dc:description"FIG. 6. — Morphological features of Sirodotia species: A-E. Sirodotia huillensis (Welwitsch ex West & G.S.West) Skuja (photos taken from sample BHO A-1447): A, obconical whorls; B, C, primary fascicles with spermatangia (arrows); D, E, carpogonia with irregular trichogyne (arrowheads) showing the basal hemispherical protuberance (double arrows) and gonimoblast initial developing from the protuberant side of the carpogonium (arrow); F, carposporangia (arrows) and erect gonimoblast filaments (arrowheads). G-I, Sirodotia kennedyi (photos taken from sample BHO A-0946): G, obconical whorls; H, primary fascicles (arrows) and carpogonium with irregular trichogyne (arowhead) and basal hemispherical protuberance (double arrowhead); I, carposporangia (arrow), prostrate (arrowhead) and erect (double arrowhead) gonimoblast filaments. J-N, Sirodotia suecica Kylin (photos taken from samples BHO A-0266, SJRP32582, SJRP32583): J, obconical whorls; K, primary fascicles with terminal spermatangia (arrows); L, carpogonia with mature trichogyne (arrows) and basal hemispherical protuberance (arrowhead); M, fertilized carpogonium with attached spermatium (arrow) and gonimoblast initial (double arrowhead) on the opposite side of the basal protuberance (arrowhead); N, carposporangia (arrows), prostrate (arrowhead) and erect (double arrowhead) gonimoblast filaments. Scale bars: A, G, J, 100 μm; B-C, H-I; D-F, L-M, 10 μm; K, 50 µm. B-F, redrawn from Skuja (1931); H-I, modified from Szinte et al. (2020); M, redrawn from Necchi et al. (1993).";