dc:description"FIGURE 1. Aspidistra xuansonensis. a, c, d. flowers of A. xuansonensis var. xuansonensis: top view (a), longitudinal section (c) and side view (d); b, e. flowers of A. xuansonensis var. violiflora: top view (b) and longitudinal section (e); f, g, h. A. xuansonensis var. xuansonensis: flowering plant (f), leaf blade (g), fruit (h).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Diagrams of shoot system of Aspidistra xuansonensis. a. Diagram of rhizome. The diagram shows an entire elementary shoot (its phyllomes are green), three final phyllomes of a previous elementary shoot (black) and two initial phyllomes of a subsequent elementary shoot (blue). Axillary buds red. Each elementary shoot possesses several cataphylls (lines on the diagram) followed by a foliage leaf (filled figures).The diagram shows physical orientation of the rhizome relative to Earth (bottom side on the figure).b. Diagram of a specialized axillary reproductive shoot (peduncle). Black, main axis and its cataphyll that subtends the peduncle; red, prophyll and hypsophylls of the peduncle followed by a schematic outline of a flower showing a typical orientation of the outer whorl tepals.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Flowers of Aspidistra xuansonensis. a. flower with four tepals and bilocular ovary; b. flower with five tepals and bilocular ovary; c. flower with six tepals and bilocular ovary; d, e. flower with six tepals and trilocular ovary with low (d) and high (e) rate of stigma bifurcation; f. flower with seven tepals and quadrilocular ovary; g, h. groups of three (g) to seven flower buds on rhizome (h).As suggested by Vislobokov et al. (2014), flowers are dimerous pentacyclic in (a), 2,5-merous pentacyclic in (b), trimerous in (d-e) and 3.5-merous in (f).";