From f93c9d0e37324bda8630c37c8ff2d6a0a7ac4858 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: GG2RDF Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 14:14:40 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] GG2RDF 2024-11-08T14:11:13.894Z full update: 006 of 262 (plazi/treatments-xml) --- .../D2/0500D2D0836E027BC8F611DAFE7A7827.ttl | 7 - .../B9/0502B9865EF8A1E60D8591D1853408C1.ttl | 2 - .../11/05031160FFAAFFC0FECCFEB1FDD737B3.ttl | 33 - .../11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF26FDB0FEDE34B5.ttl | 17 - .../11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF3DFCB3FB93319D.ttl | 76 +- .../11/05031160FFABFFC1FF15F997FA9C3191.ttl | 86 -- .../27/050327BD6531AAD5CE8A04D58C19E25E.ttl | 1 - .../0B/05040BF2C3F456609D8E1C572AE7B535.ttl | 2 - .../29/05042952FFFBFFBE96E6A6A5FEA34603.ttl | 35 +- .../29/05042952FFFEFFBD96E6A6EDFEA343A3.ttl | 56 +- .../BE/0504BE24FD7301C1F96FDCC0F63ECD08.ttl | 1 - .../EE/0504EE0FA8A8E65E25EDFF3D3D09D62B.ttl | 17 - .../0F/05060F02F579CE486673B21DEAA092D0.ttl | 2 +- .../23/050623618B7D86E6854A1697E5863981.ttl | 1 - .../24/0506246A03995101BC4FA401B11BFCE9.ttl | 54 +- .../2C/05062C5440229E7C05F54C02FACDFAA5.ttl | 69 - 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.../87/052887A3D819FFCDFEDC255CCC2AFD80.ttl | 6 - .../59/052959C9FB4D39D1C553F393CFF2BFD0.ttl | 1 - .../89/05298934CBAEA91F69BDDED33172A82A.ttl | 10 - .../D3/052AD3409162E74AFAFEB79C2D9B74CD.ttl | 18 +- .../D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB4FD2C5E70B4.ttl | 18 +- .../D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB79C2CAE7485.ttl | 18 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFF1FFC17BDDF8ACFB84E424.ttl | 32 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFF5FFC57BDDF988FD4AE1FE.ttl | 66 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC67BDDFF62FD4AE498.ttl | 34 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC77BDDF945FD4AE7B5.ttl | 18 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFF8FFCE7BDDFD9EFC39E425.ttl | 34 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFAFFC87BDDFC3FFBD7E6C5.ttl | 34 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFBFFCA7BDDFC25FC36E18A.ttl | 18 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFD7FFD4AE2E1.ttl | 34 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFF62FDAAE404.ttl | 18 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFEFFCF7BDDFD22FD4AE2DF.ttl | 34 +- .../A7/052BA72CFFFFFFCF7BDDFD9EFBD7E4B9.ttl | 34 +- .../CA/052BCA91C9E45E059DEE3EAFBD45B52B.ttl | 24 +- .../CC/052BCC542528052DBC9FD3F4AEDC852A.ttl | 25 - .../69/052C697BB4088111FF3E3914FC67F9F2.ttl | 24 +- .../69/052C697BB4088114FF3E3E9BFD8EFDE2.ttl | 72 +- .../69/052C697BB40A8111FF3E3B29FC33FF7F.ttl | 42 +- .../69/052C697BB40D8114FF3E3A91FA45FB34.ttl | 98 +- .../87/052C87EDFFF58036FF15EA8EFD46F55E.ttl | 52 +- .../87/052C87EDFFFF8033FF15EC40FBCFF626.ttl | 161 +-- .../87/052C87EDFFFF8039FF15EFBEFCBAF060.ttl | 35 - 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.../F9/056EF971475D8607FC49FDF4922C44E1.ttl | 222 ---- .../80/056F806E0B044EF4F7E880B4DB4F1379.ttl | 41 - .../87/056F87CDFFA0FA63FF5AEFE363B4FB42.ttl | 206 +-- .../87/056F87CDFFA7FA63FF5AEDBB67DBF827.ttl | 71 +- .../01/0570016CFFA1FFF50ADBFF3BFB6976BB.ttl | 40 +- .../01/0570016CFFAFFFEC0ADBF94BFC6D759D.ttl | 7 +- .../01/0570016CFFBEFFE40ADBFB00FA247712.ttl | 1 - .../79/057079C792DE03724669D5DE5102BC4A.ttl | 1 - .../87/057087A3FF90FFA441FFFEA2931FD2C2.ttl | 37 +- .../87/057087A3FF96FFAA41FFFF66930BD582.ttl | 139 +- .../DC/0570DC3AC03825F5BF21C959CD029DCD.ttl | 23 - .../3F/05723FAECB805CE5A479BA890DE3DBD4.ttl | 22 +- .../34/057334FD05C9AAD008DEFD6181E8E761.ttl | 20 - .../50/0573507629C8C85ED5F8F40C6AC11248.ttl | 1 - .../87/057387CDFFA5FF8B8FEBFACCFED15937.ttl | 8 +- .../87/057387CDFFA7FF808FEBF92CFE18596F.ttl | 23 +- .../87/057387CDFFA7FF828FEBFA74FEF35A0F.ttl | 5 - .../87/057387CDFFAAFF8F8FEBF963FBCA5B17.ttl | 5 - .../87/057387CDFFABFF8D8FEBFF04FC965DCE.ttl | 7 +- .../87/057387CDFFACFF898FEBFE66FB435E19.ttl | 1 - .../87/057387CDFFACFF8F8FEBFD5FFAEC5A39.ttl | 84 +- .../CA/0573CA050E8953389878ACA919338F96.ttl | 85 +- .../14/0574147312390163FBB1FDDCFECBF7A5.ttl | 17 - .../14/0574147312390163FF42FC0CFAAEF7AD.ttl | 17 - .../14/0574147312390163FF71FEB5FCA5F7A1.ttl | 31 - .../87/0574879BFFDA6C0C47B35E826926FB8A.ttl | 47 - .../87/0574879BFFDA6C0F47B35BF06A17F98C.ttl | 24 +- .../87/0574879BFFDF6C0947B35B4F6F59F935.ttl | 97 -- .../87/0574879BFFDF6C0C47B359836896FE37.ttl | 79 +- .../8C/05748C0B232709334EA6DE3295329564.ttl | 85 -- .../C9/0574C92BE8E7FF0ED2F9A0C83B7287EF.ttl | 61 - .../E9/0574E9B8F169985EFAD79CA27B5088C3.ttl | 17 - .../16/057816DE9EEFA98C2DE520661A36B526.ttl | 2 - .../40/057840FAD829FF7AE21F99A6BBD16035.ttl | 22 +- .../87/0578879EC551FFDD0DA259AEDA5FFBF0.ttl | 2 +- .../87/0578879EC554FFDB0DA259AED98CF841.ttl | 68 +- .../43/05794375658F9604F0D3D3942F9E7B7E.ttl | 18 - .../69/05796986007AAFC5A591AD66FA9BC2F1.ttl | 6 - .../87/0579878DFB279277FF23F95BE0A8D090.ttl | 50 +- .../87/0579878DFB289276FF23FDF9E64BD11A.ttl | 55 +- .../87/0579878DFB299279FF23FC6DE610D1AF.ttl | 55 +- .../87/0579878DFB2B9278FF23F8E9E07BD3DB.ttl | 70 +- .../87/0579878DFB2E927AFF23FC35E7D3D75F.ttl | 84 +- .../87/057987C860203E74FF62FA0EFC9CFC94.ttl | 20 +- .../87/057987C860203E77FF62FCF6FA43FA64.ttl | 1 - .../87/057987C860203E77FF62FEA1FDEDFD2F.ttl | 51 +- .../87/057987C860233E75FF62FA2CFCAEFE54.ttl | 1 - .../87/057987C860253E70FF62FB43FB85FD01.ttl | 17 - .../87/057987C860273E71FF62FA79FDF2FE59.ttl | 32 - .../87/057987C860293E7EFF62FD16FE7FF909.ttl | 1 - .../87/057987C860293E7EFF62FF43FC67FD8F.ttl | 1 - .../CE/0579CE7AC747EFE6B27729AF21563CA0.ttl | 2 +- .../FE/0579FE14929E22B5F2723623246125F3.ttl | 1 - .../BF/057BBFA0097FF124606F23F06595181D.ttl | 70 +- .../E3/057BE3FBC612CD7A0EDD84FC4D814EE1.ttl | 23 - .../48/057E48BED2A15935A07AD070346AA719.ttl | 14 - .../88/057E8888BA6302ED2FD9D053A2CD6A8D.ttl | 19 +- .../0F/05800FB02D68B73E779A5DDCD4752801.ttl | 47 +- .../E2/0582E2A573945BE45FCE84CDC2BE57F5.ttl | 2 +- .../07/0583076261D71B7C1EC4DE8C524B6492.ttl | 7 - .../BE/0583BEE63A9B553481F90BF12808F482.ttl | 21 +- .../E0/0583E0CFDED33BA144C26A9A54DFA5D1.ttl | 1 - .../13/058413D7A7532917B65880EACC73E059.ttl | 5 - .../F6/0584F68306B120005FF863D4D0EE6462.ttl | 1 - .../72/05857239F0B2557DB76361B120D20611.ttl | 17 - 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.../15/05B6155C25AFA825B1831D401F7124FD.ttl | 25 - .../8A/05B78AD8241EA1E315BA9A24B477B99A.ttl | 5 - .../D7/05B8D7A629C57CE9E2E3E0BF17BB1D27.ttl | 2 +- .../0A/05BB0ABA87C45BE0B9FB3581EEB2F23F.ttl | 20 +- .../A5/05BDA57E8EE944E0133CBB6AF7682723.ttl | 1 - .../04/05C00434B64F7484C912903EB5E10FDB.ttl | 18 - .../0C/05C00C6AF83944E10D11A103CBC534D8.ttl | 5 - .../12/05C11253007639742E9C51CE39C49811.ttl | 17 - .../81/05C381EF47FDF7BA002022972DCA5D45.ttl | 18 - .../95/05C3959C3A58895CADF4EC3E6E09CCF4.ttl | 1 - .../4E/05C44E143034E7DD62931EF22DBD06FC.ttl | 16 - .../D1/05C4D1DB0AEA750CF5DC80633B2C2C20.ttl | 17 - .../0D/05C50DDC47A0B3D80DC509AE5BBF7788.ttl | 2 - .../11/05C511D822C7F1D83EEE26443DC9E12A.ttl | 2 +- .../5B/05C65B124CFA8B1C7427ABB8D5F19C98.ttl | 16 - .../DC/05C8DC1FB9C3048E66D224D3F6C8F796.ttl | 69 - .../14/05C9143D66FA87943015BA16D8644816.ttl | 6 - .../05/05CA0583678B50A288C7B96EB206D15D.ttl | 35 +- .../7B/05CA7B101DE5591284447BD8866A8D20.ttl | 243 +--- .../25/05CB25DDC8E968AA816C1B4060FBD528.ttl | 19 +- .../92/05CB92C394C328A568FB9107FEEC7EFF.ttl | 1 - .../19/05CC199788AF1FC8D4CFB37F65E227C1.ttl | 50 - .../42/05CC423B2E1EC4E5F1F46772DB51C682.ttl | 57 - .../25/05CD258C8B70EE132A7132DB0B4B03E5.ttl | 17 - .../52/05CD52D116D65838A3CE2A431D72A1A9.ttl | 20 +- .../00/05CE0035C7D25F526379BA7BDD2883A8.ttl | 5 - .../47/05CE47BEA3A55FB480644550C0A924F0.ttl | 1 - .../05/05D005A519DE58E0FA5783375B3AB8D7.ttl | 17 - .../14/05D114A6E14413A9FE7A58C2650C976B.ttl | 6 - .../8B/05D18B83114C532482264A6086310487.ttl | 1 - .../E9/05D2E99678CF5BD2714081EBC31EB732.ttl | 130 -- .../47/05D5471830CD5EAC929E5FFDE99ACC32.ttl | 3 - .../B1/05D6B10652E1C849AFCE6326F4745FAD.ttl | 1 - .../C0/05D6C0600DAA5CC4159A79EE316A43ED.ttl | 1 - .../08/05D708EB910D574698C7DA1192F054E8.ttl | 55 +- .../2C/05D72C6E19CC5739B9EA0DFAAD654538.ttl | 6 - .../5D/05D75DAA2FE9BFE29D7C262E319AB134.ttl | 241 +--- .../4D/05D84DDD58462AA4FEF352B35232D135.ttl | 1 - .../65/05D965C79F3651FBACB1D37F47851B87.ttl | 187 +-- .../B4/05DAB4EFB6FD2FF2A7E711ADBFBBFDC3.ttl | 5 - .../B9/05DAB9282199C174F55C2CED4AC18B26.ttl | 1 - .../08/05DB08C0A6458C4A5DA8766746845110.ttl | 16 - .../92/05DC92368B6F34CE593BAC1F9EB1E786.ttl | 5 - .../B6/05DCB69DD5B05ABAA223945880618EDE.ttl | 41 +- .../02/05DE02F90FFB40D6DED9092A5A853969.ttl | 16 - .../33/05DE336EFC03562A86184E094ED47FE5.ttl | 2 - .../D3/05DFD30B521459ED86678B1334AA6948.ttl | 1 - .../66/05E066D6002D6226507F62790F8B23F5.ttl | 1 - .../B4/05E3B445D3AF3629E922D49FB2763B6E.ttl | 6 - .../31/05E4313DB0E0CC9EF0CE487160C4F70B.ttl | 1 - .../FD/05E4FDBF1254B33EC3E14BCD55F4F45A.ttl | 35 - .../DD/05E8DD8A57F2E27F46BDC99E0FAD6688.ttl | 1 - .../6B/05E96BBAB1CB49717757C92294C030FE.ttl | 7 - .../F2/05EAF2B04E4556798EACAA2AF47760AF.ttl | 1 - .../94/05ED94E070927C49EB6D0254D65F9E51.ttl | 5 - .../67/05F167350C94C392429819D3FDA3B9B3.ttl | 1 - .../42/05F2422A9C1CE4D4A0EBC2C6881BEC9C.ttl | 41 +- .../E0/05F2E07B7D9E500A87B25F1F4EDC92CB.ttl | 1 - .../55/05F455B492EC273EFC8655713E10A657.ttl | 19 - .../9C/05F49C24211EAB6A9A611C46F1F714E8.ttl | 18 - .../02/05F502C27A7B00558415739FBDC1D4D9.ttl | 2 - .../0A/05F50AC74D74E9CEF2A8D9E0DC7C8ED2.ttl | 5 - .../B1/05F6B154838D6E9DBC61E96F5DD6D2D4.ttl | 17 - .../ED/05F6EDB99C5C9F23B0FD2ADB6527036A.ttl | 1 - .../F3/05F6F3F56C50CF82EC088A0CC7468EC7.ttl | 2 - .../DA/05F9DAD3D4D6D911C25996AAD2F45028.ttl | 2 - .../07/05FA07D97203A14382618F7A0D1BBE92.ttl | 1 - .../75/05FA753AE8BB67E8A24440CECB6E0A4A.ttl | 547 +------- .../56/05FC566A064F5AAD9E4D8DD696C526C4.ttl | 42 +- .../0F/05FD0F085DD2504AA759D7E187321014.ttl | 22 +- .../58/05FD588A25950D3CC3B8B5EB25718279.ttl | 7 - .../ED/05FDEDBA20B257D8AA7C12B5E24BCC03.ttl | 19 +- .../97/05FE978488A5194734A6CA296D4A45D2.ttl | 79 +- .../0D/7C000D6CA5EF1C77DCDA9F316D212670.ttl | 16 - .../5C/7C005C7587371504816F96D0EF84E04E.ttl | 1 - .../8A/7C008AE24F4150718E64AB8BD08F2D46.ttl | 16 - .../BD/7C00BD3C86EA306BAF0831CF04C34B16.ttl | 7 - .../1D/7C011D2C17C4506383A99AEB756FC7D2.ttl | 80 +- .../69/7C016949C1AD702A1286196B893463A7.ttl | 2 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFA15B6C539D00C6237487FD.ttl | 25 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFA15B6D539D07F223E4837C.ttl | 25 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFA85B65539D0070229C868B.ttl | 6 - .../87/7C0187D8FFAB5B67539D02B9271D8A5A.ttl | 53 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D010E20278449.ttl | 26 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D0286210F80A9.ttl | 6 - .../87/7C0187D8FFAD5B62539D04AE20F88335.ttl | 71 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D03BA26B08189.ttl | 23 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D066E27F984B9.ttl | 26 +- .../87/7C0187D8FFAF5B6C539D053E277580F1.ttl | 54 +- .../1D/7C031D2125C4FBEE6FD58A1A73499D98.ttl | 5 - .../87/7C048782FFD4A2740EE9042332C0FE24.ttl | 70 +- .../C9/7C04C91535111E03FF3EFF79FE56F983.ttl | 63 +- .../C9/7C04C91535121E07FF3EF929FEC8FB53.ttl | 19 +- .../E9/7C05E958266CFFE5CCCFBF32DBC4FD55.ttl | 50 +- .../E9/7C05E9AF6997A802356DDF909EE7DC43.ttl | 2 +- .../70/7C0670368FD38859C5E64C7DF7BFB4C0.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C0687C2FFF17456FF30FDF2028EFAEF.ttl | 391 +----- .../42/7C07421851BDFA3AFD8A9F5A650C8127.ttl | 16 - .../4E/7C074E5F44F851ECA4AF9FDC4B5E312D.ttl | 82 +- .../72/7C0872CB0307F85CAA8F384F23999810.ttl | 10 - .../9B/7C099B672702C29AAD349BE560D02016.ttl | 6 - .../87/7C0B87CD1452FFDE2ED3F8DB267FFC23.ttl | 2 +- .../33/7C0C33A90979599EA5C22578DFA604A7.ttl | 16 - .../AD/7C0CAD0FB2B2521F67BEFF3A868FB3B6.ttl | 6 - .../1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF4E6A6AC34FE35FA33.ttl | 178 --- .../1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF7E6A6AAB4FCB8FC65.ttl | 82 -- .../1A/7C0D1A6DFFCDFFF1E6A1AB6CFBFCF898.ttl | 84 +- .../1A/7C0D1A6DFFCFFFF3E6ADAFDAFC06FA69.ttl | 60 +- .../51/7C0D518CED64DFB88805D8B370851C36.ttl | 2 - .../87/7C0D87B7FFB0FFA58987F98B8936F080.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C0D87B7FFB4FFA68987FA3088DDF7A7.ttl | 163 +-- .../87/7C0D87B7FFB8FFAB8987FF568F56F447.ttl | 24 +- .../87/7C0D87B7FFBAFFAD8987FE768C78F614.ttl | 39 +- .../87/7C0D87B7FFBCFFAC8987FC478DB9F1C4.ttl | 24 +- .../0A/7C0E0AA3DC431C55DB478F3B23CAE67F.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C0E87FEFF85FFE4FF48FBE7FC46FD0B.ttl | 39 +- .../87/7C0E87FEFF88FFE3FF48F9A2FA79F807.ttl | 34 +- .../87/7C0E87FEFF8AFFEDFF48F984FAE4FA2D.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C0E87FEFF8DFFEFFF48FB52FC53FE2B.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C0E87FEFF8EFFEBFF48F9BDFE33F90D.ttl | 33 - .../8D/7C0E8D1FA2CFC3D0786D73A28D5B7F24.ttl | 1 - .../F7/7C0EF7F455B652BABBE7F53C484D9FAB.ttl | 3 +- .../87/7C0F87F91640FFCFFF7CB3985A85D4E0.ttl | 46 +- .../87/7C0F87F91642FFC9FD21B6805805D43F.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C0F87F91646FFD2FD21B3DA5B27D7D3.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C0F87F9164DFFC4FF7CB20E5A3FD4D9.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C0F87F91651FFDDFF7CB5CC5885D2DE.ttl | 86 +- .../87/7C0F87F9165AFFD6FF7CB024580BD4DE.ttl | 63 +- .../87/7C0F87F9165BFFD3FD21B3325B1CD494.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C0F87F9165CFFD8FD21B22D5885D2DE.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C0F87F9165DFFD5FD21B5815A7BD2EC.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C0F87F9165FFFD4FF7CB3FA5AACD200.ttl | 47 +- .../87/7C0F87F91669FFE7FD21B4F85B4FD404.ttl | 62 +- .../87/7C0F87F9166EFFE7FF7CB3BE5D96D0ED.ttl | 1 - .../24/7C102471FFF1FFB4FF0F60AEAF3C7689.ttl | 34 +- .../24/7C102471FFF8FFB4FF0F6755AE897450.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C108785D105FFA264A7FE65FBEDCBED.ttl | 106 +- .../16/7C1116F0FF973D6CCBBD55FCC946DD3C.ttl | 61 - .../6C/7C116C1B5306599E82B7090886092AC6.ttl | 37 +- .../87/7C118736FF84FFD7B7F3A7ADE961FD00.ttl | 35 +- .../87/7C118736FF84FFDAB799A6B8EBC0FA24.ttl | 17 - .../C6/7C11C6FEA2773EFCD04D6FE2D241A1C1.ttl | 26 - .../F3/7C11F3BDA649D21EA79E8D6D38FEA8AD.ttl | 1 - .../15/7C12150F280A936B91DA6EB5965608CD.ttl | 1 - .../B7/7C12B7704470D5A9DB60038264DE2A95.ttl | 86 -- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF831018BE7EFCC1FE06FE02.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF84101BBE5EF854FDE2F7B8.ttl | 33 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1010BC15FB1BFD56F8C8.ttl | 94 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1017BFADFB1BFD9CF79D.ttl | 62 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF8F101CBC9EFDEAFCD6FC21.ttl | 33 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF921008BFBFF914FA47F84F.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF94100ABE45FF50FDBAFB6A.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF971034BE61FAE0FD1FFD8D.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF981007BCFAFC61FD0BF8FB.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF9E100EBC82F8F3FEBBFCF0.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFF9F1003BE7FFD15FEACF88C.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFA1103EBC9EFB72FDFDFE9E.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFA4103ABCFBFEA9FA5EFF45.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFA81037BCFFFA9BFD06FE9E.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFA91035BC8EFE35FACAFA84.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFAA1030BE58FEFDFDE2FCEF.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFAE103CBFBBFA2AFDF8F843.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFB0102EBE4AFF50FDEAFD8D.ttl | 184 +-- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFB3102FBE0BFD8BFE51F92E.ttl | 350 +---- .../FC/7C12FC0AFFBD1020BE7AFE26FAE4F79F.ttl | 1 - .../43/7C1343C2C945E734D15CB0499DCA1A65.ttl | 2 +- .../7D/7C137D8021EB9DB204C3423E8BFF2611.ttl | 22 - .../F3/7C13F3D73BAA54EEB1CCDF53D65F4A0F.ttl | 113 +- .../F6/7C13F601FFE2FF8554A05FB7FBA1FED8.ttl | 1 - .../F6/7C13F601FFE3FF8154A05E80FACEF837.ttl | 370 +----- .../F6/7C13F601FFE8FF8C54A058F8FB9AFF39.ttl | 23 +- .../F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A059C2FF16FCB3.ttl | 81 -- .../F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A05BA5FD14FA88.ttl | 20 +- .../F6/7C13F601FFEBFF9654A05DCFFAF0FC98.ttl | 69 +- .../0E/7C140E0CFD122A30297A36C63D4F6B21.ttl | 8 +- .../62/7C1462BDB29203FCFA04420EFD2AEDD6.ttl | 1 - .../A2/7C15A2DED37A8F2B96280EE26671812A.ttl | 5 - .../0D/7C160D92C327AE33867CE837C5E345C5.ttl | 10 - .../15/7C1715A3CB2AD35BBA01169C20295EA6.ttl | 33 +- .../92/7C17927C7F6E5C239AD855C3085435E3.ttl | 92 +- .../CF/7C17CFD0C3D8E2C41383711276E47EE7.ttl | 124 +- .../FF/7C17FF83369801076F6D1655DD539AF7.ttl | 1 - .../43/7C18432DC4CA623B2A913A038C33D35C.ttl | 73 - .../65/7C18653869F352C782F83DEDD45C03BD.ttl | 2 - .../87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC27FA6FAB87ED6FD2F.ttl | 63 +- .../87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC77FA6FBEB788BFB32.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C1887F8FFEDFFC27FA6FD4C7ED6F9AB.ttl | 17 +- .../C7/7C18C7443A70FFCCFF12E6DBA76DFEB7.ttl | 1 - .../C7/7C18C7443A70FFCEFF12E36DA68FF98A.ttl | 88 +- .../C7/7C18C7443A71FFCEFF12E708A1CEFD1F.ttl | 32 +- .../C7/7C18C7443A72FFCAFF12E64DA281FF24.ttl | 1 - .../C7/7C18C7443A72FFCCFF12E1DFA1C7FA3F.ttl | 1 - .../C7/7C18C7443A74FFC9FF12E4EDA646FF24.ttl | 1 - .../C7/7C18C7443A77FFC7FF12E653A0F3FD1F.ttl | 2 +- .../C7/7C18C7443A77FFC9FF12E13EA783FA1E.ttl | 2 +- .../C7/7C18C7443A78FFC6FF12E0E5A7EEFB9F.ttl | 1 - .../BD/7C19BDCDF7ECCCD177AE5BBD9AD790E7.ttl | 1 - .../DC/7C19DC009B11FF9EFF37F9B052A5F8B0.ttl | 52 +- .../DC/7C19DC009B15FF93FF37FF055317F879.ttl | 4 - .../DC/7C19DC009B18FF97FF37F90F57A1FE67.ttl | 1 - .../DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37F9315578F831.ttl | 39 +- .../DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37FF0557A1FC6F.ttl | 1 - .../54/7C1A54061C34D75DBF661E975E5A2992.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C1A87C4FF836B41FDE6F74DF70FF664.ttl | 48 - .../87/7C1A87C4FF836B44F9DDF661FC6AFDD0.ttl | 107 -- .../87/7C1A87C4FF866B4BFE37FDF5FB6EF99A.ttl | 16 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFA16B61FE9AF4B7F7E7F915.ttl | 122 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFA16B63FDC2F9E7FB5BF516.ttl | 75 -- .../87/7C1A87C4FFA36B66FECFF8E7FB76F3A7.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFA46B68F9E5F7BAFB8AF391.ttl | 92 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFAA6B6CF9F8FE1AF7B0F39B.ttl | 107 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFB06B70FE0DFE2EFB90F63D.ttl | 121 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFB26B74FE3FF598F7B7F450.ttl | 107 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFB86B78FDEAFE00FB9DF57B.ttl | 47 +- .../87/7C1A87C4FFBA6B7DFE5DF56AFB97F702.ttl | 95 -- .../87/7C1A87C4FFBF6B40FE1EF6CBF7BDF386.ttl | 52 +- .../9A/7C1A9AAF54425087AFF2FC8DD356BAE7.ttl | 98 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740640EE20AAD5FD92FDC9CBA7.ttl | 22 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740640EE21AAD5F95BFC5BC98B.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740641EE21AAD5FD3EFAA6CC13.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740644EE24AAD5FCF2FC44CEBF.ttl | 36 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740644EE25AAD5F955FB37C98B.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740645EE25AAD5FE4EFDE4CBCB.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740646EE26AAD5FF6FFE4BCAEB.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD9740647EE24AAD5F8DDFEC5CA8F.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FC77FAC5CD00.ttl | 21 +- .../D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FEABFBE1CAC0.ttl | 21 +- .../77/7C1E77D218F261D24EE6F4684FED1C5B.ttl | 6 +- .../83/7C1E838D58E15F6AB8606C3A46A6EE0B.ttl | 18 +- .../BC/7C1EBC4369FD5C1E904010402E56F37A.ttl | 18 +- .../D5/7C1ED5D2847EB8C34DE1ACF7076B1682.ttl | 2 - .../5D/7C205DA2B4805F52B076D81DDB8FD8F1.ttl | 17 - .../A5/7C20A57CCEB0B865A53ABA0D3ED41B2B.ttl | 30 +- .../03/7C210339B6855FB49E0176EE6DE8B920.ttl | 19 +- .../07/7C21076F82855D9698B24D5298FEE1B3.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C2187A6FFADEC00FF2A38A5FB06FD22.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C2187A6FFADEC03FF2A3CDFFC68FBC6.ttl | 21 - .../A3/7C21A33FFFE3FF8CFF7B6C01FCD2F8B3.ttl | 22 +- .../08/7C230817D41BBB71940BFA5DA322D51A.ttl | 1 - .../2A/7C232A3D89521A328ACC380698FA50F4.ttl | 1 - .../43/7C2343115E8F40C11BCEB79134D0F317.ttl | 7 - .../87/7C2387E1FFBABC13FF2EFE9CFEBAB7A1.ttl | 75 +- .../F3/7C23F3933464B092B8B040A8B70CD90D.ttl | 5 - .../87/7C2487BCFF97FFC5FF7E207CFCFEFA70.ttl | 16 - .../4C/7C254C5900E1F4E920016C0227111CC3.ttl | 18 - .../7A/7C257ABBDAAE09EF57EC5186C6042F9D.ttl | 15 - .../C7/7C25C765B27BFFCFFB02FDA6D4422C03.ttl | 100 +- .../EB/7C25EB0FFFD9FFD261B5B6A7CC29FC5A.ttl | 118 +- .../0D/7C260D27655916A5402270551E0181BA.ttl | 85 -- .../33/7C26337926FD55FFB13798EECA62A4CD.ttl | 1 - .../4E/7C264E27B8347C549835A1DBAED810CC.ttl | 17 - .../55/7C26556CF9AC2602F1033D5314CFECC5.ttl | 19 +- .../DB/7C26DBDF857157989A71D647AD60E191.ttl | 18 - .../DC/7C27DCD33EF608CC3AF9EA1C5CDBCB5E.ttl | 7 - .../E5/7C27E5A4D3895D58A93CD569F0F927D2.ttl | 16 - .../0D/7C280D5E049E532492DC69CCDEECAC7B.ttl | 1 - .../1B/7C281B670745FFFF7793FA88916BF9E6.ttl | 37 +- .../1B/7C281B670746FFF87793FEB59115F8CA.ttl | 40 +- .../71/7C29712945FD1D6F874862071AC9AE7F.ttl | 23 - .../87/7C2987C541608119FF760D82C72FF92E.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C2987C541618119FF760862C794FC45.ttl | 23 +- .../87/7C2987C54163811AFF760CF6C7EDFA4A.ttl | 31 +- .../87/7C2987C54163811BFF760B97C00DFB9A.ttl | 23 +- .../87/7C2987C54164811DFF760EF2C6A5FCA1.ttl | 68 +- .../87/7C2987C54164811EFF760A68C18BFECB.ttl | 31 +- .../E4/7C29E49ECD8D5E1E8DF887380F61E994.ttl | 27 +- .../51/7C2C519149AB44196FF5A5849BA7AE05.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A8015AFC851E51.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A80277FC991EE6.ttl | 14 - .../17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A802BAFC9E1FF1.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A804CEFC9519EC.ttl | 14 - .../17/7C2D1728FF94FFB597A805A0FC801DB5.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF95FFB297A805B5FCF31DA2.ttl | 46 - .../17/7C2D1728FF95FFB597A80279FD6B1EE5.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF97FFB497A805C5FC9C1D45.ttl | 1 - .../17/7C2D1728FF97FFB797A80396FC8718B3.ttl | 14 - .../54/7C2D54D50D940386FD88946147A47A68.ttl | 18 - .../57/7C2D57601EAC536CB9E7D3105F84B043.ttl | 91 +- .../FA/7C2DFABEFE5A7CE1F2BF801480B4C4E3.ttl | 1 - .../25/7C2E25AE7F7DE1DFA1BB7CFDB7825C5B.ttl | 3 +- .../B5/7C2EB5C8EA798937928E142209BB830F.ttl | 2 +- .../87/7C2F87F9FF81FF97B58771C4FE14837B.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C2F87F9FF84FF91B5877592FC408007.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C2F87F9FF85FF92B587730BFBFB80CF.ttl | 2 +- .../87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB5877237FAF485BB.ttl | 2 +- .../87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB587778BFA80815E.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C2F87F9FF89FF98B58776ABFA09831C.ttl | 435 +----- .../FC/7C2FFCCEDFF60CA810D00B974330989B.ttl | 1 - .../4B/7C304B7A79B3986B4430C789C332CEA4.ttl | 46 - .../C4/7C30C45746C8591F95FAD2C53D5A4F4E.ttl | 34 +- .../1A/7C311A263C1EFFE8FC77F203FB5DFA3A.ttl | 37 +- .../BA/7C33BA11DDA390B530BC29AF60AD9771.ttl | 1 - .../10/7C3410DAB6ED89607CA62EFBE5E9D812.ttl | 1 - .../31/7C343141CF0F5FA38226B91D5AD493B9.ttl | 1 - .../6D/7C346D990E0C52649B66DF1FDED7E334.ttl | 35 +- .../05/7C350560F2AC5507BDD45D7A9AB0B62F.ttl | 54 - .../B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FB7B00CF1015.ttl | 65 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FDA3000E13ED.ttl | 2 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B45FFB655F3F85D011517DD.ttl | 1 - .../B3/7C35B3169B46FFB755F3FF2B00B91645.ttl | 72 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B47FFB055F3F9360683140D.ttl | 36 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FC66014F11AB.ttl | 51 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FE93003015E5.ttl | 17 - .../B3/7C35B3169B48FFBA55F3FB79068A14B8.ttl | 103 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B4AFFBA55F3FB0301A71015.ttl | 21 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B4BFFB455F3F8FE07481555.ttl | 21 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FB5E038210BB.ttl | 50 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FC6B02861333.ttl | 1 - .../B3/7C35B3169B5AFFAB55F3F9E901291535.ttl | 53 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B5BFFA455F3F8F6029C15ED.ttl | 21 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FCB60288106B.ttl | 35 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FD7B0159142B.ttl | 1 - .../B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAC55F3FE3603BE113B.ttl | 52 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAD55F3F9460361150D.ttl | 21 +- .../B3/7C35B3169B5DFFAA55F3FD5B00961280.ttl | 184 +-- .../A7/7C36A7C8790D57B8B6981E693A7457CA.ttl | 59 +- .../21/7C37212F16CCC92684B6F0C9E450300B.ttl | 26 - .../23/7C3723C2376E4DE55D930FA25C3B0092.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C3787C7FF90F32C1FBCFB51FE9CFE7E.ttl | 114 +- .../87/7C3787E64723FFB641D2FB53FDC88C2F.ttl | 53 +- .../87/7C3787E64728FFBB41D2F924FBE08F8A.ttl | 95 +- .../87/7C3787E6472AFFBD41D2FE09FD978ABB.ttl | 71 +- .../87/7C3787E6472BFFB841D2FF3CFA5289C7.ttl | 66 +- .../87/7C3787E6472BFFB941D2FDE9FB34895B.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C3787E6472EFFB041D2FD7FFA4F8C9F.ttl | 83 +- .../AE/7C37AE61FFA62226D386A63DFAA0BD9E.ttl | 125 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF80AB17FF2CFA7C37FEFB07.ttl | 20 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF82AB16FF2CFAC43670F953.ttl | 34 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF83AB10FF2CF8F031C2FC03.ttl | 2 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFF85AB1DFF2CFBC5316FFDD3.ttl | 134 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF88AB1FFF2CFD70378DF8C7.ttl | 285 +--- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF8BAB1BFF2CFF693081FCD7.ttl | 200 +-- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF8EAB05FF2CFC7432EDFA9A.ttl | 140 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF90AB07FF2CFA383200FBB7.ttl | 19 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF92AB06FF2CFB5437A7F86D.ttl | 33 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF94AB03FF2CFF693699FDB1.ttl | 54 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB02FF2CFF213156FB6F.ttl | 54 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB0DFF2CFB2D3761F99B.ttl | 326 +---- .../CE/7C37CE5FFF98AB0DFF2CF9393195F837.ttl | 17 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CF98D33E4F846.ttl | 37 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFC7E3166F9CF.ttl | 29 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFE2B3106FD09.ttl | 16 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFFA5AB33FF2CFBC0377DFEF3.ttl | 157 --- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFA6AB3DFF2CFE90302DF9E7.ttl | 68 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFA8AB3CFF2CF8A837F2FE8B.ttl | 17 - .../CE/7C37CE5FFFA9AB38FF2CFE483234F9E0.ttl | 134 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFADAB3AFF2CF99E3672FF3B.ttl | 136 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFAFAB3AFF2CFED8365CF843.ttl | 19 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB1AB27FF2CFF693627F995.ttl | 362 +---- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB2AB21FF2CF941317EF9C3.ttl | 99 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB4AB23FF2CF98030ABFD47.ttl | 186 +-- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB6AB2DFF2CFD0A370FFD8F.ttl | 20 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB8AB2CFF2CF99F37A5FD2E.ttl | 112 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFB9AB28FF2CFCEC32DDFA8E.ttl | 56 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFBDAB2AFF2CFA4C31A2FC03.ttl | 49 +- .../CE/7C37CE5FFFBFAB15FF2CFBC0314EFADF.ttl | 290 ---- .../C7/7C38C749D9BA1BF5130DCBAE0BDF7D1D.ttl | 5 - .../4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9E817393CF95F.ttl | 19 +- .../4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9EF123A5BFAFF.ttl | 36 +- .../87/7C39876E4E2CEBD1E72910749F415FDE.ttl | 10 - .../87/7C3A878E45095A2FFF74FCEAFBCF34A9.ttl | 290 ++-- .../87/7C3A878E450E5A2FFF74FAB0FA7436B9.ttl | 50 +- .../87/7C3A878E450F5A3BFF74FE46FCB8327D.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C3A878E45135A36FF74F9F3FF1B35A4.ttl | 52 +- .../87/7C3A878E45175A08FF74F9BBFE5831C9.ttl | 40 +- .../87/7C3A878E451A5A32FF74F921FACC366C.ttl | 37 +- .../A4/7C3AA4271F125C920E3CE7DFFC952621.ttl | 1 - .../0A/7C3B0A32538B1D5B894A0F82888F201C.ttl | 17 - .../FA/7C3BFA173F6AD2B2BE3111796EEC4D38.ttl | 1 - .../02/7C3C02D56CD4557CB95BC15FC56225DA.ttl | 7 - .../00/7C3D001CBF0F972DD66B5678C2F0C622.ttl | 10 - .../A1/7C3DA105BF03683A468ADADDEED28882.ttl | 1 - .../F6/7C3DF63F78199B68387A5B9D14854B00.ttl | 1 - .../EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFF951FAA4F853.ttl | 13 +- .../EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFFDFDFABAFA0F.ttl | 2 +- .../EA/7C3EEA4BD433FFFE6EAFF8C9FCC0FF13.ttl | 13 +- .../1C/7C3F1C35FF84EF7C358B73CFA247F86F.ttl | 19 +- .../3C/7C3F3C10FFD39B32FF4AAC93FF2D56E9.ttl | 172 +-- .../87/7C3F87A5FF92FFF1FF5ED1C2FCB343E0.ttl | 50 +- .../87/7C3F87A5FF92FFFFFF5ED5D2FD6246AA.ttl | 1 - .../FA/7C3FFA47B4C55E1C815CC7C8F417AC20.ttl | 35 +- .../50/7C40507EE87DA21EABD14DFB08CE0145.ttl | 48 - .../6C/7C416C21FFC2F01CFDE3FB70FD31F9A0.ttl | 4 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFC6F018FDDDFD13FC9CFB07.ttl | 1 - .../6C/7C416C21FFC8F016FDD7FDF2FAE7FC40.ttl | 16 - .../6C/7C416C21FFD0F009FDACF9F7FC26FDFC.ttl | 22 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFD0F00EFDF0FEE3FD9EFD16.ttl | 2 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFD2F00FFDD3F955FB9AFD50.ttl | 6 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFD3F00DFDC1FBB5FED5F943.ttl | 2 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFD4F00AFDF7FDC1FCC6FCCF.ttl | 17 - .../6C/7C416C21FFDEF000FDF5FC78FD24FAF9.ttl | 2 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFDEF003FDF5F883FB0EFCE4.ttl | 2 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFDFF001FDFFFB82FDA3F835.ttl | 20 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFF3F02CFDA3FD5AFCC0FB1C.ttl | 36 +- .../6C/7C416C21FFF4F035FDCAFD8FFCD1FE64.ttl | 16 +- .../B9/7C41B99789FC50F281D0549055335363.ttl | 1 - .../CA/7C41CA2BD3407F5DF6B2D4CB2D70FE71.ttl | 50 +- .../CA/7C41CA2BD3447F50F6B2D68B2CEDFD69.ttl | 40 +- .../CA/7C41CA2BD3467F5EF6B2D7E82E2EFDB0.ttl | 24 +- .../CA/7C41CA2BD3487F4AF6B2D4A92AEFF800.ttl | 137 +- .../CA/7C41CA2BD34B7F53F6B2D0A92B05FDB0.ttl | 25 +- .../67/7C42675E0000B923FF14F951F0160845.ttl | 34 +- .../67/7C42675E0000B927FF14FA38F0650F77.ttl | 17 - .../67/7C42675E0004B923FF14FE7CF0950B38.ttl | 17 - .../67/7C42675E0004B92CFF14FDA0F0C60DE4.ttl | 97 +- .../87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB8FDBCFC81A8CAFB70.ttl | 75 -- .../87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB9FDBCFB67AED1FD75.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB6FDBCF929AC4EFD74.ttl | 41 - .../87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB9FDBCFD5DA9DEF9B8.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C4287D7FFE3FFB8FDBCF9E1A958FD11.ttl | 74 -- .../87/7C4287D7FFE3FFBBFDBCFD5DAE53F9F1.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C4287D7FFE5FFBDFDBCFF77AF75FA83.ttl | 68 +- .../87/7C4287D7FFEEFFB6FDBCFD5DAE89F820.ttl | 54 - .../9E/7C429EDB2AC852BDBB9EDF297C84E0CF.ttl | 2 - .../74/7C4374284B892174D37A7BEF7F6193CE.ttl | 17 - .../7E/7C447ED296A36437165E9E76BCAD5F43.ttl | 52 - .../F2/7C44F2AEDE9B7ED018D46FD84F3E325F.ttl | 6 - .../0C/7C450C5557905574EA307528C4BFBE4A.ttl | 2 - .../10/7C4510A4DD98F78C27E6E7A66A7360A5.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C4587BBFFA53E5C6AA51044FE70F833.ttl | 84 +- .../87/7C4687BB08AE55198E5F1430F012F959.ttl | 1 - .../94/7C4694F52D1C23BF9E98479B5B151A9D.ttl | 1 - .../9B/7C469B31D4D1278B1C42B3FD9C64CEAB.ttl | 2 +- .../FA/7C47FA3FD964BB03FF42F8B06360613F.ttl | 113 +- .../FC/7C47FC722256E730FF128084FA04FB5F.ttl | 165 --- .../FC/7C47FC72225BE73FFF1284F0FB27F832.ttl | 38 +- .../FC/7C47FC72225DE73DFF128665FD31FB15.ttl | 44 +- .../65/7C486543AF3EBAE0559898D875ECAABA.ttl | 6 - .../6F/7C486F3FE9D8336BAAE77A441F18B8ED.ttl | 175 --- .../DF/7C48DFE2BDB45F5CA3EA962495101154.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C4987EF3A06FFB3FEB2FCF9B58EFBE0.ttl | 18 - .../87/7C4987EF3A20FF9BFDB8FBEAB5CCFCBC.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A22FF95FD92FB89B274FC4C.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A24FF97FDABFAAFB09DFBA1.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A26FF91FD8EFBA3B5BCFA88.ttl | 24 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A28FF82FDB8FD54B594FD92.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A2AFF9DFDBEFD54B59DFD92.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A2CFF9FFDAEFDB9B3D1FD92.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A2EFF99FD8AFCBAB5F9FDB1.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A31FF8AFDB7FB73B21FFC27.ttl | 34 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A33FF84FDAEFA34B3CFFBF7.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A35FF86FDB4F999B0AAFA32.ttl | 16 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A36FF80FD84FE69B3CBFA51.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C4987EF3A3DFF8CFDB9FBFAB59AFDB1.ttl | 17 +- .../EB/7C49EB33FFF0C2120371FAECFC5B0AF6.ttl | 6 - .../EB/7C49EB33FFF1C2110371FB1EFD270C2E.ttl | 33 +- .../EB/7C49EB33FFFBC21F0371FA8CFD2009EE.ttl | 26 +- .../EB/7C49EB33FFFCC21D0371FD6CFDAC08FE.ttl | 71 +- .../EB/7C49EB33FFFEC21C0371FC7CFCAE0F5E.ttl | 48 - .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF97FF6EFC68FB2903B2.ttl | 19 +- .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF9AFF6EFF32FC84024F.ttl | 35 - .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFCF3FEB006DB.ttl | 17 +- .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFF32FCDA023B.ttl | 35 - .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFCC4FAD406BA.ttl | 32 +- .../DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFF32FC5E023B.ttl | 41 - .../87/7C4B87F4FF8BFF95FF4CFBE5FCB1CC8E.ttl | 1 - .../DE/7C4BDE78186073F17C2A8C8A785B1CFE.ttl | 18 - .../E1/7C4BE11C9923ED4AA2632F136C7FC7E9.ttl | 2 +- .../F9/7C4BF9B9E72527C4E3D467606BEC3FB3.ttl | 21 - .../4E/7C4C4E09C01D9F16FEB6F9B7EE62CAD6.ttl | 224 ---- .../6A/7C4C6A734A2F56C78DD21ED53B6CE0A1.ttl | 67 +- .../87/7C4C8788FFC27E36FF09E41AFA928B07.ttl | 19 +- .../1C/7C4D1C27FFC1BF74B4D0FDF7FA34FB1E.ttl | 560 -------- .../1C/7C4D1C27FFC2BF7BB4D0F8C1FCF8FE79.ttl | 45 +- .../1C/7C4D1C27FFC4BF78B4D0FB88FBABF8A0.ttl | 49 +- .../59/7C4D5973B6240C8792B483AD1A3DCDCB.ttl | 2 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFF911E56FFF1FBA1A344C835.ttl | 1 - .../D3/7C4DD35EFF931E51FFF1FB68A6ACC8F8.ttl | 155 +-- .../D3/7C4DD35EFF961E54FFF1FC9DA1D4CF61.ttl | 155 +-- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA01E61FFF1FC93A347CE22.ttl | 18 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA11E67FFF1FA8BA347C9F5.ttl | 17 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA21E60FFF1FBADA379C834.ttl | 77 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA71E6AFFF1FD5DA0D4CA54.ttl | 80 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA81E69FFF1FD7DA347CFB5.ttl | 47 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFA91E6FFFF1FB10A0B4C83D.ttl | 96 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFAA1E6BFFF1FE3DA344C975.ttl | 46 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFAB1E68FFF1FDDDA344C995.ttl | 18 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFAD1E53FFF1FA24A347CF82.ttl | 63 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFAF1E6DFFF1FCE2A347CE7C.ttl | 129 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFB11E71FE11FCF9A6A8CD98.ttl | 82 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFB61E74FEC7FDE1A6AACEAB.ttl | 278 +--- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFB81E7EFFF1FF7DA347C855.ttl | 146 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFBC1E7DFFF1FF7DA344C8B5.ttl | 32 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFBD1E62FFF1FC15A347C8C4.ttl | 33 +- .../D3/7C4DD35EFFBE1E7FFFF1FC3DA344CD15.ttl | 34 +- .../D6/7C4DD6A48716819F1171ED56423F087C.ttl | 2 +- .../00/7C4E00C972CF566C9DD0950A0664175B.ttl | 107 -- .../5F/7C4E5FBA26F95D959899935BB9F82218.ttl | 58 - .../87/7C4E878AAB73FF81609EE67109AD8BAC.ttl | 50 +- .../87/7C4E878AAB75FF9D616FE65708B28F93.ttl | 75 +- .../87/7C4E878AAB78FF966099E7E90BA28FA7.ttl | 31 - .../87/7C4E878AAB78FF9B60ABE79C0BA38FAB.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C4E878AAB7CFF966302E44508EF8F12.ttl | 125 +- .../8E/7C4E8E28A261FF959D196F98FC135549.ttl | 114 +- .../8E/7C4E8E28A26BFF819F9E6B75FDBB564D.ttl | 50 - .../8E/7C4E8E28A26CFF8C9D336C78FC10556D.ttl | 129 +- .../8E/7C4E8E28A278FF959D376F7BFB5F501C.ttl | 63 - .../8E/7C4E8E28A278FF979D7F6A4FFE555296.ttl | 113 +- .../8E/7C4E8E28A27EFF9E9FD16B9AFAA757FE.ttl | 630 --------- .../DE/7C4FDE2330423179FF4696C7FC675896.ttl | 141 +- .../E4/7C4FE41AB02D9B76BCA7FFAC85B880A8.ttl | 20 - .../62/7C506217E753593297B32AD9FBFAFBEA.ttl | 34 +- .../62/7C506217E753593797B32E96FEF2F906.ttl | 19 +- .../62/7C506217E756593D97B328E5FA6BFE75.ttl | 1 - .../9D/7C509D0A446A1E0F807477D8C6E14FCC.ttl | 17 - .../CC/7C51CC7AD14EFF82A8F7FED3FD711ED7.ttl | 17 - .../D4/7C52D4FC8E9557729464E76E5420FDDA.ttl | 91 +- .../3D/7C533D3C85941E1921F48336A692E2CC.ttl | 8 - .../84/7C538413D1FE56ECA407031B56B7BB51.ttl | 75 -- .../97/7C5397956FFD98941D29417D15D86895.ttl | 19 +- .../6E/7C546E33B67E737230793C9D0E2AEED9.ttl | 2 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFA70718FC5E113C2F914306.ttl | 37 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFA7071BFF43175D2AEB41A4.ttl | 4 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFB00700FCB7135E2C55445B.ttl | 38 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFB0070CFF6114922DF6445B.ttl | 4 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFB3070CFF4A12392EE74306.ttl | 101 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFB4070FFE3911962B7B44AF.ttl | 144 -- .../B7/7C54B774FFB9071BFF50109F2F8C4046.ttl | 38 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFBB0705FF5012792D11471A.ttl | 4 +- .../B7/7C54B774FFBC0707FEC9135E2F6F457B.ttl | 8 +- .../87/7C5587AAF177FF9A75ECCDE1FC0CFD7A.ttl | 6 - .../87/7C5587AAF17DFF9075ECCEF7FD2CFCBC.ttl | 17 - .../BC/7C55BC1CC4C8519982DB430017F78E30.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5687A9FFD3627EFF5B844AFEFBF7E5.ttl | 49 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF80FA0871DEFE6DFCD867E8.ttl | 40 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFAE4FD9F62F7.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFC87FB8C600E.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF82FA0A71DEF9EEFB75673C.ttl | 28 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF86FA0E71DEFF0EFD9F64AC.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF87FA0971DEFE43FC2D6488.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF89FA0071DEFF0EFF6167A5.ttl | 40 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFBC7FC55623A.ttl | 37 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFF0EFDEA6129.ttl | 53 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF8BFA1D71DEF9EEFD1267A0.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF8CFA0471DEF9C4FC206464.ttl | 3 - .../87/7C5687D4FF8DFA0671DEF97EFDEA6438.ttl | 37 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF8FFA0171DEFEF7FDEA673C.ttl | 124 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF91FA1B71DEF9CBFE5C673C.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF93FA1571DEFF0EFBAC67A0.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF95FA1F71DEFF0EFC556718.ttl | 52 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF97FA1971DEF89DFE7364D0.ttl | 4 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFB77FDC56397.ttl | 22 +- .../87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFF0EFE1D61B9.ttl | 72 +- .../0C/7C570C1034148837FC84866B7201FB7B.ttl | 159 +-- .../71/7C5771930043C464265526546C62FEAA.ttl | 1 - .../1B/7C581BFE0092744D9AD431E0AEEBD039.ttl | 19 +- .../87/7C58878EFFC99D617460FA41FB3F6EC6.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C58878EFFCB9D637460FBDAFA966EE1.ttl | 35 +- .../87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FB52FDFE6DAF.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FC07FE116C82.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FEADFD786A0A.ttl | 19 +- .../87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFA07FA756EBF.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFE07FA756AFD.ttl | 20 - .../87/7C58878EFFCC9D65741FF88FFF426958.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFE1B25FFF6AF82C32D0FB25.ttl | 55 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFE2B25FFF6AFAF437F9F847.ttl | 67 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFE5B254FF6AFB173020FCC0.ttl | 32 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFE9B251FF6AFCED33D2F969.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFECB24DFF6AF8B5377CFCED.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFF0B24EFF6AFC3C313EFA15.ttl | 17 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFF3B249FF6AF9A43678FF00.ttl | 20 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFF5B245FF6AFF2833C2FB10.ttl | 25 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFF8B244FF6AFAA83396FAAD.ttl | 23 +- .../87/7C5887A3FFF9B241FF6AFA7C366EF9BF.ttl | 6 - .../A6/7C58A62E96C2BF3BBA2E63E0A8E8BDEE.ttl | 97 -- .../C1/7C58C10E5E75F38B5D76E1A2280499BC.ttl | 5 - .../D2/7C58D25DFFBEFFB1E8ABFA75FBDB8E47.ttl | 39 +- .../1C/7C591C2A13EB2D3AAE4FE1BA8863A806.ttl | 2 +- .../62/7C5962D67BEEE4C829749B99BAE0F827.ttl | 18 - .../7B/7C597BD5529E92B379FCAD2A2BCFA518.ttl | 20 - .../87/7C5987A5FFE1FFCCFF47A319FACBE43F.ttl | 50 +- .../87/7C5987A5FFE3FFCEFF47A389FC16E289.ttl | 20 - .../07/7C5A07011388C35BD38E2765133706A0.ttl | 2 - .../32/7C5A32253B07506CA681F724B0751FCB.ttl | 21 +- .../87/7C5A879BAE284E18FF373F71FBDEFB66.ttl | 73 +- .../87/7C5A879BAE2C4E1BFF373EDDFB90FBD6.ttl | 37 +- .../87/7C5A879BAE2F4E0CFF373E4DFB94FB02.ttl | 113 +- .../B1/7C5AB11DF32916469CF5C96896C5FF73.ttl | 107 -- .../B1/7C5AB11DF32F164B9CF5CB0E97E7F879.ttl | 34 +- .../B1/7C5AB11DF32F164F9CF5CF229272F894.ttl | 81 -- .../74/7C5B741641546D41E6DFFBAADB994D89.ttl | 97 -- .../74/7C5B741641786D6CE6DFFE8ADB994EBE.ttl | 34 - .../87/7C5B8799FF805A286D9A8075FB780C0F.ttl | 188 +-- .../87/7C5B8799FF805A2B6D9A8603FEBA0DD2.ttl | 33 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF835A256D9A860CFDDA0FC7.ttl | 129 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF865A2C6D9A86B5FE1B0CBF.ttl | 49 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF875A2B6D9A80A9FAD60C0C.ttl | 32 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8258FCB409D9.ttl | 49 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8778FC480BFA.ttl | 129 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF8E5A246D9A867BFB170DDF.ttl | 64 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF8F5A236D9A832CFB2B0CDB.ttl | 81 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF8F5A246D9A8071FB8408FA.ttl | 64 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF955A3D6D9A8299FBB00EEF.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5B8799FF965A3C6D9A8521FA140EDD.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5B8799FF975A356D9A8265FD5F0A22.ttl | 248 +--- .../87/7C5B8799FF975A3C6D9A8033FB6B0BA2.ttl | 35 +- .../87/7C5B8799FF9A5A2D6D9A8242FB0A0C92.ttl | 159 +-- .../87/7C5B8799FF9E5A336D9A80E5FAE70998.ttl | 128 +- .../BA/7C5BBA0FA67B12EF258DD2BC9D4CFCDE.ttl | 113 -- .../CE/7C5BCE66FFC5195F83FFD31D979BFE3F.ttl | 18 +- .../CE/7C5BCE66FFDB195D83F6D39C96B7FD1D.ttl | 34 +- .../CE/7C5BCE66FFDD195981CDD5C0946FFE60.ttl | 18 +- .../F2/7C5CF269C9A16BF35394D4270D55810C.ttl | 2 +- .../1F/7C5D1FE8D045D61AAD1DF7D9FC12BA1C.ttl | 5 - .../35/7C5D35EF576D588184C49EEE523738EE.ttl | 38 +- .../CE/7C5DCE551CBFF18B95933B4D4827DE16.ttl | 2 - .../88/7C5E88DACCCF95A1635601A7D29FAA00.ttl | 66 +- .../A5/7C5EA5DF97771C6591BE8E89D5DA8F02.ttl | 1 - .../76/7C5F76F1156D49047E891D736E8FA41E.ttl | 20 - .../87/7C5F87FCA5008511FE1777C85537DC62.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5F87FCA5058514FE1773FE545DDA28.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE17743C5212DE0E.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE1775B05211DFBA.ttl | 1 - .../12/7C6012C6BAA15FFF93A4054E6E0D8D5F.ttl | 22 +- .../18/7C611810D232D7019D8CDC42F2DE70B9.ttl | 169 +-- .../38/7C6138956EA975F9844CB26BE92A346F.ttl | 10 - .../51/7C6151696043E95EFF36A5B7FD55FF08.ttl | 52 - .../51/7C6151696067E97DFF36A256FBE6FCCC.ttl | 140 -- .../75/7C6175E2DD47CACA38281F5250CA0F40.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6187E60478EF4E5DD0E0E5E29DF8D0.ttl | 95 +- .../87/7C6187E6047DEF4C5DD0E148E423F85A.ttl | 18 +- .../A4/7C61A4D8C7C351D3839E84E57FAC3C3A.ttl | 1 - .../29/7C6229B7C6F0536D98AD654BB8DEF2A4.ttl | 53 +- .../86/7C6286D429EB52F69D8DE1624CD81F39.ttl | 1 - .../83/7C648384299EAC64B307306F539B3495.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C648788D541FFE3D47AFC26FBFF8F4F.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C648788D544FFEDD47AFD9FFBBB8801.ttl | 19 +- .../87/7C648788D547FFE0D47AFA07FE2F8BD9.ttl | 49 +- .../A1/7C64A11D38C55E10BBC03752DB2C4DF5.ttl | 91 +- .../5E/7C655E933DDBEB64D2E07AB5A517A06E.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C658792FFA7AE2CFF39E35CA8EFFDF4.ttl | 17 +- .../70/7C6670C62D403485BFB5795BA600FC11.ttl | 6 - .../E9/7C66E9B0910C2048E3F11780330CAD7A.ttl | 1 - .../EE/7C66EE6DEC913333F0B8FBD1DF5978ED.ttl | 63 - .../10/7C671002CD292401FF4FFF68EF6072E0.ttl | 44 +- .../10/7C671002CD2F240DFF4FF9F8EE9B77E8.ttl | 6 - .../10/7C671002CD372408FF4FF918EE877095.ttl | 74 +- .../10/7C671002CD3C2410FF4FFB30EF6C73B0.ttl | 68 +- .../10/7C671002CD3D241BFF4FF8F3E821714D.ttl | 37 - .../35/7C673578E46490519991107E3934465F.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C678785FFD3FFA5FF6282E1FEE3FA1E.ttl | 97 +- .../87/7C678785FFD6FFA3FF628139FB6DFDC6.ttl | 46 +- .../87/7C6787D2FFF4FFFBC635EB5DFA573A1B.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C6787D2FFFDFFF3C326E8DDFB8E3B1A.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C6787D2FFFDFFFAC1D1EB5CFAB33B1A.ttl | 23 +- .../9B/7C679B4034DD825C1F59D4C708FEE4EE.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D00FF9CFF28FB36ECAD7665.ttl | 16 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D01FF9AFF28F9EBEC4E71F6.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D02FF99FF28F8E3EB4C7096.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D03FF99FF28FA6BEC2C7660.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF90FF28FE4DEC2970A9.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF9FFF28F8A6EC6C71E1.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D05FF9FFF28FA84EC1A764E.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D07FF9DFF28FA97EB537528.ttl | 16 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D08FF93FF28F826EC197134.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF91FF28F9EBEC1B71AE.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF92FF28FF86EB1B7438.ttl | 155 --- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0CFFE8FF28FFB9EC707558.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0DFF97FF28FD26ECE07618.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF95FF28F8D6EC6D712D.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF96FF28FF01ECC774CE.ttl | 22 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D10FF8CFF28FD27EC307487.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D14FF80FF28FE67EB687315.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D15FF8FFF28FAD9EB027630.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D17FF8DFF28FD6FEE627630.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D18FF84FF28FBE6ECEC7400.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D1CFF98FF28FDD6EC307588.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D1DFF87FF28FCBEEC6B737E.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF85FF28F833ECD371CE.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF86FF28FE26ECAD7256.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D1FFF85FF28FA03ECF77630.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D20FFBCFF28FBBBEC7776C0.ttl | 49 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D22FFBAFF28FF4EECA374E0.ttl | 49 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB8FF28F9EBEC2271AE.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB9FF28FF86ECE97378.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D24FFB0FF28FA1BEB0877E8.ttl | 36 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D25FFBFFF28FC0FEC237438.ttl | 34 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBDFF28F9EBEB59729E.ttl | 50 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBEFF28FF76ECE3746E.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D27FFBCFF28FB33ECE37042.ttl | 49 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB2FF28F8CEECE8735D.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB3FF28FFACECD874E6.ttl | 15 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2AFFB2FF28FA94ECAD7666.ttl | 36 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB0FF28F84BEC3C72E8.ttl | 49 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB1FF28FF44EC4074B9.ttl | 49 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2CFFB7FF28F9EBEC4F72CE.ttl | 48 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2EFFB6FF28FC3BECD8755D.ttl | 15 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB4FF28F84BECC471F6.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB5FF28FE5EEC0B73D8.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D39FFA3FF28FDB9EAC470AF.ttl | 283 ---- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D3CFFA7FF28FD8BED1E70BE.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA6FF28FB5EECE871F0.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA7FF28FE5CEC2373A8.ttl | 30 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D3FFFA4FF28F9EBEFAD75CE.ttl | 185 --- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D60FFFBFF28FB29ECE771B1.ttl | 36 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D61FFFBFF28FA6BECE676C5.ttl | 21 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D62FFFAFF28FCECEC3B7588.ttl | 22 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D63FFF9FF28FA41ECB27406.ttl | 63 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D64FFFFFF28F833ED827097.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D66FFFEFF28FB7EEE9D76F8.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D67FFFDFF28FD2EEBBB7696.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D68FFF3FF28F9EBEC3B7116.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D69FFF2FF28F829EBA270BA.ttl | 67 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D6AFFF1FF28FAE9ECD570AA.ttl | 16 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D6BFFF0FF28F9EBEED77077.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D71FFEAFF28F826EC2771D5.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D73FFE9FF28FF09EC3B73A8.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFE0FF28FE2CEC6C7666.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFEEFF28FB5BEC3771C0.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D76FFEEFF28FCB4EBCE76F8.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFECFF28F80BEB0E7011.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFEDFF28FE0CECB87259.ttl | 19 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D78FFE5FF28FCA9EB0977E8.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D79FFE3FF28FB5BEC7B77E8.ttl | 38 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D7AFFE2FF28FB0EEC6576F8.ttl | 22 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D7CFFF8FF28FD8BEBF775A6.ttl | 18 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D7DFFE7FF28FC3BEB6F73A8.ttl | 17 +- .../FC/7C67FC6F2D7EFFE6FF28FF46EA6773D8.ttl | 18 +- .../78/7C6878FAB009582398B44D937C11D26D.ttl | 23 +- .../78/7C697826233F5F0AAC8295E26D60AE2A.ttl | 2 +- .../EA/7C6AEA5D558A5874B7C1D4001161F3C7.ttl | 22 +- .../F9/7C6AF9F1FA6659ACAD5EA1D55F3E36DB.ttl | 10 +- .../3B/7C6B3BDC6AB4EB7FFA745D80C9129CCB.ttl | 5 - .../4D/7C6C4DA1D3A736BF66E1CD5F0EC94AF1.ttl | 86 -- .../73/7C6C73665D72D773FDE9FF21FE5BF927.ttl | 17 +- .../83/7C6C83F56ACCCC0682D1EB7C395A8D83.ttl | 2 +- .../44/7C6D4423FF91FF8BFF0AFF35FA91FAA6.ttl | 18 +- .../44/7C6D4423FF91FF8DFF0AFABCFAD8FE09.ttl | 18 +- .../62/7C6D6232FFA6FF95216342B3027FFBAA.ttl | 20 +- .../87/7C6D8795FA64FFEEA2A2FAB8C93D20E5.ttl | 182 +-- .../87/7C6D8795FA66FFEAA2A2FAB8CF8223C1.ttl | 4 +- .../87/7C6D8795FA69FFE0A2A2FF38CF2427E8.ttl | 36 +- .../87/7C6D8795FA6CFFE6A2A2F9EECF3625F1.ttl | 18 +- .../87/7C6D87A2E721605271E6F9596C0AF85F.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E722605371E6FA416DD9F96F.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E723605071E6FB546C0AFA47.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E727605171E6F9DB6C61FB57.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E730604C71E6FA19697CF82F.ttl | 19 +- .../87/7C6D87A2E731604271E6FA1C6CC2FAAF.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E739605571E6F8E86CF6F9E7.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E73C604871E6FF316C0AF88F.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6D87A2E73D604F71E6FF316FACF867.ttl | 1 - .../BE/7C6DBE31B35BFFB6DA8FE18AFB1725C7.ttl | 23 +- .../CD/7C6DCD98DC3257CB99F807A35CDE15D0.ttl | 35 +- .../D3/7C6DD3C99344F12411FE32A23BBF53D0.ttl | 2 +- .../D6/7C6DD62AAE598734FAF324AC93D1BBED.ttl | 20 - .../87/7C6E87C3605BD76DFEB91585FC44BCBD.ttl | 62 +- .../42/7C6F4264FF819650FCD4FD8FA78C7856.ttl | 13 +- .../42/7C6F4264FF819657FCD4FED2A0707F4D.ttl | 13 - .../87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FCADFE3EFB1E.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FE39FBB7FD53.ttl | 7 - .../87/7C6F87CCFF8DFF8635C5FF69FCB8FCA6.ttl | 69 - .../8E/7C6F8E1314767CA0CA322F191AE463FD.ttl | 7 - .../BE/7C6FBEE8E60CEC24594EC36D6F79F1AF.ttl | 6 - .../53/7C705392577699FD7F51279291093E0F.ttl | 248 ---- .../B8/7C70B83247122E187905C835817D72F4.ttl | 91 -- .../C5/7C70C57B6577C082286FFD69290B87B5.ttl | 18 - .../53/7C71534DFFD2C918FC92F992FDCAF93B.ttl | 273 +--- .../5A/7C715AF2E8B4208CD92903EDEE4D9B66.ttl | 1 - .../80/7C728088B397118C60BEAA024E1BD880.ttl | 1 - .../A6/7C72A60A4EA659E0A8BA6F6575277102.ttl | 1 - .../03/7C7303EDD0CA1AD1CDFC6C1895237A9A.ttl | 2 +- .../41/7C73415D321598AF034AD5B84F24211E.ttl | 22 +- .../D2/7C73D27463BCD2689A73F021DD00FEA8.ttl | 2 +- .../45/7C74450EE8AA5D43ADA2B4C5D0941BC2.ttl | 2 +- .../87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53ACE1FC8BFE08.ttl | 51 - .../87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AE7BFE41FCA4.ttl | 41 - .../87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AF1FFBFAFB04.ttl | 43 +- .../87/7C7487C6FFF8A264FF53AA2EFC5CF8D1.ttl | 41 - .../87/7C7487C6FFF9A264FF53AB13FAA1F9B8.ttl | 123 +- .../87/7C7487C6FFF9A265FF53A94AFAB5F8A0.ttl | 57 - .../87/7C7487C6FFFEA262FF53AE0BFAE9FB30.ttl | 38 - .../87/7C7487C6FFFEA265FF53A923FBBFFB59.ttl | 19 +- .../99/7C7499267364FFB6FE46DA94FB92F964.ttl | 35 - .../87/7C7587B086620B307BB77F2FFC6BFA57.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C7587B086620B337BB77B1FFDF8FE1F.ttl | 1 - .../87/7C7587B086680B3A7BB77DCAFA00FBD1.ttl | 81 +- .../87/7C7587B086680B3C7BB77997FBF7FDFF.ttl | 38 +- .../87/7C7587B0866A0B3B7BB77A1AFCEBF851.ttl | 20 +- .../87/7C7587B0866E0B307BB77FC2FF4FFDA7.ttl | 35 +- .../6D/7C766D70793BDA16FF3C2FE1ADF1FF67.ttl | 1 - .../CF/7C76CF64BFF5F09F0EDA1FE725B70048.ttl | 7 +- .../2B/7C772B3AFFB29611020894DCED10DD8C.ttl | 16 - .../2B/7C772B505933FFA3DB49B575FD9CFAE4.ttl | 181 +-- .../2B/7C772B505935FFAAD995B355FE9AFD62.ttl | 17 - .../2B/7C772B50593AFFA0DB7FB3F7FBB8F877.ttl | 53 +- .../90/7C7790AFFC20601FB84805E49096DBF7.ttl | 54 +- .../EB/7C77EB246C441857A4633ADF9A6B8AAC.ttl | 2 - .../3A/7C783A27FFE90C44FF78F8C2ED418615.ttl | 39 +- .../3A/7C783A27FFEA0C43FF78F81EEC8F837B.ttl | 67 - .../E3/7C78E3679A61FFEC819FFAFD006FE8F6.ttl | 16 +- .../E3/7C78E3679A69FFE5819FFBD10113E980.ttl | 19 +- .../9D/7C799D29FFDD9C15FF1D6B0849D8F873.ttl | 34 +- .../1B/7C7A1BD53AB1321CAFFA256677A15037.ttl | 5 - .../2B/7C7A2BDDBC76A651331D028DF0D5F1D9.ttl | 1 - .../BE/7C7ABE6E3873307F24A5F925FC17F829.ttl | 7 +- .../CC/7C7ACC0951B858B493B0AAB2CCA8D6F8.ttl | 18 - .../F5/7C7AF512FFE2FFF6F8F93B6FFAA5FAC9.ttl | 69 +- .../F5/7C7AF512FFE5FFF3FA6E3830FD91F92B.ttl | 1 - .../F5/7C7AF512FFE7FFF6F9A93F90FD1CFD82.ttl | 50 +- .../F5/7C7AF512FFE8FFFEFA793B86FDADFE6C.ttl | 2 +- .../F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFBFA253A2DFAEDFBAE.ttl | 15 - .../F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFCFA0B3D17FEDCFD3E.ttl | 1 - .../EA/7C7CEAB5B2F6543888A1374D23F66126.ttl | 81 +- .../7E/7C7D7EAFED3EC6B078AA9D60A64F18FF.ttl | 903 ------------- .../87/7C7D87957E51FFC969BD9B5EFAACFC09.ttl | 25 +- .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFA03FA93AE11.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFAD7FAD1ADA5.ttl | 49 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFB47FF06AD69.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFCAFFE55AC19.ttl | 80 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFD3BFB2BAB71.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFE5BFAF3A991.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFF7BFDA3A9ED.ttl | 49 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BF9B7FB52AF4D.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFAFBFC18AD81.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFC43FD93ACA1.ttl | 47 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFEA7FECFAB39.ttl | 98 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFB6BFD92AE85.ttl | 81 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFDABFC24AC51.ttl | 98 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80DFF85FF5BF8DFFCF1A89D.ttl | 49 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80EFF84FF5BF92AFBDEA8B1.ttl | 69 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFBD2FCF1AD81.ttl | 83 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFE82FE4DAB89.ttl | 97 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFF7AFB4EA979.ttl | 18 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BF992FD93AF61.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFB6AFD2BAE35.ttl | 65 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFD62FBF3AB71.ttl | 18 - .../87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFF7AFB87A991.ttl | 67 - .../87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BF993FAC3AF61.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFAFBFC9DAD81.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFE5BFDDBACA1.ttl | 159 --- .../87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFC8BFBD8AC51.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFE13FD0DAB71.ttl | 47 - .../87/7C7D87AEA811FF99FF5BFB23FBF3A8B1.ttl | 142 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA812FF98FF5BF82EFC49A9C9.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFA02FD0DAE85.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFBF6FD42AD69.ttl | 32 - .../87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFD3AFEF1ABE5.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFECAFDA4AAE1.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BF992FDF2AF29.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFC3EFC43AD81.ttl | 52 +- .../87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFE82FB8FABE5.ttl | 85 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BF9DAFB64AF15.ttl | 48 - .../87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFAB2FD2CAD81.ttl | 32 - .../87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFB8EFDE1AD69.ttl | 18 - .../87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFDAAFE3EAC75.ttl | 18 - .../87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFECAFE5AA992.ttl | 34 - .../87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BF9FEFBF0AE85.ttl | 47 - .../87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFB6AFD1CAD55.ttl | 16 - .../87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFDAAFD3AAB71.ttl | 33 - .../87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFF7AFBF9A991.ttl | 51 - .../87/7C7D87AEA816FF9FFF5BF9B9FBD6AF0E.ttl | 50 - .../87/7C7D87AEA817FF9FFF5BFB47FAA3AC8D.ttl | 397 +----- .../87/7C7D87AEA819FF90FF5BFD17FB8FADF9.ttl | 113 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA819FF91FF5BFA05FB65A89D.ttl | 85 +- .../87/7C7D87AEA81BFF90FF5BF875FB5DA9ED.ttl | 340 +---- .../87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFB8EFD53AF61.ttl | 103 +- .../87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFE12FD53ABAD.ttl | 68 - .../87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFA4AFE97AE85.ttl | 53 - .../87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFC8AFC82AB89.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFE36FE3EAAA9.ttl | 35 - .../87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFF32FD19A9ED.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFAB3FCD6AF61.ttl | 82 -- .../87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFC43FE97AC19.ttl | 33 - .../95/7C7E952E43BF0C858677F1B5AD18C3CD.ttl | 3 +- .../A0/7C7EA0989FEB5EABB69D96E43B903DF0.ttl | 1 - .../36/7C7F369AA2892DE9B7225DC56A078962.ttl | 1 - .../37/7C7F3744937E4BE013F1DBAE066E7FF4.ttl | 22 - .../87/7C7F87E9C31EA510FF022AC5B39007DE.ttl | 17 - .../87/7C7F87E9C31FA513FF022EDFB2A7021E.ttl | 241 ---- .../93/7C7F93686FEBDB530C0DC448E101D8D0.ttl | 1 - .../C7/7C7FC748FFA1FFCCFF0ED5855941DA56.ttl | 59 +- .../07/7C800751C6EF7B89A2E43B5447AD4302.ttl | 7 - .../39/7C813923215BB1B53FFC2B2DB77DB1C2.ttl | 1 - .../28/7C8228016F2D561E98CAFB3468B03C78.ttl | 16 - .../24/7C83246CAEDA4909D6BBE744C414E40F.ttl | 44 - .../40/7C84406E7B0F4C2573D4CE692AC2FCBC.ttl | 2 +- .../BE/7C85BE64871E915BCFE016AD86640317.ttl | 17 - .../61/7C8661A1659EF3E41934E036A8841AAD.ttl | 18 - .../E4/7C86E4372F5E2DD782FA7BE8DAEFB4BE.ttl | 2 +- .../05/7C870525002378DB39575EF98A43D16B.ttl | 5 - .../17/7C871719323051E2B0B9D8B017C0B3E7.ttl | 62 +- .../CE/7C87CE3B64E81DF55FF06289028F969D.ttl | 18 +- .../F8/7C87F874D05A806B37151A2A67FC57E1.ttl | 1 - .../04/7C880463AA5A38D9F42C933BFA9B87AC.ttl | 2 +- .../27/7C892798EEE1569981DC1E8A17235150.ttl | 17 +- .../7D/7C8A7D9A9DC636B19BF2DED991A6559B.ttl | 2 +- .../A2/7C8AA248866154DAEC462E392BAAC52B.ttl | 18 - .../D2/7C8AD2161CA4611E0C47AF98EF6218BC.ttl | 5 - .../0B/7C8B0B9F8637122DF5A330EF84FE0801.ttl | 1 - .../C6/7C8BC66FF9AA573B92C0286A2AAE9DA6.ttl | 1 - .../91/7C8C917105CE80DA7D697A9CE629EC7E.ttl | 16 - .../36/7C8D36CE31C6137037E5DADF07365B76.ttl | 23 - .../5A/7C8D5A5A85A63EA25E330CCBAAE662DC.ttl | 35 - .../9C/7C8D9CAC53DB5D791549989FC070E4F2.ttl | 1 - .../01/7C8E01065F23881937B02296AEDC5946.ttl | 1 - .../90/7C8F90333A5EC2C096BCF1AE0CFBE847.ttl | 2 +- .../8D/7C908D9454CDD253AF16BBC9183C1249.ttl | 5 - .../E2/7C90E2459927BE65BCBC53AFB22D9FC2.ttl | 6 - .../0B/7C910B9C365A6F4520DF4B02A273A89C.ttl | 8 +- .../88/7C9188808D05B3E6B01EBC84B001FEC2.ttl | 1 - .../77/7C9277FE028C1567E70265FB58D90CF1.ttl | 10 - .../CA/7C92CABF89C53546D90092BD0982B4D7.ttl | 1 - .../72/7C9372328188AC8D9074783D43AE16F2.ttl | 37 +- .../8E/7C938E0BF4045BEBBC69F48764E583B4.ttl | 18 +- .../B4/7C94B441AD2757DE9AE9F76498EF411F.ttl | 3 +- .../F9/7C94F9E6F7A12928A52EF8C8D20E1E88.ttl | 6 - .../63/7C95639DEF50598786D3F65EE0761F9A.ttl | 20 - .../7E/7C957EC867DED6A0EEBAA78FF6CB32C2.ttl | 1 - .../10/7C9610630FD5B2B74523EC89ABF47694.ttl | 17 - .../60/7C966021B694D5A9E6B183579E07FDCD.ttl | 5 - .../88/7C96884875693DD01248144CF21A1514.ttl | 1 - .../8F/7C968FF95D9F04458A660AB49D1B422A.ttl | 6 - .../DE/7C96DE519D935D19BDC0BEFA5CE7656E.ttl | 18 +- .../5B/7C975BF3D742D0F50C8E503032BC99EC.ttl | 24 +- .../95/7C97954C1C66545285035DABA137ABDB.ttl | 1 - .../3D/7C983DB89BC7AB998745BF5F491CEB66.ttl | 1 - .../A4/7C98A4A65B7EF8851F972716669E7752.ttl | 7 - .../B0/7C98B02381DB5975A30AE1D1BAB093E7.ttl | 1 - .../BC/7C99BC55846ACFEC624A679C762599DF.ttl | 1 - .../BA/7C9BBA39B05DC71D2EA498F18D660963.ttl | 7 - .../C2/7C9BC28E4DF35BA4882814CF9DCDDFA1.ttl | 18 +- .../95/7C9C95A818B6422475D57C48BF409A35.ttl | 2 +- .../1C/7C9E1C43D475D983D5E87C3B73E45685.ttl | 1 - .../49/7C9E4940FE408C9CF1D4A55CBD10EE6B.ttl | 7 - .../1E/7C9F1E2968015FA08CEA174746CEE289.ttl | 18 +- .../7E/7C9F7EFB8CF413F91BB63A40F94ADCF4.ttl | 10 - .../4E/7CA04E41F0034CEBDEA06478DBD705DE.ttl | 1 - .../9A/7CA39A36FC42D5B44B327D246705D946.ttl | 31 - .../1E/7CA41EC5224ECDFC0B8D996AE800BE9C.ttl | 10 - .../7B/7CA47B9AE63A42D45BAB737995CC65B7.ttl | 1 - .../AB/7CA4ABB31FC0542DBA9F906405F3F8D1.ttl | 7 - .../90/7CA59091BA8E59FEA0C0A700A57773D9.ttl | 46 +- .../41/7CA6410DEC6EA4BAC7325D81939158D0.ttl | 7 - .../7F/7CA67FB68811F2324C0C3CECA84C5A65.ttl | 1 - .../1D/7CA71D26EC004373ED6B014A6E05262E.ttl | 31 - .../75/7CA775712C25351899C1480EB9BF5534.ttl | 1 - .../C8/7CA7C8B98412D01B73D5367EAD0138AF.ttl | 7 - .../58/7CA85893BD2B94B21CCDE5874C21C27F.ttl | 320 ----- .../89/7CA9891EDB3A59308F6A2313034C9111.ttl | 46 - .../F7/7CA9F7142E6B2FA6C10669924440B79E.ttl | 3 +- .../AD/7CABAD4CC52FBF76FA635AEE530B3A8B.ttl | 10 - .../BB/7CABBBD8CA0AB28E94E9F71B061B8DA9.ttl | 105 -- .../D9/7CABD97DFE08A50626301D0CB13EC7C5.ttl | 1 - .../2E/7CAE2E9866955C9EB5070DD59F63CAD4.ttl | 68 - .../DB/7CAEDBA46C41558D9095727EDB4BFB20.ttl | 17 - .../25/7CAF2565EC1F9EC7AA64562765242657.ttl | 1 - .../FC/7CAFFC349C336E1C99D6CC7B194F1455.ttl | 6 - .../1F/7CB01FE7BFBDD4431166A6207EF49593.ttl | 1 - .../2E/7CB02E9C02545234808EA45BF9A4ED3A.ttl | 16 - .../72/7CB1722CC62BD491602173898A798FDD.ttl | 27 - .../A1/7CB1A135EDB0D74C7E28CD2541036287.ttl | 3 +- .../2D/7CB22DA6B95103D16F83C467AE2A6943.ttl | 3 +- .../48/7CB248280B422850D473B6647383A10B.ttl | 6 - .../BB/7CB2BB6874AA8410B9EEEA235C714317.ttl | 2 - .../6B/7CB36B157BE253F1B6BA0C3CDDE54DA7.ttl | 48 +- .../31/7CB43155B5B0AC059FC12909E2E2D949.ttl | 15 - .../5D/7CB45DA9B0D05F886A7268D6418E362A.ttl | 1 - .../C6/7CB4C61041A95AB487E5A1667B8A4ADD.ttl | 32 +- .../44/7CB6441315CD101A18E6C8DBC081E19F.ttl | 22 - .../4D/7CB64DE39F70916DCCCDC21B63686636.ttl | 26 - .../AD/7CB6AD116FE6B38BFB3F37D108B144CA.ttl | 6 - .../DC/7CB6DCF878E95AC6952D756998E97DF3.ttl | 32 +- .../F2/7CB7F2B963CAB08264DD9DC838DF248B.ttl | 5 - .../FC/7CB7FCC74C5B16CB8C082B40926D5167.ttl | 6 - .../B9/7CB8B9006F2C59DD8665DDB97F068B12.ttl | 17 - .../02/7CB902B52BE6925AC8C69B7D2F66A3DD.ttl | 53 +- .../40/7CB940F82C8A48F7930AB37CF9DD49A6.ttl | 20 +- .../B3/7CB9B399F4CBC3403AD78B64DE210384.ttl | 26 - .../F4/7CB9F48C89DDBB73EEC619DC2ED49333.ttl | 2 +- .../77/7CBA7793A10F2B7AB3CB7D1A861B10F2.ttl | 3 +- .../99/7CBA994718D4E55955408A0AD08E02F3.ttl | 1 - .../7D/7CBB7DC02E0BE6C786C410371C58CF8E.ttl | 6 - .../00/7CBC00460FCACF43E22B7CC4AA077FB3.ttl | 6 - .../3B/7CBC3B5C91555B8597F91B960781BBCB.ttl | 18 +- .../66/7CBC66D653F1EC95D016F2B06F2CEFFE.ttl | 18 - .../95/7CBD953EA8E56A7164095245143CD515.ttl | 2 +- .../33/7CBE33674D4A648512A41AC97DA8B79F.ttl | 148 +-- .../91/7CBF91DC690611EA8E9F05CD7CB55E8F.ttl | 2 - .../AE/7CBFAE6FED12E1344F19DD08C2672FA5.ttl | 31 - .../E7/7CBFE77320D50564F41011C52A96E2F3.ttl | 24 +- .../74/7CC0745BE2907926E32CC3CE9F219391.ttl | 31 +- .../AB/7CC0AB8D0C92840129E89AEFD5209983.ttl | 5 - .../FB/7CC2FBA91AFE532A829B9A3365B2C600.ttl | 2 +- .../7D/7CC47D347F279CD1374088613CE1F142.ttl | 1 - .../F6/7CC5F65B0DD3C148332467AF3DBAFCE6.ttl | 2 - .../6D/7CC66D8D4334550AA29F171C9CE226DD.ttl | 52 +- .../7C/7CC67C599D2FE87852D83647146CCF31.ttl | 19 +- .../43/7CC743F4F66FE0EB4B9710260F208B87.ttl | 10 - .../1D/7CC81D3BD61D8A6835B4551BE0CEF9C3.ttl | 1 - .../BA/7CC8BA6FB4C843D8FCD186A85C3398D3.ttl | 22 - .../C9/7CC8C91395A2C8626496848C73325CEA.ttl | 2 - .../47/7CC947BC8E626037184CCE5508BD0D4D.ttl | 10 - .../8F/7CCA8F46D2D59642597EDC588E9B0875.ttl | 2 +- .../4F/7CCB4FF775C96E08E8562A1FDFD55F01.ttl | 55 - .../ED/7CCBED1E43D5769AD78B9662FB234EF3.ttl | 17 - .../42/7CCE42AE5D2F3ADA5D30ECE8556C16A2.ttl | 7 - .../AA/7CCFAA2996B71910AF1361697F6AB5FE.ttl | 2 +- .../68/7CD0683F27E3A8C5B6165F295BF16DC8.ttl | 23 - .../78/7CD178BAEB863CDF27C43431E212A0D0.ttl | 10 - .../93/7CD193C937FE65FC0AC4611B9498F7A3.ttl | 1 - .../1C/7CD21C947B4C5A0DBD5C3CA607042128.ttl | 32 - .../2C/7CD22C6A142457F5979D1B4B86AEF8F6.ttl | 17 - .../FD/7CD3FD95B91A51CD89C67071181EB75E.ttl | 2 +- .../19/7CD41933F37D7DF7465D1888648C9902.ttl | 2 +- .../91/7CD591210C0C7A5A913F6580740CECAD.ttl | 2 - .../13/7CD61358E8985F44B58D82698560BB05.ttl | 234 +--- .../68/7CD668CF757BE5698446212A3621B20F.ttl | 2 +- .../C6/7CD6C682EFE8B68B17AD1FBB108175B7.ttl | 7 - .../D9/7CD6D95D9419DDC8E27743996229E6EA.ttl | 36 - .../DC/7CD6DC00BFBF5C4020494AB2DD04746E.ttl | 2 - .../1D/7CD71DED1B4CB4A97EBEFE9CA3148023.ttl | 2 +- .../2D/7CD72DC3158DEEB859DB751F74AF7CE1.ttl | 18 - .../F9/7CD7F9B6DDBB50DD60B260C282CB75A1.ttl | 82 -- .../19/7CD819D6C400C1B8066921139BED9B63.ttl | 35 +- .../3B/7CD83BB688A421BF54900400FE100532.ttl | 17 +- .../7E/7CD87E044A9F948AFAA891E62DF98C90.ttl | 58 - .../78/7CDB78F9ECD05C5EAA77BFB2B97462B4.ttl | 1 - .../29/7CDC292A57BACB5A0914CB0F97CB77B4.ttl | 7 +- .../D7/7CDDD7B9A3131D6F14437419F10B00E5.ttl | 146 -- .../78/7CDE78D9F945543BA13DFE496C162965.ttl | 53 +- .../CC/7CDFCC8375FBA886596C8DDB9828CC95.ttl | 56 +- .../52/7CE0524A41E97631E6C160BFCD26D08E.ttl | 17 - .../D4/7CE0D4C2C5BBDE3708A7AFADDACB262D.ttl | 17 - .../A3/7CE1A31774E05474BBF95053F24D28B7.ttl | 37 +- .../24/7CE2240B1EE454DD9311EEF65B34E309.ttl | 36 +- .../38/7CE238B8527BF91C5FEBD2499DCB6FEC.ttl | 1 - .../C6/7CE2C634E2F058E8BF47892F23897E86.ttl | 1 - .../04/7CE30421DCC15A2F93C32F8ACA55333F.ttl | 113 +- .../94/7CE4942B428905ACA37007527DA77963.ttl | 1 - .../C6/7CE4C628202FDE40B7EC3EE105D0C33C.ttl | 18 - .../7C/7CE57C2251233D58553658719CAEA43C.ttl | 17 - .../E2/7CE5E25D095760A11D90677A5F44E684.ttl | 7 - .../E7/7CE5E7870BC2BA6C3A53F59CDE871031.ttl | 19 - .../10/7CE6106B9ECDAD6F8A36EACABEB7C65B.ttl | 4 +- .../C8/7CE6C8879BC35422A4146E855C838D0C.ttl | 1 - .../F6/7CE6F63506BB6F2710215E5CAA51D6F9.ttl | 22 - .../13/7CE813ECE8E8CDB93308A22227D5CDD2.ttl | 10 - .../3F/7CE83FA60DAF74E36A99C97B08A84FDB.ttl | 1 - .../82/7CE882645FFE5E098396D563E25E6945.ttl | 12 - .../48/7CEA480C520B5F4381B1E99A4354A96D.ttl | 1 - .../8D/7CEA8DF276E67B6436F1FD4324CA9A24.ttl | 6 - .../7F/7CEB7F38D3F85DEDB731BD2E73EC1C01.ttl | 19 +- .../64/7CEC6490D7561D58FD7D2D4DE7FA787A.ttl | 5 - .../48/7CED487C3C06213F97AD44594442A469.ttl | 6 - .../1E/7CEE1EF762D857B2A98688CA8071746B.ttl | 18 - .../EE/7CEFEE5FC92065EA4EAC7557664B4FCA.ttl | 2 +- .../C3/7CF0C3478F89A7B7C2672BAA5699CC38.ttl | 16 - .../38/7CF238AEB101EDA8B400880FF20824BC.ttl | 7 +- .../CB/7CF2CBBCEE5ACC4377054CADC9D8F64D.ttl | 22 - .../2D/7CF32D10A0C91B42032E53439FED9337.ttl | 23 +- .../7F/7CF37FE96B725CE31196D9803489A554.ttl | 1 - .../D2/7CF4D2F023DE8D07E44BE385148E0A5B.ttl | 1 - .../7E/7CF57E5D78BAE31A245FE4FD85B0221C.ttl | 10 - .../D9/7CF5D90BA350ADBB07186A8272DB4681.ttl | 22 - .../9B/7CF69B5F5DC233DF43EFE15A62A30726.ttl | 7 - .../A0/7CF6A09440B55DB788D27DB3406938BC.ttl | 16 - .../1C/7CF71C6411855EBEB5DC1896CDF7300E.ttl | 1 - .../B2/7CF7B21F049EBEF94BC6A3476F4B4A54.ttl | 2 - .../52/7CF852BD77BD5D09BB086427FD9CA204.ttl | 1 - .../B7/7CF8B766A80D7B75B2B9154D3802093E.ttl | 18 +- .../5E/7CFA5E135EFD1E1DD683720C420E8A7A.ttl | 1 - .../36/7CFD36EC33DB6204B0F4D8D352581568.ttl | 201 --- .../50/7CFD502E07811F646EAB87A33DFB4FB7.ttl | 435 ------ .../65/7CFD651C44D2FFC5CE2BF1C3C6D3C67A.ttl | 2 - .../6D/7CFD6D3903E0E52B46E459DAD4F35577.ttl | 10 - .../0A/7CFE0AF61BEF2EF01DAD734D4E11ADEF.ttl | 17 - .../9A/7CFE9A66C65B593E876EBFC40F3BEA23.ttl | 2 - .../E3/7CFFE30EDC26AFEEB8DCCB8BE367FEF0.ttl | 35 - .../37/F60937F2D91359B1A32CD165AAC3589B.ttl | 1 - .../63/F60963F7E9302B404B1AD23DD9417467.ttl | 37 - .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D88FA5C5A6DDF46.ttl | 30 - .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AF7A45B23D1F4.ttl | 106 -- .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AFCE45D9ADAE2.ttl | 77 -- .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DA3F9CC58B1DE88.ttl | 46 - .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCF6BD5D2FD369.ttl | 77 -- .../2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCFBA85891DCAE.ttl | 17 - .../F0/F60BF02D678A5B5BB2DB27DB786800A1.ttl | 3 +- .../23/F62623865D2A536B941AB0B53283B1A0.ttl | 24 +- .../2A/F6262A11183DB212B3CB0203204ACE8A.ttl | 33 - .../4D/F6264DB5B65EF0E7E45677D294440536.ttl | 2 - .../82/F62682BB397CACDA28F1363CBBBC9C50.ttl | 1 - .../87/F6268789FF98FFD0FF61CAE2C1017DBA.ttl | 22 +- .../87/F6268789FF9DFFDEFF61CE4EC06D7FDE.ttl | 22 +- .../87/F6268789FF9FFFD2FF61C8C6C6677B24.ttl | 22 +- .../B0/F626B06ED84BAE1E8D6AB3B47DCB124E.ttl | 1 - .../03/F63703ACF49C553F7D6ED2F9350695BF.ttl | 2 +- .../14/F637147752F458CFA680A82C20E190CF.ttl | 26 +- .../3B/F6373BE27D3A7392A7695A64428EECC1.ttl | 27 - .../87/F64287A25017FFDC17FAF8D3FBB409E3.ttl | 32 +- .../87/F64287A25045FF851442FA79FE8309D0.ttl | 54 +- .../87/F64287A2504DFFBA145BFA2DFC6F0E34.ttl | 53 +- .../87/F64287A25053FF941470FD9FFC8A0B8F.ttl | 116 +- .../87/F64287A2505DFF8D1464FED5FD4E0901.ttl | 182 +-- .../87/F64287A25062FFA2145CFED4FB3C0FDF.ttl | 196 +-- .../87/F64287A2506AFFDF17C0FB36FBF20A86.ttl | 68 +- .../87/F64287A25072FFB21477FD51FC510B8F.ttl | 133 +- .../87/F64287A2507BFFAD1451FED5FD5F0B8F.ttl | 53 +- .../F1/F642F1DB0254B722BE40E6E298D80DF6.ttl | 33 +- .../F8/F642F86BB2D5421F92D1F0B35567E150.ttl | 76 -- .../09/F6630925FFF87C2DFF5D8AFBA6F67DE0.ttl | 1 - 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trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,12 +41,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Camponotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "foraminosus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/02/B9/0502B9865EF8A1E60D8591D1853408C1.ttl b/data/05/02/B9/0502B9865EF8A1E60D8591D1853408C1.ttl index 8074ae312cb..5091822a72c 100644 --- a/data/05/02/B9/0502B9865EF8A1E60D8591D1853408C1.ttl +++ b/data/05/02/B9/0502B9865EF8A1E60D8591D1853408C1.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Beccacece, Hernan M.; Vincent, Benoit; Navarro, Fernando R." ; dc:title "Ecpantheria kinkelini Burmeister 1879" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FECCFEB1FDD737B3.ttl b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FECCFEB1FDD737B3.ttl index 3abf6e93a27..142aaf73aa2 100644 --- a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FECCFEB1FDD737B3.ttl +++ b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FECCFEB1FDD737B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mederos, Jorge; Wang, Yinan; Duque-Valero, Susana; Campeny, Marc" ; dc:title "Trentepohlia Bigot 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wiedemann, 1828" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Limnobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann, 1828" ; - dwc:species "trentepohlii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bigot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bigot, 1854" ; - dwc:species "limnobioides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF26FDB0FEDE34B5.ttl b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF26FDB0FEDE34B5.ttl index 1c4ca7a2946..1eeb7d69fb7 100644 --- a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF26FDB0FEDE34B5.ttl +++ b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF26FDB0FEDE34B5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mederos, Jorge; Wang, Yinan; Duque-Valero, Susana; Campeny, Marc" ; dc:title "Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) Brunetti 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Doleschall, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doleschall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cylindrotomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cylindrotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doleschall, 1857" ; - dwc:species "albitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF3DFCB3FB93319D.ttl b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF3DFCB3FB93319D.ttl index ccd28914e51..7317b93a392 100644 --- a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF3DFCB3FB93319D.ttl +++ b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFAAFFC0FF3DFCB3FB93319D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mederos, Jorge; Wang, Yinan; Duque-Valero, Susana; Campeny, Marc" ; dc:title "Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) miocenica Mederos & Wang & Duque-Valero & Campeny 2020, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,79 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MZB 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "MZB" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratopogonidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mzb, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MZB 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "MZB" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Keroplatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mzb, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 1999" ; - dwc:species "agri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:species "immemorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFABFFC1FF15F997FA9C3191.ttl b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFABFFC1FF15F997FA9C3191.ttl index 90a1011ed11..b7d696d1060 100644 --- a/data/05/03/11/05031160FFABFFC1FF15F997FA9C3191.ttl +++ b/data/05/03/11/05031160FFABFFC1FF15F997FA9C3191.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Mederos, Jorge; Wang, Yinan; Duque-Valero, Susana; Campeny, Marc" ; dc:title "Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) Brunetti 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,91 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mederos & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mederos & Wang & Duque-Valero & Campeny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mederos, Wang, Duque-Valero & Campeny, 2020" ; - dwc:species "miocenica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paramongoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:species "immemorata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paramongoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 2001" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paramongoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Podenas & Poinar, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 2009" ; - dwc:species "dzeura" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paramongoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Podenas & Poinar, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Podenas & Poinar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trentepohlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Podenas & Poinar, 1999" ; - dwc:species "agri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Paramongoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/03/27/050327BD6531AAD5CE8A04D58C19E25E.ttl b/data/05/03/27/050327BD6531AAD5CE8A04D58C19E25E.ttl index 6ae62b481b4..20bdd10eeaa 100644 --- a/data/05/03/27/050327BD6531AAD5CE8A04D58C19E25E.ttl +++ b/data/05/03/27/050327BD6531AAD5CE8A04D58C19E25E.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Mathis, Wayne N.; Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz" ; dc:title "Hydrochasma glochium Mathis & Zatwarnicki, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/04/0B/05040BF2C3F456609D8E1C572AE7B535.ttl b/data/05/04/0B/05040BF2C3F456609D8E1C572AE7B535.ttl index 9a24fe82a34..38edac91e3b 100644 --- a/data/05/04/0B/05040BF2C3F456609D8E1C572AE7B535.ttl +++ b/data/05/04/0B/05040BF2C3F456609D8E1C572AE7B535.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bermudez-Cova, Miguel A.; Hofmann, Tina A.; Yorou, Nourou S.; Piepenbring, Meike" ; dc:title "Spiropes leonensis M. B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap. 114: 15 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFBFFBE96E6A6A5FEA34603.ttl b/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFBFFBE96E6A6A5FEA34603.ttl index f3ee360d371..ac408bddf3c 100644 --- a/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFBFFBE96E6A6A5FEA34603.ttl +++ b/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFBFFBE96E6A6A5FEA34603.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Queney, Pierre" ; dc:title "Berosus degallieri Queney, 2010, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Queney, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Queney" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Queney, 2006" ; - dwc:species "guyanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Knisch, 1921" ; - dwc:authorityName "Knisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Knisch, 1921" ; - dwc:species "nigrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFEFFBD96E6A6EDFEA343A3.ttl b/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFEFFBD96E6A6EDFEA343A3.ttl index b42cfdbb2eb..beadaca8fb4 100644 --- a/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFEFFBD96E6A6EDFEA343A3.ttl +++ b/data/05/04/29/05042952FFFEFFBD96E6A6EDFEA343A3.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Queney, Pierre" ; dc:title "Berosus spiniger Queney, 2010, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Orchymont, 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Orchymont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orchymont, 1941" ; - dwc:species "aulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oliva, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oliva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oliva, 1989" ; - dwc:species "ethmonotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boheman, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1859" ; - dwc:species "auriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; @@ -107,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/04/BE/0504BE24FD7301C1F96FDCC0F63ECD08.ttl b/data/05/04/BE/0504BE24FD7301C1F96FDCC0F63ECD08.ttl index 4f12ec2cbd4..8650a49f07a 100644 --- a/data/05/04/BE/0504BE24FD7301C1F96FDCC0F63ECD08.ttl +++ b/data/05/04/BE/0504BE24FD7301C1F96FDCC0F63ECD08.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Brescovit, Antonio D.; Sanchez-Ruiz, Alexander" ; dc:title "Tisentnops mineiro Brescovit & Sanchez-Ruiz, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/04/EE/0504EE0FA8A8E65E25EDFF3D3D09D62B.ttl b/data/05/04/EE/0504EE0FA8A8E65E25EDFF3D3D09D62B.ttl index c04ae738a8a..a091f1cfd45 100644 --- a/data/05/04/EE/0504EE0FA8A8E65E25EDFF3D3D09D62B.ttl +++ b/data/05/04/EE/0504EE0FA8A8E65E25EDFF3D3D09D62B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Crawley, W. C." ; dc:title "Pheidole megacephala" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -26,22 +25,6 @@ dc:title "Ants from Mesopotamia and north-west Persia (concluded)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority ", Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Mayr" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr" ; - dwc:species "megacephala" ; - dwc:subSpecies "punctulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/0F/05060F02F579CE486673B21DEAA092D0.ttl b/data/05/06/0F/05060F02F579CE486673B21DEAA092D0.ttl index fc5e1ef5c86..7da5fa24745 100644 --- a/data/05/06/0F/05060F02F579CE486673B21DEAA092D0.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/0F/05060F02F579CE486673B21DEAA092D0.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Trochalina Brenske 1898" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/23/050623618B7D86E6854A1697E5863981.ttl b/data/05/06/23/050623618B7D86E6854A1697E5863981.ttl index 8558f9ef913..85e7f019996 100644 --- a/data/05/06/23/050623618B7D86E6854A1697E5863981.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/23/050623618B7D86E6854A1697E5863981.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Luzula pilosa Willd." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/06/24/0506246A03995101BC4FA401B11BFCE9.ttl b/data/05/06/24/0506246A03995101BC4FA401B11BFCE9.ttl index a315b58f95f..2aadf0cd026 100644 --- a/data/05/06/24/0506246A03995101BC4FA401B11BFCE9.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/24/0506246A03995101BC4FA401B11BFCE9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Reiswig, Henry M.; Dohrmann, Martin; Kelly, Michelle; Mills, Sadie; Schupp, Peter J.; Woerheide, Gert" ; dc:title "Caulophacus (Caulophacus) Schulze 1886" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ dwc:LSID "0506246A-0399-5101-BC4F-A401B11BFCE9" ; - dwc:authority "(Caulophacus) Schulze, 1886", "Caulophacus" ; + dwc:authority "(Caulophacus) Schulze, 1886" ; dwc:authorityName "Schulze" ; dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Caulophacus" ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schulze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Hexactinellida" ; - dwc:family "Rossellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulophacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lyssacinosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schulze, 1886" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reiswig, Dohrmann & Kelly" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Hexactinellida" ; - dwc:family "Rossellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulophacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lyssacinosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reiswig, Dohrmann & Kelly, 2021" ; - dwc:species "serpens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Caulophacus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schulze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Hexactinellida" ; - dwc:family "Rossellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulophacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lyssacinosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schulze, 1886" ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - dwc:subGenus "Caulophacus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexactinellida" ; dwc:family "Rossellidae" ; @@ -104,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hexactinellida" ; - dwc:family "Rossellidae" ; dwc:genus "Caulophacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lyssacinosida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440229E7C05F54C02FACDFAA5.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440229E7C05F54C02FACDFAA5.ttl index d19a1a29555..efb9fac1c5c 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440229E7C05F54C02FACDFAA5.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440229E7C05F54C02FACDFAA5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene abyssorum Schellenberg 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,74 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andres" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "shannonae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "patriciae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440469E0B07424FAEFC4AFA4F.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440469E0B07424FAEFC4AFA4F.ttl index 19bdd46ad55..90ade5ec6c9 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440469E0B07424FAEFC4AFA4F.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440469E0B07424FAEFC4AFA4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene scotianensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -144,38 +144,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "shannonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "patriciae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440559E7D07744B2BFDEEF85F.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440559E7D07744B2BFDEEF85F.ttl index 206ccedd65e..881daf663ec 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440559E7D07744B2BFDEEF85F.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440559E7D07744B2BFDEEF85F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene shannonae Hendrycks & Broyer 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andres" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arnaud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arnaud, 1974" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "patriciae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440639E3B076D4A87FC1CFE20.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440639E3B076D4A87FC1CFE20.ttl index 8571c3c9139..9e61454ea3c 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440639E3B076D4A87FC1CFE20.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440639E3B076D4A87FC1CFE20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene De Broyer 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stebbing, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebbing, 1906" ; - dwc:species "chevreuxi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440659E2507404CB5FCB2FEDB.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440659E2507404CB5FCB2FEDB.ttl index 0d5ade83b29..f096eeb3846 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440659E2507404CB5FCB2FEDB.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C5440659E2507404CB5FCB2FEDB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene abyssorum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -39,7 +38,6 @@ dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; @@ -153,469 +151,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Boeck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boeck, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SW" ; - dwc:authorityName "SW" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sw" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.O.Sars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "NE", "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne (1997)" ; - dwc:authorityName "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne, 1997" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Abyssal Plain" ; - dwc:authorityName "Abyssal Plain" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Abyssal Plain" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andres" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ocean" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ocean" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ocean" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sars" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sars, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ocean" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ocean" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ocean" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ocean Land" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ocean Land" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ocean Land" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ocean Ice Shelf Ross" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ocean Ice Shelf Ross" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ocean Ice Shelf Ross" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SW" ; - dwc:authorityName "SW" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sw" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Indian", "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne (1998)" ; - dwc:authorityName "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "NW Indian W Arabian Sea Sonne, 1998" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Abyssorchomene)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boeck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Abyssorchomene)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Moss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Melamphaidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stephanoberyciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moss, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022", "NE" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "patriciae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.K.W.H.Karsten" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Arecaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Marara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Arecales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsten, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "NW Indian N Arabian Sea Charles Darwin" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "NW Indian N Arabian Sea Charles Darwin" ; - dwc:species "gerulicorbis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "S Indian Crozet Plateau" ; - dwc:authorityName "S Indian Crozet Plateau" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "S Indian Crozet Plateau" ; - dwc:species "shannonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "shannonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stebbing, 1906)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stebbing, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "chevreuxi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Birstein & Vinogradov, 1960)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Birstein & Vinogradov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Birstein & Vinogradov, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "distinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shulenberger & Barnard, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shulenberger & Barnard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alicellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paralicella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shulenberger & Barnard, 1976" ; - dwc:species "caperesca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chevreux, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chevreux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alicellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paralicella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevreux, 1908" ; - dwc:species "tenuipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lincoln & Thurston, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lincoln & Thurston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Valettieta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lincoln & Thurston, 1983" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chilton, 1912)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chilton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chilton, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "coatsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hurley, 1965)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hurley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hurley, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "plebs" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1903)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "rossi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "cavimanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stebbing 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchomenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "abyssorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; @@ -629,12 +164,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -682,12 +212,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Orchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -712,12 +237,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Orchomenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -753,12 +273,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Tryphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Orchomenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/06/2C/05062C54407B9E1807024C9FFC6AFDC9.ttl b/data/05/06/2C/05062C54407B9E1807024C9FFC6AFDC9.ttl index 7f5f650253a..a7c19c020d0 100644 --- a/data/05/06/2C/05062C54407B9E1807024C9FFC6AFDC9.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/2C/05062C54407B9E1807024C9FFC6AFDC9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hendrycks, Ed A.; Broyer, Claude De" ; dc:title "Abyssorchomene patriciae Hendrycks & Broyer 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Stebbing, 1888)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stebbing" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -65,38 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hendrycks & Broyer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendrycks & Broyer, 2022" ; - dwc:species "shannonae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Andres" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Andres, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "scotianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Uristidae" ; @@ -110,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Uristidae" ; dwc:genus "Abyssorchomene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/06/41/050641621AFD86D2B1C88C2A9F725799.ttl b/data/05/06/41/050641621AFD86D2B1C88C2A9F725799.ttl index 1454687bf91..cf2c26ca04a 100644 --- a/data/05/06/41/050641621AFD86D2B1C88C2A9F725799.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/41/050641621AFD86D2B1C88C2A9F725799.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Hong, Chun-dan; van Achterberg, Cornelis; Xu, Zai-fu" ; dc:title "Megischus ptosimae Chao 1964" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/06/48/0506487CBF189DB2836B3A0322EA00ED.ttl b/data/05/06/48/0506487CBF189DB2836B3A0322EA00ED.ttl index 44fdc26f4f7..624ee713163 100644 --- a/data/05/06/48/0506487CBF189DB2836B3A0322EA00ED.ttl +++ b/data/05/06/48/0506487CBF189DB2836B3A0322EA00ED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sukhorukov, Alexander P.; Liu, Pei-Liang; Kushunina, Maria" ; dc:title "Salsola collina Pall., Ill. Pl.: 34 1803" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/07/7F/05077F3625097D70D060281B6E9A3516.ttl b/data/05/07/7F/05077F3625097D70D060281B6E9A3516.ttl index 7d67468beb7..8b593c51b99 100644 --- a/data/05/07/7F/05077F3625097D70D060281B6E9A3516.ttl +++ b/data/05/07/7F/05077F3625097D70D060281B6E9A3516.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Mbago, Frank M.; Couderc, Marie; Gaudeul, Myriam; Grall, Aurelie; Loup, Caroline; Wieringa, Jan J.; Sonke, Bonaventure; Couvreur, Thomas L. P." ; dc:title "Uvariopsis etugeana Dagallier & Couvreur, PhytoKeys 207: 423 2022" ; diff --git a/data/05/07/87/050787DDFFCF411859BFFDB1FEF4FE8A.ttl b/data/05/07/87/050787DDFFCF411859BFFDB1FEF4FE8A.ttl index d11b71b8c78..5232b3d4d99 100644 --- a/data/05/07/87/050787DDFFCF411859BFFDB1FEF4FE8A.ttl +++ b/data/05/07/87/050787DDFFCF411859BFFDB1FEF4FE8A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Kaur, Simarjit; Pandher, Manpreet Singh; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Distoleon sambalpurensis Ghosh 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Yang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Myrmeleontidae" ; - dwc:genus "Distoleon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang, 1986" ; - dwc:species "subtentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Myrmeleontidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/08/3C/05083C25EE3D23A07FFDE3A64BC61DC3.ttl b/data/05/08/3C/05083C25EE3D23A07FFDE3A64BC61DC3.ttl index ded77157ee2..c2c0e77ae7a 100644 --- a/data/05/08/3C/05083C25EE3D23A07FFDE3A64BC61DC3.ttl +++ b/data/05/08/3C/05083C25EE3D23A07FFDE3A64BC61DC3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Mentha spicata Hudson" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/08/87/050887E44A00DE64C2C1FF500039A81B.ttl b/data/05/08/87/050887E44A00DE64C2C1FF500039A81B.ttl index c1277bf4926..fcf07aa1000 100644 --- a/data/05/08/87/050887E44A00DE64C2C1FF500039A81B.ttl +++ b/data/05/08/87/050887E44A00DE64C2C1FF500039A81B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Dean, Ellen; Archila, Fredy; Poore, Jennifer; Kang, Hannah; Constante, Marco Antonio Anguiano-; Starbuck, Thomas; Rodriguez, Annamarie" ; dc:title "Lycianthes breedlovei E. Dean 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/08/87/050887E44A03DE6BC2C1FC5703EDA118.ttl b/data/05/08/87/050887E44A03DE6BC2C1FC5703EDA118.ttl index 0867c64e1b6..5de38495e37 100644 --- a/data/05/08/87/050887E44A03DE6BC2C1FC5703EDA118.ttl +++ b/data/05/08/87/050887E44A03DE6BC2C1FC5703EDA118.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dean, Ellen; Archila, Fredy; Poore, Jennifer; Kang, Hannah; Constante, Marco Antonio Anguiano-; Starbuck, Thomas; Rodriguez, Annamarie" ; dc:title "Lycianthes fredyclaudiae E. Dean 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Standley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brandegee" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycianthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brandegee, 1914) Standley, 1936" ; - dwc:species "chiapensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Molina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/08/B0/0508B0FD69DF586E4434AA7A7FC3B6D7.ttl b/data/05/08/B0/0508B0FD69DF586E4434AA7A7FC3B6D7.ttl index 7a967c9c18d..8fb79868257 100644 --- a/data/05/08/B0/0508B0FD69DF586E4434AA7A7FC3B6D7.ttl +++ b/data/05/08/B0/0508B0FD69DF586E4434AA7A7FC3B6D7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Struthiola dodecandra Druce 1914" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -94,11 +93,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Thymelaeaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0C/15/050C15D1A217004924C88483D4B03CF5.ttl b/data/05/0C/15/050C15D1A217004924C88483D4B03CF5.ttl index bd602f00d2c..09501ab88f6 100644 --- a/data/05/0C/15/050C15D1A217004924C88483D4B03CF5.ttl +++ b/data/05/0C/15/050C15D1A217004924C88483D4B03CF5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Satureja L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,48 +34,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Moench, S." ; - dwc:authorityName "Moench, S." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Calamintha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moench, S." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moench" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moench" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acinos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moench" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Clinopodium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0C/D3/050CD329D3FA22FC3C49F926EB4430C7.ttl b/data/05/0C/D3/050CD329D3FA22FC3C49F926EB4430C7.ttl index 381faa5af65..bbdd55fddc9 100644 --- a/data/05/0C/D3/050CD329D3FA22FC3C49F926EB4430C7.ttl +++ b/data/05/0C/D3/050CD329D3FA22FC3C49F926EB4430C7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "LaPolla, J. S.; Brady, S. G.; Shattuck, S. O." ; dc:title "Pseudolasius" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -28,22 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Prenolepis genus-group of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)." ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Emery, 1887: 244" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "244" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudolasius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Wheeler, W.M., 1935" ; dwc:authorityName "Wheeler, W. M." ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF86EB13C660FB71FDD1.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF86EB13C660FB71FDD1.ttl index 5bcbeeb8311..01d31d2011d 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF86EB13C660FB71FDD1.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF86EB13C660FB71FDD1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Thelonema clarki Leduc 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,79 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bussau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bussau, 1993" ; - dwc:species "majum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bussau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bussau, 1993" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leduc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:species "constrictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leduc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Monhystrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:species "kermadecensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Filipjev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Filipjev, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; @@ -132,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; dwc:genus "Thelonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -149,10 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEB4FC37EFC94FC3B.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEB4FC37EFC94FC3B.ttl index a33201569cd..0cd261e6e10 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEB4FC37EFC94FC3B.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEB4FC37EFC94FC3B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Thelonematinae Bussau 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bussau, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bussau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bussau, 1993" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEBECC45CFDD7FA30.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEBECC45CFDD7FA30.ttl index b1a857dc762..a1d94780473 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEBECC45CFDD7FA30.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF7FF8CEBECC45CFDD7FA30.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Thelonema Bussau 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bussau, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bussau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelonema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bussau, 1993" ; - dwc:species "majum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Linhomoeidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF80EB39C76FFDC6FDA3.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF80EB39C76FFDC6FDA3.ttl index a2ecf7a3693..7cf0664c2a0 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF80EB39C76FFDC6FDA3.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF80EB39C76FFDC6FDA3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Monhystrella Cobb 1918" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,180 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allgen, 1927)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allgen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allgen, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "campbelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "cancellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leduc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:species "constrictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Freudenhammer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jensen, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jensen, 1992" ; - dwc:species "gerlachi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Freudenhammer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:species "hadalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "hamatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sergeeva, 1981)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sergeeva" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sergeeva, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "horrendus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "inglisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fadeeva, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fadeeva" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratosphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fadeeva, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF82EB57C532FD0BF928.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF82EB57C532FD0BF928.ttl index e5c9679f303..048b4ffbe05 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF82EB57C532FD0BF928.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFF9FF82EB57C532FD0BF928.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Monhysteridae de Man 1876" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,22 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leduc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Monhystrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leduc, 2015" ; - dwc:species "kermadecensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFBFF9EEB55C2F5FDAAF923.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFBFF9EEB55C2F5FDAAF923.ttl index d74fb361548..49ab5e06c51 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFBFF9EEB55C2F5FDAAF923.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFBFF9EEB55C2F5FDAAF923.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Monhystrella kermadecensis Leduc 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,107 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cobb" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Monhystrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cobb, 1918" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Timm, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Timm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Monhystrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Timm, 1964" ; - dwc:species "marina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacobs, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacobs" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalassomonhystera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacobs, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Andrassy, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andrassy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Halomonhystera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andrassy, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Man" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Man, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chitwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Xyalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chitwood, 1951" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bastian, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bastian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Theristus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bastian, 1965" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; @@ -160,22 +58,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; dwc:genus "Monhystrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Monhysteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF82EB45C68BFB09FB24.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF82EB45C68BFB09FB24.ttl index eb6ba73c9a6..7d967cbb595 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF82EB45C68BFB09FB24.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF82EB45C68BFB09FB24.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Metasphaerolaimus constrictus Leduc 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,225 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jensen, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jensen, 1992" ; - dwc:species "gerlachi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Freudenhammer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Freudenhammer, 1975)" ; - dwc:species "hadalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "inglisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bastian, 1865" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bastian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bastian, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "cancellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "hamatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allgen, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allgen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allgen, 1927" ; - dwc:species "campbelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freudenhammer, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freudenhammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freudenhammer, 1975" ; - dwc:species "hadalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freudenhammer, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freudenhammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freudenhammer, 1975" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fadeeva, 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fadeeva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratosphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fadeeva, 1893" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fadeeva, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fadeeva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratosphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fadeeva, 1983" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sergeeva, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sergeeva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sergeeva, 1981" ; - dwc:species "horrendus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allgen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allgen, 1927)" ; - dwc:species "campbelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; @@ -278,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8BFC55FFD54F90D.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8BFC55FFD54F90D.ttl index 967d8ff54a0..1c9c54476de 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8BFC55FFD54F90D.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8BFC55FFD54F90D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Metasphaerolaimus Gourbault & Boucher 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,22 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:species "cancellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8C7C478FCF2FB39.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8C7C478FCF2FB39.ttl index 35aea9329b4..460dedb9164 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8C7C478FCF2FB39.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86E8C7C478FCF2FB39.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Metasphaerolaiminae Gourbault & Boucher 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gourbault & Boucher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gourbault & Boucher, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86EB43C205FD1AFC1F.ttl b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86EB43C205FD1AFC1F.ttl index 68f26be7ab7..7f686b62889 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86EB43C205FD1AFC1F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/05/050D055EFFFDFF86EB43C205FD1AFC1F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leduc, Daniel" ; dc:title "Sphaerolaimidae Filipjev 1918" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,21 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lorenzen, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lorenzen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; - dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; - dwc:genus "Subsphaerolaimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monhysterida" ; - dwc:phylum "Nematoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lorenzen, 1978" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Adenophorea" ; dwc:family "Sphaerolaimidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFD8FFA6FE5AFC99FB6C4F03.ttl b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFD8FFA6FE5AFC99FB6C4F03.ttl index e90e9ff879a..a0011077540 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFD8FFA6FE5AFC99FB6C4F03.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFD8FFA6FE5AFC99FB6C4F03.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Komai, Tomoyuki; Segonzac, Michel" ; dc:title "Alijinocaris markensis Williams 1988" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -97,52 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kikuchi and Ohta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kikuchi & Ohta, 1985" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams & Rona" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Rimicaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams & Rona, 1986" ; - dwc:species "exoculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Komai & Segonzac, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Komai & Segonzac" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Komai & Segonzac, 2005" ; - dwc:species "dissimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE5FF80FEB5FD31FE0E4932.ttl b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE5FF80FEB5FD31FE0E4932.ttl index 9ec52ee4566..881cc77c80d 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE5FF80FEB5FD31FE0E4932.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE5FF80FEB5FD31FE0E4932.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Komai, Tomoyuki; Segonzac, Michel" ; dc:title "Alijinocaris aeilliamsi Shank and Martin 2003" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shank and Martin 2003, p 159", "Shank and Martin, 2003" ; + dwc:authority "Shank and Martin, 2003" ; dwc:authorityName "Shank and Martin" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "159" ; dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; @@ -47,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shank and Martin 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shank and Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shank & Martin, 2002" ; - dwc:species "aeilliamsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cosel, Comtet and Krylova, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cosel, Comtet and Krylova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Mytilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathymodiolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mytiloida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cosel, Comtet & Krylova, 1999" ; - dwc:species "azoricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1988" ; - dwc:species "stactophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE9FF96FE60FDC6FD984EEC.ttl b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE9FF96FE60FDC6FD984EEC.ttl index 8461fe5a287..db2b9d2b487 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE9FF96FE60FDC6FD984EEC.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFE9FF96FE60FDC6FD984EEC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Komai, Tomoyuki; Segonzac, Michel" ; dc:title "Alijinocaris stactophila , Williams 1988" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,9 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Williams 1988, p 272", "Williams, 1988" ; + dwc:authority "Williams, 1988" ; dwc:authorityName ", Williams" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "272" ; dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; @@ -47,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Williams and Chace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams & Chace, 1982" ; - dwc:species "lusca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shank and Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shank & Martin, 2003" ; - dwc:species "aeilliamsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFECFF9AFE9FFCD9FECA4DBB.ttl b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFECFF9AFE9FFCD9FECA4DBB.ttl index 0ffccb1a77a..d0ad60c783e 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFECFF9AFE9FFCD9FECA4DBB.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/19/050D1914FFECFF9AFE9FFCD9FECA4DBB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Komai, Tomoyuki; Segonzac, Michel" ; dc:title "Alijinocaris longirostris Kikuchi and Ohta 1995" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,95 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Miura & Laubier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysopetalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Shinkai" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miura & Laubier, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Christoffersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Christoffersen, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1988" ; - dwc:species "markensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1988" ; - dwc:species "muricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Komai & Segonzac, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Komai & Segonzac" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:genus "Alijinocaris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Komai & Segonzac, 2005" ; - dwc:species "dissimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hashimoto and Okutani, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hashimoto and Okutani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Mytilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathymodiolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mytiloida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hashimoto & Okutani, 1994" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; @@ -154,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Alvinocarididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/55/050D55C5C91A5E80AD3B8621FF225B78.ttl b/data/05/0D/55/050D55C5C91A5E80AD3B8621FF225B78.ttl index 02d5da5d36d..ec22a21fdb3 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/55/050D55C5C91A5E80AD3B8621FF225B78.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/55/050D55C5C91A5E80AD3B8621FF225B78.ttl @@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Montoya, Augusto L.; Wolff, Marta" ; dc:title "Talahua fervida Fluke 1945" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,135 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fluke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Talahua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fluke, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platycheirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "stegnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "as well as some Argentinomyia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argentinomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "as well as some Argentinomyia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lynch Arribalzaga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argentinomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xanthandrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrall, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fluke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tuberculanostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fluke, 1943" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cuatrec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Clusiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Clusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuatrec, 1950" ; - dwc:species "brachycarpa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Montoya & Wolff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argentinomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montoya & Wolff, 2020" ; - dwc:species "andina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Montoya" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argentinomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montoya, 2020" ; - dwc:species "huitepecensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; @@ -189,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; dwc:genus "Talahua" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D0A34B6F2AF69278FCFCCA8622.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D0A34B6F2AF69278FCFCCA8622.ttl index fc45d6ef7fd..5a9260eaf79 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D0A34B6F2AF69278FCFCCA8622.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D0A34B6F2AF69278FCFCCA8622.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tan, Jiang-Li; Sheng, Mao-Ling; Achterberg, Kees Van; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Uncobracon pappi Tobias 2000, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Elaeagnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippophae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "rhamnoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pallas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pallas" ; - dwc:species "halodendri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uncobracon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias" ; - dwc:species "pappi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA15F163C48E676FAC42D5F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA15F163C48E676FAC42D5F.ttl index be22433c293..28c4d3dd60a 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA15F163C48E676FAC42D5F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA15F163C48E676FAC42D5F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma cicatricosa MOTSCHULSKY 1857" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,82 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "longipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "rossii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "opacum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "simile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA45F1A3C12E4B6FE7E29BF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA45F1A3C12E4B6FE7E29BF.ttl index 16583ba2d0e..72464b2f4ea 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA45F1A3C12E4B6FE7E29BF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA45F1A3C12E4B6FE7E29BF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma simile Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(SHARP, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "opacum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA55F153C48E756FD5B243F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA55F153C48E756FD5B243F.ttl index 4155fc4ee3c..bd300bab7aa 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA55F153C48E756FD5B243F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA55F153C48E756FD5B243F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma rossii Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "MOTSCHULSKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1857" ; - dwc:species "cicatricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA65F143C12E136FAEC2EDF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA65F143C12E136FAEC2EDF.ttl index e02d5b4d5a4..82b3d168132 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA65F143C12E136FAEC2EDF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA65F143C12E136FAEC2EDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma opacum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -82,51 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "SCHEERPELTZ" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scheerpeltz, 1970)" ; - dwc:species "zischkai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:authorityName "FAUVEL" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fauvel" ; - dwc:species "humerosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "simile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA75F173C48E5D6FAF2293F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA75F173C48E5D6FAF2293F.ttl index 7de2267f9ff..40c2652110c 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA75F173C48E5D6FAF2293F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA75F173C48E5D6FAF2293F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma laeviceps SHARP 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MOTSCHULSKY 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "MOTSCHULSKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1857" ; - dwc:species "cicatricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "rossii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA85F1E3F90E2B6FE982F7F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA85F1E3F90E2B6FE982F7F.ttl index 93bbcf0f231..6f5e3f03018 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA85F1E3F90E2B6FE982F7F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFA85F1E3F90E2B6FE982F7F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma guadelupense" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -66,37 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "crassicorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "amazonense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAA5F193F90E716FE152ABF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAA5F193F90E716FE152ABF.ttl index 13c023573a6..583aacd17db 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAA5F193F90E716FE152ABF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAA5F193F90E716FE152ABF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma crassicorne ERICHSON 1840" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887", "SHARP, 1887: 724" ; + dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887: 724" ; dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "724" ; dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; @@ -65,82 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "lescheni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "guianense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "amazonense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "WENDELER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendeler, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "guadelupense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "hirticorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAB5F1B3FCEE356FDD02F1F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAB5F1B3FCEE356FDD02F1F.ttl index 4897141f0bf..beba8072909 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAB5F1B3FCEE356FDD02F1F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAB5F1B3FCEE356FDD02F1F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma amazonense Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "guianense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAD5F023C48E776FE22291F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAD5F023C48E776FE22291F.ttl index a64793bf4b5..1150f238d87 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAD5F023C48E776FE22291F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAD5F023C48E776FE22291F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma cognatum SHARP 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,81 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "denieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "klimschi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "nitidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "obscuricolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "nitens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1C3C12E7D6FC512DFF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1C3C12E7D6FC512DFF.ttl index a4132ed2b9c..655ac3d3be6 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1C3C12E7D6FC512DFF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1C3C12E7D6FC512DFF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma lescheni Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "crassicorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1F3F90E4B6FB292F5F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1F3F90E4B6FB292F5F.ttl index 4b02d10a30b..7fff6c94608 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1F3F90E4B6FB292F5F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAE5F1F3F90E4B6FB292F5F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma hirticorne SHARP 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(WENDELER, 1930)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "WENDELER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendeler, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "guadelupense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAF5F1E3FCEE7F6FB9E241F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAF5F1E3FCEE7F6FB9E241F.ttl index 2deb0d23c4a..9e8cb68b6bf 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAF5F1E3FCEE7F6FB9E241F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFAF5F1E3FCEE7F6FB9E241F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma guianense Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "amazonense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB05F063F90E0B6FDC1243F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB05F063F90E0B6FDC1243F.ttl index de793d10cf1..e97d8221873 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB05F063F90E0B6FDC1243F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB05F063F90E0B6FDC1243F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma nitidum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -83,22 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SCHEERPELTZ. 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "SCHEERPELTZ." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "SCHEERPELTZ., 1970" ; - dwc:species "bolivianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "BLACKWELDER, 1943: 2" ; dwc:authorityName "BLACKWELDER" ; @@ -116,22 +100,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "cognatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB15F013C48E4B6FD1528BF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB15F013C48E4B6FD1528BF.ttl index db081a02a2a..dd807502051 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB15F013C48E4B6FD1528BF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB15F013C48E4B6FD1528BF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma nitens" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -82,21 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "nitidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB25F003F90E0F6FDD92BDF.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB25F003F90E0F6FDD92BDF.ttl index f21f0e6e9a8..ffe9509d711 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB25F003F90E0F6FDD92BDF.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB25F003F90E0F6FDD92BDF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma klimschi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -66,51 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "cognatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "denieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "schuhi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB35F033FCEE116FEC8287F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB35F033FCEE116FEC8287F.ttl index 10e8f0fb820..179811ce0ba 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB35F033FCEE116FEC8287F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB35F033FCEE116FEC8287F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma denieri" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -83,66 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Blumeau, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Blumenau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Polyplacophora" ; - dwc:family "Mopaliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catharina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chitonida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blumenau, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "cognatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "klimschi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "obscuricolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB45F053F90E776FE292B7C.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB45F053F90E776FE292B7C.ttl index 99cc9c653d5..9d2bda32bf6 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB45F053F90E776FE292B7C.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB45F053F90E776FE292B7C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Espeson simplex Irmler 2015, comb. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -51,12 +49,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(WENDELER, 1955)", "WENDELER, 1955: 191", "Wendeler" ; + dwc:authority "WENDELER, 1955: 191" ; dwc:authorityName "Wendeler" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "191" ; dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "WENDELER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Calocerus" ; @@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "IRMLER, 2012", "IRMLER, 2012: 346" ; + dwc:authority "IRMLER, 2012: 346" ; dwc:authorityName "IRMLER" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "346" ; dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; @@ -88,35 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "WENDELER. Reviewing" ; - dwc:authorityName "WENDELER. Reviewing" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Espeson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "WENDELER. Reviewing" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "L.W.Schaufuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Espeson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schaufuss, 1882" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -130,12 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Espeson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB65F053F90E296FE372F11.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB65F053F90E296FE372F11.ttl index a0270855b5f..915fe0610c4 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB65F053F90E296FE372F11.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB65F053F90E296FE372F11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma schuhi Irmler 2015, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,262 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "obscuricolle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "laeviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(SHARP, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "opacum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "MOTSCHULSKY, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "MOTSCHULSKY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1857" ; - dwc:species "cicatricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "rossi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(WENDELER, 1930)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "WENDELER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendeler, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "guadelupense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "hirticorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "ERICHSON, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "ERICHSON" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "crassicorne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "lescheni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "guianense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "amazonense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "klimschi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "nitens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "nitidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1939)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bernhauer, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "denieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SHARP, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "SHARP" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1887" ; - dwc:species "cognatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB75F073C48E4B6FE732A9F.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB75F073C48E4B6FE732A9F.ttl index 4c11bc73907..2cdb15bcddf 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB75F073C48E4B6FE732A9F.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87D8FFB75F073C48E4B6FE732A9F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Irmler, Ulrich" ; dc:title "Glyptoma obscuricolle" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -49,12 +49,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(BERNHAUER, 1908)", "BERNHAUER, 1908: 284" ; + dwc:authority "BERNHAUER, 1908: 284" ; dwc:authorityName "BERNHAUER" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "284" ; dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERNHAUER" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Calocerus" ; @@ -67,37 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Blumenau, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Blumenau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Polyplacophora" ; - dwc:family "Mopaliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catharina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chitonida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blumenau, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Irmler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyptoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Irmler, 2015" ; - dwc:species "schuhi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FBB29792F93E.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FBB29792F93E.ttl index 3b5db8c0873..ce54c488a8c 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FBB29792F93E.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FBB29792F93E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Champluvier, Dominique; Fischer, Eberhard" ; dc:title "Isoglossa laxiflora Lindau 1911" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wahl & Sime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wahl & Sime, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Acanthaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FE56903DFC6E.ttl b/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FE56903DFC6E.ttl index e9754dc90c6..271d4b2966d 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FE56903DFC6E.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/87/050D87FAFFD1D40BDFB7FE56903DFC6E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Champluvier, Dominique; Fischer, Eberhard" ; dc:title "Isoglossa humbertii Mildbraed 1937" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wahl & Sime" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wahl & Sime, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Acanthaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E461FFBDFF949258CB79FF26.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E461FFBDFF949258CB79FF26.ttl index 3a4a5a97408..b9b6f042911 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E461FFBDFF949258CB79FF26.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E461FFBDFF949258CB79FF26.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera minotaure Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E463FFA2FF94950ECD85FB86.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E463FFA2FF94950ECD85FB86.ttl index 05b7fcb469c..968be1254f6 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E463FFA2FF94950ECD85FB86.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E463FFA2FF94950ECD85FB86.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera losrios Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFB8FF949260CDFAFE0E.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFB8FF949260CDFAFE0E.ttl index 7800b006281..c43b93740aa 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFB8FF949260CDFAFE0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFB8FF949260CDFAFE0E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera rinocerotos Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF9490DFCB55FA11.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF9490DFCB55FA11.ttl index a3f1026d8ac..d8ac9596a0a 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF9490DFCB55FA11.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF9490DFCB55FA11.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera machadoi Gertsch 1977, new combination" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF94959ECA05FB89.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF94959ECA05FB89.ttl index 83f5508c499..267d18899b7 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF94959ECA05FB89.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E464FFBAFF94959ECA05FB89.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera Simon 1891, sp. n." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,422 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1891" ; - dwc:species "arietina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gonzalez-Sponga 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonzalez-Sponga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonzalez-Sponga, 2001" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hormiga, Alvarez-Padilla & Benjamin 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hormiga, Alvarez-Padilla & Benjamin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hormiga, Alvarez-Padilla & Benjamin, 2007" ; - dwc:species "cachote" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lopez & Lopez 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lopez & Lopez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lopez & Lopez, 1997" ; - dwc:species "caeruleoamethystina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Valdez-Mondragon 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Valdez-Mondragon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Valdez-Mondragon, 2009" ; - dwc:species "chiapas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Keyserling 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Keyserling" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keyserling, 1891" ; - dwc:species "coerulea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gonzalez-Sponga 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonzalez-Sponga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonzalez-Sponga, 2001" ; - dwc:species "coffeeicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mello-Leitao 1944" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mello-Leitao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mello-Leitao, 1944" ; - dwc:species "cornuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gonzalez-Sponga 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonzalez-Sponga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonzalez-Sponga, 2001" ; - dwc:species "corozalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1974" ; - dwc:species "fagei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gertsch 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gertsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gertsch, 1973" ; - dwc:species "formosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1978" ; - dwc:species "hamadryas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baptista, Gonzalez & Tourinho 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baptista, Gonzalez & Tourinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baptista, Gonzalez & Tourinho, 2008" ; - dwc:species "ibitipoca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1893" ; - dwc:species "janthinipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Valdez-Mondragon 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Valdez-Mondragon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Valdez-Mondragon, 2009" ; - dwc:species "juquila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gertsch 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gertsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gertsch, 1977" ; - dwc:species "machadoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gonzalez-Sponga 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonzalez-Sponga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonzalez-Sponga, 2001" ; - dwc:species "minima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fage 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fage" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fage, 1912" ; - dwc:species "oblita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ribera 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ribera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ribera, 1978" ; - dwc:species "peruana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1891" ; - dwc:species "quinquevittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baert 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baert, 2014" ; - dwc:species "sandovalae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gonzalez-Sponga 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gonzalez-Sponga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gonzalez-Sponga, 2001" ; - dwc:species "subparamera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emerit & Lopez 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emerit & Lopez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emerit & Lopez, 1985" ; - dwc:species "thibaudi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon 1893" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1893" ; - dwc:species "vesiculifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1974" ; - dwc:species "viridissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baert 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baert, 2014" ; - dwc:species "zamora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E466FFB8FF949666CD67F8B0.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E466FFB8FF949666CD67F8B0.ttl index 3c9b6dd5783..5a316c7d880 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E466FFB8FF949666CD67F8B0.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E466FFB8FF949666CD67F8B0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera callaina Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E467FFBFFF949261CB64FC16.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E467FFBFFF949261CB64FC16.ttl index 50b570cc3ee..b4332c6be2e 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E467FFBFFF949261CB64FC16.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E467FFBFFF949261CB64FC16.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera italoi Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E468FFB7FF9494D5CDB7FC5E.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E468FFB7FF9494D5CDB7FC5E.ttl index 9657f7caa54..cf38e8d84f0 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E468FFB7FF9494D5CDB7FC5E.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E468FFB7FF9494D5CDB7FC5E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Speocera bioforestae Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E469FFB7FF949796CDFAF895.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E469FFB7FF949796CDFAF895.ttl index 7f09e7f343f..ea5d6741b02 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E469FFB7FF949796CDFAF895.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E469FFB7FF949796CDFAF895.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Speocera violacea Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46AFFBAFF94920BCD30FE56.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46AFFBAFF94920BCD30FE56.ttl index eff692606ae..c9e3c2f7039 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46AFFBAFF94920BCD30FE56.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46AFFBAFF94920BCD30FE56.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Speocera musgo Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46EFFB0FF949276CB71F86D.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46EFFB0FF949276CB71F86D.ttl index 4341e6027c5..de39570e2ea 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46EFFB0FF949276CB71F86D.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E46EFFB0FF949276CB71F86D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Speocera Berland 1914, sp. n." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,134 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1978" ; - dwc:species "amazonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dumitrescu & Georgescu 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumitrescu & Georgescu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumitrescu & Georgescu, 1992" ; - dwc:species "decui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baptista 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baptista" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baptista, 2003" ; - dwc:species "eleonorae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1978" ; - dwc:species "irritans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baert & Malefait 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baert & Malefait" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baert & Malefait, 1986" ; - dwc:species "jacquemarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1979" ; - dwc:species "jucunda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brignoli 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brignoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brignoli, 1978" ; - dwc:species "molesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Baert 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baert, 2014" ; - dwc:species "onorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949695CC7EFCA1.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949695CC7EFCA1.ttl index bea72f2c4be..f81bd172e61 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949695CC7EFCA1.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949695CC7EFCA1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Psiloochyrocera Baert 2014, sp. n." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baert 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psiloochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baert, 2014" ; - dwc:species "cajanuma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949790CD85F894.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949790CD85F894.ttl index 8fe3ac6fb6a..d2ed15f85bb 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949790CD85F894.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E479FFA7FF949790CD85F894.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Psiloochyrocera tortilis Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47CFFA0FF9490EECAB7FF0A.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47CFFA0FF9490EECAB7FF0A.ttl index 1bcb7e527e7..6f5785ac123 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47CFFA0FF9490EECAB7FF0A.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47CFFA0FF9490EECAB7FF0A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera zabaleta Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47EFFA1FF9491C1CA0DFEBA.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47EFFA1FF9491C1CA0DFEBA.ttl index c5681185a09..98a1d9a7775 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47EFFA1FF9491C1CA0DFEBA.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47EFFA1FF9491C1CA0DFEBA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera otonga Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47FFFA7FF949299CDBAFD5A.ttl b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47FFFA7FF949299CDBAFD5A.ttl index 30c4a7162ac..15b0f5f1b65 100644 --- a/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47FFFA7FF949299CDBAFD5A.ttl +++ b/data/05/0D/FB/050DFB71E47FFFA7FF949299CDBAFD5A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dupérré, Nadine" ; dc:title "Ochyrocera cashcatotoras Dupérré, 2015, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Ochyroceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Ochyrocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB1AB3D06E0FC26FB7DFBE7.ttl b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB1AB3D06E0FC26FB7DFBE7.ttl index 2d72d7e1ac7..5da27888447 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB1AB3D06E0FC26FB7DFBE7.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB1AB3D06E0FC26FB7DFBE7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossin, María Alejandra; Timi, Juan Tomás" ; dc:title "Characithecium chascomusensis Suriano 1981, n. comb." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hensel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hensel" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Curimatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyphocharax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hensel" ; - dwc:species "voga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligosarcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "jenynsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB5AB3106E0FBD7FC47FED5.ttl b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB5AB3106E0FBD7FC47FED5.ttl index ec41276a31b..17d27bf35e2 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB5AB3106E0FBD7FC47FED5.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB5AB3106E0FBD7FC47FED5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossin, María Alejandra; Timi, Juan Tomás" ; dc:title "Characithecium robustum Rossin & Timi, 2014, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligosarcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "jenynsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB7AB3F06E0FB06FED4FB84.ttl b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB7AB3F06E0FB06FED4FB84.ttl index 8f569d7f4c4..9925115a4d2 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB7AB3F06E0FB06FED4FB84.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFB7AB3F06E0FB06FED4FB84.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rossin, María Alejandra; Timi, Juan Tomás" ; dc:title "Characithecium longianchoratum Rossin & Timi, 2014, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligosarcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "jenynsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Price & Bussing,1967)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Price & Bussing,1967) Kritsky & Thatcher, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Price & Bussing,1967) Kritsky & Thatcher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Monogenea" ; - dwc:family "Ancyrocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Urocleidoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dactylogyridea" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kritsky & Thatcher, 1974" ; - dwc:species "strombicirrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3106E0FE1DFD96F9C3.ttl b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3106E0FE1DFD96F9C3.ttl index 7acb06c8fb9..1a7a911e2d1 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3106E0FE1DFD96F9C3.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3106E0FE1DFD96F9C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossin, María Alejandra; Timi, Juan Tomás" ; dc:title "Characithecium quadratum Rossin & Timi, 2014, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligosarcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "jenynsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3506E0F916FF33FC30.ttl b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3506E0F916FF33FC30.ttl index 2ba7c11939e..6421f97d04e 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3506E0F916FF33FC30.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/2B/050E2B38FFBBAB3506E0F916FF33FC30.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rossin, María Alejandra; Timi, Juan Tomás" ; dc:title "Characithecium chelatum Rossin & Timi, 2014, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Characidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligosarcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Characiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "jenynsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Characidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0E/4E/050E4E096DF9655A549FCA42F9576009.ttl b/data/05/0E/4E/050E4E096DF9655A549FCA42F9576009.ttl index 6f018d62d5e..29b70e5754b 100644 --- a/data/05/0E/4E/050E4E096DF9655A549FCA42F9576009.ttl +++ b/data/05/0E/4E/050E4E096DF9655A549FCA42F9576009.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Weigmann, G.; Miko, L." ; dc:title "Tritegeus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F3208FFF15CB206BDFECDF9EC.ttl b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F3208FFF15CB206BDFECDF9EC.ttl index 934eb49bb5e..206e8d458fa 100644 --- a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F3208FFF15CB206BDFECDF9EC.ttl +++ b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F3208FFF15CB206BDFECDF9EC.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khaganinia, S.; Kazerani, F." ; dc:title "Cheilosia (Cheilosia) variabilis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "vulpina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320AFFF35CB2047DFDD0FE28.ttl b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320AFFF35CB2047DFDD0FE28.ttl index 4806fdb92f2..453ccc4c611 100644 --- a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320AFFF35CB2047DFDD0FE28.ttl +++ b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320AFFF35CB2047DFDD0FE28.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khaganinia, S.; Kazerani, F." ; dc:title "Cheilosia (Taeniocheilosia) nigripes" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallien" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallien, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320BFFF05CBA0276FD5DFE48.ttl b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320BFFF05CBA0276FD5DFE48.ttl index c667a45ea0c..47d93779d99 100644 --- a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320BFFF05CBA0276FD5DFE48.ttl +++ b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320BFFF05CBA0276FD5DFE48.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khaganinia, S.; Kazerani, F." ; dc:title "Cheilosia (Eucartosyrphus) rufipes" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "scutellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320DFFF25CBA01A6FB91FEEB.ttl b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320DFFF25CBA01A6FB91FEEB.ttl index 49602428ede..b1b4ec7badc 100644 --- a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320DFFF25CBA01A6FB91FEEB.ttl +++ b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320DFFF25CBA01A6FB91FEEB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khaganinia, S.; Kazerani, F." ; dc:title "Cheilosia lola Zimina 1970" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dufour" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dufour, 1848" ; - dwc:species "aerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Szilady" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szilady, 1938" ; - dwc:species "cumanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320FFFF45CBA02EFFB3DFE88.ttl b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320FFFF45CBA02EFFB3DFE88.ttl index d3eef857f42..183eb044256 100644 --- a/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320FFFF45CBA02EFFB3DFE88.ttl +++ b/data/05/0F/1A/050F1A4F320FFFF45CBA02EFFB3DFE88.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Khaganinia, S.; Kazerani, F." ; dc:title "Cheilosia Meigen 1822" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,244 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fallen, 1817" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eristalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen, 1817" ; - dwc:species "scutellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "E.Newman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newman, 1834" ; - dwc:subFamily "Eristalinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "nigripes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rondani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1857" ; - dwc:species "laticornis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zimina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zimina, 1970" ; - dwc:species "lola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Szilady" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szilady, 1938" ; - dwc:species "cumanica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallien" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallien, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Preyssler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Preyssler, 1798)" ; - dwc:species "rufipes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "scutellata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stackelberg, 1960" ; - dwc:species "transcaucasica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Panzer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Panzer, 1798)" ; - dwc:species "variabilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zetterstedt, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "melanopa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "vulpina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "ruralis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dufour" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cheilosia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dufour, 1848" ; - dwc:species "aerea" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/11/84/051184C531B06D513A901567DCD9D3CB.ttl b/data/05/11/84/051184C531B06D513A901567DCD9D3CB.ttl index 626825471b9..380e0384b88 100644 --- a/data/05/11/84/051184C531B06D513A901567DCD9D3CB.ttl +++ b/data/05/11/84/051184C531B06D513A901567DCD9D3CB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Diez, Fernando; Coscaron, Maria del Carmen" ; dc:title "Diaditus Stal" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/11/E6/0511E6189248EF18DE83A7C3FDD3647F.ttl b/data/05/11/E6/0511E6189248EF18DE83A7C3FDD3647F.ttl index 5a077de89de..0eef81cac9a 100644 --- a/data/05/11/E6/0511E6189248EF18DE83A7C3FDD3647F.ttl +++ b/data/05/11/E6/0511E6189248EF18DE83A7C3FDD3647F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Christidis, Faye" ; dc:title "Riekophlebia crocina Christidis, 2009, sp. n" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/11/E6/0511E618924BEF1EDE83A1B9FE7D67E4.ttl b/data/05/11/E6/0511E618924BEF1EDE83A1B9FE7D67E4.ttl index 509ba50bd90..da049e651da 100644 --- a/data/05/11/E6/0511E618924BEF1EDE83A1B9FE7D67E4.ttl +++ b/data/05/11/E6/0511E618924BEF1EDE83A1B9FE7D67E4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Christidis, Faye" ; dc:title "Riekophlebia Christidis, 2009, gen. n" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/11/E6/0511E6D574BD937ED27D683573335F31.ttl b/data/05/11/E6/0511E6D574BD937ED27D683573335F31.ttl index b1154863dbf..73d2c58579b 100644 --- a/data/05/11/E6/0511E6D574BD937ED27D683573335F31.ttl +++ b/data/05/11/E6/0511E6D574BD937ED27D683573335F31.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Molossops (Molossops) neglectus Williams and Genoways 1980" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,20 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Molossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Molossops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Molossidae" ; @@ -78,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Molossidae" ; dwc:genus "Molossops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/11/F5/0511F566FFC0FFD9B699BC3FFD64FF15.ttl b/data/05/11/F5/0511F566FFC0FFD9B699BC3FFD64FF15.ttl index d82d01a7af2..3e9e37a992a 100644 --- a/data/05/11/F5/0511F566FFC0FFD9B699BC3FFD64FF15.ttl +++ b/data/05/11/F5/0511F566FFC0FFD9B699BC3FFD64FF15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stuckenberg, B. R." ; dc:title "Leptomydas omeri Stuckenberg 1955, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptomydas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1868" ; - dwc:species "humeralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mydidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF815C18FF62B51F5B8FC547.ttl b/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF815C18FF62B51F5B8FC547.ttl index ec4e65244e8..aaea87935eb 100644 --- a/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF815C18FF62B51F5B8FC547.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF815C18FF62B51F5B8FC547.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Barr, William F.; Rifkind, Jacques" ; dc:title "Enoclerus vernalis Barr & Rifkind, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,164 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:species "vernalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:species "valens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "zonatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LeConte, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "spinolae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horn 1880))" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Aulicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horn, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "edwardsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barr (1976: 19)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr, 1976" ; - dwc:species "agave" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Engelmann 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Engelmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Yucca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engelmann, 1871" ; - dwc:species "brevifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chevrolat 1835: 52))" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "52" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chevrolat, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boheman 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peltophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1845" ; - dwc:species "polymitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trelease" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trelease" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Yucca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trelease" ; - dwc:species "thompsoniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cleridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF845C1EFF62B0B45A80C336.ttl b/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF845C1EFF62B0B45A80C336.ttl index 85f87ab5e19..a2d7b53b5bf 100644 --- a/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF845C1EFF62B0B45A80C336.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/82/0515822AFF845C1EFF62B0B45A80C336.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Barr, William F.; Rifkind, Jacques" ; dc:title "Enoclerus valens Barr & Rifkind, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -44,81 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr & Rifkind" ; - dwc:species "valens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", F. W. Skillman, Jr." ; - dwc:authorityName "F. W. Skillman, Jr." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Skillman, Jr." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Klug 1842)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "luscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schaeffer 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaeffer, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "palmii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gahan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gahan, 1910" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cleridae" ; @@ -132,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cleridae" ; dwc:genus "Enoclerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF2FF83AA8177BAFC8EF8F4.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF2FF83AA8177BAFC8EF8F4.ttl index dab442101f5..b03a796f2b0 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF2FF83AA8177BAFC8EF8F4.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF2FF83AA8177BAFC8EF8F4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Brachineura Rondani 1840" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,101 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rondani, 1840: 17" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rondani" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "17" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1840" ; - dwc:species "fuscogrisea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "polessica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mamaev, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mamaev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mamaev, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "fungicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mamaev, Krivosheina, 1965)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mamaev, Krivosheina" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mamaev, Krivosheina, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "sulphureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Winnerts, 1853)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Winnerts" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Winnerts, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "squamigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bayram, Skuhrava, 2004)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bayram, Skuhrava" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Rhizopogonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizopogon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Boletales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bayram, Skuhrava, 2004)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF84AA8D7467FC55F9DB.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF84AA8D7467FC55F9DB.ttl index eb6bb1c17cf..9a669d15a29 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF84AA8D7467FC55F9DB.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF84AA8D7467FC55F9DB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rovnobrachineura kiryeyevi Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,19 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Newman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newman, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -79,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF85AA8D7055FDA7FAF0.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF85AA8D7055FDA7FAF0.ttl index 4019d3b49d0..08071072e53 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF85AA8D7055FDA7FAF0.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF3FF85AA8D7055FDA7FAF0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rovnobrachineura Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, gen. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnobrachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "kiryeyevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamaev, 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamaev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachyneurina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamaev, 1967" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ramineura Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ramineura Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2006)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF81AA8575D4FC9AF9E0.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF81AA8575D4FC9AF9E0.ttl index 97ce98ce2da..2124473a745 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF81AA8575D4FC9AF9E0.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF81AA8575D4FC9AF9E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Popovineura Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, gen. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Popovineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "nacta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rondani, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rondani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF82AA857191FCE7FB61.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF82AA857191FCE7FB61.ttl index d0527275513..eb7cecb511e 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF82AA857191FCE7FB61.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF4FF82AA857191FCE7FB61.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Brachineura polessica Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rondani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF6FF8FAA8573C1FE8DFE5D.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF6FF8FAA8573C1FE8DFE5D.ttl index dd185bfd3f2..9c0bfccfe6c 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF6FF8FAA8573C1FE8DFE5D.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF6FF8FAA8573C1FE8DFE5D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Nascensluna Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, gen. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,52 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nascensluna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "mellea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rondani, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rondani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rondani, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meigen, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen, 1818" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF7FF80AA8D7754FD86FD5E.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF7FF80AA8D7754FD86FD5E.ttl index c6417af58a3..befda2564f0 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF7FF80AA8D7754FD86FD5E.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF7FF80AA8D7754FD86FD5E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Popovineura nacta Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billberg, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meunier)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meunier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratopogonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eohelea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meunier, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "sinuosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8DAA857557FC07FE3D.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8DAA857557FC07FE3D.ttl index c39a9881d46..f3479b31ce5 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8DAA857557FC07FE3D.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8DAA857557FC07FE3D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rhizomyia parkalovi Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,48 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Newman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newman, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billberg, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Sidorenko, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2006" ; - dwc:species "operculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -107,11 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8EAA857001FD53FBE1.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8EAA857001FD53FBE1.ttl index 55f0c1363dc..9755f7cae13 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8EAA857001FD53FBE1.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF8FF8EAA857001FD53FBE1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rhizomyia Kieffer 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,52 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1898", "Kieffer, 1898: 57" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "57" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1898" ; - dwc:species "perplexa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rubsaamen, 1899)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rubsaamen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rubsaamen, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "circumspinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF9FF8EAA8D70C1FC18FE9E.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF9FF8EAA8D70C1FC18FE9E.ttl index 0db647f996f..fb74b117631 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF9FF8EAA8D70C1FC18FE9E.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFF9FF8EAA8D70C1FC18FE9E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Nascensluna mellea Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "parkalovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFBFF8AAA8D70C1FC59FD3E.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFBFF8AAA8D70C1FC59FD3E.ttl index 5b36500274f..0e14bd1f831 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFBFF8AAA8D70C1FC59FD3E.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFBFF8AAA8D70C1FC59FD3E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Ledomyia Kieffer 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,24 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1894: 211" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "211" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Syrphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1894" ; - dwc:species "epidomyia" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lugens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Kieffer." ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -92,171 +74,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ledomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "olgae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnobrachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "kiryeyevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "polessica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "parkalovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Popovineura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "nacta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nascensluna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2014" ; - dwc:species "mellea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meunier, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meunier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ledomyiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meunier, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ledomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008" ; - dwc:species "dextra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gagne, 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gagne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ledomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gagne, 1987" ; - dwc:species "collarata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mont." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mont." ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Xylariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xylariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mont." ; - dwc:species "enterogena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ascomycetes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ascomycetes" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Xylariaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xylariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ascomycetes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFCFF8AAA8573A1FDCBF88E.ttl b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFCFF8AAA8573A1FDCBF88E.ttl index ef4204da5e0..04b582359df 100644 --- a/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFCFF8AAA8573A1FDCBF88E.ttl +++ b/data/05/15/87/051587BDFFFCFF8AAA8573A1FDCBF88E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Ledomyia olgae Fedotova et Perkovsky 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ledomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008" ; - dwc:species "dextra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachineurini" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1913" ; - dwc:sensu "lato" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Enderlein" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enderlein, 1936" ; - dwc:tribe "Ledomyiini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -117,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/18/4F/05184F2B99145F4C3DE65CA13805E5EF.ttl b/data/05/18/4F/05184F2B99145F4C3DE65CA13805E5EF.ttl index 9ea2107fd21..e1a73852b16 100644 --- a/data/05/18/4F/05184F2B99145F4C3DE65CA13805E5EF.ttl +++ b/data/05/18/4F/05184F2B99145F4C3DE65CA13805E5EF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Aira caryophyllea subsp. caryophyllea" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -22,21 +20,6 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Info Flora Schweiz - Poaceae" . - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "caryophyllea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Nelken-Haferschmiele"@undefined ; dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; @@ -53,34 +36,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "caryophyllea" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; dwc:genus "Aira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EABCCA1CFD4D.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EABCCA1CFD4D.ttl index bde4c83e1c6..b7b0796c11c 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EABCCA1CFD4D.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EABCCA1CFD4D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Bambusananus , Li & Xing 2011, gen.nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -79,22 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bambusananus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Xing, 2011" ; - dwc:species "furcatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0ED3DCBF1F92D.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0ED3DCBF1F92D.ttl index 8c708308863..a9d36bee7f2 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0ED3DCBF1F92D.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0ED3DCBF1F92D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Cyclevertex Li & Xing 2011, gen.nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclevertex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Xing, 2011" ; - dwc:species "furcatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EF0DCB9FFB1D.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EF0DCB9FFB1D.ttl index 11da13d3f35..9a962c27d80 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EF0DCB9FFB1D.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE0FF952EC0EF0DCB9FFB1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Branchana Li 2011, gen.nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Branchana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, 2011" ; - dwc:species "xanthota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE1FF942EC0EB9ACBF0FEA0.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE1FF942EC0EB9ACBF0FEA0.ttl index a733950f62c..072e6a3ff74 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE1FF942EC0EB9ACBF0FEA0.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE1FF942EC0EB9ACBF0FEA0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Lineana Li & Xing 2011, gen.nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -77,22 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Xing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lineana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Xing, 2011" ; - dwc:species "albipunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0EB9BCB96FEC2.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0EB9BCB96FEC2.ttl index 3b348364516..a60eb194a7a 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0EB9BCB96FEC2.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0EB9BCB96FEC2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Parayuanamia Xing & Li 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Duan, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Duan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yuanamia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Duan, 2006" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0ED53CB40F93A.ttl b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0ED53CB40F93A.ttl index b3dc01a0c62..769430d2986 100644 --- a/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0ED53CB40F93A.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/23/05192355FFE6FF932EC0ED53CB40F93A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dmitriev, Dmitry A.; Li, Zizhong; Dai, Renhuai; Xing, Jichun" ; dc:title "Phlepsopsius liupanshanensis Li 2011" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Signoret, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Signoret" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudophlepsius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Signoret, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "binotatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/19/87/05198798FFA6791B33C3FC4F7685F918.ttl b/data/05/19/87/05198798FFA6791B33C3FC4F7685F918.ttl index ac8a7c48bfc..ac8c39a8b97 100644 --- a/data/05/19/87/05198798FFA6791B33C3FC4F7685F918.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/87/05198798FFA6791B33C3FC4F7685F918.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cahen, Daniel; Utteridge, Timothy M. A." ; dc:title "Ventilago crenata Cahen & Utteridge 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -82,34 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gaertner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rhamnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ventilago" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gaertner, 1788" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Seemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rhamnaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Smythea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seemann, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rhamnaceae" ; @@ -123,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rhamnaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ventilago" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/19/CC/0519CC4DCE31397A13EA59D6B3FA5370.ttl b/data/05/19/CC/0519CC4DCE31397A13EA59D6B3FA5370.ttl index b8632861430..72492a16c12 100644 --- a/data/05/19/CC/0519CC4DCE31397A13EA59D6B3FA5370.ttl +++ b/data/05/19/CC/0519CC4DCE31397A13EA59D6B3FA5370.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Portulacaceae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -58,20 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Portulacae" ; - dwc:authorityName "Portulacae" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Crassulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Portulacae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Portulacaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/1A/48/051A48B980BD1A905701D5EEDAD458B9.ttl b/data/05/1A/48/051A48B980BD1A905701D5EEDAD458B9.ttl index ece658a2efd..14e46a0e64d 100644 --- a/data/05/1A/48/051A48B980BD1A905701D5EEDAD458B9.ttl +++ b/data/05/1A/48/051A48B980BD1A905701D5EEDAD458B9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Kahanpaeae, Jere" ; dc:title "Medetera prjachinae Negrobov & Stackelberg 1974" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/1A/76/051A767B895C525993332DA846717C83.ttl b/data/05/1A/76/051A767B895C525993332DA846717C83.ttl index de8c03e2825..37e7555d096 100644 --- a/data/05/1A/76/051A767B895C525993332DA846717C83.ttl +++ b/data/05/1A/76/051A767B895C525993332DA846717C83.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mey, Wolfram; Malicky, Hans" ; dc:title "Rhyacophila parva Kimmins 1953" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,276 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "DE Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DE Kimmins, 1953" ; - dwc:species "scissoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Glossosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glossosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1934" ; - dwc:species "malayanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malicky & Chantaramongkol" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993" ; - dwc:species "nahesson" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kisaura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kimmins, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "longispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ulmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectrona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ulmer, 1906" ; - dwc:species "aurovittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Schmid" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectrona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmid, 1961" ; - dwc:species "burha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplectrona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1964" ; - dwc:species "sanguana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mey & Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydromanicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mey & Malicky, 2021" ; - dwc:species "abdominalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydromanicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1993" ; - dwc:species "seth" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydropsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1938" ; - dwc:species "pallipenne" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mey & Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydropsychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arctopsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mey & Malicky, 2021" ; - dwc:species "subflava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mey & Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aplatyphylax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mey & Malicky, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pumilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malicky & Chantaramongkol" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Brachycentridae" ; - dwc:genus "Micrasema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992" ; - dwc:species "turbo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mosely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mosely, 1949)" ; - dwc:species "assamense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mosely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mosely, 1949)" ; - dwc:species "serratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weaver" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weaver, 2002" ; - dwc:species "ylesomi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Weaver" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lepidostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraphlegopteryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weaver, 1999" ; - dwc:species "aykroydi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mey & Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adicella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mey & Malicky, 2021" ; - dwc:species "natmataungensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/1A/87/051A87BCFF9B7A0CFF40B1B0FDC4FEDC.ttl b/data/05/1A/87/051A87BCFF9B7A0CFF40B1B0FDC4FEDC.ttl index 1568eeebcf2..3002da18d0c 100644 --- a/data/05/1A/87/051A87BCFF9B7A0CFF40B1B0FDC4FEDC.ttl +++ b/data/05/1A/87/051A87BCFF9B7A0CFF40B1B0FDC4FEDC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Khandekar, Akshay" ; dc:title "Cnemaspis agarwali Khandekar 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,527 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Strauch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strauch, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar, 2018" ; - dwc:species "amboliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Das & Sengupta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Das & Sengupta, 2000" ; - dwc:species "assamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sayyed, Pyron & Dahanukar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayyed, Pyron & Dahanukar, 2016" ; - dwc:species "flaviventralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sharma" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharma, 1976" ; - dwc:species "goaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bauer, 2002" ; - dwc:species "indraneildasii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Theobald" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Theobald, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "jerdonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jerdon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jerdon, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "littoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Srinivasulu, Kumar & Srinivasulu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Srinivasulu, Kumar & Srinivasulu, 2015" ; - dwc:species "adii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Manamendra-arachchi, Batuwita & Pethiyagoda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Manamendra-arachchi, Batuwita & Pethiyagoda, 2007" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "boiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Giri, Bauer & Gaikwad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giri, Bauer & Gaikwad, 2009" ; - dwc:species "kolhapurensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Theobald" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Theobald, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "sisparensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar, 2018" ; - dwc:species "ajijae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mirza, Pal, Bhosale & Sanap" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mirza, Pal, Bhosale & Sanap, 2014" ; - dwc:species "girii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar, 2018" ; - dwc:species "limayei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Theobald" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Theobald, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "beddomei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee, Bhupathy & Nixon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mukherjee, Bhupathy & Nixon, 2005" ; - dwc:species "anaikattiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cyriac & Umesh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cyriac & Umesh, 2014" ; - dwc:species "kottiyoorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sayyed, Pyron & Dileepkumar, 2018" ; - dwc:species "mahabali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bauer, 2002" ; - dwc:species "heteropholis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beddome" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beddome, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "wynadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Inger, Marx & Koshy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inger, Marx & Koshy, 1984" ; - dwc:species "nairi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beddome" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beddome, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Das & Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Das & Bauer, 2000" ; - dwc:species "otai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beddome" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beddome, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jerdon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jerdon, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "mysoriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Das & Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Das & Bauer, 2000" ; - dwc:species "yercaudensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemidactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumeril & Bibron, 1836" ; - dwc:species "frenatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Agarwal, Giri & Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Agarwal, Giri & Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemidactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Agarwal, Giri & Bauer, 2011" ; - dwc:species "graniticolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Deraniyagala" ; - dwc:authorityName "Deraniyagala" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemidactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Deraniyagala, 1953" ; - dwc:species "parvimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Scincidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1839)" ; - dwc:species "bibronii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Agamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psammophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Daudin)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Daudin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Daudin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Agamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Daudin, 1802)" ; - dwc:species "versicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; @@ -581,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; dwc:genus "Cnemaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/1B/5E/051B5EADCABDE0ED86CE49D22521B662.ttl b/data/05/1B/5E/051B5EADCABDE0ED86CE49D22521B662.ttl index 22e5219f1e6..a47e3b88983 100644 --- a/data/05/1B/5E/051B5EADCABDE0ED86CE49D22521B662.ttl +++ b/data/05/1B/5E/051B5EADCABDE0ED86CE49D22521B662.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wilson, E. O." ; dc:title "Pheidole tenuis Wilson, 2003, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8450FFEFFF7DDB08FA384C77.ttl b/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8450FFEFFF7DDB08FA384C77.ttl index 6c12352a8f9..a7d613cef59 100644 --- a/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8450FFEFFF7DDB08FA384C77.ttl +++ b/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8450FFEFFF7DDB08FA384C77.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Acosta, Roxana; Salceda-Sánchez, Beatriz" ; dc:title "Kohlsia Traub 1950" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,183 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vargas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vargas, 1951" ; - dwc:species "fournieri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hubbard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubbard, 1958" ; - dwc:species "linni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Holland" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holland, 1971" ; - dwc:species "martini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Acosta, Salceda-Sanchez & Ponce-Ulloa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Acosta, Salceda-Sanchez & Ponce-Ulloa, 2009" ; - dwc:species "zyanya" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Acosta, Salceda-Sanchez & Ponce-Ulloa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Acosta, Salceda-Sanchez & Ponce-Ulloa, 2009" ; - dwc:species "ahuacatlan" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez, 2019" ; - dwc:species "misantlensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tipton & Mendez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tipton & Mendez, 1961" ; - dwc:species "keenani" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tipton & Mendez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tipton & Mendez, 1961" ; - dwc:species "mojica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Traub & Johnson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traub & Johnson, 1952" ; - dwc:species "whartoni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Traub" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traub, 1950" ; - dwc:species "cora" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barrera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barrera, 1956" ; - dwc:species "pelaezi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8455FFEEFF7DDDE0FAB64CE4.ttl b/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8455FFEEFF7DDDE0FAB64CE4.ttl index 12f7cca7fe4..f1d147940e9 100644 --- a/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8455FFEEFF7DDDE0FAB64CE4.ttl +++ b/data/05/1B/87/051B87BF8455FFEEFF7DDDE0FAB64CE4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Acosta, Roxana; Salceda-Sánchez, Beatriz" ; dc:title "Kohlsia misantlensis Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Acosta & Salceda-Sanchez", "Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez, 2019" ; + dwc:authority "Acosta & Salceda-Sanchez" ; dwc:authorityName "Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Saussure" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Peromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Saussure, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Phyllostomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Desmodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy, 1810)" ; - dwc:species "rotundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Traub & Johnson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kohlsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siphonaptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traub & Johnson, 1952" ; - dwc:species "whartoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Heteromyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desmarest, 1817" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ceratophyllidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/1C/00/051C00D196BFE3ED29AA01D620947349.ttl b/data/05/1C/00/051C00D196BFE3ED29AA01D620947349.ttl index ea0f88f38e7..7d03c9db906 100644 --- a/data/05/1C/00/051C00D196BFE3ED29AA01D620947349.ttl +++ b/data/05/1C/00/051C00D196BFE3ED29AA01D620947349.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Santschi, F." ; dc:title "Crematogaster (Acrocoelia) nigriceps subsp. prelli var. diversa Santschi, 1928, n. var." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -69,12 +68,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crematogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "nigriceps" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B611FFB5FF482A21FDDCFC7F.ttl b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B611FFB5FF482A21FDDCFC7F.ttl index 432f533e9da..ca8291986f1 100644 --- a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B611FFB5FF482A21FDDCFC7F.ttl +++ b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B611FFB5FF482A21FDDCFC7F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fontoura, Paulo; Pilato, Giovanni; Lisi, Oscar" ; dc:title "Echiniscus clavispinosus Fontoura, Pilato & Lisi, 2011, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Echiniscidae" ; dwc:genus "Echiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Echiniscoidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482938FB33F8BC.ttl b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482938FB33F8BC.ttl index f251a3bc069..dad70c6aec6 100644 --- a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482938FB33F8BC.ttl +++ b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482938FB33F8BC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fontoura, Paulo; Pilato, Giovanni; Lisi, Oscar" ; dc:title "Echiniscus scabrospinosus Fontoura 1982" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pilato, Fontoura, Lisi & Beasley, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pilato, Fontoura, Lisi & Beasley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Echiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Echiniscoidea" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pilato, Fontoura, Lisi & Beasley, 2008" ; - dwc:species "lineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Echiniscidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482B2CFA52FA0B.ttl b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482B2CFA52FA0B.ttl index c054a499fb9..ede0b4f352b 100644 --- a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482B2CFA52FA0B.ttl +++ b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B616FFB5FF482B2CFA52FA0B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Fontoura, Paulo; Pilato, Giovanni; Lisi, Oscar" ; dc:title "Echiniscus viridis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B617FFB4FF482FBCFC20FED2.ttl b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B617FFB4FF482FBCFC20FED2.ttl index 6dc36a50f82..7fb4fb7894d 100644 --- a/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B617FFB4FF482FBCFC20FED2.ttl +++ b/data/05/1C/87/051C87C3B617FFB4FF482FBCFC20FED2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Fontoura, Paulo; Pilato, Giovanni; Lisi, Oscar" ; dc:title "Milnesium tardigradum Doyere 1840" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDAFFE4FF7EF9D1FE4C8120.ttl b/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDAFFE4FF7EF9D1FE4C8120.ttl index e4b868aa62c..547fec412ea 100644 --- a/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDAFFE4FF7EF9D1FE4C8120.ttl +++ b/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDAFFE4FF7EF9D1FE4C8120.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pío-León, Juan Fernando; Alvarado-Cárdenas, Leonardo O." ; dc:title "Dictyanthus unicornus Pio-Leon & L. O. Alvarado 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,33 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Decaisne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Decaisne, 1844" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; @@ -87,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDCFFE1FF7EFF10FA148545.ttl b/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDCFFE1FF7EFF10FA148545.ttl index d7fdf7a511c..eb6e2c0f1c1 100644 --- a/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDCFFE1FF7EFF10FA148545.ttl +++ b/data/05/1D/87/051D87F4FFDCFFE1FF7EFF10FA148545.ttl @@ -10,13 +10,9 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because the rank attribute is missing ; - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pío-León, Juan Fernando; Alvarado-Cárdenas, Leonardo O." ; dc:title "Dictyanthus species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,81 +27,3 @@ dc:date "2023" ; dc:title "Another remarkable new species of Dictyanthus (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae, Asclepiadeae, Gonolobinae) with a long stylar head from Mexico" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stevens) Stevens, 2000" ; - dwc:species "eximius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Conzatti & Standley (1924: 1183 -" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1184" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Conzatti & Standley, (1924)" ; - dwc:species "tigrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stevens) Stevens, 2000" ; - dwc:species "macvaughianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W. D. Stevens" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stevens) Stevens, 2000" ; - dwc:species "lautus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Decaisne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apocynaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Decaisne, 1844" ; - dwc:species "pavonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/05/1F/82/051F82F614257F010D706E5592A507B6.ttl b/data/05/1F/82/051F82F614257F010D706E5592A507B6.ttl index 4b1931847e7..8a5576dab9f 100644 --- a/data/05/1F/82/051F82F614257F010D706E5592A507B6.ttl +++ b/data/05/1F/82/051F82F614257F010D706E5592A507B6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Narendran, T. C.; van Achterberg, Cornelis" ; dc:title "Epitranus Walker 1834" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/20/01/05200183D34DA6BA6C3022A049C3396C.ttl b/data/05/20/01/05200183D34DA6BA6C3022A049C3396C.ttl index 47f5359115d..5b5e7a87c06 100644 --- a/data/05/20/01/05200183D34DA6BA6C3022A049C3396C.ttl +++ b/data/05/20/01/05200183D34DA6BA6C3022A049C3396C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Miller, Jeremy A.; Belgers, J. Dick M.; Beentjes, Kevin K.; Zwakhals, Kees; van Helsdingen, Peter" ; dc:title "Neottiura bimaculata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/20/0A/05200ADA00CA755F8F079286D12E9698.ttl b/data/05/20/0A/05200ADA00CA755F8F079286D12E9698.ttl index 0bd577196a7..7744f6d8ab7 100644 --- a/data/05/20/0A/05200ADA00CA755F8F079286D12E9698.ttl +++ b/data/05/20/0A/05200ADA00CA755F8F079286D12E9698.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud S.; Fad, Hassan H.; El-Torkey, Ashraf M.; Elgharbawy, Ali A.; Aldryhim, Yousif N.; Kondratieff, Boris C.; Ansi, Amin N. Al; Aldhafer, Hathal M." ; dc:title "Thorictodes heydeni Reitter 1875" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Roem & Schult" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Tubiflorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roem & Schult, 1819" ; - dwc:species "shawii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dermestidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/20/4D/05204D15750D5A3C626B0688B8750905.ttl b/data/05/20/4D/05204D15750D5A3C626B0688B8750905.ttl index 016228a831a..69d57db853c 100644 --- a/data/05/20/4D/05204D15750D5A3C626B0688B8750905.ttl +++ b/data/05/20/4D/05204D15750D5A3C626B0688B8750905.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Punica granatum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lythraceae" ; dwc:genus "Punica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lythraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/20/FA/0520FA6B4CCD052DCC7806DE647A1DF3.ttl b/data/05/20/FA/0520FA6B4CCD052DCC7806DE647A1DF3.ttl index cdbfa34f1dc..a93ef214bed 100644 --- a/data/05/20/FA/0520FA6B4CCD052DCC7806DE647A1DF3.ttl +++ b/data/05/20/FA/0520FA6B4CCD052DCC7806DE647A1DF3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Callosciurus notatus subsp. diardii Jentink 1879" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,108 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bonhote 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonhote" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonhote, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "andrewsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas 1910)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "madurae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sody 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1949" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sody 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1949" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "prinsulae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sody 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1929" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vanheurni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sody 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1929" ; - dwc:species "notatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "verbeeki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/21/87/052187A4EF291E2FFF22FA86FE8647BC.ttl b/data/05/21/87/052187A4EF291E2FFF22FA86FE8647BC.ttl index 01f7de3b00e..adb5315cc2a 100644 --- a/data/05/21/87/052187A4EF291E2FFF22FA86FE8647BC.ttl +++ b/data/05/21/87/052187A4EF291E2FFF22FA86FE8647BC.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Lappula balchaschensis Golosk. 1975" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -128,12 +127,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Boraginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lappula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "deserticola" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/21/D8/0521D81620412BD799715899B8E763B7.ttl b/data/05/21/D8/0521D81620412BD799715899B8E763B7.ttl index 6d827119b88..3e535ac6360 100644 --- a/data/05/21/D8/0521D81620412BD799715899B8E763B7.ttl +++ b/data/05/21/D8/0521D81620412BD799715899B8E763B7.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Achillea" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/21/E1/0521E19FAD09E8158BC9EB99DB9BA416.ttl b/data/05/21/E1/0521E19FAD09E8158BC9EB99DB9BA416.ttl index b4baba0ddab..7b5ef119e3d 100644 --- a/data/05/21/E1/0521E19FAD09E8158BC9EB99DB9BA416.ttl +++ b/data/05/21/E1/0521E19FAD09E8158BC9EB99DB9BA416.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Linares, Carlos A; Orozco, Jesus" ; dc:title "Hypselonotus interruptus Hahn 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/22/62/05226272F659FFE2FF74FD36FB08C4CB.ttl b/data/05/22/62/05226272F659FFE2FF74FD36FB08C4CB.ttl index e2bb17620d8..bfd585d6dcf 100644 --- a/data/05/22/62/05226272F659FFE2FF74FD36FB08C4CB.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/62/05226272F659FFE2FF74FD36FB08C4CB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pinho, Luiz Carlos; Fusari, Lívia Maria; Lamas, Carlos José Einicker" ; dc:title "Polypedilum (Tripodura) guato Pinho, Fusari & Lamas, 2015, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,71 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Townes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tripodura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Townes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freeman, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freeman, 1958" ; - dwc:species "kijabense" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tripodura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bidawid-Kafka, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bidawid-Kafka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bidawid-Kafka, 1996" ; - dwc:species "guarani" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tripodura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bidawid-Kafka, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bidawid-Kafka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bidawid-Kafka, 1996" ; - dwc:species "chiriguano" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tripodura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -133,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/22/62/05226272F65BFFE5FF74FE5CFB85C177.ttl b/data/05/22/62/05226272F65BFFE5FF74FE5CFB85C177.ttl index 7902061d7ec..18eb9936b45 100644 --- a/data/05/22/62/05226272F65BFFE5FF74FE5CFB85C177.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/62/05226272F65BFFE5FF74FE5CFB85C177.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pinho, Luiz Carlos; Fusari, Lívia Maria; Lamas, Carlos José Einicker" ; dc:title "Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) puri Pinho, Fusari & Lamas, 2015, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pentapedilum)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pentapedilum" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pentapedilum)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -82,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/22/62/05226272F65FFFEEFF74FD5FFB35C172.ttl b/data/05/22/62/05226272F65FFFEEFF74FD5FFB35C172.ttl index ce8b4f93fcc..31738287bb8 100644 --- a/data/05/22/62/05226272F65FFFEEFF74FD5FFB35C172.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/62/05226272F65FFFEEFF74FD5FFB35C172.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pinho, Luiz Carlos; Fusari, Lívia Maria; Lamas, Carlos José Einicker" ; dc:title "Polypedilum (Tripodura) kadiweu Pinho, Fusari & Lamas, 2015, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Polypedilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/22/63/052263956D13744E9C42500035B10CA9.ttl b/data/05/22/63/052263956D13744E9C42500035B10CA9.ttl index a1400dfe4c5..afb28e961e8 100644 --- a/data/05/22/63/052263956D13744E9C42500035B10CA9.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/63/052263956D13744E9C42500035B10CA9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Echinochloa crus-galli P. Beauv." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/22/7F/05227FE736C76CF681C98282F6A70C67.ttl b/data/05/22/7F/05227FE736C76CF681C98282F6A70C67.ttl index 41603d547fa..23dd02d7d78 100644 --- a/data/05/22/7F/05227FE736C76CF681C98282F6A70C67.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/7F/05227FE736C76CF681C98282F6A70C67.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Dunlop, Jason A.; Friederichs, Anja; Langermann, Jasmin" ; dc:title "muscivora Verhoeff 1905" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/22/87/052287BADD38FFF4103DF9B2FC2117DE.ttl b/data/05/22/87/052287BADD38FFF4103DF9B2FC2117DE.ttl index 3593027f3ce..ba151e037ae 100644 --- a/data/05/22/87/052287BADD38FFF4103DF9B2FC2117DE.ttl +++ b/data/05/22/87/052287BADD38FFF4103DF9B2FC2117DE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Schmidt-Lebuhn, Alexander N." ; dc:title "Pogonolepis Steetz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Richards" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Weber (Richards 1973)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weber (Richards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Taraxacum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weber, 1973" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Short 1986)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Short" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonolepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Short, 1986)" ; - dwc:species "stricta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/23/7E/05237E4C5906614ECC51FC0AF0E923AB.ttl b/data/05/23/7E/05237E4C5906614ECC51FC0AF0E923AB.ttl index b3e8b361549..c197f1c276d 100644 --- a/data/05/23/7E/05237E4C5906614ECC51FC0AF0E923AB.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/7E/05237E4C5906614ECC51FC0AF0E923AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Engel, Michael S.; Packer, Laurence" ; dc:title "Chiasmognathus scythicus Engel & Packer 2013, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiasmognathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Popov, 1937)" ; - dwc:species "gussakovskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Warncke, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Warncke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiasmognathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Warncke, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "orientanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Apidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/23/87/052387912121FFBFFF4DFA30FED8441C.ttl b/data/05/23/87/052387912121FFBFFF4DFA30FED8441C.ttl index 3efcf45fbe2..85220f78716 100644 --- a/data/05/23/87/052387912121FFBFFF4DFA30FED8441C.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/87/052387912121FFBFFF4DFA30FED8441C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zuñiga, Ronald; Hanson, Paul" ; dc:title "Epirhyssa lewisi Zuniga & Hanson 2024, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gomez & Saaksjarvi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gomez & Saaksjarvi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomez & Saaksjarvi" ; - dwc:species "simpirae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zuniga & Hanson." ; - dwc:authorityName "Zuniga & Hanson." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zuniga & Hanson." ; - dwc:species "lewisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porter." ; - dwc:authorityName "Porter." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter." ; - dwc:species "praecincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/23/87/052387912125FFBBFF4DFDA9FA22444D.ttl b/data/05/23/87/052387912125FFBBFF4DFDA9FA22444D.ttl index 807344cc0e6..d10d4cd5aba 100644 --- a/data/05/23/87/052387912125FFBBFF4DFDA9FA22444D.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/87/052387912125FFBBFF4DFDA9FA22444D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zuñiga, Ronald; Hanson, Paul" ; dc:title "Epirhyssa Zuñiga & Hanson 2024" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,251 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld, 1991" ; - dwc:species "corralesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Porter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter, 1978" ; - dwc:species "oaxaca" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Porter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter, 1978" ; - dwc:species "prolasia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld" ; - dwc:species "curtisi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld" ; - dwc:species "oranensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zuniga & Hanson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zuniga & Hanson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zuniga & Hanson, 2024" ; - dwc:species "leonoreae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld" ; - dwc:species "quirosi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zuniga & Hanson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zuniga & Hanson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zuniga & Hanson, 2024" ; - dwc:species "lewisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld" ; - dwc:species "theloides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Porter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Porter" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porter" ; - dwc:species "praecincta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld, 1991" ; - dwc:species "porteri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1874" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld, 1991" ; - dwc:species "frohbergi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gauld and Ward" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gauld and Ward" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld & Ward" ; - dwc:species "zurquiae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gauld & Ward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld & Ward, 1997" ; - dwc:species "osaensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/23/87/052387912127FFBCFF4DFD58FCE54438.ttl b/data/05/23/87/052387912127FFBCFF4DFD58FCE54438.ttl index e281182c6d9..47b57cad29e 100644 --- a/data/05/23/87/052387912127FFBCFF4DFD58FCE54438.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/87/052387912127FFBCFF4DFD58FCE54438.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Zuñiga, Ronald; Hanson, Paul" ; dc:title "Epirhyssa leonoreae Zuniga & Hanson 2024, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8A927CFF12FD2C1114452E.ttl b/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8A927CFF12FD2C1114452E.ttl index 6114fe298d4..3d3b897437e 100644 --- a/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8A927CFF12FD2C1114452E.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8A927CFF12FD2C1114452E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Myxia villaloboi Bahder & Bartlett 2024, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,92 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Barrantes Barrantes & Zumbado Echavarria & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barrantes Barrantes, Zumbado Echavarria, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2024" ; - dwc:species "villaloboi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hernandezi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Van Duzee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphocixia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Van Duzee, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oecleus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Kramer 1979)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; @@ -163,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8C9272FF12F9A91687460E.ttl b/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8C9272FF12F9A91687460E.ttl index a1b3d063a5a..9d3740fede6 100644 --- a/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8C9272FF12F9A91687460E.ttl +++ b/data/05/23/87/052387C7FF8C9272FF12F9A91687460E.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Myxia Bahder & Bartlett 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,81 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bahder & Bartlett 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2019" ; - dwc:species "belinda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2021" ; - dwc:species "baynardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bahder & Bartlett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahder & Bartlett, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hernandezi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/2E/05242E6C3CD75C3780EAEE53FB4DF5C9.ttl b/data/05/24/2E/05242E6C3CD75C3780EAEE53FB4DF5C9.ttl index cf05585de8c..843c93fa817 100644 --- a/data/05/24/2E/05242E6C3CD75C3780EAEE53FB4DF5C9.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/2E/05242E6C3CD75C3780EAEE53FB4DF5C9.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Hughes, Colin E.; Ringelberg, Jens J.; Lewis, Gwilym P.; Catalano, Santiago A." ; dc:title "Neltuma pugionata (Burkart) C. E. Hughes & G. P. Lewis 2022, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC0E52846C6B1DB8FECFA28.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC0E52846C6B1DB8FECFA28.ttl index fd826991b20..5b95958cb68 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC0E52846C6B1DB8FECFA28.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC0E52846C6B1DB8FECFA28.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Arthrosolaenomeridini Hoffman 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,95 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cook, 1895" ; - dwc:subFamily "Chelodesminae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1943" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1947" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angelodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folcloredesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC1E52946C6B2C68F8DFA64.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC1E52946C6B2C68F8DFA64.ttl index 93b6c23d94b..eefa0419c84 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC1E52946C6B2C68F8DFA64.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC1E52946C6B2C68F8DFA64.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Arthrosolaenomeris Schubart 1943" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,116 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffman, 1976" ; - dwc:tribe "Arthrosolaenomeridini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "curupira" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "caipora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "iara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:species "pantanalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:species "chapadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "saci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC5E53046C6B5598901FEEA.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC5E53046C6B5598901FEEA.ttl index cca83267033..1baa4021955 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC5E53046C6B5598901FEEA.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC5E53046C6B5598901FEEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Arthrosolaenomeris curupira Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "saci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC6E52D46C6B6828E61FE26.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC6E52D46C6B6828E61FE26.ttl index 69ef4421ef3..70346603eac 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC6E52D46C6B6828E61FE26.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFC6E52D46C6B6828E61FE26.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Arthrosolaenomeris pantanalensis Schubart 1943" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:species "chapadensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFD4E50346C6B50B8C62FF0E.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFD4E50346C6B50B8C62FF0E.ttl index 7f957ffa5a1..4ce87fe7367 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFD4E50346C6B50B8C62FF0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFD4E50346C6B50B8C62FF0E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Gangugia mula Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFDCE53546C6B7E08F1CFCE2.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFDCE53546C6B7E08F1CFCE2.ttl index f6d07a67b38..e1a72002d5d 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFDCE53546C6B7E08F1CFCE2.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFDCE53546C6B7E08F1CFCE2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Gangugia Schubart 1947" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,116 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffman, 1976" ; - dwc:tribe "Arthrosolaenomeridini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "cuca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "boitata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "mula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "boto" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1958" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1947" ; - dwc:species "tapirapensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE1E50F46C6B36C8E2CFEB6.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE1E50F46C6B36C8E2CFEB6.ttl index 63b2199214b..796fc403218 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE1E50F46C6B36C8E2CFEB6.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE1E50F46C6B36C8E2CFEB6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Folcloredesmus Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,64 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Folcloredesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "thomasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffman, 1976" ; - dwc:tribe "Arthrosolaenomeridini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "mapinguari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; @@ -121,10 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE7E50C46C6B40F8912F827.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE7E50C46C6B40F8912F827.ttl index dc40d81f741..1efce36464a 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE7E50C46C6B40F8912F827.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE7E50C46C6B40F8912F827.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Folcloredesmus thomasi Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,56 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1943" ; - dwc:species "pantanalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schubart, 1960)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schubart, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "planaltensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angelodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1962" ; - dwc:species "costalimai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE8E50146C6B50B8854FB56.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE8E50146C6B50B8854FB56.ttl index 206b06ad0b1..6f337f3313c 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE8E50146C6B50B8854FB56.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFE8E50146C6B50B8854FB56.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Abiliodesmus Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,115 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrosolaenomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1960" ; - dwc:species "planaltensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffman, 1976" ; - dwc:tribe "Arthrosolaenomeridini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "mapinguari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoffman, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "defensor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoffman, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "cataractae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schubart, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "planaltensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; @@ -172,10 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEBE50346C6B31B89D0FAF5.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEBE50346C6B31B89D0FAF5.ttl index e9d2d544d97..63caa76be26 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEBE50346C6B31B89D0FAF5.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEBE50346C6B31B89D0FAF5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Angelodesmus Schubart 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffman, 1976" ; - dwc:tribe "Arthrosolaenomeridini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angelodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1962" ; - dwc:species "costalimai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEDE50946C6B51D8E3DFF0E.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEDE50946C6B51D8E3DFF0E.ttl index 62232d3890e..eb04c500d6f 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEDE50946C6B51D8E3DFF0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487CFFFEDE50946C6B51D8E3DFF0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador; Iniesta, Luiz Felipe M.; Brescovit, Antonio Domingos" ; dc:title "Abiliodesmus mapinguari Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit 2021, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,89 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schubart, 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schubart, 1947" ; - dwc:species "tapirapensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangugia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:species "mula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schubart, 1960)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schubart" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schubart, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "planaltensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoffman, 1976)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoffman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoffman, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "cataractae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouzan & Iniesta & Brescovit" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouzan, Iniesta & Brescovit, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; @@ -143,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Chelodesmidae" ; dwc:genus "Abiliodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFCE9FF03FB64.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFCE9FF03FB64.ttl index 8dd23f9b6ac..523f05b2b9e 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFCE9FF03FB64.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFCE9FF03FB64.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Lesteva septemmaculata Latreille 1797" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -64,21 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2014" ; - dwc:species "ruzickai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFD95FE24FCD2.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFD95FE24FCD2.ttl index 993f9268fcc..460318526b1 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFD95FE24FCD2.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFD95FE24FCD2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Lesteva Latreille 1797" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2013" ; - dwc:species "fikaceki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFF13FBA7FE16.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFF13FBA7FE16.ttl index f6617d2aa05..0fd2b409239 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFF13FBA7FE16.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487E73249FFFAFF4DFF13FBA7FE16.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lesteva yunnanicola Rougemont 2000" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487E7324DFFFDFF4DFF5CFBF4FE5B.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487E7324DFFFDFF4DFF5CFBF4FE5B.ttl index 209ac8baaea..2515b5eeea2 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487E7324DFFFDFF4DFF5CFBF4FE5B.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487E7324DFFFDFF4DFF5CFBF4FE5B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Lesteva hajeki Shavrin 2014, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,134 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "davidiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "aureomontis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ma & Li, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ma & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Li, 2012" ; - dwc:species "brevimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ma & Li, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ma & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma & Li, 2012" ; - dwc:species "erythra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2013" ; - dwc:species "fikaceki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "flavopunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "pulcherrima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "rufopunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/24/87/052487E7324EFFFBFF4DF9D3FB39FCC9.ttl b/data/05/24/87/052487E7324EFFFBFF4DF9D3FB39FCC9.ttl index 79414a46d66..4071eb019b8 100644 --- a/data/05/24/87/052487E7324EFFFBFF4DF9D3FB39FCC9.ttl +++ b/data/05/24/87/052487E7324EFFFBFF4DF9D3FB39FCC9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Lesteva ruzickai Latreille 1797, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,95 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2014" ; - dwc:species "ruzickai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "septemmaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rougemont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesteva" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rougemont, 2000" ; - dwc:species "rufimarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bordoni, 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bordoni" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lestevina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bordoni, 1973" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C.G. Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agyrtidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1859" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fleming" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leiodidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fleming, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/25/E8/0525E8370C4CFFC7E0F0B2566468613D.ttl b/data/05/25/E8/0525E8370C4CFFC7E0F0B2566468613D.ttl index 759bb3782ba..7eda5c581aa 100644 --- a/data/05/25/E8/0525E8370C4CFFC7E0F0B2566468613D.ttl +++ b/data/05/25/E8/0525E8370C4CFFC7E0F0B2566468613D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Stipa L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/28/87/052887A3D819FFCDFEDC255CCC2AFD80.ttl b/data/05/28/87/052887A3D819FFCDFEDC255CCC2AFD80.ttl index 7e360dbb745..0fd7f9e31ea 100644 --- a/data/05/28/87/052887A3D819FFCDFEDC255CCC2AFD80.ttl +++ b/data/05/28/87/052887A3D819FFCDFEDC255CCC2AFD80.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sharkey, Michael J." ; dc:title "Agathirsia schlingeri Sharkey, 2005, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Agathirsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/29/59/052959C9FB4D39D1C553F393CFF2BFD0.ttl b/data/05/29/59/052959C9FB4D39D1C553F393CFF2BFD0.ttl index ac8e88c6ca7..e2f6373fd6d 100644 --- a/data/05/29/59/052959C9FB4D39D1C553F393CFF2BFD0.ttl +++ b/data/05/29/59/052959C9FB4D39D1C553F393CFF2BFD0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Kohlenberg, Alex T.; Short, Andrew Edward Z." ; dc:title "Tobochares sp. A" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/29/89/05298934CBAEA91F69BDDED33172A82A.ttl b/data/05/29/89/05298934CBAEA91F69BDDED33172A82A.ttl index 4e52f0823a9..9e73f8ced8d 100644 --- a/data/05/29/89/05298934CBAEA91F69BDDED33172A82A.ttl +++ b/data/05/29/89/05298934CBAEA91F69BDDED33172A82A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Potentilla frigida Vill." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Potentilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409162E74AFAFEB79C2D9B74CD.ttl b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409162E74AFAFEB79C2D9B74CD.ttl index 7fcdf7d09d5..f0dbf1dd558 100644 --- a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409162E74AFAFEB79C2D9B74CD.ttl +++ b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409162E74AFAFEB79C2D9B74CD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wang, Yang; Zhang, Yalin" ; dc:title "Angustuma flavimacula Wang & Zhang, 2014, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angustuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, 1986" ; - dwc:species "nigricarina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB4FD2C5E70B4.ttl b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB4FD2C5E70B4.ttl index e491755b77f..04c601af36b 100644 --- a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB4FD2C5E70B4.ttl +++ b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB4FD2C5E70B4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wang, Yang; Zhang, Yalin" ; dc:title "Angustuma flavinigra Wang & Zhang, 2014, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Xing & Li, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xing & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angustella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xing & Li, 2013" ; - dwc:species "rudorsuma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB79C2CAE7485.ttl b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB79C2CAE7485.ttl index 9124279d1b5..479b6a86b00 100644 --- a/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB79C2CAE7485.ttl +++ b/data/05/2A/D3/052AD3409166E74EFAFEB79C2CAE7485.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Yang; Zhang, Yalin" ; dc:title "Angustuma basinigra Wang & Zhang, 2014, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angustella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Li, 2011" ; - dwc:species "jinghongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF1FFC17BDDF8ACFB84E424.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF1FFC17BDDF8ACFB84E424.ttl index fc2ef0cc20b..b21af49749d 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF1FFC17BDDF8ACFB84E424.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF1FFC17BDDF8ACFB84E424.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta Simon 1892" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1889" ; - dwc:species "davidi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marx" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marx, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF5FFC57BDDF988FD4AE1FE.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF5FFC57BDDF988FD4AE1FE.ttl index f2735974186..605848eecd1 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF5FFC57BDDF988FD4AE1FE.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF5FFC57BDDF988FD4AE1FE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta deltshevi Platnick & Jager 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -66,70 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bajie" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Simon, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Simon, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "davidi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rulai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC67BDDFF62FD4AE498.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC67BDDFF62FD4AE498.ttl index c05e4035edf..edec1dd2c47 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC67BDDFF62FD4AE498.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC67BDDFF62FD4AE498.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta bajie Lin & Li 2021" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pingwuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC77BDDF945FD4AE7B5.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC77BDDF945FD4AE7B5.ttl index 51311f58097..70709aeae50 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC77BDDF945FD4AE7B5.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF7FFC77BDDF945FD4AE7B5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta davidi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -83,22 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF8FFCE7BDDFD9EFC39E425.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF8FFCE7BDDFD9EFC39E425.ttl index 3e5bdc090b8..1dbf9740533 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF8FFCE7BDDFD9EFC39E425.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFF8FFCE7BDDFD9EFC39E425.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta shennongjiaensis Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pingwuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nyingchiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFAFFC87BDDFC3FFBD7E6C5.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFAFFC87BDDFC3FFBD7E6C5.ttl index 43e743daaf7..7a1571fd5aa 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFAFFC87BDDFC3FFBD7E6C5.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFAFFC87BDDFC3FFBD7E6C5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta pingwuensis Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "shennongjiaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFBFFCA7BDDFC25FC36E18A.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFBFFCA7BDDFC25FC36E18A.ttl index 9e83e7024eb..7c1094b4e69 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFBFFCA7BDDFC25FC36E18A.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFBFFCA7BDDFC25FC36E18A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta nyingchiensis Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFD7FFD4AE2E1.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFD7FFD4AE2E1.ttl index 835108c51bd..80e1e2834a3 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFD7FFD4AE2E1.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFD7FFD4AE2E1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta yukuni Lin & Li 2021" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bajie" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Platnick & Jager, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Platnick & Jager" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platnick & Jager, 2009" ; - dwc:species "deltshevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFF62FDAAE404.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFF62FDAAE404.ttl index 26a6f757eda..0afa47c8d6f 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFF62FDAAE404.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFDFFCC7BDDFF62FDAAE404.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta xuanzang Lin & Li 2020" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "songpanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFEFFCF7BDDFD22FD4AE2DF.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFEFFCF7BDDFD22FD4AE2DF.ttl index 782f798bf32..34ac81c1f64 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFEFFCF7BDDFD22FD4AE2DF.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFEFFCF7BDDFD22FD4AE2DF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta wukong Lin & Li 2020" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Zhao, Irfan & Zhang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "songpanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rulai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFFFFCF7BDDFD9EFBD7E4B9.ttl b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFFFFCF7BDDFD9EFBD7E4B9.ttl index d21213b49ab..a5baca6e870 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFFFFCF7BDDFD9EFBD7E4B9.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/A7/052BA72CFFFFFFCF7BDDFD9EFBD7E4B9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Lu-Yu; Zhao, Jing-Xia; Irfan, Muhammad; Zhang, Zhi-Sheng" ; dc:title "Ectatosticta songpanensis Wang & Zhao & Irfan & Zhang 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:species "wukong" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ectatosticta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin & Li, 2021" ; - dwc:species "yukuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Hypochilidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2B/CA/052BCA91C9E45E059DEE3EAFBD45B52B.ttl b/data/05/2B/CA/052BCA91C9E45E059DEE3EAFBD45B52B.ttl index 987febb1d37..1fdc9cdf0ae 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/CA/052BCA91C9E45E059DEE3EAFBD45B52B.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/CA/052BCA91C9E45E059DEE3EAFBD45B52B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Masunari, Setuko; Martins, Salise Brandt; Anacleto, Andre Fernando Miyadi" ; dc:title "Minuca vocator" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rathbun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ocypodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptuca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rathbun, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "thayeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Ocypodidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Ocypodidae" ; dwc:genus "Minuca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2B/CC/052BCC542528052DBC9FD3F4AEDC852A.ttl b/data/05/2B/CC/052BCC542528052DBC9FD3F4AEDC852A.ttl index 3cc04057e8d..2fa985be034 100644 --- a/data/05/2B/CC/052BCC542528052DBC9FD3F4AEDC852A.ttl +++ b/data/05/2B/CC/052BCC542528052DBC9FD3F4AEDC852A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Utricularia vulgaris Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lentibulariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Utricularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lentibulariaceae" ; @@ -69,22 +53,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lentibulariaceae" ; dwc:genus "Utricularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lentibulariaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088111FF3E3914FC67F9F2.ttl b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088111FF3E3914FC67F9F2.ttl index c00db8e8100..c80c897fbfa 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088111FF3E3914FC67F9F2.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088111FF3E3914FC67F9F2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sharanowski, Barbara J.; Sharkey, Michael J." ; dc:title "Helconichia reina Sharanowski and Sharkey, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "reina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088114FF3E3E9BFD8EFDE2.ttl b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088114FF3E3E9BFD8EFDE2.ttl index 6fedd6ba9e6..150d53d6724 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088114FF3E3E9BFD8EFDE2.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB4088114FF3E3E9BFD8EFDE2.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sharanowski, Barbara J.; Sharkey, Michael J." ; dc:title "Helconichia brenesi Sharanowski and Sharkey, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski & Sharkey", "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski & Sharkey", "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "brenesi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:species "areolata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharkey & Wharton. B." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey & Wharton. B." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton. B." ; - dwc:species "trichiops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharkey & Wharton. Inset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey & Wharton. Inset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton. Inset" ; - dwc:species "trichopteryx" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -119,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -136,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40A8111FF3E3B29FC33FF7F.ttl b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40A8111FF3E3B29FC33FF7F.ttl index ef6c8047e30..f835eb1fb15 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40A8111FF3E3B29FC33FF7F.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40A8111FF3E3B29FC33FF7F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sharanowski, Barbara J.; Sharkey, Michael J." ; dc:title "Helconichia sarria Sharanowski and Sharkey, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski & Sharkey", "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski & Sharkey", "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "sarria" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "reina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -106,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40D8114FF3E3A91FA45FB34.ttl b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40D8114FF3E3A91FA45FB34.ttl index 84016b00fda..c55ad88453c 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40D8114FF3E3A91FA45FB34.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/69/052C697BB40D8114FF3E3A91FA45FB34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sharanowski, Barbara J.; Sharkey, Michael J." ; dc:title "Helconichia" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,102 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:species "areolata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "reina" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "sarria" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:species "trichiops" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharanowski and Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharanowski & Sharkey" ; - dwc:species "brenesi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharkey and Wharton." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helconichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey & Wharton." ; - dwc:species "trichopteryx" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFF58036FF15EA8EFD46F55E.ttl b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFF58036FF15EA8EFD46F55E.ttl index a6d23e79bb3..ffe1c856b50 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFF58036FF15EA8EFD46F55E.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFF58036FF15EA8EFD46F55E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Medeiros, Gleyce Da Silva; Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante" ; dc:title "Temeritas paradoxalis Medeiros & Bellini 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Richards, 1963 in Delamare Deboutteville & Massoud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richards, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Medeiros & Bellini, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Medeiros & Bellini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Medeiros & Bellini, 2019" ; - dwc:species "andreazzei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arle & Oliveira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arle & Oliveira, 1977" ; - dwc:species "ormondae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8033FF15EC40FBCFF626.ttl b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8033FF15EC40FBCFF626.ttl index db6b9759453..4d8068b775c 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8033FF15EC40FBCFF626.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8033FF15EC40FBCFF626.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Medeiros, Gleyce Da Silva; Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante" ; dc:title "Temeritas andreazzei Medeiros & Bellini 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,159 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Richards, 1963 in Delamare Deboutteville & Massoud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richards, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borner, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "longipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Denis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sminthurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denis, 1933" ; - dwc:species "macroceros" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arle & Oliveira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arle & Oliveira, 1977" ; - dwc:species "ormondae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Najt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Najt, 1968" ; - dwc:species "rapoporti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Delamare-Deboutteville & Massoud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delamare-Deboutteville & Massoud, 1964" ; - dwc:species "surinamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Delamare-Deboutteville & Massoud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Delamare-Deboutteville & Massoud, 1963" ; - dwc:species "tucumanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gomez-Cova & Rapoport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomez-Cova & Rapoport, 1972" ; - dwc:species "venezuelensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Medeiros & Bellini, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Medeiros & Bellini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Medeiros & Bellini, 2019" ; - dwc:species "paradoxalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Denis, 1933)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Denis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Denis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Denis, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "pulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; @@ -213,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8039FF15EFBEFCBAF060.ttl b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8039FF15EFBEFCBAF060.ttl index d9307cb2aee..4e09b3fdb40 100644 --- a/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8039FF15EFBEFCBAF060.ttl +++ b/data/05/2C/87/052C87EDFFFF8039FF15EFBEFCBAF060.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Medeiros, Gleyce Da Silva; Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante" ; dc:title "Temeritas Richards, 1963 in Delamare Deboutteville & Massoud 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,40 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wahlgren, 1908))" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wahlgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wahlgren" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Temeritas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wahlgren, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "kilimandjarica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Denis, 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Denis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sminthurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denis, 1933" ; - dwc:species "macroceros" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Sminthuridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15861131CFE8CAA7EFE2FFA19.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15861131CFE8CAA7EFE2FFA19.ttl index e01cb531e84..4f66c97b3fa 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15861131CFE8CAA7EFE2FFA19.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15861131CFE8CAA7EFE2FFA19.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus andrekuipersi Freitag, Pangantihon and Njunjic 2018" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,84 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "luciaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "nigerquadratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cruxniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -138,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158681304FEB6AB8CFE9BFD65.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158681304FEB6AB8CFE9BFD65.ttl index af70834115a..de93a385707 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158681304FEB6AB8CFE9BFD65.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158681304FEB6AB8CFE9BFD65.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus cruxniger Freitag, Molls and Bouma 2019, sp. nov" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authority "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Pangantihon and Njunjic" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Pangantihon & Njunjic, 2018" ; - dwc:species "andrekuipersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "nigerquadratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1586C1318FE9AAC99FEEDFD1D.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1586C1318FE9AAC99FEEDFD1D.ttl index c2c93455923..4d5633f6b02 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1586C1318FE9AAC99FEEDFD1D.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1586C1318FE9AAC99FEEDFD1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus nigerquadratus Freitag, Molls and Bouma 2019, sp. nov" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authority "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Pangantihon and Njunjic" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Pangantihon & Njunjic, 2018" ; - dwc:species "andrekuipersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cruxniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15870130CFEBEAA71FB83FD6A.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15870130CFEBEAA71FB83FD6A.ttl index 0ee33c8dfb5..5fdd4733039 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15870130CFEBEAA71FB83FD6A.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A15870130CFEBEAA71FB83FD6A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus borneensis Freitag, Molls and Bouma 2019, sp. nov" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authority "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158741300FEB9AA7AFDE2FD60.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158741300FEB9AA7AFDE2FD60.ttl index e03a899978b..90375600739 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158741300FEB9AA7AFDE2FD60.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A158741300FEB9AA7AFDE2FD60.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus luciaensis Freitag, Molls and Bouma 2019, sp. nov" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne", "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authority "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; + dwc:authorityName "Freitag, Molls and Bouma" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elmidae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130CFDADAA7AFE97FA2C.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130CFDADAA7AFE97FA2C.ttl index 3be58f56d75..f2d8e2db172 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130CFDADAA7AFE97FA2C.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130CFDADAA7AFE97FA2C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus sp. 1 Champion 1923" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Freitag & Molls & Bouma & Garces & Rossato & Cosentino & Delledonne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Freitag, Molls, Bouma, Garces, Rossato, Cosentino & Delledonne, 2019" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: abbreviated species "sp. 1" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130DFDADAC83FE08FE0E.ttl b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130DFDADAC83FE08FE0E.ttl index 9601daeaee5..ce10e063118 100644 --- a/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130DFDADAC83FE08FE0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/2D/87/052D87A1587C130DFDADAC83FE08FE0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Freitag, Hendrik; Molls, Christian; Bouma, Aglaia M.; Garces, Jhoana M.; Rossato, Marzia; Cosentino, Emanuela; Delledonne, Massimo" ; dc:title "Grouvellinus sp. 2 Champion 1923" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: abbreviated species "sp. 2" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elmidae" ; dwc:genus "Grouvellinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/2F/C9/052FC987205600834121D0F8AF465AF3.ttl b/data/05/2F/C9/052FC987205600834121D0F8AF465AF3.ttl index 043586a974e..19dc7c1bf98 100644 --- a/data/05/2F/C9/052FC987205600834121D0F8AF465AF3.ttl +++ b/data/05/2F/C9/052FC987205600834121D0F8AF465AF3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Hordeum secalinum Schreb." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,22 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nr. 2873)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2873" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hordeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nr., 2873)" ; - dwc:species "murinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Roggen-Gerste"@undefined ; dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; @@ -69,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; dwc:genus "Hordeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC0CD3C86B7FDD1FEC8FE79.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC0CD3C86B7FDD1FEC8FE79.ttl index a21eebbc4e9..c02b4d08627 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC0CD3C86B7FDD1FEC8FE79.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC0CD3C86B7FDD1FEC8FE79.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus vignai Guéorguiev, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -65,21 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Marsh." ; - dwc:authorityName "Marsh." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh." ; - dwc:species "ruficollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -93,22 +76,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3186B7FD45FD35FA14.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3186B7FD45FD35FA14.ttl index edc649b1cf5..7f29727b60d 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3186B7FD45FD35FA14.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3186B7FD45FD35FA14.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus neapolitanus Reiche 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Platyd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Platyd." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platyd." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chd." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chd." ; - dwc:species "canaliculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Binaghi, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Binaghi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Binaghi, 1955" ; - dwc:species "canaliculatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "jannonei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -105,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3286B7F99AFDCFFE23.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3286B7F99AFDCFFE23.ttl index d37b8ac8e4a..221f607163e 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3286B7F99AFDCFFE23.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC3CD3286B7F99AFDCFFE23.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus paganettii Guéorguiev, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -66,83 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chd." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chd." ; - dwc:species "canaliculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reiche" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reiche" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reiche" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Binaghi, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Binaghi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Binaghi, 1955" ; - dwc:species "canaliculatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "jannonei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:authorityName "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:species "magrinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -156,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -209,12 +125,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC4CD3186B7F9CEFDF2FDD7.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC4CD3186B7F9CEFDF2FDD7.ttl index c5c0e598847..4fdcf03785e 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC4CD3186B7F9CEFDF2FDD7.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC4CD3186B7F9CEFDF2FDD7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus magrinii Degiovanni 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rche." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rche." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rche." ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Chd." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chd." ; - dwc:species "canaliculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. Winkler" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Winkler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winkler" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC6CD3686B7FCB9FE43FDED.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC6CD3686B7FCB9FE43FDED.ttl index 2b09202fcbb..7e38bbc342e 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC6CD3686B7FCB9FE43FDED.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFC6CD3686B7FCB9FE43FDED.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus casalei Guéorguiev, 2009, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:authorityName "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:species "magrinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -89,22 +58,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFCECD3C86B7FE38FA2EFBB7.ttl b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFCECD3C86B7FE38FA2EFBB7.ttl index 5997d0d6173..b8dc700390b 100644 --- a/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFCECD3C86B7FE38FA2EFBB7.ttl +++ b/data/05/32/87/053287D1FFCECD3C86B7FE38FA2EFBB7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Guéorguiev, Borislav" ; dc:title "Platyderus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,38 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:authorityName "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Degiovanni" ; - dwc:species "magrinii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/33/8A/05338A2D3E50F5CEDB5B623DE6795260.ttl b/data/05/33/8A/05338A2D3E50F5CEDB5B623DE6795260.ttl index 55cd1517d1c..ea6d93ac951 100644 --- a/data/05/33/8A/05338A2D3E50F5CEDB5B623DE6795260.ttl +++ b/data/05/33/8A/05338A2D3E50F5CEDB5B623DE6795260.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Helianthemum nummularium Miller" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -37,37 +35,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Clementi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clementi" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cistaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Helianthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clementi" ; - dwc:species "nitidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scop.) Spreng." ; - dwc:authorityName "Spreng." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scop." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cistaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Helianthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scop.) Spreng." ; - dwc:species "tomentosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cistaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF94FF2FFA0DFEE034EB.ttl b/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF94FF2FFA0DFEE034EB.ttl index 28d81af0b8f..76928b27206 100644 --- a/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF94FF2FFA0DFEE034EB.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF94FF2FFA0DFEE034EB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yildirim, Mehmet Zeki; Koca, Seval Bahadir; Gürlek, Mustafa Emre; Glöer, Peter" ; dc:title "Isparta felei Yildirim, Koca, Gürlek & Glöer, 2018, n.sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,49 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Radoman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudohoratia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Radoman, 1967" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yildirim & Koca & Gürlek & Glöer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isparta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yildirim, Koca, Gürlek & Glöer, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Recluz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Neritidae" ; - dwc:genus "Theodoxus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cycloneritida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Recluz, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "anatolicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; @@ -101,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; dwc:genus "Isparta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF95FF2FFB63FD9632BA.ttl b/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF95FF2FFB63FD9632BA.ttl index da5d4f7c8ee..ecacb62bf20 100644 --- a/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF95FF2FFB63FD9632BA.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/87/053487A10674FF95FF2FFB63FD9632BA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yildirim, Mehmet Zeki; Koca, Seval Bahadir; Gürlek, Mustafa Emre; Glöer, Peter" ; dc:title "Isparta Yildirim, Koca, Gürlek & Glöer, 2018, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Yildirim & Koca & Gürlek & Glöer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isparta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yildirim, Koca, Gürlek & Glöer, 2018" ; - dwc:species "felei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Hydrobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFE9FF39F461FC77F1FB.ttl b/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFE9FF39F461FC77F1FB.ttl index bf897ef3f93..dd2d4fdc8d0 100644 --- a/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFE9FF39F461FC77F1FB.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFE9FF39F461FC77F1FB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Opresko, D. M.; Wagner, D.; Montgomery, A. D.; Brugler, M. R." ; dc:title "Aphanipathes Brook 1889" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brook 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brook" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aphanipathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphanipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brook, 1889" ; - dwc:species "sarothamnoides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aphanipathidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFEEFF39F775FC84F583.ttl b/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFEEFF39F775FC84F583.ttl index 14125a0e6ca..02268dd9112 100644 --- a/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFEEFF39F775FC84F583.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/87/053487FFFFA5FFEEFF39F775FC84F583.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Opresko, D. M.; Wagner, D.; Montgomery, A. D.; Brugler, M. R." ; dc:title "Aphanipathes verticillata subsp. verticillata verticillata Brook 1889" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "verticillata Brook 1889", "verticillata Brook", "verticillata" ; + dwc:authority "verticillata Brook 1889" ; dwc:authorityName "verticillata Brook" ; dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; @@ -48,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Opresko & Wagner & Montgomery & Brugler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Aphanipathidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphanipathes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Antipatharia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Opresko, Wagner, Montgomery & Brugler, 2012" ; - dwc:species "verticillata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mauiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Aphanipathidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC760FFDDFE486D7CFBBEFA0C.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC760FFDDFE486D7CFBBEFA0C.ttl index f96a06ad95d..7b946ac891c 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC760FFDDFE486D7CFBBEFA0C.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC760FFDDFE486D7CFBBEFA0C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Sonotetranychus daleae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,37 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Taif" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taif" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vachellia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taif" ; - dwc:species "nilotica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chaudhri)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chaudhri" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chaudhri)" ; - dwc:species "aculus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Bakerina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC762FFDBFE486C9CFA61FE2F.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC762FFDBFE486C9CFA61FE2F.ttl index bbf254c800f..c902c6bc140 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC762FFDBFE486C9CFA61FE2F.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC762FFDBFE486C9CFA61FE2F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Evertella orissaensis Khan & Kamran & Alatawi 2019, n. comb." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -83,37 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Meyer, 1974)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meyer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meyer, 1974)" ; - dwc:species "koegasensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Mixonychus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mixonychus)" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mixonychus)" ; - dwc:subGenus "Mixonychus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; @@ -127,12 +94,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; dwc:genus "Evertella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -198,24 +160,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Bakerina" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC763FFDCFE486C63FD05F9E8.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC763FFDCFE486C63FD05F9E8.ttl index fddc4839362..0251fd7eed4 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC763FFDCFE486C63FD05F9E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC763FFDCFE486C63FD05F9E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Paraplonobia (Anaplonobia) harteni" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -65,37 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Leguminosae)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leguminosae" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leguminosae)" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Chaudhri)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Chaudhri" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixonychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chaudhri)" ; - dwc:species "aculus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Bakerina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD0FE4868CCFC5BFEEF.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD0FE4868CCFC5BFEEF.ttl index ef56b8f33a3..5f8881d49d8 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD0FE4868CCFC5BFEEF.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD0FE4868CCFC5BFEEF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Neotetranychus longisetus Khan & Kamran & Alatawi 2019, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tragardh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tragardh, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Flechtmann 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Flechtmann, 2013" ; - dwc:species "lek" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; @@ -89,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD4FE486BB4FCC8FD22.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD4FE486BB4FCC8FD22.ttl index b2749d6e823..0fff8c5d6e7 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD4FE486BB4FCC8FD22.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76AFFD4FE486BB4FCC8FD22.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Neotetranychus Tragardh 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tragardh, 1915: 33" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tragardh" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "33" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetranychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tragardh, 1915" ; - dwc:species "rubi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76EFFDEFE486BADFC16F88E.ttl b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76EFFDEFE486BADFC16F88E.ttl index 6980c0564ad..bfcb419fbbc 100644 --- a/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76EFFDEFE486BADFC16F88E.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/C8/0534C81CC76EFFDEFE486BADFC16F88E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Khan, Eid Muhammad; Kamran, Muhammad; Alatawi, Fahad Jaber" ; dc:title "Mixonychus (Bakerina) aculus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,19 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "R.Brown" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Mimosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brown, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetranychidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF90FFA6FF34FE19453AD8BB.ttl b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF90FFA6FF34FE19453AD8BB.ttl index e5c54a56659..1c91c905134 100644 --- a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF90FFA6FF34FE19453AD8BB.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF90FFA6FF34FE19453AD8BB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lee, Soo Jeong; Kim, Jin-Koo; Kai, Yoshiaki; Ikeguchi, Shin’Ichiro; Nakabo, Tetsuji" ; dc:title "Eumicrotremus uenoi Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo 2017, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -78,35 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "T. N. Gill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gill, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lee & Kim & Kai & Ikeguchi & Nakabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lee, Kim, Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo, 2017" ; - dwc:species "jindoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; @@ -120,22 +91,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF92FFA8FF34FCEA451CD8EC.ttl b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF92FFA8FF34FCEA451CD8EC.ttl index dde7c86c038..f7c2e6399b8 100644 --- a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF92FFA8FF34FCEA451CD8EC.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF92FFA8FF34FCEA451CD8EC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Lee, Soo Jeong; Kim, Jin-Koo; Kai, Yoshiaki; Ikeguchi, Shin’Ichiro; Nakabo, Tetsuji" ; dc:title "Eumicrotremus jindoensis Lee and Kim 2017, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,35 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "T. N. Gill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gill, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo, 2017" ; - dwc:species "uenoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; @@ -105,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF97FFA4FF34FF704253DB2E.ttl b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF97FFA4FF34FF704253DB2E.ttl index 32d281a96f8..32078f46542 100644 --- a/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF97FFA4FF34FF704253DB2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/CF/0534CF70FF97FFA4FF34FF704253DB2E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Lee, Soo Jeong; Kim, Jin-Koo; Kai, Yoshiaki; Ikeguchi, Shin’Ichiro; Nakabo, Tetsuji" ; dc:title "Eumicrotremus awae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -48,111 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "T. N. Gill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gill, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lee & Kim & Kai & Ikeguchi & Nakabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lee, Kim, Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo, 2017" ; - dwc:species "uenoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lee & Kim & Kai & Ikeguchi & Nakabo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lee, Kim, Kai, Ikeguchi & Nakabo, 2017" ; - dwc:species "jindoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gilbert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gilbert, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popov 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1930" ; - dwc:species "tentacularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Shizugawa Bay" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Shizugawa Bay" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "" ; - dwc:species "awae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "in Kido (1984)" ; - dwc:authorityName "in Kido" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "1984" ; - dwc:species "awae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; @@ -166,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyclopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Eumicrotremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpaeniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/34/DA/0534DA0D0C94D1EE5684086585222FCA.ttl b/data/05/34/DA/0534DA0D0C94D1EE5684086585222FCA.ttl index 9825922edf0..2666c0b6ebb 100644 --- a/data/05/34/DA/0534DA0D0C94D1EE5684086585222FCA.ttl +++ b/data/05/34/DA/0534DA0D0C94D1EE5684086585222FCA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Deltshev, Christo; Komnenov, Marjan; Blagoev, Gergin; Georgiev, Teodor; Lazarov, Stoyan; Stojkoska, Emilija; Naumova, Maria" ; dc:title "Nomisia exornata C. L. Koch 1839" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Nomisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/35/D7/0535D76FD448FCEFB68080612257646F.ttl b/data/05/35/D7/0535D76FD448FCEFB68080612257646F.ttl index ac2808211cd..eeb48c12ead 100644 --- a/data/05/35/D7/0535D76FD448FCEFB68080612257646F.ttl +++ b/data/05/35/D7/0535D76FD448FCEFB68080612257646F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arias-Penna, Diana Carolina; Zhang, Yali; Whitfield, James B." ; dc:title "Wilkinsonellus nescalptura Arias-Penna, Zhang & Whitfield, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Arias-Penna, Zhang & Whitfield" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Wilkinsonellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arias-Penna, Zhang & Whitfield" ; - dwc:species "nescalptura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C520FFB22AEFFA16FB46E84A.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C520FFB22AEFFA16FB46E84A.ttl index 8f8d8adf8dc..6b147c5b4c6 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C520FFB22AEFFA16FB46E84A.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C520FFB22AEFFA16FB46E84A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Colias palaeno subsp. palaeno" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pieridae" ; - dwc:genus "Colias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "hyale" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hyale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pieridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB02962F996FD8DEC0D.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB02962F996FD8DEC0D.ttl index fb36e298f79..cbc702f1ad2 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB02962F996FD8DEC0D.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB02962F996FD8DEC0D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Maculinea arion subsp. cyanecula" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,40 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1793)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1793" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aricia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1793)" ; - dwc:species "artaxerxes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "artaxerxes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Esper, [1780])" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumedonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1780)" ; - dwc:species "eumedon" ; - dwc:subSpecies "eumedon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFAD7FB33EB38.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFAD7FB33EB38.ttl index 4b2be60bc21..97c95ba900d 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFAD7FB33EB38.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFAD7FB33EB38.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Maculinea nausithous" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,84 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bergstrasser, [1779])" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bergstrasser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bergstrasser, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "teleius" ; - dwc:subSpecies "teleius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sibatani, Saigusa, Hirowatari, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sibatani, Saigusa, Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sibatani, Saigusa, Hirowatari, 1994" ; - dwc:species "kurentzovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bergstrasser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bergstrasser, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "teleius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Staudinger, 1892)" ; - dwc:species "teleius" ; - dwc:subSpecies "obscurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "van Eecke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van Eecke, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; @@ -136,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFBC4FE45E87F.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFBC4FE45E87F.ttl index 1e2d9486d73..a2806d1ae0e 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFBC4FE45E87F.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFBC4FE45E87F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Tongeia fischeri" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFDF5FD48E94A.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFDF5FD48E94A.ttl index f7f981c02be..eab859d00bf 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFDF5FD48E94A.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFDF5FD48E94A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Cupido minimus subsp. minimus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Meigen, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cupido" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "osiris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Everes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "argiades" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFEA8FD04EF19.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFEA8FD04EF19.ttl index a37d32cb2d1..b7f44f682c5 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFEA8FD04EF19.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C521FFB32AEFFEA8FD04EF19.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Scolitantides orion" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C522FFB02962FF23FBAEEC52.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C522FFB02962FF23FBAEEC52.ttl index ff61f15086d..2d8cfaafeb3 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C522FFB02962FF23FBAEEC52.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C522FFB02962FF23FBAEEC52.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Polyommatus thersites" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,25 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Gorbunov, Kosterin" from authority ; - dwc:authority ", (Gorbunov, Kosterin 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", (Gorbunov, Kosterin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorbunov, Kosterin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Onobrychis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorbunov, Kosterin, 2003) 2003" ; - dwc:species "arenaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12962FF23FBF9EACD.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12962FF23FBF9EACD.ttl index 4a5ea5d4991..3a2b0063bed 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12962FF23FBF9EACD.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12962FF23FBF9EACD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Plebejus idas subsp. subsolanus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Tutt, 1909)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tutt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plebejus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tutt, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "idas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ongodai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1761" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plebejus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1761)" ; - dwc:species "idas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plebejus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "argus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coenonympha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1787" ; - dwc:species "oedippus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; @@ -122,12 +59,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plebejus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "idas" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFAB2FDC0EAC5.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFAB2FDC0EAC5.ttl index be5142187c2..aed185011db 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFAB2FDC0EAC5.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFAB2FDC0EAC5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Plebejus lucifera" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Verity, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Verity" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plebejus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Verity, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "argus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "clarasiatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Willd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Willd." ; - dwc:class "Branchiopoda" ; - dwc:family "Artemiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Artemisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anostraca" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Willd." ; - dwc:species "frigida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFD7AFDC8E9DC.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFD7AFDC8E9DC.ttl index 7462d946d88..6c313749d99 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFD7AFDC8E9DC.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C523FFB12AEFFD7AFDC8E9DC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Glabroculus cyane" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C524FFB72AEFFC72FD61EC27.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C524FFB72AEFFC72FD61EC27.ttl index a3f6c5d8fa9..352334c8140 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C524FFB72AEFFC72FD61EC27.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C524FFB72AEFFC72FD61EC27.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Plebejus argyrognomon subsp. mongolicus Grum-Grshimailo 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,55 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lam." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lam." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astragalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lam." ; - dwc:species "laguroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kurentzov, 1970)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kurentzov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astragalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kurentzov, 1970)" ; - dwc:species "agryrognomon" ; - dwc:subSpecies "transbaicalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heyne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heyne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neptis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heyne, 1895" ; - dwc:species "rivularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "magnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB42962FA29FEE9EDF8.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB42962FA29FEE9EDF8.ttl index c8403cab707..c7c25b12854 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB42962FA29FEE9EDF8.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB42962FA29FEE9EDF8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Melitaea latonigena" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melitaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "didyma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFAE6FE40EB4C.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFAE6FE40EB4C.ttl index e288b2eb573..2192b81a3a3 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFAE6FE40EB4C.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFAE6FE40EB4C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Euphydryas aurinia subsp. laeta" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dalman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphydrias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dalman, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "iduna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFD7AFE3CE868.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFD7AFE3CE868.ttl index bf396b40728..3a2fcfcc22e 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFD7AFE3CE868.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C525FFB72AEFFD7AFE3CE868.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Aglais urticae subsp. urticae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Inachis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42962FF7DFAFFEFFB.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42962FF7DFAFFEFFB.ttl index 528eb6822dc..cf6b262948d 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42962FF7DFAFFEFFB.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42962FF7DFAFFEFFB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Clossiana euphrosyne subsp. euphrosyne" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Elwes, 1899)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elwes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clossiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Elwes, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "frigga" ; - dwc:subSpecies "alpestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42AEFFF56FD06EE29.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42AEFFF56FD06EE29.ttl index 5676802adc9..f0e2c07283c 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42AEFFF56FD06EE29.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB42AEFFF56FD06EE29.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Melitaea arcesia subsp. arcesia" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argynnis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "paphia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Speyeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "aglaja" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB52962F9E8FDC1EE07.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB52962F9E8FDC1EE07.ttl index a7324967421..339035f427a 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB52962F9E8FDC1EE07.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C526FFB52962F9E8FDC1EE07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Lasiommata deidamia" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -44,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lopinga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "achine" ; - dwc:subSpecies "achine" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Esper, [1784])" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1784" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanargia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1784)" ; - dwc:species "russiae" ; - dwc:subSpecies "russiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52962FC6DFC37E885.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52962FC6DFC37E885.ttl index 913fdc2ddc3..136d10be921 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52962FC6DFC37E885.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52962FC6DFC37E885.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Oeneis norna subsp. altaica Elwes 1899" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Elwes, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Elwes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oeneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Elwes, 1899" ; - dwc:species "ammon" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ammon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52AEFFC8FFD79E857.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52AEFFC8FFD79E857.ttl index 520f07bb6df..b0d70f8ade0 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52AEFFC8FFD79E857.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C527FFB52AEFFC8FFD79E857.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Coenonympha glycerion subsp. iphicles Staudinger 1892" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lederer, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lederer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coenonympha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lederer, 1853" ; - dwc:species "hero" ; - dwc:subSpecies "perseis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C528FFBA2AEFFA5DFB53EABE.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C528FFBA2AEFFA5DFB53EABE.ttl index 2a94efc5079..752ad3824a5 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C528FFBA2AEFFA5DFB53EABE.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C528FFBA2AEFFA5DFB53EABE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Hipparchia autonoe subsp. sibirica Staudinger 1861" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,55 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bober, 1809)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bober" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Boeberia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bober, 1809)" ; - dwc:species "parmenio" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "ligea" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ligea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Trybom, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Trybom" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Trybom, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "jeniseiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C529FFBB2AEFF9B6FB70E85E.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C529FFBB2AEFF9B6FB70E85E.ttl index e4d63a11162..ae7060866aa 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C529FFBB2AEFF9B6FB70E85E.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C529FFBB2AEFF9B6FB70E85E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Erebia kefersteinii" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Murzin et Sinjaev, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murzin et Sinjaev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murzin & Sinjaev, 2003" ; - dwc:species "kefersteinii" ; - dwc:subSpecies "otteni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFA52AEFF91AFAE5EEEE.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFA52AEFF91AFAE5EEEE.ttl index 2bb2beb7101..3b89f494e25 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFA52AEFF91AFAE5EEEE.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFA52AEFF91AFAE5EEEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Syrichtus cribrellum subsp. obscurior" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reverdin, 1911)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reverdin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reverdin, 1911)" ; - dwc:species "sibiricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFAC2962FA66FD37EE9D.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFAC2962FA66FD37EE9D.ttl index 69e8c0ce376..55723da68ed 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFAC2962FA66FD37EE9D.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C537FFAC2962FA66FD37EE9D.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Carterocephalus silvicola" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,488 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Eversmann, 1851)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eversmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carterocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eversmann, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "argyrostigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteropterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "morphaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carcharodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zeller, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "flocciferus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eversmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Syrichtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eversmann, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "cribrellum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reverdin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reverdin, 1911)" ; - dwc:species "sibiricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ochsenheimer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1808" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thymelicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ochsenheimer, 1808)" ; - dwc:species "lineola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochlodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "sylvanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Plötz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Plötz, 1884" ; - dwc:species "nomion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trimen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrgus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trimen, 1889" ; - dwc:species "napi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Abies" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "cardamines" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carterocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "palaeno" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bergstrasser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bergstrasser, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "nausithous" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bergstrasser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bergstrasser, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "teleius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sibatani, Saigusa, Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sibatani, Saigusa, Hirowatari, 1994" ; - dwc:species "kurentzovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculinea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "arion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "xanthomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neptis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "rivularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melitaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "cinxia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melitaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "didyma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eversmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melitaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eversmann, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "latonigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bremer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melitaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bremer, 1861" ; - dwc:species "arcesia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1783" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanargia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Esper, 1783" ; - dwc:species "russiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteropterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scudder, 1878" ; - dwc:species "lycaon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ochlodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evans, 1932" ; - dwc:species "ammon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "ligea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Trybom" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Trybom, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "jeniseiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "aethiops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tauscher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tauscher, 1809" ; - dwc:species "theano" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eversmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eversmann, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "kefersteinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borkhausen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borkhausen, 1788)" ; - dwc:species "pandrose" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1835" ; - dwc:species "rossii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erebia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edwards, 1871" ; - dwc:species "callias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53EFFAD2962F9AAFD9CEFCC.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53EFFAD2962F9AAFD9CEFCC.ttl index d4af8c5f791..1ffc43e3289 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53EFFAD2962F9AAFD9CEFCC.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53EFFAD2962F9AAFD9CEFCC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Parnassius stubbendorffii subsp. stubbendorffii" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gorbunov, Korshunov, 2003)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorbunov, Korshunov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Papaveraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Corydalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorbunov, Korshunov, 2003)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Papilionidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2962FBBDFC0BEB93.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2962FBBDFC0BEB93.ttl index 2d151ac05c8..4b32a41ef68 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2962FBBDFC0BEB93.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2962FBBDFC0BEB93.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Pieris rapae subsp. rapae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pieridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pieris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "napi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "napi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pieridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2AEFFD42FDCAE989.ttl b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2AEFFD42FDCAE989.ttl index a4fc8a720d3..6816989f7bc 100644 --- a/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2AEFFD42FDCAE989.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/87/05368791C53FFFAD2AEFFD42FDCAE989.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kosterin, Oleg E." ; dc:title "Leptidea sinapis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,55 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Williams, 1946" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pieridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams, 1946" ; - dwc:species "juvernica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reissinger, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reissinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pieridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reissinger, 1990" ; - dwc:species "reali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Grund, 1805)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Grund" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pieridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Grund, 1805)" ; - dwc:species "morsei" ; - dwc:subSpecies "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pieridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF80414195A2FBA3FF6CD828.ttl b/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF80414195A2FBA3FF6CD828.ttl index 5feb5434761..bf58a50f74c 100644 --- a/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF80414195A2FBA3FF6CD828.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF80414195A2FBA3FF6CD828.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Łagowska, Bozena" ; dc:title "Anzaspis pandani Lagowska & Hodgson, spec. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lagowska & Hodgson", "Lagowska & Hodgson." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lagowska & Hodgson", "Lagowska & Hodgson." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Anzaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lagowska & Hodgson" ; - dwc:species "pandani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Anzaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:species "pandanicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF82414795A2FA9AFBBBDE20.ttl b/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF82414795A2FA9AFBBBDE20.ttl index c579960bc9e..1a964244c37 100644 --- a/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF82414795A2FA9AFBBBDE20.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/94/0536947AFF82414795A2FA9AFBBBDE20.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Łagowska, Bozena" ; dc:title "Anzaspis neocordylinidis Lagowska & Hodgson, spec. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,66 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lagowska & Hodgson", "Lagowska & Hodgson." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lagowska & Hodgson", "Lagowska & Hodgson." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Anzaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lagowska & Hodgson" ; - dwc:species "neocordylinidis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maskell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maskell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Mytilaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maskell" ; - dwc:species "cordylinidis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maskell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maskell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Anzaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maskell" ; - dwc:species "cordylinidis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Anzaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams & Watson" ; - dwc:species "freycinetiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/36/BA/0536BA0C11FAE1397CD181ECF6353780.ttl b/data/05/36/BA/0536BA0C11FAE1397CD181ECF6353780.ttl index a26ed11c05c..5dee9309906 100644 --- a/data/05/36/BA/0536BA0C11FAE1397CD181ECF6353780.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/BA/0536BA0C11FAE1397CD181ECF6353780.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Rocha, Mauricio M.; Cancello, Eliana M.; Cuezzo, Carolina" ; dc:title "Acangaobitermes Rocha, Cancello & Cuezzo, 2011, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/36/EB/0536EB296306530988EA5AF057D81126.ttl b/data/05/36/EB/0536EB296306530988EA5AF057D81126.ttl index 728d43aea64..d913ad0c7f1 100644 --- a/data/05/36/EB/0536EB296306530988EA5AF057D81126.ttl +++ b/data/05/36/EB/0536EB296306530988EA5AF057D81126.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Fernandez-Triana, Jose L.; Whitfield, James B.; Rodriguez, Josephine J.; Smith, M. Alex; Janzen, Daniel H.; Hallwachs, Winnie D.; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad; Burns, John M.; Solis, M. Alma; Brown, John; Cardinal, Sophie; Goulet, Henri; Hebert, Paul D. N." ; dc:title "Dolichogenidea politiventris Muesebeck 1958, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; dwc:genus "Dolichogenidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/39/19/0539196321A983937CEDAD9204580D3D.ttl b/data/05/39/19/0539196321A983937CEDAD9204580D3D.ttl index ba4f465156d..27c66cf68e1 100644 --- a/data/05/39/19/0539196321A983937CEDAD9204580D3D.ttl +++ b/data/05/39/19/0539196321A983937CEDAD9204580D3D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Aguila, Rayner Nunez; Plasencia, Edelquis Oliva; Maravi, Pavel F. Matos; Wahlberg, Niklas" ; dc:title "Calisto israeli Torre 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Calisto" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/39/62/053962FC528B50BD97E46EBE1E8F38D7.ttl b/data/05/39/62/053962FC528B50BD97E46EBE1E8F38D7.ttl index 6073cc5e23f..c150a8f0e88 100644 --- a/data/05/39/62/053962FC528B50BD97E46EBE1E8F38D7.ttl +++ b/data/05/39/62/053962FC528B50BD97E46EBE1E8F38D7.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 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'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Jian; Qi, Shuo; Dai, Ke-Yuan; Lyu, Zhi-Tong; Zeng, Zhao-Chi; Chen, Hong-Hui; Li, Yuan-Qiu; Zhao, Yong-You; Wang, Yun-Ze; Wang, Ying-Yong" ; dc:title "Leptobrachella shimentaina J. Wang, Z. - T. Lyu & Y. - Y. Wang 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dubois" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Megophryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptolalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dubois, 1980" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Megophryidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptobrachella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; dwc:family "Megophryidae" ; @@ -88,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Megophryidae" ; dwc:genus "Leptobrachella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/39/C5/0539C5864DA25690BCFBEA61956528F7.ttl b/data/05/39/C5/0539C5864DA25690BCFBEA61956528F7.ttl index fa498d873a8..71bb3264038 100644 --- a/data/05/39/C5/0539C5864DA25690BCFBEA61956528F7.ttl +++ b/data/05/39/C5/0539C5864DA25690BCFBEA61956528F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Jun; Achterberg, Cornelis van; Zheng, Min-Lin; Chen, Jia-Hua" ; dc:title "Streblocera (Streblocera) stigenbergae Li, Chen & van Achterberg 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/05/39/CB/0539CBCCDD05F82F908FF3780FB0474E.ttl b/data/05/39/CB/0539CBCCDD05F82F908FF3780FB0474E.ttl index 31a425605fd..9a538f05ab6 100644 --- a/data/05/39/CB/0539CBCCDD05F82F908FF3780FB0474E.ttl +++ b/data/05/39/CB/0539CBCCDD05F82F908FF3780FB0474E.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Baradina Park 1951" ; diff --git a/data/05/3B/4C/053B4CB6F4A5D5768614F950EFDE30BD.ttl b/data/05/3B/4C/053B4CB6F4A5D5768614F950EFDE30BD.ttl index aac21acf24e..54f56ca34f1 100644 --- a/data/05/3B/4C/053B4CB6F4A5D5768614F950EFDE30BD.ttl +++ b/data/05/3B/4C/053B4CB6F4A5D5768614F950EFDE30BD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Scilla lusitanica Linnaeus 1767" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -42,63 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Liliaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch ex Borkhausen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1797" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hyacinthaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch ex Borkhausen, 1797" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poir." ; - dwc:authorityName "Poir." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poir." ; - dwc:species "numidica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "bifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFCAFFE5735EFC526FB8A464.ttl b/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFCAFFE5735EFC526FB8A464.ttl index c506f9af598..9dae18974fc 100644 --- a/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFCAFFE5735EFC526FB8A464.ttl +++ b/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFCAFFE5735EFC526FB8A464.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus flavus Otto & Hill 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,50 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - dwc:species "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2018" ; - dwc:species "boranup" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -107,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFDDFFDA7366FF566B9FA449.ttl b/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFDDFFDA7366FF566B9FA449.ttl index 1472b7d4505..13c8a4ce805 100644 --- a/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFDDFFDA7366FF566B9FA449.ttl +++ b/data/05/3B/67/053B675EFFDDFFDA7366FF566B9FA449.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Otto, Jürgen C.; Hill, David E." ; dc:title "Maratus boranup Otto & Hill 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,98 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2018" ; - dwc:species "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karsch, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Otto & Hill 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2011" ; - dwc:species "harrisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Otto & Hill 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2016" ; - dwc:species "lobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dunn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dunn, 1947)" ; - dwc:species "pavonis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Otto & Hill 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otto & Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otto & Hill, 2016" ; - dwc:species "tesselatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -155,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Maratus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/3B/AA/053BAA132571D283F4FA94C6693DFB44.ttl b/data/05/3B/AA/053BAA132571D283F4FA94C6693DFB44.ttl index 21a27f51cdb..10f3aa03b25 100644 --- a/data/05/3B/AA/053BAA132571D283F4FA94C6693DFB44.ttl +++ b/data/05/3B/AA/053BAA132571D283F4FA94C6693DFB44.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Alchemilla splendens Christ" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,22 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Buser) Rothm." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rothm." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Buser" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchemilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Buser) Rothm." ; - dwc:species "paicheana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; @@ -67,22 +49,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Alchemilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/3D/31/053D31F1B00C5C5896A9C0855E0A97B2.ttl b/data/05/3D/31/053D31F1B00C5C5896A9C0855E0A97B2.ttl index 5c8af79e410..320fd11fd24 100644 --- a/data/05/3D/31/053D31F1B00C5C5896A9C0855E0A97B2.ttl +++ b/data/05/3D/31/053D31F1B00C5C5896A9C0855E0A97B2.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Naveed, Hassan; Shah, Bismillah; Sohail, Kamran; Zhang, Yalin; Chen, Keping" ; dc:title "Paramesodes lineaticollis Distant 1908" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -67,36 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dash & Viraktamath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dash & Viraktamath, 1998" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dash & Viraktamath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maiestas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dash & Viraktamath, 1998)" ; - dwc:species "albomaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/3D/35/053D35379FBE58CD95D26FDFFB38C39E.ttl b/data/05/3D/35/053D35379FBE58CD95D26FDFFB38C39E.ttl index 772e7550a30..2d4396942ed 100644 --- a/data/05/3D/35/053D35379FBE58CD95D26FDFFB38C39E.ttl +++ b/data/05/3D/35/053D35379FBE58CD95D26FDFFB38C39E.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chen, Wen-Hong; Radbouchoom, Sirilak; Nguyen, Hieu Quang; Nguyen, Hiep Tien; Nguyen 4, Khang Sinh; Shui, Yu-Min" ; dc:title "Begonia rhytidophylla Y. M. Shui & W. H. Chen 2018, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/3E/25/053E25BB5C714312CD2C71D00758BA18.ttl b/data/05/3E/25/053E25BB5C714312CD2C71D00758BA18.ttl index d4be00305dd..706310ee420 100644 --- a/data/05/3E/25/053E25BB5C714312CD2C71D00758BA18.ttl +++ b/data/05/3E/25/053E25BB5C714312CD2C71D00758BA18.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Rousettus (Boneia) bidens Jentink 1879" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rousettus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1896" ; - dwc:species "menadensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Boneia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jentink" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rousettus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jentink, 1879" ; - dwc:subGenus "Boneia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; @@ -90,12 +57,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rousettus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Boneia" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/3E/6B/053E6B73585055FC9197B03F9BDD990D.ttl b/data/05/3E/6B/053E6B73585055FC9197B03F9BDD990D.ttl index 7fd7d3f4cb8..49181be93e1 100644 --- a/data/05/3E/6B/053E6B73585055FC9197B03F9BDD990D.ttl +++ b/data/05/3E/6B/053E6B73585055FC9197B03F9BDD990D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Porto, Willians; Derkarabetian, Shahan; Giribet, Gonzalo; Pérez-González, Abel" ; dc:title "Chilenuncia rostrata Porto & Derkarabetian & Giribet & Pérez-González 2024, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -66,23 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Porto & Derkarabetian & Giribet & Pérez-González" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Soares" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Triaenonychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chilenuncia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Soares, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "chilensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Triaenonychidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/3E/A4/053EA42B7EF8010BB44809385B757757.ttl b/data/05/3E/A4/053EA42B7EF8010BB44809385B757757.ttl index aa94567e9aa..4631fcd5ca1 100644 --- a/data/05/3E/A4/053EA42B7EF8010BB44809385B757757.ttl +++ b/data/05/3E/A4/053EA42B7EF8010BB44809385B757757.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "MacGown, M. W.; Evans, G. A." ; dc:title "Synopeas russelli MacGown & Evans, 2003, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; dwc:genus "Synopeas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/3F/0E/053F0E81594D8977CD6A6D6DCDF59F62.ttl b/data/05/3F/0E/053F0E81594D8977CD6A6D6DCDF59F62.ttl index 043566c6072..476bc80c8bd 100644 --- a/data/05/3F/0E/053F0E81594D8977CD6A6D6DCDF59F62.ttl +++ b/data/05/3F/0E/053F0E81594D8977CD6A6D6DCDF59F62.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bousquet, Yves" ; dc:title "Amara brunnea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -106,21 +105,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mannerheim" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mannerheim, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "amplicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF1FF8229C63C29FCBEFBB4.ttl b/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF1FF8229C63C29FCBEFBB4.ttl index cc90072a504..200064f3ff7 100644 --- a/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF1FF8229C63C29FCBEFBB4.ttl +++ b/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF1FF8229C63C29FCBEFBB4.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Joshi, Sunil" ; dc:title "Pulvinaria urbicola Cockerell 1893" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,140 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cockerell", "Cockerell." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell", "Cockerell." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell" ; - dwc:species "urbicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cockerell. A. Body" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell. A. Body" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell. Body" ; - dwc:species "urbicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kuwana" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kuwana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kuwana" ; - dwc:species "okitsuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood" ; - dwc:species "floccifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sonn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sonn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Litchi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sonn." ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mulsant" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptolaemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant" ; - dwc:species "montrouzieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Encyrtidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyrtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:species "aurantii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mercet" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mercet" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Encyrtidae" ; - dwc:genus "Metaphycus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mercet" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Williams & Granara de Willink" ; - dwc:authorityName "Williams & Granara de Willink" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pseudococcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracoccus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Williams & Granara de Willink" ; - dwc:species "marginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coccidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF6FF8329C63D28FA57FB67.ttl b/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF6FF8329C63D28FA57FB67.ttl index 504beb34355..b3cd4ba2fca 100644 --- a/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF6FF8329C63D28FA57FB67.ttl +++ b/data/05/41/AB/0541AB06FFF6FF8329C63D28FA57FB67.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Joshi, Sunil" ; dc:title "Pulvinaria" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,197 +26,6 @@ dc:title "First record of Pulvinaria urbicola Cockerell (Hemiptera: Coccidae) from India, with a key to the Indian species of Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Newstead" ; - dwc:authorityName "Newstead" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newstead" ; - dwc:species "obscura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Green" ; - dwc:authorityName "Green" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Green" ; - dwc:species "ixorae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Signoret" ; - dwc:authorityName "Signoret" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Signoret" ; - dwc:species "iceryi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Avasthi &Shafee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Avasthi &Shafee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Avasthi &Shafee" ; - dwc:species "aligarhensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yousuf &Shafee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yousuf &Shafee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yousuf &Shafee" ; - dwc:species "portblairensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cockerell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell" ; - dwc:species "polygonata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maslkell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maslkell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maslkell" ; - dwc:species "psidii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood" ; - dwc:species "floccifera" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yousuf & Shafee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yousuf & Shafee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yousuf & Shafee" ; - dwc:species "avasthii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takahashi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takahashi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takahashi" ; - dwc:species "durantae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Avasthi & Shafee" ; - dwc:authorityName "Avasthi & Shafee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Avasthi & Shafee" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cockerell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cockerell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pulvinaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cockerell" ; - dwc:species "urbicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coccidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267170BCF92CFD9E38A1.ttl b/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267170BCF92CFD9E38A1.ttl index 5cc0e32ffad..f8bf0e9deef 100644 --- a/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267170BCF92CFD9E38A1.ttl +++ b/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267170BCF92CFD9E38A1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Haplaxius pocococo Bahder & Bartlett 2021, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,203 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Barrantes Barrantes & Zumbado Echavarria & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barrantes Barrantes & Zumbado Echavarria & Bartlett & Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barrantes Barrantes, Zumbado Echavarria, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pocococo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1904" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Emeljanov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphomyndus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emeljanov, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oecleus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "skarphion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Van Duzee" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Van Duzee, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "crudus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1862)" ; - dwc:species "pictifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fennah" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphomyndus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fennah, 1971)" ; - dwc:species "caribbea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zumbado Echavarria, Barrantes Barrantes, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myxia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zumbado Echavarria, Barrantes Barrantes, Bartlett, Helmick & Bahder, 2021" ; - dwc:species "baynardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kramer)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kramer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kramer, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "flocki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ball)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ball" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ball, 1902)" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ball)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ball" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ball, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "ovatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Caldwell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Caldwell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Caldwell, 1946" ; - dwc:species "simplicatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; @@ -257,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267A70BCFBE2FBAC3976.ttl b/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267A70BCFBE2FBAC3976.ttl index 0eec3dc5775..953f62287dc 100644 --- a/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267A70BCFBE2FBAC3976.ttl +++ b/data/05/43/87/0543879E3772267A70BCFBE2FBAC3976.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Barrantes Barrantes, Edwin A.; Zumbado Echavarria, Marco A.; Bartlett, Charles R.; Helmick, Ericka E.; Bahder, Brian W." ; dc:title "Haplaxius Fowler 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fowler 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fowler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplaxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fowler, 1904" ; - dwc:species "laevis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muir" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muir, 1922" ; - dwc:tribe "Oecleini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cixiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/43/B1/0543B1DBF0CE8A73313D53062987A414.ttl b/data/05/43/B1/0543B1DBF0CE8A73313D53062987A414.ttl index e55b5ccb666..faa52b92657 100644 --- a/data/05/43/B1/0543B1DBF0CE8A73313D53062987A414.ttl +++ b/data/05/43/B1/0543B1DBF0CE8A73313D53062987A414.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Prunus dulcis D. A. Webb" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Prunus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/56/05455600C9C55C6CACD3AEEF261C24A5.ttl b/data/05/45/56/05455600C9C55C6CACD3AEEF261C24A5.ttl index 23642fe009b..f017f7ecf7a 100644 --- a/data/05/45/56/05455600C9C55C6CACD3AEEF261C24A5.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/56/05455600C9C55C6CACD3AEEF261C24A5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Stampar, Sergio N.; Reimer, James D.; Maronna, Maximiliano M.; Lopes, Celine S. S.; Ceriello, Hellen; Santos, Thais B.; Acuna, Fabian H.; Morandini, Andre C." ; dc:title "Ceriantheomorphe ambonensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -74,20 +73,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Carlgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cerianthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceriantheomorphe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirularia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carlgren, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Cerianthidae" ; @@ -101,12 +86,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Cerianthidae" ; dwc:genus "Ceriantheomorphe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Spirularia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA1FFE0AAB2FEAEFE7FF83E.ttl b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA1FFE0AAB2FEAEFE7FF83E.ttl index d9bc5725e22..51812b585d1 100644 --- a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA1FFE0AAB2FEAEFE7FF83E.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA1FFE0AAB2FEAEFE7FF83E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bariş, Çerçi; Serdar, Tezcan; İnanç, Özgen" ; dc:title "Reuteria atalayi Bariş & Serdar & İnanç 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,113 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bariş, Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:species "serratis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Carapezza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carapezza, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jordanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gunther & Strauss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther & Strauss, 2018" ; - dwc:species "winkelmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Say 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "irrorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Josifov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Josifov, 1987" ; - dwc:species "castaneae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puton 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - dwc:species "marqueti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; @@ -167,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA3FFE1AAB2F9F9FA8EFF3E.ttl b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA3FFE1AAB2F9F9FA8EFF3E.ttl index 3f381b025b4..5fdcf9e759b 100644 --- a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA3FFE1AAB2F9F9FA8EFF3E.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA3FFE1AAB2F9F9FA8EFF3E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bariş, Çerçi; Serdar, Tezcan; İnanç, Özgen" ; dc:title "Reuteria winkelmanni Gunther & Strauss 2018" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - dwc:species "marqueti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA4FFE3AAB2FB2CFEF5FDA6.ttl b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA4FFE3AAB2FB2CFEF5FDA6.ttl index 1ec6e871fbe..d7332747c3e 100644 --- a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA4FFE3AAB2FB2CFEF5FDA6.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA4FFE3AAB2FB2CFEF5FDA6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bariş, Çerçi; Serdar, Tezcan; İnanç, Özgen" ; dc:title "Reuteria serratis Bariş & Serdar & İnanç 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bariş, Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:species "riegeri" ; - dwc:subSpecies "torosensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Carapezza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carapezza, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jordanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; @@ -105,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA6FFE4AAB2FD32FB44FBB0.ttl b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA6FFE4AAB2FD32FB44FBB0.ttl index a9508fb3cb0..f849e5d1a40 100644 --- a/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA6FFE4AAB2FD32FB44FBB0.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/87/054587D1FFA6FFE4AAB2FD32FB44FBB0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bariş, Çerçi; Serdar, Tezcan; İnanç, Özgen" ; dc:title "Reuteria riegeri subsp. torosensis Bariş & Serdar & İnanç 2020, ssp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,115 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "riegeri" ; - dwc:authorityName "riegeri Strauss & Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "riegeri Strauss & Simon, 2014" ; - dwc:species "riegeri" ; - dwc:subSpecies "riegeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Strauss & Simon 2014)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Strauss & Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Strauss & Simon, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "macrolepis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bariş, Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:species "serratis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Carapezza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carapezza, 2002" ; - dwc:species "jordanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1875" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gunther & Strauss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther & Strauss, 2018" ; - dwc:species "winkelmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bariş & Serdar & İnanç" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bariş, Serdar & İnanç, 2020" ; - dwc:species "atalayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; @@ -171,24 +61,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "riegeri" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:genus "Reuteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/45/AE/0545AEE6EFF651B7CDE5C68F6C817009.ttl b/data/05/45/AE/0545AEE6EFF651B7CDE5C68F6C817009.ttl index 5d9cca4c642..0264690cc3e 100644 --- a/data/05/45/AE/0545AEE6EFF651B7CDE5C68F6C817009.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/AE/0545AEE6EFF651B7CDE5C68F6C817009.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Anderson, Robert S.; Sweeney, Jon D.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Dorytomus frostii Blatchley 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/45/EC/0545EC12750D2A3C389E6C9DA5F2375E.ttl b/data/05/45/EC/0545EC12750D2A3C389E6C9DA5F2375E.ttl index 4de0ac91330..ed97f490607 100644 --- a/data/05/45/EC/0545EC12750D2A3C389E6C9DA5F2375E.ttl +++ b/data/05/45/EC/0545EC12750D2A3C389E6C9DA5F2375E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Najas flexilis Rostk. & W. L. E. Schmidt" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/46/F8/0546F80CFFE4FFA6FE54BFC8B449CDEA.ttl b/data/05/46/F8/0546F80CFFE4FFA6FE54BFC8B449CDEA.ttl index 8d471604a5e..ee4a364c059 100644 --- a/data/05/46/F8/0546F80CFFE4FFA6FE54BFC8B449CDEA.ttl +++ b/data/05/46/F8/0546F80CFFE4FFA6FE54BFC8B449CDEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Witaliński, Wojciech" ; dc:title "Leptogamasus Juvara-Bals 1981" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tragardh, 1936: 227" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tragardh" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "227" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Parasitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptogamasus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tragardh, 1936" ; - dwc:species "suecicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Tragardh, 1936" ; dwc:authorityName "Tragardh" ; diff --git a/data/05/46/FE/0546FE27BAA3104919B105E27211B310.ttl b/data/05/46/FE/0546FE27BAA3104919B105E27211B310.ttl index fc00050461f..21635a414bc 100644 --- a/data/05/46/FE/0546FE27BAA3104919B105E27211B310.ttl +++ b/data/05/46/FE/0546FE27BAA3104919B105E27211B310.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Frolov, Andrey; Akhmetova, Lilia" ; dc:title "Aphodius distinctus Mueller 1776" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Aphodius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/47/1D/05471D203B9BA0687B80D22F3EA09C8E.ttl b/data/05/47/1D/05471D203B9BA0687B80D22F3EA09C8E.ttl index db53c62ad2b..03628ebcfde 100644 --- a/data/05/47/1D/05471D203B9BA0687B80D22F3EA09C8E.ttl +++ b/data/05/47/1D/05471D203B9BA0687B80D22F3EA09C8E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Varga, Zoltan; Ronkay, Gabor; Ronkay, Laszlo" ; dc:title "Kollariana scotochlora Kollar 1844" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/48/03/054803C5EC9D14CA0BBDA8FF4D167677.ttl b/data/05/48/03/054803C5EC9D14CA0BBDA8FF4D167677.ttl index b8fece943ae..0c493a8ed12 100644 --- a/data/05/48/03/054803C5EC9D14CA0BBDA8FF4D167677.ttl +++ b/data/05/48/03/054803C5EC9D14CA0BBDA8FF4D167677.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marsh, Paul M.; Wild, Alexander L.; Whitfield, James B." ; dc:title "Heterospilus austini Marsh, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Marsh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterospilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh" ; - dwc:species "austini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/48/87/054887C93575FFC174BD2491E161FDC0.ttl b/data/05/48/87/054887C93575FFC174BD2491E161FDC0.ttl index 3cd36d7fac7..a851ab191c6 100644 --- a/data/05/48/87/054887C93575FFC174BD2491E161FDC0.ttl +++ b/data/05/48/87/054887C93575FFC174BD2491E161FDC0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Varga, Oleksandr" ; dc:title "Epirhyssa copelandi Varga 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Varga", "Varga, 2020" ; + dwc:authority "Varga" ; dwc:authorityName "Varga" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rousse & van Noort, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rousse & van Noort" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rousse & van Noort, 2014" ; - dwc:species "brianfisheri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seyrig, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seyrig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seyrig, 1937" ; - dwc:species "overlaeti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -105,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BCBBFC096BFA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BCBBFC096BFA.ttl index 102762192f1..4a5fda73c38 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BCBBFC096BFA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BCBBFC096BFA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus vanpeeneni Hadi and Carney 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BD0BFDE3693E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BD0BFDE3693E.ttl index 8360117dae3..26d79afd75e 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BD0BFDE3693E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB60FFF8FDB4BD0BFDE3693E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus Radford 1948" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,50 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Traub & Lakshana" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotrombidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traub & Lakshana, 1966" ; - dwc:species "spinosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B898FDA36EA4.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B898FDA36EA4.ttl index a89f0c7b8ca..69d0e29432a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B898FDA36EA4.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B898FDA36EA4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus griselda" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,81 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Robinson and Kloss)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson and Kloss" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson & Kloss)" ; - dwc:species "moi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ellerman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopoldamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ellerman, 1947" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B9E1FBC36D7B.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B9E1FBC36D7B.ttl index d5dead4cab8..0ac96be05d3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B9E1FBC36D7B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4B9E1FBC36D7B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus hastatum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BAB3FE4E6C4A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BAB3FE4E6C4A.ttl index d2af76d28e7..070f3a48408 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BAB3FE4E6C4A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BAB3FE4E6C4A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus paniculatum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zimmermann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Muntiacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zimmermann, 1780)" ; - dwc:species "muntjak" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BB5CFBF66CF4.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BB5CFBF66CF4.ttl index f8b52abcff6..b7c16e4801b 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BB5CFBF66CF4.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BB5CFBF66CF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus traubi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BCBBFD546BFA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BCBBFD546BFA.ttl index 2b7d3c0933f..ef8c45de6f5 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BCBBFD546BFA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BCBBFD546BFA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Microtrombicula vitosa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BDBFFAA5691A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BDBFFAA5691A.ttl index 1e3081180e8..166e23996e2 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BDBFFAA5691A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BDBFFAA5691A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Neotrombicula anax Audy and Womersley 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BE6BFBA469CE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BE6BFBA469CE.ttl index 3e86bb6f619..3297d5e0fb2 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BE6BFBA469CE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BE6BFBA469CE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Neotrombicula weni" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,82 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pallas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microtus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "oeconomus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1842" ; - dwc:species "pardicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BF75FDC968BF.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BF75FDC968BF.ttl index 62eb3b3c29c..82ff9a0461a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BF75FDC968BF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BF75FDC968BF.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Trombiculindus chilie Wen and Xiang 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BFCFFD736F8E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BFCFFD736F8E.ttl index 240ced88d5b..78277aebfeb 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BFCFFD736F8E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB61FFF9FDB4BFCFFD736F8E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Trombiculindus gateri Traub and Nadchatram 1967" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B886FD126E7A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B886FD126E7A.ttl index 2e74563efa7..5c01f7bb9c7 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B886FD126E7A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B886FD126E7A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Lorillatum oreophilum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,50 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B98AFDC96D2E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B98AFDC96D2E.ttl index 6084cd1afa7..4ede6534567 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B98AFDC96D2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4B98AFDC96D2E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lorillatun tungshihensis Hsu and Chen 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BAEAFDA36C2A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BAEAFDA36C2A.ttl index 306a44d1b3c..e9942a5d86c 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BAEAFDA36C2A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BAEAFDA36C2A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Microtrombicula fulgida" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BB63FAD16CF9.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BB63FAD16CF9.ttl index ef6ee268cd8..993bbfd2bb7 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BB63FAD16CF9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BB63FAD16CF9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Microtrombicula munda" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BD0AFDC96AAE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BD0AFDC96AAE.ttl index 3bc3cae5d3a..1105cfd69cd 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BD0AFDC96AAE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BD0AFDC96AAE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium yui Chen and Hsu 1955" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anourosorex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1872" ; - dwc:species "squamipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BDF6FACA6962.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BDF6FACA6962.ttl index 701304d8344..427aa6a3304 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BDF6FACA6962.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BDF6FACA6962.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium Nagayo, Miyagawa, Mitamura and Imamura 1916" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BED6FCDE6883.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BED6FCDE6883.ttl index 6894274a043..4d11eb3ae98 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BED6FCDE6883.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BED6FCDE6883.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Lorillatum attapinum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ryley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryley, 1914" ; - dwc:species "cooki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BF82FE956F7E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BF82FE956F7E.ttl index e4437a12e89..64480e71d84 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BF82FE956F7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB62FFFAFDB4BF82FE956F7E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Lorillatum kianjoei" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFAFDB4BB58FF1B6BFA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFAFDB4BB58FF1B6BFA.ttl index e3a1f8134a6..e39922cc09b 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFAFDB4BB58FF1B6BFA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFAFDB4BB58FF1B6BFA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium yuebeiense Zhao 1982" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B837FDC96FA2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B837FDC96FA2.ttl index 35ff7a74367..dc9679a241f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B837FDC96FA2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B837FDC96FA2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium tenipilum Wen and Xiang 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B8E3FD406E7A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B8E3FD406E7A.ttl index 39372c39c84..1a7231f8fee 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B8E3FD406E7A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B8E3FD406E7A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium turdicola Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Pellorneidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pellorneum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swainson, 1832" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B98BFD706DBE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B98BFD706DBE.ttl index f21da275317..11a8c271981 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B98BFD706DBE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4B98BFD706DBE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium umbricola Nadchatram and Dohany 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,82 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "chiropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stekolnikov 2013)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stekolnikov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotrombidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stekolnikov, 2013)" ; - dwc:species "umbricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BAC7FDC96C4E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BAC7FDC96C4E.ttl index bdb7e02a255..24280739673 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BAC7FDC96C4E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BAC7FDC96C4E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Leptotrombidium yulini Xiang and Wen 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BD2FFE4E6A66.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BD2FFE4E6A66.ttl index 951e5d75496..3d4c71db68f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BD2FFE4E6A66.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BD2FFE4E6A66.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium scanloni Traub and Lakshana 1966" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BDBFFEE469CE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BDBFFEE469CE.ttl index 94ede5ecafc..8d634a7bf04 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BDBFFEE469CE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BDBFFEE469CE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium scutellare" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,126 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paradoxurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "hermaphrodites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Homo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Homo" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Homo" ; - dwc:species "mulatta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Francolinus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Francolinus" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyplectron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Francolinus" ; - dwc:species "bicalcaratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BED7FDC9685E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BED7FDC9685E.ttl index d6c4e1ee619..8f420719dc9 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BED7FDC9685E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BED7FDC9685E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Leptotrombidium shuqui Wen and Xiang 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl index a542bceb751..2ec54d01356 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB63FFFBFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Leptotrombidium spicanisetum Yu, Yang and Gong 1986" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4B9AEFDC96EE6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4B9AEFDC96EE6.ttl index e3637c3d5cd..27f49618833 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4B9AEFDC96EE6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4B9AEFDC96EE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium nanchangense Wen 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA3EFAB46D52.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA3EFAB46D52.ttl index 39738478e6f..f1267d8746d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA3EFAB46D52.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA3EFAB46D52.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium nguyenvanaii Phuong 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA52FD996C72.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA52FD996C72.ttl index 7845da87845..267f5064d47 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA52FD996C72.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BA52FD996C72.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium pentafurcatum Wen and Xiang 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BBBBFB8B6CF9.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BBBBFB8B6CF9.ttl index dc7c44c6dc5..3c3a3d0fdc8 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BBBBFB8B6CF9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BBBBFB8B6CF9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium rectanguloscutum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BD2EFBDF6AF6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BD2EFBDF6AF6.ttl index b012c87f1b2..b7c0e204939 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BD2EFBDF6AF6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BD2EFBDF6AF6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium imphalum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE0EFD466986.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE0EFD466986.ttl index 8e6ef21369b..bc8cfa9a81f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE0EFD466986.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE0EFD466986.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium linjeromae Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston 1976" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE9EFC5E683A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE9EFC5E683A.ttl index 7b05cff1b0f..2d35679c173 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE9EFC5E683A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BE9EFC5E683A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium magnum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BF4AFF1B68CA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BF4AFF1B68CA.ttl index e9e178bd053..b01c875cf28 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BF4AFF1B68CA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BF4AFF1B68CA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium minului Stekolnikov 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BFDAFE916E56.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BFDAFE916E56.ttl index ebe08e30b54..fe0a7d6f910 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BFDAFE916E56.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB64FFFCFDB4BFDAFE916E56.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium monstrosum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,143 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "erythraeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "rodolphii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paradoxurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "hemaphraditus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hystricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atherurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "macrourus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFCFDB4BB5FFC5E6BD6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFCFDB4BB5FFC5E6BD6.ttl index 899a35a48e3..e6557c71f32 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFCFDB4BB5FFC5E6BD6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFCFDB4BB5FFC5E6BD6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium horridum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,81 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ha Giang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ha Giang" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ha Giang" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA3EFB466D76.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA3EFB466D76.ttl index 9a2fecc9ca6..82fc345ff76 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA3EFB466D76.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA3EFB466D76.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium globosum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA8EFE956C4E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA8EFE956C4E.ttl index 30292f99aca..734b374e73b 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA8EFE956C4E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BA8EFE956C4E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium gracipalpe" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,81 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopoldamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1882)" ; - dwc:species "edwardsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BEFAFF1B68A6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BEFAFF1B68A6.ttl index 48949c3dbc4..17cd711eed4 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BEFAFF1B68A6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BEFAFF1B68A6.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Leptotrombidium fletcheri" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BFFEFEE06EE6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BFFEFEE06EE6.ttl index 4b2e93c2bf6..5b471e31885 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BFFEFEE06EE6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB65FFFDFDB4BFFEFEE06EE6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium fulleri" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,112 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stekolnikov 2013)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stekolnikov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotrombidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stekolnikov, 2013)" ; - dwc:species "fuller" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFDFDB4B837FAF069AB.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFDFDB4B837FAF069AB.ttl index ec91343660b..7be32ab9e66 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFDFDB4B837FAF069AB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFDFDB4B837FAF069AB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium deliense" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,443 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anderson, 1879" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "rodolphii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1960" ; - dwc:species "hoxaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Qu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qu" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qu" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ba R" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ba R" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ba R" ; - dwc:species "javanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ba R" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ba R" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ba R" ; - dwc:species "fascicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sanborn" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sanborn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanborn, 1939" ; - dwc:species "chasen" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Viverra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Viverra" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viverra" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osbeck" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osbeck" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tragulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tragulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osbeck" ; - dwc:species "japonicas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zimmermann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zimmermann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Muntiacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zimmermann, 1780)" ; - dwc:species "muntjak" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "erythraeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1887" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Homo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Homo" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Homo" ; - dwc:species "fascicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BCBBFE4B6A66.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BCBBFE4B6A66.ttl index 9bb9d294e38..e9a55a8ced3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BCBBFE4B6A66.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BCBBFE4B6A66.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium bawangense Stekolnikov 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BDBFFD79691A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BDBFFD79691A.ttl index 9d0287ca603..ce692c7bfb3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BDBFFD79691A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BDBFFD79691A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium binbium Traub and Lakshana 1966" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BE6BFD0C69AA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BE6BFD0C69AA.ttl index a7e606d4129..435e41b2b63 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BE6BFD0C69AA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BE6BFD0C69AA.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Leptotrombidium cebephium Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston 1976" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BEFBFDC9685E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BEFBFDC9685E.ttl index b67cc8380e7..eaa9cd10b6a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BEFBFDC9685E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BEFBFDC9685E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium chuanxi Wen, Zhou, Chen, Wang and Zhang 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl index c1682540d9c..d1bef350480 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB66FFFEFDB4BFA7FDC968EE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium cricethrionis Wen, Sun and Sun 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dacnomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "millardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B93BFD7D6EC1.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B93BFD7D6EC1.ttl index 01cc5ba5a7e..49706dc5702 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B93BFD7D6EC1.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B93BFD7D6EC1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium arenicola Traub 1960" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B9C4FDBA6CF8.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B9C4FDBA6CF8.ttl index e85e158d84d..fd74bf7585d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B9C4FDBA6CF8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4B9C4FDBA6CF8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium arvinum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,126 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "chiropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "erythraeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BCF3FE456AD1.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BCF3FE456AD1.ttl index b917fa264e6..ceb1e4cc872 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BCF3FE456AD1.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BCF3FE456AD1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium abramovi Stekolnikov 2013" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anourosorex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1872" ; - dwc:species "squamipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BDD3FC0F69CD.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BDD3FC0F69CD.ttl index a6f97b9d74c..996d4088dca 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BDD3FC0F69CD.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BDD3FC0F69CD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium akamushi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Binh Thu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Binh Thu" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tragulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tragulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Binh Thu" ; - dwc:species "javanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire) (Chau et al. 2007)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)" ; - dwc:species "javanicus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "exilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BED7FE096FEA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BED7FE096FEA.ttl index 3c0611e73eb..81f3bcc30f6 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BED7FE096FEA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB67FFFFFDB4BED7FE096FEA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Leptotrombidium alopeciatum Traub and Nadchatram 1967" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,125 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "chiropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4B917FCC26C06.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4B917FCC26C06.ttl index 899384367a9..66bcb93fa8e 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4B917FCC26C06.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4B917FCC26C06.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) disparunguis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,159 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Peale)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "alticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hadi and Carney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hadi & Carney, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vercammen-Grandjean 1971)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vercammen-Grandjean" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Walchia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vercammen-Grandjean, 1971)" ; - dwc:species "disparunguis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Walchia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BB00FD166CF8.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BB00FD166CF8.ttl index 4142b85fd35..9662a069b27 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BB00FD166CF8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BB00FD166CF8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) enode Gater 1932" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1872" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BCF3FD0D6A66.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BCF3FD0D6A66.ttl index 15c64bf7d92..dab9170a58a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BCF3FD0D6A66.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BCF3FD0D6A66.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) alpestris" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BDBFFD7E691A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BDBFFD7E691A.ttl index a1190a76c7f..e4c881c5b0f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BDBFFD7E691A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BDBFFD7E691A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) brennani" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BE6BFE4E68CA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BE6BFE4E68CA.ttl index 36e5289bb11..343a9c9aa2a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BE6BFE4E68CA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BE6BFE4E68CA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) delicatula" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,97 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "inornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas" ; - dwc:species "ornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "swinhoei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ha Giang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ha Giang" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ha Giang" ; - dwc:species "norvegicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BFDBFF1B6E0E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BFDBFF1B6E0E.ttl index fcea8ddfd99..515267762f3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BFDBFF1B6E0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB70FFE8FDB4BFDBFF1B6E0E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) dismina" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B8AAFC8F6E0E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B8AAFC8F6E0E.ttl index 8db33eba597..5da522c0413 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B8AAFC8F6E0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B8AAFC8F6E0E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Schoengastiella ligula Radford 1946" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B9C2FF1B6CBA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B9C2FF1B6CBA.ttl index 0392b928f4b..0ca6fb6bed7 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B9C2FF1B6CBA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4B9C2FF1B6CBA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Ripiaspichia) chinensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,219 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Berkenhout" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1769" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Berkenhout, 1769)" ; - dwc:species "norvegicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, Ngh e An" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus, Ngh e An" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, Ngh e An" ; - dwc:species "musculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Mabuia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mabuia" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gecko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mabuia" ; - dwc:species "gecko" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "rodolphii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1846" ; - dwc:species "musculus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "bactrianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waterhouse, 1843" ; - dwc:species "musculus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "castaneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Raffles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Raffles, 1821" ; - dwc:species "ferruginea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BDF6FE0F693E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BDF6FE0F693E.ttl index 91918eacc77..ce48e3f0166 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BDF6FE0F693E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BDF6FE0F693E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia yangchenensis Chen and Hsu 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BEFBFDC9683A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BEFBFDC9683A.ttl index b2ba54daf1a..2be89f0aea0 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BEFBFDC9683A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BEFBFDC9683A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Gahrliepia (Intermedialia) guangxiensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BFFEFD256F5A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BFFEFD256F5A.ttl index 68e1be01cf5..bf08e8daa65 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BFFEFD256F5A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB71FFE9FDB4BFFEFD256F5A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Schoengastiella homunguis Radford 1946" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFE9FDB4BB7AFD336AAE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFE9FDB4BB7AFD336AAE.ttl index 62d4aba184d..9cbe181bf80 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFE9FDB4BB7AFD336AAE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFE9FDB4BB7AFD336AAE.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia tenella Traub and Morrow 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,11 +28,9 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Traub & Morrow 1955)", "Traub and Morrow, 1955" ; + dwc:authority "Traub and Morrow, 1955" ; dwc:authorityName "Traub and Morrow" ; dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Traub & Morrow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; dwc:genus "Gahrliepia" ; @@ -50,82 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeu, Yu and Wan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gahrliepia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeu, Yu & Wan, 1983" ; - dwc:species "eurypunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B837FCE96FEA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B837FCE96FEA.ttl index c04fbe22442..e369a2e6ad7 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B837FCE96FEA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B837FCE96FEA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia mirabilis Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,11 +28,9 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 b)", "Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1960" ; + dwc:authority "Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1960" ; dwc:authorityName "Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung" ; dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; dwc:genus "Gahrliepia" ; @@ -49,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B93AFA7F6E7A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B93AFA7F6E7A.ttl index 0fa3bc45c5d..d54c95d5b61 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B93AFA7F6E7A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B93AFA7F6E7A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia lui Chen and Hsu 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B98AFB9D6D76.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B98AFB9D6D76.ttl index f0c65e9f7c4..8ae1002d24e 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B98AFB9D6D76.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4B98AFB9D6D76.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Gahrliepia meridionalis Yu Yang and Tu 1980" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4BA8EFDC46C2A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4BA8EFDC46C2A.ttl index c8a05169c18..54f10238204 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4BA8EFDC46C2A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB72FFEAFDB4BA8EFDC46C2A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia pintanensis Wang 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taylor" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taylor" ; - dwc:species "dracula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEAFDB4BB56FBBE68EE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEAFDB4BB56FBBE68EE.ttl index d67bc7bfb24..3b2bd5e9c14 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEAFDB4BB56FBBE68EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEAFDB4BB56FBBE68EE.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia mirabilis Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,377 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kloss" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kloss" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopoldamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kloss" ; - dwc:species "herberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Miller)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wagner)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Robinson and Kloss)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson and Kloss" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson & Kloss)" ; - dwc:species "langbianis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bechstein" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bechstein" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bechstein" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopoldamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas" ; - dwc:species "edwardsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "swinhoei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller" ; - dwc:species "suillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Suncus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "murinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paradoxurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "hermaphrodites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "urva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Menetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Anderson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Berkenhout)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Berkenhout" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1769" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Berkenhout, 1769)" ; - dwc:species "norvegicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B84EFC696E32.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B84EFC696E32.ttl index ce0563b752f..fe711f76ec9 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B84EFC696E32.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B84EFC696E32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia eurypunctata Jeu, Yu and Wan 1983" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards)" ; - dwc:species "lotipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Musser, Lunde" ; - dwc:authorityName "Musser, Lunde" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonkinomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Musser, Lunde" ; - dwc:species "daovantieni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B972FD796EE6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B972FD796EE6.ttl index a31130931f3..baa5399a7b5 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B972FD796EE6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4B972FD796EE6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia fenestrulata Traub and Morrow 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Robinson and Kloss)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson and Kloss" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson & Kloss)" ; - dwc:species "mekongis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BA3EFEB86C4E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BA3EFEB86C4E.ttl index 3a6d178dda4..98af53cdc62 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BA3EFEB86C4E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BA3EFEB86C4E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia marshi Traub and Morrow 1957" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,66 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:species "losea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Traub and Morrow" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gahrliepia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traub & Morrow, 1955" ; - dwc:species "tenella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Temminck" ; - dwc:species "tanezumi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BE47FD7B69F2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BE47FD7B69F2.ttl index a4beece0273..ff194a23c87 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BE47FD7B69F2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BE47FD7B69F2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Odontacarus yosanoi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Horsfield)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horsfield" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horsfield, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "finlaysonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BFFEFE4E6F36.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BFFEFE4E6F36.ttl index f1b2f886745..112ecc72d38 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BFFEFE4E6F36.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB73FFEBFDB4BFFEFE4E6F36.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Gahrliepia elbeli Traub and Morrow 1955" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blyth, 1851" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4B917FE4E6D2E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4B917FE4E6D2E.ttl index 7def81c683f..86688a5b7f4 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4B917FE4E6D2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4B917FE4E6D2E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Eutrombicula rara" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,111 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "I.Geoffroy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "flavimanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BA77FC566CBA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BA77FC566CBA.ttl index 030a897306e..1f72de3dbc7 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BA77FC566CBA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BA77FC566CBA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Eutrombicula wichmanni" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,95 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gekko" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "gecko" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BCBBFB4D6A42.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BCBBFB4D6A42.ttl index 992e543877a..af3251b426d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BCBBFB4D6A42.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BCBBFB4D6A42.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchiella impar" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BD43FBB66962.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BD43FBB66962.ttl index fe0f6323311..b0cf1ceee33 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BD43FBB66962.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BD43FBB66962.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchiella traubi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BFA7FE366FA1.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BFA7FE366FA1.ttl index e2e751b2f86..27d622cc60d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BFA7FE366FA1.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB78FFE0FDB4BFA7FE366FA1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Blankaartia (Blankaartia) acuscutellaris" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B836FC626F7E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B836FC626F7E.ttl index 05b12b72fde..d4f869bbd4f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B836FC626F7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B836FC626F7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Parascoschoengastia monticola Wharton and Hardcastle 1946" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Nythyonic" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nythyonic" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nythyonic" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B93AFB6D6E7A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B93AFB6D6E7A.ttl index 463ae3bb000..ad0e8081df9 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B93AFB6D6E7A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4B93AFB6D6E7A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Schoengastia pseudoschuffneri" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BA76FE3A6DE2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BA76FE3A6DE2.ttl index b58c8c53cdf..33337c74858 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BA76FE3A6DE2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BA76FE3A6DE2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Schoutedenichia (Schoutedenichia) centralkwangtunga" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BB58FD796CF9.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BB58FD796CF9.ttl index dad6746b26d..4f123603034 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BB58FD796CF9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BB58FD796CF9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchiella hanseni Nadchatram and Lakshana 1965" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dacnomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "millardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BD2EFA726AAE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BD2EFA726AAE.ttl index 9344a3bbdf3..2d1fec4e117 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BD2EFA726AAE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BD2EFA726AAE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula selvana Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Binh Thu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Binh Thu" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Binh Thu" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BE6AFD3869CE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BE6AFD3869CE.ttl index 6e55a29b2d5..550c8b4afc5 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BE6AFD3869CE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BE6AFD3869CE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Neoschoengastia gallinarum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,68 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gallus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "gallus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyplectron" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "bicalcaratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BED6FC8A6882.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BED6FC8A6882.ttl index 4fa051aee41..a36974a1d25 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BED6FC8A6882.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB79FFE1FDB4BED6FC8A6882.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Neoschoengastia posekanyi Wharton and Hardcastle 1946" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Phasianidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gallus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Galliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "gallus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE1FDB4BB56FD1D6BD6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE1FDB4BB56FD1D6BD6.ttl index d5ec686b5ad..33ddc35a11f 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE1FDB4BB56FD1D6BD6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE1FDB4BB56FD1D6BD6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula scanloni Domrow and Nadchatram 1964" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B812FDC46FC6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B812FDC46FC6.ttl index 896e5f8b0fb..31b47fbdf19 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B812FDC46FC6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B812FDC46FC6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula mutabilis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B8DEFE956DBE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B8DEFE956DBE.ttl index 7f994ad9c46..75f1145a738 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B8DEFE956DBE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4B8DEFE956DBE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula simena" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,267 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Marshall)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Marshall" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leopoldamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Marshall)" ; - dwc:species "neilli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stephens)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centropus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stephens, 1815)" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Radford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helenicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Radford, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "lanius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Pellorneidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pellorneum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swainson, 1832" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blyth)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Timaliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pomatorhinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth)" ; - dwc:species "hypoleucos" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tickelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Dicruridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicrurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "hottentotus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Müller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Müller, 1840" ; - dwc:species "suilius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Smith)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith)" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Prionodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1842" ; - dwc:species "pardicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Li et al. 1997)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helenicula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, 1997)" ; - dwc:species "simena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BAC6FD7E6C4E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BAC6FD7E6C4E.ttl index 5fb1bd8dfba..bd6951e13c4 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BAC6FD7E6C4E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BAC6FD7E6C4E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Helenicula signata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD0AFC746A8A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD0AFC746A8A.ttl index 350bcf2121c..c5888878ef6 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD0AFC746A8A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD0AFC746A8A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula globularis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD9AFA6869CE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD9AFA6869CE.ttl index af394aadcc3..32e7b49c475 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD9AFA6869CE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BD9AFA6869CE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula kohlsi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,127 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dumeril & Bibron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemidactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumeril & Bibron, 1836" ; - dwc:species "frenatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zimmermann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zimmermann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zimmermann, 1780)" ; - dwc:species "mulatta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Viverricula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kerr)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kerr" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Felidae" ; - dwc:genus "Felis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kerr)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BED6FE916F12.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BED6FE916F12.ttl index a7ebb72859e..09840e06817 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BED6FE916F12.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7AFFE2FDB4BED6FE916F12.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula lanius" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,82 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Chrotogale" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chrotogale" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chrotogale" ; - dwc:species "mulatta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "erythraeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "cremoniventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE2FDB4BB57FDB96BFA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE2FDB4BB57FDB96BFA.ttl index 84028b1497b..f758805886d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE2FDB4BB57FDB96BFA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE2FDB4BB57FDB96BFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula edibakeri" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Blanford)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B887FA836E0E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B887FA836E0E.ttl index 311c22c1da7..bd4ad3b011a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B887FA836E0E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B887FA836E0E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Doloisia (Traubacarus) gigantea" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B98BFD056D2E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B98BFD056D2E.ttl index 063fb75dcd2..e56f6d485d1 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B98BFD056D2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4B98BFD056D2E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Farrellioides striatum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BAEBFE956C4E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BAEBFE956C4E.ttl index 29406f886e9..f1f7aef7cdb 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BAEBFE956C4E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BAEBFE956C4E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Helenicula consonensis Hadi and Carney 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Raffles)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Raffles" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Raffles, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "fascicularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BD0BFF1B6AD2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BD0BFF1B6AD2.ttl index 7701cbe921d..f781fd62450 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BD0BFF1B6AD2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BD0BFF1B6AD2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Doloisia (Doloisia) alata Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BDD3FBE36986.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BDD3FBE36986.ttl index 5ad002befda..3b242fd3fdb 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BDD3FBE36986.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BDD3FBE36986.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Doloisia (Doloisia) fulminans Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BF33FA906F7E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BF33FA906F7E.ttl index 5f30120300a..5c98f30d2ab 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BF33FA906F7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7BFFE3FDB4BF33FA906F7E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Doloisia (Traubacarus) brachypus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,112 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B836FDC96FA2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B836FDC96FA2.ttl index eee2a23aed0..9e0c1a28842 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B836FDC96FA2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B836FDC96FA2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia montana Yu, Yang and Chen 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B8E2FE956E56.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B8E2FE956E56.ttl index 2aaeeb7356d..ef948f88107 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B8E2FE956E56.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B8E2FE956E56.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia octavia Domrow 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Domrow, 1962 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Domrow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Domrow, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B9AEFE4E6D76.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B9AEFE4E6D76.ttl index 6ca071774cc..abd497e25a1 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B9AEFE4E6D76.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4B9AEFE4E6D76.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia roluis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,112 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Domrow" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Domrow, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BB22FBB16CDE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BB22FBB16CDE.ttl index 623a10a4d59..3c55d26fb6c 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BB22FBB16CDE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BB22FBB16CDE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Cheladonta neda Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung 1960" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BEFAFA6B68EE.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BEFAFA6B68EE.ttl index 95f647a2106..8f7287c0aa3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BEFAFA6B68EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7CFFE4FDB4BEFAFA6B68EE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia lorius" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,80 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE4FDB4B93AFD0D69AA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE4FDB4B93AFD0D69AA.ttl index 3132baaaaec..749e7dcb4c0 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE4FDB4B93AFD0D69AA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE4FDB4B93AFD0D69AA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia indica" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,434 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Balakirev et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Balakirev" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Balakirev" ; - dwc:species "thomasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "inornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Erinaceidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotetracus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Erinaceomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1909" ; - dwc:species "sinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 c)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "musculus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "urbanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Qu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qu" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qu" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ngh e An" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ngh e An" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ngh e An" ; - dwc:species "norvegicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Robinson and Kloss)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Robinson and Kloss" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Robinson & Kloss)" ; - dwc:species "argentiventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1960" ; - dwc:species "hoxaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Audy" from authority ; - dwc:authority "? (Audy 1956)" ; - dwc:authorityName "? (Audy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Audy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Audy, 1956)" ; - dwc:species "jersoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Ba R" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ba R" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ba R" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylopetes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "alboniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Muller)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ptaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Muller)" ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "cremoriventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "pyctoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "rattoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4B8AAFCAA6FEA.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4B8AAFCAA6FEA.ttl index 4e910363e75..76088a3b28e 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4B8AAFCAA6FEA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4B8AAFCAA6FEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia canus Domrow 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BD66FDC96AF6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BD66FDC96AF6.ttl index b6c68620a02..e7abdafe73c 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BD66FDC96AF6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BD66FDC96AF6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) zangnanica Wu and Wen 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1872" ; - dwc:species "attenuata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BF32FD9D6F5A.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BF32FD9D6F5A.ttl index 3a622f6bb32..649d8e41876 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BF32FD9D6F5A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7DFFE5FDB4BF32FD9D6F5A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Ascoschoengastia audyi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,81 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "rodolphii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE5FDB4BA52FDB86A1E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE5FDB4BA52FDB86A1E.ttl index 5681cc67772..bb0e70f927a 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE5FDB4BA52FDB86A1E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE5FDB4BA52FDB86A1E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) rustica" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,143 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "tenaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dao, 1961" ; - dwc:species "sabanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heptneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B812FE4E6FA2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B812FE4E6FA2.ttl index d3afc10caee..4f41a6f8204 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B812FE4E6FA2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B812FE4E6FA2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) neosinensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B8E2FE956E9E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B8E2FE956E9E.ttl index 9d03d7a8618..4909bf49d59 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B8E2FE956E9E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B8E2FE956E9E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) pacifica" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,67 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Schluger et al. 1960 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schluger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Spalacidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhizomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schluger, 1960)" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hadi and Carney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hadi & Carney, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B9E6FE4E6D52.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B9E6FE4E6D52.ttl index e88100a40ea..9a5416b3ed3 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B9E6FE4E6D52.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4B9E6FE4E6D52.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) parapacifica Chen and Hsu 1956" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4BDD2FB8A6F12.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4BDD2FB8A6F12.ttl index ef7c01e9abf..d77e939ff08 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4BDD2FB8A6F12.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7EFFE6FDB4BDD2FB8A6F12.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) micropelta" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,155 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ryley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryley, 1914" ; - dwc:species "cooki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "swinhoei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "chiropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hadi and Carney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hadi & Carney, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE6FDB4BA77FAE86AD2.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE6FDB4BA77FAE86AD2.ttl index 20e2e888eff..f37328e3bdf 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE6FDB4BA77FAE86AD2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE6FDB4BA77FAE86AD2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) lupella" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,248 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Musser and Newcomb)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Musser and Newcomb" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Musser & Newcomb)" ; - dwc:species "osgoodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "pahari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonhote" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonhote, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "bukit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hadi and Carney 1977)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hadi and Carney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hadi & Carney, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "pyctoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "rattoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BCBBFB866A42.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BCBBFB866A42.ttl index f687159bf24..9470f91d09c 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BCBBFB866A42.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BCBBFB866A42.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) ewingi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peale, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BD43FB7C68A6.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BD43FB7C68A6.ttl index a1d53efb0b1..792422c5bd0 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BD43FB7C68A6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BD43FB7C68A6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) isonychia Nadchatram and Traub 1964" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,232 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chiromyscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "chiropus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bonhote)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonhote" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonhote, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "bukit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hadi and Carney" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hadi & Carney, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "rattus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "flavipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "alticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BFFFFE956D2E.ttl b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BFFFFE956D2E.ttl index 2c8bcc78692..c56cdfa6005 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BFFFFE956D2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/29/054A2900DB7FFFE7FDB4BFFFFE956D2E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Antonovskaia, A. A.; Balakirev, A. E.; Lopatina, Y. V." ; dc:title "Walchia (Walchia) kritochaeta" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,232 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maxomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miller, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "surifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1803" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "berdmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "andamanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1845" ; - dwc:species "cervicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gmelin)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Leiothrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Garrulax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "perspicillatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagner, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "belangeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tupaiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tupaia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scandentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diard, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "glis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamiops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "rodolphii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "savilei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bandicota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Berylmys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "bowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Niviventer" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "niviventer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Trombiculidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4A/2F/054A2F190B2868E628D2E8C51DFD9D1A.ttl b/data/05/4A/2F/054A2F190B2868E628D2E8C51DFD9D1A.ttl index 8e1d6138ce6..c31a64c813d 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/2F/054A2F190B2868E628D2E8C51DFD9D1A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/2F/054A2F190B2868E628D2E8C51DFD9D1A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Phyteuma orbiculare Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4A/EF/054AEF564920FFFFCBA5FD0E23C0517C.ttl b/data/05/4A/EF/054AEF564920FFFFCBA5FD0E23C0517C.ttl index 74150cbc041..d5d857d6807 100644 --- a/data/05/4A/EF/054AEF564920FFFFCBA5FD0E23C0517C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4A/EF/054AEF564920FFFFCBA5FD0E23C0517C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bester, Stoffel P.; Steyn, Hester M." ; dc:title "Nemesia arenifera Bester & H. M. Steyn 2013, spec. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,96 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bester & Steyn, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bester & Steyn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bester & Steyn, 2013" ; - dwc:species "areniferae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hilliard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hilliard" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hilliard" ; - dwc:species "rupicolae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hilliard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hilliard, 1986" ; - dwc:species "rupicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Norrlindh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Norrlindh, 1951" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "E. Meyer ex Bentham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemesia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyer ex Bentham, 1836" ; - dwc:species "viscosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hemerobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Porter" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Nemesiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/6F/054B6FF791668C477E1830B53DF40B85.ttl b/data/05/4B/6F/054B6FF791668C477E1830B53DF40B85.ttl index 235ad29cb73..3c5e572dc8f 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/6F/054B6FF791668C477E1830B53DF40B85.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/6F/054B6FF791668C477E1830B53DF40B85.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Staines, Charles L.; Garcia-Robledo, Carlos" ; dc:title "Cephaloleia humeralis Weise 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87DBFFA9FF8FFF6A9201EF89C293.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87DBFFA9FF8FFF6A9201EF89C293.ttl index baef2d2edc0..4a9a80c74f1 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87DBFFA9FF8FFF6A9201EF89C293.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87DBFFA9FF8FFF6A9201EF89C293.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Han, Li-Su; Dai, Dong-Qin; Du, Tian-Ye; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Promputtha, Itthayakorn; Bhat, D. Jayarama; Gao, Yong" ; dc:title "Parabambusicola yunnanensis L. S. Han & D. Q. Dai 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "KT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2637" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Parabambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parabambusicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kt, 2637" ; - dwc:species "bambusina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H.B.Jiang & Phookamsak" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Parabambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parabambusicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jiang & Phookamsak, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hongheensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Xie et al. 2022)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Xie" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Parabambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Parabambusicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Xie, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "ynnanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Parabambusicolaceae" ; @@ -106,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Parabambusicolaceae" ; dwc:genus "Parabambusicola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCAFFF28398FB0EFEB8F8EB.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCAFFF28398FB0EFEB8F8EB.ttl index 7505102f7ca..6ca6fae9d5a 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCAFFF28398FB0EFEB8F8EB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCAFFF28398FB0EFEB8F8EB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Gryllacridinae Blanchard 1845" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,118 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov & Dawwrueng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Glolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dialarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Siamgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Woznessenskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaphanogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF2814EF8FFFC00F927.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF2814EF8FFFC00F927.ttl index e31638eb4ba..8b2eef593b5 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF2814EF8FFFC00F927.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF2814EF8FFFC00F927.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,36 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaphanogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 3. Living Gryllacrididae. A, Apt. quadrimaculata; B, Diaphanogryllacris sp.; C, Apt. biloba; D, Microlarnaca sp.; E, Apt. huanglianensis; F, Me. obscurata; G, T. huanglianensis sp.nov.; H, Ni. testaceus." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF38416F93EFEBFFA5B.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF38416F93EFEBFFA5B.ttl index 5b03e4141c7..7c4662eb146 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF38416F93EFEBFFA5B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCCFFF38416F93EFEBFFA5B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,36 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Apterolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 3. Living Gryllacrididae. A, Apt. quadrimaculata; B, Diaphanogryllacris sp.; C, Apt. biloba; D, Microlarnaca sp.; E, Apt. huanglianensis; F, Me. obscurata; G, T. huanglianensis sp.nov.; H, Ni. testaceus." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF08419F920FEBAFE9C.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF08419F920FEBAFE9C.ttl index 97095ba7bef..dd62bed7afc 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF08419F920FEBAFE9C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF08419F920FEBAFE9C.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,81 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov & Dawwrueng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 6. Wings. A, Mar. sequestris; B, Dr. spinose; C, Dr. melanocrania; D, U. pulchra rubricapitis; E, Capnogryllacris sp.; F, Bo. xujuni." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38151FA3AFF1DF855.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38151FA3AFF1DF855.ttl index 250cbf087e6..c43003c8258 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38151FA3AFF1DF855.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38151FA3AFF1DF855.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Phryganogryllacris Karny 1937, gen. nov." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,141 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Furcilarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Woznessenskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Sericgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Siamgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dialarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metriogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicornisgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Homogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Griffini 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Nippancistroger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffini, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38419FA61FB19F946.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38419FA61FB19F946.ttl index 77e2863708d..fb4c83c5c7a 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38419FA61FB19F946.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCDFFF38419FA61FB19F946.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,51 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Glolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 5. Abdominal terminal: male (A–F), female (G–I). A, Glolarnaca sp.; B, Neolarnaca sp.; C, Ha. bilobulata; D, Apt. quadrimaculata; E, Apt. biloba; F, T. huanglianensis sp. nov.. (Arrow in A indicates spines extending downwards from the base in the middle of each valve at the posterior margin of male abdominal tergite, arrow in F indicates styli.)." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF0814EFE7EFB27FDE6.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF0814EFE7EFB27FDE6.ttl index 45344cae607..ee60317ddb3 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF0814EFE7EFB27FDE6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF0814EFE7EFB27FDE6.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Error: the treatment is lacking the taxon - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Molecular phylogeny of Chinese raspy crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) reveals incongruences in current classification" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -30,111 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Serville 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Audinet-Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Audinet-Serville, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Larnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Radigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Magnigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocellarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 8. Wings. A, Mag. hainanensis; B, Mag. guomashan; C, Ocellarnaca sp.; D, E. ruficeps; E, R. xiei; F, R. fanjingshanensis; G, Pr. silacea; H, G. stylommatoprocera; I, L. lieyongzhou." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF18243FDDFFA79FA31.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF18243FDDFFA79FA31.ttl index 14ce2a84040..60ffcc05fd4 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF18243FDDFFA79FA31.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCEFFF18243FDDFFA79FA31.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Gryllacrididae Blanchard 1845" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,441 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaphanogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Apterolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Homogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Griffini 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Nippancistroger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffini, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Furcilarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Woznessenskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metriogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Sericgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicornisgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Siamgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dialarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Glolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov and Dawwrueng 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov and Dawwrueng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Larnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Serville 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Audinet-Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Audinet-Serville, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Radigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Magnigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocellarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCFFFE580F5F9CCFEE1F9EE.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCFFFE580F5F9CCFEE1F9EE.ttl index 629fbeaf0aa..7013da61b71 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCFFFE580F5F9CCFEE1F9EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFCFFFE580F5F9CCFEE1F9EE.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Apterolarnaca Gorochov 2004" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -153,16 +151,11 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Cadena-Castaneda 2019", "Cadena-Castaneda 2019: 38" ; + dwc:authority "Cadena-Castaneda 2019: 38" ; dwc:authorityName "Cadena-Castaneda" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bianigryllacris" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus", "subGenus" ; + dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cadena-Castaneda, 2019" ; dwc:subGenus "Bianigryllacris" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; @@ -202,623 +195,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorochov 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Apterolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2004" ; - dwc:species "ulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Nippancistroger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffini, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bey-Bienko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bey-Bienko, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "dicrana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bian, Shi & Guo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Furcilarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian, Shi & Guo, 2013" ; - dwc:species "wufengensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhang, Hu & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Woznessenskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Hu & He, 2024" ; - dwc:species "lianhua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura & Shiraki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Nippancistroger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "testaceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian, Zhu & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Siamgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bian, Zhu & Shi, 2017)" ; - dwc:species "quadrateprocera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shi & Bian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dialarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shi & Bian, 2016" ; - dwc:species "zhoui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blanchard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanchard, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - dwc:species "huanglianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:species "obscurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bian & Lu, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Lu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Lu, 2021" ; - dwc:species "huanglianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brunner von Wattenwyl 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Sericgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888" ; - dwc:species "unicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bilobulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini 1914)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "fruhstorferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - dwc:species "yingjiangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini 1914)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaneremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "fruhstorferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaneremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaneremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024)" ; - dwc:species "fruhstorferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1223" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 1223)" ; - dwc:species "sequestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "melanocrania" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024)" ; - dwc:species "xujuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2673" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 2673)" ; - dwc:species "fumigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocellarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "fuscotessellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Serville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2688" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Serville, 2688)" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bian & Shi, 2016)" ; - dwc:species "fanjingshanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang & Liu, 2022" ; - dwc:species "stylommatoprocera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shen & Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Larnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shen & Yin, 2022" ; - dwc:species "lieyongzhou" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bin & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1302" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bin & Bian, 1302)" ; - dwc:species "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2690" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2690" ; - dwc:species "silacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "brevixipha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "mellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Bi & Zhang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Bi & Zhang, 2010)" ; - dwc:species "decempunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "sichuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura & Shiraki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "subrectis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bey-Bienko" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1129" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Furcilarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bey-Bienko, 1129)" ; - dwc:species "chirurga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shi, Zhu & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Woznessenskia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shi, Zhu & Wang, 2022" ; - dwc:species "procera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1189" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metriogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1189)" ; - dwc:species "permodesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Neolarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "longipenna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; @@ -831,11 +207,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFD2FFEA80CFFC6BFA49FAE7.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFD2FFEA80CFFC6BFA49FAE7.ttl index ed85be8fb73..755bf1b3a1d 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFD2FFEA80CFFC6BFA49FAE7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFD2FFEA80CFFC6BFA49FAE7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Phryganogryllacris Karny 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,9 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Karny 1937", "Karny 1937: 118" ; + dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "118" ; dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; @@ -219,678 +217,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:species "phryganoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Haan 1843)", "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "phryganoides" ; - dwc:subSpecies "phryganoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Sericgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicornisgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Walker 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1869" ; - dwc:species "arctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "arctatiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aruana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1913)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "brevixipha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "cambodjana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "differens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2008" ; - dwc:species "discus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "extensa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gialaiensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fovealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "gialaiensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gialaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1930)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "griseola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "grobbeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "lobulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:species "mascata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1935)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "mioccana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "nivea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "nonangulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Liu & Li, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu & Li, 2014" ; - dwc:species "parva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "phryganoides" ; - dwc:subSpecies "elefanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "phryganoides" ; - dwc:subSpecies "thailandensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1924)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1924)" ; - dwc:species "sphegidipraeda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "subangulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2005" ; - dwc:species "superangulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bian, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian, 2023" ; - dwc:species "truncilamina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2008" ; - dwc:species "trusmadi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Haan 1842" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Haan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Haan, 1842" ; - dwc:species "phryganoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "sichuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, Bi & Zhang, 2010)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Bi & Zhang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterapotrechus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Bi & Zhang, 2010)" ; - dwc:species "decempunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "mellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura & Shiraki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "subrectis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liu and Wang 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liu and Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Phryganogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Wang, 1998" ; - dwc:species "unicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu & Wang, 1998)", "(Liu and Wang 1998)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu & Wang", "Liu and Wang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Sericgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu & Wang, 1998)" ; - dwc:species "unicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Li, Liu & Li, 2016)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2016)" ; - dwc:species "fanjingshanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1926" ; - dwc:species "mellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny 1926)", "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicornisgryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "mellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDBFFE080CFF9CFFED6FD7F.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDBFFE080CFF9CFFED6FD7F.ttl index 9aeb1c42094..f14501aca88 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDBFFE080CFF9CFFED6FD7F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDBFFE080CFF9CFFED6FD7F.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Capnogryllacris Karny 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -169,736 +166,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Locusta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:species "fumigata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gryllacris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Haan 1843)", "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "fumigata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fumigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov and Dawwrueng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1911)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1911)" ; - dwc:species "alivittata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hebard, 1922)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hebard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hebard, 1922)" ; - dwc:species "annulicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "buttikoferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fritze, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fritze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fritze, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "elongata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pictet & Saussure, 1893)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pictet & Saussure" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pictet & Saussure, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "fasciculata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fasciculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "fasciculata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gonymelaena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "nigripennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "trimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "fumigate" ; - dwc:subSpecies "miniata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2003" ; - dwc:species "fumigata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sumatrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "funebris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:species "gigantea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "multifracta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gerstaecker, 1860)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gerstaecker, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "nigripennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigripennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1913)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "nigripennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "trimaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - dwc:species "obscurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "pictipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "primigenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "soror" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "superba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024" ; - dwc:species "huanglianensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Erythrogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyanogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Griffini 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffini, 1912" ; - dwc:species "grassii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "borneoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2673" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 2673)" ; - dwc:species "fumigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022" ; - dwc:species "erythrocephala" ; - dwc:subSpecies "maculatis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "melanocrania" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigromarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rectispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1223" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 1223)" ; - dwc:species "sequestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "melanocraina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024)" ; - dwc:species "xujuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Tenuigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024" ; - dwc:species "yingjiangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorochov Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "KX" ; - dwc:authorityName "KX" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kx" ; - dwc:species "melanocranis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "erythrocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE080FFFD5BFD43F85D.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE080FFFD5BFD43F85D.ttl index e5e955c33ef..fe064c596fb 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE080FFFD5BFD43F85D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE080FFFD5BFD43F85D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Borneogryllacris Karny 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -117,289 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Acrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Locusta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haan, 1843" ; - dwc:species "borneoensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gryllacris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Haan 1843)", "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haan, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "borneoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bruner, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bruner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bruner, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "deschampsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "discolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaneremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "fruhstorferi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fruhstorferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaneremus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "fruhstorferi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pileatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1912)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "grassii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "khmerica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kirby, 1906)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kirby, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "plagiata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "peculiaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "plagiata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "plagiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Artchawakom, 2015)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Artchawakom" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dawwrueng, Gorochov & Artchawakom, 2015)" ; - dwc:species "sakaerat" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sakaerat" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:species "sakaerat" ; - dwc:subSpecies "toxica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov & Dawwrueng" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov & Dawwrueng, 2015)" ; - dwc:species "thaica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zhang & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024)" ; - dwc:species "xujuni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; @@ -453,12 +169,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE18354FF70FA79F997.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE18354FF70FA79F997.ttl index 040eec6cb17..c3fda927d3e 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE18354FF70FA79F997.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDEFFE18354FF70FA79F997.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Marthogryllacris Karny 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,397 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Griffini 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Griffini, 1914" ; - dwc:species "martha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini 1914)", "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Marthogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "martha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Borneogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2003" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu, Xu, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Ultragryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "erythrocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "phaeocephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Liu & Li, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Liu & Li, 2014" ; - dwc:species "rufonotata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "sequestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1929" ; - dwc:species "melanocrania" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny 1929)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "melanocrania" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian, Liu & Yang, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian, Liu & Yang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bian, Liu & Yang, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "axinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "humberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Duan, Chen & Shi, 2023)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Duan, Chen & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Duan, Chen & Shi, 2023)" ; - dwc:species "latilamargis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "nanlingensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:species "nigromaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pang, Zhang & Bian, 2023)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pang, Zhang & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dialarnaca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pang, Zhang & Bian, 2023)" ; - dwc:species "zhoui" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hainanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigromarginata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Liu, Lu & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Liu, Lu & Bian, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rectispina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gorochov, 2003)" ; - dwc:species "proxima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Li, Liu & Li" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Li, Liu & Li, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Audinet-Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Audinet-Serville, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDFFFEC8133F946FA46FCB9.ttl b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDFFFEC8133F946FA46FCB9.ttl index c2d66d08e5a..ea1d035fd1f 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDFFFEC8133F946FA46FCB9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/87/054B87EEFFDFFFEC8133F946FA46FCB9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Li, Shi-Yu; Liu, Yi-Jiao; Xu, Jing-Yi; Yin, Zi-Xu; He, Zhu-Qing" ; dc:title "Eugryllacris Karny 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -34,9 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Karny 1937 Daea", "Karny 1937: 161", "Karny" ; + dwc:authority "Karny 1937 Daea" ; dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "161" ; dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; @@ -184,845 +181,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Serville 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Serville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Gryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Serville, 1831" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Serville 1831)", "(Serville, 1831)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Serville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Serville, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ruficeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Magnigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li, Yin & He", "Li, Yin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He", "Li, Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Radigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, Yin & He, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "comotti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gandaki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "inversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "loriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "maculipennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "bakeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "maculipennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "laticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "maculipennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "maculipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "maculipennis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "specularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "moesta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "laurentii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "moesta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "moesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brunner von Wattenwyl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "moestissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bolivar, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bolivar, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "panteli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Griffini, 1909)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Griffini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Griffini, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "poultoniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "princeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - dwc:subSpecies "stigmaticeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "ruficeps" ; - dwc:subSpecies "viridiceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1928)" ; - dwc:species "sarawaccensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fritze, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fritze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fritze, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1870)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "viridescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "vittipes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lineosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "vittipes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nasalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "vittipes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vittipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Matsumura and Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura and Shiraki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura & Shiraki, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ichikawa, 2001)", "Ichikawa 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ichikawa", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ichikawa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ichikawa, 2001" ; - dwc:species "simulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ichikawa, 2001)", "Ichikawa 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ichikawa", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ichikawa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ichikawa, 2001" ; - dwc:species "rotundimacula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ichikawa, 2001)", "Ichikawa 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ichikawa", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ichikawa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ichikawa, 2001" ; - dwc:species "okadai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gorochov, 2002)", "Gorochov 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorochov", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gorochov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorochov, 2002" ; - dwc:species "iriomote" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosopogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Karny, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "cylindrigera" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "bifoliata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Capnogryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "elongata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "fanjingshanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "lobulis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "longifissa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bian & Shi, 2016", "Bian and Shi 2016 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bian & Shi", "Bian and Shi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bian & Shi, 2016" ; - dwc:species "xiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch 2018", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "guomashan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "serricauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sulcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "trabicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch, 2018)", "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch", "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018", "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "vermicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2018" ; - dwc:species "crassicauda" ; - dwc:subSpecies "cambodiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ingrisch 2018)", "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Magnigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ingrisch, 2018)" ; - dwc:species "guomashan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bin & Bian, 2021)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bin & Bian" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eugryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bin & Bian, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "hainanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bian & Shi, 2016)", "(Bian and Shi 2016)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Liu & Xu & Yin & He" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bian & Shi", "Bian and Shi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Radigryllacris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bian & Shi, 2016)" ; - dwc:species "xiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Gryllacrididae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/9A/054B9A6F1AF5E67551B55EDCBD9B2B36.ttl b/data/05/4B/9A/054B9A6F1AF5E67551B55EDCBD9B2B36.ttl index 174dae5a969..39498f85ff4 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/9A/054B9A6F1AF5E67551B55EDCBD9B2B36.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/9A/054B9A6F1AF5E67551B55EDCBD9B2B36.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Notocupedini Ponomarenko 1966" ; diff --git a/data/05/4B/B1/054BB10212CA6004F3C53D8287D186AF.ttl b/data/05/4B/B1/054BB10212CA6004F3C53D8287D186AF.ttl index 11127e34bcf..220f73292a3 100644 --- a/data/05/4B/B1/054BB10212CA6004F3C53D8287D186AF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4B/B1/054BB10212CA6004F3C53D8287D186AF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Sweeney, Jon D.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Sepedophilus cinctulus Erichson 1839" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4C/18/054C182CE989566DB6043EF72EBC4C53.ttl b/data/05/4C/18/054C182CE989566DB6043EF72EBC4C53.ttl index 9e40f6f291e..eb10f6feab8 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/18/054C182CE989566DB6043EF72EBC4C53.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/18/054C182CE989566DB6043EF72EBC4C53.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Liu, Hong Y.; Luo, Dun; Huang, Han L.; Yang, Qin" ; dc:title "Diaporthe pseudofoliicola Q. Yang 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4C/67/054C676B046F8D6E92EA74B644C666E8.ttl b/data/05/4C/67/054C676B046F8D6E92EA74B644C666E8.ttl index 57cf6fc5113..5e71b166008 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/67/054C676B046F8D6E92EA74B644C666E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/67/054C676B046F8D6E92EA74B644C666E8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Callicebus (Callicebus) hoffmannsi Thomas 1908" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,35 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pitheciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Callicebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoffmannsegg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pitheciidae" ; - dwc:genus "Callicebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoffmannsegg, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "moloch" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Pitheciidae" ; @@ -94,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pitheciidae" ; dwc:genus "Callicebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/70/054C703F232B9522D20CA3B728C8F8C7.ttl b/data/05/4C/70/054C703F232B9522D20CA3B728C8F8C7.ttl index aa247e6e9e6..14f01e57493 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/70/054C703F232B9522D20CA3B728C8F8C7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/70/054C703F232B9522D20CA3B728C8F8C7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "O'Hara, James E.; Cerretti, Pierfilippo" ; dc:title "Afrophylax aureiventris Villeneuve 1910, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; dwc:genus "Afrophylax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7103237E65DDFF14FBCEFCC3.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7103237E65DDFF14FBCEFCC3.ttl index 2fd0c5123ce..c0fc3a2e2f3 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7103237E65DDFF14FBCEFCC3.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7103237E65DDFF14FBCEFCC3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetocirratulus tomaculus Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -64,85 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartman, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "gayheadius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hessleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "sandersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Augener, 1932)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Augener" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Augener, 1932)" ; - dwc:species "andersenensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -156,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7105234765DDFC75FCBEFC9B.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7105234765DDFC75FCBEFC9B.ttl index 66cef21f91f..b8806e16264 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7105234765DDFC75FCBEFC9B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7105234765DDFC75FCBEFC9B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone adunca Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,66 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann-Schroder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann-Schroder, 1965" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:species "anasima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "brychiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -120,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7106237D65DDFCD7FE3AFC69.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7106237D65DDFCD7FE3AFC69.ttl index 356de49ad01..21ccc7e0f54 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7106237D65DDFCD7FE3AFC69.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7106237D65DDFCD7FE3AFC69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone Malmgren 1867" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,274 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malmgren, 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - dwc:species "setosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Webster & Benedict" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tharyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Webster & Benedict, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hartmann-Schroder, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann-Schroder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann-Schroder, 1965" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "adunca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:species "anasima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "brychiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "artaspinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "castouria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "novagracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "paucispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:species "diodonta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "donerae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:species "hystricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "lophia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "profunda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7109237665DDFC2DFA42FBF8.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7109237665DDFC2DFA42FBF8.ttl index b38367cbedf..090758cc109 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7109237665DDFC2DFA42FBF8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7109237665DDFC2DFA42FBF8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetocirratulus hessleri Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B710E237465DDFB05FC30F84F.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B710E237465DDFB05FC30F84F.ttl index f1d0211f219..c180d12b8aa 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B710E237465DDFB05FC30F84F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B710E237465DDFB05FC30F84F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetocirratulus sandersi Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7112237165DDFEEDFD1DFC90.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7112237165DDFEEDFD1DFC90.ttl index 511dd56f548..4ce6e224f65 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7112237165DDFEEDFD1DFC90.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7112237165DDFEEDFD1DFC90.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetocirratulus gayheadius Blake 2022, new combination" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -102,52 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hessleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "tomaculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -161,12 +114,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7113236A65DDFF14FD98FED0.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7113236A65DDFF14FD98FED0.ttl index cf47e64113e..df09589ba0f 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7113236A65DDFF14FD98FED0.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7113236A65DDFF14FD98FED0.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetocirratulus Blake 2018" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,163 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Augener, 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Augener" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterocirrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Augener, 1932" ; - dwc:species "andersenensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamarck, 1818" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McIntosh", "McIntosh, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "McIntosh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McIntosh, 1885" ; - dwc:species "benthaliana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hartman, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartman, 1961" ; - dwc:species "gayheadia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ryckholt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryckholt, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hartman, 1965)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartman, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "gayheadius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hessleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "sandersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "tomaculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -215,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711E236565DDFD2EFD01F8BF.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711E236565DDFD2EFD01F8BF.ttl index 7df960c832a..7af80b43a22 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711E236565DDFD2EFD01F8BF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711E236565DDFD2EFD01F8BF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Caulleriella cryptica Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,50 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bathytata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711F236665DDFB71FC61FD91.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711F236665DDFB71FC61FD91.ttl index 5d7bbc895c9..6e51d66d48c 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711F236665DDFB71FC61FD91.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B711F236665DDFB71FC61FD91.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Cirratulidae Ryckholt 1851" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,98 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Webster & Benedict" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tharyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Webster & Benedict, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chamberlin, 1919" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Langerhans, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Langerhans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Langerhans, 1881" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:species "bathytata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "cryptica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7123235D65DDFE81FDC9FBFB.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7123235D65DDFE81FDC9FBFB.ttl index 018ab732366..99896e3e822 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7123235D65DDFE81FDC9FBFB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7123235D65DDFE81FDC9FBFB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone paucispinosa Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartmann-Schroder & Rosenfeldt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartmann-Schroder & Rosenfeldt, 1989)" ; - dwc:species "homosetosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7125232165DDFB04FD1DFAC0.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7125232165DDFB04FD1DFAC0.ttl index 6dbe880152e..8e7f69f95b0 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7125232165DDFB04FD1DFAC0.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7125232165DDFB04FD1DFAC0.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone diodonta Doner & Blake 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,52 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "donerae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 1996" ; - dwc:species "lunula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -107,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712B235665DDFC75FAD2FD00.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712B235665DDFC75FAD2FD00.ttl index 96f4eb1ac20..b875d71ef52 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712B235665DDFC75FAD2FD00.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712B235665DDFC75FAD2FD00.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone castouria Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hartman, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphelochaeta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartman, 1961" ; - dwc:species "monilaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2021 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rodmani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -106,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712E235B65DDFC9DFCFEFF7C.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712E235B65DDFC9DFCFEFF7C.ttl index af67996b751..eb8016db8d9 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712E235B65DDFC9DFCFEFF7C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B712E235B65DDFC9DFCFEFF7C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone novagracilis Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,53 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Moore, 1923)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2021 b" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pintada" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234A65DDFD55FD49FAFD.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234A65DDFD55FD49FAFD.ttl index 6ec081db433..a1ea8528e23 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234A65DDFD55FD49FAFD.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234A65DDFD55FD49FAFD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone gracilis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Moore, 1923)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; @@ -45,66 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hartmann-Schroder & Rosenfeldt, 1989)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartmann-Schroder & Rosenfeldt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartmann-Schroder & Rosenfeldt, 1989)" ; - dwc:species "homosetosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 1918" ; - dwc:species "castanea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocirratulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -118,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234C65DDFA01FCBBF822.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234C65DDFA01FCBBF822.ttl index ca6b03c9d0d..7f1257c7ac3 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234C65DDFA01FCBBF822.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7132234C65DDFA01FCBBF822.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone artaspinosa Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -68,94 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Christie, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Christie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tharyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Christie, 1984" ; - dwc:species "vivipara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Webster & Benedict" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tharyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Webster & Benedict, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ryckholt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryckholt, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 1918" ; - dwc:species "castanea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Webster & Benedict, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Webster & Benedict" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tharyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Webster & Benedict, 1887" ; - dwc:species "acutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -169,22 +78,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713D234A65DDFA95FE87FD48.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713D234A65DDFA95FE87FD48.ttl index 45e49a2a3a1..4b02c234141 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713D234A65DDFA95FE87FD48.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713D234A65DDFA95FE87FD48.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone brychiata Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,62 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ryckholt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryckholt, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann-Schroder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann-Schroder, 1965" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caulleriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1919" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -116,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713F234565DDFC1FFB12FB08.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713F234565DDFC1FFB12FB08.ttl index b46aaa502f8..ad5957b5de6 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713F234565DDFC1FFB12FB08.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B713F234565DDFC1FFB12FB08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone anasima Doner & Blake 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -101,99 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hartmann-Schroder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartmann-Schroder, 1965" ; - dwc:species "curvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "adunca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2022" ; - dwc:species "brychiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gesae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Doner & Blake, 2006)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Doner & Blake, 2006)" ; - dwc:species "hystricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -207,12 +114,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7150232C65DDFB99FD5EF99C.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7150232C65DDFB99FD5EF99C.ttl index db68508dfe0..e7246d1a908 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7150232C65DDFB99FD5EF99C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7150232C65DDFB99FD5EF99C.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone profunda Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -67,38 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blake 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:species "australosetosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:species "biannulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7159232765DDFADDFF08F880.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7159232765DDFADDFF08F880.ttl index 86055b50e60..0223061ab79 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7159232765DDFADDFF08F880.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B7159232765DDFADDFF08F880.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone donerae Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,50 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Doner & Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doner & Blake, 2006" ; - dwc:species "diodonta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chambers, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chambers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chambers, 2000" ; - dwc:species "christiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ryckholt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ryckholt, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -110,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232565DDFF14FB66F963.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232565DDFF14FB66F963.ttl index 4b54e44a59b..348414e1785 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232565DDFF14FB66F963.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232565DDFF14FB66F963.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone hystricosa Doner & Blake 2006" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -101,52 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2018" ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:species "truebloodi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -160,12 +114,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232865DDF977FDF4FC04.ttl b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232865DDF977FDF4FC04.ttl index 1dc42e93046..697212d43b2 100644 --- a/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232865DDF977FDF4FC04.ttl +++ b/data/05/4C/71/054C717B715D232865DDF977FDF4FC04.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Blake, James A." ; dc:title "Chaetozone lophia Blake 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -67,67 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": Blake & Levesque" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake & Levesque, 2017" ; - dwc:species "hystricosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Malmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malmgren, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2015" ; - dwc:species "bathyala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blake, 2019" ; - dwc:species "grasslei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; @@ -141,12 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Cirratulidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetozone" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Terebellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4D/A0/054DA00E686E5DD0BC2FB5A0FD390D55.ttl b/data/05/4D/A0/054DA00E686E5DD0BC2FB5A0FD390D55.ttl index bad8585ecaf..aca9e61f461 100644 --- a/data/05/4D/A0/054DA00E686E5DD0BC2FB5A0FD390D55.ttl +++ b/data/05/4D/A0/054DA00E686E5DD0BC2FB5A0FD390D55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Godwin, Rebecca L.; Bond, Jason E." ; dc:title "Ummidia cerrohoya Godwin & Bond 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/05/4E/00/054E003AEB0DC95BA12D5D2D34E48EAF.ttl b/data/05/4E/00/054E003AEB0DC95BA12D5D2D34E48EAF.ttl index 492ae32a780..fa3b69669a8 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/00/054E003AEB0DC95BA12D5D2D34E48EAF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/00/054E003AEB0DC95BA12D5D2D34E48EAF.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Hansson, Christer; Shevtsova, Ekaterina" ; dc:title "Omphale rossica Hansson & Shevtsova, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF92FFF3FE5EFB8BD801FA82.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF92FFF3FE5EFB8BD801FA82.ttl index 83004f5703e..b8897b9c09d 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF92FFF3FE5EFB8BD801FA82.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF92FFF3FE5EFB8BD801FA82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Retoka hirsuta Kondorosy 2008, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFF8FE14FF56D96FFBA8.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFF8FE14FF56D96FFBA8.ttl index 55920a84782..ca5041d782f 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFF8FE14FF56D96FFBA8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFF8FE14FF56D96FFBA8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Entisberus archetypus Distant 1903" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - dwc:species "archetypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bergrothi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFFCFE3DFB2CDBFBFCC5.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFFCFE3DFB2CDBFBFCC5.ttl index 02a810a20bf..b6461102721 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFFCFE3DFB2CDBFBFCC5.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF96FFFCFE3DFB2CDBFBFCC5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Entisberus bergrothi Kondorosy 2008, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -65,148 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:species "archetypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hirsuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zheng, 1981)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zheng, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "gibba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Slater & Hidaka, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Slater & Hidaka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Slater & Hidaka, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "esakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scudder, 1968)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scudder, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "callosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1872" ; - dwc:tribe "Drymini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(BERGROTH 1918)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "BERGROTH" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bergroth, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "archetypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; @@ -220,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF98FFEAFE44FDD7DAD7FC44.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF98FFEAFE44FDD7DAD7FC44.ttl index 404ae8af6a6..cbbfdc7e073 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF98FFEAFE44FDD7DAD7FC44.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF98FFEAFE44FDD7DAD7FC44.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Retoka minuta China 1935" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,151 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "paraminuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "curvipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "stysi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1903" ; - dwc:species "archetypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Entisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "bergrothi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hirsuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zheng, 1981)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zheng, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "gibba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Slater & Hidaka, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Slater & Hidaka" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neoentisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Slater & Hidaka, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "esakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9EFFF6FE6DFBB6DA5CFDE2.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9EFFF6FE6DFBB6DA5CFDE2.ttl index ac51210f623..8dedf7f999e 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9EFFF6FE6DFBB6DA5CFDE2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9EFFF6FE6DFBB6DA5CFDE2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Retoka stysi Kondorosy 2008, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hirsuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kondorosy, 2008" ; - dwc:species "paraminuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater, 1964" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9FFFF0FE7DFF56DAEAFBC2.ttl b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9FFFF0FE7DFF56DAEAFBC2.ttl index 30a20151fda..7754e7400fa 100644 --- a/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9FFFF0FE7DFF56DAEAFBC2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4E/87/054E87DFFF9FFFF0FE7DFF56DAEAFBC2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kondorosy, Előd" ; dc:title "Retoka curvipes Kondorosy 2008, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,69 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1872" ; - dwc:tribe "Drymini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zheng, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "gibba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": SLATER & O'DONNELL" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neoentisberus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slater & ODonnell, 1995" ; - dwc:species "esakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kondorosy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scudder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Retoka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scudder, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "callosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA1FF87F0F9C9DFC5B57604.ttl b/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA1FF87F0F9C9DFC5B57604.ttl index bedb000e838..65820ff2996 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA1FF87F0F9C9DFC5B57604.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA1FF87F0F9C9DFC5B57604.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Dias, Fernando M. S.; Riley, Thomas J.; Casagrande, Mirna M.; Mielke, Olaf H. H." ; dc:title "Memphis smalli Riley & Dias 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,337 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dias & Riley & Casagrande & Mielke, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dias & Riley & Casagrande & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dias, Riley, Casagrande & Mielke, 2021" ; - dwc:species "smalli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hubner, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hubner, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "verticordia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", sensu Lamas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Lamas, 2004" ; - dwc:species "arginussa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hubner, [1825])" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hubner, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "appias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Butler & Druce, 1872)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler & Druce" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler & Druce, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "herbacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Felder, 1869)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Felder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Felder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Felder, 1869" ; - dwc:species "pithyusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rotger, Escalante & Coronado, 1965)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rotger, Escalante & Coronado" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rotger, Escalante & Coronado, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "neidhoeferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Westwood 1850)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1850)" ; - dwc:species "xenocles" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Godman & Salvin, [1884])" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman & Salvin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman & Salvin, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "perenna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hall, 1935) (Hall 1935)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hall, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "xenippa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Orellana & Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orellana & Costa, 2014" ; - dwc:species "paulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hall, 1935)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hall, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "lankesteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Druce, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Druce" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Druce, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "lemnos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boisduval, 1870)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisduval, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "eubaena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Felder & Felder, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Felder & Felder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Felder & Felder, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "onophis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Geyer, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geyer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geyer, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "arginussa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hewitson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hewitson, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "artacaena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rober, 1916)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rober" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rober, 1916)" ; - dwc:species "glauce" ; - dwc:subSpecies "centralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Felder & Felder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Felder & Felder, 1862)" ; - dwc:species "glauce" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hebert et al. 2003 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hebert" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hebert, 2003)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -391,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -408,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA7FF90F0F9CB15C48B773B.ttl b/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA7FF90F0F9CB15C48B773B.ttl index 92c34695828..fea3665f546 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA7FF90F0F9CB15C48B773B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/0D/054F0D00FFA7FF90F0F9CB15C48B773B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dias, Fernando M. S.; Riley, Thomas J.; Casagrande, Mirna M.; Mielke, Olaf H. H." ; dc:title "Memphis arginussa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,268 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hubner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hubner, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "verticordia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hewitson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hewitson, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "artacaena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boisduval" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boisduval, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "eubaena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Felder & Felder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Felder & Felder, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "onophis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Druce" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Druce, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "lemnos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rotger, Escalante & Coronado" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rotger, Escalante & Coronado, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "neidhoeferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Godman & Salvin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Godman & Salvin, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "perenna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hall, 1935)" ; - dwc:species "lankesteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Felder, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Felder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Felder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Felder, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "pithyusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dias & Riley & Casagrande & Mielke, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dias & Riley & Casagrande & Mielke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dias, Riley, Casagrande & Mielke, 2021" ; - dwc:species "smalli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler & Druce" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler & Druce, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "herbacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Orellana & Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orellana & Costa, 2014" ; - dwc:species "paulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hall, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hall, 1935" ; - dwc:species "pithyusa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "morena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Felder" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Felder, 1869" ; - dwc:species "pithyusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Comstock, 1961)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Comstock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Comstock, 1961)" ; - dwc:species "perenna" ; - dwc:subSpecies "austrina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", sensu Lamas (2004)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", sensu Lamas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Memphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Lamas, 2004" ; - dwc:species "arginussa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hebert et al. 2003 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hebert" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hebert, 2003)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; @@ -331,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/75/054F7515E324544184C68BA9BF8ABB07.ttl b/data/05/4F/75/054F7515E324544184C68BA9BF8ABB07.ttl index 96051f51f7e..3a4e99f5d6f 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/75/054F7515E324544184C68BA9BF8ABB07.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/75/054F7515E324544184C68BA9BF8ABB07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Frazao, Annelise; Lohmann, Lucia G." ; dc:title "Tanaecium truncatum L. G. Lohmann, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 99 (3): 467. 2014" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -58,20 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "O.Swartz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swartz, 1788" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; @@ -85,12 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Tanaecium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE550FFC53477F8B7CEA4FDD9.ttl b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE550FFC53477F8B7CEA4FDD9.ttl index 41c60ec1015..16cb3e50deb 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE550FFC53477F8B7CEA4FDD9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE550FFC53477F8B7CEA4FDD9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Marchán, Daniel F.; Decaëns, Thibaud; Díaz Cosín, Darío J.; Hedde, Mickaël; Lapied, Emmanuel; Domínguez, Jorge" ; dc:title "Scherotheca Bouche 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Duges, 1828" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duges" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duges, 1828" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque-Schmaltz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1815" ; - dwc:subFamily "Lumbricinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE553FFC237F1FDA5CC70FD0F.ttl b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE553FFC237F1FDA5CC70FD0F.ttl index cb5b9f477ef..2eac7a97211 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE553FFC237F1FDA5CC70FD0F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE553FFC237F1FDA5CC70FD0F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marchán, Daniel F.; Decaëns, Thibaud; Díaz Cosín, Darío J.; Hedde, Mickaël; Lapied, Emmanuel; Domínguez, Jorge" ; dc:title "Scherotheca portcrosana Marchan & Decaens 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -45,99 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenescolex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marchán, Decaëns, Díaz Cosín, Hedde, Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:species "portcrosana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "corsicana" ; - dwc:authorityName "corsicana Pop" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "corsicana Pop, 1947" ; - dwc:species "corsicana" ; - dwc:subSpecies "corsicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "portonana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zicsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eumenescolex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zicsi, 1981" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; @@ -151,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFC637E7F8E9CCFEF8C8.ttl b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFC637E7F8E9CCFEF8C8.ttl index a507863362c..f541441b622 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFC637E7F8E9CCFEF8C8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFC637E7F8E9CCFEF8C8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marchán, Daniel F.; Decaëns, Thibaud; Díaz Cosín, Darío J.; Hedde, Mickaël; Lapied, Emmanuel; Domínguez, Jorge" ; dc:title "Cataladrilus porquerollensis Marchan & Decaens 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,301 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Marchan & Decaens" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marchan & Decaens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marchan & Decaens, 2020" ; - dwc:species "portcrosana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marchán, Decaëns, Díaz Cosín, Hedde, Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:species "porquerollensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "monticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pop" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pop, 1947" ; - dwc:species "corsicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marchán & Decaëns & Díaz Cosín & Hedde & Lapied & Domínguez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marchán, Decaëns, Díaz Cosín, Hedde, Lapied & Domínguez, 2020" ; - dwc:species "portcrosana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Duges" from authority ; - dwc:authority "gigas" ; - dwc:authorityName "gigas (Duges" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "gigas, 1828" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mifuga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heraultensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:species "monspessulensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "idica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:species "rhodana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Guerne & Horst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerne & Horst, 1893" ; - dwc:species "savignyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Duges" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scherotheca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Duges, 1828)" ; - dwc:species "gigas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cognetti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosellodrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cognetti, 1904" ; - dwc:species "pyrenaicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosellodrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:species "biserialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "mrsici" ; - dwc:subGenus "Latisinella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouche, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosellodrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouche, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "albus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Prosellodrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "dactylothecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; @@ -355,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFCA340FFB3BCD98F912.ttl b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFCA340FFB3BCD98F912.ttl index 7eb0adc189c..6a5f478f089 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFCA340FFB3BCD98F912.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/87/054F87BAE55CFFCA340FFB3BCD98F912.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Marchán, Daniel F.; Decaëns, Thibaud; Díaz Cosín, Darío J.; Hedde, Mickaël; Lapied, Emmanuel; Domínguez, Jorge" ; dc:title "Cataladrilus Qiu & Bouche 1998" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,87 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "monticola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1815" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque-Schmaltz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1815" ; - dwc:subFamily "Lumbricinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998", "Qiu & Bouche, 1998: 7" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "7" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "multhitecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "annulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Qiu & Bouche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataladrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Crassiclitellata" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Qiu & Bouche, 1998" ; - dwc:species "mrsici" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Lumbricidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/AE/054FAE4095F4B0548B9185BB73DC5B2E.ttl b/data/05/4F/AE/054FAE4095F4B0548B9185BB73DC5B2E.ttl index 1cc6e893b86..efa52af9404 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/AE/054FAE4095F4B0548B9185BB73DC5B2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/AE/054FAE4095F4B0548B9185BB73DC5B2E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Lotus corniculatus Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,50 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schkuhr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schkuhr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schkuhr, 1989" ; - dwc:species "uliginosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -100,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; dwc:genus "Lotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE45FE56B49C19337C852289.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE45FE56B49C19337C852289.ttl index e0a828cefe7..1a1ccfe837d 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE45FE56B49C19337C852289.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE45FE56B49C19337C852289.ttl @@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax longinoi Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -94,116 +93,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE4BFE4AB49C1C1C7B912464.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE4BFE4AB49C1C1C7B912464.ttl index 3556e63dd4d..32fcabbee32 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE4BFE4AB49C1C1C7B912464.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE4BFE4AB49C1C1C7B912464.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax paraztecus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -66,116 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE51FE40B49C1F117C3C22F2.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE51FE40B49C1F117C3C22F2.ttl index 78cc6ba7e3f..150c3822b46 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE51FE40B49C1F117C3C22F2.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE51FE40B49C1F117C3C22F2.ttl @@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax quetzal Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -64,116 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE57FE4CB49C194B7D9423BF.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE57FE4CB49C194B7D9423BF.ttl index da3fa1e5ff4..3a9c6cc951e 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE57FE4CB49C194B7D9423BF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE57FE4CB49C194B7D9423BF.ttl @@ -14,11 +14,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax parvidentatus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -68,116 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE5DFE7AB49C1FD47BE02326.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE5DFE7AB49C1FD47BE02326.ttl index b808f4796f3..9ede827e034 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE5DFE7AB49C1FD47BE02326.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE5DFE7AB49C1FD47BE02326.ttl @@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -89,100 +88,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE62FE71B49C1C367CC922E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE62FE71B49C1C367CC922E7.ttl index ec61d445819..9d49059ee97 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE62FE71B49C1C367CC922E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE62FE71B49C1C367CC922E7.ttl @@ -27,11 +27,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax politus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -95,65 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mountains" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mountains" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catalina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mountains" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE63FE7EB49C1F8F7CAE203E.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE63FE7EB49C1F8F7CAE203E.ttl index c8560ddbf22..cbfb9eb7809 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE63FE7EB49C1F8F7CAE203E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE63FE7EB49C1F8F7CAE203E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax subditivus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,81 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -133,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE67FE7EB49C1E887D692231.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE67FE7EB49C1E887D692231.ttl index 12f7be1c87d..2da880fc23a 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE67FE7EB49C1E887D692231.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE67FE7EB49C1E887D692231.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax terraztecus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,162 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE6CFE6DB49C1FC97A982069.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE6CFE6DB49C1FC97A982069.ttl index beb0be6c521..fb07652b676 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE6CFE6DB49C1FC97A982069.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE6CFE6DB49C1FC97A982069.ttl @@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax subditivus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -147,24 +147,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mann", "Mann, 1920: 420" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "420" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mann, 1920" ; - dwc:species "flavitarsis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Macromischa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Wheeler, 1911: 205" ; dwc:authorityName "Wheeler" ; @@ -198,6 +180,24 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Mann, 1920: 420" ; + dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; + dwc:authorityPageNumber "420" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Formicidae" ; + dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mann, 1920" ; + dwc:species "flavitarsis" ; + dwc:subGenus "Macromischa" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Mann, 1935: 35" ; dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; @@ -231,156 +231,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Marshall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Ascidiacea" ; - dwc:family "Polycitoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Salix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Enterogona" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marshall, 1785" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Persoon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulloa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Persoon, 1805" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -394,12 +244,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -447,12 +292,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE1EB49C1CA77AB72465.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE1EB49C1CA77AB72465.ttl index b56cf1d9125..f991d028ba8 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE1EB49C1CA77AB72465.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE1EB49C1CA77AB72465.ttl @@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax terrigena" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -86,128 +85,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mycetomoellerius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "turrifex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pergande" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pergande" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pergande, 1896" ; - dwc:species "tepicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE64B49C1F2A7AFC21C1.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE64B49C1F2A7AFC21C1.ttl index 7421a218258..51024ce8982 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE64B49C1F2A7AFC21C1.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE79FE64B49C1F2A7AFC21C1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax terrigena" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE62B49C1E8C7A4C229E.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE62B49C1E8C7A4C229E.ttl index 3048e73650d..e1640af9706 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE62B49C1E8C7A4C229E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE62B49C1E8C7A4C229E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax tenuisculptus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE64B49C1FF17DC0225D.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE64B49C1FF17DC0225D.ttl index 1a85ebe6d37..018f583a7d9 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE64B49C1FF17DC0225D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE7FFE64B49C1FF17DC0225D.ttl @@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax tenuisculptus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,114 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE81FE96B49C1E707D302326.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE81FE96B49C1E707D302326.ttl index c5d9bd6ab55..f1173f0ee60 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE81FE96B49C1E707D302326.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE81FE96B49C1E707D302326.ttl @@ -19,12 +19,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax torrei" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -92,98 +91,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE85FE9CB49C1C0C7BB3231D.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE85FE9CB49C1C0C7BB3231D.ttl index 3be9391304f..4821c595c78 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE85FE9CB49C1C0C7BB3231D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE85FE9CB49C1C0C7BB3231D.ttl @@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax terricola" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -103,113 +102,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE8BFE8AB49C1E887F34254B.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE8BFE8AB49C1E887F34254B.ttl index db56a3575c2..718583904e1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE8BFE8AB49C1E887F34254B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE8BFE8AB49C1E887F34254B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax wettereri Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,115 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE97FE82B49C18227DEE22DF.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE97FE82B49C18227DEE22DF.ttl index 0b018bd23a6..4155cca0f53 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE97FE82B49C18227DEE22DF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE97FE82B49C18227DEE22DF.ttl @@ -17,11 +17,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax wilsoni Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,161 +54,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE99FEBFB49C1D5D7F34231E.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE99FEBFB49C1D5D7F34231E.ttl index b74595f56eb..a7d4cca0cd3 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE99FEBFB49C1D5D7F34231E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE99FEBFB49C1D5D7F34231E.ttl @@ -27,13 +27,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax rugosus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -84,112 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Trelease & C.H.Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trelease & Muller, 1936" ; - dwc:species "clivicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liebmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liebmann, 1854" ; - dwc:species "grisea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Matuda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bromeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tillandsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matuda, 1973" ; - dwc:species "carlos-hankii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE82B49C1FA87ACC21BB.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE82B49C1FA87ACC21BB.ttl index e4d1c7a73db..4ae05d395f1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE82B49C1FA87ACC21BB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE82B49C1FA87ACC21BB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax rugosus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parralensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE84B49C1D0D7B5F204B.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE84B49C1D0D7B5F204B.ttl index 4c9705cee6f..0a4aea2e898 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE84B49C1D0D7B5F204B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FE9FFE84B49C1D0D7B5F204B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax parralensis Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,96 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liebmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liebmann, 1854" ; - dwc:species "grisea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Emery" ; - dwc:authorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery" ; - dwc:species "tricarinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA1FEB5B49C1CB77C5624AD.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA1FEB5B49C1CB77C5624AD.ttl index dadf216a9b1..f89358aab0e 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA1FEB5B49C1CB77C5624AD.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA1FEB5B49C1CB77C5624AD.ttl @@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax aztecoides Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -82,116 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA2FEBCB49C1E6B7D4A21DD.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA2FEBCB49C1E6B7D4A21DD.ttl index 12ac30f6ea3..26a278f0e56 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA2FEBCB49C1E6B7D4A21DD.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA2FEBCB49C1E6B7D4A21DD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "terraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA8FEA2B49C1E007D9E25B4.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA8FEA2B49C1E007D9E25B4.ttl index 48bdc601382..60ca08ddab8 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA8FEA2B49C1E007D9E25B4.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEA8FEA2B49C1E007D9E25B4.ttl @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax aztecus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -126,148 +126,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", LACMENT" ; - dwc:authorityName "LACMENT" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacment" ; - dwc:species "azteca" ; - dwc:subSpecies "maya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEB9FE58B49C1FF17C8E245D.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEB9FE58B49C1FF17C8E245D.ttl index 5136352fb6e..a2228582b6b 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEB9FE58B49C1FF17C8E245D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEB9FE58B49C1FF17C8E245D.ttl @@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax longicaulis Prebus, 2021, stat. nov., nom. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -102,132 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dalla Torre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dalla Torre, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "obscurior" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEBFFEA4B49C191B7C2B229F.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEBFFEA4B49C191B7C2B229F.ttl index 95b94ca88a2..be28b5ebcf1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEBFFEA4B49C191B7C2B229F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEBFFEA4B49C191B7C2B229F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax fortispinosus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -62,114 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Altingiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Liquidambar" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Saxifragales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC5FED2B49C1F647AEF2297.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC5FED2B49C1F647AEF2297.ttl index d76682cd423..e16161ddbe9 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC5FED2B49C1F647AEF2297.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC5FED2B49C1F647AEF2297.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax agavicola Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -50,115 +50,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC6FED8B49C1FC07A2F2202.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC6FED8B49C1FC07A2F2202.ttl index da584fe2c0c..ba5532f812b 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC6FED8B49C1FC07A2F2202.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEC6FED8B49C1FC07A2F2202.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pulchellus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,82 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FECFFECBB49C1FF97D91228F.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FECFFECBB49C1FF97D91228F.ttl index 18ec7481e48..9c9c0c11f31 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FECFFECBB49C1FF97D91228F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FECFFECBB49C1FF97D91228F.ttl @@ -30,12 +30,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax albispinus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -153,162 +151,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "androsanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -376,12 +218,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Antillaemyrmex" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED0FEC4B49C1CF67A4822E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED0FEC4B49C1CF67A4822E7.ttl index ff6fef90936..8beec0e60f7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED0FEC4B49C1CF67A4822E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED0FEC4B49C1CF67A4822E7.ttl @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax balaclava Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -60,176 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED6FECDB49C1FE67B4C2190.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED6FECDB49C1FE67B4C2190.ttl index 4bd8518906c..939ba51d036 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED6FECDB49C1FE67B4C2190.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED6FECDB49C1FE67B4C2190.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax bahoruco Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,161 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED9FEFFB49C1FC97BE42147.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED9FEFFB49C1FC97BE42147.ttl index 8eb5b43d871..25bfd108ca3 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED9FEFFB49C1FC97BE42147.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FED9FEFFB49C1FC97BE42147.ttl @@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax ciferrii" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -103,162 +102,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE2FEF1B49C1C297A5921C3.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE2FEF1B49C1C297A5921C3.ttl index 7ea622bd669..25703c50ed7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE2FEF1B49C1C297A5921C3.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE2FEF1B49C1C297A5921C3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax flavidulus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -129,192 +129,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -328,12 +142,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE8FEE9B49C1FB17C0E2257.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE8FEE9B49C1FB17C0E2257.ttl index be4ac7383ba..4aed6210009 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE8FEE9B49C1FB17C0E2257.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEE8FEE9B49C1FB17C0E2257.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax hippolytus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,97 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEECFEF5B49C1CA57C9722DF.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEECFEF5B49C1CA57C9722DF.ttl index 64049a2f21c..965683e3e7f 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEECFEF5B49C1CA57C9722DF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEECFEF5B49C1CA57C9722DF.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax harlequina Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,280 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wilson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wilson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilson" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Forel)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Linepithema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "keiteli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Andrade" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Andrade" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Andrade" ; - dwc:species "flavigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "F.Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "unimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lund" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crematogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lund, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Longino" ; - dwc:authorityName "Longino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Longino, 2019" ; - dwc:species "balatro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Longino" ; - dwc:authorityName "Longino" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Longino" ; - dwc:species "zinnia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ortiz-Sepulveda et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ortiz-Sepulveda" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachymyrmex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ortiz-Sepulveda" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "JTL" ; - dwc:authorityName "JTL" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tapinoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jtl" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEF4FEE2B49C1F397BFF2375.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEF4FEE2B49C1F397BFF2375.ttl index cbaabca58b1..bd23c6d1a7c 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEF4FEE2B49C1F397BFF2375.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEF4FEE2B49C1F397BFF2375.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax laticrus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -64,53 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFBFE98B49C19EB7F3422BA.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFBFE98B49C19EB7F3422BA.ttl index bff0109b18b..f16cac6a78d 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFBFE98B49C19EB7F3422BA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFBFE98B49C19EB7F3422BA.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pulchellus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -116,146 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFFFEE6B49C1E587D202485.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFFFEE6B49C1E587D202485.ttl index 07edb7f58f2..0a0edefcade 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFFFEE6B49C1E587D202485.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FEFFFEE6B49C1E587D202485.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax magnabulla Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,161 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF16B49C1D127D8724AD.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF16B49C1D127D8724AD.ttl index 42fb412e3d8..5c99fc3ae51 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF16B49C1D127D8724AD.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF16B49C1D127D8724AD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax misomoschus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -63,66 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "R.White" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocnema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "White, 1996" ; - dwc:species "rileyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF1DB49C1FC17C8621BB.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF1DB49C1FC17C8621BB.ttl index 771ce3c4a1c..f4b5843bac7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF1DB49C1FC17C8621BB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF00FF1DB49C1FC17C8621BB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax misomoschus Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF06FF1DB49C1C0B7DFD22F8.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF06FF1DB49C1C0B7DFD22F8.ttl index 11d405a4a4e..13aa5eb5b88 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF06FF1DB49C1C0B7DFD22F8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF06FF1DB49C1C0B7DFD22F8.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax xincai Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,313 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF0BB49C1C547B5A2157.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF0BB49C1C547B5A2157.ttl index a8b5b48fea4..1ba62683b9d 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF0BB49C1C547B5A2157.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF0BB49C1C547B5A2157.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax androsanus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -82,145 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF16B49C1E3A7A932172.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF16B49C1E3A7A932172.ttl index d6d13daab57..94fb0038133 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF16B49C1E3A7A932172.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF0BFF16B49C1E3A7A932172.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pastinifer Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF16FF02B49C1C3E7C582048.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF16FF02B49C1C3E7C582048.ttl index 14a3e279548..79daa21052b 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF16FF02B49C1C3E7C582048.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF16FF02B49C1C3E7C582048.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax nigricans" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,236 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "androsanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Antillaemyrmex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mann, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann))" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "allardycei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Roger)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "purpuratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -326,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -378,12 +142,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF18FF3DB49C194B7DFC22DF.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF18FF3DB49C194B7DFC22DF.ttl index f90892fabb0..b45de31e48c 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF18FF3DB49C194B7DFC22DF.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF18FF3DB49C194B7DFC22DF.ttl @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax rutabulafer Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -89,115 +89,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "androsanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF1FFF05B49C1D5E7D9E2464.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF1FFF05B49C1D5E7D9E2464.ttl index 043616b260f..3e7fa8b7a0a 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF1FFF05B49C1D5E7D9E2464.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF1FFF05B49C1D5E7D9E2464.ttl @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pastinifer Prebus 2021" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -141,98 +141,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:species "pastoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF20FF31B49C1FB17F3424AB.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF20FF31B49C1FB17F3424AB.ttl index a21919a8da5..c5705913c57 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF20FF31B49C1FB17F3424AB.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF20FF31B49C1FB17F3424AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax schwarzi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -81,39 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF28FF27B49C191B7D142113.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF28FF27B49C191B7D142113.ttl index ce31ff95077..6f5f197fc30 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF28FF27B49C191B7D142113.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF28FF27B49C191B7D142113.ttl @@ -99,11 +99,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pergandei" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -191,127 +190,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1929" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dichothorax" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunth, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nuttall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Juglandaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Carya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nuttall, 1818" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bison" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Buckley" ; - dwc:authorityName "Buckley" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monomorium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Buckley" ; - dwc:species "minimum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -325,12 +203,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF31B49C1E347C0022E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF31B49C1E347C0022E7.ttl index 6d7c8e5b98e..4755ca75a80 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF31B49C1E347C0022E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF31B49C1E347C0022E7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pergandei" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bison" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF35B49C1FCE7CCB25B4.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF35B49C1FCE7CCB25B4.ttl index ed5c097a544..511c6e0aab5 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF35B49C1FCE7CCB25B4.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF2CFF35B49C1FCE7CCB25B4.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax bison Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,36 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF39FEDBB49C1AF77A5822E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF39FEDBB49C1AF77A5822E7.ttl index 8b9a087c50f..b240cb6664e 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF39FEDBB49C1AF77A5822E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF39FEDBB49C1AF77A5822E7.ttl @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pilicornis Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,81 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "terrigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF3AFF27B49C1C6C7C48200E.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF3AFF27B49C1C6C7C48200E.ttl index ef6560affbe..47807e21146 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF3AFF27B49C1C6C7C48200E.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF3AFF27B49C1C6C7C48200E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pilicornis Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -72,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF40FF57B49C1F117F3424D5.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF40FF57B49C1F117F3424D5.ttl index 7370f1cf5b5..2848b410f29 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF40FF57B49C1F117F3424D5.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF40FF57B49C1F117F3424D5.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax leucacanthus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,176 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF44FF5DB49C1FC97C5323BE.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF44FF5DB49C1FC97C5323BE.ttl index d04d8ff9fc5..0b8f791519f 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF44FF5DB49C1FC97C5323BE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF44FF5DB49C1FC97C5323BE.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax leucacanthoides Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -67,175 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF49B49C1F327AE6253C.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF49B49C1F327AE6253C.ttl index ffce5de45d2..f8b9d3c51f1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF49B49C1F327AE6253C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF49B49C1F327AE6253C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax casanovai Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -49,144 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Britton & Rose" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haw." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cactaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylocereus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haw.) Britton & Rose, 1918" ; - dwc:species "undatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF57B49C19B17A54225C.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF57B49C19B17A54225C.ttl index 31a5242752e..8f2e44a47f1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF57B49C19B17A54225C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF4AFF57B49C19B17A54225C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax casanovai Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF44B49C19EE7A3D24AE.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF44B49C19EE7A3D24AE.ttl index defe8307bf4..7ad4fcf6854 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF44B49C19EE7A3D24AE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF44B49C19EE7A3D24AE.ttl @@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax fuscatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -124,145 +123,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nebliselva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF49B49C18857A272498.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF49B49C18857A272498.ttl index 43b598b6108..5572e484c91 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF49B49C18857A272498.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF54FF49B49C18857A272498.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax fuscatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF59FF7EB49C1E007C14245D.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF59FF7EB49C1E007C14245D.ttl index e92b23ebb47..02f2455f530 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF59FF7EB49C1E007C14245D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF59FF7EB49C1E007C14245D.ttl @@ -14,12 +14,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax nebliselva Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,175 +51,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Donnell Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cecropia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Donnell Smith, 1899" ; - dwc:species "polyphlebia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF63FF72B49C19337A8B2183.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF63FF72B49C19337A8B2183.ttl index 0d164780bda..bd67c493642 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF63FF72B49C19337A8B2183.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF63FF72B49C19337A8B2183.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax ocarinae " ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,159 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nebliselva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF69FF69B49C1CE07CB322EA.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF69FF69B49C1CE07CB322EA.ttl index 058d1d55bd9..1943dc885ad 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF69FF69B49C1CE07CB322EA.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF69FF69B49C1CE07CB322EA.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax achii Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,330 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6AFF74B49C1CE97F34218D.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6AFF74B49C1CE97F34218D.ttl index 648001f9efb..5ec50107e16 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6AFF74B49C1CE97F34218D.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6AFF74B49C1CE97F34218D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax goniops" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,98 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6FFF77B49C1CE57DFC2190.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6FFF77B49C1CE57DFC2190.ttl index c4eed45e771..123837051e6 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6FFF77B49C1CE57DFC2190.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF6FFF77B49C1CE57DFC2190.ttl @@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax skwarrae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -99,160 +98,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nebliselva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF70FF60B49C1C0B7B542031.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF70FF60B49C1C0B7B542031.ttl index 2e5cf50594b..adbceaace5a 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF70FF60B49C1C0B7B542031.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF70FF60B49C1C0B7B542031.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax huehuetenangoi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,286 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Soto Arenas & Salazar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bateman" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynchostele" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bateman) Soto Arenas & Salazar, 1993" ; - dwc:species "bictoniensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF74FF6DB49C1FFC7A3422A6.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF74FF6DB49C1FFC7A3422A6.ttl index 5b22021db3a..9b95ef92c3f 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF74FF6DB49C1FFC7A3422A6.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF74FF6DB49C1FFC7A3422A6.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax goniops" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -67,221 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "terrigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF7CFF1BB49C1FFB7BD022A5.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF7CFF1BB49C1FFB7BD022A5.ttl index c1ec3402c2f..71ee9ef0b95 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF7CFF1BB49C1FFB7BD022A5.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF7CFF1BB49C1FFB7BD022A5.ttl @@ -12,12 +12,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax ixili" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -68,269 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF80FF9DB49C1C837BDE20D1.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF80FF9DB49C1C837BDE20D1.ttl index e6ad7b9c540..e6e519042f2 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF80FF9DB49C1C837BDE20D1.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF80FF9DB49C1C837BDE20D1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax annexus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,70 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1C6A7A2321E8.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1C6A7A2321E8.ttl index c54d539fcac..46b2c16c6a8 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1C6A7A2321E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1C6A7A2321E8.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1CF17BD02063.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1CF17BD02063.ttl index 3498d2b9457..aac8f7c4548 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1CF17BD02063.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF81FF9CB49C1CF17BD02063.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF84FF99B49C1CC67BD6201B.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF84FF99B49C1CC67BD6201B.ttl index 2adf5b61ae5..6d33e405439 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF84FF99B49C1CC67BD6201B.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF84FF99B49C1CC67BD6201B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax acuminatus Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF85FF99B49C1C157F342126.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF85FF99B49C1C157F342126.ttl index d7f3cdfbfe8..1eb695adb76 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF85FF99B49C1C157F342126.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF85FF99B49C1C157F342126.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,144 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8DFF8AB49C1EFA7F3423BE.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8DFF8AB49C1EFA7F3423BE.ttl index 444a2233b47..f88d8c58a86 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8DFF8AB49C1EFA7F3423BE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8DFF8AB49C1EFA7F3423BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax acuminatus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -60,254 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "manni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay))" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF90B49C1CBA7CF92393.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF90B49C1CBA7CF92393.ttl index 66e64967524..ce161ebefda 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF90B49C1CBA7CF92393.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF90B49C1CBA7CF92393.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax acuminatus Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,53 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C188F7BD02454.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C188F7BD02454.ttl index ebe4b26a5b7..c341d24b9c7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C188F7BD02454.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C188F7BD02454.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax rugosus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parralensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C19347BC6238F.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C19347BC6238F.ttl index 0c320536bef..10aa62c18f7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C19347BC6238F.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C19347BC6238F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Forel)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,149 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "terraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1C187BCB2119.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1C187BCB2119.ttl index 083e29f0175..8712d3efca1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1C187BCB2119.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1C187BCB2119.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1EE27A352227.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1EE27A352227.ttl index e67f067a412..010885e467a 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1EE27A352227.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1EE27A352227.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax subditivus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1F8B7A422288.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1F8B7A422288.ttl index 31f52776029..7e74b8aa1d5 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1F8B7A422288.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8EFF93B49C1F8B7A422288.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; 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- trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "skwarrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C19027B8C2350.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C19027B8C2350.ttl index fa1e6a4ffcd..21f81bbf1ee 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C19027B8C2350.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C19027B8C2350.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax goniops" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,70 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1AF47A5D26FE.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1AF47A5D26FE.ttl index a6c0f7e7f24..d97de3c00bb 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1AF47A5D26FE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1AF47A5D26FE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax augusti" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1BD07BDB2541.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1BD07BDB2541.ttl index a475a32c7f9..d1fb5113bee 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1BD07BDB2541.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1BD07BDB2541.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1C277BD321D5.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1C277BD321D5.ttl index 4b77d562d38..554cb815038 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1C277BD321D5.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1C277BD321D5.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E367A3D2323.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E367A3D2323.ttl index 6fa6ad285e2..a304acc883f 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E367A3D2323.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E367A3D2323.ttl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E857BE822D7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E857BE822D7.ttl index 263b959cdc8..9e7bdb61c78 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E857BE822D7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1E857BE822D7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pastinifer Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; @@ -46,70 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "androsanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1FB87BDF2142.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1FB87BDF2142.ttl index 3313862f643..0d623cf1dd7 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1FB87BDF2142.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF92B49C1FB87BDF2142.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pergandei" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bison" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF93B49C1CBA7BFB253C.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF93B49C1CBA7BFB253C.ttl index 713c71db24f..ae7cd6b1fdf 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF93B49C1CBA7BFB253C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF8FFF93B49C1CBA7BFB253C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax pulchellus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -44,229 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Menozzi & Russo)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler & Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler & Mann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler & Mann)" ; - dwc:species "flavidulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Aguayo)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF82B49C19BD7A6B253C.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF82B49C19BD7A6B253C.ttl index d7646cb8dcf..abd1b7933f1 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF82B49C19BD7A6B253C.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF82B49C19BD7A6B253C.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax acutispinosus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,236 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF8EB49C18707BFA242A.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF8EB49C18707BFA242A.ttl index e8f3a7f0773..1f365a4c0f5 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF8EB49C18707BFA242A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF93FF8EB49C18707BFA242A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax acutispinosus Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,51 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF97FF8EB49C1F117C8D2514.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF97FF8EB49C1F117C8D2514.ttl index e4fdbb36beb..43fef9f5237 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF97FF8EB49C1F117C8D2514.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF97FF8EB49C1F117C8D2514.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax tuxtlanus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,237 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9AFFBBB49C1F1D7DCB2262.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9AFFBBB49C1F1D7DCB2262.ttl index 09cbe71cadf..11476bd06fb 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9AFFBBB49C1F1D7DCB2262.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9AFFBBB49C1F1D7DCB2262.ttl @@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax annexus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -84,405 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "andersoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery)" ; - dwc:species "andrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cole)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cole" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cole)" ; - dwc:species "carinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:species "cokendolpheri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery)" ; - dwc:species "nitens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctaticeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "terrigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snelling et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snelling" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snelling" ; - dwc:species "wardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -543,12 +143,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Macromischa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9BFF86B49C1F387D842024.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9BFF86B49C1F387D842024.ttl index 0fc87bd0900..e81416384a5 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9BFF86B49C1F387D842024.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9BFF86B49C1F387D842024.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax annexus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,114 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -165,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF81B49C19ED7B0C2030.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF81B49C19ED7B0C2030.ttl index 4ef94257aff..96abe096893 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF81B49C19ED7B0C2030.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF81B49C19ED7B0C2030.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax altinodus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,267 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctithorax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF82B49C18887C78249A.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF82B49C18887C78249A.ttl index fe3fab39d24..b6becbb1d31 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF82B49C18887C78249A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FF9FFF82B49C18887C78249A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax altinodus Prebus 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,66 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA2FFB0B49C1FD17A2922E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA2FFB0B49C1FD17A2922E7.ttl index da1bd4485b4..e135e4abb76 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA2FFB0B49C1FD17A2922E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA2FFB0B49C1FD17A2922E7.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax balnearius Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,190 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snelling et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snelling" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snelling" ; - dwc:species "anaphalantus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snelling et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snelling" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snelling" ; - dwc:species "pseudandrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA6FFBFB49C1F447D9B22FE.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA6FFBFB49C1F447D9B22FE.ttl index f4f369376ce..a8e49b944c9 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA6FFBFB49C1F447D9B22FE.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFA6FFBFB49C1F447D9B22FE.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax arbustus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -67,247 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Jatropha" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jatropha" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Burseraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bursera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jatropha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Pachycereus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pachycereus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pachycereus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snelling et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snelling" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snelling" ; - dwc:species "caguatan" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "obturator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:species "whitfordi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2017" ; - dwc:species "peninsularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "peninsularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFADFFAAB49C1FC97C482107.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFADFFAAB49C1FC97C482107.ttl index 8813d0aff1a..9d6d6e2b606 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFADFFAAB49C1FC97C482107.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFADFFAAB49C1FC97C482107.ttl @@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax obtusigaster Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -67,160 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB7FFA2B49C1C727DAE21B9.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB7FFA2B49C1C727DAE21B9.ttl index 8a9fca04734..b33c33de121 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB7FFA2B49C1C727DAE21B9.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB7FFA2B49C1C727DAE21B9.ttl @@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax quercicola Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -90,175 +89,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Liebmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liebmann, 1854" ; - dwc:species "grisea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB8FF59B49C1FC97AB322E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB8FF59B49C1FC97AB322E7.ttl index 6f97577c831..d63faf00ee4 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB8FF59B49C1FC97AB322E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFB8FF59B49C1FC97AB322E7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax aureus Prebus 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -63,175 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBEFFA5B49C1CA17A5F22E7.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBEFFA5B49C1CA17A5F22E7.ttl index fa459cfc39a..1a218a2e9de 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBEFFA5B49C1CA17A5F22E7.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBEFFA5B49C1CA17A5F22E7.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax augusti" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -117,177 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crematogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1862" ; - dwc:species "crinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Forel)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "wheeleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Britton & Rose" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haw." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cactaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hylocereus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haw.) Britton & Rose, 1918" ; - dwc:species "undatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBFFFA3B49C1D017CD721C4.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBFFFA3B49C1D017CD721C4.ttl index 2d7ad5f5823..9ccb233b65d 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBFFFA3B49C1D017CD721C4.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFBFFFA3B49C1D017CD721C4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax augusti" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,53 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFDFFFFAB49C1EC27F372134.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFDFFFFAB49C1EC27F372134.ttl index a4fa8b451c5..c2a9bf561b9 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFDFFFFAB49C1EC27F372134.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFDFFFFAB49C1EC27F372134.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax Mayr 1861" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,605 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fontenla" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:species "cuyaguateje" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "americanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forel, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "salvini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:species "oxynodis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Roger)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "schaumii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery))" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery)" ; - dwc:species "ambiguus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "longispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wesson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wesson, 1937)" ; - dwc:species "duloticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery))" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery)" ; - dwc:species "rugatulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "andersoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "emmae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "josephi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "furunculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mayr, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "curvispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "bradleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "punctatissimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "terrigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "poeyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "squamifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "creolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Snelling et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Snelling" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Snelling" ; - dwc:species "quasimodo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE6FF9BB49C1C237AF7207A.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE6FF9BB49C1C237AF7207A.ttl index d6bb23eda3c..a39b14c522b 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE6FF9BB49C1C237AF7207A.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE6FF9BB49C1C237AF7207A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Forel)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forel" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,1178 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fontenla" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:species "cuyaguateje" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fontenla" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fontenla)" ; - dwc:species "imias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "misomoschus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "sallei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aztecoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "agavicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pergandei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bison" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stitz, 1937)" ; - dwc:species "striatulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "gundlachi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "versicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "subditivus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "terraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longicaulis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "aztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "paraztecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Santschi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Santschi, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "silvestrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quercicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "obtusigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balnearius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "squamifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "creightoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "brevispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cole" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cole, 1956)" ; - dwc:species "stenotyle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acuminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cole" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cole, 1957)" ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "quetzal" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parvidentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "fortispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "rutabulafer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wilsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "goniops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mackay)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mackay" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mackay, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "fuscatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tuxtlanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "parralensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "casanovai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "androsanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "annexus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arbustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "tenuisculptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "altinodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ocarinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "albispinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "laticrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "terrigena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "augusti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "aureus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "leucacanthus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pastinifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "xincai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "achii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "ixili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "schwarzi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Emery)", "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Emery" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Emery, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wettereri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Aguayo)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aguayo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aguayo, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "torrei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "hippolytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mann, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "terricola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "magnabulla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baroni Urbani)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baroni Urbani" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baroni Urbani, 1978)" ; - dwc:species "huehuetenangoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler & Mann)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler & Mann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler & Mann)" ; - dwc:species "flavidulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "harlequina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Menozzi & Russo)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menozzi & Russo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menozzi & Russo, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "ciferrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "balaclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "bahoruco" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prebus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prebus, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nebliselva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wheeler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wheeler)" ; - dwc:species "skwarrae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -1231,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE7FFFBB49C1C967D3322AC.ttl b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE7FFFBB49C1C967D3322AC.ttl index 1767bf26649..cd4e83d1e1e 100644 --- a/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE7FFFBB49C1C967D3322AC.ttl +++ b/data/05/4F/DB/054FDB70FFE7FFFBB49C1C967D3322AC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prebus, Matthew M." ; dc:title "Temnothorax salvini" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -71,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Temnothorax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/50/0A/05500A32AAA794AF8636F79311CB2628.ttl b/data/05/50/0A/05500A32AAA794AF8636F79311CB2628.ttl index fd77d8bd2fb..2e6e90cf268 100644 --- a/data/05/50/0A/05500A32AAA794AF8636F79311CB2628.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/0A/05500A32AAA794AF8636F79311CB2628.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Lycaon pictus subsp. sharicus Thomas and Wroughton 1907" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Matschie 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Canidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycaon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1915" ; - dwc:species "pictus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ebermaieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Canidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/22/0550225AAD29BB790EB8C2247A6178ED.ttl b/data/05/50/22/0550225AAD29BB790EB8C2247A6178ED.ttl index fc1b4f2b3b5..434ed51021a 100644 --- a/data/05/50/22/0550225AAD29BB790EB8C2247A6178ED.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/22/0550225AAD29BB790EB8C2247A6178ED.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Barleriola solanifolia Oerst." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Acanthaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/50/68/055068468DE8B69FF7E2980EE4EAFB90.ttl b/data/05/50/68/055068468DE8B69FF7E2980EE4EAFB90.ttl index 7ae5053a888..31c73c65436 100644 --- a/data/05/50/68/055068468DE8B69FF7E2980EE4EAFB90.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/68/055068468DE8B69FF7E2980EE4EAFB90.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Pimpinella saxifraga" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -24,51 +22,6 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Info Flora Schweiz - Apiaceae" . - - dwc:authority "Host" ; - dwc:authorityName "Host" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Host" ; - dwc:species "alpina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "saxifraga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Kleine Bibernelle"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -84,22 +37,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pimpinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E00FFFDFF2CFBD519927261.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E00FFFDFF2CFBD519927261.ttl index b25d23e83dd..f373192b67a 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E00FFFDFF2CFBD519927261.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E00FFFDFF2CFBD519927261.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina pavonica" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -63,35 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Borgesen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vaughaniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borgesen, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1111" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1111" ; - dwc:species "pavonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E01FFF2FF2CF9F81C6B75C8.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E01FFF2FF2CF9F81C6B75C8.ttl index e884dc36945..fece274f4f1 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E01FFF2FF2CF9F81C6B75C8.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E01FFF2FF2CF9F81C6B75C8.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina pavonicoides Ni-Ni-Win & H.Kawai 2011" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Borgesen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vaughaniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borgesen, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E03FFFCFF2CFACE1B6174A1.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E03FFFCFF2CFACE1B6174A1.ttl index 6827bd262f2..007e1d14e7d 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E03FFFCFF2CFACE1B6174A1.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E03FFFCFF2CFACE1B6174A1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina gymnospora" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -62,67 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "sensu Vickers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vickers" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zonaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vickers" ; - dwc:species "gymnospora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1111" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1111" ; - dwc:species "pavonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allander & Kraft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allander & Kraft, 1983" ; - dwc:species "boergesenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kutzing) Sonder" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sonder" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kutzing" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zonaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kutzing) Sonder" ; - dwc:species "gymnospora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E05FFFFFF2CFB181DB0712C.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E05FFFFFF2CFB181DB0712C.ttl index 3cd11239c28..238f0dd2812 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E05FFFFFF2CFB181DB0712C.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E05FFFFFF2CFB181DB0712C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina ditristromatica" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,96 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1111" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1111" ; - dwc:species "pavonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1110" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1110" ; - dwc:species "ditristromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ni-Ni-Win & H.Kawai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ni-Ni-Win & Kawai, 2011" ; - dwc:species "pavonicoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1730" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1730" ; - dwc:species "tetrastromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Piccone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kutzing" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kutzing) Piccone, 1886" ; - dwc:species "antillarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Borgesen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vaughaniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Borgesen, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0DFFF1FF2CFEBA1D897787.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0DFFF1FF2CFEBA1D897787.ttl index 13c43b24882..0db84d76c7a 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0DFFF1FF2CFEBA1D897787.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0DFFF1FF2CFEBA1D897787.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina Adanson 1763" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,96 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thivy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thivy, 1966" ; - dwc:species "boryana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1110" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1110" ; - dwc:species "ditristromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Allander & Kraft" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allander & Kraft, 1983" ; - dwc:species "boergesenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1111" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1111" ; - dwc:species "pavonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ni-Ni-Win & H.Kawai" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ni-Ni-Win & Kawai, 2011" ; - dwc:species "pavonicoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1730" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1730" ; - dwc:species "tetrastromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0EFFF3FF2CF97D1B5A7266.ttl b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0EFFF3FF2CF97D1B5A7266.ttl index ff9d7418f1d..a017197dd23 100644 --- a/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0EFFF3FF2CF97D1B5A7266.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/C5/0550C52F8E0EFFF3FF2CF97D1B5A7266.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pagana, Ilaria; Marroccia, Genny; Marletta, Giuliana; Alongi, Giuseppina" ; dc:title "Padina tetrastromatica" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,68 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1111" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1111" ; - dwc:species "pavonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "CAT" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1730" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cat, 1730" ; - dwc:species "tetrastromatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Adanson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adanson, 1763" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kutzing) Piccone (1886: 36)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Piccone" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "36" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kutzing" ; - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kutzing) Piccone, 1886" ; - dwc:species "antillarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; @@ -119,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Phaeophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Dictyotaceae" ; dwc:genus "Padina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Dictyotales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/50/E1/0550E15C1B110BD8D8F1BF6AF75ACF37.ttl b/data/05/50/E1/0550E15C1B110BD8D8F1BF6AF75ACF37.ttl index db16749140d..6ca6f3ea4e9 100644 --- a/data/05/50/E1/0550E15C1B110BD8D8F1BF6AF75ACF37.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/E1/0550E15C1B110BD8D8F1BF6AF75ACF37.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hardy, Nate; Henderson, Rosa C." ; dc:title "Poliaspis exocarpi Maskell" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; dwc:genus "Poliaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/50/E4/0550E4A0A0174836C6F9E55A15ECC8A5.ttl b/data/05/50/E4/0550E4A0A0174836C6F9E55A15ECC8A5.ttl index 1fb0cdd65f6..7773c3a7519 100644 --- a/data/05/50/E4/0550E4A0A0174836C6F9E55A15ECC8A5.ttl +++ b/data/05/50/E4/0550E4A0A0174836C6F9E55A15ECC8A5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Hita Garcia, Francisco; Hawkes, Peter G.; Alpert, Gary D." ; dc:title "Proceratium arnoldi Forel 1913" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/52/87/055287E2EF49ED72FF57FA5927B7B33B.ttl b/data/05/52/87/055287E2EF49ED72FF57FA5927B7B33B.ttl index 09cc37f02d6..663b1377df5 100644 --- a/data/05/52/87/055287E2EF49ED72FF57FA5927B7B33B.ttl +++ b/data/05/52/87/055287E2EF49ED72FF57FA5927B7B33B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Oliveira, Mariana S.; Oliveira, Jhon Lennon G.; Rodrigues, Mariana B.; Silva-Carvalho, Lidiane Maria; Andrade, Lucas De Assis S.; Cardozo, Sergian V.; Ferreira, Ildemar; Berto, Bruno Pereira" ; dc:title "Isospora brasilsatoae Oliveira & Oliveira & Rodrigues & Silva-Carvalho & Andrade & Cardozo & Ferreira & Berto 2019, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,104 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Vieillot, 1818)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vieillot, 1818)" ; - dwc:species "flavipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vieillot, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vieillot, 1818" ; - dwc:species "leucomelas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cabanis, 1850" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cabanis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Turdidae" ; - dwc:genus "Turdus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabanis, 1850" ; - dwc:species "amaurochalinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lainson and Shaw, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lainson and Shaw" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Conoidasida" ; - dwc:family "Eimeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromalveolata" ; - dwc:order "Eucoccidiorida" ; - dwc:phylum "Apicomplexa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lainson & Shaw, 1989" ; - dwc:species "albicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pinho, Rodrigues, Silva, Lopes, Oliveira, Ferreira, Cardozo, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes and Berto, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pinho, Rodrigues, Silva, Lopes, Oliveira, Ferreira, Cardozo, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes and Berto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Conoidasida" ; - dwc:family "Eimeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromalveolata" ; - dwc:order "Eucoccidiorida" ; - dwc:phylum "Apicomplexa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pinho, Rodrigues, Silva, Lopes, Oliveira, Ferreira, Cardozo, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes & Berto, 2017" ; - dwc:species "sabiai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pinho, Silva, Rodrigues, Lopes, Oliveira, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes and Berto, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pinho, Silva, Rodrigues, Lopes, Oliveira, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes and Berto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Conoidasida" ; - dwc:family "Eimeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromalveolata" ; - dwc:order "Eucoccidiorida" ; - dwc:phylum "Apicomplexa" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pinho, Silva, Rodrigues, Lopes, Oliveira, Luz, Ferreira, Lopes & Berto, 2018" ; - dwc:species "machadoae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Conoidasida" ; dwc:family "Eimeriidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392202B868FF2715D0FDEBFAAC.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392202B868FF2715D0FDEBFAAC.ttl index edc24c538d3..5267ba7ca6e 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392202B868FF2715D0FDEBFAAC.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392202B868FF2715D0FDEBFAAC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Trochilodectes brevipenis Hernandes, 2013, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Trochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalurania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Apodiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin" ; - dwc:species "glaucopis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trochilodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1974" ; - dwc:species "tenuifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392203B86CFF271246FC5FF813.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392203B86CFF271246FC5FF813.ttl index 8b701f6009c..1240e1d8916 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392203B86CFF271246FC5FF813.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392203B86CFF271246FC5FF813.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Trochilodectes Park & Atyeo 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:species "trochilidarum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pterodectes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF27159AFCFCFDF6.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF27159AFCFCFDF6.ttl index a93e99edc34..574b209543a 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF27159AFCFCFDF6.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF27159AFCFCFDF6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Ptyssalges Atyeo & Gaud 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,38 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Dermoglyphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paralges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1887" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Trouessart)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Dermoglyphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paralges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Trouessart)" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Ptyssalgidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF2717AAFD1BFAE2.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF2717AAFD1BFAE2.ttl index 3186e13d2ff..b8c542b13da 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF2717AAFD1BFAE2.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392206B869FF2717AAFD1BFAE2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Protalges Trouessart 1885" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,54 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Analgidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protalges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:species "robini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1886" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Analgidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protalges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1886" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Trouessart and Neumann, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart and Neumann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Analgidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protalges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart & Neumann, 1888" ; - dwc:species "longitarsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Analgidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF2710E0FED6F995.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF2710E0FED6F995.ttl index 7559a709a29..79c02e80472 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF2710E0FED6F995.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF2710E0FED6F995.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Toxerodectes Park & Atyeo 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1899" ; - dwc:species "gladiger" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hastifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF271386FAA6F8BC.ttl b/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF271386FAA6F8BC.ttl index 8e34404a049..aa03f89cf76 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF271386FAA6F8BC.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/055300392207B868FF271386FAA6F8BC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Toxerodectes biscutatus Park & Atyeo 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,23 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Gmelin)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Gmelin) (Kanegae et al. 2008)" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Gmelin) (Kanegae et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Trochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalurania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Apodiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kanegae et al., 2008)" ; - dwc:species "furcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB861FF2710FAFCF1FD34.ttl b/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB861FF2710FAFCF1FD34.ttl index b8cf5cd9965..cc5d4e55c53 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB861FF2710FAFCF1FD34.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB861FF2710FAFCF1FD34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Allodectes sejugaspis Hernandes, 2013, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Trochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalurania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Apodiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin" ; - dwc:species "glaucopis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1974" ; - dwc:species "amadoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB865FF2716A8FB3FFA91.ttl b/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB865FF2716A8FB3FFA91.ttl index 539792aa24a..aa21070ea03 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB865FF2716A8FB3FFA91.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/05530039220AB865FF2716A8FB3FFA91.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Allodectes Gaud & Berla 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,199 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Trouessart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proctophyllodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1885" ; - dwc:species "norneri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Alloptes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "amadoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "amaziliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "amplissimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "bipeltatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "elatarcus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "longisetosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "paulicaulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "prolaticaulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Park & Atyeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Park & Atyeo, 1972" ; - dwc:species "wetmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cerny, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cerny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Allodectes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cerny, 1974" ; - dwc:species "similis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/00/05530039220EB86CFF271658FA61FEE4.ttl b/data/05/53/00/05530039220EB86CFF271658FA61FEE4.ttl index 4fed7ce36b8..7ff6aadc562 100644 --- a/data/05/53/00/05530039220EB86CFF271658FA61FEE4.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/00/05530039220EB86CFF271658FA61FEE4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hernandes, Fabio Akashi" ; dc:title "Allodectes thaluraniae Hernandes, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Trochilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thalurania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Apodiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin" ; - dwc:species "glaucopis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Proctophyllodidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/53/B3/0553B393CCA55E658DE28ECE51DD0D6F.ttl b/data/05/53/B3/0553B393CCA55E658DE28ECE51DD0D6F.ttl index 4e7d3c09d64..529051fee4c 100644 --- a/data/05/53/B3/0553B393CCA55E658DE28ECE51DD0D6F.ttl +++ b/data/05/53/B3/0553B393CCA55E658DE28ECE51DD0D6F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ji, Xing; Wu, Dong-Mei; Liu, Shun; Si, Jing; Cui, Bao-Kai" ; dc:title "Crassisporus imbricatus B. K. Cui & Xing Ji, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "0553b393-cca5-5e65-8de2-8ece51dd0d6f" ; - dwc:authority "B. K. Cui & Xing Ji" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassisporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cui & Xing Ji" ; - dwc:species "imbricatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/54/16/0554164A917C65B52C894C78CF6D8E70.ttl b/data/05/54/16/0554164A917C65B52C894C78CF6D8E70.ttl index 45fee4d0074..a3db82e15fa 100644 --- a/data/05/54/16/0554164A917C65B52C894C78CF6D8E70.ttl +++ b/data/05/54/16/0554164A917C65B52C894C78CF6D8E70.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Euwallacea geminus Smith & Beaver & Cognato 2020, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eichhoff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euwallacea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eichhoff, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "fornicatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/54/19/055419DAC6095663BCDDEA5D8A22393B.ttl b/data/05/54/19/055419DAC6095663BCDDEA5D8A22393B.ttl index 78e5b754e84..e7bc7e7cdc8 100644 --- a/data/05/54/19/055419DAC6095663BCDDEA5D8A22393B.ttl +++ b/data/05/54/19/055419DAC6095663BCDDEA5D8A22393B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Holstein, Norbert" ; dc:title "Coccinia C. Jeffrey, Fl. Zambes.: 450. 1978." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/55/15/05551517370721FF9BA330117E7B83C3.ttl b/data/05/55/15/05551517370721FF9BA330117E7B83C3.ttl index 503f8afa133..afe5c1af0cd 100644 --- a/data/05/55/15/05551517370721FF9BA330117E7B83C3.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/15/05551517370721FF9BA330117E7B83C3.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Psoralea monophylla C. H. Stirt." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,20 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -93,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/55/1F/05551FA1FB805F5DAB4E7D25524B8A56.ttl b/data/05/55/1F/05551FA1FB805F5DAB4E7D25524B8A56.ttl index d1ba559094d..a21b9928eab 100644 --- a/data/05/55/1F/05551FA1FB805F5DAB4E7D25524B8A56.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/1F/05551FA1FB805F5DAB4E7D25524B8A56.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Shimamoto, Shusuke; Nagashima, Seidai; Nagano, Hiroshi; Ishikawa, Tadashi" ; dc:title "Nesoproxius kishimotoi Shimamoto & Nagashima 2023, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,20 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Usinger & Matsuda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aradidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesoproxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Usinger & Matsuda, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aradidae" ; @@ -90,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aradidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesoproxius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24AC1451EA78D80B652B13E.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24AC1451EA78D80B652B13E.ttl index aebea15c085..0c0ee44af67 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24AC1451EA78D80B652B13E.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24AC1451EA78D80B652B13E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Chauhan, Vibha; Pandey, Arun K." ; dc:title "Indigofera glandulosa var. sykesii Griffith (1826) ex Baker 1876" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24BC15B1EA78E61B6EFB580.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24BC15B1EA78E61B6EFB580.ttl index 9f9883075df..9c3985499c3 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24BC15B1EA78E61B6EFB580.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF24BC15B1EA78E61B6EFB580.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chauhan, Vibha; Pandey, Arun K." ; dc:title "Indigofera karuppiana Pallithanam 1976" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,21 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker" ; - dwc:species "vestita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "de Kort & Thijsse" ; dwc:authorityName "de Kort & Thijsse" ; @@ -82,21 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dasgupta 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dasgupta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sanjappa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dasgupta, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF250C15F1EA78AA1B655B1E0.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF250C15F1EA78AA1B655B1E0.ttl index 6d781942857..c467b9141a9 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF250C15F1EA78AA1B655B1E0.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF250C15F1EA78AA1B655B1E0.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Indigofera tirunelvelica Sanjappa 1983" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF253C15C1EA789E0B77BB556.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF253C15C1EA789E0B77BB556.ttl index 67dc921df86..a9b6a9bb409 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF253C15C1EA789E0B77BB556.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF253C15C1EA789E0B77BB556.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chauhan, Vibha; Pandey, Arun K." ; dc:title "Indigofera trifoliata var. duthiei Sanjappa 1992" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,22 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sanjappa & Bhatt 1976)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sanjappa & Bhatt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sanjappa & Bhatt, 1976)" ; - dwc:species "duthiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF254C1591EA78D41B155B750.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF254C1591EA78D41B155B750.ttl index 04d1553ec21..948993d9928 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF254C1591EA78D41B155B750.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF254C1591EA78D41B155B750.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chauhan, Vibha; Pandey, Arun K." ; dc:title "Indigofera pedicellata Wight & Arnott 1834" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaneus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1756" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaneus, 1756" ; - dwc:species "trifoliata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dasgupta 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dasgupta" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sanjappa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dasgupta, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF256C1581EA78801B599B2B8.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF256C1581EA78801B599B2B8.ttl index 3d830cb8c22..ef12a9173b5 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF256C1581EA78801B599B2B8.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF256C1581EA78801B599B2B8.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Indigofera prostrata Willdenow (1803: 1226" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF25FC1501EA789E0B6B5B460.ttl b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF25FC1501EA789E0B6B5B460.ttl index b2cb0db9445..09eb6e808cf 100644 --- a/data/05/55/87/0555878AF25FC1501EA789E0B6B5B460.ttl +++ b/data/05/55/87/0555878AF25FC1501EA789E0B6B5B460.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Chauhan, Vibha; Pandey, Arun K." ; dc:title "Indigofera trita var. purandharensis Sanjappa 1984" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFE6FF8BBA8CD195D768FD53.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFE6FF8BBA8CD195D768FD53.ttl index f55eca99438..afb2364df03 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFE6FF8BBA8CD195D768FD53.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFE6FF8BBA8CD195D768FD53.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis hibernica Kennedy, Buckley & Allott 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ dwc:authority "Kennedy, Buckley & Allott" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kennedy & Buckley & Allott", "Kennedy, Buckley & Allott" ; + dwc:authorityName "Kennedy, Buckley & Allott" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; @@ -47,69 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bahls" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bahls, 2013" ; - dwc:species "bobmarshallensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Krammer (1997: 109)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Krammer" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "109" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krammer, 1997" ; - dwc:species "perborealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F. Schrank (1783: 19)" ; - dwc:authorityName "F. Schrank" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1783" ; - dwc:class "Bryopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hookeriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Hookeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Bryophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schrank, 1783" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G. Zanardini ex E. Bornet & C. Flahault" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. Zanardini ex E. Bornet & C. Flahault" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Cyanophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Rivulariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dichothrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Bacteria" ; - dwc:order "Nostocales" ; - dwc:phylum "Cyanobacteria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zanardini ex Bornet & Flahault, 1886" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF2FF99BA8CD2C3D132F857.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF2FF99BA8CD2C3D132F857.ttl index d98087f075f..200a8833160 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF2FF99BA8CD2C3D132F857.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF2FF99BA8CD2C3D132F857.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis krammeri Reichardt" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Reichardt", "Reichardt." ; - dwc:authorityName "Reichardt", "Reichardt." ; + dwc:authority "Reichardt" ; + dwc:authorityName "Reichardt" ; dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; @@ -46,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krammer & Reichardt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krammer & Reichardt, 1997" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Van de Vijver & Compere" ; - dwc:authorityName "Van de Vijver & Compere" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Van de Vijver & Compere" ; - dwc:species "horticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Krammer" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Krammer & Lange-Bertalot" ; - dwc:authorityName "Krammer & Lange-Bertalot (Krammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, 1997" ; - dwc:species "angusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF4FF9ABA8CD6CAD729FE56.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF4FF9ABA8CD6CAD729FE56.ttl index 96535b08309..e739437adb0 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF4FF9ABA8CD6CAD729FE56.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF4FF9ABA8CD6CAD729FE56.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis subminuta Krammer & Reichardt (Krammer 1997" ; @@ -32,13 +31,12 @@ # Warning: Removing "(Krammer" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Krammer & Reichardt", "Krammer & Reichardt." ; + dwc:authority "Krammer & Reichardt" ; dwc:authorityName "Krammer & Reichardt (Krammer" ; dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF7FF9BBA8CD4AFD584FD7E.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF7FF9BBA8CD4AFD584FD7E.ttl index 5cc91b42130..8b6548eff38 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF7FF9BBA8CD4AFD584FD7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF7FF9BBA8CD4AFD584FD7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis neerlandica Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens", "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens." ; - dwc:authorityName "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens", "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens." ; + dwc:authority "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens" ; + dwc:authorityName "Van de Vijver, Verweij, Van der Wal & Mertens" ; dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Grunow" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymbella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Grunow) Krammer, 1997" ; - dwc:species "microcephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF8FF97BA8CD4AFD54AFC46.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF8FF97BA8CD4AFD54AFC46.ttl index 4c658556b08..d0bc2254760 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF8FF97BA8CD4AFD54AFC46.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFF8FF97BA8CD4AFD54AFC46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis tavirana Krammer 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Grunow" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymbella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Grunow) Krammer, 1997" ; - dwc:species "microcephala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFFBFF94BA8CD4AFD7AEFCB6.ttl b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFFBFF94BA8CD4AFD7AEFCB6.ttl index 95a48b458f9..c7c3cd214f8 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/05568795FFFBFF94BA8CD4AFD7AEFCB6.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/05568795FFFBFF94BA8CD4AFD7AEFCB6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kennedy, Bryan; Buckley, Yvonne; Allott, Norman" ; dc:title "Encyonopsis angusta Krammer & Lange-Bertalot (Krammer 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krammer, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Bacillariophyceae" ; - dwc:family "Cymbellaceae" ; dwc:genus "Encyonopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Cymbellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ochrophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA53204FF7C27DBFE6FEFED.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA53204FF7C27DBFE6FEFED.ttl index 0b3c140d372..164b90fd0d7 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA53204FF7C27DBFE6FEFED.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA53204FF7C27DBFE6FEFED.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) karpathoensis Nordsieck 1969" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -83,20 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Is." ; - dwc:authorityName "Is." ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Paronellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Is." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA63219FF7C2423FB02EBF9.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA63219FF7C2423FB02EBF9.ttl index 869fd9f9f76..42defb4517f 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA63219FF7C2423FB02EBF9.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA63219FF7C2423FB02EBF9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) olivoidea Cantraine 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,13 +67,10 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Calcara, 1841: 66)", "Calcara, 1841: 66" ; + dwc:authority "Calcara, 1841: 66" ; dwc:authorityName "Calcara" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "66" ; dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Calcara" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "66" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Mitridae" ; dwc:genus "Mitra" ; @@ -104,82 +101,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Altavilla" ; - dwc:authorityName "Altavilla" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Altavilla" ; - dwc:species "striarella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ras" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ras" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ras" ; - dwc:species "melitensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pliocene" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pliocene" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pliocene" ; - dwc:species "striarella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cantraine" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cantraine" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cantraine" ; - dwc:species "olivoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mifsud, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mifsud" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mifsud, 1993" ; - dwc:species "melitensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Tabanelli, 2014" ; dwc:authorityName "Tabanelli" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA83214FF7C2427FDA1E8C4.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA83214FF7C2427FDA1E8C4.ttl index 6e8f37ef373..aec610c4d2b 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA83214FF7C2427FDA1E8C4.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA83214FF7C2427FDA1E8C4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorphidae Casey 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA9321AFF7C274BFD66EBAE.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA9321AFF7C274BFD66EBAE.ttl index f424da1b8ac..3c1420ebc45 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA9321AFF7C274BFD66EBAE.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFA9321AFF7C274BFD66EBAE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) columbellaria Scacchi 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,7 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Philippi, 1836", "Philippi, 1836: 230" ; + dwc:authority "Philippi, 1836: 230" ; dwc:authorityName "Philippi" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "230" ; dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; @@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Mifsud, 2001", "Mifsud, 2001:10" ; + dwc:authority "Mifsud, 2001:10" ; dwc:authorityName "Mifsud" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "10" ; dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; @@ -266,286 +265,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Scacchi)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Scacchi) Capri Is." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Scacchi) Capri Is." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Capri Is." ; - dwc:species "columbellaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brusina" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brusina" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brusina" ; - dwc:species "leontocroma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lissa, Lagosta" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lissa, Lagosta" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lissa, Lagosta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Locard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Locard" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Locard" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Locard)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Locard) Cannes" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Locard) Cannes" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cannes" ; - dwc:species "granulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pallary" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pallary" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pallary" ; - dwc:species "algeriana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Is." ; - dwc:authorityName "Is." ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Paronellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Is." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cantr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Cantr." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitrolumna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cantr." ; - dwc:species "olivoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mont. Mers" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mont. Mers" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitrolumna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mont. Mers" ; - dwc:species "maxima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scacchi", "Scacchi, Capri Is." ; - dwc:authorityName "Scacchi", "Scacchi, Capri Is." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scacchi, Capri Is." ; - dwc:species "columbellaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brusina, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brusina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brusina, 1866" ; - dwc:species "leontocroma" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Locard, 1886)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Locard, 1886) Porquerolles" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Locard, 1886) Porquerolles" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porquerolles" ; - dwc:species "granulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Locard, 1886)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Locard, 1886) Porquerolles" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Locard, 1886) Porquerolles" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Porquerolles" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cantraine, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cantraine" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cantraine, 1835" ; - dwc:species "olivoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Locard, 1886)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Locard, 1886) Toulon" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Locard, 1886) Toulon" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Toulon" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Templado & Llanso 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Templado & Llanso" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitrolumna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Templado & Llanso, 1981" ; - dwc:species "olivoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brusina" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brusina" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brusina" ; - dwc:species "leontocroma" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Locard" ; - dwc:authorityName "Locard" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Locard" ; - dwc:species "granulosa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Philippi, 1844" ; dwc:authorityName "Philippi" ; @@ -643,6 +362,23 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Brusina, 1866" ; + dwc:authorityName "Brusina" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; + dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; + dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; + dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brusina, 1866" ; + dwc:species "leontocroma" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Delle Chiaje" ; dwc:authorityName "Delle Chiaje" ; @@ -659,6 +395,54 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Brusina" ; + dwc:authorityName "Brusina" ; + dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; + dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; + dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brusina" ; + dwc:species "leontocroma" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "Locard" ; + dwc:authorityName "Locard" ; + dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; + dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; + dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Locard" ; + dwc:species "granulosa" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "Locard" ; + dwc:authorityName "Locard" ; + dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; + dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; + dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Locard" ; + dwc:species "major" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; @@ -726,12 +510,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitridae" ; dwc:genus "Mitra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFB0320AFF7C2315FD89E842.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFB0320AFF7C2315FD89E842.ttl index 84e88f16e19..9ac361a7749 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFB0320AFF7C2315FD89E842.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFB0320AFF7C2315FD89E842.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) mariottinii Amati, Smriglio & Oliverio, 2015, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBD320FFF7C24FBFE9AEE4B.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBD320FFF7C24FBFE9AEE4B.ttl index 450d278726a..ad382412ba0 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBD320FFF7C24FBFE9AEE4B.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBD320FFF7C24FBFE9AEE4B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) bogii Amati, Smriglio & Oliverio, 2015, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBF3201FF7C20D6FE5AE8B3.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBF3201FF7C20D6FE5AE8B3.ttl index 9b253566167..0e1110917c8 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBF3201FF7C20D6FE5AE8B3.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFBF3201FF7C20D6FE5AE8B3.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Amati, Bruno; Smriglio, Carlo; Oliverio, Marco" ; dc:title "Mitromorpha (Mitrolumna) alyssae Amati, Smriglio & Oliverio, 2015, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Is.", "Is., Aeolian Islands" ; - dwc:authorityName "Is.", "Is., Aeolian Islands" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Paronellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Is." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; @@ -82,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Mitromorphidae" ; dwc:genus "Mitromorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFE8FC6FFF31FC68FE031552.ttl b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFE8FC6FFF31FC68FE031552.ttl index 6f57d92dec6..4a26fcaa49d 100644 --- a/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFE8FC6FFF31FC68FE031552.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/87/055687DCFFE8FC6FFF31FC68FE031552.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Charbonnier, Sylvain; Garassino, Alessandro; Pacaud, Jean-Michel; Schweigert, Günter" ; dc:title "Eryon Desmarest 1817" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Desmarest, 1817" ; - dwc:authorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eryonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eryon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desmarest, 1817" ; - dwc:species "cuvieri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eryonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/56/F0/0556F0F61570CF888D0C4B4859CEA7D7.ttl b/data/05/56/F0/0556F0F61570CF888D0C4B4859CEA7D7.ttl index 25211d01c3e..8eab7bc3363 100644 --- a/data/05/56/F0/0556F0F61570CF888D0C4B4859CEA7D7.ttl +++ b/data/05/56/F0/0556F0F61570CF888D0C4B4859CEA7D7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Popov †, George B.; Fishpool, Lincoln D. C.; Rowell, C. Hugh F." ; dc:title "Coryphosima Karsch 1893" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/58/87/055887EB0210FF8971F1F856FC00A76D.ttl b/data/05/58/87/055887EB0210FF8971F1F856FC00A76D.ttl index 0420d880d6c..5191c4846af 100644 --- a/data/05/58/87/055887EB0210FF8971F1F856FC00A76D.ttl +++ b/data/05/58/87/055887EB0210FF8971F1F856FC00A76D.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Tagane, Shuichiro; Souvannakhoummane, Keooudone; Souldeth, Phetlasy" ; dc:title "Croton nagaoi Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A. Flowering 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A. Flowering", "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann." ; + dwc:authority "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann." ; dwc:authorityName "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A. Flowering" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -47,67 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gagnepain (1921: 560)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gagnepain" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "560" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gagnepain, 1921" ; - dwc:species "thorelii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A." ; - dwc:authorityName "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tagane, Soulad. & Souvann. A." ; - dwc:species "nagaoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gagnep. A" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gagnep. A" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gagnep. A" ; - dwc:species "thorelii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus (1753:" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1004" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, (1753)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; @@ -121,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Croton" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/58/E1/0558E12CF57753FFB2F99FC24B7A1845.ttl b/data/05/58/E1/0558E12CF57753FFB2F99FC24B7A1845.ttl index de83e8a73df..101771fe133 100644 --- a/data/05/58/E1/0558E12CF57753FFB2F99FC24B7A1845.ttl +++ b/data/05/58/E1/0558E12CF57753FFB2F99FC24B7A1845.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zahiri, Reza; Nazari, Vazrick; Rajaei, Hossein; Wiemers, Martin; Fatahi, Maryam; Seidel, Matthias; Dalsgaard, Thure; Husemann, Martin" ; dc:title "Satyrium syra Pfeiffer 1932" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Esper" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1779" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Satyrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Esper, 1779)" ; - dwc:species "ilicis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lycaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B137351FF7DD489FC458C32.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B137351FF7DD489FC458C32.ttl index 13721b2b0a7..80a500f690e 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B137351FF7DD489FC458C32.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B137351FF7DD489FC458C32.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops viator Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,202 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "canaanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "hobbit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "karamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "kuscheli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "rotundicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Greymouth, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "victoriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:species "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserve, Mount Tuhua, Westland, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserve, Mount Tuhua, Westland, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lake Kaniere Scenic Reserve, Mount Tuhua, Westland, SO)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B167355FF7DD704FD058D91.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B167355FF7DD704FD058D91.ttl index 34381128db1..8d46cf39d99 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B167355FF7DD704FD058D91.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B167355FF7DD704FD058D91.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops victoriae Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,97 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "rotundicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "subrufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cillenum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1886" ; - dwc:species "subcaecum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broun. Scale" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broun. Scale" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broun. Scale" ; - dwc:species "coriaceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "viator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B207361FF7DD2C1FC0689B2.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B207361FF7DD2C1FC0689B2.ttl index f5efe5c98b9..c28b46e1165 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B207361FF7DD2C1FC0689B2.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B207361FF7DD2C1FC0689B2.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops karamea Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,66 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "carltoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "canaanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "hobbit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B217366FF7DD3E1FAED8AB6.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B217366FF7DD3E1FAED8AB6.ttl index 8f9ecb2bf64..a6d6a5553f7 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B217366FF7DD3E1FAED8AB6.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B217366FF7DD3E1FAED8AB6.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops kuscheli Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2015" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B227363FF7DD44DFCC88F66.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B227363FF7DD44DFCC88F66.ttl index c09747e26b9..3afc887716d 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B227363FF7DD44DFCC88F66.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B227363FF7DD44DFCC88F66.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops disjunctus Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "victoriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B237360FF7DD5DDFD1F889A.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B237360FF7DD5DDFD1F889A.ttl index 802c43f43f1..b45c9b3794a 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B237360FF7DD5DDFD1F889A.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B237360FF7DD5DDFD1F889A.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops hobbit Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -48,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "karamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "canaanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B247365FF7DD07DFCE18DFA.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B247365FF7DD07DFCE18DFA.ttl index ef8d67b25c3..c2ad16f638a 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B247365FF7DD07DFCE18DFA.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B247365FF7DD07DFCE18DFA.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops montanus Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,80 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sharp) Det. I. Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Det. I. Townsend" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Litter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Litter" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Celmisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Litter" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnhart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "R.Br." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Br.) Barnhart, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -136,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B25736BFF7DD621FC668F2E.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B25736BFF7DD621FC668F2E.ttl index 9fc48a3e536..f8f240be8b8 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B25736BFF7DD621FC668F2E.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B25736BFF7DD621FC668F2E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops moorei Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -49,93 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "subrufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "viator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "victoriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - dwc:tribe "Anillini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "kuscheli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -155,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B267364FF7DD0EDFEA28A06.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B267364FF7DD0EDFEA28A06.ttl index 30799b90d45..872e555640c 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B267364FF7DD0EDFEA28A06.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B267364FF7DD0EDFEA28A06.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops magnificus Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,112 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "rotundicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "solitarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sharp) (Greymouth, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Greymouth, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -168,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B297369FF7DD184FCB98C6A.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B297369FF7DD184FCB98C6A.ttl index 89505e26fca..91c4eee157a 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B297369FF7DD184FCB98C6A.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B297369FF7DD184FCB98C6A.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops rotundicollis Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Inlet G. B." ; - dwc:authorityName "Inlet G. B." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inlet B." ; - dwc:species "parapara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peak" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peak" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peak" ; - dwc:species "parapara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "subrufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2B7368FF7DD56AFB0F8CEB.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2B7368FF7DD56AFB0F8CEB.ttl index 4b3d7a08674..8278030f352 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2B7368FF7DD56AFB0F8CEB.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2B7368FF7DD56AFB0F8CEB.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops ovipennis Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -48,144 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Broun) Det. I. Townsend 1973" ; - dwc:authorityName "Det. I. Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "oreobius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "canaanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "hobbit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "karamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "kuscheli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:species "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2D7353FF7DD5D2FE2F8E52.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2D7353FF7DD5D2FE2F8E52.ttl index 8f4073d0293..c5790b03262 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2D7353FF7DD5D2FE2F8E52.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2D7353FF7DD5D2FE2F8E52.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops subrufus Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,140 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kangaroo Creek, Mawhera Forest, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "rotundicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Italian Creek, Capleston, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "solitarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "subacecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "viator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Capleston, Victoria Range, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "victoriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -196,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2E736FFF7DD56FFDF7889A.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2E736FFF7DD56FFDF7889A.ttl index 7b633ea682c..e41ae8e2b50 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2E736FFF7DD56FFDF7889A.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2E736FFF7DD56FFDF7889A.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops solitarius Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -48,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "rotundicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "subrufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2F736DFF7DD2D6FB388F66.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2F736DFF7DD2D6FB388F66.ttl index 3bd6a2ef728..bda96416bd3 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2F736DFF7DD2D6FB388F66.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B2F736DFF7DD2D6FB388F66.ttl @@ -9,15 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops subcaecus Greymouth, Buller, SO" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -70,158 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Broun" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broun" ; - dwc:species "coriaceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Broun, 1893)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Det. I. Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "oreobius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "canaanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "hobbit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "karamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "kuscheli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:species "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "viator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -235,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B30737FFF7DD645FD4689D6.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B30737FFF7DD645FD4689D6.ttl index ee6b825befd..eb015d438d6 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B30737FFF7DD645FD4689D6.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B30737FFF7DD645FD4689D6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyopina Sokolov 2023, subtribe nova" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,1180 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jeannel, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hayward)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hayward" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phrypeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hayward, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "rickseckeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Solier" ; - dwc:authorityName "Solier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Merizodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Solier, 1849" ; - dwc:species "angusticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Merizodus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guerin-Meneville, 1830)" ; - dwc:species "soledadinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mannerheim)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mannerheim" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amerizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mannerheim, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "oblongulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Casey)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lionepha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Casey, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "osculans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schaum)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaum" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xystosomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaum, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "inflatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schaum)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schaum" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xystosomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schaum, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "turgidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Erwin)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xystosomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Erwin)" ; - dwc:species "tholus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bates)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erwiniana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1882)" ; - dwc:species "sublaevis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bates)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erwiniana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bates, 1882)" ; - dwc:species "sulcicostis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Erwin)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Erwin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geballusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Erwin, 1973)" ; - dwc:species "microtreta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dejean)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dejean" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gouleta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dejean, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "cayennensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Say)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mioptachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "flavicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Putzeys)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Putzeys" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericompsus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Putzeys, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "reichei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dejean)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dejean" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elaphropus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dejean, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "ferrugineus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paratachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LeConte, 1848" ; - dwc:species "scitulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Say)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1823)" ; - dwc:species "inornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LeConte, 1852" ; - dwc:species "vittiger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Broun)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Det. I. Townsend" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "oreobius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - dwc:tribe "Anillini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Broun)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Broun)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel" ; - dwc:species "sulcatipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moore" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moore" ; - dwc:species "prominens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Carlton", "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Carlton", "Sokolov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov" ; - dwc:species "lescheni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Serranillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr, 1995" ; - dwc:species "jeanneli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vigna Taglianti" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vigna Taglianti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigna Taglianti, 1973" ; - dwc:species "zullinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Andujar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andujar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlocharis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andujar" ; - dwc:species "martini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Ortuno & Sendra" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Espanol & Comas (Ortuno & Sendra 2007)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Espanol & Comas (Ortuno & Sendra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphaenotyphlus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Espanol & Comas, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giachino" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giachino" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bulirschia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giachino, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caeconannus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptorites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1950" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microdipnites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1957" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1918" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barr" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Serranillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barr" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel, and Medusapyga LaBonte & Maddison (2023)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel, and Medusapyga LaBonte & Maddison" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel,, Medusapyga LaBonte & Maddison, 2023" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sharp)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Greymouth, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sharp, 1886)" ; - dwc:species "subcaecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Carlton" ; - dwc:species "alleni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Reddell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Reddell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Reddell" ; - dwc:species "acutipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:species "jalapensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Broun)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broun" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broun, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "punctigerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov" ; - dwc:species "nunni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel. Legend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel. Legend" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel. Legend" ; - dwc:species "sulcatipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov" ; - dwc:species "insularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Reddell" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Reddell" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Reddell" ; - dwc:species "forthoodensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh. Legend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh. Legend" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh. Legend" ; - dwc:species "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Maddison et al. 2019)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Maddison" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Maddison, 2019)" ; - dwc:subFamily "Trechinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:species "balini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:species "nunni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dieck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlocharis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dieck, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dieck" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dieck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Typhlocharis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dieck, 1869" ; - dwc:species "silvanoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zapotecanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2013" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov & Watrous" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov & Watrous" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Watrous, 2008" ; - dwc:species "aleyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov & Carlton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov & Carlton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Carlton, 2004" ; - dwc:species "robisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov", "Sokolov, B" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov, B" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, B, 2023" ; - dwc:species "brouni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "viator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Carlton" ; - dwc:species "langdoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Carlton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Carlton" ; - dwc:species "cherokee" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zapotecanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2013" ; - dwc:species "longinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2016" ; - dwc:species "pellucidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2016" ; - dwc:species "nunni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2015" ; - dwc:species "moorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1918" ; - dwc:species "carolinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jeannel)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Serranillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jeannel, 1963)" ; - dwc:species "donovani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov and Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov & Kavanaugh" ; - dwc:species "comayaguanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vigna Taglianti" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vigna Taglianti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vigna Taglianti, 1973" ; - dwc:species "zullini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2016" ; - dwc:species "brouni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov. Legend" ; - dwc:species "nunni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schaum (Xystosomina, Tachyini)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xystosomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schaum (Xystosomina, Tachyini)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3C7362FF7DD5DDFD3C8E17.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3C7362FF7DD5DDFD3C8E17.ttl index 929da6434a9..7e34c6a668b 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3C7362FF7DD5DDFD3C8E17.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3C7362FF7DD5DDFD3C8E17.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops canaanensis Sokolov 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,138 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Golden Bay" ; - dwc:authorityName "Golden Bay" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Golden Bay" ; - dwc:species "parapara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pselaphidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Latreille, 1802)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fletchers Creek, Buller, SO)" ; - dwc:species "disjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "hobbit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "karamea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "kuscheli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Allison Reserve, Akatore, Dunedin, SO)" ; - dwc:species "magnificus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Melicytus and Nothofagus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Melicytus and Nothofagus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ericaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dracophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melicytus & Nothofagus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesamblyops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "ovipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3F737CFF7DD202FB4E8F66.ttl b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3F737CFF7DD202FB4E8F66.ttl index 0d971f2e569..0f5f170b502 100644 --- a/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3F737CFF7DD202FB4E8F66.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/87/055987E28B3F737CFF7DD202FB4E8F66.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sokolov, Igor M." ; dc:title "Nesamblyops Jeannel 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,122 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - dwc:tribe "Anillini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anillinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1918" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moore" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moore" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelodiaetus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zeanillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1937" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocharidius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel, 1963" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Erwin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erwin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembidarenas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erwin, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Erwin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erwin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tasmanitachoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erwin, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/8B/05598BF56DDFEADE3E6CA12F8DEA7203.ttl b/data/05/59/8B/05598BF56DDFEADE3E6CA12F8DEA7203.ttl index c49f5f621b9..0d6071314e8 100644 --- a/data/05/59/8B/05598BF56DDFEADE3E6CA12F8DEA7203.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/8B/05598BF56DDFEADE3E6CA12F8DEA7203.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Takiya, Daniela M.; Dietrich, Christopher H.; Viraktamath, Chandra A." ; dc:title "Signoretia Takiya & Dietrich & Viraktamath 2013, spp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnavuori" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Signoretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnavuori, 1978" ; - dwc:species "astraea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/B8/0559B8E8FAC900B40ED64EA97BE44A30.ttl b/data/05/59/B8/0559B8E8FAC900B40ED64EA97BE44A30.ttl index 588d246e51d..7e41dc6a674 100644 --- a/data/05/59/B8/0559B8E8FAC900B40ED64EA97BE44A30.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/B8/0559B8E8FAC900B40ED64EA97BE44A30.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Alticola (Alticola) roylei" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,52 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hinton 1926" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hinton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinton, 1926" ; - dwc:species "cautus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Alticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ognev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ognev, 1964)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Severtzov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Severtzov, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "argentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; @@ -110,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; dwc:genus "Alticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761BFFDBFF17FF759AFAFD2D.ttl b/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761BFFDBFF17FF759AFAFD2D.ttl index 18bf1b8b302..14f4fc43a83 100644 --- a/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761BFFDBFF17FF759AFAFD2D.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761BFFDBFF17FF759AFAFD2D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer; Del-Claro, Kleber; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo" ; dc:title "Argia tupi Calvert 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,81 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Calvert)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert" ; - dwc:species "tupi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Selys)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys" ; - dwc:species "claussenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Navas)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas" ; - dwc:species "cyathigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Calvert, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "bicellulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Selys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Selys, 1865" ; - dwc:species "clausseni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761EFFDEFF17FE7C9B5AFF0B.ttl b/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761EFFDEFF17FE7C9B5AFF0B.ttl index a462fb8016f..0925af16b6c 100644 --- a/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761EFFDEFF17FE7C9B5AFF0B.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/CB/0559CB71761EFFDEFF17FE7C9B5AFF0B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Vilela, Diogo Silva; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer; Del-Claro, Kleber; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo" ; dc:title "Argia bicellulata Calvert 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,96 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Calvert, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1909" ; - dwc:species "botacudo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1909" ; - dwc:species "tupi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Calvert, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Calvert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diargia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Calvert, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Charpentier, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Charpentier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Charpentier, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Argentagrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1948" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; @@ -148,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coenagrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Argia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/59/D6/0559D61D2DD85C44B6378A8BFDD05DFF.ttl b/data/05/59/D6/0559D61D2DD85C44B6378A8BFDD05DFF.ttl index b85228fbe71..75e0bd57a63 100644 --- a/data/05/59/D6/0559D61D2DD85C44B6378A8BFDD05DFF.ttl +++ b/data/05/59/D6/0559D61D2DD85C44B6378A8BFDD05DFF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Chatthanabun, Nontawat; Ascher, John S.; Pinkaew, Nantasak; Thanoosing, Chawatat; Traiyasut, Prapun; Warrit, Natapot" ; dc:title "Megachile (Callomegachile) disjuncta" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/5A/55/055A55B5A72AF7C899F8F441CEE6161D.ttl b/data/05/5A/55/055A55B5A72AF7C899F8F441CEE6161D.ttl index 088cc58d9d0..700adbec23b 100644 --- a/data/05/5A/55/055A55B5A72AF7C899F8F441CEE6161D.ttl +++ b/data/05/5A/55/055A55B5A72AF7C899F8F441CEE6161D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Wood, Hannah M.; Scharff, Nikolaj" ; dc:title "Eriauchenius wunderlichi Wood & Scharff, 2017, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/5A/E2/055AE2CE9B6B8752C3837F561B53C6F8.ttl b/data/05/5A/E2/055AE2CE9B6B8752C3837F561B53C6F8.ttl index ee84a4013f8..a16dde1c02c 100644 --- a/data/05/5A/E2/055AE2CE9B6B8752C3837F561B53C6F8.ttl +++ b/data/05/5A/E2/055AE2CE9B6B8752C3837F561B53C6F8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kuehn, U." ; dc:title "Scleroblitum Ulbr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,22 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(F V. M.) Ulbr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ulbr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "F V. M." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Scleroblitum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(F M.) Ulbr." ; - dwc:species "atriplicium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Chenopodiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5B/51/055B51C21E081C9E4255C36E9E12E0F8.ttl b/data/05/5B/51/055B51C21E081C9E4255C36E9E12E0F8.ttl index 629b8850786..ce433a9d12e 100644 --- a/data/05/5B/51/055B51C21E081C9E4255C36E9E12E0F8.ttl +++ b/data/05/5B/51/055B51C21E081C9E4255C36E9E12E0F8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Xylosandrus beesoni Saha, Maiti & Chakraborti 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nobuchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylosandrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nobuchi, 1981" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eggers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xylosandrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eggers, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "subsimiliformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5B/87/055B87B1F70E2C1D8E97E996FAA0FE40.ttl b/data/05/5B/87/055B87B1F70E2C1D8E97E996FAA0FE40.ttl index 680c3f5ccd9..5af6a04d535 100644 --- a/data/05/5B/87/055B87B1F70E2C1D8E97E996FAA0FE40.ttl +++ b/data/05/5B/87/055B87B1F70E2C1D8E97E996FAA0FE40.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sohn, Jae-Cheon; Eda, Keitaro" ; dc:title "Mataeomera Butler 1886" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mataeomera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler" ; - dwc:species "dubia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hampson, 1910: 36" ; dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; @@ -78,22 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catoblemma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1910" ; - dwc:species "sumbavensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25240FF79F8A6E500F90F.ttl b/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25240FF79F8A6E500F90F.ttl index 1346da4198b..7eac5bc3c3f 100644 --- a/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25240FF79F8A6E500F90F.ttl +++ b/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25240FF79F8A6E500F90F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Chen, Zhi-Teng" ; dc:title "Balticopteryx dui Chen 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Chen", "Chen, 2018" ; + dwc:authority "Chen" ; dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Morton, 1896)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachyptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morton, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "risi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Klapalek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klapalek, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; @@ -97,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25242FF79FDD8E4C5F95D.ttl b/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25242FF79FDD8E4C5F95D.ttl index cfd54ed9e41..2e24bb35d6c 100644 --- a/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25242FF79FDD8E4C5F95D.ttl +++ b/data/05/5B/87/055B87DDFFD25242FF79FDD8E4C5F95D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Zhi-Teng" ; dc:title "Balticopteryx Chen 2018, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,115 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chen, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Balticopteryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "dui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Klapalek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klapalek, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ricker & Ross 1975)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ricker & Ross" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ricker & Ross" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ricker & Ross, 1975)" ; - dwc:subFamily "Brachypterainae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kimmins, 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kyphopteryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1947" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Needham & Claassen, 1925" ; - dwc:authorityName "Needham & Claassen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Doddsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Needham & Claassen, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ricker & Ross, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ricker & Ross" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesyatsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ricker & Ross, 1975" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Banks, 1900)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Doddsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; @@ -165,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Taeniopterygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2580C9C57AE1D9FC1D.ttl b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2580C9C57AE1D9FC1D.ttl index 8bb45e7254b..5d6c56ab728 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2580C9C57AE1D9FC1D.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2580C9C57AE1D9FC1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Singh, Navneet; Bhattacharyya, Kamalika; Volynkin, Anton V.; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Cyana neopuer Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra, 2019", "Singh, Bhattacharyya & Volynkin" ; + dwc:authority "Singh, Bhattacharyya & Volynkin" ; dwc:authorityName "Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elwes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Elwes, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "puer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C237E38BFBB2.ttl b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C237E38BFBB2.ttl index ebdf33a8c57..cbb58c19ead 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C237E38BFBB2.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C237E38BFBB2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Singh, Navneet; Bhattacharyya, Kamalika; Volynkin, Anton V.; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Cyana puer Singh, Bhattacharyya, Volynkin & Chandra, 2019, sp. nov." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,7 +28,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Elwes, 1890)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elwes" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Singh, Bhattacharyya & Volynkin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Bhattacharyya, Volynkin & Chandra, 2019" ; - dwc:species "neopuer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C369E13FFD7E.ttl b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C369E13FFD7E.ttl index af39389fda7..3f3b3001641 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C369E13FFD7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355CDD2780C9C369E13FFD7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Singh, Navneet; Bhattacharyya, Kamalika; Volynkin, Anton V.; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Cyana Walker 1954" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Walker, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1854" ; - dwc:species "detrita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355EDD2F80C9C2D9E66EFC55.ttl b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355EDD2F80C9C2D9E66EFC55.ttl index f79bc34f6c9..fa5ac758ea7 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355EDD2F80C9C2D9E66EFC55.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/71/055D7153355EDD2F80C9C2D9E66EFC55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Singh, Navneet; Bhattacharyya, Kamalika; Volynkin, Anton V.; Chandra, Kailash" ; dc:title "Cyana puer" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Elwes Type", "Elwes, 1890" ; + dwc:authority "Elwes, 1890" ; dwc:authorityName "Elwes Type" ; dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -64,36 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Singh & Bhattacharyya & Volynkin & Chandra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Singh, Bhattacharyya, Volynkin & Chandra, 2019" ; - dwc:species "neopuer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1954" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -107,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Cyana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5D/87/055D87FFFFA2FF8994B4FB2CFD83F842.ttl b/data/05/5D/87/055D87FFFFA2FF8994B4FB2CFD83F842.ttl index 1cd23db3dbf..4be71fa5531 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/87/055D87FFFFA2FF8994B4FB2CFD83F842.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/87/055D87FFFFA2FF8994B4FB2CFD83F842.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smetana, Aleš; Grebennikov, Vasily" ; dc:title "Ocypus (Matidus) primoriensis Smetana, spec. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,135 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Smetana" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smetana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smetana" ; - dwc:species "primoriensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Matidus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. Muller" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. Muller" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller" ; - dwc:species "coreanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eppelsheim, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eppelsheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eppelsheim, 1887" ; - dwc:species "inexspectatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pseudocypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sharp, 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ontholestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1874" ; - dwc:species "gracilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bernhauer, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bernhauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bernhauer, 1931" ; - dwc:species "emdeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1793" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1793" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1793" ; - dwc:species "cyanipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eppelsheim, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eppelsheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eppelsheim, 1889" ; - dwc:species "oberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pravdin & Storozhenko, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pravdin & Storozhenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Grylloblattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galloisiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Grylloblattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pravdin & Storozhenko, 1977" ; - dwc:species "kurentzovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5D/AF/055DAF3748A937F0D044B4C1BAAABC6E.ttl b/data/05/5D/AF/055DAF3748A937F0D044B4C1BAAABC6E.ttl index 9370ef4487f..546cdf00e14 100644 --- a/data/05/5D/AF/055DAF3748A937F0D044B4C1BAAABC6E.ttl +++ b/data/05/5D/AF/055DAF3748A937F0D044B4C1BAAABC6E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vea, Isabelle M.; Gwiazdowski, Rodger A.; Normark, Benjamin B." ; dc:title "Chionaspis brachycephalon Vea, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Vea" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Chionaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vea" ; - dwc:species "brachycephalon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; @@ -71,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; dwc:genus "Chionaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5E/30/055E30598E4C54CBBF5636294DB2D4EE.ttl b/data/05/5E/30/055E30598E4C54CBBF5636294DB2D4EE.ttl index 8e6fb497941..336552dfca1 100644 --- a/data/05/5E/30/055E30598E4C54CBBF5636294DB2D4EE.ttl +++ b/data/05/5E/30/055E30598E4C54CBBF5636294DB2D4EE.ttl @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morawitz, 1876" ; dwc:species "mordax" ; - dwc:subGenus "Hoplandrena" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -55,7 +54,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "mordax" ; - dwc:subGenus "Hoplandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5E/4D/055E4DE2FF4FAC9BE75FB5437DC167D1.ttl b/data/05/5E/4D/055E4DE2FF4FAC9BE75FB5437DC167D1.ttl index 63c2afd67ee..cb7aaeb52da 100644 --- a/data/05/5E/4D/055E4DE2FF4FAC9BE75FB5437DC167D1.ttl +++ b/data/05/5E/4D/055E4DE2FF4FAC9BE75FB5437DC167D1.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:creator "Aubriot, Xavier; Knapp, Sandra" ; dc:title "Solanum cyanocarphium Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 13: 700. 1826." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,12 +80,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - # Warning: abbreviated genus "S." ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "S." ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:rank "family", "genus" ; + dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0023A5AA4E109D83BB2FC77.ttl b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0023A5AA4E109D83BB2FC77.ttl index a476f9c98b3..16df6e548b6 100644 --- a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0023A5AA4E109D83BB2FC77.ttl +++ b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0023A5AA4E109D83BB2FC77.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Vicente, Carlos San" ; dc:title "Pseudomma" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,125 +25,6 @@ dc:title "New Mysida (Crustacea) in the genus Pseudomma from the Bellingshausen Sea (Southern Ocean)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Zimmer, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zimmer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zimmer, 1914" ; - dwc:species "antarcticum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:species "longicaudum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:species "schollaertensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hansen, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hansen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hansen, 1913" ; - dwc:species "armatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Holt and Tattersall, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holt and Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holt & Tattersall, 1906" ; - dwc:species "belgicae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:species "minutum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tattersall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tattersall, 1955" ; - dwc:species "calmani" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0083A51A4E10ABD3F2CF865.ttl b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0083A51A4E10ABD3F2CF865.ttl index 62824ab6f99..5c9df803f4d 100644 --- a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0083A51A4E10ABD3F2CF865.ttl +++ b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E0083A51A4E10ABD3F2CF865.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Vicente, Carlos San" ; dc:title "Pseudomma melandi Vicente, 2011, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E00F3A50A4E10F1D3DDDFC55.ttl b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E00F3A50A4E10F1D3DDDFC55.ttl index f0907d82504..d493c0dfb64 100644 --- a/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E00F3A50A4E10F1D3DDDFC55.ttl +++ b/data/05/5E/AD/055EAD64E00F3A50A4E10F1D3DDDFC55.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Vicente, Carlos San" ; dc:title "Pseudomma bellingshausensis Vicente, 2011, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meland and Brattegard, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meland and Brattegard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Mysidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mysida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meland & Brattegard, 2007" ; - dwc:species "islandicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Mysidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/5F/4A/055F4A67740F4C7BFF58C1C6FF4CF994.ttl b/data/05/5F/4A/055F4A67740F4C7BFF58C1C6FF4CF994.ttl index f20ac41624f..e24f698bd10 100644 --- a/data/05/5F/4A/055F4A67740F4C7BFF58C1C6FF4CF994.ttl +++ b/data/05/5F/4A/055F4A67740F4C7BFF58C1C6FF4CF994.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Bordbar, Firouzeh; Mirtadzadini, Mansour" ; dc:title "Acantholimon assadii Mirtadz. & Bordbar 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,69 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Boissier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantholimon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boissier, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cabulicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boissier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantholimon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boissier, 1846" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Assadi (2003: 28)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Assadi" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "28" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantholimon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Assadi, 2003" ; - dwc:species "mirtadzadinii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Assadi & Mirtadz. (2006: 130)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Assadi & Mirtadz." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "130" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantholimon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Assadi & Mirtadz., 2006" ; - dwc:species "kermanense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; @@ -126,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plumbaginaceae" ; dwc:genus "Acantholimon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/5F/62/055F62441754982B2024AE10ABCEDECD.ttl b/data/05/5F/62/055F62441754982B2024AE10ABCEDECD.ttl index 76aee5fb8bf..aca48a6a606 100644 --- a/data/05/5F/62/055F62441754982B2024AE10ABCEDECD.ttl +++ b/data/05/5F/62/055F62441754982B2024AE10ABCEDECD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Lens culinaris Medik." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/5F/F3/055FF3755844918D8879C820E31EB419.ttl b/data/05/5F/F3/055FF3755844918D8879C820E31EB419.ttl index a035b17b545..435c420e23a 100644 --- a/data/05/5F/F3/055FF3755844918D8879C820E31EB419.ttl +++ b/data/05/5F/F3/055FF3755844918D8879C820E31EB419.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Else, George R.; Bolton, Barry; Broad, Gavin R." ; dc:title "Stenamma westwoodii Westwood 1839" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/60/01/056001687617C029F15A90A5672DA370.ttl b/data/05/60/01/056001687617C029F15A90A5672DA370.ttl index 1452ed12247..82444443db2 100644 --- a/data/05/60/01/056001687617C029F15A90A5672DA370.ttl +++ b/data/05/60/01/056001687617C029F15A90A5672DA370.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Potentilla sterilis Garcke" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Potentilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/60/2C/05602C149133FB89486141D6DD5B3732.ttl b/data/05/60/2C/05602C149133FB89486141D6DD5B3732.ttl index be222cf60eb..53cf5ffbc5d 100644 --- a/data/05/60/2C/05602C149133FB89486141D6DD5B3732.ttl +++ b/data/05/60/2C/05602C149133FB89486141D6DD5B3732.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Magain, Nicolas; Serusiaux, Emmanuel" ; dc:title "Arctomia borbonica Magain & Serus, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,37 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "Mycobank: MB 800279" ; - dwc:authority "Magain & Serus" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arctomiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Arctomia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arctomiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Magain & Serus" ; - dwc:species "borbonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(DC.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Judd, 1984 (DC.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Judd, 1984 (DC.)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agauria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Judd, 1984" ; - dwc:species "buxifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Arctomiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/61/87/056187C6FFA3FFD4FF730CAAF771F391.ttl b/data/05/61/87/056187C6FFA3FFD4FF730CAAF771F391.ttl index 64c3b030fc5..5704762eb61 100644 --- a/data/05/61/87/056187C6FFA3FFD4FF730CAAF771F391.ttl +++ b/data/05/61/87/056187C6FFA3FFD4FF730CAAF771F391.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Dugong dugon" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -73,12 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dugongidae" ; dwc:genus "Dugong" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sirenia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/61/A4/0561A41240151F67E2D0FB57B0C5F825.ttl b/data/05/61/A4/0561A41240151F67E2D0FB57B0C5F825.ttl index 3995e2422cc..0d45427d871 100644 --- a/data/05/61/A4/0561A41240151F67E2D0FB57B0C5F825.ttl +++ b/data/05/61/A4/0561A41240151F67E2D0FB57B0C5F825.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bangher, Débora N.; Almirón, Walter R.; Stein, Marina" ; dc:title "Culex (Melanoconion) dureti Casal & Garcia 1968" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Halter" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Culicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/61/F9/0561F9BE7E103B197D253856346F5321.ttl b/data/05/61/F9/0561F9BE7E103B197D253856346F5321.ttl index 37574d598f8..a5102e6a308 100644 --- a/data/05/61/F9/0561F9BE7E103B197D253856346F5321.ttl +++ b/data/05/61/F9/0561F9BE7E103B197D253856346F5321.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Pantoliina Krikken 1984" ; diff --git a/data/05/62/1B/05621B37723351708BCD6FBF9A2A770B.ttl b/data/05/62/1B/05621B37723351708BCD6FBF9A2A770B.ttl index 90c3d538ecf..f4cbc3a5904 100644 --- a/data/05/62/1B/05621B37723351708BCD6FBF9A2A770B.ttl +++ b/data/05/62/1B/05621B37723351708BCD6FBF9A2A770B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "dos Santos, Suzane E.; Rodrigues, Juliana M. S.; Couceiro, Sheyla R. M.; Moreira, Felipe F. F." ; dc:title "Hydrometra argentina Berg 1879" ; diff --git a/data/05/62/6E/05626E625E3C55EF9D8A04B58A926EA0.ttl b/data/05/62/6E/05626E625E3C55EF9D8A04B58A926EA0.ttl index dc721eaf8be..7bbc9756ad5 100644 --- a/data/05/62/6E/05626E625E3C55EF9D8A04B58A926EA0.ttl +++ b/data/05/62/6E/05626E625E3C55EF9D8A04B58A926EA0.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Shuji; Peng, Cheng; Yuan, Rong; Tian, Chengming" ; dc:title "Apiospora arundinis Pintos & P. Alvarado, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 7: 205 2021" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,59 +49,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pintos & P. Alvarado, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 7: 205" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Corda" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Apiosporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Apiospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Amphisphaeriales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Corda) Pintos, Alvarado, Fungal Systematics & Evolution 7: 205, 2021" ; - dwc:species "arundinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "L.B.Sm. & Downs" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spreng." ; - dwc:class "Equisetopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Brunfelsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Magnoliophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spreng.) Sm. & Downs, 1966" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C.D.Chu & C.S.Chao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Monocotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyllostachys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Graminales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chu & Chao, 1980" ; - dwc:species "praecox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Apiosporaceae" ; dwc:genus "Apiospora" ; dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Amphisphaeriales", "Xylariales" ; + dwc:order "Xylariales" ; dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "arundinis" ; diff --git a/data/05/62/82/0562824DD2EC542797DB7290F59096AE.ttl b/data/05/62/82/0562824DD2EC542797DB7290F59096AE.ttl index 7d370c2efeb..a4f9c4ea3c5 100644 --- a/data/05/62/82/0562824DD2EC542797DB7290F59096AE.ttl +++ b/data/05/62/82/0562824DD2EC542797DB7290F59096AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Portman, Zachary M.; Arduser, Mike; Lane, Ian G.; Cariveau, Daniel P." ; dc:title "Augochloropsis (Paraugochloropsis) cuprea Portman & Arduser & Lane & Cariveau 2022, stat. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -80,36 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "metallica" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Halictidae" ; - dwc:genus "Augochloropsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "metallica" ; - dwc:species "metallica" ; - dwc:subSpecies "metallica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Portman & Arduser & Lane & Cariveau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Halictidae" ; - dwc:genus "Augochloropsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Portman, Arduser, Lane & Cariveau, 2022" ; - dwc:species "metallica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Halictidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/62/B3/0562B388B5145D58A3D18F4C99A2B62E.ttl b/data/05/62/B3/0562B388B5145D58A3D18F4C99A2B62E.ttl index a58392b79ae..c4b4e65af74 100644 --- a/data/05/62/B3/0562B388B5145D58A3D18F4C99A2B62E.ttl +++ b/data/05/62/B3/0562B388B5145D58A3D18F4C99A2B62E.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bousquet, Yves" ; dc:title "Scaphinotus snowi subsp. roeschkei Van Dyke 1907" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scaphinotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LeConte, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "snowi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -77,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scaphinotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "snowi" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/62/F4/0562F41A8CA35CAE8C6542DC80D57EA6.ttl b/data/05/62/F4/0562F41A8CA35CAE8C6542DC80D57EA6.ttl index 68f9ff1cbee..7160dbd5a75 100644 --- a/data/05/62/F4/0562F41A8CA35CAE8C6542DC80D57EA6.ttl +++ b/data/05/62/F4/0562F41A8CA35CAE8C6542DC80D57EA6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Cernansky, Andrej; Vasilyan, Davit" ; dc:title "Camptognathosaurus Folie, Smith & Smith 2013" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Čerňanský & Vasilyan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Čerňanský & Vasilyan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; - dwc:genus "Camptognathosaurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Čerňanský & Vasilyan, 2024)" ; - dwc:species "parisiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/64/EC/0564ECE11C334946B2654D0C1536665B.ttl b/data/05/64/EC/0564ECE11C334946B2654D0C1536665B.ttl index 1928207690e..07f3c8682c9 100644 --- a/data/05/64/EC/0564ECE11C334946B2654D0C1536665B.ttl +++ b/data/05/64/EC/0564ECE11C334946B2654D0C1536665B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Dexorinae Bocak and Bocakova 1989" ; diff --git a/data/05/65/37/056537D414465376857865C28E957B14.ttl b/data/05/65/37/056537D414465376857865C28E957B14.ttl index 4e5fd105e50..3c36855a5de 100644 --- a/data/05/65/37/056537D414465376857865C28E957B14.ttl +++ b/data/05/65/37/056537D414465376857865C28E957B14.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Castanheira, Pedro de Souza; Baptista, Renner Luiz Cerqueira; Oliveira, Francisca Samia Martins" ; dc:title "Tetragnatha nitens" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -109,30 +107,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sundevall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Theridiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sundevall, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Menge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menge, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; @@ -146,20 +120,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; dwc:genus "Tetragnatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/65/BC/0565BCAF7C6F2AAF3073AB0C83A67E7E.ttl b/data/05/65/BC/0565BCAF7C6F2AAF3073AB0C83A67E7E.ttl index 70fd86ab151..762c00b009f 100644 --- a/data/05/65/BC/0565BCAF7C6F2AAF3073AB0C83A67E7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/65/BC/0565BCAF7C6F2AAF3073AB0C83A67E7E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lin, Yucheng; Koh, Joseph K. H.; Koponen, Seppo; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Ablemma Roewer 1963" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A26FFDA609E46604B17E9E2.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A26FFDA609E46604B17E9E2.ttl index b7c6acc8fa3..975b6f15ad7 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A26FFDA609E46604B17E9E2.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A26FFDA609E46604B17E9E2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius maddisoni Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:species "dolius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -106,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A30FFCC609E440B4B6CEDDA.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A30FFCC609E440B4B6CEDDA.ttl index cd5ded46515..df22d684abc 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A30FFCC609E440B4B6CEDDA.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A30FFCC609E440B4B6CEDDA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius cielito Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,68 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "grisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "chiapanecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -122,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A32FFCD609E46984BD0EDB6.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A32FFCD609E46984BD0EDB6.ttl index d5b7dbd8657..54319238b24 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A32FFCD609E46984BD0EDB6.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A32FFCD609E46984BD0EDB6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius chiapanecus Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,85 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "grisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cielito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:species "dolius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "maddisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A35FFCF609E457D4B17E80A.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A35FFCF609E457D4B17E80A.ttl index e9457271fd6..8da4549662f 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A35FFCF609E457D4B17E80A.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A35FFCF609E457D4B17E80A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius dolius Chamberlin 1925" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,68 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "maddisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "grisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -122,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A37FFC9609E455C4D23E916.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A37FFC9609E455C4D23E916.ttl index ae686eacf64..7ac2217bb7e 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A37FFC9609E455C4D23E916.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A37FFC9609E455C4D23E916.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius Chamberlin 1925" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,189 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:species "dolius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "chiapanecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cielito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "grisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "maddisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marx" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hentzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marx, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pickard-Cambridge" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pickard-Cambridge" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phanias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pickard-Cambridge" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Beata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:species "wickhami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ruiz & Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz & Edwards" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bagheera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz & Edwards" ; - dwc:species "montagua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygoballus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peckham & Peckham, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bagheera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peckham & Peckham, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A3EFFC2609E44414B05EDFE.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A3EFFC2609E44414B05EDFE.ttl index 072a1a75d9b..dab9813ae1f 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A3EFFC2609E44414B05EDFE.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A3EFFC2609E44414B05EDFE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius faunus Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,68 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cielito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:species "dolius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "maddisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -122,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/68/87/056887883A3FFFC4609E43C44C59EF1A.ttl b/data/05/68/87/056887883A3FFFC4609E43C44C59EF1A.ttl index 77272decb4a..1f23dd1d70f 100644 --- a/data/05/68/87/056887883A3FFFC4609E43C44C59EF1A.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/87/056887883A3FFFC4609E43C44C59EF1A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Guerrero-Fuentes, Dariana R.; Francke, Oscar F." ; dc:title "Anicius grisae Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,99 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "cielito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1925" ; - dwc:species "dolius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "faunus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "maddisoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerrero-Fuentes & Francke, 2019" ; - dwc:species "chiapanecus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -153,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Anicius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/68/CB/0568CBA8470503979B1C7DE4F5949C6C.ttl b/data/05/68/CB/0568CBA8470503979B1C7DE4F5949C6C.ttl index e3ccee0b4d7..10f3b061501 100644 --- a/data/05/68/CB/0568CBA8470503979B1C7DE4F5949C6C.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/CB/0568CBA8470503979B1C7DE4F5949C6C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Raphael Covain; Sonia Fisch-Muller" ; dc:title "Sturisomatichthys Isbruecker & Nijssen 1979" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/68/E0/0568E0631A7D6DA12CA28DA926E9107B.ttl b/data/05/68/E0/0568E0631A7D6DA12CA28DA926E9107B.ttl index 6a6257779a9..9efdbba730d 100644 --- a/data/05/68/E0/0568E0631A7D6DA12CA28DA926E9107B.ttl +++ b/data/05/68/E0/0568E0631A7D6DA12CA28DA926E9107B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Bankov, Nikola; Todorov, Milcho; Ganeva, Anna" ; dc:title "Centropyxis platystoma (Penard, 1890) Deflandre 1929" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/6A/12/056A121FFF9E8837FF53FEBB1D7148F7.ttl b/data/05/6A/12/056A121FFF9E8837FF53FEBB1D7148F7.ttl index f7ba86eb06e..7cc8eedc80a 100644 --- a/data/05/6A/12/056A121FFF9E8837FF53FEBB1D7148F7.ttl +++ b/data/05/6A/12/056A121FFF9E8837FF53FEBB1D7148F7.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Makarkin, Vladimir N.; Wedmann, Sonja; Weiterschan, Thomas" ; dc:title "Elektrithone Makarkin, Wedmann & Weiterschan, 2014, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/6A/D5/056AD5CC86559B09171E29C38AD4E3F8.ttl b/data/05/6A/D5/056AD5CC86559B09171E29C38AD4E3F8.ttl index 0dc3fd5f07d..3f9ccfc7bfe 100644 --- a/data/05/6A/D5/056AD5CC86559B09171E29C38AD4E3F8.ttl +++ b/data/05/6A/D5/056AD5CC86559B09171E29C38AD4E3F8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Crepis foetida L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,21 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. Enthaelt" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. Enthaelt" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Crepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enthaelt" ; - dwc:species "foetida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Stinkender Pippau"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -68,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Crepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/6B/5B/056B5B53FCDE5E9FB4C5803867FC2A09.ttl b/data/05/6B/5B/056B5B53FCDE5E9FB4C5803867FC2A09.ttl index 892d876003d..29e4b9fc542 100644 --- a/data/05/6B/5B/056B5B53FCDE5E9FB4C5803867FC2A09.ttl +++ b/data/05/6B/5B/056B5B53FCDE5E9FB4C5803867FC2A09.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Alipanah, Helen; Nieukerken, Erik J. van; Farahani, Samira; Buszko, Jaroslaw" ; dc:title "Tischeria ekebladoides Puplesis & Diskus 2003" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,19 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Spuler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spuler, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; @@ -79,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E408344FF18FBF1FB829A1E.ttl b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E408344FF18FBF1FB829A1E.ttl index 2b17331d2be..38fc9beff02 100644 --- a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E408344FF18FBF1FB829A1E.ttl +++ b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E408344FF18FBF1FB829A1E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lima, Thalita Da Silva; Camargo, Luiza Figueiredo; Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria" ; dc:title "Messatoporus luizae Lima & Camargo & Penteado-Dias 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Santos, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Messatoporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 2013" ; - dwc:species "semialbiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E458347FF18FE79FB3F9AAA.ttl b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E458347FF18FE79FB3F9AAA.ttl index 6c4a38a700e..adec338c98b 100644 --- a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E458347FF18FE79FB3F9AAA.ttl +++ b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E458347FF18FE79FB3F9AAA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lima, Thalita Da Silva; Camargo, Luiza Figueiredo; Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria" ; dc:title "Messatoporus suzane Lima & Camargo & Penteado-Dias 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Szepligeti, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Szepligeti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sclerosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Szepligeti, 1916" ; - dwc:species "variegatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E46834AFF18FDADFD6E9EC2.ttl b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E46834AFF18FDADFD6E9EC2.ttl index 66672f2cf73..afc6593b6e0 100644 --- a/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E46834AFF18FDADFD6E9EC2.ttl +++ b/data/05/6B/87/056B879E7E46834AFF18FDADFD6E9EC2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lima, Thalita Da Silva; Camargo, Luiza Figueiredo; Penteado-Dias, Angélica Maria" ; dc:title "Messatoporus claretee Lima & Camargo & Penteado-Dias 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Santos, 2013" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sclerosomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Opiliones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, 2013" ; - dwc:species "euryoikos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6B/D2/056BD236B4D758CDA89E9F40D75A7635.ttl b/data/05/6B/D2/056BD236B4D758CDA89E9F40D75A7635.ttl index 0b24a64d80d..971af28d547 100644 --- a/data/05/6B/D2/056BD236B4D758CDA89E9F40D75A7635.ttl +++ b/data/05/6B/D2/056BD236B4D758CDA89E9F40D75A7635.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fernandez-Triana, Jose L.; Shimbori, Eduardo M.; Whitfield, James B.; Penteado-Dias, Angelica M.; Shaw, Scott R.; Boudreault, Caroline; Sones, Jayme; Perez, Kate; Brown, Allison; Manjunath, Ramya; Burns, John M.; Hebert, P. D. N.; Smith, M. Alex; Hallwachs, Winnifred; Janzen, Daniel H." ; dc:title "Alphomelon gloriasihezarae Fernandez-Triana & Shimbori 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mabille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymaenes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthopoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mabille, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "odilia" ; - dwc:subSpecies "trebius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6C/69/056C69351384EF080447F05769C00019.ttl b/data/05/6C/69/056C69351384EF080447F05769C00019.ttl index 47823e56973..f1348f92b0f 100644 --- a/data/05/6C/69/056C69351384EF080447F05769C00019.ttl +++ b/data/05/6C/69/056C69351384EF080447F05769C00019.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because the rank attribute is missing ; dc:creator "Thornhill, Robert; Krings, Alexander; Lindbo, David; Stucky, Jon" ; dc:title "Packera paupercula A. Loeve & D. Loeve" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA69C2415AD3A3A8A5E3FC11.ttl b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA69C2415AD3A3A8A5E3FC11.ttl index e7acb4a404a..6ddea6be11a 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA69C2415AD3A3A8A5E3FC11.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA69C2415AD3A3A8A5E3FC11.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rahiminejad, Vahid; Hajiqanbar, Hamidreza; Fathipour, Yaghoub" ; dc:title "Elattoma cerambycidum Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:species "cerambycidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:species "kornilovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6CC2455AD3A1EDA263FB58.ttl b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6CC2455AD3A1EDA263FB58.ttl index ad2f51c3e46..ba63109b4a3 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6CC2455AD3A1EDA263FB58.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6CC2455AD3A1EDA263FB58.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rahiminejad, Vahid; Hajiqanbar, Hamidreza; Fathipour, Yaghoub" ; dc:title "Elattoma abeskoun Rahiminejad and Hajiqanbar, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar", "Rahiminejad and Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar", "Rahiminejad and Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rahiminejad & Hajiqanbar" ; - dwc:species "abeskoun" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6FC24B5AD3A7C5A4E3FE3D.ttl b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6FC24B5AD3A7C5A4E3FE3D.ttl index 27748599eb7..acc3f6dfa5d 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6FC24B5AD3A7C5A4E3FE3D.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/87/056E879DDA6FC24B5AD3A7C5A4E3FE3D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rahiminejad, Vahid; Hajiqanbar, Hamidreza; Fathipour, Yaghoub" ; dc:title "Elattoma" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,134 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:species "kornilovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2003" ; - dwc:species "alaskensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2003" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2003" ; - dwc:species "alni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:species "fraxini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cross and Moser, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cross and Moser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cross & Moser, 1971" ; - dwc:species "bennetti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Krczal, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Krczal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Microdispidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microdispodides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mesostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krczal, 1959" ; - dwc:species "karafiati" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:species "crossi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Khaustov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elattoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khaustov, 2000" ; - dwc:species "lata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Pyemotidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147408619FC47FCC89290405E.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147408619FC47FCC89290405E.ttl index 93f8db1ec02..4888107a135 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147408619FC47FCC89290405E.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147408619FC47FCC89290405E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius kappa Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,55 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "gamma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lambda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "omikron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714745861CFF2DF93294274286.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714745861CFF2DF93294274286.ttl index 8fb8998dc0e..780df7b66da 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714745861CFF2DF93294274286.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714745861CFF2DF93294274286.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius beta Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, comb. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -83,8 +82,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "germanus: Bonacina, 1980: 58", "sensu Bonacina (1980)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonacina", "germanus: Bonacina" ; + dwc:authority "germanus: Bonacina, 1980: 58" ; + dwc:authorityName "germanus: Bonacina" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "58" ; dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; @@ -170,22 +169,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714747861DFC4FFB4995184260.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714747861DFC4FFB4995184260.ttl index 168a41e47c7..6669c506869 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714747861DFC4FFB4995184260.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF9714747861DFC4FFB4995184260.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius delta Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -134,40 +132,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "germanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "gamma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; @@ -230,12 +194,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "germanus" ; trt:hasParentName , ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147488613FE9EF9B2949341AE.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147488613FE9EF9B2949341AE.ttl index f3add9ba927..bd73d6d2b7b 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147488613FE9EF9B2949341AE.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147488613FE9EF9B2949341AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius germanus Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -117,22 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lambda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971474B861EFF22FEA990944032.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971474B861EFF22FEA990944032.ttl index ffe20c138b7..1133672b913 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971474B861EFF22FEA990944032.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971474B861EFF22FEA990944032.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius alpha Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, comb. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -150,89 +149,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "delta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "beta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "germanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "kappa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lambda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598600FC46FA8C9173418E.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598600FC46FA8C9173418E.ttl index a38e3d9750b..507b4e9da9c 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598600FC46FA8C9173418E.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598600FC46FA8C9173418E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius sigma Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -79,37 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "ypsilon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kessler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kessler, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "mingrelicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598602FEB4FF4E95354343.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598602FEB4FF4E95354343.ttl index 5983bc695fd..bafe224bd42 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598602FEB4FF4E95354343.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF97147598602FEB4FF4E95354343.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius omikron Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -96,37 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kessler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kessler, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "mingrelicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "kappa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475C8604FC7AFCAB93A74190.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475C8604FC7AFCAB93A74190.ttl index 2145ff581bc..89d6c5fc51f 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475C8604FC7AFCAB93A74190.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475C8604FC7AFCAB93A74190.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius omega Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,69 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kessler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kessler, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "mingrelicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "omikron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "sigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "ypsilon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475D8607FC49FDF4922C44E1.ttl b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475D8607FC49FDF4922C44E1.ttl index e3482c511b2..9e066f79dc0 100644 --- a/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475D8607FC49FDF4922C44E1.ttl +++ b/data/05/6E/F9/056EF971475D8607FC49FDF4922C44E1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Štundlová, Jana; Fet, Victor; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Alpiscorpius mingrelicus Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský 2019" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,7 +26,6 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Kessler, 1874)" ; dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kessler" ; @@ -46,225 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Di Caporiacco, 1950)" ; - dwc:species "gamma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fet, 2000)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fet, 2000)" ; - dwc:species "beroni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "omega" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "omikron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "sigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Štundlová, Fet & Šťáhlavský, 2019" ; - dwc:species "ypsilon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bonacina, 1980)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonacina" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonacina, 1980)" ; - dwc:species "phrygius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Štundlová & Fet & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lacroix" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lacroix, 1995)" ; - dwc:species "uludagensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "von Mollendorff, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "von Mollendorff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "von Mollendorff, 1873" ; - dwc:species "bosnensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Di Caporiacco, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Di Caporiacco, 1950" ; - dwc:species "germanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "dinaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Di Caporiacco, 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Di Caporiacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Di Caporiacco, 1950" ; - dwc:species "germanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "histrorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bonacina, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonacina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alpiscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonacina, 1980" ; - dwc:species "mingrelicus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "caporiaccoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hadzi, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hadzi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euscorpius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hadzi, 1929" ; - dwc:species "germanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mesotrichus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Euscorpiidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/6F/80/056F806E0B044EF4F7E880B4DB4F1379.ttl b/data/05/6F/80/056F806E0B044EF4F7E880B4DB4F1379.ttl index 38f332e3f0a..6d7ab9e699c 100644 --- a/data/05/6F/80/056F806E0B044EF4F7E880B4DB4F1379.ttl +++ b/data/05/6F/80/056F806E0B044EF4F7E880B4DB4F1379.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Lasiurus (Lasiurus) cinereus subsp. semotus H. Allen 1890" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,35 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasiurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Palisot de Beauvois" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1796" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasiurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Palisot de Beauvois, 1796)" ; - dwc:species "cinereus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; @@ -87,12 +57,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasiurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "cinereus" ; trt:hasParentName ; @@ -105,12 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; dwc:genus "Lasiurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA0FA63FF5AEFE363B4FB42.ttl b/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA0FA63FF5AEFE363B4FB42.ttl index 77bee7752a9..ec68e0f537a 100644 --- a/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA0FA63FF5AEFE363B4FB42.ttl +++ b/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA0FA63FF5AEFE363B4FB42.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rocha-Filho, Léo Correia Da; Serrano, José Carlos; Garófalo, Carlos Alberto" ; dc:title "Coelioxoides piscicauda Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo, 2017", "Rocha-Filho" ; + dwc:authority "Rocha-Filho" ; dwc:authorityName "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo" ; dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,203 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Holmberg, 1887)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holmberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Holmberg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Holmberg, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ducke" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ducke. Alem" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ducke. Alem, 1908" ; - dwc:species "waltheriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cresson, 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1878" ; - dwc:species "punctipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rocha-Filho, Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tetrapedia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tetrapedia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tetrapedia" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tetrapedia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tetrapedia" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tetrapedia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1809" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaetodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Roubikia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rocha-Filho, Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zakhvatkin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaetodactylidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zakhvatkin, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klimov & O'Connor" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimov & O'Connor" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaetodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Roubikia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimov & OConnor" ; - dwc:species "imberba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baker, Roubik & Delfinado-Baker)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Baker, Roubik & Delfinado-Baker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baker, Roubik & Delfinado-Baker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaetodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Roubikia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baker, Roubik & Delfinado-Baker, 1987)" ; - dwc:species "panamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "O'Connor" ; - dwc:authorityName "O'Connor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaetodactylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Roubikia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Astigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "OConnor, 1993" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Apidae" ; @@ -257,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA7FA63FF5AEDBB67DBF827.ttl b/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA7FA63FF5AEDBB67DBF827.ttl index 1740fe0effa..ace25addbfc 100644 --- a/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA7FA63FF5AEDBB67DBF827.ttl +++ b/data/05/6F/87/056F87CDFFA7FA63FF5AEDBB67DBF827.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Rocha-Filho, Léo Correia Da; Serrano, José Carlos; Garófalo, Carlos Alberto" ; dc:title "Coelioxoides" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -30,75 +30,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rocha-Filho & Serrano & Garófalo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rocha-Filho, Serrano & Garófalo, 2017" ; - dwc:species "piscicauda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Holmberg)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Holmberg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Holmberg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Holmberg, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "exulans" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1878" ; - dwc:species "punctipennis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ducke" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ducke. Alem" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelioxoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ducke. Alem, 1908" ; - dwc:species "waltheriae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Apidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFA1FFF50ADBFF3BFB6976BB.ttl b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFA1FFF50ADBFF3BFB6976BB.ttl index 6e7affcab79..d11fb4c6ff3 100644 --- a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFA1FFF50ADBFF3BFB6976BB.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFA1FFF50ADBFF3BFB6976BB.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Soares, Karla D. A.; Gomes, Ulisses L.; De Carvalho, Marcelo R." ; dc:title "Scyliorhinus cabofriensis Soares, Gomes & Carvalho, 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,37 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mode" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mode" ; - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Scyliorhinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scyliorhinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carcharhiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mode" ; - dwc:species "haeckelii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Scyliorhinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scyliorhinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carcharhiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "canicula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Springer, 1966" ; dwc:authorityName "Springer" ; @@ -211,12 +180,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Scyliorhinidae" ; dwc:genus "Scyliorhinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carcharhiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFAFFFEC0ADBF94BFC6D759D.ttl b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFAFFFEC0ADBF94BFC6D759D.ttl index 2ed1b2f2e79..ddf5b76a42a 100644 --- a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFAFFFEC0ADBF94BFC6D759D.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFAFFFEC0ADBF94BFC6D759D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Soares, Karla D. A.; Gomes, Ulisses L.; De Carvalho, Marcelo R." ; dc:title "Scyliorhinus haeckelii" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -181,12 +181,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Scyliorhinidae" ; dwc:genus "Scyliorhinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carcharhiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFBEFFE40ADBFB00FA247712.ttl b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFBEFFE40ADBFB00FA247712.ttl index cd0caa56f61..5c73e8c63f0 100644 --- a/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFBEFFE40ADBFB00FA247712.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/01/0570016CFFBEFFE40ADBFB00FA247712.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Soares, Karla D. A.; Gomes, Ulisses L.; De Carvalho, Marcelo R." ; dc:title "Scyliorhinus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/70/79/057079C792DE03724669D5DE5102BC4A.ttl b/data/05/70/79/057079C792DE03724669D5DE5102BC4A.ttl index 678c7ad4df7..1a7e5f8e507 100644 --- a/data/05/70/79/057079C792DE03724669D5DE5102BC4A.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/79/057079C792DE03724669D5DE5102BC4A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wilson, E. O." ; dc:title "Pheidole truncula Wilson, 2003, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF90FFA441FFFEA2931FD2C2.ttl b/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF90FFA441FFFEA2931FD2C2.ttl index b3506335b71..23f9ccf652b 100644 --- a/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF90FFA441FFFEA2931FD2C2.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF90FFA441FFFEA2931FD2C2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Takaoka, H.; Sofian-Azirun, M.; Ob, Z. Ya’C; Hashim, R." ; dc:title "Simulium (Gomphostilbia) tanahrataense Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,40 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka & Davies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:species "tani" ; - dwc:subGenus "Simulium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Edward, 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Edward" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edward, 1928" ; - dwc:species "hackeri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Simulium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF96FFAA41FFFF66930BD582.ttl b/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF96FFAA41FFFF66930BD582.ttl index e99f4a9118a..42e3c49f7a2 100644 --- a/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF96FFAA41FFFF66930BD582.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/87/057087A3FF96FFAA41FFFF66930BD582.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Takaoka, H.; Sofian-Azirun, M.; Ob, Z. Ya’C; Hashim, R." ; dc:title "Simulium (Gomphostilbia) brinchangense Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,142 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim" ; - dwc:species "brinchangense" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gomphostilbia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka & Davies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:species "caudisclerum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Nevermannia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Edwards, 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edwards, 1934" ; - dwc:species "feuerborni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Nevermannia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka & Davies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:species "brevipar" ; - dwc:subGenus "Simulium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka & Davies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka & Davies, 1995" ; - dwc:species "asakoae" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gomphostilbia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka, 2008" ; - dwc:species "hoiseni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gomphostilbia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka, Sofian-Azirun & Hashim, 2011" ; - dwc:species "lurauense" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gomphostilbia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takaoka & Sofian-Azirun, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takaoka & Sofian-Azirun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takaoka & Sofian-Azirun, 2011" ; - dwc:species "roslihashimi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gomphostilbia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Simuliidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/70/DC/0570DC3AC03825F5BF21C959CD029DCD.ttl b/data/05/70/DC/0570DC3AC03825F5BF21C959CD029DCD.ttl index f4a437105dd..5dc6d8826b3 100644 --- a/data/05/70/DC/0570DC3AC03825F5BF21C959CD029DCD.ttl +++ b/data/05/70/DC/0570DC3AC03825F5BF21C959CD029DCD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shaverdo, Helena; Sagata, Katayo; Balke, Michael" ; dc:title "Exocelina sima Shaverdo & Balke, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Shaverdo & Balke" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exocelina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shaverdo & Balke" ; - dwc:species "sima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; @@ -72,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; dwc:genus "Exocelina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/72/3F/05723FAECB805CE5A479BA890DE3DBD4.ttl b/data/05/72/3F/05723FAECB805CE5A479BA890DE3DBD4.ttl index 21cdd0585ff..9c997285ca1 100644 --- a/data/05/72/3F/05723FAECB805CE5A479BA890DE3DBD4.ttl +++ b/data/05/72/3F/05723FAECB805CE5A479BA890DE3DBD4.ttl @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vagalinski, Boyan; Golovatch, Sergei I." ; dc:title "Omobrachyiulus roseni" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -80,20 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lohmander" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Omobrachyiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lohmander, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; @@ -107,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; dwc:genus "Omobrachyiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/34/057334FD05C9AAD008DEFD6181E8E761.ttl b/data/05/73/34/057334FD05C9AAD008DEFD6181E8E761.ttl index b9c0b7fe11d..015794d2850 100644 --- a/data/05/73/34/057334FD05C9AAD008DEFD6181E8E761.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/34/057334FD05C9AAD008DEFD6181E8E761.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Neubauer, Thomas A." ; dc:title "Melania cornea Reeve 1860" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Brocchii Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brocchii Michelotti, 1847" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; @@ -71,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; dwc:genus "Melania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/50/0573507629C8C85ED5F8F40C6AC11248.ttl b/data/05/73/50/0573507629C8C85ED5F8F40C6AC11248.ttl index 69028e44d09..9c04fa791ee 100644 --- a/data/05/73/50/0573507629C8C85ED5F8F40C6AC11248.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/50/0573507629C8C85ED5F8F40C6AC11248.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Acer monspessulanum subsp. oksalianum Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA5FF8B8FEBFACCFED15937.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA5FF8B8FEBFACCFED15937.ttl index 660b702d81e..7dc9b08ff61 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA5FF8B8FEBFACCFED15937.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA5FF8B8FEBFACCFED15937.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Ircinia repens Sandes & Pinheiro, 2014, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Boury-Esnault (1973)", "Boury-Esnault 1973: 289" ; + dwc:authority "Boury-Esnault 1973: 289" ; dwc:authorityName "Boury-Esnault" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "289" ; dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; @@ -97,12 +96,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Irciniidae" ; dwc:genus "Ircinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF808FEBF92CFE18596F.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF808FEBF92CFE18596F.ttl index 3bbe316f8ab..d467fb3d2a3 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF808FEBF92CFE18596F.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF808FEBF92CFE18596F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Ircinia sergipana Sandes & Pinheiro, 2014, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lendenfeld, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lendenfeld" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Irciniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psammocinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lendenfeld, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lamarck, 1814" ; dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; @@ -173,11 +158,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Irciniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF828FEBFA74FEF35A0F.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF828FEBFA74FEF35A0F.ttl index 8d2a60e395e..f2179b9124b 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF828FEBFA74FEF35A0F.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFA7FF828FEBFA74FEF35A0F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Ircinia Nardo 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Irciniidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFAAFF8F8FEBF963FBCA5B17.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFAAFF8F8FEBF963FBCA5B17.ttl index 7a842bee272..08220bcb052 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFAAFF8F8FEBF963FBCA5B17.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFAAFF8F8FEBF963FBCA5B17.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Hyattella Lendenfeld 1888" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Spongiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFABFF8D8FEBFF04FC965DCE.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFABFF8D8FEBFF04FC965DCE.ttl index b9bdb726e7d..fda83798949 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFABFF8D8FEBFF04FC965DCE.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFABFF8D8FEBFF04FC965DCE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Hyattella cavernosa Pallas 1766" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Spongiidae" ; dwc:genus "Hyattella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF898FEBFE66FB435E19.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF898FEBFE66FB435E19.ttl index 60f0a7c98de..1c6f0058b73 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF898FEBFE66FB435E19.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF898FEBFE66FB435E19.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Smenospongia Wiedenmayer 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF8F8FEBFD5FFAEC5A39.ttl b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF8F8FEBFD5FFAEC5A39.ttl index 05bf3598fdc..da73c8db442 100644 --- a/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF8F8FEBFD5FFAEC5A39.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/87/057387CDFFACFF8F8FEBFD5FFAEC5A39.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sandes, Joana; Pinheiro, Ulisses" ; dc:title "Smenospongia ramosa Sandes & Pinheiro, 2014, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,86 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hyatt, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hyatt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Thorectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smenospongia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hyatt, 1875" ; - dwc:species "aurea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duchassaing & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Thorectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smenospongia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:species "cerebriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pulitzer-Finali, 1986" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulitzer-Finali" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Thorectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smenospongia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulitzer-Finali, 1986" ; - dwc:species "conulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duchassaing & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Thorectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smenospongia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864" ; - dwc:species "musicalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "Levi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Thorectidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smenospongia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dictyoceratida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Levi, 1969" ; - dwc:species "nuda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Bergquist, 1978" ; dwc:authorityName "Bergquist" ; diff --git a/data/05/73/CA/0573CA050E8953389878ACA919338F96.ttl b/data/05/73/CA/0573CA050E8953389878ACA919338F96.ttl index 9b0b137c5e6..f7105156acc 100644 --- a/data/05/73/CA/0573CA050E8953389878ACA919338F96.ttl +++ b/data/05/73/CA/0573CA050E8953389878ACA919338F96.ttl @@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Hrivniak, Ľubos; Sartori, Michel; Sroka, Pavel; Bojkova, Jindriska" ; dc:title "Simulacala rara Hrivniak & Bojkova 2023, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera", "Odonata" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hrivniak & Bojkova, 2023" ; @@ -49,85 +48,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hrivniak & Bojkova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fasciamirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hrivniak & Bojkova, 2023" ; - dwc:species "petersorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters, Peters & Edmunds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, Peters & Edmunds, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters, Peters & Edmunds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fasciamirus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, Peters & Edmunds, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters, Peters & Edmunds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, Peters & Edmunds, 1990" ; - dwc:species "notialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters, Peters & Edmunds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, Peters & Edmunds, 1990" ; - dwc:species "massula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera", "Odonata" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "rara" ; @@ -135,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptophlebiidae" ; dwc:genus "Simulacala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FBB1FDDCFECBF7A5.ttl b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FBB1FDDCFECBF7A5.ttl index 17cf7a49ecc..68df0d742b2 100644 --- a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FBB1FDDCFECBF7A5.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FBB1FDDCFECBF7A5.ttl @@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Monte, Oscar" ; dc:title "Corycera gibbosa Monte 1938, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Monte" ; - dwc:authorityName "Monte" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyralidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corcyra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Monte" ; - dwc:species "gibbosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tingidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF42FC0CFAAEF7AD.ttl b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF42FC0CFAAEF7AD.ttl index 8949064bae5..86ff49ff543 100644 --- a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF42FC0CFAAEF7AD.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF42FC0CFAAEF7AD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Monte, Oscar" ; dc:title "Gargaphia brunfelsiae Monte 1938, n. sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Stal)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gargaphia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "munda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tingidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF71FEB5FCA5F7A1.ttl b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF71FEB5FCA5F7A1.ttl index c0fc9d4214c..e1276aed97c 100644 --- a/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF71FEB5FCA5F7A1.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/14/0574147312390163FF71FEB5FCA5F7A1.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Monte, Oscar" ; dc:title "Sphaerocysta brasiliensis Monte 1938, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Drake" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerocysta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Drake, 1928" ; - dwc:species "egregia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphaerocysta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "globifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tingidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0C47B35E826926FB8A.ttl b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0C47B35E826926FB8A.ttl index 19a5984c090..efed2c1ee3e 100644 --- a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0C47B35E826926FB8A.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0C47B35E826926FB8A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Archibald, Bruce; Makarkin, Vladimir N.; Ansorge, Jörg" ; dc:title "Pronymphes Kruger 1923" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,51 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hagen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hagen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hagen" ; - dwc:species "mengeanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ren & Engel, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ren & Engel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liminympha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ren & Engel, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carpenter, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carpenter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesonymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carpenter, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0F47B35BF06A17F98C.ttl b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0F47B35BF06A17F98C.ttl index ed9ad5a8f82..f5f20c55e74 100644 --- a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0F47B35BF06A17F98C.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDA6C0F47B35BF06A17F98C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Archibald, Bruce; Makarkin, Vladimir N.; Ansorge, Jörg" ; dc:title "Pronymphes hoffeinsorum Archibald, Makarkin & Ansorge, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesydrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - dwc:species "diaphanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; dwc:genus "Pronymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0947B35B4F6F59F935.ttl b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0947B35B4F6F59F935.ttl index 343f0dfb4dd..20a94e86146 100644 --- a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0947B35B4F6F59F935.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0947B35B4F6F59F935.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Archibald, Bruce; Makarkin, Vladimir N.; Ansorge, Jörg" ; dc:title "Nymphes Leach 1814" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,101 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leach, 1814" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1814" ; - dwc:species "myrmeleonoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Esben-Petersen, 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Esben-Petersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Austronymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Esben-Petersen, 1914" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "New, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "New" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "New, 1982" ; - dwc:species "paramyrmeleonides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "New, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "New" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "New, 1982" ; - dwc:species "nigrescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "New, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "New" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "New, 1982" ; - dwc:species "aperta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0C47B359836896FE37.ttl b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0C47B359836896FE37.ttl index 036a4a8a1bc..da5179d0934 100644 --- a/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0C47B359836896FE37.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/87/0574879BFFDF6C0C47B359836896FE37.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Archibald, Bruce; Makarkin, Vladimir N.; Ansorge, Jörg" ; dc:title "Nymphes georgei Archibald, Makarkin & Ansorge, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nesydrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1885" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brauer, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myiodactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brauer, 1866" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Banks, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Osmylops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Banks, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nymphydrion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1913" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Navas, 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Norfolius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Hemiptera)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hemiptera" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/8C/05748C0B232709334EA6DE3295329564.ttl b/data/05/74/8C/05748C0B232709334EA6DE3295329564.ttl index b090859ea52..26e506c8826 100644 --- a/data/05/74/8C/05748C0B232709334EA6DE3295329564.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/8C/05748C0B232709334EA6DE3295329564.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Forel, A." ; dc:title "Pheidole megacephala" ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; @@ -131,90 +130,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "laevigata" ; - dwc:variety "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "laevigata" ; - dwc:variety "picata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "laevigata" ; - dwc:variety "scabrior" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority ", Mayr" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr" ; - dwc:species "punctulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority ", Mayr" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr" ; - dwc:species "capensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/C9/0574C92BE8E7FF0ED2F9A0C83B7287EF.ttl b/data/05/74/C9/0574C92BE8E7FF0ED2F9A0C83B7287EF.ttl index 03450735a41..fa0ddc98a27 100644 --- a/data/05/74/C9/0574C92BE8E7FF0ED2F9A0C83B7287EF.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/C9/0574C92BE8E7FF0ED2F9A0C83B7287EF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Ctenomys scagliai Contreras 1999" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,66 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Ctenomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1848" ; - dwc:species "opimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nehring" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Ctenomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nehring, 1900" ; - dwc:species "pundit" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Ctenomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1898" ; - dwc:species "talarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Ctenomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1919" ; - dwc:species "knighti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Ctenomyidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/74/E9/0574E9B8F169985EFAD79CA27B5088C3.ttl b/data/05/74/E9/0574E9B8F169985EFAD79CA27B5088C3.ttl index 46b11499a15..4d22e3075e4 100644 --- a/data/05/74/E9/0574E9B8F169985EFAD79CA27B5088C3.ttl +++ b/data/05/74/E9/0574E9B8F169985EFAD79CA27B5088C3.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Barcenas-Pena, Alejandrina; Leavitt, Steven D.; Huang, Jen-Pan; Grewe, Felix; Lumbsch, H. Thorsten" ; dc:title "Xanthoparmelia pedregalensis Barcenas-Pena, Lumbsch & Leavitt, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "MB826958" ; - dwc:authority "Barcenas-Pena, Lumbsch & Leavitt" ; - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Parmeliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xanthoparmelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Lecanorales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barcenas-Pena, Lumbsch & Leavitt" ; - dwc:species "pedregalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Lecanoromycetes" ; dwc:family "Parmeliaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/78/16/057816DE9EEFA98C2DE520661A36B526.ttl b/data/05/78/16/057816DE9EEFA98C2DE520661A36B526.ttl index 76d0d0197e9..dd0538280a7 100644 --- a/data/05/78/16/057816DE9EEFA98C2DE520661A36B526.ttl +++ b/data/05/78/16/057816DE9EEFA98C2DE520661A36B526.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Mirab-balou, Majid; Minaei, Kambiz; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Exothrips Priesner" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/78/40/057840FAD829FF7AE21F99A6BBD16035.ttl b/data/05/78/40/057840FAD829FF7AE21F99A6BBD16035.ttl index 82d1c7e44f5..8819801719e 100644 --- a/data/05/78/40/057840FAD829FF7AE21F99A6BBD16035.ttl +++ b/data/05/78/40/057840FAD829FF7AE21F99A6BBD16035.ttl @@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Boza Espinoza, Tatiana Erika; Kessler, Michael" ; dc:title "Polylepis loxensis T. Boza, K. Romoleroux & M. Kessler, Phytoxa 454 (2): 118. 2020." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz & Pavon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Polylepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Centrales" ; - dwc:phylum "Marchantiophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz & Pavon, 1794" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Polylepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Centrales" ; - dwc:phylum "Marchantiophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/78/87/0578879EC551FFDD0DA259AEDA5FFBF0.ttl b/data/05/78/87/0578879EC551FFDD0DA259AEDA5FFBF0.ttl index b0e8e278ff8..058ea00674d 100644 --- a/data/05/78/87/0578879EC551FFDD0DA259AEDA5FFBF0.ttl +++ b/data/05/78/87/0578879EC551FFDD0DA259AEDA5FFBF0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Ivanova, Maria S." ; dc:title "Aemene taeniata Fixsen 1887" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; diff --git a/data/05/78/87/0578879EC554FFDB0DA259AED98CF841.ttl b/data/05/78/87/0578879EC554FFDB0DA259AED98CF841.ttl index 2a368dc1910..1f206f1a099 100644 --- a/data/05/78/87/0578879EC554FFDB0DA259AED98CF841.ttl +++ b/data/05/78/87/0578879EC554FFDB0DA259AED98CF841.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel; Ivanova, Maria S." ; dc:title "Aemene eudonioides Volynkin & Černý & Ivanova 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Volynkin & Cerny", "Volynkin & Černý & Ivanova, 2017" ; + dwc:authority "Volynkin & Cerny" ; dwc:authorityName "Volynkin & Černý & Ivanova" ; dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,65 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fixsen, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fixsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aemene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fixsen, 1887" ; - dwc:species "taeniata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aemene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siccia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityName "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crambidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eudonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billberg, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -118,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Aemene" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/43/05794375658F9604F0D3D3942F9E7B7E.ttl b/data/05/79/43/05794375658F9604F0D3D3942F9E7B7E.ttl index e935fa4fb72..ffd126ec3ed 100644 --- a/data/05/79/43/05794375658F9604F0D3D3942F9E7B7E.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/43/05794375658F9604F0D3D3942F9E7B7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Uroderma bilobatum subsp. convexum Lyon 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Davis 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "Davis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Phyllostomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Uroderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Davis, 1968" ; - dwc:species "bilobatum" ; - dwc:subSpecies "molaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Phyllostomidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/69/05796986007AAFC5A591AD66FA9BC2F1.ttl b/data/05/79/69/05796986007AAFC5A591AD66FA9BC2F1.ttl index ce45506fe6c..38bc1510776 100644 --- a/data/05/79/69/05796986007AAFC5A591AD66FA9BC2F1.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/69/05796986007AAFC5A591AD66FA9BC2F1.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Arteaga, Alejandro; Salazar-Valenzuela, David; Mebert, Konrad; Penafiel, Nicolas; Aguiar, Gabriela; Sa ́ nchez-Nivicela, Juan C.; Pyron, R. Alexander; Colston, Timothy J.; Cisneros-Heredia, Diego F.; Yanez-Munoz, Mario H.; Venegas, Pablo J.; Guayasamin, Juan M.; Torres-Carvajal, Omar" ; dc:title "Sibon bevridgelyi Arteaga, Salazar-Valenzuela, Mebert, Penafiel, Aguiar, nchez-Nivicela, Pyron, Colston, Cisneros-Heredia, Yanez-Munoz, Venegas, Guayasamin & Torres-Carvajal, 2018, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,11 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; dwc:genus "Sibon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB279277FF23F95BE0A8D090.ttl b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB279277FF23F95BE0A8D090.ttl index c4b7743b290..93c1b2d2763 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB279277FF23F95BE0A8D090.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB279277FF23F95BE0A8D090.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Trichodromeus Luze 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutipenis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jaegeri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "kaliyuga" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB289276FF23FDF9E64BD11A.ttl b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB289276FF23FDF9E64BD11A.ttl index 04bb5888e26..86bdb9b4261 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB289276FF23FDF9E64BD11A.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB289276FF23FDF9E64BD11A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Trichodromeus trilobatus Shavrin 2021, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shavrin", "Shavrin, 2021" ; + dwc:authority "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Luze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luze, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jaegeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "kaliyuga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -105,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB299279FF23FC6DE610D1AF.ttl b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB299279FF23FC6DE610D1AF.ttl index b20dd102b5d..37aa77933b3 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB299279FF23FC6DE610D1AF.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB299279FF23FC6DE610D1AF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Trichodromeus kaliyuga Shavrin 2021, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shavrin", "Shavrin, 2021" ; + dwc:authority "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Luze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luze, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jaegeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "trilobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -105,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2B9278FF23F8E9E07BD3DB.ttl b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2B9278FF23F8E9E07BD3DB.ttl index 2c5c81cb404..2352ad82eab 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2B9278FF23F8E9E07BD3DB.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2B9278FF23F8E9E07BD3DB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Trichodromeus jaegeri Shavrin 2021, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shavrin", "Shavrin, 2021" ; + dwc:authority "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,67 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Luze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luze, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "acutipenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "kaliyuga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "trilobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -121,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2E927AFF23FC35E7D3D75F.ttl b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2E927AFF23FC35E7D3D75F.ttl index 8a23519a617..3f555bfac6f 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2E927AFF23FC35E7D3D75F.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/0579878DFB2E927AFF23FC35E7D3D75F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Shavrin, Alexey V." ; dc:title "Trichodromeus acutipenis Shavrin 2021, sp.n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Shavrin", "Shavrin, 2021" ; + dwc:authority "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,81 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Luze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Luze, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "jaegeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "kaliyuga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shavrin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shavrin, 2021" ; - dwc:species "trilobatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Cameron, 1941)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hygrogeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cameron, 1941)" ; - dwc:species "armatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -134,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Trichodromeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E74FF62FA0EFC9CFC94.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E74FF62FA0EFC9CFC94.ttl index 237027be811..161bdee6c4c 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E74FF62FA0EFC9CFC94.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E74FF62FA0EFC9CFC94.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris kerzhneri Jung et Yasunaga, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jung et Yasunaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jung et Yasunaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dryophilocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jung & Yasunaga" ; - dwc:species "kerzhneri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FCF6FA43FA64.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FCF6FA43FA64.ttl index cc5af230632..c27e8e0852a 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FCF6FA43FA64.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FCF6FA43FA64.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FEA1FDEDFD2F.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FEA1FDEDFD2F.ttl index d1f5dff79fb..8b2d3e006f5 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FEA1FDEDFD2F.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860203E77FF62FEA1FDEDFD2F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris Reuter 1875" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reuter 1875: 1: 90" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter 1875: 1" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "90" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Globiceps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1875" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dryophilocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boheman 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyllecoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1852" ; - dwc:species "flavonotatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "De Geer 1773" ; - dwc:authorityName "De Geer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1773" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cimicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cimex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "De Geer, 1773" ; - dwc:species "flavoquadrimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Wagner 1952: 135" ; dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860233E75FF62FA2CFCAEFE54.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860233E75FF62FA2CFCAEFE54.ttl index 797108b8b1b..52c1b0b09dc 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860233E75FF62FA2CFCAEFE54.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860233E75FF62FA2CFCAEFE54.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris jenjouristi Josifov et Kerzhner" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860253E70FF62FB43FB85FD01.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860253E70FF62FB43FB85FD01.ttl index 3868c43dae7..e3da8f092b7 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860253E70FF62FB43FB85FD01.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860253E70FF62FB43FB85FD01.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris kanyukovae Josifov et Kerzhner" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,21 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Det. M. Josifov", "Det. M.Josifov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Det. M. Josifov", "Det. M.Josifov" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Det. Josifov" ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860273E71FF62FA79FDF2FE59.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860273E71FF62FA79FDF2FE59.ttl index 5059adf6a2d..86eaa204739 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860273E71FF62FA79FDF2FE59.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860273E71FF62FA79FDF2FE59.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris miyamotoi Yasunaga" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,36 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blume" ; - dwc:species "cripsula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thunb. et Murray. The" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb. et Murray. The" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb. & Murray. The" ; - dwc:species "dentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FD16FE7FF909.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FD16FE7FF909.ttl index 9768cfbada5..efebcce577c 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FD16FE7FF909.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FD16FE7FF909.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris saigusai Miyamoto" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FF43FC67FD8F.ttl b/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FF43FC67FD8F.ttl index 563563044f6..43094c93305 100644 --- a/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FF43FC67FD8F.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/87/057987C860293E7EFF62FF43FC67FD8F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Jung, Sunghoon; Duwal, Ram Keshari; Yasunaga, Tomohide; Heiss, Ernst; Lee, Seunghwan" ; dc:title "Dryophilocoris pallidulus Josifov et Kerzhner" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/79/CE/0579CE7AC747EFE6B27729AF21563CA0.ttl b/data/05/79/CE/0579CE7AC747EFE6B27729AF21563CA0.ttl index c2de879bfa2..a9d49973f22 100644 --- a/data/05/79/CE/0579CE7AC747EFE6B27729AF21563CA0.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/CE/0579CE7AC747EFE6B27729AF21563CA0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Klimaszewski, Jan; Webster, Reginald P.; Langor, David W.; Bourdon, Caroline; Hammond, H. E. James; Pohl, Greg R.; Godin, Benoit" ; dc:title "Ocyusa asperula Casey" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/79/FE/0579FE14929E22B5F2723623246125F3.ttl b/data/05/79/FE/0579FE14929E22B5F2723623246125F3.ttl index bd793337b94..8b61c7e0c54 100644 --- a/data/05/79/FE/0579FE14929E22B5F2723623246125F3.ttl +++ b/data/05/79/FE/0579FE14929E22B5F2723623246125F3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Katz, Aron D.; Giordano, Rosanna; Soto-Adames, Felipe" ; dc:title "Entomobrya clitellaria Guthrie 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/7B/BF/057BBFA0097FF124606F23F06595181D.ttl b/data/05/7B/BF/057BBFA0097FF124606F23F06595181D.ttl index dabf5f4fce9..864c365e467 100644 --- a/data/05/7B/BF/057BBFA0097FF124606F23F06595181D.ttl +++ b/data/05/7B/BF/057BBFA0097FF124606F23F06595181D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Efetov, Konstantin A.; Hofmann, Axel; Tarmann, Gerhard M.; Tremewan, Walter Gerald" ; dc:title "Zygaena (Agrumenia) hilaris subsp. chrysophaea Le Charles 1934" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,67 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1767" ; - dwc:species "fausta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "fausta" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "fausta" ; - dwc:species "fausta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fausta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Le Charles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Le Charles, 1930" ; - dwc:species "fausta" ; - dwc:subSpecies "apocrypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ochsenheimer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1808" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ochsenheimer, 1808" ; - dwc:species "hilaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; @@ -154,12 +92,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Zygaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygaena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "hilaris" ; trt:hasParentName , ; diff --git a/data/05/7B/E3/057BE3FBC612CD7A0EDD84FC4D814EE1.ttl b/data/05/7B/E3/057BE3FBC612CD7A0EDD84FC4D814EE1.ttl index cd5764a92ae..347f9c65721 100644 --- a/data/05/7B/E3/057BE3FBC612CD7A0EDD84FC4D814EE1.ttl +++ b/data/05/7B/E3/057BE3FBC612CD7A0EDD84FC4D814EE1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Crabo, Lars G.; Davis, Melanie; Hammond, Paul; Tomas Mustelin,; Jon Shepard," ; dc:title "Resapamea diluvius Crabo, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Crabo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Resapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Crabo" ; - dwc:species "diluvius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -72,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Resapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/7E/48/057E48BED2A15935A07AD070346AA719.ttl b/data/05/7E/48/057E48BED2A15935A07AD070346AA719.ttl index 9956b2685df..65f90f24201 100644 --- a/data/05/7E/48/057E48BED2A15935A07AD070346AA719.ttl +++ b/data/05/7E/48/057E48BED2A15935A07AD070346AA719.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Barrientos, Jose A.; Prieto, Carlos E.; Pina, Silvia; Henriques, Sergio S; Sousa, Pedro; Schindler, Stefan; Reino, Luis; Beja, Pedro; Santana, Joana" ; dc:title "Anyphaena sp." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,19 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bertkau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anyphaenidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bertkau, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Araneidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/7E/88/057E8888BA6302ED2FD9D053A2CD6A8D.ttl b/data/05/7E/88/057E8888BA6302ED2FD9D053A2CD6A8D.ttl index c997cfc087d..3054080c940 100644 --- a/data/05/7E/88/057E8888BA6302ED2FD9D053A2CD6A8D.ttl +++ b/data/05/7E/88/057E8888BA6302ED2FD9D053A2CD6A8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Bulimus taquinensis Pfeiffer 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,19 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "P.Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Amphibulimidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1873" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; @@ -148,11 +135,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Amphibulimidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/80/0F/05800FB02D68B73E779A5DDCD4752801.ttl b/data/05/80/0F/05800FB02D68B73E779A5DDCD4752801.ttl index 5751e8b501e..67b2c0db2f7 100644 --- a/data/05/80/0F/05800FB02D68B73E779A5DDCD4752801.ttl +++ b/data/05/80/0F/05800FB02D68B73E779A5DDCD4752801.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W." ; dc:title "Quartinia vagepunctata von Schulthess" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,49 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Harv" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tripteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harv, 1865" ; - dwc:species "microcarpa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Compositae" ; - dwc:genus "Leysera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Magnoliophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1763" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "M.Kallersjo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncosiphon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kallersjo, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Masaridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/82/E2/0582E2A573945BE45FCE84CDC2BE57F5.ttl b/data/05/82/E2/0582E2A573945BE45FCE84CDC2BE57F5.ttl index 4e2be68d172..7474f8dbc5f 100644 --- a/data/05/82/E2/0582E2A573945BE45FCE84CDC2BE57F5.ttl +++ b/data/05/82/E2/0582E2A573945BE45FCE84CDC2BE57F5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Mathis, Wayne N.; Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz" ; dc:title "Allotrichoma (Allotrichoma) bezzii Becker" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/83/07/0583076261D71B7C1EC4DE8C524B6492.ttl b/data/05/83/07/0583076261D71B7C1EC4DE8C524B6492.ttl index 516591ccdf5..3033c6a6fe0 100644 --- a/data/05/83/07/0583076261D71B7C1EC4DE8C524B6492.ttl +++ b/data/05/83/07/0583076261D71B7C1EC4DE8C524B6492.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Moura, Daniel P.; Almeida, Lucia M." ; dc:title "Omalodes (Omalodes) mazuri Moura & Almeida, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Histeridae" ; dwc:genus "Omalodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/83/BE/0583BEE63A9B553481F90BF12808F482.ttl b/data/05/83/BE/0583BEE63A9B553481F90BF12808F482.ttl index 5b2590b08a9..a5a6cd36a53 100644 --- a/data/05/83/BE/0583BEE63A9B553481F90BF12808F482.ttl +++ b/data/05/83/BE/0583BEE63A9B553481F90BF12808F482.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Bordera, Santiago; Santos, Bernardo F." ; dc:title "Piasites quasimodus Bordera & Santos 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Seyrig" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Piasites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seyrig, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Piasites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/83/E0/0583E0CFDED33BA144C26A9A54DFA5D1.ttl b/data/05/83/E0/0583E0CFDED33BA144C26A9A54DFA5D1.ttl index cab27783b39..1c88d2fb2b4 100644 --- a/data/05/83/E0/0583E0CFDED33BA144C26A9A54DFA5D1.ttl +++ b/data/05/83/E0/0583E0CFDED33BA144C26A9A54DFA5D1.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Forel, A." ; dc:title "Myrmica punctiventris var. isfahani Forel, 1922, n. v." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/84/13/058413D7A7532917B65880EACC73E059.ttl b/data/05/84/13/058413D7A7532917B65880EACC73E059.ttl index 718d06adcc3..d75b670e8f8 100644 --- a/data/05/84/13/058413D7A7532917B65880EACC73E059.ttl +++ b/data/05/84/13/058413D7A7532917B65880EACC73E059.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Platanthera ciliaris Lindl." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -81,11 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/84/F6/0584F68306B120005FF863D4D0EE6462.ttl b/data/05/84/F6/0584F68306B120005FF863D4D0EE6462.ttl index 043c940a8bb..a1a0c4059bb 100644 --- a/data/05/84/F6/0584F68306B120005FF863D4D0EE6462.ttl +++ b/data/05/84/F6/0584F68306B120005FF863D4D0EE6462.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Koch, C. L." ; dc:title "Hoplophora crinita" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/85/72/05857239F0B2557DB76361B120D20611.ttl b/data/05/85/72/05857239F0B2557DB76361B120D20611.ttl index 953de3d3210..07758d9a12e 100644 --- a/data/05/85/72/05857239F0B2557DB76361B120D20611.ttl +++ b/data/05/85/72/05857239F0B2557DB76361B120D20611.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Petersen, Ronald H.; Hughes, Karen W." ; dc:title "Gymnopus (sect. Perforantia) (subsect. Perforantia) foetidum subsp. Subsect. Petersen & Hughes 2016, subsect. auton." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hoffmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Omphalotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Agaricus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoffmann, 1789" ; - dwc:species "perforans" ; - dwc:subGenus "Gymnopus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: abbreviated subSpecies "Subsect." ; dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; diff --git a/data/05/88/B4/0588B43965AB3C238573D019C77DCA4B.ttl b/data/05/88/B4/0588B43965AB3C238573D019C77DCA4B.ttl index b2d65d785b5..315bb8e698e 100644 --- a/data/05/88/B4/0588B43965AB3C238573D019C77DCA4B.ttl +++ b/data/05/88/B4/0588B43965AB3C238573D019C77DCA4B.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Diphasiastrum oellgaardii Stoor & al." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Lycopodiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lycopodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/88/C2/0588C20D5B2300C4429FC07F19B6D7C3.ttl b/data/05/88/C2/0588C20D5B2300C4429FC07F19B6D7C3.ttl index 7a28bbdae95..55dba7a4043 100644 --- a/data/05/88/C2/0588C20D5B2300C4429FC07F19B6D7C3.ttl +++ b/data/05/88/C2/0588C20D5B2300C4429FC07F19B6D7C3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Sagittaria latifolia Willd." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/89/72/058972EBF64310063ACDEDB0DC35A5F0.ttl b/data/05/89/72/058972EBF64310063ACDEDB0DC35A5F0.ttl index b4ec9420a4c..7e91951eff0 100644 --- a/data/05/89/72/058972EBF64310063ACDEDB0DC35A5F0.ttl +++ b/data/05/89/72/058972EBF64310063ACDEDB0DC35A5F0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khalaim, Andrey I.; Balueva, Ekaterina N.; Kim, Ki-Beom; Lee, Jong-Wook" ; dc:title "Tersilochus (Tersilochus) nigellus Khalaim & Lee, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Khalaim & Lee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tersilochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khalaim & Lee" ; - dwc:species "nigellus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tersilochus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/8D/81/058D8128868BFDBF14DA1D7BC1AA6E4F.ttl b/data/05/8D/81/058D8128868BFDBF14DA1D7BC1AA6E4F.ttl index 8c2eebce470..911f8ab1436 100644 --- a/data/05/8D/81/058D8128868BFDBF14DA1D7BC1AA6E4F.ttl +++ b/data/05/8D/81/058D8128868BFDBF14DA1D7BC1AA6E4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Forshage, Mattias; Bowdrey, Jeremy; Broad, Gavin R.; Spooner, Brian M.; van Veen, Frank" ; dc:title "Alloxysta basimacula Cameron 1886" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/8D/9F/058D9F071D895218994C048A93A16083.ttl b/data/05/8D/9F/058D9F071D895218994C048A93A16083.ttl index efa370b2f27..0c8603ac706 100644 --- a/data/05/8D/9F/058D9F071D895218994C048A93A16083.ttl +++ b/data/05/8D/9F/058D9F071D895218994C048A93A16083.ttl @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Fan, Long-Fei; Alvarenga, Renato Lucio Mendes; Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista; Wu, Fang; Dai, Yu-Cheng" ; dc:title "T. neofibulifera Kobayasi, Scientific Report, Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, Section 4: 15 1939" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,21 +29,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Moeller, Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen 8: 170" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Tremellomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Tremellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tremella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Tremellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moeller, Botanische Mittheilungen aus den Tropen 8: 170, 1895" ; - dwc:species "fibulifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dc:description "Figure 3. Basidioma A Tremella fibulifera (Alvarenga 471) B T. australe (Wu 154) C T. guangxiensis (Wu 3) D T. latispora (Dai 17568) E T. \" Tremella neofibulifera \" (Wu 244) F T. subfibulifera (Alvarenga 334). Scale bars: 1 cm (A-F)." ; fabio:hasRepresentation ; diff --git a/data/05/8D/AC/058DACF7A24E4C011EE9084755789AC5.ttl b/data/05/8D/AC/058DACF7A24E4C011EE9084755789AC5.ttl index 415fe71488d..fe51a5cca12 100644 --- a/data/05/8D/AC/058DACF7A24E4C011EE9084755789AC5.ttl +++ b/data/05/8D/AC/058DACF7A24E4C011EE9084755789AC5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Vitecek, Simon; Kucinic, Mladen; Olah, Janos; Previsic, Ana; Balint, Miklos; Keresztes, Lujza; Waringer, Johann; Pauls, Steffen U.; Graf, Wolfram" ; dc:title "Drusus meridionalis Kumanski 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/8E/E6/058EE6471FF4DB7FE2EAF9DD87E37096.ttl b/data/05/8E/E6/058EE6471FF4DB7FE2EAF9DD87E37096.ttl index 57a3e9353dd..14c77c4c679 100644 --- a/data/05/8E/E6/058EE6471FF4DB7FE2EAF9DD87E37096.ttl +++ b/data/05/8E/E6/058EE6471FF4DB7FE2EAF9DD87E37096.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Li, Xi-Ying; Achterberg, Cornelis van; Tan, Ji-Cai" ; dc:title "Opiognathus brevibasalis Li & van Achterberg, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Li & van Achterberg" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Opiognathus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & van Achterberg" ; - dwc:species "brevibasalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/8F/0F/058F0FE3BF14E497647DA034BC1AFCF3.ttl b/data/05/8F/0F/058F0FE3BF14E497647DA034BC1AFCF3.ttl index b82c0b587fd..1935ffa7eb8 100644 --- a/data/05/8F/0F/058F0FE3BF14E497647DA034BC1AFCF3.ttl +++ b/data/05/8F/0F/058F0FE3BF14E497647DA034BC1AFCF3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Deltshev, Christo; Komnenov, Marjan; Blagoev, Gergin; Georgiev, Teodor; Lazarov, Stoyan; Stojkoska, Emilija; Naumova, Maria" ; dc:title "Metellina mengei Blackwall 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; dwc:genus "Metellina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/8F/7C/058F7CEC0AB4EC3B991EECB31BDD73CE.ttl b/data/05/8F/7C/058F7CEC0AB4EC3B991EECB31BDD73CE.ttl index 257192611e0..c83f739da84 100644 --- a/data/05/8F/7C/058F7CEC0AB4EC3B991EECB31BDD73CE.ttl +++ b/data/05/8F/7C/058F7CEC0AB4EC3B991EECB31BDD73CE.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Centaurea paniculata" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -25,52 +23,6 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae" . - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Centaurea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "paniculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Centaurea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "stoebe" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(DC.) Jord." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jord." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Centaurea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(DC.) Jord." ; - dwc:species "valesiaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "sensu Aeschimann & Burdet" ; dwc:authorityName "sensu Aeschimann & Burdet" ; @@ -99,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Centaurea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/8F/87/058F87894B18573E8931563DEA3F645E.ttl b/data/05/8F/87/058F87894B18573E8931563DEA3F645E.ttl index 954e1df2bd6..7d74fdf2318 100644 --- a/data/05/8F/87/058F87894B18573E8931563DEA3F645E.ttl +++ b/data/05/8F/87/058F87894B18573E8931563DEA3F645E.ttl @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Means, Jackson C.; Hennen, Derek A.; Marek, Paul E." ; dc:title "Nannaria blackmountainensis Means & Hennen & Marek 2021, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -53,20 +52,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Chamberlin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Xystodesmidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nannaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chamberlin, 1918" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Xystodesmidae" ; @@ -80,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Xystodesmidae" ; dwc:genus "Nannaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/91/AB/0591AB5C9FF131FE4C6448821A859EB3.ttl b/data/05/91/AB/0591AB5C9FF131FE4C6448821A859EB3.ttl index 1e23cee0785..95a00fdf861 100644 --- a/data/05/91/AB/0591AB5C9FF131FE4C6448821A859EB3.ttl +++ b/data/05/91/AB/0591AB5C9FF131FE4C6448821A859EB3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Senecio inaequidens DC." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Senecio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/91/E4/0591E4889BD9959A09AC866ECF30879A.ttl b/data/05/91/E4/0591E4889BD9959A09AC866ECF30879A.ttl index e2555b03f24..8ec13e6b33f 100644 --- a/data/05/91/E4/0591E4889BD9959A09AC866ECF30879A.ttl +++ b/data/05/91/E4/0591E4889BD9959A09AC866ECF30879A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Neubert, Eike; Bouchet, Philippe" ; dc:title "Palaina subregularis Mousson 1870" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/92/56/059256DF12D5543DB9719C9B3CAC8FDA.ttl b/data/05/92/56/059256DF12D5543DB9719C9B3CAC8FDA.ttl index 9420a4a887c..aaea2833a83 100644 --- a/data/05/92/56/059256DF12D5543DB9719C9B3CAC8FDA.ttl +++ b/data/05/92/56/059256DF12D5543DB9719C9B3CAC8FDA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Illecebrum verticillatum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; dwc:genus "Illecebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/92/8D/05928D95F8FA75AA430B92FE67D9027B.ttl b/data/05/92/8D/05928D95F8FA75AA430B92FE67D9027B.ttl index 19e51866724..e871db70270 100644 --- a/data/05/92/8D/05928D95F8FA75AA430B92FE67D9027B.ttl +++ b/data/05/92/8D/05928D95F8FA75AA430B92FE67D9027B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Trachypithecus (Kasi) vetulus subsp. philbricki Phillips 1927" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,24 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Deraniyagala 1955)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Deraniyagala" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Deraniyagala, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "vetulus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Kasi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "harti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/93/07/059307CB75F49404F8B7E85B5BA44DFC.ttl b/data/05/93/07/059307CB75F49404F8B7E85B5BA44DFC.ttl index 84ed4b4a87d..91f12ad2bf5 100644 --- a/data/05/93/07/059307CB75F49404F8B7E85B5BA44DFC.ttl +++ b/data/05/93/07/059307CB75F49404F8B7E85B5BA44DFC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bolton, Barry; Fisher, Brian" ; dc:title "Vitsika obscura Bolton & Fisher, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -29,22 +28,6 @@ # Warning: Using document metadata for authority year ; - dwc:authority "Bolton & Fisher", "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolton & Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda", "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vitsika" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:species "obscura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bolton & Fisher" ; dwc:authorityName "Bolton & Fisher" ; dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; @@ -54,45 +37,13 @@ dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolton & Fisher" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; dwc:species "obscura" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolton & Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vitsika" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:species "miranda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolton & Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vitsika" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolton & Fisher, 2014" ; - dwc:species "astuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:class "Hexapoda", "Insecta" ; + dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Vitsika" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/05/93/5A/05935AA4C9B85AC3B40D08DD9CE9F932.ttl b/data/05/93/5A/05935AA4C9B85AC3B40D08DD9CE9F932.ttl index d09c77c357a..47bea82e685 100644 --- a/data/05/93/5A/05935AA4C9B85AC3B40D08DD9CE9F932.ttl +++ b/data/05/93/5A/05935AA4C9B85AC3B40D08DD9CE9F932.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Hughes, Colin E.; Ringelberg, Jens J.; Lewis, Gwilym P.; Catalano, Santiago A." ; dc:title "Neltuma rojasiana (Burkart) C. E. Hughes & G. P. Lewis 2022, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/93/D9/0593D9ECD1AC3591C59DB6BCA751EF82.ttl b/data/05/93/D9/0593D9ECD1AC3591C59DB6BCA751EF82.ttl index ab42f42130f..11e4ee41569 100644 --- a/data/05/93/D9/0593D9ECD1AC3591C59DB6BCA751EF82.ttl +++ b/data/05/93/D9/0593D9ECD1AC3591C59DB6BCA751EF82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jaitrong, Weeyawat; Yamane, Seiki" ; dc:title "Aenictus maneerati Jaitrong & Yamane 2013, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aenictus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhou, 2001" ; - dwc:species "fuchuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jaitrong & Yamane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aenictus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaitrong & Yamane, 2013" ; - dwc:species "pinkaewi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jaitrong & Yamane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aenictus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jaitrong & Yamane, 2013" ; - dwc:species "sundalandensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/95/A0/0595A06E0695DD1AF983F4CAA9C24AA5.ttl b/data/05/95/A0/0595A06E0695DD1AF983F4CAA9C24AA5.ttl index cfc1b0d17b4..5329c9728a5 100644 --- a/data/05/95/A0/0595A06E0695DD1AF983F4CAA9C24AA5.ttl +++ b/data/05/95/A0/0595A06E0695DD1AF983F4CAA9C24AA5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Bulimus haplochrous Pfeiffer 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,19 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; @@ -93,11 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName , ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/95/D4/0595D4673AABD90679F4A556BA23BF65.ttl b/data/05/95/D4/0595D4673AABD90679F4A556BA23BF65.ttl index 4694aab37c2..6357a8ad18f 100644 --- a/data/05/95/D4/0595D4673AABD90679F4A556BA23BF65.ttl +++ b/data/05/95/D4/0595D4673AABD90679F4A556BA23BF65.ttl @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Chenchen; Wang, Zongqing; Che, Yanli" ; dc:title "Protagonista lugubris Shelford 1908, new record from China" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ dwc:family "Blattidae" ; dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea", "Mantodea" ; + dwc:order "Blattodea" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Wang & Che, 2016" ; @@ -69,98 +68,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Wang & Che" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Wang & Che, 2016" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hanitsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hanitsch, 1923" ; - dwc:species "pertristis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hanitsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hanitsch, 1925" ; - dwc:species "fusca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hanitsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hanitsch, 1929" ; - dwc:species "aterrima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Shelford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eroblatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Shelford, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "borneensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Wang & Che" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Wang & Che, 2016" ; - dwc:subFamily "Archiblattinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Blattidae" ; dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea", "Mantodea" ; + dwc:order "Blattodea" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "lugubris" ; @@ -168,12 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; dwc:genus "Protagonista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/95/EE/0595EE08D3E17E35D6633206457BC09F.ttl b/data/05/95/EE/0595EE08D3E17E35D6633206457BC09F.ttl index 46bee442696..63775a79024 100644 --- a/data/05/95/EE/0595EE08D3E17E35D6633206457BC09F.ttl +++ b/data/05/95/EE/0595EE08D3E17E35D6633206457BC09F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Zhao, Danyang; Tian, Mingyi" ; dc:title "Macrocheilus tripustulatus Dejean 1825" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/96/54/0596547CD6145C1AAE609902D8DAFF25.ttl b/data/05/96/54/0596547CD6145C1AAE609902D8DAFF25.ttl index 9ab95951b39..e7fc352f599 100644 --- a/data/05/96/54/0596547CD6145C1AAE609902D8DAFF25.ttl +++ b/data/05/96/54/0596547CD6145C1AAE609902D8DAFF25.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Zhu, Haiyan; Pan, Meng; Bonthond, Guido; Tian, Chengming; Fan, Xinlei" ; dc:title "Erythrogloeaceae Senan., Maharachch. & K. D. Hyde, Stud. Mycol. 86: 258 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/96/80/059680CD879FD256FE0162CD8C6AAC22.ttl b/data/05/96/80/059680CD879FD256FE0162CD8C6AAC22.ttl index fa0abddd48b..f08b0295f2a 100644 --- a/data/05/96/80/059680CD879FD256FE0162CD8C6AAC22.ttl +++ b/data/05/96/80/059680CD879FD256FE0162CD8C6AAC22.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chen, Hua-yan; Masner, Lubomir; Johnson, Norman F." ; dc:title "Calliscelio amadoi Chen & Johnson, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Chen & Johnson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Calliscelio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Johnson" ; - dwc:species "amadoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/98/12/0598124C3B0914F743BD132795BBE6CF.ttl b/data/05/98/12/0598124C3B0914F743BD132795BBE6CF.ttl index e2041b43e83..0d56a2435d4 100644 --- a/data/05/98/12/0598124C3B0914F743BD132795BBE6CF.ttl +++ b/data/05/98/12/0598124C3B0914F743BD132795BBE6CF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Cladium P. Br." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/99/61/0599616C9E427BC967C66668FB55E830.ttl b/data/05/99/61/0599616C9E427BC967C66668FB55E830.ttl index 025954d53e0..210faebf1a1 100644 --- a/data/05/99/61/0599616C9E427BC967C66668FB55E830.ttl +++ b/data/05/99/61/0599616C9E427BC967C66668FB55E830.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Oxalis versicolor Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Oxalidaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Oxalidales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/99/74/05997440FC62123D4A71BD9E333658D1.ttl b/data/05/99/74/05997440FC62123D4A71BD9E333658D1.ttl index 6c320e8bbbb..9af25204149 100644 --- a/data/05/99/74/05997440FC62123D4A71BD9E333658D1.ttl +++ b/data/05/99/74/05997440FC62123D4A71BD9E333658D1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Paspalum dissectum Linnaeus 1762" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,21 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1759" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Paspalum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1759" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; @@ -105,22 +88,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; dwc:genus "Paspalum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/9A/75/059A75F805FFC7D434AB9E381496D4F5.ttl b/data/05/9A/75/059A75F805FFC7D434AB9E381496D4F5.ttl index 0956342dc32..4be9b1844f8 100644 --- a/data/05/9A/75/059A75F805FFC7D434AB9E381496D4F5.ttl +++ b/data/05/9A/75/059A75F805FFC7D434AB9E381496D4F5.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Cybisterini Sharp 1880" ; diff --git a/data/05/9B/42/059B422D37B3B97067AF979D9F732CB7.ttl b/data/05/9B/42/059B422D37B3B97067AF979D9F732CB7.ttl index 0dea74d56a4..decc321e51c 100644 --- a/data/05/9B/42/059B422D37B3B97067AF979D9F732CB7.ttl +++ b/data/05/9B/42/059B422D37B3B97067AF979D9F732CB7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Corylus avellana L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Betulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Corylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Betulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/A0/A2/05A0A2263C4FCC918ED4FEAA0C345950.ttl b/data/05/A0/A2/05A0A2263C4FCC918ED4FEAA0C345950.ttl index 3b6b29de74a..89e3a1e0971 100644 --- a/data/05/A0/A2/05A0A2263C4FCC918ED4FEAA0C345950.ttl +++ b/data/05/A0/A2/05A0A2263C4FCC918ED4FEAA0C345950.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Termitoptochina Fenyes 1921" ; diff --git a/data/05/A1/06/05A106CEE54B884C0CE161FC87B5FE5B.ttl b/data/05/A1/06/05A106CEE54B884C0CE161FC87B5FE5B.ttl index b8a57b6bca3..dc90c917385 100644 --- a/data/05/A1/06/05A106CEE54B884C0CE161FC87B5FE5B.ttl +++ b/data/05/A1/06/05A106CEE54B884C0CE161FC87B5FE5B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Mbago, Frank M.; Couderc, Marie; Gaudeul, Myriam; Grall, Aurelie; Loup, Caroline; Wieringa, Jan J.; Sonke, Bonaventure; Couvreur, Thomas L. P." ; dc:title "Uvariopsis lovettiana Couvreur & Q. Luke, Blumea 55 (1): 70 2010" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,31 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Engl., Notizbl. Koenigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 298" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Uvariopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl., Notizbl. Koenigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 298, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Engl., Notizbl. Koenigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 298" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl., Notizbl. Koenigl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 2: 298, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; @@ -85,20 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; dwc:genus "Uvariopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/A3/5E/05A35E94839656B6C93D79B5449390E8.ttl b/data/05/A3/5E/05A35E94839656B6C93D79B5449390E8.ttl index f489d5d3095..0ca186685c6 100644 --- a/data/05/A3/5E/05A35E94839656B6C93D79B5449390E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/A3/5E/05A35E94839656B6C93D79B5449390E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Thomomys (Thomomys) mazama Merriam 1897" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,305 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Merriam 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merriam, 1897" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mazama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Goldman 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goldman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goldman, 1939" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "couchi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalquest and Scheffer 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalquest and Scheffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalquest & Scheffer, 1942" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "glacialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Elliot 1903)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elliot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Elliot, 1903)" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "helleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Merriam 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Merriam, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hesperus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gardner 1950" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gardner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1950" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gardner, 1950" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "louiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Merriam 1899)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Merriam, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "melanops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Merriam 1897)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Merriam, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nasicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Merriam 1901)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Merriam, 1901)" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "niger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Merriam 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merriam, 1901" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "oregonus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grinnell 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grinnell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grinnell, 1914" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "premaxillaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalquest and Scheffer 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalquest and Scheffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalquest & Scheffer, 1942" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pugetensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taylor 1919" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1919" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taylor, 1919" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tacomensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dalquest and Scheffer 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalquest and Scheffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalquest & Scheffer, 1942" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tumuli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Merriam 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merriam, 1899" ; - dwc:species "mazama" ; - dwc:subGenus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "yelmensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wied-Neuwied" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wied-Neuwied, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1893" ; - dwc:species "monticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; @@ -363,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Geomyidae" ; dwc:genus "Thomomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/A4/E6/05A4E683C0C360E42B1DFAFC21B8135E.ttl b/data/05/A4/E6/05A4E683C0C360E42B1DFAFC21B8135E.ttl index e53c424e3b9..2d13bacf5e2 100644 --- a/data/05/A4/E6/05A4E683C0C360E42B1DFAFC21B8135E.ttl +++ b/data/05/A4/E6/05A4E683C0C360E42B1DFAFC21B8135E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Burks, Roger A.; Masner, Lubomir; Johnson, Norman F.; Austin, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Oxyscelio valdecatenae Burks, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Burks" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxyscelio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burks" ; - dwc:species "valdecatenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/A5/2A/05A52AED1F40DA53C25AB1A4E301929A.ttl b/data/05/A5/2A/05A52AED1F40DA53C25AB1A4E301929A.ttl index d6b215b1474..afc0ae9696c 100644 --- a/data/05/A5/2A/05A52AED1F40DA53C25AB1A4E301929A.ttl +++ b/data/05/A5/2A/05A52AED1F40DA53C25AB1A4E301929A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R.; Shaw, Mark R.; Godfray, H. Charles J." ; dc:title "Orgilus pimpinellae Niezabitowski 1910" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/A6/36/05A6365508DA4CFC37688F1C5BAC406C.ttl b/data/05/A6/36/05A6365508DA4CFC37688F1C5BAC406C.ttl index daada0fcf38..a1b03b490d3 100644 --- a/data/05/A6/36/05A6365508DA4CFC37688F1C5BAC406C.ttl +++ b/data/05/A6/36/05A6365508DA4CFC37688F1C5BAC406C.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Majka, Christopher G." ; dc:title "Mycetophagus serrulatus Casey 1900, (s. str.)" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/A7/17/05A717FAC114F5D4231CD24851B97AFB.ttl b/data/05/A7/17/05A717FAC114F5D4231CD24851B97AFB.ttl index 32da081a249..002a30ecba1 100644 --- a/data/05/A7/17/05A717FAC114F5D4231CD24851B97AFB.ttl +++ b/data/05/A7/17/05A717FAC114F5D4231CD24851B97AFB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Sweeney, Jon D.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Notoxus bifasciatus **" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/A7/93/05A7933FD577E571B27BB9DB505F0E99.ttl b/data/05/A7/93/05A7933FD577E571B27BB9DB505F0E99.ttl index b6bdac8c899..c4e2cb29bee 100644 --- a/data/05/A7/93/05A7933FD577E571B27BB9DB505F0E99.ttl +++ b/data/05/A7/93/05A7933FD577E571B27BB9DB505F0E99.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Sweeney, Jon D.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Anotylus insecatus Gravenhorst 1806" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/A7/D9/05A7D90DC3EBCAE7F561B16091EB47EA.ttl b/data/05/A7/D9/05A7D90DC3EBCAE7F561B16091EB47EA.ttl index 7e0253841c1..fb41f867647 100644 --- a/data/05/A7/D9/05A7D90DC3EBCAE7F561B16091EB47EA.ttl +++ b/data/05/A7/D9/05A7D90DC3EBCAE7F561B16091EB47EA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Astragalus sulcatus Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -82,20 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -115,11 +99,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/A8/48/05A848C48B97FC21E3C83619795F6D45.ttl b/data/05/A8/48/05A848C48B97FC21E3C83619795F6D45.ttl index c27e075f9a8..c8f4ebd55cb 100644 --- a/data/05/A8/48/05A848C48B97FC21E3C83619795F6D45.ttl +++ b/data/05/A8/48/05A848C48B97FC21E3C83619795F6D45.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Ranunculus L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,36 +34,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ranunculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nr." ; - dwc:species "sardous" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stengel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stengel" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ranunculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stengel" ; - dwc:species "serpens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; @@ -78,11 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/A8/D3/05A8D3BE957B1A4053A44514B6138139.ttl b/data/05/A8/D3/05A8D3BE957B1A4053A44514B6138139.ttl index 60776d7f7a0..7b8a0c01562 100644 --- a/data/05/A8/D3/05A8D3BE957B1A4053A44514B6138139.ttl +++ b/data/05/A8/D3/05A8D3BE957B1A4053A44514B6138139.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Li, Qin; Hu, Hongying; Triapitsyn, Serguei V.; Yi, Long; Lu, Jiaxiong" ; dc:title "Anagrus (Anagrus) dmitrievi Triapitsyn & Hu, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Triapitsyn & Hu" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mymaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Anagrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Triapitsyn & Hu" ; - dwc:species "dmitrievi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anagrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Mymaridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/A9/A4/05A9A4D0882A523188C59855E5B508F7.ttl b/data/05/A9/A4/05A9A4D0882A523188C59855E5B508F7.ttl index ecffca267ed..ebef1bd6837 100644 --- a/data/05/A9/A4/05A9A4D0882A523188C59855E5B508F7.ttl +++ b/data/05/A9/A4/05A9A4D0882A523188C59855E5B508F7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bakalin, Vadim A.; Klimova, Ksenia G.; Nguyen, Van Sinh" ; dc:title "Calypogeia arguta Nees et Mont., Naturgesch. Eur. Leberm. 3: 24. 1838" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Jungermanniopsida" ; - dwc:family "Calypogeiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Calypogeia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Jungermanniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Marchantiophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin, 1873" ; - dwc:species "sullivantii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Jungermanniopsida" ; dwc:family "Calypogeiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AA/0E/05AA0EB1B63A5978A812D879736A154C.ttl b/data/05/AA/0E/05AA0EB1B63A5978A812D879736A154C.ttl index 7b44de60f7b..c7bdd7139fe 100644 --- a/data/05/AA/0E/05AA0EB1B63A5978A812D879736A154C.ttl +++ b/data/05/AA/0E/05AA0EB1B63A5978A812D879736A154C.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Godunko, Roman J.; Svitok, Marek" ; dc:title "Centroptella longisetosa Braasch & Soldan 1980" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -109,20 +108,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Braasch & Soldan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Braasch & Soldan, 1980" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -136,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Centroptella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/AB/70/05AB703C7B3154589C345C5333AD8443.ttl b/data/05/AB/70/05AB703C7B3154589C345C5333AD8443.ttl index ea88a75b058..a2b23d5be48 100644 --- a/data/05/AB/70/05AB703C7B3154589C345C5333AD8443.ttl +++ b/data/05/AB/70/05AB703C7B3154589C345C5333AD8443.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Potamogeton pectinatus Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Potamogetonaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Alismatales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/AB/78/05AB7878A1858EBB6459DB3D814DEC27.ttl b/data/05/AB/78/05AB7878A1858EBB6459DB3D814DEC27.ttl index 57c17c73ca3..9a9ec38ad9e 100644 --- a/data/05/AB/78/05AB7878A1858EBB6459DB3D814DEC27.ttl +++ b/data/05/AB/78/05AB7878A1858EBB6459DB3D814DEC27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Capreolus Gray 1821" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,190 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cervus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "capreolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miller 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miller, 1910" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "canus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dinnik 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dinnik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dinnik, 1910" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "caucasicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Festa 1925" ; - dwc:authorityName "Festa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Festa, 1925" ; - dwc:species "capreolus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "italicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pallas 1771)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pallas, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "pygargus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pallas 1771" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pallas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pallas, 1771" ; - dwc:species "pygargus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pygargus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1908" ; - dwc:species "pygargus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "bedfordi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Noack 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Noack" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Noack, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "pygargus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "mantschuricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barclay 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barclay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cervidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capreolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barclay, 1935" ; - dwc:species "pygargus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cervidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AB/E7/05ABE760E156875E9A03FA918EE95AE6.ttl b/data/05/AB/E7/05ABE760E156875E9A03FA918EE95AE6.ttl index 4370aa30f7b..2dd1f828855 100644 --- a/data/05/AB/E7/05ABE760E156875E9A03FA918EE95AE6.ttl +++ b/data/05/AB/E7/05ABE760E156875E9A03FA918EE95AE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Herpestes vitticollis Bennett 1835" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,40 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bennett 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bennett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bennett, 1835" ; - dwc:species "vitticollis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vitticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pocock 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1941" ; - dwc:species "vitticollis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "inornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Herpestidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AB/F6/05ABF65440E45B9D9D2A0EE394EC841D.ttl b/data/05/AB/F6/05ABF65440E45B9D9D2A0EE394EC841D.ttl index 56ed60b59a2..d1ca71fb067 100644 --- a/data/05/AB/F6/05ABF65440E45B9D9D2A0EE394EC841D.ttl +++ b/data/05/AB/F6/05ABF65440E45B9D9D2A0EE394EC841D.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong; Nguyen, Anh D.; Dang, Hoa T." ; dc:title "Orancistrocerus aterrimus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/AB/F7/05ABF7D80CEE97B9201BE9BAAFACA221.ttl b/data/05/AB/F7/05ABF7D80CEE97B9201BE9BAAFACA221.ttl index ecbc968c513..f911d44d925 100644 --- a/data/05/AB/F7/05ABF7D80CEE97B9201BE9BAAFACA221.ttl +++ b/data/05/AB/F7/05ABF7D80CEE97B9201BE9BAAFACA221.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Veronica verna L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plantaginaceae" ; dwc:genus "Veronica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/AD/B3/05ADB3C498D20C987DEC2547101C2C1A.ttl b/data/05/AD/B3/05ADB3C498D20C987DEC2547101C2C1A.ttl index 0a82e215b44..495ed172cdc 100644 --- a/data/05/AD/B3/05ADB3C498D20C987DEC2547101C2C1A.ttl +++ b/data/05/AD/B3/05ADB3C498D20C987DEC2547101C2C1A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Huo, Lizhi; Wang, Xingmin; Chen, Xiaosheng; Ren, Shunxiang" ; dc:title "Aspidimerus guangxiensis Yu 2004" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/AE/24/05AE249D464D2C8072306C144EBE4794.ttl b/data/05/AE/24/05AE249D464D2C8072306C144EBE4794.ttl index 79b497df539..61eb23f2d87 100644 --- a/data/05/AE/24/05AE249D464D2C8072306C144EBE4794.ttl +++ b/data/05/AE/24/05AE249D464D2C8072306C144EBE4794.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Lin, Yucheng; Li, Shuqiang; Jaeger, Peter" ; dc:title "Tetrablemma O. Pickard-Cambridge 1873" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/AE/BF/05AEBF261D5C2273ED00088140B3948B.ttl b/data/05/AE/BF/05AEBF261D5C2273ED00088140B3948B.ttl index 3591fb8f31c..0377d4a589c 100644 --- a/data/05/AE/BF/05AEBF261D5C2273ED00088140B3948B.ttl +++ b/data/05/AE/BF/05AEBF261D5C2273ED00088140B3948B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Sus celebensis Müller and Schlegel 1843" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,117 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Müller and Schlegel 1843" ; - dwc:authorityName "Müller and Schlegel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Müller & Schlegel, 1843" ; - dwc:species "celebensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "celebensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heude 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heude" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heude, 1899" ; - dwc:species "celebensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "floresianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heude, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heude" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microsus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heude, 1899" ; - dwc:species "floresianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hardjasasmita" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hardjasasmita, 1987" ; - dwc:species "heureni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muller & Schlegel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller & Schlegel, 1845" ; - dwc:species "timoriensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Groves, 1981 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Groves" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Groves, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "verrucosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Suidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Artiodactyla" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "scrofa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Suidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AE/DF/05AEDF50C02C591C87DA848F5AA311CF.ttl b/data/05/AE/DF/05AEDF50C02C591C87DA848F5AA311CF.ttl index 7ff586ccd95..7f328d37e2b 100644 --- a/data/05/AE/DF/05AEDF50C02C591C87DA848F5AA311CF.ttl +++ b/data/05/AE/DF/05AEDF50C02C591C87DA848F5AA311CF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Benda, Daniel; Pohl, Hans; Nakase, Yuta; Beutel, Rolf; Straka, Jakub" ; dc:title "Sphecixenos esakii Benda & Pohl & Nakase & Beutel & Straka 2022, comb. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -77,51 +76,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yasumatsu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isodontia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Yasumatsu, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "maidli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "F. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Isodontia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "nigella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "F. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1856" ; - dwc:species "nigellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Xenidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AF/17/05AF17865F275678ABBAA11660B00DD9.ttl b/data/05/AF/17/05AF17865F275678ABBAA11660B00DD9.ttl index c8a8654d096..27ba81b1451 100644 --- a/data/05/AF/17/05AF17865F275678ABBAA11660B00DD9.ttl +++ b/data/05/AF/17/05AF17865F275678ABBAA11660B00DD9.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian; Kuznetsova, Nataliya; Pasnik, Grzegorz" ; dc:title "Endonura cochlearifera Smolis & Kuznetsova & Paśnik 2024, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Smolis, A & Skarzynski, D" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smolis, A & Skarzynski, D, 2020" ; - dwc:species "annae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Smolis, Skarzynski, Pomorski & Kaprus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smolis, Skarzynski, Pomorski & Kaprus, 2007" ; - dwc:species "dentifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dunger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dunger, 1966)" ; - dwc:species "lusatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/AF/D0/05AFD0328ABFF28865EFD7EBE33C3E3B.ttl b/data/05/AF/D0/05AFD0328ABFF28865EFD7EBE33C3E3B.ttl index bb5b7b77fdc..7370f264449 100644 --- a/data/05/AF/D0/05AFD0328ABFF28865EFD7EBE33C3E3B.ttl +++ b/data/05/AF/D0/05AFD0328ABFF28865EFD7EBE33C3E3B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Chamaelirium luteum A. Gray 1867" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,19 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Liliaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melanthiaceae" ; @@ -93,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melanthiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B2/6F/05B26FCC414E1746459B7BB5614D9F3A.ttl b/data/05/B2/6F/05B26FCC414E1746459B7BB5614D9F3A.ttl index 0eb54274e95..2a68d7b8b07 100644 --- a/data/05/B2/6F/05B26FCC414E1746459B7BB5614D9F3A.ttl +++ b/data/05/B2/6F/05B26FCC414E1746459B7BB5614D9F3A.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Otiorhynchini Schoenherr 1826" ; diff --git a/data/05/B2/B0/05B2B0CC8B7C4DB321751E425489762F.ttl b/data/05/B2/B0/05B2B0CC8B7C4DB321751E425489762F.ttl index 9e1bad5e9ef..a8b1e47d06b 100644 --- a/data/05/B2/B0/05B2B0CC8B7C4DB321751E425489762F.ttl +++ b/data/05/B2/B0/05B2B0CC8B7C4DB321751E425489762F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Phyteuma globulariifolium subsp. pedemontanum Bech." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,21 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sternb. & Hoppe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sternb. & Hoppe" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyteuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sternb. & Hoppe" ; - dwc:species "globulariifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Piemonteser Kugelblumen-Rapunzel"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -71,34 +54,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyteuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "globulariifolium" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Phyteuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B3/10/05B31068163356A2AE1BD215CD786FF6.ttl b/data/05/B3/10/05B31068163356A2AE1BD215CD786FF6.ttl index 650016131de..1955180ea2b 100644 --- a/data/05/B3/10/05B31068163356A2AE1BD215CD786FF6.ttl +++ b/data/05/B3/10/05B31068163356A2AE1BD215CD786FF6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Boer, Peter; Loss, Ana Carolina; Bakker, Frederique; Beentjes, Kevin; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Monomorium sahlbergi Emery 1898" ; diff --git a/data/05/B3/2B/05B32B9F909DAE693CD251615C8E2521.ttl b/data/05/B3/2B/05B32B9F909DAE693CD251615C8E2521.ttl index de5d8c9ce82..1851f32d3b4 100644 --- a/data/05/B3/2B/05B32B9F909DAE693CD251615C8E2521.ttl +++ b/data/05/B3/2B/05B32B9F909DAE693CD251615C8E2521.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Spermophilus (Ictidomys) tridecemlineatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -60,233 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mitchill 1821" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mitchill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mitchill, 1821" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tridecemlineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Merriam 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merriam, 1898" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "alleni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. H. Howell 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. H. Howell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howell, 1928" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "arenicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Armstrong 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Armstrong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Armstrong, 1971" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "blanca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "V. Bailey 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "V. Bailey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bailey, 1913" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hollisteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. H. Howell 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. H. Howell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howell, 1928" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "monticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Allen 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1895" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "olivaceous" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Allen 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1874" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Allen 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1895" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "parvus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Merriam 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Merriam" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merriam, 1898" ; - dwc:species "tridecemlineatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - dwc:subSpecies "texensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nelson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nelson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "alleni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hall, 1981: 391)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "391" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hall, 1981)" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Erxleben" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1777" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Erxleben, 1777)" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; @@ -302,12 +74,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Spermophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Ictidomys" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/05/B3/64/05B36483F21A4E82459C98760B7AF853.ttl b/data/05/B3/64/05B36483F21A4E82459C98760B7AF853.ttl index e85082a6bb2..d4d4f5d842f 100644 --- a/data/05/B3/64/05B36483F21A4E82459C98760B7AF853.ttl +++ b/data/05/B3/64/05B36483F21A4E82459C98760B7AF853.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Shattuck, S. O.; Barnett, N. J." ; dc:title "Mayriella overbecki Shattuck & Barnett, 2007, n. stat." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Mayriella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B3/68/05B3683E83175DC39567AA5195E1784D.ttl b/data/05/B3/68/05B3683E83175DC39567AA5195E1784D.ttl index 97082ba0282..4f43221a966 100644 --- a/data/05/B3/68/05B3683E83175DC39567AA5195E1784D.ttl +++ b/data/05/B3/68/05B3683E83175DC39567AA5195E1784D.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Moreno-Gonzalez 1, Jairo A.; Pinto-da-Rocha 1, Ricardo; Gallao 2, Jonas E." ; dc:title "Tityus spelaeus Moreno-González 1 & Pinto-da-Rocha 1 & Gallão 2 2021, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,67 +42,9 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moreno-González 1, Pinto-da-Rocha 1 & Gallão 2, 2021" ; dwc:species "spelaeus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tityus" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kraepelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tityus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraepelin, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trivittatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tityus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1836" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lourenco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tityus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenco, 2016" ; - dwc:species "karaja" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; @@ -113,27 +54,17 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "spelaeus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tityus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; dwc:genus "Tityus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B3/98/05B398B597B936CBA2E09C5C59AF0B2D.ttl b/data/05/B3/98/05B398B597B936CBA2E09C5C59AF0B2D.ttl index 10c98150f21..4048fadcb51 100644 --- a/data/05/B3/98/05B398B597B936CBA2E09C5C59AF0B2D.ttl +++ b/data/05/B3/98/05B398B597B936CBA2E09C5C59AF0B2D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Lopes, Daniela A.; Mainenti, Adriana; Sanches, Magda; Knoff, Marcelo; Gomes, Delir Correa" ; dc:title "Acleotrema lamothei Santos, Bianchi & Gibson 2008" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/B4/60/05B4604254863B35FED8F94D74A17DD6.ttl b/data/05/B4/60/05B4604254863B35FED8F94D74A17DD6.ttl index a965b32ecb0..f3d94959eb0 100644 --- a/data/05/B4/60/05B4604254863B35FED8F94D74A17DD6.ttl +++ b/data/05/B4/60/05B4604254863B35FED8F94D74A17DD6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sheng, Mao-Ling; Schoenitzer, Klaus; Sun, Shu-Ping" ; dc:title "Elaticarina Sheng 2012, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elaticarina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, 2012" ; - dwc:species "recava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Therion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/B4/93/05B4931D24F951C084CEDB0BCB042AA0.ttl b/data/05/B4/93/05B4931D24F951C084CEDB0BCB042AA0.ttl index 37533b7b521..c8f8801ff15 100644 --- a/data/05/B4/93/05B4931D24F951C084CEDB0BCB042AA0.ttl +++ b/data/05/B4/93/05B4931D24F951C084CEDB0BCB042AA0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marques, Mariana P.; Parrinha, Diogo; Lopes-Lima, Manuel; Tiutenko, Arthur; Bauer, Aaron M.; Ceríaco, Luis M. P." ; dc:title "Pachydactylus caraculicus Fitzsimons 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,51 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wiegmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachydactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiegmann, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loveridge, 1944" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loveridge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Pyxicephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amietia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loveridge, 1944" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marques, Parrinha, Ceriaco, Brennan, Heinicke & Bauer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachydactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marques, Parrinha, Ceriaco, Brennan, Heinicke & Bauer, 2023" ; - dwc:species "maiatoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; @@ -103,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Gekkonidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachydactylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B4/A0/05B4A0105B85A700D8D083683C174FB3.ttl b/data/05/B4/A0/05B4A0105B85A700D8D083683C174FB3.ttl index 20fd186d538..3fc83ec09ff 100644 --- a/data/05/B4/A0/05B4A0105B85A700D8D083683C174FB3.ttl +++ b/data/05/B4/A0/05B4A0105B85A700D8D083683C174FB3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Chrysospalax villosus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,108 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "A. Smith 1833" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1833" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "villosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broom 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broom, 1918" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "dobsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broom 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broom, 1918" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "leschae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1924" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rufopallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meester 1953" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meester" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meester, 1953" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broom 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broom" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysospalax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broom, 1913" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "transvaalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/B5/2F/05B52F0C74D51BD8087FF32C1E9E8DD4.ttl b/data/05/B5/2F/05B52F0C74D51BD8087FF32C1E9E8DD4.ttl index 76e6cf41a13..e51cfccc7ae 100644 --- a/data/05/B5/2F/05B52F0C74D51BD8087FF32C1E9E8DD4.ttl +++ b/data/05/B5/2F/05B52F0C74D51BD8087FF32C1E9E8DD4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Satkauskienė, Ingrida; Wood, Timothy; Rutkauskaitė-Sucilienė, Jurgita; Mildazienė, Vida; Tuckutė, Simona" ; dc:title "Plumatella emarginata Allman 1844" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/B6/15/05B6155C25AFA825B1831D401F7124FD.ttl b/data/05/B6/15/05B6155C25AFA825B1831D401F7124FD.ttl index 871ee9c1bd2..75fd18ecf75 100644 --- a/data/05/B6/15/05B6155C25AFA825B1831D401F7124FD.ttl +++ b/data/05/B6/15/05B6155C25AFA825B1831D401F7124FD.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Pyrus communis Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; @@ -69,22 +53,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B7/8A/05B78AD8241EA1E315BA9A24B477B99A.ttl b/data/05/B7/8A/05B78AD8241EA1E315BA9A24B477B99A.ttl index b72523c587a..903e4a07275 100644 --- a/data/05/B7/8A/05B78AD8241EA1E315BA9A24B477B99A.ttl +++ b/data/05/B7/8A/05B78AD8241EA1E315BA9A24B477B99A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Kosteletzkya pentacarpos Ledeb." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,11 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/B8/D7/05B8D7A629C57CE9E2E3E0BF17BB1D27.ttl b/data/05/B8/D7/05B8D7A629C57CE9E2E3E0BF17BB1D27.ttl index 98e33514770..717be1d2891 100644 --- a/data/05/B8/D7/05B8D7A629C57CE9E2E3E0BF17BB1D27.ttl +++ b/data/05/B8/D7/05B8D7A629C57CE9E2E3E0BF17BB1D27.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Eutoxina Champion 1908" ; diff --git a/data/05/BB/0A/05BB0ABA87C45BE0B9FB3581EEB2F23F.ttl b/data/05/BB/0A/05BB0ABA87C45BE0B9FB3581EEB2F23F.ttl index 5cffdc3d7c2..2922bc5b5e4 100644 --- a/data/05/BB/0A/05BB0ABA87C45BE0B9FB3581EEB2F23F.ttl +++ b/data/05/BB/0A/05BB0ABA87C45BE0B9FB3581EEB2F23F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Li, Yang; He, Jun-hua; Chen, Xue-xin" ; dc:title "Bracon (Uncobracon) quadratus subsp. Subgenus Papp 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,24 +75,9 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 1933" ; dwc:species "apoderi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Uncobracon" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Olivier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Attelabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apoderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olivier, 1807" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; @@ -165,7 +148,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "apoderi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Uncobracon" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/BD/A5/05BDA57E8EE944E0133CBB6AF7682723.ttl b/data/05/BD/A5/05BDA57E8EE944E0133CBB6AF7682723.ttl index 108572b0436..06329ef9f28 100644 --- a/data/05/BD/A5/05BDA57E8EE944E0133CBB6AF7682723.ttl +++ b/data/05/BD/A5/05BDA57E8EE944E0133CBB6AF7682723.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "V. Petrov, Alexander; Y. Mandelshtam, Michail" ; dc:title "Scolytus peruensis Schedl 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/C0/04/05C00434B64F7484C912903EB5E10FDB.ttl b/data/05/C0/04/05C00434B64F7484C912903EB5E10FDB.ttl index 1ce53bbd09f..2570f774d9d 100644 --- a/data/05/C0/04/05C00434B64F7484C912903EB5E10FDB.ttl +++ b/data/05/C0/04/05C00434B64F7484C912903EB5E10FDB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Mustela frenata subsp. altifrontalis Hall 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Miller 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Mustelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mustela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miller, 1912" ; - dwc:species "frenata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "saturata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Mustelidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C0/0C/05C00C6AF83944E10D11A103CBC534D8.ttl b/data/05/C0/0C/05C00C6AF83944E10D11A103CBC534D8.ttl index 5bef1cbd393..b03b9d812b3 100644 --- a/data/05/C0/0C/05C00C6AF83944E10D11A103CBC534D8.ttl +++ b/data/05/C0/0C/05C00C6AF83944E10D11A103CBC534D8.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Sherardia fruticosa Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/C1/12/05C11253007639742E9C51CE39C49811.ttl b/data/05/C1/12/05C11253007639742E9C51CE39C49811.ttl index 97a3e2c348a..310c5f1ec95 100644 --- a/data/05/C1/12/05C11253007639742E9C51CE39C49811.ttl +++ b/data/05/C1/12/05C11253007639742E9C51CE39C49811.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yan, Jun-Qing; Bau, Tolgor" ; dc:title "Psathyrella mycenoides T. Bau, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "823857" ; - dwc:authority "T. Bau" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Psathyrellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Psathyrella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bau" ; - dwc:species "mycenoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Psathyrellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C3/81/05C381EF47FDF7BA002022972DCA5D45.ttl b/data/05/C3/81/05C381EF47FDF7BA002022972DCA5D45.ttl index 4f6e8ff0b14..1909fcb256d 100644 --- a/data/05/C3/81/05C381EF47FDF7BA002022972DCA5D45.ttl +++ b/data/05/C3/81/05C381EF47FDF7BA002022972DCA5D45.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Cyperus glomeratus Linnaeus 1756" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,19 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; @@ -74,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/C3/95/05C3959C3A58895CADF4EC3E6E09CCF4.ttl b/data/05/C3/95/05C3959C3A58895CADF4EC3E6E09CCF4.ttl index 00f77290266..caa21705ce8 100644 --- a/data/05/C3/95/05C3959C3A58895CADF4EC3E6E09CCF4.ttl +++ b/data/05/C3/95/05C3959C3A58895CADF4EC3E6E09CCF4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Wood, John R. I.; Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo; Williams, Bethany R. M.; Scotland, Robert W." ; dc:title "Ipomoea colombiana O'Donell" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/C4/4E/05C44E143034E7DD62931EF22DBD06FC.ttl b/data/05/C4/4E/05C44E143034E7DD62931EF22DBD06FC.ttl index 8be449aff52..960211edb37 100644 --- a/data/05/C4/4E/05C44E143034E7DD62931EF22DBD06FC.ttl +++ b/data/05/C4/4E/05C44E143034E7DD62931EF22DBD06FC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sharkey, Michael J.; Chapman, Eric" ; dc:title "Cymagathis Sharkey, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Sharkey" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymagathis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharkey" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C4/D1/05C4D1DB0AEA750CF5DC80633B2C2C20.ttl b/data/05/C4/D1/05C4D1DB0AEA750CF5DC80633B2C2C20.ttl index ddb10d22fda..eb717bab4e3 100644 --- a/data/05/C4/D1/05C4D1DB0AEA750CF5DC80633B2C2C20.ttl +++ b/data/05/C4/D1/05C4D1DB0AEA750CF5DC80633B2C2C20.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tian, Mingyi; Deuve, Thierry" ; dc:title "Orthogonius macrophthalmus Tian & Deuve, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Tian & Deuve" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthogonius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tian & Deuve" ; - dwc:species "macrophthalmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C5/0D/05C50DDC47A0B3D80DC509AE5BBF7788.ttl b/data/05/C5/0D/05C50DDC47A0B3D80DC509AE5BBF7788.ttl index 8abcca6f86f..aa20385a206 100644 --- a/data/05/C5/0D/05C50DDC47A0B3D80DC509AE5BBF7788.ttl +++ b/data/05/C5/0D/05C50DDC47A0B3D80DC509AE5BBF7788.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because the rank attribute is missing ; dc:creator "Thornhill, Robert; Krings, Alexander; Lindbo, David; Stucky, Jon" ; dc:title "Smilax glauca Walter" ; diff --git a/data/05/C5/11/05C511D822C7F1D83EEE26443DC9E12A.ttl b/data/05/C5/11/05C511D822C7F1D83EEE26443DC9E12A.ttl index e96ee29425a..ec25026c8b2 100644 --- a/data/05/C5/11/05C511D822C7F1D83EEE26443DC9E12A.ttl +++ b/data/05/C5/11/05C511D822C7F1D83EEE26443DC9E12A.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Cassidinae Gyllenhal 1813" ; diff --git a/data/05/C6/5B/05C65B124CFA8B1C7427ABB8D5F19C98.ttl b/data/05/C6/5B/05C65B124CFA8B1C7427ABB8D5F19C98.ttl index 3fdb554675a..9de1f4e59c8 100644 --- a/data/05/C6/5B/05C65B124CFA8B1C7427ABB8D5F19C98.ttl +++ b/data/05/C6/5B/05C65B124CFA8B1C7427ABB8D5F19C98.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kilgallen, Niamh M.; Lowry, James K." ; dc:title "Aroui setosus Chevreux 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,20 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Johnston" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Demospongea" ; - dwc:family "Suberitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Suberites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hadromerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Johnston, 1842)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Scopelocheiridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C8/DC/05C8DC1FB9C3048E66D224D3F6C8F796.ttl b/data/05/C8/DC/05C8DC1FB9C3048E66D224D3F6C8F796.ttl index d3916b2505f..9843628dd8f 100644 --- a/data/05/C8/DC/05C8DC1FB9C3048E66D224D3F6C8F796.ttl +++ b/data/05/C8/DC/05C8DC1FB9C3048E66D224D3F6C8F796.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Myocastor coypus subsp. coypus Molina 1782" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,74 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fitzinger 1867)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fitzinger, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "albomaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lesson 1842)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lesson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lesson, 1842)" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "chilensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fitzinger 1867)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fitzinger, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wesmael 1841)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wesmael" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wesmael, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "popelairi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/C9/14/05C9143D66FA87943015BA16D8644816.ttl b/data/05/C9/14/05C9143D66FA87943015BA16D8644816.ttl index 7f2e9068cd0..9176edae0ec 100644 --- a/data/05/C9/14/05C9143D66FA87943015BA16D8644816.ttl +++ b/data/05/C9/14/05C9143D66FA87943015BA16D8644816.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lyons, Kathleen M.; Dikow, Torsten" ; dc:title "Ectyphus abdominalis Bezzi 1924" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mydidae" ; dwc:genus "Ectyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CA/05/05CA0583678B50A288C7B96EB206D15D.ttl b/data/05/CA/05/05CA0583678B50A288C7B96EB206D15D.ttl index d9471f6d24a..d3ed304b2ac 100644 --- a/data/05/CA/05/05CA0583678B50A288C7B96EB206D15D.ttl +++ b/data/05/CA/05/05CA0583678B50A288C7B96EB206D15D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Sihang; Yang, Yihong; Chen, Jiayi; Liu, Liming; Cao, Zhendong; Xie, Sanping" ; dc:title "Jersiberotha musivum Zhang & Yang & Chen & Liu & Cao & Xie 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berothidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jersiberotha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grimaldi, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Engel & Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berothidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iceloberotha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engel & Grimaldi, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Berothidae" ; @@ -87,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berothidae" ; dwc:genus "Jersiberotha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CA/7B/05CA7B101DE5591284447BD8866A8D20.ttl b/data/05/CA/7B/05CA7B101DE5591284447BD8866A8D20.ttl index ff6acf03fc1..33de5b343bc 100644 --- a/data/05/CA/7B/05CA7B101DE5591284447BD8866A8D20.ttl +++ b/data/05/CA/7B/05CA7B101DE5591284447BD8866A8D20.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pérez-García, Patricia; Gouveia, Filipa; Calado, Gonçalo; Noreña, Carolina; Cervera, Juan Lucas" ; dc:title "Stylochus marimarensis Pérez-García, Gouveia, Calado, Noreña & Cervera, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,237 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stimpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stimpson, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ehrenberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ehrenberg, 1851" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Steinbock, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Steinbock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steinbock, 1937" ; - dwc:species "alexandrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pérez-García & Gouveia & Calado & Noreña & Cervera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pérez-García, Gouveia, Calado, Noreña & Cervera, 2024" ; - dwc:species "erytheius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Marquina, Fernandez-Alvarez & Norena, 2014)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Marquina, Fernandez-Alvarez & Norena" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Marquina, Fernandez-Alvarez & Norena, 2014)" ; - dwc:species "fafai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Galleni, 1976" ; - dwc:authorityName "Galleni" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Galleni, 1976" ; - dwc:species "mediterraneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bulnes, 2010)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bulnes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bulnes, 2010)" ; - dwc:species "melihertani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lang, 1884" ; - dwc:species "neapolitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Goette, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Goette" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Goette, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "pilidium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lang, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lang, 1884" ; - dwc:species "plessisii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Marquina et al., 2014)" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Marquina et al., 2014)" ; - dwc:species "stellae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacubowa, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacubowa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacubowa, 1909" ; - dwc:species "tauricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacubowa, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacubowa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacubowa, 1909" ; - dwc:species "vesiculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maghsoudlou & Momtazi, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maghsoudlou & Momtazi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maghsoudlou & Momtazi, 2014" ; - dwc:species "qeshmensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jennings & Newman, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jennings & Newman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jennings & Newman, 1996" ; - dwc:species "kimae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yeri and Kaburaki 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yeri and Kaburaki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918" ; - dwc:species "rutilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; @@ -290,20 +56,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; dwc:genus "Stylochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . dwc:family "Stylochidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polycladida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CB/25/05CB25DDC8E968AA816C1B4060FBD528.ttl b/data/05/CB/25/05CB25DDC8E968AA816C1B4060FBD528.ttl index 0897ab4485d..45cb2fefe04 100644 --- a/data/05/CB/25/05CB25DDC8E968AA816C1B4060FBD528.ttl +++ b/data/05/CB/25/05CB25DDC8E968AA816C1B4060FBD528.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Bulimus serratus Pfeiffer 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,19 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; @@ -94,11 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName , ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CB/92/05CB92C394C328A568FB9107FEEC7EFF.ttl b/data/05/CB/92/05CB92C394C328A568FB9107FEEC7EFF.ttl index dea8de2c780..56cf421a19e 100644 --- a/data/05/CB/92/05CB92C394C328A568FB9107FEEC7EFF.ttl +++ b/data/05/CB/92/05CB92C394C328A568FB9107FEEC7EFF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Sohn, Jae-Cheon; Davis, Donald R.; Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos" ; dc:title "Philonome euryarga Meyrick 1915" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/CC/19/05CC199788AF1FC8D4CFB37F65E227C1.ttl b/data/05/CC/19/05CC199788AF1FC8D4CFB37F65E227C1.ttl index 6fa92c39188..eecde33c370 100644 --- a/data/05/CC/19/05CC199788AF1FC8D4CFB37F65E227C1.ttl +++ b/data/05/CC/19/05CC199788AF1FC8D4CFB37F65E227C1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Rhinolophus cognatus K. Andersen 1906" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,55 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "K. Andersen 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Andersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen, 1906" ; - dwc:species "cognatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "cognatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "K. Andersen 1918" ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Andersen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andersen, 1918" ; - dwc:species "cognatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "famulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Temminck, 1834" ; - dwc:species "pusillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Rhinolophidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/CC/42/05CC423B2E1EC4E5F1F46772DB51C682.ttl b/data/05/CC/42/05CC423B2E1EC4E5F1F46772DB51C682.ttl index 8731d1508fb..80405706e33 100644 --- a/data/05/CC/42/05CC423B2E1EC4E5F1F46772DB51C682.ttl +++ b/data/05/CC/42/05CC423B2E1EC4E5F1F46772DB51C682.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Oxytropis halleri W. D. J. Koch" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,52 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "W. D. J. Koch Enthaelt" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. D. J. Koch Enthaelt" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxytropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch Enthaelt" ; - dwc:species "halleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schur) O. Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityName "O. Schwarz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schur" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxytropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schur) Schwarz" ; - dwc:species "halleri" ; - dwc:subSpecies "velutina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Haller Nome" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Haller Nome" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxytropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Haller Nome" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Hallers Spitzkiel"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -101,22 +53,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; dwc:genus "Oxytropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CD/25/05CD258C8B70EE132A7132DB0B4B03E5.ttl b/data/05/CD/25/05CD258C8B70EE132A7132DB0B4B03E5.ttl index d3853d40d1e..dabd4502cd5 100644 --- a/data/05/CD/25/05CD258C8B70EE132A7132DB0B4B03E5.ttl +++ b/data/05/CD/25/05CD258C8B70EE132A7132DB0B4B03E5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Delanymys Hayman 1962" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,22 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hayman 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hayman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Nesomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Delanymys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hayman, 1962" ; - dwc:species "brooksi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Nesomyidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/CD/52/05CD52D116D65838A3CE2A431D72A1A9.ttl b/data/05/CD/52/05CD52D116D65838A3CE2A431D72A1A9.ttl index d31fc207e48..af7b4501e2c 100644 --- a/data/05/CD/52/05CD52D116D65838A3CE2A431D72A1A9.ttl +++ b/data/05/CD/52/05CD52D116D65838A3CE2A431D72A1A9.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhao, Huifeng; Li, Shuqiang; Zhang, Aibing" ; dc:title "Mekonglema xinpingi Zhao & Li & Zhang 2020, comb. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,19 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhao & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:family "Telemidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mekonglema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhao & Li, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Telemidae" ; dwc:genus "Mekonglema" ; @@ -87,11 +73,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Telemidae" ; dwc:genus "Mekonglema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CE/00/05CE0035C7D25F526379BA7BDD2883A8.ttl b/data/05/CE/00/05CE0035C7D25F526379BA7BDD2883A8.ttl index 498cc382540..d985aeec1b4 100644 --- a/data/05/CE/00/05CE0035C7D25F526379BA7BDD2883A8.ttl +++ b/data/05/CE/00/05CE0035C7D25F526379BA7BDD2883A8.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Solanum macrocarpon Linnaeus 1771" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/CE/47/05CE47BEA3A55FB480644550C0A924F0.ttl b/data/05/CE/47/05CE47BEA3A55FB480644550C0A924F0.ttl index c21daeecee0..0d1fe3a0106 100644 --- a/data/05/CE/47/05CE47BEA3A55FB480644550C0A924F0.ttl +++ b/data/05/CE/47/05CE47BEA3A55FB480644550C0A924F0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Coptoborus brevicauda Smith & Cognato 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/05/D0/05/05D005A519DE58E0FA5783375B3AB8D7.ttl b/data/05/D0/05/05D005A519DE58E0FA5783375B3AB8D7.ttl index 98b43a62b73..549291570f3 100644 --- a/data/05/D0/05/05D005A519DE58E0FA5783375B3AB8D7.ttl +++ b/data/05/D0/05/05D005A519DE58E0FA5783375B3AB8D7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marsh, Paul M.; Wild, Alexander L.; Whitfield, James B." ; dc:title "Heterospilus reinhardi Marsh, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Marsh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterospilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh" ; - dwc:species "reinhardi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/D1/14/05D114A6E14413A9FE7A58C2650C976B.ttl b/data/05/D1/14/05D114A6E14413A9FE7A58C2650C976B.ttl index 8e25d894c30..5fa124c32e4 100644 --- a/data/05/D1/14/05D114A6E14413A9FE7A58C2650C976B.ttl +++ b/data/05/D1/14/05D114A6E14413A9FE7A58C2650C976B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Veronica alpina L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plantaginaceae" ; dwc:genus "Veronica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/D1/8B/05D18B83114C532482264A6086310487.ttl b/data/05/D1/8B/05D18B83114C532482264A6086310487.ttl index b78b207be12..a254a873b7b 100644 --- a/data/05/D1/8B/05D18B83114C532482264A6086310487.ttl +++ b/data/05/D1/8B/05D18B83114C532482264A6086310487.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Brunke, Adam J.; Pentinsaari, Mikko; Klimaszewski, Jan" ; dc:title "Hylota cryptica Klimaszewski & Webster 2016" ; diff --git a/data/05/D2/E9/05D2E99678CF5BD2714081EBC31EB732.ttl b/data/05/D2/E9/05D2E99678CF5BD2714081EBC31EB732.ttl index 6f44bdc9c41..dd18053d6db 100644 --- a/data/05/D2/E9/05D2E99678CF5BD2714081EBC31EB732.ttl +++ b/data/05/D2/E9/05D2E99678CF5BD2714081EBC31EB732.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Pogonomys macrourus Milne-Edwards 1877" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,129 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tate and Archbold 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tate and Archbold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tate & Archbold, 1935" ; - dwc:species "derimapa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tate and Archbold 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tate and Archbold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tate & Archbold, 1935" ; - dwc:species "huon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1897" ; - dwc:species "lepidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Peters and Doria 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peters and Doria" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters & Doria, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "mollipilosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1897" ; - dwc:species "loriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1904" ; - dwc:species "dryas" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "M. Edw." ; - dwc:authorityName "M. Edw." ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Edw." ; - dwc:species "macrourus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Muridae" ; @@ -180,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; dwc:genus "Pogonomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/D5/47/05D5471830CD5EAC929E5FFDE99ACC32.ttl b/data/05/D5/47/05D5471830CD5EAC929E5FFDE99ACC32.ttl index dca4f0a491c..b0c13549ad1 100644 --- a/data/05/D5/47/05D5471830CD5EAC929E5FFDE99ACC32.ttl +++ b/data/05/D5/47/05D5471830CD5EAC929E5FFDE99ACC32.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Leong-Skornickova, Jana; Boehmova, Alzbeta; Tr ần, H ữu Đăng" ; dc:title "Cheilocostus tonkinensis Skornick. 2022, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -86,8 +85,6 @@ dwc:family "Costaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/D6/B1/05D6B10652E1C849AFCE6326F4745FAD.ttl b/data/05/D6/B1/05D6B10652E1C849AFCE6326F4745FAD.ttl index 2687378363d..46f7715a604 100644 --- a/data/05/D6/B1/05D6B10652E1C849AFCE6326F4745FAD.ttl +++ b/data/05/D6/B1/05D6B10652E1C849AFCE6326F4745FAD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Arabis pumila Jacq." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/D6/C0/05D6C0600DAA5CC4159A79EE316A43ED.ttl b/data/05/D6/C0/05D6C0600DAA5CC4159A79EE316A43ED.ttl index f7ef3d91948..6feb4b561a1 100644 --- a/data/05/D6/C0/05D6C0600DAA5CC4159A79EE316A43ED.ttl +++ b/data/05/D6/C0/05D6C0600DAA5CC4159A79EE316A43ED.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Telfer, Angela C; Young, Monica R; Quinn, Jenna; Perez, Kate; Sobel, Crystal N; Sones, Jayme E; Levesque-Beaudin, Valerie; Derbyshire, Rachael; Fernandez-Triana, Jose; Rougerie, Rodolphe; Thevanayagam, Abinah; Boskovic, Adrian; Borisenko, Alex V; Cadel, Alex; Brown, Allison; Pages, Anais; Castillo, Anibal H; Nicolai, Annegret; Glenn Mockford, Barb Mockford; Bukowski, Belen; Wilson, Bill; Trojahn, Brock; Lacroix, Carole Ann; Brimblecombe, Chris; Hay, Christoper; Ho, Christmas; Steinke, Claudia; Warne, Connor P; Garrido Cortes, Cristina; Engelking, Daniel; Wright, Danielle; Lijtmaer, Dario A; Gascoigne, David; Hernandez Martich, David; Morningstar, Derek; Neumann, Dirk; Steinke, Dirk; Marco DeBruin, Donna DeBruin; Dobias, Dylan; Sears, Elizabeth; Richard, Ellen; Damstra, Emily; Zakharov, Evgeny V; Laberge, Frederic; Collins, Gemma E; Blagoev, Gergin A; Grainge, Gerrie; Ansell, Graham; Meredith, Greg; Hogg, Ian; McKeown, Jaclyn; Topan, Janet; Bracey, Jason; Guenther, Jerry; Sills-Gilligan, Jesse; Addesi, Joseph; Persi, Joshua; Layton, Kara K S; D'Souza, Kareina; Dorji, Kencho; Grundy, Kevin; Nghidinwa, Kirsti; Ronnenberg, Kylee; Lee, Kyung Min; Xie, Linxi; Lu, Liuqiong; Penev, Lyubomir; Gonzalez, Mailyn; Rosati, Margaret E; Kekkonen, Mari; Kuzmina, Maria; Iskandar, Marianne; Mutanen, Marko; Fatahi, Maryam; Pentinsaari, Mikko; Bauman, Miriam; Nikolova, Nadya; Ivanova, Natalia V; Jones, Nathaniel; Weerasuriya, Nimalka; Monkhouse, Norman; Lavinia, Pablo D; Jannetta, Paul; Hanisch, Priscila E; McMullin, R. Troy; Ojeda Flores, Rafael; Mouttet, Raphaelle; Vender, Reid; Labbee, Renee N; Forsyth, Robert; Lauder, Rob; Dickson, Ross; Kroft, Ruth; Miller, Scott E; MacDonald, Shannon; Panthi, Sishir; Pedersen, Stephanie; Sobek-Swant, Stephanie; Naik, Suresh; Lipinskaya, Tatsiana; Eagalle, Thanushi; Decaens, Thibaud; Kosuth, Thibault; Braukmann, Thomas; Woodcock, Tom; Roslin, Tomas; Zammit, Tony; Campbell, Victoria; Dinca, Vlad; Peneva, Vlada; Hebert, Paul D N; deWaard, Jeremy R" ; dc:title "Gymnopus acervatus Fries 1821" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/D7/08/05D708EB910D574698C7DA1192F054E8.ttl b/data/05/D7/08/05D708EB910D574698C7DA1192F054E8.ttl index 5ff4926d81f..f772bc57d9f 100644 --- a/data/05/D7/08/05D708EB910D574698C7DA1192F054E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/D7/08/05D708EB910D574698C7DA1192F054E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kaltenbach, Thomas; Vuataz, Laurent; Samraoui, Boudjema; El Yaagoubi, Sara; El Alami, Majida; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc" ; dc:title "Centroptilum samraouii Kaltenbach, Vuataz & Gattolliat 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera", "Plecoptera" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaltenbach, Vuataz & Gattolliat, 2022" ; @@ -45,56 +45,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eaton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eaton, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kaltenbach, Vuataz & Gattolliat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaltenbach, Vuataz & Gattolliat, 2022" ; - dwc:species "alamiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:species "luteolum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera", "Plecoptera" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "samraouii" ; @@ -102,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/D7/2C/05D72C6E19CC5739B9EA0DFAAD654538.ttl b/data/05/D7/2C/05D72C6E19CC5739B9EA0DFAAD654538.ttl index 7bd462de6c1..8223b1091b1 100644 --- a/data/05/D7/2C/05D72C6E19CC5739B9EA0DFAAD654538.ttl +++ b/data/05/D7/2C/05D72C6E19CC5739B9EA0DFAAD654538.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kaneko, Naoki; Wada, Kaoru" ; dc:title "Apogonia hongkongica Miyake 1989" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Melolonthidae" ; dwc:genus "Apogonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/D7/5D/05D75DAA2FE9BFE29D7C262E319AB134.ttl b/data/05/D7/5D/05D75DAA2FE9BFE29D7C262E319AB134.ttl index 53f64f1a709..503c08c203d 100644 --- a/data/05/D7/5D/05D75DAA2FE9BFE29D7C262E319AB134.ttl +++ b/data/05/D7/5D/05D75DAA2FE9BFE29D7C262E319AB134.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Achterberg, Cornelis van; Gumez, Jean-Luc; Martinez, Michel; Rasplus, Jean-Yves" ; dc:title "Orientopius europaeus van Achterberg 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,244 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zetterstedt, 1848)" ; - dwc:species "carbonaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kangas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kangas, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "cerasiferae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lioy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lioy, 1864" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "sculpticapitis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "quadratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "semilissus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "flavicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "flavicapitis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "belokobylskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tobias" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobias, 1998" ; - dwc:species "nadezhdae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epimicta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nees" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachionus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nees, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "hians" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hendel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendel, 1931" ; - dwc:species "cambii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zaykov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachionus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zaykov, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "pappi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachionus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haliday, 1839)" ; - dwc:species "ringens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orientopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1966" ; - dwc:species "curiosigaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/D8/4D/05D84DDD58462AA4FEF352B35232D135.ttl b/data/05/D8/4D/05D84DDD58462AA4FEF352B35232D135.ttl index 8f50b8d84f5..972f6daab72 100644 --- a/data/05/D8/4D/05D84DDD58462AA4FEF352B35232D135.ttl +++ b/data/05/D8/4D/05D84DDD58462AA4FEF352B35232D135.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Weigmann, G.; Miko, L." ; dc:title "Scheloribates (Scheloribates)" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/D9/65/05D965C79F3651FBACB1D37F47851B87.ttl b/data/05/D9/65/05D965C79F3651FBACB1D37F47851B87.ttl index 05ee9b58981..60386c53a8e 100644 --- a/data/05/D9/65/05D965C79F3651FBACB1D37F47851B87.ttl +++ b/data/05/D9/65/05D965C79F3651FBACB1D37F47851B87.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Haelewaters, Danny; Kesel, Andre De" ; dc:title "Laboulbenia quarantenae Haelewaters & Kesel 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,184 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Peyr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Laboulbenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peyr, 1873" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Letzner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Letzner, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "nigrum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Paykull" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Limodromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Paykull, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "assimilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Letzner" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agonum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Letzner, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "emarginatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loricera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herbst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1784" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxypselaphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herbst, 1784)" ; - dwc:species "obscurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Audinet-Serville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ocys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Audinet-Serville, 1821)" ; - dwc:species "harpaloides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haelew. & De Kesel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hesperomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haelew. & De Kesel, 2020" ; - dwc:species "halyziae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coccinellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halyzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "sedecimguttata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Philochtus" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembidion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philochtus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Philochtus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wesmael" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembidion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wesmael, 1835" ; - dwc:species "bruxellense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thaxter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hesperomyces" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thaxter, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; @@ -237,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Laboulbeniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Laboulbeniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Laboulbenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Laboulbeniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/DA/B4/05DAB4EFB6FD2FF2A7E711ADBFBBFDC3.ttl b/data/05/DA/B4/05DAB4EFB6FD2FF2A7E711ADBFBBFDC3.ttl index 7d99b095655..fbada1ade82 100644 --- a/data/05/DA/B4/05DAB4EFB6FD2FF2A7E711ADBFBBFDC3.ttl +++ b/data/05/DA/B4/05DAB4EFB6FD2FF2A7E711ADBFBBFDC3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Stilbe pinastra Linnaeus 1771" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Stilbaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/DA/B9/05DAB9282199C174F55C2CED4AC18B26.ttl b/data/05/DA/B9/05DAB9282199C174F55C2CED4AC18B26.ttl index ae097ddc805..934032367ba 100644 --- a/data/05/DA/B9/05DAB9282199C174F55C2CED4AC18B26.ttl +++ b/data/05/DA/B9/05DAB9282199C174F55C2CED4AC18B26.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "M. A. Treloar; L. J. B. Laurenson; J. D. Stevens" ; dc:title "Rajidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/05/DB/08/05DB08C0A6458C4A5DA8766746845110.ttl b/data/05/DB/08/05DB08C0A6458C4A5DA8766746845110.ttl index 2e33f7b0218..56e4c12e733 100644 --- a/data/05/DB/08/05DB08C0A6458C4A5DA8766746845110.ttl +++ b/data/05/DB/08/05DB08C0A6458C4A5DA8766746845110.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Neubauer, Thomas A." ; dc:title "Boistelia inermis Jekelius 1944, [invalid]" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Handmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handmann, 1882" ; - dwc:species "inermis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/DC/92/05DC92368B6F34CE593BAC1F9EB1E786.ttl b/data/05/DC/92/05DC92368B6F34CE593BAC1F9EB1E786.ttl index 0dc6b434170..9d621cb194c 100644 --- a/data/05/DC/92/05DC92368B6F34CE593BAC1F9EB1E786.ttl +++ b/data/05/DC/92/05DC92368B6F34CE593BAC1F9EB1E786.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Piptatherum miliaceum Coss." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,11 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/DC/B6/05DCB69DD5B05ABAA223945880618EDE.ttl b/data/05/DC/B6/05DCB69DD5B05ABAA223945880618EDE.ttl index 63e0d11eac6..fa72ab5c3f7 100644 --- a/data/05/DC/B6/05DCB69DD5B05ABAA223945880618EDE.ttl +++ b/data/05/DC/B6/05DCB69DD5B05ABAA223945880618EDE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Aspoeck, Horst; Aspoeck, Ulrike" ; dc:title "Subilla principiae Pantaleoni, U. Aspoeck, Cao & H. Aspoeck 2005" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Subilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1916" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Albarda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fibla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Albarda, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "maclachlani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Raphidiidae" ; @@ -91,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Raphidiidae" ; dwc:genus "Subilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -108,10 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Raphidioptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/DE/02/05DE02F90FFB40D6DED9092A5A853969.ttl b/data/05/DE/02/05DE02F90FFB40D6DED9092A5A853969.ttl index ec82d923c09..73137b9e819 100644 --- a/data/05/DE/02/05DE02F90FFB40D6DED9092A5A853969.ttl +++ b/data/05/DE/02/05DE02F90FFB40D6DED9092A5A853969.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bousquet, Yves" ; dc:title "Notiobia cephala" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -75,21 +74,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notiobia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LeConte, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "nitidipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/DE/33/05DE336EFC03562A86184E094ED47FE5.ttl b/data/05/DE/33/05DE336EFC03562A86184E094ED47FE5.ttl index dbf20c547d4..9c138869373 100644 --- a/data/05/DE/33/05DE336EFC03562A86184E094ED47FE5.ttl +++ b/data/05/DE/33/05DE336EFC03562A86184E094ED47FE5.ttl @@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Flores-Argueelles, Alejandra; Lopez-Ferrari, Ana Rosa; Gonzalez-Rocha, Edith; Espejo-Serna, Adolfo" ; dc:title "Pitcairnia abscondita Flores-Arg., Lopez-Ferr., Gonz. - Rocha & Espejo 2022, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/DF/D3/05DFD30B521459ED86678B1334AA6948.ttl b/data/05/DF/D3/05DFD30B521459ED86678B1334AA6948.ttl index e49f14232b3..2f28dfafa11 100644 --- a/data/05/DF/D3/05DFD30B521459ED86678B1334AA6948.ttl +++ b/data/05/DF/D3/05DFD30B521459ED86678B1334AA6948.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Du, Jianguo; Loh, Kar-Hoe; Hu, Wenjia; Zheng, Xinqing; Affendi, Yang Amri; Ooi, Jillian Lean Sim; Ma, Zhiyuan; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Chan, Albert Apollo" ; dc:title "Cephalopholis formosa Shaw 1812" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/E0/66/05E066D6002D6226507F62790F8B23F5.ttl b/data/05/E0/66/05E066D6002D6226507F62790F8B23F5.ttl index 6b2e5054c00..cb190d892d6 100644 --- a/data/05/E0/66/05E066D6002D6226507F62790F8B23F5.ttl +++ b/data/05/E0/66/05E066D6002D6226507F62790F8B23F5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud S.; Fad, Hassan H.; El-Torkey, Ashraf M.; Elgharbawy, Ali A.; Aldryhim, Yousif N.; Kondratieff, Boris C.; Ansi, Amin N. Al; Aldhafer, Hathal M." ; dc:title "Attagenus lobatus Rosenhauer, 1856 1 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/E3/B4/05E3B445D3AF3629E922D49FB2763B6E.ttl b/data/05/E3/B4/05E3B445D3AF3629E922D49FB2763B6E.ttl index a4869f6c450..d954713b788 100644 --- a/data/05/E3/B4/05E3B445D3AF3629E922D49FB2763B6E.ttl +++ b/data/05/E3/B4/05E3B445D3AF3629E922D49FB2763B6E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lucanas, Cristian C.; Lit, Ireneo L." ; dc:title "Periplaneta banksi Hanitsch 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Blattidae" ; dwc:genus "Periplaneta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Blattodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/E4/31/05E4313DB0E0CC9EF0CE487160C4F70B.ttl b/data/05/E4/31/05E4313DB0E0CC9EF0CE487160C4F70B.ttl index d743215771f..5edda58bad1 100644 --- a/data/05/E4/31/05E4313DB0E0CC9EF0CE487160C4F70B.ttl +++ b/data/05/E4/31/05E4313DB0E0CC9EF0CE487160C4F70B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Stephenson, Phillip L; Griswold, Terry L; Arduser, Michael S; Dowling, Ashley P G; Krementz, David G" ; dc:title "Ptilothrix bombiformis Cresson 1878" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/E4/FD/05E4FDBF1254B33EC3E14BCD55F4F45A.ttl b/data/05/E4/FD/05E4FDBF1254B33EC3E14BCD55F4F45A.ttl index 4e03e4864d1..a2c11312c40 100644 --- a/data/05/E4/FD/05E4FDBF1254B33EC3E14BCD55F4F45A.ttl +++ b/data/05/E4/FD/05E4FDBF1254B33EC3E14BCD55F4F45A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Mungotictis decemlineata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -59,40 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Grandidier 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grandidier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Eupleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mungotictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grandidier, 1867" ; - dwc:species "decemlineata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "decemlineata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pocock 1915" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Eupleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mungotictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1915" ; - dwc:species "decemlineata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Eupleridae" ; diff --git a/data/05/E8/DD/05E8DD8A57F2E27F46BDC99E0FAD6688.ttl b/data/05/E8/DD/05E8DD8A57F2E27F46BDC99E0FAD6688.ttl index 2a10f441d62..ab0bcef5e2a 100644 --- a/data/05/E8/DD/05E8DD8A57F2E27F46BDC99E0FAD6688.ttl +++ b/data/05/E8/DD/05E8DD8A57F2E27F46BDC99E0FAD6688.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kovblyuk, Mykola M.; Kastrygina, Zoya A.; Omelko, Mikhail M." ; dc:title "Haplodrassus minor O. P. - Cambridge 1879" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/E9/6B/05E96BBAB1CB49717757C92294C030FE.ttl b/data/05/E9/6B/05E96BBAB1CB49717757C92294C030FE.ttl index b07fa5b3286..9911ba7b43e 100644 --- a/data/05/E9/6B/05E96BBAB1CB49717757C92294C030FE.ttl +++ b/data/05/E9/6B/05E96BBAB1CB49717757C92294C030FE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Iorgu, Ionut Stefan; Iorgu, Elena Iulia; Szoevenyi, Gergely; Orci, Kirill Mark" ; dc:title "Isophya bucovinensis Iorgu, Iorgu, Szoevenyi & Orci, 2017, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Isophya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/EA/F2/05EAF2B04E4556798EACAA2AF47760AF.ttl b/data/05/EA/F2/05EAF2B04E4556798EACAA2AF47760AF.ttl index 708a9b6077a..ce0e8488212 100644 --- a/data/05/EA/F2/05EAF2B04E4556798EACAA2AF47760AF.ttl +++ b/data/05/EA/F2/05EAF2B04E4556798EACAA2AF47760AF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Coptoborus trinity Smith & Cognato 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/05/ED/94/05ED94E070927C49EB6D0254D65F9E51.ttl b/data/05/ED/94/05ED94E070927C49EB6D0254D65F9E51.ttl index 876e08a2161..4886f5303c6 100644 --- a/data/05/ED/94/05ED94E070927C49EB6D0254D65F9E51.ttl +++ b/data/05/ED/94/05ED94E070927C49EB6D0254D65F9E51.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Mucilago" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,11 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Myxomycetes" ; dwc:family "Didymiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Protozoa" ; - dwc:order "Physarales" ; - dwc:phylum "Mycetozoa" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/F1/67/05F167350C94C392429819D3FDA3B9B3.ttl b/data/05/F1/67/05F167350C94C392429819D3FDA3B9B3.ttl index 52298fd2dd0..20f1da5e785 100644 --- a/data/05/F1/67/05F167350C94C392429819D3FDA3B9B3.ttl +++ b/data/05/F1/67/05F167350C94C392429819D3FDA3B9B3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lopes, Daniela A.; Mainenti, Adriana; Sanches, Magda; Knoff, Marcelo; Gomes, Delir Correa" ; dc:title "Anacanthorus chelophorus Kristky, Boeger & Van Every 1992" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/F2/42/05F2422A9C1CE4D4A0EBC2C6881BEC9C.ttl b/data/05/F2/42/05F2422A9C1CE4D4A0EBC2C6881BEC9C.ttl index fb5c2d30239..616cc121be9 100644 --- a/data/05/F2/42/05F2422A9C1CE4D4A0EBC2C6881BEC9C.ttl +++ b/data/05/F2/42/05F2422A9C1CE4D4A0EBC2C6881BEC9C.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Indigofera tinctoria Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Burm.", "Linnaeus" ; + dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; dwc:authorityYear "1771" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -61,34 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -102,22 +72,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/F2/E0/05F2E07B7D9E500A87B25F1F4EDC92CB.ttl b/data/05/F2/E0/05F2E07B7D9E500A87B25F1F4EDC92CB.ttl index 4b05a4eaa47..4dc1bd752d2 100644 --- a/data/05/F2/E0/05F2E07B7D9E500A87B25F1F4EDC92CB.ttl +++ b/data/05/F2/E0/05F2E07B7D9E500A87B25F1F4EDC92CB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Mantelatto, Fernando L.; Pileggi, Leonardo G.; Pantaleao, Joao A. F.; Magalhaes, Celio; Villalobos, Jose Luis; Alvarez, Fernando" ; dc:title "Macrobrachium caementarius Mantelatto & Pileggi & Pantaleão & Magalhães & Villalobos & Álvarez 2021, comb. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/F4/55/05F455B492EC273EFC8655713E10A657.ttl b/data/05/F4/55/05F455B492EC273EFC8655713E10A657.ttl index 67dabc1d6c7..d3dd0afa242 100644 --- a/data/05/F4/55/05F455B492EC273EFC8655713E10A657.ttl +++ b/data/05/F4/55/05F455B492EC273EFC8655713E10A657.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ge, Zai-Wei; Jacobs, Adriaana; Vellinga, Else C.; Sysouphanthong, Phongeun; Walt, Retha van der; Lavorato, Carmine; An, Yi-Feng; Yang, Zhu L." ; dc:title "Chlorophyllum (sect. Endoptychorum) Z. W. Ge, comb. &, stat. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "823854" ; - dwc:authority "(Czernajew) Z. W. Ge, comb. &" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Agaricaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorophyllum" ; - dwc:infraspecific-rank "sect." ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "section" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Czernajew) Ge, comb. &" ; - dwc:section "Endoptychorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Agaricaceae" ; diff --git a/data/05/F4/9C/05F49C24211EAB6A9A611C46F1F714E8.ttl b/data/05/F4/9C/05F49C24211EAB6A9A611C46F1F714E8.ttl index 348028234f5..1ad3716e0d6 100644 --- a/data/05/F4/9C/05F49C24211EAB6A9A611C46F1F714E8.ttl +++ b/data/05/F4/9C/05F49C24211EAB6A9A611C46F1F714E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Convolvulus siculus Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,19 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; @@ -74,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/F5/02/05F502C27A7B00558415739FBDC1D4D9.ttl b/data/05/F5/02/05F502C27A7B00558415739FBDC1D4D9.ttl index 37db70a5cc6..fcd75412f17 100644 --- a/data/05/F5/02/05F502C27A7B00558415739FBDC1D4D9.ttl +++ b/data/05/F5/02/05F502C27A7B00558415739FBDC1D4D9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Golovatch, Sergei I.; Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques; Stoev, Pavel; Spiegel, Didier Vanden" ; dc:title "Solaenaulus Attems 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/F5/0A/05F50AC74D74E9CEF2A8D9E0DC7C8ED2.ttl b/data/05/F5/0A/05F50AC74D74E9CEF2A8D9E0DC7C8ED2.ttl index e30dde637c2..9a919d54995 100644 --- a/data/05/F5/0A/05F50AC74D74E9CEF2A8D9E0DC7C8ED2.ttl +++ b/data/05/F5/0A/05F50AC74D74E9CEF2A8D9E0DC7C8ED2.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Silene cretica Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/F6/B1/05F6B154838D6E9DBC61E96F5DD6D2D4.ttl b/data/05/F6/B1/05F6B154838D6E9DBC61E96F5DD6D2D4.ttl index 58009bd0ada..3d4748de4db 100644 --- a/data/05/F6/B1/05F6B154838D6E9DBC61E96F5DD6D2D4.ttl +++ b/data/05/F6/B1/05F6B154838D6E9DBC61E96F5DD6D2D4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Shaverdo, Helena V.; Surbakti, Suriani; Hendrich, Lars; Balke, Michael" ; dc:title "Exocelina evelyncheesmanae Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Exocelina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balke" ; - dwc:species "evelyncheesmanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/F6/ED/05F6EDB99C5C9F23B0FD2ADB6527036A.ttl b/data/05/F6/ED/05F6EDB99C5C9F23B0FD2ADB6527036A.ttl index a88f7a41508..8061535695f 100644 --- a/data/05/F6/ED/05F6EDB99C5C9F23B0FD2ADB6527036A.ttl +++ b/data/05/F6/ED/05F6EDB99C5C9F23B0FD2ADB6527036A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Karpinski, Lech; Szczepanski, Wojciech T.; lewa, Radoslaw; Walczak, Marcin; Hilszczanski, Jacek; Kruszelnicki, Lech; Los, Krzysztof; Jaworski, Tomasz; Marek Bidas,; Tarwacki, Grzegorz" ; dc:title "Saperda perforata Pallas 1773" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/F6/F3/05F6F3F56C50CF82EC088A0CC7468EC7.ttl b/data/05/F6/F3/05F6F3F56C50CF82EC088A0CC7468EC7.ttl index 9280162d63f..13313b5d8ed 100644 --- a/data/05/F6/F3/05F6F3F56C50CF82EC088A0CC7468EC7.ttl +++ b/data/05/F6/F3/05F6F3F56C50CF82EC088A0CC7468EC7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Lopes, Daniela A.; Mainenti, Adriana; Sanches, Magda; Knoff, Marcelo; Gomes, Delir Correa" ; dc:title "Susanlimae ianwhittingtoni Boeger, Pariselle & Patella 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/F9/DA/05F9DAD3D4D6D911C25996AAD2F45028.ttl b/data/05/F9/DA/05F9DAD3D4D6D911C25996AAD2F45028.ttl index 28fd881e92e..6f2df6d104e 100644 --- a/data/05/F9/DA/05F9DAD3D4D6D911C25996AAD2F45028.ttl +++ b/data/05/F9/DA/05F9DAD3D4D6D911C25996AAD2F45028.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Amasa aspersa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/05/FA/07/05FA07D97203A14382618F7A0D1BBE92.ttl b/data/05/FA/07/05FA07D97203A14382618F7A0D1BBE92.ttl index 8d6d02b74ac..4d8f6653529 100644 --- a/data/05/FA/07/05FA07D97203A14382618F7A0D1BBE92.ttl +++ b/data/05/FA/07/05FA07D97203A14382618F7A0D1BBE92.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Moore, Matthew R.; Cave, Ronald D.; Branham, Marc A." ; dc:title "Cyclocephala signaticollis Burmeister 1847" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/05/FA/75/05FA753AE8BB67E8A24440CECB6E0A4A.ttl b/data/05/FA/75/05FA753AE8BB67E8A24440CECB6E0A4A.ttl index f846ce32a77..432bbc5479a 100644 --- a/data/05/FA/75/05FA753AE8BB67E8A24440CECB6E0A4A.ttl +++ b/data/05/FA/75/05FA753AE8BB67E8A24440CECB6E0A4A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chanabun, Ratmanee; Sutcharit, Chirasak; Tongkerd, Piyoros; Panha, Somsak" ; dc:title "Glyphidrilus weberi Horst 1889" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,546 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Horst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horst, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rosa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rosa, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "papillatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horst, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "quadrangulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1896" ; - dwc:species "kuekenthali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1897" ; - dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1902" ; - dwc:species "malayanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1910" ; - dwc:species "annandalei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephenson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephenson, 1916" ; - dwc:species "tuberosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1922" ; - dwc:species "buttikoferi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michaelsen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michaelsen, 1922" ; - dwc:species "jacobsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rao, 1922" ; - dwc:species "fluviatilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rao, 1922" ; - dwc:species "elegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephenson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephenson, 1924" ; - dwc:species "spelaeotes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stephenson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephenson, 1930" ; - dwc:species "horsti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gates, 1945" ; - dwc:species "ceylonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gates, 1958" ; - dwc:species "birmanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gates, 1958" ; - dwc:species "gangeticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chen & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chen & Xu, 1977" ; - dwc:species "yunnanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zicsi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zicsi, 1996" ; - dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; - dwc:subSpecies "morogoronensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shen & Yeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shen & Yeo, 2005" ; - dwc:species "gatesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shen & Yeo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shen & Yeo, 2005" ; - dwc:species "singaporensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Panha & Chanabun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panha & Chanabun, 2011" ; - dwc:species "vangviengensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2012" ; - dwc:species "bisegmentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2012" ; - dwc:species "kotatinggi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2012" ; - dwc:species "peninsularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Panha & Chanabun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Panha & Chanabun, 2012" ; - dwc:species "mekongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "vangthongensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "chaophraya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "chiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "quadratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "huailuangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "wararamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "trangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "kratuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chanabun & Panha" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; - dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chanabun & Panha, 2013" ; - dwc:species "vesper" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; dwc:family "Almidae" ; @@ -598,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Clitellata" ; - dwc:family "Almidae" ; dwc:genus "Glyphidrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Haplotaxida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/FC/56/05FC566A064F5AAD9E4D8DD696C526C4.ttl b/data/05/FC/56/05FC566A064F5AAD9E4D8DD696C526C4.ttl index a8fbffdf912..5fc73cfac97 100644 --- a/data/05/FC/56/05FC566A064F5AAD9E4D8DD696C526C4.ttl +++ b/data/05/FC/56/05FC566A064F5AAD9E4D8DD696C526C4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Calvo, Joel; Granda, Arturo; Funk, Vicki A." ; dc:title "Senecio melanandrus J. Calvo, A. Granda & V. A. Funk 2019, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -129,38 +128,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "J. Calvo, A. Granda & V. A. Funk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "J. Calvo, A. Granda & V. A. Funk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Senecio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Calvo, Granda & Funk, 2019) Calvo, Granda & Funk, 2019" ; - dwc:species "pygmophyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sch Bip" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Werneria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sch Bip, 1856" ; - dwc:species "apiculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; @@ -174,12 +141,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Senecio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/FD/0F/05FD0F085DD2504AA759D7E187321014.ttl b/data/05/FD/0F/05FD0F085DD2504AA759D7E187321014.ttl index fe10a8edf04..7699e7745d3 100644 --- a/data/05/FD/0F/05FD0F085DD2504AA759D7E187321014.ttl +++ b/data/05/FD/0F/05FD0F085DD2504AA759D7E187321014.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Nupponen 1, Kari; Sihvonen, Pasi" ; dc:title "Scythris lequetepequensis Nupponen 2022, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nupponen 1 & Sihvonen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Scythris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nupponen 1 & Sihvonen, 2022" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; dwc:genus "Scythris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/FD/58/05FD588A25950D3CC3B8B5EB25718279.ttl b/data/05/FD/58/05FD588A25950D3CC3B8B5EB25718279.ttl index eea45c63c0a..16126133132 100644 --- a/data/05/FD/58/05FD588A25950D3CC3B8B5EB25718279.ttl +++ b/data/05/FD/58/05FD588A25950D3CC3B8B5EB25718279.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Deltshev, Christo; Komnenov, Marjan; Blagoev, Gergin; Georgiev, Teodor; Lazarov, Stoyan; Stojkoska, Emilija; Naumova, Maria" ; dc:title "Nomisia aussereri C. L. Koch 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Nomisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/05/FD/ED/05FDEDBA20B257D8AA7C12B5E24BCC03.ttl b/data/05/FD/ED/05FDEDBA20B257D8AA7C12B5E24BCC03.ttl index 140fcbaa252..f1746206cf0 100644 --- a/data/05/FD/ED/05FDEDBA20B257D8AA7C12B5E24BCC03.ttl +++ b/data/05/FD/ED/05FDEDBA20B257D8AA7C12B5E24BCC03.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Blahnik, Roger; Andersen, Trond" ; dc:title "Chimarra dybowskina Navas 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -95,22 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Burmeister, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarrha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1839" ; - dwc:species "jacquemarti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/05/FE/97/05FE978488A5194734A6CA296D4A45D2.ttl b/data/05/FE/97/05FE978488A5194734A6CA296D4A45D2.ttl index c71204d1a15..21fe33b3d67 100644 --- a/data/05/FE/97/05FE978488A5194734A6CA296D4A45D2.ttl +++ b/data/05/FE/97/05FE978488A5194734A6CA296D4A45D2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bousquet, Yves" ; dc:title "Calosoma Weber 1801" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -89,81 +89,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1920" ; - dwc:species "concretum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "LeConte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(LeConte, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "zimmermani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", new combination" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dajoz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dajoz, 1997)" ; - dwc:species "dawsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lapouge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Callistenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lapouge, 1929" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G. Horn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horn, 1876" ; - dwc:species "palmeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/00/0D/7C000D6CA5EF1C77DCDA9F316D212670.ttl b/data/7C/00/0D/7C000D6CA5EF1C77DCDA9F316D212670.ttl index d6c18de5d08..34baf840731 100644 --- a/data/7C/00/0D/7C000D6CA5EF1C77DCDA9F316D212670.ttl +++ b/data/7C/00/0D/7C000D6CA5EF1C77DCDA9F316D212670.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Solanum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,20 +34,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Staubbeutel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Staubbeutel" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Capsicum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Staubbeutel" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/00/5C/7C005C7587371504816F96D0EF84E04E.ttl b/data/7C/00/5C/7C005C7587371504816F96D0EF84E04E.ttl index 7f504cc1878..2e0a71885d2 100644 --- a/data/7C/00/5C/7C005C7587371504816F96D0EF84E04E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/00/5C/7C005C7587371504816F96D0EF84E04E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Homaeotarsus (Gastrolobium) bicolor **" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/00/8A/7C008AE24F4150718E64AB8BD08F2D46.ttl b/data/7C/00/8A/7C008AE24F4150718E64AB8BD08F2D46.ttl index 8862101fd91..05dc1eaf17e 100644 --- a/data/7C/00/8A/7C008AE24F4150718E64AB8BD08F2D46.ttl +++ b/data/7C/00/8A/7C008AE24F4150718E64AB8BD08F2D46.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xu, Rui-Fang; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Phukhamsakda, Chayanard; Dai, Dong-Qin; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Kumla, Jaturong; Wang, Xiao-Yan; Tibpromma, Saowaluck" ; dc:title "Nigrograna Gruyter, Verkley & Crous" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,20 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "K.D.Hyde & B.D.Borse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Biatriosporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Biatriospora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hyde & Borse, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Pleurotremataceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/00/BD/7C00BD3C86EA306BAF0831CF04C34B16.ttl b/data/7C/00/BD/7C00BD3C86EA306BAF0831CF04C34B16.ttl index cb5217cf701..d5bc1e26054 100644 --- a/data/7C/00/BD/7C00BD3C86EA306BAF0831CF04C34B16.ttl +++ b/data/7C/00/BD/7C00BD3C86EA306BAF0831CF04C34B16.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Mesibov, Robert" ; dc:title "Tridactylogonus warrenbenensis Mesibov, 2017, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Paradoxosomatidae" ; dwc:genus "Tridactylogonus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/1D/7C011D2C17C4506383A99AEB756FC7D2.ttl b/data/7C/01/1D/7C011D2C17C4506383A99AEB756FC7D2.ttl index 9fd8d435bfe..290a6c6464e 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/1D/7C011D2C17C4506383A99AEB756FC7D2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/1D/7C011D2C17C4506383A99AEB756FC7D2.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lambert, Christopher; Schweizer, Lena; Matio Kemkuignou, Blondelle; Anoumedem, Elodie Gisele M.; Kouam, Simeon F.; Marin-Felix, Yasmina" ; dc:title "Diaporthe cameroonensis L. Schweizer, C. Lamb. & Y. Marin 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,77 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pierre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledones" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierre, 1896" ; - dwc:species "gabonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nitschke & Pyrenomyc.Germ" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Ascomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Diaporthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaporthe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Diaporthales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nitschke & Pyrenomyc.Germ, 1870" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pierre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledones" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Atractogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierre, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pierre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledones" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pierre, 1896" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "L. Schweizer, C. Lamb. & Y. Marin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Ascomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Diaporthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diaporthe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Diaporthales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schweizer, Lamb. & Marin, 2023" ; - dwc:species "pseudoanacardii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ascomycetes" ; dwc:family "Diaporthaceae" ; @@ -132,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ascomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Diaporthaceae" ; dwc:genus "Diaporthe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Diaporthales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/69/7C016949C1AD702A1286196B893463A7.ttl b/data/7C/01/69/7C016949C1AD702A1286196B893463A7.ttl index a6ba876c16c..4b359393966 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/69/7C016949C1AD702A1286196B893463A7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/69/7C016949C1AD702A1286196B893463A7.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Madarini Jekel 1865" ; diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6C539D00C6237487FD.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6C539D00C6237487FD.ttl index 3d3acb9bb07..b0ad9e01839 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6C539D00C6237487FD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6C539D00C6237487FD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula rubrolateralis Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "R. C. Harris (1990: 69)" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "69" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harris, 1990" ; - dwc:species "wetmorei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6D539D07F223E4837C.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6D539D07F223E4837C.ttl index 5e67fe652f5..835aa3f29f1 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6D539D07F223E4837C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA15B6D539D07F223E4837C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Thelenella lateralis Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Malme (1928: 5)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malme" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "5" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malme, 1928" ; - dwc:species "paraguayensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; dwc:genus "Thelenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA85B65539D0070229C868B.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA85B65539D0070229C868B.ttl index 1756d8c2578..695a3cc4fa0 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA85B65539D0070229C868B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFA85B65539D0070229C868B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Anisomeridium globosum Aptroot, D. S. Andrade & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Anisomeridium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAB5B67539D02B9271D8A5A.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAB5B67539D02B9271D8A5A.ttl index d7eab5bc0d7..23334d8d799 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAB5B67539D02B9271D8A5A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAB5B67539D02B9271D8A5A.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula abditicarpa Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot, D. S. Andrade & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot, Andrade & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "albonigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "aurantiacorubra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot, E. L. Lima & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot, Lima & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "cinnabarina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -105,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D010E20278449.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D010E20278449.ttl index c1ea8728e88..cf2ab80eeda 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D010E20278449.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D010E20278449.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula aurantiacorubra Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nyl.) R. C. Harris (1989: 96)" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "96" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nyl." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nyl.) Harris, 1989" ; - dwc:species "ochraceoflava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -78,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D0286210F80A9.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D0286210F80A9.ttl index d988ced7b3e..0826231942a 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D0286210F80A9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B60539D0286210F80A9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula albonigra Aptroot, D. S. Andrade & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B62539D04AE20F88335.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B62539D04AE20F88335.ttl index d55ba7398c3..b5cb02c9194 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B62539D04AE20F88335.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAD5B62539D04AE20F88335.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula celaticarpa Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,67 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "inspersicollaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Weigel) Ach." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ach." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Weigel" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Weigel) Ach." ; - dwc:species "nitida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harris" ; - dwc:species "rubrostoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Caceres" ; - dwc:species "rubrostigma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -123,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D03BA26B08189.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D03BA26B08189.ttl index 97341e50efa..461556444d9 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D03BA26B08189.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D03BA26B08189.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula cinnabarina Aptroot, E. L. Lima & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "E. L. Lima, Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. L. Lima, Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lima, Aptroot & Caceres" ; - dwc:species "reginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -75,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D066E27F984B9.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D066E27F984B9.ttl index 0677f6b51da..99c1672bd41 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D066E27F984B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B62539D066E27F984B9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula inspersicollaris Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,24 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Eschw.) R. C. Harris (1989: 101)" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. C. Harris" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "101" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eschw." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eschw.) Harris, 1989" ; - dwc:species "septicollaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -78,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B6C539D053E277580F1.ttl b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B6C539D053E277580F1.ttl index 0adfb88e6c3..0d7ceb254d2 100644 --- a/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B6C539D053E277580F1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/01/87/7C0187D8FFAF5B6C539D053E277580F1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Aptroot, André; Andrade, Dannyelly Santos; Mendonça, Cléverton; Lima, Edvaneide Leandro De; Cáceres, Marcela Eugenia Da Silva" ; dc:title "Pyrenula musaespora Aptroot & M. Caceres 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "rubrolateralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Aptroot & M. Caceres" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Trypetheliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thelenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Trypetheliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Aptroot & Caceres, 2015" ; - dwc:species "lateralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mont.) Trevis." ; - dwc:authorityName "Trevis." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mont." ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mont.) Trevis." ; - dwc:species "melanophthalma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; @@ -106,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Monoblastiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pyrenula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Monoblastiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/03/1D/7C031D2125C4FBEE6FD58A1A73499D98.ttl b/data/7C/03/1D/7C031D2125C4FBEE6FD58A1A73499D98.ttl index 8c847d134ce..3e077d96310 100644 --- a/data/7C/03/1D/7C031D2125C4FBEE6FD58A1A73499D98.ttl +++ b/data/7C/03/1D/7C031D2125C4FBEE6FD58A1A73499D98.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Pterocephalus plumosus Coult." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Dipsacaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dipsacales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/04/87/7C048782FFD4A2740EE9042332C0FE24.ttl b/data/7C/04/87/7C048782FFD4A2740EE9042332C0FE24.ttl index 42c203bf732..5a208d0e01a 100644 --- a/data/7C/04/87/7C048782FFD4A2740EE9042332C0FE24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/04/87/7C048782FFD4A2740EE9042332C0FE24.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "José B. Azofeifa-Bolaños; L. Rodolphe Gigant; Mayra Nicolás-García; Marc Pignal; Fabiola B. Tavares-González; Eric Hágsater; Gerardo A. Salazar-Chávez; DelFno Reyes-López; Fredy L. Archila-Morales; José A. García-García; Denis da Silva; Agathe Allibert; Frank Solano- Campos; Guadalupe del Carmen Rodríguez-Jimenes; Amelia Paniagua- Vásquez; Pascale Besse; Araceli Pérez-Silva; Michel Grisoni" ; dc:title "Vanilla sotoarenasii M.Pignal, Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,67 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "M.Pignal, Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni", "M.Pignal,Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni" ; - dwc:authorityName "M.Pignal, Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni", "M.Pignal,Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pignal, Azofeifa-Bolanos & Grisoni" ; - dwc:species "sotoarenasii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacks. ex Andrews" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacks. ex Andrews" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacks. ex Andrews" ; - dwc:species "planifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rchb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rchb." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rchb." ; - dwc:species "barbellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Correll" ; - dwc:authorityName "Correll" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Correll" ; - dwc:species "dilloniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; @@ -121,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Vanilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535111E03FF3EFF79FE56F983.ttl b/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535111E03FF3EFF79FE56F983.ttl index b5d5be358f5..e898412aa65 100644 --- a/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535111E03FF3EFF79FE56F983.ttl +++ b/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535111E03FF3EFF79FE56F983.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide" ; dc:title "Azumamiris Yasunaga, 2010, New genus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,66 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Azumamiris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasunaga" ; - dwc:species "vernalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jakovlev, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jakovlev, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Distant, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Creontiades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1883" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng, 1992" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Elthemidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535121E07FF3EF929FEC8FB53.ttl b/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535121E07FF3EF929FEC8FB53.ttl index 73eb7b7990a..6662fc420ca 100644 --- a/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535121E07FF3EF929FEC8FB53.ttl +++ b/data/7C/04/C9/7C04C91535121E07FF3EF929FEC8FB53.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Yasunaga, Tomohide" ; dc:title "Azumamiris vernalis Yasunaga, 2010, New species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Fr. et Sav.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Fr. et Sav.) Makino" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Fr. et Sav.) Makino" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pleioblastus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makino" ; - dwc:species "chino" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E958266CFFE5CCCFBF32DBC4FD55.ttl b/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E958266CFFE5CCCFBF32DBC4FD55.ttl index 66e334a6ed1..457a0d5ca1d 100644 --- a/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E958266CFFE5CCCFBF32DBC4FD55.ttl +++ b/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E958266CFFE5CCCFBF32DBC4FD55.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Miranda, Marcelo Rodrigues; Furtado, Samyra Gomes; Neto, Luiz Menini" ; dc:title "Pygmaeorchis brasiliensis Brade 1939" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,53 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hatakeyama" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hatakeyama" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Araneidae" ; - dwc:genus "Miranda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hatakeyama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lessing (1829: 317)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lessing" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "317" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Eremanthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lessing, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Barbosa Rodrigues (1881: 112)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barbosa Rodrigues" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "112" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Octomeria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barbosa Rodrigues, 1881" ; - dwc:species "leptophylla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E9AF6997A802356DDF909EE7DC43.ttl b/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E9AF6997A802356DDF909EE7DC43.ttl index 6d808dfe45b..f72cbc11c3b 100644 --- a/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E9AF6997A802356DDF909EE7DC43.ttl +++ b/data/7C/05/E9/7C05E9AF6997A802356DDF909EE7DC43.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Capa, Maria; Osborn, Karen J.; Bakken, Torkild" ; dc:title "Ephesiopsis guayanae Hartman & Fauchald 1971" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/06/70/7C0670368FD38859C5E64C7DF7BFB4C0.ttl b/data/7C/06/70/7C0670368FD38859C5E64C7DF7BFB4C0.ttl index b59d1987819..51a37bc0700 100644 --- a/data/7C/06/70/7C0670368FD38859C5E64C7DF7BFB4C0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/06/70/7C0670368FD38859C5E64C7DF7BFB4C0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "sp. F9" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Reese, Elizabeth G.; Burkle, Laura A.; Delphia, Casey M.; Griswold, Terry" ; dc:title "Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) sp. F9" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/06/87/7C0687C2FFF17456FF30FDF2028EFAEF.ttl b/data/7C/06/87/7C0687C2FFF17456FF30FDF2028EFAEF.ttl index a06a5c8f388..49db0f6a2cc 100644 --- a/data/7C/06/87/7C0687C2FFF17456FF30FDF2028EFAEF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/06/87/7C0687C2FFF17456FF30FDF2028EFAEF.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ordines, Francesc; Ramírez-Amaro, Sergio; Calero, Belén; Farriols, Maria Teresa; Massutí, Enric" ; dc:title "Ophiomyxa xispa Ordines & Ramírez-Amaro & Calero & Farriols & Massutí 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,383 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1883" ; - dwc:species "serpentaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "S. Merian, Cruise IceAGE, St." ; - dwc:authorityName "S. Merian, Cruise IceAGE, St." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platystomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Merian, Cruise IceAGE, St." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamarck, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "pentagona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ljungman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ljungman, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muller & Troschel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller & Troschel, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lyman, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "stimpsonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Studer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Studer, 1876" ; - dwc:species "vivipara" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lyman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lyman, 1883" ; - dwc:species "tumida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1899" ; - dwc:species "brevicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Franklin & O'Hara" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Franklin & OHara, 2008" ; - dwc:species "crinita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Koehler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koehler, 1897" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Koehler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Koehler, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. L. Clark, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. L. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1911" ; - dwc:species "anisacantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. L. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clark, 1949" ; - dwc:species "brevirima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lutken" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lutken, 1869" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Say" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Say, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "flaccida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(O. F. Muller, 1776)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "O. F. Muller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Arcidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asperarca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arcida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Muller, 1776)" ; - dwc:species "nodulosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brandt, 1851)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brandt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Pandalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plesionika" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brandt, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "edwardsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Pandalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plesionika" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "narval" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verrill, 1899" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiodera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrill, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Clark" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Clark, 1952)" ; - dwc:species "punctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Clark 1952)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Clark" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiodera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Clark, 1952)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Koehler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiodera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koehler, 1905" ; - dwc:species "compacta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Verrill 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Verrill" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Verrill, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "stimpsonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mortensen 1933 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mortensen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mortensen, 1933)" ; - dwc:species "bengalensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; @@ -439,22 +59,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; - dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; dwc:genus "Ophiomyxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Ophiuroidea" ; dwc:family "Ophiomyxidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ophiacanthida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/07/42/7C07421851BDFA3AFD8A9F5A650C8127.ttl b/data/7C/07/42/7C07421851BDFA3AFD8A9F5A650C8127.ttl index 36a56e25c4f..f67ddc5a749 100644 --- a/data/7C/07/42/7C07421851BDFA3AFD8A9F5A650C8127.ttl +++ b/data/7C/07/42/7C07421851BDFA3AFD8A9F5A650C8127.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bousquet, Yves" ; dc:title "Pterostichus illustris LeConte 1851" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Menetries" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterostichus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Menetries, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "congestus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/07/4E/7C074E5F44F851ECA4AF9FDC4B5E312D.ttl b/data/7C/07/4E/7C074E5F44F851ECA4AF9FDC4B5E312D.ttl index 54c4a5b600f..b28112b8cf9 100644 --- a/data/7C/07/4E/7C074E5F44F851ECA4AF9FDC4B5E312D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/07/4E/7C074E5F44F851ECA4AF9FDC4B5E312D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pyrcz, Tomasz W.; Warren-Gash, Haydon; Lorenc-Brudecka, Jadwiga; Dieuwko Knoop,; Oremans, Philippe; Safian, Szabolcs" ; dc:title "Euphaedra cyparissa subsp. aurata Carpenter 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -61,86 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphaedra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "ceres" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hecq" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphaedra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hecq, 1986" ; - dwc:species "cyparissa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pyrcz & Knoop" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphaedra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pyrcz & Knoop, 2013" ; - dwc:species "cyparissa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nominalina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pyrcz & Warren-Gash" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphaedra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pyrcz & Warren-Gash, 2013" ; - dwc:species "cyparissa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nimbina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Carcasson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphaedra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Carcasson)" ; - dwc:species "sarcoptera" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nipponicorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nymphalidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/08/72/7C0872CB0307F85CAA8F384F23999810.ttl b/data/7C/08/72/7C0872CB0307F85CAA8F384F23999810.ttl index bf626c3d07a..394eaca8886 100644 --- a/data/7C/08/72/7C0872CB0307F85CAA8F384F23999810.ttl +++ b/data/7C/08/72/7C0872CB0307F85CAA8F384F23999810.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Elymus obtusiflorus Conert" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; dwc:genus "Elymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/09/9B/7C099B672702C29AAD349BE560D02016.ttl b/data/7C/09/9B/7C099B672702C29AAD349BE560D02016.ttl index 57251005d72..8ba959c4e0e 100644 --- a/data/7C/09/9B/7C099B672702C29AAD349BE560D02016.ttl +++ b/data/7C/09/9B/7C099B672702C29AAD349BE560D02016.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Li, Xing; Wang, Xin-hua" ; dc:title "Metriocnemus (Metriocnemus) brusti Saether" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Metriocnemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0B/87/7C0B87CD1452FFDE2ED3F8DB267FFC23.ttl b/data/7C/0B/87/7C0B87CD1452FFDE2ED3F8DB267FFC23.ttl index 38930f69261..9c96e58eec9 100644 --- a/data/7C/0B/87/7C0B87CD1452FFDE2ED3F8DB267FFC23.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0B/87/7C0B87CD1452FFDE2ED3F8DB267FFC23.ttl @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rahman, Norén, Mollah & Kullander, 2018" ; - dwc:sensu "lato", "stricto" ; + dwc:sensu "stricto" ; dwc:species "cotio" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; diff --git a/data/7C/0C/33/7C0C33A90979599EA5C22578DFA604A7.ttl b/data/7C/0C/33/7C0C33A90979599EA5C22578DFA604A7.ttl index c5003716a63..0ba646c5b0d 100644 --- a/data/7C/0C/33/7C0C33A90979599EA5C22578DFA604A7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0C/33/7C0C33A90979599EA5C22578DFA604A7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Cheng; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Marengo Peckham & Peckham 1892" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Peckham & Peckham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marengo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peckham & Peckham, 1892" ; - dwc:species "crassipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0C/AD/7C0CAD0FB2B2521F67BEFF3A868FB3B6.ttl b/data/7C/0C/AD/7C0CAD0FB2B2521F67BEFF3A868FB3B6.ttl index eceed5f6fff..1f9aa23ebbd 100644 --- a/data/7C/0C/AD/7C0CAD0FB2B2521F67BEFF3A868FB3B6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0C/AD/7C0CAD0FB2B2521F67BEFF3A868FB3B6.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jäger, Peter" ; dc:title "Sinopoda undetermined-A" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,12 +39,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Sparassidae" ; dwc:genus "Sinopoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF4E6A6AC34FE35FA33.ttl b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF4E6A6AC34FE35FA33.ttl index 93ed873921d..e106e8d60d3 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF4E6A6AC34FE35FA33.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF4E6A6AC34FE35FA33.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Holoneurini Enderlein 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,183 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1913" ; - dwc:subFamily "Porricondylinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamaev, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamaev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cassidoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamaev, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meijere, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meijere" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coccopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meijere, 1901" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Sidorenko, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cognitepidosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mamaev, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mamaev" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mamaev, 1964" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Sidorenko, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melicepidosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Sidorenko, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Putepidosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova et Sidorenko, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Sidorenko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyxicoccopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Sidorenko, 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gratomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Volnococcopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF7E6A6AAB4FCB8FC65.ttl b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF7E6A6AAB4FCB8FC65.ttl index 98d3bbc8b3a..7751a291594 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF7E6A6AAB4FCB8FC65.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFC8FFF7E6A6AAB4FCB8FC65.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rovnoholoneurus Fedotova et Perkovsky 2017, gen. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,87 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017", "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky", "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:species "davidi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:species "miyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fedotova, 2005)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fedotova" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fedotova, 2005)" ; - dwc:species "laqueatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bryocrypta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova, 2005" ; - dwc:species "laqueata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCDFFF1E6A1AB6CFBFCF898.ttl b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCDFFF1E6A1AB6CFBFCF898.ttl index 1ca5f484f58..3cd89c25231 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCDFFF1E6A1AB6CFBFCF898.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCDFFF1E6A1AB6CFBFCF898.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rovnoholoneurus davidi Fedotova et Perkovsky 2017, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,83 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Tipuloidea, Acari" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tipuloidea, Acari" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tipuloidea, Acari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Billberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sciaridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Billberg, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Tipuloidea" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tipuloidea" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tipuloidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Collembola (Symphypleona)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Collembola (Symphypleona)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Nematocera" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nematocera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nematocera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -143,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCFFFF3E6ADAFDAFC06FA69.ttl b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCFFFF3E6ADAFDAFC06FA69.ttl index 1947c4d2df7..3d013b358bd 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCFFFF3E6ADAFDAFC06FA69.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/1A/7C0D1A6DFFCFFFF3E6ADAFDAFC06FA69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Fedotova, Z. A.; Perkovsky, E. E." ; dc:title "Rovnoholoneurus miyae Fedotova et Perkovsky 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017", "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky", "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; + dwc:authority "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; + dwc:authorityName "Fedotova et Perkovsky" ; dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -47,55 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedotova & Perkovsky, 2017" ; - dwc:species "davidi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fedotova)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedotova & Perkovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fedotova" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fedotova, 2005)" ; - dwc:species "laqueatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; @@ -109,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; dwc:genus "Rovnoholoneurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/51/7C0D518CED64DFB88805D8B370851C36.ttl b/data/7C/0D/51/7C0D518CED64DFB88805D8B370851C36.ttl index 0d4c3351387..d921e38d8a2 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/51/7C0D518CED64DFB88805D8B370851C36.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/51/7C0D518CED64DFB88805D8B370851C36.ttl @@ -10,12 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arias-Penna, Diana Carolina; Whitfield, James B.; Janzen, Daniel H.; Winifred Hallwachs,; Dyer, Lee A.; Smith, M. Alex; Hebert, Paul D. N.; Fernandez-Triana, Jose L." ; dc:title "Glyptapanteles yanayacuensis Arias-Penna, sp. nov." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB0FFA58987F98B8936F080.ttl b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB0FFA58987F98B8936F080.ttl index 0cb6262b1fc..c35fb52a4ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB0FFA58987F98B8936F080.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB0FFA58987F98B8936F080.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Kohlmann, Bert; Solís, Ángel" ; dc:title "Athyreus gulesseriani Kohlmann & Solis, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athyreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "gulesseriani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bates", "Bates." ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates", "Bates." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athyreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates." ; - dwc:species "championi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; @@ -87,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bolboceratidae" ; dwc:genus "Athyreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB4FFA68987FA3088DDF7A7.ttl b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB4FFA68987FA3088DDF7A7.ttl index 75d9152ef87..6b5f62b5f9a 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB4FFA68987FA3088DDF7A7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB4FFA68987FA3088DDF7A7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kohlmann, Bert; Solís, Ángel" ; dc:title "Ateuchus alutacius Kohlmann & Solis, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,158 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "alutacius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "earthorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:species "fetteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:species "hendrichsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann, 1997" ; - dwc:species "ginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Howden & Young" ; - dwc:authorityName "Howden & Young" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Canthidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howden & Young" ; - dwc:species "planovultum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Howden & Gill" ; - dwc:authorityName "Howden & Gill" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptocanthon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howden & Gill" ; - dwc:species "lindemanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onthophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "inediapterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zunino & Halffter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zunino & Halffter" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onthophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zunino & Halffter" ; - dwc:species "micropterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harold. It" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harold. It" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harold. It" ; - dwc:species "candezei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -210,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Ateuchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -227,10 +69,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB8FFAB8987FF568F56F447.ttl b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB8FFAB8987FF568F56F447.ttl index cb59163a8ef..34c9e3ecfcf 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB8FFAB8987FF568F56F447.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFB8FFAB8987FF568F56F447.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kohlmann, Bert; Solís, Ángel" ; dc:title "Deltochilum acanthus Kohlmann & Solis, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Deltochilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "acanthus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Deltochilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBAFFAD8987FE768C78F614.ttl b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBAFFAD8987FE768C78F614.ttl index acfa66a38ab..3af5bebc62c 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBAFFAD8987FE768C78F614.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBAFFAD8987FE768C78F614.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kohlmann, Bert; Solís, Ángel" ; dc:title "Onthophagus turgidus Kohlmann & Solis, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onthophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "turgidus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Howden & Gill", "Howden & Gill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Howden & Gill", "Howden & Gill." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onthophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Howden & Gill." ; - dwc:species "solisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -89,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Onthophagus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBCFFAC8987FC478DB9F1C4.ttl b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBCFFAC8987FC478DB9F1C4.ttl index 2b5db3177c6..7e003ee6b3a 100644 --- a/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBCFFAC8987FC478DB9F1C4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0D/87/7C0D87B7FFBCFFAC8987FC478DB9F1C4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kohlmann, Bert; Solís, Ángel" ; dc:title "Coprophanaeus gephyra Kohlmann & Solis, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coprophanaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kohlmann & Solis" ; - dwc:species "gephyra" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Coprophanaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0E/0A/7C0E0AA3DC431C55DB478F3B23CAE67F.ttl b/data/7C/0E/0A/7C0E0AA3DC431C55DB478F3B23CAE67F.ttl index 2588a35df93..ea463e761db 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/0A/7C0E0AA3DC431C55DB478F3B23CAE67F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/0A/7C0E0AA3DC431C55DB478F3B23CAE67F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Pteropus yapensis K. Andersen 1908" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pteropus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desmarest, 1822" ; - dwc:species "mariannus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF85FFE4FF48FBE7FC46FD0B.ttl b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF85FFE4FF48FBE7FC46FD0B.ttl index 1b80cd90ce2..72968795649 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF85FFE4FF48FBE7FC46FD0B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF85FFE4FF48FBE7FC46FD0B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Makarchenko, Eugenyi A.; Makarchenko, Marina A.; Semenchenko, Alexander A." ; dc:title "Chaetocladius yavorskayae Makarchenko et Makarchenko, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makarchenko & Makarchenko" ; - dwc:species "yavorskayae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makarchenko & Makarchenko" ; - dwc:species "fedotkin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -91,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF88FFE3FF48F9A2FA79F807.ttl b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF88FFE3FF48F9A2FA79F807.ttl index fa928b6a466..afd0cd08af1 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF88FFE3FF48F9A2FA79F807.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF88FFE3FF48F9A2FA79F807.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Makarchenko, Eugenyi A.; Makarchenko, Marina A.; Semenchenko, Alexander A." ; dc:title "Chaetocladius lopatinskiy Makarchenko et Makarchenko, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makarchenko & Makarchenko" ; - dwc:species "lopatinskiy" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Brundin, 1947" ; dwc:authorityName "Brundin" ; @@ -81,21 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Brundin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brundin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brundin" ; - dwc:species "laminatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8AFFEDFF48F984FAE4FA2D.ttl b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8AFFEDFF48F984FAE4FA2D.ttl index 77cca79b0ef..c0d64b02d1c 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8AFFEDFF48F984FAE4FA2D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8AFFEDFF48F984FAE4FA2D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Makarchenko, Eugenyi A.; Makarchenko, Marina A.; Semenchenko, Alexander A." ; dc:title "Chaetocladius ligni Cranston et Oliver" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,36 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makarchenko & Makarchenko" ; - dwc:species "fedotkin" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brundin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brundin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brundin" ; - dwc:species "piger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -108,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8DFFEFFF48FB52FC53FE2B.ttl b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8DFFEFFF48FB52FC53FE2B.ttl index 2d73ac9825f..e5388e6e42d 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8DFFEFFF48FB52FC53FE2B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8DFFEFFF48FB52FC53FE2B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Makarchenko, Eugenyi A.; Makarchenko, Marina A.; Semenchenko, Alexander A." ; dc:title "Chaetocladius egorych Makarchenko et Makarchenko, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Makarchenko et Makarchenko" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Makarchenko & Makarchenko" ; - dwc:species "egorych" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stur et Spies" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stur et Spies" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaetocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stur & Spies" ; - dwc:species "longivirgatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8EFFEBFF48F9BDFE33F90D.ttl b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8EFFEBFF48F9BDFE33F90D.ttl index 2a684fe96ff..ed8f7919189 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8EFFEBFF48F9BDFE33F90D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/87/7C0E87FEFF8EFFEBFF48F9BDFE33F90D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Makarchenko, Eugenyi A.; Makarchenko, Marina A.; Semenchenko, Alexander A." ; dc:title "Chaetocladius Makarchenko, Makarchenko & Semenchenko, 2017, s. str." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dactylocladius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kieffer, 1908" ; - dwc:species "setiger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meigen, 1830" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen, 1830" ; - dwc:species "perennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0E/8D/7C0E8D1FA2CFC3D0786D73A28D5B7F24.ttl b/data/7C/0E/8D/7C0E8D1FA2CFC3D0786D73A28D5B7F24.ttl index 46788614e76..c6edee5f596 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/8D/7C0E8D1FA2CFC3D0786D73A28D5B7F24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/8D/7C0E8D1FA2CFC3D0786D73A28D5B7F24.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Liebherr, James K." ; dc:title "Mecyclothorax tutei Liebherr 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/0E/F7/7C0EF7F455B652BABBE7F53C484D9FAB.ttl b/data/7C/0E/F7/7C0EF7F455B652BABBE7F53C484D9FAB.ttl index dc6406b3e38..458cc031ecc 100644 --- a/data/7C/0E/F7/7C0EF7F455B652BABBE7F53C484D9FAB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0E/F7/7C0EF7F455B652BABBE7F53C484D9FAB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Fujie, Shunpei; Japoshvili, George; Fernandez-Triana, Jose" ; dc:title "Paroplitis wesmaeli" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91640FFCFFF7CB3985A85D4E0.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91640FFCFFF7CB3985A85D4E0.ttl index d0dd941b2eb..b15e8ab0a14 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91640FFCFFF7CB3985A85D4E0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91640FFCFFF7CB3985A85D4E0.ttl @@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia bosseri J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,49 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "bosseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Capuron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Capuron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Capuron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swingle" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swingle" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swingle" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91642FFC9FD21B6805805D43F.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91642FFC9FD21B6805805D43F.ttl index c5968338169..3085db96899 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91642FFC9FD21B6805805D43F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91642FFC9FD21B6805805D43F.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia apetala J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Alain" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cordiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Alain, 1956" ; - dwc:species "rotundata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "apetala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91646FFD2FD21B3DA5B27D7D3.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91646FFD2FD21B3DA5B27D7D3.ttl index e850b7433a2..80cfb28578c 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91646FFD2FD21B3DA5B27D7D3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91646FFD2FD21B3DA5B27D7D3.ttl @@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia capuronii J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,21 +50,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "capuronii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9164DFFC4FF7CB20E5A3FD4D9.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9164DFFC4FF7CB20E5A3FD4D9.ttl index 9fc8735dba6..4bb66bbf5fa 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9164DFFC4FF7CB20E5A3FD4D9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9164DFFC4FF7CB20E5A3FD4D9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia Tausch ex Meisn." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tausch ex Meisn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tausch ex Meisn." ; - dwc:species "ehretia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91651FFDDFF7CB5CC5885D2DE.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91651FFDDFF7CB5CC5885D2DE.ttl index 2f2edb98483..243c587b7e7 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91651FFDDFF7CB5CC5885D2DE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91651FFDDFF7CB5CC5885D2DE.ttl @@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia lowryana J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -68,68 +67,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ehretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wight, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cuneata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "leslieae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "lowryana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thulin) J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thulin" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thulin) Mill., 2003" ; - dwc:species "lyciacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Thulin, Nord. J. Bot." ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -144,22 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gurke) Thulin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thulin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gurke" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bourreria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gurke) Thulin" ; - dwc:species "teitensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; @@ -173,12 +94,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165AFFD6FF7CB024580BD4DE.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165AFFD6FF7CB024580BD4DE.ttl index dd028b4de82..710a25d3b9e 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165AFFD6FF7CB024580BD4DE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165AFFD6FF7CB024580BD4DE.ttl @@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia croatii J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,66 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Alain" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cordiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cordia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Alain, 1956" ; - dwc:species "rotundata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "comorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "croatii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Perrier 2555" ; - dwc:authorityName "Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2555" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 2555" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165BFFD3FD21B3325B1CD494.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165BFFD3FD21B3325B1CD494.ttl index 35d852b2ce4..e2568d27130 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165BFFD3FD21B3325B1CD494.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165BFFD3FD21B3325B1CD494.ttl @@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia comorensis J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165CFFD8FD21B22D5885D2DE.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165CFFD8FD21B22D5885D2DE.ttl index 467f971f134..851bdaef160 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165CFFD8FD21B22D5885D2DE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165CFFD8FD21B22D5885D2DE.ttl @@ -16,11 +16,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia leslieae J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,36 +53,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ehretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wight, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cuneata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "labatii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165DFFD5FD21B5815A7BD2EC.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165DFFD5FD21B5815A7BD2EC.ttl index 13231c78478..e5ba35b3507 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165DFFD5FD21B5815A7BD2EC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165DFFD5FD21B5815A7BD2EC.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia labatii J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ehretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wight, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cuneata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165FFFD4FF7CB3FA5AACD200.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165FFFD4FF7CB3FA5AACD200.ttl index f301af6e694..91e72d8130f 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165FFFD4FF7CB3FA5AACD200.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9165FFFD4FF7CB3FA5AACD200.ttl @@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia darcyana J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,50 +55,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ehretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wight, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cuneata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "darcyana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Begue & Capuron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Begue & Capuron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Humbert" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Begue & Capuron" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91669FFE7FD21B4F85B4FD404.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91669FFE7FD21B4F85B4FD404.ttl index d029e9e6ec7..4977dbed576 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91669FFE7FD21B4F85B4FD404.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F91669FFE7FD21B4F85B4FD404.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia schatziana J. S. Mill. 2003, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schroder, Medioli & Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Monothalamea" ; - dwc:family "Baculellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arbor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Astrorhizida" ; - dwc:phylum "Foraminifera" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schroder, Medioli & Scott, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1848" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ehretia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wight, 1848" ; - dwc:species "cuneata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "randrianasoloana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:authorityName "J. S. Mill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hilsenbergia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mill." ; - dwc:species "schatziana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ehretiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9166EFFE7FF7CB3BE5D96D0ED.ttl b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9166EFFE7FF7CB3BE5D96D0ED.ttl index 17ffa00625d..e30a6fd9f40 100644 --- a/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9166EFFE7FF7CB3BE5D96D0ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/0F/87/7C0F87F9166EFFE7FF7CB3BE5D96D0ED.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Miller, James S." ; dc:title "Hilsenbergia teitensis Gurke" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF1FFB4FF0F60AEAF3C7689.ttl b/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF1FFB4FF0F60AEAF3C7689.ttl index 20fc48125be..ec53039f887 100644 --- a/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF1FFB4FF0F60AEAF3C7689.ttl +++ b/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF1FFB4FF0F60AEAF3C7689.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Last, Peter R.; Stewart, Andrew L.; Séret, Bernard" ; dc:title "Bathyraja pacifica Last, Stewart & Séret, 2016, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,37 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Colour" ; - dwc:authorityName "Colour" ; - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Arhynchobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyraja" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rajiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Colour" ; - dwc:species "shuntovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forster, 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; - dwc:family "Arhynchobatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyraja" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rajiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1967" ; - dwc:species "pallida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Elasmobranchii" ; dwc:family "Arhynchobatidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF8FFB4FF0F6755AE897450.ttl b/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF8FFB4FF0F6755AE897450.ttl index 9e6b24ffd88..c4c03613a3d 100644 --- a/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF8FFB4FF0F6755AE897450.ttl +++ b/data/7C/10/24/7C102471FFF8FFB4FF0F6755AE897450.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Last, Peter R.; Stewart, Andrew L.; Séret, Bernard" ; dc:title "Bathyraja" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/10/87/7C108785D105FFA264A7FE65FBEDCBED.ttl b/data/7C/10/87/7C108785D105FFA264A7FE65FBEDCBED.ttl index d2d20cc505a..ca1e46b854d 100644 --- a/data/7C/10/87/7C108785D105FFA264A7FE65FBEDCBED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/10/87/7C108785D105FFA264A7FE65FBEDCBED.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ho, Hsuan-Ching; Endo, Hiromitsu; Chu, Tah-Wei" ; dc:title "Bregmaceros retrodorsalis Ho & Endo & Chu 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Ho & Endo & Chu, 2020", "Ho & Endo" ; + dwc:authority "Ho & Endo" ; dwc:authorityName "Ho & Endo & Chu" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; @@ -47,102 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D'Ancona & Cavinato, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "D'Ancona & Cavinato" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DAncona & Cavinato, 1965" ; - dwc:species "arabicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shen, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shen, 1960" ; - dwc:species "lanceolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Whitley 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Whitley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whitley, 1941" ; - dwc:species "nectabanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thompson, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thompson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thompson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "mcclellandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shen, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shen, 1960" ; - dwc:species "pescadorus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Torii et al., 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Torii" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Torii, 2004" ; - dwc:species "pseudolanceolatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; @@ -156,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Bregmacerotidae" ; dwc:genus "Bregmaceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gadiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/11/16/7C1116F0FF973D6CCBBD55FCC946DD3C.ttl b/data/7C/11/16/7C1116F0FF973D6CCBBD55FCC946DD3C.ttl index 30c9b998f73..dabf270796e 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/16/7C1116F0FF973D6CCBBD55FCC946DD3C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/16/7C1116F0FF973D6CCBBD55FCC946DD3C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "H. E. Hess; E. Landolt; R. Hirzel" ; dc:title "Orchidaceae Juss. 1789" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,65 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haller" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haller" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Corallorrhiza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haller" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hartman, 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hartman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Coeloglossum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hartman, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Sporn" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Sporn" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ophrys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sporn" ; - dwc:species "ustulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E.G.Camus" ; - dwc:authorityName "E.G.Camus" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gymnigritella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Camus" ; - dwc:species "snaveolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Orchideen"@undefined ; dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; diff --git a/data/7C/11/6C/7C116C1B5306599E82B7090886092AC6.ttl b/data/7C/11/6C/7C116C1B5306599E82B7090886092AC6.ttl index b002344dc5f..f76d4e14030 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/6C/7C116C1B5306599E82B7090886092AC6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/6C/7C116C1B5306599E82B7090886092AC6.ttl @@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Koppetsch, Thore; Necas, Petr; Wipfler, Benjamin" ; dc:title "Trioceros affinis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -49,35 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Swainson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Chamaeleonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trioceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swainson, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Koppetsch & Nečas & Wipfler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Chamaeleonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trioceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koppetsch, Nečas & Wipfler, 2021" ; - dwc:species "wolfgangboehmei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Chamaeleonidae" ; @@ -91,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Chamaeleonidae" ; dwc:genus "Trioceros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFD7B7F3A7ADE961FD00.ttl b/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFD7B7F3A7ADE961FD00.ttl index 61df480cb19..5f0452df313 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFD7B7F3A7ADE961FD00.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFD7B7F3A7ADE961FD00.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Corgosinho, P. H. C." ; dc:title "Talpacoxa brandini Corgosinho 2012, gen. et sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Corgosinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; - dwc:family "Nannopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Talpacoxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Harpacticoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Corgosinho, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Talpidae" ; - dwc:genus "Talpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; dwc:family "Nannopodidae" ; @@ -87,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; - dwc:family "Nannopodidae" ; dwc:genus "Talpacoxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Harpacticoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFDAB799A6B8EBC0FA24.ttl b/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFDAB799A6B8EBC0FA24.ttl index 7826bc3764a..0b527ca2eee 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFDAB799A6B8EBC0FA24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/87/7C118736FF84FFDAB799A6B8EBC0FA24.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Corgosinho, P. H. C." ; dc:title "Talpacoxa Corgosinho 2012, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Corgosinho, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Corgosinho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; - dwc:family "Nannopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Talpacoxa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Harpacticoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Corgosinho, 2012" ; - dwc:species "brandini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexanauplia" ; dwc:family "Nannopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/11/C6/7C11C6FEA2773EFCD04D6FE2D241A1C1.ttl b/data/7C/11/C6/7C11C6FEA2773EFCD04D6FE2D241A1C1.ttl index 62d9b7d3290..a29f7cbad46 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/C6/7C11C6FEA2773EFCD04D6FE2D241A1C1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/C6/7C11C6FEA2773EFCD04D6FE2D241A1C1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Xeranthemum inapertum Mill." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -39,21 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boeschungspflege" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boeschungspflege" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Xeranthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boeschungspflege" ; - dwc:species "annuum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Geschlossene Strohblume"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -69,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Xeranthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/11/F3/7C11F3BDA649D21EA79E8D6D38FEA8AD.ttl b/data/7C/11/F3/7C11F3BDA649D21EA79E8D6D38FEA8AD.ttl index 483239cc827..994325f86a8 100644 --- a/data/7C/11/F3/7C11F3BDA649D21EA79E8D6D38FEA8AD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/11/F3/7C11F3BDA649D21EA79E8D6D38FEA8AD.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Alderson, Chantelle A.; Webster, Vincent L.; CoryC. Hughes,; Sweeney, Jon D." ; dc:title "Arhopalus obsoletus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/12/15/7C12150F280A936B91DA6EB5965608CD.ttl b/data/7C/12/15/7C12150F280A936B91DA6EB5965608CD.ttl index 051c2a9cadf..53a079c3c6f 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/15/7C12150F280A936B91DA6EB5965608CD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/15/7C12150F280A936B91DA6EB5965608CD.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Chen, Chao-Chun; Golovatch, Sergei I.; Chang, Hsueh-Wen" ; dc:title "Aponedyopus similis Chen, Golovatch & Chang, 2010, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/12/B7/7C12B7704470D5A9DB60038264DE2A95.ttl b/data/7C/12/B7/7C12B7704470D5A9DB60038264DE2A95.ttl index 6aefbd8d2b2..e19efc8634a 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/B7/7C12B7704470D5A9DB60038264DE2A95.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/B7/7C12B7704470D5A9DB60038264DE2A95.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Petaurista alborufus Milne-Edwards 1870" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,91 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1870" ; - dwc:species "alborufus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "alborufus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1923" ; - dwc:species "alborufus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "castaneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1907" ; - dwc:species "alborufus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hilzheimer 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hilzheimer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hilzheimer, 1905" ; - dwc:species "alborufus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "leucocephalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Petaurista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1923" ; - dwc:species "alborufus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ochraspis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF831018BE7EFCC1FE06FE02.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF831018BE7EFCC1FE06FE02.ttl index 1551ecb1b6a..fb55eda7e8b 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF831018BE7EFCC1FE06FE02.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF831018BE7EFCC1FE06FE02.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Anisotacrus pulchellus Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisotacrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Uchida, 1953)" ; - dwc:species "iyoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF84101BBE5EF854FDE2F7B8.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF84101BBE5EF854FDE2F7B8.ttl index 9c28467b370..088fe04a9d2 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF84101BBE5EF854FDE2F7B8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF84101BBE5EF854FDE2F7B8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Euryproctus flavidens Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -44,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euryproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:species "nemoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euryproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ashmead, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1010BC15FB1BFD56F8C8.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1010BC15FB1BFD56F8C8.ttl index 65ea9579702..8ca2337618e 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1010BC15FB1BFD56F8C8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1010BC15FB1BFD56F8C8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Ctenopelma rufofasciatum Sheng, Sun & Li 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -45,98 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Wachtl, 1898)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wachtl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pamphiliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalcia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wachtl, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "lariciphila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pamphiliidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng, Sun & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "pineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "lucifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uchida" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uchida, 1930" ; - dwc:species "tokioense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "sensu Sun et al. (2019)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sun, 2019" ; - dwc:species "lucifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1017BFADFB1BFD9CF79D.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1017BFADFB1BFD9CF79D.ttl index e09324fe22e..9a57de486fd 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1017BFADFB1BFD9CF79D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8A1017BFADFB1BFD9CF79D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Ctenopelma pineatus Sheng, Sun & Li 2019" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,66 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Matsumura, 1912)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pamphiliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acantholyda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "posticalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wachtl, 1898)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wachtl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pamphiliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cephalcia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wachtl, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "lariciphila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pamphiliidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Holmgren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ctenopelma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Holmgren, 1857" ; - dwc:species "boreale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8F101CBC9EFDEAFCD6FC21.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8F101CBC9EFDEAFCD6FC21.ttl index 21f02890122..f6b83ea3f64 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8F101CBC9EFDEAFCD6FC21.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF8F101CBC9EFDEAFCD6FC21.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Notopygus japonicus Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,37 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "bicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kasparyan, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kasparyan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kasparyan, 2002" ; - dwc:species "carpathicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF921008BFBFF914FA47F84F.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF921008BFBFF914FA47F84F.ttl index d6637eb1aa5..ed129ef84c8 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF921008BFBFF914FA47F84F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF921008BFBFF914FA47F84F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Campodorus albimarginalis Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1894)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "crassipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF94100ABE45FF50FDBAFB6A.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF94100ABE45FF50FDBAFB6A.ttl index 8cf98246985..408101047a5 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF94100ABE45FF50FDBAFB6A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF94100ABE45FF50FDBAFB6A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Campodorus japonicus Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1894)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1894)" ; - dwc:species "liosternus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF971034BE61FAE0FD1FFD8D.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF971034BE61FAE0FD1FFD8D.ttl index 659b3fb824b..a81936e6a3e 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF971034BE61FAE0FD1FFD8D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF971034BE61FAE0FD1FFD8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Campodorus rufidorsalis Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "formosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF981007BCFAFC61FD0BF8FB.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF981007BCFAFC61FD0BF8FB.ttl index 62186e37b66..91396bbd3cd 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF981007BCFAFC61FD0BF8FB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF981007BCFAFC61FD0BF8FB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Mesoleptidea amanoi Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sheng, Sun & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9E100EBC82F8F3FEBBFCF0.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9E100EBC82F8F3FEBBFCF0.ttl index b8a18e1a455..e07e01e2ab6 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9E100EBC82F8F3FEBBFCF0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9E100EBC82F8F3FEBBFCF0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Alcochera nigra Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sheng & Sun, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng & Sun" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alcochera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng & Sun, 2021" ; - dwc:species "flavoclypeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9F1003BE7FFD15FEACF88C.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9F1003BE7FFD15FEACF88C.ttl index 0d9ffa04615..d4d9b3ae363 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9F1003BE7FFD15FEACF88C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFF9F1003BE7FFD15FEACF88C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Mesoleptidea mesorufa Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sheng, Sun & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA1103EBC9EFB72FDFDFE9E.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA1103EBC9EFB72FDFDFE9E.ttl index 864861fe945..11c6ab4da7b 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA1103EBC9EFB72FDFDFE9E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA1103EBC9EFB72FDFDFE9E.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Lamachus montanus Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hartig, 1838)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hartig" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tryphon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hartig, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "eques" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA4103ABCFBFEA9FA5EFF45.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA4103ABCFBFEA9FA5EFF45.ttl index 264f4a04cc4..bf38763e718 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA4103ABCFBFEA9FA5EFF45.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA4103ABCFBFEA9FA5EFF45.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Mesoleius morishitai Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kasparyan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kasparyan, 2000" ; - dwc:species "alekhinoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA81037BCFFFA9BFD06FE9E.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA81037BCFFFA9BFD06FE9E.ttl index fcc64223e36..1c71c0774ef 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA81037BCFFFA9BFD06FE9E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA81037BCFFFA9BFD06FE9E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Hyperbatus borealis Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "segmentator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA91035BC8EFE35FACAFA84.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA91035BC8EFE35FACAFA84.ttl index e99895ad389..b949afed837 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA91035BC8EFE35FACAFA84.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFA91035BC8EFE35FACAFA84.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Hyperbatus ariminensis Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nigrifemur" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAA1030BE58FEFDFDE2FCEF.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAA1030BE58FEFDFDE2FCEF.ttl index 0d26eb8997c..e7a8540517e 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAA1030BE58FEFDFDE2FCEF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAA1030BE58FEFDFDE2FCEF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Hyperbatus montanus Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1895" ; - dwc:species "orbitalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAE103CBFBBFA2AFDF8F843.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAE103CBFBBFA2AFDF8F843.ttl index 9e0ca95cd61..314834e2cdd 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAE103CBFBBFA2AFDF8F843.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFAE103CBFBBFA2AFDF8F843.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Lamachus albopictus Cushman 1937" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rohwer, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rohwer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diprionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diprion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rohwer, 1910" ; - dwc:species "nipponicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB0102EBE4AFF50FDEAFD8D.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB0102EBE4AFF50FDEAFD8D.ttl index 13dbc63e45e..0d1d43443bd 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB0102EBE4AFF50FDEAFD8D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB0102EBE4AFF50FDEAFD8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Sympherta antilope subsp. sibirica Hinz 1991" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,188 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "bicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisotacrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nocturnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisotacrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euryproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "flavidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "amanoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "mesorufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alcochera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "albimarginalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "rufidorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gravenhorst" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sympherta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gravenhorst, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "antilope" ; - dwc:subSpecies "antilope" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB3102FBE0BFD8BFE51F92E.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB3102FBE0BFD8BFE51F92E.ttl index 4b8f5835222..26b078a61ef 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB3102FBE0BFD8BFE51F92E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFB3102FBE0BFD8BFE51F92E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Sympherta kasparyani Hinz 1991" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,354 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "ariminensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "borealis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lamachus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyperbatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nigrifemur" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lagarotis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cushman, 1937" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cushman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lamachus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cushman, 1937" ; - dwc:species "albopictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leipula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "pulchra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "morishitai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perispuda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, 1999" ; - dwc:species "bibullata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Perilissus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "autumnalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "kanagawensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "bicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisotacrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nocturnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anisotacrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euryproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "flavidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "amanoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "japonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sheng, Sun & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sheng, Sun & Li, 2020" ; - dwc:species "maculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mesoleptidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "mesorufa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alcochera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "albimarginalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Watanabe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campodorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Watanabe, 2024" ; - dwc:species "rufidorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFBD1020BE7AFE26FAE4F79F.ttl b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFBD1020BE7AFE26FAE4F79F.ttl index bc8b9baa52e..11ffd809c18 100644 --- a/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFBD1020BE7AFE26FAE4F79F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/12/FC/7C12FC0AFFBD1020BE7AFE26FAE4F79F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Watanabe, Kyohei" ; dc:title "Lethades kanagawensis Watanabe, 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/13/43/7C1343C2C945E734D15CB0499DCA1A65.ttl b/data/7C/13/43/7C1343C2C945E734D15CB0499DCA1A65.ttl index 340989431c5..e14221af45b 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/43/7C1343C2C945E734D15CB0499DCA1A65.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/43/7C1343C2C945E734D15CB0499DCA1A65.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R." ; dc:title "Isadelphus Foerster 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/13/7D/7C137D8021EB9DB204C3423E8BFF2611.ttl b/data/7C/13/7D/7C137D8021EB9DB204C3423E8BFF2611.ttl index aada15760de..daea3ef615a 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/7D/7C137D8021EB9DB204C3423E8BFF2611.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/7D/7C137D8021EB9DB204C3423E8BFF2611.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Origanum syriacum Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. Harley" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Origanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1763" ; - dwc:species "maru" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; @@ -78,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/13/F3/7C13F3D73BAA54EEB1CCDF53D65F4A0F.ttl b/data/7C/13/F3/7C13F3D73BAA54EEB1CCDF53D65F4A0F.ttl index 5e07a699700..b2c4cfd79cf 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F3/7C13F3D73BAA54EEB1CCDF53D65F4A0F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F3/7C13F3D73BAA54EEB1CCDF53D65F4A0F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Uchoa, Lucas Rafael; Delfim, Fagner Ribeiro; Mesquita, Daniel Oliveira; Colli, Guarino Rinaldi; Garda, Adrian Antonio; Guedes, Thais B." ; dc:title "Tropidurus helenae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,111 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spix, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "hispidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Passos, Lima & Borges-Nojosa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Passos, Lima & Borges-Nojosa, 2011" ; - dwc:species "jaguaribanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rodrigues" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rodrigues, 1987" ; - dwc:species "montanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rodrigues" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rodrigues, 1987" ; - dwc:species "mucujensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rodrigues" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rodrigues, 1987" ; - dwc:species "oreadicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rodrigues" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rodrigues, 1984)" ; - dwc:species "pinima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spix, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "semitaeniatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; @@ -165,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Tropiduridae" ; dwc:genus "Tropidurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE2FF8554A05FB7FBA1FED8.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE2FF8554A05FB7FBA1FED8.ttl index baf2a7cfa9f..410050c07e1 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE2FF8554A05FB7FBA1FED8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE2FF8554A05FB7FBA1FED8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Calanticidae Zevina 1978" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE3FF8154A05E80FACEF837.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE3FF8154A05E80FACEF837.ttl index c72bc041c19..73c17dda404 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE3FF8154A05E80FACEF837.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE3FF8154A05E80FACEF837.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Calantica Gray 1825" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,373 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Leach, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pollicipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pollicipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1824" ; - dwc:species "villosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Young (2003)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Young" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Young, 2003" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ren, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ren" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ren, 1989" ; - dwc:species "flagellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broch, 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broch, 1931" ; - dwc:species "pedunculostriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Quoy and Gaimard, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Quoy and Gaimard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Quoy & Gaimard, 1834" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Foster, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1979" ; - dwc:species "spinilatera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Annandale, 1909", "Annandale, 1909: 267" ; - dwc:authorityName "Annandale" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "267" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Annandale, 1909" ; - dwc:species "kampeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hoek, 1907", "Hoek, 1907: 60" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoek" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "60" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoek, 1907" ; - dwc:species "pollicipoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jones and Hosie, 2009", "Jones and Hosie, 2009: 240" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jones and Hosie" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "240" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jones & Hosie, 2009" ; - dwc:species "darwini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Broch, 1922: 232" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broch" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "232" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broch, 1922" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pilsbry, 1907: 7" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pilsbry" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "7" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pilsbry, 1907" ; - dwc:species "eos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rosell, 1991: 13" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rosell" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "13" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rosell, 1991" ; - dwc:species "graphica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hiro, 1932: 473" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hiro" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "473" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hiro, 1932" ; - dwc:species "kruegeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Utinomi, 1970: 159" ; - dwc:authorityName "Utinomi" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "159" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Utinomi, 1970" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weltner, 1922: 100" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weltner" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "100" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weltner, 1922" ; - dwc:species "studeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hoek, 1883: 72" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoek" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "72" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoek, 1883" ; - dwc:species "trispinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zevina and Galkin, 1989: 134" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zevina and Galkin" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "134" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zevina & Galkin, 1989" ; - dwc:species "moskalevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hiro, 1932: 469" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hiro" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "469" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hiro, 1932" ; - dwc:species "quinquelatera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weltner, 1922: 97" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weltner" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "97" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weltner, 1922" ; - dwc:species "siemensi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gruvel, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gruvel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gruvelialepas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gruvel, 1911" ; - dwc:species "pilsbryi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Newman" from authority ; - dwc:authority "Zevina and Yakhontova, 1987 (Newman, 1993: 405)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zevina and Yakhontova, 1987 (Newman" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "405" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Newmanilepas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zevina & Yakhontova, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Quoy and Gaimard, 1834)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Quoy and Gaimard, 1834) (Foster 1979: 40)" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Quoy and Gaimard, 1834) (Foster" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "40" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Scalpellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Smilium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foster, 1979)" ; - dwc:species "spinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE8FF8C54A058F8FB9AFF39.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE8FF8C54A058F8FB9AFF39.ttl index d20a95ff657..5635780279d 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE8FF8C54A058F8FB9AFF39.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFE8FF8C54A058F8FB9AFF39.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Calantica moskalevi Zevina and Galkin 1989" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Seguenza, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seguenza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scillaelepas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seguenza, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; @@ -72,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Calanticidae" ; dwc:genus "Calantica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pedunculata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A059C2FF16FCB3.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A059C2FF16FCB3.ttl index e761557ba39..c02f50b45c3 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A059C2FF16FCB3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A059C2FF16FCB3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Pachylasmatinae Utinomi 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,86 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jones, 2000: 166" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jones" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "166" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eutomolasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jones, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jones, 2000: 177" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jones" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "177" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jones, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Darwin, 1854: 185" ; - dwc:authorityName "Darwin" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "185" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Darwin, 1854" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jones, 2000: 201" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jones" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "201" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jones, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Foster, 1988: 215" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "215" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrapachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A05BA5FD14FA88.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A05BA5FD14FA88.ttl index 1d339f8af31..71f7f499989 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A05BA5FD14FA88.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF8D54A05BA5FD14FA88.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Atetrapachylasma Newman & Jones, 2011, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Foster, 1988: 225" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "225" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrapachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1988" ; - dwc:species "trigonum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF9654A05DCFFAF0FC98.ttl b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF9654A05DCFFAF0FC98.ttl index 963ca9d9fa0..8c33d870fc4 100644 --- a/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF9654A05DCFFAF0FC98.ttl +++ b/data/7C/13/F6/7C13F601FFEBFF9654A05DCFFAF0FC98.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Newman, William A.; Jones, William J." ; dc:title "Atetrapachylasma dijonesae Newman & Jones, 2011, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,67 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Foster, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrapachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1988" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Foster, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetrapachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foster, 1988" ; - dwc:species "trigonum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Austrominiu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austrominiu" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Balanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elminius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austrominiu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Newman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Newman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Brachylepadidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neobrachylepas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Newman, 1995" ; - dwc:species "relica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; @@ -119,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Pachylasmatidae" ; dwc:genus "Atetrapachylasma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sessilia" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/14/0E/7C140E0CFD122A30297A36C63D4F6B21.ttl b/data/7C/14/0E/7C140E0CFD122A30297A36C63D4F6B21.ttl index 92c5cccf4f1..9874d8baf77 100644 --- a/data/7C/14/0E/7C140E0CFD122A30297A36C63D4F6B21.ttl +++ b/data/7C/14/0E/7C140E0CFD122A30297A36C63D4F6B21.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Lackner, Tomas; Leschen, Richard A. B." ; dc:title "Saprinus (Saprinus) viridipennis Lewis 1901" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Histeridae" ; dwc:genus "Saprinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/14/62/7C1462BDB29203FCFA04420EFD2AEDD6.ttl b/data/7C/14/62/7C1462BDB29203FCFA04420EFD2AEDD6.ttl index 2f9080b9a73..72cf7a58aea 100644 --- a/data/7C/14/62/7C1462BDB29203FCFA04420EFD2AEDD6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/14/62/7C1462BDB29203FCFA04420EFD2AEDD6.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Lapeva-Gjonova, Albena; Antonova, Vera; Radchenko, Alexander G.; Atanasova, Maria" ; dc:title "Lasius neglectus Van Loon, Boomsma and Andrasfalvy 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/15/A2/7C15A2DED37A8F2B96280EE26671812A.ttl b/data/7C/15/A2/7C15A2DED37A8F2B96280EE26671812A.ttl index f40fe8f2ebe..b82ad7fb086 100644 --- a/data/7C/15/A2/7C15A2DED37A8F2B96280EE26671812A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/15/A2/7C15A2DED37A8F2B96280EE26671812A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Arctotheca calendula Levyns 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -82,11 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/16/0D/7C160D92C327AE33867CE837C5E345C5.ttl b/data/7C/16/0D/7C160D92C327AE33867CE837C5E345C5.ttl index 77beafa51df..bb3ae6bc706 100644 --- a/data/7C/16/0D/7C160D92C327AE33867CE837C5E345C5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/16/0D/7C160D92C327AE33867CE837C5E345C5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Campanula barbata L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Campanula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/17/15/7C1715A3CB2AD35BBA01169C20295EA6.ttl b/data/7C/17/15/7C1715A3CB2AD35BBA01169C20295EA6.ttl index 4c329a3a1cd..b0bdaa413f5 100644 --- a/data/7C/17/15/7C1715A3CB2AD35BBA01169C20295EA6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/17/15/7C1715A3CB2AD35BBA01169C20295EA6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sarzetti, Laura C.; Genise, Jorge F.; Sanchez, M. Victoria; Farina, Juan L.; Molina, M. Alejandra" ; dc:title "Ptiloglossa tarsata" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schrottky" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Colletidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ptiloglossa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schrottky, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "matutina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Spinola" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Colletidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cadeguala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Spinola, 1851)" ; - dwc:species "albopilosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Colletidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/17/92/7C17927C7F6E5C239AD855C3085435E3.ttl b/data/7C/17/92/7C17927C7F6E5C239AD855C3085435E3.ttl index bcbcdfa08a0..06852d066de 100644 --- a/data/7C/17/92/7C17927C7F6E5C239AD855C3085435E3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/17/92/7C17927C7F6E5C239AD855C3085435E3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Xu, Yuan; Bi, Wenxuan; Liang, Hongbin" ; dc:title "Manipuria yuae Xu & Bi & Liang 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,89 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jacoby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Manipuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacoby, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jacoby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; - dwc:genus "Manipuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacoby, 1908" ; - dwc:species "dohertyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H.W.Schott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araceae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipremnum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Alismatales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schott, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H.W.Schott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Araceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Alismatales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schott, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.Don" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gesneriaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lysionotis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Don, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.Don" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gesneriaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Don, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; @@ -143,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chrysomelidae" ; dwc:genus "Manipuria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/17/CF/7C17CFD0C3D8E2C41383711276E47EE7.ttl b/data/7C/17/CF/7C17CFD0C3D8E2C41383711276E47EE7.ttl index 8cd4b7b9338..4aabdc7c213 100644 --- a/data/7C/17/CF/7C17CFD0C3D8E2C41383711276E47EE7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/17/CF/7C17CFD0C3D8E2C41383711276E47EE7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pan, Zhaohui; Zhu, Chaodong; Wu, Chunsheng" ; dc:title "Monema Walker 1855" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -74,128 +74,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyphorma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walker, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scopelodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Westwood, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phocoderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Butler, 1886" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dudgeon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dudgeon, 1895" ; - dwc:species "coralina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "flavescens" ; - dwc:authorityName "flavescens Walker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "flavescens Walker, 1855" ; - dwc:species "flavescens" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flavescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pan & Zhu & Wu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "flavescens" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rubriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Solovyev & Witt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Solovyev & Witt, 2009" ; - dwc:species "meyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wu & Pan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu & Pan, 2013" ; - dwc:species "tanaognatha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Limacodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/17/FF/7C17FF83369801076F6D1655DD539AF7.ttl b/data/7C/17/FF/7C17FF83369801076F6D1655DD539AF7.ttl index 9aefa5df90e..e609f159c8f 100644 --- a/data/7C/17/FF/7C17FF83369801076F6D1655DD539AF7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/17/FF/7C17FF83369801076F6D1655DD539AF7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Helichrysum Miller" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/43/7C18432DC4CA623B2A913A038C33D35C.ttl b/data/7C/18/43/7C18432DC4CA623B2A913A038C33D35C.ttl index 9f3a19a80df..21d71d4aa1c 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/43/7C18432DC4CA623B2A913A038C33D35C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/43/7C18432DC4CA623B2A913A038C33D35C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Trachypithecus (Trachypithecus) cristatus subsp. cristatus Raffles 1821" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,78 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Desmarest 1822)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Desmarest, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "cristatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas and Wroughton 1909)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas and Wroughton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas & Wroughton, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "cristatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pullata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Anderson 1878)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "cristatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rutledgii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Elliot 1910)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Elliot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Elliot, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "cristatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachypithecus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ultima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/65/7C18653869F352C782F83DEDD45C03BD.ttl b/data/7C/18/65/7C18653869F352C782F83DEDD45C03BD.ttl index 926508ce8a7..7a183e9e368 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/65/7C18653869F352C782F83DEDD45C03BD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/65/7C18653869F352C782F83DEDD45C03BD.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Perez-Flores, Oscar; Toledo-Hernandez, Victor H." ; dc:title "Stenaspis solitaria" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC27FA6FAB87ED6FD2F.ttl b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC27FA6FAB87ED6FD2F.ttl index d04abc16f5c..aa9466a7f8b 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC27FA6FAB87ED6FD2F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC27FA6FAB87ED6FD2F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Qiqi; Lin, Yucheng" ; dc:title "Conculus sagadaensis Zhang & Lin 2019, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,67 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Komatsu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Komatsu, 1940" ; - dwc:species "lyugadinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forster, 1959)" ; - dwc:species "grossus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Paik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paik, 1971" ; - dwc:species "simboggulensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhang & Lin, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Lin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Lin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "yaoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Anapidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC77FA6FBEB788BFB32.ttl b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC77FA6FBEB788BFB32.ttl index db5991ea538..69d38a3487a 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC77FA6FBEB788BFB32.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFE8FFC77FA6FBEB788BFB32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Qiqi; Lin, Yucheng" ; dc:title "Conculus Komatsu 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Komatsu, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Komatsu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Komatsu, 1940" ; - dwc:species "lyugadinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Anapidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFEDFFC27FA6FD4C7ED6F9AB.ttl b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFEDFFC27FA6FD4C7ED6F9AB.ttl index 918ac216676..e2424b28574 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFEDFFC27FA6FD4C7ED6F9AB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/87/7C1887F8FFEDFFC27FA6FD4C7ED6F9AB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Qiqi; Lin, Yucheng" ; dc:title "Conculus yaoi Zhang & Lin 2019, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Zhang & Lin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Lin, 2019" ; - dwc:species "sagadaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Anapidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCCFF12E6DBA76DFEB7.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCCFF12E6DBA76DFEB7.ttl index 227767cfee2..c624a01fa69 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCCFF12E6DBA76DFEB7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCCFF12E6DBA76DFEB7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus depressus R & Monné, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCEFF12E36DA68FF98A.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCEFF12E36DA68FF98A.ttl index ea099a37e6f..6aa569808d5 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCEFF12E36DA68FF98A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A70FFCEFF12E36DA68FF98A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,91 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Melzer,1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Melzer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucharitolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melzer, 1934" ; - dwc:species "lituratus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tippman, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tippman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucharitolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tippman, 1960" ; - dwc:species "geometricus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "White, 1855" ; - dwc:authorityName "White" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leiopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "White, 1855" ; - dwc:species "dorcadioides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Melzer, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Melzer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucharitolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melzer, 1927" ; - dwc:species "bellus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bates, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucharitolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1885" ; - dwc:species "pulcher" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A71FFCEFF12E708A1CEFD1F.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A71FFCEFF12E708A1CEFD1F.ttl index 7763aa9f11b..8905cf54e8d 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A71FFCEFF12E708A1CEFD1F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A71FFCEFF12E708A1CEFD1F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus Bates 1885" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -59,36 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bates, 1863" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepturges" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gilmour, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gilmour" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepturgantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gilmour, 1957" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCAFF12E64DA281FF24.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCAFF12E64DA281FF24.ttl index 870dc198ffb..709dfbc190a 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCAFF12E64DA281FF24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCAFF12E64DA281FF24.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus geometricus Tippman 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCCFF12E1DFA1C7FA3F.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCCFF12E1DFA1C7FA3F.ttl index aaae1978046..e8312770934 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCCFF12E1DFA1C7FA3F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A72FFCCFF12E1DFA1C7FA3F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus lituratus Melzer 1934" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A74FFC9FF12E4EDA646FF24.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A74FFC9FF12E4EDA646FF24.ttl index 02f2c914e0d..c29dc46b647 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A74FFC9FF12E4EDA646FF24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A74FFC9FF12E4EDA646FF24.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , ; dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus spilotus R & Monné, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC7FF12E653A0F3FD1F.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC7FF12E653A0F3FD1F.ttl index a283b6e43ff..6ff27775f0c 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC7FF12E653A0F3FD1F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC7FF12E653A0F3FD1F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus bellus Melzer 1927" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC9FF12E13EA783FA1E.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC9FF12E13EA783FA1E.ttl index 622f1d49dce..3f7581b5ba4 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC9FF12E13EA783FA1E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A77FFC9FF12E13EA783FA1E.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus dorcadioides White 1855, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A78FFC6FF12E0E5A7EEFB9F.ttl b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A78FFC6FF12E0E5A7EEFB9F.ttl index b5a065ccc5a..66d3b7c401e 100644 --- a/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A78FFC6FF12E0E5A7EEFB9F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/18/C7/7C18C7443A78FFC6FF12E0E5A7EEFB9F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "R, Juan Pablo Botero; Monné, Miguel A." ; dc:title "Eucharitolus pulcher Bates 1885" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/19/BD/7C19BDCDF7ECCCD177AE5BBD9AD790E7.ttl b/data/7C/19/BD/7C19BDCDF7ECCCD177AE5BBD9AD790E7.ttl index 01c9a0802c8..69a73de4708 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/BD/7C19BDCDF7ECCCD177AE5BBD9AD790E7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/BD/7C19BDCDF7ECCCD177AE5BBD9AD790E7.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "2" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Amon, Diva J; Ziegler, Amanda F; Kremenetskaia, Antonina; Mah, Christopher L; Mooi, Rich; O'Hara, Tim; Pawson, David L; Roux, Michel; Smith, Craig R" ; dc:title "Pterasteridae morphospecies 2" ; diff --git a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B11FF9EFF37F9B052A5F8B0.ttl b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B11FF9EFF37F9B052A5F8B0.ttl index bbd64f7e04f..4e18a30b932 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B11FF9EFF37F9B052A5F8B0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B11FF9EFF37F9B052A5F8B0.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Reding, Jean-Paul G.; Vinçon, Gilles; Graf, Wolfram" ; dc:title "Leuctra austriaca sensu Aubert 1954" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -174,52 +173,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pictet, 1834)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptoceridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adicella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pictet, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "filicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morton, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lepidostomatidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crunoecia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morton, 1901" ; - dwc:species "kempnyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schi" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Niphargidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; @@ -245,10 +198,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B15FF93FF37FF055317F879.ttl b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B15FF93FF37FF055317F879.ttl index dff89ea6519..637e519901f 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B15FF93FF37FF055317F879.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B15FF93FF37FF055317F879.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Leuctra signifera sensu Kempny 1899" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -128,10 +127,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B18FF97FF37F90F57A1FE67.ttl b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B18FF97FF37F90F57A1FE67.ttl index 792f6c8eaba..2cbf7a4e0af 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B18FF97FF37F90F57A1FE67.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B18FF97FF37F90F57A1FE67.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Reding, Jean-Paul G.; Vinçon, Gilles; Graf, Wolfram" ; dc:title "Leuctra jahorinensis Reding, Vinçon & Graf, 2023, nov. stat." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37F9315578F831.ttl b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37F9315578F831.ttl index 3dbff2fba55..2e4ef4c99bc 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37F9315578F831.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37F9315578F831.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Reding, Jean-Paul G.; Vinçon, Gilles; Graf, Wolfram" ; dc:title "Leuctra signifera subsp. jahorinensis , Kacanski 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Illies" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leuctra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Illies, 1966" ; - dwc:species "signifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "sensu Kempny" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Kempny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leuctra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Kempny, 1899" ; - dwc:species "signifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; @@ -92,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leuctridae" ; - dwc:genus "Leuctra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "signifera" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37FF0557A1FC6F.ttl b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37FF0557A1FC6F.ttl index da25a832cab..f71609f3fff 100644 --- a/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37FF0557A1FC6F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/19/DC/7C19DC009B19FF91FF37FF0557A1FC6F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Reding, Jean-Paul G.; Vinçon, Gilles; Graf, Wolfram" ; dc:title "Leuctra papukensis Reding & Vinçon & Graf 2023, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/1A/54/7C1A54061C34D75DBF661E975E5A2992.ttl b/data/7C/1A/54/7C1A54061C34D75DBF661E975E5A2992.ttl index 18d879b3ef7..c083dc270e3 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/54/7C1A54061C34D75DBF661E975E5A2992.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/54/7C1A54061C34D75DBF661E975E5A2992.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Schmidt, Olga" ; dc:title "Ardonis (Chloroclystis) filicata subsp. mochleutes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B41FDE6F74DF70FF664.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B41FDE6F74DF70FF664.ttl index fcc22cedbe1..42c49944878 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B41FDE6F74DF70FF664.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B41FDE6F74DF70FF664.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Bogidiellidae Hertzog 1936" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,53 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Stock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bogidiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock, 1984" ; - dwc:species "capricornea" ; - dwc:subGenus "Xystriogidiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stock, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bogidiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock, 1983" ; - dwc:species "sarawacensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Medigidiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B44F9DDF661FC6AFDD0.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B44F9DDF661FC6AFDD0.ttl index 7a24e5b8f7e..3506304deab 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B44F9DDF661FC6AFDD0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF836B44F9DDF661FC6AFDD0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Bogidomma Bradbury & Williams 1996" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,108 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bogidomma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "australis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ruffo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bollegidia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruffo, 1974" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hertzog" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bogidiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hertzog, 1933" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hertzog" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hertzog, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marigidiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stock, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bogidiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stock, 1984" ; - dwc:species "capricornea" ; - dwc:subGenus "Xystriogidiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; @@ -157,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF866B4BFE37FDF5FB6EF99A.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF866B4BFE37FDF5FB6EF99A.ttl index 4fa811b4a6b..04c85710701 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF866B4BFE37FDF5FB6EF99A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FF866B4BFE37FDF5FB6EF99A.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Bogidomma australis Bradbury & Williams 1996, n.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Bogidiellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B61FE9AF4B7F7E7F915.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B61FE9AF4B7F7E7F915.ttl index 5bd65221f69..0bfd029c480 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B61FE9AF4B7F7E7F915.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B61FE9AF4B7F7E7F915.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia Barnard & Williams 1995" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,125 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "hurlberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "urifimbriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B63FDC2F9E7FB5BF516.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B63FDC2F9E7FB5BF516.ttl index 72101a5edbd..1e9d8a0c2de 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B63FDC2F9E7FB5BF516.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA16B63FDC2F9E7FB5BF516.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Melitidae" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,79 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "S.Karaman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Hadziidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karaman, 1943" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karaman, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karaman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Hadziidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudoniphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karaman, 1955" ; - dwc:species "adriaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Costa, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Niphargidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niphargus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Costa, 1851" ; - dwc:species "longicaudatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "S.Karaman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Hadziidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hadzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karaman, 1932" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Melitidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA36B66FECFF8E7FB76F3A7.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA36B66FECFF8E7FB76F3A7.ttl index 978ed9d04a5..1d46f6f1455 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA36B66FECFF8E7FB76F3A7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA36B66FECFF8E7FB76F3A7.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia douglasi Barnard & Williams 1995" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Barnard & Williams, 1995", "Barnard & Williams, 1995: 198 - 201" ; + dwc:authority "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA46B68F9E5F7BAFB8AF391.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA46B68F9E5F7BAFB8AF391.ttl index abea52668db..c1cde77e6f9 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA46B68F9E5F7BAFB8AF391.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFA46B68F9E5F7BAFB8AF391.ttl @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia straskraba Bradbury & Williams 1996, n.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,95 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "hurlberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFAA6B6CF9F8FE1AF7B0F39B.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFAA6B6CF9F8FE1AF7B0F39B.ttl index 1f4866189e5..3d810e29928 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFAA6B6CF9F8FE1AF7B0F39B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFAA6B6CF9F8FE1AF7B0F39B.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia hurlberti Bradbury & Williams 1996, n.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,110 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "urifimbriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB06B70FE0DFE2EFB90F63D.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB06B70FE0DFE2EFB90F63D.ttl index 9c780615534..5eef506e337 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB06B70FE0DFE2EFB90F63D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB06B70FE0DFE2EFB90F63D.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia humphreysi, n.sp." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,125 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "hurlberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "urifimbriata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB26B74FE3FF598F7B7F450.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB26B74FE3FF598F7B7F450.ttl index 95357209f04..5704b60988a 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB26B74FE3FF598F7B7F450.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB26B74FE3FF598F7B7F450.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia urifimbriata Bradbury & Williams 1996, n.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,110 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "hurlberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB86B78FDEAFE00FB9DF57B.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB86B78FDEAFE00FB9DF57B.ttl index b4ea5b723d5..8b05ce04719 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB86B78FDEAFE00FB9DF57B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFB86B78FDEAFE00FB9DF57B.ttl @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia fragilis Bradbury & Williams 1996, n.sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,50 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBA6B7DFE5DF56AFB97F702.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBA6B7DFE5DF56AFB97F702.ttl index 98ece3850d7..ea0d8d6d574 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBA6B7DFE5DF56AFB97F702.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBA6B7DFE5DF56AFB97F702.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia macrosculptilis Bradbury & Williams 1996" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,94 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Barnard & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barnard & Williams, 1995" ; - dwc:species "douglasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "straskraba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "TODO" ; - dwc:authorityName "TODO" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Todo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; @@ -148,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBF6B40FE1EF6CBF7BDF386.ttl b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBF6B40FE1EF6CBF7BDF386.ttl index bd73c4a3785..6efdcc8e602 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBF6B40FE1EF6CBF7BDF386.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/87/7C1A87C4FFBF6B40FE1EF6CBF7BDF386.ttl @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Bradbury, J. H.; Williams, W. D." ; dc:title "Nedsia scuiptilis Bradbury & Williams 1996" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,50 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Maxillopoda" ; - dwc:family "Telsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telson" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilostomatoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearse, 1952" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "sculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bradbury & Williams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bradbury & Williams, 1996" ; - dwc:species "macrosculptilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Eriopisidae" ; dwc:genus "Nedsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1A/9A/7C1A9AAF54425087AFF2FC8DD356BAE7.ttl b/data/7C/1A/9A/7C1A9AAF54425087AFF2FC8DD356BAE7.ttl index f9f8d5447e8..d618474c1b4 100644 --- a/data/7C/1A/9A/7C1A9AAF54425087AFF2FC8DD356BAE7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1A/9A/7C1A9AAF54425087AFF2FC8DD356BAE7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wood, John R. I.; Williams, Bethany R. M.; Mitchell, Thomas C.; Carine, Mark A.; Harris, David J.; Scotland, Robert W." ; dc:title "Convolvulus scammonia L., Sp. Pl. 1: 153. 1753. (Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,101 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Pomel" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "Pomel, Nouv. Mat. Fl. Atl. 85. 1874. (Pomel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pomel, Nouv. Mat. Fl. Atl. 85., 1874" ; - dwc:species "durandoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Linnaeus" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "L., Sp. Pl. 1: 153. 1753. (Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "L., Sp. Pl. 1: 153., 1753" ; - dwc:species "arvensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Ker-Gawler" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "Ker-Gawl., Bot. Reg. 4: t. 322. 1818. (Ker-Gawler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ker-Gawl., Bot. Reg. 4: t. 322., 1818" ; - dwc:species "chinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Maire and Petitmengin" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "Halacsy, Bull. Soc. Sci., Nancy, ser. 3, 8: 176. 1908. (Maire and Petitmengin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halacsy, Bull. Soc. Sci., Nancy, ser. 3, 8: 176., 1908" ; - dwc:species "mairei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kunze, Flora 23 (1): 172. 1840. (Kunze" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kunze, Flora 23 (1): 172., 1840" ; - dwc:species "fatmensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Koch" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Koch, Linnaea 22: 746. 1849. (Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, Linnaea 22: 746., 1849" ; - dwc:species "pseudoscammonia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE20AAD5FD92FDC9CBA7.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE20AAD5FD92FDC9CBA7.ttl index 96ac22e537d..19728cfcefb 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE20AAD5FD92FDC9CBA7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE20AAD5FD92FDC9CBA7.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Aphanistes silviae Alvarado 2018" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Forster, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aphanistes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forster, 1869" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Aphanistes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE21AAD5F95BFC5BC98B.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE21AAD5F95BFC5BC98B.ttl index 48a73927c97..fbfa9ba93be 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE21AAD5F95BFC5BC98B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740640EE21AAD5F95BFC5BC98B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Forrestopius auguratricis Alvarado & Palacio 2021" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -48,20 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gauld & Sithole" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Forrestopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gauld & Sithole, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -75,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Forrestopius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740641EE21AAD5FD3EFAA6CC13.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740641EE21AAD5FD3EFAA6CC13.ttl index 9119b4ab6f6..f7c3005fdee 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740641EE21AAD5FD3EFAA6CC13.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740641EE21AAD5FD3EFAA6CC13.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Acrotaphus pseudoamazonicus Padua & Saaksjarvi 2020" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acrotaphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Townes, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Acrotaphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE24AAD5FCF2FC44CEBF.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE24AAD5FCF2FC44CEBF.ttl index a9d53e7d19a..56ca4f62bdb 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE24AAD5FCF2FC44CEBF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE24AAD5FCF2FC44CEBF.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Pimpla albomarginata Cameron 1886" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -50,35 +50,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron, 1886" ; - dwc:species "albormarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -92,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE25AAD5F955FB37C98B.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE25AAD5F955FB37C98B.ttl index 1ae855eed37..ed392081e34 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE25AAD5F955FB37C98B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740644EE25AAD5F955FB37C98B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Pimpla punicepis Cresson 1874" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -49,20 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -76,12 +62,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740645EE25AAD5FE4EFDE4CBCB.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740645EE25AAD5FE4EFDE4CBCB.ttl index 6055da6deed..81e9cab48d1 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740645EE25AAD5FE4EFDE4CBCB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740645EE25AAD5FE4EFDE4CBCB.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Pimpla pyramis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1804" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Pimpla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740646EE26AAD5FF6FFE4BCAEB.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740646EE26AAD5FF6FFE4BCAEB.ttl index 0a9bc5b797a..95245d62d87 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740646EE26AAD5FF6FFE4BCAEB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740646EE26AAD5FF6FFE4BCAEB.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Anastelgis garciai Gauld 1991" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -49,20 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anastelgis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Townes, 1960" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -76,12 +62,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Anastelgis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740647EE24AAD5F8DDFEC5CA8F.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740647EE24AAD5F8DDFEC5CA8F.ttl index 6ccbbbd6143..16deb50296f 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740647EE24AAD5F8DDFEC5CA8F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD9740647EE24AAD5F8DDFEC5CA8F.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Neotheronia lineata" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -51,20 +51,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Krieger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotheronia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krieger, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -78,12 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Neotheronia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FC77FAC5CD00.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FC77FAC5CD00.ttl index aa9d6b0feca..ed90638a87e 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FC77FAC5CD00.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FC77FAC5CD00.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Epirhyssa fusca Gomez & Saaksjarvi 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Cresson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cresson, 1865" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -73,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Epirhyssa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FEABFBE1CAC0.ttl b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FEABFBE1CAC0.ttl index b02ebc719f9..8e8467cd19d 100644 --- a/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FEABFBE1CAC0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1B/D9/7C1BD974064AEE2AAAD5FEABFBE1CAC0.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pádua, Diego G.; Fernandes, Daniell R. R.; Araujo, Rodrigo O.; Mazariegos, Luis A." ; dc:title "Ganodes mexicanus Diaz (Poemeninae 2008" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ganodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Townes, 1957" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Ganodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1E/77/7C1E77D218F261D24EE6F4684FED1C5B.ttl b/data/7C/1E/77/7C1E77D218F261D24EE6F4684FED1C5B.ttl index 33eb4168c18..a233188812c 100644 --- a/data/7C/1E/77/7C1E77D218F261D24EE6F4684FED1C5B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1E/77/7C1E77D218F261D24EE6F4684FED1C5B.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Riddin, Megan A.; Bills, I. Roger; Villet, Martin H." ; dc:title "Engraulicypris brevianalis Boulenger 1908, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; dwc:genus "Engraulicypris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/1E/83/7C1E838D58E15F6AB8606C3A46A6EE0B.ttl b/data/7C/1E/83/7C1E838D58E15F6AB8606C3A46A6EE0B.ttl index 4459e9589a5..b5ef1433954 100644 --- a/data/7C/1E/83/7C1E838D58E15F6AB8606C3A46A6EE0B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1E/83/7C1E838D58E15F6AB8606C3A46A6EE0B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Yong-Qin; Yin, Zi-Wei" ; dc:title "Pseudophanias furcilobus Y. - Q. Zhang, Z. - W. Yin 2023, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Inoue, Nomura & Zi-Wei Yin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pseudophanias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Inoue, Nomura & Zi-Wei Yin, 2020" ; - dwc:species "excavatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1E/BC/7C1EBC4369FD5C1E904010402E56F37A.ttl b/data/7C/1E/BC/7C1EBC4369FD5C1E904010402E56F37A.ttl index d6d7b65faaf..52a0dbead70 100644 --- a/data/7C/1E/BC/7C1EBC4369FD5C1E904010402E56F37A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1E/BC/7C1EBC4369FD5C1E904010402E56F37A.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tennakoon, Danushka S.; Thambugala, Kasun M.; de Silva, Nimali I.; Song, Hai-Yan; Suwannarach, Nakarin; Chen, Fu-Sheng; Hu, Dian-Ming" ; dc:title "Byssosphaeria siamensis Boonmee, Q. Tian & K. D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rutaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Citrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "trifoliata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Melanommataceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/1E/D5/7C1ED5D2847EB8C34DE1ACF7076B1682.ttl b/data/7C/1E/D5/7C1ED5D2847EB8C34DE1ACF7076B1682.ttl index cea819a2cd3..cd9a8701c00 100644 --- a/data/7C/1E/D5/7C1ED5D2847EB8C34DE1ACF7076B1682.ttl +++ b/data/7C/1E/D5/7C1ED5D2847EB8C34DE1ACF7076B1682.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Tanaka, Hirotaka" ; dc:title "Ripersiellina Kozar 2007" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/20/5D/7C205DA2B4805F52B076D81DDB8FD8F1.ttl b/data/7C/20/5D/7C205DA2B4805F52B076D81DDB8FD8F1.ttl index cf95edb8b96..d445921712a 100644 --- a/data/7C/20/5D/7C205DA2B4805F52B076D81DDB8FD8F1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/20/5D/7C205DA2B4805F52B076D81DDB8FD8F1.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kaltenbach, Thomas; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc" ; dc:title "Labiobaetis toraja Kaltenbach & Gattolliat 2021, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kaltenbach & Gattolliat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Labiobaetis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaltenbach & Gattolliat, 2021" ; - dwc:species "catadupa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/20/A5/7C20A57CCEB0B865A53ABA0D3ED41B2B.ttl b/data/7C/20/A5/7C20A57CCEB0B865A53ABA0D3ED41B2B.ttl index e7853ef88ea..9b6a23fefe6 100644 --- a/data/7C/20/A5/7C20A57CCEB0B865A53ABA0D3ED41B2B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/20/A5/7C20A57CCEB0B865A53ABA0D3ED41B2B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Bulinus derelictus Broderip 1832" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,34 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Broderip" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bostryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Broderip, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "derelictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Planorbidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/21/03/7C210339B6855FB49E0176EE6DE8B920.ttl b/data/7C/21/03/7C210339B6855FB49E0176EE6DE8B920.ttl index 0b26e4e4883..18c7ee7d685 100644 --- a/data/7C/21/03/7C210339B6855FB49E0176EE6DE8B920.ttl +++ b/data/7C/21/03/7C210339B6855FB49E0176EE6DE8B920.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Blahnik, Roger; Andersen, Trond" ; dc:title "Chimarra calundoensis Marlier 1965" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Burmeister, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chimarrha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1839" ; - dwc:species "fallax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Philopotamidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/21/07/7C21076F82855D9698B24D5298FEE1B3.ttl b/data/7C/21/07/7C21076F82855D9698B24D5298FEE1B3.ttl index 21f3903332c..49350010444 100644 --- a/data/7C/21/07/7C21076F82855D9698B24D5298FEE1B3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/21/07/7C21076F82855D9698B24D5298FEE1B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Tan, Jiang-Li; Achterberg, Cornelis van; Wu, Jia-Xuan; Wang, Hang; Zhang, Qi-Jing" ; dc:title "Gasteruption pedion Tan & van Achterberg 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC00FF2A38A5FB06FD22.ttl b/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC00FF2A38A5FB06FD22.ttl index 80edb3dbc8b..93a778d88e5 100644 --- a/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC00FF2A38A5FB06FD22.ttl +++ b/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC00FF2A38A5FB06FD22.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xian; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Du, Tian-Ye; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Dai, Dong-Qin; Hyde, Kevin D." ; dc:title "Neopalmiascoma macadamiae X. Zhang, K. D. Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "X. Zhang, K. D. Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopalmiascoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna, 2024" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; dwc:genus "Neopalmiascoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC03FF2A3CDFFC68FBC6.ttl b/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC03FF2A3CDFFC68FBC6.ttl index b3a88e238a4..c2196e3ecc7 100644 --- a/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC03FF2A3CDFFC68FBC6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/21/87/7C2187A6FFADEC03FF2A3CDFFC68FBC6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xian; Karunarathna, Samantha C.; Tibpromma, Saowaluck; Du, Tian-Ye; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Lumyong, Saisamorn; Dai, Dong-Qin; Hyde, Kevin D." ; dc:title "Neopalmiascoma X. Zhang, K. D. Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna 2024, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "X. Zhang, K. D. Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna" ; - dwc:authorityName "X. Zhang, K. D. Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopalmiascoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang, Hyde, Tibpromma & Karunarathna" ; - dwc:species "macadamiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; @@ -71,11 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Bambusicolaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/21/A3/7C21A33FFFE3FF8CFF7B6C01FCD2F8B3.ttl b/data/7C/21/A3/7C21A33FFFE3FF8CFF7B6C01FCD2F8B3.ttl index d733c44d6d7..c8f6a8c7366 100644 --- a/data/7C/21/A3/7C21A33FFFE3FF8CFF7B6C01FCD2F8B3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/21/A3/7C21A33FFFE3FF8CFF7B6C01FCD2F8B3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gildenkov, Mikhail Yu." ; dc:title "Carpelimus (Troginus) varius Gildenkov 2018, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,20 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant et Rey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Troginus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant & Rey, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -83,12 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Carpelimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/23/08/7C230817D41BBB71940BFA5DA322D51A.ttl b/data/7C/23/08/7C230817D41BBB71940BFA5DA322D51A.ttl index f6b202bddc0..9f23c404c1c 100644 --- a/data/7C/23/08/7C230817D41BBB71940BFA5DA322D51A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/23/08/7C230817D41BBB71940BFA5DA322D51A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Santschi, F." ; dc:title "Dorylus atratus Sm." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/23/2A/7C232A3D89521A328ACC380698FA50F4.ttl b/data/7C/23/2A/7C232A3D89521A328ACC380698FA50F4.ttl index 44b75baee58..0842c5b6a7f 100644 --- a/data/7C/23/2A/7C232A3D89521A328ACC380698FA50F4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/23/2A/7C232A3D89521A328ACC380698FA50F4.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Feher, Zoltan; Szekeres, Miklos" ; dc:title "Montenegrina grammica subsp. improvisa Feher & Szekeres, 2016, ssp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/23/43/7C2343115E8F40C11BCEB79134D0F317.ttl b/data/7C/23/43/7C2343115E8F40C11BCEB79134D0F317.ttl index be15648e872..766fe339fbd 100644 --- a/data/7C/23/43/7C2343115E8F40C11BCEB79134D0F317.ttl +++ b/data/7C/23/43/7C2343115E8F40C11BCEB79134D0F317.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Onuferko, Thomas M." ; dc:title "Epeolus zonatus Smith 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; dwc:genus "Epeolus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/23/87/7C2387E1FFBABC13FF2EFE9CFEBAB7A1.ttl b/data/7C/23/87/7C2387E1FFBABC13FF2EFE9CFEBAB7A1.ttl index aa50d3c3592..eb99f7f7855 100644 --- a/data/7C/23/87/7C2387E1FFBABC13FF2EFE9CFEBAB7A1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/23/87/7C2387E1FFBABC13FF2EFE9CFEBAB7A1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Azadbakhsh, Saeed; Kirschenhofer, Erich" ; dc:title "Chlaenius (Chlaeniellus) laeviplaga subsp. gambronicus Azadbakhsh & Kirschenhofer 2016, ssp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -49,73 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Paykull, 1790)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Paykull" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Paykull" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlaenius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Paykull, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "vestitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "laeviplaga Chaudoir, 1876", "laeviplaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "laeviplaga Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlaenius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "laeviplaga Chaudoir, 1876" ; - dwc:species "laeviplaga" ; - dwc:subSpecies "laeviplaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mandl, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mandl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlaenius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mandl, 1980" ; - dwc:species "laeviplaga" ; - dwc:subSpecies "saudiarabicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chaudoir" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlaenius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chaudoir, 1876" ; - dwc:species "laeviplaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; @@ -131,12 +64,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlaenius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "laeviplaga" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/23/F3/7C23F3933464B092B8B040A8B70CD90D.ttl b/data/7C/23/F3/7C23F3933464B092B8B040A8B70CD90D.ttl index d722e89da94..f61074b8837 100644 --- a/data/7C/23/F3/7C23F3933464B092B8B040A8B70CD90D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/23/F3/7C23F3933464B092B8B040A8B70CD90D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Kandelia candel Druce 1913" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,11 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rhizophoraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/24/87/7C2487BCFF97FFC5FF7E207CFCFEFA70.ttl b/data/7C/24/87/7C2487BCFF97FFC5FF7E207CFCFEFA70.ttl index 8e830ba401e..a91b1804497 100644 --- a/data/7C/24/87/7C2487BCFF97FFC5FF7E207CFCFEFA70.ttl +++ b/data/7C/24/87/7C2487BCFF97FFC5FF7E207CFCFEFA70.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Valcárcel, Javier Pérez; Rial, Carlos Mejuto; Outerelo, Raimundo; Gamarra, Purificación" ; dc:title "Brundinia marina" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mannerheim, 1831" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mannerheim" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Homalota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mannerheim, 1831" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/25/4C/7C254C5900E1F4E920016C0227111CC3.ttl b/data/7C/25/4C/7C254C5900E1F4E920016C0227111CC3.ttl index 1fb7d441839..ce6cf1511fb 100644 --- a/data/7C/25/4C/7C254C5900E1F4E920016C0227111CC3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/25/4C/7C254C5900E1F4E920016C0227111CC3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fernandez-Triana, Jose L.; Whitfield, James B.; Rodriguez, Josephine J.; Smith, M. Alex; Janzen, Daniel H.; Hallwachs, Winnie D.; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad; Burns, John M.; Solis, M. Alma; Brown, John; Cardinal, Sophie; Goulet, Henri; Hebert, Paul D. N." ; dc:title "Apanteles josemonteroi Fernandez-Triana, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Fernandez-Triana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernandez-Triana" ; - dwc:species "josemonteroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/25/7A/7C257ABBDAAE09EF57EC5186C6042F9D.ttl b/data/7C/25/7A/7C257ABBDAAE09EF57EC5186C6042F9D.ttl index aafd59fee5c..ac7321c679b 100644 --- a/data/7C/25/7A/7C257ABBDAAE09EF57EC5186C6042F9D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/25/7A/7C257ABBDAAE09EF57EC5186C6042F9D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Henry, Thomas J." ; dc:title "Zanchismeopsidea diegoi Henry, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,17 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Henry" ; - dwc:genus "Zanchismeopsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Henry" ; - dwc:species "diegoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:genus "Zanchismeopsidea" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; @@ -61,7 +47,6 @@ dwc:genus "Zanchismeopsidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/25/C7/7C25C765B27BFFCFFB02FDA6D4422C03.ttl b/data/7C/25/C7/7C25C765B27BFFCFFB02FDA6D4422C03.ttl index e39cb8a7c08..398de152651 100644 --- a/data/7C/25/C7/7C25C765B27BFFCFFB02FDA6D4422C03.ttl +++ b/data/7C/25/C7/7C25C765B27BFFCFFB02FDA6D4422C03.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Schein, Elisabeth" ; dc:title "Sinepecten Schein, 2006, n. gen." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,99 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hall, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pterinopectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pterinopecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pterioida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hall, 1883" ; - dwc:species "undosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schein 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schein" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Propeamussiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclopecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schein, 1989" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Characters" ; - dwc:authorityName "Characters" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Propeamussiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathypecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Characters" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:species "maximus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ostreoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linne, 1758" ; - dwc:species "varia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeffreys, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeffreys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Propeamussiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Propeamussium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeffreys, 1873" ; - dwc:species "lucidum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; @@ -149,11 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinoida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/25/EB/7C25EB0FFFD9FFD261B5B6A7CC29FC5A.ttl b/data/7C/25/EB/7C25EB0FFFD9FFD261B5B6A7CC29FC5A.ttl index 736f2401696..377a8b0d106 100644 --- a/data/7C/25/EB/7C25EB0FFFD9FFD261B5B6A7CC29FC5A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/25/EB/7C25EB0FFFD9FFD261B5B6A7CC29FC5A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gante, Hugo F.; Santos, Carlos D.; Alves, Maria Judite" ; dc:title "Chondrostoma olisiponensis Gante, Santos & Alves, 2007, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,116 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Girard 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Girard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Poeciliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gambusia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyprinodontiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Girard, 1859" ; - dwc:species "holbrookii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cuvier 1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cuvier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Gasterosteidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gasterosteus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gasterosteiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuvier, 1829" ; - dwc:species "gymnurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Doadrio" ; - dwc:authorityName "Doadrio" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gobio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Doadrio" ; - dwc:species "lozanoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Risso 1810" ; - dwc:authorityName "Risso" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Mugilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mugiliformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Risso, 1810" ; - dwc:species "aurata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lacepede 1802" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micropterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacepede, 1802" ; - dwc:species "salmoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gunther 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Squalius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther, 1868" ; - dwc:species "pyrenaicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Robalo et al. 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Robalo et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Iberochondrostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Robalo et al., 2007" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; @@ -169,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Cyprinidae" ; dwc:genus "Chondrostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cypriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/26/0D/7C260D27655916A5402270551E0181BA.ttl b/data/7C/26/0D/7C260D27655916A5402270551E0181BA.ttl index e0fcf892938..222e4bb0df7 100644 --- a/data/7C/26/0D/7C260D27655916A5402270551E0181BA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/26/0D/7C260D27655916A5402270551E0181BA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Loris lydekkerianus Cabrera 1908" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,90 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cabrera 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabrera, 1908" ; - dwc:species "lydekkerianus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lydekkerianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hill and Phillips 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hill and Phillips" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hill & Phillips, 1932" ; - dwc:species "lydekkerianus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "grandis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wroughton 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wroughton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wroughton, 1917" ; - dwc:species "lydekkerianus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "malabaricus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hill 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hill, 1942" ; - dwc:species "lydekkerianus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nycticeboides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hill & Phillips" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hill & Phillips, 1932" ; - dwc:species "tardigradus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "grandis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Lorisidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/26/33/7C26337926FD55FFB13798EECA62A4CD.ttl b/data/7C/26/33/7C26337926FD55FFB13798EECA62A4CD.ttl index 46652a52ce9..4322d8e42a6 100644 --- a/data/7C/26/33/7C26337926FD55FFB13798EECA62A4CD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/26/33/7C26337926FD55FFB13798EECA62A4CD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Dang, Lihong; An, Yiyan; Okajima, Shuji; Mound, Laurence A." ; dc:title "Phylladothrips karnyi Priesner 1933" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/26/4E/7C264E27B8347C549835A1DBAED810CC.ttl b/data/7C/26/4E/7C264E27B8347C549835A1DBAED810CC.ttl index 0bbf86afb07..bd28dd2cc8f 100644 --- a/data/7C/26/4E/7C264E27B8347C549835A1DBAED810CC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/26/4E/7C264E27B8347C549835A1DBAED810CC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pall-Gergely, Barna; Hunyadi, Andras; Jochum, Adrienne; Asami, Takahiro" ; dc:title "Angustopila fabella Pall-Gergely & Hunyadi, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Pall-Gergely & Hunyadi" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Gastrocoptidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angustopila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pall-Gergely & Hunyadi" ; - dwc:species "fabella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Gastrocoptidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/26/55/7C26556CF9AC2602F1033D5314CFECC5.ttl b/data/7C/26/55/7C26556CF9AC2602F1033D5314CFECC5.ttl index 495e7a41862..72aa2b450aa 100644 --- a/data/7C/26/55/7C26556CF9AC2602F1033D5314CFECC5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/26/55/7C26556CF9AC2602F1033D5314CFECC5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fernandez-Triana, Jose L.; Whitfield, James B.; Rodriguez, Josephine J.; Smith, M. Alex; Janzen, Daniel H.; Hallwachs, Winnie D.; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad; Burns, John M.; Solis, M. Alma; Brown, John; Cardinal, Sophie; Goulet, Henri; Hebert, Paul D. N." ; dc:title "Apanteles ronaldzunigai Fernandez-Triana, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Fernandez-Triana" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apanteles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernandez-Triana" ; - dwc:species "ronaldzunigai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/26/DB/7C26DBDF857157989A71D647AD60E191.ttl b/data/7C/26/DB/7C26DBDF857157989A71D647AD60E191.ttl index 24c145110e8..a6ab865c2ee 100644 --- a/data/7C/26/DB/7C26DBDF857157989A71D647AD60E191.ttl +++ b/data/7C/26/DB/7C26DBDF857157989A71D647AD60E191.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Roza, Andre Silva; Schrago, Carlos G.; Mermudes, Jose Ricardo M." ; dc:title "Mesochila (Paramesochila) Moravec" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Duran & J. Moravec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentacomia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Duran & Moravec, 2013" ; - dwc:species "skrabali" ; - dwc:subGenus "Mesochila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicindelidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/27/DC/7C27DCD33EF608CC3AF9EA1C5CDBCB5E.ttl b/data/7C/27/DC/7C27DCD33EF608CC3AF9EA1C5CDBCB5E.ttl index 2ec99d775f1..e59fb5c0b29 100644 --- a/data/7C/27/DC/7C27DCD33EF608CC3AF9EA1C5CDBCB5E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/27/DC/7C27DCD33EF608CC3AF9EA1C5CDBCB5E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Hartop, Emily A.; Brown, Brian V.; Disney, R. Henry L." ; dc:title "Megaselia voluntariorum Hartop, Brown, & Disney 2016, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Phoridae" ; dwc:genus "Megaselia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/27/E5/7C27E5A4D3895D58A93CD569F0F927D2.ttl b/data/7C/27/E5/7C27E5A4D3895D58A93CD569F0F927D2.ttl index 19616579358..40c6841ebc3 100644 --- a/data/7C/27/E5/7C27E5A4D3895D58A93CD569F0F927D2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/27/E5/7C27E5A4D3895D58A93CD569F0F927D2.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fassbender, Nico; Stefanoudis, Paris V; Filander, Zoleka Nontlantla; Gendron, Gilberte; Mah, Christopher L; Mattio, Lydiane; Mortimer, Jeanne A; Moura, Carlos J; Samaai, Toufiek; Samimi-Namin, Kaveh; Wagner, Daniel; Walton, Rowana; Woodall, Lucy C" ; dc:title "Galaxea fam subsp. gen var. indet . sp. 1" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eschscholtz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Fungiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Herpolitha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eschscholtz, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Fungiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/28/0D/7C280D5E049E532492DC69CCDEECAC7B.ttl b/data/7C/28/0D/7C280D5E049E532492DC69CCDEECAC7B.ttl index cf9a9380981..f4c2707876d 100644 --- a/data/7C/28/0D/7C280D5E049E532492DC69CCDEECAC7B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/28/0D/7C280D5E049E532492DC69CCDEECAC7B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Compton, James A.; Sytin, Andrej K." ; dc:title "Lilium pensylvanicum subsp. var. var. alpinum (N. I. Kuznetsov) J. Compton & Sytin 2023, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670745FFFF7793FA88916BF9E6.ttl b/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670745FFFF7793FA88916BF9E6.ttl index df51f3a3efa..32434c55bb6 100644 --- a/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670745FFFF7793FA88916BF9E6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670745FFFF7793FA88916BF9E6.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Saigusa, Toyohei; Sugimoto, Mika" ; dc:title "Lepidoceropsyche Saigusa and Sugimoto 2022, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Saigusa and Sugimoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saigusa and Sugimoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidoceropsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2022" ; - dwc:species "manoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2013)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Saigusa & Sugimoto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2013)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychidae" ; @@ -88,11 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670746FFF87793FEB59115F8CA.ttl b/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670746FFF87793FEB59115F8CA.ttl index b7dd6c07768..b2af82bd0c7 100644 --- a/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670746FFF87793FEB59115F8CA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/28/1B/7C281B670746FFF87793FEB59115F8CA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Saigusa, Toyohei; Sugimoto, Mika" ; dc:title "Lepidoceropsyche manoi Saigusa and Sugimoto 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saigusa & Sugimoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepidoceropsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2022" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Saigusa & Sugimoto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2013)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychidae" ; @@ -89,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychidae" ; dwc:genus "Lepidoceropsyche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/29/71/7C29712945FD1D6F874862071AC9AE7F.ttl b/data/7C/29/71/7C29712945FD1D6F874862071AC9AE7F.ttl index 41b17d6514a..052541f44d2 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/71/7C29712945FD1D6F874862071AC9AE7F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/71/7C29712945FD1D6F874862071AC9AE7F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fleming, AJ; Wood, D. Monty; Smith, M. Alex; Hallwachs, Winnie; Janzen, Daniel H" ; dc:title "Calolydella fredriksjobergi Fleming & Wood, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Fleming & Wood" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Calolydella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fleming & Wood" ; - dwc:species "fredriksjobergi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; @@ -73,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; dwc:genus "Calolydella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541608119FF760D82C72FF92E.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541608119FF760D82C72FF92E.ttl index f3bf48875f8..7f686f28ffb 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541608119FF760D82C72FF92E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541608119FF760D82C72FF92E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus bannaensis Zhang, Zhang & Wei, 2010, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541618119FF760862C794FC45.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541618119FF760862C794FC45.ttl index 01790fff238..0f823a97aba 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541618119FF760862C794FC45.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C541618119FF760862C794FC45.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus fasciatus Li & Wang" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,21 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "County, Defu, 1350" ; - dwc:authorityName "County, Defu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1350" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Napo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "County, Defu, 1350" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; @@ -91,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811AFF760CF6C7EDFA4A.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811AFF760CF6C7EDFA4A.ttl index 5095252b7e2..f1c6909aa16 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811AFF760CF6C7EDFA4A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811AFF760CF6C7EDFA4A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus flavifrons Matsumura, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -46,24 +45,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Matsumura" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsumura" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matsumura" ; - dwc:species "flavifrons" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Matsumura, 1912", "Matsumura, 1912: 45" ; + dwc:authority "Matsumura, 1912: 45" ; dwc:authorityName "Matsumura" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "45" ; dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; @@ -93,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -145,12 +123,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; dwc:genus "Onukia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811BFF760B97C00DFB9A.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811BFF760B97C00DFB9A.ttl index 1e8f6c3a916..32e341e0d6b 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811BFF760B97C00DFB9A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54163811BFF760B97C00DFB9A.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus luchunensis Zhang, Zhang & Wei, 2010, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Convexana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li, 1994" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Cai & Shen" ; dwc:authorityName "Cai & Shen" ; @@ -121,12 +105,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811DFF760EF2C6A5FCA1.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811DFF760EF2C6A5FCA1.ttl index 26f4f8eb431..8bcb8e41fa8 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811DFF760EF2C6A5FCA1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811DFF760EF2C6A5FCA1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus Li & Wang" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,71 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:species "apicalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Matsumura)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsumura" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matsumura" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matsumura)" ; - dwc:species "flavifrons" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:species "albivittatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811EFF760A68C18BFECB.ttl b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811EFF760A68C18BFECB.ttl index e1b34615b59..7afeae01fc0 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811EFF760A68C18BFECB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/87/7C2987C54164811EFF760A68C18BFECB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xinmin; Zhang, Yalin; Wei, Cong" ; dc:title "Taperus Li & Wang" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -60,35 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Wang" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matsumura. It" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matsumura. It" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Onukia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matsumura. It" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/29/E4/7C29E49ECD8D5E1E8DF887380F61E994.ttl b/data/7C/29/E4/7C29E49ECD8D5E1E8DF887380F61E994.ttl index b63c871a9a3..fbf05ddeba6 100644 --- a/data/7C/29/E4/7C29E49ECD8D5E1E8DF887380F61E994.ttl +++ b/data/7C/29/E4/7C29E49ECD8D5E1E8DF887380F61E994.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kato, Makoto; Yamamori, Luna; Imada, Yume" ; dc:title "Phytoliriomyza iriomotensis Kato 2022, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ dwc:authorityName "Kato" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae", "Dendrocerotaceae" ; + dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Phytoliriomyza" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; @@ -48,23 +46,9 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hendel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dendrocerotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytoliriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hendel, 1931" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Agromyzidae", "Dendrocerotaceae" ; + dwc:family "Agromyzidae" ; dwc:genus "Phytoliriomyza" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; @@ -75,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dendrocerotaceae" ; dwc:genus "Phytoliriomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/2C/51/7C2C519149AB44196FF5A5849BA7AE05.ttl b/data/7C/2C/51/7C2C519149AB44196FF5A5849BA7AE05.ttl index 113fdc75998..96a50d1a1bf 100644 --- a/data/7C/2C/51/7C2C519149AB44196FF5A5849BA7AE05.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2C/51/7C2C519149AB44196FF5A5849BA7AE05.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Zhang, Junhua; Yang, Ding; Mathis, Wayne N." ; dc:title "Rhynchopsilopa shixingensis Zhang, Yang & Mathis, 2012, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A8015AFC851E51.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A8015AFC851E51.ttl index 9086ae86d20..981bab8de9b 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A8015AFC851E51.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A8015AFC851E51.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lachesilla pedicularia" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A80277FC991EE6.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A80277FC991EE6.ttl index 0bf9ffb5b7f..1e0088bc081 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A80277FC991EE6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A80277FC991EE6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Georgiev, D.; Ruchin, A. B." ; dc:title "Liposcelis entomophila" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,19 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Epipsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Liposcelididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A802BAFC9E1FF1.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A802BAFC9E1FF1.ttl index 429d9e5e710..a4d20ad2208 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A802BAFC9E1FF1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A802BAFC9E1FF1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Bertkauia lucifuga" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A804CEFC9519EC.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A804CEFC9519EC.ttl index 77b32ef02f3..c39ead2fe59 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A804CEFC9519EC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB497A804CEFC9519EC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Georgiev, D.; Ruchin, A. B." ; dc:title "Peripsocus subfasciatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -45,19 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elipsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Peripsocidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB597A805A0FC801DB5.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB597A805A0FC801DB5.ttl index c0fd8f3f24b..49e633d608c 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB597A805A0FC801DB5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF94FFB597A805A0FC801DB5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Pseudopsocus fusciceps" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB297A805B5FCF31DA2.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB297A805B5FCF31DA2.ttl index 75e00eac4c4..9d34a69e733 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB297A805B5FCF31DA2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB297A805B5FCF31DA2.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Georgiev, D.; Ruchin, A. B." ; dc:title "Trichadenotecnum majus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,45 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stenopsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Epipsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elipsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psocidae" ; @@ -105,11 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB597A80279FD6B1EE5.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB597A80279FD6B1EE5.ttl index ee4240200f0..348c0671dee 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB597A80279FD6B1EE5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF95FFB597A80279FD6B1EE5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Mesopsocus unipunctatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB497A805C5FC9C1D45.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB497A805C5FC9C1D45.ttl index c13d31b035e..d931a15ea8a 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB497A805C5FC9C1D45.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB497A805C5FC9C1D45.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Georgiev, D.; Ruchin, A. B." ; dc:title "Stenopsocus stigmaticus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB797A80396FC8718B3.ttl b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB797A80396FC8718B3.ttl index abe1789ea13..4e3955dbdb3 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB797A80396FC8718B3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/17/7C2D1728FF97FFB797A80396FC8718B3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Georgiev, D.; Ruchin, A. B." ; dc:title "Valenzuela piceus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,19 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pearman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stenopsocidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Psocodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pearman, 1936" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Caeciliusidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/54/7C2D54D50D940386FD88946147A47A68.ttl b/data/7C/2D/54/7C2D54D50D940386FD88946147A47A68.ttl index 3bab119413e..8ba493dface 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/54/7C2D54D50D940386FD88946147A47A68.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/54/7C2D54D50D940386FD88946147A47A68.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Percy, Diana M." ; dc:title "Pariaconus pele Percy, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Percy" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Triozidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pariaconus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Percy" ; - dwc:species "pele" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Triozidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/57/7C2D57601EAC536CB9E7D3105F84B043.ttl b/data/7C/2D/57/7C2D57601EAC536CB9E7D3105F84B043.ttl index 1e35701b6e3..1f460543572 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/57/7C2D57601EAC536CB9E7D3105F84B043.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/57/7C2D57601EAC536CB9E7D3105F84B043.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Pykaelae, Juha; Kantelinen, Annina; Myllys, Leena" ; dc:title "Verrucaria devergens Nyl., Flora 55: 362 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,22 +30,6 @@ dwc:authority "Nyl., Flora 55: 362, 1872 (as V. divergens Nyl., a typographic error)" ; dwc:authorityName "Nyl., Flora 55: 362" ; dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae", "Verrucariaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales", "Verrucariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nyl., Flora 55: 362, 1872" ; - dwc:species "devergens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "A. Massal., Ric. auton. lich. crost.: 346" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Floerke" ; dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; @@ -56,77 +37,17 @@ dwc:order "Verrucariales" ; dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Floerke) Massal., Ric. auton. lich. crost.: 346, 1852" ; - dwc:species "foveolata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 49 (2): 46" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 49 (2): 46, 1921" ; - dwc:species "karelica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pykaelae & Myllys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pykaelae & Myllys, 2020" ; - dwc:species "subdevergens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pykaelae, Kantelinen & Myllys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pykaelae, Kantelinen & Myllys, 2020" ; - dwc:species "kuusamoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Muell. Arg., Flora 57: 536" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muell. Arg., Flora 57: 536, 1874" ; - dwc:species "subtilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nyl., Flora 55: 362, 1872" ; + dwc:species "devergens" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arthoniomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Arthoniaceae", "Verrucariaceae" ; + dwc:class "Eurotiomycetes" ; + dwc:family "Verrucariaceae" ; dwc:genus "Verrucaria" ; dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Arthoniales", "Verrucariales" ; + dwc:order "Verrucariales" ; dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "devergens" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2D/FA/7C2DFABEFE5A7CE1F2BF801480B4C4E3.ttl b/data/7C/2D/FA/7C2DFABEFE5A7CE1F2BF801480B4C4E3.ttl index d9024ea0add..c8982bf4bd3 100644 --- a/data/7C/2D/FA/7C2DFABEFE5A7CE1F2BF801480B4C4E3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2D/FA/7C2DFABEFE5A7CE1F2BF801480B4C4E3.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Talamas, Elijah J.; Thompson, Joseph; Cutler, Amy; Schoenberger, Samantha Fitzsimmons; Cuminale, Anthony; Jung, Trenton; Johnson, Norman F.; Valerio, Alejandro A.; Smith, Ashton B.; Haltermann, Victoria; Alvarez, Elizabeth; Schwantes, Collin; Blewer, Catherine; Bodenreider, Coline; Salzberg, Annika; Luo, Pei; Meislin, Debra; Buffington, Matthew L." ; dc:title "Probaryconus grenadensis Talamas & Thompson & Cutler & Schoenberger & Cuminale & Jung & Johnson & Valerio & Smith & Haltermann & Alvarez & Schwantes & Blewer & Bodenreider & Salzberg & Luo & Meislin & Buffington 2017, comb. n." ; diff --git a/data/7C/2E/25/7C2E25AE7F7DE1DFA1BB7CFDB7825C5B.ttl b/data/7C/2E/25/7C2E25AE7F7DE1DFA1BB7CFDB7825C5B.ttl index 5da56403e76..ab8f214906a 100644 --- a/data/7C/2E/25/7C2E25AE7F7DE1DFA1BB7CFDB7825C5B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2E/25/7C2E25AE7F7DE1DFA1BB7CFDB7825C5B.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Likhitrakarn, Natdanai; Golovatch, Sergei I.; Panha, Somsak" ; dc:title "\"Orthomorpha\" bisulcata Pocock 1895" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2E/B5/7C2EB5C8EA798937928E142209BB830F.ttl b/data/7C/2E/B5/7C2EB5C8EA798937928E142209BB830F.ttl index 6d45b610f6d..4d0009666b0 100644 --- a/data/7C/2E/B5/7C2EB5C8EA798937928E142209BB830F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2E/B5/7C2EB5C8EA798937928E142209BB830F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Sukparangsi, Woranop; Pochai, Ashitapol; Wongkunanusorn, Chinnakit; Salinee Khachonpisitsak," ; dc:title "Neonrosella vitiata Darwin 1854" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF81FF97B58771C4FE14837B.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF81FF97B58771C4FE14837B.ttl index 6272441b2e0..8e9aa1097e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF81FF97B58771C4FE14837B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF81FF97B58771C4FE14837B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Negrobov, Oleg P.; Naglis, Stefan" ; dc:title "Thrypticus caeruleus Naglis & Negrobov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wood, 1913" ; - dwc:species "nigricauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Strobl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Strobl, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "divisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF84FF91B5877592FC408007.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF84FF91B5877592FC408007.ttl index 785ac5defca..dde8e965168 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF84FF91B5877592FC408007.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF84FF91B5877592FC408007.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Negrobov, Oleg P.; Naglis, Stefan" ; dc:title "Thrypticus kechevi Naglis & Negrobov 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityName "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parent, 2020" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Parent sensu Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parent sensu Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1971" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF85FF92B587730BFBFB80CF.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF85FF92B587730BFBFB80CF.ttl index 5856d17bd41..2fa8feac0a4 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF85FF92B587730BFBFB80CF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF85FF92B587730BFBFB80CF.ttl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Par.", "Parent, 1932" ; + dwc:authority "Parent, 1932" ; dwc:authorityName "Parent" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB5877237FAF485BB.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB5877237FAF485BB.ttl index 83b0962170b..73f77f3d7a0 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB5877237FAF485BB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB5877237FAF485BB.ttl @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972: 266", "in Negrobov & Stackelberg (1972: 266)" ; + dwc:authority "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1972: 266" ; dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "266" ; dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB587778BFA80815E.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB587778BFA80815E.ttl index 2f4a5eef6f0..5712b58f293 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB587778BFA80815E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF88FF9CB587778BFA80815E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Negrobov, Oleg P.; Naglis, Stefan" ; dc:title "Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg 1971, stat. rev." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov, 1967" ; - dwc:species "intercedens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF89FF98B58776ABFA09831C.ttl b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF89FF98B58776ABFA09831C.ttl index 061cbd070ac..1f6fa9429db 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF89FF98B58776ABFA09831C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/87/7C2F87F9FF89FF98B58776ABFA09831C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Negrobov, Oleg P.; Naglis, Stefan" ; dc:title "Thrypticus Gerstacker" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,438 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Negrobov", "Negrobov, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "riparius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Parent sensu Negrobov & Stackelberg (1971)", "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityName "Parent sensu Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parent sensu Negrobov & Stackelberg, 1971" ; - dwc:species "pruinosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstacker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstacker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstacker" ; - dwc:species "smaragdinus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov, 1967" ; - dwc:species "virescens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityName "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parent, 2020" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov & Naglis, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov & Naglis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov & Naglis, 2020" ; - dwc:species "kechevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityName "Frey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Frey, 1915" ; - dwc:species "atomus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov, Selivanova & Maslova" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, Selivanova & Maslova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov, Selivanova & Maslova, 2019" ; - dwc:species "mongoliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov & Tsurikov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov & Tsurikov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov & Tsurikov, 1986" ; - dwc:species "aphroditus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov", "Negrobov." ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov", "Negrobov." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov" ; - dwc:species "incanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verrall" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrall, 1912" ; - dwc:species "pollinosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "vestitus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov, 1967" ; - dwc:species "intercedens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "paludicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "emiliae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wood" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wood, 1913" ; - dwc:species "nigricauda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Becker", "Becker." ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker", "Becker." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Submedeterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker" ; - dwc:species "cuneatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov & Naglis, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov & Naglis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov & Naglis, 2020" ; - dwc:species "caeruleus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Strobl" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strobl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strobl, 1880" ; - dwc:species "divisus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Verrall" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verrall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verrall, 1912" ; - dwc:species "laetus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "altaicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov" ; - dwc:species "politus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "subtilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityName "Parent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Parent, 1932" ; - dwc:species "tarsalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thripticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "bellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Negrobov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Negrobov, in Negrobov & Stackelberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thrypticus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Negrobov,, 1971" ; - dwc:species "tsacasi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/2F/FC/7C2FFCCEDFF60CA810D00B974330989B.ttl b/data/7C/2F/FC/7C2FFCCEDFF60CA810D00B974330989B.ttl index 55986b101c3..e0364e67d70 100644 --- a/data/7C/2F/FC/7C2FFCCEDFF60CA810D00B974330989B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/2F/FC/7C2FFCCEDFF60CA810D00B974330989B.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Weigmann, G.; Miko, L." ; dc:title "Suctobelba reticulata" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/30/4B/7C304B7A79B3986B4430C789C332CEA4.ttl b/data/7C/30/4B/7C304B7A79B3986B4430C789C332CEA4.ttl index 8ffa88a34b9..9e8b1457dc4 100644 --- a/data/7C/30/4B/7C304B7A79B3986B4430C789C332CEA4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/30/4B/7C304B7A79B3986B4430C789C332CEA4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Neacomys dubosti Voss, Lunde, and Simmons 2001" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,51 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neacomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1905" ; - dwc:species "guianae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Voss, Lunde, and Simmons" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neacomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Voss, Lunde, & Simmons, 2001" ; - dwc:species "paracou" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neacomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1900" ; - dwc:species "tenuipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/30/C4/7C30C45746C8591F95FAD2C53D5A4F4E.ttl b/data/7C/30/C4/7C30C45746C8591F95FAD2C53D5A4F4E.ttl index 2f4e16fec61..583895a270a 100644 --- a/data/7C/30/C4/7C30C45746C8591F95FAD2C53D5A4F4E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/30/C4/7C30C45746C8591F95FAD2C53D5A4F4E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Cannon, Paul F.; Buddie, Alan G.; Bridge, Paul D.; Neergaard, Eigil de; Luebeck, Mette; Askar, Mohamed M." ; dc:title "Lectera colletotrichoides P. F. Cannon, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,36 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "Mycobank: MB 550042" ; - dwc:authority "(Chilton) P. F. Cannon" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Plectosphaerellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lectera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Glomerellales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Chilton) Cannon" ; - dwc:species "colletotrichoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Maxim., 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Maxim." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Violaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Maxim., 1873" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Plectosphaerellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/31/1A/7C311A263C1EFFE8FC77F203FB5DFA3A.ttl b/data/7C/31/1A/7C311A263C1EFFE8FC77F203FB5DFA3A.ttl index c7e73dc8275..d524481ae6d 100644 --- a/data/7C/31/1A/7C311A263C1EFFE8FC77F203FB5DFA3A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/31/1A/7C311A263C1EFFE8FC77F203FB5DFA3A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Promdam, Rueangrit; Yeesin, Pun; Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Terrapotamon thungwa Promdam & Yeesin & Ng 2017, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lheknim & Ng, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lheknim & Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrapotamon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lheknim & Ng, 2016" ; - dwc:species "longitarsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terrapotamon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ng, 1986" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; dwc:family "Potamidae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Potamidae" ; dwc:genus "Terrapotamon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Decapoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/33/BA/7C33BA11DDA390B530BC29AF60AD9771.ttl b/data/7C/33/BA/7C33BA11DDA390B530BC29AF60AD9771.ttl index 9a28359feec..e7d57088059 100644 --- a/data/7C/33/BA/7C33BA11DDA390B530BC29AF60AD9771.ttl +++ b/data/7C/33/BA/7C33BA11DDA390B530BC29AF60AD9771.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Qilemoge,; Wang, Mengqing; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Argyra pingwuensis Qilemoge, Wang & Yang, 2018, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/34/10/7C3410DAB6ED89607CA62EFBE5E9D812.ttl b/data/7C/34/10/7C3410DAB6ED89607CA62EFBE5E9D812.ttl index 6ce1c53f300..935df344150 100644 --- a/data/7C/34/10/7C3410DAB6ED89607CA62EFBE5E9D812.ttl +++ b/data/7C/34/10/7C3410DAB6ED89607CA62EFBE5E9D812.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Bistroem, Olof; Nilsson, Anders N.; Bergsten, Johannes" ; dc:title "Laccophilus villiersi Bertrand & Legros 1975" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/34/31/7C343141CF0F5FA38226B91D5AD493B9.ttl b/data/7C/34/31/7C343141CF0F5FA38226B91D5AD493B9.ttl index deb3b69a295..c1c63f1ccea 100644 --- a/data/7C/34/31/7C343141CF0F5FA38226B91D5AD493B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/34/31/7C343141CF0F5FA38226B91D5AD493B9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "dos Santos, Sergio Alexandre; de Britto, Marcelo Ribeiro" ; dc:title "Hasemania sp." ; diff --git a/data/7C/34/6D/7C346D990E0C52649B66DF1FDED7E334.ttl b/data/7C/34/6D/7C346D990E0C52649B66DF1FDED7E334.ttl index b1e4b61a22b..3f07dc876bf 100644 --- a/data/7C/34/6D/7C346D990E0C52649B66DF1FDED7E334.ttl +++ b/data/7C/34/6D/7C346D990E0C52649B66DF1FDED7E334.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Framenau, Volker W.; Baptista, Renner L. C.; Oliveira, Francisca Samia M.; Castanheira, Pedro de S." ; dc:title "Hortophora tatianeae Framenau & Castanheira 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Framenau & Baptista & Oliveira & Castanheira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Framenau & Baptista & Oliveira & Castanheira" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Araneidae" ; - dwc:genus "H." ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Framenau, Baptista, Oliveira & Castanheira, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "biapicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Framenau & Baptista & Oliveira & Castanheira" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Framenau & Baptista & Oliveira & Castanheira" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Araneidae" ; - dwc:genus "H." ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Framenau, Baptista, Oliveira & Castanheira, 2021)" ; - dwc:species "transmarina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Araneidae" ; dwc:genus "Hortophora" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/05/7C350560F2AC5507BDD45D7A9AB0B62F.ttl b/data/7C/35/05/7C350560F2AC5507BDD45D7A9AB0B62F.ttl index a5989344c03..d4594c30acf 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/05/7C350560F2AC5507BDD45D7A9AB0B62F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/05/7C350560F2AC5507BDD45D7A9AB0B62F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wagner, Warren L." ; dc:title "Oenothera fruticosa subsp. tetragona (Roth) W. L. Wagner 2014, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Roth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1800" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oenothera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtiflorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roth, 1800" ; - dwc:species "tetragona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Michx" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oenothera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtiflorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michx, 1803" ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michx." ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Meruliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Kneiffia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Michx.) Spach, 1835" ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; @@ -108,12 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Oenothera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtiflorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "fruticosa" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FB7B00CF1015.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FB7B00CF1015.ttl index 359efdd9def..3da41626d25 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FB7B00CF1015.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FB7B00CF1015.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Rhymbomicrus Casey 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,69 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "LeConte & Horn, 1883" ; - dwc:authorityName "LeConte & Horn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Ellobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alexia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ellobiida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "LeConte & Horn, 1883" ; - dwc:species "lobata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Arrow, 1920: 79" ; - dwc:authorityName "Arrow" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "79" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micropsephellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arrow, 1920" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pakaluk 1987" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pakaluk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "America" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pakaluk, 1987" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Champion, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1913" ; - dwc:species "hemisphaericus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Champion, 1913: 118" ; dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FDA3000E13ED.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FDA3000E13ED.ttl index 2f1d58ebf49..4a8aca34a0c 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FDA3000E13ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B44FFB455F3FDA3000E13ED.ttl @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1891", "Gorham, 1891: 149" ; + dwc:authority "Gorham, 1891: 149" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "149" ; dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B45FFB655F3F85D011517DD.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B45FFB655F3F85D011517DD.ttl index 7e5998e956e..bec52ef78c6 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B45FFB655F3F85D011517DD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B45FFB655F3F85D011517DD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Merophysiinae Seidlitz 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B46FFB755F3FF2B00B91645.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B46FFB755F3FF2B00B91645.ttl index 688aea4f2f9..43084f45f33 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B46FFB755F3FF2B00B91645.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B46FFB755F3FF2B00B91645.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Holoparamecus Curtis 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,54 +45,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Curtis, 1833" ; - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holoparamecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1833" ; - dwc:species "depressus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rucker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rucker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holoparamecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rucker" ; - dwc:species "gabrielae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Atta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "mexicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902", "Sharp, 1902: 628" ; + dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902: 628" ; dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "628" ; dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; @@ -110,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Rucker, 2003", "Rucker, 2003: 10" ; + dwc:authority "Rucker, 2003: 10" ; dwc:authorityName "Rucker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "10" ; dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; @@ -127,7 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902", "Sharp, 1902: 627" ; + dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902: 627" ; dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "627" ; dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; @@ -143,23 +96,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Beck), 1817" ; - dwc:authorityName "Beck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Holoparamecus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beck, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "singularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Beck, 1817: 160" ; dwc:authorityName "Beck" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB055F3F9360683140D.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB055F3F9360683140D.ttl index 6e5a976084b..c2f1842a1f6 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB055F3F9360683140D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB055F3F9360683140D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Corynomalus Chevrolat" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,39 +43,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Erichson, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corynomalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1847" ; - dwc:species "tarsatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Laporte (1840)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Laporte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Laporte, 1840" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1857", "Gerstaecker, 1857: 238" ; + dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1857: 238" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "238" ; dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FC66014F11AB.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FC66014F11AB.ttl index fde971d3cad..8be60876bb3 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FC66014F11AB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FC66014F11AB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Archipines Strohecker 1953" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phalantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "exsanguis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 202" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "202" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phalantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Archipines" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorham, 1889" ; - dwc:species "intricata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1899: 119" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FE93003015E5.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FE93003015E5.ttl index 135bbb20467..e102cea0360 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FE93003015E5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B47FFB755F3FE93003015E5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Lycoperdinella Champion 1913" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Champion, 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycoperdinella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Champion, 1913" ; - dwc:species "subcaeca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B48FFBA55F3FB79068A14B8.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B48FFBA55F3FB79068A14B8.ttl index 933e29f52bf..f64818301cc 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B48FFBA55F3FB79068A14B8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B48FFBA55F3FB79068A14B8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Bystus Guerin-Meneville 1857" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,54 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Guerin-Meneville, 1857" ; - dwc:authorityName "Guerin-Meneville" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guerin-Meneville, 1857" ; - dwc:species "coccinelloides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 347" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "347" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhymbus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "apicalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 350" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; @@ -109,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1890" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorham, 1890" ; - dwc:species "fibulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1890: 144" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; @@ -142,22 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "hemisphaericus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 349" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; @@ -175,22 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorham, 1873" ; - dwc:species "limbatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1873: 63" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; @@ -220,11 +123,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4AFFBA55F3FB0301A71015.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4AFFBA55F3FB0301A71015.ttl index ef0cd5d1447..841bbf72a74 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4AFFBA55F3FB0301A71015.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4AFFBA55F3FB0301A71015.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Catapotia Thomson 1860" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Thomson, 1860", "Thomson, 1860: 14" ; + dwc:authority "Thomson, 1860: 14" ; dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "14" ; dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; @@ -61,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 412" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "412" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cremnodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4BFFB455F3F8FE07481555.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4BFFB455F3F8FE07481555.ttl index 1536af0c432..9100230c87d 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4BFFB455F3F8FE07481555.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B4BFFB455F3F8FE07481555.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Exysma Gorham 1891" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1891", "Gorham, 1891: 145" ; + dwc:authority "Gorham, 1891: 145" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "145" ; dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; @@ -61,22 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Csiki, 1905: 573" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csiki" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "573" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parexysma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csiki, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FB5E038210BB.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FB5E038210BB.ttl index 071a5e6b94c..b2b4679eca5 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FB5E038210BB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FB5E038210BB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Trochoideus Westwood 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Dalman, 1825" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dalman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paussus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dalman, 1825" ; - dwc:species "cruciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chapuis, 1876: 147" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chapuis" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "147" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trochoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chapuis, 1876" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Schulze, 1916: 292" ; dwc:authorityName "Schulze" ; @@ -126,22 +94,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anidrytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker, 1978" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1978: 351" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FC6B02861333.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FC6B02861333.ttl index 50acc2ff9fb..07742ecaa57 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FC6B02861333.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B54FFA455F3FC6B02861333.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Pleganophorinae" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5AFFAB55F3F9E901291535.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5AFFAB55F3F9E901291535.ttl index bc5fb9fad45..2dccad786f0 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5AFFAB55F3F9E901291535.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5AFFAB55F3F9E901291535.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Epopterus Chevrolat" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,39 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Olivier, 1791" ; - dwc:authorityName "Olivier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erotylidae" ; - dwc:genus "Erotylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olivier, 1791" ; - dwc:species "ocellatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "partitus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "partitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 277" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; @@ -93,23 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1890" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorham, 1890" ; - dwc:species "partitus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "maculosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1890: 129" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFA455F3F8F6029C15ED.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFA455F3F8F6029C15ED.ttl index fed57554ece..18d44e147c8 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFA455F3F8F6029C15ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFA455F3F8F6029C15ED.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Evolocera Sharp 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902", "Sharp, 1902: 628" ; + dwc:authority "Sharp, 1902: 628" ; dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "628" ; dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; @@ -60,22 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tomaszewska, 2000: 465" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tomaszewska" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "465" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hydrangeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Adamia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tomaszewska, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FCB60288106B.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FCB60288106B.ttl index 3013caabdd4..f21e7953c58 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FCB60288106B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FCB60288106B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Eidoreus Sharp 1885" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sharp, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidoreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1885" ; - dwc:species "minutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Casey, 1895: 454" ; dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; @@ -76,22 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Casey, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidoreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1895" ; - dwc:species "politus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Casey, 1895: 455" ; dwc:authorityName "Casey" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FD7B0159142B.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FD7B0159142B.ttl index c37c85e00ab..23d78d977bc 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FD7B0159142B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5BFFAB55F3FD7B0159142B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Eupsilobiinae Casey 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAC55F3FE3603BE113B.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAC55F3FE3603BE113B.ttl index db75b7eb260..ec400a853ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAC55F3FE3603BE113B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAC55F3FE3603BE113B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Anidrytus Gerstaecker 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,54 +45,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anidrytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "bipunctatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Strohecker 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cerambycidae" ; - dwc:genus "America" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anidrytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker" ; - dwc:species "mexicanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1997", "Strohecker, 1997: 176" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1997: 176" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "176" ; dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; @@ -109,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858", "Gerstaecker, 1858: 262" ; + dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 262" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "262" ; dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAD55F3F9460361150D.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAD55F3F9460361150D.ttl index a7890e18184..ae3ab082630 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAD55F3F9460361150D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5CFFAD55F3F9460361150D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Ephebus Chevrolat" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,24 +42,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ephebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "cardinalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1975", "Strohecker, 1975: 336" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1975: 336" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "336" ; dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; diff --git a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5DFFAA55F3FD5B00961280.ttl b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5DFFAA55F3FD5B00961280.ttl index 1e0bab81e4c..9f1d6b8a143 100644 --- a/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5DFFAA55F3FD5B00961280.ttl +++ b/data/7C/35/B3/7C35B3169B5DFFAA55F3FD5B00961280.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Navarrete-Heredia, José Luis" ; dc:title "Epipocus Germar 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,24 +45,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chevrolat, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Endomychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevrolat, 1834" ; - dwc:species "tibialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 307" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 307" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "307" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -80,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 311" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 311" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "311" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -97,7 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1889", "Gorham, 1889: 124" ; + dwc:authority "Gorham, 1889: 124" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "124" ; dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; @@ -131,7 +114,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "LeConte, 1853", "LeConte, 1853: 358" ; + dwc:authority "LeConte, 1853: 358" ; dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "358" ; dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; @@ -165,7 +148,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker 1977", "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 320" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 320" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "320" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -181,39 +164,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker, 1974" ; - dwc:species "cryptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:species "rufitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858", "Gerstaecker, 1858: 247" ; + dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 247" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "247" ; dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; @@ -230,7 +182,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 322" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 322" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "322" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -247,7 +199,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 308" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 308" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "308" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -264,7 +216,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 324" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 324" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "324" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -281,7 +233,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858", "Gerstaecker, 1858: 255" ; + dwc:authority "Gerstaecker, 1858: 255" ; dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "255" ; dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; @@ -315,7 +267,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 323" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 323" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "323" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -332,7 +284,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 306" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 306" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "306" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -349,7 +301,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "LeConte, 1853", "LeConte, 1853: 358" ; + dwc:authority "LeConte, 1853: 358" ; dwc:authorityName "LeConte" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "358" ; dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; @@ -382,58 +334,8 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Chevrolat, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevrolat, 1835" ; - dwc:species "rufitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chevrolat, 1835: 123" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "123" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Endomychus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevrolat, 1835" ; - dwc:species "rufitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gerstaecker 1858: 243" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gerstaecker" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "243" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gerstaecker, 1858" ; - dwc:species "rufitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gorham, 1889", "Gorham, 1889: 125" ; + dwc:authority "Gorham, 1889: 125" ; dwc:authorityName "Gorham" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "125" ; dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; @@ -466,6 +368,22 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Chevrolat, 1834" ; + dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; + dwc:genus "Endomychus" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chevrolat, 1834" ; + dwc:species "tibialis" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Chevrolat, 1844: 317" ; dwc:authorityName "Chevrolat" ; @@ -502,7 +420,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 308" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 308" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "308" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -519,7 +437,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977", "Strohecker, 1977: 321" ; + dwc:authority "Strohecker, 1977: 321" ; dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "321" ; dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; @@ -536,7 +454,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Horn, 1870", "Horn, 1870: 96" ; + dwc:authority "Horn, 1870: 96" ; dwc:authorityName "Horn" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "96" ; dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; @@ -603,36 +521,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Strohecker 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epipocus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Strohecker 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Strohecker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anidrytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strohecker, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; @@ -645,11 +533,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Endomychidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/36/A7/7C36A7C8790D57B8B6981E693A7457CA.ttl b/data/7C/36/A7/7C36A7C8790D57B8B6981E693A7457CA.ttl index 38a1982dc7c..3126363f129 100644 --- a/data/7C/36/A7/7C36A7C8790D57B8B6981E693A7457CA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/36/A7/7C36A7C8790D57B8B6981E693A7457CA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pall-Gergely, Barna; Sajan, Sheikh; Tripathy, Basudev; Meng, Kaibaryer; Asami, Takahiro; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Pincerna costulosa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -35,10 +32,10 @@ dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bavay & Dautzenberg" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae", "Cyclophoridae" ; + dwc:family "Cyclophoridae" ; dwc:genus "Pincerna" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa", "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:order "Gastropoda" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1912)" ; @@ -61,55 +58,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bavay & Dautzenberg" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pincerna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "vanbuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Goodwin-austen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cycloryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goodwin-austen, 1914" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Preston" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pincerna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Preston, 1907" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae", "Cyclophoridae" ; + dwc:family "Cyclophoridae" ; dwc:genus "Pincerna" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa", "Gastropoda" ; + dwc:order "Gastropoda" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "costulosa" ; @@ -117,12 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Pincerna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/21/7C37212F16CCC92684B6F0C9E450300B.ttl b/data/7C/37/21/7C37212F16CCC92684B6F0C9E450300B.ttl index 851079d1f20..3199e0bb504 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/21/7C37212F16CCC92684B6F0C9E450300B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/21/7C37212F16CCC92684B6F0C9E450300B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Serratula tinctoria Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Serratula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; @@ -71,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Serratula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/23/7C3723C2376E4DE55D930FA25C3B0092.ttl b/data/7C/37/23/7C3723C2376E4DE55D930FA25C3B0092.ttl index 4c0df0df04b..5c2c2c35d0b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/23/7C3723C2376E4DE55D930FA25C3B0092.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/23/7C3723C2376E4DE55D930FA25C3B0092.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Coronilla vaginalis Lam." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,21 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hippocrepis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nr." ; - dwc:species "comosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787C7FF90F32C1FBCFB51FE9CFE7E.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787C7FF90F32C1FBCFB51FE9CFE7E.ttl index 0c587c89d52..2718df7ac5f 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787C7FF90F32C1FBCFB51FE9CFE7E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787C7FF90F32C1FBCFB51FE9CFE7E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gyulai, Peter; Saldaitis, Aidas" ; dc:title "Leucapamea srnkai Gyulai & Saldaitis 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,109 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2009" ; - dwc:species "variana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zilli, Varga, Ronkay & Ronkay, 2009" ; - dwc:species "inouei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Oberthur, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oberthur" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oberthur, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "askoldis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sugi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sugi, 1982" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jacq" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ulmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacq, 1798" ; - dwc:species "parvifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C.M.A.Stapleton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Borinda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stapleton, 1994" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -163,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; dwc:genus "Leucapamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -180,10 +71,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64723FFB641D2FB53FDC88C2F.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64723FFB641D2FB53FDC88C2F.ttl index 18372cbedb5..fb425280359 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64723FFB641D2FB53FDC88C2F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64723FFB641D2FB53FDC88C2F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera impactella" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,8 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Walker)", "(Walker, 1864)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; + dwc:authority "(Walker, 1864)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -67,53 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "octopunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "mays" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gaertn" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gaertn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Dipterocarpaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Shorea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gaertn, 1805" ; - dwc:species "robusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64728FFBB41D2F924FBE08F8A.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64728FFBB41D2F924FBE08F8A.ttl index 5b00870db35..9196714e419 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64728FFBB41D2F924FBE08F8A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E64728FFBB41D2F924FBE08F8A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera Zeller 1852" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -125,99 +125,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Castorura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Castorura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1887" ; - dwc:species "chrysias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aeraula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meyrick, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meyrick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Aeraula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meyrick, 1897" ; - dwc:species "dioctis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Turner, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Turner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heliodinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leuroscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turner, 1927" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Turner, 1927" ; - dwc:authorityName "Turner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heliodinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leuroscelis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turner, 1927" ; - dwc:species "coracopis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472AFFBD41D2FE09FD978ABB.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472AFFBD41D2FE09FD978ABB.ttl index 227ffb19a2d..0e3d3c32259 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472AFFBD41D2FE09FD978ABB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472AFFBD41D2FE09FD978ABB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera octopunctata Lou & Yu & You & Li 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Li", "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; + dwc:authority "Li" ; dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,68 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1864)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "impactella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zeller, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "yingjiangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "artemisiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; @@ -121,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB841D2FF3CFA5289C7.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB841D2FF3CFA5289C7.ttl index 34063311bfc..d9ab4c8ee86 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB841D2FF3CFA5289C7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB841D2FF3CFA5289C7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera Zeller 1852" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,70 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "yingjiangensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "artemisiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, Yu, You & Li, 2019" ; - dwc:species "octopunctata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "impactella" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB941D2FDE9FB34895B.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB941D2FDE9FB34895B.ttl index 7b8c4837610..aeae22524e5 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB941D2FDE9FB34895B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472BFFB941D2FDE9FB34895B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera yingjiangensis Lou & Yu & You & Li 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Amsel, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Amsel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Amsel, 1961" ; - dwc:species "bradleyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1864)" ; - dwc:species "impactella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472EFFB041D2FD7FFA4F8C9F.ttl b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472EFFB041D2FD7FFA4F8C9F.ttl index c91cf663f40..51874786565 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472EFFB041D2FD7FFA4F8C9F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/87/7C3787E6472EFFB041D2FD7FFA4F8C9F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lou, Kang; Yu, Dian; You, Wanxue; Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Eretmocera artemisiae Lou & Yu & You & Li 2019, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Li", "Lou & Yu & You & Li, 2019" ; + dwc:authority "Li" ; dwc:authorityName "Lou & Yu & You & Li" ; dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,84 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Staudinger, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Staudinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; - dwc:genus "Eretmocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Staudinger, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "medinella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Willd.)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Novopokr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Willd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteropappus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Willd.) Novopokr, 1922" ; - dwc:species "altaicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Krasch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Krasch." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Artemisia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Krasch." ; - dwc:species "ordosica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nakai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nakai" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Tamaricaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tamarix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nakai" ; - dwc:species "austromongolica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pall." ; - dwc:authorityName "Pall." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astragalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pall." ; - dwc:species "melilotoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scythrididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/AE/7C37AE61FFA62226D386A63DFAA0BD9E.ttl b/data/7C/37/AE/7C37AE61FFA62226D386A63DFAA0BD9E.ttl index 81b0a0ec281..43543e9dc1e 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/AE/7C37AE61FFA62226D386A63DFAA0BD9E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/AE/7C37AE61FFA62226D386A63DFAA0BD9E.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Baraniak, Edward; Huemer, Peter" ; dc:title "Lunakia Klimesch 1941" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,124 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Klimesch, 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimesch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidophasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimesch, 1941" ; - dwc:species "alyssella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stephens, 1842" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidophasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klimesch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lunakia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klimesch, 1941)" ; - dwc:species "allysella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fischer von Roslerstamm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidophasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer von Roslerstamm, 1839" ; - dwc:species "messingiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Herrich-Schaffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eidophasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herrich-Schaffer, 1855" ; - dwc:species "syenitella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Guenee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guenee, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Klimesch, 1941)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klimesch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lunakia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klimesch, 1941)" ; - dwc:species "alyssella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.T.Burnett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burnett, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; @@ -177,11 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Plutellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF80AB17FF2CFA7C37FEFB07.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF80AB17FF2CFA7C37FEFB07.ttl index ab45ed6da5d..472928954d6 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF80AB17FF2CFA7C37FEFB07.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF80AB17FF2CFA7C37FEFB07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Strioterebrum borianum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -128,24 +128,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "bistriata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Terebra" ; - dwc:subSpecies "boriana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Nyst" ; dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF82AB16FF2CFAC43670F953.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF82AB16FF2CFAC43670F953.ttl index 236ff16d60f..ea75fb3e5b3 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF82AB16FF2CFAC43670F953.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF82AB16FF2CFAC43670F953.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Strioterebrum exbistriatum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -162,38 +162,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Grateloup, 1934)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Grateloup" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Grateloup, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "bistriatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(d'Orbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "volhynianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF83AB10FF2CF8F031C2FC03.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF83AB10FF2CF8F031C2FC03.ttl index 7bf2586d781..9b5414f8b04 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF83AB10FF2CF8F031C2FC03.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF83AB10FF2CF8F031C2FC03.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Strioterebrum subatorquata" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF85AB1DFF2CFBC5316FFDD3.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF85AB1DFF2CFBC5316FFDD3.ttl index b86629731d1..c4799ad327b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF85AB1DFF2CFBC5316FFDD3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF85AB1DFF2CFBC5316FFDD3.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Strioterebrum volhynianum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -197,135 +194,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "exbistriatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1985" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bratcher & Cernohorsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1985" ; - dwc:species "pseudopertusa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pacaud & Lesport, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pacaud & Lesport" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pacaud & Lesport, 2020" ; - dwc:species "kokiy" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Coppi, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Coppi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Coppi, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "scarabellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "sophiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. H. Cooke, 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. H. Cooke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cooke, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "castigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Caze et al. 2010)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Caze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Caze, 2010)" ; - dwc:species "sophiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF88AB1FFF2CFD70378DF8C7.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF88AB1FFF2CFD70378DF8C7.ttl index c078bb14c31..374ee85a02b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF88AB1FFF2CFD70378DF8C7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF88AB1FFF2CFD70378DF8C7.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Maculauger sophiae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -191,278 +189,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinds, 1844" ; - dwc:species "foveolata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Coppi, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Coppi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Coppi, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "scarabellii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bruguiere, 1789" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bruguiere" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bruguiere, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linne, 1767" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linne" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Buccinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buccinum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linne, 1767" ; - dwc:species "subulatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Morch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morch, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:genus "Fusoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. Adams & A. Adams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adams & Adams, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Oyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oyama, 1961" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; - dwc:species "transylvanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "acuminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "golebiowskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myurella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinds, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gray, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1834" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hinds, 1844" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinds, 1844" ; - dwc:species "fenestrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Olssen, 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Olssen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olssen, 1967" ; - dwc:species "mauryae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dall, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1895" ; - dwc:species "haitensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -482,11 +208,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -527,12 +249,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8BAB1BFF2CFF693081FCD7.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8BAB1BFF2CFF693081FCD7.ttl index d1fc9bac3c1..4126d066e7e 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8BAB1BFF2CFF693081FCD7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8BAB1BFF2CFF693081FCD7.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra acuminata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,189 +53,10 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Bors.)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bors." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bors.)" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 19" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "ascalarata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 19" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "subagranulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 19" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "granulatoparva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 19" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "inflatella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 20" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "20" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "taurocrassa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 20" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "20" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "simplicoscalaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 20" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "20" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "suprangulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 21" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "21" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "asulcoelegans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891: 21" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "21" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "magnoplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Michelotti, 1847)", "Michelotti", "Michelotti, 1847", "Micht." ; + dwc:authority "Michelotti", "Michelotti, 1847", "Micht." ; dwc:authorityName "Michelotti" ; dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Michelotti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; @@ -251,22 +71,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "magnoplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Nyst" ; dwc:authorityName "Nyst" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8EAB05FF2CFC7432EDFA9A.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8EAB05FF2CFC7432EDFA9A.ttl index ecc02efd87d..f5f3e68c44a 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8EAB05FF2CFC7432EDFA9A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF8EAB05FF2CFC7432EDFA9A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra neglecta Michelotti 1847" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -100,11 +100,9 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Borson, 1820)", "Borson, 1820" ; + dwc:authority "Borson, 1820" ; dwc:authorityName "Borson" ; dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; @@ -172,135 +170,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Svagrovsky 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Svagrovsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Svagrovsky, 1982" ; - dwc:species "pseudopertusa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Terebra" ; - dwc:subSpecies "badeniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Manzoni, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Manzoni" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Manzoni, 1870" ; - dwc:species "tuberculifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oyama, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cinguloterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oyama, 1961" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pilsbry, 1905" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pilsbry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pilsbry, 1905" ; - dwc:species "hedleyana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. A. Smith, 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1873" ; - dwc:species "adamsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fedosov et al. 2020: 367)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fedosov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "367" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fedosov, 2020)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn, 2009" ; - dwc:authorityName "Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cinguloterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poppe, Tagaro & Terryn, 2009" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Terryn, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Terryn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Terryn, 2023" ; - dwc:species "philpoppei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -315,12 +184,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF90AB07FF2CFA383200FBB7.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF90AB07FF2CFA383200FBB7.ttl index c9e4ce26e82..f15d9d00e7f 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF90AB07FF2CFA383200FBB7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF90AB07FF2CFA383200FBB7.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra golebiowskii Harzhauser & Landau 2023, nov. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -48,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pereira da" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pereira Da" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pereira Da" ; - dwc:species "cacellensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF92AB06FF2CFB5437A7F86D.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF92AB06FF2CFB5437A7F86D.ttl index 5c27a3d86fa..a8ef17d653b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF92AB06FF2CFB5437A7F86D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF92AB06FF2CFB5437A7F86D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra transylvanica Hoernes & Auinger 1880" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -128,37 +128,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pereira da" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pereira Da" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pereira Da" ; - dwc:species "cacellensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "subulocacellense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF94AB03FF2CFF693699FDB1.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF94AB03FF2CFF693699FDB1.ttl index 82b3d7a2cfd..d85647c697d 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF94AB03FF2CFF693699FDB1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF94AB03FF2CFF693699FDB1.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra tuberculifera Manzoni 1870" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -98,11 +97,9 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Borson, 1820)", "Borson", "Borson, 1820" ; + dwc:authority "Borson", "Borson, 1820" ; dwc:authorityName "Borson" ; dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; @@ -202,53 +199,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "pergranularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "acuminatum" ; - dwc:variety "pergranularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Romagna" ; - dwc:authorityName "Romagna" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Emilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Romagna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB02FF2CFF213156FB6F.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB02FF2CFF213156FB6F.ttl index 80c5a23d953..17a7132c412 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB02FF2CFF213156FB6F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB02FF2CFF213156FB6F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra asulcoornata Sacco 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -131,54 +130,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "magnoplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -192,12 +143,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB0DFF2CFB2D3761F99B.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB0DFF2CFB2D3761F99B.ttl index d1ce892e03b..928b7048a69 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB0DFF2CFB2D3761F99B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF97AB0DFF2CFB2D3761F99B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra cacellensis Pereira" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; dwc:authorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -111,8 +109,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Da", "Pereira Da" ; - dwc:authorityName "Da", "Pereira Da" ; + dwc:authority "Da" ; + dwc:authorityName "Da" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; @@ -144,322 +142,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Morch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morch, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bellardi & Michelotti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:genus "Fusoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "terebrina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(d'Orbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "duboisiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "CsepreghyMeznerics, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csepreghy-Meznerics" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1954" ; - dwc:species "hungarica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "lapugyensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "translata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "excostellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "fuchsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Moisescu, 1955 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moisescu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moisescu, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "buiturica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Defrance" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "transleithana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Svagrovsky, 1982)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Svagrovsky" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Svagrovsky, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "borianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "exbistriatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Boettger, 1906)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boettger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boettger, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "subatorquata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(d'Orbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "volhynianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Halavats, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Halavats" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Maculauger" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Halavats, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "sophiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "acuminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Michelotti, 1847" ; - dwc:species "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "golebiowskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Manzoni, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Manzoni" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Manzoni, 1870" ; - dwc:species "tuberculifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -480,11 +162,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF98AB0DFF2CF9393195F837.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF98AB0DFF2CF9393195F837.ttl index 3095ace6f07..2391d94942a 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF98AB0DFF2CF9393195F837.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF98AB0DFF2CF9393195F837.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra (Hastula) striata Holzl 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -65,22 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Peyrot, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peyrot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peyrot, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "striata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CF98D33E4F846.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CF98D33E4F846.ttl index 4b73e6e6f79..6b20a3e2b4b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CF98D33E4F846.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CF98D33E4F846.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra hungarica subsp. macropunctata Bohn-Havas 1973" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,19 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tiarapirenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; @@ -79,22 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halavats, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halavats" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halavats, 1884" ; - dwc:species "hungarica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -109,12 +78,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "hungarica" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFC7E3166F9CF.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFC7E3166F9CF.ttl index b03e266859f..972a2c9f9d9 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFC7E3166F9CF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFC7E3166F9CF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra hungarica Halavats 1884" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,33 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tiarapirenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1895" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brocchi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Batillariidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tiarapirenella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; - dwc:species "bicincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFE2B3106FD09.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFE2B3106FD09.ttl index 860b523ecd3..5fe8f2c84cb 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFE2B3106FD09.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFF99AB0CFF2CFE2B3106FD09.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Terebra subacuminata Holzl 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,21 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Peyrot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peyrot, 1931" ; - dwc:species "pseudopertusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA5AB33FF2CFBC0377DFEF3.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA5AB33FF2CFBC0377DFEF3.ttl index e317d9ef7c0..763aec4826e 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA5AB33FF2CFBC0377DFEF3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA5AB33FF2CFBC0377DFEF3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Fusoterebra Sacco 1891" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,162 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bellardi & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Buccinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fusus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840" ; - dwc:species "terebrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre, 2020" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dall, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1889" ; - dwc:species "benthalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cauda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Castelnau, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "elongata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fedosov, Malcolm, Terryn, Gorson, Modica, Holford & Puillandre, 2020" ; - dwc:subFamily "Pellifroniinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Terryn & Holford, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Terryn & Holford" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pellifronia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Terryn & Holford, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dall, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dall, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "benthalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Aubry, 1999)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Aubry" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Aubry, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "coriolisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Bathyterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "zhongshaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bellardi & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:genus "Fusoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840" ; - dwc:species "terebrina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA6AB3DFF2CFE90302DF9E7.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA6AB3DFF2CFE90302DF9E7.ttl index 36cdc019e94..a12fd7cc1e9 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA6AB3DFF2CFE90302DF9E7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA6AB3DFF2CFE90302DF9E7.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Fusoterebra terebrina" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hornes 1852", "Hornes" ; + dwc:authority "Hornes" ; dwc:authorityName "Hornes" ; dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; dwc:authorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -374,69 +373,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bellardi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bellardi & Michelotti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Buccinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fusus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840" ; - dwc:species "terebrinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dall, 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Duplicaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Duplicaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malcolm, Terryn & Fedosov, 2020" ; - dwc:species "herberti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bratcher & Cernohorsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Duplicaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bratcher & Cernohorsky, 1982" ; - dwc:species "mozambiquensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA8AB3CFF2CF8A837F2FE8B.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA8AB3CFF2CF8A837F2FE8B.ttl index a688ee2186a..7390bcd11f7 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA8AB3CFF2CF8A837F2FE8B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA8AB3CFF2CF8A837F2FE8B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastula H. Adams & A. Adams 1853" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Buccinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buccinum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "strigilatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA9AB38FF2CFE483234F9E0.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA9AB38FF2CFE483234F9E0.ttl index 1e7da0a3232..38030a2f82b 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA9AB38FF2CFE483234F9E0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFA9AB38FF2CFE483234F9E0.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastula duboisiana" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lam.", "Lamarck, 1803" ; + dwc:authority "Lam." ; dwc:authorityName "Lamarck" ; dwc:authorityYear "1803" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -183,7 +182,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; dwc:authorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -546,130 +544,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Morch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morch, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bellardi & Michelotti" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:genus "Fusoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bellardi & Michelotti, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "terebrina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "lapugyensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "translata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Svagrovsky, 1982)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Svagrovsky" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Svagrovsky, 1982)" ; - dwc:species "borianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "excostellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grateloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grateloup, 1845" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - dwc:subSpecies "undulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grateloup" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grateloup, 1845" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sublaevigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -689,11 +563,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFADAB3AFF2CF99E3672FF3B.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFADAB3AFF2CF99E3672FF3B.ttl index 4ccb1096507..7b8871506a8 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFADAB3AFF2CF99E3672FF3B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFADAB3AFF2CF99E3672FF3B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastula hungarica Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -99,130 +98,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Halavats, 1884" ; - dwc:authorityName "Halavats" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Halavats, 1884" ; - dwc:species "hungarica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Acus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. Adams & A. Adams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adams & Adams, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Morch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morch, 1852" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Smith, 1872)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "knockeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hinds, 1844)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hinds, 1844)" ; - dwc:species "lepida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bouchet, 1983" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bouchet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bouchet, 1983" ; - dwc:species "leloeuffi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "costulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Deshayes, 1857)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Deshayes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Deshayes, 1857)" ; - dwc:species "solida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -236,22 +111,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFAFAB3AFF2CFED8365CF843.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFAFAB3AFF2CFED8365CF843.ttl index 0ed10ec5f8e..dcdd7260c48 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFAFAB3AFF2CFED8365CF843.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFAFAB3AFF2CFED8365CF843.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastula lapugyensis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -115,22 +114,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "golebiowskii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB1AB27FF2CFF693627F995.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB1AB27FF2CFF693627F995.ttl index 201d82088d2..d94a0ba7741 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB1AB27FF2CFF693627F995.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB1AB27FF2CFF693627F995.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastula translata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -100,355 +99,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Basterot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "striata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "cinereides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(d'Orbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "duboisiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "Csepreghy-Meznerics" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1954" ; - dwc:species "hungarica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Oyama, 1961" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oyama" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Oyama, 1961" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(E. A. Smith, 1875)", "E. A. Smith, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1875" ; - dwc:species "melanacme" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco, 1891 a" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "excostellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bell, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bell, 1871" ; - dwc:species "exilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "fuchsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Beyrich, 1854" ; - dwc:authorityName "Beyrich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Beyrich, 1854" ; - dwc:species "hoernesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "pedemontana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "striatellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "H. Adams & A. Adams" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adams & Adams, 1853" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Deshayes, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Deshayes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Deshayes, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "blanda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(E. A. Smith, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "gotoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Terryn & Rosado, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Terryn & Rosado" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Terryn & Rosado, 2016" ; - dwc:species "masirahensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Terryn & Rosado, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Terryn & Rosado" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Terryn & Rosado, 2016" ; - dwc:species "mirbatensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(E. A. Smith, 1904)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1904)" ; - dwc:species "suspensa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dance & Eames, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dance & Eames" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Partecosta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dance & Eames, 1966" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dance & Eames, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dance & Eames" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dance & Eames, 1966" ; - dwc:species "wilkinsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. A. Smith, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "E. A. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1877" ; - dwc:species "fuscobasis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -462,12 +112,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -515,12 +160,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB2AB21FF2CF941317EF9C3.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB2AB21FF2CF941317EF9C3.ttl index fb471ea452c..8d2d70bbef9 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB2AB21FF2CF941317EF9C3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB2AB21FF2CF941317EF9C3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastulopsis excostellata" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)", "(Sacco, 1891)" ; + dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -160,101 +160,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Beyr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Beyr." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Beyr." ; - dwc:species "hoernesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Beyrich, 1854)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Beyrich" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Beyrich, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "hoernesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "fuchsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "pedemontana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "striatellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bell, 1871)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bell, 1871)" ; - dwc:species "exilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB4AB23FF2CF98030ABFD47.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB4AB23FF2CF98030ABFD47.ttl index dfe750035be..89eb9f9170d 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB4AB23FF2CF98030ABFD47.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB4AB23FF2CF98030ABFD47.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Hastulopsis fuchsii" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -128,182 +125,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastulopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "excostellata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dall, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1903" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Buccinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buccinum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "maculatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "crenulata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Moisescu, 1955 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moisescu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moisescu, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "buiturica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brocchi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; - dwc:species "fuscata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Defrance" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Basterot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Harzhauser & Landau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Harzhauser & Landau, 2023" ; - dwc:species "transleithana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schumacher, 1817" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schumacher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Subula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schumacher, 1817" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fedosov et al. 2020: 367)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fedosov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "367" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fedosov, 2020)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -364,12 +185,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB6AB2DFF2CFD0A370FFD8F.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB6AB2DFF2CFD0A370FFD8F.ttl index 012bbf38030..98a8f55e960 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB6AB2DFF2CFD0A370FFD8F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB6AB2DFF2CFD0A370FFD8F.ttl @@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Oxymeris buiturica" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -118,22 +116,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Defrance" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Defrance, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB8AB2CFF2CF99F37A5FD2E.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB8AB2CFF2CF99F37A5FD2E.ttl index bedb3cacba0..6dbf3982d32 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB8AB2CFF2CF99F37A5FD2E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB8AB2CFF2CF99F37A5FD2E.ttl @@ -9,15 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Oxymeris plicaria" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,7 +50,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Bast.", "Basterot" ; dwc:authorityName "Basterot" ; dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -66,89 +61,9 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Basterot, 1825" ; dwc:species "plicaria" ; - dwc:subGenus "Subula" ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sacc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacc." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Subula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacc." ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - dwc:variety "conicogigantea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacc." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Subula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacc." ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - dwc:variety "fuscatoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Basterot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Subula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Br." ; - dwc:authorityName "Br." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Br." ; - dwc:species "fuscata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Subula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brocchi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; - dwc:species "fuscata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Tristan var" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -182,20 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1903" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -209,12 +110,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -257,17 +153,11 @@ dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "plicaria" ; - dwc:subGenus "Subula" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB9AB28FF2CFCEC32DDFA8E.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB9AB28FF2CFCEC32DDFA8E.ttl index 5040d122a66..f38eb823105 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB9AB28FF2CFCEC32DDFA8E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFB9AB28FF2CFCEC32DDFA8E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Oxymeris modesta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Brocchi 1814)", "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; + dwc:authority "(Brocchi, 1814)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brocchi" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1814" ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; @@ -647,57 +647,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoernes & Auinger, 1880" ; - dwc:species "hochstetteri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Acus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eichwald, 1830" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eichwald" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Subula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eichwald, 1830" ; - dwc:species "blainvillii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - dwc:subGenus "Subula" ; - dwc:subSpecies "perstriatula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; @@ -810,7 +759,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "hochstetteri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Acus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBDAB2AFF2CFA4C31A2FC03.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBDAB2AFF2CFA4C31A2FC03.ttl index 0953056500a..f05e2f35928 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBDAB2AFF2CFA4C31A2FC03.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBDAB2AFF2CFA4C31A2FC03.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Oxymeris transleithana Harzhauser & Landau 2023, nov. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -82,53 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Defrance" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Defrance, 1829" ; - dwc:species "modesta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoernes & Auinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoernes & Auinger, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "buiturica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Basterot" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxymeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Basterot, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "plicaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBFAB15FF2CFBC0314EFADF.ttl b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBFAB15FF2CFBC0314EFADF.ttl index 36844eb92be..530c63567c5 100644 --- a/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBFAB15FF2CFBC0314EFADF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/37/CE/7C37CE5FFFBFAB15FF2CFBC0314EFADF.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Harzhauser, Mathias; Landau, Bernard M." ; dc:title "Strioterebrum Sacco 1891" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,291 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nyst, 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nyst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nyst, 1845" ; - dwc:species "basterotii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Borson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Hastula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Borson, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "costulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "d'Orbigny, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dOrbigny, 1852" ; - dwc:species "volhyniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Sacco (1891 a: 33)" ; - dwc:authorityName ", Sacco" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "33" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sacco, 1891" ; - dwc:species "basterotii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "volhynianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "duplicata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bartsch, 1923 Living", "Bartsch, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bartsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bartsch, 1923" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hinds, 1844" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hinds" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hinds, 1844" ; - dwc:species "nitida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schepman, 1913)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schepman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schepman, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "exiguoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thiele, 1925)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thiele" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thiele, 1925)" ; - dwc:species "fuscotaeniata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Terryn & Holford, 2008)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Terryn & Holford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Terryn & Holford, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "lineaperlata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reeve, 1860)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reeve" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reeve, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "livida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. Adams & Reeve, 1850)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. Adams & Reeve" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Adams & Reeve, 1850)" ; - dwc:species "roseata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gmelin, 1791)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Punctoterebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1791)" ; - dwc:species "succincta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fontannes, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fontannes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fontannes, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "pliocenicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sacco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sacco, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "reticulare" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pecchioli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strioterebrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pecchioli, 1891" ; - dwc:species "reticulatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pecc." ; - dwc:authorityName "Pecc." ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Terebridae" ; - dwc:genus "Terebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pecc." ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Terebridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/38/C7/7C38C749D9BA1BF5130DCBAE0BDF7D1D.ttl b/data/7C/38/C7/7C38C749D9BA1BF5130DCBAE0BDF7D1D.ttl index c18b8c9258c..3f623e994ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/38/C7/7C38C749D9BA1BF5130DCBAE0BDF7D1D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/38/C7/7C38C749D9BA1BF5130DCBAE0BDF7D1D.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Lycopodiella cernua Pic. Serm." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,11 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Lycopodiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lycopodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9E817393CF95F.ttl b/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9E817393CF95F.ttl index 3a5945bd4ea..ba82e5d0d34 100644 --- a/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9E817393CF95F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9E817393CF95F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pestana, Rosa; Ribeiro, Cláudia; Boury-Esnault, Nicole; Biscoito, Manuel" ; dc:title "Mycale (Carmia) macilenta" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,19 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lundbeck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Mycalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundbeck, 1905" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Mycalidae" ; @@ -87,11 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Mycalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9EF123A5BFAFF.ttl b/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9EF123A5BFAFF.ttl index efa774a7ad3..c7848763e17 100644 --- a/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9EF123A5BFAFF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/39/4D/7C394D6EE751FF89C1F9EF123A5BFAFF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Pestana, Rosa; Ribeiro, Cláudia; Boury-Esnault, Nicole; Biscoito, Manuel" ; dc:title "Clathria (Clathria) coralloides" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,40 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "sensu Boury-Esnault and Lopes (1985)" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Boury-Esnault and Lopes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Microcionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Boury-Esnault & Lopes, 1985" ; - dwc:species "coralloides" ; - dwc:subGenus "Clathria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pestana & Ribeiro & Boury-Esnault & Biscoito, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pestana & Ribeiro & Boury-Esnault & Biscoito" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Microcionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poecilosclerida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pestana, Ribeiro, Boury-Esnault & Biscoito, 2018" ; - dwc:species "arcifera" ; - dwc:subGenus "Clathria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; dwc:family "Microcionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/39/87/7C39876E4E2CEBD1E72910749F415FDE.ttl b/data/7C/39/87/7C39876E4E2CEBD1E72910749F415FDE.ttl index 83efbe4c00a..c92f8889261 100644 --- a/data/7C/39/87/7C39876E4E2CEBD1E72910749F415FDE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/39/87/7C39876E4E2CEBD1E72910749F415FDE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Oenothera glazioviana Micheli" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; dwc:genus "Oenothera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Onagraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45095A2FFF74FCEAFBCF34A9.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45095A2FFF74FCEAFBCF34A9.ttl index 45870292839..12c306ab180 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45095A2FFF74FCEAFBCF34A9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45095A2FFF74FCEAFBCF34A9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -115,85 +113,7 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Crass 1947)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Crass" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Crass, 1947)" ; - dwc:species "flava" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ludmilae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ameliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Traver 1938" ; - dwc:authorityName "Traver" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cloeodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Traver, 1938" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1996 a" ; dwc:authorityName "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -240,6 +160,21 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1949" ; + dwc:species "loweae" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authority "Wuillot & Gillies 1993 a" ; dwc:authorityName "Wuillot & Gillies" ; @@ -256,99 +191,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eaton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eaton, 1869" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Navas 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cloeon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1930" ; - dwc:species "vitreum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cloeon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Leach, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Crass 1947" ; - dwc:authorityName "Crass" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Crass, 1947" ; - dwc:species "flavum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kimmins 1949" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kimmins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimmins, 1949" ; - dwc:species "loweae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kopelke 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kopelke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kopelke, 1980" ; - dwc:species "badium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Barnard 1932" ; dwc:authorityName "Barnard" ; @@ -365,6 +207,21 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authorityName "Eaton" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "genus" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eaton, 1869" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authorityName "Gillies" ; dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; @@ -414,6 +271,87 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "Kopelke 1980" ; + dwc:authorityName "Kopelke" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Centroptilum" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kopelke, 1980" ; + dwc:species "badium" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "Navas 1930" ; + dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Cloeon" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navas, 1930" ; + dwc:species "vitreum" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "(Crass 1947)" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityName "Crass" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1947" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Crass, 1947)" ; + dwc:species "flava" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; + dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; + dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; + dwc:species "ludmilae" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + + dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; + dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; + dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; + dwc:species "ameliae" ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -426,11 +364,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450E5A2FFF74FAB0FA7436B9.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450E5A2FFF74FAB0FA7436B9.ttl index 08e4aa27409..cf94a5f61a5 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450E5A2FFF74FAB0FA7436B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450E5A2FFF74FAB0FA7436B9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,54 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Crass" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1947" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Crass, 1947)" ; - dwc:species "flava" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ludmilae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ameliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450F5A3BFF74FE46FCB8327D.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450F5A3BFF74FE46FCB8327D.ttl index fa382ac3732..ebd065ac037 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450F5A3BFF74FE46FCB8327D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E450F5A3BFF74FE46FCB8327D.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa flava" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -84,20 +83,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -111,12 +96,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45135A36FF74F9F3FF1B35A4.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45135A36FF74F9F3FF1B35A4.ttl index a9233a66cc1..6cfbcbaca67 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45135A36FF74F9F3FF1B35A4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45135A36FF74F9F3FF1B35A4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa ameliae Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles 2017, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -46,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kluge, Gattolliat & Salles, 2017" ; - dwc:species "ludmilae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996" ; - dwc:species "flava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -104,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45175A08FF74F9BBFE5831C9.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45175A08FF74F9BBFE5831C9.ttl index f7dc8c197fd..d2a8d03cd27 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45175A08FF74F9BBFE5831C9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E45175A08FF74F9BBFE5831C9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty 1996" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,25 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Navas 1930)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Navas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Navas, 1930)" ; - dwc:species "vitrea" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Navas 1930", "Navas 1930: 322" ; dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; @@ -163,6 +144,25 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + + dwc:authority "(Navas 1930)" ; + dwc:authorityName "Navas" ; + dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityName "Navas" ; + dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1930" ; + dwc:class "Insecta" ; + dwc:family "Baetidae" ; + dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; + dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; + dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; + dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; + dwc:rank "species" ; + dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Navas, 1930)" ; + dwc:species "vitrea" ; + rdfs:seeAlso ; + trt:hasTaxonName ; + a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . + dwc:authorityName "Leach" ; dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E451A5A32FF74F921FACC366C.ttl b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E451A5A32FF74F921FACC366C.ttl index cb70deef5e9..411e3180446 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E451A5A32FF74F921FACC366C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/87/7C3A878E451A5A32FF74F921FACC366C.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kluge, Nikita J.; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Salles, Frederico F." ; dc:title "Crassabwa ludmilae Kluge & Gattolliat & Salles 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ": Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1996" ; - dwc:species "flava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Baetidae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Baetidae" ; dwc:genus "Crassabwa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3A/A4/7C3AA4271F125C920E3CE7DFFC952621.ttl b/data/7C/3A/A4/7C3AA4271F125C920E3CE7DFFC952621.ttl index 636712f0a4d..e8f66559140 100644 --- a/data/7C/3A/A4/7C3AA4271F125C920E3CE7DFFC952621.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3A/A4/7C3AA4271F125C920E3CE7DFFC952621.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wilson, E. O." ; dc:title "Pheidole cuprina Wilson, 2003, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/3B/0A/7C3B0A32538B1D5B894A0F82888F201C.ttl b/data/7C/3B/0A/7C3B0A32538B1D5B894A0F82888F201C.ttl index 849ee894fba..a037b5d3e24 100644 --- a/data/7C/3B/0A/7C3B0A32538B1D5B894A0F82888F201C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3B/0A/7C3B0A32538B1D5B894A0F82888F201C.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Alchemilla grossidens" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -25,21 +23,6 @@ dc:title "Flora Helvetica - Rosaceae" ; a fabio:BookSection . - - dwc:authority "Blattzaehne" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blattzaehne" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchemilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blattzaehne" ; - dwc:species "conjuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3B/FA/7C3BFA173F6AD2B2BE3111796EEC4D38.ttl b/data/7C/3B/FA/7C3BFA173F6AD2B2BE3111796EEC4D38.ttl index c41c03854ff..8e8e5e9bb99 100644 --- a/data/7C/3B/FA/7C3BFA173F6AD2B2BE3111796EEC4D38.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3B/FA/7C3BFA173F6AD2B2BE3111796EEC4D38.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Feher, Zoltan; Szekeres, Miklos" ; dc:title "Montenegrina perstriata subsp. drimica Nordsieck 1972" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/3C/02/7C3C02D56CD4557CB95BC15FC56225DA.ttl b/data/7C/3C/02/7C3C02D56CD4557CB95BC15FC56225DA.ttl index 397759d9d83..b183cf6dd4a 100644 --- a/data/7C/3C/02/7C3C02D56CD4557CB95BC15FC56225DA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3C/02/7C3C02D56CD4557CB95BC15FC56225DA.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Dehon, Manuel; Engel, Michael S.; Gerard, Maxence; Aytekin, A. Murat; Ghisbain, Guillaume; Williams, Paul H.; Rasmont, Pierre; Michez, Denis" ; dc:title "Bombus (Cullumanobombus) trophonius Prokop, Dehon, Michez & Engel 2017" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,12 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; dwc:genus "Bombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3D/00/7C3D001CBF0F972DD66B5678C2F0C622.ttl b/data/7C/3D/00/7C3D001CBF0F972DD66B5678C2F0C622.ttl index 892369c2384..8223cf48d5e 100644 --- a/data/7C/3D/00/7C3D001CBF0F972DD66B5678C2F0C622.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3D/00/7C3D001CBF0F972DD66B5678C2F0C622.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Callianthemum coriandrifolium Rchb." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; dwc:genus "Callianthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3D/A1/7C3DA105BF03683A468ADADDEED28882.ttl b/data/7C/3D/A1/7C3DA105BF03683A468ADADDEED28882.ttl index a8292a7e76e..7ed03480ec2 100644 --- a/data/7C/3D/A1/7C3DA105BF03683A468ADADDEED28882.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3D/A1/7C3DA105BF03683A468ADADDEED28882.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sharkey, Michael J.; Janzen, Daniel H.; Hallwachs, Winnie; Chapman, Eric G.; Smith, M. Alex; Dapkey, Tanya; Brown, Allison; Ratnasingham, Sujeevan; Naik, Suresh; Manjunath, Ramya; Perez, Kate; Milton, Megan; Hebert, Paul; Shaw, Scott R.; Kittel, Rebecca N.; Solis, M. Alma; Metz, Mark A.; Goldstein, Paul Z.; Brown, John W.; Quicke, Donald L. J.; Achterberg, C. van; Brown, Brian V.; Burns, John M." ; dc:title "Phanerotoma andydeansi Sharkey 2021, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/7C/3D/F6/7C3DF63F78199B68387A5B9D14854B00.ttl b/data/7C/3D/F6/7C3DF63F78199B68387A5B9D14854B00.ttl index 564816bfe86..175302c7a3d 100644 --- a/data/7C/3D/F6/7C3DF63F78199B68387A5B9D14854B00.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3D/F6/7C3DF63F78199B68387A5B9D14854B00.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Makepeace, Scott; DeMerchant, Ian; Sweeney, Jon D." ; dc:title "Dendrophilus punctatus Herbst 1792" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFF951FAA4F853.ttl b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFF951FAA4F853.ttl index 9883e84e367..7eeb64f1cc7 100644 --- a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFF951FAA4F853.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFF951FAA4F853.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gaimari, Stephen D.; González, Christian R.; Elgueta, Mario" ; dc:title "(Xenoleucopis) Malloch" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,17 +28,6 @@ dc:title "A catalog of the Chamaemyiidae of Chile (Diptera: Lauxanioidea)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch" ; - dwc:subGenus "Xenoleucopis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Malloch, 1933: 384" ; dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFFDFDFABAFA0F.ttl b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFFDFDFABAFA0F.ttl index 567a407c4b8..2c3224bbfca 100644 --- a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFFDFDFABAFA0F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD432FFFE6EAFFDFDFABAFA0F.ttl @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Tanasijtshuk", "Tanasijtshuk, 1966: 234" ; + dwc:authority "Tanasijtshuk, 1966: 234" ; dwc:authorityName "Tanasijtshuk" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "234" ; dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD433FFFE6EAFF8C9FCC0FF13.ttl b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD433FFFE6EAFF8C9FCC0FF13.ttl index c240fc31fe6..4405991193b 100644 --- a/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD433FFFE6EAFF8C9FCC0FF13.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3E/EA/7C3EEA4BD433FFFE6EAFF8C9FCC0FF13.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gaimari, Stephen D.; González, Christian R.; Elgueta, Mario" ; dc:title "(Leucopella) Malloch" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,17 +28,6 @@ dc:title "A catalog of the Chamaemyiidae of Chile (Diptera: Lauxanioidea)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Malloch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malloch" ; - dwc:subGenus "Leucopella" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Malloch, 1927: 576" ; dwc:authorityName "Malloch" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3F/1C/7C3F1C35FF84EF7C358B73CFA247F86F.ttl b/data/7C/3F/1C/7C3F1C35FF84EF7C358B73CFA247F86F.ttl index 7ee700da3b9..1d54ecca2a6 100644 --- a/data/7C/3F/1C/7C3F1C35FF84EF7C358B73CFA247F86F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3F/1C/7C3F1C35FF84EF7C358B73CFA247F86F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gamage, L. M. P.; Ranasinghe, R. A. N. M.; Chathuranga, W. G. D." ; dc:title "Creobroter apicalis Saussure 1869" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Wood-Mason" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hymenopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Creobroter" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Mantodea" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wood-Mason, 1878" ; - dwc:species "pictipennis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hymenopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3F/3C/7C3F3C10FFD39B32FF4AAC93FF2D56E9.ttl b/data/7C/3F/3C/7C3F3C10FFD39B32FF4AAC93FF2D56E9.ttl index 37de523ec43..ec6abea386b 100644 --- a/data/7C/3F/3C/7C3F3C10FFD39B32FF4AAC93FF2D56E9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3F/3C/7C3F3C10FFD39B32FF4AAC93FF2D56E9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ibrahimi, Halil; Hlebec, Dora; Bilalli, Astrit; Musliu, Milaim; Previšić, Ana; Gashi, Agim; Grapci-Kotori, Linda; Cerjanec, Darko; Geci, Donard; Kučinić, Mladen" ; dc:title "Rhyacophila siparantum Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kucinic 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Ibrahimi & Hlebec & Bilalli & Musliu & Previšić & Gashi & Grapci-Kotori & Cerjanec & Geci & Kučinić, 2021", "Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kucinic" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ibrahimi & Hlebec & Bilalli & Musliu & Previšić & Gashi & Grapci-Kotori & Cerjanec & Geci & Kučinić", "Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kucinic" ; + dwc:authority "Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kucinic" ; + dwc:authorityName "Ibrahimi, Bilalli & Kucinic" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; @@ -46,163 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schmid, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schmid" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schmid, 1970" ; - dwc:species "loxias" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stephens, 1837)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Potamophylax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stephens, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "cingulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Malicky, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Malicky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Potamophylax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Malicky, 1974" ; - dwc:species "goulandriorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Klapalek, 1899)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klapalek" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Potamophylax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klapalek, 1899)" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McLachlan, 1875" ; - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micropterna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1875" ; - dwc:species "sequax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Limnephilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "flavicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Curtis, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Limnephilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Limnephilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Curtis, 1834" ; - dwc:species "sparsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McLachlan, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "McLachlan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Uenoidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thremma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McLachlan, 1876" ; - dwc:species "anomalum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "TRIFI" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trifi, 1016" ; - dwc:species "nubila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pictet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pictet, 1834" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; @@ -216,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhyacophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -233,10 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFF1FF5ED1C2FCB343E0.ttl b/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFF1FF5ED1C2FCB343E0.ttl index b3b348b0087..71f3a84a523 100644 --- a/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFF1FF5ED1C2FCB343E0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFF1FF5ED1C2FCB343E0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wu, Kai; Tian, Wenhui; Syed, Asad; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N." ; dc:title "Roussoella sichuanensis W. H. Tian, K. Wu & Maharachch. 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,53 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "GMBCC" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1065" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Roussoellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Roussoella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmbcc, 1065" ; - dwc:species "multiloculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(GMBCC 1056)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "GMBCC" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1056" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Roussoellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Roussoella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmbcc, 1056)" ; - dwc:species "multiloculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu & Tian & Syed & Elgorban & Bahkali & Maharachchikumbura, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu & Tian & Syed & Elgorban & Bahkali & Maharachchikumbura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Roussoellaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Roussoella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Pleosporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu, Tian, Syed, Elgorban, Bahkali & Maharachchikumbura, 2023" ; - dwc:species "sichuanensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dothideomycetes" ; dwc:family "Roussoellaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFFFFF5ED5D2FD6246AA.ttl b/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFFFFF5ED5D2FD6246AA.ttl index 91da21b009c..8d5bc5baaca 100644 --- a/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFFFFF5ED5D2FD6246AA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3F/87/7C3F87A5FF92FFFFFF5ED5D2FD6246AA.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Wu, Kai; Tian, Wenhui; Syed, Asad; Elgorban, Abdallah M.; Bahkali, Ali H.; Maharachchikumbura, Sajeewa S. N." ; dc:title "Roussoella fusispora W. H. Tian, K. Wu & Maharachch. 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/3F/FA/7C3FFA47B4C55E1C815CC7C8F417AC20.ttl b/data/7C/3F/FA/7C3FFA47B4C55E1C815CC7C8F417AC20.ttl index 722dea7bcaf..471256eafa5 100644 --- a/data/7C/3F/FA/7C3FFA47B4C55E1C815CC7C8F417AC20.ttl +++ b/data/7C/3F/FA/7C3FFA47B4C55E1C815CC7C8F417AC20.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Helix apodemeta d'Orbigny 1835" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,33 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Troscherl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bostryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Troscherl, 1847" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Helicidae" ; @@ -155,11 +128,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/40/50/7C40507EE87DA21EABD14DFB08CE0145.ttl b/data/7C/40/50/7C40507EE87DA21EABD14DFB08CE0145.ttl index 21d0fb89993..2a02e0678a0 100644 --- a/data/7C/40/50/7C40507EE87DA21EABD14DFB08CE0145.ttl +++ b/data/7C/40/50/7C40507EE87DA21EABD14DFB08CE0145.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Thymus pulegioides subsp. pulegioides" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -22,37 +20,6 @@ dc:date "2021" ; dc:title "Info Flora Schweiz - Lamiaceae" . - - dwc:authority "L." ; - dwc:authorityName "L." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "pulegioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Celak.) A. Kern." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Kern." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Celak." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Celak.) Kern." ; - dwc:species "alpestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Arznei-Feld-Thymian"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -69,34 +36,19 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Thymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "pulegioides" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Thymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC2F01CFDE3FB70FD31F9A0.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC2F01CFDE3FB70FD31F9A0.ttl index 80bd78f5e29..4803644b585 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC2F01CFDE3FB70FD31F9A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC2F01CFDE3FB70FD31F9A0.ttl @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1856" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1856" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Kieffer", "Kieffer, 1908: 129" ; + dwc:authority "Kieffer, 1908: 129" ; dwc:authorityName "Kieffer" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "129" ; dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC6F018FDDDFD13FC9CFB07.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC6F018FDDDFD13FC9CFB07.ttl index a3dbbc675c3..216f29b4dd9 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC6F018FDDDFD13FC9CFB07.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC6F018FDDDFD13FC9CFB07.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Telenomus fulmeki" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC8F016FDD7FDF2FAE7FC40.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC8F016FDD7FDF2FAE7FC40.ttl index 5738fcedc81..5ed63eb667c 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC8F016FDD7FDF2FAE7FC40.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFC8F016FDD7FDF2FAE7FC40.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Ceratobaeus Ashmead 1893" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Talamas & Buffington 2015)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Talamas & Buffington" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Idris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Talamas & Buffington, 2015)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F009FDACF9F7FC26FDFC.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F009FDACF9F7FC26FDFC.ttl index 03436800c8f..c35abd2bf1f 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F009FDACF9F7FC26FDFC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F009FDACF9F7FC26FDFC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Synopeas curvicauda" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1856: 114" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1856: 114" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "114" ; dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1856: 114" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1856: 114" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "114" ; dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; @@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1856: 114" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1856: 114" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "114" ; dwc:authorityYear "1856" ; @@ -127,21 +126,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Winnertz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Contarinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Winnertz, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "pisi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F00EFDF0FEE3FD9EFD16.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F00EFDF0FEE3FD9EFD16.ttl index dd8fe991a0e..3e9e7569069 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F00EFDF0FEE3FD9EFD16.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD0F00EFDF0FEE3FD9EFD16.ttl @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1841: 46" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1841: 46" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "46" ; dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD2F00FFDD3F955FB9AFD50.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD2F00FFDD3F955FB9AFD50.ttl index 1b8069b5f31..e4c3ebb0c56 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD2F00FFDD3F955FB9AFD50.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD2F00FFDD3F955FB9AFD50.ttl @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Ruthe", "Ruthe, 1859: 313" ; + dwc:authority "Ruthe, 1859: 313" ; dwc:authorityName "Ruthe" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "313" ; dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1861: 42" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1861: 42" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "42" ; dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Forster", "Forster, 1861: 42" ; + dwc:authority "Forster, 1861: 42" ; dwc:authorityName "Forster" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "42" ; dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD3F00DFDC1FBB5FED5F943.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD3F00DFDC1FBB5FED5F943.ttl index 56c878dd979..9616c96ad86 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD3F00DFDC1FBB5FED5F943.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD3F00DFDC1FBB5FED5F943.ttl @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Buhl, 1996", "Buhl, 1996: 221 - 222" ; + dwc:authority "Buhl, 1996: 221 - 222" ; dwc:authorityName "Buhl" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "221 - 222" ; dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD4F00AFDF7FDC1FCC6FCCF.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD4F00AFDF7FDC1FCC6FCCF.ttl index 308a08d162a..76cb10fbe3a 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD4F00AFDF7FDC1FCC6FCCF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFD4F00AFDF7FDC1FCC6FCCF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Synopeas talhouki Vlug 1976" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anagnostopoulos" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cecidomyiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odinadiplosis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anagnostopoulos, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "amygdali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF000FDF5FC78FD24FAF9.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF000FDF5FC78FD24FAF9.ttl index 2a3b2015ba7..c98decba967 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF000FDF5FC78FD24FAF9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF000FDF5FC78FD24FAF9.ttl @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Huggert", "Huggert, 1980: 109 - 111" ; + dwc:authority "Huggert, 1980: 109 - 111" ; dwc:authorityName "Huggert" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "109 - 111" ; dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF003FDF5F883FB0EFCE4.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF003FDF5F883FB0EFCE4.ttl index d5c06b3588e..44e5cd38757 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF003FDF5F883FB0EFCE4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDEF003FDF5F883FB0EFCE4.ttl @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Thomson", "Thomson, 1859", "Thomson, 1859: 76" ; + dwc:authority "Thomson, 1859: 76" ; dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "76" ; dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDFF001FDFFFB82FDA3F835.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDFF001FDFFFB82FDA3F835.ttl index ca21d1ced42..8bdd9bc7d8e 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDFF001FDFFFB82FDA3F835.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFDFF001FDFFFB82FDA3F835.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Leptacis Forster 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -176,9 +176,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Risbec, 1953: 343 - 344" ; dwc:authorityName "Risbec" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "343 - 344" ; dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; @@ -191,22 +189,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Risbec, 1953" ; - dwc:authorityName "Risbec" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mandraka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Risbec, 1953" ; - dwc:species "pauliani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF3F02CFDA3FD5AFCC0FB1C.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF3F02CFDA3FD5AFCC0FB1C.ttl index 2c64a1a05a8..5dab8c1c79d 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF3F02CFDA3FD5AFCC0FB1C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF3F02CFDA3FD5AFCC0FB1C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Trissolcus scutellaris" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Mayr", "Mayr, 1879: 699" ; + dwc:authority "Mayr, 1879: 699" ; dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "699" ; dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Mayr", "Mayr, 1903: 399" ; + dwc:authority "Mayr, 1903: 399" ; dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "399" ; dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; @@ -380,36 +380,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurygaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1881" ; - dwc:species "integriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mulsant & Rey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorochroa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mulsant & Rey, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "pinicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF4F035FDCAFD8FFCD1FE64.ttl b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF4F035FDCAFD8FFCD1FE64.ttl index c2381d28134..d43014f10f6 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF4F035FDCAFD8FFCD1FE64.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/6C/7C416C21FFF4F035FDCAFD8FFCD1FE64.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Awad, Jessica; Zimmermann, Dominique; Talamas, Elijah" ; dc:title "Sparasion sublevis Kieffer 1906" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -64,20 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Platygastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Platygaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1809" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/B9/7C41B99789FC50F281D0549055335363.ttl b/data/7C/41/B9/7C41B99789FC50F281D0549055335363.ttl index acce5097669..4ed976258bb 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/B9/7C41B99789FC50F281D0549055335363.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/B9/7C41B99789FC50F281D0549055335363.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "He, Jun; Li, Xiao-Jun; Tan, Wan-Zhong; Wu, Xiao-Qu; Wu, Dan; Luo, Zong-Long; Zhou, Qi Wu; Li, E-Xian; Li, Shu-Hong" ; dc:title "Ganoderma suae J. He & S. H. Li 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3407F5DF6B2D4CB2D70FE71.ttl b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3407F5DF6B2D4CB2D70FE71.ttl index 740f02f9b8b..5a537161f44 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3407F5DF6B2D4CB2D70FE71.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3407F5DF6B2D4CB2D70FE71.ttl @@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Azevedo, Fernanda; Hajdu, Eduardo; Willenz, Philippe; Klautau, Michelle" ; dc:title "Clathrina antofagastensis Azevedo, Hajdu, Willenz & Klautau, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -48,52 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haeckel, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haeckel, 1872" ; - dwc:species "primordialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adriatic Sea" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adriatic Sea" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lesina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adriatic Sea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Montagu, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Montagu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montagu, 1818" ; - dwc:species "coriacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Haeckel, 1872)" ; dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; diff --git a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3447F50F6B2D68B2CEDFD69.ttl b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3447F50F6B2D68B2CEDFD69.ttl index f85274f343c..fe4e16bcd2b 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3447F50F6B2D68B2CEDFD69.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3447F50F6B2D68B2CEDFD69.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Azevedo, Fernanda; Hajdu, Eduardo; Willenz, Philippe; Klautau, Michelle" ; dc:title "Guancha ramosa Azevedo, Hajdu, Willenz & Klautau, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,38 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rapp, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rapp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Guancha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rapp, 2006" ; - dwc:species "arnesenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rapp, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rapp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Guancha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rapp, 2006" ; - dwc:species "camura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; @@ -91,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; dwc:genus "Guancha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3467F5EF6B2D7E82E2EFDB0.ttl b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3467F5EF6B2D7E82E2EFDB0.ttl index 08b188641e1..238b45fffd6 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3467F5EF6B2D7E82E2EFDB0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3467F5EF6B2D7E82E2EFDB0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Azevedo, Fernanda; Hajdu, Eduardo; Willenz, Philippe; Klautau, Michelle" ; dc:title "Clathrina fjordica Azevedo, Hajdu, Willenz & Klautau, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Montagu, 1818" ; - dwc:authorityName "Montagu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1818" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clathrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Montagu, 1818" ; - dwc:species "coriacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Clathrinidae" ; dwc:genus "Clathrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3487F4AF6B2D4A92AEFF800.ttl b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3487F4AF6B2D4A92AEFF800.ttl index f7f58795aeb..57a0ffe36b4 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3487F4AF6B2D4A92AEFF800.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD3487F4AF6B2D4A92AEFF800.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Azevedo, Fernanda; Hajdu, Eduardo; Willenz, Philippe; Klautau, Michelle" ; dc:title "Leucosolenia australis Brondsted 1928" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,134 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Breitfuss, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Breitfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucosolenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Breitfuss, 1898" ; - dwc:species "falklandica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tanita, 1942" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tanita" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucosolenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tanita, 1942" ; - dwc:species "feuerlandica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dendy, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dendy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucosolenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dendy, 1891" ; - dwc:species "lucasi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Haeckel, 1870" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucosolenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haeckel, 1870" ; - dwc:species "variabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Breitfuss, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Breitfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Sycettidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sycon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Breitfuss, 1898" ; - dwc:species "incrustans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ellis & Solander, 1786" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ellis & Solander" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1786" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Sycettidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sycon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ellis & Solander, 1786" ; - dwc:species "coronatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kirk, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kirk" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Sycettidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sycon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirk, 1897" ; - dwc:species "ornatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1780" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1780" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Sycettidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sycon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1780" ; - dwc:species "ciliatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; @@ -187,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucosoleniidae" ; dwc:genus "Leucosolenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Leucosolenida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD34B7F53F6B2D0A92B05FDB0.ttl b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD34B7F53F6B2D0A92B05FDB0.ttl index eadd68a497b..507fc9a1889 100644 --- a/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD34B7F53F6B2D0A92B05FDB0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/41/CA/7C41CA2BD34B7F53F6B2D0A92B05FDB0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Azevedo, Fernanda; Hajdu, Eduardo; Willenz, Philippe; Klautau, Michelle" ; dc:title "Leucaltis nuda Azevedo, Hajdu, Willenz & Klautau, 2009, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Haeckel, 1872" ; - dwc:authorityName "Haeckel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucaltidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leucaltis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haeckel, 1872" ; - dwc:species "clathria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Hozawa, 1929" ; dwc:authorityName "Hozawa" ; @@ -93,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Calcarea" ; - dwc:family "Leucaltidae" ; dwc:genus "Leucaltis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Clathrinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B923FF14F951F0160845.ttl b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B923FF14F951F0160845.ttl index 7ccb401db20..73f7450c5bf 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B923FF14F951F0160845.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B923FF14F951F0160845.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ježek, Jan; Oboňa, Jozef; Manko, Peter" ; dc:title "Thornburghiella montana Jezek, Obona & Manko 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Ježek & Oboňa & Manko, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ježek & Oboňa & Manko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thornburghiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ježek, Oboňa & Manko, 2021" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jezek, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jezek" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thornburghiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jezek, 1993" ; - dwc:species "kovari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B927FF14FA38F0650F77.ttl b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B927FF14FA38F0650F77.ttl index ce7fe0c2b4a..a879ce00516 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B927FF14FA38F0650F77.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0000B927FF14FA38F0650F77.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ježek, Jan; Oboňa, Jozef; Manko, Peter" ; dc:title "Thornburghiella Vaillant 1982" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Banks, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Psychoda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Banks, 1895" ; - dwc:species "albitarsis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B923FF14FE7CF0950B38.ttl b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B923FF14FE7CF0950B38.ttl index 8238acdd35d..8560dc40a6b 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B923FF14FE7CF0950B38.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B923FF14FE7CF0950B38.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ježek, Jan; Oboňa, Jozef; Manko, Peter" ; dc:title "Pericoma Walker 1856" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Meigen, 1804" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen, 1804" ; - dwc:species "trifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B92CFF14FDA0F0C60DE4.ttl b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B92CFF14FDA0F0C60DE4.ttl index 3c769db35ba..ba56edfbdb4 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B92CFF14FDA0F0C60DE4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/67/7C42675E0004B92CFF14FDA0F0C60DE4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ježek, Jan; Oboňa, Jozef; Manko, Peter" ; dc:title "Pericoma inopinata Jezek, Obona & Manko 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,101 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Jezek, Obona & Manko" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jezek, Obona & Manko" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Thornburghiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jezek, Obona & Manko, 2021" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Feuerborn, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Feuerborn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Feuerborn, 1923" ; - dwc:species "calcilega" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vaillant, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vaillant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vaillant, 1978" ; - dwc:species "pingarestica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vaillant, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vaillant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vaillant, 1978" ; - dwc:species "tonnoiri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vaillant & Withers, 1993" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vaillant & Withers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pericoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vaillant & Withers, 1993" ; - dwc:species "vestita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1804" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen, 1804" ; - dwc:species "trifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB8FDBCFC81A8CAFB70.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB8FDBCFC81A8CAFB70.ttl index f42f30f474c..e5835852254 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB8FDBCFC81A8CAFB70.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB8FDBCFC81A8CAFB70.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens Roemer & Schultes 1817" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,79 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "var. redolens" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "var. redolens" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - dwc:variety "redolens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi, 1941) Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel, 2021" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - dwc:variety "gunckelii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi, 1941) Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel, 2021" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - dwc:variety "spicata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ruiz & Pavon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ruiz & Pavon, 1798) Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel, 2021" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - dwc:variety "utriculata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB9FDBCFB67AED1FD75.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB9FDBCFB67AED1FD75.ttl index d21a070d636..fa50453fa83 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB9FDBCFB67AED1FD75.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE0FFB9FDBCFB67AED1FD75.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens var. redolens var. redolens" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -116,20 +114,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Gaultheria, Berberis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gaultheria, Berberis" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Escalloniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Escallonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Escalloniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gaultheria, Berberis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB6FDBCF929AC4EFD74.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB6FDBCF929AC4EFD74.ttl index 34a1a24f73f..7bcf827dcb8 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB6FDBCF929AC4EFD74.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB6FDBCF929AC4EFD74.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens var. spicata Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -70,39 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Parodi) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Veldkamp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:species "spicatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roemer & Schultes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl, 1791) Roemer & Schultes, 1817" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; @@ -117,12 +82,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "redolens" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB9FDBCFD5DA9DEF9B8.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB9FDBCFD5DA9DEF9B8.ttl index d3107093a4c..f64b6483649 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB9FDBCFD5DA9DEF9B8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE1FFB9FDBCFD5DA9DEF9B8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens var. gunckelii Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -71,41 +70,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Parodi) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Veldkamp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:species "gunckelii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Parodi) N. Villalobos & Finot (2019: 124)" ; - dwc:authorityName "N. Villalobos & Finot" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "124" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi) Villalobos & Finot, 2019" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - dwc:variety "gunckelii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFB8FDBCF9E1A958FD11.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFB8FDBCF9E1A958FD11.ttl index ddc18e8a6dd..76c3f6a447d 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFB8FDBCF9E1A958FD11.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFB8FDBCF9E1A958FD11.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens Roemer & Schultes 1817" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -70,78 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) Persoon (1805: 100)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Persoon" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "100" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Avena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl) Persoon, 1805" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) Roemer & Schultes (1817: 516)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roemer & Schultes" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "516" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Torresia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl) Roemer & Schultes, 1817" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) Brongniart (1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brongniart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl) Brongniart, 1829" ; - dwc:species "antarctica" ; - dwc:variety "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) P. Royen (1979: 1185)" ; - dwc:authorityName "P. Royen (1979:" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "1185" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1185" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl) Royen, (1979)" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFBBFDBCFD5DAE53F9F1.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFBBFDBCFD5DAE53F9F1.ttl index e6578a7cf15..3a884c75b71 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFBBFDBCFD5DAE53F9F1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE3FFBBFDBCFD5DAE53F9F1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Hierochloe quebrada Connor & Renvoize 2009" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE5FFBDFDBCFF77AF75FA83.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE5FFBDFDBCFF77AF75FA83.ttl index 9fc5e65d860..bbb21027b93 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE5FFBDFDBCFF77AF75FA83.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFE5FFBDFDBCFF77AF75FA83.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe (sect. Monoecia) Connor 2012" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,72 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vahl 1791: 102" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "102" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Holcus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vahl, 1791" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vahl) Roemer & Schultes 1817: 514" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roemer & Schultes" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "514" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vahl" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1791" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vahl, 1791) Roemer & Schultes, 1817" ; - dwc:species "redolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hackel ex Dusen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hackel ex Dusen, 1907" ; - dwc:species "pusilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Steudel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Steudel, 1855" ; - dwc:species "altissima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFEEFFB6FDBCFD5DAE89F820.ttl b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFEEFFB6FDBCFD5DAE89F820.ttl index 2956cbc41b2..32e5a5c7710 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFEEFFB6FDBCFD5DAE89F820.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/87/7C4287D7FFEEFFB6FDBCFD5DAE89F820.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lema-Suárez, Irene; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Pimentel, Manuel" ; dc:title "Hierochloe redolens var. utriculata Lema, Sahuquillo & Pimentel 2021, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -69,59 +68,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Ruiz & Pavon) Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kunth" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ruiz & Pavon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hierochloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ruiz & Pavon, 1798) Kunth, 1829" ; - dwc:species "utriculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ruiz & Pavon) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:authorityName "Veldkamp" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ruiz & Pavon" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ruiz & Pavon) Veldkamp" ; - dwc:species "utriculatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "var. utriculatum (Steudel) N. Villalobos & Finot (2019: 130)" ; - dwc:authorityName "N. Villalobos & Finot" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "130" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Steudel" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthoxanthum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Steudel) Villalobos & Finot, 2019" ; - dwc:species "utriculatum" ; - dwc:variety "utriculatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/42/9E/7C429EDB2AC852BDBB9EDF297C84E0CF.ttl b/data/7C/42/9E/7C429EDB2AC852BDBB9EDF297C84E0CF.ttl index 7c86429da0b..90dce36bb30 100644 --- a/data/7C/42/9E/7C429EDB2AC852BDBB9EDF297C84E0CF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/42/9E/7C429EDB2AC852BDBB9EDF297C84E0CF.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Santamaria-Aguilar, Daniel; Aguilar, Reinaldo; Lagomarsino, Laura P." ; dc:title "Virola nobilis A. C. Sm." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/43/74/7C4374284B892174D37A7BEF7F6193CE.ttl b/data/7C/43/74/7C4374284B892174D37A7BEF7F6193CE.ttl index 38766e4d07b..7862d5a9976 100644 --- a/data/7C/43/74/7C4374284B892174D37A7BEF7F6193CE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/43/74/7C4374284B892174D37A7BEF7F6193CE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Akkari, Nesrine; Cheung, David Koon-Bong; Enghoff, Henrik; Stoev, Pavel" ; dc:title "Ommatoiulus chambiensis Akkari & Enghoff, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Akkari & Enghoff" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Julidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ommatoiulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Julida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Akkari & Enghoff" ; - dwc:species "chambiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Julidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/44/7E/7C447ED296A36437165E9E76BCAD5F43.ttl b/data/7C/44/7E/7C447ED296A36437165E9E76BCAD5F43.ttl index a8fc0d93970..2d87a6b0742 100644 --- a/data/7C/44/7E/7C447ED296A36437165E9E76BCAD5F43.ttl +++ b/data/7C/44/7E/7C447ED296A36437165E9E76BCAD5F43.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Procyon lotor subsp. maynardi Bangs 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,57 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "de Beaux 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Beaux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Procyon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Beaux, 1910" ; - dwc:species "lotor" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flavidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miller 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Procyon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miller, 1911" ; - dwc:species "lotor" ; - dwc:subSpecies "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nelson and Goldman 1930" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nelson and Goldman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1930" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Procyon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nelson & Goldman, 1930" ; - dwc:species "lotor" ; - dwc:subSpecies "varius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Procyonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/44/F2/7C44F2AEDE9B7ED018D46FD84F3E325F.ttl b/data/7C/44/F2/7C44F2AEDE9B7ED018D46FD84F3E325F.ttl index 15e42e84832..47392626502 100644 --- a/data/7C/44/F2/7C44F2AEDE9B7ED018D46FD84F3E325F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/44/F2/7C44F2AEDE9B7ED018D46FD84F3E325F.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Narendran, T. C.; van Achterberg, Cornelis" ; dc:title "Antrocephalus neogalleriae Narendran & Achterberg, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chalcididae" ; dwc:genus "Antrocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/45/0C/7C450C5557905574EA307528C4BFBE4A.ttl b/data/7C/45/0C/7C450C5557905574EA307528C4BFBE4A.ttl index 39fdd4f5226..a593860b9d9 100644 --- a/data/7C/45/0C/7C450C5557905574EA307528C4BFBE4A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/45/0C/7C450C5557905574EA307528C4BFBE4A.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R." ; dc:title "ALOMYINAE Foerster 1869" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/45/10/7C4510A4DD98F78C27E6E7A66A7360A5.ttl b/data/7C/45/10/7C4510A4DD98F78C27E6E7A66A7360A5.ttl index 388bd6dd42f..136cc84203a 100644 --- a/data/7C/45/10/7C4510A4DD98F78C27E6E7A66A7360A5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/45/10/7C4510A4DD98F78C27E6E7A66A7360A5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Pseudolysimachion spicatum Opiz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/45/87/7C4587BBFFA53E5C6AA51044FE70F833.ttl b/data/7C/45/87/7C4587BBFFA53E5C6AA51044FE70F833.ttl index c2f6345a413..1327d2fae9b 100644 --- a/data/7C/45/87/7C4587BBFFA53E5C6AA51044FE70F833.ttl +++ b/data/7C/45/87/7C4587BBFFA53E5C6AA51044FE70F833.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Knížek, Miloš; Smith, Sarah M." ; dc:title "Amasa parviseta Knizek & Smith 2024, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,82 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(ANIC)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "ANIC" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Myrtaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucalyptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anic)" ; - dwc:species "piperita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", MSUC" ; - dwc:authorityName "MSUC" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Myrtaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Eucalyptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Msuc" ; - dwc:species "grandis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wood & Bright" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wood & Bright, 1992" ; - dwc:species "truncata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sampson)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sampson" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sampson)" ; - dwc:species "versicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vinolas & Verdugo 2011)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vinolas & Verdugo" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Amasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vinolas & Verdugo, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "resecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -136,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Amasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/46/87/7C4687BB08AE55198E5F1430F012F959.ttl b/data/7C/46/87/7C4687BB08AE55198E5F1430F012F959.ttl index 101db67c7a7..ce482461095 100644 --- a/data/7C/46/87/7C4687BB08AE55198E5F1430F012F959.ttl +++ b/data/7C/46/87/7C4687BB08AE55198E5F1430F012F959.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Wood, Thomas James; Michez, Denis; Cejas, Diego; Lhomme, Patrick; Rasmont, Pierre" ; dc:title "Andrena (Cryptandrena) rotundata Pérez 1895" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/46/94/7C4694F52D1C23BF9E98479B5B151A9D.ttl b/data/7C/46/94/7C4694F52D1C23BF9E98479B5B151A9D.ttl index bb6fd3e7877..e975df94c2f 100644 --- a/data/7C/46/94/7C4694F52D1C23BF9E98479B5B151A9D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/46/94/7C4694F52D1C23BF9E98479B5B151A9D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Carex Pairaei F. Schultz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/46/9B/7C469B31D4D1278B1C42B3FD9C64CEAB.ttl b/data/7C/46/9B/7C469B31D4D1278B1C42B3FD9C64CEAB.ttl index f2866f876d9..44f70e9efb3 100644 --- a/data/7C/46/9B/7C469B31D4D1278B1C42B3FD9C64CEAB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/46/9B/7C469B31D4D1278B1C42B3FD9C64CEAB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Prena, Jens; Zhang, Runzhi" ; dc:title "Parallelodemas imperfectum Faust" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/47/FA/7C47FA3FD964BB03FF42F8B06360613F.ttl b/data/7C/47/FA/7C47FA3FD964BB03FF42F8B06360613F.ttl index 7c76fd83c5e..bb5789ed850 100644 --- a/data/7C/47/FA/7C47FA3FD964BB03FF42F8B06360613F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/47/FA/7C47FA3FD964BB03FF42F8B06360613F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Si-Yu; Zhu, Ke-Run; Yan, Qi; Wu, Wei; Wang, Bo-Rui; Ni, Wei-Yong; Shao, Jian-Wen" ; dc:title "Bulbophyllum guniuensis W. Y. Ni & J. W. Shao 2022, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,116 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "W. Y. Ni & J. W. Shao. A" ; - dwc:authorityName "W. Y. Ni & J. W. Shao. A" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bulbophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ni & Shao. A" ; - dwc:species "guniuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rehd." ; - dwc:authorityName "Rehd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hydrangeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Deutzia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Cornales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehd." ; - dwc:species "ningpoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thunberg) Oersted" ; - dwc:authorityName "Oersted" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thunberg" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyclobalanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thunberg) Oersted" ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hemsl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hemsl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hamamelidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Distylium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Saxifragales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hemsl." ; - dwc:species "myricoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. C. Zhang & J. Z. Shao" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. C. Zhang & J. Z. Shao" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Liliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lilium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhang & Shao" ; - dwc:species "anhuiense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Baker) Ching" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ching" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Polypodiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lemmaphyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baker) Ching" ; - dwc:species "drymoglossoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gagnep.) Seidenf. (1973: 76)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seidenf." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "76" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gagnep." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bulbophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gagnep.) Seidenf., 1973" ; - dwc:species "hirundinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC722256E730FF128084FA04FB5F.ttl b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC722256E730FF128084FA04FB5F.ttl index 02e26609373..368a8d5f2fe 100644 --- a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC722256E730FF128084FA04FB5F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC722256E730FF128084FA04FB5F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Broek, Reinoud Van Den; Smit, John T.; Bree, Elias De; Beentjes, Kevin" ; dc:title "Tolmerus" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,170 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Tolmerus calceatus (Meigen) confirmed as a valid species separate from Tolmerus atricapillus (Fallén) (Diptera: Asilidae)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Machimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lehr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neoepitriptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lehr, 1992" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1854" ; - dwc:species "atripes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Speight" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1987" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "cingulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hobby)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hobby" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hobby, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "cowini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fallen)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1814)" ; - dwc:species "atricapillus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meigen)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Broek & Smit & Bree & Beentjes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "calceatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zeller)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zeller, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "pyragra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meigen)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "micans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Duda)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Duda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Duda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Duda, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "strandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225BE73FFF1284F0FB27F832.ttl b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225BE73FFF1284F0FB27F832.ttl index 9655745e36f..9af0eb3e3cc 100644 --- a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225BE73FFF1284F0FB27F832.ttl +++ b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225BE73FFF1284F0FB27F832.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Broek, Reinoud Van Den; Smit, John T.; Bree, Elias De; Beentjes, Kevin" ; dc:title "Tolmerus atricapillus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -81,37 +81,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Machimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Broek & Smit & Bree & Beentjes" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meigen, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "calceatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; @@ -190,12 +159,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Machimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225DE73DFF128665FD31FB15.ttl b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225DE73DFF128665FD31FB15.ttl index d2e310b53ba..a3962204c26 100644 --- a/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225DE73DFF128665FD31FB15.ttl +++ b/data/7C/47/FC/7C47FC72225DE73DFF128665FD31FB15.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Broek, Reinoud Van Den; Smit, John T.; Bree, Elias De; Beentjes, Kevin" ; dc:title "Tolmerus calceatus Broek & Smit & Bree & Beentjes 2018, stat. rev." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -100,37 +99,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Machimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zeller)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zeller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zeller, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "pyragra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; @@ -144,12 +112,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Tolmerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -221,12 +184,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Machimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/48/65/7C486543AF3EBAE0559898D875ECAABA.ttl b/data/7C/48/65/7C486543AF3EBAE0559898D875ECAABA.ttl index 308ab91416f..c5ae2823ce2 100644 --- a/data/7C/48/65/7C486543AF3EBAE0559898D875ECAABA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/48/65/7C486543AF3EBAE0559898D875ECAABA.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Seidel, Matthias; Deler-Hernandez, Albert; Viktor Senderov,; Fikacek, Martin" ; dc:title "Cercyon gimmeli Arriaga-Varela, Seidel, Deler-Hernandez, Senderov & Fikacek, 2017, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Cercyon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/48/6F/7C486F3FE9D8336BAAE77A441F18B8ED.ttl b/data/7C/48/6F/7C486F3FE9D8336BAAE77A441F18B8ED.ttl index 7a0d3a8d435..91087d7c999 100644 --- a/data/7C/48/6F/7C486F3FE9D8336BAAE77A441F18B8ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/48/6F/7C486F3FE9D8336BAAE77A441F18B8ED.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Myocastor Kerr 1792" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,179 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Molina 1782" ; - dwc:authorityName "Molina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1782" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Molina, 1782" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wesmael 1841" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wesmael" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mastonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wesmael, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Geoffroy 1805" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myopotamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy, 1805" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Desmarest 1825" ; - dwc:authorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Potamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Desmarest, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Molina 1782)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Molina" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1782" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Molina, 1782)" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Molina 1782" ; - dwc:authorityName "Molina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1782" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Molina, 1782" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "coypus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Geoffroy 1805" ; - dwc:authorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy, 1805" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "bonariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osgood 1943" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osgood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osgood, 1943" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "melanops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hollister 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hollister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Myocastor" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hollister, 1914" ; - dwc:species "coypus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "sanctaecruzae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McKenna and Bell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Echimyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McKenna & Bell, 1997)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Leite and Patton, 2002)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leite and Patton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Capromyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Capromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leite & Patton, 2002)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Myocastoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/48/DF/7C48DFE2BDB45F5CA3EA962495101154.ttl b/data/7C/48/DF/7C48DFE2BDB45F5CA3EA962495101154.ttl index 56188b8fa41..fea8db02df4 100644 --- a/data/7C/48/DF/7C48DFE2BDB45F5CA3EA962495101154.ttl +++ b/data/7C/48/DF/7C48DFE2BDB45F5CA3EA962495101154.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Robinson, Harold" ; dc:title "Fleischmannia tamboensis (Hieron.) R. M. King & H. Rob., Phytologia 19: 206. 1970" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,21 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Poepp & Endl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Eupatorium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poepp & Endl, 1845" ; - dwc:species "marginatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A06FFB3FEB2FCF9B58EFBE0.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A06FFB3FEB2FCF9B58EFBE0.ttl index a82a7f4fa5a..b113fbf7743 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A06FFB3FEB2FCF9B58EFBE0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A06FFB3FEB2FCF9B58EFBE0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala POKORNY 1893" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(STEIN, 1900)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "STEIN" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stein, 1900)" ; - dwc:species "pectinata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A20FF9BFDB8FBEAB5CCFCBC.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A20FF9BFDB8FBEAB5CCFCBC.ttl index 8a8af31deca..ad22e819030 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A20FF9BFDB8FBEAB5CCFCBC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A20FF9BFDB8FBEAB5CCFCBC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala flaviscutella Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(THOMSON, 1869)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "THOMSON" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "boops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A22FF95FD92FB89B274FC4C.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A22FF95FD92FB89B274FC4C.ttl index 7267ffde090..7fccb4bc5c0 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A22FF95FD92FB89B274FC4C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A22FF95FD92FB89B274FC4C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala valva Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "XUE et al. 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "XUE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue, 2006" ; - dwc:species "cothurnata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A24FF97FDABFAAFB09DFBA1.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A24FF97FDABFAAFB09DFBA1.ttl index 5a0c25c1d7c..b18e1e33c7c 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A24FF97FDABFAAFB09DFBA1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A24FF97FDABFAAFB09DFBA1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala dynatophallus Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Xue & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2011" ; - dwc:species "bomiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A26FF91FD8EFBA3B5BCFA88.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A26FF91FD8EFBA3B5BCFA88.ttl index 1b201fd8f41..3c6317d8383 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A26FF91FD8EFBA3B5BCFA88.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A26FF91FD8EFBA3B5BCFA88.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala bomiensis Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "MA, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "MA" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ma, 1981" ; - dwc:species "secura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; @@ -76,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A28FF82FDB8FD54B594FD92.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A28FF82FDB8FD54B594FD92.ttl index 8c90925cb52..f854186509d 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A28FF82FDB8FD54B594FD92.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A28FF82FDB8FD54B594FD92.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala longihirsuta Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Xue & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2011" ; - dwc:species "bomiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2AFF9DFDBEFD54B59DFD92.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2AFF9DFDBEFD54B59DFD92.ttl index 5a37616a0c6..80d5d9bcbf4 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2AFF9DFDBEFD54B59DFD92.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2AFF9DFDBEFD54B59DFD92.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala apicihamata Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Xue & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2011" ; - dwc:species "applicatilobata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(FENG et XUE, 1997)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "FENG et XUE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(FENG & XUE, 1997)" ; - dwc:species "ungulitigris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2CFF9FFDAEFDB9B3D1FD92.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2CFF9FFDAEFDB9B3D1FD92.ttl index f40ea114590..62ef4c17e55 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2CFF9FFDAEFDB9B3D1FD92.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2CFF9FFDAEFDB9B3D1FD92.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala applicatilobata Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(XUE et al. 1998)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "XUE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Xue, 1998)" ; - dwc:species "securisocialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2EFF99FD8AFCBAB5F9FDB1.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2EFF99FD8AFCBAB5F9FDB1.ttl index 9eb01ad7de4..c6406b1daf2 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2EFF99FD8AFCBAB5F9FDB1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A2EFF99FD8AFCBAB5F9FDB1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala parciseta Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(XUE et al. 1998)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "XUE" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Xue, 1998)" ; - dwc:species "curvivesica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A31FF8AFDB7FB73B21FFC27.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A31FF8AFDB7FB73B21FFC27.ttl index fff2514a0e7..47e949d4d64 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A31FF8AFDB7FB73B21FFC27.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A31FF8AFDB7FB73B21FFC27.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala mucronata Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,38 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "XUE & ZHANG, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "XUE & ZHANG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2006" ; - dwc:species "apicaliseta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "XUE et ZHANG, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "XUE et ZHANG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "XUE & ZHANG, 2006" ; - dwc:species "apicaliseta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A33FF84FDAEFA34B3CFFBF7.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A33FF84FDAEFA34B3CFFBF7.ttl index e14a8c30d36..b747d0008e3 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A33FF84FDAEFA34B3CFFBF7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A33FF84FDAEFA34B3CFFBF7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala subcurvilobata Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Xue & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2011" ; - dwc:species "curvilobata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A35FF86FDB4F999B0AAFA32.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A35FF86FDB4F999B0AAFA32.ttl index 4700391d55a..fb36b080f61 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A35FF86FDB4F999B0AAFA32.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A35FF86FDB4F999B0AAFA32.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala curvilobata Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kaddumi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Curvus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaddumi, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A36FF80FD84FE69B3CBFA51.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A36FF80FD84FE69B3CBFA51.ttl index 9ab77f0625f..471508970da 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A36FF80FD84FE69B3CBFA51.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A36FF80FD84FE69B3CBFA51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala apertura Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "XUE et ZHANG, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "XUE et ZHANG" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "XUE & ZHANG, 2006" ; - dwc:species "pilimutinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A3DFF8CFDB9FBFAB59AFDB1.ttl b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A3DFF8CFDB9FBFAB59AFDB1.ttl index fecb42314bc..975ca76c968 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A3DFF8CFDB9FBFAB59AFDB1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/87/7C4987EF3A3DFF8CFDB9FBFAB59AFDB1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xue, W. - Q.; Zhang, X. - S." ; dc:title "Lispocephala leschenaulti Xue & Zhang, 2011, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Xue & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lispocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue & Zhang, 2011" ; - dwc:species "nigriala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Muscidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF0C2120371FAECFC5B0AF6.ttl b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF0C2120371FAECFC5B0AF6.ttl index 36924456b57..f610d02cfc7 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF0C2120371FAECFC5B0AF6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF0C2120371FAECFC5B0AF6.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "El-Hawagry, Magdi S.; Greathead, David J." ; dc:title "Villa micrargyra Walker 1871" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF1C2110371FB1EFD270C2E.ttl b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF1C2110371FB1EFD270C2E.ttl index 333f400a9f5..0ff7666ac21 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF1C2110371FB1EFD270C2E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFF1C2110371FB1EFD270C2E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "El-Hawagry, Magdi S.; Greathead, David J." ; dc:title "Villa stenozoides El-Hawagry & Greathead, 2006, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew" ; - dwc:species "stenozona" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius" ; - dwc:species "ixion" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFBC21F0371FA8CFD2009EE.ttl b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFBC21F0371FA8CFD2009EE.ttl index ef33247de89..1a4ab7802c7 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFBC21F0371FA8CFD2009EE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFBC21F0371FA8CFD2009EE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "El-Hawagry, Magdi S.; Greathead, David J." ; dc:title "Villa aegyptiaca Engel 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Becker (1916)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Becker, 1916" ; - dwc:species "albida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; @@ -75,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFCC21D0371FD6CFDAC08FE.ttl b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFCC21D0371FD6CFDAC08FE.ttl index bf8c0bbcd84..ff7a85e0ab3 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFCC21D0371FD6CFDAC08FE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFCC21D0371FD6CFDAC08FE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "El-Hawagry, Magdi S.; Greathead, David J." ; dc:title "Villa bivirgata Austen 1937" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Becker, 1915", "Becker, 1915: 318" ; + dwc:authority "Becker, 1915: 318" ; dwc:authorityName "Becker" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "318" ; dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; @@ -113,67 +112,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Engel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Engel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engel" ; - dwc:species "aegyptiaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Austen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Austen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austen" ; - dwc:species "bivirgata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Meigen" ; - dwc:authorityName "Meigen" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Meigen" ; - dwc:species "cana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker)" ; - dwc:species "micrargyra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; @@ -187,12 +125,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFEC21C0371FC7CFCAE0F5E.ttl b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFEC21C0371FC7CFCAE0F5E.ttl index 9dcdf0ccebd..607237edf28 100644 --- a/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFEC21C0371FC7CFCAE0F5E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/49/EB/7C49EB33FFFEC21C0371FC7CFCAE0F5E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "El-Hawagry, Magdi S.; Greathead, David J." ; dc:title "Villa cana Meigen 1804" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,52 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Loew, 1869" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loew" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthrax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loew, 1869" ; - dwc:species "niphobletus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mg." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mg." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mg." ; - dwc:species "quinquefasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mg. E.O." ; - dwc:authorityName "Mg. E.O." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Villa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mg. O." ; - dwc:species "quinquefasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF97FF6EFC68FB2903B2.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF97FF6EFC68FB2903B2.ttl index 9af06e3097f..39d94b546fc 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF97FF6EFC68FB2903B2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF97FF6EFC68FB2903B2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Paracaridilophus retusus, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Levl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Levl.) Rehd." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Levl.) Rehd." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Annonaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fissistigma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Magnoliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rehd." ; - dwc:species "retusum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF9AFF6EFF32FC84024F.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF9AFF6EFF32FC84024F.ttl index c865c349f53..52b200dc2ba 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF9AFF6EFF32FC84024F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB1FF9AFF6EFF32FC84024F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Paracaridilophus, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,35 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paracaridilophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Acari" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:species "retusus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Flechtmann, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Flechtmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Esalquia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Flechtmann, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; @@ -83,11 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFCF3FEB006DB.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFCF3FEB006DB.ttl index fa395012fb1..46b3ff827e4 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFCF3FEB006DB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFCF3FEB006DB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Pentacecidophyes xinglongis, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sonn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sonn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Litchi" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sonn." ; - dwc:species "chinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFF32FCDA023B.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFF32FCDA023B.ttl index ae41f00dfa2..aef5845b716 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFF32FCDA023B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB2FF99FF6EFF32FCDA023B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Pentacecidophyes, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,35 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pentacecidophyes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Acari" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:species "xinglongis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mohanasaundaram, 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mohanasaundaram" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neocecidophyes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mohanasaundaram, 1980" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; @@ -83,11 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFCC4FAD406BA.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFCC4FAD406BA.ttl index 62b179e4c2b..8bfdc8a316c 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFCC4FAD406BA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFCC4FAD406BA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Paraisoannulus machiles, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "King ex Hook." ; - dwc:authorityName "King ex Hook." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lauraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Machilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Laurales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "King ex Hook." ; - dwc:species "gamblei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "King ex Hook." ; - dwc:authorityName "King ex Hook." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lauraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Machilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Laurales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "King ex Hook." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFF32FC5E023B.ttl b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFF32FC5E023B.ttl index 38055063c9b..e4b82e0e3a8 100644 --- a/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFF32FC5E023B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4A/DE/7C4ADE15FFB7FF9CFF6EFF32FC5E023B.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Xue, Xiao-Feng; Cheng, Li-Sheng; Hong, Xiao-Yue" ; dc:title "Paraisoannulus, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Paraisoannulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Acari" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xue, Cheng & Hong, 2011" ; - dwc:species "machiles" ; - dwc:tribe "Colomerini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boczek & Chandrapatya, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boczek & Chandrapatya" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Casearius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boczek & Chandrapatya, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; @@ -86,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "tribe" ; dwc:tribe "Colomerini" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Eriophyidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Prostigmata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4B/87/7C4B87F4FF8BFF95FF4CFBE5FCB1CC8E.ttl b/data/7C/4B/87/7C4B87F4FF8BFF95FF4CFBE5FCB1CC8E.ttl index 8170f249061..00da23a7522 100644 --- a/data/7C/4B/87/7C4B87F4FF8BFF95FF4CFBE5FCB1CC8E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4B/87/7C4B87F4FF8BFF95FF4CFBE5FCB1CC8E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Ye, Chao; Ma, Chongbo; Jin, Xiaohua" ; dc:title "Liparis bomiensis X. H. Jin & C. Ye 2024, sp.nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/4B/DE/7C4BDE78186073F17C2A8C8A785B1CFE.ttl b/data/7C/4B/DE/7C4BDE78186073F17C2A8C8A785B1CFE.ttl index 707cf6e8c70..b7dfc6895e6 100644 --- a/data/7C/4B/DE/7C4BDE78186073F17C2A8C8A785B1CFE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4B/DE/7C4BDE78186073F17C2A8C8A785B1CFE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Mimetillus moloneyi subsp. thomasi Hinton 1920" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,23 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Monard 1933" ; - dwc:authorityName "Monard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimetillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Monard, 1933" ; - dwc:species "moloneyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "berneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4B/E1/7C4BE11C9923ED4AA2632F136C7FC7E9.ttl b/data/7C/4B/E1/7C4BE11C9923ED4AA2632F136C7FC7E9.ttl index 79c6cbaad39..4d2c72f892b 100644 --- a/data/7C/4B/E1/7C4BE11C9923ED4AA2632F136C7FC7E9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4B/E1/7C4BE11C9923ED4AA2632F136C7FC7E9.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Pyrophorini Candeze 1863" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4B/F9/7C4BF9B9E72527C4E3D467606BEC3FB3.ttl b/data/7C/4B/F9/7C4BF9B9E72527C4E3D467606BEC3FB3.ttl index 75ac8d6cfd6..0b1335b544c 100644 --- a/data/7C/4B/F9/7C4BF9B9E72527C4E3D467606BEC3FB3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4B/F9/7C4BF9B9E72527C4E3D467606BEC3FB3.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Fumaria officinalis Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Papaveraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Fumaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Papaveraceae" ; @@ -71,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Papaveraceae" ; dwc:genus "Fumaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4C/4E/7C4C4E09C01D9F16FEB6F9B7EE62CAD6.ttl b/data/7C/4C/4E/7C4C4E09C01D9F16FEB6F9B7EE62CAD6.ttl index 6b95a522ecf..6627d7580b1 100644 --- a/data/7C/4C/4E/7C4C4E09C01D9F16FEB6F9B7EE62CAD6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4C/4E/7C4C4E09C01D9F16FEB6F9B7EE62CAD6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mincarone, M. M.; Plachetzki, D.; McCORD, C. L.; Winegard, T. M.; Fernholm, B.; Gonzalez, C. J.; Fudge, D. S." ; dc:title "Eptatretus goslinei Mincarone & Plachetzki & McCORD & Winegard & Fernholm & Gonzalez & Fudge 2021, SP. NOV." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,223 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fernholm & Mincarone, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fernholm & Mincarone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernholm & Mincarone, 2010" ; - dwc:species "astrolabium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fernholm, 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fernholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernholm, 1982" ; - dwc:species "caribbaeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "McMillan & Wisner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:species "carlhubbsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forster, 1801)" ; - dwc:species "cirrhatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roberts & Stewart, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roberts & Stewart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts & Stewart, 2015" ; - dwc:species "cryptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mincarone & Stewart, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mincarone & Stewart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mincarone & Stewart, 2006" ; - dwc:species "goliath" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "McMillan & Wisner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:species "laurahubbsae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mincarone, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mincarone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mincarone, 2000" ; - dwc:species "menezesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "McMillan & Wisner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McMillan & Wisner, 1984" ; - dwc:species "strahani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fernholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fernholm, 1982" ; - dwc:species "caribbeaus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cloquet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1819" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cloquet, 1819" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McMillan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McMillan, 1999" ; - dwc:species "grouseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McMillan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McMillan, 1999" ; - dwc:species "mccoskeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mincarone & McCosker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rubicundus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mincarone & McCosker, 2004)" ; - dwc:species "lakeside" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Myxini" ; dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; @@ -274,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Myxini" ; - dwc:family "Myxinidae" ; dwc:genus "Eptatretus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Myxiniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4C/6A/7C4C6A734A2F56C78DD21ED53B6CE0A1.ttl b/data/7C/4C/6A/7C4C6A734A2F56C78DD21ED53B6CE0A1.ttl index 5f3cd39cfb4..5a01098ace0 100644 --- a/data/7C/4C/6A/7C4C6A734A2F56C78DD21ED53B6CE0A1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4C/6A/7C4C6A734A2F56C78DD21ED53B6CE0A1.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Kai; Deepak, V.; Das, Abhijit; Grismer, L. Lee; Liu, Shuo; Che, Jing" ; dc:title "Calotes medogensis Zhao & Li 1984" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,64 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Annandale" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Agamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Japalura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Annandale, 1905" ; - dwc:species "andersoniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Annandale" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Agamidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mictopholis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Annandale, 1908)" ; - dwc:species "austeniana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Anderson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lycodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Anderson, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blyth" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ptyas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blyth, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "nigromarginata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Agamidae" ; @@ -119,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Agamidae" ; dwc:genus "Calotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4C/87/7C4C8788FFC27E36FF09E41AFA928B07.ttl b/data/7C/4C/87/7C4C8788FFC27E36FF09E41AFA928B07.ttl index 1292ab3b6c1..ccdfa7dd727 100644 --- a/data/7C/4C/87/7C4C8788FFC27E36FF09E41AFA928B07.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4C/87/7C4C8788FFC27E36FF09E41AFA928B07.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Xing; Tong, Yi-Hua; Xia, Nian-He" ; dc:title "Acidosasa carinata D. Z. Li & Y. X. Zhang 1988" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -51,23 +51,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lin (1990: 19)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lin" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "19" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Metasasa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lin, 1990" ; - dwc:species "albofarinosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Lin (1988: 145)" ; dwc:authorityName "Lin" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC1BF74B4D0FDF7FA34FB1E.ttl b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC1BF74B4D0FDF7FA34FB1E.ttl index 2255f121835..bd0f2381500 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC1BF74B4D0FDF7FA34FB1E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC1BF74B4D0FDF7FA34FB1E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mukherjee, Bindarika; Hazra, Niladri" ; dc:title "Demicryptochironomus Lenz 1941" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,564 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "minus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki, 1999)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sasa, Kitami et Suzuki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sasa, Kitami & Suzuki, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "inawabeceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasa et Hirabayashi, 1991" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasa et Hirabayashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1991" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasa & Hirabayashi, 1991" ; - dwc:species "asamaprimus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sasa, 1983)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sasa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sasa, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "tamacutus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasa, 1984" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasa, 1984" ; - dwc:species "chuzequartus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sasa, 1996)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sasa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sasa, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "harunasecundus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasa et Suzuki, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasa et Suzuki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasa & Suzuki, 2001" ; - dwc:species "ginzancedeus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zorina, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zorina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zorina, 2004" ; - dwc:species "evgenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zorina, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zorina" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zorina, 2004" ; - dwc:species "lutoga" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasa, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasa, 1989" ; - dwc:species "uresicarinus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee & Hazra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022" ; - dwc:species "praeacutus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lehmann, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lehmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lehmann, 1979" ; - dwc:species "zairensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ree, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ree" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ree, 2012" ; - dwc:species "paracamptolabis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "antennarius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "yui" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sasa et Suzuki, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sasa et Suzuki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sasa & Suzuki, 2000" ; - dwc:species "irioabeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "pannus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Zetterstedt, 1838)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Zetterstedt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zetterstedt, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "vulneratus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ree, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ree" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ree, 2012" ; - dwc:species "wontongensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Guha et Chaudhuri, 1981)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guha et Chaudhuri" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guha & Chaudhuri, 1981)" ; - dwc:species "clarilatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee & Hazra" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022" ; - dwc:species "dividuus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Goetghebuer, 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goetghebuer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goetghebuer, 1934" ; - dwc:species "cinereithorax" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Saether, Jin et Wang, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Saether, Jin et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Saether, Jin & Wang, 2008" ; - dwc:species "retusus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:species "cuneatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "concavus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sasa, Kawai et Ueno, 1988)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sasa, Kawai et Ueno" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sasa, Kawai & Ueno, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "oyabeprimus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reiss, 1988)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reiss" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reiss, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "neglectus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:species "fastigatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reiss, 1988)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reiss" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reiss, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "banepae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "constrictus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reiss, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reiss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reiss, 1988" ; - dwc:species "schachti" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang et Zheng, 1994" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang et Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang & Zheng, 1994" ; - dwc:species "spatulatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reiss, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reiss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reiss, 1988" ; - dwc:species "latior" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC2BF7BB4D0F8C1FCF8FE79.ttl b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC2BF7BB4D0F8C1FCF8FE79.ttl index fd9a32b8e8b..658c78d372b 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC2BF7BB4D0F8C1FCF8FE79.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC2BF7BB4D0F8C1FCF8FE79.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mukherjee, Bindarika; Hazra, Niladri" ; dc:title "Demicryptochironomus (Irmakia) dividuus Mukherjee et Hazra 2022, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022", "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee & Hazra", "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; + dwc:authority "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; + dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -49,38 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yan, Tang et Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yan, Tang et Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yan, Tang & Wang, 2005" ; - dwc:species "concavus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Townes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Townes, 1945)" ; - dwc:species "fastigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -95,12 +62,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Irmakia" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC4BF78B4D0FB88FBABF8A0.ttl b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC4BF78B4D0FB88FBABF8A0.ttl index 9f3d5f308e2..28a2b724c41 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC4BF78B4D0FB88FBABF8A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/1C/7C4D1C27FFC4BF78B4D0FB88FBABF8A0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mukherjee, Bindarika; Hazra, Niladri" ; dc:title "Demicryptochironomus (Demicryptochironomus) praeacutus Mukherjee et Hazra 2022, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,13 +31,12 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Mukherjee & Hazra, 2022", "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee & Hazra", "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; + dwc:authority "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; + dwc:authorityName "Mukherjee et Hazra" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:isSensuStricto "true" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; @@ -50,36 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lenz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lenz, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lehman, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lehmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lehmann, 1979" ; - dwc:species "zairensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; @@ -94,24 +62,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Demicryptochironomus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chironomidae" ; dwc:genus "Demicryptochironomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4D/59/7C4D5973B6240C8792B483AD1A3DCDCB.ttl b/data/7C/4D/59/7C4D5973B6240C8792B483AD1A3DCDCB.ttl index 7563a3f4beb..d847cdc1292 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/59/7C4D5973B6240C8792B483AD1A3DCDCB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/59/7C4D5973B6240C8792B483AD1A3DCDCB.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Ergatini Fairmaire 1864" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF911E56FFF1FBA1A344C835.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF911E56FFF1FBA1A344C835.ttl index 9ac1ee91c12..d6ee8060b8f 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF911E56FFF1FBA1A344C835.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF911E56FFF1FBA1A344C835.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus somalicus Gess & Pulawski & Gess 2015, new status" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF931E51FFF1FB68A6ACC8F8.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF931E51FFF1FB68A6ACC8F8.ttl index bf69771a443..ca95a479762 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF931E51FFF1FB68A6ACC8F8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF931E51FFF1FB68A6ACC8F8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus rhopalocerus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,158 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "gilvus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "quadristrigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gess & Pulawski & Gess" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "somalicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus", "(Linnaeus)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "trifurcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fennah" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fennah" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nogodinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telmosias" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fennah, 1967" ; - dwc:species "crito" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Melichar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nogodinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melichar, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Melichar)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Melichar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nogodinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sajuba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Melichar)" ; - dwc:species "reversa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spinola" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Flatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spinola, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF961E54FFF1FC9DA1D4CF61.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF961E54FFF1FC9DA1D4CF61.ttl index f47094ee1bb..3dd9182b9ab 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF961E54FFF1FC9DA1D4CF61.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFF961E54FFF1FC9DA1D4CF61.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus zebratus R. Bohart" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -66,153 +65,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "pakhuisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Handlirsch, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "rhopalocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "gilvus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "quadristrigatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gess & Pulawski & Gess" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "somalicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gess & Pulawski & Gess" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gess, Pulawski & Gess, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Melichar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nogodinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Melichar, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spinola" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Flatidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spinola, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; @@ -226,12 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA01E61FFF1FC93A347CE22.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA01E61FFF1FC93A347CE22.ttl index 290fce3e1be..f23c7819e2a 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA01E61FFF1FC93A347CE22.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA01E61FFF1FC93A347CE22.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus inexspectatus Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA11E67FFF1FA8BA347C9F5.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA11E67FFF1FA8BA347C9F5.ttl index 7d532b11c15..814210a39ed 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA11E67FFF1FA8BA347C9F5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA11E67FFF1FA8BA347C9F5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus karasanus F. Gess and Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Masson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Masson" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Crassulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aloe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Saxifragales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Masson" ; - dwc:species "dichotoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA21E60FFF1FBADA379C834.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA21E60FFF1FBADA379C834.ttl index 7db5b8f6e4e..f7d24fc0ff2 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA21E60FFF1FBADA379C834.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA21E60FFF1FBADA379C834.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus hyperocrus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -67,80 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "inexspectatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handlirsch, 1895" ; - dwc:species "rhopalocerus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wendl. Reichb. Ex Steud.)" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermbstaedtia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendl. Reichb. Ex Steud.)" ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Mey. ex Sond." ; - dwc:authorityName "Sond." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zygophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zygophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sond." ; - dwc:species "prismatocarpum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Homoptera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Homoptera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Homoptera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA71E6AFFF1FD5DA0D4CA54.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA71E6AFFF1FD5DA0D4CA54.ttl index 906f1a165fd..1c1ca8adeed 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA71E6AFFF1FD5DA0D4CA54.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA71E6AFFF1FD5DA0D4CA54.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus mutabilis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Arn.", "Arnold, 1929: 295" ; + dwc:authority "Arnold, 1929: 295" ; dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "295" ; dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; @@ -133,81 +132,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Helichrysum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "hebelepis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "trifurcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wendl.) Reichb. Ex Steud." ; - dwc:authorityName "Reichb. Ex Steud." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wendl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermbstaedia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendl.) Reichb. Ex Steud." ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Limeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Limeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "africanum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Homoptera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Homoptera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Homoptera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA81E69FFF1FD7DA347CFB5.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA81E69FFF1FD7DA347CFB5.ttl index 4ad76934d46..11217d0269a 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA81E69FFF1FD7DA347CFB5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA81E69FFF1FD7DA347CFB5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus omaruru Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,51 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "River" ; - dwc:authorityName "River" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "River" ; - dwc:species "omaruru" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "inexspectatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA91E6FFFF1FB10A0B4C83D.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA91E6FFFF1FB10A0B4C83D.ttl index 07d46a18ad0..7822cdc4524 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA91E6FFFF1FB10A0B4C83D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFA91E6FFFF1FB10A0B4C83D.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus pakhuisae R. Bohart 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -34,9 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "R. Bohart", "R. Bohart, 1997: 168" ; + dwc:authority "R. Bohart" ; dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "168" ; dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; @@ -51,94 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1802" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1802" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arnold, 1929" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "trifurcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Wendl.) Reichb. ex Steudl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Steudl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wendl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermbstaedtia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wendl.) Steudl." ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Homoptera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Homoptera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Issidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Homoptera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAA1E6BFFF1FE3DA344C975.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAA1E6BFFF1FE3DA344C975.ttl index 23339980ce3..ab5793aa0bb 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAA1E6BFFF1FE3DA344C975.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAA1E6BFFF1FE3DA344C975.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus namaquensis Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,49 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arnold, 1929" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "rhopaloceroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Connolly" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Dorcasiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Connolly, 1915" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAB1E68FFF1FDDDA344C995.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAB1E68FFF1FDDDA344C995.ttl index c5d08cf300c..66566254e0f 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAB1E68FFF1FDDDA344C995.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAB1E68FFF1FDDDA344C995.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus namibius Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAD1E53FFF1FA24A347CF82.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAD1E53FFF1FA24A347CF82.ttl index 4748961150d..9537d6cd280 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAD1E53FFF1FA24A347CF82.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAD1E53FFF1FA24A347CF82.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus rhopaloceroides" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -85,66 +84,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "inexspectatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thunb." ; - dwc:authorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zygophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zygophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thunb." ; - dwc:species "retrofractum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Athanasia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus) Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "trifurcata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mesembryanthema)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mesembryanthema" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Aizoaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mesembryanthema)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAF1E6DFFF1FCE2A347CE7C.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAF1E6DFFF1FCE2A347CE7C.ttl index 709a0ead0a3..d758f866d65 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAF1E6DFFF1FCE2A347CE7C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFAF1E6DFFF1FCE2A347CE7C.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus quadristrigatus Arnold" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -100,130 +97,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Otjiwarongo, and Outjo" ; - dwc:authorityName "Otjiwarongo, and Outjo" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Otjiwarongo, & Outjo" ; - dwc:species "omaruru" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burch.) T. Cooke" ; - dwc:authorityName "T. Cooke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burch." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermbstaedtia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burch.) Cooke" ; - dwc:species "odorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Engl.) C. B. Cl." ; - dwc:authorityName "C. B. Cl." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Engl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Acanthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Petalidium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Engl.) Cl." ; - dwc:species "lanatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fenzl) Verdc" ; - dwc:authorityName "Verdc" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fenzl" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Aizoaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sesuvium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fenzl) Verdc" ; - dwc:species "sesuvioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wawra and Peyr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wawra and Peyr" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Limeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Limeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wawra & Peyr" ; - dwc:species "argute-carinatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burm." ; - dwc:authorityName "Burm." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Limeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Limeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burm." ; - dwc:species "aethiopicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(O. Hoffm.) C. Jeffrey" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. Jeffrey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "O. Hoffm." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Emelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoffm.) Jeffrey" ; - dwc:species "mariothina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "E. Mey ex Benth." ; - dwc:authorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Heliotropiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Heliotropium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benth." ; - dwc:species "tubulosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB11E71FE11FCF9A6A8CD98.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB11E71FE11FCF9A6A8CD98.ttl index 096e409de7a..984840b5f6b 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB11E71FE11FCF9A6A8CD98.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB11E71FE11FCF9A6A8CD98.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus Gess & Pulawski & Gess 2015" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,85 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "tridens" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "F. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1856" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1856)" ; - dwc:species "loriculatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "de Saussure" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(de Saussure, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "caffer" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(F. Smith)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "F. Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Larra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith)" ; - dwc:species "cinguliger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:authorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:species "oxydorcus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB61E74FEC7FDE1A6AACEAB.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB61E74FEC7FDE1A6AACEAB.ttl index de60fbf3d7d..554eef769d7 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB61E74FEC7FDE1A6AACEAB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB61E74FEC7FDE1A6AACEAB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus rhopalocerus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(Handlirsch)", "(Handlirsch, 1895)" ; + dwc:authority "(Handlirsch, 1895)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Handlirsch" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,279 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "namaquensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gess & Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "karasanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "gilvus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Arnold)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Arnold)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gess & Pulawski & Gess" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "somalicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "namibius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Arnold)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "quadristrigatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Arnold)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "hyperocrus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "omaruru" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "inexspectatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "helicicola" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Arnold)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "rhopaloceroides" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gess & Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "gariepensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityName "F. Gess and Pulawski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gess & Pulawski, 2015" ; - dwc:species "damarensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "pakhuisae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart" ; - dwc:species "zebratus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB81E7EFFF1FF7DA347C855.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB81E7EFFF1FF7DA347C855.ttl index 55fbefd1906..cea5c148da6 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB81E7EFFF1FF7DA347C855.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFB81E7EFFF1FF7DA347C855.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus damarensis F. Gess and Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,144 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gess & Pulawski & Gess, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gess & Pulawski & Gess" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gess, Pulawski & Gess, 2015" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Handlirsch, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "rhopalocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "R. Bohart" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bohart, 1997" ; - dwc:species "pakhuisae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "mutabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Handl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Handlirsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Handlirsch, 1895" ; - dwc:species "rhopalocerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Burch.) T. Cooke" ; - dwc:authorityName "T. Cooke" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burch." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermstaedtia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burch.) Cooke" ; - dwc:species "odorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Klotsch) Hutch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hutch." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klotsch" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Limeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Limeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klotsch) Hutch." ; - dwc:species "sulcatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burm." ; - dwc:authorityName "Burm." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Limeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Limeum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burm." ; - dwc:species "aethiopicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Burch." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hermbstaedtia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burch." ; - dwc:species "odorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; @@ -199,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBC1E7DFFF1FF7DA344C8B5.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBC1E7DFFF1FF7DA344C8B5.ttl index 767005d8680..031beee6c92 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBC1E7DFFF1FF7DA344C8B5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBC1E7DFFF1FF7DA344C8B5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus gilvus R. Bohart 1997" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,35 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zygophyllaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Zygophyllum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zygophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:species "simplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Menke" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tripteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menke, 1830" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBD1E62FFF1FC15A347C8C4.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBD1E62FFF1FC15A347C8C4.ttl index 005d5c846ae..d3b2b3f8d67 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBD1E62FFF1FC15A347C8C4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBD1E62FFF1FC15A347C8C4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus helicicola Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,35 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Connolly" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Dorcasiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Connolly, 1915" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "rhopaloceroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBE1E7FFFF1FC3DA344CD15.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBE1E7FFFF1FC3DA344CD15.ttl index 1c60d8dd264..1080f461262 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBE1E7FFFF1FC3DA344CD15.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D3/7C4DD35EFFBE1E7FFFF1FC3DA344CD15.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gess, Friedrich W.; Pulawski, Wojciech J.; Gess, Sarah K." ; dc:title "Bembecinus gariepensis F. Gess and Pulawski 2015, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,37 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnold" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bembecinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnold, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "rhopaloceroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Berger) N. E. Br." ; - dwc:authorityName "N. E. Br." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Berger" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Aizoaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Psilocaulon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Berger) Br." ; - dwc:species "subnodosum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4D/D6/7C4DD6A48716819F1171ED56423F087C.ttl b/data/7C/4D/D6/7C4DD6A48716819F1171ED56423F087C.ttl index b89101d0d2e..1463242f61a 100644 --- a/data/7C/4D/D6/7C4DD6A48716819F1171ED56423F087C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4D/D6/7C4DD6A48716819F1171ED56423F087C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Inkhavilay, Khamla; Siriboon, Thanit; Sutcharit, Chirasak; Rowson, Ben; Panha, Somsak" ; dc:title "Haploptychius porrectus Pfeiffer 1863" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/00/7C4E00C972CF566C9DD0950A0664175B.ttl b/data/7C/4E/00/7C4E00C972CF566C9DD0950A0664175B.ttl index 831ae21142b..4ad31c7ad04 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/00/7C4E00C972CF566C9DD0950A0664175B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/00/7C4E00C972CF566C9DD0950A0664175B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Fuersich, Franz T.; Alberti, Matthias; Pandey, Dhirendra K.; Ayoub-Hannaa, Wagih S." ; dc:title "Ctenostreon Eichwald 1862" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,111 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "von Schlotheim" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Ostreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ostracites" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ostreida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(von Schlotheim, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "pectiniformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schlotheim" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlamys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schlotheim, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "textoria" ; - dwc:subGenus "Chlamys" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schlotheim" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spondylopecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schlotheim, 1820)" ; - dwc:species "subspinosus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plesiopecten" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "J. Sowerby" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Radulopecten" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sowerby, 1816)" ; - dwc:species "fibrosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Pectinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pectinida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bruguiere" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; - dwc:family "Astartidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carditida" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bruguiere, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oppel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Astartidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pruvostiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carditida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oppel, 1863)" ; - dwc:species "hermanni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pruvostiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Bivalvia" ; dwc:family "Limidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/5F/7C4E5FBA26F95D959899935BB9F82218.ttl b/data/7C/4E/5F/7C4E5FBA26F95D959899935BB9F82218.ttl index 9a41aacaa51..ce7f4e6de9c 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/5F/7C4E5FBA26F95D959899935BB9F82218.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/5F/7C4E5FBA26F95D959899935BB9F82218.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Song, Yuehua; Yuan, Zhouwei; Jiang, Jia" ; dc:title "Shibinga Song & Yuan & Jiang 2021, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,63 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Song & Yuan & Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Shibinga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Song, Yuan & Jiang, 2021" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dworakowska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Salka" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dworakowska, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dworakowska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Yakuza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dworakowska, 2002" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dworakowska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chujophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dworakowska, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB73FF81609EE67109AD8BAC.ttl b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB73FF81609EE67109AD8BAC.ttl index 2d6ab8990c7..68359e7e7b5 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB73FF81609EE67109AD8BAC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB73FF81609EE67109AD8BAC.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Turvey, Samuel T.; Weksler, Marcelo; Morris, Elaine L.; Nokkert, Mark" ; dc:title "Pennatomys nivalis Turvey & Weksler & Morris & Nokkert 2010" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Turvey & Weksler & Morris & Nokkert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pennatomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turvey, Weksler, Morris & Nokkert, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "TROUESSART" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "BANGS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bangs, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authorityName "Illiger" ; dwc:authorityYear "1811" ; @@ -133,12 +90,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; dwc:genus "Pennatomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB75FF9D616FE65708B28F93.ttl b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB75FF9D616FE65708B28F93.ttl index c87ae4484a1..11fd7a108df 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB75FF9D616FE65708B28F93.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB75FF9D616FE65708B28F93.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Turvey, Samuel T.; Weksler, Marcelo; Morris, Elaine L.; Nokkert, Mark" ; dc:title "Pennatomys Turvey & Weksler & Morris & Nokkert 2010, GEN. NOV." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,79 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Turvey & Weksler & Morris & Nokkert, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Turvey & Weksler & Morris & Nokkert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pennatomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Turvey, Weksler, Morris & Nokkert, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nivalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "THOMAS" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "victus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nectomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1861" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "VORONTZOV" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vorontzov, 1959" ; - dwc:tribe "Oryzomyini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "TROUESSART" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Trouessart, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF966099E7E90BA28FA7.ttl b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF966099E7E90BA28FA7.ttl index 589a215ba7b..bcaec0c442b 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF966099E7E90BA28FA7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF966099E7E90BA28FA7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Turvey, Samuel T.; Weksler, Marcelo; Morris, Elaine L.; Nokkert, Mark" ; dc:title "Oligoryzomys BANGS 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Baird" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird, 1857" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "SAUSSURE, 1860" ; - dwc:authorityName "SAUSSURE" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hesperomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saussure, 1860" ; - dwc:species "fulvescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF9B60ABE79C0BA38FAB.ttl b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF9B60ABE79C0BA38FAB.ttl index 4699d9c559f..27bcdc7bac7 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF9B60ABE79C0BA38FAB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB78FF9B60ABE79C0BA38FAB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Turvey, Samuel T.; Weksler, Marcelo; Morris, Elaine L.; Nokkert, Mark" ; dc:title "Oligoryzomys victus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "BANGS" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bangs, 1900" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "WAGNER" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1843" ; - dwc:subFamily "Sigmodontinae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; @@ -91,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; dwc:genus "Oligoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB7CFF966302E44508EF8F12.ttl b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB7CFF966302E44508EF8F12.ttl index 316be3ca4dd..f3a71e6128b 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB7CFF966302E44508EF8F12.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/87/7C4E878AAB7CFF966302E44508EF8F12.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Turvey, Samuel T.; Weksler, Marcelo; Morris, Elaine L.; Nokkert, Mark" ; dc:title "Megalomys TROUESSART 1881" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -46,129 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "SAY, 1822" ; - dwc:authorityName "SAY" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Mus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Say, 1822" ; - dwc:species "pilorides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": NHM" ; - dwc:authorityName "NHM" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nhm" ; - dwc:species "desmarestii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": NHM" ; - dwc:authorityName "NHM" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nhm" ; - dwc:species "luciae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": NHM M" ; - dwc:authorityName "NHM M" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nhm M" ; - dwc:species "audreyae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "THOMAS" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oligoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "victus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Niethammer, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Niethammer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Niethammer, 1964" ; - dwc:species "curioi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hooijer, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hooijer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hooijer, 1959" ; - dwc:species "curazensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lenglet & Coppois, 1979)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lenglet & Coppois" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megaoryzomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lenglet & Coppois, 1979)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cricetidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A261FF959D196F98FC135549.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A261FF959D196F98FC135549.ttl index bc0992ba7a2..56f35c09430 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A261FF959D196F98FC135549.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A261FF959D196F98FC135549.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes lusitanus Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,112 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Richters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richters, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:species "roscoffensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, DAddabbo Gallo & Grimaldi, 1979" ; - dwc:species "adriaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "algharbensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1946" ; - dwc:species "pennaki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halechiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux, 1976" ; - dwc:species "greveni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; @@ -166,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26BFF819F9E6B75FDBB564D.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26BFF819F9E6B75FDBB564D.ttl index 161797f9ca6..3d7eeb9e58c 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26BFF819F9E6B75FDBB564D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26BFF819F9E6B75FDBB564D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes adriaticus Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi 1979" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Richters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richters, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halechiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux, 1976" ; - dwc:species "greveni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; @@ -102,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26CFF8C9D336C78FC10556D.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26CFF8C9D336C78FC10556D.ttl index 813c10a2a37..16a8c49d257 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26CFF8C9D336C78FC10556D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A26CFF8C9D336C78FC10556D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes algharbensis Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,128 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Richters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richters, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1971" ; - dwc:species "tubernatis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "sensu McKirdy 1975", "sensu McKirdy" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu McKirdy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu McKirdy, 1975" ; - dwc:species "tubernatis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gallo D'Addabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gallo D'Addabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gallo DAddabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi, 2005" ; - dwc:species "spinicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "lusitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1946" ; - dwc:species "pennaki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halechiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux, 1976" ; - dwc:species "greveni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; @@ -181,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF959D376F7BFB5F501C.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF959D376F7BFB5F501C.ttl index 5637b75e949..6901ee0cdf9 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF959D376F7BFB5F501C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF959D376F7BFB5F501C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes pennaki Marcus 1946" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,68 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "algharbensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "lusitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halechiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux, 1976" ; - dwc:species "greveni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF979D7F6A4FFE555296.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF979D7F6A4FFE555296.ttl index 970f82d9a36..140b76268d1 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF979D7F6A4FFE555296.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A278FF979D7F6A4FFE555296.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes phreaticus Renaud-Debyser 1959" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,112 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, DAddabbo Gallo & Grimaldi, 1979" ; - dwc:species "adriaticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "algharbensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "lusitanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1946" ; - dwc:species "pennaki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1976" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Halechiniscus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant & Deroux, 1976" ; - dwc:species "greveni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "littoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Richters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richters, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; @@ -165,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A27EFF9E9FD16B9AFAA757FE.ttl b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A27EFF9E9FD16B9AFAA757FE.ttl index b91781f3c7d..99640605ee9 100644 --- a/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A27EFF9E9FD16B9AFAA757FE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4E/8E/7C4E8E28A27EFF9E9FD16B9AFAA757FE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Santos, Erika; Rubal, Marcos; Veiga, Puri; da Rocha, Clélia M. C.; Fontoura, Paulo" ; dc:title "Batillipes Richters 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,635 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "de Zio, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Zio" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Zio, 1962" ; - dwc:species "annulatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McGinty, 1969" ; - dwc:authorityName "McGinty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McGinty, 1969" ; - dwc:species "gilmartini" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Marcus, 1946" ; - dwc:authorityName "Marcus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marcus, 1946" ; - dwc:species "pennaki" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gallo D'Addabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi, 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gallo D'Addabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gallo DAddabbo, Sandulli & de Zio Grimaldi, 2005" ; - dwc:species "spinicauda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:species "roscoffensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grimaldi de Zio, Morone De Lucia, DAddabbo Gallo & Grimaldi, 1979" ; - dwc:species "adriaticus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "lusitanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tchesunov & Mokievsky, 1995" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tchesunov & Mokievsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1995" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tchesunov & Mokievsky, 1995" ; - dwc:species "crassipes" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kristensen, 1978" ; - dwc:species "noerrevangi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rubal, Veiga, Fontoura & Sousa-Pinto, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rubal, Veiga, Fontoura & Sousa-Pinto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rubal, Veiga, Fontoura & Sousa-Pinto, 2017" ; - dwc:species "minius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jorgensen, Boesgaard, Mobjerg & Kristensen, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jorgensen, Boesgaard, Mobjerg & Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jorgensen, Boesgaard, Mobjerg & Kristensen, 2014" ; - dwc:species "solitarius" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rho, Min & Chang, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rho, Min & Chang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rho, Min & Chang, 1999" ; - dwc:species "rotundiculus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:species "potiguarensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fize, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fize" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fize, 1957" ; - dwc:species "carnonensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017" ; - dwc:species "amblypyge" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chang & Rho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:species "longispinosus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pollock, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1971" ; - dwc:species "acaudatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chang & Rho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:species "philippinensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Richters, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Richters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Richters, 1909" ; - dwc:species "mirus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hay, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hay" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hay, 1917" ; - dwc:species "caudatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pollock, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1989" ; - dwc:species "tridentatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chang & Rho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chang & Rho, 1997" ; - dwc:species "orientalis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McGinty & Higgins, 1968" ; - dwc:authorityName "McGinty & Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McGinty & Higgins, 1968" ; - dwc:species "bullacaudatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2017" ; - dwc:species "lingularum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morone De Lucia, DAddabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio, 1988" ; - dwc:species "marcelli" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "phreaticus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pollock, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1970" ; - dwc:species "dicrocercus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2015" ; - dwc:authorityName "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Menechella, Bulnes & Cazzaniga, 2015" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Riggin, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Riggin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riggin, 1962" ; - dwc:species "friaufi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:species "dandarae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morone De Lucia, D'Addabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morone De Lucia, DAddabbo Gallo & Grimaldi de Zio, 1988" ; - dwc:species "africanus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kristensen & Mackness, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kristensen & Mackness" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kristensen & Mackness, 2000" ; - dwc:species "lesteri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr. & Fontoura, 2017" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Debyser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Debyser, 1959" ; - dwc:species "littoralis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schulz, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schulz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schulz, 1955" ; - dwc:species "similis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Santos & Rubal & Veiga & da Rocha & Fontoura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Santos, Rubal, Veiga, da Rocha & Fontoura, 2018" ; - dwc:species "algharbensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pollock, 1971" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1971" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; - dwc:genus "Batillipes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1971" ; - dwc:species "tubernatis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Batillipedidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/4F/DE/7C4FDE2330423179FF4696C7FC675896.ttl b/data/7C/4F/DE/7C4FDE2330423179FF4696C7FC675896.ttl index 60a724eb258..a7163ba332a 100644 --- a/data/7C/4F/DE/7C4FDE2330423179FF4696C7FC675896.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4F/DE/7C4FDE2330423179FF4696C7FC675896.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Laurito, Magdalena; Almirón, Walter Ricardo; Rossi, Gustavo Carlos" ; dc:title "Culex (Culex) acharistus Root" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,139 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Whitish" ; - dwc:authorityName "Whitish" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemopteridae" ; - dwc:genus "Halter" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Whitish" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Clavero" ; - dwc:authorityName "Clavero" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Mina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Clavero" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Philippi" ; - dwc:authorityName "Philippi" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Philippi" ; - dwc:species "apicinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar" ; - dwc:species "brethesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar" ; - dwc:species "chidesteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lynch Arribalzaga" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lynch Arribalzaga" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lynch Arribalzaga" ; - dwc:species "dolosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar" ; - dwc:species "bidens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dyar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dyar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dyar" ; - dwc:species "interfor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Casal. The" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casal. The" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casal. The" ; - dwc:species "ameliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Culicidae" ; @@ -217,12 +83,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Culicidae" ; dwc:genus "Culex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/4F/E4/7C4FE41AB02D9B76BCA7FFAC85B880A8.ttl b/data/7C/4F/E4/7C4FE41AB02D9B76BCA7FFAC85B880A8.ttl index cf75c3a435a..8d79bd6c551 100644 --- a/data/7C/4F/E4/7C4FE41AB02D9B76BCA7FFAC85B880A8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/4F/E4/7C4FE41AB02D9B76BCA7FFAC85B880A8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Astragalus glycyphyllos Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -77,11 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593297B32AD9FBFAFBEA.ttl b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593297B32AD9FBFAFBEA.ttl index f90018ba7b3..8ec64fcb9ee 100644 --- a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593297B32AD9FBFAFBEA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593297B32AD9FBFAFBEA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tyrrell, Christopher D.; Clark, Lynn G." ; dc:title "Rhipidocladum cordatum C. D. Tyrrell & L. G. Clark 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "McClure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhipidocladum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi, 1944) McClure, 1973" ; - dwc:species "harmonicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C. D. Tyrrell & L. G. Clark" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhipidocladum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tyrrell & Clark, 2013" ; - dwc:species "arenicolum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593797B32E96FEF2F906.ttl b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593797B32E96FEF2F906.ttl index 5ebc0c2f7df..f2eda88c9af 100644 --- a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593797B32E96FEF2F906.ttl +++ b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E753593797B32E96FEF2F906.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tyrrell, Christopher D.; Clark, Lynn G." ; dc:title "Rhipidocladum arenicolum C. D. Tyrrell & L. G. Clark 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "McClure" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Parodi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhipidocladum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Parodi, 1944) McClure, 1973" ; - dwc:species "harmonicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E756593D97B328E5FA6BFE75.ttl b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E756593D97B328E5FA6BFE75.ttl index befb0941498..4c52285be64 100644 --- a/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E756593D97B328E5FA6BFE75.ttl +++ b/data/7C/50/62/7C506217E756593D97B328E5FA6BFE75.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Tyrrell, Christopher D.; Clark, Lynn G." ; dc:title "Rhipidocladum rubrofimbriatum C. D. Tyrrell, L. G. Clark & Judz. 2013, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/50/9D/7C509D0A446A1E0F807477D8C6E14FCC.ttl b/data/7C/50/9D/7C509D0A446A1E0F807477D8C6E14FCC.ttl index 9e6c11cd3ba..107e1c78465 100644 --- a/data/7C/50/9D/7C509D0A446A1E0F807477D8C6E14FCC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/50/9D/7C509D0A446A1E0F807477D8C6E14FCC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ji, Xiao-Yu; Du, Yu-Zhou; Wang, Zhi-Jie" ; dc:title "Amphinemura annulata Du & Ji, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Du & Ji" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; - dwc:genus "Amphinemura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Plecoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Du & Ji" ; - dwc:species "annulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nemouridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/51/CC/7C51CC7AD14EFF82A8F7FED3FD711ED7.ttl b/data/7C/51/CC/7C51CC7AD14EFF82A8F7FED3FD711ED7.ttl index 23399847749..84cd8845c34 100644 --- a/data/7C/51/CC/7C51CC7AD14EFF82A8F7FED3FD711ED7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/51/CC/7C51CC7AD14EFF82A8F7FED3FD711ED7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Volynkin, Anton V.; Černý, Karel" ; dc:title "Cincinasura Volynkin & Černý 2021, gen. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hampson, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Arctiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1900" ; - dwc:species "synestramena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/52/D4/7C52D4FC8E9557729464E76E5420FDDA.ttl b/data/7C/52/D4/7C52D4FC8E9557729464E76E5420FDDA.ttl index 52f4f2ed081..3b65a4bee23 100644 --- a/data/7C/52/D4/7C52D4FC8E9557729464E76E5420FDDA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/52/D4/7C52D4FC8E9557729464E76E5420FDDA.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Nuetzel, Alexander; Ebbestad, Jan Ove; Seuss, Barbara; Munnecke, Axel; Mapes, Royal H.; Cook, Alex G." ; dc:title "Orthonychia enorme" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Orthonychia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida", "Cyrtoneritimorpha" ; + dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindstroem, 1884)" ; @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyceras" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida", "Vetigastropoda" ; + dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindstrom, 1884)" ; @@ -64,79 +64,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthonychia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hall, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hisinger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyceras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Vetigastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hisinger, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "cornutum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boucot & Yochelson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Platyceratidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crossoceras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boucot & Yochelson, 1966" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fryda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Pragoserpulinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pragoserpulina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fryda, 1998" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fryda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Pragoscutulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fryda, 1998" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Orthonychia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida", "Cyrtoneritimorpha" ; + dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "enorme" ; @@ -144,12 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Orthonychia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -188,7 +116,7 @@ dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyceras" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida", "Vetigastropoda" ; + dwc:order "Cyrtoneritida" ; dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "enorme" ; @@ -196,12 +124,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Orthonychiidae" ; dwc:genus "Platyceras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Vetigastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/53/3D/7C533D3C85941E1921F48336A692E2CC.ttl b/data/7C/53/3D/7C533D3C85941E1921F48336A692E2CC.ttl index 9c19cb92396..a38295c139b 100644 --- a/data/7C/53/3D/7C533D3C85941E1921F48336A692E2CC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/53/3D/7C533D3C85941E1921F48336A692E2CC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Korshunova, Tatiana; Martynov, Alexander; Bakken, Torkild; Evertsen, Jussi; Fletcher, Karin; Mudianta, I Wayan; Saito, Hiroshi; Lundin, Kennet; Michael Schroedl,; Picton, Bernard" ; dc:title "Apata pricei subsp. komandorica Korshunova, Martynov, Bakken, Evertsen, Fletcher, Mudianta, Saito, Lundin, Schroedl & Picton, 2017, subsp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,12 +58,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Apataidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Nudibranchia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "pricei" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/53/84/7C538413D1FE56ECA407031B56B7BB51.ttl b/data/7C/53/84/7C538413D1FE56ECA407031B56B7BB51.ttl index d999c902dfb..4fb805a34a8 100644 --- a/data/7C/53/84/7C538413D1FE56ECA407031B56B7BB51.ttl +++ b/data/7C/53/84/7C538413D1FE56ECA407031B56B7BB51.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Fujimoto, Shinta; Jimi, Naoto" ; dc:title "Cyaegharctus Fujimoto & Jimi 2020, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,78 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fujimoto & Jimi, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "gen. et" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Styraconyxidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyaegharctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "gen. et, 2020" ; - dwc:species "kitamurai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Renaud-Mornant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Raiarctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Renaud-Mornant, 1981" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thulin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1942" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Styraconyx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thulin, 1942" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kristensen & Renaud-Mornant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tholoarctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kristensen & Renaud-Mornant, 1983" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pollock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; - dwc:family "Halechiniscidae" ; - dwc:genus "Angursa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Arthrotardigrada" ; - dwc:phylum "Tardigrada" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pollock, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Heterotardigrada" ; dwc:family "Styraconyxidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/53/97/7C5397956FFD98941D29417D15D86895.ttl b/data/7C/53/97/7C5397956FFD98941D29417D15D86895.ttl index 43e263374de..823d7758006 100644 --- a/data/7C/53/97/7C5397956FFD98941D29417D15D86895.ttl +++ b/data/7C/53/97/7C5397956FFD98941D29417D15D86895.ttl @@ -10,10 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "?floridanus" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R.; Livermore, Laurence" ; dc:title "Dendrocerus ?floridanus Ashmead 1881" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -26,19 +25,3 @@ dc:date "2014" ; dc:title "Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ceraphronoidea" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - - dwc:authority "Ashmead, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ashmead" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Megaspilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ashmead, 1881" ; - dwc:species "?floridanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/7C/54/6E/7C546E33B67E737230793C9D0E2AEED9.ttl b/data/7C/54/6E/7C546E33B67E737230793C9D0E2AEED9.ttl index 7f3729eea6c..fe86b5dc3b4 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/6E/7C546E33B67E737230793C9D0E2AEED9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/6E/7C546E33B67E737230793C9D0E2AEED9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Faulwetter, Sarah; Simboura, Nomiki; Katsiaras, Nikolaos; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Arvanitidis, Christos" ; dc:title "Leodice torquata Quatrefages 1866" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA70718FC5E113C2F914306.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA70718FC5E113C2F914306.ttl index 08066de1776..4cb5e84f7c4 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA70718FC5E113C2F914306.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA70718FC5E113C2F914306.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Schatz, George E.; Lowry II, Porter P." ; dc:title "Diospyros squamosa A. DC." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ dwc:authority "Hiern" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hiern", "Hiern, Transactions" ; + dwc:authorityName "Hiern" ; dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ dwc:authority "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier", "H. Perrier, Memoires de l'Institut" ; + dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier" ; dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -82,37 +82,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "sennenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bojer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bojer" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bojer" ; - dwc:species "squamosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA7071BFF43175D2AEB41A4.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA7071BFF43175D2AEB41A4.ttl index cf68332c715..ef970603512 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA7071BFF43175D2AEB41A4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFA7071BFF43175D2AEB41A4.ttl @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB00700FCB7135E2C55445B.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB00700FCB7135E2C55445B.ttl index 3c2b75aac69..97a06b9e135 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB00700FCB7135E2C55445B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB00700FCB7135E2C55445B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Schatz, George E.; Lowry II, Porter P." ; dc:title "Diospyros callmanderi G. E. Schatz & Lowry 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -33,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -49,37 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bojer ex A. DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "squamosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "betamponensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB0070CFF6114922DF6445B.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB0070CFF6114922DF6445B.ttl index 03e9cea4150..070a273ad58 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB0070CFF6114922DF6445B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB0070CFF6114922DF6445B.ttl @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB3070CFF4A12392EE74306.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB3070CFF4A12392EE74306.ttl index 8072858dc3c..200d48fd72f 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB3070CFF4A12392EE74306.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB3070CFF4A12392EE74306.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Schatz, George E.; Lowry II, Porter P." ; dc:title "Diospyros antakaranae G. E. Schatz & Lowry 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Capuron ex G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Capuron ex G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "Capuron ex G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -48,101 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bojer ex A. DC." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. DC." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "DC." ; - dwc:species "squamosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "betamponensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "callmanderi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "darainensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E.Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "phillipsonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "sennenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB4070FFE3911962B7B44AF.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB4070FFE3911962B7B44AF.ttl index e7aeb62db6a..28889e15ea3 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB4070FFE3911962B7B44AF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB4070FFE3911962B7B44AF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Schatz, George E.; Lowry II, Porter P." ; dc:title "Diospyros L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,149 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "darainensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "betamponensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "callmanderi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "phillipsonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "sennenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bojer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bojer" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bojer" ; - dwc:species "squamosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hiern" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hiern" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hiern, 1873" ; - dwc:species "comorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1952" ; - dwc:species "tetraceros" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Capuron ex G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityName "Capuron ex G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Capuron ex Schatz & Lowry, 2020" ; - dwc:species "antakaranae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB9071BFF50109F2F8C4046.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB9071BFF50109F2F8C4046.ttl index ffa06a76413..d8bf746f004 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB9071BFF50109F2F8C4046.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFB9071BFF50109F2F8C4046.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Schatz, George E.; Lowry II, Porter P." ; dc:title "Diospyros phillipsonii G. E. Schatz & Lowry 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -48,38 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schatz, Lowry Ii, Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:species "sennenii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Perrier, 1952" ; - dwc:species "cinnamomoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBB0705FF5012792D11471A.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBB0705FF5012792D11471A.ttl index 8ecb266b19d..fc9851c1514 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBB0705FF5012792D11471A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBB0705FF5012792D11471A.ttl @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry", "Schatz & Lowry Ii & Dc & Dc" ; + dwc:authority "G.E. Schatz & Lowry" ; + dwc:authorityName "G. E. Schatz & Lowry" ; dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBC0707FEC9135E2F6F457B.ttl b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBC0707FEC9135E2F6F457B.ttl index e90a703e75b..de1cfb2e03c 100644 --- a/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBC0707FEC9135E2F6F457B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/54/B7/7C54B774FFBC0707FEC9135E2F6F457B.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Diospyros comorensis Hiern 1873" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ dwc:authority "H. Perrier" ; - dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier", "H. Perrier, Memoires de l'Institut" ; + dwc:authorityName "H. Perrier" ; dwc:authorityYear "1952" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; @@ -80,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ebenaceae" ; dwc:genus "Diospyros" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF177FF9A75ECCDE1FC0CFD7A.ttl b/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF177FF9A75ECCDE1FC0CFD7A.ttl index 610535689d0..016ba014fa5 100644 --- a/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF177FF9A75ECCDE1FC0CFD7A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF177FF9A75ECCDE1FC0CFD7A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Dolichurus yungaburra OHL 2002" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ampulicidae" ; dwc:genus "Dolichurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF17DFF9075ECCEF7FD2CFCBC.ttl b/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF17DFF9075ECCEF7FD2CFCBC.ttl index 01faf5a8a4b..e11cc233809 100644 --- a/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF17DFF9075ECCEF7FD2CFCBC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/55/87/7C5587AAF17DFF9075ECCEF7FD2CFCBC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Dollfuss, Hermann" ; dc:title "Ampulex formosa KOHL 1893" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "de Beaumont, 1970" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Beaumont" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ampulicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ampulex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Beaumont, 1970" ; - dwc:species "fulgens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ampulicidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/55/BC/7C55BC1CC4C8519982DB430017F78E30.ttl b/data/7C/55/BC/7C55BC1CC4C8519982DB430017F78E30.ttl index 6b2c0487c39..92ef37bd703 100644 --- a/data/7C/55/BC/7C55BC1CC4C8519982DB430017F78E30.ttl +++ b/data/7C/55/BC/7C55BC1CC4C8519982DB430017F78E30.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:creator "Wiklund, Helena; Rabone, Muriel; Glover, Adrian G; Bribiesca-Contreras, Guadalupe; Drennan, Regan; Stewart, Eva C D; Boolukos, Corie M; King, Lucas D; Sherlock, Emma; Smith, Craig R; Dahlgren, Thomas G; Neal, Lenka" ; dc:title "Macellicephala Sabellidae sp. (NHM_915D)" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687A9FFD3627EFF5B844AFEFBF7E5.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687A9FFD3627EFF5B844AFEFBF7E5.ttl index 126e5fff10c..a8195325f61 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687A9FFD3627EFF5B844AFEFBF7E5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687A9FFD3627EFF5B844AFEFBF7E5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chi, Xiao-Rui; Wang, Long" ; dc:title "Chrysanthemum neo-oreastrum Chang 1934" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,52 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ling & Shih" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Diels" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendranthema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Diels) Ling & Shih, 1980" ; - dwc:species "hypargyreum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wu" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysanthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wu" ; - dwc:species "licentianum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Diels" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysanthemum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diels, 1905" ; - dwc:species "hypargyreum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF80FA0871DEFE6DFCD867E8.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF80FA0871DEFE6DFCD867E8.ttl index 7863128aa58..302116a8342 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF80FA0871DEFE6DFCD867E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF80FA0871DEFE6DFCD867E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena discophora subsp. transhissarica Popov 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -43,42 +43,11 @@ dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1958" ; dwc:species "discophora" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachandrena" ; dwc:subSpecies "transhissarica" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Morawitz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morawitz, 1876" ; - dwc:species "discophora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1841" ; - dwc:species "discoph" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -88,18 +57,11 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; dwc:species "discophora" ; - dwc:subGenus "Trachandrena" ; dwc:subSpecies "transhissarica" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "discophora" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFAE4FD9F62F7.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFAE4FD9F62F7.ttl index 5699ad7e02f..5844b5b8ed8 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFAE4FD9F62F7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFAE4FD9F62F7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena eoa Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "eoa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "eoa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "eoa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFC87FB8C600E.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFC87FB8C600E.ttl index 51f63b7f6de..1ee4e7ec021 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFC87FB8C600E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF81FA0871DEFC87FB8C600E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena dzynnanica Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "dzynnanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "dzynnanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "dzynnanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF82FA0A71DEF9EEFB75673C.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF82FA0A71DEF9EEFB75673C.ttl index 0bb88fbf1e0..70f48451b37 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF82FA0A71DEF9EEFB75673C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF82FA0A71DEF9EEFB75673C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena eversmanni subsp. ciscaspica Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,23 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Radoszkowski, 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Radoszkowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Radoszkowski, 1867" ; - dwc:species "eversmanni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -79,15 +62,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "eversmanni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF86FA0E71DEFF0EFD9F64AC.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF86FA0E71DEFF0EFD9F64AC.ttl index 6cafedcaf21..b3354140a99 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF86FA0E71DEFF0EFD9F64AC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF86FA0E71DEFF0EFD9F64AC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena alashanica Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "alashanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "alashanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "alashanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF87FA0971DEFE43FC2D6488.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF87FA0971DEFE43FC2D6488.ttl index 22798781c5f..485915185e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF87FA0971DEFE43FC2D6488.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF87FA0971DEFE43FC2D6488.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena armeniaca Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:species "armeniaca" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "armeniaca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "armeniaca" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF89FA0071DEFF0EFF6167A5.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF89FA0071DEFF0EFF6167A5.ttl index 853b95d9777..3ff0888896b 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF89FA0071DEFF0EFF6167A5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF89FA0071DEFF0EFF6167A5.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena fulvisquama Popov 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "fulvisquama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -90,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFBC7FC55623A.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFBC7FC55623A.ttl index 17717788891..8d3b9e55296 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFBC7FC55623A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFBC7FC55623A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena lebedevi Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,39 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "lebedevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yasumatsu, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasumatsu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasumatsu, 1935" ; - dwc:species "chengtehensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFF0EFDEA6129.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFF0EFDEA6129.ttl index 89d698be5fe..9c867c5e737 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFF0EFDEA6129.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8AFA0371DEFF0EFDEA6129.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena iranella Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,55 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "irana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:species "firuzaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8BFA1D71DEF9EEFD1267A0.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8BFA1D71DEF9EEFD1267A0.ttl index 75a186788b5..2af10f10bbc 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8BFA1D71DEF9EEFD1267A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8BFA1D71DEF9EEFD1267A0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena nanshanica Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:species "nanshanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "nanshanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "nanshanica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8CFA0471DEF9C4FC206464.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8CFA0471DEF9C4FC206464.ttl index 7bde5a9acea..b6bd5483ee6 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8CFA0471DEF9C4FC206464.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8CFA0471DEF9C4FC206464.ttl @@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Mor.", "Morawitz, 1876" ; dwc:authorityName "Morawitz" ; dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morawitz, 1876" ; dwc:species "fedtschenkoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -88,7 +86,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "fedtschenkoi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8DFA0671DEF97EFDEA6438.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8DFA0671DEF97EFDEA6438.ttl index 313dbde2f75..91c7f01e989 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8DFA0671DEF97EFDEA6438.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8DFA0671DEF97EFDEA6438.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena firuzaensis Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,39 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "firuzaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8FFA0171DEFEF7FDEA673C.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8FFA0171DEFEF7FDEA673C.ttl index 4572174f065..a15f8b28354 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8FFA0171DEFEF7FDEA673C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF8FFA0171DEFEF7FDEA673C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena firuzaensis subsp. atra Popov 1940" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940", "Popov, 1940: 257" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940", "Popov, 1940: 257" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "257" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; @@ -50,119 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "firuzaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gusenleitner & Schwarz, 2002" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gusenleitner & Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gusenleitner & Schwarz, 2002" ; - dwc:species "popovella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Scopoli, 1763" ; - dwc:authorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Scopoli, 1763" ; - dwc:species "atra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:authorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1776" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Apidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Muller, 1776" ; - dwc:species "atra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith, 1847" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1847" ; - dwc:species "atra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gusenleitner & Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gusenleitner & Schwarz, 2002" ; - dwc:species "firuzaensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "popovella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -178,12 +64,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "firuzaensis" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF91FA1B71DEF9CBFE5C673C.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF91FA1B71DEF9CBFE5C673C.ttl index f9435d94089..9fd0d1982d3 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF91FA1B71DEF9CBFE5C673C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF91FA1B71DEF9CBFE5C673C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena tadzhica Popov 1949" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -42,27 +42,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "tadzhica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "tadzhica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -72,7 +55,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "tadzhica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF93FA1571DEFF0EFBAC67A0.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF93FA1571DEFF0EFBAC67A0.ttl index d8b0ef0fb65..6c3076bd2dd 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF93FA1571DEFF0EFBAC67A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF93FA1571DEFF0EFBAC67A0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena transbaicalica Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,43 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "transbaicalica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "transbaicalica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirashima, 1957" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirashima" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirashima, 1957" ; - dwc:species "astragalina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -89,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "transbaicalica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF95FA1F71DEFF0EFC556718.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF95FA1F71DEFF0EFC556718.ttl index c94ae11a446..12cd8748a3f 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF95FA1F71DEFF0EFC556718.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF95FA1F71DEFF0EFC556718.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena nova Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,54 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "nova" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yasumatsu, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yasumatsu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yasumatsu, 1935" ; - dwc:species "chengtehensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; - dwc:species "lebedevi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1971DEF89DFE7364D0.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1971DEF89DFE7364D0.ttl index f55197633d4..016b957ef18 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1971DEF89DFE7364D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1971DEF89DFE7364D0.ttl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:species "subconsobrina" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "subconsobrina" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plastandrena" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFB77FDC56397.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFB77FDC56397.ttl index 2bd9ab77f05..ce87fdb4385 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFB77FDC56397.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFB77FDC56397.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena skorikovi Popov 1940" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1940" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -43,27 +43,10 @@ dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1940" ; dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; rdfs:seeAlso ; trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -73,7 +56,6 @@ dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "skorikovi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Campylogaster" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFF0EFE1D61B9.ttl b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFF0EFE1D61B9.ttl index 4e1d10be407..6997cfdc392 100644 --- a/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFF0EFE1D61B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/56/87/7C5687D4FF97FA1E71DEFF0EFE1D61B9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Sidorov, Dmitry A." ; dc:title "Andrena shakuensis Popov 1949" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Popov", "Popov, 1949" ; + dwc:authority "Popov, 1949" ; dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,68 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rad.", "Radoszkowski, 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Radoszkowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Radoszkowski, 1867" ; - dwc:species "eversmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Astafurova & Proshchalykin & Sidorov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Astafurova, Proshchalykin & Sidorov, 2023" ; - dwc:species "shakuensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Popov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Popov, 1949" ; - dwc:species "eversmanni" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ciscaspica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; @@ -123,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Andrenidae" ; dwc:genus "Andrena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/57/0C/7C570C1034148837FC84866B7201FB7B.ttl b/data/7C/57/0C/7C570C1034148837FC84866B7201FB7B.ttl index 0f96815ff01..fde90896c3d 100644 --- a/data/7C/57/0C/7C570C1034148837FC84866B7201FB7B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/57/0C/7C570C1034148837FC84866B7201FB7B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Dutton, Haley R.; DuPreez, Louis H.; Urabe, Misako; Bullard, Stephen A." ; dc:title "Paraharmotrema karinganiense Dutton & DuPreez & Urabe & Bullard 2022, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Dutton & Bullard", "Dutton & DuPreez & Urabe & Bullard, 2022" ; + dwc:authority "Dutton & DuPreez & Urabe & Bullard, 2022" ; dwc:authorityName "Dutton & DuPreez & Urabe & Bullard" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Trematoda" ; @@ -47,156 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dollfus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dollfus, 1934" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Smith 1838)", "(Smith, 1838)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelusios" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pleurodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "sinuatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonnaterre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelusios" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pleurodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonnaterre, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "subniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schoepff" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1792" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Pelomedusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelomedusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pleurodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schoepff, 1792)" ; - dwc:species "galeata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yamaguti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1933" ; - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harmotrema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamaguti, 1933" ; - dwc:species "laticaudae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reinwardt" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Elapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Laticauda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reinwardt, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "semifasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nicoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harmotrema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nicoll, 1914" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Nicoll" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harmotrema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nicoll, 1914" ; - dwc:species "infecundum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chattaparhyaya (1970)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chattaparhyaya" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; - dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Harmotrema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chattaparhyaya, 1970" ; - dwc:species "indica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tubangui and Masilungan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Elapidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydrophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tubangui & Masilungan, 1936" ; - dwc:species "eugari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; @@ -216,11 +65,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Trematoda" ; dwc:family "Liolopidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diplostomida" ; - dwc:phylum "Platyhelminthes" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/57/71/7C5771930043C464265526546C62FEAA.ttl b/data/7C/57/71/7C5771930043C464265526546C62FEAA.ttl index 3a82aa3df41..783b0b5db3f 100644 --- a/data/7C/57/71/7C5771930043C464265526546C62FEAA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/57/71/7C5771930043C464265526546C62FEAA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Faulwetter, Sarah; Simboura, Nomiki; Katsiaras, Nikolaos; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Arvanitidis, Christos" ; dc:title "Cossura coasta Kitamori 1960" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/58/1B/7C581BFE0092744D9AD431E0AEEBD039.ttl b/data/7C/58/1B/7C581BFE0092744D9AD431E0AEEBD039.ttl index 5398ee88236..ad3ff205ea3 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/1B/7C581BFE0092744D9AD431E0AEEBD039.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/1B/7C581BFE0092744D9AD431E0AEEBD039.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Callicarpa candicans" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; @@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ a fabio:BookSection . - dwc:authority "L.", "Linnaeus" ; + dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; dwc:authorityYear "1771" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hook. & Arn." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hook. & Arn." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Callicarpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hook. & Arn." ; - dwc:species "nudiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFC99D617460FA41FB3F6EC6.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFC99D617460FA41FB3F6EC6.ttl index eeff68eb726..760b9d79b85 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFC99D617460FA41FB3F6EC6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFC99D617460FA41FB3F6EC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Rana dalmatina Fitzinger 1838" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger, 1891" ; - dwc:species "graeca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; dwc:family "Ranidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637460FBDAFA966EE1.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637460FBDAFA966EE1.ttl index 245dadfac4c..9e087142e46 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637460FBDAFA966EE1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637460FBDAFA966EE1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Algyroides nigropunctatus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,35 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Keymar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Keymar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; - dwc:genus "Algyroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Keymar, 1986" ; - dwc:species "nigropunctatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "kephallithacius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; - dwc:genus "Algyroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bibron & Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1833" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; @@ -88,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Lacertidae" ; dwc:genus "Algyroides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FB52FDFE6DAF.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FB52FDFE6DAF.ttl index 8d6aed3f0e0..d87d74089ef 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FB52FDFE6DAF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FB52FDFE6DAF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Testudo graeca Linnaeus 1758" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gmelin, 1789" ; - dwc:species "hermanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Testudines" ; dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FC07FE116C82.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FC07FE116C82.ttl index 3d7dfcebf4c..13064ea0162 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FC07FE116C82.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FC07FE116C82.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Testudo hermanni Gmelin 1789" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mojsisovics, 1889" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mojsisovics" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Testudo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mojsisovics, 1889" ; - dwc:species "hermanni" ; - dwc:subSpecies "boettgeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Ranidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger, 1891" ; - dwc:species "graeca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Testudines" ; dwc:family "Testudinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FEADFD786A0A.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FEADFD786A0A.ttl index c6b30117e4f..32e7f296133 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FEADFD786A0A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCB9D637751FEADFD786A0A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Emys orbicularis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,23 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Valenciennes, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Valenciennes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Testudines" ; - dwc:family "Emydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cryptodira" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Valenciennes, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "orbicularis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hellenica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Testudines" ; dwc:family "Emydidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFA07FA756EBF.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFA07FA756EBF.ttl index 281e45dc2ba..3ae8ee0aa83 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFA07FA756EBF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFA07FA756EBF.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Malpolon insignitus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fleischmann, 1831)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fleischmann" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Psammophiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Malpolon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fleischmann, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "insignitus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fuscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Psammophiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFE07FA756AFD.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFE07FA756AFD.ttl index 24308d0520e..56f21f010cf 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFE07FA756AFD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D64741FFE07FA756AFD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Platyceps najadum subsp. dahli" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Eichwald" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyceps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Eichwald, 1831)" ; - dwc:species "najadum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Squamata" ; dwc:family "Colubridae" ; @@ -71,11 +56,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; - dwc:genus "Platyceps" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "najadum" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D65741FF88FFF426958.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D65741FF88FFF426958.ttl index 647e1025934..32949bb7b46 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D65741FF88FFF426958.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C58878EFFCC9D65741FF88FFF426958.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Sindaco, Roberto; Rossi, Roberta" ; dc:title "Vipera ammodytes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boulenger, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Viperidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vipera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boulenger, 1903" ; - dwc:species "ammodytes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "meridionalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; dwc:family "Viperidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE1B25FFF6AF82C32D0FB25.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE1B25FFF6AF82C32D0FB25.ttl index 52556ea32de..a3efd069b5b 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE1B25FFF6AF82C32D0FB25.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE1B25FFF6AF82C32D0FB25.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus Erichson 1839" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,55 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Erichson, 1839: 300" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "300" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1839" ; - dwc:species "nanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky, 1858: 657" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "657" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhegmatocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1858" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhegmatocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky, 1858" ; - dwc:species "punctipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -112,10 +62,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE2B25FFF6AFAF437F9F847.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE2B25FFF6AFAF437F9F847.ttl index 55e78c4cc08..5d42a041823 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE2B25FFF6AFAF437F9F847.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE2B25FFF6AFAF437F9F847.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus Erichson" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,70 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "conicollis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "antennatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE5B254FF6AFB173020FCC0.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE5B254FF6AFB173020FCC0.ttl index 24960893edb..7187be21563 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE5B254FF6AFB173020FCC0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE5B254FF6AFB173020FCC0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus bicornutus Zhou & Zhou, 2016, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "conicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhegmatocerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "punctipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE9B251FF6AFCED33D2F969.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE9B251FF6AFCED33D2F969.ttl index 14d9fc0f86d..2f7a83c0b19 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE9B251FF6AFCED33D2F969.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFE9B251FF6AFCED33D2F969.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus ampullaceus Zhou & Zhou, 2016, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFECB24DFF6AF8B5377CFCED.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFECB24DFF6AF8B5377CFCED.ttl index 0b52d091161..2f34b6dc1ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFECB24DFF6AF8B5377CFCED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFECB24DFF6AF8B5377CFCED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus bisegmentatus Zhou & Zhou, 2016, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:authorityName "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Motschulsky" ; - dwc:species "antennatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF0B24EFF6AFC3C313EFA15.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF0B24EFF6AFC3C313EFA15.ttl index a6b4849c462..751bc442460 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF0B24EFF6AFC3C313EFA15.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF0B24EFF6AFC3C313EFA15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus membranaceus Zhou & Zhou, 2016, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cameron" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cameron" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cameron" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF3B249FF6AF9A43678FF00.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF3B249FF6AF9A43678FF00.ttl index 675429b7050..dc22b6aaaeb 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF3B249FF6AF9A43678FF00.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF3B249FF6AF9A43678FF00.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus antennatus Motschulsky 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kraatz, 1859: 113" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kraatz" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "113" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz, 1859" ; - dwc:species "indicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF5B245FF6AFF2833C2FB10.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF5B245FF6AFF2833C2FB10.ttl index 8a4e0830168..a853caf97c8 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF5B245FF6AFF2833C2FB10.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF5B245FF6AFF2833C2FB10.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus conicollis Motschulsky 1858" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,23 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Kraatz, 1859: 113" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kraatz" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "113" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kraatz, 1859" ; - dwc:species "major" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -76,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF8B244FF6AFAA83396FAAD.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF8B244FF6AFAA83396FAAD.ttl index f2defb2f79e..7d5f94af530 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF8B244FF6AFAA83396FAAD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF8B244FF6AFAA83396FAAD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus japonicus Cameron 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Came" ; - dwc:authorityName "Came" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Came" ; - dwc:species "japonicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; @@ -74,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF9B241FF6AFA7C366EF9BF.ttl b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF9B241FF6AFA7C366EF9BF.ttl index 857b12c94e3..7ce34fdd793 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF9B241FF6AFA7C366EF9BF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/87/7C5887A3FFF9B241FF6AFA7C366EF9BF.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Zhou, Yu-Lingzi; Zhou, Hong-Zhang" ; dc:title "Diochus pulchellus Cameron 1918" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -59,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; dwc:genus "Diochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/A6/7C58A62E96C2BF3BBA2E63E0A8E8BDEE.ttl b/data/7C/58/A6/7C58A62E96C2BF3BBA2E63E0A8E8BDEE.ttl index 6043016e587..14aaeff11fd 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/A6/7C58A62E96C2BF3BBA2E63E0A8E8BDEE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/A6/7C58A62E96C2BF3BBA2E63E0A8E8BDEE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Micoureus paraguayanus Tate 1931" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,102 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tate 1931" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tate" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micoureus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tate, 1931" ; - dwc:species "paraguayanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "paraguayanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miranda-Ribeiro 1936" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miranda-Ribeiro" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1936" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micoureus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miranda-Ribeiro, 1936" ; - dwc:species "paraguayanus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "travassosi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Marmosa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Temminck, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Temminck, 1824" ; - dwc:authorityName "Temminck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Didelphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Temminck, 1824" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Goldfuss, 1812" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goldfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1812" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Didelphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goldfuss, 1812" ; - dwc:species "cinerea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Micoureus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Didelphimorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1905" ; - dwc:species "demerarae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Didelphidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/58/C1/7C58C10E5E75F38B5D76E1A2280499BC.ttl b/data/7C/58/C1/7C58C10E5E75F38B5D76E1A2280499BC.ttl index 7270ca433e0..538f6e05ea0 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/C1/7C58C10E5E75F38B5D76E1A2280499BC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/C1/7C58C10E5E75F38B5D76E1A2280499BC.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Nonea vesicaria Rchb." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,11 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Boraginaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Boraginales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/58/D2/7C58D25DFFBEFFB1E8ABFA75FBDB8E47.ttl b/data/7C/58/D2/7C58D25DFFBEFFB1E8ABFA75FBDB8E47.ttl index 5302552f5b6..9483a174581 100644 --- a/data/7C/58/D2/7C58D25DFFBEFFB1E8ABFA75FBDB8E47.ttl +++ b/data/7C/58/D2/7C58D25DFFBEFFB1E8ABFA75FBDB8E47.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Tong, Yi-Hua; Xia, Nian-He; Lam, Le Viet" ; dc:title "Lysimachia rupestris F. H. Chen & C. M. Hu 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Champ. ex Benth." ; - dwc:authorityName "Benth." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lysimachia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Benth." ; - dwc:species "alpestris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Phan & Hu 2011)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Phan & Hu" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lysimachia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Phan & Hu, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "verbascifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; @@ -91,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Lysimachia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/59/1C/7C591C2A13EB2D3AAE4FE1BA8863A806.ttl b/data/7C/59/1C/7C591C2A13EB2D3AAE4FE1BA8863A806.ttl index 59620d1064d..42f337ccf73 100644 --- a/data/7C/59/1C/7C591C2A13EB2D3AAE4FE1BA8863A806.ttl +++ b/data/7C/59/1C/7C591C2A13EB2D3AAE4FE1BA8863A806.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Cubispini Monros 1954" ; diff --git a/data/7C/59/62/7C5962D67BEEE4C829749B99BAE0F827.ttl b/data/7C/59/62/7C5962D67BEEE4C829749B99BAE0F827.ttl index 0b493f71b92..dd4640652b2 100644 --- a/data/7C/59/62/7C5962D67BEEE4C829749B99BAE0F827.ttl +++ b/data/7C/59/62/7C5962D67BEEE4C829749B99BAE0F827.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fisher, J. Ray; Fisher, Danielle M.; Skvarla, Michael J.; Nelson, Whitney A.; Dowling, Ashley P. G." ; dc:title "Torrenticola pearsoni Fisher & Dowling, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Fisher & Dowling" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Torrenticola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trombidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fisher & Dowling" ; - dwc:species "pearsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Torrenticolidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/59/7B/7C597BD5529E92B379FCAD2A2BCFA518.ttl b/data/7C/59/7B/7C597BD5529E92B379FCAD2A2BCFA518.ttl index 7e7e40cb902..d0f327d8abc 100644 --- a/data/7C/59/7B/7C597BD5529E92B379FCAD2A2BCFA518.ttl +++ b/data/7C/59/7B/7C597BD5529E92B379FCAD2A2BCFA518.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Astragalus onobrychis Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -77,11 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE1FFCCFF47A319FACBE43F.ttl b/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE1FFCCFF47A319FACBE43F.ttl index a1796c6587c..27cd04b7ae3 100644 --- a/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE1FFCCFF47A319FACBE43F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE1FFCCFF47A319FACBE43F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Xu, Xin; Cui, Yang-Yang; Yang, Zhu L." ; dc:title "Tricholoma orientifulvum X. Xu, Y. Y. Cui & Zhu L. Yang 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,53 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Bigeard & Guillemin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lamarck & de Candolle" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1805" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Tricholomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tricholoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lamarck & de Candolle, 1805) Bigeard & Guillemin, 1909" ; - dwc:species "fulvum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Royle ex Gordon (1840: 8)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Royle ex Gordon" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "8" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Pinopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pinaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pinales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Royle ex Gordon, 1840" ; - dwc:species "kesiya" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Dumortier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dumortier, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Tricholomataceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE3FFCEFF47A389FC16E289.ttl b/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE3FFCEFF47A389FC16E289.ttl index 440e1cd9923..67a648cbbab 100644 --- a/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE3FFCEFF47A389FC16E289.ttl +++ b/data/7C/59/87/7C5987A5FFE3FFCEFF47A389FC16E289.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xu, Xin; Cui, Yang-Yang; Yang, Zhu L." ; dc:title "Tricholoma orienticolossus X. Xu, Y. Y. Cui & Zhu L. Yang 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Quelet" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fries" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Tricholomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tricholoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fries, 1838) Quelet, 1872" ; - dwc:species "colossus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Tricholomataceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5A/07/7C5A07011388C35BD38E2765133706A0.ttl b/data/7C/5A/07/7C5A07011388C35BD38E2765133706A0.ttl index 8647b3e6e57..bc8bcb42eed 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/07/7C5A07011388C35BD38E2765133706A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/07/7C5A07011388C35BD38E2765133706A0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Svantesson, Sten; Larsson, Karl-Henrik; Koljalg, Urmas; W. May, Tom; Patrik Cangren,; Henrik Nilsson, R.; Larsson, Ellen" ; dc:title "Hypochnus rhacodium Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex Burt, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 13 (3): 322 1926" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/5A/32/7C5A32253B07506CA681F724B0751FCB.ttl b/data/7C/5A/32/7C5A32253B07506CA681F724B0751FCB.ttl index 1171b7588a0..05d5a5e63be 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/32/7C5A32253B07506CA681F724B0751FCB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/32/7C5A32253B07506CA681F724B0751FCB.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Thomas-Cabianca, Arianna; Villet, Martin H.; Martinez-Sanchez, Anabel; Rojo, Santos" ; dc:title "Rhyncomya currani Zumpt 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,20 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Robineau-Desvoidy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhiniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyncomya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhiniidae" ; @@ -90,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhiniidae" ; dwc:genus "Rhyncomya" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE284E18FF373F71FBDEFB66.ttl b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE284E18FF373F71FBDEFB66.ttl index 20bccf4d898..b5207ac666b 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE284E18FF373F71FBDEFB66.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE284E18FF373F71FBDEFB66.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Xu, Jiasheng; Dai, Xiaohua; Rimšaitė, Jolanta; Diškus, Arūnas; Stonis, Jonas R." ; dc:title "Coptotriche camptotheca Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis, 2021", "Xu & Dai" ; + dwc:authority "Xu & Dai" ; dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Walsingham" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Walsingham, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spuler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spuler, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xu, Dai, Rimšaitė, Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "turpinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Diskus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityName "Diskus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Diskus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "asiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; @@ -120,22 +60,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2C4E1BFF373EDDFB90FBD6.ttl b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2C4E1BFF373EDDFB90FBD6.ttl index 072a19758c7..5d023264938 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2C4E1BFF373EDDFB90FBD6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2C4E1BFF373EDDFB90FBD6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Xu, Jiasheng; Dai, Xiaohua; Rimšaitė, Jolanta; Diškus, Arūnas; Stonis, Jonas R." ; dc:title "Coptotriche turpinia Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis, 2021", "Xu & Dai" ; + dwc:authority "Xu & Dai" ; dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -48,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xu, Dai, Rimšaitė, Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "asiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kobayashi & Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kobayashi & Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobayashi & Hirowatari, 2016" ; - dwc:species "symplocosella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2F4E0CFF373E4DFB94FB02.ttl b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2F4E0CFF373E4DFB94FB02.ttl index 387c2960c49..95ae68169f3 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2F4E0CFF373E4DFB94FB02.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/87/7C5A879BAE2F4E0CFF373E4DFB94FB02.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Xu, Jiasheng; Dai, Xiaohua; Rimšaitė, Jolanta; Diškus, Arūnas; Stonis, Jonas R." ; dc:title "Coptotriche asiana Diskus & Stonis 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,116 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Buch." ; - dwc:authorityName "Buch." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Symplocaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Symplocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Buch." ; - dwc:species "sumuntia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Guill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Guill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Symplocaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Symplocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Guill." ; - dwc:species "poilanei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thunb.) Koidz." ; - dwc:authorityName "Koidz." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thunb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Symplocaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Symplocos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thunb.) Koidz." ; - dwc:species "glauca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xu, Dai, Rimšaitė, Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "asiana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis, 2021", "Xu & Dai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xu, Dai, Rimšaitė, Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "turpinia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kobayashi & Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kobayashi & Hirowatari" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobayashi & Hirowatari, 2016" ; - dwc:species "symplocosella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Xu & Dai" ; - dwc:authorityName "Xu & Dai & Rimšaitė & Diškus & Stonis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coptotriche" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Xu, Dai, Rimšaitė, Diškus & Stonis, 2021" ; - dwc:species "camptotheca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tischeriidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32916469CF5C96896C5FF73.ttl b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32916469CF5C96896C5FF73.ttl index 64b858663d6..8490f320eac 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32916469CF5C96896C5FF73.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32916469CF5C96896C5FF73.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Hybothoracaphis Chen, Jiang & Qiao, 2016, gen. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,111 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Compositae" ; - dwc:authorityName "Compositae" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Senecio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Compositae" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takahashi, 1938" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takahashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Euthoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takahashi, 1938" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takahashi, 1959" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takahashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1959" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Metanipponaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takahashi, 1959" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "van der Goot, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "van der Goot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Schizoneuraphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Goot, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Takahashi, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Takahashi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Neonipponaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Takahashi, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "van der Goot, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "van der Goot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Goot, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pergande, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pergande" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Nipponaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pergande, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164B9CF5CB0E97E7F879.ttl b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164B9CF5CB0E97E7F879.ttl index d3c0f559e3d..6f08e7c8efa 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164B9CF5CB0E97E7F879.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164B9CF5CB0E97E7F879.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Hybothoracaphis laevigata Chen, Jiang & Qiao, 2016, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,37 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Latin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Latin" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Hybothoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latin" ; - dwc:species "laevigata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chakrabarti & Debnath, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chakrabarti & Debnath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chakrabarti & Debnath, 2011" ; - dwc:species "kumaoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164F9CF5CF229272F894.ttl b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164F9CF5CF229272F894.ttl index 9ad504c8019..564cea22c60 100644 --- a/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164F9CF5CF229272F894.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5A/B1/7C5AB11DF32F164F9CF5CF229272F894.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Chen, Jing; Jiang, Liyun; Qiao, Gexia" ; dc:title "Hybothoracaphis Chen, Jiang & Qiao, 2016, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,85 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "van der Goot, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "van der Goot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Goot, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "van der Goot, 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "van der Goot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Goot, 1917" ; - dwc:species "arboris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uye, 1924" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uye" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uye, 1924" ; - dwc:species "kashifoliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Chakrabarti & Debnath, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Chakrabarti & Debnath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chakrabarti & Debnath, 2011" ; - dwc:species "kumaoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ghosh, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ghosh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; - dwc:genus "Thoracaphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Aphidomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ghosh, 1988" ; - dwc:species "quercifoliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641546D41E6DFFBAADB994D89.ttl b/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641546D41E6DFFBAADB994D89.ttl index fba1262f087..0dde9ae15e4 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641546D41E6DFFBAADB994D89.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641546D41E6DFFBAADB994D89.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Haevermans, Thomas; Hetterscheid, Wilbert L. A." ; dc:title "Euphorbia rubrostriata Drake 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,101 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Denis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denis, 1921" ; - dwc:species "mangokyensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Rauh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1992" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rauh, 1992" ; - dwc:species "hofstaetteri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Denis, Perrier de la Bathie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denis, Perrier de la Bathie, 1921" ; - dwc:species "xanthadenia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Castillon & Rajaovelona" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castillon & Rajaovelona, 2019" ; - dwc:species "pseudodidiereoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Castillon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castillon, 2018" ; - dwc:species "gigantea" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Denis. Perrier de la Bathie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1921" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Denis. Perrier de la Bathie, 1921" ; - dwc:species "mahafalensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641786D6CE6DFFE8ADB994EBE.ttl b/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641786D6CE6DFFE8ADB994EBE.ttl index b1b4000f6b2..7b125df4207 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641786D6CE6DFFE8ADB994EBE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/74/7C5B741641786D6CE6DFFE8ADB994EBE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Haevermans, Thomas; Hetterscheid, Wilbert L. A." ; dc:title "Euphorbia perrieri Drake 1899" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hett., Haev. & Spannring" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hett., Haev. & Spannring, 2021" ; - dwc:species "multibrachiata" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ursch & Leandri" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ursch & Leandri, 1954" ; - dwc:species "paulianii" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A286D9A8075FB780C0F.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A286D9A8075FB780C0F.ttl index 150e111c590..2af418c1d76 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A286D9A8075FB780C0F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A286D9A8075FB780C0F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys myracrodrui Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,186 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astronium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "graveolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanoxylon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "brauna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapotaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pouteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "gardneri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. C. P. Gardoni" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. C. P. Gardoni" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gardoni" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "maculipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "venata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes" ; - dwc:species "schini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacq." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astronium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacq." ; - dwc:species "graveolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allemao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allemao" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allemao" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; @@ -241,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A2B6D9A8603FEBA0DD2.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A2B6D9A8603FEBA0DD2.ttl index fbe6b7fea6e..ddb406ab8c7 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A2B6D9A8603FEBA0DD2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF805A2B6D9A8603FEBA0DD2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys maculipectus Burckhardt & Basset" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,37 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "johnstonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Cav.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabrera" ; - dwc:species "polygama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF835A256D9A860CFDDA0FC7.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF835A256D9A860CFDDA0FC7.ttl index fc38455a709..d93bc7f8157 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF835A256D9A860CFDDA0FC7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF835A256D9A860CFDDA0FC7.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys nigricornis Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,127 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "maculipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "venata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes" ; - dwc:species "schini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; @@ -182,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF865A2C6D9A86B5FE1B0CBF.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF865A2C6D9A86B5FE1B0CBF.ttl index 50f54345e30..15f3ad02889 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF865A2C6D9A86B5FE1B0CBF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF865A2C6D9A86B5FE1B0CBF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys hapla Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "ferox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hassl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hassl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hassl." ; - dwc:species "ferox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF875A2B6D9A80A9FAD60C0C.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF875A2B6D9A80A9FAD60C0C.ttl index 30f0d111078..6d30015ea19 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF875A2B6D9A80A9FAD60C0C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF875A2B6D9A80A9FAD60C0C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys lozadai Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "J. Avalos" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. Avalos" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplorhus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Avalos" ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Engl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Engl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Haplorhus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl." ; - dwc:species "peruviana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8258FCB409D9.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8258FCB409D9.ttl index c98686faf47..de585cb7005 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8258FCB409D9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8258FCB409D9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys venata Burckhardt & Basset" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -64,53 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "johnstonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Cav.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabrera" ; - dwc:species "polygama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Grieseb.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Grieseb.) Johnston" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Grieseb.) Johnston" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnston" ; - dwc:species "fasciculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8778FC480BFA.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8778FC480BFA.ttl index 8c5f59d4822..5584966d74f 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8778FC480BFA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF885A236D9A8778FC480BFA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys sordida Burckhardt" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -64,133 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Grieseb.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Grieseb.) Johnston" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Grieseb.) Johnston" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnston" ; - dwc:species "fasciculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "johnstonii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Gillies)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Gillies) Engler" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Gillies) Engler" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engler" ; - dwc:species "latifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Philippi)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Philippi) Engler" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Philippi) Engler" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engler" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Phil.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Phil.) I.M.Johnst. ex Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Phil.) I.M.Johnst. ex Cabrera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnst. ex Cabrera" ; - dwc:species "patagonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Cav.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabrera" ; - dwc:species "polygama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Turcz.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Turcz.) I.M. Johnst." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Turcz.) I.M. Johnst." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnst." ; - dwc:species "velutinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8E5A246D9A867BFB170DDF.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8E5A246D9A867BFB170DDF.ttl index add50c4d054..a84c893bb49 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8E5A246D9A867BFB170DDF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8E5A246D9A867BFB170DDF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys orientalis Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,67 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A236D9A832CFB2B0CDB.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A236D9A832CFB2B0CDB.ttl index 2a2d250becd..ef8044c2868 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A236D9A832CFB2B0CDB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A236D9A832CFB2B0CDB.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys schini Brethes" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,84 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "A. M." ; - dwc:authorityName "A. M." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "M." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ortega" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ortega" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ortega" ; - dwc:species "dependens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Griseb.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Griseb.) I.M. Johnst." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Griseb.) I.M. Johnst." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnst." ; - dwc:species "fasciculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Cav.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Cav.) Cabrera" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cabrera" ; - dwc:species "polygama" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A246D9A8071FB8408FA.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A246D9A8071FB8408FA.ttl index 541fce4671c..f6a18ad5a90 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A246D9A8071FB8408FA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF8F5A246D9A8071FB8408FA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys reposta Klimaszewski, comb. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,66 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:species "reposta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Liviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euphyllura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loginova" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loginova" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Liviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ligustrinia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loginova" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klimaszewski, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimaszewski, 1997" ; - dwc:species "reposta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF955A3D6D9A8299FBB00EEF.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF955A3D6D9A8299FBB00EEF.ttl index 0626534840e..86525708ed8 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF955A3D6D9A8299FBB00EEF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF955A3D6D9A8299FBB00EEF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys Brethes" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF965A3C6D9A8521FA140EDD.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF965A3C6D9A8521FA140EDD.ttl index ed380b00ce6..86ee18c3532 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF965A3C6D9A8521FA140EDD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF965A3C6D9A8521FA140EDD.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A356D9A8265FD5F0A22.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A356D9A8265FD5F0A22.ttl index 3d597d4f5e3..85fd0fb6f39 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A356D9A8265FD5F0A22.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A356D9A8265FD5F0A22.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys aroeira Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,246 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "J. F. Silva" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. F. Silva" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Silva" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Navia" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Navia" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navia" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astronium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "fraxinifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "L. C. P. Gardoni" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. C. P. Gardoni" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gardoni" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klimaszewski" ; - dwc:species "reposta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "inopinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "maculipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "venata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes" ; - dwc:species "schini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schott" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schott" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astronium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schott" ; - dwc:species "fraxinifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jacq." ; - dwc:authorityName "Jacq." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Astronium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jacq." ; - dwc:species "graveolens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Allemao" ; - dwc:authorityName "Allemao" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Myracrodruon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allemao" ; - dwc:species "urundeuva" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Engl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Engl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engl." ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; @@ -301,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A3C6D9A8033FB6B0BA2.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A3C6D9A8033FB6B0BA2.ttl index 109a5a3091d..ee9c22dc093 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A3C6D9A8033FB6B0BA2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF975A3C6D9A8033FB6B0BA2.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys acuticauda Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,38 +64,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Philippi)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Philippi) Engler" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Philippi) Engler" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Engler" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Philippi)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Philippi) Johnston" ; - dwc:authorityName "(Philippi) Johnston" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Johnston" ; - dwc:species "patagonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9A5A2D6D9A8242FB0A0C92.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9A5A2D6D9A8242FB0A0C92.ttl index 2aedf6dfa22..bd0b2096b49 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9A5A2D6D9A8242FB0A0C92.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9A5A2D6D9A8242FB0A0C92.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys didyma Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -67,157 +66,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "ferox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "inopinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "maculipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "venata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes" ; - dwc:species "schini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hassl." ; - dwc:authorityName "Hassl." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hassl." ; - dwc:species "ferox" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Lindl.)" from authority ; - dwc:authority "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:authorityName "(Lindl.) Speg." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Speg." ; - dwc:species "longifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; @@ -231,12 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9E5A336D9A80E5FAE70998.ttl b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9E5A336D9A80E5FAE70998.ttl index 6c5187940ca..443318adb5c 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9E5A336D9A80E5FAE70998.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/87/7C5B8799FF9E5A336D9A80E5FAE70998.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Burckhardt, Daniel; Queiroz, Dalva L." ; dc:title "Tainarys atra Burckhardt & Queiroz, 2017, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,126 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:authorityName "D. Burckhardt & D. L. Queiroz" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Queiroz" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "inopinata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Lauterer" ; - dwc:species "acuticauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "maculipectus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt & Basset" ; - dwc:species "venata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:authorityName "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burckhardt" ; - dwc:species "sordida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brethes." ; - dwc:authorityName "Brethes." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brethes." ; - dwc:species "schini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:authorityName "F.A. Barkley" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Anacardiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Schinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barkley" ; - dwc:species "engleri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; @@ -181,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphalaridae" ; dwc:genus "Tainarys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/BA/7C5BBA0FA67B12EF258DD2BC9D4CFCDE.ttl b/data/7C/5B/BA/7C5BBA0FA67B12EF258DD2BC9D4CFCDE.ttl index 74ff6bddb47..e34c109ceb5 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/BA/7C5BBA0FA67B12EF258DD2BC9D4CFCDE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/BA/7C5BBA0FA67B12EF258DD2BC9D4CFCDE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Jeffrey Sosa-Calvo; Ted R. Schultz; Carlos R. F. Brandao; Christiana Klingenberg; Rodrigo M. Feitosa; Christian Rabeling; Mauricio Bacci Jr.; Caue T. Lopes; Heraldo L. Vasconcelos" ; dc:title "Cyatta abscondita Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos, sp. n" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,107 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - dwc:species "abscondita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kalathomyrmex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - dwc:species "emeryi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sosa-Calvo, Schultz, Brandão, Klingenberg, Feitosa, Rabeling, Bacci, Lopes & Vasconcelos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kalathomyrmex" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klingenberg & Brandão" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mycetagroicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rabeling & Verhaagh" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rabeling & Verhaagh" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Martialis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rabeling & Verhaagh" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - dwc:authorityName "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mycetagroicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brandão & Mayhé-Nunes" ; - dwc:species "cerradensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; @@ -160,22 +56,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Cyatta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFC5195F83FFD31D979BFE3F.ttl b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFC5195F83FFD31D979BFE3F.ttl index 19ad5231988..6f5d785379d 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFC5195F83FFD31D979BFE3F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFC5195F83FFD31D979BFE3F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simone, Luiz Ricardo L." ; dc:title "Microlinices ombratus Simone 2014, n. gen., n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Naticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlinices" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:species "benthovus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Naticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDB195D83F6D39C96B7FD1D.ttl b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDB195D83F6D39C96B7FD1D.ttl index 8be8b19e7e9..af49f74d766 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDB195D83F6D39C96B7FD1D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDB195D83F6D39C96B7FD1D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simone, Luiz Ricardo L." ; dc:title "Microlinices gaiophanis Simone 2014, n. gen., n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,38 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Naticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlinices" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:species "ombratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simone" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Naticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microlinices" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simone, 2014" ; - dwc:species "apiculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Naticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDD195981CDD5C0946FFE60.ttl b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDD195981CDD5C0946FFE60.ttl index 96754722eb5..67898e20be7 100644 --- a/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDD195981CDD5C0946FFE60.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5B/CE/7C5BCE66FFDD195981CDD5C0946FFE60.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Simone, Luiz Ricardo L." ; dc:title "Natica Scopoli 1777" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Naticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Natica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "vitellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Naticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5C/F2/7C5CF269C9A16BF35394D4270D55810C.ttl b/data/7C/5C/F2/7C5CF269C9A16BF35394D4270D55810C.ttl index 66555416e43..e52bc918659 100644 --- a/data/7C/5C/F2/7C5CF269C9A16BF35394D4270D55810C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5C/F2/7C5CF269C9A16BF35394D4270D55810C.ttl @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Konow, 1885", "Konow, 1903 b" ; + dwc:authority "Konow, 1903 b" ; dwc:authorityName "Konow" ; dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/7C/5D/1F/7C5D1FE8D045D61AAD1DF7D9FC12BA1C.ttl b/data/7C/5D/1F/7C5D1FE8D045D61AAD1DF7D9FC12BA1C.ttl index e959e75b340..e9ba3456c28 100644 --- a/data/7C/5D/1F/7C5D1FE8D045D61AAD1DF7D9FC12BA1C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5D/1F/7C5D1FE8D045D61AAD1DF7D9FC12BA1C.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Ocimum tenuiflorum Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -80,11 +79,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5D/35/7C5D35EF576D588184C49EEE523738EE.ttl b/data/7C/5D/35/7C5D35EF576D588184C49EEE523738EE.ttl index 6bc2addd896..3fcd2940a6e 100644 --- a/data/7C/5D/35/7C5D35EF576D588184C49EEE523738EE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5D/35/7C5D35EF576D588184C49EEE523738EE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Johnson, Andrew J.; Li, You; Mandelshtam, Michail Yu.; Park, Sangwook; Lin, Ching-Shan; Gao, Lei; Hulcr, Jiri" ; dc:title "Cryphalus paramangiferae Johnson 2020, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,35 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryphalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1836" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Stebbing" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryphalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stebbing, 1914" ; - dwc:species "mangiferae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -88,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Cryphalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5D/CE/7C5DCE551CBFF18B95933B4D4827DE16.ttl b/data/7C/5D/CE/7C5DCE551CBFF18B95933B4D4827DE16.ttl index 5d2a105e077..9cbbe8c40cf 100644 --- a/data/7C/5D/CE/7C5DCE551CBFF18B95933B4D4827DE16.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5D/CE/7C5DCE551CBFF18B95933B4D4827DE16.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Phellodon tomentosus Banker 1906" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/5E/88/7C5E88DACCCF95A1635601A7D29FAA00.ttl b/data/7C/5E/88/7C5E88DACCCF95A1635601A7D29FAA00.ttl index 4b15514e657..c56023823d9 100644 --- a/data/7C/5E/88/7C5E88DACCCF95A1635601A7D29FAA00.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5E/88/7C5E88DACCCF95A1635601A7D29FAA00.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gunton, Laetitia M.; Kupriyanova, Elena K.; Alvestad, Tom; Avery, Lynda; Blake, James A.; Biriukova, Olga; Boeggemann, Markus; Borisova, Polina; Budaeva, Nataliya; Burghardt, Ingo; Capa, Maria; Georgieva, Magdalena N.; Glasby, Christopher J.; Hsueh, Pan-Wen; Hutchings, Pat; Jimi, Naoto; Kongsrud, Jon A.; Langeneck, Joachim; Meissner, Karin; Murray, Anna; Nikolic, Mark; Paxton, Hannelore; Ramos, Dino; Schulze, Anja; Sobczyk, Robert; Watson, Charlotte; Wiklund, Helena; Wilson, Robin S.; Zhadan, Anna; Zhang, Jinghuai" ; dc:title "Boguea Gunton & Kupriyanova & Alvestad & Avery & Blake & Biriukova & Böggemann & Borisova & Budaeva & Burghardt & Capa & Georgieva & Glasby & Hsueh & Hutchings & Jimi & Kongsrud & Langeneck & Meißner & Murray & Nikolic & Paxton & Ramos & Schulze & Sobczyk & Watson & Wiklund & Wilson & Zhadan & Zhang 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,64 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Gunton & Kupriyanova & Alvestad & Avery & Blake & Biriukova & Böggemann & Borisova & Budaeva & Burghardt & Capa & Georgieva & Glasby & Hsueh & Hutchings & Jimi & Kongsrud & Langeneck & Meißner & Murray & Nikolic & Paxton & Ramos & Schulze & Sobczyk & Watson & Wiklund & Wilson & Zhadan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunton, Kupriyanova, Alvestad, Avery, Blake, Biriukova, Böggemann, Borisova, Budaeva, Burghardt, Capa, Georgieva, Glasby, Hsueh, Hutchings, Jimi, Kongsrud, Langeneck, Meißner, Murray, Nikolic, Paxton, Ramos, Schulze, Sobczyk, Watson, Wiklund, Wilson, Zhadan & Zhang, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gunton & Kupriyanova & Alvestad & Avery & Blake & Biriukova & Böggemann & Borisova & Budaeva & Burghardt & Capa & Georgieva & Glasby & Hsueh & Hutchings & Jimi & Kongsrud & Langeneck & Meißner & Murray & Nikolic & Paxton & Ramos & Schulze & Sobczyk & Watson & Wiklund & Wilson & Zhadan & Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chirimia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunton, Kupriyanova, Alvestad, Avery, Blake, Biriukova, Böggemann, Borisova, Budaeva, Burghardt, Capa, Georgieva, Glasby, Hsueh, Hutchings, Jimi, Kongsrud, Langeneck, Meißner, Murray, Nikolic, Paxton, Ramos, Schulze, Sobczyk, Watson, Wiklund, Wilson, Zhadan & Zhang, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wesenberg-Lund" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notoproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wesenberg-Lund, 1948" ; - dwc:species "scutiferus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Arwidsson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; - dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Notoproctus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Arwidsson, 1911" ; - dwc:species "oculatus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "antarcticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; @@ -116,11 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polychaeta" ; dwc:family "Maldanidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Phyllodocida" ; - dwc:phylum "Annelida" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/5E/A5/7C5EA5DF97771C6591BE8E89D5DA8F02.ttl b/data/7C/5E/A5/7C5EA5DF97771C6591BE8E89D5DA8F02.ttl index 2293d41a38d..f4c54d159b9 100644 --- a/data/7C/5E/A5/7C5EA5DF97771C6591BE8E89D5DA8F02.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5E/A5/7C5EA5DF97771C6591BE8E89D5DA8F02.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Secale L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/5F/76/7C5F76F1156D49047E891D736E8FA41E.ttl b/data/7C/5F/76/7C5F76F1156D49047E891D736E8FA41E.ttl index 99ee75e90ee..da8887cfaf5 100644 --- a/data/7C/5F/76/7C5F76F1156D49047E891D736E8FA41E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5F/76/7C5F76F1156D49047E891D736E8FA41E.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "quercus pedunculi" contains invalid characters ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Linnaeus, Carolus" ; dc:title "Cynips quercus pedunculi Linnaeus, 1758, spec. nov." ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -21,22 +20,3 @@ dc:date "1758" ; dc:title "Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis" ; a fabio:Book . - - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cynipidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cynips" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - dwc:species "quercus pedunculi" ; - dwc:zbkClass "Insecta" ; - dwc:zbkKingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:zbkOrder "Hymenoptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . diff --git a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5008511FE1777C85537DC62.ttl b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5008511FE1777C85537DC62.ttl index 5ebf022a07c..a133abc2a76 100644 --- a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5008511FE1777C85537DC62.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5008511FE1777C85537DC62.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kreiter, Serge; Douin, Martial" ; dc:title "Typhlodromipsini Chant & McMurtry" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5058514FE1773FE545DDA28.ttl b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5058514FE1773FE545DDA28.ttl index 108b2b3b6da..90c1b866fc7 100644 --- a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5058514FE1773FE545DDA28.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5058514FE1773FE545DDA28.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kreiter, Serge; Douin, Martial" ; dc:title "Proprioseiopsis neotropicus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE17743C5212DE0E.ttl b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE17743C5212DE0E.ttl index afd89a0ba24..d65c83ced81 100644 --- a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE17743C5212DE0E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE17743C5212DE0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kreiter, Serge; Douin, Martial" ; dc:title "Amblyseiina Muma" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE1775B05211DFBA.ttl b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE1775B05211DFBA.ttl index 17886e266da..665f1c02be9 100644 --- a/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE1775B05211DFBA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/5F/87/7C5F87FCA5068517FE1775B05211DFBA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kreiter, Serge; Douin, Martial" ; dc:title "Amblyseiini Muma" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/60/12/7C6012C6BAA15FFF93A4054E6E0D8D5F.ttl b/data/7C/60/12/7C6012C6BAA15FFF93A4054E6E0D8D5F.ttl index 2dda00da904..4a6eaecd553 100644 --- a/data/7C/60/12/7C6012C6BAA15FFF93A4054E6E0D8D5F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/60/12/7C6012C6BAA15FFF93A4054E6E0D8D5F.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wongyam, Anuntaya; Sartori, Michel; Boonsoong, Boonsatien" ; dc:title "Afronurus cervina" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lestage" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Afronurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lestage, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; @@ -75,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; dwc:genus "Afronurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/61/18/7C611810D232D7019D8CDC42F2DE70B9.ttl b/data/7C/61/18/7C611810D232D7019D8CDC42F2DE70B9.ttl index 50f0577bbfd..f658fd401e2 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/18/7C611810D232D7019D8CDC42F2DE70B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/18/7C611810D232D7019D8CDC42F2DE70B9.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Agosti, Donat" ; dc:title "Cataglyphis Foerster 1850" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -259,171 +259,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lomnicki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmecocystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lomnicki, 1925" ; - dwc:species "melligerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1863" ; - dwc:species "viatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Roger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Roger, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "bombycinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Pisarski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pisarski, 1965" ; - dwc:species "kurdistanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Collingwood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Collingwood, 1985" ; - dwc:species "urens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Agosti" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Arnoldi, 1964:" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1806" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Arnoldi, 1964)" ; - dwc:species "nigripes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Emery" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmecocystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Emery, 1891" ; - dwc:species "albicans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cataglyphis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1861" ; - dwc:species "cursor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "E. Andre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmecocystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andre, 1881" ; - dwc:species "altisquamis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName ", Andre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmecocystus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andre, 1882" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/61/38/7C6138956EA975F9844CB26BE92A346F.ttl b/data/7C/61/38/7C6138956EA975F9844CB26BE92A346F.ttl index 9d6cfbdb736..c3873e0a4d3 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/38/7C6138956EA975F9844CB26BE92A346F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/38/7C6138956EA975F9844CB26BE92A346F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Eryngium planum Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Eryngium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Apiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Apiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696043E95EFF36A5B7FD55FF08.ttl b/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696043E95EFF36A5B7FD55FF08.ttl index cf2b16a5b6c..2db68e1166a 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696043E95EFF36A5B7FD55FF08.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696043E95EFF36A5B7FD55FF08.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Hlaváč, Peter; Newton, Alfred F.; Maruyama, Munetoshi" ; dc:title "Gapia Blackwelder 1952" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,56 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wasmann", "Wasmann, 1916 a: 97" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wasmann" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "97" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lomechusidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wasmann, 1916" ; - dwc:species "gigantea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Shuckard" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dorylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Shuckard, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anomma" ; - dwc:subSpecies "burmeisteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1798" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyergus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Latreille, 1798)" ; - dwc:species "rufescens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Anomma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696067E97DFF36A256FBE6FCCC.ttl b/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696067E97DFF36A256FBE6FCCC.ttl index 20469e81894..2bc82e8d66c 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696067E97DFF36A256FBE6FCCC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/51/7C6151696067E97DFF36A256FBE6FCCC.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hlaváč, Peter; Newton, Alfred F.; Maruyama, Munetoshi" ; dc:title "Myrmedoniina Thomson" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,142 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Erichson, 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myrmedonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stephens, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zyras" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stephens, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomson, 1867" ; - dwc:tribe "Myrmedoniini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jeannel & Jarrige, 1949: 304" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jeannel & Jarrige" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "304" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jeannel & Jarrige, 1949" ; - dwc:tribe "Zyrasini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hatch, 1957: 146" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hatch" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "146" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1957" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subTribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hatch, 1957" ; - dwc:subTribe "Bolitocharina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wasmann, 1887 Dinocorynae Seevers, 1978: 13" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wasmann, 1887 Dinocorynae Seevers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ecitopora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wasmann, 1887" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Casey, 1893 Tetradoniae Seevers, 1978: 13" ; - dwc:authorityName "Casey, 1893 Tetradoniae Seevers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dinocoryna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Casey, 1893" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wasmann, 1894 a Athexeniina Pace, 2000 c: 336" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wasmann, 1894 a Athexeniina Pace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetradonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wasmann, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pace, 2000 c" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pace" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Athexenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pace, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/61/75/7C6175E2DD47CACA38281F5250CA0F40.ttl b/data/7C/61/75/7C6175E2DD47CACA38281F5250CA0F40.ttl index 7d6e97506d1..0582b81b0f9 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/75/7C6175E2DD47CACA38281F5250CA0F40.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/75/7C6175E2DD47CACA38281F5250CA0F40.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Forel, A." ; dc:title "Dorylus (Anomma) wilwerthi Emery" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E60478EF4E5DD0E0E5E29DF8D0.ttl b/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E60478EF4E5DD0E0E5E29DF8D0.ttl index f7689a68032..83eb0a06968 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E60478EF4E5DD0E0E5E29DF8D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E60478EF4E5DD0E0E5E29DF8D0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Webb, J. M.; Mccafferty, W. P." ; dc:title "Nixe dorothae Webb & Mccafferty 2011, NEW SPECIES" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Webb & McCafferty", "Webb & Mccafferty, 2011" ; + dwc:authority "Webb & McCafferty" ; dwc:authorityName "Webb & Mccafferty" ; dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -47,97 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McDunnough" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nixe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McDunnough, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "perfida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "McCafferty" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nixe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McCafferty, 1981" ; - dwc:species "flowersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "McDunnough, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "McDunnough" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heptagenia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "McDunnough, 1929" ; - dwc:species "perisimplex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McDunnough" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1926" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nixe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McDunnough, 1926)" ; - dwc:species "horrida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Clemens" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nixe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Clemens, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "lucidipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McDunnough" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1931" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nixe" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McDunnough, 1931)" ; - dwc:species "rusticalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E6047DEF4C5DD0E148E423F85A.ttl b/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E6047DEF4C5DD0E148E423F85A.ttl index 1b39b138518..6ad17a8e52d 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E6047DEF4C5DD0E148E423F85A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/87/7C6187E6047DEF4C5DD0E148E423F85A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Webb, J. M.; Mccafferty, W. P." ; dc:title "Nixe rusticalis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(McDunnough, 1924 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "McDunnough" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ecdyonurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(McDunnough, 1924)" ; - dwc:species "simplicioides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heptageniidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/61/A4/7C61A4D8C7C351D3839E84E57FAC3C3A.ttl b/data/7C/61/A4/7C61A4D8C7C351D3839E84E57FAC3C3A.ttl index 58f5a7acb61..930f7f23c6f 100644 --- a/data/7C/61/A4/7C61A4D8C7C351D3839E84E57FAC3C3A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/61/A4/7C61A4D8C7C351D3839E84E57FAC3C3A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vinokurov, Nikolay N.; Rudoi, Valentin V." ; dc:title "Coranus laticeps Wagner 1952" ; diff --git a/data/7C/62/29/7C6229B7C6F0536D98AD654BB8DEF2A4.ttl b/data/7C/62/29/7C6229B7C6F0536D98AD654BB8DEF2A4.ttl index 9462c8ce35f..e33c103f06d 100644 --- a/data/7C/62/29/7C6229B7C6F0536D98AD654BB8DEF2A4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/62/29/7C6229B7C6F0536D98AD654BB8DEF2A4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H." ; dc:title "Zebra delphinus subsp. intermedius Strebel 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,52 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Strebel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Orthalicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zebra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "variety" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strebel, 1909" ; - dwc:species "maracaibensis" ; - dwc:variety "jamaicensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bruguiere" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthalicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bruguiere, 1789)" ; - dwc:species "undatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Strebel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthalicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Strebel, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "delphinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Orthalicidae" ; @@ -119,11 +72,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Orthalicidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/62/86/7C6286D429EB52F69D8DE1624CD81F39.ttl b/data/7C/62/86/7C6286D429EB52F69D8DE1624CD81F39.ttl index 20c7b8657af..8c01ba069e2 100644 --- a/data/7C/62/86/7C6286D429EB52F69D8DE1624CD81F39.ttl +++ b/data/7C/62/86/7C6286D429EB52F69D8DE1624CD81F39.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mehrotra, Rahul; A. Caballer Gutierrez, Manuel; M. Scott, Chad; Arnold, Spencer; Monchanin, Coline; Viyakarn, Voranop; Chavanich, Suchana" ; dc:title "Stylocheilus longicauda" ; diff --git a/data/7C/64/83/7C648384299EAC64B307306F539B3495.ttl b/data/7C/64/83/7C648384299EAC64B307306F539B3495.ttl index 2526eacf920..96abd669b0a 100644 --- a/data/7C/64/83/7C648384299EAC64B307306F539B3495.ttl +++ b/data/7C/64/83/7C648384299EAC64B307306F539B3495.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because sigEpithet "sp. F7" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Reese, Elizabeth G.; Burkle, Laura A.; Delphia, Casey M.; Griswold, Terry" ; dc:title "Andrena sp. F7" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D541FFE3D47AFC26FBFF8F4F.ttl b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D541FFE3D47AFC26FBFF8F4F.ttl index 396baba2e49..7e34a09d5f3 100644 --- a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D541FFE3D47AFC26FBFF8F4F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D541FFE3D47AFC26FBFF8F4F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Coleophora parilis Li, 2005, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hofmann, 1871" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hofmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hofmann, 1871" ; - dwc:species "clypeiferella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D544FFEDD47AFD9FFBBB8801.ttl b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D544FFEDD47AFD9FFBBB8801.ttl index 2d38777e97e..ffccc9eaa80 100644 --- a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D544FFEDD47AFD9FFBBB8801.ttl +++ b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D544FFEDD47AFD9FFBBB8801.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Coleophora innermongoliensis Li, 2005, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Li & Zheng, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Zheng, 1998" ; - dwc:species "pallidiptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D547FFE0D47AFA07FE2F8BD9.ttl b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D547FFE0D47AFA07FE2F8BD9.ttl index 1cbcc49edcd..73a58f50be2 100644 --- a/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D547FFE0D47AFA07FE2F8BD9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/64/87/7C648788D547FFE0D47AFA07FE2F8BD9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Houhun" ; dc:title "Coleophora varisequens" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -27,53 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Falkovitsh, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Falkovitsh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Falkovitsh, 1979" ; - dwc:species "sequens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Li & Zheng, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Li & Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Zheng, 1998" ; - dwc:species "pallidiptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Falkovitsh." ; - dwc:authorityName "Falkovitsh." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coleophora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Falkovitsh." ; - dwc:species "sequens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coleophoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/64/A1/7C64A11D38C55E10BBC03752DB2C4DF5.ttl b/data/7C/64/A1/7C64A11D38C55E10BBC03752DB2C4DF5.ttl index 62f3ea35338..1ec7e13e0a3 100644 --- a/data/7C/64/A1/7C64A11D38C55E10BBC03752DB2C4DF5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/64/A1/7C64A11D38C55E10BBC03752DB2C4DF5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Gloeer, Peter; Pesic, Vladimir" ; dc:title "Farsithyra farsensis Gloeer & Pesic 2009" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,93 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "O. F. Mueller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Thiaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mueller, 1774)" ; - dwc:species "tuberculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Glöer & Pešić" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Glöer & Pešić, 2012" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Issel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neogastropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Issel, 1865" ; - dwc:species "doriae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "O. F. Mueller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1774" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Thiaridae" ; - dwc:genus "Thiara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mueller, 1774)" ; - dwc:species "scabra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Issel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Stenothyridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gangetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Issel, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "uzielliana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Küster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bithyniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bithynia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Küster, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "badiella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Stenothyridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/65/5E/7C655E933DDBEB64D2E07AB5A517A06E.ttl b/data/7C/65/5E/7C655E933DDBEB64D2E07AB5A517A06E.ttl index d000f8cdd87..58cbd0310be 100644 --- a/data/7C/65/5E/7C655E933DDBEB64D2E07AB5A517A06E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/65/5E/7C655E933DDBEB64D2E07AB5A517A06E.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Zhao, Qingyuan; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Maro bulbosus Zhao & Li, 2014, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/65/87/7C658792FFA7AE2CFF39E35CA8EFFDF4.ttl b/data/7C/65/87/7C658792FFA7AE2CFF39E35CA8EFFDF4.ttl index 3d29159bc12..532ad298196 100644 --- a/data/7C/65/87/7C658792FFA7AE2CFF39E35CA8EFFDF4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/65/87/7C658792FFA7AE2CFF39E35CA8EFFDF4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kompier, Tom; Karube, Haruki" ; dc:title "Chlorogomphus canhvang Kompier & Karube 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Martin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Chlorogomphidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorogomphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Odonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martin, 1910" ; - dwc:species "auratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Chlorogomphidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/66/70/7C6670C62D403485BFB5795BA600FC11.ttl b/data/7C/66/70/7C6670C62D403485BFB5795BA600FC11.ttl index 69994a86462..821980d1a03 100644 --- a/data/7C/66/70/7C6670C62D403485BFB5795BA600FC11.ttl +++ b/data/7C/66/70/7C6670C62D403485BFB5795BA600FC11.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Proetzel, David; Lambert, Shea M.; Andrianasolo, Ginah Tsiorisoa; Hutter, Carl R.; Cobb, Kerry A.; Scherz, Mark D.; Glaw, Frank" ; dc:title "Calumma roaloko Proetzel, Lambert, Andrianasolo, Hutter, Cobb, Scherz & Glaw, 2018, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,11 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Chamaeleonidae" ; dwc:genus "Calumma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/66/E9/7C66E9B0910C2048E3F11780330CAD7A.ttl b/data/7C/66/E9/7C66E9B0910C2048E3F11780330CAD7A.ttl index 80d18796716..f4803e4c3c6 100644 --- a/data/7C/66/E9/7C66E9B0910C2048E3F11780330CAD7A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/66/E9/7C66E9B0910C2048E3F11780330CAD7A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Senecio alpinus Scop." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/66/EE/7C66EE6DEC913333F0B8FBD1DF5978ED.ttl b/data/7C/66/EE/7C66EE6DEC913333F0B8FBD1DF5978ED.ttl index b5cbe5dcd4f..07dbde8cdaf 100644 --- a/data/7C/66/EE/7C66EE6DEC913333F0B8FBD1DF5978ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/66/EE/7C66EE6DEC913333F0B8FBD1DF5978ED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Grampus griseus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -60,68 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Desmarest 1822)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Desmarest" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Delphinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grampus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cetacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Desmarest, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "rissoanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Dall 1873" ; - dwc:authorityName "Dall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Delphinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grampus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cetacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dall, 1873" ; - dwc:species "stearnsii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope in Scammon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Delphinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orcinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cetacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cope, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "rectipinna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Delphinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orcinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cetacea" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "orca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Delphinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD292401FF4FFF68EF6072E0.ttl b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD292401FF4FFF68EF6072E0.ttl index e36756e54f8..71f2910c2ed 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD292401FF4FFF68EF6072E0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD292401FF4FFF68EF6072E0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian" ; dc:title "Endonura incolorata Stach 1951, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -62,37 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Cassagnau 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cassagnau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Adbiloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cassagnau, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Babenko et al. 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Babenko et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Biloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Babenko et al., 1988" ; - dwc:species "incolorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; @@ -106,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -158,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Biloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD2F240DFF4FF9F8EE9B77E8.ttl b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD2F240DFF4FF9F8EE9B77E8.ttl index 5bb504552e6..18f49cb0e47 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD2F240DFF4FF9F8EE9B77E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD2F240DFF4FF9F8EE9B77E8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian" ; dc:title "Endonura dudichi Loksa 1967, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -75,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD372408FF4FF918EE877095.ttl b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD372408FF4FF918EE877095.ttl index 9ce169ba523..cedbb57965d 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD372408FF4FF918EE877095.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD372408FF4FF918EE877095.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian" ; dc:title "Endonura tatricola Stach 1951" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Weiner, 1973", "Weiner, 1973: 531" ; + dwc:authority "Weiner, 1973: 531" ; dwc:authorityName "Weiner" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "531" ; dwc:authorityYear "1973" ; @@ -80,70 +79,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stach, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Biloba" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stach, 1951" ; - dwc:species "incolorata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Loksa, 1967" ; - dwc:authorityName "Loksa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neanura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Loksa, 1967" ; - dwc:species "dudichi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Weiner 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Weiner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neanurella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Weiner, 1981" ; - dwc:species "szeptyckii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gisin, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gisin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neanura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gisin, 1963" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; @@ -157,12 +92,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3C2410FF4FFB30EF6C73B0.ttl b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3C2410FF4FFB30EF6C73B0.ttl index 46556f5a533..be0287e82f7 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3C2410FF4FFB30EF6C73B0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3C2410FF4FFB30EF6C73B0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian" ; dc:title "Endonura lusatica Dunger 1966, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -63,55 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stach, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stach, 1929" ; - dwc:species "tetrophtalma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smolis et al. 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smolis et al." ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smolis et al., 2007" ; - dwc:species "dentifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Slawska 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Slawska" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Slawska, 2000" ; - dwc:species "tetrophthalma" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lusatica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; @@ -125,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Endonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -178,24 +123,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Neanura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "tetrophtalma" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; dwc:genus "Neanura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3D241BFF4FF8F3E821714D.ttl b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3D241BFF4FF8F3E821714D.ttl index f1a2b467d5f..5feb2818350 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3D241BFF4FF8F3E821714D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/10/7C671002CD3D241BFF4FF8F3E821714D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Smolis, Adrian" ; dc:title "Endonura Cassagnau 1979" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,38 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stach, 1929: 282" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stach" ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "282" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Collembola" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Achorutes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Poduromorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stach, 1929" ; - dwc:species "tetrophtalmus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cassagnau, 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cassagnau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cryptonura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cassagnau, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; @@ -110,10 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Entognatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Collembola" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/35/7C673578E46490519991107E3934465F.ttl b/data/7C/67/35/7C673578E46490519991107E3934465F.ttl index 4e5d01f2989..2a1e058579a 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/35/7C673578E46490519991107E3934465F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/35/7C673578E46490519991107E3934465F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yin, Zi-Wei; Hlavac, Peter; Li, Li-Zhen" ; dc:title "Pselaphodes grebennikovi Yin & Hlavac, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Yin & Hlavac" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pselaphodes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yin & Hlavac" ; - dwc:species "grebennikovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD3FFA5FF6282E1FEE3FA1E.ttl b/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD3FFA5FF6282E1FEE3FA1E.ttl index 74256dfee5d..27668dd9f50 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD3FFA5FF6282E1FEE3FA1E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD3FFA5FF6282E1FEE3FA1E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Taszakowski, Artur; Kim, Junggon; Bonino, Enrico; Tettamanzi, Lorenzo; Jung, Sunghoon" ; dc:title "Electroderaeous crassicornis Taszakowski & Kim & Bonino & Tettamanzi & Jung 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,100 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Platygastroidea)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Platygastroidea" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bethylidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Platygastroidea)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Fulgoromorpha" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fulgoromorpha" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fulgoromorpha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Cicadomorpha" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cicadomorpha" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cicadomorpha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Latreille" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latreille, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Haupt" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1927" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Haupt, 1927" ; - dwc:subFamily "Aphrodinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cicadellidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baker, 1915" ; - dwc:tribe "Xestocephalini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD6FFA3FF628139FB6DFDC6.ttl b/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD6FFA3FF628139FB6DFDC6.ttl index fc4eb51b1f4..05424215da2 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD6FFA3FF628139FB6DFDC6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/87/7C678785FFD6FFA3FF628139FB6DFDC6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Taszakowski, Artur; Kim, Junggon; Bonino, Enrico; Tettamanzi, Lorenzo; Jung, Sunghoon" ; dc:title "Electroderaeous Taszakowski & Kim & Bonino & Tettamanzi & Jung 2023, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,50 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Douglas & Scott, 1865" ; - dwc:tribe "Deraeocorini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Taszakowski & Kim & Bonino & Tettamanzi & Jung, 2023" ; - dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski & Kim & Bonino & Tettamanzi & Jung" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Electroderaeous" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taszakowski, Kim, Bonino, Tettamanzi & Jung, 2023" ; - dwc:species "crassicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Douglas & Scott, 1865" ; - dwc:subFamily "Deraeocorinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFF4FFFBC635EB5DFA573A1B.ttl b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFF4FFFBC635EB5DFA573A1B.ttl index 1d74fb38463..78f580f7c21 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFF4FFFBC635EB5DFA573A1B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFF4FFFBC635EB5DFA573A1B.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Xiaoming; Tseng, Z. Jack; Wu, Wen-yu; Ye, Jie; Meng, Jin; Bi, Shundong" ; dc:title "Tungurictis small sp. Colbert 1939" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Tseng & Ye & Meng & Bi, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Tseng & Ye & Meng & Bi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Tseng, Ye, Meng & Bi, 2020" ; - dwc:species "peignei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Colbert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Colbert, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: abbreviated species "small sp." ; dwc:class "Mammalia" ; @@ -89,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFF3C326E8DDFB8E3B1A.ttl b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFF3C326E8DDFB8E3B1A.ttl index f33674612c2..0145db2eaf2 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFF3C326E8DDFB8E3B1A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFF3C326E8DDFB8E3B1A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Xiaoming; Tseng, Z. Jack; Wu, Wen-yu; Ye, Jie; Meng, Jin; Bi, Shundong" ; dc:title "Tungurictis Colbert 1939" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wang & Tseng & Ye & Meng & Bi, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang & Tseng & Ye & Meng & Bi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Tseng, Ye, Meng & Bi, 2020" ; - dwc:species "peignei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFFAC1D1EB5CFAB33B1A.ttl b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFFAC1D1EB5CFAB33B1A.ttl index f1eaa23ab8e..15bd6ca988e 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFFAC1D1EB5CFAB33B1A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/87/7C6787D2FFFDFFFAC1D1EB5CFAB33B1A.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wang, Xiaoming; Tseng, Z. Jack; Wu, Wen-yu; Ye, Jie; Meng, Jin; Bi, Shundong" ; dc:title "Tungurictis peignei Wang & Tseng & Ye & Meng & Bi 2020, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Colbert, 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Colbert" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Colbert, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; @@ -75,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Hyaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Tungurictis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/9B/7C679B4034DD825C1F59D4C708FEE4EE.ttl b/data/7C/67/9B/7C679B4034DD825C1F59D4C708FEE4EE.ttl index 690ab3d63a9..81cfb1056bb 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/9B/7C679B4034DD825C1F59D4C708FEE4EE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/9B/7C679B4034DD825C1F59D4C708FEE4EE.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Parry, B. W." ; dc:title "Phthiracarus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D00FF9CFF28FB36ECAD7665.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D00FF9CFF28FB36ECAD7665.ttl index d92960023f5..e311d5d8668 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D00FF9CFF28FB36ECAD7665.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D00FF9CFF28FB36ECAD7665.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Bruma parvus Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:subFamily "Tactusinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D01FF9AFF28F9EBEC4E71F6.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D01FF9AFF28F9EBEC4E71F6.ttl index 79199d34a86..d12d849c757 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D01FF9AFF28F9EBEC4E71F6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D01FF9AFF28F9EBEC4E71F6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis papei Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "papei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D02FF99FF28F8E3EB4C7096.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D02FF99FF28F8E3EB4C7096.ttl index 964dd20a9e3..3c83c47c8ca 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D02FF99FF28F8E3EB4C7096.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D02FF99FF28F8E3EB4C7096.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Fustis FIBIGER, 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D03FF99FF28FA6BEC2C7660.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D03FF99FF28FA6BEC2C7660.ttl index 1d92ef3a72c..39ed8931b09 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D03FF99FF28FA6BEC2C7660.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D03FF99FF28FA6BEC2C7660.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis gregerseni Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "gregerseni" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF90FF28FE4DEC2970A9.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF90FF28FE4DEC2970A9.ttl index 0d37c08ee7d..53e1790c5ba 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF90FF28FE4DEC2970A9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF90FF28FE4DEC2970A9.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Longiantrum burmaensis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF9FFF28F8A6EC6C71E1.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF9FFF28F8A6EC6C71E1.ttl index 20b670fe723..b3af587c2db 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF9FFF28F8A6EC6C71E1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D04FF9FFF28F8A6EC6C71E1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Longiantrum legraini Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D05FF9FFF28FA84EC1A764E.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D05FF9FFF28FA84EC1A764E.ttl index 744573838f9..4ffdd60c268 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D05FF9FFF28FA84EC1A764E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D05FF9FFF28FA84EC1A764E.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Longiantrum coclea Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D07FF9DFF28FA97EB537528.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D07FF9DFF28FA97EB537528.ttl index 7c49b2eb1a0..e2fdacf7823 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D07FF9DFF28FA97EB537528.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D07FF9DFF28FA97EB537528.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Costasensora honeyi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D08FF93FF28F826EC197134.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D08FF93FF28F826EC197134.ttl index dc22793c9b2..fc628902141 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D08FF93FF28F826EC197134.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D08FF93FF28F826EC197134.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Abes vedi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF91FF28F9EBEC1B71AE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF91FF28F9EBEC1B71AE.ttl index 49cb560d817..3319e887086 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF91FF28F9EBEC1B71AE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF91FF28F9EBEC1B71AE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Longiantrum quadra Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF92FF28FF86EB1B7438.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF92FF28FF86EB1B7438.ttl index 007ac6bed76..9b0c948b403 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF92FF28FF86EB1B7438.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0AFF92FF28FF86EB1B7438.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscurini Fibiger, new tribe" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,159 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:tribe "Obscurini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asyprocessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tantulius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asylemissa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clarior" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asytegumen" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:subFamily "Tactusinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0CFFE8FF28FFB9EC707558.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0CFFE8FF28FFB9EC707558.ttl index aab8cfef8ea..35456bccdc7 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0CFFE8FF28FFB9EC707558.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0CFFE8FF28FFB9EC707558.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tantulius belli Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nolidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melaleucia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0DFF97FF28FD26ECE07618.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0DFF97FF28FD26ECE07618.ttl index b346ce29ee7..9b4ee876735 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0DFF97FF28FD26ECE07618.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0DFF97FF28FD26ECE07618.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Asyprocessa spinus Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF95FF28F8D6EC6D712D.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF95FF28F8D6EC6D712D.ttl index 90e7b56c66a..2c0027ca371 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF95FF28F8D6EC6D712D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF95FF28F8D6EC6D712D.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Asyprocessa wapi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF96FF28FF01ECC774CE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF96FF28FF01ECC774CE.ttl index ebf0407572b..bf161e6816a 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF96FF28FF01ECC774CE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D0EFF96FF28FF01ECC774CE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Asyprocessa laevi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asyprocessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -75,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Asyprocessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D10FF8CFF28FD27EC307487.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D10FF8CFF28FD27EC307487.ttl index 707ecb61061..cef5b977a2d 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D10FF8CFF28FD27EC307487.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D10FF8CFF28FD27EC307487.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Conspica inconspicua Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conspica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "parainconspicua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D14FF80FF28FE67EB687315.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D14FF80FF28FE67EB687315.ttl index c1b98d0b5e7..cefea3e3725 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D14FF80FF28FE67EB687315.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D14FF80FF28FE67EB687315.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Vas owadai Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "proceus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D15FF8FFF28FAD9EB027630.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D15FF8FFF28FAD9EB027630.ttl index 38348ba1c73..19a0eb43f6c 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D15FF8FFF28FAD9EB027630.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D15FF8FFF28FAD9EB027630.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Dignus buchsbaumi Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dignus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "buchsbaumi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D17FF8DFF28FD6FEE627630.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D17FF8DFF28FD6FEE627630.ttl index 00f291c9b23..8d5c36790b7 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D17FF8DFF28FD6FEE627630.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D17FF8DFF28FD6FEE627630.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Conspica parainconspicua Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conspica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "inconspicua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D18FF84FF28FBE6ECEC7400.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D18FF84FF28FBE6ECEC7400.ttl index e7fcbfc6d28..5bb1c0676a4 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D18FF84FF28FBE6ECEC7400.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D18FF84FF28FBE6ECEC7400.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis sterlingi Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "sterlingi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1CFF98FF28FDD6EC307588.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1CFF98FF28FDD6EC307588.ttl index bc71255bd88..3404d141e45 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1CFF98FF28FDD6EC307588.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1CFF98FF28FDD6EC307588.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis extuta Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "extuta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1DFF87FF28FCBEEC6B737E.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1DFF87FF28FCBEEC6B737E.ttl index 806c8f671ed..34911226591 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1DFF87FF28FCBEEC6B737E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1DFF87FF28FCBEEC6B737E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis biextuta Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "biextuta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF85FF28F833ECD371CE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF85FF28F833ECD371CE.ttl index ea1844f0f6e..83271ec9c35 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF85FF28F833ECD371CE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF85FF28F833ECD371CE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis parasensora Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "parasensora" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF86FF28FE26ECAD7256.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF86FF28FE26ECAD7256.ttl index b29ab89e60d..6295374e046 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF86FF28FE26ECAD7256.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1EFF86FF28FE26ECAD7256.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis sensora Fibiger, new species" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "sensora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1FFF85FF28FA03ECF77630.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1FFF85FF28FA03ECF77630.ttl index 064da66262d..9708931cbd2 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1FFF85FF28FA03ECF77630.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D1FFF85FF28FA03ECF77630.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Fustis malaysiensis Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "malaysiensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D20FFBCFF28FBBBEC7776C0.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D20FFBCFF28FBBBEC7776C0.ttl index c005626ef6d..c2560276720 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D20FFBCFF28FBBBEC7776C0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D20FFBCFF28FBBBEC7776C0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa nilssoni Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -102,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D22FFBAFF28FF4EECA374E0.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D22FFBAFF28FF4EECA374E0.ttl index 13d60cf0bce..d295322713e 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D22FFBAFF28FF4EECA374E0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D22FFBAFF28FF4EECA374E0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa schnacki Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -102,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB8FF28F9EBEC2271AE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB8FF28F9EBEC2271AE.ttl index deda862cb22..a7dff3319ce 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB8FF28F9EBEC2271AE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB8FF28F9EBEC2271AE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa sumatrensis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "parasumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB9FF28FF86ECE97378.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB9FF28FF86ECE97378.ttl index d5ff1657a3d..337d3bb87f5 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB9FF28FF86ECE97378.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D23FFB9FF28FF86ECE97378.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa parasumatrensis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D24FFB0FF28FA1BEB0877E8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D24FFB0FF28FA1BEB0877E8.ttl index ad5254a013b..3cc7500f451 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D24FFB0FF28FA1BEB0877E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D24FFB0FF28FA1BEB0877E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa topi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nieukerkeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D25FFBFFF28FC0FEC237438.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D25FFBFFF28FC0FEC237438.ttl index 2c686e792ac..d66882d8a61 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D25FFBFFF28FC0FEC237438.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D25FFBFFF28FC0FEC237438.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa nieukerkeni Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,33 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -87,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBDFF28F9EBEB59729E.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBDFF28F9EBEB59729E.ttl index f22d17f73ae..2fedcee9260 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBDFF28F9EBEB59729E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBDFF28F9EBEB59729E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa peregovitsi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -103,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBEFF28FF76ECE3746E.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBEFF28FF76ECE3746E.ttl index d0fcd03e6df..3d5e7a0206b 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBEFF28FF76ECE3746E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D26FFBEFF28FF76ECE3746E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa flavoniger Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D27FFBCFF28FB33ECE37042.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D27FFBCFF28FB33ECE37042.ttl index 783473b3e46..0ecc0396ae9 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D27FFBCFF28FB33ECE37042.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D27FFBCFF28FB33ECE37042.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa ostium Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -102,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB2FF28F8CEECE8735D.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB2FF28F8CEECE8735D.ttl index 743a4a611a4..c34f20827ca 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB2FF28F8CEECE8735D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB2FF28F8CEECE8735D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa dohertyi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nieukerkeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB3FF28FFACECD874E6.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB3FF28FFACECD874E6.ttl index f462a7cdaaf..32aa312d8d1 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB3FF28FFACECD874E6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D29FFB3FF28FFACECD874E6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa minor Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,19 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2AFFB2FF28FA94ECAD7666.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2AFFB2FF28FA94ECAD7666.ttl index 4eb3adff934..6e8437c9013 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2AFFB2FF28FA94ECAD7666.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2AFFB2FF28FA94ECAD7666.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa bechi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nieukerkeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB0FF28F84BEC3C72E8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB0FF28F84BEC3C72E8.ttl index 02b30e042f8..92d618d0328 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB0FF28F84BEC3C72E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB0FF28F84BEC3C72E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa incognita Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nieukerkeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -102,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB1FF28FF44EC4074B9.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB1FF28FF44EC4074B9.ttl index e58927b3a34..aa3b716c12b 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB1FF28FF44EC4074B9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2BFFB1FF28FF44EC4074B9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa jeppeseni Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,48 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nieukerkeni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -102,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2CFFB7FF28F9EBEC4F72CE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2CFFB7FF28F9EBEC4F72CE.ttl index a9da89ce8e2..bc06c6c8284 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2CFFB7FF28F9EBEC4F72CE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2CFFB7FF28F9EBEC4F72CE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa assamia Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,52 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "assamia" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hampson, 1898" ; - dwc:species "trigonifera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "nilssoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2EFFB6FF28FC3BECD8755D.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2EFFB6FF28FC3BECD8755D.ttl index e6b660b83fb..b7963ad5082 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2EFFB6FF28FC3BECD8755D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2EFFB6FF28FC3BECD8755D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa similis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,19 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB4FF28F84BECC471F6.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB4FF28F84BECC471F6.ttl index 5a38241717f..72a2d7d3811 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB4FF28F84BECC471F6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB4FF28F84BECC471F6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa artus FIBIGER, 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,34 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "biartus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB5FF28FE5EEC0B73D8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB5FF28FE5EEC0B73D8.ttl index fe421132331..b2dd9056261 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB5FF28FE5EEC0B73D8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D2FFFB5FF28FE5EEC0B73D8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa biartus Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "artus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D39FFA3FF28FDB9EAC470AF.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D39FFA3FF28FDB9EAC470AF.ttl index 15359b4b0ee..124a5e91a27 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D39FFA3FF28FDB9EAC470AF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D39FFA3FF28FDB9EAC470AF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusinae Fibiger 2010, new subfamily" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,287 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conspica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tumula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dignus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Nigerides" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nigerides" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nigerides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bruma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Costasensora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Longiantrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Abes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asyprocessa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tantulius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asylemissa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Clarior" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asytegumen" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - dwc:subFamily "Parachrostiinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3CFFA7FF28FD8BED1E70BE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3CFFA7FF28FD8BED1E70BE.ttl index 16caff49837..aa8b5d98acd 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3CFFA7FF28FD8BED1E70BE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3CFFA7FF28FD8BED1E70BE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa sine Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA6FF28FB5EECE871F0.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA6FF28FB5EECE871F0.ttl index 96261ef74d3..9825ff8e529 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA6FF28FB5EECE871F0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA6FF28FB5EECE871F0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa major Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA7FF28FE5CEC2373A8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA7FF28FE5CEC2373A8.ttl index 103d31c1a0c..4aacd99d9fd 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA7FF28FE5CEC2373A8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3DFFA7FF28FE5CEC2373A8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusa rima Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,34 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3FFFA4FF28F9EBEFAD75CE.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3FFFA4FF28F9EBEFAD75CE.ttl index abdae5b12ed..a684fa5afe4 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3FFFA4FF28F9EBEFAD75CE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D3FFFA4FF28F9EBEFAD75CE.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tactusini Fibiger, new tribe" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,189 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:tribe "Tactusini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tactusa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:species "sumatrensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conspica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tumula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dignus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Nigerides" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nigerides" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nigerides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fustis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bruma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Costasensora" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Longiantrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - dwc:subFamily "Tactusinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D60FFFBFF28FB29ECE771B1.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D60FFFBFF28FB29ECE771B1.ttl index a3a3424b752..f5aee48a03c 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D60FFFBFF28FB29ECE771B1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D60FFFBFF28FB29ECE771B1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Bellulia postea Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - dwc:species "galsworthyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -89,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D61FFFBFF28FA6BECE676C5.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D61FFFBFF28FA6BECE676C5.ttl index 1f1d482ca2e..f4c4acf13d2 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D61FFFBFF28FA6BECE676C5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D61FFFBFF28FA6BECE676C5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Bellulia basalia Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -74,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D62FFFAFF28FCECEC3B7588.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D62FFFAFF28FCECEC3B7588.ttl index 234a835ee01..e1db685a28d 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D62FFFAFF28FCECEC3B7588.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D62FFFAFF28FCECEC3B7588.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Bellulia kendricki Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -75,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Bellulia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D63FFF9FF28FA41ECB27406.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D63FFF9FF28FA41ECB27406.ttl index 5d86a8e7fd1..52235fac7d6 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D63FFF9FF28FA41ECB27406.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D63FFF9FF28FA41ECB27406.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Disca anser Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,66 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "thailandi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "arborita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "hackeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Disca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "javai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D64FFFFFF28F833ED827097.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D64FFFFFF28F833ED827097.ttl index 01403152023..fe965ddda21 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D64FFFFFF28F833ED827097.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D64FFFFFF28F833ED827097.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Duplex pullata Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D66FFFEFF28FB7EEE9D76F8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D66FFFEFF28FB7EEE9D76F8.ttl index 0bb8f8e3459..f7b8a2d7e3a 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D66FFFEFF28FB7EEE9D76F8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D66FFFEFF28FB7EEE9D76F8.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Duplex horakae Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D67FFFDFF28FD2EEBBB7696.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D67FFFDFF28FD2EEBBB7696.ttl index 5bca30789d0..4e6e651b9dc 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D67FFFDFF28FD2EEBBB7696.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D67FFFDFF28FD2EEBBB7696.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Duplex weintraubi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D68FFF3FF28F9EBEC3B7116.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D68FFF3FF28F9EBEC3B7116.ttl index 3246e40d2a9..02ce08558eb 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D68FFF3FF28F9EBEC3B7116.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D68FFF3FF28F9EBEC3B7116.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Mimachrostia novofasciata Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2008" ; - dwc:species "costafasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D69FFF2FF28F829EBA270BA.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D69FFF2FF28F829EBA270BA.ttl index f0eb88f5bc4..b5112e012f7 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D69FFF2FF28F829EBA270BA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D69FFF2FF28F829EBA270BA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Mimachrostia fasciata subsp. minimus Fibiger, new subspecies" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,65 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "fasciata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "minimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sugi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sugi, 1982" ; - dwc:species "fasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Micronoctuidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2005" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "fasciata" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "fasciata" ; - dwc:species "fasciata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fasciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -120,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "fasciata" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6AFFF1FF28FAE9ECD570AA.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6AFFF1FF28FAE9ECD570AA.ttl index e2ed090d744..caf514826b6 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6AFFF1FF28FAE9ECD570AA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6AFFF1FF28FAE9ECD570AA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Sinochrostia sichuanensis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sugi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mimachrostia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sugi, 1982" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6BFFF0FF28F9EBEED77077.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6BFFF0FF28F9EBEED77077.ttl index da47f3bbd87..4345cec21e1 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6BFFF0FF28F9EBEED77077.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D6BFFF0FF28F9EBEED77077.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Duplex cockingi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D71FFEAFF28F826EC2771D5.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D71FFEAFF28F826EC2771D5.ttl index 3280259b346..21fdb64e671 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D71FFEAFF28F826EC2771D5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D71FFEAFF28F826EC2771D5.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Clarior kitchingi Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D73FFE9FF28FF09EC3B73A8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D73FFE9FF28FF09EC3B73A8.ttl index d86ab0e4594..4381cc687d7 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D73FFE9FF28FF09EC3B73A8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D73FFE9FF28FF09EC3B73A8.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Asylemissa comma Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFE0FF28FE2CEC6C7666.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFE0FF28FE2CEC6C7666.ttl index 1414db354b9..e0e1ee63e6a 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFE0FF28FE2CEC6C7666.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFE0FF28FE2CEC6C7666.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscura davisi Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "davisi" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFEEFF28FB5BEC3771C0.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFEEFF28FB5BEC3771C0.ttl index 2c05523f4e5..b366c0b051f 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFEEFF28FB5BEC3771C0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D75FFEEFF28FB5BEC3771C0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscura fragilis Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "fragilis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D76FFEEFF28FCB4EBCE76F8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D76FFEEFF28FCB4EBCE76F8.ttl index 80fde88eee0..6539ce82e9f 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D76FFEEFF28FCB4EBCE76F8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D76FFEEFF28FCB4EBCE76F8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscura niasiensis Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "niasiensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFECFF28F80BEB0E7011.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFECFF28F80BEB0E7011.ttl index 66c2e9117a0..abc59997750 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFECFF28F80BEB0E7011.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFECFF28F80BEB0E7011.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscura lateraprocessa Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "lateraprocessa" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFEDFF28FE0CECB87259.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFEDFF28FE0CECB87259.ttl index ddd083d7acc..cd02f499fa9 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFEDFF28FE0CECB87259.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D77FFEDFF28FE0CECB87259.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Obscura clarus Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,22 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Obscura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "clarus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D78FFE5FF28FCA9EB0977E8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D78FFE5FF28FCA9EB0977E8.ttl index a11864b552a..d8c4262f23b 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D78FFE5FF28FCA9EB0977E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D78FFE5FF28FCA9EB0977E8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Asytegumen absurdus Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D79FFE3FF28FB5BEC7B77E8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D79FFE3FF28FB5BEC7B77E8.ttl index 543560a1814..a785d1979b6 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D79FFE3FF28FB5BEC7B77E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D79FFE3FF28FB5BEC7B77E8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Editum editum Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "editum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -91,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7AFFE2FF28FB0EEC6576F8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7AFFE2FF28FB0EEC6576F8.ttl index 00700da07f6..6bf0e0cd9e3 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7AFFE2FF28FB0EEC6576F8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7AFFE2FF28FB0EEC6576F8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Editum editoides Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,20 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2010" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Erebidae" ; @@ -75,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Erebidae" ; dwc:genus "Editum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7CFFF8FF28FD8BEBF775A6.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7CFFF8FF28FD8BEBF775A6.ttl index 115fe30fa74..fe3e535b0b1 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7CFFF8FF28FD8BEBF775A6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7CFFF8FF28FD8BEBF775A6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tolpia mons Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "palawani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7DFFE7FF28FC3BEB6F73A8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7DFFE7FF28FC3BEB6F73A8.ttl index 8511aedf0ef..99fe9f59946 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7DFFE7FF28FC3BEB6F73A8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7DFFE7FF28FC3BEB6F73A8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tolpia paraunguis Fibiger, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger" ; - dwc:species "paraunguis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7EFFE6FF28FF46EA6773D8.ttl b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7EFFE6FF28FF46EA6773D8.ttl index 4e7ef322517..c8dc55fcb8e 100644 --- a/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7EFFE6FF28FF46EA6773D8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/67/FC/7C67FC6F2D7EFFE6FF28FF46EA6773D8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "FIBIGER, MICHAEL" ; dc:title "Tolpia hainanensis Fibiger 2010, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fibiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2007" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tolpia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fibiger, 2007" ; - dwc:species "sikkimi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/68/78/7C6878FAB009582398B44D937C11D26D.ttl b/data/7C/68/78/7C6878FAB009582398B44D937C11D26D.ttl index 9415bb207de..65c5c2cf470 100644 --- a/data/7C/68/78/7C6878FAB009582398B44D937C11D26D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/68/78/7C6878FAB009582398B44D937C11D26D.ttl @@ -12,11 +12,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Tovar, Juan David; Giacomin, Leandro Lacerda" ; dc:title "Solanum tanysepalum S. Knapp, Brittonia 38: 284. 1986" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +48,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "M. Nee, Kurtziana 28: 137" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Solanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nee, Kurtziana 28: 137, 2000" ; - dwc:species "verecundum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; @@ -77,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; dwc:genus "Solanum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/69/78/7C697826233F5F0AAC8295E26D60AE2A.ttl b/data/7C/69/78/7C697826233F5F0AAC8295E26D60AE2A.ttl index 1899cde464b..4d8dd17c81e 100644 --- a/data/7C/69/78/7C697826233F5F0AAC8295E26D60AE2A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/69/78/7C697826233F5F0AAC8295E26D60AE2A.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:creator "Li, Ting-Jing; Barthelemy, Christophe; Carpenter, James M." ; dc:title "Euodynerus (Pareuodynerus) trilobus Fabricius 1787" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6A/EA/7C6AEA5D558A5874B7C1D4001161F3C7.ttl b/data/7C/6A/EA/7C6AEA5D558A5874B7C1D4001161F3C7.ttl index ce0ae5ce1b5..c7ed837b35d 100644 --- a/data/7C/6A/EA/7C6AEA5D558A5874B7C1D4001161F3C7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6A/EA/7C6AEA5D558A5874B7C1D4001161F3C7.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Yang, Kun; Li, Xian-Fu; Tong, Xiao-Li; Cai, Qing-Hua" ; dc:title "Siphlonurus dongxi Li & Tong 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eaton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Siphlonuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Siphlonurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eaton, 1868" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Siphlonuridae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Siphlonuridae" ; dwc:genus "Siphlonurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ephemeroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6A/F9/7C6AF9F1FA6659ACAD5EA1D55F3E36DB.ttl b/data/7C/6A/F9/7C6AF9F1FA6659ACAD5EA1D55F3E36DB.ttl index 1071fd10bce..7904e2fd12c 100644 --- a/data/7C/6A/F9/7C6AF9F1FA6659ACAD5EA1D55F3E36DB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6A/F9/7C6AF9F1FA6659ACAD5EA1D55F3E36DB.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Arbea 1, Javier I.; Lopez 2, Virginia Garcia; Soria 2, Francisco Javier; Abellan 2, Pedro" ; dc:title "Folsomides ayllonensis Simon & Lucianez 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -77,12 +75,8 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Collembola", "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Collembola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "class", "genus" ; + dwc:class "Collembola" ; + dwc:rank "class" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6B/3B/7C6B3BDC6AB4EB7FFA745D80C9129CCB.ttl b/data/7C/6B/3B/7C6B3BDC6AB4EB7FFA745D80C9129CCB.ttl index 135211f5b31..4f87cf3a024 100644 --- a/data/7C/6B/3B/7C6B3BDC6AB4EB7FFA745D80C9129CCB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6B/3B/7C6B3BDC6AB4EB7FFA745D80C9129CCB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Commiphora opobalsamum Engl." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Burseraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6C/4D/7C6C4DA1D3A736BF66E1CD5F0EC94AF1.ttl b/data/7C/6C/4D/7C6C4DA1D3A736BF66E1CD5F0EC94AF1.ttl index 4a08ad004c5..a6f55bff8fc 100644 --- a/data/7C/6C/4D/7C6C4DA1D3A736BF66E1CD5F0EC94AF1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6C/4D/7C6C4DA1D3A736BF66E1CD5F0EC94AF1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Chlorocebus tantalus subsp. tantalus Ogilby 1841" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,91 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Pocock 1909)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorocebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pocock, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "tantalus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "alexandri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lorenz 1914)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lorenz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorocebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lorenz, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "tantalus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "graueri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Matschie 1897)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorocebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Matschie, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "tantalus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "passargei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mitchell 1905)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mitchell" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1905" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorocebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mitchell, 1905)" ; - dwc:species "tantalus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pousarguei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schultze 1910)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schultze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorocebus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schultze, 1910)" ; - dwc:species "tantalus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Cercopithecidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6C/73/7C6C73665D72D773FDE9FF21FE5BF927.ttl b/data/7C/6C/73/7C6C73665D72D773FDE9FF21FE5BF927.ttl index 346529aaf4c..08b56903159 100644 --- a/data/7C/6C/73/7C6C73665D72D773FDE9FF21FE5BF927.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6C/73/7C6C73665D72D773FDE9FF21FE5BF927.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jose, Athira; Tripathi, Rishikesh; Sudhikumar, Ambalaparambil Vasu" ; dc:title "Gelotia lanka Wijesinghe 1991" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; @@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", T. Wijesiri, AMNH" ; - dwc:authorityName "T. Wijesiri, AMNH" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gelotia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wijesiri, AMNH" ; - dwc:species "lanka" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6C/83/7C6C83F56ACCCC0682D1EB7C395A8D83.ttl b/data/7C/6C/83/7C6C83F56ACCCC0682D1EB7C395A8D83.ttl index 7b8f07f8c19..799a41739f3 100644 --- a/data/7C/6C/83/7C6C83F56ACCCC0682D1EB7C395A8D83.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6C/83/7C6C83F56ACCCC0682D1EB7C395A8D83.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R." ; dc:title "Phygadeuon magnicornis Thomson 1884" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8BFF0AFF35FA91FAA6.ttl b/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8BFF0AFF35FA91FAA6.ttl index c36cd613c6d..a744d23d1f2 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8BFF0AFF35FA91FAA6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8BFF0AFF35FA91FAA6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bravo, Freddy; Chagas, Cinthia; Alves, Veracilda Ribeiro" ; dc:title "Tonnoira distincta Bravo, Alves & Chagas, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bravo, Alves & Chagas" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bravo, Alves & Chagas" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonnoira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bravo, Alves & Chagas" ; - dwc:species "distincta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8DFF0AFABCFAD8FE09.ttl b/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8DFF0AFABCFAD8FE09.ttl index 6579ffc7b07..23b4863e450 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8DFF0AFABCFAD8FE09.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/44/7C6D4423FF91FF8DFF0AFABCFAD8FE09.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Bravo, Freddy; Chagas, Cinthia; Alves, Veracilda Ribeiro" ; dc:title "Tonnoira robusta Bravo, Alves & Chagas, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bravo, Alves & Chagas", "Bravo, Chagas & Alves" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bravo, Alves & Chagas", "Bravo, Chagas & Alves" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tonnoira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bravo, Alves & Chagas" ; - dwc:species "robusta" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Psychodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/62/7C6D6232FFA6FF95216342B3027FFBAA.ttl b/data/7C/6D/62/7C6D6232FFA6FF95216342B3027FFBAA.ttl index f734c5c2d82..bc7a732e11e 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/62/7C6D6232FFA6FF95216342B3027FFBAA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/62/7C6D6232FFA6FF95216342B3027FFBAA.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wingert, Juliana M.; Ferrer, Juliano; Neves, Mayara P.; Baumgartner, Dirceu; Malabarba, Luiz R." ; dc:title "Odontesthes crossognathos Wingert, Ferrer, Neves, Baumgartner & Malabarba, 2022, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,19 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Evermann & Kendall" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:family "Atherinopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontesthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Atheriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Evermann & Kendall, 1906" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Atherinopsidae" ; dwc:genus "Odontesthes" ; @@ -70,11 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Atherinopsidae" ; dwc:genus "Odontesthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Atheriniformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA64FFEEA2A2FAB8C93D20E5.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA64FFEEA2A2FAB8C93D20E5.ttl index 20e98949bec..77f1f8925d6 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA64FFEEA2A2FAB8C93D20E5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA64FFEEA2A2FAB8C93D20E5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Taszakowski, Artur; Masłowski, Adrian; Wolski, Andrzej; Gorczyca, Jacek" ; dc:title "Cassisotropis Taszakowski 2022, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,185 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Taszakowski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cassisotropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taszakowski, 2022" ; - dwc:species "aciformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirkaldy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirkaldy, 1903" ; - dwc:subFamily "Cylapinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Uhler, 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Uhler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Peritropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uhler, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Uhler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "tribe" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Uhler, 1886" ; - dwc:tribe "Fulviini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "anthocoroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1862" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Poppius, 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Poppius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Euchilofulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poppius, 1909" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carvalho & Lorenzato", "Carvalho and Lorenzato, 1978" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carvalho & Lorenzato", "Carvalho and Lorenzato" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Peritropisca" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carvalho & Lorenzato, 1978" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carvalho, 1972" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carvalho" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1972" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rewafulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carvalho, 1972" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorczyca, Cherot & Stys, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorczyca, Cherot & Stys" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sulawesifulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorczyca, Cherot & Stys, 2004" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1902" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceratofulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gorczyca, 1998" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gorczyca" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Schmitzofulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gorczyca, 1998" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA66FFEAA2A2FAB8CF8223C1.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA66FFEAA2A2FAB8CF8223C1.ttl index 60198a1a1ab..e25eb3a3bfc 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA66FFEAA2A2FAB8CF8223C1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA66FFEAA2A2FAB8CF8223C1.ttl @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Taszakowski & Masłowski & Wolski & Gorczyca, 2022", "Taszakowski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski & Masłowski & Wolski & Gorczyca", "Taszakowski" ; + dwc:authority "Taszakowski et al." ; + dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA69FFE0A2A2FF38CF2427E8.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA69FFE0A2A2FF38CF2427E8.ttl index d602116cea7..6801d6373fc 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA69FFE0A2A2FF38CF2427E8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA69FFE0A2A2FF38CF2427E8.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Taszakowski, Artur; Masłowski, Adrian; Wolski, Andrzej; Gorczyca, Jacek" ; dc:title "Infernotropis madagascariensis Taszakowski 2022, gen. et sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Taszakowski & Masłowski & Wolski & Gorczyca, 2022", "Taszakowski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski & Masłowski & Wolski & Gorczyca", "Taszakowski" ; + dwc:authority "Taszakowski et al." ; + dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski" ; dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kirkaldy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirkaldy, 1903" ; - dwc:subFamily "Cylapinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1875)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Fulvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "anthocoroides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA6CFFE6A2A2F9EECF3625F1.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA6CFFE6A2A2F9EECF3625F1.ttl index 17ff0bbd82c..c6dae6d98aa 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA6CFFE6A2A2F9EECF3625F1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D8795FA6CFFE6A2A2F9EECF3625F1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Taszakowski, Artur; Masłowski, Adrian; Wolski, Andrzej; Gorczyca, Jacek" ; dc:title "Infernotropis Taszakowski 2022, gen. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Taszakowski et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Taszakowski" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Infernotropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taszakowski, 2022" ; - dwc:species "madagascariensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E721605271E6F9596C0AF85F.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E721605271E6F9596C0AF85F.ttl index e7d6052de60..9ac2357fae2 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E721605271E6F9596C0AF85F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E721605271E6F9596C0AF85F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus tesselatus Herbst 1795" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E722605371E6FA416DD9F96F.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E722605371E6FA416DD9F96F.ttl index ecf4eda748e..4b989461ece 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E722605371E6FA416DD9F96F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E722605371E6FA416DD9F96F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus reichei Capiomont 1868" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E723605071E6FB546C0AFA47.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E723605071E6FB546C0AFA47.ttl index 616eb3fe663..7768e28c3f8 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E723605071E6FB546C0AFA47.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E723605071E6FB546C0AFA47.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus palumbarius Germar 1821" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E727605171E6F9DB6C61FB57.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E727605171E6F9DB6C61FB57.ttl index ae52c7b172d..96166daf35a 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E727605171E6F9DB6C61FB57.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E727605171E6F9DB6C61FB57.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus oxalidis Herbst 1795" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E730604C71E6FA19697CF82F.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E730604C71E6FA19697CF82F.ttl index c3f27a905c7..c077300b9cb 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E730604C71E6FA19697CF82F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E730604C71E6FA19697CF82F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus comatus Boheman 1842" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Boheman, 1834" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Donus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1834" ; - dwc:species "crinitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E731604271E6FA1C6CC2FAAF.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E731604271E6FA1C6CC2FAAF.ttl index 72c627af655..db2ff3b2a85 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E731604271E6FA1C6CC2FAAF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E731604271E6FA1C6CC2FAAF.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus austerus Boheman 1834" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E739605571E6F8E86CF6F9E7.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E739605571E6F8E86CF6F9E7.ttl index a1c3c9e9b76..46dc0b41217 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E739605571E6F8E86CF6F9E7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E739605571E6F8E86CF6F9E7.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus osellai Winkelmann 2001" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73C604871E6FF316C0AF88F.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73C604871E6FF316C0AF88F.ttl index 4e268cc3589..498fe47e7ff 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73C604871E6FF316C0AF88F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73C604871E6FF316C0AF88F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus intermedius Boheman 1842" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73D604F71E6FF316FACF867.ttl b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73D604F71E6FF316FACF867.ttl index 76b0c048214..6194675765e 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73D604F71E6FF316FACF867.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/87/7C6D87A2E73D604F71E6FF316FACF867.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í" ; dc:title "Donus cyrtus Germar 1821" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/BE/7C6DBE31B35BFFB6DA8FE18AFB1725C7.ttl b/data/7C/6D/BE/7C6DBE31B35BFFB6DA8FE18AFB1725C7.ttl index 2f3b1cbd7cc..40fe447d366 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/BE/7C6DBE31B35BFFB6DA8FE18AFB1725C7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/BE/7C6DBE31B35BFFB6DA8FE18AFB1725C7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Greenfield, David W." ; dc:title "Colletteichthys flavipinnis Greenfield, 2012, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Tuticorin" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tuticorin" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Batrachoididae" ; - dwc:genus "Colletteichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Batrachoidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tuticorin" ; - dwc:species "flavipinnis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Batrachoididae" ; @@ -74,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Batrachoididae" ; dwc:genus "Colletteichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Batrachoidiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6D/CD/7C6DCD98DC3257CB99F807A35CDE15D0.ttl b/data/7C/6D/CD/7C6DCD98DC3257CB99F807A35CDE15D0.ttl index dbf33a3cf56..5f6ae704713 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/CD/7C6DCD98DC3257CB99F807A35CDE15D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/CD/7C6DCD98DC3257CB99F807A35CDE15D0.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Prous, Marko; Liston, Andrew; Mutanen, Marko" ; dc:title "Euura respondens" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -108,36 +107,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenthredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Foerster, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "oligospila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stephens" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenthredinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stephens, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "viridis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenthredinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/D3/7C6DD3C99344F12411FE32A23BBF53D0.ttl b/data/7C/6D/D3/7C6DD3C99344F12411FE32A23BBF53D0.ttl index cc40a2f8c7c..5c313953bfd 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/D3/7C6DD3C99344F12411FE32A23BBF53D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/D3/7C6DD3C99344F12411FE32A23BBF53D0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Almeida, Thais Elias; Salino, Alexandre" ; dc:title "Thelypteris (Meniscium) arcana C. V. Morton 1967" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; diff --git a/data/7C/6D/D6/7C6DD62AAE598734FAF324AC93D1BBED.ttl b/data/7C/6D/D6/7C6DD62AAE598734FAF324AC93D1BBED.ttl index bf887da4f7d..abdf9883907 100644 --- a/data/7C/6D/D6/7C6DD62AAE598734FAF324AC93D1BBED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6D/D6/7C6DD62AAE598734FAF324AC93D1BBED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Linnaea borealis Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,19 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Linnaeaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Linnaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dipsacales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Linnaeaceae" ; @@ -68,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Linnaeaceae" ; dwc:genus "Linnaea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Dipsacales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6E/87/7C6E87C3605BD76DFEB91585FC44BCBD.ttl b/data/7C/6E/87/7C6E87C3605BD76DFEB91585FC44BCBD.ttl index c9b1546974a..576aa2baab8 100644 --- a/data/7C/6E/87/7C6E87C3605BD76DFEB91585FC44BCBD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6E/87/7C6E87C3605BD76DFEB91585FC44BCBD.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Lamas, Carlos José Einicker" ; dc:title "Anthrax fontenellei Lamas, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,65 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lamas", "Lamas." ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamas", "Lamas." ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthrax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamas" ; - dwc:species "fontenellei" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hymenoptera)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphecidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hymenoptera)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Christ" ; - dwc:authorityName "Christ" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rubrica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Christ" ; - dwc:species "nasuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Smith" ; - dwc:authorityName "Smith" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Crabronidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bicyrtes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith" ; - dwc:species "angulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Bombyliidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819650FCD4FD8FA78C7856.ttl b/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819650FCD4FD8FA78C7856.ttl index 8b1263071f5..b71d1572fba 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819650FCD4FD8FA78C7856.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819650FCD4FD8FA78C7856.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mickle, Kathryn E." ; dc:title "Lambeia pectinatus Mickle 2017, n. gen." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,17 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", YPM" ; - dwc:authorityName "YPM" ; - dwc:genus "Lambeia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ypm" ; - dwc:species "pectinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:genus "Lambeia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819657FCD4FED2A0707F4D.ttl b/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819657FCD4FED2A0707F4D.ttl index 130828fe78e..bd2adef070a 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819657FCD4FED2A0707F4D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/42/7C6F4264FF819657FCD4FED2A0707F4D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mickle, Kathryn E." ; dc:title "Lambeia Mickle 2017, n. gen." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,18 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mickle, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mickle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:genus "Lambeia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mickle, 2017" ; - dwc:species "pectinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:genus "Lambeia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FCADFE3EFB1E.ttl b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FCADFE3EFB1E.ttl index 921659ec4c6..ba48fdda7d8 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FCADFE3EFB1E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FCADFE3EFB1E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Valcárcel, Javier Pérez; López-Díez, Bruno; Piloña, Fernando Prieto" ; dc:title "Cicindela (Cicindela) maroccana subsp. maroccana Fabricius 1801" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FE39FBB7FD53.ttl b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FE39FBB7FD53.ttl index a2c30b687c3..9be574fd43c 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FE39FBB7FD53.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8CFF8735C5FE39FBB7FD53.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Cicindela (Cicindela) campestris subsp. campestris Linnaeus 1758" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,12 +61,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cicindela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "campestris" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8DFF8635C5FF69FCB8FCA6.ttl b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8DFF8635C5FF69FCB8FCA6.ttl index e926105efb6..74bb872e8e9 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8DFF8635C5FF69FCB8FCA6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/87/7C6F87CCFF8DFF8635C5FF69FCB8FCA6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Valcárcel, Javier Pérez; López-Díez, Bruno; Piloña, Fernando Prieto" ; dc:title "Carabus (Chrysocarabus) lineatus subsp. lateralis Chevrolat 1840" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,73 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Campos & Novoa, 2006)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Campos & Novoa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cicindela" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Campos & Novoa, 2006)" ; - dwc:species "montana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gory, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gory" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carabus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gory, 1839" ; - dwc:species "deyrolei" ; - dwc:subGenus "Carabus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Beuthin, 1886" ; - dwc:authorityName "Beuthin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carabus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Beuthin, 1886" ; - dwc:species "luetgensi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Oreocarabus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "luetgensi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lapouge, 1925" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lapouge" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1925" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Carabus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lapouge, 1925" ; - dwc:species "amplipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Carabidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/6F/8E/7C6F8E1314767CA0CA322F191AE463FD.ttl b/data/7C/6F/8E/7C6F8E1314767CA0CA322F191AE463FD.ttl index ded775764f0..77345a38dcf 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/8E/7C6F8E1314767CA0CA322F191AE463FD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/8E/7C6F8E1314767CA0CA322F191AE463FD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Hunting, Wesley; Yang, Man-Miao" ; dc:title "Formosiella brunnea Jedlicka" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +52,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Carabidae" ; dwc:genus "Formosiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/6F/BE/7C6FBEE8E60CEC24594EC36D6F79F1AF.ttl b/data/7C/6F/BE/7C6FBEE8E60CEC24594EC36D6F79F1AF.ttl index 74c47dbe33e..f61aae200a9 100644 --- a/data/7C/6F/BE/7C6FBEE8E60CEC24594EC36D6F79F1AF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/6F/BE/7C6FBEE8E60CEC24594EC36D6F79F1AF.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Sikes, Derek S.; Mousseau, Tonya" ; dc:title "Nicrophorus efferens Sikes & Mousseau, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Silphidae" ; dwc:genus "Nicrophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/70/53/7C705392577699FD7F51279291093E0F.ttl b/data/7C/70/53/7C705392577699FD7F51279291093E0F.ttl index dcf6f4dae44..bb0c55641c6 100644 --- a/data/7C/70/53/7C705392577699FD7F51279291093E0F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/70/53/7C705392577699FD7F51279291093E0F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Rakotonirina, J. C.; B. L. Fisher" ; dc:title "Pachycondyla" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -27,252 +25,6 @@ dc:title "Revision of the Pachycondyla wasmannii - group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Malagasy region" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "sensu Wheeler 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "sensu Wheeler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothroponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "sensu Wheeler, 1922" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "," ; - dwc:authorityName "," ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "" ; - dwc:species "comorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "," ; - dwc:authorityName "," ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachycondyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Roger, 1860" ; - dwc:authorityName "Roger," ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roger, 1860" ; - dwc:species "pumicosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "cambouei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Andre1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Andre" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Andre, 1887" ; - dwc:species "comorensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "masoala" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel 1891" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1891" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1892" ; - dwc:species "perroti" ; - dwc:subSpecies "admista" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "planicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "tavaratra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rakotonirina and Fisher" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rakotonirina & Fisher" ; - dwc:species "vazimba" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Forel 1887" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel, 1887" ; - dwc:species "wasmannii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "With" ; - dwc:authorityName "With" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ponera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "With" ; - dwc:species "tavaratra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/70/B8/7C70B83247122E187905C835817D72F4.ttl b/data/7C/70/B8/7C70B83247122E187905C835817D72F4.ttl index ff1c8e1c8c9..587f8cde1b6 100644 --- a/data/7C/70/B8/7C70B83247122E187905C835817D72F4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/70/B8/7C70B83247122E187905C835817D72F4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Waichert, Cecilia; Fernandez, Fernando; Castro-Huertas, Valentina; Juanita Rodriguez,; Pitts, James P." ; dc:title "Aimatocare Roig-Alsina 1989" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,96 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chirodamus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "argentinicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aimatocare" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "argentinica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aimatocare" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Evans, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "imitator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Banks" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aimatocare" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Banks, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "longula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Evans" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aimatocare" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Evans, 1968)" ; - dwc:species "impensa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fox" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aimatocare" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fox, 1897)" ; - dwc:species "vitrea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Pompilidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/70/C5/7C70C57B6577C082286FFD69290B87B5.ttl b/data/7C/70/C5/7C70C57B6577C082286FFD69290B87B5.ttl index a8f7e601949..3b25e8ae05e 100644 --- a/data/7C/70/C5/7C70C57B6577C082286FFD69290B87B5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/70/C5/7C70C57B6577C082286FFD69290B87B5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Gentiana acaulis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,22 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nr. 1409)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1409" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gentiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nr., 1409)" ; - dwc:species "clusii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/71/53/7C71534DFFD2C918FC92F992FDCAF93B.ttl b/data/7C/71/53/7C71534DFFD2C918FC92F992FDCAF93B.ttl index 56de073c160..7fa2dfb232c 100644 --- a/data/7C/71/53/7C71534DFFD2C918FC92F992FDCAF93B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/71/53/7C71534DFFD2C918FC92F992FDCAF93B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Rybalkin, Sergey A." ; dc:title "Pyrrhidivalva sordida" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,274 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Denis & Schiffermuller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spaelotis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "ravida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hufnagel, 1766)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hufnagel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apamea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hufnagel, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "monoglypha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sugi, 1958)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sugi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Conistra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sugi, 1958)" ; - dwc:species "fletcheri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Warren, 1909)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Warren" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Warren, 1909)" ; - dwc:species "ruficauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Graeser, 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Graeser" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euxoa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Graeser, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "karschi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Urbahn, 1967)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Urbahn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1967" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hydraecia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Urbahn, 1967)" ; - dwc:species "mongoliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1761)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1761" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ipimorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1761)" ; - dwc:species "retusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Oberthur, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oberthur" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Karana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oberthur, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "laetevirens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hufnagel, 1766)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hufnagel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lithophane" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hufnagel, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "socia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hampson, 1906)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mniotype" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "melanodonta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Butler, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spodoptera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "depravata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Leech, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telorta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "edentata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Butler, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xestia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "efflorescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Butler, 1878)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Butler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Triphaenopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Butler, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "lucilla" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Denis & Schiffermuller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrotis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "segetum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Sphingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Agrius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "convolvuli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Noctuidae" ; @@ -338,10 +70,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/71/5A/7C715AF2E8B4208CD92903EDEE4D9B66.ttl b/data/7C/71/5A/7C715AF2E8B4208CD92903EDEE4D9B66.ttl index 89355742645..d96cc35dbce 100644 --- a/data/7C/71/5A/7C715AF2E8B4208CD92903EDEE4D9B66.ttl +++ b/data/7C/71/5A/7C715AF2E8B4208CD92903EDEE4D9B66.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Faulwetter, Sarah; Simboura, Nomiki; Katsiaras, Nikolaos; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Arvanitidis, Christos" ; dc:title "Eulalia clavigera Audouin & Milne Edwards 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/72/80/7C728088B397118C60BEAA024E1BD880.ttl b/data/7C/72/80/7C728088B397118C60BEAA024E1BD880.ttl index c6f08b26a24..3b49ac43d1c 100644 --- a/data/7C/72/80/7C728088B397118C60BEAA024E1BD880.ttl +++ b/data/7C/72/80/7C728088B397118C60BEAA024E1BD880.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Emery, C." ; dc:title "Crematogaster peringueyi Emery, 1895, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/72/A6/7C72A60A4EA659E0A8BA6F6575277102.ttl b/data/7C/72/A6/7C72A60A4EA659E0A8BA6F6575277102.ttl index 7997b787c03..e76f9d36cee 100644 --- a/data/7C/72/A6/7C72A60A4EA659E0A8BA6F6575277102.ttl +++ b/data/7C/72/A6/7C72A60A4EA659E0A8BA6F6575277102.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Zahiri, Reza; Nazari, Vazrick; Rajaei, Hossein; Wiemers, Martin; Fatahi, Maryam; Seidel, Matthias; Dalsgaard, Thure; Husemann, Martin" ; dc:title "Parnassius mendolensis Dannehl 1925" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/73/03/7C7303EDD0CA1AD1CDFC6C1895237A9A.ttl b/data/7C/73/03/7C7303EDD0CA1AD1CDFC6C1895237A9A.ttl index dac7a156b34..b4728bc5b6c 100644 --- a/data/7C/73/03/7C7303EDD0CA1AD1CDFC6C1895237A9A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/73/03/7C7303EDD0CA1AD1CDFC6C1895237A9A.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Prionomerina Lacordaire 1863" ; diff --git a/data/7C/73/41/7C73415D321598AF034AD5B84F24211E.ttl b/data/7C/73/41/7C73415D321598AF034AD5B84F24211E.ttl index 82efc50bded..2005a0286df 100644 --- a/data/7C/73/41/7C73415D321598AF034AD5B84F24211E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/73/41/7C73415D321598AF034AD5B84F24211E.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R." ; dc:title "Helenanomalon ashmolei Broad 2014, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Broad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helenanomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Broad, 2014" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; dwc:genus "Helenanomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/73/D2/7C73D27463BCD2689A73F021DD00FEA8.ttl b/data/7C/73/D2/7C73D27463BCD2689A73F021DD00FEA8.ttl index f98b9007eeb..948e86a5964 100644 --- a/data/7C/73/D2/7C73D27463BCD2689A73F021DD00FEA8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/73/D2/7C73D27463BCD2689A73F021DD00FEA8.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Pityophthorina Eichhoff 1878" ; diff --git a/data/7C/74/45/7C74450EE8AA5D43ADA2B4C5D0941BC2.ttl b/data/7C/74/45/7C74450EE8AA5D43ADA2B4C5D0941BC2.ttl index 58f9d3cfaa5..34bac7a9cb8 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/45/7C74450EE8AA5D43ADA2B4C5D0941BC2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/45/7C74450EE8AA5D43ADA2B4C5D0941BC2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Low, Martyn E. Y.; Sinniger, Frederic; Reimer, James Davis" ; dc:title "Triga Rafinesque 1815" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53ACE1FC8BFE08.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53ACE1FC8BFE08.ttl index a2d70099694..1053f128230 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53ACE1FC8BFE08.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53ACE1FC8BFE08.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Ancestreuma principale Golovatch 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,51 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Golovatch 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Golovatch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Golovatch, 1977" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -102,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AE7BFE41FCA4.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AE7BFE41FCA4.ttl index 9f13287c143..058f0d6a20e 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AE7BFE41FCA4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AE7BFE41FCA4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Asiatyla ulykpani Shear 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,36 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -105,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -157,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AF1FFBFAFB04.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AF1FFBFAFB04.ttl index 5f05c094bee..72d601c1739 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AF1FFBFAFB04.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF7A26BFF53AF1FFBFAFB04.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Asiatyla communicantis Golovatch 1977" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,36 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -106,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -158,12 +122,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF8A264FF53AA2EFC5CF8D1.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF8A264FF53AA2EFC5CF8D1.ttl index 6b7e11595f2..9c2f59bde7d 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF8A264FF53AA2EFC5CF8D1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF8A264FF53AA2EFC5CF8D1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Ancestreuma sardyk Shear 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,36 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -105,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -157,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A264FF53AB13FAA1F9B8.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A264FF53AB13FAA1F9B8.ttl index a9ad37a49f6..ba5b7b4c47d 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A264FF53AB13FAA1F9B8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A264FF53AB13FAA1F9B8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Ancestreuma ryvkini Shear 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,116 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Golovatch, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Golovatch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Golovatch, 1977" ; - dwc:species "communicantis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Golovatch, 1977" ; - dwc:authorityName "Golovatch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Golovatch, 1977" ; - dwc:species "principale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:species "longibrachiatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Asiatyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:species "ulykpani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:species "sardyk" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -186,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -238,12 +122,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A265FF53A94AFAB5F8A0.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A265FF53A94AFAB5F8A0.ttl index 504b9fec20a..69a70b0229b 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A265FF53A94AFAB5F8A0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFF9A265FF53A94AFAB5F8A0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Ancestreuma longibrachiatum Shear 1990" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -62,52 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Shear 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shear" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shear, 1990" ; - dwc:species "ryvkini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; @@ -121,12 +74,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Ancestreuma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -173,12 +121,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; dwc:genus "Diplomaragna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA262FF53AE0BFAE9FB30.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA262FF53AE0BFAE9FB30.ttl index 31ddd6f1220..8168663f56a 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA262FF53AE0BFAE9FB30.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA262FF53AE0BFAE9FB30.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Angarozonium amurense Gerstfeldt 1859" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova 1979" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1979" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Polyzoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyzonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polyzoniida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 1979" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Polyzoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Polyzonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polyzoniida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 1981" ; - dwc:species "cyathiferum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Polyzoniidae" ; @@ -88,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Polyzoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Angarozonium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polyzoniida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA265FF53A923FBBFFB59.ttl b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA265FF53A923FBBFFB59.ttl index 58a2a80446d..122e0dae036 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA265FF53A923FBBFFB59.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/87/7C7487C6FFFEA265FF53A923FBBFFB59.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Mikhaljova, Elena V." ; dc:title "Shearia longa Mikhaljova, 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mikhaljova" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Shearia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chordeumatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mikhaljova, 2000" ; - dwc:species "rybalovi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; dwc:family "Diplomaragnidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/74/99/7C7499267364FFB6FE46DA94FB92F964.ttl b/data/7C/74/99/7C7499267364FFB6FE46DA94FB92F964.ttl index b85366b1b00..eabf2e8f483 100644 --- a/data/7C/74/99/7C7499267364FFB6FE46DA94FB92F964.ttl +++ b/data/7C/74/99/7C7499267364FFB6FE46DA94FB92F964.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jawad, Laith A." ; dc:title "Forsterygion lapillum Hardy 1989" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , ; @@ -79,35 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Jawad" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Tripterygiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Forsterygion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jawad, 2008" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Tripterygiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tripterygion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forster, 1801)" ; - dwc:species "varium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Tripterygiidae" ; @@ -121,12 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Tripterygiidae" ; dwc:genus "Forsterygion" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B307BB77F2FFC6BFA57.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B307BB77F2FFC6BFA57.ttl index 4aaf92c2fc4..338777ffa9c 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B307BB77F2FFC6BFA57.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B307BB77F2FFC6BFA57.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus peregrinator Buchanan" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B337BB77B1FFDF8FE1F.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B337BB77B1FFDF8FE1F.ttl index a0c41eb1ae3..03c112bf911 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B337BB77B1FFDF8FE1F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086620B337BB77B1FFDF8FE1F.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus ran Morimoto" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3A7BB77DCAFA00FBD1.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3A7BB77DCAFA00FBD1.ttl index 86b722823c3..0689cea81e9 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3A7BB77DCAFA00FBD1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3A7BB77DCAFA00FBD1.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,84 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:species "aterrimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Murray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murray" ; - dwc:species "epidendri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Buchanan" ; - dwc:authorityName "Buchanan" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Buchanan" ; - dwc:species "peregrinator" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Morimoto" ; - dwc:authorityName "Morimoto" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Morimoto" ; - dwc:species "ran" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pascoe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pascoe" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pascoe" ; - dwc:species "eburifer" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3C7BB77997FBF7FDFF.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3C7BB77997FBF7FDFF.ttl index 8a8569dd246..16eb2e3172b 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3C7BB77997FBF7FDFF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B086680B3C7BB77997FBF7FDFF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus aterrimus Waterhouse" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,36 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Va" ; - dwc:authorityName "Va" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Vanda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Va" ; - dwc:species "luzonica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pascoe" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pascoe" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pascoe" ; - dwc:species "eburifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Pascoe, 1887: 359" ; dwc:authorityName "Pascoe" ; @@ -140,12 +109,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866A0B3B7BB77A1AFCEBF851.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866A0B3B7BB77A1AFCEBF851.ttl index 7cf1b63ff1d..d77963aa0b0 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866A0B3B7BB77A1AFCEBF851.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866A0B3B7BB77A1AFCEBF851.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus Buchanan" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,22 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Buchanan, 1935" ; - dwc:authorityName "Buchanan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1935" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Buchanan, 1935" ; - dwc:species "peregrinator" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866E0B307BB77FC2FF4FFDA7.ttl b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866E0B307BB77FC2FF4FFDA7.ttl index 14f33c01e39..ba46f438462 100644 --- a/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866E0B307BB77FC2FF4FFDA7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/75/87/7C7587B0866E0B307BB77FC2FF4FFDA7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Prena, Jens" ; dc:title "Orchidophilus epidendri Murray, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -46,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Murray" ; - dwc:authorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Murray" ; - dwc:species "epidendri" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Murray, 1869: 1279" ; dwc:authorityName "Murray" ; @@ -190,21 +174,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Prena" ; - dwc:authorityName "Prena" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orchidophilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Prena" ; - dwc:species "insidiosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/76/6D/7C766D70793BDA16FF3C2FE1ADF1FF67.ttl b/data/7C/76/6D/7C766D70793BDA16FF3C2FE1ADF1FF67.ttl index 5d4792bc09f..eb49247f986 100644 --- a/data/7C/76/6D/7C766D70793BDA16FF3C2FE1ADF1FF67.ttl +++ b/data/7C/76/6D/7C766D70793BDA16FF3C2FE1ADF1FF67.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gil-Azevedo, Leonardo H.; Santos, Durval Da S." ; dc:title "Limonicola Lutz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/76/CF/7C76CF64BFF5F09F0EDA1FE725B70048.ttl b/data/7C/76/CF/7C76CF64BFF5F09F0EDA1FE725B70048.ttl index d34e1975a9c..e29e40daa3d 100644 --- a/data/7C/76/CF/7C76CF64BFF5F09F0EDA1FE725B70048.ttl +++ b/data/7C/76/CF/7C76CF64BFF5F09F0EDA1FE725B70048.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Dlussky, G. M.; Wappler, T.; Wedmann, S." ; dc:title "Eoformica expectans Dlussky, Wappler & Wedmann, 2009, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Eoformica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B3AFFB29611020894DCED10DD8C.ttl b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B3AFFB29611020894DCED10DD8C.ttl index faf0cf56900..771318566a1 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B3AFFB29611020894DCED10DD8C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B3AFFB29611020894DCED10DD8C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Burks, Roger A.; Masner, Lubomir; Johnson, Norman F.; Austin, Andrew D." ; dc:title "Oxyscelio striarum Burks, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Burks" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxyscelio" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burks" ; - dwc:species "striarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scelionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505933FFA3DB49B575FD9CFAE4.ttl b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505933FFA3DB49B575FD9CFAE4.ttl index 8f6fa64345b..ada773d375e 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505933FFA3DB49B575FD9CFAE4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505933FFA3DB49B575FD9CFAE4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Lowe, Graeme; Stockmann, Mark; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Chaerilus kautti Kovařík & Lowe & Stockmann & Šťáhlavský 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,180 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovarik, 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovarik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik, 2012" ; - dwc:species "cimrmani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovarik, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovarik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik, 2014" ; - dwc:species "hofereki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lourenco, 2011" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenco, 2011" ; - dwc:species "julietteae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovarik et al., 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovarik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik, 2018" ; - dwc:species "neradorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hirst, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hirst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hirst, 1911" ; - dwc:species "robinsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovarik et al., 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovarik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik, 2018" ; - dwc:species "stockmannorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovařík & Lowe & Stockmann & Šťáhlavský, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovařík & Lowe & Stockmann & Šťáhlavský" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovařík, Lowe, Stockmann & Šťáhlavský, 2020" ; - dwc:species "pulcherrimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kovarik, 2004" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kovarik" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2004" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Scorpionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterometrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kovarik, 2004" ; - dwc:species "cimrmani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Buthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lychas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1845" ; - dwc:species "scutilus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Hemiscorpiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liocheles" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fabricius, 1775" ; - dwc:species "australasiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; @@ -232,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505935FFAAD995B355FE9AFD62.ttl b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505935FFAAD995B355FE9AFD62.ttl index abb1cfb2bb4..13dd1f70fe8 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505935FFAAD995B355FE9AFD62.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B505935FFAAD995B355FE9AFD62.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Lowe, Graeme; Stockmann, Mark; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Chaerilus Simon 1877" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -76,22 +75,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simon, 1877" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1877" ; - dwc:species "variegatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B50593AFFA0DB7FB3F7FBB8F877.ttl b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B50593AFFA0DB7FB3F7FBB8F877.ttl index 9cedd2012df..d84fb514824 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B50593AFFA0DB7FB3F7FBB8F877.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/2B/7C772B50593AFFA0DB7FB3F7FBB8F877.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Kovařík, František; Lowe, Graeme; Stockmann, Mark; Šťáhlavský, František" ; dc:title "Chaerilus pulcherrimus Kovařík & Lowe & Stockmann & Šťáhlavský 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Pocock, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1894" ; - dwc:species "celebensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1877" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lourenco & Zhu, 2008" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lourenco & Zhu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lourenco & Zhu, 2008" ; - dwc:species "laoticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Chaerilidae" ; dwc:genus "Chaerilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scorpiones" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/77/90/7C7790AFFC20601FB84805E49096DBF7.ttl b/data/7C/77/90/7C7790AFFC20601FB84805E49096DBF7.ttl index 51d8e9e7dc5..b54bd5829d9 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/90/7C7790AFFC20601FB84805E49096DBF7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/90/7C7790AFFC20601FB84805E49096DBF7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Saguinus nigricollis Spix 1823" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ dwc:authorityName "Spix" ; dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae", "Cebidae" ; + dwc:family "Cebidae" ; dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Primates" ; @@ -41,58 +40,9 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Spix 1823" ; - dwc:authorityName "Spix" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1823" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spix, 1823" ; - dwc:species "nigricollis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigricollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hershkovitz 1982" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hershkovitz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1982" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cebidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hershkovitz, 1982" ; - dwc:species "nigricollis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hernandezi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Jimenez de la Espada" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jimenez de la Espada, 1870" ; - dwc:species "graellsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Callitrichidae", "Cebidae" ; + dwc:family "Cebidae" ; dwc:genus "Saguinus" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Primates" ; diff --git a/data/7C/77/EB/7C77EB246C441857A4633ADF9A6B8AAC.ttl b/data/7C/77/EB/7C77EB246C441857A4633ADF9A6B8AAC.ttl index 6b3c1079f9f..556c364860d 100644 --- a/data/7C/77/EB/7C77EB246C441857A4633ADF9A6B8AAC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/77/EB/7C77EB246C441857A4633ADF9A6B8AAC.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Mulcahy, Daniel G.; Lee, Justin L.; Miller, Aryeh H.; Chand, Mia; Thura, Myint Kyaw; Zug, George R." ; dc:title "Fejervarya sp. ' hp 2 ' (Clade 21 of Kotaki et al. 2010" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFE90C44FF78F8C2ED418615.ttl b/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFE90C44FF78F8C2ED418615.ttl index bb250eb7574..dc1ec0eaf18 100644 --- a/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFE90C44FF78F8C2ED418615.ttl +++ b/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFE90C44FF78F8C2ED418615.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong; Nguyen, Ha Thi Thu; Bozdoğan, Hakan" ; dc:title "Okinawepipona yty Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan, 2018", "Nguyen" ; + dwc:authority "Nguyen" ; dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan" ; dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -46,36 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen, Nguyen & Bozdoğan, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nguyen & Xu (2014)", "Nguyen & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen & Xu, 2014" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; @@ -89,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFEA0C43FF78F81EEC8F837B.ttl b/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFEA0C43FF78F81EEC8F837B.ttl index ab7af13caed..a0ea41d3dc5 100644 --- a/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFEA0C43FF78F81EEC8F837B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/78/3A/7C783A27FFEA0C43FF78F81EEC8F837B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong; Nguyen, Ha Thi Thu; Bozdoğan, Hakan" ; dc:title "Okinawepipona Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan 2018" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,72 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nguyen & Xu (2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen & Xu, 2014" ; - dwc:species "curcipunctura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Nguyen & Bozdoğan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen, Nguyen & Bozdoğan, 2018" ; - dwc:species "yty" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Nguyen & Xu (2014)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nguyen & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Okinawepipona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nguyen & Xu, 2014" ; - dwc:species "nigra" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Giordani Soika, 1986)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Giordani Soika" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Vespidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anterhynchium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Giordani Soika, 1986)" ; - dwc:species "kogimai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Vespidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A61FFEC819FFAFD006FE8F6.ttl b/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A61FFEC819FFAFD006FE8F6.ttl index 4709c1b453f..8707da7b7c3 100644 --- a/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A61FFEC819FFAFD006FE8F6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A61FFEC819FFAFD006FE8F6.ttl @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Háva, J.; Matsumoto, K." ; dc:title "Trinoparvus Háva 2004" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -49,20 +49,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Winkler" ; - dwc:authorityName "Winkler" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Pandanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Pandanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Pandanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Winkler" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dermestidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A69FFE5819FFBD10113E980.ttl b/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A69FFE5819FFBD10113E980.ttl index 2887c781c36..ba89b574ac2 100644 --- a/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A69FFE5819FFBD10113E980.ttl +++ b/data/7C/78/E3/7C78E3679A69FFE5819FFBD10113E980.ttl @@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Háva, J.; Matsumoto, K." ; dc:title "Trogoderma tryznai Hava et Matsumoto 2021, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,22 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Háva & Matsumoto, 2021" ; - dwc:authorityName "Háva & Matsumoto" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dermestidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trogoderma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Háva & Matsumoto, 2021" ; - dwc:species "tryznai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dermestidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/79/9D/7C799D29FFDD9C15FF1D6B0849D8F873.ttl b/data/7C/79/9D/7C799D29FFDD9C15FF1D6B0849D8F873.ttl index 21ae2ffc159..58215d03347 100644 --- a/data/7C/79/9D/7C799D29FFDD9C15FF1D6B0849D8F873.ttl +++ b/data/7C/79/9D/7C799D29FFDD9C15FF1D6B0849D8F873.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ospina-Sánchez, Claudia M.; Palacios-Vargas, José G.; González, Grizelle" ; dc:title "Pronura yunquensis Ospina-Sánchez & Palacios-Vargas & González 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Urban" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bignoniaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tabebuia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Urban, 1899" ; - dwc:species "rigida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyrillaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyrilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1767" ; - dwc:species "racemiflora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Collembola" ; dwc:family "Neanuridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/1B/7C7A1BD53AB1321CAFFA256677A15037.ttl b/data/7C/7A/1B/7C7A1BD53AB1321CAFFA256677A15037.ttl index 0ba1a38a9fa..d4dd72bdb51 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/1B/7C7A1BD53AB1321CAFFA256677A15037.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/1B/7C7A1BD53AB1321CAFFA256677A15037.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Nephrolepis biserrata Schott 1834" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Nephrolepidaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/7A/2B/7C7A2BDDBC76A651331D028DF0D5F1D9.ttl b/data/7C/7A/2B/7C7A2BDDBC76A651331D028DF0D5F1D9.ttl index 45ab31bbcd1..d7f86941dd1 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/2B/7C7A2BDDBC76A651331D028DF0D5F1D9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/2B/7C7A2BDDBC76A651331D028DF0D5F1D9.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Narendran, T. C.; van Achterberg, Cornelis" ; dc:title "Megachalcis carinata Steffan 1951" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7A/BE/7C7ABE6E3873307F24A5F925FC17F829.ttl b/data/7C/7A/BE/7C7ABE6E3873307F24A5F925FC17F829.ttl index 7756540c73b..9309408ad19 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/BE/7C7ABE6E3873307F24A5F925FC17F829.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/BE/7C7ABE6E3873307F24A5F925FC17F829.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ cito:cites ; dc:creator "Vogel, Gernot; Luo, Jian" ; dc:title "Lycodon gongshan Vogel & Luo, 2011, spec. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -287,12 +287,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Colubridae" ; dwc:genus "Lycodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/7A/CC/7C7ACC0951B858B493B0AAB2CCA8D6F8.ttl b/data/7C/7A/CC/7C7ACC0951B858B493B0AAB2CCA8D6F8.ttl index d158e990113..04b3c15d000 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/CC/7C7ACC0951B858B493B0AAB2CCA8D6F8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/CC/7C7ACC0951B858B493B0AAB2CCA8D6F8.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Cheng; Li, Shuqiang; Pham, Dinh-Sac" ; dc:title "Synagelides Strand 1906" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Strand" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Synagelides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strand, 1906" ; - dwc:species "agoriformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE2FFF6F8F93B6FFAA5FAC9.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE2FFF6F8F93B6FFAA5FAC9.ttl index fcf175ed563..a7179b4b301 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE2FFF6F8F93B6FFAA5FAC9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE2FFF6F8F93B6FFAA5FAC9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Anomalon Panzer 1803" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,73 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hedwig, 1961)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hedwig" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hedwig, 1961)" ; - dwc:species "amseli" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:species "cruentatum" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kokujev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "chinense" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zardouei & Rakhshani" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zardouei & Rakhshani" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zardouei & Rakhshani, 2020" ; - dwc:species "narinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE5FFF3FA6E3830FD91F92B.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE5FFF3FA6E3830FD91F92B.ttl index 3033055d93b..5c581d9e68a 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE5FFF3FA6E3830FD91F92B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE5FFF3FA6E3830FD91F92B.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Anomalon cruentatum" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE7FFF6F9A93F90FD1CFD82.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE7FFF6F9A93F90FD1CFD82.ttl index 763ecac2375..dae2fb099f3 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE7FFF6F9A93F90FD1CFD82.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE7FFF6F9A93F90FD1CFD82.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Anomalon narinae Zardouei & Rakhshani 2020, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,53 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kokujev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "chinense" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Heydari & Rakhshani & Mokhtari & Schwarz, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heydari & Rakhshani & Mokhtari & Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heydari, Rakhshani, Mokhtari & Schwarz, 2020" ; - dwc:species "narinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Geoffroy" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1785" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Geoffroy, 1785)" ; - dwc:species "cruentatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE8FFFEFA793B86FDADFE6C.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE8FFFEFA793B86FDADFE6C.ttl index 50e2f69ccbc..31d3215db46 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE8FFFEFA793B86FDADFE6C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFE8FFFEFA793B86FDADFE6C.ttl @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "(KokUjev, 1915)", "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; + dwc:authority "(Kokujev, 1915)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kokujev" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFBFA253A2DFAEDFBAE.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFBFA253A2DFAEDFBAE.ttl index 127f5c712df..4dc44e325e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFBFA253A2DFAEDFBAE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFBFA253A2DFAEDFBAE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Heydari, Maryam Zardouei; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Mokhtari, Azizollah; Schwarz, Martin" ; dc:title "Anomalon Panzer 1803" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Viereck" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Viereck, 1918" ; - dwc:subFamily "Anomaloninae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFCFA0B3D17FEDCFD3E.ttl b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFCFA0B3D17FEDCFD3E.ttl index 5cc912b7a26..b32cf3c52e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFCFA0B3D17FEDCFD3E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7A/F5/7C7AF512FFEFFFFCFA0B3D17FEDCFD3E.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:title "Anomalon amseli" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7C/EA/7C7CEAB5B2F6543888A1374D23F66126.ttl b/data/7C/7C/EA/7C7CEAB5B2F6543888A1374D23F66126.ttl index 2ce2e0d7171..b1fe5f6e1b4 100644 --- a/data/7C/7C/EA/7C7CEAB5B2F6543888A1374D23F66126.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7C/EA/7C7CEAB5B2F6543888A1374D23F66126.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wurdack, Kenneth J.; Michelangeli, Fabian A." ; dc:title "Tryssophyton quadrifolius Wurdack & Michelangeli 2019, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,79 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kobuski & Steyerm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Bonnetiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Bonnetia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobuski & Steyerm, 1948" ; - dwc:species "tepuiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W. R. Anderson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Malpighiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Byrsonima" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rutales" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Anderson, 1981" ; - dwc:species "pachypoda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Ule" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Miconia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ule, 1915" ; - dwc:species "acutifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "K. Wurdack" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rutaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Raveniopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wurdack, 2017" ; - dwc:species "microphyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gleason" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rutaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gleason, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; @@ -138,11 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Melastomataceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/7D/7E/7C7D7EAFED3EC6B078AA9D60A64F18FF.ttl b/data/7C/7D/7E/7C7D7EAFED3EC6B078AA9D60A64F18FF.ttl index 0d6449178ec..766dfb011ca 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/7E/7C7D7EAFED3EC6B078AA9D60A64F18FF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/7E/7C7D7EAFED3EC6B078AA9D60A64F18FF.ttl @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Szyndlar, Zbigniew; Georgalis, Georgios L." ; dc:title "Letheobia Stejneger 1891" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,906 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hedges" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetracheilostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hedges, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "carlae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fitzinger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotyphlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fitzinger, 1843" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boettger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Typhlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epacrophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boettger, 1913)" ; - dwc:species "boulengeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Wagler" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1824" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Wagler, 1824)" ; - dwc:species "albifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Taylor, 1940" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Vanzolini" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vanzolini" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1996" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vanzolini, 1996)" ; - dwc:species "borapeliotes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klauber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klauber, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "columbi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Orejas-Miranda & Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Orejas-Miranda & Peters, 1970)" ; - dwc:species "guayaquilensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schlegel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotyphlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schlegel, 1839)" ; - dwc:species "nigricans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotyphlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "scutifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1965)" ; - dwc:species "pyrites" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1854" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myriopholis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters, 1854)" ; - dwc:species "longicauda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baird & Girard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird & Girard, 1853" ; - dwc:species "humilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Garman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Garman, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "myopica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klauber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klauber, 1939)" ; - dwc:species "segrega" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Degerbol" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siagonodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Degerbol, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "borrichianus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bailey & Carvalho" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siagonodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bailey & Carvalho, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "cupinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schneider" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siagonodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schneider, 1801)" ; - dwc:species "septemstriatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schlegel" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetracheilostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schlegel, 1839)" ; - dwc:species "bilineatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tricheilostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jan, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hedges" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hedges, 2011" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1845" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Koch, Martins & Schweiger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, Martins & Schweiger, 2019" ; - dwc:species "rioignis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson, 1985)" ; - dwc:species "leptepileptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Burmeister, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "albipuncta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Orejas-Miranda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Orejas-Miranda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Orejas-Miranda, 1961)" ; - dwc:species "munoai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Taylor" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Taylor, 1940)" ; - dwc:species "magnamaculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1875" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cope, 1875)" ; - dwc:species "phenops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Klauber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klauber, 1939" ; - dwc:species "tenella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Orejas-Miranda & Zug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Boidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epictia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Orejas-Miranda & Zug, 1974)" ; - dwc:species "tricolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hoogmoed" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habrophallos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hoogmoed, 1977)" ; - dwc:species "collaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotyphlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jan, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "conjunctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptotyphlops" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "emini" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson, 1985)" ; - dwc:species "asbolepis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1985" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mitophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, Mcdiarmid & Thompson, 1985)" ; - dwc:species "calypso" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Adalsteinsson, Branch, Trape, Vitt & Hedges" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myriopholis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adalsteinsson, Branch, Trape, Vitt & Hedges, 2009" ; - dwc:species "phillipsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fitzsimons" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Namibiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fitzsimons, 1962)" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cope, 1896)" ; - dwc:species "dissecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Baird & Girard" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Baird & Girard, 1853" ; - dwc:species "dulcis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Loveridge" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Loveridge, 1932)" ; - dwc:species "maxima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Villiers" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinoleptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Villiers, 1956)" ; - dwc:species "koniagui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martins, Folly, Ferreira, Garcia da Silva, Koch, Fouquet, Machado, Lopes, Pinto, Rodrigues & Passos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siagonodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, Folly, Ferreira, Garcia da Silva, Koch, Fouquet, Machado, Lopes, Pinto, Rodrigues & Passos, 2023" ; - dwc:species "exiguum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hedges" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tetracheilostoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hedges, 2008)" ; - dwc:species "breuili" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boulenger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boulenger, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Laurent" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Laurent" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1949" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Laurent, 1949)" ; - dwc:species "brasiliensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jan, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "dimidiata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Passos, Caramaschi & Pinto" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Passos, Caramaschi & Pinto, 2006)" ; - dwc:species "fuliginosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pinto & Fernandes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pinto & Fernandes, 2012)" ; - dwc:species "jani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dunn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1944" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dunn, 1944)" ; - dwc:species "joshuai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "W.Peters" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Peters, 1857)" ; - dwc:species "macrolepis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dunn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1946" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dunn, 1946)" ; - dwc:species "nicefori" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Salazar-Valenzuela, Martins, Amador-Oyola & Torres-Carvajal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2015" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Salazar-Valenzuela, Martins, Amador-Oyola & Torres-Carvajal, 2015" ; - dwc:species "pastusa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Amaral" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trilepida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Amaral, 1955)" ; - dwc:species "salgueiroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Orejas-Miranda, Roux-Esteve & Guibe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1970" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhinoleptus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Orejas-Miranda, Roux-Esteve & Guibe, 1970" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Massalongo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Palaeophiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Archaeophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Massalongo, 1859" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myriopholis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "W.Peters" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Reptilia" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Siagonodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters, 1881" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Martins, Koch, Pinto, Folly & Passos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2019" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Habrophallos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Martins, Koch, Pinto, Folly & Passos, 2019" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2009" ; - dwc:class "Squamata" ; - dwc:family "Typhlopidae" ; - dwc:genus "Epacrophis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Squamata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hedges, Adalsteinsson & Branch, 2009" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Leptotyphlopidae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87957E51FFC969BD9B5EFAACFC09.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87957E51FFC969BD9B5EFAACFC09.ttl index 5bc516a94a1..cdcb09d3a5a 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87957E51FFC969BD9B5EFAACFC09.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87957E51FFC969BD9B5EFAACFC09.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Mendes, Luis F." ; dc:title "Lasiotheus nanus Escherich 1903" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,20 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Myrmicinae" ; - dwc:authorityName "Myrmicinae" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myrmicinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ateluridae" ; @@ -71,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ateluridae" ; dwc:genus "Lasiotheus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Zygentoma" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -88,10 +68,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Zygentoma" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFA03FA93AE11.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFA03FA93AE11.ttl index f747c64f823..3dea05d0ed1 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFA03FA93AE11.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFA03FA93AE11.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Rhyparochromidae Henry 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schilling" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyparochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "vulgaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xantochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "minusculus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFAD7FAD1ADA5.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFAD7FAD1ADA5.ttl index a98cfb2becb..7e43a5a981d 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFAD7FAD1ADA5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFAD7FAD1ADA5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Lygaeidae Schilling 1829" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Orsillus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "maculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Germar, 1847)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Caenocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Germar, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "nerii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spilouethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "saxatilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFB47FF06AD69.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFB47FF06AD69.ttl index 48bec78885d..58dc610db40 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFB47FF06AD69.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFB47FF06AD69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Cymidae" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -28,22 +27,6 @@ dc:title "Preliminary inventory of terrestrial Heteroptera from Lebanon (Hemiptera: Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha)" ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Hahn, 1832" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hahn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cymidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hahn, 1832" ; - dwc:species "glandicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cymidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFCAFFE55AC19.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFCAFFE55AC19.ttl index e27a455a497..458f7b037b1 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFCAFFE55AC19.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFCAFFE55AC19.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Pentatomidae Leach 1815" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,84 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Jalla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "dumosa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zicrona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "caerulea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1761" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Palomena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1761)" ; - dwc:species "prasina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Westwood, 1837)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Westwood" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eysarcoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Westwood, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "ventralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dyroderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "umbraculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFD3BFB2BAB71.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFD3BFB2BAB71.ttl index daff68c178e..26ec154eec1 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFD3BFB2BAB71.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFD3BFB2BAB71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Cydnidae Billberg 1820" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tritomegas" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFE5BFAF3A991.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFE5BFAF3A991.ttl index ed16c2441f0..39f40c24006 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFE5BFAF3A991.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFE5BFAF3A991.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Reduviidae Latreille 1807" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Rambur, 1839" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rambur" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peirates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rambur, 1839" ; - dwc:species "urepitans" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFF7BFDA3A9ED.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFF7BFDA3A9ED.ttl index 61264fd6e82..a204439fe28 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFF7BFDA3A9ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80BFF82FF5BFF7BFDA3A9ED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Miridae Hahn 1833" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,54 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fallen, 1807)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Charagochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "gyllenhali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Josifov, 1974" ; - dwc:authorityName "Josifov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1974" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dichrooscytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Josifov, 1974" ; - dwc:species "seidenuueckeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Polymerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "unifasciatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Poeciloscytus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BF9B7FB52AF4D.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BF9B7FB52AF4D.ttl index acb7ba1b74b..9254d597546 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BF9B7FB52AF4D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BF9B7FB52AF4D.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Pyrrhocoridae Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pyrrhocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "apterus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pyrrhocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFAFBFC18AD81.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFAFBFC18AD81.ttl index d5a96629c22..34005f94d1e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFAFBFC18AD81.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFAFBFC18AD81.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Stygnocorini Gulde 1937" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hyalochilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1897" ; - dwc:species "dolosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wagner 1953" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stygnocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1953" ; - dwc:species "breviceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFC43FD93ACA1.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFC43FD93ACA1.ttl index 7e7c6e73c84..7f7e24c5a78 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFC43FD93ACA1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFC43FD93ACA1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Rhyparochromini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Dohrn" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dieuches" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dohrn, 1860" ; - dwc:species "syriacu" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dohrn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lanchnophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dohrn, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "singalensi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyparochromus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "sanguineus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFEA7FECFAB39.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFEA7FECFAB39.ttl index b8fb352bbee..c09082e069e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFEA7FECFAB39.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80CFF85FF5BFEA7FECFAB39.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Megalonotini Slater 1957" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,102 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasiocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "crassicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1883)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1883" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1883)" ; - dwc:species "brevicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "praetextatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "puncticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomson, 1870)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1870" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Megalonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomson, 1870)" ; - dwc:species "sabulicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puton, 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Proderus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1874" ; - dwc:species "bellevoyei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFB6BFD92AE85.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFB6BFD92AE85.ttl index 8d8bd679536..b9e087a562b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFB6BFD92AE85.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFB6BFD92AE85.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Gonianotini Stal 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,85 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1897" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emblethis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1897" ; - dwc:species "ciliatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emblethis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1878" ; - dwc:species "denticolli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seidenstucker, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seidenstucker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Emblethis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seidenstucker, 1963" ; - dwc:species "karamanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnopeza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850)" ; - dwc:species "hirticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puton, 1892" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnopeza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1892" ; - dwc:species "pallipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFDABFC24AC51.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFDABFC24AC51.ttl index 6f04c8387be..6d6cdd35634 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFDABFC24AC51.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF84FF5BFDABFC24AC51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Drymini Stal 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,103 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Drymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:species "pilipes" ; - dwc:subGenus "Drymus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1929" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eremocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1929" ; - dwc:species "monticola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schilling" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scolopostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schilling" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Scolopostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schilling, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "pictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1881)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taphropeltus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1881)" ; - dwc:species "intermedius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Taphropeltus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "nervosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF85FF5BF8DFFCF1A89D.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF85FF5BF8DFFCF1A89D.ttl index f35e1773b9e..7ce3c20cded 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF85FF5BF8DFFCF1A89D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80DFF85FF5BF8DFFCF1A89D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Lethaeini Stal 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,54 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1858)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1858)" ; - dwc:species "cribratissimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lethaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Walker, 1872)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Walker" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1872" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Camptocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Walker, 1872)" ; - dwc:species "glaberrima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF84FF5BF92AFBDEA8B1.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF84FF5BF92AFBDEA8B1.ttl index e4f0edba841..5a333568716 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF84FF5BF92AFBDEA8B1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF84FF5BF92AFBDEA8B1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Plinthisini Slater & Sweet 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,74 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plinthisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1876" ; - dwc:species "angulatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plinthisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1886" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1886" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plinthisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1886" ; - dwc:species "obsoletus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Plinthisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1882" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1882" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plinthisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1882" ; - dwc:species "fasciatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Nanoplinthisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plinthisus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1881" ; - dwc:species "subtilis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Nanoplinthisus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhyparochromidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFBD2FCF1AD81.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFBD2FCF1AD81.ttl index baaf99d3b74..f0a3809933b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFBD2FCF1AD81.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFBD2FCF1AD81.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Oxycarenidae Stal 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,88 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(A. Costa, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. Costa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxycarenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Costa, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "hyalinipennis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Oxycarenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1850" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxycarenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850)" ; - dwc:species "pallens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Euoxycarenus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1837)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microplax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "interrupta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microplax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1864" ; - dwc:species "limbata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Jakovlev, 1876)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptodemus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jakovlev, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "minutus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFE82FE4DAB89.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFE82FE4DAB89.ttl index 87deb832f2f..42e23259851 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFE82FE4DAB89.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFE82FE4DAB89.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Lygaeinae Schilling 1829" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,101 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mulsant & Rey, 1866" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mulsant & Rey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apterola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mulsant & Rey, 1866" ; - dwc:species "kuenckeli" ; - dwc:subSpecies "kuenckeli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apterola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal" ; - dwc:species "rubicunda" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1885" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygaeosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1885" ; - dwc:species "angulare" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanocoryphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1916" ; - dwc:species "parvipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Spilostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "pandurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "pandurus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFF7AFB4EA979.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFF7AFB4EA979.ttl index b2bad0cebf2..acdc5a2458c 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFF7AFB4EA979.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80EFF87FF5BFF7AFB4EA979.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Nysiini Ulhr 1876" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kolenati" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nysius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "graminicola" ; - dwc:subSpecies "graminicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BF992FD93AF61.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BF992FD93AF61.ttl index ef6537b83b3..cd2bb7a3f11 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BF992FD93AF61.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BF992FD93AF61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Heterogastrinae Stal 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heterogastridae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "urticae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Heterogastridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFB6AFD2BAE35.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFB6AFD2BAE35.ttl index c840cd924d4..322666eb6f3 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFB6AFD2BAE35.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFB6AFD2BAE35.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Geocorinae Stal 1872" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,70 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "ater" ; - dwc:subGenus "Geocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Carapezza, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Carapezza" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Carapezza, 2006" ; - dwc:species "ernstheissi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Geocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lepeletier & Serville, 1825)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lepeletier & Serville" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lygaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Geocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lepeletier & Serville, 1825)" ; - dwc:species "erythrocephalus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Piocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Henry, 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Henry" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Heterogastridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Henry, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Geocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFD62FBF3AB71.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFD62FBF3AB71.ttl index cc0f9223a7a..9c0e7b24552 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFD62FBF3AB71.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFD62FBF3AB71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Gampsocorini Southwood & Leston 1959" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Germar, 1822)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berytidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gampsocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Germar, 1822)" ; - dwc:species "punctipes" ; - dwc:subSpecies "punctipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Berytidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFF7AFB87A991.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFF7AFB87A991.ttl index 321d9bb7cfc..a114edfef88 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFF7AFB87A991.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA80FFF86FF5BFF7AFB87A991.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Berytini Fieber 1851" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,72 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berytidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apoplymus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1859" ; - dwc:species "pectoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meyer-Dur, 1841)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meyer-Dur" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berytidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berytinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meyer-Dur, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "montivagus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Lizinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ferrari, 1874)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ferrari" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berytidae" ; - dwc:genus "Berytinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ferrari, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "striola" ; - dwc:subGenus "Lizinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puton, 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Berytidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1895" ; - dwc:species "brevipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Berytidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BF993FAC3AF61.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BF993FAC3AF61.ttl index a14f3568352..f1302af8ae4 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BF993FAC3AF61.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BF993FAC3AF61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Artheneidae Henry 1997" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Kormilev, 1938)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kormilev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1938" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Artheneidae" ; - dwc:genus "Artheneis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kormilev, 1938)" ; - dwc:species "balcanica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Artheneidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFAFBFC9DAD81.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFAFBFC9DAD81.ttl index b6723948407..62bb4970497 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFAFBFC9DAD81.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFAFBFC9DAD81.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Stenocephalidae Dallas 1852" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stenocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicranocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "agilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ferrari, 1874)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ferrari" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stenocephalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicranocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ferrari, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "marginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Stenocephalidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFE5BFDDBACA1.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFE5BFDDBACA1.ttl index 19f65c08ad7..94609bb77fd 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFE5BFDDBACA1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA810FF99FF5BFE5BFDDBACA1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Rhopalini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,164 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "hyoscyami" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kolenati" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maccevethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "caucasicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Signoret, 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Signoret" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maccevethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Signoret, 1862" ; - dwc:species "corsicus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "corsicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Maccevethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1953" ; - dwc:species "lutheri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liorhyssus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "hyalinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Corizus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "hyalinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schilling, 1829" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schilling" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schilling, 1829" ; - dwc:species "rufus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Rhopalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gmelin, 1790)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gmelin" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhopalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gmelin, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "subrufus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Rhopalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rossi, 1790)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rossi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stictopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rossi, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "abutilon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stictopleurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "crassicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Rhopalidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFC8BFBD8AC51.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFC8BFBD8AC51.ttl index 08a06756be9..a5c713afadf 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFC8BFBD8AC51.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFC8BFBD8AC51.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Phyllomorphini Mulsant & Rey 1870" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phyllomorpha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835" ; - dwc:species "lacerata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coreidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFE13FD0DAB71.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFE13FD0DAB71.ttl index ec1480d07fd..8672de1d5a3 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFE13FD0DAB71.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF98FF5BFE13FD0DAB71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Coreini Leach 1815" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,52 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coreus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "marginatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kolenati, 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kolenati" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Centrocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kolenati, 1845" ; - dwc:species "variegatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1767" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Syromastus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1767)" ; - dwc:species "rhombeus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coreidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF99FF5BFB23FBF3A8B1.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF99FF5BFB23FBF3A8B1.ttl index 59800c313ab..4322056068f 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF99FF5BFB23FBF3A8B1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA811FF99FF5BFB23FBF3A8B1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Pseudophloeini Stal 1868" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -45,147 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Arenocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "waltlii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bothrostethus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "annulipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coriomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839)" ; - dwc:species "affinis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coriomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "denticulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coriomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "hirticornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coriomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1900" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1900" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coriomeris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1900" ; - dwc:species "vitticollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Loxocnemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "dentato" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Strobilotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "typhaecornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coreidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF98FF5BF82EFC49A9C9.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF98FF5BF82EFC49A9C9.ttl index 8573da398cd..eb3bd0bef99 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF98FF5BF82EFC49A9C9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF98FF5BF82EFC49A9C9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Anisoscelini Laporte de Castelnau 1832" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Heidemann, 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heidemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Coreidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptoglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heidemann, 1910" ; - dwc:species "occidentalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Coreidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFA02FD0DAE85.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFA02FD0DAE85.ttl index eeca098336f..0c6eee4cf07 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFA02FD0DAE85.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFA02FD0DAE85.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Alydinae Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Germar, 1817)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Alydidae" ; - dwc:genus "Camptotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Germar, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "lateralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Alydidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFBF6FD42AD69.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFBF6FD42AD69.ttl index 9c9ebf341fa..4528005f844 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFBF6FD42AD69.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFBF6FD42AD69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Odontotarsini Mulsant & Rey 1866" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,37 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Mayr, 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mayr" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:genus "Ellipsocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mayr, 1864" ; - dwc:species "trilineatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Odontotarsus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:species "rufescens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFD3AFEF1ABE5.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFD3AFEF1ABE5.ttl index b88ff07d111..749c3288700 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFD3AFEF1ABE5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFD3AFEF1ABE5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Elvisurinae Stal 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Lefebvre, 1827)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lefebvre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Solenosthedium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lefebvre, 1827)" ; - dwc:species "bilunatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFECAFDA4AAE1.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFECAFDA4AAE1.ttl index 7f215060ffe..991efc9714f 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFECAFDA4AAE1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA812FF9BFF5BFECAFDA4AAE1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Eugastrini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,38 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Psacasta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "tuberculata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Cryptodontus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Puton, 1881" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1881" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scutelleridae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurygaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1881" ; - dwc:species "integriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BF992FDF2AF29.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BF992FDF2AF29.ttl index 3b2fa59474e..d2c8a86463e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BF992FDF2AF29.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BF992FDF2AF29.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Podopini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Muller, 1766)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Muller" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1766" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graphosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Muller, 1766)" ; - dwc:species "italicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graphosoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "semipunctatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFC3EFC43AD81.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFC3EFC43AD81.ttl index 996fcb3d6ef..7fd424611ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFC3EFC43AD81.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFC3EFC43AD81.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Strachiini Mulsant & Rey 1865" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,55 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurydema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Eurydema" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Dohrn, 1860)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dohrn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Eurydema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dohrn, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "rugulosa" ; - dwc:subGenus "Horvatheurydema" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kolenati" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenozygum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Kolenati, 1845)" ; - dwc:species "coloratum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFE82FB8FABE5.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFE82FB8FABE5.ttl index e8818e7f872..25ce49160cc 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFE82FB8FABE5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA813FF9AFF5BFE82FB8FABE5.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Sciocorini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,89 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Puton, 1874" ; - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1874" ; - dwc:species "convexiusculus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Parasciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1851" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1851" ; - dwc:species "distinctus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1851" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1851" ; - dwc:species "diuinctus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1861" ; - dwc:species "ochraceus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1953" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1953" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1953" ; - dwc:species "pentheri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BF9DAFB64AF15.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BF9DAFB64AF15.ttl index 9058ccb934c..c13c44d8e86 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BF9DAFB64AF15.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BF9DAFB64AF15.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Pentatomini Leach 1815" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,53 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Mulsant & Rey, 1866)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mulsant & Rey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1866" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acrosternum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mulsant & Rey, 1866)" ; - dwc:species "millierei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Peribalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "strictus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Peribalus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nezara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "viridula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFAB2FD2CAD81.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFAB2FD2CAD81.ttl index 5a2a92ee811..bd89285985b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFAB2FD2CAD81.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFAB2FD2CAD81.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Halyini Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,37 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Germar, 1817)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apodiphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Germar, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "amygdali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1817" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Apodyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Germar, 1817)" ; - dwc:species "amygdali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFB8EFDE1AD69.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFB8EFDE1AD69.ttl index a1e9d3a6db8..915d58a7b0e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFB8EFDE1AD69.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFB8EFDE1AD69.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Eysarcorini Mulsant & Rey 1865" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,23 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Brulle, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brulle" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stagonomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brulle, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "amoenus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Stagonomus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFDAAFE3EAC75.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFDAAFE3EAC75.ttl index fff9e1d3753..6684593b7f6 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFDAAFE3EAC75.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFDAAFE3EAC75.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Carpocorini Mulsant & Rey 1866" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Hahn, 1835)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hahn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Staria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hahn, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "lunata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFECAFE5AA992.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFECAFE5AA992.ttl index 1e028fddae0..e3b8972df0b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFECAFE5AA992.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA814FF9DFF5BFECAFE5AA992.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Aeliini Douglas & Scott 1865" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,39 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "acuminata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Boheman, 1852" ; - dwc:authorityName "Boheman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aelia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Boheman, 1852" ; - dwc:species "rostrata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Pentatomidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BF9FEFBF0AE85.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BF9FEFBF0AE85.ttl index 5c97e6ab8fd..df5965152f7 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BF9FEFBF0AE85.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BF9FEFBF0AE85.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Cydnini Billberg 1820" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,52 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Forster, 1771)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cydnus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forster, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "aterrimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Forster" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1771" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachypelta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Forster, 1771)" ; - dwc:species "aterrima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1803" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macroscytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1803)" ; - dwc:species "brunneus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cydnidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFB6AFD1CAD55.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFB6AFD1CAD55.ttl index 6f7c19a9de2..0c9ae4c40f0 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFB6AFD1CAD55.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFB6AFD1CAD55.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Dinidorini Stal 1868" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dinidoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Coridius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "viduatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dinidoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFDAAFD3AAB71.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFDAAFD3AAB71.ttl index f2009342f03..b64826cf09c 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFDAAFD3AAB71.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFDAAFD3AAB71.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Stenopodainae Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,38 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1911" ; - dwc:species "bipartitus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oncocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1911" ; - dwc:species "trichocnemis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFF7AFBF9A991.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFF7AFBF9A991.ttl index 7234f856c4d..4ae4d425986 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFF7AFBF9A991.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA815FF9CFF5BFF7AFBF9A991.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Harpactorinae Amyot & Serville 1843" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,56 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1846)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "punctiventris" ; - dwc:subGenus "Rhynocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Poda, 1761)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Poda" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1761" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhynocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Poda, 1761)" ; - dwc:species "iracundus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Klug, 1830)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sphedanolestes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Klug, 1830)" ; - dwc:species "pulchellus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Sphedanolestes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Miridae" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA816FF9FFF5BF9B9FBD6AF0E.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA816FF9FFF5BF9B9FBD6AF0E.ttl index 0c52ec133c3..669eb8ac05a 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA816FF9FFF5BF9B9FBD6AF0E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA816FF9FFF5BF9B9FBD6AF0E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Reduviinae Latreille 1807" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,55 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Stal, 1859" ; - dwc:authorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pasira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Stal, 1859" ; - dwc:species "basiptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Giglio-Tos, 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Giglio-Tos" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Reduvius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Giglio-Tos, 1894" ; - dwc:species "festae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Klug 1830" ; - dwc:authorityName "Klug" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; - dwc:genus "Reduvius" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Klug, 1830" ; - dwc:species "tabidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Reduviidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA817FF9FFF5BFB47FAA3AC8D.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA817FF9FFF5BFB47FAA3AC8D.ttl index 801934199d0..5a70519fb4e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA817FF9FFF5BFB47FAA3AC8D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA817FF9FFF5BFB47FAA3AC8D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Tinginae Laporte 1832" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,201 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1888" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acalypta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1888" ; - dwc:species "hellenica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Campylosteira" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:species "pilicornis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catoplatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "anticus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Catoplatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:species "hilaris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Host, 1788)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Host" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1788" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Copium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Host, 1788)" ; - dwc:species "teucrii" ; - dwc:subSpecies "teucrii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1874)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "nassata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Seidenstucker, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Seidenstucker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dictyonota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Seidenstucker, 1963" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1830" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elasmotropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830)" ; - dwc:species "testacea" ; - dwc:subSpecies "testacea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horvath, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Elasmotropis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horvath, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "testacea" ; - dwc:subSpecies "selecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Saunders, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Saunders" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Galeatus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Saunders, 1876" ; - dwc:species "scrophicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horvath, 1906)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Kalama" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horvath, 1906)" ; - dwc:species "reuteri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Stal, 1873)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Stal" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasiacantha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Stal, 1873)" ; - dwc:species "hedenborgi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1888" ; dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; @@ -274,205 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Shaeffer, 1838)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Shaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physatocheila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Shaeffer, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "dumetorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1903" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1903" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Physatocheila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1903" ; - dwc:species "municeps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stephanitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "pyri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Stephanitis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1775" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1775)" ; - dwc:species "pyri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:species "reuteri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neolasiotropis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1878)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "valida" ; - dwc:subGenus "Neolasiotropis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1906" ; - dwc:species "stupidula" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tingis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Germar, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Germar, 1835" ; - dwc:species "grisea" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tingis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monanthia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Puton, 1879" ; - dwc:species "grisea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1879)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1879)" ; - dwc:species "ciliaris" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tropidocheila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "hellenica" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tropidocheila" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hellenica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tingidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tingis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835" ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tropidocheila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tingidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF90FF5BFD17FB8FADF9.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF90FF5BFD17FB8FADF9.ttl index d282a58cf2b..c29321ed96c 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF90FF5BFD17FB8FADF9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF90FF5BFD17FB8FADF9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Halticini A. Costa 1853" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -44,118 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Anapus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "dorsalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Meyer-Dur, 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Meyer-Dur" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Euryopicoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Meyer-Dur, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "nitidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1904" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1904" ; - dwc:species "fulvipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Mulsant & Rey, 1852)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mulsant & Rey" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1852" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthocephalus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mulsant & Rey, 1852)" ; - dwc:species "prosepinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horvath, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pachytomella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horvath, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "phoenicea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strongylocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "amabilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "A. Costa, 1853" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Costa" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Strongylocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Costa, 1853" ; - dwc:species "cicadifrons" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF91FF5BFA05FB65A89D.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF91FF5BFA05FB65A89D.ttl index 3b4e8dab2c5..ceea6243724 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF91FF5BFA05FB65A89D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA819FF91FF5BFA05FB65A89D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Orthotylini Van Duzee 1916" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(De Geer, 1773)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "De Geer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1773" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dryophilocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(De Geer, 1773)" ; - dwc:species "flavoquadrimaculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1964" ; dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; @@ -78,73 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scopoli" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1763" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterotoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scopoli, 1763)" ; - dwc:species "merioptera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hahn, 1833)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hahn" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterocordylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hahn, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "tibialis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Heterocordylus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fallen, 1807)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthotylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "tenellus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Orthotylus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Douglas & Scott, 1865)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orthotylus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Douglas & Scott, 1865)" ; - dwc:species "virescens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Pachylops" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF90FF5BF875FB5DA9ED.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF90FF5BF875FB5DA9ED.ttl index f54179528ab..11de256856e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF90FF5BF875FB5DA9ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF90FF5BF875FB5DA9ED.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Mirini Hahn 1833" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,251 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Horvath, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachycoleus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Horvath, 1901" ; - dwc:species "bolivari" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Puton, 1874)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Puton" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1874" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Camponotidea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Puton, 1874)" ; - dwc:species "saundersi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1787" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Calocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1787)" ; - dwc:species "nemoralis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brulle, 1832)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brulle" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Closterotomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brulle, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "annulus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horvath, 1888)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Closterotomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horvath, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "putoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lucas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cyphodema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lucas, 1849)" ; - dwc:species "instabile" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Linberg, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dichrooscytus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linberg, 1948" ; - dwc:species "cyprius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Brulle, 1832))" ; - dwc:authorityName "" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Brulle" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dionconotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Brulle, 1832)" ; - dwc:species "cruentatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Grypocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Douglas & Scott, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "amoenus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Turciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Douglas & Scott, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Grypocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Douglas & Scott, 1868" ; - dwc:species "fieberi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Grypocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Reuter, 1896" ; - dwc:authorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1896" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Grypocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reuter, 1896" ; - dwc:species "syriacus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Turciocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Horvath, 1889)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Horvath" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Horistus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Horvath, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "turcomanus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Horistus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1880)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1880" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ischnoscelicoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1880)" ; - dwc:species "rubrinervis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1781" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Liocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1781)" ; - dwc:species "tripustulatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1955" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1955" ; - dwc:species "seidenstueckeri" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ktenocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Carapezza, 2016" ; dwc:authorityName "Carapezza" ; @@ -307,98 +61,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Pinalitus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "brachycnemis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kerzhner & Schuh" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1998" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhabdomiris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kerzhner & Schuh, 1998" ; - dwc:species "striatellus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "striatellus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", A. Matocq" ; - dwc:authorityName "A. Matocq" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matocq" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Stenotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "binotatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1861" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Taylorilygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1861)" ; - dwc:species "apicalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ": Bcharre" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bcharre" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bcharre" ; - dwc:species "apicalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFB8EFD53AF61.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFB8EFD53AF61.ttl index e7e4b11eb1a..f2e8f578da5 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFB8EFD53AF61.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFB8EFD53AF61.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Dicyphini Reuter 1883" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,23 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1951" ; - dwc:species "albonasutus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Brachyceroea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Puton, 1886" ; dwc:authorityName "Puton" ; @@ -80,89 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lindberg, 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindberg, 1934" ; - dwc:species "bolivari" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dicyphus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1963" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1963" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1963" ; - dwc:species "eckerleini" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dicyphus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wagner, 1951" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wagner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicyphus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wagner, 1951" ; - dwc:species "lindbergi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dicyphus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(A. Costa, 1853)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "A. Costa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1853" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Costa, 1853)" ; - dwc:species "melanotoma" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fieber, 1858" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1858" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Macrolophus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fieber, 1858" ; - dwc:species "costalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFE12FD53ABAD.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFE12FD53ABAD.ttl index f5bacf27e7c..0cb8a6a3541 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFE12FD53ABAD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81BFF92FF5BFE12FD53ABAD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Deraeocorini Douglas & Scott 1865" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -44,73 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Douglas & Scott, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Douglas & Scott" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Deraeocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Douglas & Scott, 1868" ; - dwc:species "serenus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Camptobrochis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1807" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Deraeocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fallen, 1807)" ; - dwc:species "punctulatu" ; - dwc:subGenus "Camptobrochis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Schilling, 1837)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Schilling" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Deraeocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Schilling, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "lutescens" ; - dwc:subGenus "Knightocapsus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaeffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Miridae" ; - dwc:genus "Deraeocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838)" ; - dwc:species "rutilus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Deraeocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Miridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFA4AFE97AE85.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFA4AFE97AE85.ttl index 30e9e1ce68d..8ca66d259c4 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFA4AFE97AE85.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFA4AFE97AE85.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Nabini Costa 1853" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,58 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(O. Costa, 1834)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "O. Costa" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1834" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Himacerus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Costa, 1834)" ; - dwc:species "mirmicoides" ; - dwc:subGenus "Aptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Germar, 1838" ; - dwc:authorityName "Germar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nabis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Germar, 1838" ; - dwc:species "capsiformis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tropiconabis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Remane, 1962" ; - dwc:authorityName "Remane" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nabidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nabis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Remane, 1962" ; - dwc:species "pseudoferus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Nabis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "orientarius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nabidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFC8AFC82AB89.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFC8AFC82AB89.ttl index 73953759f94..7a47ee6256b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFC8AFC82AB89.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFC8AFC82AB89.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Lyctocorini Reuter 1884" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fabricius" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Lyctocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fabricius, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "campestris" ; - dwc:subGenus "Lyctocoris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFE36FE3EAAA9.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFE36FE3EAAA9.ttl index 77491960da0..9b50f14dff2 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFE36FE3EAAA9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFE36FE3EAAA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Oriini Carayon 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,40 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1884)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1884" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1884)" ; - dwc:species "albidipennis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Dimorphella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1860)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1860" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Orius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1860)" ; - dwc:species "laevigatus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Orius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFF32FD19A9ED.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFF32FD19A9ED.ttl index a997e0b44ca..7bbec6f7b6c 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFF32FD19A9ED.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81CFF95FF5BFF32FD19A9ED.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Anthocorini Fieber 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Jakovlev, 1877)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Jakovlev" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1877" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; - dwc:genus "Anthocoris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Jakovlev, 1877)" ; - dwc:species "pilosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Anthocoridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFAB3FCD6AF61.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFAB3FCD6AF61.ttl index 25dacdf3925..bde7fffcb87 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFAB3FCD6AF61.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFAB3FCD6AF61.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Saldunculini Polhemus 1985" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,87 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Reuter, 1891)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Reuter" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Saldidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saldula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Reuter, 1891)" ; - dwc:species "amplicollis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Scholtz, 1847)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Scholtz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Saldidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saldula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Scholtz, 1847)" ; - dwc:species "arenicola" ; - dwc:subSpecies "arenicola" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lindskog, 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lindskog" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Saldidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saldula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindskog, 1975" ; - dwc:species "lindbergi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Fieber, 1859)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Fieber" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1859" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Saldidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saldula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Fieber, 1859)" ; - dwc:species "melanoscela" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Saldidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saldula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ; - dwc:species "saltatoria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Saldidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFC43FE97AC19.ttl b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFC43FE97AC19.ttl index 0c9e6e3e486..6abe552f17b 100644 --- a/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFC43FE97AC19.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7D/87/7C7D87AEA81DFF94FF5BFC43FE97AC19.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Matocq, Armand; Azar, Dany" ; dc:title "Leptopodini Brulle 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,38 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Goeze, 1778)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Goeze" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1778" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Leptopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Goeze, 1778)" ; - dwc:species "marmoratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rossi, 1790)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rossi" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Leptopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Patapius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rossi, 1790)" ; - dwc:species "spinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Leptopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7E/95/7C7E952E43BF0C858677F1B5AD18C3CD.ttl b/data/7C/7E/95/7C7E952E43BF0C858677F1B5AD18C3CD.ttl index 9cca86ed482..ba050b0b38e 100644 --- a/data/7C/7E/95/7C7E952E43BF0C858677F1B5AD18C3CD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7E/95/7C7E952E43BF0C858677F1B5AD18C3CD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Rosa, Paolo; Wisniowski, Bogdan; Xu, Zai-fu" ; dc:title "Chrysis barrei Radoszkowski 1891" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7E/A0/7C7EA0989FEB5EABB69D96E43B903DF0.ttl b/data/7C/7E/A0/7C7EA0989FEB5EABB69D96E43B903DF0.ttl index 52259eba4d1..9503626fce2 100644 --- a/data/7C/7E/A0/7C7EA0989FEB5EABB69D96E43B903DF0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7E/A0/7C7EA0989FEB5EABB69D96E43B903DF0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Qian, Xingyang; Zhang, Xiao" ; dc:title "Geranomyia subablusa Qian & Zhang 2020, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/7C/7F/36/7C7F369AA2892DE9B7225DC56A078962.ttl b/data/7C/7F/36/7C7F369AA2892DE9B7225DC56A078962.ttl index 262217a8303..1f4ed961d84 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/36/7C7F369AA2892DE9B7225DC56A078962.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/36/7C7F369AA2892DE9B7225DC56A078962.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Shimbori, Eduardo Mitio; Shaw, Scott Richard" ; dc:title "Aleiodes stewarti Shimbori & Shaw, 2014, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7F/37/7C7F3744937E4BE013F1DBAE066E7FF4.ttl b/data/7C/7F/37/7C7F3744937E4BE013F1DBAE066E7FF4.ttl index cae9560e35b..540847b658a 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/37/7C7F3744937E4BE013F1DBAE066E7FF4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/37/7C7F3744937E4BE013F1DBAE066E7FF4.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Cleome ornithopodioides Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,21 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1754" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cleomaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cleome" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Capparales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1754" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cleomaceae" ; @@ -70,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cleomaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cleome" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Capparales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31EA510FF022AC5B39007DE.ttl b/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31EA510FF022AC5B39007DE.ttl index ca1586165f7..781181bd2d8 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31EA510FF022AC5B39007DE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31EA510FF022AC5B39007DE.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Deng, Weian; Zheng, Zhemin; Wei, Shizhen" ; dc:title "Macromotettix Gunther 1939" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bolivar, 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolivar, 1898" ; - dwc:species "quadricarinatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31FA513FF022EDFB2A7021E.ttl b/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31FA513FF022EDFB2A7021E.ttl index 930676e4ffa..a70eb614c82 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31FA513FF022EDFB2A7021E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/87/7C7F87E9C31FA513FF022EDFB2A7021E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Deng, Weian; Zheng, Zhemin; Wei, Shizhen" ; dc:title "Macromotettix Gunther" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,245 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "solomonennis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng" ; - dwc:species "longipennis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Gunther" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gunther" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gunther" ; - dwc:species "tonkinennis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karny" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karny" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karny" ; - dwc:species "sokutsuensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bolivar" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bolivar" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bolivar" ; - dwc:species "quadricarinatus" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng" ; - dwc:species "torulosinota" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng et Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng et Jiang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng & Jiang" ; - dwc:species "yaoshanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Liang et Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Liang et Jiang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liang & Jiang" ; - dwc:species "tianlinensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng et Fu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng et Fu" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng & Fu" ; - dwc:species "luoxiaoshanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng et Fu" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng et Fu" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng & Fu" ; - dwc:species "nigritibis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng et Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng et Jiang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng & Jiang" ; - dwc:species "longtanensis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng et Ou" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng et Ou" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng & Ou" ; - dwc:species "wuliangshana" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng" ; - dwc:species "nigritubercle" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zheng" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zheng" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zheng" ; - dwc:species "brachynota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Zhenf et Jiang" ; - dwc:authorityName "Zhenf et Jiang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; - dwc:genus "Macromotettix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhenf & Jiang" ; - dwc:species "serrifemoralis" ; - rdfs:seeAlso ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tetrigidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/7F/93/7C7F93686FEBDB530C0DC448E101D8D0.ttl b/data/7C/7F/93/7C7F93686FEBDB530C0DC448E101D8D0.ttl index 5d21caa317d..64716efe3b3 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/93/7C7F93686FEBDB530C0DC448E101D8D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/93/7C7F93686FEBDB530C0DC448E101D8D0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Thomson, Robin E.; Holzenthal, Ralph W." ; dc:title "Leucotrichia inflaticornis Botosaneanu 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/7F/C7/7C7FC748FFA1FFCCFF0ED5855941DA56.ttl b/data/7C/7F/C7/7C7FC748FFA1FFCCFF0ED5855941DA56.ttl index 7fb3d117bf5..27cfcc93889 100644 --- a/data/7C/7F/C7/7C7FC748FFA1FFCCFF0ED5855941DA56.ttl +++ b/data/7C/7F/C7/7C7FC748FFA1FFCCFF0ED5855941DA56.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Xu, Wei-Bin; Yang, Ping; Huang, Yu-Song; Zhang, Rui; Tang, Ming" ; dc:title "Styrax hwangiae M. Tang & W. B. Xu 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,58 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kurz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Styracaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Styrax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kurz, 1871" ; - dwc:species "rugosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Pierre 1892: 151) Craib ex Hartw. (1913: 698)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Craib ex Hartw." ; - dwc:authorityPageNumber "698" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Pierre" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "151" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Styracaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Styrax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Pierre, 1892) Craib ex Hartw., 1913" ; - dwc:species "tonkinensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "P. W. Fritsch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Loureiro" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1790" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Styracaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Styrax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "series" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Loureiro, 1790) Fritsch, 1999" ; - dwc:series "Cyrta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Styracaceae" ; @@ -119,11 +66,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Styracaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/80/07/7C800751C6EF7B89A2E43B5447AD4302.ttl b/data/7C/80/07/7C800751C6EF7B89A2E43B5447AD4302.ttl index ebd547188a4..fb461a49440 100644 --- a/data/7C/80/07/7C800751C6EF7B89A2E43B5447AD4302.ttl +++ b/data/7C/80/07/7C800751C6EF7B89A2E43B5447AD4302.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Penafiel-Vinueza, Ana Danitza; Rafael, Violeta" ; dc:title "Drosophila sachapuyu Penafiel-Vinueza & Rafael, 2018, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drosophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Drosophila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/81/39/7C813923215BB1B53FFC2B2DB77DB1C2.ttl b/data/7C/81/39/7C813923215BB1B53FFC2B2DB77DB1C2.ttl index e5af6f6a010..c664dec74b8 100644 --- a/data/7C/81/39/7C813923215BB1B53FFC2B2DB77DB1C2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/81/39/7C813923215BB1B53FFC2B2DB77DB1C2.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Bolton, B." ; dc:title "Atopomyrmex" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/82/28/7C8228016F2D561E98CAFB3468B03C78.ttl b/data/7C/82/28/7C8228016F2D561E98CAFB3468B03C78.ttl index 6c92e8e21a4..9d46fe765e9 100644 --- a/data/7C/82/28/7C8228016F2D561E98CAFB3468B03C78.ttl +++ b/data/7C/82/28/7C8228016F2D561E98CAFB3468B03C78.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Han, Yuan-Yuan; Achterberg, Kees van; Chen, Xue-Xin" ; dc:title "Venturia Schrottky 1902" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schrottky" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Venturia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schrottky, 1902" ; - dwc:species "argentina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/83/24/7C83246CAEDA4909D6BBE744C414E40F.ttl b/data/7C/83/24/7C83246CAEDA4909D6BBE744C414E40F.ttl index 84fb00fe6fd..22b2e6ff570 100644 --- a/data/7C/83/24/7C83246CAEDA4909D6BBE744C414E40F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/83/24/7C83246CAEDA4909D6BBE744C414E40F.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,9 @@ # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation # Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Aconitum lycoctonum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,38 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "L. Enthaelt" ; - dwc:authorityName "L. Enthaelt" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aconitum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Enthaelt" ; - dwc:species "lycoctonum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Rchb.) Nyman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nyman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Rchb." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aconitum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Rchb.) Nyman" ; - dwc:species "lycoctonum" ; - dwc:subSpecies "vulparia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Gelber Eisenhut"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -88,22 +53,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; dwc:genus "Aconitum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/84/40/7C84406E7B0F4C2573D4CE692AC2FCBC.ttl b/data/7C/84/40/7C84406E7B0F4C2573D4CE692AC2FCBC.ttl index 6a1058852c0..4fcb2dd54aa 100644 --- a/data/7C/84/40/7C84406E7B0F4C2573D4CE692AC2FCBC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/84/40/7C84406E7B0F4C2573D4CE692AC2FCBC.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Jubini Raffray 1904" ; diff --git a/data/7C/85/BE/7C85BE64871E915BCFE016AD86640317.ttl b/data/7C/85/BE/7C85BE64871E915BCFE016AD86640317.ttl index 6c8e4bfd006..f9eeebeee76 100644 --- a/data/7C/85/BE/7C85BE64871E915BCFE016AD86640317.ttl +++ b/data/7C/85/BE/7C85BE64871E915BCFE016AD86640317.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gittenberger, Edmund; Kokshoorn, Bas; Boessneck, Ulrich; Reijnen, Bastian T.; Groenenberg, Dirk S. J." ; dc:title "Graniberia Gittenberger, Groenenberg & Kokshoorn, gen. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,20 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Gittenberger, Groenenberg & Kokshoorn" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Chondrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Graniberia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gittenberger, Groenenberg & Kokshoorn" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Chondrinidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/86/61/7C8661A1659EF3E41934E036A8841AAD.ttl b/data/7C/86/61/7C8661A1659EF3E41934E036A8841AAD.ttl index 98c4143ef1d..69bb8278737 100644 --- a/data/7C/86/61/7C8661A1659EF3E41934E036A8841AAD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/86/61/7C8661A1659EF3E41934E036A8841AAD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Cochlearia officinalis subsp. anglica Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -63,19 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "G.T.Burnett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burnett, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; @@ -102,11 +88,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/86/E4/7C86E4372F5E2DD782FA7BE8DAEFB4BE.ttl b/data/7C/86/E4/7C86E4372F5E2DD782FA7BE8DAEFB4BE.ttl index 711c930d113..c64de70df61 100644 --- a/data/7C/86/E4/7C86E4372F5E2DD782FA7BE8DAEFB4BE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/86/E4/7C86E4372F5E2DD782FA7BE8DAEFB4BE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Dean, David Allen" ; dc:title "Hibana cambridgei" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/87/05/7C870525002378DB39575EF98A43D16B.ttl b/data/7C/87/05/7C870525002378DB39575EF98A43D16B.ttl index af7158c1a58..5f2fb62003d 100644 --- a/data/7C/87/05/7C870525002378DB39575EF98A43D16B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/87/05/7C870525002378DB39575EF98A43D16B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Osteospermum imbricatum Linnaeus 1771" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/87/17/7C871719323051E2B0B9D8B017C0B3E7.ttl b/data/7C/87/17/7C871719323051E2B0B9D8B017C0B3E7.ttl index ee9b8b11c44..d2cf54e7eda 100644 --- a/data/7C/87/17/7C871719323051E2B0B9D8B017C0B3E7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/87/17/7C871719323051E2B0B9D8B017C0B3E7.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Bribiesca-Contreras, Guadalupe; Dahlgren, Thomas G.; Amon, Diva J.; Cairns, Stephen; Drennan, Regan; Durden, Jennifer M.; Eleaume, Marc P.; Hosie, Andrew M.; Kremenetskaia, Antonina; McQuaid, Kirsty; O'Hara, Timothy D.; Rabone, Muriel; Simon-Lledo, Erik; Smith, Craig R.; Watling, Les; Wiklund, Helena; Glover, Adrian G." ; dc:title "Freyastera stet. CCZ _ 201" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,64 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Freyellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Freyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Brisingida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - dwc:species "benthophila" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Freyellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Freyella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Brisingida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - dwc:species "tuberculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Crinoidea" ; - dwc:family "Freyellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Freyastera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sladen, 1889)" ; - dwc:species "tuberculata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sladen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Zoroasteridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipulatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sladen, 1889" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Crinoidea" ; dwc:family "Freyellidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/87/CE/7C87CE3B64E81DF55FF06289028F969D.ttl b/data/7C/87/CE/7C87CE3B64E81DF55FF06289028F969D.ttl index 56bac61e49a..dedb6444503 100644 --- a/data/7C/87/CE/7C87CE3B64E81DF55FF06289028F969D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/87/CE/7C87CE3B64E81DF55FF06289028F969D.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Microperus diversicolor" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -121,21 +120,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Murayama" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Microperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Murayama, 1934)" ; - dwc:species "kadoyamaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/87/F8/7C87F874D05A806B37151A2A67FC57E1.ttl b/data/7C/87/F8/7C87F874D05A806B37151A2A67FC57E1.ttl index d79ff6424d6..34a7e604426 100644 --- a/data/7C/87/F8/7C87F874D05A806B37151A2A67FC57E1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/87/F8/7C87F874D05A806B37151A2A67FC57E1.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Kochia prostrata Schrad." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/88/04/7C880463AA5A38D9F42C933BFA9B87AC.ttl b/data/7C/88/04/7C880463AA5A38D9F42C933BFA9B87AC.ttl index 912923605cf..131047fcb2e 100644 --- a/data/7C/88/04/7C880463AA5A38D9F42C933BFA9B87AC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/88/04/7C880463AA5A38D9F42C933BFA9B87AC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Staines, Charles L.; Garcia-Robledo, Carlos" ; dc:title "Cephaloleia steinhauseni Uhmann 1961" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/89/27/7C892798EEE1569981DC1E8A17235150.ttl b/data/7C/89/27/7C892798EEE1569981DC1E8A17235150.ttl index 4be326b8fb9..4a6d29287bc 100644 --- a/data/7C/89/27/7C892798EEE1569981DC1E8A17235150.ttl +++ b/data/7C/89/27/7C892798EEE1569981DC1E8A17235150.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Long, Jia; Guo-Dong, Ren; You-Zhi, Yu" ; dc:title "Penthicus (Myladion) nojonicus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Reitter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1889" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myladina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Reitter, 1889" ; - dwc:species "unguiculina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8A/7D/7C8A7D9A9DC636B19BF2DED991A6559B.ttl b/data/7C/8A/7D/7C8A7D9A9DC636B19BF2DED991A6559B.ttl index 6cbe9831fdc..e92db2d3f2d 100644 --- a/data/7C/8A/7D/7C8A7D9A9DC636B19BF2DED991A6559B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8A/7D/7C8A7D9A9DC636B19BF2DED991A6559B.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Distenorrhininae Arnoldi 1977" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8A/A2/7C8AA248866154DAEC462E392BAAC52B.ttl b/data/7C/8A/A2/7C8AA248866154DAEC462E392BAAC52B.ttl index 6f122e7ce5c..d6dd60293b6 100644 --- a/data/7C/8A/A2/7C8AA248866154DAEC462E392BAAC52B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8A/A2/7C8AA248866154DAEC462E392BAAC52B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Yang, Yuxia; Qi, Yaqing; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Fissocantharis hainana Y. Yang & X. Yang, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Y. Yang & X. Yang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fissocantharis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yang & Yang" ; - dwc:species "hainana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Cantharidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8A/D2/7C8AD2161CA4611E0C47AF98EF6218BC.ttl b/data/7C/8A/D2/7C8AD2161CA4611E0C47AF98EF6218BC.ttl index 2f5aa662d3b..0cc69706660 100644 --- a/data/7C/8A/D2/7C8AD2161CA4611E0C47AF98EF6218BC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8A/D2/7C8AD2161CA4611E0C47AF98EF6218BC.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Critonia dalea" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/8B/0B/7C8B0B9F8637122DF5A330EF84FE0801.ttl b/data/7C/8B/0B/7C8B0B9F8637122DF5A330EF84FE0801.ttl index 99948e13a48..481fa9cdd86 100644 --- a/data/7C/8B/0B/7C8B0B9F8637122DF5A330EF84FE0801.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8B/0B/7C8B0B9F8637122DF5A330EF84FE0801.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Ajuga pyramidalis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/8B/C6/7C8BC66FF9AA573B92C0286A2AAE9DA6.ttl b/data/7C/8B/C6/7C8BC66FF9AA573B92C0286A2AAE9DA6.ttl index e059a235892..bf9624f8556 100644 --- a/data/7C/8B/C6/7C8BC66FF9AA573B92C0286A2AAE9DA6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8B/C6/7C8BC66FF9AA573B92C0286A2AAE9DA6.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Dathe, Holger H." ; dc:title "Hylaeus (Deranchylaeus) venustus Dathe 2014" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8C/91/7C8C917105CE80DA7D697A9CE629EC7E.ttl b/data/7C/8C/91/7C8C917105CE80DA7D697A9CE629EC7E.ttl index 4b8cb20c9ee..4b6360fe6b2 100644 --- a/data/7C/8C/91/7C8C917105CE80DA7D697A9CE629EC7E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8C/91/7C8C917105CE80DA7D697A9CE629EC7E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marsh, Paul M.; Wild, Alexander L.; Whitfield, James B." ; dc:title "Heterospilus ypsilon Marsh, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Marsh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterospilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh" ; - dwc:species "ypsilon" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8D/36/7C8D36CE31C6137037E5DADF07365B76.ttl b/data/7C/8D/36/7C8D36CE31C6137037E5DADF07365B76.ttl index 5c4e3d2e957..9823e459c0f 100644 --- a/data/7C/8D/36/7C8D36CE31C6137037E5DADF07365B76.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8D/36/7C8D36CE31C6137037E5DADF07365B76.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Woodley, Norman E." ; dc:title "Parastratiosphecomyia rozkosnyi Woodley, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Woodley" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parastratiosphecomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Woodley" ; - dwc:species "rozkosnyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; @@ -72,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Stratiomyidae" ; dwc:genus "Parastratiosphecomyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/8D/5A/7C8D5A5A85A63EA25E330CCBAAE662DC.ttl b/data/7C/8D/5A/7C8D5A5A85A63EA25E330CCBAAE662DC.ttl index d35991f21d7..55be4b37a46 100644 --- a/data/7C/8D/5A/7C8D5A5A85A63EA25E330CCBAAE662DC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8D/5A/7C8D5A5A85A63EA25E330CCBAAE662DC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Callosciurus pygerythrus subsp. lokroides Hodgson 1836" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,40 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Gray 1843)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1843)" ; - dwc:species "pygerythrus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "assamensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray 1867)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Callosciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pygerythrus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "similis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/8D/9C/7C8D9CAC53DB5D791549989FC070E4F2.ttl b/data/7C/8D/9C/7C8D9CAC53DB5D791549989FC070E4F2.ttl index 373868f7713..678680b4c83 100644 --- a/data/7C/8D/9C/7C8D9CAC53DB5D791549989FC070E4F2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8D/9C/7C8D9CAC53DB5D791549989FC070E4F2.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Caterino, Michael S.; Tishechkin, Alexey K." ; dc:title "Operclipygus andinus Caterino & Tishechkin, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/8E/01/7C8E01065F23881937B02296AEDC5946.ttl b/data/7C/8E/01/7C8E01065F23881937B02296AEDC5946.ttl index aa1fd2846ba..7f6cda05d18 100644 --- a/data/7C/8E/01/7C8E01065F23881937B02296AEDC5946.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8E/01/7C8E01065F23881937B02296AEDC5946.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Borth, Robert; Ivinskis, Povilas; Saldaitis, Aidas; Yakovlev, Roman" ; dc:title "Aethalopteryx diksami Yakovlev & Saldaitis 2010" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/8F/90/7C8F90333A5EC2C096BCF1AE0CFBE847.ttl b/data/7C/8F/90/7C8F90333A5EC2C096BCF1AE0CFBE847.ttl index 018e1dc4bf8..cb13b42e9bc 100644 --- a/data/7C/8F/90/7C8F90333A5EC2C096BCF1AE0CFBE847.ttl +++ b/data/7C/8F/90/7C8F90333A5EC2C096BCF1AE0CFBE847.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Bolton, B.; Fisher, B. L." ; dc:title "Centromyrmex hamulatus" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/90/8D/7C908D9454CDD253AF16BBC9183C1249.ttl b/data/7C/90/8D/7C908D9454CDD253AF16BBC9183C1249.ttl index fa787426409..a76a37b6c6a 100644 --- a/data/7C/90/8D/7C908D9454CDD253AF16BBC9183C1249.ttl +++ b/data/7C/90/8D/7C908D9454CDD253AF16BBC9183C1249.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Spermacoce suffruticosa Linnaeus 1759" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -60,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/90/E2/7C90E2459927BE65BCBC53AFB22D9FC2.ttl b/data/7C/90/E2/7C90E2459927BE65BCBC53AFB22D9FC2.ttl index 5dbe61c895b..3ade067cce6 100644 --- a/data/7C/90/E2/7C90E2459927BE65BCBC53AFB22D9FC2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/90/E2/7C90E2459927BE65BCBC53AFB22D9FC2.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Rameshkumar, A.; Poorani, J.; Anjana, M." ; dc:title "Eofoersteria sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,12 +41,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Mymaridae" ; dwc:genus "Eofoersteria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/91/0B/7C910B9C365A6F4520DF4B02A273A89C.ttl b/data/7C/91/0B/7C910B9C365A6F4520DF4B02A273A89C.ttl index f8df0b9448d..97567483767 100644 --- a/data/7C/91/0B/7C910B9C365A6F4520DF4B02A273A89C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/91/0B/7C910B9C365A6F4520DF4B02A273A89C.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Bilton, David T.; Ribera, Ignacio" ; dc:title "Meladema lanio Fabricius 1775" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dytiscidae" ; dwc:genus "Meladema" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/91/88/7C9188808D05B3E6B01EBC84B001FEC2.ttl b/data/7C/91/88/7C9188808D05B3E6B01EBC84B001FEC2.ttl index 06d24b85c87..7d58db70f27 100644 --- a/data/7C/91/88/7C9188808D05B3E6B01EBC84B001FEC2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/91/88/7C9188808D05B3E6B01EBC84B001FEC2.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Yao, Gang; Yang, Ding; Evenhuis, Neal L." ; dc:title "Tovlinius pyramidatus Yao, Yang & Evenhuis, 2011, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/92/77/7C9277FE028C1567E70265FB58D90CF1.ttl b/data/7C/92/77/7C9277FE028C1567E70265FB58D90CF1.ttl index ada09b2cad8..ca60c64d207 100644 --- a/data/7C/92/77/7C9277FE028C1567E70265FB58D90CF1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/92/77/7C9277FE028C1567E70265FB58D90CF1.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Rubus saxatilis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; dwc:genus "Rubus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/92/CA/7C92CABF89C53546D90092BD0982B4D7.ttl b/data/7C/92/CA/7C92CABF89C53546D90092BD0982B4D7.ttl index aaa2b53b33a..3043d4a8fc5 100644 --- a/data/7C/92/CA/7C92CABF89C53546D90092BD0982B4D7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/92/CA/7C92CABF89C53546D90092BD0982B4D7.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Cirsium oleraceum Scop." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/93/72/7C9372328188AC8D9074783D43AE16F2.ttl b/data/7C/93/72/7C9372328188AC8D9074783D43AE16F2.ttl index 8a9dc2f269b..2e65dca2e9c 100644 --- a/data/7C/93/72/7C9372328188AC8D9074783D43AE16F2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/93/72/7C9372328188AC8D9074783D43AE16F2.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Moore, Matthew R.; Jameson, Mary L.; Garner, Beulah H.; Audibert, Cedric; Smith, Andrew B. T.; Seidel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Chrysina gaellae Ebrard & Soula 2010" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,34 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Burmeister" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1844" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Plusiotis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burmeister, 1844" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kirby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1828" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kirby, 1828" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; @@ -88,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Chrysina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/93/8E/7C938E0BF4045BEBBC69F48764E583B4.ttl b/data/7C/93/8E/7C938E0BF4045BEBBC69F48764E583B4.ttl index 53abc39fc6b..c1724058a6c 100644 --- a/data/7C/93/8E/7C938E0BF4045BEBBC69F48764E583B4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/93/8E/7C938E0BF4045BEBBC69F48764E583B4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu." ; dc:title "Halictus laevinodis Morawitz 1876" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Morawitz" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Halictidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lasioglossum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Morawitz, 1876)" ; - dwc:species "laevinode" ; - dwc:subGenus "Hemihalictus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Halictidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/94/B4/7C94B441AD2757DE9AE9F76498EF411F.ttl b/data/7C/94/B4/7C94B441AD2757DE9AE9F76498EF411F.ttl index e8df11975aa..8f27d2a71fd 100644 --- a/data/7C/94/B4/7C94B441AD2757DE9AE9F76498EF411F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/94/B4/7C94B441AD2757DE9AE9F76498EF411F.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Marinho, Lucas C.; Fiaschi, Pedro; Amorim, Andre M.; Bittrich, Volker" ; dc:title "Tovomitopsis paniculata (Spreng.) Planch. & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., Sér. 4, 14: 262. 1860." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/94/F9/7C94F9E6F7A12928A52EF8C8D20E1E88.ttl b/data/7C/94/F9/7C94F9E6F7A12928A52EF8C8D20E1E88.ttl index 74ec53593d8..7a960278619 100644 --- a/data/7C/94/F9/7C94F9E6F7A12928A52EF8C8D20E1E88.ttl +++ b/data/7C/94/F9/7C94F9E6F7A12928A52EF8C8D20E1E88.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hita Garcia, Francisco; Fisher, Brian L." ; dc:title "Tetramorium schaufussii Forel 1891" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Tetramorium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/95/63/7C95639DEF50598786D3F65EE0761F9A.ttl b/data/7C/95/63/7C95639DEF50598786D3F65EE0761F9A.ttl index a936de826f8..93e745b7397 100644 --- a/data/7C/95/63/7C95639DEF50598786D3F65EE0761F9A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/95/63/7C95639DEF50598786D3F65EE0761F9A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Fleming, AJ; Wood, D. Monty; Smith, M. Alex; Dapkey, Tanya; Hallwachs, Winnie; Janzen, Daniel" ; dc:title "Telothyria clavata Fleming & Wood 2020, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "van der Wulp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Telothyria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "van der Wulp, 1890" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tachinidae" ; dwc:genus "Telothyria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/95/7E/7C957EC867DED6A0EEBAA78FF6CB32C2.ttl b/data/7C/95/7E/7C957EC867DED6A0EEBAA78FF6CB32C2.ttl index a0de61dfc40..3f40785f66d 100644 --- a/data/7C/95/7E/7C957EC867DED6A0EEBAA78FF6CB32C2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/95/7E/7C957EC867DED6A0EEBAA78FF6CB32C2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Kimsey, Lynn S." ; dc:title "Loboscelidia maculata Kimsey" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/96/10/7C9610630FD5B2B74523EC89ABF47694.ttl b/data/7C/96/10/7C9610630FD5B2B74523EC89ABF47694.ttl index e36ecb8ade9..32e2bfec968 100644 --- a/data/7C/96/10/7C9610630FD5B2B74523EC89ABF47694.ttl +++ b/data/7C/96/10/7C9610630FD5B2B74523EC89ABF47694.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Alchemilla vallesiaca Rothmaler" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,21 +52,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blaetter" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blaetter" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Alchemilla" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blaetter" ; - dwc:species "incisa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rosaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/96/60/7C966021B694D5A9E6B183579E07FDCD.ttl b/data/7C/96/60/7C966021B694D5A9E6B183579E07FDCD.ttl index 5c2b262d600..bbafa542014 100644 --- a/data/7C/96/60/7C966021B694D5A9E6B183579E07FDCD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/96/60/7C966021B694D5A9E6B183579E07FDCD.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "M. E. Anderson; D. L. Stein; H. W. Detrich" ; dc:title "Synchiropus valdiviae" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -39,11 +38,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Callionymidae" ; dwc:genus "Synchiropus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/96/88/7C96884875693DD01248144CF21A1514.ttl b/data/7C/96/88/7C96884875693DD01248144CF21A1514.ttl index 21a64fc07b9..368affa9d17 100644 --- a/data/7C/96/88/7C96884875693DD01248144CF21A1514.ttl +++ b/data/7C/96/88/7C96884875693DD01248144CF21A1514.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Filander, Zoleka N.; Kitahara, Marcelo V.; Cairns, Stephen D.; Sink, Kerry J.; Lombard, Amanda T." ; dc:title "Stephanophyllia Michelin 1841" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/96/8F/7C968FF95D9F04458A660AB49D1B422A.ttl b/data/7C/96/8F/7C968FF95D9F04458A660AB49D1B422A.ttl index 5c2b2b89ba2..224070adf1e 100644 --- a/data/7C/96/8F/7C968FF95D9F04458A660AB49D1B422A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/96/8F/7C968FF95D9F04458A660AB49D1B422A.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wongkamhaeng, Koraon; Pattaratumrong, Manasawan Saengsakda; Puttapreecha, Ratchanee" ; dc:title "Dulichiella pattaniensis Wongkamhaeng, Pattaratumrong & Puttapreecha, 2014, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Malacostraca" ; - dwc:family "Melitidae" ; dwc:genus "Dulichiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Amphipoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/96/DE/7C96DE519D935D19BDC0BEFA5CE7656E.ttl b/data/7C/96/DE/7C96DE519D935D19BDC0BEFA5CE7656E.ttl index a38e75486c2..8f54918c142 100644 --- a/data/7C/96/DE/7C96DE519D935D19BDC0BEFA5CE7656E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/96/DE/7C96DE519D935D19BDC0BEFA5CE7656E.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Monro, Alex K." ; dc:title "Cestrum amistadense A. K. Monro 2012, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ruiz & Pav" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; - dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cestrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Tubiflorae" ; - dwc:phylum "Angiospermae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ruiz & Pav, 1799" ; - dwc:species "longiflorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Dicotyledoneae" ; dwc:family "Solanaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/97/5B/7C975BF3D742D0F50C8E503032BC99EC.ttl b/data/7C/97/5B/7C975BF3D742D0F50C8E503032BC99EC.ttl index 09724a224ee..4c2d2083b94 100644 --- a/data/7C/97/5B/7C975BF3D742D0F50C8E503032BC99EC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/97/5B/7C975BF3D742D0F50C8E503032BC99EC.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Pellegrini, Marco O. O.; Horn, Charles N.; Almeida, Rafael F." ; dc:title "Pontederia (Pontederia)" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ dwc:LSID "258437E6-A476-5F26-B474-848D85F73A4F" ; - dwc:authority "L. subg. Pontederia", "subg. Pontederia" ; + dwc:authority "L. subg. Pontederia" ; dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Commelinaceae", "Pontederiaceae" ; + dwc:family "Pontederiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pontederia" ; dwc:infraspecific-rank "subg." ; dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; @@ -105,21 +105,9 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "subg. Pontederia" ; - dwc:family "Pontederiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "P." ; - dwc:infraspecific-rank "subg." ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Commelinales" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "subg. Pontederia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Commelinaceae", "Pontederiaceae" ; + dwc:family "Pontederiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Pontederia" ; dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; dwc:order "Commelinales" ; diff --git a/data/7C/97/95/7C97954C1C66545285035DABA137ABDB.ttl b/data/7C/97/95/7C97954C1C66545285035DABA137ABDB.ttl index 698c192b060..69a28fd4cea 100644 --- a/data/7C/97/95/7C97954C1C66545285035DABA137ABDB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/97/95/7C97954C1C66545285035DABA137ABDB.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Maharramov, Mahir M.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu." ; dc:title "Lasioglossum subaenescens" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/98/3D/7C983DB89BC7AB998745BF5F491CEB66.ttl b/data/7C/98/3D/7C983DB89BC7AB998745BF5F491CEB66.ttl index 27cd86d5ea6..3c76f97ee0d 100644 --- a/data/7C/98/3D/7C983DB89BC7AB998745BF5F491CEB66.ttl +++ b/data/7C/98/3D/7C983DB89BC7AB998745BF5F491CEB66.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Shattuck, S. O." ; dc:title "Aphaenogaster poultoni Crawley" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/98/A4/7C98A4A65B7EF8851F972716669E7752.ttl b/data/7C/98/A4/7C98A4A65B7EF8851F972716669E7752.ttl index c1cc4a17d7b..299ea134445 100644 --- a/data/7C/98/A4/7C98A4A65B7EF8851F972716669E7752.ttl +++ b/data/7C/98/A4/7C98A4A65B7EF8851F972716669E7752.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Deltshev, Christo; Komnenov, Marjan; Blagoev, Gergin; Georgiev, Teodor; Lazarov, Stoyan; Stojkoska, Emilija; Naumova, Maria" ; dc:title "Heliophanus flavipes Hahn 1832" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Heliophanus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/98/B0/7C98B02381DB5975A30AE1D1BAB093E7.ttl b/data/7C/98/B0/7C98B02381DB5975A30AE1D1BAB093E7.ttl index 53dcd5df8a9..47dfefe41ff 100644 --- a/data/7C/98/B0/7C98B02381DB5975A30AE1D1BAB093E7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/98/B0/7C98B02381DB5975A30AE1D1BAB093E7.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wu, Jun; Wu, Chun-Sheng; Han, Hui-Lin" ; dc:title "Caissa Hering 1931" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/99/BC/7C99BC55846ACFEC624A679C762599DF.ttl b/data/7C/99/BC/7C99BC55846ACFEC624A679C762599DF.ttl index c4e9c1ab867..8ce31e93c99 100644 --- a/data/7C/99/BC/7C99BC55846ACFEC624A679C762599DF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/99/BC/7C99BC55846ACFEC624A679C762599DF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Tong, Yanfeng; Chen, Haifeng; Bai, Shuchong; Zhang, Zhisheng; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Trilacuna Tong & Li 2007" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/9B/BA/7C9BBA39B05DC71D2EA498F18D660963.ttl b/data/7C/9B/BA/7C9BBA39B05DC71D2EA498F18D660963.ttl index e3dc3db6a7c..d5eff89ae27 100644 --- a/data/7C/9B/BA/7C9BBA39B05DC71D2EA498F18D660963.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9B/BA/7C9BBA39B05DC71D2EA498F18D660963.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wheeler, W. M." ; dc:title "Crematogaster excisa subsp. andrei" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,12 +39,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crematogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "excisa" ; trt:hasParentName ; diff --git a/data/7C/9B/C2/7C9BC28E4DF35BA4882814CF9DCDDFA1.ttl b/data/7C/9B/C2/7C9BC28E4DF35BA4882814CF9DCDDFA1.ttl index 13c590ba622..98689f79a88 100644 --- a/data/7C/9B/C2/7C9BC28E4DF35BA4882814CF9DCDDFA1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9B/C2/7C9BC28E4DF35BA4882814CF9DCDDFA1.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Carvalho, Edrielly C.; Maldaner, Maria Eduarda; Costa-Silva, Vinicius; Sehn, Heivanice; Franquini, Carol; Campos, Vinicius O.; Seba, Vinicius P.; Maia, Lais F.; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.; Franca, Filipe Machado" ; dc:title "Oxysternon Castelnau 1840" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nevison" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxysternon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nevison, 1892" ; - dwc:species "macleayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Scarabaeidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/9C/95/7C9C95A818B6422475D57C48BF409A35.ttl b/data/7C/9C/95/7C9C95A818B6422475D57C48BF409A35.ttl index 470afa8f8b5..ed3244882ac 100644 --- a/data/7C/9C/95/7C9C95A818B6422475D57C48BF409A35.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9C/95/7C9C95A818B6422475D57C48BF409A35.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Carodini Legalov 2009" ; diff --git a/data/7C/9E/1C/7C9E1C43D475D983D5E87C3B73E45685.ttl b/data/7C/9E/1C/7C9E1C43D475D983D5E87C3B73E45685.ttl index 3149bbbf2f7..9a91daa2767 100644 --- a/data/7C/9E/1C/7C9E1C43D475D983D5E87C3B73E45685.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9E/1C/7C9E1C43D475D983D5E87C3B73E45685.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R.; Shaw, Mark R.; Godfray, H. Charles J." ; dc:title "Blacini Foerster 1863" ; diff --git a/data/7C/9E/49/7C9E4940FE408C9CF1D4A55CBD10EE6B.ttl b/data/7C/9E/49/7C9E4940FE408C9CF1D4A55CBD10EE6B.ttl index bccba208565..44ce8730366 100644 --- a/data/7C/9E/49/7C9E4940FE408C9CF1D4A55CBD10EE6B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9E/49/7C9E4940FE408C9CF1D4A55CBD10EE6B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Dufresnes, Christophe; Strachinis, Ilias; Tzoras, Elias; Litvinchuk, Spartak N.; Denoel, Mathieu" ; dc:title "Pelobates cultripes Cuvier 1829" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Amphibia" ; - dwc:family "Pelobatidae" ; dwc:genus "Pelobates" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Anura" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/9F/1E/7C9F1E2968015FA08CEA174746CEE289.ttl b/data/7C/9F/1E/7C9F1E2968015FA08CEA174746CEE289.ttl index 136569ce9eb..1f12d7df385 100644 --- a/data/7C/9F/1E/7C9F1E2968015FA08CEA174746CEE289.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9F/1E/7C9F1E2968015FA08CEA174746CEE289.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Harris, Steven C.; Armitage, Brian J.; Rios Gonzalez, Tomas A." ; dc:title "Neotrichia paraxicana Harris & Armitage & Ríos González 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Mosely" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1937" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroptilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neotrichia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Mosely, 1937)" ; - dwc:species "xicana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Hydroptilidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/9F/7E/7C9F7EFB8CF413F91BB63A40F94ADCF4.ttl b/data/7C/9F/7E/7C9F7EFB8CF413F91BB63A40F94ADCF4.ttl index 86063c1f5d6..f2909f7ccbd 100644 --- a/data/7C/9F/7E/7C9F7EFB8CF413F91BB63A40F94ADCF4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/9F/7E/7C9F7EFB8CF413F91BB63A40F94ADCF4.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Cyperus fuscus L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cyperus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Cyperaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/A0/4E/7CA04E41F0034CEBDEA06478DBD705DE.ttl b/data/7C/A0/4E/7CA04E41F0034CEBDEA06478DBD705DE.ttl index 7bea3320020..98b6e769a96 100644 --- a/data/7C/A0/4E/7CA04E41F0034CEBDEA06478DBD705DE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A0/4E/7CA04E41F0034CEBDEA06478DBD705DE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Chenopodium Botrys L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/A3/9A/7CA39A36FC42D5B44B327D246705D946.ttl b/data/7C/A3/9A/7CA39A36FC42D5B44B327D246705D946.ttl index cde65281123..6ab66d9bdf3 100644 --- a/data/7C/A3/9A/7CA39A36FC42D5B44B327D246705D946.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A3/9A/7CA39A36FC42D5B44B327D246705D946.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Hypsugo cadornae Thomas 1916" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pipistrellus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1916" ; - dwc:species "cadornae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bonaparte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypsugo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bonaparte, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "savii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/A4/1E/7CA41EC5224ECDFC0B8D996AE800BE9C.ttl b/data/7C/A4/1E/7CA41EC5224ECDFC0B8D996AE800BE9C.ttl index 94a08ebf854..240528cb98f 100644 --- a/data/7C/A4/1E/7CA41EC5224ECDFC0B8D996AE800BE9C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A4/1E/7CA41EC5224ECDFC0B8D996AE800BE9C.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Matthiola valesiaca Boiss." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; dwc:genus "Matthiola" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/A4/7B/7CA47B9AE63A42D45BAB737995CC65B7.ttl b/data/7C/A4/7B/7CA47B9AE63A42D45BAB737995CC65B7.ttl index c39ad027fa1..d31b31ac331 100644 --- a/data/7C/A4/7B/7CA47B9AE63A42D45BAB737995CC65B7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A4/7B/7CA47B9AE63A42D45BAB737995CC65B7.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Mayr, G." ; dc:title "Pheidole cubaensis Mayr, 1862, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/A4/AB/7CA4ABB31FC0542DBA9F906405F3F8D1.ttl b/data/7C/A4/AB/7CA4ABB31FC0542DBA9F906405F3F8D1.ttl index 9389cb74544..9b89cc85a1d 100644 --- a/data/7C/A4/AB/7CA4ABB31FC0542DBA9F906405F3F8D1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A4/AB/7CA4ABB31FC0542DBA9F906405F3F8D1.ttl @@ -12,11 +12,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Costea, Mihai; Silva, Simone Soares da; Simao-Bianchini, Rosangela; Simoes, Ana Rita G.; Stefanovic, Sasa" ; dc:title "Cuscuta mantiqueirana Costea, S. S. Silva, Sim. - Bianch. 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -63,12 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cuscuta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/A5/90/7CA59091BA8E59FEA0C0A700A57773D9.ttl b/data/7C/A5/90/7CA59091BA8E59FEA0C0A700A57773D9.ttl index 3c6cf2540b6..c502b6ca3b5 100644 --- a/data/7C/A5/90/7CA59091BA8E59FEA0C0A700A57773D9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A5/90/7CA59091BA8E59FEA0C0A700A57773D9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Marathe, Kiran; Maddison, Wayne P.; Kunte, Krushnamegh" ; dc:title "Ghatippus Marathe & Maddison 2024, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,49 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Marathe & Maddison" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2024" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ghatippus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marathe & Maddison, 2024" ; - dwc:species "paschima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kammerer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Vailimia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kammerer, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1902" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pancorius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1902" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/A6/41/7CA6410DEC6EA4BAC7325D81939158D0.ttl b/data/7C/A6/41/7CA6410DEC6EA4BAC7325D81939158D0.ttl index 4831f92e6dd..ea664d01029 100644 --- a/data/7C/A6/41/7CA6410DEC6EA4BAC7325D81939158D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A6/41/7CA6410DEC6EA4BAC7325D81939158D0.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Gary A. P., Gibson" ; dc:title "Calosota albipalpus P., 2010, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Eupelmidae" ; dwc:genus "Calosota" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/A6/7F/7CA67FB68811F2324C0C3CECA84C5A65.ttl b/data/7C/A6/7F/7CA67FB68811F2324C0C3CECA84C5A65.ttl index 0508f0bc22b..06e620701c5 100644 --- a/data/7C/A6/7F/7CA67FB68811F2324C0C3CECA84C5A65.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A6/7F/7CA67FB68811F2324C0C3CECA84C5A65.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Stead, Ken H.; Troubridge, Jim T." ; dc:title "Chaetaglaea rhonda Stead & Troubridge, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/A7/1D/7CA71D26EC004373ED6B014A6E05262E.ttl b/data/7C/A7/1D/7CA71D26EC004373ED6B014A6E05262E.ttl index 1d4cc021aa2..fad5da72b5a 100644 --- a/data/7C/A7/1D/7CA71D26EC004373ED6B014A6E05262E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A7/1D/7CA71D26EC004373ED6B014A6E05262E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Rosenfeld, Sebastian; Aldea, Cristian; Mansilla, Andres; Marambio, Johanna; Ojeda, Jaime" ; dc:title "Trochita pileus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trochita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1841)" ; - dwc:species "pileolus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Born" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1778" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trochita" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Littorinimorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Born, 1778)" ; - dwc:species "trochiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Calyptraeidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/A7/75/7CA775712C25351899C1480EB9BF5534.ttl b/data/7C/A7/75/7CA775712C25351899C1480EB9BF5534.ttl index 59479495479..7a95ba94a43 100644 --- a/data/7C/A7/75/7CA775712C25351899C1480EB9BF5534.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A7/75/7CA775712C25351899C1480EB9BF5534.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Caterino, Michael S.; Tishechkin, Alexey K." ; dc:title "Phelister mobilensis Casey 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/A7/C8/7CA7C8B98412D01B73D5367EAD0138AF.ttl b/data/7C/A7/C8/7CA7C8B98412D01B73D5367EAD0138AF.ttl index 213808cdea7..97608eb98d7 100644 --- a/data/7C/A7/C8/7CA7C8B98412D01B73D5367EAD0138AF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A7/C8/7CA7C8B98412D01B73D5367EAD0138AF.ttl @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Candek, Klemen; Gregoric, Matjaz; Kostanjsek, Rok; Frick, Holger; Kropf, Christian; Kuntner, Matjaz; Miller, Jeremy A.; Hoeksema, Bert W." ; dc:title "Zelotes latreillei" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,12 +40,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Gnaphosidae" ; dwc:genus "Zelotes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/A8/58/7CA85893BD2B94B21CCDE5874C21C27F.ttl b/data/7C/A8/58/7CA85893BD2B94B21CCDE5874C21C27F.ttl index e5026abc72b..ab8ab837b67 100644 --- a/data/7C/A8/58/7CA85893BD2B94B21CCDE5874C21C27F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A8/58/7CA85893BD2B94B21CCDE5874C21C27F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Paguma Gray 1831" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,325 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "C. E. H. Smith 1827" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. E. H. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Gulo" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1827" ; - dwc:species "larvatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Jourdan 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Jourdan" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Ambliodon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Jourdan, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(C. E. H. Smith 1827)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. E. H. Smith" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Smith, 1827)" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. E. H. Smith 1827" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. E. H. Smith" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Smith, 1827" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "larvata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wang 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, 1981" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "chichingensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bennett 1835" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bennett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bennett, 1835" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "grayi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1909" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1909" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hainana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Wroughton 1910" ; - dwc:authorityName "Wroughton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1910" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wroughton, 1910" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "intrudens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1928" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1928" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "janetta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. E. Gray 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. E. Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1837" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "jourdanii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hodgson 1836" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1836" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lanigera" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. E. Gray 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. E. Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1837" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "leucomystax" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pocock 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1934" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "neglecta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pocock 1939" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pocock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pocock, 1939" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "nigriceps" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Fraser 1846" ; - dwc:authorityName "Fraser" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fraser, 1846" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ogilbyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Miller 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miller, 1906" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "robusta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Swinhoe 1862" ; - dwc:authorityName "Swinhoe" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1862" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Swinhoe, 1862" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "taivana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Tytler 1864" ; - dwc:authorityName "Tytler" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tytler, 1864" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "tytlerii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Schwarz 1913" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schwarz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1913" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Viverridae" ; - dwc:genus "Paguma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Carnivora" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schwarz, 1913" ; - dwc:species "larvata" ; - dwc:subSpecies "wroughtoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Viverridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/A9/89/7CA9891EDB3A59308F6A2313034C9111.ttl b/data/7C/A9/89/7CA9891EDB3A59308F6A2313034C9111.ttl index 57cc32d19a6..44b649e9e6f 100644 --- a/data/7C/A9/89/7CA9891EDB3A59308F6A2313034C9111.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A9/89/7CA9891EDB3A59308F6A2313034C9111.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Neubauer, Thomas A." ; dc:title "Melanopsis buccinoidea subsp. var. var. fusiformis Grateloup 1838, [invalid]" ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,51 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Pallary" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pallary, 1916" ; - dwc:species "antiqua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Olivier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1801" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Olivier, 1801" ; - dwc:species "buccinoidea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sowerby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1822" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Melanopsidae" ; - dwc:genus "Melanopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pteropoda" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sowerby, 1822" ; - dwc:species "fusiformis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Warning: abbreviated subSpecies "var." ; dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; diff --git a/data/7C/A9/F7/7CA9F7142E6B2FA6C10669924440B79E.ttl b/data/7C/A9/F7/7CA9F7142E6B2FA6C10669924440B79E.ttl index 12760edb7e3..a2d54457a13 100644 --- a/data/7C/A9/F7/7CA9F7142E6B2FA6C10669924440B79E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/A9/F7/7CA9F7142E6B2FA6C10669924440B79E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Zhou, Yong; Merkl, Otto; Chen, Bin" ; dc:title "Xenocerogria ruficollis Borchmann 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/AB/AD/7CABAD4CC52FBF76FA635AEE530B3A8B.ttl b/data/7C/AB/AD/7CABAD4CC52FBF76FA635AEE530B3A8B.ttl index b111bc6261d..264dbef4b37 100644 --- a/data/7C/AB/AD/7CABAD4CC52FBF76FA635AEE530B3A8B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AB/AD/7CABAD4CC52FBF76FA635AEE530B3A8B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Sagina procumbens L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; dwc:genus "Sagina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Caryophyllaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/AB/BB/7CABBBD8CA0AB28E94E9F71B061B8DA9.ttl b/data/7C/AB/BB/7CABBBD8CA0AB28E94E9F71B061B8DA9.ttl index 7a82c8b4789..8af567575ba 100644 --- a/data/7C/AB/BB/7CABBBD8CA0AB28E94E9F71B061B8DA9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AB/BB/7CABBBD8CA0AB28E94E9F71B061B8DA9.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Chrysochloris (Kilimatalpa) stuhlmanni Matschie 1894" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -43,99 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Matschie 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1894" ; - dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Kilimatalpa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "stuhlmanni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lamotte and Petter 1981" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lamotte and Petter" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1981" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lamotte & Petter, 1981" ; - dwc:species "stuhlmanni" ; - dwc:subGenus "Kilimatalpa" ; - dwc:subSpecies "balsaci" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lundholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subGenus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundholm, 1955" ; - dwc:subGenus "Kilimatalpa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Roberts" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1924" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chlorotalpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Roberts, 1924" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lundholm" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1955" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Carpitalpa" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lundholm, 1955" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lacépède" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacépède, 1799" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; @@ -151,24 +57,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "subGenus" ; dwc:subGenus "Kilimatalpa" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Chrysochloridae" ; dwc:genus "Chrysochloris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Afrosoricida" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/AB/D9/7CABD97DFE08A50626301D0CB13EC7C5.ttl b/data/7C/AB/D9/7CABD97DFE08A50626301D0CB13EC7C5.ttl index 96f449af783..3465c4c7e99 100644 --- a/data/7C/AB/D9/7CABD97DFE08A50626301D0CB13EC7C5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AB/D9/7CABD97DFE08A50626301D0CB13EC7C5.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Willmann, C." ; dc:title "Pygmephorus maritimus Willmann, 1952, nov. spec." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/AE/2E/7CAE2E9866955C9EB5070DD59F63CAD4.ttl b/data/7C/AE/2E/7CAE2E9866955C9EB5070DD59F63CAD4.ttl index 40159120991..05478aa7f58 100644 --- a/data/7C/AE/2E/7CAE2E9866955C9EB5070DD59F63CAD4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AE/2E/7CAE2E9866955C9EB5070DD59F63CAD4.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Fischer, Eberhard; Killmann, Dorothee; Dhetchuvi, Jean-Baptiste M. M." ; dc:title "Aframomum K. Schum. (Schumann 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,72 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - # Warning: Removing "(Schumann" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Schum. (Schumann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sonn." ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zingiberaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aframomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sonn.) Schum., 1904" ; - dwc:species "angustifolium" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Poulsen and Lock" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "A. D. Poulsen & Lock (Poulsen and Lock" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zingiberaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aframomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Poulsen & Lock, 1997" ; - dwc:species "spiroligulatum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Schumann" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "K. Schum. (Schumann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Baker" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zingiberaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aframomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Baker) Schum., 1904" ; - dwc:species "zambesiacum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - # Warning: Removing "(Dhetchuvi and Fischer" from authority ; - dwc:authorityName "Dhetchuvi & Eb. Fisch. (Dhetchuvi and Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Zingiberaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aframomum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Zingiberales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dhetchuvi & Eb. Fisch., 2006" ; - dwc:species "wuerthii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Zingiberaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/AE/DB/7CAEDBA46C41558D9095727EDB4BFB20.ttl b/data/7C/AE/DB/7CAEDBA46C41558D9095727EDB4BFB20.ttl index b7d26a0b4c7..4f62dcbd78e 100644 --- a/data/7C/AE/DB/7CAEDBA46C41558D9095727EDB4BFB20.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AE/DB/7CAEDBA46C41558D9095727EDB4BFB20.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zambrano-Forero, Cristian J; Davila-Giraldo, Lina R; Motato-Vasquez, Viviana; Villanueva, Paula X; Rondon-Barragan, Iang S; Murillo-Arango, Walter" ; dc:title "Collybia margarita (Murrill) Singer 1951" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -46,22 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Murrill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1940" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Murrill" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Tricholomataceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tricholoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Murrill) Murrill, 1940" ; - dwc:species "margarita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Marasmiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/AF/25/7CAF2565EC1F9EC7AA64562765242657.ttl b/data/7C/AF/25/7CAF2565EC1F9EC7AA64562765242657.ttl index 6b9c0ba537d..828fb49cb56 100644 --- a/data/7C/AF/25/7CAF2565EC1F9EC7AA64562765242657.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AF/25/7CAF2565EC1F9EC7AA64562765242657.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Knapp, Sandra; Saerkinen, Tiina; Barboza, Gloria E." ; dc:title "Solanum pallidum Rusby, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 4: 228. 1895." ; diff --git a/data/7C/AF/FC/7CAFFC349C336E1C99D6CC7B194F1455.ttl b/data/7C/AF/FC/7CAFFC349C336E1C99D6CC7B194F1455.ttl index 7217f56bcb4..ce4e1c96c43 100644 --- a/data/7C/AF/FC/7CAFFC349C336E1C99D6CC7B194F1455.ttl +++ b/data/7C/AF/FC/7CAFFC349C336E1C99D6CC7B194F1455.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Wilson, E. O." ; dc:title "Pheidole inermis Mayr" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -35,12 +34,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; dwc:genus "Pheidole" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B0/1F/7CB01FE7BFBDD4431166A6207EF49593.ttl b/data/7C/B0/1F/7CB01FE7BFBDD4431166A6207EF49593.ttl index ee6009be9a1..027ecf1e9f7 100644 --- a/data/7C/B0/1F/7CB01FE7BFBDD4431166A6207EF49593.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B0/1F/7CB01FE7BFBDD4431166A6207EF49593.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Peucedanum carvifolia Vill." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/B0/2E/7CB02E9C02545234808EA45BF9A4ED3A.ttl b/data/7C/B0/2E/7CB02E9C02545234808EA45BF9A4ED3A.ttl index d65b9e3b45d..7591d1d1056 100644 --- a/data/7C/B0/2E/7CB02E9C02545234808EA45BF9A4ED3A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B0/2E/7CB02E9C02545234808EA45BF9A4ED3A.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Seropian, Armen; Bulbulashvili, Natalia; Krammer, Hans-Joachim; Thormann, Jana; Hein, Nils; Karalashvili, Elisabeth; Kachlishvili, Nino; Datunashvili, Anastasia" ; dc:title "Metopobactrus prominulus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -47,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1864" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pelecopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1864" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B1/72/7CB1722CC62BD491602173898A798FDD.ttl b/data/7C/B1/72/7CB1722CC62BD491602173898A798FDD.ttl index 78d002eca2a..bc530ad381e 100644 --- a/data/7C/B1/72/7CB1722CC62BD491602173898A798FDD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B1/72/7CB1722CC62BD491602173898A798FDD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Muscari botryoides Mill." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -59,32 +58,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "de Jussieu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1789" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Liliaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Liliales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Jussieu, 1789" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Batsch ex Borkhausen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1797" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Hyacinthaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Batsch ex Borkhausen, 1797" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Asparagaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B1/A1/7CB1A135EDB0D74C7E28CD2541036287.ttl b/data/7C/B1/A1/7CB1A135EDB0D74C7E28CD2541036287.ttl index a3a64da62d2..59856377058 100644 --- a/data/7C/B1/A1/7CB1A135EDB0D74C7E28CD2541036287.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B1/A1/7CB1A135EDB0D74C7E28CD2541036287.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "V. Triapitsyn, Serguei; Adachi-Hagimori, Tetsuya; F. Rugman-Jones, Paul; Barry, Adema; Abe, Aoba; Matsuo, Kazunori; Ohno, Kazuro" ; dc:title "Arescon enocki Subba Rao & Kaur 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/B2/2D/7CB22DA6B95103D16F83C467AE2A6943.ttl b/data/7C/B2/2D/7CB22DA6B95103D16F83C467AE2A6943.ttl index 1e514bea6c6..34546842499 100644 --- a/data/7C/B2/2D/7CB22DA6B95103D16F83C467AE2A6943.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B2/2D/7CB22DA6B95103D16F83C467AE2A6943.ttl @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Chen, Ye; Li, Cheng-De" ; dc:title "Pteroptrix orientalis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/B2/48/7CB248280B422850D473B6647383A10B.ttl b/data/7C/B2/48/7CB248280B422850D473B6647383A10B.ttl index c2a74e720c7..2fd7da69ba5 100644 --- a/data/7C/B2/48/7CB248280B422850D473B6647383A10B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B2/48/7CB248280B422850D473B6647383A10B.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Wells, Alice; Johanson, Kjell Arne" ; dc:title "Acritoptila planichela Kelley" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydroptilidae" ; dwc:genus "Acritoptila" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Trichoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B2/BB/7CB2BB6874AA8410B9EEEA235C714317.ttl b/data/7C/B2/BB/7CB2BB6874AA8410B9EEEA235C714317.ttl index c831d64b5b3..2bd5bcfbf38 100644 --- a/data/7C/B2/BB/7CB2BB6874AA8410B9EEEA235C714317.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B2/BB/7CB2BB6874AA8410B9EEEA235C714317.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because the rank attribute is missing ; dc:creator "Thornhill, Robert; Krings, Alexander; Lindbo, David; Stucky, Jon" ; dc:title "Eupatorium capillifolium Small" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B3/6B/7CB36B157BE253F1B6BA0C3CDDE54DA7.ttl b/data/7C/B3/6B/7CB36B157BE253F1B6BA0C3CDDE54DA7.ttl index a35a77f4ab4..d4f5b44ab5e 100644 --- a/data/7C/B3/6B/7CB36B157BE253F1B6BA0C3CDDE54DA7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B3/6B/7CB36B157BE253F1B6BA0C3CDDE54DA7.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Logunov, Dmitri V." ; dc:title "Euophrys dillicilis" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Simon 1868: 590", "Simon, 1868" ; + dwc:authority "Simon 1868: 590" ; dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "590" ; dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; @@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "Simon, 1901", "Simon, 1901: 67" ; + dwc:authority "Simon, 1901: 67" ; dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; dwc:authorityPageNumber "67" ; dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; @@ -79,38 +77,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Simon, 1868)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euophrys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Simon, 1868)" ; - dwc:species "difficilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Simon, 1901" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1901" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simon, 1901" ; - dwc:species "jusitanicus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Salticidae" ; @@ -124,12 +90,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Euophrys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -212,12 +173,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Salticidae" ; dwc:genus "Saitis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B4/31/7CB43155B5B0AC059FC12909E2E2D949.ttl b/data/7C/B4/31/7CB43155B5B0AC059FC12909E2E2D949.ttl index 6146d09dc7d..8a62f58e47c 100644 --- a/data/7C/B4/31/7CB43155B5B0AC059FC12909E2E2D949.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B4/31/7CB43155B5B0AC059FC12909E2E2D949.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Dermoptera Illiger 1811" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -38,20 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Simpson 1945" ; - dwc:authorityName "Simpson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1945" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Cynocephalidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dermoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Simpson, 1945" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B4/5D/7CB45DA9B0D05F886A7268D6418E362A.ttl b/data/7C/B4/5D/7CB45DA9B0D05F886A7268D6418E362A.ttl index 1061386539b..02850885fa2 100644 --- a/data/7C/B4/5D/7CB45DA9B0D05F886A7268D6418E362A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B4/5D/7CB45DA9B0D05F886A7268D6418E362A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Amorpha fruticosa L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/B4/C6/7CB4C61041A95AB487E5A1667B8A4ADD.ttl b/data/7C/B4/C6/7CB4C61041A95AB487E5A1667B8A4ADD.ttl index b29cfcc7e41..f955a00a0a1 100644 --- a/data/7C/B4/C6/7CB4C61041A95AB487E5A1667B8A4ADD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B4/C6/7CB4C61041A95AB487E5A1667B8A4ADD.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Fernandez-Triana, Jose L.; Shimbori, Eduardo M.; Whitfield, James B.; Penteado-Dias, Angelica M.; Shaw, Scott R.; Boudreault, Caroline; Sones, Jayme; Perez, Kate; Brown, Allison; Manjunath, Ramya; Burns, John M.; Hebert, P. D. N.; Smith, M. Alex; Hallwachs, Winnifred; Janzen, Daniel H." ; dc:title "Alphomelon adrianguadamuzi Fernandez-Triana & Shimbori 2023, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,36 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Herrich-Schaffer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1869" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Parphorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Herrich-Schaffer, 1869)" ; - dwc:species "decora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Austin" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hesperiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Niconiades" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Austin, 1997" ; - dwc:species "incomptus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B6/44/7CB6441315CD101A18E6C8DBC081E19F.ttl b/data/7C/B6/44/7CB6441315CD101A18E6C8DBC081E19F.ttl index cdaab1e4406..1fcb7dde4a4 100644 --- a/data/7C/B6/44/7CB6441315CD101A18E6C8DBC081E19F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B6/44/7CB6441315CD101A18E6C8DBC081E19F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Leonurus sibiricus Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,22 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Sweet" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lathyrus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - dwc:species "heterophyllus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; @@ -77,11 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B6/4D/7CB64DE39F70916DCCCDC21B63686636.ttl b/data/7C/B6/4D/7CB64DE39F70916DCCCDC21B63686636.ttl index b83a8b55bc2..f8dd76d8a99 100644 --- a/data/7C/B6/4D/7CB64DE39F70916DCCCDC21B63686636.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B6/4D/7CB64DE39F70916DCCCDC21B63686636.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Veronica agrestis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,21 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nome" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nome" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plantaginaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Veronica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nome" ; - dwc:species "agreste" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Acker-Ehrenpreis"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -68,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Plantaginaceae" ; dwc:genus "Veronica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Plantaginaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B6/AD/7CB6AD116FE6B38BFB3F37D108B144CA.ttl b/data/7C/B6/AD/7CB6AD116FE6B38BFB3F37D108B144CA.ttl index 6c53a6aae45..51fb4e0a055 100644 --- a/data/7C/B6/AD/7CB6AD116FE6B38BFB3F37D108B144CA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B6/AD/7CB6AD116FE6B38BFB3F37D108B144CA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Soest, Rob van; Carballo, Jose Luis; Hooper, John" ; dc:title "Cyamon neon De Laubenfels 1930" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Demospongiae" ; - dwc:family "Raspailiidae" ; dwc:genus "Cyamon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Axinellida" ; - dwc:phylum "Porifera" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B6/DC/7CB6DCF878E95AC6952D756998E97DF3.ttl b/data/7C/B6/DC/7CB6DCF878E95AC6952D756998E97DF3.ttl index ed971c8271d..6744cdd1ec8 100644 --- a/data/7C/B6/DC/7CB6DCF878E95AC6952D756998E97DF3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B6/DC/7CB6DCF878E95AC6952D756998E97DF3.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Habib, Kazi Ahsan; Islam, Md Jayedul; Nahar, Najmun; Rashed, Mohammad; Neogi, Amit Kumer; Russell, Barry" ; dc:title "Pomadasys argyreus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,36 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Cuvier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Haemulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pomadasys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Cuvier, 1829)" ; - dwc:species "guoraca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bloch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1793" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Haemulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Pomadasys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bloch, 1793)" ; - dwc:species "maculatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Haemulidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B7/F2/7CB7F2B963CAB08264DD9DC838DF248B.ttl b/data/7C/B7/F2/7CB7F2B963CAB08264DD9DC838DF248B.ttl index 9aa7ee0e419..30d8495d774 100644 --- a/data/7C/B7/F2/7CB7F2B963CAB08264DD9DC838DF248B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B7/F2/7CB7F2B963CAB08264DD9DC838DF248B.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Rotheca serrata Steane & Mabb." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -78,11 +77,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B7/FC/7CB7FCC74C5B16CB8C082B40926D5167.ttl b/data/7C/B7/FC/7CB7FCC74C5B16CB8C082B40926D5167.ttl index c9ad15a9f25..9e2360a3e56 100644 --- a/data/7C/B7/FC/7CB7FCC74C5B16CB8C082B40926D5167.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B7/FC/7CB7FCC74C5B16CB8C082B40926D5167.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Verbena officinalis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Verbenaceae" ; dwc:genus "Verbena" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B8/B9/7CB8B9006F2C59DD8665DDB97F068B12.ttl b/data/7C/B8/B9/7CB8B9006F2C59DD8665DDB97F068B12.ttl index e2339a2d6e6..bf7e5880a75 100644 --- a/data/7C/B8/B9/7CB8B9006F2C59DD8665DDB97F068B12.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B8/B9/7CB8B9006F2C59DD8665DDB97F068B12.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "DeFilipps, Robert A.; Krupnick, Gary A." ; dc:title "Ocimum americanum L. (= O. canum Sims)" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "non Bloch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1794" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Heteropneustidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heteropneustes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Siluriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(non Bloch, 1794)" ; - dwc:species "fossilis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B9/02/7CB902B52BE6925AC8C69B7D2F66A3DD.ttl b/data/7C/B9/02/7CB902B52BE6925AC8C69B7D2F66A3DD.ttl index d517426d387..8dbe4525a7e 100644 --- a/data/7C/B9/02/7CB902B52BE6925AC8C69B7D2F66A3DD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B9/02/7CB902B52BE6925AC8C69B7D2F66A3DD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Lonsdale, Owen" ; dc:title "Phytomyza catenula Lonsdale 2021, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ dwc:authorityName "Lonsdale" ; dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelsemiaceae", "Phytomyzinae" ; + dwc:family "Phytomyzinae" ; dwc:genus "Phytomyza" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; @@ -47,49 +45,9 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:family "Caprifoliaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen, 1810" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Fallen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelsemiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fallen, 1810" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Spencer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelsemiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phytomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Spencer, 1969" ; - dwc:species "caprifoliae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelsemiaceae", "Phytomyzinae" ; + dwc:family "Phytomyzinae" ; dwc:genus "Phytomyza" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Diptera" ; @@ -100,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Gelsemiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Phytomyza" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B9/40/7CB940F82C8A48F7930AB37CF9DD49A6.ttl b/data/7C/B9/40/7CB940F82C8A48F7930AB37CF9DD49A6.ttl index 482d63068ca..99c3ece339e 100644 --- a/data/7C/B9/40/7CB940F82C8A48F7930AB37CF9DD49A6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B9/40/7CB940F82C8A48F7930AB37CF9DD49A6.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Beaver, Roger A.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Cyclorhipidion inarmatum" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -61,21 +60,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Eggers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Xyleborus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eggers, 1923" ; - dwc:species "corporaali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/B9/B3/7CB9B399F4CBC3403AD78B64DE210384.ttl b/data/7C/B9/B3/7CB9B399F4CBC3403AD78B64DE210384.ttl index 5730a08852b..0de3f5ee235 100644 --- a/data/7C/B9/B3/7CB9B399F4CBC3403AD78B64DE210384.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B9/B3/7CB9B399F4CBC3403AD78B64DE210384.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Sapindus saponaria Linnaeus 1753" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,21 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sapindus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; @@ -70,22 +53,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; dwc:genus "Sapindus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Sapindaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Sapindales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/B9/F4/7CB9F48C89DDBB73EEC619DC2ED49333.ttl b/data/7C/B9/F4/7CB9F48C89DDBB73EEC619DC2ED49333.ttl index 847a5b2e544..1d4e567715a 100644 --- a/data/7C/B9/F4/7CB9F48C89DDBB73EEC619DC2ED49333.ttl +++ b/data/7C/B9/F4/7CB9F48C89DDBB73EEC619DC2ED49333.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R.; Shaw, Mark R.; Godfray, H. Charles J." ; dc:title "Cardiochiles Nees 1819" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/BA/77/7CBA7793A10F2B7AB3CB7D1A861B10F2.ttl b/data/7C/BA/77/7CBA7793A10F2B7AB3CB7D1A861B10F2.ttl index 610955de371..db2a88d1c1a 100644 --- a/data/7C/BA/77/7CBA7793A10F2B7AB3CB7D1A861B10F2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BA/77/7CBA7793A10F2B7AB3CB7D1A861B10F2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Moghaddam, Masumeh" ; dc:title "Duplachionaspis graminella" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/BA/99/7CBA994718D4E55955408A0AD08E02F3.ttl b/data/7C/BA/99/7CBA994718D4E55955408A0AD08E02F3.ttl index 1e815f05345..db1239792dd 100644 --- a/data/7C/BA/99/7CBA994718D4E55955408A0AD08E02F3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BA/99/7CBA994718D4E55955408A0AD08E02F3.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Kaygorodova, Irina A." ; dc:title "Glossiphonia sp. 1" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/BB/7D/7CBB7DC02E0BE6C786C410371C58CF8E.ttl b/data/7C/BB/7D/7CBB7DC02E0BE6C786C410371C58CF8E.ttl index 92edb4880c0..8c26a93f3fe 100644 --- a/data/7C/BB/7D/7CBB7DC02E0BE6C786C410371C58CF8E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BB/7D/7CBB7DC02E0BE6C786C410371C58CF8E.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Mesibov, Robert" ; dc:title "Agathodesmus morwellensis Mesibov, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Diplopoda" ; - dwc:family "Haplodesmidae" ; dwc:genus "Agathodesmus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Polydesmida" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/BC/00/7CBC00460FCACF43E22B7CC4AA077FB3.ttl b/data/7C/BC/00/7CBC00460FCACF43E22B7CC4AA077FB3.ttl index 9dc79b3b458..bee35a0d7e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/BC/00/7CBC00460FCACF43E22B7CC4AA077FB3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BC/00/7CBC00460FCACF43E22B7CC4AA077FB3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Anthemis arvensis L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Asteraceae" ; dwc:genus "Anthemis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/BC/3B/7CBC3B5C91555B8597F91B960781BBCB.ttl b/data/7C/BC/3B/7CBC3B5C91555B8597F91B960781BBCB.ttl index 1ebfcbd2f01..6a7235562e4 100644 --- a/data/7C/BC/3B/7CBC3B5C91555B8597F91B960781BBCB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BC/3B/7CBC3B5C91555B8597F91B960781BBCB.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Mumladze, Levan; Grego, Jozef; Szekeres, Miklos" ; dc:title "Inobseratella lindholmi" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -63,21 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Boettger" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Clausiliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Euxinastra" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Boettger, 1888)" ; - dwc:species "hamata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Clausiliidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/BC/66/7CBC66D653F1EC95D016F2B06F2CEFFE.ttl b/data/7C/BC/66/7CBC66D653F1EC95D016F2B06F2CEFFE.ttl index ef3dd2869b5..7bfa1c5c6c8 100644 --- a/data/7C/BC/66/7CBC66D653F1EC95D016F2B06F2CEFFE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BC/66/7CBC66D653F1EC95D016F2B06F2CEFFE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Quicke, Donald L. J.; Smith, M. Alex; Hrcek, Jan; Butcher, Buntika Areekul" ; dc:title "Cystomastacoides asotaphaga Quicke, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Quicke" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cystomastacoides" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Quicke" ; - dwc:species "asotaphaga" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/BD/95/7CBD953EA8E56A7164095245143CD515.ttl b/data/7C/BD/95/7CBD953EA8E56A7164095245143CD515.ttl index 966584f792e..3b9d35f4ce0 100644 --- a/data/7C/BD/95/7CBD953EA8E56A7164095245143CD515.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BD/95/7CBD953EA8E56A7164095245143CD515.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Shaverdo, Helena; Sagata, Katayo; Balke, Michael" ; dc:title "Exocelina miriae Balke 1998" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/BE/33/7CBE33674D4A648512A41AC97DA8B79F.ttl b/data/7C/BE/33/7CBE33674D4A648512A41AC97DA8B79F.ttl index 2425d36e380..515c8d5b79e 100644 --- a/data/7C/BE/33/7CBE33674D4A648512A41AC97DA8B79F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BE/33/7CBE33674D4A648512A41AC97DA8B79F.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Myartseva, Svetlana Nikolaevna; Evans, Gregory Allyn; Coronado-Blanco, Juana Maria" ; dc:title "Encarsia aleurodici Girault 1916" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera", "Hymenoptera" ; + dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Girault, 1916)" ; @@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; dwc:genus "Aleurodicus" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera", "Hymenoptera" ; + dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Douglas, 1892" ; @@ -124,146 +123,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Foerster" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Foerster, 1878" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Myartseva & Coronado-Blanco" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2008" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myartseva & Coronado-Blanco, 2008" ; - dwc:species "andrewi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Girault" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1915" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Girault, 1915)" ; - dwc:species "magniclava" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gomez & Garcia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2000" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gomez & Garcia, 2000" ; - dwc:species "narroi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Myartseva" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Myartseva, 2013" ; - dwc:species "nayarita" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hayat" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1983" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hayat, 1983)" ; - dwc:species "noyesi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Polaszek" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Polaszek, 1999)" ; - dwc:species "pithecura" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Myartseva & Coronado-Blanco" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2002" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Myartseva & Coronado-Blanco, 2002)" ; - dwc:species "tamaulipeca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Curtis" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aleurodicus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Curtis, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "cocois" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera", "Hymenoptera" ; + dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "aleurodici" ; @@ -271,12 +136,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphelinidae" ; dwc:genus "Encarsia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/BF/91/7CBF91DC690611EA8E9F05CD7CB55E8F.ttl b/data/7C/BF/91/7CBF91DC690611EA8E9F05CD7CB55E8F.ttl index 449dc4d717c..219d3a7ce2a 100644 --- a/data/7C/BF/91/7CBF91DC690611EA8E9F05CD7CB55E8F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BF/91/7CBF91DC690611EA8E9F05CD7CB55E8F.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Helvella crispa Fr." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/BF/AE/7CBFAE6FED12E1344F19DD08C2672FA5.ttl b/data/7C/BF/AE/7CBFAE6FED12E1344F19DD08C2672FA5.ttl index 3bb821d4a6b..3f7ed80ceec 100644 --- a/data/7C/BF/AE/7CBFAE6FED12E1344F19DD08C2672FA5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BF/AE/7CBFAE6FED12E1344F19DD08C2672FA5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Aethomys thomasi" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,36 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Noack" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1887" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Aethomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Noack, 1887)" ; - dwc:species "kaiseri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wroughton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1909" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Aethomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wroughton, 1909" ; - dwc:species "medicatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Muridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/BF/E7/7CBFE77320D50564F41011C52A96E2F3.ttl b/data/7C/BF/E7/7CBFE77320D50564F41011C52A96E2F3.ttl index 69dc42cc22c..51e7ae0fdbc 100644 --- a/data/7C/BF/E7/7CBFE77320D50564F41011C52A96E2F3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/BF/E7/7CBFE77320D50564F41011C52A96E2F3.ttl @@ -11,12 +11,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Moghaddam, Mostafa Ghafouri; Turrisi, Giuseppe Fabrizio" ; dc:title "Pristaulacus mourguesi Maneval 1935" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lindl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Fagaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Quercus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lindl, 1840" ; - dwc:species "brantii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; @@ -77,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aulacidae" ; dwc:genus "Pristaulacus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/C0/74/7CC0745BE2907926E32CC3CE9F219391.ttl b/data/7C/C0/74/7CC0745BE2907926E32CC3CE9F219391.ttl index 300f7f454f4..04dc96b9378 100644 --- a/data/7C/C0/74/7CC0745BE2907926E32CC3CE9F219391.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C0/74/7CC0745BE2907926E32CC3CE9F219391.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Morrone, Juan J." ; dc:title "Haversiella Schweiger 1959" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,35 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Champion" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1918" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Haversiella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Champion, 1918)" ; - dwc:species "albolimbata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hustache" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1939" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Neopachytychius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hustache, 1939" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/C0/AB/7CC0AB8D0C92840129E89AEFD5209983.ttl b/data/7C/C0/AB/7CC0AB8D0C92840129E89AEFD5209983.ttl index f48117cd4b2..1e29a6f9ab3 100644 --- a/data/7C/C0/AB/7CC0AB8D0C92840129E89AEFD5209983.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C0/AB/7CC0AB8D0C92840129E89AEFD5209983.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Molinia caerulea Moench" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -98,11 +97,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Poaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Poales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/C2/FB/7CC2FBA91AFE532A829B9A3365B2C600.ttl b/data/7C/C2/FB/7CC2FBA91AFE532A829B9A3365B2C600.ttl index f1037b9dba9..67f72612052 100644 --- a/data/7C/C2/FB/7CC2FBA91AFE532A829B9A3365B2C600.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C2/FB/7CC2FBA91AFE532A829B9A3365B2C600.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Astafurova, Yulia V.; Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu.; Schwarz, Maximilian" ; dc:title "Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen 1923" ; diff --git a/data/7C/C4/7D/7CC47D347F279CD1374088613CE1F142.ttl b/data/7C/C4/7D/7CC47D347F279CD1374088613CE1F142.ttl index ae9164d4ad4..869659ebedb 100644 --- a/data/7C/C4/7D/7CC47D347F279CD1374088613CE1F142.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C4/7D/7CC47D347F279CD1374088613CE1F142.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Thymus froelichianus Opiz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/C5/F6/7CC5F65B0DD3C148332467AF3DBAFCE6.ttl b/data/7C/C5/F6/7CC5F65B0DD3C148332467AF3DBAFCE6.ttl index ef708e21012..c00e4fda201 100644 --- a/data/7C/C5/F6/7CC5F65B0DD3C148332467AF3DBAFCE6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C5/F6/7CC5F65B0DD3C148332467AF3DBAFCE6.ttl @@ -15,11 +15,9 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Ang, Yuchen; Rohner, Patrick Thomas; Meier, Rudolf" ; dc:title "Zuskamira inexpectata Pont 1987" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/C6/6D/7CC66D8D4334550AA29F171C9CE226DD.ttl b/data/7C/C6/6D/7CC66D8D4334550AA29F171C9CE226DD.ttl index d555eceb28a..e6f8952a212 100644 --- a/data/7C/C6/6D/7CC66D8D4334550AA29F171C9CE226DD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C6/6D/7CC66D8D4334550AA29F171C9CE226DD.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Zhan, Yi; Sivayyapram, Varat; Liu, Fengxiang; Li, Daiqin; Xu, Xin" ; dc:title "Liphistius keeratikiati Zhan & Xu 2022, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,50 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schiodte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liphistiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liphistius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schiodte, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Platnick & Sedgwick" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1984" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liphistiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liphistius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984" ; - dwc:species "trang" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zhan & Xu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liphistiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liphistius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhan & Xu, 2022" ; - dwc:species "hatyai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Liphistiidae" ; @@ -103,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Liphistiidae" ; dwc:genus "Liphistius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/C6/7C/7CC67C599D2FE87852D83647146CCF31.ttl b/data/7C/C6/7C/7CC67C599D2FE87852D83647146CCF31.ttl index 64ca1311269..95c19941a74 100644 --- a/data/7C/C6/7C/7CC67C599D2FE87852D83647146CCF31.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C6/7C/7CC67C599D2FE87852D83647146CCF31.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Yang, Bin; Zhou, Shi-Shun; Liu, Qiang; Maung, Kyaw Win; Li, Ren; Quan, Rui-Chang; Tan, Yun-Hong" ; dc:title "Coelogyne magnifica Y. H. Tan, S. S. Zhou & B. Yang 2017, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,21 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "R. Li & Z. L. Dao" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Coelogyne" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Li & Dao, 2014" ; - dwc:species "pianmaensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/C7/43/7CC743F4F66FE0EB4B9710260F208B87.ttl b/data/7C/C7/43/7CC743F4F66FE0EB4B9710260F208B87.ttl index 1c38db892b4..1c494fd1d23 100644 --- a/data/7C/C7/43/7CC743F4F66FE0EB4B9710260F208B87.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C7/43/7CC743F4F66FE0EB4B9710260F208B87.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Centaurium erythraea Rafn" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; dwc:genus "Centaurium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/C8/1D/7CC81D3BD61D8A6835B4551BE0CEF9C3.ttl b/data/7C/C8/1D/7CC81D3BD61D8A6835B4551BE0CEF9C3.ttl index cbd552a444b..c144d222ceb 100644 --- a/data/7C/C8/1D/7CC81D3BD61D8A6835B4551BE0CEF9C3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C8/1D/7CC81D3BD61D8A6835B4551BE0CEF9C3.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Gowri, Prakash; Manickavasagam, Sagadai; Kanagarajan, Rasappan" ; dc:title "Brachymeria megaspila" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/C8/BA/7CC8BA6FB4C843D8FCD186A85C3398D3.ttl b/data/7C/C8/BA/7CC8BA6FB4C843D8FCD186A85C3398D3.ttl index d70272a5aeb..54b9bb674b7 100644 --- a/data/7C/C8/BA/7CC8BA6FB4C843D8FCD186A85C3398D3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C8/BA/7CC8BA6FB4C843D8FCD186A85C3398D3.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Alliaria petiolata Cavara & Grande" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,21 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Nome" ; - dwc:authorityName "Nome" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Sisymbrium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nome" ; - dwc:species "officinale" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; @@ -71,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; dwc:genus "Alliaria" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/C8/C9/7CC8C91395A2C8626496848C73325CEA.ttl b/data/7C/C8/C9/7CC8C91395A2C8626496848C73325CEA.ttl index 397bf64775d..8e2d1e5d1c1 100644 --- a/data/7C/C8/C9/7CC8C91395A2C8626496848C73325CEA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C8/C9/7CC8C91395A2C8626496848C73325CEA.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Schmidt, Olga" ; dc:title "\"Chrysolarentia\" severata" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/C9/47/7CC947BC8E626037184CCE5508BD0D4D.ttl b/data/7C/C9/47/7CC947BC8E626037184CCE5508BD0D4D.ttl index ca56a8b3070..bb8036fcdac 100644 --- a/data/7C/C9/47/7CC947BC8E626037184CCE5508BD0D4D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/C9/47/7CC947BC8E626037184CCE5508BD0D4D.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus W. Koch & H. E. Hess" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ranunculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/CA/8F/7CCA8F46D2D59642597EDC588E9B0875.ttl b/data/7C/CA/8F/7CCA8F46D2D59642597EDC588E9B0875.ttl index bb0f25b2e94..f0b5c9b36ab 100644 --- a/data/7C/CA/8F/7CCA8F46D2D59642597EDC588E9B0875.ttl +++ b/data/7C/CA/8F/7CCA8F46D2D59642597EDC588E9B0875.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Rashid, Azad; Chen, Xiaosheng; Qiu, Baoli; Wang, Xingmin" ; dc:title "Coccinelloidea (Scymnus) Kugelann 1794" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/CB/4F/7CCB4FF775C96E08E8562A1FDFD55F01.ttl b/data/7C/CB/4F/7CCB4FF775C96E08E8562A1FDFD55F01.ttl index 6b1f26783f4..f321f0b0013 100644 --- a/data/7C/CB/4F/7CCB4FF775C96E08E8562A1FDFD55F01.ttl +++ b/data/7C/CB/4F/7CCB4FF775C96E08E8562A1FDFD55F01.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Androsace vandellii Chiov." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -39,50 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nr. 1369)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1369" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Androsace" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nr., 1369)" ; - dwc:species "helvetica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "de Vandelli Nome" ; - dwc:authorityName "de Vandelli Nome" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Androsace" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Vandelli Nome" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "di Vandelli" ; - dwc:authorityName "di Vandelli" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Androsace" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "di Vandelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Vandellis Mannsschild"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -98,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Androsace" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Primulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ericales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/CB/ED/7CCBED1E43D5769AD78B9662FB234EF3.ttl b/data/7C/CB/ED/7CCBED1E43D5769AD78B9662FB234EF3.ttl index cdadb5c8f58..bdf96966dcf 100644 --- a/data/7C/CB/ED/7CCBED1E43D5769AD78B9662FB234EF3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/CB/ED/7CCBED1E43D5769AD78B9662FB234EF3.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Mengqing; Chen, Hongyin; Yang, Ding" ; dc:title "Chrysotimus hubeiensis Wang, Chen & Yang, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Wang, Chen & Yang" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chrysotimus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang, Chen & Yang" ; - dwc:species "hubeiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Dolichopodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/CE/42/7CCE42AE5D2F3ADA5D30ECE8556C16A2.ttl b/data/7C/CE/42/7CCE42AE5D2F3ADA5D30ECE8556C16A2.ttl index deef4d64342..5a6cf992789 100644 --- a/data/7C/CE/42/7CCE42AE5D2F3ADA5D30ECE8556C16A2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/CE/42/7CCE42AE5D2F3ADA5D30ECE8556C16A2.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Lackner, Tomas; Leschen, Richard A. B." ; dc:title "Saprinus (Saprinus) amethystinus Lewis 1900" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -65,12 +63,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Histeridae" ; dwc:genus "Saprinus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/CF/AA/7CCFAA2996B71910AF1361697F6AB5FE.ttl b/data/7C/CF/AA/7CCFAA2996B71910AF1361697F6AB5FE.ttl index 3c39ad6cc4c..7ff95d24bf8 100644 --- a/data/7C/CF/AA/7CCFAA2996B71910AF1361697F6AB5FE.ttl +++ b/data/7C/CF/AA/7CCFAA2996B71910AF1361697F6AB5FE.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Efetov, Konstantin A.; Hofmann, Axel; Tarmann, Gerhard M.; Tremewan, Walter Gerald" ; dc:title "Zygaena (Zygaena) rhadamanthus subsp. grisea Oberthuer 1909" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D0/68/7CD0683F27E3A8C5B6165F295BF16DC8.ttl b/data/7C/D0/68/7CD0683F27E3A8C5B6165F295BF16DC8.ttl index 1b80a2b215f..e55abff0add 100644 --- a/data/7C/D0/68/7CD0683F27E3A8C5B6165F295BF16DC8.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D0/68/7CD0683F27E3A8C5B6165F295BF16DC8.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hamilton, Fredericka B.; Williams, Douglas J.; Hardy, Nate B." ; dc:title "Andaspis ornata Hamilton & Williams, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Hamilton & Williams" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; - dwc:genus "Andaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hamilton & Williams" ; - dwc:species "ornata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; @@ -72,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Diaspididae" ; dwc:genus "Andaspis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D1/78/7CD178BAEB863CDF27C43431E212A0D0.ttl b/data/7C/D1/78/7CD178BAEB863CDF27C43431E212A0D0.ttl index f4248382900..e26623e7440 100644 --- a/data/7C/D1/78/7CD178BAEB863CDF27C43431E212A0D0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D1/78/7CD178BAEB863CDF27C43431E212A0D0.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Euphorbia prostrata Aiton" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -52,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Euphorbia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Euphorbiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malpighiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D1/93/7CD193C937FE65FC0AC4611B9498F7A3.ttl b/data/7C/D1/93/7CD193C937FE65FC0AC4611B9498F7A3.ttl index 71787e57853..0cac623c3e0 100644 --- a/data/7C/D1/93/7CD193C937FE65FC0AC4611B9498F7A3.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D1/93/7CD193C937FE65FC0AC4611B9498F7A3.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Ng, Peter K. L." ; dc:title "Salangathelphusa Bott 1968" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D2/1C/7CD21C947B4C5A0DBD5C3CA607042128.ttl b/data/7C/D2/1C/7CD21C947B4C5A0DBD5C3CA607042128.ttl index 87adb41c103..864aa235387 100644 --- a/data/7C/D2/1C/7CD21C947B4C5A0DBD5C3CA607042128.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D2/1C/7CD21C947B4C5A0DBD5C3CA607042128.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Kiria, Eleonora; Barjadze, Shalva; Tuf, Ivan Hadrian" ; dc:title "Lithobius ferganensis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Verhoeff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Lithobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotarsobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lithobiomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Verhoeff, 1943" ; - dwc:species "nodonotatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Zalesskaja" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; - dwc:family "Lithobiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Monotarsobius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lithobiomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zalesskaja, 1978" ; - dwc:species "curtipes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Chilopoda" ; dwc:family "Lithobiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D2/2C/7CD22C6A142457F5979D1B4B86AEF8F6.ttl b/data/7C/D2/2C/7CD22C6A142457F5979D1B4B86AEF8F6.ttl index 78e821c9d97..be50992b874 100644 --- a/data/7C/D2/2C/7CD22C6A142457F5979D1B4B86AEF8F6.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D2/2C/7CD22C6A142457F5979D1B4B86AEF8F6.ttl @@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ivkovic, Marija; Perovic, Marija; Grootaert, Patrick; Pollet, Marc" ; dc:title "Dolichocephala oblongoguttata" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -49,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Haliday" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1833" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Empididae" ; - dwc:genus "Dolichocephala" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Haliday, 1833)" ; - dwc:species "guttata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Empididae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D3/FD/7CD3FD95B91A51CD89C67071181EB75E.ttl b/data/7C/D3/FD/7CD3FD95B91A51CD89C67071181EB75E.ttl index ba132e9c123..bd6037c7a07 100644 --- a/data/7C/D3/FD/7CD3FD95B91A51CD89C67071181EB75E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D3/FD/7CD3FD95B91A51CD89C67071181EB75E.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ dc:creator "O'Donnell, Shawn A.; Ringelberg, Jens J.; Lewis, Gwilym P." ; dc:title "Entada phaseoloides (L.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci., C 9: 86. 1914." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D4/19/7CD41933F37D7DF7465D1888648C9902.ttl b/data/7C/D4/19/7CD41933F37D7DF7465D1888648C9902.ttl index 21975eb9ae1..8602abc2ee0 100644 --- a/data/7C/D4/19/7CD41933F37D7DF7465D1888648C9902.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D4/19/7CD41933F37D7DF7465D1888648C9902.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Longino, John T" ; dc:title "Octostruma rugifera" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; diff --git a/data/7C/D5/91/7CD591210C0C7A5A913F6580740CECAD.ttl b/data/7C/D5/91/7CD591210C0C7A5A913F6580740CECAD.ttl index 932d6118017..3e7010616fb 100644 --- a/data/7C/D5/91/7CD591210C0C7A5A913F6580740CECAD.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D5/91/7CD591210C0C7A5A913F6580740CECAD.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Murao, Ryuki; Tadauchi, Osamu; Miyanaga, Ryoichi" ; dc:title "Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) pseudonigripes Bluethgen 1934" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D6/13/7CD61358E8985F44B58D82698560BB05.ttl b/data/7C/D6/13/7CD61358E8985F44B58D82698560BB05.ttl index 8906fa78383..058ebeca8bc 100644 --- a/data/7C/D6/13/7CD61358E8985F44B58D82698560BB05.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D6/13/7CD61358E8985F44B58D82698560BB05.ttl @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Guo, Xiao-Jiang; Cheng, Rui; Jiang, Shan; Xue, Da-Yong; Han, Hong-Xiang" ; dc:title "Ditrigona crystalla Guo & Cheng & Jiang & Xue & Han 2022, comb. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -71,232 +70,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bryk" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1943" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bryk, 1943)" ; - dwc:species "derocina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moore, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "quinaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilkinson, 1968" ; - dwc:species "spilota" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "inconspicua" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1912)" ; - dwc:species "furvicosta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Oberthuer" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Oberthuer, 1923)" ; - dwc:species "jardanaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilkinson, 1968" ; - dwc:species "media" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "innotata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Leech" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Leech, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "sericea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "obliquilinea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hampson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hampson, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "idaeoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wilkinson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wilkinson, 1968" ; - dwc:species "spatulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Guo & Cheng & Jiang & Xue & Han" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Guo & Cheng & Jiang & Xue & Han" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Auzatella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Guo, Cheng, Jiang, Xue & Han, 2022)" ; - dwc:species "pentesticha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Moore, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "triangularia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; @@ -310,12 +83,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Drepanidae" ; dwc:genus "Ditrigona" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D6/68/7CD668CF757BE5698446212A3621B20F.ttl b/data/7C/D6/68/7CD668CF757BE5698446212A3621B20F.ttl index 28f8731b737..7cc4999ac3a 100644 --- a/data/7C/D6/68/7CD668CF757BE5698446212A3621B20F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D6/68/7CD668CF757BE5698446212A3621B20F.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dc:creator "Bruneau, Anne; de Queiroz, Luciano Paganucci; Ringelberg, Jens J.; Borges, Leonardo M.; Bortoluzzi, Roseli Lopes da Costa; Brown, Gillian K.; Cardoso, Domingos B. O. S.; Clark, Ruth P.; Conceicao, Adilva de Souza; Cota, Matheus Martins Teixeira; Demeulenaere, Else; de Stefano, Rodrigo Duno; Ebinger, John E.; Ferm, Julia; Fonseca-Cortes, Andres; Gagnon, Edeline; Grether, Rosaura; Guerra, Ethiene; Haston, Elspeth; Herendeen, Patrick S.; Hernandez, Hector M.; Hopkins, Helen C. F.; Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Isau; Hughes, Colin E.; Ickert-Bond, Stefanie M.; Iganci, Joao; Koenen, Erik J. M.; Lewis, Gwilym P.; de Lima, Haroldo Cavalcante; de Lima, Alexandre Gibau; Luckow, Melissa; Marazzi, Brigitte; Maslin, Bruce R.; Morales, Matias; Morim, Marli Pires; Murphy, Daniel J.; O'Donnell, Shawn A.; Oliveira, Filipe Gomes; Oliveira, Ana Carla da Silva; Rando, Juliana Gastaldello; Ribeiro, Petala Gomes; Ribeiro, Carolina Lima; Santos, Felipe da Silva; Seigler, David S.; da Silva, Guilherme Sousa; Simon, Marcelo F.; Soares, Marcos Vinicius Batista; Terra, Vanessa" ; dc:title "Mora Rchb., Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2 (2): 544. 1832." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D6/C6/7CD6C682EFE8B68B17AD1FBB108175B7.ttl b/data/7C/D6/C6/7CD6C682EFE8B68B17AD1FBB108175B7.ttl index bbf47d67eba..6d49e641eb8 100644 --- a/data/7C/D6/C6/7CD6C682EFE8B68B17AD1FBB108175B7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D6/C6/7CD6C682EFE8B68B17AD1FBB108175B7.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Fabrizi, Silvia; Dalstein, Vivian; Ahrens, Dirk" ; dc:title "Tetraserica filiforceps Fabrizi, Dalstein & Ahrens, 2019, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Melolonthidae" ; dwc:genus "Tetraserica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D6/D9/7CD6D95D9419DDC8E27743996229E6EA.ttl b/data/7C/D6/D9/7CD6D95D9419DDC8E27743996229E6EA.ttl index 69893beab87..d71dd1d17f6 100644 --- a/data/7C/D6/D9/7CD6D95D9419DDC8E27743996229E6EA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D6/D9/7CD6D95D9419DDC8E27743996229E6EA.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Subularia aquatica Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,32 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Subularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "G.T.Burnett" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Burnett, 1835" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; @@ -81,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; dwc:genus "Subularia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D6/DC/7CD6DC00BFBF5C4020494AB2DD04746E.ttl b/data/7C/D6/DC/7CD6DC00BFBF5C4020494AB2DD04746E.ttl index bc12130bebe..3d9b07a4152 100644 --- a/data/7C/D6/DC/7CD6DC00BFBF5C4020494AB2DD04746E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D6/DC/7CD6DC00BFBF5C4020494AB2DD04746E.ttl @@ -15,12 +15,10 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Salmela, Jukka; Kaunisto, Kari M; Vahtera, Varpu" ; dc:title "Dicranomyia (Idiopyga) intricata Alexander 1927" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/D7/1D/7CD71DED1B4CB4A97EBEFE9CA3148023.ttl b/data/7C/D7/1D/7CD71DED1B4CB4A97EBEFE9CA3148023.ttl index e7d38534bc6..59d9d954fd7 100644 --- a/data/7C/D7/1D/7CD71DED1B4CB4A97EBEFE9CA3148023.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D7/1D/7CD71DED1B4CB4A97EBEFE9CA3148023.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Orthognathinae Lacordaire 1865" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D7/2D/7CD72DC3158DEEB859DB751F74AF7CE1.ttl b/data/7C/D7/2D/7CD72DC3158DEEB859DB751F74AF7CE1.ttl index 276843c8198..b49becb127f 100644 --- a/data/7C/D7/2D/7CD72DC3158DEEB859DB751F74AF7CE1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D7/2D/7CD72DC3158DEEB859DB751F74AF7CE1.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Khalaim, Andrey I.; Balueva, Ekaterina N.; Kim, Ki-Beom; Lee, Jong-Wook" ; dc:title "Tersilochus (Tersilochus) fidicinus Khalaim & Lee, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,22 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Khalaim & Lee" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tersilochus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Khalaim & Lee" ; - dwc:species "fidicinus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Tersilochus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Ichneumonidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D7/F9/7CD7F9B6DDBB50DD60B260C282CB75A1.ttl b/data/7C/D7/F9/7CD7F9B6DDBB50DD60B260C282CB75A1.ttl index 353f943ec7a..82f74283874 100644 --- a/data/7C/D7/F9/7CD7F9B6DDBB50DD60B260C282CB75A1.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D7/F9/7CD7F9B6DDBB50DD60B260C282CB75A1.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Sicista caucasica Vinogradov 1925" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,82 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Sokolov, Kovalskaya, and Baskevich" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sokolov, Kovalskaya, & Baskevich, 1980" ; - dwc:species "kluchorica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Büchner" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1892" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Büchner, 1892" ; - dwc:species "concolor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sokolov and Baskevich, 1988)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sokolov and Baskevich" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sokolov & Baskevich, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "armenica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Sokolov et al., 1986 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Sokolov" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1986" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Sokolov, 1986)" ; - dwc:species "kazbegika" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1827" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; @@ -132,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dipodidae" ; dwc:genus "Sicista" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/D8/19/7CD819D6C400C1B8066921139BED9B63.ttl b/data/7C/D8/19/7CD819D6C400C1B8066921139BED9B63.ttl index 430ad726ff3..93cd4eeaa17 100644 --- a/data/7C/D8/19/7CD819D6C400C1B8066921139BED9B63.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D8/19/7CD819D6C400C1B8066921139BED9B63.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Paretas-Martinez, J.; Restrepo-Ortiz, C.; Buffington, M.; Pujade-Villar, J." ; dc:title "Cicatrix pilosiscutum Paretas-Martínez & Restrepo-Ortiz & Buffington & Pujade-Villar 2011, comb. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -81,38 +80,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Paretas-Martinez & Restrepo-Ortiz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Figitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cicatrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Paretas-Martinez & Restrepo-Ortiz, 2011" ; - dwc:species "neumannoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Paretas-Martínez & Restrepo-Ortiz & Buffington & Pujade-Villar" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Paretas-Martínez & Restrepo-Ortiz & Buffington & Pujade-Villar" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Figitidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cicatrix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Paretas-Martínez, Restrepo-Ortiz, Buffington & Pujade-Villar, 2011)" ; - dwc:species "schauffi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Figitidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D8/3B/7CD83BB688A421BF54900400FE100532.ttl b/data/7C/D8/3B/7CD83BB688A421BF54900400FE100532.ttl index e180a085602..1c94263f62b 100644 --- a/data/7C/D8/3B/7CD83BB688A421BF54900400FE100532.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D8/3B/7CD83BB688A421BF54900400FE100532.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Kimsey, Lynn S." ; dc:title "Methocha robusta Kimsey 2011, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,21 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kimsey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; - dwc:family "Tiphiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Methocha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kimsey, 2011" ; - dwc:species "depressa" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Hexapoda" ; dwc:family "Tiphiidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/D8/7E/7CD87E044A9F948AFAA891E62DF98C90.ttl b/data/7C/D8/7E/7CD87E044A9F948AFAA891E62DF98C90.ttl index 65ae0574fdb..a3dd3d55ce2 100644 --- a/data/7C/D8/7E/7CD87E044A9F948AFAA891E62DF98C90.ttl +++ b/data/7C/D8/7E/7CD87E044A9F948AFAA891E62DF98C90.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Dasyuromorphia Gill 1872" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -38,63 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bonaparte 1838" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonaparte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1838" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Thylacinidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dasyuromorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonaparte, 1838" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Waterhouse 1841" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1841" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Myrmecobiidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dasyuromorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waterhouse, 1841" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Goldfuss 1820" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goldfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1820" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dasyuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dasyuromorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goldfuss, 1820" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vaughan, 1978: 39)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vaughan" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityPageNumber "39" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1978" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Dasyuridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Dasyuromorphia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vaughan, 1978)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; diff --git a/data/7C/DB/78/7CDB78F9ECD05C5EAA77BFB2B97462B4.ttl b/data/7C/DB/78/7CDB78F9ECD05C5EAA77BFB2B97462B4.ttl index 9379ae71a7f..5be04f74a65 100644 --- a/data/7C/DB/78/7CDB78F9ECD05C5EAA77BFB2B97462B4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/DB/78/7CDB78F9ECD05C5EAA77BFB2B97462B4.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Jiang, Ning; Qi, Xiaojie; Qi, Baoxin; Cai, Fang; Xue, Han; Li, Yong" ; dc:title "Dendrostoma tianii Ning Jiang 2024, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/DC/29/7CDC292A57BACB5A0914CB0F97CB77B4.ttl b/data/7C/DC/29/7CDC292A57BACB5A0914CB0F97CB77B4.ttl index b8956883593..7054f01d0c6 100644 --- a/data/7C/DC/29/7CDC292A57BACB5A0914CB0F97CB77B4.ttl +++ b/data/7C/DC/29/7CDC292A57BACB5A0914CB0F97CB77B4.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dc:creator "Deler-Hernandez, Albert; Fikacek, Martin; Cala-Riquelme, Franklyn" ; dc:title "Berosus quadridens Chevrolat 1863, stat. restit." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Hydrophilidae" ; dwc:genus "Berosus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/DD/D7/7CDDD7B9A3131D6F14437419F10B00E5.ttl b/data/7C/DD/D7/7CDDD7B9A3131D6F14437419F10B00E5.ttl index 09dbc359f2a..89cb6015eee 100644 --- a/data/7C/DD/D7/7CDDD7B9A3131D6F14437419F10B00E5.ttl +++ b/data/7C/DD/D7/7CDDD7B9A3131D6F14437419F10B00E5.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Lissonycteris K. Andersen 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,151 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bocage 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bocage" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cynopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bocage, 1898" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Bocage 1898)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Bocage" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Bocage, 1898)" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bocage 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bocage" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bocage, 1898" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "angolensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bergmans 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergmans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergmans, 1997" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "goliath" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bergmans 1997" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bergmans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bergmans, 1997" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "petraea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Eisentraut 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Eisentraut" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eisentraut, 1965" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ruwenzorii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Lissonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1908" ; - dwc:species "angolensis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "smithii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1821" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rousettus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1821" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1899" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; - dwc:genus "Myonycteris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1899" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Pteropodidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/DE/78/7CDE78D9F945543BA13DFE496C162965.ttl b/data/7C/DE/78/7CDE78D9F945543BA13DFE496C162965.ttl index 851348f6a2b..54b22e263a7 100644 --- a/data/7C/DE/78/7CDE78D9F945543BA13DFE496C162965.ttl +++ b/data/7C/DE/78/7CDE78D9F945543BA13DFE496C162965.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Hu, Jiantao; Lan, Chun; Li, Chenhong" ; dc:title "Microdous amblyrhynchos Hu & Lan & Li 2023, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,48 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Hoese & A.C.Gill" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1993" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Odontobutidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoese & Gill, 1993" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Shibukawa, Iwata & Viravong" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Odontobutidae" ; - dwc:genus "Terateleotris" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shibukawa, Iwata & Viravong, 2001" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Valenciennes" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Rhyacichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhyacichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Valenciennes, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "aspro" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Odontobutidae" ; dwc:genus "Microdous" ; @@ -98,20 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:family "Odontobutidae" ; dwc:genus "Microdous" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gobiiformes" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; dwc:family "Odontobutidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Perciformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/DF/CC/7CDFCC8375FBA886596C8DDB9828CC95.ttl b/data/7C/DF/CC/7CDFCC8375FBA886596C8DDB9828CC95.ttl index 608842a4286..525f0c003fe 100644 --- a/data/7C/DF/CC/7CDFCC8375FBA886596C8DDB9828CC95.ttl +++ b/data/7C/DF/CC/7CDFCC8375FBA886596C8DDB9828CC95.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Psoralea pinnata Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ a fabio:BookSection . - dwc:authority "L. (1753)", "L." ; + dwc:authority "L." ; dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -61,49 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ali" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ali" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ali" ; - dwc:species "linnaei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -123,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -168,12 +119,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; dwc:genus "Indigofera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/E0/52/7CE0524A41E97631E6C160BFCD26D08E.ttl b/data/7C/E0/52/7CE0524A41E97631E6C160BFCD26D08E.ttl index f60fdf7b49b..bf7a825058f 100644 --- a/data/7C/E0/52/7CE0524A41E97631E6C160BFCD26D08E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E0/52/7CE0524A41E97631E6C160BFCD26D08E.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Aotus hershkovitzi Ramirez-Cerquera 1983" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,22 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "I. Geoffroy" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1843" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Aotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Primates" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Geoffroy, 1843" ; - dwc:species "lemurinus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lemurinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Aotidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E0/D4/7CE0D4C2C5BBDE3708A7AFADDACB262D.ttl b/data/7C/E0/D4/7CE0D4C2C5BBDE3708A7AFADDACB262D.ttl index 6961af95904..33fd9076202 100644 --- a/data/7C/E0/D4/7CE0D4C2C5BBDE3708A7AFADDACB262D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E0/D4/7CE0D4C2C5BBDE3708A7AFADDACB262D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Phillips-Rodriguez, Eugenie; Powell, Jerry A.; Hallwachs, Winnie; Janzen, Daniel H." ; dc:title "Ethmia laphamorum Phillips, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Phillips" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ethmia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Lepidoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Phillips" ; - dwc:species "laphamorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Elachistidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E1/A3/7CE1A31774E05474BBF95053F24D28B7.ttl b/data/7C/E1/A3/7CE1A31774E05474BBF95053F24D28B7.ttl index 7d1e8ab8541..e025831c004 100644 --- a/data/7C/E1/A3/7CE1A31774E05474BBF95053F24D28B7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E1/A3/7CE1A31774E05474BBF95053F24D28B7.ttl @@ -9,14 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Meng, Changjun; Cao, Suyan; Dong, Wen; Gao, Cuiqing" ; dc:title "Oxycarenus gossypii Horvath 1926" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , , ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,7 +48,6 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:authority "(Kirby, 1891)" ; dwc:baseAuthorityName "Kirby" ; dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1891" ; dwc:class "Insecta" ; @@ -67,37 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(NKUM)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "NKUM" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Malvaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Abutilon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Malvales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nkum)" ; - dwc:species "indicum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Distant" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1904" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; - dwc:genus "Oxycarenus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Distant, 1904" ; - dwc:species "bicolor" ; - dwc:subSpecies "heraldus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Oxycarenidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E2/24/7CE2240B1EE454DD9311EEF65B34E309.ttl b/data/7C/E2/24/7CE2240B1EE454DD9311EEF65B34E309.ttl index 35ccb078620..764b22b4cf3 100644 --- a/data/7C/E2/24/7CE2240B1EE454DD9311EEF65B34E309.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E2/24/7CE2240B1EE454DD9311EEF65B34E309.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ingrisch, Sigfrid" ; dc:title "Liara (Indoliara) dividata Ingrisch 2020, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -47,35 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1891" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Redtenbacher, 1891" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Ingrisch, 2020" ; - dwc:authorityName "Ingrisch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; - dwc:genus "Indoliara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ingrisch, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; @@ -96,12 +67,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tettigoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Liara" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Orthoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/E2/38/7CE238B8527BF91C5FEBD2499DCB6FEC.ttl b/data/7C/E2/38/7CE238B8527BF91C5FEBD2499DCB6FEC.ttl index a9e1bb6301d..34f958a3fae 100644 --- a/data/7C/E2/38/7CE238B8527BF91C5FEBD2499DCB6FEC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E2/38/7CE238B8527BF91C5FEBD2499DCB6FEC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Cunha, Carlo M.; Rosenberg, Gary" ; dc:title "Aplysia (Metaplysia) badistes Pilsbry 1951" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/E2/C6/7CE2C634E2F058E8BF47892F23897E86.ttl b/data/7C/E2/C6/7CE2C634E2F058E8BF47892F23897E86.ttl index 3d7e43e378d..d69672500d1 100644 --- a/data/7C/E2/C6/7CE2C634E2F058E8BF47892F23897E86.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E2/C6/7CE2C634E2F058E8BF47892F23897E86.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; Smetana, Ales; Sweeney, Jon D.; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Gabrius fallaciosus **" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/E3/04/7CE30421DCC15A2F93C32F8ACA55333F.ttl b/data/7C/E3/04/7CE30421DCC15A2F93C32F8ACA55333F.ttl index 037086903df..753f66c348d 100644 --- a/data/7C/E3/04/7CE30421DCC15A2F93C32F8ACA55333F.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E3/04/7CE30421DCC15A2F93C32F8ACA55333F.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Liu, Keke; Ying, Yuanhao; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Edelithus Liu & Li 2022, gen. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,116 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edelithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Li, 2022" ; - dwc:species "shenmiguo" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Kamura" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Labialithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kamura, 2021" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thorell" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Otacilia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thorell, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "C.L.Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1839" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Phrurolithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1839" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liu & S.Q.Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Aculithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Li, 2022" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liu" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2020" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Alboculus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu, 2020" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liu & S.Q.Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Grandilithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Li, 2022" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Liu & Li" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; - dwc:genus "Edelithus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Liu & Li, 2022" ; - dwc:species "puer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:family "Phrurolithidae" ; dwc:genus "Edelithus" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E4/94/7CE4942B428905ACA37007527DA77963.ttl b/data/7C/E4/94/7CE4942B428905ACA37007527DA77963.ttl index f53ae6f6a1c..8a0bbbe228a 100644 --- a/data/7C/E4/94/7CE4942B428905ACA37007527DA77963.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E4/94/7CE4942B428905ACA37007527DA77963.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Arriaga-Varela, Emmanuel; Tomaszewska, Wioletta; Huo, Lizhi; Seidel, Matthias" ; dc:title "Rueckeria skelleyi Arriaga-Varela, Tomaszewska, Huo & Seidel, 2018, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/E4/C6/7CE4C628202FDE40B7EC3EE105D0C33C.ttl b/data/7C/E4/C6/7CE4C628202FDE40B7EC3EE105D0C33C.ttl index 6a7a35bf679..0f51337da5c 100644 --- a/data/7C/E4/C6/7CE4C628202FDE40B7EC3EE105D0C33C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E4/C6/7CE4C628202FDE40B7EC3EE105D0C33C.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Forel, A." ; dc:title "Leptothorax flavispinus" ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -26,23 +25,6 @@ dc:title "Miscellanea myrmicologiques, II (1905)." ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - # Warning: Removing "(Atopogyne)" from authority ; - dwc:LSID-HNS "" ; - dwc:authority "Forel (Atopogyne)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Forel (Atopogyne)" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Formicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Cremastogaster" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Forel" ; - dwc:species "inermis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Formicidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E5/7C/7CE57C2251233D58553658719CAEA43C.ttl b/data/7C/E5/7C/7CE57C2251233D58553658719CAEA43C.ttl index 1a730f2bfda..cb2cdd0ff55 100644 --- a/data/7C/E5/7C/7CE57C2251233D58553658719CAEA43C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E5/7C/7CE57C2251233D58553658719CAEA43C.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Cherman, Mariana Alejandra; Mise, Kleber Makoto; Moron †, Miguel Angel; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.; Almeida, Lucia Massutti de" ; dc:title "Liogenys femella Cherman, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Cherman" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Melolonthidae" ; - dwc:genus "Liogenys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cherman" ; - dwc:species "femella" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Melolonthidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E5/E2/7CE5E25D095760A11D90677A5F44E684.ttl b/data/7C/E5/E2/7CE5E25D095760A11D90677A5F44E684.ttl index 18adc65f427..de3f21c05d8 100644 --- a/data/7C/E5/E2/7CE5E25D095760A11D90677A5F44E684.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E5/E2/7CE5E25D095760A11D90677A5F44E684.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Frolov, Andrey; Akhmetova, Lilia" ; dc:title "Aphodius fimetarius Linnaeus 1758" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphodiidae" ; dwc:genus "Aphodius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/E5/E7/7CE5E7870BC2BA6C3A53F59CDE871031.ttl b/data/7C/E5/E7/7CE5E7870BC2BA6C3A53F59CDE871031.ttl index 10c9cbe2b07..dbb8eb5ad28 100644 --- a/data/7C/E5/E7/7CE5E7870BC2BA6C3A53F59CDE871031.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E5/E7/7CE5E7870BC2BA6C3A53F59CDE871031.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Murina (Murina) suilla subsp. suilla Temminck 1840" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -44,24 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Murina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Chiroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1908" ; - dwc:species "suilla" ; - dwc:subGenus "Murina" ; - dwc:subSpecies "balstoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Vespertilionidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/E6/10/7CE6106B9ECDAD6F8A36EACABEB7C65B.ttl b/data/7C/E6/10/7CE6106B9ECDAD6F8A36EACABEB7C65B.ttl index 0f05b019ef8..fa8d05c865a 100644 --- a/data/7C/E6/10/7CE6106B9ECDAD6F8A36EACABEB7C65B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E6/10/7CE6106B9ECDAD6F8A36EACABEB7C65B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Darbyshire, Teresa" ; dc:title "Gymnonereis Horst 1919" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/E6/C8/7CE6C8879BC35422A4146E855C838D0C.ttl b/data/7C/E6/C8/7CE6C8879BC35422A4146E855C838D0C.ttl index 4743bc3cecb..0d692cf1a9a 100644 --- a/data/7C/E6/C8/7CE6C8879BC35422A4146E855C838D0C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E6/C8/7CE6C8879BC35422A4146E855C838D0C.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Della Rocca, Francesca; Stefanelli, Silvia; Cardarelli, Elisa; Bogliani, Giuseppe; Bracco, Francesco" ; dc:title "Pyrausta despicata Scopoli 1763" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/E6/F6/7CE6F63506BB6F2710215E5CAA51D6F9.ttl b/data/7C/E6/F6/7CE6F63506BB6F2710215E5CAA51D6F9.ttl index ccedeeb32b6..9ba3a91fb2c 100644 --- a/data/7C/E6/F6/7CE6F63506BB6F2710215E5CAA51D6F9.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E6/F6/7CE6F63506BB6F2710215E5CAA51D6F9.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Alexander; Taenzler, Rene; Balke, Michael; Rahmadi, Cahyo; Suhardjono, Yayuk R." ; dc:title "Trigonopterus attenboroughi Riedel, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Riedel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel" ; - dwc:species "attenboroughi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -71,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Trigonopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/E8/13/7CE813ECE8E8CDB93308A22227D5CDD2.ttl b/data/7C/E8/13/7CE813ECE8E8CDB93308A22227D5CDD2.ttl index eaaed0d6ac3..ae30c127372 100644 --- a/data/7C/E8/13/7CE813ECE8E8CDB93308A22227D5CDD2.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E8/13/7CE813ECE8E8CDB93308A22227D5CDD2.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Ajuga chamaepitys Schreb." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -53,22 +52,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Ajuga" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Lamiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lamiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/E8/3F/7CE83FA60DAF74E36A99C97B08A84FDB.ttl b/data/7C/E8/3F/7CE83FA60DAF74E36A99C97B08A84FDB.ttl index ce238d40fa0..38f74322bf5 100644 --- a/data/7C/E8/3F/7CE83FA60DAF74E36A99C97B08A84FDB.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E8/3F/7CE83FA60DAF74E36A99C97B08A84FDB.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Mahunka, S." ; dc:title "Carabocepheus lounsburyi Berlese" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/E8/82/7CE882645FFE5E098396D563E25E6945.ttl b/data/7C/E8/82/7CE882645FFE5E098396D563E25E6945.ttl index 6073bb44ffe..b8ebb9e7a9d 100644 --- a/data/7C/E8/82/7CE882645FFE5E098396D563E25E6945.ttl +++ b/data/7C/E8/82/7CE882645FFE5E098396D563E25E6945.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Long, Sihan; Liu, Lili; Pi, Yinhui; Wu, Youpeng; Lin, Yan; Zhang, Xu; Long, Qingde; Kang, Yingqian; Kang, Jichuan; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Wang, Feng; Shen, Xiangchun; Li, Qirui" ; dc:title "Diatrypella oregonensis S. H. Long & Q. R. Li 2021, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -97,12 +95,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Diatrypaceae" ; dwc:genus "Diatrypella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xylariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -167,12 +160,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Pyrenomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Diatrypaceae" ; dwc:genus "Diatrype" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xylariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/EA/48/7CEA480C520B5F4381B1E99A4354A96D.ttl b/data/7C/EA/48/7CEA480C520B5F4381B1E99A4354A96D.ttl index 68fc115a328..074da57e148 100644 --- a/data/7C/EA/48/7CEA480C520B5F4381B1E99A4354A96D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EA/48/7CEA480C520B5F4381B1E99A4354A96D.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:creator "Jezek, Jan; Manko, Peter; Obona, Jozef" ; dc:title "Psychomora trinodulosa" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/EA/8D/7CEA8DF276E67B6436F1FD4324CA9A24.ttl b/data/7C/EA/8D/7CEA8DF276E67B6436F1FD4324CA9A24.ttl index 2a37d094344..c14475e3fc6 100644 --- a/data/7C/EA/8D/7CEA8DF276E67B6436F1FD4324CA9A24.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EA/8D/7CEA8DF276E67B6436F1FD4324CA9A24.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Geranium sanguineum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Geraniaceae" ; dwc:genus "Geranium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Geraniales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/EB/7F/7CEB7F38D3F85DEDB731BD2E73EC1C01.ttl b/data/7C/EB/7F/7CEB7F38D3F85DEDB731BD2E73EC1C01.ttl index ef72081cac4..ea12b049272 100644 --- a/data/7C/EB/7F/7CEB7F38D3F85DEDB731BD2E73EC1C01.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EB/7F/7CEB7F38D3F85DEDB731BD2E73EC1C01.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Suarez, Francisco Tobar; Lopez, Maria Fernanda; Gavilanes, Maria Jose; Monteros, Marco Federico; Garcia, Tatiana Santander; Graham, Catherine Helen" ; dc:title "Lepanthes oro-lojaensis Tobar & M. F. Lopez 2021, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -49,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Tobar & Monteros" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2021" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Lepanthes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tobar & Monteros, 2021" ; - dwc:species "caranqui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/EC/64/7CEC6490D7561D58FD7D2D4DE7FA787A.ttl b/data/7C/EC/64/7CEC6490D7561D58FD7D2D4DE7FA787A.ttl index 9f581096023..493e116c940 100644 --- a/data/7C/EC/64/7CEC6490D7561D58FD7D2D4DE7FA787A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EC/64/7CEC6490D7561D58FD7D2D4DE7FA787A.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:title "Anogramma leptophylla Link 1841" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -79,11 +78,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Polypodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Pteridaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Polypodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/ED/48/7CED487C3C06213F97AD44594442A469.ttl b/data/7C/ED/48/7CED487C3C06213F97AD44594442A469.ttl index d6345c3a23c..2f65335de4a 100644 --- a/data/7C/ED/48/7CED487C3C06213F97AD44594442A469.ttl +++ b/data/7C/ED/48/7CED487C3C06213F97AD44594442A469.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Orchis spitzelii Sauter" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -51,12 +50,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Orchis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/EE/1E/7CEE1EF762D857B2A98688CA8071746B.ttl b/data/7C/EE/1E/7CEE1EF762D857B2A98688CA8071746B.ttl index 030b776e6aa..2e1bb9f8da1 100644 --- a/data/7C/EE/1E/7CEE1EF762D857B2A98688CA8071746B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EE/1E/7CEE1EF762D857B2A98688CA8071746B.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Chang, Wan-Jin; Yao, Zhiyuan; Li, Shuqiang" ; dc:title "Merizocera Fage 1912" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -44,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Simon" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1893" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Psilodercidae" ; - dwc:genus "Merizocera" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Simon, 1893)" ; - dwc:species "cruciata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Psilodercidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/EF/EE/7CEFEE5FC92065EA4EAC7557664B4FCA.ttl b/data/7C/EF/EE/7CEFEE5FC92065EA4EAC7557664B4FCA.ttl index 829d9414f3c..96d86e42f10 100644 --- a/data/7C/EF/EE/7CEFEE5FC92065EA4EAC7557664B4FCA.ttl +++ b/data/7C/EF/EE/7CEFEE5FC92065EA4EAC7557664B4FCA.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Neubauer, Thomas A.; Harzhauser, Mathias; Kroh, Andreas; Elisavet, Georgopoulou; Mandic, Oleg" ; dc:title "Melanopsis citharella subsp. elongata Locard, 1893 non Ferussac 1823" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/F0/C3/7CF0C3478F89A7B7C2672BAA5699CC38.ttl b/data/7C/F0/C3/7CF0C3478F89A7B7C2672BAA5699CC38.ttl index f7f11061be6..2f9a961469d 100644 --- a/data/7C/F0/C3/7CF0C3478F89A7B7C2672BAA5699CC38.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F0/C3/7CF0C3478F89A7B7C2672BAA5699CC38.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Aquilegia einseleana F. W. Schulz" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -36,21 +35,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schott et Kotschy" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schott et Kotschy" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aquilegia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Ranunculales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schott & Kotschy" ; - dwc:species "thalictrifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Ranunculaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/F2/38/7CF238AEB101EDA8B400880FF20824BC.ttl b/data/7C/F2/38/7CF238AEB101EDA8B400880FF20824BC.ttl index 550b35db9d5..58d43b1a175 100644 --- a/data/7C/F2/38/7CF238AEB101EDA8B400880FF20824BC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F2/38/7CF238AEB101EDA8B400880FF20824BC.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Moritz, M." ; dc:title "Liochthonius furcillatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,12 +40,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Brachychthoniidae" ; dwc:genus "Liochthonius" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Sarcoptiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F2/CB/7CF2CBBCEE5ACC4377054CADC9D8F64D.ttl b/data/7C/F2/CB/7CF2CBBCEE5ACC4377054CADC9D8F64D.ttl index 16e50094278..170c51ccb2d 100644 --- a/data/7C/F2/CB/7CF2CBBCEE5ACC4377054CADC9D8F64D.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F2/CB/7CF2CBBCEE5ACC4377054CADC9D8F64D.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jansen, Justin J. F. J." ; dc:title "Philedon buceroides Swainson" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -62,20 +59,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Vieillot" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1816" ; - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Meliphagidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philemon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vieillot, 1816" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Aves" ; dwc:family "Meliphagidae" ; @@ -136,12 +119,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Aves" ; - dwc:family "Meliphagidae" ; dwc:genus "Philemon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Passeriformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F3/2D/7CF32D10A0C91B42032E53439FED9337.ttl b/data/7C/F3/2D/7CF32D10A0C91B42032E53439FED9337.ttl index f96c3186a6c..27e24a933d4 100644 --- a/data/7C/F3/2D/7CF32D10A0C91B42032E53439FED9337.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F3/2D/7CF32D10A0C91B42032E53439FED9337.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Gondim, Anne Isabelley; Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey; Pereira Dias, Thelma Lucia" ; dc:title "Coscinasterias tenuispina" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:deprecates , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -123,21 +122,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asteriidae" ; - dwc:genus "Coscinasterias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipuladita" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1840)" ; - dwc:species "calamaria" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; dwc:family "Asteriidae" ; @@ -152,12 +136,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Asteroidea" ; - dwc:family "Asteriidae" ; dwc:genus "Coscinasterias" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Forcipuladita" ; - dwc:phylum "Echinodermata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F3/7F/7CF37FE96B725CE31196D9803489A554.ttl b/data/7C/F3/7F/7CF37FE96B725CE31196D9803489A554.ttl index 29368737ebd..93aaaf138fc 100644 --- a/data/7C/F3/7F/7CF37FE96B725CE31196D9803489A554.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F3/7F/7CF37FE96B725CE31196D9803489A554.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Chenopodium berlandieri Moq." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/F4/D2/7CF4D2F023DE8D07E44BE385148E0A5B.ttl b/data/7C/F4/D2/7CF4D2F023DE8D07E44BE385148E0A5B.ttl index 921bce7ffc2..bff927c6375 100644 --- a/data/7C/F4/D2/7CF4D2F023DE8D07E44BE385148E0A5B.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F4/D2/7CF4D2F023DE8D07E44BE385148E0A5B.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Longino, J. T." ; dc:title "Crematogaster" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/F5/7E/7CF57E5D78BAE31A245FE4FD85B0221C.ttl b/data/7C/F5/7E/7CF57E5D78BAE31A245FE4FD85B0221C.ttl index 8d0469730c5..16861e1d279 100644 --- a/data/7C/F5/7E/7CF57E5D78BAE31A245FE4FD85B0221C.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F5/7E/7CF57E5D78BAE31A245FE4FD85B0221C.ttl @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Diphasiastrum issleri Holub" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,22 +55,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; - dwc:family "Lycopodiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Diphasiastrum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lycopodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Lycopodiopsida" ; dwc:family "Lycopodiaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Lycopodiales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F5/D9/7CF5D90BA350ADBB07186A8272DB4681.ttl b/data/7C/F5/D9/7CF5D90BA350ADBB07186A8272DB4681.ttl index 91593000cec..7645758b584 100644 --- a/data/7C/F5/D9/7CF5D90BA350ADBB07186A8272DB4681.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F5/D9/7CF5D90BA350ADBB07186A8272DB4681.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Claytonia virginica Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1753" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Montiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Claytonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1753" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Montiaceae" ; @@ -71,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Montiaceae" ; dwc:genus "Claytonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Caryophyllales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F6/9B/7CF69B5F5DC233DF43EFE15A62A30726.ttl b/data/7C/F6/9B/7CF69B5F5DC233DF43EFE15A62A30726.ttl index b5cfebc4c89..21cac607306 100644 --- a/data/7C/F6/9B/7CF69B5F5DC233DF43EFE15A62A30726.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F6/9B/7CF69B5F5DC233DF43EFE15A62A30726.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Weirauch, Christiane; Hoey-Chamberlain, Rochelle; Knyshov, Alexander" ; dc:title "Glyptocombus halbertae Weirauch, Hoey-Chamberlain & Knyshov, 2018, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -58,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Schizopteridae" ; dwc:genus "Glyptocombus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/F6/A0/7CF6A09440B55DB788D27DB3406938BC.ttl b/data/7C/F6/A0/7CF6A09440B55DB788D27DB3406938BC.ttl index 0bd821787e8..9fc1b714716 100644 --- a/data/7C/F6/A0/7CF6A09440B55DB788D27DB3406938BC.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F6/A0/7CF6A09440B55DB788D27DB3406938BC.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Crocidura canariensis Hutterer, Lopez-Jurado and Vogel 1987" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Miller" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Miller, 1900" ; - dwc:species "sicula" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Soricidae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/F7/1C/7CF71C6411855EBEB5DC1896CDF7300E.ttl b/data/7C/F7/1C/7CF71C6411855EBEB5DC1896CDF7300E.ttl index 29e809aeb07..ef899e0e834 100644 --- a/data/7C/F7/1C/7CF71C6411855EBEB5DC1896CDF7300E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F7/1C/7CF71C6411855EBEB5DC1896CDF7300E.ttl @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Ghosh, Srinjana; Sarkar, Subhankar Kumar; Chakraborty, Susanta" ; dc:title "Sclerotia aquatilis" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/7C/F7/B2/7CF7B21F049EBEF94BC6A3476F4B4A54.ttl b/data/7C/F7/B2/7CF7B21F049EBEF94BC6A3476F4B4A54.ttl index f6dd98514ae..8484b0c6c50 100644 --- a/data/7C/F7/B2/7CF7B21F049EBEF94BC6A3476F4B4A54.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F7/B2/7CF7B21F049EBEF94BC6A3476F4B4A54.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because genus "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Yu, Hao; Zhang, Jianshuang; Chen, Jian" ; dc:title "japonica - group" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/F8/52/7CF852BD77BD5D09BB086427FD9CA204.ttl b/data/7C/F8/52/7CF852BD77BD5D09BB086427FD9CA204.ttl index f69889043a9..bb690f3824d 100644 --- a/data/7C/F8/52/7CF852BD77BD5D09BB086427FD9CA204.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F8/52/7CF852BD77BD5D09BB086427FD9CA204.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Popova, Kristina V.; Molodtsov, Vladimir V.; Sergeev, Michael G." ; dc:title "Sphingonotus coerulipes Uvarov 1922" ; diff --git a/data/7C/F8/B7/7CF8B766A80D7B75B2B9154D3802093E.ttl b/data/7C/F8/B7/7CF8B766A80D7B75B2B9154D3802093E.ttl index d3306d2650b..e397fd279e3 100644 --- a/data/7C/F8/B7/7CF8B766A80D7B75B2B9154D3802093E.ttl +++ b/data/7C/F8/B7/7CF8B766A80D7B75B2B9154D3802093E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Chenopodium ficifolium Smith" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -40,21 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Schrader" ; - dwc:authorityName "Schrader" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Loroglossum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schrader" ; - dwc:species "hircinum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Amaranthaceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/FA/5E/7CFA5E135EFD1E1DD683720C420E8A7A.ttl b/data/7C/FA/5E/7CFA5E135EFD1E1DD683720C420E8A7A.ttl index 0d0897e5945..e6907942520 100644 --- a/data/7C/FA/5E/7CFA5E135EFD1E1DD683720C420E8A7A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FA/5E/7CFA5E135EFD1E1DD683720C420E8A7A.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Polycnemum arvense L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/FD/36/7CFD36EC33DB6204B0F4D8D352581568.ttl b/data/7C/FD/36/7CFD36EC33DB6204B0F4D8D352581568.ttl index bae3e70a71a..b573a50b475 100644 --- a/data/7C/FD/36/7CFD36EC33DB6204B0F4D8D352581568.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FD/36/7CFD36EC33DB6204B0F4D8D352581568.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Millardia Thomas 1911" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,205 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gray 1837" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Golunda" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1837" ; - dwc:species "meltada" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1911" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1911" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Grypomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1911" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1917" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Guyia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sody 1941" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Millardomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Murray 1885)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Murray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Millardia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Murray, 1885)" ; - dwc:species "gleadowi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Millardia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1914" ; - dwc:species "kathleenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Mishra and Dhanda 1975" ; - dwc:authorityName "Mishra and Dhanda" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1975" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Millardia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mishra & Dhanda, 1975" ; - dwc:species "kondana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Gray 1837)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Millardia" ; - dwc:isUncertain "true" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gray, 1837)" ; - dwc:species "meltada" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Ellerman, 1961)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Ellerman" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1961" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Rattus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Ellerman, 1961)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Misonne, 1969)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Misonne" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1969" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Cremnomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Misonne, 1969)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sody" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1941" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Madromys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sody, 1941" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1917" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Diomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1917" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Denys, 1990 a)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Denys" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1990" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Muridae" ; - dwc:genus "Acomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Denys, 1990)" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Muridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/FD/50/7CFD502E07811F646EAB87A33DFB4FB7.ttl b/data/7C/FD/50/7CFD502E07811F646EAB87A33DFB4FB7.ttl index 995bda09a4b..5d6394d5039 100644 --- a/data/7C/FD/50/7CFD502E07811F646EAB87A33DFB4FB7.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FD/50/7CFD502E07811F646EAB87A33DFB4FB7.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Dremomys Heude 1898" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -41,439 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1867" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Zetis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1908" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas 1890)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1890)" ; - dwc:species "everetti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Osgood 1932" ; - dwc:authorityName "Osgood" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1932" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Osgood, 1932" ; - dwc:species "gularis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Hodgson 1836)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Hodgson, 1836)" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hodgson 1836" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hodgson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1836" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hodgson, 1836" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - dwc:subSpecies "lokriah" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1922" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - dwc:subSpecies "garonum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas and Wroughton 1916" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas and Wroughton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1916" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas & Wroughton, 1916" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - dwc:subSpecies "macmillani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Cai and Zhang 1980" ; - dwc:authorityName "Cai and Zhang" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1980" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cai & Zhang, 1980" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - dwc:subSpecies "motuoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Moore 1956" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moore" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1956" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moore, 1956" ; - dwc:species "lokriah" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pagus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Milne-Edwards 1867)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Milne-Edwards, 1867)" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Milne-Edwards 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Milne-Edwards" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Milne-Edwards, 1867" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pernyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G. M. Allen 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. M. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1912" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "flavior" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1922" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "howelli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1922" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1922" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1922" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "imus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1908" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "owstoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G. M. Allen 1912" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. M. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1912" ; - dwc:species "pernyi" ; - dwc:subSpecies "senex" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Thomas 1895)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1895)" ; - dwc:species "pyrrhomerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1895" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1895" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1895" ; - dwc:species "pyrrhomerus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "pyrrhomerus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "J. A. Allen 1906" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. A. Allen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1906" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Allen, 1906" ; - dwc:species "pyrrhomerus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "riudonensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Blanford 1878)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Blanford, 1878)" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blanford 1878" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blanford" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1878" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blanford, 1878" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rufigenis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1914" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "adamsoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bonhote 1908" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonhote" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1908" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonhote, 1908" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "belfieldi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bonhote 1907" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bonhote" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonhote, 1907" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "fuscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thomas 1914" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Dremomys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1914" ; - dwc:species "rufigenis" ; - dwc:subSpecies "ornatus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/FD/65/7CFD651C44D2FFC5CE2BF1C3C6D3C67A.ttl b/data/7C/FD/65/7CFD651C44D2FFC5CE2BF1C3C6D3C67A.ttl index 45173f46efc..3e348372c1e 100644 --- a/data/7C/FD/65/7CFD651C44D2FFC5CE2BF1C3C6D3C67A.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FD/65/7CFD651C44D2FFC5CE2BF1C3C6D3C67A.ttl @@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Broad, Gavin R.; Shaw, Mark R.; Godfray, H. Charles J." ; dc:title "Ichneumonoidea (Paraphidius) Stary 1958" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/7C/FD/6D/7CFD6D3903E0E52B46E459DAD4F35577.ttl b/data/7C/FD/6D/7CFD6D3903E0E52B46E459DAD4F35577.ttl index 274ba4e7461..953953dc3c7 100644 --- a/data/7C/FD/6D/7CFD6D3903E0E52B46E459DAD4F35577.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FD/6D/7CFD6D3903E0E52B46E459DAD4F35577.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Cardamine parviflora L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,22 +49,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cardamine" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Brassicaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Brassicales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/7C/FE/0A/7CFE0AF61BEF2EF01DAD734D4E11ADEF.ttl b/data/7C/FE/0A/7CFE0AF61BEF2EF01DAD734D4E11ADEF.ttl index 1037a929c38..85c6e87acad 100644 --- a/data/7C/FE/0A/7CFE0AF61BEF2EF01DAD734D4E11ADEF.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FE/0A/7CFE0AF61BEF2EF01DAD734D4E11ADEF.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ainsworth, A. Martyn; Cannon, Paul F.; Dentinger, Bryn T. M." ; dc:title "Gliophorus reginae Dentinger, A. M. Ainsw., & P. F. Cannon, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "Registration Identifier: IndexFungorum IF550184" ; - dwc:authority "Dentinger, A. M. Ainsw., & P. F. Cannon" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Hygrophoraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gliophorus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Agaricales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Dentinger, Ainsw., & Cannon" ; - dwc:species "reginae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Hygrophoraceae" ; diff --git a/data/7C/FE/9A/7CFE9A66C65B593E876EBFC40F3BEA23.ttl b/data/7C/FE/9A/7CFE9A66C65B593E876EBFC40F3BEA23.ttl index dc5222d774b..bcacd62cffd 100644 --- a/data/7C/FE/9A/7CFE9A66C65B593E876EBFC40F3BEA23.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FE/9A/7CFE9A66C65B593E876EBFC40F3BEA23.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Error: Could not add TaxonConceptCitation -# Error: Could not produce taxonNameURI ; cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Dong, Junhong; Zhu, Yonggao; Qian, Chengbin; Zhao, Changlin" ; dc:title "Adustochaete punctata J. H Dong & C. L. Zhao 2024, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/7C/FF/E3/7CFFE30EDC26AFEEB8DCCB8BE367FEF0.ttl b/data/7C/FF/E3/7CFFE30EDC26AFEEB8DCCB8BE367FEF0.ttl index cd83a45f98a..0e7f94e9ed0 100644 --- a/data/7C/FF/E3/7CFFE30EDC26AFEEB8DCCB8BE367FEF0.ttl +++ b/data/7C/FF/E3/7CFFE30EDC26AFEEB8DCCB8BE367FEF0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Cuscuta europaea L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -41,34 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Humulus, Salix" ; - dwc:authorityName "Humulus, Salix" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Urticaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Urtica" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Rosales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Humulus, Salix" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Artemisia" ; - dwc:authorityName "Artemisia" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Convolvulus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Artemisia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; @@ -83,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Convolvulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Cuscuta" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Solanales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/09/37/F60937F2D91359B1A32CD165AAC3589B.ttl b/data/F6/09/37/F60937F2D91359B1A32CD165AAC3589B.ttl index a03c998ce95..1d6704bc021 100644 --- a/data/F6/09/37/F60937F2D91359B1A32CD165AAC3589B.ttl +++ b/data/F6/09/37/F60937F2D91359B1A32CD165AAC3589B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Baturina, Maria A.; Kaygorodova, Irina A.; Loskutova, Olga A." ; dc:title "Rhyacodrilus coccineus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; diff --git a/data/F6/09/63/F60963F7E9302B404B1AD23DD9417467.ttl b/data/F6/09/63/F60963F7E9302B404B1AD23DD9417467.ttl index 1c1b5505e35..25a937d1e50 100644 --- a/data/F6/09/63/F60963F7E9302B404B1AD23DD9417467.ttl +++ b/data/F6/09/63/F60963F7E9302B404B1AD23DD9417467.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Sciurus (Guerlinguetus) granatensis subsp. chrysuros Pucheran 1845" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,42 +42,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gray 1867" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gray, 1867" ; - dwc:species "granatensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Guerlinguetus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "hyporrhodus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pucheran 1845" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pucheran" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1845" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; - dwc:genus "Sciurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subSpecies" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pucheran, 1845" ; - dwc:species "granatensis" ; - dwc:subGenus "Guerlinguetus" ; - dwc:subSpecies "rufoniger" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Sciuridae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D88FA5C5A6DDF46.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D88FA5C5A6DDF46.ttl index d7230911438..18a30068795 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D88FA5C5A6DDF46.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D88FA5C5A6DDF46.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Zaglossus Gill 1877" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,35 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Peters and Doria, 1876" ; - dwc:authorityName "Peters and Doria" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1876" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peters & Doria, 1876" ; - dwc:species "bruijni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Bruynia, Prozaglossus." ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthoglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bruynia, Prozaglossus." ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AF7A45B23D1F4.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AF7A45B23D1F4.ttl index 45479fc7ab7..367b766b6a2 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AF7A45B23D1F4.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AF7A45B23D1F4.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Ornithorhynchus Blumenbach 1800" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,108 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Blumenbach, 1800" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blumenbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1800" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blumenbach, 1800" ; - dwc:species "paradoxus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shaw, 1799" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shaw" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shaw, 1799" ; - dwc:species "anatinus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Wiedemann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1800" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dermipus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wiedemann, 1800" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Shaw, 1799" ; - dwc:authorityName "Shaw" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Shaw, 1799" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Herbst, 1793" ; - dwc:authorityName "Herbst" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1793" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Platypus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herbst, 1793" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Bonaparte" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bonaparte, 1837" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blumenbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1800" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blumenbach, 1800" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; @@ -159,10 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "order" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AFCE45D9ADAE2.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AFCE45D9ADAE2.ttl index ffef16d943d..0f386285c6f 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AFCE45D9ADAE2.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5D8AFCE45D9ADAE2.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Tachyglossus Illiger 1811" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -40,82 +39,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Lacepede, 1799" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echidna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacepede, 1799" ; - dwc:species "novaehollandiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Goldfuss, 1809" ; - dwc:authorityName "Goldfuss" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Acanthonotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Goldfuss, 1809" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G. Cuvier, 1797" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. Cuvier" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1797" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echidna" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cuvier, 1797" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "G. Fischer, 1814" ; - dwc:authorityName "G. Fischer" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1814" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinopus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Fischer, 1814" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Rafinesque, 1815" ; - dwc:authorityName "Rafinesque" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1815" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Syphonia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rafinesque, 1815" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DA3F9CC58B1DE88.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DA3F9CC58B1DE88.ttl index 1a5972bec37..809e1271633 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DA3F9CC58B1DE88.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DA3F9CC58B1DE88.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Zaglossus bruijni" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,51 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zaglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Thomas, 1907)" ; - dwc:species "bartoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1907" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zaglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1907" ; - dwc:species "goodfellowi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Chapuis" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1865" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Zaglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Chapuis, 1865" ; - dwc:species "pallidus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCF6BD5D2FD369.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCF6BD5D2FD369.ttl index 17f8fc1a621..a48a7ee9128 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCF6BD5D2FD369.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCF6BD5D2FD369.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Ornithorhynchus anatinus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -42,81 +40,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Ogilby" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1832" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ogilby, 1832" ; - dwc:species "brevirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "MacGillivray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "MacGillivray, 1827" ; - dwc:species "crispus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "MacGillivray" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1827" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "MacGillivray, 1827" ; - dwc:species "laevis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacepede, 1799" ; - dwc:species "novaehollandiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blumenbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1800" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ornithorhynchus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blumenbach, 1800" ; - dwc:species "paradoxus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Omithorhynchidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCFBA85891DCAE.ttl b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCFBA85891DCAE.ttl index 0b5b9a1a0ec..cd1fd4abe0b 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCFBA85891DCAE.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/2D/F60B2D4AFF8E284E5DBCFBA85891DCAE.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Colin P. Groves" ; dc:title "Tachyglossus aculeatus" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lacepede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1799" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tachyglossus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Monotremata" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lacepede, 1799" ; - dwc:species "novaehollandiae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Tachyglossidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/0B/F0/F60BF02D678A5B5BB2DB27DB786800A1.ttl b/data/F6/0B/F0/F60BF02D678A5B5BB2DB27DB786800A1.ttl index 78fb012d10b..3414669564b 100644 --- a/data/F6/0B/F0/F60BF02D678A5B5BB2DB27DB786800A1.ttl +++ b/data/F6/0B/F0/F60BF02D678A5B5BB2DB27DB786800A1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Bryner, Rudolf; Huemer, Peter" ; dc:title "Nematopogon adansoniella de Villers 1789" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/26/23/F62623865D2A536B941AB0B53283B1A0.ttl b/data/F6/26/23/F62623865D2A536B941AB0B53283B1A0.ttl index e4da5197d6b..da28ad0b8ca 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/23/F62623865D2A536B941AB0B53283B1A0.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/23/F62623865D2A536B941AB0B53283B1A0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Zhang, Ming; Li, Tai-Hui; Wang, Chao-Qun; Zeng, Nian-Kai; Deng, Wang-Qiu" ; dc:title "Aureoboletus sinobadius Ming Zhang & T. H. Li, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,21 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "F6262386-5D2A-536B-941A-B0B53283B1A0" ; - dwc:authority "Ming Zhang & T. H. Li" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Boletaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aureoboletus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Boletales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Ming Zhang & Li" ; - dwc:species "sinobadius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Boletaceae" ; @@ -73,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Boletaceae" ; dwc:genus "Aureoboletus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Boletales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/26/2A/F6262A11183DB212B3CB0203204ACE8A.ttl b/data/F6/26/2A/F6262A11183DB212B3CB0203204ACE8A.ttl index bb4f0b30c18..8e4a449b5c9 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/2A/F6262A11183DB212B3CB0203204ACE8A.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/2A/F6262A11183DB212B3CB0203204ACE8A.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Westwood, John O." ; dc:title "Nemestrina" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,38 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority ", Latr." ; - dwc:authorityName ", Latr." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemestrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemestrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Latr., 1809" ; - dwc:species "reticulata" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority ", Wied." ; - dwc:authorityName ", Wied." ; - dwc:authorityYear "1809" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Nemestrinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Nemestrina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wied., 1809" ; - dwc:species "longirostris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Nemestrinidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/26/4D/F6264DB5B65EF0E7E45677D294440536.ttl b/data/F6/26/4D/F6264DB5B65EF0E7E45677D294440536.ttl index ef198656664..9e3cd5f9e61 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/4D/F6264DB5B65EF0E7E45677D294440536.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/4D/F6264DB5B65EF0E7E45677D294440536.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Deltshev, Christo; Komnenov, Marjan; Blagoev, Gergin; Georgiev, Teodor; Lazarov, Stoyan; Stojkoska, Emilija; Naumova, Maria" ; dc:title "DICTYNIDAE" ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/26/82/F62682BB397CACDA28F1363CBBBC9C50.ttl b/data/F6/26/82/F62682BB397CACDA28F1363CBBBC9C50.ttl index 355a6a791ff..4e7b802c1b4 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/82/F62682BB397CACDA28F1363CBBBC9C50.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/82/F62682BB397CACDA28F1363CBBBC9C50.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Weigmann, G.; Miko, L." ; dc:title "Hypochthonius" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF98FFD0FF61CAE2C1017DBA.ttl b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF98FFD0FF61CAE2C1017DBA.ttl index 2cff6c36f12..b8290010183 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF98FFD0FF61CAE2C1017DBA.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF98FFD0FF61CAE2C1017DBA.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gürelli, Gözde" ; dc:title "Buetschlia minuta Gürelli 2019, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schuberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buetschlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Prostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schuberg, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; dwc:genus "Buetschlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Prostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9DFFDEFF61CE4EC06D7FDE.ttl b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9DFFDEFF61CE4EC06D7FDE.ttl index 6d0645ef47b..b8d8789c920 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9DFFDEFF61CE4EC06D7FDE.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9DFFDEFF61CE4EC06D7FDE.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gürelli, Gözde" ; dc:title "Charonina elephanti Gürelli 2019, n. sp." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -47,20 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Strand" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1928" ; - dwc:class "Litostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Blepharocorythidae" ; - dwc:genus "Charonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Trichostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Strand, 1928" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Litostomatea" ; dwc:family "Blepharocorythidae" ; @@ -74,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Litostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Blepharocorythidae" ; dwc:genus "Charonina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Trichostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9FFFD2FF61C8C6C6677B24.ttl b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9FFFD2FF61C8C6C6677B24.ttl index 969d2edb82a..ef7f499b318 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9FFFD2FF61C8C6C6677B24.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/87/F6268789FF9FFFD2FF61C8C6C6677B24.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Gürelli, Gözde" ; dc:title "Buetschlia cirrata Gürelli 2019, n. sp." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,20 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Schuberg" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1888" ; - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Buetschlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Prostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Schuberg, 1888" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; @@ -73,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Prostomatea" ; - dwc:family "Buetschliidae" ; dwc:genus "Buetschlia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Chromista" ; - dwc:order "Prostomatida" ; - dwc:phylum "Ciliophora" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/26/B0/F626B06ED84BAE1E8D6AB3B47DCB124E.ttl b/data/F6/26/B0/F626B06ED84BAE1E8D6AB3B47DCB124E.ttl index dfb00a0dbe2..6107939c6f0 100644 --- a/data/F6/26/B0/F626B06ED84BAE1E8D6AB3B47DCB124E.ttl +++ b/data/F6/26/B0/F626B06ED84BAE1E8D6AB3B47DCB124E.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Webster, Reginald P.; LeSage, Laurent; DeMerchant, Ian" ; dc:title "Pachybrachis m-nigrum **" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/37/03/F63703ACF49C553F7D6ED2F9350695BF.ttl b/data/F6/37/03/F63703ACF49C553F7D6ED2F9350695BF.ttl index a50f95c1713..ac4004e7787 100644 --- a/data/F6/37/03/F63703ACF49C553F7D6ED2F9350695BF.ttl +++ b/data/F6/37/03/F63703ACF49C553F7D6ED2F9350695BF.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Faulwetter, Sarah; Simboura, Nomiki; Katsiaras, Nikolaos; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Arvanitidis, Christos" ; dc:title "Pseudosyllis brevipennis Grube 1863" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/37/14/F637147752F458CFA680A82C20E190CF.ttl b/data/F6/37/14/F637147752F458CFA680A82C20E190CF.ttl index 08700c42719..83b99c64828 100644 --- a/data/F6/37/14/F637147752F458CFA680A82C20E190CF.ttl +++ b/data/F6/37/14/F637147752F458CFA680A82C20E190CF.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Alberts, Charlotte H. E.; Fisher, Eric M." ; dc:title "Saropogon luteus Coquillett 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Saropogon" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Neuroptera" ; + dwc:order "Diptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Coquillett, 1904" ; @@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Saropogon" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Neuroptera" ; + dwc:order "Diptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Back, 1904" ; @@ -62,27 +61,12 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Alberts & Fisher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2022" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Asilidae" ; - dwc:genus "Saropogon" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Neuroptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Alberts & Fisher, 2022" ; - dwc:species "pyrodes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Saropogon" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Neuroptera" ; + dwc:order "Diptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "luteus" ; @@ -129,7 +113,7 @@ dwc:family "Asilidae" ; dwc:genus "Saropogon" ; dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera", "Neuroptera" ; + dwc:order "Diptera" ; dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "species" ; dwc:species "rufus" ; diff --git a/data/F6/37/3B/F6373BE27D3A7392A7695A64428EECC1.ttl b/data/F6/37/3B/F6373BE27D3A7392A7695A64428EECC1.ttl index ecea1cfb29c..a1b9e014d03 100644 --- a/data/F6/37/3B/F6373BE27D3A7392A7695A64428EECC1.ttl +++ b/data/F6/37/3B/F6373BE27D3A7392A7695A64428EECC1.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Gentiana orbicularis Schur" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,22 +36,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "(Nr. 1413)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1413" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Gentiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nr., 1413)" ; - dwc:species "verna" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - # Info: Couldn't generate language tag for "Rundblaettriger Enzian"@undefined ; dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; @@ -69,22 +51,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; dwc:genus "Gentiana" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Gentianaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25017FFDC17FAF8D3FBB409E3.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25017FFDC17FAF8D3FBB409E3.ttl index d84a30b89c2..e4fdeff86b5 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25017FFDC17FAF8D3FBB409E3.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25017FFDC17FAF8D3FBB409E3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Fissuroderes higginsi Neuhaus & Blasche 2006" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,36 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Herranz, Yangel & Leander" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Herranz, Yangel & Leander, 2017" ; - dwc:species "hakaiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George, 2018" ; - dwc:species "unispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25045FF851442FA79FE8309D0.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25045FF851442FA79FE8309D0.ttl index e077ff2e36c..fd28e880da4 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25045FF851442FA79FE8309D0.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25045FF851442FA79FE8309D0.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes hamiltonorum Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "hviidarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "anniae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -105,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2504DFFBA145BFA2DFC6F0E34.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2504DFFBA145BFA2DFC6F0E34.ttl index 439010f1a5e..35b617aaf98 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2504DFFBA145BFA2DFC6F0E34.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2504DFFBA145BFA2DFC6F0E34.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes hviidarum Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grzelak & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:species "daenerysae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pardos, Herranz & Sanchez, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pardos, Herranz & Sanchez" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pardos, Herranz & Sanchez, 2016" ; - dwc:species "belenae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25053FF941470FD9FFC8A0B8F.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25053FF941470FD9FFC8A0B8F.ttl index c9cbb3cd401..bb8be2b8df2 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25053FF941470FD9FFC8A0B8F.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25053FF941470FD9FFC8A0B8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes anniae Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -45,115 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Yamasaki et al. 2018 b)" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yamasaki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Yamasaki, 2018)" ; - dwc:species "unispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins, 1966" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins, 1966" ; - dwc:species "arlis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grzelak & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:species "drogoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adrianov in Adrianov & Malakhov, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adrianov in Adrianov & Malakhov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adrianov, 1999" ; - dwc:species "koreanus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Pardos, Sanchez & Herranz, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Pardos, Sanchez & Herranz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Pardos, Sanchez & Herranz, 2016" ; - dwc:species "orestauri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adrianov in Adrianov & Malakhov, 1999" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adrianov in Adrianov & Malakhov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1999" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adrianov, 1999" ; - dwc:species "svetlanae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -167,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2505DFF8D1464FED5FD4E0901.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2505DFF8D1464FED5FD4E0901.ttl index ea91b590905..d7adce79ebf 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2505DFF8D1464FED5FD4E0901.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2505DFF8D1464FED5FD4E0901.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes dubiosus Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,181 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Yamasaki et al. 2018 a)" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Yamasaki" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George, 2018" ; - dwc:species "bathyalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Karling, 1954" ; - dwc:authorityName "Karling" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1954" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Karling, 1954" ; - dwc:species "levanderi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins & Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:species "aquilonius" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins, 1960" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1960" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins, 1960" ; - dwc:species "pennaki" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sanchez, Pardos & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Neocentrophyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Mixtophyes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Homalorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sanchez, Pardos & Sorensen, 2014" ; - dwc:species "abyssalis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen & Landers, 2014" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen & Landers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2014" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen & Landers, 2014" ; - dwc:species "augustae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins, 1964" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1964" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins, 1964" ; - dwc:species "bookhouti" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen, Herranz & Landers, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen, Herranz & Landers" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, Herranz & Landers, 2016" ; - dwc:species "charlotteae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Thormar & Sorensen, 2010" ; - dwc:authorityName "Thormar & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thormar & Sorensen, 2010" ; - dwc:species "gizoensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "yamasakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -233,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25062FFA2145CFED4FB3C0FDF.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25062FFA2145CFED4FB3C0FDF.ttl index 3cb87b2fff3..859474fee1a 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25062FFA2145CFED4FB3C0FDF.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25062FFA2145CFED4FB3C0FDF.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes yamasakii Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,194 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "hviidarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "lupherorum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen et al., 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, 2012" ; - dwc:species "microaperturus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen et al., 2005" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2005" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, 2005" ; - dwc:species "spinifurca" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Landers & Sorensen, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Landers & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Landers & Sorensen, 2018" ; - dwc:species "sylviae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Yamasaki et al., 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yamasaki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamasaki, 2018" ; - dwc:species "multiporus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Huys & Coomans, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Huys & Coomans" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fissuroderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Huys & Coomans, 1989" ; - dwc:species "higginsi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:authorityName "Grzelak & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:species "rhaegali" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1966" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins, 1966" ; - dwc:species "arlis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Adrianov, 1989" ; - dwc:authorityName "Adrianov" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Adrianov, 1989" ; - dwc:species "filispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Higgins" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1977" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins, 1977" ; - dwc:species "coulli" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -247,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2506AFFDF17C0FB36FBF20A86.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2506AFFDF17C0FB36FBF20A86.ttl index 3bbb95e88ed..9b55c992b1e 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2506AFFDF17C0FB36FBF20A86.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2506AFFDF17C0FB36FBF20A86.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes hakaiensis Herranz, Yangel & Leander 2017" ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,67 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yamasaki, Neuhaus & George, 2018" ; - dwc:species "unispinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Lou, 1934" ; - dwc:authorityName "Lou" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lou, 1934" ; - dwc:species "tchefouensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Neuhaus & Blasche, 2006" ; - dwc:authorityName "Neuhaus & Blasche" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2006" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Fissuroderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Neuhaus & Blasche, 2006" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -119,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25072FFB21477FD51FC510B8F.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25072FFB21477FD51FC510B8F.ttl index bbdd737e7b4..bffa14aa06e 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25072FFB21477FD51FC510B8F.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A25072FFB21477FD51FC510B8F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes juliae Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -46,131 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins & Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:species "angustus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "anniae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen et al., 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, 2012" ; - dwc:species "cernunnos" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Grzelak & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2017" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Grzelak & Sorensen, 2017" ; - dwc:species "drogoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sorensen et al., 2012" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sorensen, 2012" ; - dwc:species "obtuspinosus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Landers & Sorensen, 2016" ; - dwc:authorityName "Landers & Sorensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Landers & Sorensen, 2016" ; - dwc:species "romanoi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:authorityName "Higgins & Kristensen" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Higgins & Kristensen, 1988" ; - dwc:species "tubilak" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -184,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2507BFFAD1451FED5FD5F0B8F.ttl b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2507BFFAD1451FED5FD5F0B8F.ttl index d7975ad5e3f..8fff265194a 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2507BFFAD1451FED5FD5F0B8F.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/87/F64287A2507BFFAD1451FED5FD5F0B8F.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Sørensen, Martin V.; Rohal, Melissa; Thistle, David" ; dc:title "Echinoderes lupherorum Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle 2018, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , ; @@ -45,52 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Claparede" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1863" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Claparede, 1863" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "hviidarum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Sørensen & Rohal & Thistle" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; - dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sørensen, Rohal & Thistle, 2018" ; - dwc:species "yamasakii" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; @@ -104,12 +58,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Kinorhyncha" ; - dwc:family "Echinoderidae" ; dwc:genus "Echinoderes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Cyclorhagida" ; - dwc:phylum "Cephalorhyncha" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/42/F1/F642F1DB0254B722BE40E6E298D80DF6.ttl b/data/F6/42/F1/F642F1DB0254B722BE40E6E298D80DF6.ttl index 0fda6c0bdf7..1478cccae0d 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/F1/F642F1DB0254B722BE40E6E298D80DF6.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/F1/F642F1DB0254B722BE40E6E298D80DF6.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Hess, Hans Ernst; Landolt, Elias; Hirzel, Rosmarie" ; dc:title "Galium pusillum L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -38,36 +37,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Vill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Vill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Galium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vill." ; - dwc:species "hypnoides" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vill." ; - dwc:authorityName "Vill." ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Galium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Gentianales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vill." ; - dwc:species "jussiei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Rubiaceae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/42/F8/F642F86BB2D5421F92D1F0B35567E150.ttl b/data/F6/42/F8/F642F86BB2D5421F92D1F0B35567E150.ttl index 779575c551b..6a83fa365ae 100644 --- a/data/F6/42/F8/F642F86BB2D5421F92D1F0B35567E150.ttl +++ b/data/F6/42/F8/F642F86BB2D5421F92D1F0B35567E150.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Anomaluridae Gervais 1849" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -39,81 +38,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Gervais 1849" ; - dwc:authorityName "Gervais" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Gervais, 1849" ; - dwc:subFamily "Anomalurinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Waterhouse 1842" ; - dwc:authorityName "Waterhouse" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1842" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; - dwc:genus "Anomalurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Waterhouse, 1842" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matschie 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1898" ; - dwc:subFamily "Zenkerellinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matschie 1894" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1894" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; - dwc:genus "Idiurus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1894" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Matschie 1898" ; - dwc:authorityName "Matschie" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; - dwc:genus "Zenkerella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Rodentia" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Matschie, 1898" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Anomaluridae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFF87C2DFF5D8AFBA6F67DE0.ttl b/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFF87C2DFF5D8AFBA6F67DE0.ttl index ddcb3584c56..9669dcd10ea 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFF87C2DFF5D8AFBA6F67DE0.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFF87C2DFF5D8AFBA6F67DE0.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Goldaracena, Arturo; Hance, Thierry" ; dc:title "Frankliniella" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFFC7C2DFF5D89AFA3B07E5B.ttl b/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFFC7C2DFF5D89AFA3B07E5B.ttl index a240c748a3c..3bb1b8e0812 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFFC7C2DFF5D89AFA3B07E5B.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/09/F6630925FFFC7C2DFF5D89AFA3B07E5B.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Goldaracena, Arturo; Hance, Thierry" ; dc:title "Frankliniella veracrucensis Goldaracena & Hance, 2017, sp.n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -48,21 +47,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Moulton" ; - dwc:authorityName "Moulton" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thripidae" ; - dwc:genus "Frankliniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Thysanoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moulton" ; - dwc:species "minuta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Thripidae" ; @@ -76,12 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Thripidae" ; dwc:genus "Frankliniella" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Thysanoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFD87F5984F2DA4AF3AAF9BB.ttl b/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFD87F5984F2DA4AF3AAF9BB.ttl index c8080fb1f14..cff674e44bc 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFD87F5984F2DA4AF3AAF9BB.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFD87F5984F2DA4AF3AAF9BB.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Sarkar, Shuvadip; Agrawala, Dinesh Kumar; Chakraborty, Sayak; Maity, Debabrata; Odyuo, Nripemo" ; dc:title "Tainia Blume 1825" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,70 +43,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Srivastava & Bhattacharjee" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2012" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tang & F. T. Wang" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1951" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tang & Wang, 1951) Srivastava & Bhattacharjee, 2012" ; - dwc:species "megalantha" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hooker" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1890" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hooker, 1890" ; - dwc:species "minor" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sarkar & Agrawala & Chakraborty & Maity & Odyuo" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2023" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sarkar, Agrawala, Chakraborty, Maity & Odyuo, 2023" ; - dwc:species "epiphytica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Reichenbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lindley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindley, 1831) Reichenbach, 1857" ; - dwc:species "latifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFDF7F5C84F2DCFEF326F869.ttl b/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFDF7F5C84F2DCFEF326F869.ttl index 9bfd8bd72e2..fcd3beabc38 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFDF7F5C84F2DCFEF326F869.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/09/F6630949FFDF7F5C84F2DCFEF326F869.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Sarkar, Shuvadip; Agrawala, Dinesh Kumar; Chakraborty, Sayak; Maity, Debabrata; Odyuo, Nripemo" ; dc:title "Tainia epiphytica S. Sarkar, Agrawala, S. Chakraborty, D. Maity & Odyuo 2023, sp. nov." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , , , , ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -64,37 +63,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Reichenbach" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1857" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Lindley" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Lindley, 1831) Reichenbach, 1857" ; - dwc:species "latifolia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Blume" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1825" ; - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blume, 1825" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; @@ -108,12 +76,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Liliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Orchidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Tainia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asparagales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/63/73/F6637362FFA2677AFF64FD5CFB19FB59.ttl b/data/F6/63/73/F6637362FFA2677AFF64FD5CFB19FB59.ttl index bc62d0ba141..d7290bc6f1c 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/73/F6637362FFA2677AFF64FD5CFB19FB59.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/73/F6637362FFA2677AFF64FD5CFB19FB59.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Márquez, Juan; Asiain, Julieta" ; dc:title "Philonthus navarretei Marquez & Asiain 2010" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,108 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Nordmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1837" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Nordmann, 1837" ; - dwc:species "furvus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marquez & Asiain" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marquez & Asiain, 2010" ; - dwc:species "pollens" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Marquez & Asiain" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2010" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marquez & Asiain, 2010" ; - dwc:species "rufotibialis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Sharp" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1885" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Sharp, 1885" ; - dwc:species "hoegei" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Erichson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1840" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Erichson, 1840" ; - dwc:species "testaceipennis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Navarrete-Heredia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2003" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; - dwc:genus "Philonthus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Navarrete-Heredia, 2003" ; - dwc:species "yaqui" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Linnaeus" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1758" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "order" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Linnaeus, 1758" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Staphylinidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/63/7D/F6637D0523CC562CAB9D549A7793A578.ttl b/data/F6/63/7D/F6637D0523CC562CAB9D549A7793A578.ttl index 719db1f0391..4375010f63e 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/7D/F6637D0523CC562CAB9D549A7793A578.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/7D/F6637D0523CC562CAB9D549A7793A578.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , ; dc:creator "Yang, Lan; Yao, Zhiyuan; Irfan, Muhammad; He, Qiaoqiao" ; dc:title "Flagelliphantes yunxia Yao & Irfan 2023, sp. n." ; dwc:basisOfRecord , , , ; @@ -47,21 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Tanasevitch" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1988" ; - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flagelliphantes" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Tanasevitch, 1988)" ; - dwc:species "flagellifer" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Linyphiidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/63/90/F66390693A395304EC9B6CE961EAFE4B.ttl b/data/F6/63/90/F66390693A395304EC9B6CE961EAFE4B.ttl index d78296c696a..14260e57f93 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/90/F66390693A395304EC9B6CE961EAFE4B.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/90/F66390693A395304EC9B6CE961EAFE4B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Campos-Da-Paz, Ricardo" ; dc:title "Hypopygus varii Campos-Da-Paz 2018, new species" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -46,316 +46,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Campos-Da-Paz, 2018" ; - dwc:authorityName "Campos-Da-Paz" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2018" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hypopomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stegostenopos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Campos-Da-Paz, 2018" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Triques" ; - dwc:authorityName "Triques" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hypopomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stegostenopos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Triques, 1997" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Hoedeman" ; - dwc:authorityName "Hoedeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoedeman, 1962" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Santana & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Santana & Crampton, 2011" ; - dwc:species "hoedemani" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Santana & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Santana & Crampton, 2011" ; - dwc:species "isbruckeri" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Peixoto, Dutra, de Santana & Wosicki" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2013" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Peixoto, Dutra, de Santana & Wosicki, 2013" ; - dwc:species "benoneae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Triques" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Triques, 1997)" ; - dwc:species "cryptogenes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mago-Leccia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mago-Leccia, 1994" ; - dwc:species "neblinae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Santana & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Santana & Crampton, 2011" ; - dwc:species "ortegai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Santana & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Santana & Crampton, 2011" ; - dwc:species "minissimus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "de Santana & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2011" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "de Santana & Crampton, 2011" ; - dwc:species "nijsseni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Hoedeman" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1962" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Hoedeman, 1962" ; - dwc:species "lepturus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Mago-Leccia" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1994" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Hypopomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Brachyhypopomus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Mago-Leccia, 1994" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Eigenmann" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1912" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Hypopomidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Eigenmann, 1912" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Albert & Crampton, 2001" ; - dwc:authorityName "Albert & Crampton" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2001" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Gymnotidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gymnotus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Albert & Crampton, 2001" ; - dwc:species "arapaima" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Müller & Troschel" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1849" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Sternopygidae" ; - dwc:genus "Sternopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Müller & Troschel, 1849" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cope" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1871" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Sternopygidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cope, 1871" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Miranda Ribeiro" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1920" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Gymnorhamphichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Miranda Ribeiro, 1920)" ; - dwc:species "rondoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Castelnau" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1855" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Rhamphichthys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Castelnau, 1855" ; - dwc:species "marmoratus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "La Monte" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1929" ; - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; - dwc:genus "Steatogenys" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(La Monte, 1929)" ; - dwc:species "duidae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Triques" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1997" ; - dwc:class "Actinopterygii" ; - dwc:family "Hypopomidae" ; - dwc:genus "Stegostenopos" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Triques, 1997" ; - dwc:species "cryptogenes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; @@ -369,12 +59,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Actinopteri" ; - dwc:family "Rhamphichthyidae" ; dwc:genus "Hypopygus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Gymnotiformes" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/63/CA/F663CA4814225BEA48315AD7333CDA1B.ttl b/data/F6/63/CA/F663CA4814225BEA48315AD7333CDA1B.ttl index 7a9dc385d0c..a1671c400ae 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/CA/F663CA4814225BEA48315AD7333CDA1B.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/CA/F663CA4814225BEA48315AD7333CDA1B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Terminalia bentzoe" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,19 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "R.Brown" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1810" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Combretaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Brown, 1810" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Combretaceae" ; @@ -74,11 +60,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Combretaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Myrtales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/63/D9/F663D9EE5E35AC0024C2B461C21F0FE4.ttl b/data/F6/63/D9/F663D9EE5E35AC0024C2B461C21F0FE4.ttl index 6c9f935d2d7..f27f778cc3a 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/D9/F663D9EE5E35AC0024C2B461C21F0FE4.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/D9/F663D9EE5E35AC0024C2B461C21F0FE4.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Riedel, Alexander; Taenzler, Rene; Balke, Michael; Rahmadi, Cahyo; Suhardjono, Yayuk R." ; dc:title "Trigonopterus dacrycarpi Riedel, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Riedel" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Trigonopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Riedel" ; - dwc:species "dacrycarpi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; @@ -71,12 +54,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Curculionidae" ; dwc:genus "Trigonopterus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/63/EE/F663EE8002CE4272404D03ACEE275EDF.ttl b/data/F6/63/EE/F663EE8002CE4272404D03ACEE275EDF.ttl index 82ae0e62354..8a0aba73de6 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/EE/F663EE8002CE4272404D03ACEE275EDF.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/EE/F663EE8002CE4272404D03ACEE275EDF.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Wang, Mei; Tan, Xiao-Ming; Liu, Fang; Cai, Lei" ; dc:title "Arthrinium bambusae M. Wang & L. Cai, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -43,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "824906" ; - dwc:authority "M. Wang & L. Cai" ; - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Apiosporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Arthrinium" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Xylariales" ; - dwc:phylum "Ascomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Wang & Cai" ; - dwc:species "bambusae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Sordariomycetes" ; dwc:family "Apiosporaceae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/63/F5/F663F5C24EA5EF1481C19E3A1B1B0F5E.ttl b/data/F6/63/F5/F663F5C24EA5EF1481C19E3A1B1B0F5E.ttl index c220bdce492..7cfe6455cc0 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/F5/F663F5C24EA5EF1481C19E3A1B1B0F5E.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/F5/F663F5C24EA5EF1481C19E3A1B1B0F5E.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Rosa, Paolo; Wisniowski, Bogdan; Xu, Zai-fu" ; dc:title "Chrysis consobrina Mocsary 1889" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/63/FC/F663FCE6B33B8336266CC79152DE0632.ttl b/data/F6/63/FC/F663FCE6B33B8336266CC79152DE0632.ttl index 2484137e254..4dba554e5fb 100644 --- a/data/F6/63/FC/F663FCE6B33B8336266CC79152DE0632.ttl +++ b/data/F6/63/FC/F663FCE6B33B8336266CC79152DE0632.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Info Flora" ; dc:title "Campanula alpestris All." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -50,22 +49,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; dwc:genus "Campanula" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Campanulaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Asterales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/66/94/F66694E165A70B42088980740CCCC180.ttl b/data/F6/66/94/F66694E165A70B42088980740CCCC180.ttl index fb269ecd33d..6321fcf04e6 100644 --- a/data/F6/66/94/F66694E165A70B42088980740CCCC180.ttl +++ b/data/F6/66/94/F66694E165A70B42088980740CCCC180.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Nieto Nafria, Juan-Manuel; Mier Durante, Milagros-Pilar; Remaudiere, Georges" ; dc:title "Aphidura pakistanensis Nafria, Durante & Remaudiere, 2013, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -57,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Aphididae" ; dwc:genus "Aphidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hemiptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B091411406FFED6353CFDD2FD8D.ttl b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B091411406FFED6353CFDD2FD8D.ttl index 733771e1c09..08032dc2580 100644 --- a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B091411406FFED6353CFDD2FD8D.ttl +++ b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B091411406FFED6353CFDD2FD8D.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ren, Guo-Dong; Shi, Ai-Min" ; dc:title "Ascelosodis punctulata Ren & Shi, 2006, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:species "reinigi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914144062FED631E6FD31F890.ttl b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914144062FED631E6FD31F890.ttl index 9ea1d91b6a4..120ba6c34a3 100644 --- a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914144062FED631E6FD31F890.ttl +++ b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914144062FED631E6FD31F890.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Ren, Guo-Dong; Shi, Ai-Min" ; dc:title "Ascelosodis emarginata Ren & Shi, 2006, sp. nov." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -44,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:species "intermedia" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914164064FED63146FAB3FAE5.ttl b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914164064FED63146FAB3FAE5.ttl index f06cb16880a..3b18d14987e 100644 --- a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914164064FED63146FAB3FAE5.ttl +++ b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B0914164064FED63146FAB3FAE5.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; dc:creator "Ren, Guo-Dong; Shi, Ai-Min" ; dc:title "Ascelosodis" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -28,166 +27,6 @@ fabio:hasPart , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; a fabio:JournalArticle . - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:species "emarginiventris" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:species "thibetana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:species "nitida" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:authorityName "Koch" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1948" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Koch, 1948" ; - dwc:species "reinigi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:species "waltoni" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Redtenbacher, 1868" ; - dwc:authorityName "Redtenbacher" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1868" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Redtenbacher, 1868" ; - dwc:species "serripes" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:species "haagi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:species "longstaffi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:authorityName "Blair" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1923" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Blair, 1923" ; - dwc:species "everestina" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Kaszab, 1965" ; - dwc:authorityName "Kaszab" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kaszab, 1965" ; - dwc:species "schmidi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B09141F406DFED636F4FDADFB5D.ttl b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B09141F406DFED636F4FDADFB5D.ttl index 4ffa25cba67..7aa794664a6 100644 --- a/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B09141F406DFED636F4FDADFB5D.ttl +++ b/data/F6/6D/3B/F66D3B09141F406DFED636F4FDADFB5D.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , ; + cito:cites , , ; dc:creator "Ren, Guo-Dong; Shi, Ai-Min" ; dc:title "Ascelosodis rugulosa Ren & Shi, 2006, sp. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -45,22 +44,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:authorityName "Bates" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1879" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; - dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Bates, 1879" ; - dwc:species "concinnus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; @@ -74,12 +57,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Tenebrionidae" ; dwc:genus "Ascelosodis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/6D/63/F66D6338D64751498545A6C6278D0907.ttl b/data/F6/6D/63/F66D6338D64751498545A6C6278D0907.ttl index 42553a8e98c..d7c851909da 100644 --- a/data/F6/6D/63/F66D6338D64751498545A6C6278D0907.ttl +++ b/data/F6/6D/63/F66D6338D64751498545A6C6278D0907.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Zhang, Xin; Zhou, Hong-Min; Ghobad-Nejhad, Masoomeh; Liu, Hong-Gao; Vlasák, Josef; Dai, Yu-Cheng; Yuan, Yuan" ; dc:title "Aurantiporus alboaurantius Y. C. Dai, Xin Zhang, Ghobad-Nejhad & Yuan Yuan 2024, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates , ; trt:publishedIn ; @@ -79,112 +78,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Currey" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Mucoromycetes" ; - dwc:family "Choanephoraceae" ; - dwc:genus "Cunninghamia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Mucorales" ; - dwc:phylum "Zygomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Currey, 1873" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Vlasak & Ryvarden" ; - dwc:authorityName "Vlasak & Ryvarden" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Phanerochaetaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Ceriporiopsis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Vlasak & Ryvarden" ; - dwc:species "pseudoplacenta" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "Niemela et al." ; - dwc:authorityName "Niemela" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aurantiporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Niemela" ; - dwc:species "priscus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Vlasak & Ryvarden) J. Vlasak & P. Vampola. Our" ; - dwc:authorityName "J. Vlasak & P. Vampola. Our" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Vlasak & Ryvarden" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aurantiporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Vlasak & Ryvarden) Vlasak & Vampola. Our" ; - dwc:species "pseudoplacentus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "C. L. Zhao" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Zhao" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Meruliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phlebicolorata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Zhao" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(Nakasone) C. L. Zhao" ; - dwc:authorityName "C. L. Zhao" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Nakasone" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Meruliaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Phlebicolorata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Nakasone) Zhao" ; - dwc:species "brevispora" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authority "(C. L. Zhao & Y. C. Dai) Zmitr." ; - dwc:authorityName "Zmitr." ; - dwc:baseAuthorityName "C. L. Zhao & Y. C. Dai" ; - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Aurantiporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Zhao & Dai) Zmitr." ; - dwc:species "roseus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; dwc:family "Meruliaceae" ; @@ -198,12 +91,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Polyporaceae" ; dwc:genus "Aurantiporus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -274,12 +162,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Agaricomycetes" ; - dwc:family "Meruliaceae" ; dwc:genus "Phlebicolorata" ; - dwc:kingdom "Fungi" ; - dwc:order "Polyporales" ; - dwc:phylum "Basidiomycota" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC0FC1CC66BFEA50CF0D5F5.ttl b/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC0FC1CC66BFEA50CF0D5F5.ttl index a5cc72f9367..755aec82bd5 100644 --- a/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC0FC1CC66BFEA50CF0D5F5.ttl +++ b/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC0FC1CC66BFEA50CF0D5F5.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Ramírez, Martín J.; Ansaldi, María Julieta; Puglisi, Alejandro F." ; dc:title "Monapia tandil Ramirez" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -30,8 +29,8 @@ a fabio:JournalArticle . - dwc:authority "Ramirez", "Ramirez." ; - dwc:authorityName "Ramirez", "Ramirez." ; + dwc:authority "Ramirez" ; + dwc:authorityName "Ramirez" ; dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Anyphaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Monapia" ; @@ -63,20 +62,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Barker" ; - dwc:authorityName "Barker" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:genus "Marina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Barker" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; dwc:family "Anyphaenidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC2FC1EC66BFAB709AFD51D.ttl b/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC2FC1EC66BFAB709AFD51D.ttl index a19511becfa..6cde00824fb 100644 --- a/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC2FC1EC66BFAB709AFD51D.ttl +++ b/data/F6/75/87/F67587C2FFC2FC1EC66BFAB709AFD51D.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ dc:creator "Ramírez, Martín J.; Ansaldi, María Julieta; Puglisi, Alejandro F." ; dc:title "Oxysoma itambezinho Ramirez" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -76,12 +75,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Anyphaenidae" ; dwc:genus "Oxysoma" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/77/06/F6770605212BD9B888A7AC0B6B85C21A.ttl b/data/F6/77/06/F6770605212BD9B888A7AC0B6B85C21A.ttl index 717da0d742f..42f4d4c18a4 100644 --- a/data/F6/77/06/F6770605212BD9B888A7AC0B6B85C21A.ttl +++ b/data/F6/77/06/F6770605212BD9B888A7AC0B6B85C21A.ttl @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ # Warning: treatment taxon is missing ancestor kingdom, defaulting to 'Animalia' - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; # Warning: Could not add treatment taxon because family "" contains invalid characters ; dc:creator "Bouchard, Patrice; Bousquet, Yves; Davies, Anthony E.; Alonso-Zarazaga, Miguel A.; Lawrence, John F.; Lyal, Chris H. C.; Newton, Alfred F.; Reid, Chris A. M.; Schmitt, Michael; Ślipinski, S. Adam; Smith, Andrew B. T." ; dc:title "Hydnocerinae Spinola 1844" ; diff --git a/data/F6/77/22/F67722BD0705688E10A9D0F9615A933F.ttl b/data/F6/77/22/F67722BD0705688E10A9D0F9615A933F.ttl index 803220ed88e..259936d81a1 100644 --- a/data/F6/77/22/F67722BD0705688E10A9D0F9615A933F.ttl +++ b/data/F6/77/22/F67722BD0705688E10A9D0F9615A933F.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; + # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Pinto-da-Rocha, Ricardo; Benedetti, Alipio Rezende; de Vasconcelos, Eduardo Gomes; Hara, Marcos Ryotaro" ; dc:title "Gonyleptes Kirby 1819" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/86/9B/F6869B41D2B34F626854F9DEDBD29200.ttl b/data/F6/86/9B/F6869B41D2B34F626854F9DEDBD29200.ttl index c9e5e95bfbd..86cec879c90 100644 --- a/data/F6/86/9B/F6869B41D2B34F626854F9DEDBD29200.ttl +++ b/data/F6/86/9B/F6869B41D2B34F626854F9DEDBD29200.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Stalstedt, Jeanette; Laydanowicz, Joanna; Lehtinen, Pekka T; Bergsten, Johannes; Makol, Joanna" ; dc:title "Camerotrombidium sigthori Thor & Willmann 1947" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/86/9E/F6869E0F17306C9E4C623252673A5564.ttl b/data/F6/86/9E/F6869E0F17306C9E4C623252673A5564.ttl index 1f8a7846fb6..c896003ec5f 100644 --- a/data/F6/86/9E/F6869E0F17306C9E4C623252673A5564.ttl +++ b/data/F6/86/9E/F6869E0F17306C9E4C623252673A5564.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ dc:creator "Konrad Lauber; Gerhart Wagner; Andreas Gygax" ; dc:title "Oxalis acetosella L." ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -54,12 +53,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Oxalidaceae" ; dwc:genus "Oxalis" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Oxalidales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/86/AE/F686AE30334D950E69C06B09CC0A0B5D.ttl b/data/F6/86/AE/F686AE30334D950E69C06B09CC0A0B5D.ttl index 8e5743a848f..0f6488114bf 100644 --- a/data/F6/86/AE/F686AE30334D950E69C06B09CC0A0B5D.ttl +++ b/data/F6/86/AE/F686AE30334D950E69C06B09CC0A0B5D.ttl @@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Candek, Klemen; Gregoric, Matjaz; Kostanjsek, Rok; Frick, Holger; Kropf, Christian; Kuntner, Matjaz; Miller, Jeremy A.; Hoeksema, Bert W." ; dc:title "Pachygnatha degeeri Sundevall 1830" ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , ; trt:publishedIn ; trt:treatsTaxonName ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,12 +41,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Arachnida" ; - dwc:family "Tetragnathidae" ; dwc:genus "Pachygnatha" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Araneae" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/86/FE/F686FE786D71CEA8F31A2A0645B2FE68.ttl b/data/F6/86/FE/F686FE786D71CEA8F31A2A0645B2FE68.ttl index 5d0d583012f..60d4c850ef5 100644 --- a/data/F6/86/FE/F686FE786D71CEA8F31A2A0645B2FE68.ttl +++ b/data/F6/86/FE/F686FE786D71CEA8F31A2A0645B2FE68.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Masek, Michal; Bocak, Ladislav" ; dc:title "Platerodrilus korinchianus Blair 1928" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , , , , , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -55,12 +55,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Lycidae" ; dwc:genus "Platerodrilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Coleoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/A2/67/F6A26778EEE151C5BA788AEE3EE8617D.ttl b/data/F6/A2/67/F6A26778EEE151C5BA788AEE3EE8617D.ttl index 1d32396a4ed..e76ea8b2ea0 100644 --- a/data/F6/A2/67/F6A26778EEE151C5BA788AEE3EE8617D.ttl +++ b/data/F6/A2/67/F6A26778EEE151C5BA788AEE3EE8617D.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Pall-Gergely, Barna; Sajan, Sheikh; Tripathy, Basudev; Meng, Kaibaryer; Asami, Takahiro; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Dicharax stoliczkii" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -107,34 +105,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Kobelt & Moellendorff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1900" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dicharax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Kobelt & Moellendorff, 1900" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Moellendorff" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1897" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; - dwc:genus "Chamalycaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moellendorff, 1897" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Cyclophoridae" ; @@ -148,12 +118,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Dicharax" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . @@ -251,12 +216,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Alycaeidae" ; dwc:genus "Chamalycaeus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Architaenioglossa" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/A2/95/F6A29578D6C3C09768F40C79BBB7F4DE.ttl b/data/F6/A2/95/F6A29578D6C3C09768F40C79BBB7F4DE.ttl index ef2b9f9a057..970be55fd4d 100644 --- a/data/F6/A2/95/F6A29578D6C3C09768F40C79BBB7F4DE.ttl +++ b/data/F6/A2/95/F6A29578D6C3C09768F40C79BBB7F4DE.ttl @@ -9,8 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; - cito:cites , , , , , , , , , ; + cito:cites ; dc:creator "Filander, Zoleka N.; Kitahara, Marcelo V.; Cairns, Stephen D.; Sink, Kerry J.; Lombard, Amanda T." ; dc:title "Tubastraea micranthus" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -170,145 +169,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Lesson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1829" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Dendrophylliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tubastraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesson, 1829" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Dana" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1846" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Dendrophylliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Tubastraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Dana, 1846)" ; - dwc:species "diaphana" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cairns & Zibrowius" ; - dwc:authorityYear "2016" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Turbinoliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cairns & Zibrowius, 2016" ; - dwc:species "leptoconus" ; - dwc:subGenus "Flabellum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Lesson" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1831" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Turbinoliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Lesson, 1831" ; - dwc:species "pavoninum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Flabellum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Cairns" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1989" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Turbinoliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Cairns, 1989" ; - dwc:species "politum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Flabellum" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Moseley" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1873" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Turbinoliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Moseley, 1873" ; - dwc:species "alabastrum" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulocyathus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Squires & Ralph" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1965" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Turbinoliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Flabellum" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Squires & Ralph, 1965" ; - dwc:species "lowekeyesi" ; - dwc:subGenus "Ulocyathus" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "Gravier" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1914" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Flabellidae" ; - dwc:genus "Javania" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(Gravier, 1914)" ; - dwc:species "antarctica" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Yabe & Eguchi" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1934" ; - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Dendrophylliidae" ; - dwc:genus "Dendrophyllia" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Yabe & Eguchi, 1934" ; - dwc:species "ijimai" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; dwc:family "Dendrophylliidae" ; @@ -322,12 +182,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Anthozoa" ; - dwc:family "Dendrophylliidae" ; dwc:genus "Tubastraea" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Scleractinia" ; - dwc:phylum "Cnidaria" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/A2/F3/F6A2F33DF6D95F44AA7C94BE487FB9F9.ttl b/data/F6/A2/F3/F6A2F33DF6D95F44AA7C94BE487FB9F9.ttl index 6a0d0cb60c7..6bf723b1075 100644 --- a/data/F6/A2/F3/F6A2F33DF6D95F44AA7C94BE487FB9F9.ttl +++ b/data/F6/A2/F3/F6A2F33DF6D95F44AA7C94BE487FB9F9.ttl @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Jarvis, Charlie" ; dc:title "Medicago arborea Linnaeus 1753" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -43,20 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Rudd" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1968" ; - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; - dwc:rank "subFamily" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Rudd, 1968" ; - dwc:subFamily "Faboideae" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; @@ -70,22 +54,13 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; - dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; dwc:genus "Medicago" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Magnoliopsida" ; dwc:family "Fabaceae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Plantae" ; - dwc:order "Fabales" ; - dwc:phylum "Tracheophyta" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/B9/6B/F6B96B9FB0B8D86EBD481D1A3A0784FC.ttl b/data/F6/B9/6B/F6B96B9FB0B8D86EBD481D1A3A0784FC.ttl index a9a8cb1e144..7cd321b8dcc 100644 --- a/data/F6/B9/6B/F6B96B9FB0B8D86EBD481D1A3A0784FC.ttl +++ b/data/F6/B9/6B/F6B96B9FB0B8D86EBD481D1A3A0784FC.ttl @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank, Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; dc:creator "Londt, Jason G. H." ; dc:title "Gibbasilus condylus Londt, 2016, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/BF/7C/F6BF7CBFB1212AC78006BA747863FE8B.ttl b/data/F6/BF/7C/F6BF7CBFB1212AC78006BA747863FE8B.ttl index 6cee0b4e3a7..dce09024f6a 100644 --- a/data/F6/BF/7C/F6BF7CBFB1212AC78006BA747863FE8B.ttl +++ b/data/F6/BF/7C/F6BF7CBFB1212AC78006BA747863FE8B.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn" ; dc:title "Crocidura obscurior Heim de Balsac 1958" ; dwc:basisOfRecord ; @@ -42,37 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authority "Heim de Balsac 1958" ; - dwc:authorityName "Heim de Balsac" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1958" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Heim de Balsac, 1958" ; - dwc:species "eburnea" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Thomas" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1898" ; - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; - dwc:family "Soricidae" ; - dwc:genus "Crocidura" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Soricomorpha" ; - dwc:phylum "Chordata" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Thomas, 1898" ; - dwc:species "bottegi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Mammalia" ; dwc:family "Soricidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/BF/8D/F6BF8DA6D5F28250354754244A71EC47.ttl b/data/F6/BF/8D/F6BF8DA6D5F28250354754244A71EC47.ttl index 7cfc7ab9890..b7b1e6dd392 100644 --- a/data/F6/BF/8D/F6BF8DA6D5F28250354754244A71EC47.ttl +++ b/data/F6/BF/8D/F6BF8DA6D5F28250354754244A71EC47.ttl @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ dc:creator "Yang, Yuxia; Yang, Xingke" ; dc:title "Taiwanocantharis parasatoi Yang & Yang, 2014, sp. n." ; - trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . diff --git a/data/F6/BF/B5/F6BFB5957EC6B1361543E6F1E6CADAF3.ttl b/data/F6/BF/B5/F6BFB5957EC6B1361543E6F1E6CADAF3.ttl index 3f49cb98267..182d42ce348 100644 --- a/data/F6/BF/B5/F6BFB5957EC6B1361543E6F1E6CADAF3.ttl +++ b/data/F6/BF/B5/F6BFB5957EC6B1361543E6F1E6CADAF3.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites , , , , , ; + cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Breure, Abraham S. H.; Ablett, Jonathan D." ; dc:title "Drymaeus multispira da Costa 1904" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; @@ -45,63 +45,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:authorityName "Troscherl" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1847" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bostryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "genus" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Troscherl, 1847" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Helicidae" ; - dwc:genus "Helix" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "dOrbigny, 1835" ; - dwc:species "torallyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:authorityName "Tryon" ; - dwc:authorityYear "1867" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "family" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Tryon, 1867" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - - dwc:baseAuthorityName "d'Orbigny" ; - dwc:baseAuthorityYear "1835" ; - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; - dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:genus "Bostryx" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Stylommatophora" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "(dOrbigny, 1835)" ; - dwc:species "torallyi" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; @@ -121,11 +64,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Gastropoda" ; dwc:family "Bulimulidae" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Pulmonata" ; - dwc:phylum "Mollusca" ; dwc:rank "family" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName . diff --git a/data/F6/DD/02/F6DD02CC625E7D566B8F8792A21FAED0.ttl b/data/F6/DD/02/F6DD02CC625E7D566B8F8792A21FAED0.ttl index 0ae3a13e774..0331a5e76fa 100644 --- a/data/F6/DD/02/F6DD02CC625E7D566B8F8792A21FAED0.ttl +++ b/data/F6/DD/02/F6DD02CC625E7D566B8F8792A21FAED0.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - cito:cites ; dc:creator "Marsh, Paul M.; Wild, Alexander L.; Whitfield, James B." ; dc:title "Heterospilus cachiensis Marsh, sp. n." ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; @@ -42,21 +41,6 @@ trt:hasTaxonName ; a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - - dwc:LSID "" ; - dwc:authority "Marsh" ; - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Braconidae" ; - dwc:genus "Heterospilus" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Hymenoptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; - dwc:rank "species" ; - dwc:scientificNameAuthorship "Marsh" ; - dwc:species "cachiensis" ; - trt:hasTaxonName ; - a dwcFP:TaxonConcept . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; dwc:family "Braconidae" ; diff --git a/data/F6/DD/2F/F6DD2FB16B325817A215343A38227622.ttl b/data/F6/DD/2F/F6DD2FB16B325817A215343A38227622.ttl index 7487480f701..89fabdf705a 100644 --- a/data/F6/DD/2F/F6DD2FB16B325817A215343A38227622.ttl +++ b/data/F6/DD/2F/F6DD2FB16B325817A215343A38227622.ttl @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , , , , ; dc:creator "Yang, Lan; He, Qiaoqiao; Yao, Zhiyuan" ; dc:title "Pholcus baoji Yang & He & Yao 2024, sp. nov." ; diff --git a/data/F6/DD/75/F6DD7577E4DB5888B2E3A760367B2395.ttl b/data/F6/DD/75/F6DD7577E4DB5888B2E3A760367B2395.ttl index 2f444737dc4..56246f20817 100644 --- a/data/F6/DD/75/F6DD7577E4DB5888B2E3A760367B2395.ttl +++ b/data/F6/DD/75/F6DD7577E4DB5888B2E3A760367B2395.ttl @@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ @prefix trt: . - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites ; dc:creator "Smith, Sarah M.; Cognato, Anthony I." ; dc:title "Coptoborus puertoricensis Smith & Cognato 2021, comb. nov." ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; trt:definesTaxonConcept ; trt:deprecates ; trt:publishedIn ; diff --git a/data/F6/F3/9E/F6F39E35863152829074BEEAE640CCAE.ttl b/data/F6/F3/9E/F6F39E35863152829074BEEAE640CCAE.ttl index 995fee6d8a4..7470d2c649d 100644 --- a/data/F6/F3/9E/F6F39E35863152829074BEEAE640CCAE.ttl +++ b/data/F6/F3/9E/F6F39E35863152829074BEEAE640CCAE.ttl @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ # Warning: Failed to output a material citation, could not create identifier - # Warning: Not adding 'trt:citesTaxonName ' due to issues with rank ; cito:cites , ; dc:creator "Li, Wenjing; Chen, Bingxu; Toulakhom, Chantharath; Wang, Xingmin" ; dc:title "Chilocorus vientianicus Li & Wang 2021, sp. n." ; diff --git a/data/F6/F7/72/F6F7725FE24CC383CFE2E61AD93040D8.ttl b/data/F6/F7/72/F6F7725FE24CC383CFE2E61AD93040D8.ttl index 8c912505a41..d7b7c173349 100644 --- a/data/F6/F7/72/F6F7725FE24CC383CFE2E61AD93040D8.ttl +++ b/data/F6/F7/72/F6F7725FE24CC383CFE2E61AD93040D8.ttl @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ dc:creator "Wang, Ming-Fu" ; dc:title "Helina sarmentosa Fang & Fan 1993" ; trt:augmentsTaxonConcept ; - trt:citesTaxonName , ; + trt:citesTaxonName ; trt:publishedIn ; a trt:Treatment . @@ -56,12 +56,7 @@ a dwcFP:TaxonName . - dwc:class "Insecta" ; - dwc:family "Muscidae" ; dwc:genus "Helina" ; - dwc:kingdom "Animalia" ; - dwc:order "Diptera" ; - dwc:phylum "Arthropoda" ; dwc:rank "genus" ; trt:hasParentName ; a dwcFP:TaxonName .