dc:description"Figure 13. Mentum of B. corgenoma and B. transversale A Two specimens of B. corgenoma from Corvallis, Oregon B Two specimens of B. transversale from Hayden Lake, Idaho C Two specimens of B. transversale from Wallowa State Park, Oregon D Two specimens of B. transversale from Point aux Pins, Michigan.";
dc:description"Figure 14. Male genitalia of B. transversale subgroup A B. transversale (voucher DNA 4219, USA: Oregon: Harney County, Banks of Silver Creek, 1379 m, 43.7278 ° N, 119.6256 ° W) B B. transversale (voucher DNA 2161, Canada: Alberta: Lethbridge, Oldman River, 800 m, 49.7043 ° N, 112.866 ° W) C B. erosum (voucher DNA 4033, USA: Oregon: Curry Co., Floras Creek at route 124 SE Langlois, 21 m, 42.9132 ° N, 124.4251 ° W) D B. erosum (voucher DNA 3562, USA: California: Del Norte Co., Wilson Creek, 3 m, 41.6051 ° N, 124.1005 ° W) E B. corgenoma (voucher DNA 2180, USA: California: Sonoma Co., Russian River, 3 mi NE Healdsburg) F B. corgenoma (holotype, voucher DNA 5673, USA: Oregon: Benton Co., Corvallis, Willamette River, 60 m, 44.5491 ° N, 123.2449 ° W). Scale bar: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 15. Basal sclerotized lobe of internal sac of male Bembidion transversale group members A B. transversale (voucher DNA 4219, USA: Oregon: Harney County, Banks of Silver Creek, 1379 m, 43.7278 ° N, 119.6256 ° W) B B. erosum (voucher DNA 4033, USA: Oregon: Curry Co., Floras Creek at route 124 SE Langlois, 21 m, 42.9132 ° N, 124.4251 ° W) C B. corgenoma (voucher DNA 2180, USA: California: Sonoma Co., Russian River, 3 mi NE Healdsburg). Scale bar: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 16. Central sclerite complex of B. transversale subgroup A, B B. transversale (vouchers V 101437 and V 101436, USA: Michigan: Port aux Pins, Bois Blanc Isl.) C, D B. erosum (vouchers V 101440 and V 101439, USA: California: Del Norte Co., Wilson Creek, 3 m, 41.6051 ° N, 124.1005 ° W) E, F B. corgenoma (vouchers V 101428 and V 101430, USA: Oregon: Benton Co., Corvallis, Willamette River, 44.5475 ° N, 123.2428 ° W). Scale bar: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 19. Geographic distribution of B. transversale and B. corgenoma (eastern portion of distribution of B. transversale not shown).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Habitats of Bembidion corgenoma A USA: Oregon: Benton Co., Corvallis, Willamette River, 60 m, 44.5491 ° N, 123.2449 ° W (type locality). B. corgenoma and B. recticolle are both common in this habitat. B. corgenoma is more common near the water in areas with vegetation growing nearby among the gravel and cobbles B USA: California: Del Norte Co., Wilson Creek, 3 m, 41.6051 ° N, 124.1005 ° W, habitat of B. corgenoma and B. erosum, as well as Bembidion haruspex Casey, B. vandykei Blaisdell, B. curtulatum Casey, B. platynoides Hayward, and B incrematum LeConte.";