dc:creator"Kahn, Amanda S.; Geller, Jonathan B.; Reiswig, Henry M.; Smith, Kenneth L.";
dc:title"Bathydorus laniger and Docosaccus maculatus (Lyssacinosida; Hexactinellida): Two new species of glass sponge from the abyssal eastern North Pacific Ocean";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Docosaccus maculatus sp. n., whole body images of holotype. A. In situ photograph taken by ROV Tiburon. Atrial surface with black and white spots visible. Black spots are caused by shadows in holes that perforate the body (parietal oscula); white spots occur where anchoring spicule tufts are visible through the body. Credit: MBARI. B. Dermal surface, fouled to a beige color from sediment during collection, showing small papillae consisting of anchoring spicule bundles. Scale bar: 5 cm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Diagram of spicule arrangement for Docosaccus maculatus sp. n. from Station M, California, USA. The atrial surface is at the top of the image while the dermal surface is at the bottom. Scale bar: 200 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Floricomes of Docosaccus maculatus sp. n. (SEM). A. Complete floricome. Scale bar: 50 µm. B. Close-up of floricome secondary rays. Scale bars: A, 50 µm; B, 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Giant prostal hexactins crisscross through the thin body of the sponge, creating an unfused support structure for the plate-like sponge (A). Small distal rays project downward into sediments while reduced knobs project upward to the atrial surface of the sponge (B). Diactins bundle together with the distal ray to create anchoring spicule tufts (not shown). Scale bars: A, 100 µm; B, 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Spicule images of Docosaccus maculatus sp. n. (LM). A. Atrial pentactin. B. Choanosomal hexactin. C. Dermal hexactin. Scale bar (between Figures 8 a and 8 b): 200 µm. D – G. Oxyhexasters. Scale bar (between 8 d and 8 f): 50 µm.";