dc:description"FIGURE 3. Female of S. (S.) taythienense sp. nov. A, third segment of right maxillary palp with sensory vesicle (front view); B, upper portion of cibarium (front view); C, tibia of left hind leg (outer view); D, basitarsus with calcipala and second tarsomere with pedisulcus of left hind leg (outer view); E, sternite 8 and ovipositor valve (only right half shown; ventral view); F, genital fork (ventral view); G & H, right paraprocts and cerci (G, ventral view; H, lateral view); I, spermatheca. Scale bars = 0.1 mm for C & D, 0.02 mm for A, B & E–I.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Male of S. (S.) taythienense sp. nov. A, third segment of right maxillary palp with sensory vesicle (front view); B, basitarsus with calcipala and second tarsomere with pedisulcus of left hind leg (outer view); C, coxites, styles, ventral plate and median sclerite (ventral view); D, right coxite and style (ventrolateral view); E & F, right styles (E, medial view; F, dorsolateral view); G & H, ventral plates (G, lateral view; H, caudal view); I, left paramere and aedeagal membrane (caudal view); J & K, tenth abdominal segments and cerci (right side; J, lateral view; K, caudal view). Scale bars = 0.1 mm for B, and 0.02 mm for A & C–K.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Pupa of S. (S.) taythienense sp. nov. A, tubercles on frons; B, frontal trichomes; C, facial trichome; D–G, thoracic trichomes (D, anterodorsal; E, anterolateral, F, mediolateral; G, ventrolateral); H & I, gill filaments (H, right gill; I, left gill of one pupa showing different arrangement); J, terminal hooks; K, cocoon (lateral view). Scale bars = 1.0 mm for K, 0.2 mm for H & I, and 0.02 mm for A–G & J.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Mature larva of S. (S.) taythienense sp. nov. A, protuberance and minute colorless setae on abdominal segment 4; B, mandible; C, hypostoma; D, ventral surface of head capsule showing postgenal cleft and pigmented subesophageal ganglion. Scale bars = 0.1 mm for D, 0.05 mm for C, and 0.02 mm for A & B.";