dc:description"FIGURES 93 – 100. Collecting sites of the subgenera Emplenota and Triochara of the genus Aleochara in Japan. 93. Kourakaigan (Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken; habitat of A. (E.) fucicola, A. (E.) segregata, and A. (E.) hayamai; arrow); 94. drifted seaweed and flotsams on beach (Koura-kaigan); 95. Mochirippu-numa (Hamanaka-chô, Hokkaidô; A. (E.) puetzi, arrow); 96. Ochiishi-misaki (Nemuro-shi, Hokkaidô; A. puetzi); 97. Kakanokuketo (Shimane-ken; habitat of A. fucicola, A. segregata, A. hayamai, and the type locality of A. (E.) yamato; A. fucicola, arrow); 98. Hamamatsu (Nemuro-shi, Hokkaidô; habitat of A. (T.) nubis, arrow); 99. drifted seaweed on beach (Hamamatsu); 100. mating behaviour of A. nubis at Hamamatsu.";
dc:description"FIGURES 104 – 105. Collecting localities of Aleochara (Triochara) spp. based on specimens examined. 104. A. (T.) trisulcata (Pointed by white circle); A. (T.) nubis (Pointed by white square); 105. A. (T.) zerchei (Pointed by white triangular).";
dc:description"FIGURES 65 – 70. Body parts of Aleochara (Triochara) trisulcata of male. 65. right antenna; 66. labium; 67. maxilla; 68. mentum; 69. labrum; 70. right foreleg in ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 71 – 78. Terminalia of Aleochara (Triochara) trisulcata. 71. tergite VIII of male; 72. tergite VIII of female; 73. sternite VIII of male; 74. sternite VIII of female; 75. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view; 76. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view; 77. apical lobe of paramerite, lateral view; 78. female genitalia: spermatheca.";
dc:description"FIGURES 79 – 85. Terminalia of Aleochara (Triochara) zerchei. 79. tergite VIII of male; 80. tergite VIII of female; 81. sternite VIII of male; 82. sternite VIII of female; 83. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view; 84. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view; 85. female genitalia: spermatheca.";
dc:description"FIGURES 86 – 92. Terminalia of Aleochara (Triochara) nubis. 86. tergite VIII of male; 87. tergite VIII of female; 88. sternite VIII of male; 89. sternite VIII of female; 90. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view; 91. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view; 92. female genitalia: spermatheca.";
dc:description"FIGURES 14 – 22. Terminalia of Aleochara (Emplenota) fucicola. 14. tergite VIII of male; 15. tergite VIII of female; 16. sternite VIII of male; 17. sternite VIII of female; 18. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view; 19. male genitalia: median lobe of aedeagus in ventral view; 20. apical lobe of median lobe in ventral aspect; 21. apical lobe of paramerite, lateral view; 22. female genitalia: spermatheca.";