "Thiele, 1905 sensu Uriz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905", "1988" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thiele, 1905" ; - dwc:species "miniaceum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "mucronale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1927)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "scabiosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bowerbank" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bowerbank, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Franca & Pinheiro, 2014" ; - dwc:species "suassunai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hooper, 1996)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hooper" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hooper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hooper, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "urizae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Topsent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Topsent, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "mixtum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "oxychaetum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cavalcanti & Santos & Pinheiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cavalcanti, Santos & Pinheiro, 2018" ; - dwc:species "potiguaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; @@ -535,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; dwc:genus "Eurypon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F2FFAEBA71FF3EFB90FE61FC43.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F2FFAEBA71FF3EFB90FE61FC43.ttl index 52b0217c82a..8ba1bf5e08e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F2FFAEBA71FF3EFB90FE61FC43.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F2FFAEBA71FF3EFB90FE61FC43.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Che, Yanli; Zhang, Yalin" ; dc:title "Pseudosymplanella Che & Zhang, 2009, new genus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F3FFE42D6DFEFF8B4CFDC91F32.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F3FFE42D6DFEFF8B4CFDC91F32.ttl index 2a08867829c..d82617fff82 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F3FFE42D6DFEFF8B4CFDC91F32.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F3FFE42D6DFEFF8B4CFDC91F32.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sangster, George" ; dc:title "Aves Sangster, 2005, new clade name" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,36 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "White" ; - dwc:authorityName "White" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Aegothelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aegotheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "White" ; - dwc:species "cristatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Apodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Apodiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "apus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: Could not determine parent name ; dwc:clade "Daedalorinthes" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB42BF6FF09FD71FB63.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB42BF6FF09FD71FB63.ttl index f1cc5406965..ada3aba1d20 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB42BF6FF09FD71FB63.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB42BF6FF09FD71FB63.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides fonticolus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(K. Viets, 1920)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Viets, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "pennatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB6280AFF09FD8EFAAC.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB6280AFF09FD8EFAAC.ttl index cc934c83100..525ca598bea 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB6280AFF09FD8EFAAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C00FFB6280AFF09FD8EFAAC.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides giustinii Gerecke & Di Sabatino 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "E. Angelier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Angelier, 1954" ; - dwc:species "corsicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C02FFA829A1FF09FDD0F948.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C02FFA829A1FF09FDD0F948.ttl index fcd4f22717f..1ccccc1e186 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C02FFA829A1FF09FDD0F948.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C02FFA829A1FF09FDD0F948.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides inflatipalpis K. Viets 1950" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(E. Angelier, 1951)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. Angelier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Angelier, 1951)" ; - dwc:species "gracilipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB02B84FEA8FF19FB43.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB02B84FEA8FF19FB43.ttl index 038a337d682..e425028d917 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB02B84FEA8FF19FB43.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB02B84FEA8FF19FB43.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides allgaier Gerecke 2003" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(K. Viets, 1914)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Viets, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "distans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB22BFDFB33FB9CF94F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB22BFDFB33FB9CF94F.ttl index 0ca74288f1c..51973f8cf16 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB22BFDFB33FB9CF94F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C04FFB22BFDFB33FB9CF94F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides clavipes Lundblad 1954" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,99 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1962" ; - dwc:species "tenerifensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Angelier, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. Angelier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Angelier, 1954" ; - dwc:species "corsicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Ang." ; - dwc:authorityName "E. Ang." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ang." ; - dwc:species "nodipalpis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "corsicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "sensu Angelier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Angelier, 1955" ; - dwc:species "nodipalpis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1956" ; - dwc:species "lunipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; @@ -153,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C19FFAF29A7FA34FE2BFBC1.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C19FFAF29A7FA34FE2BFBC1.ttl index e9db27b0a10..f710f2a1ad2 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C19FFAF29A7FA34FE2BFBC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C19FFAF29A7FA34FE2BFBC1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gerecke, Reinhard" ; dc:title "Atractides valencianus K. Viets 1930" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1950" ; - dwc:species "inflatipalpis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF29A4FDADFCB7FB24.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF29A4FDADFCB7FB24.ttl index d8122f013e6..afe2ec5ae9e 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF29A4FDADFCB7FB24.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF29A4FDADFCB7FB24.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Atractides polyporus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF2A54FBB0FDE8F94F.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF2A54FBB0FDE8F94F.ttl index 0a4109e81ae..3ffbc06f6f0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF2A54FBB0FDE8F94F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F56C1BFFAF2A54FBB0FDE8F94F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Atractides Koch 1837" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF395FDEFF9399492375FB85.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF395FDEFF9399492375FB85.ttl index 91a92ad2cae..816a27bf9e6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF395FDEFF9399492375FB85.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF395FDEFF9399492375FB85.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sparks, J. S." ; dc:title "Katria katria" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": MNHN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxylapia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mnhn, 1965" ; - dwc:species "polli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDBFF939CF123A8FEFA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDBFF939CF123A8FEFA.ttl index 11a5a60411d..5424a0c091a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDBFF939CF123A8FEFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDBFF939CF123A8FEFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sparks, J. S." ; dc:title "Paretroplus maculatus , Kiener and Mauge 1966" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sparks and Reinthal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paretroplus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sparks & Reinthal, 1999" ; - dwc:species "maromandia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDCFF9399482375FB84.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDCFF9399482375FB84.ttl index 2b64b54ba92..2c91450a509 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDCFF9399482375FB84.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FF3B5FDCFF9399482375FB84.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sparks, J. S." ; dc:title "Paretroplus kieneri" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sparks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paretroplus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sparks, 2008" ; - dwc:species "lamenabe" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FFA8FFF632F3F95D9BC2E549.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FFA8FFF632F3F95D9BC2E549.ttl index 65c47d16200..83826dc47d0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F6FFA8FFF632F3F95D9BC2E549.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F6FFA8FFF632F3F95D9BC2E549.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fernández, José Manuel Diéguez; Méndez, José Luis Torres" ; dc:title "Laemophloeus nigricollis P. H. Lucas 1849" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,19 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Carbonera, Cortijo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carbonera, Cortijo" ; - dwc:family "Scombridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sierra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carbonera, Cortijo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Laemophloeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF81A40421E0AEF3FC839032.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF81A40421E0AEF3FC839032.ttl index 78df4603234..76fc6f45387 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF81A40421E0AEF3FC839032.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF81A40421E0AEF3FC839032.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pugh, Philip J. A.; Scott, Bronwen" ; dc:title "Pseudaneitea sorensini Powell 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,33 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1935 sensu Barker, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner, 1935 sensu Barker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Agriolimacidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1935" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ra" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Limacidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Athoracophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF8BA40E21E8A915FCDE914C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF8BA40E21E8A915FCDE914C.ttl index 222b86cd69a..ea68221d2a3 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF8BA40E21E8A915FCDE914C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F7FF8BA40E21E8A915FCDE914C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pugh, Philip J. A.; Scott, Bronwen" ; dc:title "Arion lusitanicus J. Mabille 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hutton, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hutton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Charopidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hutton, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Arionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEAFFCFFF55F9F7FB089EDB.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEAFFCFFF55F9F7FB089EDB.ttl index 03609baeba8..5ff3c1d7a3f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEAFFCFFF55F9F7FB089EDB.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEAFFCFFF55F9F7FB089EDB.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "STIASSNY, MELANIE L. J.; SCHLIEWEN, ULRICH K." ; dc:title "Congochromis STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN 2007, new genus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1902)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1902)" ; - dwc:species "squamiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pellegrin, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pellegrin, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stiassny & Schliewen, 2007" ; - dwc:species "pugnatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pellegrin, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEBFFC8FCBBFC2FFDE79E30.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEBFFC8FCBBFC2FFDE79E30.ttl index 2ccfbe40234..ac8500feee5 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEBFFC8FCBBFC2FFDE79E30.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFEBFFC8FCBBFC2FFDE79E30.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "STIASSNY, MELANIE L. J.; SCHLIEWEN, ULRICH K." ; dc:title "Nanochromis Pellegrin 1904" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,145 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1899)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "nudiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts and Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts and Stewart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts & Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:species "consortus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts and Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts and Stewart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts & Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts and Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts and Stewart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts & Stewart, 1976" ; - dwc:species "parilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamboj and Schelly, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamboj and Schelly" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamboj & Schelly, 2006" ; - dwc:species "teugelsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stiassny & Schliewen, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", AMNH" ; - dwc:authorityName "AMNH" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amnh" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MCZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "MCZ" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mcz" ; - dwc:species "parilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", AMNH" ; - dwc:authorityName "AMNH" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amnh" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFECFFC1FF16FCC1FD0F9E09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFECFFC1FF16FCC1FD0F9E09.ttl index 8733f170dc2..64b29d9763f 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFECFFC1FF16FCC1FD0F9E09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687F9FFECFFC1FF16FCC1FD0F9E09.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "STIASSNY, MELANIE L. J.; SCHLIEWEN, ULRICH K." ; dc:title "Congochromis pugnatus STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,126 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "STIASSNY & SCHLIEWEN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stiassny & Schliewen, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Two Largest" ; - dwc:authorityName "Two Largest" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Two Largest" ; - dwc:species "squamiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pellegrin, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", AMNH" ; - dwc:authorityName "AMNH" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amnh" ; - dwc:species "pugnatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", IRSNB" ; - dwc:authorityName "IRSNB" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irsnb" ; - dwc:species "squamiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MNHN 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName ", MNHN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mnhn, 1892" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", AMNH" ; - dwc:authorityName "AMNH" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amnh" ; - dwc:species "sabinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lamboj 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamboj" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamboj, 2004)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; @@ -180,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; dwc:genus "Congochromis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F349D90FB5EB9650C95.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F349D90FB5EB9650C95.ttl index 952e6bd4897..188adf7e897 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F349D90FB5EB9650C95.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F349D90FB5EB9650C95.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peart, Rachael A." ; dc:title "Byblisoides K. H. Barnard 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,52 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "K. H. Barnard, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1931" ; - dwc:species "juxtacornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mills" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mills, 1971" ; - dwc:species "profundi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1961" ; - dwc:species "esferis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F3D9D90F96AB86E0F22.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F3D9D90F96AB86E0F22.ttl index b873ed4e288..5bd0786f5f6 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F3D9D90F96AB86E0F22.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF960F3D9D90F96AB86E0F22.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Peart, Rachael A." ; dc:title "Byblisoides monicae Peart 2018, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,96 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nicholls, 1938" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nicholls" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ampelisca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nicholls, 1938" ; - dwc:species "barnardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kroyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ampelisca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kroyer, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1931" ; - dwc:species "juxtacornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1961" ; - dwc:species "esferis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peart, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peart, 2018" ; - dwc:species "richardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; @@ -149,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF9F0F3A9D90FA34BFD80DD8.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF9F0F3A9D90FA34BFD80DD8.ttl index 3cf71235f74..4e71bd2ec22 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF9F0F3A9D90FA34BFD80DD8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FBFF9F0F3A9D90FA34BFD80DD8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peart, Rachael A." ; dc:title "Byblisoides richardi Peart 2018, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1961" ; - dwc:species "esferis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peart, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Byblisoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peart, 2018" ; - dwc:species "monicae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Ampeliscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A6AFFC2FF6DFE5AFDD8FDAA.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A6AFFC2FF6DFE5AFDD8FDAA.ttl index b4620ab8456..c4722eda114 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A6AFFC2FF6DFE5AFDD8FDAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A6AFFC2FF6DFE5AFDD8FDAA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris nupta SHESTAKOV. Maybe 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "SHESTAKOV", "SHESTAKOV, 1922", "SHESTAKOV. Maybe" ; + dwc:authority "SHESTAKOV, 1922" ; dwc:authorityName "SHESTAKOV. Maybe" ; dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "PANZER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:species "sabulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A72FFDAFF6DFEB0FED1FB6C.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A72FFDAFF6DFEB0FED1FB6C.ttl index d157238b2b9..cf9708cd603 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A72FFDAFF6DFEB0FED1FB6C.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FE5A72FFDAFF6DFEB0FED1FB6C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris ruficornis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Lido di Latina" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lido di Latina" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eucharitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Latina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lido di Latina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FEFF85FFEEFF7BBF238481FC09.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FEFF85FFEEFF7BBF238481FC09.ttl index 12eb9e39c94..2cd186ac9f1 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FEFF85FFEEFF7BBF238481FC09.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FEFF85FFEEFF7BBF238481FC09.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zanata, Angela M.; Sarmento-Soares, Luisa M.; Martins-Pinheiro, Ronaldo F." ; dc:title "Characidium helmeri Zanata, Sarmento-Soares & Martins-Pinheiro, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,456 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Almeida" ; - dwc:authorityName "Almeida" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Almeida" ; - dwc:species "bahiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pellegrin" ; - dwc:species "interruptum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "laterale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:authorityName "Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Netto-Ferreira, Birindelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:species "mirim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:authorityName "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:species "nupelia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Regan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Regan" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Regan" ; - dwc:species "rachovii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Melo & Buckup" ; - dwc:authorityName "Melo & Buckup" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melo & Buckup" ; - dwc:species "stigmosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:authorityName "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Graca, Pavanelli & Buckup" ; - dwc:species "xavante" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "alipioi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner" ; - dwc:species "boavistae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner" ; - dwc:species "crandellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner" ; - dwc:species "declivirostre" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reinhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reinhardt" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhardt" ; - dwc:species "fasciatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "gomesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "grajahuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "japuhybense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "lauroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters" ; - dwc:species "macrolepidotum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "oiticicai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "schubarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "timbuiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Travassos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Travassos" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Characidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Travassos" ; - dwc:species "vidali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nijssen & Isbrucker, Astyana" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nijssen & Isbrucker, Astyana" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspidoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nijssen & Isbrucker, Astyana" ; - dwc:species "virgulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Agassiz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Agassiz" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Erythrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplerythrinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agassiz" ; - dwc:species "uniaeniatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bloch" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Erythrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bloch" ; - dwc:species "malabaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimagoniates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner" ; - dwc:species "microlepis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Menezes & Weitzman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Menezes & Weitzman" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimagoniates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menezes & Weitzman" ; - dwc:species "sylvicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nijssen & Isbrucker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nijssen & Isbrucker" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scleromystax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nijssen & Isbrucker" ; - dwc:species "prionotos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Britski & Schaefer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Britski & Schaefer" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Loricariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Otothyris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Britski & Schaefer" ; - dwc:species "travassosi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weitzman & Cruz. The" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weitzman & Cruz. The" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rachoviscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weitzman & Cruz. The" ; - dwc:species "graciliceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Crenuchidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFA42B2297E5EE4D3DB2FB13.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFA42B2297E5EE4D3DB2FB13.ttl index 3c5b82a9107..4765c898210 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFA42B2297E5EE4D3DB2FB13.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFA42B2297E5EE4D3DB2FB13.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Barjadze, Shalva; Stepanyan, Ilona; Kalashian, Mark; Karagyan, Gayane; Gabrielyan, Ivan; Thieme, Thomas" ; dc:title "Metopeurum caucasicum Barjadze & Stepanyan & Kalashian & Karagyan & Gabrielyan & Thieme 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Barjadze & Stepanyan & Kalashian & Karagyan & Gabrielyan & Thieme, 2024", "Barjadze & Stepanyan" ; + dwc:authority "Barjadze & Stepanyan" ; dwc:authorityName "Barjadze & Stepanyan & Kalashian & Karagyan & Gabrielyan & Thieme" ; dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -67,331 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanacetum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "canescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Druce" ; - dwc:authorityName "Druce" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanacetum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Druce" ; - dwc:species "abrotanifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sch. Bip." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sch. Bip." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanacetum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sch. Bip." ; - dwc:species "balsamitoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Mtskheta-Mtianeti" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mtskheta-Mtianeti" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Georgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mtskheta-Mtianeti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "On" ; - dwc:authorityName "On" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanacetum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "On" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Apterous" ; - dwc:authorityName "Apterous" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Achillea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Apterous" ; - dwc:species "millefolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borner, 1950)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borner, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "capillatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bozhko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:species "achilleae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bozhko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:species "borystenicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pashtshenko, 1999)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pashtshenko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pashtshenko, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "buryaticum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borner, 1933)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borner, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "enslini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stroyan, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stroyan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stroyan, 1950" ; - dwc:species "fuscoviride" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamontova & Tshumak 1994", "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamontova & Tshumak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:species "gentianae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bozhko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bozhko, 1963" ; - dwc:species "matricariae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamontova & Tshumak 1994", "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamontova & Tshumak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:species "millefolii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamontova & Tshumak 1994", "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamontova & Tshumak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamontova & Tshumak, 1994" ; - dwc:species "urticae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Umarov 1964", "Umarov, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Umarov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Umarov, 1964" ; - dwc:species "paeke" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Narzikulov & Umarov 1969)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Narzikulov & Umarov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metopeurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Narzikulov & Umarov, 1969)" ; - dwc:species "paeke" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dlussky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proformica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dlussky, 1969" ; - dwc:species "pilosiscapa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Formica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1853" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Host" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Menta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Host, 1831" ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFF7D066FF76FA9FFE6BF828.ttl b/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFF7D066FF76FA9FFE6BF828.ttl index e88f88992a4..f1481b15d8c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFF7D066FF76FA9FFE6BF828.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/87/039687FFFFF7D066FF76FA9FFE6BF828.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Senwanna, Chanokned; Phookamsak, Rungtiwa; Bahkali, Ali H.; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Cheewangkoon, Ratchadawan; Hyde, Kevin D." ; dc:title "Neolinocarpon phayaoense Senwanna & K. D. Hyde 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -34,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "MFLUCC", "Senwanna & K.D. Hyde" ; + dwc:authority "Senwanna & K.D. Hyde" ; dwc:authorityName "Senwanna & K. D. Hyde" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; @@ -50,345 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SMH 1565" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1565" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Chaetosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetosphaeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh, 1565" ; - dwc:species "chlorotunicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CBS" ; - dwc:authorityName "CBS" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Chaetosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chloridium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cbs" ; - dwc:species "lignicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FMR" ; - dwc:authorityName "FMR" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Chaetosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyochaeta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fmr" ; - dwc:species "fuegiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Helminthosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinosphaeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh" ; - dwc:species "canescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FMR" ; - dwc:authorityName "FMR" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Helminthosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Endophragmiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fmr" ; - dwc:species "dimorphospora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "TAMA" ; - dwc:authorityName "TAMA" ; - dwc:genus "Exserticlava" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tama" ; - dwc:species "vasiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CBS" ; - dwc:authorityName "CBS" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Sordariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gelasinospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cbs" ; - dwc:species "tetrasperma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Helminthosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Helminthosphaeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh" ; - dwc:species "clavariarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH 1542" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1542" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:genus "Hilberina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh, 1542" ; - dwc:species "caudata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Leptosporellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptosporella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "arengae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Leptosporellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptosporella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "bambusae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Leptosporellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptosporella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "cocois" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Leptosporellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptosporella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh" ; - dwc:species "gregaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Linocarpon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "arengae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Linocarpon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "cocois" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolinocarpon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "arengae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolinocarpon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "rachides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "* MFLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MFLUCC" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolinocarpon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mflucc" ; - dwc:species "phayaoense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Lasiosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ruzenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh" ; - dwc:species "spermoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CBS" ; - dwc:authorityName "CBS" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Sordariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sordaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Sordariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cbs" ; - dwc:species "fimicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SMH" ; - dwc:authorityName "SMH" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Coniochaetaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Synaptospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Coniochaetales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smh" ; - dwc:species "plumbea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CBS" ; - dwc:authorityName "CBS" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Chaetosphaeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Umbrinosphaeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Chaetosphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cbs" ; - dwc:species "caesariata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FMR" ; - dwc:authorityName "FMR" ; - dwc:genus "Zanclospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fmr" ; - dwc:species "iberica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Linocarpaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/8B/03968B70FFA33B6F3114FC2CA0CE03D3.ttl b/data/03/96/8B/03968B70FFA33B6F3114FC2CA0CE03D3.ttl index c86ae65f4ab..e242cb44007 100644 --- a/data/03/96/8B/03968B70FFA33B6F3114FC2CA0CE03D3.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/8B/03968B70FFA33B6F3114FC2CA0CE03D3.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Langeani, Francisco" ; dc:title "Hemiodus jatuarana Langeani, 2004, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,70 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Myers, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Myers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myers, 1927" ; - dwc:species "ternetzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bohlke, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bohlke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohlke, 1955" ; - dwc:species "thayeria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Langeani, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Langeani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Langeani, 1999" ; - dwc:species "tocantinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kner, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kner, 1858" ; - dwc:species "immaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; @@ -123,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hemiodontidae" ; dwc:genus "Hemiodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A701FFD260D0FE66FB391700.ttl b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A701FFD260D0FE66FB391700.ttl index dd1c9d2d502..7e63dc441db 100644 --- a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A701FFD260D0FE66FB391700.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A701FFD260D0FE66FB391700.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mostafa R. Sharaf; Joe Monks; Andrew Polaszek; Abdulrahman S. Aldawood" ; dc:title "Lepisiota" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,21 +27,6 @@ dc:title "A remarkable new species of the genus Lepisiota Santschi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Oman and the United Arab Emirates with a key to the Arabian species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Mesosoma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mesosoma" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mesosoma" ; - dwc:species "arabica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70DFFDE61F0FBFAFDEC123B.ttl b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70DFFDE61F0FBFAFDEC123B.ttl index 79d7aff4c54..8bfe71753cb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70DFFDE61F0FBFAFDEC123B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70DFFDE61F0FBFAFDEC123B.ttl @@ -12,10 +12,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mostafa R. Sharaf; Joe Monks; Andrew Polaszek; Abdulrahman S. Aldawood" ; dc:title "Lepisiota omanensis Sharaf & Monks, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,66 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharaf & Monks" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharaf & Monks" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharaf & Monks" ; - dwc:species "omanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roem. & Schult." ; - dwc:authorityName "Roem. & Schult." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roem. & Schult." ; - dwc:species "shawii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Bovidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arabitragus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas" ; - dwc:species "jayakari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudhary, Hillc. & A.G.Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudhary, Hillc. & A.G.Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Resedaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochradenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Capparales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudhary, Hillc. & Mill." ; - dwc:species "arabicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70EFFD161C0FB9DFE3217A8.ttl b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70EFFD161C0FB9DFE3217A8.ttl index 7fec7f044c0..d9f3e2efedf 100644 --- a/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70EFFD161C0FB9DFE3217A8.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/8E/03968E04A70EFFD161C0FB9DFE3217A8.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mostafa R. Sharaf; Joe Monks; Andrew Polaszek; Abdulrahman S. Aldawood" ; dc:title "Lepisiota" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,276 +27,6 @@ dc:title "A remarkable new species of the genus Lepisiota Santschi (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Oman and the United Arab Emirates with a key to the Arabian species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Collingwood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Collingwood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Collingwood" ; - dwc:species "arabica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Arnold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arnold" ; - dwc:species "arenaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery" ; - dwc:species "canescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery" ; - dwc:species "carbonaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery" ; - dwc:species "depilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Collingwood & Agosti" ; - dwc:authorityName "Collingwood & Agosti" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Collingwood & Agosti" ; - dwc:species "dhofara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "dolabellae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Collingwood & van Harten" ; - dwc:authorityName "Collingwood & van Harten" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Collingwood & van Harten" ; - dwc:species "elegantissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "erythraea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr" ; - dwc:species "frauenfeldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "gracilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "incisa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalla Torre" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalla Torre" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalla Torre" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karavaiev" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karavaiev" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karavaiev" ; - dwc:species "nigrescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery" ; - dwc:species "obtusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "sericea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kuznetsov-Ugamsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuznetsov-Ugamsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepisiota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuznetsov-Ugamsky" ; - dwc:species "spinisquama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/98/0396983BFFACFFA3FF17F884FBB4FC0D.ttl b/data/03/96/98/0396983BFFACFFA3FF17F884FBB4FC0D.ttl index bc2a8524aa4..c7f905ab0e8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/98/0396983BFFACFFA3FF17F884FBB4FC0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/98/0396983BFFACFFA3FF17F884FBB4FC0D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Motoki, Maysa Tiemi; Linton, Yvonne-Marie; Ruiz, Freddy; Flores-Mendoza, Carmen; Sallum, Maria Anice Mureb" ; dc:title "Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) oswaldoi Peryassu 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,246 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nyssorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Komp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Komp" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Komp" ; - dwc:species "anomalophyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Curry" ; - dwc:authorityName "Curry" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curry" ; - dwc:species "aquasalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Causey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Causey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Causey" ; - dwc:species "dunhami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes" ; - dwc:species "evansae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Causey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Causey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Causey" ; - dwc:species "galvaoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Senevet & Abonnenc" ; - dwc:authorityName "Senevet & Abonnenc" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Senevet & Abonnenc" ; - dwc:species "ininii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galvao & Damasceno" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galvao & Damasceno" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galvao & Damasceno" ; - dwc:species "konderi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:species "nuneztovari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gabaldon, Cova Garcia & Lopez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gabaldon, Cova Garcia & Lopez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gabaldon, Cova Garcia & Lopez" ; - dwc:species "rangeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Senevet & Abonnec" ; - dwc:authorityName "Senevet & Abonnec" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Senevet & Abonnec" ; - dwc:species "sanctielii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Faran" ; - dwc:authorityName "Faran" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Faran" ; - dwc:species "trinkae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gabaldon" ; - dwc:species "benarrochi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neiva & Pinto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neiva & Pinto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neiva & Pinto" ; - dwc:species "rondoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Root" ; - dwc:authorityName "Root" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Root" ; - dwc:species "strodei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruiz et al. 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anopheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz et al., 2005" ; - dwc:species "benarrochi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Rozeboom 1942" ; dwc:authorityName "Rozeboom" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/A9/0396A9671055FF8FFF0EDAB70FBC7F3D.ttl b/data/03/96/A9/0396A9671055FF8FFF0EDAB70FBC7F3D.ttl index b3f7d2349cf..00359d46e1a 100644 --- a/data/03/96/A9/0396A9671055FF8FFF0EDAB70FBC7F3D.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/A9/0396A9671055FF8FFF0EDAB70FBC7F3D.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Tencatt, Luiz F. C.; Britto, Marcelo R.; Pavanelli, Carla S." ; dc:title "Corydoras lacrimostigmata Tencatt & Britto & Pavanelli 2014, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,96 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ihering" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ihering, 1911" ; - dwc:species "flaveolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner, 1910" ; - dwc:species "ehrhardti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steindachner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steindachner, 1877" ; - dwc:species "nattereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jenyns" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jenyns, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "paleatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nijssen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nijssen, 1971" ; - dwc:species "vittatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", LBP" ; - dwc:authorityName "LBP" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydoras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lbp" ; - dwc:species "flaveolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Callichthyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF6DC67FE86FA6EFB3D59C9.ttl b/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF6DC67FE86FA6EFB3D59C9.ttl index 58f98f0dda6..46a588279e8 100644 --- a/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF6DC67FE86FA6EFB3D59C9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF6DC67FE86FA6EFB3D59C9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Poupin, Joseph" ; dc:title "Enoplometopus A. Milne Edwards 1862" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,183 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "A. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1862" ; - dwc:species "pictus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chan & Yu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chan & Yu, 1998" ; - dwc:species "crosnieri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Holthuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holthuis, 1983" ; - dwc:species "daumi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kensley & Child" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kensley & Child, 1986" ; - dwc:species "chacei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Randall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Randall, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Holthuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holthuis, 1983" ; - dwc:species "debelius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Intes & Le Loeuff, 1970:" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1442" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Intes & Le Loeuff, 1970" ; - dwc:species "callistus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "in Manning & Camp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "1989" ; - dwc:species "antillensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Saint Laurent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Saint Laurent, 1988" ; - dwc:species "gracilipes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gordon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gordon, 1968" ; - dwc:species "holthuisi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Turkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turkay, 1989" ; - dwc:species "voigtmanni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF7DC65FF69FCAFFB34590F.ttl b/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF7DC65FF69FCAFFB34590F.ttl index 86374efe592..f4a0353a707 100644 --- a/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF7DC65FF69FCAFFB34590F.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/AD/0396AD3EFFF7DC65FF69FCAFFB34590F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Poupin, Joseph" ; dc:title "Enoplometopus pictus A. Milne Edwards 1862" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,68 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Randall)", "(Randall, 1840)" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Randall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Randall, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Intes & Le Loeuff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Intes & Le Loeuff, 1970)" ; - dwc:species "callistus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chan & Yu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chan & Yu, 1998" ; - dwc:species "crosnieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Saint Laurent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoplometopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Saint Laurent, 1988" ; - dwc:species "gracilipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Enoplometopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/CB/0396CB72157A4843FF0EFF618BAD5BE9.ttl b/data/03/96/CB/0396CB72157A4843FF0EFF618BAD5BE9.ttl index a7ba6acf975..a54cb5383ed 100644 --- a/data/03/96/CB/0396CB72157A4843FF0EFF618BAD5BE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/CB/0396CB72157A4843FF0EFF618BAD5BE9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Szydłowicz, Magdalena; Jakuszko, Katarzyna; Szymczak, Anna; Piesiak, Paweł; Kowal, Aneta; Kopacz, Żaneta; Wesołowska, Maria; Lobo, Maria Luísa; Matos, Olga; Hendrich, Andrzej B.; Kicia, Marta" ; dc:title "Pneumocystis jirovecii Frenkel" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Pneumocystomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Pneumocystaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pneumocystis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pneumocystales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE3D599FAFFCACBFCF4.ttl b/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE3D599FAFFCACBFCF4.ttl index d6997312c1a..ac63a5fe42d 100644 --- a/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE3D599FAFFCACBFCF4.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE3D599FAFFCACBFCF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Tan, Zhi Wan; Lheknim, Vachira; Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Stoliczia setoiyenica Tan & Lheknim & Ng 2023, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,386 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ng, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng, 1992" ; - dwc:species "kedahensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:species "panhai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:species "ekavibhathai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bott, 1966)" ; - dwc:species "perlensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bott, 1966" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Naiyanetr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Naiyanetr, 1986" ; - dwc:species "ekavibhatha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kemp, 1923)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kemp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Gecarcinucidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salangathelphusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kemp, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "anophrys" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ng, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Palaemonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrobrachium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng, 1995" ; - dwc:species "forcipatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lanchester, 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lanchester" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Gecarcinucidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siamthelphusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lanchester, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "improvisa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "von dem Busch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anentome" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(von dem Busch, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "helena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Muller, 1774)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Thiaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Muller, 1774)" ; - dwc:species "tuberculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Duncker, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Duncker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolissochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Duncker, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "soroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fowler, 1934)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Devario" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fowler, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "regina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kottelat, 2000)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kottelat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Barbodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kottelat, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rhombeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Valenciennes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Barbodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Valenciennes, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "lateristriga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:family "Cobitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidocephalichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hora, 1932)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hora" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:family "Balitoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Homalopteroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hora, 1932)" ; - dwc:species "smithi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Volz, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Volz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:family "Siluridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silurichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Volz, 1904" ; - dwc:species "schneideri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1894)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptothorax" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bleeker, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bleeker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:family "Clariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clarias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bleeker, 1851" ; - dwc:species "leiacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bleeker, 1854)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bleeker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:family "Zenarchopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dermogenys" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Beloniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bleeker, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "sumatrana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zuiew, 1793)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zuiew" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1793" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Monopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zuiew, 1793)" ; - dwc:species "albus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cantor, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cantor" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:family "Osphronemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Betta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cantor, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "pugnax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cuvier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:family "Channidae" ; - dwc:genus "Channa" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cuvier, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "limbata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Peters, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:family "Syngnathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Doryichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Syngnathiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "martensii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Potamidae" ; @@ -439,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; dwc:genus "Stoliczia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE9D599FB6FCD18FB40.ttl b/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE9D599FB6FCD18FB40.ttl index d8ddb3d0957..d93e6ccd700 100644 --- a/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE9D599FB6FCD18FB40.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/D1/0396D128DD41FFE9D599FB6FCD18FB40.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tan, Zhi Wan; Lheknim, Vachira; Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Stoliczia Bott 1966" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wood-Mason, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wood-Mason" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telphusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wood-Mason, 1871" ; - dwc:species "stoliczkana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Potamidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663701FFDBEBFDF90EFBE8A796.ttl b/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663701FFDBEBFDF90EFBE8A796.ttl index 87af0972c96..924c744dc68 100644 --- a/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663701FFDBEBFDF90EFBE8A796.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663701FFDBEBFDF90EFBE8A796.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Câmara, J. T.; Rafael, J. A." ; dc:title "Opeatocerata trilobata Câmara & Rafael 2011, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Câmara & Rafael, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Câmara & Rafael" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Empididae" ; - dwc:genus "Opeatocerata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Câmara & Rafael, 2011" ; - dwc:species "melanderi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Empididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663703FFDFEBFDFA4BFCA8A726.ttl b/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663703FFDFEBFDFA4BFCA8A726.ttl index 3438e565611..155fd9149da 100644 --- a/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663703FFDFEBFDFA4BFCA8A726.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/D1/0396D1663703FFDFEBFDFA4BFCA8A726.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Câmara, J. T.; Rafael, J. A." ; dc:title "Opeatocerata melanderi Câmara & Rafael 2011, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Empididae" ; dwc:genus "Opeatocerata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0BFFD0FF3CF926FD57FE2E.ttl b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0BFFD0FF3CF926FD57FE2E.ttl index 05221f99194..9b3b0df223c 100644 --- a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0BFFD0FF3CF926FD57FE2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0BFFD0FF3CF926FD57FE2E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ruiz, Gustavo R. S.; Bustamante, Abel A." ; dc:title "Edwardsya igapo Ruiz & Bustamante, 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Manaus" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Manaus" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edwardsya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "" ; - dwc:species "igapo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0DFFDAFF3CFB22FADAFE9B.ttl b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0DFFDAFF3CFB22FADAFE9B.ttl index 3036b4f679c..2c698d845eb 100644 --- a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0DFFDAFF3CFB22FADAFE9B.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0DFFDAFF3CFB22FADAFE9B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ruiz, Gustavo R. S.; Bustamante, Abel A." ; dc:title "Edwardsya Ruiz & Bustamante, 2016, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,108 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Taczanowski, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taczanowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Attus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taczanowski, 1871" ; - dwc:species "simoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C.L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityName "C.L. Koch" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Freya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galiano" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galiano" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kalcerrytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galiano" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onofre" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edilemma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz & Brescovit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capidava" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taczanowski, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taczanowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edwardsya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taczanowski, 1871" ; - dwc:species "simoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0FFFDFFF3CF8F0FC49FC7E.ttl b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0FFFDFFF3CF8F0FC49FC7E.ttl index fb74f882d1c..4e5ac2335f0 100644 --- a/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0FFFDFFF3CF8F0FC49FC7E.ttl +++ b/data/03/96/F0/0396F036AB0FFFDFFF3CF8F0FC49FC7E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Ruiz, Gustavo R. S.; Bustamante, Abel A." ; dc:title "Edwardsya simoni Taczanowski 1871, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FC16FDA5FA18.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FC16FDA5FA18.ttl index fb616a27ee3..f8ad5626437 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FC16FDA5FA18.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FC16FDA5FA18.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella trisulcata Aspl., Ark. Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Spring) Splitg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Splitg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spring) Splitg." ; - dwc:species "poeppigiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kunze) Spring" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kunze" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunze) Spring" ; - dwc:species "articulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FDEEFB9BFD04.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FDEEFB9BFD04.ttl index b0fcf9b8625..96a6ea300df 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FDEEFB9BFD04.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FDEEFB9BFD04.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella solomonii Valdespino, Novon" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FEE2FA72FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FEE2FA72FE08.ttl index 118aaf38d5b..b4710a2fe8e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FEE2FA72FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD55A81E3683FEE2FA72FE08.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Selaginella simplex Baker, J. Bot." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8103683F822FA7DFF0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8103683F822FA7DFF0C.ttl index 044502bfafa..be89e19fe46 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8103683F822FA7DFF0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8103683F822FA7DFF0C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella haenkeana Spring, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683F91AFAC1F84C.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683F91AFAC1F84C.ttl index f5d0b4eeaf8..70ebb9ec840 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683F91AFAC1F84C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683F91AFAC1F84C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella haematodes Spring" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683FDEEFADAFD04.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683FDEEFADAFD04.ttl index 57a2d4504e8..a6807a2aa6e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683FDEEFADAFD04.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD58A8133683FDEEFADAFD04.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella erythropus Spring" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FBAEFD0BFAC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FBAEFD0BFAC4.ttl index b7aef44fbca..8a8b94d7248 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FBAEFD0BFAC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FBAEFD0BFAC4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella chionoloma Crabbe & Jermy, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FCEAFD0BFBC8.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FCEAFD0BFBC8.ttl index c1dd873c0d6..eaca4155f1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FCEAFD0BFBC8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FCEAFD0BFBC8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella cavifolia A. Braun, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "var. moritziana" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "var. moritziana" ; - dwc:species "moritziana" ; - dwc:variety "moritziana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FDC2FD97FD04.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FDC2FD97FD04.ttl index b42d15d9ecc..99d38c30415 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FDC2FD97FD04.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8123683FDC2FD97FD04.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella calosticha Spring, Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8133683F8B6FCE7FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8133683F8B6FCE7FE08.ttl index 4ebb03756a6..a52a5614e4b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8133683F8B6FCE7FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD59A8133683F8B6FCE7FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella diffusa Spring, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Spring" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spring" ; - dwc:species "lingulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(C. Presl) Spring" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. Presl" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Presl) Spring" ; - dwc:species "horizontalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683F989FC7CF885.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683F989FC7CF885.ttl index e1fa8506961..318a259ae78 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683F989FC7CF885.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683F989FC7CF885.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella sellowii Hieron., Hedwigia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FAF5FAB6F9E5.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FAF5FAB6F9E5.ttl index 41f923d1fe6..156e3c6a7b1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FAF5FAB6F9E5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FAF5FAB6F9E5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella revoluta Baker, J. Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker" ; - dwc:species "brevifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FE55FEE3FD05.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FE55FEE3FD05.ttl index d744db4ca7c..009e3a76399 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FE55FEE3FD05.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA8113683FE55FEE3FD05.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella peruviana Hieron., Hedwigia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -76,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA81E3683F869FC27FF0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA81E3683F869FC27FF0C.ttl index 959d8e1bb72..7014692de9c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA81E3683F869FC27FF0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5AA81E3683F869FC27FF0C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella silvestris Aspl., Ark. Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "A. Braun" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Braun" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun" ; - dwc:species "kunzeana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683F98AFD52F834.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683F98AFD52F834.ttl index 710881a3c28..6b6f76f4431 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683F98AFD52F834.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683F98AFD52F834.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella moritziana Spring ex Klotzsch, Mém. Acad. Roy. Sci." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "var. moritziana" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "var. moritziana" ; - dwc:species "moritziana" ; - dwc:variety "moritziana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FB5AFF0AF9E4.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FB5AFF0AF9E4.ttl index 73d20b30ff4..b175259771d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FB5AFF0AF9E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FB5AFF0AF9E4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella minima Spring, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FEE2FD11FDB8.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FEE2FD11FDB8.ttl index 554c4426602..90f8419d16e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FEE2FD11FDB8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5BA8103683FEE2FD11FDB8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella leucoloma Crabbe & Jermy, Fern Gaz." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FB00FF07F95E.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FB00FF07F95E.ttl index f1dd930a7d6..83f9324b1f5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FB00FF07F95E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FB00FF07F95E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella asperula Spring" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Spring" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spring" ; - dwc:species "conduplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(C. Presl) Spring" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spring" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. Presl" ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Presl) Spring" ; - dwc:species "geniculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; @@ -89,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FCD0FEDCFBFA.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FCD0FEDCFBFA.ttl index 607ea4981dc..69bd887351d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FCD0FEDCFBFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FCD0FEDCFBFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella anceps C. Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hieron." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hieron." ; - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Selaginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Selaginellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hieron." ; - dwc:species "lechleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Selaginellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FE1CFF0FFCDA.ttl b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FE1CFF0FFCDA.ttl index 1d802e55331..6c32761886e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FE1CFF0FFCDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/01/03B60111AD5EA8153683FE1CFF0FFCDA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Selaginella alampeta M. Kessler & A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6900FFDEFCC8FA0F6250FEF9.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6900FFDEFCC8FA0F6250FEF9.ttl index b1b8db8b74d..bee1208c6a6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6900FFDEFCC8FA0F6250FEF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6900FFDEFCC8FA0F6250FEF9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stand-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Pérez-Gutiérrez, León Andrés" ; dc:title "Heteragrion inca Calvert 1909" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - dwc:species "icterops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6902FFD8FCC8FA1166C7FEA5.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6902FFD8FCC8FA1166C7FEA5.ttl index de0cdb41000..6fd3fc75e6f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6902FFD8FCC8FA1166C7FEA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6902FFD8FCC8FA1166C7FEA5.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Heteragrion peregrinum Williamson 1919" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6917FFCBFCC8F9376527FD61.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6917FFCBFCC8F9376527FD61.ttl index 49db3617368..d12a5405744 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6917FFCBFCC8F9376527FD61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6917FFCBFCC8F9376527FD61.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Stand-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Pérez-Gutiérrez, León Andrés" ; dc:title "Heteragrion bariai De Marmels 1989" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,83 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Daigle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daigle, 2005" ; - dwc:species "bickorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "mitratum" ; - dwc:authorityName "mitratum Williamson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "mitratum Williamson, 1919" ; - dwc:species "mitratum" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mitratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1909" ; - dwc:species "flavidorsum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williamson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williamson, 1919" ; - dwc:species "mitratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Marmels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Marmels, 1989" ; - dwc:species "breweri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6918FFC0FCC8F96F6768FC65.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6918FFC0FCC8F96F6768FC65.ttl index 1629edb8c64..a41480c5fd0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6918FFC0FCC8F96F6768FC65.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D6918FFC0FCC8F96F6768FC65.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Stand-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Pérez-Gutiérrez, León Andrés" ; dc:title "Heteragrion demarmelsi Stand-Pérez & Bota-Sierra & Pérez-Gutiérrez 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,82 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Orito" ; - dwc:authorityName "Orito" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orito" ; - dwc:species "inca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:species "mitratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Marmels, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Marmels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Marmels, 1989" ; - dwc:species "chlorotaeniatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Daigle, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Daigle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daigle, 2005" ; - dwc:species "bickorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; @@ -135,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691CFFC2FCC8F9606771FE11.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691CFFC2FCC8F9606771FE11.ttl index d6beb69e0d2..edaca3281b3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691CFFC2FCC8F9606771FE11.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691CFFC2FCC8F9606771FE11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stand-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Pérez-Gutiérrez, León Andrés" ; dc:title "Heteragrion erythrogastrum Selys 1886" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691FFFDCFCC8F8EE64F9F865.ttl b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691FFFDCFCC8F8EE64F9F865.ttl index 1988f69ff8c..bfb213d42b0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691FFFDCFCC8F8EE64F9F865.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/08/03B6085D691FFFDCFCC8F8EE64F9F865.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Stand-Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Bota-Sierra, Cornelio Andrés; Pérez-Gutiérrez, León Andrés" ; dc:title "Heteragrion flavidorsum Calvert 1909" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,111 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:authorityName "Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:species "erythrogastrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Leticia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leticia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leticia" ; - dwc:species "demarmelsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", De Marmels (1987)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", De Marmels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Marmels, 1987" ; - dwc:species "flavidorsum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Puerto Leguizamo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puerto Leguizamo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puerto Leguizamo" ; - dwc:species "inca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puerto Berrio" ; - dwc:species "mitratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:authorityName "Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Union Panamericana" ; - dwc:species "peregrinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; @@ -166,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megapodagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Heteragrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/09/03B609203F1A894D53D2A65DFAD9E185.ttl b/data/03/B6/09/03B609203F1A894D53D2A65DFAD9E185.ttl index fba3af3c7ca..eb8becf1e16 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/09/03B609203F1A894D53D2A65DFAD9E185.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/09/03B609203F1A894D53D2A65DFAD9E185.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bernardes, Jorge L. C.; Schwertner, Cristiano F.; Grazia, Jocélia" ; dc:title "Thoreyella Bernardes & Schwertner & Grazia 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Bernardes & Schwertner & Grazia, 2009" ; dwc:authorityName "Bernardes & Schwertner & Grazia" ; dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,138 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Berg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Lobepomis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berg, 1891" ; - dwc:species "peltifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spinola" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoreyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spinola, 1852" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoreyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berg, 1878" ; - dwc:species "trinotata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Procleticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berg, 1891" ; - dwc:species "corniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pennington" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Neoderoploa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pennington, 1922" ; - dwc:species "bruchii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoreyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berg, 1883" ; - dwc:species "cornuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jensen-Haarup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoreyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jensen-Haarup, 1931" ; - dwc:species "taurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barber, 1911" ; - dwc:species "arizonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rolston 1978)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rolston" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoreyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rolston, 1978)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B086E1FFF30F9BFF4E5F8DA.ttl b/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B086E1FFF30F9BFF4E5F8DA.ttl index 2e7c8cbcee6..491a1257bb7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B086E1FFF30F9BFF4E5F8DA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B086E1FFF30F9BFF4E5F8DA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Reis, Atiles; Lino, Vanessa; Mynssen, Claudine Massi; Sylvestre, Lana Da Silva" ; dc:title "Asplenium L. 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "A. Reis & Sylvestre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Aspleniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Asplenium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reis & Sylvestre, 2022" ; - dwc:species "coronatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Aspleniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B0D6E1AFF30FE7CF201F833.ttl b/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B0D6E1AFF30FE7CF201F833.ttl index a88d4a8ee81..9745e8411ea 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B0D6E1AFF30FE7CF201F833.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0B/03B60B1A0B0D6E1AFF30FE7CF201F833.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Reis, Atiles; Lino, Vanessa; Mynssen, Claudine Massi; Sylvestre, Lana Da Silva" ; dc:title "Asplenium coronatum A. Reis & Sylvestre 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hieron (1908: 222)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hieron" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "222" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Aspleniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Asplenium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hieron, 1908" ; - dwc:species "stuebelianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schioedte & Meinert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Cymothoidae" ; - dwc:genus "Braga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schioedte & Meinert, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Aspleniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E030203FF9DFF41A54786B8F815.ttl b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E030203FF9DFF41A54786B8F815.ttl index bba6be6db85..73bcac1d36f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E030203FF9DFF41A54786B8F815.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E030203FF9DFF41A54786B8F815.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chen, Zhi-Teng" ; dc:title "Podmosta Ricker 1952" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Caruso & Wichard, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Caruso & Wichard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podmosta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Caruso & Wichard, 2010" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9A0FC0FB4B522C1620.ttl b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9A0FC0FB4B522C1620.ttl index c7335f998db..5b85cb67ca6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9A0FC0FB4B522C1620.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9A0FC0FB4B522C1620.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Rousse, Pascal; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Pristomerus mirzakhaniae Zardouei & Rakhshani 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,146 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Heydari & Rakhshani & Rousse & Mokhtari & Schwarz, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heydari & Rakhshani & Rousse & Mokhtari & Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heydari, Rakhshani, Rousse, Mokhtari & Schwarz, 2020" ; - dwc:species "mirzakhaniae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horstmann, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horstmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horstmann, 1990" ; - dwc:species "arabicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Riedel et al. 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Riedel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel, 2019" ; - dwc:species "persicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1836" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "armatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Narolsky, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Narolsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Narolsky, 1987" ; - dwc:species "horribilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Panzer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:species "vulnerator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kokujev, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kokujev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kokujev, 1905" ; - dwc:species "luridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1869" ; - dwc:subFamily "Cremastinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -199,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9E0FC0FC4F53B4110F.ttl b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9E0FC0FC4F53B4110F.ttl index 670903a9bb8..64dc7c04aa1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9E0FC0FC4F53B4110F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAAFF9E0FC0FC4F53B4110F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Rousse, Pascal; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Pristomerus Curtis 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Panzer, 1799" ; - dwc:authorityName "Panzer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eulophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panzer, 1799" ; - dwc:species "vulnerator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAEFF9A0FC0FCF354EF1386.ttl b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAEFF9A0FC0FCF354EF1386.ttl index 835a8bbcc54..e1c0d2df3b7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAEFF9A0FC0FCF354EF1386.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/0E/03B60E06FFAEFF9A0FC0FCF354EF1386.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Rousse, Pascal; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Pristomerus Curtis 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,123 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horstmann, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horstmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horstmann, 1990" ; - dwc:species "mesopotamicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kokujev, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kokujev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kokujev, 1905" ; - dwc:species "luridus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zardouei & Rakhshani" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zardouei & Rakhshani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zardouei & Rakhshani, 2020" ; - dwc:species "mirzakhaniae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Riedel et al. 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Riedel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel, 2019" ; - dwc:species "persicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Narolsky, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Narolsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Narolsky, 1987" ; - dwc:species "horribilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "armatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Panzer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristomerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:species "vulnerator" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD0FFD1FF44A34EFAEDBDB1.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD0FFD1FF44A34EFAEDBDB1.ttl index a812bcd03c7..a16aa4f1f70 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD0FFD1FF44A34EFAEDBDB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD0FFD1FF44A34EFAEDBDB1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion waltheri" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,9 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Selys, 1876)", ", Selys (1876)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; + dwc:authority "(Selys, 1876)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Selys" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -85,35 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "in Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "1965" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1962" ; - dwc:species "ribeiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; @@ -127,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD9FFC9FF44A2D5FC3DBA56.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD9FFC9FF44A2D5FC3DBA56.ttl index 5f1e8f52236..33ea4abccf1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD9FFC9FF44A2D5FC3DBA56.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFD9FFC9FF44A2D5FC3DBA56.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion canaanense , Santos 1967" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,66 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:species "caldense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Machado & Bede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Machado & Bede, 2015" ; - dwc:species "franciscoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Cachoeira de Macacu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cachoeira de Macacu" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cachoeira de Macacu" ; - dwc:species "mecistogastrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:species "ribeiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC5FF44A6CDFA2ABE85.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC5FF44A6CDFA2ABE85.ttl index 587c0954f26..257a0bd2e22 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC5FF44A6CDFA2ABE85.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC5FF44A6CDFA2ABE85.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion in Santos 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1965" ; - dwc:species "mecistogastrum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1967" ; - dwc:species "canaanense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vilela & Anjos-Santos & Koroiva & Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vilela, Anjos-Santos, Koroiva, Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira, 2020" ; - dwc:species "caldense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC7FF44A56EFAE9BB9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC7FF44A56EFAE9BB9A.ttl index dbe699e3eed..e2e028d9fd3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC7FF44A56EFAE9BB9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDAFFC7FF44A56EFAE9BB9A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion caldense , Santos 1965" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,81 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1967" ; - dwc:species "canaanense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocos de Caldas" ; - dwc:species "caldense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Salesopolis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Salesopolis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Salesopolis" ; - dwc:species "mecistogastrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Recreio dos Bandeirantes" ; - dwc:species "ribeiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Salesopolis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Salesopolis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Salesopolis" ; - dwc:species "ribeiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A3C0FA2ABBA5.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A3C0FA2ABBA5.ttl index 29d8cdd4ee7..c894135b389 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A3C0FA2ABBA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A3C0FA2ABBA5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion in Santos 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1965" ; - dwc:species "mecistogastrum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1967" ; - dwc:species "canaanense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vilela & Anjos-Santos & Koroiva & Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vilela, Anjos-Santos, Koroiva, Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira, 2020" ; - dwc:species "caldense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A6B6FBA7B926.ttl b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A6B6FBA7B926.ttl index ae22cf097c8..4661488a747 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A6B6FBA7B926.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/11/03B61158FFDDFFC2FF44A6B6FBA7B926.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Anjos-Santos, Danielle; Koroiva, Ricardo; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer" ; dc:title "Minagrion in Santos 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,112 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Santos, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1965" ; - dwc:species "mecistogastrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1876" ; - dwc:species "waltheri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1962" ; - dwc:species "ribeiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vilela & Anjos-Santos & Koroiva & Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vilela & Anjos-Santos & Koroiva & Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vilela, Anjos-Santos, Koroiva, Cordero-Rivera & Guillermo-Ferreira, 2020" ; - dwc:species "caldense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 1967" ; - dwc:species "canaanense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Machado & Bede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Machado & Bede, 2015" ; - dwc:species "franciscoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFA9FF90EDAEFE4CFD86B6DC.ttl b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFA9FF90EDAEFE4CFD86B6DC.ttl index 9113624d973..647c4a30ad2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFA9FF90EDAEFE4CFD86B6DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFA9FF90EDAEFE4CFD86B6DC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jin, Han; Jia, Shao-Bo; Yan, Hua-Chao; Jordana, Rafael" ; dc:title "Sinhomidia guangxiensis Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -65,20 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinhomidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; dwc:authorityName "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana" ; @@ -108,12 +94,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; dwc:genus "Sinhomidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFABFF94EDAEFEDEFD23B588.ttl b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFABFF94EDAEFEDEFD23B588.ttl index f14a8baef4a..84332fa8554 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFABFF94EDAEFEDEFD23B588.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFABFF94EDAEFEDEFD23B588.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jin, Han; Jia, Shao-Bo; Yan, Hua-Chao; Jordana, Rafael" ; dc:title "Sinhomidia bicolor Zhang, Deharveng, Greenslade & Chen 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -49,22 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinhomidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jin, Jia, Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; - dwc:species "guangxiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFADFF90EDAEFCFFFA44B7E0.ttl b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFADFF90EDAEFCFFFA44B7E0.ttl index 171847496f0..b894ff8a213 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFADFF90EDAEFCFFFA44B7E0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/13/03B61377FFADFF90EDAEFCFFFA44B7E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jin, Han; Jia, Shao-Bo; Yan, Hua-Chao; Jordana, Rafael" ; dc:title "Sinhomidia Zhang 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinhomidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jin, Jia, Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jin & Jia & Yan & Jordana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinhomidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jin, Jia, Yan & Jordana, 2017" ; - dwc:species "guangxiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Entomobryidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1B782CFF5AFDDB782F7DF8.ttl b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1B782CFF5AFDDB782F7DF8.ttl index e08d0c37b3f..61cfe3ab2e2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1B782CFF5AFDDB782F7DF8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1B782CFF5AFDDB782F7DF8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hayat, Mohammad" ; dc:title "Diaspiniphagus decorus Hayat, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hayat" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayat" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaspiniphagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayat" ; - dwc:species "decorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Girault" ; - dwc:authorityName "Girault" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coccophagoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Girault" ; - dwc:species "fuscipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Howard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Howard" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaspiniphagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howard" ; - dwc:species "maculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1D7829FF5AF98879047E90.ttl b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1D7829FF5AF98879047E90.ttl index c3d41241a75..eb8d50974f9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1D7829FF5AF98879047E90.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1D7829FF5AF98879047E90.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hayat, Mohammad" ; dc:title "Diaspiniphagus Silvestri" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -121,21 +121,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forster (1878)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1F782BFF5AF90B78037D1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1F782BFF5AF90B78037D1B.ttl index 1d6cccbc5ab..f5ed1e94896 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1F782BFF5AF90B78037D1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1A/03B61A461B1F782BFF5AF90B78037D1B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hayat, Mohammad" ; dc:title "Coccophagoides Girault" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,21 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Agarwal" ; - dwc:authorityName "Agarwal" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coccophagoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agarwal" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB3FCBDFF00FD58FA14.ttl b/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB3FCBDFF00FD58FA14.ttl index 07d03b00ffc..7b2c779c555 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB3FCBDFF00FD58FA14.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB3FCBDFF00FD58FA14.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nel, André; Menier, Jean-Jacques; Waller, Alain; Hodebert, Gilbert; Ploëg, Gaël De" ; dc:title "Paleosisyra eocenica Nel & Menier & Waller & Hodebert & Ploëg 2003, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,80 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sisyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Climacia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Parfin & Gurney 1956)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parfin & Gurney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parfin & Gurney, 1956)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1853)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sisyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "vicaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hagen, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hagen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Climacia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hagen, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "areolaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; @@ -139,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB4FEEEFBA3FEA1F917.ttl b/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB4FEEEFBA3FEA1F917.ttl index 7da1f61c096..5371ac0ee74 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB4FEEEFBA3FEA1F917.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1B/03B61B1B026DFFB4FEEEFBA3FEA1F917.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nel, André; Menier, Jean-Jacques; Waller, Alain; Hodebert, Gilbert; Ploëg, Gaël De" ; dc:title "Paleosisyra Nel & Menier & Waller & Hodebert & Ploëg 2003, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,49 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nel & Menier & Waller & Hodebert & Ploëg, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nel & Menier & Waller & Hodebert & Ploëg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paleosisyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nel, Menier, Waller, Hodebert & Ploëg, 2003" ; - dwc:species "eocenica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sisyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handlirsch, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; @@ -98,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sisyridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/1C/03B61C3CFF984B24EDAF23BF399E15FB.ttl b/data/03/B6/1C/03B61C3CFF984B24EDAF23BF399E15FB.ttl index 98ecc2f08eb..ff4bbe0efa0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/1C/03B61C3CFF984B24EDAF23BF399E15FB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/1C/03B61C3CFF984B24EDAF23BF399E15FB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tian, Yu; Zhang, Yi" ; dc:title "Sukatshevabaga Tian & Zhang, 2023, nom. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,36 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sukatsheva 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sukatsheva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Myrmeleontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Baga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sukatsheva, 1992" ; - dwc:species "bakharica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Myrmeleontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Baga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Myrmeleontidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFE8DFD8F9DCFD781606.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFE8DFD8F9DCFD781606.ttl index 17211942931..bd502add350 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFE8DFD8F9DCFD781606.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFE8DFD8F9DCFD781606.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris undosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Lamarck, 1816)", "(Lamark, 1816)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; + dwc:authority "(Lamarck, 1816)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -101,37 +99,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", MHNG 1097" ; - dwc:authorityName ", MHNG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1097" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mhng, 1097" ; - dwc:species "undosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "clausifossata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFF6DFD8FF01FB5E12CF.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFF6DFD8FF01FB5E12CF.ttl index c67bede04c5..06fe65aebb7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFF6DFD8FF01FB5E12CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7503FFF6DFD8FF01FB5E12CF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris tanyspira Kilburn 1975" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bozzetti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bozzetti, 2006" ; - dwc:species "ankaramanyensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Azuma" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Azuma, 1973" ; - dwc:species "nadaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7505FFF2DFD8FCD2FD7F1505.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7505FFF2DFD8FCD2FD7F1505.ttl index a721aa7b8aa..882e01ccb3d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7505FFF2DFD8FCD2FD7F1505.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7505FFF2DFD8FCD2FD7F1505.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris pagasa Olivera 2000" ; @@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Francisco, 2000", "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000: 7" ; + dwc:authority "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000: 7" ; dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "7" ; dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7506FFF4DFD8FB6AFEF61089.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7506FFF4DFD8FB6AFEF61089.ttl index ec9dd5a5003..dbdafc43229 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7506FFF4DFD8FB6AFEF61089.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7506FFF4DFD8FB6AFEF61089.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris spectabilis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -67,36 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "garnonsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "babylonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7507FFF3DFD8FD19FDC91391.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7507FFF3DFD8FD19FDC91391.ttl index 7f904f17b25..594a05d0e60 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7507FFF3DFD8FD19FDC91391.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7507FFF3DFD8FD19FDC91391.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris ruthae Kilburn 1983" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1958" ; - dwc:species "ambages" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7509FFFEDFD8FD01FF2616D1.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7509FFFEDFD8FD01FF2616D1.ttl index 2d3da67cf14..d2f101eaa87 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7509FFFEDFD8FD01FF2616D1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7509FFFEDFD8FD01FF2616D1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris nadaensis Azuma 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; - dwc:species "cristata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750BFFFFDFD8F9BDFB63158E.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750BFFFFDFD8F9BDFB63158E.ttl index a64d303b6aa..3fc44311221 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750BFFFFDFD8F9BDFB63158E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750BFFFFDFD8F9BDFB63158E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris normandavidsoni Olivera 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "babylonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750CFFFADFD8F9C1FB561361.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750CFFFADFD8F9C1FB561361.ttl index b73904a9ff0..7d3d9c30e03 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750CFFFADFD8F9C1FB561361.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750CFFFADFD8F9C1FB561361.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris kantori Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera 2012, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "annulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; - dwc:species "omnipurpurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750DFFF9DFD8FA76FBC81695.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750DFFF9DFD8FA76FBC81695.ttl index eb53f9d0dc9..9cbfcffe8c0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750DFFF9DFD8FA76FBC81695.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750DFFF9DFD8FA76FBC81695.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:title "Turris intricata Powell 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -147,12 +147,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "crispa" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750FFFFCDFD8FB3AFA6A1578.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750FFFFCDFD8FB3AFA6A1578.ttl index bfd6aefb99f..0e4d98c7fe1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750FFFFCDFD8FB3AFA6A1578.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D750FFFFCDFD8FB3AFA6A1578.ttl @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Reeve, 1843)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7515FFE0DFD8F902FC4F10D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7515FFE0DFD8F902FC4F10D6.ttl index 6737b3e3b92..e79abab0dbb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7515FFE0DFD8F902FC4F10D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7515FFE0DFD8F902FC4F10D6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Makiyamaia MacNeil 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,97 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Adams & Reeve, 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adams & Reeve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adams & Reeve, 1850" ; - dwc:species "coreanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kilburn, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, 1983" ; - dwc:species "orthopleura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Clavatulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hinds, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinds, 1843" ; - dwc:species "gravis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barnard, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Surcula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1958" ; - dwc:species "scalaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFE0DFD8FC3CFE171179.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFE0DFD8FC3CFE171179.ttl index 3d032f2664d..f4137462b38 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFE0DFD8FC3CFE171179.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFE0DFD8FC3CFE171179.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Gemmula lululimi Olivera 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,49 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Balut Is., Mindanao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Balut Is., Mindanao" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gemmula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balut Is., Mindanao" ; - dwc:species "lululimi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weinkauff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gemmula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weinkauff, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; @@ -124,12 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; dwc:genus "Gemmula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -183,12 +134,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFEFDFD8FD42FE62146F.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFEFDFD8FD42FE62146F.ttl index 5f15b22c621..59ab20204dc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFEFDFD8FD42FE62146F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751AFFEFDFD8FD42FE62146F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Gemmula Weinkauff 1875" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reeve, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reeve, 1843" ; - dwc:species "gemmata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Berry, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gemmula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berry, 1958" ; - dwc:species "hindsiana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751CFFEADFD8FEF9FADD14D5.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751CFFEADFD8FEF9FADD14D5.ttl index fe50ee37f3d..07a51a8908c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751CFFEADFD8FEF9FADD14D5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751CFFEADFD8FEF9FADD14D5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris yeddoensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Jousseaume, 1883)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jousseaume" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jousseaume" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -69,21 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Yedo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yedo" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yedo" ; - dwc:species "yeddoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751DFFE9DFD8FE05FB9E1625.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751DFFE9DFD8FE05FB9E1625.ttl index 5ffae90d66f..966d17f9732 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751DFFE9DFD8FE05FB9E1625.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D751DFFE9DFD8FE05FB9E1625.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris venusta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -67,35 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "babylonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; @@ -109,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7520FFD7DFD8FCF1FEBE1465.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7520FFD7DFD8FCF1FEBE1465.ttl index fb41e6430b3..202a8a4188a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7520FFD7DFD8FCF1FEBE1465.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7520FFD7DFD8FCF1FEBE1465.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris chaldaea Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera 2012, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Roding, 1798", "Roding, 1798: 124" ; + dwc:authority "Roding, 1798: 124" ; dwc:authorityName "Roding" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "124" ; dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; @@ -211,65 +211,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tapparone-Canefri, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tapparone-Canefri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tapparone-Canefri, 1878" ; - dwc:species "raffrayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamarck, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "undosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1758: 753" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Muricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Murex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:species "babylonius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; @@ -283,12 +224,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7522FFC8DFD8FC31FF0F13CA.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7522FFC8DFD8FC31FF0F13CA.ttl index fd53f951661..fd0b18b3ddf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7522FFC8DFD8FC31FF0F13CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7522FFC8DFD8FC31FF0F13CA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris clausifossata Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera 2012, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,36 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Azuma" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Azuma, 1973" ; - dwc:species "nadaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, 1975" ; - dwc:species "tanyspira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7524FFD3DFD8FAECFA7D14FE.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7524FFD3DFD8FAECFA7D14FE.ttl index 472671f41dc..f90c18d5729 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7524FFD3DFD8FAECFA7D14FE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7524FFD3DFD8FAECFA7D14FE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris bipartita Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012, nom. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -81,22 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Roding, 1798" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roding" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roding, 1798" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7526FFD5DFD8FB8AFAEB142D.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7526FFD5DFD8FB8AFAEB142D.ttl index 6c099e12509..066397955e2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7526FFD5DFD8FB8AFAEB142D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7526FFD5DFD8FB8AFAEB142D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris brevicanalis , Kuroda, Oyama 1971" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority ", Kuroda, Oyama, 1971" ; dwc:authorityName ", Kuroda, Oyama" ; dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -66,21 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olivera, 2000" ; - dwc:species "pagasa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7528FFDEDFD8FE21FE311446.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7528FFDEDFD8FE21FE311446.ttl index b9a44d06f62..049339ea47a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7528FFDEDFD8FE21FE311446.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7528FFDEDFD8FE21FE311446.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris ambages Barnard 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, 1983" ; - dwc:species "ruthae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Kuroda, Oyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuroda, Oyama, 1971" ; - dwc:species "brevicanalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752AFFD1DFD8FABCFE22121E.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752AFFD1DFD8FABCFE22121E.ttl index c415c88f7f2..71c23b3cdfe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752AFFD1DFD8FABCFE22121E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752AFFD1DFD8FABCFE22121E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris annulata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Adams & Reeve, 1850", "Adams & Reeve, 1850: 40" ; + dwc:authority "Adams & Reeve, 1850: 40" ; dwc:authorityName "Adams & Reeve" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "40" ; dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; @@ -119,21 +117,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "kathiewayae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752BFFDFDFD8FC42FAFE1625.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752BFFDFDFD8FC42FAFE1625.ttl index b29b5ef8ede..48edf633c25 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752BFFDFDFD8FC42FAFE1625.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752BFFDFDFD8FC42FAFE1625.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris amicta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -83,22 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "kathiewayae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752EFFDDDFD8FEF9FAE2165D.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752EFFDDDFD8FEF9FAE2165D.ttl index b3891f5e673..b460ad44d40 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752EFFDDDFD8FEF9FAE2165D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752EFFDDDFD8FEF9FAE2165D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris babylonia" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Roding, 1798", "Roding, 1798: 124" ; + dwc:authority "Roding, 1798: 124" ; dwc:authorityName "Roding" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "124" ; dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; @@ -171,36 +169,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "chaldaea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1758: 753" ; - dwc:authorityName "LSUK." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Muricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Murex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LSUK." ; - dwc:species "babylonius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752FFFDADFD8FCDFFD3A12E4.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752FFFDADFD8FCDFFD3A12E4.ttl index 1dd666f8da0..e571bcb92cc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752FFFDADFD8FCDFFD3A12E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D752FFFDADFD8FCDFFD3A12E4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris Batsch 1789" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1758: 753" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Muricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Murex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:species "babylonius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Powell, 1966" ; dwc:authorityName "Powell" ; @@ -95,37 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kilburn, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, 1998" ; - dwc:species "faleiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Casey, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lophiotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7532FFF8DFD8FBD5FC431606.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7532FFF8DFD8FBD5FC431606.ttl index d9a0dabfe81..004af23d1ce 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7532FFF8DFD8FBD5FC431606.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7532FFF8DFD8FBD5FC431606.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris intercancellata Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera 2012, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "bipartita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deshayes, 1833" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deshayes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleurotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deshayes, 1833" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7533FFC7DFD8FF01FE8D1505.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7533FFC7DFD8FF01FE8D1505.ttl index 3611c0222e8..a8a3d9c56b6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7533FFC7DFD8FF01FE8D1505.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7533FFC7DFD8FF01FE8D1505.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris hidalgoi Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -82,36 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "intercancellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reeve, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "spectabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7535FFC0DFD8FDB2FAE610D8.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7535FFC0DFD8FDB2FAE610D8.ttl index 5f36148846f..b4be5f2e43a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7535FFC0DFD8FDB2FAE610D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7535FFC0DFD8FDB2FAE610D8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris garnonsii" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,36 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "babylonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kilburn, Fedosov & Olivera, 2012" ; - dwc:species "guidopoppei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7536FFC4DFD8FB8AFD331093.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7536FFC4DFD8FB8AFD331093.ttl index 7180e234dd9..a2171044455 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7536FFC4DFD8FB8AFD331093.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7536FFC4DFD8FB8AFD331093.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris guidopoppei Kilburn & Fedosov & Olivera 2012, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -65,33 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fusinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Fasciolariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7537FFC3DFD8FF01FBF114F1.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7537FFC3DFD8FF01FBF114F1.ttl index a9109310ab5..d03bfedb912 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7537FFC3DFD8FF01FBF114F1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7537FFC3DFD8FF01FBF114F1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris grandis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Gray, 1833)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -99,37 +96,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Vera-Pelaez et al. (2000)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vera-Pelaez, 2000" ; - dwc:species "crispa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "crispa" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "crispa" ; - dwc:species "crispa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "crispa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7538FFCEDFD8F906FD1010F6.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7538FFCEDFD8F906FD1010F6.ttl index e6d4f1600d9..cad17f5aba1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7538FFCEDFD8F906FD1010F6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7538FFCEDFD8F906FD1010F6.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris cryptorrhaphe" ; @@ -35,8 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Sowerby, 1825)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sowerby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sowerby" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7539FFCDDFD8FCD2FBB91105.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7539FFCDDFD8FCD2FBB91105.ttl index f6d900d1ae4..db46b6bee2b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7539FFCDDFD8FCD2FBB91105.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D7539FFCDDFD8FCD2FBB91105.ttl @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz & Lozano-Francisco, 2000", "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; + dwc:authority "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco" ; dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1816" ; dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753AFFC0DFD8FF01FDC316E9.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753AFFC0DFD8FF01FDC316E9.ttl index b096299a77f..b42ad511973 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753AFFC0DFD8FF01FDC316E9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753AFFC0DFD8FF01FDC316E9.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Turris faleiroi Kilburn 1998" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753DFFCADFD8FAD0FD5A1625.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753DFFCADFD8FAD0FD5A1625.ttl index 6a1dbe8a472..9732fba0f49 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753DFFCADFD8FAD0FD5A1625.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753DFFCADFD8FAD0FD5A1625.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris condei Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vera-Pelaez, Vega-Luz, & Lozano-Francisco, 2000" ; - dwc:species "hidalgoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753FFFCCDFD8FEF9FBC615D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753FFFCCDFD8FEF9FBC615D6.ttl index 1110ae97fee..8a4f300bdb0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753FFFCCDFD8FEF9FBC615D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/20/03B6205D753FFFCCDFD8FEF9FBC615D6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilburn, Richard N.; Fedosov, Alexander E.; Olivera, Baldomero M." ; dc:title "Turris crispa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Lamarck, 1816)", "(Lamark, 1816)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; + dwc:authority "(Lamarck, 1816)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -68,85 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Olivera, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Olivera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olivera, 2000" ; - dwc:species "dollyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(E. A. Smith, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "amicta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "crispa" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "crispa" ; - dwc:species "crispa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "crispa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jousseaume, 1883)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jousseaume" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jousseaume, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "crispa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "yeddoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Turridae" ; - dwc:genus "Turris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "grandis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Turridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2CFFCEFCEB469010DFF923.ttl b/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2CFFCEFCEB469010DFF923.ttl index 0ee95ed0622..a49f7bbe8ba 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2CFFCEFCEB469010DFF923.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2CFFCEFCEB469010DFF923.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Porter, Megan; Barton, Diane P.; Francis, Nidhish; Shamsi, Shokoofeh" ; dc:title "Diplectanum diacanthi Porter & Barton & Francis & Shamsi 2023, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protonibea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacepede, 1802)" ; - dwc:species "diacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cuvier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuvier, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porter & Barton & Francis & Shamsi, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Porter & Barton & Francis & Shamsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter, Barton, Francis & Shamsi, 2023" ; - dwc:species "timorcanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1989" ; - dwc:species "oliveri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wagener, 1857) Diesing, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diesing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagener" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagener, 1857)" ; - dwc:species "aequans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2DFFC8FCEB450A1165FB1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2DFFC8FCEB450A1165FB1B.ttl index 0dbe3186c29..7327e1afaf6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2DFFC8FCEB450A1165FB1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/29/03B6294AEE2DFFC8FCEB450A1165FB1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Porter, Megan; Barton, Diane P.; Francis, Nidhish; Shamsi, Shokoofeh" ; dc:title "Diplectanum timorcanthus Porter & Barton & Francis & Shamsi 2023, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,91 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protonibea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacepede, 1802)" ; - dwc:species "diacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cuvier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuvier, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1989" ; - dwc:species "oliveri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1989" ; - dwc:species "gladulosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:family "Sciaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argyrosomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacepede, 1801)" ; - dwc:species "hololepidotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Porter & Barton & Francis & Shamsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter, Barton, Francis & Shamsi, 2023" ; - dwc:species "glandulosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; dwc:family "Diplectanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E5610461FF0FFA0FFE62AAEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E5610461FF0FFA0FFE62AAEF.ttl index 06a9396be88..01b96a7f564 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E5610461FF0FFA0FFE62AAEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E5610461FF0FFA0FFE62AAEF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Moreno-González, Jairo A.; M, Osvaldo Villarreal" ; dc:title "Calima valenciorum Moreno-González & M, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E565046AFF0FFF4FFC62ACBF.ttl b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E565046AFF0FFF4FFC62ACBF.ttl index 6c1d246024f..88c5c3e18c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E565046AFF0FFF4FFC62ACBF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E565046AFF0FFF4FFC62ACBF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Moreno-González, Jairo A.; M, Osvaldo Villarreal" ; dc:title "Calima bremensis Moreno-González & M, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E567046FFF0FF8F2FD1BAB59.ttl b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E567046FFF0FF8F2FD1BAB59.ttl index 1ca4a0045c6..ae88e96b09c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E567046FFF0FF8F2FD1BAB59.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/2B/03B62B76E567046FFF0FF8F2FD1BAB59.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Moreno-González, Jairo A.; M, Osvaldo Villarreal" ; dc:title "Calima Moreno-González & M, 2012, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14AFF40F887FE36F283.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14AFF40F887FE36F283.ttl index 080b5f58dcc..fbcea0f8e30 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14AFF40F887FE36F283.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14AFF40F887FE36F283.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Motyka, Michal; Bocak, Ladislav" ; dc:title "Calochromus harauensis Motyka & Bocak, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14BFF40FB3DFABDF59F.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14BFF40FB3DFABDF59F.ttl index 8cf185b6e60..5d1690b9f80 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14BFF40FB3DFABDF59F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEDA14BFF40FB3DFABDF59F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Motyka, Michal; Bocak, Ladislav" ; dc:title "Calochromus kelantanensis Motyka & Bocak, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA148FF40FD9FFC16F7AC.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA148FF40FD9FFC16F7AC.ttl index 922214cd0da..3fe6d732bcb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA148FF40FD9FFC16F7AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA148FF40FD9FFC16F7AC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Motyka, Michal; Bocak, Ladislav" ; dc:title "Plateros Bourgeois 1879" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,197 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lucas, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plateros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lucas, 1857" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1909: 99" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "99" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1898", "Lea, 1898: 561" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "561" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:species "brevicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:species "brevicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:species "pilosicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea. Probably" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea. Probably" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea. Probably" ; - dwc:species "melancholica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kleine (1933)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kleine" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kleine, 1933" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plateros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1998" ; - dwc:species "brevicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1921" ; - dwc:species "melancholica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plateros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1898" ; - dwc:species "pilosicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blanchard, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plateros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard, 1853" ; - dwc:species "pilosicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blanchard, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard, 1853" ; - dwc:species "pilosicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA14BFF40FADAFC7BF77F.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA14BFF40FADAFC7BF77F.ttl index 05ccb4cec6e..71746413b14 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA14BFF40FADAFC7BF77F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B63135FFEEA14BFF40FADAFC7BF77F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Motyka, Michal; Bocak, Ladislav" ; dc:title "Calochromus Guerin-Meneville" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,190 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Guerin-Meneville, 1833: 159" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "159" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin-Meneville, 1833" ; - dwc:species "glaucopterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky, 1861: 138" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "138" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micronychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky, 1861: 138" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "138" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micronychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1861" ; - dwc:species "bimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pic, 1925", "Pic, 1925: 11" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pic" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "11" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pic, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pic, 1925: 11" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pic" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "11" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pic, 1925" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duges" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duges" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lucaina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duges" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygistopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pic" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pic" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrolygistopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pic" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourgeois" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourgeois" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adoceta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourgeois" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Green" ; - dwc:authorityName "Green" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caloptognatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Green" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kleine, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kleine" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kleine, 1926" ; - dwc:species "lamellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lea, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dumbrellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lea, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B63152FFB5FFA2E391584C7FCBFEAE.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B63152FFB5FFA2E391584C7FCBFEAE.ttl index ee11ce2ed3d..10990aec85b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B63152FFB5FFA2E391584C7FCBFEAE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B63152FFB5FFA2E391584C7FCBFEAE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Palma, Ricardo L.; Galloway, Terry D." ; dc:title "Menacanthus pici" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Picidae" ; - dwc:genus "Picus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Piciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Packard, 1873", "Packard, 1873: 731" ; dwc:authorityName "Packard" ; @@ -95,38 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Swainson, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Picidae" ; - dwc:genus "Picoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Piciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Swainson, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "arcticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Picidae" ; - dwc:genus "Picoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Piciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1858" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Packard, 1873)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Packard" ; @@ -175,23 +126,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Picidae" ; - dwc:genus "Picoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Piciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1858" ; - dwc:species "tridactylus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/31/03B6316D0258FFCF9BEE55A1FE8DF4E1.ttl b/data/03/B6/31/03B6316D0258FFCF9BEE55A1FE8DF4E1.ttl index 043a95e5545..6f0afbcb481 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/31/03B6316D0258FFCF9BEE55A1FE8DF4E1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/31/03B6316D0258FFCF9BEE55A1FE8DF4E1.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hauser, Frances E.; López-Fernández, Hernán" ; dc:title "Geophagus crocatus Hauser & López-Fernández, 2013, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,156 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kullander & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:authorityName "Kullander & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kullander & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:species "grammepareius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kullander, G." ; - dwc:authorityName "Kullander, G." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kullander, G." ; - dwc:species "argyrostictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn, G." ; - dwc:species "abalios" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heckel, G" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heckel, G" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heckel, G" ; - dwc:species "megasema" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heckel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heckel" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heckel" ; - dwc:species "altifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Staeck & Schindler, G." ; - dwc:authorityName "Staeck & Schindler, G." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staeck & Schindler, G." ; - dwc:species "parnaibae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lucinda, Lucena & Assis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lucinda, Lucena & Assis" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lucinda, Lucena & Assis" ; - dwc:species "neambi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castelnau" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castelnau" ; - dwc:species "proximus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn" ; - dwc:species "winemilleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn." ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lopez-Fernandez & Taphorn." ; - dwc:species "dicrozoster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; @@ -210,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cichlidae" ; dwc:genus "Geophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430050FFA391C2BEEFFAB5F807.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430050FFA391C2BEEFFAB5F807.ttl index 3bea9fd4197..f16a763750c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430050FFA391C2BEEFFAB5F807.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430050FFA391C2BEEFFAB5F807.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba plumbeoviridis Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "plumbeobrunnea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Draudt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Draudt, 1950" ; - dwc:species "oculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA191C2B8C5FA73FCAC.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA191C2B8C5FA73FCAC.ttl index dc35b80c9e7..6c51949db3f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA191C2B8C5FA73FCAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA191C2B8C5FA73FCAC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba cucullata Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "clara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Guenée" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guenée, 1837" ; - dwc:tribe "Hadenini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -103,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA291C2BDF4FAB5FAC7.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA291C2BDF4FAB5FAC7.ttl index 9da69b15966..c69b71673c2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA291C2BDF4FAB5FAC7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430051FFA291C2BDF4FAB5FAC7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba plumbeobrunnea Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "plumbeoviridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:species "brunnescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430052FFA091C2BEEFFB17FE88.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430052FFA091C2BEEFFB17FE88.ttl index 65bf79020b2..d3f80b14184 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430052FFA091C2BEEFFB17FE88.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430052FFA091C2BEEFFB17FE88.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba asymmetrica Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:species "albipicta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -88,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFA091C2BC0CFA67F9BF.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFA091C2BC0CFA67F9BF.ttl index c65c6ac8e16..79620718391 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFA091C2BC0CFA67F9BF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFA091C2BC0CFA67F9BF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba acontioides Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,48 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ochsenheimer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochsenheimer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acontia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochsenheimer, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Acontiinae" ; - dwc:authorityName "Acontiinae" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Acontiinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -101,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFAF91C2BB1DFD46FBCC.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFAF91C2BB1DFD46FBCC.ttl index 92dff9a939a..fdb9ce7e401 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFAF91C2BB1DFD46FBCC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430053FFAF91C2BB1DFD46FBCC.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba rectilinoides Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430055FFA591C2BB6EFB2DFC5C.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430055FFA591C2BB6EFB2DFC5C.ttl index b0a7075d12a..6e63e463f24 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430055FFA591C2BB6EFB2DFC5C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430055FFA591C2BB6EFB2DFC5C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba gaoligonga Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "manleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen" ; - dwc:species "liuii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "pulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Behounek & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Behounek & Kononenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Behounek & Kononenko" ; - dwc:species "ronkayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430056FFA491C2B97FFEAEFDF4.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430056FFA491C2B97FFEAEFDF4.ttl index 30bee37cb12..f0d90b9c28a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430056FFA491C2B97FFEAEFDF4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430056FFA491C2B97FFEAEFDF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba huanxipoa Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430057FFA491C2BFD7FADDF92F.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430057FFA491C2BFD7FADDF92F.ttl index eb66f08dc26..c28a32a8979 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430057FFA491C2BFD7FADDF92F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430057FFA491C2BFD7FADDF92F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba chlorobrunnea Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "huanxipoa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -88,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAA91C2BB11FB5BFB69.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAA91C2BB11FB5BFB69.ttl index 07d051b2562..310cd250138 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAA91C2BB11FB5BFB69.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAA91C2BB11FB5BFB69.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba motuoensis Han & Lu 2007" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,51 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:species "viridescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:species "speideli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pekarsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pekarsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pekarsky" ; - dwc:species "microchracea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay 2001" ; dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAB91C2BE05FCA5F98B.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAB91C2BE05FCA5F98B.ttl index 27e1545c5dd..66c30be2839 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAB91C2BE05FCA5F98B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430058FFAB91C2BE05FCA5F98B.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Stenoloba acutivalva Han & Kononenko 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430059FFA991C2B834FCA5FF6C.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430059FFA991C2B834FCA5FF6C.ttl index 26560d9e7da..dd1e41027a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B633430059FFA991C2B834FCA5FF6C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B633430059FFA991C2B834FCA5FF6C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba plumbeoculata Pekarsky, Dvorak & G. Ronkay 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "rufosagitta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA891C2BB04FE44FEF0.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA891C2BB04FE44FEF0.ttl index c2778bc058a..94a63526b7a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA891C2BB04FE44FEF0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA891C2BB04FE44FEF0.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba pulla Ronkay 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2000" ; - dwc:species "bachmana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BC2FFAD7FCC2.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BC2FFAD7FCC2.ttl index 1dc80c24893..d0ef4ee19de 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BC2FFAD7FCC2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BC2FFAD7FCC2.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba viridicollar Pekarsky 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "rufosagitta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Han & Kononenko. These" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko. These" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko. These, 2009" ; - dwc:species "rufosagittoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BECAFDD2F981.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BECAFDD2F981.ttl index 51226d03971..a80c3e9847f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BECAFDD2F981.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005AFFA991C2BECAFDD2F981.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba basiviridis Draudt 1950" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "dominula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2000" ; - dwc:species "domina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005BFFA891C2BCD4FDE2FC6B.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005BFFA891C2BCD4FDE2FC6B.ttl index 5bd75df450f..9700f48a2d8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005BFFA891C2BCD4FDE2FC6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005BFFA891C2BCD4FDE2FC6B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba dominula Kononenko & Ronkay 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2000" ; - dwc:species "domina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005CFFAE91C2B9CFFF0CFD8C.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005CFFAE91C2B9CFFF0CFD8C.ttl index cda753b075b..3f22895b9b7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005CFFAE91C2B9CFFF0CFD8C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005CFFAE91C2B9CFFF0CFD8C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba uncata Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chang, 1989" ; - dwc:species "nigrabasalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005DFFAE91C2BF0FFE51F807.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005DFFAE91C2BF0FFE51F807.ttl index 5de3794a0bf..4e4a32a4e1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005DFFAE91C2BF0FFE51F807.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005DFFAE91C2BF0FFE51F807.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba assimilina Han & Kononenko 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Warren)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Warren" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warren" ; - dwc:species "assimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAC91C2BA79FC47FCEB.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAC91C2BA79FC47FCEB.ttl index 4b8f78fb750..dc961ca35d6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAC91C2BA79FC47FCEB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAC91C2BA79FC47FCEB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba glaucescens" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -64,21 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2B96DFCAAF952.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2B96DFCAAF952.ttl index d1f2825238e..2f2524753dd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2B96DFCAAF952.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2B96DFCAAF952.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba brunnescens Kononenko & Ronkay 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "plumbeoviridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "plumbeobrunnea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "clara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2BDBDFB19FC2F.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2BDBDFB19FC2F.ttl index 4051aeb39bc..44cfa30ab2f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2BDBDFB19FC2F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005EFFAD91C2BDBDFB19FC2F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba albistriata Kononenko & Ronkay 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wileman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wileman, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kononenko & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kononenko & Ronkay, 1998" ; - dwc:species "fontinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ronkay, 2001" ; - dwc:species "benedeki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pekarsky & Saldatis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pekarsky & Saldatis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "solaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pekarsky, Dvorak & G. Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pekarsky, Dvorak & Ronkay, 2013" ; - dwc:species "subsolaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAB91C2BBF1FBAEFD58.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAB91C2BBF1FBAEFD58.ttl index 0459477a248..46e148c790e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAB91C2BBF1FBAEFD58.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAB91C2BBF1FBAEFD58.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba nora Kononenko & Ronkay 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "uncata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staudinger, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -88,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAC91C2BEB7FC9EF9AA.ttl b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAC91C2BEB7FC9EF9AA.ttl index 861d8ca368b..3573f1d1385 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAC91C2BEB7FC9EF9AA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/33/03B63343005FFFAC91C2BEB7FC9EF9AA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Han, H. L.; Kononenko, V. S." ; dc:title "Stenoloba rectilinea Yoshimoto 1992" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Han & Kononenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenoloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Kononenko, 2018" ; - dwc:species "rectilinoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB8B60F9DCB89D626BE1B76.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB8B60F9DCB89D626BE1B76.ttl index a3585f8e494..dd5bc296166 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB8B60F9DCB89D626BE1B76.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB8B60F9DCB89D626BE1B76.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Halajian, Ali; Sychra, Oldrich; Luus-Powell, Wilmien; Engelbrecht, Derek" ; dc:title "Myrsidea textoris Klockenhoff 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB9B6009DCB8C1E27071A9D.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB9B6009DCB8C1E27071A9D.ttl index efa96d9665c..d4fa5198665 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB9B6009DCB8C1E27071A9D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFB9B6009DCB8C1E27071A9D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Halajian, Ali; Sychra, Oldrich; Luus-Powell, Wilmien; Engelbrecht, Derek" ; dc:title "Myrsidea mariquensis Halajian and Sychra, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,100 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halajian & Sychra" ; - dwc:species "mariquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith-Mariqua Flycatcher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith-Mariqua Flycatcher" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Muscicapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradornis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith-Mariqua Flycatcher" ; - dwc:species "mariquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1926" ; - dwc:species "subdissimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Temminck, 1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Muscicapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyanoptila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Temminck, 1829" ; - dwc:species "cyanomelana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zlotorzycka, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zlotorzycka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zlotorzycka, 1964" ; - dwc:species "proterva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pallas, 1764" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1764" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Muscicapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Muscicapa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pallas, 1764" ; - dwc:species "striata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; @@ -151,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBBB6019DCB895723551885.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBBB6019DCB895723551885.ttl index 848f352b24e..4c435ae7306 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBBB6019DCB895723551885.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBBB6019DCB895723551885.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Halajian, Ali; Sychra, Oldrich; Luus-Powell, Wilmien; Engelbrecht, Derek" ; dc:title "Myrsidea eslamii Halajian and Sychra, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,99 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halajian & Sychra" ; - dwc:species "eslamii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hartlaub" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartlaub" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zoothera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartlaub" ; - dwc:species "gurneyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Clay, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clay, 1966" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ansari, 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ansari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ansari, 1956" ; - dwc:species "abidae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cherrie" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cherrie" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cherrie" ; - dwc:species "fumigatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "aquilonalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lischtenstein" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lischtenstein" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lischtenstein" ; - dwc:species "fumigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; @@ -150,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBDB6039DCB8A892646197E.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBDB6039DCB8A892646197E.ttl index b2cb0e3bffe..49e58db6dbf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBDB6039DCB8A892646197E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B63519FFBDB6039DCB8A892646197E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Halajian, Ali; Sychra, Oldrich; Luus-Powell, Wilmien; Engelbrecht, Derek" ; dc:title "Myrsidea aynazae Halajian and Sychra, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,68 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halajian and Sychra" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halajian & Sychra" ; - dwc:species "aynazae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharpe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharpe" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Pycnonotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyllastrephus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharpe" ; - dwc:species "flavostriatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johnson and Price 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johnson and Price" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnson & Price, 2006" ; - dwc:species "wombeyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johnson and Price 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johnson and Price" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnson & Price, 2006" ; - dwc:species "marksi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; @@ -119,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Menoponidae" ; dwc:genus "Myrsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phthiraptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6CA0D93B19FB50791C.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6CA0D93B19FB50791C.ttl index 7f80a6e4141..aa319ae4129 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6CA0D93B19FB50791C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6CA0D93B19FB50791C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kim, Da-Som; Byun, Bong-Kyu" ; dc:title "Eteoryctis minimus Kim & Byun 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kumata & Kuroko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kumata & Kuroko, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acrocercops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1922" ; - dwc:species "deversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6FA0D93A59FA037F27.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6FA0D93A59FA037F27.ttl index e1d4d14fecb..cc2a4cb5862 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6FA0D93A59FA037F27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF052D6FA0D93A59FA037F27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kim, Da-Som; Byun, Bong-Kyu" ; dc:title "Eteoryctis Kumata & Kuroko 1988" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kim & Byun, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kim & Byun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kim & Byun, 2022" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kumata & Kuroko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kumata & Kuroko, 1988" ; - dwc:species "picrasmae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acrocercops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1922" ; - dwc:species "deversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF062D6DA0D938F0FB8B7C77.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF062D6DA0D938F0FB8B7C77.ttl index 66256995e36..36cc6e51ba1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF062D6DA0D938F0FB8B7C77.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF062D6DA0D938F0FB8B7C77.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kim, Da-Som; Byun, Bong-Kyu" ; dc:title "Eteoryctis deversa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,68 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lavallee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lavallee" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lavallee" ; - dwc:species "ambigua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuntze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Toxicodendron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze" ; - dwc:species "sylvestre" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miq.) Kuntze" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuntze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Toxicodendron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miq.) Kuntze" ; - dwc:species "trichocarpum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Murray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murray" ; - dwc:species "semialata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF072D6BA0D938EFFE38797B.ttl b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF072D6BA0D938EFFE38797B.ttl index 5078cde12be..77ddea13d83 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF072D6BA0D938EFFE38797B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/35/03B6353BBF072D6BA0D938EFFE38797B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kim, Da-Som; Byun, Bong-Kyu" ; dc:title "Eteoryctis picrasmae Kumata & Kuroko 1988" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,67 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kumata & Kuroko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kumata & Kuroko, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kim & Byun, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kim & Byun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kim & Byun, 2022" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acrocercops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1922" ; - dwc:species "deversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(D. Don) Benn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Benn." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "D. Don" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Simaroubaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Picrasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Don) Benn." ; - dwc:species "quassioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; @@ -120,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gracillariidae" ; dwc:genus "Eteoryctis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63921FFE5FFE129D1D04741D3FDCA.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63921FFE5FFE129D1D04741D3FDCA.ttl index 2f13a776d3b..f2f7cc5ac87 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63921FFE5FFE129D1D04741D3FDCA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63921FFE5FFE129D1D04741D3FDCA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide; Wolski, Andrzej" ; dc:title "Fulvius nozawai Yasunaga & Wolski, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga & Wolski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga & Wolski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga & Wolski" ; - dwc:species "nozawai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Yasunaga, 2000: 189" ; dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; @@ -97,81 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Poppius" ; - dwc:authorityName "Poppius" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poppius" ; - dwc:species "dimidiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter" ; - dwc:species "anthocoroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:species "ussuriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schmitz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schmitz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctifulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmitz" ; - dwc:species "kerzhneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Peritropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerzhner" ; - dwc:species "advena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC0DC68FF6AFE6A141BFDCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC0DC68FF6AFE6A141BFDCD.ttl index 61e23a86e36..78b571bdae6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC0DC68FF6AFE6A141BFDCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC0DC68FF6AFE6A141BFDCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus tridens Peck and Cook 2013, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Melsheimer)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Melsheimer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Melsheimer, 1844)" ; - dwc:species "obsoletus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC4DC6DFF6AFC8A1504F88D.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC4DC6DFF6AFC8A1504F88D.ttl index 9d17cb5dcb3..54229a89fff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC4DC6DFF6AFC8A1504F88D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC4DC6DFF6AFC8A1504F88D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus alachua Peck and Cook 2013, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blatchley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blatchley, 1916" ; - dwc:species "dissimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC7DC69FF6AFECA160AFE8D.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC7DC69FF6AFECA160AFE8D.ttl index 1a20c2d1fd1..31b91609889 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC7DC69FF6AFECA160AFE8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFC7DC69FF6AFECA160AFE8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus texanus Peck and Cook 2013, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fall)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fall, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "fusciclavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LeConte, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFD1DC7BFF6AF94F1381FBCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFD1DC7BFF6AF94F1381FBCD.ttl index 02f6fce5f5c..a8957771b94 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFD1DC7BFF6AF94F1381FBCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFD1DC7BFF6AF94F1381FBCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus capitatus LeConte 1866" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blatchley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blatchley, 1916" ; - dwc:species "dissimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDCDC74FF6AFACA15A7FCEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDCDC74FF6AFACA15A7FCEE.ttl index 6c07e0e904a..f3e97879ef0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDCDC74FF6AFACA15A7FCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDCDC74FF6AFACA15A7FCEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus insolitus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -82,22 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Brown) in" ; - dwc:authorityName "In" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brown" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brown)" ; - dwc:species "potens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDFDC71FF6AFD8A16F5FE8D.ttl b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDFDC71FF6AFD8A16F5FE8D.ttl index 96d2e4b6480..64c8d86dfc7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDFDC71FF6AFD8A16F5FE8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/39/03B63950FFDFDC71FF6AFD8A16F5FE8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Peck, Stewart B.; Cook, Joyce" ; dc:title "Anogdus potens" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -97,21 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Brown)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brown" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anogdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brown)" ; - dwc:species "insolitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D59015AFF6010E302CA4241.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D59015AFF6010E302CA4241.ttl index ec3196b5b77..69a83b2cd6a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D59015AFF6010E302CA4241.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D59015AFF6010E302CA4241.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanidae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,160 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leviathanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "manonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "womersleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:species "thorelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "simoneae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "modestus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "southcotti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "zachariei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D5D015BFF60108203A44625.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D5D015BFF60108203A44625.ttl index 8e7814b260e..3662219d62b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D5D015BFF60108203A44625.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D5D015BFF60108203A44625.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus zachariei Seeman 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,122 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Macleay, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Macleay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Macleay, 1871" ; - dwc:species "kaupii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "southcotti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1910" ; - dwc:species "modestus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; @@ -176,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D67015FFF6014D7021D4691.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D67015FFF6014D7021D4691.ttl index 6ae0281e3ff..515e1877444 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D67015FFF6014D7021D4691.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D67015FFF6014D7021D4691.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus womersleyi Seeman 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,250 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Boisduval, 1835)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protomocoelus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisduval, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Womersley 1937)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Womersley, 1937)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "doreianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "hatamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1997" ; - dwc:species "postsetosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "hatamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:species "moaifensus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:species "papuanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - dwc:subFamily "Passalinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Labienus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; @@ -305,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D680165FF60142404AD4269.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D680165FF60142404AD4269.ttl index 57ccfda9eba..8d2d33201c8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D680165FF60142404AD4269.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D680165FF60142404AD4269.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus southcotti Seeman 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,96 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kuwert, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuwert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuwert, 1891" ; - dwc:species "fracticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mjoberg, 1917: 1" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mjoberg" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austropassalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mjoberg, 1917" ; - dwc:species "hultgreni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "zachariei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacocyclus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; @@ -150,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D6D016AFF601594067B41FD.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D6D016AFF601594067B41FD.ttl index d1e01a071c6..33bf03f9dfa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D6D016AFF601594067B41FD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D6D016AFF601594067B41FD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus simoneae Seeman 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(W. S. Macleay, 1826)" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. S. Macleay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. S. Macleay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Macleay, 1826)" ; - dwc:species "polyphyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:species "thorelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D70016FFF6014AE021F43AC.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D70016FFF6014AE021F43AC.ttl index 232645e64d2..dcc24c20577 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D70016FFF6014AE021F43AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D70016FFF6014AE021F43AC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus manonae Seeman 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Percheron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Percheron, 1841" ; - dwc:species "australasicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leviathanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D710172FF6010E80219428C.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D710172FF6010E80219428C.ttl index 7eb9e4a2e63..bf1cd8e7ffa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D710172FF6010E80219428C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D710172FF6010E80219428C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus thorelli Womersley 1937" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -45,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kuwert" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kuwert, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "quaestionis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Percheron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastachilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Percheron, 1841" ; - dwc:species "australasicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dalman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dalman, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "dilatatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D760174FF6014B4078647B8.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D760174FF6014B4078647B8.ttl index 468869a9085..b02e4feaa5f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D760174FF6014B4078647B8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D760174FF6014B4078647B8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus papuanus Womersley 1937" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stoll, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoll, 1893" ; - dwc:species "gigantoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D790174FF601116065E428C.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D790174FF601116065E428C.ttl index 718a7782128..cb57acfa844 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D790174FF601116065E428C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D790174FF601116065E428C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus modestus Berlese 1910" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,152 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kuwert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuwert, 1898" ; - dwc:species "scutellonotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chromadorea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "womersleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "zachariei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "doreianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Womersley, 1937)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hope & Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hope & Westwood, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "rugiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dalman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Passallidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pharochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dalman, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "dilatatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; @@ -211,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D79017BFF60135F0481472B.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D79017BFF60135F0481472B.ttl index 1c1f18e7189..3f3e244cc16 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D79017BFF60135F0481472B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D79017BFF60135F0481472B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus leviathanicus Seeman 2017" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "caudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Warburton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warburton, 1926" ; - dwc:species "jacobsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "manonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D7C017BFF6010FC027444E1.ttl b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D7C017BFF6010FC027444E1.ttl index f962c7fe845..b3dcb1f8be6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D7C017BFF6010FC027444E1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3A/03B63A508D7C017BFF6010FC027444E1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Seeman, Owen D." ; dc:title "Megisthanus Thorell 1882" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,69 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "caudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Warburton, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Warburton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warburton, 1926" ; - dwc:species "jacobsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2017" ; - dwc:species "leviathanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "manonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; @@ -139,301 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Womersley, 1937)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1910" ; - dwc:species "modestus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "simoneae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "southcotti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:species "thorelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "womersleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seeman, 2019" ; - dwc:species "zachariei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Banks, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1904" ; - dwc:species "floridanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Womersley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Womersley, 1937" ; - dwc:species "papuanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stoll, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoll, 1897" ; - dwc:species "afer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hunter & Costa, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hunter & Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hunter & Costa, 1970" ; - dwc:species "berlesei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "doreianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stoll, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stoll, 1893" ; - dwc:species "gigantodes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1882" ; - dwc:species "hatamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:species "moaifensus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kramer, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kramer, 1894" ; - dwc:species "obtusus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1997" ; - dwc:species "postsetosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hunter & Costa, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hunter & Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megisthanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hunter & Costa, 1970" ; - dwc:species "remilleti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; @@ -446,11 +88,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Megisthanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3E/03B63E6AE43BFFCEF7E91D94FCFEFC7E.ttl b/data/03/B6/3E/03B63E6AE43BFFCEF7E91D94FCFEFC7E.ttl index 563179ec782..8bcab523811 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3E/03B63E6AE43BFFCEF7E91D94FCFEFC7E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3E/03B63E6AE43BFFCEF7E91D94FCFEFC7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nagy, Béla; Watters, Brian R.; Raspopova, Alexandra A." ; dc:title "Nothobranchius nikiforovi Nagy & Watters & Raspopova 2021, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -65,35 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Nothobranchiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nothobranchius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pfeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Nothobranchiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nothobranchius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pfeffer, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "melanospilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Nothobranchiidae" ; @@ -107,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Nothobranchiidae" ; dwc:genus "Nothobranchius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBEFCB7FD923BA0F871.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBEFCB7FD923BA0F871.ttl index 1ebd890346d..8134abf4130 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBEFCB7FD923BA0F871.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBEFCB7FD923BA0F871.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Min, Yeong-Deok Han and Gi-Sik" ; dc:title "Ingrassia veligera" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,81 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Scolopacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tringa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Charadriiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "glareola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gunnerus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Scolopacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tringa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Charadriiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gunnerus, 1767)" ; - dwc:species "nebularia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Scolopacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tringa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Charadriiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "ochropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bechstein" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Scolopacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tringa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Charadriiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bechstein, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "stagnatilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dabert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Xolalgidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ingrassia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dabert, 2000" ; - dwc:species "slonskiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Xolalgidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBFFCAEFEF33BE5FE6A.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBFFCAEFEF33BE5FE6A.ttl index 5fa21f61198..94b9ae3f43b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBFFCAEFEF33BE5FE6A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F63FFE3FFBFFCAEFEF33BE5FE6A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Min, Yeong-Deok Han and Gi-Sik" ; dc:title "Xolalgidae Dubinin 1953" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Xolalgidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ingrassia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Xolalgidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F491C5DFEC7FE29FB84FD47.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F491C5DFEC7FE29FB84FD47.ttl index 6a1e8dccf8c..f9b06ea2928 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F491C5DFEC7FE29FB84FD47.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F491C5DFEC7FE29FB84FD47.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma crassicaudum Jakovlev 1880" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -101,187 +99,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Miq." ; - dwc:authorityName "Miq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miq." ; - dwc:species "buergeriana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Siebold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Siebold" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siebold" ; - dwc:species "donarium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thunb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb." ; - dwc:species "glandulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nakai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nakai" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nakai" ; - dwc:species "ishidoyana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. Lev." ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Lev." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lev." ; - dwc:species "nakaii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koehne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koehne" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koehne" ; - dwc:species "leveilleana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:species "mume" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lindl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindl." ; - dwc:species "salicina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rehder" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehder" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehder" ; - dwc:species "sargentii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lindl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindl." ; - dwc:species "serrulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matsum." ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsum." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matsum." ; - dwc:species "yedoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Abies" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "denticaudum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F4E1C5CFE02FCB3FC36F9E7.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F4E1C5CFE02FCB3FC36F9E7.ttl index 6f8b0629890..edeb94baa49 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F4E1C5CFE02FCB3FC36F9E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F4E1C5CFE02FCB3FC36F9E7.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma laevicorne Dallas 1851" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -119,68 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1824" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hayata) Rehder" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hayata" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyracantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hayata) Rehder" ; - dwc:species "koidzumii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Distant, 1887)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Distant, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "rufispinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Distant, 1887)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Distant, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "tauriforme" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; @@ -194,12 +129,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F531C44FE11FDC9FDCEFEE7.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F531C44FE11FDC9FDCEFEE7.ttl index 9cb78094e89..f2f6f35ed2e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F531C44FE11FDC9FDCEFEE7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F531C44FE11FDC9FDCEFEE7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma fallax Tsai & Rédei 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -81,139 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "atayal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "formosanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Linnaeus" from authority ; - dwc:authority "haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:authorityName "haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ishihara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:species "asahinai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "pugnax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "axicia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "laevicorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:species "expansum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F551C5BFE16FC73FE05FE9B.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F551C5BFE16FC73FE05FE9B.ttl index f4abd48ddbc..f70ac8e9aff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F551C5BFE16FC73FE05FE9B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F551C5BFE16FC73FE05FE9B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma axicia Tsai & Rédei 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Makino)", "Makino" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makino" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Makino" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pittosporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pittosporum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Makino)" ; - dwc:species "illicioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "forfex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "firmatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F571C46FE1EFE89FD09FC6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F571C46FE1EFE89FD09FC6D.ttl index f7dd8f6b73a..638604a9ca2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F571C46FE1EFE89FD09FC6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F571C46FE1EFE89FD09FC6D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma pugnax Tsai & Rédei 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,188 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "atayal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "formosanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ishihara, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ishihara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishihara, 1950" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ouchii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Linnaeus" from authority ; - dwc:authority "haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:authorityName "haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ishihara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:species "asahinai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "axicia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "laevicorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:species "expansum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hsiao & Liu, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hsiao & Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hsiao & Liu, 1977" ; - dwc:species "shensiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, 1987)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, 1987)" ; - dwc:species "montanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F581C4DFEEBFD19FBC6FC07.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F581C4DFEEBFD19FBC6FC07.ttl index f2a2ff7c9a2..5d1187ac91e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F581C4DFEEBFD19FBC6FC07.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F581C4DFEEBFD19FBC6FC07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma Curtis 1824" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,206 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "crassicaudum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "forficula" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1905" ; - dwc:species "expansum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "laevicorne" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, 1980)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "sichuanense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "haemorroidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "formosanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "pugnax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "atayal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ishihara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishihara, 1943" ; - dwc:species "asahinai" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "firmatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "axicia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5C1C4EFEE1FCB8FB94FB27.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5C1C4EFEE1FCB8FB94FB27.ttl index 2ee3692b4ba..ea7144d6599 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5C1C4EFEE1FCB8FB94FB27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5C1C4EFEE1FCB8FB94FB27.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale subsp. formosanum Tsai & Rédei 2015, subsp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,131 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1824" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "haemorrhoidale: Humeri" ; - dwc:authorityName "Humeri" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Humeri" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, 1980" ; - dwc:species "emeiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "angulatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ishihara, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ishihara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishihara, 1950" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ouchii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Crimea, Caucasus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Crimea, Caucasus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Crimea, Caucasus)" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; @@ -187,24 +61,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5D1C40FE2BFB49FDB8FDA7.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5D1C40FE2BFB49FDB8FDA7.ttl index d27371814f1..d80f5ade3b1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5D1C40FE2BFB49FDB8FDA7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5D1C40FE2BFB49FDB8FDA7.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma asahinai Ishihara 1943" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,132 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1824" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tsai & Rédei" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tsai & Rédei, 2015" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "forfex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1881" ; - dwc:species "forcipatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "forficula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yamamoto & Hayashi, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yamamoto & Hayashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamamoto & Hayashi, 2011" ; - dwc:species "ishiharai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "labiduroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Distant, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Distant, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "hampsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; @@ -207,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5E1C4FFE4CFBA9FD2BFD27.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5E1C4FFE4CFBA9FD2BFD27.ttl index 3b8022dabbf..d73ac990b5b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5E1C4FFE4CFBA9FD2BFD27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F5E1C4FFE4CFBA9FD2BFD27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma atayal Tsai & Rédei 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,148 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hayata" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayata" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Photinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayata" ; - dwc:species "niitakayamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hayata) Kudo & Masamune ex Kudo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kudo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hayata" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclobalanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hayata) Kudo" ; - dwc:species "stenophylloides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayata" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayata" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Photinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayata, 1911" ; - dwc:species "niitakyamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kudo & Masam." ; - dwc:authorityName "Kudo & Masam." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclobalanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kudo & Masam." ; - dwc:species "stenophylloides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "haemorrhoidale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, 1980" ; - dwc:species "emeiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1880" ; - dwc:species "spinicolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hsiao & Liu, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hsiao & Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hsiao & Liu, 1977" ; - dwc:species "nigrodorsum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Distant, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Distant, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "murreeanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7A1C68FE07FF69FBE1FE67.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7A1C68FE07FF69FBE1FE67.ttl index 8790e47dd8c..6de62c1023e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7A1C68FE07FF69FBE1FE67.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7A1C68FE07FF69FBE1FE67.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma forficula Jakovlev 1880" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -120,143 +118,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "forfex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nakai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nakai" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthopanax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nakai" ; - dwc:species "chiisanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hemsl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hemsl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cornaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cornus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hemsl." ; - dwc:species "controversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burger ex Hance" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hance" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cornaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cornus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hance" ; - dwc:species "kousa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Wall." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cornaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cornus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wall." ; - dwc:species "macrophylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wangerin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wangerin" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cornaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cornus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wangerin" ; - dwc:species "walteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Betulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carpinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blume" ; - dwc:species "cordata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Betulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carpinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blume, 1851" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rhamnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Berchemia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siebold & Zucc." ; - dwc:species "racemosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7B1C68FE29FE09FD37FBE0.ttl b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7B1C68FE29FE09FD37FBE0.ttl index 959abd864cf..87d16b1e46d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7B1C68FE29FE09FD37FBE0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/3F/03B63F659F7B1C68FE29FE09FD37FBE0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tsai, Jing-Fu; Rédei, Dávid" ; dc:title "Acanthosoma sichuanense" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -100,37 +100,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1851" ; - dwc:species "rufescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dallas, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dallas, 1951" ; - dwc:species "rufescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acanthosomatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/48/03B648413931FFA5CED2D188FDD4591E.ttl b/data/03/B6/48/03B648413931FFA5CED2D188FDD4591E.ttl index e22f658f05f..cb12cd9001c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/48/03B648413931FFA5CED2D188FDD4591E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/48/03B648413931FFA5CED2D188FDD4591E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Naruse, Tohru; Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Sesarmoides microphthalmus Naruse & Ng 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ihle, 1912)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ihle" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Sesarmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sesarmoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ihle, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "jacobsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lanchester, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lanchester" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Gecarcinucidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stygothelphusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lanchester, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "bidiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SERENE & SOH" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Sesarmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sesarmoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Serene & Soh, 1970" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Sesarmidae" ; @@ -106,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Sesarmidae" ; dwc:genus "Sesarmoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F33806BFF5AFB02FDE7FD92.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F33806BFF5AFB02FDE7FD92.ttl index e492aff9a4d..74f3361d72c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F33806BFF5AFB02FDE7FD92.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F33806BFF5AFB02FDE7FD92.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ozerov, A. L.; Krivosheina, M. G." ; dc:title "Scatomyza sinensis" ; @@ -33,9 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Sun, 1996)", "Sun", "Sun, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; + dwc:authority "(Sun, 1996)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sun" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Ozerov, 2009", "Ozerov, 2009: 425" ; + dwc:authority "Ozerov, 2009: 425" ; dwc:authorityName "Ozerov" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "425" ; dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F34806BFE25FDC4FBF5FBF5.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F34806BFE25FDC4FBF5FBF5.ttl index b7587e81bd5..04e35d726b6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F34806BFE25FDC4FBF5FBF5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F34806BFE25FDC4FBF5FBF5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Ozerov, A. L.; Krivosheina, M. G." ; dc:title "Scatomyza FALLEN 1810" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,90 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feng, 2002" ; - dwc:species "curtipilata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sun, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ozerov & Krivosheina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018" ; - dwc:species "medvedevi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ozerov & Krivosheina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nigrolineata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Coquillett" ; - dwc:authorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coquillett" ; - dwc:species "mellipes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3A8063FF5AFA44FBC2F9BD.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3A8063FF5AFA44FBC2F9BD.ttl index 3914e029db1..25ca607f437 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3A8063FF5AFA44FBC2F9BD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3A8063FF5AFA44FBC2F9BD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ozerov, A. L.; Krivosheina, M. G." ; dc:title "Scatomyza medvedevi Ozerov et Krivosheina 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018", "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ozerov & Krivosheina", "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; + dwc:authority "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; + dwc:authorityName "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; @@ -46,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Bovidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "grunniens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Bovidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3E806CFF5AFA69FD10FB56.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3E806CFF5AFA69FD10FB56.ttl index fa96a943608..b7f528df9ac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3E806CFF5AFA69FD10FB56.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3E806CFF5AFA69FD10FB56.ttl @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2018", "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ozerov & Krivosheina", "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; + dwc:authority "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; + dwc:authorityName "Ozerov et Krivosheina" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3F8061FF5AFEF8FC4AFAE9.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3F8061FF5AFEF8FC4AFAE9.ttl index 030ac41024f..c026991f51a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3F8061FF5AFEF8FC4AFAE9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A187F3F8061FF5AFEF8FC4AFAE9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ozerov, A. L.; Krivosheina, M. G." ; dc:title "Scatomyza mellipes" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -101,22 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Coquillett, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Coquillett" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scatomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Coquillett, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "mellipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scathophagidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC4FFBAFF3EFB13FB66448A.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC4FFBAFF3EFB13FB66448A.ttl index e4aa744c209..161a6d9de77 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC4FFBAFF3EFB13FB66448A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC4FFBAFF3EFB13FB66448A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Eger, Joseph E." ; dc:title "Graziaedessa anastrephae Eger 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schiner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tephritidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anastrepha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schiner, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tephritidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC7FFBCFF3EFDD8FED9434C.ttl b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC7FFBCFF3EFDD8FED9434C.ttl index 43397620c4a..f535fb223d2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC7FFBCFF3EFDD8FED9434C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4A/03B64A2DFFC7FFBCFF3EFDD8FED9434C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Eger, Joseph E." ; dc:title "Graziaedessa Eger 2021, n. gen." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Eger, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tephritidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graziaedessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eger, 2021" ; - dwc:species "anastrephae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Barcellos & Grazia" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Barcellos & Grazia, 2003)" ; - dwc:subFamily "Edessinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tephritidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AF9C612A4F90B.ttl b/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AF9C612A4F90B.ttl index 04402657cf0..d5b24efba36 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AF9C612A4F90B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AF9C612A4F90B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stals, Riaan; Daniel, Gimo M.; Deschodt, Christian M." ; dc:title "Hathoronthophagus Stals, Daniel & Deschodt" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -56,22 +55,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deschodt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deschodt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hathor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deschodt, 2023" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Hathoronthophagus" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AFA8C131FFA21.ttl b/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AFA8C131FFA21.ttl index 6a4fc1a4c40..7954d163704 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AFA8C131FFA21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/4F/03B64F21B364FFD5FF3AFA8C131FFA21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stals, Riaan; Daniel, Gimo M.; Deschodt, Christian M." ; dc:title "Sericocoris Karsch 1892" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Karsch, 1892", "Karsch, 1892: 133" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "133" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Sericocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1892" ; - dwc:species "acromelanthes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902: 168" ; dwc:authorityName "Kirkaldy & Edwards" ; @@ -77,23 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902: 168" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirkaldy & Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "168" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hathor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902" ; - dwc:species "zoraida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/51/03B65129C460FFBEFF18C6BDFEEAFD96.ttl b/data/03/B6/51/03B65129C460FFBEFF18C6BDFEEAFD96.ttl index 1638d0b3aa6..0e1ecd07681 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/51/03B65129C460FFBEFF18C6BDFEEAFD96.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/51/03B65129C460FFBEFF18C6BDFEEAFD96.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; 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L. Koch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Koch, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "subterraneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gistel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gistel, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sankaran" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sankaran, 2022" ; - dwc:species "captator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; @@ -142,12 +98,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/57/03B657017E0CB05524ABFA1AC2B58FE8.ttl b/data/03/B6/57/03B657017E0CB05524ABFA1AC2B58FE8.ttl index 370e8cf4ef1..f321fa2ad57 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/57/03B657017E0CB05524ABFA1AC2B58FE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/57/03B657017E0CB05524ABFA1AC2B58FE8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Riva, Ignacio De La; Cortez, Claudia; Burrowes, Patricia A." ; dc:title "Microkayla huayna Riva & Cortez & Burrowes 2017, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,39 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hedges, Duellman & Heinicke" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hedges, Duellman & Heinicke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Strabomantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bryophryne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hedges, Duellman & Heinicke, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boulenger, 1903)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Strabomantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pristimantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "platydactylus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; dwc:family "Craugastoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/5C/03B65C29FC41285EFF50F89525445EAC.ttl b/data/03/B6/5C/03B65C29FC41285EFF50F89525445EAC.ttl index 17b65e70691..3d1dccb7b63 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/5C/03B65C29FC41285EFF50F89525445EAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/5C/03B65C29FC41285EFF50F89525445EAC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xu, Rong-Ju; Zhu, Ying-An; Li, Lu; Yu, Feng-Ming; Boonmee, Saranyaphat; Zhao, Qi" ; dc:title "Neospadicoides amphibia R. J. Xu, Boonmee & Q. Zhao 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,33 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fungorum" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fungorum" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:genus "Index" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fungorum, 2023" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "DLUCC" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1499" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Xenospadicoidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neospadicoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xenospadicoidales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dlucc, 1499" ; - dwc:species "yunnanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Xenospadicoidaceae" ; @@ -87,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Xenospadicoidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Neospadicoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xenospadicoidales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/5D/03B65D3BFFC575660AE9C504FB9F275E.ttl b/data/03/B6/5D/03B65D3BFFC575660AE9C504FB9F275E.ttl index 7bd64c823c8..bc33d7ad2b3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/5D/03B65D3BFFC575660AE9C504FB9F275E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/5D/03B65D3BFFC575660AE9C504FB9F275E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "dos Santos, Arthur A. C.; Bertaco, Vinicius A.; S de Lucena, Carlos A." ; dc:title "Psalidodon eigenmanniorum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Cope, 1894) UFRGS", "(Cope, 1894)" ; - dwc:authorityName "UFRGS" ; + dwc:authority "(Cope, 1894)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; @@ -47,12 +46,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Cope, 1894)", "COPE, 1894: 89" ; + dwc:authority "COPE, 1894: 89" ; dwc:authorityName "COPE" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "89" ; dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; dwc:genus "Tetragonopterus" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; @@ -80,20 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", H. H. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. H. Smith" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetragonopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "eigenmanniorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Characidae" ; dwc:genus "Psalidodon" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/61/03B6616E54A6C5402CE70D30962353DB.ttl b/data/03/B6/61/03B6616E54A6C5402CE70D30962353DB.ttl index 181eba12173..52417818ad7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/61/03B6616E54A6C5402CE70D30962353DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/61/03B6616E54A6C5402CE70D30962353DB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Cripps, Cathy L.; Eberhardt, Ursula; Schuetz, Nicole; Beker, Henry J.; Vera S. Evenson,; Horak, Egon" ; dc:title "Hebeloma alpinicola A. H. Sm., V. S. Evenson & Mitchel, Veiled species of Hebeloma in the western United States (Ann Arbor): 48 1983" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF820451FEDEFCDCFE62FB63.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF820451FEDEFCDCFE62FB63.ttl index e04959626b6..c0bfb403c51 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF820451FEDEFCDCFE62FB63.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF820451FEDEFCDCFE62FB63.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) madecassa Villiers 1951" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF82045FFEC4FB20FE43F9ED.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF82045FFEC4FB20FE43F9ED.ttl index 12a6f4b34bb..9f783cd3b1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF82045FFEC4FB20FE43F9ED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF82045FFEC4FB20FE43F9ED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) melanoptera Distant 1904" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "dentipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority ": DISTANT (1909)" ; dwc:authorityName ": DISTANT" ; @@ -83,52 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": Lubumbashi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lubumbashi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Katanga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lubumbashi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1863" ; - dwc:species "analis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kmentia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "festiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -149,12 +85,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840451FEE8FCD5FC64FD29.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840451FEE8FCD5FC64FD29.ttl index 4c1b2a1aa37..522b3a4ad21 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840451FEE8FCD5FC64FD29.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840451FEE8FCD5FC64FD29.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) analis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -99,52 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": Lubumbashi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lubumbashi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Katanga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lubumbashi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kmentia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "festiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -212,12 +164,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrrhocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840457FE21FF1DFC6FFD36.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840457FE21FF1DFC6FFD36.ttl index 23648651a34..08bcc85dd01 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840457FE21FF1DFC6FFD36.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF840457FE21FF1DFC6FFD36.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) Stehlík 2013, subgen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -77,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF890421FED6FF1CFB96FE6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF890421FED6FF1CFB96FE6E.ttl index 6b665c4e5c6..f73a5a1d297 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF890421FED6FF1CFB96FE6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF890421FED6FF1CFB96FE6E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Kmentia festiva Stehlík 2013, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -113,104 +111,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": Lufira" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lufira" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Katanga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lufira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta (Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerin-Meneville, 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dysdercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin-Meneville, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1863" ; - dwc:species "analis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burmeister, 1838) (LESTON 1969)" ; - dwc:authorityName "LESTON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphodromantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "lineola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -236,10 +136,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0458FD87FABFFD52FCEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0458FD87FABFFD52FCEE.ttl index 7a5257fb6f2..91670714bbb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0458FD87FABFFD52FCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0458FD87FABFFD52FCEE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Kmentiini Stehlík 2013, trib. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Belongs", "Stehlík, 2013" ; + dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,80 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kmentia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:subFamily "Physopeltinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:tribe "Physopeltini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "festiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:subFamily "Larginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0459FE41FC7EFEC8FA8C.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0459FE41FC7EFEC8FA8C.ttl index e473ece1b9f..7b9e71e1053 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0459FE41FC7EFEC8FA8C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8A0459FE41FC7EFEC8FA8C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta apicalis Walker 1873" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iphita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8B045BFE7CFC9DFF7CF98E.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8B045BFE7CFC9DFF7CF98E.ttl index 17f2520cd01..55e33ffa74e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8B045BFE7CFC9DFF7CF98E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8B045BFE7CFC9DFF7CF98E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Kmentia Stehlík 2013, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,70 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1803" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1803" ; - dwc:species "festivus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kmentia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "festiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:subFamily "Physopeltinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:tribe "Kmentiini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D0459FEB4FD4DFDFDFCEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D0459FEB4FD4DFDFDFCEE.ttl index fc16d162411..1b370f212e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D0459FEB4FD4DFDFDFCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D0459FEB4FD4DFDFDFCEE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) flavofemoralis Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,51 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": CACHAN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cachan, 1952" ; - dwc:species "madecassa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cachan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cachan, 1952" ; - dwc:species "rufialata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -114,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D045EFEB3FF1CFD71FDBE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D045EFEB3FF1CFD71FDBE.ttl index 34a17ddb77d..658e77f6148 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D045EFEB3FF1CFD71FDBE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF8D045EFEB3FF1CFD71FDBE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Physopelta (Afrophysopelta) rufialata Cachan 1952" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF900443FE09FF1CFD60FC93.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF900443FE09FF1CFD60FC93.ttl index b23ac43e136..d52593bc4b1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF900443FE09FF1CFD60FC93.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF900443FE09FF1CFD60FC93.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) sita" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -98,35 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dindymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Kb." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kb." ; - dwc:species "sita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -194,12 +164,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; dwc:genus "Dindymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF90044DFEC9FCB3FC77FC46.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF90044DFEC9FCB3FC77FC46.ttl index a16f88e54cc..457da19c0af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF90044DFEC9FCB3FC77FC46.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF90044DFEC9FCB3FC77FC46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) slanbuschii" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -279,7 +278,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Perveen & Ahmad, 1991", "Perveen & Ahmad, 1991: 162 - 164" ; + dwc:authority "Perveen & Ahmad, 1991: 162 - 164" ; dwc:authorityName "Perveen & Ahmad" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "162 - 164" ; dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF920440FE1CFE5CFDD8FC49.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF920440FE1CFE5CFDD8FC49.ttl index 0123d517360..552720380dd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF920440FE1CFE5CFDD8FC49.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF920440FE1CFE5CFDD8FC49.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) redeii Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,63 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Jindra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kotheae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jindraia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik, 2006" ; - dwc:species "dimorphica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -125,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF930440FEC1FC7CFD1DF9C1.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF930440FEC1FC7CFD1DF9C1.ttl index c7504e9ef85..5234aa6c724 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF930440FEC1FC7CFD1DF9C1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF930440FEC1FC7CFD1DF9C1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) roseni Taeuber 1927" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -67,20 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -101,12 +87,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF950441FE93FF1CFBD8FEAE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF950441FE93FF1CFBD8FEAE.ttl index c561cc10a63..2df2d945b01 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF950441FE93FF1CFBD8FEAE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF950441FE93FF1CFBD8FEAE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) quadriguttata Bergroth 1894" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -84,21 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": TAEUBER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taeuber, 1927" ; - dwc:species "indra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9A0448FE23FC5DFBADFEC9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9A0448FE23FC5DFBADFEC9.ttl index 990eef97af0..8bc34fd3361 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9A0448FE23FC5DFBADFEC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9A0448FE23FC5DFBADFEC9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Physopeltoides) Stehlík 2013, subgen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "dentipes" ; - dwc:subGenus "Physopeltoides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ahmad & Abbas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ahmad & Abbas, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:subGenus "Afrophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -108,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9B0454FEE8FEFDFD13F9C8.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9B0454FEE8FEFDFD13F9C8.ttl index 31201683a08..e714f5c7448 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9B0454FEE8FEFDFD13F9C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9B0454FEE8FEFDFD13F9C8.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Physopeltoides) dentipes Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - dwc:subGenus "Afrophysopelta" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -88,12 +86,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -136,7 +129,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "melanoptera" ; - dwc:subGenus "Afrophysopelta" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9E044CFEE3FC04FDF3FBA9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9E044CFEE3FC04FDF3FBA9.ttl index 9dc4b7d8c95..419d86a2b1b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9E044CFEE3FC04FDF3FBA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9E044CFEE3FC04FDF3FBA9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) sulawesiensis Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -69,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F0449FF35FA40FC41FCA9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F0449FF35FA40FC41FCA9.ttl index e9f49e44c95..f099ee8a7a6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F0449FF35FA40FC41FCA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F0449FF35FA40FC41FCA9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) woodlarkiana Stehlík 2013, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,98 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": VOIGT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voigt, 2006" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "famelica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ahmad & Abbas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ahmad & Abbas, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blote" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blote, 1938" ; - dwc:species "melanopyga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "nigripes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "sulawesiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1870" ; - dwc:species "famelica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -174,12 +81,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F044CFF70FB5CFF74FA82.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F044CFF70FB5CFF74FA82.ttl index eafcb574a01..1c4a43e1436 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F044CFF70FB5CFF74FA82.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FF9F044CFF70FB5CFF74FA82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) trimaculata Stehlik & Jindra 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zamal & Chopra, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zamal & Chopra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zamal & Chopra, 1990" ; - dwc:species "confusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA1047EFE9DFC93FE98FDAE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA1047EFE9DFC93FE98FDAE.ttl index f9ba05c8009..5e361ced2f2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA1047EFE9DFC93FE98FDAE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA1047EFE9DFC93FE98FDAE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) gutta subsp. gutta gutta (Burmeister 1834" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -190,24 +189,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "gutta, 1834" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA20472FEF4FB1CFC1CFDC9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA20472FEF4FB1CFC1CFDC9.ttl index 75ca388055f..7b53049e846 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA20472FEF4FB1CFC1CFDC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA20472FEF4FB1CFC1CFDC9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) dembickyi Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,68 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "gutta, 1834" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": VOIGT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voigt, 2006" ; - dwc:species "cincticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirkaldy & Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902" ; - dwc:species "indra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -130,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA40476FEE5FF1CFDAEFBB7.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA40476FEE5FF1CFDAEFBB7.ttl index 35750a566f1..e72183a55f9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA40476FEE5FF1CFDAEFBB7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA40476FEE5FF1CFDAEFBB7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) cincticollis Stal 1863" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -84,36 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": VOIGT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voigt, 2006" ; - dwc:species "albofasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "KERZHNER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kerzhner, 2001)" ; - dwc:species "parviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA50471FE83FB57FC27FB6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA50471FE83FB57FC27FB6E.ttl index 3f4743646e8..81e361e3022 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA50471FE83FB57FC27FB6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA50471FE83FB57FC27FB6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) confusa Zamal & Chopra 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -62,53 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "confusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(STEHLIK & JINDRA 2008 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "STEHLIK & JINDRA" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stehlik & Jindra, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "trimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA60474FEF8FB9CFD48F9C3.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA60474FEF8FB9CFD48F9C3.ttl index 075c4d43619..f084cd27798 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA60474FEF8FB9CFD48F9C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA60474FEF8FB9CFD48F9C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) australis Blote 1933" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -66,41 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta (Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -121,12 +85,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA8047AFE6CFF1CFD2EFEEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA8047AFE6CFF1CFD2EFEEE.ttl index d7f378f8b2a..a04fb9c76d1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA8047AFE6CFF1CFD2EFEEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA8047AFE6CFF1CFD2EFEEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta nigripes Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blote" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blote, 1938" ; - dwc:species "melanopyga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Jindra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:species "melanopyga" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rufifemur" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA90447FEEDFA8DFD75F9C9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA90447FEEDFA8DFD75F9C9.ttl index c5167514342..2b51436a51f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA90447FEEDFA8DFD75F9C9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA90447FEEDFA8DFD75F9C9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) parvula Stehlík 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,103 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "redeii" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taeuber, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taeuber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taeuber, 1927" ; - dwc:species "roseni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "nigripes" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:species "sulawesiensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": ESAKI" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Esaki, 1926" ; - dwc:species "cincticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -165,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA9047AFECEFE9CFC1BFAF9.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA9047AFECEFE9CFC1BFAF9.ttl index 7f853ce3700..3ba0784af5e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA9047AFECEFE9CFC1BFAF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFA9047AFECEFE9CFC1BFAF9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) parviceps : BLOTE 1931" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority ": BLOTE 1931", "Blote, 1931", "Blote, 1931: 100" ; + dwc:authority "Blote, 1931", "Blote, 1931: 100" ; dwc:authorityName ": BLOTE" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "100" ; dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; @@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority ": STEHLIK & KERZHNER (1999)", ": STEHLIK & KERZHNER 1999" ; + dwc:authority ": STEHLIK & KERZHNER (1999)" ; dwc:authorityName ": STEHLIK & KERZHNER" ; dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -116,38 +115,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ": SCOTT 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "SCOTT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 1874" ; - dwc:species "cincticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": ESAKI 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName ": ESAKI" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Esaki, 1926" ; - dwc:species "cincticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAB0478FED8FCC7FCF5FBB7.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAB0478FED8FCC7FCF5FBB7.ttl index a0a439d0c1c..51ca8433881 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAB0478FED8FCC7FCF5FBB7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAB0478FED8FCC7FCF5FBB7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopleta) lisae Taeuber 1927" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -66,20 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -100,12 +85,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAD0479FEBAFD5CFDF9FB87.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAD0479FEBAFD5CFDF9FB87.ttl index a71661e624e..5f8d308c216 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAD0479FEBAFD5CFDF9FB87.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFAD0479FEBAFD5CFDF9FB87.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Neophysopelta) gutta subsp. famelica Stal 1863" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -68,22 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1861" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority ": STAL (1870)" ; dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; @@ -100,6 +82,22 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Largidae" ; + dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1861" ; + dwc:species "gutta" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority ": HUSSEY (1929)" ; dwc:authorityName "HUSSEY" ; @@ -137,42 +135,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "gutta, 1834" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Montrouzier, 1855)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Montrouzier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Montrouzier, 1855)" ; - dwc:species "woodlarkiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB10462FED2FC1FFCB8F9FC.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB10462FED2FC1FFCB8F9FC.ttl index 6c61b5b83fd..351a71fb162 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB10462FED2FC1FFCB8F9FC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB10462FED2FC1FFCB8F9FC.ttl @@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30460FE4FFEBDFB85FC19.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30460FE4FFEBDFB85FC19.ttl index 56ebceb61c6..c1c0b39868d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30460FE4FFEBDFB85FC19.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30460FE4FFEBDFB85FC19.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopeltini Hussey 1929" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,110 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schmidt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Wachsiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmidt, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delacampius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iphita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlik, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jindraia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schmidt, 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schmidt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taeuberella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmidt, 1932" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:subFamily "Physopeltinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30462FE1CFC2AFBC0FC89.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30462FE1CFC2AFBC0FC89.ttl index 082c761fc50..29a622b5336 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30462FE1CFC2AFBC0FC89.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB30462FE1CFC2AFBC0FC89.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amyot & Serville", "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:species "erythrocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Geer", "DeGeer, 1773" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Geer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1773" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cimicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Geer, 1773" ; - dwc:species "albofasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority ": STAL (1861)" ; dwc:authorityName ": STAL" ; @@ -91,204 +58,10 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1861" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delacampius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "festiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1873" ; - dwc:species "apicalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:subGenus "Afrophysopelta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:subGenus "Physopeltoides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ahmad & Abbas, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ahmad & Abbas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ahmad & Abbas, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Burmeister" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gutta (Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:authorityName "gutta (Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "gutta" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gutta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bergroth, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergroth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergroth, 1894" ; - dwc:species "quadriguttata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neophysopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:subFamily "Physopeltinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Jindra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:species "trimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Jindra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kotheae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Kment" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Kment, 2012" ; - dwc:species "finisterrae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB50460FE34FA9AFBC0FE89.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB50460FE34FA9AFBC0FE89.ttl index 83788f1c57c..d1ab991a4bb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB50460FE34FA9AFBC0FE89.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFB50460FE34FA9AFBC0FE89.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopeltinae Hussey 1929" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,193 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:subFamily "Larginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerin-Meneville, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrocheraia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin-Meneville, 1835" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:tribe "Kmentiini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlík, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlík" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kmentia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlík, 2013" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schmidt, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schmidt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Wachsiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmidt, 1931" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hussey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hussey, 1929" ; - dwc:tribe "Physopeltini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schmidt, 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schmidt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taeuberella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmidt, 1932" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlik, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jindraia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik, 2006" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iphita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1873" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delacampius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1903" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -244,11 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBB046BFE99FE2CFC04F9EE.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBB046BFE99FE2CFC04F9EE.ttl index 30e31f4d85d..71401896518 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBB046BFE99FE2CFC04F9EE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBB046BFE99FE2CFC04F9EE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Neophysopelta Ahmad & Abbas 1987, stat. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1787" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cimicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1787" ; - dwc:species "slanbuschii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority ": PERVEEN & AHMAD (1991)" ; dwc:authorityName "PERVEEN & AHMAD" ; @@ -77,52 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "slanbuschii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stehlik & Jindra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stehlik & Jindra, 2008" ; - dwc:species "trimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Amyot & Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amyot & Serville, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBD0468FEE4FC3DFE00FE6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBD0468FEE4FC3DFE00FE6E.ttl index 157bd6c653b..5e3bdbba263 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBD0468FEE4FC3DFE00FE6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBD0468FEE4FC3DFE00FE6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Physopelta) robusta Stal 1863" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,9 +30,9 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Stal, 1863", "Stal, 1863: 13 - 14", "Stal, 1863: 390" ; + dwc:authority "Stal, 1863", "Stal, 1863: 390" ; dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "13 - 14", "390" ; + dwc:authorityPageNumber "390" ; dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; @@ -84,23 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1870" ; - dwc:species "biguttata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Physopelta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBE046EFED4FAEAFEADFD8E.ttl b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBE046EFED4FAEAFEADFD8E.ttl index 963505f6fa0..85ad97d6860 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBE046EFED4FAEAFEADFD8E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/69/03B66912FFBE046EFED4FAEAFEADFD8E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stehlík, Jaroslav L." ; dc:title "Physopelta (Physopelta) albofasciata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -252,37 +252,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1863" ; - dwc:species "cincticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(KERZHNER 2001)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "KERZHNER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Largidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physopelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kerzhner, 2001)" ; - dwc:species "parviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Largidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF1E35AE5A9FDE5FC14FE06.ttl b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF1E35AE5A9FDE5FC14FE06.ttl index 2c158af0c23..b4213d81ae1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF1E35AE5A9FDE5FC14FE06.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF1E35AE5A9FDE5FC14FE06.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V." ; dc:title "Exilisia smithi Volynkin 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Volynkin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Volynkin, 2020" ; - dwc:species "ngai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "bipuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kuhne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuhne, 2007" ; - dwc:species "prominentia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF2E35DE5A9FAD9FBFDFDCE.ttl b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF2E35DE5A9FAD9FBFDFDCE.ttl index c4876287dcd..837f1d3a992 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF2E35DE5A9FAD9FBFDFDCE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF2E35DE5A9FAD9FBFDFDCE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V." ; dc:title "Exilisia ngai Volynkin 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "bipuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kuhne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuhne, 2007" ; - dwc:species "prominentia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Toulgoet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Toulgoet, 1958" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Volynkin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Volynkin, 2020" ; - dwc:species "smithi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; @@ -118,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; dwc:genus "Exilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF6E35AE5A9FDADFBF5FBC6.ttl b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF6E35AE5A9FDADFBF5FBC6.ttl index dd548c3967f..e55a2a4a282 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF6E35AE5A9FDADFBF5FBC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6A/03B66A53FFF6E35AE5A9FDADFBF5FBC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V." ; dc:title "Exilisia bipuncta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -76,35 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Toulgoet, 1954))" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Toulgoet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parexilisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Toulgoet, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "bipunctoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; @@ -124,11 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885000706FF6AFF122AF0FF77.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885000706FF6AFF122AF0FF77.ttl index 69c1fe9284b..502c1e01acd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885000706FF6AFF122AF0FF77.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885000706FF6AFF122AF0FF77.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita mae Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885020700FF6AFE7A2F79F884.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885020700FF6AFE7A2F79F884.ttl index ccd99fa570e..3639543724c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885020700FF6AFE7A2F79F884.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885020700FF6AFE7A2F79F884.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita dinagat Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68850B0709FF6AFF122F5BFA38.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68850B0709FF6AFF122F5BFA38.ttl index 632d485aa8f..181701283f3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68850B0709FF6AFF122F5BFA38.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68850B0709FF6AFF122F5BFA38.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita maragusan Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885100714FF6AFC0128E0FDBB.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885100714FF6AFC0128E0FDBB.ttl index 54176ab51ec..c05b2242dbf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885100714FF6AFC0128E0FDBB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885100714FF6AFC0128E0FDBB.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bariengi Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140716FF6AFF122BA5F915.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140716FF6AFF122BA5F915.ttl index f5acee31b4f..79da073506a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140716FF6AFF122BA5F915.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140716FF6AFF122BA5F915.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita dayak Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140717FF6AF88C2A30F98F.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140717FF6AF88C2A30F98F.ttl index b7db03af2ae..0dbcbdddd71 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140717FF6AF88C2A30F98F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885140717FF6AF88C2A30F98F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita lawangan Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885150719FF6AF9FA2804FAAF.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885150719FF6AF9FA2804FAAF.ttl index 28311781371..02fc6b7a9f9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885150719FF6AF9FA2804FAAF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885150719FF6AF9FA2804FAAF.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bugis Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885160714FF6AFDE92F59F875.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885160714FF6AFDE92F59F875.ttl index e80a95a1382..eda62bd4cc8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885160714FF6AFDE92F59F875.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885160714FF6AFDE92F59F875.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita magaseng Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688519071CFF6AFA492AD3FB96.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688519071CFF6AFA492AD3FB96.ttl index efdc03c8b9b..31a4030c64a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688519071CFF6AFA492AD3FB96.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688519071CFF6AFA492AD3FB96.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:title "Calapnita vermiformis Simon 1892" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851B071BFF6AFADA2871FADB.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851B071BFF6AFADA2871FADB.ttl index c5bd1c38c91..0ffb97aa085 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851B071BFF6AFADA2871FADB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851B071BFF6AFADA2871FADB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita saluang Huber 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Huber" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber" ; - dwc:species "saluang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon" ; - dwc:species "vermiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851D0700FF6AFD522832FE0F.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851D0700FF6AFD522832FE0F.ttl index 4d8033ee3d6..671fb6fee63 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851D0700FF6AFD522832FE0F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851D0700FF6AFD522832FE0F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bohol Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851E071FFF6AFB0228D9FD27.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851E071FFF6AFB0228D9FD27.ttl index 6cdaa4635f9..1b9bcdee18c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851E071FFF6AFB0228D9FD27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68851E071FFF6AFB0228D9FD27.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita loksado Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon" ; - dwc:species "vermiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885200725FF6AFAD028B2FE2B.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885200725FF6AFAD028B2FE2B.ttl index f9a11900c39..32f30a26dbd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885200725FF6AFAD028B2FE2B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885200725FF6AFAD028B2FE2B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bidayuh Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885220722FF6AFBA9286DFAAE.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885220722FF6AFBA9286DFAAE.ttl index f1f3333da60..a101caa8500 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885220722FF6AFBA9286DFAAE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885220722FF6AFBA9286DFAAE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita phyllicola Deeleman-Reinhold 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:species "phyllicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240726FF6AFE112F54FB1D.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240726FF6AFE112F54FB1D.ttl index 3fbcf99e7c5..6fd6d49def7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240726FF6AFE112F54FB1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240726FF6AFE112F54FB1D.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Calapnita semengoh Huber 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240728FF6AFA942F78FE73.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240728FF6AFA942F78FE73.ttl index ed93d2532fe..6437281d894 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240728FF6AFA942F78FE73.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885240728FF6AFA942F78FE73.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita deelemanae Huber 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Huber" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber" ; - dwc:species "semengoh" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885270726FF6AFE592F8EFEE3.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885270726FF6AFE592F8EFEE3.ttl index 6dc6a0e5d9c..50a4cff18cb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885270726FF6AFE592F8EFEE3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F6885270726FF6AFE592F8EFEE3.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bankirai Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852A0728FF6AFDA12A79F875.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852A0728FF6AFDA12A79F875.ttl index f59fd5763e0..d2fe373c3cd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852A0728FF6AFDA12A79F875.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852A0728FF6AFDA12A79F875.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita subphyllicola Deeleman-Reinhold 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Huber. Two" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber. Two" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pholcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber. Two" ; - dwc:species "domingo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852B072CFF6AFA7B2E3CFD9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852B072CFF6AFA7B2E3CFD9E.ttl index ab74c64962d..52836f14d81 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852B072CFF6AFA7B2E3CFD9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852B072CFF6AFA7B2E3CFD9E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita phasmoides Deeleman-Reinhold 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:species "subphyllicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:species "phasmoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852D0712FF6AFEE12F6CFC9B.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852D0712FF6AFEE12F6CFC9B.ttl index 0d9e3381630..38cb34655b4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852D0712FF6AFEE12F6CFC9B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852D0712FF6AFEE12F6CFC9B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita bario Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Huber" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber" ; - dwc:species "saluang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon" ; - dwc:species "vermiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852E072DFF6AFD002E72F8DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852E072DFF6AFD002E72F8DF.ttl index 43d57537e91..09c622a5cfc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852E072DFF6AFD002E72F8DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68852E072DFF6AFD002E72F8DF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita anai Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "in Huber 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Huber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2011" ; - dwc:species "phasmoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688537073BFF6AFBBB2FD3FE0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688537073BFF6AFBBB2FD3FE0E.ttl index 684defc5eb9..9bbab814cd4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688537073BFF6AFBBB2FD3FE0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688537073BFF6AFBBB2FD3FE0E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita Simon 1892" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Huber" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber" ; - dwc:species "deelemanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:species "subphyllicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:species "phyllicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huber" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huber" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huber" ; - dwc:species "semengoh" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Huber 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Huber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calapnita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "2011" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pholcidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688539073DFF6AFD53289AFF5B.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688539073DFF6AFD53289AFF5B.ttl index bda29023b90..f5024bacea7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688539073DFF6AFD53289AFF5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F688539073DFF6AFD53289AFF5B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita lehi Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68853C0720FF6AFF122F54FC79.ttl b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68853C0720FF6AFF122F54FC79.ttl index 5973db3a637..4958f3b7379 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68853C0720FF6AFF122F54FC79.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/6F/03B66F68853C0720FF6AFF122F54FC79.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bernhard A. Huber" ; dc:title "Calapnita kubah Huber, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDDFFB5FC0820BEA9FBE065.ttl b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDDFFB5FC0820BEA9FBE065.ttl index d1268c13fcc..16103155507 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDDFFB5FC0820BEA9FBE065.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDDFFB5FC0820BEA9FBE065.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Thibaud, J. M." ; dc:title "Odontellina deharvengi Barra 1995" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,177 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Borner 1913 Genre" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Hypogastruridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borner, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Absolon, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Absolon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Hypogastruridae" ; - dwc:genus "Acherontiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Absolon, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barra, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Hypogastruridae" ; - dwc:genus "Acherontiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barra, 1994" ; - dwc:species "thibaudi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Morondave-Kimany, Tulear" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morondave-Kimany, Tulear" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morondave-Kimany, Tulear" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tullberg, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tullberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Hypogastruridae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenylla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tullberg, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mills, 1938" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mills" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Hypogastruridae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenylla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mills, 1938" ; - dwc:species "yucatana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borner, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borner, 1901" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalla Torre, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalla Torre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalla Torre, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thibaud, 2008 MATERIEL ETUDIE." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thibaud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thibaud, 2008" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Nosy Be" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nosy Be" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nosy Be" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Delamare Deboutteville et Massoud, 1964)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Delamare Deboutteville et Massoud" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Delamare Deboutteville & Massoud, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "petiti" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Bagnall, 1935" ; dwc:authorityName "Bagnall" ; @@ -249,23 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rusek, 1991 MATERIEL ETUDIE." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rusek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Tullbergiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fissuraphorura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rusek, 1991" ; - dwc:species "cubanica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Odontellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB4FCFD2239A9C0E7D2.ttl b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB4FCFD2239A9C0E7D2.ttl index c42b3c6945e..cf086de7bf4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB4FCFD2239A9C0E7D2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB4FCFD2239A9C0E7D2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Thibaud, J. M." ; dc:title "Pauropygus caussaneli" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,67 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Tulear, Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tulear, Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tulear, Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Greenslade et Deharveng, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Greenslade et Deharveng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psammisotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Greenslade & Deharveng, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Greenslade et Deharveng, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Greenslade et Deharveng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psammisotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Entomobryomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Greenslade & Deharveng, 1986" ; - dwc:species "kingae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FC0B255CA88AE0F8.ttl b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FC0B255CA88AE0F8.ttl index a9c7b588a30..72a7d8efc03 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FC0B255CA88AE0F8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FC0B255CA88AE0F8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Thibaud, J. M." ; dc:title "Folsomina onychiurina Denis 1931" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FCE82482AF4EE657.ttl b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FCE82482AF4EE657.ttl index 691214fd7dd..6dc3fa88438 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FCE82482AF4EE657.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FCE82482AF4EE657.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Thibaud, J. M." ; dc:title "Hemisotoma thermophila" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Nosy Be" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nosy Be" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nosy Be" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FF65210BAAFEE4CF.ttl b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FF65210BAAFEE4CF.ttl index 2ef43c36c49..5780a846c8e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FF65210BAAFEE4CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/76/03B67609FFDEFFB5FF65210BAAFEE4CF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Thibaud, J. M." ; dc:title "Archisotoma vaoensis Thibaud et Weiner 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Friesea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fort Dauphin" ; - dwc:species "mahajanga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Isotomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67920FFE1FFF5FF57FE50FE07FC1F.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67920FFE1FFF5FF57FE50FE07FC1F.ttl index f5da9b0afc0..3480699516f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67920FFE1FFF5FF57FE50FE07FC1F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67920FFE1FFF5FF57FE50FE07FC1F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Guo, Peng; Zhu, Fei; Liu, Qin" ; dc:title "Sinonatrix yapingi Guo & Zhu & Liu 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rossman & Eberle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinonatrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossman & Eberle, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Colubridae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; dwc:genus "Sinonatrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF16AE4222CFAB6B00F.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF16AE4222CFAB6B00F.ttl index c5774394f8b..6404bd7f79c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF16AE4222CFAB6B00F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF16AE4222CFAB6B00F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus ferreus Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,144 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Myers, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Myers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myers, 1985" ; - dwc:species "crenulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kolliker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Plexauridae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kolliker, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "oronotes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haswell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haswell, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Myers, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Myers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myers, 1985" ; - dwc:species "talegus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "levuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kim & Kim, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kim & Kim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kim & Kim, 1991" ; - dwc:species "ulreungensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:species "wanganui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; @@ -197,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF569CC27E7FBBEB7A7.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF569CC27E7FBBEB7A7.ttl index 346cff65da9..daae6e2ae8e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF569CC27E7FBBEB7A7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA1FFF569CC27E7FBBEB7A7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus crenulatus , Myers 1985" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA5FFEC6ABB22BCFF2DB79A.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA5FFEC6ABB22BCFF2DB79A.ttl index 742fccc967f..2a4b32e5cee 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA5FFEC6ABB22BCFF2DB79A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFA5FFEC6ABB22BCFF2DB79A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus hanapepe J. L. Barnard 1970" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard 1970", "J. L. Barnard, 1970" ; + dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard 1970" ; dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "C. Agardh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Sargassaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sargassum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fucales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agardh, 1820" ; - dwc:species "cristaefolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAAFFFE69D424F0FE66B09C.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAAFFFE69D424F0FE66B09C.ttl index 11baa990ca1..aefe1068d54 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAAFFFE69D424F0FE66B09C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAAFFFE69D424F0FE66B09C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Laetmatophilus Bruzelius 1859" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "triceratops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFABFFFB683E26A0FDEFB396.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFABFFFB683E26A0FDEFB396.ttl index 7ab6b25fd49..710431e4dfd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFABFFFB683E26A0FDEFB396.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFABFFFB683E26A0FDEFB396.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Laetmatophilus triceratops Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,228 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1970" ; - dwc:species "hala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1978" ; - dwc:species "acuticephalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Norman, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Norman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Norman, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "armatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haswell, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haswell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haswell, 1880" ; - dwc:species "hystrix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruffo, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruffo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruffo, 1987" ; - dwc:species "ledoyeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. H. Barnard, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1937" ; - dwc:species "leptocheir" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bruzelius, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bruzelius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bruzelius, 1859" ; - dwc:species "tuburculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barnard & Drummond, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Drummond" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Drummond, 1981" ; - dwc:species "dabberi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. H. Barnard, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1916" ; - dwc:species "durbanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer, 1979 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1979" ; - dwc:species "intermedius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bano & Kazmi, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bano & Kazmi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bano & Kazmi, 2004" ; - dwc:species "paradurbanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stebbing, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebbing, 1888" ; - dwc:species "purus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. H. Barnard, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. H. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Laetmatophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1916" ; - dwc:species "tridens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAFFFF56AFD22DAFEDFB530.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAFFFF56AFD22DAFEDFB530.ttl index 9951c311ef7..04b72e0f1cb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAFFFF56AFD22DAFEDFB530.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFAFFFF56AFD22DAFEDFB530.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus clavicarius Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "miscix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; @@ -105,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB2FFE06A0526A0FB3DB3EB.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB2FFE06A0526A0FB3DB3EB.ttl index 89330f919b6..196709c3a9f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB2FFE06A0526A0FB3DB3EB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB2FFE06A0526A0FB3DB3EB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus talegus subsp. lawai J. L. Barnard 1970" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Barnard, 1970", "J. L. Barnard, 1970" ; + dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard, 1970" ; dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -48,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:species "gloriosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:species "madagascarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "orontes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB8FFED6A8B26A0FA56B393.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB8FFED6A8B26A0FA56B393.ttl index dea6f357916..1807df08ba8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB8FFED6A8B26A0FA56B393.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFB8FFED6A8B26A0FA56B393.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus miscix Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "orontes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "clavicarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:species "tulearensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBBFFEB680226A0FC06B118.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBBFFEB680226A0FC06B118.ttl index 2e52485f1b9..38fe8267dd3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBBFFEB680226A0FC06B118.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBBFFEB680226A0FC06B118.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus orontes Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,97 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "ornontes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2013" ; - dwc:species "ferreus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barnard, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1970" ; - dwc:species "fulanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ledoyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ledoyer, 1986" ; - dwc:species "gloriosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; @@ -156,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBFFFE66A8623AFFD39B395.ttl b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBFFFE66A8623AFFD39B395.ttl index ca5dca490a4..bf6b0e3ad4f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBFFFE66A8623AFFD39B395.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/79/03B67921FFBFFFE66A8623AFFD39B395.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hughes, L. E." ; dc:title "Podocerus rockingham Hughes 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hughes, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hughes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hughes, 2012" ; - dwc:species "akanthius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:species "karu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. L. Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. L. Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Podocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard, 1972" ; - dwc:species "manawatu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Podoceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF6C633FF35F9F5FF04FE43.ttl b/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF6C633FF35F9F5FF04FE43.ttl index 1611d61ca46..4c1a032dc7c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF6C633FF35F9F5FF04FE43.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF6C633FF35F9F5FF04FE43.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rashidifard, Milad; Fourie, Hendrika; Daneel, Mieke Stefanie; Marais, Mariette" ; dc:title "Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood 1949" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Yang & Eisenback" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meloidogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Eisenback, 1983" ; - dwc:species "enterolobii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF9C636FF35FB91FF10FD47.ttl b/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF9C636FF35FB91FF10FD47.ttl index 97dbf553853..81312b8665d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF9C636FF35FB91FF10FD47.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/7B/03B67B7EFFF9C636FF35FB91FF10FD47.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rashidifard, Milad; Fourie, Hendrika; Daneel, Mieke Stefanie; Marais, Mariette" ; dc:title "Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback 1983" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rammah & Hirschmann, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rammah & Hirschmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meloidogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rammah & Hirschmann, 1988" ; - dwc:species "mayaguensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hunt & Handoo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meloidogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hunt & Handoo, 2009)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; @@ -89,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Heteroderidae" ; dwc:genus "Meloidogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/7E/03B67E20942DFFFB8CEB7621FA45FF6A.ttl b/data/03/B6/7E/03B67E20942DFFFB8CEB7621FA45FF6A.ttl index cb513b9e74a..cc82f0b4eb6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/7E/03B67E20942DFFFB8CEB7621FA45FF6A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/7E/03B67E20942DFFFB8CEB7621FA45FF6A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ni, Yong; Wu, Hanlin; Chen, Yuange; Chen, Jiajie; Tian, Wei; Chen, Weifeng; Xu, Zhaoli; Zhong, Junsheng" ; dc:title "Egglestonichthys bombylios Larson and Hoese 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", ECSFRI E", ", SHOU E" ; - dwc:authorityName "ECSFRI E", "SHOU E" ; - dwc:family "Gobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Egglestonichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ecsfri E" ; - dwc:species "bombylios" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Larson & Hoese" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:family "Gobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Larsonella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Larson & Hoese, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "pumilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Gobiidae" ; dwc:genus "Egglestonichthys" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/81/03B68171FFD2BA08FF50A5A70DD7FBDA.ttl b/data/03/B6/81/03B68171FFD2BA08FF50A5A70DD7FBDA.ttl index f21937336e7..95929d8099f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/81/03B68171FFD2BA08FF50A5A70DD7FBDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/81/03B68171FFD2BA08FF50A5A70DD7FBDA.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Penz, Carla M." ; dc:title "Agraulis Boisduval & Le Conte 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,496 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Riley)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Riley" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Riley)" ; - dwc:species "incarnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Riley)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Riley" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Riley)" ; - dwc:species "incarnata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "incarnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michener" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michener" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michener" ; - dwc:species "incarnata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigrior" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "vanillae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michener" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michener" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michener, 1942" ; - dwc:species "forbesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maynard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maynard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maynard, 1889" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stichel)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stichel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stichel)" ; - dwc:species "maculosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. Felder & R. Felder" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. Felder & R. Felder" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Felder & Felder" ; - dwc:species "lucina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lamas & Farfan)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamas & Farfan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamas & Farfan)" ; - dwc:species "dodona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dryadula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "phaetusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dryas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius)" ; - dwc:species "iulia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philaethria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "dido" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boisduval)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speyeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisduval)" ; - dwc:species "mormonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cramer)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euptoieta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cramer)" ; - dwc:species "hegesia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliconius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "doris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Denis & Schiffermuller)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Denis & Schiffermuller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boloria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "selene" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actinote" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner" ; - dwc:species "pellenea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Drury)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Drury" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cethosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Drury)" ; - dwc:species "biblis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cramer)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cramer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euptoieta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cramer)" ; - dwc:species "claudia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hewitson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hewitson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Podotricha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hewitson)" ; - dwc:species "telesiphe" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliconius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius)" ; - dwc:species "sara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Godart)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godart" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eueides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godart, 1819)" ; - dwc:species "aliphera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hubner." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hubner." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eueides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swainson, 1822" ; - dwc:tribe "Heliconiini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michener" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dryadula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michener, 1942" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1766)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "incarnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1754)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1754" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1754)" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1761)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1761" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1761)" ; - dwc:species "maculosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1768)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1768" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1768)" ; - dwc:species "incarnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1772)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1772" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1772)" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1767)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1767)" ; - dwc:species "maculosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rh 1760)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rh" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1760" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agraulis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rh, 1760)" ; - dwc:species "vanillae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -549,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/82/03B68247DD48FD15F78EF9538EEFDD01.ttl b/data/03/B6/82/03B68247DD48FD15F78EF9538EEFDD01.ttl index 4b6d620ff3c..c18c2fca8bb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/82/03B68247DD48FD15F78EF9538EEFDD01.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/82/03B68247DD48FD15F78EF9538EEFDD01.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Junior, Mauro Teixeira; Amaro, Renata Cecília; Recoder, Renato Sousa; Vechio, Francisco Dal; Rodrigues, Miguel Trefaut" ; dc:title "Proceratophrys redacta Junior, Amaro, Recoder, Vechio & Rodrigues, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Cycloramphidae" ; dwc:genus "Proceratophrys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56A94CFAB1FAE6.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56A94CFAB1FAE6.ttl index 2bd72b623d3..7954231ba47 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56A94CFAB1FAE6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56A94CFAB1FAE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Asanada socotrana Pocock 1899" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dobroruka, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dobroruka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Asanada" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dobroruka, 1969" ; - dwc:species "zambiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AAB5FE03FD22.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AAB5FE03FD22.ttl index f05b65c7f25..7d2725bbbac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AAB5FE03FD22.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AAB5FE03FD22.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Rhysida togoensis sensu Kraepelin 1903" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Kraepelin, 1903", "sensu Kraepelin (1903)" ; + dwc:authority "Kraepelin, 1903" ; dwc:authorityName "sensu Kraepelin" ; dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Porat, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Porat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Porat, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "immarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kraepelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraepelin, 1903" ; - dwc:species "immarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "togoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; @@ -111,8 +78,6 @@ dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "class" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AFCDFE2DF86A.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AFCDFE2DF86A.ttl index 79bf34397fe..5cf43bc30c7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AFCDFE2DF86A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA0FFE7FF56AFCDFE2DF86A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Cormocephalus anceps" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,41 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Newport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newport, 1844" ; - dwc:species "westwoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Newport" from authority ; - dwc:authority "westwoodi (Newport, 1844)" ; - dwc:authorityName "westwoodi (Newport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Newport" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Newport, 1844)" ; - dwc:species "westwoodi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "westwoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA1FFE5FF56AFAEFB03FF56.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA1FFE5FF56AFAEFB03FF56.ttl index 167edbf2e69..7333999a466 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA1FFE5FF56AFAEFB03FF56.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA1FFE5FF56AFAEFB03FF56.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Cormocephalus cupipes Pocock 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA2FFE3FF56AD40FEC7F8C9.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA2FFE3FF56AD40FEC7F8C9.ttl index d9396a049ee..04a54d233b7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA2FFE3FF56AD40FEC7F8C9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA2FFE3FF56AD40FEC7F8C9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Cormocephalus westwoodi subsp. westwoodi westwoodi (Newport 1844" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -51,120 +51,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Attems, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Attems, 1909" ; - dwc:species "multispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "nitidus" ; - dwc:authorityName "nitidus Porat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "nitidus Porat, 1871" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kraepelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraepelin, 1903" ; - dwc:species "oligoporus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Newport" from authority ; - dwc:authority "westwoodi" ; - dwc:authorityName "westwoodi (Newport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "westwoodi, 1844" ; - dwc:species "westwoodi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "westwoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "westwoodi sensu Schileyko and Stagl (2004)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schileyko and Stagl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schileyko & Stagl, 2004" ; - dwc:species "westwoodi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "westwoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porat, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Porat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porat, 1871" ; - dwc:species "dispar" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Newport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newport, 1844" ; - dwc:species "westwoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; @@ -179,12 +65,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "westwoodi" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA6FFE0FF56AFB6FAFFFF59.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA6FFE0FF56AFB6FAFFFF59.ttl index 0feb2757d0a..8767f59650d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA6FFE0FF56AFB6FAFFFF59.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA6FFE0FF56AFB6FAFFFF59.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Scolopendra mirabilis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlrausch, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlrausch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cormocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlrausch, 1878" ; - dwc:species "acanthophorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA7FFEEFF56AB6CFBEEFEC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA7FFEEFF56AB6CFBEEFEC4.ttl index f8eb0799d20..b1005a37c12 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA7FFEEFF56AB6CFBEEFEC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA7FFEEFF56AB6CFBEEFEC4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Scolopendra morsitans Linnaeus 1758" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Butler, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurylithobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1876" ; - dwc:species "slateri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Porat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Scolopendra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Porat, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA9FFEEFF56AB95FDA1FC94.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA9FFEEFF56AB95FDA1FC94.ttl index 8af52dda33e..b44426ed420 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA9FFEEFF56AB95FDA1FC94.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFA9FFEEFF56AB95FDA1FC94.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Scolopendra oraniensis Lucas 1846" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Verhoeff, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verhoeff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Scolopendra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verhoeff, 1893" ; - dwc:species "mediterranea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFECFF56AD60FB9DFEC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFECFF56AD60FB9DFEC4.ttl index ba9f0ed62b1..9c07dcc5359 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFECFF56AD60FB9DFEC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFECFF56AD60FB9DFEC4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Scolopocryptops ferrugineus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Chagas-Junior 2008)", "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; + dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Humbert and Saussure, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Humbert and Saussure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopocryptopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scolopocryptops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Humbert & Saussure, 1869" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopocryptopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFEDFF56AAB5FE25FCF7.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFEDFF56AAB5FE25FCF7.ttl index 606a8be80b0..4c39dd5b73a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFEDFF56AAB5FE25FCF7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFAAFFEDFF56AAB5FE25FCF7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Scolopendra subspinipes Leach 1815" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Attems, 1953" ; - dwc:authorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Attems, 1953" ; - dwc:species "politoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; @@ -96,8 +79,6 @@ dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "class" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB2FFF4FF56AD2CFBFBFEC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB2FFF4FF56AD2CFBFBFEC4.ttl index 101ed3b3ca1..e8b036a86c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB2FFF4FF56AD2CFBFBFEC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB2FFF4FF56AD2CFBFBFEC4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) gigas Kraepelin 1903" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verhoeff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Brachyceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verhoeff, 1906" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trigonocryptops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Brachyceridae" ; @@ -77,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Brachyceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Trigonocryptops" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF2FF56A9FFFE96F854.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF2FF56A9FFFE96F854.ttl index 01e37068f3c..1e4c74ccb23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF2FF56A9FFFE96F854.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF2FF56A9FFFE96F854.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Ethmostigmus trigonopodus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "C. L. Koch, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dacetum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1847" ; - dwc:species "capense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF3FF56AAB5FA8BFE07.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF3FF56AAB5FA8BFE07.ttl index c3f47e5c19d..05d5e5d766f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF3FF56AAB5FA8BFE07.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB4FFF3FF56AAB5FA8BFE07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Alipes calcipes Cook 1897" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cook, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Alipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cook, 1897" ; - dwc:species "spinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB7FFFFFF56AB0FFF7BFD9C.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB7FFFFFF56AB0FFF7BFD9C.ttl index 1e166259e4a..592b7b0b656 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB7FFFFFF56AB0FFF7BFD9C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB7FFFFFF56AB0FFF7BFD9C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Otostigmus (Otostigmus) cuneiventris Porat 1893" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,55 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simaiakis & Edgecombe, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simaiakis & Edgecombe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simaiakis & Edgecombe, 2013" ; - dwc:species "coltellus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Attems, 1928" ; - dwc:species "gemmifer" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1888" ; - dwc:species "productus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB8FFFDFF56A8FBFEE8FC66.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB8FFFDFF56A8FBFEE8FC66.ttl index 3e8a94da94f..a43e2dd645f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB8FFFDFF56A8FBFEE8FC66.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFB8FFFDFF56A8FBFEE8FC66.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Otostigmus (Parotostigmus) coltellus Simaiakis & Edgecombe 2013, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -82,38 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Karsch", "Karsch, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1888" ; - dwc:species "productus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1895" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; @@ -128,12 +95,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBAFFFBFF56AD23FE3AFCFA.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBAFFFBFF56AD23FE3AFCFA.ttl index 9072d4a0fa7..fc1d2b75da4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBAFFFBFF56AD23FE3AFCFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBAFFFBFF56AD23FE3AFCFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Otostigmus (Parotostigmus) productus Karsch 1888" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,71 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Attems, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Attems, 1928" ; - dwc:species "gemmifer" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simaiakis & Edgecombe, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simaiakis & Edgecombe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simaiakis & Edgecombe, 2013" ; - dwc:species "coltellus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parotostigmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1884" ; - dwc:species "inermis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karsch, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Otostigma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1888" ; - dwc:species "productum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBCFFFAFF56AD25FBA0FCB4.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBCFFFAFF56AD25FBA0FCB4.ttl index ea36357b946..ac0c69f19d5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBCFFFAFF56AD25FBA0FCB4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBCFFFAFF56AD25FBA0FCB4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Rhysida longipes subsp. longipes longipes (Newport 1845" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -52,21 +52,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlrausch, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlrausch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Leptocardii" ; - dwc:family "Branchiostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Branchiostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlrausch, 1878" ; - dwc:species "affine" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Takakuwa, 1935" ; dwc:authorityName "Takakuwa" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56A9DBFB6AF8CF.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56A9DBFB6AF8CF.ttl index cc485f8d06c..2f090622f3a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56A9DBFB6AF8CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56A9DBFB6AF8CF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Rhysida stuhlmanni subsp. stuhlmanni stuhlmanni Kraepelin 1903" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "stuhlmanni Kraepelin, 1903", "stuhlmanni" ; + dwc:authority "stuhlmanni Kraepelin, 1903" ; dwc:authorityName "stuhlmanni Kraepelin" ; dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; @@ -48,37 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Attems, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Attems, 1910" ; - dwc:species "intermedia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kraepelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraepelin, 1903" ; - dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; @@ -93,12 +62,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56AAB5FBB6FC02.ttl b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56AAB5FBB6FC02.ttl index 7a432d477aa..59b19e3e781 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56AAB5FBB6FC02.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/84/03B68458FFBEFFF9FF56AAB5FBB6FC02.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail; Edgecombe, Gregory D." ; dc:title "Rhysida paucidens Pocock 1897" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Newport, 1845)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Newport" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Newport, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "lithobioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhysida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scolopendromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1897" ; - dwc:species "lithobioides" ; - dwc:subSpecies "paucidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Scolopendridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D40856D3DDDFAF3231E1530.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D40856D3DDDFAF3231E1530.ttl index ec11cdd8611..da62470c537 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D40856D3DDDFAF3231E1530.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D40856D3DDDFAF3231E1530.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Onespa nubis Steinhasuser 1974" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,122 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "brockorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "nakamura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paratrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scudder, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. H. Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Edwards, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "melane" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -176,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D49856A3DDDF913236D10B0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D49856A3DDDF913236D10B0.ttl index 8e540aeeced..38b524eaa4a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D49856A3DDDF913236D10B0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D49856A3DDDF913236D10B0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Onespa nakamura Austin and A. Warren 2009, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhasuser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhasuser, 1974" ; - dwc:species "nubis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "brockorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -121,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4C856E3DDDFEB325D31570.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4C856E3DDDFEB325D31570.ttl index ed1402d42d6..ec4c10af58d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4C856E3DDDFEB325D31570.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4C856E3DDDFEB325D31570.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Onespa gala Austin & Warren 2009, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,143 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnhart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "R.Br." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Br.) Barnhart, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Plotz, 1886)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Plotz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mellana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Plotz, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "monica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mabille, 1883) (Burns 1994 b)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burns" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Quasimellana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mabille, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "nicomedes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mellana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward, 1948" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paratrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhasuser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhasuser, 1974" ; - dwc:species "nubis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -199,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4F85683DDDFE73230B1290.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4F85683DDDFE73230B1290.ttl index 2c9f99af931..c8a2386de46 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4F85683DDDFE73230B1290.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D4F85683DDDFE73230B1290.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Onespa brockorum Austin and A. Warren 2009, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,80 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnhart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "R.Br." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Br.) Barnhart, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -133,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585743DDDFC9523F110F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585743DDDFC9523F110F0.ttl index 1c1e0836426..4a388743619 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585743DDDFC9523F110F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585743DDDFC9523F110F0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Onespa Steinhauser 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,73 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "nakamura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steinhasuser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhasuser, 1974" ; - dwc:species "nubis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Godman)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "gala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "brockorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585773DDDF973276511D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585773DDDF973276511D0.ttl index 2c18235917a..b3e9028fcc5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585773DDDF973276511D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5585773DDDF973276511D0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Buzyges Godman 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "idothea" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5685733DDDF9D3275F1617.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5685733DDDF9D3275F1617.ttl index c9320e637d2..002bd9c1576 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5685733DDDF9D3275F1617.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5685733DDDF9D3275F1617.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Buzyges idothea Godman 1900" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pamphila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mabille, 1883" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Freeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freeman, 1979" ; - dwc:species "benito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "mellanaformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -119,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5B857A3DDDFF3523F116B0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5B857A3DDDFF3523F116B0.ttl index 74d3b221176..7711487e7d2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5B857A3DDDFF3523F116B0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5B857A3DDDFF3523F116B0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Buzyges Godman 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,75 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "mellanaformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "idothea" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mabille)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mabille, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Freeman)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Freeman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Freeman, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "benito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5D857F3DDDFF3322091290.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5D857F3DDDFF3322091290.ttl index 706625f0550..733586221ea 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5D857F3DDDFF3322091290.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5D857F3DDDFF3322091290.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Buzyges benito Austin & Warren 2009, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -66,95 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisduval and Le Conte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisduval & Le Conte, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "zabulon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pamphila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mabille, 1883" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scudder, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mabille, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -168,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -220,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5E85783DDDF91324111097.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5E85783DDDF91324111097.ttl index a4130159dc8..9e333f4d502 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5E85783DDDF91324111097.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D5E85783DDDF91324111097.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Buzyges mellanaformis Austin and A. Warren 2009, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,79 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Burns, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burns" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Quasimellana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burns, 1994" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayward, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mellana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayward, 1948" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Soderstr. and C. Calderon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Soderstr. and C. Calderon" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soderstr. & Calderon" ; - dwc:species "scabra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinhauser, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -133,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D63854C3DDDFA5725821155.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D63854C3DDDFA5725821155.ttl index 711e36342e3..d86a215d9cf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D63854C3DDDFA5725821155.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D63854C3DDDFA5725821155.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Neposa Austin and A. Warren 2009, new genus" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,233 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "heras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mielke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Librita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mielke, 2005)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Librita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evans, 1955" ; - dwc:species "raspa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paratrytone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Augiades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "heras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "idothea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mabille, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buzyges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "mellanaformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scudder, 1872" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Steinhauser 1974)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steinhauser, 1974)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pamphila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mabille, 1883" ; - dwc:species "rolla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Freeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Poanes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freeman, 1979" ; - dwc:species "benito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Plotz" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "librita (Plotz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Librita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "librita, 1886" ; - dwc:species "librita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - dwc:species "hestia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6885483DDDFCB3277A10F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6885483DDDFCB3277A10F0.ttl index e278e4deb65..308ead7212f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6885483DDDFCB3277A10F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6885483DDDFCB3277A10F0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Neposa hestia Austin and A. Warren 2009, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "heras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D69854A3DDDFAF323031710.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D69854A3DDDFAF323031710.ttl index a6fc0cfcc8e..4ed1742065e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D69854A3DDDFAF323031710.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D69854A3DDDFAF323031710.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Neposa armandoi Austin and A. Warren 2009, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin & Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "heras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6D85493DDDFA5124171730.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6D85493DDDFA5124171730.ttl index d0e27a64ff9..cd3a7939e1a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6D85493DDDFA5124171730.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687432D6D85493DDDFA5124171730.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Austin, George T.; Warren, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Neposa heras Austin & Warren 2009, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,64 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Godman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Augiades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Godman, 1900" ; - dwc:species "heras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin and A. Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin & Warren, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chusquea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steinhauser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steinhauser, 1974)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; @@ -120,22 +61,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; dwc:genus "Neposa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF41103D18C3EE57FDA9F849.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF41103D18C3EE57FDA9F849.ttl index e15d6922305..7f71e908ae2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF41103D18C3EE57FDA9F849.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF41103D18C3EE57FDA9F849.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa galeata subsp. orangensis Hewitt 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF42103E18C3EBA1FD66FD95.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF42103E18C3EBA1FD66FD95.ttl index 24ed10b887f..8481caba7e4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF42103E18C3EBA1FD66FD95.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF42103E18C3EBA1FD66FD95.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa subrufa subsp. wettsteini Mertens 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; @@ -83,12 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF55102A18C3EEA7FB2FF882.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF55102A18C3EEA7FB2FF882.ttl index 59a4259a2d8..815567dbf6a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF55102A18C3EEA7FB2FF882.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF55102A18C3EEA7FB2FF882.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Testudo subrufa Lacepede 1788" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,73 +46,7 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Lacepede, 1788)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacepede, 1788)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Gray 1831: p. 39" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "39" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Chelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydraspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pleurodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1831" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; dwc:authorityName "Bonnaterre" ; dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; @@ -127,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF56102418C3EC51FDFFF842.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF56102418C3EC51FDFFF842.ttl index 4178a598631..7d886a684df 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF56102418C3EC51FDFFF842.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF56102418C3EC51FDFFF842.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Testudo galeata Schoepff 1792" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "scabra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Retz." ; dwc:authorityName "Retz." ; @@ -94,50 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; @@ -151,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102018C3EDFCFBBFFB03.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102018C3EDFCFBBFFB03.ttl index 071449c4508..d6e783139f2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102018C3EDFCFBBFFB03.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102018C3EDFCFBBFFB03.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pentonyx gehafie Ruppell 1835" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,101 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vaillant & Grandidier, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vaillant & Grandidier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vaillant & Grandidier, 1910" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - dwc:variety "disjuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dumeril & Bibron, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentonyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumeril & Bibron, 1835" ; - dwc:species "capensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rueppell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rueppell, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "gehafie" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schweigger, 1812)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schweigger, 1812)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Testudines" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3E8EBFEDAF9D1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3E8EBFEDAF9D1.ttl index 335285b6196..a49fc546efd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3E8EBFEDAF9D1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3E8EBFEDAF9D1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pentonyx capensis Dumeril & Bibron 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Emydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schweigger, 1812" ; - dwc:species "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Testudines" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3EBA1FD87FCDD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3EBA1FD87FCDD.ttl index f1a6f2bb035..52915228ec7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3EBA1FD87FCDD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF59102518C3EBA1FD87FCDD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Emys olivacea Schweigger 1812" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schweigger, 1812)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Emydidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5C102118C3EC72FEE6FD26.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5C102118C3EC72FEE6FD26.ttl index 35f17cc6347..6acafa99789 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5C102118C3EC72FEE6FD26.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5C102118C3EC72FEE6FD26.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa nigra Gray 1863" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102118C3E9E1FEE6FAF0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102118C3E9E1FEE6FAF0.ttl index d2fb919af05..a687954c8a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102118C3E9E1FEE6FAF0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102118C3E9E1FEE6FAF0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa gasconi Rochebrune 1884" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schweigger, 1812)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schweigger, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Emydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schweigger, 1812" ; - dwc:species "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; @@ -91,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102218C3EE9FFF8EFD6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102218C3EE9FFF8EFD6D.ttl index 598804641b8..2152527d135 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102218C3EE9FFF8EFD6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5D102218C3EE9FFF8EFD6D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa galeata var. disjuncta Vaillant & Grandidier 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schweigger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schweigger, 1812)" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "olivacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruppell, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruppell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentonyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruppell, 1835" ; - dwc:species "gehafie" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; @@ -98,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3E81AFBDFFA61.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3E81AFBDFFA61.ttl index ba5cbbb763e..ded8feb80f8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3E81AFBDFFA61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3E81AFBDFFA61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa galeata subsp. damarensis Hewitt 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Hewitt, 1935 a", "Hewitt, 1935" ; + dwc:authority "Hewitt, 1935" ; dwc:authorityName "Hewitt" ; dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonnaterre, 1789" ; - dwc:species "subrufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3ED32FA5AF80D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3ED32FA5AF80D.ttl index b05052e9efc..bf44ff085cc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3ED32FA5AF80D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68780CF5E102218C3ED32FA5AF80D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fritz, Uwe; Petzold, Alice; Kehlmaier, Christian; Kindler, Carolin; Campbell, Patrick; Hofmeyr, Margaretha D.; Branch, William R." ; dc:title "Pelomedusa galeata subsp. devilliersi Hewitt 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Testudines" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoepff, 1792" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68781FFCAFFA3DFA4FD29FF01FF48.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68781FFCAFFA3DFA4FD29FF01FF48.ttl index d13caf0b7e0..2fd96be03c7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68781FFCAFFA3DFA4FD29FF01FF48.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68781FFCAFFA3DFA4FD29FF01FF48.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cambra, Roberto A.; Buschini, Maria Luisa Tunes; Arias, Diomedes Quintero; Brozoski, Fanciele; Lustosa, Priscila Rudiak" ; dc:title "Ephuta icema Casal 1969" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,8 +47,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Casal", "O. Casal" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casal", "O. Casal" ; + dwc:authority "O. Casal" ; + dwc:authorityName "O. Casal" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mutillidae" ; dwc:genus "Ephuta" ; @@ -62,52 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Casal, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mutillidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ephuta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casal, 1968" ; - dwc:species "guasuncha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dreisbach, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dreisbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Auplopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dreisbach, 1963" ; - dwc:species "subaurarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fritz Plaumann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fritz Plaumann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Catarina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fritz Plaumann" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mutillidae" ; @@ -127,11 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mutillidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0BFFA7C9DBFF63FB49C96E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0BFFA7C9DBFF63FB49C96E.ttl index b609392d578..bc56aeb496d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0BFFA7C9DBFF63FB49C96E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0BFFA7C9DBFF63FB49C96E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Carvalho, Tiago P.; Cardoso, Alexandre R.; Friel, John P.; Reis, Roberto E." ; dc:title "Bunocephalus hartti Carvalho & Cardoso & Friel & Reis 2015, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -78,81 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Walbaum" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Siluridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walbaum, 1792" ; - dwc:species "verrucosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MZUSP" ; - dwc:authorityName "MZUSP" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mzusp" ; - dwc:species "hartti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MNRJ" ; - dwc:authorityName "MNRJ" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mnrj" ; - dwc:species "hartti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MCP" ; - dwc:authorityName "MCP" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mcp" ; - dwc:species "hartti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MCP" ; - dwc:authorityName "MCP" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mcp" ; - dwc:species "minerim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0CFFA8CA94FF20FE82CF0F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0CFFA8CA94FF20FE82CF0F.ttl index 4106c12734f..e267c62a997 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0CFFA8CA94FF20FE82CF0F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687831F0CFFA8CA94FF20FE82CF0F.ttl @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Carvalho, Tiago P.; Cardoso, Alexandre R.; Friel, John P.; Reis, Roberto E." ; dc:title "Bunocephalus minerim Carvalho & Cardoso & Friel & Reis 2015, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Carvalho & Cardoso & Friel & Reis, 2015" ; dwc:authorityName "Carvalho & Cardoso & Friel & Reis" ; dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; @@ -70,51 +69,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ihering" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ihering, 1930" ; - dwc:species "larai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Eigenmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eigenmann, 1912" ; - dwc:species "chamaizelus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MCP" ; - dwc:authorityName "MCP" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bunocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mcp" ; - dwc:species "minerim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Aspredinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68783FE5ABD10F38FF88A7213FF0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68783FE5ABD10F38FF88A7213FF0C.ttl index 5ddc19a7cfe..fa9a6cd93ca 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68783FE5ABD10F38FF88A7213FF0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68783FE5ABD10F38FF88A7213FF0C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dovana, Francesco; Justo, Alfredo; Ferisin, Giuliano" ; dc:title "Pluteus aesontiensis Ferisin, Justo & Dovana 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vahl" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Oleaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fraxinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vahl" ; - dwc:species "angustifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ulmaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Pluteaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFEF9000FF7FFD4DFB67CB1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFEF9000FF7FFD4DFB67CB1B.ttl index 64509f92e35..d03161c65a4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFEF9000FF7FFD4DFB67CB1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFEF9000FF7FFD4DFB67CB1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Hoplodoris rosans Donohoo & Gosliner 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -62,51 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bergh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergh, 1880" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASIZ" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casiz" ; - dwc:species "desmoparypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "balbon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; @@ -120,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF09019FF7FFB1DFC5DCC53.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF09019FF7FFB1DFC5DCC53.ttl index f455a02f9e3..3b33de2c99c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF09019FF7FFB1DFC5DCC53.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF09019FF7FFB1DFC5DCC53.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Hoplodoris desmoparypha in Bergh 1880" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Bergh, 1880", "in Bergh (1880)" ; + dwc:authority "Bergh, 1880" ; dwc:authorityName "in Bergh" ; dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -62,81 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bergh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergh, 1880" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASIZ" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casiz" ; - dwc:species "desmoparypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "balbon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "rosans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehrenberg, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; @@ -150,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -202,12 +122,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF0901BFF7FFCE1FCDACEC8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF0901BFF7FFCE1FCDACEC8.ttl index 5034f4bdb8a..496e75a39eb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF0901BFF7FFCE1FCDACEC8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF0901BFF7FFCE1FCDACEC8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Hoplodoris Bergh 1880" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bergh, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Bergh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "1880" ; - dwc:species "desmoparypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Abraham, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Abraham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Dorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Doris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Abraham, 1877" ; - dwc:species "raripilosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF29004FF7FF9A5FE16C83B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF29004FF7FF9A5FE16C83B.ttl index 4acba32ca23..e81b39e0fe4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF29004FF7FF9A5FE16C83B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF29004FF7FF9A5FE16C83B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Hoplodoris balbon Donohoo & Gosliner 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,51 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bergh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergh, 1880" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASIZ" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casiz" ; - dwc:species "desmoparypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "rosans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; @@ -105,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; dwc:genus "Hoplodoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF5901CFF7FFF68FC7FC8F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF5901CFF7FFF68FC7FC8F0.ttl index 79dbba192c7..add3fe16c8f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF5901CFF7FFF68FC7FC8F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF5901CFF7FFF68FC7FC8F0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Asteronotus markaensis Donohoo & Gosliner 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,82 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CASIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASIZ" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casiz" ; - dwc:species "spongicolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CASIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "CASIZ" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casiz" ; - dwc:species "mimeticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "namuro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Abraham" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Abraham, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "hepaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "van Hasselt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(van Hasselt, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "cespitosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF7901BFF7FF906FD65C897.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF7901BFF7FF906FD65C897.ttl index 400528b1742..ae01ba853f7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF7901BFF7FF906FD65C897.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFF7901BFF7FF906FD65C897.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Asteronotus namuro Donohoo & Gosliner 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -62,66 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehrenberg, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Donohoo & Gosliner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donohoo & Gosliner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "markaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Abraham" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Abraham, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "hepaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "van Hasselt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(van Hasselt, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "cespitosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; @@ -135,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFFA9011FF7FF979FE64CDE6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFFA9011FF7FF979FE64CDE6.ttl index d5197cfb79b..e90b75f7720 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFFA9011FF7FF979FE64CDE6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68789FFFA9011FF7FF979FE64CDE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Donohoo, Samantha A.; Gosliner, Terrence M." ; dc:title "Asteronotus Ehrenberg 1831" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ehrenberg, 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehrenberg, 1831" ; - dwc:species "hemprichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(van Hasselt, 1824)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "van Hasselt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; - dwc:genus "Asteronotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(van Hasselt, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "cespitosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Discodorididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA1FFF504ED6387FDC67A28.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA1FFF504ED6387FDC67A28.ttl index 3b07e735035..bb5ae774544 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA1FFF504ED6387FDC67A28.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA1FFF504ED6387FDC67A28.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Christodoulou, Magdalini; Grave, Sammy De" ; dc:title "Caridina sobrina Riek 1953, stat. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Riek, 1953", "Riek, 1953: 119" ; + dwc:authority "Riek, 1953: 119" ; dwc:authorityName "Riek" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "119" ; dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Calman, 1962" ; dwc:authorityName "Calman" ; dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -85,216 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "H. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Choy & Marshall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Choy & Marshall, 1997" ; - dwc:species "confusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Choy, Page, de Mazancourt & Mos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridinides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Choy, Page, de Mazancourt & Mos, 2019" ; - dwc:species "malanda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Choy & Marshall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Choy & Marshall, 1997" ; - dwc:species "spinula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1837" ; - dwc:species "typus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Short" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Short, 1993" ; - dwc:species "zebra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Calman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Calman, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "wilkinsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridinides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Man, 1892" ; - dwc:species "gracilipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Riek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riek, 1953" ; - dwc:species "thermophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Mazancourt, Boseto, Marquet & Keith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridinides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Mazancourt, Boseto, Marquet & Keith, 2020" ; - dwc:species "pisuku" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Man, 1892" ; - dwc:species "serratirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Man, 1892" ; - dwc:species "celebensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roux" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roux, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "nilotica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Christodoulou & Grave, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Christodoulou & Grave" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Christodoulou & Grave, 2023" ; - dwc:species "pagei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Atyidae" ; @@ -308,12 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA8FFF504ED66C3FEB97EB1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA8FFF504ED66C3FEB97EB1.ttl index ddf55a18644..de462cd9218 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA8FFF504ED66C3FEB97EB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878AFFA8FFF504ED66C3FEB97EB1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Christodoulou, Magdalini; Grave, Sammy De" ; dc:title "Caridina pagei Christodoulou & Grave 2023, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -63,37 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Riek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Riek" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Riek, 1953)" ; - dwc:species "sobrina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Atyidae" ; @@ -107,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF28FDB1FE2211D8010B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF28FDB1FE2211D8010B.ttl index 1ef094c6572..8f80c53438c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF28FDB1FE2211D8010B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF28FDB1FE2211D8010B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Huang, Ying; Bian, Dong-Ju; Tong, Yan-Feng; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng; Li, Shu-Qiang" ; dc:title "Trilacuna Tong & Li 2007" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tong & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:species "rastrum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF2DFDEAFCD01216001A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF2DFDEAFCD01216001A.ttl index f7a9f16be64..e4b2046783a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF2DFDEAFCD01216001A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCBEF2DFDEAFCD01216001A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Huang, Ying; Bian, Dong-Ju; Tong, Yan-Feng; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng; Li, Shu-Qiang" ; dc:title "Trilacuna jinyun Tong, Zhang & Li 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,70 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tong & Li, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tong & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tong & Li, 2018" ; - dwc:species "simianshan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tong, Zhang & Li" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tong, Zhang & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tong, Zhang & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jiuchi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huang & Bian & Tong & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huang & Bian & Tong & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huang, Bian, Tong & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jinyun" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huang & Bian & Tong & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huang & Bian & Tong & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huang, Bian, Tong & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jiuchi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCEEF26FDE7FDCC121600B7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCEEF26FDE7FDCC121600B7.ttl index bcf60500c14..0f21bd322ad 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCEEF26FDE7FDCC121600B7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFCEEF26FDE7FDCC121600B7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Huang, Ying; Bian, Dong-Ju; Tong, Yan-Feng; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng; Li, Shu-Qiang" ; dc:title "Trilacuna jiuchi Tong, Zhang & Li 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tong & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:species "angularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tong & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilacuna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tong & Li, 2007" ; - dwc:species "rastrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oonopidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFEA5B15EEE0F6DF507ECBB5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFEA5B15EEE0F6DF507ECBB5.ttl index dfa67616458..beec43d9a7d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFEA5B15EEE0F6DF507ECBB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878CFFEA5B15EEE0F6DF507ECBB5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rivera, Julio" ; dc:title "Thespoides bolivari Chopard 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rehn, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehn, 1906" ; - dwc:species "guianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Serville, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Serville, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Saussure, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Musonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saussure, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Werner, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Werner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomusonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Werner, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Chopard, 1916" ; dwc:authorityName "Chopard" ; @@ -123,18 +61,20 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; + + dwc:authority "Rehn, 1906" ; + dwc:authorityName "Rehn" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thespidae" ; + dwc:family "Mantidae" ; + dwc:genus "Angela" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Mantodea" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1904" ; - dwc:subFamily "Miopteryginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehn, 1906" ; + dwc:species "guianensis" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDD4F93F93FFC80FF7A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDD4F93F93FFC80FF7A.ttl index 87ebac9bfd6..7234656063a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDD4F93F93FFC80FF7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDD4F93F93FFC80FF7A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Vos, Rob De" ; dc:title "Cyana (Cryptanaema) de Vos 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,67 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bethune-Baker, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bethune-Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chionaema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bethune-Baker, 1910" ; - dwc:species "nigroplagata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aurivillius, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aurivillius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clerckia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aurivillius, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Barsine" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1855" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ammatho" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1855" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -119,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDE4F93FA01FCBFF9C4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDE4F93FA01FCBFF9C4.ttl index d4ba4bc780e..fe206c9ca30 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDE4F93FA01FCBFF9C4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA810FFDE4F93FA01FCBFF9C4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Vos, Rob De" ; dc:title "Cyana Walker 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1854" ; - dwc:species "detrita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA812FFDB4F93FAF8FEA6F782.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA812FFDB4F93FAF8FEA6F782.ttl index 1c5b776aa1e..c9931268696 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA812FFDB4F93FAF8FEA6F782.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA812FFDB4F93FAF8FEA6F782.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Vos, Rob De" ; dc:title "Cyana (Cryptanaema) sibela Volynkin & Černý & Vos 2022, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -48,52 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Volynkin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Volynkin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "halmahera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hampson, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1900" ; - dwc:species "fumea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bethune-Baker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bethune-Baker, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "inusitata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA813FFDC4F93FEECFEA6FA8E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA813FFDC4F93FEECFEA6FA8E.ttl index 8eaa1178f42..8671595813a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA813FFDC4F93FEECFEA6FA8E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878DA813FFDC4F93FEECFEA6FA8E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Vos, Rob De" ; dc:title "Cyana (Cryptanaema) ngata Volynkin & Černý & Vos 2022, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rothschild" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rothschild, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "punctistrigosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Volynkin & Černý & Vos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Volynkin, Černý & Vos, 2022" ; - dwc:species "devriesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342275C76D1B118EFE57.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342275C76D1B118EFE57.ttl index 786de29358a..e2eba4a737e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342275C76D1B118EFE57.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342275C76D1B118EFE57.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J.; Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando; Rodríguez, Diana Marcela Tru- Jillo; Sarmiento, Juan Pablo Prias; Castellanos-Morales, Cesar A." ; dc:title "Aclodes Hebard 1928" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,111 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Desutter-Grandcolas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desutter-Grandcolas, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nischk & Otte 2000)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nischk & Otte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nischk & Otte, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "cryptos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chopard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uvaroviella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chopard, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Caudell 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Caudell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Caudell, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "maculatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Oliver" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oliver, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2007)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2007)" ; - dwc:species "nebulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uvaroviella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "nebulosa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Holacla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342375C76BBB1789FA1C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342375C76BBB1789FA1C.ttl index 944f87cb1e1..be9b7272d1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342375C76BBB1789FA1C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB8342375C76BBB1789FA1C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J.; Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando; Rodríguez, Diana Marcela Tru- Jillo; Sarmiento, Juan Pablo Prias; Castellanos-Morales, Cesar A." ; dc:title "Aclodini Desutter-Grandcolas 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,244 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hebard, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1928" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Desutter-Grandcolas, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Desutter-Grandcolas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desutter-Grandcolas, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chopard, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chopard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uvaroviella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chopard, 1923" ; - dwc:sensu "lato", "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Saussure, 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterogryllus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saussure, 1874" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Saussure, 1878)", "Saussure, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterogryllus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saussure, 1878" ; - dwc:species "crassicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chopard, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chopard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterogryllus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chopard, 1970" ; - dwc:species "bordoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Saussure, 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterogryllus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saussure, 1874" ; - dwc:species "ocellaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hebard, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1928" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Subacla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "sensu Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euacla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(sensu Gorochov, 2007)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Reacla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Topacla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard, 1845" ; - dwc:tribe "Phalangopsini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Desutter-Grandcolas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desutter-Grandcolas, 1987" ; - dwc:tribe "Paragryllini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Phalangopsini)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Phalangopsini" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subTribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Phalangopsini)" ; - dwc:subTribe "Heterogryllina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Desutter-Grandcolas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desutter-Grandcolas, 1987" ; - dwc:subFamily "Paragryllinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB9342B75C76AD2174FFE2B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB9342B75C76AD2174FFE2B.ttl index 00ee840cbe9..1d8229ea104 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB9342B75C76AD2174FFE2B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6878EFFB9342B75C76AD2174FFE2B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J.; Quintana-Arias, Ronald Fernando; Rodríguez, Diana Marcela Tru- Jillo; Sarmiento, Juan Pablo Prias; Castellanos-Morales, Cesar A." ; dc:title "Aclodes paz Cadena-Castaneda & Castellanos-Morales 2022, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Cadena-Castaneda & Castellanos-Morales", "Cadena-Castañeda & Quintana-Arias & Rodríguez & Sarmiento & Castellanos-Morales, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cadena-Castaneda & Castellanos-Morales", "Cadena-Castañeda & Quintana-Arias & Rodríguez & Sarmiento & Castellanos-Morales" ; + dwc:authority "Cadena-Castaneda & Castellanos-Morales" ; + dwc:authorityName "Cadena-Castaneda & Castellanos-Morales" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; @@ -48,63 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Levy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Zodariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levy, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(sensu Gorochov, 2007)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "sensu Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euacla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(sensu Gorochov, 2007)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nischk & Otte, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nischk & Otte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aclodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nischk & Otte, 2000" ; - dwc:species "chamocoru" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Medoza-Parada et al. 2009)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Medoza-Parada" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:genus "Luna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Medoza-Parada, 2009)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phalangopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFB8BF04FF38FF3DFB4F3F9F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFB8BF04FF38FF3DFB4F3F9F.ttl index b5a064b856f..cce12e10b39 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFB8BF04FF38FF3DFB4F3F9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFB8BF04FF38FF3DFB4F3F9F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Soldán, Tomáš; Bojková, Jindřiška" ; dc:title "Cloeon sidadi Soldán & Bojková, 2015, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sternolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte" ; - dwc:species "solieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFBFBF0BFF38FF77FCA539DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFBFBF0BFF38FF77FCA539DF.ttl index 2f4fbe16dfa..5e0b873f242 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFBFBF0BFF38FF77FCA539DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68792FFBFBF0BFF38FF77FCA539DF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Soldán, Tomáš; Bojková, Jindřiška" ; dc:title "Cloeon morna Soldán & Bojková, 2015, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,70 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brulle, 1832" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brulle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Libellulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocothemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brulle, 1832" ; - dwc:species "erythraea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leach, 1815" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - dwc:species "imperator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malicky, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheumatopsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1983" ; - dwc:species "antoniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klug, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gyrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dineutus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klug, 1834" ; - dwc:species "aereus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -123,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Cloeon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAAC58A97F7FDECF82D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAAC58A97F7FDECF82D.ttl index b35eae172de..2343982f77f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAAC58A97F7FDECF82D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAAC58A97F7FDECF82D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bolet, Arnau; Daza, Juan D.; Augé, Marc; Bauer, Aaron M." ; dc:title "Gekkomimus rugosus Auge 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Auge 2005", "Auge, 2005" ; + dwc:authority "Auge, 2005" ; dwc:authorityName "Auge" ; dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; dwc:class "Reptilia" ; @@ -45,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Eocordyla and Ornatocephalus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eocordyla and Ornatocephalus" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; - dwc:genus "Axonoscincus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eocordyla & Ornatocephalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Darevsky & Tshumakov 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Darevsky & Tshumakov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ablepharus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Darevsky & Tshumakov, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Scincidae" ; @@ -87,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; dwc:genus "Gekkomimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAFC58A966FFBDDFA83.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAFC58A966FFBDDFA83.ttl index 9bb37d07d47..5a3402b0fad 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAFC58A966FFBDDFA83.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE0FFAFC58A966FFBDDFA83.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Bolet, Arnau; Daza, Juan D.; Augé, Marc; Bauer, Aaron M." ; dc:title "Gekkomimus Bolet, Daza, Augé & Bauer, 2015, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFADC58A97FCFD11F9DB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFADC58A97FCFD11F9DB.ttl index e1c75b5670d..89c621a3468 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFADC58A97FCFD11F9DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFADC58A97FCFD11F9DB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bolet, Arnau; Daza, Juan D.; Augé, Marc; Bauer, Aaron M." ; dc:title "Cadurcogekko Hoffstetter 1946" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hoffstetter, 1946" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoffstetter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cadurcogekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffstetter, 1946" ; - dwc:species "piveteaui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFAFC58A944CFA97FC70.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFAFC58A944CFA97FC70.ttl index e8aec4a1687..c8d0f611090 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFAFC58A944CFA97FC70.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68793FFE2FFAFC58A944CFA97FC70.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bolet, Arnau; Daza, Juan D.; Augé, Marc; Bauer, Aaron M." ; dc:title "Cadurcogekko verus Bolet, Daza, Augé & Bauer, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Auge, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Auge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cadurcogekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Auge, 2005" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; dwc:genus "Cadurcogekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF98FE55FC14B1428C0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF98FE55FC14B1428C0E.ttl index d6cc0e17158..cf7fcf39345 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF98FE55FC14B1428C0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF98FE55FC14B1428C0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A." ; dc:title "Leptodorosididae Kotov 2007, fam. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,34 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; @@ -81,10 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF99FE20FAEFB3F888E2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF99FE20FAEFB3F888E2.ttl index fe67f96906c..c3a23f286ec 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF99FE20FAEFB3F888E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943166FF99FE20FAEFB3F888E2.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A." ; dc:title "Leptodorosida Kotov 2007, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,120 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "zherikhini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lilljeborg, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lilljeborg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lilljeborg, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lilljeborg, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lilljeborg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodoridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lilljeborg, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Straus, 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Straus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Straus, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Baird 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ctenopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leposida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; @@ -176,10 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943167FF94FE13FDF1B3EE8F86.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943167FF94FE13FDF1B3EE8F86.ttl index 1a743205cba..716c6b0ab39 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687943167FF94FE13FDF1B3EE8F86.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687943167FF94FE13FDF1B3EE8F86.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A." ; dc:title "Leptodorosida zherikhini Kotov 2007, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leposida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "ponomarenkoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; @@ -102,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -119,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF95FDC4FF59B1458BFC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF95FDC4FF59B1458BFC.ttl index c989bf2a43b..f54d51ccea6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF95FDC4FF59B1458BFC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF95FDC4FF59B1458BFC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A." ; dc:title "Leposida Kotov 2007, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,93 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leposida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "ponomarenkoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Haplopoda)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haplopoda" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodoridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haplopoda)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Onychopoda)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Onychopoda" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Polyphemidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Onychopoda)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ctenopoda)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ctenopoda" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ctenopoda)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Anomopoda)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Straus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anomopoda" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Daphniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anomopoda)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF97FE3EFCC6B02F8DF1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF97FE3EFCC6B02F8DF1.ttl index f729106b5bb..861777e43db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF97FE3EFCC6B02F8DF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68794316BFF97FE3EFCC6B02F8DF1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A." ; dc:title "Leposida ponomarenkoi Kotov 2007, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kotov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leposida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodorosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kotov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Leptodorosididae" ; dwc:genus "Leposida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A58C11D11BEFBF34222FF7D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A58C11D11BEFBF34222FF7D.ttl index 6d23173b892..29a757ad007 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A58C11D11BEFBF34222FF7D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A58C11D11BEFBF34222FF7D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fernandes, José Antônio Marin; Campos, Lourival Dias" ; dc:title "Edessa preclara Fernandes & Campos, 2011, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5AC11F11BEF94A47D8FA4D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5AC11F11BEF94A47D8FA4D.ttl index 1b81d708cb2..93aa006f970 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5AC11F11BEF94A47D8FA4D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5AC11F11BEF94A47D8FA4D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fernandes, José Antônio Marin; Campos, Lourival Dias" ; dc:title "Edessa metallica" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,36 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Breddin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Breddin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Breddin" ; - dwc:species "satrapa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Breddin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Breddin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Breddin" ; - dwc:species "helicoceras" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5BC11C11BEF9B846B9FBBA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5BC11C11BEF9B846B9FBBA.ttl index 2857e17fa67..2eaf72881af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5BC11C11BEF9B846B9FBBA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687946A5BC11C11BEF9B846B9FBBA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fernandes, José Antônio Marin; Campos, Lourival Dias" ; dc:title "Edessa metallica Fernandes & Campos, 2011, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D31A25C658A9BB3FAF4FF4A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D31A25C658A9BB3FAF4FF4A.ttl index c8bb0cbb9d8..21b43ecbd87 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D31A25C658A9BB3FAF4FF4A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D31A25C658A9BB3FAF4FF4A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da; Coimbra, João Carlos" ; dc:title "Xestoleberis umbonata Whatley et al. 1998" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Machado et al.", "Whatley et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Machado et al.", "Whatley et al." ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whatley et al." ; - dwc:species "umbonata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Machado" ; - dwc:authorityName "Machado" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Machado" ; - dwc:species "umbonata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D38A244658A9F28FBDDFF69.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D38A244658A9F28FBDDFF69.ttl index b8b61019ba0..720708a9ebd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D38A244658A9F28FBDDFF69.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D38A244658A9F28FBDDFF69.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da; Coimbra, João Carlos" ; dc:title "Xestoleberis virilis Luz & Coimbra, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Muller, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1908" ; - dwc:species "ramosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3AA25A658A9F77FB61FE6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3AA25A658A9F77FB61FE6D.ttl index cad8a7d7047..54bad243110 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3AA25A658A9F77FB61FE6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3AA25A658A9F77FB61FE6D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da; Coimbra, João Carlos" ; dc:title "Xestoleberis subtriangularis Luz & Coimbra, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Klie, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klie, 1940" ; - dwc:species "ferax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3CA258658A9F77FD85FE48.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3CA258658A9F77FD85FE48.ttl index acda480589f..a56a1718401 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3CA258658A9F77FD85FE48.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3CA258658A9F77FD85FE48.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da; Coimbra, João Carlos" ; dc:title "Xestoleberis amazonica Luz & Coimbra, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Muller 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1908" ; - dwc:species "rigusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3EA25E658A9C7BFB02FE48.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3EA25E658A9C7BFB02FE48.ttl index 5a5200e43a2..c77f1ab49ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3EA25E658A9C7BFB02FE48.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687949D3EA25E658A9C7BFB02FE48.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Luz, Nathália Carvalho Da; Coimbra, João Carlos" ; dc:title "Xestoleberis inesae Luz & Coimbra, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Whatley et al. 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Whatley et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whatley et al., 1998" ; - dwc:species "umbonata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brady, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brady" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brady, 1966" ; - dwc:species "margaritea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; @@ -92,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Xestoleberididae" ; dwc:genus "Xestoleberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796EC09FFF2DE91FE64FDFBFE77.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796EC09FFF2DE91FE64FDFBFE77.ttl index 4792e072af9..c8826249518 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796EC09FFF2DE91FE64FDFBFE77.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796EC09FFF2DE91FE64FDFBFE77.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Walker, Marina; Lourenço, Ana Carolina Calijorne; Pimenta, Bruno V. S.; Nascimento, Luciana Barreto" ; dc:title "Bokermannohyla nanuzae Bokermann & Sazima 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF3FFFBFF328247FAD10ADD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF3FFFBFF328247FAD10ADD.ttl index 76a59df620a..a9b21c6fd09 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF3FFFBFF328247FAD10ADD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF3FFFBFF328247FAD10ADD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gadallah, Neveen S.; Soliman, Ahmed M.; Al Dhafer, Hathal M." ; dc:title "Eucremastus flavus Gadallah, Soliman & Dhafer, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Benoit" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benoit" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucremastus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benoit" ; - dwc:species "villiersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -75,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Eucremastus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF7FFF3FF32807CFA12087C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF7FFF3FF32807CFA12087C.ttl index c276d76919f..a4147c2681b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF7FFF3FF32807CFA12087C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68796FFF7FFF3FF32807CFA12087C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gadallah, Neveen S.; Soliman, Ahmed M.; Al Dhafer, Hathal M." ; dc:title "Eucremastus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF880C5AFF0BF9F6FB9B51F3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF880C5AFF0BF9F6FB9B51F3.ttl index ba6e302789a..92f029c49c2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF880C5AFF0BF9F6FB9B51F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF880C5AFF0BF9F6FB9B51F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Calliphoridae Brauer & Bergenstamm 1889" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,134 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "asiatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "mackerrasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "metallica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "palawana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "palpalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "philippinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sumba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "timorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8A0C44FF0BF8A1FDA354C8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8A0C44FF0BF8A1FDA354C8.ttl index b66f763a9ef..97ffd215e0e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8A0C44FF0BF8A1FDA354C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8A0C44FF0BF8A1FDA354C8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Simuliidae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,79 +28,6 @@ dc:title "Roger Ward Crosskey-The Life and Contributions of an Entomologist par Excellence (1930 - 2017)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dexomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosimulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "rhodesianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roubaud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eusimulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roubaud, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Petrova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rubzovia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Petrova, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Enderlein" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Wilhelmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enderlein, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; @@ -114,10 +39,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8B0C5BFF0BFC8FFC2B53C6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8B0C5BFF0BFC8FFC2B53C6.ttl index b6fa92685c5..6aab3cf1f6d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8B0C5BFF0BFC8FFC2B53C6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF8B0C5BFF0BFC8FFC2B53C6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Muscidae Latreille 1802" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,278 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "absentiseta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "africana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bakeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "brandti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cheesmanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "dolabra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "enigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "flavida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "intermedia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "keiseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "microchaeta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "pendleburyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "seticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "villicoxa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "vittigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "xanthogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C45FF0BFF37FB9A52F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C45FF0BFF37FB9A52F0.ttl index 612f46c801c..11d15b135f2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C45FF0BFF37FB9A52F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C45FF0BFF37FB9A52F0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Tabanidae Latreille 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tabanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "budongoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tabanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nigeriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tabanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ovazzai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tabanidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C47FF0BFD8EFB9A51BA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C47FF0BFD8EFB9A51BA.ttl index 8e9c8079ce4..46c8f75df4f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C47FF0BFD8EFB9A51BA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF940C47FF0BFD8EFB9A51BA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Tachinidae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,237 +28,6 @@ dc:title "Roger Ward Crosskey-The Life and Contributions of an Entomologist par Excellence (1930 - 2017)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Actia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "painei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dear & Crosskey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Calliphoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Silbomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "palawana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metacemyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "setosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mycteromyiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "phasmatophaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palexorista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bancrofti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palexorista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "reclinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torocca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "pollinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogastrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Macquart" ; - dwc:authorityName "Macquart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Macquart, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hillia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Townsend, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palexorista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "macquarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mesnil" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mesnil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scotiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mesnil, 1940" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mesnil" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mesnil" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thyellina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mesnil, 1949" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFB06FB8C548A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFB06FB8C548A.ttl index 98a6060ed91..ef2dbb8c23b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFB06FB8C548A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFB06FB8C548A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Gasteruptiidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,116 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Roger Ward Crosskey-The Life and Contributions of an Entomologist par Excellence (1930 - 2017)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ferruginea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "interrupta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "melanopleura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "microcephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyptiogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "rieki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gasteruptiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFCB1FCD65768.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFCB1FCD65768.ttl index 875c4468cd5..10ec4870cd3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFCB1FCD65768.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FF960C47FF0BFCB1FCD65768.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Adler, Peter H." ; dc:title "Aulacidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,54 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Roger Ward Crosskey-The Life and Contributions of an Entomologist par Excellence (1930 - 2017)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "angularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cordiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adler, 2018" ; - dwc:species "minutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF0FFF9FF436C98FE7FFD6A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF0FFF9FF436C98FE7FFD6A.ttl index 83b6aa993e8..0c20a0648ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF0FFF9FF436C98FE7FFD6A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF0FFF9FF436C98FE7FFD6A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gondim, Anne Isabelley; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey; Dias, Thelma Lúcia Pereira; Solís-Marín, Francisco Alonso" ; dc:title "Amphipholizona H.L. Clark 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,124 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Hemieuryalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiozona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphilepidida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nielsen (1932)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nielsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphipholizona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nielsen, 1932" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koehler, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koehler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiacanthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomoeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koehler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koehler, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koehler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiacanthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiogyptis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koehler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiacanthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiochondrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verrill, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiurinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1899" ; - dwc:subFamily "Ophiochondrinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Amphiuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Axiognathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphilepidida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1966" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; @@ -189,11 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFF9FF436CE1FA60FC6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFF9FF436CE1FA60FC6D.ttl index ba8426adebd..2e5e14f2a1f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFF9FF436CE1FA60FC6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFF9FF436CE1FA60FC6D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Gondim, Anne Isabelley; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey; Dias, Thelma Lúcia Pereira; Solís-Marín, Francisco Alonso" ; dc:title "Amphipholizona H.L. Clark 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFFDFF436DE2FBBFFD47.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFFDFF436DE2FBBFFD47.ttl index 8a86d24cf33..b7cc6a3d975 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFFDFF436DE2FBBFFD47.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF1FFFDFF436DE2FBBFFD47.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gondim, Anne Isabelley; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey; Dias, Thelma Lúcia Pereira; Solís-Marín, Francisco Alonso" ; dc:title "Amphipholizona delicata H.L. Clark 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,82 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiozonella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1878" ; - dwc:species "antillarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muller & Troschel, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller & Troschel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiolepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller & Troschel, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Hemieuryalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiozona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphilepidida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophioplocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyman, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Hemieuryalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophioceramis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphilepidida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF5FFF6FF436CCAFED7FEA7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF5FFF6FF436CCAFED7FEA7.ttl index a8f55cfdf88..a34ea3a649e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF5FFF6FF436CCAFED7FEA7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B68798FFF5FFF6FF436CCAFED7FEA7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gondim, Anne Isabelley; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey; Dias, Thelma Lúcia Pereira; Solís-Marín, Francisco Alonso" ; dc:title "Amphipholizona perplexa Nielsen 1932, new comb." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,68 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "H.L. Clark, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "H.L. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Amphiuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphipholis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1915" ; - dwc:species "pentacantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H.L. Clark, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. L. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphipholizona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1915" ; - dwc:species "delicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matsumoto, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsumoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiozonella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matsumoto, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H.L. Clark, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "H.L. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiolepididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiozonoida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Martynov 2010" ; dwc:authorityName "Martynov" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A665FF0FF9C7FBD1FB37.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A665FF0FF9C7FBD1FB37.ttl index e4108439443..74b5e8f600e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A665FF0FF9C7FBD1FB37.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A665FF0FF9C7FBD1FB37.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stonis, Jonas R.; Diškus, Arūnas; Remeikis, Andrius; Navickaitė, Asta; Rocienė, Agnė" ; dc:title "Stigmella quercipulchella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,483 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Chambers, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chambers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chambers, 1878" ; - dwc:species "quercipulchella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Braun, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Braun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun, 1910" ; - dwc:species "variella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Braun, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Braun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun, 1914" ; - dwc:species "altella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "guatemalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mesolobatus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mesolobatus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mesolobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wocke" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wocke" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wocke" ; - dwc:species "tristis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haworth, 1828" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haworth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haworth, 1828" ; - dwc:species "atricapitella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haworth, 1828" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haworth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haworth, 1828" ; - dwc:species "ruficapitella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zeller, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zeller, 1839" ; - dwc:species "samiatella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heinemann, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heinemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinemann, 1862" ; - dwc:species "basiguttella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wocke, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wocke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wocke, 1862" ; - dwc:species "tristis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stainton, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stainton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stainton, 1869" ; - dwc:species "suberivora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mendes, 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mendes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mendes, 1918" ; - dwc:species "ilicifoliella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klimesch, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimesch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimesch, 1951" ; - dwc:species "zangherii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johansson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:species "svenssoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johansson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:species "dorsiguttella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johansson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:species "roborella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Johansson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johansson, 1971" ; - dwc:species "eberhardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borkowski, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borkowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borkowski, 1972" ; - dwc:species "szoecsiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klimesch, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimesch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimesch, 1978" ; - dwc:species "macrolepidella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Z. Lastuvka & A. Lastuvka, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Z. Lastuvka & A. Lastuvka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lastuvka & Lastuvka, 1998" ; - dwc:species "trojana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "aladina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "omelkoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "fervida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kemperman & Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:species "fumida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kemperman & Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:species "clisiotophora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:species "crenatiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:species "azuminoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirano" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirano, 2010" ; - dwc:species "hisakoae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "dentatae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A666FF0FFC64FB45F990.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A666FF0FFC64FB45F990.ttl index e6a5e86cb4c..798e395941e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A666FF0FFC64FB45F990.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFE9A666FF0FFC64FB45F990.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Stonis, Jonas R.; Diškus, Arūnas; Remeikis, Andrius; Navickaitė, Asta; Rocienė, Agnė" ; dc:title "Stigmella saginella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,166 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Clemens, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clemens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clemens, 1861" ; - dwc:species "saginella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chambers, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chambers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chambers, 1875" ; - dwc:species "castaneaefoliella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chambers, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chambers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chambers, 1878" ; - dwc:species "latifasciella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Braun, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Braun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braun, 1914" ; - dwc:species "flavipedella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Newton & Wilkinson, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Newton & Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newton & Wilkinson, 1982" ; - dwc:species "sclerostylota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chambers, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chambers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chambers, 1875" ; - dwc:species "nigriverticella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Remeikis & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Remeikis & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Remeikis & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "jaguari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "lauta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Remeikis & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Remeikis & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Remeikis & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "sublauta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus & Stonis, 2013" ; - dwc:species "aurifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFEAA664FF0FFB68FA00FB61.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFEAA664FF0FFB68FA00FB61.ttl index 8cff916642f..acc172c8c6f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFEAA664FF0FFB68FA00FB61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFEAA664FF0FFB68FA00FB61.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Stonis, Jonas R.; Diškus, Arūnas; Remeikis, Andrius; Navickaitė, Asta; Rocienė, Agnė" ; dc:title "Stigmella castanopsiella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,193 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Kuroko, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuroko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuroko, 1978" ; - dwc:species "castanopsiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "kurokoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "dentatae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Acer)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Acer" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Acer)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lonicera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lonicera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caprifoliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Caprifoliaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dipsacales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lonicera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kollar, 1832" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kollar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kollar, 1832" ; - dwc:species "hemargyrella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frey, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frey, 1857" ; - dwc:species "lonicerarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frey, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frey, 1858" ; - dwc:species "speciosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1994" ; - dwc:species "kuznetzovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1984" ; - dwc:species "monticulella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puplesis, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puplesis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puplesis, 1994" ; - dwc:species "motiekaitisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF1A666FF0FF97CFE61FC32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF1A666FF0FF97CFE61FC32.ttl index e1168cd340c..f5080da3531 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF1A666FF0FF97CFE61FC32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF1A666FF0FF97CFE61FC32.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Stonis, Jonas R.; Diškus, Arūnas; Remeikis, Andrius; Navickaitė, Asta; Rocienė, Agnė" ; dc:title "Stigmella caesurifasciella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,52 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Thunb., Q." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb., Q." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb., Q." ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kemperman & Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kemperman & Wilkinson, 1985" ; - dwc:species "caesurifasciella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:species "cornuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; @@ -88,22 +41,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF9A671FF0FFAAEFEE6FF6F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF9A671FF0FFAAEFEE6FF6F.ttl index 7881dbbbf50..b3b0dc1c13a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF9A671FF0FFAAEFEE6FF6F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879BFFF9A671FF0FFAAEFEE6FF6F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Stonis, Jonas R.; Diškus, Arūnas; Remeikis, Andrius; Navickaitė, Asta; Rocienė, Agnė" ; dc:title "Stigmella acuta Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,97 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus, Navickaite & Remeikis" ; - dwc:species "acuta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kollar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kollar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kollar" ; - dwc:species "hemargyrella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carruth." ; - dwc:authorityName "Carruth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carruth." ; - dwc:species "acutissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rociene & Stonis" ; - dwc:species "cornuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick" ; - dwc:species "xystodes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thunb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb." ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; @@ -150,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nepticulidae" ; dwc:genus "Stigmella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879C120AFFAAFEF5696CFE8D4879.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879C120AFFAAFEF5696CFE8D4879.ttl index 41174941707..3988bbb240d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879C120AFFAAFEF5696CFE8D4879.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879C120AFFAAFEF5696CFE8D4879.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kontschán, Jenõ" ; dc:title "Zercon kosovina Kontschán, 2006, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sellnick, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sellnick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Blattisociidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zercon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sellnick, 1958" ; - dwc:species "baloghi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Masan & Fenda, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Masan & Fenda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Blattisociidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zercon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Masan & Fenda, 2004" ; - dwc:species "tematinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Blattisociidae" ; @@ -90,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Blattisociidae" ; dwc:genus "Zercon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D907FC2FAD4FDD0CF886.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D907FC2FAD4FDD0CF886.ttl index 7bb1d793c45..750800f6ef8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D907FC2FAD4FDD0CF886.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D907FC2FAD4FDD0CF886.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Scott, Craig S." ; dc:title "Ferrequitherium sweeti Scott 2019, SP. NOV." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -76,47 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scott, Fox & Webb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Horolodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scott, Fox & Webb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Horolodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - dwc:species "sunae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ferrequitherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; @@ -130,12 +89,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; dwc:genus "Ferrequitherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFC04AB40DA1EFBDE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFC04AB40DA1EFBDE.ttl index 02c781cdd2e..7a3103f6e54 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFC04AB40DA1EFBDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFC04AB40DA1EFBDE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Scott, Craig S." ; dc:title "Ferrequitherium Scott 2019, GEN. NOV." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Scott, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ferrequitherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 2019" ; - dwc:species "sweeti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFE90AF00DAEEFDA5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFE90AF00DAEEFDA5.ttl index c71eeaee060..f2a1a8ec618 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFE90AF00DAEEFDA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFB1D90FFE90AF00DAEEFDA5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Scott, Craig S." ; dc:title "Horolodectidae Scott 2019, FAM. NOV." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,35 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scott, Fox & Webb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Horolodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scott, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ferrequitherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFBFD91CFF40AFA9DDF3FDA5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFBFD91CFF40AFA9DDF3FDA5.ttl index 9dccbdd9348..105cff10945 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFBFD91CFF40AFA9DDF3FDA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879EFFBFD91CFF40AFA9DDF3FDA5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Scott, Craig S." ; dc:title "Ferrequitherium Scott 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,739 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scott, Fox & Webb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Horolodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ferrequitherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 2019" ; - dwc:species "sweeti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scott, Fox & Webb 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scott, Fox & Webb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Horolodectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Horolodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, Fox & Webb, 2006" ; - dwc:species "sunae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pentacodontidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pantolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphronorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1935" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scott, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentacodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scott, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McKenna" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pantolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McKenna, 1975" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphronorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:species "fraudator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gazin, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gazin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphronorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gazin, 1969" ; - dwc:species "orieli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gazin, 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gazin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bisonalveus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gazin, 1956" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gazin, 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gazin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bisonalveus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gazin, 1956" ; - dwc:species "browni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bessoecetor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Russell, 1929)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Russell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pantolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bessoecetor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Russell, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "septentrionalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marsh, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cimolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marsh, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cimolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh, 1889" ; - dwc:species "incisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Clemens, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clemens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cimolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clemens, 1973" ; - dwc:species "stirtoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matthew, 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matthew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Apheliscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matthew, 1918" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jepsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mioclaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phenacodaptes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Condylarthra" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jepsen, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jepsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mioclaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phenacodaptes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Condylarthra" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:species "sabulosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Apheliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gingerichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Apheliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gingerichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005" ; - dwc:species "geoteretes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Apheliscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gingerichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zack, Penkrot, Krause & Maas, 2005" ; - dwc:species "hystrix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyopsodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Litomylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Condylarthra" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1935" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyopsodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Litomylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Condylarthra" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:species "dissentaneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Arctocyonidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Insectivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Murray, 1866)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Oxyclaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxyclaenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Procreodi" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sloan & Van Valen, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sloan & Van Valen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protungulatum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Insectivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sloan & Van Valen, 1965" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cope, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Arctocyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loxolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Procreodi" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sloan & Van Valen, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sloan & Van Valen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protungulatum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Insectivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sloan & Van Valen, 1965" ; - dwc:species "donnae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cope, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Arctocyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loxolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Procreodi" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1885" ; - dwc:species "hyattianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nessov, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nessov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Aegialodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspanlestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aegialodontia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nessov, 1985" ; - dwc:species "atap" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nessov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Aegialodontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aspanlestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aegialodontia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nessov, 1985" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nessov, 1985)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nessov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Gypsonictopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parazhelestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nessov, 1985)" ; - dwc:species "mynbulakensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haeckel, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lipotyphla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haeckel, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gingerich, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gingerich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:genus "Litocherus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gingerich, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jepsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Litolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jepsen, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Simpson, 1936)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:genus "Litocherus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Simpson, 1936)" ; - dwc:species "notissimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jepsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Litolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jepsen, 1930" ; - dwc:species "ignotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gingerich, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gingerich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:genus "Diacocherus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gingerich, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Russell, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Russell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:genus "Adunator" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Russell, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gingerich, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gingerich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:genus "Diacocherus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Macroscelidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gingerich, 1983" ; - dwc:species "meizon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matthew & Granger, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matthew & Granger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Adapisoricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptacodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matthew & Granger, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Adapisoricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptacodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1935" ; - dwc:species "munusculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simpson, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Nyctitheriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Insectivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1928" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kielan-Jaworowska, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kielan-Jaworowska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Gypsonictopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kennalestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kielan-Jaworowska, 1969" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wible, Novacek, Rougier & Asher, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wible, Novacek, Rougier & Asher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cimolestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maelestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cimolesta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wible, Novacek, Rougier & Asher, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kielan-Jaworowska & Dashzeveg, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kielan-Jaworowska & Dashzeveg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Gypsonictopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prokennalestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kielan-Jaworowska & Dashzeveg, 1989" ; - dwc:species "trofimovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kielan-Jaworowska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Gypsonictopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kennalestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kielan-Jaworowska, 1968" ; - dwc:species "gobiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; @@ -788,11 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Zhelestidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Proteutheria" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE1FFA4FF2379B562C2BE9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE1FFA4FF2379B562C2BE9A.ttl index 489c5a82f05..cd9ee5b6c70 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE1FFA4FF2379B562C2BE9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE1FFA4FF2379B562C2BE9A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Świętojańska, Jolanta; Borowiec, Lech" ; dc:title "Notosacantha vicaria" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,166 +27,6 @@ dc:title "A new species of Notosacantha Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae) from Timor-Leste with a key to the Notosacantha vicaria - group" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Swietojanska" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swietojanska" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swietojanska" ; - dwc:species "halmaherana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spaeth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spaeth" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spaeth" ; - dwc:species "flavicornis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:species "sumbawaensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spaeth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spaeth" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spaeth" ; - dwc:species "reinecki" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borowiec" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borowiec" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borowiec" ; - dwc:species "sulawesica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spaeth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spaeth" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spaeth" ; - dwc:species "weyersi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen & Zia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen & Zia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Zia" ; - dwc:species "nigrodorsata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spaeth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spaeth" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spaeth" ; - dwc:species "vicaria" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:species "kantneri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sekerka" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sekerka" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sekerka" ; - dwc:species "dembickyi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE4FFA4FF237E916315BBCB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE4FFA4FF237E916315BBCB.ttl index beb311859a7..e8973429312 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE4FFA4FF237E916315BBCB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B6879FFFE4FFA4FF237E916315BBCB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Świętojańska, Jolanta; Borowiec, Lech" ; dc:title "Notosacantha timorensis Świętojańska & Borowiec, 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Swietojanska & Borowiec, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swietojanska & Borowiec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swietojanska & Borowiec, 1999" ; - dwc:species "sumbawaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spaeth, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spaeth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notosacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spaeth, 1913" ; - dwc:species "flavicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A18F03BE46FF394845FC20FE65.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A18F03BE46FF394845FC20FE65.ttl index 0d22fbe6037..7cfc9affebf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A18F03BE46FF394845FC20FE65.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A18F03BE46FF394845FC20FE65.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Truong, Nguyen Quang; Hendrix, Ralf; Böhme, Wolfgang; Thanh, Vu Ngoc; Ziegler, Thomas" ; dc:title "Philautus quyeti Truong, Hendrix, Böhme, Thanh & Ziegler, 2008, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,576 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "doriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cochran" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cochran" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cochran" ; - dwc:species "hansenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "laevis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cochran" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cochran" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cochran" ; - dwc:species "nongkhorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grismer, Thy, Chav & Holden" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grismer, Thy, Chav & Holden" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromantis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grismer, Thy, Chav & Holden" ; - dwc:species "samkosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "vittatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Feihyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "palpebralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourret" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourret" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gracixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourret" ; - dwc:species "gracilipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Orlov, Ho & Nguyen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Orlov, Ho & Nguyen" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orlov, Ho & Nguyen" ; - dwc:species "supercornutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matsui & Orlov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsui & Orlov" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matsui & Orlov" ; - dwc:species "ananjevae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:species "baliogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taylor" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taylor" ; - dwc:species "bisacculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "carinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boettger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boettger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boettger" ; - dwc:species "eiffingeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kuramoto & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuramoto & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuramoto & Wang" ; - dwc:species "idiootocus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ye & Fei" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ye & Fei" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ye & Fei" ; - dwc:species "odontotarsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kurixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "verrucosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Liuixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "romeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Nyctixalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters" ; - dwc:species "pictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inger, Orlov & Darevsky" ; - dwc:species "abditus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ahl" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ahl" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ahl" ; - dwc:species "andersoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourret" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourret" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourret" ; - dwc:species "banaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ohler, Swan & Daltry" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ohler, Swan & Daltry" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ohler, Swan & Daltry" ; - dwc:species "cardamonus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Wu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Wu" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Wu" ; - dwc:species "hainanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yang & Li" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yang & Li" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Li" ; - dwc:species "longchuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourret" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourret" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourret" ; - dwc:species "maosonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ye" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ye" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ye" ; - dwc:species "medogensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kou" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kou" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kou" ; - dwc:species "menglaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:species "ocellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "parvulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stuart & Heatwole" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stuart & Heatwole" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stuart & Heatwole" ; - dwc:species "petilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Orlov & Ho" ; - dwc:authorityName "Orlov & Ho" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orlov & Ho" ; - dwc:species "truongsonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "vermiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhacophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "appendiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Theloderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger" ; - dwc:species "asperum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philautus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Hu" ; - dwc:species "rhododiscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Orlov, Dutta, Ghate & Kent" ; - dwc:authorityName "Orlov, Dutta, Ghate & Kent" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Theloderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orlov, Dutta, Ghate & Kent" ; - dwc:species "ryabovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taylor." ; - dwc:authorityName "Taylor." ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Theloderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taylor." ; - dwc:species "stellatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; dwc:family "Rhacophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22905BD65FF181BC07764FC2C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22905BD65FF181BC07764FC2C.ttl index 9465591ad55..8b2d98615a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22905BD65FF181BC07764FC2C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22905BD65FF181BC07764FC2C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Chalybion femoratum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(KOHL, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "KOHL" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chalybion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kohl, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "walteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Balthasar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chalybion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Balthasar, 1957)" ; - dwc:species "klapperichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "KOHL" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chalybion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kohl, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "omissum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22906BD67FF181EE6726EFCCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22906BD67FF181EE6726EFCCD.ttl index 28ea100c79b..156776670cc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22906BD67FF181EE6726EFCCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22906BD67FF181EE6726EFCCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Sceliphron curvatum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(DRURY, 1773)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "DRURY" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1773" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sceliphron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Drury, 1773)" ; - dwc:species "caementarium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2290DBD6DFF1B1998774EFB66.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2290DBD6DFF1B1998774EFB66.ttl index c0dd01b471c..d2cc799ef21 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2290DBD6DFF1B1998774EFB66.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2290DBD6DFF1B1998774EFB66.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Sphex flavipennis FABRICIUS 1793" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "GUSSAKOVSKIJ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gussakovskij, 1934" ; - dwc:species "funerarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22912BD72FF1B19257486FB4C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22912BD72FF1B19257486FB4C.ttl index 8271fb074c8..7fbe13fe2cf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22912BD72FF1B19257486FB4C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22912BD72FF1B19257486FB4C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Ammophila sabulosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MOCSARY" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ammophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mocsary" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "DOLLFUSS, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "DOLLFUSS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ammophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dollfuss, 2013" ; - dwc:species "gusenleitneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F. SMITH, 1856" ; - dwc:authorityName "F. SMITH" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ammophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1856" ; - dwc:species "terminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22913BD73FF181A1B74B6FCDE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22913BD73FF181A1B74B6FCDE.ttl index 76b2e518428..4e486bd617b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22913BD73FF181A1B74B6FCDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A22913BD73FF181A1B74B6FCDE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Entomosericus concinnus DAHLBOM 1845" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Spinola" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Issidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spinola, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "der Fall" ; - dwc:authorityName "der Fall" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entomosericus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "der Fall" ; - dwc:species "kaufmani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2291DBD7EFF1B18D67253FC0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2291DBD7EFF1B18D67253FC0C.ttl index 29f3c1afeb5..029ba2398d7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2291DBD7EFF1B18D67253FC0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2291DBD7EFF1B18D67253FC0C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arens, Werner" ; dc:title "Cerceris flavilabris" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,125 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "PANZER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Panzer, 1799)" ; - dwc:species "sabulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "MARQUET" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marquet, 1875" ; - dwc:species "eryngii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LINNE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "rybyensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "FABRICIUS" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1804)" ; - dwc:species "circularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "DAHLBOM" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dahlbom, 1845" ; - dwc:species "dispar" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "ROSSI" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rossi, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "fimbriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "A. Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Costa, 1867" ; - dwc:species "lunata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Masaridae" ; @@ -178,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Masaridae" ; dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFE8FFD61992283AFD3BF976.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFE8FFD61992283AFD3BF976.ttl index 217b4b573ab..40351727ee7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFE8FFD61992283AFD3BF976.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFE8FFD61992283AFD3BF976.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sittichaya, Wisut; Beaver, Roger; Liu, Lan-Yu; Ngampongsai, Aran" ; dc:title "Sinoxylon unidentatum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,97 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1855" ; - dwc:species "conigerum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Duftschmid" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duftschmid, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dinoderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "minutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesne, 1921" ; - dwc:tribe "Xyloperthini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylopsocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "capucinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylopsocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesne, 1901" ; - dwc:species "bicuspis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; @@ -150,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; dwc:genus "Sinoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFEFFFCF1992295AFCDAFB4C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFEFFFCF1992295AFCDAFB4C.ttl index c9ef125d558..d3f058e05d8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFEFFFCF1992295AFCDAFB4C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A2FFEFFFCF1992295AFCDAFB4C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sittichaya, Wisut; Beaver, Roger; Liu, Lan-Yu; Ngampongsai, Aran" ; dc:title "Minthea reticulata Lesne" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,141 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Gonystylus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonystylus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dyera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonystylus" ; - dwc:species "costulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Dillenia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dillenia" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dillenia" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Minthea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "rugicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billberg, 1820" ; - dwc:tribe "Lyctini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesne, 1932" ; - dwc:species "tonkinea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterobostrychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Waterhouse, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "aequalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesne, 1897" ; - dwc:species "anale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sinoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1801)" ; - dwc:species "unidentatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lesne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lyctoderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesne, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bostrichidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A3D70C835AFF13FDE6FA1A4507.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A3D70C835AFF13FDE6FA1A4507.ttl index cf20bb5365c..bbe1df417cb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A3D70C835AFF13FDE6FA1A4507.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A3D70C835AFF13FDE6FA1A4507.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Punjani, Bhasker; Patel, Suresh; Desai, Prashant; Chaudhary, Lal Babu; Sanjappa, Munivenkatappa" ; dc:title "Astragalus vogelii subsp. fatimensis Maire, Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFC8FFFAFF62EF1461EA81B2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFC8FFFAFF62EF1461EA81B2.ttl index da5a4a309c8..0338c35af88 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFC8FFFAFF62EF1461EA81B2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFC8FFFAFF62EF1461EA81B2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Crespo, Francisco Antonio; Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen; Iglesias, Mónica Sandra" ; dc:title "Tribonium" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCBFFFFFF62E99C67448053.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCBFFFFFF62E99C67448053.ttl index 349a5b9f239..759ec9425af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCBFFFFFF62E99C67448053.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCBFFFFFF62E99C67448053.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Crespo, Francisco Antonio; Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen; Iglesias, Mónica Sandra" ; dc:title "Tribonium rothi Crespo, Valverde & Iglesias, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Crespo, Valverde & Iglesias" ; - dwc:authorityName "Crespo, Valverde & Iglesias" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blaberidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tribonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Crespo, Valverde & Iglesias" ; - dwc:species "rothi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blaberidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tribonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin" ; - dwc:species "conspersum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Blaberidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCCFFFEFF62ED1A61F48000.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCCFFFEFF62ED1A61F48000.ttl index f857a33a183..2144eff8812 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCCFFFEFF62ED1A61F48000.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCCFFFEFF62ED1A61F48000.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Crespo, Francisco Antonio; Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen; Iglesias, Mónica Sandra" ; dc:title "Tribonium neospectrum Lopes 1978" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCDFFFEFF62EF79601F85B2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCDFFFEFF62EF79601F85B2.ttl index 01fb61ad76e..f633de11762 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCDFFFEFF62EF79601F85B2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A5FFCDFFFEFF62EF79601F85B2.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Crespo, Francisco Antonio; Valverde, Alejandra Del Carmen; Iglesias, Mónica Sandra" ; dc:title "Tribonium conspersum Guerin-Meneville & Percheron 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFAFFC27695FB71FDCFDA6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFAFFC27695FB71FDCFDA6D.ttl index a08979610b7..4ddc4772b3c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFAFFC27695FB71FDCFDA6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFAFFC27695FB71FDCFDA6D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhao, Yuchen; Wang, Xinpu" ; dc:title "Anthelephila tricolorata Zhao & Wang 2024, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LaFerte-Senectere" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LaFerte-Senectere, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "praetor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kejval, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kejval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kejval, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ayutthaya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kejval, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kejval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kejval, 2017" ; - dwc:species "laopako" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFCFFC17695F923FDF7DE7D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFCFFC17695F923FDF7DE7D.ttl index 7d4d87a5595..d72c3909a5a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFCFFC17695F923FDF7DE7D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFCFFC17695F923FDF7DE7D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Yuchen; Wang, Xinpu" ; dc:title "Anthelephila junpolis Zhao & Wang 2024, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LaFerte-Senectere" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LaFerte-Senectere, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "praetor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kejval" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kejval, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "celer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kejval, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kejval" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kejval, 2019" ; - dwc:species "balijava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Krekich-Strassoldo, 1929)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Krekich-Strassoldo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Krekich-Strassoldo, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "promiscua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFEFFC77695FEC8FA6CDBFD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFEFFC77695FEC8FA6CDBFD.ttl index e5159636249..ed172b75ba6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFEFFC77695FEC8FA6CDBFD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A6FFFEFFC77695FEC8FA6CDBFD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Yuchen; Wang, Xinpu" ; dc:title "Anthelephila androgyna Zhao & Wang 2024, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LaFerte-Senectere" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LaFerte-Senectere, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "praetor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kejval, 1999)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kejval" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kejval, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "helferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhao & Wang, 2024" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhao & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthelephila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhao & Wang, 2024" ; - dwc:species "junpolis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F566FFE7FF19FA2EFC31FBFF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F566FFE7FF19FA2EFC31FBFF.ttl index 9dc48664eef..b7a8314229c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F566FFE7FF19FA2EFC31FBFF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F566FFE7FF19FA2EFC31FBFF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ćurčić, Božidar P. M.; Dimitrijević, Rajko N.; Trichas, Apostolos; Tomić, Vladimir T.; Ćurčić, Srećko B." ; dc:title "Ernstmayria uenizelosi Curcic, Dimitrijevic and Trichas 2007, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curcic and Dimitrijevic" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ernstmayria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pseudoscorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curcic & Dimitrijevic, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Curcic and Dimitrijevic" ; - dwc:authorityName "Curcic and Dimitrijevic" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ernstmayria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pseudoscorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curcic & Dimitrijevic" ; - dwc:species "apostolostrichasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ćurčić & Dimitrijević & Trichas & Tomić & Ćurčić, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ćurčić & Dimitrijević & Trichas & Tomić & Ćurčić" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ernstmayria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pseudoscorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ćurčić, Dimitrijević, Trichas, Tomić & Ćurčić, 2007" ; - dwc:species "venizelosi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; dwc:genus "Ernstmayria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pseudoscorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F56BFFE1FEF0FB12FD66F931.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F56BFFE1FEF0FB12FD66F931.ttl index fd5f581c539..b8de75974ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F56BFFE1FEF0FB12FD66F931.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A7F56BFFE1FEF0FB12FD66F931.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ćurčić, Božidar P. M.; Dimitrijević, Rajko N.; Trichas, Apostolos; Tomić, Vladimir T.; Ćurčić, Srećko B." ; dc:title "Ernstmayria apostolostrichasi Curcic and Dimitrijevic 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,51 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bunge" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bunge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Tamaricaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamarix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bunge, 1852" ; - dwc:species "smyrnensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baum" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baum" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Tamaricaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamarix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baum" ; - dwc:species "dalmatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnhart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "R.Br." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Br.) Barnhart, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Neobisiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91561FFA789DFE2E87AC6F878.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91561FFA789DFE2E87AC6F878.ttl index dbc34bf39cb..b9e8ad40b9b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91561FFA789DFE2E87AC6F878.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91561FFA789DFE2E87AC6F878.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gnelitsa, Valery A." ; dc:title "Taranucnus carpaticus Gnelitsa, 2016, new species" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fage, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fage" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taranucnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fage, 1931" ; - dwc:species "bihari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91565FFA389DFE1347A23FA0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91565FFA389DFE1347A23FA0E.ttl index 1a3e87c11c5..8be14ab07f4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91565FFA389DFE1347A23FA0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A91565FFA389DFE1347A23FA0E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gnelitsa, Valery A." ; dc:title "Taranucnus bihari" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB24FF0EFBDED64C90AC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB24FF0EFBDED64C90AC.ttl index daef04fbd05..e3b3037155f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB24FF0EFBDED64C90AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB24FF0EFBDED64C90AC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella koenikei Maglio 1906" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -76,38 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "K. Viets 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Georgella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1930" ; - dwc:species "koenikei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tuzovskij 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tuzovskij" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Georgella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tuzovskij, 2007" ; - dwc:species "samaraensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; @@ -121,12 +88,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; dwc:genus "Georgella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB25FF0EFD1DD58F95E3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB25FF0EFD1DD58F95E3.ttl index 1e22c892612..49c13dd5caa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB25FF0EFD1DD58F95E3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97360AB25FF0EFD1DD58F95E3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella berlesei Piersig 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,70 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Piersig, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piersig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piersig, 1901" ; - dwc:species "berlesei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydrodromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydrodroma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1837" ; - dwc:species "punicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1842" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1842" ; - dwc:species "puniceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Geer, 1778" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1778" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geer, 1778" ; - dwc:species "ruber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97361AB27FF0EF885D6AB94DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97361AB27FF0EF885D6AB94DF.ttl index 13d87c300c5..23b03bc0b38 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97361AB27FF0EF885D6AB94DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97361AB27FF0EF885D6AB94DF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella fimbriata Walter 1925" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB26FF0EF9B7D21C975C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB26FF0EF9B7D21C975C.ttl index 3cd983f7851..3e9f356ed3a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB26FF0EF9B7D21C975C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB26FF0EF9B7D21C975C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella imperfecta Bader 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB27FF0EFCBAD7EF93DA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB27FF0EFCBAD7EF93DA.ttl index f6183568b8e..1d0c03f520e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB27FF0EFCBAD7EF93DA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97362AB27FF0EFCBAD7EF93DA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella asteroidea K.Viets 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFAAFD56491CC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFAAFD56491CC.ttl index 6ff6470b429..8961315689f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFAAFD56491CC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFAAFD56491CC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,22 +26,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1914" ; - dwc:species "crassipalpis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Ozkan, 1985" ; dwc:authorityName "Ozkan" ; @@ -59,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ozkan, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ozkan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydrobaderia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ozkan, 1985" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1841" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFCBAD46892F2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFCBAD46892F2.ttl index f5aeeeac4f7..f1ca8b842f8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFCBAD46892F2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFCBAD46892F2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,54 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Pisarovic, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pisarovic" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pisarovic, 1896" ; - dwc:species "bayeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:species "planus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lundblad 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1962" ; - dwc:species "planus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFE0ED3BD94DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFE0ED3BD94DF.ttl index c7326cc3d56..1d9d59d1d81 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFE0ED3BD94DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97363AB26FF0EFE0ED3BD94DF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -26,22 +26,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Gerecke, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerecke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerecke, 1996" ; - dwc:species "armentarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "E. Angelier 1985" ; dwc:authorityName "E. Angelier" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB20FF0EF9CCD7EC96EF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB20FF0EF9CCD7EC96EF.ttl index be261c87f75..083fd92da26 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB20FF0EF9CCD7EC96EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB20FF0EF9CCD7EC96EF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,22 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:species "frici" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFDA5D4899016.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFDA5D4899016.ttl index 265b7028c80..d547426655c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFDA5D4899016.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFDA5D4899016.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,24 +26,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Schaub, 1888)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schaub" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaub" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaub, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "dispar" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Daday, 1901" ; dwc:authorityName "Daday" ; @@ -62,7 +43,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Walter (1925)", "Walter, 1925" ; + dwc:authority "Walter, 1925" ; dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -77,38 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walter 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walter, 1928" ; - dwc:species "placationis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1915" ; - dwc:species "bucculentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFF04D7EC97CC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFF04D7EC97CC.ttl index 2ac2f99cf1f..cd4ec0e123a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFF04D7EC97CC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97364AB21FF0EFF04D7EC97CC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,22 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Thor, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor, 1899" ; - dwc:species "clypeatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFD64D6BF92C7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFD64D6BF92C7.ttl index 93a48ec4f02..e18c42ff897 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFD64D6BF92C7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFD64D6BF92C7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,39 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thon, 1899" ; - dwc:species "planus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1919" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1919" ; - dwc:species "bayeri" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nonundulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFECAD4CA948E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFECAD4CA948E.ttl index ff08011c679..c4d8bf315db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFECAD4CA948E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB20FF0EFECAD4CA948E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,22 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Udalzow, 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Udalzow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Udalzow, 1907" ; - dwc:species "peroviensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB23FF0EFAA2D440975C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB23FF0EFAA2D440975C.ttl index c1d4871329e..b4cdb9ad7be 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB23FF0EFAA2D440975C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97365AB23FF0EFAA2D440975C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydryphantes" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -26,56 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Geer, 1787)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geer, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "ruber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walter, 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walter, 1922" ; - dwc:species "spinipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thor, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor, 1899" ; - dwc:species "hellichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97366AB23FF0EFB0ED5F391C8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97366AB23FF0EFB0ED5F391C8.ttl index cfeafb18447..9332759a19e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97366AB23FF0EFB0ED5F391C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97366AB23FF0EFB0ED5F391C8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Protzia distincta Walter 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walter, 1944" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walter, 1944" ; - dwc:species "macrognatha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Protziidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB22FF0EFF04D43A9528.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB22FF0EFF04D43A9528.ttl index 4f0dab3ad91..cbf1d51a135 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB22FF0EFF04D43A9528.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB22FF0EFF04D43A9528.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Protzia squamosa Walter 1922" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walter, 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walter, 1922" ; - dwc:species "multipora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Protziidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB3DFF0EFBFDD6BC9214.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB3DFF0EFBFDD6BC9214.ttl index 376d03fb805..c09df9989de 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB3DFF0EFBFDD6BC9214.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97367AB3DFF0EFBFDD6BC9214.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Wandesia stygophila Szalay 1944" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerecke, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerecke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; - dwc:genus "Wandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerecke, 1991" ; - dwc:species "saginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Protziidae" ; @@ -73,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; dwc:genus "Wandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97369AB2CFF0EFACFD5BF91A6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97369AB2CFF0EFACFD5BF91A6.ttl index f096098301e..ad2cd3c9109 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97369AB2CFF0EFACFD5BF91A6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97369AB2CFF0EFACFD5BF91A6.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hydrodroma pilosa Besseling 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2EFF0EFADAD457957A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2EFF0EFADAD457957A.ttl index 6eb11ad9076..550d4a24a08 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2EFF0EFADAD457957A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2EFF0EFADAD457957A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,24 +26,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(K. Viets, 1923)" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Todothyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Viets, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "colligera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1923" ; dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; @@ -78,22 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tuzovskij, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tuzovskij" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Todothyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tuzovskij, 2007" ; - dwc:species "distinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFDEFD20E92FF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFDEFD20E92FF.ttl index 4054042af58..39d7230ba0f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFDEFD20E92FF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFDEFD20E92FF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas (Acerbitas) barbigera K.Viets 1908" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -28,8 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1908", "K.Viets, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets", "K.Viets" ; + dwc:authority "K.Viets, 1908" ; + dwc:authorityName "K.Viets" ; dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "K.Viets, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "K.Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Thyasidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1908" ; - dwc:species "barbigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1941" ; dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFEB9D4F19432.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFEB9D4F19432.ttl index 9a4c7ee0ae2..39cd96a1541 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFEB9D4F19432.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736AAB2FFF0EFEB9D4F19432.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas Cook 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,21 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koch 1836" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Thyasidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1836" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFA86D69A919F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFA86D69A919F.ttl index 6924a5215a9..27654f37f11 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFA86D69A919F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFA86D69A919F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas Sabatino, Gerecke, Gledhill & Smit, 2009, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,56 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(Lundblad, 1935)", "Lundblad, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parathyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lundblad, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "primitiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerecke, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerecke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Todothyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerecke, 1996" ; - dwc:species "suber" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Piersig, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piersig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parathyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piersig, 1896" ; - dwc:species "thoracata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFC57D47E92AB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFC57D47E92AB.ttl index b11c47325d2..a6382dcbb2d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFC57D47E92AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736BAB2EFF0EFC57D47E92AB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,24 +25,6 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "(George, 1901)" ; - dwc:authorityName "George" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "George" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Todothyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(George, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "extendens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFC56D27193E2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFC56D27193E2.ttl index 94745e491ee..048d05db9b0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFC56D27193E2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFC56D27193E2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Panisopsis setipes K.Viets 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -28,8 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1911", "K.Viets, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets", "K.Viets" ; + dwc:authority "K.Viets, 1911" ; + dwc:authorityName "K.Viets" ; dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; @@ -59,36 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bader, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sindacoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bader, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Panisopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1926" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; @@ -102,12 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; dwc:genus "Panisopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -154,12 +118,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; dwc:genus "Sindacoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFDEED2569564.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFDEED2569564.ttl index a73d071c691..4046ea38a50 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFDEED2569564.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFDEED2569564.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas valvata Thor 1899" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFF04D5A39433.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFF04D5A39433.ttl index 2ba43fc3d78..b91d06cc5d8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFF04D5A39433.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736CAB29FF0EFF04D5A39433.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Todothyas pustulosa Thor 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFB95D5579178.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFB95D5579178.ttl index 09476c8d57e..059e66c315f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFB95D5579178.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFB95D5579178.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Panisus torrenticolus Piersig 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,38 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Maglio, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maglio" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Panisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maglio, 1909" ; - dwc:species "clypeolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bader, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Panisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bader, 1981" ; - dwc:species "lundbladi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFF04D5A395BC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFF04D5A395BC.ttl index 315eb0f8ee6..7535949c957 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFF04D5A395BC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736DAB28FF0EFF04D5A395BC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Panisus michaeli Koenike 1896" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2AFF0EFA54D321975C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2AFF0EFA54D321975C.ttl index 3c2e5d95237..cc4e8b6444b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2AFF0EFA54D321975C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2AFF0EFA54D321975C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella Koenike 1907" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFDCED4DC9334.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFDCED4DC9334.ttl index 6396a19342c..f985d2e258a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFDCED4DC9334.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFDCED4DC9334.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Thyasella mandibularis Lundblad 1924" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schwoerbel, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schwoerbel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thyasella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schwoerbel, 1958" ; - dwc:species "mandibularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "torrenticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; @@ -73,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; dwc:genus "Thyasella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFF04D6A79413.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFF04D6A79413.ttl index d36769da474..0115954dbd4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFF04D6A79413.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736EAB2BFF0EFF04D6A79413.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Pseudothyas trabecula Thor 1899" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736FAB25FF0EFE35D3C69424.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736FAB25FF0EFE35D3C69424.ttl index e12ba057a0d..48aef5ee079 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736FAB25FF0EFE35D3C69424.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9736FAB25FF0EFE35D3C69424.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Georgella helvetica Haller 1882" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB34FF0EF967D28197F7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB34FF0EF967D28197F7.ttl index 0be5707f884..e98f67fcb9f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB34FF0EF967D28197F7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB34FF0EF967D28197F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola elliptica Maglio 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Di Sabatino & Cicolani, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Di Sabatino & Cicolani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Di Sabatino & Cicolani, 1990" ; - dwc:species "meridionalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFAECD449908A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFAECD449908A.ttl index 118ce9751bd..833d202a41e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFAECD449908A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFAECD449908A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola barsica subsp. tisialis Szalay 1953" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "barsica" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFEB5D23692F4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFEB5D23692F4.ttl index b1dca96ae8b..5840341b22a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFEB5D23692F4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97370AB35FF0EFEB5D23692F4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Monatractides madritensis K. Viets 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Laska 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Laska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laska, 1933" ; - dwc:species "bicincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Halbert, 1944" ; dwc:authorityName "Halbert" ; @@ -108,36 +91,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Laska" ; - dwc:authorityName "Laska" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laska" ; - dwc:species "bicincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Conroy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Conroy" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conroy" ; - dwc:species "hibernica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Laska 1953" ; dwc:authorityName "Laska" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97371AB37FF0EFDD2D63F9763.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97371AB37FF0EFDD2D63F9763.ttl index 12ef99ba0ff..fba8ad6baf8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97371AB37FF0EFDD2D63F9763.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97371AB37FF0EFDD2D63F9763.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola limula Gerecke & Di Sabatino 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,38 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1996" ; - dwc:species "gomerae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerecke & Di Sabatino, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerecke & Di Sabatino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerecke & Di Sabatino, 1996" ; - dwc:species "xylurgella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB31FF0EF93AD36C9242.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB31FF0EF93AD36C9242.ttl index 71f2148a09a..4ef52b180f3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB31FF0EF93AD36C9242.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB31FF0EF93AD36C9242.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola laskai Di Sabatino, sp. nov." ; trt:citesTaxonName ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Di Sabatino" ; - dwc:authorityName "Di Sabatino" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Di Sabatino" ; - dwc:species "laskai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Angelier Gerecke & Di Sabatino 1996" ; dwc:authorityName "Angelier Gerecke & Di Sabatino" ; @@ -75,53 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Angelier" ; - dwc:authorityName "Angelier" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Angelier" ; - dwc:species "lativalvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1952" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1952" ; - dwc:species "lativalvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Szalay, 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Szalay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szalay, 1933" ; - dwc:species "barsica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB37FF0EFC1BD358905F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB37FF0EFC1BD358905F.ttl index dbad65113b8..4c859f288e4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB37FF0EFC1BD358905F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97372AB37FF0EFC1BD358905F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola ischnophallus Lundblad 1956" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,84 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:species "amplexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schwarzwald, Titisee, Altenwegbachle" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schwarzwald, Titisee, Altenwegbachle" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schwarzwald, Titisee, Altenwegbachle" ; - dwc:species "connexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gr" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gr" ; - dwc:species "amplexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:species "connexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Szalay 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Szalay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szalay, 1927" ; - dwc:species "ungeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB30FF0EF896D4E296EF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB30FF0EF896D4E296EF.ttl index 3b816dbbc80..aeef75bae76 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB30FF0EF896D4E296EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB30FF0EF896D4E296EF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola minutivalvata Lundblad 1956" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -123,12 +122,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "amplexa" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB31FF0EFB3FD42290BB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB31FF0EFB3FD42290BB.ttl index cc5b3b3461b..eb39bd2cf3b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB31FF0EFB3FD42290BB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97374AB31FF0EFB3FD42290BB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola maglioi Koenike 1908" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hygrobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:species "maglioi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFA97D24D9078.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFA97D24D9078.ttl index 548432eb377..101cd94d91b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFA97D24D9078.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFA97D24D9078.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola spinirostris Thor 1897" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,38 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thor, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rusetria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor, 1897" ; - dwc:species "spinirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1908" ; - dwc:species "amplexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; @@ -88,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFC84D3E892BA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFC84D3E892BA.ttl index 282005d7ae0..7d5d74ebf82 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFC84D3E892BA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFC84D3E892BA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola procerivalvata K. Viets 1952" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFECAD32D94AE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFECAD32D94AE.ttl index dc384799a6a..3054ba34d77 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFECAD32D94AE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97375AB30FF0EFECAD32D94AE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Torrenticola sandalensis Sokolow 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97378AB3CFF0EFBCDD62A97D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97378AB3CFF0EFBCDD62A97D0.ttl index 68637914611..388ef2195c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97378AB3CFF0EFBCDD62A97D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97378AB3CFF0EFBCDD62A97D0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Wandesia propinqua Walter 1947" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; dwc:genus "Wandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97379AB3CFF0EFD89D6F6900E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97379AB3CFF0EFD89D6F6900E.ttl index 4ef385f91ad..e778543b3a9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97379AB3CFF0EFD89D6F6900E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A97379AB3CFF0EFD89D6F6900E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Wandesia somnambula Gerecke 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Protziidae" ; dwc:genus "Wandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EF9F1D2999190.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EF9F1D2999190.ttl index 5dee9c4cf32..b536f9302c0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EF9F1D2999190.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EF9F1D2999190.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Oxus integer Thor 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oxidae" ; dwc:genus "Oxus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFCF4D4C39018.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFCF4D4C39018.ttl index 0311e09a1b9..5cb9a4ea6af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFCF4D4C39018.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFCF4D4C39018.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Oxus Kramer 1877" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Frontipoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smit 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Frontipoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smit, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFF04D6AB94D4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFF04D6AB94D4.ttl index 4919f7742ae..31238ae797e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFF04D6AB94D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737AAB3FFF0EFF04D6AB94D4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Bandakia concreta Thor 1913" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -72,12 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anisitsiellidae" ; dwc:genus "Bandakia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB39FF0EF97DD27897F7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB39FF0EF97DD27897F7.ttl index 5a6da3be335..61728eaa00d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB39FF0EF97DD27897F7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB39FF0EF97DD27897F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchonopsis procera Laska 1965, stat. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -76,52 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cis 1570" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1570" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cis, 1570" ; - dwc:species "procera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Biesiadka" ; - dwc:authorityName "Biesiadka" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Biesiadka" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Laska." ; - dwc:authorityName "Laska." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laska." ; - dwc:species "procera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFBFCD6FE9012.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFBFCD6FE9012.ttl index 71908cfff49..6c326f74cfb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFBFCD6FE9012.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFBFCD6FE9012.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Oxus halophilus E. Angelier 1947" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFD17D6509206.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFD17D6509206.ttl index bd164a9346f..e6c41314f8d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFD17D6509206.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFD17D6509206.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Oxus lineatus Walter 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFF04D505943A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFF04D505943A.ttl index db8c659eb38..058aaae104a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFF04D505943A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737BAB3EFF0EFF04D505943A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Oxus longisetus Berlese 1885" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,21 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Piersig" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piersig" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Oxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piersig" ; - dwc:species "tenuisetis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Oxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB38FF0EF98CD4D9941E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB38FF0EF98CD4D9941E.ttl index cabc0506f17..f50b91ff326 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB38FF0EF98CD4D9941E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB38FF0EF98CD4D9941E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) carpaticus Biesiadka 1975" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thor, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor, 1901" ; - dwc:species "papillosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB39FF0EFD19D55D93D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB39FF0EFD19D55D93D6.ttl index 4bcf7320aa7..1826483a506 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB39FF0EFD19D55D93D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737CAB39FF0EFD19D55D93D6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Hispidosperchon Thor 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,99 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "K. Viets, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Viets" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixosperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viets, 1926" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Examples" ; - dwc:authorityName "Examples" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Examples" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1895" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kramer, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kramer, 1879" ; - dwc:species "squamosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thor, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor, 1898" ; - dwc:species "setiger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hydryphantidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydryphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1942" ; - dwc:species "algeriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFBE7D44690B0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFBE7D44690B0.ttl index 65d7869135d..3089a553265 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFBE7D44690B0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFBE7D44690B0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) hispidus Koenike 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Bader 1988", "Bader, 1988" ; + dwc:authority "Bader, 1988" ; dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFDF4D63B920A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFDF4D63B920A.ttl index d2a23ff8a25..32829fe1d50 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFDF4D63B920A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB38FF0EFDF4D63B920A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) hibernica Halbert 1944" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -76,36 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bader" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bader" ; - dwc:species "monstruosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Halbert" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halbert" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halbert" ; - dwc:species "hibernicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB3BFF0EF969D5A29736.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB3BFF0EF969D5A29736.ttl index d0122d22389..5dd555e6b0e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB3BFF0EF969D5A29736.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737DAB3BFF0EF969D5A29736.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) hystrix Komarek 1921" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3AFF0EFBBED3539735.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3AFF0EFBBED3539735.ttl index 0dea5a9d7d4..b67c4696c86 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3AFF0EFBBED3539735.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3AFF0EFBBED3539735.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) ornatus Halbert 1944" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,66 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halbt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Halbt." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halbt." ; - dwc:species "ornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Halb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Halb." ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halb." ; - dwc:species "ornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Piersig" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piersig" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piersig" ; - dwc:species "clupeifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Halbert" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halbert" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halbert" ; - dwc:species "ornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3BFF0EFEECD55A95C3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3BFF0EFEECD55A95C3.ttl index a2c01fb3a3f..3f0ab88714a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3BFF0EFEECD55A95C3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737EAB3BFF0EFEECD55A95C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -26,24 +26,8 @@ dc:title "On the taxonomy of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) described from the Palaearctic, part 2: Hydryphantoidea and Lebertioidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1898" ; - dwc:species "mutilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bader 1985", "Bader, 1985" ; + dwc:authority "Bader, 1985" ; dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -58,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bader, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Charoelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Actinedida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bader, 1985" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kramer, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kramer, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737FAB3AFF0EFEECD3AB91AE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737FAB3AFF0EFEECD3AB91AE.ttl index c26b425ae6d..1ecde2b7176 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737FAB3AFF0EFEECD3AB91AE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9737FAB3AFF0EFEECD3AB91AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sabatino, Antonio Di; Gerecke, Reinhard; Gledhill, Terence; Smit, Harry" ; dc:title "Sperchon (Hispidosperchon) vaginosus Thor 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koenike, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike, 1895" ; - dwc:species "denticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Halbert, 1944" ; dwc:authorityName "Halbert" ; @@ -92,127 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koenike" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koenike" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koenike" ; - dwc:species "denticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thor. Even" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor. Even" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor. Even" ; - dwc:species "vaginosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walter" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walter" ; - dwc:species "violaceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bader" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bader" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bader" ; - dwc:species "monstruosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Halbert. Similarly" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halbert. Similarly" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halbert. Similarly" ; - dwc:species "hibernicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thor. Schwoerbel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor. Schwoerbel" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor. Schwoerbel" ; - dwc:species "vaginosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Halbert. Thor (1902)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halbert. Thor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halbert. Thor, 1902" ; - dwc:species "hibernicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thor" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thor" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sperchon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thor" ; - dwc:species "vaginosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Sperchonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF85FFB4628599C1FD32BD75.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF85FFB4628599C1FD32BD75.ttl index 86849a4afe7..41d5e1670b4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF85FFB4628599C1FD32BD75.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF85FFB4628599C1FD32BD75.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Seltmann, Katja; Sharkey, Michael" ; dc:title "Oroceguera Seltmann and Sharkey" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB4628598F9FA45BFD3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB4628598F9FA45BFD3.ttl index 0877aecc860..637ee75f334 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB4628598F9FA45BFD3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB4628598F9FA45BFD3.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Seltmann, Katja; Sharkey, Michael" ; dc:title "Doryctinae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,96 +25,6 @@ dc:title "A new genus and species of apterous Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Costa Rica" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Seltmann and Sharkey." ; - dwc:authorityName "Seltmann and Sharkey." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oroceguera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seltmann & Sharkey." ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marsh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marsh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aptenobracon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ecphylopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ecphylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reinhard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psenobolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhard" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pambolidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB462859D04FE41BB32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB462859D04FE41BB32.ttl index 63787b80572..685c7553ed0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB462859D04FE41BB32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687A9FF86FFB462859D04FE41BB32.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Seltmann, Katja; Sharkey, Michael" ; dc:title "Oroceguera andersoni Seltmann and Sharkey, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Seltmann and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seltmann and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oroceguera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seltmann & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "andersoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -85,10 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF965A6125DC9D17FCD0FF32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF965A6125DC9D17FCD0FF32.ttl index 1567d1bbf64..cd9ea70e85d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF965A6125DC9D17FCD0FF32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF965A6125DC9D17FCD0FF32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Nedorchynchotalona chiangi Kotov & Sinev 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sars" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sars" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchotalona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars" ; - dwc:species "falcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Nedorchynchotalona" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF975A6225DC999BFE78FC21.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF975A6225DC999BFE78FC21.ttl index 3bcf08fd354..9e212770b7a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF975A6225DC999BFE78FC21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFF975A6225DC999BFE78FC21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Monospilus daedalus Kotov & Sinev 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sars, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Monospilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars, 1862" ; - dwc:species "dispar" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Monospilus" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA05A5A25DC999BFB7DFF11.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA05A5A25DC999BFB7DFF11.ttl index 2e01f59b6a6..d00e70b4a53 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA05A5A25DC999BFB7DFF11.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA05A5A25DC999BFB7DFF11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Disparalona ikarus Kotov & Sinev 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -58,21 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Birge, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Birge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Disparalona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Birge, 1879" ; - dwc:species "hamata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Disparalona" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA25A5525DC9C05FD03F827.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA25A5525DC9C05FD03F827.ttl index f03af44753f..1b2cb21d0d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA25A5525DC9C05FD03F827.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA25A5525DC9C05FD03F827.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Chydorus irinae Smirnov & Sheveleva 2010" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA45A5625DC9C32FB47FF11.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA45A5625DC9C32FB47FF11.ttl index 06265ef26af..8cb0dfdc35d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA45A5625DC9C32FB47FF11.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA45A5625DC9C32FB47FF11.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Bosmina (Sinobosmina) fatalis Burckhardt 1924" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "O. F. Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:authorityName "O. F. Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Bosminidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bosmina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Bosminidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bosmina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1857" ; - dwc:species "coregoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Bosminidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bosmina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1845" ; - dwc:subGenus "Bosmina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Bosminidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA95A5C25DC9AFBFCF1F816.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA95A5C25DC9AFBFCF1F816.ttl index 7f2c004660a..05eb0851ba1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA95A5C25DC9AFBFCF1F816.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFA95A5C25DC9AFBFCF1F816.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Leydigia (Neoleydigia) acanthocercoides Fischer 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fischer, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Lynceus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1854" ; - dwc:species "acanthocercoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Fischer" ; dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; @@ -75,21 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gauthier, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauthier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Leydigia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauthier, 1939" ; - dwc:species "ciliata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Kotov (2009)" ; dwc:authorityName "Kotov" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAA5A5D25DC9863FCA0FC42.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAA5A5D25DC9863FCA0FC42.ttl index 8a711b99527..84bcb74ad8c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAA5A5D25DC9863FCA0FC42.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAA5A5D25DC9863FCA0FC42.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Kurzia (Rostrokurzia) longirostris Daday 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Daday, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Daday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Alona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daday, 1898" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Daday" ; dwc:authorityName "Daday" ; @@ -98,12 +82,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Lepidoziaceae" ; dwc:genus "Kurzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAC5A5E25DC9C37FCA0FEFA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAC5A5E25DC9C37FCA0FEFA.ttl index 9f040911d91..de1c7752c81 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAC5A5E25DC9C37FCA0FEFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAC5A5E25DC9C37FCA0FEFA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Camptocercus vietnamensis Than 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,34 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Than" ; - dwc:authorityName "Than" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Than" ; - dwc:species "vietnamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schoedler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoedler" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoedler" ; - dwc:species "rectirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAD5A5825DC99D3FE3CFB0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAD5A5825DC99D3FE3CFB0E.ttl index a09335c1517..acc7f6134d8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAD5A5825DC99D3FE3CFB0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAD5A5825DC99D3FE3CFB0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Camptocercus uncinatus Smirnov 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,66 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schoedler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schoedler" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoedler" ; - dwc:species "rectirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schodler, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schodler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schodler, 1862" ; - dwc:species "rectirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Than, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Than" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Than, 1980" ; - dwc:species "vietnamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stenroos, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stenroos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stenroos, 1898" ; - dwc:sensu "lato" ; - dwc:species "fennicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Camptocercus" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAE5A5A25DC9CD9FAD3F8D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAE5A5A25DC9CD9FAD3F8D6.ttl index 6e05b0bab45..0157a02b604 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAE5A5A25DC9CD9FAD3F8D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFAE5A5A25DC9CD9FAD3F8D6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Ephemeroporus barroisi Richard 1894" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,20 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Frey, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Ephemeroporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frey, 1982" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Ephemeroporus" ; @@ -69,11 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Ephemeroporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB25A4525DC9AC4FDDDF814.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB25A4525DC9AC4FDDDF814.ttl index d53206de5b0..5ed940ca527 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB25A4525DC9AC4FDDDF814.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB25A4525DC9AC4FDDDF814.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Pseudosida szalayi Daday 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Daday, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Daday" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Crustacea" ; - dwc:family "Sididae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Daday, 1898" ; - dwc:species "szalayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Daday" ; dwc:authorityName "Daday" ; @@ -90,21 +74,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Herrick, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Herrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudosida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herrick, 1884" ; - dwc:species "bidentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Pseudosida" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4025DC99B6FE47FF10.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4025DC99B6FE47FF10.ttl index c4647955dbb..59720e68bd6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4025DC99B6FE47FF10.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4025DC99B6FE47FF10.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Hemiptera Sars 1865" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Sididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4625DC9829FBA0FC99.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4625DC9829FBA0FC99.ttl index 120e8dd748f..db008559454 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4625DC9829FBA0FC99.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB45A4625DC9829FBA0FC99.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Sida ortiva Korovchinsky 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,39 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "O.F. Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:authorityName "O.F. Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:species "crystallina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Korovchinsky, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Korovchinsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Korovchinsky, 1979" ; - dwc:species "crystallina" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ortiva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB85A5225DC9FB7FE8FFC21.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB85A5225DC9FB7FE8FFC21.ttl index 81d405b5d54..f2408b87020 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB85A5225DC9FB7FE8FFC21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB85A5225DC9FB7FE8FFC21.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Macrothrix triserialis Brady 1886" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brady" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brady" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Macrothricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrothrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brady" ; - dwc:species "triserialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jurine, 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jurine" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Macrothricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrothrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jurine, 1820" ; - dwc:species "rosea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:family "Macrothricidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Macrothricidae" ; dwc:genus "Macrothrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB95A4C25DC9FDCFE00FB46.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB95A4C25DC9FDCFE00FB46.ttl index 45f4c61eac7..69340b45e23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB95A4C25DC9FDCFE00FB46.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFB95A4C25DC9FDCFE00FB46.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Ilyocryptus spinifer Herrick 1882" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kurz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kurz" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Ilyocryptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ilyocryptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kurz" ; - dwc:species "agilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lievin" ; dwc:authorityName "Lievin" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBC5A4F25DC9D83FC64FDF1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBC5A4F25DC9D83FC64FDF1.ttl index a58d14b17c8..4174d2521b3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBC5A4F25DC9D83FC64FDF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBC5A4F25DC9D83FC64FDF1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Ilyocryptus cuneatus Stifter 1988" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBD5A4825DC98F3FC00FC1C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBD5A4825DC98F3FC00FC1C.ttl index 7a6b922e969..771854c33f8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBD5A4825DC98F3FC00FC1C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBD5A4825DC98F3FC00FC1C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Moinodaphnia macleayi King 1853" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "King, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "King" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Moinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Moina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "King, 1853" ; - dwc:species "macleayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "King" ; dwc:authorityName "King" ; @@ -108,12 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Moinidae" ; dwc:genus "Moinodaphnia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4925DC9CFBFE30FE82.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4925DC9CFBFE30FE82.ttl index 92bf4a7770c..ffafe51fd3e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4925DC9CFBFE30FE82.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4925DC9CFBFE30FE82.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Simocephalus congener Koch 1841" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1841" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Macrothricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daphnia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1841" ; - dwc:species "congener" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1841" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Simocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1841" ; - dwc:species "exspinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Simocephalus" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC980FFC35FA42.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC980FFC35FA42.ttl index 6a8ed3a1b1e..88af2daaf09 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC980FFC35FA42.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC980FFC35FA42.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Scapholeberis kingi Sars 1888" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,50 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dumont & Pensaert" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumont & Pensaert" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Scapholeberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumont & Pensaert" ; - dwc:species "rammneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "O. F. Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:authorityName "O. F. Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Scapholeberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:species "mucronata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dumont & Pensaert, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumont & Pensaert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:genus "Scapholeberis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumont & Pensaert, 1983" ; - dwc:species "rammneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:genus "Scapholeberis" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC999BFD8DFF32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC999BFD8DFF32.ttl index 7828c9e5d3c..4d8d5e2d2fc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC999BFD8DFF32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AAFFBF5A4B25DC999BFD8DFF32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kotov, Alexey A.; Jeong, Hyun Gi; Lee, Wonchoel" ; dc:title "Diplostraca Sars 1865" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,20 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Straus, 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Straus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Daphniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Straus, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF272FFA9FD71F7CF70ABF6E6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF272FFA9FD71F7CF70ABF6E6.ttl index 9dc4c737b3e..d3d3f4bd09b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF272FFA9FD71F7CF70ABF6E6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF272FFA9FD71F7CF70ABF6E6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Londt, Jason G. H." ; dc:title "Pycnomerinx gweta Oldroyd 1974" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Oldroyd", "Oldroyd, 1974" ; + dwc:authority "Oldroyd, 1974" ; dwc:authorityName "Oldroyd" ; dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Oldroyd (1974)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "cogani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ricardo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ricardo, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Serowe)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Serowe" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Serowe)" ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF278FFA5FD22FB907761FE07.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF278FFA5FD22FB907761FE07.ttl index 1e24253246f..b67ac6d297f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF278FFA5FD22FB907761FE07.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF278FFA5FD22FB907761FE07.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Londt, Jason G. H." ; dc:title "Pycnomerinx rhodesii" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -84,67 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Londt, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Londt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habropogon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Londt, 1990" ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ricardo", "Ricardo." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ricardo", "Ricardo." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ricardo." ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "cogani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "gweta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; @@ -164,11 +102,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF279FFA1FD77FBF172DDFBD9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF279FFA1FD77FBF172DDFBD9.ttl index 1b2b3c259d3..d2092d85d38 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF279FFA1FD77FBF172DDFBD9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF279FFA1FD77FBF172DDFBD9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Londt, Jason G. H." ; dc:title "Pycnomerinx Hull 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Hull", "Hull, 1962" ; + dwc:authority "Hull, 1962" ; dwc:authorityName "Hull" ; dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,87 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hull, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hull" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hull, 1962" ; - dwc:species "annuialus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ricardo, 1925)", "Ricardo, 1925" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ricardo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ricardo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habropogon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ricardo, 1925" ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scylaticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "gweta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "cogani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF27CFFABFD4AFC6B7180F7FF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF27CFFABFD4AFC6B7180F7FF.ttl index c17a5ea376c..820df43e1db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF27CFFABFD4AFC6B7180F7FF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACF27CFFABFD4AFC6B7180F7FF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Londt, Jason G. H." ; dc:title "Pycnomerinx cogani , Oldroyd 1974" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Oldroyd", "Oldroyd, 1974" ; + dwc:authority "Oldroyd, 1974" ; dwc:authorityName ", Oldroyd" ; dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Oldroyd", "Oldroyd, 1974: 62" ; + dwc:authority "Oldroyd, 1974: 62" ; dwc:authorityName "Oldroyd" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "62" ; dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; @@ -66,51 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ricardo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ricardo, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "rhodesii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hull" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hull, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oldroyd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oldroyd, 1974" ; - dwc:species "gweta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; @@ -124,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Pycnomerinx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFC8FF939FD1FF7AFDA1FDD2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFC8FF939FD1FF7AFDA1FDD2.ttl index 255754daa67..e38a8be6ae2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFC8FF939FD1FF7AFDA1FDD2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFC8FF939FD1FF7AFDA1FDD2.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Courville, Erwan; Poulin, Elie; Saucede, Thomas; Mooi, Rich; Lessios, Harilaos; Salinas, Andrea Martínez; Diaz, Angie" ; dc:title "Arbacia nigra" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -116,20 +113,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; - dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arbacia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arbacioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; @@ -143,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; - dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; dwc:genus "Arbacia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arbacioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFCBFF9F9FD1FE12FDCBFC6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFCBFF9F9FD1FE12FDCBFC6E.ttl index 56d176db8f9..3e356c67ea2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFCBFF9F9FD1FE12FDCBFC6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ACFFCBFF9F9FD1FE12FDCBFC6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Courville, Erwan; Poulin, Elie; Saucede, Thomas; Mooi, Rich; Lessios, Harilaos; Salinas, Andrea Martínez; Diaz, Angie" ; dc:title "Arbacia Gray 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; - dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arbacia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arbacioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linne, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "lixula" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; - dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arbacioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1855" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; @@ -87,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Echinoidea" ; dwc:family "Arbaciidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arbacioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2345B95C5F858315FF57205A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2345B95C5F858315FF57205A.ttl index 5a50dbcee56..1a8fa16dab0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2345B95C5F858315FF57205A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2345B95C5F858315FF57205A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yang, Ding; Li, Weihai" ; dc:title "Hybos biancistroides Yang & Li 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Yang, Yang & Hu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hybos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang, Yang & Hu, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jianfengensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hybos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yang & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yang & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hybos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:species "yinyuhensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; dwc:genus "Hybos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2347B95B5F858347FDF5271C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2347B95B5F858347FDF5271C.ttl index 57f33f96281..c86ffd46e7e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2347B95B5F858347FDF5271C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687AD2347B95B5F858347FDF5271C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yang, Ding; Li, Weihai" ; dc:title "Hybos yinyuhensis Yang & Li 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yang & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yang & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hybos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:species "biancistroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybotidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B06221FF9E89E4FF52FE6E6DAA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B06221FF9E89E4FF52FE6E6DAA.ttl index 62f4fb94120..143d1aef49d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B06221FF9E89E4FF52FE6E6DAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B06221FF9E89E4FF52FE6E6DAA.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Marin, Ivan" ; dc:title "Philarius condi Marin, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,116 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Marin & Anker, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marin & Anker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Palaemonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marin & Anker, 2010" ; - dwc:species "polynesicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oken, 1815" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oken" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Acroporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acropora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oken, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brook, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Acroporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acropora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brook, 1892" ; - dwc:species "gemmifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bruggemann, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bruggemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Acroporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acropora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bruggemann, 1879" ; - dwc:species "monticulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dana, 1842" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Acroporidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acropora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dana, 1842" ; - dwc:species "valida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dana, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Palaemonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harpilius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dana, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Man, 1902" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Palaemonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harpilius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Man, 1902" ; - dwc:species "consobrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Palaemonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07910FFDE72810A74FB4CF8D7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07910FFDE72810A74FB4CF8D7.ttl index d1257d94311..52fdf565411 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07910FFDE72810A74FB4CF8D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07910FFDE72810A74FB4CF8D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lima, Silvio Felipe Barbosa; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey" ; dc:title "Opalia revizee Lima & Christoffersen, 2014, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bouchet & Waren, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouchet & Waren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Epitoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouchet & Waren, 1986" ; - dwc:species "fortunata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Epitoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDC72810B26FCCEFA1E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDC72810B26FCCEFA1E.ttl index c601660e656..ce0be70d7b1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDC72810B26FCCEFA1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDC72810B26FCCEFA1E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lima, Silvio Felipe Barbosa; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey" ; dc:title "Gregorioiscala Cossmann 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDE72810B82FF68FCAF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDE72810B82FF68FCAF.ttl index 5674d002544..b47ff42ccf9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDE72810B82FF68FCAF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B07912FFDE72810B82FF68FCAF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lima, Silvio Felipe Barbosa; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey" ; dc:title "Gregorioiscala pimentai Lima & Christoffersen, 2014, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Powell, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Powell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Epitoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gregorioiscala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Powell, 1951" ; - dwc:species "annectens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Locard, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Locard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Epitoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gregorioiscala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Locard, 1897" ; - dwc:species "pachya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Epitoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE3FFE326F8FB87EDECF861.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE3FFE326F8FB87EDECF861.ttl index a5101633125..9bf534f415c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE3FFE326F8FB87EDECF861.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE3FFE326F8FB87EDECF861.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla comorensis Andre" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,84 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Andre, 1887: 292" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andre" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "292" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andre, 1887" ; - dwc:species "comorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891: 129" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "129" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wheeler, 1922: 1007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1007" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wheeler, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "AntWeb CASENT" ; - dwc:authorityName "AntWeb CASENT" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "AntWeb CASENT" ; - dwc:species "cambouei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -136,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE6FFEE26F8F8BCEC1CFF68.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE6FFEE26F8F8BCEC1CFF68.ttl index ddec97c9b13..c7f8352e631 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE6FFEE26F8F8BCEC1CFF68.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE6FFEE26F8F8BCEC1CFF68.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla masoala Rakotonirina and Fisher, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "masoala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE8FFEC26F8FEBAEEB5FC8B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE8FFEC26F8FEBAEEB5FC8B.ttl index 8caab2ddd4a..da055f375c8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE8FFEC26F8FEBAEEB5FC8B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFE8FFEC26F8FEBAEEB5FC8B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla perroti Forel" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,85 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891: 131" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "131" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wheeler, 1922: 1007", "Wheeler, 1922: 1008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1007", "1008" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wheeler, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel, 1892: 251" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "251" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1892" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - dwc:subSpecies "admista" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -137,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEAFFED26F8FC11EAACFBC6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEAFFED26F8FC11EAACFBC6.ttl index 0124466f257..7f46c7660fe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEAFFED26F8FC11EAACFBC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEAFFED26F8FC11EAACFBC6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla planicornis Rakotonirina and Fisher, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "planicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEBFFEA26F8FB52ECE6F836.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEBFFEA26F8FB52ECE6F836.ttl index 96fcf9df01c..745b5464dfb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEBFFEA26F8FB52ECE6F836.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEBFFEA26F8FB52ECE6F836.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla tavaratra Rakotonirina and Fisher, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "tavaratra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEEFFE926F8FF0AECB1FA53.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEEFFE926F8FF0AECB1FA53.ttl index b08fc817bbc..1d88096fb4e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEEFFE926F8FF0AECB1FA53.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEEFFE926F8FF0AECB1FA53.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla vazimba Rakotonirina and Fisher, sp. n" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "vazimba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEFFFD326F8F9D8EDA4F8F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEFFFD326F8F9D8EDA4F8F0.ttl index dc91847c53a..579b345a0dc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEFFFD326F8F9D8EDA4F8F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFEFFFD326F8F9D8EDA4F8F0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla wasmannii Forel" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forel 1887: 383" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "383" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1887" ; - dwc:species "wasmannii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wheeler, 1922: 1008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1008" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wheeler, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -119,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF4FFF126F8FB9AEABEFC55.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF4FFF126F8FB9AEABEFC55.ttl index 456f36d4453..031f80f2dd0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF4FFF126F8FB9AEABEFC55.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF4FFF126F8FB9AEABEFC55.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla wasmannii" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF7FFE526F8F940ECB0FC71.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF7FFE526F8F940ECB0FC71.ttl index 8d4b305972a..9cbab9068ed 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF7FFE526F8F940ECB0FC71.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B0FFF7FFE526F8F940ECB0FC71.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, Jean Claude; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Pachycondyla cambouei Forel" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891: 133" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "133" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "cambouei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bothroponera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bothroponera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wheeler, 1922: 1007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1007" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wheeler, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Camboue" ; - dwc:authorityName "Camboue" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Imerina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Camboue" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -119,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B41BCCDF99CFC20760F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B41BCCDF99CFC20760F.ttl index 269ad34c2e4..9ca5d731574 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B41BCCDF99CFC20760F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B41BCCDF99CFC20760F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Orothalassodes floccosa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -112,38 +112,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "glabrosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Warren, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warren, 1912" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B42BCCDFF7FFA2B7213.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B42BCCDFF7FFA2B7213.ttl index f294434b182..b1c4b7145db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B42BCCDFF7FFA2B7213.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E206B42BCCDFF7FFA2B7213.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Orothalassodes hypocrites Prout 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,115 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Peak" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peak" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peak" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hamps. Hl. Het." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hamps. Hl. Het." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hamps. Hl. Het." ; - dwc:species "albomaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout" ; - dwc:species "hypocrites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson" ; - dwc:species "albomaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "retaka" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Prout, 1922) (Moluccas)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Prout, 1922)" ; - dwc:species "vivida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moore, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moore, 1887" ; - dwc:species "leucospilota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E216B43BCCDFCACFCA2739F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E216B43BCCDFCACFCA2739F.ttl index c62e3b4c4c4..132bb9e76e8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E216B43BCCDFCACFCA2739F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E216B43BCCDFCACFCA2739F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Orothalassodes Holloway 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 2005" ; - dwc:species "pervulgatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B40BCCDFF7FFB5971B6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B40BCCDFF7FFB5971B6.ttl index 6c1390304a7..9bc19dc87c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B40BCCDFF7FFB5971B6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B40BCCDFF7FFB5971B6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Orothalassodes falsaria Prout 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -112,51 +112,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prout, Gen. Ins. Hem" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout, Gen. Ins. Hem" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, Gen. Ins. Hem" ; - dwc:species "falsaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout" ; - dwc:species "griseifimbria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guen." ; - dwc:authorityName "Guen." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guen." ; - dwc:species "veraria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B4FBCCDFA31FB9D7727.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B4FBCCDFA31FB9D7727.ttl index 6e4194bc896..102f3d8fa1f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B4FBCCDFA31FB9D7727.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E226B4FBCCDFA31FB9D7727.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes Holloway 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E236B41BCCDFD67FE597357.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E236B41BCCDFD67FE597357.ttl index 83f52849d84..bd9e96ea0b0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E236B41BCCDFD67FE597357.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E236B41BCCDFD67FE597357.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Orothalassodes pervulgatus Inoue 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1912" ; - dwc:species "falsaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; @@ -73,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; dwc:genus "Orothalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E246B45BCCDFB45FC2076FF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E246B45BCCDFB45FC2076FF.ttl index f636e19bdd1..593a59b19fe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E246B45BCCDFB45FC2076FF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E246B45BCCDFB45FC2076FF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes Guenee 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,102 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Warren, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warren, 1906" ; - dwc:species "zebrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1916" ; - dwc:species "acutipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Warren, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Warren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Warren, 1903" ; - dwc:species "nivestrota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Swinhoe, 1908 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swinhoe, 1908 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swinhoe, 1908" ; - dwc:species "viridifascia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prout, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1916" ; - dwc:species "effata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Irian Jaya" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Prout, 1911 (Irian Jaya)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout, 1911 (Irian Jaya" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prout, 1911" ; - dwc:species "interalbata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B43BCCDF985FBB376DC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B43BCCDF985FBB376DC.ttl index 19b07876de9..e562587ffa5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B43BCCDF985FBB376DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B43BCCDF985FBB376DC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes opalina Butler 1880" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -95,22 +95,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "opalinoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFBE2FDFA722A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFBE2FDFA722A.ttl index 0356949bdaa..20772f47e02 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFBE2FDFA722A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFBE2FDFA722A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes maipoensis Galsworthy 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1861" ; - dwc:species "depulsata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFE34FB187785.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFE34FB187785.ttl index 023878be376..03b98e2e249 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFE34FB187785.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E266B44BCCDFE34FB187785.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes intaminata Inoue 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -81,19 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Slide" ; - dwc:authorityName "Slide" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slide" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; @@ -113,11 +99,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -159,12 +141,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "immissaria" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E276B44BCCDFCF7FD8C75B4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E276B44BCCDFCF7FD8C75B4.ttl index 7c64c96d480..c062b0c4a4b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E276B44BCCDFCF7FD8C75B4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E276B44BCCDFCF7FD8C75B4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes immissaria Walker 1861" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,114 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Peak" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peak" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Victoria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peak" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 2006" ; - dwc:species "viridulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 2006" ; - dwc:species "yazakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 1971" ; - dwc:species "intaminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "The" ; - dwc:authorityName "The" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "The" ; - dwc:species "intaminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Butler, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1880" ; - dwc:species "opalina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker" ; - dwc:species "immissarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B49BCCDFA19FF4176DC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B49BCCDFA19FF4176DC.ttl index c7947202d10..db0a0d901d4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B49BCCDFA19FF4176DC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B49BCCDFA19FF4176DC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes clarifimbria Prout 1919" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,19 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Slide" ; - dwc:authorityName "Slide" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slide" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; @@ -112,11 +99,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B4ABCCDFE17FEE471AE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B4ABCCDFE17FEE471AE.ttl index d175fa3bcf4..524211e1a08 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B4ABCCDFE17FEE471AE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E286B4ABCCDFE17FEE471AE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes sinuspinae Han & Xue, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:species "sinuspinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "rana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "tridens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E296B4ABCCDFBD7FB82759F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E296B4ABCCDFBD7FB82759F.ttl index fae0b24170f..b90dafa6ad2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E296B4ABCCDFBD7FB82759F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E296B4ABCCDFBD7FB82759F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes subquadraria Inoue 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,38 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Slide No. 1267" ; - dwc:authorityName "Slide No." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1267" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lauraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cinnamomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Laurales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slide No., 1267" ; - dwc:species "camphora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "forceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2B6B57BCCDF8DCFCBC75B4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2B6B57BCCDF8DCFCBC75B4.ttl index 29d7ebc4f86..091f427acf3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2B6B57BCCDF8DCFCBC75B4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2B6B57BCCDF8DCFCBC75B4.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Thalassodes viridicaput" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -95,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -147,12 +142,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2C6B4EBCCDFC64FD067277.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2C6B4EBCCDFC64FD067277.ttl index f3e6109b3c4..eb0f545e977 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2C6B4EBCCDFC64FD067277.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2C6B4EBCCDFC64FD067277.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes proquadraria Inoue 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2D6B4EBCCDFC8FFD697704.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2D6B4EBCCDFC8FFD697704.ttl index a7d8c10fc3b..43303a54bb6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2D6B4EBCCDFC8FFD697704.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2D6B4EBCCDFC8FFD697704.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes antiquadraria Inoue 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Inoue, 1976", "Inoue, Det. H. Inoue, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue", "Inoue, Det. H. Inoue" ; + dwc:authority "Inoue, 1976" ; + dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; @@ -80,38 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 1976" ; - dwc:species "subquadraria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 1976" ; - dwc:species "proquadraria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4BBCCDFA8CFE4377DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4BBCCDFA8CFE4377DF.ttl index 582ade658c4..c1f836c710f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4BBCCDFA8CFE4377DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4BBCCDFA8CFE4377DF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes simplvalvae Han & Xue, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,52 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:species "simplvalvae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Inoue, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Inoue" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, 1994" ; - dwc:species "ogasawarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leguminosae" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leguminosae" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Albizzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leguminosae" ; - dwc:species "procera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4CBCCDFF7FFC137123.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4CBCCDFF7FFC137123.ttl index 1a3365aa0e2..4e19c140e25 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4CBCCDFF7FFC137123.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2E6B4CBCCDFF7FFC137123.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes bellula Han & Xue, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,39 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:species "bellula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Prout, 1912) (India)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Prout" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Prout, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "aucta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2F6B4DBCCDFD14FE8F73AB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2F6B4DBCCDFD14FE8F73AB.ttl index 23a8a34cad3..6afc0be5036 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2F6B4DBCCDFD14FE8F73AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B13E2F6B4DBCCDFD14FE8F73AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Han, Hongxiang; Xue, Dayong" ; dc:title "Pelagodes paraveraria Han & Xue, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,55 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:authorityName "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Han & Xue" ; - dwc:species "paraveraria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Guenee, 1858) (Java)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guenee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guenee" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guenee, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "veraria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Borneo" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holloway, 1996 (Borneo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelagodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holloway, 1996" ; - dwc:species "waterstradti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B48557FFA672F3FE7AC8E9FC74.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B48557FFA672F3FE7AC8E9FC74.ttl index 17b37a18ff9..a42520edf6e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B48557FFA672F3FE7AC8E9FC74.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B48557FFA672F3FE7AC8E9FC74.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Zanata, Angela M.; Lima, Flávio C. T.; Dario, Fabio Di; Gerhard, Pedro" ; dc:title "Astyanax brucutu Zanata, Lima, Dario & Gerhard, 2017, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D70FFD676BFFD1DFAD3A4E0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D70FFD676BFFD1DFAD3A4E0.ttl index 3bc0d3fd1ce..b7c34c391dd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D70FFD676BFFD1DFAD3A4E0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D70FFD676BFFD1DFAD3A4E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus belemensis Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis, 2022", "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis", "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; + dwc:authority "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; + dwc:authorityName "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; @@ -46,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "villiersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D72FFD676BFFB6CFA3CA68A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D72FFD676BFFB6CFA3CA68A.ttl index 35056effceb..66ff773a3c0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D72FFD676BFFB6CFA3CA68A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D72FFD676BFFB6CFA3CA68A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus villiersi Endrodi 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,72 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "belemensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ratcliffe & Cave" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "spinophallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D74FFD476BFFAA4FAAFA27C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D74FFD476BFFAA4FAAFA27C.ttl index fc5da245491..3858d8e23df 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D74FFD476BFFAA4FAAFA27C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D74FFD476BFFAA4FAAFA27C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus spinophallicus Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis 2022, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -67,114 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "villiersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "belemensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hope, 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hope, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hope, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ratcliffe and Cave" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ratcliffe and Cave" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ratcliffe & Cave" ; - dwc:species "spinophallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; @@ -188,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -240,12 +126,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; dwc:genus "Coelosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D75FFD076BFFB58FDB3A4AB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D75FFD076BFFB58FDB3A4AB.ttl index 34e334a29d6..6f1731860ab 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D75FFD076BFFB58FDB3A4AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D75FFD076BFFB58FDB3A4AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus alvarengai Martinez 1983" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "villiersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D78FFDE76BFFA54FE57A7F8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D78FFDE76BFFA54FE57A7F8.ttl index 1da43221aa1..84e69c62dbb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D78FFDE76BFFA54FE57A7F8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D78FFDE76BFFA54FE57A7F8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus horridus Endrodi 1968" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Endr.", "Endrodi, 1968" ; + dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,86 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "villiersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ratcliffe & Cave" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "spinophallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "belemensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Embrapa Cerrados" ; - dwc:authorityName "Embrapa Cerrados" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Planaltina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Embrapa Cerrados" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7EFFDC76BFFB6FFEA5A539.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7EFFDC76BFFB6FFEA5A539.ttl index e5fe8a5eead..7e0ac9b7368 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7EFFDC76BFFB6FFEA5A539.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7EFFDC76BFFB6FFEA5A539.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus villiersi Endrodi 1968" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Endr.", "Endrodi, 1968" ; + dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,85 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ratcliffe & Cave" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "spinophallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "belemensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hope, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; @@ -138,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7FFFDA76BFFF09FE14A4E1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7FFFDA76BFFF09FE14A4E1.ttl index 1f68752ff7a..dd6bc294595 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7FFFDA76BFFF09FE14A4E1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B92D7FFFDA76BFFF09FE14A4E1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Duarte, Paulo R. M.; Grossi, Paschoal C.; Dupuis, Fabien" ; dc:title "Bothynus villiersi Endrodi 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,72 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Endrodi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Endrodi, 1968" ; - dwc:species "horridus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez, 1983" ; - dwc:species "alvarengai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte & Grossi & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ratcliffe & Cave" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ratcliffe & Cave, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "spinophallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothynus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duarte, Grossi, & Dupuis, 2022" ; - dwc:species "belemensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dynastidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A08FFF2FF64FDD8592215DB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A08FFF2FF64FDD8592215DB.ttl index 2d75fffbf90..9117ad00420 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A08FFF2FF64FDD8592215DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A08FFF2FF64FDD8592215DB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Xenotarsonemus Beer 1954" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,208 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:species "brachytegula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Willd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Willd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Luehea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willd." ; - dwc:species "speciosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:species "cerrado" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(J. F. Gmel.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. F. Gmel." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "J. F. Gmel." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Desmodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmel.) Gmel." ; - dwc:species "canum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:species "demitei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Guettarda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:species "uruguensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. de Candolle" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. de Candolle" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Meliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Candolle" ; - dwc:species "casaretti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:species "kaingang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guilhemin ex Benth." ; - dwc:authorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrolobium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benth." ; - dwc:species "tomentosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sw." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sw." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cardiospermum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sw." ; - dwc:species "gradiflorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pitton, Lofego & Rezende, 2016" ; - dwc:species "luziae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snethl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snethl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cecropia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snethl." ; - dwc:species "glaziovii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, De Moraes & Ochoa, 2007" ; - dwc:species "spiniphorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF1FF64FB1F5C18113F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF1FF64FB1F5C18113F.ttl index 1405cd60cbf..c54d9a6145f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF1FF64FB1F5C18113F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF1FF64FB1F5C18113F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Tenuipalpus Donnadieu 1875" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,351 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:species "apichai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jacq.) Sarg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sarg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cannabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Celtis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jacq.) Sarg." ; - dwc:species "iguanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:species "ariauae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Qualea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "grandiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:species "carlosflechtmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kane, Castro & Ochoa, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kane, Castro & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kane, Castro & Ochoa, 2016" ; - dwc:species "erbei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Myrtaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Psidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth" ; - dwc:species "glabratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baker, 1945" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, 1945" ; - dwc:species "heveae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell Arg.", "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell Arg.", "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro, Feres & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:species "kitajimai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Hernandes, 2006" ; - dwc:species "moraesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spreng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sebastiania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spreng" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:species "nambii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "St. Hil. and Naud." ; - dwc:authorityName "St. Hil. and Naud." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sterculia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "St. Hil. & Naud." ; - dwc:species "striata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro, Feres & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:species "protium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro & Feres, 2013" ; - dwc:species "tapiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poepp. and Endl" ; - dwc:authorityName "Poepp. and Endl" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchornea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poepp. & Endl" ; - dwc:species "glandulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) Pax" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pax" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vell." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sapium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Pax, 1912" ; - dwc:species "glandulatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro, Feres & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro, Feres & Ochoa, 2016" ; - dwc:species "spinosaurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart. & Succ." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart. & Succ." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Combretaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Terminalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart. & Succ." ; - dwc:species "argentea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Castro, Ramos & Feres, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro, Ramos & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro, Ramos & Feres, 2017" ; - dwc:species "vieirae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aubl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Aubl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aubl." ; - dwc:species "guianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FC565BFD167B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FC565BFD167B.ttl index 7a64f41b678..01f866f9b89 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FC565BFD167B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FC565BFD167B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Terminalichus Anwarullah & Khan 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Castro, Ochoa & Feres, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Castro, Ochoa & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terminalichus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castro, Ochoa & Feres, 2017" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FD905B8A113F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FD905B8A113F.ttl index 65a2832199d..291e00fb801 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FD905B8A113F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FD905B8A113F.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Colopalpus Pritchard & Baker 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pritchad & Baker, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pritchad & Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Colopalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pritchad & Baker, 1958" ; - dwc:species "matthyssei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reinw. ex Blume) Rchb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rchb." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanolepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blume) Rchb." ; - dwc:species "multiglandulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FF385B6613F3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FF385B6613F3.ttl index a793dc12e44..c883fbbe804 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FF385B6613F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A09FFF3FF64FF385B6613F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Brevipalpus Donnnadieu 1875" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ochoa & Beard, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa & Beard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brevipalpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa & Beard, 2015" ; - dwc:species "feresi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spreng." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spreng." ; - dwc:species "floribundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tenuipalpidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF1FF64FC0C59E81737.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF1FF64FC0C59E81737.ttl index 234d966715d..4eb346661cd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF1FF64FC0C59E81737.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF1FF64FC0C59E81737.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Allonychus Pritchard & Baker 1955" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres, 1992" ; - dwc:species "brevipenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF6FF64FA5D5B4212D3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF6FF64FA5D5B4212D3.ttl index 083682fb940..7c7cbf41ae8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF6FF64FA5D5B4212D3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0BFFF6FF64FA5D5B4212D3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Aponychus Rimando 1966" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,102 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rimando, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rimando" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aponychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rimando, 1966" ; - dwc:species "rarus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lam.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lam." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lam." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phragmites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lam.) Lam." ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Corpuz-Raros, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Corpuz-Raros" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aponychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Corpuz-Raros, 1978" ; - dwc:species "pilipinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Juss." ; - dwc:authorityName "Juss." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Grewia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Juss." ; - dwc:species "multiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meyer, 1987)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meyer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aponychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meyer, 1987)" ; - dwc:species "parydrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phragmites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth" ; - dwc:species "mauritianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FC0C5976149F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FC0C5976149F.ttl index 14ed4a50149..ed1f48dc342 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FC0C5976149F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FC0C5976149F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Neotetranychus Tragardh 1915" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -44,68 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 2000" ; - dwc:species "asper" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poepp. and Endl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Poepp. and Endl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchornea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poepp. & Endl." ; - dwc:species "glandulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 2000" ; - dwc:species "granifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Link" ; - dwc:authorityName "Link" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bauhinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Link" ; - dwc:species "forficata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FD9059B51187.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FD9059B51187.ttl index 3c5207c5aec..38e97a81ef3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FD9059B51187.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FD9059B51187.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Monoceronychus McGregor 1945" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monoceronychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "bambusicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FEF05D3713F3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FEF05D3713F3.ttl index 8738d8e70ba..97efcaf96f7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FEF05D3713F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF6FF64FEF05D3713F3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Meyernychus Mitrofanov 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,24 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Meyer, 1974)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meyer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meyernychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meyer, 1974)" ; - dwc:species "emeticae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF7FF64F93B5976138F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF7FF64F93B5976138F.ttl index 6a372bd43be..013594c8efe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF7FF64F93B5976138F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0CFFF7FF64F93B5976138F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Oligonychus Berlesel 1886" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "longipenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Vochysiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Qualea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "grandiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "santoantoniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF4FF64F8785B861737.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF4FF64F8785B861737.ttl index 0e8ed4acd51..09169420aaa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF4FF64F8785B861737.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF4FF64F8785B861737.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Lorryia Oudemans 1925" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,85 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tydeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lorryia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:species "amazonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tydeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lorryia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:species "fortistriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tydeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lorryia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:species "parvireticuli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tydeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lorryia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mondin, Nuvoloni & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:species "virga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tydeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FA145C171503.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FA145C171503.ttl index 78720825781..4974a99928e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FA145C171503.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FA145C171503.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Tetranychus Dufour 1832" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1996" ; - dwc:species "riopretensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FBBC5B36177F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FBBC5B36177F.ttl index 23ac0da2798..96cc80d5249 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FBBC5B36177F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FBBC5B36177F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Sonotetranychus Tuttle, Baker & Abbatiello 1976" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sonotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "angiopenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FE045D811617.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FE045D811617.ttl index b04a3f26e18..86bc0a404bf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FE045D811617.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0DFFF7FF64FE045D811617.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Schizotetranychus Tragradh 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schizotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres & Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schizotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres & Flechtmann, 1995" ; - dwc:species "paraelymus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0EFFF4FF64FA5C5B1A14BB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0EFFF4FF64FA5C5B1A14BB.ttl index a4a37073eba..dcef8f6e47b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0EFFF4FF64FA5C5B1A14BB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A0EFFF4FF64FA5C5B1A14BB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Wettinidae Cook 1956" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Vellozo) Mez." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mez." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vellozo" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quesnelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vellozo) Mez." ; - dwc:species "arvensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Wettinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FA735A281503.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FA735A281503.ttl index 77b19d6fd80..756feec1e09 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FA735A281503.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FA735A281503.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Dunaxeus Den Heyer & Castro 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,39 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Den Heyer & Castro, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Den Heyer & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dunaxeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Den Heyer & Castro, 2009" ; - dwc:species "duosetosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Leguminosae" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Vogel (Leguminosae)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vogel (Leguminosae" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vogel, 1987" ; - dwc:species "emarginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FBC45A601753.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FBC45A601753.ttl index abea2e1a336..38b5b9e672b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FBC45A601753.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FBC45A601753.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Allocunaxa Den Heyer & Castro 2008" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Den Heyer & Castro, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Den Heyer & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allocunaxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Den Heyer & Castro, 2008" ; - dwc:species "heveae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Adr. de Juss." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Adr. de Juss.) Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FDD85D7C1187.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FDD85D7C1187.ttl index 67ed69ac16d..5286b192f73 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FDD85D7C1187.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FDD85D7C1187.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Tetrabdella Hernandes & Feres 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Feres, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrabdella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Feres, 2006" ; - dwc:species "neotropica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Adr. de Juss." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Adr. de Juss.) Muell-Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FF405ADA13AB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FF405ADA13AB.ttl index db27c0d3ced..02fadfacf41 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FF405ADA13AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEAFF64FF405ADA13AB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Spinibdella Thor 1930" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Daud & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spinibdella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "denheyeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEBFF64F8785ADB13D7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEBFF64F8785ADB13D7.ttl index 6b742bb7c2d..1d27830f7ec 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEBFF64F8785ADB13D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A10FFEBFF64F8785ADB13D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Calacarus Keifer 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calacarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres, 1992" ; - dwc:species "heveae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFE8FF64F8785ACC1363.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFE8FF64F8785ACC1363.ttl index e3d0182ebf2..62efc69dbf7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFE8FF64F8785ACC1363.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFE8FF64F8785ACC1363.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Petalomium Cross 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Silva, Khaustov & Oliveira, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Silva, Khaustov & Oliveira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pygmephoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petalomium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Silva, Khaustov & Oliveira, 2018" ; - dwc:species "megasolenidiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pygmephoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64F9CC5C6B1503.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64F9CC5C6B1503.ttl index c51c1f85312..2fd0bcf4a9d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64F9CC5C6B1503.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64F9CC5C6B1503.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Xystonotus Wolcott 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pesic, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pesic" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Mideopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xystonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pesic, 2015" ; - dwc:species "phytotelmaticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Mideopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FC20596A177F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FC20596A177F.ttl index 95a772e796a..571e3001a14 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FC20596A177F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FC20596A177F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Shevtchenkella Bagdasarian 1978" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Shevtchenkella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres, 1998" ; - dwc:species "petiolula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FDFC5B2211A3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FDFC5B2211A3.ttl index 95ba90b2ee5..b55d090b11e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FDFC5B2211A3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A11FFEBFF64FDFC5B2211A3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Phyllocoptruta Keifer 1938" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feres, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyllocoptruta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feres, 1998" ; - dwc:species "seringueirae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64F97C5D261593.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64F97C5D261593.ttl index 3e1a6dbdf20..909c75de550 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64F97C5D261593.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64F97C5D261593.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Cotingodectes Valim & Hernandes 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Valim & Hernandes, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Valim & Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cotingodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Valim & Hernandes, 2009" ; - dwc:species "breviphallus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "rupicola (Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cotingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rupicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "rupicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FC9C596D1457.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FC9C596D1457.ttl index 406f777f53a..6b36032649a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FC9C596D1457.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FC9C596D1457.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Atrichophyllodes Hernandes, Valim & Mironov 2007" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,120 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrichophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "mentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Temminck, 1823)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Thamnophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dysithamnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Temminck, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "mentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrichophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "delalandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lesson, 1831)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lesson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lesson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corythopis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lesson, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "delalandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atrichophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:species "leucopterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vieillot)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Thamnophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyriglena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vieillot, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "leucoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FDD85D4110F7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FDD85D4110F7.ttl index 9e4df0eb32c..198c7b194a0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FDD85D4110F7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A12FFE8FF64FDD85D4110F7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Anisophyllodes Atyeo 1967" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,51 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "candango" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lawrence, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lawrence" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elaenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lawrence, 1865" ; - dwc:species "chiriquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64F913593D15E4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64F913593D15E4.ttl index cecc5e0dfd9..2ad18d77c9b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64F913593D15E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64F913593D15E4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Nycteridocaulus Atyeo 1966" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nycteridocaulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:species "guaratubensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Willis & Oniki" ; - dwc:authorityName "Willis & Oniki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phylloscartes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willis & Oniki, 1992" ; - dwc:species "kronei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.R.Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Furnariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FC9F5AA2147C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FC9F5AA2147C.ttl index 5938fed9397..1f5d4244d5a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FC9F5AA2147C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FC9F5AA2147C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Nanopterodectes Mironov 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,103 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanopterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:species "acutirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Thamnophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stymphalornis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bornschein, Reinert & Teixeira, 1995" ; - dwc:species "acutirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanopterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:species "leucopterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vieillot)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Thamnophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyriglena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vieillot, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "leucoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nanopterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Valim, 2012" ; - dwc:species "mentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Temminck)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Thamnophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dysithamnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Temminck, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "mentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FE075BA510F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FE075BA510F0.ttl index 38357e5bd82..32ac9a22aa3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FE075BA510F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FE075BA510F0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Mimicalges Atyeo & Gaud 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,39 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimicalges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, 2014" ; - dwc:species "neopelmae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lafresnaye)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lafresnaye" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lafresnaye" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Pipridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lafresnaye, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "pallescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FF435D761388.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FF435D761388.ttl index 95913e91b72..ad6409dd438 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FF435D761388.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A13FFE9FF64FF435D761388.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Dolichodectes Park & Atyeo 1971" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Valim, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Valim, 2006" ; - dwc:species "neotropicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lawrence" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lawrence" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elaenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lawrence, 1865" ; - dwc:species "chiriquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64F9E35CF9150C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64F9E35CF9150C.ttl index 5104bcf06b4..dfde2940c50 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64F9E35CF9150C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64F9E35CF9150C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Anoplocheylus Berlese 1910" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Khaustov & Tolstikov, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov & Tolstikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pseudocheylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anoplocheylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov & Tolstikov, 2015" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pseudocheylidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FB535B1317A4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FB535B1317A4.ttl index ca9c0ab5da3..1337050eedb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FB535B1317A4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FB535B1317A4.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Tyranniphyllodes Hernandes, Valim & Mironov 2007" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,35 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tyranniphyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "pitangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FDFF5B6F163C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FDFF5B6F163C.ttl index 61cb655a453..bb09e5722a2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FDFF5B6F163C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FDFF5B6F163C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Pterodectes Robin 1877" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,82 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Valim, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Valim, 2006" ; - dwc:species "amaurochalinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cabanis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cabanis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabanis, 1850" ; - dwc:species "amaurochalinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hermandes & Valim, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hermandes & Valim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hermandes & Valim, 2005" ; - dwc:species "fissuratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Veillot" ; - dwc:authorityName "Veillot" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Veillot" ; - dwc:species "leucomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FF435AA213D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FF435AA213D0.ttl index 2caffec528c..cf42f186386 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FF435AA213D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEEFF64FF435AA213D0.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Platyacarus Kudon 1982" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,52 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyacarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Valim & Mironov, 2007" ; - dwc:species "sittasomi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vieillot)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Furnariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sittasomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vieillot, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "griseicapillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Dendrocolaptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEFFF64F87B594A1083.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEFFF64F87B594A1083.ttl index 962df26c270..bde536929a6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEFFF64F87B594A1083.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A14FFEFFF64F87B594A1083.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Zetzellia Oudemans 1927" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Feres, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Stigmaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zetzellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Feres, 2005" ; - dwc:species "agistzellia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes & Feres, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Stigmaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zetzellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes & Feres, 2005" ; - dwc:species "quasagistemas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Stigmaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFECFF64F9CD5A4514D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFECFF64F9CD5A4514D6.ttl index 70978b95213..f8bf01c9415 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFECFF64F9CD5A4514D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFECFF64F9CD5A4514D6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Daidalotarsonemus De Leon 1956" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,196 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "alas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim Jr, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim Jr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim Jr, 2014" ; - dwc:species "annonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Annona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "coriacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "azofeifai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "ginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willd.) Kuntze" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuntze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Willd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentaclethra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Willd.) Kuntze, 1952" ; - dwc:species "macroloba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "lini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochoa, Rezende & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "marini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:species "oliveirai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Daidalotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:species "savanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Camb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Camb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryocaraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Caryocar" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Camb." ; - dwc:species "brasiliense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Didymopanax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:species "vinosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FB505AB917C7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FB505AB917C7.ttl index 190a090c2fe..111ba963abe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FB505AB917C7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FB505AB917C7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Ceratotarsonemus De Leon 1956" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,35 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:species "amazonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FCF85C9A1633.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FCF85C9A1633.ttl index a9965a0da11..5a479b0544e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FCF85C9A1633.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A15FFEFFF64FCF85C9A1633.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Biscutulumnemus Lofego & Feres 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego & Feres, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Biscutulumnemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego & Feres, 2006" ; - dwc:species "neotropicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spreng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spreng" ; - dwc:species "floribundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A16FFEDFF64F8CF5B0C10AF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A16FFEDFF64F8CF5B0C10AF.ttl index bb79564703a..576f3ba3f54 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A16FFEDFF64F8CF5B0C10AF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A16FFEDFF64F8CF5B0C10AF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Excelsotarsonemus Ochoa & Naskrecki 1995" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,69 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sousa, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sousa, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Excelsotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sousa, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cabrucae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lam." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lam." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Moraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Artocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lam." ; - dwc:species "heterophyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Excelsotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:species "caravelis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Excelsotarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Lofego & Ochoa, 2015" ; - dwc:species "tupi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64F909599E15C5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64F909599E15C5.ttl index 2cbfd12b794..8f18f97d339 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64F909599E15C5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64F909599E15C5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Nasutitarsonemus Beer & Nucifora 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Hountondji, Al-Shanfari & De Moraes, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Hountondji, Al-Shanfari & De Moraes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nasutitarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Hountondji, Al-Shanfari & De Moraes, 2011" ; - dwc:species "omani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linneo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linneo, 1753" ; - dwc:species "nucifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FA7859381487.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FA7859381487.ttl index 3c476998923..12340f8c43c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FA7859381487.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FA7859381487.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Kaliszewskia Lofego, Demite & Moraes 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Moraes, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Moraes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kaliszewskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Moraes, 2015" ; - dwc:species "ochoai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FD245A241753.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FD245A241753.ttl index 715555fecd9..682aee54b94 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FD245A241753.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A17FFEDFF64FD245A241753.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Fungitarsonemus Cromroy 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,53 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rezende, Otto, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rezende, Otto, Lofego & Ochoa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fungitarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rezende, Otto, Lofego & Ochoa, 2018" ; - dwc:species "australiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fungitarsonemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sousa, Lofego & Gondim, 2014" ; - dwc:species "setillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Annona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "coriacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tarsonemidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE0FF64F9315B2A138F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE0FF64F9315B2A138F.ttl index bc43fa248db..e9b20ff9722 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE0FF64F9315B2A138F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE0FF64F9315B2A138F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Amblydromalus Chant & McMurtry 2005" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblydromalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "akiri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblydromalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni & Lofego, 2015" ; - dwc:species "insolitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE3FF64FB2C5D8E1402.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE3FF64FB2C5D8E1402.ttl index e069fd80219..1a29c2b17ea 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE3FF64FB2C5D8E1402.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A19FFE3FF64FB2C5D8E1402.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Diplothyrus Lehtinen 1999" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Neothyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplothyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Holothyrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2016" ; - dwc:species "lehtineni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Neothyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1AFFE1FF64FE045ADE1340.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1AFFE1FF64FE045ADE1340.ttl index f1fb033344e..7b26601927e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1AFFE1FF64FE045ADE1340.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1AFFE1FF64FE045ADE1340.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Amblyseius Berlese 1914" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,224 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:species "atlanticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benth." ; - dwc:authorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Emilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benth." ; - dwc:species "sonchifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "chicomendesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Benth.) Mull. Arg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mull. Arg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Benth.) Mull. Arg" ; - dwc:species "spruceana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "duckei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aubl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Aubl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aubl." ; - dwc:species "guianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:species "ica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Beauv." ; - dwc:authorityName "Beauv." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melinis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Beauv." ; - dwc:species "minutiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "manauara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amblyseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:species "paulofariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacq." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acalypha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacq." ; - dwc:species "diversifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mull. Arg.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Actinostemon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mull. Arg.) Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:species "communis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poepp. & Endl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Poepp. & Endl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchornea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poepp. & Endl." ; - dwc:species "glandulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FA7059C21503.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FA7059C21503.ttl index e0d6e32a915..8273d116752 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FA7059C21503.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FA7059C21503.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Iphiseiodes De Leon 1966" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Rezende, Lofego & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Rezende, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iphiseiodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Rezende, Lofego & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "katukina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Spruce ex Benth.) Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Benth.) Mull. Arg." ; - dwc:species "pauciflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FBC45D871753.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FBC45D871753.ttl index 3de0f04a67a..71ad302bc62 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FBC45D871753.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FBC45D871753.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Galendromus Muma 1961" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galendromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "sulamericanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Mugidromus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lam. Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lam. Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylopia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lam. Mart." ; - dwc:species "aromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FD005AEE11CF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FD005AEE11CF.ttl index bfab3511f6c..de48a36ef70 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FD005AEE11CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FD005AEE11CF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Galendromimus Muma 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Demite & Lofego, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite & Lofego" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galendromimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite & Lofego, 2014" ; - dwc:species "roraimensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Galendromimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linneo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linneo, 1753" ; - dwc:species "nucifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FE4C59C91083.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FE4C59C91083.ttl index 8db6408bd3c..1007962b361 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FE4C59C91083.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE1FF64FE4C59C91083.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Breviseius Moraes, Barbosa & Castro 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,39 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Breviseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:species "sennae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rich.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. S. Irwin & Barneby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rich." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Senna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rich.) Irwin & Barneby, 1988" ; - dwc:species "multijuga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE6FF64F8805D8E1187.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE6FF64F8805D8E1187.ttl index 17e75f84c9f..75d01217fe9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE6FF64F8805D8E1187.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1BFFE6FF64F8805D8E1187.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Phytoseius Ribaga 1904" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,100 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytoseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "jatoba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytoseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "jurute" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphrophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham." ; - dwc:species "sellowiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Demite, Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytoseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Demite, Lofego & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kaapre" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Aubl.) Standl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Standl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aubl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Dilleniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Doliocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dilleniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aubl.) Standl." ; - dwc:species "dentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Guettarda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cham. & Schltdl." ; - dwc:species "uruguensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FAE45AC31503.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FAE45AC31503.ttl index 59bd3d2d271..2235bd3be17 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FAE45AC31503.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FAE45AC31503.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Typhlodromalus Muma 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,69 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Moraes & McMurtry, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Moraes & McMurtry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Moraes & McMurtry, 2000" ; - dwc:species "feresi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mart." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mart." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Mabea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mart." ; - dwc:species "fistulifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:species "feresisimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jacq.) Roem. & Schult" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roem. & Schult" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphrophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jacq.)" ; - dwc:species "curassavica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FC0C5D1816EF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FC0C5D1816EF.ttl index 3c58aeaa5e2..faeca0ad60e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FC0C5D1816EF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE6FF64FC0C5D1816EF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Proprioseiopsis Muma 1961" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Moraes, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Moraes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proprioseiopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Moraes, 2009" ; - dwc:species "biologicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hochst. ex A. Rich.) R. Webster" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Webster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. Rich." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Urochloa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rich.) Webster" ; - dwc:species "brizantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE7FF64F880596A1577.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE7FF64F880596A1577.ttl index d741ee9104b..f33ae76d284 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE7FF64F880596A1577.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1CFFE7FF64F880596A1577.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Typhlodromips De Leon 1965" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,258 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:species "corniformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lam.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lam." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vernonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lam.) Pers, 1807" ; - dwc:species "scorpioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:species "furcus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vell.) Engl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Engl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vell." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lithraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vell.) Engl." ; - dwc:species "molleoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trec." ; - dwc:authorityName "Trec." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cecropia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trec." ; - dwc:species "pachystachia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Camb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Camb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryocaraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Caryocar" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Camb." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trecul" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trecul" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cecropia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trecul, 1847" ; - dwc:species "pachystachya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Rezende & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "igapo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ule" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ule" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ule, 1905" ; - dwc:species "microphylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Little" ; - dwc:authorityName "Little" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Chrysobalanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hirtella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Little, 1948" ; - dwc:species "pauciflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:species "japi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spreng." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spreng." ; - dwc:species "floribundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hook." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hook." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Dicksoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicksonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cyatheales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hook." ; - dwc:species "sellowiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Castro & Feres, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Castro & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuvoloni, Lofego, Castro & Feres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "paramilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moraes, Barbosa & Castro, 2013" ; - dwc:species "robustisetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FB775BA2147C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FB775BA2147C.ttl index 92a9217169c..adc7123d0d2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FB775BA2147C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FB775BA2147C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Amazonacarus Vazquez, Araujo & Feres 2014" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Opilioacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amazonacarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opilioacarida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "paraensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Opilioacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amazonacarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opilioacarida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vazquez, Araujo & Feres, 2014" ; - dwc:species "setosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Opilioacaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FD4B5C6111C8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FD4B5C6111C8.ttl index 4b2ecf7db56..f027a631c77 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FD4B5C6111C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FD4B5C6111C8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Typhloseiopsis De Leon 1959" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego, Demite & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhloseiopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego, Demite & Feres, 2011" ; - dwc:species "dorsoreticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spreng." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spreng." ; - dwc:species "floribundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FF435B571044.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FF435B571044.ttl index f58ab83fc2d..02c92fc01e9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FF435B571044.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1EFFE4FF64FF435B571044.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Typhlodromus Scheuten 1857" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,68 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lofego & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:species "demoraesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cham.) Sandwith." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sandwith." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cham." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabebuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cham.) Sandwith." ; - dwc:species "alba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabebuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lofego & Feres" ; - dwc:species "moraesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kreiter & Ueckermann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kreiter & Ueckermann" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabebuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kreiter & Ueckermann" ; - dwc:species "moraesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Phytoseiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64F98A5CEE1589.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64F98A5CEE1589.ttl index bb3e24b638e..656d6bbd105 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64F98A5CEE1589.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64F98A5CEE1589.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Hexabdella Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann 2004" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,51 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Daud & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hexabdella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2007" ; - dwc:species "cinquaginta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hevea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Aublet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tibouchina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aublet, 1775" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FB1E5B441405.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FB1E5B441405.ttl index e171a50649a..d6dab033b6a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FB1E5B441405.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FB1E5B441405.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Cyta von Heyden 1826" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, 2011" ; - dwc:species "troglodyta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wied, 1820)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wied" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wied" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kerodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wied, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "rupestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FD165CC01672.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FD165CC01672.ttl index 612e65660f1..2d4b32a5c39 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FD165CC01672.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FD165CC01672.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Bdellidae Duges 1834" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,68 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Latreille, 1795" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1795" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bdella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1795" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hernandes, Daud & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bdella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ueckermanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bactris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1816" ; - dwc:species "gasipaes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linneo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linneo, 1753" ; - dwc:species "nucifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Bdellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FF435A0B1031.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FF435A0B1031.ttl index 8fb694df50c..d0b65f5f9a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FF435A0B1031.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687B99A1FFFE5FF64FF435A0B1031.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Araújo, Marcel Santos De; Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio" ; dc:title "Neocarus Chamberlin & Mulaik 1942" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Araujo & Feres, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Araujo & Feres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Opilioacaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neocarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opilioacarida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Araujo & Feres, 2018" ; - dwc:species "coronatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Opilioacaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5DFFDBFF59FDD1FF888CD0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5DFFDBFF59FDD1FF888CD0.ttl index 59bfa0c8ecb..271114efdb8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5DFFDBFF59FDD1FF888CD0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5DFFDBFF59FDD1FF888CD0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bollino, Maurizio" ; dc:title "Pachyrhynchus faisali Bollino 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Bollino", "Bollino, 2023" ; + dwc:authority "Bollino" ; dwc:authorityName "Bollino" ; dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,19 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -80,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDBFF59FD25F86E8DB2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDBFF59FD25F86E8DB2.ttl index db31c81d37d..aad3b3183e4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDBFF59FD25F86E8DB2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDBFF59FD25F86E8DB2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bollino, Maurizio" ; dc:title "Pachyrhynchus forsteni Snellen van Vollenhoven 1864" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Snellen van Vollenhoven" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1864" ; - dwc:species "morotaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDDFF59FBC0FFF78F30.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDDFF59FBC0FFF78F30.ttl index b9542dd8212..b38f8804b42 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDDFF59FBC0FFF78F30.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCDB5FFFDDFF59FBC0FFF78F30.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bollino, Maurizio" ; dc:title "Pachyrhynchus viridis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Chevrolat)", "(Chevrolat, 1879)" ; + dwc:authority "(Chevrolat, 1879)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chevrolat" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -49,244 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Erichson 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apocyrtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Behrens 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Behrens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphenomorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Behrens, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Germar, 1824" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yoshitake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yoshitake, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ohbayashii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Snellen van Vollenhoven" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1864" ; - dwc:species "morotaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bollino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bollino, 2023" ; - dwc:species "faisali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schoenherr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schoenherr, 1826" ; - dwc:tribe "Pachyrhynchini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Faust 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Faust" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pantorhytes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Faust, 1892" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Halmahera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Halmahera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Halmahera)" ; - dwc:species "forsteni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Morotai)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Morotai" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morotai)" ; - dwc:species "morotaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pantorhytes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin-Meneville, 1841" ; - dwc:species "biplagiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "LA" ; - dwc:authorityName "LA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "La" ; - dwc:species "forsteni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "LA" ; - dwc:authorityName "LA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "La" ; - dwc:species "faisali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": LA" ; - dwc:authorityName "LA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "La" ; - dwc:species "morotaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": LA" ; - dwc:authorityName "LA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "La" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": LA" ; - dwc:authorityName "LA" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "La" ; - dwc:species "ohbayashii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -300,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachyrhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCFF9DE24F3891FD542556F46E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCFF9DE24F3891FD542556F46E.ttl index ecacfcf1aab..745c5e7fee3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCFF9DE24F3891FD542556F46E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BCFF9DE24F3891FD542556F46E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Braga, João Marcelo Alvarenga" ; dc:title "Maranta polystachya J. M. A. Braga 2014, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -48,23 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schumann (1902: 176)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schumann" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "176" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Marantaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Calathea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schumann, 1902" ; - dwc:species "polystachya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Vieira & Souza (2008: 137)" ; dwc:authorityName "Vieira & Souza" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFBAFF85FE85FB53FCCAF99C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFBAFF85FE85FB53FCCAF99C.ttl index 2dd9e98b054..e0299a28eda 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFBAFF85FE85FB53FCCAF99C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFBAFF85FE85FB53FCCAF99C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ferraris, Carl J.; Jr" ; dc:title "Clupisoma prateri Hora 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "All" ; - dwc:authorityName "All" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Schilbeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clupisoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "All" ; - dwc:species "garua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Schilbeidae" ; @@ -73,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Schilbeidae" ; dwc:genus "Clupisoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC6337BFF3EFCB9FBB99443.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC6337BFF3EFCB9FBB99443.ttl index 053a27c7ec2..3899f3fe385 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC6337BFF3EFCB9FBB99443.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC6337BFF3EFCB9FBB99443.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia stricta Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC7337BFF3EFDD9FEDA91F9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC7337BFF3EFDD9FEDA91F9.ttl index d63480ba14d..30b3df4151b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC7337BFF3EFDD9FEDA91F9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFC7337BFF3EFDD9FEDA91F9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia spissa Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD03362FF3EFE4AFA8690E4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD03362FF3EFE4AFA8690E4.ttl index fc69e1d3dba..47c12ed28a4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD03362FF3EFE4AFA8690E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD03362FF3EFE4AFA8690E4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia gemellata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mohrig & Krivosheina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1983" ; - dwc:species "bispinifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD2336DFF3EF911FD3A926D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD2336DFF3EF911FD3A926D.ttl index 15cbe8246fa..085a15545bf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD2336DFF3EF911FD3A926D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD2336DFF3EF911FD3A926D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia filigera Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD43369FF3EFD2AFE3B9523.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD43369FF3EFD2AFE3B9523.ttl index f7e14667ccd..10ad5ba3b78 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD43369FF3EFD2AFE3B9523.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD43369FF3EFD2AFE3B9523.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia centidens Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD4336FFF3EF989FD339591.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD4336FFF3EF989FD339591.ttl index 4087b1abba2..3d186035550 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD4336FFF3EF989FD339591.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD4336FFF3EF989FD339591.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia clavistylis Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD63369FF3EF8D1FDE4918C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD63369FF3EF8D1FDE4918C.ttl index 0b54da69cc4..f9b68d3999b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD63369FF3EF8D1FDE4918C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD63369FF3EF8D1FDE4918C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia aequispina Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,66 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Winnertz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winnertz" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winnertz" ; - dwc:species "tilicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:species "fenestralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frey" ; - dwc:species "difformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Comstock" ; - dwc:authorityName "Comstock" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Comstock" ; - dwc:species "ocellaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD6336BFF3EFCE7FA5595E9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD6336BFF3EFCE7FA5595E9.ttl index 5ca8437528b..757db98ddb4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD6336BFF3EFCE7FA5595E9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD6336BFF3EFCE7FA5595E9.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD9337AFF3EFA36FE2692C6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD9337AFF3EFA36FE2692C6.ttl index b627cde45b3..f6bb1777525 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD9337AFF3EFA36FE2692C6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFD9337AFF3EFA36FE2692C6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia seticornis Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Steffan, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steffan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steffan, 1969" ; - dwc:species "boninensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brunetti, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brunetti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brunetti, 1912" ; - dwc:species "radicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steffan, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steffan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steffan, 1969" ; - dwc:species "kraussi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDA3367FF3EFD72FDA7949B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDA3367FF3EFD72FDA7949B.ttl index 2a9beaad5c3..ffd49ceefb3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDA3367FF3EFD72FDA7949B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDA3367FF3EFD72FDA7949B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia planistylata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Dimitrova & Mohrig" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Mohrig & Dimitrova (Dimitrova & Mohrig 1993)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mohrig & Dimitrova (Dimitrova & Mohrig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mohrig & Dimitrova, 1993" ; - dwc:species "alutacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; @@ -75,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDB3367FF3EFD49FB5C9135.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDB3367FF3EFD49FB5C9135.ttl index 13d014bc762..5710a9ed072 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDB3367FF3EFD49FB5C9135.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDB3367FF3EFD49FB5C9135.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia paucidens Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDC3366FF3EFF6AFE879156.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDC3366FF3EFF6AFE879156.ttl index 231e8a68b25..58e85c494c2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDC3366FF3EFF6AFE879156.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDC3366FF3EFF6AFE879156.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia nudilobata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDE3360FF3EF9A9FE33903E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDE3360FF3EF9A9FE33903E.ttl index e972f030a96..94ecf327259 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDE3360FF3EF9A9FE33903E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDE3360FF3EF9A9FE33903E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia melina Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tuomikoski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tuomikoski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tuomikoski" ; - dwc:species "peraffinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDF3363FF3EFBC2FED1928E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDF3363FF3EFBC2FED1928E.ttl index 89b46b92447..d8cf3ff154f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDF3363FF3EFBC2FED1928E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BEFFDF3363FF3EFBC2FED1928E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vilkamaa, Pekka; Hippa, Heikki; Mohrig, Werner" ; dc:title "Bradysia gibbosa Vilkamaa, Hippa & Mohrig, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; dwc:genus "Bradysia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA1FFDAE6C6FD618A25FE1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA1FFDAE6C6FD618A25FE1B.ttl index b165fdf9449..0dad1dde585 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA1FFDAE6C6FD618A25FE1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA1FFDAE6C6FD618A25FE1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Varga, Oleksandr" ; dc:title "Exochus ater Tolkanitz 1993" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tolkanitz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tolkanitz, 1993" ; - dwc:species "argutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA6FFDBE6C6FD618A81FDAA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA6FFDBE6C6FD618A81FDAA.ttl index c95eb818c65..ff18c62d1f5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA6FFDBE6C6FD618A81FDAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFA6FFDBE6C6FD618A81FDAA.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Exochus argutus Tolkanitz 1993" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FBC98A2BFAFB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FBC98A2BFAFB.ttl index 2c26822db34..02351374628 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FBC98A2BFAFB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FBC98A2BFAFB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Varga, Oleksandr" ; dc:title "Exochus similis Tolkanitz 1992" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tolkanitz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tolkanitz, 1993" ; - dwc:species "karazini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FD618B41FC02.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FD618B41FC02.ttl index 0f42d7b3060..f2e428b3a01 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FD618B41FC02.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687BFFFABFFD1E6C6FD618B41FC02.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Varga, Oleksandr" ; dc:title "Exochus selenanae Tolkanitz 1999" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Gn." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tortricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancylis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gn." ; - dwc:species "selenana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tolkanitz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tolkanitz, 2003" ; - dwc:species "gratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C11128C879FF5DFE9C7FF1BCE5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C11128C879FF5DFE9C7FF1BCE5.ttl index 5961f6628a1..a27390bcea4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C11128C879FF5DFE9C7FF1BCE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C11128C879FF5DFE9C7FF1BCE5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian; Falahati, Asghar; Skarżyński, Dariusz" ; dc:title "Cryptonura Cassagnau 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,90 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ellis, 1976) (Greece)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ellis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ellis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ellis, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "anthrenoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smolis, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smolis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smolis, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jubilaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cassagnau & Peja, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cassagnau & Peja" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cassagnau & Peja, 1979" ; - dwc:species "dirfysensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stach, 1951) (Austria)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stach" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stach, 1951)" ; - dwc:species "franzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gisin, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gisin, 1954" ; - dwc:species "kuhnelti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112BC879FF5DFE037856BE7D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112BC879FF5DFE037856BE7D.ttl index 178294ed495..df2ac44ef51 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112BC879FF5DFE037856BE7D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112BC879FF5DFE037856BE7D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian; Falahati, Asghar; Skarżyński, Dariusz" ; dc:title "Cryptonura maxima Smolis, Falahati & Skarżyński, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Smolis, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smolis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smolis, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jubilaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112EC87AFF5DFBE1795EBECD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112EC87AFF5DFBE1795EBECD.ttl index b91ddc72520..64e2a8f1431 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112EC87AFF5DFBE1795EBECD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1112EC87AFF5DFBE1795EBECD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian; Falahati, Asghar; Skarżyński, Dariusz" ; dc:title "Cryptonura persica Smolis, Falahati & Skarżyński, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2837215B5FB8F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2837215B5FB8F.ttl index 5a8877c8c1c..c54fbb45ce2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2837215B5FB8F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2837215B5FB8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Charoides pepoata Martins and Galileo 1996" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Martins and Galileo, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tulcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Martins & Galileo, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "pepoatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2842815B5FB52.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2842815B5FB52.ttl index 7cfac82f737..b6fa15da5d0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2842815B5FB52.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA2842815B5FB52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Charoides pigra Martins and Galileo 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Martins and Galileo, 1990)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tulcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Martins & Galileo, 1990)" ; - dwc:species "pigrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA285651413FA43.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA285651413FA43.ttl index 8162c19a69c..2f3eba56ac2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA285651413FA43.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18824FFF36AA285651413FA43.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Cylicasta chionea Martins 1979" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Melzer, 1934)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Melzer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cylicasta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Melzer, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "parallela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882BFFFC6AA2829E15B5FCAC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882BFFFC6AA2829E15B5FCAC.ttl index b51f73e75a3..9dc92d5dd25 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882BFFFC6AA2829E15B5FCAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882BFFFC6AA2829E15B5FCAC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Hesycha ocellifera Martins and Galileo 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Breuning, 1940)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Breuning" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hesycha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Breuning, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "inermicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882DFFFA6AA280DA1474FECB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882DFFFA6AA280DA1474FECB.ttl index a3867b42d01..3ba22abcf22 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882DFFFA6AA280DA1474FECB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882DFFFA6AA280DA1474FECB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Japi duartei Martins and Galileo 2012" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Japi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Galileo, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1868" ; - dwc:species "pectoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; @@ -91,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; dwc:genus "Japi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA2843B147DFB2B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA2843B147DFB2B.ttl index 52734e8fa98..81d64dc9ae2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA2843B147DFB2B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA2843B147DFB2B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Ischiocentra costalimai Melzer 1931" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischiocentra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "hebes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA285DB1476F9CB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA285DB1476F9CB.ttl index 2747100fa94..706c2a6fc1b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA285DB1476F9CB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA285DB1476F9CB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Ischiocentra modesta Melzer 1931" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "pubescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA286751462F974.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA286751462F974.ttl index 6b2600e89ba..c099d398426 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA286751462F974.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C1882EFFF96AA286751462F974.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Ischiocentra multinotata Melzer 1934" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eupalessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18830FFE06AA287041655FEEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18830FFE06AA287041655FEEF.ttl index c6b6064c3d0..24c7eb17ec4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18830FFE06AA287041655FEEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18830FFE06AA287041655FEEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Oncideres stillata Galileo and Martins 2010" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Galileo and Martins", "Galileo and Martins, 2010", "Galileo and Martins, 2010: 76" ; + dwc:authority "Galileo and Martins, 2010: 76" ; dwc:authorityName "Galileo and Martins" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "76" ; dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; @@ -48,227 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Galileo and Martins, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galileo and Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galileo & Martins, 2011" ; - dwc:species "aurivillii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1860" ; - dwc:tribe "Onciderini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Galileo, 1990" ; - dwc:species "diringsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Galileo, 2009" ; - dwc:species "errata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, 1981" ; - dwc:species "glebulenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Melzer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Melzer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melzer, 1934" ; - dwc:species "irrorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, 1981" ; - dwc:species "magnifica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Galileo, 1995" ; - dwc:species "manauara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins, Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins, Galileo, and Limeira-de-Oliveira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, Galileo, & Limeira-de-Oliveira, 2009" ; - dwc:species "mirador" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins and Galileo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Galileo, 1996" ; - dwc:species "mirim" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, 1981" ; - dwc:species "nipheta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, 1981" ; - dwc:species "pepotinga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nearns and Santos-Silva" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nearns and Santos-Silva" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nearns & Santos-Silva" ; - dwc:species "tavakiliani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aurivillius, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aurivillius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aurivillius, 1904" ; - dwc:species "stillata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18837FFE06AA2820415B5FD02.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18837FFE06AA2820415B5FD02.ttl index fa12d48307a..e34472a43c4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18837FFE06AA2820415B5FD02.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C18837FFE06AA2820415B5FD02.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nearns, Eugenio H.; Nascimento, Francisco E. de. L.; Casari, Sônia A." ; dc:title "Oncideres teixeirai Martins and Galileo 1990" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncideres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1868" ; - dwc:species "macra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF83FFC535E9FC72FE6BF962.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF83FFC535E9FC72FE6BF962.ttl index 279b1ecc84d..ff25a99be5c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF83FFC535E9FC72FE6BF962.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF83FFC535E9FC72FE6BF962.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Loktionov, Valery M." ; dc:title "Telostholus tomentosus Loktionov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Loktionov", "Loktionov, 2020" ; + dwc:authority "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yasumatsu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Yasumatsu, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "esakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "clypeatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "malayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF88FFC935E9F9EDFDCAFE9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF88FFC935E9F9EDFDCAFE9E.ttl index 5450969aa71..c1be9bc3334 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF88FFC935E9F9EDFDCAFE9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF88FFC935E9F9EDFDCAFE9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Loktionov, Valery M." ; dc:title "Telostholus clypeatus Loktionov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Loktionov", "Loktionov, 2020" ; + dwc:authority "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ishikawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishikawa, 1967" ; - dwc:species "yasumatsui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "malayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "tomentosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8AFFCC35E9FD29FD50FA3A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8AFFCC35E9FD29FD50FA3A.ttl index c492531e9c3..549b403908a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8AFFCC35E9FD29FD50FA3A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8AFFCC35E9FD29FD50FA3A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Loktionov, Valery M." ; dc:title "Telostholus bifasciatus Loktionov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Loktionov", "Loktionov, 2020" ; + dwc:authority "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,112 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Haupt. Currently" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haupt. Currently, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov & Lelej" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov & Lelej, 2019" ; - dwc:species "celebes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Ma" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Ma, 2015" ; - dwc:species "nontuberatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ishikawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishikawa, 1967" ; - dwc:species "yasumatsui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "tomentosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "malayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; @@ -165,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8DFFC735E9FE41FC15FC82.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8DFFC735E9FE41FC15FC82.ttl index 2a6f03f2d5d..394b0e43645 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8DFFC735E9FE41FC15FC82.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C5FF8DFFC735E9FE41FC15FC82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Loktionov, Valery M." ; dc:title "Telostholus malayensis Loktionov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Loktionov", "Loktionov, 2020" ; + dwc:authority "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ishikawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ishikawa, 1967" ; - dwc:species "yasumatsui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "clypeatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loktionov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telostholus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loktionov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "tomentosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9003A9631FF2DFB8BFB29FCFF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9003A9631FF2DFB8BFB29FCFF.ttl index 7a7ea39e0e0..c7d25e3cfae 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9003A9631FF2DFB8BFB29FCFF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9003A9631FF2DFB8BFB29FCFF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Santos-Silva, Antonio; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.; Tirant, Stéphane le" ; dc:title "Birandra (Yvesandra) Santos-Silva and Shute 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,142 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Santos-Silva, 2002)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santos-Silva" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santos-Silva, 2002)" ; - dwc:species "tavakiliani" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Villiers, 1979)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villiers, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "pinchoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chevrolat, 1862)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chevrolat, 1862)" ; - dwc:species "cubaecola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "cribrata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bates, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "lata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos-Silva, Nascimento, and Le Tirant" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos-Silva, Nascimento, and Le Tirant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos-Silva, Nascimento, & Le Tirant, 2018" ; - dwc:species "antonkozlovi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos-Silva and Shute, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos-Silva and Shute" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos-Silva & Shute, 2009" ; - dwc:species "latreillei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bates, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Birandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "angulicollis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D61FFA021528800857292E7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D61FFA021528800857292E7.ttl index 16a1ff34929..c3aa617a35d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D61FFA021528800857292E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D61FFA021528800857292E7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus clupeatus Otto & Hill 2014" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Otto & Hill, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D70FFB121528AC085D690E0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D70FFB121528AC085D690E0.ttl index 871fb135baa..bd3209fc704 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D70FFB121528AC085D690E0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D70FFB121528AC085D690E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus kochi : Otto & Hill 2012 c 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,36 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2017" ; - dwc:species "cinereus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2017" ; - dwc:species "lentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D74FFB521528AC085579365.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D74FFB521528AC085579365.ttl index 297723f1f61..4d255e9d0b1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D74FFB521528AC085579365.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D74FFB521528AC085579365.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus nigromaculatus : Otto & Hill 2012 c 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority ": Otto & Hill 2012 c, 2012 e" ; dwc:authorityName ": Otto & Hill 2012 c" ; dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -46,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Keyserling 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Keyserling" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ergane" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keyserling, 1883" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Rainbow 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rainbow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thorellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rainbow, 1911" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Keyserling" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycidas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Keyserling, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D75FFB421528AC0856F9346.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D75FFB421528AC0856F9346.ttl index c694aad8995..05a9e42194c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D75FFB421528AC0856F9346.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D75FFB421528AC0856F9346.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus speculifer" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,54 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habrocestum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1909" ; - dwc:species "speculiferum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Zabka 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName ": Zabka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycidas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zabka, 1987" ; - dwc:species "speculifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Otto & Hill 2012 c, 2012 e" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2012" ; - dwc:species "speculiferus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D77FFB6215289C185B09447.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D77FFB6215289C185B09447.ttl index 32c71941301..3e6fd5f91cc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D77FFB6215289C185B09447.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D77FFB6215289C185B09447.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus chrysomelas : Otto & Hill 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority ": Otto & Hill 2012 c" ; dwc:authorityName ": Otto & Hill" ; dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habrocestum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1909" ; - dwc:species "chrysomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Zabka 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName ": Zabka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycidas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zabka, 1987" ; - dwc:species "chrysomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D78FFB921528AC084DE9327.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D78FFB921528AC084DE9327.ttl index 07c79b718b5..9b2566be10e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D78FFB921528AC084DE9327.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C91D78FFB921528AC084DE9327.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus hortorum Waldock 2014" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9E634FFDFFAB8FF5017EF37BB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9E634FFDFFAB8FF5017EF37BB.ttl index 7529ea71e33..76c3514620c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9E634FFDFFAB8FF5017EF37BB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9E634FFDFFAB8FF5017EF37BB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo; Miedes, Esther; Roselló, Roberto; Peris, Juan B." ; dc:title "Lavandula stoechas var. iuliae P. P. Ferrer, E. Miedes, R. Rosello & J. B. Peris 2023, var. nova" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,122 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ging.) Upson & S. Andrews", "Ging." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ging.", "Upson & S. Andrews" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ging." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:form "leucantha" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "form", "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ging.) Upson & Andrews" ; - dwc:species "stoechas" ; - dwc:variety "leucantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maire" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maire" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:form "rosea" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "form" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maire" ; - dwc:species "stoechas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "\" Anouk" ; - dwc:authorityName "Anouk" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anouk" ; - dwc:species "stoechas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rozeira) Rozeira", "Rozeira" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rozeira" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rozeira" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies", "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rozeira) Rozeira" ; - dwc:species "stoechas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "luisieri" ; - dwc:variety "luisieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mill.) Cav." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cav." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mill.) Cav." ; - dwc:species "pedunculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mill.) Rozeira" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rozeira" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mill.) Rozeira" ; - dwc:species "stoechas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pedunculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gonzalez, 2014)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gonzalez" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gonzalez, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "pedunculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; @@ -177,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lavandula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "stoechas" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9FFF79C53EBDDFC32FBB1F85E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9FFF79C53EBDDFC32FBB1F85E.ttl index c89fde56abf..892e21583e2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9FFF79C53EBDDFC32FBB1F85E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687C9FFF79C53EBDDFC32FBB1F85E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Yin, Zi-Wei; Li, Li-Zhen" ; dc:title "Eupiestus spinifer Fauvel 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,21 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fauv. R.I.Sc.N.B." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fauv. R.I.Sc.N.B." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eupiestus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauv. Sc.B." ; - dwc:species "spinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDD002FFD54AD3DCD2FC2DFD51.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDD002FFD54AD3DCD2FC2DFD51.ttl index d0ee781400e..4f2e95770ae 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDD002FFD54AD3DCD2FC2DFD51.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDD002FFD54AD3DCD2FC2DFD51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leschen, Richard A. B.; Lord, Nathan P." ; dc:title "Oparara Leschen and Lord 2017, new genus" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leschen and Lord" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Leschen and Lord" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Desidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oparara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leschen & Lord, 2017" ; - dwc:species "marskeae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Arches" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arches" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Desidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oparara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arches" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Desidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDFF8EEF1FFF0FD2EEA0BEFC1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDFF8EEF1FFF0FD2EEA0BEFC1B.ttl index 4042ea44b42..02eb88f8feb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDFF8EEF1FFF0FD2EEA0BEFC1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CDFF8EEF1FFF0FD2EEA0BEFC1B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Fuente, Javier Isaac De La; Rosales-Rosales, Wendy; Martínez-González, César Ramiro; Martínez-Reyes, Magdalena; Elizondo-Salas, Andrea Carolina; Pérez-Moreno, Jesús" ; dc:title "Tuber itzcuinzapotl de la Fuente & Rosales-Rosales 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5120FF88EDCAFCEB1C137D91.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5120FF88EDCAFCEB1C137D91.ttl index b9ec38e2ca7..1ca0ae44e95 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5120FF88EDCAFCEB1C137D91.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5120FF88EDCAFCEB1C137D91.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossi, Walter; Feijen, Hans R." ; dc:title "Rhizomyces tschirnhausii W. Rossi & Feijen 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Rossi & Feijen, 2018", "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rossi & Feijen", "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; + dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; + dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; @@ -46,47 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Shillito, 1940)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Shillito" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diopsina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Shillito, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "africana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", M. von Tschirnhaus" ; - dwc:authorityName "M. von Tschirnhaus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diopsina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Tschirnhaus" ; - dwc:species "africana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; @@ -100,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5122FF87EDD6F93F1D5F7C23.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5122FF87EDD6F93F1D5F7C23.ttl index 3dbdc4ade8d..32e562223e5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5122FF87EDD6F93F1D5F7C23.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5122FF87EDD6F93F1D5F7C23.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossi, Walter; Feijen, Hans R." ; dc:title "Rhizomyces ramosus W. Rossi & Feijen 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Rossi & Feijen, 2018", "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; + dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; @@ -45,274 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "forcipatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Speiser, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Speiser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speiser, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "decellei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "decoronotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "jacobae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Speiser, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Speiser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speiser, 1910" ; - dwc:species "prodiopsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "curvipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "duplospinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "pelecyformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "sanorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "tsitsikamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "trituberculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "vumbensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Adams, 1903)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Adams" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diopsina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Adams, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "nitida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; @@ -326,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF83EE73FE51190B7DED.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF83EE73FE51190B7DED.ttl index c311043217e..2a58416e3fe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF83EE73FE51190B7DED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF83EE73FE51190B7DED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossi, Walter; Feijen, Hans R." ; dc:title "Rhizomyces Thaxt. 1896" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thaxt., Memoirs" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt., Memoirs" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt., Memoirs, 1896" ; - dwc:species "ctenophorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF85EDDDFCA119507977.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF85EDDDFCA119507977.ttl index 2d637b0465e..b1b3bec4951 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF85EDDDFCA119507977.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF5124FF85EDDDFCA119507977.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossi, Walter; Feijen, Hans R." ; dc:title "Rhizomyces forcipatus W. Rossi & Feijen 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Rossi & Feijen, 2018", "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; + dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; @@ -46,162 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "decoronotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "jacobae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rossi & Feijen, 2018", "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rossi & Feijen", "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "tschirnhausii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rossi & Feijen, 2018", "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ramosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "decellei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Speiser, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Speiser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrioncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speiser, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Teloglabrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feijen, 1983" ; - dwc:species "sanorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; @@ -215,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF512FFF89EC95FD611D097D21.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF512FFF89EC95FD611D097D21.ttl index 147ed6ae4a5..659f1867ce4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF512FFF89EC95FD611D097D21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF512FFF89EC95FD611D097D21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rossi, Walter; Feijen, Hans R." ; dc:title "Rhizomyces" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,215 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "cornutus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "cucullatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "gibbosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ramosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "W.Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "forcipatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "crispatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "W. Rossi" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi, 1990" ; - dwc:species "canzonerii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt., Memoirs" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt., Memoirs, 1896" ; - dwc:species "ctenophorus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt. However" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt. However, 1918" ; - dwc:species "confusus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "kamerunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thaxt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thaxt." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxt." ; - dwc:species "circinalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "W. Rossi & Feijensp." ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Rossi & Feijensp." ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rossi & Feijensp." ; - dwc:species "tschirnhausii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF762DFFABFF31F0C2FD24E581.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF762DFFABFF31F0C2FD24E581.ttl index 0f0a98385ac..c722c499a2f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF762DFFABFF31F0C2FD24E581.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687CF762DFFABFF31F0C2FD24E581.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Chenying; Munawar, Maria; Castillo, Pablo; Han, Shaojie; Zheng, Jingwu" ; dc:title "Geocenamus persici Zhang & Munawar & Castillo & Han & Zheng 2022, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,219 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Brzeski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peng & Hunt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peng & Hunt, 1995)" ; - dwc:species "brevicaudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Maria, Miao, Castillo and Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maria, Miao, Castillo & Zheng, 2020" ; - dwc:species "chengi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ghaderi & Karegar, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ghaderi & Karegar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ghaderi & Karegar, 2016" ; - dwc:species "conicaudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Andrassy, 1954) Brzeski, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brzeski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andrassy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andrassy, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "quadrifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Siddiqi, 1963) Brzeski, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brzeski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Siddiqi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Siddiqi, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Krall, 1959) Brzeski, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brzeski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Krall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Krall, 1959)" ; - dwc:species "tartuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Siddiqi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Dolichodoridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Siddiqi, 1971" ; - dwc:subFamily "Merliniinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sethi & Swarup, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sethi & Swarup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tylenchorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sethi & Swarup, 1968" ; - dwc:species "zeae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loof, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loof" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tylenchorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loof, 1960" ; - dwc:species "microphasmis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(de Man) Siddiqi, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Siddiqi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Man" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Tylenchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coslenchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Man, 1921)" ; - dwc:species "costatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tobar-Jimnez, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tobar-Jimnez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tylenchorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobar-Jimnez, 1969" ; - dwc:species "ventrosignatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Handoo, Palomares-Rius" ; - dwc:authorityName "Handoo, Palomares-Rius" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tylenchorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handoo, Palomares-Rius" ; - dwc:species "mediterraneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nguyen, Linh-Le, Nguyen, Liebanas, Duong-Nguyen & Trinh, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen, Linh-Le, Nguyen, Liebanas, Duong-Nguyen & Trinh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocenamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tylenchida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen, Linh-Le, Nguyen, Liebanas, Duong-Nguyen & Trinh, 2019" ; - dwc:species "vietnamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; dwc:family "Belonolaimidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B58531FFCA4FA8B69769DE3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B58531FFCA4FA8B69769DE3.ttl index 0a250abbe89..e626ab94836 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B58531FFCA4FA8B69769DE3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B58531FFCA4FA8B69769DE3.ttl @@ -22,12 +22,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sastre, Claude; Offroy, Bérangère" ; dc:title "Ouratea paraguayensis fm. paraguayensis Hassl. ex Sastre & Offroy f. paraguayensis 2009, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Hassl. ex Sastre & Offroy f. paraguayensis", "Sastre & Offroy, 2009" ; + dwc:authority "Sastre & Offroy, 2009" ; dwc:authorityName "Hassl. ex Sastre & Offroy f. paraguayensis" ; dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -63,36 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hassl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hassl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hassl." ; - dwc:species "paraguayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Engl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Engl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl." ; - dwc:species "superba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; @@ -107,12 +75,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "paraguayensis" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B5E5310FF1BF98C684A9EBD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B5E5310FF1BF98C684A9EBD.ttl index 5f3255d813c..bb35523cad4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B5E5310FF1BF98C684A9EBD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D12B5E5310FF1BF98C684A9EBD.ttl @@ -20,10 +20,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sastre, Claude; Offroy, Bérangère" ; dc:title "Ouratea pastazana Sastre & Offroy 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,38 +57,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sastre & Offroy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sastre & Offroy" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sastre & Offroy" ; - dwc:species "pastazana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "f. paraguayensis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hassl. ex Sastre & Offroy f. paraguayensis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; - dwc:form "paraguayensis" ; - dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "form" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hassl. ex Sastre & Offroy f. paraguayensis, 2009" ; - dwc:species "paraguayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; @@ -103,12 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ochnaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ouratea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA696394DFFEFC80C3F7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA696394DFFEFC80C3F7.ttl index 7d81f4df299..16a037f8fa8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA696394DFFEFC80C3F7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA696394DFFEFC80C3F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Feng, Qi; Zhuang, Jialiang; Shih, Chungkun; Ren, Dong; Wang, Yongjie" ; dc:title "Burmophilopota Feng, Zhuang, Shih, Ren & Wang, 2024, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,35 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Feng & Zhuang & Shih & Ren & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Burmophilopota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feng, Zhuang, Shih, Ren & Wang, 2024" ; - dwc:species "wintertoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schiner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schiner, 1868" ; - dwc:subFamily "Philopotinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA6B6394DCB2FBDEC191.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA6B6394DCB2FBDEC191.ttl index 254695cd05d..c68393c7efe 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA6B6394DCB2FBDEC191.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B104AA6B6394DCB2FBDEC191.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Feng, Qi; Zhuang, Jialiang; Shih, Chungkun; Ren, Dong; Wang, Yongjie" ; dc:title "Burmophilopota wintertoni Feng, Zhuang, Shih, Ren & Wang, 2024, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,18 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B106AA6C6394DF09FA32C763.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B106AA6C6394DF09FA32C763.ttl index 09d6a917f61..d800ee5960b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B106AA6C6394DF09FA32C763.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2B106AA6C6394DF09FA32C763.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Feng, Qi; Zhuang, Jialiang; Shih, Chungkun; Ren, Dong; Wang, Yongjie" ; dc:title "Philopotinae Schiner 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,275 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Feng & Zhuang & Shih & Ren & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Burmophilopota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feng, Zhuang, Shih, Ren & Wang, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gillung & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gillung & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hoffeinsomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gillung & Winterton, 2017" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osten Sacken" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osten Sacken" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Helle" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osten Sacken, 1896" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gillung & Winterton, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gillung & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Schlingeriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gillung & Winterton, 2011" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meunier" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meunier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulonchiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meunier, 1912" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dimacrocolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schlinger, 1961" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thyllis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Parahelle" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schlinger, 1961" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Philippi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Philippi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalybus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philippi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gillung & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gillung & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Quasi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gillung & Winterton, 2011" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Africaterphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schlinger, 1968" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hauser & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hauser & Winterton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Archaeterphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hauser & Winterton, 2007" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schlinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neophilopota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schlinger, 2013" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hennig" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hennig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Prophilopota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hennig, 1966" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bigot" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bigot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoneura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bigot, 1878" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Philopota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann, 1830" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Acroceridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5225C0F50B1855EA7DB7B15.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5225C0F50B1855EA7DB7B15.ttl index 2dfb6bb5d89..b2186952805 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5225C0F50B1855EA7DB7B15.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5225C0F50B1855EA7DB7B15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bourguignon, Thomas; Scheffrahn, Rudolf H.; Nagy, Zoltán Tamás; Sonet, Gontran; Host, Benoît; Roisin, Yves" ; dc:title "Grigiotermes Mathews 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,85 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mathews, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mathews" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grigiotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mathews, 1977" ; - dwc:species "metoecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snyder & Emerson, 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Snyder & Emerson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anoplotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snyder & Emerson, 1949" ; - dwc:species "hageni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grigiotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bourguignon, Scheffrahn, Nagy, Sonet, Host & Roisin, 2016)" ; - dwc:species "hageni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Patawatermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourguignon, Scheffrahn, Nagy, Sonet, Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Snyder & Emerson" from authority ; - dwc:authority "HAGENI (SNYDER & EMERSON, 1949)" ; - dwc:authorityName "HAGENI (SNYDER & EMERSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grigiotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hageni, 1949" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Termitidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5245C0C5073828CA5D47AEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5245C0C5073828CA5D47AEE.ttl index bdf0d63d705..d1752ca8f56 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5245C0C5073828CA5D47AEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F5245C0C5073828CA5D47AEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bourguignon, Thomas; Scheffrahn, Rudolf H.; Nagy, Zoltán Tamás; Sonet, Gontran; Host, Benoît; Roisin, Yves" ; dc:title "Humutermes KRISHNAI BOURGUIGNON & ROISIN 2016, GEN. NOV." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,68 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bourguignon and Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon and Roisin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humutermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourguignon & Roisin" ; - dwc:species "krishnai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anoplotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourguignon, Scheffrahn, Nagy, Sonet, Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humutermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourguignon, Scheffrahn, Nagy, Sonet, Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - dwc:species "krishnai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humutermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bourguignon, Scheffrahn, Nagy, Sonet, Host & Roisin, 2016" ; - dwc:species "noiroti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Termitidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F52B5C0053A082F7A62F7C0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F52B5C0053A082F7A62F7C0C.ttl index 781dc21cbb7..619efbdd9be 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F52B5C0053A082F7A62F7C0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D2F52B5C0053A082F7A62F7C0C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bourguignon, Thomas; Scheffrahn, Rudolf H.; Nagy, Zoltán Tamás; Sonet, Gontran; Host, Benoît; Roisin, Yves" ; dc:title "Patawatermes Bourguignon & Scheffrahn & Nagy & Sonet & Host & Roisin 2016, GEN. NOV." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Silvestri, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Silvestri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anoplotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Silvestri, 1901" ; - dwc:species "turricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Snyder & Emerson" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "HAGENI (SNYDER & EMERSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Termitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grigiotermes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hageni, 1949" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: Removing "(Emerson" from authority ; dwc:authority "NIGRIPUNCTATUS (EMERSON, 1925)" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12CFF2DFC25A09A34B9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12CFF2DFC25A09A34B9.ttl index 231af49c242..db05cda37d3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12CFF2DFC25A09A34B9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12CFF2DFC25A09A34B9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Martins, Luciana; Tavares, Marcos" ; dc:title "Sclerothyoninae Thandar 1989" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,165 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deichmann, 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopentamera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deichmann, 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopentamera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann, 1941" ; - dwc:species "anexigua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thandar, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thandar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "velligera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thandar, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thandar. A" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temparena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar. A, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temparena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "chuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez & Brogger, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez & Brogger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thandarum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez & Brogger, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martinez & Brogger, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martinez & Brogger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thandarum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez & Brogger, 2012" ; - dwc:species "hernandezi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins & Tavares, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Tavares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paulayellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Tavares, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Martins & Tavares, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Tavares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paulayellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Tavares, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gustavi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12EFF2DF8E2A6813693.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12EFF2DF8E2A6813693.ttl index 69065043a78..50b1974204e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12EFF2DF8E2A6813693.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3BA12EFF2DF8E2A6813693.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Martins, Luciana; Tavares, Marcos" ; dc:title "Sclerothyone reichi Martins & Tavares 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,135 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thandar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar, 1989" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sclerothyoninae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thandar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Tavares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paulayellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Tavares, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deichmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopentamera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deichmann, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martinez & Brogger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thandarum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martinez & Brogger, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Tavares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Tavares, 2019" ; - dwc:species "oloughlini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thandar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar, 2008" ; - dwc:species "unicolumnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "velligera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thandar. A" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temparena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar. A, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; @@ -189,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3EA128FF2DFF45A4D23039.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3EA128FF2DFF45A4D23039.ttl index 53ed3ace1a8..3a884cf44d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3EA128FF2DFF45A4D23039.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D45B3EA128FF2DFF45A4D23039.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Martins, Luciana; Tavares, Marcos" ; dc:title "Sclerothyone oloughlini Martins & Tavares 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Martins & Tavares, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martins & Tavares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins & Tavares, 2019" ; - dwc:species "reichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thandar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thandar, 2008" ; - dwc:species "unicolumnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ludwig & Heding" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sclerothyone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dendrochirotida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ludwig & Heding, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "velligera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Holothuroidea" ; dwc:family "Sclerodactylidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D47438FF87FEF2FBBBFDE8C19C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D47438FF87FEF2FBBBFDE8C19C.ttl index a0f534a7ff0..a3d7fe9884f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D47438FF87FEF2FBBBFDE8C19C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D47438FF87FEF2FBBBFDE8C19C.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Van, James L.; Tassell; Baldwin, Carole C." ; dc:title "Akko brevis Gunther 1864" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D4743FFF8BFEF2FB66FD84C62C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D4743FFF8BFEF2FB66FD84C62C.ttl index 57008757286..26dd8d7df3a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D4743FFF8BFEF2FB66FD84C62C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D4743FFF8BFEF2FB66FD84C62C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Van, James L.; Tassell; Baldwin, Carole C." ; dc:title "Akko rossi Van, Tassell & Baldwin, 2004, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D67473FFC362F4363BFAE9FACA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D67473FFC362F4363BFAE9FACA.ttl index ea8b134da8d..231ffced38c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D67473FFC362F4363BFAE9FACA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D67473FFC362F4363BFAE9FACA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Tanawat Chaowasku; Paul J. A. Keßler" ; dc:title "Miliusa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -27,201 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Phylogeny of Miliusa (Magnoliales: Annonaceae: Malmeoideae: Miliuseae), with descriptions of two new species from Malesia" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul Keßler, 2013" ; - dwc:species "butonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Ridley" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Ridl. (Ridley 1910)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ridl. (Ridley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ridl., 1910" ; - dwc:species "amplexicaulis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Miquel" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Miq. (Miquel 1865)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miq. (Miquel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miq., 1865" ; - dwc:species "macropoda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Jessup" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Jessup (Jessup 1988)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jessup (Jessup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jessup, 1988" ; - dwc:species "traceyi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mols & Kessler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mols & Kessler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mols & Kessler, 1903" ; - dwc:species "novoguineensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Benn.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Benn.) Baill. ex Pierre (Pierre 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Benn.) Baill. ex Pierre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baill. ex Pierre, 1881" ; - dwc:species "horsfieldii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(F.Muell.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(F. Muell.) Jessup (Jessup 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "(F.Muell.) Jessup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jessup, 1986" ; - dwc:species "brahei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Sinclair" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Kosterm.) J. Sinclair (Sinclair 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. Sinclair (Sinclair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kosterm." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kosterm.) Sinclair, 1955" ; - dwc:species "koolsii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Sinclair" from authority ; - dwc:authority "J. Sinclair (Sinclair 1955)" ; - dwc:authorityName "J.Sinclair (Sinclair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sinclair, 1955" ; - dwc:species "vidalii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(King" from authority ; - dwc:authority "King (King 1892)" ; - dwc:authorityName "King (King" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "King, 1892" ; - dwc:species "longipes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaowasku & Kessler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaowasku & Kessler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaowasku & Kessler, 1906" ; - dwc:species "lanceolata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747DFFC063B83670FCBBFE27.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747DFFC063B83670FCBBFE27.ttl index 091141116ec..37af63a7711 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747DFFC063B83670FCBBFE27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747DFFC063B83670FCBBFE27.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tanawat Chaowasku; Paul J. A. Keßler" ; dc:title "Miliusa viridiflora Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chaowasku & Kessler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaowasku & Kessler, 1906" ; - dwc:species "lanceolata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; @@ -73,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747EFFCE63A53775FBFEFD9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747EFFCE63A53775FBFEFD9A.ttl index 34f0ef10851..c4cb339f827 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747EFFCE63A53775FBFEFD9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D6747EFFCE63A53775FBFEFD9A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Tanawat Chaowasku; Paul J. A. Keßler" ; dc:title "Miliusa butonensis Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Chaowasku & Kessler", "Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler, 2013" ; + dwc:authority "Chaowasku & Kessler" ; dwc:authorityName "Tanawat Chaowasku & Paul J.A. Keßler" ; dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; dwc:genus "Miliusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92826F466D3EEFE1CD1BB9C34.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92826F466D3EEFE1CD1BB9C34.ttl index 63857dd513a..09c6d5417ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92826F466D3EEFE1CD1BB9C34.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92826F466D3EEFE1CD1BB9C34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Pfingstl, Tobias" ; dc:title "Fortuynia smiti Ermilov, Tolstikov, Mary & Schatz 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ermilov et al. 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ermilov et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ermilov et al., 2013" ; - dwc:species "smiti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9282DF46FD3EEFAFDD6BA9F69.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9282DF46FD3EEFAFDD6BA9F69.ttl index 62136c0e23e..70d6a8ab75c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9282DF46FD3EEFAFDD6BA9F69.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9282DF46FD3EEFAFDD6BA9F69.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Pfingstl, Tobias" ; dc:title "Alismobates" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,226 +26,6 @@ dc:title "The intertidal Fortuyniidae (Acari: Oribatida): new species, morphological diversity, ecology and biogeography" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Luxton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alismobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:species "reticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pfingstl & Schuster 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pfingstl & Schuster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alismobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pfingstl & Schuster, 2012" ; - dwc:species "inexpectatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Luxton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alismobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:species "rotundus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Krisper & Schuster, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Krisper & Schuster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krisper & Schuster, 2008" ; - dwc:species "atlantica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hammen, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hammen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hammen, 1960" ; - dwc:species "marina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ermilov, Tolstikov, Mary & Schatz 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ermilov, Tolstikov, Mary & Schatz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ermilov, Tolstikov, Mary & Schatz, 2013" ; - dwc:species "smiti" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Luxton, 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Luxton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luxton, 1967" ; - dwc:species "elamellata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marshall & Pugh 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marshall & Pugh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marshall & Pugh, 2002" ; - dwc:species "inhambanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan, 2009" ; - dwc:species "arabica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bayartogtokh, Chatterjee & Chan, 2009" ; - dwc:species "taiwanica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Luxton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marshall & Pugh, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marshall & Pugh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marshall & Pugh, 2002" ; - dwc:species "rotunda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hammen, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hammen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hammen, 1963" ; - dwc:species "yunkeri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92832F477D3EEFD6FD1BB9B3B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92832F477D3EEFD6FD1BB9B3B.ttl index 8608d90a1c4..0b8239be3f8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92832F477D3EEFD6FD1BB9B3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92832F477D3EEFD6FD1BB9B3B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pfingstl, Tobias" ; dc:title "Fortuynia maledivensis Pfingstl, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92836F47ED3EEF9F3D1BA9EA9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92836F47ED3EEF9F3D1BA9EA9.ttl index b9a310d2b56..af7e9620bce 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92836F47ED3EEF9F3D1BA9EA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D92836F47ED3EEF9F3D1BA9EA9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Pfingstl, Tobias" ; dc:title "Fortuynia longiseta Pfingstl, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; dwc:genus "Fortuynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9283FF467D3EEFBFBD65B9C18.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9283FF467D3EEFBFBD65B9C18.ttl index 45668e269f9..2f874868679 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9283FF467D3EEFBFBD65B9C18.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9283FF467D3EEFBFBD65B9C18.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pfingstl, Tobias" ; dc:title "Alismobates pseudoreticulatus Pfingstl, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Luxton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alismobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luxton, 1992" ; - dwc:species "reticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; @@ -76,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Fortuyniidae" ; dwc:genus "Alismobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD139A25FF61F9026C24FEE6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD139A25FF61F9026C24FEE6.ttl index 61fb020bab8..e45dc798736 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD139A25FF61F9026C24FEE6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD139A25FF61F9026C24FEE6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "León, Gerardo Pérez-Ponce De; Martínez-Aquino, Andrés; Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit" ; dc:title "Phyllodistomum cribbi León, Martínez-Aquino & Mendoza-Garfias, 2015, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bean" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bean" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Goodeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zoogoneticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bean" ; - dwc:species "quitzeoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyer, Radda & Dominguez-Dominguez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyer, Radda & Dominguez-Dominguez" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Goodeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allotoca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyer, Radda & Dominguez-Dominguez" ; - dwc:species "zacapuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(La Luz Spring" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Dominguez-Dominguez, Perez-Rodriguez & Doadrio (La Luz Spring)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dominguez-Dominguez, Perez-Rodriguez & Doadrio (La Luz Spring" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Goodeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zoogoneticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dominguez-Dominguez, Perez-Rodriguez & Doadrio" ; - dwc:species "purhepechus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; dwc:family "Gorgoderidae" ; @@ -106,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Phyllodistomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plagiorchiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD159A27FF61F9CA6E88FE76.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD159A27FF61F9CA6E88FE76.ttl index 763118ed3f5..4c250cf2b69 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD159A27FF61F9CA6E88FE76.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687D9BD159A27FF61F9CA6E88FE76.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "León, Gerardo Pérez-Ponce De; Martínez-Aquino, Andrés; Mendoza-Garfias, Berenit" ; dc:title "Phyllodistomum wallacei León, Martínez-Aquino & Mendoza-Garfias, 2015, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Turner" ; - dwc:authorityName "Turner" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Goodeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xenotaenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turner" ; - dwc:species "resolanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Tamazula" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Turner (Tamazula)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Turner (Tamazula" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Goodeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodontichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turner" ; - dwc:species "tamazulae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; dwc:family "Gorgoderidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687DDD26EFFBDC6C66515FC0E3373.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687DDD26EFFBDC6C66515FC0E3373.ttl index d5f0f5e15ea..9c481df5728 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687DDD26EFFBDC6C66515FC0E3373.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687DDD26EFFBDC6C66515FC0E3373.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rezbanyai-Reser, Ladislaus; Aistleitner, Eyjolf" ; dc:title "Elophos caelibaria" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fuchs" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geometridae" ; - dwc:genus "Elophos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fuchs, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "caelibaria" ; - dwc:subSpecies "senilaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geometridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687DEFF928F55FF74A333FEC3FA70.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687DEFF928F55FF74A333FEC3FA70.ttl index b5a98efb9b0..a9491cb134f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687DEFF928F55FF74A333FEC3FA70.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687DEFF928F55FF74A333FEC3FA70.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Anker, Arthur; Komai, Tomoyuki" ; dc:title "Athanas ahyongi Anker & Komai, 2010, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,54 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Anker and Ahyong, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Anker and Ahyong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alpheidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anker & Ahyong, 2007" ; - dwc:species "sydneyensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hayashi, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alpheidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayashi, 2002" ; - dwc:species "squillophilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Banner and Banner, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banner and Banner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alpheidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banner & Banner, 1983" ; - dwc:species "phyllocheles" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "De Man, 1910" ; dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B31D662FD44FEDCFC6E9A0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B31D662FD44FEDCFC6E9A0E.ttl index 9cc3c591423..099f13da658 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B31D662FD44FEDCFC6E9A0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B31D662FD44FEDCFC6E9A0E.ttl @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Breteler, F. J." ; dc:title "Sorindeia grandifolia Engl." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ dwc:authority "Engl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Engl." ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Sorindeia" ; @@ -56,20 +54,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sorindeia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst." ; - dwc:species "acutifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst." ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -184,34 +168,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Probst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Pisces (awaiting allocation)" ; - dwc:family "Pisces (awaiting allocation)" ; - dwc:genus "Bates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pisces (awaiting allocation)" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Probst, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FHI" ; - dwc:authorityName "FHI" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Coelosphaeridae" ; - dwc:genus "Jones" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fhi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B32D664FF19FE8DFED99B83.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B32D664FF19FE8DFED99B83.ttl index 6d97207d712..db6a4d280e6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B32D664FF19FE8DFED99B83.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E00B32D664FF19FE8DFED99B83.ttl @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "Mildbr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mildbr." ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Sorindeia" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0133789190E89DB07598BF80C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0133789190E89DB07598BF80C.ttl index 4517c3ae7c6..2093d3fe0cf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0133789190E89DB07598BF80C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0133789190E89DB07598BF80C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Faúndez, Eduardo I." ; dc:title "Idiostolus insularis Berg 1883" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,19 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Idiostolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scudder, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Idiostolidae" ; @@ -77,11 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Idiostolidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE1E6AEEDA36E67FD27.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE1E6AEEDA36E67FD27.ttl index 3f204282453..4f9d97f618f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE1E6AEEDA36E67FD27.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE1E6AEEDA36E67FD27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Liang, Jun-Hui; Huang, Wei-Long; Ren, Dong" ; dc:title "Graciliblatta bella Liang, Huang et Ren, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liang, Huang et Ren" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liang, Huang et Ren" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graciliblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liang, Huang & Ren" ; - dwc:species "bella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Graciliblatta ." ; - dwc:authorityName "Graciliblatta ." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graciliblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Graciliblatta ." ; - dwc:species "bella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE4E6AEE9E36862F9D8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE4E6AEE9E36862F9D8.ttl index 19946c7b6bd..3fc9dad19e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE4E6AEE9E36862F9D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E0FFF8FFE4E6AEE9E36862F9D8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Liang, Jun-Hui; Huang, Wei-Long; Ren, Dong" ; dc:title "Raphidiomimidae Vishniakova 1973, gen. n." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,50 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Liang, Huang & Ren" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liang, Huang & Ren" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graciliblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liang, Huang & Ren" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liang, Huang et Ren" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liang, Huang et Ren" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graciliblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liang, Huang & Ren" ; - dwc:species "bella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liang et al. 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liang et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fortiblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liang et al., 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Raphidiomimidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17121FFC1CD99491FD04CDC7A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17121FFC1CD99491FD04CDC7A.ttl index 8c0f418ab75..27e7e9d7180 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17121FFC1CD99491FD04CDC7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17121FFC1CD99491FD04CDC7A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta nigriculum Giordani Soika 1986, stat. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,42 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1986: 77" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "77" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1986" ; - dwc:species "campaniforme" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigriculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1993: 162" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "162" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1993" ; - dwc:species "campaniforme" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rendalloide" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17123FFC7CD994C77D343D80C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17123FFC7CD994C77D343D80C.ttl index 7127343c29b..731bb94e882 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17123FFC7CD994C77D343D80C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17123FFC7CD994C77D343D80C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta campaniforme subsp. campaniforme Fabricius 1775" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,75 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius 1775: 371" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "371" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "campaniformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1986", "Giordani Soika 1986: 88", "Giordani Soika, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "88" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1986" ; - dwc:species "campaniforme" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gracilior" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1986" ; - dwc:species "pius" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigriculum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1993" ; - dwc:species "campaniforme" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rendalloide" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -135,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17124FFC2CD994FFFD742D9A6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17124FFC2CD994FFFD742D9A6.ttl index cb91dde0dbe..58e9ccbda90 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17124FFC2CD994FFFD742D9A6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17124FFC2CD994FFFD742D9A6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Phimenes flavopictus subsp. blanchardi" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,24 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1991: 166" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "166" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1991" ; - dwc:species "flavopictum" ; - dwc:subSpecies "blanchardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -60,12 +40,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phimenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "flavopictus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD99495AD676D9F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD99495AD676D9F0.ttl index 276c358c96b..6e6414bfe76 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD99495AD676D9F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD99495AD676D9F0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Phimenes flavopictus Blanchard 1840" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994B38D1ECDBFB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994B38D1ECDBFB.ttl index 25cee7c3838..6e88a50a833 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994B38D1ECDBFB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994B38D1ECDBFB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Phimenes Giordani Soika 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,9 +28,8 @@ dwc:ID-ENA "1576332" ; - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992", "Giordani Soika 1992: 41" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "41" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -46,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Latreille 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius 1775" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "arcuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994C5FD07BDDD8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994C5FD07BDDD8.ttl index 45d7d170989..1d58ae34308 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994C5FD07BDDD8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994C5FD07BDDD8.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta wieneckei" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994FFFD1A5DCC1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994FFFD1A5DCC1.ttl index bec6ab48e5a..69259896f46 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994FFFD1A5DCC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17125FFC3CD994FFFD1A5DCC1.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta sciarum" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994C99D0DAD91C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994C99D0DAD91C.ttl index 0bbf3497167..cd929a4d18d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994C99D0DAD91C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994C99D0DAD91C.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta eremnum" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994DDCD7DEDD35.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994DDCD7DEDD35.ttl index 036a7a4e9e6..fa0dce0e312 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994DDCD7DEDD35.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17126FFC0CD994DDCD7DEDD35.ttl @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1993", "Giordani Soika 1993: 161" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1993" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "161" ; dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC0CD994AA2D127DC7A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC0CD994AA2D127DC7A.ttl index b7ebd22c3d7..8531311b76e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC0CD994AA2D127DC7A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC0CD994AA2D127DC7A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta pyriforme subsp. circinale Fabricius 1804" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius 1804: 286" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "286" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - dwc:species "circinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -77,12 +58,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "pyriforme" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC1CD994DDED605DB51.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC1CD994DDED605DB51.ttl index 67c948fdee0..43b63a68871 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC1CD994DDED605DB51.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17127FFC1CD994DDED605DB51.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta pyriforme Fabricius 1775" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,39 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius 1775: 371" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "371" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "pyriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:species "pyriforme" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigrocinctum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -91,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; dwc:genus "Delta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFC9CD99490FD745DD5A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFC9CD99490FD745DD5A.ttl index 37b926c3747..4a9df9247a4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFC9CD99490FD745DD5A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFC9CD99490FD745DD5A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes piriformis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994A47D06ED831.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994A47D06ED831.ttl index a88ff17218c..073e7d22ebd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994A47D06ED831.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994A47D06ED831.ttl @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992", "Giordani Soika 1992: 64" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "64" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994FFFD06EDAF9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994FFFD06EDAF9.ttl index 923dd26a8c7..3e7506b9049 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994FFFD06EDAF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17128FFCECD994FFFD06EDAF9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes blandus subsp. sumbanus Giordani Soika 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,9 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992", "Giordani Soika 1992: 65" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "65" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; @@ -60,12 +58,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "blandus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17129FFCFCD994C2FD09FDA79.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17129FFCFCD994C2FD09FDA79.ttl index acc1084eccf..04698b295b6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17129FFCFCD994C2FD09FDA79.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17129FFCFCD994C2FD09FDA79.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes Latreille 1802" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,9 +28,8 @@ dwc:ID-ENA "76987" ; - dwc:authority "Latreille 1802", "Latreille 1802: 360" ; + dwc:authority "Latreille 1802" ; dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "360" ; dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; @@ -46,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fab." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fab." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fab." ; - dwc:species "coarctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "coarctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "coarctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994943D038D9D4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994943D038D9D4.ttl index 84ffee06cbc..942faafa262 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994943D038D9D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994943D038D9D4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Delta" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,83 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Latreille 1802" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vespa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "emarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Geer" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Geer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Geer" ; - dwc:species "maxillosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zirngiebl 1953: 173" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zirngiebl" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "173" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erinys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zirngiebl, 1953" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rye 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rye" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erinys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rye, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994DE7D06EDBFD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994DE7D06EDBFD.ttl index ba584ad9d7c..7232ae44c4f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994DE7D06EDBFD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712CFFCACD994DE7D06EDBFD.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes pius subsp. nigrorufus Giordani Soika 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,9 +29,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992", "Giordani Soika 1992: 65" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1992" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "65" ; dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712DFFCACD994FFFD0FADC19.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712DFFCACD994FFFD0FADC19.ttl index 9e8dcebd9f1..4be463f9c3c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712DFFCACD994FFFD0FADC19.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712DFFCACD994FFFD0FADC19.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes pius subsp. pius Giordani Soika 1986" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "pius" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC8CD994944D144D985.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC8CD994944D144D985.ttl index 978dad22403..513bd66e2c1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC8CD994944D144D985.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC8CD994944D144D985.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes pius Giordani Soika 1986" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,9 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1986", "Giordani Soika 1986: 81" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1986" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "81" ; dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC9CD994CBCD666DBFD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC9CD994CBCD666DBFD.ttl index f9b2197d29c..e52620efa90 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC9CD994CBCD666DBFD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1712FFFC9CD994CBCD666DBFD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Eumenes inconspicuus Smith 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Smith 1858: 109" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "109" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1858" ; - dwc:species "inconspicua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith 1864: 38" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "38" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1864" ; - dwc:species "conformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17138FFDECD99495DD078D9D4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17138FFDECD99495DD078D9D4.ttl index bcabfcb1a35..d6a8971b81e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17138FFDECD99495DD078D9D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17138FFDECD99495DD078D9D4.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Coeleumenes timorensis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDECD9949F6D0E2DBC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDECD9949F6D0E2DBC4.ttl index 83fd2a61c72..3dad9527da2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDECD9949F6D0E2DBC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDECD9949F6D0E2DBC4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Coeleumenes multicolor Giordani Soika 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,24 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1935: 138" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "138" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pareumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1935" ; - dwc:species "multicolor" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pareumenes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -76,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; dwc:genus "Coeleumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994AEDD029D86F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994AEDD029D86F.ttl index 0dd34363139..fb2e942c8aa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994AEDD029D86F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994AEDD029D86F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Coeleumenes" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,22 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Bingham 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bingham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Montezumia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bingham, 1897" ; - dwc:species "impavida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994C1DD306DB14.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994C1DD306DB14.ttl index ec1b8b5a10e..fc86d687c80 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994C1DD306DB14.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994C1DD306DB14.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Pseudozumia indica subsp. indica" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994D03D06EDD01.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994D03D06EDD01.ttl index 112261171bb..079ae5c4930 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994D03D06EDD01.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E17139FFDFCD994D03D06EDD01.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Pseudozumia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,38 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Bequaert 1921: 241" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bequaert" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "241" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudozumia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bequaert, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1941: 162" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "162" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudozumia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994DEBD125DD25.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994DEBD125DD25.ttl index fcf219f054f..3726c1639ab 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994DEBD125DD25.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994DEBD125DD25.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Pareumenes" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,21 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Latreille 1802" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994FFFD02BDC0A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994FFFD02BDC0A.ttl index c2f12d90f93..93184c07253 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994FFFD02BDC0A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDDCD994FFFD02BDC0A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Phimenes flavopictus subsp. timorensis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDFCD994CB7D120DC32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDFCD994CB7D120DC32.ttl index d131a393f50..15c0980d193 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDFCD994CB7D120DC32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713BFFDFCD994CB7D120DC32.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Pareumenes nigerrimus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713EFFDBCD994D90D17EDC19.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713EFFDBCD994D90D17EDC19.ttl index df8aa007b7c..26f995956a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713EFFDBCD994D90D17EDC19.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713EFFDBCD994D90D17EDC19.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Labus vandervechti Giordani Soika 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,9 +27,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1960", "Giordani Soika 1960: 83" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1960" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "83" ; dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; dwc:genus "Labus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD8CD9949E4D10DDC81.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD8CD9949E4D10DDC81.ttl index e5a85564565..921e8a2b8b2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD8CD9949E4D10DDC81.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD8CD9949E4D10DDC81.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Labus rufomaculatus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,21 +26,6 @@ dc:title "Review of potter wasps with a petiolate metasoma excluding so-called \" Zethinae \" (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in the Lesser Sunda Islands of the Indonesian Archipelago" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Labus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:species "vandervechti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994AFED1BCD812.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994AFED1BCD812.ttl index 2896d01ee49..fbbc18bbf5e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994AFED1BCD812.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994AFED1BCD812.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Labus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994C65D653DA2F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994C65D653DA2F.ttl index 753f9613789..1097f2f5627 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994C65D653DA2F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994C65D653DA2F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Pseumenes Giordani Soika 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,9 +28,8 @@ dwc:ID-ENA "2908080" ; - dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1935", "Giordani Soika 1935: 145" ; + dwc:authority "Giordani Soika 1935" ; dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "145" ; dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994FFFD708DFBA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994FFFD708DFBA.ttl index da1017e40eb..a07056d75d7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994FFFD708DFBA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E1713FFFD9CD994FFFD708DFBA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nugroho, Hari; Kojima, Jun-Ichi; Ubaidillah, Rosichon" ; dc:title "Ectopioglossa Perkins 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,9 +28,8 @@ dwc:ID-ENA "2908074" ; - dwc:authority "Perkins 1912", "Perkins 1912: 118" ; + dwc:authority "Perkins 1912" ; dwc:authorityName "Perkins" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "118" ; dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; @@ -46,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Perkins 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Perkins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectopioglossa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perkins, 1912" ; - dwc:species "australensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meade-Waldo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meade-Waldo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectopioglossa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meade-Waldo" ; - dwc:species "polita" ; - dwc:subSpecies "australensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A01D5D4FBC04A0DFEA1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A01D5D4FBC04A0DFEA1.ttl index be5872c7b8e..854c2d04db7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A01D5D4FBC04A0DFEA1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A01D5D4FBC04A0DFEA1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Wroughtonilla sabahensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 1986" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A02D5D4FE424A71FB9F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A02D5D4FE424A71FB9F.ttl index e42eacb42e3..a2b908de375 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A02D5D4FE424A71FB9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215402A02D5D4FE424A71FB9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Porus borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "WESTWOOD, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "WESTWOOD" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1839" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A02D5D4FBA24B96FE1D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A02D5D4FBA24B96FE1D.ttl index da720361c02..63bbedfdb7b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A02D5D4FBA24B96FE1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A02D5D4FBA24B96FE1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Porus laminarum Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "WESTWOOD, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "WESTWOOD" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "WESTWOOD, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "WESTWOOD" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1839" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Porus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A03D5D4FE8B4897FBBD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A03D5D4FE8B4897FBBD.ttl index dcb1186dec9..b1671365d4d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A03D5D4FE8B4897FBBD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215412A03D5D4FE8B4897FBBD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Zyras (Glossacantha) plenus Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zyras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2001" ; - dwc:species "inversus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A00D5D4FB314B3AFE3A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A00D5D4FB314B3AFE3A.ttl index 7348bb6a768..21cdb49d97b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A00D5D4FB314B3AFE3A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A00D5D4FB314B3AFE3A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Apimela perarmata Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A01D5D4FE6D4A71FC30.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A01D5D4FE6D4A71FC30.ttl index 433958e9e73..cb98ce2a273 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A01D5D4FE6D4A71FC30.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215432A01D5D4FE6D4A71FC30.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Mimacrotona borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215442A05D5D4FC574A8FFE19.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215442A05D5D4FC574A8FFE19.ttl index 136d2cac078..eda6ffe9086 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215442A05D5D4FC574A8FFE19.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215442A05D5D4FC574A8FFE19.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla sabahorum Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(CAMERON, 1933)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "aerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cam." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cam." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cam." ; - dwc:species "aerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A06D5D4FA94485FFC16.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A06D5D4FA94485FFC16.ttl index c42dee8737d..d7a18d24727 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A06D5D4FA94485FFC16.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A06D5D4FA94485FFC16.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla borneostricta Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 1986" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A07D5D4FDCA4A55FAD3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A07D5D4FDCA4A55FAD3.ttl index 81a41e2bd84..4c75dc35d29 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A07D5D4FDCA4A55FAD3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215452A07D5D4FDCA4A55FAD3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla borneoapicalis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bruneiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A03D5D4FA624A96FEDA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A03D5D4FA624A96FEDA.ttl index 5363e8be0a7..c877cb4e31d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A03D5D4FA624A96FEDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A03D5D4FA624A96FEDA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Zyras (Diaulaconia) ibanorum PACE 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "FAUVEL, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zyras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauvel, 1905" ; - dwc:species "compressicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A04D5D4FD724A72FC0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A04D5D4FD724A72FC0C.ttl index e76b2a3391c..1654c01b2b2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A04D5D4FD724A72FC0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215462A04D5D4FD724A72FC0C.ttl @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1915)", "BERNH.", "BERNHAUER, 1915: 152" ; + dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1915)", "BERNHAUER, 1915: 152" ; dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "152" ; dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A04D5D4FAF44858FDF2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A04D5D4FAF44858FDF2.ttl index 768af77732d..1f3908c0a3a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A04D5D4FAF44858FDF2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A04D5D4FAF44858FDF2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla borneoruficollis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bruneiorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A05D5D4FE4D4A18FB73.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A05D5D4FE4D4A18FB73.ttl index 86a7c775857..3e0f37dc63b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A05D5D4FE4D4A18FB73.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215472A05D5D4FE4D4A18FB73.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla trina Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bruneiorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154C2A0ED5D4FD374A02FAA1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154C2A0ED5D4FD374A02FAA1.ttl index 442c02c7096..042a9b6e809 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154C2A0ED5D4FD374A02FAA1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154C2A0ED5D4FD374A02FAA1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Aleochara (Aleochara) sabahensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aleochara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 1999" ; - dwc:species "paleonigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KRAATZ, 1859", "Kr", "Kraatz" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kraatz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aleochara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz, 1859" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0ED5D4FB2148D4FE57.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0ED5D4FB2148D4FE57.ttl index 19de9ebe327..d51db5eef22 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0ED5D4FB2148D4FE57.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0ED5D4FB2148D4FE57.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Pseudoplandria collaris Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudoplandria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0FD5D4FDED480DFB3D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0FD5D4FDED480DFB3D.ttl index 6cb62366abe..2868a54cd1d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0FD5D4FDED480DFB3D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2154D2A0FD5D4FDED480DFB3D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Pseudoplandria confundibilis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudoplandria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bellicosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A21D5D4FB244BAFFE3A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A21D5D4FB244BAFFE3A.ttl index 9a3b258035d..fa2214e1ceb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A21D5D4FB244BAFFE3A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A21D5D4FB244BAFFE3A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Psephothetemusa rougemonti Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psephothetemusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2002" ; - dwc:species "introflexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A22D5D4FD3A4A2DFB20.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A22D5D4FD3A4A2DFB20.ttl index 71f6117d51d..df5e0aa347c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A22D5D4FD3A4A2DFB20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215602A22D5D4FD3A4A2DFB20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Aisthentusa flagellifera Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2002" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A22D5D4FA894A86FDF2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A22D5D4FA894A86FDF2.ttl index 5304cbbeba5..48f1f391f18 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A22D5D4FA894A86FDF2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A22D5D4FA894A86FDF2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Brachida danumensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(KRAATZ, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "KRAATZ" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kraatz, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "crassiuscula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KRAATZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "KRAATZ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Homalota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz" ; - dwc:species "crassiuscula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2002" ; - dwc:species "subadunca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A23D5D4FD5F4B14FAD5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A23D5D4FD5F4B14FAD5.ttl index 472792d3068..c56139e4eff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A23D5D4FD5F4B14FAD5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215612A23D5D4FD5F4B14FAD5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Gyrophaena osferox Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2001" ; - dwc:species "benevola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215632A21D5D4FD6F4BAFFA37.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215632A21D5D4FD6F4BAFFA37.ttl index 03e602a3c9e..02fd243ccbc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215632A21D5D4FD6F4BAFFA37.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215632A21D5D4FD6F4BAFFA37.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Pseudatheta rougemonti Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2007" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudatheta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2007" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A23D5D4FAF9484DFDEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A23D5D4FAF9484DFDEF.ttl index 4c7fe713242..5d5236b40be 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A23D5D4FAF9484DFDEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A23D5D4FAF9484DFDEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Gyrophaena gigaedeagica Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "KRAATZ, 1859", "Kr." ; - dwc:authorityName "KRAATZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz, 1859" ; - dwc:species "immatura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A24D5D4FE054A34FB44.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A24D5D4FE054A34FB44.ttl index 400924725c8..25f279ef65d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A24D5D4FE054A34FB44.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215662A24D5D4FE054A34FB44.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Gyrophaena manus Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,54 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MOTSCHOULSKI, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "MOTSCHOULSKI" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschoulski, 1859" ; - dwc:species "appendiculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CAMERON", "CAMERON, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1943" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2001" ; - dwc:species "microcicatricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A29D5D4FAEF4A71FD9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A29D5D4FAEF4A71FD9A.ttl index 48d606f856e..ba08167131e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A29D5D4FAEF4A71FD9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A29D5D4FAEF4A71FD9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Malayloeblius borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "HLAVAC & MARUYAMA, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "HLAVAC & MARUYAMA" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Malayloeblius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hlavac & Maruyama, 2004" ; - dwc:species "sausai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A2AD5D4FD5F4BAFFB26.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A2AD5D4FD5F4BAFFB26.ttl index cec80c4d3eb..e2f8f16fe2d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A2AD5D4FD5F4BAFFB26.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215682A2AD5D4FD5F4BAFFB26.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Mesomegaskela rougemonti Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesomegaskela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 1999" ; - dwc:species "adesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2AD5D4FA1E4A71FDEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2AD5D4FA1E4A71FDEF.ttl index a9e059b926b..b5680348e0a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2AD5D4FA1E4A71FDEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2AD5D4FA1E4A71FDEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Doryloxenus borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "WASMANN, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "WASMANN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Doryloxenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wasmann, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kistner & Jacobson, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kistner & Jacobson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Doryloxenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kistner & Jacobson, 1975" ; - dwc:species "groveri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Doryloxenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2BD5D4FDED4A71FA16.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2BD5D4FDED4A71FA16.ttl index 3a1d4562539..c7b15d08ae4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2BD5D4FDED4A71FA16.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215692A2BD5D4FDED4A71FA16.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Dikraspedella borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dikraspedella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2002" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Dikraspedella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156A2A28D5D4FC414AC9F993.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156A2A28D5D4FC414AC9F993.ttl index d7f90eafdf1..f4edffba65d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156A2A28D5D4FC414AC9F993.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156A2A28D5D4FC414AC9F993.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Chaetosogonocephus nobilis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rougemontius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FC7D4B4AFA7B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FC7D4B4AFA7B.ttl index 626efd63e97..a448b9761c1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FC7D4B4AFA7B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FC7D4B4AFA7B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Atheta (Poromicrodota) borneotibialis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atheta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1939" ; - dwc:species "subaegra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -85,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Atheta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FF204B56FCC8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FF204B56FCC8.ttl index 454fa97e25c..b6c77d98f69 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FF204B56FCC8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156C2A2ED5D4FF204B56FCC8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Atheta (Acrotona) nitidaespinae Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "KRAATZ, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "KRAATZ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atheta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz, 1859" ; - dwc:species "vicaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FC174A71FA4D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FC174A71FA4D.ttl index e66bf2b4ebc..b1cc50fc988 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FC174A71FA4D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FC174A71FA4D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Outachyusa borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(CAMERON, 1939)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Outachyusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "velox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cam." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cam." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachyusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cam." ; - dwc:species "velox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FEE84A0DFC1F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FEE84A0DFC1F.ttl index ec90631b503..20c5e99dbd0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FEE84A0DFC1F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156D2A2FD5D4FEE84A0DFC1F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Demerinda sabahensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gyrophaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2004" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156E2A2CD5D4FD504870FABB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156E2A2CD5D4FD504870FABB.ttl index 48403f4aeaf..b3449cc7236 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156E2A2CD5D4FD504870FABB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156E2A2CD5D4FD504870FABB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Pelioptera plenitudinis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelioptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2003" ; - dwc:species "bituberculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156F2A2CD5D4FA114A86FDEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156F2A2CD5D4FA114A86FDEF.ttl index a7972d7470c..beaa24a730a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156F2A2CD5D4FA114A86FDEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2156F2A2CD5D4FA114A86FDEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Pelioptera danumensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelioptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2003" ; - dwc:species "bituberculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215702A32D5D4FE834AA3FC58.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215702A32D5D4FE834AA3FC58.ttl index 458ec50e898..7a539854bff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215702A32D5D4FE834AA3FC58.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215702A32D5D4FE834AA3FC58.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Myrmecopella borneensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "KISTNER & MCNAIRN, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "KISTNER & MCNAIRN" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmecopella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kistner & Mcnairn, 1991" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Myrmecopella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215712A32D5D4FC1F49C7FEC2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215712A32D5D4FC1F49C7FEC2.ttl index d1f235bb0a9..0e071f2e924 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215712A32D5D4FC1F49C7FEC2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215712A32D5D4FC1F49C7FEC2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Keratodegnathus mirabilis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pace, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Keratodegnathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2014" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pace, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Keratodegnathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2014" ; - dwc:species "rougemonti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Keratodegnathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215722A3FD5D4FB9248FDFD8F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215722A3FD5D4FB9248FDFD8F.ttl index 7b5ce5d8de3..4a3ad6ef94e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215722A3FD5D4FB9248FDFD8F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215722A3FD5D4FB9248FDFD8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Orphnebius parabigladiosus Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orphnebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "bigladiosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brnh." ; - dwc:authorityName "Brnh." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orphnebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brnh." ; - dwc:species "bigladiosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FC974A8FFA24.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FC974A8FFA24.ttl index d3a54215d14..65247f14a01 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FC974A8FFA24.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FC974A8FFA24.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Orphnebius ocularis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orphnebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2007" ; - dwc:species "directus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FEC04B82FCD7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FEC04B82FCD7.ttl index ec8402934c3..69aad49444d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FEC04B82FCD7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215732A31D5D4FEC04B82FCD7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Orphnebius acutus Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orphnebius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2000" ; - dwc:species "vorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FC724852F9D4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FC724852F9D4.ttl index 6353345859d..a9a52f6ac83 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FC724852F9D4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FC724852F9D4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Chaetosogonocephus luteicollis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetosogonocephus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "notaticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FF204A86FCCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FF204A86FCCD.ttl index bb3335c761a..4ef058a04b7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FF204A86FCCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215742A36D5D4FF204A86FCCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Chaetosogonocephus danumensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "kinabaluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FC5A4829FA7B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FC5A4829FA7B.ttl index 40de3360ed8..238fd8c6e1d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FC5A4829FA7B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FC5A4829FA7B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Chaetosogonocephus ruficollis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rougemontius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FF204B63FCE5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FF204B63FCE5.ttl index 5d0fd56107e..6f3d939cbf6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FF204B63FCE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215752A37D5D4FF204B63FCE5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Chaetosogonocephus minor Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetosogonocephus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "notaticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215762A34D5D4FF204AF3FCE5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215762A34D5D4FF204AF3FCE5.ttl index 720300d4e6a..121bb152710 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215762A34D5D4FF204AF3FCE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215762A34D5D4FF204AF3FCE5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Strabocephalium borneorum Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Strabocephalium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1911" ; - dwc:species "mirabile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215772A35D5D4FD644884FAA9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215772A35D5D4FD644884FAA9.ttl index 110df9d54a6..c3540a11861 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215772A35D5D4FD644884FAA9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215772A35D5D4FD644884FAA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Tetrabothrus femoralis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON, 1939", "Cam." ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrabothrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1939" ; - dwc:species "indicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CAMERON, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrabothrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1943" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A39D5D4FB394A02FE19.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A39D5D4FB394A02FE19.ttl index c83239235b2..45f79f35fe4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A39D5D4FB394A02FE19.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A39D5D4FB394A02FE19.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla sabahensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "foeda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A3AD5D4FD954BA8FB05.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A3AD5D4FD954BA8FB05.ttl index ca1a3a3b951..c848455d840 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A3AD5D4FD954BA8FB05.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215782A3AD5D4FD954BA8FB05.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla bilobata Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "spissatheca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3AD5D4FB2F4B5FFDD0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3AD5D4FB2F4B5FFDD0.ttl index 11eb233b727..d625d4d09ed 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3AD5D4FB2F4B5FFDD0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3AD5D4FB2F4B5FFDD0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla caputserpentis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2004" ; - dwc:species "perdensa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3BD5D4FE084BB8FB3E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3BD5D4FE084BB8FB3E.ttl index 60ba9f72714..8e2dfd3fafa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3BD5D4FE084BB8FB3E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E215792A3BD5D4FE084BB8FB3E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla borneoacuta Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bruneiorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A07D5D4FB9A4D30FD9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A07D5D4FB9A4D30FD9A.ttl index a838981f0f7..4872b51a991 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A07D5D4FB9A4D30FD9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A07D5D4FB9A4D30FD9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla danumensis Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneopora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "fontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A38D5D4FE834BAFFBA5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A38D5D4FE834BAFFBA5.ttl index 4c1f5d0e2bf..bf9768f37e9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A38D5D4FE834BAFFBA5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157A2A38D5D4FE834BAFFBA5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla rougemontiana Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "sculpticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A38D5D4FB874B33FEC2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A38D5D4FB874B33FEC2.ttl index dc9efd7d0ad..f7605358109 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A38D5D4FB874B33FEC2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A38D5D4FB874B33FEC2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla borneoclara Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(CAMERON, 1933)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "aerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A39D5D4FE4D4BA1FBC6.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A39D5D4FE4D4BA1FBC6.ttl index ce5a3be5c30..64cd3344bf5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A39D5D4FE4D4BA1FBC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157B2A39D5D4FE4D4BA1FBC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla profunda Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "semimonticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157C2A3ED5D4FD354BAFFA86.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157C2A3ED5D4FD354BAFFA86.ttl index 9177c6dee2d..c1a20965385 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157C2A3ED5D4FD354BAFFA86.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157C2A3ED5D4FD354BAFFA86.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Lambanus rougemonti Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pace, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lambanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2014" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3BD5D4FB8F48D6FE57.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3BD5D4FB8F48D6FE57.ttl index 96c1cf20717..891e637f030 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3BD5D4FB8F48D6FE57.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3BD5D4FB8F48D6FE57.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla serrulae Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 1986" ; - dwc:species "operosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3CD5D4FEC0480DFBDE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3CD5D4FEC0480DFBDE.ttl index b14d4e805cc..c0af1ee4764 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3CD5D4FEC0480DFBDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157E2A3CD5D4FEC0480DFBDE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla bulbosa Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "foeda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157F2A3CD5D4FB904A25FE9F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157F2A3CD5D4FB904A25FE9F.ttl index 56a96afb72b..8097ca8911f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157F2A3CD5D4FB904A25FE9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E2157F2A3CD5D4FB904A25FE9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pace, R." ; dc:title "Drusilla divergens Pace 2014, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "PACE, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2008" ; - dwc:species "foeda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "PACE." ; - dwc:authorityName "PACE." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drusilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "PACE." ; - dwc:species "foeda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F519FE29FB9FFD0F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F519FE29FB9FFD0F.ttl index d1f265ee28f..270c433537c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F519FE29FB9FFD0F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F519FE29FB9FFD0F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Autolethrus) kabaki Nikolajev 1998" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,25 +40,11 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 1998" ; dwc:species "kabaki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Paralethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -69,7 +54,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "kabaki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Paralethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F550FC3DFE22FA65.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F550FC3DFE22FA65.ttl index 7def1d9c3b9..1e0fa3fb1e8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F550FC3DFE22FA65.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F550FC3DFE22FA65.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lethrus (Heteroplistodus) kentauensis Kral & Olexa 1996" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Heteroplistodus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F55AFF2CFF65FE68.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F55AFF2CFF65FE68.ttl index 07f9f76841d..91f508efc36 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F55AFF2CFF65FE68.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F55AFF2CFF65FE68.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Autolethrus) hauseri subsp. macrodon Nikolajev 1969" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nikolajev, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 1969" ; - dwc:species "bituberculatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paralethrus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "macrodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -106,12 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F574FD23FBB5FC05.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F574FD23FBB5FC05.ttl index 3d5fe898b0f..5391d8d479c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F574FD23FBB5FC05.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE0F574FD23FBB5FC05.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Autolethrus) karateghinicus Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,25 +40,11 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 1976" ; dwc:species "karateghinicus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Lethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -69,7 +54,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "karateghinicus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Lethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE3F509FA14FE44FF52.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE3F509FA14FE44FF52.ttl index 8795af635a8..7cecf347001 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE3F509FA14FE44FF52.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44700FFE3F509FA14FE44FF52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Ceratodirus) lamellifer Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F527FD5AFE44FCDA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F527FD5AFE44FCDA.ttl index 28f62b21edd..3ea464bb8c4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F527FD5AFE44FCDA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F527FD5AFE44FCDA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Furcilethrus) frantsevichi Nikolajev 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F52BFA6AFE44F9CA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F52BFA6AFE44F9CA.ttl index b589c6a149d..6f39c2b7969 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F52BFA6AFE44F9CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F52BFA6AFE44F9CA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) gissaricus Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F574FB6EFEC0FA26.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F574FB6EFEC0FA26.ttl index 2668684225c..c4c6f90c27c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F574FB6EFEC0FA26.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F574FB6EFEC0FA26.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus furcatus subsp. michailovi Nikolajev & Shukronajev 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nikolajev & Shukronajev, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev & Shukronajev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev & Shukronajev, 1977" ; - dwc:species "michailovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -97,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FC54FE44FBD0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FC54FE44FBD0.ttl index c25dfdc9d06..ad5cc704f23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FC54FE44FBD0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FC54FE44FBD0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Furcilethrus) frater Nikolajev 1975" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FE40FBBDFD24.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FE40FBBDFD24.ttl index bb2f9f64a27..f9d44f6acd4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FE40FBBDFD24.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44701FFE1F5C1FE40FBBDFD24.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Nikolajev", "Nikolajev, 2001" ; + dwc:authority "Nikolajev, 2001" ; dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev" ; dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 2001" ; dwc:species "elisae" ; - dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus", "Mesolethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "elisae" ; - dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus", "Mesolethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F56BFF2CFE22FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F56BFF2CFE22FE08.ttl index 27758ae8192..ae2e5b7ef48 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F56BFF2CFE22FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F56BFF2CFE22FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Furcilethrus) saryhissoricus Nikolajev 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F571FE35FE22FCF0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F571FE35FE22FCF0.ttl index 80099a67a26..c546f7e91a0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F571FE35FE22FCF0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F571FE35FE22FCF0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) tekkensis Kral & Olexa 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Scelolethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFBA2FF5AFA32.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFBA2FF5AFA32.ttl index ddf2b203781..3bc5803b930 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFBA2FF5AFA32.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFBA2FF5AFA32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Autolethrus) tshatkalensis Protsenko 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,22 +40,7 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Protsenko, 1965" ; dwc:species "tshatkalensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Lethrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Proc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Proc." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Proc." ; - dwc:species "tshatkalensis" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -69,7 +53,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "tshatkalensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus", "Lethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Autolethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFC9DFE22FB9B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFC9DFE22FB9B.ttl index f4b3064ba04..cfee422b07e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFC9DFE22FB9B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE2F57CFC9DFE22FB9B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) tenuestriatus Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE5F52AFA5DFE44FE9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE5F52AFA5DFE44FE9E.ttl index 2c30eedf4d9..eb56f2839e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE5F52AFA5DFE44FE9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44702FFE5F52AFA5DFE44FE9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Mycotrupes gaigei Olson & Hubbell 1954" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mycotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LeConte, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Mycotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F510FD12FE44FC12.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F510FD12FE44FC12.ttl index ebd33dacc2f..986f46f26b2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F510FD12FE44FC12.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F510FD12FE44FC12.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Ceratodirus) mugodzharicus Nikolajev 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F519FC2CFE44FB08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F519FC2CFE44FB08.ttl index 41aaec13273..029fd8b99e7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F519FC2CFE44FB08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F519FC2CFE44FB08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Furcilethrus) nasreddinovi Nikolajev 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F527FB35FBFCFA30.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F527FB35FBFCFA30.ttl index 029e6a7b196..658d2927660 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F527FB35FBFCFA30.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F527FB35FBFCFA30.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Furcilethrus) nuratavicus Nikolajev 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,25 +40,11 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 1987" ; dwc:species "nuratavicus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus", "Mesolethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -69,7 +54,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "nuratavicus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus", "Mesolethrus" ; + dwc:subGenus "Furcilethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F534FE09FE44FD6F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F534FE09FE44FD6F.ttl index 2ee612bf329..49ed6c68e75 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F534FE09FE44FD6F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F534FE09FE44FD6F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Lethrus) marakandicus Nikolajev 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F53FFA5DFE44F9DB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F53FFA5DFE44F9DB.ttl index 7b411c41410..ca17e5b3c2d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F53FFA5DFE44F9DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44703FFE3F53FFA5DFE44F9DB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) obtritus Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE4F572FC0DFE22FB44.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE4F572FC0DFE22FB44.ttl index 1257dffffa0..5d647cdcf48 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE4F572FC0DFE22FB44.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE4F572FC0DFE22FB44.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes gogona Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Expedition 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Expedition" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Expedition, 1972" ; - dwc:species "bhutan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "gogona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE7F572FAFAFE44FCBE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE7F572FAFAFE44FCBE.ttl index 5263b16c129..d6be03a0684 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE7F572FAFAFE44FCBE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44704FFE7F572FAFAFE44FCBE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes gongga Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shan" ; - dwc:species "gongga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "gongga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE4F51AFA6AFE22FC75.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE4F51AFA6AFE22FC75.ttl index 147b19b0ad7..03a81488c29 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE4F51AFA6AFE22FC75.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE4F51AFA6AFE22FC75.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes farkaci Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "farkaci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F50BFC8DFE44FBC5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F50BFC8DFE44FBC5.ttl index 67c67777f85..68d2165b9e7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F50BFC8DFE44FBC5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F50BFC8DFE44FBC5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes cavazzutii Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "cavazzutii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F51AFEACFE44FDE2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F51AFEACFE44FDE2.ttl index c0b1818fd8a..6dc36914371 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F51AFEACFE44FDE2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F51AFEACFE44FDE2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes bhutan Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "bhutan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F52FFB88FE44FA23.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F52FFB88FE44FA23.ttl index 6a7cc7f737f..cb9142060d2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F52FFB88FE44FA23.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44705FFE5F52FFB88FE44FA23.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes emei Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shan Mts." ; - dwc:authorityName "Shan Mts." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shan Mts." ; - dwc:species "emei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "emei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shan, Jioyin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shan, Jioyin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shan, Jioyin" ; - dwc:species "emei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F572FACEFE22F9D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F572FACEFE22F9D0.ttl index 7a300fff316..5f572678e16 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F572FACEFE22F9D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F572FACEFE22F9D0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes kucerai Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "kucerai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F573FC21FE22FAB0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F573FC21FE22FAB0.ttl index 4fae13c01b8..e3c3dfacfc0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F573FC21FE22FAB0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F573FC21FE22FAB0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes karnali Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "karnali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F579FD31FE22FC11.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F579FD31FE22FC11.ttl index e311a23e467..ee57da3c7cf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F579FD31FE22FC11.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F579FD31FE22FC11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes kalabi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "kalabi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F57CFE27FE22FD01.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F57CFE27FE22FD01.ttl index ec5648c1c04..54e6b7abe04 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F57CFE27FE22FD01.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44706FFE6F57CFE27FE22FD01.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes jiuding Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHAN" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHAN" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shan" ; - dwc:species "jiuding" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "jiuding" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE6F512FAE1FE22FE0B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE6F512FAE1FE22FE0B.ttl index 685a2beb33d..c128d4aede5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE6F512FAE1FE22FE0B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE6F512FAE1FE22FE0B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes howdeni Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "howdeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE7F52EFCB0FE44FB51.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE7F52EFCB0FE44FB51.ttl index 0d0a512f376..3a4659b5269 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE7F52EFCB0FE44FB51.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44707FFE7F52EFCB0FE44FB51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes haba Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "haba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF567FDE6FE22FD7E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF567FDE6FE22FD7E.ttl index 110123a77e0..6fdd305d043 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF567FDE6FE22FD7E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF567FDE6FE22FD7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Ceratophyus mesasiaticus Medvedev & Nikolajev 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer von Waldheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratophyus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer von Waldheim, 1823" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Ceratophyus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C5FCF0FED3FBFE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C5FCF0FED3FBFE.ttl index f7205f55374..7413e11da24 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C5FCF0FED3FBFE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C5FCF0FED3FBFE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes folwarcznyi Cervenka 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C8FF2CFE22FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C8FF2CFE22FE08.ttl index 504a1815431..f4b217f888b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C8FF2CFE22FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEAF5C8FF2CFE22FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Stenaspidius houstoni Howden 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenaspidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; @@ -71,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Stenaspidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEDF528FA6BFEC2FE55.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEDF528FA6BFEC2FE55.ttl index 1683773e3eb..f41df74dd85 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEDF528FA6BFEC2FE55.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470AFFEDF528FA6BFEC2FE55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes hoffmannseggi Fairmaire 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fairmaire, 1856)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratophyus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fairmaire, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "hoffmannseggi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5D5FD31FD81FA91.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5D5FD31FD81FA91.ttl index 79af67e508f..5ba623d314d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5D5FD31FD81FA91.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5D5FD31FD81FA91.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Bolboceras excavatum R. A. Philippi 1859" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -63,51 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bolboceras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1818" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bolborhinum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fairmaire, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "laesicolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fairmaire, 1856)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bolborrhinum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fairmaire, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "laesicolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; @@ -121,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Bolboceras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5DFFAA1FBADF9E7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5DFFAA1FBADF9E7.ttl index c906862fedd..f9a747e9d2c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5DFFAA1FBADF9E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470BFFEBF5DFFAA1FBADF9E7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Bolbocerodema zonatum Nikolajev 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bolbocerodema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 1973" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nikolajev, 1973)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nikolajev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bolbocerosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nikolajev, 1973)" ; - dwc:species "zonatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; @@ -87,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Bolbocerodema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF558FC91FE53FBF4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF558FC91FE53FBF4.ttl index e2b0db869e7..03a7eafef28 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF558FC91FE53FBF4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF558FC91FE53FBF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Trypocopris) vernalis subsp. rambouseki Tesar 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,26 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Linnaeus" from authority ; - dwc:authority "vernalis (Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:authorityName "vernalis (Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trypocopris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "vernalis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vernalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF563FE8DFB80FDE8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF563FE8DFB80FDE8.ttl index 93bc975700d..8281fd63a3e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF563FE8DFB80FDE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF563FE8DFB80FDE8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Odontotrupes) szetshwanus Nikolajev 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nikolajev, 1977)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nikolajev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nikolajev, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "szetshwanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -95,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF571FB8AFE22FAEA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF571FB8AFE22FAEA.ttl index c3ca7c1f5ef..155625ce1fa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF571FB8AFE22FAEA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF571FB8AFE22FAEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Ceratodirus) aequidentatus Nikolajev 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF57DFD87FC45FC9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF57DFD87FC45FC9E.ttl index 3f83002473c..0f50c45f3e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF57DFD87FC45FC9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470CFFECF57DFD87FC45FC9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Odontotrupes) tibetanus Nikolajev 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nikolajev, 1977)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nikolajev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nikolajev, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "tibetanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -96,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF522FDEDFF6BFCA8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF522FDEDFF6BFCA8.ttl index 7a238ad8e2f..6fee18a2bc0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF522FDEDFF6BFCA8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF522FDEDFF6BFCA8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Odontotrupes) imurai Masumoto 1995" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Masumoto", "Masumoto, 1995" ; + dwc:authority "Masumoto, 1995" ; dwc:authorityName "Masumoto" ; dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Masumoto, 1995)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Masumoto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Masumoto, 1995)" ; - dwc:species "imurai" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -97,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF574FBD1FEDAFAAC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF574FBD1FEDAFAAC.ttl index b2506d7d5b9..fc84a9f6922 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF574FBD1FEDAFAAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF574FBD1FEDAFAAC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Thorectes) punctulatus var. rhilensis Tesar 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thorectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jekel, 1866)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jekel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thorectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jekel, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "punctulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF57FFCC7FE44FC5E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF57FFCC7FE44FC5E.ttl index 88f71b6eb6c..6fd2128b196 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF57FFCC7FE44FC5E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470DFFEDF57FFCC7FE44FC5E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Geotrupes (Glyptogeotrupes) ovchinnikovi Nikolajev 2004" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1796" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Geotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFE1F572FC2DFE44FE2E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFE1F572FC2DFE44FE2E.ttl index 297969d66c1..b7bbd37e29a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFE1F572FC2DFE44FE2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFE1F572FC2DFE44FE2E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) crypticus Kral & Olexa 1996" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Scelolethrus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF501FF2CFEAEFE68.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF501FF2CFEAEFE68.ttl index af843e664bd..dee6259c53b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF501FF2CFEAEFE68.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF501FF2CFEAEFE68.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus bulbocerus subsp. tarbagataicus Nikolajev 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,27 +40,11 @@ dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nikolajev, 2001" ; dwc:species "bulbocerus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Heteroplistodus" ; dwc:subSpecies "tarbagataicus" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer von Waldheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer von Waldheim, 1845" ; - dwc:species "bulbocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -71,18 +54,11 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; dwc:species "bulbocerus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Heteroplistodus" ; dwc:subSpecies "tarbagataicus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "bulbocerus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF508FE06FE22FD1E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF508FE06FE22FD1E.ttl index da0072d5848..915fe71b0d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF508FE06FE22FD1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF508FE06FE22FD1E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) carinatus Nikolajev 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF565FD10FE22FC15.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF565FD10FE22FC15.ttl index a8b9e46e380..531087552db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF565FD10FE22FC15.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470EFFEEF565FD10FE22FC15.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Nikolajev", "Nikolajev, 2001" ; + dwc:authority "Nikolajev, 2001" ; dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev" ; dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF508FD9BFE44FC5D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF508FD9BFE44FC5D.ttl index 19987a72771..002a0e28145 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF508FD9BFE44FC5D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF508FD9BFE44FC5D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Lethrus) ares Kral, Rejsek & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "ares" ; - dwc:subGenus "Lethrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF522FE81FE44FDE7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF522FE81FE44FDE7.ttl index 19a61e527da..8d2b648614d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF522FE81FE44FDE7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF522FE81FE44FDE7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Scelolethrus) andrejewae Nikolajev 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF539FAEEFE44FA46.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF539FAEEFE44FA46.ttl index d05e56f67be..266277adaa5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF539FAEEFE44FA46.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4470FFFEFF539FAEEFE44FA46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Lethrus (Ceratodirus) borealis Nikolajev 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Nikolajev", "Nikolajev, 1973" ; + dwc:authority "Nikolajev, 1973" ; dwc:authorityName "Nikolajev" ; dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1777" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer von Waldheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer von Waldheim, 1845" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ceratodirus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -89,24 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Ceratodirus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Lethrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F521FC4DFC63FB54.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F521FC4DFC63FB54.ttl index 6e688b690ab..5f124846049 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F521FC4DFC63FB54.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F521FC4DFC63FB54.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Eulasia) ernae Petrovitz 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Truqui" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Truqui, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "ernae" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eulasia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F526FE26FC65FD3E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F526FE26FC65FD3E.ttl index 74c694fafd2..46c1b50e1c4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F526FE26FC65FD3E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F526FE26FC65FD3E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Eulasia) diadema Reitter 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Reitter", "Reitter, 1890" ; + dwc:authority "Reitter, 1890" ; dwc:authorityName "Reitter" ; dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reitter, 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reitter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reitter, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "diadema" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eulasia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -78,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Eulasia" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5C0FF2CFE22FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5C0FF2CFE22FE08.ttl index ccb3c93d405..2883e3d927d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5C0FF2CFE22FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5C0FF2CFE22FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma cervenkai Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5D7FD30FE22FC35.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5D7FD30FE22FC35.ttl index 93a111dd24f..496cfd94d90 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5D7FD30FE22FC35.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF0F5D7FD30FE22FC35.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma dundai Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF3F50AFAEAFF7FFEB5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF3F50AFAEAFF7FFEB5.ttl index aa4b7212069..c61bf69c026 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF3F50AFAEAFF7FFEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44710FFF3F50AFAEAFF7FFEB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Eulasia) harmonia Petrovitz 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Truqui" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Truqui, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1968)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "harmonia" ; - dwc:subGenus "Rudeulasia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F520FDECFF7FFC08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F520FDECFF7FFC08.ttl index e735575ff38..1feb8a3c4a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F520FDECFF7FFC08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F520FDECFF7FFC08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Eulasia) anemurensis Petrovitz 1964" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Truqui" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Truqui, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1964)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "anemurensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Rudeulasia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -111,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F57BFC39FF7FFB1F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F57BFC39FF7FFB1F.ttl index a7338e58c35..6356b51ec77 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F57BFC39FF7FFB1F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F57BFC39FF7FFB1F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Eulasia) arctos var. armeniaca Reitter 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reitter, 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reitter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reitter, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "arctos" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eulasia" ; - dwc:subSpecies "armeniaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -94,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "arctos" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -112,12 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5E8FB13FE44FA6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5E8FB13FE44FA6E.ttl index 4e239aaa35c..2324d91db9d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5E8FB13FE44FA6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5E8FB13FE44FA6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma businskyi Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5F0FEFFFE44FE52.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5F0FEFFFE44FE52.ttl index 22c12993377..0833f175255 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5F0FEFFFE44FE52.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44711FFF1F5F0FEFFFE44FE52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma amaliae Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F508FB24FE22F9AD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F508FB24FE22F9AD.ttl index f16ced67b22..9d541888964 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F508FB24FE22F9AD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F508FB24FE22F9AD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Pygopleurus zagrosensis Nikodym & Kral 1998" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zagrosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F55DFC2BFC04FB0A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F55DFC2BFC04FB0A.ttl index dfb1106e5e6..f37f57deb9b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F55DFC2BFC04FB0A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F55DFC2BFC04FB0A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Pygopleurus) vulpes subsp. simplex Petrovitz 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabr." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabr." ; - dwc:species "vulpes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -93,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "vulpes" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F579FD11FC47FC17.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F579FD11FC47FC17.ttl index f2420ea2682..f6b01f29092 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F579FD11FC47FC17.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F579FD11FC47FC17.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Pygopleurus) sexualis Petrovitz 1968" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1968)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "sexualis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F5C5FE07FE22FD61.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F5C5FE07FE22FD61.ttl index 80b34571f2a..e5d75b38255 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F5C5FE07FE22FD61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44712FFF2F5C5FE07FE22FD61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma schneideri Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF2F4BFFAAAFF5AFE6B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF2F4BFFAAAFF5AFE6B.ttl index f9f6e8fd4f5..254ddcbc67d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF2F4BFFAAAFF5AFE6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF2F4BFFAAAFF5AFE6B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Pygopleurus) rufovillosa subsp. nigropubescens Petrovitz 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -48,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rttr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rttr." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rttr." ; - dwc:species "rufovillosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rtt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rtt." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rtt." ; - dwc:species "rufovillosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "rufovillosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigropubescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -110,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "rufovillosa" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F515FCADFBBDFA94.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F515FCADFBBDFA94.ttl index ff3c65ec2b5..0ca7da294ac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F515FCADFBBDFA94.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F515FCADFBBDFA94.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Pygopleurus) mithridates Petrovitz 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "mithridates" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -96,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F534FECDFC70FD9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F534FECDFC70FD9E.ttl index 2a4670f2e78..5118520bc8a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F534FECDFC70FD9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F534FECDFC70FD9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma (Pygopleurus) kareli Petrovitz 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pygopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "kareli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F5FDFD90FE44FC95.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F5FDFD90FE44FC95.ttl index 2c4ec0c8722..28d85127189 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F5FDFD90FE44FC95.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44713FFF3F5FDFD90FE44FC95.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Amphicoma kubani Nikodym 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glaphyridae" ; dwc:genus "Amphicoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F510FEFFFE47FE79.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F510FEFFFE47FE79.ttl index 07861fb2bb0..161edc0c06f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F510FEFFFE47FE79.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F510FEFFFE47FE79.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Codocera ferruginea subsp. chinensis Balthasar 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eschscholtz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Codocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eschscholtz, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Codocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F513FCAEFCEEFB61.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F513FCAEFCEEFB61.ttl index ab495f1a884..4d87bbc8858 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F513FCAEFCEEFB61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F513FCAEFCEEFB61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox granulipennis subsp. sordidatus Balthasar 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pontop.)", "(Pontoppidan, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pontoppidan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pontoppidan, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fairmaire, 1852" ; - dwc:species "granulipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Balth. N." ; - dwc:authorityName "Balth. N." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balth. N." ; - dwc:species "sordidatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balthasar, 1936" ; - dwc:species "sordidatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; @@ -122,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "granulipennis" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F58BFB2DFE89FA0F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F58BFB2DFE89FA0F.ttl index b74a239ec78..bd6ea43037a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F58BFB2DFE89FA0F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F58BFB2DFE89FA0F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox haroldi Flach 1879" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fairmaire, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fairmaire, 1868" ; - dwc:species "perrissii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F5C3FE04FD08FCA0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F5C3FE04FD08FCA0.ttl index b5851a961f0..ea8de69876e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F5C3FE04FD08FCA0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44714FFF4F5C3FE04FD08FCA0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Ochodaeus tonkineus Balthasar 1952" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dejean" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochodaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dejean, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ochodaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochodaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F585FBD3FE44FB55.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F585FBD3FE44FB55.ttl index a9defe06bbf..eb9faa64903 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F585FBD3FE44FB55.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F585FBD3FE44FB55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phaeochroops seres Kuijten 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Candeze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Candeze, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5C5FAEDFE44FA4B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5C5FAEDFE44FA4B.ttl index 2e51c91ee2a..2e3c44ea309 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5C5FAEDFE44FA4B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5C5FAEDFE44FA4B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phaeochrous pseudintermedius Kuijten 1978" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeochrous" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castelnau, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; dwc:genus "Phaeochrous" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E6FDE9FE44FD4F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E6FDE9FE44FD4F.ttl index 1658b4bac2c..a73c39839fb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E6FDE9FE44FD4F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E6FDE9FE44FD4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phaeochroops colopacilis Kuijten 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Candeze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Candeze, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E7FEFCFF7FFE59.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E7FEFCFF7FFE59.ttl index 64bffefed1d..d5ef62bddde 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E7FEFCFF7FFE59.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5E7FEFCFF7FFE59.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Araeotanypus orientalis Petrovitz 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Petrovitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeocroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Petrovitz, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; @@ -140,12 +122,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; dwc:genus "Araeotanopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5FCFCE3FE44FC5F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5FCFCE3FE44FC5F.ttl index 8a9724e6ea0..702fc6d4134 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5FCFCE3FE44FC5F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44715FFF5F5FCFCE3FE44FC5F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phaeochroops ninbin Kuijten 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Candeze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Candeze, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hybosoridae" ; dwc:genus "Phaeochroops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5C1FECAFBA3FCB2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5C1FECAFBA3FCB2.ttl index dab5216d7d9..ea92d4f8e93 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5C1FECAFBA3FCB2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5C1FECAFBA3FCB2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox novaecaledoniae Balthasar 1966" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,69 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vimmeri Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vimmeri Balthasar, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wied.", "Wiedemann, 1823" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann, 1823" ; - dwc:species "costatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Omorgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "suberosus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Omorgus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Omorgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wiedemann, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "costatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Afromorgus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; @@ -140,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5E7FB64FDE4F991.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5E7FB64FDE4F991.ttl index dbd814dd497..1a49c2182e6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5E7FB64FDE4F991.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5E7FB64FDE4F991.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1931", "Blth." ; + dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1931" ; dwc:authorityName "Balthasar" ; dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5FEFCCAFE6EFBCB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5FEFCCAFE6EFBCB.ttl index 722672f9a19..55e61cdf6a6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5FEFCCAFE6EFBCB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44716FFF6F5FEFCCAFE6EFBCB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox strandi Balthasar 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vimmeri Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vimmeri Balthasar, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reiche", "Reiche, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reiche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reiche, 1853" ; - dwc:species "fabricii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F596FF2DFB82FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F596FF2DFB82FE08.ttl index e15cd762c13..d3784942c01 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F596FF2DFB82FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F596FF2DFB82FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox komareki Balthasar 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balthasar, 1931" ; - dwc:species "cadaverinus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "komareki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F5A8FE27FE44FC65.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F5A8FE27FE44FC65.ttl index 64000298ab5..d676f5845d5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F5A8FE27FE44FC65.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44717FFF7F5A8FE27FE44FC65.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Trox litoralis Pittino 1991" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,66 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "litoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vimmeri Balthasar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vimmeri Balthasar, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pon." ; - dwc:authorityName "Pon." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pon." ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pont." ; - dwc:authorityName "Pont." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pont." ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Trogidae" ; @@ -118,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Trogidae" ; dwc:genus "Trox" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFF8F572FD00FE22FB51.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFF8F572FD00FE22FB51.ttl index 38a2e55515c..e75b81c6d33 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFF8F572FD00FE22FB51.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFF8F572FD00FE22FB51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes paulusi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "paulusi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFFBF57DFAE1FE44FE0B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFFBF57DFAE1FE44FE0B.ttl index 03ef75788df..c6c103ed24e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFFBF57DFAE1FE44FE0B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44718FFFBF57DFAE1FE44FE0B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes pauma Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "pauma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF8F516FA51FE22FD6E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF8F516FA51FE22FD6E.ttl index 699e62f9e04..da19ff55848 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF8F516FA51FE22FD6E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF8F516FA51FE22FD6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes nikodymi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "nikodymi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F51CFD6BFE44FCCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F51CFD6BFE44FCCD.ttl index c7a91146e62..ce529879b23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F51CFD6BFE44FCCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F51CFD6BFE44FCCD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes lassallei Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "lassallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F521FB7FFE44FA2C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F521FB7FFE44FA2C.ttl index b808468b692..6aecc747c9b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F521FB7FFE44FA2C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F521FB7FFE44FA2C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes mirek Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "mirek" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F52EFF2CFE44FD22.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F52EFF2CFE44FD22.ttl index 8831b1cbfa6..91951e29aaa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F52EFF2CFE44FD22.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F52EFF2CFE44FD22.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes lama Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "lama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F57EFC70FE44FBCE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F57EFC70FE44FBCE.ttl index 159e6a46b68..dfbf66d3fb2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F57EFC70FE44FBCE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44719FFF9F57EFC70FE44FBCE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes meyomintang Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "meyomintang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FAEAFE22F9A7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FAEAFE22F9A7.ttl index d1a0ee59964..a3cb6628aac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FAEAFE22F9A7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FAEAFE22F9A7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes turnai Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "turnai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FE27FE22FD74.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FE27FE22FD74.ttl index 8e7e5211a79..2ee09575e6b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FE27FE22FD74.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF579FE27FE22FD74.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes slavek Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "slavek" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF57DFD0AFE22FB54.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF57DFD0AFE22FB54.ttl index e271faa2a43..bfdd512a0ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF57DFD0AFE22FB54.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471AFFFAF57DFD0AFE22FB54.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes tryznai Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "tryznai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFAF51FFB11FE22FE0B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFAF51FFB11FE22FE0B.ttl index 0a3f456cfe4..c7c41909481 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFAF51FFB11FE22FE0B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFAF51FFB11FE22FE0B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes satanas Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "satanas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF51AFE27FE44FD51.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF51AFE27FE44FD51.ttl index 0642d6c5cda..f21a84cfb55 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF51AFE27FE44FD51.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF51AFE27FE44FD51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes qinling Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "qinling" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shan" ; - dwc:species "qinling" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF522FCE1FE44FB61.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF522FCE1FE44FB61.ttl index edad3ef0559..e15987a2566 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF522FCE1FE44FB61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471BFFFBF522FCE1FE44FB61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes sabde Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "sabde" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF48FFB31FE22F9D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF48FFB31FE22F9D0.ttl index 6aa2f8cd7ed..0074eba40e1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF48FFB31FE22F9D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF48FFB31FE22F9D0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Phelotrupes) businskyorum Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "businskyorum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF4B4FC41FE22FB01.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF4B4FC41FE22FB01.ttl index b93775d60ce..c3a2b6243f3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF4B4FC41FE22FB01.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF4B4FC41FE22FB01.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Sinogeotrupes) bolm Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "bolm" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sinogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF5DAFD37FE22FC31.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF5DAFD37FE22FC31.ttl index fb0209bf5f4..9ea2e2217be 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF5DAFD37FE22FC31.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471CFFFCF5DAFD37FE22FC31.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Peltotrupes youngi Howden 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peltotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; dwc:genus "Peltotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFCF574FAA6FE22FD3B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFCF574FAA6FE22FD3B.ttl index f2321990ed1..1725b5e7199 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFCF574FAA6FE22FD3B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFCF574FAA6FE22FD3B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes zhongdianensis Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zhongdianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF51BFC93FE44FA88.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF51BFC93FE44FA88.ttl index 6d9b051319a..4030bd3da5e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF51BFC93FE44FA88.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF51BFC93FE44FA88.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes yulong Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "yulong" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF535FF2CFE44FC9F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF535FF2CFE44FC9F.ttl index 3816ccf6ef0..47081a8ab6b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF535FF2CFE44FC9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471DFFFDF535FF2CFE44FC9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Odontotrypes xue Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotrypes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "xue" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF492FC71FE22FAEA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF492FC71FE22FAEA.ttl index cc3379a5e49..3bd4496c2a9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF492FC71FE22FAEA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF492FC71FE22FAEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Phelotrupes) wrzecionkoi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "wrzecionkoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF497FA84FE22F9E0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF497FA84FE22F9E0.ttl index 6bc9b6e5b97..7d205939173 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF497FA84FE22F9E0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF497FA84FE22F9E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Phelotrupes) yunnanensis Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "yunnanensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4A1FD81FE22FCC1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4A1FD81FE22FCC1.ttl index 771e605afa3..679fa46f07d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4A1FD81FE22FCC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4A1FD81FE22FCC1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Sinogeotrupes) strnadi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "strnadi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sinogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4B6FE90FE22FDF1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4B6FE90FE22FDF1.ttl index 56c762cb8ce..f694ebf788a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4B6FE90FE22FDF1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471EFFFEF4B6FE90FE22FDF1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Phelotrupes) kubani Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "kubani" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFEF54EFA20FE22FE9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFEF54EFA20FE22FE9E.ttl index 957868b7382..5f6ef5aa9bb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFEF54EFA20FE22FE9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFEF54EFA20FE22FE9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Sinogeotrupes) jendeki Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "jendeki" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sinogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF4BDFB17FE44FA0E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF4BDFB17FE44FA0E.ttl index b3314bdaf62..d8b20f7135e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF4BDFB17FE44FA0E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF4BDFB17FE44FA0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Singeotrupes) hunanensis Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,23 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "hunanensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sinogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; @@ -74,7 +56,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "hunanensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Singeotrupes", "Sinogeotrupes" ; + dwc:subGenus "Singeotrupes" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF544FF2CFE44FDE8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF544FF2CFE44FDE8.ttl index 015e31bc6d6..e33465a814a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF544FF2CFE44FDE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF544FF2CFE44FDE8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Eogeotrupes) cambeforti Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "cambeforti" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF546FC6DFE55FB1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF546FC6DFE55FB1B.ttl index cb3abaec007..8db4c1f132c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF546FC6DFE55FB1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF546FC6DFE55FB1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Phelotrupes) holzschuhi Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "holzschuhi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Phelotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF55CFD86FE44FCD5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF55CFD86FE44FCD5.ttl index 5deaf88b032..a09d03d9636 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF55CFD86FE44FCD5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E4471FFFFFF55CFD86FE44FCD5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bezděk, Aleš; Hájek, Jiří; Ascr, Biology Centre" ; dc:title "Phelotrupes (Eogeotrupes) deuvei Kral, Maly & Schneider 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bezděk & Hájek & Ascr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phelotrupes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bezděk, Hájek & Ascr, 2009" ; - dwc:species "deuvei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eogeotrupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geotrupidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44729FFC9F5A5FDF2FD2DFC8D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44729FFC9F5A5FDF2FD2DFC8D.ttl index e243decefa7..d385be69b80 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44729FFC9F5A5FDF2FD2DFC8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E44729FFC9F5A5FDF2FD2DFC8D.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1931", "Blth." ; + dwc:authority "Balthasar, 1931" ; dwc:authorityName "Balthasar" ; dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9B06EBC4DB9513FF71.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9B06EBC4DB9513FF71.ttl index b7283299075..15cc6e7dbbd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9B06EBC4DB9513FF71.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9B06EBC4DB9513FF71.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Narita, João Paulo Z.; Abduch, William Y.; De Moraes, Gilberto J.; Klingen, Ingeborg" ; dc:title "Ameroseius norvegicus Narita, Abduch & Moraes, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Narita, Abduch & Moraes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Narita, Abduch & Moraes" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ameroseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Narita, Abduch & Moraes" ; - dwc:species "norvegicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirschmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirschmann" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ameroseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirschmann" ; - dwc:species "ulmi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Elsen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Elsen" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ameroseiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ameroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Elsen" ; - dwc:species "benoiti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ameroseiidae" ; @@ -105,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ameroseiidae" ; dwc:genus "Ameroseius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9F06EBC59C938AFC2E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9F06EBC59C938AFC2E.ttl index 403b3d75e59..d35f2fc5094 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9F06EBC59C938AFC2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E5E439FF9F06EBC59C938AFC2E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Narita, João Paulo Z.; Abduch, William Y.; De Moraes, Gilberto J.; Klingen, Ingeborg" ; dc:title "Ameroseius Berlese" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -60,23 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "C.L. Koch, 1839: 13" ; - dwc:authorityName "C.L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "13" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sejidae" ; - dwc:genus "Seius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1839" ; - dwc:species "echinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Oudemans, 1930: 135" ; dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFE9FF42FD83FC637450.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFE9FF42FD83FC637450.ttl index 9e5d3eae953..335a19b9b0b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFE9FF42FD83FC637450.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFE9FF42FD83FC637450.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Meyer, Stephanie; Araujo, Thiago Q.; Walsh, Elizabeth J.; Wallace, Robert L.; Hochberg, Rick" ; dc:title "Artemia salina" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "phylum" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFEBFF42FABCFC637411.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFEBFF42FABCFC637411.ttl index abe8b0899e6..51edb15a05d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFEBFF42FABCFC637411.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E62205FFEBFF42FABCFC637411.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Meyer, Stephanie; Araujo, Thiago Q.; Walsh, Elizabeth J.; Wallace, Robert L.; Hochberg, Rick" ; dc:title "Aedes aegypti" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1762" ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Artemiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Artemia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1762)" ; - dwc:species "salina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Culicidae" ; @@ -97,7 +81,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "phylum" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE7FF42FF6FFEF075DE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE7FF42FF6FFEF075DE.ttl index c08d9da898f..607c4e2c56b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE7FF42FF6FFEF075DE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE7FF42FF6FFEF075DE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Meyer, Stephanie; Araujo, Thiago Q.; Walsh, Elizabeth J.; Wallace, Robert L.; Hochberg, Rick" ; dc:title "Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas 1776" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:phylum "Rotifera" ; dwc:rank "phylum" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE9FF42FB10FE7F7355.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE9FF42FB10FE7F7355.ttl index dd3219acdf2..a5229248b90 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE9FF42FB10FE7F7355.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6220BFFE9FF42FB10FE7F7355.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Meyer, Stephanie; Araujo, Thiago Q.; Walsh, Elizabeth J.; Wallace, Robert L.; Hochberg, Rick" ; dc:title "Brachionus plicatilis Muller 1786" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,7 +82,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:phylum "Rotifera" ; dwc:rank "phylum" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD546BAF2C87FBE04045.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD546BAF2C87FBE04045.ttl index 1ff0023e765..d48b1f5a41a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD546BAF2C87FBE04045.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD546BAF2C87FBE04045.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marzuki, Mohammad Effendi bin; Foon, Junn Kitt" ; dc:title "Arinia (Notharinia) Vermeulen, Phung & Truong 2007" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,24 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD5668042DE7FD3B4E34.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD5668042DE7FD3B4E34.ttl index 956d68fa037..8d278c36787 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD5668042DE7FD3B4E34.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E6FFECDD5668042DE7FD3B4E34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Marzuki, Mohammad Effendi bin; Foon, Junn Kitt" ; dc:title "Arinia (Notharinia) micro Marzuki & Foon 2016, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,90 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:species "brevior" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vermeulen, Phung & Truong, 2007" ; - dwc:species "crassilabris" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maassen, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maassen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maassen, 2008" ; - dwc:species "linnei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; @@ -145,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplommatinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Notharinia" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C2182209FD96B272FDC2768C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C2182209FD96B272FDC2768C.ttl index 40590c8b87d..6b25cf2f575 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C2182209FD96B272FDC2768C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C2182209FD96B272FDC2768C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Du, Wei; Hua, Bao-Zhen" ; dc:title "Terrobittacus rostratus Hua 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua, 2009 b:" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - dwc:species "longisetus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; @@ -88,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21B220DFDFEB05EFAC571D5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21B220DFDFEB05EFAC571D5.ttl index ccc8ec5ccf4..078406fc8eb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21B220DFDFEB05EFAC571D5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21B220DFDFEB05EFAC571D5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Du, Wei; Hua, Bao-Zhen" ; dc:title "Terrobittacus Tan & Hua 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,9 +28,9 @@ dwc:authority "Tan & Hua, 2009", "Tan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua", "Tan & Hua, 2009 b:", "Tan" ; + dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua", "Tan" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "2938" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009", "2938" ; + dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; @@ -44,110 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Huang & Hua in Cai et al., 2006)", "Huang & Hua in Cai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huang & Hua in Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Huang & Hua in Cai" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huang & Hua, 2006" ; - dwc:species "implicatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rostratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - dwc:species "longisetus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hua & Huang in Hua et al. 2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", in Hua, Tan & Huang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hua & Huang in Hua et al." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hua & Huang, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "echinatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:species "angustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tan & Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tan & Hua, 2009" ; - dwc:species "xiphicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21C2206FD96B4D9FCBD72E3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21C2206FD96B4D9FCBD72E3.ttl index 03a77d1bab4..6a997318f0b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21C2206FD96B4D9FCBD72E3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7C21C2206FD96B4D9FCBD72E3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Du, Wei; Hua, Bao-Zhen" ; dc:title "Terrobittacus angustus Hua 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hua" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrobittacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hua, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rostratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bittacidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7FF9CD416FF0FFC471122FD1E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7FF9CD416FF0FFC471122FD1E.ttl index a6266058e18..b8fdcb84afa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7FF9CD416FF0FFC471122FD1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687E7FF9CD416FF0FFC471122FD1E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Dányi, László; Park, Kyung-Hwa" ; dc:title "Janusius geumgangensis Dányi & Park, 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tullberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tullberg" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sminthurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tullberg" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sminthurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Janusius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1957" ; - dwc:species "daisetsuzanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Borner, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Janusius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borner, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sensibilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Banks, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Janusius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1899" ; - dwc:species "sylvestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kang & Lee, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kang & Lee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sminthurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kang & Lee, 2005" ; - dwc:species "annulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ED6B0E0C21FE0CFA6DFACBFEAF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ED6B0E0C21FE0CFA6DFACBFEAF.ttl index 50ac7eaa7e2..18e373ff440 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687ED6B0E0C21FE0CFA6DFACBFEAF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687ED6B0E0C21FE0CFA6DFACBFEAF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tajaddod, Sadegh; Lotfollahi, Parisa; Lillo, Enrico de" ; dc:title "Aceria ajabshiriensis Tajaddod & Lotfollahi & Lillo 2020, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Murray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murray" ; - dwc:species "ruthenicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Keifer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aceria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keifer, 1944" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nalepa)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nalepa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aceria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nalepa, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "eucricotes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; dwc:genus "Aceria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFE87C70FF17B3FD61AEDBA3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFE87C70FF17B3FD61AEDBA3.ttl index ba10a596f9c..c0ab76885a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFE87C70FF17B3FD61AEDBA3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFE87C70FF17B3FD61AEDBA3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Johnson, Robert A.; Cover, Stefan P." ; dc:title "Pogonomyrmex" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF17C68FF17B7386565D8E3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF17C68FF17B7386565D8E3.ttl index 59566f835fe..36b233bf17d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF17C68FF17B7386565D8E3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF17C68FF17B7386565D8E3.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Johnson, Robert A.; Cover, Stefan P." ; dc:title "Pogonomyrmex saucius Wheeler & Mann 1914" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF47C71FF17B19664FCDAF9.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF47C71FF17B19664FCDAF9.ttl index f283e44ed81..a171376c226 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF47C71FF17B19664FCDAF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFF47C71FF17B19664FCDAF9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Johnson, Robert A.; Cover, Stefan P." ; dc:title "Pogonomyrmex schmitti Forel 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFFB7C62FF17B0D9650AD8AC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFFB7C62FF17B0D9650AD8AC.ttl index bddfc6859f2..2c071da67af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFFB7C62FF17B0D9650AD8AC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687EEFFFB7C62FF17B0D9650AD8AC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Johnson, Robert A.; Cover, Stefan P." ; dc:title "Pogonomyrmex aterrimus Wheeler 1936, NEW STATUS" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -219,12 +219,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomyrmex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "schmitti" ; trt:hasParentName , ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F028233B53FF79BDDAFE24FE87.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F028233B53FF79BDDAFE24FE87.ttl index d5ee6bba583..7f94ed1c5cb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F028233B53FF79BDDAFE24FE87.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F028233B53FF79BDDAFE24FE87.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Qing; Wei, Jiufeng; Bu, Wenjun; Liu, Guoqing; Zhang, Hufang" ; dc:title "Arma custos" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -265,79 +265,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "OccUrs" ; - dwc:authorityName "OccUrs" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "OccUrs" ; - dwc:species "custos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agelastica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "alni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Josifov & Kerzhner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Josifov & Kerzhner, 1978" ; - dwc:species "koreana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Is UsEd" ; - dwc:authorityName "Is UsEd" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Picromerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Is UsEd" ; - dwc:species "lewisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; @@ -351,12 +278,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; dwc:genus "Arma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FD79FCD0FB35.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FD79FCD0FB35.ttl index 603cb98ba6a..b853904f674 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FD79FCD0FB35.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FD79FCD0FB35.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Huang, Kun-Wei; Wang, Chin-Fah" ; dc:title "Quadratum Huang & Wang, 2004, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,35 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chandrapatya & Boczek, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chandrapatya & Boczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parinarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chandrapatya & Boczek, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Quadratum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FEC4FAC0FDBF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FEC4FAC0FDBF.ttl index 3acf0b1aa40..5f1c5053bae 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FEC4FAC0FDBF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534455817FEC4FAC0FDBF.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Huang, Kun-Wei; Wang, Chin-Fah" ; dc:title "Calacarini" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534465817FAFEFB31F91A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534465817FAFEFB31F91A.ttl index e0de8216616..9e7d1cff63d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534465817FAFEFB31F91A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6534465817FAFEFB31F91A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Huang, Kun-Wei; Wang, Chin-Fah" ; dc:title "Quadratum glaberi Huang & Wang, 2004, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Thunb.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Thunb.) Decne." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Thunb.) Decne." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lardizabalaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stauntonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Decne." ; - dwc:species "hexaphylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734435817FC99FBB7FDB8.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734435817FC99FBB7FDB8.ttl index 6715cda21a7..a8bcaa43103 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734435817FC99FBB7FDB8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734435817FC99FBB7FDB8.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Huang, Kun-Wei; Wang, Chin-Fah" ; dc:title "Taijutarus triangulus Huang & Wang, 2004, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,53 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Diels" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diels" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Menispermaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericampylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diels" ; - dwc:species "formosanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Hay.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Hay.) Schottky" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Hay.) Schottky" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pasania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schottky" ; - dwc:species "konishii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boczek et Chandrapatya, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boczek et Chandrapatya" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jutarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boczek & Chandrapatya, 1989" ; - dwc:species "benjaminae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734475817FEC3FC75FD0D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734475817FEC3FC75FD0D.ttl index b6cb4c404ec..c18f2ee7c74 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734475817FEC3FC75FD0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F3AD6734475817FEC3FC75FD0D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Huang, Kun-Wei; Wang, Chin-Fah" ; dc:title "Taijutarus Huang & Wang, 2004, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boczek et Chandrapatya, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boczek et Chandrapatya" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jutarus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boczek & Chandrapatya, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B20FF86FE7DCDD15D315C9F.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B20FF86FE7DCDD15D315C9F.ttl index 3fdd2d734f4..229ebf96232 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B20FF86FE7DCDD15D315C9F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B20FF86FE7DCDD15D315C9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ober, Stefan V.; Staniczek, Arnold H." ; dc:title "Vanuatubasis Ober & Staniczek 2009, N. GEN." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,59 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "bidens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1936)" ; - dwc:species "malekulana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:species "santoensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B28FF89FF05C93A5D035AC0.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B28FF89FF05C93A5D035AC0.ttl index f146798e11d..d3e89ca4385 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B28FF89FF05C93A5D035AC0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B28FF89FF05C93A5D035AC0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Ober, Stefan V.; Staniczek, Arnold H." ; dc:title "Vanuatubasis santoensis Ober & Staniczek 2009, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -47,40 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1936)" ; - dwc:species "malekulana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "bidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2BFF8EFCC4C9DD59FB5A2E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2BFF8EFCC4C9DD59FB5A2E.ttl index 2c61886062a..9f9679ac9cb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2BFF8EFCC4C9DD59FB5A2E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2BFF8EFCC4C9DD59FB5A2E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ober, Stefan V.; Staniczek, Arnold H." ; dc:title "Vanuatubasis Ober & Staniczek 2009, n. gen." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,76 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kimmins, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1936" ; - dwc:species "malekulana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "class" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:species "santoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; @@ -128,28 +57,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "class" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2DFF86FF2FCFE65A0D5E54.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2DFF86FF2FCFE65A0D5E54.ttl index 977fc5d53f2..16849b0ff23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2DFF86FF2FCFE65A0D5E54.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2DFF86FF2FCFE65A0D5E54.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ober, Stefan V.; Staniczek, Arnold H." ; dc:title "Vanuatubasis malekulana Ober & Staniczek 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Kimmins, 1936)" ; dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; @@ -51,12 +50,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Kimmins, 1936)", "Kimmins, 1936: 72" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins", "Ober & Staniczek" ; + dwc:authority "Kimmins, 1936: 72" ; + dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "72" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936", "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1936" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; @@ -70,54 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kimmins, 1958)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "bidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanuatubasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:species "santoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; @@ -178,12 +127,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2FFF8BFD74CA5C58595C6B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2FFF8BFD74CA5C58595C6B.ttl index 32f7752091d..3297cb151d0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2FFF8BFD74CA5C58595C6B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F62B2FFF8BFD74CA5C58595C6B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ober, Stefan V.; Staniczek, Arnold H." ; dc:title "Vanuatubasis bidens Ober & Staniczek 2009, n. comb." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -68,35 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ober & Staniczek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ober & Staniczek, 2009" ; - dwc:species "bidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; @@ -157,12 +128,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesobasis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFBBE420697FEC4FD4A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFBBE420697FEC4FD4A.ttl index c7430c0f8c3..0d3b976cce0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFBBE420697FEC4FD4A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFBBE420697FEC4FD4A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Carvalho, Mariana De S.; Hajdu, Eduardo" ; dc:title "Dragmaxia anomala Carvalho & Hajdu 2004, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,106 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Whitelegge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Halichondriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spongosorites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whitelegge, 1907" ; - dwc:species "variabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Whitelegge, 1907)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Whitelegge" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dragmaxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Whitelegge, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "variabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ALVAREZ et al. (1998)", "Alvarez et al., 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "ALVAREZ", "Alvarez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dragmaxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Alvarez, 1998" ; - dwc:species "undata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carter, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Crambeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monanchora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carter, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Levi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Crambeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levi, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sollas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "class" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sollas, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hallmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dragmaxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hallmann, 1916" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; @@ -160,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; dwc:genus "Dragmaxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -184,8 +78,6 @@ dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "class" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFCBE42052AFEC6FDED.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFCBE42052AFEC6FDED.ttl index 822fa2fe79d..4b7783b6a38 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFCBE42052AFEC6FDED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F74D0AFFFCBE42052AFEC6FDED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Carvalho, Mariana De S.; Hajdu, Eduardo" ; dc:title "Dragmaxia Hallmann 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Carter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carter, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Whitelegge, 1907: 513" ; - dwc:authorityName "Whitelegge" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "513" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Halichondriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spongosorites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whitelegge, 1907" ; - dwc:species "variabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; @@ -85,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Axinellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Halichondrida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDA3A13FF2FFD1DFF0F4ECE.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDA3A13FF2FFD1DFF0F4ECE.ttl index 8fcb385b818..18d47ffd5e6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDA3A13FF2FFD1DFF0F4ECE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDA3A13FF2FFD1DFF0F4ECE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Savatenalinton, Sukonthip" ; dc:title "Cypretta triangulata Savatenalinton 2018, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vavra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vavra, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Moniez, 1892)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moniez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moniez" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradleystrandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moniez, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "weberi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sowerby, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sowerby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sowerby, 1840" ; - dwc:species "subglobosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broodbakker, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broodbakker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemicypris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broodbakker, 1983" ; - dwc:species "exigua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrissia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann, 1957" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Savatenalinton, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Savatenalinton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Savatenalinton, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aculeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; @@ -153,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A19FF2FFB9BFB984CB3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A19FF2FFB9BFB984CB3.ttl index 9d0e6447e04..e44ec22c9d3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A19FF2FFB9BFB984CB3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A19FF2FFB9BFB984CB3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Savatenalinton, Sukonthip" ; dc:title "Cypretta aculeata Savatenalinton 2018, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,133 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vavra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vavra, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Moniez, 1892)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moniez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moniez" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradleystrandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moniez, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "weberi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Savatenalinton, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Savatenalinton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Candonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dentocypria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Savatenalinton, 2017" ; - dwc:species "chantaranothaii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Savatenalinton, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Savatenalinton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Candonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dentocypria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Savatenalinton, 2017" ; - dwc:species "smithi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Muller, 1906)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Strandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Muller, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "kraepelini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Victor & Fernando, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Victor & Fernando" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Strandesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Victor & Fernando, 1981" ; - dwc:species "perakensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Forsk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ipomoea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forsk, 1775" ; - dwc:species "aquatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Link" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Zygnematophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Zygnemataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Spirogyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zygnematales" ; - dwc:phylum "Streptophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Link, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; @@ -187,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A1EFF2FFCC1FD5C4DCA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A1EFF2FFCC1FD5C4DCA.ttl index eb62b2a5ba6..1b0040bc782 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A1EFF2FFCC1FD5C4DCA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F7FFDD3A1EFF2FFCC1FD5C4DCA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Savatenalinton, Sukonthip" ; dc:title "Cypridocopina Jones 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,68 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baird, 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hartmann, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann, 1971" ; - dwc:subFamily "Cyprettinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vavra, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vavra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vavra, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vavra, 1895)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vavra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vavra" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyprididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypretta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Podocopida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vavra, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "tenuicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ostracoda" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE06F20D4AEF93FFAE623B2.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE06F20D4AEF93FFAE623B2.ttl index 60b87697547..87a84496638 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE06F20D4AEF93FFAE623B2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE06F20D4AEF93FFAE623B2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Witaliński, Wojciech" ; dc:title "Trachygamasus Berlese 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,72 +42,10 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Berlese, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1892" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Willmann, 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Willmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprogamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willmann, 1949" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Willmann", "Willmann, 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Willmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprogamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willmann, 1949" ; - dwc:species "ambulacralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Holzmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Willmanniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holzmann, 1969" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Costa" ; - dwc:authorityName "Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; + + dwc:authority "Ma & Wang" ; + dwc:authorityName "Ma & Wang" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; @@ -116,45 +53,15 @@ dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Costa, 1962" ; - dwc:species "macfarlanei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Oudemans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oudemans, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karg, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Wang, 1996" ; + dwc:species "borealis" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . dwc:authority "Tichomirov" ; dwc:authorityName "Tichomirov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tichomirov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; @@ -162,26 +69,11 @@ dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tichomirov, 1977)" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tichomirov, 1977" ; dwc:species "medianus" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1998" ; - dwc:species "biplumatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Witaliński, 2017" ; dwc:authorityName "Witaliński" ; @@ -198,37 +90,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ma & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ma & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Wang, 1996" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willmann)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Willmann" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprogamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willmann" ; - dwc:species "ambulacralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; @@ -241,11 +102,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE16F2FD4AEFA6CFA56279B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE16F2FD4AEFA6CFA56279B.ttl index bb225690f07..2424e477229 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE16F2FD4AEFA6CFA56279B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE16F2FD4AEFA6CFA56279B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Witaliński, Wojciech" ; dc:title "Trachygamasus Witaliński, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -28,202 +27,6 @@ dc:title "A new species of Trachygamasus from Poland, a new definition of the genus, and a key to the world species (Parasitiformes: Parasitidae)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Costa, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Costa, 1962" ; - dwc:species "macfarlanei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holzmann, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holzmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Willmanniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holzmann, 1969" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1998" ; - dwc:species "biplumatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willmann, 1949)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Willmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Willmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saprogamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Willmann, 1949)" ; - dwc:species "ambulacralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karg, 1965)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karg, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holzmann, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holzmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holzmann, 1969" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tichomirov, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tichomirov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tichomirov, 1977" ; - dwc:species "medianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karg, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karg, 1978" ; - dwc:species "triangulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Berlese, 1892)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ascidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Berlese, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ma & Wang, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ma & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Wang, 1996" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Witaliński, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Witaliński" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Witaliński, 2017" ; - dwc:species "gerdi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:locality "Central" ; trt:httpUri ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE76F21D4AEFF04FA552026.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE76F21D4AEFF04FA552026.ttl index 65d5957620b..d84c63311a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE76F21D4AEFF04FA552026.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F8FFE76F21D4AEFF04FA552026.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Witaliński, Wojciech" ; dc:title "Trachygamasus gerdi Witaliński 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,89 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krefft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Secernentea" ; - dwc:family "Gnathostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gnathosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirurida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krefft, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ma & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ma & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Wang, 1996" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Berlese)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Berlese, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Tichomirov, 1977)", "Tichomirov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tichomirov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tichomirov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tichomirov, 1977" ; - dwc:species "medianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Holzmann, 1969)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holzmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Holzmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachygamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Holzmann, 1969)" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A445FFFA17DB57534DDAFE3E.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A445FFFA17DB57534DDAFE3E.ttl index 569d478f9d1..846c0f7f298 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A445FFFA17DB57534DDAFE3E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A445FFFA17DB57534DDAFE3E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Paraminabea aldersladei Williams & Alderslade 1999" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A448FFF117DB53924DA0F88C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A448FFF117DB53924DA0F88C.ttl index 0a8685bd076..6ce859eef10 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A448FFF117DB53924DA0F88C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A448FFF117DB53924DA0F88C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Paraminabea Williams & Alderslade 1999" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomson & Henderson, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson & Henderson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellonella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson & Henderson, 1905" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44AFFF017DB51BC4FCCFED7.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44AFFF017DB51BC4FCCFED7.ttl index d2755f80079..5baca44511b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44AFFF017DB51BC4FCCFED7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44AFFF017DB51BC4FCCFED7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Sphaerasclera McFadden & Ofwegen 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Williams, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eleutherobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 2003" ; - dwc:species "flammicerebra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44BFFF217DB541249CBF81A.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44BFFF217DB541249CBF81A.ttl index cdb5ddf11d4..a4c013195c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44BFFF217DB541249CBF81A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A44BFFF217DB541249CBF81A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eleutherobia splendens Thomson & Dean 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A450FFF217DB53B24EA2FE1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A450FFF217DB53B24EA2FE1B.ttl index 972265afda9..7e9c6462ed7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A450FFF217DB53B24EA2FE1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A450FFF217DB53B24EA2FE1B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eleutherobia somaliensis Verseveldt & Bayer 1988" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alcyonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1921" ; dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A454FFE917DB50C04EB0FAFA.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A454FFE917DB50C04EB0FAFA.ttl index c45d03fec75..0a074b7a945 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A454FFE917DB50C04EB0FAFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A454FFE917DB50C04EB0FAFA.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eleutherobia imaharai Bryce, Poliseno, Alderslade & Vargas, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kuk." ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuk." ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Nidaliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nidalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuk." ; - dwc:species "dofleini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFED17DB50DF4E17F968.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFED17DB50DF4E17F968.ttl index 187487ff340..bbea471b1a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFED17DB50DF4E17F968.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFED17DB50DF4E17F968.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eleutherobia australiensis Bryce, Poliseno, Alderslade & Vargas, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kukenthal, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kukenthal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eleutherobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kukenthal, 1906" ; - dwc:species "dofleini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFEF17DB530D4822F95D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFEF17DB530D4822F95D.ttl index c6ade6d7944..0ee05648aa3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFEF17DB530D4822F95D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A456FFEF17DB530D4822F95D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eleutherobia Putter 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Putter, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Putter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eleutherobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Putter, 1900" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Putter, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Putter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eleutherobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Putter, 1900" ; - dwc:species "rigida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A459FFEF17DB534F4914FCB4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A459FFEF17DB534F4914FCB4.ttl index e098d0b2153..e3775cb8dd3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A459FFEF17DB534F4914FCB4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A459FFEF17DB534F4914FCB4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Parasphaerasclera kimberleyensis Bryce, Poliseno, Alderslade & Vargas, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Williams, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Parasphaerascleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Parasphaerasclera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 2000" ; - dwc:species "zanahoria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Parasphaerascleridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE017DB50F44FB6FAFB.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE017DB50F44FB6FAFB.ttl index 927d5cc02e8..86c7ca41536 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE017DB50F44FB6FAFB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE017DB50F44FB6FAFB.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Parasphaerasclera grayi Thomson & Dean 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE517DB53DA4E5CF9A4.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE517DB53DA4E5CF9A4.ttl index 9de118dda8d..0fbcafc2d4c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE517DB53DA4E5CF9A4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9A45CFFE517DB53DA4E5CF9A4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bryce, Monika; Poliseno, Angelo; Alderslade, Philip; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Parasphaerasclera McFadden & Ofwegen 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Alcyoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alcyonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1910" ; - dwc:species "rotiferum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Parasphaerascleridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E270FF8857A56098FDCFFA49.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E270FF8857A56098FDCFFA49.ttl index 1e86a36a544..205c6225e2c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E270FF8857A56098FDCFFA49.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E270FF8857A56098FDCFFA49.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jałoszyński, Paweł; Cheng, Zhi-Fei; Brajczewska, Nastazja; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Clidicus forceps Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Cheng et al.", "Cheng, Yin & Jaloszynski" ; + dwc:authority "Cheng, Yin & Jaloszynski" ; dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cheng et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cheng" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cheng" ; - dwc:species "forceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E272FF8E57A56308FAA4FB99.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E272FF8E57A56308FAA4FB99.ttl index 4f886aa15de..5de252df156 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E272FF8E57A56308FAA4FB99.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E272FF8E57A56308FAA4FB99.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jałoszyński, Paweł; Cheng, Zhi-Fei; Brajczewska, Nastazja; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Clidicus interfector Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski et al.", "Jaloszynski, Cheng & Yin" ; + dwc:authority "Jaloszynski, Cheng & Yin" ; dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:species "interfector" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jałoszyński, Cheng, Brajczewska & Yin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "kalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -104,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E274FF8C57A561B0FD64FB0D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E274FF8C57A561B0FD64FB0D.ttl index 462330b43da..e9cb641b23e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E274FF8C57A561B0FD64FB0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E274FF8C57A561B0FD64FB0D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jałoszyński, Paweł; Cheng, Zhi-Fei; Brajczewska, Nastazja; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Clidicus kalis Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski et al.", "Jaloszynski, Cheng & Yin" ; + dwc:authority "Jaloszynski, Cheng & Yin" ; dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:species "kalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jałoszyński, Cheng, Brajczewska & Yin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "interfector" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -104,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E276FF8257A561CCFDBEFBBD.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E276FF8257A561CCFDBEFBBD.ttl index 1a0482420da..ddfcd9e0de5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E276FF8257A561CCFDBEFBBD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E276FF8257A561CCFDBEFBBD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jałoszyński, Paweł; Cheng, Zhi-Fei; Brajczewska, Nastazja; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Clidicus occisor Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:species "occisor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jałoszyński, Cheng, Brajczewska & Yin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "shavrini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -104,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E278FF8057A5615CFCD5FC2D.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E278FF8057A5615CFCD5FC2D.ttl index a3e7239e91a..34e66a50ef1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E278FF8057A5615CFCD5FC2D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687F9E278FF8057A5615CFCD5FC2D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jałoszyński, Paweł; Cheng, Zhi-Fei; Brajczewska, Nastazja; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Clidicus shavrini Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaloszynski" ; - dwc:species "shavrini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jałoszyński & Cheng & Brajczewska & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jałoszyński, Cheng, Brajczewska & Yin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "occisor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -104,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clidicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FA4B37F0029A9CFAC7FA90FA7C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FA4B37F0029A9CFAC7FA90FA7C.ttl index 0b09be5287d..e70c806e09a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FA4B37F0029A9CFAC7FA90FA7C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FA4B37F0029A9CFAC7FA90FA7C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hyžný, Matúš; Vega, Francisco J.; Coutiño, Marco A." ; dc:title "Praedatrypaea Poore, Dworschak, Robles, Mantelatto & Felder 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "De Man, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Callianassidae" ; - dwc:genus "Callianassa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Man, 1905" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Callianassidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FBFFC3FFF9DC8919B625410DAC.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FBFFC3FFF9DC8919B625410DAC.ttl index 419db75fc35..9827ce93ff9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FBFFC3FFF9DC8919B625410DAC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FBFFC3FFF9DC8919B625410DAC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Schilling, Edward E.; Johnson, Ann F.; Iacona, Gwenllian D." ; dc:title "Coreopsis bakeri E. Schill. 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vasey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sporobolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasey, 1885" ; - dwc:species "vaginiiflorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; @@ -76,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Coreopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE41945FC81FBC634FE8319.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE41945FC81FBC634FE8319.ttl index 76805f5eaa4..e36eb683299 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE41945FC81FBC634FE8319.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE41945FC81FBC634FE8319.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Campophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,115 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Goldfuss, 1826" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goldfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cyathophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyathophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goldfuss, 1826" ; - dwc:species "flexuosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wedekind" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Campophyllidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wedekind, 1921" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Frech, 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Frech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palaeosmilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Frech, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "aquisgranensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Goldfuss" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1826" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Goldfuss, 1826)" ; - dwc:species "flexuosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Onoprienko 1979 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Onoprienko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:genus "Protocaninia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Onoprienko, 1979)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Poty and Onoprienko 1984)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Poty and Onoprienko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Poty & Onoprienko, 1984)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:family "Palmatolepidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palmatolepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:species "expansa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:genus "Siphonodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:species "praesulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE51947FFBDFB7435108524.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE51947FFBDFB7435108524.ttl index a56b94c1e90..6351edc78de 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE51947FFBDFB7435108524.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE51947FFBDFB7435108524.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Campophyllum flexuosum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -173,33 +173,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Onoprienko, 1979 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Onoprienko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Onoprienko, 1979" ; - dwc:species "cylindricum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:genus "Siphonodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conodont Zone" ; - dwc:species "praesulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE91949FFBDFBAC329C867B.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE91949FFBDFBAC329C867B.ttl index 364c390d6d4..b0f85805a50 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE91949FFBDFBAC329C867B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFE91949FFBDFBAC329C867B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Pseudoendophyllum Onoprienko 1979" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,88 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorsky, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Pucciniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Pucciniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Endophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pucciniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorsky, 1935" ; - dwc:species "nalivkini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Torley, 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Torley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Pucciniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Pucciniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Endophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pucciniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Torley, 1933" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zone" ; - dwc:family "Palmatolepidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palmatolepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zone" ; - dwc:species "marginifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zone" ; - dwc:genus "Siphonodella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zone" ; - dwc:species "praesulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Birenheide" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Endophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smithiphyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Birenheide, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fenton & Fenton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Chonophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabulophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fenton & Fenton, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Kyphophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFC81FAE7334C82F3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFC81FAE7334C82F3.ttl index d520b1be245..a5cf98a5a32 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFC81FAE7334C82F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFC81FAE7334C82F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Uralinia Stuckenberg 1895" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ludwig, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ludwig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Zaphrentidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ludwig, 1862" ; - dwc:species "multiplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Uraliniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FBBD331783F3.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FBBD331783F3.ttl index f72202bbab3..9090bfff09c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FBBD331783F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FBBD331783F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Bounophyllum praecursor" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -155,19 +155,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards & Haime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Lonsdaleiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Axophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; @@ -258,11 +245,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; dwc:genus "Dibunophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FDCB34BE8321.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FDCB34BE8321.ttl index b3e8ff3c679..d2ad5c2a384 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FDCB34BE8321.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194AFF48FDCB34BE8321.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Bounophyllum Chwieduk 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,65 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Frech, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frech" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clisiophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frech, 1885" ; - dwc:species "praecursor" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dibunophyllum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chwieduk, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chwieduk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bounophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chwieduk, 2005" ; - dwc:species "pomeranicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Frech, 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Frech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dibunophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Frech, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "praecursor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomson & Nicholson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dibunophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson & Nicholson, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194CFC81FA4934538455.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194CFC81FA4934538455.ttl index 9c151563b9c..fa7f8e71a81 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194CFC81FA4934538455.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEA194CFC81FA4934538455.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Uralinia simplex" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,76 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Denayer, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Denayer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denayer, 2016" ; - dwc:species "charli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fedorowski, 2003)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fedorowski" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amplexocarinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fedorowski, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "rozkowskae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Frech, 1895)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Frech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bounophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Frech, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "praecursor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Yu, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudouralinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Yu, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "tangpakouensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zone" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudouralinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zone" ; - dwc:species "tangpakouensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Uraliniidae" ; @@ -193,9 +123,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:genus "Pseudouralinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "tangpakouensis" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194CFF48FC64372C8061.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194CFF48FC64372C8061.ttl index 07b487c6438..f506f97e09a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194CFF48FC64372C8061.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194CFF48FC64372C8061.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Caninophyllum Lewis 1929" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,105 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards and Haime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cyathophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyathophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1852" ; - dwc:species "archiaci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michelin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cyathopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michelin, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scouler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scouler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cyathopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siphonophyllia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scouler, 1844" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Semenoff-Tian-Chansky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aulophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplolasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Semenoff-Tian-Chansky, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trautschold, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trautschold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothrophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trautschold, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lewis, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lewis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lewis, 1929" ; - dwc:species "halkynense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michelin, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "patulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194DFF48F8FC34D685E5.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194DFF48F8FC34D685E5.ttl index 22cf1bd178c..1e9d2920ada 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194DFF48F8FC34D685E5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFEC194DFF48F8FC34D685E5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Caninophyllum charli Denayer 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,108 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lewis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lewis, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards and Haime" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cyathophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyathophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "archiaci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Tolmachev, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tolmachev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tolmachev, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "tomiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Michelin, 1846)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michelin, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "patulum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zone" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zone" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Uraliniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uralinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zone" ; - dwc:species "tangpakouensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jiang, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jiang, 1982" ; - dwc:species "cystosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jiang, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jiang, 1982" ; - dwc:species "shaoyangense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; @@ -161,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Bothrophyllidae" ; dwc:genus "Caninophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFCF7FD3035208433.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFCF7FD3035208433.ttl index 5115a6c4700..6054c1267d3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFCF7FD3035208433.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFCF7FD3035208433.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Metriophyllum Milne-Edwards and Haime 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards and Haime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Axophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metriophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1850" ; - dwc:species "bouchardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Axophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFB8B322985E1.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFB8B322985E1.ttl index fba83f9adff..60eed719aa7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFB8B322985E1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFB8B322985E1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Amplexocarinia rozkowskae Fedorowski 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Fedorowski 2003", "Fedorowski, 2003" ; + dwc:authority "Fedorowski, 2003" ; dwc:authorityName "Fedorowski" ; dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; @@ -79,48 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Soshkina, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Soshkina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amplexocarinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soshkina, 1928" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lindstrom, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindstrom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Syringaxon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindstrom, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kullmann, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kullmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neaxon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kullmann, 1965" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; @@ -134,11 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; dwc:genus "Amplexocarinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFD1D341C8330.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFD1D341C8330.ttl index ba669719dcc..eed4ba10e8e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFD1D341C8330.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FCFFED194DFFBDFD1D341C8330.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Denayer, Julien" ; dc:title "Amplexocarinia Soshkina 1928" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Soshkina, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Soshkina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amplexocarinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soshkina, 1928" ; - dwc:species "muralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Laccophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C03F8676C8CFE419685BAEF.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C03F8676C8CFE419685BAEF.ttl index ad9eb26a689..eadbd165acf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C03F8676C8CFE419685BAEF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C03F8676C8CFE419685BAEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong" ; dc:title "Discoelius aurantiacus Nguyen, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nguyen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discoelius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen" ; - dwc:species "aurantiacus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhou et al. (2013)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhou et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discoelius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou et al., 2013" ; - dwc:species "nigriclypeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhou et al. (2013)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhou et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discoelius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou et al., 2013" ; - dwc:species "emeishanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C06F8606C8CFF69943ABF4C.ttl b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C06F8606C8CFF69943ABF4C.ttl index 299875c8405..daa26ba6c5c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C06F8606C8CFF69943ABF4C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/87/03B687FF5C06F8606C8CFF69943ABF4C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong" ; dc:title "Discoelius nigerrimus Nguyen, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nguyen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Discoelius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen" ; - dwc:species "nigerrimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eumenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D05887800F7B41A1FE2F85C.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D05887800F7B41A1FE2F85C.ttl index ff4288817b5..d882fa1d0af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D05887800F7B41A1FE2F85C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D05887800F7B41A1FE2F85C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kalúz, Stanislav" ; dc:title "Armascirus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,246 +25,6 @@ dc:title "Two new Palearctic mite species of the family Cunaxidae (Acari: Prostigmata)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Smiley, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smiley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smiley, 1992" ; - dwc:species "harrisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Den Heyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:species "limpopoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smiley, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smiley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smiley, 1992" ; - dwc:species "gimpeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bashir, Afzal & Khan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:species "sabrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Berlese, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Berlese" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Berlese, 1888" ; - dwc:species "bison" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudhri, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudhri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudhri, 1980" ; - dwc:species "fixus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michocka, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michocka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michocka, 1982" ; - dwc:species "rafalskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bashir, Afzal & Khan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:species "jasmina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bashir, Afzal & Khan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bashir, Afzal & Khan, 2008" ; - dwc:species "akhtari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bashir & Afzal, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bashir & Afzal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bashir & Afzal, 2005" ; - dwc:species "satianaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Den Heyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:species "albiziae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muhammad & Chaudri, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muhammad & Chaudri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muhammad & Chaudri, 1991" ; - dwc:species "pluri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muhammad & Chaudri, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muhammad & Chaudri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muhammad & Chaudri, 1991" ; - dwc:species "mactator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Den Heyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Den Heyer, 1978" ; - dwc:species "huyssteeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kramer, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Armascirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kramer, 1881" ; - dwc:species "taurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0A887900F7B639181CFD85.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0A887900F7B639181CFD85.ttl index 156f9fd293a..264e50bec1d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0A887900F7B639181CFD85.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0A887900F7B639181CFD85.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kalúz, Stanislav" ; dc:title "Armascirus cerris Kalúz, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887200F7B1CF1F31FDF5.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887200F7B1CF1F31FDF5.ttl index a4342a15f17..2508b77cb07 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887200F7B1CF1F31FDF5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887200F7B1CF1F31FDF5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kalúz, Stanislav" ; dc:title "Armascirus Den Heyer 1978" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,11 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Cunaxidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887700F7B3961F4FFD85.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887700F7B3961F4FFD85.ttl index 1564e2d9198..41cdeb2b7e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887700F7B3961F4FFD85.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B368D0E887700F7B3961F4FFD85.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kalúz, Stanislav" ; dc:title "Armascirus cyaneus Kalúz, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B40FFFB94C8A40AFE69FBC1.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B40FFFB94C8A40AFE69FBC1.ttl index 13355dd95e1..4595466b3ec 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B40FFFB94C8A40AFE69FBC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B40FFFB94C8A40AFE69FBC1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus sculpturatus Motschulsky 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Motschusky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschusky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschusky" ; - dwc:species "sculpturatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A1C9FB34FC3A.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A1C9FB34FC3A.ttl index 53c5575dd8c..745c3e0fd1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A1C9FB34FC3A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A1C9FB34FC3A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus raffrayi Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "raffrayi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A560FB51F8BF.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A560FB51F8BF.ttl index ceffb84029a..14857a8b56e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A560FB51F8BF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B43FFF694C8A560FB51F8BF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus santaecrucis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "santaecrucis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B44FFF794C8A637FC00FD1C.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B44FFF794C8A637FC00FD1C.ttl index b650bebbd2c..6a923c280dc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B44FFF794C8A637FC00FD1C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B44FFF794C8A637FC00FD1C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus parki Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "parki" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B46FFF294C8A7E6FD50FD55.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B46FFF294C8A7E6FD50FD55.ttl index f7bf6c5ad3d..94e415cb554 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B46FFF294C8A7E6FD50FD55.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B46FFF294C8A7E6FD50FD55.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus motschulskyi Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "motschulskyi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B47FFF194C8A615FD67F8C7.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B47FFF194C8A615FD67F8C7.ttl index 0d3afbb0ecd..4decc7bbab2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B47FFF194C8A615FD67F8C7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B47FFF194C8A615FD67F8C7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus newtoni Vasquez-Velez, n.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "newtoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -81,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4AFFFE94C8A332FB6AFD54.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4AFFFE94C8A332FB6AFD54.ttl index 61d6d2f6667..9e68d3890f1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4AFFFE94C8A332FB6AFD54.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4AFFFE94C8A332FB6AFD54.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus veracruzanus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "veracruzanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4BFFFD94C8A389FEA6FDB1.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4BFFFD94C8A389FEA6FDB1.ttl index e5fc9b83d03..446196cbf23 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4BFFFD94C8A389FEA6FDB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4BFFFD94C8A389FEA6FDB1.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus wagneri Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "wagneri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4DFFFF94C8A1C9FAB4FDC9.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4DFFFF94C8A1C9FAB4FDC9.ttl index d9cd9fbfdaa..d33b988d568 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4DFFFF94C8A1C9FAB4FDC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4DFFFF94C8A1C9FAB4FDC9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus tucumanensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "tucumanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4EFFFB94C8A53AFEA6F8BE.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4EFFFB94C8A53AFEA6F8BE.ttl index fa1e071458d..51dfe7db4e3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4EFFFB94C8A53AFEA6F8BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4EFFFB94C8A53AFEA6F8BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus simplicipenis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "simplicipenis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4FFFF994C8A752FD67FE7C.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4FFFF994C8A752FD67FE7C.ttl index dfd7cec8a5c..28845792ee4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4FFFF994C8A752FD67FE7C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B4FFFF994C8A752FD67FE7C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus thayerae Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "thayerae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -81,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B61FFDB94C8A35EFA3FFBEB.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B61FFDB94C8A35EFA3FFBEB.ttl index fae3cf65465..5012d8018e1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B61FFDB94C8A35EFA3FFBEB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B61FFDB94C8A35EFA3FFBEB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,70 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Raffray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray" ; - dwc:species "longiceps" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Raffray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray" ; - dwc:species "microphthalmus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Raffray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray" ; - dwc:species "bruchi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "sculpturatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B65FFD494C8A401FEFAFE7C.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B65FFD494C8A401FEFAFE7C.ttl index e237021db79..22d880e0dad 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B65FFD494C8A401FEFAFE7C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B65FFD494C8A401FEFAFE7C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus Motschulsky 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky, 1855: 15" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "15" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1855" ; - dwc:species "sculpturatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFC394C8A757FD56FE91.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFC394C8A757FD56FE91.ttl index 9b6ad15cde1..256c593dbb1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFC394C8A757FD56FE91.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFC394C8A757FD56FE91.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus carenobothrus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "carenobothrus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Raffray." ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray." ; - dwc:species "bruchi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFDD94C8A3A6FAD6FA67.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFDD94C8A3A6FAD6FA67.ttl index ac77448a30a..be600a1d16c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFDD94C8A3A6FAD6FA67.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B68FFDD94C8A3A6FAD6FA67.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus bruchi Raffray 1908" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6AFFDE94C8A7F0FBE0FD79.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6AFFDE94C8A7F0FBE0FD79.ttl index 5d241705532..71983246a99 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6AFFDE94C8A7F0FBE0FD79.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6AFFDE94C8A7F0FBE0FD79.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus breviantennae Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "breviantennae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6CFFD894C8A429FA30FECC.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6CFFD894C8A429FA30FECC.ttl index 4c0496569d8..70ca4d3f732 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6CFFD894C8A429FA30FECC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6CFFD894C8A429FA30FECC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus azuayensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "azuayensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6DFFDF94C8A7FFFB78FDC9.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6DFFDF94C8A7FFFB78FDC9.ttl index 7956659219c..e404c0eaac2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6DFFDF94C8A7FFFB78FDC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6DFFDF94C8A7FFFB78FDC9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus bolivarensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "bolivarensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6EFFDB94C8A5D4FC79F847.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6EFFDB94C8A5D4FC79F847.ttl index d6cdc796067..28e4e7a4212 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6EFFDB94C8A5D4FC79F847.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6EFFDB94C8A5D4FC79F847.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus acutispinosus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6FFFD994C8A45FFC7DFF29.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6FFFD994C8A45FFC7DFF29.ttl index d2e52b3ca9c..f2c6496205a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6FFFD994C8A45FFC7DFF29.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B6FFFD994C8A45FFC7DFF29.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus agametopus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "agametopus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B71FFCB94C8A1C9FF5FFC74.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B71FFCB94C8A1C9FF5FFC74.ttl index 10f5988d410..cf8a4ab168b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B71FFCB94C8A1C9FF5FFC74.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B71FFCB94C8A1C9FF5FFC74.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus longiceps Raffray 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:species "longiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B72FFC694C8A400FA33FEB4.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B72FFC694C8A400FA33FEB4.ttl index 55456d45959..cc3fc1ea34b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B72FFC694C8A400FA33FEB4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B72FFC694C8A400FA33FEB4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus iguazuensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "iguazuensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B73FFC594C8A71BFDF3FDC9.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B73FFC594C8A71BFDF3FDC9.ttl index c2188b6be4e..851c1684769 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B73FFC594C8A71BFDF3FDC9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B73FFC594C8A71BFDF3FDC9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus incorum Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "incorum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC094C8A608FE40F840.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC094C8A608FE40F840.ttl index 44fe1ccffd5..1ebfe0f36ea 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC094C8A608FE40F840.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC094C8A608FE40F840.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus fluminosus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "fluminosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC194C8A239FCF3F8D2.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC194C8A239FCF3F8D2.ttl index bb5dfb283fd..2e45120d47f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC194C8A239FCF3F8D2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B74FFC194C8A239FCF3F8D2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus chandleri Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "chandleri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B76FFC294C8A0CAFC1AFE24.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B76FFC294C8A0CAFC1AFE24.ttl index e6fb93b8edb..01bfb5887a2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B76FFC294C8A0CAFC1AFE24.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B76FFC294C8A0CAFC1AFE24.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus carltoni Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "carltoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B77FFC194C8A319FEA7FCC4.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B77FFC194C8A319FEA7FCC4.ttl index 670584f2ee9..1ef9dd12a9f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B77FFC194C8A319FEA7FCC4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B77FFC194C8A319FEA7FCC4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus cayennensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "cayennensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B78FFCC94C8A1C9FC60FB39.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B78FFCC94C8A1C9FC60FB39.ttl index 221243818ed..d80eb9c5ea7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B78FFCC94C8A1C9FC60FB39.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B78FFCC94C8A1C9FC60FB39.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus microphthalmus Raffray 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -64,21 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:authorityName "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffray. A." ; - dwc:species "microphthalmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B79FFF394C8A462FAF8FECC.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B79FFF394C8A462FAF8FECC.ttl index e26ad3d0867..e3d9af14d99 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B79FFF394C8A462FAF8FECC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B79FFF394C8A462FAF8FECC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus montsineryensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "montsineryensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7AFFCE94C8A74FFABEFDB1.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7AFFCE94C8A74FFABEFDB1.ttl index 53d3abb4481..0930c5f263b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7AFFCE94C8A74FFABEFDB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7AFFCE94C8A74FFABEFDB1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus melanus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "melanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7CFFC894C8A7C0FAD7FE24.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7CFFC894C8A7C0FAD7FE24.ttl index 1ac4a00c283..f947c1804a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7CFFC894C8A7C0FAD7FE24.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7CFFC894C8A7C0FAD7FE24.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus maldonadensis Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "maldonadensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7DFFC894C8A526FAD2F879.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7DFFC894C8A526FAD2F879.ttl index 9695e241639..24b7394c2f8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7DFFC894C8A526FAD2F879.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7DFFC894C8A526FAD2F879.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus mayaorum Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "mayaorum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7EFFCB94C8A2A9FE88F842.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7EFFCB94C8A2A9FE88F842.ttl index 9ef606932f3..4a6b152370f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7EFFCB94C8A2A9FE88F842.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7EFFCB94C8A2A9FE88F842.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus longissimus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "longissimus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7FFFC994C8A4C9FB95FEB4.ttl b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7FFFC994C8A4C9FB95FEB4.ttl index eb53da64bd5..b91af2b99c1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7FFFC994C8A4C9FB95FEB4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8B/03B68B3E8B7FFFC994C8A4C9FB95FEB4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vásquez-Vélez, Laura M." ; dc:title "Pselaphomorphus macrommatus Vasquez-Velez, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphomorphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vasquez-Velez" ; - dwc:species "macrommatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDB8A10FC82F9FA9BDDF94D.ttl b/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDB8A10FC82F9FA9BDDF94D.ttl index c43e5817257..d6d9683e74c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDB8A10FC82F9FA9BDDF94D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDB8A10FC82F9FA9BDDF94D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Parizotto, Daniele R.; Melo, Gabriel A. R." ; dc:title "Rhynostelis chrysogaster Parizotto & Melo, 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,18 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Coll" ; - dwc:authorityName "Coll" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coll" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megachilidae" ; @@ -84,10 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDC8A11FFD2F9629864FEA4.ttl b/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDC8A11FFD2F9629864FEA4.ttl index 6fc36105ee8..ea2fef4227a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDC8A11FFD2F9629864FEA4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8C/03B68C5BFFDC8A11FFD2F9629864FEA4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Parizotto, Daniele R.; Melo, Gabriel A. R." ; dc:title "Rhynostelis plesiognatha Parizotto & Melo, 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megachilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynostelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "multiplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Megachilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A02200639ABFC1CEE01FD64.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A02200639ABFC1CEE01FD64.ttl index e7b92f9f10f..4dc11c69b0f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A02200639ABFC1CEE01FD64.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A02200639ABFC1CEE01FD64.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kole, John Paul; Ivie, Michael A." ; dc:title "Antherophagus ochraceus subsp. subnitidus Grouvelle 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Say, 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Say" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Say, 1837" ; - dwc:species "ephippiatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Melsheimer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melsheimer, 1844" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; @@ -91,12 +58,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "ochraceus" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -109,11 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A0C2005399BFBD4ED55FE1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A0C2005399BFBD4ED55FE1B.ttl index 203419e8d0b..9fde13d7802 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A0C2005399BFBD4ED55FE1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E146A0C2005399BFBD4ED55FE1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kole, John Paul; Ivie, Michael A." ; dc:title "Antherophagus suturalis Maklin 1853" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -62,160 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1864" ; - dwc:species "centralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1878" ; - dwc:species "bifarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1854" ; - dwc:species "californicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eversmann, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eversmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eversmann, 1852" ; - dwc:species "flavidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Smith, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cresson, 1863" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1863" ; - dwc:species "rufocinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Greene, 1860" ; - dwc:authorityName "Greene" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Greene, 1860" ; - dwc:species "suckleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Melsheimer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melsheimer, 1844" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1900" ; - dwc:species "pallidivestis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dejean" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dejean, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; @@ -229,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cryptophagidae" ; dwc:genus "Antherophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E15FF916D74FCFBF8952EE7FDDF.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E15FF916D74FCFBF8952EE7FDDF.ttl index 42198447b71..613df7a5fe0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E15FF916D74FCFBF8952EE7FDDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E15FF916D74FCFBF8952EE7FDDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mecca, Silvia; Casoli, Edoardo; Ardizzone, Giandomenico; Gambi, Maria Cristina" ; dc:title "Posidonia oceanica" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:family "Sparidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sarpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "salpa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Posidoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE3FFA2D98946CACDC5FD28.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE3FFA2D98946CACDC5FD28.ttl index 62d7907cdad..f3e718698fb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE3FFA2D98946CACDC5FD28.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE3FFA2D98946CACDC5FD28.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia panamensis Duchassaing and Michelotti 1864" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -124,12 +123,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Lophogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE6FF9CD9894584CE7EF914.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE6FF9CD9894584CE7EF914.ttl index 3de910252b3..0762bbccaad 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE6FF9CD9894584CE7EF914.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE6FF9CD9894584CE7EF914.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia rubens Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE9FFADD98940C7CCFBFC00.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE9FFADD98940C7CCFBFC00.ttl index 5f2751d1b7e..8a11996c823 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE9FFADD98940C7CCFBFC00.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFE9FFADD98940C7CCFBFC00.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia excelsa Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Eugorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFA8D98946CACF37FA43.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFA8D98946CACF37FA43.ttl index ac7b4e7e6d7..542a6fd8ffa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFA8D98946CACF37FA43.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFA8D98946CACF37FA43.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia bradleyi Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Breedy & Guzman, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Breedy & Guzman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Breedy & Guzman, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ignita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFABD98943ABC9EBF996.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFABD98943ABC9EBF996.ttl index ae995838404..01d0d24c0a9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFABD98943ABC9EBF996.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEAFFABD98943ABC9EBF996.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia daniana Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEDFFA0D989455FC8BDFDEA.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEDFFA0D989455FC8BDFDEA.ttl index 84d3f2c419a..349887e6c55 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEDFFA0D989455FC8BDFDEA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEDFFA0D989455FC8BDFDEA.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia nobilis Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEFFFAFD989426AC98BFD76.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEFFFAFD989426AC98BFD76.ttl index f447a03e093..642f01a7bb1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEFFFAFD989426AC98BFD76.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFEFFFAFD989426AC98BFD76.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia multifida Verrill 1870" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF0FFB4D98946CACDC6FE1E.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF0FFB4D98946CACDC6FE1E.ttl index 11ba70c6606..a5c43468b60 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF0FFB4D98946CACDC6FE1E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF0FFB4D98946CACDC6FE1E.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia alba Bielschowsky 1929, comb. nov." ; trt:citesTaxonName ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duchassaing & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:species "alba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF4FFB7D989471CCE1FFD85.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF4FFB7D989471CCE1FFD85.ttl index a313964811e..3e7338faf51 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF4FFB7D989471CCE1FFD85.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF4FFB7D989471CCE1FFD85.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia aurantiaca Horn 1860" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -155,40 +154,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Horn, 1860)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Horn, 1860) (Breedy & Guzman 2007)" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Horn, 1860) (Breedy & Guzman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Breedy & Guzman, 2007)" ; - dwc:species "clavata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Horn, 1860)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Horn, 1860) (Breedy & Guzman 2002)" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Horn, 1860) (Breedy & Guzman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pacifigorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Breedy & Guzman, 2002)" ; - dwc:species "englemanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; @@ -202,12 +167,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Eugorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF6FFB6D989444CCFF6FF21.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF6FFB6D989444CCFF6FF21.ttl index 8dd1464d7a7..de908b82b0d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF6FFB6D989444CCFF6FF21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFF6FFB6D989444CCFF6FF21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia ampla Verrill 1864" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -82,21 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne Edwards & Haime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; @@ -158,12 +143,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFFDFFB1D98940F7C855F86D.ttl b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFFDFFB1D98940F7C855F86D.ttl index ee104d1fecd..751ac90a0f0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFFDFFB1D98940F7C855F86D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/8E/03B68E5AFFFDFFB1D98940F7C855F86D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Breedy, Odalisca; Guzman, Hector M.; Vargas, Sergio" ; dc:title "Eugorgia Verrill 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,23 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Verrill, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1864" ; - dwc:species "ampla" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Acajutla" ; dwc:authorityName "Acajutla" ; @@ -127,6 +110,23 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Verrill, 1864" ; + dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; + dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; + dwc:family "Gorgoniidae" ; + dwc:genus "Leptogorgia" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Alcyonacea" ; + dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1864" ; + dwc:species "ampla" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1815" ; dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F08FC52FC50187F318FFCCA.ttl b/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F08FC52FC50187F318FFCCA.ttl index a51379d760e..d93681d12c3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F08FC52FC50187F318FFCCA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F08FC52FC50187F318FFCCA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František" ; dc:title "Hottentotta Birula 1908" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -163,52 +162,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1787" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Scorpionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scorpio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1787" ; - dwc:species "hottentotta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hottentotta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pocock, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "pachyurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hottentotta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "trilineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F09FC59FC4819963152F917.ttl b/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F09FC59FC4819963152F917.ttl index 7ec5d4cb865..17b527af930 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F09FC59FC4819963152F917.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/94/03B694514F09FC59FC4819963152F917.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František" ; dc:title "Hottentotta somalicus Kovařík 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": Kovarik & Ojanguren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hottentotta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik & Ojanguren, 2013" ; - dwc:species "polystictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/97/03B69734FF98B62AC99BFEC7FBE3FE0D.ttl b/data/03/B6/97/03B69734FF98B62AC99BFEC7FBE3FE0D.ttl index 8701a843810..c274a535152 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/97/03B69734FF98B62AC99BFEC7FBE3FE0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/97/03B69734FF98B62AC99BFEC7FBE3FE0D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Novelo-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo; Sites, Robert W." ; dc:title "Amphigomphus somnuki Hamalainen 1996" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,78 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hi Rongkla National Park, Waterwheel Falls" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hi Rongkla National Park, Waterwheel Falls" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Valerianaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phu" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dipsacales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hi Rongkla National Park, Waterwheel Falls" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphigomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chao, 1954" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphigomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 2001" ; - dwc:species "nakamurai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphigomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chao, 1954" ; - dwc:species "hansoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; @@ -132,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gomphidae" ; dwc:genus "Amphigomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F141FE4EFA97C21BC8A9.ttl b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F141FE4EFA97C21BC8A9.ttl index 510750e4574..27ae5a69bca 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F141FE4EFA97C21BC8A9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F141FE4EFA97C21BC8A9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Schmid-Egger, Christian" ; dc:title "Ctenagenia de Saussure 1892" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Egger, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Egger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Egger, 2019" ; - dwc:species "pagliano" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wahis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wahis, 2002" ; - dwc:species "ozbeki" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "vespiformis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F142FF7AFE60C7E7CC28.ttl b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F142FF7AFE60C7E7CC28.ttl index da101b2f5b7..6dfa056337d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F142FF7AFE60C7E7CC28.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7901F142FF7AFE60C7E7CC28.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Schmid-Egger, Christian" ; dc:title "Ctenagenia pagliano Schmid-Egger, 2019, nov.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Egger, 2019" ; dwc:authorityName "Egger" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,49 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wahis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wahis, 2002" ; - dwc:species "ozbeki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "vespiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mutillidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7902F140FF7AFAD1C722CCE7.ttl b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7902F140FF7AFAD1C722CCE7.ttl index 3f096a9ad0e..23fd241677c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7902F140FF7AFAD1C722CCE7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/97/03B6976E7902F140FF7AFAD1C722CCE7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Schmid-Egger, Christian" ; dc:title "Evagetes liane Egger 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Egger, 2019" ; dwc:authorityName "Egger" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,65 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Evagetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haupt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Evagetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haupt, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "palmatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haupt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyagetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haupt, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "aemulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wolf" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyagetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wolf, 1993" ; - dwc:species "lanzarotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; @@ -118,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; dwc:genus "Evagetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4262FFA6FBFC4524DCF0F8CA.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4262FFA6FBFC4524DCF0F8CA.ttl index c958a798788..f7af7733675 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4262FFA6FBFC4524DCF0F8CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4262FFA6FBFC4524DCF0F8CA.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,14 +31,13 @@ dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Corinnidae", "Liocranidae" ; + dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Koppe" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Araneae" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "no" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -187,106 +185,14 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Corinnidae", "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Medmassa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Corinnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oedignatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell" ; - dwc:species "radiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barrion and Litsinger 1995: 178" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barrion and Litsinger" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "178" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Corinnidae", "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scotinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barrion & Litsinger, 1995" ; - dwc:species "tinikitkita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Simon)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Simon, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "armata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oedignatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Otacilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Corinnidae", "Liocranidae" ; + dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Koppe" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Araneae" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus", "species" ; - dwc:species "no" ; + dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4265FFADFC634B1FD8BAF5D3.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4265FFADFC634B1FD8BAF5D3.ttl index 82c99a83d48..55b66006580 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4265FFADFC634B1FD8BAF5D3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4265FFADFC634B1FD8BAF5D3.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe baerti Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "no" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; @@ -71,14 +54,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus", "species" ; - dwc:species "no" ; + dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4266FFA3FB0245F6DCDEF734.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4266FFA3FB0245F6DCDEF734.ttl index 2f0e1926fae..d1c5e802a94 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4266FFA3FB0245F6DCDEF734.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4266FFA3FB0245F6DCDEF734.ttl @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe minuta Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,82 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sudharmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "kinabalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "baerti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; @@ -136,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4269FFAFFB9943B2D82EF4AA.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4269FFAFFB9943B2D82EF4AA.ttl index 115076a9515..da11b4924d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4269FFAFFB9943B2D82EF4AA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4269FFAFFB9943B2D82EF4AA.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe no Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "baerti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B426CFFAAFBE443BFD926F4A9.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B426CFFAAFBE443BFD926F4A9.ttl index 00ce399db22..0d2e2700bf3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B426CFFAAFBE443BFD926F4A9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B426CFFAAFBE443BFD926F4A9.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe kuntneri Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Deeleman-Reinhold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Koppe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001" ; - dwc:species "calciphila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liocranidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4270FFB6FB0043B2DBDFF597.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4270FFB6FB0043B2DBDFF597.ttl index af50aa2fc79..0a8db91055f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4270FFB6FB0043B2DBDFF597.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4270FFB6FB0043B2DBDFF597.ttl @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe sumba Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4272FFB4FBD743B1DB8EF4FA.ttl b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4272FFB4FBD743B1DB8EF4FA.ttl index d33da749f22..e22cacf0330 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4272FFB4FBD743B1DB8EF4FA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/99/03B6990B4272FFB4FBD743B1DB8EF4FA.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Deeleman-Reinhold, Christa" ; dc:title "Koppe doleschalli Deeleman-Reinhold 2001, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04CFF95DA8176C5FBA381C7.ttl b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04CFF95DA8176C5FBA381C7.ttl index 86cc6f1bbe2..fede3f9d85d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04CFF95DA8176C5FBA381C7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04CFF95DA8176C5FBA381C7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Semelbauer, Marek; Kozánek, Milan" ; dc:title "Lauxania cylindricornis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA81707DFE36816B.ttl b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA81707DFE36816B.ttl index ad57a2bf82f..cd72eea808b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA81707DFE36816B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA81707DFE36816B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Semelbauer, Marek; Kozánek, Milan" ; dc:title "Calliopum elisae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA817797FC0F83D8.ttl b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA817797FC0F83D8.ttl index 13a0d313f9e..af570014159 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA817797FC0F83D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF94DA817797FC0F83D8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Semelbauer, Marek; Kozánek, Milan" ; dc:title "Calliopum aeneum" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF9BDA8173AEFBB886B6.ttl b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF9BDA8173AEFBB886B6.ttl index 1bdce8bf281..786af946351 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF9BDA8173AEFBB886B6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9A/03B69A7EB04DFF9BDA8173AEFBB886B6.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Semelbauer, Marek; Kozánek, Milan" ; dc:title "Calliopum splendidum" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,12 +40,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lauxaniidae" ; dwc:genus "Calliopum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF88371A8515FCFFFDC6F9CA.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF88371A8515FCFFFDC6F9CA.ttl index 5c89fc25258..a46671ae2bc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF88371A8515FCFFFDC6F9CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF88371A8515FCFFFDC6F9CA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Potos flavus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,47 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Owen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perissodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Owen, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Although" ; - dwc:authorityName "Although" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tapiridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tapirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perissodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "terrestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Owen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Owen, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8A371886EFFB97FF17FEC1.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8A371886EFFB97FF17FEC1.ttl index 25ace49c055..b4187b29057 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8A371886EFFB97FF17FEC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8A371886EFFB97FF17FEC1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Saimiri sciureus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,98 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bowdich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bowdich, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lund)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lund" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Canidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speothos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lund, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "venaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lacepede)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Felidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpailurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacepede, 1809)" ; - dwc:species "yaguarondi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Although" ; - dwc:authorityName "Although" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Felidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopardus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "pardalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erethizontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coendou" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "prehensilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schinz)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schinz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Felidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopardus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schinz, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "wiedii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cebidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8B371B852BFF4EFE52F926.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8B371B852BFF4EFE52F926.ttl index 0040f99f710..bdb3e803bf4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8B371B852BFF4EFE52F926.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8B371B852BFF4EFE52F926.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Nasua nasua" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,128 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tschudi (1845)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tschudi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nasua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tschudi, 1845" ; - dwc:species "nasua" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Allen (1904)" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nasua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1904" ; - dwc:species "phaeocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schreber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mustelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schreber, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "vittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gmelin (1788)", "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Viverra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin, 1788" ; - dwc:species "quasje" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Storr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nasua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Storr, 1780" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "nasua" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nasua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "nasua" ; - dwc:species "nasua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schreber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Potos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schreber, 1774)" ; - dwc:species "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tschudi. Clearly" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tschudi. Clearly" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mustelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tschudi. Clearly" ; - dwc:species "vittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; @@ -179,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; dwc:genus "Nasua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8C371E86EAFDB2FCCAFE74.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8C371E86EAFDB2FCCAFE74.ttl index 49ff58de2ed..8b29d616ea5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8C371E86EAFDB2FCCAFE74.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8C371E86EAFDB2FCCAFE74.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Saguinus midas" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,130 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "midas (Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:species "midas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "midas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(E. Geoffroy)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy)" ; - dwc:species "midas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "niger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Spix)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oecomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spix)" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hoffmannsegg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoffmannsegg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffmannsegg, 1807" ; - dwc:species "ursulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Link" ; - dwc:authorityName "Link" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Link" ; - dwc:species "tamarin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Geoffroy. Confusingly" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. Geoffroy. Confusingly" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy. Confusingly" ; - dwc:species "niger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:species "niger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Geoffroy, 1803" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sagouin" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy, 1803" ; - dwc:species "niger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8E371D86DEFB09FCDFFCEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8E371D86DEFB09FCDFFCEE.ttl index 67298c781ad..327d03670a7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8E371D86DEFB09FCDFFCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8E371D86DEFB09FCDFFCEE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Dasypus kappleri Krauss 1862" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dasypodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dasypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cingulata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "novemcinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Dasypodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8F371F84E7FECAFEEBFE16.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8F371F84E7FECAFEEBFE16.ttl index dff0e259786..5aba1f23062 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8F371F84E7FECAFEEBFE16.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FF8F371F84E7FECAFEEBFE16.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Tamandua tetradactyla" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,120 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wagner)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myrmecophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamandua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner)" ; - dwc:species "longicaudata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myrmecophagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamandua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Atelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "paniscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "pithecia" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pitheciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pithecia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "pithecia" ; - dwc:species "pithecia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Atelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alouatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "seniculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "midas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Voigt in G. Cuvier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saimiri" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voigt, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Myrmecophagidae" ; @@ -173,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myrmecophagidae" ; dwc:genus "Tamandua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDD374B84F2FC22FF5FFC94.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDD374B84F2FC22FF5FFC94.ttl index 1b4a602bfb8..09c7f70c8d7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDD374B84F2FC22FF5FFC94.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDD374B84F2FC22FF5FFC94.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Chironectes minimus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,141 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caluromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "philander" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micoureus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "demerarae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schreber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Potos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schreber, 1774)" ; - dwc:species "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Anthony" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oecomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anthony, 1921" ; - dwc:species "rutilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tate" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oecomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tate, 1939" ; - dwc:species "auyantepui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhipidomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1901" ; - dwc:species "nitela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zimmermann (1780)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zimmermann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mustelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lutra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zimmermann, 1780" ; - dwc:species "minima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Illiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1811" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chironectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illiger, 1811" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peracca" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eunectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peracca, 1895" ; - dwc:species "murinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; @@ -195,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; dwc:genus "Chironectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDF374E84DBFC92FB8FFC79.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDF374E84DBFC92FB8FFC79.ttl index 4f8d84bdc06..52767bb57bc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDF374E84DBFC92FB8FFC79.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFDF374E84DBFC92FB8FFC79.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Caluromys philander" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -42,56 +42,11 @@ dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:sensu "stricto" ; dwc:species "philander" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caluromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caluromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas" ; - dwc:species "trinitatis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marmosa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "murina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; @@ -105,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; dwc:genus "Caluromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF1371D84DDFF4EFDFEFCEE.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF1371D84DDFF4EFDFEFCEE.ttl index 2631fdc0aac..220821acf65 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF1371D84DDFF4EFDFEFCEE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF1371D84DDFF4EFDFEFCEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Choloepus didactylus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Illiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1811" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Megalonychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Choloepus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illiger, 1811" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Megalonychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Choloepus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1858" ; - dwc:species "hoffmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Megalonychidae" ; @@ -87,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Megalonychidae" ; dwc:genus "Choloepus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF2376284C1F9F2FF33F90A.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF2376284C1F9F2FF33F90A.ttl index 895c3ac4607..9967e01c06c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF2376284C1F9F2FF33F90A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFF2376284C1F9F2FF33F90A.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Philander opossum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,97 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gardner & Patton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philander" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gardner & Patton, 1972" ; - dwc:species "mcilhennyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Osgood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philander" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Osgood, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "andersoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Olfers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philander" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Olfers, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "frenata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metachirops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1916" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus (1758)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Didelphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "opossum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Bradypodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bradypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pilosa" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "tridactylus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; @@ -152,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; dwc:genus "Philander" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFFF376E8485F99FFF5CF90A.ttl b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFFF376E8485F99FFF5CF90A.ttl index 0b8e42de1f7..947c78152fd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFFF376E8485F99FFF5CF90A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/9D/03B69D69FFFF376E8485F99FFF5CF90A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "VOSS, ROBERT S.; LUNDE, DARRIN P.; SIMMONS, NANCY B." ; dc:title "Metachirus nudicaudatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,80 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "sensu Pine" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marmosops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Pine, 1981" ; - dwc:species "parvidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tate" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marmosops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tate, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "juninensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metachirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Didelphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803" ; - dwc:species "nudicaudata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pine" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marmosops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pine, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "pinheiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; @@ -130,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; dwc:genus "Metachirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C24FFCEE4E2FDA2FD13B004.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C24FFCEE4E2FDA2FD13B004.ttl index 57c0739e5e4..87151a3e747 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C24FFCEE4E2FDA2FD13B004.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C24FFCEE4E2FDA2FD13B004.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Deltaspidium Roewer 1927" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -93,124 +93,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltaspidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1927" ; - dwc:species "bresslaui" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Perty, 1833" ; - dwc:authorityName "Perty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gonyleptes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perty, 1833" ; - dwc:species "asper" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Adhynastes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1930" ; - dwc:species "tenuis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Perty, 1833)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Perty" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltaspidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Perty, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "asperum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltaspidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roewer, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "tenue" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Soares & Soares" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltaspidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Soares & Soares, 1954)" ; - dwc:species "orguense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Soares & Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soares & Soares, 1985" ; - dwc:subFamily "Progonyleptoidellinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2BFFCEE4E2FF3AFC4CB7CD.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2BFFCEE4E2FF3AFC4CB7CD.ttl index 28533bfb7f1..481c74a7913 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2BFFCEE4E2FF3AFC4CB7CD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2BFFCEE4E2FF3AFC4CB7CD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus striatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -242,20 +242,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Itanhaem" ; - dwc:authorityName "Itanhaem" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Piraquara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Itanhaem" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; @@ -400,12 +386,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; dwc:genus "Piraquara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2CFFC7E4E2F8B5FE6FB21B.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2CFFC7E4E2F8B5FE6FB21B.ttl index c05e41ed475..08cc98083f3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2CFFC7E4E2F8B5FE6FB21B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2CFFC7E4E2F8B5FE6FB21B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus fuscopictus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -98,21 +98,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roewer, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2DFFC3E4E2FB6AFC31B1F5.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2DFFC3E4E2FB6AFC31B1F5.ttl index 883b1c531f8..5678142cea2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2DFFC3E4E2FB6AFC31B1F5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C2DFFC3E4E2FB6AFC31B1F5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus picinguaba Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -62,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bocaina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFC6E4E2FDEDFB0CB0AE.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFC6E4E2FDEDFB0CB0AE.ttl index 531326776f7..6ce0d8ab589 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFC6E4E2FDEDFB0CB0AE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFC6E4E2FDEDFB0CB0AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus bocaina Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "B. Soares" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Soares, 1942)" ; - dwc:species "fuscopictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roewer, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "picinguaba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFDBE4E2FF39FA05B799.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFDBE4E2FF39FA05B799.ttl index f9b23291e49..aa9d6995763 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFDBE4E2FF39FA05B799.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C31FFDBE4E2FF39FA05B799.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus Piza 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,72 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roewer, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "B. Soares" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Soares, 1942)" ; - dwc:species "fuscopictus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "picinguaba" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bocaina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C37FFDAE4E2F942FA1FB183.ttl b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C37FFDAE4E2F942FA1FB183.ttl index 808f6548f12..d6c58c3a425 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C37FFDAE4E2F942FA1FB183.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A1/03B6A1005C37FFDAE4E2F942FA1FB183.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Benedetti, Alípio R.; Pinto-Da-Rocha, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Progonyleptoidellus Piza 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "C. L. Koch, 1839" ; dwc:authorityName "C. L. Koch" ; dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1930" ; dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -114,7 +111,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Mello-Leitao, 1936" ; dwc:authorityName "Mello-Leitao" ; dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -130,7 +126,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1913" ; dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -160,343 +155,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Piza, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piza, 1940" ; - dwc:species "androgynus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bocaina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Soares, 1942)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "B. Soares" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Soares, 1942)" ; - dwc:species "fuscopictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benedetti & Pinto-Da-Rocha, 2019" ; - dwc:species "picinguaba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Roewer, 1913)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roewer, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Soares & Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soares & Soares, 1985" ; - dwc:subFamily "Progonyleptoidellinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ampheres" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1913" ; - dwc:species "striatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, 1884" ; - dwc:subFamily "Caelopyginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sundevall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sundevall, 1833" ; - dwc:subFamily "Gonyleptinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "B. Soares, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "B. Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laneius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soares, 1942" ; - dwc:species "fuscopictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Piza, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Piraquara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Piza, 1943" ; - dwc:species "schubarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Itanhaem" ; - dwc:authorityName "Itanhaem" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Piraquara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Itanhaem" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cadeadoius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1943" ; - dwc:species "atroluteus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mello-Leitão" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mello-Leitão, 1935" ; - dwc:subFamily "Goniosomatinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": Soares & Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gonazula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soares & Soares, 1949" ; - dwc:species "fuscopicta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holmberg, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holmberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geraeocormobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holmberg, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mello-Leitao, 1935 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mello-Leitao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iguapeia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mello-Leitao, 1935" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "B. Soares, 1945 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "B. Soares" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Soares, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Moreiranula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opisthoplites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, 1884" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roewer, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roewer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylopisthos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roewer, 1930" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Progonyleptoidellinae)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Progonyleptoidellinae" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Progonyleptoidellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Progonyleptoidellinae)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Gonyleptidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A2/03B6A2390764FC7EFF40F8FBB78B20E5.ttl b/data/03/B6/A2/03B6A2390764FC7EFF40F8FBB78B20E5.ttl index f7f9f694e0e..5beee27da92 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A2/03B6A2390764FC7EFF40F8FBB78B20E5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A2/03B6A2390764FC7EFF40F8FBB78B20E5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Gupta, Sunil Kumar; Chandra, Kailash; Yin, Hai-Xiang" ; dc:title "Tagasta Bolivar 1905" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,39 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mestra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1877" ; - dwc:species "hoplosterna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrgomorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tagasta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "hoplosterna" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pyrgomorphidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8AC60AFE9609FDFB1CF86D.ttl b/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8AC60AFE9609FDFB1CF86D.ttl index 5da2b4a9efa..29afc3cdc71 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8AC60AFE9609FDFB1CF86D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8AC60AFE9609FDFB1CF86D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Teta, Pablo; Ojeda, Ricardo A.; Lucero, Sergio O.; D’Elía, Guillermo" ; dc:title "Microcavia jayat Teta, Ojeda, Lucero & D’Elía, 2017, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -80,65 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Teta & Ojeda & Lucero & D’Elía" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Teta, Ojeda, Lucero & D’Elía, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "niata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "shiptoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ameghino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ameghino, 1908" ; - dwc:species "chapadmalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Caviidae" ; @@ -152,12 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8BC60CFC110CFDFF40FB6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8BC60CFC110CFDFF40FB6D.ttl index 4af99979ce1..3776041c356 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8BC60CFC110CFDFF40FB6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A6/03B6A61FFF8BC60CFC110CFDFF40FB6D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Teta, Pablo; Ojeda, Ricardo A.; Lucero, Sergio O.; D’Elía, Guillermo" ; dc:title "Microcavia maenas" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -101,65 +99,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Teta & Ojeda & Lucero & D’Elía" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Teta, Ojeda, Lucero & D’Elía, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1919" ; - dwc:species "comes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "I. Geoffroy and d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy & dOrbigny, 1833" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "BM" ; - dwc:authorityName "BM" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bm" ; - dwc:species "maenas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Caviidae" ; @@ -173,12 +112,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; dwc:genus "Microcavia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -244,12 +178,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Caviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caviella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "australis" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E773FFA1FDDEFB412F242424.ttl b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E773FFA1FDDEFB412F242424.ttl index 1fd9eb342eb..08d98cf523e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E773FFA1FDDEFB412F242424.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E773FFA1FDDEFB412F242424.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Paleari, L. M." ; dc:title "Agonosoma trilineatum Fabricius 1782" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Iineazum Signoret" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Iineazum Signoret, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; @@ -70,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E778FFAFFD9EFED92A5A249C.ttl b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E778FFAFFD9EFED92A5A249C.ttl index b11e0c84fc5..4d842edafcd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E778FFAFFD9EFED92A5A249C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E778FFAFFD9EFED92A5A249C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Paleari, L. M." ; dc:title "Agonosoma LAPORTE 1832" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae", "Scutelleridae" ; + dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Hemiptera" ; + dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; @@ -75,72 +75,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fabricius 1782" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1782" ; - dwc:species "trilineatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "LAPORTE, 1832" ; - dwc:authorityName "LAPORTE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1832" ; - dwc:species "flavolineatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood 1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1837" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schouteden, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schouteden" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schouteden, 1903" ; - dwc:species "dohrni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae", "Scutelleridae" ; + dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; dwc:genus "Agonosoma" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Hemiptera" ; + dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E77FFFACFDD8FAEE28CF2487.ttl b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E77FFFACFDD8FAEE28CF2487.ttl index ac7a63dbd07..e0ab3fa721b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E77FFFACFDD8FAEE28CF2487.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/A9/03B6A960E77FFFACFDD8FAEE28CF2487.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Paleari, L. M." ; dc:title "Agonosoma flavolineatum LAPORTE 1832" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B3/03B6B31976259374FCEBFE1CFED604B3.ttl b/data/03/B6/B3/03B6B31976259374FCEBFE1CFED604B3.ttl index fd7a2665ed3..10e0f713186 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B3/03B6B31976259374FCEBFE1CFED604B3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B3/03B6B31976259374FCEBFE1CFED604B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Cuenca-Bescós, Gloria; Canudo, José I." ; dc:title "Gobiconodontidae Chow and Rich 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,19 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Osborn, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osborn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Triconodonta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osborn, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Gobiconodontidae" ; @@ -67,10 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Triconodonta" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA0FFBBFE336475FA9BFEC6.ttl b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA0FFBBFE336475FA9BFEC6.ttl index 957d3c6e327..076bbf1b09b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA0FFBBFE336475FA9BFEC6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA0FFBBFE336475FA9BFEC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Phan, Quoc Toan; Karube, Haruki" ; dc:title "Chlorogomphus gracilis Wilson & Reels 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,64 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "St. Quentin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "St. Quentin, 1936" ; - dwc:species "fraseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Phan & Karube, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Phan & Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Phan & Karube, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hoaian" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Needham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chlorogomphidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; @@ -118,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA6FFA5FE5862C0FB58FCBA.ttl b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA6FFA5FE5862C0FB58FCBA.ttl index 27e366b1a64..9b0812ce735 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA6FFA5FE5862C0FB58FCBA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFA6FFA5FE5862C0FB58FCBA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Phan, Quoc Toan; Karube, Haruki" ; dc:title "Chlorogomphus vani Phan & Karube 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,85 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Martin, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martin, 1910" ; - dwc:species "auratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kompier & Karube, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kompier & Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kompier & Karube, 2018" ; - dwc:species "canhvang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Cai, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Cai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Cai, 2014" ; - dwc:species "auripennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilson, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson, 2002" ; - dwc:species "shanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Selys, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; @@ -138,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFACFFA3FE6863BCFDC5FA1D.ttl b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFACFFA3FE6863BCFDC5FA1D.ttl index 4aa1fd83262..71ad6f6c5e5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFACFFA3FE6863BCFDC5FA1D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B6/03B6B624FFACFFA3FE6863BCFDC5FA1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Phan, Quoc Toan; Karube, Haruki" ; dc:title "Chlorogomphus hoaian Phan & Karube 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,132 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Karube, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 2013" ; - dwc:species "aritai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Asahina, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Asahina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Asahina, 1981" ; - dwc:species "arooni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karube, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 2013" ; - dwc:species "caloptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karube, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 2001" ; - dwc:species "daviesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "St. Quentin, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "St. Quentin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "St. Quentin, 1936" ; - dwc:species "fraseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 1995" ; - dwc:species "nakamurai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karube, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karube" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karube, 1995" ; - dwc:species "yokoii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Selys, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; @@ -185,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cordulegastridae" ; dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B9172664FFBDFF12018EA1F10161.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B9172664FFBDFF12018EA1F10161.ttl index 5740094c01b..efbf5b165db 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B9172664FFBDFF12018EA1F10161.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B9172664FFBDFF12018EA1F10161.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jiménez-Mejías, Pedro; Roalson, Eric H." ; dc:title "Carex haematopus Jim., sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,55 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jim." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jim." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jim." ; - dwc:species "haematopus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Desvaux" ; - dwc:authorityName "Desvaux" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desvaux" ; - dwc:species "aematorhyncha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nees (1840: 398)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nees" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "398" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nees, 1840" ; - dwc:species "tweedieana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; @@ -109,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; dwc:genus "Carex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE15FFC78E4C675239A06ADE.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE15FFC78E4C675239A06ADE.ttl index c4538a0d711..a6248b94aac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE15FFC78E4C675239A06ADE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE15FFC78E4C675239A06ADE.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Ilyanassa obsoletus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,83 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Smith, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nassarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "incrassatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Iredale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Iredale, 1916" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Medinskaya, 1993)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Medinskaya" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tritia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Medinskaya, 1993)" ; - dwc:species "fratercula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Graham, 1949)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Graham" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nassarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Graham, 1949)" ; - dwc:species "reticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Morton, 1960)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclope" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morton, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "neritea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; @@ -143,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Nassariidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE20FFFA8CD063853F976BE3.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE20FFFA8CD063853F976BE3.ttl index 5b357e46dc8..cb0fd006221 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE20FFFA8CD063853F976BE3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE20FFFA8CD063853F976BE3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Neverita duplicata" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE23FFF48FB3606C3E0B6C2D.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE23FFF48FB3606C3E0B6C2D.ttl index ed7a7c3756e..00fd1b9d059 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE23FFF48FB3606C3E0B6C2D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE23FFF48FB3606C3E0B6C2D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Littorina littorea LINNAEUS 1758" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Littorinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tectarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "muricatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Finlay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Littorinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melarhaphe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Finlay, 1930" ; - dwc:species "oliveri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Littorinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Littorina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamarck, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "angulifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Littorinidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE25FFF78F97649C3AA96C86.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE25FFF78F97649C3AA96C86.ttl index 9d9df0e4652..9856dd0256e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE25FFF78F97649C3AA96C86.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE25FFF78F97649C3AA96C86.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Bithynia tentaculata" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,77 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stimpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stimpson, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bithyniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1863" ; - dwc:subFamily "Amnicolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Beliakova-Butenko, 1974)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beliakova-Butenko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bithyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bithynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beliakova-Butenko, 1974)" ; - dwc:species "caerulane" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. Pfeiffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Lithoglyphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lithoglyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pfeiffer, 1828)" ; - dwc:species "naticoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bithyniidae" ; @@ -137,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bithyniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE27FFF18C8866C33A1B6B0D.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE27FFF18C8866C33A1B6B0D.ttl index c6b680232be..a7ae9b6a7cf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE27FFF18C8866C33A1B6B0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE27FFF18C8866C33A1B6B0D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Crepidula plana SAY 1822" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,49 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamarck, 1809" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crepidula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "fornicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calyptraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "chinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; @@ -108,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE28FFC38CDE601C392D6F5A.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE28FFC38CDE601C392D6F5A.ttl index ec5f5655c96..fb22d3298e6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE28FFC38CDE601C392D6F5A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE28FFC38CDE601C392D6F5A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Prunum apicinum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Marche-Marchad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Marginellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marginella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marche-Marchad, 1957" ; - dwc:species "desjardini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. von Martens" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Marginellonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marginellona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(von Martens, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Marginellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2AFFFC8C3F63463E6D6C86.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2AFFFC8C3F63463E6D6C86.ttl index 76336fb9162..91da15c7446 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2AFFFC8C3F63463E6D6C86.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2AFFFC8C3F63463E6D6C86.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Panarona clavatula" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bouvier)", "(Bouvier, 1887)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bouvier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cancellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cancellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bouvier, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "cancellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Graham)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Graham" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cancellariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cancellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Graham)" ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Cancellariidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2EFFF88CD964CD3F7B6BE3.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2EFFF88CD964CD3F7B6BE3.ttl index 0cbcea73f2c..ee4d5ba375b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2EFFF88CD964CD3F7B6BE3.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE2EFFF88CD964CD3F7B6BE3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Cypraea robertsi Hidalgo 1906" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,66 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lightfoot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1786" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Ovulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jenneria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lightfoot, 1786)" ; - dwc:species "pustulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cypraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "testudinaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cypraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "arabica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cypraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cypraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "moneta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Cypraeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE31FFEB8FEC62343F0C6C86.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE31FFEB8FEC62343F0C6C86.ttl index 671d2279083..4d7081afacb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE31FFEB8FEC62343F0C6C86.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE31FFEB8FEC62343F0C6C86.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Neocyclotus dysoni AMBIGUUM" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Morton, 1952 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Pupinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Murdochia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morton, 1952)" ; - dwc:species "pallidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thompson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neocyclotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thompson, 1969)" ; - dwc:species "dysoni" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ambiguum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kobelt & Mollendorff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobelt & Mollendorff, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Montfort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Cyclophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montfort, 1810" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; @@ -125,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Neocyclotidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE32FFE58C2F60D439C16ADE.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE32FFE58C2F60D439C16ADE.ttl index 8f129f26b31..a4b47da4dc7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE32FFE58C2F60D439C16ADE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE32FFE58C2F60D439C16ADE.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Theodoxus fluviatilis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fretter, 1946)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fretter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neritidae" ; - dwc:genus "Theodoxus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cycloneritida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fretter, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "fluviatilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neritidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neritina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cycloneritida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "reclivata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Neritidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE39FFF38FA560B839BC6E15.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE39FFF38FA560B839BC6E15.ttl index ae6d9d6d18c..4f9d8591bfa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE39FFF38FA560B839BC6E15.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B923EE39FFF38FA560B839BC6E15.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Strong, Ellen E." ; dc:title "Strombus mutabilis SWAINSON 1821" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Strombidae" ; - dwc:genus "Strombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Strombidae" ; - dwc:genus "Strombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Strombidae" ; @@ -91,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Strombidae" ; dwc:genus "Strombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B940FFACFFD9FF0A8DF8FBBCFC38.ttl b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B940FFACFFD9FF0A8DF8FBBCFC38.ttl index 38dbd012de4..3ffee91e044 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B940FFACFFD9FF0A8DF8FBBCFC38.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/B9/03B6B940FFACFFD9FF0A8DF8FBBCFC38.ttl @@ -13,12 +13,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zettel, H.; Laciny, A.; Pangantihon, C. V." ; dc:title "Rhagovelia freitagi Zettel, Laciny et Pangantihon 2021, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,8 +33,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Zettel & Laciny & Pangantihon, 2021", "Zettel, Laciny et Pangantihon" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zettel & Laciny & Pangantihon", "Zettel, Laciny et Pangantihon" ; + dwc:authority "Zettel, Laciny et Pangantihon" ; + dwc:authorityName "Zettel, Laciny et Pangantihon" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Veliidae" ; @@ -51,82 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "J. Polhemus & D. Polhemus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Polhemus & Polhemus, 1988" ; - dwc:species "sarawakensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "J. Polhemus & D. Polhemus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Polhemus & Polhemus, 1988" ; - dwc:species "samarinda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zettel, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zettel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zettel, 2000" ; - dwc:species "inexpectata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lundblad, 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lundblad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundblad, 1933" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Veliidae" ; @@ -140,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Veliidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhagovelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15B61C29CE6FA17976C.ttl b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15B61C29CE6FA17976C.ttl index d338661e320..eff6453bb9f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15B61C29CE6FA17976C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15B61C29CE6FA17976C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fusu, Lucian; Kawano, Taisuke; Park, Duk-Young" ; dc:title "Coryptilus Gibson 1995" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,54 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kawano & Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kawano & Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kawano & Fusu, 2019" ; - dwc:species "longicervix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gibson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gibson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gibson" ; - dwc:species "indicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fusu, 2019" ; - dwc:species "circalatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15C61C29864FAE8935B.ttl b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15C61C29864FAE8935B.ttl index 4d93864defa..c1b8b5fabfa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15C61C29864FAE8935B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589942B15C61C29864FAE8935B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fusu, Lucian; Kawano, Taisuke; Park, Duk-Young" ; dc:title "Coryptilus circalatus Fusu 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gibson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gibson, 1995" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kawano & Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kawano & Fusu, 2019" ; - dwc:species "longicervix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15461C29B9CFD0F93AB.ttl b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15461C29B9CFD0F93AB.ttl index c9c898cf715..ce1d0761c57 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15461C29B9CFD0F93AB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15461C29B9CFD0F93AB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fusu, Lucian; Kawano, Taisuke; Park, Duk-Young" ; dc:title "Coryptilus longicervix Kawano & Fusu 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,79 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fusu, 2019" ; - dwc:species "circalatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kawano et Fusu, T. Kawano" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kawano et Fusu, T. Kawano" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kawano & Fusu, Kawano" ; - dwc:species "longicervix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eupelmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalman, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1833" ; - dwc:subFamily "Eupelminae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zaischnopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; @@ -164,10 +90,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15C61C29CAEFDAA9436.ttl b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15C61C29CAEFDAA9436.ttl index bdd4b78bd0b..a936332ea09 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15C61C29CAEFDAA9436.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BC/03B6BC589945B15C61C29CAEFDAA9436.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fusu, Lucian; Kawano, Taisuke; Park, Duk-Young" ; dc:title "Coryptilus indicus Gibson" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -64,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fusu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coryptilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fusu, 2019" ; - dwc:species "circalatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFD0FF34582CFA2B5963.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFD0FF34582CFA2B5963.ttl index ddfa68961d4..e81a84160a4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFD0FF34582CFA2B5963.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFD0FF34582CFA2B5963.ttl @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1798", "Fabricius, 1798: 564" ; + dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1798: 564" ; dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "564" ; dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFDDFF345B57FA275B82.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFDDFF345B57FA275B82.ttl index 4baa29ffdfa..e4ccc7caf59 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFDDFF345B57FA275B82.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E44FFDDFF345B57FA275B82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Physiphora" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,37 +26,6 @@ dc:title "The Ulidiini (Diptera: Tephritoidea: Ulidiidae) of Israel, with a key to the world species of Ulidia and description of five new species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Preyssler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Preyssler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Musca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Preyssler" ; - dwc:species "alceae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physiphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "smaragdina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345972FA205E43.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345972FA205E43.ttl index eb6cbcd58c8..9da863ee8fa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345972FA205E43.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345972FA205E43.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidiini" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,50 +26,6 @@ dc:title "The Ulidiini (Diptera: Tephritoidea: Ulidiidae) of Israel, with a key to the world species of Ulidia and description of five new species" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physiphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345ACBFB9F5967.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345ACBFB9F5967.ttl index 47dce8e37c0..b643acddd36 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345ACBFB9F5967.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDCFF345ACBFB9F5967.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidiini" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -44,48 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physiphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meigen." ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDDFF345E93FDB05A8E.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDDFF345E93FDB05A8E.ttl index 4d60be0c4f8..a1b576b1492 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDDFF345E93FDB05A8E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E45FFDDFF345E93FDB05A8E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Physiphora Fallen" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,37 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kameneva and Korneyev 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kameneva and Korneyev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physiphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kameneva & Korneyev, 2010" ; - dwc:species "leucotricha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physiphora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "smaragdina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E48FFD6FF345F73FC6A5E60.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E48FFD6FF345F73FC6A5E60.ttl index 1d17a3b5e64..e128052ebae 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E48FFD6FF345F73FC6A5E60.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E48FFD6FF345F73FC6A5E60.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia Wiedemann" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,21 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "melanorrhina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; @@ -90,11 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E49FFD1FF34597EFEE55F64.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E49FFD1FF34597EFEE55F64.ttl index 860d73672ed..9bc26c8736f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E49FFD1FF34597EFEE55F64.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E49FFD1FF34597EFEE55F64.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Physiphora smaragdina Loew" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4CFFCAFF345CB0FF4D5D80.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4CFFCAFF345CB0FF4D5D80.ttl index 6d626f9937b..e21c1bbbf39 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4CFFCAFF345CB0FF4D5D80.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4CFFCAFF345CB0FF4D5D80.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia jakowlewi Hendel" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4DFFD5FF345C2DFAF45C24.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4DFFD5FF345C2DFAF45C24.ttl index 7fec4cd8d4f..80c52108a5a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4DFFD5FF345C2DFAF45C24.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4DFFD5FF345C2DFAF45C24.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia fallax Morgulis and Freidberg, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morgulis & Freidberg" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4EFFD4FF345D45FF6A5F91.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4EFFD4FF345D45FF6A5F91.ttl index 538ffea3454..73035b39b35 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4EFFD4FF345D45FF6A5F91.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E4EFFD4FF345D45FF6A5F91.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,21 +28,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Seguy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seguy" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seguy" ; - dwc:species "berlandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E51FFC9FF34599AFB0B5FB5.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E51FFC9FF34599AFB0B5FB5.ttl index a96da6ddf22..325fa3155e5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E51FFC9FF34599AFB0B5FB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E51FFC9FF34599AFB0B5FB5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia ritae Morgulis and Freidberg, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morgulis & Freidberg" ; - dwc:species "ritae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gregor" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gregor" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gregor" ; - dwc:species "libani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; @@ -90,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E52FFC8FF345A8EFA26594E.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E52FFC8FF345A8EFA26594E.ttl index 201193dac77..cff12add8bb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E52FFC8FF345A8EFA26594E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E52FFC8FF345A8EFA26594E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Timia libani Gregor" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ulidiidae" ; dwc:genus "Timia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E55FFC2FF345D04FBAE58BA.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E55FFC2FF345D04FBAE58BA.ttl index 757f36165b9..b9936e8e65b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E55FFC2FF345D04FBAE58BA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E55FFC2FF345D04FBAE58BA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidia albidipennis Loew" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,21 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Steyskal" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steyskal" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steyskal" ; - dwc:species "wadicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E56FFCFFF345B5AFE565C3C.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E56FFCFFF345B5AFE565C3C.ttl index 678a0482861..64e42419b38 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E56FFCFFF345B5AFE565C3C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E56FFCFFF345B5AFE565C3C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidia Meigen" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,81 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen" ; - dwc:species "gongjugensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen" ; - dwc:species "xizangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kameneva" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kameneva" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kameneva" ; - dwc:species "metope" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zaitzev" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zaitzev" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zaitzev" ; - dwc:species "kandybinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steyskal" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steyskal" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steyskal" ; - dwc:species "wadicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; 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- dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E5AFFC0FF345A8EFD325815.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E5AFFC0FF345A8EFD325815.ttl index 6a3c08fad3e..e7a7da69254 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E5AFFC0FF345A8EFD325815.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E5AFFC0FF345A8EFD325815.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidia aurata Morgulis and Freidberg, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morgulis & Freidberg" ; - dwc:species "aurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "megacephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "albidipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; 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+ cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidia omani Steyskal" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,37 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hendel, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendel, 1931" ; - dwc:species "fascialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendel." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendel." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendel." ; - dwc:species "fascialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E63FFFBFF345877FEA35B83.ttl b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E63FFFBFF345877FEA35B83.ttl index 07371cd2fc9..5ebddb4d84c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E63FFFBFF345877FEA35B83.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/BD/03B6BD710E63FFFBFF345877FEA35B83.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Morgulis, E.; Freidberg, A." ; dc:title "Ulidia wasimi Morgulis and Freidberg, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morgulis and Freidberg" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morgulis & Freidberg" ; - dwc:species "wasimi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hennig" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hennig" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hennig" ; - dwc:species "salonikiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lonchaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Ulidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C2705205FFFBFE8BFEEEFE5EFC77.ttl b/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C2705205FFFBFE8BFEEEFE5EFC77.ttl index 5a7b98b0bad..7a1a0fad627 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C2705205FFFBFE8BFEEEFE5EFC77.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C2705205FFFBFE8BFEEEFE5EFC77.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kaczmarek, Łukasz; Michalczyk, Łukasz; Diduszko, Dawid" ; dc:title "Milnesium tardigradum Doyere" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C270520EFFFAFE8BFA03FB38FB45.ttl b/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C270520EFFFAFE8BFA03FB38FB45.ttl index e24080b7dd6..92e5077d58e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C270520EFFFAFE8BFA03FB38FB45.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/C2/03B6C270520EFFFAFE8BFA03FB38FB45.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kaczmarek, Łukasz; Michalczyk, Łukasz; Diduszko, Dawid" ; dc:title "Macrobiotus garynahi Kaczmarek, Michalczyk & Diduszko, 2005, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pilato et al., 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pilato et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Eutardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Macrobiotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrobiotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Parachela" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pilato et al., 1991" ; - dwc:species "vanescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tumanov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tumanov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Eutardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Macrobiotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrobiotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Parachela" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tumanov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "alekseevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Eutardigrada" ; dwc:family "Macrobiotidae" ; @@ -91,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Eutardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Macrobiotidae" ; dwc:genus "Macrobiotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Parachela" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/C4/03B6C412FFF2FFA7FF0E808BF025F80A.ttl b/data/03/B6/C4/03B6C412FFF2FFA7FF0E808BF025F80A.ttl index 2148674abb6..9785afe68d2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/C4/03B6C412FFF2FFA7FF0E808BF025F80A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/C4/03B6C412FFF2FFA7FF0E808BF025F80A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guo, Shi-Wei; Chen, Wen-Hong; Aung, Aung; Radbouchoom, Sirilak; Zhao, Jin-Chao; Li, Zhi-Hong; Shui, Yu-Min" ; dc:title "Begonia nangunheensis Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Y.M. Shui & W.H. Chen", "Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen" ; + dwc:authority "Y.M.Shui & W.H.Chen" ; dwc:authorityName "Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -47,138 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gagnepain" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gagnepain" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Begoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Begonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cucurbitales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gagnepain, 1919" ; - dwc:species "siamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Griff. (1845: 480)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griff." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "480" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Caryota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griff., 1845" ; - dwc:species "obtusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lec.) Airy Shaw (1940: 74)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Airy Shaw" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "74" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lec." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lauraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Caryodaphnopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Laurales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lec.) Airy Shaw, 1940" ; - dwc:species "tonkinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thunb.) Nakai (1930: 17)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nakai" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "17" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Chloranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sarcandra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Chloranthales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thunb.) Nakai, 1930" ; - dwc:species "glabra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wedd. (1956: 301)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wedd." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "301" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Elatostema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wedd., 1956" ; - dwc:species "platyphyllum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. Schroter (1936: 152)" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Schroter" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "152" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Elatostema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schroter, 1936" ; - dwc:species "sinense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus (1753:" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1056" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Begoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Begonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cucurbitales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, (1753)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shui & Huang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Begoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Begonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cucurbitales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shui & Huang, 1999" ; - dwc:species "manhaoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Begoniaceae" ; @@ -192,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Begoniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Begonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cucurbitales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/C5/03B6C56AFFA51A0EFF7EF8BEFE22FE23.ttl b/data/03/B6/C5/03B6C56AFFA51A0EFF7EF8BEFE22FE23.ttl index e05a72cc97c..12e781d774c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/C5/03B6C56AFFA51A0EFF7EF8BEFE22FE23.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/C5/03B6C56AFFA51A0EFF7EF8BEFE22FE23.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Seixas, Samantha A.; Amato, Suzana B.; Amato, José F. R.; Damborenea, Cristina" ; dc:title "Temnocephala catarinensis Seixas & Amato & Amato & Damborenea 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -45,123 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bond-Buckup & Buckup, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bond-Buckup & Buckup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Aeglidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aegla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bond-Buckup & Buckup, 1994" ; - dwc:species "jarai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Anomura" ; - dwc:authorityName "Anomura" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anomura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Philippi, 1882)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ponce de Leon et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Philippi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Parastacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Samastacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Philippi, 1882)" ; - dwc:species "spinifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Huxley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Parastacidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huxley, 1879" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": CHIOC" ; - dwc:authorityName "CHIOC" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Parastacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Samastacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chioc" ; - dwc:species "spinifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. Merus" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Merus" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Aeglidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aegla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merus" ; - dwc:species "jarai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Damborenea" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:family "Temnocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Damborenea, 1994" ; - dwc:species "kingsleyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vayssiere" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:family "Temnocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rhabdocoela" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vayssiere, 1898" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Temnocephalidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnocephala" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A494302FE91A3104E280A58.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A494302FE91A3104E280A58.ttl index 0b5a858df9d..550b0c3ea65 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A494302FE91A3104E280A58.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A494302FE91A3104E280A58.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Pogue, Michael G.; Harp, Charles E." ; dc:title "Schinia cupes Grote" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -81,186 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Grote" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliothis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote" ; - dwc:species "cupes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar" ; - dwc:species "navarra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Spach" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spach" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Calylophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spach" ; - dwc:species "berlandiera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grote and Robinson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote and Robinson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote & Robinson" ; - dwc:species "citrinella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harvey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harvey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harvey" ; - dwc:species "roseitincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "errans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grote" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote" ; - dwc:species "saturata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Strecker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strecker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strecker" ; - dwc:species "nubila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grote" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote" ; - dwc:species "coercita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grote" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote" ; - dwc:species "mortua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "bicuspida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -274,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -326,12 +139,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Heliothis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4C4300FE91A080498A0E23.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4C4300FE91A080498A0E23.ttl index e93d410309f..f77917f27c1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4C4300FE91A080498A0E23.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4C4300FE91A080498A0E23.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Pogue, Michael G.; Harp, Charles E." ; dc:title "Schinia crotchii (Hy. Edwards) Revised Status" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,52 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Grote" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grote" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliothis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grote" ; - dwc:species "crotchii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bentham" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bentham" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orobanchaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthocarpus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bentham" ; - dwc:species "purpurascens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Heller)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Heller) Chuang & Heckard" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Heller) Chuang & Heckard" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orobanchaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Castilleja" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chuang & Heckard" ; - dwc:species "exserta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4E430EFE91A4B84C580E1B.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4E430EFE91A4B84C580E1B.ttl index 6ed450745e6..1b3a4e1b137 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4E430EFE91A4B84C580E1B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA2E3A4E430EFE91A4B84C580E1B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Pogue, Michael G.; Harp, Charles E." ; dc:title "Schinia deserticola Barnes and McDunnough" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,38 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Barnes and McDunnough" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barnes and McDunnough" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnes & McDunnough" ; - dwc:species "cupes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "deserticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Torr. & Frem.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Torr. & Frem.) Raven" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Torr. & Frem.) Raven" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Camissonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raven" ; - dwc:species "claviformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -157,12 +124,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "cupes" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFE0FF3FFF0F7C5CF955.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFE0FF3FFF0F7C5CF955.ttl index c020cbb9487..f8ad31efcdb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFE0FF3FFF0F7C5CF955.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFE0FF3FFF0F7C5CF955.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Tetraoninae Vigors 1825" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,65 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bonasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "umbellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Montin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Montin, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "mutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gloger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tympanuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gloger, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bonasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFEFFF3FF8017B93F908.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFEFFF3FF8017B93F908.ttl index d1354eb4e9f..7aa39a0cf3e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFEFFF3FF8017B93F908.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF0FFEFFF3FF8017B93F908.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Coragyps atratus " ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,83 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cathartidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cathartes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "aura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Haliaeetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "leucocephalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Aquila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "chrysaetos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emslie and Czaplewski 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emslie and Czaplewski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amplibuteo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emslie & Czaplewski, 1999" ; - dwc:species "concordatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miller 1909 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cathartidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coragyps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Cathartidae" ; @@ -139,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cathartidae" ; dwc:genus "Coragyps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF2FFE2FF3FFAF77EFBF8A5.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF2FFE2FF3FFAF77EFBF8A5.ttl index 5b84586706a..05910098b4b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF2FFE2FF3FFAF77EFBF8A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF2FFE2FF3FFAF77EFBF8A5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Bonasa umbellus " ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,107 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - dwc:subFamily "Tetraoninae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Richardson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Richardson, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "leucura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Falcipennis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "lagopus" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "lagopus" ; - dwc:species "lagopus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Montin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Montin, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "muta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bonasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Elliot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Falcipennis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Elliot, 1864" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; @@ -162,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; dwc:genus "Bonasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF3FFE2FF3FFB177A53FB49.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF3FFE2FF3FFB177A53FB49.ttl index e830364aa09..d9b3c654060 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF3FFE2FF3FFB177A53FB49.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF3FFE2FF3FFB177A53FB49.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Meleagridinae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,50 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Horsfield" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horsfield, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Meleagris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "gallopavo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miller 1909 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelocoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "californica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; @@ -88,11 +42,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF4FFE4FF3FFA5B7C95F851.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF4FFE4FF3FFA5B7C95F851.ttl index 1213db5c743..0d0929a4f4d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF4FFE4FF3FFA5B7C95F851.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF4FFE4FF3FFA5B7C95F851.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Anatinae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,51 +27,6 @@ dc:title "The Irvingtonian Avifauna of Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spatula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "discors" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxyura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "jamaicensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bucephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "albeola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Anatidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF5FFE4FF3FF9C37E7DFAD9.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF5FFE4FF3FF9C37E7DFAD9.ttl index b15141d0f5b..6ed81e5ad05 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF5FFE4FF3FF9C37E7DFAD9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF5FFE4FF3FF9C37E7DFAD9.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Branta dickeyi Miller 1924" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "F.Boie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chen" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boie, 1822" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Branta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vigors" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigors, 1825" ; - dwc:subFamily "Anserinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Delacour" ; - dwc:authorityName "Delacour" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Branta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delacour, 1951" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "maxima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ord" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cygnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ord, 1815)" ; - dwc:species "columbianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Anatidae" ; @@ -136,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Anatidae" ; dwc:genus "Branta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -153,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Anseriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFD4F7A4FFC03.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFD4F7A4FFC03.ttl index e94d0834c49..75d4527ffd7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFD4F7A4FFC03.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFD4F7A4FFC03.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Fringillidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,33 +27,6 @@ dc:title "The Irvingtonian Avifauna of Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Ridgway" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cardinalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ridgway, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "cardinalis" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Cardinalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cardinalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "cardinalis" ; - dwc:species "cardinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Fringillidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFE2F7E41FD6D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFE2F7E41FD6D.ttl index 5999c22ecc8..4207b4ae334 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFE2F7E41FD6D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFF9FFE9FF3FFE2F7E41FD6D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Passerellidae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "J. F. Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Emberizidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zonotrichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "albicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Passerellidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFE9FF3FF9CB7E10FECA.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFE9FF3FF9CB7E10FECA.ttl index 2c7d559ce19..64ebe2c689d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFE9FF3FF9CB7E10FECA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFE9FF3FF9CB7E10FECA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Corvidae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,170 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Strickland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyanocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strickland, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bonaparte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perisoreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonaparte, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brodkorb 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brodkorb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brodkorb, 1957" ; - dwc:species "dixi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brodkorb 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brodkorb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brodkorb, 1972" ; - dwc:species "ajax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holman 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:genus "Henocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holman, 1959" ; - dwc:species "brodkorbi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Blue Jay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blue Jay" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perisoreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blue Jay" ; - dwc:species "canadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyanocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "cristata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bosc" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1795" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelocoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bosc, 1795)" ; - dwc:species "coerulescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelocoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "californica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyanocitta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1788)" ; - dwc:species "stelleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cabanis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Corvidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelocoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabanis, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Corvidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFB637DE6FA29.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFB637DE6FA29.ttl index f025a68e05f..40908bc376c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFB637DE6FA29.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFB637DE6FA29.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Tyrannidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -29,21 +27,6 @@ dc:title "The Irvingtonian Avifauna of Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Latham" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sayornis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Latham, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "phoebe" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Tyrannidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFD077A6FFBF9.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFD077A6FFBF9.ttl index 4a70b2d560d..fb941ad6bce 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFD077A6FFBF9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFCFFECFF3FFD077A6FFBF9.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Strigidae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -30,80 +28,6 @@ dc:title "The Irvingtonian Avifauna of Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1769" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Tytonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tyto" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1769)" ; - dwc:species "alba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "otus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Surnia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "ulula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Brisson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1760" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brisson, 1760" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brodkorb and Mourer-Chauvire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megascops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brodkorb & Mourer-Chauvire, 1984)" ; - dwc:species "guildayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Strigidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFECFF3FFA647EC1FDAA.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFECFF3FFA647EC1FDAA.ttl index b4fb7fa0662..73767cfe3eb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFECFF3FFA647EC1FDAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFECFF3FFA647EC1FDAA.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Megascops guildayi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,126 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "otus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megascops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "asio" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elliot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megascops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Elliot, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "kennicottii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megascops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaup, 1848" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Brisson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1760" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brisson, 1760" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Molina" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1782" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Molina, 1782)" ; - dwc:species "cunicularia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ford & Murray 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ford & Murray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ford & Murray, 1967" ; - dwc:species "brevipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ford 1966)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ford, 1966)" ; - dwc:species "megalospeza" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Strigidae" ; @@ -181,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Strigidae" ; dwc:genus "Megascops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Strigiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFB8B7EFBFAE5.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFB8B7EFBFAE5.ttl index 4308814931f..ccfbbc92f73 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFB8B7EFBFAE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFB8B7EFBFAE5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Ectopistes migratorius " ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFEBF7BD6FC21.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFEBF7BD6FC21.ttl index cd0f84d9dc6..4b9c943f5a1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFEBF7BD6FC21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFDFFEDFF3FFEBF7BD6FC21.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Ectopistes migratorius " ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Columbidae" ; - dwc:genus "Patagioenas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Columbiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "leucocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Columbidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectopistes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Columbiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swainson, 1827" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Columbidae" ; @@ -91,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Columbidae" ; dwc:genus "Ectopistes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Columbiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FF9837D2DF80A.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FF9837D2DF80A.ttl index dff279d5ced..bfbdd7aad4d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FF9837D2DF80A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FF9837D2DF80A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Haliaeetus leucocephalus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Aquila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "chrysaetos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emslie & Czaplewski 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emslie & Czaplewski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amplibuteo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emslie & Czaplewski, 1999" ; - dwc:species "concordatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFB3B7EFBFA29.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFB3B7EFBFA29.ttl index e8dc4138247..1e7b04dc2ec 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFB3B7EFBFA29.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFB3B7EFBFA29.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Accipitridae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -29,21 +28,6 @@ dc:title "The Irvingtonian Avifauna of Cumberland Bone Cave, Maryland" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonaparte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Accipiter" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonaparte, 1828)" ; - dwc:species "cooperi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFD4F7C97FBB1.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFD4F7C97FBB1.ttl index 5f385711c38..5bf9e25b53f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFD4F7C97FBB1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFEFFEEFF3FFD4F7C97FBB1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Accipiter cooperi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,78 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vieillot, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Elanoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "forficatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rostrhamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vieillot, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "sociabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Circus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "cyaneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Buteo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1788)" ; - dwc:species "lineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; @@ -142,10 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFFFFEEFF3FF8527BE8FD62.ttl b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFFFFEEFF3FF8527BE8FD62.ttl index e57f4bdf6a0..8ca67aa0820 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFFFFEEFF3FF8527BE8FD62.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CA/03B6CA67FFFFFFEEFF3FF8527BE8FD62.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "James, Helen F." ; dc:title "Accipitrinae Vieillot 1816" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,21 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Haliaeetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Accipitriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "leucocephalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Accipitridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A44B968FF18FD66A4F85DF8.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A44B968FF18FD66A4F85DF8.ttl index 5e3533e37a8..6e22a6f0449 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A44B968FF18FD66A4F85DF8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A44B968FF18FD66A4F85DF8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Montreuil, Olivier; Frolov, Andrey V." ; dc:title "Trigonochilus macrotarsus Montreuil & Frolov 2019, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Montreuil & Frolov", "Montreuil & Frolov, 2019" ; + dwc:authority "Montreuil & Frolov" ; dwc:authorityName "Montreuil & Frolov" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fairmaire, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "oedipus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rutelidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1844" ; - dwc:tribe "Adoretini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B969FF18F870A3F55E6F.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B969FF18F870A3F55E6F.ttl index 35169156820..776a7a33ceb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B969FF18F870A3F55E6F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B969FF18F870A3F55E6F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Montreuil, Olivier; Frolov, Andrey V." ; dc:title "Trigonochilus oedipus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ dwc:authority "(Fairmaire, 1903)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fairmaire" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fairmaire" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -85,22 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Montreuil & Frolov", "Montreuil & Frolov, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Montreuil & Frolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montreuil & Frolov, 2019" ; - dwc:species "macrotarsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B96BFF18FA0AA6E75B78.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B96BFF18FA0AA6E75B78.ttl index 057b8e379a4..5ebf0383984 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B96BFF18FA0AA6E75B78.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB587A46B96BFF18FA0AA6E75B78.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Montreuil, Olivier; Frolov, Andrey V." ; dc:title "Trigonochilus Brenske 1896" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Machatschke, 1970", "Machatschke, 1970: 158" ; + dwc:authority "Machatschke, 1970: 158" ; dwc:authorityName "Machatschke" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "158" ; dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; @@ -61,69 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brenske, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brenske" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brenske, 1896" ; - dwc:species "coriaceus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Agassiz, 1846" ; - dwc:authorityName "Agassiz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agassiz, 1846" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dejean", "Dejean, 1833" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dejean" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gyrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonocheilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dejean, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brenske." ; - dwc:authorityName "Brenske." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brenske." ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A801FFFB4FB4FC2233E21C8D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A801FFFB4FB4FC2233E21C8D.ttl index 58e1469bf35..e18945de962 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A801FFFB4FB4FC2233E21C8D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A801FFFB4FB4FC2233E21C8D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis paucipunctatus Zhou & Li & Yang 2008, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,111 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hora" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Propseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hora, 1937" ; - dwc:species "tchangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McClelland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McClelland, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "paucipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A804FFFC4CABFDA234AC1DED.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A804FFFC4CABFDA234AC1DED.ttl index 271932c44f7..8cd8f074e16 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A804FFFC4CABFDA234AC1DED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A804FFFC4CABFDA234AC1DED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis stenura Ng 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,111 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McClelland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McClelland, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "paviei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "brachyurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFC4FBFFD0232291B2D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFC4FBFFD0232291B2D.ttl index dc18581aa03..7705d0ac3ff 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFC4FBFFD0232291B2D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFC4FBFFD0232291B2D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis sulcata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -81,111 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng, 2006" ; - dwc:species "eddsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chu, 1982" ; - dwc:species "immaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng, 2006" ; - dwc:species "stenura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hora" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Propseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hora, 1937" ; - dwc:species "tchangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFF4C00FB4234FB1B90.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFF4C00FB4234FB1B90.ttl index b1811818fe7..4db189c0d95 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFF4C00FB4234FB1B90.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A805FFFF4C00FB4234FB1B90.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis sulcatoides Zhou & Chu. This 1992" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,111 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", KIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "KIZ" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kiz" ; - dwc:species "stenura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", KIZ" ; - dwc:authorityName "KIZ" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kiz" ; - dwc:species "sulcatoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McClelland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McClelland, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A806FFFF4E75FA8E32C71E0D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A806FFFF4E75FA8E32C71E0D.ttl index ba5162a0535..96be968d57b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A806FFFF4E75FA8E32C71E0D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A806FFFF4E75FA8E32C71E0D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis tchangi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hora" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Propseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hora, 1937" ; - dwc:species "tchangi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A809FFF54FAEF86237501E2D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A809FFF54FAEF86237501E2D.ttl index 4092d66883b..084d183662e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A809FFF54FAEF86237501E2D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A809FFF54FAEF86237501E2D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis brachyurus Zhou & Li & Yang 2008, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -80,111 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "paviei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "stenura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "sulcatoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80CFFF74E79FE4232F91E4D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80CFFF74E79FE4232F91E4D.ttl index 8ef2c9e9b6a..87becf2d9fa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80CFFF74E79FE4232F91E4D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80CFFF74E79FE4232F91E4D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis gracilis Zhou & Li & Yang 2008, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,126 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McClelland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McClelland, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chu, 1982" ; - dwc:species "immaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Li & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008" ; - dwc:species "longipectoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80EFFF74CC1FEA136C1174D.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80EFFF74CC1FEA136C1174D.ttl index 9fb2f3ac737..368458ee5e4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80EFFF74CC1FEA136C1174D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80EFFF74CC1FEA136C1174D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis immaculatus Chu 1982" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Li & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008" ; - dwc:species "longipectoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80FFFF84FBFFF0234D11CCD.ttl b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80FFFF84FBFFF0234D11CCD.ttl index 9a0e094f90b..3eb4eb5ce00 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80FFFF84FBFFF0234D11CCD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CB/03B6CB67A80FFFF84FBFFF0234D11CCD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Wei; Li, Xu; Yang, Ying" ; dc:title "Pseudecheneis longipectoralis Zhou & Li & Yang 2008, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,111 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chu, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "sulcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McClelland" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McClelland, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng & Edds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng & Edds, 2005" ; - dwc:species "serracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sympelvica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", SWFC" ; - dwc:authorityName "SWFC" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swfc" ; - dwc:species "longipectoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou & Li & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudecheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou, Li & Yang, 2008" ; - dwc:species "paucipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Sisoridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/CD/03B6CD72D7E2E793DF3BDDEDAA2E995C.ttl b/data/03/B6/CD/03B6CD72D7E2E793DF3BDDEDAA2E995C.ttl index ca4b3106149..3149efc40bf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/CD/03B6CD72D7E2E793DF3BDDEDAA2E995C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/CD/03B6CD72D7E2E793DF3BDDEDAA2E995C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Qilemoge,; Chang, Wencheng; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Xanthochlorus gansuensis Qilemoge, Chang & Yang, 2018, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/D7/03B6D767AB37266BC0A5FD99FF53FE3A.ttl b/data/03/B6/D7/03B6D767AB37266BC0A5FD99FF53FE3A.ttl index d5b5c309f4e..90ccd9cfdc2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/D7/03B6D767AB37266BC0A5FD99FF53FE3A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/D7/03B6D767AB37266BC0A5FD99FF53FE3A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Volponi, Carola Regina" ; dc:title "Stellaria mannii Hook." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,84 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Kunth) Bartl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Colobanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunth) Bartl." ; - dwc:species "quitensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hook." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hook." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerastium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hook." ; - dwc:species "arvense" ; - dwc:variety "strictum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poir." ; - dwc:authorityName "Poir." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poir." ; - dwc:species "rotundifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brongn.) Lindl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brongn." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Codonorchis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brongn.) Lindl." ; - dwc:species "lessonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", d'Urville" ; - dwc:authorityName "d'Urville" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipactis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dUrville" ; - dwc:species "lessoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; @@ -136,22 +57,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; dwc:genus "Stellaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B411930E9AD03B1FF61FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B411930E9AD03B1FF61FF20.ttl index 2d09e8b9571..030154ef451 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B411930E9AD03B1FF61FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B411930E9AD03B1FF61FF20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Cochlidium serrulatum L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -81,22 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hook.) Labiak" ; - dwc:authorityName "Labiak" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hook." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenogrammitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hook.) Labiak" ; - dwc:species "jamesonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B421932E9AD0672FEFDFB9C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B421932E9AD0672FEFDFB9C.ttl index fd0d26eb61c..ad34e15f92a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B421932E9AD0672FEFDFB9C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B421932E9AD0672FEFDFB9C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia pilipes L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD031EFDEFF8F0.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD031EFDEFF8F0.ttl index dc113167ecb..eec453d4d94 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD031EFDEFF8F0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD031EFDEFF8F0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia madidiensis M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Organisms Diversity Evol." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wedd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Wedd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polylepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wedd." ; - dwc:species "sericea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD06DEFC01FB0C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD06DEFC01FB0C.ttl index ec13282755e..9a7ccd71d44 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD06DEFC01FB0C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD06DEFC01FB0C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia kalawayae M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Organisms Diversity Evol." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ceradenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD0776FC8BFC50.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD0776FC8BFC50.ttl index 9afce19bbdf..54c12d0cb7e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD0776FC8BFC50.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B431933E9AD0776FC8BFC50.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia jungermannioides L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0184FF52FA8A.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0184FF52FA8A.ttl index 3c7e199ca8a..21a79c6d650 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0184FF52FA8A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0184FF52FA8A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia clavipila M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Organisms Diversity Evol." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Poma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fuentes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peckham & Peckham, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0334FB87F8DA.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0334FB87F8DA.ttl index 44c5f3f0a7e..04f5d0a6532 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0334FB87F8DA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD0334FB87F8DA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ceradenia discolor L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD061CFF70FBAA.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD061CFF70FBAA.ttl index ff60c2b39d2..9aa2958eb8f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD061CFF70FBAA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B441934E9AD061CFF70FBAA.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Ceradenia capillaris L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD049BFCD2FD53.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD049BFCD2FD53.ttl index ab96aeb3a9b..d351a581d9f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD049BFCD2FD53.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD049BFCD2FD53.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ascogrammitis clathrata Sundue & M. Kessler, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD06B7FEE0FB5B.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD06B7FEE0FB5B.ttl index f930e4b32b0..d72e1c6656a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD06B7FEE0FB5B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B461936E9AD06B7FEE0FB5B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ascogrammitis dilatata Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -76,22 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", de Boer 1161" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Boer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1161" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Boer, 1161" ; - dwc:species "carrascoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B471937E9AD0304FE29F87A.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B471937E9AD0304FE29F87A.ttl index 05dd7afaaca..319088defb6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B471937E9AD0304FE29F87A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B471937E9AD0304FE29F87A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Ascogrammitis anfractuosa Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -107,12 +106,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ascogrammitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -177,12 +171,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Melpomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B481937E9AD0286FF49FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B481937E9AD0286FF49FF20.ttl index 7e340ed8e35..c37938cf1ab 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B481937E9AD0286FF49FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B481937E9AD0286FF49FF20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Alansmia stella Moguel & M. Kessler, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,38 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Desv.) Moguel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moguel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Desv." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alansmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Desv.) Moguel" ; - dwc:species "lanigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Desv.) A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Desv." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Terpsichore" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Desv.) Sm." ; - dwc:species "lanigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491938E9AD03EEFBD2FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491938E9AD03EEFBD2FF20.ttl index c5b700a6fb8..c103bee9ca4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491938E9AD03EEFBD2FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491938E9AD03EEFBD2FF20.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Alansmia elastica Moguel & M. Kessler, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -140,12 +139,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Alansmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491939E9AD01AFFA96FA87.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491939E9AD01AFFA96FA87.ttl index 72fede57987..4343b27ec86 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491939E9AD01AFFA96FA87.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B491939E9AD01AFFA96FA87.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Alansmia contacta Moguel & M. Kessler, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B511921E9AD07A4FC1CFBB6.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B511921E9AD07A4FC1CFBB6.ttl index c232236c9dd..f21e61c030f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B511921E9AD07A4FC1CFBB6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B511921E9AD07A4FC1CFBB6.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Zygophlebia dudleyi L. E. Bishop, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,21 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. E. Bishop" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. E. Bishop" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygophlebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bishop" ; - dwc:species "werffii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; @@ -94,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Zygophlebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B531923E9AD0409FD85FD9C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B531923E9AD0409FD85FD9C.ttl index 2f0b23eccff..715fe5e2ac6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B531923E9AD0409FD85FD9C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B531923E9AD0409FD85FD9C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Mycopteris semihirsuta Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541923E9AD023AFBE0FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541923E9AD023AFBE0FF20.ttl index 5908503f3d8..50fd4edd4c0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541923E9AD023AFBE0FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541923E9AD023AFBE0FF20.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Mycopteris praeceps Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD00D4FE89F8F2.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD00D4FE89F8F2.ttl index 074af1456d4..65cf8a062a1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD00D4FE89F8F2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD00D4FE89F8F2.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Mycopteris longicaulis Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -75,12 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Mycopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD019BFEABFA53.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD019BFEABFA53.ttl index 2f0f3d277a9..7caefde5295 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD019BFEABFA53.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B541924E9AD019BFEABFA53.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Mycopteris amphidasyon Sundue, Brittonia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B551925E9AD04C2FE9DFCE0.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B551925E9AD04C2FE9DFCE0.ttl index 8c87a80149f..a27209f69a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B551925E9AD04C2FE9DFCE0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B551925E9AD04C2FE9DFCE0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Moranopteris taenifolia R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -110,12 +109,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Moranopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561925E9AD0214FD00FE6C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561925E9AD0214FD00FE6C.ttl index e1f05914539..27a47dcd460 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561925E9AD0214FD00FE6C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561925E9AD0214FD00FE6C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Moranopteris longisetosa R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,52 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Micropolypodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1992)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kaulf.) R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kaulf." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Moranopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kaulf.) Hirai & Prado" ; - dwc:species "achilleifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baker) R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Moranopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baker) Hirai & Prado" ; - dwc:species "gradata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; @@ -123,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Moranopteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -175,12 +122,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Terpsichore" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD00DBFD50F914.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD00DBFD50F914.ttl index 19aa91ab5ff..6e8bd1aa499 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD00DBFD50F914.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD00DBFD50F914.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Moranopteris caucana R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD0681FD7BFB92.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD0681FD7BFB92.ttl index 59dc186e206..677f806cdbc 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD0681FD7BFB92.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B561926E9AD0681FD7BFB92.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Moranopteris aphelolepis R. Y. Hirai & J. Prado" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B571927E9AD0456FD70FD94.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B571927E9AD0456FD70FD94.ttl index 824738631a6..333907a65a0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B571927E9AD0456FD70FD94.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B571927E9AD0456FD70FD94.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene personata Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581927E9AD025EFCE0FED8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581927E9AD025EFCE0FED8.ttl index fe2f94ef475..6bdd7fa2181 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581927E9AD025EFCE0FED8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581927E9AD025EFCE0FED8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene paradoxa Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581928E9AD0476FC1BFBE8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581928E9AD0476FC1BFBE8.ttl index 0aea2430a4a..8e1c2917b81 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581928E9AD0476FC1BFBE8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B581928E9AD0476FC1BFBE8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene melanosticta A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran, Novon" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -81,22 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(M. Martens & Galeotti) A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "M. Martens & Galeotti" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melpomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Martens & Galeotti) Sm. & Moran" ; - dwc:species "pilosissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; @@ -110,12 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Melpomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591928E9AD03D0FE00FEB8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591928E9AD03D0FE00FEB8.ttl index a1640c803ae..360f12680e6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591928E9AD03D0FE00FEB8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591928E9AD03D0FE00FEB8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene gracilis A. R. Sm., Novon" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melpomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; - dwc:species "jimenezii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591929E9AD0094FE2DF958.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591929E9AD0094FE2DF958.ttl index ae946469891..931d013a5f6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591929E9AD0094FE2DF958.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B591929E9AD0094FE2DF958.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene flagellata Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD004AFD67F958.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD004AFD67F958.ttl index 374c041e48d..7cbdb6d21de 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD004AFD67F958.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD004AFD67F958.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene allosuroides A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran, Novon" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD03D6FD70F838.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD03D6FD70F838.ttl index a5ecf4af56d..6bb517cb601 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD03D6FD70F838.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5A192AE9AD03D6FD70F838.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Melpomene caput-gorgonis Lehnert, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD004CFB40F8CD.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD004CFB40F8CD.ttl index 1e6187c16f5..227d1eaee7b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD004CFB40F8CD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD004CFB40F8CD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria subsessilis A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD063CFD48FBD7.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD063CFD48FBD7.ttl index cd6cd85e61c..5e27c54ff87 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD063CFD48FBD7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD063CFD48FBD7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria pseudotenuicula Labiak, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fee) A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fee" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fee) Sm. & Moran" ; - dwc:species "tenuicula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD0726FC3FFCED.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD0726FC3FFCED.ttl index fe4f06f36cb..4c2fa0a74a2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD0726FC3FFCED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5C192CE9AD0726FC3FFCED.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria pseudocapillaris A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,21 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rosenst., Meded. Rijks-Herb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rosenst., Meded. Rijks-Herb." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rosenst., Meded. Rijks-Herb." ; - dwc:species "pseudocapillare" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD00D1FF62F939.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD00D1FF62F939.ttl index 9dbcef714f9..cfbec974710 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD00D1FF62F939.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD00D1FF62F939.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria flagellipinnata M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Organisms Diversity Evol." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD03F1FB03F7F5.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD03F1FB03F7F5.ttl index e2b7c31e977..85ccfda872a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD03F1FB03F7F5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD03F1FB03F7F5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria jimenezii Labiak, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Maxon) A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Maxon" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Maxon) Sm. & Moran" ; - dwc:species "oreophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "sensu Labiak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Labiak, 2013" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; @@ -87,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD0475FD6FFD71.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD0475FD6FFD71.ttl index ef949593727..7b84aac2e5d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD0475FD6FFD71.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD0475FD6FFD71.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria apiculata A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD06FDFE94FA59.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD06FDFE94FA59.ttl index 649656a7eb8..f538e9d1af6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD06FDFE94FA59.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD06FDFE94FA59.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria ciliolepis A. R. Sm., Novon" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -96,22 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Rosenst.) A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rosenst." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rosenst.) Sm. & Moran" ; - dwc:species "tungurahuae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD07B9FB46FC2D.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD07B9FB46FC2D.ttl index 13a6cee2d17..0c9522a7d18 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD07B9FB46FC2D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5D192DE9AD07B9FB46FC2D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Lellingeria calolepis Labiak, Fl. Neotrop. Monogr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Copel.) A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Copel." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lellingeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Copel.) Sm. & Moran" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5E192EE9AD05A2FD6FFEB4.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5E192EE9AD05A2FD6FFEB4.ttl index c5fc504d587..45d6c29fb2a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5E192EE9AD05A2FD6FFEB4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5E192EE9AD05A2FD6FFEB4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Grammitis setosora M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Organisms Diversity Evol." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5F192FE9AD0037FDA8F96F.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5F192FE9AD0037FDA8F96F.ttl index 32de826bf85..198e6598d1e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5F192FE9AD0037FDA8F96F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B5F192FE9AD0037FDA8F96F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Grammitis bryophila F. Seym., Phytologia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,21 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fee" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Grammitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fee" ; - dwc:species "fluminensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B60190FE9AD023EFAE5FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B60190FE9AD023EFAE5FF20.ttl index d2fc921aac2..110bdbe973e 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B60190FE9AD023EFAE5FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B60190FE9AD023EFAE5FF20.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma perpinnata M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B601910E9AD05A2FC48FE6C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B601910E9AD05A2FC48FE6C.ttl index cb29486b3bd..ac9c1db1924 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B601910E9AD05A2FC48FE6C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B601910E9AD05A2FC48FE6C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma hygrometrica M. G. Price, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621911E9AD0281FC9DFEB8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621911E9AD0281FC9DFEB8.ttl index dfe25565aef..c8624580906 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621911E9AD0281FC9DFEB8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621911E9AD0281FC9DFEB8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma divaricata Mickel & Beitel, Mem." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD01D5FEAEF9ED.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD01D5FEAEF9ED.ttl index ff43e28ef77..e0378f0a032 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD01D5FEAEF9ED.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD01D5FEAEF9ED.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma curvans M. G. Price, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD033DFDDCF8CD.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD033DFDDCF8CD.ttl index d23b1b62973..94dcb5ce5c5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD033DFDDCF8CD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD033DFDDCF8CD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma dispersa M. G. Price, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(A. M. Evans) M. G. Price" ; - dwc:authorityName "M. G. Price" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. M. Evans" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Evans) Price" ; - dwc:species "atra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD05E5FF5FFE49.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD05E5FF5FFE49.ttl index c82c1dec8ce..d094ccc00cd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD05E5FF5FFE49.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B621912E9AD05E5FF5FFE49.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma absidata M. G. Price, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B641914E9AD0452FB09FDC1.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B641914E9AD0452FB09FDC1.ttl index 7e069930f0d..8bd3018d358 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B641914E9AD0452FB09FDC1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B641914E9AD0452FB09FDC1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Niphidium rufosquamatum Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lellinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lellinger, 1973)" ; - dwc:species "albopunctatissimum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; @@ -73,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Niphidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD00C7FBCCF96F.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD00C7FBCCF96F.ttl index 35e88852f73..74770426e79 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD00C7FBCCF96F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD00C7FBCCF96F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Niphidium anocarpos Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD03C3FC56F897.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD03C3FC56F897.ttl index 5ef9a056b49..5d3ebc3bf1a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD03C3FC56F897.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B651915E9AD03C3FC56F897.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Niphidium carinatum Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD00F5FC16F8F1.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD00F5FC16F8F1.ttl index 8470d7e7a3a..32653a02672 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD00F5FC16F8F1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD00F5FC16F8F1.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma ulei Stolze, Fieldiana, Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD018DFDDBFA35.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD018DFDDBFA35.ttl index 4e8decf3d86..c4742c6c9b7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD018DFDDBFA35.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD018DFDDBFA35.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma tobagensis C. D. Adams & Baksh." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD0649FD34FB9D.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD0649FD34FB9D.ttl index 745d825e0a4..52f5b165ee6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD0649FD34FB9D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B661916E9AD0649FD34FB9D.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Microgramma thurnii R. M. Tryon & Stolze, Fieldiana, Bot." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671916E9AD02EDFE40FEB5.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671916E9AD02EDFE40FEB5.ttl index 6893d19864d..244a3f0df30 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671916E9AD02EDFE40FEB5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671916E9AD02EDFE40FEB5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma rosmarinifolia R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon, Rhodora" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0065FE89F9A5.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0065FE89F9A5.ttl index fae45cd42d0..e412da77844 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0065FE89F9A5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0065FE89F9A5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma persicariifolia C. Presl, Tent. Pterid." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0385FA97F83D.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0385FA97F83D.ttl index 9dff6fc0629..9e07fcfcc4b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0385FA97F83D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0385FA97F83D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma reptans A. R. Sm., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0409FF73FE25.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0409FF73FE25.ttl index 092d686aa1e..4f11c9ca64b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0409FF73FE25.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B671917E9AD0409FF73FE25.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma megalophylla de la Sota, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -73,12 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Microgramma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD018FFAADF9CF.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD018FFAADF9CF.ttl index ef0daa49d38..f9316f1b9c1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD018FFAADF9CF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD018FFAADF9CF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma dictyophylla de la Sota, Novon" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -124,12 +123,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Microgramma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD0363FA96F88B.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD0363FA96F88B.ttl index 61c89c07b9f..6d7e1329ba2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD0363FA96F88B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD0363FA96F88B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Microgramma latevagans Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -74,12 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Microgramma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD074FFB49FCE7.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD074FFB49FCE7.ttl index 907afb2e4bd..eaa819864a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD074FFB49FCE7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B681918E9AD074FFB49FCE7.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Microgramma baldwinii Brade, Arch. Jard. Bot." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0089FA0BF981.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0089FA0BF981.ttl index 75e40cfbde8..1169161ed04 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0089FA0BF981.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0089FA0BF981.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum solutum Fee, Mem. Foug." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0145FEFDFAA1.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0145FEFDFAA1.ttl index 87be852109d..b790dff1b48 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0145FEFDFAA1.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0145FEFDFAA1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum serpentinum Ching, Sunyatsenia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Willd.) C. Presl" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. Presl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Willd." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Campyloneurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Willd.) Presl" ; - dwc:species "fasciale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD03A9FA82F861.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD03A9FA82F861.ttl index 8cbc0decdc8..b6969c798fb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD03A9FA82F861.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD03A9FA82F861.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum sphenodes Fee, Mem. Foug." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD04E1FCF4FD29.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD04E1FCF4FD29.ttl index 19c5c8cbb2a..eb03e45f4ca 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD04E1FCF4FD29.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD04E1FCF4FD29.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum poloense" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0601FB2CFBE5.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0601FB2CFBE5.ttl index ab2945a74a3..9bb10038ec1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0601FB2CFBE5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6A191AE9AD0601FB2CFBE5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum repens C. Presl, Tent. Pterid." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD025CFC5EF7D6.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD025CFC5EF7D6.ttl index 6224aef1037..71eea0f96a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD025CFC5EF7D6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD025CFC5EF7D6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum pascoense R. M. Tryon & A. F. Tryon, Rhodora" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hieron.) Ching" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ching" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hieron." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Campyloneurum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hieron.) Ching" ; - dwc:species "tucumanense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD033CFB74F8D2.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD033CFB74F8D2.ttl index 3ccb8a7506c..555daf931e3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD033CFB74F8D2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD033CFB74F8D2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum ophiocaulon Fee, Mem. Foug." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD042CFE93FD9A.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD042CFE93FD9A.ttl index 10f3ccdb61a..022814865ce 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD042CFE93FD9A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6B191BE9AD042CFE93FD9A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum magnificum T. Moore, Index Fil." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -120,12 +119,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Polypodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191BE9AD0280FBADFF02.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191BE9AD0280FBADFF02.ttl index efa5a254808..254e15333df 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191BE9AD0280FBADFF02.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191BE9AD0280FBADFF02.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum lorentzii Ching, Sunyatsenia" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD000AFD51F9E5.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD000AFD51F9E5.ttl index 774eb5a80b5..532feb4c227 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD000AFD51F9E5.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD000AFD51F9E5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum densifolium Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0347FB29F8A8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0347FB29F8A8.ttl index acab4ef17d0..8b28491901d 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0347FB29F8A8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0347FB29F8A8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum fuscosquamatum Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0660FE4AFB26.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0660FE4AFB26.ttl index 238fafa39b5..33fd34b1119 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0660FE4AFB26.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6C191CE9AD0660FE4AFB26.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum coarctatum Fee, Mem. Foug." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191CE9AD0281FD37FF20.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191CE9AD0281FD37FF20.ttl index 13988780c92..0a5d0c4d26c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191CE9AD0281FD37FF20.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191CE9AD0281FD37FF20.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum austrobrasilianum de la Sota, Opera Lilloana" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191DE9AD06B5FC2AFB55.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191DE9AD06B5FC2AFB55.ttl index 9fbb6254cd3..cc37b68474b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191DE9AD06B5FC2AFB55.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6D191DE9AD06B5FC2AFB55.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum angustipaleatum Lellinger, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191DE9AD02B8FDE1FE25.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191DE9AD02B8FDE1FE25.ttl index d04b16ae27a..dca4da2adb9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191DE9AD02B8FDE1FE25.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191DE9AD02B8FDE1FE25.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum amphostenon Fee, Mem. Foug." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0054FB29F996.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0054FB29F996.ttl index f6d7ec959af..f5073c43ad6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0054FB29F996.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0054FB29F996.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum abruptum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0398FCD4F89A.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0398FCD4F89A.ttl index 906463c1c7a..5df520a512b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0398FCD4F89A.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B6E191EE9AD0398FCD4F89A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Campyloneurum aglaolepis de la Sota, Opera Lilloana" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B741904E9AD05A2FC90FE48.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B741904E9AD05A2FC90FE48.ttl index 6c3ec94a978..be6879c5870 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B741904E9AD05A2FC90FE48.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B741904E9AD05A2FC90FE48.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon richardii A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Klotzsch) A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klotzsch" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Serpocaulon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klotzsch) Sm." ; - dwc:species "adnatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD03D2FD0AF818.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD03D2FD0AF818.ttl index aed74d1a467..bcca56e4eb5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD03D2FD0AF818.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD03D2FD0AF818.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon ptilorhizon A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD040EFE0BFE00.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD040EFE0BFE00.ttl index a9f147326db..05b4f52bbe7 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD040EFE0BFE00.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B751905E9AD040EFE0BFE00.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon lasiopus A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD0102FE93FB30.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD0102FE93FB30.ttl index 26043df3b2f..b797d9eae80 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD0102FE93FB30.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD0102FE93FB30.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon fraxinifolium A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD01FEFDC3F9C8.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD01FEFDC3F9C8.ttl index 023a371039e..c9a430c0aeb 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD01FEFDC3F9C8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD01FEFDC3F9C8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon funckii A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Kunze) A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kunze" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Serpocaulon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kunze) Sm." ; - dwc:species "dasypleuron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD07BEFE88FC2C.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD07BEFE88FC2C.ttl index d57e34450a3..d2c2048f022 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD07BEFE88FC2C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B761906E9AD07BEFE88FC2C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon crystalloneuron A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B771907E9AD0151FF6EFAB9.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B771907E9AD0151FF6EFAB9.ttl index 1f1bc33136e..b33089f58f5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B771907E9AD0151FF6EFAB9.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B771907E9AD0151FF6EFAB9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Serpocaulon appressum A. R. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B791909E9AD0702FAF6FD11.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B791909E9AD0702FAF6FD11.ttl index 31fb0e9de78..ad3d01fb334 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B791909E9AD0702FAF6FD11.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B791909E9AD0702FAF6FD11.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pleopeltis remota A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -72,12 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pleopeltis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD044DFB1AFDA2.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD044DFB1AFDA2.ttl index f6720ed6c00..ddd870f71bd 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD044DFB1AFDA2.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD044DFB1AFDA2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pleopeltis fraseri A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD078EFD92FC85.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD078EFD92FC85.ttl index 90dd4ed8e3c..62cfa50dd1f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD078EFD92FC85.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7A190AE9AD078EFD92FC85.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pleopeltis intermedia M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7B190AE9AD0215FEFDFEDF.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7B190AE9AD0215FEFDFEDF.ttl index bd5e7d74c35..c34a6439b03 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7B190AE9AD0215FEFDFEDF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7B190AE9AD0215FEFDFEDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pleopeltis desvauxii Salino, Amer. Fern J." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,52 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; - dwc:authorityName "M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleopeltis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kessler & Sm., Candollea" ; - dwc:species "disjuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schltdl. & Cham." ; - dwc:authorityName "Schltdl. & Cham." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schltdl. & Cham." ; - dwc:species "furfuraceum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schltdl. & Cham.) A. R. Sm. & Tejero" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. R. Sm. & Tejero" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schltdl. & Cham." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleopeltis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schltdl. & Cham.) Sm. & Tejero" ; - dwc:species "furfuracea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7C190CE9AD0358FC88F922.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7C190CE9AD0358FC88F922.ttl index 215f7f7247a..5a053451791 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7C190CE9AD0358FC88F922.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7C190CE9AD0358FC88F922.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pleopeltis appressa M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD0262FA84F7D0.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD0262FA84F7D0.ttl index 8cd500b5909..6b1ea4cd919 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD0262FA84F7D0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD0262FA84F7D0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma robusta M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -123,12 +122,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pecluma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "ptilodon" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD040EFDDCFCBC.ttl b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD040EFDDCFCBC.ttl index 00646987453..001a57d8fa6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD040EFDDCFCBC.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DA/03B6DA7F7B7F190FE9AD040EFDDCFCBC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smith, Alan R.; Kessler, Michael; León, Blanca; Almeida, Thaís Elias; Jiménez-Pérez, Iván; Lehnert, Marcus" ; dc:title "Pecluma pilosa M. Kessler & A. R. Sm., Candollea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,38 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mett.) M. G. Price" ; - dwc:authorityName "M. G. Price" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mett." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pecluma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mett.) Price" ; - dwc:species "consimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hieron.) R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Moran" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hieron." ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pecluma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hieron.) Moran" ; - dwc:species "pastazensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFB6FFFDB5B6FF1F3D13FB9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFB6FFFDB5B6FF1F3D13FB9E.ttl index 26d19f1f2ad..c364ea6c46b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFB6FFFDB5B6FF1F3D13FB9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFB6FFFDB5B6FF1F3D13FB9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Zhi-Teng" ; dc:title "Rhopalopsole vespertilio Chen & Du 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wu, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemoura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu, 1926" ; - dwc:species "nankinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Klapalek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalopsole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klapalek, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yang & Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalopsole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Yang, 1995" ; - dwc:species "hamata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; dwc:genus "Rhopalopsole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFBFFFFCB5B6FB2F3A23F844.ttl b/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFBFFFFCB5B6FB2F3A23F844.ttl index 7252597072f..f9e1fb6e0fa 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFBFFFFCB5B6FB2F3A23F844.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DC/03B6DC38FFBFFFFCB5B6FB2F3A23F844.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Chen, Zhi-Teng" ; dc:title "Nemoura nankinensis Wu 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD8FFF1FF379183D3A0FC61.ttl b/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD8FFF1FF379183D3A0FC61.ttl index 4cc5914c8fe..d90a69bf3a8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD8FFF1FF379183D3A0FC61.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD8FFF1FF379183D3A0FC61.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Cai, Yixiong" ; dc:title "Atydina Cai, 2010, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nobili, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nobili" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caridina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nobili, 1900" ; - dwc:species "atyoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Atyidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD9FFF3FF379207D49DFF21.ttl b/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD9FFF3FF379207D49DFF21.ttl index 566c3a4f112..992f21d1df3 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD9FFF3FF379207D49DFF21.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DD/03B6DD58FFD9FFF3FF379207D49DFF21.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cai, Yixiong" ; dc:title "Atydina atyoides Nobili 1900, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -64,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nobili" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nobili" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atydina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nobili" ; - dwc:species "atyoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Atyidae" ; @@ -98,11 +82,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Atyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748204FFCDFF7F38EFFD2CE1BA.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748204FFCDFF7F38EFFD2CE1BA.ttl index dd31c12e223..3ecffb7c597 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748204FFCDFF7F38EFFD2CE1BA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748204FFCDFF7F38EFFD2CE1BA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris rubida subsp. turbata SHESTAKOV 1918" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -33,8 +32,6 @@ dwc:authority "SHESTAKOV, 1918" ; dwc:authorityName "SHESTAKOV" ; dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Shestakov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; @@ -49,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(JURINE)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "JURINE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jurine, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "rubida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; @@ -79,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "rubida" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748208FFC8FF7F3EAAFF12E735.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748208FFC8FF7F3EAAFF12E735.ttl index 703ff8e63e6..dd47296f18f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748208FFC8FF7F3EAAFF12E735.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748208FFC8FF7F3EAAFF12E735.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris quinquefasciata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748218FFD1FF7F3BC2FD1EE618.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748218FFD1FF7F3BC2FD1EE618.ttl index 5490f21ce84..22664111d2f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748218FFD1FF7F3BC2FD1EE618.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748218FFD1FF7F3BC2FD1EE618.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris adelpha KOHL 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "KLUG, 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "KLUG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klug, 1845" ; - dwc:species "albicincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74821AFFD3FF7F3807FDABE612.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74821AFFD3FF7F3807FDABE612.ttl index d34db7650cc..9896dec77c6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74821AFFD3FF7F3807FDABE612.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74821AFFD3FF7F3807FDABE612.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris bicincta subsp. leucozonica SCHLETTERER 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "KLUG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klug, 1835" ; - dwc:species "bicincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; @@ -76,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cerceris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "bicincta" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748233FFFAFF7F38C8FDC7E340.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748233FFFAFF7F38C8FDC7E340.ttl index 51c50406c27..f83873d9917 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748233FFFAFF7F38C8FDC7E340.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF748233FFFAFF7F38C8FDC7E340.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris vagans RADOSZKOWSKI 1877" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74823BFFF7FF7F394DFDEEE35B.ttl b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74823BFFF7FF7F394DFDEEE35B.ttl index 3dd42cba372..18ef6a60dd1 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74823BFFF7FF7F394DFDEEE35B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/DF/03B6DF74823BFFF7FF7F394DFDEEE35B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Cerceris sabulosa" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Stbr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Stbr." ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Myalinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Joannina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myalinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stbr." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341520025B259F8D25FE6496DB.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341520025B259F8D25FE6496DB.ttl index 3d1806da5e8..281413b2eab 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341520025B259F8D25FE6496DB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341520025B259F8D25FE6496DB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Anaulaciulus inaequipes Enghoff 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anaulaciulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -74,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Anaulaciulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415330248259F8CB1FE6595C0.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415330248259F8CB1FE6595C0.ttl index 49611d8bbe2..6a7af7cf22a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415330248259F8CB1FE6595C0.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415330248259F8CB1FE6595C0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus Mauries 1983" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,1014 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mauries, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chromatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mauries, 1983" ; - dwc:species "loebli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "ivanloebli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "appendiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pocock, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pocock, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "birmanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "brachymeritus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "brevipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "calcica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "chinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "coxahaerens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "crassiseta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Attems, 1938)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Attems" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Attems, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "crassus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "degerboelae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "deharvengi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "dhaulagiri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "distiporus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "eulobos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "falcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "fan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Korsos & Lazanyi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:species "formosae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "fraterdraconis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "generalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "grallator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "hyalilobus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "immaturus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "insulaemontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "juxtapositus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "koh" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "longipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "malaisei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "martensi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "mauriesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "maximus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "mesodon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "muli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "nigrescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "operculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "pan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "pineti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "polyakis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "pygmaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "querceti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "rhaphimeritus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "rugiflagrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pocock, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pocock, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "septemlineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "sichuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "sinclairi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mauries, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "smetanai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "sympatricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Korsos & Lazanyi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:species "taiwanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "tianbaoshanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "tibetanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "uncus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "velodentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "weixi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "wuermlii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "xenognathos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Korsos & Lazanyi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Korsos & Lazanyi, 2013" ; - dwc:species "yaeyamaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "yunnanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "zachonoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341533024A259F8806FCAD9767.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341533024A259F8806FCAD9767.ttl index 97ab6c84d5a..239d65384ed 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341533024A259F8806FCAD9767.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E1341533024A259F8806FCAD9767.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus sichuanensis Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enghoff, 1987" ; - dwc:species "polyakis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415340241259F8B55FBB79007.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415340241259F8B55FBB79007.ttl index 0ae1fbd470a..f29291518a2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415340241259F8B55FBB79007.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415340241259F8B55FBB79007.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus muli Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mauries, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415380245259F8915FAE59743.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415380245259F8915FAE59743.ttl index e18d3a8939a..433bc27ca41 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415380245259F8915FAE59743.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E13415380245259F8915FAE59743.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus pallidus Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "muli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "tianbaoshanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153B0243259F8AB8FCA19537.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153B0243259F8AB8FCA19537.ttl index 578d45ed618..9eb81b630e0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153B0243259F8AB8FCA19537.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153B0243259F8AB8FCA19537.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus tianbaoshanensis Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "muli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mauries, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153C025B259F8916FC1F9127.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153C025B259F8916FC1F9127.ttl index 53950bba35a..1322acbf084 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153C025B259F8916FC1F9127.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153C025B259F8916FC1F9127.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus immaturus Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,81 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mauries, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "weixi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Enghoff et al. 1993)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Enghoff, 1993)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Enghoff 1987)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Enghoff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Enghoff, 1987)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -135,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153E0247259F8B8EFBB79223.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153E0247259F8B8EFBB79223.ttl index 035cb05aab3..483eedca253 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153E0247259F8B8EFBB79223.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E134153E0247259F8B8EFBB79223.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Nepalmatoiulus weixi Mikhaljova 2020, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mauries" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mauries, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2020" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -90,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Nepalmatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF8FF84FF49715BCF8579CD.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF8FF84FF49715BCF8579CD.ttl index 49bddb7724c..3229cb7168c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF8FF84FF49715BCF8579CD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF8FF84FF49715BCF8579CD.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kumar, Hirdesh; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Letana mursinga Ingrisch & Shishodia 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Letana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 1987" ; - dwc:species "braehyptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Letana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 1990" ; - dwc:species "emanueli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; @@ -104,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF9FF86FF4972B5C9DA78FB.ttl b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF9FF86FF4972B5C9DA78FB.ttl index c46bd628693..4012198d9b8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF9FF86FF4972B5C9DA78FB.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E1/03B6E143FFF9FF86FF4972B5C9DA78FB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kumar, Hirdesh; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Letana Walker 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, F." ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker, F." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Letana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, F." ; - dwc:species "linearis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hebard, 1922" ; - dwc:tribe "Letanini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uvarov, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uvarov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Himertula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uvarov, 1940" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Phaneropteridae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFC3FF8AFF332C2FFC792044.ttl b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFC3FF8AFF332C2FFC792044.ttl index cfdf0abee02..aaa842085af 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFC3FF8AFF332C2FFC792044.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFC3FF8AFF332C2FFC792044.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xiao; Li, Yan; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) serotina Alexander 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Alexander, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Alexander" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elephantomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Alexander, 1928" ; - dwc:species "luculenta" ; - dwc:subGenus "Elephantomyia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCBFF84FF332E4EFA2921CA.ttl b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCBFF84FF332E4EFA2921CA.ttl index 1bde6e8c8a1..38b6e8a8894 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCBFF84FF332E4EFA2921CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCBFF84FF332E4EFA2921CA.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xiao; Li, Yan; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Elephantomyia" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,21 +26,6 @@ dc:title "A review of the genus Elephantomyia Osten Sacken from China, with descriptions of two new species (Diptera, Limoniidae)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Elephantomyodes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Elephantomyodes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elephantomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Elephantomyodes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCDFF8EFF3328E6FA8F21D8.ttl b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCDFF8EFF3328E6FA8F21D8.ttl index cab79d6940d..b6a920134f4 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCDFF8EFF3328E6FA8F21D8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFCDFF8EFF3328E6FA8F21D8.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Zhang, Xiao; Li, Yan; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) laohegouensis Zhang, Li & Yang, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFDBFF94FF332854FBE6203C.ttl b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFDBFF94FF332854FBE6203C.ttl index b6580dbfbf0..26d04057f28 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFDBFF94FF332854FBE6203C.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E4/03B6E43FFFDBFF94FF332854FBE6203C.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Zhang, Xiao; Li, Yan; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Elephantomyia (Elephantomyodes) tianmushana Zhang, Li & Yang, 2015, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E934FF855C554BD944ECFD5CFD07.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E934FF855C554BD944ECFD5CFD07.ttl index 8f83da1b6cb..2b8e4db93d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E934FF855C554BD944ECFD5CFD07.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E934FF855C554BD944ECFD5CFD07.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xu, Biao; Song, Jiage; Xi, Pinggen; Jiang, Zide" ; dc:title "Pustula junggarensis B. Xu & Z. D. Jiang 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pall.) Nazarova" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nazarova" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pall." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Takhtajaniantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pall.) Nazarova" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Peronosporea" ; dwc:family "Albuginaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Peronosporea" ; - dwc:family "Albuginaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pustula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Albuginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Oomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA40FF61AE935F1AFCFA.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA40FF61AE935F1AFCFA.ttl index 707d66e620c..1dc60cf2305 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA40FF61AE935F1AFCFA.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA40FF61AE935F1AFCFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Paguritherium Reinhard 1945" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reinhard, 1945" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhard, 1945" ; - dwc:species "alatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Detorre & Williams & Boyko, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Detorre & Williams & Boyko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Detorre, Williams & Boyko, 2023" ; - dwc:species "manggagaway" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA42FF61ACAF58F9FC9E.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA42FF61ACAF58F9FC9E.ttl index 921ee17e220..bd7fa7ff333 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA42FF61ACAF58F9FC9E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC5CA42FF61ACAF58F9FC9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Paguritherium alatum Reinhard 1945" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Reinhard 1945", "Reinhard, 1945" ; + dwc:authority "Reinhard, 1945" ; dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -63,37 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Say" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Paguridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pagurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Say, 1817" ; - dwc:species "longicarpus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pinhey, 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pinhey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; - dwc:family "Acartiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acartia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Calanoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pinhey, 1926" ; - dwc:species "hudsonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC7CA58FF61AC8B58A2FA26.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC7CA58FF61AC8B58A2FA26.ttl index 17260676259..fe492c5ad0a 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC7CA58FF61AC8B58A2FA26.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC7CA58FF61AC8B58A2FA26.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Paguritherium manggagaway Detorre & Williams & Boyko 2023, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,128 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "H. Milne Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Diogenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calcinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne Edwards, 1848" ; - dwc:species "gaimardii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Randall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Diogenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calcinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Randall, 1840" ; - dwc:species "latens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Roding, 1798)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roding" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Muricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drupella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roding, 1798)" ; - dwc:species "cornus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams, Boyko & Madad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bopyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bopyrissa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, Boyko & Madad, 2019" ; - dwc:species "marami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhard, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhard, 1945" ; - dwc:species "alatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shiino, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shiino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entoniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shiino, 1942" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(De Haan, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Porcellanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Petrolisthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Haan, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; @@ -183,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC8CA4DFF61ABD75894F81E.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC8CA4DFF61ABD75894F81E.ttl index a6fb718297e..5abc3f06eca 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC8CA4DFF61ABD75894F81E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC8CA4DFF61ABD75894F81E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Diogenioninae Detorre & Williams & Boyko 2023, n. subfam." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,51 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kossmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kossmann, 1881" ; - dwc:subFamily "Entoniscinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; - dwc:species "vermifactus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC9CA40FF61AD4E5FFDFEDE.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC9CA40FF61AD4E5FFDFEDE.ttl index 22473644302..665acaa6c17 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC9CA40FF61AD4E5FFDFEDE.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFC9CA40FF61AD4E5FFDFEDE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Diogenion vermifactus Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,11 +29,9 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Codreanu et al. 1960)", "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; + dwc:authority "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; dwc:authorityName "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike" ; dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Codreanu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; @@ -81,122 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Forest" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Diogenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calcinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forest, 1958" ; - dwc:species "pulcher" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams, Boyko & Madad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bopyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bopyrissa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, Boyko & Madad, 2019" ; - dwc:species "marami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Saint Laurent & McLaughlin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Paguridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pagurojacquesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Saint Laurent & McLaughlin, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "polymorpha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Heller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Diogenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diogenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heller, 1865" ; - dwc:species "senex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclopoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kossmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kossmann, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giard & Bonnier, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giard & Bonnier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cancrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giard & Bonnier, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; @@ -210,22 +91,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFDDCA5BFF61A9125EDCFC49.ttl b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFDDCA5BFF61A9125EDCFC49.ttl index c8ac3a311ee..66ebbb1e7bf 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFDDCA5BFF61A9125EDCFC49.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/E9/03B6E97BFFDDCA5BFF61A9125EDCFC49.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Detorre, Marissa; Williams, Jason D.; Boyko, Christopher B." ; dc:title "Entoniscidae Kossmann 1881" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,273 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kossmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kossmann, 1881" ; - dwc:subFamily "Entoniscinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Detorre & Williams & Boyko, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Detorre & Williams & Boyko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Detorre, Williams & Boyko, 2023" ; - dwc:subFamily "Diogenioninae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diogenion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Codreanu, Codreanu & Pike, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reinhard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguritherium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reinhard, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Miyashita" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entoniscoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miyashita, 1940" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entoniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Coutiere" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Synalpheion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coutiere, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Uyeno & Boyko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allocancrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uyeno & Boyko, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McDermott, Williams & Boyko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pinnixion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McDermott, Williams & Boyko, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Miyashita" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entionella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miyashita, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kossmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entione" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kossmann, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giard & Bonnier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cancrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giard & Bonnier, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shiino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micippion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shiino, 1942" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giard & Bonnier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Portunion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giard & Bonnier, 1886" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giard & Bonnier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Priapion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giard & Bonnier, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shiino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xanthion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shiino, 1942" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giard & Bonnier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pinnotherion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giard & Bonnier, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shiino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tiarinion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shiino, 1942" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hartnoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Achelion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartnoll, 1966" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Entoniscidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFA84F62FC861DB3A373F982.ttl b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFA84F62FC861DB3A373F982.ttl index 22c208f5414..ba96b4931b0 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFA84F62FC861DB3A373F982.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFA84F62FC861DB3A373F982.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Benda, Petr; Uvizl, Marek; Eiseb, Seth J.; Avenant, Nico L." ; dc:title "Rhinolophus acrotis subsp. augur Andersen 1904" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,56 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:species "augur" ; - dwc:subSpecies "zambesiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:species "augur" ; - dwc:subSpecies "zuluensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen, 1904" ; - dwc:species "augur" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFAC4F7DFC861F8EA30AFC4F.ttl b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFAC4F7DFC861F8EA30AFC4F.ttl index 1a6a4a3ef15..d44a017a309 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFAC4F7DFC861F8EA30AFC4F.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFAC4F7DFC861F8EA30AFC4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Benda, Petr; Uvizl, Marek; Eiseb, Seth J.; Avenant, Nico L." ; dc:title "Rhinolophus cervenyi Benda, Uvizl, Eiseb & Avenant, 2024, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Cretzschmar 1826", "Cretzschmar, 1826" ; + dwc:authority "Cretzschmar 1826" ; dwc:authorityName "Cretzschmar" ; dwc:authorityYear "1826" ; dwc:class "Mammalia" ; @@ -63,22 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "von Heuglin, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "von Heuglin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Heuglin, 1861" ; - dwc:species "acrotis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFB74F63FF361FC5A322FBAD.ttl b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFB74F63FF361FC5A322FBAD.ttl index 2f212301eb1..99a1a927427 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFB74F63FF361FC5A322FBAD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/EE/03B6EE58FFB74F63FF361FC5A322FBAD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Benda, Petr; Uvizl, Marek; Eiseb, Seth J.; Avenant, Nico L." ; dc:title "Rhinolophus damarensis Roberts 1946" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Gt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Gt." ; - dwc:class "Trilobita" ; - dwc:family "Alokistocaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Kochina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ptychopariida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gt." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts, 1946" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1946" ; - dwc:species "darlingi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "damarensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A23FFFA4CDDD12AFE4333F6.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A23FFFA4CDDD12AFE4333F6.ttl index a5e9197005f..0055cf1b970 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A23FFFA4CDDD12AFE4333F6.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A23FFFA4CDDD12AFE4333F6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Coelichneumon (Intermedichneumon) superomediae Riedel 2017, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Riedel, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Riedel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel, 2017" ; - dwc:species "scopator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A24FFFA4CDDD1DCFC8835B8.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A24FFFA4CDDD1DCFC8835B8.ttl index 877f8f5aec1..f79f4f36fb8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A24FFFA4CDDD1DCFC8835B8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A24FFFA4CDDD1DCFC8835B8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Coelichneumon (Coelichneumon) tonkinensis RIEDEL 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "albonotatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "HEINRICH" ; - dwc:authorityName "HEINRICH" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinrich" ; - dwc:species "cyaniventrops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A26FFF94CDDD14CFBB23276.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A26FFF94CDDD14CFBB23276.ttl index 184ec42b085..0e23f225982 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A26FFF94CDDD14CFBB23276.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A26FFF94CDDD14CFBB23276.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Ileanta laotica Riedel 2017, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ileanta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "trochanterata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A29FFF44CDDD0B4FE4334E8.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A29FFF44CDDD0B4FE4334E8.ttl index 1e1cf3b6d89..b7f441d612c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A29FFF44CDDD0B4FE4334E8.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A29FFF44CDDD0B4FE4334E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Aglaojoppa parafemorata Riedel 2017, nov.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaojoppa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1903" ; - dwc:species "femorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2AFFF54CDDD0F9FC173178.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2AFFF54CDDD0F9FC173178.ttl index 0e9be2eb704..73b9b3ba254 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2AFFF54CDDD0F9FC173178.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2AFFF54CDDD0F9FC173178.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Aglaojoppa rufofemorata CAMERON 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD022FDB33616.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD022FDB33616.ttl index f55c3dd3a9b..8235e560d8b 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD022FDB33616.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD022FDB33616.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Coelichneumon albopilosellus CAMERON 1905" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aglaojoppa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1903" ; - dwc:species "femorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD124FC1F3513.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD124FC1F3513.ttl index 1833b39587f..81261ea8f42 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD124FC1F3513.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2CFFF24CDDD124FC1F3513.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Cnemojoppa rufipes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1893" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2DFFF04CDDD7EAFEB6321E.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2DFFF04CDDD7EAFEB6321E.ttl index 6475fb156e7..2a71a8f4ae8 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2DFFF04CDDD7EAFEB6321E.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2DFFF04CDDD7EAFEB6321E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Coelichneumon (Coelichneumon) fulvipes CAMERON 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "CAMERON", "CAMERON, 1904" ; + dwc:authority "CAMERON, 1904" ; dwc:authorityName "CAMERON" ; dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "HEINRICH" ; - dwc:authorityName "HEINRICH" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heinrich, 1966" ; - dwc:species "birmanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2EFFF14CDDD757FDD13209.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2EFFF14CDDD757FDD13209.ttl index e2bbbcb3a40..85a5e2e2915 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2EFFF14CDDD757FDD13209.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A2EFFF14CDDD757FDD13209.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Coelichneumon (Coelichneumon) fulvipennoides Riedel 2017, nov.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(MORLEY)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "MORLEY" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morley)" ; - dwc:species "piceipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "RIEDEL 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "RIEDEL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelichneumon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel, 2013" ; - dwc:species "laoticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A38FFE64CDDD617FCF833FD.ttl b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A38FFE64CDDD617FCF833FD.ttl index cf003f8c941..b110544114f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A38FFE64CDDD617FCF833FD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F0/03B6F0093A38FFE64CDDD617FCF833FD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Neofacydes nigroguttatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Facydes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -72,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Neofacydes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8611F95FFF70F925D625861B.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8611F95FFF70F925D625861B.ttl index 125c559f6db..f45ecbbc5f6 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8611F95FFF70F925D625861B.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8611F95FFF70F925D625861B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla subrostrum Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,24 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Jiang et al. 2018)", "Jiang, Chen & Zhang, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jiang, Chen & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jiang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jiang, Chen & Zhang, 2018" ; - dwc:species "rostrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8612F952FF70FEB9D6CE85DD.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8612F952FF70FEB9D6CE85DD.ttl index 83988717014..3d882c25263 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8612F952FF70FEB9D6CE85DD.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8612F952FF70FEB9D6CE85DD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla rutunda Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Irfan, Wang & Zhang, 2022" ; - dwc:species "subtruculenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zhu et al. 2017)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zhu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zhu, 2017)" ; - dwc:species "truculenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8614F952FF70FBC2D6228333.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8614F952FF70FBC2D6228333.ttl index dbd7ac0ca65..ca84c0b45a2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8614F952FF70FBC2D6228333.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8614F952FF70FBC2D6228333.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla jiugongensis Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wang et al. 1990)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wang, 1990)" ; - dwc:species "tautispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F954FF70FC9AD6EA81E7.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F954FF70FC9AD6EA81E7.ttl index 9f1ff22b59e..48a96b39584 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F954FF70FC9AD6EA81E7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F954FF70FC9AD6EA81E7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla jinyunensis Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Jiang et al. 2018)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jiang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jiang, 2018)" ; - dwc:species "rostrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F956FF70FE26D72D80DF.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F956FF70FE26D72D80DF.ttl index e33c00ea3b2..d4aa0685560 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F956FF70FE26D72D80DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C8616F956FF70FE26D72D80DF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla Wang & Yin 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kishida, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kishida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pireneitega" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kishida, 1955" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Himalcoelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861DF95CFF70FDB2D68282D7.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861DF95CFF70FDB2D68282D7.ttl index d4cd5a8cc4f..5ad5c7ad330 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861DF95CFF70FDB2D68282D7.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861DF95CFF70FDB2D68282D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla yanlingensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -84,11 +84,9 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Liu & Xu, 2020)", "Liu & Xu, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Xu", "Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020", "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu & Xu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2020" ; + dwc:authority "Liu & Xu, 2020" ; + dwc:authorityName "Liu & Xu" ; + dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; @@ -102,36 +100,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Draconarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wang, Yin, Peng & Xie, 1990)" ; - dwc:species "carinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ovtchinnikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Draconarius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ovtchinnikov, 1999" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861FF95DFF70FB5ED6CE8037.ttl b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861FF95DFF70FB5ED6CE8037.ttl index 4e9f49b2377..91544d8d5ba 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861FF95DFF70FB5ED6CE8037.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F1/03B6F12C861FF95DFF70FB5ED6CE8037.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Meng; Irfan, Muhammad; Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Tonsilla subtruculenta Zhang & Irfan & Wang & Zhang 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Yin, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang & Yin, 1992" ; - dwc:species "truculenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zhu et al. 2017)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zhu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonsilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zhu, 2017)" ; - dwc:species "truculenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Agelenidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD2FF77AC9C3BC7FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD2FF77AC9C3BC7FE08.ttl index b76ac78e868..aa45a4012d9 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD2FF77AC9C3BC7FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD2FF77AC9C3BC7FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lü, Ting; Zhan, Zifeng; Li, Yang; Xu, Kuidong" ; dc:title "Bathypathes Brook 1889" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brook, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brook, 1889" ; - dwc:species "patula" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD7FF77AE133871FDE4.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD7FF77AE133871FDE4.ttl index f144b975d64..2653d35f06c 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD7FF77AE133871FDE4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFB4FFD7FF77AE133871FDE4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lü, Ting; Zhan, Zifeng; Li, Yang; Xu, Kuidong" ; dc:title "Bathypathes longicaulis Lü & Zhan & Li & Xu 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,84 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brook, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brook, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Totton, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Totton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Totton, 1923" ; - dwc:species "platycaulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Molodtsova, Opresko & Wagner, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Molodtsova, Opresko & Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Molodtsova, Opresko & Wagner, 2022" ; - dwc:species "pseudoalternata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chimienti, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chimienti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chimienti, 2022" ; - dwc:species "thermophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MBM" ; - dwc:authorityName "MBM" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mbm" ; - dwc:species "thermophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; @@ -137,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; dwc:genus "Bathypathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFD9FF77AFA53A16FAD4.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFD9FF77AFA53A16FAD4.ttl index 0cadf7d873f..a911e4c4591 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFD9FF77AFA53A16FAD4.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFD9FF77AFA53A16FAD4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lü, Ting; Zhan, Zifeng; Li, Yang; Xu, Kuidong" ; dc:title "Alternatipathes Molodtsova & Opresko 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Opresko, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Opresko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Opresko, 2005" ; - dwc:species "bipinnata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFDDFF77A95538E4FE08.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFDDFF77A95538E4FE08.ttl index 24fd0118e75..4dfe37f98ac 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFDDFF77A95538E4FE08.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F509FFBFFFDDFF77A95538E4FE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Lü, Ting; Zhan, Zifeng; Li, Yang; Xu, Kuidong" ; dc:title "Alternatipathes longispina Lü & Zhan & Li & Xu 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,84 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Molodtsova & Opresko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Molodtsova & Opresko, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brook, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brook" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brook, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "alternata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Opresko, 2005)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Opresko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Opresko, 2005)" ; - dwc:species "bipinnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Opresko & Molodtsova, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Opresko & Molodtsova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Opresko & Molodtsova, 2021" ; - dwc:species "mirabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Opresko & Wagner, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Opresko & Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Opresko & Wagner, 2020" ; - dwc:species "venusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; @@ -137,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Schizopathidae" ; dwc:genus "Alternatipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D45EB50FF22864E3F919D3D.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D45EB50FF22864E3F919D3D.ttl index c4aacc800da..df13163d2e2 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D45EB50FF22864E3F919D3D.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D45EB50FF22864E3F919D3D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Malyutina, Marina V." ; dc:title "Microcope Malyutina, 2008, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -45,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Birstein, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Birstein" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurycope" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Birstein, 1970" ; - dwc:species "ovata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Birstein" ; - dwc:authorityName "Birstein" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurycope" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Birstein" ; - dwc:species "ovata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilson, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coperonus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilson, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lionectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Wilson and Hessler, 1981" ; dwc:authorityName "Wilson and Hessler" ; @@ -170,21 +108,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haugsness and Hessler, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haugsness and Hessler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellibos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haugsness & Hessler, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D47EB5FFF2286AE3B6A9A45.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D47EB5FFF2286AE3B6A9A45.ttl index 31a22e011a9..f3a27b395b5 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D47EB5FFF2286AE3B6A9A45.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D47EB5FFF2286AE3B6A9A45.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Malyutina, Marina V." ; dc:title "Microcope denticulata Malyutina, 2008, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Munnopsidae" ; dwc:genus "Microcope" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D48EB40FF2281663D159A30.ttl b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D48EB40FF2281663D159A30.ttl index 983cc3d04af..14850f30d53 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D48EB40FF2281663D159A30.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F5/03B6F5198D48EB40FF2281663D159A30.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Malyutina, Marina V." ; dc:title "Microcope levissima Malyutina, 2008, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -71,10 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Isopoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/B6/F9/03B6F9279128FFDEFF05431C060D0182.ttl b/data/03/B6/F9/03B6F9279128FFDEFF05431C060D0182.ttl index 15d79ce3dec..4b8fca63e7f 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/F9/03B6F9279128FFDEFF05431C060D0182.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/F9/03B6F9279128FFDEFF05431C060D0182.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Saha, Rituparna; Dutta, Arun Kumar; Acharya, Krishnendu" ; dc:title "Nigrohirschioporus violacaeruleum R. Saha, A. K. Dutta & K. Acharya 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/03/B6/FC/03B6FC1BB8381957FF52008478B23E37.ttl b/data/03/B6/FC/03B6FC1BB8381957FF52008478B23E37.ttl index e6c9e0bac34..6471dee14ee 100644 --- a/data/03/B6/FC/03B6FC1BB8381957FF52008478B23E37.ttl +++ b/data/03/B6/FC/03B6FC1BB8381957FF52008478B23E37.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Tagliacollo, Victor A.; Britzke, Ricardo; Silva, Gabriel S. C.; Benine, Ricardo C." ; dc:title "Astyanax pirapuan Tagliacollo, Britzke, Silva & Benine, 2011, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; dwc:genus "Astyanax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545040674E85A1BEB2BE494443.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545040674E85A1BEB2BE494443.ttl index 9181171bbaa..04a31998c36 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545040674E85A1BEB2BE494443.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545040674E85A1BEB2BE494443.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus sinuosus Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kurosawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kurosawa, 1963" ; - dwc:species "shashamboe" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545043674F85A1B851BEBC4406.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545043674F85A1B851BEBC4406.ttl index ec16ca8991a..c381355d5ce 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545043674F85A1B851BEBC4406.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545043674F85A1B851BEBC4406.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus sikhiav Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,116 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Descarpentries & Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:species "rivalieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kerremans, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerremans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerremans, 1894" ; - dwc:species "perviridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "metallicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nemoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "porthos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sinuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; @@ -168,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674B85A1BA69B9A44468.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674B85A1BA69B9A44468.ttl index e83d98213b6..47091ebd2f7 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674B85A1BA69B9A44468.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674B85A1BA69B9A44468.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus princeps Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Saunders, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saunders" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saunders, 1873" ; - dwc:species "discalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674C85A1BE84B8214224.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674C85A1BE84B8214224.ttl index 31b7d99cf38..a055d3e3399 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674C85A1BE84B8214224.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545044674C85A1BE84B8214224.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus rex Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,292 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "porthos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sikhiav" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sinuosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "armipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aramis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aries" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "athos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bicolorifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cuprocunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ebenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "frontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gemellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "khunborom" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "kyklos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "loongfahi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Curletti, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Curletti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curletti, 1996" ; - dwc:species "pluvialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; @@ -345,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545046674885A1B83DB868407B.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545046674885A1B83DB868407B.ttl index 847838bc9be..93f7401e129 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545046674885A1B83DB868407B.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545046674885A1B83DB868407B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus nemoralis Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "frontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545047674B85A1BAB1BBCF41CC.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545047674B85A1BAB1BBCF41CC.ttl index 993280e9140..9c38384d314 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545047674B85A1BAB1BBCF41CC.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545047674B85A1BAB1BBCF41CC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus porthos Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "athos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aramis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545051675185A1BA95B9D643BE.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545051675185A1BA95B9D643BE.ttl index 98fd22a9d99..71813d225c0 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545051675185A1BA95B9D643BE.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545051675185A1BA95B9D643BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus cuprocunctus Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Obenberger, 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Obenberger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Obenberger, 1936" ; - dwc:species "bacchaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545052675C85A1BD15BA60429E.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545052675C85A1BD15BA60429E.ttl index c3c546f5502..2ceb3b46cfc 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545052675C85A1BD15BA60429E.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545052675C85A1BD15BA60429E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus bacan Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerremans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:species "birmanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Harold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harold, 1869" ; - dwc:species "irrorellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545053675E85A1B8CEB93C405E.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545053675E85A1B8CEB93C405E.ttl index dabbb3a29ae..6d50e4f5acc 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545053675E85A1B8CEB93C405E.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545053675E85A1B8CEB93C405E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus bicolorifrons Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,116 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kerremans, 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerremans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerremans, 1912" ; - dwc:species "insulicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aramis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aries" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "armipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "athos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bacan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; @@ -169,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545054675A85A1BD79BF794443.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545054675A85A1BD79BF794443.ttl index 63f441c68a2..a66e878b8c2 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545054675A85A1BD79BF794443.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545054675A85A1BD79BF794443.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus armipes Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gemellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545055675D85A1BEE9BBCF44DF.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545055675D85A1BEE9BBCF44DF.ttl index b71e946606c..edfbb176034 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545055675D85A1BEE9BBCF44DF.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545055675D85A1BEE9BBCF44DF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus athos Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "porthos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "aramis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675885A1BBB5BBCF4781.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675885A1BBB5BBCF4781.ttl index 60c1689c2bd..a3e416cb524 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675885A1BBB5BBCF4781.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675885A1BBB5BBCF4781.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus aramis Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "athos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "porthos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675B85A1BC2CBAC44733.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675B85A1BC2CBAC44733.ttl index e23365596c9..9587028027a 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675B85A1BC2CBAC44733.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545057675B85A1BC2CBAC44733.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus aries Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,86 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kiesenwetter, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kiesenwetter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kiesenwetter, 1857" ; - dwc:species "obscuricollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:species "pseudobscuricollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Obenberger, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Obenberger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Obenberger, 1917" ; - dwc:species "fissus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:species "bituberculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 2007" ; - dwc:species "truncatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545058674985A1BF39B92D43F6.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545058674985A1BF39B92D43F6.ttl index 3bd1e8335ea..ce15b5525e1 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126545058674985A1BF39B92D43F6.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126545058674985A1BF39B92D43F6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus metallinus Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "khunborom" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "kyklos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "loongfahi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nemoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 1994" ; - dwc:species "shaowensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; @@ -153,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505A675485A1BC2DB8DC44A7.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505A675485A1BC2DB8DC44A7.ttl index 13c4729ddcb..99edcbe258a 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505A675485A1BC2DB8DC44A7.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505A675485A1BC2DB8DC44A7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus kyklos Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kurosawa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kurosawa, 1954" ; - dwc:species "taiwanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505B675785A1BECDB97542F3.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505B675785A1BECDB97542F3.ttl index f1894d96fe0..3d9ff7c57fb 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505B675785A1BECDB97542F3.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505B675785A1BECDB97542F3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus loongfahi Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Obenberger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Obenberger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Obenberger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "protenor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 2015" ; - dwc:species "curiosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek, 2015" ; - dwc:species "bunsu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505C675285A1B9A6BABE40EB.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505C675285A1B9A6BABE40EB.ttl index e2977fc98c0..e79bc4b815d 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505C675285A1B9A6BABE40EB.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505C675285A1B9A6BABE40EB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus frontis Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Descarpentries & Villiers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Descarpentries & Villiers, 1963" ; - dwc:species "dubouai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675285A1B901BE6F47E4.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675285A1B901BE6F47E4.ttl index 85cd3bd3bf0..f3804f987f1 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675285A1B901BE6F47E4.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675285A1B901BE6F47E4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus gemellus Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "armipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675585A1BC10BAF24786.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675585A1BC10BAF24786.ttl index b4187138e02..2cd4d4cc16b 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675585A1BC10BAF24786.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505D675585A1BC10BAF24786.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus khunborom Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Toyama, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Toyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Toyama, 1985" ; - dwc:species "hokkaidoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Obenberger, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Obenberger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Obenberger, 1924" ; - dwc:species "cochinchinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505E675385A1B9F5B8F74306.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505E675385A1B9F5B8F74306.ttl index 78f94b5f3c4..44fa1d0652f 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505E675385A1B9F5B8F74306.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C12654505E675385A1B9F5B8F74306.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jendek, Eduard; Grebennikov, Vasily V." ; dc:title "Agrilus ebenus Jendek & Grebennikov 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -46,116 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerremans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:species "lafertei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kerremans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerremans, 1892" ; - dwc:species "agnatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bicolorifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "cuprocunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "frontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jendek & Grebennikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jendek & Grebennikov, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gemellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; @@ -169,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buprestidae" ; dwc:genus "Agrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/26/03C126762D41C80798220037D20137CA.ttl b/data/03/C1/26/03C126762D41C80798220037D20137CA.ttl index 76bde95eddf..3f49ec28c62 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/26/03C126762D41C80798220037D20137CA.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/26/03C126762D41C80798220037D20137CA.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shear, William A." ; dc:title "Branneria bonoculus Shear, 2003, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bollman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bollman" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Branneriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Branneria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bollman" ; - dwc:species "carinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Branneriidae" ; @@ -86,10 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/03/C1/86/03C1861CFFC1BD5664892DB8FEABF94A.ttl b/data/03/C1/86/03C1861CFFC1BD5664892DB8FEABF94A.ttl index d70e7f28ba8..cc47e5d35cb 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/86/03C1861CFFC1BD5664892DB8FEABF94A.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/86/03C1861CFFC1BD5664892DB8FEABF94A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guo, Ji-Shu; Meng, Wen-Wen; He, Xiao-Yang; Zhang, Yun; Li, Yan-Ling; Kociolek, John Patrick" ; dc:title "Oricymba gongshanensis Guo & Meng & He & Zhang & Li & Kociolek 2021" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,104 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Czarnecki" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Kutzing) Czarnecki (Czarnecki 1994: 157)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Czarnecki (Czarnecki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Achnanthidiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Achnanthidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Achnanthales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Czarnecki, 1994" ; - dwc:species "minutissimum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "W. Zhang & Kociolek (2016: 135)" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Zhang & Kociolek" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "135" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oricymba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Kociolek, 2016" ; - dwc:species "xianjuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hilse) Mann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hilse" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hilse) Mann" ; - dwc:species "minutum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lyngbye (1819: 182)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lyngbye" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "182" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Fragilariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fragilaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Fragilariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyngbye, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Gomphonema Ehrenberg (1832: 87)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gomphonema Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "87" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymbella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomphonema Ehrenberg, 1832" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kutzing (1833: 589)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kutzing" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "589" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bacillariophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kutzing, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FF8D956C75BF383BFE01D856.ttl b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FF8D956C75BF383BFE01D856.ttl index 3ea4fb04005..8680cbdf170 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FF8D956C75BF383BFE01D856.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FF8D956C75BF383BFE01D856.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Scheller, Ulf" ; dc:title "Borneopauropus , Scheller 1994" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Scheller, 1994)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scheller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; - dwc:family "Brachypauropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneopauropus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tetramerocerata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scheller, 1994)" ; - dwc:species "penanorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; dwc:family "Brachypauropodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB0955375A0392DFDF0DAB2.ttl b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB0955375A0392DFDF0DAB2.ttl index c7b1e28e065..52c479c859b 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB0955375A0392DFDF0DAB2.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB0955375A0392DFDF0DAB2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Scheller, Ulf" ; dc:title "Stylopauropoides quadripartitus Scheller, 2009, sp.nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Remy)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Remy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; - dwc:family "Pauropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylopauropoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tetramerocerata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Remy, 1952)" ; - dwc:species "hirtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; dwc:family "Pauropodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB6956976023FF5FA80DF34.ttl b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB6956976023FF5FA80DF34.ttl index 6c0a41cbed6..b34390b8e7a 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB6956976023FF5FA80DF34.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/F7/03C1F749FFB6956976023FF5FA80DF34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Scheller, Ulf" ; dc:title "Stylopauropoides eximius Scheller, 2009, sp.nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Remy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Remy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; - dwc:family "Pauropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylopauropoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Tetramerocerata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Remy, 1956" ; - dwc:species "vadoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Pauropoda" ; dwc:family "Pauropodidae" ; diff --git a/data/03/C1/FB/03C1FB47FFFC2017FF04F8B4FD2BFB4E.ttl b/data/03/C1/FB/03C1FB47FFFC2017FF04F8B4FD2BFB4E.ttl index c9bf09c3b83..a13dfaaea4c 100644 --- a/data/03/C1/FB/03C1FB47FFFC2017FF04F8B4FD2BFB4E.ttl +++ b/data/03/C1/FB/03C1FB47FFFC2017FF04F8B4FD2BFB4E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Ngiam, Robin W. J.; Orr, Albert G." ; dc:title "Oligoaeschna sirindhornae Ngiam & Orr 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,72 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ngiam & Orr, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ngiam & Orr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligaeschna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ngiam & Orr, 2017" ; - dwc:species "sirindhorni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ngiam & Orr, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ngiam & Orr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligaeschna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ngiam & Orr, 2017" ; - dwc:species "sirindhornae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Foerster, 1903)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoaeschna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foerster, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "amata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lieftinck, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lieftinck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoaeschna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lieftinck, 1968" ; - dwc:species "foliacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aeshnidae" ;