dc:description"Figure 2. The whole skeleton of the holotype Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov. in dorsal view (a) and lateral view (b). Scale bar = 10 cm.";
dc:description"Figure 3. The holotype of Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov.: whole skeleton (a), close-up of furcula (b), close up of humerus (c), dorsal view of skull (d) and dorsal view of middle cervical vertebrae. Scale bars = 10 cm in (a) and 2 cm in (b, d); Abbreviation: co, coracoids; f, frontal; fur, furcula; h, humerus; p, parietal; pfs, frontal / parietal suture; pp, parietal process; sc, scapula; st, sternum; stf, supratemporal fenestra.";
dc:description"Figure 5. An artistic reconstruction, showing the last-ditch struggle of Tongtianlong limosus as it was mired in mud, one possible, but highly speculative, interpretation for how the specimen was killed and buried (Drawn by Zhao Chuang).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Skull comparisons of oviraptorosaurs showing relative positions of the posterodorsal corner of the antorbital fenestra and the anteroventral corner of the external narial opening. (a) Incisivosaurus gauthieri; (b) Conchoraptor gracilis; (c) Wulatelong gobiensis; (no scale) (d) Banji long; (e) Anzu wyliei; (f) Khaan mckennai; (g) Citipati osmolskae; (no scale) (h) Huanansaurus ganzhouensis (reversed); (i) Yulong mini; (j) Oviraptor philoceratops; (k) Nemegtomaia barsboldi; l: “ Oviraptor ” mongoliensis; m: Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov. (a, b, f, g, j, k) and l are from Lü 23; (c) is modified from Xu et al. 18; (d) is modified from Xu and Han 26; (e) is modified from Lamanna et al. 41 (reversed), (i) is from Lü et al. 10 and (h) is from Lü et al. 29. External narial opening is in red, and antorbital fenenstra is in yellow. Note: The horizontal line projected through the posterodorsal corner of the antorbital fenestra is parallel to the line linking the articular end of the quadrate and the ventral margin of the premaxilla. Modified from Lü et al. 29.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Strict consensus of 33104 most parsimonious trees obtained by TNT, based on analysis of 43 taxa and 237 characters, showing the phylogenetic position of Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov. (Tree length = 566, consistency index = 0.484 and retention index = 0.676). Numbers adjacent to each node are Bremer support values. All the oviraptorid dinosaurs from southern China are in red.";