dc:title"Studies of Bolivian Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) 2: The subfamily Acrotrichinae including two new genera Petrotrichis and Microtrichis, and eight new species of Acrotrichis";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. A. armillata. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, mentum and submentum showing chaetotaxy; D, antennomeres 3 – 11; E. spermatheca; F, pygidium showing principal setae; G, pronotum and elytra showing cell structure x 2420; H, mesoventrum x 455; I, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 455.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. A. segmenta. A, habitus, large immature specimen; B, habitus, small mature specimen; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; E, spermatheca, immature specimen; Fa & b, spermatheca mature specimen; G, mentum and submentum showing chaetotaxy x 820; H. elytron; I, elytral cells showing microtrichiae x 2960; J, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 465; K, mesoventrum x 410; L, pygidium; M. sternite.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. A. cornuta. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, spermatheca; E, aedeagus; F, mesoventrum x 580; G, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 635; H, male ventrites six and seven x 1820; I, mentum and submentum x 1220; J, pygidium.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. A. nashi A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, pygidium showing principal setae; E, spermatheca; F, aedeagus; G, male ventrite seven; H, mentum and submentum x 1000; I, mesoventrum x 510; J, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 510; K, male ventrite six x 1900.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. A. cincinna. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, aedeagus; E, mentum and submentum x 1320; F, pygidium, G, spermatheca; H, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 455; I, mesoventrum x 470.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. A. inlecebrosa. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, spermatheca; E, mentum and submentum x 890; F, mesoventrum x 470; G, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 460.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. A. linea. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, spermatheca; E, mentum and submentum showing chaetotaxy; F, mesoventrum x 465; G, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 465.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. A. corpulenta. A, habitus; B, side of pronotum viewed at 45 °; C, antennomeres 3 – 11; D, aedeagus; E, spermatheca; F, mentum and submentum x 960; G, mesoventrum x 465; H, metaventral posterior margin and coxal plates x 455; I, male ventrites six and seven x 1020; I, pygidium.";