dc:description"Figure 1. Floral morphology of subtribe Dichorisandrinae s. l. A-C Siderasis Raf. emend M. Pell. & Faden: A S. fuscata (Lodd.) H. E. Moore B S. albofasciata M. Pell. C S. zorzanellii M. Pell. & Faden. D-L Dichorisandra J. C. Mikan: D D. acaulis Cogn. E D. hexandra (Aubl.) C. B. Clarke F D. thyrsiflora J. C. Mikan G D. paranaensis D. Maia et al. H D. nana Aona & M. C. E. Amaral I D. incurva Mart. J D. penduliflora Kunth K D. sagittata Aona & M. C. E. Amaral L D. radicalis Nees & Mart. M Cochliostema odoratissimum Lem. N Geogenanthus rhizanthus (Ule) G. Brueckn. O Plowmanianthus panamensis Faden & C. R. Hardy. Photographs A-B, D-G, J by M. O. O. Pellegrini, C by J. P. F. Zorzanelli, H by V. Bittrich, I by G. H. Shimizu, K by J. L. Costa-Lima, L by M. A. N. Coelho, M by R. Moran, N by D. Scherberich, and O by C. R. Hardy.";
dc:description"Figure 2. Distribution map of Siderasis Raf. emend. M. Pell. & Faden. Blue circles - S. albofasciata; Blue triangles - S. almeidae; Red circles - S. fuscata; Red triangles - S. medusoides; Blue square - S. spectabilis; Red Square - S. zorzanellii; BA - state of Bahia; ES - estate of Espirito Santo; RJ - estate of Rio de Janeiro.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Growth forms in Dichorisandrinae s. s. A-D Siderasis Raf. emend. M. Pell. & Faden: A rosette habit of S. fuscata (Lodd.) H. E. Moore B rosette habit with flagelliform-shoots of S. albofasciata M. Pell. C habit of an immature, still prostrate, individual of S. zorzanellii M. Pell. & Faden. D habit of a mature individual of S. zorzanellii spirally ascending a tree. E-F Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) C. B. Clarke: E intertwined habit F decumbent stem apex, bearing flowers and fruits. Photographs A-B, E-F by M. O. O. Pellegrini, C-D by J. P. F. Zorzanelli.";
dc:description"Figure 12. Siderasis zorzanellii M. Pell. & Faden. A habit, showing an immature individual B habit, showing a mature individual spirally ascending a tree C detail of a secondary branch, showing distichously-alternate, asymmetric leaves D detail of an axillary inflorescence, in the primary branch E detail of a terminal inflorescence, at pre-anthesis, in a secondary branch F detail of a terminal inflorescence, at anthesis, in a secondary branch, showing an open male flower G side view of a male flower, showing the unequal and sigmoid stamens H side view of a post-anthesis bisexual flower, showing the bent style I detail of the inflorescence bearing two mature capsules J dorsal and ventral view of the seeds, showing the rugose testa, cleft towards the semidorsal embryotega, and the C-shaped hilum. Photographs by J. P. F. Zorzanelli.";