dc:description"FIGURE 4. Left tegmen of males of Australian Acauloplacella species. A, A. (A.) queenslandica Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. B, A. (A.) hasenpuschae Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov.; note intensive colour and patterning. C, same taxon illustrating lack of pattern and spots. D, A. (A.) incisa Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. E, A. (A.) mecyna Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov., holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Acauloplacella (A.) queenslandica Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. A, Apex of abdomen, holotype male. Note elongate, tapered cerci and hooks of paraprocts (see text) and short supra-anal plate with slightly indented apex. The styles of the subgenital plate protrude from beneath. B, A. (A.) hasenpuschae Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. apex of abdomen, paratopotypic male. The supra-anal plate has been folded downwards revealing the cerci with subapical tooth. C, A. (A.) queenslandica Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov., titillator. Note shagreened surface and setae along margin of lobes.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Ovipositor tips of Acauloplacella species. A, A. (A.) queenslandica Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. B, A. (A.) incisa Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. Note similarity with A. (A.) queenslandica. C, A. (A.) hasenpuschae Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Calling song of paratopotype of Acauloplacella (A.) queenslandica Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. Horizontal axis is time in seconds.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Scanning electron micrographs of Acauloplacella (A.) hasenpuschae Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. Apex of abdomen, paratopotypic male. A, lateral view, note subgenital plate and short, stout cercus. B, dorsal view. Note elongate supra-anal plate and short, cylindrical cerci, the internal tooth of each is concealed by supra-anal plate. Note the inflated, scoop-shaped styles of the subgenital plate. C, ventral view, note subgenital plate and its median carina. The cerci lie on each side of the subgenital plate. D, egg, note porous flange that protrudes from crack in bark into which eggs is laid. E, magnified portion of flange. Scale for all = 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Taxonomic characters of Acauloplacella (A.) incisa Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. A, head showing spike on antennal scape. This is a rare condition and most specimens usually lack the spikes. B, lateral view, head and pronotum. Note tubercles and white stripe. C, tip of abdomen, male paratopotype, dorsal view; note median incision and styles of subgenital plate. D, tip of abdomen, ventral view, showing details of subgenital plate. E, ventral view tip of abdomen, paratopotype female; note tubercles at base of ovipositor and short subgenital plate. F, titillator, dorsal view; note setae on dorsal margin. G, titillator, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Acauloplacella (A.) mecyna Rentz, Su, Ueshima sp. nov. A, holotype male; note dark spot and markings along costal margin of tegmen. Note also spots on each side of pronotum. B, tip of abdomen showing elongated supraanal plate resting on base of subgenital plate. Note also stout structure from base of cercus that is probably a paraproct. C, tip of abdomen showing elongate subgenital plate. Note cup-shaped styles. D, head and pronotum; note line of tubercles and dentate ventral margin. E, titillator, dorsal view. F, titillator, lateral view. Note setae on fleshy lobes.";