dc:description"Text-fig. 1. Diplopanax cacaoides (ZENKER) comb. nov. a–d: [Holotype of Mastixia cantia E.REID et M.CHANDLER, V.22953]. a: Lateral view of longitudinally broken specimen, reflected light. b–d: Surface renderings from micro-CT data. b: Lateral view of longitudinal fracture surface. c: Same specimen rotated to show external surface. d: Enlargement of lower half from (a, b), reflected light. e, f: Specimen figured originally as a paratype of M. cantia, V.22954 (Reid and Chandler 1933: pl. 25, fig. 3), reflected light. e: Ventral view with much of the endocarp wall fallen away exposing smooth convex ventral surface of locule cast. f: Transversely fractured surface, showing thick wall of the endocarp, and dehiscence plane leading to the left limb of the locule. g: Transversely sectioned, laterally compressed specimen from Miocene of Wiesa, Germany for comparison, Senckenberg Museum, SM.B. 21034/I. h–j: Digital transverse sections from micro-CT data of the Holotype V.22953. h: Transverse fracture surface from (b), showing curved locule and zone of weakness defining the germination valve (arrow), reflected light. i: Same orientation with clear demarcation of the separation plane of the germination valve (arrow), digital section from micro-CT scan. j: Enlargement from (h). Scale bars 5mm.";