dc:description"Explanation of Plate I. Figure 1.—Left tibia of Ornithomimus velox, Marsh; A, front view; b, distal end; c, transverse section. Figure 2.—Left metatarsals of same specimen; A, front view; b, proximal ends; c, transverse section; d, distal ends. Figure 3.—Phalanges of second digit of same foot; front view, a, first phalange; b, second phalange; c, third, or terminal phalange. Figure 4.—Left metacarpals of same species, perhaps of smaller individual; front view. Figure 5.—Left tibia of young Ostrich (Struthio camelus, Linn.); a, front view; b, distal end. The separate calcaneum was first observed by the writer’s assistant, Dr. G-. Baur, who prepared the specimen. Figure 6.—Left metatarsals of young turkey (Meleagris gallipavo, Linn.); a, front view; b, proximal ends. a, astragalus; as, ascending process of astragalus; c, calcaneum; f, fibula; f' face for fibula; II, second metatarsal; III, third metatarsal; iv, fourth metatarsal. Figures 1-4 are one-third natural size, and figures 5 and 6, one-half natural size. ","Explanation of Plate I. Figure 1.—Left tibia of Ornithomimus velox, Marsh; A, front view; b, distal end; c, transverse section. Figure 2.—Left metatarsals of same specimen; A, front view; b, proximal ends; c, transverse section; d, distal ends. Figure 3.—Phalanges of second digit of same foot; front view, a, first phalange; b, second phalange; c, third, or terminal phalange. Figure 4.—Left metacarpals of same species, perhaps of smaller individual; front view. Figure 5.—Left tibia of young Ostrich (Struthio camelus, Linn.); a, front view; b, distal end. The separate calcaneum was first observed by the writer’s assistant, Dr. G-. Baur, who prepared the specimen. Figure 6.—Left metatarsals of young turkey (Meleagris gallipavo, Linn.); a, front view; b, proximal ends. a, astragalus; as, ascending process of astragalus; c, calcaneum; f, fibula; f' face for fibula; II, second metatarsal; III, third metatarsal; iv, fourth metatarsal. Figures 1-4 are one-third natural size, and figures 5 and 6, one-half natural size.";