dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:title"Uvariodendron connivens R. E. Fr., Acta Horti Berg. 10: 55 1930";
dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:description"Figure 120. Uvariodendron connivens A leaf B flower, two outer and one inner petal removed C outer petal inner view D stamen, front view. Uvariodendron augustifolium E leaves F flower, semi top view G flower, bottom view showing bracts H flower, bottom view, bracts removed I outer petal, outer view J stamen, front view K carpel, front view and detail of ovules A-D from Mann 1159 A-K from Vigne 1610. Drawings by Helene Lamourdedieu, Publications Scientifiques du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; modified from Le Thomas (1969 b, pl. 51, p. 281).";
dc:description"Figure 121. Uvariodendron calophyllum A leaf, hand for size B base of leaf blades, lower side C base of leaf blades, upper side, note tomentose pubescence D leaf blade apex E cauliflorous flowers, buds and one at anthesis F detail of flower, stamens and carpels G flower, bottom view, note tomentose pubescence H flower bud, side view. Uvariodendron connivens I flower, at anthesis, note long pedicel J flower, top view, note wine red purple petals K fruit, with a single monocarp A, D, G, H Couvreur 1157, Nogovayang, Cameroon B, C Couvreur 999, Bayang Mbo, Cameroon E, F Couvreur 1013, Bayang Mbo, Cameroon I, J Couvreur 1016, Bayang Mbo, Cameroon K Couvreur 620, Ebo, Cameroon. Photos Thomas L. P. Couvreur.";
dc:description"Map 15. A Uvariastrum zenkeri B Uvariodendron angustifolium C Uvariodendron calophyllum D Uvariodendron conniven s E Uvariodendron fuscum F Uvariodendron fuscum var. giganteum G Uvariodendron molundense H Uvariopsis bakeriana I Uvariopsis citrata. White borders represent region limits in Cameroon; green patches represent protected areas (see methods and Suppl. material 1: Fig. S 1).";