dc:title"Redescription of immature stages of central European fireflies, Part 2: Lamprohiza splendidula (Linnaeus, 1767) larva, pupa and notes on its life cycle and behaviour (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)";
dc:description"FIGURES15–17. Lamprohiza splendidula. SEM image of head indorsal view (15, falsecolour);anterior (16) and ventral (17) views.Abbreviations:cs—distinct mandibular seta; fs—flat seta lying on surface.";
dc:description"FIGURES 27–29. Lamprohiza splendidula. SEM image of pygopod in detailed (27) and general (28) views; detail of body surface of protergum (29). Abbreviation:fs—flat seta lying on surface.";
dc:description"FIGURES 21–23. Lamprohiza splendidula. SEM image of antenna in general view (21); detail of sensorium and third antennomere (22); anterior view (23). Abbreviations: a3—third antennomere; as—antennal sensorium; cp1–3—cuticular projections1–3; fs—flat seta lying on surface; les—long erect seta; tes—thin erect seta.";
dc:description"FIGURES7–14.Lamprohiza splendidula. Detail of head in anterior (7); ventral (8) anddorsal (9,framed area enlarged in Fig. 14) views; detail of clypeolabrum in ventral view with epipharynx (10); detail of head with hypopharynx, after removal of maxillolabial complex, in ventral view (11); right maxilla in dorsal view (12); right mandible in dorsal view (13); detail of stemmal area (14). Abbreviations: bp—blunt protuberance on mandible; dsg—distal segment of galea; ep—epipharynx; fafrontal arms; ha—hyaline appendage; hp—hypopharynx; pe—penicillus; st—stemma; sts—spot behind stemma. Scale bars: 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 24–26. Lamprohiza splendidula. SEM image of left prothoracic leg in general view (24); pretarsus (25); detail of distal end of tibiotarsus (26). Abbreviations: les—long erect seta; tes—thin erect seta.";
dc:description"FIGURES 30–37. Lamprohiza splendidula. General habitus of male pupa in ventral (30); dorsal (31); and lateral (32) views. Glowing male pupa in ventral (33) and lateral (34) views. General habitus of glowing female pupa in ventral (35); dorsal (36) and lateral (37) views.Abbreviations:mp—male photic organ. Scale bars:5 mm.";