dc:description"FIGURE 3. Face color pattern. H. aequatoriale, males: a, Cordillera Central, Santo Domingo; b, Cordillera Occidental, Jericó; c, Cordillera Occidental, Anchicayá; d, Cordillera Central, Carmen de Viboral; e, Cordillera Occidental, PNN Tatamá; f, Cordillera Central, San Luis; g, Cordillera Central, Amalfí; h, female, Cordillera Occidental, PNN Tatamá. H. calendulum: i, male, Santa Cecilia; j, female, Santa Cecilia; k, male Holotype (UMMZ), La Cristalina. H. peregrinum: l, female Paratype (RWG), La Cristalina. H. m. atroterminatum: m, male, Anchicayá; n, female, Santa Cecilia. H. tatama: o, male, PNN Tatamá; p, female, PNN Tatamá. Picture k, by Dr. O´Brien and l, by Dr. Garrison.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Dorsum of prothorax: a, H. aequatoriale female, PNN Tatamá. H. calendulum Santa Cecilia, b, male; c, female. d, H. m. atroterminatum female, Santa Cecilia. H. tatama PNN Tatamá, e, female; f, male. Female prothoracic intersternite: g, H. aequatoriale, PNN Tatamá; H. calendulum: h, Santa Cecilia; i, Rancho Frío (Panama); j, H. erythrogastrum, La Cristalina; k, H. m. atroterminatum, Santa Cecilia; H. m. mitratum: l, La Cristalina; m, La Fría (Venezuela); n-o, H. peregrinum, female Paratype La Cristalina; p, H. tatama, PNN Tatamá. Pictures l-o by Dr. Garrison.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. a, Heteragrion erythrogastrum, Remedios, habitus male. Heteragrion peregrinum, La Cristalina: b, female Paratype, c, male Paratype. Heteragrion mitratum atroterminatum, Santa Cecilia: d, male cercus in middorsal view; e, male cercus in ventral view. f, H. calendulum, Darien, male cercus in ventral view (Photographs b and c by Dr. Garrison).";