dc:description"Figs. 481–486. Malagiella species, male palpus, femur to bulb, prolateral view. 481. M. ranomafana, PBI_OON 03224. 482. M. andringitra, PBI_OON 03234. 483. M. valterova, PBI_OON 03461. 484. M. vohiparara, PBI_OON 03078. 485. M. fisheri, PBI_OON 03452. 486. M. toliara, PBI_OON 03377. Scale bar (200 Mm) applies to all palpi.";
dc:description"Fig. 487. Size variation in Malagiella measured as a function of carapace length to carapace width. Plot is based on measurements of 26 male specimens (‘‘x’’) and 30 female specimens (‘‘o’’). Blue lines enclose male values for a given species and red lines female values; disjunct conspecific readings are connected by straight lines. Green dotted lines enclose the three species groups. Brown dashed lines refer to the size of female DS, with the large dashes (upper right) enclosing species with the largest scutes and small dashes (lower left) those with the smallest. Abbreviations for species names: amba 5 M.ambalavo, andr 5 M. andringitra, fish 5 M. fisheri, good 5 M. goodmani, niki 5 M. nikina, rana 5 M. ranavalona, rano 5 M. ranomafana, toli 5 M. toliara, valt 5 M. valterova, vohi 5 M. vohiparara.";