dc:title"The Pupae of the Biting Midges of the World (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), With a Generic Key and Analysis of the Phylogenetic Relationships Between Genera";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Anterior portion of heads and thoraces, in anterior or anterodorsal view. A. Leptoconops kerteszi, ecdysial sutures of head enhanced to show position. B. Culicoides denticulatus. C. Ceratopogon nr. abstrusus. D. Brachypogon sp. (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). E. Alluaudomyia bella, dorsal apotome absent. F. Clinohelea curriei. G. Pellucidomyia leei. H. Mallochohelea caudellii. I. Bezzia sp. (from Bolean Lake, BC, Canada).";
dc:description"FIGURE 24. Posterior portion of heads, in ventral view. A. Culicoides guttipennis. B. Paradasyhelea albipunctata. C. Ceratopogon arcanus. D. Brachypogon sp. (Flag Glade, Pocahontas Co., West Virginia, USA). E. Alluaudomyia needhami. F. Baeodasymyia michaeli. G. Austrohelea campbellensis.";
dc:description"FIGURE 29. Dorsal setae from left side of thoraces. A. Austroconops mcmillani. B. Leptoconops kerteszi. C. Leptoconops linleyi. D. Forcipomyia (Euprojoannisia) sp. (from Peru). E. Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) bipunctata. F. Forcipomyia (Phytohelea) n. sp. nr. antiguensis. G. Atrichopogon sp. (from Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada). H. Dasyhelea paracincta. I. Dasyhelea atlantis. J. Dasyhelea pseudoincisurata. K. Culicoides haematopotus. L. Culicoides phlebotomus. M. Paradasyhelea albipunctata. N. Ceratopogon boomerangus. O. Brachypogon sp. (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). P. Alluaudomyia needhami. Q. Baeodasymyia christopheri (from Borkent & Craig 1999). R. Austrohelea campbellensis. S. Stilobezzia antennalis. T. Schizonyxhelea forattinii (from Borkent 2000a).";
dc:description"FIGURE 32. Cephalothoraces and abdominal segments 1–3, in lateral view. A. Austroconops mcmillani. B. Leptoconops linleyi. C. Forcipomyia (Phytohelea) sp. (Florida, USA). D. Atrichopogon sp. (from 6.5 km NW Enderby, BC, Canada). E. Dasyhelea sp., in anteroventral view (Herman Lake, 4 km SE Eagle Bay, BC, Canada). F. Dasyhelea oppresa. G. Culicoides denticulatus. H. Ceratopogon nr. abstrusus. I. Brachypogon sp. (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). J. Alluaudomyia bella. K. Baeodasymyia michaeli. L. Stilobezzia antennalis.";
dc:description"FIGURE 35. Legs, wings and apices of the antennae, in ventral view. A. Paradasyhelea sp. (from Borlase Stream, Lake Rotoiti, New Zealand). B. Ceratopogon sp. nr. abstrusus. C. Brachypogon sp. (from Spanish Lake, 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). D. Alluaudomyia needhami. E. Baeodasymyia michaeli. F. Austrohelea campbellensis (reconstructed from distorted specimen).";
dc:description"FIGURE 48. Metathoraces and tergites 1, in dorsal view. A. Culicoides haematopotus. B. Paradasyhelea minuta. C. Ceratopogon sp. nr. abstrusus. D. Brachypogon sp. (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). E. Alluaudomyia needhami. F. Baeodasymyia michaeli.";
dc:description"FIGURE 58. Abdominal segments four, in dorsal and ventral view (shagreen not shown). A. Ceratopogon nr. inverecundus. B. Brachypogon sp. (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). C. Alluaudomyia needhami.";
dc:description"FIGURE 73. Abdominal segments 9. A. Dasyhelea laeta, female, in ventral view (from Mayer 1934c). B. Dasyhelea assimilis, male, in lateral view with ventral to the right (from Mayer 1934c). C. Dasyhelea assimilis, male, in lateral view with ventral to the right (from Mayer 1934c). D. Dasyhelea grisea, male, in dorsal view (from Waugh & Wirth 1976). E. Dasyhelea chani, female, in dorsal view (from Wirth & Linley 1990). F. Dasyhelea atlantis, female, in ventral view (from Waugh & Wirth 1976). G. Dasyhelea gluchovae, female, in ventral view (from Brodskaya 1996). H. Culicoides haematopotus, female, in dorsal and ventral view (shagreen not shown). I. Paradasyhelea albipunctata, female, in dorsal view (Elson-Harris & Kettle 1985a). J. Ceratopogon boomerangus, female, in ventral view (modified from Borkent & Grogan 1995). K. Brachypogon artemis, female, in dorsal view (from Debenham 1991). L. Alluaudomyia appendiculata, female, in dorsal view (from Elson-Harris & Kettle 1985b).";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Anterior portion of heads. A. Culicoides denticulatus, in anteroventral view. B. Ceratopogon nr. abstrusus, in anterior view. C. Brachypogon sp., in anterior view (from 6 km E. Falkland, BC, Canada). D. Stilobezzia antennalis, in ventral view, dorsal apotome not present. E. Allohelea japonica, in ventral view, dorsal apotome not present (distorted slide specimen). F. Atyphohelea macroneura, in ventral view, right side of head, dorsal apotome not present.";
dc:description"FIGURE 79. Evolution of ecdysial sutures and splits in pupal exuviae of Ceratopogonidae, head and anterior portion of thorax in ventral view. Numbers refer to character states of characters 2 and 8 in text. Red indicates ecdysial splits. A. Leptoconopinae. B. Forcipomyiinae. C. Dasyheleinae. D. Most Ceratopogonini. E. Most Ceratopogonini, Clinohelea. F. Allohelea, Atyphohelea, Parabezzia. G. Heteromyia, Pellucidomyia, Hebetula. H. most Sphaeromiini s. lat., most Palpomyiini, Paryphoconus; some Bezzia are nearly completed fused (as in Fig. 79I), with only the dorsal apotome separate, along with an ecdysial split along the base of the antenna and the dorsal thoracic split. I. Jenkinshelea, Macropeza, Mallochohelea, Probezzia, Neobezzia.";